exsqueezememacaroni · 6 months
I know this is kind of a talent of his....but did Mike really just burp softly on command in the middle of making other impossible mouth noises (at 5:20 or thereabouts)??? What a feat??!!???
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Dark Forest Resident: Gorsebriar
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Aliases / Nicknames: Mama
Gender: female
Sexuality: lesbian
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, unnamed mate, Streamfleck (son)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor
Clan: Riverclan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: fiercely protective, kills to protect her son, hemophiliac (type A)
Number of Victims: 1
Number of Murders: 1
Murder Method: slashing throat
Known Victims: Hillfeather
Victim Profile: cats who harm her son
Cause of Death: blood loss
Cautionary Tale: ??
Her baby was born already bleeding. When the medicine cat finally stopped the crimson flow, he told the weakened Gorsebriar that he thought that she might have a bleeding disease, and that she had passed it to her son.
She lay in the nursery as she slowly recovered, cared for by the medicine cat’s apprentice
By the time she had recovered completely, her baby had changed from Streamkit to Streampaw-- though he still preferred to sleep in the nursery with his mother.
However, this did not go unnoticed by Hillfeather, who had recently welcomed an energetic litter of seven and wasn’t thrilled to share the den with an apprentice.
Gorsebriar noticed the scratches on her son that night, and confronted Hillfeather, who merely swatted her until her face bled and the medicine cat was called.
By the time she recovered from this, Hillfeather’s abuse of Streamfleck had increased. He was constantly weak from bloodloss, and trembled if any cat who wasn’t his mother approached him. Hillfeather taught her kits to do the same, and they finally goaded him one too many times. He had snapped, grabbing Hibiscusdrift and shoving her roughly over an incline, where she had fallen onto a rock- her neck snapping on impact.
He was brought to the Clan by the siblings of Hibiscusdrift, and Gorsebriar rushed to his side, hissing at anyone who tried to separate them.
He was meant to be exiled.
He should’ve been guarded.
He should’ve been treated by the medicine cat.
But Gorsebriar awoke to her son cold as ice beside her, his silver fur matted in blood from a scratch on his flank. Even in death he had snuggled close to his mother, seeking comfort. Gorsebriar screamed her loss so loudly that twolegs stopped and complained from the Twolegplace.
She screamed loud enough reach the stars.
Hillfeather licked her paws outside.
“A life for a life.” She had said.
She had known.
Known that with his disorder, he wouldn’t stop bleeding.
Gorsebriar saw red.
The next thing she knew, Hillfeather’s blood was everywhere, and her own blood covered the body of her sweet kit. She lay down next to him, still trying to groom him as her vision went black.
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Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor​
--Actually got this ready several times and it did not save!
--Girl did nothing wrong, neither did her son
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get yourself a boyfriend whose nosebleeds are staggering in length and volume and who was just woken up by the blood in his throat
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Ryan White was a 13 year old with Hemophilia.
HEMOPHILIA: a genetic disorder in which the blood does not clot, therefore when someone gets a cut the blood does not stop flowing out.
Hemophiliacs were very susceptible for HIV/AIDS because of the constant blood transfers they needed in order to replenish blood that has been lost.
Ryan was positive for AIDS and barred from attending his middle school.
Despite the media portraying AIDS as the "gay disease" or a "junkies disease", Ryan was neither and became the face for being against the stigmatization of AIDS.
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teaminterval · 1 year
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Bleeding disorders don't define us - Celebrating resilience on World Hemophilia Day
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paramountltd · 1 year
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Every year on 17 April, World Hemophilia Day is recognized worldwide to increase awareness of hemophilia. Hemophilia doesn't stop us; Let's raise awareness to stop Hemophilia.
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haemophamicus · 1 year
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With adequate access to treatment, traveling with #hemophilia 🩸 is significantly safer. #hemophiliaa #hemophiliac #hemophiliaawareness #hemophilialife #hemophiliaproblems #hemophiliacommunity #hemophiliaadvocates #hemophiliawarrior #hemophiliastrong #hemophiliaday #hemophiliafamily #bleedingdisorders #bleedingdisordersawareness ##whd2023 #treatment #travel #travelphotography #travelblogger #traveler #travelling #europe #europetravel #gibraltar #monkey #animallovers #animallover #nature @ehc_haemophilia #wfhemophilia https://www.instagram.com/p/CqWccVVKc4q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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romulussy · 1 year
had to expel some demons (wrote a tiny romenken fic)
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scratchandplaster · 3 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 8 - "Why won't it stop?"
CW: torture gone wrong, blood, possible death, hemophiliac Whumpee
The picture that played out in front of Hero let ice run through their veins, a grin as filthy as the bastard wearing it proving their failure.
At this pace, the precious intel Hero wanted to squeeze out of Villain literally flowed down the warehouse drains, an unstoppable stream united from hundreds of wounds his body was littered with. Every cut had been a threat, ones Hero couldn't take back anymore.
They were about to lose the only trace still left, hours of questioning thrown away out of carelessness.
"Did-didnt exp-p-pect that, huh?" Villain stuttered through bloody teeth, "have f-fun with the leftovers."
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist]
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femmeidiot · 2 months
blood is crazy the way it solidifies so you don't fucking die
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simulamortem · 5 months
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hi Revenant & Symphony are extremely hot rn
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emiliefitch · 1 year
"The pain is not personal.
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I am incidental to it.
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It is like faith,
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the believer eclipsed by something immense..."
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Tom Andrews, The Hemophiliac's Motorcycle + "Old Wounds" (Yellowjackets dir. Scott Winant)
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New Rule: All Scolds Day | Real Time with Bill Maher
New rule: If Halloween is too much for your fragile sensibilities and you're worried about seeing someone wearing something that's on the Forbidden Costume List, just stay the fuck home.
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Every year we go through this bullshit. Lists of costumes you better not wear, lest a night of irreverent dress-up spiral into something that resembles fun.
Here's an idea, click-bait websites: I won't tell you how to harvest and sell my personal data, and you don't tell me what I can wear on Halloween.
Because Halloween is supposed to be outrageous. It's a festival of the sacrilegious and a celebration of the grotesque. From zombies to ghouls to bobbing for apples in other people's saliva. Yet every year, there's a new list of offensive things we shouldn't do on the day that's all about being offensive.
You know what I want to cancel? November 1st, All Scolds Day when the good people announce which costumes the bad people wore.
BuzzFeed - I mean BuzzKill - has a list of 23 costumes they're literally begging you not to wear.
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Of course this year the number one no-no is serial killer, cannibal and Netflix sensation Jeffrey Dahmer. eBay has already banned selling it, because otherwise it would be impossible to find a blonde wig and aviator glasses.
Simone Biles tweeted “put the Jeffrey Dahmer costumes back in the closet, we ain't having it.” Who's “we”? What's with the "we”? Who died and made you the Great Pumpkin?
I'm so tired of a handful of emotional hemophiliacs on social media telling us what we can't do on Halloween. And by the way please put drugs in my candy.
Listen to these other verboten costumes on stupid lists this year. Including Queen Elizabeth, because it's too soon. Yes, 96, practically an ingenue.
Of course, don't even think about characters outside of your race, and no Genies, because Genies were slaves, okay. No sexy school girls, no Playboy bunnies, no celebrities accused of pedophilia including Elvis. You can't dress up as Elvis? That's an entire industry.
No zombie versions of deceased celebrities. Well there goes my zombie Angela Lansbury idea. No unhoused person, what we used to call a hobo, the default costume of every kid in history. No one with an eating disorder, so goodbye skeletons, and no transphobic costumes because if kids want to see drag queens they can go to Story Hour.
Also listen to this: no Putin, no Trump, no anything related to the Will Smith Oscar slap, no Johnny Depp and of course Amber Heard is out, no shit. And nothing related to vaccines or COVID or monkey pox.
So have fun kids, and let your imagination soar!
Can I tell you something kids? These are all great costumes. Listen to me, I'm your last connection to fun. You should wear all of them. In fact, combine them if you want. Have the queen shit in Johnny's bed. Have Will Smith smacking a hobo. Kevin Spacey hitting on a mariachi band.
Jeffrey Dahmer is the perfect Halloween costume. What is scarier than a guy who fucks you, kills you and eats you, not necessarily in that order?
For fuck’s sake, it's Halloween, which is not just a fun holiday, it's a necessary psychic release. Yes, societies going back thousands of years knew that you had to have some release valve on the calendar to flirt with the macabre and let the demons out to role play so they wouldn't come out later for real.
Mexico has Day of the Dead, Japan has Oban, Haitians have Fête Gede. It's not a coincidence that Carnival comes right before Lent, and Halloween right before All Saints Day. Much the way getting blown at a bachelor party comes before the wedding.
You know, I find it so interesting. You would think that a “Handmaid's Tale” costume would be acceptable, since it derives from a completely woke-approved show that condemns the patriarchy. BuzzKill says no Handmaid's Tale costume either because it “hits a little too close to home right now.”
Okay, this is the life philosophy of Zillennials. Things that are interesting might also contain something which could cause a moment of discomfort, so ban it all.
It's not your fault kids. Your parents ruined you by over protecting you, and now you're these assholes. And that is the craziest part of all this. Being irreverent, unclenched and playful should be the province of the young. But it's not.
Boomers are supposed to be the “get off my lawn” crowd. But when someone in a problematic costume shows up at your door, it's literally Gen Z telling them to “get off my lawn.”
Except it's not even your lawn. Because you live at your parents house.
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oflgtfol · 1 year
the romanovs are so interesting to me but its so hard finding good history content about them that isnt rhe weird glorification shit like naw i hate them
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haemophamicus · 1 year
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All in #red 🩸 #worldhemophiliaday 2023 is getting closer. What will be your contribution to this? #hemophilia #hemophiliaa #hemophiliac #hemophiliaawareness #hemophilialife #hemophiliaproblems #hemophiliacommunity #hemophiliaadvocates #hemophiliawarrior #hemophiliastrong #hemophiliahero #hemophiliaday #hemophiliafamily #bleedingdisorders #bleedingdisordersawareness @haemophamicus #slovenia #europe @ukc_ljubljana @ukc_maribor @_nijz_ @minzdravje @solidarnaprihodnost @mddszrs @ehc_haemophilia @who https://www.instagram.com/p/CqHHg7RqRFL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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