#giants need comforting and to be told it’s ok too
twost3ps · 2 days
I thought of an angsty adamsapple idea with bittersweet guitarhero at the end, while listening to music,
Sinner adam getting friendly and eventually together with Lucifer at some point, but the thing is, the more he spend time with Lucifer, the more he remember why he came to hate him, downplaying the things he had did to him, joking about it, teasing him in a way that was straight up out of line. It all build up and after doing some soul-searching with the bartender cat, decided to break up with him, using "I" statements he learned in group therapy to articulate all the whys and straight up say he doesn't want him to try and make up for it, he doesn't want to be friends, he wants to be strangers,
After a few days of tensions around the hotel, Adam, with Charlie misjuidedly trying to meddle and Lucifer keeps leaving gifts despite being told to leave him alone, just not doing well. Cue, surprise visit from Emily and Michael. Seeing Adam alive and so distressed, Michael immmediately move to ask wrong and the damn just broke. So Michael just there comforting a disaughted Adam with a sinking feeling that this feels familiar and as he caught a guilty looking Lucifer in the background, worry curdle into anger as he starts to suspect why
This has been in the drafts for way too long bcz I was preping something for it but I’m a giant fat procrastinator with commitment issues on projects
But anon, whoever you are, you WILL get an animatic for this because I can’t help myself
Ok I said the adamsapple vs guitarhero thing was getting a bit stale in one post, and it does get stale, but I’m first and foremost a sucker for some angst and eat it up anyways
I like them both to be the problem though, Adam and Lucifer, because there is just so much unloaded angst and problems they’ve been through they become completely incompatible. For this one finally realized and the other wants to still try.
ONG YOU WILL GET IT RAHHHHHHHH I just need to find that time eventually so sit my booty down and do it
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pockettesized2 · 3 months
One of my fave things in g/t: When the tiny does the comforting for the giant
The giant’s laying their head on the table all sad and stuff and the tiny takes their face in their lil hands and does a comfort
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bluesidez · 1 month
GymRat!Miguel Part 8
content warning: fluff, a little bit of hurt/comfort, some mentions of food, 18+ so MDNI, thigh riding 😙, thigh fucking 🤪, public indecency??? exhibitionism???, katoptronophilia aka mirror sexy time (thanks for the word jelly 🪼), just overall a really good time
word count: 4.4k, not proofread (we're only gearing up to what I assume will be another giant chapter 😷)
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GymRat!Miguel who does some sets of push-ups, sit-ups, and leg raises in place of the gym. You watch him while you wait for room service, encouraging him from the side. Your presence was especially needed during the sit-ups when you sit at his feet, holding them down and giving him kisses when sits up.
GymRat!Miguel who sings loudly in the shower after his workout. You have to answer the door with an apology as the server laughs at Miguel belting out Britany Spears.
GymRat!Miguel who finally decides to respond to his texts. He’s had enough time to cool off and your presence was like a calm breeze, kissing away at his skin.
He discards his empty plate, placing it back on the cart. You’re still chewing away at some fluffy pancakes, enjoying the views of the high-rise hotel as the default channel played soft jazz.
GymRat!Miguel who lays in your lap while you eat some fruit. He has his phone in his hands ready to type, but he opens his mouth, silently begging for you to feed him grapes and pineapple chunks.
He hums to himself happily when you comply, combing a hand through his hair. He felt so peaceful like this. Serene.
GymRat!Miguel who sighs as he opens the message app. Here we go.
Abuela 💕:
“Abuela I’ll call you tonight”
“And there will be no babies. Not now”
“There better not be!”
“Gracias pa”
“I’m glad you were able to meet her”
“She means a lot to me”
“I can tell”
“Mijo you pack a big punch!”
“Uno más!!!”
“You got that from me 👍🏽”
“Sure did pa 😭”
Gabri 🤡🤏🏽:
“You’re such an instigator”
“It’s not instigating. It’s reporting 😌”
“‘It’s reporting ☝🏽🥸’”
“You think I’m letting a member of the robotics team bully me?”
“You have perfect pitch and play the saxophone”
“You’re not winning this battle”
“Aren’t you supposed to be entertaining my girl? 🤨”
“Direct this clown act to her”
“Not sure how she puts up with it but I’ll free her soon”
“A real man would be doing OTHER things but I digress”
“Did you really have to send a pic”
“You hate me”
“It’s clear to me now”
“Anyway what’s this about Tyler punching things”
“He got him good”
“Square in the face”
“A bloody mouth to match his nose”
"Pa said he granted me the ability to punch"
“He can dream on about that”
“Because where tf is my strength 😒”
"He punched Tyler before"
"Your time will be soon"
"Also Ik about Nancy cheating already"
"Tyler told me in high school"
"I didn't want to be the one to tell Kron"
"Ur better than me"
"I would have told him that after that punch"
"That's not what that means but ok"
“Does your bf know you’re lusting after others?”
“Not if you don’t tell 😙”
“….I don’t think I want to give you her number”
“You’re perfect for Gabri”
“You’re both unbearable”
“What’s unbearable is I’m not talking to your gf rn”
“It’s too many O’Haras”
“Too much testosterone”
“It’s ok. For what it’s worth, I can tell that you had good intentions.”
“Gabri told me what happened”
“I apologize for acting out of order and punching your son, but I couldn’t let him disrespect my girlfriend and my mom. No matter how difficult she may be, I’m the one who should tell her about it. Not him.”
"I completely understand that. You did what you thought was right, and that's far more admirable than what Kron did."
"In another reality, you and Kron could get along. For now, I will aim for cordial. I will make sure that he apologizes to you, your girlfriend, and Conchata."
"I don't want an apology if it's not genuine."
"Let's move on from that. You said you wanted to make it up to me? I saw that you added more dates to the hotel. Thank you for that, you didn't have to."
"Yes! If you are willing, I would love for you and your girlfriend to meet with me. I actually arranged something for you, Gabriel, and your girlfriends. I want to hear your input before I finalize the details."
"Sure thing. Is this afternoon ok?"
"That's perfect. I'll see you then."
Read: 11:10 AM ✓✓
“Ugh,” Miguel groans, shutting his phone off and closing his eyes.
You stop rubbing his hair and look down, “What’s wrong?”
Miguel grunts as he moves your hand to continue, “My mom wants me to come home. Not sure if I want to do that right now. Not unless I know she’s ready to be accountable for once, which I highly doubt.”
You hum in understanding, “She’s still your mom, though. You’ll have to see her eventually.”
“My mom or not, she had no right to talk to you the way she did,” Miguel said reaching his hand up to your face. “It was cruel and…strange coming towards you. She doesn’t know you. Not yet, anyway.”
It’s not like she was trying to know you, either. Miguel seemed to understand this in your silence.
“I have to go grab some clothes so she might just get her wish,” Miguel says, turning his head towards your stomach.
You look down at him, “You don’t have to. Today is my last day here.”
“Well, lucky for us, Tyler extended the stay for a few more days,” he grinned. He started to move your shirt to fondle your skin.
Your stomach twitched as his breath brushed your skin. He started to kiss along your front, head disappearing under your sweater. He hummed as he started to tug at your underwear with his teeth.
“Hey,” you say, watching his head moving around through the material. “Stop that and finish talking.”
You pulled your sweater up to reveal him, his teeth still holding the band of your panties and eyes like a cat that got caught.
He let the band go close to your stomach so it wouldn’t snap, “This visual is making me forget everything.” His eyes are heavy and wandering.
You look to where he’s looking to see that you’re essentially flashing him.
You drop your shirt in embarrassment, letting out a sound of panic.
“No, no, baby let me see.”
“No, you’re at such a weird angle.”
“All art must be viewed up close and personal.”
Miguel sat up from your lap. He watched as you huffed and pinched the neckline of your sweater, moving it for air.
"You're so confident from afar, but when I'm near you like this, you get so shy. Even in public, you can be so bold. It's just you and me here."
"It's just," you watch Miguel as he crowds your space. His mouth goes behind your ear to press his lips into your skin. "I don't know. It feels like...more when it's just us. More real."
"Does it not feel real when we're in public?"
Miguel sits back, eyes wondering to yours. There's a pinch in his eyebrows, so faint you almost miss it.
"It does! That's not what I mean."
"Then, what is it? Tell me. Talk to me."
"I want to do more with you."
"But?" Miguel holds your hands in his, stopping you from picking at the loose threads of the sweater. He rubs them with his thumbs, itching to pull you closer.
"But, when you look at me like that, I feel like I could pass out. I get overwhelmed and nervous. I don't want to say or do anything stupid. It gets harder to control myself. I feel crazy."
"Then there are moments when my brain fools me into thinking that you don't like me in the way that I like you. Moments when that girl from not so long ago comes back, ashamed of herself and her body. A small part of me that thinks you could date anyone else and you're settling."
Miguel takes a moment to process your words.
He takes a breath, then opens his mouth.
"You really don't understand how much you affect me, do you?"
Miguel pulled you in his lap, fed up with this charade.
You grip his shoulders, steadying your balance with how fast he grabbed you.
"I don't know everything that your last boyfriend did to you and I don't know everything that you've experienced because of your body. Baby, I don't even know what you've seen all this time to make you think you're not worthy of love and respect, but I'm here to squash it."
"I meant it when I said that I love you. I'll learn it in a hundred languages just to remind you. I'll even tattoo it on my forehead for you to be reminded of it every single time you see me."
"I don't think you need to go that far," you say, eyes warm.
"No, I think I should. Anything for you to understand me. Anything for you to see you like how I see you."
"Letting out my deepest darkest secrets here, but do you know what I did when we first met?"
You shake your head, curious.
"I had a dream about you that was so good, I fell out of my bed. Peter never lets me live it down."
"A sweet dream?"
"Now, you and I both know it was more than that. Two cold showers should answer your questions."
You hide your face in his neck, heartbeat drumming through you, "Did you really?"
"Hand to heart. I understand your feelings. I acknowledge them too, but I need you to understand mine as well. Trust me when I say that you are unbelievably sexy. I love you and your body. My eyes caught your appearance before I came to know your personality. Anybody would be lucky to have you, but I'm the luckiest because you chose me."
Miguel hugged you close and kissed your head.
"Now let's rewind. You said you feel crazy when you're close to me?"
You groan in his neck.
"Uncontrollable? Heated?"
"Miggy, stop."
"My girlfriend is head over heels for me," Miguel hummed as he rubbed his hands down your naked legs. "She wants to ruin me."
"No, I don't."
"She's still wearing my clothes with nothing underneath but her panties and is leaning all over me. Her thighs are around my waist and she just told me that she wants me."
"You put me here," you lean up and stare at him. Your cheeks were hot and your eyes were dewey.
"She's looking at me like she's upset, but now I know that her heart is going crazy. I want to kiss her."
"Then do it," you whisper.
The kiss is sweet, the taste of fruit and syrup still on your lips. You finally relax in his arms, body melted against his. His hands slip under your sweater, dancing over your back. Your skin is soft and warm, a blanket over Miguel's figure.
The time where you two connect extends deeper and longer. You let your hands venture further than the nape of his neck, roaming until you brush across his chest. Miguel's breath hitched as your nails raked his nipple, chest jumping at the impact.
You break for a second, wanting to get air, but Miguel leans back in, desperate. He's whining, groping your body all over. His noises go straight to your core, twitching above him. He matches your pace, dragging your hips across his, reveling in how fast your body was reacting to him.
When he leans back, there's a string of saliva connecting you two. He's breathing hard as he watches you.
"Can I take this off? Please," Miguel grips the bottom of your sweater, eyes pleading.
You bite your lip and slide the sweater over your head, dropping it to the bed. You bring your hands over the top of your chest, arms framing your breasts.
You can't look Miguel in the eyes, too shy, "Is this fine?"
Miguel's eyes almost turn as he watches you, so shy but so seductive. He reaches out to cup your breasts in his hands, groaning when they plush through his fingers.
"You're so," Miguel rubs his thumbs across your nipples, enjoying you twitching and gasping in his hold. "Fuck."
His gaze burned into you, hungry as you lapped his tongue around your nipples. You let out a whimper when you feel him pull your skin in, mouth hot. It doesn't beat his pleased hum, voice like a man finally getting relief.
He massages your vacant breast, movements getting harsher. His grip is like a vice making it harder for you to second-guess yourself.
You hiss and rake your hands through his hair, "B-baby, be careful."
"Lo siento, mi amor," Miguel says, kissing across your areolas. "'M sorry."
You find your breath, fighting to steady your voice, "You're on me like we didn't just do something earlier."
Miguel paused and placed his cheek on your chest, "Baby, I'm a virgin and a man, not a prude. With practice, I could go all day."
The thought of that has you tightening your legs around him, hips stuttering. Miguel shifts to pull you over his left thigh.
"Does that excite you, baby?" Miguel smirks.
You close your eyes and nod, hips rolling over his thigh, keening high as he hikes his thigh closer to your sex and grips your waist. His muscles feel so good against you, the sounds getting wetter and wetter with each swipe.
"God, you're so pretty like this," Miguel sighs. "My gorgeous girl."
Your movements are becoming more frantic, Migiuel's voice in your ears spurring you on. He was sucking into your neck, growling as you scratched against his shoulder blades.
"That's right, baby. Keep going. Use me to get off," Miguel helped your hips keep a steady pace, pulling at your briefs to a makeshift thong. The tightness of your underwear combined with his thigh and his voice sends you into overdrive.
"Miguel!" you sob, hands gripping his hair. Your body trembles as you squeeze your thighs around him, cunt pulsating around nothing but your underwear, release leaking onto his leg.
Miguel cooed as you dropped your weight against him, body limp and hips fluttering with aftershocks. You panted as you kept your head on his shoulder, willing yourself to calm down.
"Are you ok?" Miguel asks, kissing your temple, your ear, your cheek. He feels you nod into his skin, blissed out.
"I like how you called me the needy one and you're the one who came three times today," Miguel mumbled, laughing as you swatted at his pec.
"I already confessed what you do to me. This shouldn't be shocking."
"Didn't say that. 'M just happy you feel more comfortable around me. It's what I want." One last kiss to your face seals his joy.
You lift up on shaky knees, hands holding onto Miguel for dear life. Your thighs were still shaking and your underwear was ruined. Miguel's cock twitched at the essence that seeped onto his leg, watching as sticky lines dragged from his skin to yours.
He grabbed you by the waist with one hand and wiped at your slick with another.
He's about to swipe at it with his tongue until you stop him.
"Miguel! Don't do that," you say, flustered.
"What? I'm just enjoying the fruits of my labor," he pouts as you grab some napkins and clean off his hands and thigh.
"So close to eating you, yet so far," he sighs miserably. "One day."
You ignore him and look down at his erection, taking a knuckle and lining the side. It was your first time really paying attention to him down there, now that you weren't distracted by his advances.
"What about you?"
He twitched as you walked along his clothed shaft, pre-come leaking through the fabric.
"As much as I want you to continue, we have to get ready for today," Miguel jerks as you continue your ministrations with a pout on your face. "And, I need condoms if you want to take this any further."
"Not even a blowjob?" you peer at him with your deer eyes again.
Miguel took a deep breath, "I was right. You are trying to ruin me."
GymRat!Miguel who lets you know that Tyler wants to meet you both after you both have changed clothes for the day. Something about a surprise.
"I love surprises!" you say turning to Miguel with a smile on your face. "As long as it's nothing like last night. I think it'll be ok."
Miguel matches your smile and presses his lips to yours.
GymRat!Miguel who stops at his home briefly, trying to get in and get out. He manages to fill up his travel bag, drop off his laundry, and give Gabriel a heart attack all before his mom notices he's there.
"Where are you going?" Gabriel asks with his hand over his heart, headphones lopsided around his neck.
"None of your business, nosy."
"Uh, it kind of is my business. You think you're grown when you're really not."
Miguel rolls his eyes. He didn't really want to tell Gabriel, but sometimes he couldn't say no to him.
"We're going out to see Tyler. He has a surprise for us. He also said he arranged something for us including you and Dana."
"Oh shit! Ok. And if mom asks where you are?"
"Tell her I'll come by tomorrow. I'm spending the next few days with my girlfriend."
"Alrighty," Gabriel sing-songs, placing his headphones back on his head. "You kids be safe. Don't scare my girl away."
Miguel smacks Gabriel across the head and runs out the door before he can catch up.
GymRat!Miguel who just laughs at your face while you frantically unlock the car to let him in.
"Baby, what's wrong?" you ask, voice in a panic.
"A string bean is trying to attack me," he responds, giggling as Gabriel runs out of the house.
"I'm getting you back for that you oaf!" Gabriel yells as Miguel backs out of the driveway. He stops his anger to wave at you, which you return with a sweet smile.
"Baby, you're encouraging him."
GymRat!Miguel who guides you through the doors of a cafe that Tyler recommended. He sticks out like a sore thumb with his stark white hair and light clothing. The only semblance of color on him was his silver jewelry.
He sat there, typing away at his phone, oblivious to the people around him who found familiarity in his form.
"Dad," Miguel said, the word funny on his tongue. He tried to make an effort to refer to him as his father in public, something Tyler appreciated greatly.
"Son!" he got up and engulfed him in a hug, giving you a softer version afterward. "It's good to see you both."
"It's lovely to see you again as well, Mr. Stone," you say, giving Miguel a smile when he pulls your chair out for you. "Thank you so much for thinking of us after all that's happened. Thank you for paying for my stay as well, the hotel is very lovely."
"Anything for Miguel's loved ones," he smiles in a way that has a hint of Miguel. You feel better going into the rest of this meal.
GymRat!Miguel who almost chokes on his coffee before Tyler can finish his sentence.
"A yacht?!"
"Is it too much? I can do something else to your liking," Tyler frets, wiping his hands on his slacks. "I'm not sure what all kids your age like nowadays."
"I've never been on a yacht. so I don't even know how to react," Miguel responds.
The two of them are sporting the same deer-in-headlights look.
"I'm sure it would be a great experience for all of us. If everyone doesn't mind, I'm sure we can get together and have a great time," you say, helping the two of them out. "Something nice to start the summer off."
"That's great! I will have everything ready by the beginning of next month then," Tyler says, mood lifting immediately. He was a lot like a golden retriever. "With that in order, I'd like to grant you this."
He takes his wallet out, reaching in to grab a card.
As he slides it across the table, your eyes grow big.
It's a black card with T. Stone pressed across the bottom.
"What's this for?" Miguel asks, staring at the card with building curiosity.
"You all need clothes for the trip, don't you?" Tyler asks. "And I'm sure you need more clothes to wear this week. Please take this, I don't mind. I trust you not to go overboard. I'll let you know when to give it back."
Miguel took the card in his hands, the weight of it heavier than any of his own.
"I guess it's time for a shopping spree," Miguel said, a smile growing on his face.
GymRat!Miguel who drives you straight to the mall. The windows are down as you both laugh and sing to the song on the radio. Miguel wishes he could record this moment, but for now, he dials it back to replay in his memory.
GymRat!Miguel who is happy to carry your bags and encourages you to buy more. Whenever you start to feel like you've gone overboard, he just whispers "black card" in your ear like a devil on your shoulder.
GymRat!Miguel who convinces you to walk around the name-brand stores. He did have Tyler's card, but he was also thoroughly watching what you gravitated towards. He locked away so many gift ideas for later.
GymRat!Miguel who joins you in the mirror of a shades shop. The both of you take pictures with coordinating glasses and you giggle as Miguel makes silly faces in some of them.
GymRat!Miguel who becomes your doll as you pick out outfits for him. He's smiling down at you as you put different shirts up to his body, mumbling to yourself as you make decisions. So pretty.
GymRat!Miguel who waits while you try on some clothes, giddy whenever you show him a new outfit. You managed to find clothes that coordinated with his and you're super excited about it.
"Close your eyes!" you yell through the door.
He does so and listens for you to walk out. After you take a while, he opens his eyes a little.
"Baby, no peeking," you chastise.
He huffs and waits a little longer.
"Ok. 1, 2, 3, open!"
His eyes land on you in a dress that hugs your curves like no other. Your chest fills out the top perfectly and seeing your stomach through the front is driving him mad.
"Do you like it?" you turned around, giving Miguel a grand view of how your ass was sitting in the dress.
"Do the dressing rooms have a time limit?"
You blink at him owlishly, "No? Why?"
GymRat!Miguel who drags all of your bags and you back inside of the dressing room with lightning speed. As soon as he locks the door, he's attached to your lips, kneading at your ass and hips.
You gasp in his mouth, shocked at how fast he's moving.
"Miguel, what- oh," you sigh as he leans down and pulls your dress up, face buried in your neck.
"You look so good, mi amor. I can't help it."
GymRat!Miguel who almost cums when you pull his dick out. Your eyes grow along with his erection, watching as he twitches in your hold. You've never taken anyone this big and from your hesitance, Miguel can gather this much.
"We don't have to do anything. In fact, you don't have to do that here," he pants.
"You mean take you down my throat?" you ask, running your thumb over his head, watching in awe as liquid seeped out. Miguel bit his hand to quiet his moans. "I'll wait until we're somewhere more private and less noticeable that I'm on my knees for you."
Miguel looks at the open space under the dressing room door, "Yeah that's probably for the best."
GymRat!Miguel who places you in front of him, both of you facing the mirror. Your dress is bunched up and Miguel is rocking his cock in between your thighs.
He's bent down, biting lightly on your shoulder so that he doesn't shout. Your thighs were so warm and plush against him and his pre-cum was spewing out of him like a fountain.
"You feel so fucking good, baby," he moans a little too loud after a few minutes.
GymRat!Miguel who watches you in the mirror. Your tits were so close to slipping from the top of your dress, the impact from his hips jerking your entire body. He grabbed at both of them, watching as you moan at the contact. His slaps got louder and louder, milky fluid running down your legs.
GymRat!Miguel who is overcome with need when you turn and run your tongue across his earlobe. He convulses as his release spurts across the room, landing on the mirror. He grips your hips and breathes hard into your skin, the tempo of his heart moving quick.
You pat his head and praise him, heavy eyes following your hand as you rub his tip that's still rubbing through your thighs. He whines, sensitive, but not moving away from you.
GymRat!Miguel who wipes you down carefully with some wipes you have in your purse. Luckily you both haven't ruined yet another pair of underwear.
He kisses you softly when he finishes, little confessions of love traveling from his lips to yours.
GymRat!Miguel who checks the dressing room one last time, making sure he's gotten any evidence of his removed from the area. Your green dress is in his arms and you've changed back to your outfit.
The area is clean, but there are fresh hickeys on your neck, something he got carried away with.
GymRat!Miguel who walks out like nothing happened. You on the other hand, hand over some extra clothes you didn't like to a worker in slight embarrassment. He eyes you both with a look of horror.
GymRat!Miguel who feeds you Auntie Anne's in the crowded food court. You hum happily after each bite. He dusts cinnamon off the corner of your lips with a smile.
GymRat!Miguel who moves from dusting to leaning across the table to lick the crumbs off when a table full of guys keeps eying you.
"What was that for?" you asked, oblivious to the hound dogs around you.
"Nothing. I just love you, baby."
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dividers by: @plutism 🩵
a/n: I got a very useful lesson on condoms and BJs while writing this chapter. It won't ever be applied to this fic, BUT it was still kinda fun nonetheless.
HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! Leave a like, a reblog, and COMMENTS if you did!!! 🩵
taglist: @ghost-lantern @miguelhugger2099 @slushycoookie @emelie-s-h @lake-lili
@obsessed-with-miguels-ass @scaleniusrm @superiorspiderass @lexluvswriting
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bratkook · 5 months
deep six: dancing with death. (m) jjk
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part one. part two. v-day drabble
pairing. biker!jk x reader genre. smut, fluff warnings. infidelity (but its ok i promise), protected s*x, oral, jungkook is kinda whiny and that itself deserves a warning, they're just fluffy and mushy and love each other they just dont know it yet word count. 12.2k summary. you've always known to stay away from the tombstone patches, told they were the enemy, that you'd be betraying your club if you chose not to listen. but an unsuspected friendship makes you think that maybe not everyone was as bad as you were made to believe. author’s note. hihiiii, this is a prequel to the deep six series! aka how jungkook and oc start their friendship and have it blossom into what it becomes in part one of deep six. i truly love these two so much, something about their forbidden love and how jungkook is tough and dangerous but oh so sweet to her makes me fucking melt!!! ok hope u enjoy it bye ily muah
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The world is a constant blur, days merging, memories hazy and bleeding together in your mind. The only time you enjoy the blur is now, sitting on your bike as you flow through the streets. Exiting Cobra territory made you feel free, the streets widening up the further you got, allowing you to cruise without the fear of getting swiped by a careless driver. 
Your eyes fall shut briefly, taking a slow breath as you try to push the earlier feelings away. Minho was having a bad day, a deal he had hoped to make to start running ice falling through, the man in charge deciding to go with a neighboring club instead. It wasn’t your fault the man thought Minho was too hot headed and messy to not find a way to mess this deal up, wanting a club with more reach, more connections and reliability than the Cobras could offer. That didn’t stop Minho from treating you like it was your fault, doing what he did best before barking orders at you to go for a run, desperately needing alcohol to drown his emotions. 
The earlier fear still rattles you, leaves your fingers trembling slightly as they clutch the handles and accelerate. He couldn’t hurt you here, and that's all the comfort you need at the moment, finally pulling into the familiar parking lot of the bodega. There’s a few cars parked inside, a lone scooter tossed by the sidewalk, and a shiny black bike parked by the entrance. 
You eye it for a moment, always checking for visible tags that let you know if the bike belonged to a club that had the Cobra’s high on their hit list. It’d be easy to act dumb if it was, no identifying items on you, knowing better than to roam the streets without Minho with a serpent stamped on you. 
When you find nothing you decide it’s fine, knowing you were on a time crunch to get what he wanted. With another slow breath you step off your bike, already feeling your earlier nerves fade away as you enter your comfort space. It seems odd to consider it one, but something about the buzzing fluorescent lighting and peeling laminate made you feel like an individual. 
Music plays through a portable speaker by the cashier, the worker greeting you with a smile that you return before you turn down your favorite aisle. That’s when you spot him again. The Deep Six member in the same spot he was in the last time you saw him a few weeks ago. It had been a close encounter then, not realizing who he was with your boyfriend standing outside. But his arms are revealed to you now, markings on his skin making it clear what club he belonged to, leaving no room for confusion. If that somehow wasn’t enough the giant patches on his vest and the glimmering rings on his fingers spell it out, literally. 
You approach him slowly, not sure if you trust him but not fully on edge like you were before, knowing Minho’s watchful eyes weren’t observing your every move. Without the ticking bomb a few feet away you allow yourself to slightly relax in the presence of him, assuming he had no idea who you were, clearly too focused on his candy selection. 
Sure you were on a run for Minho but you always pick something up for yourself. A small smile is already on your lips as your eyes land on the sour straws, ready to pick your flavor of choice, only to find it completely empty. Instantly you know the culprit is the man next to you, remembering the way you had reached for the same candy last time you saw him here by chance, and as you turn to stare at him you see his palms cradling four packets of the sour straws, a teasing smile on his face as he meets your eyes. Greedy. 
“Sorry,” he breathes out, sounding anything but, trying desperately not to laugh and failing as he makes his way to the front to pay. You don’t even respond to him, admitting defeat as you settle on the green apple flavored ones before you return to your earlier task, finding a case of Minho’s favorite beer and paying for it. 
The heat welcomes you once more outside, loading up the beer and candy into the saddlebags on the side of your bike, already forgetting about the candy thief from inside. 
“Hey, Snake!” A voice cuts through the air, making you freeze as you search for it, finding the Six standing by the shiny black bike you had spotted earlier. He reaches into his pocket, still smiling as he pulls out the blue raspberry sour straw packet, tossing it your way with ease. 
You catch it with both palms, momentarily stunned at the small gesture and at the fact that he clearly knew you were associated with the Cobras. The rumble of his engine snaps you out of it, smiling slightly as you look up at him once more, a breathless thank you escaping your lips before he is smiling back and peeling out of the parking lot. 
When you live the life you do, constantly on edge with a paranoid boyfriend questioning everyone’s intentions, it's hard not to let his way of thinking affect your own. Even as you sit back at the clubhouse, holding onto that packet of candy, you can’t help but wonder if maybe the Six’s seemingly sweet gesture was a trap. Maybe he was testing to see how gullible you are, stupid enough to interact with him, to use you to send a message to the Cobras. It wouldn’t be the first time. Minho’s reign made you an easy target, knowing you had a lot of enemies that would love to make a lesson of you. 
It's been so long since anyone has shown you genuine kindness with no strings attached, and as you finally enjoy your treat, you can’t stop the warm feeling of hope in your chest that maybe not everyone was as bad as you were made to believe. 
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You don’t return to your comfort space again until two weeks later, on another run for the club. Minho seemed to think if he gave you pointless errands to run you’d be satisfied, content with the loveless relationship and mundane everyday life. It was his way of keeping you on a leash, making you follow orders and letting the lead slacken up, only tightening it back up to remind you he was all you had. But you’d take the small moments of peace wherever you could get them. 
The lot is empty today as you pull in, the only car belonging to the worker inside. The moment of solitude only lasts for a minute, a loud rumble cutting through the air as another bike pulls in beside you. You tense up immediately, whipping your head to assess the situation, spotting the familiar Six too lost in his thoughts to realize you were here. He furrows his brows as he takes off his helmet, adjusting the large rings on his fingers before he glances your way, jumping slightly when he notices it's you. 
You eye him curiously, hands coming up to the key in the ignition, ready to start it up and tail out of here if he made a move. Minho had made a claim of some other club trying to ambush a deal earlier today, an unlucky hangout being the only one hurt, but without an identifying patch it left him on edge more than normal. So far the Six didn’t make you feel like you had to be wary, but you couldn’t be so sure. 
He seems to sense it, his arms raising up in surrender as he stays on his bike. “It’s okay snake, I don’t bite.” He smiles at his own stupid remark, but it slowly falls off his face when he sees the stoic expression remains on yours. “Seriously though, I’m just here for some smokes and a treat. I can go somewhere else if it really makes you this uncomfortable though.”
“Why aren’t you somewhere else to begin with?” you bite back, still not trusting that he wasn’t trying to trap you. 
Jungkook just sighs, hand coming up to ruffle up his helmet hair. “It’s nice to get away sometimes. This is neutral grounds, you know as best as I do that anything club related done here is a death wish.” He lets you process his statement, seeing the way you continue to eye him, your gaze tracing along the patches he wears. The large tombstone taunts you, torn and a little rugged on the edges, showing just how long he’s been wearing it. “Why aren’t you somewhere on your side of town?”
You purse your lips, looking away from him as you pull your hand away from your key, getting off your bike, deciding this conversation was better to have inside your little safe space. “Like you said, it’s nice to get away sometimes.” You hook your helmet over your handle, reaching the bodega’s door and holding it open as you look back at him. “You coming?”
He seems to snap out of it, quickly hopping off his bike and jogging your way, saying a quick greeting to the worker before going down the familiar aisle. He smiles when he sees you next to those damn sour straws. 
“Those must be your favorite huh?”
You give him a quick glance, seeing the smile on his lips before you turn back and grab a packet of the candy. “They are, so try not to take all of them at once again.”
He lets out a soft laugh, reaching forward and grabbing a couple of the same. “I gave you one last time, which says a lot because I don’t really like sharing.”
“A Six that doesn’t like sharing? That’s not surprising.” Your words are light, a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips as you turn around and continue roaming the aisle. 
“Not as surprising as a Snake trying to tell me what to do.” The crinkling of plastic fills the store as he rips open his packet, taking a bite of a sour straw as he tries to hide his own smile when you give him an eye roll. 
“I’m not technically a Snake,” you mutter out, finger tracing along the chocolate bar you were contemplating grabbing. It wasn’t a lie, you didn’t wear the patch, you weren’t granted the perks of being a part of the club, nothing you said held any weight on the decisions they made. You weren’t a Cobra, you just belonged to one of them. Though that didn’t seem like the wisest thing to tell him, you knew the history between Deep Six and the Cobras, and telling him you belonged to Minho of all people would put you high up on his list of people to hurt if he had bad intentions to begin with. 
“Oh? You just like to hang on to the back of one then?”
“Something like that,” you sigh, deciding not to grab the extra treat, turning to look at him fully once more. “Are you gonna keep calling me a snake?”
His tongue prods along his cheek as he looks down at you, eyebrow slowly cocking up. “What would you rather I call you?”
He nods slowly, letting your name settle into his mind before he was reaching his hand out, the golden glimmering rings spelling out SIX shining in the light. You eye his hand for a minute before grabbing it in a gentle handshake, seeing the way he smiles before saying his own name. 
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Jungkook was proud of his club, wore his patch with pride, did everything he could to show his loyalty. So why was he starting to tell white lies to his brothers, making up excuses to justify why he was going to the bodega on neutral grounds directly after finishing a job. He knew what would happen if they knew who he was talking to, slowly befriending. His only rational excuse was the fact that you had said you weren’t technically a Cobra, and although he’s not sure how well that would hold up to the rest of his members, it was the only excuse that helped ease his guilt. 
He was currently sat on the small sidewalk outside of the bodega, elbows leaning on his knees as he glanced around the empty lot. You had been meeting here once every week or so. He had started to take note of the typical times you’d be sent on runs of your own, choosing to coincidentally run into you at the same time. You had yet to arrive today though, leaving him waiting for fifteen minutes, wondering if maybe you wouldn’t be showing up today. 
Just before he decides to head out, you pull into the lot on your Dyna, a smile on your face when you spot him sitting on the sidewalk like a child. 
“You’re late,” he calls out, grabbing a packet of candy and tossing it your way when you get off your bike and head towards him. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t aware we had a time set for our little play dates.” You open up the candy, taking a bite and shutting your eyes at the sour taste. Jungkook laughs at your expression, patting the sidewalk beside him for you to settle into. 
“I can’t be left unsupervised, you should know this by now.”
You laugh now, taking a look at the bodega and the surrounding area. “Nothing seems to be destroyed, I think you do just fine unsupervised.”
He leans back on his palm, raking back his dark hair as he stares into the sky in thought. “I tend to cause psychological damage, not too big on destroying property.”
“Got it. So you torture people?”
Jungkook chuckles, turning to look at you slightly, a small twinkle of mischief flashing in his eyes as he smiles. “Exactly.”
You can only laugh, not exactly sure how truthful he was being with his little joke. The both of you made an effort to not discuss the intricacies of your clubs, not entirely sure what it was that you both did for them, knowing things would get too messy and tangled up if you did. Instead you talk about yourselves, knowing small anecdotes of each other’s childhoods, recounting stories of when he took a few tumbles on his bike when he was just starting to learn to ride, ones of you before the life of the Cobras was all you knew. 
It was a brief moment of normalcy, being able to talk to someone else, laughing over dumb jokes while sharing candy. It made you forget how twisted all of it was until you returned back home. 
Jungkook just appreciated having a new friend, someone to talk to about things that didn’t have to do with his club. He just wished he could talk to you in moments that lasted longer than the brief bodega hang outs. So as you both finish up, loading up your bike with the items you were told to come pick up, he takes a leap of faith. 
“Hey, can I—uh. Can I have your number?” He looks uncharacteristically shy as he asks this, one hand rubbing along the back of his neck. “To arrange our play dates,” he adds jokingly, a small smile on his lips in hopes of softening the blow of potential rejection as he reaches for his phone and hands it over. 
You freeze instantly, staring at his device as the voice in your head tells you not to, screams that this would get you in trouble. But the hopeful look on his face is enough to shut it up, grabbing his phone with a nod. “Sure, but uhm, I can’t text often.”
His brows furrow slightly at the tone you use, watching the way you type in your number and text yourself. Something about it made it seem like you were nervous, and the only thing he can assume is that the people you were around would grow curious over who you were texting. 
“Why? Scared your Snake friends would be pissed that a Six is texting you?” His tone is playful, but as you hand him his phone back, the look on your face makes his smile slowly fade away. 
“My boyfriend, specifically.”
Jungkook feels his heart drop at the revelation. He knew you were most likely involved with a Cobra, having seen you the first time you met on the back of one’s bike—more specifically, Minho’s bike. He had just assumed you were Minho’s chosen girl for the day, but if you were mentioning a boyfriend now, Jungkook could easily piece together who exactly that is. 
The third cardinal rule of his club replays in the back of his mind, “Never get involved with a Cobra”. It makes his head hurt, desperately trying to find a deeper excuse, a loophole to allow this to continue. It shouldn’t mean anything, you two were just friendly, barely even toeing that line as it was. But just knowing you were spoken for, by the leader of the Cobras especially, made the guilt he already felt for speaking to you get worse. 
But he does his best to shake it off, drowning out his thoughts as he takes his phone back and shrugs. 
“We’re just two people who share a love for sour straws, but if it makes you feel better you text me whenever you want.”
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You don’t text him for a while, the fear of your tiny little secret being exposed keeps you from responding to the text you had sent yourself from his phone. There was also the small feeling of guilt festering in your stomach, feeling like you had lied to him by keeping your relationship a secret. All he had assumed from the get go was that you liked to hang around Cobras, but you noticed the way his face had changed when you mentioned a boyfriend, and you can only imagine how he’d react if you told him your boyfriend was the leader of the Cobras. 
You find yourself staring at your device any chance you get, hidden in the bathroom of your place, lounging on the couch in the clubhouse, until you finally get the courage to send the first text. It makes your heart race, saving his number under your best friend's name, changing the emoji at the end so you know the difference, going as far as putting his messages on do not disturb. Clearly hiding, keeping him a secret. 
Jungkook knows it's wrong, because he’s keeping it a secret too. But once that first text was sent, they never stopped. He responds when he has time in between club duties, knowing you’ll reply when you get a moment alone. Your messages are short, random conversations that never crossed any lines, but he meant what he said, taking full advantage of having your number to coordinate your play dates. 
The guilt you feel slowly fades away with each passing day, becoming comfortable in your ways as you let him know what days you’ll be on that side of town, and before you know it, your hang outs become your favorite thing. You slowly start to consider Jungkook your friend, another rare slice of peace in your messy life. It makes you feel like your younger self, excited to speak to a cute boy and laugh until your cheeks hurt. 
And it should make you feel icky to have these thoughts about someone who wasn’t your boyfriend, but your relationship with Minho had been romantically dead for years now, not able to remember the last time he did something for you that didn’t solely benefit him. So you choose to enjoy the small flutters in your stomach that occur around Jungkook, allowing yourself to sit closer to him each time, friendly touches beginning to get more courageous while still toeing the line. 
Jungkook doesn’t mind it, he thought you were pretty and would let you trace the patches on his jacket or analyze his tattoos up close if that's what you wanted. You were the one with a boyfriend, who was he to tell you what was right or wrong for you to do, he wasn’t one to judge or pull a morality card on you considering the things he does in his club. It was all mostly innocent anyways, even now as you stand a good few feet away from each other, respective candy in each other's hands, attempting to toss them into your mouths. 
It was innocent. 
“God, your aim is horrible!” you laugh out, feeling the candy hit your forehead and bounce right off. 
“What are you talking about? That was a clear headshot.” He has that charming smirk on his face as he says it, tongue flicking against his lip ring while he laughs too. 
“You’re not trying to kill me Jungkook, we’re trying to see who wins first.” You swat the remnants of sugar off your face as you reach into your own bag for a piece of candy, motioning for him to be ready. He gets into position, slightly bending his knees and angling his head back with his mouth open, ready to catch whatever you throw. With a small snicker you grab four small pieces of candy, aiming right for his face with one eye shut and sending them flying. Jungkook is totally unsuspecting until suddenly, he’s being pelted all over his face, his eyes squeezing shut at the shock. 
“Dude,” he laughs, eyes finally opening up to spot you cackling away, perfectly content at your little stunt. 
“Okay, okay sorry. For real this time. I got it, I can feel it in my bones.” Jungkook should tell you no, say you wasted your turn and deliver payback, but you look too happy right now for him to do anything but smile and nod as he gets back into position once more. He sees the way you bring your hand close to your face, shutting one eye to try to aim, tongue slightly poking out in concentration before you toss the candy across a few feet of distance. 
Jungkook doesn’t even register that the candy successfully landed in his mouth until you’re gasping in shock. That’s when his eyes widen, his mouth shutting as he begins to chew, standing up straight and feeling his heart start to warm at how proud you look at having beat him. He closes the distance between you, extending a hand out for a high five that you gladly give him. 
Now that you’re closer, you see all the sprinkles of sugar on his face. It dusts along his cheekbones and the top of his nose, looking like small freckles on his skin. You give him an endearing smile as you cup his face and swipe it away from his skin. You do it without thinking really, tips of your fingers gently flicking away the evidence of your tiny prank. 
Jungkook’s chest tightens at the soft gesture, eyes wide as he watches you, too scared to move, almost like it would startle you or make you come to your senses and remember he was a Six. He chooses to just focus on how soft your hand feels against his cheek, how sweet you sound when you say he looks like a mess, your eyes filled with what he hopes is the same adoration he has as you look up at him, a lot closer than you need to be.
Jungkook knows all the sugar is gone now but you’re still there, thumb rubbing along his cheek, tracing the scar under his eye while your gaze lands on the piercing on his lip. He holds his breath when you look up at him once more, and maybe it's his wishful thinking but he swears the way you look at him tells him to make a move, so he does. Slowly at first, wanting to give you a chance to deny his advances, but you meet his lips before he can close the distance himself.
The innocence is gone now. Jungkook had felt something brewing with each of your interactions, chalking it off to pure friendliness, but he knows a small spark had been lit the second you started speaking to each other. 
The kiss burns, the guilt and betrayal to his club clawing at his mind but he doesn't care, welcoming it as he deepens it, sliding his hand into your hair and focusing on the way you let out a soft breath as he does so. It makes your mind spin, your hands gently looping around his neck to bring him closer. You don’t have time to think, too enveloped in the way his piercing feels against your lips, how his fingers softly rake through your hair, how he takes a deep breath when you kiss him back harder. 
It's brief, a small moment of weakness led by temptation, but you can’t deny how you both feel exhilarated, wide eyes and smiles on your faces when you pull back. "You taste like candy," you giggle.
“Your favorite,” he mumbles, still close enough to nudge the tip of his nose along yours. His voice is low as he lets reality settle, slowly inching back, his eyes meeting yours and seeing the small clouds of panic start to form around you. Reality seems to be hitting you too, fear of what would happen to him if Minho ever found out, or what would happen to you if he even had an inkling. A small harmless crush had just passed over into dangerous territory. 
“Hey,” Jungkook starts softly, hand gently coming to rest on your shoulder to bring you back to the present. “It doesn’t have to mean anything.”
“No, but it does,” you groan. It did mean something, it didn’t matter how small it seemed, but you know the kiss meant something. Your small panic had nothing to do with being unfaithful, you knew Minho cheated on you with any girls who were willing to show their loyalty to the club, and if it kept him off of you then you didn’t mind it. You were scared to put Jungkook in danger. “It means something and my boyfriend’s crazy, he’ll kill both of us if he finds out.”
“I know he is.” He shrugs, looking directly at you, seeing the shocked look on your face at his admission. 
“You know what?” you whisper. 
“I know he’s a psycho. I kind of put two and two together when you mentioned a boyfriend. It is Minho right?” When you nod slowly, still unsure how to respond he just continues speaking. “But look, I know. All of it. I know I’m not supposed to be speaking to you, let alone kissing you and enjoying it, but it happened. I know it’s wrong, that I should feel bad and I don’t, but I also know where my loyalties lie within the club and what rules I’m willing to bend. If you’re saying it means something, then it does.”
You can only stare at him, feeling the clouds of panic start to fade. “But I'm telling you, I know what's at risk and I won’t be using it to harm you.”
“I mean…it is both our asses on the line,” you mumble out, still feeling his hand on your shoulder. He smiles at your words now, making you slowly smile back. 
“So, we’re taking it to our graves?” His voice is light again, the playful tone you were used to back. When you nod he smiles wider. “Cool, should we kiss on it?”
Jungkook laughs when you shove his shoulder with a cackle, rolling your eyes as you step back, walking back into the bodega to get what you came for. “You’re so unserious. Get away from me.”
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The issue with this imaginary line being crossed is that it leaves you thinking “what’s next”, constantly wondering just what else you could get away with. One kiss shared turns into two which turns into five, given so casually it feels like second nature. It seems like both of your guards have dropped now, more at ease with each other, touches getting as bold as they could in public. 
“Are you sure my skin isn’t gonna burn off?” you joke, laughing when Jungkook gives you an eye roll. His jacket is in his hands, shaking it off before he’s swinging it around your frame, helping you slide your arms into it. He had jokingly said it would swallow you whole, and you honestly just wanted an excuse to be closer to him so when he suggested you try it on you couldn’t deny him. 
“You might burst into flames, so just drop and roll baby.” He snickers when you playfully glare at him. Jungkook looks down at you with a smile, his hands smoothing the collar before he’s taking a step back to admire how the large leather jacket looked on you. The patches cover the arms and back, his first initial, last name and rank displayed over the left breast pocket, something your finger comes up to trace absentmindedly.  
“I don’t know, the jacket suits you. You sure you don’t wanna become a Six?”
“Very funny Jungkook. They’ll be putting a Cobra on my tombstone when I’m dead.” 
He waves you off, reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone. “Let me live in my fantasy world, yeah?”
“Your fantasy world involves me being a Six?” you giggle, looking up at him with a sly smile.
“Don’t kink shame me. Now smile for the picture,” he sings out, bending down as he extends his arm out, ready to take a selfie. You had yet to take photos of you both, too scared to be caught by Minho, but you allowed Jungkook to document your newly formed friendship as much as he wanted, knowing he had less to worry about when it came to snooping. 
Your arms wrap around him, the tombstone patch on display as you both smile widely for the picture. He looks at it with a cheeky grin, mumbling out how cute he thought it was before putting his phone away. 
“Do you need the usual for your run today?” he asks, knowing Minho always had you stocking up his alcohol. 
“Not today. I’m technically supposed to be locked inside our place. A few Cobra’s headed out of state this morning for a meeting.”
Jungkook hums, having briefly heard of an arms deal happening out of state, he just hadn’t been aware it was the Cobra’s doing. “Why didn’t you go with?”
“Too risky.” You lean back against the textured wall of the building, still cozy in his jacket. Minho loved to have you right by his side at all times, so if he said it was safer for you to stay here then you wouldn’t question him. “He has to make sure his prized possession stays safe.”
Jungkook laughs, slinging an arm around you and bringing you to his side obnoxiously. “Well you tell him I have that covered.”
“Jungkook, he’d cut your tongue out. Stop it!” you cackle. 
“I’d like to see him fucking try,” he grunts out, enjoying the way you playfully swat at him. He’d like to think he could have Minho’s head served on a silver platter if he ever got close enough to put his hands on him. 
“What about you? Any fun club plans after our playdate?”
Jungkook sighs, a smile still on his face. “Nope. I’m officially clocked out.” Your laugh is felt against his side, only making his smile widen. “I just have to stop by the clubhouse to grab something before heading home.”
“How far is the clubhouse from here?” You’re looking up at him with a twinkle in your eye, your smile still as sweet as can be, but he senses some undertone that he hopes he isn’t imagining. 
“Not far, about 20 minutes. Why? You want a tour?”
That was all he had to ask before you were following his bike down the busy streets on his side of town. His jacket is still on you, providing you with a small sense of security, knowing if anyone spotted you they’d assume you were with him. It leaves you at ease, entering the secure lot of his clubhouse, coming to a stop beside him and glancing around as you take off your helmet. 
It’s empty, a few cars parked around that looked like they were in need of repair, but no other bikes or lingering people. Jungkook steps off his bike, motioning for you to follow him, excited at showing you his favorite place. 
As you follow his lead you instantly see how different Deep Six’s clubhouse is compared to the Cobras. The space is taken care of, decorated thoughtfully, a space made for business as well as hanging out with their friends and families. Touches of the club are nestled around, a large Harley on display on a far wall, a frame showing the timeline and evolution of their patch tucked between other photos, and the most obvious and slightly obnoxious ode to the club comes in the gallery wall displaying all of their mugshots. Cute. 
“It’s nothing fancy,” he mumbles, spreading his arms out as he stands in the middle of the main room. A brown tufted leather couch is right behind him, a giant pool table behind it and a fully loaded bar to the right. 
“Compared to ours it sure is.” The Cobra’s clubhouse was made for business only, the meeting room was kept in pristine condition while the rest of it was only made to be nice enough to house drunken members and whatever hangouts were in the process of joining. 
“Really?” When you nod he just frowns, approaching you to grab your hand and pull you along, trying to show you more. “I’ll show you my space.”
“Your space?” you wonder, smiling when he squeezes your palm lightly, leading you down a hall to the right. A few doors line both walls, different ranks tacked on the middle of them, coming to a stop in front of one that says Road Captain. You had never really paid attention to his rank on his jacket, never really caring to read anyone’s rank in general, but seeing it displayed on this door let you know just how deep his involvement in his club was. 
“Only ranked members get private rooms.” He sounds almost bashful as he says this, grinning before opening up the door and switching on the light. A desk is on the right, paperwork neatly stacked in piles, a dresser is along the other wall with pictures tacked onto a cork board right above it. His bed is in the middle, sheets a dark gray and neatly made. It’s nestled between two windows on either side, letting in the slowly setting sunlight. 
You step into the room, walking to the dresser to look at the photos he has tacked up. He looks younger in some of these, hair messier and longer, no piercing or tattoos yet as he leans on his bike, another member attempting to put him in a headlock. They’re all club photos for the most part, the only one standing out is a photo of a teenage looking Jungkook holding up a diploma with what you can only assume is his parents beside him. 
“Cute,” you mumble out, smiling as you turn back to face him. It was odd to feel this calm around him, so used to the faint ticking heard in your head, reminding you that you were running on borrowed time, forced to interact in small bursts. With Minho completely occupied, the ticking disappears, allowing you to fully enjoy the moment for what it was. 
“I didn’t expect you to be sentimental like this,” you tease, smiling at the way his eyes narrow at you as he approaches, his tongue poking at his cheek as he fights a smile. 
“I’m full of surprises,” he murmurs, standing a foot away from you now, peering down at you with an aura of playfulness surrounding him. Your hands reach out to gently play with the material of his shirt, tugging him even closer. Jungkook could feel the tension, the same slowly growing tension that had been brewing with each day spent together. He can only watch as your hands slowly trail up his stomach, gliding up to gingerly rest against his chest. 
He wanted to kiss you, wanted to feel you gasp against his lips, but the last thing he wanted to do was make you feel like he had suggested showing you his clubhouse to be a total sleaze. Jungkook knew the line had grown blurry, kisses and touches shared with ease, but he wasn’t bold enough to assume you’d be okay with taking anything further. So when you decide to make the first move, leaning up to ghost your lips over his own, he can only hold his breath, eyes fluttering shut when you softly press them together. 
Your hands rest on his shoulders now, holding yourself steady as you kiss him, feeling the way his body melts into it. You pull away with a soft smack of your lips, inching back slightly. “What other surprises do you have?” 
Jungkook holds in a groan when you start to pepper kisses on the corner of his mouth, trailing them down his jaw, gently nipping the skin of his throat right below his ear. You giggle when he shudders, his hands gripping your waist, fingers tightening around you. 
“If you let me, I can show you.” His voice holds a tinge of unsureness, wanting for you to be okay with this without sounding pushy. But Jungkook had been thinking of this since your first kiss so he couldn’t help the desperate tone laced between each syllable. 
“Show me. Show me whatever you want,” you whisper, hand coming up to cup his cheek, looking up at him through your lashes. When his eyes meet yours he finally lets his resolve crack, attaching your lips once more in a heated kiss, finally feeling you gasp against him. 
Jungkook is a little ashamed to admit how easily this was affecting him, his heart already racing in his chest, stomach fluttering with each shared moan, bulge growing in his jeans when your hand slips into his hair and pulls. His hands slide down the material of his jacket you have on, pulling it off your body and tossing it aside without a care. He feels you smile against his lips at the action, clearly enjoying the way his hands roam along your body, desperate to touch you in ways he wasn’t able to before. 
It’s an eager dance to his bed, blindly stepping back as he guides you to it until your knees buckle against the mattress, giggling as you flop onto it. Your arm rests back to hold you steady, other hand gripping onto his shirt to yank him back over you, reattaching your lips in a heated kiss. 
Jungkook laughs into the kiss, his arm wrapping around you to haul you further up the bed properly, slowly pushing you back until you’re flat against the bed. His body settles over you, the cute visual of his hair framing his face is the first thing you see when your eyes flutter open as he pulls back. His eyes are hooded as he stares at you, his hand coming up to gently cradle your jaw, thumb rubbing along your bottom lip as he smirks before dipping back down. 
He kisses the corner of your mouth, following the same trail you had left on him earlier, smiling against your skin when you shudder as he nips your neck. Slowly, his hands slide down your body, fingers toying with the hem of your shirt and tugging it up to reveal your stomach. 
“Can I take this off?” he mumbles, eyes peering up at you for confirmation. When you breathe out a yes, he slides it further up, helping you slip out of your shirt fully before you’re settling on your back again. A thin bralette covers your boobs, lacey cups revealing a glimmer on your nipples that has him tilting his head in curiosity. 
You catch what he’s looking at, smile spreading on your lips as you reach up to touch his jaw, finger gently tapping along the small mole he has below his lips. “I’m full of surprises too,” you mumble, smiling wider when he boldly cups your chest, thumb swiping at your pierced nipple through the lace. 
“I can see that,” he mumurs, voice low and raspy, making your stomach flip. He looks at you once more, brow cocking up in question as his fingers toy with the fabric. You nod your head, knowing what he wanted, allowing him to slip the straps off your shoulders before he’s sliding a palm under your back to properly unclasp your bra, giving himself the perfect view. 
Its hard to ignore the small burst of confidence that surges through you when he groans, eyes hooded while he leans down to pepper kisses down your chest. It had been such a long time since you’ve felt truly desired, since you’ve been kissed delicately, had hands touch your skin so gently it tickles and leaves you breathing out a laugh. So you relish in it. You shut your eyes and enjoy the way Jungkook presses wet kisses to your skin, you let yourself gasp in pleasure when he wraps his lips around your pierced nipple and sucks. 
Your hands instinctively slip through his hair, fingers yanking his thick strands as he hums against your skin, tongue flicking along the piercing. Jungkook feels the way you jut your chest further out, back arching at the sensation. A deep groan escapes you as his palm comes up to cup your other breast, the cool feeling of his rings sending a shiver down your spine. 
He smiles as he pulls back, cocky with eyes twinkling with mischief as his fingers playfully dance down your body. 
His eyes are locked with yours as his fingers reach the waistband of your jeans, teasingly dipping past it as he lifts a brow in question. He needed clear boundaries, not wanting to cross any lines. You find it cute, how despite the fact that you’re laying here, chest heaving with anticipation, eyes surely wild with desire, he’s still wanting to make sure. 
“Can I?” He repeats his earlier question, features soft as he waits for your answer. 
“We need to even out the playing field first Six,” you tease, smiling when he chuckles and points to his shirt. You nod, staring up at him from the bed as he kneels up, staring right at you as he reaches behind his neck and yanks the shirt off of his body. 
Your blood warms up further at the sight of him, seeing his muscles flex under his tattoos as he straightens back up. Jungkook tilts his head slightly, biting on his lip ring as he fights back the smile at your clear admiration. The black marks his skin, some tattoos looking darker than others, showing you just which ones were recent additions. 
The owl on his chest looks the brightest, edges still crisp, shading looking rich in the skulls beneath each wing. They seem to move as Jungkook takes a breath, snapping you out of it as you look back into his eyes. 
“Is this even enough for you?” he jokes, smiling wide when you nod in confirmation, your eyes following his movements as his hand returns to your jeans. You watch with bated breath as he unbuttons the top, slowly pulling down the zipper before his hands hook into the waistband and starts to tug. Your hips lift from the bed to help, allowing him to pull them off, tossing them to the side along with your shoes and socks. 
You can feel your stomach flipping with nerves, the worry of doing something new with someone new, the small clouds of insecurity rolling in, wondering if you looked good in this angle, if maybe Jungkook preferred you to look a certain way or wear cute underwear with bows on the front instead of the black regular cotton ones you currently have on. 
It all settles down as he drops lowers, eyes looking up at you as he presses kisses onto your hips and slowly tugs your underwear down, clearly not paying any mind to them. A trail of goosebumps blossom down your thighs, following your underwear as he pulls them off too. He stands up once more, eyes swimming with want as he sees you. 
“Let me get a good look at you,” he murmurs when he notices the way your arms begin to want to cover yourself up at being fully exposed. He thinks it's cute how shy you seem now, eyes bouncing away from his as he takes his time drinking you in. With your eyes diverted, he thinks it's a great time to dive in, his hands coming down to grip your palms while his face nudges its way into the crook of your neck to kiss your skin, smiling at the way you gasp and laugh at the ticklish feeling
“Jungkook!” you giggle, feeling his hands pin your own down on the bed, his mouth traveling down your body as he guides your hands into his hair, letting you know he wants you to keep playing with the strands. Your finger twirls his hair around, feeling him smile against your skin as he descends once more. 
“Everything about you is so pretty,” he mumbles into your stomach, eyes peering up at you while his hands return to your hips, slowly sliding down to your thighs to grip the flesh. Wet kisses smack into your skin, leaving a trail on each hip and down your thigh until he’s suddenly biting. He laughs when you gasp, your fingers tugging his hair on instinct when you look down with a shocked expression. 
“Looked so good you had to take a bite?” you joke, smiling down at him, feeling the fluttering in your stomach when he winks. 
“Oh I need more than just a bite,” he groans, fingers tightening their hold on your thighs before he presses a kiss directly onto your mound, slowly sticking his tongue out to gently flick along your slit. 
Jungkook loves the way your breath gets shaky as you exhale, a soft moan of his name reaching his ears when he gently parts your folds and teasingly flicks against your clit. A part of him knows this might be the one and only time he’ll ever get to experience you like this, the only time he’ll see you flush on his bed, gasping for more as your hips roll into him. So he wants to store every moment in his brain, keep it locked away until the next time he misses you. 
“Fuck Jungkook, that feels good,” you moan, fingers locked in his hair, keeping him close as he ravishes you. The praise makes his ego grow, lips wrapping around your clit and sucking with the perfect amount of pressure. It makes your stomach tense, short little zaps of electricity flowing through your body with each flick of his tongue. 
“Good, I just wanna make you feel good.” He leans back a bit, admiring the look of your sodden folds for a moment before he's letting a glob of spit drip from his mouth directly onto your clit. He bites his lip as his fingers spread it around, coating his digits as he circles your entrance. His eyes meet yours again, brow raised in question, smiling when you nod in response. Slowly, he pushes forward, eyes focused on your reaction, seeing the way you bite down on your lip as his finger sinks in. 
Jungkook tries not to let his mind get carried away when he feels your walls fluttering around his digit, already imagining how you would feel around him, feeling his cock aching in his jeans as he sinks a second finger in to properly stretch you out. With each thrust of his fingers his mind wanders further, the need to see you falling apart leading his mouth back onto you, the combining sensation making you moan louder. 
The stretch of his fingers has your head spinning, eyes falling shut as you mewl on his sheets, fingers raking through his hair. “More Jungkook, please,” you whimper, not able to get enough of him. 
The desperation lacing your voice makes Jungkook’s heart flutter, ready to comply with anything you want. He moans against your folds, a third finger adding to the delicious stretch. The wet clicks of his fingers thrusting into your drenched pussy fill the room, and it's the greed living inside of Jungkook that makes him want to thrust into you faster, make it so that all you can hear is the sound of your pleasure. 
Your breath hitches in your throat when he curves his fingers upwards, tickling the sweet spot that makes your eyes roll. That’s when you feel the familiar cool sensation of his rings once more. You were used to feeling them on your arms when he playfully pulled you around, used to the feeling of them on your cheeks when he gripped your face before kissing you, but feeling them against your cunt each time he thrust his fingers forward, it made your body burn up with lust. There was something about having the name of a club you were told to stay far away from pressed against you salaciously that only made the waves of pleasure you feel crash over you even harder. 
“Mm, close Jungkook,” you whine, your free hand sliding up your body to tug and pinch at your nipples. Jungkook peers up at you from between his thighs and the visual of you playing with yourself while he ate you out has him making a mess in his underwear. He doesn’t even care how easy it is for you to make him this needy, knowing you were enjoying yourself because of him was all that mattered. 
“Wanna feel you baby,” he mutters out, lips shiny with your arousal, fingers scissoring inside of you, feeling the way your walls tighten around him. Your hands grip his hair tighter, making him hiss, a breathy laugh hitting your messy folds when you guide his mouth back onto you. 
Jungkook knows you’re right on the edge, the craving for your release making you arch your back, moans of his name slurring together with pleas for more more. All it takes is a few more flicks of his tongue for your climax to crest, the prettiest moan he’s ever heard reaching his ears as you gush around his fingers. 
“There you go, good girl,” he groans, pulling back as he licks his lips, staring at your trembling body with eyes swimming with lust. His thumb replaces his mouth, rubbing your swollen clit, enjoying the way you writhe at the slight overstimulation. 
“Ah, ‘Guk,” you whimper. And the new nickname has him smiling, loving the way it sounds coming from you so much he almost doesn’t want to stop. It takes your small hands coming down to grip his wrist for him to finally pull away, your soft giggles of enjoyment coming to a halt when he slips his fingers into his mouth. 
“Told you I needed more than just a bite,” he teases, making an absolute show of licking his fingers. “What about you, are you satisfied?”
You lift yourself up with one arm, the other reaching forward to grip his belt loop, tugging him closer as you look up at him through your lashes. “Mm, no I don’t think I am.” His abs tense when your finger trails along his skin, toying with the button on his jeans, slowly popping them open and pulling down the zipper. 
“Then I need to fix that,” he mumbles, tongue flicking his lip ring as he stares down at you, watching the way you reach down to palm at his bulge. Your face lights up at his words, a smile spreading on your face as he helps you tug down his jeans, obviously eager. Jungkook’s smirk only deepens when your eyes widen once you finally release his cock, a small gasp escaping you at the size of him. 
Pearly beads of precum collect at his tip, swollen and aching for your touch, so when you finally grasp his length and swipe your thumb along the bulbous tip he lets out a deep groan that has your core clenching. 
“Fuck, babe.” He grunts when your palm starts to slide up and down, his eyes focused on the way you slowly inch forward, your tongue peeking out to gently lick his tip. Jungkook knows he’s in trouble, already feeling his body react to your touch. All you had done was give him a few teasing touches and his mind was already spinning. Its an inner battle as he watches you take more of him into your mouth, his jaw dropping at the warm feeling, hands clenching by his side when you moan at the taste of him. 
“Y/N,” he groans, “you’re gonna make me cum too fast.” You pop off of him with a wet smack, a saccharine smile on your lips as you giggle. 
“And that’s a bad thing?” Your head tilts as you question him, hand still lazily pumping his length. 
“It is when I want to fuck you first.” That makes your hand finally stop, brows raising in interest. Your free hand slides up his body, carefully cupping his face, guiding him down to kiss you. 
“Then fuck me, Jungkook. I’m yours,” you murmur against his lips, feeling him groan against you as he kisses you harder. You know what you mean. You’re his for the night, despite how strong your connection with him is, the reality was that as long as Minho had his claws sunk into you, there would never be a chance for you and Jungkook to delve deeper into this relationship. But this tiny bubble you were both in was enough for you. 
The energy is different than what you’re used to, the both of you smiling through the kisses, soft words whispered against skin as you help him take off his jeans. Jungkook’s laugh is infectious when you gasp at the sight of his thighs, the double headed wolf tattoo catching your attention immediately, praising it under your breath before he’s kissing you once more, telling you he’ll let you properly see it later as his hands grope your sides. 
“How do you want me?” you mumble, gently nipping his lip. 
“If it was my way I’d have you in every position I could think of. You tell me, baby.” If Jungkook let his selfish desires take over, he’d tell you he wanted you to ride him, let you bounce on top of him and use him while he got to watch your pretty face. But he can’t be that selfish, even if the small pestering voice in his head tells him that this might be his only chance to. Still, his eyes are soft as he pulls back, ringed hand caressing your face with a tenderness that makes your heart clench
“Can I ride you?” Your voice is timid, just above a whisper, but it makes Jungkook shut his eyes and groan. You see, he wasn’t corny, didn’t believe in fate or anything like that, but for a brief moment Jungkook's convinced this was meant to be. 
“Fuck,” he groans, leaning forward to rest his forhead against yours. “Yes, please.”
The way he begs makes your pussy ache, hips instinctively rolling up into his, enjoying the way he hisses, rutting his cock against your inner thigh. The beads of precum leak off his tip, leaving a small puddle by your hip, smeared around as he repeats the action. 
“O-okay,” you gasp, biting down on your lip as you peek at the visual, trying not to get lost in the way he teases himself. “Let me ‘Guk, wanna feel you.”
He nods, tendrils of hair tickling your face as he kisses you again before leaning back. You try not to stare but it's so hard when he looks like that, length hard and bobbing as he rummages through the drawer by his bed, a sheepish smile on his lips when he plucks out a shiny square packet. 
Your heart races in your chest as you sit up, coming onto your knees and crawling to the head of the bed, gently patting the space next to you. Jungkook’s quick to settle beside you, back leaning against the small headboard, large hands reaching to grab your hips and hoist you over his thighs. A small laugh escapes you at being manhandled, the toned muscles of his thighs felt underneath you, his cock poking at your belly from your proximity. 
Your eyes are glued to it, watching in awe as he pulls out the condom and carefully rolls it on, a small sigh meeting your ears. 
“Can’t wait to feel you,” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his jaw, your hand meeting his around his cock as you lift your hips just enough. His free hand finds your hip again as you guide his tip to your entrance, teasingly circling it, slipping the tip inside for a second before popping it back out, the two of you gasping at the feeling. 
“Mm, sit on it,” he groans, brows pinched together as he nudges his nose into your neck. Wet kisses mark your skin, his hand getting tighter on your hip when you repeat the action again before finally sinking further down. Your walls clench around him, the stretch making you whine. You had seen his size, knowing just how big he was, but now that he’s inside of you and you feel it, you pace yourself. 
It's unintentionally torturous, the warm tightness slowly enveloping more of him and all he could do was clench his jaw and grip you harder. Jungkook is patient, fighting every urge he has to thrust up or sit you down fully. Instead he murmurs praises into your skin, tells you how good you feel, how good you’re doing, that you’re almost there until you’re butt rests flush against his thighs. 
A shuddering breath hits his shoulder, your face coming up to stare at him properly now. He’s staring at you with hooded eyes, mouth slightly opened as he gasps when your walls flutter. 
“So big,” you mumble, kissing him gently, lips ghosting over his, hips slowly lifting an inch before coming back down. 
“I know, baby. Take your time.” He groans, kissing you harder, teeth clicking together in his haste, breathing into each other. Jungkook felt like he was dreaming, some sick fantasy teasing him while he slept, giving him a taste of you before reality would settle in and snatch it all away. But you don’t usually feel this way in his dreams, don’t dig your nails into his shoulder as you quicken your pace, your wetness dripping down his cock and pooling at the base. And Jungkook is glad that he prefers reality over his dreams for once. 
“Oh god ‘Guk,” you moan, skin slapping together with each rise and fall of your hips. His lips are coated in a sheen of spit, swollen from your kisses and gentle bites, but he gives you a smile, clearly enjoying your reaction to him. 
“Does it feel good baby?” he murmurs, voice deep and raspy at the edges, his hand sliding up your thighs, pressing into your tummy with a tilt to his head. “Feel nice and full?”
You shudder at his question, feeling the pressure of his palm, and you swear you can feel the tip of his cock nudging into it. “Y-yes, so good, so full. Just wanna fuck you forever.”
He hums, feeling your words deep inside of him. It makes him melt into the headboard, hand traveling further up until he has a handful of your tits in them. Jungkook plays with them a bit, finger pinching and twisting the hard buds, tugging gently at the silver bar, hearing you moan at the sensation. 
“You can fuck me whenever you want,” he grunts at a particular drop of your hips, the wetness aiding in your pace. 
“Mhm,” he groans, thumb rolling along your nipple, softly rutting up into you. “Just text me whenever you want it. Pretty face, delicious pussy, I’ll always be here for you.”
“You’re such a romantic,” you giggle, throwing your head back as you get lost in the motion. Jungkook laughs with you, arm scooping around your back to pull you closer, his mouth kissing up and down your neck, teeth grazing the surface with the urge to suck but he knows better. 
“Just for you,” he breathes into your skin, feeling you laugh again. 
It feels like nothing else matters, not the potential consequences to this, no worry about what this meant for your special friendship. All that matters is that Jungkook is grabbing you like he can’t get enough of you, kissing you like his life depends on it, not shy at all at vocalizing how good it all feels. 
“Wanna cum,” you gasp, cupping his face, seeing the way he focuses on your lips as you speak. 
“Yeah? Tell me what you need.” He bends his knees slightly, pressure on his heels as he fucks up into you. The jiggle of your tits makes his mouth water, caught in a daze. 
“Need you to touch me.” It's the softest plea, tone dripping and needy, making Jungkook nod immediately. He bites his lip as he trails a hand up your chest, over your neck until he’s cupping your jaw, his thumb rubbing along your lower lip. With a gentle tap, you’re opening up, eyes locked together as you wrap your lips around the digit and suck, giving him a teasing bite as he tries to pull it out. 
He smiles at you, bringing down his soaked thumb in between your bodies until it reaches home directly onto your clit. The sudden touch makes you gasp, bundle of nerves swollen and sensitive, and its almost too much. But he’s gentle, easing you into the feeling, only applying more pressure when you finally relax, falling back into the delicious rhythm you have going. 
Jungkook can feel the coil tightening inside of him with each pulse of your pussy, walls clamping around him on each lift, making an absolute mess as the arousal drips onto his balls. 
“More?” He quickens his finger, circling your clit faster, paying close attention to your reaction. 
“Oh, fuck. No, like that. Just like that.” So he does, jaw dropped open as he watches you get lost in it all, bouncing on top of him as fast as you wanted, using him just like he wanted. Your thighs burn but it feels too good to think about stopping, the beginning signs of your orgasm licking at your skin, encouraging you to fuck him faster. You can hear how messy you’re leaving him, the squelch of your pussy blending in with the moans and thumping of the headboard. 
“Close, fuck—ah,” you stutter and gasp, brows pinched together tightly, only able to stare at him as you start to fall apart. He looks at you in awe, breathing in time with you, matching each gasp and moan, thumb slipping around in your slick. It's the accidental flick of his that has you tumbling over the edge, nearly shrieking out his name as your high comes barreling at you. 
Jungkook curses under his breath as you tremble above him. Your hand curls into his hair, yanking him forward into a messy kiss as you moan unabashedly, his thumb continuing to flick along your puffy clit for another minute to work you through it before he’s clutching onto your hips and controlling your speed. You’re still twitching at the aftershocks, small sparks kissing your skin and leaving you in a comfortable haze as you tangle your tongue with his, pulling back with a smile so sweet. 
“I wanna see you cum Jungkook,” you kiss him again, teasing him as you pull away and watch him chase you for more. “Made me feel so good, want you to cum for me.”
Jungkook groans, nodding as he wraps his arm around you, pushing off the headboard until the air is whooshing around you and your back is meeting the sheets once more. He cages you in easily, arms under your back, cradling your head as he buries his face into your neck and surges his hips into you. 
Your breath leaves you at the change in position, legs wrapping around his hips, shuddering as his pelvis nudges your sensitive clit. He doesn’t care how desperate he looks, fucking you like he was starved of affection, the need to cum taking over all of his senses. 
“Fuck, you’re so hot.” Your nails dig into his back, scratching along his skin, making him groan into your ear. His thrusts grow more sporadic, shallow, losing their grace as your purposefully clench around him. 
“Oh shit, you’re gonna make me cum.” He whines, voice breathy against your neck, and you swear you’ll cum again. 
“Yeah? Cum for me, c’mon,” you whisper, grazing his back and tightening your walls again. He nods against you before he’s leaning back, giving you the view you so sweetly asked for. His thick brows are furrowed on his forehead, eyes heady with lust, and a deep groan of your name spilling past his lips as he cums. Your feet urge him closer as his hips stutter, rutting into you to milk his orgasm as he fills up the condom. 
The room falls quiet for a moment, the both of you catching your breath, hearts slowing down as the high settles over your bones. And then he’s laughing, flopping back over you and tightening his hold on your body. 
“Why are you laughing?” You giggle too, hands running through his hair as you smile in a love sick daze. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever came that hard,” he admits sheepishly, kissing your warm skin, leaning back with a childish smile as he kisses your nose and ever so slowly starts to pull out of you. The sound is filthy, core sensitive and messy, and when he fully pulls out you can’t help but close your legs. 
He simply laughs, hand softly rubbing at your calves before he’s getting up and disposing of the condom. 
You’re still in that same foggy haze from earlier, even as Jungkook returns with a damp cloth to clean you up, all you can do is hum in thanks as you melt into his sheets. It doesn’t take long for him to settle in beside you again, holding you close, hand tickling the skin of the thigh you have hooked over his hip. 
“You have such pretty legs.” It’s a soft compliment, almost like it wasn’t meant to escape him. But when you look at him with a sincere smile he continues. “If you were mine I’d beg you to wear skirts all the time just so I could stare at them, touch them—“ he grips your thighs playfully, smiling at your laugh, “I’d be able to flick it up so easily and fuck you in it.”
Your laugh is louder now, your hand playfully swatting at his chest at how quick he was to get raunchy. 
If you were mine. 
That phrase repeats in your mind, sounding like a sweet song that you’d never get tired of hearing. 
“I’ll wear one at the meet next week,” you promise, running your hand over his chest. You knew you’d be seeing him there, able to freely ogle at him with all the neighboring clubs gathered together in an attempt to keep the peace. You might not be able to interact like you usually do, but just seeing him was enough. 
Just as he’s about to reply, the sound of a familiar engine cuts the air. You freeze instantly, wide eyes staring at Jungkook, seeing the confused look on his face. He lifts a hand up, motioning for you to stay as he sits up straighter, ears perking up when he hears the front door of the clubhouse open up. 
“Stay here. They won’t come in here but I know they saw my bike so I’ll get rid of them.” You can only nod as he hurries into his clothes, buttoning his jeans in a haste and deciding to forgo his shirt and shoes as he all but runs out of the room, shutting the door behind him. 
The haze you felt earlier is long gone, anxiety settling into your bones once more, realizing just what sort of situation you were in. Jungkook seemed to think the golden rule of staying away from Cobras was fine with you, but who knows just what kind of loyalty the Six member in the other room holds. 
All you needed was one man hell bent on loyalty to come barging in, and you don’t even want to think of what would become of you. Your heart rattles in your chest as you sit up too, eyes glancing around the room to find your pile of clothes. 
You can hear them mumbling in the main room, Jungkook’s laughter sounding out as he jokes around with his fellow brother. You can only imagine what he’s telling him, maybe explaining why theres a second bike parked next to his, or giving his reason for being shirtless and disheveled at the clubhouse this late in the day. Whatever is going on, you know you shouldn’t wait around to see how it plays out. Being with Jungkook makes reality pause, fade away and leave you to believe that things were meant to be this easy. 
But that's not your reality. 
You knew you wanted this to happen, could still feel the butterflies in your stomach as you remember the way he kissed your skin. But you couldn’t let the line be crossed this far again. You’re not sure karma would be too kind to you the next time. 
As quiet as you can, you slip out of bed, carefully putting your clothes back on and looking at the desk in the corner. Before you overthink it, you grab the pen and notepad he has resting on top of paperwork, scribbling out a quick note before you’re returning to his bedside, yanking up the curtains and wiggling the window open to slip out. 
Back in the main room, Jungkook is sitting on the bar stool, Hoseok resting against the counter as they both joke around. Jungkook is thankful that Hoseok doesn’t seem to ask too many questions, knowing very well that he must have some girl in the room, but he wasn’t nosey enough to want to know who. 
“So you’re not gonna introduce your friend?” he jokes, giving Jungkook a coy smile, enjoying the way his younger friend blushes and shoves his shoulder. 
“No you weirdo, you fucking scared her by showing up like this. Why the hell are you here anyway?”
Hoseok cackles, pushing away from the counter and walking towards the meeting room. “Sorry, I didn't mean to be a cockblock. I forgot to grab some paperwork.” The way he says it makes it seem like it was work documents, contracts that needed to be signed instead of files detailing the amount of guns they’d be receiving in the next drop. He disappears into the room, returning a few moments later with the folder in his hand. “I’ll be out of your hair now.”
And he does just that, waving goodbye and stepping back outside. But as he approaches his bike he realizes the bike he had seen next to Jungkook’s was missing now. 
Jungkook is none the wiser as he walks back to his room, a smile on his face that falls when he doesn’t see you on the bed. The sheets are a mess, your clothes are missing, his curtains are drawn up and his window remains cracked open. He steps closer now, a white sheet of paper catching his attention on his desk. 
Thanks for the tour, I think your room might be my favorite<3 Remember, we take this to our graves. We’ll kiss on it over sour straws soon x
Ps. I’ll see you at the meet, I’ll be the one in the short skirt. 
Maybe it's the sick hopefulness he feels in his chest, but Jungkook can’t help but smile as he thinks this won’t be the last time afterall.
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beautifulfuckup99 · 4 months
ok ok i just got this random idea bare with me
Chubby mid size cute reader, she is very confident but gets inscure from time time
Namjoon is her BF 😉😉and they are camping with their friends. ( some of them are not that nice to her abt her looks).
One girl then says a comment pitting her that she cant be carried or manhandled due to her wait.
Later Namjoon carries her with one arm out of the blue in front of everyone and then a nice spicy time in the woods
Very random 😂😂😂 only u can make it happen😂😂😂
I feel blessed to have so many Namjoon requests!!
Title: For Me...
Warning(s): Insecure!Y/N, Slight B0dy-Sham!ng, Hurt/Comfort, Smut! And of course Fluff!
Author's Note: Obviously set in an AU where Namjoon has his license and drives lol. Enjoy!
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"Yes!" Namjoon cheers the second he throws the car in park. You look up from your book, blinking the sleep from your eyes.
"We're here?" You ask, feeling the surge of relief that you no longer have to sit in this car anymore.
"Uh-Huh." He says fast as he gets out of the car, pausing to breathe in deep through his nose. "Baby! You smell that? That's nature, baby!" He cheers excitedly and you close your book, giggling softly as you get out of the car while watching your boyfriend of just six months spin around giddily.
He was a giant dork, and it made your heart flutter in the best way possible.
"Ay! Namjoon! There you are, man. Took you long enough to show up!" Dae laughs as he walks over from where the tents were set up.
When Namjoon had told you about this camping trip with his friends, you were pouty, you had to admit, but you were understanding that he needed time to cut loose with his friends. Especially before he had to run off to the military. BTS being on hiatus meant he had more time to roam and explore and the one thing he's been looking forward to is getting back into nature. When he invited you to join the camp trip, you hesitated. You knew the members of BTS, yeah, but these were buddies of his from back home. Guys who knew him from way back when. School days.
You wanted them to like you, that's all. You slowly get out of the car as Namjoon starts hugging his buddies who run over to greet him. You fix your shirt and hold the sweater more around you. Your sweatpants now feel like a bad idea since all his friends look actually put together. You had done the bare minimum of getting ready, and now you couldn't help but fuss at your hair a bit.
"Oh! Guys, this is my girl. Y/N..." Namjoon smiles proudly, dimples on full display. The four guys surrounding him all eye you up and down.
"This is Y/N?" One guy says slowly as if you're not who they expected. You smile sheepishly as you walk over to grab Namjoon's hand that he's holding out for you.
"Hi, guys. Sorry to interrupt guys' camping weekend. I promise, you won't even know I'm here." You try joking as they continue to just look at you.
"Ay, it's all good. My girl came with too." Dae shrugs as he nods to the campsite where a girl still sat, flipping through a magazine. You nod, kind of relived that you wouldn't be stuck in these woods with just guys.
"I'll go get the bags." Namjoon says and squeezes your hand to assure you before he goes back to the car.
"So, what are you guys thinking for lunch?" You ask to try and start a conversation. The guys all share a look and one finally snickers.
"Too easy." He says before walking away while shaking his head as if humored by something. You feel your heart drop at that moment.
Fuck, this was a mistake...
The next morning, you're woken up by Namjoon kissing all over your face as he wraps his leg around your waist. You grumble playfully and open your eyes to face him. Last night had been a nightmare for you. It was full of backhanded compliments and little glances from everyone in the group around you, as if everyone was in on a joke that you didn't know about.
But you DID know the joke. You knew your body, you knew the difference between you and Namjoon, you knew the irony. 'Ha-Ha, Namjoon is all about the gym and health and look at him dating a plus sized girl'. You weren't dumb or blind. You knew your body weight and type, but you also knew that you had one of the best leaders of K-pop wrapped around your finger and drooling over you at any given second. It didn't full stop the self-doubt, but it helped a bit.
You've been chubby since you were a kid. You've heard and dealt with it all. A weekend with jerks like your boyfriend's friends wasn't gonna hurt you too much. And you definitely didn't wanna bring this to his attention either. After this weekend, you'd never have to deal with these people again...
"Morning, baby. We were gonna head to the lake. You're coming, right?" Namjoon whispers finally after a moment of just rubbing his nose with yours. You hum softly at that and stretch a bit.
"That sounds nice." You nod tiredly. You hadn't slept much due to how hungry you were. You picked at your dinner the night before as to not be a cliché plus size person. You watched though as Namjoon had three bowls of the ramen and his buddies all drank and had about two to four each. It was a bit unfair. You wondered for a moment why you had to act carefully when slurping up noodles when your boyfriend sat proudly right next to you, eating and drinking away. Why you had to take small sips of water and after a few bites of food claim you were full when everyone around you shameless enjoyed themselves. Could it be because you had something to prove? Yup, exactly.
"Hey. You okay?" He asks softly as he eyes you closer, hand pushing your hair back to really look at you. You look up at him and the urge to vocalize your uncomfortability is strong, but you shake it off. It was Saturday and you'd be saying your goodbyes Sunday morning. You could do this.
"I'm all good. It was just so hot last night. I couldn't get comfy..." You lie softly and Namjoon nods, pecking your nose.
"Maybe we can sneak away after swimming for a bit and take a nap." He offers softly as he rests his forehead against yours. It makes you blush as you nod along. You two get up soon enough and throw on your bathing suits.
You make sure your black one piece is on right since it was kind of strappy in a few places. You step out of the tent real soon and see all the guys and Dae's girl all look over at you, eyeing your body. Dae's girlfriend gently tugs at Dae's shirt and whispers something in his ear, making him laugh and nod his head in agreement.
The overwhelming feeling of regret swallows you whole and you grab one of Namjoon's shirts to put on over your shirt. You try and act none the wiser to all the snickering which only makes your self anger grow more.
"Okay! Bag is packed and ready to go!" Namjoon says as he steps out of your tent and pauses. "What's funny?" He asks his buddies and they all laugh before shaking it off.
"Nothing, man..." Dae says before walking off with his girlfriend. The other boys follow and Namjoon eyes you and smiles a bit as he tugs at the shirt you had on.
"What's with the cover up?" He asks and you shake your head.
"Just don't wanna get sunburned..." You say softly, not wanting to put a damper on Namjoon's vacation. Just one day. Just one day...
He nods and offers you his arm for the short walk to the lake...
When you get there, the water is cool and clear which is a great contrast to the sun that was beating down on you all today. You get in the water and focus on swimming with Namjoon when Dae grabs his girlfriend from her tanning spot on the dock. He lifts her with both arms as she screams for him to let her down and not to throw her. He doesn't listen and chucks her right into the water.
When she surfaces, she starts yelling at him for throwing her while all the guys laugh expect for Namjoon. He holds you a bit closer to his chest as you both bob in the calm lake. She finally sees you looking at her and glares at you.
"What?" She asks.
"Nothing. Just... Sucks that he ruined your hair." You say back gently. She eyes you a bit and then puts on a false smile.
"Well, at least my boyfriend can pick me up." She says in a joking tone and the boys laughing makes your heart feel heavy in your chest.
"What?" Namjoon asks, having heard her right but shocked that those words even left her mouth.
"Oh, Nam, calm down. It was a joke." One of his friends chuckles and Namjoon glares, obviously pissed at this moment.
"Yeah? I'm not laughing." He says shortly before swimming over to the dock and getting out.
"Namjoon, come on..." Dae tries as your boyfriend grabs his towel and then one for you too. You swim over silently, knowing better than to do anything else but just go with Namjoon to get him out of this situation before he blows up.
He helps you out of the lake and wraps the towel around you before you both leave back to the campsite, ignoring his friends as they try calling you for you guys.
You sit between Namjoon's legs, pressed back against his hard chest as you hold the newest novel you have to share cause if not, one of you will read ahead. The walk back to the tent had been silent, the shower at the bath house had been quiet, and now the reading time you two share was full of this tense silence. You knew Namjoon was still pissed and you just hoped you could keep him calm till you left tomorrow morning.
"Done?" You ask, so you could know if you should flip the page or not. When you don't get an answer, you turn your head to face Namjoon and see him deep in thought, jaw clenched and face hard set. You frown softly and gently grab his face to make him look at you.
"Babe. It was a dumb joke..." You try quietly and he looks you in the eyes.
"You didn't sleep well last night because of them, didn't you." He says quietly, putting it all together in his head. It makes you frown, but you couldn't lie to him.
"I was... A little upset. Yeah." You admit quietly.
"Why didn't you tell me? I never want you in a place where you're that uncomfortable, Y/N. You know that." He says as he looks at you.
"They're you're friends, Joonie. I-I just... Wanted you to have fun." You try as he looks at you with a frown.
"Well I'm in hell when you're being hurt." He says quietly. You sigh softly and move to nuzzle into his neck.
"I'm used to this, babe. I grew up plus size." You point out quietly and Namjoon shakes his head.
"And? It wasn't right then, and it sure as hell isn't now." He says.
"I know your body. I love your body. Because your 'body' is just skin. Skin that protects everything in you that matters most." He states seriously. "It protects your heart... Which is full of love and care for the world. It protects your brain... Which is always more intriguing to me than any book out there. And it protects your spirit. Which is what I fell in love with. These amazing curves are a bonus." He says softly and you snort playfully while rolling your eyes.
"I know. I'm perfect to you." You mutter playfully, as if you're annoyed by hearing it.
"You're not just perfect to me. You're perfect for me, Y/N. I love you. And I'm not gonna let anyone talk about or to you in anyway." He says quietly as he holds your waist.
You hum. "Tomorrow morning, we can leave." You assure.
"First thing in the morning..." He agrees.
Later that evening, everyone sits around the fire, silently eating and drinking. The tension is thick, and no one dares to make a joke or try and break the silence in anyway. You wanted Namjoon to let go of the grudge and have one last dinner with his friends, but he had insisted that anyone able to make you feel shitty was no friend of his. You were still trying to fight off the guilt, but you knew if you had anyone around you that made Namjoon feel a certain way, they'd be gone ASAP too. You just had to stand by your boyfriend's choice.
"I think..." Namjoon finally says, his deep voice demanding all eyes on him, and they are. Everyone is looking at the five-foot-eleven Korean man as he sets his plate down and rubs his hands together slowly. "Before we call it a night, a few things need to be done.
"One. I'd like to remind you all... That she," He nods to you as you sheepishly play with your bowl of beef stew cooked over the campfire. "Is my girlfriend. The woman I love. And I expect nothing but respect for her." He says, his voice calm but with this dark edge to it. Like he was not expecting any argument to his statement.
"Two." He continues. "At the end of the day, you don't have to find her attractive. She's mine for a reason. Because I find her attractive." He states. "And thirdly, if you don't find her attractive? You're just lying to yourself." He snorts and you bashfully roll your eyes at him.
"You all... Need to apologize for what the hell went on with this trip, and you'll be lucky if I ever want to see any of you again." He states honestly. You gaze along the faces of all his buddies, and you feel slightly guilty, maybe even a little childish due to this lecture. You felt like a kid who just tattled to the teacher. But... You hadn't 'tattled'. Namjoon had heard it. You weren't being overdramatic, you weren't play victim, and you didn't deserve this treatment. And you just had to keep telling yourself that...
With a deep sigh, Dae is the first to speak. "Y/N, we're... We're sorry. We were just joking, you know. Giving you a hard time? That's what we do in this friend group..." He says and you look away from him at that.
"Yeah, well that's not what you do with her." Namjoon speaks for you, and you set the bowl down and nod once at Dae. "Don't accept that half ass apology." Namjoon says to you, and you keep your mouth shut. He stands up finally and dusts his hands on his shorts.
"We're leaving tomorrow morning, early. Y/N." Namjoon says, and you quickly stand up only to feel his arm, wrap around your waist from behind. You feel him lift you up and squat down a bit to put you over his shoulder as you squeal in slight alarm.
"Y/N and I are going to bed. Don't bother us." He says shortly before looking a Dae's girl. "And maybe Dae could lift you, if he went to the gym more." He says simply before carrying you away towards your tent that you had moved away from the others for the night.
"Joonie! Put me down!" You hiss as he gets you two into your tent and sets you on the small foam mattress inside your tent.
"What were you thinking? You could've hurt yourse-" He cuts you off by kissing you deeply, you instantly get lost in the kiss.
"Don't disrespect my lifting abilities like that..." He teases quietly against your lips before kissing you more passionately. You can barely react in time as he pushes you back on the bed freely, climbing on top of you.
"What... What are you..." You pant against his lips before he quickly sits up to take off his shirt and then lays back on top of you, covering your jawline and neck with kisses that made you shiver.
You shut your eyes, melting into the cot as he lowers his lips down towards your cleavage. He's quick to pull your tank top up and bra cups down, freeing your nipples as he grips your breasts in both hands.
"I'm showing you that I love this body..." He whispers before tonguing your nipples one at a time, sucking each one hard to turn them into sensitive buds as you arch your back, head rolling back to moan before you cover your mouth.
"Don't cover up. I want them to hear it. Let them know that I know exactly how to handle you. That I thoroughly enjoy you whenever I can..." He whispers before moving down your body, biting all along your tummy as you look down at him, body feeling on fire at this very moment.
"I'm the luckiest man on earth to have you..." He whispers honestly as he settles between your legs, making you blush hard.
He makes quick work of your shorts and keeps your underwear on, blowing softly on the wet spot and making your clit twitch.
"Joonie... Oh fuck..." You gasp as you reach down to grab his hair, needing to feel something against your soaked core and fast.
"Such a goddess." He praises softly before he gets to work lapping at your clit slowly at first. Your head rolls back as you shut your eyes, always enjoying these sensual moments. Namjoon never teases, but he also loves when things slowly build up, especially since the closer you get the louder you get. He had a thing about you being... Verbal.
"Namjoon..." You pant, keeping this in mind. You loved making him feel good over his ability to make you feel good. It was an exchange of sorts. Sometimes you even found yourself twisting and arching your body in different directions as you screamed out because it just egged him on more. Thank god for porn. It was the best teacher...
He turns sloppier the louder you get, and you lose track of where you are at this point as your moans and hard tugs at his hair egg him on more.
At a certain point, feeling how drenched your underwear is from both your juices and his saliva, you pull him up to kiss him, your tongue exploring his to taste yourself on him. He grabs your neck to hold your head still and proceeds to suck on your tongue, and you all but lose all decency at that second, flipping you both over so you're on top.
"You want them to hear? The let's make sure they hear..." You pant with a giggle as he grips your hips hard and sits up to pull you harder against his bulge that is very much present through his shorts.
"Fuck yes, darling..." He whispers in awe before kissing you hard.
The next morning, no one can look you both in the eyes and that's fine, because you're still too blissed out from last night to care what they can or can't do. Namjoon says nothing as he packs up the tent and you know you can't force him to drop the attitude long enough for a proper goodbye.
"Joonie..." You say quietly when you two are finally in the car and driving down the dirt road away from the camping grounds. He hums, eyes stuck on to the road with one hand on the wheel.
"Don't stop being friends with them because of me." You whisper and Namjoon smiles slightly at your concern before he grabs your hand.
"Damn your good heart." He says softly and you pout.
"I'm serious..." You try and he brings your hand up to his lips to kiss it tenderly.
"I know you are. And so am I." He says softly. "You're my best friend, Y/N. And I wouldn't have it any other way." He says honestly and it stops your pouting for a bit as you look down at your entwined hands sheepishly.
"I love you." You finally mutter and lean over to kiss his soft cheek, feeling his dimple form under your lips and it just makes you giggle ever so quietly.
"I love you too..." He whispers, looking at you for a moment to show he means it, and you couldn't be more confident of that in this moment...
From one plus size girly to another: You are ENOUGH! You are attractive, and you are indeed that bitch lol. Love you all!
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celestialomnipotence · 10 months
Sun & Moon X Child! Reader
TWs: Hints of abuse/Child neglect (if I need to add more, I will later on)
Note from Kyo- I made this so people can see an idea of how I write! This is my first time properly doing this so please dont be too harsh on me, I mostly do this in hopes of bringing comfort to those who get them from reading stories with things the go through.
Sypnosis: A (NB) child is left at the daycare and all the kids seem to not want to be around them. Which causes the kid to become more and more distressed and lonely, until the daycare attendant approaches them!
Your parents had dropped you off at the daycare very early today… Your father had already gone off to work and your mother was grumpily dragging you into the cursed place.. Well it wasnt exactly cursed, you very much enjoyed being at the daycare when your parents were at work! You only protested against it though because of the other kids ‘being mean’. To which you only earned eye rolls and were told to just deal with it… And what soon shut you up about the whole ordeal was when your mother snapped at you, yelling at you to shut up about the kids there and just deal with it, you were getting dropped off there whether you liked it or not.
So here you were.. In such a giant and colorful play area. Kids were running around, screaming, playing, coloring… Yet you were just standing there awkwardly. Should you try to play with the other kids? Would it hurt again if you tried?
You only took a shaky breath as you went to where some kids were playing tag. You wanted to join in quite a lot so you quickly ran to a kid and asked, “Hey can I join?-“ To which the kid immediately laughed at you. “You again?? No! Leave us alone freak!” The kid giggled as he ran off and you only stood their dumbfounded. You seriously ran into the rudest kid on your first try. After a few seconds you moved to the wall, should you try again?
Well you did. This time you ran to kids playing hide and seek. They had just started a game too which was perfect! “Hey can I join?” This little girl gave you a curious look but you noticed how distant her eyes looked at the same time. “Oh yea sure-.. Um- Ill count an extra… 20 seconds for you-“ You had nodded excitedly at that and already ran off. Going straight into the play structure and hiding in your favorite spot.
And there you sat for what felt like forever… And ever.. And ever… They werent looking for you.. Were they?
Thats when you felt tears well up in your eyes as you buried your head in your knees…
Then you heard someone coming near you in the structure. Oh great now another kid would call you a cry baby.
That was until you heard the voice. “Oh my goodness! Why are you crying little one?” You looked up at the cheery sun that some how fit inside the structure. “O-oh!- I-im- Im ok-“ You stuttered in a hurry as you wiped your tears away. Even though the Suns face was a constant smile, he approached you a little cautiously until he managed to sit right in front of you. Sure he was meant to be happy and entertain kids while the lights were on, but there was a little bit of code in him that told him what to do with upset kids. Plus he has already experienced seeing kids who had gotten abused before!
“Would you like to tell me whats wrong little one?” Sun had asked while letting his head rotate some to one side, maybe a bit more than he intended. You debated telling him.. Would he get upset like your parents did..? No, he was such a happy Sun! But still, should you trust him…?
You hesitantly spoke up. “W-well.. I tried to play with all the other kids again… They just left me out again and said mean things.” Sun left out a gasp that you could determine if it was real or for dramatics. “How rude of them! Well what did you want to play little one?” “.. Tag-.. And hide and seek-… But now I just want someone to play with me. That wont just leave me alone.” Sun seemed to think for a moment, tapping hid non-existent chin. “How about we play together then! Ill give you all the special attention you deserve! We can finger paint, play with crafts, or with glitter glue! Whatever you want!”
You couldnt help but giggle a bit at his enthusiasm.. And at the idea of getting all his attention.
And well, if Sun could have grinned wider, he would have. “Can we play with the paints?” You asked to which the Sun immediately, somehow, nodded. “Of course! Lets go now little one!” He held his hand out to you which you immediately took.
Then there you were, finger painting, putting googley eyes on each other, and having so much fun. You almost completely forgot about what had happened early. Soon enough, Sun told you he would have to go away soon and Moon would come out to put all the kids to bed.
You nodded at that and let out a small yawn. Maybe you would nap this time.. You had so much fun so of course you would be tired.
And when Moon finally came out, all of the kids hurried to bed while you were quickly finishing your fingerpainting you were working on some how behind Suns back.
Moon soon enough went up to you. “Naughty naughty.. You know you shouldnt be painting, its nap time.” You were quick to nod at him but then you held on your painting.. Which was one of you, Sun and Moon holding hands. Moon stared at the painting.. Or what you assumed was staring before he slowly grabbed it. He hadnt had any special experiences with you yet you still added him..?
“Thank you little one but you still have to sleep.” You nodded as he continued to speak. “Ill hang this up in our room and then help you to bed, ok?”
You nodded and then Moon… Floated? Flied away? It was too dark for you to tell anyways so you went right over to an area where you could cuddle up…
And soon Moon got over to you, only to find you already passed out under your blanket. Moon watched you for a few seconds before pulling the blanket all the way up and moving some hair out of your face.
Kyo- Well… This was my first attempt at something, hope you enjoyed :)
Id like to think Sun has kept you in his database and whenever your there, you get a special bit of attention to make sure you arent too lonely or left out!
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questforgalas · 10 months
Thank you for coming back
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Notes: So once again, @zaana's incredible art lived rent free in my head until I put it down on paper. So here's a delightful AU where Crosshair doesn't get sent to Tantiss because guess who gets to him first? Chose to do a rescue from Barton IV because Cross is in his imperial armor in the art, and I thought "Hey, let's maybe give him a break and not make him go through torture before he's rescued?" Neat idea, right? Let's tell Jen and Brad
WC: 3K (lol this was going to be a drabble)
Characters: The Bad Batch (all of them!)
Tags: Wrecker POV (he deserves all the Crosshair reunion energy), angst at the end (Crosshair is going through it ok), hurt/comfort, giant family group hug, Crosshair and Wrecker cry, Hunter is emotional, canon typical violence, implied mistreatment by the Empire (did I mention Crosshair is going through it?), family reunion, all the family fluff I could fit into 3k words
Tay's Masterlist
Read on AO3
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The sound of blaster fire was becoming permanent in Wrecker’s ears. Hunkered down behind a duracrete barrier, he kept his DC-17 trained on the Imps attempting to advance on his position, blaster bolts streaming past his head. 
“Seriously, who trained these guys to shoot,” he thought to himself, needing to only dodge a few bolts from the barrage while his targets fell with each pull of his trigger. 
The landing platform at the depot on Barton IV was looking more like a true battlefield and less like a remote outpost with every passing minute. Two T-4 shuttles lay in smoking ruins - the first thanks to Hunter’s skill on the Marauder’s rear gun and the second thanks to an excellent detonator throw by Wrecker - and stormtrooper bodies lay scattered across the duracrete ground. So far, Wrecker and Hunter were executing their part of the plan perfectly, but when it came to creating distractions, there wasn’t much guess work as to Wrecker’s success rate. 
The Batch’s intel told them that the depot, located on a desolate, frozen planet that rivaled Hoth’s  icy temperatures, normally operated as a blip on the Empire’s priority list. In fact, blip might have been giving it too much credit. The small clone trooper squad that was assigned to protection detail put in requests for equipment, supplies, and reinforcements throughout their year of service, and every request fell on deaf imperial ears. Gathered from the information Tech found during his hacking, Commander Mayday of the squad put in a request for reinforcements 40 rotations ago, citing that only five members of his squad remained alive at the time the request went in, but Tech couldn’t find any log of a response anywhere in the records. Complete silence from the Empire. 
Until 4 rotations ago. The call went out for a platoon of stormtroopers to ready for deployment to Barton IV with orders to transport cargo of high importance to the Empire from the depot to the military base on Coruscant. Prior to the platoon’s arrival, a small squad of clone troopers was sent to scout and ready the depot for the cargo transfer. The squad consisted of two standard troopers and one specialized. One prickly, stubborn, unyielding specialized trooper who Wrecker couldn’t wait to see again. 
When Tech caught chatter that a clone trooper shot a commanding imperial officer in broad daylight in front of an imperial depot, he initially intended to send the intel directly to Captain Rex, informing him of another defecting clone who would be in need of assistance, but after he scanned the information log, he didn’t register his datapad falling from his hands, thudding on the floor, only able to to focus on activating the comm on his vambrace, urging Hunter to get to the Marauder as quickly as possible. Because there in front of him, written across the Marauder’s main computer, was CT-9904: Defector. Charged with the murder of Lieutenant Nolan. In custody on Barton IV. Scheduled for armed transfer in two rotations. 
The discussion was short - Hunter the only one remaining cautious until Tech confirmed the lack of security at the depot, even with the stormtrooper platoon coming in - and the Batch set their course to Barton IV less than two hours after the message was intercepted. The plan was easy, one the Batch could nearly execute in their sleep, even with their newer blonde addition. Create a distraction to draw the majority of security out into the open which Hunter and Wrecker would engage while Omega provided cover from the Marauder. Meanwhile, Tech and Echo skirt along the edge of the chaos, slip into the depot undetected, locate Crosshair’s location, and extract him while neutralizing any remaining threats if necessary. 
Plans 5, 4, and 21. The Batch specialty. 
“Wrecker, incoming! Northwest!” Hunter’s smokey voice called over the commotion. 
The far gate of the depot opened, ten stormtroopers running out to join the fight. “Yeah, I see ‘em, Sarge,” Wrecker confirmed. “They look excited to see us.” 
Hunter took cover behind his barrier, and turned his head in Wrecker’s direction.
“How about you give our hosts a warm greeting?” Hunter suggested, cocking his head to the side. Wrecker could feel the smug smirk under that helmet.
“Gladly,” Wrecker responded gleefully. 
Reaching into the pack on his back, he grabbed two thermal detonators, clicked them live, and chucked. They arced into the air, curving in opposite directions, landing right in the middle of the oncoming troopers, and Wrecker watched as all ten stormtroopers disappeared into a beautiful burst of orange, red, and black. 
“Direct hit,” Wrecker yelled, pumping his DC-17 in triumph. 
Across the way, Hunter gave a quick thumbs up and popped his head above his barrier. Wrecker did the same, confirming that the landing platform was clear of imps for the moment, but they knew more troopers would arrive soon. They’d only taken out about 30 of them so far. 
“Agh, where are they,” Hunter wondered, helmet trained on the door they expected to see their brothers emerge from. 
“Give ‘em a few more minutes, Sarge. I doubt the Empire just left Crosshair in a set of binders on a crate.” 
“They’re dumb enough to,” Hunter said. A soft chuckle came through his modulator, “Wonder how long he’d humor them until he took them all out with his hands still bound.” 
“Knowing Crosshair? They wouldn’t even get the binders on him,” Wrecker laughed. 
Hunter went quiet, helmet still pointed at the door. Then his shoulders fell like he was bowing to a weight Wrecker couldn’t see. “We’ll have to be patient. He’s…” Hunter paused. “He’s probably not the Crosshair we remember. There are going to be some … invisible wounds.” 
Wrecker released his own shuttered breath. He looked down at the ground for a moment, and then looked back up to find Hunter looking back at him. “Doesn’t matter how long it takes. We’ll help patch those up too.” 
Hunter remained still for a breath and then nodded. 
The silence was interrupted by a chime on Hunter’s comm. “What’ve you got, Omega?” he asked as he activated the connection. 
“I’m picking up multiple heat signatures heading our way. Looks like our little break is over,” Omega’s voice chirped over the comm. 
“Copy that,” Hunter responded.
Wrecker brought his own comm up to his mouth. “What’s your count, kid?” he asked playfully. 
“I’m at 4,” Omega answered, a smug tone floating through. 
“Only 4? You’re falling behind. I’m at 18,” Wrecker said. 
“I don’t think the thermal detonators should count,” Hunter interjected. 
“What?! Did you see how perfectly those landed? Probably my best yet! Not even Tech could pull that off.” 
“It’s hardly fair when I’m all the way back here on the Marauder!” Omega argued. 
“Excuses excuses, kid,” Wrecker teased. Their debate came to a quick halt when the remaining hangar doors of the depot opened, revealing the last wave of the platoon. “Alright, break time’s over. Shoot good, kid.” 
The platform became engulfed in battle once again. Blaster bolts peppered the air. Thermal detonators flew. Line after line of stormtroopers tried to take the advantage on the two ground soldiers and their coverage, but Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega held them back with ease. Wrecker heard General Skywalker speaking to Hunter about something called meditation once - a staple Jedi practice of centering one’s mind and connecting with the force through quiet sitting - and while Wrecker wasn’t sure this would meet the Jedi standard, he imagined this was the closest to meditation he would ever come. Surrounded by the sounds of battle. Adrenaline pumping in his veins. He’d hit a point of focus that drowned everything else out, his mission the only thought in his mind. And he was dam good at it, too. 
His DC-17 sang, and he let out a jovial laugh as he took down another line of troopers. As he focused on the enemies in front of him, the squad’s comm channel chimed in his helmet, and the only thing in the galaxy that could divert his attention from the battle in front of him called through the speakers.
“Hunter. Wrecker. We’ve got him. We’re approaching the exit. What’s the status of the platform?” Echo’s voice came through. 
For a second, Wrecker and Hunter turned towards each other, both chests rising rapidly with fast breaths not caused by the battle in front of them, and Wrecker knew if he could see Hunter’s eyes, they’d reflect the same bottomless relief he was feeling. 
Wrecker forced himself back to the present and provided cover fire while Hunter responded. 
“You’re clear to exit. A few imps left but nothing we can’t handle. Wrecker and I will provide cover fire while you cross the platform. Go directly to the Marauder,” Hunter ordered. 
Wrecker’s breath caught in his throat when a low, raspy voice could be heard in the background. “No, we thought we’d take a hike in the mountains.”
A hitched breath came through, and in his peripheral, Wrecker noticed Hunter lean his helmet back against the duracrete barrier, shoulders shaking. 
“I never thought I’d miss his attitude,” Omega piped in. 
That broke the tension building in Wrecker’s head, and a laugh barreled out from his chest. Brain clear and ready to act again, he focused on the remaining stormtroopers trying to hold their ground. 
“Omega, get the engines running. We’re getting off this hunk of ice as soon as we’re all onboard,” Hunter finished relaying the orders. 
“One more thing,” Tech’s voice came through this time. “I did the scan. The inhibitor chip has indeed been removed, but only after the encounter on Bracca. Crosshair did remove it voluntarily unbeknownst to the Empire.”
“Tech kind of refused to leave the holding cells until he was able to confirm it all. Hacked records and everything here on the depot. That’s what took us so long,” Echo supplied.
“Thank the Maker for Tech, and his stubborn need for knowledge,” Hunter mumbled. He went back on the comm, “Glad to hear it. Now get out here.”
Hunter turned to Wrecker. “Let’s take out as many as we can before they get here. Once they emerge, you lay down cover fire, and I’ll take overwatch.” 
“Copy that,” Wrecker replied, and they went to work. 
Time that had been passing at light speed slowed to the flow of Mustafar lava. Only ten stormtroopers remained posted across the platform, and Wrecker was determined to clear as many as he could before his brothers emerged. 
Another minute passed. Another. Then another. Time was taunting him.  
A whoosh floated over the blasterfire. The blasted door to the depot finally opened, and there in the doorway were three bent over figures - two supporting the weight of the third in between them - hobbling onto the landing deck. Wrecker allowed himself one glance hoping it would calm his running mind. Echo took most of the middle figure’s weight, flesh arm wrapped around their waist and scomp arm securing the arm wrapped across Echo’s back dangling over his shoulder, while Tech kept one arm around the figure’s waist and kept his blaster at the ready in the other. 
As Wrecker glanced at them,  it wasn’t the figure’s distinct all black armor - the armor of the imperial special forces - that identified him to Wrecker. No, it was the tattoo around their right eye. The tattoo Wrecker sat and watched as Tech gave it to them when they were still just cadets. The tattoo that represented their pride in their skill. The tattoo that told everyone exactly which batch he belonged to, front and center for all to see. The crosshair. 
Flanking from behind, Tech easily took down three stormtroopers before they made their way down the stairs. The remaining seven stormtroopers barked out orders to fall back, trying to regroup due to the new arrivals, and Wrecker used their confusion to his advantage, taking out another three in one go. Realizing they were outnumbered and outmatched, the remaining four stormtroopers fell back to the hangar, shooting wildly at any target they could see. 
Slower than Wrecker would like, his three brothers made their way to his and Hunter’s position across the platform. As soon as they crossed the threshold of their barriers, Hunter stood from his coverage, falling in step to provide cover directly at their backs. 
“Alright, Wrecker. Let’s keep these guys pinned as we head to the ship,” Hunter said. 
Jumping into position, Wrecker kept a steady pace back to the Marauder without breaking his fire on the remaining stormtroopers. Hunter hit one more as they walked, and Wrecker had his finger on the trigger to take down another when a streak of pink flew over his head and directly into the helmet of his target. 
He glanced over his shoulder. 
“Final count: 12,” Omega beamed down at him from the top of the ramp into the Marauder. 
“Aha! Nice shot, kid! Now let’s get out of here,” Wrecker said, barreling up the ramp into the ship. 
The ramp closed up as the ship made its way into the air, and the energy within immediately went still. Tech sat in the cockpit, taking over the controls from Omega once on board, but Hunter, Wrecker, Echo, Omega, and Crosshair remained in the hold. 
Crosshair sat in the chair in front of the computer, slumped over, one hand on the armrest propping him while an elbow rested on a knee like that was all the energy he could muster. He was breathing heavy, chest rising and falling as if he’d just finished a training sprint back on Kamino. Wrecker quickly gave his body a once over. Crosshair had always been lithe, by far the smallest body mass of the Bad Batch, but there had been muscle underneath those long limbs that gave any regular clone trooper a run for his money. Now, Wrecker clocked only bones showing underneath the exposed areas his armor didn’t cover, and his cheekbones were sharp above the hollowness of his cheeks. Purple blotched under his eyes, and it was impossible not to notice the deep scar that covered the right side on the back of his head. The scar he received when he took the full heat of a Venator ion engine. 
The same engine he tried to trap his brothers in. 
“Thank you…for coming for me. I…I wouldn’t have blamed you if you didn’t,” Crosshair drawled, head bent down. Whether he was unable to lift it from lack of strength or not being able to face the current scene, Wrecker wasn’t sure. His own heart was thudding in his chest, threatening to burst out. He called on every ounce of discipline and self-restraint he learned in his years as a soldier and remained rooted in place, holding his breath. The rest of the Batch stood as still as statues, four sets of eyes on their silver-haired brother. 
“You can drop me off at the closest port. You can pick. Doesn’t matter to me,” Crosshair said to the floor. Still, no one else spoke. He raised his head, glancing at each of them. His gaze settled on Hunter. “I…I’d understand if that’s what you want to do. It’s what you should do.” 
The five of them felt the Marauder lurch into hyperspace, but still, Echo, Omega, Hunter, and Wrecker didn’t budge. Footsteps approached from the cockpit, and soon, Tech joined them, choosing to sit in the chair across from Crosshair. The silence grew, and Wrecked noticed the crease between the sniper’s eyebrows deepen while his eyes darted around the group.
“Well, aren’t any of you going to say something?” Crosshair asked, frustration creeping into his voice. He glanced around one more time, and finally stood up from the chair, a growl coming from his throat, back hunched like he was ready to pounce, and his gaze locked on Hunter, a finger pointed at the sergeant. “Listen, I didn’t ask you to come get me. I was ready to die on that platform after I shot the lieutenant, and I was ready to die in whatever maker-forsaken place they were going to send me. You hear me? I didn’t ask for this.” He gestured around the room, around the Batch. 
“So don’t make me a burden you don’t want. Drop me anywhere. Leave me. It’s what I deserve - oof!” 
Wrecker couldn’t take it anymore, and as he watched Crosshair teeter on the precipice of self-destruction, he took two strides towards his brother, and engulfed him in his arms. 
Crosshair stiffened, his arms frozen mid-gesture to the side. Wrecker stood there, arms firmly wrapped around Crosshair’s back and shoulders, head dipping to rest on top of Crosshair’s head, and he waited. Eventually, Crosshair’s arms fell to his sides, but his body remained stiff like he wasn’t actually registering what was happening. Then, after a few breaths, his arms slowly rose, one wrapping under Wrecker’s arm and the other circling over his shoulder. 
“Why did you come for me?” Wrecker heard muffled into his chestplate. 
“We don’t leave our own behind,” Wrecker answered simply. 
Wrecker felt the shaking first, then he heard the soft sobs. Tightening his arms, he held his once-lost brother as if challenging the galaxy to try and separate them again. When he felt Crosshair crumble into his chest, he released the grip he’d been holding on his own emotions, and the tears flowed freely. Tears of sorrow for what Crosshair endured. Tears of rage at the Empire. Tears of sweet relief at his family being whole again. 
Wrecker felt a pair of arms sneak between his waist and Crosshair’s chest, and when he looked up, he saw Hunter wrapped around Crosshair’s back, arms crushing the sniper into the sergeant’s chest. “We’ve got you, Cross,” Hunter murmured. 
One-by-one, Tech, Echo, and Omega joined in, the last squeezing herself into the middle, wrapping her arms around Crosshair’s leg, and even when the sobs quieted, they remained that way. There was a lot to talk about. A long road of trust to regain. They were about to navigate rough terrain. And the past will resurface, in old wounds, physical and not. But none of that mattered right now. In the middle of their home, a family reunited. Unsure what the future would bring them, but ready to face it all together.
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thenightfolknetwork · 3 months
I’ve been with my fiancé for over 8 years now. We’ve been friends for even longer and just last summer we had been planning our wedding ceremony. Now, his family hadn’t been the best supportively, not when he came out as gay, and especially not when he, a Sapio, started dating me, a giant. They then effectively disowned him after we announced our engagement. I think they might have had some weird hope he’d ’change his mind’ or that it was a ‘phase’. This was about 3 years ago now, and I can’t speak for my partner, but he admitted though it hurt, he was relieved to be away from them after all the abuse.
Anyway, the reason for this letter is about 7 months ago we had gotten word that his family had been in a serious accident and that his parents, sister and her husband had passed away and he was listed as next-of-kin and subsequently guardian for his 4 year old nephew.
Now, we never really talked about kids beyond some vague idea. But my partner wasn’t going to turn away the kid, nor did I expect him to. So, after the funeral service and sorting with social services, we brought his nephew home.
It has been an adjustment for all of us, getting used to having a kid around and him being in a new environment that’s more geared for my size honestly. and we’ve been trying to find a good child psychologist for him. but the main problem is… well, he’s afraid of me.
I can’t really blame him for that, after everything he went through, but it still hurts sometimes when he flinches when I enter a room or speak to him. Or how he looks ready to cry when I open my mouth. Even trying to hide when he sees me just reading a book. I’ve grown up in a mixed community, but the way the kid looks at me, for the first time in a very long time, I feel like a monster.
My partner has told me once when we were in bed that his ‘family’ had been filling the kid’s head with anti-nightfolk ideologies and even some rather… well, blood-libel comments. I think he was trying to comfort me as he noticed the way the kid had been a lot more skittish with me than with him. He has been trying to explain that a lot of the stuff his folks talked about was lies and really bad stuff, but it’s hard unlearning these sort of things. I had suggested we postpone the wedding, at least till things settle.
I have been trying to seem less ‘intimidating’, not smiling with my fangs and trying to look smaller than I really am. But I’m worried he might never not be afraid of me. And I never told my partner, but I’m afraid that he will be forced to pick between me and the kid, and I don’t want him to do that as I know either option will hurt him.
So I’m asking. Is there anything I can do to try and help seem less… monstrous to my nephew?
I'm afraid there are no quick fixes here, reader. Your nephew has been exposed to some seriously toxic ideologies from a very early age. That isn't the sort of thing you can fix over night.
I would caution against trying too hard to diminish yourself or your creaturely traits as part of this process. You want your nephew to be comfortable with you, not with a nervous caricature of yourself.
Instead, I encourage you to behave at home as normally as you can, being as friendly as he'll allow you to be and respecting his boundaries when he expresses them.
If you haven't already, talk to your partner about what your strategies are going to be to improve the situation. This is a long-term project that needs complete buy-in from both of you to succeed.
As much as possible, your partner should be exposing your nephew to the idea of difference, teaching him that it's OK to notice that other people are different than him, but that he still needs to treat them with kindness and respect.
There are so many more resources available today to help children learn about these matters, from books and films to websites dedicated to help you discuss these issues in an age-appropriate way.
Books like Paws, Claws and More, What's for Lunch? and My Daddy's A Mummy are a great way to start these conversations and to help introduce your nephew to these ideas in a way that is accessible for him. Talk to your local librarian for more recommendations.
The best way for him to learn to trust you is through spending time with you, drowning out the hateful ideas he's been taught through real, lived experience of being safe and happy in the company of people in the community. Make sure to set time aside for all three of you to spend time together, doing activities your nephew will enjoy.
Of course, his exposure to the creature community shouldn't start and end with you. If you can, consider getting him involved in mixed genus groups where he can meet liminal children his own age. It might be a bit of an adjustment for him, but it will a huge boon to him in the long run.
Finally, please consider seeking out some additional support for yourself during this process. This is a difficult, highly emotional situation, and you need to find people who you can talk to about it beyond your partner, whether that's to talk through possible solutions or just to vent occasionally.
Fortunately, reader, if there's one thing children are built for, it's learning. It will take time and emotional commitment, but with a little effort, I think you and your partner will be able to teach your nephew a kinder way of looking at the world.
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alexiseatzbeez · 4 months
I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket
Hiii !! This is my first time writing a creepypasta oneshot thing so that's fun. This is a ticci toby x reader thing that I thought about and wanted to write. It's also posted on my quotev (link at the end) where you can request other things for me to write !! Also this is my first time specifically writing for Toby so I know I probably missed some things, so if I ever write for him again I'm gonna be better about that. Ok onto this lol
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It was the middle of December, and the snow was coming down steadily, matching the twinkle of the stars above. The frosty wind blew through your poor choice of clothes for the weather - a plain long sleeve shirt with jeans. You shivered as you mumbled to yourself, 
“Could’ve bundled up a little…”
There’s not much you can do now with a car low on gas and no one around to help, and being miles away from home didn’t help much either. 
The surrounding woods felt never-ending and did nothing to comfort you. The empty streets with old lamps flickered as you tried to figure out what could possibly be wrong with your car. A feeling in your gut told you that something was wrong, so you tried to work quickly. You shakily sighed as you shivered, fiddling with the car's buttons and levers, inspecting the car’s old gas pump, slamming your fist on it a few times just to see if that would work. You muttered under your breath again, starting to become annoyed with the thing,
“Damned thing won’t work…”
A huff of frustration left your lips, watching as steam clouded in front of you, making you remember that you’d probably freeze to death if this stupid car wouldn’t start up again. Your aggravation was quickly replaced with a small gasp of surprise when an unfamiliar voice rang out behind you, 
“You know, you probably shouldn’t b-be out here at this time of night.”
You jumped as you heard the voice, snapping your head to turn and face where it came from. You were met with someone you’ve never seen before in your life. Behind you stood a man with shaggy, uncut brown hair and orange ski goggles pushed up to rest on the top of his head. He wore multiple layers, including a plain black hoodie with a brown coat over it with jeans that almost looked too big for him. He was pretty tall, but the main thing you noticed was the giant bandage on his cheek, wondering what would be under it. Something else that caught your eye was the way he was acting. He'd occasionally twitch his neck or mutter something that sounded like it came out involuntarily. 
He stood a couple of feet away from you, not moving. You kept your gaze on him, confused as to where this guy even came from knowing you were in the middle of nowhere. You cleared your throat before speaking, trying your best to keep your voice steady even though worry started to fill your body. 
“I-uh… I know that.”
You immediately felt like a dumbass the moment the words left your mouth, turning away from him to look at your car again before looking back at him. You could feel yourself shake, like it was getting colder, or you were just becoming more nervous, you couldn’t tell anymore. The man spoke again, his voice sounded gravelly, like he was trying to make it sound deeper than it was, but you couldn’t tell or care at this point. All you knew was that he freaked you out and you wanted him to leave you alone. 
“Doesn’t look like you do or you would’ve been somewhere safe by now.”
He scoffed at the end of the sentence, making a whistling noise before stepping closer to you until he stood right beside you. He seemed ok, but something in his tone and his body language set alarms off in your head, telling you to ditch the car and run. You couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off about this guy. He spoke again, realizing you weren’t going to say anything, 
“Look, it’s freezing and you’re car doesn’t look like it’s gonna do anything anytime soon”
His gaze moved from her face, to her car, to her clothing, letting out a sigh as he smirked and scrunched his nose, furrowing his brows as he shook his head
“And what’s with the-the outfit, anyways? This your idea of winter attire?” 
He chuckled as he spoke, rolling his eyes as he pointed a long finger at your chest, judging your choice of clothing. He made you feel dumb, but being out this late in this weather wasn’t exactly your choice. You’d be long gone and at home in bed if you had the option. You could feel yourself tense up as he stood closer to you, keeping your gaze on his face to try and figure out what his intentions were. Beside you, he studied the car, pointing at the gas pump and commenting on how you were low on gas like you didn’t already know that. The whole thing made you wanna yell at him and tell him to leave you alone, instead, you took a breath and tried to keep your cool as you responded,
“I didn’t have a jacket, I’m not supposed to be here. I’m kinda supposed to be at home by now but this piece of shit car won’t work.”
You paused your rambling, realizing you were probably oversharing. This guy didn’t need to know why you were here, or what you were doing at the old gas station. He nodded as you spoke, even though his face displayed that he really didn’t seem to care about the situation. He kept his gaze at your car as he spoke again, his voice felt monotonous with a hint of cockiness,
“S-sounds rough. So you’re just gonna freeze your ass off here while you try and fix that thing? You must be crazy or just plain dumb.”
A smug smile grew on his lips as he twitched his neck again, making you take note that he also had a patchy looking beard growing, too. You began to grow frustrated, taking note of this guy's features just in case he did something. You began to feel more uneasy. What the hell is he still doing here? Go away. The man was surprised by your lack of response, he was obviously trying to get a reaction out of you and was disappointed when you didn’t give him one. He spoke up again, you desperately wished he’d just shut up, it was like he couldn’t stand the silence.
“Maybe that’s the universe telling you that you need to stop pushing your luck.” He gestured to the wilderness that surrounded them, pointing specifically at the forest near the gas station, "You're out here all alone and your easy prey for anything out there.” 
Furrowing your brows and squinting, you stared at whatever he was pointing at. Your brain felt like it was melting from what he had said. What a creepy ass thing to say. As much as you hated to admit it, he had a point. The forest was creepy as hell and being alone at night in the middle of nowhere was never necessarily smart or safe for anyone. His words began to sink in, if anything, you were more afraid of him than anything in that forest right now. You huffed as you faced him, starting to lose your patience,
“Look, I don’t know where you came from or why you’re here, but I’d appreciate it if you helped me or just left me alone. I’ve had a shitty day and I’d just like to get my car working so I can go home.”
Once you finished speaking, you saw him frown a little in response. His eyes burned holes into your skull as he absorbed what you had said to him. Your stomach dropped, you fucked up. The world seemed to stand still, the eerie silence filling the freezing air between them. He said nothing at first, only staring down at you with a piercing gaze, sending a sharp shiver down your spine. The only thing that broke the silence was the bitter, howling wind. His voice felt louder as he spoke up again. His words sharp and targeted towards you, 
“You’re real mouthy, aren’t you?” his lips curved into a thin line, eyes narrow as they continued to burn into you, “I’d w-watch out with that if I were you.”
Your brain told you to run, leave the car and run somewhere, anywhere but here. You realized that was stupid as you took into account what was around you. Your eyes darted quickly, trying to look at everything but him. Dread filled your senses as you remembered that you were truly in the middle of nowhere. You looked back at him, trying to figure out what he was trying to do. Words uncontrollably spilled from your lips, you were desperate at this point, unable to control the shakiness in your voice, 
“Wh-what do you want from me?”
It felt like the man's goal was to just make you as uncomfortable as possible. He remained silent for a minute, watching you shift nervously in place, fiddling with your thin shirt sleeves as you desperately tried to stay calm, looking him in the eyes. This guy knew exactly how to get into your head, eyes narrowing as he stayed quiet, waiting for you to break. His neck jerked to the side before he spoke,
“Well, the way I see it, I could either help you get your car r-running, or I could leave you here for the wolves.”
You felt like your heart was going to burst from your chest right then and there. Was he threatening you? It wouldn’t be shocking at this point. You stayed silent for a moment, realizing you’d have to work with him if you ever wanted to make it back home. You cleared your throat, voice still shaky from a mix of being cold and absolutely terrified. You nodded as you held out your hand for him to shake,
“What’s uh- what’s your name?”
This was your genius way of trying to fix this strange situation and get on the guy's good side. His eyes narrowed as he looked at your shaking, ungloved hand. The smallest look of surprise filled his features before he grabbed onto her hand and gave it a shake. His grip was firm but thankfully not too tight. He smirked as he shook your hand, looking up to your eyes as he scrunched his nose, “Name’s Toby.” He paused before continuing, still holding firmly onto your hand, “Yours?”
You let go of his hand before responding very bluntly, “I’m y/n…” You purse your lips together before looking at your feet, you didn’t know where to even go from here. You stayed silent until you heard snow crunching under Toby’s boots as he walked to the front of your car, popping the hood up to inspect it. You stared at him as he stared blankly at the machine, he looked absolutely clueless. You knew you were already screwed, but this guy just seemed to be making it worse because he had absolutely no clue what he was doing. 
He placed a hand on his head, seeming perplexed as he studied the car. It didn’t take an expert to tell you that this guy was just as lost as you were when it came to fixing shitty broken down cars. The tension was thick and the air had taken on an unsettling aura, one that you’d only felt a handful of times before. You felt your heartbeat quicken as you tried to find a way to calm yourself as he tried to work on your car. The demeanor shifted completely. 
You decided to try and talk to him, thinking it may make you feel better. As he worked on the car, you noticed something shiny reflecting on his back. There sat a hatchet, strapped over his shoulder. You hadn’t noticed it before, but now that you could see it, you only felt more uneasy. Swallowing thickly, you spoke as you pointed to it, watching him snap his head in your direction, 
“What’s um- what’s with the hatchet? Are you a lumberjack or something?”
The question sounded stupid. You mentally smacked yourself on the forehead, a lumberjack? Really? He seemed amused by the question, chuckling as he looked at her and cocked his head to the side. The hatchet had barely been covered by his coat, taunting you to ask him about it even if you'd regret it in the end. You could practically hear the teasing and smirk in his voice without needing to even see it on his face, “A lumberjack?” 
After a small pause, he shrugged, his gaze returning to the vehicle as he spoke, “No, I’m not a lumberjack.”
The response made you furrow your brows in confusion. You knew the question sounded dumb, but what else could he be? Upon further inspection, you noticed how rusty the hatchet actually was. It looked old and like it was in need of a replacement soon. The silence was killing you, so you spoke up again. Your voice sounded off in the sharp, cold air, “So then,,, what are you, exactly?” 
This was as normal as this conversation could possibly get. They’d talk about what they do for work, he’d somehow fix the car, and then they could go their separate ways and never see each other again. Your question was getting closer and closer to the truth. The hatchet sat comfortably on Toby’s shoulder, like he was used to having it there, its rusty surface seeming to reflect the moonlight above. Toby gave you a sly grin as he looked over at you again, taking a few seconds to just stare before speaking, 
“Do you really w-want to know the answer to that question?” 
His tone felt like he was teasing you, implying that his answer was going to be something horrible, something you wouldn’t want to know. There didn’t even need to be a physical threat for you to feel uncomfortable again, your imagination filling in the blanks as to what he was trying to say. 
You paused, trying not to just snap right then and there. You felt your eye twitch as you took a deep breath in and out. Did you really wanna know? All you wanted to do was talk about what each of you did for work, not try to solve some random guy’s weird cryptic rhymes and codes. The anxiety was bubbling up inside you, you wished this guy could just say something normal for once. You nodded slowly, not able to find the words you wanted to say. 
Toby was clearly enjoying your reactions, continuing to grin and stare you down as you waited for his response. Eventually, he spoke again, the cocky smirk never leaving his face, “I guess I’m in the hunting business, I don’t really have a name for it.” 
You nodded in response to his answer, watching his neck twitch again as you tried your best to speak up and make this feel normal again. You took into account his whistling and twitching thing, deciding not to ask him about it since it was so hard to learn what his job was. Your voice sounded dry, “I’m uh- I work at a coffee shop.” 
He laughed at your response which made you scoff a little, why was that funny to him? You couldn’t understand why he was the way he was, you just hoped that your patience would reward you by getting your car fixed and getting the hell out of here. You turned away from him, looking at the gas station. It looked run down and abandoned. Sighing, you kept your gaze on the gas station, you were done talking to him. 
The air grew still as you felt a creeping sensation crawl up your spine. The sound of rustling and your car's hood slamming down caught your attention, causing you to jump in shock. Your head snapped towards him, a confused look on your face. Before you could even speak and ask why Toby did that, you noticed what he was now doing.
His movements started slow, reaching for the hatchet’s handle on his back, grabbing it and placing it in both hands with a firm grip. You felt your eyes widen as a pathetic noise left your throat as you tried to ask and beg to know what he was doing, staring at him as you felt yourself freeze, trying to stumble away,
“I’m bored, sorry it uh- sorry it had to go this way I guess. It- it was nice knowin’ ya, y/n.”
Toby spoke dryly, shrugging as he grabbed at your shoulder, yanking you closer to him as he raised the hatchet over his head with his other hand before it came swinging down towards you. Finally, a shrill scream ripped from your throat.
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Here's the link to that quotev I mentioned also
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Places a set of deer antlers on the bar these count as bones right? Yeah, ethically sourced bones.
I was just coming in to tell you a funny little thing I heard about Tall Jazz and Tall Danny. Now, we all know Jazz can fluster her Tall husband with ease using her giant size, but wouldn't you say such would be even more effective with a larger size gap? Such as, Tim being 5'2, Kon being 5'5, and Danny being 6'8, an inch short than his dad and 4 shorter than Jazz.
Perhaps for their first meeting Danny can save Red Robin from some goons, not as Phantom but rather as the gentle giant who just broke a 2 by 4 over some goon who was pointing a gun at Tim. Danny decide to mess with the cute vigilante, or maybe it's a curse or an accident or something, but he talks to Tim in ghost speech asking if he's OK as he picks him up with one hand to place him on his feet. Tim is so confused and flustered that he makes a little squeaking sound.
Danny just laughs and pats Tim on the head, telling him he should get that checked in ghost speech. And then with a wave, Danny is gone.
Tim was sure Kon would never believe him only to find out Kon had a similar run in with the friendly giant who saved Kon from a magic user and gently brushed the rubble out of Kon's hair after. Neither of them have any idea what the stranger said, they just know they must find him.
Ok Jazz being a terrifying “I will kick your shit in” type of tall and Danny being a gentle giant is a wonderful dichotomy I adore this so much.
Big question: does Tim understand the ghost speak? If not, what does it sound like? Does Tim hear soft whale song? ear bleeding static of words ripped from a dimension that no mortal man should hear? The sounds that stars and planets make but with varying frequencies and sounds? Soft chirping, clicking, and trilling?
Either way Tim is Flustered As Hell. When Danny pats Tim’s head it feels like someone just reached into the depths of his soul and gently told it that he was a very strong person who had a very good heart and that they were proud of him. Tim is hit with this wall of sensation and emotions and it further cements his need to know who this gentle yet towering man is.
Kon? Oh he’s also Flustered As Hell. The gentle fellow happily speaking in a language that sounds far too familiar to Kryptonian just excitedly flies around him and spirals around the clone and helps him in a fight haunts him. He can’t get the image of this towering being just smiling with far too sharp teeth and saying something that sounded somehow so alien and yet so comforting that it instantly made his defensive mental walls drop.
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yourlocalmerchgirl · 6 months
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Is it ok if I call you mine? Part Two
Soft!Joel Miller x Neurodivergent/ anxious F!reader
Part 1 Part 3
Summary: Joel is falling for you, and he wastes no time coming to your aid when you call him in the middle of the night because you needed to hear his voice
Soft! Joel miller x neurodivergent reader AU (outbreak never happens)
Warnings: soft Joel, concerned Joel, protective Joel, neurodivergent, audio overstimulation, anxiety, self inflicted angst. Best friend Tommy, falling in love. Acceptance, low self esteem.
A/N: I hope you guys are loving this story as much as I’ve loved working on it! I’ve been so touched hearing from people have been relating to the story so far and I’m thankful for you all!
There’s not a lot of descriptors about reader other than eye color but they can easily be changed.
The wind howls as it slams rain against the windows, shaking the screens as it pulls the rain back and forth with each gust.
It’s late, your inability to sleep renders you curled up in your bed doing some light reading as you try to tire your mind. Sleep doesn’t come easy for you often. Nighttime is when your thoughts are the loudest, often analyzing and reanalyzing conversations you’ve had and situations you’ve been in, thinking about all the different ways they could of gone or thinking about every possible angle to a situation that hasn’t happened yet, just so you’re prepared if it does. The one time recently you actually slept without issue and slept well was the night you fell asleep at Joel’s. There was just something about Joel, something about his presence, his voice that was soothing to you. His ability to ease your overbearing mind allowing you to be in the moment when he was around was nothing you’ve ever experienced before and that scared you. The mystery of these uncharted waters scared you, the unknown of not having a situation in your past to lean back on for reference made you feel anxious. But the way he made you feel out weighed the anxiety for once in your life.
You start to doze off when you’re awoken by the sound of booming thunder filling the room. You sink under the covers the more the thunder rolls through the room. You can’t explain it, there’s just something about thunder that’s been anxiety inducing since you were a kid. At this point you’re curled up in the tightest ball when a loud BANG is heard and all the lights in the house go out. The bright flickers of lighting light up the room from the sides of the shades as more thunder crashes, sounding like giants falling through the atmosphere. You’re terrified at this point, trembling in a tight ball under your covers.
Joel’s Pov
Joel’s up, he’s always up late. Sleep often alluding him. He didn’t rest well, always feeling that he hasn’t done enough, that he’s failed someone. He’s just laying there half watching the tv when his phone rings, he knows Tommy’s home because he can hear him down stairs and it’s too late to be any of the guys from work. Panic washes over him when he sees your name on the screen.
“J-Joel?” Your tone sounds strained
“Sweetheart, is everything ok?”
“I-I just needed to hear your voice” he can tell by your tone that you’ve been crying, that your stressed out.
You let out a strangled whimper as another boom of thunder rolls through the sky.
“I-I’m just having a hard time a-and just needed to hear your voice.”
Joel melts at the notion that he comforts you, that your comfortable with him and that you would turn to him for comfort. Because truth be told Joel was crazy for you, you’d pretty much stolen his heart since the day he met you. All he wanted to do was show you how much he cared, how much you meant to him.
“Is it the storm sweetheart?
“Y-yes, the thunder makes me anxious and we lost power.”
“Where are you? Y’at home?”
“Ok darlin’ listen to me. Put some music on on your phone to focus on, use t’he flashlight on your phone t’pack a back for a couple days and I’ll come get ya.”
“No Joel…I-I couldn’t ask you to do that”
“I gotta make sure your alright darlin’, I care bout ya k’now that right? You didn’t ask me do anything, I’m doin it cause I want too, I-l I want t’see you”
“ I-I want to see you too Joel”
Joel swears he can her the smile in your voice. He means every word of it. He’ll take every chance he has to protect you, to make you feel loved and cared for.
“TOMMY” Joel yells down the stairs.
“Already got the truck runnin’, I heard you on the the phone, I’m comin’ with you.”
“Tommy no, thunder is one of your triggers I can’t ask you t’do that.”
“Y’two are the two most important people in my life, it’ll be rough but I’m not having y’two out there alone.”
When Joel and Tommy get to your street they find it blocked off. It appears the cause of the power outage was a big tree going down on the power lines further down the road.
Joel pulls up to the barricade rolling down his window.
“Evening officer, w’ould it be possible to get to that second house there?”
“Sorry roads closed”
“ I understand that sir I just need to get to my girlfriend, she’s without power and having a panic attack about all the commotion. Just need to pick her up and we will be on our away.”
“Alright, but make it quick!”
The officer moved the barricade so they can get through.
“You called her your girlfriend?”
“Fuck I dunno Tommy it just came out, I didn’t want the cop to say no.” Joel says as they pull into your drive way.
“You do like her though, you want her to be your girlfriend don’t you?”
“More than anything Tommy, I’d do anything of that girl, hell I’d take her hand and marry her tomorrow if she take me, but she probably doesn’t feel the same, what’s a girl like her want with a guy like me?”
“Stay in the truck I’ll be right back”
You swing the door open before he even reaches the top step of the porch, like you’d been waiting by the window for him, because truthfully you had been.
Joel catches a glimpse of you in the moonlight of the open window, he reaches out to caress your face when he sees how distraught you look, how puffy your eyes are when you just fall into his embrace. He’s taken a back by this for a moment, realizing you really do find safeness and comfort in him.
“Let’s get you outta here sweetheart, you’ll be nice and safe at the house with me and Tommy”
Joel grabs your bags and swiftly leads you outside into rain to the truck. Joel’s helps you into the back when he realizes Tommy’s in the drivers seat.
“Tommy? W’hatya doing?”
“Figured I’d drive back so you can be in the back with her.”
“Tommy! The thunder, you didn’t have to do this” you exclaim as you lean over the seat to give him a big hug.
Tommy didn’t have to say anything, you already knew it was hard for him to be out in the storm surrounded by the thunder too. You and Tommy where similar in those ways. Joel admired the care you showed Tommy, that even in a time of distress for you you’re making sure Tommy is alright too.
You settle back into the seat as Tommy starts backing out if the driveway. You let out a ragged breath and instinctually grab Joel’s hand as another rumble of thunder rips through the sky. He wastes no time lacing his fingers in yours, smoothing his callused thumb over the side of your hand.
You scoot closer to him as you lay your head on his shoulder, breathing out a relaxed sigh.
“Im so happy to see you Joel” you whisper as you tilt your head up to look at him.
“I’m so happy to see you to sweetheart, I’m glad you called”
Joel can tell your tired by your eyes, but you’re still, even in this moment, the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen.
“Let’s get you settled so you can get some sleep, I’ll set you up in my room and I’ll sleep on the couch”
Joel grabs your bags and chuckles “Christ it looks like your moving in” he jokes as he walks you up the stairs.
“Well I had to bring my pillow too, I can’t sleep anywhere without it” you laugh shaking your head at how ridiculous you sound.
“Let’s get you out of these soaked clothes, you must be cold”
“I am a little bit” you say bearly above a whisper as you take your pillow out of one bag and dig through the other for pajamas
You go down the hall to change. Washing your face in the sink you pause just looking at yourself in the mirror.
You look like shit. But you have to tell him how you feel.
Joel’s down stairs setting up the couch when you get back from the bathroom so you lay down and curl up in the bed leaving the room dimly lit with a small lamp. Joel comes upstairs to check on you, when he gets to the doorway he sees you curled up in his bed. He finds the sight of you precious, how cozy and relaxed you look it’s a sight he could get used too. You look up to see him standing in the doorway looking at you and you give him the most genuine smile.
“Sorry, I kind of made myself at home” you say nervously.
“Oh sweetheart don’t be sorry. I want you to feel at home here. I was just coming to check on you, make sure you were comfortable.” Joel says sitting on the end of the bed.
“You must be tired, try to rest and get some sleep. I’ll be on the couch if ya need anything.” Joel says reaching for the lamp.
“J-Joel… you can..um will you stay with me?”
Joel is taken by surprise that you’d actually want to share the bed with him, that he just stares at you for a moment. When he says nothing you become anxious, fearing you misread things.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Forget I said anything.”
You reach to shut the lamp off but he rests his hand on your leg to stop you.
“No, no sweetheart it’s not like that, I’m honestly just surprised. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to say that.”
“I don’t want you to feel pressured either. I don’t feel pressured at all, Im being genuine.”
“If you’re truly ok with it I would like to stay in here with you” Joel says as he searches your eyes for any hesitance. But when you meet his gaze with the kindest genuine smile he knows your serious.
“I usually sleep without a shirt, i-is that ok?”
“Of course, how ever your comfortable, I don’t want you to change your routine because I’m here.”
“Sweet dreams sweetheart” Joel says before clicking off the lamp.
“Thanks Joel you too.” You flash him a smile even though it’s dark, thinking he won’t see it but he does.
Another boom of thunder rolls across the sky as you let out a pained sigh. rolling over and resting your head against Joel’s arm, just like in the truck.
“It’s ok, come here baby girl, I got you.” Joel says as he opened his arms, hoping he didn’t freak you out by calling you baby girl, it just came out.
As you scoot closer, he wraps you up in his arms. It’s dizzying how good you feel there, the way you nestle you head into his broad chest until you’ve found the perfect spot. The way you contently hum as you wrap you’re arm around his mid section holding him just as closely as he is you that really makes him melt. The way you start sleepily drawing little circles on the skin over his ribs as you lay there. He could die in this moment and be ok with it, being happier than he has been in years. It’s in that moment that all he wants to do for the rest of his life is love and care for you, to protect you and be there for your every up or down.
“Thank you Joel” you mumble sleepily as the sound of his heartbeat starts lulling you to sleep.
“Anything for you sweet girl” Joel whispers as he kisses the crown of your head.
As your eyes flutter open the next morning your head is still nestled on Joel’s chest. The two of you slept like that all night, which makes your smile tug at the corner of your lips. This is what happiness and acceptance feels like. You gingerly and quietly slip out from under Joel’s arm and sit up on the bed. You sit there for a moment and take in the true beauty of Joel, the way the morning sun highlights his strong nose and jaw. How his sun kissed olive skin glistens with every rise and fall of his chest.
You slowly get up off the bed as to not wake him and quietly pad down the stairs to get a drink of water.
You sneak back up the stairs and crawl back into bed. Joel had rolled over while you were down stairs, so you just curled up on your side and settle back in.
There was just something about Joel you couldn’t put your finger on. You wanted him to be the first thing you saw in the morning and the last thing you saw at night. You wanted to be there for the ups and downs, showering him with love every chance you got. Something about Joel just felt like home. You are pulled from your thoughts by Joel as he wraps his arm around you pulling you back flush against his chest, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. A giggle bubbles up when his scruff tickles the soft skin of your neck.
Here’s your chance…
“Hey J-joel” your voice is barely above a whisper
“Hmm” he sleepily hums in response
“I-I like you, like a lot” I say nervously, regretting the words as soon as you say them, preparing for the rejection.
Joel’s eyes snap open, he feels like he’s in a dream, he couldn’t of heard you right?
“Say that again sweetheart”
You roll over so your facing him, though you’re barley able to look him in the eye.
“I like you Joel… I like you a lot.” You nervously say as you reach out smoothing your fingers along his cheek bone.
Joel feels his heart beat quicken. “I like you a lot too baby girl…god I’ve been dying to tell you.
“Is it ok if I call you mine?”
Tag list:
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ereardon · 2 years
Slow Burn [Chapter 7][Hangman x Reader]
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Summary: A one night stand with Hangman disrupts the fresh start you were looking for when moving to San Diego. The unexpected pregnancy forces you two to move fast, and brings with it some hurdles along the way as you and Jake learn how to live with each other. As the months go by, you slowly get to know the real Jake, but when old flames reappear and work obstacles threaten to topple everything, your relationship is put to the test. 
WC: 4K
Warnings: Cursing, pregnancy, no use of Y/N, hospital setting, mention of needle, angst
A/N: So I originally said this would be the last chapter, but I didn't realize how much was left to touch on! So there will be a Chapter 8 coming shortly. Thankfully I was able to crank this out before the weekend got too busy. Enjoy!
Full series masterlist here
At thirty-nine weeks, you went into labor. The first contraction hit in the kitchen as you bent down to open the oven. It shocked you so much you almost dropped the chicken pot pie you were cradling in two oven mitt-clad hands. 
“Kate?” Lucy rushed in from the other room when she heard your loud gasp. 
You straightened up and set the casserole on the counter. “It’s time.” 
While Lucy scrambled to get the bags into the car, you grabbed your phone and dialed Jake. 
“Jake?” The contraction hadn’t been that bad, but the reality that it was happening was setting in, and it was enough to take your breath away. 
“Hey darlin’,” he said. “What’s up?” 
“It’s happening,” you said and you heard his breath catch on the other end of the line. 
“You’re in labor?”
You nodded and then realized he couldn’t see you. “Contractions just started. Lucy is packing up the car.” 
“How far apart are they?” he asked, jumpy. 
“I don’t know I’ve only had one.”
“How long ago?”
“At least five minutes.” 
“Stay there, stay at the apartment, I’m coming to you. The books say don’t go to the hospital until you’re four or five minutes apart or else they might send you home and I think you’d be more comfortable at home don’t you think?” 
“You’re right." You took in a sharp breath.
“OK, baby, I’m on my way, don’t worry, you got this. Call me if anything changes.” 
You hadn’t given Jake an answer. The truth was, you hadn’t made up your mind. 
As you approached his hospital room the next day — he had sent you home to rest, shower, eat, all of the things you had told the dagger squad to do — you were hit with a wall of fear, mixed with nausea. You stopped halfway down the hall, rested an arm on the wall and took in a deep breath. 
“Are you OK?” You looked up to see one of the girls from the waiting room the day before looking at you with curious eyes. She had to be Jake’s sister, the resemblance was uncanny. Beautiful green eyes, tanned skin, glistening smile. 
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m alright, thank you.” You dropped your arm from the wall to your belly, which at this point felt like carrying a small beach ball around under your shirt at all times. 
“God, is it terrible?” she asked and you tilted your head. “Being pregnant?” 
“Oh,” you let out a small chuckle. “Honestly, it’s not that bad. Minus the giant ankles and having to pee every fifteen minutes.” 
She gave you a quick smile. “Well, I should probably go.” She motioned down the hall with her head. “Or my dad is going to have a conniption. He’ll think I ran away or something.” She rolled her eyes. 
You smiled. “Good luck.” 
She turned on her heels, scrambling down the hall and entering Jake’s room, confirming your fears. If she thought her dad would go ballistic on her for being late, wait until he saw you. 
You sucked in another tight breath and headed down the hall. With your hand on the door, you pulled it open slowly and five pairs of eyes zeroed in. 
“Did you need something?” Jake’s sister from the hallway said at the same time that Jake said, “Hi sweetheart.” 
The hoard of eyes turned to him. “You know her?” his sister asked, befuddled. 
You stood hesitantly in the doorway until Jake waved you in, setting himself up higher against the pillows and backboard of the hospital bed. “Come here,” he said confidently, patting the bed, and you stepped forward, inching past his mother and the other sister. Jake took your hand in his and you watched as the family’s reactions trickled in. His father, red in the face. His mother’s eyes glued to your stomach. One sister with a hand over her mouth. The other with a grin. “This is Kate,” he said. 
You waited for the crash. For the realization to give way to chaos. Anger. Screams. Rebellion. 
“Is that?” his mother trailed off, her mouth open. 
Jake nodded. “She’s carrying my baby.” 
His mother gasped, her hand coming to her mouth. HIs father’s face got redder and redder and you half expected him to float away like a helium filled balloon. Jake gave you a reassuring squeeze. 
His sister, the one from the hallway, broke the silence. “Jesus, Jake, really keeping us out of the loop here.” 
“I’m sorry, Steph,” he said softly, giving her a sad look. “I really am. There just never seemed like a good time to tell you guys.” 
“It’s never a good time to have a baby,” his mother said, finally. “If you wait until it’s a good time, you’ll never do it.” 
You nodded in agreement. His father continued to look outraged. Then, finally, he lifted his eyes to yours. “So what do you want?” he said and you frowned. “Money, right? You want a piece of the pie. They always do.” 
“Excuse me?”
“Dad,” Jake said, a flush creeping up on his neck. You dropped his hand. 
“Don’t act like we don’t all know what she’s doing,” his dad said, voice climbing. “You’re not fooling anyone sweetheart. Our money is well protected. Even if our first grandchild is a bastard, you’re not going to see a penny of my money.” 
“George!” his mother said sternly but he didn’t even blink. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you said slowly. 
“Oh you have no idea,” George scoffed. “You’re trying to tell me you didn’t do this to get him on the hook.” He pointed at Jake who had grown pale in the hospital bed. “Thought you could dig your claws into him and inherit everything.” 
“What?” You shook your head emphatically. “First off, you’re implying that I’m a gold digging slut. Secondly, I had no idea Jake came from money. At all. I didn’t know anything about him the night we met. I didn’t even know his real fucking name, just his stupid Naval callsign.” 
“Don’t you swear at me, missy,” his father grunted. “How do we even know it’s yours? You’re taking her word for it? Tell me you asked for a paternity test.”
Jake exploded. “Stop it!” he roared and the room went silent, an uncomfortable freeze settling over. “Back off, Dad. Kate didn’t know anything about me, or the Seresin fund, when she got pregnant. So stop saying she did this on purpose. 
“And don’t you dare insinuate that my daughter isn’t mine. I never asked for a paternity test because I trust Kate. Do you know what that’s like? To trust someone? No, of course you don't. I’m so tired of you trying to control everything about our lives.” 
“Daughter?” his mother whispered. 
George was still red in the face. Jake’s sisters looked at him in awe. 
“I’m sorry,” Jake whispered to you and you shook your head. 
“It’s OK.” 
“It is not OK,” his father bellowed and you stepped back, Jake’s hand reaching out for you again, your other hand pressed to your stomach. “This is not OK, Jacob. Are you going to marry her? This is not how Seresins act, son. You’re jeopardizing everything your mother and I have worked for. All for what? Some one night stand? For a lay?” 
“Don’t fucking speak about her like that.” Jake’s jaw was tight and you watched a vein start to rise under his taunt skin. 
His father stared him down, eyes bulging. He looked like the kind of man who had never had someone stand up to him before.
His mother laid a hand on his arm. “George, let’s take a walk. Get some air.” 
He let her guide him out of the room, radiating tension. “Come on girls,” she said quickly. “Let’s give them some space.” 
The moment they walked out the door you felt like you could breathe again. 
“So those are your parents.” 
Jake was silent and you looked over, noticing for the first time how pale and terrible he looked. 
He held up a hand. “I’m fine.” 
You grabbed a washcloth from the nearby table and went into the adjoining bathroom, wetting it down with cool water and pressing it to his forehead. He leaned back and moaned. “Better?”
Jake opened his eyes. “Yeah, thanks.” 
You pulled the washcloth away and sat down in the chair next to his bed. “So your dad is kind of a dick.” Jake laughed, a quick sputter, which made you smile. “When were you going to tell me you were rich?”
He frowned. “Does it matter?”
“No. But it feels like something I should know about the man who is going to be my baby’s father.” 
“I don’t like telling people because it makes them treat me differently. It's just money. That’s all it’s ever been. That’s all we are to my father, dollar figures. He doesn’t even care about us as individuals.” 
“Who cares what he thinks?”
“Easier said than done,” Jake bit back. “Wouldn’t you be unhappy if your dad didn’t give a shit about you.” 
“He didn’t,” you replied automatically and Jake’s mouth hung open. “He was a piece of shit who left. And the day he left, so did she. In her own way. So yes, Jake, I know exactly how it feels not to be seen or cared for by the people you think are going to love you no matter what.” You traced your fingers over your hard belly. “It’s why I care so much about doing better for her. I never want her to go through anything that you or I have gone through.” 
“Kate,” he whispered. “Come here, please.” He patted the bed and scooted over until there was just enough room for you to sit next to his leg. “Darlin' I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I feel like all I keep saying to you was I didn’t know. And that’s my fault for never asking. You’re so strong. You’re so fucking strong. Here I am complaining about my father when you’ve experienced so much worse.” He leaned forward, tucked a chunk of hair behind your ear. That’s when he noticed the earrings. “You’re wearing them.” He smiled. 
You tipped your head down, shy, and Jake reached his fingers under your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with him. 
“Kate. I promise you I’m going to be here for our daughter. And I’m going to be here for you. Honey, you are never going to have to worry about safety or security. I’m here. I’ll always be here. If you’ll let me.” 
“I want to trust you,” you whispered. Jake’s eyes widened. “But I’m not sure if I can.” 
Jake nodded and let his fingers drop from your chin. “I understand.” 
He looked downtrodden. You knew what it meant for him to go out on a limb in your defense. He was choosing you over his family. Over their money and influence. 
He wanted you to be his family. And Lord knew you needed that. 
“Scoot over,” you whispered and Jake slid over to the edge of the bed. You swiveled around and climbed in next to him, lying on your side facing Jake, your belly pushing up against him. He reached around and wrapped his arm around your back to support you. “I want it to be you,” you murmured quietly. “I want you to be that guy for me. But for now, I just have to go with my instinct. I can’t make any decision until she’s here.” 
Jake pressed his lips to your temple, softly. “I’m here, Kate. I’m going to be here no matter what. You take your time.” 
“FUCK,” you gritted out, gripping Jake’s hand. 
“You got this baby,” he said. “It’s almost over.” 
You grunted and let your head fall back, heavy, onto the pillows once the contraction ended. You were four centimeters dilated and still waiting for the epidural. 
Jake swiped a washcloth across your forehead. “You’re doing so good.” 
You had managed to get a private room upon arrival at the hospital. After laboring at home for three hours, Jake had demanded you go to the hospital once the contractions got so sharp you found it difficult to speak during them. Lucy had driven you two, shakily, to the hospital, and then rushed off to get Rooster back on base. 
“I feel like my uterus is full of illegal fireworks that some dumb ass kid is setting off in a mall parking lot.” 
He laughed. You hated that he looked so fucking handsome in his green flight suit. He had rushed to the apartment fresh off of a fly day, hair slightly sweaty from his helmet, an excited but terrified grin plastered to his tanned face. 
“Why do you look so fucking good,” you muttered, “when I look like this? It’s not fair.” You moaned as another pain rippled through your lower half and Jake chuckled, leaning over and kissing your forehead. 
“You look better than you think, darlin’.”
“I hope Rooster is bringing you some ugly ass clothes to change into. I’m sick of the nurses making googly eyes every time they come in for a check.” 
“I’ll be right back, I’m going to give him a call, see where he is.” 
You nodded and Jake stepped out of the room, lifting the phone to his ear. On the rolling table, your phone buzzed and a minute later, the door edged open. 
“Come in,” you huffed. 
Bob’s pink nose poked into the room first, his glasses slipping down as he made his way to your bedside. “How are you?” he asked gently.
You looked up at him and smiled tiredly. “Exhausted and it hasn’t even really started.” 
He nodded and took a seat in Jake’s vacated chair. “Everyone just got here. They’re in the waiting room, Jake’s with them.” 
“It’s gonna be a while, you guys totally don’t have to be here. It could be twelve hours for all we know.” 
Bob gave you a small smile. “We want to be here.” 
You reached out and took his thin hand in your own. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you guys. Your friendship these last few months has meant the world to me.” 
Bob blushed behind his glasses, using one finger on his free hand to push them up. “I’m really glad I’ve gotten to know you.” 
“I was going to wait until she was born,” you said, “but I can’t. Will you be my daughter’s godfather?”
His mouth dropped open. “Are you sure?”
You laughed and nodded, a small tear slipping out of your eye. “Positive. No matter what happens between me and Jake, I want it to be you.” 
Bob stood and leaned over, kissing your cheek. “I would be honored.” 
You smoothed a thumb over his cheek. “You know what being a godfather means, right?”
He froze and you laughed. 
“It means buying her beer when she’s eighteen and not telling me about it.” 
Bob laughed and nodded. “I think I can manage.” 
The door swung open. “We’re back!” Lucy and Rooster filed into the room, followed by Jake now dressed in a pair of shorts and a button down. Lucy immediately started unpacking your bag in the corner and Rooster gave you a kiss on the cheek. 
“How you doing, rockstar?” he asked and you smiled. 
“Doing OK. Jake, should we ask them? I already talked to Bob, but we can do it as a group.” 
He nodded. 
“Ask us what?” Lucy said, popping her head over the corner of your suitcase that she had propped up, pulling out a cosmetic bag and a fuzzy blanket. 
“Come here,” you motioned and she stood up, finding her way to Rooster’s side. “We love you guys so much. I already asked Robert, but Lucy, Bradley, we want you three to be our baby’s godparents.” 
Lucy yelped and leaned forward, grabbing your hand and jumping up and down. “Of course!” she beamed. You and Jake turned your eyes to Rooster, who stood still. 
“Bradshaw?” Jake asked softly. 
Rooster sniffed quickly and you reached out with both hands, grabbing his hand closest to you. “We’re alike, you and me,” you said gently. “Kind of lacking in the family department.” He nodded. “We think of you like family, sweetheart. You can say no, we’d understand. But we’re asking you to let us in. This doesn’t just mean you’re there for the baby. If you say yes, it means we’re here for you. We’re your family.” 
Rooster bent forward and pressed a kiss to the back of your hand. “Of course,” he said softly and you smiled. 
“Thank you, Bradley,” you whispered. “You’re stuck with us now.” He laughed and wiped away a small tear that had formed in the corner of his eye, and Lucy wrapped her arm around his side. 
Amid the chaos in the room, you could almost ignore the pain that started to build in your lower abdomen but Jake spotted your face contorting from his spot at the end of the bed. “Another one?” he asked and you nodded, breathing out sharply. 
“We should wait outside,” Rooster said, hooking his thumb behind him toward the door. Bob nodded and followed, along with Lucy who gave you a wink.
After the contraction was finished, Jake looked at you. “Can we talk?” 
“What do you mean he’s rich?” Lucy demanded, her plate of pad thai bouncing as she slammed her palms against the coffee table that she had her legs crossed under. 
You moved your water to the side table and leaned back in the couch corner. “I mean I don’t know just how rich, but enough that his dad thinks I got pregnant just to trap him or something? I heard something about a fund, I don’t know.” 
“Holy shit,” Lucy said, her eyes glued to her phone. “Are you wearing a diaper? You should be, you’re going to pee just hearing this.” 
“What is it?” 
“According to Google, the Seresin family fund is one of the top fifty largest single family trusts in America.” 
You went slack jawed. Lucy looked up and caught your eyes. “What the fuck?”
“What the fuck is right,” she yelled, jumping to standing. “What the actual fuck.” 
“Wait,” you said, pushing to standing and crossing the room, pulling the envelope Bob had pressed into your hands at the hospital weeks before from its place in the top kitchen drawer. “I never did open this.” 
“Open it!” Lucy demanded and you ran a shaky finger under the lip of the envelope. She shifted anxiously from foot to foot waiting for you to read it. “What is it?” she asked finally, too antsy to wait. 
“It’s a will,” you said softly. “It was notarized in early October, just after I moved in with Jake.” 
“What does it say?” 
You looked up in shock. “In the event of his death, he's leaving me and the baby everything. The house, all of the shares of his family business.” 
Lucy’s eyes widened into saucers. “What does that mean? Does it say anything else?” 
“Luce,” you said, voice scratchy. “It’s $900 million dollars.” 
“Five more seconds, Kate,” Jake said and you squeezed your eyes shut, clamping down on the bed rails. 
When you opened your eyes, you almost saw spots. “It’s time for the epidural now, right?” you begged. 
Jake looked at you with pained eyes, and just as he opened his mouth to speak the door swung open. “Kate? I’m Dr. Nichols. I’ll be your anesthesiologist.” 
“Thank GOD,” you muttered and nodded as the doctor wheeled in his cart and waved in a nurse. 
The doctor had you sit up and lean forward, Jake stationed between your legs. You gripped his arms as he slid the needle into your lower back. 
“How long does it take to kick in?” Jake asked as you buried your head into his stomach, his fingers stroking your hair lightly. The doctor wiped at your back softly. 
“Generally you should start to feel the effects in twenty or thirty minutes, but it could take a little longer, it really depends. You can lie back down now, Kate.” 
Jake helped you readjust back against the pillows and you thanked the doctor and nurse as they cleaned up and exited the room. 
“Distract me,” you begged. 
“I don’t know what to say.” 
“I opened your letter,” you said finally and Jake’s eyes widened. “Why did you do it?”
Jake shrugged. “Because I wanted to.” 
“But you wrote the will before anything between us really happened. We’d only known each other a few weeks by then. What made you so sure?”
“I trust you, Kate. I’ve always trusted you.”
You sighed. “It’s not that easy for everyone.” The epidural still hadn’t fully kicked in, and you grunted, shifting forward in pain. 
He shook his head. “I’m sorry, Kate.” He rubbed your thigh under the thin hospital sheet. 
“You already apologized,” you said, leaning back in relief once the contraction ended, mistakenly believing he was referring to everything that had happened after Brody. 
Jake looked up. “No, I’m sorry for this. It’s my fault you’re here in pain.”
“Sweetie,” you said, reaching out and grabbing his hand. His eyes locked on yours. “Don’t ever be sorry for that. You’ve given me the best thing in my entire life.” Your hands reached down and pressed against your stomach. “And it might feel like I am shitting out straight C-4 right now, but it’s going to be worth it. We’re going to be parents, how crazy is that?” 
“But you have to do it with me,” he said softly and you tilted your head. 
“What do you mean?”
“I love you, Kate,” he said quietly. “I am in love with you. And I am so fucking excited to have this baby with you and watch you be an amazing mother. But it’s because I love you that I feel so guilty. I put you in this position and I don’t know how you feel about me. So for me, it’s great. I get to have and raise a baby with the woman I love. But for you, you’re stuck with me.” 
Jake looked down at your stomach and placed his hands on either side. 
“I’m so excited to meet you, sweetheart,” he whispered, pressing his lips to your bare belly. “Daddy can’t wait to meet you.” He looked up and you spotted a tear in his eye. You couldn’t stop it before it dripped out and landed on your bare skin. “You have the best mommy in the world, do you know that?”
Without realizing it, you started crying. Jake leaned forward and wiped the tears from under your eyes with his thumbs. 
“Honey?” he whispered and you shook your head. His fingers moved to grab your face on either side. “Kate, what is it?” 
Lifting your eyes to his, you smiled softly. “I love you too, Jake. Despite everything. In spite of everything. I love you. I'm still upset at how you acted, and I know it's not going to be easy. But you're the person I want standing next to me when everything goes to shit."
Jake grinned, the widest pearly smile you had seen across his face in months. He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. "Alright, sweetheart, time to have this baby.” 
Tag list: @lgg5989 @sqrlgrl22 @okayyypurrrr @khaylin27 @bleuisabella @abaker74 @fangirling-4-ever @dempy @backinwonderl4nd  @cool-ultra-nerd @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy  @belledawnidk @momc95 @oneelleandaneye @xoxabs88xox @endofdays56 @lilylilyyyyyy  @yougottalovefandoms  @eringaitskill30 @skylarisaturtle @amj29292 @shawnsblue @krismdavis @shanimallina87 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @rosiahills22 @blue-aconite @barbiewritesstuff @justanothermagicalsara @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @hail-horror-queen @sidneymarie24
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littlelesbinonny · 5 months
The Devil's Den
Chapter 42: In Which The Daylight Is Dawning Pt. 3
You can read this also on Ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46831621/chapters/117962293
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::!TW!:: Depiction of self harm, but not in an unaliving way.
The concrete was still wet but it was setting quickly.
Without thinking twice you rushed past everyone in your way and dug your fingers into the mixture, prying and pulling and digging with all your might, but it was so thick and cold it was freezing your fingers. The bite of that icy cold was rendering your efforts to stall.
A large hand grabbed your forearm gently and pulled you back.
"It's ok, just relax," Karl assured you, a crooked smile meeting your visage full of panic, "I brought my favorite toys!" He exclaimed, dropping the huge bag off his shoulder, "explosives! Never know when you need 'em, right hot shot?"
Somehow his lack of, or refusal to show worry and concern helped calm your nerves for the most bizarre unknown reason. He seemed so sure of himself and it was comforting. At least someone was.
You were about to respond to Karl but Angie came flying down the stairs like a bat out of hell, which shocked you because you don't remember her disappearing at all.
"We gotta blow the fuckin' door NOW!!" She yelled, nearly slamming into Donna to stop herself, "I just came from the control room - " she paused and flashed her hands covered in blood, "mutants - the sun is already entering the silo! They have 10 minutes tops!"
Everything around you became unintelligible as they all began to speak at once. You sank into yourself as something else grabbed control of the wheel. A sudden flood of warmth ensnared you and your eyes shot up.
"The setup takes time and care! These bombs aren't ready-made - this isn't fuckin' McDonalds!!" Karl shouted, "If I blow this willy nilly the whole motherfuckin' tower might collapse!
"Are the tops of the silos accessible above ground?" you inserted quickly, "I can try to block out the sun from up there, buy us all some time."
There was really only a split second everyone was silently looking at you, then Karl sprung a giant grin on his face.
"She's a fuckin' genius, I know why Alcina likes her - c'mon fairy wings, let's go!"
Karl shoved everything he was holding in Dmitri's arms and patted him roughly on the shoulder, "you 'member the schematics, right? Lefty-loosey, righty-tighty, all that jazz, just don't push the splodey button until the amp light goes blue!"
You had no idea what the fuck he was talking about but you sure hoped Dmitri did, because Karl offered no more explanation or clarification and was grabbing your arm and hauling you through more of the underworld maze before you could blink.
Everything was in utter disarray as the two of you scrambled through the tunnels and corridors and passageways galore. There was plenty of carnage along the way too; dead bodies (mainly mutants to your relief) were splayed about here and there, the evident battle a chilling reminder that you were a very mortal being in a very deadly environment. Still, your mind was occupied with Alcina more than anything. The haste to squeeze every last drop out of every second to make them count giving you unwavering focus now.
Would there be anything to actually cover the silo opening? 
Would you be too late?
The thoughts had to come to a screeching halt as a very rickety metal ladder now faced you and Karl to the top of the particular part of this run down old building.
"Up ya go, sugar. That door to the left of the platform takes us right to the roof of the building."
You didn't need to be told twice.
Without further delay you took to the ladder and climbed, not bothering to wait for Karl, though he was right behind you. You ran down the even wobblier metal mesh platform and shoved your way through the almost rusted shut door, falling out into the bright sunlight. It was blinding and you covered your eyes as you eagerly searched for the silo top, finding it not too far off to the right of where you'd entered.
Karl was already on his way there and you followed, finding there to be a thick metal grate welded to the top of the wide silo opening. While this would make it easier to place things on to seal out the sun from below, you needed to find something to put there.
Your eyes couldn't help to gaze down the long dark tunnel below. You so wanted to be able to take time to see if you could see Alcina but this was the last time and place to doddle. 
Karl was already running about on the roof, looking for anything that he might be able to use for a shield against the sun, but there was barely anything worth having.
Displaced 2x4's, scrap metal not larger than a few feet wide or long, and the flooring to the roof was too secure to rip up either.
The sun was progressing. You were not.
As you were about to splay yourself over the grate, which really was far too large for just your body to make a difference, you heard and felt a familiarity come swooping in.
Your crows came cawing and flapping, landing next to you on the broad edge of the silo. 
You almost cried. 
Ebony was the first to hop to you and eye you curiously as if waiting for instruction.
"C-can you - can you all cover this and stop the sunlight from getting through down below?" 
Without so much as a pause, Ebony and the other five crows hopped onto a piece of rebar that made up the grate, spread their wings meticulously and created the most perfect make-shift wing umbrella you'd ever seen, completely blocking out all sunlight from below.
Several tears of relief went strolling down your freezing cheeks and you smiled, "thank you, thank you!" you whimpered, reaching out without thinking to stroke each of their heads with love and appreciation. In turn, to your surprise, you received tiny coos and purrs.
"I'll yell up to you from below when you can leave - thank you! I owe you all the croissants!"
A clatter pushed you back to the present and you looked behind you. Karl was standing there with the most 'what the literal fuck is happening' look on his face. The clattering seemed to be the large bit of scrap metal he had found somewhere along the line falling to the roof from his grasp. He just stood there, cock-eyed and slack-jawed.
There was little time for gawking. You rushed back over to him, wrapping your arms over your chest as the awareness of how damn cold it was up there smacked you across the face.
"The fuck was that?!" he blurted as the silent agreement to head back to the underground was put to action.
"Uh, well, they're my friends?" 
Yeah it sounded weird but you were literally talking to a lycan so, this was the farthest from the strangest thing that's ever happened in your life.
Karl chuckled loudly as he slammed the door behind him and the scaling of the ladder began once more. He grabbed the comm at his hip and radioed Dmitri, "you're clear to blow the son of a bitch, we, er fae-bae here got the top covered!"
"Copy. Charge still setting." 
"I'm gunna really look forward to getting to know you, bird-whispering fairy child - you are interesting as fuck," Karl mused as he led you back through the labyrinth of the underground.
You couldn't help but give him a look as he gave you a glance of his own, "fae-bae?" you inquired with a raised eyebrow.
He cackled, "get used to it; nicknames are my specialty. You outta hear some of the ones I have for your woman."
Your woman. 
Yes, she was your woman and you were hers. Even in this dire circumstance that gave you a blanketing warmth. And so many flooding emotions came from this and the enveloping of it was giving you more strength to carry on. This tidal wave of memories and feelings weaved through you and sewed you together for whatever lie ahead; you were ready; you were ready.
"Somehow I'm sure she has plenty for you as well; I may or may not have heard a few," you tested playfully.
"Oh yeah?" he asked just as the two of you were turning down another corridor, unfortunately being met with a rogue mutant far from the herd.
Karl's reflexes kicked in immediately and he shoved you out of the way into the neighboring wall, drew his gun as he kicked the mutant in the chest and began to blast. But it didn't go down as fast as the others had. It rose and charged Karl again. This time it was met by Karl's large fist to the face, the butt of the gun to the top of its head, and as soon as he put more distance between them, shot at it again and again. It only snarled and shrieked with rage and lunged once more.
You took this moment to test your magick, just to be sure you had the grip on it like you felt you did.
While Karl was almost getting bested in this fight, you hunkered down on the floor against the wall and held out your palms, focusing on the mutant with the need to protect, like you had with Malka. And you'll be damned if it didn't start to slow down, sputter, and stall as the sensation of prickly stinging numbness flowed through you. 
As Karl went to make his final blow with a gun barrel between the eyes, you saw the blood swelling in the mutant's eyelids before the bang went off.
It dropped like a bag of rocks and you smirked wickedly.
Yes, you were very much in control. Good. Because you wholeheartedly planned on killing Mother Miranda as soon as you had the chance.
You were slowly uncrouching from your spot when you realized Karl was yet again looking at you like you had become a tiny green alien in the last five seconds.
"Wh - what - the fuck? D-did you help me, did you do that??? Is that what you did to Mother Miranda? Do you just like - fry bodily circuitry or some shit?!"
You shrugged, feeling a little self-conscious, "I'm not entirely sure? I don't know what my magick does exactly. My friend calls it 'mind EMP'."
Karl burst out laughing and holstered his gun, offering his arm to you as you both stepped over the dead body, "Hoooly heyseuss kreestoose! We need a couple hundred of you to keep around; you're useful in a fight. Keep your bag of tricks handy, just don't mind EMP any of my bombs or electronics, ok?"
Your surroundings were becoming more familiar as the disjunct conversation was becoming quieter, and as the two of you made it down the same set of stairs you came in, you heard Dmitri's voice holler; "Charge is hot - cover!".
A loud pop echoed followed by a sharp bang that stung your ears, followed by a reverberating miniature shock wave that knocked you into the wall.
The view was a relief to your whole system.
Through the small puff of rising smoke and settling dust, the archway that had been sealed up was open and the entry inside was dark.
Donna was the first to climb over and through the rubble to get inside, Dmitri second, Angie remained outside the debris grinning like a mad-woman as she saw the two of you approach. You were set to head in as well but Karl grabbed you and held you steady.
"Hold on, let them bring her out."
He said as if he could read your damn mind.
From inside the hollow dark silo you could hear muffled, raspy female voices barely conversing with Donna. Several clangs and what seemed to be chains dropping to the stone floor echoed through, and then shuffling as Alcina's three girls were brought out first.
You'd heard Alcina talk about them at length, and even as defeated and worn as they looked, they were even more beautiful still than Alcina had described to you. Several bickering emotions decided to show their faces, but being overtaken by fear, uncertainty, and like the weird boyfriend mom brings home after divorcing dad and trying to make nice with the kids was not something you could deal with. This was not your place at all.
They were too tired to notice you anyway, and Donna had immediately dug through her bag and handed each of them what you deduced to be bags of blood to drink.
Everyone's attention now lie at the mouth of the silo once more, bated breaths waiting for Alcina's arrival.
Your heart was pounding so hard in your chest and through you whole body you felt like you were actually pulsing. Time felt so stupidly slow as you waited, as everyone waited, until Dmitri emerged with a limp, bloodied, grey-skinned Alcina in his arms.
Your feet molded to the ground. You couldn't force your muscles to move. She looked in a way you never ever wanted to see; dead.
Her once cream colored blouse was shredded and stained with crimson. Her skin slashed and gouged from each whip lashing. Dried blood covered her upper body, down her arms, splattered haphazardly around her neck, and some of her very sunken face. 
Everything fell to the pit of your stomach. You couldn't breathe, you couldn't think. The shock of what you were looking at immobilized you.
Dmitri carefully laid her down on the ground. You realized then how quiet it was as every little sound of the shuffling of fabric against skin and stone was almost violently loud in your ears.
The state of Alcina's shirt gave her barely a hint of modesty in its tatters, the very stark contrast of her black bra glaring against the cream, grey and red. And you could see then a very deep, ugly wound just below her sternum. A stab wound. One that gave you an ill remembrance of a story she once told you, and a scar you can recall all too vividly on her side. You don't know how you knew, but you knew.
Donna was immediately retrieving another bag of blood, hooking a tube to the opening at the top, hunkering down at Alcina's side and carefully placing the article to her dry, thin parted lips. She began to squeeze the liquid from the bag as her daughters gathered around their mother as the blood was administered.
Cassandra and Daniela held tightly to Alcina's hands as Bela propped her head and upper body up to help the blood flow down her throat.
You were frozen in your place. Still barely breathing. Making deals with unknown deities for your lover's recovery.
Karl sensed your disconcerted demeanor and carefully wrapped his arm around your mid back and pushed you forward so you could see.
Still, you could hardly move or force a reaction as the painful suspense dug its claws into your heart.
If she died, or was already gone, you could not fathom what the future would even look like.
You could not fathom a world... your world... without her in it.
Through the deep concentration of draining bag after bag of blood into their Matriarch, Donna thoroughly checked Alcina's forehead, throat, cheeks, and chest for something you couldn't understand. Warmth, maybe? Any sign of life? And the more this went on the worse the lines became in Donna's lovely face.
"It's not... it's not changing her state," she blurted, quite upset, tossing another empty bag with contempt across the hall, "her blood loss is too great, I don't have enough reserves with us to help her the way she needs - we need to get her to a medical bay immediately."
"The city is far too overrun and we have no idea where Mother Miranda is, the risk is not in our favor."
"She will die if we don't!" Donna barked at Dmitri's warning, "our options are none as it stands right now; it is either the risk or her death - what's it going to be?"
Donna, Dmitri, the three girls and Karl had a duel of exchanged silent looks until you couldn't stand the feeling of uncomfortable electricity sparking in your nervous system.
"Does anybody have a knife?" you asked, splitting the quiet, gaining everyone's attention, "My blood might help."
Donna blinked rapidly, "I've already given her six packs - she needs intravenous blood administration - "
"That blood isn't my blood. I'm not human, remember?"
Before another word could be exchanged, the sound of a switchblade flinging open could be heard and Angie stepped closer to the group, brandishing a sharp, shiny blade.
"Hi! Middle name's shiv, or shank," she grinned wildly, "er, should be anyway."
"Everybody move back," Cassandra chimed in, nodding at you briskly, "please, try."
The tension could not have been any tighter as you stepped forward and grabbed the knife from Angie, swiftly and precisely kneeling down next to Alcina as you rolled your sleeve up as far as it would go over your elbow. The sight of her this close made her condition all the more dire and you quickly placed the blade to the vein in the crook of your elbow and punctured it. Bela propped Alcina as close to you as she could; you placed the spilling blood to her lips, and grasped her freezing cold shoulder for more support; Donna held to the other side of your arm to alleviate stress to the blood flow, and you all knelt there in great anticipation as the seconds ticked on. You so wanted to wrap her up in your arms and care for her like you would in your apartment, but you didn't dare in front of everyone, especially her daughters. You had to put on a strong, distant front.
Your arm began to ache as you were starting to feel a coolness set in, but you closed your eyes and held fast. You could smell the thick metallic of her dried blood all over her and it made you wince, thinking about the pain she must have endured, and how badly you wanted to make them all pay for this. It was consuming how violent you felt inside. 
After at least a minute, which felt more like fifteen, you felt a warmth engulf the crook of your elbow; Alcina's tongue.
Looking over almost dizzyingly quick, you could see her eyelids fluttering and a smile burst across your face. You let go of your breath and held even tighter to Alcina as you felt her begin to drink voluntarily, her shoulder was no longer freezing cold and something even warmer than her tongue sprung loose inside you.
"It's working." You said softly, hearing the rest of the collective sighs of relief echo through the area.
Where Alcina had been in the dark, bleak confines of her mind before she felt life tingling inside her again was a place she didn't wish to return to. While everything was still in slow motion, she could comprehend the beautiful sensation of the hot, rich, satisfying blood that was coursing through her mouth and down her throat as yours. What a way to come back from the brink of nothingness. Her strength was slowly waxing and her senses began to creep up, but the wounds she had endured were becoming more and more fitful in the fight to heal. Your blood was vigorous and relentless and Alcina knew when the dam burst, the pain and brutal retaking of her body would be unpleasant at best.
And that moment was now.
Like an army breaking through battle lines, Alcina's body, at the mercy and aid of your blood, began to heal and reanimate itself with ferocity. Yanking her head back from wherever she had been feeding off you, Alcina cried out as the excruciating sensation of being reborn pummeled every sense in her body. It burned. It itched. It spasmed. It cracked and broke and then spilled out and over into a soothing warmth and numbness as some normalcy seeped back in.
With fluttering lids, she opened her eyes to see every face that was near and dear to her heart.
You. Her daughters. Donna. Dmitri. Angie. And, yes, even Heisenberg.
Bela, with the help of her sisters, scooted Alcina back towards the wall and sat her upright there. The three of them fawned over her through quiet whimpering relief as they clung to her with secure embraces.
"Shhh, Sunt aici. Sunt aici," she cooed, "iubitele mele, suntem cu toții aici."
(Shhh... I'm here. I'm here - my loves, we are all here.)
As you were being aided by Donna quickly wrapping your arm with a tight bandage, Alcina's slate colored eyes found yours and she offered you the most endearing smile you think you had ever seen in your life. It was a knowing smile. A proud smile. A smile that wordlessly said thank you in a way no language on the planet could express.
"Looong live The Real HBIC!" Angie shouted, accompanied by a short celebratory dance, "Woooooo yeah! That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! Now when the fuck can we go kick the rest of the smelly ass down here?!"
Well, the tender moment was short lived.
"Ang, please," Donna huffed, trying her best to stifle her smile, "Alcina still needs more nourishment and we need the rest of a plan."
"I'm with Angie," Karl butted in, giving Alcina a tip of his hat, "we got hot shot mind melter and our Matriarch back, let's go whoop some ass."
It wasn't so much bickering as it was very energetic clashing of ideas, but as they all spoke above you animatedly, you and Alcina once more stole calm, loving glances at the other through Donna shoving more blood bags in her face to drink and her daughters clinging to her for dear life, until a clobbering sound from the other stairwell shot everything into a halt.
Unceremoniously came a plump, sheepishly hunched figure from the shadows.
Salvatore Moreau slowly slipped into the light and the sound that followed had everyone rattled to the bone.
The throaty, shrill shriek had come from none other than Donna herself.
The tiny brunette had sprung from the floor and charged the vampire in question, pinning him to the wall as she bore her teeth in utter fury; "TRAITOR!" She screamed, her hand around his throat with nails threatening to pierce his flesh, "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS WITH YOUR LIFE! I KNOW YOU AIDED MIRANDA - I KNOW YOUR FILTHY LITTLE HANDS HAVE BEEN ALL OVER THIS TREACHERY AND I PROMISE TO MAKE YOU PAY FOR EVERY DISCRETION UNDER THE SUN!"
During Donna's rage, Angie had donned perhaps the most psychotic look of glee any of them had ever seen. Even Karl was a little unnerved as he watched the whole thing unfold. Alcina had risen from the floor, and she too had now a look of murder on her stoic face. Dmitri had joined her side and you were watching quite unsure what to do with yourself next to the wall. 
"Please!" He squeaked, holding up his hands shakily, "Please, just wait! I have information! Information about Miranda! The mutants! I come in truce!! I have information you need if you want to win this war!"
Donna snarled even louder as she sunk her claws into his neck, "Why should I believe you?!"
"Because! Because! I - I realize - I realize I made a huge mistake! I chose the wrong side! PLEASE you must trust me!"
Karl carefully and hesitantly nudged the deranged looking Angie, "you uh... wanna do something about your sister?"
Angie's big eyes glanced at Karl momentarily, "oh... oh yeah!"
And she was off like a bolt, knife in hand accompanied by a cackle.
"No, n-not like that!" he huffed, dropping his head to rub at at exasperatedly, "I meant to stooop her from killing him, not help - oh Jesus fucking Christ what's the use." he muttered to himself.
Now Salvatore was at the mercy of two very deadly Beneviento sisters. His face showed every ounce of his dread as his big beady eyes shot from one sister's face to the next, knees quivering as he swallowed with struggle. 
"P-please, please, listen... I want to help," he swallowed once more through Donna's claws and Angie's knife pressed to his jugular.
Donna was still seething but paused, taking time to calculate and reason with her own rage before clicking her tongue loudly, "Alcina? Your call."
You blinked hastily as you watched with eagerness, noticing the very elegant and nonchalant movements of Alcina as she folded her arms over her chest.
"Bring him to me." 
She commanded with a dominance that made you weak in the knees.
He was yanked from the wall, drug to Alcina and thrown at her feet. He showed no signs of struggle or the urge to flee for his life, which in your humble opinion, would have been a smart move.
Alcina glowered down at him and pursed her lips, looking more and more like herself as the minutes passed.
She placed her hands on her hips swiftly which made him jerk in fear, but she remained unmoved, "it's a little late in the game to be switching sides, don't you think?" she snapped.
"My Lady," he quivered, bowing his head sharply, "please, My Lady, I am a coward and I will not deny it. Mother Miranda offered me falsity. Her lies I thought were truths became apparent the moment she made her move. It is never too late to redeem oneself from the side of tyranny. Please, let me tell you what I know, you will not defeat her otherwise."
"You seem awfully sure of this," Alcina bit.
"That is because, as Donna has said, I have been part of this from the beginning."
Silence permeated the area once more as all focus went to Alcina. Her eyes never left the sniveling man at her feet.
"Then speak."
The next several minutes was a verbal vomit of information that had everyone pretty fucking shocked.
Mother Miranda, in her psychotic search for perfection, had begun breeding and mutating parasites nearly ten years ago to infect fledglings to whatever end to make them into the mindless, deadly, stealth machines that had invaded their city. Salvatore explained her brutal trial and errors and the horrific mutations that had gone wrong and how simply she discarded vampire after vampire like a broken toy. How that when she had perfected the mutation to her liking as it stood now, she infected herself with the queen parasite DNA that gave her the complete control over the hive-mind of the vampires she controlled. When she is at her peak strength and ability, they are the deadliest creatures known to any vampire or lycan imaginable. But therein lies the Achilles heel to this creation.
"I had hypothesized it well enough in my own mind, but it wasn't until I realized you," he stated, nodding to you in the midst of everyone else, "had escaped and in the attempt wounded Mother Miranda, that the so-called hive mind did in fact falter. If Mother Miranda is vanquished, they become unarmed. They will have had their tie to their very reason for existence severed, hence, they will have no direction and they will quite literally be living statues. So, in order to win this fight, you must keep Miranda's strength at a bare minimum. You must keep her down. Otherwise, at full strength, there will be none left alive in the underground."
Once more, Salvatore's eyes returned to you, "whatever you have done to her, she is still recovering. In all my many years of serving Mother, I have never seen any foe deal such damage the way you have," his focus went back to Alcina, "but she is recovering, that is the part that is the most important. If you want to win this you need to act quickly and hastily. Your lycans and vampires have done much damage to many mutants, but at their best, ten of your men cannot best even one of them."
Not even fifteen seconds had passed before Karl was clapping and rubbing his hands together eagerly, "Aight, so, lessss go?" he gestured shamelessly towards the staircase.
"Not without more of a plan," Dmitri growled, "if Miranda is getting stronger we can't run out there guns blazing the way you like it, we'll start losing too many too fast."
Alcina sucked the last drop of blood from the last pack and threw it aside with a sharp sigh, "We haven't the time for planning. I need to find Miranda and bring her down."
"You can't do that alone," Donna added, "please let Angie and I help you."
"No, I need you both in the field - Angie I need your stealthy expertise to be the eyes and ears for the troops, can you do that?"
Angie nodded, "fuck yeah."
"Heisenberg, I need you, your men, and your explosives rigged in the best and most efficient way possible when that bitch begins to falter. Can you do that?"
"Dmitri, I need you and your men ready to back up the lycans in their wave of attacks and whatever tricks lie in that brilliant military brain of yours, can I count on you?"
"Always, My Lady."
Alcina's eyes skimmed over you with a wink and settled on Donna and her girls, "and you three... I want Ethan and Mia captured. Alive. Make that happen."
Her daughters beamed with a wicked glint in their eyes, "yes mother," they all replied.
"Karl, arm them to the teeth."
Grabbing his chest in the most dramatic way possible, Karl staggered back and looked up at Alcina with a silent gasp, "y-you called me Karl! Oh my god, did y'all hear that? She called me Karl. See that? Near death experiences change a person. It's like she likes me or something."
Alcina narrowed her eyes, "keep it up and I won't like you again."
Karl beamed and straightened his hat.
Donna was still less than sold.
"I don't want you facing her by yourself."
"You'll be doing something much more important for me," Alcina smiled warmly, "you'll be protecting her," she motioned over to you.
You almost did a double take, "uh, sorry, not to be disrespectful but no, I'm coming with you."
"Like hell you are," Alcina retorted furrowing her brows, "this vampire in question is hellaciously unpredictable and deadly -"
"And off her rocker - yeah I know," you interrupted, "we've met personally and I escaped her."
Her face dropped cold, "you what?"
"Yeah, you haven't been brought up to speed!" Karl waltzed over, shouldering you playfully, "your fae-bae here escaped Miranda's sticky lil fingers after mind blasting her ass - pretty impressive if I do say so myself. I got first hand experience with her magick when she helped me fight off a mutant before we came and saved you. I uh, I'd reconsider taking the nuclear bombshell with ya," he winked at you, "two hell cats are better than one, baby! AND she's got a legion of crows at her command or some shit, that's how we blacked out the silo."
"Oh shit!" you exclaimed, remembering you'd not released your crows from their post, "and technically, they're called a murder."
Smirking at Karl you jutted to your right, hopped your way over the rubble of the blown blockade and peered up into the silo. It was still completely dark and you smiled, "you all did wonderful!" you shouted up to them, your voice carrying loud and clear, "thank you Ebony, Ash, Onyx, Noir, Sidda, and Shade! Please get home safely and be warm!"
Their caws echoed down to you and one by one they took to the sky, leaving a remaining brightness from the clear sky now that the sun had passed.
When you returned to the hall, Karl was shaking his head with his arms folded over his chest.
"Named every one of 'em, did ya?"
You returned his grin, "and?"
Alcina's eyes went from Karl to you, back to him and then you again before she was able to really collect herself. There was a lot to digest right at this moment. She had to choose wisely as to what she was ready to take a bite of. The crow issue was last on her list, you and your powers were at the top of it, screaming.
The two of you had only briefly spoken about the changes you were going through before Donna showed up and everything promptly fell apart. She didn't want to believe you had grown so much and she'd missed it all, but she more less wanted to believe you weren't strong enough to go with her, risking your safety if it wasn't necessary.
"Draga..." she stated softly, "this is... this is not a danger I want you anywhere near ever again."
You watched as her hands carefully rested on your shoulders, eying you in that beautifully desperate way.
"Uhm... Mother?" 
Came a voice you'd not heard before.
"Poate nu ar trebui să te îndoiești de ea. Cum ai încredere în noi acum, poate că ar trebui să-i dai la fel." Cassandra stated with a knowing smile.
(Maybe you should not doubt her. As you trust us now, perhaps you should give her the same.)
Man, you needed to learn Romanian.
Whatever her daughter had said gave Alcina great pause. The smile she gave Cassandra made you smile by proxy, it was so genuine and soft.
Taking one last look at you, Alcina dropped her hands and turned to gather everyone's attention.
"I have faith in all of you. Go, quickly. Make this a battle that will be painted in remembrance for whatever outcome lies ahead of us. Let our valiance and spite be known. Violently."
She turned back to Donna and took a deep breath, "I would like you to make use of Moreau. If he makes one move you don't like, kill him. But if he is truly set to redeem himself, use whatever knowledge he has and exploit it to our every advantage."
Donna nodded somberly, "and... you are off to find Miranda?"
"Yes," Alcina smiled, "and I won't be going alone."
Two sets of beautiful eyes from two beautiful women now rested on you.
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rosaletarosie · 1 year
Hi! Could I request headcannons for Wukong and Macaque (separate) with an affectionate werewolf! S/O?? Like they turn into a giant wolf if feeling strong emotions, like in turning red with Mei turning into a giant red panda ^-^ They’re basically just a giant therapy dog for them and I think they need really that.
I hope this is enough info :,))
( btw I did this on my phone so.. )
Category: headcanons
Fandom: LMK
S/O Gender: Gender neutral
The sun and moon duo having a affectionate werewolf!S/O !!
( seperate )
Lets start with..sun wukong !!
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( *ahem* ok so lets say time has passed after the lbd incident, and finally you'll be asking the legendary monkey king on becoming your future bf and going on dates together <33 )
You asked wukong to follow you in a forest and so he did, he somehow felt a chill down from the breeze and once you arrived at your destination it was a full moon
You thought it would be a perfect time to confess and so you did..you were filled with alot of emotions but you try to stuff them in untill you confess, wukong asked why you both were here and a cool breeze went behind you as you were too flustered to even speak
The full moon's glow glistening in wukong's skin..it made you flustered more..untill you didnt even realize that you turned into your true form..a werewolf..
Wukong gasped in shock while you were back to reality and ran away, "Y/N come back!" He said as he shouts in the void of trees, he tries to find you in the forest while you watch him in the shadows..
He finds you in a river looking at the bright full moon, he gets closer to you and told you that he isnt scared of you and that you still look beautiful even as a werwolf, you were flustered and brushed the tears of your eyes and finally confessed, he gave his love back to you and now your both madly inlove with each other
Wukong would most definitely make you flustered on purpose just to hug you 24/7
If he is sad he cuddles you in your werewolf form ( he probably also tells you stuff about his day while you listen to him )
If you feel somehow angry at him he would try to calm you down and not turn you into your werewolf form BUT if it was from someone else then he probably encourages you to fight them head on in your wereolf form
If you train then its a bonus point for him! Since you wanted a training partner for quite some time..but be warned..he wont go easy on you!
Sometimes you watch him and mk train and wukong would try his best to do the MOST FLASHIEST MOVES you will ever see!
Next up..the sixed eared macaque !!
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I can't think of a scenario for this emo monkey so I'ma head straight into the headcanons dkskwjwj ( sorry for anyone who suspected a storyline for him )
ANYWYASJSSMMS My boi would probably make you his personal therapist dog and no one is allowed to make you their therapist, only for him and not anyone else lmao
When he's sad you comfort him in your werewolf form and he gives back that affection by simply kissing you and words of affirmation
Bro probably wants to protect you at all cost cuz I mean..he doesn't want his precious therapist to just disappear right?
Also if you don't respond to him or feel gloomy he will give you a lil kiss and drag you down to the couch or bed to cuddle ( what do you think would happen? 🤨 )
Everytime he goes out, he comes back with either your favorite book or just something you like :)
Bro probably lurks in the shadows just to spy on you, and probably having an existential crisis on how he managed to get someone so absolutely stunning 😉
Everytime you talk to someone he lurks in the shadows or if he is present he would put his hand on your waist to keep you safe BUT if the person your talking to is wukong..OH BOI THEY BOUTTA START SCREAMING IN PUBLIC NYEEHHEHEHE
Sorry if the format of this looks kinda different..it's because I had to do this in different devices :')
Also because I went on vacation for 4 days straight and didn't have any connection
But either way..I hope you liked it !! <33
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leoandraphssoulmate · 6 months
Blinding Lights
Green, blue, red, orange, purple.  Those five vibrant colors. They all reminded you of them. The four terrapin brothers that left suddenly. Without a word. Without a note. Without a text. You had gone down to the lair, gifts in hand. Only to find that the lair was empty. Completely. Utterly. Empty. Raph’s weights were gone. Donnie’s lab was a hollowed out shell. Mikey’s arcade machines were mere shadows, echoes, burned into the wall and Leo’s beautiful tea set up no longer existed. 
You had literally just spoken with the leader in blue not even two hours ago. Everything sounded fine! The bags in your hands crashed to the floor, your mind reeling. Did you imagine them this entire time? You called out for them. Nothing. 
That was five years ago. 
Now, every Christmas since, your heart aches. Deeply. Christmas lights are like knives to your gut. You catch yourself staring a bit too long at them while out on walks, memories of your extended family flashing through your mind. The colors, each triggering certain things. Memories of Leo’s wise words, Donnie’s kind and caring nature, Mikey’s humor, and Raph’s brotherly charm. But mostly….they’re about Leo. What you two had. What was starting to bloom. Just before they left. Fading into the night. 
You had gone back to the lair every day. Hoping and praying that against all odds, they had decided to come back. Saving you a lifetime of pain and misery. You brought a few things from your apartment with you as you planned on staying a few days. Determined that they had their reasons. Because, surely, the pain, the awful, blooming white hot pain across your chest would just all be a bad moment in time. A blip on the grander scale. 
A couple days turned into weeks. You couldn’t eat. Couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t think. You just sat there. On the couch. Your neon pink comforter tucked in tightly around you. Your eyes glued to your phone. Waiting. For anything. A call. A text. You didn’t want to move. Not even an inch. If you left, you’d miss them. Miss something. Anything. That may point to them coming back. Back to you. 
Finally, after a month of waiting, something broke. A small piece of your soul cracked, forcing you to act. You took a deep breath, a stray tear sliding down your left cheek, and stood. Your comforter fell to the floor, pushing the many boxes of takeout from the coffee table as it did. It was terribly clear. 
They. Weren’t. Coming. Back. 
You picked up the pieces, moving on with your life, a giant gaping hole in your heart. You didn’t know where they went or why, but you couldn’t allow yourself to hate them. You just hoped with all your might, that wherever they were, they were ok. And that somehow, some way, they might make it back to you one day. 
Several hours in, the day before Christmas Eve, you were typing away on your laptop. Determined to get some work finished before everyone left for the day. Your boss had been on you for working so hard, but you assured him that you were good. That you had it handled. That you in fact didn’t mind the workload. Truth be told, it kept you focused and anything that kept you from thinking about them was a godsend. 
Email after email, your fingers flew across the keyboard……
Blink. Blink. 
Your screen glitched. Blinking off and on. You blinked a few times yourself, staring at the screen, your fingers hovering over the keyboard. 
Blink. Blink. 
*Y/N? Can you hear me?* Donnie’s voice came through the speakers. 
You immediately shot up from your chair, your heart in your throat. It couldn’t be! “Donnie?” You brought your right hand up to your mouth, your eyes instantly watering. 
*Oh! Thank god! I’ve been trying to get through to you for a very long time!* He half whispered, half shouted. *Y/N? You need to wake up now. I think you’re ready.”
Wake up? What was he talking about? You stared, dumfounded, at the laptop. “Huh?” Suddenly your words no longer came from your mouth. Instead, they came from your mind. You could feel pin pricks running up and down your arms, then travel to your torso and down to your feet. “What’s happening to me?” 
*Her eyelids are….fluttering!” Raph’s voice suddenly boomed next to you. It was as though he was underwater, then came up for air.  You flinched, feeling oddly heavier than you had before. 
“Can you open your eyes, Y/N?” Donnie asked, his warm fingertips gently kneading your arm. 
With more effort than you ever thought possible, your eyelids fluttered open. With a quick intake of air, you took in the most beautiful sight in the world. There they were, standing around you. “Oh my god!” You breathed, your chest rising and falling rapidly. “I thought you guys left me.” You cried.
“Nuh uh, sweetheart. Ya left us.” Raph said, gently stroking your left arm. 
You turned your head, your gaze drifting to Donnie. “What happened? Where have I been for the last five years?”
Donnie frowned, his brow furrowing. “You’ve been in a coma. Five years ago, we got a call from April. You apparently slipped and fell on the way to the lair, hitting your head on the curb. Casey arrived on the scene and immediately called her.”
Your head swam, making your vision a little fuzzy. “Oh.” You groaned, the sudden memory of falling slamming into you. “I’m so sorry!” 
“Oh my gosh! Don’t be sorry!” Mikey finally spoke up. “We’re just glad you’re awake!”
You half grinned as your sleepy gaze slid to Leo. That’s when you noticed the tears in his eyes. “Leo?” Without a word he silently pushed past Donnie and gently cradled your face in his hands. 
“I should have done this a long time ago.” He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours. His warmth spread through you, chasing away the ghosts of your nightmares. His brothers cheered, Raph hooting the loudest. As Leo pulled away from you, several tears slid down his mask and onto his cheek. “Merry Christmas, Y/N!” 
“Merry Christmas, Leo.” You smiled, reaching for him, your lips aching for another kiss. 
Dedicated to mother: Elsie Richards. I miss you more than words can say💔🫂❤️
Reblog's only please! Thanks!
@leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @miss-andromeda @scholastic-dragon @m1dnyt3-w0lf
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lostonehero · 5 months
Fuck it more werewolf Martin
Martin was used to the feeling of eyes on him. It came with the heightened senses, so he got used to the feeling. However, today wasn't that simple. Elias refused his time off, which again he couldn't fault the man he didn't tell him exactly why he needed it nor will he. He knew everyone was watching him, and no matter how much they tried to comfort him, he still wasn't entirely comfortable repeating last month.
"Hey Martin, are you alright?" Jon gave a small smile.
Martin gave a frustrated sigh. "I'm fine like I've been saying." He sighs again. "I'm sorry, I'm just getting annoyed at the same questions. It's not your fault or anyone else's. This is new to you guys, and it's not to me. I don't mean to snap. My nerves are just frayed, and I think Elias has gotten curious why I always request off early on the full moon."
Jon nods. "In his defense, you've developed quite the routine. Not that it's a bad thing. I'm just saying that it's kind of predictable." He frowns and sighs. "I'm sorry that was rude."
Martin shakes his head and chuckles. "No, no, it's quite alright. You're not wrong, and if worse comes to worse, I can head to the tunnels. I can't accidentally hurt anyone in there since nobody lives down there." He scratches his arm. "Just try not to stay late today."
"My actions shouldn't affect you." Jon raised his brow.
"Actually, I think Elias sent you an email, but he told me I have to make sure you're not alone when you leave. Something about Gertrude's body and police investigation." Martin frowns. "Just stay safe, Jon."
"Right, I should check my email, and I will do my best today." Jon smiles again. "If it's not too much trouble, could you make some tea?"
"Oh right, no trouble." Martin smiles, and Jon knew if his tail was visible, it would be wagging as he headed to the breakroom.
"Your flirting sucks." Tim tosses some paperclips at Jon.
"I told you that in confidence!" Jon huffs stomping back to his office.
Tim snickers as Martin pokes his head back out. "Don't worry, Marto, Jon's just missing his daily tea."
Martin nods with a raised brow.
Martin jolted up as someone tapped on his desk. "Oh uh hello Elias." He wipes the drool from the side of his mouth. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep."
Elias raised a brow and then smiled. "My apologies, Martin, but it is getting late, and I was checking if Jon was still here. I'm happy to see you have followed my rules and can never be too careful."
"R-right." Martin glances at the computer screen, and the time flashes in his face, and he could feel his shoulders drop. Elias is going to know. He didn't even have enough time to run to the tunnel. He pushes himself back. "Sir, you should go into Jon's office."
"Now Martin, I know it's late, but I'm sure Jon can handle things just fine." Elias took a step back as a loud crack filled the quiet space.
Martin grit his teeth and took a breath. "It... it.." He groans as he falls forward, curling against the floor as his body changes.
Elias continued to walk backward as Martin shifted and grew. A large, no a massive wolf stood in his place. An avatar of the hunt? No, that wasn't right he would be able to see that. Was this a leitner? No, again, that would be one of the fears, and he would know. What on earth was Martin? His back hit the wall as Martin skulked towards him. "Martin?" He was completely out of his depth and felt genuine fear, and he knew his patron was watching drinking his fear and watching.
Martin bared his teeth and towered over Elias. He didn't let Elias have a moment before sharp teeth tore into his arm. He growled low and haunting, releasing his jaws and licking the blood from his chops.
Elias muffled his scream the best he could, holding his broken, bloodied arm. "F-Fuck."
"MARTIN!' Jon shouted from his open office door, and the giant wolf trotted over to him and laid down in front of him. "F-fuck Elias, are you ok?" He rushed around Martin to Elias. "Shit, I'll call an ambulance."
Elias knew he was going into shock from the pain as he sunk to the floor. He couldn't even hear Jon call for medical aid. All he did was stare at Martin, who only stared back with a knowing gaze that he couldn't fathom. He pushed his luck too hard and got burned.
Martin really hated hospitals. He hated the overwhelming smell, and he hated the sterile rooms and the machines that made too much noise. Yet he put his large body into a chair sitting besides his boss which he had to explain everything to him because he fucking turned him. He knew he felt cornered, and he tried to warn him. He felt horrible. Now he has to explain why he suddenly looks younger and how long werewolves actually live. He barely told the others the basic information. He knows for a fact that bleeding eyes aren't a symptom, and he shouldn't be asleep this long. Maybe he wanted to lose his werewolf status in place of what he was. At least, then he wouldn't be able to turn anyone.
Elias stirred. Everything was too loud, and a sudden assault of smells made him gag. He couldn't see... he couldn't fucking see. Where was his patron? He could feel himself start to hyperventilate, and something warm grabbed his arm. He opened his eyes and focused on his employee Martin.
"Hey, it's ok. The senses take a bit to get used to, but just give it a moment. I know hospitals aren't the greatest. All the noise and sterile smells, but you're fine. You should have woken up like 3 days ago, but I don't know how the turning affects everyone differently. That probably makes no sense to you, and I'm probably rambling, but I'm going to help you through this. I did try to warn you to hide in Jon's office, but it doesn't matter now that i dragged you into this world. Oh, uh, don't be alarmed. You do look younger, but that's normal werewolves, live much longer than humans, and you probably won't start graying again for a few hundred years, at least. You'll change more before your transformation, but um, I'm here to help with questions and everything." Martin gives a nervous smile. "Oh, uh, I already filled out the forms, and uh, right, I should stop talking. You have questions."
Elias blinks and looks down his arm isn't broken. He knows the bones shattered with that bite. It looked like it's been healed for years, but he knew that was impossible. He flexed his hand and raised his arm. He noticed something else. The normal aches from aging seemed to have vanished, and he felt really good. He took a breath, mulling over the rambling mess the man said to him. "What are you?"
Martin blinks. "I mean, I told you, and you're one now too." He sighs. "The proper term is lycanphtory, but I prefer werewolf since it's not really a syndrome or in your head. I know you'll need a bit to process this. I uh again I'm really sorry." He sits back down in his chair, hugging his chest.
Elias frowned he couldn't just switch patrons on a whim, and he had never heard of an avatar being infected to become a different avatar. Werewolves didn't exist... he can't really argue that fact since he has irrevocable truth staring at him. Ok, logically turning completely cut him off from the Beholder. He can't even feel the end and he's in a fucking hospital. He needed to talk to Peter and test a growing theory in his mind. "Martin, what is going to happen?"
"Well, right now, you'll be discharged, and you can go home, but uh, that isn't what you're asking. Well, you'll notice cravings for meat, which you do have to consume more of. Hair growth is something you have to control. I suggest getting razors if you don't like body hair. You can already feel your senses cranked to 11, but that will get stronger than now. Your hearing will get sharper as well, and you'll be able to see in the dark. The major stuff will happen during your first full moon, but for now, just listen to your body and cravings it will help you. Also, don't fight the change it makes things so much more painful." Martin clicks his tongue. "Oh, you'll also have to get registered with local hunters so you aren't targeted as a rouge wolf or one of the cultists trying to turn humanity. I have already started the paperwork, but you'll need to sign and read through it."
Elias blinked. "What other creatures are there?"
Martin whistles. "There's isn't enough time in the day for that, sir. We're hidden from humanity for a reason. It would be madness if the world knew the truth." He grabs the paperwork from the seat next to him. "These are for you, and my number is on top. The doctors here are aware, and uh, once you're done, just leave it on the side. There's some clothes that they also got from you. I have to go home and I'll tell Jon you're ok."
Elias takes a breath and starts to go through the papers, reading everything even the obnoxious body changes, and you packet after Martin leaves.
The sun had long dipped below the horizon as Elias groaned, unable to get comfortable on his couch. Martin wasn't lying when he talked about the heightened senses that would be a hassle. He stared at his phone, Peter still hadn't answered his texts or calls, and he was tempted to try again when a laugh caught his attention. "I don't need the obnoxious laughter whoever you are."
A person thin with long black hair and piercings and an assortment of eye tattoos that can be seen through his black clothing appears. "Man, Jonah I would of never put my money on this."
"Gerald Keays, aren't you supposed to be dead?" Elias narrows his gaze as the smell of dust and blood filled his senses.
"Technically, I am dead. Turns out getting bitten by some dude outside a bar, thinking he was drunk the day before I ended up in the hospital wasn't exactly the best thing. Turns out he wasn't drunk he was hungry, and now I'm a vampire but also stuck in a book. Honestly, I have no idea why I trusted that woman. It's probably because of my abusive mum. Anyway, I'm a vampire." Gerald floats down to stare. "Also, you should get rid of the welcome mat if you didn't want me inside. Honestly, a werewolf didn't see that coming. The so-called fear patrons only affect humans and have no bearing on us. Must of sucked when your connection was severed when you turned."
Elias pinched his brow. "Why are you here?"
"A few reasons... I'm friends with Martin, and he really feels bad about turning you. I'm also part of the welcome committee for new turns. Also, as much as you are a bastard nobody should really have to go through this shit alone. I woke up in a mourge alone, starving, and I killed the poor intern who checked the bodies. Self-control isn't easy. I'm honestly shocked at how well Martin keeps his instincts in check. Also, thanks for killing Gertrude, bitch let me die and then tore my being in half shoving it into a book. I mean fuck I have to wait for someone to burn my page to feel whole again." Gerald stops and snaps his fingers. "Right one more thing, your old French lover Barnabas, yeah, he didn't die in the lonely, he became a siren before the lonely finished him off. Surprisingly, he isn't mad at you more, so he actually wants to see you. Anyway, I'll be around for that drama. Yeah, I think that's about it. Welcome to the actual supernatural you old fuck." He vanishes from sight and soon Elias can't smell him.
Elias blinks and swallows. Oh, Peter is going to hate Barnabas. He should apologize to him or write a letter. He's going to do both, and he's technically still divorced to Peter.
Martin sighs as he lays in his bed. "Gerry, did you really have to tease him?"
"Oh, absolutely." Gerry hums as he pulls out his coffin. "I mean, it's funny. Also, I didn't lie about anything. I promise you that. Relax, he's fine all cozy in his mansion."
"Are you ok?" Martin pauses looking over.
"Honesty, yeah. I mean, I do miss the original Elias, but Jonah isn't complete trash. He can't even do the apocalypse now, not that it would have affected us regardless, and shit I mean, I'm glad he doesn't have to go through it alone." Gerry stops and sighs. "Besides, he's still trying to figure out his senses. He's not used to not being able to see anything he wants."
"Alright." Martin cracks his back as he sits up. "I'm working tomorrow, so if my mother calls, please don't uh well...."
"I won't yell at her like last time." Gerry sighs.
"Thank you." Martin smiles.
"Have you told them the truth?" Gerry hums, sinking into his coffin and putting his phone on the lid to watch videos.
"Absolutely not." Martin gets up from his bed.
"You know your father isn't going to stay put once, Barnabas is out and about. You really should have told them you were born into this not being turned." Gerry slips his lid on.
Martin groans. "I was turned!"
"To hide your true being, which I may remind you won't last much longer!" Gerry shouts through his coffin.
A blonde man with sharp features and a soft smile and a navy blue suit on. His accent was quite thick even for someone who hadn't lived in France for a long time. His blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. His green eyes seemed to sparkle as he approached the front desk. "Hello there, Madam. I was wondering if Mr. Bouchard was allowing any friendly visits?"
The woman looked up from her computer and smiled. "I will page him right now, Mr?"
"Barnabas, we have a history, and I was wondering if he would like to chat." Barnabas smiles with teeth that seemed too sharp.
Rosie puts her phone down and smiles. "His office is right down at the end of the hall. Have a nice chat."
Barnabas nods as he strolls down the hall and lightly knocks on the door. "Hello, Mr. Magnus?"
An unfamiliar voice answered as the door was opened to reveal a man with familiar green eyes but nothing else that was recognizable. He had gelled back brown hair earrings, a pale complexion, and a very pretty face that held an all too familiar smile. "Barnabas, it really is you." He let's out a breath.
"I didn't think Jack was right about the rumors about you. Alas, he tends to be correct about most things that annoying American. How have you've been? I must say you've built this place up quite nicely." Barnabas smiles, showing off his teeth. "Now you don't have to change your body, although I do like the slimmer figure you never did hold muscles well. I hold no ill will towards what happened at that point. I realized that looking back, there wasn't anything you could do without getting trapped as well. Although the ocean did come to my rescue with your sea legs, I don't think you would have fancied any better."
Elias swallows. "I go by Elias now." He smiles again. "Now I may be new to this world, but I would love to catch up over tea if that is still amenable."
"Oh, I'm sure, you must forgive me it's been ages since I've been back in London. I've been working at a university in America. I must tell you I would rather have Britain than that place. However the work is good and you'll be meeting a few colleges. I suppose that is another reason why I'm here. I work at Cicada Research University." Barnabas smiles. "Good, you've gotten our correspondence. I was volunteered to be the welcoming committee, but I feel much better about it now that I know you're here. I look forward to working together."
"So is this for business or pleasure?" Elias smiles.
"Oh, why not both? I've missed our fun. Although nothing serious, I'd rather become loose in my old age." Barnabas snickers as Elias takes out a bottle of wine.
"I seem to be currently divorced, so that makes this perfect timing." Elias chuckles.
"Now, who would marry you? Don't tell me you've roped a woman into the fray. I had no idea you held such inclinations." Barnabus hums.
"Nonesense, his name is Peter Lukas of the Lukas family. I am 70 years his senior, but that has never stopped us." Elias pours two glasses. "Although I'm sure he won't mind, he was the one to insist on the divorce this time."
Barnabas takes the glass and smiles, taking a sip. "A shame he would let you go, but good for me in that regard. I look forward to tonight."
Elias raises his glass. "And to our future partnership."
Barnabas matches the raise.
"So how is double boss handling the whole change?" Tim leans forward on his desk.
Martin shrugs. "He seems fine, just a bit overwhelmed. He hasn't reached out yet, but he didn't scowl at me this morning."
"Martin, that can't be a good standard." Sasha sighs.
"I did turn him. I expect some hostility even if that's just new instincts." Martin sighs. "I know he's fine. I just worry."
Jon hums. "In your defense, you did warn him."
"Not that it mattered he didn't listen." Tim motions with his hands.
"That's not the point." Martin huffs. "Three weeks till the next full moon. I'll help him through it. You three are not welcome."
"Won't he just be a big puppy like you?" Sasha raised her brow.
"No! I don't even know why I was like that with you guys. Besides, the first turn is incredibly dangerous for anyone around them. They will be feral, and I'll just have to be nearby, and I might even fight him." Martin frowns. "Maybe the next one after he settled, but that wouldn't be up to me."
"Damnit, I wanted puppy cuddles." Tim huffs. "Fine, I'll wait for another full moon. You wound me Martin."
Martin smiles. "I'm not a puppy."
"You act like one with the way you use that tongue of yours." Jon regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth.
Martin's face with a bright red as Tim wolf whistles as Jon locks himself in his office.
"Monsuir Blackwood, it is nice to see you outside a phone photo." Barbabas smiles and bows politely. "Oh, no wonder your father was quite elated when he realized we were doing a joint research project with the Magnus Institute."
Elias raised a brow. "You two are acquainted?"
"Oh no, I know his father, he uses the name Jack these days an annoying American and an unfortunate drugging resulted in Blackwood although you would never be able to tell by the way he just dotes on the man." Barnabas hums.
Martin frowns and rubs his arm.
Elias hums. "Well, I'm sure he will come around with the rest of your team. This is Barnabas Bennett, a researcher from the Cicada Research University in America. They will be transferred over here to start our working relationship. Please treat them with kindness, and please share the information they request."
"I really need to stop ignoring emails." Tim sighs.
Elias sighs and pinches his brow. "I hope your team isn't as.... new as mine is."
Barnabas sighs. "I would rather them new."
Tim snorts.
Sasha smiles and holds out her hand. "Welcome, Mr. Bennett, I look forward to working with you and your team."
"Ah, please, no need for formalities, Barnabas is quite alright." Barnabas shakes her hand. "And you are?"
"Ah, I'm Sasha, I see you already know Martin, and Jon is in his office recording a statement. Tim was the one making jokes. If you need help, feel free to ask away." Sasha smiles and points to an empty desk. "You can take that desk there, and I'm sure we'll have enough desks for your team."
Elias claps. "Now I'll let you get settled in. You all know where my office is if you have any concerns, but please, if it's not an emergency, use my email. I'll be heading back to my office now. Play nice, everyone." He leaves with a wave.
Barnabas takes a seat at his computer and places his bag down. "Blackwood, it's nice to finally see you in person. If it's not too much trouble could you help me with your computer system?"
Martin nods and walks over.
Tim and Sasha share a look and start to discuss something quietly.
"Martin, why didn't you tell us about your dad?" Tim huffs holding a bear in his hands.
"Because my mom raped him?" Martin frowns. "I only met him when I was 18."
"Shit that's fucked up." Sasha sighs spinning her drink. "Sorry for forcing the issue." She gives a side eye to Tim.
"No, no, it's fine. I've never really thought about it. He's really nice and offered to adopt me after things, but I had to take care of my mom. He sends me little American care packages, and we talk regularly over the phone. I didn't think he would come by on a research merger of sorts he's kind of a big head of that institute."
Jon raised his brow. "Really? What does he teach?"
"Uh, he teaches many different subjects, mostly field research and training. He's got like 5 different degrees. Granted, you would never be able to tell with him." Martin smiles softly. "He's kind, and I dunno. I guess I'm glad he talks about me to his coworkers."
"Of course, he's proud of his boy." Tim raised his bottle. "Barnabas is an odd guy, though I think he's like Elias's ex or something."
"They're too friendly for them to be exes." Sasha hums. "Maybe friends?"
"Exes can remain friends." Jon mutters into his glass.
"I mean, yeah, but not that close. I swear I saw Barnabas grab Elias's ass." Sasha finishes her drink. "But like, isn't Elias married?"
"Divorced." Tim corrects. "He's divorced, so like no issue there. Even with that, he's rich. Don't rich people get away with that stuff?"
"I really would like to not discuss our boss's sex life." Jon gives a heavy sigh.
"I second that." Martin leans back. "Thanks for not making a big deal of it."
Tim smiles softly. "Of course not. Family shit is complicated. Ain't nobody going to give you a hard time unless they go through me."
Sasha nods. "Damn right, you're one of us, Martin. we are ride or die."
Jon smiles softly, reaching his hand out. "We're here for you even if you don't want to talk about it."
Martin smiles, getting teary-eyed. "I love you guys."
Tim shudders he couldn't help it the man in front of him towered over him had a face that screams don't fuck with him and he looks like he could break him in any way he chooses with a single figure. "H-how can I help you?" He didn't mean to stutter either.
The man shifts, looking down at Tim. Ha managed to corner him before he reached inside the building. He smiles with too many teeth. "Do you work here?"
Tim wanted to lie, but he knew he really shouldn't, especially to someone who could break him in half. "I do, and I happen to be running late, so I should go." He internally screams as the man places a hand on his shoulder.
"Now, could you help me out? I'm supposed to be working here for the foreseeable future as a sign of good faith to strengthen our collaboration. I just don't know where I should go to start." The man smiles his American accent doesn't exactly help calm down Tim.
"Will you stop scaring your new coworkers?" Barnabas came up behind them with Elias next to him.
"I was just asking a question." The man crosses his arms. "I see you've already settled in."
Barnabas sighs. "Come along. I'll show you. You really need to leave the kids alone."
"I was just asking for directions." The man sighs. "Not my fault. I'm tall."
Tim chuckles nervously. Following behind them.
Elias hums, heading in behind them. He's just enjoying the show.
"Martin!" The mountain of a man pulls the other man into a tight hug. "Look at how big you are, my perfect big guy."
Tim blankly stares and realizes that is Jack, that is Martin's father. He was still terrifying, and he couldn't place down why he liked big burly men, but something about him scared him.
Martin pushes the larger man away, rubbing his face. "Dad, why didn't you tell me?"
"I wanted to surprise you, and it was a last-minute decision to have me come along. Oh, I hope old Bennet didn't give you any trouble. Ah, wait, where did Evan go? I swore he was with me when we docked." Jack hums. "You'll like him he's new but a friendly face."
Martin smiles. "You'll be working with us, uh wait, what will you be doing?"
"Probably categorizing the artifacts or whatever you keep here. It is my area of expertise." Jack sighs. "It's not like I can scout or do anything else. I'm good at it and it's too modern here."
Sasha raised her brow at the odd comment but didn't say anything.
Tim looked over and cleared his throat. "I'm Tim, sorry about earlier." He holds his hand out for a shake and gets pulled into a hug.
"Always great to meet my boys friends." Jack, let's go and look Tim up and down, seemingly sniffing the air around him. "You should be cautious at night." He turns and politely smiles at the woman. "You must be Sasha. It's quite nice to meet you as well, and where is this, Jonathan?"
"He has his own office, and uh, he perfers Jon." Martin looks away, rubbing his arm.
"Now, don't be shy. I loved to meet all my new coworkers." Jack hums, but before he could reach for the door, the door to the archives open.
It was Elias that adjusted his tie and sighed. "Is there a reason you have a deadman on your list of employees?"
"Deadman?" Barnabas raised his brow. "I'm sorry but Jack, what did you do?"
Jack rolls his eyes. "You're a deadman, barney. Yeah, yeah , don't call you that." He sighs. "Wait, why would you know if they are supposed to be and whom you are talking about?"
Elias pinched his brow. He takes a deep breath. "Our dear investors, the Lukas family is quite unhappy with this mockery you've put on your employee sheet."
"Mockery?" Jack walks over and takes the form from Elias. "I thought I did a good job with this." He hums. "Eh, you're right his photo is a bit blurry hard, keeping someone still when you have to use old cameras. I assure you this isn't fiction he's not dead in a way that matters like you are no longer connected to the Beholder." His demeanor shifts almost instantly as a shudder spills throughout the office. His bubbly persona vanished in a flash. He was a "man" to be feared. "Although I should have spoken to the family before I made my way over here. I do not appreciate the tone against me."
Elias steps back as Jack steps forward. A new unsettling fear seeped into his very core.
"Just because this is your institute does not give you any power over me. I am bound to no law, so I would appreciate it if you heed my warning. I'll have you know my staff are handpicked for a reason, and unlike you, I tend to stay hands-on." Jack stops and cracks his jaw. He stares at his hand and curses. He turns and walks deeper into the archives without another word.
Barnabas gives a heavy sigh like he is holding his breath out of fear. "I suggest leaving them be. They have excellent self-control when they aren't hungry."
Martin had slipped out following his father, but nobody noticed in the confrontation.
Elias frowns. "What is he?"
"A werewolf?" Sasha speaks up, and Barnabas laughs a bitter sound.
"A wolf is a mere puppy to what he is...." Barnabas sighs and hugs his chest. "He's older than you and Elias. They don't have a name for what he is old legends and such try to pin a species on it. However, nothing has come close to the truth. Monsuir Blackwood...." He stops realizing he was gone. "I shouldn't speak when he isn't here."
Tim shudders again like a cold has enveloped him. "Will he hurt us?"
"Nonsense." Barnabas leans back. "They wouldn't harm anyone here. If he's truly in need of food, prisons are his favorite." He gets up and walks over to the whiteboard and erases it as Jon steps out. "Now, I might as well explain the other half of this. Our university in America is a cover like this place once was or is depends on who you ask. We keep an eye on the general public to make sure no mass outbreaks of information get out. Well, it's much easier now since everyone thinks of the supernatural as mere fiction. We also help rehabilitate newly changed, although that isn't our main focus. Your so-called faked statements aren't truly fake. We'll yes some are, but they don't have the habit of being ruined since the fears aren't involved." He begins to draw out a few words such as young, ancient, realms, and born. "This is such a simple organization, but it will work with all of you. I'll have you know what Jack is falls under ancient. I fall under born, which is actually a misleading title, but it's semantics based on your own definition."
"Werewolfs fall under young." Elias hums and swallows a smile when Barnabas nods.
"Creatures with a finite lifespan fall under the young category even if werewolves are known to pass a menliuim. Vampires are an odd sort, but do classify under young as well. Creatures such as demons, angels, and fae fall under the realm category for obvious reasons. Born derive from the concept you were once human and now fundamentally changed. I was dragged to the bottom of the sea and well was turned into a siren by the ocean, but sirens can reproduce normally as well. Other examples are ghouls usually come about from desperation starvation forced to consume the same species flesh as your own. Ancient..." Barnabas sighs and holds his marker to the side. "Creatures older than humanity, would you be able to kill them? Nobody has figured that out their names, the species has been forgotten to time and most.... I've only ever met Jack, and there hasn't been any record of reproducing.... er well you can account old legends like the birth of the vampire or the gift of different realms. Blackwood is like his father even as he tries to hide it by turning to the young." He shakes his head. "Ancient beings are comparable to the fears in a sense. However, they are entirely unknown for the most part. Please don't experiment with Jack or Blackwood on this matter. As im-"
"You forgot a few." Jack interrupts and seems to appear out of nowhere. Martin was right next to him as well.
Barnabas jumps and curses. "For heavens sake, don't do that."
Jack smiles. "No. Anyway, your basic system is missing quite a few categories. To think you're an esteemed professor making sloppy mistakes."
Barnabas pinches his brow. "You give an example then."
Jack sighs. "No, everyone seems on edge from your little lesson, and I would rather not scare our coworkers anymore than I have." He hums and returns to an empty desk he claimed as his own and started on normal work.
The tension is suddenly cut through with the sounds of heavy stomps from boots and a soft male voice rapidly tallkng. "Elias!" A soft voice even in an anger shout did not match the body if the man who weld it. A hulking sea captain with wind sweap hair a fog that followed him and a dull blue eye gaze and stared at Elias.
Elias was sitting next to Barnabas with a raised brow until a man who seem like the same age as the sea captain popped out behind him his hair was black save for a stripe of white that was a major contrast. He was in short sleeves and covered in various stitching at his joints and scars. "Hello Peter, so happy for you to join us." He held a smile and a knowing look, recognizing the boy to be the late Evan Lukas.
"Elias cut the crap what did you do?" Peter growls and leans over Elias.
Elias loved the scent of the sea that hung to the man and the cold that lingered on his skin. He snaps himself out of that. "I have no idea what you mean."
A heavy sigh is heard. "Evan, you told me your family wouldn't be around, hence why I allowed you to come."
The man squawked and covered his face. "I- I...."
Jack rubs his temples. "Peter, was it? I apologize, but it seems I've been lied to, and your cousin doesn't respect my rules."
Evan huffs. "How was I supposed to know he would be here? He is as much as a black sheep as I am to our little family. Isn't it already bad enough that my ex-wife played Frankenstein with my remains, and I'm here?"
"Jack, don't rile the child up. I would very much like to not get shocked again by his outbursts." Barnabas sighs. "Besides, I know you knew this was risk."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Jack's smile gives him away. "However, if I were to plan this, I would not have been so adamant about the fact I told Evan strictly to stay by my side."
Barnabas throws his hands up, knowing Jack was right.
Peter growled again. "Explain." He pointed at Elias.
"Uh, Peter, he actually uh... well, he had nothing to do with this." Evan sighs and hugs his chest. "I did mean to run into you, but I didn't expect you would come to the place I'm supposed to be working at.... wait, why are you here?"
Peter stops and sighs. "I am here to check on the institute."
"You're a terrible liar." Evan sighs. "I mean, I don't really know. I've met you like twice, I can recall."
Peter deflates. "How?"
"Well, we don't actually have security in our graveyard, and she was quite determined. She didn't expect the outcome and kind of got bored of reteaching how to do basic things like talk and walk. She kind of cast me into the sea. I couldn't fight back. I was still trying to figure out my body. Barnabas found me and brought me to America."
"It was a working vacation." Barnabas sighs.
"Right, so uh, I figured things out obviously, and I've been working at Cicada University. I mostly work under Jack since I can keep up not needing to sleep or eat. I also uh..." Evan points to the bolts in his neck. "I kind of glow in the dark. Helps in search and rescue. Please don't tell the others I'm around, I'm happy I ran into you rather than them."
Peter nods. "I apologize for my outburst."
"Why thank you." Elias smiles.
"Not to you." Peter glares at him. "I suppose I am the remaining black sheep of our family then. I shall be at my home if you wish to talk." He turns to Elias. "I don't know what game you're playing, but stop if I have Simon appear on my ship again. I'm going to throw you into the sea." He vanishes in a rolling fog.
"So that's your ex husband." Barnabas raised his brow.
"Currently, ex." Elias sighs. "Although I have no idea what he means, I haven't told Simon to do anything. I've been preoccupied as a start."
Evan blinks. "So you're that Jonah guy everyone hates. Huh..."
"Evan, don't be nosey." Jack motions for him to come, and he does. "Now that that little thing is over, you'll be joining me in artifact storage."
Evan nods. "Of course."
"Ah, right, one more thing, see that small lad." Jack points to Martin, who is neither small nor that young. "That's my boy. Be nice to him and his friends."
Evan blinks. "Oh, uh, right, he's bigger than I imagined..." He shakes his head. "Are we starting today?"
"No, get yourself logged into a computer to do on boarding." Jack sighs. "Formalities are a thing we all need to get through."
Evan nods again and grabs an empty desk.
"Your father is fucking terrifying." Tim gasps.
Sasha sighs and rubs her arm. "Tim's right, Martin."
"...are you scared of me?" Martin flinched, ready for the agreement. Instead, he got a hand on his back.
"As long as you are you, I don't think I could be afraid of you." Jon smiles shyly.
Martin blushes and looks away.
"Martin, I can safely say for myself I won't ever be afraid of you, big guy." Tim nudges him playfully. "Besides serious question, Barnabas mentioned something about uh..."
Sasha frowns. "Are you hurting yourself to stop yourself from...." She trails off trying to find the right words.
Martin sighs. "I'm not, I mean, I don't think I am." He frowns. "I know it's a temporary fix, and I'm pretty sure I won't even transform this full moon. I just I'm scared of myself. I don't know how to tame whatever I am. Being a werewolf is so much easier I just I've been masking for so long I don't know what I even look like."
Jon takes a deep breath and grabs Martin's hand. "We can help you through it. I'm becoming a monster too from the fear gods uh the Beholder. We can handle it together."
Martin's face turns bright red. "I could just have Elias bite me.... I uh ok but you guys have to be there for me." He gets even redder when Tim grabs his other hand.
"Of course Marto, we're in this weird shit for the long haul." Tim smiles.
Jon leans on Martin's side that ugly feeling of jealousy ate away at his mind. "Do you know when it will start?"
"I- uh, I mean, uh...." Martin pulls his hands away and walls forward. "I uh tomorrow? With my dad being around its calling to that primal part, er not the right word, my inhumane nature is being pulled to the surface, and my wolf is all but dead. I uh, we don't have work, but uh, you guys can come over to my flat." He waits for the subtle nods before running off from embassment.
"You two need to chill." Sasha covers her face. "Either ask Martin out together or don't. Don't make the poor guy pick."
Jon blinks his brain short circuits not realizing that was an option.
Tim snickers. "Oh bloody hell, thank you, Sasha. Are you sure you're not up for joining?"
"Happily aromantic Tim, but I appreciate the offer. I will see you two at Martin's." Sasha hums. They were idiots but they were her idiots.
Two hours is all it took for Peter to decide Elias, or Jonah has been replaced and this man was not him. He first admitted he slept with Barnabas and then apologized for it. He didn't even have to they are still divorced, and he loved to brag about how he fought off loneliness with the other people he brought into their bed. Now he's lying on his chest in bed and hasn't moved. He always wants to talk about his day or his plans. "Who are you?"
Elias tilted his head up, not wanting to move. The slow sound of Peter's heart was calming, and his scent alone made his emotions do all sorts of things. He knew his body was changing, and he had instincts now, but he felt too happy to care. "Jonah." He hums, grabbing Peter's hand. "You didn't listen to any of the messages I sent you." He didn't even sound upset. "I suppose I wouldn't expect that you were pretty upset with me. Can't recall why now, but it doesn't matter. I'll have you as long as you stay. Your scent, your heartbeat, is intoxicating to me."
Peter sat up to annoyed grumbles from Elias staring up at him. "What happened to you?" He couldn't say he hated it because he didn't. His heart ached, and he didn't know what game Jonah was playing. He long threw away hope that this relationship was anything more than sex and conversation.
Elias looked hurt and laid in Peter's lap. "I'm no longer connected to the eye." He reached out and held Peter's other hand. "Supernatural things exist besides the eye, besides the fears. I got myself tangled up in it, and you've seen your cousin brought back from the dead, and your patron hasn't even been able to touch him. Lycantrophy, such an old disease I have been convinced, was just that of mad men. However, I was wrong, and I've been infected it's only the second week, but I know I'm changing. Barnabas was an old comfort someone I used to know, but even after that, I spent an hour in your closet, and it didn't smell like you, and it upset me. I know it's the new hormones and instincts talking from my rational mind, but I would like to listen to your heartbeat again."
"Werewolves? That's a bit farfetched even for you." Peter stops when Elias holds up his arm, revealing the scar he knew wasn't there the last time he was here, and it was not nearly long enough to heal like that. "You were bitten."
"You don't believe me, and I don't seem to care." Elias sits up and hugs Peter's arm. "As out of control as I feel I'm not scared. I feel ok in this madness. Although when it comes to the full moon, I don't want you near me. It's come to my realization that I don't want to hurt you. I don't think I ever wanted to harm you truly. Time makes fools of us all."
Peter swallows, and there's that horrid hope clawing at his chest again. "I'll stay with you the week, and if this is some sort of game, I will never marry you again."
"I suppose I'll take that wager, and if I win." Elias looks up at Peter, green eyes locked to that dull blue. "I would like to have the nights with you when I call. I know you can use the lonely as easy passage from wherever you may be."
Peter knew he had already lost from that request alone. "I accept." He lays back down, and Elias takes his spot back on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I suppose I should humor this so-called disease you have. Would you like me to cook you a steak?" He didn't expect Elias's face to light up red as he felt a wet patch on his chest from his drool and a loud growl from his stomach. Oh, he wasn't lying.
Elias sat up, forcing himself to move away and wiping his mouth. "You witness nothing of the sort, and I can make my own food." He gets up, face red as blood as he stomps out and towards the kitchen.
Peter covered his face. When the fuck did Jonah ever act cute? He should follow him, make sure he doesn't burn down the kitchen.
"It's open..." Martin says, sitting on his couch staring at the meat in front of him.
Jon and Tim spilled through the door, and both men tried their best to not look like they were trying to get in first. Tim spoke up first. "Hey Martin, nice place, and uh, are we interrupting?"
Martin frowns and shakes his head. "I have to eat it, dad said cooking it might help me, but I uh don't think I'm ready."
"What is it?" Jon hung up his coat and looked over to the meat, and a name and list of crimes came into his head. He swallows and locks eyes with Martin.
"The eye told you who it is." Martin sighs, hugging his chest. "I can feel the hunger start. My body wants to change, and it doesn't want to cannibalize itself, and I don't want that either to lose whatever human parts I still have left."
Tim gives a soft smile and sits next to Martin. "We're they a good person?" The sharp shake of Martin's head answered that question. "Alright then, don't feel too bad. Do you want us here?"
"Y-yes." Martin pauses as Jon sits on his other side. "I uh ok."
"Do you want us to help?" Jon gives a shy smile as Martin's face lights up red.
"Just stay the both of you." Martin reaches forward and grabs a knife and a fork and cuts into the meat and takes a bite and his eyes light up a he barely chews and goes for a second but and suddenly stops covering his mouth and his hand comes away with a tooth. "Oh...." The hunger seemed to hate his sudden stop, and he went on autopilot and grabbed the meat and tore into it until it was gone and his hands were covered in grease. He came back all too suddenly. Gasping, and he spit out more teeth. He could feel tears prick at his eyes with the overwhelming feeling.
Tim grabbed Martin's arm and smiled. "Breathe, big guy, you're still with us?"
Jon places a hand on Martin's lap. "Do you want me to check your mouth?"
Martin can feel the overwhelming embarrassment cloud his new instincts and that hunger fade. "I uh...." He swallows, and he knew he swallowed a few teeth. He runs his tongue along his new teeth. "I still have teeth."
"I would hope so." Jon muses, reaching out to Martin's jaw. "Let me see."
Martin opens his mouth to show off new bright white teeth sharp and stronger than any metal. He snaps it closed before Jon could touch. "Don't, I don't want to hurt you. I uh, does it look bad?"
"No, I mean, it kind of looks good? They are sharper, but uh, it suits you." Jon smiles nervously, then freezes, spotting Tim's expression. "Tim, what's wrong... oh god, is that blood?"
Tim has let go of Martin and spots the growing red stain on his back. "Martin, are you ok?"
Martin has paled considerable. "I uh...I think..." He can't form words. Nothing made sense, and he couldn't focus. Maybe it did hurt, but he was getting cold and tired. Then everything went black.
Martin woke up his body felt different, like he had new parts he didn't really understand yet. He could hear talking.
"Thank you for watching him." That voice was a deep growl. Martin knew that was his father. "I'm glad he has you both to lean on for support. Now I understand the three of you in a relationship can be difficult, but it's not a new concept. I just want to warn you that Martin will be dangerous, just not to you both. Nature of the beast and things, I tend to get protective, and I know he has inherited that, at least."
"Will he still look like himself? I don't want him to feel trapped in his body." A softer voice that was Jon.
A deep laugh from Jack. "My, aren't you an adorable tiny thing. He will be able to control his form at will unless he doesn't eat, which, again, I can not reiterate that enough to make sure he eats properly. He doesn't have the resources I do back in America, so he can't exactly keep a surplus in a chest freezer in this tiny space."
"Are you sure about the people? I mean, about the food situation, are they truly bad?" That was Tim he was lacking his carefree tone.
"I assure you where I get the meat is from the worst, ask Jon he has the eye who was the man I left for him." Jack pauses for a moment. "Actually, don't you look like you'll pass out yourself. Let's just say children are much safer now."
"Oh...." Tim sighs. "Ok, can we do anything now?"
"Now?" Jack pauses again, and Martin can picture him scratching his beard. "When he wakes, just don't touch the new parts they tend to be sensitive. Also, be kind. I know this is overwhelming he's done his very best to hide from it, and I don't blame him. Just let him rest. Maybe don't tell him I was here. He hates it when I just show up unannounced. I tend to overwhelm him, trying to comfort him, Evan says I'm worse than a mother Hen, which doesn't make sense if you've raised chickens. Vicious creatures, but I'm getting off track. Give him my regards and just keep an eye on him."
Martin wanted to argue to get him to stay to apologize, but his mouth wouldn't move, and his body felt exhausted again, and he could feel sleep pulling him back.
"Oh, one more thing if either of you break his heart , I will make sure your death won't be enough relief." Jack hums.
Elias sat up on the couch next to Peter. "Someone is at the door."
Peter raised his brow. "And how do you figure? You aren't under the Beholder anymore."
"Smells like ozone, and....." Elias pauses, shutting his eyes. "Static." He frowns and sneezes. "And something with rye."
Peter blinks as a woosh of wind, and the familair smell of ozone comes through and a sense of vertigo. He frowns as he sees Simon enter through the open window.
"Oh my, I never have to make my own entrance. Did you get into a fight with your patron?" Simon chuckles, tapping his cane against the floor.
Elias bares his teeth, not really understanding why he is doing it.
Peter looks between Simon and Elias, and he knows enough about dogs to realize Elias sees Simon as a threat to him. He lets out a soft laugh and pats Elias's head.
Elias huffs. "Don't patronize me, Peter." Peter can see how pleased the man actually is at the simple gesture.
"Right, ah, did you two marry again? My I should have gotten flowers. Now the reason I'm here is that you've been slacking on your end, Jonah." Simon frowns when Elias just glares at him.
"I've been preoccupied." Elias huffs with what sounds like a growl.
Simon lowers his glasses and waves his cane, then stops he does the motion again, and he replaces his annoyed expression for one of confusion.
Elias sneezes at the smell that seems to gather around Simon only stronger. He rubs his nose, annoyed. "Will you stop that? I swear you're being quite annoying."
Peter raised his brow, matching Simon's confusion. "Elias, you're not falling."
Simon steps back. "What has happened to you?"
Elias shrugs, not wanting to talk about his situation. "It doesn't matter what happened to me. I would like you to not just barge in here demanding things. I quite like to spend my days off relaxing."
Simon looks at Peter. "What did he do?"
"Honestly, I'm still trying to figure that out." Peter stiffens as Elias crawls into his lap. He was guarding Peter, and Peter could feel him vibrate with a low growl, and he couldn't help but think this was adorable. He rubbed his partner's back. "You should probably go."
Simon nods. "I shall inform the others of this new perdictament. Congratulations on the new power, Jonah." He vanishes through the window as Elias sneezes again.
"Don't like him." Elias huffs, resting his head on Peter's shoulder.
Peter rubs Elias's back. "Alright, my scary guard dog, get off of my lap."
"....no." Elias buries his face in the crook of Peter's neck.
Peter can feel Elias's teeth graze his skin, and he sighs. "I'm not in the mood."
"Don't wanna do that now." Elias huffs. "Don't know what I want, just want to be with you."
Peter can feel his patron praise him. He didn't quite understand why, but he was doing something right. His thoughts come to a screeching halt as Elias licks his neck. "Jonah!"
Elias hums happily.
Peter groans, knowing he wasn't going to get a clear answer from the other man. He realized Elias probably has no fucking clue what he is doing. He needs to reach out to Evan he probably knows what is going on.
A good night rest didn't change the odd behavior as yesterday. Elias has only gotten worse, and Peter was basically carrying him to the kitchen. "Jonah, you're acting like a child."
Elias huffs and continues to cling to Peter as he makes breakfast. "I merely wish to be close to you." He growls again and Peter knew it meant someone besides him was nearby.
"Elias." Peter sighs.
"Peter, it's Evan." Elias, let's go of Peter shaking his head. "I wasn't warned just how strong this damn thing will get." He rubs his nose, seemingly annoyed. "I want extra bacon." He mutters trotting off to the front door.
Peter blinks in, surprised he has never seen Jonah answer the door in anything other than a suit, and now he's just in his pajamas, silk and flowy but still fancier than his own boxers. He had to ask Evan about this. He was pulled away from his thoughts as Elias came back, guiding his cousin inside.
"I'm sorry I didn't realize how early it is." Evan looks away from his cousin just in boxers and an apron. "I don't tend to track time as much since I don't actually need to sleep... or eat... or, well, a lot of normal things."
Peter raised his brow. "It's 8am. it's not that early." He hums as Elias glares at him.
"Because to him, he's used to his ship." Elias huffs, sitting himself down at the kitchen table.
Peter smiled softly at that. Oh Forsaken, did he really miss Elias this bad? Even with this odd behavior? Did that make him want Elias even more? His patron seemed to giggle at him, happy at his flustered thoughts. He wasn't even that close to his patron from what his parents say along with the rest of the family. He doesn't even realize he's semi corporatel until his hand goes through the frying pan. It was as if the Forsaken themselves wanted to stop him from the falsehoods.... wait, were they communicating with him? He knew the answer was yes. He gives a heavy sigh and focuses cracking eggs into the pan, letting the bacon greese act as butter.
Evan pauses and gasps, pulling his backpack around. "Ah yes, sorry, Barnabas asked me to bring you some things, Jonah."
"Elias." Elias corrects with a raised brow as a few books are pushed forward along with a bag and a chew toy. He stares at the chew toy, and he can feel his jaw ache. He grabs all of them and notices the books are handwritten journals and a sticky note on top of each says the name who wrote them and it's experiences with lycantrophy and logs from before and after first turnings. "Thank you, Evan."
"Oh right, Elias, and yeah, no problem. Barnabas said you should get acquainted with your new abilities, changes, and instincts, but uh, in a more crude language. I also got a book for you, too, Peter." Evan smiles and hands over a book to Peter.
Peter raised his brow, staring at the cover. 'A werewolf mate what to expect'. "Do I need this?"
"Yes." Evan didn't hesitate.
Peter sighs and plates Elias's food, handing it to the man who is already reading through one of the books. He watches Elias eat with his free hand, too engrossed in the book to even grab a fork. He grabs the book from the counter. "How are you, Evan?"
"I'm ok. Weird to see family again, I mean, I did want to get to know you. I wanted to see the other black sheep of our family. I just never got a chance before well. Uh, this." Evan motions vaguely to himself.
Peter nods. "I see."
"Uh, I do have to ask. Will you be here during the full moon?" Evan tilts his head like he already knows the answer.
"Elias asked me not to." Peter hums, starting to eat his small plate of food.
"Yeah, that probably won't work." Evan glances over to Elias, who hasn't even noticed them talking about him. "He bonded to you even without sex... uh, I know that because he hasn't marked you with his teeth. Werewolves tend to get wildly protective. You already seem to know that, but what I'm trying to say is that you being here will minimize any sort of danger a newly turned wolf can do. It's only been two weeks, and as you can see, his instincts are fresh and incredibly strong. I don't even think he realizes his new behaviors."
Peter watches Elias reach for more food, but his plate is empty, so he just licks his fingers and huffs. "Will they go away?"
"Oh never, but he'll be able to control them better after the first full moon. Right now, think if him as a toddler and his feral mind hasn't exactly been playing nice with his sane human mind as they slowly merge. He's not even paying attention to us, and I think that's not normal for him. I don't actually know, but I would be uncomfortable or annoyed if people were talking about me in front of me and think I didn't notice." Evan watches Elias flip through his book as if he was the only one in the room. "Although if you left, he would follow and come back to his senses. I just finished a course on werewolves and turnings and mates and bonds. Jack is still trying his best to catch me up on the more common supernatural beings I'll encounter."
Peter pauses his gaze, moving between Evan and Elias. "Can I get him to stop? He's gotten quite clingy."
"You can try biting him, but uh, that wouldn't be appropriate with me here. Again, I don't really know how you handle that kind of stuff, and I can't really do it anymore , so I don't know. I also can tell the Forsaken has claimed you as their child. I do get some perks of being the living dead. I'm like an outsider looking in. I can't affect them, and they can't affect me. However, I can see kind of like the Beholder, but I guess differently. All I know is that you're basically one with the Forsaken it's as much you as you are it. If that makes any sort of sense, I can't see where you start, and they end, and it's starting to affect them now. I seriously never understood how you're the black sheep. You gave the Forsaken humanity or, at the very least, attachment issues, which is quite ironic. I mean, it has happened before, hence why the Web and the End are so human like and don't actually want to have a ritual. Unlike them, though, the Forsaken has figured out how to not let their favorite die. I'm going to have to ask Jack what that is exactly because I wouldn't even consider you an avatar." Evan blinks and looks away. "I'm sorry. I tend to ramble. I never did break that habit."
Peter stares down at his hands. How old was he? He doesn't even recall seeing the family records he wasn't in there. He always assumed they excluded him because they hated how social he was. He knew he wasn't as old as Jonah, and there was a 70-year gap between them, but how old was Jonah. He freezes as Elias crawls into his lap.
"I can hear the gears turn in your head." Elias huffs already on the second book. "I swear control your fog, or I will do that for you."
"How did you know?" Peter raised his brow but couldn't help but relax having an anchor. An anchor that also pleased his patron. He had a feeling he knew why. He never really thought he needed one, and he probably didn't, but he was attached to Jonah.
"Just did." Elias starts to eat the unfished food on Peter's plate, not caring to use a fork like a fussy toddler.
Peter sighs and raises his brow at Evan, who just shrugged. "Right Elias aren't you going to use a fork?"
"Mmh?" Elias pauses his brain, finally catching up with his body. "What am I doing?" He blinks, finally waking up in a sense and pulls himself off Peter to clean his hands and stomp away to get dressed muttering to himself.
"As I said, he's got two minds at the moment, and one isn't playing fair, and they won't be in sync until we'll after the full moon." Evan sighs. "You should probably read that book, and uh, are you really ok with this? I know it can be a bit much, and if you really want, it's early enough, and I can convince Barnabas to take over."
Jealousy was something Peter never took serious, he never understood how Jonah was jealous if he even spoke to other people, let alone that man was always jealous of his first mate. Now he actually felt it he knew the history between the two and like fucking hell he will let that man take his Jonah away. He let out a breath through his nose, and it was just fog. "Elias is mine, Evan. I will get used to the new changes." He relaxes and leans back. "I apologize for the outburst."
Evan raised his brow. Peter never even raised his voice. He knew what it was like growing up on their family he just forgot how horrid it was and how he clung to the freedom he had. "It's ok to be attached to your loved ones. He obviously feels the same way. It's nice to have that."
"Thank you." Peter gets up to head to his room to get dressed. "I shall be back down shortly."
Evan nodded and knew that wouldn't happen.
"Don't touch it!"
"It looks so soft, though."
"Don't touch him. You'll wake him!"
Martin furrows his brows and finally is able to open his eyes. He can move his head to see Tim and Jon arguing beside him in his bed. He can smell dried blood, and he pushes himself up and feels a weight on his back. He looks back to see two massive furry wings. The patterns remind him of spider webs. He can flex them, and then he can feel them slide back into his back like they were never there. He, of course, can still feel them and take them out, but he felt comfortable. He noticed a fluffy tail. It was soft, but trying to feel the actual tail, he could feel hidden spines under the fur. He looks back to see the two still arguing and hasn't noticed he was up. "Uh..... you can touch if you want. I mean, be careful. I feel spines under my fur?"
Tim blinks and reaches forward. The fur was soft, and he could feel the spines and knew it would be bad to put pressure on it. "You think they are venomous?"
Martin tilts his head focusing. "I uh, maybe? I can make the spines smaller, but uh, I don't know. I don't want to test it. Jon... are you ok? I mean, uh, did you both stay over?"
"I mean, we weren't going to leave you alone." Jon gives a nervous smile. "We wanted to make sure you were ok."
Martin blushes. "I, uh, thank you both of you seriously. I really am glad you both are here with me." He refrains from mentioning that he heard the earlier conversation. "How long I was out?"
"A day and a half, the sun just set." Tim smiles softly. "We uh made you dinner with the special meat. Thought you would be hungry."
Martin nods. "Yeah, and uh, can you guys burn these blankets."
Jon nods. "Yeah, I can handle that or your roommate. He seems like a cool guy, and he did mention he's been in statements."
"Oh Gerry, yeah, he's cool helps pay the rent. He's also a good friend he's actually older than me. Even if it doesn't seem, it vampires stop aging after they are turned." Martin sighs. "Thank you guys again."
Tim smiles and grabs Martin's hand. "Come on time to eat big guy then clean up."
Jon huffs. "Tim, maybe you should ask Martin what he wants first!"
Martin giggles. "You two are acting cute."
The two other men blush and look away from each other.
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