#harry potter sister
teddypickerry · 2 years
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pairing: draco malfoy x fem! ravenclaw potter reader!
word count: 1.8k
warnings: language & mentions of harassment!
summary: after being verbally harassed by cormac mclaggen, your secret boyfriend draco must come to your rescue.
IT WAS A dull evening at hogwarts. nothing that shocked draco malfoy. he was used to being bored of the castle, he was too familiar with the grounds after being here so many years. nothing excited him anymore. except for seeing his girlfriend, y/n. which only happened during the late hours of the early morning and late evening. when it was silent throughout the castle, and no one could find either of you sharing spit atop the astronomy tower. your boyfriend’s personal favorite spot.
it was exactly two minutes into dinner that draco noticed you were missing from your own table. he had been glancing in your normal direction every chance he got but your friends were blocking his view. so, when he finally noticed the empty spot his eyebrows furrowed. he shook it off immediately, knowing you and how you probably were off attempting to receive a few extra house points. or maybe you were off with hagrid. or maybe, even, you lost track of time lost in a good book. that must have been it, he had convinced himself as he took another bite of his meal.
it was a few minutes later that he started to worry. he had noticed your brother, harry, missing along with a few of your best friends. draco had only assumed the group of you were off doing something he would disapprove of. theo’s voice was in his ear as if he cared, the entire duration of dinner. not that draco was paying any bit of attention as he stared off at your empty seat. trying to contemplate what to do or what to think.
“mate, what’s up with you? did ya’ hear what i told you- about that hufflepuff girl?” theo had slapped his shoulder as he tilted his head. blaise’s eyes were also locked on the silent blonde, lorenzo’s as well. draco turned slightly to face theo in an annoying manner. “no, i didn’t. and i don’t want to.”
the curly headed brunette held up his hands in innocence as he turned to face his own plate, eating his sandwhich. it was blaise’s turn to care as he watched his best friend stare off into eternity. “draco-“
draco caught none of the rest of the conversation as the sight of two of your friends entering the great hall caught his eye. there was a distraught look on both of their faces as they spoke to one another in hushed voices. okay, now he was worried. he was about to rise when he started to get into his own head. if you were completely fine, he didn’t want to embarrass you or him by exposing your private relationship. the two of you had fought hard to make it secret, and he didn’t want to blow it. you being a potter and him being a malfoy and the two of you dating would break every standard ever made. draco hated your brother and your family with every bone in his body - or so you thought.
when fifth year came round, and the two of you were partnered together in charms class, you soon learned that he wasn’t that unbearable. he, the same. months later, the two of you had been dating for just a few months - friends for nearly a year. all private due to the sake of disownement on either halves of your families. yeah, it hurt to watch you dance with fred weasley at the yule ball. or not be able to tell you that you looked pretty when he saw you at breakfast. or simply take you on dates to hogsmede. he knew how much you adored butterbeer, he just wished he could witness it for himself.
and with that, he stood. draco could hear his friends call his name as he made his way out of the great hall and to the staircase. the slytherin knew how risky he was being considering there was a very good chance you weren’t even at your dorm. but most of the students were at dinner, so he took that as a leap of faith. it was several flights of stairs to get to the ravenclaw tower. the tallest tower in the entire school.
draco had only been to your dorm room once, to drop you off after you had a bit too much fire whiskey. but every other time you had seen one another was meeting at the astronomy tower or in the library, or outside the castle on the grounds. he knew which one was yours though, he had paid first years to get you flowers twice before. once when you were ill and the second time just… because, he’s draco malfoy and he’s your boyfriend.
he entered the tower after answering the riddle, he wished all entrances had a riddle rather a secret word. draco of course believed he would answer them correctly everytime, he was just so clever. he entered the house common room cautiously, not wanting to explain to head of house professor flitwick why he was sneaking around ravenclaw dorms. the dark blue aura, the painted stars on the ceiling, the several book shelves - it all lay silent as he sighed in relief at the emptiness.
draco immediately made his way to the right staircase and walked up it too quickly, anxiously. he reached the top only to spot your brother and your friend stood outside your door. his too expensive shoes creaked too loudly against the darkened wooden final step, causing both heads to turn in his direction. he didn’t even bother hiding it at this point. “malfoy, get out of here.”
“shut it, potter.” draco rolled his eyes as he shoved passed him and pressed his head against the door. “what are you even doing here?” harry questioned as draco ignored his choice of words. “y/n, it’s me.”
that was all you needed to hear to open the door ever so slightly so you could grab him. in which you did, shoving him in your dorm room as you shut the door behind him. he furrowed his eyebrows as to why you were locked in you room with your brother and friend stood outside. you sat back down on the floor, the back of your head pressed against the edge of your bed. draco took a breath before he sat down beside you, inspecting you quickly.
your eyes seemed puffy and slightly red. you looked upset, even more upset then when you found out you couldn’t get tickets for your favorite because you had the O.W.L.S. his heart broke in several different patterns which soon turned to anger as he knew this was nothing. who hurt you?” “y/n-“
“what is malfoy doing in there? get away from my sister you-“
“silenceo.” y/n casted softly making the words of her brother now, silent. you turned to draco as it all seemed to click in your mind. “merlin’s beard, dray. you- you’re here. harry knows you’re here. no, oh no.”
“darling,” draco spoke softly as he leaned his face closer to your own. your eyes landing directly on his own light ones. “i don’t care about that right now. what’s going on, hm?”
you shook your head as you wiped the dry tears from earlier off of your face, provoking redness to come to the surface. he sighed as he tilted his head, his cold finger tracing your jaw. his whole hand cupped the side of your face as it fell into his hand sadly. “pretty girl, what’s wrong?”
“i-“ your voice cracked as you took a deep breath. “i was leaving quidditch practice and cormac…” your voice trailed off as you sniffled. “he started going on about how good i was in the game. and how he knew i was good at other things… i asked him to leave me alone and he kept going on.”
you could feel draco’s hand harden underneath your face, as if he whole body tensed. “he was saying the things he wanted to do to me and-“ your voice cracked as your hand reached to hold onto draco’s arm. “he just kept talking and talking and tried to follow me to my dorm and i kept telling him to get away from me and then he tried to-“
“i’m going to fucking avara his fat ass,” draco spit as he watched a tear drip down your cheek and into his own hand. the dorm remained silent as he placed his free hand through your hair, something that he learned calmed you down ages ago. he felt maimed knowing he couldn’t have stopped cormac, or at least wasn’t with you to walk you back to your dorm like any normal boyfriend. or that he couldn’t have been at the practice to put cormac in his place. and especially that he wasn’t there the moment you arrived there so he could hold you in his arms and let you feel like you were okay and safe. “why didn’t you tell me? or come to me?” his voice was quiet, it was practically a murmur. you only picked it up because of the silence of the room. your heart hurting at his tone.
“draco, i couldn’t come running to you.” you told him which only made his stomach twist and turn. you watched his face drop from anger to pure sadness. “i- you. fuck. y/n, you can always come running to me,” his voice came of as a question as he stuttered out his own words.
“i…” your voice trailed off as you looked anywhere but his eyes. you didn’t want to cry anymore, and you knew you would burst into tears if you had to watch his sad puppy dog expression anymore. “i didn’t want you to be mad at me. for… ruining our secret, y’know. if i came running to you that would- ugh. i didn’t want to fuck this up for you, or for your potter hating family.”
“fuck my family, y/n. fuck everyone. i only care about you. you- you come to me if you need me to lend you a quill. or if you need me to open a blimey muggle pickle jar! you come to me always, i don’t want you to think i care about father’s opinion over your feelings. you’re my girlfriend, y/n. i care about your feelings over everything, okay? just- i’m here. i’m always here for you, darling. understand?” he dropped his hands from you as he took your own in his hands, holding them tightly as he spoke. you fought a huge smile at his devotion towards you.
“i understand.” you smiled at him as his lip curved and he leaned towards you, his lips pressing softly against your own. it was a relief after the afternoon you had, and you knew nothing in the world could ever make you feel better. “now, if you don’t mind i have some business to deal with - with some slag - a curly headed fool who tried to mess with my girl.”
“hm,” you pressed your lips together as he pulled away from the kiss. “also, my brother outside of the door.” draco groaned as he stood up, helping you up as well. “ah yes, an evening full of what i call fun.”
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moiravim · 8 months
Wolfstar adopting you!! (headcannons)
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Fluff!! Parental Wolfstar x Gender Neutral reader/ Harry Potter Sibling Relationship
Remus and Sirius adopted you when you were a tween. They wanted to have a kid without having to deal with all that "baby stuff".
When you turn eleven you get your letter from Hogwarts and they can't be any happier. Not only that, but it turns out that you're in the same year as Harry.
Remus and Sirius have grown from their old ways of teasing the Slytherins and won't care what house you're in. Although, they will get very excited if you are in Gryffindor, and Remus will secretly be extremely happy if you're in Ravenclaw.
If your in Slytherin... They'll initially be shocked, but they really wouldn't be upset at all. Sirius sees you as a "mini Reggie" and cries over this at least once a month. It makes him so much more protective of you. Remus will be very understanding with you and never mentions you being placed in Slytherin. Just know they still love you so so much.
If your in Gryffindor... They will go crazy. Your literally a next generation marauder! They probably threw a party to celebrate. And the fact that Harry is a Gryffindor too? Sirius expects the two of you to become best friends and be the "new marauders" (you and Harry will probably end up becoming friends anyways). They're both just so happy!
If your in Hufflepuff... They'll get so excited. They love all your Hufflepuff friends! They genuinely think that You being in Hufflepuff is what's best for you. They just know you'll be so happy with all the other Hufflepuffs. Although beware, because they may tease you a little.
If your in Ravenclaw... They will be so proud of you! Remus is so happy your a Ravenclaw. He initially wanted to be in Ravenclaw and he's just so happy you get to be. Sirius still thinks that Ravenclaw is the "smart house", but you're the smartest person he knows, so... I guess it works out?
Saturday nights three of you have "family time dinner". You all eat a nice meal at the table and then watch movies together or go out and do something fun.
They like to meet your friends and will let them come over often.
In third year Harry finds out that Sirius is his godfather. Things change a lot then. Sirius feels guilty for not allowing Harry to come live with him sooner, but he honestly thought Harry would be better off with the Dursleys. Sirius gives Harry the option to move in with him, and Harry accepts.
The two of you slowly build up a sibling-like relationship, and soon enough the two of you are inseparable.
Your happy family of three is now a happy family of four. And you couldn't be any happier about it. Now, when your dads are busy working during the summer, you and Harry can go out and have fun.
The two of you often get into mischief, running about Diagon Alley. Your dads are just so happy that they get to raise two mini-marauders.
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the-me-in-my-dreams · 11 months
These are so incredibly deeply old drawings and my style has changed so much since then xD It was also a simpler time before all the crap with Rowling and I know that's soured so many on Harry Potter and I don't blame them. But I found these again and really wanted to share.
Anyway, a long, long time ago, I made up an AU where everything was the same, but Harry was one of triplets, with a younger sister and brother, Heather and Henry. He was still The Boy Who Lived and the one Voldemort went after but now he didn't grow up totally alone (and the Dursley's had to put them in the second bedroom sooner as three kids no matter how scrawny arnt gonna fit into a broom closet)
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Harry was the balance between the shy Heather and the brash Henry. Where as Harry responds to confilict with snark, Henry hits back literally, and Heather tries to stay out of it and usually ends up patching the boys up after. Throughout the series the other siblings would learn both restraint and courage as Harry grows as well.
The boys ended up in Gryffindor together while Heather went to Hufflepuff, the first time they'd ever really been separated, and its a bit hard for all of them. But they still stay close throughout their school days (I felt in this hypothetical version of the books this would give us an excuse to actually see the Hufflepuff dorms in canon. Plus, logistically, they really wouldn't all end up in the same house)
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Harry still gets very into Quidditch, Heather turns her talent at patching up her brothers (mostly Henry) to Herbology and wants to become a Healer at St Mungo's. Henry for all his boldness is actually afraid of heights (and dogs, blame Sirius startling him as a baby) and its Malfoy sending him off on a broom after he tries to get back Neville's rememberall in their first lesson and Harry having to save him that gets Harry's flying noticed. But Henry takes this as a point to improve his ability to fight in the magical world and actually gets really into dueling (he's incredibly disappointed by Lockheart's Dueling Club and tries to get it going for real after).
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In year one Heather solves the Devil's Snare trial, and the troll is still awake in this AU and Henry gets to fight it (having learned from their first battle in the bathroom) but also gets knocked about so Heather stays behind to get him and Ron patched up with Hermione so Harry still faces Voldemort alone.
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Henry also gets Petrified in book 2 after a fight with Harry which gives Harry even more personal incentive to track the true Heir down and stop them. Heather stays with him and Hermione in the Infirmary trying to help Madame Pomfrey.
Henry is both pleased to find out he doesn't need to make up his exams when he's de-petrified, and furious that he missed out on the chance to punch a giant snake. Or Voldemort. Or both.
Book Three sees Henry not letting Snape get off with trying to posion Neville's toad and calling him out on his crappy behavior.
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Henry, being the actual spitting image of James with no Lily's eyes to even remotely stave Snape's loathing actually almost gets himself hexed pretty bad when Snape, letting his emotions again get the better of him, agrees to duel a /thirteen/ year old out-of spite (and the chance to bully James Potter in miniature)
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Luckily Dumbledore steps up for once as an actual sensible adult and chews Snape out hard for it.
Henry loses sooo many points for Gryffindor over the years with his Cast First Think Second tendencies. He would get detention byt that would mean Snape would have to be in the same room with him for even longer, and Henry doesn't grit hisbteeth and shoot out one sarcastic comment like Harry does, he talks and constantly.
Snape avoids looking at or interacting with Heather at all costs. His policy seems to be torment Harry and Henry and ignore her existence as much as possible. (This was mostly kid me playing with "How would Snape change with Mix and Matched Potter-Evans traits--oh and Albus Potter is not named after Snape in this for sure :p )
I had the whole Canon Divergance AU planned out, down to what happened to each of them after Hogwarts (and a few fun AU AUs, like one where the kids are lovingly raised by Wolfstar instead of the Dursley's, and a The Potter Parents Live one thstvwas just domestic fluff) but this was all the art I did that I could find. So I'll end with the triplets asking their newly aquired Godfather a pertinent question:
Harry:" Hey if you're our Godfather...then you can answer a Really Important Question for us"
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Sirius: "Uh, sure. What is it?"
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All Three: " Who's the Oldest?"
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(This is something they argue about constantly as kids anytime they want to Pull Rank and Harry is rather smug to find out its him x)
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braveclementine · 19 days
Chapter 15
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖒𝖊𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 Rose and Grace in the Charms classroom exactly when I said I was going to. We worked on disarming a bit more. By the end of the lesson, they had both disarmed me and I was quite proud of them.
With our extra ten minutes, we worked on some other second-year spells and then called it quits since it was getting close to their curfew. With my two hours of curfew left, I visited Professor Snape's office.
He was grading tests in a bad temper and his expression didn't soften as I came in.
"What's wrong?" I asked as he threw another test onto the chair next to him.
"You haven't come to see me in three days." He said.
I pursed my lips to keep from smiling. "Sorry." I said, putting my arms across his shoulders and put my head on the top of his head, looking at the tests from behind. "Do you feel better now?"
"No." He said, sounding disgruntled. "I think-" He threw the rest of the tests onto the desk, "-you should come around front and sit on my lap."
I giggled and did just as he asked and pressed my lips to his. "You realize I'm a bit big for this?" I pointed out.
"No." He said stubbornly, kissing me. "You're only- to big- for sitting on- your dad's lap- not mine." He said between kisses.
I giggled again, kissing his cheek. "I suppose you're-" he cut off my words and then I managed to say "-right about that."
"Your hand looks better." He said when I finally stood up. I looked down at it. The scabs had healed so that they looked more like thin red scratches than scabbed over words.
"It doesn't look as extreme now." I said happily. "Oh," I said, less happily. "Professor Umbridge questioned me. But I didn't drink the tea so I never took the truth serum."
"Yes." he said stiffly, standing up. "She asked me for it and I couldn't refuse it."
"Could've given her a fake bottle." I pointed out.
"That's true, I'll do that next time." Severus said, moving a stack of papers off the desk. "Guess you should make my decisions for me."
"Sorry." I muttered, thinking he was mad. "I wasn't trying to-"
"I know." He interrupted, putting both hands on either side of my face, squishing my cheeks together. I stared up at him, pouting. "Stop pouting damnit." I didn't stop and he groaned. "You make my life so difficult Elizabeth."
"Life's difficult." I said simply and he glared at me, dropping his hands.
"So what are you going to do tonight?" He asked casually, turning his back to me. I looked at him. His black hair was swept perfectly so that I couldn't see his face when I answered.
"What do you want?" I asked softly.
He ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know. I mean, I want you, obviously, but it's getting dangerous."
Then, I cocked my head and smiled, "You know what? I think I just got a great idea."
"𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖘." 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖚𝖘 𝖌𝖗𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉, "Is the stupidest idea you've ever had."
I glared at him, closing Hagrid's cabin door behind him and going over and making sure the windows were sealed and locked and the curtains were placed over them. "Just don't turn on the lights." I said.
"Ouch!" Severus said as I heard him crash into something. "Bloody brilliant advice Elizabeth."
"Umbridge, Harry, Ron, and Hermione will come running." I said, reaching out and taking his hand and pulling him over to where Hagrid's large bed was. "Besides, no one is going to think to find us here."
"Still." Severus said, settling onto the bed next to me.
"Sev, just shut up and kiss me." I said, pressing my lips to his throat and felt his pulse quicken and heard his breathing stop for a second.
"Elizabeth. . ." He moaned. "You're not. . . we're not. . ."
I blushed and pulled away. "No, of course not! We're not married."
He pulled me back down to kiss me. "Just wanted to make sure so I didn't overstep my boundaries."
I laughed softly, curling into his side. "Hey Sev?"
"Yeah?" He asked, running his fingers up and down my arm.
"I love you."
It hung there in the air for a second. The last time I'd said I'd loved him was December of last year, nearly ten months ago. We hadn't even been dating yet. It had kind of slipped out of my mouth.
My heart thudded in my chest, waiting to see if he was going to say anything and I squeezed my eyes shut tightly. Maybe if I fell asleep then in the morning I could just assume that he'd said it back.
But he had changed his demeanor suddenly. His tongue traced my lips and then he kissed me and it was very, very different. A French kiss- something we'd never down before. I could feel his tongue in my mouth, something I actually found rather attractive now that I'd actually done it. I had originally thought it might be repulsive. Now, I hoped we did it every time. My heart beat faster. I also felt very disoriented as he ran his tongue down to my throat and bit me.
"Oh!" I gasped. It wasn't a hard bite- in fact, it was very gentle and my cheeks grew red, knowing what was happening. But I didn't shy away. "Sev!" I gasped in shock.
"I think." He said lightly, running his tongue on my bottom lip. "I forgot to mention that I love you too."
"Something-" I gasped, trying to breathe, "something like that. . ."
He chuckled and rolled back onto his side of the bed, pulling me into him. I laid my head down on his chest.
"You're adorable you know." he murmured sleepily. "I swear I can hear your heart beating."
"Shut up." I muttered, pressing my face into his chest. He had such a unique smell like spices and herbs and the night and the forest all rolled into one. He put an arm around my shoulders, holding me there.
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.
𝕴𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌, he shook my awake.
"Wazitmazer?" I muttered.
"I don't speak whatever language you just spoke." He said, sounding amused. "But we have to go if you want to make it back up to the castle in time. I thought you were holding Quidditch practice today.
I sat up quickly. "Oh, that's right." I said, stretching. I swung my legs over the bed and slipped my shoes on. "We probably shouldn't go up together if Umbridge is looking." I turned into a cat. Then I sprung from the ground up onto his shoulder.
"Show off." He muttered. I batted him with my paw- claws in. He took me off his shoulder and held me in his arms, petting my head. I purred with content and he chuckled as he strode up the grass. He let me down in front of the Hufflepuff common room and then went down the hallway and nodded to me. I quickly checked the other corridor and then turned back into a human and went up to my dorm to get my Firebolt. (I had replaced my Nimbus with a Firebolt this year so that I was equal to Harry).
By ten o'clock, we were all out on the pitch, clutching our brooms and looking wide awake.
"Alright." I said, looking around at everyone. "Herbert, up in front of the goals, we're going to test you first. Zacharias- you first. We're going to act like the other two Chasers are down at the end of the pitch. Heidi, Malcolm, right now, your acting like the opposing team. Let's see how Zacharias does 1 v 2. Then we'll switch between the Chasers. I turned to our beaters. "James your on Zacharias' side, Maxine, opposite. We won't let out the snitch right now."
"Trying to get out of your job?" Zacharias asked.
"Shut up Zacharias." I snapped. Practice hadn't even started yet and I already regretted choosing him as Chaser. "I can't critique you guys if I'm busy looking for the Snitch. We'll do that later. Alright, everyone up."
Everyone flew up and I tossed the Quaffle up to Zacharias. "Alright! Start! I'm letting out the bludgers in two seconds!"
Zacharias started flying down to where Herbert was at. Heidi and Malcolm flew at him from two different directions- working with past Quidditch tactics. I let out the bludgers and James and Maxine swooped on the bludgers. Maxine hit her bludger towards Zacharias who did a good roll maneuver and then dodged Malcolm. Swerving around Heidi, Zacharias threw the Quaffle. Herbert dived for it and stopped it by an inch.
"Alright!" I shouted. "Heidi, you're up. Zacharias-" I ducked a bludger, "-you're on the team with Malcolm now!"
Herbert tossed the Quaffle to Heidi and she zoomed back to the other side of the pitch where Zacharias had started.
"Start!" I shouted, observing the plays. They each took turns. Herbert saved all but one which was good.
"Alright!" I said. "Good job Herbert! Now then," We flew back to the ground so we could talk. The bludgers would stay in the air. With a wave of my wand, the bludgers were zooming back to the ground and I locked them back in the trunk with the help of James.
"Alright so now, I want to give the Chasers a chance to score. Herbert, James, and I are going to be Chasers as well- on another team. Maxine, I want you to act as Keeper for now, alright? Herbert, James, and I aren't trying to score, only trying to get the Quaffle from Heidi, Malcolm, and Zacharias."
"Hey Elizabeth!" I heard someone shouting across the stadium. I looked over briefly and saw Lee, Fred, and George there. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were following. I gave a brief wave and then turned back to the team.
"Everyone understands what we're doing?" I asked, looking at all of them. They all nodded and then I said, "Alright, Maxine, up in the keepers spot. Heidi, Zacharias, Malcolm, I want you guys to start at the opposite end of the pitch, alright?"
I tossed the Quaffle at Heidi who caught it.
"You're okay playing in front of four Gryffindor Quidditch team members?" Zacharias asked incredulously.
I glared at him. "We shouldn't have to stop training because some people showed up. Would you ask the same question if the Slytherins showed up to watch?"
Zacharias shut his mouth and I beckoned to James and Herbert. Maxine was already flying in front of the hoops. I swooped up with the other two and then we did our flying tactics.
By the afternoon, we felt very pleased with our performance. If only I could change Zacharias' behavior.
"Now." I said in the locker room. "I am going to let you guys know that we aren't going to be able to get much practice in. The first match is Slytherin and Gryffindor and they're going to have the pitch booked nearly every night. Saturday afternoons are going to be our go-to times."
"Do you know who's going to win the match?" Zacharias asked.
I pursed my lips, "Why would I spoil it for you guys?"
"I heard the Gryffindor Keeper is rubbish." Zacharias said.
I pursed my lips together tighter. "Well-"
"Hem, hem!"
We all spun around to see Professor Umbridge there. My lips were so thin now they would've made Professor McGonagall proud.
"Can we help you?" I asked.
"I was just wondering what you thought you were doing Miss Kane, still being Quidditch Captain and all." She asked in her sugar sweet voice.
"I didn't realize it was any of your business." I said stiffly.
Professor Umbridge didn't answer right away and she looked at Heidi, Malcolm, and Herbert. "How did you become Quidditch Captain if there are others here that are older than you?"
I squeezed my fist tightly but answered as calmly as possible. "Cedric appointed me, before he went in to do the third task."
"You, instead of one of the more senior students?"
"We're proud to have her as our Captain." Heidi said suddenly. I blushed.
Professor Umbridge looked at her with that stupid smile on her face, "You're proud to have the daughter of a werewolf as your Quidditch Captain?"
"Yes." Malcolm said unexpectedly in his deep voice. He reminded me of Kingsley except he had a larger head of hair. "And we all like Professor Lupin too. Cedric appointed Elizabeth and she's our Captain now."
Professor Umbridge looked quite taken aback. Herbert, James, Maxine, and Zacharias looked from Professor Umbridge to the three of us. She turned to them. "And you guys?"
They all nodded, even Zacharias who I was sure would've said something. Her eyes flashed dangerously and said, "Detention tonight, Miss Kane."
"For what!" Heidi shouted outrageously.
"I've already warned her about her cheek."
Heidi opened her mouth and I stepped on her foot. "Doesn't matter, don't land yourself in detention too." Heidi closed her mouth. Malcolm and Herbert looked just as angry and when she left the locker room, they all turned to me.
"How does she get away with that?" Malcolm asked outrageously. Maxine shook her head and left the locker room. Herbert soon followed. The rest of us left in here were all in Dumbledore's Army.
"It's cause I told her it was none of business." I said, running a hand through my tangled hair. "Whatever, I'll just have my hand sliced open, but don't you guys land yourselves in detention defending me. It's not worth it. I'll see you guys later."
I shouldered my Firebolt and left the locker room. Fred, George, Lee, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were waiting for me some feet away.
"We saw Professor Umbridge leaving the locker room." Fred said. "What did she want?"
"Oh, that's right." I said. "I never told any of you about why she wouldn't put the Hufflepuff team back together."
I explained the whole thing as we headed back to the castle and by the time I was finished with the locker room story, they all looked very murderous except for maybe Ron.
"That's horrible." Hermione said, her eyes flashing. "I'm so glad Professor Sprout managed to get things pushed through for you."
"I'm not." I said glumly. "The next thing you'll know, she'll get put on probation just like Trelawney and it'll be all my fault."
The next two weeks passed wonderfully. I was still working with Rose and Grace on Wednesday and Friday. We had worked on Impediment jinxes and the Reductor Curse. I'd given Rose and Grace much easier (though hard for them) spells to work on.
The meetings had become very erratic but as Harry pointed out to all of us, this meant a pattern couldn't be found.
Hermione had me help her make contact Galleons, using the Protean Charm on them. It was a tricky charm but by the fourth meeting, we had them done.
Hermione explained what the Galleons did as I handed them out to each member. "You see the numerals around the edge of the coins? On real Galleons that's just a serial number referring to the goblin who cast the coin. On these fake coins, though, the numbers will change to reflect the time and date of the next meeting. The coins will grow hot when the date changes, so if you're carrying them in a pocket you'll be able to feel them. We take one each, and when Harry sets the date of the next meeting he'll change the numbers on his coin, and because Elizabeth and I have put a Protean Charm on them, they'll all change to mimic his."
Silence greeted Hermione's words. She looked around as I came back to stand next to her and said nervously, "Well- I thought it was a good idea. I mean, even if Umbridge asked us to turn out our pockets, there's nothing fishy about carrying a Galleon, is there? But. . . well, if you don't want to use them. . ."
"You two can do Protean Charms?" Terry asked.
"Yes." Hermione said. I just shrugged and grinned.
"But that's. . . that's N.E.W.T. standard, that is." Terry said in a weak voice.
"Oh. Oh. . . well. . . yes, I suppose it is. . ." Hermione said, trying not to sound proud of herself. I laughed.
"How come you guys aren't in Ravenclaw?" Terry demanded. "With brains like yours?"
"Well, the Sorting Hat did seriously consider putting me in Ravenclaw during my Sorting. But it decided on Gryffindor in the end." Hermione said brightly.
"The Sorting Hat was going to put my in Gryffindor, and then Slytherin and then Ravenclaw, and then decided on Hufflepuff." I said with a shrug.
"Does that mean we're using them?" Hermione asked.
"I already handed them out." I pointed out. Everyone laughed.
I'd had about five detentions of the past two weeks. Sometimes, my hand would start bleeding during class and by this time, a majority of the teachers and Madam Pomfrey knew what was written on the back of my hand. It was a wonder Dumbledore hadn't called me to his office.
I kept my head up though. I wasn't going to let Umbridge get to me. I wasn't going to let her stop me. I was in Dumbledore's Army. I was the daughter of a werewolf. I was a friend of a centaur. And she was never going to beat me down.
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After It All (I)
Before It All (Prologue) 
The Golden Trio; Harry Potter, Hermoine Granger, and Ron Weasley enter what used to be the Great Hall with Harry's elder sister Scarlett, all with saddened looks and minor battle scars on their bodies.
The war's over, yet as they stand in the doorway to some of their happiest memories, all they can see are the dead and injured that are lined in the large room.
Ron is the first to break away, in search of his family.
Hermoine is quick to follow, looking around for friends who did and did not make it.
The Potter's are slower to enter, but they do, watching the crying families and friends of those who are lost until they come upon the Weasley family.
Every one of them is sobbing. Fleur is clutching on to Bill as if he'll disappear and George is sobbing on to his father's shoulder as Hermoine and Ron make it to them. But it's who the Weasley mother is clutching on the ground that pulls a heart-wrenching sob from the eldest Potter as she grasps her abdomen.
Running to the family, she falls on her knees next to Molly as she stares at the love of her life and one of her closest friends' lifeless body.
"Freddie, come on you can't really be gone. Come on Freddie, you said you wouldn't leave me," The fire-haired girl sobs, the boy's family watching on as the display makes their tears flow faster. "Freddie," She sobs out once more, one of her hands placed over his heart, "You can't leave us," She adds, her other hand placed on her stomach as the Weasley's stare in shock.
"Lettie dear," Molly all but whispers. "Are you...?"
All Scarlett can bring herself to do is nod, her breath escaping her. "I never got to tell him," She sobs even harder, clutching on to Fred's body with all her might.
But what happened next was what truly shocked the entire Great Hall. One moment, they are observing a grieving young woman as she mourns the loss of her love. The next, a bright light that can only be compared in brightness to the one on the Hogwarts Express, emits from the couple before a sharp, male, gasp is heard.
"Lettie? Why are you crying?" Fred asks his love as he moves to sit up, looking around. "Why is everyone so glum?"
"Oh Fred!" Molly exclaims, hugging her child tightly.
"Oye Mum, what's going on?"
"Fred, you- you died," George chokes out, attacking his brother with a hug.
"But- then how am I?"
"Scarlett," Arthur Weasley explains in a soft tone, glancing at the said girl who had hurriedly moved back for Molly. "She really is the strongest witch of her time."
"I-I don't know... I don't know how I did that..." Scarlett mumbles.
"Oh I don't care how! Thank you!" Molly exclaims, hugging the girl who's like a daughter to her tightly.
"Fred," Percy chimes in after a moment, using his brother's nickname for the first time since their childhood. "I am glad you're alive, but I believe Scarlett has something to tell you."
"Percival!" Molly yells in shock.
"Mum, we've all just learned that life is too short," Percy explains, Molly going to scold him before Scarlett stops her.
"He's right, Molly," She agrees, turning to the sitting Fred. "I should have told you before the battle but I knew you wouldn't have let me fight," She begins to explain. "Freddie, gosh this isn't how I imagined doing this," She explains with a sad laugh. "Fred, I'm pregnant."
"You're... you're..." Fred begins but can't finish his sentences. "I'm going to be a dad?"
All Scarlett can do is nod, being pulled into the tightest hug of her life, and for that one moment, none of the heartache surrounds them.
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robinsworld44 · 1 year
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s), Cedric Diggory/Original Female Character(s), Draco Malfoy/Original Character(s), Mattheo Riddle (yasmineamaro)/Original Female Character(s), Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Harry Potter & Original Character(s), Draco Malfoy & Original Character(s), Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley & George Weasley & Original Female Character(s) Characters: Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Cedric Diggory, Original Black Family Characters (Harry Potter), Original Malfoy Characters (Harry Potter), Original Potter Family Characters (Harry Potter), Original Muggle Character(s), Mattheo Riddle (yasmineamaro) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Harry Potter/Original Character(s) - Freeform, Draco Malfoy/Original Character(s) - Freeform, Cedric Diggory/Original Character(s) - Freeform, Regulus Black Deserves Better, Good Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter Friendship, Sirius Black Needs a Hug, Bisexual Disaster Sirius Black, Remus Lupin Needs a Hug, Past Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Eventual Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Slow To Update, Not Canon Compliant, Nonbinary Character, LGBTQ Character Series: Part 1 of I Solemnly Swear That I'm Up to No Good Summary:
Fate can be a mysterious thing.
Harry Potter’s fate was to become the chosen one, to live a life without parents, and doomed to fight. Jamie Potter’s fate was to be in her brother’s shadow, to be the chosen one’s twin, and to forever be fighting for her spot in history. Paris Lupin’s fate was to never know her real father, to struggle with who she really is, and to fight against the prejudices her house faced. Draco Malfoy’s fate was to never be enough, to struggle to live up to his father’s expectations, and to be caught in the middle of a war. Dena Malfoy’s fate was to be stuck as Draco's twin, to try to be a better person but struggling against her family’s views, to be caught in the middle of what her family wants and what she does. Desiree Malfoy’s fate was to be overlooked , to never be good enough for her father, to be on the opposite side of a war against her family.
With war looming, sides were demanding to be picked. The students would need to stick together but would the war pull them apart? They were just kids, not soldiers.
Will fate intervene, or will they be on their own?
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evbell · 10 months
Just posted the actual first chapter of the Evannah Potter story on AO3. Story is called "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
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luminousnectar · 1 year
dragonhearted - chapter one
I flip the cards in my hands, humming softly to myself. Smoke billows freely from my stick of incense, filling my room with the earthy scent of patchouli. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon have long since gone to sleep, allowing me a brief moment to myself, and my work.  
I shuffle the cards, then split the deck. I draw one out, then repeat. Shuffle, split, draw. Shuffle, split, draw. I set my deck aside and set my cards in front of me, face down. I gaze at them, shifting the one on the left into the center.
There. That feels right.
I just need a reading today. Time to think of myself, if only for a second. Time to reflect. I flip over the first card, the one today representing my past.
An upside-down High Priestess. 
I suck in a breath through my teeth, keeping my eyes trained on the forlorn woman gazing up at me. She blinks, very slowly, before picking up her scroll and turning away from me.
An upside-down High Priestess represents hidden things- secrets. Sometimes what others keep from you, sometimes what you keep from yourself. Even with all I’ve learned about myself and my life, the cards still speak to secrets in my past, tucked in the deep recesses of my mind. 
I turn my attention to the middle card, flipping it over carefully. An upright Wheel of Fortune sits right in the middle of the card. I can’t help but smile. Change. The Wheel of Fortune speaks to change.
My door creaks open behind me, and I turn. My brother stands in the doorway, his hair disheveled and his eyes alight.
“Gather your things quickly, Jaylene,” he says in a hushed voice. “Mad-Eye’s here.”
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
My hair tangles in the cool night air as we soar through the streets. My knees grip tightly to my broom, Harry’s old Nimbus2000. Despite Quidditch being his sport of choice, I’ve flown up in the air no more than four times. I prefer my two feet planted firmly on the ground.
“This way!” Mad-Eye calls to the group. He guides us lower to the ground, landing us in front of a Muggle neighborhood. I settle my bag onto the ground and tug my backpack a little bit closer to me, watching as Mad-Eye approaches the buildings. The few people around me chuckle to themselves. 
“What’s he doing?” Harry mumbles.
With a flick of his wrist, the buildings in front of us shutter before coming to life. Slowly, they scrape against the Earth, separating as if he were Moses and they were his sea. Mad-Eye turns to us, a slight smirk on his face. “Fidelius Charm.”
We follow the group into the newly formed building, and as I enter I feel the world shift beneath my feet as I disappear once again. To the outside world, I am one hundred percent hidden. And I could never be happier.
“Come with me, Jaylene,” Mad-Eye says gruffly. Harry and I stare at each other as I’m ushered away, and I can’t help but feel guilty as I leave my brother all alone.
A dining room is what I’m sent into, and I can’t help but think of how cozy it feels. Wooden chairs line an oval table. Wallpaper is faded on the walls, and dotted with pictures. And sitting at the head of that table is none other than my dear godfather, Sirius Black.
My things are forgotten immediately as I rush into his embrace. He is everything familiar, everything I have missed, everything I have wanted when trapped in that house with Petunia and Vernon. He is hope lit upon cigarettes, piles of sugar honeying his words. He cups my head in his hand, and all of the sudden, I feel like crying. 
“I’ve missed you,” I whisper.
“Oh, my Dragon,” he hums, “I’ve missed you too.”
I hold onto him, perhaps a second too long, before I allow my hand to fall and I step back from his arms. He pulls a seat out for me, and sits himself. His warm small falls, and he clears his throat. “Jaylene,” he says, very slowly. He deliberates over his words, his eyes focused not on me but a small wooden knot in the table. “I’m sure you’re very curious as to why you’ve been brought here, and I know you have many questions.”
I laugh weakly. “It’s not very often that I’m taken to the streets in the middle of the night and taken to a strange house.”
“We…” He motions to the building around him. “I- I am a member of what is left of the Order of the Phoenix.”
“Order of the Phoenix,” I repeat, the words rolling off my tongue with a sweet satisfying taste.
“And the purpose of the Order- our main goal is to take down Voldemort.”
Oh. I’m in shock, but as it runs through my mind, it makes more and more sense. Of course he- and people just like him- are willing to lay everything on the line to fight the worst evil of our generation. I smile, just a tiny bit. For the first time, I’m being told about something first? My brother, a historical enemy of Voldemort, is always everyone's first pick. But here and now, I’m being chosen first.
If I were a more vain girl, I’d feel a sick sort of satisfaction. But I cannot, because the weight of Sirius’s words are heavy on me. “Are you sure? You do realize that Harry would be much more help to you than I-”
“No Jaylene.” Sirius places his hand over me. “We need you to do this. And it won’t be easy. It’ll, truly, be horrible. But I believe in you. I believe you can do it.”
My eyebrows draw together, and something, deep in my mind, whispers that something is horribly wrong. “What do you want me to do exactly?”
Sirius runs his hands over his face, sighing. “Being a Slytherin, you often come in close contact with Draco Malfoy, correct?”
My heart jumps.
Draco Malfoy. My brother’s school nemesis. Angry with his friends, his family, the world. I’m hardly a blip in his friend group, but in all my interactions with him I’ve seen who he truly is. A broken, scarred boy stuck in the body of a man. 
He is pitiful. And I cry for him for it. 
“Yes, I don’t know if he would consider me a friend but I’m often floating around his friend group,” I tell Sirius.
“We- if you’re willing, of course- would like to ask you to be a double agent for us,” Sirius says. “We don’t know entirely what it would entail now. You could- if you got close enough to Draco, there’s a possibility you could be cursed with that blasted Mark.”
The world begins to spin in front of my eyes. “The Mark? Sirius, that’s-”
“Sirius Black!” Mrs. Weasley bustles into the room, a scowl on her face. “She’s just a little girl. She doesn’t need to be hearing about this, and she most certainly doesn’t need to be involved! Especially like that, you know Severus already…” She storms off, muttering under her breath.
Sirius turns back to me. “It’s your choice, Dragon. But you would be helping tremendously if you could even grow close to the Malfoy boy.”
I rise to my feet. I need to think. I need a moment, a moment, all I asked for mere hours ago when I was working with my cards. “I’ll be back later,” I tell him, picking up my things and heading towards the kitchen door.
“Take your time,” he calls after me. “And don’t rush a decision. We can’t have you hurt over a decision not deliberated.”
I drag my things through the house. I weave through people both familiar and not. I’m offered small smiles and timid greetings, but the look on my face surely wards people off from trying to speak to me any further. At the top of the staircase, I’m greeted with an extensive hallway, doors lining each side.
I glance in one, and see an absolute mess of a room. Shorts are flung onto the floor, bedsheets are bunched up at the very end. Despite the lack of signs, I know immediately that Fred and George must be staying there. I walk past with a small smile. That’s the twins I know.
Hoo, hoo.
I look towards the end of the hallway, where a door hangs open. I hear it again- a soft coo echoes through the hall. I would know that sound anywhere. I bolt down the hall and, sitting in the open window of the room at the end of the hall, is none other than my owl, Johannas.
“Oh goodness, fella, how did you find me?” I set my things down on the small bed, a layer of dust flying into the air. I turn on the kerosene lamp, the small flame flickering to life in the dark room. It illuminates the silky black feathers of my owl. His round amber eyes focus on me, and he tilts his head slightly to the side.
“Hedwig just arrived as well,” Harry says softly. I turn to my brother, forcing a small smile just for him. “I’m glad they were able to find us,” he continues, rubbing the spot of his arm right below where his sleeve ends. 
“Did they tell you why we’re here?” I ask, curious as to if he was given a task, just like I was.
“I’m the reason we’re here, Jay.” Harry takes a seat on my bed, wincing as it creaks underneath his weight. “I have to go to the Ministry. I used magic the other day-”
“Oh, Harry.” “Yes, I know.” He huffs. “There were Dementors. I had to do something or I was going to die.”
I suck in a breath. All this, happening under the same roof I lived in day after day, and I had no idea. A pain of guilt hits my stomach. “I’m so sorry, Harry, I had no idea,” I say quietly.
Harry shakes his head, running his fingers through his mop of black hair. “It’s okay. A lot has been going on recently. I don’t expect you to keep up with everything.”
His words do little to erase my guilt. I sit down beside him and wrap my arms around my stomach, and give a little squeeze. Through my guilt, though, I do realize one thing; he wasn’t brought here to help out the Order of the Phoenix. He wasn’t given a secret mission.
That “honor” lies only with me
↠ ↠ chapter two
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hxuse-xf-black · 1 year
[Bellatrix's first ride on the Hogwarts Express] Bellatrix, leaning out the window: Bye Reg! Bye Cissy! Bye Andy! Bye Reg! Bye Siri- Sirius: You said bye to Reg twice. Bellatrix: I like Regulus best.
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mershellscape · 19 days
bellatrix plays the cello, regulus plays the violin, narcissa does ballet..
and then there's andromeda and sirius who started a garage band called something stupid like "we are the ones who tread across the vast desert of despair"
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redhoodie1723 · 10 months
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“Harry, however, had never been less interested in Quidditch; he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy.”
I just KNOW HBP Ron was SICK and TIRED of Harry
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moiravim · 10 months
I Miss When We First Met: Chapter 30
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YN Potter falls in love with Draco Malfoy. Along with that, her relationship with her brother, Harry begins to fall apart as she was sorted into Slytherin. Will Harry find out about the relationship between his enemy and his sister?
IMWWFM: Masterlist
Another restless night came. You hated everything about this. About who your father was. About how much Harry would hate you if he found out. You were starting to get behind in school and exams were coming up.
You went out to the common room to see Draco was the only one out. You were thankful. "Hey, Draco... What are you doing?" You question with a quiet voice.
"Just thinking... And you?" He responds just as quiet. "Me too... Would you mind helping me study?" You ask hopefully.
He smiles and says; "of course". You go to sit next to him as he begins to tutor you. Things were going well until you started to zone out.
"Draco? How much longer do you think we have? How much time do you think we will stay like this. I think we both know a second war is coming..."
He looks at you with a distraught face. He knew it too, but he was still in denial. 'The two of you were only thirteen, you shouldn't be thinking about this. About death, about separation, it was too early for this.' He thought to himself.
"Not anytime soon. You are safe, YN. We're safe" He states seriously. You look at him in the eyes for a minute before resting your head on his shoulder.
He continues to read the study guides to you until you fall asleep. He wished that you could have slept in your bed, but since boys aren't allowed in the girls dormitories he helped you lay down on the couch and tucked you in.
"Goodnight, YN" He says before kissing your forehead and leaving to go to his own dorm.
He knew you had nothing to worry about. You are a lot smarter than you thought you were, and he knew you were going to do excellent on the exam days.
Taglist: @ashisabitgay @doingyourmom069
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meemoop · 4 months
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”Malfoy keeps looking over this way, but he’s yet to ask for a dance. Do I look odd, Andy?”
“He adores you, I can tell. He is probably just shy.”
(whoever asked me to draw them…. I’m addicted now, thanks)
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the-me-in-my-dreams · 6 months
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Finally did do some updated designs for my old HP Triplets AU stuff xD
Decided that even though I'm very against Rowlings stance that these would fit this blog as it is about Nostalgia and hey, this old AU is still nostalgic for me despite all the crap happening now
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braveclementine · 30 days
Chapter 17
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book. It is solely fluff- nothing sexual
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖘 scraping back from the table and someone jerked on the door that I'd locked. I dropped the piece of paper that I was clutching in front of the door and took off down the hallway, hearing shouts which got louder as I turned the corner, meaning the door was open.
A few more flights of stairs and a few more hallways run and I was in Myrtle's bathroom. I paced, back and forth, my head in my hands, trying to see something about the Chamber of Secrets so that I could go down into it and save Ginny.
But I saw nothing. I sat down, squeezing my eyes tight but I kept thinking of other things- the Professors, Dad, Ginny, Hermione, Hagrid, Dumbledore, and then I would think those things over and over again, my attention drifting from the visions. Then, I'd try concentrating again and the cycle continued.
I was there for maybe forty-five minutes, paralyzed on the toilet seat, listening to Myrtle talk to herself. I didn't feel all that good and wondered if maybe I should've waited for Harry and Ron. I got up to go find them.
At that moment, the bathroom door opened and I waited, tense, and there were three sets of footsteps. The people walked around the corner, revealing themselves to be Harry, Ron, and Lockhart. (I no longer gave him the title 'professor'. He hadn't earned it).
"Elizabeth!" Harry called in relief. "I'm so glad you're still here."
I smiled grimly. "Hullo Harry."
"What an exit!" Ron said, an unusually determined look on his face.
"How did they react?" I asked, a bit curious.
"Snape threw a horrible fit." Harry said. "I'd never seen him panic before. McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout, and Hooch were all as extremely worried. They're still looking for you."
I felt a bit pleased about that. Not about the part that they were stilling looking about me- the part that Professor Snape threw a horrible fit.
Moaning Myrtle came out to see what the commotion was about. "Oh, it's you. What do you want this time?" Myrtle asked when she saw Harry.
"To ask you how you died." Harry said, somewhat somberly.
Myrtle looked as though she had been asked a flattering question. I raised my eyebrow in skepticism. "Ooooh, it was dreadful." She said happily. "It happened right here. I died in this very stall. I remember it so well. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. The door was locked, and I was crying, and then I heard somebody come in. They said something funny. A different language. I think it must have been. Anyway, what really got me was that it was a boy speaking. So I unlocked the door, to tell him to go and use his own toilet, and then-" Myrtle swelled up as though her next words were extremely import, her face was shining so, "I died."
"How?" Harry asked.
"No idea." Myrtle said in a hushed voice like keeping a secret. "I just remember seeing a pair of great, big yellow eyes. My whole body sort of seized up and then I was floating away. . .And then I was floating again. I was determined to haunt Olive Hornby, you see. Oh, she was sorry she'd ever laughed at my glasses."
"Where exactly did you see the eyes?" Harry asked.
"Somewhere there." Myrtle said, pointing vaguely toward the sink in front of her toilet. I stayed back with Lockhart, mostly to keep him from running. My wand was out and pointed at his neck.
"The taps' never worked." Myrtle said as Harry tried to turn it. It was the tap that I noticed before, the one that had the snake carved on it. That made sense.
"Harry." Ron said suddenly. "Say something. Something in Parseltongue."
"But-" Harry looked at the tap. He stared at it and then said, "Open up."
We both looked at Ron. He shook his head no. "English." He answered.
Harry looked back at the tap, a little longer this time. He was moving his head a little. Then he said, "Open up."
I heard the difference this time, probably only because I was listening for the difference. A bit of a hiss, but I still heard the words in English as well. Now, the tap glowed a bright white and started to spin. Then, the sink began to move, sinking into the ground which revealed a long pipe, curved enough that it could be ridden like a slide.
I pushed to the front and immediately jumped down without thinking. It was my fault. I could've prevented this. I slid down the slide. It was slimy and greasy but I couldn't think about that. Ginny was alive somewhere down here- I had to believe that. And even if she wasn't- well, I certainly wasn't going to let her body stay down here forever. Either that, or I would be down here forever as well.
For a split second I thought about dad and I pushed the thoughts aside. I couldn't afford to think like that.
I was spit out at the end of the slide onto the stone floor. I got to my feet quickly and lit my wand. I waited for a split second, not entirely sure if Harry and Ron were going to join me. To my surprise, Lockhart was the next down. He too got to his feet and Harry came next and then Ron.
Harry also lit his wand and we led the way while Ron and Lockhart followed. "Remember," Harry warned, speaking quietly. "Any sign of movement, close your eyes right away. . ."
However, there was no sounds except for the sound of our footsteps and there was no movement except for our shadows on the walls. Our first shock was a large crunch, which was Ron stepping on a rat's skull. I shivered.
Harry lowered his wand and we saw that the path was now full of bones. I shivered again. So many little animals had died down here. We continued though. Then, Ron pulled on Harry's sleeve.
"Harry- there's something up there- Elizabeth. . ." Ron sounded hoarse.
We froze, watching. Then, I took a couple of steps towards whatever it was. I heard Harry take a large breath.
"It's not the snake." I whispered, relief filling my body. My stomach stopped hurting for a second. "It's the skin."
Everyone else came forward now and we approached the skin. It was a violent color of green- acid green. It had to have been nearly twenty feet long, perhaps more. And if that was how big the skin was, I couldn't image the size of the actual thing. "They get bigger when they shed their skin." I recited from a book I'd read a long time ago. I usually shared information when nervous.
"Gee thanks for that image Elizabeth." Ron snapped nervously. I took another couple of steps forward so that I was farther ahead than everyone else. We needed to hurry. Then, I heard another noise, but behind me, and I spun around. Lockhart's knees had given out.
"Get up." Ron said, pointing his wand at Lockhart. I shook my leg in anticipation. We didn't have time for this.
Suddenly, Lockhart dove at Ron. I stood there in shock while Harry jumped forward but it was too late, Lockhart had Ron's wand. When had Lockhart lost his wand? Ah, okay, I saw now as a vision flashed through my mind.
"The adventure ends here boys- and girl!" Lockhart said, pointing his wand at the three of us. "I shall take a bit of this skin back up to the school, tell them I was too late to save the girl, and that you two tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body- and Miss Kane. . . well, I'll find an excuse for you. Perhaps you won't be able to accept this fact and you stayed down here to wander forever. Say good-bye to your memories!"
If I hadn't known what was going to happen, I would've been horrified. As it was, I was pissed off that he thought he could have easily gotten away from it. Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape. . . none of them would've accepted his side of the story. There would've been questions and a group would've come down here. Dad certainly would've pushed his way down here. I could only imagine. . . but no. I didn't want to imagine. If Dad came down here and the snake wasn't dead. . .
"Obliviate!" Lockhart cried.
The wand exploded. I grabbed Harry's shoulders and pulled him backwards as rocks rained down. There was now, unfortunately, a wall between us and Ron.
Harry quickly climbed to his feet. I turned and continued down the pathway. I didn't want to leave Harry and Ron, but had this incurable need to get to Ginny. Harry caught up to me before I got to far and we set off at a set pace. The tunnel was unbearably long and I couldn't wait for it to end and discover what we'd discover.
I broke the silence on our third turn, "Exactly how mad was Professor Snape?"
Harry looked at me and then said, "Not mad. . . he was. . . well if I thought he had human emotions I'd say scared. Scared that you were going to die. Perhaps he was just mad that you had locked him in the room."
I giggled, amazed. I was sure I was the only one who had ever laughed down here. "I'm sure it was exactly that." I said, satisfied. There was something glowing inside of me, I wasn't sure what it was though.
We finally reached the end of the path where a large stone door sat. It had carved serpents on the door and the eyes were decorate with emeralds. I stared at them, amazed. They probably cost a fortune yet I would never have dared taking these.
"You want the honors?" Harry asked.
I stepped forward and imaged that the snakes were moving. "Open." I hissed. The door parted in two and cracked open, sliding out of sight. Harry and I, both apprehensive, stepped inside.
The chamber was very tall, but not so wide. There was one pathway that led to a large stone sculptured head of Salazar Slytherin. Every so often, there was a side path that led to small interconnected tunnels. There were channels of water in between each side walkway. At the far end of the main walkway, was a figure laying on her face, her red hair, spread out everywhere.
"Ginny!" Harry and I muttered together and we sprinted the rest of the way down the corridor. I stuck my wand in my pocket while Harry set his on the floor. Harry and I flipped her over so that she was no longer lying on her face. I was crying with relief. . . or should I?
"Ginny- don't be dead- please don't be dead-" Harry murmured moving her hair away from her face.
I grabbed her wrist, pulling the robe up her arm to find a pulse. There it was! It was faint but it was there!
"She's alive." I said in an excited whisper.
"Ginny, please wake up." Harry said, shaking her.
"She won't wake." Said another voice and we both jumped.
There, standing right next to Harry was a tall, black-haired boy. I next noticed that he was an extremely handsome boy, but there was something off about him.
"Tom- Tom Riddle?" Harry asked, sounding uncertain.
Riddle nodded, taking his eyes off of Harry's for a millisecond to look at me and then back at Harry.
"What d'you mean she won't wake?" Harry asked desperately. "She's not dead!"
"She's still alive. But only just." Riddle said in the same calm voice that he'd been using. Then, I realized that he had no emotions. . .
Harry stared at him, uncertainly. "Are you a ghost?" He asked.
"A memory." Riddle said in the same monotone voice. "Preserved in a diary for fifty years." He pointed towards the floor where a little black diary was sitting. I put all the pieces together about the diary. That it was the same diary that Lucius Malfoy had put in Ginny's cauldron. It was the same diary that Ginny had been writing in before we'd even come to Hogwarts. It was the diary we were late to the train station for. It was the diary that she'd tried to dispose of. And if Lucius Malfoy had had it and it contained the secrets for the chamber of secrets and it was before his time. . . why then Tom Riddle had to be. . . he had to be Voldemort then, didn't he?
I jumped up and backed away. Harry gave me a strange look and Riddle gave me a curious one, but then Harry said. "You've got to help us, Tom. We've got to get her out of here. There's a basilisk. . . I don't know where it is is, but it could be along any moment. . . Please help us. Elizabeth!"
I stared at Tom Riddle in horror. I had thought he was handsome? Something was terribly wrong with me.
I caught myself and looked at what was happening in front of me. Tom had Harry's wand and I raised my own. He flicked Harry's wand at me and my own wand flew far away. I turned to run and get it but felt my body being lifted up into the air and thrown. I flew through the air as Harry yelled my name and skidded on the stone floor, a bit dazed.
"I've waited a long time for this, Harry Potter." Riddle was saying as though he hadn't just thrown me like a doll. "For the chance to see you. To speak to you."
"How did Ginny get like this?" Harry asked slowly.
"Well that's an interesting question." Riddle said pleasantly, the wand still raised and pointed at me. Every time I tried to get up, it felt like an invisible hand was pushing me down. I struggled on the stone floor, my cheek pressed down. It was freezing. "And quite a long story. I suppose the real reason Ginny Weasley is like this is because she opened her heart and spilled all her secrets to an invisible stranger."
"What are you talking about?" Harry asked angrily. I thought that he was a bit slow on the uptake considering the circumstances.
"The diary." Riddle said. "My diary. Little Ginny's been writing in it for months and months, telling me her pitiful worries and woes- how her brothers tease her, how she had to come to school with secondhand robes and books, how- how she didn't think famous, good, great Harry Potter would ever like her. . ."
I closed my eyes and stopped struggling. If only I'd been a better friend.
"It's very boring, having to listen to the silly little troubles of an eleven-year-old-girl. But I was patient. I wrote back. I was sympathetic, I was kind. Ginny simply loved me. No one's ever understood me like you, Tom. . . I'm so glad I've got this diary to confide in. . . It's like having a friend I can carry around in my pocket. . ."
Every time he said a sentence, guilt stabbed me in the gut. And then, he laughed. He laughed a high cold laugh that didn't suit him. I recognized it too. He'd laughed when he'd killed my father. I cried out in emotional pain, unable to stop it.
Riddle ignored me. "If I say it myself, Harry, I've always been able to charm the people I needed. So Ginny poured out her soul to me, and her soul happened to be exactly what I wanted. . . I grew stronger and stronger on a diet of her deepest fears, her darkest secrets. I grew powerful, far more powerful than little Miss Weasley. Powerful enough to start feeding Miss Weasley a few of my secrets, to start pouring a little of my soul back into her. . ."
"What d'you mean?" Harry asked, still clueless apparently.
"Haven't you guessed yet, Harry Potter." Riddle said softly. "Ginny Weasley opened the Chamber of Secrets. She strangled the school roosters and daubed threatening messages on the walls. She set the serpent of Slytherin on four Mudbloods, and the Squib's cat."
"No." Harry whispered, but I knew he finally knew.
"Yes." Riddle said as calmly as though he'd just announced what was for dinner. "Of course, she didn't know what she was doing at first. It was very amusing,. I wish you could have seen her new diary entries. . . far more interesting, they became. Dear Tom, I think I'm losing my memory. There are rooster feathers all over my robes and I don't know how they got there. Dear Tom, I can't remember what I did on the night of Halloween, but a cat was attacked and I've got paint all down my front. Dear Tom, Percy keeps telling me I'm pale and I'm not myself. I think he suspects me. . . There was another attack and I don't know where I was. Tom, what am I going to do? I think I'm going mad. . .I think I'm the one attacking everyone, Tom!"
He laughed again and I shivered all over but didn't make a noise this time. Guilt had ridden through my entire body and tears fell down my cheeks in streams. Poor, poor Ginny. If only I had been a better friend! The guilt was eating me up inside like a disease.
"It took a very long time for stupid little Ginny to stop trusting her diary. But she finally became suspicious and tried to dispose of it. And that's where you come in, Harry. You found it, and I couldn't have been more delighted. Of all the people who could have picked it up it was you, the very person I was most anxious to meet. . ."
"And why did you want to meet me?" Harry asked. His voice was angry and his teeth sounded as though they were clenched together. I could not see, could not turn my head to see. All I could see was stone and water.
"Well, you see, Ginny told me all about you, Harry. Your whole fascinating history." I flinched. I found that I could move my fingers. He must be concentrating less on me and more on Harry. "I knew I must find out more about you, talk to you, meet you if I could. So I decided to show you my famous capture of that great oaf, Hagrid, to gain your trust-"
Hate burned through my veins. "Hagrid's my friend." Harry said, his voice shaking in anger. "And you framed him, didn't you? I thought you made a mistake but-"
Riddle laughed once again.
"It was my word against Hagrid's Harry. Well, you can imagine how it looked to old Armando Dippet. On the one hand, Tom Riddle, poor but brilliant, parentless but so brave, school prefect, model student. . . on the other hand, big, blundering Hagrid, in trouble every other week, trying to raise werewolf cubs under his bed, sneaking off to the Forbidden Forest to wrestle trolls. . . but I admit, even I was surprised how well the plan worked. I thought someone must realize that Hagrid couldn't possibly be the Heir of Slytherin. It had taken me five whole years to find out everything I could about the Chamber of Secrets and discover the secret entrance. . . as though Hagrid had the brains, or the power!"
Hagrid and I were alike, I realized. And also, were werewolf cubs always werewolves? Did werewolves mate while werewolves and then have pure werewolves as kids? Then, scolding myself, pushed these thoughts aside. But, I made a mental note to ask Dad on the side. Well, if we got out of this alive, that is.
"Only the Transfiguration teacher, Dumbledore, seemed to think Hagrid was innocent. He persuaded Dippet to keep Hagrid and train him as gamekeeper. Yes, I think Dumbledore might have guessed. . . Dumbledore never seemed to like me as much as the other teachers did. . ."
"I bet Dumbledore saw right through you." Harry said with gritted teeth. I was now finding that I could move much every part of my body. Riddle had lifted the spell. I stayed where I was though. I didn't fancy being thrown through the air again. My back was certainly still sore.
"Well, he certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after Hagrid was expelled." Riddle said in a bored voice. "I knew it wouldn't be safe to open the Chamber again while I was still at school. But I wasn't going to waste those long years I'd spent searching for it. I decided to leave behind a diary, preserving my sixteen-year-old self in its pages, so that one day, with luck, I would be able to lead another in my footsteps, and finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work."
"Well you haven't finished it." Harry said, sounding a bit triumphant. "No one's died this time, not even the cat. In a few hours the Mandrake Draught will be ready and everyone who was Petrified will be all right again-"
"Haven't I already told you." Riddle said quietly. "that killing Mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore? For many months now, my new target has been- you."
I gave a start and since I had done that, I sat up. Once again, Riddle paid me no attention. I was to far away from my wand to cause him any trouble.
"Imagine how angry I was when the next time my diary was opened, it was Ginny who was writing to me, not you. She saw you with the diary, you see, and panicked. What if you found out how to work it, and I repeated all her secrets to you? What if, even worse, I told you who'd been strangling roosters? So the foolish little brat waited until your dormitory was deserted and stole it back. But I knew what I must do. It was clear to me that you were on the trail of Slytherin's heir. From everything Ginny had told me about you, I knew you would go to any lengths to solve the mystery- particularly if one of your best friends was attacked. And Ginny had told me the whole school was buzzing because you could speak Parseltongue. . .So I made Ginny write her own farewell on the wall and come down here to wait. She struggled and cried and became very boring. But there isn't much life left in her. . . She put too much into the diary, into me. Enough to let me leave its pages at last. . . I have been waiting for you to appear since we arrived here. I knew you'd come. I have many questions for you, Harry Potter."
I was sure he was only saying those things because of me. That Ginny had struggled and cried and hurt. I was hurting too. I hurt because I had hurt Ginny. I hurt because I had never wanted anything to happen to anyone but didn't do anything to prevent it. I had hid for months in Hagrid's cabin, hiding from the world, being one with my own personal bubble. I should've talked to her. . . I should've hung out with her. . . there was so much I could've done.
"Like what?" Harry spat.
I got to my feet unsteadily. Riddle glanced at me, then away, and addressed Harry still, "Well, how is it that you- a skinny boy with no extraordinary magical talent- managed to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How did you escape with nothing but a scar, while Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed?"
"Why do you care how I escaped? Voldemort was after your time. . ." Harry said, slowly, frowning.
"Harry!" I said, starting to get really annoyed about the slow uptake. "He is Voldemort!"
Riddle laughed. "Whoever you are, you are quite right." His eyes gleamed red. "Voldemort is my past, present, and future."
Using Harry's wand, he wrote the words TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE. Then, waving the wand, the letters rearranged themselves to become I AM LORD VOLDEMORT.
I was pissed now, rather than scared, "For future reference, my name is Elizabeth Kane."
"You see?" Voldemort whispered, ignoring me which irked me even more. I wasn't used to being ignored. "It was a name I was already using at Hogwarts, to my most intimate friends only, of course. You think I was going to use my filthy Muggle father's name forever? I, in whose veins runs the blood of Salazar Slytherin himself, through my mother's side? I, keep the name of a foul, common Muggle, who abandoned me even before I was born, just because he found out his wife was a witch? No, Harry- I fashioned myself a new name, a name I knew wizards everywhere would one day fear to speak, when I had become the greatest sorcerer in the world!"
"You're not." Harry said, his voice full of hatred. I knew he was thinking about his- our parents. This boy in front of us had killed our parents. The reason we didn't know each other. I felt hatred fill my veins as well and I drifted even closer.
"Not what?" Riddle snapped.
"Not the greatest sorcerer in the world." Harry said. "Sorry to disappoint you and all that, but the greatest wizard in the world is Albus Dumbledore. Everyone says so. Even when you were strong, you didn't dare try and take over at Hogwarts. Dumbledore saw through you when you were at school and he still frightens you now, wherever you're hiding these days-"
I laughed aloud. It was a perfectly good laugh too. Not high-pitched or anything. I laughed as easily as I would've in the bright sun with Fred and George and Lee. I was proud that I sounded so calm.
Riddle's smile was gone and replaced by a very ugly look. "Dumbledore's been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me!" He hissed.
"He's not as gone as you might think!" Harry said, getting to his feet and also getting a bit louder with every word that he spoke. I was now standing next to him, facing Riddle.
Riddle opened his mouth and then froze. There was music that was coming down the chamber. I looked down. It was eerie and spin-tingling but filled me with hope. Then, flames erupted at the top of the nearest pillar.
For a split second, I thought perhaps Dumbledore had apparated there and was doing a wonderful entrance. Instead, it was a crimson bird about the size of a goose. It had a long glittery golden tail, nearly as long as a peacocks. In its talons was something brown and raggedy.
The bird was flying straight towards us, dropping the raggedy thing in Harry's hands before landing on my shoulder. It felt like a weight, but a warm weight, and it almost seemed to calm me. I felt a little lighter now that Fawkes was here.
"That's a phoenix." Riddle said, staring coldly back at the phoenix.
"Fawkes?" Harry breathed out.
"And that-" Riddle turned his gaze to the thing in Harry's hands. "that's the old school Sorting Hat-"
It was indeed. I stared at it, puzzled. Riddle began to laugh. He laughed hard and long and it sent chills up my spine. I could nearly hear it in my mind, laughter and then a pounding sound on the floor above me where I sat in a white crib in the basement. Dad was dead. My breathing was suddenly uneven.
"This is what Dumbledore sends his defender! A songbird and an old hat! Do you feel brave, Harry Potter? Do you feel safe now?"
Harry didn't answer. He certainly looked braver. I moved to the other side of him. I was much closer to my wand now. Riddle's eyes stayed locked on Harry.
"To business, Harry." Riddle said, smiling broadly. "Twice in your past, in my future- we have met. And twice I failed to kill you."
So he knew about Quirrell? He kept his memories alive? That was some weird twisted. . .I wasn't even sure what to call it.
"How did you survive? Tell me everything. The longer you talk, the longer you stay live." His eyes flickered over to me. "And you're friend, of course."
Harry was silent for a moment, looking between Ginny who was become paler and Riddle who was become more solid. Then he spit the words out of his mouth as quickly as possible. "No one knows why you lost your powers when you attacked me. I don't know myself. But I know why you couldn't kill me. Because my mother died to save me. My common Muggle-born mother. She stopped you killing me. And I've see the real you, I saw you last year. You're a wreck. You're barely alive. That's where all your power got you. You're in hiding. You're ugly, you're foul-"
I was glad that Harry had stuck up for himself. His words though, sliced me like a hot knife. His mother. I couldn't blame him though, I'd never told him. I trembled with anticipation.
"So. Your mother died to save you. Yes, that's a powerful countercharm. I can see now. . . there is nothing special about you, after all. I wondered, you see. There are strange likenesses between us, after all. Even you must have noticed. Both half-bloods, orphans, raised by Muggles. Probably the only two Parselmouths to come to Hogwarts since the great Slytherin himself. We even look something alike. . . but after all, it was merely a lucky chance that saved you from me. That's all I wanted to know."
Neither Harry nor I decided to correct him that I too was a Parselmouth. I took another step towards my wand.
"Now, Harry, I'm going to teach you a little lesson. Let's match the powers of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Salazar Slytherin, against famous Harry Potter, and the best weapons Dumbledore can give him. . . and his girlfriend."
I smarted angrily as he cast an amused eye over Fawkes, the sorting hat, and me. Then, he turned and walked away. I seized the opportunity and dashed for my wand, grabbing it, and dashed back to Harry's side.
"Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four."
"Time to move, Harry!" I said urgently as the statue of Slytherin opened its' mouth. I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling extremely vulnerable. I heard something thud against the stone floor and started to tremble.
"Kill them."
Joy, now I was on the death wish list too!
I heard the body slithering heavily across the floor. I started to run sideways, using the wall as a reference point. I could hear that Harry was running behind me and then I heard him smack against the stone floor. I quickly turned, eyes still closed, and felt around for him. I could tell, by the shadows behind my lids that the Snake was only some feet away from us.
Then, there was a spitting sound right above us. I felt something heavy hit me and my hands were ripped from Harry's shoulder and I smashed into the wall. Judging by another fall, Harry had been smashed into the wall too. My back was really starting to hurt.
Unfortunately, I opened my eyes. Luckily, I wasn't looking at the snake and it wasn't in front of my face. I squinted and looked up. The serpent was as thick as a jungle tree or oak tree or somewhere between the two. The snake also had it's head away from us, so the snake's eyes were not visible from us.
Fawkes was what had distracted it. He was using his talons and beak to rip apart the Basilisks eyes! Of course, if the basilisk had no eyes, we could fight with our eyes open because we wouldn't be in danger of death! Well, not immediate death anyways.
The snakes tail thrashed, narrowly missing Harry. It turned, probably to get away from Fawkes and I kept my eyes open, but averted them in case I was wrong. Blood was streaming down it's face though and so, I looked. Indeed, they eyes had been punctured by Fawkes and the snake was spitting in agony.
The basilisk swayed, confused as Fawkes kept diving at him, again and again. Harry was looking around wildly and then said, "What do we do?"
"We need the sorting hat!" I shouted over the Snake's spitting noises. "And you need to put it on! Think 'help me' over and over!"
"I don't have the sorting-" Harry started to say but then, the Basilisk's tail swept the sorting hat into Harry's arms. Without thinking, Harry jammed it on. I kept my eye on the snake with my wand out. I didn't really know any good spells, but. . . maybe Incendio? Did Basilisks hate fire? I wasn't sure. Then again, it wasn't like I had time to research it before I'd come down here.
Harry pulled the hat off and pulled out the gleaming silver sword of Gryffindor. It was a beautiful thing, rubies the size of eggs set in the handle. He rubbed his head, wincing.
I jumped to my feet and Harry did the same, lifting the sword. The Basilisk had turned towards us. One of my ankles was shaky and I wondered if I'd damaged it when I'd been thrown into the wall. I didn't have long to ponder as the snake lunged and I dodged to one side.
The snake hit the Chamber wall, breaking off part of the stone wall. A piece hit me in the face but it didn't hurt much. The Snake had its head towards Harry. Well, I wasn't going to let the stupid snake bite my brother. I launched myself from behind, attempting to climb it's back where I was going to use the fire spell on a small point on it's head. All snakes had sensitive spots. And this basilisk had a rough back, easy to climb, though as it moved it became less easy.
The snake lunged toward Harry, flicking its tail, and I found myself flying again. I hit a wall and slid down into the water that I'd seen as we'd first come into the place.
The water was icy cold, but I was used to cold temperatures when it came to water. I thought that I would just kick off the bottom but found that the water was trying to pull me under. There was some sort of suction- perhaps a magical one-that was pulling the water downwards. I struggled against the current, my fingers reaching for the stone edge.
The current however, succeeded in pulling me farther down. I had lost way to much air. Well this is stupid. I thought angrily as I sunk lower and lower. I didn't know I was going to drown under the effing ground.
No, I thought, as I kept my mouth closed though I longed to take a breath. There had to be a spell to get me out of the water. . .Then I thought back to Herbology when we were planting seeds in water tanks and drew my wand.
"Propulso!" I shouted into the water, pointing my wand down. It had to be now or never. I'd gotten water into my lungs. My eyes were burning. The charm did the job and I shot upwards and out of the water, landing hard on the stone. My arm started to throb. I coughed and choked and vomited up water until it was out of my lungs and then looked around.
The snake was dead. Harry was sitting against the Chamber, clutching his arm. "No, no." I muttered and struggled to my feet. Fawkes had flown over to sit beside Harry. I struggled towards Riddle and Harry. My ankle had indeed been twisted. I ignored the pain.
"You're dead, Harry Potter. Dead. Even Dumbledore's bird knows it. Do you see what he's doing, Potter? He's crying."
Fawkes was crying?
"YES!" I cheered aloud, drawing Riddle's attention to me. He scowled and Harry looked up.
"So you didn't drown?" Riddle said, his lips curling into a smile. "Wonderful. Now we'll have our own little duel won't we."
I drew my wand. "You won't kill me easily Riddle." I scowled. "And I certainly aim to kill you."
He smirked. "What could you do against me?"
He was right, of course, but I wasn't going to let that show. Instead, I narrowed my eyes dangerously. "You'll see."
Riddle raised his wand and shot a spell at me. I blocked it. I watched over Riddle's shoulder as Fawkes dropped the diary into Harry's lap.
"STAB IT HARRY! STAB IT!" I shouted, dodging another spell. I felt something snap in my ankle. Alright, so I'd broken it now. Lovely. Dad might just kill me after this.
I remained standing, probably something stupid to do and Riddle smirked again. "Say Good-bye, whoever you are."
I would've been extremely annoyed at that, especially since I'd given him my name, but I had something over him. I lifted my hand and said "Bye-bye." like I would've to a little baby. Riddle stared at me, perplexed and stunned, and then, Riddle started to writhe and twist, screaming and flailing, collapsing to his knees. Then, he was gone.
I would've sunk onto my knees except I knew that if I sat down, I'd never get up again. Instead, I made my way over to where Harry was hurrying over to Ginny as she was sitting up. I felt relief flow through my veins.
She looked from Harry, to the Basilisk, to me, and then to the diary. At the look of the diary, she started to sob and tears poured down in great torrents. "Harry- oh, Harry- I tried to tell you at b-breakfast, but I c-couldn't say it in front of Percy- it was me, Harry- but I s-swear I d-didn't mean to- R-Riddle made me, he t-took me over- and- how did you kill that- that thing? W-where's Riddle? The last thing I r-remember is him coming out of the diary-"
"It's all right." Harry said, holding up the diary. My ankle gave out and I knelt in the water and blood that was spread out everywhere. "Riddle's finished. Look! Him and the basilisk. C'mon Ginny, let's get out of here- Elizabeth, some help?"
Then, Harry looked over at me and cried out, "Elizabeth? Are you alright?"
I smiled at him through the pain. "Never better Harry."
He seemed a bit relieved but he was watching me with scrutinizing eyes. I sighed. "Broke my ankle, that's all."
Ginny and Harry got to their feet and Harry came and helped me up. Ginny was still sobbing, "I'm going to be expelled! I've looked forward to coming to Hogwarts ever since B-bill came and n-now I'll have to leave and w-what'll Mum and Dad say?"
"Hey!" I said softly, putting an arm around her. "They're just going to be happy to see you alive. They won't care if you're expelled or not. Besides, Dumbledore is a fair man. He'll let you stay, I promise."
Fawkes was waiting for us at the end of the walkway. Our progress was a bit slower, because of my ankle. I refused any help. I wanted Harry to help Ginny and I most definitely wasn't going to lean on Ginny after all she'd been through. She was the one who needed someone to lean on.
After roughly fifteen minutes, we were back where we'd split up. I could hear Ron shifting rock still. Harry sped up a little, calling Ron's name and telling him that Ginny was quite alright. There was a strangled cheer on Ron's end.
"Ginny!" Ron said, thrusting an arm through the gap "You're alive! I don't believe it! What happened? How- what- where did that bird come from?"
Fawkes had swooped through the gap after Ginny.
"He's Dumbledore's" Harry said, reaching out and grabbing my hand. "Help me get Elizabeth through. Her ankles broken."
My cheeks flushed and with a little difficulty, I was through the gap, leaning on Ron's shoulder. It was nice to get off my ankle.
"How come you've got a sword?" Ron gaped, as Harry came through the gap next.
"I'll explain when we got out of here." Harry said, throwing a sideways glance at Ginny. She was sobbing harder and I stopped leaning on Ron so that I could go over and give her a hug. She threw her arms around me tightly and I nearly couldn't breathe.
"But-" Ron said.
"Later." Harry said fiercely. "Where's Lockhart?"
"Back there." Ron said, jerking his head. "He's in a bad way. Come and see."
We made our way back to where the pipe was and Lockhart sat on a stone, humming to himself.
"His memory's gone. The Memory Charm backfired. Hit him instead of us. Hasn't got a clue who he is, or where he is, or who we are. I told him to come and wait here. He's a danger to himself." Ron explained.
Lockhart looked up at us.
"Hello. Odd sort of place, this, isn't it? Do you live here?"
"No." Ron said, raising his eyebrows at us. I giggled.
Harry looked through the pipe. "Have you thought how we're going to get back up this?" Harry asked Ron and then threw me a sideways glance.
Ron shook his head and I hesitantly said, "Perhaps the Propulsion charm? But it would probably take a lot of willpower. . ." I drifted off. If I fell again, I might shatter the bones in my ankle. Then, Fawkes came past me and flew in front of Harry. His long golden tail feathers were waving.
"He looks like he wants you to grab hold. . . But you're much to heavy for a bird to pull up there-" Ron said uncertainly.
"Fawkes, isn't an ordinary bird. We've got to hold on to each other. Elizabeth, you come up here and hold onto Fawkes. I'll hold your hand. Ginny, grab Ron and Professor Lockhart's hands."
I grabbed Fawkes tail feathers and then grabbed Harry's hand. Once we were connected (Harry had to tuck the sorting hat and sword into his belt) Fawkes took off. The tail feathers, I noticed, were strangely hot.
There was an extraordinary lightness as we flew through the air and we were already nearly halfway up. I could hear Lockhart somewhere below shouting, "Amazing! Amazing! This is just like magic!"
I laughed again.
Then, the ride was over, the five of us were hitting the wet floor in Myrtle's bathroom. Then, the sink slide back over the hiding spot.
I got unsteadily to my feet and leaned on a broken sink.
Myrtle floated in the air in front of us, goggling as though she couldn't believe her eyes. "You're alive."
"There's no need to sound so disappointed." Harry said, wiping blood and slime off his glasses.
I looked in the mirror real quick. I had blood all over my robes along with mud and slime. I was also soaking wet, looking like I'd climbed out of a river- which I had. My face had blood smeared on one cheek from the stone hitting my face. I looked horrendous and prayed that I wouldn't run into Snape while in the hallways.
"Oh, well. . . I'd just been thinking. . . if you had died, you'd have been welcome to share my toilet." Myrtle said, blushing silver.
We left the bathroom, Harry supporting me on one side, and Ron said, trying to make a joke, "Urgh! Harry! I think Myrtle's grown fond of you! You've got competition, Ginny!"
Ginny however, continued to cry, though her sobs were now noiseless. "Where now?" Ron quickly asked Harry. Harry pointed at Fawkes who was leading the way. We found ourselves outside Professor McGonagall's office. Harry knocked and pushed the door open. I took a deep breath and we headed inside.
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After It All (VI)
Molly's Favorite
"Thank you again for dinner, Molly. It's been a while since Bells and I have had a good home-cooked meal," Dad thanks my mother-in-law, the dishes already beginning to clean themselves in the sink.
"Oh, don't bother with thank you's, Charlie, anything for Scarlett," She assures, sending me a small smile that I return.
"Especially if it has to do with learning the American ways! You all are so interesting!" Arthur exclaims, Molly clapping him on the shoulder in scolding. "I mean, exactly what Molly said, anything for dear Scarlett."
"She's already giving you a grandchild Mum, you don't have to butter her up anymore," Fred jests, kissing the side of my head. "You staying the night Charlie or are we taking ya back?"
"Oh, after that feast? There's no way I'm moving," Dad jokes, leaning back in the chair. "That is, if you have room for Bella and I?"
"Dad," I laugh, shifting Teddy on my lap, "This isn't a muggle home. If there aren't enough rooms we make enough rooms," I remind. "I'm sure Bella has already found the add on they did for me second year."
"Two years in and you were already Mum's favorite child, even more so than Percy-"
"George," Percy grunts, unhappy with this line of conversation.
"George, I am not Molly's favorite," I deny, shaking my head.
"Scar, I love you, but you're the one holding a child, and carrying another one. Number one way to Mum's heart," Ginny comments.
Charlie Weasley laughs at this, shaking his long hair, "Obviously Gin, the woman had seven of us and practically adopted all of your partners."
"Ok, I think that's enough talk about about me while I'm standing here," Molly scolds, coming and taking Teddy from me. "But the kids aren't wrong, I do quite love these little ones," She admits, squeezing Ted's cheek.
"Mum, no more!" Ron begs dramatically, making Molly grunt.
"Okay! That's enough of all of you, out! Go find something to do with yourselves!" Molly instructs, handing Teddy to Fred before grumbling off, presumably to find her knitting to continue on our yearly Christmas sweaters.
"You all are too much for her sometimes," Arthur huffs with a chuckle, standing and following in the direction of his wife.
"Well," Fleur begins, a tuckered Victoire nearly asleep on her chest. "I think it's time for the three of us to be on our way before Vic has to be put down."
"Of course, I have to put Ted down soon too," I agree, everyone that was sat down still now getting up to hug the family of three goodbye until Christmas.
"Keep in touch, and I want photo updates on the baby bump every week," Fleur demands softly, hugging me as tightly as she can around my bump and the two babies that we're holding.
"I'll be sure to send them along," I agree, moving to Bill. "We'll see you soon."
"Of course, Kid," He assures, kissing the top of my head. "And if you need anything, call us."
"We will," Freddie assures for me, coming up behind me and hugging his eldest brother. "Thank you for coming all the way for this."
"Hey," Bill begins, smiling at the three of us as Freddie rejoins Ted and I. "Anything for the girl who makes my little brother this happy," He assures, smiling gently at me as he takes Fleur's hand, the two parents and baby disappearing from sight without another word.
"How sappy," Charlie comments, "Don't expect anything of the sort from me when I leave tomorrow."
"Oh you're more of a sap than Bill is!" I correct, the dragon tamer guffawing at the accusation, pointing his finger at me.
"I am not!"
"Oh you bloody are," Ron agrees, shaking his head.
Teddy sets his head on my chest now, blurbles of tiredness leaves his mouth as his eyelids flutter.
"I think it's the kiddos bedtime," Dad states, looking softly at his grandson and myself. "I'll go check on Bells and then head to bed, you do your thing," He encourages, coming over and kissing my head, and then Teddys.
"Night, Dad."
"Night Sweetie," He returns, leaving and heading down a hall.
"Are you-" I begin, looking up at my husband before he cuts me off.
"Of course I'm coming with you to put him to bed," He interrupts, as if it's absurd that I'd even question it. "We'll be back out once he's asleep," He tells his remaining siblings, the lot of them moving to the living room, not without Ginny grumbling, "Why can't we be that cute, Harry?"
To which my brother responds, "Maybe one day we will be."
Gin scoffs, and it's her words as they round the corner that warm my heart.
"Be honest Harry, no one can be Scarlett and Fred."
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