#greek sexyman of tumblr
sugaroto · 8 months
Final round
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Jose from Σαββατογεννημένες/Women-Born-on-saturday, is a guy from Uruguay working in a greek tourist shop. He's afraid of babies, he's canonically bi and he works in a night club as his second job. What he really wants is citizenship of a country. He may dislike Greece but if it can give him citizenship, then so be it.
Thiramenes was an Athenian politician. Etc important history. He's known among the teenagers who have ancient greek class mostly for his forced suicide and his last words "This is to the health of the handsome Kritias" as he drunk the conium
Andreas Kalogirou a villain from Πάρα Πέντε/ At the nick of time, a dangerous man and assassin hired by the main villain of the series to kill several people who stand on his way. He has attempted to murder the five protagonists several times with no success. He is referred to as "the man in black". He is usually followed by his friend and partner in crime Nikos Kalathas.
Round four
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Moodboard για όταν ψηφίζεις τον Ανδρέα στο greek tumblr sexyman poll *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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babygirlificationn · 9 months
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Ψιψιψι θέλεις να ψηφίσεις τον Ανδρέα στο greek tumblr sexyman poll θέλεις να ψηφίσεις τον Ανδρέα τόοοοοσο πολύ.
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*Hits your fave with the catboy-ification beam*
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darkside-cookies · 1 year
αν τιμήσουμε τις καταβολές μας (koulis gate) το greek sexyman of tumblr θα το κερδίσει ο Μητσοτάκης, αν δεν τις τιμήσουμε πραγματικά δεν ξέρω (δεν θεωρώ πως θα είναι ο Καπουτζίδης)
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alalumin · 1 year
Aspasia was the Athenian politician Pericles' wife, it is theorised she may have influenced the political world through her relationship with him. Unfortunately not much is known about her life.
Eleni Vlachaki is one of the main characters of the TV show Konstantinou and Eleni's (Κωνσταντίνου και Ελένης). She is a bar woman and girlboss icon.
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lucilassie · 3 months
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Map by dionpowder (map code: 8945-5854-0618)
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jrueships · 1 year
oh wow I just saw a picture of sauce and he really is the twink
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YES!!!!!!! HE REALLY IS !!! T H E TWINK!!!!!!!!
sauce is MY twitch twink and i will STAND BESIDE HIM!!!!!!!! ... unless he is being rlly unbearable cringe. then i must shuffle back a few steps to the side so i can have room to point and laugh at him
under the cut is some more... twink sauces. enjoy 🥰
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momma going shopping at jewlsosco or whatever sauce
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LOOK AT THIS!!!! this STICKBUG!!! he was actually built for the number one... he IS built EXACTLY LIKE the number ONE!!!! ( 1 !!) (<- SAUCE!!!)
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idk if he wears a too big undershirt like a skirt because he thinks it makes him look like the red skirt thing Roman centurions wear or What but. That is Not the effect AYE am getting... all i am getting is Skirt. just. Skirt . That's. It. Like a tutu for ballerinas. He's really built like a ballerina!!! please sauce!! do a little twirl for us! please!!!!! baby ! !
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hes so princess ,,, 🥰 princess sauce 🥰
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liselke · 2 years
whats the book called 👀
its literally Jiri Brdečka's Lemonade Joe (1946) help me
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balkanradfem · 11 months
List of Youtube Documentaries and Video Essays on Tumblr Lore, for anyone wanting to learn or re-live it:
The Story of Dash Con
Tumblr Etiquette Manual
The Tumblr Calendar Explained
Tumblr Gimmick Blog Iceberg
Tumblr Live Explained
The Bizarre Story of Cole Sprouse's Tumblr Experiment
Cursed Tumblr History (heritage posts)
Aesthetics of the Tumblr Past
Life and Story of the Tumblr's CEO
The Story of JustGirlyThings
The Evolution of the Tumblr Girl
Evolution of the Hipster Trend
Sherlock: The Story of TJLC (The JohnLock Conspiracy)
The Supernatural Finale (Destiel Becomes Canon-ish)
Destiel Is Canon
Harry Potter: The Story of Snape Wives
The Onceler Fandom
Hamilton: The Insane Scandal of Hivliving
The Tumblr SexyMan Iceberg
The Lies of Tumblr
Alexandria's Genesis: The Internet's Fakest "Disease"
Hey Peebrain, You Teleport? Tumblr's Dark Mystery
Oppa Homeless Style
Tumblr's Infamous Fake Stories
Tumblr Fake Stories Part 2
Fake Tumblr Posts
That Time Tumblr Invented A New Greek Goddess
The Unreality Blogs
Clown Husbandry
Goncharov (1973)
The Tumblr Controvery Iceberg
Color Theory
The Rise And Fall Of 'Common White Girl'
Sonic for Real Justice (strange aeons)
The Bizarre Tumblr Saga of Sonic For Real Justice (izzzyzzz)
This Tumblr Blogger had a Child Slave
Iceberg of Infamous Tumblr Blogs
Tumblr Adds
Heterosexual Pride on Tumblr
Rabies Pride
Goblin Core
The Tumblr Needle Cookie Story
The Story of 'All or Nothing'
The "Woke" Tumblr RPG that Scammed Thousands of Dollars
Tumblr's 80,000 dollar animation scam (Miss Officer and Mr Truffels)
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ckret2 · 18 days
Why do you ship billford? i want to hear all ur handcanons and reasons hehehe
ALL of them? My friend I do not think you comprehend the magnitude of the task you have requested. I can tell you some of them.
Here's a post I already wrote listing why I like them, and here's a post about what Ford thinks about Bill, and I just made a post about what Bill thinks about Ford because I've had it typed up on discord for ages and decided it needs its own post.
So, some headcanons:
⭐️ While most people who ship it headcanon that they had a romantic relationship of some kind pre-betrayal, my default headcanon is that they DIDN'T have a relationship—mainly because I enjoy making Bill, specifically, miserable, and I like headcanoning that Ford violently lost interest in Bill at the EXACT moment Bill developed a sincere interest in Ford.
Meaning that Bill "LOOKS LIKE MR. BRAINIAC FINALLY GOT SMART" Cipher destroyed his own chances five seconds before going "no no wait I actually want to keep this one," and that's SO funny. I made a graph!
⭐️ From Lost Legends we know that Ford used to date a siren. In the original Greek mythology, sirens didn't woo sailors by singing prettily; sirens offered knowledge about distant and future events. Sailors wrecked their ship upon the sirens' shores and starved to death at their feet just to listen to them sing about the secrets of the universe.
What I'm saying is: Ford has a type.
⭐️ This is a mutual monsterfucker 4 monsterfucker relationship. They look at each other and go "wow you're such a weird-looking alien" and they're attracted to each other BECAUSE of that, not in spite of that. I don't want any of this "oh how could I be drawn to something so strange..." shame out of Ford, as far as I'm concerned his first crush was Mothra, a floating triangle is nothing.
⭐️ Consequently, this means that if you take an AU where Bill gets stuffed in a human body, rather than making things easier, it ironically means that any PHYSICAL attraction Ford had for Bill instantly evaporates. A humanized Bill could be the sexiest damn thing in the room and everyone else in the vicinity is going 🥵💦 but Ford's going 😐. If they hook up with Bill in a human body it's in spite of Bill's current appearance and it's because Ford knows that, underneath the body, Bill's still Bill. You could hand Ford a perfect Tumblr Sexyman supermodel and he'll be fantasizing about a three-tiered pyramid with more teeth than a shark.
⭐️ Bill WILL play Dungeons Dungeons & More Dungeons with Ford, voluntarily, for fun. However he always wants to DM and he's brutal.
⭐️ I think that the majority of the Henchmaniacs used to be like Ford: young, naive, USEFUL aliens that Bill was trying to manipulate into getting access to their universes, probably by trying to get THEM to build portals. None succeeded, but they got far enough along that either they chose to join Bill, they were forced to flee their dimension and join Bill—or, due to Bill, their home no longer existed, so they might as well join him. I think that every one of them was once his ✨favorite✨ person. I think he sealed the deal in winning their friendship & loyalty with a calculated, scripted display of vulnerability—the exact same one he tried to use on Ford: I liberated my constricting, flat world; I want to liberate yours...
He may have dated some of them, too, especially right after they joined. Because he wouldn't have recruited them unless he thought they were JUST ♥ LIKE ♥ HIM. They're special, they're important...
... and after a few years, Bill realizes they're not that much like him after all and loses interest, and they sink down into the rank-and-file with the rest of the Henchmaniacs. The Henchmaniacs are FULL of people who were once Bill's Favorite—his best friends, his confidants, his lovers—and most of them are desperate to catch his eye and be that important to him again. They gave everything they had to Bill only for Bill to get bored.
So when he shows off the human who enabled Weirdmageddon and invites him to join the gang, they know EXACTLY what they're looking at: Bill's newest favorite. They know how this goes, he'll be gaga over this earthling for the next 5 to 500 years and then Ford will be just another regular Henchmaniac. The fact that Ford doesn't seem eager to join is no problem. Ford isn't the only soon-to-be Henchmaniac whose world Bill ended; some of them had to be talked around into joining, too.
⭐️ I think that, if you took Bill with his canon personality, didn't give him any character development, and then made him GENUINELY fall in love with Ford, and had him SINCERELY try his hardest to be a good, loving, healthy partner... he would still be toxic as hell for Ford.
Part of what draws Bill to Ford is that he sees SO much of himself in Ford—some accurate, some just projection. (You who crave power and fame and fortune like I do; you who also hunger to be all-knowing; you who would also sacrifice your world and your family and everyone you know and love to get what you want; you with an ego the size of the moon, oh, you deserve an ego the size of a star.) And so he assumes that what Ford really wants is what BILL would want in Ford's shoes.
And if Bill was Ford, what he'd want is to REALLY be the man who changed the world. Bill thinks he's fulfilling all Ford's wildest dreams if he gives that to him. Naming Ford the orchestrator of Weirdmageddon is the most generous gift Bill could ever offer.
Even if Bill is Really Really Trying and accepts that okay Ford doesn't want his world invaded: his idea of showing Ford love will be pulling the strings to get Ford fame & fortune. Teach him secrets of the universe that he can publish in a dozen groundbreaking scientific papers, arrange meetings with politicians and celebrities, get him a Nobel, get him an Oscar-winning bio pic, get him a billion dollars, get him EVERYTHING Ford's ever imagined as a marker of success and then double it.
When Bill's manipulating Ford, he offers praise and approval in little drops periodically leaking from the faucet, to keep Ford thirsty for more. When Bill's LOVING Ford, he just breaks the fire hydrant and lets it flood the street.
But the thing is, that's not good for Ford. That'll never make him truly happy. Ford's only ever learned how to measure his success by external markers, but the more external markers he collects the more he'll feel like he hasn't Made It yet. It's even possible that knowing Bill's helped him get this far will make him feel like he hasn't really EARNED it. He could have the whole world handed to him and he'll feel just as dissatisfied as he was on the day he first summoned Bill.
And Bill, even if he's trying his HARDEST to do this right, wouldn't be able to understand why this isn't working. A trillion years old and the only way he knows how to show love (or to receive love) is by showering someone in praise and gifts and favors. If that doesn't work, he doesn't know what's left.
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favcharacterpoll · 10 months
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ZombieCleo from Last Life SMP faces Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale. Who do you like more? hopefully cleo because i cant keep just cropping the one image in different ways please
Cleo Propaganda:
"I support women's wrongs."
"Vote cleo they literally said do me a favor die for me. Like what goes harder than that. All of cleo's ll pov is basically a greek tragedy. We love tragedies here."
"you know what to do"
"FUCK EM UP CLEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIVORCED WOMAN #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Cecil Propaganda:
"Cecil is not only the Tumblr sexyman, he is the first gay protagonist of a podcast that most of us have ever heard. From the very first episode he was unashamedly queer and no one has ever called him out or given him shit for being gay. He is a gay Jewish fashion disaster who is the mouthpiece for an incredibly bizarre town and plays the whole “this horrifying thing is completely normal”thing so well. If Cecil wasn’t there, I think a lot of people wouldn’t have felt so accepted for just being who they were. Cecil is an inspiration and the queer podcast rep we all deserved as we were growing."
"he’s gay. he’s a dilf. he’s ageless. he has been since there’s was nothing and he’s still here after the world ended. he can summon music. his mother is a oracle his father is a tree. his cat is a man who got cursed and also has wings a stinger and poison??? he thinks a tutu and crocs is formal wear and has talked to god and she said ‘I love you. I’m sorry’. he’s definitely guilty of manslaughter from negligence"
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sugaroto · 9 months
Round four
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Giorgos Kapoutzidis is a famous actor/screenwriter/presenter. He's mostly known for writing the shows Στο παρά πέντε/In the nick of time and Σαββατογεννημένες/Women-Born-On-Saturday in which he also had main roles as Spyros and Jose respectively. He talks openly about his sexuality and how people with different sexualities should not be treated as less human. Also, it appears like he only writes lgbt roles for himself so far, (Spyros was ace and Jose bi) Last year he was also the speaker on Eurovision and currently he is working on the script of Σέρρες/Serres, and his play called "42497"
Andreas Kalogirou a villain from Πάρα Πέντε/ At the nick of time, is an assassin, also known as "the man in black" who is after the main cast
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vyvilha · 8 months
sexiest hades greek mythology art is always drawn by people who don't want to fuck him. when people want to fuck hades greek mythology they draw him as an edgy tumblr sexyman type of guy which is plain and boring and devoid of any genuine eroticism. when people don't want to fuck hades greek mythology they draw him as an ugly old man which is inherently more sexual. thank you for reading peace and love on planet earth
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Hello, Mortals, gods, nymphs, and whom have dared tempt this path! We here ask you are you into gods/goddesses? Are you into Tumblr sexyman brackets? What if we were to just combine the 2?
Please reblog, we need to know if people would be interested in this
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tourneys-by-me · 10 months
So I know I've promised this for a little while but here are all the funny/joke submissions that were sent
Electric eels - Electromancy - Real life - "They are fish that can shock their prey! Isn't that cool? They're not actually eels though."
Electric Eel - Electromancy - the water (real life) - I just think they're neat ☺️
Electric Eel - Electromancy (lightning, electricity) - The Ocean, Real Life - Because they are weird little guys.
Pitch Black - Umbramancy - Rise of the Guardians (2012) - Name and also B-list Tumblr sexyman.
Pikachu (Ash's) - Electromancy - Pokemon (Anime) - "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" "Pi… Ka… CHUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!" "It looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" ding
The Sand Guardian, Guardian of the Sand - Geomancy - Vine - Poseidon quivers before him!
Sand Guardian - Geomancy (earth) - Vine - Poseidon quivers before him!
Alinua - Phytomancy - Aurora (webcomic) - Don't tell Red
Naruto Uzumaki - Aeromancy - Naruto (I'm sorry)
Roy - Electromancy - IT Crowd - He asks if you've tried turning it off then on again. Friends with the elders of the internet
Crazy Dave - Phytomancy - Plants Vs Zombies - engineered the stratagem of protecting one's home from zombies with a cavalcade of verdant defenders
Simisear - Pyromancy (fire) - Pokemon - It was once the least populat out of all pokemon.
Jack Frost - Cryomancy (ice) - Megami Tensei - hee ho
Toothless - Electromancy (lightning, electricity) - How to train your dragon - THE UNHOLY OFFSPRING IF LIGHTING AND DEATH ITSELF
Because I refuse to let Vriska in here
Shallan Davar - Luxomancy (light, holy) - Stormlight Archives - She storm on the light till they archive
The Sun - Luxomancy (light, holy) - Real Life - Makes me feel normal, but too much i start to revert and go mad again,, a very hard line to cross
ENERGIZER LED Flashlight Vision PRO, Ultra Bright 1000+ Lumens, IPX4 Water Resistant, Aircraft-Grade Aluminum LED Light, Rugged Metal Flash Light for Outdoors, Emergency Power Outage, Black - Luxomancy (light, holy) - Real life - It do make light though
Moon funny haha hehe hoo hoo zap zap zippity bzztk bzztk
The Carpeted Man - Electromancy (lightning, electricity) - The Tick (TV Show) - He's the fucking carpeted man, he needs a win
I was her when we played dolls
Literal life aspiration is to be the sun
He shouldn't actually [Mod note: regarding if this character should be submitted]
Almost beat Jesus's fursona
Saul Goodman - Electromancy (lightning, electricity) - Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul - The really didn't focus enough on his ability to shoot lightning bolts from his fingertips. I find it weird that it was never really brought up again in the series so having him in the tourney would help rectify that. [Mod note: for those who hasn't seen either show, this never happened]
Emperor Palpatine - Electromancy (lightning, electricity) - Star Wars - "Dude electrocuted Luke to the point of bringing Vader back to light. Also Vader later died from burnt electronic in his suit. And he yeeted Mace out of the Windu."
Dom Toretto - Geomancy (earth) - Fast & Furious - The thing about street fights… the street always wins.
Literally a lightbulb robot
Trogdor the Burninator - Pyromancy (fire) - Homestar Runner - "Known for burninating
The countryside
The peasants
All the peoples
Their thatch-roof cottages"
Herbie - Geomancy (earth) - Heretical Edge - Herbie is a pet rock who proved instrumental in defeating two incredibly powerful necromancers. One of them was the greek god Hades, the other was an evil bastard who had enslaved his entire home planet to use as a functionally limitless supply of resources. While Herbie did not defeat them solo, he was key to defeating them both
Gregor Mendel - Phytomancy (plants, vegetation) - Da history books BAYYYBBEEEEEEEEEEEE - This funky monk basically founded the science of genetics via experimenting on pea plants. Thats prebby cool
Big Bad Wolf - Aeromancy (wind) - Fairy tales and stuff - He can blow really hard, none of the other people here could do that probably, I mean can you do that? I thought not
Swan spin swan spin swan spin swan spin swan spin swan soin swan spin swan spin swan spin swan spin swap spin
Nikola Tesla - Electromancy (lightning, electricity) - real life - literally just look at this picture https://images.app.goo.gl/i7ySo6ZuGxyBDrmq7
Flamethrower Kid - Pyromancy (fire) - That vine where the kid shoots a can of WD40 as a flamethrower - His chaos is just what a fire user needs to exemplify
Spencer Shane - Pyromancy (fire) - iCarly - His stuff just spontaneously combust. We don't know if it's him or if a particularly shitty wizard is following him at all times, stuff just goes on fire. Pretty sure happened to some water once
Guy Montag - Pyromancy (fire) - Fahrenheit 451 (the Ray Bradbury novel you know the one) - "i just think it'll be funny if the fireman that burns books and then stops burning books won this thing. he isn't inherently magical per se but he does work with fire and sets stuff (like his own house) on fire so in my heart he counts. also he's on the run from the law because he killed a man and owns books. in conclusion i want ray bradbury to roll in his grave" [Mod Note: fun fact! I've never actually read Fahrenheit 451, I guess the schools I've been to thought it wasn't important]
electric fans - Aeromancy (wind) - real life - well they propel air at your face because they're fans. and also they helped me in the heatwaves so they deserve it <3
Marie Skłodowska-Curie - Luxomancy (light, holy) - the past - ☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️ [Mod Note: thank you for including her real name :)]
archerfish (Toxitidae) - Aquamancy (water) - real life - they spit water from their mouths
Chris Redfield - Geomancy (earth) - Resident Evil - HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT HE DID TO THAT BOULDER
Slide - Electromancy (lightning, electricity) - Playgrounds - I've been shocked by these bastards so many times in my childhood ):
Weathering - Geomancy (earth) - Real Life - "- can force the deterioration of rocks, soil, and minerals through prolonged exposure;
canonically responsible for a lot of really cool natural structures (as well as some admittedly not so cool ones but hey we can't all be successes 100% of the time ok)
haters say it's ruining their fave landmarks but it's just doing what it was made to do :(((
very iconic very slay vote weathering geomancy bracket 2k23 <333"
Oppenheimer - Ferromancy (metals) - Irl - He wield da bomba
Walt Disney - Cryomancy (ice) - Real life - Cryogenically frozen 💪💪
The Mud Wizard - Geomancy (earth) - Real Life - I think the Mud Wizard's performance here speaks for itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9l3bLAx4Ng
Dolphins - Aeromancy (wind) - Real life. - Okay, please hear me out on this one. While listing dolphins under Aeromancy may seem bizarre, they do have a real ability to form and manipulate bubble rings that they may use for play, social activities, and even to assist in hunting. This ability comes from the shape and material of the Melon(the forehead part). I believe that this ability(which you can research yourself) qualifies them for this tournament.
The One True Candle - Luxomancy (light, holy) - Saturday Night Live (The Christmas Candle) - Candles make light. This candle is also the most powerful Christmas savior so you can’t get more holy than that
Your mom - Electromancy (lightning, electricity) - My bedroom - Sparks flew between us last night ;) [Mod Note: she needed that]
Your dad - Geomancy (earth) - My bedroom - Idk if you felt it but we made the earth move last night ;) [Mod Note: he didn't need that]
Me - Pyromancy (fire) - Real life - I must be a firebender because I’m hot af
The LGBTQ+ Community - Luxomancy (light, holy) - The closet - What is light? Stuff that can be perceived by the human eye. What else is perceived by the human eye (AND caused by light)? The rainbow. Wake up America
ITS ME BOY IM THE PS5 - Luxomancy (light, holy) - TikTok - He appears totally normal at first, but through manipulation of lights he makes himself look unhinged and goblin-like. We all love him for this.
The Lorax - Phytomancy (plants, vegetation) - The Lorax - He speaks for the trees.
The John Boulderfan92 (as I assume that they sent all of these characters) saga:
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson - Geomancy (earth) - Real Life - You can’t knock the rock
Boulder - Geomancy (earth) - Rock of Ages franchise - They're literally a sentient boulder Boulder - Geomancy (earth) - The 1998 Thomas the Tank Engine episode "Rusty and the Boulder" - They're literally a sentient boulder
Rockbomb - Geomancy (earth) - Dragon Quest franchise - They're literally a sentient boulder (that also explode)
Brolder - Geomancy (earth) - Super Mario 3D World - They're a sentient boulder (with arms)
The Bowler - Geomancy (earth) - Dungeons & Dragons: 2nd Edition - Literally a sentient boulder mimicking creature
Boulder - Geomancy (earth) - Raiders of the Lost Ark - This boulder is not sentient but is pretty iconic and would be a shame if I didn't mention it
Rocky Roll - Geomancy (earth) - Skylanders - He's on a boulder, does that count?
Boulder - Geomancy (earth) - UDgame - This boulder is sentient, YIPEE!!!
The Boulder - Geomancy (earth) - Avatar: The Last Airbender - "The Boulder feels conflicted about fighting a young blind girl." "Sounds to me like you're scared, Boulder." "The Boulder's over his conflicted feelings, and now he's ready to bury you in a rock-a-lanche."
Also for those who are wondering, I'm not allowing real life/vine/tiktok submissions. Why? because I feel like they would have an unfair advantage due to people more likely to vote for the "funny ha ha" joke submissions. Also I wanted this tournament to just be about fictional characters.
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