#having them all display different emotions was fun
ace-avian · 2 years
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Time to share some of KC’s siblings in my MCD rewrite! Note:
- One brother named Kota is not featured here. I made him on Heroforge. Nana (or as I’ve called her Nanako) is also not on here. I’ve also not included her aunt who is Michi and Mikai’s mother. Her mother also is not. All of em except michi and mikai were made on heroforge
- I like to believe most mief’wa are born with magicks, but there are many that also are not. Depending on the kingdom, some statures are decided based on their magicks and how powerful they are.
- I have wildcat mief’wa alongside normal house-cat. Wildcats are seen as more powerful/respected. KC and all her siblings are Panthers. They’ve been labelled with numbers so you know which one I’m talking about. Let’s go!
1. Junichi - Eldest - “An Obedient Son” - He has Emotion magicks; he can read very strong emotions that pertain to that from a person, but not their thoughts. He’s a little like Alex from LIS with em. He is seen as cold and called a ‘doll’ by his younger sister, as he does not speak or emote much, only listening to their mother, doing what she asks without question (who- is not the greatest).
2. Kimiko - Second Eldest - “Empress Child” - she does not have any magicks. Kimiko is more brash and angry. She does not get along with Junichi or Masako, and is the one often calling Junichi a doll. She is fiercely protective over Nanako, Kota and Kazuhiko. She has earned more scars in order to protect them.
3. Masako - Third Eldest - “Elegant Child” - She has Mental Magicks; she can charm people to make herself more entrancing/enchanting. They can still refuse to do what she asks, but it just makes people more friendly to her. Despite how beautiful she is she is very ugly in personality. Of course, she is practically the spitting image of their mother, so she tries to feel better about it by taking it in her stride as her beauty, unintentionally casting people out, including her siblings.
4. Kazuhiko - The Youngest - “Harmonious Prince” - As when Nanako’s backstory starts he is like- 6 years old he does not have much aside from being a very bright and happy child. He does discover his magicks when he gets older, having a sort of Mental magicks with the ability to make small illusions. Even when he grows up he is very bright and happy, always trying to help the people.
And the other sibling, Kota, the second youngest. “Happiness”, “Good Fortune”. He has no magicks. He is extremely close to Nanako, being the one to nickname her Nana, as that was all he could say when he was younger. He is very bright, and rather smart and handy with a sword. When Nanako disappears, he becomes one of their mother’s most loyal soldiers, being sent to find her and bring her back, most of the young boy Nanako knew being gone.
So there we go!! Eventually I’ll share screenshots of the ones on Heroforge, I’m especially impressed with Mikai and Michi’s mother.
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elysiansparadise · 5 months
Composite Chart observations
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🤍Jupiter or Part of Fortune in the 1st house not only indicates that you feel more joyful with the other, but that when or after being with the other, many opportunities of any kind can come to you. The relationship will bring with it a lot of self-improvement for both and a feeling that things in life become simpler.
🤍When Sun it's in the 7th, 8th or 12th house we find ourselves in a mirror relationship, in which you will show each other the other sides of yourselves that you had never been aware of. They will be more similar than they look, because in terms of core they can be very alike. The other will openly display behaviors that you repress.
🤍A peculiarity of Mars and/or Mercury in the 11th house is that both are likely to have very different personal opinions but very similar goals. They may be very different at first impression and even have very different ways of behaving, but they can understand each other well and go after what they want as a team.
🤍I have noticed that when Saturn is making just positive aspects on a composite chart, it is capable of helping the tensions that some squares can cause, as it adds stability and durability to the dynamics of the relationship, but above all the willingness to solve problems by fact that both see in this relationship something to maintain in the long term.
🤍The Moon-Venus conjunction gives us that relationship in which if one of the parties is moody and the other enters the room, their day immediately brightens. It seems that they only need to see each other to be happier. They evoke a lot of sweetness and tenderness in each other. They will love to take care of each other in every way, from the most practical to the emotional side, without forgetting to mention how comfortable they feel simply being by each other's side.
🤍Jupiter or Saturn in the 10th house cause there to be a mutual and very strong admiration for the person the other is, what they achieve and their ambition. If these planets positively aspect the Sun, Venus or Mercury will constantly let each other know, and even other people.
🤍Having a Stellium in the 11th house makes the dynamic lighthearted, fun and very pleasant for both of you. You will feel that you can be yourself uninhibitedly and be able to express your ideas and emotions without being judged. Likewise, they will have a great willingness to help each other and will awaken the empathetic and altruistic side of the other. They can have very similar worldviews despite differences in temperament and attitude.
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🤍Venus in Aries allows the duo to spend many moments of joy and laughter. They may have many similarities between them and love to joke with each other. It is an indicator of playful teasing, of a lot of enthusiasm and fun. They really love each other's company, even if it's just few minutes. They highly value being authentic and transparent with others.
🤍When the Moon or Venus is in the 12th house, it shows us a duo or a couple who is affectionate or more affectionate in private, they may prefer a moment of greater intimacy since it makes them likely to be very reserved people with their feelings but, surprisingly , very open between them.
🤍Neptune in water houses favors emotional connection and the ability to intuit the feelings of the other, also giving the sensation of understanding each other without words and without much difficulty. They can have a very great feeling of adoration and fascination for each other, as well as devotion.
🤍The Moon-Neptune aspects make them deeply connected to each other on an almost inexplicable level. Both not only read and understand each other like no one else, but they seem to quickly feel what the other feels. They can infect each other with their moods. It is even likely that, for example, if one is thinking about the other, the other will send a message or call them on the phone. They absorb each other's mood and can quickly adopt their usual behaviors or phrases even without realizing it.
🤍With Pluto in the 9th house, both will profoundly change the way the other sees things. Being together and having a regular conversation with each other entails many epiphanies, seeing things from other perspectives and feeling that things finally make sense. Both have the goal of teaching each other a lot and fully trust that the other positively influences their lives. They simultaneously add depth and fun to the other person's life.
🤍Having Mars in the angles makes both of you motivated almost instantly. Being next to each other makes them feel energized, motivated and they easily make the other feel capable of achieving and going after everything they want. They can bring out the confident and sociable side of each other.
🤍When you have Venus or Moon in the 10th house, the duo shows others, consciously or unconsciously, the high degree of affection and appreciation they have for each other. People tend to see them as very similar and compatible like each other and they tend to provoke adoration in others. It may even be a couple or pair of friends that others find admirable or your dynamic may be something that people would like to have in their lives.
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All right, listen. It’s pretty damn funny that two weeks ago I posted all like, “oh I don’t really comment chapter-by-chapter, I’m waiting to see what happens next,” but this one broke me.
This chapter was everything I wanted for bkdk, and it’s so much more tender than I ever dreamed it could be.
This post is not going to be like most of my posts, because I am a flood of emotion. If you’re wanting some detailed, well-researched analysis of this scene, that ain’t coming for a while.
I don’t have some kind of comparative linguistics to show you. I just have my visceral reactions as someone who speaks Japanese and has absorbed Japanese media for many years. I have shared my heart with others in Japanese, I’ve sputtered out words between sobs and felt the many kinds of comfort different people try to offer. I have comforted others who let themselves be vulnerable with me.
In all these moments, just as in English, I wondered if my words and feelings reached them. Each time, I felt the warmth of connection when they looked at me, and I decided that they knew I did my best. They accepted me, even if it wasn’t perfect.
I’m gonna tell you the truth, and I wouldn’t normally say this so directly, but it matters to me: the fan translation for this specific scene is not good. The tone is wildly off in some ways and it outright omits a number of very important words.
The official translation gets so much of it right.
But that’s not really what I want to talk about right now. I want to talk about how people are reading this scene.
I have seen a ton of, frankly, oblivious interpretations of Izuku’s side of things.
Listen to me. Izuku is not making fun of Katsuki for crying, he is not telling Katsuki that crying isn’t like him, that isn’t in the text at all. He is not rejecting Katsuki’s feelings, or belittling them, or ignoring them, or any of that.
Izuku has seen Katsuki cry in-canon a number of times, but every time it was over his own personal failures, and the frustration, anger, guilt, and grief associated with them. We see it in the aftermath of Deku vs. Kacchan 1. We see it during Deku vs. Kacchan 2.
Izuku is shocked to see Kacchan cry because this is the first time he has cried for Izuku.
When Katsuki apologized in 322, he looked Izuku in the eye and told him his feelings with conviction and poise. He was gentle and vulnerable, but strong, because he was asking Izuku to trust them and rely on them. To come back with them and believe in them, like they believe in Izuku. He bowed his head to show his remorse. He caught Izuku when he fell, and he accepted Izuku’s own apology.
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He embodied dignity, sincerity, and strength of character. He was a true hero.
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This is the raw, honest sorrow of a young boy. It is a tender, earnest, unguarded display of how much Izuku means to him.
These are the tears you shed for someone you cherish. These are tears for when you think you are losing something you can’t live without. Because Katsuki isn’t just crying for the loss of Izuku’s dream—it’s their dream, the future they dreamt up together as kids.
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Izuku is almost pathologically incapable of understanding how other people see him and feel about him, but this is unmistakable. He is stunned because there is no other explanation.
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There is unmitigated heartache and longing at the core of Katsuki saying, “I just thought somehow we would be together like this, competing and chasing after each other, forever.”
And Izuku is reeling, but so, so touched, and filled with fondness. Look at how his shock shifts to this overwhelmed, affectionate smile.
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He’s right—this isn’t the usual Katsuki, and that is precisely why it means so much. We as the audience have been privy to Katsuki’s feelings, but until now Izuku himself has never really grasped the depth of them. This is all the tenderness Katsuki has kept locked up inside, and he is letting Izuku see it for the first time.
To see Kacchan—strong, fierce, and absolutely unstoppable—shed these innocent, helpless tears for him and tell him through sobs that he wanted things to stay this way forever, I can’t blame him for being blown away.
I think Izuku expected Katsuki to be shocked and a little sad that he gave up OFA, both for Izuku’s sake and because it is the legacy of their hero. Before Katsuki even starts crying, Izuku has this small smile on his face, like he was ready to reassure him that he had made peace with his own choice.
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But he clearly didn’t expect for Katsuki to weep openly in front of him about it or to confess to wanting him by his side. Izuku had so enjoyed just being allowed near Katsuki, allowed in his life at all—to think that Katsuki could want the same and want it this much, to the point that he worries that things would change, that Izuku would abandon him or deny him? How could that ever be?
In what world could Izuku ever stop chasing Kacchan?
Izuku is a bit of an idiot. He has always thought that Katsuki understood how much he cared for and admired him—that’s why he is so shocked during DvK2 to hear that Katsuki thought he looked down on him for years. Izuku thought Katsuki understood his feelings and simply rejected them.
The way he loves Kacchan is natural and unquestionable. Even now, he can’t understand how Katsuki doesn’t know. It’s baffling to him.
But he still accepts Katsuki’s vulnerability and responds to the intimacy.
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This is such an affectionate, loving thing to say. Izuku is being so sweet. I cannot convey to you strongly enough how Izuku telling Katsuki, “C’mon, stop it, this isn’t like you!” reaffirms their closeness.
If Izuku had not said this line and instead skipped straight to this nervous, awkward little attempt at comfort here:
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It would have read as so much more distant.
With his tears and his confession, Katsuki pleads with Izuku to not leave him. To be with him always.
And in response, Izuku unabashedly stakes his claim on their bond by being bold enough to affectionately scold him and even assert authority on what kind of person Katsuki is. Remember these?
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Chapters 202 and 319
This is such a staple in Japanese media for showing close bonds. Your loved ones know you. They tease you. They scold you. They have that right. You gave it to them.
The people you love cheer you up by reminding you that you’re strong and brave and that even if things feel hopeless and like you can’t go on, that they know you can. Everything will be okay, and they know so because they’ll be right there with you. Of course they’ll be there.
Symbolically, throughout the series, Izuku’s response to Katsuki trying to be closer to him has always been: “Of course.”
He has always accepted Katsuki as much as he is able to, as much as he had awareness for. He is wildly lacking in self-awareness, so it’s certainly not perfect, but by god does he try.
What Izuku is really saying is a mixture of “Really? You want that, too?” and “Don’t be silly!”
One part is him being shocked and touched; the other is him being absolutely certain of his own heart, and showing it as best he can.
He does get flustered and self-conscious, though—because it’s overwhelming to see Kacchan this way, and this is kind of new territory for them. So he switches tactics to reassure Kacchan about how things are now, and make sure he doesn’t feel embarrassed about this outburst. He still has the embers, so it’s okay for now. And their bodies are weak, so of course their heads will be in a bad place too, it’s easy to get low spirits. Of course Katsuki would be feeling vulnerable. It’s normal.
He gives Katsuki so many things here. He gives him as much as he can.
Izuku doesn’t know how long he’ll have the embers for and, frankly, he doesn’t have any guarantee that he will be able to satisfy this longing of Katsuki’s after he loses them. This, too, is a staple of promises in Japanese media: “I don’t know if I can satisfy you, but I want to try. I hope you can accept me.”
Things will be different—the future is always uncertain, now more than ever for their world. But what will never change is what they feel in their hearts.
After this scene, I honestly don’t care if we get something other people see as “bkdk canon.”
What Katsuki says is as good as a confession to me. What Izuku says in return is genuine and pure. This is a messy pair of teenage boys figuring out how to reach each other with words, when they have always been so damn bad at it. This is the two of them both reaching a new point of intimacy and reaffirming everything that came before.
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rosesnbooks · 2 months
Aries placements
Since we are currently in aries season, i wanted to make a post about some of their placements! Hope you enjoy this post, and I'm looking forward to your feedback♈
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❤️sun in aries people are vastly different from one another. not all of them relate to the confident image of someone who has the qualities of a leader. they can be shy and dislike lots of attention and responsibility. but i do think most of them are passionate about the things they love and they like to share these with the ones closest to them. also, they are very curious. there is something innocent about them
🌹moon in aries types show the classic traits of aries people that are known to others. the people i know with this placement have an unmatched temper and intensity. they have strong emotions regarding everything, so they either love or hate certain things. i feel like their mothers went through many difficulties in life, and tried to display their strong character. also, people with this placement have a desire to be more masculine, and less sensitive. they have outbursts of strong emotions, especially anger that gets out of their system as soon as it arises. they will be there for you in good and bad times, and you'll appreciate that. but if you cross them, they won't see you in the same light ever again. i've noticed that they love music or anything in the arts. it gives them immense joy and passion that they cannot always show and explore in their everyday life.
💋rising sign in aries have a strong presence wherever they go and people are quick to form opinions about them. they seem passionate, direct and a bit aggressive. women with this ascendant are seen as femme fatale. men seem a bit restless, opinionated, very masculine, and intimidating to some. their appearances vary, but they have some noticeable facial features that demand your attention (eyes esp., and the nose) they look amazing in black, red, and any loud colors. they have so many facial expressions, and it's quite charming and funny. they are a bit loud sometimes
🎬mercury in aries is an interesting placement. a lot is going on in their heads but it depends on the individual whether they'll show this aspect of their personality to the world or not. they have strong opinions and they are not fans of a gray mindset. i'm not saying they view things in black and white only, but they definitely prefer to be 100% sure in things. they are humorous, but at the same time they take things too seriously lol. they prefer direct people and explaining things clearly and concisely, without beating around the bush. they also like to provoke a bit the people they love, with good intentions ofc. lastly, they have to be careful when talking about sensitive topics, and discussing things with people who are sensitive. they must not be too harsh and "objective" since it can be easy to hurt others this way.
💄venus in aries love fiercely and dislike cold people who aren't ready to pursue them bravely and honestly. if you lack interest and manners, they will cross you off their list pretty quickly. they are lots of fun and want someone similar to them in this aspect. i think they can be really loyal as partners once they find someone who fits their criteria. continuous display of commitment and passion is the way to go with them. they are really sensitive actually, so they want someone that makes them feel safe, and someone who would be patient with their emotions.
❤️‍🔥mars in aries are energetic, full of life, passionate (i cannot help myself, this word describes them in a nutshell), like to take the lead, have various ambitions they need to fulfill. their temper is a bit scary at times, so they need to work on that. i feel as if this placement is not that common. they succeed in whatever they have planned in life because of their ambitious and strong mindset.
🎫jupiter in aries will have lots of luck by working on their confidence, saying how they think and feel instead of bottling up their emotions and ideas. pursuing various hobbies, especially those that involve physical activity. they need to relieve their stress as well. also, being spontaneous and brave could provide happines and new opportunities. focusing some of their big energy toward the people they love is also rewarding. the people around them love their enthusiasm and optimism btw.
💌saturn in aries need to watch out for their impulsive nature that dives head first without giving anything much thought. not only could they hurt themselves in this process, but others around them as well. there are consequences to all of our actions. moreover, there is no need to be shy about taking risks and taking the lead, but it's important to do it the right way. like i've said, confidence is key. by working on themselves, they could become unstoppable.
paid astrology readings
(photos were found on Pinterest)
Don't take anything too seriously since I am not a professional
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sugasiren · 1 year
☆Astro Observations PT 3☆
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**NOTE: This blog contains Mature content.
🩷 Libra & Pisces Venus can be prone to cheating, as BOTH tend to fall in love with the "idea" of love rather than the actual person in front of them. Flaky as fuck, but they're a hella charming bunch tho! Usually attractive.
❤️‍🔥 Scorpio Risings can sometimes struggle with intimacy, due to having Air Signs over their Water Houses. They crave deep bonds (like all Scorpio placements) yet often run from them at the same time. They can allow their FEAR to sabotage their greatest connections. It's tragic!
🩷 Capricorn Moon Men are hot AF! Their sex appeal is highly underrated if you ask me. They appear calm, dominant, stoic & strong - like men whom you can truly rely upon in every way. And ohhh - they also have seriously Big Dick Energy. 🤣 Brad Pitt, George Clooney & Dwayne Johnson have all been voted Sexiest Man Alive for good reason! 💋 Gerard Butler displayed such stunning power as King Leonidis in the 300 movie; Ryan Gosling passionately stole our hearts in The Notebook; Michael Douglass snatched our panties through the screen in Basic Instinct; And Freddy Mercury is an LGBT legend whose iconic musical anthems continue to make everyone from *all* walks of life feel mightily empowered. 💪How did Cap Moons get so damn awesome?? I tip my hat off to you guys! Much love.
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YUM!! 🤪 *drools unapologetically*
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❤️‍🔥 Mars 2H and/or 5H Synastry are *huge* indicators for attraction. It goes deeper than money, fun, etc. The House Person is typically rather possessive over the Mars Person; and the Mars Person feels very invested in the House Person. You will greatly enjoy pleasuring each other. 💋 The 2nd House = attraction to each others bodies. You want to devour them like dessert! 🤪 But you also see real VALUE in them as well. The 5th House = romantic attraction & passion. You both bring endless amounts of joy to one another both in & out of the bedroom.
🩷 You can easily fall in love with or quickly gain strong feelings for someone whose DSC or 7H is conjunct your Venus. You view them as the Ideal Partner because they embody many of the qualities that you're looking for long-term.
❤️‍🔥 In 8th House Synastry, BOTH parties have power in different ways. The House Person sets the pace of the relationship and decides *when* they will allow the Planet Person into their heart or their "world", so to speak. And the Planet Person decides *when* they will surrender to the House Person - setting the tone for transformation, as they have a lot of influence on the HP's moods & overall well-being. BOTH parties have an emotional pull over the other! 💯 It's only "lopsided" if somebody isn't physically attracted to the other to begin with. 🤷🏾‍♀️ In that case, you're wasting your time and need to move on ASAP.
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🩷 Moon + Mars Synastry = the best of both worlds!! Sexual AND emotional compatibility between you & your partner. Tough & Tender. Masculine + Feminine enraptured in a sensual Tango. 💃🏾 Hair-pulling & ass-slapping one minute... passionate kisses & slow grinds the next... with loving cuddles ALWAYS sure to follow after an explosive climax. 🔥 This is the person whom you could watch paint dry with and *still* have the time of your life together! You excite them. They make you feel vulnerable. No one can make you madder than they can. Lol. You have a rare connection & can see into each other's souls. 🫶 So cherish it!
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❤️‍🔥 Venus 8H Individuals are often highly selective about who they sleep with, and especially choosy about who they commit to. It's not easy to win their heart! They typically have MANY admirers though who obsess over trying to *capture* them. They are effortlessly captivating, seductive people whom others are desperate to get the approval of. 💋 Everyone wants them, but few actually get to have them. But my God, if they choose you - they are highly loyal, loving & devoted! 💯 Their connection with their partner gets stronger (not weaker) over time. They seek to transform you sexually, emotionally, spirituality - and they deeply *crave* for you to do the same for them in return. 🔥 And if they can't be consumed by their TRUE EQUAL... they'd rather remain alone. These people DO NOT settle for less. They'll have fun with you, and that is surely it.
☆That's all for now, Darlings! Thanks so much for being apart of my lovely world. 🔮
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yveaart · 5 months
mr. styles — yjh
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yoon jeonghan x reader
genre : fluff, suggestive
synoposis : another year with your lovely boyfriend that you wouldn’t trade the world for.
warnings : long haired jeonghan.
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“another year to us babe” you smiled at him as the tall glass of champagne you both had came in contact making a light tap of glass echoing through your ears
you both stared at each other with adoration-filled gazes, he had that daydream held within his orbs that just fills you comfort— solace.
he stared at you, his eyes occasionally panning down to what you were wearing, he wanted to make it subtle but he failed to do so.
you looked to perfect with your pearly silk dress that hugged you around the right ways. don’t get him wrong he loved you even with rags on, or even if you wear your most worn out pajamas because you fought to tell him that they were simply just comfortable to you, he still believed you look gorgeous.
but there was just a different glow to you when you fix yourself up, feeling confident and beautiful. he loves you, in all ways, in different worlds.
sitting on opposite sides of your well groomed table at the most immaculate restaurant your town had gave you a sense of distance. you didn’t want to pretend that having not to sit to him was more romantic.
having the seating placement for a couple was just too traditional and formal, for what you two had was to genuine to act like anyone else on a perfect occasion for the both of you.
you lifted your chair and placed it next to his.
“so clingy today baby” he teased you with a glint in his eyes. if this was your first date you would’ve been embarrassed, but now you can see the burgundy hue that flushed to his cheeks by the thought of you just wanting to be close to him.
“only you though” you grinned as you both fed each other playfully, he wouldn’t just feed you that easy, he’s yoon jeonghan.
your yoon jeonghan.
the dim lights and aromatic candles on your table gave the both of you ambience, reflecting the warmth on your faces.
you caressed his slicked back hair, smoothly combing through it as he stared at you in awe.
you took what you could get, he wouldn’t display too much of his love to you like this, he would rather do acts of services or just plainly make fun of you.
you think he just wants to see you embarrassed, but he liked seeing your blood rush to your cheeks and sometimes if he’s lucky he would see your eyebrows frown, or at sometimes you would just looked at him shocked.
he was happy that you were completely comfortable with him displaying every emotion and part of you that you had with him. (yes you and your 30 other personalities)
doing these things helped him study you more, at one glance he would find you in the crowd, in one glance, he knows what you’re craving, at one glance, he knows what you’re feeling, and in all of them, your eyes always had showed him that you adore him endlessly.
so just like what he’s doing now, he wants you to know, that it is you who he loves endlessly.
you continued to caress his medium length hair
“i love your hair like this” you whispered as you continued to peck his forehead.
the buzz of the liquor was making you both tipsy, the air becoming thicker as your bodies slowly rises in heat.
his hand was resting on your leg, your head laying on his shoulder as his was on yours, you both were giggling from the drunken thoughts you were whispering for the past hour, the leftover of your food running cold, but your cheeks were filled and full with laughter.
“let’s go home hannie” you smiled at him
“if that’s what you want sweetheart” he replied kissing the back of your hand happily.
you both quickly split the bill, you believe that you needed to meet halfway so that this relationship would work with balance, and being foodies, going out actually pains the wallets of an individual.
“please come again” the waitress greeted the both of you out on the exit.
“especially you mr. yoon, a haircut would suit you, and maybe someone new?” she winked at him with a hoping grin.
“ah, my wife likes my hair long, she’s gonna have to pull on it all night” he responds cockily
the lady’s move on your boyfriend almost made you burst but jeonghan’s response was truly something else.
you and jeonghan had a good laugh on the way home, reenacting the moment you exited the building.
the event slowly fading away as you and jeonghan were convinced unto having another round of red wine further pushing you both to the bliss of being drunk.
you slowly put your glass down hearing the light tap of the glass. you shifted back to your couch next to your lovely drunk boyfriend beside you.
his face looking like he’s planning to have a knock out and wake up at noon tomorrow almost made you giggle.
you brushed his hair once more, slowly shifting his head to face you. he had a crooked genuine smile, he’s drop dead gorgeous.
his little suit fitting him nicely, his face bare and sculpted and his eyes a bit droopy from spending hours outside with you.
you both happily kissed each other savoring the flavor of aged wine on your lips, and you swore it taste better when you’re sucking it off his tongue than tasting some fancy 50 year old wine.
you lightly tugged on his hair as you shifted your lips exploring your tongue within his mouth, and this action made him moan lazily against yours making you giggle.
“maybe you like me tugging on your hair a little too much, hannie” you smiled at him finally letting him lay on your lap as you massaged his scalp, soon leaving you both to pass out ready to have an eventful morning.
the truth is he loved the way you loved his hair. so expect him having it in this length for another month before he cuts it, he doesn’t want to make you sad but instead long for it— for him. and he’ll grow it by your birthday. he would never admit that he calculated his hair growth and the time to know that it’ll grow back on your birthday, but that could be jeonghan’s little secret.
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amourdivine · 8 months
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Hello lovelies! I hope you’re doing well today! Today, I bring you a different type of reading featuring an extended 18+ version. Since the extended reading option was the winner of my latest poll, I am really happy and excited to release this. Thank you so much for your endless support, I love you guys very much and I hope you’re having a wonderful week! ♡
follow me on my socials. youtube ✨ instagram
none of the images are mine unless stated otherwise
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how to choose your pile.  take deep breaths for a few minutes & look at each and every one of the piles separately. see which one brings you to a feeling, a place or a memory. take your time and feel free to come back to it later.
♡ ♡ ♡     pick a card masterlist & information
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disclaimer. this is a general reading for entertainment purposes. tarot is a divination tool & is not a substitute for medical and professional advice, nor is it meant to be taken as such. i do not take responsibility for any choice(s) made by you or others regarding my readings.
amourdivine. 2021 - 2023 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
judgement • page of wands • nine of cups • two of cups
Scorpio energy here - either one of you may have Scorpio in 6th, a stellium the 6th or perhaps you’re Pluto dominant. It’s a significant planet here. Your love for one another on a day-to-day basis will shine through in the way you handle the adversities thrown your way, how you wake up each day with excitement and gratitude for what’s to come. It may have been difficult for the two of you to finally come together, but I see two people waking up with extreme gratitude for getting to be with one another. It’s honestly quite sweet, you’ll feel as if all the roads have led you to this person, to spend your life with them in the big and the small moments.
The love will be shown in the stressful moments, hand holding when one’s having a crisis, calming down one another and facing the challenges together. For example, if you’re regularly waking up to nightmares, your person will calm you down, they’ll accompany you to a doctor’s appointment and do their best to ensure you have good dreams.I heard “through thick and thin” - you’ll be doing and planning everything together. You’ll be in sync, so if one’s doing the groceries, the other will be picking up the kids from school. It has a feeling of telepathy to it, like your thoughts and emotions will be picked up on by the other. It’ll be a very teammate-y kind of couple, the couple that does not let the other go without support. You’ll be very present in each other’s day to day lives and there’s an element of fun to it as well, of trying to keep things lighthearted and romantic as well, like going on weekly dates, making sure to lighten up each other’s mood, check in often and give keep the love alive through these small gestures, consistently.
Speaking of consistently, that’s how I envision your daily life with your FS, through constant commitment, effort, gifts and displays of affection. Your relationship will be a safe foundation for your daily lives, regardless of what happens, it will be so present that you won’t ever feel alone or doubt your FS’s love for you.
channeled song: Colors of Your Mood by Between Giants.
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the sun • seven of wands • four of cups • the empress
Your daily life will have a lot of happy, positive elements. A lot of Leo and Libra here. You’ll make one another laugh a lot, cheer each other up. This person may be or may have been your best friend. I see an element of “inner child” here, a lot of dancing, giggling and nurturing one another. In your daily life, your person may help you stand your ground and you’ll be each other’s biggest cheerleader. Compliments and cheeky ways of flirting are ways where you’ll keep the flame alive, fighting together for a better future as well - you’ll stand up for one another a lot. If someone treats you poorly, like say, you’re walking by and you get catcalled or someone disrespects you at a grocery shop line, your person will say something. You’ll also naturally take on this role as well, because you’ll want to spoil one another a lot and fight to keep your love “young”. Perhaps family members or loved ones will be opposed to this relationship and the both of you will feel the need to prove everyone wrong, to show that you’re each other’s person and it’s the final say. 
You will fight off the boredom of routine by keeping everything interesting and unusual. You may travel a lot with one another before having kids or prioritize your relationship’s success and joy above everything else. Even if the two of you don’t have much money, I feel like you’ll be very creative and come up with different ideas to spark up your joy. Both of you may intensely dislike routine or boredom, so you’ll make sure that neither one of you is left unattended, unsatisfied or lonely. I also feel that either one of you may have slightly jealous tendencies towards the other, so it’ll be important for the two of you to never leave it unaddressed or dismissed, but I think it’ll be mostly harmless and may make one of you pouty, which the other will find cute. I see a lot of spoiling here, not just material, like I mentioned, but showering each other in love every single day, especially through words of affirmation and a lot of cuddling. This is the pile of the clingy, obsessed-with-each-other couple. Quite adorable, to be honest. You won’t be afraid of the PDA.
Random message, but if you have any motherly or love wounds, I think you’ll be able to heal through the love you receive from this person on a day to day basis. As if you’ll come at ease and your heart will finally rest once the days pass you by and you realize your marriage is not like your parents”.
channeled song: Chateau by Angus & Julia Stone.
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the hermit • queen of wands • ace of pentacles • seven of cups
Your daily life will be busy in the pursuit of better opportunities. I think this person will encourage you to be your most authentic self with them. They’ll make you feel confident and in your power. This pile is giving me “power couple” vibes, like two people who own a business together and work tirelessly to make their dreams come true. It may be hard for you two to distinguish between one person’s dreams vs. the other, since you’ll both have very similar goals that will be aligned in the way you make choices. Your daily life together seems to be one full of really important decisions; you’re both perfectionists - and sometimes you’ll need each other’s push to simply do something instead of striving for perfection. I heard “done is better than perfect”. I also think you’ll both pursue a lot of intellectual stimuli together, maybe go to the movies or the theater together, museums and libraries. It seems that your daily lives will be very private, exclusive to the two of you, you may be the couple who doesn’t post much on social media but the people speak of a lot. I get the feeling you’re both important people, as I mentioned.
You may be in the public eye in some way. I’m guessing it has to do with your occupations. You can count on each other to only speak the best of one another. I think you and your FS will have a deep sense of loyalty and commitment that will naturally bleed into your day-to-day interactions and conversations. You’ll be the couple who plans the smallest of things together. It’s possible the two of you have similar placements or complementary ones, because the synastry here seems very easygoing, like it just flows naturally and two people are very committed to making it work, regardless. Even on a day-to-day basis, you’ll have interesting topics to talk about and you may be the kind of couple who ask each other’s opinions for everything, not out of codependency, but because they know that their FS has always something interesting to say. I see you spending time together in a more “lowkey” way. Your ways of demonstrating love to one another will be subtle but thoughtful, perhaps only noticeable to the two of you, almost like you’ve developed a secret language to speak to one another. You will get each other like no one else. Very clever and sweet. 
channeled song: Cardigan by Taylor Swift.
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two of cups • four of wands • two of pentacles • ace of swords
Most of your day-to-day lives will be spent maintaining and looking after your stability, pile four. Regardless of how many times I shuffled, messages about money kept coming out. I think it’s possible you’ll either marry into wealth or become fairly wealthy after marriage and I feel like most of your routine will revolve around making healthy financial decisions with your FS. I think the two of you will be very, very protective over your family. Another message I got was about children, I think you’ll have plenty of them. It’s coming on very strongly that you’re possibly having big family - like three to five children, if that resonates for you, of course. I see it as a bit of a chaotic, but pleasant daily life regardless. Even if you’re busy looking after all that you have, I think you’ll aim to leave a good legacy behind and that will show early on in your marriage. You’ll be concerned about making good choices not only for the now, but for the future as well. You’re both very smart, witty people. I feel like you may also have a joint bank account, or some other way of holding each other accountable and looking after your material gains. I don’t see any “controlling” behavior here, but more so two people who are enthusiastic about how far they’ve come and how far they can go.
You’re both super hard workers as well. Honestly, it’s possible you may not spend as much time with them as you want to, but I think even when you’re away for a few hours, running errands or working, you’ll miss them. It’s got a feeling of two people who have never fallen out of love. I think you’ll be smitten with them for a very, very long time. I think you’ll also become an example of a healthy couple for your children as well. I’m sorry children are coming up so strongly (lol), but the energy of being busy, loving parents here is very obvious to me. You might become overwhelmed or overburdened by responsibilities at times, because I see here two people who sort of thrive in chaotic or busy environments and at times, you may have to delegate tasks or ask other family members for help. I think either one of you has always dreamt of building a big family and now that you have it, you want to do everything in your power to protect it, to cherish it. One or both of you is a natural provider and wants to give your loved ones all the best things in the world. 
channeled song: Still The One by Shania Twain.
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amourdivine. 2021 - 2023 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
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badaseyebags · 4 months
private lessons ⋆。°✩ chapter 1 ⟢
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fluff, suggestive, smut in upcoming chapters
word count: 1,2k
warnings: aged up bada (she’s in her 30’s), age gap (reader is an adult!!!), very obvious power dynamics, dom!bada, student x teacher themes
author’s note: hello guys i am back with a series and i will try to update regularly, please be patient and give me some feedback. thank you and have fun reading! -booger 🍞
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you knew it was wrong, and you knew your fantasies wouldn’t actually come to life, so why did it feel so thrilling? you look at yourself in the mirror as you’re smoothing over your clothes, exhaling shakily to mentally prepare yourself to meet up with your tutor. you seriously need to stop getting your hopes up.
you were an A+ student who never even had to study, acing your tests without any real effort. all you had to do was pay attention during class and you had nothing to worry about. so why exactly did you need a tutor? well… you see.. your teacher was temporarily gone for god knows what reasons, and you’ve gotten a substitute teacher for the time being.. and your grades dropped drastically, not because you suddenly stopped caring about school or because you missed classes, no no, quite the opposite.
the problem was your insanely attractive substitute teacher. Mrs. Lee… she was so tall.. so handsome.. so pretty.. and so strict. the second your eyes landed on her you knew you were done for. you felt so guilty for the emotions you yourself couldn’t even control, although you haven’t done or said anything wrong (yet). so why exactly were you feeling this way? oh right, having zero experience and drooling over your teacher who’s 10+ years older than you is probably a good enough reason. you and your twisted mind.
you had no issues in any other classes, being the nerd you were you quite enjoyed them. but as soon as the bell rang and she walked into the room, all your focus was on tall figure. oh how you wish she would tower over you- she was speaking but you couldn’t hear a word she was saying, just her voice. you didn’t see the notes she wrote on the blackboard, letters blending into the background. all you saw was her hands. as if you suddenly forgot to read, the veins on her large hands being much more interesting to study. the length of her fingers and the way she moved them had your mind flipping a switch. every word that left her mouth just flew past your head and all you could do was just stare with a blank stare, more like blank brain.. no thoughts head empty, just Mrs. Lee and your stupid imagination.
you didn’t see an issue in this, it was almost like a new hobby. patiently waiting for her class at the end of the day as if it were some kind of a reward. spacing out with the image of her right in front of you. damn, talk about inspiration. the issue was… you weren’t as smooth with concealing your so called innocent crush on her, which you failed to realize.
with the way you gulped each time she called your name or the way your cheeks turned red when she found out you’re spacing out and not playing attention once again, or the way your eyes would linger on her as she walked across the room, never leaving her for a second, as if they were glued to her.
it was all a bit too obvious to her. at first she found it funny, she was used to both men and women falling for her. however she wouldn’t have expected someone much younger then her to be so infatuated with her, especially to such a high level you were displaying, thinking you’re hiding it so well. reality was rather different. and quite frankly entertaining for her. especially you being her student, making it even more entertaining for her to watch.
you would of assumed she’d be married by now, there’s no doubt people are chasing her left and right, but she was actually not interested in settling down just yet, deciding to focus on her career and hope she finally meets the right person along the way. someone who she could be herself with… as in someone she could have complet control over. bada craved dominance, and while some people were into that, they were often caught off by the level of it that she desired. she wanted all of it. no, she needed all of it. it made her giggle, thinking your actions are cute and nothing more, she was your teacher for now after all. it’s not like you were underage or anything, but in her view it was simply unprofessional and inappropriate. not you basically eye fucking her every class she taught, but the fact that she enjoyed it much more then she wanted to admit.
she wanted to mess with you a little, play with your little brain and have some light hearted fun. not in a way where she uses you for a night and goes back to teaching you, she wouldn’t have the heart to do that, right? she just wanted to find a way that would entertain her for the time being. she loved teasing you and seeing your reactions, she found it cute how flustered she could get you just by pointing out your own behaviour. a part of her really did feel bad seeing your grades drop more and more, and it being indirectly her fault. if she wasn’t so dedicated to her work and didn’t take her time to learn all about the students she will be teaching temporarily, she wouldn’t have known you’re actually one of the top students. which is also why she was keeping an eye on you from the beginning, confusion clouding mind seeing you not match the expectations she’d set for you prior teaching you.
was there a mistake in the system? were those grades she’d seen not yours, perhaps someone with the same name as you…? she wondered after her first time teaching your class. the second time she’d notice you fidgeting and having trouble speaking when she asked you a question. hmm.. it must be anxiety, she thought. you did seem very nervous about her being your new teacher, maybe you were just this shy because you don’t know her, that’s all.
she realised all her theories were proven wrong as you spent the following days with flushed cheeks, eyes blinking up at her in concentration. looking away quickly as soon as she looked your way.
she thought she was partly responsible for this, so she was kind enough to offer you some tutoring sessions after school. when she told you to stay behind after dismissal and proposed the offer you panicked, just then realising how distracted you must of been during class for this to turn this bad.
you frantically shook your head not wanting to accept because 1) you didn’t want to be an inconvenience and waste her time due to failing and it being totally your fault. (the part you told her)
and 2) you’d definitely pass away being in the same room as her… all alone… in her house.. being much closer to you.. with her trying to explain to you what she said in class 200 times while you just drooled over her, as if it’s not going to be even harder for you to focus. ( that’s the part you didn’t tell her)
cat got your tongue when she assured you that it’s all okay and she would be more then happy to give you private lessons, and proud to see you do better. you swallowed hard as she asked for your number, arranging a meeting for the weekend, patting your head before she walked out telling you she can’t wait.
oh you’re screwed, so damn screwed.
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glacierclear · 9 months
Having some mad fuckboy!Leon thoughts rn
After he's unlearned all the stuff he taught himself and is basically done with the whole fuckboy thing oh man he would be SO soft. Holding your hand? Check. Cuddling at his dorm? Check. Being more gentle and loving during sex? Also check.
Also, stealing his hoodies. He'd melt for sure
oh, for sure. healed fuckboy!leon would be a SIGHT TO BEHOLD.
he wouldn't be perfect...
progress isn't linear. he'd stumble a lot. make a lot of mistakes and backward steps. you would need to be patient. you would need to be careful. especially in the early stages. because damn, he's trying. he's trying so hard. and you need to acknowledge the effort, even if it's hard to see, because any praise towards this will mean so much to him.
it'd come out especially on his bad days. he's more impatient. short-tempered. lashes out over seemingly mundane things. you'll need to be firm but not demeaning. catch his tells, his habits, and figure out the real reason he's behaving the way he is.
you'll need to slowly teach him the true depth of his words. that they hurt you just as much as they hurt him. he's unfamiliar with the idea of accountability, so you need to teach him about consequences. let him know you're upset and angry at him. but just because you're upset doesn't mean he's irredeemable. he'll assume any pushback is you ending things permanently. he needs the space to fuck up and forgive himself.
and damn it all, he's the jealous type. possessive. protective as all hell. it's toxic, and you need to teach him boundaries. it'll be tough. he worked so fucking hard to get you, doesn't he deserve to have you the way he needs? but no. you need freedom. he'll learn eventually, but be prepared to send a lot of "im safe and i miss u" texts to him when you're out with friends.
speaking of toxic. the toxic masculinity will be hell to unpack. sometimes it's nice! he insists on you being passenger princess. he insists on picking up the bill (well, once you're actually dating). he doesn't mind taking care of spiders (and fine, just because you asked nicely, he won't kill them). but...the bads get real bad.
displaying any kind of vulnerable emotion is like pulling teeth. when he's nervous, scared, anxious...he'll take it out on others. or himself. early progress will be made when he's blackout drunk and spilling everything to you. he reveals the deepest, most fragile parts of himself on these nights. it's like he's an entirely different person. and the next morning he'll do his best to sweep it all under the rug, but you have to fight for it. accept him and love him despite how "totally fucking lame" he acted (his words, not yours).
that being said. the good parts? oh yeah. Boyfriend Material 100%.
he'd do anything for you. anything. don't even say shit as a joke because he'll do it. at a certain point he doesn't even care if his friends think he's being stupid. you're his whole world. he'd wear stupid t-shirts for you. go to that concert you're dying to see even if he thinks the music sucks. he'll bash his head into a wall and learn to bake french pastries if it'll get you to smile. through hell and high water, he'll follow.
and yeah, he weans himself off social media. stops posting thirst trap photos and cuts ties with his sneaky links. but the lack of external validation is felt, and it kind of falls on you to fill the void. clingy won't even begin to describe what he is. he'll resort to begging. he will. late to work in the morning? that's not his problem. you're staying in that damn bed and you are cuddling him. you think him wearing tank tops in the middle of December is just a dumb mistake, but you catch on quick when he starts to shiver and needs to huddle you for warmth. "you want me to die of hypothermia? c'mon, babe. get closer." and yeah. those ice cold hands are going straight on your stomach. have fun.
part of the excitement will come from truly learning who he is as a person. most of his herculean facade is a persona. he doesn't actually like beer. he likes dry whiskey and refined clear liquors. he doesn't actually enjoy parties. the crowds make him nauseous, and he can always blame it on the alcohol. he's not actually all that into sports. you figure out he has a well-loved public library card and he knows the mystery section like the back of his hand. he's vibrant. shockingly intelligent. gets that light in his eyes when you nudge him about his interests. it'll be hard to get him to admit it, but his favorite part of the week is huddling on the couch watching nature documentaries with you.
and it's a two-way street. he remembers everything about you. early on in your relationship you casually assume he'll never keep track of the important dates. that's the stereotype, right? you couldn't be more wrong. birthdays. anniversaries. doctor's appointments. your fucking dog's yearly vaccine. he won't necessarily go all-out, not until you're more of a long-term thing, but what he does is meaningful. sincere. you won't get $500 of flowers and chocolate for valentine's day, but he'll abduct you from work, drive you out far, far into the countryside. lay out a patchwork blanket and stare at the night sky. he brought your favorite brand of pita chips and sneakily worms a gift box in your hand. it's that stupid $15 thing that's been sitting in your online shopping cart for weeks that you could never justify buying. and yeah, he'd appreciate a blowjob under the stars, but seeing you happy is enough.
and you could never begin to imagine how loving and passionate he can get during sex. it's totally different than his usual flavor. casual hook-ups and one-night stands are merely a fraction of his power. he tends to avoid intimate gestures on those nights. no eye-contact. hardly any kissing. he likes it rough and he likes it fast. but with you? he takes his time. commits your body to muscle memory. his gaze is intense, and he watches every reaction, trying to map out your flesh like a cartographer. he'll happily make out with you for upwards of a couple hours before you even begin the real foreplay. and you always cum first. always.
oh, but if you're not a fan of PDA...he might be a problem. he's proud of you. you're the hottest thing on two legs as far as he's concerned. he'll have no issue grabbing your ass, wrapping a hand around your waist, kissing along your neck, whispering the most obscene things in your ear. it's not even to make a point. there's no rhyme or reason. he just wants to. and you're right there. and what right does the world have to tell him to stop? does it make people uncomfortable? who cares. he'll lay off if it really bugs you that much...but if he catches anyone staring at you too long he'll ramp it up. it's almost aggressive. you turn to scold him, noticing how his eyes aren't even on you. he's staring at someone else. someone who's looking at what's his.
he's a yes man, too. if you need restraint and careful guidance in your life...he's not the one. he'll support any weird, out of the blue hobby you want to pursue. if you even joke about quitting your job he'll egg you on. "i'll drive right up there and tell your boss i'll fuck his wife!" and you have to talk him down. he'll punch the sun for you. he'll be behind every impulsive purchase. every 4am trip to walmart. every instinct to feed your id. any "little treat" you want to have he'll get it. because you deserve the best. if you ever want to have a stable bank account you need the be the voice of reason. because it's not gonna be him.
yeah. he'll have a lot of problems. don't worry about that. but, at least with fuckboy!leon, you'll almost never have any doubts that he loves you. once you manage to pin his heart on his sleeve, it's there for life and it'll always be yours.
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fatuismooches · 11 months
a lesson in sadness.
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Today was another day of your peaceful, average but happy life with the puppet known as Kabukimono. Nothing seemed different about today. The blue sky appeared endless, stretching on forever with misty cotton clouds hovering above. Villagers and miners were already awake, slowly turning the sleepy village alive again. It seemed like it would be a good, normal day. And a good, normal day was deserving of a nice walk to take in the scenery. 
Kabukimono, Niwa, Katsuragi, and you sometimes went on strolls outside the village, and today was one such day. Even though it was a group of you, you tended to stick to two pairs - Kabukimono and you, and Niwa and Katsuragi. The two older men had cheesily nudged you with their elbows, winking and motioning for you to join your lover. They’d let the two lovebirds have some alone time as they walked behind, they said, remarking about how precious young love was. You were going to kick them later for sure.
But you welcomed the time you got with Kabukimono. Lately, you had been encouraging him to be around the other villagers without you. You figured he needed more interaction with other people. You could only teach him so much. Some things in life could only be learned through experience. But it seemed like he preferred to hang out with the kiddos anyway.
“And they taught me lots of cool games! Hide and seek, temari, duck duck goose… tag, too!” The thought of Kabukimono trying to keep up with the hyperactive children was amusing.
“Tag? I can’t imagine how fast you had to run,” you giggled and Kabukimono brightened.
“Really fast, actually! I have a lot of stamina, see!” With that he took off in front of you, taking you by surprise for a second, but you excitedly raced after him. Now, you weren’t much of a runner, but something about doing this with him made you feel like the weight of all your worries had been lifted. The sounds of laughter filled the air.
“Hah- K-Kabukimono! Wait u-up!” Your sprint had come to a halting stop, hands on your knees as you caught your breath. It shouldn’t be a surprise that the Almighty Shogun’s puppet was so agile, but this was on another level. Then again, you thought a puppet would be emotionless, but Kabukimono was far from that.
Thankfully he stopped to rub your back comfortingly like the good boy he was. “Hehe, sorry [Name]. I guess I got a bit carried away there. But you should really join us! We always have a lot of fun!”
You smiled at him through your pants, standing up straight. “Well, when you put it like that, I simply can’t refuse. But I think you’ll have to do most of the running. I’ll just be… backup.” Both of you giggled and you caressed his cheek, while he looked into your eyes deeply. Slowly, you both began to lean in, ready to lock lips when-
The sudden noise was enough to make you jump and pull away from Kabukimono, eyes searching your surroundings. Uneasiness settled in your stomach, and you then felt him tighten his hold on your sleeve. Turning your head back, you could see why.
A group of Kairagi and Nobushi appeared in front of you.
The uneasiness had crept up and turned to agitation. You two weren’t even that far from the village, yet somehow they were this close. Usually, they knew their place. Perhaps things had gotten bad for them lately.
“Well well well, what do we have here? Two lost little lambs?” They all had mean, wicked smiles on their face, some blades drawn already. You had a feeling that this good, normal day would turn out to be something far different.
The dishonored samurai had a tendency to attack anyone regardless, but you knew they were particularly interested this time. Kabukimono’s clothing was very expensive. And they liked to rob.
Kabukimono, on the other hand, hadn’t much experience with people outside of the tight-knit village, but he could easily tell that these men gave off a much different vibe than what he was accustomed to. And your face had an emotion that you rarely ever displayed. Fright. Nervousness. The same face he made when he was abandoned in Shakkei Pavilion.
“Kabukimono,” you whispered breathlessly, “We have to run. Now.” You didn’t like how your own fear was beginning to infect him, but there was no helping it. 
Your hand slid down to firmly grasp the puppet’s. Niwa and Katsuragi shouldn’t be that far behind, but you should get some distance away from the bandits before you yell for help. They could hurt you if you tried anything like that. Carefully, you took a few steps back, tugging on Kabukimono’s hand.
“Come on, we need to-” You had begun to turn around to run when a large shadow suddenly loomed over you. You recognized the tattered clothing instantly as another Nobushi, and before you could even look up to gaze at your attacker’s face-
A warm liquid splattered on Kabukimono’s face. 
He was rendered horrifically speechless as you staggered back, your hand gingerly touching your shoulder, which now had a large cut. Your grip on his hand began to weaken, eyes widening in surprise and then shutting just as quickly until you fell to the ground. Almost robotically, he stared at your crumpled form, blood soaking into your shirt now. When his eyes shifted to your pained face, Kabukimono snapped out of his terrified daze and dropped down to his knees to your body.
The Nobushi paid no mind to the scene, instead shaking the blade to clean your blood off of it. But Kabukimono was too caught up with your nearly still body lying in his trembling arms, unable to properly process what just happened.
Kabukimono had never seen so much blood in his life. He didn’t even know humans could bleed this much. What should he do? Puppets did not bleed the same way humans did. You never taught him about this. One hand was placed on your back, and the other was pressed to the cut on your bare shoulder, but quickly he realized how much of the fluid stained his pale hand, running down from his palm to his arm and dripping onto his white clothes.
He was sick to his stomach. 
He wanted to move, to scream, to call for help, but the sight of the redness gushing from you onto his hand made bile rise in his throat. Your blood was on his hands, literally and figuratively. The puppet was paralyzed. Not even the clash of blades could draw him away, or the yelling that was close by but seemed distant. Even the shaking of his shoulders could not draw him away from your bloodied face, barely registering the extra pairs of hands that occupied your body.
“Kabukimono!” A seemingly distant voice ran in his ears. “Kabukimono!” Niwa had torn a piece of his shirt off and wrapped it around your wound.
“Kabukimono! [Name] NEEDS YOU!” Niwa screamed your name, the sheer emotion and urgency in his voice finally making him snap out of his traumatized trance.  “Go! Now! Bring the town doctor!”
You need him, Kabukimono thought. That’s right. You need him. You needed to live. With that, he stumbled to his feet, and ran, ran, ran. Ran despite his blurry vision from tears, and the ache in his knees from tripping. For you.
It had been a few days since the incident, and you had not woken up yet. The puppet had remained by your side throughout. His eyes trained on you the whole time.
Kabukimono wondered what you dreamed of. He hoped it was sweet dreams. He hoped you weren’t suffering in the land of dreams at least. Meanwhile, he was being racked with his own tortuous thoughts, unable to even entertain the thought of sleeping when you were laid like this in front of him.
Useless. Weak. Powerless.
That was what Kabukimono thought of himself as. Sure, he was discarded by his creator for his lack of utility, but even still, he should have been able to do something. He could have punched, kicked, or anything. He was stronger than you, but he could not do anything to protect you. You’ve taught him so much, and he felt like he had not repaid even a fraction of it. Instead, the only thing he could think about was how it should have been him. Then he would have been of some use to you at least.
He turned his attention back to you. As always you managed to look so pretty, even when you were sleeping. If you opened your eyes, you’d look even more pretty, he thought. For a second he wondered if praying to Inazuma’s Archon would help. He had a… complicated relationship with her, but the other villagers always said-
Luckily it didn’t need to come to that, for somehow you answered his unspoken wish, eyes barely fluttering open and then squeezing shut again at the light. Something in his chest beat ferociously as he leaped up from his seat.
“[Name]? [Name]! Oh, you’re awake!” He cried out in joy and almost threw his arms around you, but stopped himself since you were injured. Tears began to well up in his eyes.
“Ngh… ugh, K-Kabukimono?” Your head pounded a bit and you squinted at the person in front of you. A hand was gently stroking your hair.
“Yes, it’s me, [Name]. It’s Kabukimono. I’m right here,” he did his best to keep his voice calm for you. After a few minutes, you had come to your senses, the ache on your shoulder a reminder of the events that you were starting to remember again.
“Oh… ah, Kabukimono. Hey love,” you whispered, trying to work up a small smile to ease his teary eyes. His hands moved to softly grip your one.
“[Name]... I was so worried. You were asleep for days, I was so, so scared. I didn’t know what to do…” He trailed off, voice threatening to break into hiccups. You were asleep for days? No wonder Kabukimono was looking a little worse for wear. He pressed your hand against his cheek, and you softly cupped it in return.
“Hey… don’t cry. I’m fine now, see?” He sniffed and looked at you with big, blearily eyes, nodding his head as he continued to relish your awakened presence. He updated you on what else happened, how your two friends defeated the bad men, and how everyone was so worried for you. How relieved he was when he found out you would be okay. 
But it was obvious he was terribly bothered by the whole situation. The young puppet had experienced loss before, but it was in no way similar to the feeling he felt when you were bleeding out in his arms. It was immensely jarring, and he’d never felt so ill before.
“I just don’t understand,” he murmured softly. “Why would anyone want to hurt you? You’re so kind, beautiful, amazing…” The puppet trailed off with downcast, clouded eyes. You sucked in a breath, totally unsure of what to say.
You were not sure how to word this to the young, still learning puppet. How do you even go about explaining that there are some people out there who want to hurt you, in any way possible? Sometimes for a reason but also no reason at all? That some people were just rotten?
“Well,” you began, hoping the words would come to you, but nothing did. You continued on ineloquently, “Some people are just wicked. Evil. They don’t care about what happens to others.”
“But why?” He pressed on. Why, indeed. That was the question everyone asked themselves.
“I don’t know why. I wish I could tell you. But the only thing we can do is continue to spread goodness and happiness instead.” Kabukimono still seemed stumped and confused by your answer, but let the conversation drop, instead choosing to move it back to you.
“Do you need anything? Is the pain unbearable? The doctor should be here should. Actually, you’re probably really hungry, aren’t you? Should I-” Kabukimono worriedly rambled on until you pressed your fingers to his lip, effectively shutting him up.
“Of course it hurts,” you stated honestly, “but it doesn’t hurt as much as it did before. I will be fine,” you reassured him. “Though something to eat would be nice.”
Your partner dutifully nodded, as if he was given a mission that decided the fate of the world. “I will get you something right now! And tell everyone else you’ve awoken!” Kabukimono left the room, and you were alone for a bit, but not for long, as the familiar brown-haired man popped in right after. 
“Ah, Niwa…”
“Hey [Name],” he ruffled your hair affectionately. “How are you feeling?”
You shrugged your shoulders, unsure of what even to say. “I’m fine, but…”
“Looks like something is hurting you more than that cut of yours,” he looked at you with pity.
“I just, I don’t know how to console or help him.”
“It might be difficult for one without a heart to understand. Though you have taught him matters related to love and life, the flip side is…” Your dear friend trailed off.
“Kabukimono does have a heart. It may not be physical, but he is far more kind than some of the actual heartless humans I’ve met in this world,” you whispered softly, fluttering your eyes shut. “But, how do I explain death and hatred and all the ugly things in this world without breaking his heart…? I want him to learn, but I fear it may hurt him too much.” Niwa didn’t reply but looked at you with understanding, rubbing your arm soothingly.
“You know, he hadn’t moved the whole time since you were sleeping. No matter how much we pleaded with him, he just refused to leave your side. Didn’t eat, sleep, or even move an inch from that position. So… no matter what happens, I think the two of you will be fine. I’ll leave you before Kabukimono comes back.” With that, Niwa left your room, leaving you to your thoughts.
You stared at the ceiling, feeling empty, not just from the ache in your injured shoulder, but the one coming from your heart. You wondered what would happen when you actually died. Passed on from this world leaving Kabukimono by himself. What would he do? Would he accept it? Move on after overcoming the grief?
“[Name]? Here, I got your favorite,” your lover’s voice rang throughout the room as he came in with a neatly set tray of soup. “The doctor says you need to eat light things to get your appetite back.”
You watched as he diligently dipped the spoon into the bowl and then brought it to your lips. You obediently swallowed the liquid. It was yummy. He continued the process without faltering, like this was the one thing he must do expertly.
Well, you could put thoughts like those away. It wasn’t necessary right now. You weren’t planning on dying anytime soon, not while he needed you so much.
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lesson 1. lesson 2. lesson 3. lesson 4. lesson 5. lesson 6. lesson 7. lesson 8. lesson 9. lesson 10. bonus lesson.
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brotheramberland · 11 months
Hello I was wondering if you could do a platonic relationship with Zuko Levi Kakashi , Gojo with their child that’s like a totally a daddy’s kid(?😭) that wants be like them when they grow up and just looks up to them so much and just mimic the things they do and just follows them+how would they feel about it 🥹🫶
Anime characters as fathers with a child!reader.
Characters include: Zuko, Kakashi Hatake, Levi Ackerman, and Satoru Gojo.
Summary: The character's reaction to their child who looks up to them and aspires to be exactly like them.
Please keep in mind: All character and reader interactions are purely platonic. There is NO romance. The reader is somewhere below the age of twelve and is portrayed as non-binary. These drabbles are meant to be platonic, fluffy and comforting.
Notes: For @bellhella. Hi las, I hope you're doing grand. Cute request too, I enjoyed writing it. I added a tiny splash of angst but everything is still pretty fluffy. I try to make each individual drabble unique and different so that viewers can experience a variety of emotions. I hope that's alright. Remember to keep your head up, stay safe and stay awesome!
Fire Lord Zuko
Ever since you were an infant, you had always clung to him and taken after him, claiming that you wanted to be just like him when you grew up. It was an attitude that Zuko found endearing and it made him beam with pride. After all of his past mistakes, a part of him was against your aspirations, but he wouldn't let his own insecurities get in the way of your dreams.
At a surprisingly young age- barely over your toddler years- you had requested to train. And train you did. Constantly you were trying your hardest to learn new maneuvers, techniques and skills. When you mastered something, you always sought his approval and praise. Zuko was impressed by how well you accepted constructive criticism and fought to grow.
During meetings or speeches, you would always sit back quietly and observe him. Then later Zuko would have to clear out rooms so that you could pretend like you were the fire lord giving hundreds of people a big, inspirational speech. Just like him.
Zuko, to say the least, was extremely proud of how you were growing and exceeding in life. He was just as attached to you as you were to him, and he would do anything to help you grow up to be healthier, happier and safer than he ever got to be during his childhood.
Today you had been training outside. Your father had been teaching you how to spit fire by using the strength of your stomach. Despite how strict and serious he could be, Zuko loved how you displayed your own ways of having fun. You say you want to be just like him, but you were also just so unmistakably 'you' and he loved that.
But today you did something that he didn't quite like.
"Daddy," You turned towards your father on the bench you were sitting on, "Will you... Will you burn my eye? The left one."
And the way your question made Zuko feel on the inside was far more painful than any lightning strike could ever be. He dropped his goblet and froze, unable to believe that you could ask such a thing. You wanted him to 'burn' you? Burn you in such a way similar to how he had been burned?
"Dad?" You asked in light concern.
Zuko shot up, his hair swishing as he went to stand in front of you, "You- don't you dare ask for something like that ever again. Do you hear me?"
Flinching, you gape and stutter in fear at his sudden outburst of anger, "I..." You didn't know what to say, "I-I'm sorry, I... I just wanted to be like you-"
"By wanting me to burn you? That's how you justify yourself right now? Nonsense. I will not tolerate this irrational behavior. If you ever ask me or anyone else to burn you again, then I swear on my life you will regret it, do you understand me?"
You couldn't believe he was so angry. You stiffened up, tears pouring out your eyes.
Zuko nearly shouted, his arms shaking, "I said 'do you understand me'?"
"Yes," You cried, burying your face in your hands, "I'm sorry, ok. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad, daddy, please-uhh... I'm sorry."
Breathing fast, Zuko stared at you and felt a sudden cloud of guilt envelope him, and he frowned in regret. He didn't mean to be so harsh, nor did he want you to cry. He just... He just couldn't stand the thought of you suffering in any of the ways he himself had to.
Calming down, Zuko took in a deep breath and went to kneel in front of you. He reached out, grabbed your hands and gently coaxed them away from your face, "I'm sorry."
Using a spare handkerchief, Zuko gently cleaned your teary eyes and running nose, "I didn't mean to get so angry with you. I was just... You have to understand, (y/n), not all parts of me are honorable, and that includes this mark. My father gave me this mark because he despised me, and... Well... I don't despise you, so even if I did burn you it wouldn't be the same. It would never be the same."
Zuko cupped your face and stroked his thumb over your left cheek, "Please know that I am grateful that we are not the same in this way, and I hope that we never will be."
"I'm sorry..." You croak, still ashamed of yourself, "I didn't know."
"It's okay," Zuko lifted his arms out, "It's okay. I'm not angry."
Standing up, you go to bury yourself into the divine safety of your father's arms, sadness still beating within your heart, "I love you, daddy."
Zuko smiled and hugged you close, "I love you too, (y/n), and I can't wait to see what an excellent fire lord you're going to become one day. Even greater than me."
You whimpered, still upset but lifted by his faith and understanding. You had made a mistake today, but it was okay. You would never do it again. And while you would like to be just like your father in every way that counts, there were some things that could never be the same no matter how similar the situation.
Levi Ackerman
He woke up to the obnoxious sensation of someone's hand shaking his shoulder, and he groaned grumpily in irritation. "Wake up, daddy," Your ridiculously energetic voice called, "Daddy, come on, it's time to get up."
Levi creaked open his eyes and glared at you, "Hey, wanna know how you can be just like me?"
"How?" You instantly beamed.
"By being tired and going back to sleep," Levi grumbled, grabbing the blankets and yanking them up over his head.
You weren't having any of it though, and you crawled on top of him and began wrestling to get the blanket off. Technically this was how Levi used to have to get you out of bed when you were smaller, but the more you grew the more you wanted to be 'just like him'.
By the time you both had playfully wrestled each other out of bed, Levi yawned multiple times while being drug to the bathroom. Darn thing, you were getting good at locating his ticklish spots... In the bathroom, you both brushed your teeth, washed your faces and combed your messy hair.
Although half asleep, Levi still adored how you continously glanced at him to see how he was dressed, what he was doing and how he was doing it. You were always mimicking silly little things he did, exclaiming that you were practicing to be just like him.
Deep down, Levi had nothing but adoration for you. He loved the way you stood to be like him. It made him feel a sense of pride inside that he had such a strong, brave, loyal pipsqueak for a child, and you had no idea how much he loved you.
The only thing Levi disliked about you aspiring to him was how you ranted about joining the Survey Corps and going over the wall to fight titans. Now that... That made his overprotective, paternal instincts scream in disagreement. In no way did he want you going anywhere near the wall. So many people died out there all the time. If he lost you?
Levi wouldn't be able to handle it.
Before breakfast, you got dressed in nearly the exact same outfit as him (courtesy of Hange). "Daddy, can I wear your cape-thingy?" You asked, already wrapped up in his cape.
"Well what do you expect me to wear?" Levi asked, soaking in the endearing display of you all twisted up in his cape.
"I don't know..." You mumble innocently, smiling, "A blanky?"
"Ha... ha... Very funny, squirt," Levi bent down to untangle you from his cape, bopping you on the nose and pinching your cheek, "Why don't I wear this and 'you' go wear the blanket."
"Mmm..." You pouted at him, "But daddy..."
Levi hid a smile and patted your head fondly, "What if I told you that I used to do the same thing when I was your age?"
"Really?" You asked in surprise. If he wore blankets when he was your age, then that meant that you could do the same thing- follow in his footsteps, "Yay!"
"I never said 'yay' though," Levi rolled his eyes, teasing you.
Your arms dropped as you sneered at him, reacting in a manner he would approve of, "Booo..."
"That's more like it," Levi chuckled and went to make some food.
After breakfast, you held your father's hand while walking to the training grounds, a small blanket secured around your neck to thus act like a cape. When you saw the leader of the Survey Corps, you instantly brightened and cheered, "Erwin!"
Erwin looked in your direction and smiled warmly, "Ah, there's my finest cadet."
Levi watched as you sprinted happily up to his leader, his heart skipping beats when Erwin picked you up and lifted you into the air a bit. Your smile and the sound of your laughter was the inspirational fuel that powered his life.
Blindly joining you and his leader, Levi shrugged and gave you a disapproving look, "Just so you know... I've never hugged that imbecile- not once."
Erwin raised a brow, "On the contrary, I remember once when-"
Levi gave him a death glare, "Dont. Even."
You giggled and said joyfully, "Daddys silly. He loves hugs."
"Yes, that is correct," Erwin chuckled and turned briefly to grab something out of the satchel on his horse. "Come, fellow cadet, I brought you something."
"What is it?" You asked.
Levi felt his chest nearly implode at the sight of a miniature cape. The cape itself was plain with no logo, but yet was perfect enough in size that it would fit you for years to come. He watched as Erwin helped replace the blanket you were wearing with it.
Once he was done, you hugged Erwin, thanked him a dozen times, and then ran over to your father, "Daddy, daddy look! I have a cape, an-and it's just like the one you have. Do you like it, daddy? Do I look like you?"
'The spitting image.' Levi smirked and knelt down, "What're you talking about, squirt? You've got way too much energy to be like me."
"Booo," You pouted at him.
Levi laughed and pulled you into a big hug, "It looks good on you, kid. Now, let's get training."
You would be like him one day. Only Levi believed that you would be better.
Kakashi Hatake
It was night time; five hours after the Chunin Exams were declared over. You were currently hiding in your little tree-bungalow, isolated, quiet and shut-off from the rest of the world. Ever since you lost the exam, you hadn't moved from your hidey-hole nor spoken to anyone.
It broke Kakashi's heart to see you this upset. He knew how hard you had been training to keep up with him, following him in his footsteps and mimicking specific personality traits like his attire and the way he fought. At first it was a habit Kakashi thought was pretty adorable, but as the seriousness of your obsession grew over the years, the more he began to grow concerned.
Kakashi didn't mind you taking after him, but there was a limit. You didn't understand it because you envied him too much, but he saw it. You weren't like him- at least not when it came down to your fighting spirit. See, Kakashi developed a cold heart at a young age. Anger, hatred and determination pushed him to become stronger.
But you weren't cursed with anger, hate and sadness. You weren't a natural born fighter. If anything, Kakashi could see you becoming a strong-willed medic or a superior ginjutsu artist, but definitely not anyone who wants to hurt another person physically. It just wasn't how you were. And Kakashi was grateful for that.
Sighing softly, Kakashi jumped up to the ledge of your tree-bungalow, crouching as he waved, "Hey, dongo."
You didn't say anything from where you laid on the wooden floor. Kakashi frowned at the sight of your multiple bruises and bloody bandages. He really shouldn't have let you take that exam. "Can I come in?"
You nodded.
Kakashi moved a ways in further, finding himself a spot against the wall and leaning against it, "How are you feeling?"
For a few seconds you didn't answer. Kakashi tilted his head in concern when he noticed that you were shaking, the sound of sniffles soon filling the air, "I... I... I'm a failure, daddy."
You looked at him, your mask a mess as you sobbed behind it, "I'm a failure-uh! I-I-I just wanted-uh- t-to be like you..."
"Whoa, hey, it's okay," Kakashi leaned forward, placed a hand on your shoulder and squeezed softly, "It's okay, (y/n). You're not a failure."
"Yes I am," You whined, "You passed the Chunin Exams when 'you' were six, b-but I? I... How am I supposed to be like you now, daddy?"
This? This is what broke Kakashi's heart. You getting upset all because you failed to amount to a broken monster like him. "Oh, dongo, come here," Kakashi lifted his arms out.
You still cried as you crawled into your father's lap and leaned against the warmth and safety of his chest. He slipped a finger up and tugged your mask down to your chin thus making it easier to breathe. You whimpered, clinging to him as shame blurred your heart.
"I wanna talk to you about something," Kakashi held you securely while going to wipe your nose with his sleeve, "I understand why you're trying so hard to follow in my footsteps, but I believe that your ambitions are misguided."
"What... What do you mean?" You ask him sadly, confused, "I wanna be like you."
"I know, but perhaps you are trying a little too hard? I mean, you've even gotten to the point you won't eat the food 'you' love anymore all because it's not my preference."
"But... That's how I be like you, daddy," You exclaim.
Kakashi sighed, looking you in your big, teary eyes. He couldn't believe that it had come down to this, but he couldn't hold it in any longer, "(y/n)... I don't want you to be like me. I want you to be like you."
You jerked at that, gaping hurtfully, "What?"
"I know it sounds harsh, but I want you to know that what I'm saying to you right now is in no way meant to hurt you. I just want you to stop pushing yourself so hard to be something you're not. Yes, we are alike in many ways, but we're also different. And those differences are what make us unique- they define who we are and how we grow. And if you continue to grow ignoring all those important things about yourself, pretending to be something you're not, then I fear that you'll never be completely happy. "
You blinked at him, fiddling slowly with your hands and bowing your head, "I..."
Kakashi cupped your face, lifted your chin and wiped away your tears, "You failed the exams today because you weren't ready, (y/n). You're using fighting techniques that don't suit you because they're 'mine'. You haven't even tried to discover your own fighting skills yet. Haven't you ever been curious?"
"But..." More tears began leaking out of your eyes as you looked at him, "I-I love you so much and I... I wanna be just like you-huh."
"(y/n)," Kakashi said lovingly as he pressed your foreheads together, "You can still be just like me by doing the things that make 'you' happy. I'm a great ninja, and you can be one too if you simply try to be more like you instead of me. No matter what, just know that I'll always, always be proud of you and love you till the day my chakra runs out."
You sniffed at him, still upset by your failure but relieved that your father still loved you despite it all. Yes, you wanted to be just like him, but maybe being yourself sometimes too wasn't such a bad thing either.
Satoru Gojo
When people looked at you, they felt as if they were looking at a miniature Gojo but with a different hair color. You were quite literally the spitting image of your father, and anyone who knew you or Gojo personally would know that you two were practical besties.
Ever since you were born, you magically seemed to take after Gojo- not that it was your fault because Gojo had a really bad habit of dressing you up like him and pretending that you were the world's greatest sorcerer... Besides him, of course. He couldn't help it. You were his little pal and he loved you more than anything.
As you grew, you pretty much wore identical outfits to that of your father. You had even acquired a pair of reflective sunglasses that you wore almost ninety-percent of the time. But outfits weren't the only areas where you excelled in being like him.
Gojo, even as a parent, wasn't afraid to push people to their limits, especially when they genuinely wanted to become stronger. Ever since your powers developed, he had trained you constantly in order to help you learn and grow. You were exceptional like him, and he knew that there was no time to waste.
Your father pretty much took you everywhere and that even included trips on his most dangerous missions. He would carry you on his hip or back while you watched and listened to him explain how to observe and take down enemies. Later he would quiz you, tossing toys or pieces of candy at you in reward.
Some say that Gojo wasn't so much a father to you as he was a best friend. Especially on days when he didn't have to work or train. He happily expressed his childish side, playing games with you, playing dress-up, going to carnivals, riding on miniature scooters, cooking or coloring pictures. He did it all. It was almost as if he loved being like you as much as you loved being like him.
Every time you expressed your admiration and love for him, Gojo's ego was stroked and his confidence boosted. Of course you wanted to be like him. Why wouldn't you? Narcissistic nature aside, Gojo had to admit that there was a sense of self-worth that he felt deep inside at the fact that you loved him and took after him so strongly. It made him happy. He was always proud of you.
And today he was even more proud of you.
You had just successfully made your very first domain expansion- it was rough, unstable and destructive, and it only lasted a few tiny seconds, but it was still a success. A success... That nearly destroyed the house.
Fushiguro, his cereal now all over the floor in ruins, sat in his chair with a frustrated glare on his face, "What kind of monster have you created?"
Gojo was practically dancing like a feather in the wind, singing excitedly, "One that can make domains at (age) years old."
"Oh brother..." Fushiguro rolled his eyes, gesturing to your unconscious body, "Shouldn't you be helping them?"
"Eh?" Gojo blinked ignorantly, concern flooding his body at the sight of you laying unresponsive on the floor, "Aw, we can't be having any of that now, can we?"
Teleporting over to your body, Gojo scooped you up and took you to the medical bay. It was soon confirmed that the force of your actions had merely knocked you out and given you a bloody nose. With a good lecturing from Nanami about "being a better parent", Gojo carried you back home with an endless grin on his face.
"Daddy?" You groaned in his arms.
Gojo gave you no time to talk as he leaned down and nuzzled your cheek, singing again, "Oh my incredible, amazing, talented, devilishly striking, little sorcerer, I'm so proud of you. You did your first domain expansion. Ohhh, I could cry I'm so happy."
Albeit exhausted, you still grinned in his arms and nuzzled his cheek back. It was always a good feeling to witness your father this excited after one of your successes went through. Still though, that move had taken a lot out of you. "Sleepy."
"I bet," Gojo chuckled, maneuvering you to his hip so that he could properly make his way through the mild debris of the house, "You've rightfully earned yourself a nice bath, a delicious meal, and a warm bed."
"With the heated blanky?" You softly croak.
Gojo stuck his thumb up, "Especially with the heated blanky. You've earned it."
"Thank you, daddy," You whimpered, hugging him and pressing the side of your face against his chest. His heartbeat was fast but comforting, his figure safe, warm and protective. You were so happy that you had managed to pull off such an advanced technique.
Prepping you a bath, Gojo let you wash while he was forced to clean up your mess by the ever fussy Fushiguro- aka: the real adult of the house. After you were both done, he fed you something that would soothe your tummy, and then carried you to bed.
Wrapping you up in your heated blanket, Gojo knelt down and caressed your head, "Good job today, my little jujutsu sorcerer. You really made daddy proud."
You whimpered happily and mumbled, "I hope I can do better. I wanna be just like you one of these days."
Gojo smiled, all the love he felt for you fueling his desire to keep moving forward in this cruel world, "You already are, (y/n)... You already are."
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okaylikesmomo · 1 year
Chapter 4: Sauna
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When you woke up, Chaewon was still deep asleep. You wanted to think she was exhausted after that session, but it was more than likely that she was just tired from all the hard work the group has been putting in recently. After all, they had just one day off before the comeback tomorrow.
This was a huge deal for them as it was their first comeback as a group. You wanted to make sure you were there to support your girlfriend to the best of your ability. Quietly, you got out of the bed, slipped on some casual clothes, and made your way down to the lobby to pick up your mail. After arriving in the mail room, you met your neighbor and nodded respectfully as you walked by.
“Heard quite a bit of noise last night, is everything alright?” your neighbor asked over his shoulder.
“Oh, yeah we were just playing some games and ended up getting very into it,” you answer while turning around.
“Right, games.”
He smiled and patted your shoulder before turning around and walking away. You went to the mailboxes and checked inside while smiling to yourself. Nothing interesting, just some envelopes that were probably bills and a couple of flyers. You picked up the mail and made your way back to your apartment.
After returning to your apartment, you opened the door and dropped off the mail on your table. As you took your shoes off, you heard a noise coming from inside. You found Chaewon on her hands and knees, scrubbing the floor.
“What in the world are you doing?”
“Cleaning the mess.”
Crouching down next to her, you grab the sponge out of her hand.
“Sweetheart, why?”
“I can clean,” she responds with her adorably tiny voice while looking down at the floor.
“I know you can, but you don’t need to clean my apartment,” you reply. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, everything is fine,” she answers with a sigh while sitting cross-legged on the floor with her back against your couch.
After plopping down on the floor next to her, you wrap an arm around her shoulder.
“What’s worrying my baby girl?”
“Our comeback… what if it doesn’t go well?”
You pull her closer.
The confusion on her face was palpable, “what do you mean it’s impossible?” she demanded.
“I mean exactly that, it’s impossible.”
If looks could kill right now…
“Stop making a joke about it, I’m being serious,” she snaps. “Do you know how much pressure I have? I mean, all of us do, but me especially. Don’t you understand? What if-” she inhales sharply while closing her eyes.
Her excessive rambling clearly showed how flustered she was getting. Somehow she managed to display ten different emotions all at the same time, and you couldn’t help but find it somewhat adorable.
“I don’t think so.”
“Stop that, I’m serious,” she scowls, opening her eyes just enough to glare at you.
She looked like she was actually about to hit you.
“You look so cute when you’re angry,” you comment while poking her cheek.
“I’m not angry, I’m…” she begins before pausing and sighing heavily. “I don’t even know anymore.”
After a short laugh, you found yourself leaning over and pressing your lips to her soft cheek.
“I won’t pretend to have all the answers, but I know you are going to have a great comeback,” you whisper against her face. “But today, we are going to have so much fun in the pool while you forget about everything for just a little bit.”
Tilting her head slightly, she smiles weakly at you.
“Seriously though, I can’t shake the idea that it might flop.”
While pulling her into a tight hug, you nuzzle your cheek against hers.
“Well, if it flops and you get fired, you can come live with me and clean up my floors as much as you want,” you reply with a hint of mockery. “As long as the mess is made by us having sex.”
Her giggles combined with the tight squeeze of her hug told you that you must have at least said something right.
“You’re late!” Yunjin shouts from across the pool.
“Sorry, sorry!” Chaewon pants as the two of you scurry over to where the rest of the group was standing.
“Hey slow down! It would be a terrible time to sprain an ankle,” Sakura scolds the two of you.
“Sorry!” Chaewon apologizes again while hugging Sakura. “You guys shoulda started without us!”
“How would we all jump into the pool at the same time if we started without you?” Yunjin teases. “Now come on, let’s do this.”
The five girls line up at the edge of the pool, holding hands, when Chaewon looks over her shoulder at you. “What are you waiting for?”
“Oh, I figured this was a group thing,” you reply.
“Aish, stop being like that,” Eunchae shouts. “Get in here!”
The five of them start shouting at you until you walk up and grab Chaewon’s hand. Together, the six of you jump into the pool while screaming. There is a mess of limbs under the water, and you have no idea what is going on. Eventually, you surface and you find yourself in Kazuha’s embrace.
“Oh, why are you hugging me?” she asks innocently while shaking her head, spraying the water off her hair all over.
“I’m not!” you counter. “You’re the one holding me!”
Sakura starts giggling while watching the two of you, meanwhile the other three girls start splashing each other with water.
“How often do you girls do this?” you ask while wiping the water out of your eyes.
“Not as often as we’d like, but every now and then they book the whole pool for us,” Sakura explains. “Benefits of being in one of the biggest companies I guess.”
Her outfit was stunning. She wore a tiny black top with a black zip-up jacket over it. Your gaze naturally found itself peeking at the slight cleavage she was displaying, immersed in her unintentional provocation.
Water splashes on the side of your face and you are quickly brought back to reality as Chaewon floats by on a little pink flamingo.
“Zuha! Join me!”
“Ne!” she shouts back while leaving you behind and paddling over to Chaewon.
Chaewon’s tight blue outfit left almost nothing to the imagination. The thin bodysuit accentuated her beautiful curves, making her cute butt especially prominent. The tiniest bit of her midriff was peeking out as her body bent sideways, making room for Kazuha on the flamingo.
While floating over in the pool, your mind thought of all the things you wanted to do with her. Wrapping your hands around her thin waist, her impeccably peach-like ass sticking out into your hips. That beautiful lower back of hers, and her remarkable ability to arch her back when she was about to cum.
“What are you thinking about?” Sakura asks as the tip of your head bumps into her soft chest.
Water fills your mouth as you flip around in a panic, trying to make sense of where you are in the pool.
“Sorry!” you cough as you finally find yourself upright.
“You alright?” she asks while flashing you a toothy smile, still leaning against the side of the pool with her arms up. “Why is your face so red?”
“Is it?” you ask while feeling your cheek. “Probably just because of all the water I swallowed.”
She giggles faintly.
“Hey, about the other night,” she continues softly. “I don’t- I just- I-”
“It’s alright Sakura,” you interject while leaning your back against the side of the pool next to her. “Nothing happened.”
With pursed lips, she turns to you. “I know nothing happened, but…”
Chaewon and Kazuha’s screams interrupt the conversation as their flamingo flips and the two of them fall into the water, making both you and Sakura turn in unison.
“You alright dummy?!” you shout towards them.
Chaewon stood in the middle of the pool like a statue with her eyes shut as her wet bangs pressed against her forehead. Kazuha was laughing wholeheartedly while chasing after the fleeing flamingo. Eventually, Chaewon slowly walked over to you and Sakura while wiping her eyes.
“I didn’t want my hair to get wet,” she whines while snuggling into your open arms.
“Maybe you should have thought about that before jumping into a pool.”
Sakura starts giggling again while letting her feet float up to the surface.
“He has a point, you know.”
“Don’t take his side!” Chaewon pouts. “I blame the flamingo.”
“Yeah! Silly flamingo!” you joke while Sakura’s laughs continue to fill your ears. With Chaewon in your arms, you couldn’t help but slide your hands around her body. Your fingers find refuge on her ass, gently pressing into it.
“Slide!” Yunjin shouts from across the pool while she follows Eunchae out of the water.
“Me too!” Kazuha shouts back while lifting herself out of the pool, forgetting entirely about the flamingo.
She wore black pants with a long-sleeved white and black top. As she was getting out of the pool, her wet pants were glued to her skin, showing off the shape of her ass perfectly. Your eyes, however, fixated on the tiny bit of her muscular lower back that peeked out as she lifted herself up.
“You’re lucky Chaewon’s not the jealous type,” Sakura comments.
“Oh believe me, this would never work out if I was,” Chaewon adds. “The amount of time I’ve caught him checking out Zuha…”
“Hey, it’s not my fault!” you protest. “I mean, come on, have you seen her body?”
Chaewon smiles at you and pecks you on the cheek before turning around and leaning her back against your chest.
“I’m not upset,” she giggles. “Of course I’ve seen her body. In fact, I’ve seen all of it.”
Sakura smirks while watching Kazuha climb the ladder to the slide. Your mind is reminded of Chaewon’s comment about how all idols fool around, and you can’t help but think about how Sakura and Kazuha are roommates.
“Do you want to see Zuha naked?” Chaewon asks you candidly before floating towards Sakura.
Sakura turns back towards you with her eyebrows raised. “Careful, that question sounds like a trap,” she laughs.
“It’s not a trap,” Chaewon interjects, making her voice scarily sweet.
“Of course not sweetie,” you hesitate. “You’re the only one I want to see naked.”
Chaewon rolls her eyes and splashes water at you before leaning against the side of the pool next to Sakura. “Liar,” she scoffs
“Why’d you even ask if we both know the answer?” you ask while splashing her back.
“Because I want to make you a deal,” Chaewon says while wiping the collateral damage off Sakura’s face. “You and Kkura swap beds tonight.”
“Oh? Sounds like your real intention is to get into Sakura’s pants,” you comment, noticing Sakura’s face turning bright red. “Well you have my blessing, but I think it’s up to Sakura.”
“Chaewon, um, when was the last time…?”
“The night before our debut,” Chaewon answers tenderly while wrapping her arms around Sakura’s body. “It seems fitting to spend the night before our first comeback together as well, no?”
It was uncharacteristic of Sakura to get this flustered over something like this, but the girl was a bit of a mess right now. After a few seconds of thought, Sakura nods her head to Chaewon who presses her face against her chest.
“Just to confirm, this means I get Kazuha tonight, right?”
“Only if she wants you,” Chaewon teases while splashing you with water again.
After exhausting themselves in the pool, everyone got out and spent some time replenishing. Whether it was sipping on fruity drinks out of various tropical fruits, or sunbathing on the rainbow-colored lawn chairs, relaxation was the only thing that mattered. You decided, after some heavy implications from Chaewon, to spend some time in the sauna.
The scorching heat relaxed your skin as you took a seat, awaiting Chaewon’s arrival. This particular sauna felt warmer than normal, and you felt a thin layer of sweat build up on your skin almost immediately. Leaning your head back, you slowly let your eyes close, letting the warmth drop you into a state of bliss. Without warning, you were taken out of your euphoric trance as you heard the door open.
“Took you long enough,” you mumbled as you opened your eyes. “Oh! Sorry, I thought you were Chaewon,” you quickly corrected yourself. “Come, have a seat.”
Kazuha smiles brightly at you before turning around and locking the door.
“Why did you lock-” you began before quickly bringing your hand up and covering your eyes. “Kazuha… your towel.”
“What’s wrong?” Kazuha asks casually while stepping over her towel and sitting next to you. “I hope you don’t mind, I just want to feel the heat on my skin.”
“Oh a-alright,” you stutter while trying to avert your gaze from her nude body. “I can come back later-”
“Wow, you’re sweating,” Kazuha notes, ignoring you. She starts slowly rubbing her hand across your chest, feeling your sweat-stained skin. “I’m jealous, for some reason I don’t sweat in saunas.”
“I see,” you reply, accidentally catching a quick glimpse of her nude chest.
“No really, look,” she says while grabbing your hand and making you grope her abs. “See? Nothing.”
“Huh, you’re actually not sweating,” you reply while taking another quick peek at her body. “Maybe it just takes you a bit longer.”
“It’s my whole body,” she continues while pushing your hand down towards her lower half. She rubs your hand dangerously close to her lady parts before making you feel her soft thighs. “No matter how long I spend, I don’t know why I don’t sweat.”
“I… don’t know either.”
“Can you help me?”
It was becoming impossible to completely avoid looking at her, but it became truly impossible now as she straddled you and took a seat on your lap.
“Do you mind holding me for a bit? Just to see if it’ll make me sweat.”
You were at a loss for words, and all you could do was sit there while she pressed her soft, but cute, tits into your face. At first you tried to look to the side, but you felt her fingers running through your hair and she pressed your head right up against her body. Her soft skin, layered with her firm muscles, felt incredible.
“This feels one-sided. Please wrap your arms around me, I promise I won’t bite,” she whines playfully. “Unless you want that,” she adds quietly with a whisper.
She had absolutely no shame, and it just clicked in your head that Chaewon wasn’t coming. You brought your hands up to her back and began exploring, feeling every inch of her muscular and toned back. She worked out a lot, and it showed. Still, however, her skin remained unbelievably soft.
“Are you sweating yet?” you asked into her chest while her soft tits muffled your voice.
“I can’t tell,” she moaned softly. “Do I taste sweaty?”
So that’s the game she wanted to play. You allowed yourself to completely succumb to her philanderous advances. Your tongue began to explore her breasts before you filled your mouth with one of her taut nipples, sucking on it like an orange slice.
“Oooo, do you like the taste,” she moaned teasingly. “Also, why are you poking me?”
In response, your hands slid down her back and gave her small butt a playful slap. The light spank made her giggle softly before grabbing your head with both hands, holding it steady. She began to twist her upper body left and right, shaking her little tits across your mouth. You lapped them up, licking as much of her body that she exposed to your tongue, while your hands began to feel her magnificent ass.
Her butt was soft and firm at the same time, an incomprehensible paradox filling your hands. Squeezing and kneading her skin, you got lost in her body. That sexy body that she loved to tease you with all the time. That titillating body you found on your mind more often than not. Your fingers slowly made their way from her ass towards her most intimate bits.
“Zuha! We’re about to go!” came an incomprehensible voice from outside.
“Coming!” Kazuha shouts back while quickly hopping off your lap.
She took two long strides before bending over extremely slowly and reaching for her previously discarded towel. She was blatantly showing off her ass, and your gaze was shamelessly locked onto the beautiful peach. With a quick peek over her shoulder and a giggle, she crouched down, making her toned ass spread just enough to give you a view of her puckered asshole.
It looked delicious; Your mouth literally began to salivate while watching her. After picking up the towel, she wrapped it around her body before turning around.
“You’re excited again!” she comments causally while pointing at your crotch with a huge smile on her face.
“Yeah of course… wait what do you mean again?”
“Earlier in the pool when you wouldn’t stop hugging me, I could feel you poking me.”
“What are you… I wasn’t…”
Before you could even make sense of your thoughts, she opened the door and walked out. You shortly followed while trying to subtly cover yourself with your hands.
“How’d it go?”
“Holy shit,” you gasp with a little jump. “Don’t scare me like that.”
“Why are you so on edge,” Chaewon giggles, walking up from behind you while interlocking your arm with hers. “Did Zuha get you all excited?”
“Did you tell her to do that?”
“Do what?”
“Don’t play dumb.”
A sly smile forms on Chaewon’s lips.
“All I did was talk to her about going on a date with you.”
“How does that lead to her stripping down and giving me a lap dance?”
“She stripped?” Chaewon gasps. “I’m jealous.”
“So you didn’t tell her to do it?”
“Not exactly,” she begins. “We were talking about a date, and she felt worried that you wouldn’t be interested.”
“Not interested?” you ask while stopping in your tracks. “How could she possibly think that? Especially with how much she teases me.”
Chaewon waits a second before walking with you again, making sure that the rest of the group is definitely out of earshot.
“Don’t forget what I told you, Zuha has never been with a guy before.”
“I know, but she seems so confident in herself, especially in her body.”
“Because she works her ass off for that body,” Chaewon continues. “But how can she be confident in something she’s never done?”
It made sense. You remembered Chaewon’s first time versus where she was now, it was like night and day.
“Why are you two always so slow!” Yunjin shouts from across the parking lot.
“Sorry!” Chaewon shouts back while the two of you jog to catch up to the group.
“Eunchae has a bit of a surprise meeting with Music Bank, and Yunjin wants to go to the company to record,” Sakura explains after the two of you catch up. “I’m going to take Kazuha out for lunch, we’ll all meet up again later tonight if that works.”
“I think we can find a way to kill some time,” Chaewon responds while looking at you.
Raw, unadulterated, fucking.
An apt description of what you were doing to the petite Korean girl bent over the edge of her bed. Your hips took no breaks, repeatedly smashing against the cute ass that she had been showing off all day in the pool. With your grip on her waist tightening, pushing down into her lower back, you could finally relish in your fantasy from earlier.
“Ahhh,” Chaewon moans. “Show me what you’re going to do to Zuha tonight.”
“Kazuha is going to be begging for this,” you grunt aggressively. “I’ll make sure she never forgets.”
“Stop fucking talking about Zuha while you’re balls deep in my pussy.”
“You brought her up first,” you gasped in frustration while taking a quick breather.
“Shut up and fuck me, before they come back.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go get ice cream?”
A smirk formed on your lips when you saw the glare she shot at you over her shoulder. Before she could really get angry, you pressed her body as hard into the bed as possible and began really giving it to her. Her shrieks of pleasure were the perfect encouragement as they masked the sound of skin on skin. Luckily, the rest of the members were out getting frozen treats, which left you and her with the freedom to be as loud as you wished.
Fucking Chaewon from behind always pushed you to the edge pretty quickly, and you started thinking about where to dump your seed. An idea hit you, but first there was something else you couldn’t stop thinking about. You stopped pumping, leaving your cock fully embedded in her pussy, and you bent over her body.
Before she could voice her frustration, you ran your tongue up her back slowly, collecting her salty sweat in your mouth. After you made it as far up her back as your mouth could reach, you pressed your lips against her warm, flushed skin and planted a kiss directly against the nerves in her spine.
Chaewon’s whole body shivered, sending the vibration through your shaft. With your stomach flat against her back, you reached your hand down between her legs where it connected with her hand. You grabbed her slim fingers and used them like a toy, pleasuring her clit as you resumed your hip thrusting.
The rough, harsh plowing was replaced by a much softer, more methodical thrusting. You tried to match the movement of her hand with your thrusting as if you were the puppetmaster of her pleasure. After a few more pumps into her backside, Chaewon’s hand slipped out from under her and onto the bed limply as she lost the capacity to control her body.
With her laying down on your hand, you could also barely move your fingers at this point. You brought your legs together slightly, pushing hers inwards to make her grip on your hand as tight as possible. There was a full movement restriction on your hand now, and all it could do was soak up all of Chaewon’s juices as you pumped her over and over again.
“Oh baby I’m close!” she cried in pure delectation. “Bit more!”
Her words were redundant, you could tell just by how her pussy was contracting on your cock that she was about to explode. It only took a couple more wet thrusts before the jets were released. Despite your hand acting like a plug, her juices sprayed all over the bed, your fingers, and your thighs.
Chaewon’s pussy wouldn’t stop convulsing. Wave after wave of contractions traveled down your shaft like action potentials going through an axon. The rhythmic pulse of her body was making it near impossible to hold back. You ripped your hand out from under her body, releasing a fresh wave of her cum all over the bedsheets.
“Chaewon,” you gasp while swiftly withdrawing your cock before you came inside her.
Disregarding the slight swaying of her sensitive body, she held still like the perfect canvas for you while you vigorously stroked yourself to completion behind her. The rush took over your body, and it was physically impossible to control yourself anymore. Your orgasm was near and inevitable at this point.
Panting heavily, you leaned forward and grabbed one of Chaewon’s ass cheeks with your free hand. You spread her just enough to give you a clear view of her dripping pussy and her tight asshole. The sensation in your cock as you rode the precipice of your orgasm was driving you insane. While in this euphoric state, you tried your absolute best to aim at her asshole.
The streak of white ejaculate painting Chaewon’s back, however, was a clear indication of how poor your aim was. You immediately attempted to aim lower, resulting in the second streak not making it quite as far up her back and landing on her ass.
“Fuck,” you moan while the rest of your load lands on target, coating the gap between Chaewon’s ass cheeks.
A pool of your fresh seed was building up on her ass. The white goo slowly began sliding down, like raindrops moving down a car window while driving on the freeway. The visuals of your fresh, white cum between Chaewon’s ass cheeks was picture-perfect. With the hand on her ass, you gently played with her, watching as the cum was making little bridges between each of her cheeks when they would separate.
“I’m fucking exhausted,” you pant while falling onto your side next to Chaewon on the bed.
Her adorable smile made you feel like the luckiest person in the world right now. Still bent over and on her elbows, she leaned over to gently press her lips against yours. She kissed you a few times, softly, while your hand spontaneously reached up towards her ass.
“Mmmph,” she moaned softly into your mouth as you grabbed one of her cheeks and pulled her over so that she was laying on top of you. She stared deeply and lovingly into your eyes, her face mere inches away from yours.
“Have you ever thought about this one?” you asked gently while your fingers slid down between her cheeks, spreading your seed in a circle around her other hole. “I know I have.”
“Doesn’t it hurt, though?” she asks while biting her lip nervously.
“It can, but it can also feel good,” you answer while sliding your fingers down lower and mixing your cum with her own wetness. “It’s just an idea, I don’t want you to feel any sort of pressure.”
After a second of thought, her expression turns into one of determination.
“One finger.”
“Are you-”
She cuts you off by leaning down and briefly kissing you again.
“One finger.”
Seeing her look of determination told you that she was not only serious, but she was also ready. You slid your finger up, collecting as much of the cum between her cheeks as you could on your middle finger, until you found her asshole.
Carefully, you pressed softly against the hole, trying to get a sense of how tight she was. She had her eyes shut at this point, and the arms on either side of your head propping her up were both flexed and shaking slightly.
“Try to relax your body,” you whisper. “It’ll be easier that way.”
She inhales deeply through her nose, her eyes still shut, before slowly exhaling. Her minty breath hits your face, and you see her upper body relax ever so slightly. Her expression calms down, and with her eyes still shut she gives you a single nod of her head.
That relaxed expression was immediately erased as your finger forced past the initial tenseness of her asshole. She was wincing, but she didn’t object. You pressed forward a bit more, pausing again when her mouth shot open.
“Should I stop?”
With her eyes still shut tight and her mouth open, she shook her head faintly. Even though she was saying keep going, the tight squeeze of her ass was screaming for you to stop. You brought your free hand up between her legs and slowly rubbed her clit in an attempt to elevate her experience.
It must have worked, because you felt her asshole ease up marginally. Her eyes were still shut tight, but her mouth was closed and she was breathing into your face through clenched teeth. Unknown to her, you were smiling proudly at her determination as you started pushing your finger deeper into her body.
Deeper and deeper your finger went until it was past the halfway mark, her tightness threatening to cut off the blood flow entirely. Without warning, her eyes shot open and she squealed before her arms gave way. She fell onto your chest, gasping against your skin while her asshole pulsed like a strobe light
“Take it out or keep going?”
She took a moment of contemplation before she spoke up, “keep going, slowly.” Her voice was muffled, but certain, as she couldn’t lift her face off your chest.
After craning your neck to kiss the top of her head briefly, you began to move your finger back and forth inside her with the utmost care. You made sure to never go too deep or too fast, and you matched your other hand’s movements to create the perfect sensation for her.
It took some time for her body to really get into it, but you made sure to stay diligent. One finger was being squeezed like a lemon, while the other hand was being soaked by her pussy juices that were steadily flowing down. Your hands were working in tandem to try and make this avant-garde act as pleasurable as possible.
Eventually, you could feel her face pressing harder down into your chest. Her butt lifted up into the air slightly due to the arch of her back, that characteristic arch you knew all too well; She was finally starting to enjoy it.
“Don’t stop,” she moaned as her pussy dripped all over your lower body. “Whatever you do, don’t fucking stop.”
That was far from your plan.
The sound of pure wetness began to fill the air. Your fingers were going to prune up at this rate, but it didn’t matter. Only Chaewon’s tight little asshole mattered. The finger pushing through her tightness was becoming more audacious the closer she got to her orgasm, it went deeper and deeper with each thrust.
Chaewon’s whimpers aligned perfectly with the tight squeeze of her asshole. It was squeezing harder and harder, making it almost impossible to keep thrusting your finger. Despite the difficulty, you powered through, at least until the point when Chaewon’s pussy began to sprinkle.
The droplets flying out of her pussy began to coat your thighs, flying right past the fingers rubbing her clit. She was as physically close to cumming as possible without getting there. In one swift motion, you pulled your finger out of her asshole entirely, eliciting a sharp gasp from her.
Before her mind could comprehend what just happened, you jammed the finger back into her asshole deeper than ever before. Her lips released a high-pitched squeal before her other lips gushed all over your legs. Thighs, knees, shins, every bit of your legs became a towel for Chaewon’s jetting pussy.
“Fuck!” she cried as her body squirmed uncontrollably. She was trembling while her asshole was squeezing in rhythmic pulses, the mind-numbing orgasm had her speechless, unable to even make a noise, unable to do anything other than enjoy the sensation.
After she eventually calmed down, which took much longer than her orgasms usually take, you began to slowly pull your finger out of her asshole, gently rubbing the sore entrance. With your other hand, you slowly started to play with her clit again.
“Please,” she moaned while grabbing your wrists. “No more.”
“You sure you don’t want to go again?”
A puff of air escaped her nose, she didn’t have the energy to even muster a proper laugh.
“I’m sure,” she sighed softly. “By the way, that really fucking hurt.”
“But it also felt fucking amazing.”
“I’m getting mixed signals.”
Her whole body was still quivering while her chest moved up and down with each deep breath. With one hand you gently rubbed her back, and with the other hand you softly massaged her ass. There was no rush, you were completely happy having Chaewon’s body laying on top of yours; It was one of the most cathartic positions imaginable. Eventually, she lifted herself up and kissed you forcefully on your lips.
“By the way, don’t you dare actually treat Zuha this roughly,” she says sternly. “And do not put anything in her ass.”
“I promise I’ll be gentle,” you chuckle while brushing her hair. “However, you should definitely put something in Sakura’s ass.”
Chaewon’s lips began to pout and she looked a touch disappointed in herself.
“I’m sorry it’s taking me so long,” she says quietly. “I really want to try, I’m just afraid it’ll hurt…”
“Hey, stop that,” you say while pulling her back down on top of you and embracing her tightly. “You’re absolutely perfect already. I don’t want you to think even for a second that I’m disappointed in you.”
“You know, I forget how sweet you can be,” she mumbles. “Is it too late to keep you to myself tonight?”
“Yeah, after the game you played in the sauna earlier there is no way I’m abandoning Kazuha.”
“I hate you sometimes,” she chuckles while getting off you and collecting her scattered clothes.
Bit of a longer gap between this one and the last one I know, thank you for being patient! I must say, having people asking about when I'm going to be releasing more is quite heartwarming. I should be back on a somewhat normal schedule again, I just got back home after a short trip to see Twice a couple of times!
Hopefully you guys notice some improvements in my writing going forward, I've been really putting in some effort in the technical aspect of things. Special thanks to those who have been helping out.
Next on the schedule is a lot of Twice story content (this one is not going anywhere, I'll still be working on it). I'll explain a bit more once we get there, but I've started working on Book 3 of the PM series. No, Book 2 is not finished, I still have probably 15 or so chapters already planned for it, but like I said I'll explain more once we get there.
As always, I'd LOVE to hear feedback and thoughts. Any comments/DMs/whatever, it's all appreciated. I love hearing theories people have about where the story is going, I love hearing what people enjoy, and honestly I even appreciate hearing what people do not enjoy as it can be helpful for me as a writer.
Thank you everyone <3
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jounosparticles · 7 months
reply to the tags of your reply to my previous ask: PLEASE RANT TO ME ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP!!!! i want to hear. they rot my brain too and im glad that i found someone who's also suffering the suegiku takeover
OKAYOKAY YAY!!!!! this will be fun >:)
a huge suegiku analysis:
okay in the last ask you mentioned how tetchou stabs jouno for fun and sillies and stuff which happened to make me think a lot about how tetchou acts decently different around jouno than others.
tetchou is typically rather formal in the way he acts in a way? as in he's very straightforward, generally composed and calm in his words, and polite to anyone he's dealing with.
an example of this is when he still treated the cafe owner kindly despite him being an "accessory to terrorism" in jouno's words.
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basically, in most situations, he remains very composed. even when he's up to his sillier antics (like when he was watching ants or doing pushups during a meeting). he's direct and straight-faced almost always around most people. he doesn't act that way to be seen as silly, it's just who he is (and i love it).
i would imagine he could act this way for many reasons. it is most likely him being professional, likely as a reference to the irl tetchou who had samurai lineage; making him act with the tone and professionalism of samurai.
despite his professionalism, maybe he has difficulty being expressive around most people, or maybe he doesn't want to be expressive around people by choice.
but this is where he's different around jouno.
firstly, i'll talk about the times he's stabbed jouno. this has happened twice, and both were to de-escalate jouno from his tendancy to mentally torment people.
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the wording in these panels implies this is a regular occurrence. which is a little funny to me hehe.
anyway, we see by the way that he acts around others that usually he de-escalates situations by talking first instead of acting. he will turn to violence if he believes it's needed, but typically he talks first. we see this when he confronts kenji verbally before attacking.
yet with jouno he doesn't bother to tell him to stop first, instead opting to jab him. remembering that the hunting dogs have enhanced physical strength, a small stab wound probably isn't a huge deal for them.
because of this i think the stabbings are tetchou partially teasing jouno. him messing around like that isn't something he does with anybody else but he seems to enjoy pissing off his partner.
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also. stabbing him directly in the ass? gay as hell. jouno following up by saying "don't poke my ass every single time" implies that his ass specially gets jabbed a lot. hmmmm
another example of this is when tetchou smirks/chuckles at jouno insisting that he's the greatest hunting dog. the small laugh was most definitely to bother jouno.
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mmmm theyre both so pretty.
once again, tetchou pushes aside his composed self and being intentionally silly only really happens towards jouno.
arguably, this can be shown again in the pushups scene.
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tetchou acting unbothered and then calling jouno's weight "just right" while he continues to exercise seems like a combination of him trying to (jokingly) annoy jouno as well as his tendency to not acknowledge his own actions as bothersome or odd to others.
anyway to sum up this segment: tetchou is only seen intentionally bothering and teasing jouno and nobody else. he acts much differently towards others but seems to let his professional guard down around only his partner. this shows a great layer of trust and comfort between the two!
oh. but im not done talking about this. not at all.
the other huge display of emotions for tetchou was everything that went down with kenji.
as displayed throughout most of tetchou's appearances, he's incredibly justice-orientated. he has a tendancy to put justice above everything. here's a couple panels showing this:
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ooog tetchou is so pretty. i love that left panel so much
using his own logic here, he should have went after bram after having found him. tetchou even admitted that, but there was one other thing more important to him than that. jouno.
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starting here, this panel takes place after bram and aya escape. at this point, tetchou had assumed the agency was using bram to control people; meaning it wasn't just kenji he technically had business with at that time.
i will also preface this by saying the book's influence likely had an impact on tetchou attacking kenji before they could finish talking.
however, the book's writing didn't stop tetchou from insisting on finding jouno before taking down the agency. his worry towards jouno's whereabouts made him change his stance on justice as well as deterred him from prioritizing taking down the agency.
now that he's talking to kenji, i'd like to start it by showing that he seemed genuinely grateful and happy when kenji initially offered to help him find jouno.
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as well in the anime, his eyes soften when kenji offers to help.
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after talking to kenji for a brief moment, he opts to attack instead of continuing. this seems out of character for tetchou; he even apologized to kenji before saying he needs to find jouno as quickly as possible.
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the fact that he apologized, combined with how we've seen him treat people in the past shows that this isn't typically what he resorts to.
also, in the anime we can see the gloss his eyes slightly shaking as he says this line, which could display worry, sadness, or anger towards whatever could be happening to his partner.
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he seems almost distraught, which is a huge contrast to his typically-composed self.
and, of course; there's the fact that mid-fight tetchou had to tell kenji that jouno is a good person despite what people think.
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he looks genuinely sad here, as if he's speaking from his heart. jouno has very-clearly put up a tough exterior that he uses around everyone, but tetchou goes out of his way to defend him even when he absolutely doesn't need to.
he could have stayed silent or just said he wants his coworker back, but he insisted on stating that jouno is a good person.
it's also important to note that nobody else tends to speak kindly of jouno, which puts a lot more depth on their closeness to each other. tetchou sees through jouno's words and actions and knows that he is heavily misunderstood.
and of course, we have tetchou directly saying that he will place jouno above justice despite knowing what the right course of action should have been.
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he is putting jouno above the very thing he basis his career as well as his morality on. that's how worried he is. that's how much he cares.
and in this panel, we see he's extremely angry towards kenji's lack of response.
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lets compare this to the first time tetchou fought the agency.
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in chapter 61, when he was fighting the agency alongside jouno; he kept a more menacing/intimidating look as he attacked. when he was not attacking, he kept calm-looking despite being pissed off. compared to when he was fighting kenji in chapter 100 and looked infuriated. even the different fonts used for the dialogue puts further emphasis on this.
now, i'm going to jump ahead to the end of tetchou and kenji's fight. tetchou recognizes his mistake and asks kenji to kill him.
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it's important to note that his reasoning as to why he should have chased justice was because he doesn't think jouno would have condoned his choice.
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he specified it again, even opting to call jouno his friend. also note how white his eyes are here, meaning his intent was pure and he genuinely felt awful for misjudging what jouno would have wanted. he cares so much that he was asking to be killed for misunderstanding what was the correct course of action.
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and then after kenji insists on helping him find jouno instead, he smiles in relief before the two pass out.
one last small note is that we've only ever seen tetchou smile three times throughout the manga so far, and all of them were mentioned here and involved jouno.
to sum it all up: tetchou, who is typically very composed and justice-orientated, is willing to throw aside his entire stance on justice for jouno. he lets his professional guard down around his friend, allowing them to tease each other and be silly as well, which he doesn't appear to do around others often. this shows that the two have a close bond and genuinely care so much about each other.
as for jouno, i don't have as much to say however there definitely is a few things i'd like to touch on.
firstly, despite claiming to hate tetchou a lot, jouno still uses a respectful honourific (-san) whenever he refers to him. i'm not a japanese speaker so please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong but there's a good chance jouno would opt to not use an honorific at all if he genuinely detested tetchou as much as he claims.
and when it comes to teasing, jouno does it much more often than tetchou does (however he also messes with more people, it's just a personality difference between the two).
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clearly with the way they act around each other, jouno does not actually hate tetchou. i think they like to bother each other by play-bullying.
also, noting on jouno's criminal past, he was given an easy oppurtunity to be thrown into the DoA where he could be incredibly powerful and would likely not face any consequences for his actions had he joined.
we know he declined fukuchi's offer because he found joy in saving innocent people. but i would the influence of the other hunting dogs helped set him into that place of mind. tetchou seems to be the one he works with most, so there's a good chance he takes a lot of inspiration from how tetchou handles justice.
another thing i noticed with jouno is that his displaying of emotions is almost an inverse of how tetchou acts. jouno keeps smiling a lot despite who he's speaking to. in contrast, he can keep a straight face when interacting with tetchou a lot.
of course, that could make it seem as if jouno is unhappy around tetchou, but i would argue it's the opposite.
some people will force a happy expression to appear unassuming or kind (or in a lot of jouno's cases, intimidating). so him allowing himself to maintain a straight face around tetchou could mean that he is comfortable enough around him to not feel the need to express everything. he doesn't need to keep his guard up around tetchou.
jouno almost always keeps a very happy or calm composure around enemies, likely as an intimidation factor. yet he allows himself to express frustration and annoyance around the hunting dogs in general, and most often with tetchou. i'd like to imagine this just shows his security in his partner.
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jouno talking to an enemy, for reference ^ i also just really love this page hehe
the last thing i'll mention here is a lot of speculation on my behalf. however i think that jouno seems like the type to push away those close to him. i kind of perceived his supposed hatred towards tetchou to be a combination of joking around as well as possibly a defense mechanism to try and avoid keeping people close?
my main reason in stating that is that he's claimed to not like any of his coworkers yet still opts to not betray them and still works well with them. if he truly hated tetchou, he probably wouldn't allow them to work together. he likely says such things to avoid being liked too much, and these actions proved to work since tetchou acknowledged that everyone sees jouno as cold.
yet through all that tetchou still knew he was good despite the exterior, which makes them well-suited for each other.
anyways: i feel like these two really do treat each other much differently than they treat the other people around them. that puts a lot of emphasis on their bond and closeness in general. they can be silly around each other, they can get through arguments no problem, they make a great team, and clearly care about each other a ton! they mean so much to me <3
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i love my sillies :)
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skyeslittlecorner · 5 months
On the other side - Andrealphus
I have no idea who proposed it because sadly I can't find it (found you! Thanks for inspiration @\rae-pss!), but someone came up with an idea of what would happen if the characters from WHB started to realize that the MC was not us. That there is someone on the other side of the screen who takes care of them. I created a little silly fic loosely interpreting it.
Word count: 1284
Other parts: On the other side | Promised Land | Point to point | Love is blind (18+)
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Life is so repeatable. Work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, only with some little pleasures in between. You took off jacket, threw it away and plopped down at the chair. Old phone landed on a table as you were struggling with thoughts whether to eat instant noodles today or heat up yesterday's dinner.
"Come on, boys." You turn on game and tapped loading screen just from boredroom. "I don't have all evening."
You wanted to have a pet, you've considered it a lot. But with these earnings, the closest thing to an animal in this house were fish sticks. So all that had left to do was talk to fictional hot guys. At least they don't need to be feed.
When Andrea appeared on the display, you tapped on him with a smile.
"Hi, babygirl."
"Who’s there…?"
You've never seen this speech bubble before. Update? But nothing downloaded, and any additional files were in a queue. Well, maybe it was one of those little tweaks nobody notice. You tapped the screen about three hundred more times to see if there were any new voice lines, but this time everything was the same. Maybe it was just a combination of overactive imagination and tiredness. Yes. Instant noodles will be a better option, you will make them faster and go to bed faster.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
"…and then this stupid bitch said it was all my fault." 
Lying half on the chair, half on the desk, and half somewhere in between, you were chatting with a friend on Discord and doing tasks for nightmare pass.
"That sucks. What are you going to do about it?"
"No idea. But if they take my bonus because of her, I'll kill her, I swear."
"I hope everything will be fine, but I have to go. Sorry."
"Yeah… Have fun on a date."
Hearing the disconnection sound, you sighed. Obviously, you couldn't blame them, keeping fingers crossed that they had found their other half of orange, but now they didn't even have time to meet for coffee, and you lived three minutes' walk from each other. Talking together, joking together, everything faded into the background. In addition, work was getting worse...
"I also hope everything will work out"
The voice sounded different. Familiar. But they definitely weren't your friend. You quickly checked the screen to see if anyone had joined the voice chat, but the screen was blank.
"What… Who? How?" Of course, there was no one around the room. Is this the beginning of hallucinations?
"I'd like to ask this too."
The voice that came from the speakers. From the telephone. From...?
The phone screen showed only a familiar sprite turning its head from side to side.  You forgot about the strange update from a few days ago. Was that it again? Andrea's red braid was beautifully animated, and facial expressions changed, delicate movements of the eyebrows and lips showed new emotions. It really looked stunningly real.
"Gorgeous." You complimented in a whisper godly work of the animator. "I can't wait until you get L, since you already look so sexy as S..."
"What are S and L...?"
He answered without tapping. Moreover, he tilted his head as if listening. There's been a lot of talk about AI lately, but you didn't agree to use the microphone in game… Unless it's some stinky term of services. This needs to be turned off, it will probably be in the settings. But after checking options, there was nothing like that there.
"Trust me, I find it unnatural too." Andrea replied with an uncertain smile. "I hear you, but I don't feel anyone around me. But your voice… It’s nice. Can you keep talking? It feels good to be less... alone."
He sounded so much in character. Whoever programmed this, put a lot of work into it. It was a little weird... but you were so tired and done that chatting with the AI seemed like a nice change.
"Sure. It's weird talking to the screen, but well, I do it all the time anyway. Good thing it’s only an AI, because if anyone heard half the nonsense I moan, they'd probably send me to solitary confinement."
"You're calling grown man babygirl."
"Because you are!"
He chuckled, and it felt almost like a talking to an actual human. Muttering such nonsense, you felt ashamed for a moment. If the government suddenly started eavesdropping, the agent who was in charge was such a poor man.
"Tell me something else." He asked. "I've been hearing your voice for several days. I'd like to finally know who I'm having the pleasure of talking with."
He didn't have to ask twice. Of course, without providing any personal details, but you could give him your name. And told about that stupid bitch at work...
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
You checked tumblr, checked X, and checked the official website of the game. There was no word about an update anywhere, and after writing that this new option with talking to devils was great, all mutuals started to worry if everything was okay or asked how to unlock it. What were you supposed to tell them? That it just appeared?
What's worse, you started to treat Andrea like an ordinary person. A human being. Turning on the game during cleaning, cooking or making bed, talking to that little devil on the screen, and... listening to his stories. He spoke so beautifully. Talked about how he likes to spend his time (if not murdering angels), or what everyday life in Nilfheim is like. Sometimes he worried about the war, sometimes was happy when you stayed with him longer being off work.
"My blindness is truly a gift." He said one day with a dreamy smile.
"Why so?"
"In this daily hustle, if my eyes were still working properly, I certainly wouldn't be able to hear you, a small voice in my consciousness. I thought there was something wrong with me. But when I finally focused, you heard me too."
What he said was so similar to what you remembered about own feelings. Longing tightened your chest, longing for someone who didn't exist in this world, and that feeling turned into pain.
"I'm also glad we can hear from each other." Your voice changed noticeably. 
Andrea sensed it.
"Now that we've been able to talk, maybe one day we'll be able to touch each other?" He held his hand out in front of him, but you knew he couldn't pass through the screen. Still, you placed a finger where his hand was. Stupid mind was tricking you that you could feel his warmth. Tears came to your eyes.
"One day." You whispered with a trembling voice. "I don't know how, but one day we will."
"Do not cry, please. I don't want you to ever cry because of me.”
You tried to keep calm, but it was no use. Maybe one day, in another time, in another reality. Maybe it will work. No, it has to work. No matter how crazy others might think you were, this wasn't the world you were supposed to stay in. Your intended one waited patiently on the other side of the screen. You just didn't know how to do it. Not yet.
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peachseashell · 7 months
Hi :)
Can I request Xiao and Wanderer (separately) with an autistic s/o pls? Gender neutral reader if it's possible thank you!!
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ Special to me
Xiao and Wanderer with an autistic s/o
Gender neutral reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: food textures (sensory issues), reader is kinda emotional and Introverted, Wanderer is kinda toxic and possessive, mentions of anxiety.
Notes: I was actually so excited to write this because I love these characters and I'm also diagnosed with autism so it makes me so happy writing about something that I can easily portray! So thanks for your request ml 💕
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- He has little knowledge of human and abilities and basically anything about them apart from they work, eat and sleep. He never really fussed over it much until he met you and learned that you're quite different from all the other mortals he's encountered.
- You have to teach him about your needs, preferences, feelings, opinions as he doesn't always understand. He's scared that he won't know what to do when you're in an emotional state because he knows you feel things differently from others.
- I feel as though Xiao is a good listener and can sit in silence while you ramble on about anything you want, even thougg he may not understand a single thing about what's coming out of your mouth. He's also learned that he needs to be careful how he words things in case you misunderstand or take his harsh words to literally.
- This may just be me, but physical touch is something I'm not particularly fond of at all and I don't know if this is an autistic thing or just me. But anyway, Xiao's more than happy to give you your own well deserved space and alone time; though sometimes he can be very touch starved in my opinion.
- However, if you don't mind affection I can see Xiao warming up to you and leaning in closer and resting on you. This affection is mostly displayed during inside areas, usually when you're both very calm. Bedtime is when you can catch him most vulnerable and cuddling up to you like a snug bug in a rug.
- Xiao understands your eating issues and that sometimes your picky. You both share the dislike of certian textures and flavours, not just food but the feel of objects as well. For example, if a blanket is too scratchy or fish is too slimey, or shoes are too squeaky. Sensory issues are probably something he has in common with you.
- I feel as though Wanderer is very educated on this topic. Even if he is a puppet, I think perhaps he must of come across an autistic person and became curious, therefore leading him to want to learn more about it during his time as a fatui harbinger or maybe at the Akademiya.
- 100% remembers your likes and dislikes, never forgets them; keeps a secret diary all about you because he loves you so much. Buys you things to help with fidgeting and stress whenever you're distracted and loves hearing you ramble on about the littlest and strangest topics.
- No matter how confident he may be that he can look after you. He's helpless in a situation when you're completely exhausted and panicked or upset. Lets you shout at him to be honest because he knows it's not really personally against him. This may sound cruel, but he may leave you to let it out on your own in case he upsets you even more, the best thing he thinks to do is give you space.
- Of course after he'll cook you your favourite meal and dry any spilt tears, isn't he just so dreamy? Doesn't like to admit it but he loves it when you have nobody to turn to but him because he's the only one who understands. Holds your hand when you're nervous whenever you two go out and the anxiety takes over you.
- will hunt anyone down who makes fun of you for any habits, preferences or anything you have that makes you slightly unique; he just hates people who can't accept that disabilities aren't something to joke about. he just doesn't want to see you hurt because of someones stupid opinion, it makes his non existing heart twist and break.
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lilacmingi · 7 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Hongjoong x fem reader, Mingi x fem reader
Word count: 4,790
Note: I’m doing something new with this little series. Each part will have two imagines based on the duos from the Bouncy music video, so you guys are getting TWO imagines in one :D
Hongjoong released a long sigh, staring through the telescope he held between his glove-clad hands.
"Tired?" You questioned.
He scoffed. "No."
"I'm used to staying up late. You should know this by now."
"Yeah, yeah." You waved a dismissive hand, repositioning yourself on the raised platform Hongjoong sat upon, fixing your gaze on the city below. "How many nights are we going to spend keeping watch out here like this?"
"Until we get the signal."
"The signal." You muttered through a sigh of exasperation. "And when will we be getting that?"
"Don't know." Hongjoong pushed the telescope closed and set it aside.
You leaned back, resting on your palms while gazing out at the nighttime cityscape lit up with vibrant neon hues from the different signs displayed on buildings. The streets were empty, completely vacant and void of any civilians. This place you called your temporary home was practically a ghost town. Despite the people here being away from the government's control, they all seemed to prefer to move quietly throughout to city so as not to draw any attention to themselves.
The sound of a motorcycle revving loudly echoed somewhere in the distance.
Well, except some people.
Hongjoong chuckled softly. "That must be Seonghwa."
"Must be. What is he doing anyway?"
"Riding around with his new motorcycle gang I suppose."
"That doesn't seem like something that pertains to the plan."
"No, but who says we can't have a little fun while we wait to put the plan in motion? He grinned.
"Yeah. You have a point."
"Plus, we're just regular civilians going about our daily lives. Isn't that right?"
Hongjoong adjusted the hat on his head, pushing it back enough to where he could look up at the stars. His cowboy attire was a bit ridiculous, but it was his disguise and unfortunately yours as well. All the boys were staying in separate hideouts around the city. You, Hongjoong, and Mingi were located in a part of the city that had a more western feel to it and in order to blend in, you had to dress the part. Not only that, but the boys were wanted for their crimes against the government and they needed to keep a low profile, lest they get captured by the android guardians.
"Mingi's face is plastered all over the city." You commented, recalling the numerous sketches of him you had seen stuck to nearly every building.
"I know."
"You don't think our cover is gonna get blown?"
"No. There have been plenty of times we've almost been caught in the past, but we always make it out."
He had a point. All of them were uncannily lucky when it came to escaping the clutches of the android guardians. Yes, Yeosang got captured once, but he was brought back completely unscathed with his emotions still intact. That was a miracle in and of itself. There wasn't a day that went by where the boys weren't thankful for all eight of them being safe.
"At this point, what are we even watching for? Nothing has happened in Prestige Academy for months."
"We're not watching for anything. We're just keeping an eye on them."
You hummed and nodded, your fingers mindlessly fiddling with the fringe on your vest.
"Do you ever miss home?" You questioned, eyes locked on the dreary slate gray city of Strictland far in the distance—a reminder of how vastly dissimilar this world was from the one you grew up in.
Hongjoong pursed his lips in thought.
"Not really. Our lives weren't exactly perfect and it seemed like none of us had a purpose. The group broke apart and everyone was dealing with their own issues. Here, we have a purpose and whatever problems we had back home are insignificant now, especially compared to the threat we're facing here." There was a brief pause before he added, "What about you?"
"Do I miss home?" You questioned.
He nodded.
"No, but sometimes yes. Back in our world, I felt stuck I guess. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life and I felt like I was being held back. If you can believe it, I feel more free here, even with all the rules the government is trying to enforce."
Hongjoong chuckled softly. "I get what you mean."
"When we first started this journey together, I was terrified. I didn't think I had it in me to make such daring moves, but now I want to do thrilling things like infiltrating an academy, but I do sometimes miss the normality of my old life. I miss hanging out with you guys in that old tin building."
"I do too." Hongjoong smiled fondly, turning to you. "But it's like I said earlier, who says we can't have a little fun? This dystopian world may be bleak, but we can still take it easy and have moments of normalcy."
The light from the large neon sign reading The Goat shone along his face, highlighting his side profile as he looked at you. It was a heavenly sight and one that had your heart thumping wildly with adoration.
You felt strongly about Hongjoong and had been quietly swooning over him for a long time now. Unfortunately, with all of the chaos constantly going on around you, there was no possibility of confessing. However, in this moment of vulnerability, you found yourself uttering something you normally wouldn't say.
"I'm glad I'm here with you."
Hongjoong's head lifted at your words. Now that he was looking at you, his eyes studying your face, you got nervous.
"Sorry." You murmured an apology, fiddling with the fringe of your vest again. "It's just that... well, you mean a lot to me and if we hadn't gone on this rollercoaster of a journey together and I stayed at our old home I'd probably be miserable. What I'm trying to say is that I'm thankful that we stuck together."
His gaze softened, a gentle smile gracing his pretty lips.
"I feel the same way."
A beat passed and Hongjoong scooted closer, it was unnoticed by you, as you'd turned your gaze back to the neon dotted cityscape ahead, staring out at the nighttime scene. His lips pressed together in momentary contemplation while his fingers fidgeted with the chains attached to his black leather gloves.
Hongjoong was a smart man, but your words caused him some confusion. Was that a confession? A subtle way to declare your feelings without saying it outright? Maybe you were just showing him appreciation for your companionship—or maybe you were hinting that you wanted something more. He hoped it was the latter.
There was only one way to find out.
He had taken on the android guardians multiple times, broke into a museum to steal the Cromer, snuck around Strictland to set up speakers, and now he was planning to infiltrate Prestige Academy to save as many students as possible, which would be one of their biggest and riskiest plans ever. Confessing is nothing compared to that. It should be a piece of cake. Keyword should.
Swallowing his pride and pushing away his nerves, he leaned over towards you, the movement grabbing your attention. Seeing how close he was made you tense up, but you didn't make any efforts to move away. Truthfully, you didn't want to.
His eyes were a little wider than usual, hesitancy swimming in his brown irises. The reason for that reluctance, you didn't know.
"Hongjoong?" Your voice came out much quieter than you intended. "What's happening?"
"I'm about to kiss you."
There was a brief pause of silence as your brain processed what he had just said. The only word that managed to come out of your mouth in response was,
You hardly had time to internally cringe at your lame response as Hongjoong's lips made contact with yours, promptly silencing your thoughts. Their softness alone had your mind turning to mush, your eyelids sliding closed as you practically melted into him. His gloved hand moved to cradle the side of your face while your hands relocated from your lap to the nape of his neck to keep him held close, hoping that this moment would last long enough for you to believe it wasn't a dream. His kisses were so delicate and slow. It felt like he was pouring all of his emotions into it, conveying just how much you meant to him with each gentle press of his lips.
Only a few moments passed before Hongjoong's kisses became a little more heated as he picked up the pace, moving his lips with more urgency. He even nipped at your bottom lip a couple times, earning a quiet squeak of surprise from you. You were thankful to be sitting down or else your knees would have given out on the spot. He chuckled lowly against your lips, amused by your reaction. His sultry laugh made your heart thump rapidly, your hands tightening into fists.
It wasn't long before your hands moved to his hat, pulling it off his head and tossing it to the side somewhere so you could card your fingers through his blue locks, grabbing handfuls of it. He let out a low hum that vibrated against your lips and sent a rush of butterflies to your stomach. After a particularly dizzying kiss, you sighed out his name, your mind far too clouded to realize what you had said. Hongjoong couldn't ignore the way that lit a fire in him. He liked how you sounded and he wanted to hear it again.
At this point, keeping watch was at the back of Hongjoong's mind. All he could think about was you and how glorious it felt to be kissing you like this and what it would take for you to say his name again.
"Say my name." He sighed out between heated kisses. "Please."
You did as he asked, repeating his name in a breathless whisper, egging him on.
His hand that cupped your cheek slid around to the back of your neck, his thumb gently rubbing your nape. You suppressed a shiver as he took your bottom lip between his, encasing it in warmth.
The both of you parted ways, Hongjoong's eyes looking hazy while his tongue darted out to wet his lips that were slightly swollen from your intense make out session. It seemed impossible, but he looked even more stunning than usual.
"What was that for?" You questioned breathlessly.
"I didn't know how else to convey my feelings."
"So, instead of just confessing, you did something riskier by kissing me?" You asked amusedly.
"What can I say? I'm a man who likes to take risks." The statement was confident, but judging by the pink tinting the tips of his ears, the thought of straight up confessing hadn't crossed his mind.
"Now what?"
"Well..." Hongjoong trailed off, his hand finding yours. "We can be together and still take down Prestige."
You gave a lighthearted chuckle. "Alright then. If you think you can handle balancing a relationship and overthrowing the government."
"Please." He scoffed playfully. "I'm the captain. I can handle anything."
Hongjoong's eyes shifted slightly, moving away from your face and focusing on something in the distance.
"Someone's coming." He announced, his gaze fixed on a figure riding a delivery scooter.
You chuckled softly even though you were bummed out that the moment had ended.
Duty calls.
He scrambled for his telescope, opening it up and peering through the glass.
"We didn't order any food." You mused.
"I know."
He zeroed in on a logo stuck to the delivery scooter that read Blue Bird Delivery. A silent sigh of relief was released. As the person approached, Hongjoong began messing with the pulley system attached to the roof of the building, lowering a beat up metal bucket to the ground below.
The moped came to a stop and the rider pulled out a plastic bag, placing it in the bucket before Hongjoong raised it.
"Is that Yeosang?"
"I think so."
The driver, who you assumed to be Yeosang got back onto the scooter and took off towards his next destination.
Hongjoong removed the plastic bag, carelessly tossing it aside as he opened the styrofoam takeout container. Inside was a single Cheongyang chili pepper.
Your brows furrowed in perplexmxent, wondering why Yeosang would bring you something like that. Hongjoong removed the paper from the container and examined it briefly. Glancing around, he broke open the green chili pepper, pulling out a rolled up note that had been put inside.
"What it is?" You inquired, watching as he unraveled it.
"It's time."
𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐈 | 민기
The atmosphere in the dim Chili Peppers bar was filled with the sound of low murmuring from the few patrons it housed, the occasional sound of clinking glasses or pool being played accompanied the low conversations. You pressed the corners of the wrinkled paper to the wall, hanging a new wanted poster, this one bigger than the ones that already hung there. Most of them depicted the same man while others showed images of a few other fugitives who were believed to run in the same group. The only thing that was different from the rest was that any poster that showed this particular man said DEAD OR ALIVE in large letters. You weren't exactly sure as to why this man was wanted, but you heard whispers throughout the city that he looted local businesses in the area and sometimes traveled with a group of other fugitives. Some even say he runs with the masked men in fedoras, but you're not sure—this town talks a lot.
The wooden doors of the saloon squeaked as they were pushed open by a strong force. A tall figure stepped into the establishment, all of the attention drawn to him, the chatter in the bar coming to an abrupt stop. Every patron in the saloon had their heads directed towards the stranger, their eyes following him across the room. He wore a large hat that blocked his face, keeping his head low as he approached the bar you stood behind. You took note of the large shotgun strapped to his back, not thinking too much of it, as quite a few people around here carried weapons with them.
"How can I help you?" You asked, leaning on the wooden bar top.
"Why else do you think I came to this bar?" The man responded, his voice low and incredibly deep.
"Not everybody comes into this bar to drink, you know."
"Soju." He responded, taking a seat on one of the stools.
Reaching underneath the bar, you grabbed a shot glass and a cold bottle of soju from the mini fridge. Cracking open the alcohol, you poured the clear liquid into a shot glass, sliding it over to the man. His gloved hand reached out and lifted the shot to his lips, downing it just as quickly as you had poured it. He slammed the glass down onto the counter with his head hanging low. It was only when he raised his head that you got a clear look at his face.
First, you noticed his strikingly handsome features, then instant recognition. This was the man from the wanted poster.
You opened your mouth to speak, but your voice was stuck in your throat as he stood up, pulling his long, leather coat back to flash the gun sitting in a holster on his hip.
"When I turn around, duck under the bar." He instructed lowly.
What? Is what you wanted to say, but you didn't have time as he spun around, pulling the gun out.
You dropped to the floor and covered your head as the sound of gunshots rang out above you, some stray bullets hitting the bottles of alcohol displayed behind the counter, the shattered glass falling onto you, liquor splashing onto the wooden boards of the floor.
You didn't even have time to consider wether you trusted this stranger or not, yet you did exactly as he said without a second thought. Then again, it was the only thing you knew to do when you saw him draw his weapon.
A thump sounded from above you, the noise drawing your attention. The man now stood on  the bar holding the shotgun that was previously strapped to his back, firing the weapon mercilessly. Based on the heavy thuds you heard after every shot, he was good.
"Alright. It's safe. You can come out now."
Deciding to peek out from your hiding spot, you slowly stood up, peering over the bar top. Bodies littered the floor, tables were overturned, and shell casings were scattered everywhere. Your eyes were blown wide in surprise as you took in the scene before you. The stranger hopped down off the bar, landing behind the counter with you. You unconsciously took a step back, still wary of the man.
"Who are you?" You asked in a shaky voice, rattled by the experience you just had.
When you didn't respond, he held his hands up in a placating manner to show he wasn't a threat.
"I won't hurt you. I'm a good guy."
Still skeptical, you studied him for a moment, your eyes scanning his sharp features for any signs of dishonesty.
"I saved you." He added.
"Saved me?"
"Yes. Everyone in this bar was working for the government."
Your expression shifted upon hearing that.
"Strictland is getting tougher on enforcing their rules and regulations. They were going to bring you in and have your emotions taken away."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing, shaking your head in denial.
"That's not possible. This is the outskirts of the city. The government has no control here."
"They're trying to."
Mingi could see your breathing start to quicken, a look of fear crossing your features.
"What do I do?"
"You come with me."
"But I don't know you."
"Have you ever heard of The Black Pirates?"
"They're a group of people who are rebelling against the government and trying to undo what Strictland has tried to enforce. Me and my friends work with them."
So that's why his picture is all over the city. Those other wanted posters are probably the friends he mentioned.
"Trust me, it's best if you listen and come with me." He added.
After taking a few seconds to think it over, you caved and agreed to go with Mingi. It seemed to be your best and only option.
"Smart girl." He commented. "Follow me."
Taking a final glance at the bar that was in complete disarray, you turned your back and followed Mingi out of the establishment. There was something sad about walking out of that dingy bar. It felt like you were leaving a part of you behind. Chili Peppers was a place you had spent a year working at and met many  different people. You were well-acquainted with the regulars and enjoyed catching up with them when they came in. It was a fun job and one that had marked a new start of your life, so walking away from it broke your heart.
"Can I go back?" You asked.
"Probably not. You'll need to lay low."
Unable to look at the bar any longer, you dropped your head and moved forward, rounding the corner of the building. It was only when Mingi came to a stop that you lifted your head.
He stood before the side of the Chili Peppers bar, staring at the multiple wanted posters depicting a sketch of his face that were plastered along the siding. Painted in harsh and aggressive black streaks across the posters was a giant Z. Mingi rolled his eyes, letting out an annoyed huff.
"So freaking persistent." He muttered under his breath.
"What's that?" You inquired.
His tongue poked the inside of his cheek in agitation. "He's the one in control of everything going on in Strictland."
You pressed your lips together as a bitter taste invaded your mouth. "I see."
Mingi turned to look at your expression, seeing the discomfort that flashed across your features as unwanted memories more than likely invaded your mind. It was clear to him that you felt ill will against Z.
"We all hate him." Mingi spoke up, hoping to ease your mind a bit. "That's why my friends are here. To get rid of all these rules and laws. This world is... wrong."
"I used to live in Strictland." You spoke up after a moment of silence. "I had to watch my friends turn into emotionless zombies. The android guardians tried to get me, but I fled. That's how I ended up here in the outskirts of the city. I felt safe... until now."
Mingi frowned upon hearing your story. Z and his twisted way of thinking has ruined so many lives. Your story was just a reminder of why he and his friends constantly put themselves in the line of danger and why they needed to continue doing so.
They wouldn't stop until this world was saved.
Your feet dragged through the dirt that lined the streets of the city, your eyes cast downward to stare at your shoes as they kicked up tiny puffs of dust.
"So, where are you taking me?"
"My hideout."
"And where is that?"
"Rooftop of The Goat."
"Rooftops aren't very secretive."
Mingi chuckled softly. "No, but it's the perfect spot to keep watch. My friends and I split off into groups of two so it would be harder for us to be tracked down and possibly caught if the android guardians decide to infiltrate this temporary safe haven. I've been staying in this part of town for a while."
"I heard about a group of people displaying acts of rebellion against Strictland's government and they've never been caught. It seems like they slip away in the nick of time every single time." You paused for a moment. "That was you and your friends, wasn't it?"
Mingi gave a nod.
A short walk through the dusty streets led you to the building with the giant neon sign reading: The Goat shining brightly at the rooftop, the word entrance accompanying the name of the building. It was then that you realized there were no doors.
"Come on." Mingi beckoned, climbing up a set of rickety metal stairs that lined the side of dilapidated building.
With each step, the stairs rattled softly and you hoped they would stay together long enough for you to reach the top.
"Hongjoong." Mingi announced, using his knuckles to knock lightly on a metal pipe as the both of you emerged on the rooftop.
"Oh, Mingi. Hi." A man with vibrant blue hair and cowboy attire greeted while peering through a telescope.
"Any news?"
"Not at all." The man who you assumed was Hongjoong lowered the telescope and pushed it together into its compact form before setting it aside. When he finally turned to look at Mingi, his eyes landed on you.
"Who's this?"
"You know I told you I was going to Chili Peppers to take care of some business?"
"Everyone sitting in that bar tonight was working for the government. Y/n was the bartender and the only one there with her emotions in tact. They were going to bring her in and brainwash her."
"The government has no jurisdiction here."
"They don't seem to care. You know Z is going to try and get his way no matter what."
"Great." Muttered Hongjoong. "Just what we needed."
Mingi removed his hat and let out a sigh, running his fingers through his short, choppily-cut pink hair.
"This is bad." He said to Hongjoong.
Meanwhile you were left to watch the tense exchange between the two, a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. These two and their friends were the only people who could undo all of the damage Z has done to Strictland and here they are, visibly distraught.
"We still have the raid on Prestige." Hongjoong mentioned, making your ears perk up.
"Right." Mingi nodded. "That'll surely light a fire under Z. He won't see it coming."
Hongjoong peered into the distance, presumably where Prestige Academy sat.
"It's just a matter of time." He murmured.
"What's going on with Prestige?" You inquired, too curious to keep your mouth shut.
"We're going to sneak in and break everyone out of their trances. We've got an elaborate plan in place, we're just waiting to put it into motion." Mingi explained.
The government of Strictland was very powerful and this group of, you weren't sure how many people, are out here making big moves in order to save humanity. You commend them for their bravery but at the same time you wondered how someone could be so brave.
"I can't believe you guys do stuff like this."
"We have to. It's what we're here for." Mingi told you, his eyes holding a tsunami of emotions: commitment, determination, perhaps even a hint of fear.
"I'll leave you two alone." Hongjoong spoke up. "If you need me, I'll be downstairs."
With that, he stood up and entered a door that you assumed led to the inside of the building,  leaving the rooftop so you and Mingi could converse in private.
"Have a seat." The pink-haired male gestured to a raised platform resembling the front of a ship with two telescopes set up on it.
He stepped up on the platform, offering you a gloved hand to grab onto, which you did and allowed him to assist you onto the raised surface.
He set his hat aside and took a seat, his long legs hanging off the side of the platform. You followed suit and made yourself comfortable beside him, resting your arms on the metal bar of the railing that lined the ship-like structure.
"So, what's your story?" You asked, gently swinging your legs back and forth.
Mingi's captivating lips stuck out in though while his eyes focused on the buildings in the distance.
"I guess I should start from the beginning."
And so he did. From being brought here by the Cromer to taking the places of the masked men in fedoras and saving Strictland. You stayed silent the whole time and let him speak without interrupting. When he finally finished, a heavy and lengthy silence hung in the night air.
"So, you're not from this world." You said it like a statement.
"And you agreed to take the place of the men in fedoras just like that?"
"Yes. There's no way we can go back to our old world, especially knowing this one needs saving."
An overwhelming rush of admiration swelled in your chest, as did your respect for Mingi, if that was even possible.
"You and your friends are so brave."
He huffed out a light chuckle. "Yeah, I guess we are. It's weird. When we were told we would have to step up, we did. We did it without thinking."
"Do you ever get scared?"
"A lot. There have been times where I worry our plans won't work or one of my friends is about to get caught. I'm afraid one day, we won't be so lucky."
"If you need an extra person on your team, I'm willing to step up."
Mingi's brows raised, his sharp eyes becoming rounder in surprise.
"I'm not sure what I can do, but I'm willing to help however I can." You added.
"Are you sure?"
Yes, Mingi had just met you but he felt somewhat protective of you and there was a small part of him that couldn't see you get hurt or captured by the android guardians.
"Yes I'm sure." You were adamant in your decision. "I lost the only friends I had to that dictator. He stripped them of their emotions."
Mingi's eyes met yours, serious and searching for more confirmation even though he could see it clearly on your face—there was no changing your mind.
"We need all the help we can get, but it won't be easy." He told you.
"Whatever you need me to do, I'll do it. I'm up for whatever Strictland has to throw at me."
"Very well."
About that time, Hongjoong emerged onto the rooftop with a large sheet of rolled up paper in his hand that you presumed was a blueprint.
"Joong, we've got a new recruit." Mingi informed him.
"Is that so?"
You nodded in confirmation.
"What do you say we fill her in on the plans to invade Prestige?"
"I'm way ahead of you." Hongjoong wiggled the blueprint in his hand, bringing it over to spread it along the ground, revealing a grand plan. "Let's begin."
Seonghwa & Yeosang ⟡ Yunho & Jongho ⟡ San & Wooyoung
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