#gold Roger
Thinking about how if Ace got to talk to Roger for just 5 minutes,he would realize that this man is the grown up version of his disastrous little brother Luffy and that would have fixed at least half of his daddy issues tbh
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void-of-chill · 9 months
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taco-tuseday · 7 months
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The only baby fever I will ever get is for chubby lil shank n buggy
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Some characters who i love the designs of!
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atomikats · 6 months
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more one piece doodle requests from twitter
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hareenharly · 9 months
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Let’s all be honest they where the true reason why Realeigh and Rogar had started to go grey at a young age
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citricclown · 8 months
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idk if buggytober is a thing here, but in the sky with the birds application is
this is day five, king of pirates
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hitohitonika · 3 months
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Sometimes The Father Is The Son - Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
bonus content
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cosmosnout · 4 months
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I need more of them
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viiiiiiiiiin · 4 months
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How they confess their love for you !! PT. 2
Includes: Shanks , Buggy , Roger , Rayleigh , Shakky , Smoker , Tashigi , Mihawk.
Pt. 1 , Pt. 2 (Here) , Pt. 3
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Red Haired: Shanks
He's been with many women , men , and people in between. Hookups , bar dates , etc. He never thought he'd actually catch feelings for one of his flings until he met you.
You were surprised to join his crew (since it was all men) , but you proved to be a great comrade.
He loves how headstrong you are , how captivating you look , how you battle , and so much more.
He became increasingly more obvious that he was head over heels for you , as pointed out by one of his conversations with Mihawk himself.
One night , during a celebrating , the crew was mostly drunk , eating , or dancing. Shanks was one of the drunken pirates laying around.
He was hanging out near you. You watched him since you weren't drunk and wanted to make sure he was okay.
While he rested his head in your lap , he told you how beautiful / handsome you are to him. While you processed his words , he continued about how he much he loves you.
But he vaguely remembered saying those things in the morning. Mostly because you were there , laying beside him.
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Buggy the Clown
He was oblivious to his feelings for you.
When you joined up with him , he felt as if he was on top of the world because of having someone strong like you on his side.
Eventually , he fell head over heels for you. It was extremely obvious. He had a huge soft spot for you , would only listen to you , would turn red around you , would yell at you less , etc.
He couldn't even tell until Alvida brought it up to him. She told him that what he felt was love and he FREAKED out.
He's never been in love before. He doesn't know how to handle his emotions and such , so he tries to distance himself from you to make the feelings fade.
But they only grew.
One day , you brought some food to his room. You wanted to see if he was okay. You didn't bother knocking since he knew it was you.
You placed it on his desk and sat near him to check in on him.
That was a mistake.
As soon as you did , he blurted out a bunch of nonsense. The only thing you caught was that he was in love with you.
You told him you felt the same and surprised the fuck out of him.
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Pirate King: Gol D. Roger
He was also oblivious to the fact he was in love with you , but his entire crew knew.
Even Buggy and Shanks knew.
Rayleigh talked to him about it and Roger admitted that you did make him feel weird. Though , he never thought anything of it. He though you were just his closest companion.
Rayleigh told him that he was in love with you and he should just tell you.
And he did.
As bluntly as possible.
He didn't even sugar coat it.
He just straight up told you on a random day while you two were hanging our.
It shocked the fuck out of you , but you told him you felt the same.
That same , handsome smile that's always on his face grew.
His entire crew was in SHOCK.
They knew how he felt , but they didn't expect him to confess like this.
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Dark King: Silvers Rayleigh
He's a very wise man. He's the righthand of the pirate king , so he has to be (also because Roger is a bubble head who runs right into danger with a smile on his face).
He knew. He knew the second that his heart skipped a beat around you. He accepted it and observed you silently.
Like Robin , he finds out your hobbies and stuff you like.
When he finally decides its the right time to confess , he gets you some flowers and confesses to you on a beach island you his landed on.
You were shocked. You never expected the DARK KING himself to be in love with you. Especially because you felt the same.
You told him you felt the same , and he embraced you. He held onto you for God knows how long , but you both enjoyed it.
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Former Empress of Amazon Lily: Shakuyaku (Shakky)
Like Rayleigh , she is very wise. That's why she runs a rip - off bar . . .
She realized she was in love with you almost immediately. It was obvious because she fell into the same illness that those before her did.
The Love Sickness.
She was obsessed with you and would flirt with you at any chance she got. She would do anything she could to turn your face beat red.
She knew what embarrassed you and what flustered you.
She used this and asked you to be her significant other , seemingly joking. This happened at her bar.
You asked if she was joking and she shook her head while smiling.
You agreed and she resigned as the empress of Amazon Lily.
You moved to Sabaody to be with her and run her bar with her.
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White Chase: Smoker
Though he seems gruff , he has a massive soft side for G5 and his comrades. That includes you.
In fact , he had a bigger soft spot for you. You got away with more shenanigans , you got to hang out with him more , etc. G5 and Tashigi noticed.
He didn't , but they sure as hell did. They would tease poor Smoker about his little crush all. day.
Any chance they got , they would hook you guys up. On an island ? You twos re going together. Gotta run some errands ? Smoker and Reader can handle it !
Eventually , his feelings grew unbearable.
One evening , when you two were dining together after a battle , he blurted out his feelings.
After realizing what he did , he looked away in shame.
But you held his hand and told him you felt the same.
Though you two are together now , G5 still teases him about you.
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"Captain" Tashigi
It was obvious to literally everyone , even Smoker.
She's always so nervous around you. She stumbles more often , her face is always pink around you , etc. She even works harder when you're around ! (She wants to show you that she's strong)
Even you noticed.
G5 teased her about it and did the same thing they did to Smoker. They would hook you guys up as much as possible.
Eventually , you just confessed your love to her because you knew she wouldn't do it. She told you she felt the same and you two got together.
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Hawkeye: Dracule Mihawk
He could tell as soon as it came up. He's a smart man.
Since you started living with him , he knew it would most likely happen. However , he wasn't exactly sure how to tell you.
He decided to ask Perona about her opinion. Upon hearing his feelings for you , she freaked out and cheered for him.
She gave him a BUNCH of tips , pointers , and stuff like that. She told him to surprise you with flowers , dinner , and stuff you liked.
Which he did.
He brought you to the Baratie , the place famous for its food. He knew you liked that place because you grew up around the owner.
He took you there and let you go crazy with whatever you wanted to order.
At the end of yalls little dinner date , he handed you a black rose and informed you of his feelings.
With dead eyes. Like , he wasn't even nervous.
You were though.
You turned red but told him you felt the same.
He was very happy , even if he didn't look it.
He brought you back to the castle and ended the night with wine and reading (with you , of course).
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Bound by blood and heart
Got the idea randomly when I was doing à school project. Now I can peacefully go back to my usual art.
Alternative versions with another text color and textless under the cut !
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andaniellight · 6 months
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it's something like he'd throw you his flask to take a swig from and watch you drinkin from it while he leant against the door frame and when he- you- finally got called back on again he'd take a sip from it too real slow like- like it weren't the whiskey what he were tryna savour or- or- maybe something like
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Also, bonus:
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taco-tuseday · 8 months
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Baby’s got a bomb
Day 11 of buggytober
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gremlinboykevin · 2 years
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Reunion - Buggy Comic continuation (kinda!)
I can see Buggy being a lot more of a complex character than he's given credit for. A lot of people say they can see him as narcissistic but I see him as the opposite? I can see him having really bad impostor syndrome and insecurities he would never show anyone.
But in your dreams, these kinds of feelings and thoughts just flow out, you know? And he can't hide them from Roger.
This is a bit of a continuation to my last Buggy comic, but very indirectly so. It's more like... what I feel he needs to feel better.
I may make more, but I'm not actually sure as of yet.
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forged-in-kaoss · 3 months
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atomikats · 7 months
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weeee this was fun
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