#he is the hostess with the mostest after all
eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
I think Sebastian would either be Elvira or watch her like continuously
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clocks-are-round · 2 months
WHAT THE FUCK. After finding that last snippet I did more digging in my google docs. what the fuckk hahaha
it’s titled “april fools” from March 2022, so like exactly two years ago. i have cued it for the next April 1st
some things are best left unpublished but frankly i don’t like to take that much psychic damage and NOT inflict it on the next idly curious RvB fan.
i remember now, i was going to write a fic with the most bastardized fandomy takes on each character possible but i legitimately can’t tell if that psa was a real attempt at that or if i physically could not bring myself to (likely) and went for the easier to deal with ‘react to fandom’ instead
Prepare for lots of Donut innuendos
(it’s not actually that bad, i very much did back out of the initial concept immediately, it just caught me really off guard haha)
I’m going t o fucking c r y. this was pain to write. (first thing i wrote. haven’t even written the fic yet)
fandom cringe versions plZ i hate it
Simmons: ;w; anxiety boi
Grif: uwu sleepy boi
Caboose: owo can do no wrong boi
Donut: owo can do no wrong femboi
i don’t know if i can do this. holy shit. i know it’s for april fools but if it causes pain to write aren’t i the fool?
Simmons: Hi everyone, I’m Dick Simmons from popular webseries Red vs Blue.
Grif: And I’m Dexter Grif from the same show.
Caboose: And I am Caboose
Simmons: … Hi Caboose.
Caboose: What are we talking about today?
Caboose: And now, the weather! Spoiler, it is rain.
Simmons: Uh… No idea how to segue that back. So, we’re supposed to read these fan stories. This first one is about me and Grif it looks like, and– Wait, wait what??
Grif: What? What is it, let me see. *starts laughing hysterically*
Simmons: *flustered* What is this mushy gushy romance stuff? I’d just– I’d just like to set the record straight that if I did hypothetically have feelings for a person that I knew I totally wouldn’t do that. I mean, pine for somebody? For a decade? That’s some bullshit, any self-respecting person would move on in that amount of time–
Lopez: [Honestly, you two are not subtle. Even I’ve noticed and I try my hardest to ignore you all.]
Grif: You would! You would act like that around a crush! Holy shit, they nailed you, Simmons!
Donut: Did someone say Donut?
Donut: Wait a minute! Fanfiction?? Those are my people! Let me host this one please please please? I’ll be the hostess with the mostest! I’ll put my Donut whole into it!
Simmons: Yeah, I need to go bleach my eyes, so be my guest.
Grif: And I just wanted to watch Simmons die as he read all this. It’s no fun if it’s you, Donut.
Donut: Well, I’m excited. I can’t wait to read how deep they’ve penetrated into you and Simmons’ relationship! Looks like you two are in a lot of these.
Simmons: Lalala I can’t hear you. I can’t hear anything and therefore do not need to respond to any awkward topics.
Donut: Ooh, they’re all romantic.
Grif: Oh god, yeah, let’s go.
Doc: Could I be co-host? I haven’t helped host one of these in forever!
Donut: I thought you didn’t like this kind of thing?
Doc: Well, we’re keeping it PG, I’ll be just fine.
Donut: Ehhhh
Doc: Donut. We’re keeping it PG, right? *O’Malley* I hope not. I’d like to see some carnage. Shut up, you fool. It’s fiction. *Doc* I didn’t say anything. *O’Malley* You were about to chastise me.
Donut: Depends… does PG stand for pornogr–
Doc: Donut! *O’Malley* Or pussy grande. *Doc* O’Malley! There’s way more out there than just smut! Even in the romance genre there are comedies, introspective pieces, adventure, slice-of-life, drama…
Donut: Well, yeah, but I figured we could do a little of everything.
Lopez: [Jesus christ, just choose one. I’m going to burn this anyways.]
Donut: Good idea, Lopez! Burn it to discs! We can send them out as audiobooks!
Lopez: [I meant in a fire.]
Donut: Yeah, it is a fire idea, Lopez. Jeez, now you’re just fishing for compliments. *clears throat*
Doc: We’re doing a “safe for work” one, right? *O’Malley mutters* You are a wet, wretched blanket. I hope you know that.
Donut: Yeah, yeah. Jeez. Now I have to clear my throat dramatically again! *clears throat*
you know what? fuck it. this is about in line with my other fake psas maybe i’ll complete it and post it on ao3. eventually. on an april 1st, naturally lol
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wanderfan2000 · 25 days
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Plot: It’s been three months since Janet had taken Adia captive, so the electric alien tries to get used to her new home. Then Adia begins to realize not only dose Janet want to keep her to herself, but she also wants to have Adia as her lovable forever friend. 
Adia was quiet. Her face was covered thanks to her hat. She could see the entirety of the room being lit up, thanks to candles lights surrounding a shrine of Wander. Everywhere she looked, the walls covered with various pictures of Wander, each of them showcasing the space traveler from the adventures he had among the universe. 
Adia looked down at her wrists and ankles, they were battered, bruised and aching, it was all thanks to the plant vines Janet had tied on her so she wouldn’t escape. Adia lowed her head down again with her hat, she had taken hostage by Janet, she developed a giant forever friend obsession with the electric alien and vowed to keep her all to herself. Between having plant vines tied around her wrists and being held hostage, there was nothing Adia could do to escape this clingy, obsessive planet. Suddenly, the space traveler herd a familiar voice. 
“Dinnertime, lovely.” Janet said, she lifted Adia from the chair and sat her down on a mushroom seat beside a tree stump table, she then placed the stack of pancakes in front of her. “I made you your favorite, pancakes. Don’t they look yummy?” The vines began to cut the stack of the fluffy cakes. “Eat up, dearie. They’re all just for you, honey.” Janet started to feed Adia the pancakes, Adia had to admit the pancakes had been cooked to perfection and they tasted delicious. Adia smiled. “Thank you for this, Janet. You sure are the hostess with the mostest.” Janet squealed happily at Adia’s compliment, her forever friend certainly knew how to charm her. “All for my guest whom I love the best!” She giggled, continuing to feed her special friend and the planet kept starring lovingly at her.  Janet’s obsession over Adia continued to grow stronger and stronger, Adia didn’t know how to get out of this one. Another pancake was placed into her mouth. Adia chewed it slowly, she was feeling uneasy. Janet noticed. “What’s wrong, Adia? Do you not want to continue your breakfast dinner?” Adia shook her head. “No, thank you, Janet. I’m just tired, that’s all.” Janet patted the young alien on her head. “Oh, Adia. It’s OK. Now, how about dessert?” Janet took the plate of unfinished pancakes away and replaced them with a blueberry pie, Adia was astonished by the yummy treat. 
“Wow! I get to have pie after dinner?” Adia quickly got into the pie, munching away. Plant vines came over towards the space traveler and started tickling her. “Adia, my darling, as long as you stay here, you can have whatever you want.” Janet said. Adia laughed, she was having so much fun. 
After the blueberry pie was devoured, Adia and Janet both said goodnight to Maurice then the two forever friends headed to bed. Janet tucked Adia in and kissed her goodnight. “Sweet dreams, dear. See you in the morning.” Janet said as she closed the door behind her and left. Adia looked out the window, the galaxy seemed to be alive at night with all the stars and planets. Then she stared at the vines that were still tied around her wrists, Janet wasn’t letting her go any time soon. 
Adia started to think about her friends, they had to be worried about her and Wander might be the wordiest one of all. Adia jolted up in an instant, she had to escape. She jumped out of bed, racing towards the window to jump out of it but the vines were quicker, they place Adia back into the bed, tucking her in the covers. Adia decided to go to sleep, she knew Janet wasn’t going to let her leave, no matter how many attempts she tried.  As the sun rose the next morning, Adia stretched and yawned. She got up and headed downstairs, once she entered into the Wander shrine room, she discovered a hallway that lead to another room. Adia was curious, but also very puzzled. She raced down the hallway and was faced to faced with a giant kitchen. Janet herd the commotion, noticing Adia standing in front of her, just as she was flipping the final pancake on the stove. “Good morning my wonderful Adia. Do you like my new kitchen? I made it myself last night. Now, why don’t you go sit at the table and I’ll bring your breakfast over, OK, dear?” 
Adia sat down at the table. A kitchen was nothing she saw Janet make before. Maybe Janet was trying to expand her cottage? Adia had no idea what was going on around here, but she was determined to find out. Janet placed the pancakes on the table, and Adia couldn’t believe her eyes. The pancakes were filled with chocolate chips with maple syrup and a bunch of chocolate chips sprinkled on top. Adia couldn’t stop staring at it. 
“Speechless, aren’t we?” Janet said she started cutting the pancakes. She giggled at Adia’s shocked expression until she shook her head and calmed down. “Sorry about that, Janet. I don’t what came over me.” Adia said. “Oh, it’s fine, dear. Nothing to be concerned about. Now, who wants to eat their pancakes?” Adia nodded her head and Janet fed her the pancakes, they were delicious. “Janet, you really outdone yourself, my favorite hostess with the mostest.” Adia said. Janet giggled. “You’re welcome, my guest whom I love the best!” Another pancake was placed into Adia’s mouth. “Janet, these pancakes are the greatest in the entire universe! You always make the best breakfast.” 
Janet blushed at her friend. “Oh, stop it! I’m getting tingly.” Janet said as she continued feeding Adia her sweet treat while Adia kept complimenting on the planet. Every compliment Adia said to Janet were enough to make her squeal with insane happiness. Soon, the giant pancake stack was devoured. “Ah, that hit the spot.”Adia sad, Janet smiled at her guest. “You finished with your pancakes?” Adia nodded. “Yes, I am, and they were good!” Janet clapped her vines together. “Now, how about dessert?” Janet took the empty plate away and put a blueberry pie on the table, Adia gasped in surprise. “Wow! It’s your famous blueberry pie!” Adia started eating the sweet dessert. 
The plant vines began to tickle Adia, she laughed happily. “Adia, my darling, you’re going to love it here, dear. Just like I love my new, adorable pet.” Janet said, she had new plans for her guest that she couldn’t wait to get started on, course, Adia didn’t know yet, but she was about to find herself in the middle of the planet’s obsessive affections.  Adia became a chubby space traveler after Janet supplied her with all the desserts she wanted. “Ah. That was “Delec-tious”. Adia said. “A combination of “delectable” and “delicious”? Adia nodded sweetly. “Oh, I knew it! We know each other so well!” The planet vines cuddled Adia’s face and tickled her. “I haven’t had a meal that good since me and my friends camped out on Binglenop and Sylvia made waffles.” Adia said, then she realized something. “Speaking of Sylvia, I’ll be she and the others can’t wait to see me after I get back home.” The vines twitched at the mention of Sylvia and Adia’s friends. Janet became nervous. “Oh, you’re leaving? Heh, heh. Right now?” 
Adia got off of the chair and started walking down the hallway towards the front door. “Yeah, Janet I haft to get going. But this has been fun visiting you and Maurice, maybe we can do it again sometime.” Adia was about to reach for the doorknob when it clicked shut. “Go? Why would you need to…go anywhere?” Janet said as she took Adia back into the Wander shrine and sat her down in the chair. More plant vines came towards her, beginning to cuddle her face while another pair tied around Adia’s ankles. “Adia, you know you’re not supposed to leave. You’re supposed to stay. There’s lots of mean evil friends out that who only want to take you away. But, I’m here to protect you from all of those mean evil friends!” Janet said. “Don’t worry, darling, you’re safe with me.” 
Adia laughed nervously. “You know, Janet, you have been a great friendly hostess and I appreciate everything that you’ve done for me. I don’t think anyone can attend to my needs like you can.” Janet was pleased. “Oh, Adia. Your welcome. I’d do anything to keep my forever friend happy while we’re living together.” Adia chuckled. “Yeah, about that. Eh, heh. Janet, you are a very lovely planet and I know you want me to stay as your friend forever, but…I really need to be on my way.” 
Right on cue, Adia was lifted off the chair in an instant, the vines tied around her wrist let go of her as they tied around her waist, more followed as the electric alien found herself captured by these thorny plants. She got upset. “Hey, let me go!” Adia struggle to break free, but it was no use. “Why would you run away?” Janet asked concerned, then it turned to jealousy. “Maybe because you miss those LOVABLE FRIENDS OF YOURS!!!” The vines tightened their grip around Adia hard, she wasn’t liking it.  “Janet, I need to go back to my friends…” Adia said, the vines tightened their grip even more. Adia herd the jealous planet continue, “YOU DON’T BELONG TO THEM ANYMORE! ADIA, YOU BELONG TO ME! YOUR MY FOREVER FRIEND! I’M NOT LETTING TEAM YONDER LOSERS AND ANY OTHER FRIENDS TAKE YOU AWAY!” “Janet, I know you want me to stay here and be your forever friend, but I can’t. Sylvia and the others might be worried about…” Adia began, only to be stopped by a very angry Janet. “SYLVIA, SYLVIA, SYLVIA AND YOUR FRIENDS, YOUR FRIENDS, YOUR FRIENDS!” A topiary of Sylvia appeared next to the angry plant. “YOU KNOW WHAT SYLVIA AND YOUR FRIENDS DID?! THEY LEFT! THEY’VE ABANDONED YOU AND THEY’RE NEVER COMING BACK FOR YOU! THEY’RE GONE!” Janet shouted.
Adia watched as the shrubs head fell down next to her, then the plant vines grip tightened harder. “They would never!” Adia cried. “YES! THEY LEFT YOU HERE! AND NOW, IT’S JUST YOU AND ME, ADIA!” Janet’s plant form created a giant bulb as she bloomed in a scarily large and beautiful rose. “UNTIL THE END…OF…TIME!!!” Adia closed her eyes tightly, then everything went black.  Adia woke up with a start. “What happened?” She asked. “You passed out, dearie. Luckily, I decided to put you back into your bed.” Janet said. She patted Adia on her head. “Are you alright, my mini-muffin?” Adia nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine.” She said. Janet carried Adia back in the Wander shrine, sitting her in the chair again. Just like last time, plant vines tied around her ankles and more of them cuddled her face. “Janet, why did you place a kitchen in your cottage?” Adia asked. 
“Well, I thought I’d expand the cottage so we can have more room while we’re living together.” Janet said. “Do you not like it?” Adia patted Janet’s stem. “The kitchen is amazing, Janet. I love it.” Janet cuddled her face with her petals. “Oh, I knew you’d love it. I have an idea, how about some cake.” Janet asked. Adia was stunned. “Cake? Before lunch?” “Of course.” Janet took out a chocolate cake from the fridge, cut a slice, placed it on a plate and gave it to Adia. “Here you are.” “Thanks, Janet.” Adia said as she dug into the cake. “Janet, this is the greatest chocolate cake I ever had.” Janet smiled, cuddling Adia with her vines playfully. “I love you, my pet.” Adia started to become nervous. That sentence send chills down her spine, thinking about what was to come…  After a long day, Adia was tired. She did a bunch of complementing on Janet all afternoon, and she wanted a good night’s rest. But then, a thought came into her head and won’t let go. Adia didn’t know how much more of this she could take. The young electric alien was a prisoner in a friendly, yet clingy obsessive cage.
The next wasn’t all that fun either, Adia got tied up three times by Janet after mentioning about how she had to go back home to be with her friends. Janet took Adia back to their residence. Then the two friends went inside as the door locked shut. The plant vines carried Adia to her chair and sat her down in it. More vines tightened around her. Poor Adia was trapped. Janet was starting to become insane. “Never leave me, Adia. Never!~” Adia shivered, but she fearfully said, “Don’t worry, Janet. I promise to do anything I can to make you happy.” Janet patted Adia on the hat. “That’s my good girl.” She said. “I’m glad you’ve made the right decision, dearie.” Adia smiled sheepishly, there was no going back now. 
That night, Adia was reading a book she had brought from home when she herd Janet’s voice calling from downstairs. “Adia, dinner!” Adia raced downstairs and went into the kitchen, then she saw a giant stack of pancakes waiting for her.
“I see we’re having pancakes for dinner again.” Adia said. “We sure are, my dear friend. They’re all my guest whom I love the best!” Janet fed Adia the pancakes then the planet’s affections for her friend started in an instant. “Oh, Adia. I adore having you here, my pet.” Janet said. Adia was shocked. “You’re what?” She asked. Janet felt embarrassed. “Oh, it’s nothing, my sweet. Eh, heh. Nothing at all. Heh, heh, heh.” “But you said I was your…” Adia started until Janet shoved the pancakes into her mouth before the electric alien could finish her sentence. “That’s enough of that, Adia. I don’t want to hear another word about it… Now, how about some dessert for my electric shooting star?”
Janet took the pancakes away and presented Adia with a blueberry pie. The electric alien ate it happily. Janet tickled Adia. “Don’t worry, my darling. You’re going to love it, just like I love you.” During the evening, Adia wondered why Janet was calling her a pet. “Was it a nickname Janet came up for me?” She thought. The planet had called Adia many pet names, but being call a pet. She tired to figure out why Janet called her that, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
A vine came over, petting Adia’s back. Then she purred like a kitten. Janet giggled at her. Adia jolted up in an instant. “Oh! Janet. Eh, heh. I didn’t see you there!” Janet petted Adia’s chin, Adia purred again. “Oh, I love hearing my kitty purr like that.” Janet said sweetly. “Kitty?” Adia repeated. Janet smiled at Adia. “Why, yes, dear. Not only are you my forever friend, but you’re my new, adorable pet. Isn’t that right, kitten?” Janet petted Adia, she purred. “Good kitty.” Janet told her. Adia shook her head. “Janet, I can’t be your pet. And I’m not a kitten either.” Janet was stunned. “Oh, I see. Well, you don’t haft to be my pet, dear. I’m sorry for treating you like one.” The rose lowered her head sadly. Adia felt terrible, she hugged Janet. 
“Don’t be sad, Janet. I’m still going to be here for you.” Adia said. Janet hugged her back. “I know you will, dear. Which is why I’ve decided to keep you all to myself!~” Adia was shocked. “Wait, what?” “You herd me.” Janet said. Adia raced towards the door, she tried opening it but it was no use, it was locked up tight. 
Suddenly, the plant vines around her wrist and ankles tightened, Adia yelped in plain. She looked at Janet, her entire body was completely filled with fear. “Now, are you going to be a good forever friend and let me keep you forever or would you like me to destroy you?” Janet said. A bunch of plant vines were pointed at Adia, preparing to strike at any moment. Adia put her head down. “You win.” She said. Janet smiled. “I knew you would say that.” 
When nightfall came, Janet decided to sleep with Adia to make sure she wasn’t going to escape. Adia didn’t mind it at all. The planet cuddled Adia sweetly. “Goodnight, my forever friend. Sweet dreams.” And with that, the two friends went off to sleep. But Adia didn’t sleep well, she had a terrible dream. 
The next morning, Adia walked into the kitchen as Janet was busy cooking pancakes for her. “Good morning my wonderful Adia. Ready for pancakes, dear?” Janet asked. Adia nodded at her. “You bet, Janet.” Adia sat at the table when Janet brought over a huge stack of pancakes and sat them down in front of her. “Pancakes! Well, aren’t you the hostess with the mostest.” Adia complimented. Janet giggled at Adia’s remark. “All for my guest whom I love the best!” She said as she fed Adia the sweet cakes. “Janet, these pancakes are out of this universe. They seem to get fluffier every day.” Adia said. “Of course. I love making special fluffy pancakes just for you, my Addie Waddie.~” Janet said, feeding Adia another pancake. Adia laughed. “Aw, I’m your Addie Waddie, Janet?” Adia asked. “Yes you are, my dear and you always will be.” Janet told her. “I’ll treat you special just like the sweetest alien you are.” Adia kept munching on the pancakes. “Oh, Janet. You always treat me special in your own friendly way.” Janet squealed happily. “Oh, you always know what to say to a friendly planet like me!” She said. 
She kept feeding Adia the pancakes until they were all finished. Janet giggled at Adia’s chubbiness, she looked so cute. Janet smiled at her. “Can I interest you in my famous blueberry pie?” Janet said, giving a blueberry pie to Adia, she gasped. “Wow! Y’all have pie after breakfast?” Adia started eating the blueberry pie. Janet giggled at her guest, her chubby adorable guest. “Adia, my darling. We’re going to be best friends forever. As long as you remain here with me, lovely. You can have anything you want.” Adia laughed as the plant vines tickled her. Soon, Adia became a chubby space traveler. Janet smiled at her friend. “Did you enjoy your breakfast?” Janet asked. “I sure did, Janet. That breakfast you made was “Delec-tious.” Adia said. “A combination of “delectable” and “delicious”? Janet said, Adia nodded sweetly which made Janet erupt in happiness. “Oh, I knew it! We know each other so well!” The plant vines cuddled Adia. “Who’s my precious darling? Addie is, yes she is!~” Janet said, Adia laughed as Janet was playing with her. “Janet, stop tickling me!” “But I can’t help it, Adia. You’re my lovey.~” Adia tired to get off the chair, but she couldn’t, considering Janet had fed her other desserts. “I can’t move!” She said. “Good.” Adia was confused. “How’s that good?” She asked. “Oh, you’ll find out soon enough. Now, how about some chocolate cake?” Janet said, placing a giant chocolate cake in front of Adia. Adia stared at the cake, it looked so delicious. Adia grabbed piece by piece of the cake, shoving it into her mouth. “Mmmm. That chocolate cake was delicious. Hey, Janet. Do you have any more desserts?” Janet smiled. “I sure do, sweetheart, you can have all the desserts you want!” 
In a nanosecond, the table was filled with every ounce of desserts, Adia’s eyes widened as she started eating everything she could get her hands on, the more she ate, the more bigger - and chubbier she became. Janet smiled at her gigantic chubby friend. “Now, you’ll never leave me, Adia.~” Adia became shocked. “Wait, what?!” Then, she saw it, she was a huge chubby space traveler. “Oh, no!” She shouted. Janet cuddled against her cheek and hugged her with the strongest plant vines. “I love my adorable chubby Addie and now…you’re mine FOREVER!!~” Janet cried, continually cuddling her. Then Adia let out a loud scream of terror. End dream. 
Adia jolted awake, sweat was streaming down her entire body. She looked at herself and to her surprise, she was still her normal self. Adia sighed in relief. “Whew! It was all just a bad dream.” Suddenly, Janet came in. “Adia, are you alright? I herd you screaming. What happened?” She asked, Adia calmed her down. “Janet, it’s OK. I had a bad dream.” Janet hugged her tightly. “Well, I’m happy my precious Adia is alright. So, would you like some pancakes?” Adia nodded. “Wonderful! Follow me, darling.” Janet lead Adia to the kitchen where the young space traveler ate fluffy pancakes and a delicious blueberry pie for dessert. 
After breakfast, Janet decided to take Adia for a walk. The two friends traveled around the planet, passing the forest, the lake and even the beach. Adia loved looking around the scenery, even if it was the same scenery for three months prior. Adia looked at the sky, she could see millions of stars and planets, they looked beautiful. Adia sighed sadly. Janet noticed. “Something the matter, sweetie?” She asked. Adia shook her head no. It was best not to say anything. Janet patted her guest on the head. “Don’t be sad, Adia. I won’t ever leave you.” She embraced Adia in a hug, hoping it would make her feel better. Adia smiled. “Thanks for that, Janet, that was just the kind of help I needed.” Adia said. “Oh, you’re welcome, lovely.” Janet said, Adia shivered. “She really dose want to keep me all to herself.” She thought. Adia continued her walk with Janet, but she stayed quiet for the rest of the way. 
When Adia and Janet returned from their walk, Janet suddenly lit up with excitement. “Oooh! Adia, that reminds me, I have an extra special present just for you. I’ll go get it.” Janet left Adia as the door slammed shut behind her and locked. The plant vines carried Adia to her chair and sat her down in it. Janet took out a small box, inside was a red bow. She removed it from the box, carrying it over to Adia, then she warped the bow around her neck. Janet couldn’t stop smiling, Adia looked adorable with her little bow. “Look at you, sweetie. Now you look adorable, friend.~” Janet swooned. Adia had to admit, the bow did make her look nice. “Well, thank you so much for the gift, Janet. I love it.” Adia said, the planet squeaked happily. “Oh, I knew you’d love it! Now everyone will know that you belong to me.” Adia was shocked. “I…I belong to you?” She said nervously. 
The rose leaned down next to her. “Yes, Adia. You my property.~” Janet said. That was enough to make Adia shake in fear as Janet casted a dark shadow over her. Janet petted Adia’s cheek. “Oh, don’t be frightened, Adia. I’m going to take care of you, dearie.” The planet smiled at her forever friend, but Adia kept showing a face of terror. 
“Addie, you’re not afraid of me, aren’t you?” Janet asked. “What?! No! I…I’m not scared of you, Janet. Eh, heh.” Adia said, laughing nervously. “You certainly are a very lovely planet, Janet. But I really need to get going.” Adia headed for the door until the lock clicked shut! Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared over Adia, she gasped as she saw Janet, smiling a very scary smile and loads of plant vines were beside her, ready to attack. “Trying to escape again, I see. But not this time.” Janet said. Adia backed away from the scary evil rose and the creepy thorny plant vines coming towards her. “Janet, this isn’t funny. Open the door!” Adia shouted. “I need to get home!” Janet chuckled. “Oh, you don’t need to go home, Adia.” The plant vines tied themselves around Adia to face Janet as the rose smiled and said: 
“You are home.”
Adia shivered at that sentence. The rose beamed at her friend. “Oh, Adia, we’re going to be the bestest forever friends in the entire universe!~” Janet told her. Adia chuckled nervously. “Eh, heh. Janet, that is a great offer of you. I would love to stay here as much as the next space traveler, but…I should probably be on my way.” Without warning, the plant vines tightened their grip on Adia. Adia winced in pain. “Janet, you’re hurting me!” “I’LL MAKE IT EVEN MORE TIGHTER IF YOU NEVER MENTION ABOUT LEAVING AGAIN!” The rose screamed. 
Adia became scared by this. “Janet, look, you are a lovely planet, you really are, but…my friends could be worried about me. So, I really need to…” Adia began, only to be stopped by an in raged Janet. “NO, YOU DON’T NEED YOUR FRIENDS ANYMORE! THEY’RE NOTHING TO YOU NOW! THEY’VE ABANDONED YOU AND I BETTER NOT HEAR YOU SAY ANOTHER WORD ABOUT THEM, GOT IT?!!!” Janet shouted, Adia shivered. “Y…Yes, ma’am.” Janet smiled. “Good girl.” She said. Janet began to cuddle her guest with her plant vines, Adia kept quiet as Janet hummed a little tune.
Later that evening, Janet was making breakfast for Adia, fluffy muffins filled with lots of chocolate chips. Janet poked her head through the doorway and saw her lovable guest whom she loved so much. “Addie, dinner will be almost ready, dearest!~” She called out, then she continued to her work. Adia didn’t answer, the electric alien was depressed. She sighed as she walked up to the window and looked at the beautiful stars, shining in the night sky. Adia sighed, she missed Ponyville, her old pony friends, Team Yonder Galaxy, Adia missed everyone.  But luckily, Adia wasn’t the kind of person to give up hope, she knew that Janet will set her free and let her be with her friends and family again. Until that happens, she had to stay with the talking planet no matter how long Janet planned to keep her here.
“Adia, dinner is ready!~” Janet called. The plant vines carried Adia into the kitchen as Janet spotted her guest. “There’s my special Addie Waddie.” Janet said, smiling happily. Adia sat onto her chair, admiring the plate full of muffins in front of her. She smiled at Janet. “Aw, Janet, thank you for making me muffins.” Adia said. Janet giggled. “Oh, Adia. They’re all for my guest whom I love the best!” Janet watched as Adia ate her dinner. “Janet, these muffins are spectacular! You really outdid yourself with them.” Adia said with her mouthful. “Aw, why thank you, Adia. I can provide anything for you, friend.” Adia took another bite of the muffin. “You sure are a wonderful planet to be with, Janet.” Janet got tingly. “Oh, you.~” She swooned. “How sweet can my Addie get.~” Adia laughed as Janet tickled her. “Oh, snookums.” Janet said. “Now, how bout dessert?” Janet took away the empty plate and replaced it with a slice of chocolate cake. Adia was amazed. “Wow! Y’all have chocolate cake after dinner?” Adia began to eat the cake. Janet happily petted her. “Adia, my darling, as long as you stay here, you can have whatever you want.” Adia laughed as the plant vines tickled her, but it soon turned to depression. It was hard living on a planet who was also your only best friend and companion. 
That night, Janet kept Adia close to her when the two friends settled in for the evening. “You’re my teddy bear, Addie. A teddy I wouldn’t trade for anything else.~” Janet said. Soon as Janet was asleep, Adia walked over to the window. She sat in a little viewing spot and gazed up into the stars. It was a beautiful moonlight night, thanks to Janet’s husband, Maurice lighting up the sky. Adia sighed and looked at Janet. “Maybe that’s why Janet’s keeping me locked up here. She wants a friend to hang out and play with.” Adia whispered to herself. “I don’t want to hate her, even if she is a little scary at times, but I should stay here for now and hopefully one day, she’ll let me go back home.” The electric alien dug around in her hat and pulled out her banjo. 
She started to play a little tune to make her feel better. Surely enough, it worked. Adia continued playing the song all throughout the evening. Playing songs brighten her spirits and Adia knew that she maybe trapped on Janet as her forever friend, she also had one goal on her mind: To once again return home to be with her friends and family. But until that happens, Adia decided to make Janet the happiest planet she could be, even if it meant being her forever friend as well as her lovely captive.  The End. 
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txemrn · 1 year
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Summary: After Tatum throws a New Year's Eve party, Ethan finds a way to make the night memorable.
Word Count: ~2600
Warning/Rating: teen; mild language; fairly fluffy; *TW* there is a semi-angsty plot to this story that may be upsetting to more sensitive readers, but as the writer, I'd like to let the story unfold how I've written it; if you are more sensitive and aren't sure about this (and there is nothing wrong with that!) expand this post, and quickly scroll to the bottom. After the tags, you will see in red "Trigger Warnings". Hopefully this will give you guidance on whether or not to read. I don't say this to be "shocking"; this plot has been written about many, many times before; but I just want to give readers an opportunity to choose.
A/N: Some of these characters belong to our friends at Pixelberry; special thanks to @sfb123 for helping me steer through some kinks! You rock!
Surveying the large, living quarters of the townhouse, a contented sigh escapes her lips. Silence. The last of their party guests left almost an hour ago, and now only the wreckage of the new year celebration remains. Metallic confetti litters the floor along with noise makers and top hats. Empty glasses line the bar and sink area of the kitchen as black and gold balloons dance with the subtle draft of the room.
Entertaining people and playing the 'hostess with the mostest' has always been Tatum's niche. She finds it therapeutic to create a welcoming, home-like atmosphere where starving hearts and bellies do not exist–something she dreamed about as a little girl.
This year was different though.
Tatum holds her balance against the sink as she slips off her kitten heels and into her house-shoes, her slender feet relishing in the relief of the padding. She slowly raises back up, minding the curve to her sore back as she begins to pour out half-empty glasses of warm champagne and sparkling juice.
A sudden glint of metal flashes in the darkness of the hallway, catching her attention. And she smiles, her eyes admiring every step he takes, drawing closer to her. Ethan.
With his jacket already shrugged off, he unclips his bow tie and suspenders, tossing them on the chaise lounge. His thinning salt-and-pepper curls are tousled handsomely out of place. Tatum instantly feels his eyes on her as he relaxes a shoulder against the doorframe.
"Did you check on the babes?" Tatum gently fills the top dishwasher rack.
"Mhmm," he hums, a playful grin crawling across his face. 
"Are they all four still asleep?"
"Finally," Ethan smirks, playfully rolling his eyes. "Jonah… he just–"
Tatum stops drying her crystal cake stand, turning towards her husband at the mention of their eight-year-old grandson. Though he was the oldest, he was the most sensitive of the bunch. And it had been an extremely hard year of change for him.  "Do you think… um, maybe I should go in and–"
Ethan tisks his tongue, subtly shaking his head. "He's asleep now."
"But maybe he just needs a few more cuddles, or–"
"Tate, don't worry," Ethan steps forward. Placing his hands on her shoulders. "Just let him rest. He knows we're here."
Tatum grows quiet, biting her lip as she turns her worried expression back down the dark hallway. She clasps her hands together, swallowing the lump in her throat.  "I guess I just wanted another excuse to hold my grandbabies a little longer tonight–"
"Baby," Ethan croons, stepping closer. "No tears, remember?"
"I know, I know," she lifts up her glasses, dabbing at her eyes.  "They're just… getting so big," she titters through her tears. "I need time to slow down."
Tatum clears her throat as she suddenly catches her reflection in the microwave. Her hair is still elegantly pulled back into a classic bun; the diamond embellishments of her hairpins bring out the brilliant silver strands, crowning her once-platinum locks.
She gently pulls at the thinning skin around her eyes… and then her neck as she notices her lipstick settling into the deep grooves around her lips.
"Still enchanting," Ethan watches her intently. "Y'know? I think you are possibly more stunning than that first day of orientation." He wraps his arms around her shoulders. "Tanned skin… long blonde hair  pushed back by those sunglasses…Those low-rise jeans showing off your–oh, what's the thing called?"
She chuckles. "My tramp stamp? I can't believe you remember all of that."
Ethan nuzzles into her neck before peeking back up to meet her gaze in the reflective appliance door. "How could I forget? It was one of the happiest days of my life."
Tatum closes her eyes, pressing her cheek against her husband's stubbled face. The sting of tears threaten to fall as she savors his warm touch. This man…
Lost in the moment, Tatum drops her dish towel on the ground. "Oh," she laughs at herself, pulling out of his arms. She plunges her hands back into sink with dirty dishes. "I guess I better get back to work, maybe even take a few trash bags out. I really need to-'" she suddenly stops, feeling Ethan's crystal eyes glisten with adoration.  "What?" She chuckles, furrowing her brow.
A rosy swirl grows on Ethan’s cheeks as he shakes his head.
"Tell me," her voice softens.
He lets out a sharp exhale. And then offers a crooked grin, slowly extending his arm to his bride. "Come here."
Tatum cocks her head suspiciously, biting her bottom lip.  She hesitantly pads closer to him, the hem of her dress pooling around her slippers. She cautiously places her petite hand into his large palm.
He grips tightly to her delicate fingers before pulling her into his embrace, their gazes remain fixed to one another. "Dance with me."
Tatum fumbles into a titter, covering her mouth. "You? Want to dance?" 
He chuckles before guiding her arms behind his neck. He then quickly lays his own strong hands on her lower back. "Just dance with me."
"But… there’s no music–"
Ethan clears his throat. "Should auld acquaintance be forgot…"  They both fall into snickers, pressing their foreheads together as Ethan struggles with finding the right notes. "Let's try something else. Alexa," he calls out over his shoulder, "play our song." As the first chord of the familiar piano intro softly builds, Ethan subtly sways to the beat.
Tatum grips endearingly around Ethan's neck, matching his movements. Listening to him quietly hum along to Forest Blakk, she takes refuge in her husband’s arms. 
"... paint a map back to the start, leaving footprints to remind us: where you go, I go. And if you fall, I'll fall…"
Ethan plants sweet kisses along her hairline as she nuzzles into his shoulder, moving her arms to hug his waist snuggly. Feeling his warmth surrounding her body, smelling his woodsy scent: she's home.
The ambient lighting of the room casts a gentle glow across the open space, refracting against picture frames mounted to the wall. Still swaying against her husband's body, Tatum slightly opens an eye to take in the collage of their life. 
She settles in on a picture from their wedding day. It was a candid shot taken by a friend that showcased an unflattering double-chin of the bride, her nose scrunched up as she laughed at a secret joke her groom had whispered in her ear.  With wild, tousled waves and a pink lipstick smudge on his cheek, Ethan wore a bright smile, bearing all of his teeth that people still talk about to this day.
It was a perfectly imperfect picture to sum up the perfectly imperfect union of a perfectly imperfect couple that was always meant to be.  But even after thirty-six years of marriage, it still wasn't enough time together.
"Tatum?" Ethan whispers, her name saturated with sadness.
She quickly peers up at her husband, noticing the tears collecting in his eyes. She cups his face in her hands, her gaze growing concerned.
"I… I'm so sorry," he chokes out, bowing his head while his jaw begins to quake.
"I… I made a mistake, Tate. A… huge one." He takes hold of her hands as he considers his words. "Tatum Ramsey… you're the love of my life…" a tear gently rolls across the weathered planes of his face, their stares locked on one another. "And… I failed to tell you that. Every day—"
"Baby–" her eyes begin to burn with her own emotions as she reaches up to brush away the wetness from his face.
"I should've told you, Tate," he swallows the lump in his throat, "I should've told you every damn day… that I love you."
"Ethan," she breathes, pulling him closer to rest her cheek to his. "It doesn't matter if you told me or not. I always, always felt it. Everyday. Sometimes in the most…  unconventional of ways," she titters, a jovial grin breaking out onto his face. "But I always knew."
Ethan presses his lips gently to Tatum's mouth before whisking her back into rhythm with the music floating around them. 
Laying her head back on Ethan’s chest, a cold chill suddenly travels down Tatum's spine. Something's not right; something… is missing. She nuzzles into his body further, but still something is wrong. She can hear her pulse in her ears, and she can feel the rise and fall of her own chest…
But as far as her husband?
She abruptly pulls back from him, gripping tightly to his shirt.  Her breathing grows heavy as she untucks the white cotton fabric from his slacks, frantically unfastening each button.
Finally pulling the material back, Tatum's air is stolen from her lungs as her body grows limp.
An array of watercolor blues, violets and haunting grays splash across his broad chest. With trembling fingers, she presses her hand to the large, flesh-colored surgical scar climbing up the middle of his chest.
And suddenly the room fades to black as the memory from three months ago floods before her eyes.
It was too much. It was all too much…
Three Months Earlier…
"Rams, do you mind?" Tatum turns her back to her husband, motioning for him to fasten the zipper of her elegantly-beaded gown. "I can't reach." 
Giving her a crooked smile, he stops fidgeting with his bowtie, and easily cinches the dress closed. He kisses the back of her neck before slipping a hand down her full hips. "This is beautiful."
"Do you like it?" She dramatically poses like a Hollywood starlet, batting her fake eyelashes. 
"No," Ethan twirls her around, his mouth meeting hers. "I love it."
"Well, good," Tatum giggles, walking back into her closet to grab her clutch. "The recipient of the Lasker award needs hot arm candy." As she steps back out of the en suite, she notices Ethan balling up his fist before relaxing it, his eyebrows furrowing.  "You okay?"
"Hrmm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine,” he winces, stretching out his fingers again. “I think I pushed a little too hard moving Dad yesterday."
"Are you sure? We don't have to go–"
"It's been a stressful week," her voice softens as she fixes the gray waves on the back of his head. "The coordinators know about your dad and the stroke and… moving him into hospice." Her eyes begin to glisten, "they–" she clears her throat, "they know about our son being deployed back to the Middle East. Maybe we should–"
"Tate, I'm fine," he grins. "Just overworked muscles." 
"Overworked, period," she grumbles.
Even though Ethan retired last year, he was still dedicating more time than ever to his first love: medicine. Research, conferences, special speaking engagements and even a new book deal have robbed him of much of his freetime.
He kisses her pursed lips. "After Christmas."
She sighs, unable to hide a growing grin. "After Christmas," she repeats. 
"We'll finally have time off. We’ll bring in the new year–just the two of us… and… we'll talk about cutting back. I promise."
The evening was like a dream; the Lasker commissioners and event coordinators developed quite an opulent experience in an honor of Ethan's achievements. They even surprised him with a few keynote speakers from his past, including colleagues from Johns Hopkins and the diagnostics team.
After the ceremony, Ethan and Tatum were separated, mingling with world-class physicians and scientists. Tatum was deep into a conversation with two midwives from Denmark when she felt a pair of piercing blue eyes admiring her from afar. Looking up, she was instantly entranced. Smiling at her husband, she watches him push up his bifocals as he sucked in his bottom lip, teasing her with a wink.
Tatum looked away, but only for a moment to chase the heat away from her cheeks. Gaining composure, she looked back to where Ethan was standing.
But he wasn't there.
If only she had been paying closer attention, Tatum would've noticed the ashen-tone to his skin…
If only she had been paying closer attention, she would've noticed the beads of sweat pouring from his brow…
If only she had been paying closer attention, she would've noticed his body was saying, 'goodbye'...
After nineteen minutes in tireless attempts to revive him, his heartbeat returned. But the surgery…
It was too much. It was all too much…
Present Day...
The sudden clanking of hard metal hits the wooden floor, jarring Tatum from her thoughts. She quickly glances around the room, noticing instantly she's once again alone. 
The sound grows closer, rolling across the ground like a marble until it gently crashes against her slipper. Looking down at the golden trinket, she subtly shakes her head in disbelief as she cautiously lowers herself onto her knees.                                                         
Ethan's wedding ring.
She holds the precious jewelry to her chest as she glances back to their wedding picture, large tears coursing down her cheeks. "I miss you too," she whispers into the darkness as she succumbs to her sniffles.
Tatum startles, turning to see her oldest grandson watching her from the hallway. "Jonah," she brightens, wiping away the wetness in her eyes. "What are you doing up, baby?"
He rubs his eyes. "Couldn't sleep."
Noticing his sad splotchy eyes, Tatum holds her arms up as he crashes safely into her embrace. "Are you missing your daddy?" Snuggled into her shoulder, the young boy nods his head quietly. Tatum gently rubs his back. "I miss him too."
Jonah sits up on his grandma's lap, his eyes trained to the gold band hiding between her fingers. "But, Papa told me Dad's busy being a hero."
"That's right, baby. Your dad–" Tatum pauses, registering what her grandson just said.  "Papa?" Tatum clears her throat, "--you talk to… Papa?" 
"Uh-huh," he nonchalantly answers. "Well, sometimes."
Tears begin to collect in Tatum's eyes, but she tries her best to keep calm. She begins to comb her fingers through his blond locks. "What do you talk about?"  Jonah giggles, shrugging his shoulders. "What?" Tatum titters as her grandson laughs harder. She begins to playfully tickle him, poking at his tummy. "Are you just telling stories?"
"No," he squeals into more snickers.
"Is it a secret?"
"No," he singsongs, becoming more bashful. "It's just… I know it's silly, but… sometimes I tell him about school, and baseball… and Mom… and Josiah, Isaac and Embry…  and–and my science projects–"
"Hey," Tatum gently grabs his chin, making him look into her eyes. "None of that is silly. And I know he loves hearing about those things," her jaw begins to tremble. "And I know he loves hearing from you... he loves you so much."
Jonah smiles proudly as his eyes shine from unshed tears. He hugs his grandmother's neck, feeling the warmth and comfort of her hold. "He loves you too, Gigi."
Tatum's eyes squeeze tight as a sob bubbles out. Gathering herself, she takes her grandson's cheeks in her hands. "Did…Papa tell you that?"
He nods guiltily.  "Gigi, did I make you sad? Mommy said not to bring up Papa because it'll make you sad. I--I didn't mean to--"
"No, baby," she whispers as she begins to cry harder, hugging him tighter. "I'm... so, so happy. You always make me so, so happy. " She tenderly presses a kiss against his temple. "And you know? You can always talk to me about Papa. It actually makes me happy talking about him."
"Really?" He gives a curious look to his grandmother. "Why?"
Tatum takes a moment to gather her thoughts. She glances back to her wedding photo, squeezing tightly to Ethan's wedding ring between her fingers. "I guess talking about him makes me... not feel so lonely, like... he's still here with us."
"Because he is still with us, Gigi."
"That's right, baby," Tatum whispers softly, pushing back her tears as she pulls her grandson in for a hug. "When did you get so smart?" They both titter as he sits up on her lap, shrugging his shoulders. "Tell you what: I know it's late, so you can't tell your mom. But how about we camp out here, drink some hot chocolate and watch one of Papa's favorite movies?"
Tatum boops his nose. "Really."
Tags (list updated 9/22; if you'd like to be added/ removed, please message me!)
@alj4890 @ao719 @issabees @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nikirennie87 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
@alyshak92 @annfg8 @bisexualdisasteracd @cariantha @coffeeheartaddict2 @lsvdw-blog @mvalentine @ofmischiefandmedicine @rookiemartin @starrystarrytrouble @youlookappropriate
TRIGGER WARNINGS: major character death; brief medical discussion; discussion of grieving and the afterlife
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Three of Hearts episode 17 live blog
(this bitch has spoilers)
On sabbatical from my impromptu career in marketing, and also (sigh) life, here's another liveblog! The first one on tumblr, the platform where I am somehow even more unapologetically long winded
OOOH another flashback I love these. Getting to know spar before clovenheart is <3. Of course it's malicious compliance that's the best type of compliance.
Ooooh I gotta love a seedy literal underbelly. I'm excited to listen to that quiet year series omg.
Okayyyyy I see that moody lighting we've got going one 👀👀👀
Invite only altered people club is so rad.
Scales and tails notes for future me writing a very particular sort of fanfic
Note to find out how to spell yaccab's name right for that fanfic LMAO
GOD I love spar. The puring for the table, the going out to have fun and going it by acting like a host. He's such a people person in a way that's like....Shepardly? OH like a herding dog! Not so much that he's forceful but so much that when he's got you marked as a friend he's gonna make sure you're ok make sure you're okay make your you're okay, your good? OKAY GREAT!!!!! :D
And it's so lovely and wholesome and warm and I'm glad it's a dude filling that sort of role. As much as I love my sexy hostess with the mostest trope, accommodating individuals come in many flavors and genders!
Okay writer brain is telling me that while I don't think vellum is TOO straight laced to go here...... hmmm these notes will NOTE be posted yet
(I would've listened to more of the episode by now and maybe gotten to 18 if my brain didn't go on a HARD left turn after that. Know that the live in liveblog means "with many, MANY pauses")
Spar is like "hmm. I moved away from my tribe of people like me. Unacceptable. I'm gonna adopt everyone in this shady ass establishment" and yk what I respect that. Queer life goals.
Let a man get drunk without interruption, oh my god!
I realized "Yaccab" might be "Jacob" and I am... a perfectly intelligent English speaking person! But monolingual.
I don't like this dude for ruining the party. He's probably fine but. Still.
The dynamic I'm imagining between Spar and Jacob is like...Not friends with benefits, but not NOT friends with benefits. Sex-positive, queer, and close enough to where they're super physically comfortable (he was literally on his lap lmao) and they may have kept eachother company once or twice! But like. I'm thinking of that dynamic that is sort of "our relationship is neither platonic nor romantic not queer platonic but between all of those things, and I want you to find somebody but I consider it my responsibility to decide if they're good with you" type beat. Yes these posts are very often me taking notes for myself later. Ah to be free of the twitter character limit.
"....that's fucked up." THE WAY I HOLLERED. Yacob (final awnser) is so confused and spar is so drunk lmao.
OH WAIT IS YACOB AN EX? idk I mean previous statements still mostly count.
I'm too aro for this shit— I don't care how much characters kiss I deadass forget traditional romantic situations are like. Possible.
Why does spar keep giving YACOB responsibility 😂😂😂😂 narrative brain is saying "Setting up to spar trusting vellum with Anya or sorrel n them/paralleling when he sort of did fighting jasper" the part of my brain that wants to put my blorbos in my mouth and chew on them like the word "intellectual" was never invented is going HAHA. SHEEPDOG!
Ah yes the classic Italian stereotype: possessing fancy hats
Jordan introducing the folks in this room as "two women and a man" is THE most gendered sentence that I think exists in this podcast and that is VERY funny to me
*fanning myself* There is something SO admirable about a man with convicti— HES GOING FOR THE DOOR LMAOOOO
"I know what I wanted to know now" my deeply embedded distrust of gms (as a runner-of-games who also loves to get up to nonsense at the first opportunity)has alarm bells going off a bit
OH MY GOD I love little cute scenes where characters met before they like met, if one or both parties forgets it I call them "meet moots" because they meet and nothing happens JFKSVSLDVSKDVKZ
I mean yeah timbleton has gotta pursue hell lose his job and probably get arrested.
I was about to be like "vellum fuck your bosses stop staying late RISE RISE RISE!!!" and then I remember vellum kinda owns the place dushdgoddb SO DO SOME SELF CARE AND SLEEP, DUMMY.
"yeah I'm fine are spars first words to vellum" oh ouch but cute
Bestie if he pushes the key under the door anybody who comes past can open the door.
Spar said "idgaf I can fuck I fucker up, do it all the time, try me"
YACOB IS HERE!!!! OMG FRIEND! Oh my god I love him.
POV: you're thinininininnton and vellum is pointing his rapier (I imagine that when he presses the button to unsheathe it an intricate collapsible golden guard springs out) at you're throat is something I wanna draw SO bad that is SOOOO cool and sexy and rand but wayyyy out of my ability right now. It will live forever in my brain (also my list for 3o♥️s stuff to draw is sooo long )
(also I shouldve guessed those people were shady they had one-word genders)
Yacob saw spar running and was like "guess this is my life now!" What a real one.
HE PULLS OUT A FLASH. KIIIIIING SHIT. Spar kisses him...but...but are they.....whatever dlegdkvdskdvd
Also I feel like grey for sure has that eye. Or diamond had the eye and grey has the gem now.
Efficiency-opsec brain getting really excited about the idea of vellum adjusting security protocols....I fucking love protocols.
Oh Vellum honey maybe don't go interrogating the single most secretive person with the most open desire to kill you.
"do you need somebody to take you there?" 🐑🐕
OH SHIT CATS. I miss destiny
I feel like Arabella is for sure in that lighthouse
Look like I Respect Meraphina's biomancy, and I respect her ability to use it for healing while also being very skeptical about the role of magic but like .... I disagree with the "don't bring magic back" thinking. If YOU have access to it it's clearly still there. Better for the world to recon with it as a whole then to have it available to some mysterious small number of folks only. Idk. Maybe my opinion on that will change but :\
They're still in cloven heart...hmm. in the lighthouse? This is probably related to preparing something big for bridge since they were all jacks.
"you dont just give things freely" somewhere in town Brunhilde has started frowning
Anti-thaumatera is wearing Mayor Thorne as a glove puppet
"everyone in cloven heart at the time the spell was cast" diamond? Didn't diamond arrive soon after?
LOL ok so she'll still kill him
Midtro dance midtro dance
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[ID: several repeats of the same very low quality image of a strange silhouette, humanoid but with a head that is too long from nose to ear, feet planted apart, arms out, and butt back, almost as if halfway through a squat. It is black on a white background. End ID]
Ooh Arabella can't do magic. Good to know.
"diamond took care of that" ALSO good to know
Okay but like...jasper...I can see where they're coming from
"he is posted up scanning the river and trees for potential assailants" the sheepdog joke will stop being funny when it stops being relevant and that is no time soon.
"that is definitely where I would be sneezing" 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
"they are both committed to this...to this Investigation"
OKAY BUT TATI AND ANYA COULD BE SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE. I'm glad I'm not the only one that hears this. Tatianya....though I prefer Anyati
I didn't know tati was altered!
Edit: yes I did, what? Just forgot
...hmmm stowaways.....Arabella would probably be a much stronger presence probably. Xoechi and Joaquin maybe????
If you're trying to get money from the Harrington's for a good reason you could consider just ASKING
Girl I love you so much but you are like one week from the world's best full time jobs with the world's most eccentric investor like you'll be fine.
to protect him...
Still bestie it is NOT hard to guilt your niece into going to a blood drive you're setting up and like yoinking that shit. The drama! Unnecessary!!
Unless she's doing something super secretive and vellum might suspect that the blood being related to grey at all makes his behavior weird........HMMMM. HMMMM!!!!
I just KNEW tati was about to make that joke
Maybe grey is being Ransomed by a third party who wants vellums blood for some reason and she can't ask him for it because she knows the third parties goals go against vellum's morals and that the only way for them to be happy together after the third party does whatever thing with vellums blood he disagrees with is for her to pay for other people to get the blood so vellum assumes they were involved at all?
Like protection and ransom feel like good grey motivations to be but idk
okay okay maybe not.
Yeah because if grey was REALLY their employer it means that she doesn't have working for him as an out anymore really ...
Spar it might buy you time but it might also put you in danger. And there are possibly worse forces looking for the blood of altered people for expiriments!!!!! Though....well supplying it to them isn't actually doing any harm it's it's conventual since their goal isn't harmful? Well arabellas isn't but....UGH!
This blood drawing scene feels...intimate?
I was right!!!! Just some teens having fun going on an adventure.
BDJSGSJDGDKDBim imagining spar doing full manly-frown lean-on-the-banister stern older brother, vellum starting to smile when he sees the teens (because they're NOT Arabella!) Looking at spar and then going ahem yes. Serious. I am serious now.
Okay yeah but your mom's said no because diamond is a person of interest in a fucking KIDNAPPING
Ah yes the feeling vellum will feel upon spars death is surely "disappointment"
I really hope there's some really crucial information in the couples party djdgskdbd.
THE EYE?????????????? OH DAMN.
That was a really good one. No conclusions I am very tired now. Lots of love goodnight
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simmiesapphire · 11 months
BV - Jacquet - Round 1
Today we play with the Jacquets in Bluewater Village. (I started playing with Delarosa, but the game glitched and she couldn't use her bed, so I put it in time out).
The Jacquets live on 223 Idlewild Street. From the game info -
"The Jacquets left everything they had behind and tried to build a new life in Bluewater Village. Will they go from rags to riches and create a healthy franchise system that goes public? Or will they fail and watch their dreams crumble like a week old croissant?"
So they own a bakery maybe?
Let's go find out...
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There seems to be no business attached to the house. It's just a little family home.
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Here is Denise Jacquet. She was married to Yves Jacquet and is now widowed. She doesn't have many memories except for those she created when she met Chester Gieke in Pleasantview on a previous round. She seems to be friends with Chester, and enemies with Darren Dreamer after losing a fight with him. Her game-given LTW is to be a criminal mastermind, but I changed that to earn 100,000 simoleans to match her fortune aspiration
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Denise's son Gilbert is a romance sim. He has a crush on Ericka Hogan and Jennifer Ying, even though he's not turned on by her. He fancies himself a casanova and wants to have 20 simultaneous lovers. Probably fancies himself a Don Lothario.
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Welcome wagon is here, and Denise, ever the hostess with the mostest makes them a healthy chef salad lunch.
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Gilbert entertains the Tinkers by proposing an open relationship - which did not go down well.
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Checko Ramirez was the life of the party with his piano playing.
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All of the gaiety made Denise nostalgic for her friend Chester. She invited him over - Chester is the son she never had... er... the kind of son she never had. Or maybe she has a deviant plan of hooking her good-for-nothing casanova son with a good boy like Chester. Maybe that will get Gilbert over his ridiculous notion of taking Wanda Tinker as a lover.
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Denise puts her plan in motion. She makes dinner and clears out to go "relax" on her bed. Without her present, Gilbert and Chester have dinner and hang out, sharing secrets.
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The next morning Gilbert calls Chester to ask him out on a date, but is rejected :(
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To lick his wounds, Gilbert decides maybe being friends with Stephen Tinker is a better idea... Is he plotting to worm his way into the Tinkers' so that he can get in Wanda's pants?
After making friends with Stephen Tinker, Gilbert decides the idele life is not for him - he finds a job in the Slacker career and is immediately promoted to Gas Station Attendant... Now he can bring in the big bucks. Meanwhile Denise comes out of retirement and start providing financial consulting services. It's not like their in dire straits or anything - their investments are doing well. But she has to find a way to spend her time...seeing that Chester isn't always available to drop everything and come over.
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After many failed attempts to ask Chester out, Gilbert finally managed to get him on the phone and invited him over. It seems though that Chester isn't comfortable being alone with Gilbert - he brought a friend with him!
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Well something went right, because they finally ended up kissing...
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They ended up woohooing after moving the furniture around to allow for accessibility (I don't think I set my ACR mod to work with Inaccessible Beds...) - without realizing that Denise was right outside on the porch with her telescope... gazing at the "stars"... right..
The next day Gilbert wants to go on a date so he calls... Ericka Hogan. Yes, Ericka Hogan who has moved in with one of the Caliente sisters (from a previous round). Hmmm - let's see if it goes anywhere...
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Well, things seem to be going better than expected for Gilbert. Ericka is super-receptive. The date is amazing... and Gilbert falls in love with Ericka.
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Denise catches them getting jiggy-with-it. But then decides to let them play while she practices the piano. Kids these days - you can't tell them anything...
That's where we will leave the Jacquet's for now. It's Thursday night of Round 1. I typically play a family until Sunday night, so we'll be back to them the next time.
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goodboylupin · 3 years
Midnight on the Dot
(Early) Happy New Year, wolfstar fandom! Have a short little fic about Remus and Sirius's first big event as RemusandSirius. Beta’ed by @kattlupin
“You lot all done with these drinks?” Remus asked, peering over the back of the sofa.
“Oh, yeah,” James said, moving to stack together all the plates on the coffee table and gather together the glasses. “But I can take them to the sink, Remus, you should enjoy yourself a bit!”
“I’m enjoying myself plenty, Prongs,” Remus assured, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop him before he picked anything up. “Now you sit back and let me be the hostess with the mostest.”
James tipped his head back to beam at Remus, his smile no less bright for being upside down but a tiny bleary from that third glass of elf-made wine he’d enjoyed. “I’m really happy for you, Moony.”
Remus squeezed his shoulder in response. “So you’ve told me.”
“A Christmas miracle!” James extolled for what was probably the third time that night. He lowered his head to address the audience of partygoers around him, instantly engaging them with that James Potter charm of his. “Seven years those two shared a dorm, and I knew they were in love with each other, and Peter knew they were in love with each other, and Filch’s cat probably even knew they were in love with each other, but neither of them could ever catch a clue the other liked him no matter how hard I threw them! But hey, if six months of living together just the two of them in this little flat is what finally got the Quaffle through the hoop, then I’ll take it!”
Remus left him to his devices and pulled his wand out to levitate the pile of dishes, throwing a smile here and a nod there as he walked them to the kitchen. He lowered them gently to the sink and turned on the faucet. Normally, he would have charmed the sponge to do the work itself and gone back to the revelries, but he was a little drunk and Sirius had insisted on busting out his Uncle Alphard’s good china for their first annual New Year’s Eve party — especially since they had gotten together and this would also double as their first party thrown as a couple. Remus had never been good at denying Padfoot anything, even long before Padfoot became his boyfriend, so he rolled up his sleeves and began washing the dishes by hand.
He felt a pair of hands at his hips and a soft kiss at his temple. “Hey,” Sirius greeted, before grabbing a drying cloth and standing beside him.
“Hi,” Remus said. He leaned over to nudge their shoulders together. “You know I won’t be upset to do this chore myself, right? We both know you’re going to wake up first and rearrange the furniture tomorrow.”
Sirius eyed him warily, clenching the rag in his hands. “Did you want a moment alone?”
“From you? Never.” Remus finished scrubbing the first tumbler and placed it on the counter for Sirius to dry. “It’s just that you’re usually such a social butterfly but you’ve been attached to my hip all night except a trip to the loo. You can’t tell me you enjoyed discussing an essay about the reclassification of griffins as a Tier Three danger on the Sardinian Ministry of Magic’s scale for twenty minutes.”
“I like hearing you talk?” Sirius tried weakly.
“And I like having you near me, but we don’t need to be one of those couples, the kind who can’t bear to be more than ten feet apart. They’re clingy because they know their relationships are built on sand, that if they part from another, they may never come back together again. That’s not us, is it?”
“Of course not! We’re best mates, we’re built on rock, I know that.”
If any other couple said it after a mere week of officially dating, Remus would have thought them presumptuous fools, but he knew in his soul that for him and Sirius it was an unshakeable truth. They were in it for the long haul, and they would last no matter what, just as they had since they were eleven.
“Then why have you been my shadow all night?” Remus pressed.
Sirius grumbled something incoherent under his breath, then finally admitted, “I wanted to keep close so I got my midnight kiss from you.”
Remus stared at him. “Well, I would hardly kiss anyone else!”
“It’s not the same if it’s a 12:03 AM kiss,” Sirius stressed. “It has to be midnight, right on the dot. That’s where the old magic lies.”
“We kissed right on the dot midnight in third year,” Remus reminded him with a teasing tone. “Didn’t seem to do us a whole lot of good.”
During Christmas break of third year, all the Marauders had descended upon the Potter family home for their grand New Year’s Eve party. It was the first time they tried a drink stronger than Butterbeer, having nicked a couple bottles of champagne and Ogden’s Old Firewhisky from the bottom shelves of a roving drinks trolley. They had gotten well and plastered nestled away in James’s treehouse, and Sirius and Remus had allegedly snogged as the clock struck midnight. Allegedly, because for all that James and Peter swore up and down it had been so, Sirius and Remus had no recollection of the event whatsoever.
Having kissed Sirius a great many more times since, Remus was quite sure there was no way he could have ever forgotten such a thing, drunk as he may have been.
Sirius let out a wounded noise and snapped Remus on the arm with his twisted up dish towel. “I still say they were taking the piss. There’s no way I’m not remembering my first kiss with you for the rest of my life.”
“You read my mind,” Remus agreed. “But Sirius, sweets?”
“Yes, baby?”
“Isn’t it only, like, half past nine or so?”
Sirius tugged the fob of his watch to pull it out his pocket. “It’s… nine forty,” Sirius answered, a light blush gracing his high, sculpted cheeks as he busied himself with putting his watch back away.
“I’ll come find you at half past eleven?” Remus offered. “Assuming we’ve not already gravitated back together by then.”
“I’ll come find you at quarter to midnight,” Sirius parried. “I’ve got the height advantage.”
“Done. Go cause some mayhem for me.”
“Always,” Sirius promised. “I think Peter’s going to try and pull with that new girl from Wizengamot Admin. Reckon he needs a wingman?”
Remus shook his head and tried not to laugh. “You’re terrible.”
“And yours.”
Remus smiled. “And mine.”
He pressed a kiss to Sirius’s lips and sent him on his way. Then Remus finished the dishes and joined the party, meandering from group to group. Sometimes Sirius would join him, sometimes he’d pass by with a brush of the fingertips. As promised, Sirius cleaved himself to Remus’s side at 11:45. They counted down to the new year, and had their first kiss at midnight on the dot.
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thebrigeedadraws · 4 years
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Look, ok, she’s great and I love her and she needs to make an appearance either as a legit witch (we do have Magica and Lena as spellcasters after all) or, as I was hoping to lean this design towards, a Horror Hostess With The Mostest (if Drake Mallard is an actor as his dayjob, why not have a coworker he gets a crush on while working for a local tv studio?).
I kept her pretty close to her original duds because she was already perfect, how dare you think otherwise.
If nothing else, if Morgana ever does show up, I do hope they keep her needing to repay her student loans and/or monster family. Hell, just making a reference to her travelling house or the mushroom business she tried to start. OH NO THE DREAM EPISODE TOO WITH NODOFF.
Ugh either way. Morgana soon please and thank you.
(green Magica colors because why not)
Morgana Macawber (c) Disney
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xo-gossipwitch · 3 years
The Flint family is growing bigger...But who? We give you all a hint, he a Gryffindor keeper
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They say misery loves company, but sometimes it's the company that makes you miserable. But nothing's worse than a company that overstays their welcome. Good luck, Flint. Have fun being the hostess with the mostest. You may want to check in on your sister.
~xoxo, Gossip Witch
"Can't even enjoy a drink at a pub without this bloody witch finding out about it," Oliver mumbled, crumbling up the piece of parchment and shoved it into his pocket. He shook his head as he wrapped his coat around his shoulders before heading out of his office.
He should have known that taking a meeting with Maria Flint was going to be risky. However, after Harry and Draco's collision on the field, Marcus refused to speak to him. It felt as though Marcus was blaming him for the interaction between the two players. All Oliver could do was insist that he was just the coach; he had trained Harry on how to play the sport properly, but he couldn't control what was happening in their lives that would have led to the unfortunate situation that had transpired on the pitch.
Oliver shook his head and adjusted the collar on his jacket as he made his way up the hill from the pitch to the castle. But, first, he wanted to check in and see if Harry or Draco had woken up yet. When he checked with Madam Pomfrey, she was hopeful that they would be waking up soon. To the best of her medical recommendation, both boys were fine, but something in their bodies was keeping them asleep.
A small part of Oliver hoped Harry was awake when he got to the infirmary so he could figure out what the hell had happened. Harry was supposed to be running a routine play to capture the snitch, something he had done hundreds of times.
Marcus was familiar with most of Oliver's game plans, so Oliver was confident that Draco had been prepared for anything Harry could have thrown at him. The same people had trained the two coaches, so there was no denying their training techniques were similar, so something else must have happened to allow for both teams to end up with injured players.
Oliver kept his head down as he walked into the castle. He wanted to pop into the infirmary and pop out. The fewer people he had to talk to, the better. However, as he rounded the corner, he caught sight of Madam Hooch and knew that his plan was over.
"Wood," she called, pointing to her office. "We need to have a little chat. Do you have a moment to speak in my office?"
Reluctantly, Oliver nodded his head and made his way to her office. He stopped short when he noticed a familiar face sitting inside. With a sigh, Oliver scrubbed his hands over his face before taking a seat next to Marcus. His heart sank to his stomach as he got comfortable. The feeling reminded him of his time at Hogwarts being reprimanded for something stupid he had done in a match against Flint. The irony of the situation was not lost on him, especially since Flint was pissed at him for some unknown reason.
Madam Hooch cleared her throat as she pushed the door shut behind her and made her way around the two unhappy gentlemen sitting in her office, taking a seat at her desk. She offered a smile and watched as both of them straightened up in their chairs, giving her their undivided attention.
"Can either of you give me some insight into what happened in the match between your teams earlier this week?" She folded her hands, resting them on the desk as she offered another smile.
Oliver opened his mouth to speak but was quickly cut off by Marcus's interjection.
"Madam Hooch, you've seen my team practice, and you know the game plans I have implemented. So there was no reason for Malfoy to stray away from the game plan without some interference from Potter," Marcus said, glancing at Oliver out of the corner of his eye.
Oliver turned to face Marcus, crossing his arms over his chest. "Before you accuse my boys of playing dirty, think back to how you learned to play Quidditch and some of the same stunts you pulled. I played against you for years and had to think quickly on my broom to make sure I didn't end up in Harry's position many times."
"I never played dirty," Marcus hissed, jumping out of his chair. Oliver followed suit and squared up to Marcus. Their eyes met for a moment, filled with fire and anger. Then, after a moment, Oliver took a step back and looked Marcus up and down.
"No one is accusing either of you of playing dirty or training your team to play dirty," Madam Hooch shouted, jumping up out of her chair and making her way around the desk to stand in between them. "All I want to know is what the hell happened on that field so that we can make sure it doesn't happen again. Have either of you even bothered to check on your boys?"
"I was on my way to check in on both of them when you called me into your office," Oliver said, offering a smile to Madam Hooch. "I was hoping one of them would be awake so I could figure out what was going on."
"I've spoken with Madam Pomfrey a few times about Malfoy's condition," Marcus said, kicking his foot against the leg of his chair.
"Have you two spoken with each other since the incident?" she asked, looking between the two men.
"I've tried to reach out, but the only person in the Flint household that will have anything to do with me is Maria," Oliver replied, shrugging his shoulders.
"I have nothing to say to him," Marcus replied, rolling his eyes. "Are we done here?"
Madam Hooch nodded her head and watched as Marcus stormed out of the room. Then, she turned her attention to Oliver. "Give him some time."
"I know," Oliver replied, hanging his head. "I'm trying."
~xoxo, Gossip Witch ~
Want to be a part of the Gossip Witch fun?
This story is meant to be slightly interactive. Submit anonymous blasts about the students at Hogwarts and you might find your prompt used as inspiration in a future chapter! Submit your blasts to the @xo-gossipwitch blog on tumblr.
Thanks for continuing to inspire this story!
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sweetheartyoongi · 4 years
SuJu Scenario: Super Junior on Your Birthday 🥳
Leeteuk: he would spoil the hell out of you; however you want to spend your birthday, he’ll do everything in his power to make sure it’s perfect. Want a lovely night out with all your friends? He’ll coordinate the most spectacular affair you’ve ever attended. Want just a quiet night at home? He’ll cook you your favorite foods and shower you in attention and affection. We all saw how hard he went for Shinkoong, and for you he’d be no different. He just wants you to feel happy and loved every day, but even more so on your birthday. Also being the supreme MC makes him the supreme party hostess with the mostest.
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Heechul: teases you the whole damn day. Regardless of your age, he makes comments like “don’t move so fast, you’ll break a hip,” and “you’re such a cougar, dating someone so much younger than you.” It’s all said with love, though. Expect a fun night surrounded by all your friends and loved ones, which Heechul definitely planned meticulously but refuses to take any credit for. Also he’s 100% the member to be waiting for you in bed with nothing but a smirk and precariously placed ribbon asking you to ‘open your present’ *wink wink*
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Yesung: soft emo boy would be so soft and emo about his s.o.’s special day. Part of it would definitely include going to his your favorite cafe and indulging in the best treats they have to offer. He plans a low key but fun night at home, which is filled with confetti and balloons and all the festive decorations he could convince his friends to set up while you two were out. He spends the night taking constant photos of you blushing in the tacky birthday sash and hat he made you wear, wanting to shower you in as much love as possible.
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Shindong: this is the man to throw you the absolute best party. He has a vision for exactly how he wants it to play out because he knows what you like best, and the party he throws is just a pure celebration of you. You can also expect him to be documenting this party through videos and photos so that you can always look back on it. And when the party finally ends in the wee hours of the next morning, and you’re blissed out from celebration, he pulls you into his arms and listens to you recount the party highlights until you fall asleep.
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Eunhyuk: like Heechul, he’s not going to stop teasing you, even if it is your birthday. This asshole might actually try to pretend he forgot your birthday, just to get a rise out of you and make what he actually planned seem that much more special. But overall, he’s such a big softie, and just wants you to be happy on your special day. After spending the whole day together (no baby Donghae following around for once), he brings you back to his place to give you a simple, thoughtful gift that shows just how much he values you and your relationship. Before things can get too mushy, he uses those dancer hips to give you the best birthday sex.
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Siwon: this man lives to spoil the hell out of you, so your birthday is no exception. He makes you breakfast in bed, and spends the remainder of the day giving you little gifts and kisses and sex whoops. He feels bad that the fun is cut short by a concert the night of your birthday, but still tries to make it all about you. You watch the backstage monitors to see him sending you special signals through the whole show, a smile never leaving either of your faces. The night ends with him presenting you with a special cake in the dressing room while the boys all sing you happy birthday.
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Donghae: he may be Baby™️ but today you’re his baby. You wake up to your shared home being completely decorated in balloons, streamers, and banners. He dotes on you the entire day, from making you brunch to taking you shopping for whatever you could possibly want. Seriously, look at something long enough and he’ll buy it for you. You come back home to see he’s thrown you a surprise party (that isn’t really a surprise at all because Eunhyuk accidentally spilled the beans to you whoops). You still act surprised for Donghae’s sake though, who’s just so so happy you’re with him and wants to make you happy in return. Also he definitely starts tearing up as everyone’s singing happy birthday while you blow out your candles because Emotional.
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Ryeowook: he’s a king himself, so he’s going to treat you like the royalty you are. The day is spent with pampering at a spa for both of you, which you assume is his gift, but this is far from the grand finale he has planned. While out to the best dinner you swear you’ve had in your life, he surprises you with your real gift - tickets for your dream vacation. You can’t help but let out a few tears at the gesture, because what you love isn’t the expensive gift, but the fact that you’ll get to have him all to yourself with no work interruptions. He’s the best gift you’ve ever received.
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Kyuhyun: as much as he tried, he can’t get out of the work commitment that happens to also fall on your birthday. You don’t mind, because he’s always so good about making time for you. So you spend the day with friends and family, but come back home to see your boyfriend waiting for you in his most stylish suit. Having taken the rest of the night off, he brings you to your favorite restaurant, but has you leave before you can order a dessert. You wonder why until you get back to his place and see he’s made you your all time favorite dessert. He lights a candle in it, and gently sings to you in that beautiful voice of his as you blow it out. You spend the rest of the night feeding each other and sharing sweet kisses.
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justasparkwritings · 4 years
Merry & Bright {2}: Baby, Sugar, Honey, Darling
Previous: Silver & Gold  
Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Reader
Genre: Smut
Rating: R
Warnings: Swearing! Innuendo! Talks of Sex! Heavy Flirting! 
Summary: An annual Christmas party is meant to be fun - but Seokjin can’t stop thinking about how much he wants you this Christmas. 
          Seokjin carefully adjusted the trivet to sit perfectly in the middle of the oyster Le Creuset Dutch oven, a splurge he’d purchased once you moved in. He wanted a full set, and knowing they were considered the best, couldn’t help but want them in his kitchen. He looked over the table, trying to move the tablecloth without moving the centerpiece of poinsettias and garland.
           “Baby, why don’t you just wait for me to help?” You asked. He hadn’t heard your gentle steps padding down the hallway to the dining room, or noticed you silently observing, taking in the work of your husband.
           “I didn’t know when you’d be down,” He said, turning to pout.
           “It looks really good, smells even better,” You smiled at him, eyes crinkling.
           “Thank you, do we need to get the drinks ready?” He moved around you, through the other side of the dining room to the kitchen.
           “Just need to pop the champagne and put ice in the ice buckets,” You said, reaching into the fridge to grab two bottles.
           “Do our friends like champagne?”
           “I like champagne,” You said carefully opening the first bottle.
           “Hobi doesn’t,” Seokjin said.
           “We have other things, too many other things,” You said, eyes rolling at your husbands incessant need to cover all bases when it came to providing for your friends. “We have nonalcoholic options, beer, hard liquor, soda, water, sparkling water.”
           “Wine, did we get wine?”
           “Red and white,” You sighed.
           “Okay, good,” He nodded, checking off another box on his mental to do list.
           “Sugar, it’s twelve people, we have enough for twice that, alcohol for four times, it’ll be okay,” You reassured, nestling the bottles in a bed of ice.
           “I just, I want it to be perfect,” Jin sighed, leaning against the marble countertop. You moved to stand between his legs, hands instinctively going to his broad shoulders.
           “I know, and it will be,” You said, hands comfortably moving up and down his biceps. “It’s going to me marvelous, splendid; you’re going to be the bell of the ball.”
           “I don’t want to be the bell of the ball!” Jin responded, outraged.
           “Hostess with the mostest,” You said, smiling up at him.
           “That’s better,” Seokjin chuckled.
           “Someone’s going to have to take our picture tonight,” You gently adjusted his tie, taking in the cardigan he had tossed over his button down. “You look good.”
           “Aye, honey you look good, beautiful,” Jin was smiling, slight blush in his cheeks. He hadn’t taken much time to take in your appearance. He loved the soft make up you’d put on, hair pulled back just slightly to show of your earrings, a gift from Seokjin on your third anniversary. They hung low, grazing your neck when you moved, a constant reminder of him.
           “Thank you,” You said, leaning up to press a chaste kiss on his lips as the doorbell rang, your first guests arriving. “I’ll get the music; you get the door?”
           “Alright,” Jin kissed your cheek, giving your shoulders a squeeze, and darted to welcome your friends into your home.
           His voice could be heard over your music, loudly greeting everyone by name as he joked and laughed. His laugh was your favorite sound, it’s tone never wavering, always inviting you to join him. And join you did, stepping into the foyer to say hi to your friends, their spouses and girlfriends. The few BTS children immediately gravitating towards you, their favorite aunt.
           Within an hour, the house was full, food was abounding, as was merriment and utter seasonal joy. The Christmas tunes never ceased, and neither did the alcohol. It was your favorite tradition, a party with the entire band, their kids, their spouses, everyone coming together to eat and drink, dance a little, sing a little, and celebrate the holidays as one. No longer were they clambering to perfect a routine for a New Year’s Eve performance or stressing over military service and chart placements. There weren’t deadlines or copious holiday special appearances, no flying to and from for late night shows or awkward interviews. They’d peaked, and as they settled into their plateau, they overwhelmingly welcomed the comfort of a family-oriented life.
           Thus, the Christmas party was born. Each year a different family hosted. The men had drawn straws, after Seokjin refused to go first, despite his seniority. He’d opted for reverse order, forcing Jungkook into the position of hosting first, which he absolutely hated, and feeling bad, Namjoon had taken over. The first party had been stunning, and each year continued to grow in brilliance.
           Your guests continued to eat and drink into the night, the few BTS children tucked into the guest room, sleeping soundlessly until their parents carried their weary bodies to their car seats. Seokjin milled at one end of the living room, laughing uproariously with Taehyung and Jimin. You couldn’t help but laugh as you spoke with Jungkook and his latest fling, who seemingly had never seen While You Were Sleeping. It was mid laugh that Seokjin’s eyes found yours, scanning up and down your body slowly, admiring the way your outfit hugged your figure. He absentmindedly licked his puckered lips, and you in return bit your bottom lip, breath inhaling slowly.
           You hadn’t lied when you said he looked good. He looked better than good, sinfully good… Sexy didn’t begin to cover it. And you wanted him. Seokjin, sensing your feelings, winked before dipping into the kitchen. You gave him a minute before you followed, taking a few empty plates and cups with you.
           Jin didn’t hear you walking into the kitchen, but he felt you as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
           “Why are you looking at me like that?” You whispered into his back.
           “Me? Honey, have you seen the way you’re looking at me?”
           “Oh, if anything I’m taking a cue from you,” You giggled, Seokjin turning in your arms.
           “Mm, you’re the one dressed like that,” He smirked, admiring your cleavage.
           “Hmm, and you’re the one checking me out in plain sight,” You scolded.
           “You’re gorgeous, and I want you,” Seokjin dipped his head to place kiss after kiss on your neck, pulling your hips against his, grinding into you softly.
           “Seokjin, we have guests,” You muttered, suppressing every moan he was attempting to elicit.
           “They’ll be gone soon, and I want you to be ready,” He bit the unentangled flesh of your earlobe before lightly spanking you and walking out of the kitchen. You gnawed on the flesh of your lip, annoyed that he’d started the game without telling you, curious how he was going to hide his arousal from your guests and knowing full well he had the restraint of a Tibetan monk.
           The drinks dwindled as did your guests. Kisses were placed on foreheads of tired tots as they were carried out, wishes of a happy Christmas were shared, and the pleasant balm of a well spent evening covered everyone, snugger than their winter coats.
           As soon as the last guest left, Jungkook, naturally, Seokjin was taking your hand in his, guiding you towards the Christmas tree.
           The white lights bounced off the gold and white ornaments, catching and splaying out across the tattered living room. Remnants of secret Santa remained, ribbons in piles, wrapping paper stacked and balled. Nat King Cole crooned in the background, and as The Christmas Song blended into a new carol, you felt Seokjin’s hands moving lower and lower on your backside.
           “Happy Christmas, darling,” He said, eyes framed by his ever-growing bangs.
           “Merry Christmas honey,” You replied. Standing on your tiptoes, you pressed your lips to his, moving slowly as he began to dominate you. Hands were no longer gentle as he unzipped your dress, coaxing it off your shoulders and letting it pool on the floor. Carefully stepping out of it, you moved to take his sweater off his broad shoulders, shoulders that had no problem holding you open, legs propped on either side. Maybe tonight he’d eat you out by the light of the tree. Or use the ribbon to tie your hands back, or maybe you’d treat him to a similar spectacle.
           Slipping your tights down, Seokjin kneeled, open mouthed kisses hot and wet against your abdomen. You tried to suppress a giggle, but it was impossible, he knew you were ticklish.
           “I love that sound,” He said, hooded eyes looking up at yours. Your face contracted, a pout and squinted eyes at his compliment. Seokjin laughed heartily at your face, shaking his head at how silly you were.  
           “I love that sound,” You responded, proud that you’d made him laugh.
           “I love you, Mrs. Kim,” He said, smile still on his plump lips.
           “Mr. Kim, I love you,” You returned his smile, unable to hide any amount of joy from him.
           Seokjin guided your panties down, followed by his tie, his shirt and slowly his pants. You’d never made love by the light of the Christmas tree, pine swirling with scents of arousal, an old R&B track bopping in the background, the ornaments shaking with each thrust of Seokjin’s hips. As your Christmas highs mixed with your carnal passion, you were grateful Jin was always down to be your Christmas delight.
Next: A Beacon in the Night
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thtdamfangirl4 · 3 years
thanks @pretend-im-normal for this set of questions!
i shall start with a christmas ask game (yes i know it’s january 28th) created by none other than archie’s husband
1. Their favorite Christmas tradition
I think for Archie it has to be baking christmas cookies. He loves doing it even if it’s just him, but especially doing it with the people he loves. He takes the decorating process way too seriously (this may or may not be inspired by my real life) and all the bois pitch in and reginald’s are always disturbing but annoyingly delicious and dorian’s are always a little goth and octavius’s are fabulous and archie keeps telling him that louboutins are not a christmas item but octavius insists that since he asked for them for christmas they should count, and archie loves him so he lets it slide. Eustace very carefully decorates and does his best and every time you eat one you can tell it’s full of love. Jasper wants everything to be as colorful as possible and he covers them in sprinkles. And nathaniel, lovely nathaniel, can’t decorate for shit but he just has fun with it and laughs the whole time and that makes archie’s chest feel tight for reasons he can’t explain until later. And then Archie and Nate finally start dating and during their first Christmas, aside from the bois cookie night, they do one of their own and Archie shows Nate how to decorate the way he does and Nate can’t quite get there but he’s following each direction with fervor and they look pretty good and he’s so proud of himself and Archie sneaks mistletoe into the kitchen and kisses him and now they do it every year, and every year Nate gets a little better. And eventually they have kids and they join the tradition (even the annual cookie decorating night with the bois), and Cam is fantastic at cookie decorating and Ben eats the dough and Archie swats him teasingly with a wooden spoon every time and Evie mixes icing colors cause she’s great at art and Nate washes dishes and makes a valiant effort and they dance around the kitchen and sing christmas music playing from Archie’s phone and he smiles the whole time and every year, he pulls out the mistletoe and kisses his husband and the kids go from thinking it’s cute to thinking it’s gross and embarrassing and all the way back to thinking it’s adorable when they’re old enough and one year Evie snaps a picture of it and it’s on the Christmas card the next year. Christmas is his favorite time of the year, and cookie days just feel like this magic untouchable place where he’s with his family and doing what he loves and to him, it is Christmas personified.
2. Their favorite Christmas song
It’s very hard to narrow down, so I’ll give a top three: All I Want for Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey, Last Christmas by Wham!, and Mary Did You Know by Pentatonix.
3. Their least favorite Christmas song
This will not come as a shock, because well... I’m Archie. It’s Michael Buble’s version of Santa Baby. He loves most of Michael’s Christmas music, but in his words, Michael Buble “needs to man up and be willing to fuck Santa or don’t bother singing the song.” He just made it weird by having it be Santa Buddy and Santa Pally. And Archie loves this song. He tweets Michael Buble about it every Christmas, begging him to erase it from existence.
4. Their general feelings about Christmas
Archie goes feral for Christmas. He loves everything about it. Fun, family, love, festivity, good music, good food, an excuse to bake 24/7, baby Jesus, buying presents, getting presents. Archie prides himself on being the Christmas Bitch. He’s especially fantastic at gift-giving.
5. Their favorite Christmas treat
Octavius’s homemade pizelles dipped in spiked hot chocolate.
6. The best gift they ever received
When Evie is like 20, she gives him a scrapbook for Christmas. It’s filled with pictures of Archie, Nathaniel, the kids, and the other bois over the years. Every page has Taylor Swift lyrics that relate to the images and stories, as well as messages she’s written and cute captions. In addition to pictures, there’s little mementos like ticket stubs or receipts or notes she’s collected from her dad and her aunts and uncles and scattered throughout the book are cutout lines from a printed out version of the poem he wrote for his and Nathaniel’s anniversary. Archie cries for like 3 hours.
7. The worst gift they ever received
One year, Jessica gets him in the PTA secret santa, and she gets him a few workout shirts and an expensive bottle of red wine. He’s so offended. To an outsider, this may seem like a nice gift, but it’s very clear that she got him the shirt because she disapproves of his crop tops. And she knows full well that he doesn’t really like red wine. He’s a white wine bitch. She knows. It’s been discussed.
8. The best gift they ever gave
He likes to joke that the best gift he’s ever given is the supplementary bundle of “free sex” coupons he gave to Nathaniel their first Christmas together (he also got him a fluffy bathrobe, a playlist of songs that remind him of nate, an anthology of queer writing and letters from historical figures, and a trip to color me mine, don’t worry). But the real best gift he ever gave was years later, when they’ve been married for 5 years. He surprises Nathaniel with a trip to New York, where he’s also gotten them tickets to a revival of Hamilton, they go on a tour of diner breakfasts, and then have a shopping and spa day. And then he has them get dressed up but Nathaniel doesn’t know why and after they go to a fancy dinner, he takes Nathaniel to the Woolworth building on Broadway (where the ball scene from Enchanted takes place), and the whole place has been rented out there’s the actual singer from the movie and they slow dance in the romantic lighting to So Close (their wedding song) and it’s endlessly romantic and both of them are crying a lot little.
9. The worst gift they ever gave
No. Archie has never given a bad gift in his life.
10. How they decorate their house
dude. DECK THE FUCKING HALLS. There are two trees. One is picture perfect and looks straight out of a hallmark movie, and the other one is covered in popcorn strings and tacky ornaments from movies and shows and homemade ones by the kids and Ben always puts too much tinsel on it and Cam eats the candy canes so it’s a little wonky and that one is not-so-secretly Archie’s favorite. Beautiful wreaths on the doors and windows outside. Beautiful real-looking garland and berries and red ribbon and little bells decorate the banisters and staircases. There are lights everywhere. Christmas paintings. Outside is decked the fuck out in lights of all colors, he loves the icicles, no blow ups, but he does get a moving reindeer made of lights, and it’s a whole winter wonderland. Lots of seasonal scented candles. White lights on the mantle. Always a fire burning in the fireplace. A beautiful handmade and well-lit nativity scene. Cinnamon scented pinecones everywhere. Santa, reindeer, and snowman figures are in a lot of places. He puts mistletoe above every doorway, molding, entryway, high cabinet, or anywhere he can hang it because the man loves love and he wants as many excuses as he can get to kiss his husband.
11. Their favorite Christmas memory
On Evie’s first Christmas, she gets all fussy and cries a lot while they’re at Octavius and Dorian’s for Christmas Eve and so they go home early and they put her to bed but it’s only like 8pm. So they have their own end to the night and it’s just them in their pajamas, watching The Holiday and Love Actually while drinking tea and they just cuddle up under a blanket. Archie gives Nate forehead kisses and they fall asleep curled up on the couch halfway through The Year Without a Santa Claus. And he wakes up and Nate isn’t there anymore and he finds him holding Evie in her rocking chair humming Christmas songs to her and he just watches from the doorway until Nate finally looks up and smiles at him. And then they get everything ready cause everyone they know is coming to their house for Christmas and Evie wears an adorable Christmas onesie and they all open presents but. Those like 12 hours. Cuddling with Nathaniel and watching christmas romcoms and waking up to see his husband rocking their beautiful baby daughter to christmas songs. Yeah. That one’s his favorite.
12. Their least favorite Christmas memory
When he was like 12 (back in the regency days) he got sick on Christmas and couldn’t go to any of the events or parties and he hated it. But other than that,,, there’s a reason Christmas is his favorite time of year. It’s magic for him.
13. if/Where they travel for the holidays
Nah. He always stays home. He’s the Christmas Hostess With The Mostest. Always home for Christmas. He, Nathaniel, and the kids do go to Disney World for the week before/including New Year’s one year though.
14. Who they spend the holidays with
Obviously: Nathaniel, Octavius, Dorian, Reginald, Jasper, Eustace, Tyler, (and eventually) Evie, Ben, and Cam, and Eustace and Tyler’s kids. Gigi, Chloe, Jackie, and Liza, switch off every year whether they’re with family or the bois. Lynn and Suzanne always come to Christmas Eve and stop by on Christmas day before going to see their families. Every once in a while, Reginald brings a Doug who had nowhere else to go.
15. All of their Christmas traditions (not just their favorite XD)
jesus. well some have been listed. Cookies, decorating, hanging mistletoe fucking everywhere. he starts listening to Christmas music on November 1st. Snowball fight with the whole crew. Snowman contest with the whole crew. Getting drunk and watching Hallmark/Netflix Christmas movies. Making cinnamon rolls for christmas morning. wearing an entire christmas wardrobe in the month of december. Christmas treats at the bakery. Looking hot at Nathaniel’s work Christmas party. Wrapping presents for weeks after the kids go to bed. Making the world’s best hot cocoa. Bugging Octavius for his pizelle recipe (he won’t give it up). tweeting one direction and begging them to reunite for a Christmas album. Rewatching all the holiday seasons of the Great British Bake Off. Making roast for Christmas dinner. Making mulled wine at some point. Game day with the crew the day after Christmas. Writing Nate a poem every Christmas they’re usually really bad . eating one candy cane per season out of obligation and then going back to his hatred of mint. buying a million seasonal items at Bath and Body Works. watching It’s a Wonderful Life with Nathaniel on Christmas Eve Eve. Dressing his kids in christmas pajamas. That’s all I can think of for now.
okay i’m finally done this took me almost two hours oh my god. happy frat boi-ing.
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Birthday Surprise
Tom surprising y/n’s daughter for her birthday
Request: Hey doll :D Could I request something where Tom is dating the reader who has a 3 yr old daughter who is in love with Marvel, specifically Spiderman?? So they throw her a 4th birthday party & he comes dressed up as Spiderman or something? :) I love you & your writing so much, thank you if you do write this!!
A/n: This is going to melt my heart. I love kids so much and Tom is so precious, it’s a great combination. I’ve never been so pumped to write a request.
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Dating as a teen mom was difficult- what guy wanted to be with a girl that has a kid? Not many. But that was okay with you. You didn’t need a boyfriend if he wasn’t going to love your daughter as well. You had just decided to give up looking for a boyfriend when you finally found him.
Tom was the kindest guy you had ever met. When you told him about your daughter, he didn’t bat an eye. He wanted to know more. He wanted to talk about her, meet her, play with her. It meant so much that he was willing to love not just you, but your little girl as well.
Tom met Alexis when she was just under two years old. She grew up with Tom and soon started to call him Dad. Fast forward and now she’s three, turning four in a few weeks. You were working on planning a birthday party for her, wanting it to be extra fun since it will probably be one of the first birthday parties she’ll actually remember.
“What kind of party do you want to have?” You asked her as you sat at your kitchen table. She was coloring as you watched her.
“Superhero!” She said excitedly as she looked up at you.
“Superhero?” You repeated, making her give you a quiet ‘yeah’. “Who are your favorite superhero’s?” You asked, knowing the answer. Having you as a mom and Tom as a father figure, she was practically being raised on Marvel films.
“I like Spider-Man the mostest. He’s really funny,” she told you, continuing to color. It made your heart so happy knowing how much she loved Spider-Man. She always commented on how her dad looked just like him, not yet realizing that it really was him.
“He is really funny, isn’t he? Do you like anyone else?”
“Starlord. And Drax!” She said with a little jump. “And Iron Man. I like the green lady too, she’s really pretty.”
“She is really pretty,” you said as you began to think about what you would need to get. “What kind of cake do you want?” Alexis gasped as she heard the question, sitting up really tall and beginning to explain what she wanted.
“Can I have one of those cakes that has the cakes on top of it? And one cake be Iron Man and one be Spider-Man?” She asked you. “But Spider-Man on top because he’s better.”
“I’ll see if we can do that,” you said with a little laugh.
“Can you see if Spider-Man and Iron Man Can come to my party too?” She asked looking up to you. You’re heart melted as she looked at you.
“I’ll give them a call and ask,” you promised her. “But they’re usually really busy saving the world, so I don’t want you to be upset if they can’t come, okay?” She nodded hearing your words.
You asked her a few more questions before she had to go to her dance class. You drove her to the studio and then drove to a restaurant to meet Tom for lunch. You were sat in your car waiting for him to arrive, texting your mom to see if she could pick Alexis up from dance so you could go shopping for party stuff.
“Hey, pretty girl,” You heard Tom say as he walked up to your car, placing his arms on the door where the window was down.
“Hey, sorry I was texting my mom real quick,” you told him as you finished up your last text, grabbing your bag and stepping out of the car. You both walked inside, a hostess sitting you at a table.
“How’s your day been so far?” Tom asked you as you sat down.
“It’s been good. I was asking Lex about her birthday party, what she wanted to do. I’ll give you one guess as to what she asked for,” you told him.
“A Marvel theme?” He guessed excitedly.
“Specifically Spider-Man and Iron Man and Guardians,” you told him with a nod. “In that order.”
“Teaching her right,” Tom said with a proud smile on his face.
“She also asked if Spider-Man and Iron Man could come to her party,” you let him know. “I told her I’d ask but that they might be busy.”
“I can get the suit and wear it for a while if you want me too,” he offered. “And I can give Robert a call, see if he’s available.”
“I’d love that, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to. I mean, she wants Spider-Man there, but she also wants you there, and as far as she knows right now, yall are two different people.”
“I’ll get something worked out. I want to do that for her,” Tom told you. You nodded your head with a small smile on your face.
“Are you busy the rest of the day?” You asked him as the waitress brought your check.
“I have to call my manager about something, but that’s it.”
“Will you go with me to get decorations and stuff? I wanted to go after I leave here so I can have it done and available.”
“Yeah, definitely,” He said.
. . .
Three weeks later, it was the day of Alexis’s birthday party and you were making the finishing touches before the guests arrived. You had dressed your girl in the cutest dress you found on Etsy- it had a white top with her initial in the middle and the skirt had all the different marvel characters on it. It was perfect, Alexis was so excited when she saw it.
You were placing the food on the table when you got a call from Tom.
“Hey, are you all suited up?” You asked him. He told you what he decided to do a few days ago, and it was a great plan.
“Just about,” he told you. “What time do you want me to come?”
“Um,” you said as you thought. “Maybe five or ten minutes after it starts. Give the kids time to show up and start playing.”
“Alright, I’ll see you then, love.”
You hung up the phone and went back inside.
“Mommy! Eva’s here!” Alexis ran to you, letting you know people were arriving. “And Sam!”
“Let’s go get them,” you told her. She grabbed your hand and skip beside you as you made your way to the door, the doorbell ringing as you began walking.
“Happy birthday, Alexis!” The kids yelled as you opened the door. You watched as she hugged all of her friends before they immediately ran to the backyard to play. It wasn’t long before most everyone had shown up- your backyard littered with children. You were talking to your mom and Nikki as you felt your phone vibrate. 
Thomas❤️: We’re heading back right now
You bit your lip as you tried to hide your smile, excited to see the exchange.
“Woah!” You heard Tom’s American accent from behind you, entering your yard. “Did anyone see that huge dog? I think it was trying to steal my shoes.”
“Spider-Man!” Alexis yelled, running to meet him. He immediately crouched down to be face to face with her.
“That’s me,” He said pointing to himself. “What’s your name?”
“Alexis,” she said with a jump. “And that’s my mommy,” she pointed to you as she noticed you standing to the side. Tom turned to face you.
“Hey, mommy,” he said waving at you. “You’re really pretty.” You smiled as he turned back to Alexis, taking his mask off. “How did you get so many people here?” He asked her looked at all her friends and family.
“It’s my birthday party,” she told him.
“It’s your birthday?” He asked excitedly making her nod. “Happy birthday, Alexis.”
“Thank you,” She said shyly. “You look a lot like my dad.”
“Do I? He must be one lucky guy to have a daughter as great as you,” he said, your heart melting at his words. You loved that they loved each other so much. “Well, Alexis, I’m sorry I don’t have a real present for you. But I can give you this,” he said as his reached into the neck of his suit, pulling out a necklace with an Avengers pendent.
“Mr. Stark gave this to me when I became an Avenger- you know Mr. Stark?”
“Iron man!” Alexis yelled.
“Yes, Iron Man. He gave this to me, but I want you to have it, as long as you promise to keep it safe. Can you do that for me?” He asked her, putting the necklace in her hands.
“I can do that!” She said sounding super excited.
“Perfect,” Tom said before glancing back towards you. “Mr. Stark wanted me to tell you happy birthday. He’s really upset he couldn’t be here.”
“That’s okay,” Alexis told him, still looking at her new necklace.
“Why don’t you ask Mr. Spider-Man if you can have a picture?” You told Alexis. She nodded before turning back to Tom.
“Can I have a picture?” She shyly asked Tom, swaying from side to side.
“Of course! Where should we take it, mom?” He stood up to ask you. You pointed to where would be best, Tom doing his Spider-Man pose with Alexis, showing her how to do the web hand pose. You watched as he began to talk and take pictures with the rest of the kids, hanging out for a little longer before he pressed a hand to his ear, acting like he was getting a call.
“That was Iron Man! He needs me right now, so I gotta go. It was so nice to meet everyone,” he said to the crowd of kids before bending down to Alexis again. “Happy birthday,” he said one more time, opening his arms and giving her a hug. “I hope I’ll see you soon! Bye!” He yelled as he ran away. You watched as Alexis ran up to you looking so excited. She told you about everything he told her, showing off her new necklace and doing the web shooter pose some more.
While she was talking to you, Tom rushed to get his suit off and slipped on his normal clothes before going back outside.
“Hey, love! Happy birthday!” He said as he reached Alexis, picking her up to talk to her.
“Dad! You missed Spider-Man!” She told him.
“Spider-Man? What?” He asked. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, he gave me this,” she said holding up the necklace.
“That’s so cool, darling,” he told her. He put her down and she ran to plan with her friends some more. Tom walked over to you, placing an arm around your shoulders. “Went well, I guess?”
“Went perfect,” you told him. “Thank you for doing that.”
“It was no problem,” he said, pulling on your shoulders to kiss your head.
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Ali & Tommy
Ali: [Let us assume he has gone back to school now and this was a weekend affair] Ali: You forgot your 🕯 Ali: expect it in the post, minus the disappointed note from Ro I've taken out Ali: ✈️ trips not guilt trips, welcome Tommy: leave it in, LOVE to hear what she's gotta say about why I'M the one being a holy show Ali: You aren't respecting the sanctity of her offering, is very much the point and gist Ali: she put more letters to it, as standard Tommy: 'course she did Ali: It does mean a lot to her Ali: but yeah, nice to have my 📅 to myself again, can't lie Tommy: meant so much she fucked off soon as the 🎂 candles were out Ali: You know she isn't the party 'til dawn sort Ali: anyway, they'd be coming in for morning service 😅 Tommy: I know it's her party & she can 😭 if she wants to Ali: If I'd known that was the theme, could've made party bags with 🧅 & 🧻 Ali: well, at least you were in your element 🕺 and you kept Meena and Carly entertained Ali: the hostess not being overly concerned herself, like Tommy: this family's hostess with the mostest has & always will be me, honey Tommy: what else do they teach me at this school, like? Ali: I had no idea you were at finishing school, my apologies Ali: how's things with keeping a man then, Holly Housewife? Tommy: Why stop at strutting with 📚 on our heads when we could do it in 🩰 perfectly en pointe, carrying a sulky ballerina all the while? Basically a Latin motto Tommy: & yet I still can't keep a man, cheers for the reminder Ali: Maybe now you're of age they introduce the final string to your bow Ali: quadruple threat = 🎤🕺🎭🍆 Tommy: 😂🤞🙏 Tommy: stole your girl regardless, tell her to call me when she's slept off the festivities Ali: No doubt she will when she's between the next couple of parties 😜 Ali: your girl is here actually, helping Ro 'organise' her presents Ali: dunno where she parked her 🎃 Tommy: I'll join Fraze in the red corner 😍💋💔🤬🎯👿🥤🤡🥵🛑💘 Tommy: those dolls do go walk abouts if you don't keep a 👀 but obviously she was 🤞🙏 I was still there Ali: He might misconstrue that and come to fight for her honour Ali: 🤞🙏 she's in LDN too, naturally Ali: lots of them are haunted, but that last part of your sentence there is the MOST 😱 ever Ali: it's weird when you approach anything fuck boy like Tommy: miscommunication is his thing™ no hard feels or feelings full stop, 'course 💪🚫😭🚫😍 Tommy: what can I say? being back DOES things to me Tommy: it's all the positive masculine role models this family has Ali: Guess it beats a total lack of @Joseph Ali: though he sent her some book about musical theory so he still manages to be the favourite somehow 🤷 Ali: and hey, dad is the best Tommy: v catty & then cuddly of you, Kit Tommy: he doesn't respond to MY efforts at being a daddy's girl exactly the same way somehow 🤷 Ali: we're both living up to what's expected then 😼 Ali: could just be I'm better at it than you though Ali: if your ego will allow it Tommy: can't let our sister fly that flag alone, like Tommy: as for who's better at kissing the arse of authority figures, don't need to dignify that with an answer 'cause my school report will Tommy: you ain't never been a pleasure to have in class Ali: I might genuinely have to shoot myself if anyone ever said anything so asinine about me so you're right Ali: that would be such a waste of potential, not until I've lead a more scandal-filled existence Tommy: you could respect the hustle Tommy: it's getting me 🩰 perks Tommy: disciplined is the head that wears the 👑 hoe Ali: I know all about discipline, trust me Tommy: we've all read 50 shades, you can't take it as gospel Tommy: Ro could write a better bdsm bibe when she's done at church Tommy: bible* Ali: It's all fun and games 'til I walk in on her flagellating herself Ali: how are we explaining that to the shrinks Tommy: that she misunderstood a more sexy f word? Ali: we don't want to look like we're trying to lock her up for that Ali: way too retro, bro Tommy: She wants to be catholic Tommy: I didn't make the rules Ali: No, then da really would hate you Ali: she's got worse Tommy: Yeah Tommy: I know, no amount of drama from the golden couple could detract Ali: not that I haven't heard enough about that though Ali: guess there's too much to put in a passive-aggressive note Tommy: 🙄🥱😴 Tommy: She wasn't even THAT late & tbh I wouldn't have blamed her for doing a Joe no show Ali: I would've understood if she was upset when she wasn't coming Ali: I am when Joe doesn't, whatever Ali: but I think she was actually MORE upset that she did come in the end, and not just because she was messy, but because Ro thought she wouldn't Ali: I don't get it, they're complicated, always have been but ??? Tommy: she can't hold being a good sister over her, like you can't me being the most fabulous brother in existence 🏆 Tommy: the fuck ups are more fun to bring to a 🥊 Ali: I guess that's more likely than them being all 💕💞 Ali: but fucking hell, does it hurt to hope Tommy: it's hurting you 😿 Tommy: she'll be too hangry to hope Ali: I have no hope or agenda for your 🏆 or 👑 dear brother Ali: but seriously Ali: what does she want Tommy: like you said ???? Tommy: there's every chance I'm bringing too much McKenna magic to the motives & she don't wanna bear a grudge til the end of her days Ali: because it doesn't sound like her at all Ali: if you can't be honest in the DMs where can you, eh, to quote that romcom Ali: fucked if I know what to do about it right now though Ali: maybe I need to sleep off the festivities, or get something to eat Tommy: long as you're not so hysterical you run into the path of an oncoming car, to recall another faithful role of hers Ali: have you adapted that for the stage? Ali: get 5 of you to be the 🚗 Tommy: dibs 'cause I can't do the accent Tommy: not that loads of 'em posh kids can either Ali: they'll have spent enough time gentrifying the east end to have it down, offensively so but all adds to the hysterics Tommy: I'll pitch it then 💡 Tommy: go down better than her 🎤🎵 Ali: better than her when she got hit by the car, like Ali: give me credit or I'll turn up and make a SCENE Tommy: like I wouldn't be LIVING for that Tommy: if we are being honest in the DMS Ali: I'll work on my RICKKAAAAAAAAAAAY Ali: maybe can convince Ro to be Sharon Tommy: hang around your ma in law & you'll ace it in no time Ali: Ha Ali: she'd accept Peggy, not Pat Tommy: fair, Laoise's ma's the one more likely to express herself with big earrings & animal prints Tommy: but I don't know if Sam Mitchell is a favourable role for Carls, what did she ever even do? Ali: Are you trying to tell me it's NOT a look? 🤔 Ali: or that you rate Laoise's mum? Ali: The character, nothing, the OG actress lost her nose so we're all agreed that's a no Tommy: I'd rate seeing her da on the doorstep in nothing but a bow tie for how mortified she'd be when I uploaded it Tommy: Grant's also no, he knocked Martine on her arse way before that car Tommy: but if she's Phil, you're Sharon so that's a yeah from me, like Ali: Don't, her dad always gave me those vibes Ali: and you ain't actually on the street still to have to witness that 🤮 Ali: I don't know how she'll feel about going bald, I'll float it gently before getting out the clippers Tommy: Do Rock's while you're there, he looks feral Tommy: even that nonce wouldn't have him Ali: You know his ears would get chapped Ali: hair is essential or he'll fly away on the breeze Ali: and we'd all be devastated, obvs Tommy: don't start me thinking about that scene in Dumbo, cheers very much Tommy: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Ali: Such a depressing film Ali: disney gives me bad vibes Tommy: the park is creepy & you won't catch me there Tommy: whether or not Walt was a Nazi it's still a nah from me Ali: Wee bit concerning that emotional manipulation and forced fun trumps facism/literal Nazis for you but we'll 🤐 Ali: ma is in enough of a mood and she'll only direct it at me so nah Tommy: well his racism is disputed depending whether you're in camp 😇 saint him 🙏 or camp cast him into the hellfire 👿 Tommy: the forced fun & emotional manipulation is just facts Ali: 👿 advocate Tommy: I'm gonna go to hell 🤞 he's an ally Ali: 😬 Ali: it's a punishment, not a holiday Tommy: it'll be a grand hol for my pores Tommy: love a sauna sesh Ali: that London smog is not it Ali: how black is your snot? Tommy: as Ro's soul 💀 Ali: Thomas Tommy: Alison Ali: 🛑 it Tommy: she'd 🖤 to hear it but FINE Ali: you're an enabler, it is known Ali: not the kind of encouragement I'm after tah Tommy: enabling you & your lady love to have a good time, yeah 🕺💃 Tommy: & I fully expected her to turn up with a pet raven is all I'm saying Ali: the best was made of it by all, despite it all Ali: even her, in her way Tommy: despite Kayne appearing 🤵🥀 & all in her case Ali: yeah Ali: ugh Ali: he's harmless enough, bless him Tommy: she'd beg to differ right now Tommy: you're gonna wanna hide the 🍄🍄💀 til she calms down Ali: You don't need to tell me Ali: I think he's just really oblivious Ali: like all lads Ali: it wasn't you know...assaulty Tommy: It's not his fault she's team true love's kiss & he AIN'T it Tommy: who could EVER measure up to the 💭💞 Ali: standards, cool Ali: unrealistic expectations, less so Ali: but I can't really advocate for reality at this point in the game Tommy: You don't need to tell me, sis Ali: you're team turn-a-stage-kiss-real, yeah Ali: it's more realistic than fairytales, anyway, look at strictly Tommy: I'm team when's my life been a shitty made for netflix flick never mind a 🐸🤴📖 Tommy: crushing realism ftw Ali: 💔 Ali: If you didn't have a tragic love-life to complain about, you'd be too insufferable 🤴💩 Tommy: comforting Tommy: I'd HATE to morph into Fraze of a few years back Ali: I'll let you know if you start getting freckles Tommy: I'd know if I woke up with those brows Tommy: nowhere to hide, like Ali: 👺 Tommy: 😂 Ali: What are you getting ma for her bday/have you got already (suckup) Tommy: I left it there if you wanna find & shake the 🎁 Ali: Wow, you really didn't wanna pay postage that bad huh Ali: I'll see if I can 🔮 Tommy: with what? I'm skint after buying hers & Ro's Tommy: & it'll be 🎅🎄🎁 before too long Ali: that's what people really mean when they say dance don't pay Ali: gifting an interpretive dance is nothing but pretentious and unwelcome Ali: I can bodge together however many crafts I need and save my dolla Tommy: been there, tried that one Tommy: so much for your so called genius Tommy: ain't even thought of earning any by busting out the 🎅🎄🎵 classics for a busking sesh, works with 🩰 too I'll have you know Ali: 'til you knock over an old lady and have to leg it, like Ali: and if you hadn't noticed, I've been a little busy making a replica Ro, tah Ali: my creative juices are juiced right now Tommy: I'll make it look like part of the show & have the punters eating out of my palm when I catch & twirl any 👵 before they touch ground Tommy: yeah well you've got time from now, fair game on all things yule from Nov 1st Ali: 👌👌 clearly the LDN ones are more receptive because they're vicious 'round here with their 👜s and I'm only trying to give them the tea they ordered Ali: if ANYONE should advocate for Christmas not dragging, like Tommy: it's Irish dancing or fuck all back there, 365 🌧 or ⛅ Tommy: little girls scam every bit of that trade Ali: ironic when it's catch these hands in every other aspect Ali: so you'll fit right in, eh Ali: feel traumatised yet? Tommy: I'll do my best, as ever Ali: 🤴 Ali: meanwhile ma will have to make do with whatever IOU present I can knock up Ali: maybe I'll babysit, that's never not gonna work Tommy: she was on about going out 🍽 wasn't she? Tommy: Carls will never not be down either Ali: get him to make her a cake Ali: sorted Ali: providing he washes his hands...a full hose down may be necessary actually Tommy: she's survived the 🧁 he brings back from school & we've all seen the state of him at day's end Ali: yeah, cheers for the immunity boost little 🦠 Ali: fair, I'm pretty sure we put some weird and wonderful things into our bakes at his age and no one died Ali: Laoise nearly but you know Tommy: close but no 🚬 Tommy: typical of that bitch Ali: sure a 🙏 was said to finish the job at mass Tommy: if you see her ma mascara running in an lbd, I demand to be the first to know Ali: I'll pap her in her time of distress, it's fine Ali: I can hide up trees for HOURS if needs must Tommy: I'm not above piggybacking on the 'tragedy' to get better grades or a hol Tommy: do your part, like Ali: she won't fall for 🍄 again Ali: her brother might if Ro puts 'em in her gob Tommy: 💞 Ali: more of a mood than without Ali: add a little danger Tommy: she'd appreciate the drama more than anything he could ever do Ali: 💔 Tommy: nah, we're not shipping that Tommy: not today Ali: You gotta make some bad decisions before you make the right ones Tommy: a bad decision was the colour of her 👗 Tommy: the last thing that girl needs is a boy right now Ali: Okay you can't come for anyone vis a vis colour, boy Ali: even if I still see it when I close my eyes after however many weeks sewing Ali: but you may have a point re. a boy Ali: just, some socialisation wouldn't hurt Ali: and as far as they go, he's harmless Tommy: 'Course I do, she can barely exist in front of us Tommy: if they went on a date, what's she gonna do, order a glass of water? Ali: like you haven't seen her fake eat a plate of food Ali: it's only noticeable to all us that she's not actually putting any in her mouth Tommy: 🔮✨ Tommy: if he's TRULY harmless he don't deserve to be harmed by her attitude Tommy: which anyone else not bound by family love & loyalty would call something loads harsher Ali: Don't Ali: I feel bad enough for Meena sometimes Tommy: @ Carly too & we all know it Ali: Yeah, Carly can handle it though, she's mostly unphased even if it is a total thing 🙄 Tommy: She's a 👸😇 I doubt Kayne is that pure of ❤️ or intentions tbh Tommy: & Meena can handle anything so Ali: he's deffo a virgin though Ali: which yes, makes for more desperation, but he can't be that forceful if he dunno what he wants, you know Ali: yeah but God knows why she wants to come 'round here and get more of it at times Tommy: No shit, Kit but everyone's seen a porno, it's not the 70s Tommy: dress for it all you like Tommy: maybe she wants to get out of her own 🏡 Ali: everyone also knows it's bullshit Ali: whatever else she's got that much about her Tommy: does he though? Tommy: all I'm saying Ali: either way, it isn't like she's going to have a miraculous change of heart Ali: we all saw how well it went Tommy: Yeah but what if it makes her heart set on finding someone else to play 🤴 Tommy: you'd know better than me what goes on in her head Ali: She's 15, I don't see how any of us can say or do anything to stop her if that's what she does want Tommy: 15 technically Tommy: 🤷 Ali: If we can't make her eat, you know Ali: what hope do we have for anything beyond that Tommy: 0 Tommy: & it's fucked Ali: Yep Ali: but it's not as if that bombshell has only just been dropped, I guess Ali: we'll carry on doing what we can Tommy: 🔮✨ Ali: ✌💚
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chiseler · 4 years
Puttin’ on the Ritz
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No fame is more fleeting than the showbiz kind. Some entertainers are just too much in and of a particular time. In the 1920s Harry Richman was a big star, billed as the Greatest Entertainer In America. He could sing and play piano, dance and act a little; he ran a hugely successful nightclub, was the toast of Broadway and, very briefly, a star in Hollywood; he wrote or introduced several songs that are still sung. But most of all he just personified the Roaring Twenties. He was the sleek, rakish, vaguely smarmy bon vivant in top hat and tails who was enjoying the decade's non-stop party as much as you were. It's been said that he was to the 1920s what the Rat Pack were to their era. Harry's career peaked just as the party crashed to a halt at the end of the decade, and he faded out in the 1930s. If his name comes up at all today, it's probably less often as an entertainer than as a footnote in aviation history.
He was born Harry Reichman in Cincinnati in 1895. His dad, a Russian Jewish immigrant, started out peddling eyeglasses door to door, carrying all his equipment on his back. He worked his way up to a prosperous wholesale business and real estate empire, and developed a taste for the high life. It killed him by the time Harry was an adolescent. In his thoroughly entertaining (sometimes suspiciously so) 1966 autobiography A Hell of a Life, Harry paints himself as a fecklessly scheming kid who grew up quick. At nine, he writes, he was a weekend ticket taker at an amusement park, shortchanging every customer he could because he was saving up to marry his childhood sweetheart. One night he showed off his ill-gotten riches by taking the girl out on the town. They stayed out too late to go home, so Harry got them a hotel room. When the cops burst through the door in the wee hours they found the kids sleeping fully clothed on separate beds. A doctor confirmed that the girl's honor was intact. Her dad put the kibosh to their romance anyway.
Harry's mother bought him piano lessons, dreaming he'd be a concert pianist, but like most kids at the time he was more interested in ragtime and jazz. He left home at around fourteen and headed to Indianapolis. There he and a kid who played fiddle went door to door in the kind of neighborhoods where an upright in the parlor wasn't uncommon. They'd bang out a few popular tunes for spare change. As Remington & Reichman they were soon touring the very small-time Webster circuit of vaudeville theaters in the Dakotas and Canada, known to vaudevillians as the Death Trail. Harry kept working his way around the west, singing at the piano in saloons and whorehouses, working as a singing waiter in restaurants, as part of a "Hawaiian" hula act in a circus sideshow. At the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exhibition in San Francisco he was in a musical act that opened for Harry Houdini, fifteen shows a day. Playing in Los Angeles clubs favored by the movie crowd he got to be pals with Charlie Chaplin and Al Jolson, whom he idolized. Jolson got him a shot at Ziegfeld's Midnight Frolic, the late-night club revue that gave Eddie Cantor his big break. Harry raced to New York, but flopped and was canned after only one night. He was so despondent he ran off and joined the Navy.
He arrived back in New York in 1920, just when Prohibition did too. Now he and the city were ready for each other. On vaudeville stages he found work as an accompanist for headliners like the singer Nora Bayes and the beautiful twin Dolly Sisters, and for a while was Mae West's on-stage pianist and straight man. He was reluctant to speak lines at first because he had a lisp that he could hide more easily when singing. West convinced him it was a distinguishing feature. He soon got top billing on his own on the Keith-Albee circuit. He also played at ritzy speakeasies like the Beaux Arts, where, he claims, Prohibition's hostess with the mostest Texas Guinan stole her signature line "Give the little girls a big hand" from him.
Nils T. Granlund, known as NTG, was both a radio pioneer and the publicist for Marcus Loew's movie theater empire. He hired Harry to headline live radio shows from Loew's State Theatre, the movie palace in Times Square. Harry plugged new songs on air, like Billy Rose's "Does the Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor on the Bedpost Overnight?" With NTG's help he opened his own Club Richman just behind Carnegie Hall. Harry made it one of the most opulent and exclusive nightclub/speakeasies in town. A lot of Broadway and movie stars became regulars, as of course did Mayor Jimmy Walker, and the Vanderbilts and Whitneys, and foreign royalty -- you saw everybody who was anybody there.
Or wanted to be somebody, like the chorus girl Lucille Le Seur. Accounts vary as to how Lucille got into the swank club. In one version, she convinced NTG, her sugar daddy at the time, to get her a spot in the club dancing the Charleston. NTG introduced her to Loew, who arranged a screen test at MGM, where she'd get her first tiny roles in 1925. Studio chief Louis B. Mayer decided her name sounded like Le Sewer, so the studio ran a publicity campaign in which the fans got to give her a new name: Joan Crawford. She never liked it.
For his part, Harry claimed that he discovered Crawford. He did have an eye for the beauties. He was one of the first to spot Jean Harlow, Sally Rand and Maureen O'Sullivan. Harry was an infamous ladies' man, bedding a long line of beauties from chorus girls to socialites to Harlow, maybe Rand, and Clara Bow. According to Harry, his office at the club had a secret door for sneaking them in and out while their husbands or dates drummed their fingers at their tables thinking they were just taking a long time powdering their noses. He says that the Hollywood Bowl couldn't hold all the women he had, and classes himself "a specialist in man's favorite sport."
Between the club and his other gigs Harry minted money and became the playboy nonpareil. He wore the finest bespoke suits and carried a gold cigarette case with his initials on it in diamonds. He commuted in a Rolls from Manhattan to his big house out on the water in Beechhurst, Queens, where he had a yacht and threw Gatsby-like parties for celebrities, beauties and millionaires. He learned to fly and kept a growing fleet of planes at nearby Flushing Airport. Harry worked hard, played hard, drank oceans of booze and smoked whole fields of tobacco. Everyone marveled at his stamina and joie de vivre even in that over-the-top decade.
In 1926, while still playing the host at his club, Harry got a featured role on Broadway in George White's Scandals, one of several knockoffs of the Ziegfeld Follies. After a boffo year it toured other cities, including Cincinnati, where, he notes ruefully, it tanked. In 1930 he headlined Lew Leslie's International Revue, where he introduced "On the Sunny Side of the Street." And in 1931 he made it, finally, into the Follies as well. He got his choice of songs to perform, including "Lullaby of Broadway." He was at the top of his career in those shows, the king of Broadway; his friend Eddie Cantor memorably said he wore Broadway like a boutonniere.
He didn't do so well in Hollywood. He starred, playing himself as "Harry Raymond," in the 1930 musical Puttin' on the Ritz, in which he introduced the song by his pal Irving Berlin. The movie did mediocre business then and is barely watchable now except for that number, Harry gliding around in front of an army of dancers with his top hat tilted over one eye. His recording of the song, which some consider the best, was a hit. (Among his other records are Berlin's "Blue Skies," his own "Muddy Waters" and a pretty wonderful Jolson-ish rendition of "Ain't She Sweet.") While in Hollywood to make the film he met Clara Bow. Teamed up at first for publicity purposes only, they became a hot item and got engaged. Then she suddenly married someone else. Hearing the news, he says, was the only time in his life that he fainted.
He'd make only two more feature films and one short. He sums them up this way: "All were forgettable. It became clear to me that whatever I had was best projected in person, either on the stage or in a night club." By the time he made the last film, released in 1938, he was well past his prime. When the Depression hit and then Prohibition ended, guys like Harry, icons of the Roaring Twenties, just didn't fit the new reality. To his credit, he didn't hang around like some other ghosts of the 1920s did. He left New York and settled in Miami, which was booming and lousy with new nightclubs where he could coast for a few years on his dazzling past. He went fishing with Hemingway and played with his airplanes.
His real fame in the 1930s came in fact as a flyer. In the mid-1930s he'd set altitude and speed records. Then in 1935 he and the pilot Dick Merrill made the world's first round-trip transatlantic flight in a single-engine plane. They filled the plane with tens of thousands of ping-pong balls as flotation devices should they land in the soup. Harry being Harry, after reaching Wales on the outward leg of the trip, they flew on to Paris to party all night with Maurice Chevalier before making the return flight. They landed upside-down in a Newfoundland bog, but they made it. It wasn't as big a deal as Lindbergh's one-way crossing in 1927, but Harry calls it the high point of his life.
Harry didn't make much news after that. He played some clubs through the 1940s, his looks and voice rough from all that carousing and smoking. He still had lots of friends in the show business who tried to engineer comebacks for him, but the public had long since forgotten him. By the time A Hell of a Life came out in 1966 he'd spent the millions he'd made in his heyday and was living alone, quietly and frugally, in Burbank, an old guy who'd gone full-tilt as long as he could, had a hell of a lot of memories and not too many regrets. He died in 1972.
by John Strasbaugh
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