#he's gotta be alvin or he's going home
14dayswithyou · 2 years
sai...the people gotta know...what are the 14DWY casts' halloween costumes? (if they celebrate of course!)
Ren/[REDACTED] He'll go as the matching counterpart of your costume, otherwise he'll dress up as Ghostface, Shigaraki, or a devil!!
Violet Poison Ivy. Tell me I'm wrong lmao
Elanor She's the only one who stays at home and gives candy to all the children who visit.
Moth They'd 100% go as Mirko/Rumi Usagiyama from BNHA and end up beating Ren's ass (if he goes as Shigaraki)
Leon Red amogus (imposter)
Teo Green amogus (but slutty)
Jae Blue amogus (Maple chewed half of his costume </3)
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itsbrittanybiitch · 1 year
Incorrect AATC Quotes 20
I am so bored. Happy 20th post! Woot!
Dave, texting Alvin: Text me when you’re home safely.  Alvin: I’m home dangerously.  Dave: Stop it.  Alvin: I’m home lethally.
Simon: Yeah, well I've never died so how do I know that god is real?
Jeanette: If you could guess, how many brain cells do you have?  Theodore: Dorito’s cool ranch.  Jeanette:  Jeanette: I'm just gonna assume zero for now.  Theodore: I love that song.
Alvin: When do you usually go to sleep?  Simon: Whenever I collapse is entirely up to the gods.
Brittany, during a mental breakdown: Isn't it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good?
Eleanor, spraying a melted cutting board with a tiny water gun: We gotta cool this bitch down. Cool it down.  Alvin: I actually just put the cutting board in the oven...  Simon, visibly confused: You decided to put the cutting board in the oven?  Eleanor, spraying Alvin: You FUCKING DUMBASS!  Alvin: Dude, I forgot-  Eleanor: OH MY FUCKING GOD! We're trying to make Chicken Alfredo right now, and you fucking MELT the cutting board in the oven at 400 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT!?  Theodore: *Watching in complete confusion while trying to process this whole situation.*
Brittany, staring upwards: So, *insert dumb boy name here* broke up with me… haha…  Eleanor: Why are you looking up?  Brittany: I need to cry, but my foundation was 48 dollars!
Alvin, talking about a videogame he's playing: I committed all 7 deadly sins in 30 minutes.  Simon: Wow, I've gotta hear this.  Alvin: I was angry and envious of my neighbor so I lazily seduced his wife and ate all his groceries and didn't share.  Simon: You forgot pride.  Alvin: No, I'm pretty proud of this.
Theodore: If you water water, it grows.  Simon: ...What.  Alvin: He's got a point.
Simon: *standing at the top of the stairs* What are y'all doing at the bottom of the staircase?  Alvin: I accidentally fell down.  Eleanor: BRITTANY PUSHED ME down the stairs because I refuse to pay HER part of our rent!  Theodore: Alvin bet me fifty bucks that I couldn't reach the bottom of the stairs faster than he did falling down it, so I slid down the banister to get my money! Jeanette: I don't know how I got here. One moment, I was sleeping in my bed, three floors up, and then suddenly I was waking up here, just in time to get crushed by Theodore...
Until next time.....
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Rating: Teen and Up Summary: Tim goes back in time to avert the end of the universe, but things quickly go awry and he’s left with an important decision to make: Carry through with the plan as he originally intended; Or make a risky play to change things for the better. Argothia’s Notes: Technically, still Wednesday!
At home, months and months removed from the last time he’d been forced to dress in his best suit and practice his most plastic smile, Jason had jumped at the chance to go to this glorified shindig. It was a chance, he’d thought, foolishly, to gather information for his active cases. Tragically, Jason had forgotten how much he truly, deeply, viscerally hates galas. As he looks around the vast brightly lit room at all the rich people milling about. Conversing. Schmoozing. He remembers extremely quickly.
Trying to look for someone resembling Alvin is the worst kind of balancing act. He does his best, but he’s trying not to get caught staring too intensely at anyone in particular and not a lot of these people are really willing to stop to talk to him. Those that do actually take the time to give him the time of day are almost always too busy trying to suck up to Bruce by being nice to the ‘street trash’ that it’s near to impossible to talk any information about the charities the hackers might’ve hit out of them. It’s frustrating.
Maybe the only saving grace of the whole damn thing is that Bruce hasn’t been able to hover like a protective, mother hen. He doesn’t have the time. Galas are all about making potential connections and positive publicity after all. It’s all very important for maintaining good relations and helping communities. Jason knows that.
Doesn’t make them any less awful though.
Jason has largely given up trying to get any actual work done and decides to pick over his plate of food. None of which is anywhere near as good as Alfred could make. Still it’s food so he’s only kinda complaining. Out of the corner of his eye he’s been watching Bruce, waiting for him to get out of conversation with the Van Smiths. The conversation is winding down now, Mrs Van Smith has been distracted by Mrs Rutherford and Mr Van Smith is running out of things to discuss with Bruce. For his part Bruce is doing a masterful job of maneuvering so that he’s almost got Mr Van Smith chatting away with Mr Spencer. Soon enough Van Smith and Spencer wander off and Bruce looks relieved. Jason downs the last of his food and makes his way over.
Bruce can almost definitely tell what’s coming already, the amusement is clear in the way he raises an eyebrow as Jason steps up beside him. Jason doesn’t falter, he just takes a deep breath and lets out the most dramatic sigh he can manage while staying restrained enough for public spaces.
“Don’t tell me you’re bored already, tiger?” Bruce asks, with a quiet chuckle.
Jason gives him his best scowl. “Already? We’ve been here for hours!”
“It’s only been about forty minutes, Jay.” Bruce corrects, fondly. “You didn’t have to come, you know? You’re the one who insisted.”
Oh sure. “Only for the chance to get out of the house, since it’s not like you’re gonna let me out any other way for the rest of my natural life.”
Bruce frowns. “We’re not discussing that right now.”
“You’re not stopping Babs, I noticed.”
“Barbara is a grown woman. She can do as she pleases.” He answers with a firmness that says this argument is over. Great.
Crossing his arms and turning a glare on the floor, Jason grumbles, “Awesome. Perfect. So all I gotta do is wait until I’m eighteen to finally do fuck all. Until then, I guess, I’ll just languish in my room like Rapunzel in her stupid tower.”
There’s a short silence, then Bruce sighs and there’s something about it that makes Jason look up just in time to catch the briefest flicker of guilt pass across his face. Bruce meets his gaze and with some hesitance, he says, “You know… the gala might be more tolerable for you if you found someone your own age to talk to.”
“…If they were fun, yeah?” What’s he up to?
“Well, I can’t promise anything, but I think the Drakes brought their son. He’s a few years younger than you, but you might get along. Never know until you try, right?”
The Drakes? Wait… isn’t that--. Jason steps just a bit closer to Bruce and lowers his voice. “Isn’t there something going on at Drake Industries that a certain someone is very interested in?”
“Might be.”
Jason narrows his eyes slightly. “Am I getting permission to do a little solo investigating out of pity?”
“Possibly.” Bruce glances away briefly.
“I’ll take it.” He barely contains the urge to bounce on his heels. “What’d you need me to ask?”
Bruce smiles at a passerby before answering, “I doubt Timothy will know too much, he’s only thirteen, but if you can get him to tell you anything about Drake Industries’ CEO I’m sure a ‘certain someone’ would appreciate it.”
“On it, Boss.” Jason spins around to start his quest.
“Mind your manners!” Bruce calls after him.
He gives an awkward salute and just barely manages to avoid a collision with a server carrying a full tray of glasses, employing a little of that grace Dick’s been trying to teach him. Perfect success. No collisions happened today. Dick would be proud.
Alright, chances are a kid’s gonna be wherever his parents are. All the pictures of the Drakes on the Bat Computer are pretty old – they tend to stay out of the spotlight for the most part and Jason suspects Bruce doesn’t like Jack and Janet very much – so Jason’s not really sure what Tim’s gonna look like.
Jack is pretty easy to recognize, he’s gathered a bit of a crowd with whom he’s enthusiastically discussing the Gotham Knights’ recent win. Neither Janet nor Tim seem to be anywhere nearby. Jason goes back to looking.
It’s a little more difficult to locate Janet, she’s nowhere near as conspicuous, but eventually Jason does find her. A full hundred feet from her husband she’s happily chatting with Mr and Mrs Bennings about an art piece. No kids around here either. As he’s leaving he notices that Janet is watching him out of the corner of her eye. It gives him an odd feeling of déjà vu and he’s not quite sure why. Before he can figure it out, she seems to realize he’s caught her and immediately returns her full attention to her conversation. Weird.
Anyway back to the drawing board. Jason heads towards the middle of the room. He’s starting to hate moving through the crowded ballroom. He’s not as small as he once was and the finesse of his Robin training can only keep him from bumping in to so many people. Ducking around yet another pair of people who’re stood in the middle of a choke point jawing away, Jason finally makes it out to where he remembers seeing a gaggle of teens earlier in the night. They’re still there as expected, but most of them are Jason’s age or older and none of them look anything like Jack or Janet. For fuck’s sake.
Back to the search, Jason checks every place he can think of to find a rich kid, twice! Still no Tim Drake. Annoyed with the crowd and getting tired of walking Jason makes his way out to the very outskirts and scans the room over one last time. The kid’s not with either of his parents, he’s not with the other teens, he’s not even hiding under a table somewhere or something. Jason’s about ready to give up. Maybe Bruce was wron--.
Mother… FUCKER!
On the other side of the room, slotted neatly in one of the darkest corners between a large potted plant and the wall, well out of the way, and nearly invisible to anyone that isn’t Robin, is a kid. He’s got enough of Jack and Janet’s features that it’s almost definitely Tim. Weird ass place for the Drake’s kid to be considering it’s their stupid ass party, but, hell, who’s Jason to judge?
Is what he would think if, as he gets close enough to get a good look at the kid, he didn’t start feeling like something’s off. He seems a little patchwork honestly. His hair’s all neat and combed back meticulously, but the cut suggests it isn’t usually quite so put together. His suit jacket and pants are too big but the dress shirt is just ever so slightly too small. The wristwatch he’s absently playing with in one hand is custom made and extremely expensive, but way too big for his wrist, Jason’s willing to bet it was actually made for Jack. The cellphone in the kid’s other hand is worth more than some entire buildings in the East End, but the heavy duty case on it suggests he’s both responsible enough to not want it broken and clumsy enough that that’s an issue. All the sticker of an obscure Warlocks and Warriors symbol on the phone case tells Jason is the kid’s a closet nerd. Not the biggest detail but still pretty significant.
There’s something weirdly familiar about him too, just like with Janet, but Jason doesn’t really have time to examine that more deeply right now. He approaches the kid completely unnoticed of course, he’s feeling proud of his stealth skill right up until he’s leaning against the wall around four feet away watching the kid tap away at something on his phone. Kid’s got tunnel vision, gonna log that away for future reference.
Jason clears his throat. “So--”
The kid jumps – like physically leaves the ground by a couple inches – and his phone goes flying out of his hand. Luckily for him, Jason’s got good reflexes and catches it before it can go soaring off into the crowd. Unluckily for him, Jason can’t stop himself from laughing at that reaction. “Dang, kid, you’re jumpier than a cat!”
“What!? I-I mean, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you, um–” And then the kid actually looks at Jason and goes completely still. Staring like he just realized who he’s talking to and like that means something to him.
Jason just kinda lets him for a bit. The look reminds him a bit of Janet earlier, in that he’s can’t really get a firm read on what the kid thinks of him from it. However where Janet was stoic, Tim looks a bit caught between some kind of awe and a completely other kind of terror. Kinda makes Jason feel powerful. Enough of that though. He holds out the kid’s phone and kinda gestures with it. “You want this back or what?”
Tim snaps out of whatever trance he was stuck in and takes the phone like a small woodland animal tentatively accepting an offer of food. “Y-yes, um, sorry. I just wasn’t expecting anyone to talk to me.”
“Why’s that?” Jason shoves his hands in his pockets and leans his shoulder against the wall. Trying to look relaxed and not like he’s trapping the kid.
Tim shrugs. “People just… don’t usually notice me.”
“Oh yeah?” Understatement. “I believe it. I mean I only noticed you because I was wandering about. What’s got you hiding out here anyway?”
With a small, kinda nervous smile Tim puts his phone away and pulls the watch onto his wrist where it hangs far too loosely. “People keep running into me when I try to stay in the middle of crowds, so I thought I’d just stay out of the way altogether.”
“Ah, makes sense.” All at once Jason remember those manners Bruce told him not to forget and offers his hand for Tim to shake. “I’m Jason Todd, by the way. Nice to meet ya.”
“The pleasures mine!” They shake hands like two good rich brats. Kid’s got a surprisingly strong handshake for such a little guy and it probably says something that he didn’t even hesitate to shake Jason’s hand. Eases a few fears Jason had anyway. “I’m Tim Drake.”
Jason fakes his best surprised look. “You know, I thought you looked familiar! You’re Jack Drake’s kid, right?”
“Yeah…” Tim shifts his weight ever so slightly, in a way that Jason thinks seems a little uncomfortable.
“That’s cool,” Jason says, disguising a step back as just readjusting his position. Trying to make sure it’s not him that’s making the kid so nervous. “Your dad organized this whole thing for his, uh, archaeology society’s fund, was it?”
Jason affects a thoughtful frown and asks, “But… wasn’t there another one like last month or something? I thought for sure you’d wanna put space between these things?”
“Uh, yes, well,” Tim grimaces, slightly. “Dad’s really hoping to fund a dig in Egypt after he and mom get back from their vacation in the Caribbean. And the fund’s a little low… especially since the whole Moneyspider thing.”
Jason almost misses that last part, it’s muttered so low, like Tim doesn’t even realize he said it. “The Money-what?”
“What? Oh, uh…” Tim cringes like he’s just said something he definitely shouldn’t have. Oh boy. He freezes right up and seems extremely convicted for a moment. Then, just as Jason’s about to prompt him again, he suddenly brightens. “You know, that hacker that’s been stealing from charities lately? Haven’t you heard about that?”
Oh. Oh fuck! Goddamn, Jason goes in looking for information for Bruce’s case and immediately gets a hook for his own instead. Quickly putting on a confused expression, Jason gives a slow shake of his head like he’s thinking it over real carefully. “I don’t think… wait, maybe? Bruce said something about somebody trying to get into the Martha Wayne Foundation thing… he said they didn’t get anything though.”
“Lucky thing the Wayne foundations have such good security. That hacker completely wiped out the Van Smith’s Care for the Elderly charity in the course of a night! And like I said Dad’s archaeology society’s funds got hit pretty hard too.” Tim lowers his voice a bit and continues with a more conspiratorial tone, “Dad hired a professional to check out the system afterwards and he managed to find out that the money got transferred to an account in Switzerland but after that he couldn’t find out where it went. He said it was probably transferred all over the world and we might never know where it ended up.”
“No kidding?” Jason gives a low impressed whistle.
Tim nods. “He also found a message the hacker left behind, all it said was ‘The Moneyspider wins again!’. That’s all we know right now, but the ‘Moneyspider’ hasn’t tried for the archaeology fund since.”
“That sounds fascinating!” Jason begins, carefully. He’s convinced now, this kid is way more than he seems and he doesn’t want to scare him off if he has more information on the ‘Moneyspider’ case. “You really know a lot about it, huh?”
Sheepishly, Tim smiles and kinda shrinks back a little. “Uh, well, you see… my dad was ranting about it a lot and I picked up a few things I guess.”
Yeah, Jason’ll believe that when the Brooklyn Bridge has a price tag. He needs a plan to work more information out of this kid. If this brat is one of the hackers from the other night then--
“Timmy! Timmy, there you are!” A very, very drunk woman stumbles out of the crowd, almost losing one of her kitten heels as she staggers over towards them.
“Wha—” Tim looks completely baffled as the woman practically falls on top of him. “A-Aunt Edna!”
The woman is blonde, her long hair falling loose about her face and shoulders, her makeup’s so thick it’s almost hard to make out the actual shape of her face. She’s wearing an ungodly amount of jewelry which hardly seems to go with her very tasteful, black velvet dress. Her voice is just a pitch or two this side of whiny as she says, “Timmy, your mom says it’s time to start heading home.”
“I can see why,” Tim mutters, exasperated but clearly still fond.
Edna ruffles Tim’s hair, then finally seems to notice Jason. “Oh hiiii! Are you… Timmy, is this a friend? Timmy has friends?!”
“I-I have plenty of friends!” Tim squawks in protest, he’s blushing furiously now.
In an attempt to spare Tim more embarrassed flailing, Jason offers, “I’m Jason Todd, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Ma’am.”
“Charmed, ‘m sure.” She gives him what probably wants to be a firm handshake, then immediately turns her attention back to Tim. “I don’t wanna interrupt your conversation but… I think Janet’s waiting on us?”
“Oh… probably… I guess her and dad do have an early flight tomorrow… and I do have school.” Tim casts an apologetic look at Jason. “I, uh…”
Damn, Jason really wanted to see what else he could learn, but there’s nothing for it. He just shrugs and says, “That’s alright, it is getting pretty late, I should probably go find Bruce. Have a good night and get home safe!”
“You too!” Tim moves to support Edna a bit better and then with some tentative hope in his voice, he says, “Maybe we’ll get to talk again sometimes soon?”
Definitely. “I’ll look forward to it!”
Tim smiles, brightly, and with a quick good-bye, he and Edna disappear into the crowd.
Mulling over the conversation as he sets out to find Bruce, Jason’s disappointed he learned so little from it. The information on the Moneyspider character could be useful and Bruce might like to know that the Drakes are going out of town in the morning. Still Jason feels like that kid at least has connections to one of the hackers. There’s something else too, nagging at the back of Jason’s mind that he hasn’t had time to really ruminate on yet.
Something about the kid’s voice, his… accent…
Jason stops dead in his tracks. God, he feels like kicking himself straight off one of the landings in the Bat Cave. Why the hell hadn’t he noticed it sooner!? He was so focused on looking for Drake traits he’d entirely missed it! The look Janet gave him, the features he’d noticed in Tim, the accent.
It’s Alvin! It’s all Alvin! Alvin’s related to the fucking Drakes!
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safespaceshapes · 11 months
OC Tag Game!
Tagged by @voidendron! (Thankee :0c)
Uhhhh I... don't know anyone else to tag?? So whoever spots this and wants to do it, consider this your unofficial tag! :3c
I have so many OC AUs and not a single consistent one sssooooo,,,, you may see some familiar faces in different environments owo
NOTE: These lil critters are *my* personal OCs, I'm not sure why I developed an aversion to FCs, so what may technically have been my Oldest OC will not be as such on this list.
I think this means Mumble won't make it... I should make a whole new list for FCs :'>
Let's-a go!
Favorite OC: Dare
This was a HELLA toughie run between Dare and Burrow, but ultimately, I fantasize about Dare the most. She's got a pretty conflicting moral compass and is always at odds with herself and the world. Plus, it's super fun to imagine her in different scenarios!
Newest OC: Syrup/Nightshade
Syrup's relatively new! She's a catfolk with a knack for taming wild animals. Her story's still all over the place, kind of, but it's being worked on! Mainly fantastical.
Oldest OC: Princess Acacia
What I believe to be my first ever actual OC, Princess Acacia -- daughter of Betula, Queen of the Charmed -- came to be when I was contemplating on a sort of prince and princess swap plotline. Still heavily under works, but when do I never have anything under works? :'>
Meanest OC: Glowstrike
A mysterious villain hidden behind a visor and under a mechanical suit. Sleek, strong, and powerful. Nobody but those that trained and molded them know their true identity.
They've done awful things, but heroes have noticed they've been... holding back? Something's off.
Softest OC: Black Rosen
This boy just wants to try and make the most of his situation involving demons in his suspiciously-cheap-yet-proved-why home. He's non-confrontational in the slightest, looks like a sleep-deprived vampire, but is an absolute sweetheart that cherishes his suspiciously-smart cat and will take in any strays he finds in need of help.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Syrup/Nightshade
During the day, she's Syrup: A young catfolk with no family to call hers. During the night, she's Nightshade: A vigilante-type character with no mercy. She's currently working day and night to find a certain someone. She doesn't trust anyone save for her loyal companions.
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Jackie Vera-Alvin
It's gotta be Jackie in any universe. She's just a girl who wants to make friends and sees past the obvious red flags that scream "Stranger Danger! WILL most likely gut you!"
Somehow, things still work out in the end. 🤔
Smartest OC: Coy Paxton
In a world full of superhumans, those that have no superpowers to call their own would mostly live in the support roles. Some end up working office roles, others genuinely enjoy the coziness of local business-owning. Coy, however, began working on his own inventions that could mimic the more 'iconic' powers: flight, invisibility, and speed. (Super strength is a WIP right now). His knack for technology actually got him into the city's hero academy!... But some say it's to keep a closer eye on him...
Horniest OC: Uuuhhhhh
OC You'd Be Friends With IRL: Kolin/Pup
He's just a timid lil guy!! But such a sweetheart!! Just wants to prove himself!! Plus I remember (cringe) when I was but a smol I wanted to be a shapeshifter as well. Pup's eager to help and while it may take some coaxing to get out of his shell, he's a nice guy you can relax and joke around with!
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sushigal007 · 1 year
Over to the last Monty household.
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Beatrice: Dad just magically graduated college! Benedick is dying. Beatrice: This isn’t about him.
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But yeah. I don’t know if he had flu or food poisoning, but I guess it got worse when he was showing up in the background for the last few years and as soon as I made him playable, he keeled over. Antonio: WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
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Beatrice: Dad would you chill for a sec? I’m trying to catch a shiny. Beatrice: Aaaaaaaand... pause.
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Beatrice: Please don’t reap my brother, it’ll ruin my week.
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Grim: All right, you know how this goes.
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Beatrice: BIG YES!
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Grim: Look, this happens quite a lot, you really don’t have to make such a big deal- Beatrice: VICTORY DANCE!
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Benedick: Thanks, sis, you’re the best. Beatrice: And don’t you forget it.
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I’m not sure anything’s gonna top being brought back from the dead, game.
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Cornwall: How dare you! I’m married! And you interrupted my very important bin-kicking!
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Anyway, Benedick’s motives are all skew-whiff after that near-death experience, so I sent him out to use up some energy.
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Bottom: Oh my, what a stud! Benedick: Hee hee hee boing boing.
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Benedick: Throw a real punch!
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Isabella: She calls that a punch? What d’ya think, should we go in there and teach those infants how to throw a real punch? Albany: Perhaps after dinner.
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Isabella: All right, fucko, dinner’s over, and dessert is a KNUCKLE SANDWICH! Ginger: So hey, those old people behind you are going for it like a rock’em sock’em robot. Benedick: Please. Don’t acknowledge them.
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Albany: A SANDWICH ISN’T EVEN DESSERT! Benedick: I’m just... gonna go get a drink.
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Bartender: Aren’t you a teenager? Benedick: A teenager with money.
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The fighting was getting annoying, so I had Benedick hit up another lot and hit on Isaac Curious here.
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And then, home, just in time for... *squints* Alvin Futa here to kick over the bin. Alvin: I’m a Capp now! No you’re not, you’re barely a character. You’re lucky I even went to the effort of googling your name, I thought you were Ricky Cormier.
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Antonio: Money can be exchanged for goods and services and legal name changes.
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Beatrice: Ahh, a nice cup of tea.
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Roxie: Hey, quick question, what the fuck? Honestly no idea, babes. You can have some new gloves when I get to your household.
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Beatrice: I love this place. My memory is a bit shit, but I seem to recall it’s glitched and I had to teleport some people in to trigger walkbys? Beatrice: Why would you do that? The lack of people was what I liked best.
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Cute stray.
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Sharla: Yeah, money’s pretty great. Benedick: But you know what’s even better? Sharla: What’s that?
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Benedick: LEAVES!
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Sharla: But is it art?
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A joke that will probably only make sense to about three people, one of which is me.
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Antonio: And that’s why I became an architect!
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Antonio: And now to look around for building inspiration.
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Beatrice: Computer’s broke. HOW!? I literally just brought that! I’m not even joking, I brought it so she could fulfil a want, and she immediately broke it.
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Decided it was time to invite Isabella and Patrizio over for a little family bonding. Patrizio: So long as the bonding involves a delicious, home-cooked meal.
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No comment, just happy family fun times.
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This time Antonio was the one whose energy was out of sync, so he did some skilling over at the library.
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And then the next morning, I sent them out for breakfast. Beatrice: Where’s Benedick? Oh, his hunger bar’s full, so he-
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-has decided to lean right into that stereotype about teenage boys eating tons by joining the group anyway. Benedick: Gotta keep my strength up in case I die again!
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And then it’s off to the local museum. Beatrice: Can you say “parrot”? Parrot: Parrot. Beatrice: Yes! My very own Pokemon!
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Chloe: Oh, I’m serving something, all right.
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More leafy fun.
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And to round off the week, I invited Bianca’s family over. Townie: Hey kid! Paris: Mom? Bianca: Remember what I told you, don’t make eye contact with them, and they can’t hurt you.
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Antonio: I never realised how fulfilling being an architect could be.
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Beatrice: Don’t suppose you could help we with some maths? Bianca: I’ll be honest with you kid, I intentionally forgot how to do any of that the moment I aged up, you’re gonna have to ask someone else.
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Beatrice: Aliens? Any of you lot know trig?
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Benedick: Um, are you two OK? Sahira: Definitely not, please help.
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Bartended: You again? Benedick: Life is short. Townie: Heeyyyyyy teenage boy! Benedick: For some people, not short enough.
Uberhood Index
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islandofsages · 2 years
to start, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR YOIMIYA!!! you may have lost the 50/50 but she still came home in the end!! i am unfortunately skipping her bc i got her when she had her first banner but if she has a rerun next year and i'm not planning on pulling anyone around her then i'm 100% going for cons
ALSO ABOUT THE SLIP UPS, I ABSOLUTELY AGREE!! i don't know if it's just me but man, i read through what i write like 50 times before sending an ask or posting something even if it's just one sentence — I GUESS IT'S JUST ANXIETY BUT I FEEL LIKE THERE'S NO WAY PEOPLE JUST TYPE SOMETHING OUT AND THEN POST IT?? there's gotta be at least a once-over, right?? it's important to catch mistakes especially when it comes to pronoun slip-ups :( i really wish there was more inclusion in the fanfic community, not even just when it comes to gender, but sexualities, skin colors, different body types, even disabilities, etc!!
if i came across a fanfic about a chubby, aroace, nonbinary reader who gets support for their identity, mental disorders & disabilities, and comfort for their insecurities? i would actually ascend to the clouds. i would read that fic so many times until i'm able to recite it word for word. THIS IS THE KINDA STUFF I WISH I CAME ACROSS MORE. omg and neopronouns. i use a set of neopronouns do you know how cool it'd be to me to read a fanfic with a reader who uses cub/cubs pronouns AAAJSJDKSKS
i know fanfics are usually made to be super ambiguous so most people can insert themselves but if there can be specified genders that only people who identify as that gender can read then i feel like people could expand into other things as well. maybe they wouldn't get a ton of likes but even the smallest chance that it'd make someone's entire day should be enough to post it yk??
i actually have my own writing blog that i haven't really posted on much, but what i have posted has been romantic x readers because i know that's what gets attention. i mean i don't mind romantic x readers i think they're fun to read even though i don't feel romantic attraction myself but I ABSOLUTELY PREFER PLATONIC X READERS BUT I AM KINDA AFRAID TO WRITE THEM BC I DIDN'T KNOW IF ANYONE WOULD ACTUALLY READ THEM
but after coming across your account, which i am SO GLAD EXISTS, i realize big numbers don't matter, what matters is that the right people see the fics and are happy to know that there's people in this reader insert community that are just like them!!
(about the misgendering thing; i have a funny story! so i have a new therapist, and she's really cool she's the first therapist that i have ever seen to ask for my preferred name and pronouns — which fyi is extremely rare in this really small Catholic town i live in FISEK — and actually understand my aroace identity. yesterday, we were having our session in her car at my house and my dad had come home from work for lunch and stopped to say hi, said something about me to her that misgendered me. when he walked away my therapist turned towards me and asked "you looked anxious when he was walking over here, are you okay??" and i was like "yeah i just knew he was gonna misgender me :(" and then we talked about how it made me feel and she was SO VALIDATING. i mentioned how i live in a very small conservative town; it's very homophobic and transphobic here, very VERY hard to find another queer person. but my therapist told me that there are actually quite a few trans people in my town that she sees and that i'm absolutely not alone here AND THAT MADE ME SO HAPPY BC AAAAA)
^ that was longer than i meant for it to be JDJWKEKD
i swear kid's shows are so good with the found family trope — Alvin and the Chipmunks, Sonic, MY LITTLE PONY
AND THE FOUND FAMILY IN GENSHIN AAA the first thing that comes into mind is albedo and klee, i adore them both in my heart alice has adopted albedo and that alone makes me so DANG HAPPY
ABOUT THE QPRS I FRICKIN AGREE it isn't something that's exclusive to aspec people, i feel like sometimes allos end up in something like a qpr unintentionally?? like before i realized i was aroace i was very close to one of my friends — cuddling, hand holding, etc — if i knew what a qpr was back then i'd have asked about being in one with them. EVEN IF I DIDN'T END UP REALIZING I WAS AROACE and just managed to find out what a qpr was i still would have brought it up with them yk??
i have never officially been in a qpr because i'm too awkward and i have really bad social anxiety LOL but HEY, that's what fictional characters are for HEHE
I'M ALSO THE ELDEST SIBLING!! i have one brother and he's 16 months younger than me and an asshole HAHA
i'm so attached to the idea of an older brother, specifically a protective one, because the idea of having a sibling older than me who wants to protect me makes me feel so safe and secure in an environment where i'm not and AH!! that's probably why i'm so attached to thoma as a big brother
ironic bc he's a shield character DKISKEKD
AND THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH MY REALLY LONG ASKS AND TENDANCY TO RAMBLE i currently have diagnosed adhd but i'm not being treated yet and i am just so bad about being overly talkative people have told me i don't even stop to BREATHE when i speak
which is true, i get so out breath after a while that i'm literally gasping HDISKEKDKO
- 🐯
THANK UUUUUU i mean i spent so much on her it almost feels like a lost yknow? but thats just me being ungrateful HAHA in the end she's very worth it shes so fun to play also shes ADORABLEEEE UGH also oooo initial banner yoimiya haver huh? based af. also the fact that you even want her cons what a chad
SAME THOOOO especially when it comes to messaging i have to double-check everything,, and FRRR WE NEED MORE DIVERSITY IN FICS actually i do plan on writing chubby reader bc im chubby myself :D i just want my comfort charas to think my chubbiness is cute instead of it being an ugly trait LOL also omg yes neopronouns i actually used to go by some neos but then nobody used them so i stopped using them myself too LMAOOOOO
and yeah true like while x reader fics are mostly written to appeal to the general masses, sometimes it's just not enough yknow? like sure i could settle for gn!reader but goddamn the euphoria i get from male reader fics....immaculate. and yeah i used to write romantic fanfics for the same reason - for clout. i mean, i did enjoy it somewhat but at the same time, it's not the only thing i wanted to do. not when non-romantic relationships are deemed insignificant.
so i started this blog. im very, very aware of the lack of attention i get but i genuinely dont care. bc at least im actually doing what i wanna do instead of doing what most people do to easily grab attention. like sure, your ayato x reader marriage fic got 10k notes - so what? marriage and romance are so overrated, especially those two combined. the only time i'll ever write a marriage fic is for a (queer)platonic marriage lmao
god bless your therapist's soul thats so nice of her!! i can relate to living in a small conservative town LMAO literally no one i know is queer (well at least, not outwardly which is understandable bc my whole country is very queerphobic). hope you find your trans buddies soon!!!
YEAHHHH tbh the whole knights of favonius is just a big happy family. also zhongli and hu tao + xiao,, and yeah that's the thing tho - ive seen people say that qprs were like normal back then but suddenly now they're not?? the only difference is that back then no one had a word for it. but now we do!! so we gotta educate and spread awareness!!! ive been in a qpr and it lasted like 5 months LMAO tbh i didnt really treat my ex any different from when we were friends,, so now we're back to being besties teehee
PFFFFT younger brothers are like that,, mine is a lazy ass motherfucker who contributes nothing to my life or even society. hate his ass. and yeah tho i dont really think about it, the thought of having an older sibling caring for you and being a role model for you is appealing...which is why i enjoyed childe's story quest LMAO but yass big brother thoma supremacy 🔥🔥🔥
IT'S OKAY you can talk to me about anything !! i actually like talkative people bc im really quiet irl so at least i dont have to come up with topics to talk about and overthink LMFAO
i hope you have an amazing day too hun <3 you dont mind me calling you that right? i have a tendency to call people endearing nicknames so please do tell me if you're uncomfortable with it !!
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coutelier · 11 months
Irongate - Tomb of Childhood
~1600 Word excerpt from WIP~
Isolated. Cracked black windows with their curtains hanging outside, fluttering in the wind. From a distance they might have looked like banshees. Even up close, in the gray of night, this house was not inviting.
“Doesn’t look like anyone’s home,” Sayuri observed as the van’s tires squelched and slid in the mud, coming to a stop at the end of the dirt path up.
“Yeah,” Kaya leaned forward next to Chance, “if we do find this kid, what’s the plan?”
“I was thinking,” he said as the engine cut off, “as you’re here, one of you three should try and talk to her.”
“Why us?”
“Well, because you’re, well, women.”
“Oh, so our maternal instincts will just naturally emerge?”
“It’s just a fact that she’s less likely to feel threatened by you than by a couple of bad ass detectives. We might just scare her off again.”
“Well I’m sure there was a point there somewhere,” Kaya sighed, turning to regard the other women. “So, who’s the least threatening?”
“I can be threatening,” Sayuri insisted despite her pink ripped tights and dress. “Sometimes, I’ve worn a baseball cap backwards.”
“Oh, yeah. Sure. Everyone can tell you’re a rebel.”
“My brother’s scared of me,” she reminded her.
“That’s true,” Kaya conceded, “Jenn can be scary too, but not physically. So I guess good news - you’re going up there first.”
Jennifer sighed and pointed out, “we don’t even know she’s here. We should all go up together and look around.”
They all agreed that was a better plan, although rather than go straight in the house Chance wanted to look around it first. Flashlight beams pushed back some of the inky darkness in spots as they swept, only for it to instantly sweep back. At first there wasn’t anything too out of the ordinary; flowers, mowed grass, a tire swing, shed. Next to the shed were some archery targets.
Yelping Sayuri leaped into Kaya, something rushing through rustling a bush.
“Relax,” Kaya said, holding onto her, “it was probably just an animal, right?”
Sayuri only then realized the position she’d gotten into, her body pressed against Kaya’s, able to feel the other woman’s chest rising and falling against her own. Her cheeks flushed seemingly from embarrassment as she separated herself. “R-right,” she said, flustered. “Sorry everyone. It’s just I’ve got this feeling like someone died here.”
“I think they did,” Daramy told her, his flashlight landing on an oval mound of earth about six feet long.
“Looks like a grave,” Kaya said.
“And freshly dug too.”
“Well now I know this place definitely is haunted,” Sayuri sighed. “Feeling a lot better. Thank you.”
Chance assured her, “it’s just your survival instinct kicking in because you’re in an unfamiliar place and its dark. I promise there aren’t any ghosts.”
“Okay,” she picked her stress balls out of her jacket, “now you’ve said something about survival which suggests there potentially is danger here.”
He shrugged, “there’s potentially danger everywhere.”
“You are all really bad at this.”
Ignoring her he recalled, “’they are the murderers.’ That’s what she told us. I assume she meant Benji and Oliver - they were both Silver Bow mercs.”
Sayuri asked, “but what would they want out here?”
“Well Alvin Stag has been looking to expand his empire. Meridiem already own most of the land around here, but the person here was refusing to budge.”
“Not enough just to be successful,” Kaya sighed, “they gotta keep growing. But only a cancer grows indefinitely so now their greed is slowly killing us all.”
“We can talk about late stage capitalism later. Right now this is still a murder case.”
The door to the house was already open. They came in through the kitchen Daramy leading and searching for the light switch, finding that there was still power. So at the very least those things weren’t currently hunting them but it did look like someone had got here ahead of them; the windows were all smashed, shelves toppled, the TV lying face down in the living room.
“Someone trashed this place,” Chance astutely observed, “thieves?”
Kaya pursed her lips, shaking her head, “it doesn’t look like they took much.”
Sayuri was drawn to a pedestal and small arch shaped indentation in one of the walls. Inside there were stone figurines with short tunics and togas in dancing poses holding bowls and cups. “These look like lares,” she said as Kaya sidled to her.
“What are those?”
“I guess they’re a little bit like ujigami.”
“Oh. Right,” Kaya nodded until she caught Sayuri’s look. “Yeah I don’t know what that is either.”
“They’re like gods or spirits that take care of a certain place, or a family.”
“Seems like they didn’t do a good job,” Kaya left her to the fallen statuettes, noticing Jennifer in the hall peering up into a void above. “Where are you going?”
“It’s a little girl we’re looking for,” Jenn said, “her room will be up there.”
“Well don’t actually go up on your own.”
The three women ascended, creaks and moans from the stairs. They found what was surely a child’s bedroom, a thin film of dirt and dust over fallen rubber and plastic dinosaurs, a few stuffed toys sagging uncared for on the bed.
There was a computer which Jennifer started to boot, bringing some life to what was really just an echo of a child’s life, as Sayuri leaned down to pick up a raggedy red doll with an eye-patch. “This is whole place is like a tomb,” she sighed, “but Chance is right; I don’t think there’s anyone here.”
Jennifer wasn’t finding much on the computer. A few games, websites visited; mostly stuff about dinosaurs and space and dragons. Attempts at art of said things. Standard kid stuff. “I think whatever happened to her must have happened suddenly.”
“Check this out,” Kaya lay on the bed with a pink notebook she’d found. “Lots of girls keep a diary. This one makes battle plans. Batman, Captain Marvel, The Doctor; she makes notes of all their weaknesses and vulnerabilities. The Night King entry is just a whole page of ‘ha ha ha’.”
“Well,” Jennifer looked to the dinosaur display; the paper trees, ground, and background the girl must have made herself. “She’s creative.”
“Yeah,” Kaya put the notebook down and lifted another book from the end table. “Hey, you used to be really into this,” she said handing it across to Jennifer whose fingers began to gently brush the faded gold leaf lettering. That Witch Which…
Jenn had seen the first animated movie with her father when she was twelve, not long before he was gone. She’d fallen in love with the series, but Kaya was never interested. She thought it was childish and silly and wasn’t into that sort of thing anymore. Jennifer never understood why anything they’d enjoyed together before became suddenly wrong. She supposed she’d just wanted to stay a kid.
“They’re just stories,” she said, putting the book down, “stories for children.”
“Remember when we were convinced the old lady who lived on the corner of your street was a witch?”
“I-I don’t-“
“You must do. One time we tried to sneak in when we thought she was out. We found what looked like a Victorian nursery but in it was just this really tiny horse in a dress eating all the furniture. We-“
“Stop!” The keyboard jumped on the desk as Jennifer slammed her fists down. The other two looked strangely at her, not expecting such an outburst. She owed an explanation, but was still sorting it out in her head when she began to speak. “It… i-it’s not like when this is over we can just go back to how we were. You’ll go back to your life and I’ll go back to the lighthouse.”
“We can stay in touch,” Kaya promised her, “talk.”
“About what? We have nothing in common anymore.”
“You still like Star Trek, right?”
“It’s not enough,” Jenn sighed. “We just… we live in different worlds now. I’m only here because of my father.”
Kaya narrowed her eyes, looking away. “You know, no matter how many times Angela beat you, you still stood up to her. But now you’ve just given up? You’ve decided you’ll just spend the rest of your life alone.”
“I can’t take being abandoned again.”
“Fine,” Kaya got up, “I’m going to check if the Dibbles found anything. You can just stay here and wallow.”
Kaya stomped out, leaving Jennifer in the room with Sayuri who felt like she’d just witnessed a family argument at a friend’s and wasn’t sure whether to leave or not. Her loyalty was to Kaya - she barely knew Jennifer at all. But in the circumstances no-one should be left on their own, and Jenn did look so alone with her arms folded across her knees and head buried.
“Are you okay?” She asked. Jennifer turned her head just slightly. “I gather you two kind of grew up together, but then you fell out?”
Jennifer’s back shoulder’s rose and fell as she mumbled, “I want to still be mad at her, but she keeps being so nice, and funny, and likable - it’s infuriating!”
“Yeah - she does drive people crazy like that.”
Jennifer lifted her head, looking curiously at Sayuri. “Why don’t you tell her?”
Sayuri looked curiously back. “Tell her what?”
“That you’re attracted to her. I know she thinks I’m autistic, but even I can see it.”
“I, er,” she tugged at her necklace as if it would provide an answer. It did not, so she settled on, “I don’t she’s ready for that. Definitely not now while all this is going on.”
“If you take too long,” Jenn sighed, “she might end up leaving you behind too.”
0 notes
Well this book doesn’t waste any time getting down to business. The protagonist, Mikura Moriya, just inherited his great-grandfather’s house and walnut/chestnut orchard because… nobody else wanted it. Which seems odd for a productive piece of farmland in a space-scarce country like Japan, but well, there’s a few reasons for that. First off is that it’s pretty far out there. Then you gotta hike up a mountain road (Mikura should probably invest in a truck) and pass a check point. Which is a little weird, but it’s because of the third issue. It technically ain’t Japan after that point, but the titular Beast Wilds. Which are… apparently a reservation of some kind for beast people? His family are the only humans with a home there, by long tradition and design. So inheriting the house/orchard means you also just inherited the position of token human.
Incidentally, he just found out he isn’t expected to take care of the entire thing by himself (which is a relief for him, as he was an office worker and while he tried to get books on the subject he has no idea how to farm nuts). No. He has chipmunks for that. And they keep a whole 30% of the harvest as their wages!
Yeah, uncomfortable moment #1 for both the reader and Mikura himself, as that doesn’t exactly sound like fair wages. Kinda serfy. Still, the book softens that blow by the chipmunk girl (and likely designated waifu for this story), Tokatechi Kurikara (Techi for short), looking like she’s ready to throw down when she thinks he might cut that (he actually offers to raise it to 40%). Plus she makes it clear that if he tries to cheat on his end of the deal, it will not end well. So at least the book isn’t going all “Are you my new Master? uwu “.
But that’s followed swiftly by uncomfortable revelation #2, that all the little, far more beastly chipmunks that will be doing most of the labor are cute and smol and furry because they’re little kids. So yeah… he not only inherited a plantation, but it’s staffed with child laborers! Techi assures him that the fact that they haven’t developed their more human attributes yet makes them the best ones for the job, that they will be getting an education as they get older, and that there’s always adult supervision nearby, but that’s still… yikes.
(I may have jinxed things by saying this couldn’t be worse than Do You Love Your Mom.)
Still, I’d be lying if I tried to claim that (clunkilly) going into a digression about beast person development didn’t appeal to the stranger parts of my mind. Like, I can totally relate to Mikura suffering mental derailment out of morbid curiosity when he finds out that yes, Techi has both human and chipmunk ears, and yes, they are both functional, and yes, that can be disorienting (especially around loud noises).
Also, I can’t help but imagine this story sharing a setting with Alvin and the Chipmunks. Though I’d imagine the possibility of developing two sets of ears would have a negative effect on their music career. Though the possibility of growing into bishis might help them become a boy band?
0 notes
ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
So! Back when I posted part two of Tyelpe in Numenor, @writinginsecret5 asked me for an epilogue in Mandos. Well, I couldn’t do that, since they weren’t dead and Herendil wouldn’t have gone to Mandos anyway, but—it did give me an idea for a Dagor Dagorath reunion where a fully healed Celebrimbor goes with the last great army of Elves back into Arda to bring the remnants of Men to Valinor for the Last Battle against Morgoth, and meets a very familiar face in the ruins of what was once an English city.
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Maybe Herendil (now Alvin Lowdham, of the Lowdhams of Tolkien’s Notion Club Papers) remembers Tyelpe immediately. Maybe it takes some time and they fall in fresh new love all over again. Either way, they’re together again, and this time there will be no shadow of parting.
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weewoobrainrot · 3 years
if the criminal minds characters had gen z energy on instagram 3/?
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liked by derekmorgan and 35 others
drspencerreid just went to see the new alvin and the chipmunk movie and i've gotta say, simon is definitely my favourite chipmunk
view all 12 other comments
penelope_garciax YOU PROMISED TO NOT GO WITHOUT ME!!!!!!
-> derekmorgan ohhh he's in trouble
jjareau i went to see it with henry and he said simon sounded like uncle spencer, something you want to tell us?
-> drspencerreid no comment
-> penelope_garciax 😲😲
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liked by aaronhotchner and 10 others
jjareau okay it's like 2 am and i'm exhausted but i got this adorable pic earlier and i just had to post it 🥺
view all 6 comments
penelope_garciax STOP OMG
penelope_garciax THAT'S SO PRECIOUS 😭
emily.prentiss wait this is so cute-
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liked by matt.simmons and 29 others
t.lewis we finally did it!!!! @drspencerreid
view all 13 comments
emily.prentiss the jet better not have been in the air when you guys did this....
lukealvez glad i was there to witness it
davidrossi when did you guys even have time to do this
-> drspencerreid a magician never reveals
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liked by penelope_garciax and 36 others
derekmorgan 😎😎
view all 17 comments
jjareau what the hell is going on here
-> emily.prentiss i've stopped asking
penelope_garciax someone needs to send life support to my home
138 notes · View notes
Past And Present Life
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Gif credit @cookiesordeath.
Requested by @mypridefulsoul27. I hope you like it. Thanks for the request.
Taglist @nocturnalherb16 @jesseswartzwelder. @mypridefulsoul27.
Warning: Domestic violence. Mention of past abuse. Smut.
Responding to a domestic violence call with Gabby, your heart raced. You were in this persons shoes long ago. So you knew what to expect.
"Antonio, was the responding officer". Gabby said as she pressed harder on the gas pedal. We both knew this might not be good when walking up to the scene.
Gabby grabbed the medical bag and you hurried inside. Jay, Antonio and Alvin were there. Antonio was panting and had a sweat beads dripping down his forehead.
"What happened"? You asked going up to them.
"The victim is in the kitchen, he needs a few stitches. But um the suspect is in the garage. He tried to run and Antonio got to him before we could. He needs the hospital and maybe surgery". Jay whispered to you as you both walked into the garage.
The suspect was laying face down cuffed on the floor.
"Okay, can you take Gabby with the victim to the station after she gets him cleared and Antonio and I will take him. We gotta talk anyways". You sighed.
"Yeah". Jay nodded and went to get Alvin as the put the suspect in the ambulance. Cuffing him to the gurney.
"Get in". You ordered Antonio, closing the back doors on the ambulance.
Antonio nodded and got in. He knew you were pissed.
On the way to the hospital, Antonio was quiet but you had tons to say.
"What happened? Do you want to get suspended or worse fired"? You felt your blood boil.
"I'm sorry. I just had some flash backs. It wont happen again".
"Are you okay"? You asked taking his hand in yours.
"Yeah. I just lost it when he ran after I seen what he looked like in the kitchen. I saw your face. All battered and blue".
"I know it was hard seeing that but it's all behind us. We have each other and that's all that matters". You rubbed the back of his hand with your thumb.
"Yeah. Are you okay"?
"Sure. I'm fine. I just wish I had a baseball bat and you weren't here to stop me. I hate people like him". You looked in the rearview mirror, the guy was still unconscious. Lucky him. Antonio chuckled.
Arriving at the hospital the doctor took his patient back and you signed some paperwork.
"Babe"? Antonio tapped you on the shoulder.
"Yeah"? You laid the paperwork on the desk and turned.
"Meet me in the ambulance". He said and took off.
"Okay. I was going there anyways". You laughed and finished your work.
Going to the ambulance, the doors were open and Antonio was humming to himself.
"What are you doing"? You giggled.
"Cleaning. I figured I would help out. I dont need my girl stressed and tired when she gets home". Antonio winked and went back to wiping down the gurney.
"Nice. Thanks". You went in and closed the doors.
Antonio had finished mostly everything so you got an idea.
Grabbing Antonio by the shirt collar you pushed him down on the gurney and climbed on top of him.
"What are you doing, baby girl"? His sexy laugh made you moan. Attacking his lips with yours.
"Shut up". Your hands went to his hair, tugging at it. Antonio took his hands and grasped your ass. Those jeans made your ass look scrupulous. He always complemented on your ass daily.
"Fuck". You moaned out when Antonio started moving your hips, grinding on him.
"Dirty little girl". Antonio sat up, your legs wrapped around him. One hand kneaded your ass cheek and the other came around and grabbed your neck, gently.
"Mmmmm, daddy". You bit down on Antonio's bottom lip. That landed you a smack to your ass. Making you whimper in pleasure.
Antonio snaked his hand at your waistband and tugged up your shirt. Pulling it from your waistband. His warm hand sent shivers up your spine as he crept his hand up your body, cupping your clothed breast.
You grinded hard on Antonio's lap, feeling his member rise underneath you. You both couldnt stand it.
"Y/L/N"? You heard a voice call your name and you panicked. Hopping off Antonio and pushed your shirt back into your pants. You wiped off your mouth and straighten yourself before exiting the back.
"We have someone that needs to go to rehab. Can you take them"? A nurse asked you while Antonio tried to ice his erection.
"Sure. No problem". You licked your lips and went back to Antonio.
"Partys over, lover boy". You giggled, running your hand over your head, relieved.
"Shit. Well that sucks". Antonio huffed and jumped out of the ambulance.
The nurse was bring out a patient in a wheelchair.
"We'll finish this when we get home". Antonio kissed your lips with a pat to your butt.
"Yes we will". You sucked on your bottom lip as Antonio walked back into the hospital. He had to stay with the suspect until he was cleared. But after he was heading home and going to continue what was started. You couldnt wait.
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abundanceofnots · 3 years
a little (just under 2k) playground scene with Lip and Ian as dads, as per @pink--and--white's request. i apologize to all actual parents in advance.
“How the fuck did we get here?” Lip asks through a huff of incredulous laughter.
Ian shades his eyes from the sun, turning to his older brother with a look of mock concern. “Your memory that bad already, old man? We drove here.”
It earns him a stinging smack on his thigh.
“Asshole,” Lip retorts back. “You know what I mean.”
Ian’s eyes flit back to the scene before them. “Yeah, I do,” he confirms a beat later, his voice more earnest this time.
This, by far, isn’t a new feeling. Lip’s had the exact same thought pass through his mind countless times in recent years, always in a momentary flash of warmth that filled up his whole chest. It happens all the more often now over the most mundane shit, though.
The first time was, probably, when Freddie was born. Then Ian got married, and Al came along, and Liam got to a good school—and after that followed every other quiet (not literally) evening when the whole family gathered up in the kitchen.
In those instants, Lip would stall himself for just a second, getting lost in the overwhelming sounds and visuals, and think, what the fuck.
He’s getting soft. That’s it, most likely. He’s getting soft and sentimental, going on with his extremely unexceptional life, wondering how in the hell did a piece of shit like himself get so lucky, and slowly becomes someone he’d gladly punch in the face not too long ago.
It hits him hard again, this strange sense of pride and wonder, as he sits next to his baby brother on a bench overlooking a kids’ playground.
This one’s the real deal. Everything here is child-proof and clean, with no syringe or dogshit in sight. Frank or some random homeless guy aren’t lying in a drunken coma by the swing sets. There’s not even one bullet hole in the slide. And maybe it’s not so hard to admit that this is actually pretty nice. That this is them now.
Still, the whole thing is, without a doubt, totally ridiculous. Here they are, Lip and Ian—the college dropout and the ex-con, the true sons of the South Side—sneakily munching on their kids’ packed afternoon snacks.
“Dumb luck, I guess,” Ian answers Lip’s question after some musing and takes a sip from Toe’s pink-colored juice box.
Lip hmms before he bites into a baby carrot. “For us, or them?”
“For us. Definitely.”
They’re just two regular dads who carry around lunchboxes and always have a wet wipe or a pack of tissues at hand, ready to blow noses and wipe off residue chocolate from chins and hands. There aren’t enough words in the English language that would describe how incredibly ridiculous this is, because once upon a time, not too long ago, still, Ian wore a jumpsuit with Dav on the nametag and believed this was it for him, and Lip thought the only way to get through life was by drinking himself through the ordeal.
How the fuck did they get here?
“Freddie! Hey, Freddie!” Lip calls out to his oldest, who hangs upside down from the monkey bars, effectively ignoring him. “Fred!” he tries again with an annoyed sigh, and the boy finally remembers how his ears work. “Can you help your cousin on the slide?”
With a swift motion, Freddie pulls himself up again to grab hold of a bar, unhooking his knees in the process, and jumps down into the sand with practiced ease. He then immediately gets into a run, coming behind the red-headed girl in black overalls who’s been trying to climb the gentle ramp on her own.
“What was that about?” Ian inquires amusedly.
“Early puberty, I think. He doesn’t want us to call him Freddie anymore. It’s Fred. No Fredster, no Fredtastic, definitely no Fredosaurus. Just Fred. Apparently, I went to bed, and my son turned into a middle-aged man overnight.”
“Oof. That’s rough.”
“Yeah. The next thing I know, he’s gonna get a neck tattoo and his first STI. Al, buddy!” His younger son Alvin, at least, seems to have no trouble with hearing. “You need help? Want me to push you?”
“No, I’m good!” the blond kid shouts back from the swing, and to prove his point, he pushes himself harder off the ground to gain momentum.
Lip scratches his forehead. “They don’t need me anymore,” he comments darkly. “I am officially a bother.”
“You’ve always been a bother,” Ian notes before he stuffs his mouth full of grapes. “Come on, Lip. Freddie’s eight. He’s not exactly packing his bags to leave home. He’s still very much a daddy’s boy.”
“I don’t know, man. When I remember what I was already doing when I was his age….”
“Yeah, but that’s different. They’re not like us. They don’t need to be, and that’s a good thing.”
Ian’s right, but the concept of normal as something desirable, something he doesn’t necessarily need to rebel against, is something Lip may never fully come to grasps with. And neither does Ian, even if he says otherwise.
“We might be getting a dog,” Lip says after a while, pausing before he sinks his teeth into a cheese stick.
“No way!” Ian smirks at him. “Look at you, perfect American family and shit.”
Lip snorts at that. He and Tami are pretty damn far from perfect. “You not thinking about getting a pet? A friendly rottweiler for Mickey, perhaps?”
“No. First, I gotta talk him into having another kid.”
That takes Lip by surprise. He knows Ian absolutely adores his little girl, his mini ginger twin that everyone got to call Toe, short for Tomato, but he also knows the whole story behind how she came to be.
“Oh, yeah? You’d like another?”
“Yeah,” Ian admits, and as his eyes drop to his lap where his fingers fiddle with a paper straw, Lip realizes he sounds ashamed about it.
“Not as easy as poking holes in condoms with you guys, huh?” he jokes to release the sudden tension.
“Hah. No.”
“You told Mickey yet?”
Meeting his brother’s eyes again, Ian gives a noncommittal shrug. “I hinted.”
From experience, Lip knows that hinting in Ian’s case almost exclusively means Mickey is fully aware of his intentions and just chooses to ignore them before Ian confronts him head-on.
“Hopefully, you’ll have another girl,” he tells Ian after a quiet moment filled with children’s high-pitched screams and the steady screeching of a swing set. “It’s a lot more physical with boys. These two are already fighting like we used to.”
“Doesn’t really matter when you’re raising a Milkovich,” Ian remarks before yelling: “Hey, Toe? You wanna have a sip of your juice for me?”
The girl waves at them eagerly as she slides down the bendy chute. Getting to a run right as her feet touch the ground, she comes to a jolty halt in front of them, taking a good, hard look at the juice box as if only now realizing what’s expected of her.
“No, thank you,” Toe then peeps and skips off again.
“Polite,” Lip appraises.
Ian gives a low chuckle. “Fuckin’ weird, huh?”
“With Mickey as her dad? A little.”
They watch the kids play for a few minutes. Ian offers to exchange a cheese stick for three grapes, and Lip negotiates it up to five before agreeing.
“You think he’d be against it? Having another kid?” he asks Ian mid-chew.
“I mean, I wouldn’t blame him, after all the shit with Terry. Maybe with a second kid, he’d think there’d be twice the damage he could do. Dunno,” Ian surmises uncertainly. “I know how hard it was for him to even want a kid, and I get why he was scared. Don’t get me wrong, I’m shitting myself every day when I think of the ways I could fuck this up. But he’s a great dad. You saw him with Toe. She’s obsessed with him. The way she laughs at everything he says makes you think he invented comedy or something.”
Lip’s aware that their conversation turned sort of serious once again, but he can’t help not breaking into a smile. “Sounds like you’re kinda jealous of your husband there, Ian.”
“Oh, I hate his guts,” his brother confirms, only partially kidding. “I’m a fun dad, too, you know.” As if on cue, a figure coming their way catches his attention, and Ian nods to where his daughter’s playing, telling Lip: “Okay, watch this.”
Mickey gestures at Freddie with a finger to his lips, coming around the slide just in time to catch his daughter in his arms with a victorious roar.
“Daddy!” Toe announces the good news to everyone around with a loud squeal.
Ian gives his brother a pointed look.
“Fuck, man,” Lip huffs with mock seriousness. “You tellin’ me she loves her dad? What a nightmare.”
“Yo, lunch ladies.” Mickey suddenly approaches them with Toe at his hip. “How ’bout less chit-chatting and more kid-watching? Think I’d remember if I left my kid with a giant fuckin’ bruise on her forehead this morning.”
“Yeah. She’s had a bit of a scuffle with Alvin earlier,” Ian says, reaching out to soothingly rub Toe’s calf as if said scuffle and the tears it brought weren’t already long forgotten.
“The hell’s he doin’ fightin’ someone half his size?!”
“She started it!” Lip counters weakly.
“Okay.” Mickey’s mouth hangs open for a minute before he finds his figurative footing again. “I guess she had her reasons for that. And you should teach your kids to not fight dirty.”
“I go play now,” Toe informs him then, putting a stop to his rant and his bad mood in one go.
“Yeah! You do that!” Mickey replies as he puts her down, matching her level of enthusiasm. She heads for the extensive pirate-ship-like construction this time, watchful cousin Freddie already on her heels, and Mickey drops heavily next to his husband, letting out a prolonged groan into his hands.
“Tough day?” Ian asks needlessly.
“Igor’s a fuckin’ idiot.”
“Told you he was.”
“And I agree, so drop it, a’ight? Hey, by the way.”
“Hey,” Ian echoes before they exchange a quick kiss.
Mickey notices the juice in his hands then and perks up. “That raspberry?” he checks after he’s already snagged the box for himself, taking loud slurps from it to get every last drop. He finishes off with a belch. “Fuckin’ love raspberry.”
Lip finds that anything he’d say at that moment would only spoil the natural fucking beauty of it, so he just appreciates with a private snicker.
“Daddy! Daddy!” Toe yells from the top of one of the pirate ship’s smaller slides. “Come play!”
Mickey pats at Ian’s thigh. “That’s on you, man. I’m beat.”
Putting his fun-dad face on, Ian heaves himself up without a complaint. “Hey, jellybean! Do you think your dad can fit on the slide, too?”
Toe shakes her head vehemently, giggling as she watches Ian jog toward her. “No, daddy! No! No!”
“What, you don’t think I can?” Ian asks again, halfway through his climb up on the board. “Well, take off your socks now because they might get blown off! I’mma fit!”
“Daddy!” Toe howls with laughter as he bumps his head on one of the low railings.
Beside Lip, Mickey imitates the reaction, both his hand and the phone he’s holding with it to record a video visibly shaking. When he notices Lip staring, his grin falters a little.
“These two jokers,” Mickey complains after he ends the recording. “She always laughs at everything he does like he invented comedy or some shit.”
Lip answers with a knowing smile, his chest feeling full of warmth.
Seriously, how the fuck did they get here?
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gaaavin · 3 years
Hello I like your work and I was wondering if you could do Dom! Dutch x M!reader.
Like y/n was running from Colm and y/n got caught up in Dutch’s and Colm’s fewd. And Dutch edges y/n for answers of colm’s location, till y/n brakes and tells him. And y/n is stubborn as hell.
Idk if you feel comfortable with male x male and if you can’t write it, it’s ok😊
“Oh now come on, Colm! I ain’t a snitch! I didn’t give the law any information about your whereabouts. I’ve known you for ages – why would I betray you like that? I’ve always been loyal to you and you know it.” Your eyes wandered between Colm and Tom, another member of the O’Driscolls, who claimed to have seen you interchange information with some lawmen in a dark alley a few hours ago. For some reason, although you’ve known Colm for years by now, he didn’t believe you – but him – in this.
The three of you were gathered in an old cabin in the Cumberland Forest, which was quite frequently used by your gang as a hideout. He had ordered you to come there alone. Up until this very moment Colm had always trusted you, had never second-guessed you. Right now, though, he looked at you ready to send you straight into damnation. His eyes flicked between you and Tom and you could see the insecurity and uncertainty in them shining right through. You wanted to say something, defend yourself, but just as you opened your mouth to speak, Colm was quick to nip your efforts in the bud.
“Don’t – I know you’re lying. Tom wasn’t alone when he saw you back there. You tell me you ‘ain’t a snitch’” These rats! you thought to yourself. Colm spat out the last word with so much derogation, it made shivers run down your body. “And yet here you are telling me nothing but lies. Now, Y/N, you know what we do with traitors, don’t you?” You knew very well what exactly happened to people betraying Colm – you had seen him kill and torture so many people throughout the years because of failed jobs, falsely spied-out leads or other disobediences. One time, though, you had heard of Colm taking out his anger not directly on the concerning person, but where it actually hurt – their beloved significant other.
Dutch van der Linde, leader of the notorious van der Linde gang, whom you had met a few times before, was a good friend and business partner of Colm for quite some time. But this relationship turned eventually into a mortal hostility after Dutch had killed Colm’s brother. Colm of course sought revenge and wanted to snatch the most important thing away from Dutch – his partner Annabelle. Since then, the two gangs kept on living in an ongoing blood feud. So, you knew exactly what Colm was capable of.
Your gaze landed on Colm again, finally settling on his sliding-down hand. You had to act quickly, so you imitated his actions and pulled out your weapons, simultaneously jumping for the door and starting to shoot blindly behind you. You eventually jumped on your horse. “C’mon, we gotta leave, get outta here.” Your mare seemed to sense the urgency and ran as fast as it possibly could.
“To your good health, Arthur.” That voice sounded strangely familiar but where did you know it from? A few days had passed and you started to build a new life away from the O’Driscolls, away from your old way of living – or at least from the killing. You still stole and robbed to survive. Currently sitting on a bar stool, you turned your head slightly towards the source of noise and indeed, there he was – Dutch van der Linde. Your stares met for a brief moment, before you quickly turned around again. Goddammit!Leaving your old life behind you wasn’t as easy as you thought. Shortly after, you risked another glance. Did he recognize you? If so, he didn’t let it show. Better get going, you thought to yourself and stood up to head straight towards the door. Just as you stepped out of the saloon, you noticed movements behind you. Loudly whistling for your horse, you grew anxious. Did he know who you were – or better who you used to be?
Your mare trotted too slow for your liking through the streets and ultimately you two arrived in the open with no one around. The first thing you perceived were the hoofbeats. Was someone being chased? You turned around, but couldn’t see too much. It was already dark at night by now. The sounds got closer quickly, too quick for your mare to run away. The next thing you felt was a rope around your torso, quickly followed by the pain of falling down your horse. Damn, that hurt. “Got him, Dutch!” Whose voice was that again?
The ride on the back of the horse was anything but comfortable, especially hogtied, but soon you arrived in a camp. “Welcome to your new home. Hope you’re real happy here.” Dutch said with sarcasm in his voice. “Do you want me to make him talk?” The burly man said. You just couldn’t remember his name. Was it Alvin? No. Maybe Allan? “Oh no, Arthur. Now, all we’ll get is lies. Uncle, Mr. Williamson, tie this maggot up some place safe! We get him hungry, first.” His gaze landed on you again and burned into your eyes. “I got a saying, my friend. We shoot fellers as need shooting, save fellers as need saving and feed ‘em as need feeding. We’re gonna find out what you need.” Dutch turned to walk away, before continuing. “I can’t believe it! An O’Driscoll in my camp!”
Your capture happened almost a week ago and you grew more and more impatient. Nobody listened to you, gave you any food or even spared you a glance. It was frustrating, really. Right now, the sun was rising after another night being tied up and your whole body just hurt. You watched around camp and saw Dutch approach you with a devilish smirk. “O’Driscoll, you ready to talk?” He asked you, looked you up and down, clearly pleased with your current state. “How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not an O’Driscoll anymore. Goddammit! Screw this place! Screw your gang and most importantly, screw you, Dutch van der Linde! I’m never going to tell you anything. Even if I did have some information about where Colm could be, I’d never tell you, so leave me alone!” If your outburst surprised Dutch, he didn’t show it in the slightest. Instead, he stepped closer to you, his face now inches away from yours and his hand grabbing your cheek harshly. His voice threateningly low. “You’re going to talk. The only question is now, or after I’m done with you.”
Dutch took a few steps back from you, resulting in him standing now opposite of you. “If you don’t want to talk voluntary, I will have to help you.” You rolled your eyes, before answering sarcastically. “Oh please, what are you going to do? Kill me? I believe you need me alive, don’t you?” Dutch laughed quietly, shaking his head slightly. “Well, Mister, let me tell you that you won’t like what’s about to come.” He pulled out his revolver and emptied all but one bullet from it. “I’m going to show you some manners. We are going to play a nice little game. I’ll probably shoot you eventually, but up until then you have the opportunity save your own life.” You gulped audibly and your body grew tenser by the minute. His hand with the shiny revolver in it raised almost in slow motion, his finger twitching slightly on the trigger.
By now, you were sweating profusely. “So, Mister, do you have anything to say?” Dutch stared you dead in the eyes. “No, Mister van der Linde. I’ve got nothing to say.” Click. You flinched and waited for the pain, which oddly didn’t come. “Oh, how lucky you are to still be alive.” He said, before reloading his gun. “Changed your mind yet?” With the second possibility to get shot, you grew more and more nervous. Should you tell him what you knew? You did in fact have a few information, after all, Colm planned his heists and travels quite a bit in advance. Click.
“Still testing your luck I see?” Dutch was about to reload his gun again, but… “Okay, goddammit! I’ll tell you. Colm’s on the Hanging Dog Ranch right now with a dozen of his fellow gang members.” You almost screamed at him out of breath. “Why, thank you kindly. Wasn’t too hard, was it?” He smirked again satisfied, before leaving you tied up to find the others. “Boys, we’ve got work to do. Let’s go. John, Arthur, Charles, Micah, let’s ride! Bill, Javier, you too! Come on, let’s go!
A/N: Hiya! First off, thank you so much! I’m glad, you enjoy my other works. Sorry this took so long, I wanted to get the dialogue right. If you wanted something more in the nsft-ish-way let me know and I’ll gladly adapt it. Hope you enjoy!
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You’re an idiot - Adam Ruzek imagine
“Good job today, go home.” Voight instructed as he walked through the bullpen after the longest case we’d had in a while. Two ten year old girls had been abducted from their school playground by some guy looking to sell them into a pedophile ring, it was a close one but we got him.
“Hey y/n, we’re all heading over to Molly’s, you coming?” Erin asks as her and Jay start heading towards the stairs.
“I’m sure Adam would like to see you there.” Jay joked recieveing an elbow I’m the ribs from his partner.
“Ha, ha Jay, you’re so funny you know, you’re really wasted in intelligence.” I laughed sarcastically as I narrowed my eyes at him trying to ignore the small blush that was appearing on my cheeks. “I’ll meet you guys there, I just gotta finish this last little bit.” I told them as I motioned to the lone piece of paper sitting on my desk.
“Don’t leave me with all the testosterone, I’m begging you.” Erin jokingly begged before her and Jay left.
Sighing I finished off the page before my mind drifted to Adam. We had started the academy together and had been partners pretty much all the time before he had been pulled out to work in intelligence by Alvin. A couple of months after he left him and Al had came back and pulled me up to intelligence after Adam had recommended me for an undercover job.
I’d had some kind of feelings for him not long after we’d joined the academy, I assumed it was just some kind of crush, but once he had left he was all I could think about. I missed him like crazy and the second he walked back through the doors with Al all the feelings rushed back and I realised it was more than a simple crush, I was in love with Adam Ruzek.
I haven’t told him, or anyone really due to Voight’s no in-house dating rule and the fact that there’s a 0% chance that he’d reciprocate the feelings. Although Erin soon figured it out after noticing the way I look at him or something like that, and I think Jay suspects something is up since he keeps dropping ‘subtle’ hints in front of Adam. Jackass.
The slam of a door pulled me from my thoughts as Voight comes out of his office and stops infront of my desk. “Go home kid, you did good.” He gravely voice sounds as he smiles down at me.
“I’m going, I’m going.” I smile as I grab my jacket from the back of my chair and make my way out beside Voight. “So Sarge, the teams meeting up for a drink at Molly’s, you in?” I asked already knowing the answer, him only looking at me with a raised eyebrow. “You’ve got something to take care off.” I nodded to myself with a laugh. “You really need some new excuses boss.” I laughed as he shook his head.
“I’ll see you Monday y/n.” He laughed slightly as he walked over to Trudy at the front desk.
“Bye Sarge. Bye Trudy!” I called with a wave feeling privileged that I wasn’t forced to call her Sarge like everyone else, what can I say, I’m her favourite. Recieving a ‘bye’ from the both of them I made my way to my car, stopping off at home to freshen up before calling a cab to Molly’s.
As I walked through the doors of Molly’s the familiar sound of loud music and the smell of alcohol hit me as I look around spotting the team gathered around a table towards the back.
“Hey, look who finally made it!” Kevin cheered as he was the first to notice me, causing the others to cheer aswell, guess they’ve had a few drinks without me.
“Yes, I have arrived, your night just got a whole lot better!” I grinned as I took a seat in the only chair available that just so happens to be in between Jay and Adam, Jay looked at me with a grin as I narrowed my eyes at him.
“How’s it going n/n?” Adam asked as he put his arm around the back of my chair like he always has done, even back in the academy.
“Hey Adam, I’m gunna go grab a drink, I’ll be right back.” I smiled at him as I stood up making his arm fall from the back of my chair. “Want anything?”
“I’m good, thanks though.” He replied holding up his still full beer bottle.
“What about me?” Jay whined just as I was about to walk away.
“Buy your own drink.” I laughed as he pouted and everyone laughed.
“Hey Otis, can I grab a beer when you’re ready?” I called as I sat on a stool at the bar recieving a nod from him as he dealt with another customer.
“What’s a pretty lady like you doing in a bar like this?” An unfamiliar voice said as they took a seat on the stool besides me. Looking over I was met with an attractive man maybe in his early thirties, but he was no Adam, I mentally rolled my eyes at how pathetic I was, pining over my best friend who has zero interest in me.
“Just having a drink after a stressful day.” I slightly smiled at him just as Otis brought my beer over giving the guy a side look before looking at me with an eyebrow raised, shaking my head I thanked him and looked back to the stranger.
“The names Jackson by the way.” He said as he held his hand out for me to shake.
“Y/n.” I smiled as I shook his hand.
“So, are you here alone?” He asked as he took a sip of his drink.
“Uh, no, I’m actually here with them.” I said motioning over to the group who had quietened down and were now watching us with, what looked like, unimpressed faces. I couldn’t help but to look over at Adam who was staring at Jackson with a look of rage plastered over his face, his hand holding his beer botttle so tight that his knuckles were turning white, weird.
“He your boyfriend or something?” Jackson asked obviously noticing Adams look aswell, although it was near impossible to miss.
“Uh, no he’s my partner at work.” I smiled at him to try and reassure him that Adam won’t be murdering him tonight, even if it looked like he wanted to. Picking up my beer I smiled at him and told him that I was gunna head back over to the group.
“Hold on a sec.” he said gently holding my arm and reaching into his pocket and pulling out a business card. “Just in case.” He smiled letting me go.
Jackson Barette - Private Tutor
Taking the card with a smile I walked away and took my previous seat between Adam and Jay as Jackson stood up and left the bar.
“Hey, anyone want his number? He’s a private tutor.” I laughed as I threw the card into the middle of the table, he was nice and all but like I said, he was no Adam.
“You’ve been single forever, should’ve given him a shot.” Jay said as he grinned at me, I raised my eyebrow knowing that there was going to be some kind of comment to come. “I mean, unless you’ve got your eye on someone else.” He smirked quickly looking at Adam and back at me, and there it is.
“Okay.” I started as I reached foreward and picked the card back up. “You should take this, I mean, don’t you have to be at least a little intelligent to work in intelligence?” I laughed handing him the card, watching while he ripped it up as the others broke out in laughter, except Adam.
“Hey, you okay?” I asked placing my hand on the arm that’s usually resting on the back of my chair by now, strange.
“Yeah I’m fine.” He said bluntly shaking my hand from his arm before standing up. “I’m going to the bar.” He muttered before he walked off.
“Okay? What’s his problem?” I asked out loud only recieving shrugs in reply.
And that’s how the rest of the night went, Adam stayed at the bar flirting with girl after girl while the rest of us drank and laughed together. After I’d finished my, like, fifth beer? Maybe? I decided it was time to go.
“I’m gunna head home, I’ll see you guys Monday!” I announced standing up and grabbing my coat. After recieving a chorus of byes I made my way out into the cold, passing Adam and some blonde laughing way too loud on my way, after calling a cab I stopped and took a seat on the bench on the corner of the street.
After about five minutes of waiting the doors to Molly’s open and someone takes a seat next to me, I can tell it’s Adam just by his shoes. As we sit there in silence for a few seconds hurt and anger start to rise inside of me, which I’m blaming on the alcohol, rolling my eyes I just couldn’t help myself.
“What? No girls left to hit on?” I asked, bitchiness clear in my tone.
“What?” He asked sounding genuinely confused.
“Don’t play dumb Adam, you’ve spent the entire night with at least like three different girls.” I said rolling my eyes as I looked up at him.
“I wasn’t hitting on them.” He said as he looked into my eyes, I could see that he wasn’t lying, his eye twitched when he does, but in my slightly drunken state I refused to believe it.
“Sure.” I snorted, rather unattractively if I do say so myself.
“I’m serious y/n, I just wanted to make you mad.” He said quietly taking both my hands in his, face scrunched up in confusion I looked up at him and tried to tell what game he was trying to play right now. “When I saw you talking to that guy earlier I was so mad, and I didn’t even know why, you were doing nothing wrong, I mean you’re single so you can get with whoever, I mean if you wanted to-“
“Adam, what are you talking about?” I asked interrupting his ramblings.
“Right, uh, what I’m trying to say is,” he stopped to take a deep breathe looking up in the sky before he looked back into my eyes, determination taking over his features. “I like you y/n, like a lot I’d even go as far as to say that I love you y/n. I have done ever since the first day I saw you at the academy with your hair sticking up everywhere because you were runnning late.” He paused, both of us laughing at the memory. “When I saw you with that guy in there I just saw red, I didn’t want you to be sat there smiling at him when you should’ve been smiling at me. Look, what I’m trying to say is that I want you y/n, I want you to be mine and only mine, I don’t want to have to see you with someone who isn’t me ever again. Please, can we give it a try?” He finished looking at me with so much emotion that I probably would’ve said yes even if I wasn’t head over heels for the guy.
“You’re an idiot, Adam Ruzek.” I said only to have him look at me confused, shaking my head I continued. “I love you too stupid. There is nothing I want more than to be with you, how you haven’t realised that yet is beyond me, I mean, have you not gotten the hints that Jay’s been dropping for months?” I laughed slightly thinking back to how obvious he was.
“I just thought he was just being Jay.” He shrugged smiling down at out hands. “So what do ya say y/n l/n? Wanna give us a try?” He asked standing up and pulling me up with him.
“Adam Ruzek, I would be honoured.” I smiled as he let go of my hands placing his on my waist as mine went around his neck.
I couldn’t contain my smile as he leaned down and softly placed his lips on mine, moving in perfect sync, cheering in the background made us slowly pull away looking over to see the rest of the team cheering and whistling as they watched us.
“You guys are so weird! Go away!” I called laughing as they feigned hurt other than Jay who had a huge grin on his face.
“This was me! I did this!” He yelled as Erin shook her head and pushed him back towards the doors.
“Well, this is my cab.” I laughed as the yellow car pulled up a few feet away.
“I’ve never been so glad that the cab system in Chicago is so slow.” Adam grinned as he pulled me close once more.
“I’ll see you soon.” I smiled as he bent down and kissed me softly once more.
“Tomorrow, I’m taking you out, just us.” He told me as he opened the cab door for me.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I grinned.
Reaching up to press my lips on his I enjoyed the feeling for a few seconds before slowly pulling back and climbing into the cab. As we pulled away I couldn’t get rid of the smile on my face, after all this time, he was mine. All we had to deal with now was Voight.
Feel free to send me any imagines you might have, I write for;
Chicago PD
Chicago Fire
Walking dead
Law and order : SVU
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noonborykedabory · 3 years
Zeke’s Pad as Vines
Alvin: (getting in the car) Ike (wearing a Batman mask): Dad. You're alive. Alvin: (sigh) Look at that guy over there laughing at you ---- Rachel: Hey Maxine, you want some? (hands her a can) Maxine: This is empty! (throws it) YEET- ---- Ida: Cinderella, why do you want to go to the ball? Ike (wearing a dress): Cause mother; ball is life (dances) ---- Ike (singing): I haven't showered in two days~ Zeke (singing from the kitchen): And we can very much so tell~ ---- Zeke: You look tired today. Jay: And you look like a burnt piece of toast 24/7, but do I comment? ---- Rachel: Mom, say “who want lasagna?” Ida: Who want lasa-(walks into table and falls) ---- Jay: Hurry up, we’re gonna be late for school! Zeke (wearing sunglasses): Bro, chill, I don’t know why you’re in a big time rush (OH OH OH OH-) ---- Jay: Hey, what’s u- Chester: (growls) Jay: (s c r e e c h) GET YOUR F*CKIN DOG ZEKE Zeke: He doesn’t bite. Jay: YES HE DOES GET YOUR- ---- Ike: Sup, my name’s Ike. Varsity football. Zeke:  Ike: Zeke: Okay- Ike: Varsity footBALLLL- ---- Jay: Hear that, I think they’re on a Tinder date. Zeke: Wow. That’s gotta be so awkward. Jay: Right? Thank God we used- Both: Christian Mingle. :) ---- Zeke: Yo, lowkey dude, lowkey...You look cute today. LOWKEY THOUGH, DUDE, LOWKEY- ---- Ike: Challenge time! Ike: Yo Jay, you think I can get this egg into that jar without it cracking? Jay: No. Ike: (throws the egg at Zeke) Jay: (bursts out laughing) Zeke: >:( Ike: Guess you were right. ---- Teacher: Um. Zeke, could you read number twenty-three for the class? Zeke: No I cannot. What up, I’m Zeke, I’m fourteen, and I never f*ckin learned how to read ---- Jay: You either buckle down and do your work or you end up at McDonald’s. Zeke: We’re going to McDonald’s if I don’t do my work? Jay: No- ---- Rachel: IKE! Is that a weed?! Ike: No, this is a crayon- Rachel: I’M CALLING THE POLICE (microwave intensifies) ---- Zeke: My mom says if I don’t get my grades up, she’s not gonna let me get my tetanus shot next year. Jay: That’s weird, what are you gonna do? Zeke: F*ckin study, I guess ---- Jay: (running) Zeke: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING? WHY ARE YOU RUN- ---- Zeke: Hey guys, happy Ike Sucks Thursday Ike: What’s Ike Sucks Thursday? Zeke: Like we would ever tell you, Ike ---- Zeke: Let’s tell each other secrets about ourselves. I’m gonna go first: I hate you. ---- Zeke: Yeah, honestly I really like geys- Jay: (gay heart sings) Zeke: -sers, geysers, they’re one of Earth’s natural beauties. I also really like dudes. Jay: (GAY HEART SCREAMS) ---- Ike (in the woods): It’s a f*ckin bear Bear: (falls in the water) Ike: NOOOOOOOO-oh sh*t, it’s right there ---- Jay: This is so dumb Zeke (piggybacking him): The higher I am, the better I can see Jay: You can-You can draw yourself flying- Zeke: Hush now, Jayden. I am searching ---- Ida (coming home): WHY AREN’T THE DISHES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER?! Zeke (on the couch): ...What does that even mean? ---- Ike: Who made this chicken? WHO MADE THIS CHICKEN?! Zeke (pointing at Jay): He did Ike: THIS IS THE BEST CHICKEN I’VE EVER HAD! ---- Zeke: So we’re all here, stuck at Mickey D’s, cause of that thundersto- Thunder: (boom) Zeke: AAAAA- ---- Zeke: Me and my omelet (does a perfect flip) :O ---- Zeke: That one friend who’s always cold Jay (under a blanket): I’m cold Zeke: You’re always cold...but I’ll be damned if you’re not my friend ---- Maxine: Hey, what’s your favourite colour? Zeke: Black. Maxine: :) Zeke: (kisses her cheek) Maxine: :O :D ---- Jay (laying in bed): The best part of waking up, is going back to sleep ---- Jay (still laying in bed): So you think that you can dance. That’s wonderful...destroy him-hehe (later) Jay: It has come to my attention that someone in here thinks that they can dance- (later still) Jay: So...you think you can dANCE- ---- Peter: Oh, sorry, I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich Maxine: Go back to sleep, and starve ---- Dexter (playing piano): First let me hop out the (doot doot) Porsche, I wanted that Zeke: Shut the (doot) uuuup ---- Jay (sliding down the banister) You’re all going to hell~ Goodbye! ---- Jay: I got some chickennnnn (throws it in the pool) (entire Palmer family jumps in the pool) ---- Zeke: Sing, Ariel Rachel: Ah-ah-ahhh, ah-ah-ah-you know how the hell I bling- Zeke: NO-
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heavenlymisa · 4 years
Hello! I hope you are well and taking care of yourself. I would like to ask for headcanons with Shoto, Bakugou and Kirishima (separately) with a short girlfriend (158cm) curly hair, thick thighs and wears glasses. Thanks and I Love your work! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Hugs from Brazil
AN: heyy!! thank you for your request!! i am taking care of myself, i just stepped away from doing tumblr for a while because i didnt feel my best and didnt want it to rub off of my fanfiction! but now im back and better than everr and planning an smau 😎 so enjoyy!! and sorry if its too short 😔
todoroki, bakugou, and kirishima with a short, thicc, curly-headed, glasses wearin’ girlfriend ❤️
𝙩𝙤𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙞 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙤
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* being completely honest, he doesnt care about what you look like. i think sho sho is all for a girlfriend thats kind and loving 🙈 no matter how she looks/shaped
* but it is a bonus with thick thighs
* mans is probably obsessed with them (being completely honest)
* man, does todoroki love your hair and glasses.
* he thinks you look sooo cute with your glasses like [ shoto: 💍👈🏻 hand in marriage plz ma’am]
* and if youre insecure of your glasses, mans will make SURE you know how beautiful you are 😤😤
* he WILL buy a pair of glasses just like yours so you two can match. i dont make the rules, sorry ❤️
* he just wants you to see the same girl he sees, thats all 🙈
* sho sho LOVES your hair-
* he will buy you a lifetime supply of eco gel, cantu, and more curly headed needs with his father’s credit card <3
* because he LOVE YOUUUU
* “ todo, im running out of cantu...”
* “ its okay, love. just take my dad’s credit card.” 🙂
* okay, you cannot tell me that sho will not look up how to do hairstyles for your type of hair.
* and when he askes you if he can style your hair, you let him, and it looks good???
* new hairstylist??? yup yup.
* omgg your shortness just adds onto the cuteness!!
* wearing one of his hoodies? its a dress!
* wear one of his shirts?? its also a dress!!
* wear one of his sweatpants?? tighten the strings around your waist, and roll up the pants sleeves and you’ll be good to go!
* babie will never make fun of your size because he doesnt like to get made fun of.
* #goldenrule ❤️😝
* but he does think youre super cute because of your tininess 🙈
* omg omg a scenario just came into my head:
* shoto bursts into your dorm looking like he just came from hell. well, technically he did because he came back from his intense training he did with Mr. Aizawa.
* You sit straight up in your bed to be met with eyes tiredly staring back at you. you took your covers off half of your body, inviting shoto to lay down.
* todoroki wastes no time to lay his head down on your thighs and wrap his arms around your waist.
* knowing todoroki doesnt want to talk, you start combing your hands through his hair.
* todoroki on the other hand, was so grateful for you. you were his comfort place. his home. and he was never gonna give you up any time soon.
* so he needed to figure out when to give you the promise ring he’s stashed in his pocket a week ago...
𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪 𝙠𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞
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* not gonna lie, he didnt see you as an extra when he first saw you. you were different. and he LOVES different.
* of course, he doesnt date based off of looks, but personality and power.
* but, who’s a man to resist a thicc girl? 🥴
* he definitely cusses anyone out who looks at your ass. i dont make the rules 🙈
* your ass is for him and him ONLY to admire. no extra will stare at the HOLY GRAIL 😫😫😫
* dont get this man started on your hair- this hoe will buy lifetime amounts of hair products with his own money.
* you need a bottle of conditioner? bitch stfu and take 10.
* you need cantu? he will buy you a ridiculously big ass container of cantu.
* need gel? girl just take one of the many big containers of it suki got for you.
* just like sho sho, he WILL watch videos on how to do it and practice with your hair.
* your arms tired when you do your hair?? dont worry! katsuki is otw 🥳
* “work out your arms more, dumbass. then your arms wont get tired and i wont have to do your shitty hair.”
* the hoe doesnt mean it.
* he loves playing with your curly hair.
* your height?? he makes fun of it.
* he uses your head as a arm rest when he’s standing beside you
* but NO ONE ELSE can make fun of you but him
* some extra says something about your height?? they gotta deal with the gremlin.
* “y/n-chan is sooo small!! she’s the size of my pinkey-“ BOW BITCH 👊🏽💥
* now adding the glasses with your shortness?? gawd i pray for you...
* he will call you simon
* he wont even call you JEANETTE 🙄
* you regret introducing him to alvin and the chipmunks.
* everytime you walk into his dorm, the alvin and the chipmunks version of Funkytown starts to play while he busts out laughing.
* god FORBID you wear blue. the hoe WILL tell you to do some calculations.
* “hey, simon, you mind telling me approximately how far the gamma gym is from here?? my feet are getting sore.”
* “simon!! can you do this math equation for me??”
* regardless, suki loves you so much i cannot FATHOM.
* regardless of how much he clowns you, you’re his baby ❤️
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* girl, babey noticed you on the first day of school, cause you stood out like a sore thumb. of course not in a bad way! he saw you as 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 🙈
* he ALWAYS loved your hair. he just wants to run his hands through your hair because of how CURLY it is.
* and when he touches you hair, with consent 🙈❤️, he is ADDICTED
* kiri wants to do your hair every single day-
* “babe, can i do you hair??”
* “eiji this is the third time to asked today- nO-“
* please let him do your hair 😔
* it just looks so fluffy and cute on you
* but add being thick and short to your hair-
* 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
* babe is in HEAVEN
* he is earth and you are the glorious SUN ☀️ (props to anyone who knows who thats from)
* youre a whole GODDESS OMG
* you just got even cuter 😫😫
* kirishima adores your glasses.
* and if youre insecure about all of those things-
* you better believe kirishima WILL make you see the girl he sees.
* he will steal your glasses and put them on him and call them “gorgeous glasses”
* “babe!! are the gorgeous glasses working for me like they do for you?!?”
* “kirishIMA-“
* if he catches someone looking at your ass, he WILL creep behind them and scare them.
* i can just imagine it
* you reaching up in a grocery store and some guy walks by and stares a little too hard at you ass and doesnt move for a couple of seconds.
* no kirishima just came back from the isle over and saw the whole thing take place.
* what does he do?
* he quietly makes his way over to the guy and whispers in his ear:
* “its not manly to stare at a girls butt for that long. especially when she already has a significant other.”
* the guy has a hard attack.
* but still
* bitch youre his baby!!! his fuckin cinnamon apple!! 😡😡😡
* and he loves you for youuuu!!! 🤪
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