#he and jk always get the most screentime
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‘Butter’ Jacket Shoot Sketch Day Three - V
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Since we're going by the logic of Jikook are not seen in public together = they have broken up, then my sister's relationship with her husband, who she has a literal child with, is FAKE, because I never see them in public!!!!!! They don't go out! So fake! Outrageous! How ABSURD it is for a long-term couple to want PRIVACY!!!! How dare my sister go out with me/be seen with me in public and not her boyfriend! How dare she have other people in her life!
How even more FLABBERGASTING that a worldwide famous long-term couple living in a homophobic country want to hang out in a totally safe and private way for them! It doesn't matter that their career could end and they could even be arrested, and it doesn't matter that photos of them on white day were leaked, exposing them in an intimate moment, and it doesn't matter that their names were on Dispatch's list, together with other couples that admitted they were together.
HOW DARE Jungkook and Jimin not make out in front of the cameras for us???? How dare Jungkook and Jimin try to protect their privacy after so many leaked pictures and all the stalking?
That's how stupid y'all wishy washy Jikookers and taekookers sound. Babes do you REALLY think Jungkook and Jimin always tell us truth? Do you really think they tell us EVERYTHING that goes on in their lives?
Shouldn't y'all take Taennie as an example? They were going out for God knows how long and they were NEVER spotted. Sure, leaked pictures here and there, which Jikook also have, but they've never seen in public together, either.
It's time y'all use the brains god gave you. Don't be scared of it, yeah? USE IT.
Do you really think they tell us EVERYTHING?
I wanna talk about this. This goes out to the holier than though Jikookers out there who judge us other Jikookers who still believe that the JM on JK's hand is for Jimin.
Anon I agree with you 1013%. Please allow me to hijack your post an address this topic.
Okay so JK went live and said the J stands for Jungkook. Right. I ended up in report pages for saying this on twitter but I will say it again. How many people do you know that tattoo their own names on themselves? No seriously. How many? I said even the most narcissistic person wouldn't do this and I got blocked and reported. But it's true. JK is not a narcissist, far from it even. He has a big heart and loves those around him and loves us Army even when we don't deserve it. That man did not tattoo his name on himself. That's point number 1.
Point 2. Who tf calls him J? He calls himself JK, members call him JK. Everyone calls him JK. The only member we've heard tell us to call him J was Jhope and I think that was "Jay"
Point 3 and what I wanna talk about. No, I'm not calling JK a liar. I am calling him an omiter. He ommited the truth. The point of him explaining the tattoos I believe was to debunk the V/A. Which he did, thank God. But I digress.
Being a Jikooker is based on deducing and analysing. Listening to them, watching them and concluding they're together. They have never outright told us. Alright?
Jimin said, he bit JK.
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Jikookers said it was a hickey. Because its right by the mole. Because it didn't fade. Because there were no teeth marks. Okay. Fine. But why do we believe the J stands for Jungkook, but we won't believe when Jimin said he bit JK and no shenanigans were involved?
Jungkook said he goes to Jimin's hotel room because its closer.
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Jikookers said it was a lie. He goes because he wants to spend time with Jimin. And he doesn't just sit there for hours and do nothing. He was lying. So why do we believe the J stands for Jungkook, but we won't believe he went to Jimin's room out of convenience?
Jungkook said Jimin wasn't the main model of GCF.
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Jikookers said that can't possibly be true because JK highlights Jimin in all the videos and Jimin always gets the most screentime. Okay. So why do we believe the J stands for Jungkook, but we won't believe when he said Jimin wasn't his main model?
JK said he always sleeps in Jihope's room because his bed is uncomfortable.
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Jikookers said nah, JK just likes sleeping with Jimin. JK sleeps in that room because he's dating Jimin. They had enough money to get JK a better mattress, so that was clearly just an excuse. So why do we believe the J is for Jungkook, but we didn't believe when he said his own bed was uncomfortable?
JK said he's always recording Jimin because Jimin is always around
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Jikookers said that wasn't true because anytime JK has a camera, more often than not he's pointing it at Jimin. Even when sometimes Jimin doesn't notice. So clearly JK was lying. Right? So why do we believe the J is for Jungkook, but we didn't believe JK's reason for why he's always filming Jimin?
Have i made my point yet???
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"The J stands for Jungkook, JK said so."
Be quiet.
If you believe that then you might as well stop believing in Jikook rn because these mofos have never told us they were gay for eo. We concluded that after mountains of suspicious moments and unexplainable sexual tension. We concluded. They didn't tell us.
And if you wanna still believe in Jikook then get off your fucking high horse where you nitpick what to buy and judge those of us who wanna believe in the JM tattoo or Jikook numbers or Jikook dropping eo off at the airport. There are clearly levels of Jikookery but everyone needs to stay in their lane and stop judging. You just come off looking like a fucking hypocrite. We don't all have to think or see things the same way.
The JM stands for Jimin. Otherwise he would have left his tattoos like this.
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Rant over. I'm done. But I needed to get that off my chest. Anyway, Jikook is real. Amen.
Support Jikook for clear skin
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borisbubbles · 11 days
Eurovision 2024: #19
19. CZECHIA Aiko - "Pedestal" 28th place
Decade Ranking: 67/153 (Above LPS, below TBA)
Every once in a while, you're thrown a curveball that you don't quite know how to respond to. Aiko is one of mine.
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Imagine someone who was the surprise winner of their NF because they ran out of breath three seconds into the performance.
Imagine that someone becoming the butt of many joke due to their proven lack of vital capacity over the next months, being ruled out as a qualifier immediately.
Imagine that someone going into the semi dead last in the betting odds, and still looking very much like a sitting duck because she decided to go topless with clamps that looked exactly like nipples? It became a question not of qualification but of whether she would hit double digit points.
Imagine that someone getting sicc'ed an "As We Reach The Equinox"-style narrative by the producers in the previews where "she and her dancers represent the five stages of grief, with Aiko being ~acceptance~" (BULLSHIT! UP TO YOUR EARS!! -- Scout Cloud Lee), foreshadowing a nonsense cover-up for a weak performance.
Imagine that someone then delivered a GOOD live and ALMOST QUALIFIED WITH IT?
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Like what the actual FUCK?! Latvia qualifying was shocking enough, but Aiko wasn't far off in terms of pure WTH factor. Ahmad needs to stop, he's putting most of these foolish HoDs to fucking shame with these left-field glow-ups. First Domi, then Vesna, now this? Christ.
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It doesn't feel like such a turnaround should be possible. It's similar to how Andrea almost qualified in 2022, but that was due to aggregate weirdness. Andrea was never reaching the final with genuine results. Aiko's 11th place in the semi was a genuine result.
And I mean, why not? I always liked "Pedestal". It was the of Aiko's vocal.... um... challenges, and where they would inevitably lead that hampered me from fully embracing it. The hook is SO fun and the track is pure unfiltered britrock with Avril undertones. A perfect break-up anthem that converts screentime into Me-Time 💅.
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The live performance was good. Not great, not outstanding, but solidly good. The staging, the camerawork, the break into the high note. Everything about it helped sell it.
But none of that compares to Aiko. It still hasn't sunk in that she... sang in tune? Nailed the high note? Served? HAIRFLIPS, CHOREOS, FIERCENESS GALORE? ALL OF THOSE THINGS? And made them look effortless too?
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WHERE HAS THIS AIKO BEEN FOR THE PAST FIVE MONTHS?! If she had turned up earlier she would have been higher in the odds, given a better R/O spot and MADE THE FINAL!!!
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Yeah, all of that juicy improvement hoodoo STILL wasn't enough to reach the final. Granted, SF2 was strong, and "Pedestal" had a terrible draw and was definitely outclassed by most of her competitors. But come on. If you're that much better than expected, you should be in the final. Not all of the qualifiers outclassed Czechia. Surely they could have been in over Georgia? I love Gåte dearly but I'd almost burn them for Aiko just for the thrill of having THREE crazy shock qualifiers from the semi of death. (and NRK eating humble pie).
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I'm still not fucking sure how exactly I feel about Aiko but she was solidly good. Not as good as poor Sarah Bonnici, but we'll get there soon. if I compare her to the qualifiers that made it in, Nutsa is the only one I strongly prefer Aiko over (Israel and NL were locks anyway), and Nutsa at least broke an eternal NQ streak. Aiko's NQ undercuts the epicness of her sudden turnaround. I'm more flummoxed by her being good, rather than by how good she was, so let's park her here for now and move on.
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Ugh they're so perfect together, I HATE THEM!! jk. LOVE THIS, obvi. 😍 Getting over toxic pole by taking a slice of wholesome clam. Living the story of her song in real life, when will YOUR faves (mine => all the time as you'll see). Slay bitches ♥
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cathy-gabby · 3 months
No More Dream
March 22, 2024
Boybands are essential members of the music industry. For a time, they would become trendy and come a dime a dozen; other times, one boyband defines a generation – from the Beatles to the Backstreet Boys. The music lives on for generations but sadly, boybands come and go. When one member becomes too greedy and decides he is too famous to be just a member of a group; or when a member thinks he could be more than just a back-up singer with a few lines and very limited screentime and tries his luck as a solo artist – the band disintegrates and nothing is ever the same.
The globally phenomenal business that is kpop thrives because it follows a time-tested formula. Personalities come first; music comes second. The center member gets most of the lines and screentime; all the other members have to prop him/her up, whether they like it or not. They all have distinct roles to play to make the fans happy regardless of their own preferences. The music is generally crappy – sometimes a HIT but mostly a MISS - but the stage performances are insane; the stage antics and fan services are cringey at best and bordering on abuse at worse but the fans are happy; and the members play out their roles and personas to the hilt even if they are fictional versions of themselves.
Take for example the different personalities BTS members have projected on screen and on stage. (Intro: Persona by RM)
Jin is ONLY handsome; he is lazy; he only games a lot; he is a princess; he is a scaredy-cat.
JHope is another scaredy-cat; his only role in the group is to laugh a lot.
Suga is a genius; he is savage; he does not speak a lot but does not mince with his words.
RM is the leader; he has a very high IQ; he is a great lyricist; he is the muscle guy; he is a workout junkie.
V is cute; he has his own world; he always checks the vibe.
JK is the ultimate muscle guy; he is an adrenaline junkie; he is very competitive; he is manhood personified.
For years, members play out their roles as best they can but since they are only portraying a make-believe persona, cracks appear here and there and they unwittingly show bits and pieces of their real selves. How many times have we seen Jin show his highly calculating intelligent mind in all those Run BTS episodes; or of Suga being soft and kind while Jimin is being assertive and scary when angry. Sadly, business is business so the script and the roles remain; hence, staged personas are magnified to obscure these snippets. And the members do their part.
But the military – an entity all its own – bursts the rose-tinted bubble that shrouds the kpop members. In a snap, the makeup and the hairstyles are gone; the glitter and the glamour are matted by the reality that all men in Korea have to go through. Boys become men to defend the sovereignty of their country. There is no script, only reality. No More Dream.
And so Captain Korea Jin excels superiorly in the military. For someone who is supposed to be the lazy and cowardly princess, he advances in his military promotions like how he moves up in his game levels – with his physical and emotional strength, calculating strategy, highly intelligent mind, and deep empathy.
Jhope who was originally chosen to be BTS leader now commands an entire army of trainees – his leadership skills shine through. And it’s not a laughing matter.
V who seemed passively placid carves his own path in the Special Duty Team (SDT) of the Korean Army Military Police. His competitive self stands out and he is now truly in a world all his own.
Cutie sexy contemporary dancer Jimin is assigned in the artillery that “requires good knowledge in mathematics and physics, as well as good judgment.” And that is so sexy of him.
And of course there is RM.
Muscle guy slash workout junkie RM is in the military band.  Fans thought that his IG posts of himself exercising – sometimes half-nakedly sexy – were a prelude to what should be expected of him once he would enlist. But no. RM is a musician through and through. Whether he is in a state-of-the-art music studio or in the military field playing his saxiphone, his musical genius is serving.
And JK?
Ultimate muscle guy slash adrenaline junkie fiercely competitive Jungkook is in the kitchen. And he is very proud about it, he even posts it on weverse himself, confirming that he is cleaning and cooking in the military. Did I expect it? No. Am I surprised? No. Because JK has shown many times his domesticity – during Bon Voyage when he would do the laundry, during In the Soop when he would cook together with Jin, during his weverse lives when he would wash the plates, vacuum his place, wash and fold the laundry, and cook and share his recipes even in the wee hours of the morning. How many times has he opened his live only for his fans to watch him watch a youtube cooking tutorial? Did JK condition us for what he wanted to be while in the military? Maybe. Maybe not. But what is assuredly definite is that he is very happy with where he is right now. JK brings dignity and glamour to what would have been a thankless job (and butt of jokes for many). I am so proud and happy for him.
This, for me, is the real Chapter 2 of BTS. They have chosen, on their own, where they are most comfortable and the happiest. No script. Just serving.
People are complex; celebrities even more. Despite the hours and hours of footages in different platforms, whether staged or personal, we are only shown a glimpse of the complexity of their lives. We are only spectators, but hopefully without the rose-tinted glasses, so that we can truly see what THEY (not the company) want us to see.
PS. Yoongi is still Yoongi - off the grid but surely making wondrous music.
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captainmortuem · 6 months
Hello there! I am you swtor secret Santa come to ask some questions! I have found your oc blog and read through it. I would love to know who your fav swtor oc is? (Or if you have multiple fav’s). Second I would love to know more about your ocs partners/lover interests if possible :D
You ever get an ask that makes your realize you're going to sit down and write more than you want to on a phone, so you jump on a computer instead?
Apologies in advance to anybody who doesn't give a shit about Star Wars, that's literally all this (short) post is.
Favorite SWTOR OC:
Good question, at least out of the list I've got probably four who each hold a special place in my heart. Shesali; this gal here is my Jedi Consular who is tied with my JK for most loved and least shown off, sister of my Sith Inquisitor and wife of my Jedi Knight. Her love interest really only ends up being Shim whenever I talk about her. Shim Leedes; this gentleman is the aforementioned Jedi Knight, like I said, tied with Shesali for the most love and the least "screentime." They're kind of a package deal because neither of them have canon love interests, I figured their story was tragic enough to leave it at that. Although Shim did have a thing with Ranna Tao'ven when he was in the Jedi Academy. Kairous Sancar; seen here is my Agent, his main love interest is Raina Temple. I love him dearly, probably just above the previous two because the Agent story line is so good to me, even if the main antagonist has a very unfortunate name for me.
And the classic, my baby boy who I'm always so open to loving with all my heart, Dahay Dunbor. He's the classic, he's my first SWTOR toon, the one I've gotten the furthest in the story with, and he's been oh so dear to my heart since the beginning. His main love interest is Lana Beniko, because my main love interest (in SWTOR) is Lana Beniko.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
I figured that most post pandemic armys are taehyung biased cause before that i didn't even know about the existence of kths. Pjms were the majority. That's when they started pushing jimin in the back and giving more screentime to taehyung. If you told 2016-18 me that taehyung would be the most popular i wouldn't have believed it cause jimin's popularity was unmatched at the time.
I think OT7 fans usually like Jimin more? At least, I see him discussed by people who bias other members more, especially rapline stans. Jin stans don't particularly root for Jimin but they either really love or really really hate Taehyung lol. Taehyung's popularity is just inflated by solos, or OT2+kind of Taekookers. It's just noise on Twitter, there's no longevity to it. Even if the like ratio is off I think Jimin has steady fanbase beyond shipping to support him.
I just don't agree that Taehyung is the most popular. He's not the most talked about, the only ones who talk about him is army. If popularity means reaching big audiences, and I mean reaching in the sense that these audiences know and remember who you are and what you do, that's still Jimin.
I've also said it before and I'll say it again: I don't get why he's always being compared to Taehyung when Junkook is literally there. If any of them is competition to Jimin in any way, it would be Jungkook, not Taehyung. Because Jimin and JK at least can do the same things, whereas Taehyung can arguably sing but he can't dance at alll and he doesn't have that boyish cute innocent charm that both JK and Jimin have sometimes; and that's just scratching the surface on why Taehyung was never a competition to Jimin.
Talks of popularity when you're mostly popular within the fandom is kind of idiotic, and this goes for every member or any fandom or group. Because what are we basing popularity on, then? On who votes the most? If there's 100 people with 10 accounts each voting for you to win something, is it really popularity? If I vote more times than other fan, would that mean Jimin is more famous or acclaimed? No, it just means I voted more times.
Maybe voting would mean more if everyone could do it only time, no "cheating". Maybe then that would actually show who has 10 fans and who has 100.
Some years ago when jikook started having a lot of moments, taekookers just hated it and most of them moved on to other fandoms or "chose" Taehyung, but they had little to gloat about so their existence wasn't as obvious. Then in 2020 several things happened:
Dynamite was a huge success and there were more fans (solos or shippers or OT7) for all of the members
Things between vmin got kiiiind of tense in 2020 and it got increasingly obvious at the end of the year so pjms vs. kths started fighting all the time + ex tkrs still hated Jimin because of jikook so they finally had a "no ship" excuse to fight
So much fighting lead to a surge of kths solos who just wanted to fight other akgaes or shippers
Taekook fixed their "problems" and they started having so many moments and got paired up quite often, so all the ones who'd left in 2018/9 because taekook were quiet, came back in 2020 as taekook solos
And obviously Taehyung and JK stans don't fight each other that much because most of them are taekookers, and even if they aren't they still hate Jimin more, so it's understandable that they don't want to get into those vicious fights because they would inevitably end up saying shit about one or the other of the two they like.
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
do you think gcf in saipan could have been another just jimin/jikook gcf? cuz when JK posted a snippet of it on twt, it only showed jimin and the placing of song lyrics were also different. years ago, i also watched an editor's analysis/reaction to it and he gave emphasis to the color grading JK used. basically, the same filter/color was used for the whole video which was an intense blue and it only matched/looked good during jimin's scenes and made the skin tone of other members saturated
Anon, I can honestly say that I never once thought about Saipan that way. Do you have a link to that video editors reaction? I would love to see it just because that sounds like an interesting watch. Honestly, no. Even with that, I personally think it was always going to be a group video. Yet, Jimin was still the main star of the show.
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Here are the tweets the members made about GCF in Saipan. One from RM with a short video laughing at jikook being silly while filming and asking what are they doing:
And the one from JK that you brought up, had trouble finding the OG tweet but here is the video he posted:
Idk anything about the video you mentioned but Tokyo was done as a solo video because it was a solo trip. Jikook were in Saipan with the entire group. JK also said that Big Hit wanted him to do more videos with the rest of the group after he released Tokyo. RM even told him he should make a video with Taehyung as the main focus if he wanted it to really go viral and get lots of clicks.
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Now we all know that Jimin has somehow ended up with the most screentime in every single GCF, his only competition is usually only the b-roll film. Lol with the video that JK posted, he cut out most of that video from the final video. He matched that footage with the lyrics he kept for the the final video for Jimin though. I think he just thought it was funny and used it as a teaser. I will just say though, he kept in the silly play fight punches and sand bits and a few walking a long the beach bits... but he kept the ass shaking and hip thrusts out of the final version 👀 Regardless, the lyrics of the song meant were Jimin in the teaser and final product have always been the most telling and most romantic of the bunch.
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I don't want to ASSUME anything, but it kinda sounds like JK was trying to make a point with those lyrics. But what do I know. Its an interesting theory anon, I don't know if I agree with it, but its a beautiful video and Jimin is still extremely highlighted. This is still a love letter to Jimin in many ways!
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rataltouille · 3 years
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GENRE: surrealism, literary fiction.
POV & TENSE: this little space is not enough for how wild the form is so i talk about this later!!
SETTING: a small desi village, 1924-25.
TONE: dreamy, unsettling, melancholic.
THEMES: faith vs reality, how people perceive others and how they perceive themselves, grief dealt the wrong way.
AESTHETICS: the splash of water on a quiet night, thick clouds obscuring the sky, rippling the moon’s reflection on the water. the intensity of a garden in spring, the emptiness of a dying town, the suffocation from being singled out. hands grazing lightly but never fully held. a lingering sadness behind your laugh. believing in things you shouldn't believe in. putting faith on a starless sky.
STAGE: completed first draft, 4085 words.
LOGLINE: a young boy, surrounded by loss, claims to talk to god. the story follows him and his conversations with this god, all while his village spies on him as he weaves his way around the two most crucial and lonely years of his life.
LITERAL LOGLINE: on today’s news let’s talk about a small backward town that hates sad little boys who worship god, even though the place is lowkey a cult!!
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THE SUMMER BOY: he’s around thirteen, and he’s very emotionally attached to his past. he lost his family at a young age to an unstable force, so he spends his time talking to himself. he’s a quiet, demure and sweet person, always willing to help others. he’s outwardly oblivious and sees only the good in people to a point where he doesn't understand when they’re trying to do him wrong. but! considering how the story [like a lot of my others] has themes of perception vs reality, it needs to be said that he isn't all that innocent. he’s rather impulsive and rash, never afraid of hurting himself [and thus accidentally harming others].
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A GOD: is he real? do we even know if he’s an actual god? a very elusive figure despite having a lot of screentime. he’s a surprisingly humanised character and arguably the one with the most empathy. he has a soft spot for the boy and the two have a deep bond which is not common for a human and a god to have. you don’t get insight to what the other gods are like, but they’re implied to exist. this story has a very messy and hazy view towards religion and godhood and their nature towards humanity, and this vague figure, a dreamlike character, is proof enough of that.
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THE VILLAGE: okay so in general these people suck. the village consists of, well, the village, but they’re very fluid in the way they appear in the story? as in for the most part they appear as a collective, a unit. one character, the summer boy’s “friend”, is somewhat separate considering he’s a pretty important character. it’s very hard describing this unit of a character but essentially they’re the main antagonistic force and they hate the protagonist for seemingly no reason.
sometime around this time, the boy chances upon meeting his “god”, this being who lives up in the clouds and whom he talks with often, except you don't know if this god is real or not. that’s one of the recurring themes of this story: what’s real and what isn’t. it’s :) a fun time :) for sure :)
essentially Things Happen And It Only Gets Weirder. i cannot even try describing what happens because it’s all very spoilery but let’s just say that this is a very sad story but not even in a “this makes me cry” manner, but rather in a “this is so fucked up wtf why”. the prose of this is very, very hazy and thick, in a manner that’s both smooth and suffocating. there’s also a lot of moon and water imagery which we love. i love the atmosphere + the setting—colonial india— as it’s a subtle but key element to the plot.
OKAY YES be prepared for the true colours of how unhinged i am. i apologize for the form brainrot.
POV: so in this story i really said “what if it had all three of the main povs... jk jk... unless 😳😳” and then proceeded to use all three povs. you’re probably wondering, how did i do that? WHY did i do that? and my answer to that is: 🙂
the first-person pov: the summer boy narrates in first person. his pov takes up about 40% of the story, and this is where we unlock family backstory + how he feels about the various forces playing into his life. he’s an extremely unreliable narrator and he knows it; his narration oscillates between very naive and very self-aware, and this effect is pretty disconcerting. the summer boy is kind of a walking contradiction and we love that conflict.
the second-person pov: a god narrates in second person. his pov takes around 20% of the story, and his scenes all involve his conversations with the boy. his pov is extremely detached, and suspends belief because he seems awfully made up. there’s an edge to the prose in his narration, where you know that something's off, but you can’t exactly pinpoint what.
the third-person pov: the villagers narrate, either as a collective, or as an individual figure, in third person. they take up the other 40% of the story, and there are so many different people and differing opinions with this, and every time we read a third person excerpt it’s a different person, and this is mostly used to add onto the different ways in which the boy is perceived. this is also where the structural part of the form gets really wacky.
STRUCTURE: if my story isn't told in vignettes is it my story though /j. gothm is told in vignettes, each one between 50 to 500 words. the first and second person bits are normal-ish vignettes, with straightforward narration. the third person vignettes, on the other hand, are super assorted. we have a lot of epistolaric sections— there’s a letter, a folk song [which was found around the summer boy], and most of the conversation is told as just plain dialogue without tags. there’s also a phone call transcript, and finally some normal chunks of prose. what am i doing wtf.
also to add onto this the story is told non-linearly. 😀 the only thing that keeps me from going insane is the fact that there are chronological tags before most vignettes [also the manner in which they're tagged differs from pov to pov. for example a few of the third person conversations are marked just as “sunday” or “thursday”, while the summer boy’s narration is marked with the full date and year]
in all this clownery i completely forgot to mention what the tense was [the way everything else was so complicated that i forgot tense was a thing lmao] and good news!! it’s the only sane thing about this story!! it’s told fully in present tense. thank everything.
okay i’m once again not sharing much because this will be submitted to litmags 🧞
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[The boy is scrawny as always. He carries an air of diswant— even death had rejected him when the plague killed only his grandmother— but walks like he doesn’t notice. He smiles at them, jitters, and wipes his hand across his knees. Blood comes away in thin, translucent lines. He saves it on the kerchief he keeps tucked in his shirt, careful to dirty the cloth even more. The villagers scrunch their noses in disgust; who knew how old and rotten the kerchief was, or how long it had carried blood like the unwashed sword of a warrior?]
also by the way this excerpt is in square brackets because it is a third-person interjection in a vignette that is otherwise first-person [at this point...]
this was inspired by a conversation i had with my grandfather, where he was telling me about how people used to sing songs to the skies, as a way of devotion to a specific god. he used the [loose translation of] the english word “yearning” to refer to the emotion the singers would invoke, and that sparked the concept of a disillusioned young boy who talks to the moon as a way to please the god he’s in love with. it’s a very softly disconcerting story and once again deals with the theme of “perception vs reality” which if you know me and my work, is the theme i’m forever obsessed with.
i really like how this turned out? the atmosphere is exactly how i wanted it to be, and there’s so much i have to add on as i edit and i’m really looking forward to that. this is also the only short story i’ve written where i knew which litmag i’d love for it to be published in? like i never write things with publishing in mind, but for some reason while writing this story it occurred to me that it would be a perfect fit for this specific magazine and i love that. anyway if you’ve made it through the post till here,,,, bless you and your braincells. and that’s all for today!!
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Actually for that Japan trip Taehyung was supposed to go with them but he couldn't because he wanted to spend time with his family. So they just decided to go because they had the free time. Now on the topic of Jungkook's GCF's I don't think those should be used as proof since Jungkook himself said there is no main model and this is his artistic expression the songs he chose are just songs I'm sure he liked and decided to use them because they fit the mood of the videos.
I remember hearing something about V being supposed to join Jikook in Tokyo, but I've never seen actual proof, so if you have it...
For the second part... where to start... Jungkook is a sentimental, thoughtful person. Every time he does a cover he chooses a song he likes, but also a song whose lyrics he knows and have some meaning to him. A lot of times he says he likes the sad, romantic lyrics of the songs he covers or recommends to fans. He has said that he looks up the translation of the songs he chooses and that we should too.
JK said there was no main model in his films, which may be true. Maybe he doesn't actually try to make JM the main model of GCF. He was asked in Helsinki why he always filmed JM, and answered that it was because JM was always there. Even if JK doesn't make a conscious choice to film JM the most, he is around JM the most and JM feels the most comfortable being filmed by JK. So JM has the most amount of screentime in the GCFs, which is why he jokingly calls himself the main model (or maybe it's because he knows he is actually the main model...). Regardless, Jimin being the main model or not has absolutely nothing to do with GCF in Tokyo, so I'm not sure why you brought that up.
We've established that JK knows the lyrics to the songs he chooses. And you can say he chose Troye Sivan's song only because he liked it, and that would be true if he hadn't matched the lyrics to the scenes in the video so well (even if abstractly). In "Love is a roller-coaster, goes both ways" JK films a roller-coaster flashing the colors of the rainbow. Plus, the song is not only lyrically romantic, but the melody of the song is romantic and nostalgic too, which matches the black and white editing of the video or the many nighttime shots.
When you watch the video it feels romantic. JK spent more time filming JM's happiness and playfulness than he did filming the city. When it comes to BTS, fans often forget they are people and not robots designed to please us. Imagine going to Tokyo with a friend and making a video about it. No big deal, right? Now imagine choosing a very obvious love song that can't even be used to convey friendship because it's so explicitly intimate and atmospheric. Now imagine filming your friend more than the beautiful city you visited. Regardless of how much you love your friend and how much their happiness means to you, your happiness matters the most, so you would want to film either yourself, or yourself with your friend, or the things you liked too. And you know your friend will watch this video, and they're only a friend, so you will be careful when editing the video since the song is so romantic. When it says "I'm running, running just to keep my hands on you" you probably won't film your friend walking backwards from you, smiling at you, walking away from you, etc. Right? You will choose to film something else instead, to make things less awkward.
When you watch GCF you don't feel JK's happiness for being in a new city, or doing fun things with JM. The way he edited the video, filming JM being happy most of all, gives you the feeling that what JK loved the most about that trip, and in general, is JM's happiness. What he liked the most about Tokyo was watching Jimin have fun, act goofy, etc, and the way he filmed JM is tender, careful.
Jimin's happiness is contagious in the video, and maybe that's why JK edited it that way - but if he wanted to show Jimin's happiness and "true self" to the fans, why choose a romantic song like that and edit the video to match the vibe of the song so well? Why not choose a fun, lighthearted song about being young and free?
It's not just that the song is romantic. GCF in Saipan has a romantic song but it doesn't fit the video nearly as well. GCF in Saipan has a more commercial nature, from the song selection to the more generic shots of boys having fun on a beach. Still, the most important verse "Imma let you get the best of me" fits the video, since we know the members have and are the best of Jungkook.
Plus, like I said, both times from "I don't wanna hide no more" to "Imma let yo get the best of me" there was only JM and the beach. Not only that, but JK filmed JM more intimately than the other members. The other members are filmed for a few seconds at a time, but JK films Jimin for multiple seconds at a time, and the lighting is the brightest when it's on him. With JM, there's only him and the ocean for an entire chorus. JK lets JM goof around for the camera for so long that it starts to feel like he made the video just for that purpose (which he might have, considering he was caught filming JM by a clueless RM).
(Also, JK sneakily shoots the rainbow unicorn for about a second. That's two rainbows in his videos...)
You are right that Troye Sivan's song fit the mood of the video, but that mood was romance. The song is the most romantic of all the songs he chose for his films, and also the song that best matches the video itself, and he used it in the one video that features Jimin and Jimin alone. Of all the GCFs, the one that feels the most genuine and emotional is this one. The GCFs in Helsinki and Newark also feel personal, but less emotional. The way Jimin is filmed in Tokyo, and the contrast between his happiness and the feelings of longing and almost loneliness that you get from the lyrics and editing make the film immensely powerful. It's like JM is right there, and so loved by JK, but also distant at the same time.
If JK had done this video for a woman, absolutely no one would be calling it friendship (regardless of our tendency to assume men and women who get along are dating). I've nothing else to add.
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alottamoney · 2 years
Speaking of ships being curbed, out of all content the only pairings that have shown consistency are jikook and sope. They get a LOT of screentime compared to other pairings. And ik most of these shippers would come after me saying "oh but they also showed this ship a lot this time blah blah" but that's the point right? In every single content, they will make time for a new ship but almost forget about it in the next dvd or bb or wtv. But jikook and sope are always consistent and they always get the most screentime. And it's unfair that people judge the real relationships in BTS based on this, but ig that's exactly what bh wants. Based on content tae is closest to jimin, but I can bet he is closer to joon or hobi irl. But we will never know this because bh has decided to milk the soulmate agenda. It's a little tiring, I really like seeing taejoon and vhope. Same with jk. I want to see his interactions with other members more.
I try to think of other, maybe technical reasons why BH would opt for highlighting certain ships, I guess it's easier for both them and the audience to focus on a few ships and come up with content for them and the fandom also won't be able to keep up with multiple narratives for all the ships and it could get tiring (I assume). What I don't get is why they would go out of their way to tell us two members are awkward and distant, like you don't have time for anything else but you can squeeze this in?
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fandom-thingies · 3 years
My Complicated Feelings Toward JK Rowling
I think everyone who’s read Harry Potter and likes to talk has written something like this by now. It makes sense, right? She wrote possibly the most influential book series to come out in the last century. For me and many others, those books are an unforgettable part of our childhoods, and it hurts for the person who took us on such a journey of magic and wonder to be so unmagical herself.
So, here’s my take.
I think the thing I hate most about JK Rowling is how close she came to greatness.
There’s a reason her books became so popular, after all. For all her faults, (and there are many) she’s an amazing writer.
Every one of her characters feel like they could walk off of the page at any time and into your life. 
Dudley Dursley with his absorption of how his parents treat Harry and how his friends treat him, with his slow growth throughout the books into a person beyond who he was raised to be.
Molly Weasley with her overbearing mother henning, sometimes harmful but oh so clearly coming from a place of love, and her complete willingness to adopt any child that stands still long enough for her to do so. (Except Fleur)
Narcissa Malfoy with her belief in the horrible things she’s doing, without that stopping her from being entirely willing to do anything for her child.
Sirius Black with his tendency to unintentionally echo the sentiments he was raised with, and the tragedy of him losing his chance to ever truly grow as a person after being thrown in Azkaban for twelve years and then dying so soon after, and his complete, unconditional love for Harry.
I could write essays on any of them, and my point is that while JK’s treatment of certain issues and characters makes me want to hate Harry Potter, her characterization itself is both consistent and magnificently human.
Her world, too, is beautiful.
I first read Harry Potter before I turned eleven, and I was one of many across the nation who awaited my letter with eager anticipation. 
Can you blame me? The world she created filled so many children with wonder, made so many of us want so badly for magic to be real, to be ours- 
It was beautiful, and I hate her for what she could have been.
She had this fully realized system of prejudice that canonically created genocidal maniacs and put them in power every two generations or so, and she had this very realistic way of writing horribly flawed people that pronounces them as people without exonerating them for the awful things she’d have them do, and I can’t help feeling like “the horrors of war”, as well as she wrote it, wasn’t the story her world deserved.
But that’s a big idea to tackle, and I think it will be tackled best if I start small. I’ve spoken now of the beauty of her world, of her characters. Now I’ll speak of what marrs it.
Like I said, I want to start small.
So, let’s talk about the house elves.
TL;DR? Hermione was right. They’re indoctrinated from birth into believing the only thing they’re good for is housework, as well as being raised to abhor any elf who chooses to do otherwise. It’s a neat little self perpetuating system that bears absolutely no similarity in ideology to the mythology JK built it off of, and as such loses the aspect of choice that’s so significant to brownies.
Add to that the socially acceptable abuse, and you’ve got something that looks far more similar to slavery than it does little fairies who come to clean your home and get mad if pay them because they’re doing it as a favor.
And that’s why it’s so concerning, when JK brushes Hermione’s campaigning off in canon so casually.
It’s honestly hard to say when I started to be leery of JK Rowling, except that it was several years before the TERF scandal occurred. I think this was probably one of the earlier areas, though.
The first time I remember wondering if Harry Potter’s greatnesses were in spite of her intentions, rather than because of them, though, wasn’t the house elves.
It was, rather, a different contentious issue in the fandom, and one I’ve always fallen quite firmly to one side of, as someone who’s been bullied myself.
The first time I remember being suspicious of JK’s beliefs was when I realized she didn’t write Snape with the intent for him to be a villain.
Snape is not a person anyone in the fandom seems to be able to agree on. Some see him as a flat, cartoony villain, while some see him as a tortured soul who only did all those terrible things because he was hurting inside, don’t you see? 
Personally, I drew the line at him being a child’s boggart, as well as the time he attempted to kill Neville’s toad, Trevor, because seriously; what the fuck.
It had always been my belief that while him being obsessed with loving Lily motivated him to work on the side of good, it was more like Narcissa’s willingness to betray her cause for her son than anything else, being a sympathetic trait without absolving his cruelty.
Then I realized that a bunch of people (likely including JK) view Narcissa similarly to how they view Snape, seeing both as people who do bad but are good, rather than people who do good but are bad, and I honestly don’t know what to say to y’all.
You know having good traits doesn’t make a person good, right? Being capable of affection doesn’t absolve people of cruelty or make it your responsibility to forgive them and try to get them to change, it just tells them that they can do bad things without being punished for it. 
Do you guys need an abuse hotline? 
Anyway, that’s when I stopped liking JK, since I’ve been bullied myself and seeing her treat such a horrible bully as a good person kinda soured me on her. I’m not mad at her for letting her bullies grow and change- I love Draco’s and Dudley’s character arcs. I’m just mad at her because unlike those two, Snape is an adult and she kinda wrote it like forgiving him was an expectation of Harry, rather than a personal choice (and not an easy one either! Forgiving bullies is hard and it’s not always healthy!)
I’m getting off topic, but I genuinely believe that discussing this kind of thing is important, so I’m leaving that in.
Getting back to what this is actually about, I’m the kind of person who sees potential in things, often before I see the work itself, (it’s why I write fanfiction) and Harry Potter has so much potential it hurts, because so much of it is just wasted.
I said, earlier, that “the horrors of war” wasn’t the story best suited to this world, and I stand by that.
The first reason I believe that is because I don’t think that the black and white morality this kind of narrative often creates was well suited to JK’s writing style. JK has a tendency to put her characters in boxes of “good” or “bad” and as someone who doesn’t really believe in inherent goodness or evil, this will always feel unrealistic to me.
Because in the end, it’s JK’s minor villains, the ones not directly involved with Voldemort’s war, that really shine.
My favorite villains in the series were Umbridge, the Dursleys, Draco Malfoy, and Cornelius Fudge, because they were the villains who felt real, who felt like flawed people making flawed decisions because we’re all fundamentally products of our environment-
These are the villains who stuck with me, who I still want to take and shake because they were the kind of cruelty we’ve all faced.
Voldemort, as the main villain of the story, would have been more powerful if he’d been an amplified version of these people. In fact, the story would have been better in general if Fudge or Dumbledore had been the villain, because the problem with Voldemort is that unlike the good villains in this story, who feel real because we’ve all met people like them, Voldemort is and will always be larger than life.
A genocidal maniac is a villain few of us have faced societally, and one none of us have faced directly.
Also, rather than being a worse version of Umbridge or Fudge, Voldemort is more akin to a worse version of Snape. He’s a tortured soul who does bad things because bad things were done to him, rather than being cruel through his choices, his own agency.
That’s the first reason why “the horrors of war” wasn’t the best choice of a narrative for this world.
The second is that I don’t think JK sees anything wrong with her muggle hating characters.
She clearly thinks killing muggles is wrong, of course. She’s not that bad.
But, well, the muggle characters in Harry Potter are consistently kind of awful.
First there’s the Dursleys, selfish, entitled, egotistical, and cruel to anyone different from them. Then there’s Snape’s muggle father, who was horribly abusive, as well as cruel to anything different from him.
Then there’s the muggle prime minister, who despite being an important figure, is left completely out of the loop for anything concerning wizards, pretty much only used when the ministry needs the muggle news to say or do a certain thing, like when Sirius Black was declared a criminal.
There’s also the family at the quidditch world cup, of whom who only meet the patriarch, a somewhat stupid man who remarks uncomprehendingly on the oddness of wizards trying to assimilate into muggle society, a man who is canonically obliviated ten times a day.
And that’s it, that’s all the muggle characters I can remember. Aside from the Dursleys, none of them are given more than a page or so of screentime, and none of them do anything significant.
No, wait, I did actually forget two.
Hermione’s parents, who are obliviated and sent to Australia when the war starts, because the only thing they could ever do in a war is be victims.
Muggles in Harry Potter are consistently stupid, ineffectual, and cruel to anyone different from them.
Out of the entire massive cast of Harry Potter, there are few enough muggles that I can list them all off the top of my head without googling and the only muggle in the story ever given the all important chance to be kind is Dudley Dursley, who is taken out of the story the moment he stops being an awful person.
I’m sure you see the problem.
The issue with Harry Potter is that JK acts like the problem is solved when muggles are no longer being actively persecuted, when in reality that’s only the beginning of solving the prejudice that plagues her world.
Voldemort is frequently called “wizard Hitler” and I think that’s more accurate than people realize, because as with Hitler, people easily see the problem with Voldemort committing genocide, and they’re fine with working to stop that, but the moment they’re asked to examine their own biases, their own small cruelties and exclusions, the ten thousand cuts they’ve inflicted with their own hands…
The moment people are asked to examine themselves, to look close at the mirror and point to what allowed someone like Voldemort to gain a following in the first place, they turn away and go back to turning a blind eye to the fact that if you don’t address the societal issues that made him gain a following in the first place, there’ll just be another when it’s been a few years and people have forgotten.
In the end, Grindlewald is wizard Hitler. Voldemort and the death eaters are wizard neo nazis.
I’m not Jewish, though, so I’ll let them be the ones to expand further upon this, as many have.
My point here is that JK’s story would have been more powerful if it had been about addressing the issues that underpin the death eaters, rather than killing their leader and acting as if that’ll solve anything.
JK Rowling is antisemetic, racist, and a TERF, among other things, and while I’m glad it shows in her work as little as it does, it does show, and I’m not going to cover that in this because a thousand other people have covered it better than I ever could.
Suffice to say, I’m nonbinary, and I’m glad I was disillusioned with her before I knew she was prejudiced directly against me, because loving her before she said the things she said and did the things she did would have hurt.
The fact that her world shows so clearly the consequences of her beliefs, even in the context of a prejudice that doesn’t exist in our own world…
I guess she’s always been too good a writer for her own good, in the end.
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kyojurouwu · 3 years
thoughts on ep 11 (true beauty)
let me hit y’all (once again) with my thoughts ™
i actually had a lot of fun with ep 11, but also some extra frustrations that will probably show in tomorrows ep so I’ll skip that for now
the flashback to Triple S was bittersweet but I’m so glad for it, we’ve been blessed with Seojun’s singing and happy times for a lil bit
BROMANCE!! It made it all so much better. Finally! End of misunderstandings between them! On hand I am not fan of the forced co-habitations that happened because it just changed the vibe from the original webtoon, BUT we had some of the funniest moments so I have to appreciate that. (Suho helping Seojun and always ending up in the most embarrassing moments both made me want to look away but also laugh like a maniac).
Han Fam is once again godsend, Seojun is always extra soft and my heart melts. His mom completely destroying Seojun with Mr. Trickle story is forever the best thing and I love Suho milking it lmao. Next up being the thing I’ve been praying and hoping for, I’ve been manifesting it for so long - Seojun finding out about the crush Jug’s demon of a lil bro has on Gowoon. (They actually might have almost broken both Seojun’s hands to save Jug’s bro, cuz he was about to catch them lmao.)
Seojun’s gang being whipped for him but also bullying him the first chance they get. His underwear is legendary by now. Their screentime was so short but it’s a highlight anyway.
Now onto less pleasant things as usual, the “love triangle”, which definitely misses one side. Both Seojun and Suho get into an accident but Jug never asks Seojun if he is okay? Is showing concern for Seojun banned in this show or...? Oh excuse me, he got himself a writing on his arm and a roar. That’s what he gets for having to witness them together multiple times AND save their asses from being busted. Disrespect as far as I can see for my boy huh. 
I’m glad Jug finally told Soojin the truth, but that’s about it when it comes to Jug. Her character not taking a step towards any development is rubbing me the wrong way for a while. Let’s see if the new ep makes any difference, but if it does it’s kind of late for the first step... to happen in 12th ep.
Suho and Seojun having one braincell confirmed but wbk. (“How about we ask for a wheelchair?” “Naaaah. Let me carry you on my back bro.” “Broooo.” - What do you mean that’s not what happened lol.)
Another thing, Soojin. Continuing with Soojin the villain arc...not to hype up my man again (jk I will always hype him up lol) he did burn her pretty well when she came to see Suho like some kind of savior. I am still salty they decided to make her like this... her character was so cool, but now she is just petty. 
And onto the bullying, they keep trying to make it all tense for like 5 eps, it’s been enough. Also why didn’t the guys help the poor girl when these knock off Mean Girls called her names and almost smacked her in broad daylight? Made me so angry. 
In other news, teacher and Heegyeong being cute as usual. We love to see it. 
I probably forgot a lot but it’s so late, my brain goes brr... feel free to drop by my inbox and tell me what you think! 
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Sorry for ranting but I've to say, No jimin doesn't need screentime editors are providing him to shine.
He constructed his ' loyal fanbase ' from his talent and personality.
We knows who he is and he doesn't need to appear infront of cam every 2 secs to prove it.
I don't worry this affecting his solo stuffs one day.
He will still win with flying colors in his solo stuffs also. His filter has never left the charts , his promise is the most streamed song in SoundCloud , his self produced song is now selected as ost , all songs he have written and composed are so pure and lovely like Christmas love.
He and his performance captivates the eyes and heart of audiences. Jimin effect exists for a reason. Animal or human , Man or woman, old or young. Even if you are a hater you will secretly admire his performance ( the worst scare of tae solos and taekookers , watching all jimin fancams and disliking it , buying views for fancams by giving it as ads. No jm doesn't need it , he get organic views for his performance. His solo performances - techniques and flow and rhythm are studied by rookies )
He lives to perform and cherishes his work and fans so much and 100% gives hardwork for it. His filter is the most viewed solo work in mots 7 concert , IT WAS SO POWERFUL.
He is selected as the most reputed idol for almost 3 years straight now for a reason. In Gallup and in brand reputation.
He is the most mature among members ( along with namjoon ) , his love for his members, he includes whenever he feels one is feeling aloof like the times when Tae was feeling sad in 2019-20 period he was always encouraging him to talk to him and hanging out with him etc . He is always there for people who needs him not thinking how they treated him (good part is he knows who genuinely loves him and not using him for his stardom ). Jk have said JM is there for him since early days ( even when JM was a newbie trainee) , RM told JM knows him the best , hobi told JM was the 1st one to take care of him, Jin goes to JM or talks to him when he feels trouble , suga who cringes at hugging have no problem jimin hugging him or holding hands and JM was the 1st one to call him during surgery and JM was also the one remembered him to have a phone conversation while they were receiving award without suga.
He is so sincere, yes there will be a difference between them off screen and on screen , but whenever he speaks he speaks from bottom of his heart ( his speeches are praised by knets always ), he have tried to set a good example almost always not getting to issues woth others or scandals. He always share how he feels to us.
He was the 1st to call out the toxic masculinity existed in band before asking what is a real man? He came out of his shell bh gave him in debut years and became whom he is comfortable in (not bothering if society will call it feminine or weak , he drew a bigender tatoo to himself not bothering what his conservative country has to say about it , wearing bold eye makeups or feminine section clothes or accessories not bothering others opinions on it , later some other members also followed )
He is so humble and respectful to everyone on or off cam. You can just watch run episode where one of gamers said Jimin took care if them very much or one of their crew in billboard and dior stylist told he have such a great personality and best personalityin BTS ).His childhood friends and classmates are still his friends. He is a magnet for other idols. Bts Backdancers LOVES him lmao , carrying him and clapping for him.
He is known as charity angel for a reason. There are numerous examples of his donation to kids health and education etc. Animals treats him like a snow white and feels so safe with him , running back to him.
He is an incredible human being and a pure soul People who have a heart and eyes sees this and obviously he will be selected as most reputed idol among all 1000s of male and female idols.
He have given us his palate. cutie , sexy or lovely , if you have brain select all 3 and gets the best out of him bighit .
You wrote the thoughts of his every true army in a concised beautiful way . The man who just captivated eveyone in just 30 seconds in 2014 MAMA and again in 2018 MAMA ,, doesn't need company projected propaganda to form a narrative inside the fandom. His power is beyond that
So proud and thankful to him
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love4hobi · 3 years
I remember that whole Ego thing oh my god. Jk’s solo stans (which is so funny because they raised him?) were saying how Jk Doesn’t have a solo (apparently Euphoira didn’t count) and saying it was going to his and when it did come out as Hobi like a lot of people were expecting. They got SO mad saying how Jk is mistreated and how BH hates him and actively boycotted the song, and all that confusion played a HUGE factor in why Ego did not get that hype
thats literally so stupid when the solos have always worked that way and they all ended up with solos anyway? my time wouldnt have worked well as the outro but im sure were all thankful that thats the solo he ended up with and that would give us those legendary performances +_+ but the fact that anyone could think that jk has ever been mistreated is so funny to me when he consistently gets the most lines/screentime,, like if /hes/ getting mistreated then what do u call the way 2seok are treated ..
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blarhiv · 4 years
Lmao I'm so sorry but I saw the last ask and I just think it's sooooo funny that some fake pj/ms are boycotting stay gold because of jm's screentime, honestly no disrespect to our lord and saviour pjm (i stan) but... as his fan i can say this 100%, he is far from being the person with the least screentime in the overall history of bt/s. SO far from it. He's easily in top three most popular members in the group. People should just chill. Take a loaf of bread. Deal with their issues.
The thing is: people will never be satisfied. And that’s undeniable truth that could be applied to every thing in our world. JKs stans always will be saying that he had not enough lines as main vocalist, Tae stans will be saying that he’s a victim, JMs stans too.
Idk.. I’ll say honestly- I barely paid attention to this... always enjoyed music and MVs. But lately, in 2020 especially, because of such hot discussions, I started to always think about it , but not enjoying as could before. That sucks. But I don’t deny that somewhere we get more of someone, somewhere less of someone. But when it comes to music- it’s art where balance is important. Believe me I know what I’m saying. Harmony of voices and melody... that’s important. But at the same time I don’t defend company and so on. I really think people need to chill and mind their business. ( but who are we to dictate others how to act 😄)
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transrightsjimin · 4 years
It’s always the Maknae line stans and solo stans who do this it’s so annoying, they always pay hyung and rap line DUST. I remember how mad jk solo stans were when ego turned out to be hobi’s solo when it was very OBVIOUS that it would be him since he was the only one who didn’t have one for ly and mots eras. Or when they got so angry at sope being included in the SL remix and it being credited as bts when who and waste it on me was the same case.
hmm i mean solo stans def exist for all of the members, esp when i think of jin’s akgaes who started this whole fundraiser to get a whole campaign set up and order a van w text on it to be parked in front of bighit bc jin supposedly had less screentime in dynamite (he didn’t even when screentime was actually counted??) and it was so embarrassing. but yeah next to jin it also happens a lot w maknae line.
but urgh yeah, it’s just wild how ppl make these huge theories and believe in them wholeheartedly just bc they only want every activity to surround one specific member and then get angry when they’re wrong. they really hate bts more than they pretend to care abt their fave and it honestly hurts both bangtan and the fans’ reputation and enjoyment in the process.
like i once read a fan account of someone who saw them live and stood next to someone who was very much an akgae / solo stan and looked pissed the whole time, unless when hobi appeared or used the mic, and then they held up their sign for him and then grumbled and rolled eyes whenever another member sung / rapped. it was so creepy to read? it’s rly frustrating to me that we’re supposed to share fandom spaces w these ppl and even compete for tickets and whatnot when they don’t even support the group. like i wish i knew how to push these ppl out of the fandoms bc bangtan is a place of comfort for fans and to have to interact w ppl who r so vile to most of the members for no rational reason is just rly tiresome. like can we pls just make it ok to have a bias or like a whole group again and not do this solo shit?? and pls can ppl just vote and stream for Life Goes On sas intended, and listen to all the songs instead of push for only one b-side??
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