#haikuu ship
berriblossom · 10 months
( Barely proof red im half awake ^^" )
I've been seeing some very good responces to the other ask i had done, and i've just had so many ideas! But i really didnt want to stress you out, do im leaving you with this mini ask ( please dont push yourself to start it, i dont want this to become a chore instead of a little side hobby)
This is another papa zhongli ask, with the beast swan little baby reader (i love them so much platonically ♡♡♡)
Are you able to do a uncle put down for me? (Its like putting a kid to bed) with xiao ? Or... mayhaps a auntie put down with like.. ninnguane or something!! (Idk how to spell her name off the top of my head, i also just see her as the rich aunt typa person)
Once again, please take your time and make sure to have fun! (Btw if its alright with you, i might start leaving little incouragemental askes every once in a while ^^)
Im so eepy TT
- (v)
Ahh, more ask! Im totally fine with all the encouragements! These ask make my day! Headcanon time!
When evening comes, who will tuck you in and kiss you goodnight?
Featuring: Childe, Beidou, Ganyu, Ningguang, Shenhe, Xiao, and Papa Zhongli.
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Say what you will about the Fatui harbinger. He may have tried to bring the fall of Liyue, destroy its economy, and somewhat helped in the brutal slaying of its archon before the people's own eyes.
Childe [Uncle TarTag]
But he will be the best uncle no matter what. No matter what.
So when it is time for you to go to bed, he will sometimes procrastinate when you plead with him. "One more game, Uncle Tartag! One more movie, Uncle Tartag! One more!" You bet any money he will watch your favorite movie or read your favorite stories with you before putting you down for a nap or for bedtime.
When he is tucking you in, he is a little rough, to say the least. When you're tucked in. You are tucked in. Like you can't move too much, his strength gets the better of him.
Your bedtime story will have some sort of fighting or violence, which Zhongli has lectured him about. You might be an illuminated beast, but you are still a child. He even got in trouble for telling you to say, "The Tsarita is better than Morax" in a story he told you, and Zhongli wanted to murder him.
Rating: 7/10, he is trying but needs some work in the story department.
You will never be sleeping on her ship. Nit at night, at least. Zhongli has a fear thar if you sleep on her ship, you'll be in another nation by dawn. So yeah, no sleeping on Aunty Beidou's ship. But you can take naps!
Beidou [Captain Aunty Beidou]
Beidou will tell you her stories at sea, how she defeated Haishan, and the stories of her crew. She will never sing any sea shanty's...for reasons. But she'll let Kazuha tell you haikuu's. You can run around the ship until. You're tired out and come lay on her lap for a little nap.
The ship and crew will try to be quiet under Beidou's watch and orders for your nap. She'll let you use her coat as a blankie and kiss your forehead to let you have a few minutes of nap time.
Rating: 7.5 out of 10, only because you can't spend the night but she is good!
Ganyu [Big sister Ganyu]
Now, Ganyu is the queen of naptime with you. Putting you to bed, a little different.
When she puts you down for sleep, she slowly falls asleep, too. She makes your bed extra confy when you're at Jueyun Karst, too comfy. When its bed time, shell read you a bedtime story about Rex Lapis, the Adepti like Aunty Cloudy [cloud retainer].
But slowly and quickly, she will fall asleep with you. She has a small Qilin night light for you, similar to her Cryo globe she makes. She'll have some cool warer near your little setup and some snacks.
By the time she is done reading, she'll be laying beside you, drifting off into sleep with you. She'll let you cuddle her and hold her is you get scared like a good big sister.
Rating: 8/10, she is just a little sleepy, but you're not complaining.
Ningguang [Aunty Ning-Ning]
The times Ganyu has accidently had late nights with you, Ningguang is more than honored to let you hang out with her. Your day is filled with shopping, museums, arts trips, and all the natural beauty of Liyue presented to you on a platter. All for her little swan. Zhongli was fine for you to stay in the Jade Chamber as long as you are respectful and polite.
Ningguang would set you up in a room not far from her desk area or place you on a couch near her office area. She'll get you blankets of the finest cotton, silk, or any fabric. She'll give you some nice cushions for comfort and a nice cup of tea to help you settle down for naps.
She will kiss your head, give you some delicate cuddles, and place you down on her lap if you asked her politely.
If she is in a meeting? Oh, put it on hold real quick, her little swan needs their nightly cuddles and she needs to get it done. Want some tea before bed? Oh, she has it done and will have you in some beautiful silk pajamas while she is at it.
Want to sleep in her expensive bed with her and your plushie, oh she will make some room and let your plushie have its own pillow too.
Ningguang can be really serious at times but if you need her to tuck you in before bed and ask her to tell a story, she will buy the best children's literature book ever written just to read it to you and kiss you goodnight. Yes, she will.
Rating: 7.5/10, your rich Aunty has you covered.
Shenhe [Big sister Shenhe]
She would be lost at first, she knows you aren't human so why sleep like one? But once Ganyu and Cloud Retainer gets it through to her that you are raised in the human world despite being an Adeptus, you act the way you do. Similar to your sleep.
So in some ways, your situation is the opposite but similar to hers.
In comes protective Shenhe mode.
Whatever you want for your nightly routine, she is going to find it, get it, or make Ganyu buy it. She'll learn from Zhongli and Cloud Retainer how to brew and make tea, just for you.
If you ever call her "big sister Shenhe" in your sleep, her yearning to keep you safe even in your dreams grows. Do you want her to kiss your duckie goodnight? She will and tuck it in too beside you. Similarly, with Childe, she can be a little harsh on tucking you in, but over time she learns how to reel it back in.
Do you like her cryo spirits that swirl around you? She'll use them to keep your room cool at night during warm nights.
Want her to tell you stories? She will spend time with the traveler just to come back and tell you about it.
Rating: 8/10, she's a little confused but goodness she has the spirit.
Need him to hold your hand when you get scared of the dark? He will ask Verr Godlet to borrow a night light for you. Or better yet, he will find or make one. He will also still hold your hand.
Xiao [Big Brother Xiao]
Now, this big brother, the conquerer of demons, is the only surviving Yakasha.
He will spoon-feed you almond tofu if you need it before bed. Hell, he will learn the recipe and make it for you. Want to sit on the terrace of the Wangshuu Inn and say hello to the moon? He will have you in his lap while you do it.
Need a little cool air because the room is stuffy or warm? he'll use his anemo vision to bring in a gentle breeze. He will have everything you like and don't like down on a list.
Too much noise? He will find the source and silence it.
Want a bath before bedtime? He will test the temperature himself, and make sure to get your rubber duckies in too.
Need some tea? What's the brew? What type? Hell, where is the leaf so he can pick it himself and make it?
Xiao would sleep beside you too even if he is tense and still as stone. But he will mellow out once hearing you have your big brother here to protect you. Yeah, he will be there to protect you.
Rating: 8.5/10, he will do it only for you. Only for his little sibling.
Zhongli is the standard setter of what bedtime should be like.
Zhongli [He needs no introduction]
Zhongli will not only have your bath ready for when bedtime comes, but also your favorite night-time tea is on the stove ready too. He will pull out your little dragon onesie, with the horns on the hood too. And a little tail, and will put your little yellow socks on too.
You can run around while he folds up your towel and clothes for the next day saying you're a dragon and he will play along, even teaching you about how real dragons act and fly. Zhongli will give you the tea in your special teacup with two pinches of sugar just for you.
Want a little snack? He will be making you little biscuits to enjoy with your tea like little cookies.
When it's really time to settle you in, he will have your nightlight on while reading you a bedtime story. He is the king of bedtime stories he can tell you a story you've heard 100 times like it's never been told before. Want a story about Rex Lapis and the Adepti? He has one, and wants one about the Stove God? he will tell it all.
He will tuck you in gently, making sure you are fully covered and secure. The window will be cracked slightly for some fresh air, and also the coolness.
Have a nightmare and need your Papa?
He will hold you close to his chest and will console you while you cry and talk about it. Assuring you, that your Papa will always come and save you, even from the dark.
He will kiss your forehead and cheeks goodnight, even your plushies too. Repeating how much he loves you, how happy he is to be your papa, and how lucky he is to have you, his little swan with him.
Got scared and want to sleep in his bed?
He will pull you beside him and let you talk to him until you go to sleep finally. He may be exhausted but he will listen to your rambles before bed like it is his morning news.
Rating: ∞/10. No questions, comments, or concerns here.
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vellaphoria · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @waffleinator-inator! <3
20 Questions for Fic Writers
How many works do you have on AO3?
There are 40 that I’ve solo-authored, and 9 that I did varying degrees of work on when a group of dc writers doing a round robin fic collaboration thing
What’s your total A03 word count?
It’s a bit thrown off by the aforementioned colabs, but I don’t want to go through and do the math, so the overall total is 567,072
What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly DC! The comics variant, that is. And within that, mostly Batman-adjacent characters. Though I also have one fic each for the avengers, the silmarillion, and haikuu
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Excluding the collaborations, it’s:
Cut and Run (Bruce crashes Tim and Ra’s’ dinner/business meeting; T, gen, 1.6k)
Deadfall (Canon divergence where Tim died in Red Robin and was resurrected/kidnapped by Ra’s; M, gen, 125k, on hiatus)
Recursion (Tim accidentally travels back in time to when Dick was just starting out as Nightwing, which is complicated by the fact that they still haven’t made up after Damian became Robin; M for mild nsfw, DickTim, 20k)
Complications (Outsider POV of post RR-canon divergence, ft. morally grey Tim; G, gen, 1.7k)
This Whole Damn City Thinks It Needs You (But Not as Much as I Do) (There has been a fair amount of building ust between Dick and Tim after Red Robin. Dick decides to do something about that; E for blatant nsfw, DickTim, 23k)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, but very slowly!
I respond because is someone took the time to engage with my work and actually write one, then it feels like it’s only right for me to put in an equal amount of effort to respond.
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would probably be the DickBabs with unrequited DickTim wedding Tumblr fic (here, if you like pain)
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It’s hard to say. Since I tend to be averse to bad endings, most of my fics have happy endings of one sort or another
Do you get hate on your fic?
Sometimes. Usually from people who can’t grasp that limited third person POV means that the narrating character doesn’t have perfect information at all times, or people who are upset that characters don’t make 100% rational decisions 100% of the time.
Do you write smut?
Yep! <3
Do you write crossovers?
Depends on how you define them. I tend to do a lot of AUs which blend elements from other settings with DC, but I don’t really enjoy writing characters from different, unrelated media meeting.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! My Running (and when to stop) DickTim series was translated into 中文-普通话 國語 by SummerVapour and tiktiktiktiktam, which is linked on the fic itself
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes; I helped write a few fics in the round robin collaboration series A Journey of Personal Discovery Through Social Isolation. Amusingly, we named it that a year before the pandemic started.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
DickTim, to absolutely no one’s surprise :D
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably To Break Every Bended Knee; or, Apocrypha. I really love the setting, but the fic is supposed to be JayTimDick and all the endings I plotted for it ended up being DickTim with Jason kind of doing his own thing. That doesn’t seem like a particularly satisfying conclusion to anyone interested in the story, so I decided to put my time elsewhere.
What’s your writing strengths?
Comments that have gone into specifics have said that my fics have good characterization, visualization, and engrossing plots.
What’s your writing weaknesses?
I’m very bad at brevity, so writing short, snappy fics that also make sense doesn’t usually work out for me.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I pretty much only speak English, so I don’t tend to do it. If I ever had a fic that absolutely needed it, then I’d ask for writing support from someone who actually does speak the language in question.
First fandom you wrote for?
Depends on how you define wrote. If you mean wrote and published, then it’s DC. If you mean wrote when I was a kid and then let disappear into the files of a long-defunct computer, then probably Stargate SG-1.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Of the stuff I have published, probably Recursion. Though if I’m allowed to include WIPs, then I’ve been working on a DickTim slowburn on and off for a while now. It’s meant to cover things from when they meet to post-Red Robin, with a fair amount of mini canon divergences throughout. Currently it’s somewhere upwards of 50k, but I haven’t had a chance to work on it in a while. If you're in the mood for it, no pressure tagging @gerryrigged, @marirah, and @themandylion :D
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dawnstruck · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
I'm probably super late to answer, but this is such an interesting question. The following list is in no particular order; I'll also mostly disregard what I think of the franchises in general, any shipping stuff, and whether or not I think the character was done justice in canon. With many series, I kept reading/watching beyond what I truly enjoyed, because I adored the characters. A good story is important, but I won't truly get invested unless there is a person or dynamic I wholeheartedly love. Also, this got way longer and more poetic than I intended.
Levi Ackermann (Attack on Titan): Love him. Love him to bits. Love that he is technically an overpowered character, but so fallible. Always falling short in a lot of way, often unable to save those he loves. Still trying to do what's right, trying to make the world a better place. He is so full of hurt, and love. I love how everything about him is a contradiction; he is tiny but Humanity's Strongest, a literal son of a whore and the commander's right hand man, a thug with a potty mouth and a cleaning fetish. Levi cares and he cares so deeply. He is such an iconic character
2. Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist, particuarly 2003): Another tiny boi. Full of genius and heart and grief and rage. Edward is intriguing because he learned a really hard lesson when he was just a child. The story literally opens with him making the biggest mistake of his life, and then follows him trying to make amends. I love how is a spunky teen, and a major in a corrupt military, and a big brother, and a prodigy. A loud protagonist like him could easily have been a caricature, but instead he has a lot of facets and depths, and seeing him grow was a delight.
3. Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle & The Dream Trilogy): Ronan. Ronan, Ronan, Ronan who is capable of the most fanciful dreams and the most garish nightmares. Whose greatest gift is the worst burden anyone can possibly imagine. He is so tough and so vulnerable. Ronan is bruised knuckles and black boots and sprawling tattoos; he is Sunday mess and hand cream and raven chicks hand-reared in his palm. Ronan grows an entire forest out of a dead language, he would die for his family and friends, and kill for them, too. He prays and dreams and does not talk about his feelings. Ronan is barbed wire: he hurts and he protects, and sometimes he gets all tangled up in himself, only few people dare get close enough to try and unravel him again.
4. Dean Winchester (Supernatural): Hurt boi #4 because they are my favorite flavor. I love that he had to grow up way too quickly. From the beginning of the series, he was such an interesting juxtaposition, hyper-masculine but also geeky, a maternal figure to his brother and a failure in his own eyes, chosen by God and hunted by Hell. He went through so much and still always tried to put other people first. Self-destructive to a fault, insanely quotable, stupidly handsome, and beautifully 3-dimensional.
5. Tanaka Ryounosuke (Haikyuu!!): The joker, the idiot, the loudmouth, the perv even. The backbone of Karasuno that never breaks. Tanaka has such beautiful contrasts in him. He could be such a one-note character (if haikuu had any one-note characters), but instead he is what the team desperately needs. Where everyone else has their moments of weakness and despair, Tanaka is so reliable on the court, which makes the one match where he hits a wall feel so daunting. I love that he messes around a lot but, ultimately, he is always there, from the very beginning. I love his posturing and how he is ultimately just a boy from a small town. I love that he gets the girl. I also love that Saeko is his sister, but she didn't quite make it onto this list.
6. Fa Mulan (Disney, animated original, ofc): Mulan was my crush and my rolemodel and my pre-teen bisexual awakening. She embodied genderfluidity in a way that was way ahead of its time. Mulan is soft and feminine and caring, she is tomboyish and klutzy and wicked-smart, she is strong and manly and suited for war. Mulan's decision to join the army was not born out of a need to run away or prove her worth or to kill the Huns. She did it out of love, to protect her father, her family, her country. She knowingly put herself in grave danger, either by dying on the battlefield or by being found out. To me, the moment she is pulls herself up the pole to get the arrow is one of the most iconic in film history; that shit shaped me. She also managed to bag Shang, and boy, was he the other half of my sexual awakening.
7. the Unicorn/Lady Amalthea (The Last Unicorn): The whimsical fairy tale setting allows for such interesting story setting. The idea that she is the last of her kind, that she didn't even know because she was living in her eternal forest, that she left the sanctity of her home to look for the others, with no idea what she would find... I love that she, too, is ultimately a terrible and ancient thing, much like the harpy. I love her arrogance and ignorance, her wisdom and naivety. I love that she is turned into a human and hates it, and hates it more when she falls for Prince Lear. I love that she has to be brave and fight to save the other unicorns, that she succeeds but is forever changed. She is the last unicorn, and the first that learns to love. It's such a bittersweet ending, such a painful parting, and cherishes it nevertheless.
8. Brienne of Tarth (A Song of Ice and Fire): A tall woman. An ugly woman. A woman who is ugly and stays ugly, who grows strong because and in spite of it. The world has been so terrible to Brienne, many times over, but still she chooses to be kind. She devotes herself to Renly because he danced with her once, to Caitlyn because she showed her kindness, to Jaime even because he finally looked and truly saw her. I love how, especially in the books, we get to see a lot of Brienne through Jaime's eyes, how she grows more beautiful and precious the more he gets to know her. Brienne does not have to change for a man to love her; a man is changed because he loves her. Brienne is valor and strength and hard work through and through. She is a knight and she is a woman and neither has been a easily won.
9. Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter): Do I even need to say anything? McGonagall, especially as portrayed by Dame Maggie Smith, is an icon. She is a badass. She cares for her students, even if she doesn't openly show it. She is easily the best teacher at Hogwarts, for quite a number of reasons. She is loyal and good and true. She does not pull her punches. She's witty and visceral and the kind of grounded mature character that HP needed, without turning into a caricature like some of the others. Many of the most memorably moments from HP canon, imo, involve McGonagall. From her welcoming the first-years over her feud with Umbridge to her stepping up against Snape and finally desperately calling Harry's name when she believes him dead. I was never a true Potterhead, but God, do I adore her.
10. Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf): The sidekick that was the protagonist to most. Dylan O'Brien brought so much to the table here. Stiles is the everyman amidst a sea of monsters, and yet he is the true force to be reckoned with. Stiles was the heart of the show and the brain. He was the snark and the ace up their sleeves. I love my quiet, tormented boys, but I also love my loud-mouthed idiots who are actually crucial for the group to succeed. I stopped watching TW a long time ago, but I still often think about Stiles.
Some honorable mentions:
Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Keith (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Sailor Mars/Rei (Sailor Moon)
Madame Adelaide (Aristocats)
Elle Woods (Legally Blonde the Musical)
Thor (MCU)
Spock (Star Trek)
Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts)
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon)
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majopienne · 2 years
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I made stickers of haikuu!!
You can buy them on high quality sticker paper with worldwide shipping
Sale!!! One piece - 3.5€, 2 - 6€, 3 - 9€
DM to order ⭐️
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peach-pops · 4 years
[1/3] Hi~ May I pls have a romantic haikyuu matchup? I'm a 5'0, Scorpio, ISFP, hetero girl (she/her) w/ medium length dark hair and eyes. I'm both chubby & muscular, and I have a red birthmark on my arm shaped like Alaska, lol! My style is simple, but cute. I love to sing (opera) & draw! I want to be a voice teacher. I often take endless pics of the sunset bc it's so pretty. I dislike bossy ppl. In public, I'm shy, friendly and kind of a loner cuz I'm rlly awkward (plus I value my time alone)!
I've been told I have a positive aura tho. In private, I'm more chill, funny & playful, especially w/ family. At times I can be sensitive & moody and I try to hide it using sarcasm. Although I give in to anger easily, I forgive just as quickly. I tend to smile or laugh a lot if I'm feeling embarrassed (and sometimes I feel stupid for doing so). I can be hard on myself, but I feel that it's necessary to improve. I'm also appreciative and affectionate. Saying "thank you" is always a must! || (cont)  I like to keep things straightforward in relationships even tho I still may be shy. I highly value family and honesty. I'd prefer an s/o who is family-oriented, devoted & genuine. Bonus points if they have a sense of humor too! I easily open up to those who are funny. I dream of a scenario where I can slowdance w/ my s/o to soft, jazz music, (like The Look of Love by Diana Krall) Thank you so much and please take your time! I appreciate your hard work! Please stay safe and healthy~ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ
I listened to the look of love while writing this and ugh my heart what a beautiful song. i’ve been in a pretty frustrated mood but this song just totally put me at ease. Thank you for being so patient! Matchups are closed! 
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I ship you with Suga!
You two actually met through both of your families! Your families were super close so you two slowly got to know each other over the years and when your second year of high school came around, that's when he officially asked you out 
If there was only one word to describe your relationship it would be “blissful” because you two couldn’t be happier. 
He isn’t big on PDA  but expect a lot of kisses on your knuckles or on your cheek out in public but when you two are alone, you two just love being in each others embrace.
He gets along with your family extremely well which is such a blessing since your family means so much to you. 
Suga gets along with your older relatives and they all say how respectful and handsome he is while your younger relatives think Suga is so funny and they think it’s awesome that Suga always plays with them 
His family absolutely adores you too; they think you’re so polite and bonus because of how pretty you are and Suga agrees 
After a long stressful week of school, Suga always pulls you out from your desk to slowdance with you to soft jazz because that’s his guilty pleasure
He’ll hold you close and sing along quietly in your ear 
“ I can hardly wait to hold you, feel my arms around you. How long I have waited, waited just to love you now that I have found you.” 
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majoragen · 3 years
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gamer-otaku09 · 4 years
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Lol Akashi and bokuto
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biteitwhenitssoft · 6 years
just realized that tsukkiyama is the kiribaku of haikyuu in that just as kirideku is actually the superior ship over kiribaku, hinayama (hinata x yamaguchi) is vastly superior to tsukkiyama for all the same reasons. like yeah I still ship the og big popular ship but,,,, there's Another ship out there..... that's so much better for the characters............ 👀
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theirtheretheyre · 2 years
the haikuu character with the strange hair star
this dude? noya? gets mistaken for a middle schooler even tho hes like 16 (rip but same😭) (if its not him i can do another for whoever you meant)
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Sexuality Headcanon: bi but like. didnt realize it for a while bc doesnt everyone sometimes want to kiss their homies? wdym its not normal to see ur bro and want to hold his hand and go get ice cream??? sure his first kiss was with another boy and sure it was actually very nice but that doesnt mean anything right?
Gender Headcanon: “why do you care? its my gender not yours” they/he
A ship I have with said character: asanoya!!! theyre practically canon lmao they had a big fight pre-canon needed like three whole episodes to make up
A BROTP I have with said character: tanakaaaaaaa!!!! he n noya are so fucking funny bc without the other being in the same room, theyre normal only a little bit gremlin teenage boys but together they immediately loose any brain cells they have and both go feral
A NOTP I have with said character: nothing really? idk if them n hinata is a ship that exists bc thats a no
A random headcanon: he has been banned from numerous restaurants, bars, and other establishments across europe
General Opinion over said character: short king!!! would definitely make ur mom jokes and deez nuts jokes with him
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ao3feed-tododeku · 3 years
The Swapping Portal
The Swapping Portal by AstraCrystal
When Hatsume from UA highschool builds a portal to swap universes it gets out of hand and the UA students have to deal with what it is like in diffrent anime universes. How will they stop this portal in the end? That they have to figure out by theirselves.
Words: 831, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Assassination Classroom, Haikyuu!!, Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku (Mha), Todorki Shouto (Mha), Uraraka Ochako (Mha), All Might (Mha), Bakugo Katsuki (Mha), Amajiki Tamaki (Mha), Jirou Kyouka (Mha), Akabane Karma (Assassination Classroom), Shiota Nagisa (Assassination Classroom), Terasaka Ryouma (Assassination Classroom), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead (Mha), Kayama Nemuri | Midnight (Mha), Irina Jelavić (Assassination Classroom), Karasuma Tadaomi (Assassination Classroom), Korosensei (Assassination Classroom), Kayano Kaede (Assassination Classroom), Iida Tenya (Mha), Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler), Ciel Phantomhive (Black butler), Elizabeth Midford (Black Butler), Mey-Rin (Black Butler), Fujioka Haruhi (Ohshc), Mineta Minoru (Mha), Haninozuka Mitsukuni (Ohshc), Ootori Kyouya (Ohshc), Hinata Shouyou (Haikyuu), Kageyama Tobio (Haikyuu), Yamaguchi Tadashi (Haikyuu), Shimizu Kiyoko (Haikyuu), Nishinoya Yuu (Haikyuu), Yachi Hitoka (Haikyuu), Kozume Kenma (Haikuu), Tanaka Ryuunosuke (Haikyuu), Aoki Manami (Haikyuu), Hadou Nejire (Mha), Hatsume Mei (Mha)
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Minor Character Death, Every chapter is a diffrent mix of Mha and something, Portals, Knives, Some ships I may later add on, Lots of names, I'm Bad At Tagging, i will add more tags later on
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28612722
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ao3feed-daisuga · 3 years
Haikuu!! Smut!!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WZ72sQ
by orcishkitty
A whole bunch of smut w your favourite ships :) sorry if this is tErRiBle. Like how am I supposed to make a summary for a book full of just smutshots ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)
Words: 50, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Miya Atsumu, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou, Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tendou Satori, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Semi Eita, Shirabu Kenjirou, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Azumane Asahi, Nishinoya Yuu, Shimizu Kiyoko, Yachi Hitoka, Kozume Kenma, Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji, Bokuto Koutarou, Haiba Lev, Yaku Morisuke, Kyoutani Kentarou, Yahaba Shigeru, Ennoshita Chikara, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Hanamaki Takahiro, Matsukawa Issei
Relationships: Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Osamu/Suna Rintarou, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Semi Eita/Shirabu Kenjirou, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu, Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Haiba Lev/Yaku Morisuke, Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru, Ennoshita Chikara/Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei, Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei, Semi Eita/Tendou Satori
Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal, Anal Play, Anal Plug, Double Anal Penetration, Cock Tease, Edgeplay, BDSM, Rope Bondage, Sexual Roleplay, Crossdressing, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Sex Toys, Public Sex, Gay Sex, Shower Sex, Phone Sex, Car Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Threesome, Foursome
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WZ72sQ
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rodnot · 4 years
Bruh, all I want is to read some Tsukkiyama fics but when I search it on ao3 there is like one hundred fics about other ships because, the writers put all the ships tags that exists! Is the Haikuu fandom is just a bunch of fujoshis that ships everyone with everyone??? Please give me some good fics to read
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themangaweeb · 3 years
Shipping Timeeee!!!😊
Name your favorite ship from My Héro Academia:
Name your favorite ship from Black Clover:
Name your favorite ship from Haikuu:
Name your favorite canon ship from My Héro Academia:
Name your favorite canon ship from Black Clover:
Name your favorite illegal/guilt ship from any anime:
Name your all time favorite ship:
I will put up my results later!
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Dragon Dancer III: The Sword
"Why did you even sink the Lenin. Were you trying to wake the dragon?” Chisei asked him.
“No... that wasn’t my intention.” Tachibana took a deep breath, bowing under the weight of his own guilt. “I wanted to steal Herzog’s research. Give it to Hydra as a gift. I wanted to take you and your brother Chime from the research facility as well as all the research data I could carry.”
“It was I who suggested that the research be moved to Japan. I convinced him, saying that it would be easier to hide there. But... in accepting my offer, Herzog determined it necessary to completely destroy the research facility and the town that had grown up around it.”
“Destroying the evidence?” Chisei growled.
“Herzog has no consciousness he is committing a crime. No...” He shook his head. “He knew that the researchers he worked with also understood the secrets of the Dragon Clan. He wanted to get rid of any possible competition.”
“How many people have you killed?” Chisei asked softly.
“Hundreds. Perhaps... thousands. I did not count. I even attempted to kill Herzog. After destroying Black Swan Bay, I shot him in the heart. I took you and your brother and a few others on the ship across the sea.”
The conversation descended into silence for a while. Chisei looked away from him. “Go on.”
“We didn’t get far before we started hearing roaring coming from the lower compartment. The dragon embryo was down there. When he checked on it, it was still frozen in liquid nitrogen but had somehow become conscious! The roars were in our heads. It was trying to manipulate us into setting it free!”
“We tried to drown it in more chemical but it was to no avail. The Captain of the ship disappeared, last seen walking into the cockpit at night and taking the keys to the bottom compartment. When we went there, it was full of blood vessels and flesh growing like a mold. The nitrogen pipe was cut off. The captain of the ship must have been taken over by the embryo’s will and set it free.”
“I had no choice but the sink the ship.”
“And kill more people...” Chisei said.
“That’s just the way it is sometimes. Sometimes you can’t get off the treadmill of your own errors. They keep piling on top of each other. One by one... the crew was contaminated by dragon blood and had to be eliminated. I had no choice.”
“But...” But he cracked. “I paid the ultimate price. Erii... my daughter...”
Chisei looked up. “Your daughter? But she’s an Uesugi...”
“No... her name should be Tachibana. We changed it to hide our relationship. She was contaminated by the dragon blood. Her evolution was not perfect. Even today, the blood is eroding her body. She has little time left.”
The words sent a knife like pain through Chisei’s heart. Erii was dying? He closed his eyes. “Just... keep talking...”
“I was desperate to keep her alive. I had to find a way to slow it down. I started doing research based on the data that Herzog put together. I changed my name, joined the Hydras. I captured Devils, especially those injected with the evolutionary drugs, and used chemicals to extend their lives. I found some ways to curb the erosion of dragon blood. You can find it in the lower drawer of your office, in a black folder.”
Just when Chisei thought he couldn’t sink deeper into disillusionment, Tachibana revealed a lower level. All his promises to keep these devils alive served the interests of Tachibana’s experimentation.
Carli’s words rang loud in his head.  “You’re not the one in control here. You never were.”
“Eventually, I was able to produce a serum to extend Erii’s life.”
“DAMN IT!” Chisei looked up at him, furious tears in his eyes. “Then why are we killing Devils at all! Why did you send me to kill Chime?! If what you have works on Erii why wouldn’t have worked on him too?! Why?”
Tachibana raised his hands. “Please... listen...  It was not easy for me to get into the Hybrid Asylum. That’s why I couldn’t get in to save your brother. I didn’t have that much power then. I was under the management of Cassell College by then. I had to focus all my energy on the research.”
“So you weren’t trying to help devils then?”
“Our main focus was monitoring death servitors. At first, their numbers were at manageable levels, but then, suddenly, their numbers began to grow... exponentially. Eventually, our investigation showed that there was a drug that was increasing the purity of dragon blood in hybrids to the point of turning them into Death Servitors.”
“The Dragonblood serum.”
“I wasn’t the only survivor of Black Swan Bay. Someone else survived as well! The new Leader of the Devil Clan!”
“Where is he?”
“Chisei... the leader of the Devil Clan is no longer human. Even though, I threw an incendiary at him that produced thousand degree heat in a millisecond, he walked right through the flames! I’ll never forget his forked tongue... his eyes. He’s a semi-evolved species. He’s desperate to research full dragon evolution... because that’s the only thing keeping him alive!”
“He has an oppressive presence. The presence of the dragon. The only thing that saved me at that moment... was a phone call from you. Asking me to join you hiking in the mountains. It was enough for me to escape his aura.”
“I had a remote controlled bomb ready to go in case I failed. I collapsed the building on top of him.”
“But he’s not dead.”
“No... his drugs are still circulating. I’ve waited so long for you to grow up, Chisei. I’ve built in you the desire to kill devils with the express purpose of killing the ultimate Devil. This demon that I let loose on the world from Black Swan Bay.”
“You’ve become a maniac Tachibana. In your efforts, you’ve committed terrible crimes. Killed thousands of people by your own admission, and you haven’t even succeeded. And now ... you’re asking me to kill Carli... and maybe even my own children?” Chisei cold eyes regarded him.
“You were not supposed to exist, Chisei. The gene expression he was looking for was the violent one!, The uncontrolled one! But the perfect gene creates twins. Mirror images of each other. The violent one was Chime. You were simply the by-product of his desire for blood!”
“Any children he has created or will create with your genes and that girl’s genes, half will be like Chime. They will be completely uncontrollable. Do you understand Chisei?”
“I understand.”
“And you also understand, why my life must end here. Why I must pay?” Tachibana lifted the knife. He lifted his shirt to reveal the unnaturally chiseled physique for someone his age.
“Killing the leader of the devils is not my last request. My last request is for Erii. She is my only daughter, I can’t bear to see her die. You’re the only person she trusts his this world. If you can use her in the battle against the king, that would be for the best... if she loses control then... it will be up to you to end her life... but before that. Please... let her be happy. Give her the desires of her heart.”
“She didn’t know she had a father. Don’t tell her about me. If she found out she had a father only to learn that he is dead...it would only cause her too much suffering.”
Chisei hung his head. “Alright.” He stood up, taking the long sword in a position next to Tachibana, while he recited the haikuu traditionally spoken before his death. His eyes held no light in them as he watched the old man  the raise the blade, intending to plunge it into his belly and cut from left to right.
All the while he heard Carli’s voice, pleading with him that she didn’t do anything wrong and that killing her wouldn’t bring anyone back.
His sword arced in a blinding flash of light. Tachibana’s five fingers holding the knife were neatly severed at the knuckles. The knife fell to the blood stained blanket. 
Chisei knelt next to him, holding a hankerchief to stop the bleeding, staring to the man’s pale face, the man he always thought was his father.
“Are you accepting five fingers as a substitute punishment?” Tachibana inhaled a sharp gasp, tears leaking out from the pain and shock.
“Even though wrongdoers will be punished in this world, I am not punishing you just to still have a guilty conscience when I see my clansman lying under a casket covering. What difference would killing you make? If you want to talk about atonement, your one life is not enough.”
“Stay, and watch me kill the Devil Clan ringleader. I also can't make any promises to care for Erii. All I can do is play video games with her.”
He fastened the handkerchief in a tight knot and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "All these years I've been nothing but a sword in your hands. When you told me to cut, I never objected. Now you say, "Kill the Devil Clan leader”, so I'll do it. It doesn't matter if the hand holding the sword is dead. As a sword, I still exist.”
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majoragen · 3 years
Why isn’t suga x Kuroo a bigger thing? Please?
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fanfic ask! 3. Do you prefer canonverse or AUs? | 4. What fandom’s/ship’s fan fiction do you read the most? | 15. Post the last line you wrote without context. | 19. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
Sorry for the delay in answering!! <3 ty for the ask, they really make me happy ^_^
3. Canonverse or aus?
Ooooo tough question... i consider myself pretty adept at taking any idea and just running with it, which can work for either, but if i had to choose.... hrm see aus are fun and can pose interesting characterization questions, but canonverse is easier to play in since its all already there u just shift it to the left.
Final (very close) answer: AUs - do crossovers, give them a whole new world to play in, make them fae or superheroes or monstertamers - and see how they all just keep coming back together no matter what :D
4. What fandom/ship do you read fanfic for the most?
That depends entirely on what fandom im into that week. Currently im into Rusty Quill Podcasts and am especially encouraged to write/read RQ Gaming fics bc im in a fantastic group chat for it. But i do go back and see Captive Prince stuff, ill read the occasional Haikuu/ YOI/ BNHA if i come across it.
I tend to fall more into the same ship type: aloof posh boy w a gooey soft center he may not have even realized he had, falls for the loveable softy whos also a bit of a badass underneath.
15. Last line i wrote without context:
(Oh shit when was the last time i wrote something uhhhhh)
"A few strands were pulling free, threatening to fall and distract from the paperwork in front of her."
19. Favorite character headcanon?
Hmmm ill give u two related ones close to my headcanoning heart:
Kagami Taiga: 1) doesnt understand what anything costs bc hes a rich boy. Maybe not to the extend of Akashi but... his dad owns enough of a successful business in America to let his son have a fully paid for apartment in Japan and can fly back to america whenever he wants. Also, look at his goddamn food bill! Kagami knows hes got enough money to eat however he wants and so he does and he doesnt worry about the rest.
2) Because his dad owns a successful business, kagami actually understands some business terms/strategies/etc. from geowing up with it and probably being curious about his dad's work. he's probably even going to go to a business college where he can play basketball on the side (and then he rooms with akashi and they fall in love and run a merged business together and marry in america).
Anyways - kagami is an idiot, but... hes a smart idiot for certain things. He cant write a contract but he can certainly talk a conference room into investing.
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