#harry potter oldest fanfiction
the-most-faithful · 29 days
The oldest known Harry Potter fanfiction
I only discovered yesterday the first Harry Potter fanfiction ever published, it dates back to 1999, even before the release of Prisoner of Azkaban. The story is available on Fanfiction.net and on Ao3 in full. It's thanks to this story that we have fanfiction platforms on the Harry Potter fandom. This story, however simple, started it all. It deserves more recognition. Thomas P. Erwin is such a tragic Character 🥺
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dumbfilmstudent · 2 years
Watching a 14 year old 8th grader
Things I have been told/asked:
She showed me EVERY Pokémon and made me judge them and then told me I was wrong about every single one
Why Luka is a better boyfriend than Adrien Agreste (thankfully something I could understand)
Made me explain the entire plot of Steven Universe bc she saw one episode but couldn’t find the rest
That she is in love with a Splatoon character
Explained the full Five Nights at Freddie’s Lore (maybe better than MatPat who, by the way, she has no idea who he is)
Asked me about those Urban Legend Horror games like Bloody Mary and the Elevator game and then proceeded to have to sleep with every light on bc she was scared
Told me she doesn’t swear and doesn’t respect people who swear and that she has cut off friends who swear. I have to apologize every time I accidentally curse because of this.
She had me read 14 pokemon ffs on fanfiction.net to make sure there wasn’t any adult content.
In that same vein told me that she had learned how to use ao3 filters (something I had accidentally taught her how to do last time I watched her)
Asked me if I knew what Dokidoki literature club is and made me read 5 of those fanfictions too to make sure there was no adult content (there obviously was. How she ended up in dokidokiliterature is beyond me. She said it was because she is in love with Monika)
Made me read the ao3 ship stats and then asked me about every single fandom/show etc
Quick rundown of what she said when I explained them: Hannibal “remind me never to watch that”, Harry Potter “no one even cares about Harry Potter. Is Dumbledore gay?”, Supernatural “why are ppl shipping brothers” and then I explained destiel and how he got sent to hell and then she got mad at me for saying Hell, 911 “why does 911 have a fandom? People being hurt isn’t funny” I had to pick around a bit but realized she thought that 911 emergency calls were being made into fanfiction, BTS “who even are these people”, My Hero Academia “an anime? I don’t watch it. Is there any Comiket Communicate in the top ten?”, MCR “what’s that” I showed her some music and mvs “why do people like this it’s weird” to which I explained ppl were emo bc I didn’t know how else to explain and she said “my friend is a tall and skinny emo” and then wandered off
Made fun of me for thinking 53 degrees was cold. (We live in California. It is cold)
A dream she had where her friends are baking cookies but her one friend who she calls her little brother climbed into the oven
The fact that her friend group play house and she is the oldest sister
While roleplaying as a family they also roleplay that they can all turn into Eevees (this is not a one time game. They have done this for three years)
Asked me why there are so many fanfictions about BTS because she doesn’t understand how ppl can ship real people
While I was trying to explain it I accidentally mentioned the Dan and Phil real people shipping problem and she proceeded to ask me about who they are. I tried to be vague but she kept asking questions until I explained their whole online career.
Asked me what Doctor Who was and what he was a Doctor in.
Made me watch Friday Night Funkin modded videos for what felt like six hours and then had me watch her play animal crossing.
Told me that boyfriend from Friday night funkin was not good enough for girlfriend and that girlfriend should be with Sky from the Sky Mod (I don’t know what these words mean but I’m sure I agree)
Explained an Eevee YouTube fanfiction series in its entirety.
Wandered back and forth across the living room in front of me listening to music in headphones breathing incredibly loudly making me incredibly overstimulated (she’s got a cold it’s not her fault)
Explained her entire friend groups sexuality, gender and pronouns, mental illness, and the Eevee evolution they are when the rp.
Btw the first time I met her she asked me if I had ever had a fictional crush, I said yes, and she said “I only have girl fictional crushes” which through her mother for a loop she told me later, not bc she’s homophobic (she’s literally a lesbian) but because she had never met me before and was surprised how open she was around me.
Today proceeded to try to explain the nuances of bisexuality vs pansexualty. She has never been on tumblr or twitter but was definitely aware of the arguments.
Asked me what one direction is
Got mad that I named a character in a Pilot for a college film class after a girl who is her friend at a math tutoring place who I of course have never met and then yelled at me until I changed the name. I didn’t but she doesn’t know that.
Told me I need to vacuum my car. I do.
Handed me a warhead and watched me eat it with the most malicious look on her face as though she was tricking me or something.
Cooked all of her meals by herself, gets up and leaves for school on her own, does all her hw immediately, doesn’t swear, let’s the dog out every morning. Literally the most self sufficient child I have ever met (was able to do all of this three years ago when I started watching her) the only reason I’m here is in case of a freak accident or because she freaks herself out at night at can’t sleep.
Then she puts the pot she used to cook pasta on the floor for the dog to lick up…
Asked me what pecan pie is
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breaniebree · 11 months
Writing Fanfiction in the HP Fandom
Hello All!
This is not something I usually do (i.e. post anything outside of fanfic updates), but I wanted to write a little something about Fandom.
I recently finished reading a book called "Family Don't End With Blood" which was a wonderful collection of essays about people who came together over a love of Supernatural. It included personal moments about the fandom from some of the cast, some of the fans, and some of the people involved in charities or organizations that have stemmed out of the television show and I found it absolutely inspiring! I even teared up a bit (especially reading Jared's chapter). You can find my review on my personal bookstagram brie_reads if you're interested in learning more.
But, I decided that I wanted to just reach out and say something about the idea of fandom and what it means to me because this collection of essays truly inspired me.
I started reading Harry Potter in September of 1999. I was (not to age myself here) 12 years old and my stepmom bought the first three books for my younger brother in an effort to get him more interested in reading. It worked, but I also devoured the books alongside of my brother. I couldn't wait for The Goblet of Fire to come out and fell immediately in love with the characters of Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, and Ron Weasley. There were of course other characters I loved, but those ones just meant something to me. I still don't think I can fully explain what it was that first drew them to me, but I was hooked. I began writing fanfiction in 2004/2005, but never really got into publishing my work until almost 2006 after reading Half-Blood Prince and being furious at Harry for breaking up with Ginny (the noble git).
By writing Harry Potter fanfiction, I became involved in a fandom community and it was something I'd never really ventured into before. Sure, I had a chat group about Buffy lovers on ICQ and AOL, but a true fandom was something different. By loving Harry Potter and sharing my love for the stories (and my own fanfic stories) I've made incredible friends. One of my oldest online friends I met through communication boards on Sink Into Your Eyes that delved into email sharing, instant messaging, and more. I've made friends of all ages, some older than me, some younger, and from all over the world.
I've exchanged story ideas with people, discussed possible scenario changes, and laughed and cried over things we loved from the books themselves to other amazing fanfics. I've made some incredible friends and I've unfortunately lost some incredible friends along the way as well -- people who cut me out of their lives due to disagreements or miscommunication -- and I've gained new friends in people who not only love what I write, but actually care what I have to say about funny and pointless things like how I think Harry would react in ridiculous situations.
I joined Harry Potter facebook groups (way back for us oldies when you had to have a university or college id to even have facebook) and followed Harry Potter fandoms on Twitter. I joined Tumblr (and have recently gotten over 1300 followers which is mind blowing to me so thank you) to share in my love of the fandom and have seen the most incredible artwork, read the most beautiful stories and poems, and seen things that make me wonder if we read the same books at all LOL.
But the pure joy of being in a fandom of people who love the same things is unlike anything I've ever experienced anywhere else. Now, as a woman in my mid-30s, I look back and think of how much it has impacted my life. It's opened my creativity. It's helped me grow into myself as a person and accept who I am. It's watched me grow up. The Harry Potter fandom has become something I love even more than the original novels that drew me in.
Like everything, there are toxic parts as well. People who are toxic in their views, in their comments, and in their reviews. People who get close to you, only to break you down. But there are also amazing people who fight back against those toxic vibes and remind all of us why we love the Harry Potter fandom. It's the Harry Potter fandom that made me branch out into liking other fandoms, to show off my inner nerd, and most of all, to come to the realization that even if I don't know your real name and even if we've never met, it doesn't mean we can't bond over a shared interest.
You are appreciated.
You are respected.
You are valid.
You are loved.
That to me is what a Fandom represents.
Be positive. Keep smiling. And most of all, know that this fandom means you are not alone.
Share the love. Thank a creator. Tag a friend who you met because of the fandom and appreciate.
Thank you.
Breanie aka Bree
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jaylienpotter · 6 months
Fun fact!
When reading Y/N fics, I never picture myself. I usually use my oldest OC, since she's no longer a part of any of my books.
Her name is Kate Mcffyn, and her nickname is Muffin (because it sounds like her last name). If I get to choose her Hogwarts House, she's a Gryffindor. She has medium light skin, long straight brown hair and brown eyes - quite average.
Funnily enough, she was originally created for a Harry Potter fanfiction I wrote for myself at 11 (never published).
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linwelinwrites · 15 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I found this on my dashboard and even though no one tagged me I want to join in!
Disclaimer: I write a lot of adult content, and though there is a warning on AO3 if you click the link and it's appropriately tagged and warned, I'll say it again: every fic linked with an (Explicit) tag beside it, is intended only for adults. Do not read or interact if you're a minor.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
22 as of today! A lot of those are drabbles and ficlets, but I do have a few longer pieces. I have so many more I'm working on though!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
106.505 words 😄
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My main fandom is Harry Potter. I write a little bit for Twilight too and I've just started working on some Haikyuu! fics because of a recent fixation with the series 😅 I can't get enough of it!
I also have plans to write for My Hero Academia (I've posted a few drabbles, but nothing substantial), which I believe will start occupying more real estate on my brain as soon as I watch season 7 😬
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
The Deal, The Honeymoon & Beyond (Explicit) Twilight, canon compliant, basically fixing some fade-to-black scenes. Every day I'm surprised my oldest fic still hangs in at n°1, but there it is!
Pure fucking ambrosia (Explicit) Twilight, no pregnancy AU, a complete fever dream and slightly cursed—I blame the r/Fanfiction Discord and Jadzia specifically for this sinnery. I'm glad this one found its crowd.
Acquiescence to Inevitability (Explicit) Harry Potter, a Dramione one-shot inspired by another fic. No War AU, Hogwarts Seventh Year, very little plot but a lot of fun.
A Grave Mistake (Teen) Haikyuu, a cute KageHina one-shot about Halloween. Pure domestic fluff, Shoyo being adorable and Tobio being weak af for him
Memories, Not Dreams (Teen) Harry Potter, a short & sweet Harmony ficlet. Canon Divergent at Deathly Hallows. You guessed it, it's during their time in the tent 😅
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Every single one of them, as soon as I can! Comments are the highlight of my day, I call them the fuel for the writing furnace. They mean someone took time out of their day to let me know what they thought of my fic. That means the world to me 💜
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, that's an easy one. Just for tonight (Explicit) has two endings (a choose-your-own-adventure sort of fic), but one of those is the angstiest shit I've ever written. I love it!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's got to be Man of Honour (Teen). Though it's a prequel to a bigger project I'm working on, as a standalone it's got the fluffiest, most HEA ending I've written.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Fortunately no, not even with the spiciest/weirdest fics I've posted, which I'm very thankful for. I'm a strong defender of "don't like, don't read," which I apply for my own reading. The little 'x' button is the only dislike button I need, and I'm glad whoever read and disliked my stuff (which I'm sure has happened) didn't bother to let me know.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I mostly like fluffy smut, though I have a thing for characters who are desperate, particularly if they view the moment as their only or last opportunity to experience intimacy with that person. I love writing service tops + overstimulation, which is a really nice combo; and D/s dynamics, because of the trust they imply and the fireworks they can bring to the fun.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't yet, but there's a plot bunny in my bunny hutch waiting for me that would be a crazy one indeed 👀 I don't have the details fine tuned yet, but I do know it would involve Knives Out and Spy x Family, for one. That sounds crazy to me 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, and I don't think so. I don't have that kind of traffic 😂
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
I got a request recently for a translation to Vietnamese, but I don't know if it's been done yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Nope! I don't know how that would work, but I'm curious. It could be fun!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 
It's so hard to pick just one, holy shit. But I suppose it's the one that lives rent free in my head every fucking day, the one that got me writing a 50k outline and five spreadsheets and ten metric tonnes of research and is sitting at 45k words when I'm only 15 out of 150 scenes in (yes, 150, I will die writing this fic). I don't like the "official" ship name, so I just call them Symphony: Draco / Hermione / Harry.
I couldn't choose between Dramione, Harmony and Drarry, and I thought all of them worked perfectly together, but I believe that as a triad they are perfect.
I think they balance each other out perfectly, and I can't wait to write a Brandon Sanderson sized longfic about them 😂
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have some scenes I want to add to The Deal, The Honeymoon & Beyond (Explicit), other scenes that faded to black and I want to fill in, a few requests and other ideas, but it's the last thing on my list of priorities at the moment. I don't know if I'll never get to them, but it won't be soon for sure. I'm a lot more focused on other fandoms for now.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I'm good at finding the perspective of the POV character and placing myself in their shoes, and I believe that results in a decently strong character voice. I'm very intentional in my word choice and my speech and thought patterns, so that every character sounds different and as true to themselves as possible. At least, that's what I think; I'd love to have someone else's opinion on this.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
I'm afraid my grammar structures aren't as varied as I'd like them to be, and though I put a lot of effort into it, I'm still somewhat concerned about writing in English, since it isn't my native language. I'm always second-guessing myself, wondering if what I'm writing means what I think it does, or if I'm mistakenly implying something else. That's the kind of thing I'd love to have a beta for.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I mean, every fic is in "another language" for me 😂 But if this means adding dialogue in another language to an English fic, then I think it should be translated inline with html/css (workskin) formatting. There's nothing more annoying than having to scroll down or open another tab to see wtf something means, unless it's clearly implied or translated inside the fic itself.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
I found out Midnight Sun existed during the pandemic, proceeded to fall down the rabbit hole and had a Twilight renaissance with an adult perspective. That's when the fade-to-black scenes annoyed me; as a teen, they didn't stand out to me, because I was a child. But now, with new (and filthy) eyes, I wanted more.
I looked up fanfiction online for the first time at the ripe old age of 24, read a brain-melting amount of it, and was still unsatisfied. Everything I read was just a little bit off what I wanted, so I thought I had to rectify the situation. And that's the story, folks!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
Of the ones I've posted, Man of Honour 💜 I think it's the one that anyone can read, it's fluffy and cute and (I hope) funny, and stars a great platonic friendship, some star-crossed romance in the background, and fake dating shenanigans, and I love it so, so much 💜 I put a lot of sweat and tears into the workskins and pinterest boards, so it's also quite pretty, if I do say so myself. I think it's my best work, I had a blast writing it, and I've gotten really positive feedback on it. I'm really happy with it.
I tag @gamingwithsydney! and anyone who sees this and wants to participate. Please ignore if you’ve already done this or don’t want to do it, that’s completely fine. 😊
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every-captain · 8 months
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My oldest OC (Harry Potter OC) and my newest OC (BG3 Dark Urge character)
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Erin was the OC that I was most obsessed with for the longest. I think I first started drawing her and writing fanfiction with her in it in like 2002 or something. She was the most Mary Sue of all Mary Sues. She was Harry Potter's twin sister and was in love with Ron Weasley. She changed a lot as I got older, and I even decided at one point that being Harry Potter's sister was too much and she became Erin Porter. I still take inspiration from her sometimes when I need a random Generic Female Character for something.
Damine is like a week old. They are my Dark Urge BG3 character. They became a bard to try to combat the darkness within them. They're so tortured and so torn between the giant Tiefling puppy woman and the sketchy vampire twink that doesnt mind it when they give in to their baser instincts. Looking forward to seeing how they change as I play through, cuz I havent reached the end of the story yet.
[Link to the original challenge post] OC-tober list by @brie-draws
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go-to-the-mirror · 11 days
I'm genuinely interested, how did you first get into fanfic? You've written so much for all my favorite fandoms, I want to know if our intro to fandom culture was similar :)
I got into fanfic... in several different ways actually? My oldest sister used to write PJO fanfiction, and I was very into that. It was actually one of my first exposures to queer people, lol. That was on wattpad. Then in 2020, my middle sister told me to get on ffn.net and i did, I was pretty into Harry Potter fanfiction, actually. Made a couple friends through it, then joined ao3 a bit afterwards.
Then a couple years later I went back to ao3 and sorta just, vibed in MCYT fandom (instagram mainly) till I fell into podcast hell, and then my friend was like hey watch Doctor Who and I was like sure, and here we are.
Thanks for the ask, mate :3
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fictionalsimp09 · 1 month
I'm sort of new to Tumblr and would like some mutuals. So, here are some facts about me. Follow and comment if you want to be moots.
My name is Arden (for now at least, it might change, but that's the name I like most atm)
I'm pan and asexual
I'm from England
I am the oldest of 4 children
I'm obsessed with Harry Potter (more specifically the marauders, but also the golden trio), marvel, the grishaverse, Heartstopper
I kin Regulus Black, Loki and Kaz Brekker
James Potter is the loml
No one understands Regulus like I do
I love the rain, especially when I can just stand in it
I'm a vegetarian
I am addicted to coffee
Taylor Swift and David Bowie are pretty much only who I listen to (as well as Noah Kahan, Hozier and Gracie Abrams, but not as much)
Castles crumbling is ridiculously good
So is Rebel Rebel by Bowie, Godlight by Noah Kahan and Too Sweet by Hozier
I have a Dear Reader tattoo (that song is so underrated!!!)
While on the topic of music, Rini K is an amazing small artist and if you like Taylor and Gracie Abrams, you should totally listen to her music
FRIENDS is always on in the background in my house
Oversized hoodies and baggy jeans >>>
I write marauders fanfiction
Regulus Black is perfect (he's one of the most flawed characters I know, but he's perfect, okay? Let me be delulu)
One of my favourite things to do is read
My favourite books are Six of Crows, Solitaire by Alice Oseman and The Song of Achilles
I have social anxiety so find it really hard to communicate with people (which is why I'm online rn)
I despise summer, and much prefer long sleeve season iykyk
I'm going to study psychology at uni in September
I have always loved astronomy and I want to learn more about it
I love teddy's (and no, they are not childish)
My favourite colour is forest green
I'm starting to enjoy cooking, and I think I'm kinda good at it
I love Disney, and my favourite films are Tangled and Lilo & Stitch
Rapunzel was my first ever comfort character (and now it's Regulus and Loki, wtf happened to me)
I'm scared of cats (before you judge, I was scratched by one as a little kid)
And finally, in case you didn't know, I love Regulus Black
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 4 months
1-5 and 12 for the OC ask meme?
1: My oldest OC
I had this Harry Potter/Wings of Fire crossover OC called Aquamarine Lestrange who was the most cringecore little witch/dragon-animagus ever and I love her
2: My newest OC
Lenore of the North Star from my Sofia the First fanfiction: The North Star and the Crescent Moon
3: Favourite OC
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This bitch
4: Any villain OCs
My original novella has this bandit called Sharpshot Butch who's a right cunt of a villain if there ever was one. I have a couple other original villains though they're not important atm. I also have King Nestor from The North Star and the Crescent Moon, and I guess the GG's (the purple lady) count as villains too:
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5: Main reason for making OCs
Usually my villains are for original works, sometimes fanfictions. The GGs are for an unwritten Pokemon AU of mine wherein magical girls exist... They're like redeemed villains so they're on the side of good now but. They weren't always. So.
12: An OC you've killed
One of the characters mothers is dead in my original novella which impacts his character arc a lot but she's not really that important and I don't even have a name for her yet... Lenore's first elder dragon, Azoni, was killed by Nestor prior to the events of the fanfiction and I might develop him in flashback sequences or whatever but until now idk. Yeah I don't really kill off my OCs (it's more heart-wrenching to kill official characters because people are more attached to them).
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iamonlycurious · 8 months
hello! i been scrolling through your blog and i noticed you mention reading/writing fanfiction fairly often but you don't really mention what about. what have you been interested in lately? or what kind of fanfiction have you read in the past? i don't see a lot of fandom content on my dash nowadays, i'd like to hear some about yours!
First, sorry for the late reply, it’s like every time I remember about your inquiry, I start thinking about all the things I could mention while answering, I get carried away and then distracted thinking about my favourite fandoms, as there are just so much I can say! Also, I never receive much asks, so I have little experience in answering them and feel stressed to talk so much on Tumblr, I’m so used to reblogging, lol.
As for the actual reply, I mostly enjoy reading F/M or Gen fics, usually involving some original and creative rarepairs, as it always requires quite an imagination in order to make those pairings feel realistic.
Most recently I’ve read some ATLA (Avatar: the Last Airbender) fics, because it’s one of my favourite fandoms ever, and one of my oldest fandoms, so I get back to it often.
Also I enjoy reading PaF (Phineas and Ferb) fics, but most of those I like to reread are deleted, but fortunately I’ve got them downloaded, safe and sound on my phone.
I am a fic writer myself, but I only ever posted my works to my country’s fanfiction archive, although I plan on translating them someday... Those are all gen fics, as I am yet to write some Het in the future, if I can overcome my shyness… The works I wrote were all created during the previous Inktober, occurring in 2022, and were inspired by prompts from Clonetober2022 (Star Wars) and Linktober2022 (The Legend of Zelda) during a very dark period in my and all of my peers’ life, so I wanted to distract myself and my close ones from the grim future that awaited us.
Most of my other favourite fandoms include: ASOIAF, Harry Potter books, Vocaloid (you can thus figure out I am old), Stranger Things, Skins, Fullmetal Alchemist, and many others! So, I enjoy watching anime, movies, shows, and playing videogames.
Also, I am a multishipper and am not inclined to stick to one pairing, I prefer to explore different dynamics and see how they might work out.
Soooo, yeah, don’t know what kind of impression that might make of me, but it is how it is…
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kiastirling-fanfic · 8 months
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Trying an a drawtober, once again with an OC-tober (from bweird's prompt list) October 3rd prompt: Oldest OC(s)
Fandom: PowerPuff Girls (circa 2002?), Harry Potter (circa 2004? 2005?)
Names (left to right): Nasea Malfoy/Nysa Key, Jade Finnagan, Lighting
Lightning is the oldest of the 3; while not featuring in the first ever thing I wrote that could be considered fanfiction, she and my other primary school friends' powerpuff ocs certainly predated me publishing/knowing that was a thing at all. All I remember is that they were in a DBZ crossover where each of them were tortured in very specific ways and Lightning escaped her torture chamber by going super saiyan. This is the closest I can recall to what she looked like. But I definitely drew her super saiyan a lot and with a saiyan tail so. that aspect of the character was persistent.
Nasea and Jade both featured in Harry Potter fanfiction that I wrote in middle school and published as storyquizzes on quizilla. Jade came first, a vampire attending Hogwarts alongside the Marauders who was a specifically malicious prankster and possibly murderer masquerading as a mary sue. I definitely described her wearing that exact t-shirt though.
Nasea featured in the same series of works as a 7th year transfer student (as was the trend in the 00s). I think she was secretly a mermaid and a seeress and lost her memories when the Death Eaters kidnapped her as a child and the Malfoys adopted her for some reason? Her mermaid form has blue hair. I mostly remember that Jade "pranking" her was kind of the first time we saw that hey actually maybe Jade is fucking evil. idk.
Where can you find them?: Hopefully nowhere? Is Quizilla even a thing anymore? If so hopefully they nuked everything from 20 years ago.
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the-most-faithful · 29 days
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Thomas P. Erwin from Harry Potter and the Man of Unknown by gsilverleaf
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opinated-user · 2 years
I've never been as happy about ditching LO as I am right now. Harry Potter while undoubtedly being a whole messed up situation right now, is also one of my oldest interests and has shaped me as a person. If I was still a fan I'd probably have watched her video and had my whole experience soured. I'd probably also have lost a few braincells along the way listening to her takes
i think we all have lost braincells listening to her repeat almost every critique we made about her work ("writes like a child", "doesn't understand the world", "refuses to change the status quo") and thinking she's so clever by applying it to Rowling's writing, while clearly barely understanding the critique other people have made. i think her portion comparing voldemort's struggles to get his edgy nickname recognized with that of trans people should go down in LO's lore as one of those moments that makes you wonder why anyone took this woman seriously, alongside "i can't do a video on Stockholm, i wrote that one" and "my OC star wars fanfiction is a better example of better heroism than anything anyone has seen before."
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levi-x-sasha · 2 years
My Levi x Sasha fanfictions
Sorted from the oldest to the newest // The most popular ones are in orange
The Game: Armin shares his theory to Jean about Levi and Sasha’s relationship
Solis et Luna: AU where Sasha makes a deal with vampire!Levi
Distress: Sasha and Levi are left behind during a titan battle
In the Shadow: Levi notices Sasha’s injuries after her stay in her hometown
I’m always curious: Captain Levi has a crush and Eren ships them
Reminder to care: Sasha has had enough of the potato jokes
See you at Christmas: AU where Sasha didn’t join the army
Guilty: Reincarnation in the modern world gets Sasha in prison
I know you from somewhere: Reincarnation in a post-apocalyptic world
Feelings locked in a box: Sasha has to watch over grieving Levi
Tea and Potatoes: Eren finds Sasha and Levi taking a nap together in canonverse
Too late, mates: Sasha dresses up and boys realize what they’re missing
Really stupid: Sasha is making stupid things for love in canonverse
Feeding Quest: Sasha and Levi walk together in the snow
Home Free: Sasha finds Levi in distress, 5 years after the dissolution of the SC
The Teacher: Levi observes Sasha practicing archery
Team chemistry: A team building expert helps the squad
Little by little: Levi’s opinion about Sasha slowly changes
Shoulder to shoulder: Aliens invaded Earth and no one is safe from heartbreaks
Levi Ackerman and the Sorting Hat: Harry Potter universe with Parseltongue!Levi
The Letter: Levi’s life is in danger and only Sasha can help in a strange way
Hide and Seek: Levi and Sasha have to hide their relationship in canonverse
Lie, Live, Love: Second (and finished) version of the Letter
LeviSasha Advent Calendar: a series of oneshots inspired by songs
If you have any suggestions you can ask me 🤍 (Sasha and Levi have to be both adults or both teenagers)
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selene-borealis · 2 years
Selene’s Fic Recs
I’ve debated making a fic rec list since I read...a lot of fanfiction, so here you go. I’ve organized it by fandom, starting with the oldest fandoms I’ve read (unfortunately, Harry Potter is the oldest). Each fic has a short description by me, a rating, and link. Will also be pinning this/updating it in the future. Hope y’all have fun looking at all the fics!:
(Note: If you do not want your story being on my rec list for any reason, please message me either here or on FFN and I will remove it!)
Harry Potter: The Firebird Trilogy, Book 1, Book 2, & Book 3 by Darth Marrs (FFN): A serious, mature AU of Harry Potter that is vastly different from the canon we know. Harry/Harem. 10/10, fandom-defining story that will make you cry. Harry Potter and the Four Founders by Darth Marrs (FFN): Harry is the heir of the four founders. Harry/Harem, 9/10. (The rest of the stories in the series are also good, but imo they do not compare to the original, so there’s that.) Genius Fratris by a lonelysock (FFN, but is also on AO3): A WBWL story where Harry is older than in canon. No bashing of the Potters, with realistic depictions of family life and how being older affects Harry’s personality and willingness to fight Voldemort. Still currently a WIP. 9/10. Blood and Chocolate by Lady Lemon Drop (FFN): Harry finds out he is becoming a vampire at the end of OotP. Some changes are made to canon, like Sirius surviving, the timeline is a little wonky...and it’s abandoned. But, it’s a Harry/Ginny story I give a 9/10. Vanteeria Domestica by andrea_readwolf (AO3): A creature!Harry AU meets a Harry/Harem!AU, with beautiful relationship dynamics that do a good job at reflecting how complex it is to be in a poly relationship. Harry/Harem, 9/10. Forget-Me-Not by Lomonaaeren (FFN, but is also on AO3): Dumbledore accidentally casts a forgetfulness spell a little too powerful on Harry, leading to him basically being ignored by everyone. Harry/Theodore Nott, 9/10. The Commoner Queen by Pilargirl (FFN): A royalty AU where Harry is the prince of magical Britain and Ginny Weasley has caught his eye. Harry/Ginny, 9/10. The Bonds of Blood by Darth Marrs (FFN): A Harry/Ginny soulbond story that takes a serious look at what a soulbond would really look like between two children. Harry/Ginny. 8/10.
PJO: From Amidst the Darkness and At the End of the Tunnel by Mrs.PercyJackson3 (FFN): A mortal AU where Poseidon only finds out about Percy after a car crash kills Sally and leaves Percy blind. 10/10 the traces of life with you by shadowtraveled (AO3): God!Percy falls in love with Luke, four times over. Lukercy, 10/10, ship-defining story. Maybe I was sent to bring you home by percy in panties (AO3): Another Lukercy, ship-defining story featuring reincarnation, 10/10. The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by midnightinjapan (FFN): Nico’s social-avoidance tendencies come back to haunt him. Percy/Nico, 9/10.
Twilight: The Movement of the Earth and The Fire of the Sun by audreyii-fic (FFN): In which Jacob imprints on Bella in New Moon. 10/10, this is a fandom-defining duology and should be read by everyone if they’re a fan of Twilight. All the Ways You Know Me by FlamingMaple (FFN): Jacob and Bella get together in New Moon, except Jacob is killed by Victoria and Bella is left to raise their baby, who she is still pregnant with. Enter Edward back onto the scene. Edward/Bella, 9/10.
Teen Wolf: To Accidentally Be by mylegsaremine (AO3): Scott and Isaac get together...except, neither of them have been told that beta, male werewolves can get pregnant, and they haven’t exactly been practicing safe sex. Like, at all. Mpreg ensues. 10/10, was one of the first fics I read for this fandom. A Pox on Hope by spqr (AO3): Fem!Stiles gets bitten by a vampire while trying to investigate a case and decides to call up Peter to help. Peter/Stiles, 10/10. Keep It Together by ravingrevolution (AO3): Stiles needs the Pack’s help after someone steals something from him. Derek/Stiles, 9/10. a collapsing star with tunnel vision by CerinityKS (AO3): Theo is dying...and has feelings for Scott. Naturally, this means he isn’t going to tell Scott either of those things. Sceo, 8/10. Calling a Spade a Spade by RhysLahey (AO3): Isaac comes back to Beacon Hills. The Princess Bride references ensue. Scisaac, 8/10.
Star Trek (AOS): Strange Courage by Joules Mer (AO3): A Bones/Kirk AU series that begins post-ST:ID, then involves into something more. Does have mpreg in it, but not in the way you’d usually expect. 10/10. the sum of a man by phalangine (AO3): Kirk is ordered to get married by the brass, so he does...to Bones. The marriage isn’t real, until it is. 10/10, had me rolling in bed laughing when I first read it. Warning Labels (are meant to be ignored) and Find Me in the Ashes by drmcbones (AO3): A Bones/Kirk soulmate AU where neither of them really want to have a soulmate, yet find out they are each other’s anyways. Extremely good, 9/10. Fly Me to the Moon by Horolojium (AO3): Bones tries to deny his feelings for Kirk while the standard shenanigans occur on the Enterprise, with interesting effects. Bones/Kirk. 9/10.
MCU: The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle (AO3): Ben and May get divorced before Peter’s parents die, leading to Peter going into foster care after Ben dies with...not so great results. Irondad/spiderson. 10/10, one of my favorites of all time. Pretty Maids Universe by Finny3120 (AO3): A bio irondad/spiderson AU where Tony is siblings with May and raises Peter...and also falls in love with Steve. The portrayals of grief, slow burn, and etc. are some of the best I have ever seen in fanfiction, 10/10, another favorite of all time. built from scraps by peterstank (AO3): Peter survives the Snap instead of Tony, then finds out that Tony is his biological father. Bio irondad/spiderson, enough feels to make even veteran readers of fanfiction cry. 9/10 Silent Screams and Surprising Saviors by normalisoverrated (AO3): A fem!Penny becomes selectively mute after meeting Skip as a kid, but is able to speak as Spider-Woman. Unfortunately/fortunately for her, it does not take long for the Avengers to connect the dots between the two anyways after she gets an internship at Stark Industries. Irondad/spiderdaughter. 9/10 Intern Spider by Emily_F6 (AO3): A fem!Penny becomes an intern at Stark Industries, while still trying to keep her identity as Spidergirl a secret. Irondad/spiderdaughter. 9/10 Revelations by Anonymous (AO3): An Infinity War AU where Thanos doesn’t Snap and everyone survives, leading to Peter and Tony circling around each other in a slow burn. Starker. 10/10
X-Men Movies: The Way Back by Baamon5evr (AO3): A post-First Class AU where Charles finds out he’s pregnant with Erik’s child after the Beach Divorce. And, as the title suggests, follows the events leading to him and Erik getting back together again. Cherik, 9/10, read it in like 4 hours because it was just that good! An Earlier Heaven by Regann (AO3): Another post-First Class mpreg Cherik AU, except in this one Charles becomes pregnant with Jean. A very sweet story, and since it was written before DoFP nobody dies! 9/10, very very good!
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rose-n-gunses · 2 months
A, B, and D for the fanfic asks pleeeeease <3
AAA hi absolutely!!
A - Out of the fanfic you've written, which is your favorite and why?
Probably midwest monster of the highest grade. It was really fun to play with and I was (still am) so happy with how it turned out. I sometimes struggle writing from Chrissy's pov because I don't feel like I have as good of a grasp on her character as I do Eddie's so it was a fun exercise to sort of get into her mind and how she sees things and I love it. (I actually just reread it the other day and I really am so pleased with how their chemistry and her personality turned out.)
B - What was the first fandom you read fic in? Which was the first you wrote fic for?
Reading is definitely Harry Potter. I was big (like. BIG) into Harry Potter for most of my life and iirc I probably got into reading fanfiction through like. Quotev fics I found on Pinterest 💀💀
The first fandom I wrote for was either Harry Potter or Les Miserables I will go check right now. (Please hold!) Okay yes the oldest fic I can find in my drive is Harry Potter related (it's newt scamander x oc specifically). My middle school best friend and I used to write fic together so yeah. Good times! (The second oldest is from about the same time and it is les mis so I was correct lol)
D - What's the most personal fanfic you've written?
Hmm. A lot of the stuff I've written (until hellcheer ofc) was just self indulgent i've created this oc and i'm going to put her into situations because im a middle/high schooler with an overactive imagination and time to kill type shit so it wasn't necessarily personal (except in the sense that like. I wrote it).
I also wouldn't say that any of my currently published hellcheer fics are that personal (again except for that they're mine) BUT I do have one that I've been adding bits and pieces to since like 2022 that, if it's ever finished, I would possibly consider my magnum opus. That one dives really deep into both Eddie and Chrissy's lives and personalities and mindsets and everything and I have taken a lot of how I see things and my experiences and sort of used them as a jumping off point for that so I guess that one would be the most personal (even if it won't see the light of day for quite a while).
Fic writer asks!
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