#gloss thg
thesweetnessofspring · 5 months
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By the time the anthem plays its final strains, all twenty-four of us stand in one unbroken line in what must be the first public show of unity among the districts since the Dark Days.
Hungertown 7/?
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allisluv · 20 days
Other victors find out you and Johanna are dating 😭
finnick would lowkey be like "i told you so" while annie comes up with ship names for the two of you. peetas congratulating you and katniss just doesn't give a damn LMAO 😭 cashmere would lowkey be super sweet about it but gloss would throw in a smart comment and she'd have to whack him in the ribs for being so rude. beetee and wiress will give in depth timelines for how long they think you're gonna last. haymitch doesnt care but he says something along the lines of "lets go lesbians" to show that he supports you HAHAHAHAH 😭
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incorrect-tbosas · 6 months
don't think about cashmere and gloss being reaped the first time, each time being terrified to lose a sibling and then be elated that they lived. don't think about them going into the 75th games, knowing that this time only one leaves, and the other might have to kill them.
(especially when i'm sure BOTH cashmere and gloss would have been forced into sex trafficking and the other used for leverage if they tried to rebel)
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whokilledeve · 16 days
5’8-5’10 Annie has my heart
If you guys know of any please do tell of Odesta fics where Annie is tall/tall-ish please drop them
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clatoera · 4 months
don't mind me just thinking about the bodies of all the dead victors from the quarter quell who were probably never returned home to their districts because of the war breaking out and so who knows what happened to them lol
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thehungergamesmemes · 4 months
Cashmere: Gloss has no survival skills, his need to win has replaced them
Enobaria: Nah, that can't be true
Cashmere: Watch this
Cashmere: Hey Gloss, race you to the bottom of the stairs!
Gloss: *Throws himself out of the window*
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imasradiantasthesun · 3 months
The Victors of the 1st-73rd Games
here is my list of all of the victors of the Hunger Games prior to the first book! DISCLAIMER: this is not an attempt to assert anything about canon. in fact, some of this actually (intentionally) contradicts both canon and fanon! this is simply a reference list for my AU thg fic, holding bright, in which i mention a good amount of my headcanon/AU versions of past victors
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Some notes:
Some nicknames:
Magdalena Flanagan goes by Mags
Anemone Cresta goes by Annie
Emmeline Lin goes by Lyme
Some people in the Capitol call Adrienne Hughes "Mercy"
Dylan Kahale winning at 19 is not a typo; he was 18 at the time of the reaping, but his 19th birthday occurred on the seventeenth day of his Games
The idea that Seeder won the 31st Games comes from the fic The Victors Project by Oisin55
The idea that Cecelia won the 57th Games comes from Fall Into the River by Oisin55
The headcanon that Annie's name is short for Anemone comes from the fic Valor, Valeria by aimmyarrowshigh
A list of the victors sorted by district can be found below the cut :)
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moowithmidnight · 6 months
Hey do you have any random cashmere hcs (can be anything in particular?)
Random anon, this is the best question anyone’s ever asked me :,) 
Keep in mind this is a pretty new hyperfixation so I haven’t had a TON of time to fully flesh these out!
CW: light mentions of canon-typical sex-trafficking
Cashmere Headcanons:
Cashmere was extremely overconfident and cocky after Gloss’s win, and would constantly talk to anyone who would listen about how proud she was of her brother. Everyone at the Academy was sick and tired of her by the time she volunteered, and she just couldn’t care less.
She fell very hard for the propaganda, and fully believed in the glory of the Games before she became a Victor. As a result, she was very one-track minded about her goals: win the Games, bring honor to District 1, love the life of a Victor. I think when that illusion was shattered for her she took it extremely personally, and sort of internalized that lesson.
She was 16 when she volunteered for the Games. Originally she intended on waiting until 18, but after Gloss’s win, she wanted to volunteer as soon as she could. She didn’t understand why he tried to vaguely discourage it, and took it as a lack of faith in her abilities.
She sort of took Finnick under her wing until he became something closer to a friend, and as a result, he is the Victor she is the closest to. They both have a lot in common, and he knows a lot more about her than anyone else (excluding Gloss).
She’s bisexual. There’s quite literally no canon reason for me to believe that other than it feels right. Bisexual vibes are there.
She’s very intelligent. It’s a semi-popular headcanon that she’s a sort of bimbo, but I find that characterization extremely insulting. She rebels against the Capitol the same way the other 75th Tributes do, and I would argue she plays a majorly under-appreciated role in Catching Fire. District 2 is extremely loyal to the Capitol, even more then 1; Brutus and Enobaria weren’t going to try to stop the Games. If she hadn’t started fake crying to garner the audience’s sympathy from the jump, they would have taken the rest of the attempts a lot less seriously.
Despite not believing most of the propaganda District 1 and the Capitol sold her, she still holds a certain level of disdain for the outer districts.
Her and Johanna butt heads a lot because of their shared proximity to Finnick and blatant dislike of each other. Cashmere views her win as a cheap tactic (although admires her manipulation skills) and dislikes how loud and directly defiant she is.
She and Gloss had an extremely close relationship throughout their childhoods, and anything he did, she wanted to do too. They always relied on each other and their parents were fairly neglectful, so Gloss ended up caring for her a lot of the time. However, that relationship became extremely rocky after Gloss won his games, then her, and then Snow started selling them. By the 3rd Quarter Quell, their relationship wasn’t the same level of closeness as before, but it was decently repaired, and they felt they could rely on each other again.
She has a cat. A really prim and proper Siamese cat, with a completely opposite playful personality that she hadn’t originally accounted for. The cat was one of the first things she bought with her Victor money, and she refused to give it away when Gloss offered her a calmer one.
Even amongst District 1 citizens, she is an extremely convincing actress and liar. She knows how to manipulate the Capitol in just the right way to get what she wants, and it causes a level of distrust between her and many of the other non-District 1 Victors.
These are just a few of them! Thank you again for the ask 🫶
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kald-dal-art · 2 days
I'd love your thoughts on Cashmere and Gloss' relationship!! the way ive always thought abt them is that gloss stuggled a lot with his views on the capitol after winning. it was hard to place the life he had been conditioned into desiring with what actually happened after his games. Cashmere volunteering kinda sent it into a tailspin. Seeing how much the games hurt and took from his sister made him face these internal issues head on. I'd love your thoughts
I definitely imagine he wasn’t fully for Cashmere being in the games. He knew what the games entails and the life afterwards, so he probarbly trid to get Cashmere not to do it. Even added it a bit in my fic about the D6 Victors briefly
(For Context IG it’s during the Victory Tour dinner)
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I definitely think that his popularity as a Victor heightened a lot after his sister’s win though, think even though it’s common for family members of Victors to be in the games, it’s not common that they win, so it was a huge deal. Also touch upon it briefly in the same fic lmao
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But imagine after the games they are extremely close in both a very fake way of only doing it for press, but also being close in the way that they are the only ones that understand each other. Where that part of the relationship is more real and the cameras aren’t there for. Think maybe at first Cashmere resented Gloss a bit for not “warning” her fully what this life entailed, but after a while she realises he had his hands tied to what he could say afterwards in his Victory so yeah.
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catoscloves · 6 months
why did everyone deadass act like gloss and cashmere going into the 75th games together was normal. they are brother and sister. if i was kat i would be thinking "what the fuck are they going to do if they're the only two left/if they have to watch the other die." literally any character in the games should have been thinking that. even the capitol didn't seem to acknowledge that fact (despite how upset they were over peeta's fake kid). and the siblings themselves acted like this was just a normal hunger games and they were a normal career alliance like ?????
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transrevolutions · 1 year
District One's victors, with some borrowed characters from @lorata
Heed the warnings in the notes.
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lost-in-beacon-hills · 7 months
I feel like prostitution in the hunger games isn't talked about enough. I don't think it carries the full weight that it should. Prostitution in media is more often then not just a woman doing it for money. She's willingly doing it and has a motive and actively gets something out of it.
We are starting to recognize sex work as work. People dont treat prostitution as taboo anymore. We know it happens. But that's not what's happening to the victors. This isn't sex work. It's closer to sex slavery. Even calling it prostitution makes it lose some of the horror.
They have no say in what they do. They don't have bodily autonomy. The only character we really see speak out against it is Finnick. We know it's happened to the others but we don't really get too many details about it. I can say I understand it all I want but it hasn't sunk it just how awful it is. They are bought and sold and used by the capitol.
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melusinealarice · 1 year
Somewhere in Panem with the victors the 74th year
Katniss climbing the tree
Gloss: Really Haymitch, this is the girl that got an 11 as a training score??
Cato falls
Haymitch: At least she got up the fuckin tree.
Cashmere: It’s fine someone else will get her.
None if the carriers climbing
Enobaria: You gotta be kidding me.
Johanna and Finnick join on the couch
Johanna: Even Finnick’s kids could climb a fucking tree,
Finnick hiding laughter
Brutus: At least our kids made it past the blood bath, can’t say the same for either of yours.
Johanna: I bet you wish they’d kept one of mine around right about now.
Gloss: its fine, she’s a sitting duck, they can just shoot her, its not like she can dodge it, or move.
Glimmer misses shot
Haymitch: Did that girl ever hit any target with her arrow? Because mine did.
Cashmere: We told her to grab a short distance weapon, she has no aim.
Enobaria: that’s embarrassing, for the careers. Cato will get her, he doesn’t miss.
Cato fires arrow and misses
Brutus: Oh my god, I can’t watch this, im getting second hand embarrassment.
Haymitch: Can none of your kids climb a tree???
Cashmere: I guess not.
Marvel throws spear and misses
Finnick: None of them can aim either, this is just sad
Peeta: lets wait her out, she has to come down at some point.
Haymitch laughing hysterically,
Some time later
Katniss starting to cut down tracker jackers
Gloss: Did all our kids seriously fall asleep,
Cashmere rubbing her temples: Yea, they did
Johanna: Who sleeps that heavily in the arena??? Shes making so much noise how are they not awake?
Enobaria: She’s gonna die from those jackers before that nest falls,
Nest falls and careers scatter
Brutus: I need another drink,
Glimmer dies
Cashmere: no comment,
Some more time later
Katniss plots with rue to blow up food
Gloss: they aren’t gonna fall for that.
They fall for it
Haymitch: you were saying?
Enobaria: This year sucks
Katniss kills Marvel
Gloss: Ok im leaving now.
Cashmere: yea i think im also gonna head out…
Johanna (drunk): LOOSERS HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
Finnick: ok Jo, come on, that’s enough for you,
Takes her alcohol
Johanna: no fairrrr, you never take Haymitch’s alcohol
Haymitch: he knows not to mess with me
Finnick: Every time you get drunk, you end up in a fist fight, or breaking something, or both, Haymitch just passes out.
Finnick picks Jo up and carries her to the elevator as she continues screaming and fighting
Haymitch to Brutus and Enobaria: Haha, your tributes arent as cool as mineeee,
Brutus: at least our girl doesn’t look like she wants to vomit getting close to her supposed lover.
Finnick returns
Enobaria: that was fast?
Finnick: I locked her in her bathroom,
Haymitch: Didn’t she just break down the door last time?
Finnick: I handcuffed one of her hands to the pipes and the other to the door.
Elevator doors open revealing Johanna, drenched in water, still handcuffed to a pipe, and the door.
Finnick: I give up. *sits down*
Brutus: what the fuck is wrong with you.
Both Finnick and Jo simultaneously: A lot.
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thehungergamesmemes · 21 days
[The career victors hanging out]
Lyme: Good responses to being stabbed with a knife?
Cashmere: Rude
Brutus: Was that supposed to hurt?
Gloss: Not again
Finnick: That's fair
Enobaria: Are you going to want this back, or can I keep it?
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imasradiantasthesun · 3 months
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Ez’s Hunger Games aesthetics, part 8: Victors of the 60s (part 2 of 3)
Cashmere Davenport of District 1, Victor of the 63rd Games
Gloss Davenport of District 1, Victor of the 64th Games
Finnick Odair of District 4, Victor of the 65th Games
Crystal Michaels of District 1, Victor of the 66th Games
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moowithmidnight · 6 months
Cashmere fic recs!
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@intimate-mirror (also no need to apologize! Just personal preference)
***CW: A lot of these are dark and discuss the canonical prostitution of Victors- it kinda comes with the territory
Also I tend to be kind of picky, but there’s not a lot of fanfics centered on Cashmere so I’m taking what I can get***
1. A Vision in Silver - a short ficlet about Finnick and Cashmere
I think this one captures how I imagine Cashmere’s personality to be extraordinarily well, although I wish it was just a little longer
1.5 (I forgot this one) the green eyes (yeah, the spotlight shines on you) - very short ficlet about Gloss’s return home from the 63rd games
Not much to say here, but I ADORE this one
2. Moral Support - a ficlet about the 3rd Quarter Quell announcement
I’m currently writing my own version of Cashmere’s reaction to this, but this fic is short and sweet. I like thinking of her and Gloss as normal siblings
3. To The Victor - a multi-chapter fic about Finnick through other Victor’s eyes (Chapter 2 is Cash)
I love this fic as a whole, and my characterization of Cashmere is also very similar to theirs. I imagine her and Finnick being closer than presented here, but I think I also tend to imagine the Victors more friendly than they’d realistically be.
4. Everyone’s property - a fic about Cashmere and Haymitch warning Finnick about what’s to come
Keeping in mind that Cashmere would only have 1 year of “experience” with keeping her emotions about being sold under control, I think this fic does really well. I also imagine her shifting between dissociative states and explosive anger in the beginning.
5. (And I know it’s not real) but it haunts me so - fic about Enobaria/Cashmere in the 75th Games arena
I don’t fully ship them, but I love this fic a lot for some reason- I think I just like the premise, because Hayffie fics with this ALWAYS go hard (you’ll see)
6. Nothing is Fair - Cashmere’s reaction to Katniss (and Peeta) seemingly going unpunished
(I’m writing my own version of this too lol) but I think about this ALL the time, and I think this one’s decent
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