#grey mech-x4
ninja-go-to-therapy · 8 months
Tough It Out
it makes me so irrationaly angry that Grey's primary offensive weapon is a FUCKING SAI. AGAINST GUNS AND SHIT????
Prompt: "They don't care about you"
Fandom: Mech-X4
Characters: Spyder, Grey
Summary: Spyder is kidnapped by Grey and Traeger. Luckily, he's got the life experience to tough it out... ish.
Trigger Warnings: kidnapping, torture, emotional manipulation, manipulation, referenced abuse and starvation
1448 words
Spyder’s head snapped to the side, reeling in pain from the aggression of the slap. It hurt, sure, but he’d had worse. He looked back up, grinning smugly at his captor. “That all you got?”
Grey glared at him, hitting him again. And again. 
He wheezed, but kept up his smile, even as his nose began to dribble blood. He’d had worse.
“You seem frustrated,” he said, peppy as ever, “boss treating you badly?”
“Insufferable brat,” she grumbled below her breath, just loud enough for Spyder to hear. Well, that was pretty rude. “I’ve had just about enough of you,” she said, snatching up a roll of duct tape off a nearby table. He wondered if it was the same roll that had been confiscated off his person when he’d first been captured. He never did leave home without duct tape, after all.
He was just about to voice his question, genuinely curious, but of course, he wasn’t granted the chance. Grey ripped of a strip, threw the roll back on the table, and reapproached him with that same level of fury. 
He was just about to voice his question, genuinely curious (and so he could save his helpful friend when he got out of here), but he didn’t get the chance. Grey ripped off a strip, threw the roll back on the table, and reproached with that same level of fury. 
His squirming to avoid it was only half-hearted as she pressed it firmly over his mouth. Why waste the energy?
“We’ll see if you’re more willing after the rest of us eat. Hope you don’t get too hungry, brat.”
He hummed a positive acknowledgement, just to irk her. Grey huffed out a frustrated groan, but turned on her heel, slamming the door behind her.
Trying to starve him, huh? Now that was child’s play. He often went to bed with a deep pit in his stomach, nothing to do but sleep away the hunger. Sometimes he would give in and dig out a long-expired can of spaghetti-o’s or beef ravioli, though… that would bring its own set of problems. There was a reason it was only his most desperate measure.
The point was: he’d had far, far worse than a skipped dinner.
It was like Grey had never even met his parents! Though, considering how sloppy of a principal she’d been, he was fairly certain she hadn’t met most of the students’ parents. Though she had gone through all that recon when she was stalking Ryan… hmm.
Whatever. He could do this literally all day (not that he had much choice, tied up as he was). With nothing better to do, he started humming to himself, mentally reciting the lyrics to every Ariana Grande song he knew. 
An hour or two later (maybe more, maybe less. He really had no way to tell), Grey returned, looking no less pissy than she had when she’d left.
In one fluid movement, she ripped the tape off his face (ow). 
“Where did they take him?” she demanded.
“Sorry, who were we talking about again?”
She let out a frustrated yell, dragging the chair he was bound to closer, thrusting her pointy weapon thing right against his chest. 
Spyder laughed. He’d had enough glass bottles thrown at him, enough shards sunken into his skin, that the threat hardly even registered in his mind. “Oh, please,” he said, rolling his eyes. “We both know you won’t kill me until my friends show up to save me.”
The sharp tip pressed harder against his skin, nearly enough to draw blood. He really hoped she didn’t rip a hole in his shirt. This was one of the very few he had that wasn’t already ratty.
“Are you sure?” she asked with a smirk.
He shrugged, using the opportunity to nudge the sharp point away. “Eh, I know you want to, but I also know your boss needs me as a hostage, so.”
“I meant,” she said, grinning with teeth that kind of looked like the wolf about to eat a grandmother, “about your so-called “friends” wasting their time to come and save you.”
“Wait, sorry, what?”
She lowered her weapon, like they were about to have a casual conversation between friends. But he’d watched enough documentaries on the animal kingdom to recognize an incoming attack.
“I mean, the robot certainly seems to be functioning just fine without you,” she shrugged, “and it’s kind of obvious that they only like you out of pity.”
He’d only been here for like, a few hours, max, right? At most, they’d only needed to fight one monster in that time, because Traeger was a bitch. But without their weapons specialist… how exactly had they managed a victory? Had they managed a victory?
…Had they replaced him, and put Veracity on weapons? Was she better than him at it?
He flung that thought to the other corner of his mind palace. He was getting distracted and losing focus (not that it was unusual for him). But he couldn’t afford to get anxious right now! “Sure,” he bluffed, as if he knew exactly what was going on with his team, “maybe they’re functioning, but that doesn’t mean anything about them not needing me.” He hoped. “And Ryan, Harris, and I are like, best friends, so fuck off.”
“Oh, yes,” she nodded sarcastically, “because trios are notorious for working out. Which of you usually walked behind the others in the school hallways, again?”
Pfft, that didn’t mean a thing! That just meant that hallways were too crowded, and Spyder just happened to fall to the back… a majority of the time. “Yeah, well. If you don’t think they’ll save me, what’s the point in taking me?”
She pulled her weapon back, studying it in her hand. “Honestly? Traeger thinks they’ll come for you. But I was your principal, remember. I’ve seen the way they interact with you. After you rot here long enough for my boss to get bored… well, I think I’ll enjoy finally shutting you up for good.”
He may have flinched slightly, when she said that. The death threat (or promise, his mind supplied), while far from the first aimed his way, settled at the bottom of his stomach like a rock. 
But she wouldn’t get to kill him. Because the others would come for him. What did she know, anyway? Nothing, that was what. She knew even less than Spyder did, and that was saying so much. 
At least. That’s what one of the others would say. Spyder liked to think he was smart in some areas — but, you know… he preferred not to bring it up, if he could help it. Because if he showed that he could learn things, they would just be… disappointed in him. For not applying himself harder in the actual important areas. If he could immerse himself in interior design and general architecture styles, why couldn’t he do the same with school?
If he brought it up, they wouldn’t just think he was dumb. They would realize exactly how deeply, hopelessly useless he really was. He much preferred just dumb. At least he could play into that, make it something that could be endearing on a good day.
“Are you gonna torture me for fun or what, lady?” He snapped.
Grey smiled, twirling her weapon in her hand. “I would. But I have more important things to attend to. In the meantime…” she sheathed the blade, then snatched up his roll of duct tape, tearing off a strip. Again. “We don’t need you annoying the neighbors.”
“Bullshit, you don’t have any neighbors out her—” he was forced into silence as she gripped his face hard, forcing the duct tape over his mouth. This time, he did struggle. It made approximately zero difference.
Harris would probably know exactly what percentage of a difference it did make. Probably zero point nine nine nine or something like that. And then he’d judge him for being too stupid to understand what that meant.
The door locked shut with a click as Grey left, and a moment later, the singular lightbulb illuminating his small prison went out, leaving him in absolute darkness. 
Great. Great. This was just awesome. 
He may have been slick enough to get out of the poorly tied ropes that the butcher had restrained him with in the woods, but this was a whole new ballgame. No matter how he squirmed, he couldn’t get loose.
The important thing was not to panic. There was no reason at all to panic! His friends were coming for him (probably). 
He just had to be patient. Which of course, he was… famously bad at.
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goldenavenger02 · 3 years
Just a heads up for those who want to request story ideas! Here is a list of the fandoms I write for/will write for, but just remember that I only write prompts if I get inspired by them.
Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Lab Rats: Elite Force
Teen Wolf
Grey's Anatomy
New Girl
The Maze Runner Trilogy (books and movie verse, please be specific)
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Pear ought to take some pointers from whoever it is that made Principal Grey's tablet. The current PearPhone offers no privacy whatsoever. Principal Grey's tablet appears to be made of the same material - or something very similar - as the PearPhone, but it has one major advantage. The tablet offers the privacy that the PearPhone lacks. I really like both devices. They seem like an extremely economical way to make mobile devices that look to require a very minimal number of components to produce. They also seem to require considerably less manual labor to produce, which would make them dramatically cheaper than smartphones and tablets on the real-life market. Fun fact: scientists are actually looking into making somethings kind of similar to this with a substance called graphine that was discovered while a guy was playing around with pencil lead and Scotch tape. The lab where he worked had one day set aside each month for everyone to just dick around and have fun because lots of awesome scientific discoveries have happened on accident.
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ariesgamesandminis · 4 years
Massive Restock for BattleTech!
MASSIVE restock for BattleTech from Iron Wind Metals...and this isn't even ALL of it!
PLEASE REMEMBER...I'm out with my kids this weekend for some fun before they go back to school, so there will possibly be a delay in shipping depending on order volume.
20-209 Rifleman RFL-8D 20-217 Crusader CDR-5K 20-223 Saladin Hover Tank (2) 20-235 Partisan Heavy Tank 20-264 Marauder MAD-9S / MAD-5R 20-279 Clint IIC 20-290 Ajax Assault Tank Prime 20-305 Scorpion Light Tank (2) 20-346 Crimson Hawk 20-382 Heavy LRM Carrier 20-397 Orion ON1-M 20-424 Bombardier BMB-12D 20-450 Hiryo Armored Infantry Transport 20-451 Copper SecurityMech CBK-6 20-482 Xanthos XNT-30 20-496 Thunderbird TRB-D36 Aero Fighter 20-497 Moltke M1 Main Battle Tank 20-5007 Turhan Wheeled Vehicle (2) 20-5016 Apollo APL-1M 20-5021 Deimos 20-5023 Hyena Salvage Mech HYN-4A 20-5025 Mad Cat IV "Savage Wolf" 20-5041 Nyx NX-80 / NX-90 20-5049 Carnivore Assault Tank (Standard) (2) 20-5074 Dola DOL-1A1 20-5082 Gyrfalcon (Standard) 20-5088 Hollander III BZK-D1 20-5093 Lament LMT-2R 20-5096 Dragon II DRG-11K 20-5098 Black Knight BLK-NT-5H 20-5106 Tiburon 20-5110 Carronade CRN-7M 20-5114 Zeus-X ZEU-X4 20-5121 Lu Wei Bing LN-4B 20-5122 Tenshi TN-10-O Prime 20-5123 Wendigo Prime 20-5126 Gun GN-2O Prime 20-5127 Flashman FLS-8K Resculpt 20-5131 Centurion CN11-O Prime 20-5132 Templar III TLR2-O Prime 20-5133 Gotterdammerung GTD-20S 20-5134 Juliano JLN-5A 20-5148 Flea FLE-14 20-5151 Avalanche AVL-1O 20-5155 Cougar Prime / B Resculpt 20-5163 Mongoose Gunslinger MON-66GX 20-5167 Raven II RVN-5X 20-5169 Shadow Hawk SHD-2Hb 20-5170 Ryoken III-XP (Skinwalker) Prime 20-5173 Scourge SCG-WF1 20-5182 Catapult CPLT-C1 / K2 20-5183 Locust LCT-1V / 1E / 1Vb Royal 20-5184 Griffin GRF-1N 20-600RE Vulture "Mad Dog" Prime 20-603RE Mad Cat "Timber Wolf" Prime 20-695 Fire Falcon Prime 20-706 CHIPPEWA FIGHTER CHP-W5 20-723 Warrior Helicopter H-7 20-739 Ontos Heavy Tank (2) 20-741 J-27 Tow Vehicle 20-747 Zhukov Heavy Tank (2) 20-774 Black Knight BL-6-KNT 20-777 Falcon FLC-4N 20-779 Manticore Heavy Tank (2) 20-798 Hammer HMR-3M 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-802 Mongoose MON-66 20-803 Hoplite HOP-4D 20-806 Hunter Missile Tank (2) 20-822 Demolisher Tank 20-865 Commando COM-2D 20-869 Jenner JR7-D 20-876 Dervish DV-6M 20-879 Clint CLNT-2-3T 20-898 Imp IMP-3E 20-899 King Crab KGC-000 20-932 Vindicator VND-1R 20-976 Hellion Prime 20-983 Mad Cat Mk II 20-991 Shadow Cat Prime AR20-246 EAGLE EGL-2M AR20-248 DONAR ASSAULT VTOL AR20-249 CRONUS CNS-5M AR20-294 MAGI INFANTRY SUPPORT VEHICLE AR20-325 Morpheus MRP-3S AR20-344 Flashfire FLS-P5 AR20-349 HACHIWARA AR20-363 Koto KTO-2A AR20-367 SPIDER SDR-7K / SDR-7K2 AR20-405 Great Turtle GTR-1 AR20-418 Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4L AR20-421 Ronin SA-RN7 AR20-429 Mantis MTS-S AR20-445 Longshot LNG-2 AR20-466 Neptune Submarine (full and waterline) AR20-637 MANTIS LIGHT ATTACK VTOL (2) AR20-655 Fire Scorpion AR20-720 THRUSH AR20-745 SKULKER WHEELED SCOUT VEHICLE AR20-785 DEMOLISHER II HEAVY TANK AR20-790 SALAMANDER PPR-5S     AR20-931 URBAN MECH IIC     AR20-943 ARCTIC WOLF AR20-957 LAO HU  LHU-2B   AR20-977 CESTUS CTS-6Y   AR20-985 ARCAS 20-9122 Battleforce Hex Base 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-202 Large Flat Top Hex Base #2 99-203 Extra Large Flat Top Hex Base ATLASLTD-12 Limited Edition Jumping Atlas BT-004 Afreet Battle Armor BT-005 Grenadier Battle Armor BT-006 Phalanx Battle Armor BT-008 Void Battle Armor BT-011 Thor "Summoner" B BT-019 Leopard BT-026 Union BT-028 Cavalier Battle Armor BT-031 Infiltrator MK 2 BT-064 Trike BT-065 Minigun Cycle BT-067 Golem Battle Armor BT-129 Infiltrator Mk I Battle Armor BT-130 Hauberk Battle Armor BT-132 Clan Medium Battle Armor BT-133 Corona Battle Armor BT-160 Elemental Battle Armor Point BT-172 Prowler Tank BT-178 Jade Hawk JHK-03 BT-187 Djinn Battle Armor BT-192 Purifier BA C (2 pc) (advancing) BT-197 Aerie Battle Armor BT-198 Tengu Battle Armor BT-199 Asura Md. Battle Armor BT-200 Shedu Assault Battle Armor BT-201 Nephilim Assault Battle Armor BT-202 Rogue Bear Heavy Battle Armor BT-207 Delphyne ProtoMech BT-209 Se'irim Medium Battle Armor BT-210 Armorcast 28mm Elemental Battle Armor BT-217 Dragon's Breath BT-224 Heavy Jump Infantry BT-230 Kopis Battle Armor BT-231 Ironhold Battle Armor BT-232 Warg Battle Armor BT-234 Davion Firefighter ATV BT-239 Jump Support Infantry BT-243 XTC Marine BT-245 Heavy Infantry - Firing BT-250 Ignis Infantry Support Tank BT-251 Blood Asp A BT-252 Blood Asp E BT-253 Cauldron-Born "Ebon Jaguar" Prime BT-257 Concordat Frigate BT-260 Sprint Scout VTOL BT-269 Sling SL-1G BT-270 New Sytris Carrier BT-271 Conqueror Battle Cruiser BT-272 Davion Destroyer BT-273 Osteon D BT-276 Maxim Hover Tank (3058) BT-278 Panther PNT-9R BT-282 Pandion Combat WiGE BT-283 Svartalfa Ultra ProtoMech (Standard) BT-291 Super-Griffin GRF-2N-X BT-292 Shiro SH-2P BT-294 Hatamoto-Suna HTM-30S BT-303 Vulture Mk III Prime BT-305 Thor II Prime BT-306 Thor II B BT-311 Savior Repair Vehicle BT-312 Gun Trailers (2) BT-319 Wheeled APC BT-320 Tracked APC BT-321 Hover APC BT-322 Rifleman RFL-1N BT-326 Stinger LAM MK I STG-A1 (Air Mech) BT-335 PWWKA S-PW-1LAM (Air Mech) BT-343 Tomahawk II A BT-346 Griffin GRF-1A BT-348 Centurion CN9-D / CN9-AL Resculpt BT-349 Lament LMT-4RC BT-351 Mad Cat MK II 5 BT-363 Swiftwind Scout Car BT-364 Gabriel Hovercraft BT-369 Elemental Battle Armor (3) BT-370 Kurita Infantry (3) BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-372 Savannah Master Hovercraft BT-381 Basic Inner Sphere Battle Armor (3) BT-385 Grey Death Legion Battle Armor (3) BT-387 Gnome Battle Armor (3) BT-388 Salamander Battle Armor (3) BT-390 Fa-Shih Battle Armor (3) BT-391 Fenrir Battle Armor (1) BT-393 Kage Battle Armor Squad (4) BT-395 Centurion CN9-YLW / CN9-YLW2 "Yen Lo Wang" BT-397 Gùn GN-2O A BT-399 Shadow Hawk SHD-2K BT-403 Highlander HGN-738 BT-407C Orion ON1-H Arm Sprue BT-408 Loki II A BT-411 Archer ARC-1A BT-413 Marauder Battle Armor BT-416 Testudo Siege Tank (Standard) BT-418 Saladin MK II HCV BT-419 Wolverine WVR-1R BT-425 Uziel UZL-8S BT-427 Balac Strike VTOL (Standard) & (LRM) BT-429 Catapult CPLT-C2 (Dark Age) BT-430 Wulfen H BT-434 Leonidas Battle Armor BT-437 Regulator Hovertank (Arrow IV) BT-438 Von Rohrs (Hebis) VON-4RH-5 BT-439 Black Wolf Battle Armor BT-440 Bellerophon BEL-1X BT-442 Wulfen A BT-444 Flatbed Truck (2) - Cargo & Wpn options CE-001 Primitive Shadow Hawk FT-002 Boomerang Spotter Plane FT-003 Sea Skimmer FT-005 Monitor Naval Vessel FT-008 Avatar AV1-OB FT-012 Nightsky NGS-5T FT-025 Samurai Mech Scale Fighter FT-026 Sabre Mech Scale Fighter FT-027 Gotha Mech Scale Fighter MS-001 Union Dropship OP-005 Thor B Arms (2) (from BT-11) OP-007 Thor C Left Arm (from 20-320) OP-029 Gladiator C Left Arm OP-030 Gladiator C Right Arm OP-033 Gladiator E Left Arm OP-034 Gladiator E ATM 9 OP-040 Gladiator E Torso OP-045 Black Hawk C SRM4 OP-084 Masakari Torso OP-097 Generic Missile Launcher (3) OP-098 Missile Launcher Front Panel (3) OP-099 Gauss Rifles OP-100 Ultra Autocannons OP-101 Hyper-Assult Gauss Rifles OP-102 Inner Sphere PPC's OP-103 LB-X Autocannons OP-104 Extended Range Lasers and PPC OP-105 Pulse Lasers OP-106 Small Launcher Plates OP-107 Medium Launcher Plates OP-108 Large Launcher Plates OP-109 XL Launcher Plates OP-110 XXL Launcher Plates OP-111 Inner Sphere Small, Medium, and Large Launchers OP-112 Inner Sphere XL and XXL Launchers OP-113 Clan Small, Medium, and Large Launchers OP-114 Clan XL and XXL Launchers SFB-016 Upper Stackable Steel Building 20-220C Longbow Missile Pod Sprue 20-233C Warhammer IIC Missile Sprue I 20-233D Warhammer IIC Missile Sprue II 20-317D Ostroc 4C Arms Sprue 20-325C Morpheus Left Arm 20-325D Morpheus Shoulder Pad 20-326D Loki Anti-Personal Pod Sprue (From 20-326) 20-360C Paladin Arms Sprue 20-412E Grigori Weapon Pod Sprue II 20-413B Archangel Spikes/Arm Sprue 20-432B Valiant DA Mech Legs 20-432C Valiant DA Mech Arm Sprue 20-432D Valiant DA Mech Shield Sprue 20-442B Copperhead Arm Sprue 20-453G Pariah Jump Jet Sprue (from 20-453) 20-5136 Hound HD-2F Weapon Sprue 20-603E Mad Cat (Omni) Missile Pack 20-605E Masakari (Omni) Right Arm 20-605F Masakari (Omni) Left Arm 20-610D Black Hawk (Omni) Arms 20-613C Koshi (Omni) Arm Sprue 20-616B Grand Titan TIT-N10M Right Arm 20-616C Grand Titan TIT-N10M Left Arm 20-616GN Grand Titan TIT-N10M Small Gun 20-617B Tempest TMP-3M Right Arm 20-617C Tempest TMP-3M Left Arm 20-627BTUR LRM Carrier Turret 20-699AMG Emperor EMP-6A Arm / Gun 20-779TRT Manticore Heavy Tank Turret 20-780AGN Hussar HSR-200D Arm / Gun Sprue 20-793GN Hollander BZK-F3 Gun 20-802ARM Mongoose MON-66 Arm Sprue 20-810B Hatamoto-Chi Fin / PPC Sprue 20-864ARM Hatchetman Arm Sprue 20-873FNS Spider Fins 20-888ARM Grasshopper Arm Sprue 20-969B Banshee Arm Sprue 20-987A/WP Locust Arm / Weapon Sprue 20-988ARM Phoenix Hawk Arm Sprue 20-993D Thunderbolt Arm Sprue
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spyder-incorporated · 6 years
Turns out trying to move back to other Disney shows after watching Mech x4 is like trying to win tug of war against a mountain... It’s IMPOSSIBLE
Why, You might ask?
Well as I said above I am trying to “move back” instead of “move on” because let’s face it, no Disney show will top Mech x4 ever. But I also think it’s because the other Disney shows aren’t trying. LET ME EXPLAIN
So Mech x4 is obviously different from other Disney shows, mainly because it caters to an older audience and carries some general darker themes. (ex. Grey’s and Harris’s death) However in addition to that, it also does something most Disney shows don’t necessarily do. “Carry the original plot line.” But what does that mean? Let’s look back at some other Disney shows, for example Liv and Maddie, Jessie, Bunk’d, Austin and Ally, and Bizaardvark. (there are more but let’s stick with these) It may not seem like it, but all of these shows have one thing in common even though they are all drastically different. “They don’t stay on the main path plot line.” If you look back at these shows, there is no main plot line that they follow. Every episode is different, with different problems that they all end up solving by the end of the episode. Which is good and all.. I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS A BAD THING! But without a main theme to follow, where is the interesting content going to come from? A failed example of this would be Lab Rats: Elite Force. Lab Rats: Elite Force was hyped to the max but ended up getting cancelled after one season on a cliffhanger. Why? Because only 4-5 episodes out of 17 actually had to do with the main plot/problem. The rest were just filler episodes. Which is what the first example list was made up of. All of the shows had episodes that were basically filler episodes until the mid season finale or the season finale where there would be a 2 or 3 parter with suspense. That’s alright, but what happens when that starts to get boring? NOTHING APPARENTLY! ALL THOSE SHOWS GOT EXTRA SEASONS OF NOTHING! JUST BORING EPISODES THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH A GOOD PLOT LINE OR HAD ACTION OR SUSPENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*cough* calm down... while I understand that Disney mainly makes content for a younger audience, I’m going to remain with the notion that if they tried to make more shows like Mech x4 that catered balance between heavier themes and humor then I think Disney would get an even bigger following.
Anyway! Unlike those shows, Mech x4 stayed on the plot line of success and kept their episodes relating to it while still being able to keep the humor that a Disney show needs as well as added a few filler episodes as well, but not a lot. This is why I think the show is so good. Besides the amazing cast, jaw dropping CGI, fantastic plot line, real suspense and drama while also keeping it PG13 as well as humorous and funny.
Mech x4 is really the best Disney show I’ve ever seen and it got completely slept on.
It’s shameful.
So what’s the lesson of this text post? I’m not sure either! This was more of an angry rant// why’d those shows get so many seasons when they’re literal trash!?// why are @jadyn-themechhead and I the only ones that have been active in this fandom for the past 2 weeks?! What happened to never leaving the fandom guys?! Come on!// a salty post cuz I really hate how much potential is being slept on with this show...
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cle-the-writer · 7 years
Chapters: 2/12 Fandom: Mech-X4 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Ryan Walker, Mark Walker, Principal Grey, Spyder, Harris, Original Character Additional Tags: Brotherly Love, Hurt/Comfort, Abuse, Pain, Fear, Kidnapping, Monsters, Friendship/Love Summary:
This takes place after episode 6 (Let's survive in the woods). Mark has been taken and it is up to Ryan and crew to get him back.
Why freak out over a hiatus when you can read fan fiction?
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tuseriesdetv · 6 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Nuevos vídeos de 13RW
Trece razones con advertencia
Netflix ha publicado un estudio de la Northwestern University sobre el impacto de 13 Reasons Why en espectadores jóvenes. Según la investigación, el 71% de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes se sienten identificados al ver la serie y casi el 75% dice que les hizo sentir más cómodos procesando temas de conversación difíciles. Además, más de la mitad pidieron perdón a alguien por cómo le habían tratado y casi tres cuartas partes de los encuestados dijeron que intentan ser más considerados con la gente después de haberla visto. [Fuente] El servicio de streaming nos presenta, además de varios testimonios, el vídeo que podrá verse antes del primer episodio de cada temporada de 13 Reasons Why. Dice así: "Por trece razones es una serie de ficción que maneja asuntos difíciles del mundo real, echando un vistazo a agresiones sexuales, abuso de sustancias, suicidios y más. Arrojando luz sobre estos temas complicados, esperamos que nuestra serie pueda ayudar a los espectadores a empezar una conversación. Pero si estás luchando tú mismo con estos asuntos, esta serie puede no ser adecuada para ti o tal vez quieras verla con un adulto de confianza. Si alguna vez sientes que necesitas a alguien con quien hablar, contacta con un padre, un amigo, un orientador o un adulto en quien confíes. Llama a un teléfono de ayuda local o ve a 13reasonswhy.info porque desde el momento en que empiezas a hablar sobre ello, se hace más fácil".
Renovaciones de series
Hallmark Channel ha renovado When Calls the Heart por una sexta temporada
Sky Atlantic ha renovado Save Me por una segunda temporada
Cancelaciones de series
FXX ha cancelado la serie animada Deadpool antes de su estreno
Incorporaciones y fichajes de series
Allison Williams (Girls, Get Out) se une a la segunda y tercera temporada de A Series of Unfortunate Events. Se desconocen detalles.
Matt Ryan (Constantine) será regular en Legends of Tomorrow a partir de la cuarta temporada si es renovada.
Juliette Lewis (Wayward Pines, Secrets & Lies) protagonizará Camping junto a Jennifer Garner y David Tennant. Janicza Bravo, Arturo Del Puerto (Fear The Walking Dead, The Lottery), Ione Skye (Arrested Development) y Brett Gelman (Fleabag, Love) se unen como regulares. Bridget Everett (Lady Dynamite, Inside Amy Schummer) será recurrente.
Michael Stuhlbarg (The Shape of Water, Call Me by Your Name), Matt Lauria (Kingdom, Friday Night Lights), Brandon P. Bell (Dear White People, Hollywood Heights), Emma Appleton (Clique), Luke Treadaway (Fortitude), Keeley Hawes (Line of Duty, The Durrells) y Stephen Campbell Moore (The Last Post, The Wrong Mans) protagonizarán Jerusalem.
Nora Zehetner (Heroes, Grey's Anatomy) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Designated Survivor como Valeria Poriskova, jefa de los agentes de inteligencia rusos en Estados Unidos.
Mike Colter (Luke Cage) volverá a interpretar a Lemond Bishop (The Good Wife) en la segunda temporada de The Good Fight.
Adam Croasdell (Reign) y Prema Cruz serán recurrentes en la tercera temporada de Preacher como el vampiro Eccarius y la vidente Madame Boyd.
Jay Ali (The Fosters, Significant Mother) será Rahul 'Ray' Nadeem, agente del FBI, en la tercera temporada de Daredevil.
Kelly Macdonald (Black Mirror, Trainspotting) y James Harkness (Darkest Hour, Rogue One) protagonizarán The Victim. Se les unen John Hannah (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Dirk Gently), Jamie Sives (Game of Thrones, Frontier), Karla Crome (Under the Dome, Misfits), Ramon Tikaram (Fortitude, Jupiter Ascending), Cal MacAninch (Banished, Doomsday), Isis Hainsworth (One of Us) y Chloe Pirrie (War & Peace, Troy: Fall of a City).
Karen Fukuhara (Suicide Squad) será Female, asesina asiática con superpoderes, en The Boys.
Sophie Okonedo (Hotel Rwanda, The Slap), Rebecca Benson (The White Princess, Game of Thrones), Arinzé Kene (Crazyhead, Our Girl) y Marc Warren (The Good Wife, Snatch) completan el reparto de Flack.
Crystal Balint (Mech-X4, Prison Break), Ben Cotton (The Arrangement, The X-Files), Chanelle Peloso (Zapped) y Jennifer Spence (Continuum, Travelers) se unen a The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco.
Marianne Jean-Baptiste (Blindspot, Broadchurch), Brooke Bloom (Gypsy, Falling Water), Ayden Mayeri (Downward Dog, Loosely Exactly Nicole) y Jacob Pitts (Sneaky Pete, Justified) serán recurrentes en Homecoming.
Amanda Schull (Katrina) será regular a partir de la octava temporada de Suits.
Pósters de series
   Nuevas series
HBO y Sky Atlantic han encargado la miniserie Chernobyl (cinco episodios), protagonizada por Stellan Skarsgård (Nymphomaniac, Mamma Mia), Emily Watson (Apple Tree Yard, The Theory of Everything) y Jared Harris (Mad Men, The Crown). Serán Boris Shcherbina, líder de la comisión de investigación tras el accidente; Ulana Khomyuk, física nuclear decidida a resolver el misterio científico que llevó al desastre; y Valery Legasov, científico elegido por el Kremlin para investigar el accidente.
ITV encarga Beecham House (6 episodios), drama creado y escrito por Gurinder Chadha (Bend It Like Beckham, Viceroy's House), sobre las fortunas de los residentes de esta mansión de Delhi, que John Beecham ha adquirido a principios del siglo XIX para comenzar una nueva vida y un nuevo negocio.
BBC One encargó seis episodios de Gold Digger, thriller dramático sobre una adinerada señora de sesenta años que se enamora de un joven de veinticinco y el impacto que causa esta relación en la familia. Creada por Marnie Dickens (Thirteen).
BBC One dio luz verde a cuatro episodios de Dark Mon£y, drama sobre una familia que decide aceptar el dinero de un conocido cineasta para mantener en secreto el abuso que cometió sobre su hijo pequeño. Escrita por Levi David Addai (Youngers; Damilola, Our Loved Boy).
BBC One encargó seis episodios de The Capture, thriller de espionaje sobre el injusto arresto de un hombre inocente que pronto se convierte en una conspiración con pruebas manipuladas. Escrito por Ben Chanan (Cyberbully, Blackout).
Entertainment One desarrolla Street Fighter, que contará la historia del segundo videojuego, con Ryu, Ken, Guile y Chun-Li luchando para intentar derribar Bison.
Acorn TV encarga cinco episodios de London Kills, de Paul Marquess, sobre varios detectives investigando un asesinato en cada episodio mientras se desarrolla de fondo la trama de la búsqueda de la esposa desaparecida de uno de ellos.
Freemantle Media prepara Astro City, adaptación del cómic de Kurt Busiek y Rick Alexander sobre una ciudad mediana de Estados Unidos que cuenta con el mayor número de superhéroes y supervillanos.
Fechas de series
La tercera temporada de Colony se estrena en USA Network el 2 de mayo
The Rain llega a Netflix el 4 de mayo
Cobra Kai llega a YouTube Red el 2 de mayo
La quinta temporada de Younger se estrena en TV Land el 5 de junio
La tercera temporada de Queen of the South llega a USA Network el 21 de junio
La tercera temporada de Shooter llega a USA Network el 21 de junio
Tráilers de series
I'm Dying Up Here - Temporada 2
3% - Temporada 2
In The Long Run
Marvel's Cloak and Dagger
The 100 - Temporada 5
Cobra Kai
The Rain
   Into the Badlands - Temporada 3
SuperMansion - Temporada 3
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goldenavenger02 · 3 years
Send me fluffy/low angst/funny prompts! Anything on my fandoms list is acceptable!
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Fuck I hope these women never join forces. They've already risen to ultimate power in their respective corporations and they are already scientific supergeniuses with way too much knowledge about may too many things. Dangerous things. Like superhuman abilities and monsters and how to create them. The last thing we need is for them to take over the world and enslave us all.
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Mech-X4 S01E08 Let’s Get the Big Bad!
Of two things I am absolutely certain:
1. Principal Grey is, in fact, not dead. It’s way too early in the series for that sort of shit to go down. That, and it was just way too fucking easy. One second, Ryan has a fairly solid grip on her arm and is trying to pull Principal Grey back into the Robot, the next, Grey, a woman with serious combat training, looses her grip and falls. That fall was planned to a T. Principal Grey has shown herself to have pretty sharp tactical knowledge and to think on her feet. She isn’t dead. It’s just not fucking possible.
2. Harper is Grey’s boss. He clearly has ulterior motives for dating Mark and Ryan’s mom. It not only allows him to cozy up to the boys and gain their trust for a later double-cross, but it also provides him with an opening through which he can obtain information relating to Mech-X4.
There’s just no two ways about it. If I am, however, wrong, keep in mind that I’m only halfway through the season so far. No spoilers please. Anyone who starts hurling spoilers at me will both be bombarded with terrible car puns and given a copy of The National Enquirer and forced to take a shot of cholula sauce for every exclamation point they can find.
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Mech X4 S01E07 Let's Get Our Robot Back! There's something worrisome - no, flat out disturbing - about how quickly Ryan bought into principal Grey's story about her boss. She's given him no reason to trust her thus far. She fucking abducted his bigger brother and then used her status as his principal to get into his home under false pretenses. All Grey does to swing Ryan to her side, or at least get him to seriously consider doing so, is make some vague threats about the Big Bad's plans to destroy the world. In no way does she substantiate her claims. Given everything this cunt has put Mech-X4 through in the short period of time that the team/robot has been active. Not a single person on that team has any business making deals with her. That doesn't even touch on the fact that Ryan is making this decision without consulting the rest of the team. He may be the one with the superpower, the one who controls the robot, but he needs Mark, Spyder, and Harris to fight and to keep the robot functional.
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cle-the-writer · 7 years
Chapters: 5/12 Fandom: Mech-X4 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Ryan Walker, Mark Walker, Principal Grey, Spyder, Harris, Original Character Additional Tags: Brotherly Love, Hurt/Comfort, Abuse, Pain, Fear, Kidnapping, Monsters, Friendship/Love Summary:
This takes place after episode 6 (Let's survive in the woods). Mark has been taken and it is up to Ryan and crew to get him back.
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cle-the-writer · 7 years
Chapters: 3/12 Fandom: Mech-X4 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Ryan Walker, Mark Walker, Principal Grey, Spyder, Harris, Original Character Additional Tags: Brotherly Love, Hurt/Comfort, Abuse, Pain, Fear, Kidnapping, Monsters, Friendship/Love Summary:
This takes place after episode 6 (Let's survive in the woods). Mark has been taken and it is up to Ryan and crew to get him back.
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