#guinevere beck x reader
elizabethlailolsenfan · 7 months
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Lil bean 💕
Vanessa Shelly X reader and Guinevere Beck x reader are in the works 😊
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bumblesimagines · 5 months
i bet your neighbors hate us.
you're wearing my shirt.
Guinevere Beck
you're wearing my shirt.
i bet your neighbors hate us.
Pronouns: They/Them/Their, GN!Reader
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The dream of a nice vacation on a warm, sunny beach in a new country waiting to be explored shattered abruptly at the agonizing sound of your alarm blaring in your ear over and over again until you lazily pawed at your phone and somehow managed to silence it. You sighed heavily into your pillow and contemplated sleeping for a few more minutes that would surely turn into a few more hours, but you doubted your friends would appreciate you ditching them for sweet, out-of-reach dreams. 
Lifting your head from the pillow and rubbing a hand over your face, your eyes cracked open when the smell of food slipped into the room. You lived alone and the only people who had copies of your apartment key either couldn't cook or weren't nice enough to. You rolled off your stomach and sat up to give your bedroom a quick scan. 
You first noticed the clothes you'd worn the night before scattered around the floor haphazardly as if they'd been aggressively thrown around. The unfamiliar jeans and shirt stood out to you next, also on the floor alongside a pair of beige sandals and a vibrant red jacket that looked vaguely familiar to the one your sister's friend wore often. The bottle-blonde with pretty eyes and naive enough to believe your sister's other friend vaguely gave a shit about her otherwise known as the lit student your sister had taken under her protective wing.
Peach would have your head served on a silver platter or worse if she were ever to find out. She'd never been the most rational or level-headed, no matter how hard she tried to come off as put-together, and she'd become rather obsessive over... Bella? Beatrice? Your foggy mind refused to remind you of the aspiring writer's name but it happily reminded you of that time Peach had pulled you aside at a party to borderline threaten you into keeping a friendly distance from Beck because she 'already had one asshole in her life and didn't need another'. You could only pray Brooklyn? kept her lips sealed about the whole ordeal. 
The door creaked open and the blonde poked her head, a smile breaking out on her soft features. "Hey, you're awake! I heard your alarm go off." She laughed airily, and somewhat nervously, before fully stepping into the room and tugging lightly at the shirt that almost covered her bare thighs. 
"You're wearing my shirt." You mumbled in a still drowsy tone. Besty (you were fairly certain her name started with a B) nodded, her cheeks flushing a light pink as she glanced down at the shirt and smoothed it out with the palm of her hands. For a girl you knew too much about- other than her goddamn name- due to your sister's inability to not complain about those close to her, she seemed awfully shy. She'd had her fair share of encounters from what you'd heard and you doubted you'd be the last one-night-stand. 
"I hope you don't mind. It was the first thing I saw when I got up and I didn't want to walk around shirtless." She chuckled and her eyes flickered up to meet yours, her smile turning mischievous. "Unless that's what you're into." Ah, there she was. The Bianca you knew from the countless parties you'd seen her in. Cheeky, sweet, and an overall hot mess that attracted trouble. 
You released a huff of amusement and pushed the covers off to get out of bed and slip on the first pair of pants you got your hands on. "You making something?" You asked, pulling out a shirt from your drawer. 
"Well, I planned on doing sunny-side-up eggs but I always end up burning them so I settled on scrambled instead," Berdie responded with a light shrug, her fingertips raising to toy with the silver necklace around her neck. Her cool and flirty demeanor faltered when you moved closer to her but she quickly covered it up by cupping your face and pressing her lips to yours. Her arms wrapped snugly around your shoulders and she let out a flustered giggle against your lips. 
But the moment felt too intimate, too close and domestic for your liking. With a family like yours, it was best to keep everyone else at arm's length. The Salingers destroyed whatever and whoever got too close, the things around them wilting and rotting at just the lightest touch. People were often ruined beyond salvage over the smallest of things. You'd lost count of how many careers and lives had been ruined by your family over a bruised ego or the slightest hint of rejection. 
Almost as if sensing your hesitance, Brianna pulled back and cleared her throat, tucking a strand of hair behind her reddened ear. "I bet your neighbors hate us. We were... pretty loud."
"The Daltons are too busy traveling Europe and ignoring their kids to care." You reassured her lightly, combing your fingers through her soft, frizzy hair. "I think we should probably talk about this... Guinevere." 
"How many times do I have to tell you to just call me Beck? Guinevere is... a lot." Beck. Close enough. "But, yeah, we should talk."
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crybyemissamericanpie · 6 months
written with the heart - Guinevere Beck x fem!reader
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written with the heart - Guinevere Beck x fem!reader
Beck sat in the corner of the bustling Starbucks, her frustration palpable as she stared at the blank pages of her notebook. The soft hum of conversation and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee surrounded her, but it all seemed distant as she wrestled with her writer's block. The cozy atmosphere that usually inspired her creativity now felt stifling.
"Come on, Beck, you can do this," she muttered under her breath, tapping her pencil against the table in a futile attempt to summon inspiration. The weight of her own expectations bore down on her, and she couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment in herself.
Just then, the familiar jingle of the cafe's doorbell announced the arrival of someone who could provide the distraction Beck desperately needed, her best friend.She slid into the seat across from Beck, a warm smile on her face as she took in the sight of her struggling friend.
"Hey, Beck. Rough day?" She asked with a smal smile, concern softening her gaze.
Beck sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Yeah, you could say that. I just can't seem to get anything on paper lately. It's like my creativity went on vacation without me."
She chuckled, reaching across the table to give Beck's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Well, maybe I can help. You know, two heads are better than one."She said with a small giggle
A small smile tugged at the corners of Beck's lips as she looked into her eyes. "Thanks. I appreciate it."
For the next hour, the two friends immersed themselves in conversation, laughter, and shared ideas. Her presence had a calming effect on Beck, easing the tension that had gripped her since they first met. As they chatted, Beck couldn't help but marvel at the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her own passions,the way she laughed,smiled,she was gorgeous.
"Stories are the ones written with the heart.You know?If you are not in the right place in mind or heart it can be kinda hard to write"She said with a smile,as Beck nod also returning that smile with also a small blush but she tried to ignore it
In the midst of their banter, Beck found herself studying her more closely than usual,the way her hair fell in gentle waves, the subtle curve of her smile, and the genuine warmth in her eyes. It was in that moment that something shifted within Beck, a realization she hadn't expected.
As the afternoon sun cast a golden glow over the cafe, Beck's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't deny the warmth blossoming within her chest, the realization dawning on her like the first light of dawn. It wasn't just writer's block that had been holding her back; it was the realization that her feelings for her went far beyond friendship.
Lost in her thoughts, Beck barely registered the soft touch of her hand on hers, a comforting gesture that felt like an unspoken promise. In that quiet Starbucks corner, amid the hum of conversation and the aroma of coffee, Beck's heart whispered a truth she couldn't ignore..
She was in love with her best friend.
Days turned into weeks, and Beck found herself navigating the uncharted territory of her newfound feelings for her best friend. Every shared glance, every subtle touch, fueled the flame that had ignited within her. She couldn't shake the warmth that spread through her whenever she was near, and it left her both exhilarated and anxious.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Beck and her decided to take a casual stroll through the city streets. The soft glow of streetlights illuminated their path as they meandered through the quiet neighborhoods. Beck couldn't hold back the nervous energy that buzzed within her, threatening to spill her newfound truth.
As they walked, she turned to Beck with a curious smile. "You've been a bit quiet lately. Everythings okay?"
Beck hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. She took a deep breath, summoning the courage to speak her truth. "Y/N, there's something I need to tell you."
Her expression shifted from curiosity to concern, and she stopped walking and sat on a bench next to them, giving Beck her full attention.
"I… I've been trying to figure out how to say this," Beck began as she sat down next to her, her words cautious but sincere. "I've come to realize that my feelings for you- and not like normal friends do... I didn't expect it, and I'm still trying to make sense of this feeling, but I couldn't keep it from you."
For a moment, silence hung in the air, the weight of Beck's confession settling between them. Her eyes searched Beck's face, and a gentle smile curved her lips.
"Beck, you don't have to figure it all out right now. I value our friendship more than anything," She said, her voice soothing. "Let's take it one step at a time."
Relief washed over Beck, and she couldn't help but smile back at her. In that moment, beneath the city lights, they reached a silent understanding that spoke volumes.
Stories are the ones written with the heart.
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thedisc0spider · 2 months
Who I will write for:
-Michael Bluth
-Jeff Winger
-Abed Nadir
-Steve Harrington
-Dylan Matthews
-Ryan Atwood
-Seth Cohen
-Ryan Howard
-Peter Parker
-Bucky Barnes
-Steve Rogers
-Joe Goldberg
-Chandler Bing
-Nick Miller
-Peter Parker
-Cedric Diggory
-Edward Cullen
-Spencer Agnew
-Logan Howlett
-Timothèe Chalamet
-Guinevere Beck
-Love Quinn
-Kate Bishop
-Wanda Maximoff
Now, these are just the main ones. If you request a character and I know who they are I will write for them. Also I’m open to doing smut, fluff, and angst. I’m also open to writing fem!reader, male!reader, and gn!reader! Just make sure to SPECIFY IN THE REQUEST or else I’ll do fem!reader by default.<3
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sackgrl · 7 months
need guinevere beck x reader recs BADLYYY there r literally NONEEE
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madwomansapologist · 8 months
peach salinger —
peach salinger being obsessed with you would include BEST FRIENDS FOREVER! ☆ when you met peach salinger at brown, somehow you just got the feeling that she would be important for you. when peach first saw you wandering the college halls in search of your class, she knew you were the one. and no one, not even you, would ever change that.
smile for the camera ☆ peach has been sick for so long, it makes sense that now she wants to have fun. what was supposed to be just a drink or two turned into an endless night - albeit a forgettable one for your drunken brain. but peach has more than enough photos to prove that what happened is not imagination.
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seduzist · 7 months
that love, the crazy kind.
guinevere beck x fem! reader
cw: mentions of sexual harassment, stalking, obsession, murder, blood, smut (just a little), reader is kinda joe in this??? idk but they’re both crazy
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beck was just different, different from anything you knew, she was the type of person that enchanted since the first time you saw her, looking for some book at the store you worked at. and since this day, you couldn’t stop thinking about her, stalking her anywhere, watch carefully every step she made.
didn’t take more than 10minutes for you to find out she liked girls, it was all over her social media, likes and shares here and there, it was like she was looking almost desperately for a girlfriend. and it has to be you, you were the one.
and of course, after some months of preparation, you showed beck that undeniable truth, she fall for you easily and just like you thought she was the perfect girlfriend. she was understanding and gentle, she was funny, sexy, lovingly, respectful, smart, and all of the things you’ve ever dreamed of.
everything was just how it should be. guinevere beck was just perfect.
until, that night.
one of her terrible friends invited you both to a stupid bar with stupid people and a stupid guy couldn’t stop looking at you. at first, she maintained her calm and silence, she wasn’t the jealous type, not at all.
she didn’t even lose it when he tried to hit you, asking you if he could buy a drink and giving a little drunk smirk that made she wants to take it off his face.
but when you denied the offer politely, telling him you weren’t interested, he tried to touch you, not your arm, or your hand, he tried to grab you by the waist and give you a kiss. of course you pushed him and told him to “get the fuck off”. he did.
beck was so perfect after this, she driven you home, told you to shower, helped you sleep with a nice mug of tea. she made you feel safe and sound like always, but that wasn’t enough, she had to actually keep you safe.
when you slept, she thought about the whole plan, she could stay with you all night, or she could go back to that stupid bar and make that idiot pay for trying to mess with was hers, and the second option looked way better.
so she got back, it was late at night, she waited in the totally empty and dark parking lot. the establishment wasn’t exactly the type that have cams on it, and by this angle she had the perfect view of who enters or leaves.
two hours passed, but beck was still wide awake, then she saw him, staggering pathetically, so drunk that at every step he didn’t fall could be considered a record.
she gets out of the car, approaching him, faking a smile.
“hi!” she said, getting his attention. “want to see something?”
when beck got back home, her clothes were drained in semi dry blood and she still had shiverings all over her, she did everything right? she got rid of the murder weapon, she disappeared the body, she made sure to drive back home in the way where there’s no cameras.
when beck took her dirty clothes off and went to a good and long shower, she made sure to take a good look at your sleeping figure, to remind her why she did all of this, it was worth it.
but if she truly trusted you and knew about your past, maybe if she had told you about what she did, you would have the opportunity to tell beck that a corpse floats on water after a few days of death, and that amounts of blood can’t go away in laundry, it must be burned.
when she did wake you up, through, it wasn’t to talk, it wasn’t even purposefully, she was just making noises and shaking the bed, when you looked at your side, you saw her, all naked with a pillow between her thighs.
“beck?” you called and she immediately stopped.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to wake you up, baby.” her voice sounded genuinely sorry, but deep inside you knew she wanted you to wake up.
“it’s okay, keep going.” you whispered back, already sitting on the edge of the bed taking off your pajamas.
you couldn’t take your eyes off of her, her perfect body looked so good while pleasuring herself, you felt eager to touch her, but still undressed yourself slowly as she looked at you, like the sight alone made her even hornier.
when you finished, you get on top of her, taking the pillow off of her hands and kissing her instead, it’s like both of you were starving for each other, you didn’t know what made beck so eager but she certainly was.
you passed one leg through her waist, putting both of your centers together, it felt so good and warm, you couldn’t help but moan against her lips, starting in slow movements against her.
but when you looked down at her, you saw it, a little stain of dry blood just above her chest, you stopped immediately.
“what’s this?” you touched her skin, showing her exactly where it was the stain, she stuttered a few times but after some minutes she told you about everything. she thought you would be mad, or scared, she thought you would leave her, but you didn’t.
that night, you both made love more ferociously and lovingly than ever, for hours until your bodies couldn’t move anymore, that was the night when you and beck recognized you were equal, that isn’t a reason to hide each other’s feelings or personalities. that was the night where you felt like you belonged with someone, for the very first time.
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kaekae444 · 3 months
me core!!!
(i have a problem)
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happy74827 · 2 months
Can you make more Joe Goldberg? You did such aan amazing job on the first one that I NEED a second one. Just please consider. Thank. Love your fics btw 💖💖💖
Lily of the Valley
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[Joe Goldberg x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Coffee might not be his favorite, but things can change when it involves a person like you.
WC: 659
Category: Fluff
Fortunately, I already had this small idea in mind for our lovely stalker man and this request really just put the icing on top of the cake. Hopefully it fulfills your needs 🙌 (also you’re too sweet… thank you so much for the kind words 💞)
Coffee. The hard, hot, and bitter drink that is the reason many people get out of bed each day and the reason why some people stay up until the early hours of the morning. He never understood the appeal.
But that didn't mean he didn't enjoy the smell of coffee beans roasting, the smell of fresh ground beans being poured into a filter, and the smell of the finished product. He didn't understand how something so bitter and disgusting could have such a calming and comforting smell.
Joe had been sitting in a booth in a coffee shop for the past few hours, watching the world outside go by, sipping a small mug of tea, and his current read, "The Woman In The Window" by A.J Finn, in front of him. His eyes were trained on the people going by, not really taking much of anything in. He was on autopilot, a default setting he slipped into whenever his mind was full of something else.
It was only when a waitress with a short, black pixie cut walked over to his table that his eyes come back into focus, and his thoughts began to slow down. She didn't look like she belonged in a coffee shop. With a long, floral dress, combat boots, and a cardigan, she was far too pretty and too interesting to be serving lattes. She was a rose in a garden full of daisies, a peacock among chickens.
Then, like a snap to reality, the sound of his name pulled him away from her and onto… you. The whole reason he was here in the first place.
If he thought the waitress was a rose, you were a whole bouquet.
"Jonathan! Are you going to order anything, or are you just going to keep sitting there, scaring all our other employees?" You said a laugh in your voice.
He hadn't even noticed the waitress had already left, and now, you were standing by the table, holding a coffee pot.
Yeah, he needs to stop letting his thoughts take over.
"No, no, I was just, uh, reading."
"Reading a book, or reading her?" You said, cocking your head to the side, indicating the waitress who had moved on to another table.
"Reading the book."
"Mhm, sure." You said, not at all convinced. God, he just wanted to kiss the smirk off your face. Those pretty lipstick-covered lips moving against his.
You shook your head, smiling.
"You want a muffin… or something? On the house, since you're a regular and all."
He looked down at the book again, then back up at you. Unlike the waitress, you were dressed for work in a black, collared shirt tucked into black pants and a black apron tied around your waist.
It told him a lot about you, like the fact that you were a rule follower organized. The other waitress played confidence to stand out. You wanted to blend in, but still, he noticed.
How could he not notice you?
"Blueberry, right? Your usual."
"Okay. I'll be back in a second."
You had just turned to leave before you spun on your heel and stopped.
"And, Jonathan,” you paused. "That book in your hands? Wonderful read."
As you walked away, he realized how his heart had started to beat faster, and he couldn't stop the grin on his face.
A bouquet? No, you were something far more rare and far more beautiful than that.
You were an orchid.
And when you returned with that perfectly shaped muffin and that award-winning smile, Joe decided this would be the last time he ever chased a woman. Because this one?
It was as though you were a mix between all his past loves and yet someone entirely new.
You were that new orchid in the greenhouse, the lily of the valley, and he wanted to nurture you and make you grow.
It's time to stop blending in; he would bring you out to bloom.
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starrybl1ss · 6 months
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mb sorry neighboors it was me n her
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elizabethlailolsenfan · 6 months
First ever Guinevere Beck x reader
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Contains: fluff, Trypanophobia (fear of needles), just cute Guinevere Beck, and maybe cocky reader
Summary: You and Beck are in the doctors office getting shots but Beck is scared of’em
There’s Beck, in your arms, uncontrollably sobbing. The nurse had just left the room to grab the needles, just routine vaccinations, but Beck was still horrified.
“Y/n do I have to do this..? I hate the needles. Oh god I feel like I’m about to faint.”
“Oh my god, old are you again?” You asked, still holding Beck but she’s holding on to you for dear life.
Beck pauses sobbing, her face streaked in tears.
“I’m 28. And don’t judge me Y/n, you know full well that I have a phobia of needles. So don’t even start.”
“Beck is a small needle not the ones that’s tall like a pencil…” you tried to assure her.
Beck sighs in frustration and begins pulling on her hair.
“It doesn’t matter how small the needle Lily. I’m not afraid of how *tall* the needle is. I’m afraid of the pain the needle will cause when my skin is being pierced!”
“Beck, Your ears are pierced…”
Beck looks at you annoyed.
“Oh please don’t tell me to be the person who is going to have to remind you of how I got my ear pierced. Do you honestly think the needle and the skin piercing was the painful part? I mean there is actually a part of the ear piercing procedure where they make a “crunch sound”. A CRUNCH sound. But go ahead, remind me how my phobia isn’t real.”
“Would you like me to go first since your clearly not ready Beck?”
Beck sighs and looks sadly at you, eyes full of tears.
“Yes, please y/n. I’ll even pay you 20 dollars to go first.”
You smiled at her, you grew out of being afraid of needles but not everyone can stop being afraid of them.
“How about this: after I go… when you go… I’ll buy you food on the way home… maybe ice cream..”
Beck’s green eyes lights up looking at you.
“Food? Say no more, you have a deal.”
you chuckles and you hear the nurse walk in.
“Okay, who’s going first?” The nurse asked you two as she holds out the needles, and Beck begins shaking
“I can’t do this. I can’t do this…” She whispers to herself.
You look at Beck and back at the nurse and. Said, “I’ll go first.”
The nurse nods and quickly preps the needle for you, you notice Beck is looking away with her hands covering her eyes
“Beck look at me…” You said softly.
Beck uncovers her eyes and looks at you.
“Just keep looking at me and not the needle…” you told her making Beck look at you.
Beck nods her head and keeps her eyes locked on yours, her breathing quick and shallow, her lip trembling.
“All done!” The nurse said with a small smile.
“Perfect, okay Beck… your turn..” you said softly as the nurse walked to Beck.
Beck looks down at the needle in horror and tears begin to fall.
“I can’t… I don’t want to…”
“It’s okay… keep your eyes on me, not the needle okay… do what you just did when I got my shot.”
Beck nods and focuses her eyes on you instead of the needle. She starts breathing deeply and slowly. And…
Beck lets out a squeak of surprise and looks down, realizing that she didn’t feel anything
“It’s over?” Beck asked, you smiled.
“It’s over!” You said to Beck with a proud smile.
Beck exhales a deep breath of relief and smiles at you before quickly getting up.
“See that didn’t hurt at all huh?” *You asked with a smirk and your arms crossed.
Beck shakes her head and laughs.
“I can’t believe that went so easy… it was nothing at all! I guess I didn’t have anything to be afraid of.”
You and Beck left the doctors office, and you made a small smirk.
“Now… how about some ice cream… since you did so good?” You asked with a stayed smirk.
Beck’s face lights up and she takes your hand.
“Ice cream? You promise?”
“Yes, let’s go!”
Beck smiles and laughs, squeezing your hand.
“This day actually turned out to be the best one ever!! Oh! I almost forgot, here’s 20 dollars for you, for going first.”
You raised and eyebrow and made a grin. “Thank you.”
You snatch the 20 out of her hand.
Beck laughs and playfully snatches back the Money.
“Oh no, you’re not getting it *that* easy. You said the food was included in the deal, right?”
“I’m paying hand it over Guinevere Beck.”
“Oh that’s how it’s going to be huh?”
Beck says with a teasing smile on her face, the two begin a gentle tug of war over the money, Beck smiling at you like you two were two children in a park
“Give it!!”
“You said you’d give me it.”
Beck laughs and snatches the 20 dollars back.
“And I will, but I’m going to tease you. And you’re going to let me, and you’re going to like it.”
“You’re such a child… but I love you…”
*Beck smiles and laughs,
“Damn right you love me. And I love you too. Now come on! You promised ice cream, and I don’t want to miss out.”
You were shocked that you were left out without one main thing: a kiss
“Hey! Where’s my kiss?” You yelled out, Beck rolls her eyes.
“The things I do for you…” Beck leans in and kisses your cheek then a peck on the lips.
“Satisfied?” Beck asked with a grin on her face.
“Much better… even… with the 20 dollars..”
you smirk and run away having Beck realize that You stole it out of her pocket.
Beck lets out a yell of fake frustration, sprinting after you and catching you by your jacket and pulling you into an affectionate hug.
“GIVE IT BACK Y/N Y/L/N!!” Beck yelled out with a cackle.
You quickly put it in your pocket. “Never!” You tease.
Beck leans back and lets out a huge pretend gasp.
“Oh my god, you are the worst!! Give it back, you know I need this so I can buy us ice cream.”
“What part of ‘I’m paying’ do you not get?” You asked the blonde with a smirk.
Beck thinks for a moment then lets out another huge gasp before laughing and grabbing you and pulling you close.
“You are such a thief. I love you. You know you’re my favorite person ever, right?”
You giggle. “I know…. That’s why you looove me..”
Beck leans in and kisses you on the lips, holding it for a moment or two before smiling and releasing you
Beck: “Oh yeah, I definitely love you. And you’re my favorite person in the world, in fact…”
Beck cups your cheek and kisses you again, you kiss back.
“Now… let’s go eat some Ice cream…” Beck whispered before the two of you strolled off.
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emmarobertsslut · 1 year
Hello, Could you write something with Joe Goldberg and Y/n? 🥹 Pretty please
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Cupcakes and lovin’
Joe Goldberg x Reader
genre: fluff (because we need more happy joe.)
warnings: making out
Request: yes
You giggled as Joe wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your lips with frosting.
He kept kissing you softly as you tried wriggling out of his grasp. You smack him lightly, “Joe! Stop messing around and help me with these cupcakes.”
“Hon, all that’s left to do is frost ‘em.” He mutters, going back to your lips. You sigh as his lips make their way down your neck.
You let out a soft moan when he keeps sucking on the sweet spot on your neck.
He pulls back and grabs the pink frosting with his hand and wipes it all over your face.
You loudly gasp, some of the frosting falling into your mouth. He starts hollering loudly, practically doubling over at your face, too busy laughing for him to notice you taking twice as much frosting and getting it all over his face and soft brunette hair.
“Hey!” He pouts, pulling you into his reach again, the two of you falling over the couch. He looks at your face and thinks how lucky he is to have you in his life.
He finally got the break that he needed. After Beck and Love and all of the killings. He met you. And you changed him so much. He has not killed one person after you.
The most perfect girlfriend he could ask for.
“I love you, Y/n.” He can’t help but hold a grin when he see’s you smiling widely at him. “And I love you, Joe Goldberg.”
He will do anything to keep that innocence that you own.
“Guess we have to buy new frosting for the cupcakes.” Guess so.
You are his everything.
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crybyemissamericanpie · 6 months
I was just wondering if you did platonic requests for Guinevere Beck?
Small Moments - Guinevere Beck x gn!reader (platonic)
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Of course :)
TW: None
The air in the flower shop was heavy with the sweet scent of blossoms as y/n and Beck perused the colorful array of flowers. The shop was a haven of tranquility amidst the chaos of city life, and the vibrant hues of petals seemed to dance in the soft sunlight filtering through the windows.
Y/n, with their notebook tucked under their arm, ran their fingers over the delicate petals of a daisy,admiring. Beck, standing beside them, perused a display of roses with a thoughtful expression.
"Any particular flower catching your eye?" Y/n asked, breaking the quiet serenity of the shop.
Beck looked up, a small smile playing on her lips. "I've always been partial to peonies. They're so effortlessly elegant, don't you think?"
Y/n nodded in agreement"I think they suit you. Let's get a bunch."
They approached the peony display, carefully selecting a bouquet that boasted a variety of colors. The petals unfurled like layers of silk, a testament to the intricate beauty of nature. Y/n held the bouquet in their hands, a smile spreading across their face.
"These are perfect. They'll add a touch of elegance to your place" Y/n remarked, a twinkle of mischief in their eyes.
Beck chuckled, appreciating the lighthearted banter. "Well, I could use a little more elegance in my life. Thanks for the suggestion."
As they made their way to the checkout counter, Y/n's eyes fell on a small, delicate arrangement of lavender. A thought crossed their mind, and they couldn't resist picking it up.
"I'm getting you these," Y/n declared, holding out the lavender to Beck.
Beck's eyebrows arched in surprise. "Oh? What's the occasion?"
"No occasion, just because. Lavender is calming, and every writer needs a bit of tranquility in their space," Y/n explained with a wink.
Beck accepted the bouquet with gratitude, her eyes reflecting a warmth that transcended the simple gesture. The flower shop seemed to be a sanctuary where their shared passion for writing and appreciation for the little things in life merged seamlessly.
Once outside, with their flowers in tow, they strolled down the bustling street. The city noises faded into the background as they engaged in a conversation that flowed effortlessly, much like the camaraderie that had blossomed between them.
"I appreciate this, Y/n. It's nice to take a break from the chaos and just enjoy the simple pleasures," Beck confessed, her gaze fixed on the lavender in their hands.
Y/n nodded, a soft smile playing on their lips. "Sometimes, it's the small moments that make life beautiful."
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joonie7007 · 4 months
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( bro doesn’t deserve diss)
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mvltiwritez1 · 2 months
I am up to writing requests. Because of my stupid writers’ block, I haven’t written anything for A WHILE so I’m coming to whoever for requests.
My term: NO SMUT! (Fluff and angst can be done)
Fandoms I can write for: Smosh, Marvel, YOU (Netflix), StarKid, FNAF (Movie)
Dynamics I write: WLW, MLM, MLW, x Readers
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(Please give me requests please and thank you) - August
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gay4themilfs · 5 months
(In the works)
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⤷ Shauna Sadecki
⤷ Misty Quigley
⤷ Natalie Scatorccio
⤷ Lottie Matthews
⤷ Vanessa Shelly
⤷ Mike Schmidt (Brother x Sister!Reader)
⤷ Larissa Weems
⤷ Morticia Addams
⤷ Marilyn Thornhill
The Last of Us:
⤷ Ellie Williams
⤷ Tess Servopoulos
⤷ Joel Miller (Father x Daughter!Reader)
⤷ Guinevere Beck (YOU)
⤷ Quinn Harris (Countdown)
⤷ Amy Hughes (Dead of Summer)
⤷ Daisy Buchanan (The Great Gatsby - Film)
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