#giw sketch
gingericywolf · 9 days
Jwct countdown, days 22-23 may: camp fam
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I don't think there's nothing to add here!
Prompt: @campbenji
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little-pondhead · 1 year
I forgot about this.
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The whole reasoning behind the Supervillain Danny AU sketches was that his villain persona was the complete opposite of his normal, sane self and hero persona. Danny plays into the Fenton name really hard, and ramps up the “mad scientist” bit, taking inspiration from both his normal civilian life and his parents, thus using just his last name as a villain.
And then I wanted to add what Sam and Tucker might look like if they joined in on his shenanigans. To keep with the “opposite of their normal life” bit, let’s throw in some ghostly artifacts that help the two keep up with Fenton’s madness.
Sam would get an angel’s halo that helps her form ghostly wings, and she’d play into the good-two shoes angelic look, and then she opens her mouth and verbally assaults you. She pins her bangs back and wears clothes that better fit a celestial aesthetic and uses all the etiquette training her parents taught her. Manson looks like some sort of regal angel and people expect her to be the nicest out of all of them. She’s not. Manson is the sneakiest and most bloodthirsty one, and heroes regularly wonder if she has actually committed murder or not.
Tucker takes inspiration from his time as a pharaoh. He has a metal postiche that enhances his physical ability. (Maybe it gives him dreadlocks too, but I like to think Tucker is just wearing a whole ass wig.) He wears a strange mix of street wear and his pharaoh outfit, and throws his tech-obsessed self out the window. Fenton is the nerdy one here, so now Foley is the muscle. Foley plays up meathead American bully stereotype hard. He delights in throwing hands, and hunts down supers just for the sake of a fun spar. (For him not for the supers.) Foley’s favorite people to fight so far is Killer Croc and Superman. Heroes are concerned about what would happen if Foley fought for real, but then they saw what he did to the Joker “as a joke” and decided not to ask any more questions.
Basically, the trio looked at their civilian lives and picked out what they considered “villainous traits” from the people around them that they then played into as villains themselves. If that makes sense. Sam hates how her parents want a perfect child, so she makes herself look like one. She speaks in backhanded comments and has a snooty attitude, which she learned from other rich people. Tucker is constantly confronted by bullies everyday, and all the rogues that come to Amity are always fighting, so that’s what he decides to mimic. Yeah, he now gets to be the big and strong protector of the group, but all his experience with fighting have been bad ones, and that reflects in his style. And finally, Danny. Why does he take after his parents and play into the family name? Because the Fentons are one of the biggest obstacles and source of anxiety in his life. Danny associates mad scientists to pain and other bad things, so even if all he’s being helpful in a really annoying way as a villain, his parents and the threat of the GIW still influence how he presents himself. Because to Danny, those two things are far more scary than a kid with a pirate ship or a man wearing a bat fursuit.
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papiliomame · 3 months
DP Side Hoes Week 2024:
Dani Phantom - Self Defense
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Just a rough sketch today. As a street kid who travels around the world and with her cheeky attitude I imagine she often gets into street fights with the local gangs in big cities. Of course she needs to be careful and not to accidentally transform to conserve energy and to avoid getting on the rader of the GiW.
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and-so-he-rambled · 16 days
Gotham Rogue Vlad Masters
Master list
Vlad Masters is left in charge of a six year old Jazz and four year old Daniel in the wake of their parents death in a lab accident. Things are hard enough with the development of Daniel’s powers and the two kids trauma, when the GIW track the kids down and raid the castle. With no other choice, Vlad leaves behind his growing empire and flees to Gotham to hide with the children.
Gay rant
Continuity poll
The Call pt 1, 2
The Lab
Gotham (first draft)
Part 1 - Escape
Part 2 - Settling
Part 3 - The Library
Baby Badger
Vlad Masters Sketch
Creepy children
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 253
You know what I think would be fun? The Ennead in Legend of Zelda. 
Giant nine-headed dragon who might have maybe decided to go on a vacation in a random dimension. Y’know, one where they don’t have to worry about the GIW or summonings or accidentally starting cults or well, anything really. 
Or at least that was what they were hoping for. Oh sure, not a lot of things so much as approach them but there’s this tiny elf-looking child with a sword. And like, they’re not going to hurt a child who can’t even do much more than scratch their scales, y’know? 
Meanwhile from literally everyone else’s point of view, there was a massive comet, meteor, etc that fell to the lands, and suddenly there’s this massive multi-headed star beast wandering the skies like some sort of cosmic spirit unable to return to the place it came from. And they say as much to the hero. 
Yes I am still failing at drawing the Ennead's full body so have sketch instead
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@radiance1 @fairy-lights-and-blobs Either of you might enjoy this perhaps lol
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sonnyaavce · 6 months
DP x DC prompt # 7
After I played a lot of Lies of P and saw Sophia Monad's death scene in the game and saw how she's just a ghost revenant and in my sick twisted mind I was like "maybe if we add this a bit more of angst if is baby Danny in de DC universe"
Soooo... this list of a part sketch that i have till now... tell me what ya all think
Ghost kid Danny (5-6 year old)
Parents dead and the GIW took all investigation related to ghosts and silenced the town witnesses.
Baby Danny used as a battery to fuel new nuclear weapons for the UN against any insurgents in the Justice League or meta terrorist.
Jason finds crates filled with these weapons near Creek Deck.
Guns filled with green Lazarus water :0
Jason calls in Bruce, who then calls JL to tell them about this.
They find out about GIW and their investigation.
RR and Oracle start to pinpoint weird information about a living battery.
The YJ is called to do a quick recon mission and find out about this supposed battery.
They manage to arrest all agents, doctors and scientists but couldn’t find any clue.
Hippidy hoppity there is now a ghostie following
The ghost guides them to the PH001 project.
Connor’s anger is palpable when he sees who the battery is.
There’s a kid strapped on a metal chair, his hair white and long.
From the lower body of the kid flows a weird green goo that radiates energy.
Ghostie tells then that’s his body, that he wants to sleep, but he can’t until his body is gone.
They ask him how long he has been stuck here.
Ghostie doesn’t know but tells them that maybe his folder has that info.
Pics used as inspiration
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minnesota-fats · 3 months
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Some sketches I did for a fic I made where Jason and Danny get kidnapped by the GIW
(spoiler Maddie is also there)
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aethertetsuya · 1 year
DP x DC Prompt
Tales of a Bird, Zombie, and Alien fighting for the hand of The Ghost King
*Phantom Planet happened, but Danny and Sam didnt get together. Phantom was cemented as one of Earths greatest heroes and the Anti-eco acts days are numbered. But that doesnt mean the GIW will stop at nothing to get him at the disection table before the AE are revoked. Cue the Fenton Family Applying for a protection program with the Justice League and are now hidden in Gotham (2nd most ecto-contaminated city in the world). The JL knows Danny's Identity BTW*
Danny Fenton, 18 yr old, space loving, half ghost boy has a type. Blue eyed, Black hair individuals who knows how to kick ass.
He was sitting in a sun chair by the pool at wayne manor, drinknin hand with the straw almost to his lips ogling at the sight.
His annoying big sister just caught him drooling at the sight of three people at an all out water battle. Which he questions Jazz "How do you see this and not drool?"
The "this" in question is to the sight of Richard "Dick" Grayson, Jason Todd Wayne, and Jon Lane Kent dripping in sweat and water causing those rock hard abs, thick muscles in the arms and thighs that could choke the remaining half life out of him. They're in nothing but swim trunks.
Jazz just rolled her eyes and said "well they're not my type". "Im rooting for Jon" Damien Wayne said from his seat beside Danny. Not at all interested in the battle but focused more on his sketching of Tidus on a floater.
"Well, I'll be at the bar with Mom and Dad. I need to save Mr. Wayne from getting his ear full of ghost and stuff. Now that they know your half ghost status they have been so busy revising all their bias and doing actual reaserch and stuff"
And with that, she was off. Leaving Danny back to his fantasies of being held in those arms. But which one, though?
*Dick is 26, Jason is 24, Jon is 18. Thats my headcanon*
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Au where Danny ignored and shoved down his negative feeling until they wouldn't be ignored anymore.
Ever burn from an ectoblast searing his skin, every slur thrown by his parents and ex, every broken bone and stitched wound, every person writing of his pain as imaginary. Every punch, kick, lost assignment, broken promise and lonely thought be didn't dare finish...it manifested.
It was quiet. At least at first.
Mom and dad had left early in the morning leaving a note that said they were going to hunt a ghost on the border of town and that there was money for them to order pizza. After realizing his ghost sense never went off they decided to check the Ops center and they discovered there was no ghosts in the area and it was likely a false alarm so they went back to what they were doing.
It wasn't too unusual for thier parents to just up and leave for days or even weeks at a time, so the Fenton kids weren't really worried, but they usually called. It wasn't really a cause for alarm when they didn't though. Danny was having a great time. Less and less of his Rouges Gallery were showing up as the days went by. The first to disappear was Skulker, which he found surprising. He thought the hunter would be one of the last to give up. Skulkers absence was followed by Johnny's, then Kitty's when she came looking for her boyfriend. The list went on until ghosts became nervous and came to ask Danny if he had seen any of them lately.
Phantom knew something was deeply wrong when he heard about Walker disappearing from his prison. He wouldn't have left without a reason and definitely would have returned by now. He and his friends theorized the GIW were behind it. It was the only thing that made sense despite them being wildly incompetent. That was blown out of the water when news broke about Vlad being found deceased by one of his neighbors. They had seen his front door open and decided to check it out only to find Mr. Masters body torn to shreds just a few meters inside.
Danny was on the verge of a panic attack. What could have done that?! His ghost sense never went off and neither did the sensors in the Ops Center and the GIW couldn't have killed vlad even if they wanted to and they certainly wouldn't have don't it like that!
His breaths came quicker as he slid to the floor, using the cold of the kitchen tiles in an attempt to ground himself as his lungs burned from either not having enough air or what felt like the inability to process the air it received. He felt Jazz gently rubbing his back and shoulders, soothing him in a way she hadn't managed to in months dispute the same tactic being used. After his gasps became deeper and pettered off and the tears stopped flowing he turned the thank her.
It wasn't Jazz.
This...thing...it looked like him. More accurately it looked like a crude sketch of him ripped off of paper and brought into the real world. An angry scribble made with enough anger to rip the paper with the pencil and leave dark bold lines. "You don't have to be afraid anymore." His own voice said to him, making him feel both sick to his stomach and an odd sense of peace even as he flashed bloody teeth and became more solid and whole. He watched as it become a proper shade, "I'm here to protect you now."
And all at once he realized that blood wasn't his own.
It was only a few weeks later that he found himself in another universe after getting his friends and technus to help his destroy everything and everything ghost hunter related from his own world before leaving.
This new world had heros and magic and everything Danny would need to never be noticed again. His "shadow" for a lack of a better term, approved, as it often did when Danny found some way to keep himself safe.
One would think Gotham would be one of the worst places to feel safe in, but most people weren't Danny. Gotham had an odd darkness about it, one that seemed happy to swath him in shadows and hide him away. No one would be able to find his ecto-signature or hunt him with magic. The greatest weapon against "The Children of Lazarus" as his specific species of ghost had once been called here, was magic. Something he had either a high resistance to or-in most cases- outright immunity.
Danny had everything he needed here. An abandoned house all to himself that strangely came with hidden medical supplies but hey, gift horses and all that, running water and electricity and even a less than savory job as a drug smuggler. The only catch was that the big boss, one of the local vigilantes, refused to let kids in on his operations, which was fine so long as no one found out he was 15.
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quasar-makes-art · 2 days
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Day 6: Core Injury
As mentioned in my day 5 post, this one was really almost done.
I consider this a companion piece to day 3: blood blossoms. The boys are having a bad time. I have no idea why, but in general i tend to blame the GIW. Also, I’m not practiced in comic art styles but i was trying to emulate some of the super-dramatic panels, it felt fitting for these colors. I’m not sure i was successful, but it is something i’ll have to play around with in the future.
Day 7 is barely a sketch so it may take more time to post, but it’ll get posted sometime (hopefully soon)
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gingericywolf · 18 days
Jwct Countdown, Days 14-15: Fav ship
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Hi, It's me your local delusional guy! Gonna have to feed myself and the 3 people other people here with me.
Jokes asides benji will always have a special place for me.
Also used this opportunity for making art inspired by @jupitersrising fic 'Survival of The Fittest'. Sotf Ben my beloved in one of the rare moments I didn't want to hold him from the scruff of his shirt like an angry kitten. Apart from this it has been quite a while since I read the chapter this happens in, so I may have missed some details. Also I maaay have gone overboard with the scars, but he is my little fucked up guy.
Countdown prompts by: @campbenji
As always process here
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lisartino · 3 years
After posting my first sketches about this AU and the positive reception from the Phantom, it’s time, to sum up this bad boy variant of Ghost King Danny. This post will also bring facts that I’ve already revealed on the fanart server. Any post with the tag VoidOverlord!AU is concerned by this masterpost
If you wanna do a phanart/ phanfic about it, look at that masterpost and the tag above and you'll get what you need amikos :)
The King from beyond the Stars (Danny facts)
Danny is a full ghost and claimed his place as King of the Zone (As a halfa, he was perceived as Ghost Prince).
His secondary obsession with Space is still present to the point most things related to him are recognized by Sci-fy imagery.
Bc of his thirst for knowledge on the Cosmos, his core is now an Ice/Space hybrid. The Void is what often peaks his interest thus making his powers turn black and blue when using Space powers.
The ice he now generates is can range from icy blue to mint-green and can even become purple-ish black in rares cases. His base ectoplasm is also mint-green.
Phantom declared that Cosmology and Astronomy are now one of the official disciplines in Royal education. While Space is not unknown to the Zone, it was barely scratched become Phantom became king.
The Cosmic court (Friends and enemies)
His secondary obsession along the powers of both the ring and the crown created a kingborne race born with the purpose of studying Space: the Voidseer.
Voidseers are eldritch specters shrouded in white cultists robes running the Royal Astronomy club created by Phantom.
The Royal Astronomy club is divided into four wings led by the Hastur: Astronomy, Biology, Mechanics, and Exocivilization(aka alien civilizations).
The canon allies in the Zone became mentors and messengers to the King and often rules over a part of the GZ (the exception being Wulf due to being a druid circle’s eidolon in the living realm)
The majority of Phantom’s enemies from canon became friends and respect him to some extend (a few like to fight him but for old time’s sake and bonding).
Enemies are either disgruntled ghosts who hate Phantom for what he did to them, some of the former kings’ supporters (Pariah Dark’s worshipers combine both of these), or hostile alien races that consider the GZ as a negative afterlife dimension of Chaos/ Evil.
Most of Phantom’s entourage when he was still alive became ghosts either due to natural causes or extended exposition to ectoplasm. They all settled somewhere in the Zone depending on their obsessions and powers.
The Limbo King’s reach (Context and places)
The AU is roughly 490-500 years after the canon events regardless of whether Phantom Planet is canon or not.
The majority of the AU will be in the Ghost Zone but that doesn’t mean it will exclusively focus on it: Earth isn’t the only planet with Life in the Mortal world.
Exoplanets are explored by small groups led by either one of the Hasturs or Danny when he has free time.
Amity Park is a necropolis altering between the Zone and Earth like the Bermuda triangle: the growing necrotic radiation left by ectoplasm led the city to be abandoned. Only GIW agents and urbex explorers dare to enter this city of the Dead.
Any place built for Phantom or owned by him looks like alien and sci-fy architecture. The royal castle is said to be a hybrid of a grand palace and a space hub.
A cosmic kingdom’s slice of [after]life (Bonus facts)
Anything the king touches develops a distinct icy mint smell. Thankfully, it will disappear hours after if not touched again by Phantom.
Phantom is a canine person and has dozens of breeds under his command. His favorite is Ahklut, an amphibian orca-wolf hybrid that some ghosts believe to be in the King’s image.
Kingborne is a term given to any ghost race created from a ghost king’s bonus obsessions combined with the Ring and the Crown. Voidseers are not the only ones coined as such.
The Royal Astronomy club has an advanced orrery of the Solar System. However, the Voidseers managed to forget Pluto(a personal request of the King)…
It is ill-advised to remove a Voidseer’s clothing as their “true body” is a cosmic horror to behold. Danny is unphased by it somehow.
The Voidseers (Hastur included) tend to confuse Dani with Danny despite being explained several times why they’re different now.
Clockwork likes the Voidseers better bc they’re not arrogant, lawful-stupid, no-fun allowed ghosts like the Observants are.
All Voidseers has Them/They as their pronouns bc they’re Lovecraftian ghosts.
There is a realm in the GZ called the National park of Nansen where Phantom is said to often visit this polar park to watch auroras with some of the ahkluts living there.
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wonderlandsakura · 2 years
Ghost King Danny Phantom Concept Sketch
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Behold. My silly little sketch of ghost king danny commanding ghosts? skeletons? to go fight... something. Maybe the GIW, maybe some alien invasion from outspace.
I would finish this up and draw it myself but I don't have:
1. The time
2. The ability (I can't do digital art and opacities which I really one to see in the finished artwork)
And 3. The skills
So if any artist wants to take a shot at it go ahead, just tag me or reblog this (or sth, I also don't understand Tumblr) so I can see my dreams realised.
A description of what exactly is going on in the picture can be found in the alt text.
[Some silly ideas I imagined the finished artwork to have:
- Danny with a sad but determined face like "I hoped it wouldn't have to come to this" (alternatively, Danny pointing with a feral grin)
- Danny with Cape??
- blurry ghosts rushing where Danny points with feral grins on their faces]
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miakwat · 4 years
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( I think they wanted to have the Fentons or the GIW experiment on blob ghosts but I felt bad about torturing them so I make scribbly blob ghosts)
Last thing of sketches
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lonely-bored-writer · 5 years
Winchester meet the Phantoms Ch. 12
Things started relaxing, the ghosts were mostly spending their time in ghost zone with things getting closer to Christmas. Nothing else that goes bump in the night has popped up, his parents are at a convention in England, and today is the start of winter break. So some would say things were going good for him.
The problem is, he keeps seeing people with wings. Weird, he knows. It first happened when Sam, Tuck, and him were leaving the nasty burger. He held the door open for this elderly man, who Danny could swear had faint white wings behind his back. When he asked Sam and Tuck about it, nether of them had any clue what he was talking about. So, like any other teen, Danny brushed it off as nothing and went on with his day.
How ever the whole week that followed that day, people with wings kept appearing. It kept ranging from kids, to teens, to adults, to the elder, but it was much more prominent in adults. The wings ranged from gold, white, silver and black, along with the fact they started looking more prominent as time passed.
That's why Danny was currently sitting in his bed room, searching his computer for any creatures that had wings like those. The only things he could find were angels, but that couldn't be. He's met an angel before and he didn't have wings. Things were getting more confusing, and he had an idea of who to call.
"Hey Dean, is Sam there? Can you put me on speaker? Okay, so I might have a problem..."
"He's checking in with Cas to see if there's any reason I might be seeing angel wings" Danny sighed, taking a drink from his shake. "I really hope it isn't that big."
"Maybe it has to do with what those people did?" Sam questioned her friend. Danny paused for a moment, realizing his friend might have a point.
"She's got a point." Tucker joined in, taking a bite from his double bacon burger. "Your hearing, sight, and ice powers got a lot stronger. Whose to say you can't see things like that now?"
"You've got a point..." Danny nodded, glancing around the room to make sure no winged people were here. " If that's true, why are angels gathering here?"
"Are any here now?" Sam asked, lowering her voice.
"Not that I can tell..." Danny paused, watching as one entered the nasty burger, eyes trained on him. "Never-mind, don't look. He's watching us" Danny turned his gaze back to his friends. Immediately both his friends got tense.
"What the hell are we supposed to do now?" Tucker asked, trying to keep his eyes trained on his friend. Sam tried to do the same, no wanting to alert the angel anything. "Do they want something bad?
"From what I know, they never want anything good." Danny mumbled. "Considering things, I think they might be after me. I mean, they guys was staring straight at me."
"Okay, lets say that." Sam thought, pausing to think. "What are we going to do? I doubt Tucker and I can keep you safe from angels."
"I'll leave." Danny said, voice seriously. When his friends made a move to protest. "I'll try calling Cas, okay? But I don't want you guys getting hurt."
He walked a few blocks before he was pulled into a alley way. He barely missed the angel blade before it went straight through him. His eyes glowed green, seeing four angels. One with golden wings, two with black, and one with white.
It happened quickly, quicker than ever. The moment the four angels had him circled, a pierce stab of fear and alarm pulsing through him. It happened quicker than he was used to, no words were exchanged. The golden-winged angel made the first move, jumping forward and taking aim for Danny's chest. The move it took to block the attack, and blast his attack with an ecto-blast, pushing the angel gave another the opening it needed.
The pain flaring up from Danny's leg felt like nothing he felt before. Burning almost as much, or even worse, than the weapons the GIW and his parents use. Everything became a blear of angel after angel taking a jab at him, small nicks and bruises forming and the large gash on his leg bled heavily.
He couldn't get the angels to slow down, they moved quickly, almost as if anything wasn't going to slow them down. His didn't do much to delay them and he started loosing hope he could get out of this mess, already panting heavily.
It was a fluke if he was being honest. It was blocking to attacks that lead to one blade burying itself into the golden-winged angel. The flash that filled the area blinded Danny for a moment.
A moment too soon, the felt the slash before his vision came back fully. The pain blossomed across his shoulder, fogging his mind. The two other blades pierced into him, one through his shoulder, the other through his chest. The pain overwhelmed him, nothing like anything he felt before. It reminded him too much of the night his life changed for ever.
On the damp alley way ground, Danny felt himself slipping not being able to so much as keep his eyes opened. He left the footsteps vibrate against the grounds and he knew he wasn't going to make this out in one piece...
At least that's what he thought before he felt the burning light fill the air and corpses hit the ground. He couldn't make it out, but a familiar voice filled the air. But he couldn't hold on, his mind drifted to darkness with one thought in mind.
Sam Winchester was on a search for a new case inside the Winchester's bunker, his brother was off to the side with a beer reading away. They were settled into a comfortable silence, it was on of their more laid back days. Not much to do. So when Castiel appeared in the middle of the room, a body in his arms. It set what the day would be like.
"Dean! Sam!" Castiel's voice pulled them from their stare, having the brothers moving the moment Cas placed Danny's unconscious form on the couch.
"What happened?!" Sam asked, pressing his hand against Danny's throat, sighing in relief when he felt a pulse.
"Angels." Cas spoke, eyes watching the brother's move. "They believe he will grow up to be a king of hell."
"What?" Dean's head snapped up from his spot with the medical kit. "What the hell does that mean?"
"There is a timeline when Danny grows to destroy the world, I believe mentioned this when you first met."
"He said he stopped that version of himself." Sam responded, looking over Danny's wounds when the tattered shirt was removed. "He need's a hospital."
"No." Cas shook his head. "His blood is different, the doctors will notice." At those words, the Winchester brother's noticed it. A soft green glow emitted from the red blood, invisible unless you were really looking.
"Angel's are going to try and kill him now?" Dean asked, his brother and him working quickly to stitch and clean Danny's wounds before the teen lost a lot of blood.
"Yes." Came the curt response from the angel.
"Just because in one timeline he- Dammit Cas!" Dean cut himself off when he heard the sound of fluttering wings were heard, a glance back showed an empty space. His eyes landed on the pale and sweaty face of the teen, worry curling through him. "You better wake up."
When Danny came to, the first thing he thought was why his bed felt so small. Then everything came crashing down. The wings. The angels. Being attack. Being stabbed. Twice. Someone saved him.
Someone saved him.
Jolting up in realization cause a new wave of pain from his injuries. He cried out, wrapping an arm around his torso. "Hey! You'll rip your stitches." Danny's eyes landed on the worried gaze of Sam Winchester. A sigh of relief escaped him, allowing Sam to guide him to a sitting. He accepted the pain relievers and water with a grateful smile.
"What the hell happened?" Dean asked, arms crossed before him, worry clear. "Cas showed up with you a mess." So he's the someone who saved him.
"I-I don't know." Danny sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I noticed one of the angels watching me when I was eating with Sam and Tuck... I didn't want them at risk so I left, I thought they weren't going to do anything when I was so close to my house but I was pulled into an alley way. I didn't hear them! How can you not hear four people!" Dean and Sam shared a look.
"It isn't your fault Danny." Sam offered comfort. "Angel's can be sneaky."
"Did they say anything?"
"No, they just attacked." Danny answered Dean, eyes train in concentration on the floor. "Whatever they used, it felt a lot like the day the accident happened..."
"Wait, so angel's are trying to kill me because in another time I become the king of hell? a demon?" Danny asked, eyes wide in disbelief. Yes, he had feared many times before the he would become Dan. But after two years from the initial date he was supposed to go down that route and never going down it, the fear lessened. "I already took care of that!?"
"Something must have happened to have the angel's freaked again." Sam sighed, watching the teen. Both the Winchesters felt bad for Danny. First it was the crazy demons who wanted to combine two mirror realms, and now they have angel's coming after him.
"How do I stop them?" Danny asked, looking over at the brothers. "I took one down by accident, I'm not even sure what happened."
"They only die from an angel blade, I'll have Cas find you one." Dean responded, sketching something on a spare piece of paper. He held the paper in front of Danny. "That's a sigil. It has be drawn with human blood and you slam your hand on it to activate it. It should work when you're in human form." Danny nodded, musing over the different parts of the sigil.
"Cas can also carve an Enochian guarding spell into your ribs." Sam added in. "It hurts, but it'll keep angels from being able to track you. You'll have to get Cas's number but it is important."
"Holy crap..." Danny trailed, eyes wide as he looked at Castiel's wings. Large black, full wings rested across the angel's back. They were the clearest wings he had seen so far. He felt himself reaching a hand out before pulling eyes shifted to the angel who looked at him with a curious look. "Can I touch them?"
"I do not see why not."
Danny's taking that as a yes. His eyes just seemed to widen more when he felt just how soft Castiel's wings really were. They were so soft to the point it almost felt like there was nothing there, but from the shift of the wings under his hand and the feathers ruffled by his hand, he knew they were there.
"This is weird." Dean mused form his spot next to his brother, who nodded in agreement. Both Winchesters were watching a scene of a curious angel watching a teen boy running his hand in the empty space a bit over the angel's shoulder. If the brothers hadn't know the teen could see angel wings now, they'd think he finally snapped. "As much as we love watching you petting nothing, Cas should put the carvings in."
"Dean's got a point." Sam nodded, giving Danny a smile when the teen pulled his hand back with a blush. "You do have school, and since you wounds are healing surprisingly fast you'll be good to go."
"Yea, I can't miss tomorrow of Lancer's going to call my parents in for another conference." Danny sighed, rubbing his clothed chest. Even with the shirt he could feel the ridged edges of the scars forming from the attack. He found it odd, he rarely ever scarred but these angel blades were able to scar him easily. "Okay, lets get this over with."
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five-rivers · 5 years
Oh, look!  Another chapter of my pic phight phic, Collateral! @charcoalhawk
Chapter 6
Outsiders would have thought the gathering very strange.  Dozens of ghosts, including several of those who routinely terrorized Amity Park.  Four teenagers.  A billionaire.  All crammed into a sitting room decorated in layers of chintzy Halloween decorations.
It was the middle of summer.  
“The bullet was just coated in anti-ghost stuff?” repeated Jazz. “It was otherwise a normal bullet?  You're sure.”
“Of course I'm sure,” said Vlad, sneering.  The rest of the room shifted, and the hostility left a heavy tasted on Jazz's tongue.  
This was just one of Vlad's duplicates.  He was in protective police custody on the other side of town.  Attacking him would do no good, but several of the ghosts felt like he was trying to take advantage of Danny's injury, like he was using this as an excuse to put himself in a position of power over them, to start trying subtle strings of control.  There had been a whisper, early on, about allowing the assassin to finish his job, before they punished them.  
It had been quickly shut down, but the resentment had lingered.  
“Okay,” said Jazz.  “I can get a list of people FentonWorks sold that kind of stuff to, and you can get the lists from your companies, right?”
“Yes,” said Vlad, flicking a bit of glitter off his sleeve.  
“Great,” said Jazz.  She scanned the crowd of ghosts.  “You've got Danny's description and the police sketch they got from the office workers. But he might have been using a disguise,” she cautioned, “so check first.  We don't want to hurt someone who wasn't involved.”
The weaker ghosts bobbed eagerly.  The better formed ones were more reserved with their approval.  Danny 'enemies' (Jazz was tempted to call them 'frenemies' at this point) just glared at her.  
“Do try to get some information before you turn him over to the police, too,” said Vlad.  He smiled nastily.  “The man is likely just a contractor, after all.  I think we want the person who hired him as well.”
One of the Amity Park residents tilted back her head and laughed, showing off a second smile cut into her throat.  The laughter cut of without warning, then another ghost, in a deep and broken voice, said, “We've been haunts since before you were born.  We'll manage.”
If she had thought Danny's voice had been chilling...
Jazz, Sam, and Tucker, jogged down the steps, bidding farewell to the Webs as the ghosts flew out of the house at all angles.  
“Do you think they'll really turn the guy over to the police?” asked Tucker.
“Not a chance,” said Jazz.
“Do we care?” said Sam, a distinct snap in her voice.
Jazz thought about it for a minute.  “Not really,” she turned towards FentonWorks.  “Come on, we've got to get those files.”
“Do your parents really have anti-ghost weapon coatings that can poison Danny?” asked Sam.  
“God, you have no idea.”
“Are we really going to hand this guy over to the human police?” complained Youngblood.  He was wearing a sharp suit, and having trouble deciding whether or not to be a detective or a secret agent.
Ember scoffed.  “Not a chance,” she said.
“Not a chance, what?” demanded Skulker, bristling.  
“Not a chance that this guy'll get away, that's what,” said Ember.  She had abandoned the attempt to act as a go-between for Youngblood and the older ghosts a while ago.    
“Of course not!” said Skulker.  “He has the Ghost Zone's greatest hunter on his tail.  He won't last a day!”
Vlad rolled his eyes once more as he flew away, angling himself towards his home and his underground lab.  After all the... excitement of the day (he refused to call it emotional upheaval, or admit that he was emotionally exhausted), he could only maintain one duplicate.  His machines should have finished analyzing the composition of the bullet's coating by now, which would tell him whether or not the coating had been one of Axion Labs, VladCo, or Dalv's products. Personally, he doubted it.  He didn't sell things that could be used against him.  
Still, it might help narrow down which of the Fenton's products it had been. Assuming the oaf hadn't just thrown together a bunch of chemicals, shaken it up, and given it away with no record to speak of.  It would be just like him.  The man had no business sense.  
It was also possible, though highly unlikely, that the coating could have been produced by another company, or even made by the assassin himself.  That would complicate things.  For one thing, if the coating had been acquired from one of their companies, the assassin would have a limited supply.  If they made their own, on the other hand...  
Vlad sighed.  He couldn't imagine why a spectrologist or occultist would try to kill him, especially one who was actually competent.  He funded a most of them, for goodness' sake.  He'd even thrown a grant or two in FentonWorks' direction.  
The assassination attempt had to be related to money, though.  Most likely one of his businesses.  His will left his fortune to Daniel, although no one but his lawyer knew it, and he hadn't given anyone else a reason to think that he'd leave anything to them.  Perhaps control of a business was the motivation.  That's what the police were looking into.
Revenge, he admitted, was another motivation.  Although Vlad hadn't, as Daniel and his friends sometimes assumed, ever used his powers to force someone to sell a business to him, or to steal outright.  The most he was guilty of was extreme corporate espionage and insider trading.  Which, he supposed, was bad enough.  It was possible that someone from his early, clumsy days had put things together.  
He phased down through his mansion, coming to rest in his secret laboratory.  The light on the machine was blinking green.  He smiled, pleased to finally get to some kind of an answer, and strode to it. He pressed a button, and the results appeared on the screen.  He read them.  Reread them.  Frowned.
“That can't be right.”
Jazz and Sam rifled through boxes of paper files as Tucker searched the Fentons' computer system.  
“Why do your parents have so many ghost poisons?” asked Sam.
“Do I really need to answer that?  Most of them don't work, anyway.”
“I found invoices!”  said Tucker.  “Most of them, are, um, to people like the Groovy Gang and the GIW, though.  I don't really think that those guys would try to assassinate Vlad like that.  The GIW could just arrest him, after all.”
“Print it out anyway,” said Jazz.
“Okay,” said Tucker.  “Hey, uhm.  You said you talked to Danny.”
“Yes,” said Jazz, clipping the end of the word.  “I told you what he said.”  She hoped that would end this thread of conversation.  She didn't want to talk about it.  She was having enough trouble keeping things together.
“Yeah, but how did he, you know, seem?  How was he?”
Jazz's hands stilled.  “He was...  not good,” she admitted.  Her eyes hurt.  “He's scared.  He looked scared.”
They fell silent.  All three knew that Danny was often scared, but he rarely showed it.  
“Hey,” said Sam, frowning at a sheet of paper, “this isn't an invoice, or a sales record, but I think you should take a look at this.”
Jazz and Tucker peered over Sam's shoulders.  “Your parents are crazy,” said Tucker.  
“I agree,” said Jazz.  She paused.  “In their defense, they don't know about Danny, or they probably would be more, uh, cautious.”
“If you say so,” said Sam, clearly dubious.  “Anyway, this is the right kind of thing, I think.”
“Yeah,” agreed Jazz.  “I think you're right.”
“But do you really think it's one of them?” asked Tucker.  “None of these guys has any reason to try to kill Vlad.”
“That we know of,” corrected Sam.  “I don't even know who half of these people are.”
“That's not quite true,” said Jazz, slowly.  She brought a finger up to rest on one name.  “We all know who this is, and he definitely has a reason to dislike Vlad.”
“Oh,” said Tucker.  “Yeah, I guess I could see that, but how would he know that Vlad's a ghost?”
“Well, he's not an idiot,” said Sam.  “And I think he was supposed to have some mafia connections or something like that.  According to my parents, anyway.”  She shrugged, demonstrating her lack of confidence in that particular source.
“It still might not be him,” cautioned Jazz.  She licked her lower lip. “We didn't really talk about this before, but do you think that we should go to the police before, you know...”
“Relying on vigilante ghost justice?” said Sam, raising an eyebrow.  
Jazz nodded.
Jazz nodded again.  “Good,” she said, after a moment.  
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