daily-spanish-word · 5 months
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sand la arena
The word ‘arena’ is derived from the Latin ‘harena’: a particularly smooth sand used to absorb blood in ancient arenas like the Colosseum in Rome.
Competing clowns get into a real fight in the circus arena. After throwing their (big) shoes at each other, and not finding anything else, they start hurling sand.
We made a sand castle. Hicimos un castillo de arena.
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A bunch of Bonkles fanart I whipped up some time based on background characters from the games, mainly the (officially) unreleased Legend of Mata Nui game but also the GBA game that actually did get released, Quest for the Toa. Barring Podu and Nobua, none of these guys were provided with names, so I took it upon myself to come up with some for them. I should note that I’m operating with the idea that there’s a more even sex distribution throughout the tribes (even if the Ga-Matoran are still predominantly women) and as always, credit goes to @agatharights for coming up with the Matoran baseline that I’ve come to work off of.
Podu: Among the toughest of the Po-Matoran, Podu is an active member of the Po-Koro guard, protecting his people from whatever threat may emerge from the sea of sand. Though not as renowned an athelete as Hewkii, Podu is still quite accomplished as a Kohli player, possessing a powerful kick that can plow through any opposing team’s defense. Loyal and stubborn in equal measure, Podu will insistently plug away at a task until it’s done, though this does give him considerable tunnel vision, leaving him oblivious to very real threats to his own safety until they’re right on top of him.
Harena: Harena is something of an oddity. A traveling Matoran, he spends his time attending to the Vuata Maca trees in each village, ensuring they’re all healthy and producing enough fruit to sustain the Matoran there. Though by all accounts friendly and outgoing, he never seems to stay in one place for too long, constantly hopping around to keep an eye on each village’s tree. The other Matoran are typically glad to provide him with hospitality whenever he arrives, but when asked where his home is, his response is a vague “I go where the winds of fate take me.”
Nobua: The youngest child of Turaga Whenua, Nobua has great dreams and aspirations, no doubt inspired by the adventures of the wandering Ta-Matoran Takua. He’s particularly fascinated by the legends of the Toa and hopes that one day he’ll get the chance to meet one of them in person. Still too young to help out in the mines directly, he often helps his father out with administrative work.
Ombak: A rare non-hybrid Ga-Matoran born biologically male, Ombak is an accomplished surfer... and under an immense amount of pressure to pick a spouse so as to potentially keep the genetic strain going. Problem is, he doesn't really click with any of his suitresses and seems to have eyes elsewhere.
Tauraki: Very few Po-Matoran would earnestly profess to prefer the floating village of Ga-Koro to their desert home, but Tauraki has never been comfortable in the arid Po-Wahi and has made no secret of his desire to move to a more temperate climate. Unlike most of his kin, he's readily thrown himself at swimming lessons courtesy of regular visitor Macku, which she provides in exchange for sneaking her into the village to see Hewkii.
Phiri: An artist at heart dreaming of following in the footsteps of Kopeke, the only thing holding Phiri back... is her own crippling lack of self-confidence. Believing herself to be no good at the craft of ice sculpting, she instead resigns herself to sentry duty at the village's borders, where she's clearly bored out of her mind.
Iskra: The resident gossip of Ta-Koro, Iskra is on top of the rumors going around the village, regardless of their basis in the truth. She's excellent at spinning a yarn, however, and is incredibly charismatic. Vakama wishes she would stop and check her sources every once in a while.
Sekhala: A Po-Matoran athlete, Sekhala is an accomplished goalie who aspires to one day outclass Hewkii himself. Her boisterous nature is endearing to many of her compatriots, though annoying to others.
Beku: An oddly-colored Ko-Matoran, Beku isn't quite as well adjusted to the cold as his fellow tribesmen. Like Tauraki of Po-Koro, he's considered moving out to another village, one with a warmer climate and a more open and welcoming atmosphere.
Alavai: A Ga-Ko Hybrid, Alavai prefers cooler waters and can often be found near the base of Ko-Wahi swimming in its streams. Turaga Nokama can't help but see aspects of the late Toa Mangai Kanae in her, though she can't bring herself to say anything on the matter.
Handaki: An Onu-Matoran miner, Handaki's arms double as pistons that allow him to pound his way through solid rock. A serious, focused sort, Handaki is a dedicated worker and, off shift, a quiet, contemplative sort who puts his hands towards more delicate tasks like painting.
Moli: One of the Takara dancers of Ta-Koro, Moli prides herself on her mastery of expressing concepts through movement. She keeps close contact with the other dancers of the village and will often collaborate with them for mutual benefit.
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demonishdraws · 5 months
stoned drunkards but they're actually made of stone
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They’re so stoned.
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catilinas · 1 year
wait i just checked thee sources for juba and petreius killing one another near zama and ouhfughu why is florus always soooooo good
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literally what is this like their cannibalistic + gladiatorial swag. [caesar] says they ate and then duelled to the death and then juba won and was left to kill himself but florus is like no. we need to put the duel IN the feast it needs to be consciously their own funeral feast they need to die ON the table. who cares who won. hashtag there are no victors in civil war ANYWAY.
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emilyhopebunny · 2 years
My current project is a choral setting of the poem Nocturne by Sadakichi Hartmann, which makes reference to “the sea-mew’s song.” Sea-mew is just a more poetical way of saying seagull, so now I get to incorporate this into the moody, wistful musical atmosphere I’m creating:
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undefeatablesin · 8 months
⊹ .+ Tag Game Rules: Shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people. ᅠ ⊹ .+
Take Me Back To Eden - Sleep Token
Divine Service - Lies of P OST
Bones - Equinox
Turncoat - Matthew Mayfield
Suffer - Hurts
Magdalene - Akira Yamaoka
Roxanne - Sting
Wing of Hypocrisy - Lies of P OST
Hail the Nightmare - Bloodborne OST
Yawning Grave - Lord Huron
ᅠ ⊹ .+ tagged by: @hymntosappho + @aligom-pink-coffin ✨ Thank you both! I love lil dash games like these omg ᅠ ⊹ .+ tagging: @harena-tigris, @ghostlyanon, @00x7, @bornetoblood, @butchladymaria, @galaxirin, @treeshrine, @karnaca78, @dulaman-na-farraige ᅠ✨
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nightwalking-fae · 1 month
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Made my Narwa sona Harena and she was a pain to learn to draw eep
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Il problema di Perseo è dove posare la testa di Medusa. E qui Ovidio ha dei versi (Iv, 740-752) che mi paiono straordinari per spiegare quanta delicatezza d’animo sia necessaria per essere un Perseo, vincitore di mostri:
“Perché la ruvida sabbia non sciupi la testa anguicrinita (anguiferumque caput dura ne laedat harena), egli rende soffice il terreno con uno strato di foglie, vi stende sopra dei ramoscelli nati sott’acqua e vi depone la testa di Medusa a faccia in giù”.
Mi sembra che la leggerezza di cui Perseo è l’eroe non potrebbe essere meglio rappresentata che da questo gesto di rinfrescante gentilezza verso quell’essere mostruoso e tremendo ma anche in qualche modo deteriorabile, fragile. Ma la cosa più inaspettata è il miracolo che ne segue: i ramoscelli marini a contatto con la Medusa si trasformano in coralli, e le ninfe per adornarsi di coralli accorrono e avvicinano ramoscelli e alghe alla terribile testa.
~Italo Calvino
La nostalgia dell’esule
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daily-spanish-word · 1 year
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sand la arena
The word ‘arena’ is derived from the Latin ‘harena’: a particularly smooth sand used to absorb blood in ancient arenas like the Colosseum in Rome.
Competing clowns get into a real fight in the circus arena. After throwing their (big) shoes at each other, and not finding anything else, they start hurling sand.
We made a sand castle. Hicimos un castillo de arena.
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dansimsfantasy · 2 years
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The sims 4.  Autumn/ Minimalist style
Long cargo pants, to wear with low-neck shoes or loafers
Minimalism collection by TSR
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spacefinch · 11 months
Translating Warrior Cat names into Latin
Fireheart: Ignis Cor (Later Firestar, or Ignis Stella)
Graystripe: Griseo Clavo
Sandstorm: Harenae Tempestas
Crowfeather: Cornix Pluma
Bluestar: Stella Caerulea
Hollyleaf: Ilex Folium
Alderheart: Alnus Cor
Ravenpaw: Corvus Manu
Thunder: Tonitruum (later Stella Tonitruua)
Shadowstar: Umbra Stella (formerly Alta Umbra)
Riverstar: Flumen Stella (formerly Flumen Laniatus)
Windstar: Ventus Stella (formerly Ventus Cursor)
Skystar: Caelum Stella (formerly Clarum Caelum)
Jayfeather: Garrulus Pluma (there isn’t an Old Latin word for “jay” specifically, so I used the genius name of the Eurasian Jay.)
Lionblaze: Leo Flamma
Squirrelflight: Sciurus Fuga
Leafpool: Folium Stagnum
Cinderpelt: Cinerem pellis
Yellowfang: Flavo Dente
Spottedleaf: Maculosus Folium
Mapleshade: Acer Umbra
Cloudtail: Nubes Cauda
Brightheart: Clara Cor
Brackenfur: Furrure Braccas
Ferncloud: Filix Nubes
Dustpelt: Pulvis Pellis
Mothwing: Tinea Cornu
Ivypool: Hedera Piscanum
Dovewing: Penna Columbae
Lightning Tail: Fulgur Cauda
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norelorn · 10 months
10 songs tag
I got tagged to share 10 songs by @havocinthebluebox, thanks :)
@the-raven-that-refused-to-sing @fayilien @mossijuniper @magicmusicdreams @sleepyearthbabe @varvunhavuja @satanknowz @bloodwithinroses are tagged to share music if they want to.
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chacusha · 7 months
I skipped and selected a ton of questions from the writer meme for you:
2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 14, 16/17, 25
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
My additional tags are kind of a mess:
#1: Fanart <- not a fic tag #2: Fluff <- I thought this tag was overrepresented by my Fluff Bingo but actually, nope, it's accurate #3: Community: westerosorting <- just a tag I use to mark stuff I made for this community #4: Drabble <- dominated by old Disney works I archived last year #4: Missing Scene <- accurate tagging but boring
Tied for 6th are Meta (<- not a fic tag) and Character Study. I guess this is accurate (including that I am still more of an artist than a writer!). It's also interesting to me how many of these tags lean gen. Pining didn't even make it?!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
I kind of discussed this already but giving myself/the characters some closure on a very messy unresolved relationship in canon is pretty common. Other features of my fic include pining/getting together fic; punchy (abrupt?) endings; characters who have identity issues working out who they are (this is actually a special case of the first thing, where the "messy unresolved relationship" is between the character and themself).
Not sure about details. I do a lot of introspective fic, so my fic is pretty heavy on characters' attitudes and inner monologues/feelings.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
To be honest, I am terrible at worldbuilding and only do it when not doing it would leave a glaring hole in the story.
Probably the most worldbuilding I've had to do is in my Ambassador of Love and Peace fic, and the main thing I'm proud of is my headcanons of what life as a temple acolyte is like, plus various details I've filled in about the political situation in Eisenberg and Harena.
For Star Trek, the worldbuilding I'm most proud of is my Mirrorverse Ferengi headcanons, but I haven't published anything with that yet.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
I was having a lot of trouble with this question and the next one, but I thought of something: Slap-Slap-Kiss ("I hate you!" "Well, I hate you!" *characters passionately kiss*). I used to HATE this trope -- it was my least favorite 90s rom-com feature, easily in my top 3 worst tropes more generally, and I would include it in my Do Not Want (DNW) lists in exchanges. But ever since getting into Quodo, obviously I can't put it in my DNW list anymore because it's so core to Quodo, but I wonder if I have just mellowed out on the trope more generally?
The reason I used to hate it was because it was such lazy writing, where often people would collapse "I am attracted to you but there are these good reasons why I hate you and that makes things complicated" (which is a very legit source of tension and drama in a romance) into "ho ho these characters are sniping at each other from day 1 -- ~love at first sight~". Which is very WTF and also plays into all these misogynistic depictions of women where they need to be won over and no means yes and spitfire women are just asking to be tamed, etc. etc. Also, I just prefer ships where two people just really enjoy each other's company rather than are bickering all the time -- like, why would I want to watch people be in a relationship where they never have an unambiguously pleasant moment together? It's so depressing!
But Slap-Slap-Kiss works so well for Quodo (they are every 90s rom-com trope…), I think because their dynamic is meant to be comedic and it fits so well into their established characterization -- they're just kind of ridiculous enough to go from yelling at each other to kissing and not see anything weird about that -- and because they obviously enjoy the bickering and provocation aspects of the relationship too. It's possible I now can appreciate a bit more when sexual tension manifests itself as annoyance and yelling rather than just being baffled that anyone could get aroused when they're annoyed.
A similar thing happened with the tsundere character type. I used to just not get the appeal at all; tsundere characters were always my least favorite in media; etc. But I think my affection for Odo (who is a very pure tsundere type, at least when it comes to Quark) has kind of rubbed off on other tsunderes in fiction. I'm not sure -- results still inconclusive.
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
This one I still can't think of anything for. I think a lot of my tastes have stayed stable over time. I am very easy to please and like all sorts of trope-y fiction. Give me all the high school AUs and crack fic and There Was Only One Bed and identity porn and...
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
Not really because I live dangerously. :P By that I mean for the most part, I will give any trope a try. And for tropes I'm not super into, I'm not sure it's the kind of situation where there are certain people I trust to handle it -- they're just not things I enjoy no matter how well-written or who's doing the writing.
That said, I am in theory interested in (for example) reading fic that delves into Odo and Mora's complicated relationship, but I have kind of learned the hard way to just ignore Odo+Mora-centric fic in the wild because so much of it contains Mora-bashing either in the summary/author notes or in the fic itself and I'm not really interested in that kind of story (in general, I don't like reading character- or ship-bashing stories). So that would be an example of a topic I would only check out if written by someone whose writing I trusted (for example, I would probably trust people who write in DW/AO3-based exchanges to handle it in a way I find interesting more than a person in the wild). So yeah, probably more generally, bashing fic or something adjacent to that isn't something I'd seek out, but would be willing to read if I knew that the writer really liked the characters they were writing about, even if the characters are flawed.
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
This is hard because I love AUs so much and will gobble up anything. For Quodo... Read and loved: Soulmates AU, Fantasy AU. Would love to read: Hunger Games AU.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I don't have a highly specific one, but I have an angel and demon AU for Quodo and a superhero AU for Altdea/Rindea that I'd love someone else to write (I don't have the ideas and/or time).
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
Probably a bit boring but in terms of websites, it's probably an online word counter when doing writing sprints (because the text editor I use most often doesn't come with one) and a thesaurus (because sometimes I struggle to find the word I'm thinking of, like, "What's the word that means X but has somewhat of a Y connotation," or whatever -- I'll look a nearby word up in the thesaurus until I find what I'm looking for). Wikipedia as a place to start for basic research. Fan wikis and Chakoteya.net for quick canon review.
Thanks for the ask! 😄
a collection of questions i, as a writer, would love to be asked !!!
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hamstyandfriends · 8 months
Inktober #6: Golden
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Character (Queen Harena!!) belongs to @lovejoysoots <3
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midnightprelude · 1 year
Major Arcana: Death, Reversed
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Written by @oftachancer and I for the @30daysofdorian event!
Masterpost | First | Previous | Next
The rain beat against the window like fists, so hard it sounded as though it should have shattered the glass. Dorian frowned at the card in his hands, turning it slowly. The skull remained stubbornly upside-down, its golden teeth chattering in slow motion. Fascinating. Unnerving. Why- 
An arm reached past him to move one of the pawns on the board. A yawn that smelled of wine. Dorian glanced down and back, confused, to find a man sprawled on the chaise behind him, blinking lazily in the dim light. 
“Are you going to play?” he asked quietly. “Or keep staring at my handiwork all night?”
“I apologize, I-“ Dorian analyzed the board for a moment, before moving his rook into place. “Am a bit distracted, I suppose. The enchantment is so delicate, I can barely make out how you managed to render the movements so smoothly.”
“You have your secrets. I have mine.” He smiled, though the expression didn’t quite reach his eyes. Somber emeralds over poppy shadows. Rilienus. That was it. The lone heir to House Maecilia. Lone. Often alone. Lingering by shelves of scrolls, smelling of ink. “You never told me about the wardrobe.”
“…pardon?” Dorian blinked. The room smelled of woodsmoke and brandy, velvet under his fingers as he touched the settee. What was he doing alone with the Maecilia heir? “I’m afraid you’ll need to remind me what it was, precisely, we were speaking of.”
Rilienus laughed, but it was a sad sound. He nudged a Father out of the path of Dorian’s rook and fell back to the cushion, closing his eyes as they shone. “That’s what I’m doing, my friend.” He drained a goblet, lips darkened with the wine and some herbal scent. Cleared his throat. “You told me about the ship. You didn’t tell me it was sinking. Only that you’d been battered about.”
“It didn’t sink,” Dorian said absently, countering Rilienus’ move. “Despite its best efforts and the loss of some volumes I was very fond of as a boy.” 
A Pavus is never weak. Why was he speaking of the ship to Maecilia? 
“The Flores Harenae. I remember that.”
“…how would you remember that?” He wasn’t sure he’d spoken to the man more than a couple of times in his life. Dorian had memorized all of the great houses by the age of eight, including House Maecilia. Why in the world would he know about Dorian’s books? 
“‘The Veil Thorn has slight roots, with fluttering cilia between each that allow it to catch each desert breeze and reassert itself with each new landing, unhindered’,” Rilienus murmured, almost to himself, quoting the text Dorian had read again and again before the sea had swallowed the horticultural tome. It had been one of the only books he’d been allowed that was not in the strict register of his tutors or his parents. Detailed drawings of each plant. “It’s a survivor. Indomitable. Like you.” He sighed, weary, and leaned up on his elbow to move another pawn. “Tastes awful, though. They don’t tell you that.”
“‘Prized for its medicinal qualities, the Veil Thorn has remarkable restorative capacity. It harnesses magical energy within the wide, succulent fronds, and is a common—if weak—substitute for lyrium used in some tribal cultures.’” Dorian turned to peer at him curiously. “What cause did you have to eat it?”
“Dorian, Dorian, Dorian,” Rilienus lingered on his name, repeating it as though he’d said it a hundred times before. “It is a poor substitute for lyrium, yes, but a very potent additive. Of course, they wouldn’t have noted that in your treatise. They didn’t know. That’s a Riviani secret.” He touched his finger to his lips with a heavy-lidded wink. “Don’t tell anyone I told you.”
Secrets, his and Rilienus’, shared with each other as though they were old friends. More familiar than he had a right to be. Dorian’s fingers flexed around the arm of the chaise, wincing. The rain continued to pound. Beyond the glass was nothing but darkness, not even the shapes of buildings or clouds or- “Where are we?” Dorian hissed, voice tight.
“Gardens, I think,” Rilienus mumbled, and plucked the card from Dorian’s fingers.
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undefeatablesin · 5 months
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Thank you for the tag, @galaxirin and @hymntosappho !!! I appreciate it 😇✨️ Everyone who follows me knows my hunter gang by now. We have the eternally feral darkbeast Aloysha and her anxious brother Rain (the arcane twins as me and the crew call them lmao) and the good doctor herself lady Ruza, who I deeply love 👍
TAGGING: @harena-tigris @00x7 @jazrainbows @spagottti @bornetoblood and anyone else who wants to do it!! Just say I tagged you 😂
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