#hapy birthday everyone
videos-i-didnt-make · 7 months
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thefrsers · 8 months
Happy birthday to this ray of sunshine. Thank you for being the kind of role model we can all look up to and aspire to be. May your day(s) be filled with joy and love, always💚
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murobrown · 13 days
#hello i just found out my dad might be getting another divorce and he's not telling me :))))#he might be already separated from his wife living back in my hometown with who knows who :))))))))#so he left a woman who he has cheated with on my mom and basically destroyed whole family :))))))))))))))#i don't have any reliable sources for this ans I can't ask him but it is eating me inside#and I had my suspicions since Christmas but I just thought they are having some tough period#so whenever I called him I tried to check of everything is okay and everything seemed okay#and I just hope they're still maybe just going through something but they will end up back together again#and i won't know because we don't talk about our problems in my family you need to be always happy#and god forbid you bother someone with your problems#i am sorry of this is too personal but it's making me freak out a little bit#i just can't stop thinking about it#and is it bad that I actually feel sad that I won't ever see his cats again if his wife keeps them?#ugh how the fuck can you divorce twice in your life?????#and does this mean that I also have some fucked up genes in me????#i was kinda hoping he would come to visit me for my birthday because I don't want to be alone but I doubt it will happen now#i just miss him and i want that he's hapy#okay that's enough i just needed to get this out of me#have a wonderful day everyone I'm going to take a shower because I ran 5km today so at least that's something positive
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hikarukamisaki · 4 months
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i need to update my hikaru album . shes eveyrthing to me
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humspoingle · 7 months
gugys.. its , Baby Agels (the kity) Birthday!!! everyone saying "Hapy Birthday baby Angel!!" @humbabyangel
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godly-feh-edits · 1 year
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(Mod Toto) Today is Hapi’s birthday! So we can have some coffee with cake for a change 😆✨
Everyone say Hapi Birthday Happy! 
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vinziel · 4 months
Hapy Brithday! John Dory x male Reader
Prompt: John Dory forgets your birthday
You woke up stretching, seeing as John Dory already got up. As you did your daily routine you got greeted happy birthday by Branch, and Poppy as usual. You never cared to celebrate your birthday before Poppy and Branch had to force you. So now you celebrate it "Thanks guys!" You thank Branch and Poppy after greeting you happy birthday. Poppy already had some many plans for your birthday Branch had to calm her down, you and Poppy were always friends. Even before she dated Branch, you two were friends, so when she was told by Branch you don't really celebrate your birthday she takes it upon herself to throw you a birthday party every year.
You walk outside just taking the freshness of air, you saw John Dory sitting in a bench talking with Clay, you go to them and greet them. John Dory then says goodbye to Clay as you two go on sbout your day, talking and being all lovey dovey. Once you two went home it was already 4pm, and you were pleasently surprised when Poppy, Branch, with Clay, and Floyd greeted you happy birthday "Woah thanks guys!" You say, blowing the candle and everyone cheering. While a John Dory sits their confused before realizing it's your birthday, he had completely forgotten but you couldn't blame the troll. It has been 20 years since you've seen eachother.
Least to say John Dory kept apilogizing to you after the party. You said "Look you don't need to keep apologizing. It's been a while since we've seen eachother, it's normal to forget birthdays" You chuckle, giving him a small quick kiss, John Dory replying with "Still I'm sorry. I don't know how I didn't find out" You say "Actually this is the second time I've celebrated my birthday since you left. It was thanks to Poppy who always threw me a party, anyways don't sweat about it too much" John Dory smiles and kisses you again This time long and passionate before pulling away. Hugging you "I'll make it up to you. I promise" he says "I'm sure you will" You say
A/N: Just a little quick one-shot I thought of.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 3 months
gmoooooorning. everyone say hapy birthday hokma
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 11 months
Happy Birthday Gingerbrave! (OC Collaboration)
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I decided to join a big collaboration with a bunch of different artists to make this masterpiece! It took us a little while to get everyone's OC done. If you guys wanna see the full image and the artist's credit, here's the link to the original post!: https://twitter.com/Dreamiiiiie_/status/1679622558067335169?s=20
If you're wondering where I'm at, my baby is right here:
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Here's a full image:
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Hapi little lady
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mousegard · 10 months
my crossover fic's latest chapter is here to make you dread the arrival of the next chapter!
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Episode 10: A Long-Awaited Reunion
Doctor Ver's latest scheme goes too far, even for him. Vanessa is invited to a birthday party. Hapi discovers an unexpected new application for her sighs. Shez and Kronya seize an opportunity.
“If we had those weird relics Edel’s new friends have,” Kronya grumbled, pouting, “we could go down there and steal the Cane without being, uh, y’know. Caramelized.” “Carbonized,” Shez corrected. “Caramelizing’s what you do to onions.” Kronya’s face scrunched up. “That’s disgusting!” “Anyway, I guess we should call Bias,” Shez said.
“Why do we even need the Cane of Solomon, anyway?” Kronya wondered aloud, reaching for the binoculars and watching the last of the straggling citizens in the area scurry to their little shelters like ants. “The Greater Key’s a stronger relic, isn’t it?” “It’s not about which relic is stronger,” Shez explained. “It’s about, uh, what’s-it-called, a… mono-something.” “Monopoly?” “Nah, that’s when you only have one spouse. Anyway, think about it. We can’t go down there without being killed, because the Noise attack everyone indiscriminately except for the summoner and their allies. Letting anyone else run around with those things means we’re not totally safe from them.” Kronya leaped up to her feet. “Holy shit! Shez, look at this!” she cried out, shoving the binoculars into her hands and pulling her over to the ledge. “Look here, look at this!” Flustered, Shez pressed the binoculars to her eyes again and let Kronya manhandle her head until she was looking at just the right angle to see a young girl in black and pink armor smashing the front window of a store of some kind and climbing through the broken glass. “Why aren’t the Noise attacking her?” she asked, noting that a few of those bizarre creatures had just ambled right past her. The answer to her question came to her as soon as the question had left her lips. Because she was the summoner… or at least one of the summoner’s allies. She must have been in cahoots with that Ver guy who’d made off with the Cane of Solomon at Iwakuni! “She’s got the Cane!” Kronya crowed. She all but danced in place and rubbed her hands together with glee. “Yeah! It could be right there in that duffel bag she’s carrying!” Shez pulled herself up to her feet and stuffed the binoculars into her pack. “If we get in there, get the drop on her… Bam!” She punched her hand with her fist. “We get a monogamy over the Noise… and our hands on one of those anti-Noise relic weapons, too. Nice little bit of insurance.”
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ashes-of-ailell · 10 months
I've spent a lot of my day sorting out my three houses ocs and i. am so happy with how they've turned out so far.
as I've said before, they're all characters that I like to throw into various games. while they differ to suit the series they've been thrown into, their background will near enough stay the same.
here's some basic info! (about them in the three houses universe)
The Midnight Rabbits are a small group of merchants selling valuable goods, as well as offering mercenary services. Due to their positive reputation, the Church currently have them employed at Garreg Mach to help out the knights and townspeople, and to sell their wares to them too. At least, that's what you've been told... but it feels as though there's more to them than what everyone is letting on.
Lunaris (He/Him):
The leader of the Rabbits. Seen as a very quiet and possibly unnervingly calm individual, he's actually very sweet once you get to know him. Is fiercely protective of his friends if he feels they're in danger.
Birthday: 13th Day of the Wyvern Moon (October 13th) - 17/18 Pre-timeskip / 23 Post-timeskip.
Preferred Class - Warlock / ???? (secret unit exclusive class ooooooo)
Strengths - Reason / Lance / Authority / Flying
Weaknesses - Heavy Armour / Bows
Budding Talent - Faith
Supports - Byleth / Lucien / Max / Tyler / Edelgard / Hubert / Linhardt / Bernadetta / Petra / Dimitri / Dedue / Annette / Ashe / Claude / Marianne / Ignatz / Seteth / Flayn / Yuri / Hapi
Can be S-supported by either gender Byleth
While he has paired endings with most of the characters he has supports with, it should be noted his canon ending is with Lucien.
Lucien (He/Him)
Armed with a sharp wit and silver tongue, alongside some frustratingly good luck, Lucien is very good at getting what he wants. While he certainly has a snarky streak, he cares a lot about his friends. Lunaris's right-hand man.
Birthday: 21st Day of the Garland Moon (June 21st) - 18/19 Pre-timeskip / 24/25 Post-timeskip.
Preferred Class - Trickster / Dancer
Strengths - Sword / Reason / Faith / Authority
Weaknesses - Heavy Armour / Axes
Budding Talent - Bows
Supports - Byleth / Lunaris / Max / Tyler / Hubert / Ferdinand / Dorothea / Dimitri / Felix / Mercedes / Ingrid / Lorenz / Hilda / Lysithea / Manuela / Hanneman / Yuri / Balthus / Constance
Can only be S-supported by male Byleth
While he has paired endings with most characters he has supports with, only the ones with male characters are romantic in nature. Any endings paired with female characters are purely platonic. (Basically, he's gay).
It should also be noted that his canon ending is with Lunaris.
Max (He/Him)
Upbeat and outgoing, almost to the point of recklessness, Max is just a ball of sunshine. Has a love of the outdoors and lot of skill in combat and, surprisingly, baking. Tries to approach every task with enthusiasm.
Birthday: 19th Day of the Lone Moon (March 19th) - 15/16 Pre-timeskip / 21/22 Post-timeskip.
Preferred Class - Sniper
Strengths - Bow / Riding / Flying
Weaknesses - Reason / Faith
Budding Talent - Lance
Supports - Byleth / Ferdinand / Caspar / Petra / Felix / Annette / Ingrid / Ashe / Raphael / Leonie / Lysithea / Flayn / Balthus
Can be S-supported by either gender Byleth
Tyler-Rose / Tilly (She/Her)
Should be given an award for her patience. Loves her friends very much, and they love her just as much back. Despite her usually gentle demeanor, she is not afraid to lay down the law when needed. Has great knowledge of different weapons due to her father being a weaponsmith.
Birthday: 9th Day of the Great Tree Moon (April 9th) - 18/19 Pre-timeskip / 24/25 Post-timeskip.
Preferred Class - Falcon Knight
Strengths - Flying / Axe / Lance / Heavy Armour
Weaknesses - Riding / Bow
Budding Talent - Sword
Supports - Byleth / Hubert / Bernadetta / Dorothea / Dedue / Sylvain / Mercedes / Marianne / Hilda / Claude / Leonie / Hapi
Can only be S-supported by female Byleth
Tyler has paired endings with many characters she has supports with, however only the ones with female characters are romantic.
I plan to make more detailed posts about them all in the future (probably during oc week if it happens, whenever that may be). Some of this is subject to change as this is all a quick summary of what I have for them so far. I hope yous like them! :3
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toms-cherry-trees · 2 years
...I can’t help myself
Maybe next time they’ll get it right.
Sorry it took so long, I ran out of inspo and my thumbs were cramping
Also I haven't watched S6 so in my mind that hasn't happened
Maybe next time they’ll get it right.
Arthur smiled to himself, looking around the garden. It had been a long while since they whole family had gathered. The children ran around after the dogs, while everyone laughed and had, for the first time in a decade, some carefree fun.
Karl was almost a young man now, looking after the small ones, while Finn's second daughter, the youngest who coud walk, tried to keep up with all her cousins.
Arthur watched over his own. Four kids and a fifth one in the way. He had always wanted a big family, and never expected to achieve it in his old age.
Not exactly old, but 45 was a respectable number. His oldest was six, and the next in line had just turned five. Then the twins, two and a half. They had grown so fast, but were still his babies.
He looked again at the birthday card they made specially for him
"Hapy birthdae daddy"
Not so grown after all. But it didn't matter. Maybe next time they'll get it right
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rhyolight · 1 year
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kangjaehee · 1 year
sweet reprieve.
Chaeyoung visits Jaehee on her birthday, bringing her a moment that will make her day infinitely sweeter.  
For day 4 of @jaeheeweek22​. gay people things. also hapy birthday 2 the babygirl
title: sweet repireve
pairing(s): jaehee x mc (CMC: Chaeyoung)
rating: PG
word count: 2621
tags: birthday fluff, not established relationhsip but... around there
JAEHEE’S BIRTHDAY HAD NEVER mattered much to her. Most of the time, it was simply another day. She didn’t want it to matter much to her– in the midst of college coursework and end-of-the-year reviews, another celebration was the last thing anyone needed. Most of the time, she tried to make her birthday be just another day. She’d go to work, she’d come home, she’d check off her to-do list, and go to bed. Sometimes she’d go and get something for herself to celebrate, a drink and pastry at a coffee shop, or a nice meal, and watch her favorite musicals or movies at home. 
In college, sometimes she would go out with whatever people she considered friends at the moment. At work, few people knew this was actually her birthday, but they did bother to congratulate her, sometimes getting her presents. But, at the end of the day, this was simply another day where she was reminded how alone she truly was. She did not like the feeling. She did whatever she could to distract herself from it. 
Things were different now, though. Because sometime during her 24th year of age, she had met Min Chaeyoung through a failure in the RFA chatroom. There was no doubt the kind, service-oriented woman had brought joy to everyone’s lives… but to Jaehee, she had marked a before and after. Now, her days were filled with conversations and sweet company, little “Cheer up, Jaehee!”s or “Good work today^^”s that filled her with joy. In the past, Jaehee had been good at self-motivation. It seems now, her friend’s words of encouragement did the job. 
Although, calling her a friend was a little… Jaehee was sure it was not common to sometimes kiss your friends, or think of them as you read romance novels. The feelings Caheyoung evoked in her were… strange and unknown and terrifying, and she knew this. When Jaehee had told her, Chaeyoung just held her hand, telling her she’d be there for Jaehee always, and that they’d figure this out together. Jaehee was not sure she realized.  
“I think I’m in love with you and that terrifies me,” was what she wanted to say, what she would’ve said if it was direct. She wondered what her answer would’ve been then. 
But, her words still reassured her, somehow: “ I want to be by your side and take care of you, Jaehee. I’ll carry your burdens, if they help you breathe more easily.” She was sure what Chaeyoung felt for her was love in some capacity. 
But, do you want me like I want you? Do you feel this painful, burning yearning too?
The answer mattered to Jaehe but it also didn’t. The terms of their relationship didn’t exactly matter , because whatever it was… it felt nice, and it made Jaehee happy. Friend or lover or something in between, Chaeyoung was her companion, the person that had broken through the walls of her heart and filled the space that gut-twisting loneliness used to occupy. 
For instance, this: she had never woken up to a happy birthday message, and smiled at it while feeling her heart swell. At least, not before Chaeyoung. But now here she was. 
Happy birthday~ <3, the message read. I have a present for you… I’ll give it to you at your office later.  
Ah, the days where Chaeyoung visited her office, although many times it was to talk with Jumin, were always extremely pleasant. She provided a bright sort of calm that allowed Jaehee to finish all her work with ease. And usually, she came with food she’d cooked or little treats she’d brought. Jaehee appreciated few things more than these visits. 
I’ll be waiting for you, then, was her reply, and with the excitement the fact provided, she set to get ready for her day. She arrived at work with a smile on her face, cheerfully receiving all the birthday well-wishes and even the “Oh my god, it’s your birthday?”s that ensued. 
“You look happier than you usually do,” said Seungwan from HR, another person who, like her, made multiple trips to the coffee station a day. “Do you have a fun evening planned? Perhaps a date?” he teased. 
Which made Jaehee bashful. She looked away from his tall frame as he sipped his espresso. “No, I don’t have a date, but… looks like I’ll have a visit.”
His eyes widened comically. “Well… I guess we’ll see who he is… He is a good man, you know, visiting you at work.”
It’s not a man, Jaehee wanted to say, but she wasn’t going to… come out just now, not exactly. She only said “Yes… I do quite adore them.”
Seungwan chuckled. “You’re a lucky woman, then.”
Jaehee could not guess the intention behind his words, but she also did not care. “Yes…” she said. “I suppose I am.”
Work went by anxiously. There was much to do, but no one wanted to do anything. New Year’s was very soon and everyone was in that mindset, and for once, Jaehee found herself unable to focus either, but her reason was different. She didn’t care about New Year’s, but about today. Chaeyoung was being… cryptic. Hadn’t called her all morning (which was odd), and in the chatroom she had not said anything about coming to C&R, only running errands and going to a yoga class. 
Jaehee supposed that all she could do for now was focus on her work and wait. She could do that. It wasn’t like her to be this impatient, but only because she didn’t have any reason for being… Her work was, if anything, just a timely distraction: it was complete a task and then check her phone for updates. It never worked. She was starting to get anxious. 
Her anxiety, though, was squandered by the arrival of someone coming to meet with Mr. Han at 11, a meeting which she had to audit. That would give her enough reprieve, as she’d be unable to focus on anything else, and for the next hour and a half of fervent, almost loopy discussion, she wasn’t.
“I think your sweetheart is here,” Seungwan whispered to her in passing as she walked back to her office, thinking only about the notes she’d have to review. 
She’d frowned at him, but her heart also started to race, anticipation tingling in her skin to find Chaeyoung’s tall figure, those flaming curls, in her office, but instead she found nothing, and her heart sank. 
Yes, her door was open, but her office was empty. Upon examining it, everything seemed to be much the same, except there now was a cupcake and a caramel latte left on her table from a bakery shop she frequented with Chaeyoung. She couldn’t help the fluttering, shy grin on her lips. 
Chaeyoung was going to kill her with her sweetness someday. These little details always made Jaehee’s heart swell and do little backflips inside her ribcage. Now, she was smiling like a fool as she noticed the little message note next to the coffee. It had lyrics from Anything Goes: “You'd be so easy to love / So easy to idolize / All others above / So worth the yearning for / So swell to keep every home fire burning for.”
So… perhaps it was love, after all. She had no other explanation for this detail, the chocolate cupcake, the words on the note. If only you’d say it, then my life would be so much easier…
“Hi there,” said a sweet, tangy voice she recognized instantly, which made her heart swell even more. She turned to find Chaeyoung, hair away from her face, wearing a toothy smile. “Happy birthday!”
Jaehee didn’t need to be prompted to run towards her, she simply did, and hugged her tightly. Chaeyoung leaned her head on her shoulder like she usually did, and Jaehee basked in the feeling it gave her. 
“I was wondering when you’d come…” Jaehee said. 
“Missed me?” Chaeyoung cocked an eyebrow. 
“You were taking too long, I was starting to get impatient…”
“Oh…” she made a face as if she’d just been told a devastating story. “I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I had to run to the post office.” She slid her hands to Jaehee’s waist, and she felt as if, were she to let her go, Jaehee would just melt into the floor. “But I’m here now… how was your special day so far?”
“Work…” Jaehee shrugged, fingertips trailing at Chaeyoung’s waist as well. “Absolutely nothing of importance happened, until you arrived.”
Chaeyoung smiled, inching the slightest bit closer to her. “Well, I’m here to sweeten your day, after all.” She then let go of her to grab the coffee and cupcake. “I got you these.”
“I’ve seen them,” Jaehee said. “And… the note as well.” She was blushing furiously. Chaeyoung could tell, by her slightly downturned smile. 
Jaehee went ahead and took the drink first, taking a sip. It was sweet, it was rich. The caramel contrasted beautifully with the bitterness of the coffee, allowing for a flavor that was, with every letter of the word, decadent. It was also hot, but by no means scalding. She licked her lips a little afterward, wanting to get the last of the remains. 
“It’s delicious…” she said to Chaeyoung’s moon-eyed gaze, who just smiled at her reaction. Her cheeks were a little pink, Jaehee noticed, and the office around them seemed to fade a little. 
She bit into the cupcake next, which, like the coffee, was rich and decadent. That was Jaehee’s favorite thing about this particular bakery: their chocolate products. They were moist and intense in flavor, sweet but not overwhelmingly so. Even the buttercream, extremely dense and creamy, did not taste merely of sugar and butter. 
“Sorry it’s not a cake… I’m saving that for tonight,” Chaeyoung said, to which Jaehee simply shook her head as she kept eating her cupcake. 
“Still, this is a delightful birthday treat,” she said. Chaeyoung was laughing. It was her “making fun of something” laugh. “What is it?” she frowned. 
Instead of answering, Chaeyoung just reached over to wipe at the side of her lip, which at first startled Jaehee, before turning her red. “You’re a messy eater…” she teased, lovingly, with a silly little lip bite. 
Jaehee chuckled. “Cream does tend to do that…”
“Can I try some?” Chaeyoung fluttered her lashes as she looked down to the cupcake then her, and Jaehee could just not deny that. 
She brought the cupcake up to her mouth, and Chaeyoung, with a nervous smile, took a bit Jaehee could only describe as pathetic, just a few crumbs of cupcake drowned by cream. She raised her eyebrows as she ate, acknowledging the flavor. Jaehee had to cover her mouth not to laugh, because if she was a messy eater… the Chaeyoung could not compare. There was cream on her nose.
She also didn’t say anything and simply reached over to wipe it, Chaeyoung’s nose scrunching cutely as she did. “And then I’m the messy eater here?”
“At least I didn’t get anything on my lips,” Chaeyoung said, smug. 
Jaehee proved her wrong by wiping the corner of her mouth, almost at the inside. “You got a crumb.”
Her finger lingered on Chaeyoung’s jaw, and she could feel her chai tea breath getting thicker. She liked Chaeyoung’s jaw. It was round yet sharp, and it seemed to have many little dimples. She pushed it out when she was being cocky, it softened nicely when she smiled,. but most of the time it gave her this chiseled, elegant look. Today, there seemed to be tiny zits below her makeup. 
The kiss happened slowly, a set of subsequent moves that tumbled the tension like a row of dominoes: Jaehee’s caress led for Chaeyoung to inch closer, led for her to tilt up her chin, led for Chaeyoung’s hold to tighten and her other hand to skirt up her back, led for Jaehee to part her lips as Chaeyoung’s dreamlike eyes closed, and then she was kissing her in a soft, wet, chocolate cupcake-flavored kiss. 
It was a soft press of lips, but still Jaehee’s insides turned to cloud. She placed her hand properly this time in her cheek, cupping it. It was as warm as the coffee she’d brought her. Chaeyoung then took her lips into hers, pushing further. Jaehee gave in, pressing her body closer. But just a second later, she remembered, and she turned, and the door was open– a quarter, but open. 
Impossibly embarrassed and indignantly surprised, she quickly ran to close it. She’d rather not have the entire floor be witness to this intimate moment. “Sorry about that,” she said. 
Chaeyoung bit her lower lip, and it looked as if she was suppressing  a laugh. “I’ll forgive you if you come kiss me again.”
Jaehee did, without any reins, letting her want lead. This time, she pushed her against the desk, which drew a moan-like sound out of Chaeyoung. She took in her mouth, tasted the buttercream and the chai tea, grabbing onto her by her coat. After a second, Chaeyoung’s hands settled in her hips, holding her steady. Jaehee found herself running her hands down her body, which was covered by many layers of warmth, before settling on the table, almost pinning her to it. 
When they broke apart to breathe, Jaehee could see Chaeyoung’s flushed face, something now alive and bubbling behind her blown green eyes, lips now pinker than before. She was stunning. Jaehee wanted this woman desperately. 
It was a little surprising when, very tenderly, Chaeyoung ran a hand through her bangs, pushing them out of her face. The same soft touch removed her glasses, the only last obstacle in between them. Now being able to see her without the frame interfering her vision, she went in once again with a pressing kiss. 
Chaeyoung was warm and her touch was tender, and she opened her way to any exploratory touch that Jaehee’s hands initiated. They went under her sweater and under the hot skin of her stomach, pressing there as Chaeyoung pressed further into her mouth, moaning into it. Her hands went further, under her pants to the small of her back. They were almost shy, stopping right where the lining of her underwear began. And Jaehee was beginning to become shy as well, a paralyzing red smoky feeling that was growing in tandem with her desire to push forward, heart pounding like a siren signal. 
They both stopped then, overcome by this feeling yet hyper-aware of where their hands were. Chaeyoung but her swollen, cherry red glazed lips, and her eyes seemed to ask a question that Jaehee did not, in the very slightest, have the answer to: Can you let me in?  
As much as Jahee wanted to, it was only midday, and the city bustled under the large windows of her office. And she was, admittedly, not that brave, although something had been awoken that would not subside until it was fully acknowledged. 
After seconds of inaction, regarding heavy breathing lip bite that hurt, Chaeyoung retreated her hands, tucking Jaehee’s shirt back in its place. “I suppose I’ll see you tonight,” she whispered against Jaehee’s mouth. 
“Yes…” she said, wistful. “You will.” And then, we’d finish what we started. 
Chaeyoung let go of her slowly, hesitantly, avoiding her eyes. Jaehee regretted her separation much the same. 
“Enjoy the cupcake and coffee, in the meanwhile,” she said, almost cheekily. 
Ah, right. The half-eaten cupcake was still on the table, with Chaeyoung’s tiny bite, as well as the latte. “Yes…” Jaehee said, without thinking. She was not sure she was able to. “I will.”
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twipsai · 1 year
its Dan birthday @mushroombo hapy bumirthday everyone say it NOW!!!!!!!!!!
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beastburdened · 2 years
What are Hapi's parents like, and did they have any siblings? Was Hapi telling the whole story about why they ran away, or was there more to it? What is Hapi's most enduring memory of their family?
What are Hapi's parents like, and did they have any siblings?
ahh yes, hapi’s parents. i’ve admittedly only had some more surface level thoughts about them (don’t even have set names, ages or designs), so perhaps take the following with a grain of salt in case i change anything in the future. for now i just have some bulletpoint ideas to expand upon further at a later date:
hapi’s mother: naturally skilled at faith magic, musician, relaxed and easy-going, absolutely where hapi got her sarcasm from
hapi’s father: also skilled with faith magic, wee bit of a bookworm, is vision impaired and uses glasses, loves to cook, actually quite shy and introverted
hapi is an only child, but they grew up around cousins and numerous friends that are certainly akin to siblings. timotheos is such a tight knit community that everyone kinda feels like family regardless of relation or lack thereof
Was Hapi telling the whole story about why they ran away, or was there more to it?
boredom of living in a village where nothing happened, coupled with a desire to see the world outside the forest honestly were hapi’s reasons for leaving. there was nothing particularly negative at timotheos that could’ve driven them away. if anything it is an isolated paradise compared to the rest of fodlan
it was a tough choice to leave, as much as they wanted to, knowing that they’d be leaving behind their family, friends and beloved hometown. hapi did have every intention of returning for visits
What is Hapi's most enduring memory of their family?
not a particular memory that involves both parents, but
one of the most memorable things about hapi’s mother is her voice and musical talent. the people of timotheos love festivals and they almost always involve music, of which their mother played a large part in. as a result hapi was a bit of a ‘jack of all trades’ when it came to instruments. the one that always stood out though was the piano, they would spend countless hours playing traditional village songs on the piano together with their mother
while hapi has forgotten so much about their family, friends and life back home due to their many years away, those songs will never leave their memory. they can often be caught humming or singing them to this day
as for their father, he is an excellent cook, and the meals of his that stick in hapi’s mind the most are the ones made especially in celebration of their birthdays. (it was his every intention to teach them the ways around the kitchen once they got older and more responsible, but alas...)
oh! and bedtime stories. he’d always read them bedtime stories, especially if they’d happen to be struggling with sleep for whatever reason
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