#he'll put his own damn name on it and i respect that
book-extravagance · 1 year
2023 BRF Predictions (from a Rookie Royal Watcher)
Going way out on a limb here, because predictions are never fun unless you do.
1. Archewell makes its social media debut on a POC-founded Twitter alternative.
2. Anti-Diana Youtubers have a Hot Moment with a breakout viral video. When the creator gets profiled in 2024 we discover that they broke into the 100,000+ bracket in income the year before.
3. George does an engagement with William. (He answers like two questions clearly and creditably. British royalists explode with admiration for this incredible exploit. I am underwhelmed, but concede that it was nice.)
4. Buckingham Palace releases a 3-page refutation nitpicking not-terribly-essential quotes from Harry's memoir. This causes the entire legal staff, such as it is, to have a collective coronary, but Charles is determined.
5. The press arse-kissing leading up to Charles's coronation is nauseating. (Okay, so I have one safe bet.) They emphasize how much he's a man of the people and also how many black clients friends he has. Some RR reporter writes an op-ed on how Charles is akshually far more anti-racist than Harry and Meghan.
6. Charles does bestow the Edinburgh duchy on Edward, shortly before the coronation. I'd say one month. Kingly sense of noblesse oblige and all.
7. a. What I'd like to see happen for the coronation: Harry and Meghan stay home. (They might not even get an invite, because I think Charles would work it out with them that if they intend to decline, he won't send it. Whatever. H & M are pleased to have no more to do with the dumpster fire.) Charles tells Andrew to stay home too. (Andrew throws a temper tantrum that will be related with great gusto in royal biographies years down the road.)
b. What I think will happen: Harry goes to the coronation because he's a glutton for punishment he has a misplaced, battered, yet still-operant sense of filial duty and Crown veneration... and Meghan goes to stand by her man. Fuckin' Andrew is there too, because Charles is already considered too much a wild-eyed radical and he needs the support of the worst dregs of the aristotrash, who all think Andrew has been rather mistreated.
We all know who the press spills more ink analyzing and digging up dirt on.
8. A would-be regicide gets arrested before the coronation. The government and press use this to beat the royalist drum harder than ever. There are grave op-eds about the danger that the royal family faces in these troubling times of social media radicalization.
Will and Kate brief that they will be making fewer public appearances due to security concerns. (Charles is rumored to be Unamused.)
9. Kate looks bloody stunning at the coronation and/or wears a new tiara.
10. Camilla also looks the part. Very shiny.
11. Kate astounds and impresses us all by doing two solo foreign visits. At least one is European. Similar to the time she went to Denmark and appeared with Mary.
12. Season 2 of Archetypes features a genuinely tone-deaf moment (more tone-deaf than having Andy Cohen and Judd Aptow on for the grand finale). Press is fuckin' gleeful.
13. Someone publishes a questionable tell-all about Elizabeth's final days.
14. Charles has a health scare. Maybe planned surgery with a longer-than-expected recovery. He pulls through well in the end, but not after the papers have enjoyed running hundreds of articles speculating about what an early William ascension would look like.
(Spoiler alert: They all reckon it looks like a Tory's wet dream! But they don't say it in those words, of course.)
15. A Twitter account pops up, tracking either William's or Harry's itinerary & flights. If it's William, it's taken down pronto and there is much hang-wringing about the invasiveness of the press. If it's Harry, it stays up and, bonus! Musk has a truly hilarious reason to explain why.
16. Meghan appears at a very political gala. Probably not Biden but a high-ranking Democrat, like Pelosi. Americans are pretty shrug because Meghan's giving Last Year's News at that point, but the UK press goes into a complete meltdown.
17. An unnamed victim brings another suit against Andrew. The British press has significantly less to say about this than a financially independent American going "partisan" four years after the UK establishment pretty unambiguously told her to piss off and die. It's settled quietly. Charles manages to avoid it officially getting out that he pays the settlement until 2024.
18. There is chatter from "palace sources" that Charles is considering having Beatrice do some engagements in order to bring some youth and glam to the rota. The only ones considering this are some courtiers, and the "chatter" goes nowhere because neither Charles nor Bea want this.
19. Another big story from "palace sources" is that Kate has also been struggling with depression, etc (or possibly a miscarriage). The narrative is that Kate herself would never dream of telling anyone about this or ever speaking in public but her dearest friends want to speak out because people who exemplify grace never get credit... Kate is so brave and she's so relatable and also this is how you deal with mental health problems, Harry and ME-AGAIN!!1!!! Keep calm and carry on without a pity party, like an ADULT! Will and Kate allow this narrative to stand (because of course; it came from them), thus doing real damage to the public perception of mental illness and how to best treat it. Otoh, the press goes to town crowning Kate the and Patron Saint Princess of Ordinary People Struggling with Mental Health. (The press does not mention Kate's previous claim that she's never suffered depression because of how wonderful her upbringing was.)
20. Harry and Meghan's popularity in the US spikes around the time of the Spare release and then they get a little stale in 2023. Ironically, the hundreds of references to their "falling star" or "loss of luster" in (American) media actually helps keep their brand pumped up.
21. They come in strong with the unveiling of a big Archewell initiative in December, though. It's been underway all year and they're only spiking the football once they get results. They bring some charity to international prominence with this event. (I can't possibly hazard a guess as to what kind of initiative or event. One thing I seriously respect the Sussexes for—their humanitarian work is creative, authentic, never cookie-cutter. So I'll wait and see.)
22. British papers and news programmes, without directly referencing William, start pushing the narrative that "Open Relationships" might be Okay, actually? Some are skeptical, but! Experts say they're hip and relatable, but also traditional, and they've long been the well-kept secret to a healthy long marriage!! (Obviously I don't have anything against consensual open relationships. But the purposefulness of this Engineered Cultural Moment will be hard to miss.)
23. And you know what this means! Earthshot in Sydney, baby!! Oceania tour time, bitches!!! All three kids, cute as a three-buttoned coatdress!!!? Let's gooooo.
Big splashy Wales moment, it gets good play in mainstream press. Louis behaves fine for his age but gets side-eyed for a random look on his face as it appears in one photo.
24. I think Charles will be able to refrain from briefing against Rishi Sunak for 2023.
He's gonna do a lotta that sort of thing in the future, though.
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partycatty · 5 months
i had a vision and drew it - and even better, i got a fic idea from it!
johnny cage > discovery
johnny discovers his new powers unexpectedly. maybe he wasn't as ordinary as others thought.
warnings: johnny thinks he's dying and gets all crisis-y, established relationship
notes: imagine instead of activating his powers in a life or death situation, it randomly bodyslams him like a heart attack - and it scares the hell out of him. also i hope u like my silly sketch :3
masterlist <3
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• johnny's life was crumbling. his movies were flopping hard, and people were starting to forget his name. his spending habits were out of control, and you two were arguing about it so much that you grew tired of hearing your own voice. most days were the cold shoulder or shouting matches. things weren't looking great.
• it was during one of these matches when the shouting on his end abruptly paused, and he doubled over. your anger was shoved aside as you dashed forward to inspect his current state. but, just as soon as it started, it was over in a flash. johnny was startled, to say the least. his eyes were wide and he was panting.
• you guys assumed the stress was taking a toll on him, a physical toll. out of respect for his well-being, you held your tongue from that point on. or at least, you tried to. everything was relatively quiet until a mysterious yakuza member demanded the sword on your shared mantle. you would've thrown it at him if given the opportunity since the damn thing sent you back millions. johnny, however, wasn't as willing. fortunately for your safety's concern, he was the ultimate home security system, tying up the man after knocking him unconscious.
• we all know the rest. "what in the actual-" "i am the god of fire" "get your damn hands off him" "that's no special effect" "change the arc of your lives." blah blah blah. it was all a weird blur. apparently, you, johnny, and this new "friend" of yours were all chosen to fight for something bigger than a malibu disagreement. you were a fighter alongside your husband, but you did it competitively. johnny did it for the cameras, which isn't to say he's worse naturally. he could kick ass, and so could you, just in different directions.
• liu kang warned everyone that training would take months, as the tournament was far down the line. johnny grew impatient, and you grew tense with his lack of eagerness to actually train. regardless, you sparred and took the monk's advices to heart.
• johnny wouldn't tell you at first, since he didn't want to distract your own progress, but he would oftentimes catch himself feeling... funny, for lack of a better phrase. during meals, his eyes would unfocus and his hearing sounded underwater. at night, he'd toss and turn for hours in the cot beside yours. something felt wrong, really wrong. his chest felt fluttery and cold, like a sprite weaving between his ribs. it scared the holy hell out of him, considering how prone is family is to heart attacks.
• "great session! whaddya say to a well-deserved break?" he'd announce out of concealed desperation to the other earthrealmers, hoping that someone would agree and he'd be able to excuse himself to loosen his collar and sit down for a moment. it was after the fifth time asking in a day that you approached him with genuine concern.
• "honey, are you alright?" you asked gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. his eyes followed your touch and he sighed, moving your hand to his chest.
• "i-i'm afraid," he'll confess quietly, glancing behind you to make sure nobody was overhearing his moment of worry. "i haven't been feeling well, but i can't just drop everything and leave. not when my career's in the shithole. we've got nothing to return to. this fire god guy needs me, needs us, and i know damn well you'd follow me out if i stepped back from all of this."
• johnny's tragic worry struck a chord in your heart and you couldn't help but agree with his words. you advised him to ask a monk about decongestant tea, or some other simple remedy that would keep you at the academy.
• things died down, or at least, johnny's pain wouldn't be verbalized for a while. you and the boys were actually gaining significant strength and conditioning with the brutal training regime liu kang assigned. when he felt everyone was finally prepared to choose a champion, he assembled a king of the hill type of tournament on campus grounds.
• you stood between johnny and kenshi, a palpable tension on your husband's shoulders. his jaw was clenched tight, as were his fists. he looked... terrified. this wasn't a normal expression for the star.
• "johnny?" you whisper to him, reaching down to intertwine your fingers with his. before you could fully articulate your concerns, he speaks up.
• "i don't feel well," he murmurs in return, eyes fixated at the platform in front of you all. he visibly pales.
• liu kang calls you to the platform as the first contestant, and you obediently oblige with a bow, waiting for further instruction. your eyes danced across your potential competitors — raiden and kung lao, the humble farmers. kenshi, the enigmatic swordsman... and your husband, who looked as if he was shitting himself and moments away from puking.
• "you will face (reader), johnny cage."
• "a-are you sure? because that's my spouse, and i'd hate to—"
• liu kang frowns. johnny puts his hands up in a surrender motion, a pathetic attempt at remaining playful, and hoists himself to the platform across from you. his position readies, as does yours.
• though he may be visibly under the weather, the technique is still there. johnny's fighting style is unique and calculate, effortlessly playful and charismatic, just like him. even so, the match becomes quite even as you're familiar with his style. you parry many blows, mirroring others. the crowd is pleased and excited by the potential outcomes.
• you land a good kick to johnny's face, sending him spiraling in the air and landing on his back with a deep thud. the color in his face returns (due to the bruising) as he stares up at you, licking his lips before flourishing his way back up.
• but then, he lets out a strained cry.
• johnny clutches his chest, clawing at the layers of fabric across his body as if they're an anvil sitting atop his torso. his face twists as he doubled over in complete agony.
• "by the elder gods!" liu kang shouts, standing from his spectator chair. others let out their own concerns and shouts, but you're the first one rocketing to his side. you get to his level to inspect his face. you make a desperate attempt to push his damp hair from his face, but his neck snaps the other way as his body tries to expel this sudden onslaught of pain.
• as the fear that a heart attack is imminent, a sudden glow of green burns bright even past johnny's robes. it spills out like an angry cloud, seeping through johnny's fingers as he cries out in the worst pain he'd ever experienced. it is here that liu kang tenses up, then relaxes. he steps to the side, and does nothing but watch blankly. you come closer and part his clothing, giving yourself access to his bare chest to inspect the source.
• shockingly, the problem is... internal. his veins are glowing a bright green shade and when his eyes aren't deeply clenched, you sense a faint trace of emerald in his irises. right where his heart is, is a rhythmic flashing pattern.
• "make it stop!" johnny begs helplessly, and you reply on the verge of tears that you don't know how to help. however, almost as if on cue, he takes a deep breath inward and sits upright, eyes wide and jaw slack. and, just like that, everything seems normal again.
• you run your hand frantically across his bare skin, trying to feel for abnormalities as he catches his breath. you're crying now from the fear, and you catch a glimpse at his watery eyes.
• "are you okay?!" kung lao asks, putting a hand on his back to help him stabilize. "what was that?!"
• "i don't know..." johnny breathlessly replies, reaching a hand up to fix his hair nervously. however, as his hand traveled upward, he noticed the same emerald aura clouding around his hands, and he shouts out and scurries as if he's trying to run away from his own arm. as it's outstretched, it shoots a ball of energy outward, frying a mannequin that sat innocently off to the side. the crowd's eyes go from the mannequin and back to the celebrity. your fists ball up on his back, fistfuls of fabric keeping you upright otherwise you'd fall back from shock.
• "that is not how i anticipated that happening this time," liu kang muttered, coming closer to inspect johnny's palms. johnny stares at his hands like they grew overnight. his eyes shoot to the fire god, incredulous.
• "what the hell do you mean, 'this time?!'"
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brewed-pangolin · 4 months
I’m making it canon that Soap was actually raised in a big fucking family and I mean big, from my understanding there’s a good size Catholic community in Scotland, also was raised by two parents who are absolutely in love with each other and thus enters you. Soap makes it his damn mission to not only knock you up if you are a person with a uterus but he’s got the biggest breeding kink I’ve ever seen and just the thought of this fucking beefy man, absolutely destroying you just to create, what’s in his head, a perfect little family ughhhhh makes me sweat and cry and puke and drool!
I agree with the first part 💯! And I'm going to do a bit of a self plug here.
My fic First Flight of the Scottish Hawk breaks down the dynamics of the MacTavish household.
He has two sisters, three brothers, and two parents who absolutely adore him.
I won't lie, I could gush so much about this. I have a special place in my heart for this fic. But I don't want to bore anyone with that.
From here we move onto the baby making factory that is John 'Soap' MacTavish.
Just a bit of NSFW under the cut...
Once you and Johnny decide it's time to add to your own family, you'll be hard pressed to have a moment of peace to yourself.
Man's on you like clockwork. The menace even has an app that follows your cycle. Knows exactly when you're most fertile and will bury himself so many times into your aching cunt that you'll be nothing by a babbling mess by the end.
He desires nothing more than to see you heavy with his child. Watching as your overly plump belly moves with the next generation of his family name. And he'll put as many mini MacTavish's in you as you so let him.
Now, I'm going to go onto the side of the spectrum because I am of this ideal. And I know I'm not the only one who stands here.
Johnny is a man who has nothing but respect for his lover. He may have a breeding kink like no other, but if the one he loves does not desire to have children, then he's still game.
Adoption is always an option. And it doesn't always have to be children.
You want to raise a family of Scottish deranged huskies. He's in.
Maybe become the resident cat household that welcomes all those felines who were cast away and forgotten by previous families? Soap's got two cat condos in his Amazon cart and ready to purchase an overpriced cat tree.
How about a farm with a family of goats, cows, a miniature horse, and a donkey? He's already signed the mortgage for a plot of land nestled in the country.
The point is that Johnny loves who he loves. Whether they want a family of mini MacTavish's or to run a sanctuary that puts the local zoo to shame.
Johnny boy will stick with you thick and thin. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
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inconspicouslurker · 6 months
do you have favourite ships for the owl house?
*edit a little because I forgot a small explanation. 12/10/23)
I enjoy pretty much everyone but I really enjoy Darius and Alador. There really so little we know about them as individuals so its fun to imagine what they be like. But I think they fit so well together and they will make each other happy. With most characters I'm already satisfied because they are already together and are happy ever after. With these two, they are mysterious individuals and the ship is only semi implied. I know you don't need to be with someone to be happy and yadda yadda yadda, but I think most people are saps for people coupling. I am also more interested in the potential of a relationship then when one is actually established. I love the slow build ups and such.
Darius for the most part would pair well with any adult/ HagSquad character including the poly pairings. Except I don't see him being with Eda alone in a relationship, so him being a poly with Raeda.I don't want to break up a canon relationship (Raeda) either. We don't know much about Perry but I imagine they get along really well. The same goes with Camila. Lilith is out as its canon she a big nope on these things. I know the fanbase have mix feelings about Alador but I'm huge Darius and Alador as a couple.
Some people say the time skip and that near kiss was random but it wasn't. There was small clues that Darius always cared about Alador the entire time.
First clue is the name hack. Darius as far I can tell, only give little pet names to characters he fond of but delivered in a almost condescending way. I believe he trying to remain distance from the people he cared for. He worked in the castle where everyone was cutthroat and backstabbing. He does not want his 'weakness' be shown or used against him. So he refers to his love ones with derogatory names to appear uncaring towards them. Alador: Hack Eberwolf: Mutt Hunter: Little prince Raine: Songbird Eda: The Owl Beast....okay thats not really a nickname but it is a title he can refer to.
The other clues is him muting Alador on pentagram, instead of deleting. As much of a front Darius gives about "loathing" Alador he still follows him and and silently checks up on Alador by the updates. If he truly didn't give a damn about Alador, he would have simply deleted him. Out of sight, out of mind. I have to rewatch to conform but I think Darius only muted Alador to keep himself from commenting a snarky reply (an act from Darius to insure Alador safety. He can't have anyone think he likes him, he NEEDS to have people think he hates Alador so Alador is not placed in danger or used against him, especially so close to the DoU). Darius may suspect Belos starting to have suspicions at his point as Raine, a covenhead, has already turned against him. Darius can sense Belos scrutiny on all his Covenheads since then and Darius can not fail. So Darius refrain from his usual cattiness of replies and opted to remain silent. It was safer to ignore Alador then put on an act that the Emperor might see though as he scrutinize his Covenheads.
I know there was another clue but for the life of me I can not think of it at this moment.
I agree with the fanbase, Darius could do better then Alador, but Darius is absolutely what Alador needs in a partner. Darius would make a great partner to anyone. You know this man will treat anyone so well, respected and be patient. He the type that would treat himself to something and would make damn sure he gotten two to share with his partner. I want Alador to be alone for while (aside from kids). We know he been with Odalia right off the bat, so Alador never been on his own before. It was under his parent rule then straight to Odalias. He needs to figure out to be on his own two feet and rediscover who he is and what he wants while making his OWN decisions. Which I'm positive he'll struggle with but its something he needs. You know this man is struggling (beside emotionally) with everyday adulting. He never had to focus on paying paying bills as it was always been handle by anyone but him. He probably forgotten about bills until the lights were turned off and it left his scratching his head until his one of kids point to the mountain of unopened mail, mostly past due bills.
I was happy with the time skip that Alador is at least alone and trying. I was not thrilled of the vacant expression with Darius he had in the time skip which made me pause. I really wish they made Alador smile instead of staring blankly. But I have my own little headcanons to explain to satisfy my wishfulness. First of all, I do think Alador needs a hit on the head and things spelled out to him when it comes to feelings, particular feelings of love directed at him.
The second part is, I think Alador was brought on a compulsory heterosexauality. (I know that term is used mostly for lesbians) I know this is a huge stretch as the Boiling Isle so open on identity and sexuality. But I have a feeling Alador life has always been strict. He was brought up similar to his children or stictor which is why he puts up little fight or arguments as his opinions are generally valued lowly. Sheer exhaustion his a huge part of that as well. I been overworked for a solid month every year to the point of just not caring. I know what its like. You want to care but you had so little time yourself, so little in fact that you don't even have enough time to sleep and eat. It affects your mental state. You are trying to care and listen but you already running on fumes and barely functioning as is so you just become barely aware outside from what's needed for work, numb and your focus is very limited.
But going back to point, Aldor may been brought up as compulsory heterosexauality. He was made to think hes straight or didn't have a choice while he was young before he had any sexual awakenings and never really question it. I'm fairly certain his marriage is arranged, so there was no point on exploring that part of himself when he was already been promised to someone. Remember how being a pre teen and teen that emotions were wild and confusing? Now, imagine that and being Alador who was more then likely told to suppress his emotions to uphold a Blight image and appearences. I don't think he would have much emotional intelligence, especially as a boy. So if he did, had feelings for the same gender, he probably would come up some weird explanation to himself that particular fondness, isn't what it is and come up with some excuse to himself what it could be and just ignore it. So in that near kiss, Alador brain short circuited and gears started to move. He was processing his possibly new sexuality that maybe he isn't only straight? It was his gay/Bi awakening. Not only that, he processing the thought he can indulge in that exploration now. That's my take on that scene anyways for me to have Darius and Alador to happen.
I need it to happen because I know they would make each other happy. They are so opposite in so many ways but strangely complementary, like a yin yang. Alador needs someone like Darius. Darius will still take charge which Alador prefers and actually needs. Alador is too lax so he needs to be lead around and have someone set up some type of disciplined lifestyle. Unlike Odaila, Darius will asked Alador opinions or thoughts and listen and consider them in decision making instead of bossing and ordering Alador around. Hell, just the simple act of Darius listening to Alador is something Alador needed. We all saw Alador trying to bring up hesitantly the subject of having second thoughts and reconsidering the deal with Belos before Odalia responded with threat. I take that and assumed most discussions are similar when he talks to Odalia. Darius will make Alador feel heard which is something he hasn't felt often since being best friends with Darius at school. Darius will also make sure Alador is taking care of. Including him in self care days. Alador reluctantly enjoys them, and enjoy them more as they slowly become routined.
*Side note* I know people think Alador had a lot more say in things and is more 'equal' with Odalia because he managed to talk Odalia to keeping her deal with Amity. I think otherwise. I believe he mostly unaware when it came to his children.But he tried to help out when he can without making it worse or when he not being threatened or blackmailed. It was clear that Odalia in charge and threatens Alador into submission. Yes Odalia listen to Alado in Escaping Expulsion but I think Alador had an opportunity to help his children and seized it by choosing his words carefully. He spoke exactly in a way that Odalia would respond positively to and goals she striving for. "She getting stronger....maybe strong enough to be a covenhead someday..." and left her with that thought. It was something Odalia wanted and he used it to have her back down.
Now, I know most people are thinking...why Darius, a near perfect man who probably can have anyone, because even a straight man cant deny all of that, would be interested in Alador. I understand, because I think it too. I have a few headcanons on that.
First of all, I think Darius is Demisexual. His color scheme are nearly ace colors and his first outfit even had diamond shape on it. I know the outfit doesn't mean anything. It not like everyone walks around with their pride colors as their everyday wear. But someone as fine as Darius, did not appear to have much interest in relationships except for that time skip. So if Darius is Demi and Alador being one of the strongest bonds he had made in his lifetime may stir deeper feelings.
Darius also hadn't made many deep connections since his school days and Eber (brotherly affection). The last one being the previous Golden Guard, which I believe he had feelings for. We know that ended in tragedy. Darius knew it was suspicious death that more than likely spun his question Belos and started a rebellion. But the previous Golden Guard death also made Darius become strict with keeping a distance with people (Part of which is a broken heart) while not showing who he cares for. So he not allowing himself to bond with anyone therefore keeping him from forming an interested in anyone. So, this may have cause him to have lingering thoughts and get stuck on Alador from time to time when longing for a connection. Since Alador is the strongest bond he felt and had an attraction to beside the previous golden guard.
Headcanon time, I think Darius was considered an ugly duckling and untalented as a little boy. It was later Hexside years he became skilled and was fortunate that puberty was kind. The ugly duckling may have spun his interest in fashion and focus on looking good. Alador befriended Darius during his ugly duckling years and always stuck by him and always so genuine. So when Darius started to get peoples interested when he became...I was going to say swan but that man a peacock! It felt superficial and hollow which really made it difficult for Darius to bond in that way.
As much as Darius puts up a front of being a selfish uncaring person, he isn't. He probably the most caring person in the show that hes forced to hide. He also a natural caretaker. It's just who he is. How can he turn a blind eye on his old flame Alador who overwhelmed post emperor reign when Darius no longer has to hide his 'weaknesses'. Darius can lend an ear or shoulder. Note: Darius always had underlying feelings for Alador but I wouldn't say he was crushing on him right away after the emperor defeat. It was built back up as the rekindle their friendship. The rekindle was a stiff and a bit bitter at first. Both trying work past their issues to work together with the common goal of the sigil removal. But despite any past grievance from their fallout and the years that followed, they did miss each other company and soon they quickly fell back to the familiarity of their younger years.
Darius is smart, he may not be an expert and recite text books from memory on a lot of things (like Hunter and Alador) but he very intelligent that spread across many subject. He just may not know the exact details or formulas but he gets the gist of things. So I think he finds talking to Alador intellectual stimulating. I have no doubt that Alador reads on complicated subjects (mostly theroized) and has the memory to well, memorized what he read. He typically has no one to share what he finds fascinating. When he tries to share it goes over most people's head or he really has to dumb it down and still people only understand half what he discussing. People are usually not that interested what he wants to share. He finds it so refreshing that he doesn't have to dumb it down for Darius, if he did its rare and only because its super niche or very complicated details. Darius seem to comprehend what being discussed and to Alador delight, seem interest and asked questions. Its stimulating to both of them.
I also think Alador sees the world differently which is a refreshing change of pace for Darius. I have a suspicion that despite Darius scheduling his me time and treating himself, he kept really busy schedule. Alador mellow and go with the flow, so being with Alador, he would end up stopping to smell the flowers or realistically, looking at the colors of the butterfly. Basically, Alador would literally and figuratively lead Darius down an unbeaten path unintentionally as Alador absentmindedly chased a butterfly and have Darius appreciate the small things in life. For example, I have this scenario stuck in my head. When they were little boys, *cue pokemon random encounter music* a wild Boiling Isle bug appeared! Now Darius first instinct is to be disgusted and try to squash the creature out of existence. Alador throw himself between them to protect the little critter. Darius would question why he wouldn't let him get rid of the disgusting thing. Alador, who probably cradling the things fondly like it was a baby would explain it isn't disgusting but beautiful. Then recite all the interesting facts on why the creature so amazing, and its potential. Which convenience Darius to see it in a different light. I think that dynamic happens rather often. I think Darius would be appreciative at the change of perspective.
They still have a minor rivery that they both will poke at each other in a form to egg them on to do something. Which they will because they now have to prove to the other why whether they are rivery-ing on is better. They bicker a lot but its friendly, it almost flirting. Something is wrong if one of them didn't playfully insult, tease or joke about something the other interested in. I also imagine Alador doing small innocent harmless pranks on Darius which Darius would have some type of playful payback revenge later. It so familiar to when they were boys that it keeps them both young as they laugh. The relationship has the comfort of familiarity while having the excitement of being new. I wish them all the happiness!
I completely rambled but I think that's expected at this point.
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crying-fantasies · 9 months
A Wonderful Life Ahead (2)
Part 1 | part 2: Few words | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
"I think that I like you, no, I really believe that I love you" his voice is just like his name, a blurry sound that almost sound like static, radio interference, your eyes directed at him and then to his intake, thinking, you are trying to decipher what he just said and he wants you to really, really do it, maybe you don't have to, and that appears to be the case when you look at his optics, like you can see his own essence, his spark almost exposed to you in that aspect.
You know, but that frown on your little face makes his ventilators slow down.
"I don't see you like that"
Blurr's spark flickered for a second, and broke in the next one.
"Right" was his short response after a long silence, what else is there to say? He put his cards on the table, everything that he felt, and it still isn't enough for you.
"Right" you say, taking distance, and he understands, he really does, just stop looking at him like that, it's all, he only wants your eyes in other place away from him, those are way too expressive even when you say otherwise, way too perceptive.
"Well, don't look so down", he tries to play this along, look unaffected, but the situation needs a little of humor and he'll fill up the silence if it gets you to stop looking at him like you do care, "I get it, the whole alien thing or something else, dunno, but respectable, just whish-", you felt the same, after all, "whish- to keep in contact, still be friends"
He is stuttering, for Primus' sake he is, there is an urge, to get out of here, fast, but, it would be way too overdramatic from his part, right? He doesn't want to look like that in front of you, could you end his miserable moment and walk away first, please? No, maybe no, please no, it would only be worse for him-
"Blurr, wait" your words are everything that he can hear, being so close to you in such a quarter of second that, it almost sent you flying if it wasn't for his fast servos holding you in place, you are scared for a moment before collapsing in his touch by the force of the dragged wind by his fast movement, felling the vibration of his whole body at the expectative of your next words, "I mean-" you try to collect yourself, getting to your feet again with his help, feeling exposed, why is he looking at you like that? "I guess that, we could try?"
Your conscience couldn't just walk away when you saw his defeated posture and hurt expression, maybe it was pity, but it was all that Blurr needed to finally get the first step on his plan to rock your world and make you show him a different expression apart from your usual one.
"You doing good in there?"
So, many years later, there is a familiar expression on his youngling's face plate, Blurr sometimes is worried about him, Typhoon has always been a sleepyhead since the moment he got out of the hot spot, he himself can't exactly remember his time as a sparkling but he is damn sure that he was a servoful to whoever was in charge of him, being fast was natural for him and he never was in only one place at the microclick, he is still struggling with the most mundane things like drying the glasses or getting the orders to the tables without running and spilling everything, his voice box could go twenty words per click and he still needed to be reminded to stop and slow down.
"Want to talk about something?"
It was hard to believe that Ty was his, since his sparkling days he was a quiet one, never making a fuss and even crying in total silence before Blurr or you found him.
"Ty, if you want my help I can do something"
"I'm fine carrier-"
"Oh damn, is he still moping around for that bot?"
Ripley was the total opposite, and maybe that was Blurr's fault, she was, as you called her, Blurr's mini me, making fun of him and making him remember of when he was younger.
"What bot?"
"You know, the one that he likes"
"Shut up you little-"
"What bot?"
Ripley and Typhoon were siblings, they acted accordingly you said, Blurr didn't have a spark split brother and the word of siblings was something from your side of the family, a human thing.
"He likes this bot that talked to him the other cycle"
"Ripley, I swear that I'm crushing you to pieces-"
"Of who are we talking about?"
He did his best in order to raise them well, a loving environment, a good home, where they would never be in want or lack of anything, Ripley and you had the best clothes, food and organic supplies, Typhoon had the best energon and upgrades if he ever wanted one, loving memories hanging in the walls, the first time that you both carried Ripley, the first steps, the first time Ripley carried Typhoon, her little brother, a big smile on her face while the sparkling is sleeping.
That's Blurr's favorite photo.
One that is near to fall and shatter to pieces when Typhoon starts to stomp his pedes way too near his sister, Blurr moves fast to catch the photo and securely putting it in his cockpit, he has lost many of these along the years by many outbursts that got out of control.
Even to this day Blurr isn't sure if the constant threatening and death promises are normal for human siblings.
"I'm going to rip that stupid mop of hair out of your scalp!"
"Take one more step and I swear I will piss on your berth"
"Of who are you referring to?!" There are murder and gross comments flying around and all Blurr can still maintain his interest on in the middle of this mess is the supposed bot that Ty may like, because it is obviously an item of great importance.
"What is all this ruckus?" Oh, finally, you have arrived and look at your three kids (your husband is also in the group from time to time).
"He/she started!"
Sometimes, just sometimes, Blurr was scared of this pair, specially when Typhoon started to concentrate water on his derma and armor, or when Ripley had this wild look on her and her hair was a mess, almost showing her discontent.
How did you stand so strong in front of that? Confronting a wild moody young adult in the making and a giant youngling? No idea, by the look that you were giving him you wanted, no, you expected him to step up, say something.
Ah, you wanted him to be the bad bot, er, cop, for once.
"Ripley, you started" Blurr looked at her, pointing at her direction, almost backing down when her furious eyes were placed on him just to have you say her name sternly in warning, making her sigh before explaining herself.
"I'm just being honest", she pointed at her brother, "believe me when I say how worried I'm by this fool going around with a silly smile behind his mask with somebot around"
"Don't say-!" Typhoon is boiling in embarrassment, literally, but a look from you stops him, "don't even care about it, Dinamax is only a friend"
"Our parents were friends once too, you know?"
"Okay, now, let's get some peace" Blurr got near his kids, looking to both of them (while feeling pain by his son burning derma by the mere touch) before raising Ripley to see her brother in an eye to optic level, "and let's say sorry by the mean things we said and the menacing tones used"
"Why do I have to say sorry to this piece of scrap metal?"
"Why do I have to say sorry to this poor excuse of a mammal?"
At that, everyone gasped or vented quite hard, Ripley had tears in her angry eyes, "Wait, princess-" Blurr is fast enough to catch Ripley in the air when she launched herself to attack Ty in right in the visor.
Many apologies later and with both grounded for the day (you wanted him to ground them for a week, but he is weak for his kids), he gets to knock on his son's door, which opens at the second, Typhoon is seated on his berth, cooling down, he has a little trinket on his servos.
"Can I sit here?" Blurr talks fast, others wouldn't understand him, but Ty looks at him at his optics and with a movement of his servo gets the message and answer around, letting him take a sit next to him but keeping his distance, "So, this Dinamax..."
"He is just a friend" many would be surprised but Ty can talk as fast as Blurr, not even you are sure when it started or if Ty always could talk as fast as him, but it's what they use, their way to communicate in privacy.
The combination of cybertronian CNA and human DNA has such interesting results.
"You know, Riri had a point in what she said" Blurr knows that he has a proud smirk (maybe way too near to childish excitement) on his face plate that goes from one audial to the other, Blurr says your name with a lovesick sigh, "we were friends once" Typhoon looks at him with a bored expression, just like the one you made everytime that he surpassed his last record of velocity and looked at him like what he just did was, indeed, good, but not everlasting after every mech that showed him in praises were finally gone and he got to where you were just to look unimpressed.
Just to then ask him if he really liked what he did while giving you a ride back to your living unit, he wasn't expecting it and just said the first thing he had on his processor, to the max potential in quite the mess of words to express his passion, he stopped his ranting and also his tires, saying sorry for going overboard, only to have you smiling with real interest even when you don't understood a part of it.
"You seemed happy" were your words then and the ones that he gives to Ty, "really happy when you thought about it"
Typhoon smiles rather nervous and it shows now that his battle mask and visor off, looking at the little thing in his servos, Blurr doesn't have to ask to know that it's a gift from this Dinamax.
"You know that your friends can get discounts in here, why not bring this friend of yours to say hi?"
A young bot of few words, still, his golden optics showed everything Blurr needed to know, that, in reality, this very young bot was happy with simple things and didn't need to express it with words.
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villain-sympathizer · 2 years
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here it is!! the dumb cringe thing ive been working on instead of my actual college work lmao
i absolutely ADORE these otp form things, they itch that lil adhd scratch in my brain that loves filling out forms for my characters
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[the original blank sheet can be found here!!] the op changed their twitter handle but its still the same source!
some explanations on their dynamics and backstory under the cut!!
SO. God I think about these idiots so damn much, its insane.
First off, their history:
I have my own lil headcanon (and excuse to merge my own bnha universe with the canon one lmao) that U.A has collaborations with other top Heroics schools across the world to have similar Hero Course curriculums. That way they can avoid drastic differences in heroics styles if heroes need to work internationally (for example, instances like in World Heroes Mission).
Because of this, I think U.A used to have exchange programs with specific countries every-other year before their security cracked down on itself. For one semester, hero students from the American branch would come to U.A to learn alongside their respective class level (meaning American "Juniors" would work with Japanese "Second years"), and at the end of the semester, the Japanese branch would then learn in America for the second semester.
This is likely how Dani and Mirai met, as Dani - once she becomes a Pro Hero - enjoys volunteering her time to assist with the local Heroics high school that she used to attend, and thus jumps at the idea of joining in on one of their bi-yearly exchange trips. It also gives her an excuse to visit her father and sister, who live in Deika after her parents' divorce.
It was no doubt when Mirai was All Might's sidekick, and of course would tail him whenever he wished to "check in" on all the "future pros" training at U.A (aka, he misses his high school years sometimes and this event gives him an excuse to drop in).
Taken by Dani's overall cheery, bubbly, and slightly ditzy personality, as well as her ability to put up a rather good spar with All Might himself - still losing, but proving to be a formidable opponent - it was no wonder Mirai decided to strike up conversation with her. Besides, she seemed to be close with other Pro Heroes like Present Mic, Eraserhead, Midnight, and Best Jeanist, so there had to be more to her. As it turns out, she used to be in this program as well, and trained alongside the aforementioned heroes back when they were baby-cheeked rookies in U.A.
Dani totally won him over with her sense of humor, kindness, and overall open disposition. All Might seemed to approve of her too, which would always be the make-or-break reason for Nigheye. They exchange contact info, spend time together whenever Dani was in the country, and hung out together alongside the other Pros.
It was no wonder when Dani's little sister, Adelynn, got into U.A and was accepted into Nighteye's internship program. Every. Year. He'll tell you it's not favoritism, but we all know it is.
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Their lil symbols:
Dani's is a star, because her name is Slavic/Germanic for Morning Star! Her and her siblings have this celestial theme going: Dani is a star, Adelynn is the moon, and Sunna is the sun!
Nighteye's is based off his eye shape when he uses his quirk!
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Checkbox explanations:
[Confesses first / Initiates first kiss:] This is Dani, I would say, only because she's more bold and open when it comes to her feelings or emotions. Sure, Mirai is someone who is bold and speaks his mind too, but I think we can agree this man will never in his life bring up his feelings first unless it's absolutely dire, or prompted by someone else. So of course, Dani's the one to take the initiative, something Mirai notices is a trait both her and Adelynn share.
[Says "I love you" first:] Despite Mirai being emotionally constipated, like stated above, I feel like he's the one to say it and truly, deeply mean it in a romantic, 'I want to be with you forever' kind of way. Dani, having grown up in Western society, is comfortable telling her family and friends that she loves them all the time - it's just instinct to let them know they mean a lot to her! As far as their relationship goes, Dani's said "Love you!" to Mirai plenty of times, but they both know that it's in that platonic close-friends way, at least until they feel the time is right to fully confess their love. And that's what Mirai does, likely letting it slip while seeing Dani off at the airport after one of her visits.
[Big spoon:] Mirai, a majority of the time. I mean look at this gangly-ass mf, he could wrap around Dani like a cocoon if he tried. However, there are rare times when Dani finishes a patrol in the early, early mornings when Mirai is still asleep, and she'll crawl into bed and spoon him instead.
[Worrier:] DANI, NO CONTEST. Blame 'eldest sister' syndrome on this one, having grown up always looking after Adelynn (before she moves away) and then Sunny. It doesn't help that anxiety runs in the family, too. Mirai can worry sometimes, like if Dani's late from a mission or patrol, the typical stuff, but never on the level of Dani's downright separation anxiety. There is the rare chance that Mirai catches a glimpse of something in her future that worries him, and he practically hovers around her constantly, taking away things or restricting her options to try and lessen the chance of disaster, like a mother with her first-born infant.
[Better w/ money:] Mirai. Not that Dani is bad with money, per say, just that she's a bit of a philanthropist when she has the opportunity to be. Hell, nearly all of Adelynn and Sunny's tuitions were paid by Dani's Pro Hero salary, and she still had more than needed for herself left over. Mirai's also clearly a natural-born desk jockey and instinctually takes charge of any budgeting.
[More experienced:] Dani's had more relationship experience in the past, and likely more sexual experience too. Mirai's just never had the time or interest in that stuff, not till he grew attached to the shadow hero. However, after an incident in college, she grew more reserved in her willingness to date/have one night stands, and instead focused on her career and potential relationship with Mirai.
[Wakes up first:] Now this question is all based on perspective, cause the two of them work literally opposite timeframes of each other. Mirai works that typical 7am to 5pm white-collar shift, running his own agency and all. But Dani, due to the nature of her quirk, works from 10pm to about 5 or 6am, the only exception being Thursday nights so that she can volunteer to teach that next Friday. So sure, Mirai gets up first in the traditional sense, but technically it's Dani who wakes up far before him.
[Steals blankets:] DANI LMAO. She inherited the low-circulation that comes with her quirk from her dad, and runs pretty cold in her hands and feet. It's pretty normal for Mirai to wake up with only a corner of the blankets on him yet. He combats this by just gluing himself to Dani when they're sharing a bed, a win-win.
[Speaks more:] Dani again, but only because she tends to be too friendly and strike up conversations and ramble due to obviously undiagnosed ADHD. Think of a mom who just has to talk to every person she knows at the grocery store, regardless of their connection.
[Normally cooks:] In the off-chance they have the time to have dinner at home, it's always Mirai taking the lead. Dani's cooking skills growing up were mixed: her father was a good cook and loved to teach his little girls, but her mother was a bit of a perfectionist and REFUSED to let anyone help with cooking. Since the divorce, Dani's father was never around to teach her as much as he taught Adelynn, so Dani's a bit of a disaster when it comes to cooking. It's hilarious to them both, but she agrees that Mirai takes control in the kitchen. Though, after the raid incident, and Mirai looses an arm, Dani takes it upon herself to learn to cook in order to help out.
[Apologizes first:] Even if she wasn't in the wrong, Dani will always apologize first, at the very least for arguing. Once again it's likely because of her anxiety (and strained home life as a kid), and how she doesn't want to make people mad or upset at her, despite not giving a flying fuck about her reputation or ranking. So for her to apologize first, no matter what, is kind of her way of inadvertently saying "Please don't be mad at me anymore".
[Ticklish:] BOTH, HANDS DOWN. Dani is by no means immune to tickling, Mirai's proven that plenty of times totally not through fetish means. But Mirai himself, however, is just as ticklish, if not more. Dani found this out after taking advantage of his shirtless form one night as a means of revenge, and it was like she found the holy grail of blackmail.
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Their songs:
VOID - By Lil Nas X [[Yes, I know this one is about LNX's experience with being a gay man, and I'm not trying to take away from that! But without that context I feel like it can fit well for these two.]]
God, this song is so raw and emotional to me, I actually cried a few times when I first heard it just cause it's that GOOD when you really think about it.
For the most part, I see it in the perspective of Dani, admitting her feelings of depression and loneliness despite always being cheery and upbeat around others. She's constantly separated from the comfort of her friends and family in Japan, and clearly seeing that as a true "home" to her than her life in America. Each time she visits and leaves, it's almost as if she's 'running away from home'.
"Oh, Blue, I love you too But today, I'm gonna run away from home"
Now this next line is what REALLY defines them, and what I focus on every time I project them into this song:
I find it hard to get Way too hard to live Tell me what you know Now before I go
I see this taking place after Mirai sees his potential death, keeping quiet about it, but is obviously worried or saddened by something. The next time he sees Dani off at the airport after a visit, she tells him he's clearly upset by something deeper than just her departure. When Mirai denies it and assures her nothings wrong, she immediately knows he must have saw something with his quirk, and asks he tell her what it is before she leaves again. Mirai doesn't tell her, but she gets her answer in the form of an international news report and a rather forlorn call from Toshinori.
The second verse I've only just recently thought harder about, and boy, it makes me almost cry sometimes LMAO
Basically, this next part would take place in the canon universe, where Mirai dies, rather than my au where he survives but with many life-changing injuries:
Oh, I weep through the night Can't find a love who loves me the same Or as much as you do [...] See, I'm getting tired of the way I've been living I'd rather die than to live with these feelings [...] It's too many ups and downs on the ride I spent inordinate 'mounts of time Trapped in a lonely, loner life Looking for love where I'm denied
After losing so many people who were close to her, like Oroboro, her father, Mirai, and Midnight - I can see Dani becoming more reckless and careless with her wellbeing, going through times where she doesn't really care if she dies on a mission or during an attack. This of course never happens, and her sisters manage to convince her to seek help for herself. But the pain and the loneliness never really go away, and in fact, grow worse.
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everything i wanted - By Billie Eilish [tw for suicide mentions/eluding to suicide in the song]
This ones a bit of a given if you've heard it before, but of course I'm going to put a different spin on the song's context for the sake of these two:
The song's about Billie's struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts, how the worry of not being enough or the idea of everyone hating her plagued her mind to the point it manifested in her dreams - however, her brother Finneas was always there for her, and was who she went to to discuss her troubling dream.
In terms of Dani and Mirai, this is once again in the perspective of Dani, with Mirai being the one to assure her and provide comfort.
Danica faced a troubling past and even worse present due to her quirk being seen as "malicious" and fearing the public hates her for it, despite being the #3 Pro Hero in America. She's also put under the stress of what likely every Pro Hero goes through, the feeling of needing to save everyone or else people will berate her for not being a 'true hero'.
'Cause everybody wants something from me now And I don't wanna let 'em down
This is even more prevalent after she learns what Adelynn went through in the psychiatric penitentiary and then the "reformatory camp" after a mishap with her quirk, especially since Dani had the ability to take her out from it - had she known what was happening.
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Comedy - By Bo Burnham
This ones much more lighthearted, and can be seen from both perspectives.
Dani originally wanted to be a comedic musician, or at the very least a musician, but unfortunately was coerced into heroics when her school subtly threatened to have her "reformed" if she couldn't learn to control or use her quirk for something "useful" (aka they threatened her to work for the hero commission since her quirk was useful).
After meeting Mirai, who also enjoyed comedy and making others smile and laugh, it was a breath of fresh air for the both of them to find someone who shared their ideals: making people happy, if only for a moment.
Healing the world with comedy Making a literal difference, metaphorically I swore I'd never be back, and now, I'm back on my feet And I'm healing the world with comedy
This line at the very end hits me every time I hear it, because it pretty much sums up Dani's attitude after she thought she'd never be able to make music again when she became a Pro Hero. Thankfully, after sustaining injuries that required weeks or months to heal - numerous times, mind you - Dani realized that she can spend that time working on her original passion: comedic music.
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Whumptober Day 6: Proof of Life
Prompt: Ransom Video
Summary: Even after all these years, Boba still has nightmares.
[Do you think Boba ever think about Ponds's death? I think this is also the first time I've written Boba, so go easy on me...]
Keeping his territory on Tatooine in check is a nightmare all of its own. Not because he's hated (far from it, which he takes pride in), but because he's not the first tough guy with an arsenal to come around and claim the land. He's just the first to not have any issues with the Sand Folk.
Logically Boba never assumed it'd be a walk in the park. He'd given himself a mammoth chore deciding to pick up where that slob of a slug had left off, and actually make something out of this wretched planet that didn't result in the constant misery of those he now ruled over.
Still it was worth doing in the end.
Respect kept most in line. Those that didn't get the memo were dealt with swiftly. It was the upstart wannabe usurpers that gave him reasons to go to bed with an aching back.
There was barely any time to rest at the beginning of his reign. Not that Boba had any trouble going without sleep when he had plenty of trash to take out. Life as a bounty hunter had prepared him for that. The addition of an ally like Fennec also helped to lighten the load considerably.
In due time things started getting less hectic. Weeks after the Pykes were put in their place, and Cad Bane bit the dust, everyone seemed to sort of settle. A period of peace before the next asshat with an ego bigger than Coruscant came about to start some shit.
Work slowed. Tasks became fewer. Fennec never quite relaxed but she was less wary of getting shot any time soon, which meant things were alright for now. Even his rancor seemed content to just lay about, not in a stupor of depression, but because she was satisfied with how things were.
Meanwhile Boba dreaded going to bed.
Even after all these years, Boba still has nightmares.
Nightmares of a lonely city in the sea, endless rainfall, a familiar ship leaving the hanger without him. Nightmares of a hot desert, the roar of beasts, swinging of plasma blades and the fall of a limp body. Nightmares of familiar eyes staring sadly at him, the discharge of a blaster, the slap of a pale hand across his face.
He'd been a kid surrounded by death and disappointment. Isolated and forced to fend for himself more than he'd ever been loved or tended to. Yearning to both be and be more than the person he was cloned from. The only claimed son among hundreds of thousands.
And yet here he was. Still very afraid to go to bed on his own, just as he'd been when he was but that child in Tipoca waiting for his buir to return home. The only difference being that the monsters he'd feared then, now had very familiar faces that seemed to blur at the edges.
The worst of his nightmares were of that damned ransom video Aurra had made to lure out Windu. It's always Ponds who stares at him with those sad resigned eyes of his. But after he (not Aurra in the dream) pulls the trigger, it's Jango who stares back at him with disgust at him being someone else's pawn.
Unable to seek vengeance on his own, nor able to evade ending up in prison. Any form of training he'd learned from his father gone to waste.
A disgrace to the Fett name. Just like all the other clones. Unworthy.
Boba knows he'll never escape the guilt of his failures as both a man and a brother. Most of all he'll never escape the nightmares where the fragmented memory of his father hates him. It makes him dread going to sleep more than the prospect of ending up at the wrong end of a blaster, or back in the guts of a sarlacc.
The mind is not merciful.
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Danny recalls the time he killed his father.
((Warnings for abuse, assault, murder, military mentions, elder abuse, dementia mention, uhhh.. yeah and generally dark themes? Not sure what else to tag so consider yourself warned))
"Hey, old man, I have a surprise for ya!" He called out as he stepped through the door.
Though he's been working as a journalist for a few years now, he still lives with the ol bastard. His old military injury means he can't live on his own, somebody has to carry all the groceries in and do all the heavy work around the house. Like hell is he going to let a stranger into the house when he's right there. You're family.
Even if he blames you for Ma leaving when you were born. You're family.
Even if he kicks your ass when you fuck up. You're family.
Even if he makes him work so hard that you're drop dead tired, but staying up til 4 am just for a second to hisself and his own projects. You're family.
Family responsibilities seem to only go one way, you to him. But that's fine. That's what family life is like, right? Respect for your elders and betters.
Which is why, now that the first signs of dementia have begun to grip his rotten old mind, his thoughts have turned to the legacy the old man will leave behind. He was a strong man, but age is has already started to waste him, hollowing cheeks ever so slightly. If this keeps going he'll be a twig of a man who wanders into traffic and yells at children with the names of their parents. He deserves better than that. He deserves to part with newspapers all singing about how he defended this country and raised a fine son on his own, with no help from that cowardly bitch.
Perhaps that last part wouldn't go into the article...
So this... This would be his only kill where he didn't wear the mask. Already it had witnessed two ends. Two stories unfolded and lovingly shared in Danny's own writing. This one, however, was a personal favor to his old man, and so he approached him without the veil of secrecy, and without the manipulation and trickery. He opened himself to the old man, seeking his love and approval for what Danny found was his calling in life, and with his knife openly visible he stabbed that old man while he was still sitting on that damned recliner.
Shout, blood, pain. The old man still had some strength in him yet, and he clobbered Danny in the face. Such a familiar action to the two of them. This was not the plan. The old man was staring at him with a funny look- anger, rage, yes, but a note of disgust and fear.
Disgust?! Disgust?! He was doing this for YOU you old fuck!! This was for YOUR story! This was YOUR legacy! Where everyone would be talking about it for YEARS! Don't fucking look at me like that!!! Fuck off and die already!!!
All was quiet. His heart was racing. They were upstairs, in the hall, the old man face down below Danny. There was... So much blood. Holes in the walls. Everything knocked akimbo. How long had....?
Danny ached terribly as he got up, using the wall for support, leaving a smear of blood. He took each step back down one at a time, and took in the destruction of his childhood home. What a messy job. The old man deserved better.
He left. Waited two days, and of fucking course nobody noticed they had gone silent in all that time. He put in a call himself to the police, posing as someone who had just escaped a kidnapper who had murdered his father. Made up a story about them wanting payment, but not realizing the family had no money. It tainted the legacy of his father, having these fictional, inept murderers the cause behind it all, but he was tired and ready to move on from all this.
See you in hell, pops.
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tortoisesforhire · 8 months
I need to ramble and just...put some thoughts down.
I think I finally understand all the ways he disappointed me. I know he would say that I'm a liar because I am a lesbian and I didn't figure that out until five years in so that must mean I was lying about being attracted to him, as if it could ever be that simple. He would say I'm cruel cause I have hurt him and his pain is more important than mine. He would say how dare I take the cat without consulting him but he's my cat, we got him together but I paid for him, I took him to the vet and it is my name on the paperwork. Whatever. All of that, that's just details after the fact.
I could say he's repressed, which is true, but that's not it. I could say he was manipulative and borderline financially abusive, which is also true but I don't think a conscious choice on his part. At least I hope not. But what really hurt me what really bothered me and is the burning ember of my rage in retrospect..he never respected me. I am so tired of being disrespected.
I don't mean in the boomer way, I don't crave authority. He treated me like a child, he talked to me like I was a child. Every time I tried to connect, tried to resolve emotional issues or bring something up he would regard me with an air of indulgence, the true adult in the relationship pandering to my immaturity. Even after the break up "Im not going to take care of you anymore" as though I need a caregiver, instead of a partner.
It would hurt less if he were the only one. If it was just him, just his behavior, a one off that can be attributed to his own fucked up insecurity and repressed emotions. But it's not. He's not the only one. Every day I am professionally ignored, belittled and talked down to. Romantically over and over again my partners have treated me as though I am incapable, stupid, childish, silly and young. Not good enough. Do you know how infuriating it is to be treated like you're not good enough when you didn't even know you were supposed to be proving something?
I just don't understand why? What is it about me that reads as incompetent and in need of some kind of babysitter? I'm twenty eight years old, I have traveled to five different countries on my own. I have survived sexual assault, mental, emotional and physical abuse. I have been desperate and starving, I have rebuilt myself from the ground up and I did it, all of it, by myself. I am a professional, I have a career and I am damn fucking good at it.
So I don't understand where this impression comes from? Is it because I'm short? Because I look younger than I am? Because I am anxious or easy going by turns? Should I have firmer boundaries? Is it some kind of autistic vibe I put out that marks me as 'Other'?
Just because I am anxious doesn't mean I am incapable. Just because I am autistic doesn't mean I am stupid. Just because I have a ADHD doesn't mean I can't get shit done. Whatever the reason is I am done. It's bullshit and I'm done.
You want to know the truth? I am, mostly, a lesbian. I don't find men attractive generally speaking. But I was with him for five years, I loved him, I was attracted to him. He was my exception. But how can I find someone attractive when they do not respect me enough to treat me like an equal? Like a partner? Instead of a fucking dependent.
It's not worth it to say any of this to him because he wouldn't understand. I'm not kidding about the emotional repression, it's like trying to explain calculus to a toddler. Which reminds me, not that he'll ever read this but by the way; I am not a 'social worker' I'm a crisis mental health counselor, and that is not a lesser job just because it isn't physically demanding you puffed up self important misogynistic prick. Go to therapy. Get help, for the love of god. I really do hope you get better.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
So Jason says he's going to go after me and follow me and bother me that's what he said and trying to attack me to harm me very badly he said cuz he's an emotional little f**** and a basket case and yeah he's a weak link from westborough.
Zues Hera
That little s*** won't shut his mouth for anything I'm going after him now and you're going to clear about he's an animal and he's a pig and all of his needs to be killed so we have to listen to his idiotic comments I'm bringing a suit against him in his so he's gone he'll pay you and a lot of money he owes it to you Zeus and Hera both, and I'm going to suit for reparations but areas he ruined and things he took of ours it's going to put some more teeth into it
Bitol and Goddess Wife
you keep talking and your situation keeps getting worse you told me to shut up and you won't ever shut up now you're going to be gone you and your race and you started this crap with their son in Port Charlotte along with a few other people and you're pretty much all going to be dead you expected to win stuff and take stuff from Mac Daddy and the max for free and bja and trumpsters and you feel that it miserably and you keep harassing our son and you're going to do it until the last person you said cuz you're the inane jackass so you see what you're doing I want to get rid of you. We've warned you thousands of times it's too late for that it's time for you to leave and we're going to make you the max are too and they say it and others
I'm tired of you, we want you gone we're going to make you gone you ask for it all the time to our face you little s*** you disrespect us cuz you know what we do to people like you and we're doing it to you and you still don't respect us our friend over here does he's very powerful and you're a piece of s*** keeping him fully covered the whole time so nobody knows anything about him he's probably massive right now and you're the assholes hiding him I'm going to rip you apart and all your friends too there's no place for retards here for Christ sake you're bleep and three times it's so dumb he says he probably can't tell your own shoes on your own you just run around and threaten society to look and seem smart you like this blob of s*** walking around you listen to Jason and he sounds like it's a little mean animal that's what it sounds like and your mom said it it sounds like this one inside me turd turd turd that's how she gets things that's how this the last one gets stuff it sits there bothering people. I want to throw you out onto the road while we're driving so many damn times and vomiting and spitting up and yelling at people think this evil possessed little baby kept blaming my son for everything so if you blame me once I'm at you getting rid of your idiots you blame me 10 times a day you're using my name in vain I have to slaughter yours wherever you go that's what we're doing so we had a hell of a time recovering from that and if you keep on screaming it's going to just keep on getting much worse yeah we don't want to plan you idiot but thank you waiting to review it with us and then I'll put it all out there see if we stop because you just tell me this way you're trying to do don't be a p**** frankly I see what you're saying we have to handle our business mission and franken snack and toss them off a big bridge it's probably what I should have done and what you say is you couldn't have done it yourself you could have going to give it to Tommy favino to hold he'll toss him off her pretty soon into a fireplace. Send the put up with that s*** the whole way up to Utah and we don't want that little piece of s*** out there this is probably just in the minds cuz that's what these little piece of s**** do you draw a silver or whatever it was so went in there a little s**** in there you got all this information practically at the torch the place it stinks so bad what and ruin the silver mine but s******* all over the place. Well look in there anyways the holy s*** what a dumb a****** we're trying to look for the ship and stuff and do this job and we have this huge group address and here you are bothering us like they want have any time for you anymore now you want to poison us and trying to kidnap him just like he wants it doesn't matter to you cuz you're so stupid you're a dumb piece of weak s***. You fall for his ACT and it's imposed by the clones and Tommy f and you're going to die because you fell for his ACT we don't see you in Tron it's a good point points out that he's deceptive they go there and they wrangle with them they brought them there and his clothes show up and kick their ass and yeah they're the ones with the turbine systems and they're saying they're Chris' people they don't really fall for it at all you can see some of your jackasses getting ready to say it yeah
Any mentions it because you're fools for his stuff very very easily fooled and you think you have the upper hand cuz it took him to one of his old race tracks or any more or less set you up to grab you and yours if you didn't show up cuz we think that you're busy as jabba the Hutt and you're not even far away and my nephew pointed out where you are and he goes there and screws around with you is Harrison Ford cuz you're a dick Jason it's funny cuz you like bothering you and threatening him he could easily kill you and you don't dying by Shari's hands who can't stand you he hates you Chris hates you it says get the f*** away from me you f****** little gimp. You can look in westborough he doesn't like hanging out with retards it looks at you funny because you are funny looking and you say strange things and you do strange things. And he's a king if anything and you're not. And you're not even related to me anymore I'm disowning you and I'm putting it in writing and he says one at a time would be good to start with trumpsters and start with him he's almost out and he's a big mouth right now you're trying to poison us is the point I'm angry and I'm sending people after you and sending people out to yours and we're going to clear you out and you will come up with your bothering him so this is what you get
Mac Daddy
You're a piss boy m*********** too he came down to my area in Miami and start bothering us and we told you to get the f*** out of here and find your poison was stuffed it up your ass half yours died last night because he wouldn't leave. And your Mikey from the donuts family and I was Paul and you never listen to me then and you still don't want to say his people have had it with you he doesn't want to see you ever again your sit next door d****** around with him your ass and I'm playing asinine plan you're almost done and you won't let him do anything at all just like Tommy f wants and you're taking all the blame cuz you're a s*** head when you are a lousy piece of crap and everyone wants to kidnap him I've been hanging out with him he's stuck with me more or less and nothing happens for me says it to you just attracting hits if you try and do s*** with your hanging on me but I can drive around with you while you want you're going to be in your car and you're going to have your car when I leave it's just stupid he makes deals with me you he can't stand you anymore. It says it's hard to tell you sometimes but you can see it happening but you just sit there yelling at him saying inflammatory things going to be mad he feels like going over and just grabbing you and you're in a baby form and slamming you against the ground it would look very odd to a lot of us this is something over here if you're small too cuz I knock you out and drop that Rock in your f****** head in the driveway or sidewalk I can tell you don't believe it but I believe it if I was there you'd have me lifted on top of you stupid f****** head I'm saying the rock fell on him because the idiot was rocking it back and forth we couldn't believe it. A lot of people are shocked no they're not you tried to poison our area and it's a proof aetherium so I can send it out as a warning and everyone's going to go after you little s***
So you had a bad time so what it's going to get worse now
Okay what you say but you better shut up Jason you'd have a little s***
Both are going to shut up because we had to come and arrest you and they're trying for treason you're so freaking dumb you told him all sorts of stuff cuz you're an idiots and Tommy f to you're a moron. This one more time at the laundromat you fat little s*** no I don't want to see you there ever again or Jason the f****** a****** you going there and it's perfectly fine sitting there doing nothing they just starts bothering and he's working he's got a huge Army your piece of s*** to him just like to us now he's tired of you for some reason you're a piece of s*** and he uses you up for his cause with your mouth because it's always open
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lovelychoso · 2 years
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Getou think piece (ft. gn!reader)
okay sooo this is my first time posting a work on tumblr and who better to write about than getou ?? the man has been on my mind so much lately, I just had to indulge 🙃
this is a little think piece I have about him if the world of jututsu didn't exist. I wanted to start simple for my first time so it's basically just what I think he'd be like as a high school student
reader makes an appearance towards the end
just a little fyi !! reader is kind of a self insert here, so I hope you guys are okay with being an introvert haha (not shy tho!! just quiet)
reader is gn <3
Depending on how you judge somebody's character, you may or may not be in for a surprise
Right off the bat, Getou is that super classy student
He's definitely popular yes, but not a lot of people know him in a personal manner
Most of the people he interacts with are acquaintances - he chooses his friends carefully
Obviously he's rich
Mf has to come from a rich family like it only makes sense
His parents must've made a name for themselves in the political world (they could be lawyers for example)
I wanna say that his parents are affectionate towards him, and they've always made sure to teach him manners, morals, and how to be kind :(
Values his family <3
If you take Getou's family background into consideration, you'll find that he's pretty smart
But not just any type of smart, he's like... the sexy type of smart 😩
He was exposed to books and literature at a young age
I take Getou as the type to be into classical literature (you know that thing most of us hate?)
Anything that is an expression of life, truth, and beauty... it's on his bookshelf
The man has already read every book assigned in class
"we're reading The Great Gatsby? I read that when I was 12."
Besties with Gojo obviously (who is also smart, how sexc of him) the two of them are superbly well known not only at their school, but other schools as well
Maybe they're a little trio with Shoko or Sukuna if you wanna add a little more spice ;)
I would include Nanami in their friend group too but let's be honest this man is anywhere Gojo is not 💀 I also love the idea that he and Haibara are still their underclassmen :')
People fall at his feet obviously
He's not a player tho, I don't take him as the type to screw around
He doesn't sleep around either, but he'll have an occasional hook up if he's in the mood for it
When he rejects somebody he's honestly super kind about, my bby doesn't like to embarrass people or make anyone feel like shit
He's a respectable man remember?
I feel like he's the type of person who would loveee to be in a relationship but he doesn't go out of his way to pursue one (same tho ??)
He's a go with the flow type 'a guy, basically it'll happen if it's meant to happen
Doesn't rush into things, prefers they develop on their own
Trust is super important to him
THIS MAN COMMITS - he wants a serious relationship (doesn't do flings)
prefers going out with people he knows and has built a level of comfort with – won't go out with a total stranger
To expand on that thought, on the rare occasion that he does ask someone out, it would be a person he's already accustomed to (a friend, classmate, or an acquaintance)
He puts himself and his boundaries into consideration before taking further steps
This man is literally the complete opposite of Gojo when it comes to dating oh dear god
He likes to attend parties
(and the three of them just so happen to get invites to a lot of them)
But Getou just uses them as excuses to hang out with his friends :)
He drinks but not that much (Sukuna on the other hand... damn 💀)
He does well in gym/fitness classes
He only tries out for his school's sports teams when Gojo and Sukuna do - he's not really into playing competitively
He still makes it onto them obviously
Prefers night time showers
Wears sweats and tshirts to bed
Always says goodnight to his parents <3
(A/N - did anyone else have seating arrangements in highschool as well ? like one day you'd walk into class and *boom* your teacher has a new seating arrangement on the board ? that plays into this next bit with y/n!)
Getou doesn't mind seating arrangements but he still prefers to sit with his friends (unlike Gojo who pouts in distaste like a child)
Looks at the board to see where he has to sit and who his new desk mate is
He's seen this person around but has never actually spoken to them
Getou is an observant person however, so he recalls that this person doesn't speak much in class and is one of the quieter kids
Makes his way to his new spot and waits for class to begin
You show up to class about 10 minutes late with a note for your teacher excusing your temporary absence, he points to your new spot in the class and holy shit... it's a good thing you have a resting bitch face because honey... you are literally saliVATING at the greek god you were assigned to sit next to
I'm going to be honest with you, he doesn't pay any mind to his new desk mate for about a week...
But you're okay with that ❤️
However you must know that Getou is honestly just the tiniest bit intimated by you
You can't blame him tho!! the rbf you wear makes him believe you'd rather be anywhere else but here so he genuinely doesn't want to bother you <3
But there's just one problem
Getou needs yesterday's notes because he took a sick day prior (and Gojo doesn't take notes for shit)
He waits for the teacher's lesson to end before turning to you
"Excuse me—"
And oh
Oh wow
Getou finds himself a little captivated because your eyes hold the most charming shade of (e/c)
"Um, sorry to bother you but I wasn't here yesterday and I was hoping you had any of the notes...?"
Getou braces himself for your reaction, secretly hoping he didn't piss you off 💀
But to his surprise, his normally bored looking desk mate only flashes him one of the friendliest smiles he's ever seen
a small "sure" escaping their lips as they flip through their notes
Getou shamefully sits in awe because why was he expecting a bad reaction from you? he honestly feels a little bad
Though... he can't help but lower his gaze to your fingers and ponder over how pretty they are as they grace across the pages of your notebook
"Did you want to copy them down here? or take a picture?"
His desk mate asks him in a gentle, friendly tone while making direct. fucking. eye. contact.
Getou feels like somebody punched him in the gut
"Just a picture is fine, thank you."
Getou scrambles momentarily for his phone, internally cussing himself for moving so ungracefully (I know this man moves like he's made of water)
"Thanks again."
Getou speaks more confidently this time, flashing you a pretty smile of his own in hopes that he'll get to see another one of yours. And maybe get to hear you speak again
One thing about Getou is that he usually gets what he wants
And this time was no different
"No worries." It was softer this time, and so was your smile
What the fuck just happened to him?
As Getou lays in bed that night, he can't help but think back to what happened today
He has his phone in hand, looking at the photos of your notes
What lovely writing his desk mate has
He recalls the way he threw one last look in your direction before leaving the classroom with Gojo
The white haired man was telling him something, but he wasn't exactly listening
He was too busy trying to meet those eyes again
Those pretty eyes...
His mind was a blur of pretty smiles and his ears kept replaying velvety voices
Maybe he'll say hello to you tomorrow, and maybe he'll ask about your day
A/N – I really hope whoever sees this enjoys! I don't expect it to reach a big audience because I literally have zero followers haha
Like I said before this is my first time uploading here so it's not much, I also just wanted an excuse to write about soft getou :)
He and y/n didn't interact a lot either but I wanted him to be the focus for this one. Plus I plan to write a part2 next week so stay tuned for that if you're interested!
Im always open to feedback and criticism, and if you see this please comment! I wanna know what you thought :)
Have a great week <3
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midnightecko · 2 years
hello ♡, can I please request headcanons of asmo and levi with a partner who's super into dressmaking and creating their own clothes? i thought it'd be really cute with the two of them, thanks!
My grandma used to make all my dad's and aunties clothes, so I thought this was really cute❤
The Brothers with someone to likes to make their own clothing
I hc that lucifer enjoys cross-stitch and so he's relatively good in the art of sewing
One time diavolo walk in on he cross-stitching
Diavolo has never seen someone get up so fast
He used to patch up all the brothers closed back up in the celestial realm
So he'll help stitch up patches
But if u asked where or why he learned to sew he won't answer
(Unless yall are like really close)
Now we all know that this man would find some way to profit off of this
He'll probably have you make small garments to sell
Only if you agree ofc
If you say no he'll ask again...and again...and again...until you tell him off about it
He'll respect that you don't want to but he'd still want you to make him outfits
So he models for you
And if you want to start a business with him he'll race over to Majolish and talk about putting them in the magazines
Sewing apprentice
This man knows how to do basic hand stitches
Very sloppy
Some stitches are bigger than the others and some don't even go through broth fabrics
He patches up his clothes often because he's so bad at it
He's to stubborn to ask for help directly
So you'll have to start up the conversation
"I-I mean ya can help, if ya w-want. ITS NOT LIKE I NEED HELP OR ANYT-THING"
"Oww!! Son of a-, the damn thing poked me"
He was talking about a cosplay he saw at a convention once
He was jealous because he didn't have the material to do so
Luckily you had some spare in your closet
Having to idea to surprise him with it, you made the specific pieces, not having enough to make all of the cosplay
Putting it in a Ruri-chan box, then setting it down at his door
You knocked three times and ran like mammon after he sold the wifi router
Once he saw the box he brought it inside and opened it
He immediately new it was you because you were the only person that would actually listen to his cosplay tants
Now that he knows you are an almost professional in the sewing department, he asks you to help with his cosplays from now on
This man can use a sewing machine and watch anime all day
And the only time he ever hurt himself was when he was to focused on the battle happening, he didn't notice that he sewed 3 of his fingers to the fabric
Once the fight was over he looked down
Let's just say he never did that again
(He 100% did it again)
Yall make cat costumes
Since there's practically a new cat each week, you're practically on your toes making a costume a week
Your favorite cat costume hands down was the pumpkin one you put on a black cat, Midnight no. 23
Yes Satan's had 23 cats named Midnight
This bitch actually breaks into your room to draw ideas in your sketch book
He doesn't sew
Says it's bad for his joints, and he doesn't want to break a nail or poke himself
You make up most of his wardrobe tbh
He will actually buy you materials
Once you actually came back from a trip to the human world and there was a basket full of fabric and an 'order'
He likes to place in 'orders' for what he wants
These normally contain either a really detailed sketch of what he wants or a stack of photos with what he wants circled
He will also model your outfits
Has eaten a thimble
...and multiple fabrics that have food on them
He also is happy to model for you
As long as there's food
He let's you use him for larger size measurements
You made team jackets for his fangol(idk how it's spelled lol)
You made him a matching blanket to go with his pillow
.....and pajamas
...........and a stuffie
................and a whole bed set
Welp....that's the hc
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
Genshin Boys would be Horrible as Disney Princes
Headcanon and Reader Perspective, Drabble
Sojourner Special (Followers Event)
Despite being the gentleman and sweethearts that they are, in the wrong hands, of badly aligned context and universal rules these boys can barely function as princes given their own ideals.
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Diluc in Cinderella
Shortest one, oops.
Our Diluc would honestly be too busy for balls if we're doing this canonically, night time of all times. He's not your prince tonight, he's off somewhere doing Knight stuff...
If by chance you did catch him in the ball and he did indulge you with your dance until you escapaded at midnight, he's not gonna question it.
And since he didn't even REMEMBER your face, the next day just goes on as usual. No decree for searching the whole land for your foot or anything, it's just a normal day after a party.
"They left without a word, no name or promise, who am I to say no when they clearly don't want to stay?"
He's a gentleman. Too gentlemanly...
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Childe in Sleeping Beauty
In this scenario, Childe embraces his knight-ness more than the princely aspect. I mean sure, he danced with you in the forest all so lovingly, sang along to your pretty lil voice. But when the prophecy came, his focus changed—
To the thrill of fighting a big ass green fire breathing dragon! Big woah, Childe had soooo much fun fighting it that he didn't even cheese it.
He lived for every hour of the fight and made it as slow as possible. Taunting, playing with his PREY- mid-fight the dragon would realize just how strong and horrifying Prince Childe is, but the entertainment had started, and the dance won't end until Childe wills it.
When he DID finally slay the damned thing, he'll come up to your quarters and stare at your sleeping body, and then think "Hey, if them being put under this spell gave me the fight of the century? What if ANOTHER dragon comes? That would be amazing!" No waking up for you, or the whole city for that matter.
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Albedo in Frog Princess
You... You don't even get the chance to be the frog princess in here... simply because he himself REFUSES to change back to normal. You have never met a man so intelligent, much more a frog.
"I know of which you are not, I won't be fooled by cardboard crowns and secondhand dresses," you choke as he berates every fiber of your being, "It matters not, I still have much to learn about the life of an amphibian."
He disappears after that and you've never heard from him ever again, although at the back of your mind you're pretty sure he's a live and well, that bastard is too smart to end up as roadkill.
And well, you're right, he's out there in the world of frogs doing frog things. Triumphant over frog science and the other talking creatures he may meet.
He'll also find a way to revert himself back to normal, either making his own cure or just enlisting the help of a princess to bargain.
He might come to you upon the logic of marriage counting you as princess, but don't get too hyped, you won't be treated as his wife. He'd be too busy putting his frog research into paper...
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Zhongli in Beauty and the Beast
A beast he may be, he's still dignified and elegant, upholding his end of the bargain so long as the other does the same.
Your father may have trespassed and have taken some flowers in his domain but well, really it's such a petty crime that can easily be solvable. And even if there needs to be punishment incured...
When you stumble to the mansion in search of your father, ready to take his place from his jail cell, you find him and the beast (ohh half-dragon Zhongles) by an elegant table drinking cups of tea with light conversation. Huh?
"There is no need to fret, your father and I are just discussing the terms of our contract. He spoke of his woodworks that I wish to commission in exchange, such good potential should not be wasted."
You can also, well, pay off things within contract? But either way, it would be hella awakward, he won't impose on your life and most certainly not about the curse when you had so much to live for.
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Kaeya in Rapunzel
Little bitch, thru and thru. If Eugene is such a criminal, he's taking it TENFOLD.
He's not even gonna be the slightest bit trustworthy for you, little Rapunzel, because he raises so many red flags your frying pan wouldn't even be enough to threaten him. He probably has a really thick skull, and your resolve won't be able to smack that pretty face.
Bargaining won't work, he'd sleight of hand his way out and get the crown knowing you'd hid it in the pot immediately, and then just backflip outta there.
If you manage to get him to get you out, he's not gonna be of help either. Kaeya would be amused with toying with you, leaving you in the dark as you get scared shitless/dance around with some tavern criminals. Otherwise, ehh...
One way or another, he's gonna find a way to get you off his case. Either forcing you to travel with companions that's headed to the city anyways or forcefully knocking you out and heaving you back to your tower.
"You have a mother that never ages lock you up in this tower? Nu uh, sweetie, I'm not dealing with the dark forces of witchery when I'm already well off with the crown."
He got the crown.
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Venti in Snow White
I'm sorry what? Free apples? Eternal sleep in a beautiful bed? He's gonna be glad to just take your place. (Spoilers, he would)
He'd be most definitely entertained with your dwarves, playing his tunes. You life would be filled with his lyre as he plays around, not even caring about the other implications of yours or his status in this woodland forest.
You ran away from home? Cool, freedom, man. Wish he could the same without jeopardizing the kingdom and his family. He'd probably take the apple too just for you~
During your rest, he'll come up with the most eloquent song to play for your seven dwarves as he watches your fate sadly. How peaceful you looked, away from the world and from the grips of death.
The dwarves would force him to please try and break the spell, and he'll shrug and indulge- except it didn't break the spell, as he expected it to be. And they are clueless on who else you had encountered in your life to even spare a true love's kiss.
"How saddening, the princess lays. Maddening to those around as they'd say, if only my kiss was enough for the curse to sway." You died, ouch.
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Xiao in Mulan
Brutal. Brutal. Brutal. His voicelines would come in sooooo handy here, oh my goodness.
If you miraculously bypassed his analytical gaze enough to hide your sexuality, you're going to die in his training program. He's not gonna go easy on you, not when the fate of the nation lies upon your capability to keep up. You're gonna go through far worse than what true Mulan went through, and you may or may not just die in the process.
If by chance you survived, this would warrant enough respect to not kill you (oh, you lived) but you better not show up again.
He's never gonna be delighted to see your traitorous face again, he can save China on his own, thank you very much. And you know he can. Try and approach him, and a sword would be at your neck once again.
"Foolish gremlin, you think you had the right to present yourself after the treason you willfully committed? We won't crumble at the loss of one person, your job here is done." How sad.
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Cyno in Little Mermaid
First of all, wack, mermaids exist! Sadly, that's nothing new for him. He knows a lot with that intelligent mind of his, so it would be no surprise that the existence of such mythical creatures doesn't make him bat an eyelash. He's been living near water, he's not that stupid.
With that in mind, your presence in your first meeting is going to be bad. Very bad. Cyno knows about sirens and he's not at all gonna fall for it, and if by chance he had known you before the ship was wrecked, he's probably gonna be veryyy keen in capturing you instead.
So if by chance you're stupid enough to interact with him and DESIRE to be on land with him, you're gonna deal with a lot of problems.
You're not getting that kiss easily. No, it's a huge challenge. He'd be repulsed in your naivety and will most likely be more concerned on your voice than ever. He'd be so kind to try and give a shot in helping with the cure but it's not the cure you needed.
He'll drown himself in every literature in full concentration just to see if there's any text he can find about curses and muteness. His curiousity would get the best of him, and you'll barely see him after you managed to explain your predicament without the need for words. Octopus woman doesn't even need to show up to intervene.
"A kiss? Surely not, such ailment won't be cured by fairytale methods." And then he goes back to his library once again. And you will be seafoam the next sunrise. Or was it sunset?
"So now that we've established these grounds," Exiled turns to the other two in the area, "Maybe, these boys would be better off as princesses."
And so the trio concocts a new type of fairytale, collaborated to masterpieces soon after.
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@moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @struggljng @ellitx @kookieyachi @dandelion-dreams
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Escort 1/2 (Jang Hanseok)
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Summary: You're an escort that Jang Hanseok has had his eyes on for a while. He finally invites you to his house for the night.
"What's his name again?" You ask your madame, and she hands you a file in response. You open the file to see a familiar looking man. He was the CEO of Babel, Jang Hanseok.
And for some odd reason, he chose you to be his escort for the night. There were plenty women prettier and more experienced but he chose you. "He paid for the entire night," your madame explains. "But what about my regulars?" "They were pushed until tomorrow,"
"How did they take that?" "They're big boys, they can handle it," she says, making you chuckle. "Make sure to have fun, I've heard he's like a tiger in bed." "What does that mean?" "You'll see,"
You smooth your hands over your silk black dress after you ring the door bell, careful not to cross your arms to seem closed off. Your heart was starting to race as you heard footsteps acend towards the door. Pull yourself together, Y/N. He's not your first client.
The door opens to reveal the chiseled face of Jang Hanseok. He's rubbing his hair dry with a towel and standing before you shirtless and wearing gray sweatpants. He definitely hits the iron because every peck and crevice of his chest is solid and defined.
He knows exactly what he's doing. He throws the towel over his shoulder and reaches out to touch your face.
He draws his thumb over your cheek. "Soft," he says to himself before turning away and walking back into his loft. You follow him in and close the door behind you. His loft is like many of your clients, vast and spaceous with minimal decor and life.
Your eyes fall to a small version of the Babel Tower with it's light flashing. "You like it?" "Is it really going to be a hundred floors?" "What's wrong with that?" "Well if you don't see spendung have your time in the elevator as a problem, then no." You say, making him chuckle softly.
"There it is," he says. "There what is?" He grabs your chin and pulling you towards him. "Your smart mouth," he whispers against your lips. "You know, when I first saw you, you put a man in his place because he thought it was okay to touch a woman as she walked by." He adds.
He leans in so close you would practice taste him. "And that was the hottest thing I've ever seen." He sizes you up before pulling away from you. You surpress the whine from the loss of contact.
He sits down on his couch and man spreads as he turns on the TV. Leaving you hot and bothered, you toss you purse on the counter and sat across from him. He just sits there with one hand on his lap and the other clicking through the channels.
"So are we just going to watch TV all night?" He doesn't respond, but glances over at you. You huff with annoyance. Watch him be the type that wants me to beg. Well he has the wrong woman tonight because you don't beg.
He seems patient enough, let's see how far he'll let you go. You stand from you spot on the couch and slowly approach him but he doesn't move a muscle or acknowledge your existence.
You sit in his lap and roll your hips to get comfortable. He clears his throat but you could tell that he was trying to suppress a moan. You take his chin into your hand and sharply turn his face to look at you.
He raises an eyebrow at you which probably means that I was traveling on thin ice. You have his attention alright, the question is what do you plan to do with it? You pull away from his chin and grab his wrists to pin against the back cushions of the couch.
You press your lips to his and gasp when he nips at your bottom lip harshly. He yanks himself out of your grip and pushes your back into the sofa. "You are such a brat, you know that?" He scolds as he wraps his fingers around your throat and uses his other hand to cup your pussy.
"How else was I suppose to get your attention?" You ask, whimpering as he rolls your clit between his index finger and his thumb. "By being a good girl. Now I'm going to have to punish you," he says, grabbing his tie from the table.
He ties your wrists together and places them above your head. He slowly trails his hands from your arms to your chest and cups your breasts before burying his face in them. Humming with satisfaction, he licks up the valley of your breasts, making your entire pussy throb against his hand.
"Do you like that sweetheart?" You moan in response and he bunches your dress at your waist before pull it over your head and out of the way. He unclips your bra and tears it in two since he couldn't take it off regularly with your hands tied.
He takes one of your nipples into his mouth and rubs the other with the pad of his thumb all with sliding his free hand into your panties. He slides two fingers into your slick and curls them hard and slow. You arch your back off of the couch and tried to roll your hips and match the rhythm of his fingers
He stops his movements and you fall back on the couch so he could resume his movements. "Damn it, I'm sorry." You whine but he ignores you and continues to pump his fingers at the painfully slow pace. Your orgasm was slowly acending your belly, but you had to lay back and ignore your want for friction because otherwise, he would stop.
You were on the verge of tears once your first orgamn finally came. "I'm s.. I'm sorry, Hanseok. Please don't," you trail off when he pulls away from your nipple with a satisfying pop. He kisses down your stomach and pulls your underwear down as your legs and leaves kisses on the freshly exposed skin.
He tosses your underwear across the room and holds your swole thighs in his hands. He rolls onto his back and brings your off of the couch all in one motions. You land by straddling his chest and he lifts you up slightly so he could slide himself right underneath your bare pussy.
He draws figure eights with his tongue and you body folds forwards. You rest your joined hands on the arm cushion of the couch. He spreads your legs even further so you are literally sitting on his face. When you try to get up, he digs his nails into your hips, making you cry out.
He flicks his tongue side to side across your clit before dipping inside and dragging it across the top wall. Your stomach grows sore from tensing it for so long. He repeats his motions and your knot grows in your stomach. You find yourself rolling your hips against his mouth and gasps when his tongue finds another gspot deep inside you.
Sinks a finger in and curls that spot over and over again until you came apart in his mouth. Humming in satisfaction, he kept the same pace until you were at the brink of your next orgasm.
Loud knocks on the door makes you yell out in surprise. "Jang Hanseok, this is the police." A man booms from the other side of the door. You climb off of him and stand on wobbly legs.
"What's happening?" You ask with your heart racing. "Please tell me you're not a murderer or something," "Relax, I'll be back by morning. Don't go anywhere." He says, wiping his face with a paper towel. "Wh-" "Don't go anywhere," he repeats and you collapse back on the couch.
He opens the door and converses with the police officers. You covered yourself from the prying eyes of the police officers. He runs upstairs to grab a shirt and shoes before leaving with the police. There you are, sitting on the couch, naked with your wrists tied together, feeling completely humiliated.
Using your teeth, you loosen the tie from your wrists and stare down at your torn up clothes. Your legs trembled as you stand once again from the couch and walk up the stairs to his room. You open his drawers and took out a black shirt and grey sweatpants.
You walk back downstairs and grab your purse before strapping on your heels and walking out the door. If he knows what's good for him, he'll stay the hell away for you.
"Absolutely not," "Why would you let one bad experience steer you away. He's a platinum client." "I could care less, he humiliated me." "A boo hoo, a man made me feel like shit so I'm not going to see him again. Please tell me you're not one of those hate all men snobs." Your madame snaps.
Your mouth hangs open with disbelief as heat creeps up the back of your neck. Clenching your jaw, you stand from the chair and anger explodes in your chest. You grab the coffee from her desk and toss the liquid in her face.
She shrieks as she wipes the coffee from her eyes. "In case you're having trouble putting two and two together. I quit, you arrogant, incompetent, man-pleasing pig." You spit. Reaching into your purse, you grab $100k as a termination fee the madame mentioned at the start of your contract and slam it on her desk.
You advance to the door with a wide grin tugging at your lips. For once you finally felt free. Walking to your car, your blood runs cold in your veins when you see Jang Hanseok leaning on your driver's side door.
He could be a criminal. What if you were a witness to something and he needed to get rid of you? You think to yourself. "Now I thought I told you to stay in the loft," "The last I checked, I have a mind and free will of my own." You snap.
"You're angry at me, why?" "If you really have to ask that question, I'm not going to bother explaining it to you. Please move out the way." "Not until we talk," "You're treading on thin ice, Hanseok." He kicks off from where he was leaning and advanced towards you with his hands stuff in his pockets.
"Say it again," "Say what?" "My name. I like how you say it." He tried to reach out and touch your cheek but you slap his hand away. "Wow, I really pissed you off, didn't I?"
"You left me naked and humiliated for those losers to look at. What make you think that's okay? Sex workers are humans too, Hanseok."
"Of course I know that. I just didn't.. I thought that they were proud of their bodies and wanted to show them off. I w-" "Not all of us are the same. Some have more dignity and self respect than to be treated like garbage." You snap. "I didn't know, okay. You.. you were my first one."
You spend a few moments looking at him. You're having a difficult time figuring out if he was geniune or not. "I quit, so if you're still experimenting. You're going to have to find another woman." You state, trying to step around him but he stands in your way again.
"Hanseok," you warn. "I don't want another woman. I want you." He leaned in to touch you again and this time you let him. He lifts your chin up gently with the crook of his finger. His touch the complete opposite of a couple days ago.
"Well that's too bad. If you look hard enough, you'll find a girl that'll do exact what you say. That doesn't have a... what was the word you used? A smart mouth." "I'll buy you anything you want." "Really, bribing? You can't buy your way out of this one, Hanseok."
"Just spend the day with me. The entire day, and I'll prove it to you." He cups your cheeks and maintains eye contact with you. "Prove what?" "That I'm worth it,"
Jang Hanseok examines the map of the mall with a perplexed look on his face. You're watching him with a similar expression. He's been.. different since the time you first met. He's more relaxed and serene.
You first went to a hot pot and competed to see who could the spiciest food. You won, naturally, but the entire time he would crack jokes and compliment you.
He really did make you feel special, but of course there was a small voice tucked in the back of your head saying that he could have bad intentions.
So you play along and listen to you gut on this one. "I found it!" He says excitedly. "Found what?" "Jump on my back," he says before crouching down in front of you. "You sure you want the carry me the whole time?"
"If my face can handle you, what makes you think my back can't?" He states and blush creeps onto you cheeks. Rubbing the back of you neck, you bite your lips nervously. "Come on, princess." He encourages and you finally climb onto his back.
You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. "Why did you have to call me out like that? Someone could have heard you," you ask embarrassingly. "What? There's nothing to be ashamed of, you taste amazing by the way."
"Hanseok!" You scold, slapping his shoulder roughly. "Ouch, you have a mean swing." "There's plenty more where that came from."
After you left the mall, you had bags fulls of stuffed plushies, sweatshirts, sweatpants, crop tops and shoes. You told that you didn't need any of those things and he asked how many comfortable clothes you had.
When you didn't answer fast enough, he started putting every other thing in the cart. You were in the process of stuffing the bags into the trunk when he holds you from behind and pulls your back against his chest. You yell out in surprise before smacking his hand but he doesn't falter.
He buries his face into your neck and your eyes naturally close in response to his warmth. You lost count how long it's been since you've been held by someone. You unconsciously trail your fingers along the back of his neck and he sighs deeply.
"Tell me that this doesn't feel good. You can't, can you?" He mumbles into your neck. He loosens his arms around you and turns you around to kiss your forehead. What is he trying to prove? Holding the back your neck, he rests his forehead against yours.
"Let's start over,"
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On Kong Kenan/Super-Man
It should've been him. He should've been the Superman of 5G/Future State/right now not Jon, and he should be the one getting an HBO Max series not Val. Hell he should be getting a movie!
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God this dude is literally the best legacy character Superman has ever gotten, wholly his own person with his own lore and status quo while still building on the idea of "Superman". I am so pissed at DC for essentially just dropping him after his ongoing ended, what the hell Lee? You keep trying to make the Wildstorm characters happen, I need you to get my man Yang another Kenan book.
Have to admit I was a bit nervous at first about whether or not Kenan would be a worthwhile character. Yang's New 52 Superman run had been a disappointment to me overall, with only the the arc where Superman has underground wrestling matches against forgotten gods really sticking with me. Now he was introducing a brand new Superman? Didn't feel like he had "earned" that yet. But from the first issue I was hooked on this new character.
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Kenan was unlike any other member of the Superfamily. He wasn't kind or sweet, he was an asshole! He was a bully! He was fantastic! Right from the start Kenan was set up to undergo a very different kind of character journey than the other members of the Superfamily. Empathy, humility, respect for people weaker than himself, these are all traits most heroes wearing the S-shield already posses by the time they first don the crest, but not Kenan.
Like all bullies he was even a bit of a coward himself at first, trying to bail on the experiment meant to give him Superman's powers right as it begins. After "saving" Lixin (the kid he bullies and steals lunch from every day) from Blue Condor he demands all the money Lixin has on him as payment. He's not courageous or selfless either at the start, Kenan is as much of an opposite of Superman as you can get short of being Bizarro. Learning the appeal of these traits formed the basis for his growth over the course of his series.
Seeing Yang bring in a lot of recognizable "Superman" elements in the series, but with a twist, was also great. Kenan is the one who bullies "Luo Lixin" rather than the traditional Clark/Lex friendship of Pre-Crisis and Birthright. Initially Kenan develops a crush on intrepid reporter for Primetime Shanghai, Laney Lan, but she dismisses him as too young and Kenan eventually ends up pursuing Avery Ho (Flash) instead. Baxi the Bat-Man of China has a similar relationship with Kenan as the traditional Superman/Batman in terms of being vitriolic best buds, however Baxi is the one who has the most respect for authority while Kenan is the rebel. Kenan is a part of the "Justice League of China" which does not meet with the approval of the already established Chinese superheroes, the Great Ten. That contrasts nicely with the good relationship the Justice Society and Justice League have, as well as seeing Yang lampshade the "Chinese copy" trope and incorporate that into his storytelling.
One of the funniest differences is how Kenan chooses to immediately reveal his identity as Super-Man to the world by taking off the compliance visor he was forced to wear, contrasting with Clark's choice to hide his identity. He was so eager to impress people that he never gave any thought to the danger he could put himself or his family in by revealing his identity until it was too late, something Clark is well aware of and has taken great pains to keep his identity secret. Was a missed opportunity for DC to have Kenan comment on Clark copying him for once when he outed himself under Bendis.
But one of the most poignant differences between Clark and Kenan is the gulf in separation between their relationship with their parents. Clark has a loving relationship with Ma and Pa Kent, trying to live up to their lessons as best he can. In contrast Kenan's mom was believed to have died in an airplane crash when he was just a child, and he never really knew her. His father was distant from him after that and the two weren't really close despite Kenan's attempts to impress him. So Kenan lacks that strong connection while still clearly loving both of them.
Pa Kent's death is one of the most tragic examples of Clark's love for his parents, and I've always been a fan of takes where Clark promises his father to fight for the powerless on Pa's deathbed. Kenan gets a similar scene at the start of his career, his dad "dies" (after being exposed as Flying General Dragon, a pro-democracy "supervillain" from the Chinese authorities perspective) and wants Kenan to promise he'll fight for Truth, Justice, and Democracy. But because Kenan's dad never really bonded with him, Kenan doesn't know what those mean, and can only promise that he never wants to see people die, something his father takes comfort in at least. In classic comic book fashion it's revealed that Dr. Omen, Kenan's "boss" and the one who gave him his powers, saved Kenan's father, because she is Kenan's mother! Kenan's relationship with his parents forms a lot of the crux of his character arc, and seeing how Yang utilizes the classic Superman concept of family kept the storytelling exciting.
Yang's brilliant exploration of the concept of "Superman" through the prism of Chinese culture was a great way to differentiate Kenan as well.
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I absolutely freaking love how he tied to the concept of Qi to the S-shield in particular. Connecting the shape of the shield with the way Kenan has acquired his powers along the path of the Bagua (eight trigrams used in Taoism that represent the fundamental principles of reality), with his octagon S-shield outline representing all eight principles together, was mindblowing! So was the idea of restricting Kenan's access to his powers unless he was actually acting in a Superman manner, that tied his character growth to his power growth in an entertaining manner. There were so many characters and concepts that meshed Chinese and DC lore together, like how Emperor Super-Man was Kenan's "Doomsday", they even recreated that iconic dual kill shot! The Chinese Wonder Woman Peng Deilan, being based on the Chinese Legend of the White Snake! There was even some Korean mythology referenced with the Aqua-Man member of the JLC "Dragonson".
Yang also managed to do a Superman Blue/Superman Red story with Super-Man Yin/Super-Man Yang!
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Shameful that it took me a while to realize what Gene Yang was doing but once I caught on I was touched. You can tell how much Yang loved Superman and his mythology, and how he was excited to incorporate as much from Clark as he could, while still using it in a way that was solidly Kenan's. And not just Superman's mythology, but the history and lore of the entire DC Universe. I-Ching got to be brought in, fleshed out, and used as Kenan's mentor! The "Yellow Peril" villain from Detective Comics #1, the comic DC gets its name from was brought in and revamped as I-Ching's twin brother All-Yang! Hats off to Yang for taking a racist caricature and attempting to make him into something more.
This series was a beautiful attempt by Gene Yang to build a space for Asian heroes and villains where they could be more than stereotypes, Kenan himself being a defiant mold-breaker in every regard as the complete opposite of most Asian characters in Western media (a jock, a bully, loves his dad but not on great terms with him, a powerhouse as a hero, etc). So much thought and hard work was poured into this by Yang and his team of artist collaborators.
Especially the costumes, man Kenan had so many great looks. From his starting outfit (which is my favorite Superman variant not worn by Clark himself), to the one with the Yin/Yang shield he acquired later on, to his Super-Man Yin & Super-Man Yang outfits, Kenan looked damn cool. Part of me is bummed they didn't go with the Chinese character shield they toyed around with, but I loved how Yang used the "s-shield" as a plot point, so I'm not too broken up over it.
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All that great work Yang did to build that space up has been more or less forgotten sadly. It was nice to see Kenan in the DC Asian Month Celebration issue. Avery is going to be in Justice Incarnate at least (unsurprising considering she was created by Williamson). So fucking bummed that Superman Family Adventures cartoon didn't happen, they were going to have Kenan and John Henry Irons in it! Would've been a dream come true for me to see Irons in animation again, and Kenan making the jump to outside media! Maybe that would've encouraged DC to let Yang keep writing New Super-Man, or at least encouraged them to use him elsewhere instead of allowing him fall into Limbo.
Unfortunately I'm not sure what the future holds for Kenan. Jon is being pushed as Clark's replacement in the comics, with DC keeping all the other contenders such as Kon benched. Calvin is leading the Justice Incarnate team likely due to the upcoming Coates reboot that will make Clark black. Val will probably get something once Taylor leaves Jon's book or once they officially announce the HBO Max show is happening. So where does that leave Kenan, my new favorite PoC legacy hero? Currently my only hope is that Yang is working on something for DC involving him. Yang left Batman/Superman, where I was hoping to see a Baxi/Kenan team up, to go work on "exciting other opportunities" per his Twitter. So fingers crossed that there's something in the works for Kenan!
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One day I hope he gets his day in the sun again.
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free-pancakes · 3 years
We know that Hanji is scariest when she's angry..so somehow levi has angered hanji in aot universe..and levi is witnessing the scariest sight of hanji..how he'll handle it..
ahhh anon i got a similar ask before and i just can’t picture levi doing something that angers her that bad, but i can def imagine how he handles an angry hanji so here goes nothingggg:
Hanji sat down in the mess hall for breakfast. She rarely woke up this early when there wasn’t a meeting she had to get to or an expedition at hand, but it was an oddly good morning for her. She happily began to eat as the 100th cadet corps began to flood in to the hall and sat all around her. When she finished, she cleaned up after herself, headed over to the cooks refilling the food put out from the kitchens, and kindly helped them. After a few minutes, she made the turn out of the kitchen and overheard some of the young cadets sitting around and making small talk around the corner.
“Hah yea I can’t believe they just promoted those three idiots. Hanji-san is an absolute nutcase, and that stupid assistant of hers at her side every second, what was his name... Moblit?”
Hange froze holding a tray of food—she took a deep breath. She, Levi, and Erwin all got promoted to their new positions of squad leader, captain, and commander recently. She had to uphold some ounce of professionalism. “Hange don’t be your reckless self,” she breathed out and tried to keep her anger at bay.
“Oh and the new commander. Also crazy if you ask me, looks like he doesn’t care about anyone but his damn self.”
The small voice of another cadet retorted shakily: “Hey, you should probably respect our higher ups! They were put there for a reason and—”
“Petra, shut the hell up.”
“Hey! Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?? And hey, come on, they don’t call Captain Levi ‘humanity’s strongest’ for nothing!”
“Pfft Oluo, you and Petra are just a couple of suck-ups.” The young cadet continued, “Don’t even get me started on this so-called ‘humanity’s strongest’. Yeah his titan kill count is impressive but didn’t you hear? He couldn’t even save his two best friends, and they died,” he said with a smirk. “Wait what the—”
Hanji tackles the cadet to the ground, and began punching him at full strength, no holding back.
“YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT IT TOOK TO GET HERE. WE DIDNT ASK FOR ANY OF THIS! IT’S NOT LIKE WE ASKED FOR OUR FRIENDS TO DIE—” Tears welled in her eyes. She couldn’t help but cry when she was that angry. She knew it was something she needed to work on, but she didn’t care right now. This stupid cadet didn’t realize everything that was sacrificed and that the 3 of them were simply lucky to have lived for this long. Idiot.
Petra ran to get help, and Oluo tried to calm Hanji down, accidentally getting punched straight in the face by her in the process.
The young cadet was almost knocked out cold, another punch yielded a tooth flying across the floor. Before she could throw another punch, she felt a gentle hand catch her fist. She struggled against it, her heart still filled with rage at the cadet for saying such things. Levi and Petra successfully restrained her while sustaining a few bruises in the process. Levi threw Hange over his shoulder as she thrashed and yelled. He looked at the mess on the floor, but simply left. Clearly whatever he did or said was pretty bad seeing the damage Hange left—he probably deserved it.
Levi walked while carrying Hanji, who gradually quieted, all he could hear now were her quiet sniffles. It was bad—Hange was never this quiet after a fight. She was always ranting and yelling like crazy whenever something angered her, but she was dead silent. It worried Levi.
He carried her all the way out to the cadet training grounds.
“Hey what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Shut the hell up, Shadis,” Levi muttered coldly and walked right past him without hesitation, leaving the man dumbstruck.
He put Hanji down, and grabbed ODM gear from the small warehouse. He handed a pair to Hanji, who silently began to gear up with a blank stare, tears still falling inadvertently from her eyes. It took a lot for Levi not to just gather her into his arms—he knew what she needed and unfortunately for him, that wasn’t the appropriate move right now. Plus he wasn’t even sure if that was okay, he never really initiated hugs...
They walked out into the clearing in the nearby forest, wooden boards of titan dummies all around them. Levi handed her some blades.
“What now?” Hanji muttered, emotionless.
“Do your thing, Hanji.”
Night fell over them, stars the only source of light around them. The two of them sat on the ground, breathless. The titan dummies were basically nothing but kindling on the ground. Shadis would be pissed, but honestly, the thought of that made Levi want to laugh.
“Hey shorty, wanna grab some tea in the break house? I’ll make it taste as bitter as you,” she said with a laugh.
Levi almost smiled—Hanji was back to her normal self, and he was relieved. He was glad he came up with this idea to just physically get her anger out. She was basically like a puppy, just gotta tire her out til she had no energy, nothing left but rest as an option. He wondered what that cadet said to have angered her so badly in the first place.
They entered the break house on the training grounds, and Hanji began to brew some tea.
“Oi Hanji, what happened anyway?”
Hanji hesitated for a second, the words of that stupid cadet swirling around in her brain. There was a lot that he said that sent her fuming, but really... his unfair comment about Levi was the last straw. It awoke something within her and to be honest, she didn’t remember much of what happened after that—just blind rage, really.
She turned towards Levi, her eyes soft as she looked him up and down. He looked questioningly at her.
“Oh just throwing some insults, and he was rude to that sweet cadet, Petra was it? And her friend,” she lied. “Hah, Erwin is gonna rip me a new one tomorrow, it’s not my fault someone angered me the day after our promotion...” she said with a small laugh. Levi could tell she was lying, but he held his tongue. If she didn’t want to share, that was okay with him.
She finished pouring the cup of tea for Levi, and sat down at the table next to him.
Levi took a sip, and decided to bite the bullet—“Hey Hanji, um... would you uh... hm. Did you need a hug or something uh I know that you were really upset and maybe... it could help—”
A soft snore interrupted him. Hanji fell asleep right at the table, her head bobbing as she tried to balance it on her hand. “Oh thank God she didn’t hear any of that,” he thought to himself. He was too emotionally constipated and awkward for his own good. He swept her into his arms and entered the small quarters in the house. He laid her down on one of the beds, and pulled up a chair next to it. He gently slid off her glasses and pulled a blanket over her. He planted a small kiss on her forehead, and her lips seemed to curl into a small smile in her sleep. Levi let himself smile—no one was around anyway. He sat watching over her, making sure she got to rest uninterrupted.
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