#in a lot of ways my entire life has led to me writing about roman roy dreaming about being a hemophiliac
romulussy · 1 year
had to expel some demons (wrote a tiny romenken fic)
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marimayscarlett · 1 month
Hi hallo 👋
Please please please!!! Gush about Vampire!Richard!!! That new photo we got on Sunday was so incredibly sexy and I love hearing your thoughts about Richard!!
Thank yooouuuu ❤️❤️
Hi 👋🏼 (writing prompts incoming I'll never use since well. I'm not a writer yet I have too much imagination for my own good)
Thanks a lot for this ask! A while ago, I got a similar one which got lost on the way into my drafts, so I'm glad I get a second chance to delve into my made up lore for my beloved elderly vampire lord 🦇 So very subjective and personal imaginary facts about vampire!Richard incoming:
Vampire!Richard is an everlasting part of my obsession over him, and 'I'm still alive' really changed my brain chemistry further more in that regard - before it was mostly Völkerball!vampire!Richard, who ruled over my darkest fantasies, drawing me ever deeper into his spell:
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In this version, he is in my mind a slightly arrogant but so charming, self-assured young vampire, recklessly spirited and hardly containable, propelled by success, hungry for more - and he fundamentally sees mostly the positive aspects in his immortal existence, which he savors to the fullest extent.
However, at times he falls into melancholic phases, reminiscing about his mortal life and pondering what might have become of him had he not fallen into the clutches of eternal existence.
And yet, I have to admit, with the release of “I'm still alive”, my attention was definitely turned to the senior vampire lord, who immediately captivated me.
Here, Richard strikes me as an educated and worldly gentleman who has a sense of restlessness about him. He appears to have a great demeanor, is confident in himself and knows how charmingly he has to approach people to get what he wants, and yet he carries a certain melancholy with him, some thoughts and memories never seem to quite leave him and which hint at a troubled past. Although he is no longer subconsciously searching for the ultimate sense of immortal life like the young vampire!Richard, he still doesn't seem to be entirely at peace with his past and himself.
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Since my brain won't shut up and I had wonderful support by @dandysnob in the quest of working out some thoughts on a background story for elderly vampire lord!Richard a possible origin story for him - of course based entirely subjective on our fantasies around the topic of vampires in general and Richard in this role speficically:
He was born in the late Middle Ages/early Renaissance (around the late fifteenth century) into a fairly well-off, but not overly wealthy family in the northern region of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation - so he had a good start in life, but had to make something of himself to succeed in life.
His ambitious and inquisitive character enabled him to make a name for himself as an intelligent and knowledgable scholar, particularly in the field of art, rare artifacts and, to a certain extent, music research (music was part of the 'septen artes liberales', a canon of seven subjects of study which was very important during which were very important in antiquity and the Middle Ages).
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On one of his travels, which led him to the region of Transylvania in Romania due to research on architecture and paintings, something happened that would change Richard's life forever - something he wouldn't have expected at the age of about 50. On the way back from a day trip to the Prejmer fortified church (Church Fortified by Tartlau), his carriage was ambushed on the road through the forest - Richard himself doesn't know exactly what happened, but he woke up after what seemed like a long period of unconsciousness and hasn't been the same since. The changes were gradual - daylight began to blind him unbearably, he became more irritable, had an unbearable hunger, suddenly much sharper senses, and an inexplicable desire to go for the jugular of his fellow human beings.
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The following years and decades were difficult for Richard. He distanced himself more and more from his fellow beings and began, through research, to slowly but surely discover what had happened to him. Humanity had less and less space in his life; the vampiric nature gave him a feeling of omnipotence and a hunger that made him completely ruthless towards human life. He deliberately embarked on many journeys to conceal the fact that he no longer aged and to disguise his consumption of humans as a source of sustenance. Changing names became commonplace, and at every university where he began as a scholar, he provided a new name. Thus, he traveled extensively throughout the world, learning more and more about the dark hidden world. Despite the immortality and invulnerability he now enjoyed, Richard was internally torn - on one hand, he managed to keep his private escapades under covers and presented himself outwardly as a distinguished scholar; on the other hand, he missed human life with its true emotions and loved ones deeply.
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In the 19th century, he arrived in Victorian London and found his way into high society, moving in similar circles to Lord Byron and his companions. He had always sworn two things to himself: firstly, never to let serious feelings for anyone else arise, as it simply did not fit his lifestyle, and secondly, never to seek victims whose deaths would arouse suspicion - so no woman from the nobility or a similar standing. Until one day, he fell in love with a young woman who was just as enamored with ancient objects, art, and music as he was. Even though he knew this could have no future, he could not resist and courted her, with great success - until one night (she knew of his dark secret and yet loved him deeply) he lost control and accidentally weakened his beloved so much with his thirst for blood that she died in his arms. In her final breaths, she appealed to his humanity, urging him to see that life offers so much if only he allows it.
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This experience tore him apart internally, yet it also gave him back the willpower he had lacked for over 300 years. Once again, he swore to leave behind the matter of feelings and emotional relationships, and to exercise more caution, moderation, and compassion - as much as possible as a vampire. After the experience in London with his beloved, he naturally had to leave that place and became restless once again. After further travels, he eventually landed in 21st century New York, where the cultural sector thrived with museums, theaters, film, and music, alongside a flourishing supernatural underworld. Outwardly, he was a successful art dealer, a generous patron of musicians and opera houses, and an expert for museums; secretly, he quickly became known as the most influential and powerful vampire in the city, one best not crossed - a rise akin to Scarface, yet far more sophisticated.
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Here we are now - an accomplished man with a successful career, centuries of experience behind him, yet he's filled with melancholy, partial bitterness, constantly struggling with his fate. Whether he will ever find complete fulfillment and happiness again...
a possible continuation can be found in the second part.
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ryukyuan-sunflower · 3 years
Romance in Samurai Champloo: The Mirror Reflection of Jin and Shino and Mugen and Fuu
Upon re-watching Episode 11, I was utterly shocked by how many parallels exist between Mugen and Jin as characters, in regards to their relationship with the most important women of their journey. The interactions and concepts are near identical. These specific themes and interactions were only exhibited with two specific women, and no other characters in the series.
In episode 11, Jin falls in love with Shino: a courtesan who was forced into prostitution due to her lousy, abusive husband's gambling debt. Jin later saves Shino from this brothel, and helps her escape to a divorce temple.
Canonically, it was stated in the Samurai Champloo Roman Album by Shino’s character designer that Jin does indeed "fall for" her, so it was not simply chivalry that led him to help her. This echoes his actual dialogue in episode 11:
Fuu: I understand why you pity her but-
Jin: It’s not pity.
It is not pity, because it is love.
So, here is the INSANE number of ways Jin's confirmed romantic dynamic with Shino is an uncanny mirror to Mugen's subtle romantic dynamic with Fuu.
Warning: There is a LOT of comparisons. I was honestly so surprised and have a whole new level of respect for this anime now, and specifically Episode 11.
Enjoy the read!
The First Meeting: Saving the Girl and Reading Her Mind
Both Mugen and Jin save a woman’s life at their first encounter. Both also know the girl is in trouble without ever being told.
Both Fuu and Shino reject the notion that they need help. But it is revealed later that they do.
Jin meets Shino on a bridge and saves her life. She confesses much later, that she had been contemplating suicide, but because he stopped to talk with her, she did not go through with it. 
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Never did Shino ever show any indication she wanted to drown herself, other than looking at the canal. Jin just knew the moment he walked by.
Mugen meets Fuu in the tea house and saves her life. The magistrate's son was going to have her mutilated and killed. But because Mugen talked with her, she was able to strike a deal of killing them for 100 dumplings.
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Never did Fuu tell Mugen that the guys were giving her trouble. Mugen just knew the moment he walked in.
In addition to this first meeting, Jin also stops Shino’s husband from beating her. Mugen also stops Umanousuke from beating Fuu in Episode 25.
Thinking in the Rain: Love Interest Trapped in a Brothel
Previously, in Episodes 3+4, Fuu was thrown into a brothel, just like Shino's predicament in episode 11.
After Mugen skips town and ditches the Yakuza, the thought of Fuu stuck in the brothel invades his mind, and compels him to turn back.
Note: Jin never thinks about Fuu stuck in the brothel.
After being unable to afford Shino, Jin is beaten by bouncers and trudges away, thinking about how Shino is sleeping with another man.
Both of these incidences occur during heavy rain. 
Both think about their love interests trapped in the brothel which leads them to return to save them.
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The Brothel Escape.
Both Mugen and Jin attempt to break their love interests out of a brothel.
On the second night they spend together, Jin concocts a plan to sneak Shino out of the brothel.
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Never one to be discrete, Mugen’s plan to save Fuu involves breaking into the brothel, kicking open the cage doors, and pulling her out. However, to keep the MugenxFuu romance subtle and to have shippers rip their hair out Fuu escapes alone, and she never finds out about Mugen’s wild attempt to get her back. So, we never get the obviously romantic scene of him grabbing her arm and whisking her away. We just know that poor Mugen tried.
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There is evident blood on his sword. He killed a person or multiple people to get back to her.
Mugen could have taken and freed any of these lovely ladies. But no.
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Note: Jin is seen putting no effort into saving Fuu at all. When Jin initially sneaks into the brothel of Episode 3+4 disguised as a woman, he had no idea Fuu was there at the time. He was just helping the boy Sousuke save Osuzu. Later, even when he sees Fuu there, Jin never is shown putting in any effort to rescue her, nor thinking about it. If we assume he intended to, with his roundabout way of being involved with the Kawara gang, (who he was already helping anyway), Fuu would have already been bought by a client, because she was. (luckily the client did not have sex with her). 
If this isn't enough of a mirror, Fuu and Shino escape the brothel in the exact same way: tying a series of clothes to the porch and sliding out the window.
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Giving Up One’s Sword For a Woman
Shown in both episodes 6 and 8, Jin is extremely protective of his katana, saying that his swords are the equivalent of his soul as a samurai. 
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He adamantly refuses to part with them for any reason. He is also shown in episodes 14, 16 and 20 diligently polishing them.
On a different note, Mugen is not shown taking care of his swords as meticulously as Jin, nor as protectively. He is willing to pawn them off if it means being able to eat: shown in episode 6 and episode 8.
But his sword is no less important to Mugen, as he is shown carrying the same sai handled tsurugi in his flashbacks in the Ryukyuan Islands, implying he had carried it for a long time. For Mugen, the sword has nothing to do with some code of bushido, or philosophy. It serves the fundamental purpose of keeping him alive, which is something Mugen constantly struggles with.
In a brothel, swords are not allowed, as it is unsafe for the courtesans if there happened to be a violent client. 
In Episode 25, Umanousuke is about to kill Fuu when Mugen arrives.
To spend time with Shino and free her, Jin willingly gives up his swords.
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To save Fuu’s life and free her, Mugen gives up his sword in Episode 25.
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Note: The only other example we have of Jin “giving up his swords” is comedy when Mugen and Fuu confiscates his swords against his will, so they can enter an eating contest in Episode 6.
Interestingly, the two men gave up their swords under reversed circumstances, yet with the same intentions.
Jin, who has always cherished his katana, ends up giving them up in a moment that he logically "shouldn't". He does what could be considered a frivolous activity of spending time with a prostitute, which completely goes against his personal code as a samurai.
Mugen, who had always been willing to give up his sword for the sake of survival, finally needs to keep his sword, or he will be brutally tortured and killed by Umanousuke. But instead, he gives it up anyway in this extremely critical moment, to save Fuu's life.
In the end, both men resorted to giving up their swords for one simple reason: love.
Red and Pink Color Composition
This one was very surprising for me, and the reason I ended up writing this entire post. The other examples until now are more obvious. But this? Mugen and Fuu's main colors are obviously red and pink. But...Jin and Shino?
Shino’s kimono color is light green, with a dark green collar. Jin’s color is dark blue.
However, when Shino is put in the brothel and takes on the name “Kohana”, she is seen throughout the majority of the episode wearing pink, with a burgundy collar. This is exactly Fuu’s kimono colors, and no other character in the series wears these colors that I can recall.
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More interesting, is Shino’s brothel name becomes “Kohana”. 
Kohana means “Flower Child”. 
Fuu is the child of the “Sunflower Samurai”. 
For the first time, I was suddenly faced with a serious question of "Was this name choice and kimono color put as a symbolism of Jin choosing to buy a woman that resembled Fuu?" And in turn, would this be one solid way to disprove so much that I've always thought and written about Jin being the father figure to Fuu?
But, then I noticed something else.
Shino only wears this pink and burgundy kimono in the brothel. It is not her true outfit. 
And it is not only her who gets a "change" in appearance. Jin does too, in a sense. He gets an addition to his ensemble, only for this particular episode.
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Every time Jin visits Shino in pink, he carries a bright red umbrella. Whenever she is in green, he does not have the umbrella. He visits her on four separate occasions when she’s a courtesan, always with the umbrella in tow.
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The red umbrella is visually striking, as the atmosphere of this episode is particularly drab due to the rainfall.
The red umbrella becomes the connection between Jin and Shino during her stay in the brothel. It is significant, because it was initially hers, and was a gift to him since she had no use for it in the brothel anymore.
One can argue, “It’s raining and he just needed an umbrella.” But during his depressing walk, he carries it, but doesn't even use it, and we don’t even get to see it or its striking red color. (Which I will explain my interpretation as to why shortly).
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We only know he’s holding it, because he continues to have it afterwards.
It is far more a symbol of his connection to her, than for practical use. Watching the episode, everyone else has drab brown and gray umbrellas. Even in Episode 4, Jin donned a drab brown umbrella.
In Japanese culture, red is famously the color that represents the “main character”. This is extremely common in many anime and video games, and particularly shown in the Super Sentai genre, in which every season since 1975 to present, the main character always dons red.
In the case of Samurai Champloo as well, Mugen is confirmed to be the “main character”, first developed by Shinichiro Watanabe, with Jin created later as his foil so the story did not become “one dimensional”, as he said. This is why most episodes focus on Mugen. 
Episode 11 is the very first episode that focuses on Jin. Up until this point, Jin was never a rescuer. (He doesn’t even rescue Fuu until Episode 26).
With Shino, he finally fulfills the "noble hero saving the maiden" role.
More interesting, is the scene where the brothel bouncers attack Jin, who intentionally decides not to fight back. Jin loses his grip on the umbrella. This is my personal interpretation, but I think this could be a representation that Jin could not protect Shino, as she is forced to have sex moments later.
If it were Mugen being attacked, he would kill the men, repercussions or not, just as he did to the Yakuza in Episode 4. Mugen will always embody the “passionate red” that he wears.
But it does not suit Jin. He has chosen the lawful path, unlike Mugen’s chaotic nature of killing whoever stands in his way. Jin does not kill these men, since he has no reasonable cause, and does not risk the repercussions. It is his own fault, not theirs, that he can’t purchase or protect Shino.
In this scene, he not only drops the red umbrella, but Shino also drops her pink robes when she is undressed. They are not red and pink: they are not Mugen and Fuu. They are back to the cruel reality of being a different, more tragic tale of love in which he can’t protect her.
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One of the attackers even picks up the umbrella, and throws it at him, as if to add more injury to insult in his failure.
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In the ending of the episode, Shino no longer wears pink and burgundy, and is back in her original green kimono. Interestingly, Jin stops using this red umbrella at the exact same point she is back in green. 
Since Shino is no longer a “maiden in distress in pink”, Jin no longer needs to be the “hero in red”. They no longer have to play this role. Their episode is at its close. The anime will return to Mugen and Fuu carrying out the dynamic of “hero and maiden”. 
Jin will once again, play the role as the cool and collected “rival in blue” that foils the main protagonist.
One could still argue these color choices of red and pink were random and thoughtless. They very well could be. But, this is a Watanabe work, and colors often hold surprising symbolism in the anime he directs.
As a more solid example of color symbolism: here is a link to a fascinating video that reveals just how intentional the color palette is in Samurai Champloo's Episode 14. The choice of Mukuro's yellow versus Mugen's red and the episode ending on Koza in gray was all deliberate and was repeatedly shown in the episode's composition through various means, to subtly convey the story.
Flashing the Coin and “Buying”a Woman
Jin is shown to be the character who makes/finds money for the group the most. Even in this episode, he was working for the eel stand. Mugen meanwhile, makes money and spends it selfishly. But in this episode, it is Mugen making the money and Jin demanding it for a selfish purpose, reversing their roles once again. Jin is the main character now, and Mugen the foil.
Mugen flaunts the coin he made to impress Fuu, demanding her validation by tapping her head.
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Jin flaunts the same exact coin (Mugen gave it to him), in a very similar way, to show he’s buying Shino.
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Both men, in essence, are "buying time with a woman".
While Jin is, in a literal sense, using the money to purchase a prostitute, Mugen's is more figurative.
Mugen gives the money to Jin, causing him to go away, and leaving him and Fuu alone. Once Jin is back, they will once again be a trio, and the “pairing dynamic” between them will be shattered. But for that brief night, Mugen got time with Fuu.
Mugen, despite acting like he detests Fuu's company, does some very strange and completely uncharacteristic things in this episode. For one...he is the one to bring Fuu to the beetle wrestling match. Her dialogue implies she didn't want to go and Mugen dragged her along.
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Then, despite being all stingy about the money with Fuu, he willingly gives the money to Jin to send him away to go to a brothel. For a man Mugen claims to despise, this is a remarkably thoughtful act. Especially when he said he was going to use the money to buy seeds to make more in beetle wrestling. Strangest of all, Mugen doesn't use the money himself for a prostitute. He chooses to stay at an inn, alone with Fuu, rather than the prospect of going to the brothel in town, even when he’s repeatedly shown being a womanizer.
I think this act shows both his selfish desire to spend time with Fuu alone, but also his selfless care for Jin as a friend. He killed two birds with one stone. In both cases, these are things Mugen would never admit to his companions.
With the exchange of that on koban coin between them, both Mugen and Jin have "bought time" with their respective love interests.
Helping to Save Each Other's Love Interest.
In every episode Fuu gets into trouble, Mugen is the one who saves Fuu, if she isn’t saving herself. Jin does not. But there is one exception to this: Episode 26. Jin saves Fuu for the first time, in the one moment Mugen can't, while also simultaneously avenging his father figure Mariya Enshirou.
In episode 11, Jin does not have his swords on him. But Mugen and Fuu arrive. Mugen cuts down many men to help them escape. And in addition, he knocks down a man right in front of Shino that Jin failed to incapacitate, before telling Jin “You’re pathetic!”
The Windowsill and the Mirror in the Same Room
This one is a very, VERY minor comparison, so don’t take this one seriously. I just thought the imagery was similar.
In Episode 18, where Mugen attempts to win Fuu in a tagging contest (yes, that was actually the plot: Here's a Post About It), Mugen and Fuu spend a small moment in the inn room alone.
In this inn room, Fuu is looking at herself in the mirror, when Mugen appears behind her. 
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Their faces are wonderful.
In the brothel room, Shino also looks in the mirror, when Jin is shown behind her.
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Alone with their love interests, they sit on windowsills. 
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Again, very, very minor and I highly doubt it was intentional. But there is no other moment of window sill sitting that I can recall.
There is one other gazing into a mirror though: the end credits of Fuu and her mother. This relates her mother to Shino, aside from the fact that they have the same exact hair and wear green kimonos, and who are in love with a poor samurai who ends up wearing gray.
Parting Ways
In the defining moment of Jin and Shino parting, there is a distance of water separating them. But Jin must let her go to the temple to be free of the marriage: her final goal.
In the defining moment of Mugen and Fuu parting, a distance of the Church with Umanousuke is in the way, separating them. But Mugen tells her to go see her Sunflower Samurai: her final goal.
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Neither Jin and Shino or Mugen and Fuu are allowed to touch or to embrace before this forced goodbye.
Jin is the one to push the boat away, even when Shino tries to reach out to him.
Mugen is the one who urges Fuu to run, even when Fuu hesitates and wants to stay.
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Both Shino and Fuu are reluctant to leave Jin and Mugen behind.
Mugen and Jin remain stoic, even when their emotions must be running wild.
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Fuu and Shino’s eyes well up, until they are unable to hold in the tears.
“The Love Triangle” Dilemma: A Lousy Gambler, A Noble Samurai and a Pure Maiden
Now, I am not saying that Mugen, Fuu and Jin is an actual love triangle. I firmly believe it isn't, as I have shown the evidence of the two romances above.
But I believe in Mugen's mind, there is a love triangle, and he’s the odd one out.
Yes, there is a sense that Fuu has insecurity about Jin's abandonment and is jealous of his attention to Shino. Personally though, I think this is in more relation to her father's abandonment, as Jin and Shino strikingly resemble Fuu's father and mother. Jin even gets Fuu’s father’s kimono in Episode 26, and likely his katana too, as his were broken.
But that aside, the relationship dynamics going on in Episode 11 are painfully satirical.
Shino, her husband, and Jin are an ugly representation of Fuu, Mugen, and Jin.
Jin is interfering with both of these "couples".
Shino's husband is an avid gambler, who fell into debt, causing her to be thrown into prostitution. It is no coincidence that Mugen is avidly gambling throughout this episode, and being chastised by Fuu. 
Fuu’s words to Mugen are Shino’s words to her husband.
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Mugen is being portrayed as the "lesser man", lacking in morals, while Jin takes on the mantle of the “gallant knight”. This again relates to the earlier concept that Jin has for the first time assumed the position as the “main character”.
This is likely why they chose “Gamblers and Gallantry” as the English title for Episode 11. Note that Gamblers is plural. (Also, the original Japanese title is Fallen Angel).
Fuu’s “jealousy” in this episode is used in the narrative to make Mugen believe she loves Jin, and not him. We see this again, in Episode 20. The one and only time Fuu cries for Jin is comical, compared to her over five emotional times for Mugen, still causes Mugen to stomp off with jealousy and annoyance.
Our first indicator of Mugen harboring jealousy of Jin stems from Episode 11 and piles up more as the show goes on.
There is three separate implied occasions in this specific episode 11.
1. Mugen states that Fuu is jealous that Jin is seeing Shino. But when he says this, it is him to roll over away from her. It is almost a blatant indicator that he is sulking. Then, he feigns sleeping and snoring.
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We know his sleeping is fake because upon closer inspection....
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His eyes are open and his eyebrows are furled angrily. This “faking sleep” is a trick he repeats three times total in the anime, always concerning Jin and Fuu.
2. When Fuu gets upset at Jin about leaving the group for good, Mugen pretends to sleep yet again, but was listening to the whole thing.
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His facial expression is almost sad looking here. Very uncharacteristic indeed.
Note: The very last time Mugen pretends to sleep, is Episode 24, when Fuu hugs Jin on the riverbank. It appears here, that Mugen didn't hear or understand what they were talking quietly about. The dialogue is hard to interpret but it seems Fuu rejected Jin’s dutiful offer to stay with her after the journey close. She seems to confide her feelings for Mugen to Jin in this extremely subtle scene, by mentioning him out of the blue, crying, and then apologizing to Jin for it. Rather than embrace Fuu romantically, Jin comforts her with a hand upon her shoulder, in an understanding that is, by my interpretation, very fatherly.
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3. Back to Episode 11, when Fuu decides to help Jin, despite being angry at him for abandoning them, Mugen says some telling dialogue. This scene, Mugen and Fuu are running through town together, just as Jin and Shino are.
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If Mugen only stuck around solely to kill Jin, then this exchange makes one question why is he still hanging around Fuu. We also know Mugen was listening the whole time when Jin states "If I don’t return, I want you two to continue your journey without me." It is as if he's trying to convince Fuu to be "over" with Jin.
But this isn't the only time Mugen is fine with taking Fuu to find the sunflower samurai alone. Mugen also agrees to travel with Fuu in ep 21 alone, when they think Jin is leaving for good with Sara, and makes no indication of leaving her to do battle with Jin.
Despite all the jealousy of Jin, and all the intentional comparison that Mugen bears with Shino's husband, we know Mugen is not actually like Shino's husband at all. 
On the surface, perhaps, he seemed like an irresponsible, lawless lecher who frivolously wastes money. But in actuality, he is honorable and deeply cares about Fuu, saving her and worrying about her in every single episode something bad befalls her.. Mugen does more noble deeds for Fuu than Jin ever does. 
While “Gamblers” apply to Mugen and Shino’s husband, the “Gallantry” applies to Mugen and Jin just as much. 
That is why, unlike Shino’s husband, Mugen wins in gambling. And that is why, despite making money gambling, he generously gave it all to Jin.
The secretly gallant character of this episode was Mugen. Had he not given/borrowed this money to Jin, Jin would have never been able to save Shino at all.
How the Relationships Differ
While these comparisons highlight that Jin and Shino is equivalent to Mugen and Fuu, there are some directly opposite characteristics as well. Just as Mugen and Jin are opposite.
Jin and Shino are calm and quiet.  Mugen and Fuu are passionate and loud.
Jin and Shino wear cold colors of green and blue, while Mugen and Fuu don warm colors of red and pink.
Shino is older than Jin. Fuu is younger than Mugen.
While Shino is forced to give herself to men and Jin can’t save her, Fuu is saved from this fate many times by Mugen.
Mugen and Fuu spend an entire, long journey together. Jin and Shino’s time together is fleeting. Mugen and Fuu appear together every episode. Jin and Shino only get one.
Ironically, Jin and Shino consummate their love in this short time, while Mugen and Fuu do not.
The relationships are remarkably the same story but from opposite ends of a spectrum.
Mugen and Jin may be opposites, but they are also like Yin and Yang. Both characters are a duality of one another, possessing opposite traits in their appearances and attitudes, and yet bearing similar beliefs and morals. In the love department, it turns out that they are also two sides of the very same coin.
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After discovering the parallels between these two romances, I was utterly blown away. This concept of duality is the entire point of Mugen and Jin’s dynamic in every other sense.
The love they bore for Fuu and Shino highlighted this concept in another new, astonishing way.
Mugen and Jin both bear something else in common. Even though Jin and Shino is far more an obvious romance due to the sexual consummation of the coupling, Jin and Mugen still relate in one way: they never directly express their love for Shino or Fuu words.
Jin comes off as “old fashioned” with his “I hope that the rain will never stop so I can stay here forever.”, Mugen comes off as “unromantic” by never saying kind and romantic words to Fuu. Their love was wholly expressed through action. Words are unneeded.
Finally, even though Jin and Shino part ways, and even though Mugen and Fuu (and Jin) part in the finale, hope still exists that they will meet again someday. 
Both tales of love do not have tragic endings, but neither does either obtain closure. Their hopeful future is left up to you, the viewer, to determine.
Perhaps, their reunions with their loved one, will be a mirror too.
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Summary: Virgil has known since he was little that some day he's supposed to meet his soulmate and fall in love with them.  You're supposed to date, then fall in love, and eventually ride off into the sunset to the sound of wedding bells and a happy life in front of you.  You're supposed to look forward to meeting your soulmate.  You're supposed to plan your life around them, because you're supposed to want to.
He's not sure what exactly you're supposed to do when someone else gets there first.
There’s a way these things work, Virgil knows.  Of course, everyone’s story is different, because people aren’t made with perfect cookie cutters.  But there’s a general way that these things work.  It involves meeting your soulmate, getting to know them, dating and falling in love, ending with a wedding at an appropriate age.  You’re supposed to be tailor made for each other, your love story written in the stars, to the point where communication is easy and problems aren’t hard to overcome.  Now, that’s of course not how it always works in real life, because people are complicated and problems can be just that.  But it’s supposed to be relatively easy to ride the wave to your happy ending, wedding bells and cheers and riding off into the sunset.
For most of his life, Virgil had craved that ease.  Relationships that didn’t come pre-packaged for success were hard, and he wasn’t very good at them.  It took him until eleventh grade to make any friends.  But even when he did, they were proof that soulmates made everything easier.
Roman, Patton, and Logan had the kind of soulmate story people dream about.  The three of them had been best friends since childhood and started dating in their early teens.  They’d had their general share of problems throughout the years, but overall they were good.  Their story made them popular too, and Virgil couldn’t imagine why they’d taken him under their wing, but here he was.
With popularity-by-association came pressure, though, and Virgil couldn’t name the number of times he’d panicked about what would happen if he didn’t live up to the soulmate story of his friends.  It was what they expected of him, in the way that they never said outright, but Virgil could tell they were thinking it.  He knew for a fact it’s what his parents expected of him, as unlike his friends, they had said it outright.  He wondered why exactly they felt the need to make that clear.  Did they know something?
Because in the end, that was the point, wasn’t it.  Nowhere in the general “way these things work”  did your soulmate story allow you to be here, in your crumbling backyard treehouse, wrapped in the arms of someone you love but shouldn’t as they kissed your damn brains out.
Virgil couldn’t give an exact name for what he and Janus were.  They weren’t quite dating, but they definitely weren’t just friends, if the way Janus’ hand was tangled up in his hair and pulling him closer had anything to say about it.  He did know that Janus made him feel alive, in a way he’d never quite gotten from anywhere else.  He wouldn’t trade Patton, Logan, and Roman for anything, but there were times the expectations they came with made him terrified.  His parents made him feel more trapped than anything else, though he didn’t think that’s what they intended.  But here, with Janus, he felt like the world could burn, and as long as he had Janus there with him, he would be perfectly content to just watch.
Virgil shifted enough to see the outside of the treehouse, and pulled his head up slightly.  “Janus,” he murmured.
“What, I’m busy,” Janus murmured back, shifting his lips on Virgil’s neck.  Virgil gasped and pulled in a breath.
“Janus,” he said again, though his voice sounded significantly higher than a second ago.  “The sun’s rising.”
“Oh, my, alert the media,” Janus said, moving up from his neck to capture Virgil’s lips again.
Virgil pulled back.  “You can’t keep kissing me to shut me up,” he said.
“But it works so well,” Janus crowed, leaning back in.
“Janus,” Virgil groaned, but wrapped his arms around him anyway, letting them both move back slowly onto the floor.
“You have to go, you know,” he murmured in a moment he pulled back to breathe.
“Mmm, I can’t convince you to stay just another half hour?”  He kissed the corner of Virgil’s mouth and Virgil held back a whine.
“You are very persuasive,” he muttered.
“Ah, one of the many reasons you love me,” Janus said, moving to the other corner of his mouth.
“I’ll love you less if we get caught out here,” Virgil said.  “You know how early my dad gets up.”
“Really?  Getting caught during one makeout session, that’s all it takes?”  He pulled Virgil up closer to him, wrapping his arms around his back.
“Janus,” Virgil said, pushing him backwards.  “It’s not about that and you know it.”
Janus sighed, dropping his head onto Virgil’s chest.  “You ruined it with seriousness, Virgil,” he whined.
“It’s going to be ruined with a lot more seriousness if you don’t go,” Virgil said, trying to ignore the way that Janus’ lips still looked so very tempting.
Janus had to have noticed his staring, because he smirked and leaned back in.  “Yes, and it seems like you want me to leave so much,” he whispered, right before connecting their lips yet again.
Virgil heard the soft click of a lightswitch, easy to hear with nothing else going on— well, with only one other thing going on.
Virgil pushed Janus back more firmly.  “Janus,” he said.  He looked over towards the house, where the kitchen light had just come on.
Janus sighed, and laid back down on top of Virgil.  “Curse your early bird of a father.”
“Yeah, he’s the worst,” Virgil said, only half joking.  “I’ll see you on Monday, alright?”
“How ever will I last,” Janus said with a smirk, leaning in one last time and kissing Virgil much more gently, the way he did goodbyes.
Virgil returned the kiss as Janus sat them both up, and pulled back a second later.  “Text me when you get home,” he said.
“I will,” Janus agreed, moving to climb down the treehouse ladder.  Virgil watched him go for a second before leaving himself, climbing across the tree branch that led through his open window.  He made it just in time to look out his window and spot Janus leaving through the gate towards his front yard.  He paused and looked up at Virgil first, giving him a sloppy salute as if saying “There, I did what you wanted.”  Then he turned and vanished into the early morning.
Virgil smiled to himself and sank down against his windowsill.  God, he loved that idiot.
He waited until he got a text half an hour later that Janus made it home before climbing into bed.  It would still be a while before he fell asleep, though, the buzzing feeling Janus left him with made him feel too alive for that.
Not for the first time, Virgil wished that the “way these things work” was something different.
“I’m just saying,” Roman said, his arm looped through Logan’s as the three of them walked to class.  “That if you’re going to give students an assignment over break you deserve nothing less than death.”
“Agreed,” Virgil said.
Logan shook his head at them both in disbelief.  “We are students,” he said.  “Our entire job is to learn.  If the teachers have assignments to grade over break, shouldn’t students have something to work on too?”
“No,” Roman said.  “It’s the teachers job to grade assignments.”
“Did you miss the part where I said learning is our job?”
“I don’t see myself getting paid for this shit,” Virgil muttered.  “And I don’t want to write a whole damn essay over break.  I don’t care if ‘learning is my job’ or whatever you think.  The whole point of a break is a vacation.”
“It’s just one essay,” Logan said, raising an eyebrow.  “You can get it done and still have a vacation.”
“Logan, your ‘I can write essays in an hour’ thing is kicking in again,” Roman said.  “It takes most people longer to write an essay than it takes you.”
Virgil didn’t catch Logan’s response, having instead caught Janus’ eyes on the side of the hallway.  Janus looked at him as he passed and smirked, giving Virgil just enough time to think about how absolutely gone he was for this boy before he passed behind them.
Virgil jerked around to face Roman.  “What?”
“Don’t you agree?”
Virgil blinked.  “Oh, yeah, absolutely.”
“See!” Roman exclaimed, spinning to Logan like that won the whole argument.  Virgil was happy to help.
They both continued the argument that Virgil had lost all interest in until they reached the lunchroom, where Patton was already sitting at their usual table.
Virgil pulled his phone out as he sat down, because if he’d passed Janus… yep.
 Janus: So how are the universe’s favorite love birds doing
 Virgil rolled his eyes.
 Virgil: You don’t always have to act like you hate them you know
Janus: Excuse you?  They are the worst.  I despise them and everything they stand for
Virgil: They also happen to be the only people who actually tried being my friends
Janus: Ugh
Janus: You and your hatred of loneliness
Virgil: If you want to talk to them they wouldn’t hate it you know
Janus: And surround myself with soulmate perfection stories all the time?  Please
 Virgil sighed.  They both knew he could see right through Janus.  While Virgil now had three close friends and gained the friendliness of everyone else by association, he remembered the things that you said when you didn’t have anyone and were trying to convince yourself you were okay with that.  “As if I want to surround myself with soulmate perfection all the time” was up near the top of the list.  Virgil had said it more than a couple times himself before he realized the soulmate perfection people were actually pretty nice.
“Hey, Virgil, whatcha looking at?”
…About most things.
“Nothing,” Virgil said, putting his phone back in his bag.  “Just making notes of assignment stuff.  Roman’s right, an essay assignment over break is BS.”
“Right?” Roman said, and started launching into his complaints.  Virgil sat back in relief and listened to him start to rant, rubbing his thumb over his phone case in his pocket.
He had other reasons to hate the essay assignment.  He and Janus had been planning what to do over spring break for months.  Janus had gotten his mother’s permission to take the car and go with a friend on a couple of day trips, so long as they didn’t like, leave the state or something.  Virgil had been looking forward to going somewhere fun with Janus, exploring the places Janus had picked out, finding places to be alone… maybe pretending to be soulmates.
Virgil looked down at the name on his wrist and sighed, wishing once again that it said something other than Ethan Baker.
Virgil went through the rest of the day trying to figure out a way to finish that essay before break.  He had a week, but he had other assignments due before break.  He could probably ask Logan for help, come to think of it.  He texted Logan after school as he was heading out to Roman’s car.  Logan stayed after most days to tutor.
 Virgil: Hey, could I maybe stay after Thursday to work on my essay with you
Logan: Sure, I don’t have any tutoring on Thursday.  Try and have an outline and an argument decided on by then, okay?
Virgil: Will do
 Virgil slipped his phone back into his pocket and glanced up as he approached Roman and Patton, who were standing outside Roman’s car waiting for him.
“Sorry,” he said as he ended up in front of them.  “Trying to figure out how to get an actual break.”
“Do you have a plan?” Roman asked, getting into the driver’s seat as Patton took the passenger and Virgil got into the back.
“Yeah, I’m meeting up with Logan on Thursday to write the essay.”
“Oh, can I join?”
“You should ask, but I’m sure he won’t mind,” Patton said.  “I need a treat.  Anyone else want ice cream?”
“Sign me up,” Roman said as he started to back up.  “Jenny’s?”
“Absolutely,” Virgil agreed.  Jenny’s was their favorite ice cream place.  He wanted to find a way to take Janus some day.
Patton texted Logan to meet them there when he was done with tutoring, and then they all headed there.
Virgil grabbed his notebook once they got there and started writing down ideas for his essay in between bites of ice cream.  By the time Logan got there, he had a couple ideas to narrow down, and he pulled out his phone to text Janus.
 Virgil: You don’t have any assignments over break, do you?
Janus: Fuck no.  What monsters do you have as teachers?
Virgil: Don’t worry about it, I’ve got it handled.  Just making sure you’re ready for our trips too
Turns out, Janus had quite a few good spots to go to, with different goals in mind.  They went to ice rinks, outlet malls with Hot Topic, and a state park all within the same week.  The park ended up being Virgil’s favorite.  It was filled with giant rocks that people were encouraged to climb on.  They found a high up rock tucked in between trees overlooking a river, and stayed there for hours appreciating the view, and appreciating… other things.  If anyone saw them, the names on their wrists were covered, and people were much more likely to assume they were soulmates than otherwise.
It was as they were getting into the car to leave the park that Virgil turned to Janus.  “Janus?”
“We can’t pretend we’re not dating anymore, can we?”
Janus huffed a laugh.  “I don’t think we can,” he said.  “Not really.”
“Should we talk about that?”
“What part of it?”
“You know what part, Jan.”
Janus sighed.  “No, Virgil,” he said.  “I’m not going to force you to tell everyone now just because we’ve admitted we’re dating.  Believe it or not, I like things as they are.”  He leaned over and kissed Virgil as if to make his point.  Virgil’s hands drifted to hold the sides of his face as he kissed him back.
“Hey,” Virgil murmured as Janus pulled away to breathe.
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” Janus replied easily, like he barely had to think about it, and Virgil pulled him closer as sparks lit inside his chest.  It was going to be awhile before they left the park.
“What about that hotel, we could stop there.”
“We are not stopping at a hotel, dumbass,” Virgil said, shoving Janus’ head from the side.  “These are supposed to be day trips.”
“Oh, Virgil, how could you deny me the chance to spend a night with you?” Janus asked, throwing a hand up to his forehead as if this was some huge betrayal.
“Don’t you have to be 18 to be able to buy a hotel room anyway?” Virgil pointed out, crossing his arms and smirking.
“Hmm.  Fair enough.  I know a motel a couple miles away, we could try that.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s the same deal.”
“I have a fake ID in the glove box.”
“You what?” Virgil laughed, pulling open the glove box to see that Janus was right.  “Why are we going to a motel and not a hotel if you have a fake ID?”
“So what I’m hearing is we can go to a hotel!”
“Janus!” Virgil groaned, trying to stop smiling.
“What, it’s not like we have school again tomorrow.  We’re not needed anywhere.”
“Yes, well as technically true as that is, tomorrow is still the day we all meet up at Roman’s house to set up the pool and swim.”
All of the mirth faded instantly from Janus’ face.  “Oh.”
“Hey, what?” Virgil asked, furrowing his eyebrows in concern.
“Nothing.  You’re allowed to have other friends,” Janus said, sounding sincere in that.
Virgil sighed.  “Except I never get to see you as is,” he muttered.  “Right?”
“Well… yes,” Janus admitted.
Virgil reached over and grabbed Janus’ hand on top of the steering wheel.  “Come with me, then.  I’ll ask them if you can come.  I’m sure they’ll say yes.”
“Oh?  And what will you say?  ‘Hey, are you three with your perfect fairy tale story ending cool with me bringing my boyfriend that isn’t my soulmate over to your house?”
“Well of course I wouldn’t say that,” Virgil said, rolling his eyes.  “I’ll probably say you’re a friend I’ve met.”
Janus sighed and shook his head.
“Janus,” Virgil said, checking to make sure no other cars were around before pulling his hand onto the middle console.  “Come with me.  You can wear a swimsuit and look hot and make me wish I could come over and kiss your face off.”
Janus gave him a look, and Virgil could see his answer before he said it.
“Maybe another time, Virgil,” he said, pulling his hand away and putting it back on the wheel.
They made the rest of the trip home in silence, and after a while Virgil leaned on the window and fell asleep.
“LOGAN, LOOK OUT!” was all the warning that Logan got before Roman landed right on top of him and sent them both underwater.  Virgil started swimming over to them instantly, but both heads popped out of the water before he got there, though Logan was rubbing his and looked in pain.
“Do you never look before you leap into pools?” Logan asked, glaring at Roman.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Roman said, grabbing Logan’s head and starting to look it over.  “Here, I can kiss it better.”
“That is not how medical care works,” Logan said, as Roman kissed the area of his head he’d landed on.
“Oh for goodness sake, specs, I’m being sweet.” Roman said, continuing to look his head over.  “You look okay.  You want to get out for a minute?”
“I am alright.  I think a headache is forming after that, but I don’t feel I need medical attention.”
“Medical attention?  What happened?” Patton called, emerging from the house with a platter of various snacks.
“Roman was being the idiot he usually is and leapt right on top of Logan instead of just into the water,” Virgil said, swimming back over to lean against the side of the pool.
“Oh my goodness, are you two okay?” Patton said, setting the platter down and rushing over to the side of the pool.
“We’re alright, Patton,” Logan reassured, catching Patton’s hands before they could start fluttering over him in worry.  “Neither of us are seriously injured.”
“Good,” Patton muttered, kissing Logan quickly, and then moving on to do the same for Roman.  Virgil looked away, trying not to feel bitter.  He looked over at his phone, sitting over by his clothes, and debated going over to call Janus and make him get his ass over here.
He missed his boyfriend.  How had he gotten so used to seeing him every day so quickly?
The sound of people climbing out of the pool roused his attention, and Virgil saw Patton waving him over for the snacks he’d brought.  He pushed himself out of the pool and headed over to eat them, trying to push Janus out of his mind.
“You know, I heard there was going to be a new student coming to school after break is over,” Logan said.
“Ugh, of course you care about stuff like that,” Roman said, rolling his eyes and giving Logan an endeared smile.
“No, there was something about him.  His name sounded familiar, but I’m not sure why.”
“What’s his name?” Patton asked, popping a grape in his mouth.
“Um… Ethan, I think.  Ethan Baker.”
Virgil’s blood ran cold.  “What?”
Logan glanced over at him.  “What?”
“Oh my gosh, Logan!” Roman exclaimed.  “Why didn’t you say anything?  That’s Virgil’s soulmate, you dummy!”
Logan’s confused look cleared.  “Oh, that’s why it sounded familiar,” he said.  “Well, congratulations, Virgil.  Unless it’s a different Ethan Baker, it sounds like you might get to meet your soulmate soon.”
Virgil stood up suddenly and stumbled a few steps back.
“Virgil?” Patton asked, standing up and looking concerned again.  “Are you alright?”
“Um,” Virgil said, still moving backwards.  “I—”
Roman jumped up.  “Virgil, stop, you’re going to—”
The ground disappeared from under Virgil’s feet and his heart leapt into his throat a second before he hit the water, thankfully in a deep enough part of the pool that he didn’t hit his head on anything.
Maybe he could just stay down here and never have to face the reality that Logan just presented him with.
Unfortunately, a hand reached down into the water and pulled him upwards until he was above the surface and looking at Roman’s concerned face.
“Are you alright?” Roman asked, helping him out of the pool and sitting down next to him.
Virgil yanked his hand away and wrapped his arms around himself.  “Fine,” he muttered.  “I’m fine.  Everything’s fine.”
“Hey, kiddo,” Patton said, sitting on his other side.  “I get it.”
Virgil looked over at him.
“It’s okay,” Patton said, smiling.  “Of course meeting your soulmate is scary.  I was scared when I met Roman and Logan.”
“You were a kid,” Virgil pointed out.
“And?  You’re not allowed to be scared because you’re a little older than I was?  Virgil, it’s alright.  No one is going to blame you for being scared.  You don’t even have to meet him right away if you don’t want to.”
Something in Virgil’s chest lightened at the thought.  “I don’t?”
“Well, I wouldn’t conceal it from him,” Logan said, sitting down on the other side of Patton.  “You should tell him who you are.  But if you’re not ready for a relationship or even a friendship you can tell him that.”
“I can?” Virgil asked, as his heartbeat continued to slow.
“Oh, kiddo, of course,” Patton said, grabbing Virgil’s hand and squeezing it.
“This is your soulmate, Virge,” Roman said, and Virgil glanced over at him.  “You’re matched up for a reason.  He’s going to understand if you’re not ready.  And even if things are bumpy, it’ll be alright eventually.  I mean just look at my parents.”
Virgil wasn’t sure what Roman’s parents had to do with anything.  Roman had two dads who seemed as in love as any other soulmates Virgil had ever seen.
“Just relax, Virgil,” Roman said with a smile, cutting off his thoughts.  “There’s no reason to freak out before you even meet the guy.  You don’t know what he’ll be like.  Just keep that in mind.”
Virgil leaned forward and rested his head on his knees.  “Okay,” he murmured.  “I’ll do that.”
“These things tend to work themselves out, kiddo,” Patton said.  “That’s what soulmates are all about.”
Virgil’s test tightened again.  That’s kind of what I’m afraid of.
“Okay, I got your frantic text,” Janus said, pulling himself up into the treehouse.  “What’s going on?  Why are we meeting tonight when school starts again tomorrow?”
Virgil was grateful in the moment that he must have looked outwardly anxious in his position of being tucked against the back wall with his arms around his knees, because otherwise Janus definitely would have made some kind of joke about him being just that irresistible.
“There’s a new student coming to school after the break,” Virgil said.  “Named Ethan Baker.”
Janus shut his eyes and let out a long, slow breath.  He clearly knew what that meant.  He moved across the treehouse and sat in front of Virgil.  “Okay.  What do you want to do then?”
“What do you mean what do I want to do?” Virgil asked, staring at him.  “Janus, I want him not to come.”
“Yeah.  I figured.  But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s coming.  So what do you want to do?”
Virgil didn’t have an answer.  He didn’t want to think about it, or have to make this decision.  He didn’t want his parents to reject him.  He didn’t want Patton and Logan and Roman to hate him.  He didn’t want to go back to being alone and friendless, and especially not while dating someone who wasn’t his soulmate.  He’d be ostracized, and even when he was lonely, he hadn’t dealt with any level of vitriol.  But the issue was that, at the same time…
He wanted Janus.  He wanted this, stolen nights in a broken down treehouse and day trips over spring break and Janus’ wit and sarcasm and hatred for all things soulmates.  He just didn’t know if that want was strong enough to override all of the things that he didn’t want.
“I want…” he said after a moment.  “I want to meet him.  Who knows, maybe he’s an asshole who can fuck right off.”
“Maybe,” Janus said, in a tone that said ‘hopefully,’ but also in a way that meant he didn’t really believe that.
“Look,” Virgil said.  “What I want is to not decide anything before I meet him.  Let’s just do things like normal.  I’ll see you here on Friday.”
Janus looked at him for a moment, and nodded.  He turned as if about to leave, and suddenly Virgil wanted to scream at him to stop.  That would have been incredibly stupid, though, so instead he reached out and grabbed Janus’ arm.
Janus turned back to face him.
“What was that you said about wanting to spend a night with me?” Virgil asked, trying on a wobbly smile.
“I meant under different circumstances,” Janus said, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, yes, but…” Virgil tried to figure out a way to say Don’t leave me like this without using those exact words.
Janus seemed to read it in his face.  “Okay,” he said, and he turned back around, thank god.  “But I’m not sleeping in a treehouse.”
Virgil nodded.  “Follow me,” he said, and climbed back across the branch into his bedroom, showing Janus where to put his hands and feet.
Janus dropped quietly down into the bedroom after him, and suddenly soulmates were gone from his mind, and the only thing Virgil could think about was that Janus was in his room.
When was the last time he’d cleaned up again?
Janus was smiling as he looked around.  “Wow, Virgil, you’re a regular neat freak, aren’t you?”
“Shut uuuup,” Virgil groaned, shoving his shoulder and stepping over various items as he started towards his bed.  Janus followed, and toed off his shoes at the edge.
“Here,” Virgil said, taking a short detour to his dresser and handing Janus one of his hoodies and a pair of sweatpants to sleep in.  He crawled into bed as Janus changed, and then joined him a minute later, wrapping his arms around his waist.  Virgil leaned back against him.
“I set an alarm so I’ll get up and leave,” Janus said.
“Okay,” Virgil murmured.  He was quiet for a minute.  “Hey Janus?”
“I still love you.”
“I love you too,” Janus whispered, kissing the top of Virgil’s head, which made Virgil feel warm in an entirely different way from how he felt after a makeout session.  He fell asleep still warm all over.
Virgil recognized Ethan by finding his name on his wrist, which really just felt like one more way for the universe to laugh at him.  But Logan was right.  He couldn’t just hide from Ethan the fact that he was his soulmate.  So instead, he walked up and tapped him on the shoulder, feeling like he was sealing his fate.
Which he supposed, in a way, he was.
Ethan turned with a slightly curious smile.  “Hello,” he said.
“Ethan Baker?”
Ethan nodded, looking more curious.
“Uh,” Virgil waved his wrist.  “I’m Virgil Storm.”
Ethan’s eyes widened.  “Oh.  Oh, my goodness!”
“Yeah,” Virgil muttered, trying to make his smile look happier than he felt.
“Well, hi!” Ethan said, starting to smile much wider.  “It’s so lovely to meet you, Virgil!  I never would have thought—”  The warning bell rang overhead.
“Oh, damn that thing,” Ethan muttered, looking up at it.  “I wish we had more time to talk.”
“What class do you have?” Virgil asked.
“Uh… Holden.  English.”
Virgil tried to smile wider.  “Well, I’ve got good news then.  That’s my class too.  Want to walk with me?”
“Oh, awesome!” Ethan said.  “Yes, please!  It’s so good to meet you!”
“You too,” Virgil said, falling into step beside Ethan as they started down the hallway.
Come on, Virgil.  Give the guy a chance.  Maybe this will all work out fine and he is an asshole.  Maybe he’s about to say something super dick-ish right now.  Here it comes.
Ethan beamed over at him.  “I should have known you’d be even more gorgeous than I pictured,” he said.
Ethan wasn’t an asshole, by any stretch of the imagination.  Virgil really tried, he tried so hard to hate him.  It should be easy, he was an expert at hating people for no reason!  He tried twisting all of Ethan’s words and actions into the most despicable light he could manage.  But Ethan was just too damn sweet.
He was gentle and caring.  His smile could light up a room.  He got along perfectly with all of Virgil’s friends.  Virgil was pretty sure he tried harder than anything else he’d ever done in his life, but he just couldn’t hate him.  Why couldn’t he hate him?  Was this the universe fucking with him?  Was there some kind of genetic thing that kicked in that made people incapable of hating their soulmates?
Or was Ethan just that fucking nice?
Either way, Virgil couldn’t hate the guy.  He wanted to, but he couldn’t.  Maybe that was why he was hiding here.  Virgil looked up from the stage, glad at least that the auditorium was big as well as empty.
He just couldn’t go back to class, where everyone would be staring at him and Ethan like all of their future problems were solved now.  He buried his head in his knees.  He wanted to get out of here.
He didn’t register any kind of bell ringing, but one must have, because doors opened and people started coming in, and Virgil remembered that there were drama classes in the auditorium.  He jumped up and headed backstage, trying to control his now much worse breathing.  He’d be fine, he just had to last until everyone starting doing things and then he could—
Of course.  Of course he would be here.
“Hey,” Ethan said, coming backstage.  “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Virgil shook his head.  “No,” he choked out.  “No, I don’t want—”  He yanked his hood over his head and pulled hard on the strings until his face was obscured.
“Okay, okay, you don’t have to tell me.  Just come here, alright?  People are going to be coming back here soon.”
Virgil grabbed onto his hand when it was offered because he didn’t know what else to do, and they ended up in what looked like a prop area underneath the stage.
“Hey, breathe with me, okay?  I’m gonna count to four, try and breathe in.  It’s okay if you can’t make it all the way there.”
He started doing that, and waited so damn patiently until Virgil finally managed to calm down, and the whole time he didn’t make a single sudden move, and Virgil wished that he wanted him to leave.
When Virgil was breathing normally again, Ethan just smiled gently and leaned back.  He didn’t ask a damn thing about what happened.  He just said “You okay?” in a way that meant it would be totally fine if the answer was no.
Virgil took a shaky breath and nodded.  “Thank you,” he whispered, because Ethan was good at that, and he hadn’t met another person who knew how to do anything like this before he told them.
“Of course,” Ethan said with a nod.
“How did you know what to do?” Virgil asked.
“My little sister gets panic attacks sometimes.  I wanted to learn how to help her, so I did some research.”
Virgil nodded.  “Guess that’s lucky,” he muttered.  He looked up at Ethan.  “Ethan?”
“What do you want from this?”
Ethan looked confused.  “From what?”
“Me.  What are you looking for?”
“Well, a soulmate,” Ethan said, like that should be obvious.  “I don’t want to start dating you if you’re not ready, of course, but eventually.  I— I like you, Virgil,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck as he started to blush.  “I’d love a relationship with you once you’re ready.”
What if I’m never ready, Virgil didn’t say.  He shut his eyes and leaned back against the wall behind him.
“Virgil,” Ethan said, and Virgil opened his eyes again.  “If you are not ready to date me, we don’t have to date yet.  Is that what you’re panicking about?”
“I… don’t know,” Virgil lied.
“I’m not going to rush you,” Ethan said, taking a small step forward.  “Or push you.  I want to move at a pace we’re both comfortable with, and if that means I have to wait, I’m okay with that.  For now, I would be more than happy to be your friend, Virgil Storm.”
Virgil looked back at his soulmate, with the universe stamp of approval.  It was the ‘for now’ part of that statement he was going to have issues with.  But then again, maybe for now… that would be fine.
Virgil’s entire body melted with relief when Janus appeared in the doorway of the treehouse.
“Janus,” he said, climbing up and moving across to meet him.  He started to pull Janus down into a kiss, only to be stopped by Janus pushing back a second later.
“Janus?”  He stopped moving when he noticed the look on Janus’ face.  “Janus, what’s wrong?”
“Virgil, we need to talk,” Janus said.
“Oh, hardly,” Virgil said, starting to smile.  “I have good news.  Ethan says we don’t have to date if I’m not ready.  And I’m not.  So…”  He leaned up to pull Janus down to him again.
Janus sighed and pushed him back.  “Virgil.”
Virgil stopped smiling.  “What?”
“Did you miss the not ready part of that sentence?” Janus said, sitting down across from him.  “He definitely wouldn’t be comfortable with you dating other people in the meantime.”
Virgil scowled.  “I don’t owe him anything.”
“Yes, you do.  He’s your soulmate.”
“And since when does that kind of thing matter to you?  Part of the whole damn reason you fell for me is because I’m not your soulmate.  You hate soulmates.”
“But you don’t,” Janus said, looking firmly at him.  “Virgil, I saw you with him.  You don’t hate him.”
“That doesn’t mean I’m in love with him!  I love you.”
Janus sighed.  “Virgil.”
“You can’t possibly see yourself falling for him?  There’s no chance you could end up in love with him even more than you are with me?”
Virgil leaned back.  “What— Janus.  It’s not about that.”
“What’s it about then, Virgil?  Come on, he seems made for you.  That’s what they say soulmates are supposed to be, don’t they?”
Virgil narrowed his eyes.  “I don’t care.”
“Oh, so you don’t care about whether or not your family wants you to be with him?  Or your friends?  Or everyone else?”
Virgil winced.  “That’s different.”
“I’m not going to push you into the limelight like that, Virgil.  You seem uncomfortable now, when you’re doing what everyone expects of you.  If someone found out you were dating me, I…” Janus shook his head, looked more helpless than Virgil had ever seen him before.  “I can’t do that to you,” he finished, shifting backwards slightly.
“Don’t you think that should be my decision?” Virgil said, crossing his arms.
“Well, I’m making it.  I’m sorry.”  Janus stood up and started for the ladder.
“Wh- wait, Janus!” Virgil moved and started climbing down after him, catching his arm before he could run from the backyard.
Janus sighed, then turned and faced him.  “It’s okay,” he said.  “We’ll be okay.  Don’t try and stop yourself from falling for him, Virgil.  I won’t even be a little mad, I promise.”
“Janus, please.”  Virgil tried to pull him back, but Janus wouldn’t budge.  “What— what if I don’t see you again?”
Janus smiled sadly.  “How ever will I last,” he whispered, leaning in one last time and kissing Virgil gently.
The way he did goodbyes.
He pulled his hand out of Virgil’s and ran for the back gate, slipping through it and into the night.
When Virgil had no reason to try and dislike Ethan, liking him was much easier.  He was sweet, and very cute when he was excited, which tended to happen whenever he talked about theatre, which was his favorite part of school (he got along well with Roman).  He knew how to help Virgil if he was panicking, and he took an interest in the kinds of things Virgil liked.  Virgil tried so hard to return the favor, but he couldn’t make himself interested for very long.  That… that was okay.  That would change with time.
For all of Virgil’s fears about what having a soulmate would do to his relationship with Janus, now that the worst had happened, having one actually having one wasn’t so bad.  Ethan was easy to care about, and easy to spend time with, even if their interests didn’t always line up.  Virgil would fall in love with him.  He just needed a little more time.
These things worked themselves out, Patton said.  That had to be true.
Virgil’s parents were thrilled to meet Ethan.  His mom got along with him really well, and his dad seemed approving, if his smiles and nods to Virgil were anything to go by.  His mom was astounded when Ethan mentioned they weren’t dating yet.
“Why in the world not?” she asked, looking over at Virgil across the dinner table.
“It’s just… a big step,” Virgil muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.  “I don’t know.”
“Hmm,” his mom said, in the way she did when she thought Virgil was being too anxious about something.  “I suppose that’s fair.  Take your time, of course.”
“It’s not just him,” Ethan said suddenly.  “I don’t want to rush things either.  We both decided to just take it slow.”
Virgil smiled gratefully at him, glad for the save. Ethan gave his hand a quick reassuring squeeze under the table.
They went up to Virgil’s room after dinner, and Ethan seemed concerned.  “Is your mom always that pushy?” he asked, as Virgil shut the door.
“She just… wants me to push myself,” he said.  “She thinks I would be more satisfied if I took more risks, went after what I want.”
“What if you don’t know what you want?” Ethan asked, raising an eyebrow.
“And therein lies the main problem in my relationship with my mother,” Virgil sighed, looking up at the ceiling.
Ethan chuckled a little, moving to lean against the wall next to the door.
Virgil worried his lip between his teeth, and looked back at Ethan.  “You’re really okay with moving slowly?”
“Virgil, I told you,” Ethan said, smiling genuinely at him.  “I want you to be comfortable.”
“You want to be with me though,” Virgil said.
“I… do,” Ethan admitted.  “But if you’re not ready for that, I don’t want to rush you.”
Virgil looked at him a moment longer.  Ethan wasn’t bad looking.  Virgil liked him as a person.  Maybe in order to make the switch into liking him romantically, he just had to force it a little.
He took three steps across the room and kissed Ethan square on the mouth.  Ethan made a muffled noise of surprise, and Virgil pulled back instantly.  Idiot, you need to ask before doing something like that, you moron.
“I’m sorry!” Virgil said, stepping back.  “I’m sorry, I just— I—”
Ethan cut him off by reaching up and pulling him back in to kiss him again, and in the moment, all Virgil felt was relief that he hadn’t freaked him out or pissed him off.
He could do this.  He’d done this a hundred times with Janus, he just had to… go through the motions.  Come on, Virgil.  You know what you’re doing.
He pulled Ethan with him as he stumbled back across the room and pulled them both onto his bed, wrapping his arms around his back and trying to push himself a little farther.  He’d start feeling something any second now, he just needed to—
“Okay, okay, woah,” Ethan pushed him back, panting.  “I need to breathe.”
Virgil leaned back.  “Sorry.”
“Hey, no apologies necessary,” Ethan said, grinning at him.  “You… you’re very good at this.”
Virgil felt his cheeks grow warm.  “You wouldn’t guess, huh,” he muttered.
“Absolutely not a bad surprise,” Ethan said.  “It just might be my turn to ask you to slow down a tad.”
Virgil nodded.  “Okay.  You’ve got it.”  He looked down and fidgeted with his fingers.  “Want to watch a movie?”
“That sounds nice,” Ethan said, still looking very happy with the situation.  Virgil leaned over the side of his bed and grabbed his laptop as Ethan sat up.
It’s okay.  It’s okay.  You’ll fall for him.  You just need a little more time.
Time passed, and Virgil didn’t fall for him.  He didn’t know what else to do.  He tried to come up with something to make it better, some kind of “at least” to work off of.  At least Ethan was nice.  At least he was pretty.  At least everyone else was happy for him.  At least Janus didn’t hate him.  None of them seemed to work.
Virgil was quickly becoming the soulmate envy of all just like Patton, Roman, and Logan, and feeling absolutely miserable because of it.  He hadn’t shown it, of course.  He’d beamed at Ethan and kissed his cheek before classes and smiled and rolled his eyes in endearment whenever someone asked him how knowing his soulmate felt.
He couldn’t stand it.  He was pretty sure he’d never felt less like himself.  But Patton and Logan and Roman all smiled at him like they thought he was happy, and so did his parents, and so did Ethan, so Virgil tried to brush aside the miserable feeling in his chest and fool himself like he’d fooled everyone else.
He hadn’t expected a change to come from Roman.  With his general romanticism and his perfect soulmate story, he’d expected Roman to be the last person to be able to tell when someone wasn’t happy with theirs.  He’d noticed the occasional suspicious look sent his way by him, but he’d managed to brush it off.  He certainly hadn’t expected Roman to say anything.
On the day he did, Virgil had already been feeling pretty shitty.  It was around lunchtime, Ethan was sitting next to Virgil and smiling at him as they both ate, riveting them all with a story about what had happened during drama class.  Virgil had mastered the art of smiling and nodding along, and that’s what he was doing when he turned at just the wrong time and met eyes with Janus, who looked as miserable as Virgil felt.
His eyes widened when their gazes met, and Virgil tried to think of the last time he’d seen Janus in any way.  Janus was very good at disappearing.
As if proving his point, Janus looked away and disappeared into the crowded room like a ghost.
Virgil stood up and pushed his chair back, saying something about going to the bathroom before all but sprinting from the lunchroom.
About halfway to the bathroom he realized that was a mistake, because it was just going to make Ethan come looking for him, so he veered right to head out to the football field.  He sat on the bleachers and buried his head in his knees, trying to quiet any of his rushing thoughts.
“You are going to seriously hurt someone.”
Virgil jerked upwards and saw Roman walking up the side of the bleachers towards him, arms crossed and looking firm.
Virgil swallowed, recovering his bearings as Roman stopped in front of him.  “What?” he asked.
“Virgil, if you don’t love Ethan you need to tell him that.”
Virgil’s mouth went dry.  “What are you talking about, I do—”
“No.  You don’t.”
Virgil looked away.  “But I have to.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Virgil.  You clearly don’t.”
“But he’s my soulmate.  What… what else is there?” Virgil asked, like he didn’t know the answer to that question by heart.
Roman didn’t reply right away.
Then suddenly, Virgil was pulled up off the bleachers and into a hug.
“Oh, Virgil,” Roman whispered.  “Virgil.  There is so much more if you want it.”
Virgil blinked quickly, trying to hold back the tears welling in his eyes.  “What?”
Roman leaned back.  “Virgil, what on earth made you think that all soulmate bonds have to be romantic?”
“What— but you— but they are,” Virgil insisted.  “That’s just how soulmates work.”
“Well, that doesn’t seem very fair,” Roman said, smiling gently.  “First of all, aromantic people would be shit out of luck if all soulmate bonds had to be romantic.” Roman’s look turned curious.  “I have told you about my mother before, right?”
“Your mother, what— don’t you have two dads?”
“Not always.  My mother married my father before she realized she didn’t experience romantic attraction.  She ended up divorcing dad, but they’re still close friends.  That’s how their soulmate bond works, but my dads aren’t soulmates.  And mom lives with Remus.  He and I are soulmates, but that’s definitely not romantic.”
“Who’s Remus?” Virgil asked.
“My brother,” Roman said, waving his hand dismissively.  “He and mom live a couple districts over.  He’ll come over here more often on summer vacation and you can meet him.  Point is, soulmate bonds aren’t inherently romantic, nor should they be, in my opinion.”
“But… but you’re in love with Patton and Logan,” Virgil said weakly.
“Because I choose to be, Virgil.  The three of us don’t have to be dating.  I know that’s what most people tend to do, but it’s not fair to expect that of everyone.  What if you don’t want a partner right then?  Or ever?  What if you fall in love with someone who isn’t your soulmate?”
Virgil’s blood ran cold, and he took a step back, almost stumbling into the bleachers.  “Who told you?” he whispered.
Roman’s face fell.  “Oh, Virgil,” he said.  He moved forward and pulled Virgil into a hug again.  “No one told me, Virge.  I’m so sorry.”
Virgil’s breathing started to shake, and he pushed himself back from Roman.  “I thought— I thought you wouldn’t understand,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around himself.  “Because your soulmate story is so perfect.  I thought you wouldn’t—”
“A lot of people don’t,” Roman said quietly.  “I’m not going to tell you you’re wrong for being afraid.  But right now all you’re doing is hurting Ethan, and yourself, and the other person you love.”
Virgil sat down on the bleachers and buried his head in his hands.  Roman, after a moment, sat down next to him and put an arm around his shoulders.
“I have to break up with him, don’t I,” Virgil muttered.
“I’m not going to tell you what you should do in that regard,” Roman said.  “But I think you should strongly consider telling him what’s going on.”
Virgil nodded.  “I thought I could make myself love him,” he whispered.
“Love doesn’t work like that, Virgil,” Roman whispered.
“It would be easier if it did,” Virgil muttered.
“Yes,” Roman agreed.  “But then you wouldn’t get to have the person you love now.  Is that what you want instead?”
Virgil shook his head instantly.  He hadn’t wanted to lose Janus in the first place.  He didn’t want to trade him for anything.
“Do you want to stay out here for a while?” Roman asked.
“I want you to go get Ethan,” Virgil said firmly.
Roman blinked, seeming surprised.  “Right now?”
Virgil nodded.  “Yes.”
Roman still looked hesitant.  “Are you—”
“I’m sure.”
Roman must have seen he meant it, because a second later he nodded.  “Alright.  I’ll be back.  Um, advice, don’t dance around the subject.  Be straightforward and genuine, but also gentle if you can.”
Virgil nodded.  “Okay,” he said, and Roman left.  Virgil leaned back against the bleachers and took a deep breath.  This wasn’t going to be fun.  It may not be romantic in nature, but he did love Ethan, and he didn’t want to hurt him.  He leaned forward and buried his head in his hands again.  Why had he thought this would last?
Virgil jerked upright and spun around, because that wasn’t Ethan’s voice.
Sure enough, there was Janus, standing just at the edge of the bleachers and looking concerned.
Virgil leapt to his feet.  “Where the hell have you been?” he snapped.
“I saw you run off, I wanted to make sure you’re okay—”
“Not what I meant.  You completely ignore my texts and then you avoid me at school?  You asshole.”
Janus turned his hands upwards, looking a little offended.  “What, did you want me to hang around all the time?”
“I didn’t want you to leave in the first place you idiot,” Virgil snapped, jumping down from the bleachers and storming over to stand in front of Janus.  “You were clearly miserable on your own.”
“And you were fine,” Janus said, stepping towards him.  “I was trying not to be selfish for once.”
“Oh, I was fine?” Virgil said, throwing his hands to the sky.  “Janus who’s spent most of these past months avoiding me thinks I was fine.  Never mind then.”
“I thought you wanted to do what everyone expected of you,” Janus snapped.  “It’s not like you ever wanted to fight for me.”
“Oh, fuck you, Janus!  I wanted what everyone expected of me because that made me feel safe.”
“And you don’t want that?”
“No, right now I just want to feel alive again,” Virgil said, moving forward until he was nose-to-nose with Janus.  “Which is kind of hard to do considering I’m starting to spend my whole life going through the motions.”
“Why would you need me to change that?”
“Moron,” Virgil said, and pulled Janus into a kiss, desperate and passionate and making up for all of the months he’d been gone.
They both pulled apart when a gasp came from nearby.
Virgil spun around to see Ethan standing at the edge of the walkway leading up to the field.
“Wait,” Virgil said, stepping towards him.  “Wait, that’s not how this was supposed to happen.  Ethan—”
Ethan spun around but didn’t leave, and Virgil moved across the field until he was right behind him.
“You’re never like that with me,” Ethan murmured.
“I’m sorry, this wasn’t supposed to be how I did this—”
“But you were going to do this.  You were going to leave me for him.  He’s not even your soulmate.”
“I know.  I… I’m sorry.  I do love you, Ethan.  Just not…”
“Not like I love you,” Ethan said, looking over his shoulder at Virgil.
Virgil winced.  “I’m sorry.”
Ethan laughed a little and looked down.  “I think I kinda knew it, you know?  I just wanted… I wanted to be enough for you.  But I was never going to be, was I?”
Virgil started to reach for him, but stopped and dropped his hand.  “I’m sorry,” he said again.  “You can… you can hate me if you want.”
Ethan looked up at him again.  “But you don’t want that.”
“Not everything has to be about what I want,” Virgil said quietly.
Ethan turned to face the school.  “I… I’m going now, Virgil,” he said.  “I’ll call you if I’m ever ready to talk again.”
“Okay,” Virgil whispered.  “Take care, Ethan.”
“You… you too,” Ethan said, and then he walked away.
Virgil watched him until he was gone, and then turned around to face Janus, who was casually looking around back in the middle of the field.  He looked back at Virgil when he started walking across to meet him.
“All good?” Janus asked, like he already knew the answer.
Virgil shook his head.  “No.”
Janus nodded.  “Yeah,” he muttered.
They both looked at each other for a moment.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
Janus started grinning, and held out his hand.  Virgil grabbed it, and they both started running.  They made it to Janus’ car, and both got in, and drove.  And drove, and planned to drive some more.
Nothing was fixed.  They’d have to come back and face the music eventually.  Virgil had to tell Patton and Logan what happened.  He’d need to tell Janus about Roman’s parents.  They’d have to figure out a way to make this work, actually work, work in the way they both wanted.
But for now, they rolled down the windows, and drove out of the suburbs and out under the open sky.  Virgil screamed My Chemical Romance lyrics at the top of his lungs.  More than once throughout the drive he checked to make sure no other cars were around and leaned in to kiss Janus’ face off.  He had a lot of lost time to make up for, after all.
And now, hopefully, a lot of time to do it.
Part 2
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meirmakesstuff · 4 years
1/2 Hi Meir! I saw your answer on WWC, and since you mentioned you're professionals, I figured I'd ask directly: I'm writing a second world fantasy with a jewish coded people. I want to be clear in the coding but avoid the "if there's no egypt, how can there be passover?" so I called them Canaanites. I thought I was being clever by hinting in the naming that the whole region does exist, but I've since read that it might've been a slur in fact? Do you have any advice on this?
2/2 I did consider calling the group in question Jewish, but aside from how deeply Judaism is connected to the history of the Israelites, I haven't used any present-day real-world names for any other group, (I did use some historic names like Nubia). I feel like calling only one group of people by their currently used name would be othering rather than inclusive? Or am I overthinking this?
Okay so I want to start out with some disclaimers, first that although WWC recently reblogged an addition of mine to one of their posts, I am not affiliated with @writingwithcolor​, and second that the nature of trying to answer a question like this is “two Jews, three opinions,” so what I have to say about this is my own opinion(s) only. Last disclaimer: this is a hard question to address, so this answer is going to be long. Buckle up.
First, I would say that you’re right to not label the group in question “Jewish” (I’ll get to the exception eventually), and you’re also right in realizing that you should not call them “Canaanites.” In Jewish scripture, Canaanites are the people we fought against, not ourselves, so that wouldn’t feel like representation but like assigning our identity to someone else, which is a particular kind of historical violence Jews continue to experience today. I’ll get back to the specific question of naming in a moment, but because this is my blog and not WWC, and you asked me to speak to this as an educator, we’re going to take a detour into Jewish history and literary structure before we get back to the question you actually asked.
To my mind there are three main ways to have Jews in second-world fantasy and they are:
People who practice in ways similar to modern real-world Jews, despite having developed in a different universe,
People who practice in ways similar to ancient Hebrews, because the things that changed us to modern Jewish practice didn’t occur, and
People who practice in a way that shows how your world would influence the development of a people who started out practicing like ancient Hebrews and have developed according to the world they’re in. 
The first one is what we see in @shiraglassman​‘s Mangoverse series: there is no Egypt yet her characters hold a seder; the country coded Persian seems to bear no relation to their observance of Purim, and there is no indication of exile or diaspora in the fact that Jews exist in multiple countries and cultures, and speak multiple languages including Yiddish, a language that developed through a mixture of Hebrew and German. Her characters’ observance lines up approximately with contemporary Reform Jewish expectations, without the indication of there ever having been a different practice to branch off from. She ignores the entire question of how Jews in her universe became what they are, and her books are lyrical and sweet and allow us to imagine the confidence that could belong to a Jewish people who weren’t always afraid.
Shira is able to pull this off, frankly, because her books are not lore-heavy. I say this without disrespect--Shira often refers to them as “fluffy”--but because the deeper you get into the background of your world and its development, the trickier this is going to be to justify, unless you’re just going to just parallel every historical development in Jewish History, including exile and diaspora across the various nations of your world, including occasional near-equal treatment and frequent persecution, infused with a longing for a homeland lost, or a homeland recently re-established in the absolutely most disappointing of ways.
Without that loss of homeland or a Mangoverse-style handwaving, we have the second and third options. In the second option, you could show your Jewish-coded culture having never been exiled from its homeland, living divided into tribes each with their own territory, still practicing animal, grain, and oil sacrifice at a single central Temple at the center of their nation, overseen by a tribe that lacks territory of their own and being supported by the sacrifices offered by the populace.
If you’re going to do that, research it very carefully. A lot of information about this period is drawn from scriptural and post-scriptural sources or from archaeological record, but there’s also a lot of Christian nonsense out there assigning weird meanings and motivations to it, because the Christian Bible takes place during this period and they chose to cast our practices from this time as evil and corrupt in order to magnify the goodness of their main character. In any portrayal of a Jewish-coded people it’s important to avoid making them corrupt, greedy, bigoted, bloodthirsty, or stubbornly unwilling to see some kind of greater or kinder truth about the world, but especially if you go with this version. 
The last option, my favorite but possibly the hardest to do, is to imagine how the people in the second option would develop given the influences of the world they’re in. Do you know why Chanukah is referred to as a “minor” holiday? The major holidays are the ones for which the Torah specifies that we “do not work:” Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur, and the pilgrimage holidays of Sukkot, Passover, and Shavuot. Chanukah developed as a holiday because the central temple, the one we made those pilgrimages to, was desecrated by the invading Assyrian Greeks and we drove them out and were able to re-establish the temple. That time. Eventually, the Temple was razed and we were scattered across the Roman Empire, developing the distinct Jewish cultures we see today. The Greeks and Romans aren’t a semi-mythologized ancient people, the way the Canaanites have been (though there’s increasing amounts of archaeology shedding light on what they actually might have been like), we have historical records about them, from them. The majority of modern Jewish practice developed from the ruins of our ancient practices later than the first century CE. In the timeline of Jewish identity, that’s modern.
The rabbinic period and the Temple period overlap somewhat, but we’re not getting into a full-scale history lesson here. Suffice it to say that it was following the loss of the sacrificial system at the central Temple that Judaism coalesced an identity around verbal prayer services offered at the times of day when we would previously have offered sacrifices, led each community by its own learned individual who became known as a rabbi. We continued to develop in relationship with the rest of the world, making steps toward gender equality in the 1970s and LGBT equality in the 2000s, shifting the meaning of holidays like Tu Bishvat to address climate change, debating rulings on whether one may drive a car on Shabbat for the sake of being with one’s community, and then pivoting to holding prayer services daily via Zoom.
The history of the Jews is the history of the world.  Our iconic Kol Nidrei prayer, the centerpiece of the holiest day of the year, that reduces us to tears every year at its first words, was composed in response to the Spanish Inquisition. The two commentators who inform our understanding of scripture--the ones we couldn’t discuss Torah without referencing even if we tried--wrote in the 11th and 12th centuries in France and Spain/Egypt. Jewish theology and practice schismed into Orthodox and Reform (and later many others) because that’s the kind of discussion people were into in the 19th century. Sephardim light Chanukah candles in an outdoor lamp while Ashkenazim light Chanukah candles in an indoor candelabrum because Sephardim developed their traditions in the Middle East and North Africa and the Ashkenazim developed our traditions in freezing Europe. There are works currently becoming codified into liturgy whose writers died in 2000 and 2011. 
So what are the historical events that would change how your Jewish-coded culture practices, if they don’t involve loss of homeland and cultural unity? What major events have affected your world? If there was an exile that precipitated an abandonment of the sacrificial system, was there a return to their land, or are they still scattered? Priority one for us historically has been maintaining our identity and priority two maintaining our practices, so what have they had to shift or create in order to keep being a distinct group? Is there a major worldwide event in your world? If so, how did this people cope?
If you do go this route, be careful not to fall into tropes of modern or historical antisemitism: don’t have your culture adopt a worldview that has their deity split into mlutiple identities (especially not three). Don’t have an oppressive government that doesn’t represent its people rise up to oppress outsiders within its borders (this is not the first time this has occurred in reality, but because the outside world reacts differently to this political phenomenon when it’s us than when it’s anyone else, it’s a portrayal that makes real-life Jews more vulnerable). And don’t portray the people as having developed into a dark and mysterious cult of ugly, law-citing men and beautiful tearstreaked women, but it doesn’t sound as if you were planning to go there.
So with all that said, it’s time to get back to the question of names. All the above information builds to this: how you name this culture depends on how you’ve handled their practice and identity. 
Part of why Shira Glassman’s handwaving of the question of how modern Jewish practice ended up in Perach works is that she never gives a name to the religion of her characters. Instead, she names the regions they come from. Perach, in particular, the country where most of the action takes place, translates to “Flower.” In this case, her Jewish-coded characters who come from Perach are Perachis, and characters from other places who are also Jewish are described as “they worship as Perachis do despite their different language” or something along those lines (forgive me, Shira, for half-remembering).
So that’s method one: find an attribute of your country that you’d like to highlight, translate it into actual Hebrew, and use that as your name.
Method two is the opposite: find a name that’s been used to identify our people or places (we’ve had a bunch), find out what it means or might mean in English, and then jiggle that around until it sounds right for your setting. You could end up with the nation of the Godfighters, or Children of Praise, The Wanderers (if they’re not localized in a homeland), The Passed-Over, Those From Across The River, or perhaps the people of the City of Peace.
Last, and possibly easiest, pick a physical attribute of their territory and just call them that in English. Are they from a mountainous region? Now they’re the Mountain People. Does their land have a big magical crater in the middle? Craterfolk. Ethereal floating forests of twinkling lights? It’s your world.
The second option is the only one that uses the name to overtly establish Jewish coding. The first option is something Jews might pick up on, especially if they speak Hebrew, but non-Jews would miss. The third avoids the question and puts the weight of conveying that you’re trying to code them as Jewish on their habits and actions.
There’s one other option that can work in certain types of second-world fantasy, and that’s a world that has developed from real-world individuals who went through some kind of portal. That seems to me the only situation in which using a real-world name like Jews, Hebrews, or Israelites would make sense. Jim Butcher does this with the Romans in the Codex Alera series, and Katharine Kerr does it with Celts in the Deverry cycle. That kind of thing has to be baked into the world-building, though, so it probably doesn’t help with this particular situation. 
This is a roundabout route to what I imagine you were hoping would be an easier answer. The tension you identified about how to incorporate Jewishness into a world that doesn’t have the same history is real, and was the topic of a discussion I recently held with a high school age group around issues of Jewish representation in the media they consume and hope to create. Good luck in your work of adding to the discussion.
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poisonedapples · 4 years
Domestic Life (Was Never Quite My Style)
Summary: Even with a baby Patton who refuses to go to sleep, Roman finds himself having the loveliest night with his family.
Warnings: The song “Dear Theodosia” and one “blink and you’ll miss it” mention of parental abandonment. It’s mostly adorable fluff
Pairings: Romantic Logince, parental Royality and Logicality
Word Count: 2,522
Taglist: @noodles-07 @didyouseerichohisawrich @look-ma-im-on-tv @somehow-i-got-an-account @depressed-stressed-virgil @queen-of-all-things-snuggly @ohlookanotherdumbfanboy @jamie-writes-things @adoratato @boopypasta @omgsomeonesomewhereonearth @beyondthestacks @changeling-ash @hold-our-destiny
Notes: Happy anniversary to the best boyfriend in all the land, @romansleftshoulderpad, who has been there through everything good, weird and awful. You’re amazing, and even though my Writing Machine broke and had me change my present idea four times, hopefully you’ll appreciate some fluff nonetheless.
(Also shoutout as always to my friend Cornybird on Ao3 for editing my stuff I owe you like five squishmallows)
Roman and Logan were always the couple that no one could have possibly guessed. Roman was wild and untamed; always aiming for the best of the best, striving to conquer the impossible and prove everyone who doubted him wrong.
There always seemed to be so little time for him. He wanted to write, sing, dance, act, create, and he refused to let trivial things get in the way of that. Even as a hopeless romantic who dreamed of marriage, it seemed like his running on pure adrenaline made it impossible for him to make friends, let alone a husband.
Logan wasn’t much better. He wasn’t very invested in the arts and had (arguably) more achievable goals, but he still couldn’t stand to not be the top of his class. He wanted to be idolized. He wanted a kid who felt as helpless as he once did to look at him and get hope for the future. He wanted respect, and he was determined to gain it.
But that led to him overworking himself. Logan had a habit of working late into the night to put efficiency over self care, to drop everything that could get in his way and absorb himself in his own goals. Yet just like Roman, self isolation led to loneliness, and his personal expectations made him deem himself unworthy of a partner and family, no matter how untrue that was.
On the outside, they looked like people who were too busy and in their heads to enjoy the little things. Logan passed up warm showers and movie nights to get his ideas out on paper, and Roman passed up coffee shops and strolls through the park to create bigger and better things. But for the longest time, on the inside they were lonely. And only one person could see that enough to break through.
No one expected them to get to this point. The point where they’d been happily together for four years, Logan’s engagement ring carefully placed in the same box that Roman had given it to him in on the bedside table. But it was real anyway, and Logan was fast asleep, while Roman’s brain was thinking about too many fantasy worlds for him to calm down enough to doze off. Instead, he ran his fingers through his fiancé’s hair and watched him sleep peacefully on his chest.
Roman could have spent his entire life in that position. Just him and Logan, his adorable love looking peaceful and happy as Roman protected him from the world. If he wouldn’t be risking waking him up, Roman would also be peppering kisses all over his face, but he took a mental note to do that in the morning instead. They were going on a date tomorrow after all, and those always ended in lots of kisses and cheesy flirts Logan would roll his eyes at. But Roman thought his faux annoyance was adorable, so he used pickup lines at least three times a week.
But that was tomorrow, and tonight was tonight. And nights were a child’s favorite time to break the peace.
Roman could hear babbling from the room across from them, as well as from the baby monitor next to the bed. Patton was already squealing “dada” a little bit, and Roman knew from experience that he was getting ready to cry for them. It broke his heart every time Patton cried, so he gently pushed Logan to the bed and kissed his hair. He didn’t squirm, so Roman shimmied off the bed and smiled at Logan one last time as the baby talk got a little louder. He knew the drill by now, so Roman grabbed his guitar before he left and went to Patton’s bedroom. Music was the fastest way to get the little guy back to sleep.
Roman opened the colorful door to his son’s nursery. Only a pale blue nightlight gave light to the room, revealing a crib with a babbling baby holding onto the rails. Patton still couldn’t walk, but he was getting pretty good at standing in place, so the day would come at any time now. 
Roman gave his baby a tired smile. “Hello, sunshine. What are you doing awake? Princes need their beauty sleep!”
“Dada, dada, dada!” Patton babbled, jumping as much as his tiny legs could using the spring of the crib’s mattress. Roman didn’t bother going to the crib and picking him up, though. He learned a long time ago that a rocking chair doesn’t make Patton tired anymore; he only squeals with excitement like it’s a baby rollercoaster. Roman experimented one night and played Wonderwall on his guitar as a joke when Patton refused to calm down, but it was the fastest the little guy had ever been lulled to sleep. Since then, Roman immediately picks up his guitar and lets Patton relax to that instead.
“What’s the request tonight, little buddy?” Roman asked as he sat in the rocking chair and strummed some of the strings. “Frère Jacques? Hey Soul Sister? Or do you want a song Dada really likes?”
“Dada!” Patton squealed.
“A Dada song? Excellent choice!” Roman leaned back in the chair and thought about what he may want to play. Logically he knew Patton only said dada because it was the only word he knew, but Roman liked to pretend his baby was the smartest boy in the entire world, even if his farts still scared him and he slapped his hands on every new surface he found. If he grew up to be anything like Logan, then Roman knew that he would have a bright future. “Now...what would I maybe want to play…”
Patton let go of the railing and let himself fall on his butt back to the mattress. He crawled over to his favorite stuffed frog and held onto the fur tightly, which Roman thought was objectively the cutest thing in this world. Though then again, everything Patton did was adorable. He was at the perfect age to steal the heart of everyone, and call Roman a lovestruck dad all you wanted, but his baby just blew his breath away.
“Hey, little froggy, how about we bring back an old favorite? Especially since me and Papa have been watching the Hamilfilm a whole lot!” Patton giggled in response, so Roman nodded his head. “Alright then, let’s see here…”
Roman placed his fingers on the neck of the guitar and strummed the first cord, testing out the tune. When he was satisfied, Roman strummed out the beginning notes of the song, and already Patton began to seem mesmerized by it.
“Dear Theodosia what to say to you? You have my eyes, you have your mother’s name. When you came into the world you cried and it broke my heart…” Patton shoved one of the eyes of his stuffed frog into his mouth, listening intently. When Patton was first born, all Roman did was sing this song to him. It seemed to fit so well given their situation. Logan always went on about how Patton had Roman’s eyes, even though Roman expected Logan to mention that it was obvious Patton would have some of his traits. He was half Roman after all, and Logan was hardly one for sentimentals anyway. But then again, becoming a dad had made him a lot softer than Roman could ever imagine.
“I’m dedicating every day to you, domestic life was never quite my style, when you smile…” Roman looked over at his baby. He had a little smile on his face, but Roman also guessed that was just the permanent position Patton’s face was in. He seemed like a happy baby almost all the time, give or take a few sick days and the time Patton saw a spider for the first time. “...You knock me out, I fall apart, and I thought I was so smart.”
Roman didn’t know if he was smart or not. His fiancé said that intelligence is more than book smarts and street smarts, and Roman had his strengths just like he had his flaws. But insecurity was a wild thing, and though Roman put on his best facade of greatness, he was only human, and humans have a strange perspective on self worth. Though no matter how intelligent he was, Roman had long accepted that Patton could break down any tough walls he or Logan put up. After all, it had been quite the sight to see Logan sob from happiness at holding his baby for the first time.
“You will come of age with our young nation...we’ll bleed and fight for you. We’ll make it right for you. If we lay a strong enough foundation...we’ll pass it onto you. We’ll give the world to you and you’ll blow us all away. Someday, someday…”
Roman strummed out the notes in between lyrics for longer than he had to, but it was okay when his audience was a baby who didn’t actually know the song. “Ready for one more part, buddy?” Patton didn’t respond (obviously), he only looked up at Roman with big eyes. “Good! I know it’s your favorite part.”
“I have to admit that it is mine as well.”
Roman’s strumming stopped in its tracks when he heard the familiar voice. He looked across the room to the door where his adorable fiancé stood, his hair messy and Roman’s stolen pajama shirt making him look considerably tinier. If Roman wasn’t so tired, he’d scoop Logan up and swing him around the room for being so adorable. “What are you doing awake, love?”
“I can hear you singing from the baby monitor that’s a few feet away from my face.” Roman’s cheeks flushed red, but Logan didn’t care. He walked over to Roman at the rocking chair and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, giving a kiss to the top of Roman’s head. “Did a certain little froggy decide to have a party past his bedtime?”
“He woke up, yeah. I’m trying to put him back to sleep.”
“Did you check his diaper?”
Roman blinked. “...I did not.”
Logan sighed, but he shook his head fondly at his forgetful fiancé. Roman always went to the more complicated solutions before thinking about the basics, but at least he was trying. If Patton had started to cry, Roman would have eventually realized to check those things anyway.
Logan picked up Patton from his crib and took a sniff of his diaper. He smelled clean, which was good, but putting a baby to sleep who simply didn’t want to rest was harder than having something specific to fix. Logan kept Patton in his arms as Roman strummed on his guitar again with a smile.
“I still have to finish my song, Logan. Care to join the late night party with us?”
Logan smiled. “It’s Alexander’s part, correct?”
“Don’t act like you don’t already know. You love this musical as much as I do.”
“Fair point. How about you sing to us, then?”
“Could you do me the honor of singing alongside me?” Roman asked.
Logan felt his face heat up. “...We’ll see.”
Roman didn’t push it anymore. He knew Logan didn’t like his singing voice, even if it was objectively the best thing Roman could ever possibly hear. But when Logan got some time to ease into the idea, he would eventually slide into it.
Roman started strumming again, and the song picked up once more. It was just that with Logan around, the energy of the room felt all the more alive. “Oh, Phillip you outshine the morning sun. My son. Look at my son!”
Patton smacked both his hands on Logan’s shoulder. Logan couldn’t help but laugh.
“Pride is not the word I’m looking for. There is so much more inside me now…”
Logan began to sing, and Roman almost stopped in his tracks with awe. “Oh, Phillip, you outshine the morning sun. My son.”
Patton looked up at his dad with the most adorable baby smile. At the sound of both his parents and his favorite guitar, Patton began kicking and bouncing in Logan’s arms. The song was meant to calm him down enough to sleep, but instead the little guy decided it was the perfect time of day of a dance party. The worst part was that neither Roman or Logan had the heart to argue with him.
Instead, they both began to sing together as Patton bounced and smacked his hands. “When you smile, I fall apart. And I thought I was so smart.”
The music changed a little bit, and Roman and Logan both knew what came next. It was a part that hit them both close to home, but they’d practiced that section way too many times to not be prepared. Roman took the part of Alexander first. “My father wasn’t around…”
Logan held a dancing Patton tighter. “My father wasn’t around.”
“I swear that I’ll be around for you. I’ll do whatever it takes…”
“I’ll make a million mistakes…”
Roman stood up from the rocking chair and strummed louder as he stood beside Logan. Both him and their son smiled as the two came back together for the song. “I’ll make the world safe and sound for you...will come of age with our young nation.”
Roman laid his head on Logan’s shoulder and Patton was merciful enough to stop slapping and put all his energy into bouncing up and down instead of smacking Roman in the face. “We’ll bleed and fight for you, we’ll make it right for you. If we lay a strong enough foundation...we’ll pass it onto you. We’ll give the world to you, and you’ll blow us all away. Someday, someday...yeah, you’ll blow us all away. Someday, someday…”
The two parents held the last note as Roman strummed out the ending of the song. When Roman finished with that final strum, Patton still danced until the note had become too quiet to hear. Once he stopped his bouncing, Roman set his guitar down on the floor long enough to grab Patton’s hands and make him clap. “Yay, bravo, bravo! A wonderful musician and his beautiful dancer!”
Patton squealed nonsense in response as Logan moved to steal Roman’s place at the rocking chair, being careful not to rock it in case it only riled Patton up even more. “I don’t think he’s been calmed down by your song, Roman.”
“Well…” Roman grabbed his guitar again and sat on the floor in front of the rocking chair. “That just means we have to let him dance out the energy, right? Then tomorrow, we’re absolutely recording him dancing to this. I would do it now if I wasn’t tired.”
Logan chuckled. “I will try to remind you.”
“But until then…” Roman placed his fingers back on the strings and strummed the first note. “Care for another round, my love?”
The smile Logan gave off mixed with the happiness of their baby was an image Roman swore to cherish forever. “Of course, my prince.”
When Roman began to strum, their precious baby boy started to dance once more.
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awed-frog · 4 years
“The big flaw with this is that it completely misunderstands who JK Rowling is and why she wrote the books. Simply put, this novel is a Christian tale. You miss that, you miss the entire point of everything it has to say.” Elaborate? Sounds interesting and I haven’t heard that before.
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Well - I love this to bits and sort of wrote my thesis about it, so here we go.
Basically, you’ve got several kinds of heroes, but ‘left-wing hero’ is almost a contradiction in terms (more on this later). There’s your average Greek hero, whose status as a hero is more of a social class than it is a job and who generally doesn’t have any morally redeeming qualities (have you met Theseus?). Then there’s the medieval Christian hero - he comes in different flavours, but what’s relevant here is the Perceval model: basically the village idiot, whose only power is his good heart and who has no desire to challenge the status quo (because kings are divinely ordained and also poets tend to work for them, so ‘That vassal guy of yours has rescued yet another damsel’ story is going to be better received than ‘Your tax system is corrupt and this knight will now implement direct democracy’). Next you have the modern superhero, who was born in a very different historical context (the vigilantism of 19th century US) and as such has very different priorities. Namely: in his world, there is no higher authority and it’s up to him to use his superior skills to be judge and executioner so he can protect the most vulnerable. This understandable but toxic narrative will later get mixed up with WW2 and then the rampant capitalism of the last 30 years, resulting in the current blockbustery mess.
Anyway - if you’re a Western writer, it’s basically impossible to escape these three shaping forces we’ve all grown up with (classical Antiquity, Christianity, and US-led imperialism/capitalism), so most books and movies of the last forever decades can be analyzed through this lens. In the case of JK Rowling, what you have is a Christian author who openly used her YA series to chart out her own relationship with God. This is not a secret, or a meta writer’s delusion, or anything: she’s discussed it in several interviews. Her main problem, which is most believers’ main problem, is how to reconcile her faith in a benevolent God with the suffering in her daily life; and something she’s mentioned more than once is how her mom died when she was 25, and how this was very much on her mind especially when she was writing Deathly Hallows.
Now, I don’t want to write a novel here, so I won’t analyze the entire series, but what it is is basically a social critique of British society, mixed up with Greek and Roman elements in a cosmetic way only, and - crucially - led by an extremely Christian hero. 
In every way that matters, Harry Potter is a direct descendant of Perceval: he’s someone who’s grown up in isolation as the village idiot (remember how he was shunned by other children because he was ‘dangerous’ and ‘different’), randomly found a more exciting world of which he previously knew nothing (he’s basically the only kid who gets to Hogwarts without knowing anything about the magical world, just like Perceval joined Arthur’s court after living in the woods for 15 years), and proceeded to make his mark not because of his innate powers or special abilities (he’s average at magic, except for Defence against the Dark Arts), but because he’s kind and good and humble. And in the end, he willingly sacrifices himself so everyone else can be saved: a Christ-like figure who even gets his very own Deposition (in the arms of Hagrid, the closest thing to a parent his actually has). 
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(This, by the way, was the only reason why Hagrid was kept alive. JK Rowling had planned to kill him, but she absolutely wanted this scene - one of the most recognizable and beloved image in Christian art - in the books.)
And even if he ultimately survives his ‘death’ (like Jesus did), Harry refuses the riches and rank he was surely offered and chooses to spend his days in middle-class obscurity as a husband and father (if I remember correctly, Harry and Ginny’s house isn’t even big enough for their three kids). And no, of course he doesn’t stand for anything or challenges the status quo: that’s not his job. His job, like Jesus’, was to defeat evil by offering himself up in sacrifice; and the entire story - especially the last book - is a profound, intimate, and very moving reflection on faith.
(“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's”, remember? It’s not your job to change anything in the temporal, material world; your job is to nurture your immortal soul and prepare it for the true life that comes after death.)
Like - I don’t know how it was for younger readers, but for me, reading Deathy Hallows as an adult, it wrecked me. Even as an agnostic, I read it over and over again, and I kep finding new meaning in it. The whole thing is basically a retelling of the Book of Job, one of the most puzzling and beautiful parts of the Old Testament. That’s when Harry’s faith in God Dumbledore is tested, when his mentor, the cornerstone of his world, disappears; when Harry has to decide whether he’ll continue to believe in this absent, flawed figure despite all the bad things he keeps uncovering or give up his faith - and thus his soul - completely. The clearest, most startling moment exemplifying this religious dilemma is when Harry decides not to go after the wand. Getting it is the logical thing to do, the only way he can win, but Harry - while mourning Dobby - decides not to do it. That’s when he recovers his faith, and starts trusting his own kindness and piety (whatever happens, he will not defile a tomb) over everything else.
Another key moment is King’s Cross - here, and once more, Harry forgives his enemy, thus obeying Jesus’ commands. He sees Voldemort, the being who took everything from him - and he pities the pathetic, unloved thing he’s become. This is what sets him apart from everyone else and what makes him special: not his birth, not his magic, not some extraordinary artefact - but simply, like Dumbledore puts it, that he can love. After everything that’s bene done to him, he can still love; not only his friends, but his enemies. He forgives Voldemort, he forgives Snape, he forgives Malfoy, he forgives Dudley; and I see so many people angry about this, ranting about abuse victims and how hate is a right, but I think they’re missing the point. This is a Christian story; from a Christian perspective, your enemies need love more than your friends do. 
(“It is not those who are healthy who need a physician” and all that.)
And in any case, a hero is inherently not left-wing. The whole trope relies on three rock-solid facts: the hero is special, and he can do something you can’t, and that gives him the right or the duty to save others who can’t save themselves. Whether it is declined in its Christian form (the hero as self-sacrificing nobody) or in its fascist form (the hero as judge and king of the inferior masses), that is is the exact opposite of any kind of left-wing narrative, where meaningful change is brought about not by individual martyrdom or a benevolent super-human, but by collective action.
So, yeah - Harry changes nothing and is not the leader of the revolution, but it’s unfair to link this to JK Rowling’s politics. It’s just how the trope works. And, in fairness to her, many kind and compassionate authors who write books concerned with social justice tend to lean towards this kind of hero because the only workable alternative - the fascist super-hero - is way worse. Had Harry been that, for instance, he would have ended up ruling the wizarding world. Would that have been better for its democracy? A 19-year-old PM who knows nothing about the law or justice or diplomacy? A venerated war hero drunk on power? Instead, JK Rowling chooses the milder way out: Harry and his friends do change the system - little by little, and within the limits of the genre. Hermione becomes the equivalent of a human rights lawyer, while Harry and Ron join the Aurors (and I know there’s a lot of justified suspicion towards law enforcement, but frankly having good people in their ranks is still the only way to move things forward. It’s been years and I still haven’t heard a practical suggestion as to how a police-less nation would work). As for the government, it is restored to a fairer status quo - again, not the revolution many readers wanted, but also not the totalitarian monarchies or oligarchies or the super-hero’s world.
And as to how one can write a story that’s actually revolutionary - I don’t exactly know. Some writers rely on multiple narrating voices to try and escape the heroic trope; others work on bleak stories which point out the flaws in the system and stop short of solving them. I guess that, in the end, is one of the problem with left-wing politics: they’re simply less eye-catching, less cinematic. On the whole, it’s dull, boring work, the victories achieved by committees and celebrated with a piece of paper. From a literary point of view, it just doesn’t work.
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averykedavra · 4 years
Too Far Gone
(Hey y’all! I’m back with some Logan angst, because that’s all I’m capable of writing. You can find this story on Ao3 here!)
Summary: Logan Mackenzie doesn't quite understand feelings, but he does care about his friends. That's why he ended up playing matchmaker for his three oblivious best friends.
Getting Roman and Virgil together is hard. Getting Patton to admit his feelings is harder. The hardest part, however, is when he realizes he care a little more than a friend would.
But they're happy together. Roman-Virgil-Patton. 1+1+1=Relationship.
What Logan wants isn't part of the equation.
Ships: eventual romantic LAMP
Warnings: self-deprecation, self-confidence issues, self-isolation, sacrificing happiness for the sake of others, a TON of pining you guys, some denial to spice it up, deceit is only mentioned, self-hatred issues, yeah Logan has some feelings, swearing, insecurity about being polyamorous but it’s very brief, crying, arguing, lots of crying. (that makes it sound really angsty but there’s a ton of fluff too I swear)
Word count: 16,845 (it’s still a oneshot if I post it all at once, shut up)
Logan Mackenzie knew a lot of things. He knew the name of every Agatha Christie novel in alphabetical order. He knew the capitol of every country and a few that weren’t countries anymore. He knew how to calculate the sine of an angle, identify the signs of dehydration, and communicate—albeit rather haltingly—in American Sign Language. He’d maintained good grades through high school, college, and now, graduate school. He wanted to be an astronomy teacher one day, but if that didn’t pan out, a doctor, researcher, or physicist were not out of the question.
As Virgil once put it, the size of Logan’s area of expertise was only eclipsed by the size of Roman’s ego. This led to Roman attacking Virgil with a spatula and declaring that their friendship was over, Virgil was a coward and a fool, and he could not reasonably stand for this heresy. Patton suggested that if Roman couldn’t stand for it, he should just sit down. And that pretty much summed up Logan’s three best friends.
But despite Logan’s knowledge of all things philosophical, scientific, linguistic, and everything in between, he did have one rather large Achilles heel.
He did not understand emotions.
He had them, of course. He could hardly avoid them, being a homo sapiens of ordinary mental health with supremely emotional beings as his friends. Roman was always bursting with drama, exuberance, and Disney songs. Patton was sunshine incarnate with a perpetual smile and endless dad jokes. Virgil was more laid-back and sarcastic, but his issues with anxiety and his not-so-secret softer side still placed him firmly in the Has Feelings category.
Logan had feelings too. Joy when opening a fresh jar of jam, pride after receiving a good grade, frustration when Roman said something particularly dense. He just didn’t seem to…comprehend them as the others did. He often didn’t even realize what he was feeling, only noting the physical symptoms of the emotion.
For a while, he’d asked Patton what he was feeling and Patton had done his best to deduce the answer from the symptoms provided. That was a figurative hit-or-miss endeavor, however, and Logan found his stomach clenching at the sympathetic look on Patton’s face. He knew Patton meant well, but the experience of being pitied—was he being pitied, or was that a cognitive distortion, like the ones he always talked Virgil out of—the experience of feeling pitied was an unpleasant one. These days, he usually researched the symptoms on his own. It was even less accurate, but avoided the cloying feeling of vulnerability.
Logan tried not to be bitter about the situation. He understood so many things, it only made sense for life to give him a figurative handicap. And emotions were hardly the most important thing to understand anyway. He’d much rather know CPR than whether he was angry or merely annoyed. Those sorts of subtleties could be handled by his friends.
They didn’t seem to mind Logan’s…inexperience. They liked him just fine. More than ‘fine,’ in fact. Virgil and him had been friends since high school, back when Logan was even more unmanageable and walled-off. And Patton and Roman both helped him through the stress of college without judgment. The four of them worked, illogical as it was. Their different personalities didn’t clash, they just complemented each other like different shades to a painting. Logan couldn’t imagine having another friend group, and he didn’t want to imagine the circumstances in which he would be forced to find one.
For now, things were all right. Patton cheered them up, Roman pushed them forward, Virgil kept them safe, and Logan educated them. When Patton was sad or Roman was insecure or Virgil was panicking, they’d watch movies or practice breathing or simply talk until the problem was solved. Logan could handle the rational, intellectual part of the issue and Patton or Roman would cover the emotional side of things. Even Virgil, cynical as he was, had a sense for understanding insecurity and fear. Their system worked. If a problem was too emotional for Logan to handle, he could always call Patton or Roman or Virgil. It was simple.
Then came a problem he couldn’t get backup for.
Virgil had a crush.
No, that understated the issue. A simple crush would have been bearable. Virgil had a deep, desperate, all-consuming crush on Roman. It was the sort of crush that made him blush when they were in the same room. The sort of crush that sent him into hyperventilation when Roman said hello. The sort of crush that made him rant endlessly about Roman’s “stupid perfect face and stupid beautiful voice and stupid nice lovely wonderful smile—” until he resorted to simply screaming obscenities into his pillow.
And who did he rant to? None other than Logan Mackenzie, the singular most unqualified person in perhaps the entire Milky Way.
Logan understood Virgil’s predicament. He couldn’t talk about it to the object of his affections, of course. Patton was also out of the picture—him and Roman were thick as figurative thieves, and Patton would never keep a secret from anyone. He’d try, maybe, but he was a terrible liar and Roman would surely catch on.
Logan was the only possible option. They were roommates, they were friends, and Logan could keep a secret. And Logan, good friend as he was, did want to support Virgil through this emotional time.
However, he couldn’t say it didn’t get…tedious.
Especially as the crush showed no signs of fading, and Virgil still refused to tell Roman about it.
“Virgil,” Logan said, poking at the mop of purple hair he knew possessed his best friend. Virgil merely mumbled something that sounded like “stupid wonderful personality” and ignored him.
“Virgil,” Logan repeated, louder. “I’d like you to explain—"
“Why I don’t tell him. I know.” Virgil batted Logan’s hand away, poking his face above the covers. A residual blush still lingered on his face. “You’ve said that a million times.”
“Yes,” Logan agreed tautly. “Because it is the only possible conclusion to this fiasco and I don’t see why you can’t just get it over with.”
“Not the only possible conclusion,” Virgil grumbled. “It’ll probably go away soon.”
“Virgil, remind me how long you have had this crush?”
Virgil glared at him and didn’t respond.
“Fine, I’ll tell you the answer myself.” Logan adjusted his glasses. “Eighty-three days and five hours.”
“You remember that?”
“Hard to forget,” Logan snapped, “when you have spent the majority of those eighty-three days complaining about Roman’s perfect eyebrows.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “But…have you seen his eyebrows, L?”
“As a matter of fact, I have. Because I see him every day, Virgil. He is my best friend.”
“Then you should appreciate my struggle.” Virgil rolled over, covering his head with a pillow. “I’m completely doomed.”
“Just tell him!” Logan burst out. “This crush will not end of its own accord. You need to confess your feelings, if only to lay your mind at rest. Roman is not currently in a relationship with anyone. He is pansexual and panromantic and could very easily reciprocate your feelings. Give me one good reason why you shouldn’t just tell him how you feel.”
Virgil groaned. “Is ‘everything’ a reason?”
“Is ‘I just can’t’ a reason?”
“Also no.”
“Is ‘I’d rather die’ a reason?”
Logan raised his eyes to the ceiling. “Sometimes I don’t comprehend humanity.”
“Look, L, I…” Virgil struggled out from under his covers, pulling at a sleeve and avoiding his gaze. “What if he doesn’t like me? That way?”
“Then you will at least have some clarification instead of being stuck in a figurative limbo state.”
“What if it ruins our friendship? What if he thinks I’m weird or creepy or—”
“Virgil.” Logan carefully placed a hand on Virgil’s shoulder. “Roman is a good friend who values you deeply. I sincerely doubt this would ruin your friendship. Things may be different for a time, but you will not lose him over this. I promise.”
Virgil looked a little consoled. Still, he squeezed the blanket with both hands. “What if—what if he—”
Virgil fell silent. Logan tilted his head. “Yes?”
“Never mind, it’s…it’s stupid.”
“If it is bothering you, it’s not stupid.”
Virgil seemed to struggle with his thoughts for a second. Finally, he burst out: “What if he feels forced?”
“I’m not sure I know what you mean,” Logan said. “Could you elaborate?”
“What if he feels like…just ‘cause I like him…he needs to…” Virgil pulled at his sleeve, biting his lip. “I dunno…pretend? Date me to be nice? Out of pity? I don’t want…I don’t want him to feel…like he has to sacrifice his happiness so I can feel better.”
Something ached in Logan’s chest. It was a hard, sharp ache, with heat but no anger. Compassion, that’s what it was. Platonic love for his insecure, anxious, wonderful best friend.
“Virgil, look at me,” Logan instructed. Virgil slowly looked up, his brown eyes dark with worry. Logan reached out and brushed his purple bangs out of his eyes.
“Roman is not a cruel person.” Logan kept his voice soft, comforting. “He cares deeply about you, as I have said before. He would not string you on a figurative wild goose chase no matter his feelings for you. He is not a liar and he would not do such a thing out of pity for you. Roman does not, and never will, pity you.” Logan laughed quietly. “And sacrificing his own happiness for others sounds more like something you would do, Virgil.”
Virgil huffed with irritation. But his prickly expression soon faded. “Thanks, L.”
“It is my pleasure.”
Virgil nodded to himself. Then his face lit up, but just as soon as the excitement crossed his features, it flickered away again.
“What is it?” Logan asked, leaning forward on his chair.
Virgil bit his lip again. “Well…um, I had an idea…but it’s probably stupid and you don’t have to—um. Well. Maybe you could…see if Roman likes me? Ask him?”
Logan blinked. “Are you asking me to…clandestinely investigate whether Roman has romantic feelings for you as if we were back in high school?”
Virgil shrugged sheepishly. “…Maybe?”
“Unbelievable.” Logan sat back and crossed his arms. “Virgil, I would do many things for you. But I am not going to play matchmaker.”
“C’mon,” Virgil said. “I’ll let you have first pick at movie night and do your share of the dishes for a week and give you back your Alice in Wonderland puzzle book.”
“Tempting,” Logan admitted. “And if I do such a…juvenile venture, and find out that Roman holds romantic feelings for you, will you tell Roman of your crush?”
Virgil rubbed his face. “Do I have to?”
Logan gave him a level stare.
“Fine!” Virgil threw his hands in the air. “Fine. You win. If Roman likes me…maybe I’ll tell him. Maybe.”
“Maybe?” Logan echoed.
“It’s the best you’re getting, Pocket Protector.” Virgil grinned. “Take it or leave it.”
Logan mulled over the question, but truly, it wasn’t much of a debate. He wanted Virgil to step up and take action. He wanted the pair of them to get together, if only to end Virgil’s ceaseless complaining. And…truly, he was a little curious who Roman did like. He often proclaimed that he wanted to sweep someone off their feet or slay a dragon for them or simply be in a romance, but Logan never heard a specific name attached to those fantasies. In fact, he couldn’t remember Roman ever talking about his crushes—strange indeed, when Logan had always thought of him as a romantic.
“Deal,” Logan said.
“Thanks, L. You’re a lifesaver.”
“I don’t think your life would be in jeopardy, unless you can die from pining—”
Virgil chucked a pillow at Logan’s head. “Shut up and get matchmaking, Cupid.”
“Don’t call me that.”
Virgil grinned like a cat who’d eaten a canary. And Logan wondered just what he’d gotten himself into.
                                                                                                                                It took a little work to find time with Roman alone. Patton stuck to him like a barnacle—they were roommates and both were extremely clingy. In fact, they often acted like they were dating, but Logan supposed they were just very touchy friends.
Perhaps they were dating in secret. Or Logan just didn’t know about it because they’d chosen not to tell him because he didn’t understand relationships and—okay, he was starting to sound like Virgil. They were not secretly dating. Patton couldn’t keep a secret to save his life, and neither of them had any motivation to hide such a thing from Logan or Virgil. Roman was single and therefore, could possibly like Virgil back.
Logan just wanted Virgil happy and not pining sadly in his bedroom. Was that too much to ask for?
Finally, he managed to get Roman alone. It was during their traditional movie night, between Mulan and Pocahontas. Patton had realized they were out of popcorn and Logan convince Virgil to go with him to get some more. Virgil gave Logan a suspicious look, but after Logan motioned to Roman and quickly signed ‘I’ll ask him,’ Virgil let himself be dragged to the store with Patton. He didn’t seem entirely upset with the situation—though Virgil would deny it, he loved Patton. Though Patton never denied it, he loved Virgil back.
“Well, it’s just you and me, Specs.” Roman ducked behind the counter and came up with two mugs. He handed Logan the one that said ‘Best Mother Ever’ and kept the ‘I Drink Coffee to Hide the Pain’ mug for himself. Rooting around in the cupboard, Roman pulled out some hot chocolate mix.
“I’m not the best with this stuff—Patton’s a miracle worker, I swear—but I think it’ll do.”
“Hot chocolate in March?” Logan asked. “It’s fifty degrees outside.”
“Silence,” Roman ordered. “I’m bored and I wanna have sweet stuff. Don’t rain on my parade.”
Logan smiled as Roman began to make them the hot chocolate. Soon they both had a steaming mug of sweet melted chocolate. Logan stirred his and watched the steam curl in the air. Roman watched him out of the corner of his eye, a tentative smile on his face.
“What?” Logan asked.
Roman shrugged. “…Are you gonna drink it?”
Logan blew on the cup and took a sip. The sweetness warmed his throat, and he could feel it traveling to his stomach, making every extremity of his body warmer. Roman had stuck a sprig of peppermint
“It is…satisfactory,” Logan said, taking another sip.
Roman grinned. “Glad you approve, Microsoft Nerd.”
Logan sighed. “Why must you always insult me?”
“Hey, this is how I show my love!”
Jumping on this auspicious phrasing, Logan decided to put his plan into motion. Carefully maintaining his nonchalant tone, he said, “Is it now.”
“Yes!” Roman put his hands on his hips. “You may be insufferable and annoying and completely idiotic sometimes, but I care about you!”
A smile played around Logan’s lips. “Is that how you treat your princes and princesses? Insult them as you rescue them from the tower? I can’t imagine they’d like that very much.”
“Rude.” Roman shoved Logan, almost knocking over his ‘Best Mother Ever’ mug—why did they even have that mug? None of them were female—and giving him a roguish grin. “My romantic endeavors go just fine, thank you.”
“Oh really?” Logan tried to bridge the line between teasing banter and honest curiosity. Come on too strong, and Roman could get suspicious. “I wouldn’t know, you never talk about them.”
Roman shrugged. “I have to have some secrets, don’t I?”
Logan snorted. “Don’t tell me you’re dating someone in secret? A Romeo and Juliet situation, perhaps? I’m sorry to say that Patton might be a bit upset if you were banished for manslaughter.”
“I’m not dating anyone,” Roman said, laughing. Quietly, he added, “Not for lack of trying.”
Logan raised an eyebrow. Roman fidgeted uncomfortably before taking a large sip of hot chocolate and avoiding Logan’s gaze. Unfortunately, that hot chocolate seemed to be too hot. Roman swore, jumping back and batting at his tongue. Logan poured him some water, which he downed. Roman soon recovered enough to begin moaning about his injury and threatening to “get my revenge on this accursed cocoa by any means necessary.” Before Roman could bring out his sword and challenge the mug to an Agni Kai, Logan decided to ask his big question.
“…Roman, do you…I mean, you don’t have to tell me, but…”
Curses, why was this so hard? Roman’s face wrinkled in confusion and concern, eyebrows high.
“…Do you have feelings for anyone?”
Roman laughed lightly. “I have a lot of feelings, Specs. Be more specific.”
“Do you have…romantic feelings?” Logan clutched his cup. “I’m curious. You never speak about relationships in the specific…and you mention trying to date someone. It’s okay if you don’t want to disclose this information, but I would like to understand better.”
Roman sighed, staring into his cocoa. “It’s complicated, Specs.”
“Try me.”
“I…” Roman rubbed his hand across his eyes. “I don’t know. Yes, probably? There’s…someone I have in mind…but…oh, I don’t know. Why do things have to be so confusing? Where’s the line between they’re-just-a-friend and I-may-wanna-date-them? In stories it’s always so clear-cut, and they always fall for just—I mean, it’s always obvious that they like someone. It’s…it’s never been that way for me.”
Logan watched Roman with sympathy. “I can understand that. The line between platonic and romantic attraction is often blurry.”
“I know.” Roman was hunched over, tracing circles on the rim of his mug. “And I sincerely doubt anyone thinks of me that way, so it’s a moo point.”
“…a moot point.”
“That’s what I said.”
Logan chose not to comment. Instead, he said simply, “That’s not true.”
Roman’s head jerked up. “What?”
“That’s not true,” Logan repeated. Maybe he was breaking Virgil’s trust, just a little bit, but he could be vague. And how was he supposed to find out if Roman liked Virgil without bringing Virgil up?
“You mean…someone likes me?” Roman looked disbelieving, far too disbelieving, and Logan reminded himself to have another talk with Patton about Roman’s self-esteem.
Logan nodded. “Yes.”
“I can’t say,” Logan said, raising his mug. “They wouldn’t want me to tell their secret.”
“That’s fair,” Roman said.
Logan took a sip of hot chocolate.
“…it isn’t you, is it?”
And Logan almost spit out said sip of chocolate.
Roman thought—wait, he thought—
This was not good.
Instead of being rational, instead of thinking this through, Logan’s heartbeat skyrocketed and he panicked.
“What?” Logan yelped. “No! No, no, hell no. I would never want to date you.”
Roman looked like he’d been slapped. Hurt blossomed over his face. “Wow, thanks,” he said, the sarcasm sharp with wounded pride. “Glad you think so much of me.”
“No!” Logan set down his coffee and ran his hands through his hair. “That…didn’t…I didn’t mean it like that. I have nothing against you. You’re just…” Excuse, excuse, something, something! “…not my type?”
“Not your type?” Roman looked slightly mollified, and, oh no, now he was smiling in that teasing way of his. “What is your type, then?”
Logan sipped his cocoa and tried to maintain a figurative straight face. “Someone who doesn’t light their hand sanitizer on fire by accident.”
Offended noises followed that statement. “That was one time!” Roman protested. “And it was Remus’ fault!”
“Of course it was.” Logan rolled his eyes. “You two are natural disasters and threats to the peace of this nation.”
“Thank you!”
Logan sighed into his hot chocolate. Silence fell, slightly uncomfortable but not grating.
Finally, Roman asked, “Who is it?”
“I told you,” Logan said, finishing his cocoa and setting down the mug. “I can’t say.”
Roman pouted. “Meanie.”
“You were the one who said it was fair!”
“Well, now I’m curious!” Roman complained. “Can’t you give me a hint?”
Logan looked into Roman’s eyes. “Who do you want it to be?”
A blush rose to Roman’s cheeks. He hurriedly looked away. “I dunno…I mean…”
“I won’t tell anyone.” Logan walked over to the sink and began washing out his mug. “And I do not judge.”
Roman sighed dramatically behind him. “Must you force me into this confession, oh heartless one?”
“I’m not forcing you into anything.”
Another dramatic sigh. “Fine. I—I like—”
And then there was an indistinguishable mumble. Logan turned off the water and looked behind him. “I didn’t catch that.”
“I like Patton,” Roman whispered.
“…and Virgil.”
Logan tried not to let his excitement show. “I…didn’t realize you were polyamorous.”
“I didn’t tell anyone.” Roman shrugged. His voice was strangely brittle. “Until…now, I guess.”
“Well.” Logan walked over and leaned on the counter next to Roman. “…Thank you. For telling me.”
Roman gave a small, insincere smile that quickly vanished. “You don’t think it’s…weird?”
“Of course not.” Logan channeled all his certainty into his words. “Many people are polyamorous. It’s not ‘weird’ any more than it is ‘weird’ for some people to be bisexual, or aromantic, or demisexual. It’s a way of experiencing sexual or romantic attraction that is no less valid than any other.”
“Huh.” That small smile returned, more sincere this time. “Thanks, Specs.”
“It’s no issue.”
“Thanks.” Roman fidgeted slightly. “It’s not fun, you know.”
“What isn’t?” Logan asked.
“I dunno.” Roman waved a hand in his usual flamboyant gesturing, but something about it was ragged. “Liking two people gives double the heartbreak. I’d settle for one of them—I’d love to be with one of them, but it’ll never happen.” Recovering himself, he pressed a hand to his forehead and wilted. “Woe is me, I shall never be loved by my loves.”
Logan chuckled. “How do you know?”
“Well, I did,” Roman clarified. “Now you’ve cruelly given me hope.”
“Cruel indeed.” Logan traced his fingers over the counter. “Imagine, one of the two people you’re closest to might have romantic feelings for you as well. How improbable. It’s not like platonic relationships often lead to romantic ones.”
Roman laughed. “I think you’ve been hanging out with Dee too much.”
“Roman,” Logan said. “It is not out of the picture for at least one of your objects of affection to reciprocate your feelings.” He avoided Roman’s eyes. “I, for one, think you are…a good person. Kind, smart, funny…I can see how someone might fall for you.”
Okay, this was getting into territory he didn’t like. Time to backtrack. “In fact, as you and I know, someone does hold those feelings for you.”
“Is it…one of them?” Roman asked. The hesitant hope in his face was almost heartbreaking.
“I couldn’t tell you,” Logan said. “Even if it was one of them, I wouldn’t know the feelings of the other.”
“Hmm.” Roman furrowed his brow. Then his face lit up. “Hey, Professor Plum?”
“Don’t call me that, the character in the movie Clue is a scoundrel and a disgrace to academia—”
“Miss White,” Roman corrected.
“Hardly better.”
“Wadsworth,” Roman settled on. “Could you—since you know about this—could you find out if either of them—”
Foreboding filled Logan. “Please don’t say you want me to—”
“—play Matchmaker?” Roman smiled sheepishly. “Maybe?”
“Oh, Newton.” Logan rubbed his eyes. “Roman, please say you’re joking.”
“I’m not!” Roman seemed pleased with the idea, the exact opposite of Logan’s feelings on the matter. “You could just ask Virgil and Patton if they like anyone, and see if either of them like me.”
“Roman.” Logan sighed loudly. “There are several fallacies with this plan. For one, I may already have information on them. For another, I would be betraying their trust by telling you. You could not gain any information from this venture and I am not going to be complicit in it—”
“…Please?” Roman asked. “You can just find out if they like anyone else, and then you can tell me if they don’t, if I have a shot, and—”
Something fiery and hot was growing in Logan’s chest. Annoyance or anger? Probably the former, since Roman didn’t mean to do this. Still...it burned.
“—and most likely I won’t, but there are two chances, right? And—”
“—I’m just really curious now, I’m tired of pining—”
“—this is turning into a romantic comedy, it’s painful—”
“Roman, Virgil likes you!”
Roman immediately froze. His eyes widened, then widened even further, until there seemed to be more whites than irises.
Something heavy and cloying twisted in Logan’s stomach. Shame? Guilt? Fear? Something, definitely. He’d betrayed Virgil’s trust.
But on the surface was still annoyance, and Logan let it out.
“He sent me to find out your crush and get me to play Matchmaker! Now you’re asking me to do the same thing, and I am most certainly not creeping behind both of your backs and being a double agent for your silly romantic antics! Please just communicate with each other like adults before I go insane!”
Roman’s mouth was hanging open. He closed it, swallowed, and opened it again.
“…Wait,” Roman said. “…Virgil likes me?”
“Yes.” Logan felt his anger fade.
“…Are you sure?”
“He’s been ranting about your beautiful eyelashes for months, so I’d say I’m pretty sure.”
Roman looked like Logan had smacked him in the face, let loose a flash grenade between his eyes, and began singing All Star in an Elvis costume. “Really?”
Logan wanted to chuck Roman at the wall. “Yes, really. I do not propagate falsehoods, Roman.”
“Wow.” Roman still appeared shell-shocked. “I didn’t expect…I mean…wow.”
“Wow indeed,” Logan said, pushing himself off the counter and heading to the couch. “Do what you will with this information, Roman. My part here is done.”
“Logan…” Roman followed, tossing himself on the couch and grabbing a blanket. “Thanks.”
“It was no problem. In fact, it was my pleasure.” Logan placed himself on the other side of the couch, reaching for the bowl of chips. “I am glad this ordeal is over with.”
“Well, it isn’t yet, Teach.” Roman smiled. “I still need to ask him out. I’m thinking the first day of spring, a garden—”
“Do it now.”
“Do it now,” Logan said. “As soon as Virgil comes back. Before you can A) talk yourself out of it or B) design some ridiculously complicated endeavor that would most likely leave Virgil overwhelmed.”
Roman scoffed. “When have I ever done something like that?”
Logan pointedly glared at him.
Roman sunk into the couch cushions, crossing his arms petulantly. “Fine.”
Roman grabbed the TV remote and turned the TV back on. The loading screen for Pocahontas showed. He pressed play.
“They’ll miss it,” Logan complained.
“We’ll start it over.” Roman’s face was determined in the light of the screen, which accentuated the flop of his brown hair and the firm jaw that swept under his crooked smile. Logan narrowed his eyes, trying to see whether Roman’s eyebrows were anything special. They appeared normal, brown and defined, but maybe from another angle—
“What are you doing?” Roman asked, turning and meeting Logan’s eyes.
“Nothing,” Logan said. “Let’s watch.”
They made it fifteen minutes into the movie before Patton and Virgil returned. Patton had gotten sidetracked with petting a cute dog and the store had a long line. Virgil dumped the popcorn in a bowl and Patton gave Logan and Roman hugs despite seeing them only half an hour before.
“You started already?” Virgil complained.
“Rest easy, Maleficent. We’ll start over.” Roman’s face darkened with a slight blush. “But um…actually…could we talk for a sec? Alone?”
Panic flitted over Virgil’s face. He glanced at Logan, who gave him an encouraging smile.
“O-okay,” Virgil agreed, fidgeting with his hoodie. “Sure.”
“Cool.” Roman led Virgil down the hallway to Patton’s bedroom. “Pat, is it okay if we go in here? My room’s a mess.”
“Sure thing, kiddo!” Patton called. Roman smiled and they walked through the doorway, Roman shutting the door behind them.
“What’re they up to?” Patton asked, settling on the couch next to Logan.
“Can’t tell you that,” Logan said. “I’ve spilled enough secrets today.”
Patton looked at him curiously but apparently decided not to comment.
And they sat in silence, Patton munching on the popcorn, Logan watching the clock and praying whatever was going on, it was good.
After five minutes, Virgil and Roman emerged. Roman was beaming, and Virgil had a small, shy smile on his face. Logan noticed their hands were brushing each other—not intertwined, not yet, but comfortably side-by-side.
Virgil sat next to Logan and Roman sat next to Patton. Patton’s questions about their conversation were brushed off, and Patton soon conceded the issue and turned on the movie again. As Pocahontas sang, Virgil leaned over to Logan and punched him in the arm. Logan hissed in pain. “What was that for?” he whispered.
“Telling him.” Virgil was smirking, however, and Logan knew he was forgiven.
“It worked out, didn’t it?”
“Yeah.” Virgil looked over at Roman, whose smile still hadn’t faded. Roman saw Virgil and smiled even wider, getting a smile in return.
“Yeah, I think it did.”
                                                                                                                               Something was wrong with Patton.
It was about three months since Roman and Virgil had begun officially dating. The amount of pining-based rants had sharply dipped. Unfortunately, they were replaced by what-do-I-wear-to-a-coffee-date rants and holy-shit-we-kissed-Logan-we-kissed-help rants and what-if-he-secretly-hates-me-should-I-break-up-with-him-before-he-does rants. What’s more, he also began receiving more calls and texts from Roman along the lines of “What’s Virgil’s favorite food” and “Does he like park dates” and “He hasn’t texted me back yet does he hate me is he going to break up with me,” so Logan resigned himself to his fate. Dating they might be, adorable and sweet and supportive they might be, but Logan would still have to deal with their gay panic.
However, his somewhat inept support of them had apparently deemed him “Emotionally Competent.” It was a false label and a new label, replacing his old one of “We Ask Him About Stars, Not Feelings.” Logan didn’t feel he deserved this new designation, but like it or not, he was now someone who could Help With Feelings.
That’s why he was the one talking to Patton.
Well, that wasn’t the whole story. It was also because Patton’s strange behavior was mostly limited to Roman and Virgil. He was kind and sweet and cheerful, but his smile always seemed strained when in their company. More often than not, he excused himself from group activities early, only talked to Logan, or even—according to a concerned Virgil—being strangely distant one-on-one. Sometimes Logan spotted Patton staring at Roman and Virgil, an inexplicably sad look on his face, but when confronted he immediately smiled and said it was nothing. Roman and Virgil, worried they had done something wrong, enlisted Logan to discover the source of the problem.
And the newly Emotionally Competent Logan couldn’t say no.
It was Patton, after all. Sweet, lovely, amazing Patton. If something was truly wrong, he would not hesitate to attempt assistance. He cared deeply for Patton. And although his recent behavior didn’t extend to Logan—in fact, by process of elimination, Logan actually ended up being with Patton more than on average—he still wanted the old Patton back.
So, after an afternoon in Patton and Roman’s apartment that consisted of a violently competitive game of Monopoly—Roman tried to place a hotel on a railroad, Patton traded properties with everyone to help them win, and after Logan collected the Free Parking money totaling 564 dollars, Virgil chucked a shoe at his head—Logan decided to stay behind, help Patton clean up the mess, and ask him a few questions.
Patton seemed to be his normal self. He gladly assisted Logan with the cleanup, cracking jokes and telling the story of a very nice cat he’d met at the animal shelter he volunteered for.
“You’re allergic to cats,” Logan pointed out for the twenty-seventh time.
“I know,” Patton said with a pout. “But she was so cute! And her little fluffy ears…she was purr-fect!”
“I do hope you took your medicine.”
“Of course I did, kiddo!”
Logan smiled. “Roman reminded you, didn’t he?”
Patton giggled and booped Logan’s nose. Had they been with company, Logan wouldn’t have allowed such a thing. But Patton was exhilarating, energetic, so full of life, so contagious—and no one could see anyway. He didn’t mind. In fact, he leaned forward and booped Patton back. Patton’s delighted squeal was worth it.
Tossing a few more pieces into the box, Logan debated how he would tackle the issue. He didn’t want to alarm or upset Patton, or force him to tell anything he didn’t want to. What’s more, Patton would probably deny the problem like he often did, pretending everything was fine. Getting around Patton’s emotional wall would be a challenge.
It was a good thing Logan liked challenges.
But he’d been silent for too long. Patton’s face furrowed in a frown, and he leaned forward, tapping Logan on the shoulder. “Are you okay?”
“Of course,” Logan said.
“You just…kinda spaced out there for a sec.” Patton tilted his head. “Anything you wanna talk about?”
Logan closed the box. “Yes. I think so.”
“Well, then.” Patton sat on the carpet and patted the spot next to him. “I’m all ears!”
Logan hesitantly sat next to Patton. “You’re not all ears, you consist of many different organs—”
Patton giggled. “So I ‘ear.”
“Alright then.” Logan decided to let the pun slide. “Patton…I…”
“It’s okay, kiddo.” Patton’s voice was soft. “You can talk to me.”
Then Logan realized. He couldn’t think of this like a puzzle or a mystery like with Roman. Patton responded to emotion. If he wanted results, he needed to have an honest, emotional conversation.
Well, here went nothing.
“Patton, I’m worried about you.”
Patton blinked. A startled laugh escaped his mouth. “Wha—me?”
“Yes.” Logan maintained eye contact—Patton’s eyes were blue, contrasting with his curly blond hair. They reminded Logan of freshwater pools, teeming with life, or the shade of the Earth when seen from space. “You’ve been behaving strangely, and I’m worried. Is everything alright?”
“Well, shucks!” Patton smiled. “I appreciate the concern, kiddo, but I’m doing fine-and-dandy over here. Why are you worried?”
“Because you’ve been distant.” Logan’s eyes were beginning to sting from the prolonged eye contact, but he kept looking at Patton. “You’re avoiding Roman and Virgil. You’re talking to me instead of them. They’ve noticed too, and they’re worried they did something to hurt you. Something that made you…wary. Closed-off.”
Patton’s smile faded for a second. “Ro and Virge? They think I…I’m mad at them?”
“They want to make sure you’re okay.” Logan finally dropped his gaze. “So do I.”
Patton made a little sad noise in his throat. “I…I’m not mad at them! I never meant them to think—they didn’t do anything! They’re wonderful!”
“I’m glad, and I suspected that,” Logan said. “So could you tell me, if they haven’t done anything…why are you avoiding them?”
Patton pressed his lips together. His smile was completely gone now.
“It’s okay if you’re not ready,” Logan said. Carefully, he reached out and touched Patton’s arm. “But I care about you. We care about you. If something is hurting or inhibiting you…we want to help.”
Patton gave a short, shaky nod. “I—”
“Take your time.”
“I—” Patton’s face crumpled. “I’m being stupid.”
“I hardly think so,” Logan said. “If it is distressing you, it is not stupid.”
“Right.” Patton gave a watery smile. “You know, Logan, I never told you how much I like that tie of yours! It adds a lot to your a-tie-re, you should knot think of giving it up en-tie-rly!”
Logan ran his hand down his blue tie. “Thank you, Patton.”
“You’re welcome, kiddo!”
“…but you’re deflecting,” he added softly. Carefully, letting Patton stop him if he wanted to, Logan placed his arm around Patton’s shoulders. “I’m not asking you about my tie. I’m asking about you, Patton.”
Patton’s shoulders began to shake under Logan’s arm, and before he knew it, his best friend was crying into his shirt.
Logan didn’t interrupt. He stroked Patton’s back gently, letting Patton release his tears. After a few minutes of sobbing, Patton hiccupped twice and began to apologize.
“Stop,” Logan murmured. “It’s not your fault. You needed to get that out.”
“I—” Patton began to cry again. “I’m being so selfish—they’re so nice, and wonderful, and they care about each other, they love each other, and I want them to be happy—they’re happy!—so why am I—why do I feel—"
“Breathe, Patton.” Logan lay a hand on Patton’s head and began stroking his hair. Patton clutched Logan’s polo shirt tighter, almost hugging him as he cried. At this point Patton was almost in Logan’s lap, curled into his chest, pressed against Logan’s heart.
“It’s okay,” Logan said, letting Patton’s curls cascade around his hand. “It’s okay. You’re okay.”
“I’m going to ruin it for them—”
“You love them.” Logan kept his voice quiet, giving Patton a chance to back out. “Yes?”
Slowly, Patton nodded.
“Then that is not your fault,” Logan assured him. “You cannot control your feelings any more than…any more than one can stop a river from flowing. Yes, you can dam up the river, but eventually it will break through and cause more damage. The only way to deal with the problem is to go with the flow.” Logan tenderly brushed a few locks of hair from Patton’s head. “You need to ride with the current, Patton. Ignoring the problem and pushing away people you love in the process…that’s repression, and just like with the dam, it will only make things worse when emotions do break through.”
Patton gave a watery giggle. “You’re so smart, Lolo.”
Logan felt something twitch at the nickname—annoyance, probably. Annoyance that made his face burn red. But now was not the time.
“…I have to tell them, don’t I?” Patton asked quietly.
“You don’t have to do anything.” Gently, Logan took Patton’s hands and pulled them from his shirt, folding their fingers together and rubbing his thumbs over the backs of Patton’s hands. “But I would recommend it.”
Patton’s lip wobbled. “What if they hate me? Or they think I’m weird, or—”
Despite himself, Logan smiled. “Any excuse you give me, believe me. I’ve heard it before. When Virgil and Roman didn’t want to confess their feelings. I think we both know how that turned out.”
He got a small, hesitant smile in return. A smile that could outshine the sun.
“They’re so wonderful…” Patton sighed wistfully, staring into nothing. “Virgil…Roman…they just—everything they do, they’re so strong, they—you know how wonderful they are, right, Lo?”
Logan thought of Virgil’s snappy retorts, Roman’s overblown theatrics, and how they seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces. Night and day, moon and sun, yin and yang, opposites that complemented each other and helped each other grow. Virgil, with his wry smile and astute observations and sewing skills. Roman, with the theater he loved so much and the friends he loved even more, always ready to seize the day and create something new. They couldn’t see the worth within themselves, the light that shone in their eyes, but they could see each other’s. And Logan could see theirs.
“Yes, I know.” Logan smiled into Patton’s hair. “At least, I’m starting to.”
                                                                                                                               Despite Patton’s worries, the conversation went well. Roman, of course, was thrilled—he’d loved Patton for months. Virgil, although he admitted he had never thought of Patton that way, was still open to the idea. And after a few months, it was clear he was falling head-over-heels.
It was the three of them now. Virgil-Roman-Patton. Virgil and Roman’s snappy banter and nervous kisses were now complemented by Patton’s boundless compassion and propensity for snuggling. It was not uncommon for Virgil to spend the night at Roman and Patton’s apartment, the three piled on the couch amidst various blankets and pillows, The Emperor’s New Groove playing as they fell asleep.
Of course, despite Logan’s new status as the figurative Fourth Wheel—a misleading term, because four-wheeled mechanisms of transportation were far more common than three-wheeled ones—they still made sure Logan felt included. They still had movie nights, one-on-one conversations, friendly walks to the park or to the store. Logan didn’t begrudge their new need for only-the-three-of-them days. It made sense—they were dating. They wanted time on their own. And it made something in his chest loosen with warmth when he saw them together, smiling and laughing, fitting together like pieces in a puzzle. They were his friends, and he was happy they were happy. Even if ridiculous levels of PDA did make his chest sting a bit.
The day things changed wasn’t a day at all. It was a night, and it was a night in the city, and it was the night Logan realized something very important.
The problem was, it would have been a great night if he hadn’t.
It was fall. The air was nippy and chilled, leaves beginning to lose their chlorophyll and reveal the fiery shades underneath. Virgil was already counting down the days until Halloween—Logan came home from school one day to see him draping spiderwebs across every available surface, bopping along to This is Halloween.
Roman had just landed a part in a local production of Into the Woods—Prince Charming. Virgil jumped on the opportunity for a nickname and soon Prince Charming, or Princey for short, was his pet name for Roman. Roman acted offended, but it was a term of endearment and a reminder of his success as an actor, so Logan guessed he didn’t really mind.
To celebrate, Patton decided they should all go out for dinner together. He recommended a Mexican place downtown, and Virgil and Roman were thrilled. Logan, assuming it was going to be a date, didn’t respond to the invite. That got him yelled at.
Pattoncake: Calm down Ro!!
Pattoncake: it was just a misunderstanding
Pattoncake: but you’re coming right Lolo?
Princey: You’d better
Princey: This is a night to celebrate MY AMAZINGNESS and ALL my favorite people must be there
Emo Nightmare: if u don’t come i’ll probly end up murdering princey for singing agony too much
Pattoncake: okay let’s calm down, no murder on Roro’s big night!
Emo Nightmare: ok I wont kill princey
Emo Nightmare: but ill kill L if he doesn’t show up
Pattoncake: That’s not really better.
Princey: I stand with you Virgil! The nerd shall come or be PUNISHED BY DEATH!
Emo Nightmare: yep
Pattoncake: No!!!!
Pattoncake: if he doesn’t come, that’s okay
Pattoncake: I’ll just eat all his crofters! I’m sure he won’t mind!
Emo Nightmare: holy shit patton’s bringing out the big guns
Lo-bot: Fine. I will come. Please do not threaten me or my jam.
Princey: Wait that worked?
Pattoncake: I know Lolo well!! ;)
Emo Nightmare: okay that was actually kind of terrifying
Lo-bot: Also, please stop calling me LoLo.
Emo Nightmare: quiet lolo
Princey: LMAO already changed your name
Lolo: …Pardon me while I scream.
So Logan went to the date—the not-a-date-anymore, the date-except-Logan-is-here. He met up with Patton and Roman and Virgil, the brisk autumn wind making his cheeks red, wearing a woolen greatcoat and grey checkered scarf. Virgil said he was overdressed for the temperature. Patton said he looked like Sherlock. Roman said that the eighteen-hundreds called and they wanted their nerd back.
Patton was wearing a pale blue shirt and a cardigan with soft jeans. Little cat patterns were sewed on his knees. Virgil had his usual black-and-purple hoodie, and Roman had a red-and-gold jacket over a plain white shirt. They made quite the team, walking down to the restaurant, Roman waving at everyone and Patton running up to pet every dog in the vicinity.
The restaurant’s food was delicious. They got several plates of food and shared them—a pile of roasted chicken, a bean soup, a salad, a bowl of yucca fries, and other wraps and dishes. Roman only sang Agony once, and he kept his volume low.
“What else?” Patton asked as they stretched, bellies full, and made their way to the door. “It’s dark but it’s still early.”
They decided to walk around the city for a while. The lights were on, windows glowing in the dark. Streetlights illuminated their skins, creating halos of light around Patton’s curly hair and Virgil’s smug smile and Roman’s breathless grin. The sidewalk was busy, the roads even busier, but they still had stretches to themselves. It was a wild night, the sort of night that seemed separate from any day before or after it, crisp and clear and alive.
Laughing and talking, the four walked down a few blocks. They had no destination in mind, but there was something to see around every corner. Even though Logan knew this city like the back of his hand, everything looked different in the dark.
“This is wonderful,” Patton breathed. His hand was intertwined with Virgil’s, and he was leaning slightly on Roman’s shoulder. “Thank you guys.”
“No problem, Pop Star,” Virgil muttered fondly.
“Thank you!” Roman exclaimed. “It was your idea, after all.”
Logan opened his mouth to add something, but instead, he stayed silent. He had noticed, all of a sudden, that he was slightly apart and slightly behind the three of them. They walked like a single organism, intertwined and in-step. Logan was tacked on at the end, out of sync.
Not a fourth wheel, but a fourth point on a triangle. A fourth leg on a tripod. A fourth Musketeer. There was a fourth Musketeer, he vaguely remembered from English class, but he wasn’t important. He certainly wasn’t memorable.
The Rule of Three. Everything came in threes—heaven earth underworld, comedy tragedy history, reduce reuse recycle. Virgil-Roman-Patton.
So what if he was the fourth wheel? They wanted him here. They asked him to come. They were still his best friends.
Logan shook off the thoughts and walked faster, joining up with the others again. Conversation had moved on without him, and he struggled to get a sense of the discussion.
“Anywhere we want to go?” Roman was asking.
“I need more ramen,” Virgil said.
“We’re not going grocery shopping on a date—on Roman’s day,” Patton quickly amended. Logan ignored the stab he felt at those words. “And I can just cook some real noodles for you! You need to eat healthier food anyways.”
“Ramen is healthy,” Virgil grumbled.
Logan looked around and saw a bookstore nearby. It was one of his favorites, actually, and the lights were still on. They’d been there before, the four of them looking for birthday presents for each other, hiding books behind themselves and trying to clandestinely pay for them, finding strange books and funny books and books for kids and simply having fun. Patton squealing as Roman picked him up and deposited him on a beanbag, Virgil doing a dramatic reading of Fifty Shades of Grey, Logan purchasing a Ravenclaw robe and refusing to take it off. It was one of Logan’s favorite memories, and afterwards, he’d returned to the bookstore because when he closed his eyes, he could hear their laughter and watch Patton blush and Virgil smirk and Roman gasp and all of them together.
Logan opened his mouth to suggest they go to the bookstore, but Patton had already suggested something else, and Roman was pressing a kiss to Patton’s head and leading them on, and something was twisting in Logan’s throat. Something ugly, choking, white-hot. He remained silent.
Slowly, he drifted away.
Finally he was almost six feet behind them, watching them glow in the street lights, snatches of conversation and laughter drifting back to him. He watched Virgil shove Roman and Roman shove Virgil back, Patton inserting himself between the pair and chiding them.
Logan felt…he felt like something was clawing at his insides. He felt like his breath was labored, something jammed in his throat. He felt a terrible fire kindling in his stomach, and another burning sensation around his eyes. His mouth was dry and his hands were clenched so his knuckles showed white caps of bone.
This wasn’t feeling left-out. This wasn’t just feeling like a fourth wheel. It was something more.
Carefully, Logan peeled back the anger—was it anger? Just pain? Sadness? Fear? He didn’t know, he couldn’t tell, but something was definitely hurting, shattered and broken and piercing his veins.
It was want, crawling through him.
Of course. He wanted things to be normal, he wanted them to be friends without crashing a date every time he came with. He wanted time with them, he wanted—he wanted—
He wanted to be there, under the streetlights, as Patton shivered and Roman pulled his jacket off. Soon Patton was wearing it over the cardigan, a ridiculous combination that he managed to pull off. He wanted to be with them, not six feet behind, getting no glances or acknowledgments. He wanted to slot between them like a piece to their puzzle, feel Roman’s arm as it wrapped around Patton and Virgil, link hands with Patton like Virgil did with Roman, let Patton give a kiss to his cheek like—
Logan stopped dead on the sidewalk.
Oh, shit.
Frantically, he tried to think of another explanation for his feelings. But now that he’d admitted even a sliver of it to himself, a figurative dam broke in his mind. Hundreds of glances, touches, flutterings in the chest, suddenly made sense. Patton, Roman, Virgil, his best friends, who he’d spent years with. Patton’s smile, Virgil’s laugh, Roman’s voice—they were as much a part of Logan as his DNA.
He loved them. He always had.
But…he didn’t just love them as friends, did he?
Friends didn’t want to hold hands with other friends. Friends didn’t want to kiss other friends. Friends didn’t want to walk down a gleaming sidewalk at night, shoulders bumping together, steps all in sync.
Logan was still motionless. Lights glowed around him, but the world seemed blurry and off-kilter. He couldn’t feel the cold on his cheeks or the warmth of his scarf. He closed his eyes and opened them. The world was still disorientating, swimming around him, lights dancing like fish in the ocean.
Up ahead, Roman-Virgil-Patton had stopped at a crosswalk. After a few seconds, Virgil looked back, probably assuming Logan was a few steps behind them. Alarm crossed his face when he realized Logan was still standing in the center of the sidewalk.
Logan tried to shake some sense into himself as Virgil approached. He couldn’t just stand there! They’d get concerned! He took a wobbly step forward, then another. His feet seemed disconnected from his ankles.
“Lo?” Virgil asked. Roman and Patton were behind him, identical expressions of worry on their faces. “Everything okay?”
Logan opened his mouth to say he was fine, they should just continue. But did he want to keep walking with them? Did he want to keep crashing their night, keep staring at what he couldn’t have? They didn’t need him here, that much was obvious. He should just make it easy on them and leave of his own accord.
“I am adequate,” Logan said. “However, I have just realized it is later than I expected. Due to my classes tomorrow that necessitate an early rise, I must ask for permission to conclude this venture.”
Here he went with the overly complex words. Although Logan had a naturally sesquipedalian nature, he noticed a marked increase in long sentences when he was nervous. Hopefully the others would dismiss the verbal tic as ‘Logan being Logan.’
Patton checked his watch and gasped. “Oh my goodness, it is late! Almost ten o’clock already! I’m so sorry, Lolo!”
“It is no trouble,” Logan assured him. “It is only natural that you lost track of time.”
Virgil shrugged. “I guess that’s it, then? We can head back.”
“Aw, come on.” Roman pouted. It looked far less cute when he did it than Patton. “Can’t Specs miss one class for me? The night’s just getting started. Who cares about proper education when you could be with us?”
“My teachers,” Logan pointed out. “And myself.”
“Now, now, Roman!” Patton waggled a gloved finger at his boyfriend. “You gotta respect Lolo’s decision. He’s his own person. And he was very kind to take the evening off to support you.”
“Ugh, fine.” Roman sighed. “Let’s go back.”
Logan frowned. Something tugged at his stomach when he thought about them ending their adventure early on his account. “You can continue on without me. I do not mind.”
“No, it’s okay!” Patton smiled. “It’s about time to turn in!”
“I insist,” Logan said. “I do not want your evening to conclude preemptively due to my own scheduling.”
“It won’t be the same without you,” Roman complained.
Logan couldn’t resist snapping back. “Somehow, I doubt that.”
Virgil and Patton glanced at each other. Fortunately, they decided not to comment. Virgil only said “Be careful walking home on your own. Text me when you get back.”
“I will. Thank you for your concern.” Logan stuffed his fingers in his pockets and turned away. “I hope you have a wonderful night.”
“Bye!” Patton called, waving frantically.
“Farewell!” Roman proclaimed.
Virgil gave his customary two-fingered salute.
Logan simply raised a hand in return, turning the corner and walking out of sight.
And the universe granted him a small boon—it began to rain, softly and gently on the concrete. Soon Logan was dripping wet, droplets sliding down his face.
When he began to cry, he knew no one could tell. His tears were hidden by the rain.
So Logan Mackenzie let himself cry.
                                                                                                                                Logan could not avoid the others. He lived with Virgil, after all, and Roman and Patton both loved attention and were intuitive enough to pinpoint when something was wrong. So Logan knew it was fruitless to try and push them away. They would only get suspicious, concerned, and hurt.
Still, illogical as he knew it was, he tried.
For three days he didn’t answer his phone. He didn’t speak with Roman or Patton. When Virgil knocked on his door or asked him questions, he fielded them with monosyllabic replies and assertions of “Everything is fine, I am just caught up with studying.” Virgil didn’t buy it—of course, of course he didn’t buy it, he was so smart and perceptive and that was one of the millions of reasons Logan loved him, and here he went down that rabbit hole again.
It was like realizing his feelings had opened a figurative floodgate. Roman, Patton, and Virgil were on his mind all the time. He drank coffee and was reminded of Roman’s cocoa. He wrestled with math equations and remembered tutoring Virgil in high school. He closed his eyes at night and thought of Patton, curled up by his side.
Logan couldn’t take it.
Once in a while he checked his phone. The long lines of worried texts from Patton and Roman made something squeeze in his chest. He waited for them to inevitably peter out and stop. They didn’t.
They probably thought he was sick or dying or something. Hadn’t Virgil told them he was perfectly fine? Sure, they may have assumed he was suffering from some sort of emotional problem, but did that really deserve all this concern?
Finally, after a particularly desperate bout of texting around midnight, Logan wrote back. He kept it short and simple.
Lolo: In response to your queries, I am doing well. Please cease your attempts to contact me. Thank you.
Logan honestly didn’t expect them to write back. He’d given them an easy out from the situation. They no longer had to feel guilty about him and could go about their lives.
Princey: WHAT
Pattoncake: Kiddo are u okay?
Pattoncake: u know we love u, right?
Emo Nightmare: call me
Pattoncake: you’re our friend
Emo Nightmare: logan please call me
Emo Nightmare: now
Logan swallowed. Slowly, he dialed Virgil’s number.
Virgil picked up on the first ring. “Dude, what the hell?”
“No. Shut up. I’m going to keep talking.” Virgil paused and sighed. “L…we’re really worried about you.”
“Where are you?” Logan asked.
“Ro and Pat’s.”
Logan bit his lip. “Of course.”
“I can come home.” A loud rustling sounded from Virgil’s end. “I’m putting on my jacket, I can be there in ten—”
“Not necessary, Virgil.” Logan ran his fingers through his hair. He’d prefer it if he didn’t have to see Virgil’s face at all, with the soft purple bangs hanging over his dark eyes and the light freckles he pretended he didn’t have and—
Off topic.
“I just…” Virgil’s voice was soft and concerned, and Logan cursed himself for making that worry appear. “This is so sudden, L. Did we do something? Are you mad?”
“I’m not mad!” Logan hastily said. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Then what?” Virgil asked. “I…look, L, if we made you feel—uncomfortable, or anything, I’m sorry…”
“You seemed pretty out-of-it when we celebrated with Roman, I guess I just assumed.” Virgil paused. “You’re my friend too, and I care about you. No matter if I’m dating you or not.”
“Right.” Logan swallowed. “What about Patton and Roman?”
“What about them?” Virgil asked incredulously. “They’ve been texting you frantically for the past three days, Patton’s stressbaked enough food to end world hunger twice over, and Roman’s temper is on a hair trigger. You really think they don’t feel the same way I do?”
Logan ran his thumb across his phone case. “No, I—”
“You what, L?” Virgil’s voice dropped. “Please. I’m worried about you. Just…talk to me.”
What could Logan say? That he suddenly realized he had been harboring crushes on his three best friends for perhaps a year and a half? That he didn’t want to see them again because it would only deepen the infatuation and he was bound to give himself away or look like a fool? That he didn’t want to make his friends uncomfortable, because it would be nothing but awkward if the truth did come to light?
“It’s complicated.” Logan sighed. “I…I have a few things I need to figure out, Virgil. Just…can you give me some more time? A week?” That wouldn’t be enough time to suffocate his affections entirely, but it could allow him to think of a better game plan. “Stay at Patton and Roman’s apartment for a while. I know you do that often anyway. I just…I need some time alone.”
Virgil was silent for a few seconds. “Can you promise Patton’s three rules? You’re not hurting anyone, no one’s hurting you, you’re not hurting yourself?”
Logan channeled all his certainty into his voice. “No one is being harmed. This is not a matter of such grave importance. It is just an—identity issue.”
“Well, alright. If you say you need it.” Virgil didn’t sound fully convinced. “You can always call me or Pat, okay? There’s extra food in the freezer, make sure you have your full meals and go to bed at a reasonable time, okay?”
“Virgil, it is currently one in the morning.”
Virgil paused. “Huh. So it is.”
Logan clapped a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter.
“Whatever. My point still stands. Go to bed.” Logan could almost hear Virgil’s smirk. “Always keeping me on my toes, aren’t you, L?”
“You don’t need any help with that,” Logan said.
“True, I’ve got the anxiety.” Virgil clicked his tongue. “So…well…I guess that’s that, then? Call me anytime, eat your veggies, brush your teeth, listen to your parents?”
Logan huffed. “I should be telling you that instead.”
“Shut up,” Virgil said. “You’ll be okay?”
“I…” Logan hesitated. “I hope so.”
“Me too,” Virgil muttered. “Because I love Patton’s baking, I promise, but I’ve eaten more cookies than should be humanly possible. I don’t think my hoodie will fit anymore.”
Logan laughed again. “I will take that into account.”
“All right.” Virgil’s voice dipped. “Love you, L.”
It was a simple phrase. They said it all the time, platonically. It was a way of expressing affection, and although Logan had trouble verbalizing feelings and Virgil had trouble showing emotional vulnerability, they had both gotten better at the phrase over the years. It slipped out easily now, with barely a second thought. Of course he loved Virgil. And Patton and Roman.
But in light of recent revelations, even such a simple phrase made Logan’s heart simultaneously speed up and stop altogether. These cardiopulmonary abnormalities were highly irritating.
“I…” Logan’s mouth was dry. “Thank you, Virgil.”
Before Virgil could respond, he tapped the End Call button and tossed his phone on the desk, closing his eyes and rubbing his hand down his nose. That was a disastrous phone call if he’d ever participated in one.
At least he got a week to figure things out. Perhaps he could find a way to hide his feelings or better yet, get rid of them altogether. Perhaps he could land a job in Tokyo and move across the world and never have to face them again.
Perhaps he was being a tad dramatic.
A week without the others. This would be good for him, he told himself. He would enjoy it. It didn’t matter that he found himself dreading a week without Virgil’s dry sarcasm and tendency to sit everywhere except on chairs, Roman’s incessant singing of Disney songs and inability to remember history if it wasn’t events in Hamilton or Les Miserables, or Patton’s favorite cat hoodie and his weekly “experiment” meals where he added lots of cumin or onion to a dish and the others had to taste the aftermath. It didn’t matter that he would eat alone, do his homework alone, watch movies alone. That was exactly what he wanted.
Suddenly, the apartment felt very empty.
Logan turned off his lights, changed into his pajamas, and tucked himself into bed. It was a long time before he slept.
He did not spend a week alone.
He spent the first four days of the week alone, burying himself in his studies and rereading Murder on the Orient Express whenever he got too bored. Despite his promise to Virgil, he stayed up later and later and mostly ate energy bars, leftover ramen, and a few strawberries from a jumbo pack of strawberries Patton had bought. Virgil did not call or text him. Roman called him once, leaving a voicemail that said “Is the Mona Lisa only famous because it was stolen? Virgil and I disagree on the matter.” Logan did not call him back.
Patton kept texting him, however. Perhaps Virgil hadn’t explained that Logan wanted to be left alone, or perhaps Patton had simply disregarded the instructions entirely. Whatever the case, Patton continued to send him Patton Texts™ at random times. A Patton Text™ was a text sent with the express purpose of cheering someone up, usually consisting of a cute animal picture, a clean meme, a fun news story, a dad joke, or, occasionally, a dirty meme. Patton Texts™ didn’t require a response, a purpose, or any sort of context. They just existed. It was, Logan had to admit, rather sweet.
On the fourth day, Logan woke up to a photo of a kitten with its head stuck inside a box, a horrible pun (What do you call a country where everyone drives a pink automobile? A pink carnation!) and a reminder that he needed to ‘TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF OR I WILL PHYSICALLY FIGHT U.’ Throughout the day, Patton sent him several cute cat videos. Despite himself, Logan always paused and watched them.
One part of him whispered that Patton only watched cat videos when he was sad. Logan tried his best to ignore that part.
It was late that evening when he got a text. Assuming it was another Patton Text™, Logan paused the documentary he was watching and pulled out his phone. However, it wasn’t Patton. It was a direct text from Virgil.
Virgil Conroy: L call me
Logan frowned. Why was Virgil contacting him? He had promised to respect his wishes. He wouldn’t text him unless—
Unless something was seriously wrong.
Quickly dialing Virgil’s number, Logan sprung up from the couch and tugged on his shoes.
It took five rings for Virgil to respond. When Logan said “Hello?” he got no answer.
“Virgil?” Logan asked. Listening closely, he could hear Virgil’s breathing. It was far too fast and frantic. In the distance, there was a loud thud, then another. Virgil began to breathe even faster.
“Virgil, can I assume you are suffering from an anxiety attack?”
There was no response.
“Virgil.” Logan grabbed his keys and dashed out the door, practically flying down the steps. “Tap the phone once for no and twice for yes.”
A pause, then a hesitant tap. Then another.
“Okay.” Logan walked down the sidewalk, weaving around people and taking the crosswalks at a run. “Can you breathe for me? In for 4, hold for 7, out for 8?”
A shuddering, deep breath. Logan started counting, still going as fast as he could. He barely needed to focus on the route—he knew the way to Patton’s apartment as well as the way to his own.
“You’re doing so great,” Logan said, rounding a corner. “You’re doing wonderfully, Virgil. Can you tell me five things you can see?”
“Um—” Virgil’s voice was shaky. “Uh, floor. Bed. My…my Nightmare Before Christmas posters. Window. Door.”
“Good. Four things you can feel?”
“Hoodie.” Virgil swallowed. “Floor. H-hair. Um…tears?”
“Okay.” Logan watched the traffic lights and bolted for the other side as soon as the walk signal glowed white. “Three things you can hear.”
“Traffic outside. B-birds.” Virgil sniffed. “Roman throwing stuff in the bedroom.”
That wasn’t good. Logan kept his voice level. “Two things you can smell?”
“Popcorn and burnt cookies?”
“And one thing you can taste.”
Virgil sighed. “Popcorn.”
“Great.” Logan slowed down as a mass of people crowded past him. “How do you feel?”
“N-not great, L. Obviously.” Virgil chuckled. “Um. Sorry for texting you, it was on instinct, I know you didn’t want to be bothered—”
“It is no trouble,” Logan insisted. “Your wellbeing is extremely important to me and I am glad I could assist.”
“Virgil?” Logan asked.
“You do not have to, but…could you tell me what happened?”
Logan heard Virgil shift. “Argument,” he finally said. “Bad one.”
“Ro and Pat were yelling a lot. I think Pat started crying. He’s in the bathroom now, I wanted to help him but all the yelling set me off, and—”
“Take a deep breath,” Logan said. “You did everything you could. Taking care of yourself is important, and you were very brave in reaching out. I’m—I’m proud of you.”
A siren wailed next to Logan as he jogged down the sidewalk. He was only a minute from Virgil’s apartment now.
“What was that?” Virgil asked.
“Wh—” Virgil paused. “L, where are you?”
“I—” Logan looked around. “Oak Street?”
“Why on earth are you—”
“Give me a second, all right?” Logan pulled the phone from his ear. “I’ll talk in a second.”
Then he ran, leaping over cracks in the sidewalk and hurtling past trees, ignoring the confused looks of bystanders. The streetlights flashed above him, the sidewalk sparkling in the neon glow. Cars raced past him, careening through the night, headlights illuminating the haze. The windows and doors of the city rowhomes blurred together.
Finally, Logan skidded to a stop and climbed up the stairs to a brownstone at the end of the road. Slipping his hand under the small dog statue, he grabbed the key and turned it in the lock. The hallway was empty as he crept past the downstairs apartments, taking the stairs two at a time.
Patton’s apartment was unlocked. Logan didn’t bother knocking. The living room was empty, the TV still playing a paused scene from Lilo & Stitch, an abandoned popcorn bowl and pile of blankets on the couch. The kitchen lights were on, a few cookies left on the stove. The bathroom and bedroom doors were closed. A loud thump came from the bedroom on the far side. It sounded like someone punching a pillow, and indeed, that was probably the cause.
Logan pulled out his phone again. Talking quietly so as not to disturb anyone, he asked Virgil, “You’re in the bedroom?”
Logan walked forward and knocked on the bedroom door.
There was shuffling behind it, Virgil muttered “Just a sec,” and the door was opened. Virgil stood there, hoodie half-fallen from his shoulders, eyes red and hair mussed. He looked Logan up and down, mouth falling open.
“Did you—run here?”
Logan shrugged. Now that he was standing still, he realized how out-of-breath he was. “Yes.”
“I…” Virgil stared at him. “Wow.”
“You…” Logan reached out. “May I touch you?”
Logan placed a hand on Virgil’s shoulder. “How do you feel now?”
“Better.” Virgil fidgeted with the sleeve of his hoodie, but Logan noticed he leaned into the touch. “Definitely calmer. I—hearing your voice helped.”
“I’m glad I could assist.” Logan pressed a thumb gently into Virgil’s back. “Can I get you some tea? You can sit on the couch while I make it, maybe listen to some music?”
Virgil paused and nodded.
“Good.” Logan led Virgil to the couch and gave him a few of the blankets and pillows. Virgil rolled his eyes but dutifully cozied up in the corner. Logan spared a moment to appreciate the adorableness of Virgil curled up like a burrito, pulling on his headphones, before he was off to the kitchen and brewing some tea. Chamomile, he decided, would be just the thing. As the water boiled, he pulled out his phone again and texted Patton.
Lolo <3: Patton, could you come out of the bathroom? I am making Virgil some tea and I assume you could benefit from it as well.
After a minute, his phone vibrated with a response.
Patton O’Rourke: ur here????
Patton O’Rourke: I thought u were havin alone time
Lolo <3: Circumstances change. Please emerge whenever you are comfortable.
Logan returned to the tea, finding four mugs and setting them out. Behind him, he heard a door creak open. Without turning around, he said, “Hello, Patton.”
“H-hey, Lolo.” Patton shuffled forward. “I can help with the tea.”
“That is fine,” Logan said, shooting Patton a reassuring smile. “Thank you for the offer, but I would rather you just sit with Virgil. I’m sure he’d love the company.”
Patton looked apprehensively at Virgil, as if afraid he would deny it. Virgil gave Patton a small wave and scooted over on the couch. Patton delicately sat on the other end, clutching his hoodie.
Soon the teapot whistled and Logan poured the tea into the four mugs. Bringing three of them to the couch, he handed one to Virgil and one to Patton. The third he placed on the coffee table.
“Is that for you?” Patton asked.
Virgil gave Logan a disbelieving look. “He’s been throwing shit around for the past half an hour. You’re not getting him out for tea, dude.”
“Not immediately, no.” Logan sat on the floor across from them. “Drink. It’ll help.”
Virgil sipped at his tea. Patton stared into the mug and didn’t move.
“Patton?” Logan reached forward and placed a hand on his leg. “Would you like to talk?”
“I—” Patton clenched his teeth. “No, I—I’m fine—”
“Patton.” Logan stood up again and sat next to Patton on the couch. “You just went through an upsetting situation and many harsh words may have been exchanged. It is perfectly reasonable—in fact, it is encouraged—to react and experience emotions about this event.”
Patton shivered. “I—”
“Would you like me to hug you?”
Patton paused and nodded.
Logan carefully placed an arm around Patton’s shoulders, taking the mug of chamomile tea from his hand. Virgil politely avoided staring as Patton fell into Logan’s side, burying his face in Logan’s shirt. His shoulders began to shake, and Logan heard him start to cry.
Tilting himself carefully, Logan pulled Patton into his lap and placed a hand behind his head. One traitorous part of himself noticed how close they were, but Logan successfully shunned it. Patton seemed very small in his arms.
“Thank you, Patton,” Logan murmured.
Patton hiccupped. “F-for what?”
“For crying. It sounds like you need this, and I’m proud of your ability to release your emotions.”
“Sure.” Patton laughed bitterly into Logan’s chest. “You’re proud of the fact I can cry. That says a lot about me, doesn’t it?”
“Yes, but that is not necessarily a negative thing.” Logan reached over and began stroking Patton’s hair. “You have struggled with this in the past, and for you, this is an achievement. That doesn’t mean you’re lesser than anyone else. Your problems are your problems. Everyone has issues with some things.” Logan smiled. “Look at me, for instance.”
“If you—” Patton sniffled. “Talk bad…I will fight…”
“I know.” On instinct, Logan leaned forward and placed a kiss on Patton’s forehead. “Why don’t we leave that for later, okay? For now, do you think you could give Virgil a turn? Though I love cuddling with you, I need to check on Roman.”
Patton didn’t move. “Virgil…don’t wanna…wanna bother…”
“He’s right here, Patton.” Logan glanced at Virgil, who was still pointedly giving them space. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”
“He…” Patton hiccupped again. “Is he mad?”
“What?” Virgil gave up on pretending to ignore them. “Pat, no!”
“I know we…we were really loud…” Patton began to cry again. “And you got upset, and I couldn’t check on you…and I w-would understand if you h-hated me, we w-were s-stupid…I-I…”
Virgil looked shocked. “God, Pat, are you kidding? I couldn’t hate you!”
Patton simply cried louder.
“Can I…?” Virgil motioned to Patton, and Logan carefully uncurled Patton’s arms from his torso and shifted him down the couch to Virgil. Virgil reached out and Patton immediately collapsed into him, tucking his head into Virgil’s shoulder.
“Oh, Pat.” Virgil rubbed Patton’s back. “You made a mistake, but that’s okay. I’m not mad. I could never be mad at you, you’re the best fucking boyfriend ever. Don’t tell Roman.”
Patton looked up and gave a watery chuckle. “L-language, kiddo.”
“There he is. There’s my favorite Pat.” Virgil smiled softly and wiped a tear from Patton’s face. “I love you, okay?”
Patton smiled back and snuggled into Virgil’s hoodie. “Love you too.”
Logan quickly looked away, ignoring the rush of emotions in his stomach. Getting to his feet, he took the final mug from the coffee table and headed to the bedroom. The door was locked and he could hear nothing behind it.
Logan knocked on the door. “Roman?”
No response.
“Roman, could you please open the door?”
After a pause, someone mumbled “Go ‘way, Virgil.”
“This is not Virgil,” Logan said. “This is Logan.”
He jumped out of the way as the door flew open. Roman stood there, pajamas rumpled and eyes red, looking at Logan like he was the reincarnation of Nikola Tesla.
“Where—” Roman closed his eyes and opened them again. “When did you get here?”
“A few minutes ago. Virgil texted me.” Logan held out the mug. “Would you like some tea?”
Roman squinted suspiciously at the tea. “What kind?”
“Chamomile. I thought it would help calm everyone down.”
“Oh, that’s my favorite—” Abruptly, Roman shook his head. “No! I’m mad at you!”
“You are?” Logan kept his voice level.
“I was unaware.” Logan glanced towards Patton and Virgil, but they didn’t seem disturbed by the yelling. Virgil had slipped his headphones over Patton’s ears and was watching him fondly. “Why are you angry with me?”
Roman folded his arms and his face flushed. “’Cause you’re a fucking asshole!”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “Interesting. Why do you think of me this way?”
“Don’t give me that sarcastic shit.”
“I was not intending to be sarcastic.” Logan waved a hand at himself. “You know I am not the best with sarcasm.”
“Shut up!”
Logan mimed zipping his lips and tossing the figurative key.
Roman rubbed his eyes. “You just waltz in here after like eternity days and knock on my door like ‘Hey what’s up remember me I exist.’ Like, what the fuck, Specs?”
“Unless I was mistaken, you agreed to the temporary separation,” Logan said. “Could you explain why it upset you?”
“I’m not upset!” Roman snapped. “I’m pissed! Can’t you tell?”
Logan looked at the tear tracks running down Roman’s face and his angry red snarl. “The two things are not mutually exclusive.”
“Get out of here with your science talk!” Roman growled. “Actually, hey, good idea! Get the fuck out in general. Leave.”
“Patton and Virgil wish me to be here,” Logan said, taking a deep breath and retaining his calm tone. Getting exercised would do no one any good. “Unless you have a solid reason for my departure, I shall remain.”
Roman frowned and violently scrubbed at his eyes. “I don’t want you here.”
“I’ve gathered.” Logan clasped the mug of tea in both hands, steam warming his fingers. “I understand your feelings about the situation. But I would like to understand the cause better. Why did my abstaining from social contact upset you?”
“’Cause you can’t just do that!” Roman burst out. “You can’t just up and walk out of the friend group! It’s not a normal thing to do!”
“Were you worried about me?” Logan asked. “Were you worried about my emotional or physical wellbeing? You should know that if something was seriously wrong, I would always tell you and the others.”
“I know, I—” Roman sighed. “I just—it came out of nowhere.” His voice tightened. “And what am I supposed to think? That you suddenly decided you wanted to be a hermit?” Roman’s hands balled into a fist. “I just don’t get it! If I did something wrong, have the fucking decency to admit it to my face!”
The last sentence was almost a shout. Virgil looked over at Logan, concern in his eyes. Logan gave him a reassuring nod before turning back to Roman, who looked about to throw something.
“Is that the problem?” Logan asked. “Do you think it was your actions that led to the situation?”
Roman glared at him.
“It wasn’t your fault, Roman.” Logan took a step forward, and Roman’s hands dug into the doorframe. “It was a personal issue of mine and I should have conveyed that better.”
Roman’s glare deepened.
“Is that what led to the argument?” Logan murmured. “Because you don’t need to stake your personal worth on my actions. I currently, and have always, considered you an amiable companion and a wonderful friend.”
Something in Roman’s expression broke.
Logan carefully set the mug down on the carpet. “Roman, would you like a hug?”
Roman eyed him warily. Logan opened his arms.
Roman rocketed into his grasp, grabbing at his shirt and burying his face in Logan’s shoulder.
“Alright. Alright.” Taking a page out of Virgil’s book, Logan rubbed circles on Roman’s back. “I have you, okay? I’ve got you.”
“I—” Roman’s voice choked up, and now he was crying. He cried differently than Patton, loudly and almost dramatically. “I—I th-thought you decided you d-didn’t like us anymore—I thought I—d-did something—you f-finally got t-tired of me—”
“I could never get tired of you,” Logan said. “Who else can debate about iambic pentameter with me? Patton still thinks it’s a weird flavor of ice cream.”
Roman gave a choked laugh that soon dissolved into more sobs.
“I love you,” Logan said, ignoring the flip in his stomach. “I love you, Roman. I love all of you.” His heart ached to leave it there, but his traitorous mouth added “You are my best friends.”
Roman’s hands squeezed tighter around Logan’s waist. Logan slipped one of his hands under Roman’s and grasped it lightly.
“Do you want to go to the couch now?” Logan asked. “You are rather heavy and I feel we could best continue this hug sitting down and perhaps with your boyfriends.”
Roman froze. “I don’t wanna.”
“Are you worried they’ll be mad at you?”
The way Roman pressed his face into Logan’s shoulder was answer enough.
“Virgil! Patton!” Logan called. Virgil looked over and Patton took off his headphones. “Roman has something he would like to say to you.”
“I d-do?”
“Yes.” Logan pulled his chin up. “You will apologize, and they will forgive you. Then you can cuddle together.”
“I—” Roman glanced at the others. “I—Pat? Virge?”
“Yeah, kiddo?”
“I—” His face crumpled. “I’m so sorry, I—I got insecure and I was mean to you and I love you, I love you so much, I’m so sorry—”
Patton smiled. “I love you too, Ro. I forgive you—if you’ll forgive me?”
Roman wiped his eyes. “Of course.”
Virgil gave him a half smile. “It’s alright, Princey. I’m an idiot sometimes too.”
“C’mon over!” Patton added. “There’s more than enough room.”
Logan nodded, picking the mug back up and placing it in Roman’s hand. “Go ahead.”
With a grateful glance, Roman shuffled over to the couch. Patton held out an arm and Roman fell next to him, cuddling into his side. Virgil smiled and took Roman’s hand.
Logan spared a moment to watch them curl closer—they were so sweet—then walked over to the TV.
“You’ll probably be tired,” he said, grabbing the remote and closing Lilo & Stitch. “So we should put on something relaxing so you can fall asleep. Do you want to try a nature documentary? I find them quite calming in times of distress, as long as we choose to avoid the parts about global warming. Here’s an episode about lemurs. Would you like to watch that?”
Patton nodded, already dozing off in Virgil’s arms. Roman gave Logan a thumbs up.
Logan started the player. “Okay. Since you’ll be falling asleep here, we should minimize the uncomfortable nature of the couch.” He walked down the hallway and opened the linen closet, bringing back some extra blankets, comforters, and pillows. “Feel free to use these. If Virgil wishes, I can bring him anything he needs from our apartment. I’m aware you already have your headphones, but do you want your weighted blanket?”
Virgil paused and shook his head.
“Alright, thank you for clarifying.” Logan turned down the brightness of the TV. “That won’t hurt your eyes as much—Patton, take off your glasses, there you go—and I can turn off the lights throughout the apartment and lock the door on the way out. Is there anything else you need?”
Roman took a sip of tea, pulling a blanket over his legs. “Um, I think we’re good, Specs.”
“Lolo?” Patton shifted, hair covering his face. “Can I—um, I’d like—”
Logan smiled. “Let me guess. Your panda pillow?”
Patton smiled back.
“Of course. I’ll be right back.” Logan walked into Patton’s bedroom and took the soft panda pillow from the bed. Patton immediately brightened when he saw it and tucked it under his head, nestling into place with a soft sigh. The three of them were entangled now, legs intertwined. Patton rested on Virgil’s shoulder, Roman curled into Patton’s side, and Virgil’s arm stretched across the back of the sofa so he could hold hands with Roman.
“Is everyone all set to go?”
Roman sleepily nodded. The TV showed lemurs hopping back and forth. Virgil’s headphones were on again, his eyes trained on the screen.
“Good.” Logan turned off the kitchen lights and closed the open doors. “Then I will be going. I hope you have a pleasant rest and you can call me if you need me.”
Patton shifted, frowning. “You’re…leaving?”
“Well, yes.” Logan pressed his lips together. “The problem is concluded to the best of my ability, so I assumed I would take my leave.”
Virgil met his eyes. “Stay? Please?”
Heat seared across Logan’s face as Patton reached out and made little grabby hands.
Sighing—he couldn’t tell them no, he knew that, it was a physically impossible concept when they were so sleepy and soft and adorable and Newton was he hopeless—Logan moved back over and carefully placed his glasses on the coffee table. Patton tugged him into the pile of blankets, and after a few moments of maneuvering, Logan was secured firmly in the middle of the couch. On his left, Patton cuddled up to him, pressing into his shoulder and humming with contentment. Roman wrapped an arm around his shoulders and Virgil gave Logan’s hair a ruffle. On the screen, the narrator talked about the eating habits of lemurs. Everything was a blur without his glasses. The blankets and pillows were soft and warm and heavy. Patton was breathing slowly, his hair rustling with each exhale. Roman was watching the lemurs, a small smile on his face. Virgil closed his eyes and bobbed his head to his music.
Logan hadn’t realized how tired he was. It was probably the lack of sleep and his ruined circadian rhythms. Definitely not the comforting weight of others near him, reminding him that he was safe, not alone, loved.
Closing his eyes, Logan succumbed to sleep.
                                                                                                                               Logan wasn’t really awake.
He wasn’t asleep either, because he could hear Virgil shift and the strains of the credit sequence for the TV show—it wasn’t the same show he’d left on, he noticed, so time must have passed. But he was tired, and warm, and happy, and he didn’t want to open his eyes. He just wanted to sink back into sleep. The blankets were heavy around him, something soft was under his head, a comforting weight in his hair and oh, it was moving, someone was scratching his head, why hadn’t he tried this before it felt absolutely heavenly—
The fingers pressed into his scalp and Logan whined, leaning into the touch. When was the last time he let someone near him? He’d started refusing hugs a while ago after the three of them started dating. He didn’t realize he missed it so much.
Someone chuckled above him. “You’re so adorable when you’re sleeping.”
“Who’s adorable?” said another sleepy voice.
“Look at Logan.”
A muffled squeal came from his left. “Aww, he’s all curled up!”
“Watch this,” Roman said—that was Roman, right? Oh no, was he cuddling with Roman? He needed to wake up, he needed to stop being in this compromising position—
Roman was scratching his head again, and all coherent and rational thought flew out the figurative window.
Logan whined again. He couldn’t help himself. Patton squealed even louder. “He’s so adorable!”
“I know, right?” Roman’s voice was softer than Logan had ever heard, except maybe when addressing Virgil or Patton. “He’s the cutest.”
“And so helpful,” Patton added. “We need to thank him later, guys. Like, serious surprise party thank-you cookies and fun-times thank you.”
“He fixed everything, didn’t he? He knew exactly how to help.” Roman shifted, and before Logan knew it, he’d gotten a small kiss on the bridge of his nose. “Thanks for everything, you amazing little nerd.”
“Yeah,” Virgil said. Right—Virgil. Virgil was there. His voice was hoarse with sleep. “I don’t know what we’d do without him—”
Virgil paused.
“Kiddo?” Patton asked. “You alright?”
“What?” Roman asked, jostling Logan. “What’s wrong?”
“I—” Virgil hesitated. “I think I figured something out.”
“What is it?” Patton asked.
And Logan tried to prick his ears for the answer, but sleep overcame him again, and he fell into darkness with Roman holding him upright.
                                                                                                                               Logan needed coffee.
Extricating himself from the blankets, he saw that Virgil, Patton, and Roman had already left the couch and were discussing something in one corner of the kitchen. Blearily, he wiped his eyes and placed his glasses on his face. The sharper focus revealed a pensive look on Virgil’s face, an excited look on Patton’s, and a nervous look on Roman’s.
Logan stumbled to his feet and headed for the coffee maker. Their conversation was none of his business. He also had a vague memory of cuddling up to Roman, which made his face flush every time he recalled it, so he would rather avoid talking to them until the embarrassment wore off.
The conversation abruptly stopped when Logan approached. That was odd, but Logan was too sleepy to remark on it. Wow, was it nine o’clock already? Good thing he had no classes until three.
Filling a mug with coffee, he downed a few mouthfuls and felt the caffeine buzz through him. Feeling more awake, he turned to the others, only to find they were staring at him.
“What?” he asked self-consciously. He touched his hair to see if it was mussed. It was. He combed it roughly with his fingers, but a few locks still stuck up in the air.
“Um—” Roman squeaked. “Nothing!”
“Do I have something on my face?” Logan looked between Patton, who had a sheepish grin, Roman, who was blushing furiously, and Virgil, who stared at the ground. “What is happening?”
“Just tell him how you feel,” Virgil muttered to himself, clenching his fists. “There’s no good reason not to.”
“What?” Logan placed his coffee on the counter. “Is everything alright? Is there a problem?”
“L?” Virgil glanced at the others, who gave him encouraging glances. “I—we. We need to tell you something.”
“Well.” Virgil fiddled with his jacket. “I guess I’ll just spit it out then? I…we…why did you make me do this, guys? I’m terrible at it!”
Roman snorted. “Well, I’m certainly not doing it!”
“You can do this, kiddo.” Patton smiled at Virgil. “We’ve got your back.”
“Take your time, Virgil.” Logan looked at him with concern. “There’s no pressure.”
“I just—” Virgil screwed his eyes shut. “I don’t want this to ruin anything.”
“I doubt it would ruin anything,” Logan said. “Unless you’ve committed a serious felony or have secretly been a flat-earther this entire time, I think our relationship will survive.”
Roman snickered.
“Right. Okay.” Virgil bit his lip. “Well. On the subject of—relationships…”
Logan nodded and ignored the jolt that passed through his subjects.
“It’s like a Band-Aid, you’ve just got to rip it off.” Virgil clenched his fists. “Weallfiguredoutwekindasortalikeyoumorethanafriend!”
Logan blinked. “What?”
“We like you,” Patton clarified. “Romantically.”
“Oh, there you are,” Virgil mumbled, eyes still closed. “You couldn’t have stepped in earlier?”
Logan’s brain seemed to have short-circuited. Logan.exe had crashed. “What?”
“I don’t know how we could make it clearer, Specs.” Roman was smiling, but his tone betrayed a hint of nervousness. “You’re cute and we wanna date you.”
“Only if you want to!” Patton added hastily. “We don’t want to pressure you into anything and I know you probably don’t think of us that way, or at least not all of us, but we thought we should clear the air and admit it.”
Logan opened his mouth and closed it.
“So…” Virgil shifted. “Yeah, L. What they said.”
Finally, Logan found his voice. “How long?”
“What?” Patton asked.
“How long have you…felt this way?”
Roman laughed. “About two years? I fell for you when I fell for the others. It was all three of you at once—a triple-whammy crush cavalcade, if you will. It was a nightmare.”
“Two years?” Logan repeated. “Why didn’t you mention it?”
“I felt awkward about it.” Roman shrugged, looking away. “And you made it very clear you didn’t like me back.”
Hell no. I would never want to date you. You’re just not my type.
“I started more recently, I think?” Patton tapped his chin. “Soon after Roman and Virgil and I started dating. It was lovely, but I always felt like something—someone—was missing.” He shot Logan a soft smile. “Turns out it was you, Lolo.”
“I…er, I only figured it out last night.” Virgil shrugged sheepishly. “But yeah. For a while, probably. Maybe even before Roman. You’ve just—you’ve always been there, constant, and…I guess I never knew how much I relied on that. I—yeah. You’re—yeah.” He rubbed his blushing face. “Sorry, I’m—I’m bad with words.”
Logan tried to wrangle his thoughts into a coherent sentence, but his cheeks were burning, his chest was flaming, and his eyes were stinging.
“So that’s that, I guess?” Roman rubbed at his arm. “You don’t—you don’t have to like us back, dude. We just wanted to get that out in the open. Like you advised, I guess.”
“Yeah,” Patton agreed with a smile. “Can you imagine if we just bottled up our feelings and avoided the situation altogether? You’d be very disappointed in us, Lolo.”
Logan stared at him. Laughter bubbled up in his throat, and before he could stop himself, he began to chuckle.
“What is it?” Roman asked.
Logan shook his head, laughing harder. He grabbed onto the counter for support as he cracked up. His eyes were leaking fluid now as he doubled over.
“What happened?” Virgil asked. “L, you good?”
“I—give me a sec—” Logan tried to pull himself together, but soon he lost it again. “I—the irony, I can’t believe this—”
“Um…” Roman frowned. “Much as I hate to interrupt a laugh session, especially because this is undeniably endearing, could you enlighten us on the cause of this ruckus? Or have you just gone full Joker?”
“I-I’m fine—” Logan kept laughing, rubbing at his eyes.
“Uh, you sure, kiddo?” Patton said, his voice far too concerned for the situation. “’Cause, um, you’re—"
A tear slipped down his face, and oh. He wasn’t laughing anymore. He was crying.
“L?” Virgil asked.
Logan was crying openly now. He covered his face with his sleeve and tried to wipe away the tears, but whenever one dried, another fell. His face felt hot and sick and disgusting. He wanted to stop crying, to stop looking so foolish in front of them, but his breath refused to be caught and his crying refused to cease.
He didn’t even know why he was crying. This was good news! There was nothing to be sad about!
“Lo?” Patton stepped forward, arms open. “Do you need a hug? It looks like you need a hug.”
Logan couldn’t speak, but he managed a nod.
And Patton was hugging him, cradling him against his chest and the contact just made Logan cry harder because this is what he could have had, this is what he was missing—
“I’m an idiot,” Logan choked out. “I am a complete, foolish idiot.”
“What?” Roman asked. “How dare you slander yourself like this! I don’t quite know why you’re saying that, or why you started crying, but I can assure you that you are a very smart human!”
“You don’t get it.” Logan wiped his eyes. For some reason, he was still smiling. Was he happy? Were these happy tears? He felt terrible, but there was a glow in his chest and he couldn’t stop smiling.
“What don’t we get?” Patton asked, squeezing his shoulders.
“I—” Logan looked around at them all, concerned and compassionate and beautiful. “I’ve been in love with the three of you for more than a year.”
Roman made a noise like a squeaky toy being stepped on.
“What?” Virgil stared him down. “You’re kidding.”
Weakly, Logan shook his head.
“But…” Patton frowned. “Lolo, you got us all together!”
“Y-yes.” Logan scrubbed his face. “You seemed happy with each other, I was glad to play the figurative matchmaker if it was what you wanted.”
Patton pressed a hand to his mouth, eyes wide.
“Shit, L.” Virgil shook his head. “Shit.”
“What did we do to deserve you?” Roman mumbled.
“In fairness,” Logan said, “I only figured it out last week.”
“A-at Roman’s evening?” Patton looked about to cry as well. “I—I thought you were acting off, I didn’t realize—”
“That’s why you avoided us, wasn’t it?” Roman seemed to search Logan’s face for denial. When he found none, his face crumpled. “You avoided us because you liked us?”
“I—I did not want things to become awkward between us. I wanted time to sort things out and see if those feelings would—” Logan waved a hand. “Dissipate of their own accord. But I was too far gone, and I—then you called me, and I couldn’t leave you alone, I couldn’t—”
“Shit,” Virgil said again.
“You know,” Patton said with a soft smile, “if you’d have just taken your own smart advice, we could have started dating weeks ago. Maybe even months.”
“Doubtful,” Logan admitted. “Feelings are not my strong suit. I would not have figured it out any earlier than I did.”
“And that’s okay.” Virgil reached forward and took Logan’s hand. “You’re doing alright, L. Better than alright.”
“You got us together, after all!” Roman agreed. “Even if that was unnecessarily self-sacrificing on your part. And you helped us last night, too. I suppose only one question remains…”
“Will you,” Patton finished, “consider being our boyfriend?”
“You don’t have to,” Virgil immediately added. “If you don’t feel ready, or you want to try dating one of us at a time, that’s completely fine—”
Logan began to smile. “I—I think I can give it a shot. All of you. I want to engage in romantic relations with you. If—if that’s alright.”
Patton squealed, and Roman’s smile was wider than Logan had ever seen it. Virgil just squeezed Logan’s hand, and Logan squeezed back.
“Group hug time!” Patton proclaimed.
“Don’t we have to eat breakfast?” Logan asked.
“Oh!” Patton giggled. “Right! I’ll make us some pancakes. Then we can have some cuddles!”
“Perfect!” Roman proclaimed. “Maybe watch a Disney movie? We’ve got a lot of missed movie-nights to make up for!”
Virgil smiled slightly. “Only if we can watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. And only if Pat lets me supervise the pancakes.”
Patton frowned. “Don’t you trust me?”
“I trust you,” Virgil said, “but Princey here would totally add like five containers of sugar or set the entire thing on fire when your back is turned.”
Roman gasped. “Rude! I’ll have you know that was one time, and the firefighters were very nice about it!”
“We can all help with the pancakes,” Patton compromised. “Lolo can read the instructions, ‘cause he’s good with books and Virge can help me mix ingredients.”
“What about me?” Roman asked.
Virgil smirked. “You can play your Disney songs and sneak bits of batter while pretending you’re helping.”
Roman opened his mouth, shrugged, and smiled. “Sounds good to me.”
“Great!” Patton grabbed Logan’s hand and pulled him over to the kitchen. “Let’s go!”
And Logan spent half the morning making pancakes, getting flour in his hair, Roman placing batter on his nose so Patton would kiss it off, Virgil sitting on the counter and refusing to get off. The pancakes turned out delicious, and after eating a very late breakfast—it’s brunch, Specs, how do you fail so hard at being gay—they curled up on the couch once more and started on their Disney marathons. It turned out that Roman and Virgil shared Logan’s proclivity for discussing the movie while watching it, but Roman geared more towards insults and Virgil just threw popcorn at all the sappy scenes. Patton remained quiet, toying with Logan’s hair and snuggled into Roman’s side, smiling at them like they were his favorite things in the world.
Logan Mackenzie didn’t understand his feelings, not completely. But he did know that he loved them. He knew that they loved him back. He knew that he had never felt happier than now, sitting on the couch with his boyfriends—boyfriends! They were his boyfriends! The novelty still hadn’t worn off.
He loved them, and he could figure the rest out another day, with a little help.
Logan loved them. For now, and forever, that was enough.
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cotncandyboifics · 3 years
1989 [High School AU]: Chapter 2
AO3 Link
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 7 ~ Chapter 8 ~ Chapter 9 ~
Pairings: slight Logince, eventual Prinxiety & Logicality
Word count: 1,974
Story summary: Roman Prince is your stereotypical Jock, with everyone swooning after him. Every day a crowd of people follow him around, only to disperse at his personal whim. In reality, he's lucky to have such good acting skills that help him cover up the disdain he has for his life. He only wishes he could use his skills properly.
Patton Whitelock's always there to lend a helping hand, no matter who you are. If you need a favor or just need someone to talk to, go to him. In reality, he's been taught from a young age that kindness should be held above all else. No one suspects that he took it the wrong way.
Logan Montgomery is the smartest boy in the Senior class. He's stern, and most people are too intimidated to speak to him. In reality, he despises most all of his fellow students. He sticks to his studies and doesn't stray, for fear of being stuck in his father's shadow his whole life.
Virgil Black is the most emo kid in school, let alone 12th grade; everyone knows to leave him be. In reality, he's very fortunate. He has two parents who love him dearly. But everything beyond his life, everything within his mind, is utter chaos and turmoil.
what will happen when they're assigned a biology project together?
General CW: food, swearing, implied s-lf h-rm, non-graphic descriptions of s-lf h-rm scars, graphic and non-graphic descriptions of anxiety attacks and panic attacks, drug abuse, minor character intoxicated on heroin, non-graphic drug overdose description, sickness/description of sickness, blood, non-graphic descriptions of needles, (will be added to as I write more)
Chapter CW: <none> (let me know if i missed anything please!)
Author notes: there's an excessively detailed description of the biology project in this chapter. I haven't read it since i first wrote and edited this chapter two years ago. :)
Logan walked into his 4th Period class, biology, with a glint in his eye. He enjoyed the class quite a lot, and the teacher was passionate about the material, making the learning process all that much better.
"Good morning students!" He said cheerily from the whiteboard. "As you can see, I've rearranged the desks into groups of 4, and if you look up here at the board, you'll see the seating chart. These will be your groups for this semester's project." Logan scanned the projected seating chart and found his name. Near the center of the room, and his desk at an angle which he could still see the teacher. He glanced at the other names. he recognized two of them; Roman Prince, the school jock, and Virgil Black, notoriously introverted and depressing. The third name he didn't recognize; Patton Whitelock. He took a seat at his assigned desk, and awaited the arrival of his group mates.
Patton and Virgil arrived together. Logan recognized Virgil with his purple hair and sulking form, and as they walked closer, assumed the perky boy walking with him was Patton. Upon seeing him he realized this was someone he actually had several classes with, but had never bothered to pair a name with his face. He seemed to radiate an infectious joyful aura, and Logan felt a smile tug at the corners of his mouth as he approached. Virgil just gave Logan a small nod, while Patton smiled wide and stuck his hand out across the desks to shake Logan's pale steady hand.
"Hi there!! My name's Patton! You're Logan, right?" Patton's voice went perfectly with his demeanor. Logan allowed a smile to cross his face - just out of politeness, of course -  as he shook Patton's hand.
"Hello Patton. Yes, Logan Montgomery. And you must be Virgil, correct?" He said, looking over at the dark boy sitting across from him, who was now slumped over on his desk with earbuds in. Virgil just glanced at him and gave a small nod.
Then, in a burst of flamboyance, Roman arrived at the table with his signature smirk displayed proudly on his face. He glanced around at his teammates. His smirk faltered at the sight of ta certain purple-haired emo, but he continued to scan as he sat smoothly, sliding his backpack under the desk. He greeted Patton with a handshake - the two were relatively friendly, as Patton often helped organize football events - and upon seeing the tall pale boy seated next to him, changed tone.
"Why hello there," Roman said in a deep voice, leaning over to Logan, who tensed up momentarily. But he regained himself quickly, and turned to face Roman.
"Salutations. Logan Montgomery. You are Roman Prince, I presume," Logan said cordially, holding his hand out to the jock. Roman only smirked and took Logan's hand, kissing his knuckles gently. In that moment Logan cursed his off-white skin, as he felt his face heat up and was sure the blush was plain as day. It only made Roman smirk more to see the effect of his actions.
"But of course. I suppose I should be thankful for the honor of being grouped with such a handsome-" In the midst of his courting, Roman was interrupted by the teacher clearing his throat and giving further instructions on the project.
"These will be your groups. No buts, this is final. Unless there is a serious conflict, I will absolutely not be changing your groups. Now that that's out of the way, I'll explain the project." He clicked a button on his computer, and the projection changed to a presentation about their project. "You are to write a detailed, extensive report on Lepidium Sativum, or Garden Cress, and its attributes in various environments. there will be three rounds in this project." He clicked a button again, and the slide changed. "in the first round, you will have two plants being given the same amount of water and light, but two different types of fertilizer. after two weeks, the fertilizer that has been the most effective in helping the plant thrive will be used for all future rounds." Next slide. "in the second round, you will have two entirely different garden cress plants, that are to have the exact same amount of sunlight and both be planted in the better fertilizer from the previous round. you are to take the recommended amount of water you should give the plants per day, and give one plant less than said amount and the other more. repeat this process for two weeks, and note which plant thrived more. This plant's dosage of water will be used in the next round as well." Next slide. "For the final round, two new plants will be given the optimal fertilizer and amount of water, but different amounts of sunlight. One is to be in the sun constantly, the other is to be kept out of the light. Whichever one is the most successful after two weeks time, will be presented in class at the end of said time period. these plants will be 10% of your grade for this project." Next slide. "Your report will include the following 11 paragraphs; 1, prior knowledge. any and all things you collectively know about Garden Cress. If you know nothing, then I'd devote some time to researching the plant. 2, the procedure for the first round. step-by-step description of what you did in the two weeks. 3, hypothesis or predictions for the outcome of the first round. 4, the results of the first round. 5, 6, and 7 repeat 2, 3, and 4 but for the second round, and 8, 9, and 10 for the third round. the 11th paragraph will be the conclusion; comparing all the results and analyzing them, whether you think your experiment was accurate, etcetera. I expect before and after pictures of both plants for all three rounds in your report as well." He then turned off the projector and walked over to a table, which had 16 plants on it. "Today is the beginning of the experiment, one group member will be chosen for the entirety of this lab to be conducted at their house, and said group member will come up and take two plants from here at the end of the period. We have... 10 minutes left. discuss among yourselves."
With that, they were off. Logan had been furiously scribbling notes in somehow impeccable handwriting. He looked up once the teacher had stopped talking and cleared his throat, adjusting his glasses. "I will take the plants to my house. We should meet there every week at least, preferably on a consecutive weekday," he said.
But Roman had other plans, that he thought were absolutely brilliant in terms of his suddenly enticing pursuit of Logan. "Au contraire, my bespectacled friend," He began, "I believe that the best household for our project to be conducted in would be chez-moi," Roman finished with a dramatic hand-to-the-chest pose. Virgil couldn't keep in a scoff and a smirk, murmuring something under his break about how Roman didn't speak french. The others ignored him, but Patton looked at him curiously.
"And what could have possibly led you to that conclusion? I strongly believe that of the four of us," Logan said, looking around at his partners, "I am the most responsible. So, I'm curious to hear your reasoning," Logan finished, adjusting his glasses again and facing Roman more prominently.
"Well, Microsoft Nerd," Roman said, at which Virgil smirked again, "My house is only a few blocks away from school. Its very accessible, and I for one know that at least two of us would prefer to be near school," Roman said, looking over at Virgil.
Virgil considered protesting, but decided against it. "...I mean, he's not wrong," He said quietly.
Roman rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the assist, JD-lightful. Patton, what do you think?" Roman said, turning his attention to Patton, who was staring at his desk with a hint of a blush on his face.
He looked up upon being addressed, and responded. "Oh, um, I'm alright with either honestly." He said, slightly less perky than usual, glancing at Logan before looking back down.
Logan simply sighed and adjusted his glasses again. "Well, I'm not going to argue with you over something so trivial, so fine. We can go to your house."
Roman clapped loudly and put his hands down on the desk. "Wonderful! How's about tonight? And every Monday hereafter?" He said, looking between all of them. Logan nodded once, Patton nodded vigorously (only after Logan had given his nod), and Virgil just slowly bobbed his head up and down as if he was exhausted, leaning into his arm that was propped up on his desk. "Okay, it's a plan! Meet you all at the front of the school when 8th period is over." And with that, the teacher got the students' attention again.
"Alright students, it's time. Send up whomever will be taking the plants to their house." Roman stood up proudly and strut over to the table, where he picked out two of the nicest-looking plants on the table. There was a minute or two before they were dismissed, so the four of them took the opportunity to exchange phone numbers. Then the bell rang, and the students immediately filed out the classroom door and dispersed.
When Roman walked up to the bench at the front of the school at the end of the day - followed by a few of his fan girls, of course - only Logan was there. As Logan noticed people walking his way, he put away his phone hastily, as if embarrassed, and quickly began pulling different notebooks out of his backpack, trying to look busy. As Roman approached, he dismissed his pursuers and sat on the opposite side of the bench, while Logan attempted to start his Calculus homework.
"Well, if it isn't the Microsoft Turd," Roman said, looking over at Logan.
Logan didn't look up, merely scoffed. "You already made that joke."
"Well, it was a variation, and I can think of a Microsoft Third!" Roman shot back, smirking once again.
Mr. No-nonsense Logan responded, "have you heard from the others? it's been approximately... 12.4 minutes since 8th period ended," he said, checking his watch.
"No, not particularly. However, I did see Virgil sulking in the hallway on my off-block. Ugh, the nerve of him; he's constantly ruining the mood for everyone, in every situation! Are you listening to me?" Roman said, watching as Logan did his same scribble in a graph paper notebook, breezing through his work.
Roman put on an extremely offended face, and would've retorted, had Patton and Virgil not walked up at that exact moment. Roman opened his mouth to say something to Logan but his eyes caught Virgil's radiant hair, and he was momentarily distracted.
"Hey Logan!!" Patton said cheerily, waving to him while keeping his thumbs behind his backpack straps. "Are you ready for some science!?" He said the last word with zeal, and Logan looked up at him, smiling softly.
"Yes, I am rather looking forward to the actual project," Logan said, then glancing over at Roman, "though I expect there will be plenty of distractions on Roman's account."
"Only distractions you'll enjoy," Roman said, wiggling his eyebrows "flirtatiously". Virgil scoffed yet again from behind Patton, trying to hide his smile.
"Well, then let's get going!! I-I mean, if you're ready, Logan." Patton said, referring to Logan having surrounded himself with textbooks and notes.
"Oh, right." Logan pushes his glasses up the bride of his nose, and made quick work of putting his things away. Roman made an attempt in vain to carry Logan's pack; Logan said he wouldn't trust Roman with his backpack if it was "consisting of objects of an inconsequential nature, which it is not."
And they four made their way down the sidewalk, talking and teasing each other, unaware of the growing bonds between them.
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refinedbuffoonery · 3 years
Are you planning to ever post your comic sans essay? That sounds fascinating ngl 😂
Oh my god 😂😂 Listen I wrote this as a final, and the comic sans bit is actually part of a longer research paper about the history behind several popular fonts. This paper is a lot of BS, so don't judge me. I wrote the entire thing in three hours the night it was due (college amirite?). I wasn't going to post it, but here's an excerpt (below the cut).
If you are interested in the history of fonts (which is actually super cool), there's a great book called Just My Type: A Book About Fonts by Simon Garfield (I actually cite it several times in my essay). I'm pretty picky about nonfiction books, but this one is hilarious and definitely worth reading.
What does one say in defense of the worst font of all time—one that coincidentally was designed to replace Times New Roman? In the grand scheme of life, fonts truly do not matter all that much, yet in the printed world, there is no faster way to raise readers’ hackles than by writing in Comic Sans. The epitome of unprofessionalism, Comic Sans looks like the big, simplistic handwriting a teacher has their young, crayon-wielding students mimic as they learn how to print. Microsoft Bob, the program Comic Sans was designed for (but ultimately was never a part of), made Time Magazine’s list of worst inventions of all time—a list that includes Crocs, plastic grocery bags, and the Ford Pinto. With all that stacked against it, diverging Comic Sans from its infamy proves impossible. But maybe, just maybe, it can be redeemed anyway.
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In an age where email reigns supreme, font choice is everything. The font one writes their emails in is their digital handwriting. Like it or not, recipients will make judgements (sometimes consciously, sometimes not) about the sender based on the font. Writing an email in Comic Sans may as well be the eighth deadly sin, considering the negative reaction it earns. An email written in Comic Sans seems childish and is definitely unprofessional; it is hard to take the sender seriously when they’re writing in the same font used for children’s birthday invitations and Beanie Babies.
But that begs the question: Why? Why have people collectively agreed that Comic Sans is an awful font?
According to designers, the flaws of Comic Sans stem from its design. Comic Sans is messier than other sans-serif fonts, largely due to its unbalanced visual weight, as demonstrated in the diagram below (left). Additionally, the spacing between letters—also called “letterfit”—is uneven (also shown in below diagram, right). For the untrained eye, it is easy to gloss over these issues, but once pointed out, they become impossible to miss.
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However, to the general masses, there is a far simpler explanation: overuse. Comic Sans came into the world at a time when there was little variety in computer fonts, and Comic Sans was the fun one. People liked it because it is playful and different. Suddenly, Comic Sans was everywhere—invitations, flyers, posters, signs, billboards, and more, but popularity bred disdain for the font, sending it to an early grave. Simon Garfield, the author of Just My Type: A Book About Fonts, writes in an article for BBC News:
"But why, more than any other font, has Comic Sans inspired so much revulsion? Partly because its ubiquity has led to such misuse (or at least to uses far beyond its original intentions). And partly because it is so irritably simple, so apparently written by a small child. Helvetica is everywhere and simple too, but it usually has the air of modern Swiss sophistication about it, or at least corporate authority. Comic Sans just smirks at you, and begs to be printed in multiple colours."
In fact, the smirking typeface is so hated that there has been movement to ban it since 2002. Holly Combs, one of the founders of the Ban Comic Sans movement, is quoted in an article for The Guardian, saying, “Using Comic Sans is like turning up to a black-tie event in a clown costume."
However, over time, Comic Sans has proven useful after all. It is part of a short list of fonts favored by people with dyslexia—a list that also includes Arial, Century Gothic, Verdana, Trebuchet, and Calibri, the choice of which depends on personal preferences. In some cases, educators have found Comic Sans particularly useful for helping dyslexic children.
In one of the kindest descriptions of Comic Sans, one writer says:
"It embodies the spirit of access—approachable, easy-to-read, inviting you into the fun. Consider the Sans (sans serif) of Comic Sans. When we write with pen and paper, we don’t typically add those little serif flares on the ascenders and descenders. We approach the page more naturally. Comic Sans mirrors this approach, accommodating our preferences for simple structures like rounded lettering and plentiful spacing."
The takeaway here is that Comic Sans is a perfectly good font; it just needs to stay in its lane. Comic Sans does not belong on billboards or ambulances or gravestones, but it does belong in children’s books, birthday party invitations, and reader-friendly digital publishing. Comic Sans has its place in the drop-down box of Microsoft Office programs because it fills a niche that other older and more formal fonts cannot.
Still unconvinced that Comic Sans has a purpose? Turn to the creator himself. In Vincent Connare’s words, “Because it's sometimes better than Times New Roman, that's why.”
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jwillowwolf · 3 years
Magic and Miracles - Chapter 4
Sanders Sides Big Bang fic, Chapter 4!
< Previous Chapter | Next Chapter > | Masterlist
Summary: “Are you mocking me?”
“Are you that dense?”
Warning/s: food mention.
Characters: Logan, Remy, OCs, Virgil, Roman, Remus, Patton, Janus, Emile.
Tag List: @theimprobabledreamersworld @remy-please-come-back
Read on AO3
4 | Teamwork Troubles
It was the day after the quest-incident, and Remy had decided they would not be going on any more expeditions for a while. Especially since it was raining like crazy outside. Almost storming but not quite there yet.
Logan liked these kinds of days best because they gave him the perfect excuse to curl up somewhere and read a book. Except, today he couldn’t do that, since they still had lessons, and just like the day before Remy had led them somewhere that wasn’t their classroom.
“Why are we in the kitchens?” Janus asked.
“Because I’ve decided to teach you some more unique magic. Household spells, to be exact.”
Remus cocked his head to the side. “Household spells? Are we learning how to make a home?”
“How to make one tidy, yes. I’m going to teach you everyday spells you can use for cleaning and whatnot.”
“What? But that’s the servant’s job!” Roman complained.
“Not today. I gave the staff the day off, so you’ll all be doing what they usually do.”
The teens all groaned but went to work without much complaining. From most of them anyway. Remy taught them a few easy spells for using water to clean surfaces, air to dust hard to reach places, etc. Logan found that it was a lot easier than normal cleaning but just as boring. His classmates seemed to think so too if their agonised expressions were anything to go by.
“Are we almost done?” Roman asked.
“There’s still a whole third of the house to go,” Virgil informed him.
“This is so lame!” Remus complained. “We’re just casting mopping spells, and dusting spells, and sweeping spells, and shining spells, and nothing interesting!”
“It’s not so bad. We’re getting to see more of the house.” Patton said.
Remus perked up. “Do you think we’ll get to see what’s in the tower?”
“Remy told us on day one we weren’t allowed there,” Willow said.
“Yeah, but he also said we’d be doing what the servants usually do. They must do some kind of maintenance there.”
Logan shrugged. “I highly doubt Remy will allow us to do anything there, even if we’re taking over for the servants.”
“We shouldn’t be doing the servants’ work anyway. It’s for servants!” Roman complained.
Janus groaned. “Can you just shut up? We’re all in the same boat here, so there’s no use complaining the entire time.”
“Well, obviously you’re not standing up for anyone, Mx Dragon.”
“There’s no one to stand up for.”
“We can stand up for ourselves. This is inhumane!”
“Have you never had any repercussions in your life? For anything?”
“What would I need repercussions for? I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Oh, of course. Sorry, I forgot you’re Mr Perfect.”
“Are you mocking me?”
“Are you that dense?”
“You b-”
Before Roman could finish, he and Janus were splashed with water. Everyone turned to find that it was Willow who’d cast the water spell.
“You’re both getting on my nerves now. The only reason you even oppose each other is because of some stupid race-rivalry from a thousand years ago. It’s getting old!”
“He started it!”
“Me? It was you who started it!”
They were both doused with water again. “See, this is what I was talking about! It doesn’t matter who started it, because I say it’s finished.”
“That’s not fair,” Janus complained.
“Well, boo hoo to you- eek!” Willow was suddenly soaked. “Remus!”
“What? I wanted to try out the spell,” she said with an innocent smile that was then wiped of by a thin stream of water squirting into his face.
“Sorry Re, I guess I don’t know my own strength,” Patton said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
Remus just laughed. “No worries Pat, I’ll get you back for that!”
“Eek!” Patton jumped out of the way as Remus sent a stream at him.
Which caused poor Virgil to get drenched from the attack. He glared at both of them and sent water at everyone else, which finally caused things to fall into chaos as all of the students were now wet and trying to shoot each other. It had started out as them all trying to get revenge but quickly turned into a game as the teens dissolved into laughter and just began shooting each other for the fun of it.
The laughter didn’t last long-- or maybe it did? But no one had thought to keep track of the time- but getting back to my point, Remy was not happy when he walked in on his students having a water fight in the library. Especially not when he was shot by all seven of them upon entering the room.
“Okay, since you caused an absolute catastrophe with your first punishment, I have no choice but to make the second one harder.”
“Are you going to make us do more manual labour?” Roman asked.
“No, I don’t think anything of that kind won’t end up the same as-- well this!” He gestured to the soaked library. “What to do, what to do… ah-ha!”
“Oh, I don’t like that look on his face,” Remus whispered.
Indeed, none of them liked the dark grin that was plastered on their teacher’s face. They all shivered with dread from the anticipation of what kind of punishment they were going to face.
“You will all be writing your own independent papers on a historic magical event.”
And then everyone died.
Not really, no one actually died. I’m sorry if I misled you there. I meant that they all died inside, just a little, as one does when told they have to write a school paper. Especially when you realise you’ve just destroyed the library and have no sources to help you write said paper.
Dinner was unbelievably quiet as everyone was wallowing in agony over what to do about their assignment. Logan found himself distracted from such thoughts however as he noticed the minute change in the atmosphere.
Normally, there was tension during mealtimes, especially between Roman and Janus. Tonight however the dragon and elf seemed to be accepting or perhaps ignoring each other’s presence. For once there was complete peace among the teens and Logan came to a realisation.
In the past two days, they’d worked together, somewhat, and managed to do a lot more than they’d done alone. Okay, so technically the things they’d done was collect a bunch of forest ingredients, save Patton from a well, and destroy a library, but with proper coordination and teamwork, they could find ways to put their skills to use. And perhaps that would help them in the long run when it came time for the secondary license test.
Long story short, they needed to work together properly if they wanted to accomplish anything worthwhile. Which meant they needed to get along like this, preferably without wallowing in despair.
That brought Logan back to the problem at hand. The papers. With the library absolutely soaked where were they going to get-
“That’s it!”
Everyone jumped in their seats a little at Logan’s exclamation.
“Uh, did you figure something out?” Willow asked.
“Yes, I’ve come up with a solution to our paper problem to be exact.”
“Don’t keep us in suspense,” Virgil urged.
“We can use the library.”
Roman frowned. “It’s waterlogged, Genius. Remember?”
“Not that library. The one in town. They have an entire section on magical history and I happen to know someone who could help us find whatever we need.”
“If we’re going into town, can we also do some sightseeing?” Patton asked.
Remus grinned. “Yeah, we haven’t gotten to see anything apart from the manor and forest since we got here.”
Logan blinked in surprise. “Wait, what do you guys usually do on weekends when I visit the town?”
“You visit the town? I thought you just stayed in your room.” Janus said.
“Jan and I normally spend the day in the garden,” Willow answered. “I think we all just laze around the manor really.”
Everyone nodded affirmatively.
“Alright then, I suppose we can get some sightseeing done as soon as we find what we need at the library.”
“What are you gonna show them? The town well?” Everleigh remarked.
Logan shrugged. “I don’t know. They are the ones who want to do the sightseeing.”
Saturday had come and the entire class had taken a carriage into town. With any tension between them having been absolved since the water incident, they had openly spoken of their excitement at getting to go into town, despite having to do research for their papers at the library.
It was such a strange thing to think that his classmates who grew up in more interesting faraway places, would be so interested in his little hometown. He wondered if they would be disappointed when they realised how simple life here really was.
Roman and Remus had grown up on Lyrecrest Ilse, a well-known destination that many called an island paradise. Patton came from Sweetwater Cove, where the waters were said to be clear as glass. Willow and Janus were from the Evergreen Valley where many other demi-creatures and magical folk lived together in their own private communities. And Virgil… now that Logan thought about it, he didn’t know where Virgil was from, but it had to be somewhere just as exotic, if not more so.
Yet here they all were, eager to see his quiet hometown.
Everleigh had been waiting at the bakery, as always, to greet Logan when he came and was quite shocked to see the others he’d brought along with him. He took her aside and explained what had happened as briefly as possible without losing too much detail, while Emile was handing out breakfast pastries to his classmates.
“Hmm, this is absolutely delicious. Thank you, Mr Picani,” Patton said, and the others echoed their appreciation after him.
“It’s no problem kids. I’m glad you like these. They’re a new recipe I’m perfecting.”
“It tastes pretty perfect to me,” Remus complimented as he licked his fingers.
“Hey, the carriage is leaving,” Roman said, pointing outside.
“Yeah, the driver is taking the horses to be watered. He’ll come back this evening to take us home.” Remy explained.
“But how are we getting to the library?”
Janus snorted. “Ever heard of walking?”
Roman’s face morphed into an expression of mild dread and disbelief.
“The library is only twenty minutes from here,” Everleigh stated. “It’s not a long trek or anything.”
“We could probably get there even faster if we raced,” Remus suggested.
Willow’s ears perked up. “Race?”
Janus smirked. “Hey roman, I bet you couldn’t beat Willow there.”
Roman huffed. “I could beat all of you there.”
“You all don’t even know the way there,” Virgil pointed out.
“Uh, Everleigh and Logan could give us some directions,” Patton suggested.
“I’d be happy to provide directions if I can race too,” Everleigh said.
Willow grinned. “The more the merrier.”
After giving out directions and everyone lining up in what they determined was a fair starting line, the eight teenagers ran through the streets and arrived in front of the grand library in record time. They stood outside arguing for a few minutes, or rather Roman and Janus argued for a few minutes about Janus getting there via a piggy-back ride from Willow.
They came to the resolution that it didn’t matter since Willow had gotten there first, while carrying Janus, making her the winner. Everleigh had complimented Willow’s strength, causing them to blush furiously, and suggest they all went into the library.
“Okay, so you guys need magical history stuff, uh, that will be in the archives under magical research and/or supernatural events. Do you guys have anything specific in mind?” Everleigh asked as they stepped inside of the massive building.
“Woah, how many books are there here?” Janus asked as they looked around in awe.
“I have no idea, but we’ve got something for everyone, from fictional works and poetry to adventurer biographies and cookbooks.”
“What kinds of biographies do you have?” Willow inquired.
“Pretty much anything that’s printed for public distribution, plus a couple of private journals that have been donated from noble families. Do you have something in mind?”
“Um, well, there’s a book I read back home that I was thinking of using. The Quest of Nigel Hawk. there are a bunch of events in there that Nigel witnessed first hand that we could write about.”
“A primary source? That would be the best way to get whatever information we needed.” Logan said.
“What kind of events did Nigel see on this quest?” Patton asked.
“I don’t remember everything, but ze saw stars dancing on the ocean, met the grand phoenix and witnessed the birth of the first pegasus,” Willow recounted.
“Stars dancing on the ocean? Are you sure ze wasn’t just dreaming?” Remus asked.
“If I remember right, they were two spirits. The soul of the north star and her bride, a sailor from days long past. Nigel met them both on the night of their anniversary when they came down to celebrate with a dance, and they told him the story of how they got together.”
“That sounds so romantic! I’ll go see if I can find that book,” Everleigh said before disappearing between the tall bookshelves.
“Uh, do we just wait here for her or...?” Roman asked.
“She does this when she’s excited. We can just wait for her in the reading area,” Logan explained, motioning for everyone to follow him.
He led them to an area where there were several long tables with semi-comfortable chairs where they could sit. Once the group had sat down at one, Everleigh came from gods-know-where and plopped down a pile of thick tomes.
“This guy either lived a long life or an eventful one, but there are like eight different parts of his adventures in chronological order.”
“Why do I feel like this is going to be worse than I’d hoped,” Remus groaned.
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “You expected studying to be easy?”
“You make a good point, but there’s no need to stab me with it.”
“Well, we should probably get started, right?” Roman sighed and they all nodded. “Which is the first volume?”
“Uh, this one. I could read it aloud for you all,” Everleigh offered.
Patton clapped his hands together. “Oh, it’s like a storytime.”
“Yeah, but shh, we don’t want to get kicked out for making too much noise,” Logan warned.
“Oh, sorry.”
“It’s okay. The librarians are pretty lenient, but let’s keep the noise at a minimum.” Everleigh suggested. “And I’ll read this as softly as I can…”
The group listened to Everleigh read the first book of Nigel’s adventures for a while, then she passed the book to Logan who continued from where she left off. Basically, they all became enthralled with knowing what happened next and passed the story around to be read aloud as each reader got tired of reading. They all took turns and before they knew it they’d come to the end of the book.
“Holy Knights, that was a real twist,” Remus exclaimed.
Virgil nodded. “Right? Was anyone else feeling anxious there when Killian got hit by that arrow?”
“I thought he’d have died, honestly. It’s amazing that Gwen was able to heal him,” Patton said.
“I would have never guessed that was where healing magic came from. But it makes me curious about where other magics originated from,” Logan stated.
“Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I call dibs on Duncan’s coronation for my paper. That was one heck of a rebellion,” Roman declared.
“I think I’ll do my report on Odessa’s garden. That was a true masterpiece of romantic tragedy,” Janus remarked.
Willow snorted and Patton gave her a questioning look. “What’s so funny?”
“It just seems kind of ironic that Roman is doing a report on the first Dragon King and Janus is doing one about an elf heroine.”
Everyone exchanged glances and began laughing, except for Janus and Roman who just looked at their companions in complete confusion. While they were laughing, a librarian walked over to their table.
“Pardon, but I must request you all be quiet or take your merriment elsewhere.”
“Oh, sorry Jana, we’ll just- oh man, is that the time?” Everleigh asked when she noticed the clock in the corner was now at eleven-forty-eight.
“Yes, that’s the right time.” Jana answered.
Everleigh looked at the group. “I think we better get some lunch.”
The group exchanged some agreeing nods and got up from the table.
“Sorry for the trouble, Jana. we’ll head out now, uh, could you check out these books for me and i’ll swing by for them later?”
Jana looked at the books and sighed. “I suppose, but only if you leave now.”
“Sure thing. See ya!” Everleigh said before running off towards the exit with the others following her.
“What are we doing for lunch?” Remus asked the group. “Because I for one am starving.”
“We could check what there is in the market,” Logan suggested. “Remy and my dad won’t be expecting us until dinner time, so we can check out what’s there until then.”
“Oh yeah, we wanted to get some sightseeing in,” Roman remembered.
“Well, there’s no place to start like market street.” Everleigh declared. “Let’s go!”
A/N: thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this. I'll be posting two chapters a day until the full fic is up, so if you want to be tagged, you can just ask.
I'd love to hear what you thought about the chapter if you wouldn't mind commenting. Thanks again for reading! Here's hoping you have a magical day 💜
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asgardian--angels · 4 years
Recommend some good folk metal music please
:D i never thought i’d see the day when someone actually wants to know more about the music i listen to *cracks knuckles* my time has come
I apologize in advance for this novel. Feel free to skip to the recommended tracks lol.
Most folk metal comes out of northern Europe (Finland, heavily) though you can find it all over the world (Hu Band comes to mind but I mean, it’s on every continent). I am one of those people with like, a small handful of favorite bands that I listen to mercilessly so I am sure that I am only representing a miniscule percentage of what’s available out there. What’s great is that folk metal is much more versatile than many other genres in its sound; the essence of folk metal is simply to 1) utilize traditional (or rather, in the sense of a metal band, non-traditional) instruments such as violin, accordion, brass ensemble, bagpipes, what have you, and 2) have lyrical themes which revolve around regional folklore, mythology, cultural heritage, or place (what I particularly like is a frequent reverence and respect for nature). Other genres of metal (death, black) have the second element but not the first, and tend to incorporate darker overall tones and consistently harsher or lo-fi vocal styles and sounds. Folk metal can be a gateway genre into metal and can often be quite hopepunk (if you will). Because of these criteria, the actual sound of folk metal can range from sea shanties to ‘spooky walk in the midnight woods’ to scathing social commentary to SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SH
Basically you can find a range of styles within the genre that fit what you’re looking for, from those that have an orchestral, ballad feel, to things that border on death metal but have a hurdy-gurdy in there. There’s also a much higher percentage of female-led folk metal bands than other metal genres.
I’ll go through my top picks.
Turisas. These motherfuckers. My boys.
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Turisas is based in Finland, but sing primarily in English (with occasional Finnish, a smidge of Greek and Swedish too). Four albums out to date, fifth in progress. Sound is absolutely fucking bonkers god tier shit, if I may say so myself. Every single song sounds like you’ve been transported into an Iliad metal musical. Heavy use of a full orchestra and choir, along with sick violin and accordion solos. Their lyrical themes focus heavily on ancient Greco-Roman and Viking military history - but before you raise any red flags, rest assured they’re liberal as fuck and trust me the tea is scalding when Mathias feels like making a Point about Then and Now. No seriously, I don’t know how to express the beauty and depth of his songwriting - Mathias Nygård is an incredibly talented composer, musician, and songwriter (nay, POET), and an extremely intelligent and down to earth guy. There are plenty of bands that are happy to write Viking songs about pillaging and glorious death in battle and all that (Alestorm comes to mind), those are a dime a dozen. Turisas makes history come to life in a way that transports you back in time and thrusts you into the living breathing world of the past. They deal with the horrors and tragedy of war from both sides, consequences and motivations, fears and pride and loss, home and family, despair and hope. They write songs about people, big and small, and their role in weaving the great tapestry of history. And the best part is that it’s informed - Mathias does his damn research and the tales he tells are rooted in fact. He brings them to life so we can experience what it must have been like for those real living people, with the goal of forcing us to confront our own selves in them. He’s a modern Homer, I shit you not. 
Did I mention there’s a song about pirates that’s actually really complex and nuanced, about how the hypocrisy and vile colonialist deeds of emperors makes them no different than the criminals they persecute?
Or that they do a badass cover of Rasputin?? yeah?????
Anyway enough gushing. Their second and third albums (The Varangian Way, Stand Up And Fight) are consecutive concept albums that follow the story of the Varangian Guard (the legendary Viking battalion that defended Alexander the Great) so the songs are actually chronologically linked to tell this epic tale. It’s a fucking listen, lads. The Varangian Way is probably my favorite album. But all their albums are top notch. 
My favorite songs: End of An Empire (this one comes for 2020 hard), Piece by Piece (AKA die fascists 2k20), Cursed Be Iron, Among Ancestors, Greek Fire, Miklagard Overture (you gotta earn this song tho, it’s the finale)
Good first listen picks/hits: Battle Metal, To Holmgard and Beyond, March of the Varangian Guard, Ten More Miles, One More
Finntroll. These other motherfuckers. My other boys.
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Another big name in the Finnish folk metal scene. As you can see, their band revolves both aesthetically and musically around Scandinavian troll folklore. Yall weird elf-fuckers who like the really big ears? Here you go. Look at those ears. They’re good friends with Turisas. Both love their facepaint.
Musical style leans much more towards black and death metal influenced, with a heavier, fuller sound and growling vocals. But it’s an incredibly rich and creative aural tapestry, with layers of masterfully executed sound that’s a real delight to lose yourself in. Use of fiddle, brass, keyboard, accordion, and banjo, and strong folk melodies make their sound unmistakable and unique. They are known for their ‘black humppa’ beat, which basically gives the effect of feeling the primal need to stomp around loudly to their music. It’s great cardio. They also utilize orchestra in some great intro tracks. They know their stuff.
The majority of their songs are sung in Swedish (they do some English cover songs which are FANTASTIC holy SHIT), but don’t let that stop you. The mood and power and emotion of their music transcend language, and you can be sure the lyrics are about either trolls, witches, the dark woods, spirits, or something of that ilk. I think Swedish as a language works very well with this kind of music, and honestly having it in English would lose something. 
They have been around a long time and so have many albums, but I personally have only listened to the last three which feature their current singer, Mathias Lillmåns, whom I adore. Those albums are Nifelvind, Blodsvept, and their recent release Vredesvävd (that i’ve had on repeat since I got it three weeks ago). I’m sure their other ones are great too, I just can’t make a personal recommendation since I haven’t heard them. 
My favorite songs: Galgasång, Tiden Utan Tid, Ylaren, Skogsdotter, Två Ormar, Ett Norrskensdåd, Skövlarens Död
Good first listen picks/hits: Forsen, Under Bergets Rot, Häxbrygd, Trollhammaren (older song), Solsagan
I’ll go through these other ones a little faster, I haven’t heard quite as much from them but I do love them.
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Great, full folk sound, utilizes a lot of folk instruments including some less commonly seen ones like hurdy gurdy. Songs are mostly in Finnish but plenty in English too. Jonne Järvelä has a really unique voice that grows on you, but it’s not for everyone. The band started as Sami folk, and Jonne is trained in Sami yoik singing, which makes an appearance in a few songs. I prefer the Finnish tracks, as a lot of the English ones are drinking songs lmao. But again, really well-executed music with layers of sound that keeps you hooked. I haven’t heard enough of their discography to really recommend enough to cover everything. 
Song picks: Minä Näin Vedessä Neidon, Metsälle, Ämmänhauta, Lempo
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Definitely a darker, black-folk band. Probably not a great pick if you aren’t accustomed to black metal - very long tracks (8-15 mins is standard), growling/shrieking vocals, a ‘thinner’ but encompassing wall of sound usual of black metal, but with the benefit of wonderfully entrancing dark folk elements and chants. It’s done really really well. Sung almost entirely in Finnish (apart from cover tracks). Lyrically, focuses on themes of Norse mythology, man vs nature and similar elements. Definitely one of those bands whose music gets you into a zone. I can lose serious time just putting a whole album on and letting my mind wander elsewhere. My favorite album is Jumalten Aika. 
Song picks: Ruttolehto Sis. Päivättömän Päivän Kansa (my fucking FAVORITE), Suden Tunti (well known hit), and also uhh check out their cover of Non Serviam cause it’s a fucking banger
Other bands that I like what I’ve heard but really can’t say much about them, whoops - Tyr (from the Faroe Islands, great stuff, Faroese is a baller language), Ensiferum, Nightwish (female-led).... I’m open to suggestions. Like I said, there are folk metal bands all over the world, and each is intrinsically linked to a sense of place and cultural identity that makes them unique. I’d love to hear about more tbh. 
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willowaudreykeyes · 4 years
Monster AU Idea that I don’t know what to do with
Literally what the title says. Idk what to do with this, but its in my head and so i need to write it down and share it before my brain explodes. Talk about it or ask about it; whatever you want. As long as I know about it as it is still my idea, go nuts.
@ladyedwina @sparrowofsong
Warning: Does involve murder, being captured, lots of depressed Roman because I’m mean to him for no reason and it makes me sad, gory removal of fingers (not detailed but it is there), suicide mention, me swearing a lot, stabbing(not detailed), hints of Roceit; Intrulogical and qpr Pattmile
Spider Monster Who-Realises-That-His-Race-Sucks Virgil 
Born like this. Was raised to be alone but he likes being around others to feel safe, so it makes him a little awkward and even anxious around others.
Hates the rest of his kind because he’s the only one who doesn’t want to eat people. So now they all wanna kill him. 
He can retract his extra legs but it leaves small bumps in his back, so he likes to wear his over-sized hoodie to help hide them.
Janus saved him from one of his own kind. Travelled with him and Logan before getting separated by Monster Hunters and running into a lonely wolf-Patton.
Is now Patton’s spider child, despite the fact that said father figure is afraid of spiders. And that Virgil is technically older then him. He does try to look past the ‘too-many-eyes’ and ‘long, hairy legs’ thing; which Virgil appreciates.
The only one of the group that knows how mobiles work and he finds it funny as fuck.
Werewolf Underdog (ha) Patton 
Runt of the litter.
Can shift between a humany appearance, an actual grey-brown wolf and a bipedal werewolf. He isn’t the third one often and actually enjoys being a more typical wolf as he can be passed off as a wolf-dog hybrid and has gotten free bones and pets.
Ran away from his pack as they didn’t want him to die but also didn’t want him to get stronger, then raised a bunch of homeless orphans at a young age and also defended them from a trafficking ring by ripping out a bunch of people’s throats. 
Yeah... he brought them to an orphanage afterwards as it’s safer then the streets. Then he ran away again; at this point he’s only 15-16.
Lives alone and homeless for a few more years before running into Virgil and immediately adopting him. 
Patton helped Virgil find Janus and Logan so now he has more children (who are all older then him but he ignores that).
No one will go hungry EVER with Patton is around. He is the caretaker of this pack and he will not let his pups feel hungry ever- 
He’s not over how shitty his pack was to him and it’s very obvious.
When he meets Emile though, it lifts a lot of weight off his shoulders as he learns not to be so all-bearing of others issues. And he also feels safer talking to him about his old pack as he doesn’t want to be pitied by anyone.
Tired-As-Fuck Vampire Logan 
Who’s like 600 years old and knows that a lot of History that the modern day tells everyone is wrong and HATES that he’d be found out if he started yelling at people how wrong they are.
Parents wanted him to drop science and be a farmer. They, and his younger siblings, all died when their crops were poisoned two weeks after he moved out to do his science elsewhere.
Oh and he was bit by the person who 1. Was his partner in science and 2. He was head over heels for them because they let him take risks but still made sure he was safe as he did them.
So that pissed him off quite a bit. Because he almost instantly killed the couple who took in the sickly scientist because the wife cut her finger. He managed to kill the cow instead but he ran away afterwards and never saw them again.
Ran into Janus 300 years later -after travelling a LOT and learning a LOT and nearly dying a LOT and feeling so much that he doesn’t wanna feel anymore because that’s 300yrs of friends dying- and decided to travel with the one type of guy who won’t die of old age!!!
Then Virgil appeared. Then Patton. Then the Twins. Then Remy. Then Emile. He wishes that his dead heart would stop making him want to protect them all to his last breath but what can ya do?
He will murder anyone to save the others- but much prefers to just stay inside and just experiment on the occasional new thing that he finds.
Protector. Leader. Professor. Tired. Doctor. Cantor (yes he was Jewish for a little while after the bite but now he’s Atheist). University Chancellor. Lots of titles and he got them all legit too, although some are a little out of date.
Do not ask how he feels about the others. Especially Remus. He will glare at you without a word before moving on with his life.
Naga Will-Steal-You’re-Last-$5 Janus
Age? Social construct. He hints at being around Logan’s age but that could be give or take a hundred years or so.
He can shift between having a tail and legs- but ofc much prefers the tail. But he hates that his teeth change with it as it makes him hold his ‘s’ more when he talks.
When no tail, the left side of his face is very scarred. Someone tried burning off the scales on his face but the scars only appear when he’s trying to look human. When he has his tail, his scales replace them and they look fine.
Do not touch his hands or he will strangle you with them. They’re sensitive as hell without his gloves and he doesn’t know why.
He can hypnotise you to take a fucking break and he’s not afraid to do it (except on Logan as he’s somehow almost entirely immune)
Doesn’t like hypnotising his friends unless its just to take a break or to pull them out of an anxiety/panic attack. Every other living thing isn’t off limits though.
Lived alone until he met Logan. He also liked killing everyone he met until he met Logan. The only reason he didn’t kill Logan was because the nerd almost chopped off the end of his tail. The others don’t know this and it’s staying that way.
Has a cane to walk with for days that his legs decide that they wanna be a tail but he’s in public for some reason and he can’t and it sucks.
Almost killed Remy when they first met. Literally- he stabbed him in the side. Now they’re best buds over it and it was weird how quickly it happened too.
Has stolen Roman’s last $5. He will not be returning it. He hasn’t spent it because he finds him cute funny when he’s mad.
Siren But-Flips-Off-The-Sea-And-Heights Roman
Was born a Prince! With his weirdo of a twin. They were well liked and he was next in line for the throne and he was gonna be given a wife-
He wasn’t happy that it HAD to be a wife and when he argued that he wanted a guy; everyone turned on him and threw him into the ocean. So... fuck them.
Sirens saved him by turning him into one. He hates it.
Was forced to eat kelp or people. He chose kelp. He hated it.
Was dragged out of the sea by his brother who had been thrown into the evil swamp nearby and is now a banshee. Not as bad but he’s still rather pissed.
Although he was a little sad when he heard, 100yrs later, that his entire kingdom died of the plague. He moved on quickly though.
He hates the sea and doesn’t go near it. If it all dried up one day, it’d be the happiest day of his life. He doesn’t even eat seafood anymore as it makes him upset just looking at it.
He still likes to sing. He can control if it’s going to mind-control those who hear it or not; but it’s a little annoying as he can’t get too into it without accidentally losing control. Doesn’t stop him though. 
He learnt how to play multiple instruments, made anonymously published books, the money-earner of the two. Although he was jealous that Remus was better at more hands-on stuff and is slowly, but happily, learning how to craft things from wood.
He and Remus never separated. Even when Monster Hunters sprayed him with water, forced his tail to appear, and took him to a facility to be imprisoned forever. That’s another thing he was mad about since Remus refused to just fucking RUN but he was happy to see his brother be proud of him when he dug VERY sharp teeth into a mans arm.
Had to be carried out by Janus when he, Logan, Patton and Virgil decided to free everyone inside. Every other creature could run except him, which led to him and Remus staying with them.
He definitely, 100%, no-doubt-about-it got a massive gay crush on Janus when he taught him how to fight. And sword fight. And dance. And how to look after his rather pretty scales.
In the 200-300yrs since he’s had a tail, he hasn’t ONCE really looked after them. So when Janus helped him out and made his scales less gross and more gorgeous, he actually started liking his tail a bit.
The Ocean can still go fuck itself though.
Oh and the one time they visited the Seattle Space Needle? Yeah, fuck heights too.
Banshee Will-Eat-Your-Fingers-If-Given-The-Chance Remus
After Roman got thrown into the ocean, he went on a rampage. He didn’t kill anyone, but he sure as hell got close to murdering their shitty father.
They tied him up and tossed him into the nearby swamp, where he nearly died. He inhaled days worth of magical fog that eventually turned him into a banshee. Which is just the ability to scream so loud that he makes people pass out, which is useful. Oh and sharp teeth that he looks after really well.
He managed to escape the forest, he screamed at a passing merchant and took his horse, and went to the ocean where he found Roman depressingly eating kelp on a rock off in the distance.
He literally got on a boat, dragged the surprised but happy fish into it with him, and made sure that they would never be separated again.
Didn’t care about what happened to their old kingdom. 
He learnt how to make weapons, how to blacksmith, how to glassmith, how to make clothes- Literally anything he could since Roman kind of sucked at making anything that wasn’t music or a story of some kind. Fine by him since he knew the quality of the weapon he was stabbing people with.
When the hunters forcefully made Roman’s tail appear, he tried to scream to make them all pass out but they were ready and punched him out. He would have found it a little funny if he didn’t wake in a jail cell with a thing over his mouth.
The two worst things about it: He couldn’t see Roman and know if he was okay and he couldn’t cuss out the guards.
When that nerdy but very murderous vampire broke in and helped him out of the prison, he returned the favour by biting off the fingers of a guard that had broken Logan’s glasses. He later on fixed said glasses as well but he thought the fingers removal was a better thank you.
Loves Logan; only Roman, Janus and Emile have figured it out. Virgil thinks he’s plotting to kill the vampire one day, Remy doesn’t pay attention and Patton thinks that Logan is a good influence on him (he’s not wrong as he slowly stops describing brutal murders and talks about gross facts that Logan does and doesn’t know)
Remy No-It-Isn’t-Short-For-Remington-Yes-I-Am-A-Dragon-Roman
Born as a shapeshifting dragon. Was supposed to live like a recluse like the rest of his kind but said ‘fuck that’ and now works at a clothing store in a town full of morons for entertainment.
His kind does get tired rather easily so he lives off coffee. He is addicted and luckily for him; his body won’t get used to it so he doesn’t have to heighten the dose of caffeine in every drink. Yay!
Two things happened when he first met Janus and Roman. The first is that he got stabbed by the Naga because he may or may not have seen him wearing some shiny rings that he REALLY wanted. He wanted it more then Janus, so he found it okay to do- but got stabbed for it.
Two; he then bit Roman (who kinda deserved it when he tried to ‘slay the dragon’ when Janus had saw his unnaturally-bright brown eyes) and was dragged to see everyone to figure out what to do with him.
He managed to talk his way out of being murdered by Remus by sheer amazing personality (he’s x5 sassy when afraid and Remus thought he was hilarious) and just decided to hang around everyone just because he could.
Being stabbed turned into a joke between him and Janus and now they’re besties who totally don’t steal from random assholes that they run into down the street. It’s a now competition to have the shiniest collection (Janus is winning but gives Remy the occasional shiny thing as he knows that dragons get very mad about hoard sizes sometimes)
When they all moved towns, he dragged them to one where his old friend Emile was. He also introduced Virgil to Starbucks and their coffee and is still getting berated for it to this day.
Oh and when he does manage to let himself be a dragon, he’s about as large as a horse and has really pretty black scales with a light brown underbelly. His eyes turn bright green too. Virgil calls him Starbucks’s best mascot.
Emile Is-A-Disney-Fairy-Stereotype
Can grow and shrink on command; can also make his wings appear and disappear although it does hurt not to have them out almost daily.
Pink wings and pink hair. Very popular fairy attributes (for both fairies and Monster Hunters)
Can see aura’s of humans and monsters. They look very different depending on species but he LOVES seeing human ones the most as they are often filled with more colours.
Is a therapist, is a cartoon nerd, is able to make you a dress that disappears at midnight
... Can also see your dreams but doesn’t like doing it as its intrusive and it feels like he’s breaking some kind of human Confidentiality agreement 
Being a therapist has changed a lot of his views on personal space (like the whole dream thing he has). He’s very in-your-face when excited, but as a kid he would CLING to people at every chance he had. Even strangers. It wasn’t a good habit.
Became a therapist, an independent one too, because a human friend of his died of suicide and he blamed his therapist who was telling him a lot of bad advice. And said therapist wasn’t supportive of his friends gender-identity crisis as he was very strict on ‘born a boy is a boy’ kind of thinking.
Now Emile takes in teenagers for free and adults at a lower price then a normal therapist. He doesn’t have a great living space (upstairs from his office don’t tell anyone) but he doesn’t care! 
Met Remy as he was one of his patients once. He can tell when someone isn’t human due to their aura’s and nearly fell out of his chair when a FUCKING DRAGON walked in.
After Remy finished his sessions, he still visited occasionally and always remembered his favourite drink (chocolate smoothie with whipped cream and caramel shavings and a chocolate stick or five sticking out- and Remy thought his coffee addiction was bad)
And after not seeing Remy after six months, only to find that he has made friends with a lot of other creatures made him so happy.
Then confused when they all dragged in this fairy therapist into their group. Where Logan asked for the occasional emotional advice (not at ALL related to Remus-), Janus made sure he got a better living space, Remus and Virgil gave him someone to talk to about darker cartoon ideas, Roman (after the 18 times he asked for a magical dress) started making cartoon-stuffs for him, and Patton...
Patton helped him realise that he was still very gay despite the AroAce that he was. He gave him head scritches when stressed, the help he needed trauma-wise, the cartoon marathons with the doggo using his legs as a pillow-
And Patton gave him someone to talk to about all his feelings about his clients (without breaking any rules ofc). And about his old friend and the terrible therapists that he’s met.
He will admit to anyone that he squealed when Janus told him that Patton was pan aroace. Seriously, just ask. He is not ashamed of his excitement of the fact that he has a CHANCE WITH THE CUTE WOLF DAD.
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recipeforme · 4 years
C7: Somehow I’ll Be Strong
Book: A Good Kid
It was a tradition in our friend group that once a month we would gather at Patton’s house to have a movie night. I’m sure that if it was up to Patton it would be at least every two weeks. But Patton’s Dad, Mr. Thomas, said that we could only do it once a month during the school year.
If it had been up to me we would do a movie marathon of some kind every month. But once again, Mr. Thomas said we could only watch one movie and that it couldn’t be longer than ninety minutes. The last rule was made after I tried to get everyone to watch ‘The Sound of Music’ which is two hours and fifty-five minutes.
The way our movie nights worked was that we rotated each month on who got to pick the movie. Last month it had been Logan’s turn which meant that we watched some boring space documentary. But this month it was my turn!
I walked up to the front door of the Sanders’ household with five different DVD cases in my hand. I know that we were only allowed to watch one film but I still like to get Patton and Logan’s opinion on which to watch.
Standing on the front porch I rang the bell. I could hear Patton’s joyful yell and the sound of running footsteps, I smiled as he threw open the door and flung his arms around me.
“Roman! You're here!” He yelled “I missed you.”
“You just saw me at school.” I laughed, hugging him back.
I chuckled lightly as I pulled away from the hug and Patton led me inside and to the kitchen where Logan was. “Hey Nerd,” I said.
Logan rolled his eyes, keeping them in the book he was reading.
“So I see that Roman’s here.” I looked over to see Patton’s dad standing in the entryway that led into the kitchen.
“Hello Mr. Thomas,” I said with a smile.
The man laughed “Roman, how many times do I have to tell you? It’s just Thomas.”
“Sure thing Mr. Thomas,” I replied with a cheeky grin.
Thomas playfully rolled his eyes at me and moved to the kitchen table where he opened his laptop. Most likely to get some work done, not like that’s any of my business. I started chatting with Patton before his foster brother came downstairs.
“Well, if it isn’t the Emo Nightmare!” I said with a smirk. Virgil looked over at me with a scoff of annoyance before moving to the fridge and pulling out a water bottle.
“So,” Patton said, returning to our conversation. “What are we watching tonight Roman?”
“I haven’t decided yet but I do know that it will be one of these movies,” I said pulling out the DVD cases I had brought.
Logan set his book aside and looked at the cases “why do you always choose Disney movies?”
“I don’t always choose Disney!” I protested “sometimes I chose a musical.” I heard Virgil snort and I turned to him “what? You have a problem with Disney?!”
“No,” He said. “I, too, am a Disney fan.”
“You?” I laughed.
“What? Why is that so hard to believe?”
“Disney movies are the embodiment of goodness and purity, something you would know nothing about!” I said, still laughing.
“Be nice kiddo” Patton scolded.
“Disney movies have such wonderful and empowering messages!” I said to Virgil.  
Virgil gave me a dark smirk and leaned up against the kitchen counter, still holding his water bottle.“You must not be watching the same movies then.” He said, “because the movies I know have much more sinister undertones.”
He looked over at Logan and Patton “Come on, you must sense it. I'm just making sure you're alert to all of the messages in those films, whether they were intentional or not.”
“Actually, this is kind of intriguing,“ Logan said.
“What?” I cried.
“So you think every movie has a darker meaning or a misleading message?” Logan clarified.
“Oh yeah.”
“This is ridiculous!” I yelled “you besmirch the name of Disney. This time, you have gone too far!”
“Really?” Virgil raised an eyebrow, setting aside his water. “This is where you cross the line?”
“Well, how 'bout this?” Patton cut in “Logan and I will throw out some Disney movies and you two tell us what we’re supposed to learn from each movie.”
The two of us agreed and Patton got started. I’m sure I’ll win. There was no way that evil villain will be able to find anything wrong with such perfect movies.
“Okay, movie one. Cinderella.” Patton said.
“Ha! Easy.” I said, “believe in your dreams and one day, they will come true.”
“Sure, just literally wait around your entire life, subjecting yourself to the cruelty of your ungrateful, ignorant family members, until some magical fairy comes along to save you.” Virgil said sarcastically “don't take action yourself.”
“She had mice, too!” I protested.
“Not to mention, men can't memorize the face of a woman they've been dancing around with for hours, they have to rely on the shoe.” The darker teen added, “ergo... men are idiots.”
“He was a very busy prince! He had a lot on his mind!”
“Let's just move to another.” Patton said, “um, Snow White!”
“Okay, so this time the message is to not do what the princess did.” I said, “don't accept random fruit from strangers.”
“Or, don't eat fruit...?” Patton said.
“No,” Thomas called from the kitchen table.
“The bigger message is to just run away from your problems and become the housekeeper for seven men,” Virgil said.
“Sometimes the best solution is to get out of a bad situation!”
“Not to mention, a prince comes out of nowhere and plants a kiss on a seemingly sleeping girl?” He adds “I guess consent isn't really that important.”
“I never did understand that,” Logan said to himself.
“He thought she was dead! It was a farewell kiss!” I yelled, “what's with all the prince hate?”
“I wonder,” Virgil said in a sarcastic tone that I’ve grown to hate.
“Well, how about something a little bit more recent: Frozen,” Patton suggested.
“A sister's love triumphs overall!” I said.
“And don't trust random princes. I can get behind that” Virgil added.
“I swear…”
“Also, when Elsa passes away, Olaf's gonna die too, 'cause the magic will be gone. So just prolong the inevitable?” Immediately Patton and I cried out about how dark that was. Virgil just shrugged saying that he’d warned us.
“How about we lighten it up with Peter Pan?” Patton suggested.
“Don't let your childhood spirit ever die” I said.
“Also, it's totally fine to believe a random stranger when they tell you to jump out the window after they've broken into your house.” Virgil said “but I would guess that's how your whole being would die.”
I groaned “urgh…”
“Okay, how about Aladdin? My favorite!” Thomas said, moving to lean up against the table. Watching us with interest.
“The value of a person is not determined by wealth.” I told them “a diamond in the rough can be found anywhere, even someone who may be considered a street rat.”
“And they can get what they want by lying and deceiving their way right into the castle and getting the princess.” Virgil smirked.
“Oh, come on!” I cried “he came clean in the end! He even freed the Genie!”
“Yeah, he did.” Virgil agreed “but not before his way lying and deceiving right into the castle and getting the princess.”
“How about Fox and the Hound?” Patton asked.
“True friendship overcomes any boundaries set by society.” I said, folding my arms and glaring at Virgil.
“But then that friendship will be immediately be terminated by that society, and the two must learn their place in the world.” He added.
“Beauty and the Beast” Logan suggested.
“Okay, I know what you're gonna say, you're gonna say--”
“Stockholm Syndrome.” Virgil and I said in unison.
“But,” I said “it is more than just a prisoner falling in love with her kidnapper! It is about a love that transcends outward appearance. Even a beastly, hairy, animal-- you're right, that doesn't sound much better.” Hums of agreement floated around the room “But come on, can you really look down so harshly on these movies?”
“I still like them,” Virgil said “there's just some darker messages that we don't first see.”
“Bambi?” I asked.
“Man is dangerous.”
“White man is dangerous.”
“Sleeping Beauty!”
“Well, now we're back to the lack of consent with sleeping women.” He responded with a smirk.
“It was to lift a curse!” I yelled.
“The Little Mermaid?” Thomas asked.
“Don't just sign a contract without having your mer-lawyer look over all the fine print and stipulations. That one's just common sense.” Virgil said.
“Or learn to write, or use sign language.” Logan added “there's more than one way to tell the prince you're the girl that saved him.” I couldn’t help but silently agree with both Virgil and Logan.
“Well then, how about we just concede that Disney movies have a lot of different, interesting messages within them” Patton said.
“Duh, that's what I've been saying.” Virgil said “I never said Princey was wrong.”
I was surprised “you didn't?”
“Well,” I said slowly “then I suppose I shall concede a few points to you.”
“Great.” Virgil began to leave the kitchen, water bottle in hand, when I called out to him.
“Wait,” he stopped and slowly turned around “there’s one movie you forgot” I said.
“Which one?”
Virgil stiffened “there are those in your life who are supposed love and care for you but sometimes all they do is hurt you.” He answered quietly.
Everyone in the room went silent. Virgil ducked his head and flipped up his hood, hiding his face from view. And he quickly disappeared down the hall.
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dgcatanisiri · 4 years
So, this is one of those things that is made obvious by hindsight, and, honestly, given the IRL stuff that created the bind that production was in during season five, I understand that there was probably a proverbial mad scramble among the production staff that hit all sides on production (with New Zealand about to host the Lord of the Rings movies, it was taking away some of their production people, on top of Lucy Lawless’s actual pregnancy impacting a very physical character, as well as Rob Tapert going off for a good stretch of episodes, focusing on Cleopatra 2525, so handing off the reins of the show, and all that fun stuff).
I think the big issue surrounding Eve is that they never really figured out who and what she was to the overall show, leaving her as just this plot MacGuffin and motivator for Xena, not as a character in her own right. Because once they committed to including Lucy Lawless’s pregnancy (which, don’t mistake me, I absolutely applaud the producers for that, considering how there are certain other high profile shows and creators who weren’t so accommodating who I hold a grudge against for NOT doing that *cough**cough*JossWhedon!*cough), they had to account for this baby.
And after Solan, it is 100% in Xena’s character to holding her second child as tight as she possibly could. She lost her chance to not just be a mother to Solan, even the chance to make that right as best she could when he was murdered. So she would hold Eve tight, no matter the cost. Xena would make every effort she could to be the mother to Eve that she never had the chance to be for Solan.
But a Warrior Princess with a baby is a stifling thing on the writing level - it’s a bundle you have to account for at all times, and there is a perception (a bad perception, but a perception, one that was definitely common twenty years ago when Xena was produced and honestly probably still prevalent among studio execs today) that making a “Warrior Princess” into a mother means that you are going to “weaken” the character, because now she’ll be focused on diapers and first moments over killing. Obviously ridiculous if you have any conception of Xena as a character, but I have this feeling that very few of the people who finance anything in the general Hollywood system actually watch the final product unless there’s some news buzz surrounding it, so...
That led to finding a way to age Eve up, which, to remain in character, to stay true to the character of Xena, which, for any and all flaws one can levy at the show, particularly through the lens of hindsight and twenty years of societal progress we won’t get in to here, the show absolutely DID stay consistent with, meant that Xena had to be separated from her daughter.
And then... I really feel they did a disservice to Eve at this point with the Livia stuff. Because after all their talk of how the cycle of reincarnation and “better in the next life” in the back half of season four and the first half of season five... Eve ends up reenacting the greatest tragedy of both her mother’s life AND Callisto’s, going through a similar path as Callisto.
And, from the perspective of the season arc, the Twilight of the Gods, there honestly was a missed opportunity to try and hammer out some flaws, explore the gods now that they felt the danger had passed and how they had settled back into complacency over the time jump, rather than spending time having to redeem Eve, taking up a good couple of hours on her alone, rather than the concept of the Twilight of the Gods.
Consider instead... Joxer had taken her in, then and there, after Xena and Gabrielle were presumed dead. He takes her in, raises her alongside his children, telling her the stories of her mothers and making sure she knew how much she was loved by them, that they sacrificed everything to protect her. Sure, you have to work around the gods missing the fact that Xena and Gabrielle’s closest ally JUST HAPPENS to pick up this infant child RIGHT AFTER the supposed death of Eve, but... I mean, it’s still Joxer, the gods probably don’t really pay attention to him unless they want to use him against Xena anyway. 
Anyway, this happens and Eve (raised under another name, probably, I figure Joxer would have that much intelligence) grows up safe and happy, having the chance at a life and love that she deserved as it was, that Callisto, her past life, had never been able to, that XENA never had been able to, the life that Xena would have wanted for her daughter, to know only love and peace, rather than a life of constant battle and blood. When Xena and Gabrielle awaken, they meet her, and she is happy and content to know them... But her path is not that of a warrior, and she has no intention of joining them on their journeys, just being someone that they visit, like Cyane or Ephiny were, characters who only showed up when there was a specific story to tell with them. Have her say “Thank you for doing everything you have and will for me, mother, I love you so much, my place is here, in this peaceful village, living the life I have.” Because I think Xena, despite missing Eve’s life, would be so damn HAPPY to end up seeing her daughter being able to live her life and finding happiness in it, outside of battle. 
You can even keep a lot of the various events from that arc, just shift the responsibility over to the gods, give them some focus in the midst of their existential crisis - Ares and Aphrodite are the survivors, so show their uncertainty with this path of killing Eve, Discord had been around for several seasons, yet her death is ultimately so offhanded, if you blink, you might miss it, Hephaestus had appeared as a sympathetic character before in the franchise, yet he dies even more offhandedly than Discord, I don’t think Artemis even gets a proper line in the course of Motherhood, her only appearance in the arc, and even that’s really more than freaking POSEIDON got... Have Athena or Artemis be responsible for Joxer’s death - hell, let him die DEFENDING Eve against the gods. Even visit with or at least touch on what the gods who aren’t actively being killed off on screen are doing in the midst of this - Apollo sent some of his people against Xena, but never appears himself, meanwhile gods like Hermes and Cupid go unmentioned entirely. All of this could have been happening across the episodes Livia and Eve, instead of focusing on having to go through Eve’s fall from Roman grace, descent into darkness, and ultimate redemption.
In the end, Eve never really ends up fitting in to the series, you can tell by how she ends up being written out of Xena and Gabrielle’s travels once they finish the cleanup of season five’s aftermath, and I think making her a drop-in character who is not a warrior (still could be a follower of Eli’s way, just... Not having the background of Rome’s Greatest Warrior and all the sins that accrued), someone who has chosen to NOT fight, would have been even more of a better legacy for her as a character, still set up what does serve as her character’s finale in the show proper. I mean, she just disappears for several episodes after the start of season six, and... Really, nothing is missing when she’s gone, this is a character who clearly was never really made to fit the show, just circumstance. 
I mean, yeah, with the benefit of hindsight, twenty years down the line, it’s easy to backseat write out how things could have, should have, would have gone. Like I said at the start, this was probably at least in part due to the background upheaval of general production issues that were outside the creative control that impacted the decisions of the show’s direction. So this ultimately a lot of things that, really, I would easily figure were really just making the best out of the situation they were in and the hand they were dealt.
Still, always interesting to consider the what could have beens. Or at least, it always is for me.
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xlehukax · 4 years
Start of Something: The Pieces Fall Into Place (Pt. 3)
-Writing a little series on here as a warm up! In accordance to @orangelegs‘s Hogwarts AU! Updates won’t be on a set time, but they’ll come eventually-
When they finally arrive at the event, Patton and Virgil wink at each other from across the room. Virgil is having his ear talked off by Logan- Patton counts his blessings that no one else has approached them. 
“Hey, Roman, I see Virgil. I’m going to go send him over to say hi, okay?” 
“Alright, my dear friend. Remus appears to be hiding a bar of Frog Spawn Soap behind his back over by the punch, so I will go intercept that-” 
“Alright, bye bye!” Patton eagerly departs his friend in favor of dashing over to Logan and Virgil. They’re chatting about this or that, and Virgil catches Patton’s eyes with a smirk. 
“Hey, Logan, here’s that guy I was talking about. He’d be the perfect co-commentator!” 
And there he is. Logan, the most brilliant Ravenclaw there ever was. Patton waves nervously, an awkward smile adorning his face. A co-commentator? That could work. I could do that. And I would be sitting next to Logan for entire games! Not to mention we’d have to talk outside of class about it. This is bloody fantastic. 
“H-hi there… I’m Patton,” Patton extends a hand to shake. Logan hums, and takes it. 
“Do I know you from somewhere?” 
“Yeah! We sit next to each other in Transfigurations. You’re the smartest person I know,” Patton compliments him shyly, adoring the light blush that adorns Logan’s cheeks.
“I- uh, why thank you, Patton. It’s nice to be appreciated. I had no idea you think of me that way… to be honest, I was sure you were trying to copy me. Everyone else seems to,” Logan seems sad for a moment, then realizes the mission at hand, “I do need a co-commentator with traits such as but not limited to a wide knowledge of Quidditch, charisma, a proficiency in comedy, as well as the ability to conduct… what’s the word… ah yes, banter,” Logan lists off, producing a small notepad from his pocket to make sure he had everything. 
“I can do that! I’ve seen every single game, for the most part… I follow a few of the school players so I like to show my support for them if I can. I think I’m pretty good with jokes too! Do you want to hear a Quidditch pun?” 
Logan nods seriously. Patton feels like he’s sweating under the intense scrutiny, but recalls an easy one he told Roman last week off the top of his head. 
“Hey, did you hear about that new Firebolt broom? They’re practically flying off the shelves!” Patton laughs at his own joke a little, and looks up at Virgil and Logan. Virgil snorts a short little chuckle and Logan breaks into an unsure smile. 
“You’ll be satisfactory. How about you come on… say, Friday’s Gryffindor Friendly? If you show up a little bit earlier I can show you the ropes.” 
“Just me and you?” 
“In all likelihood, yes,” Logan shrugs. Patton nearly dies of excitement. This is more than he could have asked for: now not only does Logan know his name, but he’s getting one-on-one time with him and will be with him for hours on end. And, Logan will actually talk to him instead of ignoring him like usual. Blessings upon blessings. 
Time to fulfill his end of the bargain. Patton glances to Virgil, raising his eyebrows in a way he hopes looks secretive and super-spy like. It’s go time, shadowling. 
Is Patton trying to look cool? Or was he struck with some kind of eyebrow jelly-legs jinx from behind? What is happening? 
Virgil gawks at Patton confusedly, genuinely confused at what he’s trying to convey. Eventually, he sighs and adjusts his glasses. 
“Super great to talk to you, Logan! I need to borrow Virgil for a moment, send me an owl, would you?” Patton smiles brightly. Logan meanwhile, makes a noise of agreement while scratching down notes into his pocket notebook. Patton drags Virgil away, and once they’re out of sight, jumps up and down shrieking in delight. 
“THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Oh my goodness, this is the best! Thank you, Virgil! I owe you one!” 
“Actually, you owe me an introduction,” Virgil deadpans, though unable to hide the small half-smile at Patton’s overexcitement. His eyes widen in realization. 
“Oh yeah! Alright, alright, so I asked him and Roman may have let it slip that he needs some kind of tutor! You know, Quidditch players have to have decent grades or else they can’t go to games. So, are you any good at Potions or Charms?” 
“Heh, those are my best classes,” Virgil thanks whatever led him to being a loner: when you’re alone most of the time you have a lot of time to study and be really good at class. 
“Okay! We can go over there and I’ll introduce you and you can help Roman pass his classes! You don’t have any other commitments do you? He doesn’t like it when people try to rope him into stuff…” Patton bites his lip nervously. Virgil, once again, praises his empty life. 
“Nope. No one really likes me in their groups,” Virgil blows air out of his pursed lips.
“Oh that’s so sad!! Why won’t everyone include you? Rude!” 
“Nah, I don’t really want to join any stupid clubs. I don’t fit in with any groups of people, anyway. I’m not any sort of prankster like Remus, or super intelligent like Logan, or a social butterfly like you, or a Quidditch aficionado like Roman, or anything like that. I’m a loner,” Virgil has accepted this fact. He doesn’t care about any of that stuff: he’s been alone with the exception of Logan for a while now. 
“You’re an artist!” Patton pipes up. Virgil rolls his eyes. 
“I’m not that good. And any self respecting wizard artist uses enchantments to make them move,” 
“You know, Roman will probably let you paint him and do that enchantment stuff if you said you were an artist…” Patton hints slyly. Virgil narrows his eyes. 
“Don’t patronize me.” 
“Fine, fine! Ready to go?” Patton asks, clapping his hands together. Virgil runs a hand through his hair, adjusting it so the purple streaks are more apparent, calming his furiously spinning mind. Here we go. Meeting my crush. A hallmark of school. I can do this. 
“Let’s do this,” 
They’re walking over… they’re a few feet away… 
“Hey there Ro-Ro! I want you to meet my friend Virgil and your new best tutor for Charms!” 
Roman turns, grins… and it’s like all the lights have turned on. This boy, this evanescent star, is looking, really looking at Virgil and it’s like the whole world has been illuminated. 
“Patton! Thank you, you’re an absolute doll. I needed a tutor for Charms! Virgil, let me introduce myself -though I likely need no introduction-, I’m Roman King. It would be the greatest honor for your assistance in Charms,” Roman cocks his head and bloody winks suavely at Virgil. On anyone else, Virgil would deem it annoyingly fake: on Roman, it seems like the most natural thing ever. 
“I- uh, yeah. I watch your games. You’re real good- um… truly an upcoming star-“ Virgil stammers through what is likely the most horrifically embarrassing sentence ever uttered. 
“Aha! So you’re a fan, then? Delightful! Don’t go falling for me now- we have work to do!” Roman laughs boisterously. Patton looks at Virgil nervously, to which Virgil shakes it off. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. If I can just talk to him, for now, maybe things will change later. I certainly have the time. 
“In your dreams, Princey,” Virgil snorts. Patton glances at Virgil, shocked, but Virgil waves him off. Virgil can hide his heart: he’s quite good at hiding. This will be no issue. He’s getting to spend time with Roman anyways… he can swallow his pride. He’ll outlast the other petty girls and boys who gave up after Roman didn’t notice them. Virgil’s more than them. He’s stronger, made of firmer wood than the others. 
“What days work for you for tutoring? If you want, we can do it in the Stands before your practices,” Virgil suggests. Roman’s eyes light up. 
“Yes! That’s absolutely perfect,” he takes Virgil’s hands in his excitedly, and Virgil idly thinks that this might just be the best decision of his life, “Thank you, Virgil. I’m in your debt… how do I repay you?” 
Now, if this was one of those dirty mangas Virgil read once to ‘research the art style’, he’d wink and use some innuendos to tell Roman exactly how he could repay him. But it’s not. And Virgil’s much too nervous to try any kind of move like that. After a speechless moment, he settles on:
“Ah… sure I’ll think of something,” he says lamely. Roman nods sagely. 
“Let me know! Either way, I think I have to go rein in Remus again- he’s attempting to pour belch powder over the entirety of the snack bar. I’ll see you Friday, okay?” 
“Sounds good. You bring all the textbooks that you want to review,” Virgil sighs. Roman shoots him a thumbs up and a smile. 
The second he disappears, Virgil deflates in on himself. Patton pats him on the shoulder. 
“That was… not great,” 
“It’s cool. I’ll sort my own shit out,” Virgil runs a hand through his hair. The consensus he reaches is that any alone time with Roman is positive, and if he never gets to date him it would be sucky but not the worst thing ever. Virgil’s gotten so far: it’s progress. 
“And I’m commentating for Logan on Friday too! I’m so excited I could burst!!” Patton squeals happily, a move that would have once made him cringe and shirk away, but instead prompts a small tug of the lips. 
“Virgil!” Logan calls out to him from the other side of the field. Virgil looks over and waves with a rare smile and looks away. 
What he doesn’t notice, despite being the perceptive person he is, how Logan flushes in the face and carries a mirror smile for the rest of the evening. 
And even more, what no one at the party, not a single soul notices: the new Slytherin seeker watching all with mild amusement… taking in all of the new bonds that form and the relationships that blossom. He can see it all, just as clear as if it were in writing. No one pays him any mind as he chuckles from his spot on the Courtyard pillars. This will be fun to watch… 
“Hey, Dee-Dee, whatcha doing all by your lonesome over here? You want some com-pan-y?” Remus comes out of nowhere, dancing his fingers up his arms. 
“I’m going to have to take a raincheck on that one, love,” Janus sighs, “And frankly, we’ve established that ‘Deceit’ is a cruel and outdated nickname, yes? That’s a remnant of a malicious childhood and even more vicious children,” 
“Yeeeeaaaaah, I knoooooow, but it’s so fun!! Who else can I call Double-D? You know, I gave you that nickname because-”
“Because snakes have two dicks. Yes, I know. You tell me that delicious little tidbit each and every day, Remus,” 
“Well, yeah, maybe, but either way! What are you doing, all here by yourself?” 
“It seems that there are some new developments happening in our favorite little community of friends,” Janus smiles. 
“Like what?” Remus asks, his morbid curiosity piqued, bumping his head against Janus’s. Janus, to his credit, does not balk whatsoever and rather brushes Remus’s hair back comfortably. His fingers go from the front of his scalp to the back: oddly enough, though it appears unkempt, Remus’s hair is actually maintained to a somewhat hygienic standard. Well, as long as Remus’s pet vermin isn’t nesting in it. To pet his hair is a familiar gesture for the both of them- calming Remus’s hyperactivity while helping to hone Janus’s focus. It’s been a hallmark of their relationship since Year One. 
“You’ll see, dearest Remus. You’ll see. Things, I feel, are about to get quite messy,” Janus smiles excitedly, “And we might just have to be the one cleaning up the messes instead of starting them.” 
“Aww, but that’s no fun! What am I going to do with all those Dungbombs? Peeves will be so disappointed,” Remus pouts up at Janus. Remus has always been quite the prankster: constant trips to Zonko’s, teaming up with Peeves for maximum mischief, going even as far as reading Year 5 textbooks to learn new fun spells. Janus has instead been the voice of reason, matching cunning to his pure madness. They balance each other beautifully, keeping each other afloat because no one else will. 
“Don’t worry, my friend. You’ll still get to do all your fun little pranks and more,” Janus chuckles. 
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Also, just a note, I make a lot of references to spells, potions, pranks... I’m not as much a Potterhead as I am infatuated with the world building. It’s all learnable via interwebs, so you might learn something from my extremely specific references. :3 
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