#he learned it from being Lady Sneaslers warden
clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Reader takes post Hisui Ingo (and possible Emmet) to Sinnoh where he takes them to Lady Sneaslers cave, Ingo would probably find her fossil and be sad until Reader reminds him that they can now bring back well preserved fossils. Que Ingo and Ladys reunion (headcanon that fossils retain their memories cos its cute)
It took quite some time for Ingo to readjust to the present, considering at least five whole years have passed since he got thrown back in time...lost in the ancient region of Hisui.
You've been stuck there too, but eventually you made a deal with Arceus after "seeking out all Pokémon" as requested and capturing it:
If you released your cherished team back into the wild, it'll let you both go home. Of course, that wasn't an easy sacrifice to make, though after bidding farewell to the Pokémon that helped you save Hisui--and the world as a whole--Arceus did fulfill its end of the bargain.
It dropped you and Ingo off into a familiar underground subway, where Emmet so-happened to be patrolling alone at that same time.
He nearly passed out upon seeing that you both finally back home, especially his older twin.
Fortunately, he remembered everything about him the second they met eyes....leading to the brothers hugging and sobbing for a solid ten minutes together. You simply stood on the sidelines as Chandelure and Eelektross gave their trainers space and celebrated your return.
After the media caught wind of the good news, life pretty much resumed as normal--except the brothers put a temporary halt on their battle subway operations as you suggested a vacation to Sinnoh. Obviously Ingo's mind was still foggy, so he wasn't quite fit to resume any dual battles yet.
He did, however, wish to show Emmet what he learned of this region based on his experiences in Hisui--especially Mt. Coronet. He took you both to the cavern that used to be his warden post.
"I gotta admit, you're turning into quite the historian." Emmet remarked, looking all around as the three of you ventured further into the cave. Only your flashlight shined the path forward. "You were just..guarding this so-called "Noble Pokémon" from danger?"
"Indeed. That's exactly it!" Ingo explained with much vigor. "As warden, it was my duty to ensure Lady Sneasler's territory was protected and that offerings were delivered to her from time to time. Of course, I didn't think Pearl Clan would ever trust a stranger like myself. But it ended up being a wise decision on their part."
Emmet simply muttered an "ahh" in surprise, nodding his head as you and him continued listening to the older twin's story. He went on to discuss the baby Sneasels that were under Sneasler's care, saying they were cared for in this very cave and that you were nearing her den.
However, you three would soon happen upon a rather...unfortunate sight. But neither of you knew it yet until Ingo abruptly stopped in his tracks, having found something he wishes he could unsee.
"...oh, so...that's all there is now...." His voice turned flat.
"Ingo? What's wrong?" Emmet asked in worry.
"I think I know.." You frowned slightly, standing beside Ingo and flicking on your flashlight, revealing bones embedded into the dirt of the den.
But they weren't just any regular old bones scattered everywhere...
They made up the fossil of a certain Sneasler.
"..of course, h-how could I forgotten? She's gone.." Ingo bowed his head in mourning, feeling the ache in his heart growing as the reality of this discovery hit him hard. But even with the bill of his hat casting a shadow over his eyes, you and Emmet could see his lips tremble, tears sliding down both cheeks.
"M-My Lady..."
Hearing his voice break was something neither of you expected, but of course....you understood why.
This had to be a difficult thing to confront, knowing that the Noble he formed such a close bond with, the one who helped him in that lost and unfamiliar distant past...was now extinct.
There will never be another Sneasler like her again.
The only proof of her existence was kept within a fossil-
'Wait...her fossil...'
You suddenly remembered something extremely crucial, and smiled, knowing exactly how to help Ingo in his moment of despair. So you gently put a hand on his shoulder, trying to get his attention. "Hey, Ing-"
"I never even thought about what became of her until now.." He put his hand over yours, voice still trembling, as he believed you were only trying to comfort him. "We left so suddenly and...god, she must have been so confused. Did she think we abandoned her? Did she live out the rest of her days in anger or sorrow? Oh how I...I-I just wish I could see her one last time..."
"We can make that happen, Ingo."
"..huh?" Blinking, he stared at you with puffy eyes, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean? We can't go back-"
"We've got the technology to revive fossils, remember?" You reminded him, seeing his expression shift for a moment. And then recollection seemed to flash in his eyes.
"Ahah..that's right. I-I must have forgotten..." He chuckled softly, wiping away his tears as he finally calmed down. "Is it possible to fully restore her?"
"I believe so! Her fossil looks verrrry well-preserved!" Emmet nodded, happy to see his brother's smile again. "We must dig this up post haste! It'd be an honor to meet this "Lady Sneasler"."
"Then it's decided, gentlemen." You grinned, clapping your hands together. "Let's get to digging!"
The excavation of Lady Sneasler's fossil went off without a hitch, and you wasted no time heading to Oreburgh's Mining Museum afterwards.
The scientist in charge of reviving fossils was initially taken aback by the odd skeleton piece you gave him, though he accepted it nonetheless and insisted you three waited outside until the process was complete.
Yet his words left Ingo nervous as he paced back and forth in front of the museum sign. He kept muttering train-related facts under his breath, trying to keep calm. But he couldn't help wondering if something could go wrong.
What if it's impossible? What if she's brought back wrong or without any memory of who he was?
Would she be terrified of the sudden changes that modern society brought and go berserk??
Did..any Fossil Pokémon feel that way when they were first revived?
Fortunately, as quickly as these concerns descended upon him...they were just as quick to leave when he heard a familiar cry and footsteps growing louder. And he turned in astonishment to see who came running out of the museum, a frantic scientist in-tow.
Both you and Emmet looked on, the latter surprised to see it was a tall Sneasel-like Pokémon with purple fur jogging over to you all. But you had a huge smile on your face, knowing very well that's the Noble you hoped to see again. She looked the same as she did all those years ago.
"I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I-It ran out the second I brought it back to life!!" He kept shouting.
"Halt! There's no need to proceed further!" Emmet barked, putting his hand up to stop him in his tracks. "Thank you for your services. We'll take care of her from here."
"...a-ah yes, of course! Sorry." Coughing nervously, the scientist smoothed out his ruffled lab coat, before heading back inside the museum.
"Sneas?" While initially confused at Emmet's presence, Lady Sneasler perked up at Ingo's voice as he approached her.
"My Lady..."
For a moment, she looked down at the man, at first not recognizing him outside of his tattered Pearl Clan garb. But after sniffing him a few times, the usually stoic Pokémon smiled warmly and ruffled his head gently. "Snea!"
"O-Oh, thank Arceus...you remember..!!" He beamed, although her mood suddenly switched as she huffed, before stepping back and crossing her arms, foot tapping with impatience.
The look in her eye told Ingo "you owe me an explanation big time".
But before he could speak up, you intervened, knowing it was really your fault that they never got to properly say goodbye to each other. So you explained everything to her, and she seemed to understand, given how her facial features gradually softened.
After nodding her head in respect, she turned back to her warden, embracing him in an act of forgiveness. At first he was in shock, though he returned the hug seconds later, tears of happiness streaking down his cheeks this time.
He'll worry about how Lady Sneasler will adapt to this new world later on...but for now he just wanted to take in this moment.
You and Emmet just looked on, relieved to see the pair reunited after being thrown timelines apart.
"Awh, that is verrrrry touching." He clasped his hands together with a grin. "I wonder how she'd fair in batt--ough!!"
Elbowing him in the gut, you huffed in annoyance. "Not the time, Em."
"..r-right, sorry!"
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
Remember when I said how Ingo was done dirty in the Pokemon Legends Arceus game and I went on a tangent on what could've happened, yeah? Now hear me out… platonic yandere warden Ingo, the little times he gets to see you you've gotten stronger and stronger. You're clearly dedicated to your work as a Galaxy corpse member and seeing all that hard work get trampled because of something out of your control struck a nerve with him. Also if we were to take into account that one angst bit that I pitched to you some time ago where the readers team gets killed by Volo's, rest assured that Ingo wont take so kindly to any threats aimed at you. I doubt that he would let you go into town without him or his Lady, he's already lost fragments of someone really important to him, he's not about to lose another through sheer ignorance of others.
Platonic Yandere Warden Ingo is certainly interesting!
He’s almost more protective of you than when his interest is romantic. He sees how kind you are, amongst all these villagers and clan folk. You care for even the smallest person, such as himself. A light like that must be protected. You can handle yourself in a pokemon battle just fine, sure. It’s something he is very proud of! But what about people? You are so kind, you are bound to be taken advantage of. It’s only proven true when you are banished from your village by your idiot of a team leader. You were the highest rank, and did so much for the village and the Galaxy Team, only to be tossed aside like trash. He takes you in instead, and doesn’t let you go anywhere without him. He’s willing to face Irida’s ire if it means protecting you. He’ll even take being banished himself if it means keeping you safe. Thankfully it doesn’t get that far. When you are attacked by Beni, it takes everything in him not to strangle the ninja. But much to your suprise, and Beni’s, he walks right up to the ninja, and slugs him right across the jaw. “Leave, and don’t come back.” Beni only sighs, and rubs his chin, before disappearing. After that, he’s your shadow. If your village leader was willing to send an assassin after you, he’s not taking any chances. When you are welcomed back into the village, he hardly leaves your side. If he can’t be with you, he asks Lady Sneasler to keep an eye out for you as well. She likes you a lot, so it’s thankfully no trouble. People learn to leave you be when they see the man following your every step, who you have affectionately referred to as you ‘Uncle Ingo.’ You don’t see how he glares at them from behind your shoulder. Not one of them came to your defense. They are nothing but pests to him that don’t deserve your kindness. But it would upset you if anything happened, so he only sticks by you as a guard, and as a warning. The only ones that aren’t receiving his own ire is your little rival, Cyllene, and the professor, who all seemed upset at how you had been banished. Kamado, however... After seeing Kamado when you had to save the day, he only held himself back for your sake, since there were more pressing matters at the time. But now? Kamado openly avoids you. He nearly refuses to have meetings with you unless absolutely necessary, though you aren’t quite sure why. You have no idea Ingo paid him a visit late one night, easily sweeping through his pokemon, and pinning him to a wall. “If you ever do something so stupid like that again, and put them in danger, I will kill you.” Kamado stares at him with a steely gaze. “Is that a threat, Warden?” Ingo tightens his grip on the man’s neck, his Gliscor snapping its claws ominously behind him. “No. It’s a promise.” He also has near to no mercy for Volo. Summoning a legendary to smite you down, right after a battle and wearing down your poor pokemon? Ingo isn’t sure why, but he’s pretty sure that’s against a rule of some sort. So if Volo plans to forgo the rules, so will he. He will battle by your side against the legendary pokemon. He goes in to give Volo a real piece of his mind, only to be held back by you. The Warden relents, but silently decides the moment he sees Volo when he’s not with you, it’s on sight.
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mynamesaplant · 8 months
Great Risk, Great Reward
I want to thank my pal Mons for being a constant inspiration for the PLA Mer AU and for beta reading this fic for me. Summary: Gaeric finds out that Dawn likes penguins, but their bonding times goes a little awry.
Don't want to read it on Tumblr? You can read it on AO3!
“Hey-” Dawn began to scramble across the ground faster, very familiar with the voice and deathly terrified to have yet another bad encounter. “Hey, squirt! I’m talking to you.”
“Oh no, no, no, no-”
Dawn was almost across the room, almost to the same pool that Ingo had disappeared into with Calaba and Irida – where had Gaeric even come from and why hadn’t she heard him? He was so big and, mer or no, seals were not exactly graceful on land. A hand snatched her up with her fingertip’s inches from the frigid water. Enclosed in his warm palm, Dawn felt herself moving through space and mentally preparing for the worst. What was he going to yell at her for today?
To her surprise upon meeting Gaeric eye-to-considerably-larger-eye, he was beaming, looking genuinely excited about… Well, something. Dawn had only even seen him grumpy and tired, and he usually wasn’t awake at this hour.
“I thought we learned from last time,” his tone was chiding, and his expression momentarily reflected the voice, but clearly, he was too excited to permit the disapproving scowl to grace his face. “Stay out of the deeper water without an adult.”
Dawn cringed and shrank in his outstretched palm, edging as far away as she could because her heart was positively slamming against her ribcage with a barely contained anxiety. She was less afraid of Gaeric after that last time Ingo dumped her with the warden. Despite how intimidating she still found him, his coat was very soft and fluffy, which was one point in his favor. It was practically irresistible, many other pups running their fingers through it with a reverent fascination. (And he had been pretty nice to her since then, doubly so after she quelled his noble with her flute.)
Still, this level of excitement for Gaeric was not in character. So, Dawn remained wary even as he propelled himself across the ice toward a different hole. She recognized it. It was a tunnel that led to the outside. A fresh wave of panic swarmed in her head like a cloud of wasps, buzzing irrational thoughts into her ears. She swallowed an anxious whine as it became abundantly clear that Gaeric intended to take her from the settlement. Dawn fiddled with her scarf, keeping her eyes low, and hardly listening as Gaeric chatted at her in amicable tones.
“Ga-Gaeric?” She interrupted him hesitantly. He was just about to set her down so she could follow him, in his excitement, he had even noticed how she was acting. “Wh-Where are you tak-taking me?”
Oh, he supposed he hadn’t told her just yet. He was just so thrilled, so excited about the news. All the wardens were. Loathe as he was to tell the Diamond clan anything, he also shared the good news with Sabi, who he was sure would find some way to relay that to the rest of her clan.
Now, however, Gaeric was turning vaguely pink. He hadn’t meant to overhear. Honest! People just presumed that he, under his nice, warm stitched walrus skins, was asleep, and often he was dozing off, but it was a catnap like he had seen Lady Sneasler do. Half-conscious but ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice, especially given the strange changes in the sea recently and the encroaching of those humans into their territory.
“I, uh – I heard that you like penguins.”
Dawn’s jaw slackened in disbelief. She had only recently told Ingo of her travels to the northern shores of Hisui, an ice encrusted and ethereally silent snowscape, and witnessed several penguins waddling around. Either Ingo told his fellow wardens, and considering how close to the vest he kept most information concerning Dawn that seemed unlikely, or Gaeric had overheard, which made her nervous about what else he might have inexplicably overheard. Mentally scolding herself for being so careless of her surroundings and tongue so loose as to talk of her secret double-life on the surface.
“Er, yeah! I do.”
A gleeful glint came into Gaeric’s blue eyes, his next sentence actually made her perk up.
“Fantastic! Let’s go look for some penguins then.”
Dawn should have known that it was too good to be true.
The swim to the north shore was actually pretty nice. Gaeric was chatting with her amiably, grinning toothily while she swam around him, his eyes watchful for any potential predators, but they seemed to be getting along famously.  That was, until they made it to the frozen tundra, and Gaeric threw out an arm to make her halt.
“Alright kid,” he said, flashing her a broad smile.
He did not notice her decidedly confused expression as he launched into an in-depth explanation of penguins.
“These guys are speedy in the water, but you probably know that already.”
The warden gently nudged her toward the distant penguins torpedoing through the water, zipping after silvery fish.
“If you need air, the clan has already made a few airholes in the ice. Just be cautious of any predators that might be on the ice if you stick your head out to get a look, alright? I’ll be right here if anything happens.”
“Uh, okay?”
Dawn replied, unsure why Gaeric of all mers would be so excited to show her something like this. Lian loved to show and share things with Dawn, but Gaeric? This was extremely out of character. That was when she started to realize things were not exactly as they seemed.
“This is my first time watching you, so don’t be worried about making any mistakes. We all know Ingo’s not the greatest of hunters.”
Did Gaeric… Oh, no.
Dawn felt another insistent little nudge to the small of her back. That’s why he was excited. He was excited to teach her to hunt because she had said she liked penguins. Gaeric was providing her helpful tricks and hints for her imminent hunt and Dawn could feel her insides roiling. Why did he have to suddenly be so encouraging? Her brain was screaming with panic, clutching her hands in front of her and nervously fussing with the edges of her scarf.
Sensing unease, he stopped pushing – some pups had performance anxiety, they wanted to impress or do well on their first hunt, but they got inside their own heads. Maybe that’s what she was feeling with his incessant chatter.
“Hey kid?” She twisted around to glance at him, and he gave her two thumbs up. “You’ve got this.”
With that final encouragement, Dawn swam forward, the warden unaware of the deep grimace etched into her cheeks. He wanted her to – what? Chase a penguin? He knew how bad she was at swimming. Yes, she had been getting better since she learned to dodge the frenzied nobles, but she was not fast, just better coordinated. She was trying to think fast. Gaeric expected her to try, and she had to do something to maintain her façade, so she would at least chase after some penguins. He would eventually get fed up with her failed attempts… but then what?
Gaeric genuinely enjoyed hunting. Not because he was a bloodthirsty maniac or anything (like Dawn seemed to think), he just felt more in his element chasing prey down, when building his sophisticated traps, when launching a spear into the hide of a seal – he said that it tickled the predatory part of his brain that few other activities seemed to even scrape. Teaching pups to hunt was always an exciting prospect. Pups had so much untapped potential that Gaeric loved to nurture. The next generation of Pearl clan hunters was a serious source of pride for the warden and, although Dawn could be a little weird at times, he was just as invested in teaching her as he was with any pup.
Dawn drifted, penguins and fish danced erratically in the water before her like it was some absurd ballet. Maybe if she had been here with Ingo, it would have been amusing, but not under her current circumstances. How could she make this look convincing? She thought about her excursions with Laventon and his advice on how to get closer to their target. A target was basically prey right?
‘Stay low and move slow. Don’t make any sudden movements or noises that might scare them.’
Maintain the illusion. She knew just enough about penguins to know they would quickly scatter once she started chasing them, probably hop back onto the icepack the moment they saw her advance. She dove down where the sunlight couldn’t reach and the water became even colder, watching the white bellies of the penguins flitting around overhead. Without realizing it, Dawn’s body was responding to an instinct she did not think she possessed as a human who transformed into a mer; muscles coiling, pupils blown wide in anticipation, hands curling and uncurling.
The warden watched with an ember of pride burning brightly in his chest. He waited with great anticipation for her to make her first catch.
Gaeric watched her for about twenty minutes as penguin after penguin slipped through her clutches with startling regularity. He knew she wasn’t experienced, but even the most novice of pups was able to grab a penguin after a couple of tries. Now all the birds were making a beeline for the shore and there was no point for the pup to follow. If she was this bad in the water, she would have no chance hunting anything on the land.
Dawn actually snarled at him when he shifted himself between her and her quarry, the noise frustrated as she tried to dart around him.
“Pup, stop. You’re going to overheat. Go up and take a breath. Clear your head.”
The surveyor didn’t even realize how much heat she was radiating from physical exertion. Her slim chest heaving and muscles quivering – she didn’t realize how much her focus had consumed her. The large mer guided her to the surface, already giving her pointers as she tried to catch her breath. How long was she chasing the Adélies? She was able to recognize the brush tails and distinct two-toned coats from her previous excursions with the professor. She was genuinely trying to catch one… to do what with? She didn’t want to dwell on it, the mere thought made her shudder with a mix of disgust and horror.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself.” The warden murmured sympathetically, completely misinterpreting her expression as disappointment. “Catching them gets easier with practice. You stay here.”
No argument from Dawn, she felt exhausted as she watched Gaeric disappear into the gloom. The blood pounded in her ears, otherwise she would have noticed how quiet the surrounding water had become as a predator trawled through the sea.
He was gone for a little while, Dawn waiting idly for the warden to return, but making sure to practice scanning around like Ingo had taught her. She was very small and there were a lot of would-be predators like orcas, leopard seals, and polar bears patrolling for a tasty snack like her.
She smelled Gaeric before she saw him, or rather, she smelled the blood. Thankfully it wasn’t his, but it was putrid, clouding the water in a fine pink mist as he approached, which was when she heard the shrieks that sent a cold shiver up her spine. The warden had a woven net over his shoulder that was chock full of dead Adélie penguins, all except one, which was making those horrific noises.
Dawn covered her mouth, feeling saliva pooling beneath her tongue, but it had nothing to do with hunger. No, the penguin looked far from appetizing. A wave of nausea rolled through her, making her skin feel prickly hot and stomach roil when he came to a stop in front of her.
The smell of blood was all around her, sticking to the inside of her nose, bitter and metallic, while Gaeric rummaged through his catch of the day, seizing the sole penguin left alive, and dropped it before her with an encouraging smile. He had the realization that she would not only be hungry after all that swimming around, but she would also want a chance to prove herself to him. He had done a similar tactic with other pups, the younger ones especially; catch something of an appropriate size for them and injure it, then allow the pup to make the final blow. It was a good boost of confidence after a long string of failures.
The penguin flopped around, plumes of blood misting the water darker and darker pink with each flap of the poor creature’s unbroken wing, wailing in fear and agony. The scene was ghastly.
“Alright pup. Now, what you’re going to want to do is-”
The audible gag over the sounds of the penguin made Gaeric stop midsentence and he looked more closely at the tears collecting in her dark eyes.
“Ga-Gaeric, I c-can’t…”
A frown settled on his face. A new predicament. Dawn probably liked to eat penguins, but she had never been hunting before, certainly not with him and presumably not Ingo. This would be her first kill and, occasionally, pups would get squeamish. It didn’t happen often, but they would suddenly get cold fins, and just couldn’t follow through with a kill. He should have guessed that Dawn would be similar. Ingo had had a similar reaction, but he quickly got over it out of necessity. So, he told her the same thing that he had told all the others in the past.
“Dawn, I know it’s hard, but this is something you have to learn to be comfortable with.”
Gaeric gestured to the flightless bird flopping around. When she didn’t look, he lifted her head with a knuckle placed under her chin. Dawn wouldn’t have expected him to be so gentle. Ingo treated her like glass, which was not within the norm with mers. They bit and scratched and roughhoused. This was completely unexpected of Gaeric.
Dawn emitted a sickened gurgle, averting her eyes away from Gaeric, away from the bird – there was nowhere else to look. Gaeric took up most of her field of vision and the penguin took up what remained. Her eyes snapped closed.
“I can’t,” she moaned, more to herself than the warden, “I can’t do it.” Her hands moved to cover her mouth and nose, trying to block out the assault to her senses.
In her head, she was trying to calculate how badly this would make her look in Gaeric’s eyes. Just because she was able to quell his lord and he was treating her with less suspicion than he usually did, Dawn knew he did not trust her. That was when a thought came to her.
She was alone with Gaeric. Completely alone. He could have been grilling her the whole time about her deal, which he had done in the past, but he was so caught up with hunting that he hadn’t. Without that distraction, without that ounce of “goodwill,” Gaeric had her in a very precarious position.
A palpable wave of anxiety rolled through her, her eyes widening and her nearly hidden ear pinning back, whole body eerily still – and the warden didn’t even seem to notice, already steamrolling into a lecture about the necessity of hunting because it was about survival in this dog-eat-dog world. If Dawn wasn’t feeling so sick to her stomach with fear, she would have found a way to tease him about how he sounded very similar to a certain someone in his clan.
“Do you really want this poor bird to wriggle around in the water until a different predator comes around and does the exact same thing? Because that’s what’s going to happen.”
He watched her wince, cowering to avoid looking at the penguin. He sighed. This might require a little more persuasion. What to do… He considered for a moment. By this point most pups would have gotten over their initial reaction and kill their prey, but Dawn was still resistant. He knew she was picky, but this was something she needed to grow out of for survival purposes. It was all well and good that Palina and Iscan and some of the others were trying to accommodate her picky habits, but Gaeric was trying to look at this realistically.
Food was calories and calories kept you alive. Hunting was what kept you alive and, well… death was a part of life. It wasn’t pretty, but it was necessary.
And she needed to learn for her own good.
Gaeric sighed. A deep, weary sigh that made Dawn peek at him through her fingers.
“We aren’t going anywhere until you kill this penguin.”
“We have all day. If this one dies, then I’m going to get another until you do what I’m asking you to do.”
The horror in her dark eyes was enough to solidify Gaeric’s resolve. If she didn’t want to be seen as a baby by the older mers, then this was the first step, so he wasn’t going to let her wiggle her way out of this with that silver tongue of hers.
He could have predicted the quick dart to his flank, trying to outmaneuver him with her speed, but he was used to pups. She smacked into his palm at full force and reeled back with a dazed oof! No amount of pleading and crying would sway him, and she could tell he meant what he said, they weren’t going anywhere until Dawn killed it.
On a fundamental level, she knew this was a teaching moment that was meant to strengthen the bond between her and the warden and to hone her hunting skills, but Dawn was also Laventon’s research assistant! She had spent nearly two weeks alongside the professor studying all the animals that the mers ate! She couldn’t do it. Not in good conscious to her researcher nature.
She tried anyway. Grimacing at the bird with a tightness in her throat as she turned her gaze to Gaeric, mouth open only to be cut off.
“No.” He said preemptively. “You’re going to do this. I know you can do it – so do it.”
There was a long stretch where Dawn just couldn’t move, unable to look at the writhing Adélie and trying to ignore it as it made the more horrible screeching noises. She was hoping that a different predator would swoop in and snag the bleeding penguin by now, but Gaeric was an active deterrent.
The warden seemed to possess infinite patience, preventing her escape with such ease that Dawn found it frustrating. Even when she thought she was being slick when she tried to clamber onto one of the chunks of ice when she was permitted to take another lungful of air, he instantly scooped her up and plopped her back in front of the bird.
In a test of wills, Dawn knew who the winner would be; Gaeric could and would throw his weight around to make her commit the gruesome act. She actually started yelling at him when her frustration at the situation boiled over and, still, he remained resolute, nudging her back toward the penguin indifferently even as she tried to push back against his hand with every ounce of strength in her small body.
“Kid, you have to do this. That bird is suffering, you need to put it out of its misery.”
“You’re the one who hurt it!”
Dawn wriggled, squirming between his fingers, but he held her tail fast between his middle and pointer finger. He swung her back around and that’s when she started baring her teeth at her in a poor attempt to assert herself. Gaeric didn’t let that stand. A low growl resonated in his throat, leaning into Dawn’s space, and narrowing his eyes with a snarl on his lips. She wasn’t intimidating him, and she was quick to cower at his display.
When Gaeric didn’t release her tail and held her in front of the penguin, Dawn knew she was out of options and that frightened her. Her chest and throat grew tighter.
“I can’t – please don’t make me.”
“It’s for your own good, Dawn. Trust me.”
He sensed the change in her demeanor, his perseverance had worn her down, and, although she was trying to stifle her sobs, she was trying to reach for the penguin.
“It’s going to try to snap at you, but you need to take it with your hands by its beak and twist its neck until it snaps. It’s going to seem like a lot more, but also somehow less, pressure than you think you’ll need, but that’s something you get used to.”
She sobbed as she clamped the bird’s beak shut, scooping up the Adélie’s body in up against hers. She nearly vomited as the penguin writhed desperately, its heart pounding so fast and hard that it almost made her drop it in fear. The encouragement over her shoulder was not helping, even if it was meant to be.
Her hands shook violently, unable to perform the motion Gaeric described and unable to open her mouth to beg him to let her go. It was pointless, he wouldn’t, she had to do this. Dawn whispered an apology to the struggling bird and was about to jerk her limbs to get it over with, but that’s when she noticed Gaeric’s grip had loosened.
She cautiously turned her head only to see a look on Gaeric’s face that shook her to the very core. Dawn only saw him in profile, but his ears were pressed nearly flat against his head, his eyes opened wide with dark pupils shrunk to three-quarters of their size, and – she had never seen so many sharp teeth.
Without a word, Gaeric scooped her and the bird up, and moved fast. Dawn barely had time to ask what was happening, he unceremoniously shoved them into a niche in the blue white of the glacial ice.
“Stay here. Don’t come out until I come get you.”
“But what’s-”
Dawn tried to say, deliberately ignoring what Gaeric had said by trying to slide out, but he was quick to push her back in the crevasse.
“Stay put.” He growled and, this time, Dawn obeyed, fear rooting her to the spot. She did catch Gaeric hissing something under his breath just before he darted out of sight. “Those damn ships…”
Gaeric was sufficiently deep that the ship sitting atop the wave would have no idea what lurked beneath them. A fury was burning inside him, his eyes narrowing as the ship moved closer in the direction of the settlement. He had been too distracted by Dawn to notice the ship sooner and it was far too close for comfort, just beyond the sheet of ice like they had been following the coastline from their settlement.
The humans weren’t paying attention.
So, he would make them pay attention.
Irida had asked him to deploy nonviolent methods and, thus far, he had obeyed his mentee out of respect for her and for her title as leader. He had dragged many ships to their doom against sharp, rock outcrops and glaciers, some he had capsized with the motions of his massive tail, and other times just used his immense strength to snap off vital pieces to stop their forward progress.
The ships kept coming though. It’s like the humans never ran out of the damn things! He knew Mai had handled one or two that got too close to the Diamond clan and he had disabled or destroyed more than he could count on his fingers, and they still didn’t stop coming.
Gaeric thought it was high time to be proactive about the human situation.
Even at this depth, Gaeric could hear the crew moving along the creaking wood, he could identify each one by the pitch and timbre of their voices. The crew wasn’t large. The water was absolutely silent and eerily still, nothing but he and the ship in the vicinity. The warden edged closer, remaining right beneath the craft, or at least, as much as he could manage. As much as he wanted to bust through the hull and give those arrogant humans a really good scare, he pushed down those instincts.
This ship was going to be demolished, smashed into smithereens to make a point – one that was jagged and razor sharp. His lips were pulled back over his teeth as he watched the prow cut through the glass-like surface of the water. It was a good day to be sailing, or it would have been if the ship had been anywhere else.
He was poised and ready to strike. Every muscle in his body coiled as he went over his plan again in his head. Gaeric would strike with his heavily muscled tail, using it like a battering ram to shatter the ship in two. What about the crew? A voice that sounded suspiciously like Ingo whispered in the back of his head (sort of an oxymoron in itself which helped Gaeric ignore the impending ramifications of his actions). The warden growled under his breath, shaking his head as if to loosen the thought’s hold on him.
Nothing was going to stop him. He would accept whatever punishment Irida dished out because he was doing this for the continued protection of his people. It would be worth it if his clan could survive another day. This ship and every other one that came into their territory – he would break each and every vessel until the humans had nothing but logs lashed together with hemp to take on the rough seas.
Gaeric surged forward with a blinding speed, ready to make his steep descent back into the depths to maximize the damage on the clueless vessel. The silence of the water would have felt deafening, had his ears not picked up a noise that made him stop dead in his tracks. A panic struck the warden like lightning as he heard the noise again. Instantly, his attack on the ship was forgotten, the crew none the wiser of the near miss as Gaeric tore off in the direction he had come from as another scream reached his ears.
Dawn hadn’t exactly meant for this scenario to be playing out as it was. The second she heard Gaeric saying something about ships, she knew that it had to be one of the Galaxy Team’s, a research vessel or fishing boat. The Ginkgo Guild didn’t head toward the northern shores for much of anything, it didn’t intersect with their trade routes, so it was extremely unlikely to be one of their trade ships.
She panicked.
Gaeric would no doubt be pissed, but Dawn needed to stop him. He had already done a lot of damage and that only made Kamado double down on his efforts to map out the icelands so fewer ships would be lost. It was a never-ending cycle.
She was peeking out of the crevasse that Gaeric had unceremoniously stuffed her into for her own protection. Nothing to see, nothing to hear – the ocean around her was lifeless. It was creepy. Even the penguin behind her was silent, but she was afraid to look around at it. Dawn didn’t want to see if it had finally succumbed to its wounds. 
The idea of sharing a small space with a dead animal made her almost as sick as she had been as Gaeric had been encouraging her to snap the penguin’s neck. Blindly reaching behind her, Dawn flapped around to find the carcass to shove it out of there. Over her internal mental anguish, she did not realize there was one sound she was hearing, ears flicking in the direction of it but listening passively.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…”
She mumbled, nearly in tears as she managed to get a hand on the Adélie and was about to push it out of the crevasse when she heard the noises that she had subconsciously been hearing but not registering. Dawn jerked her head, a clicking that sounded familiar but also sent a chill down her spine. Ingo made those sounds sometimes. The sharp squeaks when he attempted to communicate with someone (or ones) no longer at his side. If she could hear it, then it was already too late.
All her disgust was instantly replaced with terror, and she wasted no time, grabbing the Adélie and shoving it out of there just as a massive shadow blotted out the light. Dawn slapped her hands over her mouth, squelching the scream that was pressing against her lower ribs. From her vantage, she could see the penguin floating in the water, its form lifeless and slowly sinking. A dark snout nudged it curiously, a second snout appearing on the other side and nudging it in confirmation.
There was a voice in her head screaming at her that was a mix of her own, Ingo’s, Laventon’s, and every other mer she had ever spoken to get out of there. Not safe. Danger. Predator. Move. Escape!
What had Gaeric said earlier? If she needed to breathe, the clan had made air holes.
Dawn raised her eyes to the top of the crevasse and, true to the warden’s word, there was a small shaft of light. Thank Sinnoh for the foresight of the clans. She moved quietly, not that the orcas could do a whole lot if she was up on the ice, but she didn’t want to attract any attention whatsoever. She reached the hole, a smaller one that had partially frozen over but was clearly made for a mers smaller than Gaeric, Ingo, or even Mai and Adaman, and poked her head out, taking a deep breath of cold air.
She was about to put her hands on the ice to clamber out when she felt her whiskers twitch and something deep in her gut told her to stay low. The sheet of ice seemed barren, but something was setting off a danger alarm in her brain.
Time slowed, all other sounds fell away, even the sounds of the orcas in the water, and Dawn heard something crunching the snow under its feet. The crunching got louder, the sound blurring into one as it got closer, and Dawn did scream this time, ducking back into the water and getting as far away from the air hole as an enormous paw reached through to swipe at nothing. A furry paw as pale as the ice around it fumbled for the prey it knew was down there and Dawn couldn’t stop screaming, alerting all the predators around her.
The polar bear was just able to shove its head through the hole, thank the gods it had shrunk from its previous size, and it blinked at her, beady black eyes following her movements as she tried to get further away. The orcas, now quite alert of one prey in the water, and most likely the bear on the ice, were crowding around the crevasse, squeaking and pushing their snouts into the crack. The bear must have also registered their presence, but seemed to hesitate, weighing its options before two-inch long claws began to tear through the ice. The promise of an easy meal that had nowhere to run just below the ice – if it could make a hole big enough for it to get through.
The orcas were of no consequence to the large land mammal, they couldn’t move tons of ice to force their way into the crevasse, but it did make Dawn a sitting duck. All she could do was scream. Trapped between a rock and a hard place, so Laventon was wont to say. Stuck between two mouth loads (possibly more since orcas moved in pods) of conical teeth and four paws decked with razor sharp claws and a mouth big enough and strong enough to crush her skull.
She was going to die.
Ice crunched all around her, the bear’s paw slapping the water as it excavated the ice piece by piece. Behind her, the orcas squealed and kept throwing her into darkness. Fear was tightening around her lungs and heart, making it hard to think about anything due to lack of oxygen. Everything had finally been going so well! She had quelled the frenzied nobles and the seas had stopped slowly rising. Jubilife was safe for a little longer. People had stopped looking at her with suspicion and she finally felt comfortable in the mer communities that had opened their arms to her.
Now it was all about to come to an end because she couldn’t kill an already doomed penguin.
Dawn didn’t realize she was crying, her tears just mixed with the cold water while she sank lower into the crevasse, as far away from either party as she could get from, but it wouldn’t matter. Gaeric was going to destroy a ship in broad daylight and Dawn was going –
Outside, the orcas were squeaking in agitation as she picked up something with her sensitive ears. Something massive tearing through the water at a breakneck pace.
Dawn had never screamed so loud in her life. The sounds of the bear and the cetaceans were drowned out by her deafening cries.
The fear in her voice only spurred Gaeric to go even faster until – there! Two orcas were poised and waiting in the exact place he had left Dawn, the ignored remains of the penguin he had caught drifting into the abyss with their attention focused on the alive and panicked prey hiding within.
Orcas, like all their cetacea cousins, were intelligent. Orcas in particular are adept hunters and they enjoyed playing with their food before they ate it. Gaeric wasn’t exactly sure why. He wasn’t sure if animals were capable of cruelty like mers and humans were, but he knew that they acted beyond what was necessary to acquire prey. This wasn’t a particularly favorable match up, Gaeric was big, but orcas weren’t exactly small, and they had numbers on their side. Admittedly less numbers than would be normal for the species, but Gaeric wasn’t about to question it, and he hoped, in the back of his head, that that didn’t come back to bite him.
He launched himself like a missile through the water, leading with his shoulder to slam into the unprotected flank of the closer orca. By this point, the warden wasn’t even speaking intelligibly, just hissing and spitting and roaring – because how dare they. How dare they attack his little protégé when she was already going through her own emotional turmoil. He had been so caught up with the creaking and sloshing of the ship in the distance, Gaeric hadn’t noticed the threat around him, and by extension, Dawn.
Without even looking, he knew the other orca was coming toward him. They were faster, but Gaeric was smarter. Just a few well-placed hits - claws digging into sensitive spots like eyes and enough whacks with his heavily muscled tail, then the pair would be on their way.
He could hear her yelling, but he didn’t understand why. He was managing the threat. The whales would be gone soon and then he would take her back to the settlement. This and the penguin were enough trauma for one day.
His claws raked into the underside of the orca, tinging the blood pink as it wailed. What he didn’t need was for them to attract others, he needed just enough time to get Dawn and hightail it out of there because taking on a pod was out of the question. Even if he had Ingo by his side, orcas were meticulous and savage when they chose to be.
“Gaeric! Help!”
Can’t divert his attention now! The orcas were falling back, fleeing into the gloom with high pitch whines that were sure to draw in others in their pod.
That’s when Gaeric heard the low grumbles and huffs, something big splashing into the water. Like it was in slow motion, he saw Dawn dart towards him as the whales fled, only to see her get jerked back violently.
A polar bear.
An old and all too familiar dread suffocated him. His body was moving even before the electrical impulses raced from his brain to his limbs. His fury blinded him, only allowed to because his thoughts weren’t there. Gaeric was lost to time. Frozen in the memory of another young protégé in mortal peril because he acted stupidly.
Gaeric had promised himself – promised himself – that this wouldn’t happen again.
And yet.
No more blood. No more traumatized pups. No more mistakes.
Dawn was too busy trying not to get mauled to see exactly what Gaeric was doing, but the polar bear was alternatively swiping at her and ripping up chunks of ice to get better access to her. The surveyor just kept screaming for the warden with each swipe that came closer, with every scoop of ice that provided a bigger hole for the arctic predator.
It was getting dangerously close now, its head and shoulders almost squeezing through –
There was an agitated squeaking that only grew more distant. Gaeric must have run the orcas off. She just needed to get to him. Dawn darted for the crevasse, even spotting the blue haired warden beyond, looking uninjured, but quite agitated himself.
She shrieked at the top of her lungs, but it was too late. The sheet of ice that had been protecting her finally caved in and the polar bear was in the water with her paddling toward her with urgency. A massive paw slammed into her side, knocking the wind out of her and five claws bit through her uniform and into her abdomen.
The last thing she really saw before a flurry of colors was Gaeric’s expression. She had never seen him look scared before. He prided himself on being strong and brave for the sake of the clan, but that heartbeat before he was on top of the pair, Dawn had never seen that look on his face. A haunted look in those blue eyes.
It was a flurry of limbs, the water churning, and the bellowing that almost deafened her, but she saw it all. Her head might have been spinning because of how much she had been flung around (and blood loss), but she watched Gaeric take the bear’s neck and, exactly as he explained to her with the penguin, twisted it sharply.
The snap was the most sickening thing Dawn had ever heard. It made each individual hair on her body stand up and she did actually vomit this time (although, that also might have been her body’s reaction to the severe trauma). Things were moving much too fast. Gaeric was quick to drag her and the bear away, grab his net load of penguins that was swaying in the current at the bottom, and hightailed it out of there before anything else could happen.
So, Dawn saved a ship, at the cost of having a nasty gash through her uniform, unaware just how bad the injury beneath was.
Gaeric physically cringed as Ingo got in his face. It was the first and only time the larger warden had ever gotten confrontational with any member of Pearl clan, and it was downright frightening. It was easy to forget just how dangerous Ingo could be if he only chose to. It was easy to grow complacent with that knowledge in mind, that Ingo chose kindness and patience when he didn’t have to be.
Right now, Ingo was not choosing to be anything other than pure rage. A deep, foreign growl resonated in his chest as he demanded to know what happened because his pup was hurt and Gaeric looked remarkably unharmed.
To his credit, Gaeric was willing to take whatever Ingo had to dish out at him on the chin. He failed as a guardian. He failed to keep a pup under his watch safe and now she was getting treatment for wounds inflicted by the polar bear. So, he was willing to accept whatever punishment Ingo was inevitably building toward. In all his years of knowing Ingo, he had never seen him so angry, but before this last year, he never had anything he cared so deeply for. Yes, Ingo was loyal to the clan and devoted to his ward, but Dawn was different. For him, Dawn was family, and for Gaeric to be so careless - it was tantamount to something happening to Irida on Ingo’s watch.
Ingo listened to the story, his hands curled into tight fists as Irida watched on, cautioning him by repeating his name because she didn’t want nor need infighting between her wardens, not with how the sea was so intent on swallowing up the region – humans and nobles included. With a shaking hand, Ingo jabbed a finger into Gaeric’s chest, right in the center of his clan crest, and rumbled dangerously low,
“You had better pray to Sinnoh that she recovers.”
They all knew that Dawn would be just fine, Ingo was just veiling his threat – if anything like this happens again, I will not be so forgiving. Gaeric had narrowly avoided Ingo’s considerable wrath. The cavern was silent in the wake of Ingo’s departure, everyone collectively holding their breath until Irida exhaled slowly. Her wardens followed suit. Catastrophe avoided, they all waited for the medic to be done tending to Dawn so Ingo could see her and start to calm down.
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entityupdates · 4 months
This post contains spoilers for chapter 13 of Destructive Interference.
So. N. Looking forward to the comments to see if this made sense or not.
Quick summary of what was revealed in chapter 13: Ingo's Zorua siblings from Hisui were reincarnated as N and a Unovan Zoroark in modern times.
The in-universe explanation is basically just that sometimes Zorua spirits don't want to die and Ingo's Zorua brother and sister weren't done being part of Ingos story.
The real explanation is far longer.
Initially I was going to talk about this in Boss, Warden, Alpha (the unused but still posted epilogue where Ingo writes a memoir about the events of Masking) but I started writing Destructive Interference before I posted Boss, Warden, Alpha so this little detail was edited out:
Originally Ingo's Zorua brother was going to be a past incarnate of Emmet and Ingo's Zorua sister was going to be a past incarnate of Elesa.
Only two people have noticed this so far! I mostly edited it out of Masking but there are a few lines in the early chapters, especially chapter 1, that referenced this. The main thing that remained is that Ingo's sister/not-Elesa-anymore/Theta prefers to disguise herself as an Electric-type (Luxray) but there are a few other details intended to be foreshadowing were left in.
Note: Destructive Interference is a spin-off so Runt and Theta are not Emmet and Elesa or N in Masking. The timeline doesn't make sense for that.
To lay it out a little more clearly:
In Masking, Runt's ghost/soul (ghosts and souls are not the same thing in this fic but for convenience let's say they are) was taken from one of Lady Sneasler's kits. He goes to the modern world and was not further reincarnated. Ingo's sister's ghost/soul was taken from an Alpha Luxray. She remained in Hisui so it is still possible for her to be reincarnated as Elesa but I've never touched on this and don't plan to.
In Destructive Interference, Runt is a Sneasler kit turned Hisuian Zorua turned N. I never address if N is a Zoroark disguised as a human or not but it is implied that his past life as a Zorua is the reason he can understand Pokémon. Theta (Ingo's sister) was an Alpha Luxray turned Hisuian Zorua/Zoroark turned Unovan Zoroark. It is implied that N and Theta were reborn in modern Unova through "regular" means of reincarnation.
The original version of Masking had Ingo's Zorua siblings be "new" ghosts/souls. When they died in Hisui, they were reincarnated as Emmet and Elesa in modern Unova. I decided not to stick with this idea because I thought it was too complicated and would distract from my original intention with Masking (to explore how Zoroark illusions work but I gave up on that like halfway through and no one cared anyway).
I'm thinking about eventually doing another spin-off where I write out this idea of Emmet and Elesa as future lives of Runt and Theta but I don't want to commit to anything.
But back to Destructive Interference, it does seem kind of random that N and his Zoroark friend are Ingo's siblings and they're not in the fic for very long. This is intentional. Sometimes there are just regular people in stories that aren't main characters but affect the plot. Arceus just thought they deserved to know where their brother ended up and sent them to the future.
Runt and Theta totally could've been Emmet and Elesa in Destructive Interference but the appeal of the fic is waiting for Emmet's reaction when he learns Ingo is a Zoroark so if Emmet was also a Zoroark, I don't think it would be as satisfying.
TLDR; N and Theta are reincarnations of Ingo's Zorua siblings because they were always intended to be reincarnated.
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blueisquitetired · 1 year
For funzies may I present to you, the
Warden Ingo and His Brother AU
Okay, so here’s the pitch:
Ingo has been in Hisui for about 2-3 years now and has settled in okay. He’s still seen as an outsider and “unnerving”, but his skills with Pokémon and work as Lady Sneasler’s warden (she insisted) has earned him a begrudging respect among the clans. The hole in Ingo’s soul still pains him greatly, but he has learned to live with it.
And then Emmet falls into Hisui with no memory.
“But Blue!” I hear you cry. “Lots of people have already done that AU! This isn’t new at all!” But you are wrong! Most of those AUs focus on the twins being separated- a comedy of errors keeping them apart. Not THIS AU tho.
No, in this AU Ingo meets Emmet within days of him falling, (wether the Pearl Clan finds him or he he runs into him himself) and as soon as they lay eyes on each other (and this is important) they recognize each other immediately. Not by name, or even relationship, but that the other is the person they have been looking for- the most important person in the world. And then they hug and cry.
(Bonus points if the boys are a little facially blind and someone else has to point out to them that they look exactly the same)
Anyway, this is a soft AU about Ingo teaching his brother how to survive in this strange harsh world and rediscovering parts of himself that he had hidden away. (To make the fluff sweeter, this is a darker Hisui where everyone has scars and Ingo had to learn to mask) They love each other very much and work together well- easily falling back into being a two car train again. An AU about them finding happiness together in a harsh world 💙
Bonus thoughts!
- I think it would be interesting comparing how Emmet and Ingo react to having no memories. Like Ingo had to rebuild himself from the ground up while fighting loneliness and a feeling of otherness while Emmet falls with a support system already in place. As a result, Emmet cares a lot less about getting his memories back then Ingo does. He’s got his brother right here, and if his nightmares are anything to go off of, he doesn’t think he’ll like his more recent memories
- While Ingo had to learn to mask to survive, I don’t think he lets anyone give Emmet flack for his autistic traits. In exchange, Emmet helps Ingo learn to unmask in private or around friends (First time Emmet sees Ingo force a smile he’s like “??!!?! What are you doing!!??”)
Relearn you autistic stims through the power of love lol
- Ingo is also super self sacrificial in this AU. Like, he’s already covered in scars and has been through a lot of pain- but his baby brother hasn’t yet. He doesn’t want his twin getting hurt. (Emmet chews him out for babying him. Doesn’t stop Ingo from blocking his brother from Pokémon attacks though)
But yeah, thought it might be fun to share some AU stuff I have that I don’t plan to write fics for. Feel free to ask questions or add contributions to this post!
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waywardstation · 1 year
Learned Behavior
Powder the sneasel kit picks up on an annoying habit she learned from Akari and Zisu, to get treats from Ingo.
I wrote this off a request to expand on Until Then, Don't Worry with more about mischievous Powder, a request for more ticklish Ingo, and three requests to just write more Powder in general. So sorry it took so long to get to this, I kind of forgot I had this WIP for a few months!! ^^
OR read here on AO3!
“Powder, I can assure you I have no food for yOu-!”
Zisu watched Ingo reach into the flap of his coat and tug Powder off of his side for what felt like the twentieth time that day. 
“She is still searching for more plump beans,” Ingo set Powder down on the ground gently, but the tiny creature mewled loudly and latched back onto his pant leg, attempting to clamber up again. “Beans that I do not have!”
“You’re sure you don’t have any in your pockets or anything?” Zisu crossed her arms as she observed; Powder was being particularly persistent. “She’s been doing that all morning!”
“I checked, I am positive!” Ingo attempted to intercept Powder’s path, but she’d simply zip out of the way, tiny claws hooking into the fabric flexibly. “I do not understand her persistence!”
“Snea!” As if disagreeing, the sneaslet let out another chirp as she continued to climb Ingo despite his efforts. He could have easily shaken his leg and knocked her off, something that wouldn’t have done any harm to a full-grown sneasel, but it was obvious Ingo was doing his best not to harm the comparatively fragile runt.
His leniency allowed her to latch onto his tunic, and she quickly escaped under the concealing safety of his coat flaps. Ingo cut himself off with a sudden jerk and a funny sound, scrunching his side as if a qwilfish had stung him with a spine. “Ahg- Powder-!”
“It’s almost like she knows the best spots!” Zisu clearly found the whole predicament entertaining; she herself was laughing, crossing her arms and standing idly by as she watched Ingo try and deal with Powder.
“It’s because she does! Miss Zisu, you set her on these trACKs-!” The little sneaslet chirped demandingly within his coat and nuzzled her muzzle somewhere ticklish in search of food, earning a flinch out of Ingo and making his voice jump. “She learned from watching you, and Miss Akari! She is simply mimicking what you enCOURaged her to do!”
“Well you did want her to practice her gathering skills.” Again, Zisu was no help. Something about watching Ingo fumble like this so uncharacteristically was entertaining - who was she to stop it?
“This is hardly a reliable method in the highlands; and against my wishes, she’s relayed this method to all of her other siblings as well, you know!”  The warden continued, trying to reach around for Powder. The runt let out a squeak, and the bump under his coat crawled behind his back - she had quickly become aware he could not grab her there. “It is quite difficult to defend myself from all nine of Lady Sneasler’s kits when they get hungry. And currently, that is a constant!”
Ingo’s words provided a visual in Zisu’s head - his legs sticking out of a pile of yowling sneasels clumped all over him. The imagery made her snort.
“Sounds truely vicious, Ingo.” She joked with him. “I don’t know how you survive that.”
“You have no idEA-!” Another jump in his voice as the Powder-shaped bump under his coat shuffled about dangerously close to his underarm. Then-
“-GAH!” Ingo wrapped his arms around himself, in an effort to isolate the Powder-shaped bump that was now moving under his tunic, by his shoulder. “She- she has traveled up my sleeve-!”
Ingo seemed about ready to just tear his coat off in an effort to alleviate the situation. But before he could, Powder’s tiny head popped out of the hood of his Pearl Clan tunic. Her eyes were scrunched in sly pride, a plump bean secured tight between her teeth - the prized fruit of her efforts.
Powder chirped, bean clutched tight, and jumped off Ingo’s shoulder to zip away and enjoy her hard-earned reward in peace under the training ground’s wooden platform.
“Looks like you had one after all!” Zisu laughed heartily, making Ingo’s ears burn faintly. But she was right - somewhere, he did have a bean, and Powder had probably been aware of this the entire time. 
Well, at least her hunting skills were indeed improving, it seemed.
“But, where did..?” Rubbing the sensations away, brief confusion in Ingo’s features gave way to realization; he sighed. “-Miss Akari. Of course.”
In retrospect, he probably should have checked the hood of his tunic when the teen had suspiciously reached up to hug him around the neck that morning, instead of around his middle like usual. 
Akari had found the whole situation more amusing than he had expected when he relayed to her the kits’ new habit of attempting to pry food from him - of course she had snuck a plump bean into his hood when she knew he’d be watching over Powder today.
Ingo was going to have a talk with her when she returned from her fieldwork, but he had a feeling she would only laugh when she found out her prank had worked so well.
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wardenswateringhole · 2 months
Reclamation - Prologue
CW - none Cut for length. Enjoy.
A land of extreme beauty and extreme harshness. A fickle mistress that provided and deprived at a whim. Those that did not respect her ways would find themselves in dire straits. Or worse.
This place, as harsh as it was, was still home to many people. Some had been born on this island and knew no other land. Others came from across the ocean and settled in hopes of finding a new life and learning of all Hisui had to offer.
Some had been forced to traverse time and space to settle here.
Warden Ingo sighed as a gentle breeze blew over the Coronet Highlands. The mountains usually carried a harsh chill from the frigid air drifting down from the peak. The seasonal shift between Spring and Summer offered a brief respite from this. It was one of the very few times that Ingo could shed his coat and bask in the sunshine. The leaves rustled a soft melody and the grass felt soft beneath him as he laid on the ground, his hat and coat folded and stacked neatly by his side. His eyes drifted closed and he began to let himself sink into the currents of dreams.
It had been a few years from his estimate. He couldn't be sure. The beginning was a blur as he struggled to adjust to this new location. He owed his life to the Pearl Clan. They did not have to take him in when they did. He was a stranger with strange clothes, a strange accent, and strange mannerisms. They could have very well cast him out into the cold. However Ingo found himself being treated as one of their own and eventually had the honor of becoming a warden to one of the noble pokémon It was a grand task that very few ever had the privilege of undertaking. These pokémon were sacred to the clans and deserved the greatest of respect.
When the Galaxy Expedition Team showed up, he once again found himself being valued for his skills. Commander Kamado wasted no time in recruiting him to train his people to use and interact with pokémon Irida allowed it on the condition that it did not interfere with his duties as Warden. He took up a role that felt all to familiar to him as he battled and coached the inexperienced recruits.
All in all, Ingo felt content. While the memories he lost still scratched at the edges of his awareness, he could not say his life was poor. He had a home, loved ones, and a general purpose. One could dream for more, but he felt little need to.
For now, Sneasler had been far more successful in her hunts and needed little to no aid in caring for her kits. The dojo saw fewer challengers due to the between season clean up and the preparations for the rainy season that usually rolled in with the summer heat. Ingo was not needed. Work would undoubtedly pile up on him later but for now it was a time for relaxation.
The sound of footsteps approaching yanked Ingo from his sleep. The wilds had conditioned him to react in such a way to such sounds. One could never know if a pokémon saw them as a potential meal or a bandit saw them as a potential target. It was a fool's game to assume one was ever completely safe. A game that Ingo had played many times. Thankfully only his clothing had paid the heavier price while he got away with few injuries. His own scars and the tattered tail of his coat were a constant reminder of harsher days.
Ingo scrambled upright to see Irida walking toward him. He was quick to rise to his feet and place his cap back atop his head. She was young but Ingo looked at Irida as his savior. She had made the decision to take him in. He knew there were nay-sayers that had pressured her to turn him away. He would forever be grateful to her for not listening to them and allowing him a chance to prove his worth. She was the leader of the Pearl Clan. His clan.
His home.
“Lady Irida! To what do I owe this visit?” Ingo called out to her. His eyes focused in the bright sunshine enough to realize that Irida's expression seemed uncertain. Somber even. Her steps were heavy as they carried her up the hill to his location.
“Lady Irida?” Ingo felt a tightness in his chest as Irida stopped just before him. Irida was not one to keep her gaze down. Her head was always held high with a look of steely determination. What had happened? Was someone hurt? Was someone dead? These were not rare occurrences but they were still heart wrenching all the same. Tragedy was not something one could get used to. Even in a land where it was all too common.
Irida was silent for a moment. Her eyes seemed resistant to meet Ingo's. Her mouth opened and closed a few times, unable to conjure the words she needed to say. The wind picked up. The rustling of leaves grew louder. The cacophony pulled Irida's quiet words to the wind but Ingo could hear what Irida said loud and clear.
He could not believe it. His eyes widened. He felt as if his chest would explode from how hard his heart started to pound. It took everything he had in him to keep himself upright as the world threatened to spin around him.
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sea-adhesiveness537 · 5 months
Emmet is not ok I make myself sob daydreaming the period Emmet was without Ingo
Space-time distortions open up in Hisui due to the rift, bringing with them pokemon and objects from other places and times like we see in canon. This is because whenever a distortion opens, a mirror distortion opens in another space/time. A pokemon/object will go back to its original space/time once the distortion closes, unless it leaves the distortion in landed in. If a pokemon lands in Hisui and leaves the distortion in Hisui, it can no longer return, even through another distortion. It's stuck
Ingo was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got caught in a mirror distortion that sent him to Hisui. Humans are not supposed to travel in space/time and it disoriented him, causing him to stumblebout of the distortion, trapping him in Hisui (this is the same reason pokemon in the distortions act aggressively). The trip through dimensions humans are not built to travel through also scrambled his head up causing his amnesia
Lady Sneasler ends up finding him passed out in the snow and takes him to the Pearl settlement. She's usually not a people person but for some reason she takes a very strong liking to the strange man who can't speak a word of the Celestica language
Irida has only been leader for 10 months at this point since her father and Sneasler's last warden passed in an avalanche. She's only 15 and is expected to confer with the clan elders for all big decisions but she's kidna tired of them not respecting her as a leader so to prove her agency she goes against their wishes and accepts Ingo into the clan
Once Ingo learns the language and settles in the clan she also gives him the title of warden as he is the only person Sneasler has shown any interest in since her last warden died
(Irida: I'm so stressed but it's not like a new warden for Lady Sneasler is just gonna fall from the sky
Sneasler: Hey Irida look at this weird guy I found that fell from the sky
Irida: Are you fuckin-)
4 years after arriving Ingo meets Akari and quickly bonds with her over their mutual amnesia (difference is Akari's was on purpose from Arceus but they don't know that. Arceus doesn't know nor really care about Ingo's whole situation) and they get to be found family bc I love them
This has ended up very long and about Ingo instead of Emmet so I'm gonna send another ask about Akari and another about Emmet
SU! Cynthia: "You were once Volo, and then you turn into me? Right?"
:0 Idk why, but Dawn/Akari throwing hands with Cynthia years later is SUCH a hilarious mental image XD. Also, I can imagine our Cynthias just talking and being curious about one another xndjddmidjr.
(SU! Cynthia: "So you were once Volo, but then you turned into me? Am I getting it right?"
Your Cynthia: "It's complicated. How did you lose your, er, parts?"
SU! Cynthia: "Oh, it's a very long story, but it's always started with a mouse. :)"
Yours: "Okay...")
Also, I'm glad Emmet turned out mostly okay in the end (from what I'm getting) and reunited with his bro. Because my friend's Emmet just straight up turned into a fusion of Giratina 💀 (the transformation was gradual from what I got from their rambles).
Again, really interesting lore! I do have a question though. What do you do with certain lore bits with the anime if you were to incorporate little snippets of the other lore bits from it? Because some of it can be contradicting or different at times with Ash in the picture.
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
Baneful Fox
(If you didn’t know, a shiny version of the Baneful Fox mask in Pokémon Legends: Arceus is available through mystery gift until (I do believe) late may, 2023! I got mine and was super inspired by it)
(Y’all I had a good portion written down and then I accidentally tapped a notification that popped up on my phone and lost it all. So part of this had to be rewritten L)
(Btw, your choice if you want the shiny baneful fox mask or the normal one!)
Ingo x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Platonic/Romantic
Summary: Ingo, new to the Pearl Clan, is going around and meeting everyone. And then he gets to you…
The Pearl Clan could see the distortion from miles away, how the rift tore and crackled. Lady Sneasler, despite being a Highlands dweller, was visiting the Pearl Clan Settlement that day, and more than a few were surprised to see her rush off towards the distortion.
Hours later, after that distortion had long been gone, Lady Sneasler returned, a worn and ragged man in her arms.
He was taken in, his wounds wrapped and tended to. When he awoke, he introduced himself as Ingo, and how the only thing he remembered was falling, no other memories of where he hailed from.
The Pearl Clan allowed him to stay after seeing how well he got along with the Pokémon, and how much Lady Sneasler had taken to him as well. They gave him clothes more befitting of the harsh winter winds, and a few were surprised to hear him refuse them taking his old, torn clothes. He had kept the coat and hat, mentioning that the articles of ragged fabric felt important to him. Like they were a piece of him somehow.
It had been a few days since his fall, Ingo learning the significant landmarks of the Alabaster Icelands, the Pokémon and their Alphas, and meeting the different Clan members and their beliefs.
At one point, Irida had mentioned you, and that is what led to Ingo traveling to the Alabaster Forest, a Machoke at his side. Irida had mentioned you were another of the Pearl Clan’s wardens, despite you staying out in the wilderness quite often.
Ingo was given a vague description of you, but Irida had mentioned the most prominent feature. A Baneful Fox mask.
You had a past with the fox Pokémon that lived in the forest. From what you had shared with the Clan, you were on your own when an avalanche cut through your village. You were found by an Alpha Zoroark when her pups led her to your half-frozen form in the snow. From there, the Zoroark had brought you to the Pearl Clan, not too different from how Sneasler had brought him.
Since then, you’d gone out of your way to greet the Pokémon that saved you whenever you went out for supplies. Irida said that’s what you were probably up to now, collecting medicinal leeks and other berries for the clan.
The trees that soon surrounded him helped block the icy chill that threatened to cut through his clothes, his steely gaze giving a slow sweep of the area as he walked. This was where Irida said you’d be, so where…?
A sudden crashing through the underbrush caught his attention, red and white fur rushing out at him with fangs bared. Machoke was quick to step in front of Ingo, prepared to protect his new friend when—
“Zoroark! They bare my clan’s symbol!”
The alpha Zoroark came to a screeching halt, piercing yellow eyes locked onto Ingo before it glanced back at the sound of your feet crunching through the snow.
“So sorry if Zoroark scared you! You’re just a new face a biiit too close to her territory.” You walked up beside the Alpha fearlessly, adjusting the baneful fox mask up a bit to show your clan member your face, your other arm holding a basket of medicinal leeks to your side.
“It is quite understandable.” Ingo took a moment to both settle his nerves and dip his hat in respect to the both of you, “I had merely traveled out this way in search of the final Pearl Clan Warden I had yet to meet.”
“Did you come from the distortion a few days ago? I had just reached Zoroark’s woods when it started, and she didn’t really let me leave for a bit, so I’ve been gathering quite an amount of herbs for the clan!”
“I did fall from the distortion rift,” Ingo hummed, “I have lost most of my memories however, and so the Pearl Clan was kind enough to let me stay.”
“Machoke!” The fighting type besides him chirped, smiling brightly.
“They all seem surprised I get along so well with Pokémon however…”
“Well,” you reached up to adjust your mask, Zoroark gently nudging you towards Ingo before taking off, “Not many people here do!”
You both turned and began the trek back to the settlement as you gave each other your names, Ingo taking some of the herbs you’d collected to lighten your load. “Many people here fear Pokémon, and finding someone who can quickly make friends and cooperate with them isn’t easy.”
“I see.” Ingo mused, glancing up at the gray clouds for a moment. Seemed like a snowstorm was brewing again. “If I think hard enough, a part of me feels like my world is drastically different than this one.”
“One where people and Pokémon get along?”
You grinned under your mask, Ingo just barely able to catch sight of it. “That world sounds amazing. Maybe someday we can meet Almighty Sinnoh, and it can take you back there. I’m sure you must miss it.”
“I do, even if I don’t remember it. But task at hand, we should hurry if we don’t wish to get caught in a snowstorm.”
You nodded, adjusting your bag before picking up the pace.
Perhaps once the storm was over, you’d take Ingo to meet Zoroark’s children. Even though their first interaction seemed tense, you knew right away she trusted him, just as you had.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
How would a more tame Ingo and Erin (though he’s completely domesticated) handle Hisui
Assuming you're talking about Slither Wing au lol
Well, they definitely get some looks. Ingo is a hybrid known by absolutely no one, even Laventon draws a blank looking at him and only assumes he is a Volcarona from the similarities in their wings. Erin gets diagnosed with likely a Larvesta, but Laventon doesn't feel entirely confident. The poor professor is debating is a crossbreeding between a Volcarona and Frosmoth hybrid resulted in an interesting offapring.
Ingo is terrified and amnesic with only has his son to give him any connection to everything, after they meet again. He ends up in the mountains and is taught, slowly, how to live in Hisui. His hunting instincts help him a lot, admittedly. Language is difficult, especially as he's only used the tongue of moths. He learns and manages to live somewhat peacefully as a Warden for the Pearl Clan. Though, he does admit the Noble that chose him was a bit terrifying. A giant feline wanting the giant moth man did lead to some concerned thoughts.
Meeting Erin again definitely starts his paternal instinct which had been temporarily satiated by Lady Sneasler's kits. (She has taken to trying to clean him up like he was one.) He starts chittering and calling to the little larva who immediately bursts into tears and nuzzled his chest. It was a bit obvious he was at least related to Ingo, so he would obviously take the poor boy under his wing. His Noble is also immediately entranced by this sad, fuzzy creature and helps to take care of him.
Erin certainly was not thriving in Jubilife due to his more passive nature. Thankfully, Ingo more than happy to guard this little guy. It does make him sad to learn about his past life. Though, the idea of him being a prehistoric hybrid from over a billion years ago seemed a bit absurd, but he supposed they did seem a bit strange, for even modern standards. Ingo decided it was more his the boy's imagination rather than anything serious.
Over all, they do well in Hisui with a couple of odd situations brogue up.
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Mobile Friendly Info Page
Many years ago, Darkrai came across a strange nightmare in an unknown Warden. In modern day Unova, it found the same nightmare in someone verrry familiar.
It gets a little invested.
Tags and Warnings:
Legends Arceus Spoilers, obviously
yet another person trying to fix Legends’ (lack of an) ending
Darkrai is the main character, but the story is Emmet centric
This is a Family / Found Family Gen-Fic no romance allowed
The usual surviving sibling angst
Headcanons I refuse to let go of
The Cast (so far)
This Pitch-Black Pokemon is shady and allusive by nature, but its incredible curiosity can coax it into appearances.
One night, as it flew through ancient Hisui, it happened upon a strange dream from an equally strange man. Piqued, it wished to know more, but the human’s guardian scared it away.
The years went by, and Darkrai continued to think about that child from the dream long after he was dead… Until he found a carbon copy of both the man and the dream in modern-day Unova.
-Subway Boss Emmet
Some time ago, Emmet’s twin brother went missing without a trace. Since then, Emmet has been continuing their legacy in the Battle Subway, in addition to tearing apart the puzzle left by his brother’s strange disappearance. (Off of the professional clock, of course!)
As time continues forward, the strategy in finding his brother has begun to shift and now Emmet looks into mythical, legendary, and otherwise elusive Pokemon who may help him, or be the culprit to the crime. Perhaps it is the grief of missing his twin, or perhaps a deeper-seeded fear that drives him after all of this time.
-Warden Ingo
Stranded from the home he can’t remember and taken in by a clan he’d never heard of, Ingo now works as the conductor–or, Warden, as the Pearl Clan dubs him–of a Noble Sneasler.
While the feeling of unbelonging never fades, Ingo works hard in his goals as Warden, Battle Instructor, and reliable friend. Sometimes, he swears he catches a fleeting thought or strange dream of a hint of his origin. However, it is quick to evade his grasp.
-Noble Lady Sneasler
Despite her standoffish and mocking nature all Sneasels and Sneaslers in Hisui share, Lady Sneasler’s nobility grants her a curiosity of the humans she is tasked with protecting, starting with her Warden. However, with her original Warden no longer with her, she is now learning coexistence with a new Warden.
This one perplexes her, wearing strange clothing and smelling of a strange land. She is curious of his destiny and respective of his experienced style of leadership. And he easily trusts her in turn.
And the rails don’t end here...
About the Art-thor
What’s good everyone I’m the typical artist who only draws 3/4th view busts of blorbos so to force myself to improve and work outside my comfort zone I’m making a Pokemon fancomic out of this idea I’ve been microwaving in my brain for too long. I got fixated on how Darkrai is the last Pokemon in the Hisui Pokedex and only obtainable through BDSP save data, and also got sucked into the Subway Masters stuffs at the same time. Bon appetit.
In all seriousness though I’ve been daydreaming about being good enough to tell a decent story via comic format and recently came to terms that waiting around for the perfect opportunity was gonna waste my time in the long run. I want to focus on the process of telling a story through comic, but also stay having fun with it as well.
Anyway, hope you enjoy your stay!
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leviathiane · 1 year
I just devoured both PLA Wingfics of yours and now I cannot stop thinking about Calaba and Irida watching Ingo fall full force into Birb Instincts because Akari decided to do something dangerous-
So here I am, asking that question-
How do you think Calaba and/or Irida would react to that?
and thank you VERY MUCH SO FOR ASKING THIS, bc i do absolutely plan to (eventually) write 1 or more fics under this EXACT premise--
Calaba as a medicine woman would have asked to examine Ingo immediately. She likely already has EXTENSIVE records of him, complete with both notes, drawings, and a few feathers taken from different parts of the wing. I bet you she learned how to fix injured wings solely because of Ingo, before Akari came, and was the actual expert for handling feather-type wings. Laventon has approached her over this more than once, in my head. I bet she would have seen Ingo acting funky and assumed it was a spiritual thing, and he is being "taken over" by his "animal side"–– although its not explicitly mentioned (yet) in the series, winged-folk (aka ingo) were considered an anomaly transformed by passage through the wormhole over the highlands. That wings are not a natural progression of future human evolution, but instead some sort of godly gift or curse–– which is not helped when kari comes, arguably even MORE cursed than ingo, with wings of her own. Calaba probably see him begin to fall into brooding instincts and is like "Hm, hm! Time to get the incense. Sit down." She's very practical. It is an unnatural ailment, but an ailment nonetheless, so there must be a cure! Surely this will help.
Irida is a bit more... hm. She would probably be wary, above even concern. This is a member of her clan, yes, but despite Ingo's acceptance into the Pearl clan he is still unerringly an outsider. He's literally built different... and now he's acting different, too. She would think, above all, about the safety of her people. If this new emerging behavior a threat to her clan? and then, should that be settled, is this a threat to Ingo? I don't think she would actively do much, honestly, but he would be VERY alert about it. Ingo isn't some stranger to her. He is a warden and a clanmate and a friend. She would not kick him out or something over it... she would just be aware. And maybe set out an order clan-wide not to approach either Akari OR Ingo, for a while, until this is all solved. He might get low-key asked to remain in the Highlands and not come visit, too, though she would feel immensely guilty about it immediately-- and send him to Calaba for good measure, to check him over thoroughly.
One thing they would Both consider, definitely, would be whether... Ingo is going to be Frenzied. While neither of them will say it, Ingo and Akari aren't very human. Not to them. Humans don't have wings. But Pokemon do. Several of them do. Nobles have become frenzied. Wardens hold close contact to their nobles. The frenzy spread from Liligant to Ursaluna, before. If Lady Sneasler was to become Frrenzied... could it be passed to Ingo, who theoretically might be part pokemon? Could be be frenzied alone?
(They stockpile little stores of Ingo's favorite foods, just in case.)
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
thinking more about the idea of Ingo and Akari becoming immortal in the lunar duo AU, and just...
Do you know the kind of urban legends that would get spread about them? A pair of mysterious trainers who are often sighted before Cresselia and Darkrai appear... a pair of mysterious Pokemon who appear whenever there’s an eclipse. Are they connected to these humans somehow? Perhaps they’re their trainers, bestowed with immortality by their Pokemon. It’s eerie how close to the truth that is...
They venture all throughout the world, half looking for where they came from (though they probably won’t be able to tell for a few centuries or so), and both because it’s pretty hard to settle in one place when you’re an immortal merged with a legendary Pokemon. Sometimes they use aliases, sometimes they don’t- but they’re always uncle and niece!
...except for when Darkrai and Cresselia are in control, and then they’re siblings. They do eventually learn not to refer to Cresselia as the older sibling, however, since you know... Akari definitely does not look older than Ingo, lmao.
Sometimes Ingo and Akari just go to sleep for months and let Darkrai and Cresselia take the reins completely. They’ve definitely reached a level of trust by then that they know they won’t do anything awful while they’re asleep. They usually still go by Ingo and Akari’s names, since it’s easier that way.
Unfortunately, most of their Pokemon are not also immortal... Ingo’s Probopass and Magnezone stay with him, but the rest pass on. Akari keeps her Typhlosion and her Rotom, but as for the rest... well, their current Pokemon are all descendants of the Pokemon they had in Hisui!
Ingo still wears Pearl Clan colors after all this time, though he’s stopped wearing his hat and jacket because they were simply too damaged. Also once screenprinting becomes a thing he just puts the Pearl Clan crest on every hoodie and t-shirt he owns. He cannot be stopped.
(He still has his warden bracelet.)
They’re accompanied by Hisuian Sneasel, since Ingo being immortal means he’s been keeping their line alive by breeding them. Lady Sneasler would be proud.
Akari and Ingo watching the Team Galactic stuff go down like... should we help my past self? But no, that would probably cause a huge time paradox and she was fine the first time!!!
The painful waiting process where they’ve figured out where they come from, but they have to wait for their past selves to disappear before they can return to their old lives.
Emmet: Ah, my brother is immortal now due to fusing with a legendary? This is not a problem. I am Emmet! I will fuse with a legendary too.
(and then he does)
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iam-emmet · 3 months
//What am I doing with my life??
//this is basically a 'the story thus far' except it's set up like a bad infomercial
Are you bored with your life? Wanting to try new things? See new places?
Well, who cares. Arceus sure doesn't. Congratulations, you've won a great trip to the wonderful land of Ancient Sinnoh! Don't worry about the people you left behind, you won't even be able to remember them anyways!
Welcome to Hisui, the historical name of the beloved Sinnoh region. Here you will learn to fight pokemon thrice your size in hand to hand combat, solve ancient feuds, and cope with the fact that almost everyone here hates your guts!
Just remember to trust your instincts, and if they say don't take the cold medicine, there's probably a good reason for that.
Along the way you will get a phone and contact people from The Future! This includes the twin brother of your soon-to-be adoptive parent (more on that later), as well as the leader of an evil team, and a bunch of other random people.
But not everyone hates you! You have the Warden of Lady Sneasler and some random kid on your side! And let's not forget the blond fuck-face who lives in the walls.
Oh no, it seems you've been sent Back to The Future. Now you're out of time twice! Unfortunately you're also wearing a modified version of an evil organization's uniform so you have to dodge Officer Jennys until you make it to the subway station some rando you met on the internet works at. Luckily, he's actually not a creep and he's your adoptive uncle. Not that you realize that, it's not like him and your dad look basically identical. Not at all...
But that's boring, so now you're going to a private school you probably broke into until a Dragonite decides to carry you off to another region. Whatever, you don't care. You've been displaced so many times it'd be weird if it didn't happen.
[We interrupt this program to give you: Emmet gets to not have to deal with anything bad as his twin didn't go missing. Dumbass decides to eat a weed brownie and is paranoid the weed monster wants to eat his joltiks]
It's fine, you get to catch this cute pokemon. You're smart enough to not eat its 'wish granting mochi' so nothing bad happens-
Oh look, your uncle finally caught up with you. He also hasn't slept in a week and is stupider than usual. Oh no he ate the mochi. Oh wonderful, he's possessed. Now you have to deal with your guardian completely delirious and convinced his brother is back when he's clearly not. It's definitely not scary to watch someone interact with something you can't see.
[We interrupt this program to give you: Welcome to Wonderland, Emmet spends the entire time absolutely blasted out of his fucking mind]
Your time has been cut short as some other God got bored of your existence. Goodbye, fuck you, no one needed to remember you anyways. You're now living in the Who-knows-where Place and get to watch the boy version of you deal with your problems instead. Also your dad went AWOL but we're not entirely sure what he's up to at the moment.
[We interrupt this program to give you: Alternate Emmet got Winter Soldiered after trying to get Ingo back from (where he thought he was) in Team Plasma and Akari didn't get isakaied]
You've actually interacted with that guy before, but you had more problems to deal with than an alternate universe version of your uncle being brainwashed.
That's all we got so far, but aren't you so glad you were chosen for this shitshow?
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answrs · 2 years
the problem I'm having is there's like 4 (okay, 3.5, the last one is definitely not on the table for this au's canon but just a general PMD idea) settings i could take the ing(o)men au into and they all pretty much clash with each other, and since i can't decide which to focus on, *none* of them have had any progress done on the plot basically since the damn inception of this au :|
this post is honestly just me brainstorming since maybe if I write my thoughts out with the pros/cons it'll help me narrow things down? (edit: lmao it actually worked and I've narrowed it down to just 2 possibilities, leaning towards 1, so woo! massive progress!)
1) Ingo falls to Hisui as an absol
pro: have a very specific scene for this one (a panicked thrashing as he nearly gets strangled to death by his own tie because the only garment remotely loose enough around his form is his coat, the rest of his outfit becoming scattered in the wind as he fights for air). also because of him never being a human to the people there, his fighting to help when his senses warn him of danger. and then there's a clash of the guardian angel image the clans with no prior expectation of absol eventually see him as vs a devil harbinger the Galaxy Clan thinks him based on their various homelands' folklores where absol are native makes a compelling wedge, especially once the MC falls and grows close to him
con: can only really have a full connection to Sneasler and still leaves the warden spot needing filled, since he can't communicate and (since he's a pokemon and an unknown one at that) is held much further than arm's length from any of the humans, even the clans that appreciate him. might be an angle to learn about Irida and Adaman through connecting with their eevees? but then basically have to do 50 OCs for each of the respective partner mons in place of their humans.
2) Ingo is changed from human to absol in Hisui - possibly during the Red Sky? (possibly mortally wounded by Beni/Kamado defending MC?)
pro: human connections! immediate angst! drama! the clans mourning him only for the biting winter snow and Lady Sneasler's frantic cry to reveal him staggering towards the settlement on a wounded leg, coat billowing in the wind, looking for help
con: very far into the Hisui storyline, don't get anywhere close to as much traction from the omen aspect of his existence. probably muddles the importance if you throw all the Lord Sinnoh and Banishment and Everything Else in sy the same time as his change. but if it's not during Red Sky and is just like. him tripping off a cliff one day and coming back as a pokemon is the exact opposite problem of it being so stupid and anticlimactic and no reason for a blessing from Sinnoh to give a reason for him to come back.
3) Hisui is the same but the reverse-deebying turns him into an absol
pro: classic Arceus Fucked Up Whoops, can throw in Hisuian Zorua MC shenanigans trying to get home while being amnesiac and also a wild pokemon are always a classic
con: no point on him being an absol vs Literally Any Other Pokemon (and honestly even less plot relevance than other people's Hisuian Sneasel aus). i love the trope but really doesn't fit the concepts i wanna explore with it.
4) pokemon mystery dungeon it
this is a joke. maybe as a different au where imagine Emmet just gets yoinked and Arceus just. forgets to make him a pokemon. didn't It already change this guy? (no Arceus that was Ingo). so Emmet's just wandering around as a human and sees this absol wearing his lost brother's outfit yelling about safety checks to a pair of rambunctious zorua pups (Akari and Rei) playing on a cliff lmao
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 2 years
This was based on what I believe is the Passing Loops AU by @mass-piplup-outbreak . I could be wrong about the AU’s title, however.
Note: This is unfinished and I likely won’t be returning to it. It ends abruptly and is littered with placeholders/notes. If that’s a dealbreaker for you, you’re better off skipping this. Also there’s a non-canon... NPC for lack of a better term, in case that’s not your jam.
Diamond Clan meetings were, mercifully, rather short lived.
It suited Emmet perfectly well; while it was important to have an up-to-date report on the status of one’s environment, he’d prefer not to waste time being told something he could read in half the [time]. He had more important things to do.
So when the Diamond Clan Wardens were gathered to receive pressing news from the Galaxy Team, he paid attention, but was also considering how to use this break from the Highlands to conduct a sweep. Under normal circumstances, it would be fine; whatever he happened to miss, Ingo would fill in for him after the fact, in addition to his own insights. For obvious reasons, that wasn’t going to happen today.
That wasn’t to say Emmet was in danger of missing anything important. Adaman had already informed them that the Survey Corps had discovered a [ruin] far to the south-west that they believed had ties to the ruined Temple of Sinnoh, and requested a representative from either clan to confirm the find. At this point, all they were doing was narrowing down who to send, and Emmet didn’t care to tune in for the details of that decision.
Adaman had long since addressed Emmet, specifically, saying “Irida’s already informed me that Sneasler’s Warden was either volunteered or requested. She wasn’t very clear which one it was, but that’s going to leave the Coronet Highlands down one overseer. Respectfully, Emmet, you probably shouldn’t go on this one.”
“I wasn’t intending to.” He’d said flatly, and, as the topic drifted to who would be sent, allowed himself to consider his scattered handful of leads.
If his Pearl Clan counterpart would be absent for the time being, he shouldn’t leave the Highlands. He very purposefully scheduled his own departures so they’d never leave the [region] unattended-- as much as the promise of the other Warden’s battle [facility] tempted him. But it wasn’t a difficult thing to resist; he had a brother to locate and duties to attend to in the meantime… and, truthfully, he’d managed to avoid meeting the man for so long, at this point, that he was a little embarrassed to admit he didn’t even know his name.
Adaman and the rest of the Wardens decided to send Sabi, in the end, and that was the last Emmet thought he’d hear on the matter.
It seemed Irida had assigned one of her clansmen to tend to Sneasler in the Warden’s absence.
Emmet had heard tell of the Lady of the Cliff’s temper-- not from her Warden, but from Electrode’s former minder. The Noble was said to be pricklier than her claws, refusing any caretaker until the misfit she’d picked up and presented to the Pearls. He’d rarely had the chance to interact with her, personally, but he suspected the stories had been exaggerated; while a bit rough around the edges, she seemed perfectly nice to him.
It seemed he’d somewhat misjudged.
The Pearl member had gone out of the way to introduce himself, keen not to step on any toes as he ventured into someone else’s territory, as Takara. He claimed he’d been working toward learning the Lady’s peculiarities so he could work with her in the event her current Warden had to vacate his position-- which was a good safety measure to have in place. Maybe he would have to broach the subject with Adaman; it wasn’t as though he’d linger once he found Ingo. If departing from the subway had taught him anything, it would be best to have a replacement trained and ready to fill in immediately.
Regardless, Sneasler did not seem to like Takara.
Where Emmet could go weeks without hearing his counterpart call to him across the Wayward Cave, he could hardly seem to make it an hour without catching Takara out of the corner of his eye, bumbling around in the unfamiliar terrain. Just over half the time, a cursory search would reveal Sneasler perched on a nearby cliff, visibly laughing at the hapless man. He’d heard that she rebuffed any offered treats, even the mushroom cakes she was particularly fond of-- the same recipe her usual Warden had left to follow.
It was becoming incredibly clear that this was personal for Sneasler. She would accept her chosen Warden and no other.
Emmet supposed he could sympathize; he’d never had the heart to re-open the Multi Lines.
This would definitely become a problem, though. It wasn’t that Sneasler needed to be cared for-- she’d clearly done well for herself over the years without a Warden-- but she did need to cooperate with a human in order to keep the Highlands in working order; it was part of a Noble’s duty, to keep their territory safe for Pokemon and human travelers alike. Without a human she would willingly approach, who could read her in return, there were problems that would go unaddressed. Briefly, Emmet humored the idea of taking over for Takara, since Sneasler seemed unopposed to his presence, but dismissed it almost immediately. Not only did he not have time to learn how the Lady of the Cliffs operated, it would certainly cause friction between the clans.
Five days in-- Sneasler sulking in a tree in Moonview Arena-- Takara approached Emmet again, asking, this time, what he was doing wrong.
‘Fuck if I know!’ wasn’t an appropriate answer, but Emmet felt his response had still been in the spirit of what he’d wanted to say. As some sort of consolation, he allowed the man to linger as he prepared Electrode’s offerings. After looking up into the tree-- catching Sneasler’s red-eyed stare aimed firmly at him-- he set a portion of rice aside and rummaged around for a handful of mushrooms, too.
Maybe Sneasler was a social eater, like Durant. If Electrode was getting a treat, then surely she’d want one too?
But Sneasler continued to glare down into the arena, long after Electrode finished its food. Eventually, Takara got up and left, citing [idk]. There was a stillness in the arena for a good seven minutes, and slowly, watching the arches for any sign of the man’s return, Sneasler warily descended. She chirped, briefly, to Electrode-- who rocked back, looking her up and down, and smirked-- and considered Emmet. Absently, she reached to the dish where he’d left the Pokemon food and pressed it between her paws, flattening it before beginning to eat.
Emmet wasn’t sure whether or not that was progress.
“She likes you, Warden.” Takara began one day.
Emmet deliberately refrained from rolling his eyes. Here they went again.
Briefly, he glanced over to his Rampardos and jerked his head to the right; it nodded and left with Porygon Z. Clearly, they weren’t going to get any training done for some time, so they might as well spend it on something useful, rather than hovering over some guy two slights away from a breakdown.
These were not, generally, interactions he excelled in. Dealing with children was far, far easier; depressed adults, put at ease by a sympathetic frown rather than a smile, were usually Ingo’s responsibility.
“She tolerates me.” He said shortly. “I’m beginning to believe that’s all a person can hope for.”
Miserably, Takara shook his head, “You haven’t seen her with--”
A portion of the sentence was lost as Yanmega buzzed past him, wings kicking up a minor din. Emmet shot it a look and tapped a palm against that side of his head, ensuring that his hearing still worked; he was used to loud noises, but it had been quite some time.
“--k alike, maybe that’s it.” Takara continued, wrapped up in his woes and ignorant to what had just happened. Belatedly, he cast a look around the plaza and added, “Or the Pokemon. I guess that would make more sense-- you’re both really great with them, huh?”
It didn’t take much to be considered ‘good with Pokemon’ in comparison to the people of Hisui. Apparently assembling a full team was a big deal here-- that seemed like a verrrry low bar to surpass.
“You should find a partner of your own.” Emmet said, hoping to end the conversation, or at least shift to a more comfortable topic, “Start with a sweeter dispositioned Pokemon. Once you learn from it, you may find Sneasler easier to approach.”
He was tempted to suggest Takara start with a Psyduck, so he might cause someone else a headache for a change, but refrained. While relatively gormless, the Pokemon’s migraines made it difficult to handle for those just starting out. Emmet spent several minutes ignoring Takara’s hemming and hawing about how he didn’t think he could in favor of narrowing down a good, easily accessible starter. Or maybe just a good starter; the Pearls liked wasting time meditating as they crossed an unnecessary distance, didn’t they? It could benefit both of them, then.
“You might consider an Aipom.” He said, ignoring the fact that he was bluntly interrupting whatever the man had been saying.
Takara nibbled on a lip and seemed to consider it, in spite of the rude delivery.
“Maybe,” He said.
He didn’t encroach on the Sacred Plaza or arena the next day and, after Yanmega confirmed that Takara wasn’t laying dead on the mountain somewhere, Emmet breathed a sigh of relief.
Days later, Takara resurfaced with a Spheal rolling along behind him.
They didn’t stop to speak with one another.
Eventually, Adaman stopped by to ensure that things were moving according to schedule in the Highlands, and that the acting Warden hadn’t caused any problems.
‘Acting Warden’ was a bit of a stretch, but Emmet remained silent on that particular matter.
“It’s a pity, though. The trip could have given you an opportunity to scout some new places, see if you couldn’t find any leads. The Pearls may not have their heads on straight, but they do have a point about how much space there is to inhabit in Hisui.”
Emmet shrugged, not bothering with a verbal answer. He’d considered it, briefly, but this made more sense-- not only had his counterpart been specifically requested, but Emmet had made a point of finding a terminal and regularly returning to it. Under different circumstances he branched out and actively searched, but there was no sense in wandering full time when, at best, it could be likened to chasing a train that had already departed. An established station had just made sense.
“Well, it’s probably for the best. Akari knows where they’re going and she’s seen the Temple, Sabi’s station at Snowpoint should help, and, well,” Adaman passed a hand over his face and laughed to himself, “I can vouch for Ingo being a terror in battle. They should be a pretty well-rounded team.”
Emmet stopped cold.
“I apologize. Repeat that, please.”
The Diamond Leader’s brow furrowed, be it out of confusion or irritation.
“Akari, Sabi and Ingo should make a well-rounded research team.” After a second he added, “Emmet, the face you’re making isn’t reassuring.”
Emmet supposed it probably wasn’t. He didn’t care. Brittle, he asked, “You know Ingo?”
“He’s been a Warden for years, now. Of course I know him.”
Right. That was the entire reason for sending a group-- to have Wardens accompanying Akari, able to identify what Galaxy Team had found. But hadn’t the Pearl Clan had sent Sneasler’s--?
Oh, for crying out loud.
He’d never actually met his fellow Highlands Warden, had he? The best he could say was that they’d shouted at each other across Wayward Cave, with some vague [promise] to [meet] at a later point, which Emmet had promptly discarded. It was ludicrous that he hadn’t recognized his brother’s voice, though. Could it be chalked up to the acoustics of the tunnels? The bodies of water? Whatever. It didn’t matter.
[Meanwhie in the Sinjoh Ruins]
Akari snickered, then waved the wayward hat at them.
“You missed another ‘fare dodger’.” She said, offering it by its bill, showing off the subject of her amusement.
The Unown that had plastered itself to the top of the dark cap blinked, unruffled by its discovery; Ingo groaned, accepting the hat in one hand and peeled the Pokemon off with the other. He held it by the secondary part of its body for a moment, staring it down before sighing and releasing it to hover under its own power. Immediately after re-seating his hat, he held one side of his coat open, scrutinizing it, before turning the same attention to the other side.
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