#her 80s style killing it in that gif
berrieluv · 1 year
academic rival!Remus Lupin x reader.
oh, the "who did this to you" trope, my beloved.
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None of you knew how it started, and if someone ever dares to ask Remus would most likely groan at them, he didn't understood your dynamic.
He felt that nauseous feeling grow in him when you would get a slightly better note than him, even when it was the same note but your assignment got to be praised by the teachers.
You liked it. You needed the motivation and the competition to stay on top. Some people liked Quidditch, others joined the chess team, you and Remus created a rivalry to get through the school days.
Remus and you have never actually be friends. You liked James and Sirius, you thought they were funny, and in any situation you could imagine yourself dating Sirius, you shared a funny dynamic where you both would flirt. But the competition with Remus' took most of your time, it was almost as if he was your actual boyfriend.
Now that you think about it, you spent most of your time with Remus, or thinking about him, or thinking on defeating him. Your thoughts were 80% Remus Lupin and actually just a 20% school.
Now, in the last party before summer vacation, you both thought of taking a rest. No ditching your friends because you were busy studying, no "I can't drink, I have school tomorrow" anymore.
Just you, Remus and a ridiculous amount of butter beer. And of course, a lot of students as well, but Remus felt like it was only you and him right there.
You looked gorgeous. Remus thinks he never had any chance to look at you this way, to think of you as the most beautiful woman in the room. He knew you were pretty, he may hate you but he wasn't blind. He could see why Sirius had a thing for you. But now, in that exact moment, Remus couldn't take his eyes off you.
You were wearing jeans and a revealing blouse. Classy but somehow informal at the same time, Remus thought that maybe the shoes complete the outfit. That and your tide up hair, he wondered how much it took you to style it like that, he knew there was a lot of effort on the way you tried to make your hair look messy. It was a specific kind of messy you liked.
"Hey, Remus!"
He smiled at the girl who sat by his side, he didn't want to be rude, he was a gentleman, but his mind was killing him to turn around and watch you.
The girl in front of him was pretty, she was funny and she could keep up with any topic Remus would mention, she was well spoken and her body behaved in a way that was almost royalty-like, but he couldn't stop thinking about you, standing just a few steps for him, all that would take was to turn around.
"Remus, are you listening to me?"
No, he wasn't.
"No, sorry, love. What was it?"
She never got mad, not when Remus lost the track of the conversation or when he finally looked behind his back. To his misfortune, you weren't there anymore.
A few hours passed, the first girl was now long-forgotten and Remus was just sitting on the couch listening to Dorcas and Marlene talk about something and occasionally turning to ask him as well.
He felt his body on alert mode when he saw you again. It was around 1:00 a.m., if he was counting right, it was around three hours where he spent without seeing you.
Your face looked in panic. Your arms where hugging your body and your hair was in a different way than before, your lipstick also disappeared and he knew that sad smile way too well to ignore that something happened.
He excused himself from the girls and got up, making all the way to you, touching your arm only to feel you flinching at it, he frowned, because yes, you could say were enemies, but Remus has touch you many times, you could say you were used to it, and not once have you flinch.
"Is everything alright?"
But your eyes were filled with tears now and you felt so embarrassed, of what happened and for crying in front of all this people. You hided your face on Remus chest, trying to stop people from seeing you cry, Remus started to move his body a bit so it looked like the two of you were slow dancing, even when the music was nothing like that.
Remus took you upstairs, it was James' home after all, he could do whatever he pleases there.
He sat you on Sirius' couch, in his room and looked at you better, with the lights fully on. There were wounds in your arms, the kind of wounds the nails cause when they're drowning in the skin.
Remus tried to touch your face and you pulled back with an 'ouch', there was no visible marks but he could tell your left cheek was sore comparing to the right one.
"Who did this to you?"
He didn't know why he was so mad – Well, he knew if it was any other girl he could try tot help too –. He didn't know why he wanted to kill, why the Moony part of him felt like waking up when they were so far from the full moon.
You couldn't speak, you didn't knew his name, you only saw a Gryffindor pin in his jacket before he took it off.
"He was blonde" You say with tears in your eyes, not exactly sure why you felt so comforted right there with Remus, you wanted that asshole to suffer. You wanted him to cry, you wanted him to know how it feels to have someone doing things to your body without you wanting them, without you being able to stop it. "He was a Gryffindor"
And it's not like there's only one blonde Gryffindor in Hogwarts, but he knew one that would do exactly something like this.
"Stay here, I don't want you downstairs"
"He didn't... he didn't got far!" You yell before he could exit the door "He just tried, he, he couldn't take off my clothes, completely, he just tried. Nothing happened. I'm overreacting" You said with tears in your eyes, you felt ashamed, you were dirty now.
"More than enough happened" Remus walked away from the door and kneeled in front of you, kissed your knee and looked at you "Now stay here. I don't want you downstairs, alright?"
How could he not know who it was? It was the same blonde Gryffindor who called you 'Remus' little bitch' once, the same man who said out loud in a boys' night at the common room how you were one of the main girls he fantasized about, how he wanted, no, needed, to have you in any way he could.
Remus felt sick at the memory. He remember how the words twisted his stomach back then and he remember doing nothing, one of his Housemates was expressing out loud how he would even come in terms on raping if necessary and he did nothing.
"Remus, I've been looking for you" Sirius says, hanging from his shoulder and walking at Remus' speed once he didn't stop; "Where're we going?"
The boy didn't answer, he couldn't, his tooth were clenching he felt like he could break them at any moment. And the second he saw those blonde hairs and that cocky face he didn't doubt for a moment on throwing the first punch.
Sirius would always tell the story, and he would always mention he swears he has never feel sober up as fast as he did that day.
The alcohol evaporated from his system.
"Mate, what the... what is wrong with you?"
"You know what you did" Remus answers, caressing his fist with his other hand and looking at Tom, ready to kill him at any moment.
"Oh" He chuckled "You mean what I did... to your little girlfriend?"
You were not his girlfriend, but Remus didn't think necessary to point it out now, in fact, he sort of liked the thought of that. He would come to terms with that later.
"She wanted it tho... She was throwing herself at me like a bitch in heat"
And Remus threw another punch. He didn't even think of this one, the only thing he knew is that his hand was already making contact his his face.
Tom fought back, he punched Remus and that's when Sirius thought of getting involve, when that bastard's friends started to go against Remus.
"She was drunk!" He yelled once he felt James pulling him away, Sirius distancing himself from the others once James arrived and yelled at them to stop. "You had no right touching her, she was drunk!"
Lily tried to calm Remus down while James made sure of kick everyone out from the party.
"Remus, relax, alright?" He tried to breath but he couldn't bare to even think of you, scared, begging for it to stop and not feeling strong enough to do something about it, the impotence. "Where is she?"
"What if you calm down and go look for her? How does that sound? Spend a bit of time with Y/N, she must be scared and exhausted. She needs you to be there"
He nods, that actually sounded good, just the two of you, lying in Sirius' bed, or you lying in the bed while he's on the floor, maybe just holding hands, he didn't know. He was so confused right now, too many emotions.
Remus walked upstairs and opened the door, you looked at him, worried and ran to inspect his body, he just chuckled.
"I heard the fight" You say, calmly.
"Sorry" He says and you frown "I thought Sirius' room was soundproof"
You shake your head "Why did... why did you get into a fight? You don't fight"
"I've come to realize, that I can only fight when it comes to you. Whether is against you or for you"
"You will fight me?"
"I fight you every single day it's crazy. I spend more time thinking about you than any girl I've like. My relationships don't work because I'm just looking forward the next time I see you in class to see if I did better than you. There's days where the only thing feeding my will to live is our silly competition"
"But will you fight me, tho?" You asked with a smile and curious eyes. "Like you did today"
"I could take you" He simply answer "Not in a fight"
You chuckle and look at him, his hair is messy, even more than it always is, his shirt is missing around three buttons and you can see his chest, his cheek is red and it's starting to turn purple and yet he still looks a weird way of divine.
And you felt brave enough to kiss him. Remus feel like standing on clouds, it was the first time he could confirm he believed in God.
"Does this mean we're not rivals anymore?"
"Don't be silly, Remus. One kiss doesn't erase years of competition. I could mop the dirt with you"
"What about two kisses?"
"I would have to think about it"
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coentinim · 3 months
JPM and his morbid fascination with you!
Cw: hints at murder, not rly a fic with plot but I hope it's to y'alls perverse tastes (affectionate) <3
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Being the love of a ghost was not as strange as it seemed - he had an almost human touch and a very real allure. Yes, his skin did feel cold, and he did carry a cursed wound on his throat, but it only added to his otherworldly charm. He smelled like wealth and blood, and when he walked and talked, every single twich of his muscles was calculated and precise, unsettlingly so. It was impossible to not desire him.
The fact that he even fell for you was incredible to you. It was summer of 2002 when you visited the hotel to stay for a week, it was decently cheap and incredibly beautiful. What connected you two was that beauty - you were an architecture student, and he gladly taught you the ways of the art deco style. He seemed strange - pale, cold, old-fashioned. You never believed in spirits, but oh, he made you believe. You stayed another week. Then another. He let you stay for free. You felt bad for him, in all honesty - he couldn't see anything outside of his own building, because of his own actions, such irony. Of course, you did your research, to make sure he's not like, a serial killer or something. Well...
You were truly hooked, though. Such cruelty, coldness and swiftness of hands... how could you not be absolutely captivated by him? How could you not forgive, or even grow to like, this little dark secret of his? It's not like you weren't attracted to the danger and violence, after all. Deep in your heart, you maybe even thought... ah, but that would be silly.
He fell just as deeply as you did, and he had no idea why - perhaps when his wife left for good in the 80s, he still longed for her to come back, but after 20 years, he lost all hope. It was time to move on. And you were so sweet, so... easy to corrupt, so easily disturbed by his evil deeds yet so curious about them, like a little scientist. Analytical yet curious like a child. You were also quite the feisty one - dare he ever look at another woman, he would have witnessed his favourite killing methods used, by you. It never happened, but he fantasized plenty - and he knew you did, too, he knew you had it in you. It allured him, his own delusion.
You were his most beloved darling, his cherished little treasure, his sweet precious doll, he could never, ever hurt a beauty like you.
Except when he could.
There were small gestures at first. A hand on your neck during sex. Casual walking around covered in blood or wearing his mask. Making remarks about your heartbeat or complementing on you being still, like a corpse. It was clear he wanted you to live with him, but perhaps he wanted it to be the afterlife?
His sadism got the better of him more and more as time passed. He almost choked you out. He held a knife to your throat and it made him cum quicker than ever. He made you suck off his gun. He made you lick someone's blood off of him. He took you wearing his creepy mask.
How long until he actually decides to make you his, for good?
@nahoyasboyfriend @fear-is-truth @girlyfart @feefymo @slvt4jamesmarch sorry if yall don't wanna be tagged
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f10werfae · 2 years
The Winner ☁️
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Pairing: Husband! Chris Evans x Famous! Reader
Word count: 1,144
Summary: Chris is Y/n's number one fan, there’s no doubt about it
Warnings: none
Requests are open!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“Your skin is lookin' good hun” Grace my makeup artist said, applying on my moisturiser,
“all thanks to you” I said back, making eye contact with her in the mirror. Today was the day we carried out the photoshoot for my newest movie, the premise of the movie was that i’d portray a spy on an extremely important mission of discovering where a virus began.
One of my most exciting pieces.
“You excited for the shoot today?”
“Well yeah, but this latex suit is freaking annoying with all the sounds it makes every time i move” I shifted uncomfortably in the chair, the friction from the latex making an unflattering noise.
“Well you look sexy as hell girl, don’t even worry bout it”
“I guess so, i’m jus hella sweaty right now”
With the conversation growing quiet, Grace continued with applying my makeup, with the occasional instruction to move my head in a certain direction. My hair was styled down, just with added volume and waves, kind of like an 80s type of do.
“All done Mrs Evans, now get your ass out there before Lindsey kills me because you’re late”
“Thank you so much Grace, catch up later yeah?”
“Of course, of course”
Heading out of the dressing room, I carried my black boots in my hand as I was intending on putting them on in the actual shoot.
“Alright Y/n you ready for your shots?”
“As ready as i’ll ever be babes” I called out, struggling to pull my boots on due to how secure they are.
“Now remember, your movie is being called the movie of the year, we wanna wow them with the advertising and merchandise”
“Yes ma'am, just make me look good please” I smiled back playfully, getting in front of the backdrop.
“Oh please, you are a stunning woman, all I need to do is press the button”
(15 minutes later)
“Right i’ve ran out of poses” I breathed out, the summer heat getting to me in this suit, multiple people rushing over to me to touch up my makeup.
“Well let’s see what we have so far then”
Walking over to behind the camera, Lindsey shuffled through the collection of photos she had acquired.
“Ok that one is a winner Y/n, people will go crazy over this one” Lindsey said pointing at a photo of me, I was standing facing forwards with one hand on my waist, my hand was holding a gun in the air and my hair was falling perfectly behind me.
“Yeah I like that one a lot actually” I said looking closely at it, a playful smirk on my face on the photo.
“If that doesn’t shout A-Class Hollywood star, then I dont know what does” Lindsey said positioning the camera back onto the tripod.
“Ok we can take a 15 minute break everyone, I know it’s hard in this heat”
With everyone dispersing to do their own thing, I was about to walk over to the table with my phone on it, when someone suddenly pulled my waist back towards them.
“Gotcha bub” A voice spoke into my ear, their breath fanning my neck.
“Chris?” I said, pulling the arms from around my waist and turning around to face him.
“What are you doing here?” I asked confused, he told me this morning he had an interview with A starting point.
“Got to make sure you’re well fed” He replied holding up a McDonalds bag with a smile on his face.
“What would I do without you, my dear husband” Pulling him back towards me, I cupped his face in my hand caressing his beard softly with my thumbs before pulling him in for a sweet kiss.
“I would love to continue this kiss babe, but I am starving”
I said reaching for the bag by his side, “you are unbelievable Y/n Evans” He smirked, his hands settling on my waist.
“You gonna join me in my dressing room or what?”
“Don’t have to ask me twice” He said wrapping his arm around my waist, already heading in the direction of my room. Only to be interrupted by an excited Lindsey coming out of the room herself.
“Y/n good news, agency are thrilled with that one photo of you, you’re free to go”
“Wait really?”
“Hell yeah girl, told you it was a winner”
“What? I wanna see” Chris butted in,
“Ohhhh wait till you see this Chris, it’s monumental” Lindsey said walking towards the computer screen and clicking onto the photo itself.
“Holy G- is there anyway I can get like, a massive print out of that or something?” Chris asked seriously, his eyebrows furrowed in desire.
“Babe stop it” I laughed grabbing onto his bicep
“You think m'jokin but i’m being serious baby, I want copies of that”
“I think we can arrange that” Lindsey replied laughing, giving me her email so that she’d be able to send the pics to us later on.
“You are crazy” I said to him, walking to my dressing room, the open nugget packet in my hand.
“What you’re telling me that you’d pass the opportunity to get a photo like that if it was of me”
“Well no-“
“Well then I don’t want to hear it, why would I not want a poster of my hot wife. D'ya think they’d let you bring that suit home with you?”
“Why?” I quirked, already unzipping this latex cage.
“I like the look of it, that’s all” Chris said back innocently, although the look in his eyes said a completely different story.
“Uhuh sure hun, actually I do think this suit was customised to fit me so I kinda might have to take it home”
I said turning around and putting on some sweats and a hoodie, only to turn around to see Chris folding up my black latex suit and packing it into my duffle bag.
“You’re that into it bub?” I asked teasingly walking over to him.
“I’m into anything you’re in baby, it’s the fact you’re in it”
(Time Skip - A few weeks later)
Thank the heavens, promotions for my new movie were over, these past few weeks had been exhausting. Opening the front door to the house, I was met with silence although I could hear the slight sound of thumping coming from the upstairs.
Beginning my trek up, I could begin to hear Chris talking
“What d'ya think Dodge, should we put your momma this way or over here?”
'what the hell is he doing' I thought, opening the door to Chris turning around immediately looking like he’d been caught doing something atrocious
“NO WAY CHRISTOPHER, WE CANNOT HAVE THAT PHOTO OF ME BESIDE THE BED” I exclaimed watching him starting to hammer nails into the wall,
“Yeah but baby, it’s on my side of the bed”
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masterofmetallica · 2 years
Hey could i request a james hetfield x reader where she is a metalhead and badass and they meet at one of his gigs and he's like star struck because she is every metalhead's dream girlfriend but she only has her eyes for him and the boys are jealous and teasing him?
I love this idea! Hopefully I did it the way you wanted it to be :)
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Metal has become very populair in the music industry and you couldn’t be more happy. Hearing the very first album of iron maiden made you completely obsessed with the genre. While other girls were more into the glam metal and hair metal you found yourself being the heavy metal kinda girl. That included wearing tons of band shirts, ripped jeans, leather jackets and even battle vests. But today you decided to not wear jeans and you got changed into a black tight dress and styled it with your battle jacket.
Your friend Mila got you tickets for a new band called Metallica. They made it big once their album kill em all made it out. They made sure to feature their new album everywhere. I put on my black boots and ran downstairs grabbing my purse that had a lipstick and perfume in it. And of course my wallet. “Mom I’m heading out with Mila to see Metallica. I will be back tomorrow. Will sleep at Mila’s that’s why!” I yelled since she was still upstairs cleaning the house. “Sure thing! Have fun sweetie!!” She yelled back. I made my way over to Mila’s house and I waited in front of her house. After a minute of waiting she came out from the back door and gave me the biggest smile. “I’m so excited for this new band. And apparently their singer is really hot.” Mila said smiling from ear to ear. She was just like you. Liking heavy metal and listened to the same bands you listened to. The only thing she didn’t do was dressing like it. She wore a cute 80s outfit like every student wore.
We both got to the concert. It was indoors so you showed your tickets to the guy that worked there and got inside. The place was already filled with 700 people. You and Mila were one of the last to enter since the place wasn’t that big to fit more people in. “Come on let’s get a drink first.” I said and we both got ourself a beer and already danced to the music that was playing through the speakers. After a while some boys came approached you. “Wel hello there beautiful?” One of the man laid a hand on your waist and tried to pull you closer. You were disgusted by his appearance and grabbed his hand of your waist and twirled his arm behind his back. Nearly breaking it. The man cried out in pain. You let go and got on with the night as you saw him walking away from you.
After a hour of waiting the band came on stage. And Mila was right. The lead singer was indeed hot and talented. His voice so manly and the way he shred his guitar. You couldn’t believe your eyes. “Mila!!!” I said turning to her. “Yes??!!!” “He’s mine now.” Mila laughed at your comment. “Told ya he was hot!” Both you and Mila started headbanging and doing air guitar moves. Matching up with both the guitarist. Also dancing the night away. While you were so focused on dancing and having fun. You had no idea the lead vocalist was looking at you while smiling. Being stunned by the perfect girl in the crowd. He could look at you all day.
Of course Mila noticed how he looked at you and tapped you on your shoulder. I stopped my dancing and looked at her smiling. “He’s looking at you.” She said bouncing like a crazy kid. I looked at his direction and she was right. He was looking at me. God he’s beautiful.
The show ended and the band left to go backstage and chill out a bit. “Think we can go talk to them?” I asked and looked at the way they disappeared in the hallway. “Yes let’s try it.” She grabbed your hand dragging you through the crowd of people. She tried to catch up with them to see what door they walked in. And she succeeded. She saw what door they walked in. You and Mila ran to the door and before someone could close the door. You hold it back from closing. A boy with long black curly hair looked at you confused. “Sorry to interrupt but that was some good performance.” I said crossing my arms and leaning against the door. “Ow well thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!” He said opening his arms as a welcome. He wanted us to join them. So you two entered the room and he closed the door.
“I’m Y/N by the way and this is my best friend Mila. We are big heavy metal fans so this was a opportunity for us to actually make more friends with boys like you. Not many people believe in heavy metal girls.” The boys were stunned to speak. A beautiful girl like you had just entered the room and she also loved heavy metal just like they did. The room was quiet for a while so you broke the silence by slowly couching sarcastically. “Ow Yeah. I’m Kirk. And that is Lars, Cliff and James” they all waved at you and James was the first person to walk up to you. Holding out his hand for you to shake. You accepted it and gave him a big smile. “I like your voice” I said. He had no idea what to say to you. Still stunned by the perfect girl in front of him.
“Oehhhh someone’s in loveeee” Lars said grabbing kirks face and pretending to kiss him. Recreating a fake scene of you and James. “Ow shut up.” James said smiling. I simply just rolled my eyes. But it also made you blush. “Well if James doesn’t want you then I’m the one that’s gonna shoot a shot.” Cliff said smiling at you. But the death glare James gave him made him instantly back away bursting out laughing. “I thought you weren’t in love with her.” He said laughing even harder. Lars and Kirk joining him. “I never said that.”
“Oeh james blushing.” Kirk laughed pointing at James face. James couldn’t handle the teasing so he playfully attacked him. Nearly knocking him to the floor. You and Mila looked at each other rolling your eyes. “Just tell him you like him. It will prevent these boys from killing each other.” Mila whispered in your ear. You have always been confident so when you were about to stop this teasing and tell him you like him too. A knock was heard on the door. All boys stopped their fight and I looked their way. Asking permission to open the door. They all nodded and stood up. Trying to act normal again… without succes.
You opened the door and saw the same man that tried to touch you earlier the night. “I’m sooory… for doing … that.” He said slurring over his words. He was obviously drunk. “What do You want?” I asked in a hard tone. James made his way up behind you to see what’s happening. Not only for that but also so he could protect you. His love instincts kicking in. The man didn’t say anything but only licked his lips and tried to touch you again. Before James could grab his hands and shove him off you, you were already striking a amazing move. Grabbing his arms and kicking him in the nuts. He groaned in pain falling to the ground. “Next time I’m cutting your balls off. You understand?” I yelled at him slamming the door shut looking pissed.
“Wow. That was some move.” James said looking a bit terrified. “Yeah I’ve learned how to fight since I was a little girl. My dad always made sure I was able to protect myself from creeps like him.” I looked at him smiling. “But don’t worry I won’t do that on you.” I smiled. “Haha thanks. Don’t wanna loose my nuts you know.” I burst into a laughter. He joined me. “Uhm you wanna go out for a drink tomorrow?” He asked me. He looked a bit nervous since he just saw what I did to that guy. “Call it a date.” I said winking.
He nearly fell right there since his knees got weak. God you are literally perfect and he couldn’t wait to spend more time with you. Making him yours!
So I hope you liked it. Might gonna do a part two that includes the date but we will see.
Other then that my request are still open so send in whatever you want!
Bye <3
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lifmera · 3 months
hi mera!! i hope you’re having a lovely day! could i please request a hazbin hotel, chainsaw man, and twisted wonderland matchup if it isn’t too much?
pronouns | she/they
preference | it doesn’t matter!
personality | very shy, but once i’m comfortable with you i become very chaotic! i tend to be mean affectionately when i get comfortable and just say what’s on my mind without much thought cause i know i can trust you. i am the type of the person to tell you if what you’re doing could get you hurt or in trouble in some way. i’m also very big about honesty so it’s rare that i ever tell a lie, especially to people close to me. hence why i want people to be straight up and not lie to me. not very big on people i don’t know well touching me, but if you’re close to me you can hug me if you’d like.
when i’m frustrated or angry, it happens often but it’s never truly that deep. like i’ll be angry but it won’t be for long. i do lash out at people, but it is often not just one thing that caused me to do it, it’s a build of of things over time.
being sad is just the same way, it builds up over time until it boils over. i cry a lot when i’m sad, same with when i��m angry, because i don’t know where to let out my emotions.
appearance | my hair color changes often, but right now it’s blue and purple! my hair cut is a wolf cut with bangs! i’m very pale with pale blue eyes and i’m about “5’3” to “5’4” in height! my style is grunge or alt, but i like to keep it simple! so just cargo pants, a plain t-shirt, and some high tops and jacket will do!
hobbies | archery, writing, reading, drawing, collecting, gaming
likes | 80s music, vampiric aesthetics, victorian fashion, cats
dislikes | bugs, spiders, thunder, loud noises, arguing
lil extras | istp | pisces
i’m a very all over the place person so i hope this is okay! thank you! <3
I’ve decided to pair you with…. CHARLIE, DENJI & MALLEUS
Pretty wide variety… i know!
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She LOVES your personality once you start to become comfortable.
She loves to be chaotic with you. Shes just a chaotic energy in total.
She’d love if you kept her AND other people out of trouble! Thats why she loves you so much :)
Shes also huge about honesty. Did you see what happened with vaggie!
She understands boundaries. Although she’s probably huge on touch, I feel like she wouldn’t do anything unless you initiated it.
When you lash out, she tries to help you not bottling up your emotions, and talking to her anytime something happened, she’ll love to hear whats going on.
She loves your outfits and your hair!! She thinks its super unique, and would say “opposites attract”
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Chaotic trio w power!!
If you playfully are mean to him he’ll do the same. I also think he’d try to bite you as a joke. Like chomp chomp.
Hes HUGE on honesty. Like what happened with makima…? Yikes..
Please help him stay out of trouble. He’s always doing something hella nuts or putting himself in danger. Although most of the times he prob won’t listen, he might!!
I think he might be a little annoying, so it’ll make you get angry, but if you talked about it to him.. 100% he’ll try to fix it!
Loves how u look. Honestly probably fell for you bc of it!!
He would probably game with you. And he’d enjoy it so much and be like.. “could you teach me…”
Teach him all your hobbies. PLEASE. HE’D LOVE TO DO IT ALL. He’ll suck butt at drawing and painting but please. It’d be so fun.
He’ll kill all the bugs for you <3
I honestly think at first he’d be scared of thunder, but he’d start to like it, and help you!!
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Definitely found out abt you thru Lilia. Lilia approached you cus of your style and was like… we need to be bsfs.
He’s also pretty quiet, but when you get comfortable around him, he’d LOVE how chaotic you are.
I think he HATES when people are too uptight. And will look to you for a break!!
Malleus might be a frustrating partner since he seems closed off, but i promise its just cause he doesn’t have friends and he needs to learn :(
He’d be so happy to find out the reason you were shy at first is bc you’re awkward and you aren’t scared of him like everyone else.
He’d be fine with whatever you did to him. Honestly if you lash out at him, he’d be a little taken aback but he’d let you let all your emotions out, and try to help you through it all.
I also think he’d suck at art. At first. I think he’d pick it up super quickly. He’s pretty good at everything.
I think at first he’d also suck at comforting but after a while he’d be super great at it.
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simplyfandomish · 11 months
Imagine being a Captain of a rebel resistance force against the Galra Empire...
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Simplyfandomish’s Masterlist 
Word Count: 4,444
Warnings: None! Other than cheesy fluff, Lance being a flirt, and badass female fighter pilots
(Totally stole the plane design from Star Wars lol and character descriptions were inspired by @ctchrysler​‘s Original Characters💕) 
Set in Voltron Season 2, Episode 3: “Greening the Cube”
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“Hello, daddy. Hello, mom.
I'm your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!
Hello world! I'm your wild girl.
I'm your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!”
Nova’s blue eyes twitched in frustration as tools and small gadgets jumped off of the table and shelves as a result from the high bass setting that echoed through the ship.
Even with her earplugs pushed tight into her ears and her sole attention drawn to the weird space spore connected to her computers and scopes, the obnoxious music managed to penetrate her small bubble.
It seemed to be a religious practice for the ship's captain to blare annoying Earthen 80's music whenever they could. And it annoyed the other ship’s occupants to death.
“Stone age love and strange sounds too.
Come on, baby, let me get to you.
Bad nights causing teenage blues.
Get down ladies, you've got nothin' to lose.”
On the floor above, Nexia was being restricted to a much-needed nap.
The upbeat music caused her to groan in frustration and slam her pillow onto her face, desperate to at least muffle the infuriating sound. She continued to steam in anger as she reached over for her belt and buckled the pillow around her head. She began to smash her head against the wall.
“Hey, street boy, want some style?
Your dead end dreams don't make you smile.
I'll give you something to live for.
Have you and grab you until you're sore.”
Ishoël was busy in the ship’s hull with her maps and coordinates. Her large purple ears twitched and rang slightly due to their sensitivity to the blaring music, but she couldn’t help but tap her foot and swish her tail along with the beat.  
Being of Galran descent, she had never heard such upbeat music before, only monotone hymns and war chants. As much as her squad would whine and complain, she quite liked Earthen music. It was so different!
“Hello, daddy. Hello, mom.
I'm your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!
Hello world! I'm your wild girl.
I'm your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!”
In the center of it all, the bringer of suffering was you. You danced around the ship’s deck like no one was watching - and even when Nexus and Nova would sit by, glare, and judge you, you wouldn’t stop anyways.
You would always argue these moments of dance and song were all in honor of your team’s success of the many successful liberation missions against the Galra Empire. The twins and Ishoël would always agree with your statements and let you return to your goofy, silly party state.
Oh, the perks of being Captain!
Your long pink hair swished and swayed with every movement, you enjoyed having your hair down once in a while. You loved these rare moments, when you could blare your foreign music and dance wildly.
“Cherry bomb!
Cherry bomb!
Cherry bomb!
Cherry bomb!”
Back under the decks, Nexus trudged out of her barracks with her pillow still tied tightly around her ears and entered her sister’s lab. Nova glanced up from her test subject towards her miserable twin.
Any other day the scientist would smirk and revel in her twin’s irritation, but both of the twins were suffering terribly at the moment.
“I swear, I’m going to kill that nerdy Earth kid for introducing her to this crap.” The eldest twin grumbled as she slammed her head onto the messy work desk in front of her. Her pillow knocked over a pencil cup and an empty test tube.
The younger twin nodded her head silently, her eyes never breaking from one of her many computer screens, her pale nimble fingers flying over the keys.
“What’re you doing anyways? Trying to make electricity with your space potato?” The ship was blessed with a moment of silence as the sound system was preparing for the next terrible Earthen song.
Nova ignored her guest and carried on with her business. “Isn’t that the squishy asteroid thing we picked up outside?” Another round of silence. The eldest grew a tick mark from her sister’s kuudere personality, but the expression was turned into one of confusion when Nova read the computer screen, “Under attack...Galra...Help.”
Nova ignored Nexus again as she typed in the coordinates the space spore produced. With a chime from her computer, she turned the screen to her Nexus. The image on the screen provided all the answers.
“The Olkari?” Nexus asked. Nova nodded in affirmation. Nexus nodded firmly, “Let’s get this to miss leader, before she makes us all deaf.”
“We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I~”
Nova and Nexus shared a horrified look before sprinting out of the lab and to the main deck. “Not this song! It’s awful!”
The sight before the mighty Paladins of the Legendary Voltron was not at all what they were expecting.
When the Paladins heard whimpers and wails behind the cell door, their immediate thoughts went to torture, but last time they checked, a romantic movie with the Romeo and Juliet troupe wasn’t torture.
The Black, Red, Blue, and Yellow paladins shared a dumbfounded look with each other.
“She loves you!” Their mission’s target was sobbing like a baby, his eyes never tearing away from the holographic movie screen.
The paladins approached the kidnapped king. “King Lubos?” The black paladin asked. Confusion swam in all of the paladins’ minds. Both the king and his chained assistant turned to the newcomers.
“Who are you? The jesters I requested?”
“Ummm…” The blue paladin started awkwardly, “We’re here to like...rescue you?”
The king made a noise in the back of his throat and discreetly pressed a button on the side of his recliner. The lights flashed on momentarily blinding the occupants, and the main doors slid open. Red lights and sirens flashed all around.
The Galran base leader stalked into the room with a vicious smirk. They were caught!
“You could’ve just said ‘no thanks’.” The yellow paladin remarked towards the traitorous king.
“Looks like someone came to rescue you, your highness.” The base leader smirked in amusement.
“You turned your back on your own people to save your own skin.” The black paladin accused, offending the Olkarian King.
“I’m doing this for my people! They wanted to fight the Galra, but they’re too powerful. The gala could destroy us!” The king tried to defend his actions, but it was a blatant excuse and the Paladins knew it.
“So you helped enslave your people to build some super weapon?” The blue paladin hissed.
“Don’t make me the bad guy!” King Lubos snapped and pointed a finger toward the base leader, “He forced me to do it!”
“Did he force-feed you too?”
The silence spoke a thousand words.
“You’re no king.” The red paladin piped up before charging at the Olkarian king. The royal tried to scramble away, but was head-butted by the chained assistant and thrown into the paladin’s grasp.
The red paladin raised his bayard toward the king’s throat. “Ok! We’re walking out of here! Anyone who tries to stop us and Lubos gets it!” The paladin’s teammates spluttered from shock of Keith’s sudden declaration.
“La-sai, what’re you doing?” The king whimpered towards the angered assistant. “You betrayed our people, I can’t live this lie anymore!” La-sai stated with a deep glare.
“You don’t want me to hurt your genius engineer, right?” The red paladin returned his attention to the Galra commander.
“Oh, be my guest~ His work is done. The cube is complete.”
“What?” King Lubos exclaimed, sweat dripping from his forehead. “B-But, I thought we had a deal!”
“Guards, put them all out of their misery.” The commander smirked. The Galra soldier bots’ guns lit up as they began to charge its ammo, but before anything could happen, an explosion shook the entire building. Red laser blasts cut through the wall and separated the paladins and the Galra.
Through the newly formed hole was a mysterious ship. One that only the Galra could identify.
“Valkries!” The Galra leader was choked on the large clouds of smoke.
“Need a lift?” A female voice called out through the plane’s speakers. The paladins didn’t know who or what side they were on, but they needed a quick escape and the world presented itself with one. Hastily, those who sided with Team Voltron climbed onto the ship’s nose and held on tight. The pilot backed out from the building and sped off towards the forest.
“I got pick up, Artemis. Light ‘em up!”
“Roger, Luna!”
A plane nearly identical to their rescue vessel, other than its color scheme, soared past them and began laser assaults on the main building as well as taking out all the Galra posts surrounding the base.
“Who are you?” The black paladin shouted over the wind. He tried his best to distinguish their rescuer, but with both the tinted window and helmet visor, the Shiro could only see the pilot’s silhouette.  
“An ally!” She answered with a thumb’s up.
“Shiro, Lance, you guys okay?! Who is this?” The green paladin asked through their comm link, tailing the foreign plane into the woods.
“We don’t know, they said they’re an ally.” Shiro answered back.  
“Here’s your stop!” The pilot said as she hovered above the ground, nearest to where the Olkari village was settled.
“It’s the Geidi Prime Valkyries!” An Olkarian exclaimed, triggering the rest of the populace to flock towards the plane, all cheering and waving.
King Lubos practically threw himself off of the plane’s nose and went onto his knees, his forehead buried deep into the ground. With the Valkyries here, he was toast now! He began to vomit out praises and apologizes, beginning for his safety.
“The what?” Lance asked the nearest Olkarian to him. The alien brought their hand down from the air and clasped them to their chest in a lovesick manner. “The Geidi Prime Valkyries! They’re the best of the Geidi Prime brigades whose mission is to stop all Galra! Much like yours, mighty paladins.”
The paladins observed the medium-sized ship. It had more length than height with its nose being the most prominent and decorative. Along the hood was painted outstretched wings with a sword running through the middle. Down its body was a mint green stripe, and numerous painted tally marks dotted the line. It had four thrust engines with a laser cannon on each of its four wings. The wings themselves formed an ‘x’ shape.
The pilot saluted to the crowd through the window, before swinging back around towards the Galra base and hitting its thrusters. As seemingly fast as their own lions, the vessel swerved through the trees and out of sight.
The Olkari crowd continued their cheering even after she left. Pidge was unashamedly a part of this crowd.
The paladins stared at their youngest with raised eyebrows.
Pidge chuckled sheepishly when she finally realized the looks her team was throwing at her. “What??” She asked innocently. “Did you see those Incom 5H5 fusial thrust engines?! And the LP8 laser cannons?!” Pidge continued on with her fangirl rave.
Hunk, Lance, and Keith recoiled when Pidge began to drool.
“All bystanders are free from the battle zone.”
“About time! What’d you do? Have a pint of mead and flirt?” You snorted.
Artemis was always the first to respond, and always with a sassy comment. “I wouldn’t have minded, the one in black was cute.”
“Whatever, Luna.” You grinned at Nova’s annoyance.
“Are you two done with your lovers’ quarrel up there, because the Galra’s newest weapon is on the move.” Gemini was the next to come through the link.
“Alright, alright, what you got for us, Apollo?” You asked. Your eyes trailed on the weird black floating cube in front of you.
“So far it hasn’t done anything, but cruising along the planet’s surface.” Nova’s smooth, monotone voice answered. “Gemini and I are still trying to hack into the main base to get intel.”
Both Valkyrie ships cruised parallel to each other, staying a good distance from the cruising cube: the Galra’s newest war machine.
“It’s just a dumb cube, what’s it gonna do? Shoot lasers at us?” Nexus wisecracked with a smirk.
The purple lining of the cube flashed and formed a- “GAH! I didn’t mean it!” It seemed the weaponry had heard Artemis’ taunts and fired a laser at her.
“You just had to go and taunt the thing didn’t you?”
“Shut up and help me!”
You rolled your eyes and went to assist your partner, who became the target for the cube’s lasers. You fired lasers at the cube, the bullets only being absorbed and no damage coming to the cube. You became the next target, as the cube started firing its lasers back at your ship. You just managed to flip your plan just in time to avoid being hit with the rapidly fired lasers.
“Great! It absorbs power!” Artemis shouted angrily. Both female pilots swerved out of the way from lasers as the cube continued to relentlessly fire at them.
“Apollo, get me a weakness!” You exclaimed over the comm.
“Artemis, fall back so Apollo can figure it out.” Nexus sighed in frustration and pouted. She came out for a fight and now-! “AH!” She screamed out again when a large vessel flew past her, nearly clipping the end of her right wing.
Gemini gasped, “Oh my stars...I-Its…”
“Is that-?”
“It’s Voltron!”
The four Valkyrie’s stared at the robot in awe.
“So it’s true…” You breathed.
They all watched as Voltron tried to fight off the cube, but the Paladins had yet to realize the cube’s power as they used one of the robot’s special powers to try and defeat the weaponry. Not even a moment later did the cube retaliate with its own power and the mighty robot was thrown to the ground like a rag doll.
“Ouch!” The Paladins yelped from the hard landing.  
“You all alright?!” Shrio asked through the comms. He sighed in relief when he got responses back. “Good! Now let’s: Form Sword!”
The Valkyries watched Voltron summon its sword and slice the cube straight down the middle.
“T-that couldn't have worked...right??” There were now two cubes floating. The pair flashed a blinding light, before returning to their black and purple coloring.
“It can split up?!” Nexus shrieked in the comms.
“Weakness! Now!” You commanded.
“We’re trying!” Ishoël answered back.
Voltron retaliated and sliced the cubes through the middle, but their victory didn't last long as now four cubes flashed and came back online. They began to surround Voltron and fire their lasers at the large robot.
Voltron used its shield to deflect the lasers, but in no time the robot had difficulty protecting all its sides from the four fierce cubes, and eventually, the robot separated into five individual lions.
“I’m going in!” You punched your right throttle forward, your ship lurched back into the fray.
“Finally!” Artemis cackled and followed you in.
You flew past one of the cubes that chased after the red lion, instantly gaining the cube’s attention. The cube fired its lasers at your plane, but you were quicker.
With both throttles, you maneuvered your plane into summersault to avoid the lasers. Upside down, but leveled you fire your lasers against a second cube that was relentless upon the black lion. You swerved your plane to avoid colliding with the weakened lion robot, but now you had two cubes chasing you.
"T-there's no weakness!" Gemini stuttered through the comm link.
"What do you mean there’s no weakness?!" Artemis screeched as she did the same flip maneuver to save the blue lion.
"The cubes were made by the Olkari, they make their tech flawless with no abnormality. No matter who or what the weapon is for.” Apollo piped up.
To make matters worse, the green lion was shot down by a cube. Its mechanical cat body rocketed back into the tall forest.
“Ah!” Artemis grunted when a rogue laser struck the tip of her X-wing. “Oh no you didn’t!!” She roared in anger and fired upon the third cube. The Valkyries’ lasers did nothing to the four cubes, but with all chasing the pair, the beaten-up Voltron lions sat out and tried to recuperate.
"What are they doing?!" Keith grunted out as he and the rest of the Paladins watched as the Valkyries played tag with the cubes. Pidge had been shot down and was unresponsive and now these strange planes were doing another reckless thing!
"I don't know, but that is probably the best piloting skills I have ever seen," Shiro stated in awe as the two planes dodged and spun away from the array of lasers.
Keith and Lance pursed their lips, mainly the latter. Both thought their flying skills were exceptional, yet only to get shown up by a group of mystery pilots.
"They can't hold on much longer," Keith said as the purple-painted Valkyrie had smoke trailing out its wings.
"We gotta get back in there!" Hunk exclaimed as he and the paladins moved to enter back into the field.
"Guys, hang on!"
"I can't keep this up all day, miss leader!" Artemis clenched her teeth as she dove into another nosedive. She winced again when another laser shaved off a piece of metal from her laser cannon.
As much as you never wanted to admit defeat and raise a white flag of surrender, you couldn’t help but agree. Sweat had built around your temples and your knuckles began to throb from how tight you squeezed the throttles.  
Would this be it?? Would you and Artemis be shot down because these stupid cubes couldn’t be defeated?? Would this be the end of the Geidi Prime Valkyries??
“Got ya!” Pidge cheered in victory as she shot a large bright green laser at one of the cube’s on Artemis’ tail. The laser hit the second cube, causing the glowing purple lights to turn green for a moment before an army of vines erupted from the center of the cube. The long, heavy vines coiled around the edges of the cube and the Galra weapon fell out of the sky.  
The second cube left Artemis and chased after the green lion, but Pidge was ready. The lion simply spun around and aimed its newly formed cannon at the cubes.
“Aw come on!” Artemis whined. “He just stole my thunder!” She pouted, hands loose on the throttles now that the enemy was off her six.
“Want some of mine then?!” You grunted out as you spun your ship into a tight freefall. You could feel your seat growing hot and on your screen, the left bottom engine began to illuminate orange.
“Luna!” Artemis punched her ship back into gear and intercepted the second cube trailing you.
It felt like you were back to square one with cubes following both planes. "Thanks, Artemis! Now, let's line it up for him!"
Both Valkyries did one last aerial flip; You pulled up from low in the air and flipped upside down again. Artemis did the same, coming from high above.
You both grinned up at one another through your cockpits as you passed each other. Green lasers came from the side and shot at the final cubes.
You sighed out in exhaustion and relief, while Artemis did flips and spirals as she whooped and cheered.
“Did you see that flip?! I’ve never flown upside before!” She cheered.
“Very impressive, sister.”
“Nice job, Artemis!”
“Watch out, Luna! I’m on my way to steal your wings!”
You rolled your eyes in amusement. “Whatever you say, Artemis.”
Gemini came through the comm links again. "Information has been extracted, and the Olkari are invading. All Galra ships are fleeing."
“Roger that, Gemini. Let's go, Artemis." Both Valkyries turned their planes toward the Galra base and cruised off. The Voltron lions followed close behind.
The blue lion appeared at Artemis' side and started to pull ahead. The pilot narrowed her eyes, he wasn’t....was he?
Artemis smirked before hitting her thrusters, leaving the blue lion in her dust.
Lance blinked in confusion before gaining a smirk of his own. “A race, huh? Not on our watch! Let's hit it, Blue!”
"I want to thank you and the rest of your team." Ryner shook Nova and Ishoël’s hands in gratitude.
"We're just doing our duty to the galaxy!" Ishoël grinned before the three of them turned their attention toward the sky. They blinked to avoid dust flying in their eyes as two Valkyrie ships and five Voltron lions landed.
Nova and Ishoël rushed up to the x-wing fighter planes; Ishoël looked like a goofball as she ran with her arms high in greeting. Nova simply followed behind her with a small smile.
The Voltron Paladins rushed out of their own lions to properly meet the Giedi Prime Valkyries. Their attention went from the planes towards the two people on the ground, all of them gasped when they spotted a human girl with dark blue hair tied in a low ponytail that hung loosely on her shoulder, a pair of goggles sat on her head, and tool belt hanging loosely from her hips.
But what surprised the Paladins was the- “Galra!” Keith snarled as he pulled out his bayard. He charged at the tall Galra female with his teammates right on his heels with their own bayards.
The pilot of the purple Valkyrie plane hopped out of her cockpit and landed in between the red paladin and her own teammates.
The Paladins, minus the raging red, were surprised she made such a landing from that height without injury. “Hold your horses, tomato head!” The pilot shouted as she held her hands up and peeled off her helmet.
And it was like slow motion.
The pilot was female and looked nearly identical to other on the ground. Identical twins, they all presumed. But half of the pilot’s head was shaved down with the other half being a sweaty, windswept mess.
Hunk snorted, “Tomato head.” Keith snarled at him.
Lance was all goo-goo eyes and hearts.
“What's going on here?” Their attention turned to the new voice.
And it was like slow motion.
You approached the group and peeled off your helmet. Your long bubblegum pink hair spilled out of the helmet and down her back in a high ponytail. You looked between both groups for answers.  
“Just another Galra mistake, Luna,” Ishoël answered with a wave of dismissal. Her fluffy purple ears flicked as she smiled shyly, showing off her sharp, pearly white fangs. Her golden eyes turned into little crescent moons with her adorable smile.
The black paladin cleared his throat and stepped forward. He took off his helmet to show peace.
And it was like slow motion.
He was tall, handsome, and boy were his gray eyes pretty. His hair was jet black except for the tuft of white that hung into his eyes. A long, jagged pink scar covered his nose, but to you, it made him even more interesting.
Nova elbowed you out of your daydream.
“We’re sorry for our mistake. I-I’m sure you can understand why-”
“Please don’t worry about it. I’m well aware of what my people are doing. You don’t need to apologize.” Ishoël waved off his apology.
“Ishoël, you’re such a saint.” You cooed as you stepped beside her and wrapped your arms around her forearms. She was too tall to properly wrap your arms around her neck.
“You work with a Galra?” Keith couldn’t believe his eyes.
Hunk, Lance, and Pidge had taken off their helmets and sheathed their bayards; Keith hesitated for a moment before following his team.
“There are many Galras that don’t follow the regime. We have lots of Galran refugees in our ranks.” You answered simply. Nexus nodded firmly with her arms crossed, she shot a stink eye on the red paladin.
Your small smile dropped into immense surprise when the green paladin launched herself at your face. Stars had replaced Pidge’s eyes and she stared up at your squad as if you were royalty. “On Geidi Prime right?? We’ve only heard about your planet here and there, but actually seeing you guys in action! Your planes are gorgeous by the way! They’re technological masterpieces and the engines and laser canons- WOW!” Her team also had looks of surprise, never had they seen Pidge fangirl so hard.
Nova stepped forward and- “Thank you! Finally, someone appreciates all my hard work!” The Valkyries matched the Paladins’ shock as they watched their tech wizard come out of her shell and speak so happily.
“You made them?!” Nova nodded with a loud hum.
“That’s AMAZING! I have to see the technological advancements and mechanisms you guys have!”
Stars floated around the pair.
“Of course!” Nova took Pidge by her wrist and dragged her towards Nexus’ beaten plane.
The two battle squads continued to watch the pair with wide eyes and gobsmacked.
“Guess Nova’s found a new friend,” Ishoël commented.
Nexus flushed pink with jealousy and marched over to her plane, angrily grumbling about how no one will steal her twin away from her.
Lance slinked up next to you and Ishoël with his usual cheesy smirk. “So what’re your guys’ names?”
Ishoël smiled with her fangs again. “My name is Ishoël. Nova took off with your friend and Nexus is her twin.” She pointed over to the plane with the purple-painted pinstripe.
“ ‘Nexus’, huh?” He slicked back his short brown hair and readjusted his blue and white chest piece. “I can work with that.” He strutted off confidently towards the older twin.
The remaining Valkyries watched him go with surprise.
“Ignore him.” Shiro huffed in amusement and annoyance.
“That’s Lance, our resident flirt,” Hunk answered with a snort.
“He’s terrible at it though.” Keith rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
“So, there’s Lance, Pidge was stolen by your friend, this is Hunk and Keith.” He introduced the yellow and red paladins at his side. “And I’m Shiro. You are?”
Ishoël pinched your side so you wouldn’t sigh out the black paladin’s name like some love-sick fool. You cleared your throat and swallowed down the butterflies. Good thing Ishoël was good at reading you. “Captain (Y/n) of the Geidi Prime Valkyrie Squadron, a multi-awarded Ace and one of the leading generals for the resistance~”
You grew pink as your hair at Ishoël’s words. She didn’t have to give your full title!
Shiro stepped forward and held out his hand. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I’m eager to work with you in the future to liberate the universe from the Galra Empire.”
You smiled and grabbed his hand. “Let’s go end a war.”
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r0s3m4ry-mp3 · 1 year
First actual post!11!!yipeee
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He prefers to be called Otis because of the bullying he experienced for having a feminine name
He was born in korea and stayed there until he was 5 to start school in America
While living there he spoke mostly korean but he did also learn English and some Taiwanese
His mom is korean and his father is Taiwanese
He was treated and dressed as a girl until he was five And then his parents stopped because they didn't want to get attention drawn to them
He was bullied all throughout school for his feminine traits and lack of social skills
His parents suspected he might be on the spectrum but they never really did anything to get him diagnosed
He also showed signs of psychopathy and bpd at a young age
Hes always loved drawing since he was 6 but his parents told him he would never be able to make a living off it and they tried to make him like more stereotypical masculine things
He likes drawing in a semi realistic/renaissance style with gore
Hes never really felt any sexual or romantic feelings for anyone but hes not against dating he just hasn't felt the need for it
He sells some of his artwork on the darkweb and records himself killing his victims in his basement
In my au he hasn't ever dated judge angels he just sees her as a close friend and same with puppeteer
Hes in his early 40s(canonly)
He doesn't really have any gender he doesn't care just don't call him she/her or helen
Hes unlabeled but isnt against dating a guy or a girl or whoever else
He never really cared for his parents even after leaving the mental hospital he just ignored them and they ignored him
He has a high ego and craves validation from people
He listens to the cure,nirvana,the smiths and stuff like that but he also loves to listen to orchestral music while he paints
He wears gothic like clothing and old grungy rings
He probably doesn't know how to use a iphone😭
Hes 6,2 and pretty muscular
Loves old slasher films and just 80s movies like beetlejuice or the labyrinth
He smells like cheap cologne and blood
Some other hobbies he does other then painting is reading and playing the piano
He does go out from time to time because after awhile the police stopped really focusing on his case but hes still very careful when he does go out
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50 notes · View notes
Glass Onion (2022): Mixed company, mixed feelings
This movie is very Current Year, even though it finished shooting in 2021 and is set in May 2020. One minor joke early on; Blanc plays Among Us during lockdown, because he's so bored.
I am not making that up.
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I had the same issue with the first movie. I wasn't sure what all the Topical References™ added to the movie. And I know we love to say that great art is timeless.
But as someone who actually does read a lot of old, public-domain, popular books, many  had topical social issues in them. Heck, the first Doc Thorndyke book is about fingerprinting, which was cutting edge science at the time, and even makes a self-depreciating joke about it's inspiration, Sherlock Holmes.
I've enjoyed the odd Clancy or Connelly or Cussler or Cavanaugh or Patterson thriller. And those tend to be pretty topical. (obnoxiously so, in one case) Not to mention my love of the Vorkosigan Saga, which was so progressive in the 80s it's still progressive now.
I've also seen stories that had poorly integrated topical issues and much better-handled ones in the same show. The same episode, even.
So I don't know why the political stuff in the two movies rankled. I'd say my issue is "politics I disgree with", but I just mentioned enjoying a book series which is clearly waaay to my left.
Heck, both movies are blatantly inspired by Agatha Christie, and I distinctly recall topical stuff in my mum's old copy of *Third Girl*.
Like, literally the whole plot.
I read it a long time ago, but I think I'd still enjoy it.
Other, less important criticism. And spoilers.
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-Blanc intially felt like a caricature, which was very different from the way he appeared in the first movie. turns out that's deliberate. He later says he was playing up the folksy Southernness.
Even though he's an internationally famous detective who lives in a $10,000,000 Park Avenue penthouse.
Don't ask me about the high-waisted pants, the cute little scarf around his neck, or the 19th century bathing costume he wears to the pool. Apparently his style in this movie was partially Daniel Craig's idea.
Also, he's gay.
It's not made explicitly clear during the film, and the guy he's living with could be a roomie or friend or assistant, but Johnson confirmed it. I'm not sure what it adds to the film, except an explanation for the scarf.
And also some irony when Birdie flirts with him, even though he's famous and probably publicly known to be gay. Heck, just his visible discomfort in those scenes would be irony enough, whether or not he liked women.
Miles Bronn -possible shallow Elon musk parody --he’s fooling people w/ fake genius, when he's really just a charismatic idiot. And one who gets swindled, possibly. -There's one bit of irony. Early on, Miles guests on his private island get a COVID vaccine. It later turns out Miles is an idiot.
Since the movie takes place entirely in May 2020, the implication is that Miles should know it's basically impossible to develop a proper vaccine in just a few short months.
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The actual main protagonist isn't Blanc, it's Cassandra "Andi" Brand and Helen Brand. Andi is a tech genius who Miles ripped off. And also murdered. So her twin sister Helen, a teacher, steps in.
Anyone familiar with the Trojan War is probably going "hey, wait a minute..." Did I mention that this takes place on a Greek island in the Aegean Sea? Which has Troy on its borders?
And the first things we see in the film are tantalizing wooden boxes?
Helen poses as Andi with Blanc's help, so they can investigate the murder and figure out which of Miles friends, “the Disruptors”, killed Andi.
Both Brands are played by Janelle Monae. A famously left-wing singer and actress, whose biggest film role was in the movie Hidden Figures, where she played one of a team of black women in STEM forgotten by history.
And in this movie, Monae plays two hidden figures, eclipsed by white men. One maliciously, one charitably.
Birdie --Birdie is an idiotic middle-aged singer who keeps getting cancelled because she does dumb stuff. -She sexually harasses Blanc. This is possibly why Blanc's gay, to make it extra ironic. -She's introduced at a party during lockdowns. When she arrives at the island, she wears a completely decorative facemask.
-Birdie prides herself on her honesty. In this case, it means she's inconsiderate and narcissistic, with no filter. Which makes it kinda ironic (or something?) when the day is saved in the end by a combination of lies and truth.
Duke -Dave Bautista plays an alt-right mra. Supposedly.
-He supports a girlfriend and his mother, who abuses him. He's  three or four times mom's size. He goes "Mom, I told you not to interrupt when I'm recording!" and she physically slaps him. Not even any ramp-up, she just does it.
She also tries to disrupt his call with his friends by "helping" him solve Miles' puzzle box, right up until it's done, and she stops caring.
So the show decided to mock MRAs by...making one a male victim of domestic violence and emotional abuse from a woman.
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And from what I saw on Youtube, plenty of people didn't notice the irony. In fact, I found an official Netflix short of the scene, and the comments were glad he was getting "put in his place" because he politely asked him mom to let him do his job.
Also, remember when I mentioned how Birdie sexually harasses Blanc?
This movie includes two examples of the exact sort of issues MRAs talk about all the time.
-I know he's supposed to be a parody, but of who, exactly? jordan peterson? andrew tate? Pewdiepie? All of the above?
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I think they even got some alex jones in there when they mention how he sold pills. Specifically, "performance" pills for men, made from rhino horn.
-Duke carries a gun near his crotch at all times for most of the movie. Specifically, an underpowered Tokarev, I've read. On top of the abuse, he also self-cucks himself so his GF can try and pillow-talk Miles into supporting Duke's next endeavour.
And while I was looking up the gun, I found someone on /r/liberalGunOwners saying "well, maybe it's supposed to look Russian because he's pro-Putin like a lot of right-wingers?"
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That's possible, but it would be a really obtuse reference in a movie chock full of really blatant references.
-Also, there's something a tad ironic about a supposedly (alt-)right influencer being a large, muscular, tattoo'd Hispanic man. Unless that's supposed to be a tan.
Claire -Claire is a left-wing, environmentally friendly politician. She wears beige, and always looks terrible (to Katheryn Hahn's frustration). She's also a hypocrite.
Some TVTropes editor: it's about progressive politicans that gradually turn conservative.
No, the message here isn't "conservatives bad". It's "hypocritical left-wing politicians are bad". And I'm not sure about the "left-wing" part.
Duke is a hypocrite because he self-cucks for advantage, and is also physically abused by his tiny little mom. Claire is just a straight up liar, as politicians often are. There's a contrast between his performative peacocking in every aspect of the way he presents himself, and Claire's beige cold mess.
I'm not kidding. That was the stated intent of her costume and makeup.
-claire calls duke an MRA. I'm not sure if the writers were wrong, Claire's wrong, or Duke actually calls himself an MRA in-universe. He's certainly a traditionalist, which MRAs usually aren't. He also wants women to get back in the kitchen, which MRAs usually don't.
And finally, there's Miles’ No 2., tech wizard Lionel, who spins Miles' straw - or napkin ideas - into gold. In fact, he spends most of the movie with a gold wishbone pin on his lapel. GEDDIT?
Duke is a right wing tradcon MRA who cares about physical appearances even though he has a bad social rep, Claire is a left-wing progressive with a terrible physical appearance and a good social rep, Birdie is an idiot who keeps saying un-PC things, and Lionel is the smart guy, who is apparently more or less apolitical.
Also, the movie has obvious inspiration from Christie's "And Then There Were None". And maybe Clue. Or Among Us.
Or all three.
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 102. brb x oc -finale-
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a/n: and....it happened my sweets. WE REACHED THE END OF goodness gracious. But as you well know, this isn't the end of Bea and Rooster. I just want to thank you ALL for giving my fic a chance, thank you, thank you so much. I feel so welcome in this fandom that even my self doubt and paranoia feels stupid sometimes haha. Anyway, enjoy the smut! And be prepared for the sequel's first chapter tomorrow, I'll link it to GG's first chapter too so everyone can UHHH get used to it??!! (also yes i did cry writing this chapter WOW)
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: SMUT, SMUT SMUTTTT, mirror sex, why is rooster so kinky we may never know
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
“My feet are killing me.” Beatrice says once they open the door,her fingers hooked on the back of the heels, Jolene dragging her paws behind them as she was having a hard time keeping herself awake. In fact she just shook the flower collar out of her neck before hopping on the couch and immediately falling asleep, ignoring the couple still at the door.
Beatrice smiles sweetly, turning to her now husband who was just giving her a little smile, “Well,” he looks at the threshold, “It’s tradition, isn’t it? And since your feet hurt…,” she squeaks in surprise, immediately hugging his neck when he picks her bridal style - literally - laughing as he walks them inside, gently shutting the door when he hears Jolene’s loud snoring from the couch.
She giggles as he puts her down, “Thank you,” she whispers, kissing his lips as he locks the door, “Whew, what a night.” she laughs, pulling the half bun loose to the rest of her hair falls down her back, removing the tiny flowers pinned on the strands as well. Rooster follows his wife up the stairs, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his vest as he reaches the bedroom door. He leans his shoulder against the doorframe, watching Beatrice make her way into the room, gently putting the high heels aside as she rubbed her neck.
She felt his eyes on her, turning around and smiling, “Hi,” he smiles wider in response, “How are you feeling?”
“You know when you are a kid,” he begins, “And you have an amazing birthday party, you know you are tired but you don’t feel tired?” she nods while half laughing, “I know I should be exhausted, but…I’m not that much.” he also couldn’t stop looking at her, “You look so beautiful.”
Beatrice’s cheeks turn red when he says so, her smile widening, “You look very handsome yourself,” she whispers back, “Like a real prince.”
Rooster laughs breathily, dropping his head forward before entering the room, closing the door behind him, “You know,” he begins, his eyes dropping to her thigh where he knew the garter was, ‘We never got to remove your garter.” Beatrice’s cheeks got darker, but her lower lip curled into her mouth, “We should do something about it since,” he looks at his watch, “Technically it is our honeymoon, we just aren’t in Italy yet.”
“It is a fourteen hours flight, Roos.” she whispers, but she’s leaning back a bit on the bed, one of her legs straight in front of her body, “And we’ll have to get to the airport at six, so…”
But honestly neither of them seemed too worried about it, they could always sleep at the airport or at the plane or wherever, and considering how they were looking at each other it was obvious they were thinking the same thing. Rooster smirks, locking the door without taking his eyes from hers as he approaches the bed, shrugging off his suit jacket, “I promise it’ll be an activity that will make both of us so tired we’ll reach Palermo rejuvenated.”
Beatrice chews her lower lip even more, following his tall broad frame get closer and closer, eyelids low as he kneels in front of her, she could feel his fingertips tapping the outer side of her calves, making their way over to her thighs so he could figure out where exactly the garter was. “...y-you make a very good point.” 
“I knew you’d agree,Mrs.Bradshaw.” his smirk only widens and with the only light source coming from the moonlight that peeked through the curtains, it made this whole experience almost ethereal, Rooster didn’t look real - like often - but adding that now he was her husband made the whole ordeal appear unreal. Beatrice continues chewing her lower lip, his fingers trailing all the way up her thighs, pulling the tulle along so he could see it better.
Once her knee is visible, he drops a kiss there, then proceeds to make a trail of wet kisses up until he reaches the garter, his eyes immediately meeting hers as soon as his teeth bite the elastic lace, her leg lifting just enough so he could pull it out without it getting stuck. She eased out a soft sigh, her cheeks burning so brightly she looked like a ripe tomato but she couldn’t move her eyes from him even if she tried. 
He looks down at the garter in his hand as soon as he pulls it off, analyzing the intricate patterns and delicate lace that made it, before he sets it aside, “I might keep it as a bookmarker.” he jokes, “So I don’t forget this night.”
“Oh, you t-think it’ll be forgetful, Roos?”
He laughs while shaking his head, “No,I think it’ll be fucking amazing,” he pushes himself to his feet, “Stand up for me, gorgeous?” she does once he steps back enough, already knowing what he planned and giving her back to him. Beatrice feels him brushing her hair to the side so he can see the zipper that kept the dress together. Memories of last year’s Halloween when he stood behind her - the very day they declared their love for each other - comes to mind and she couldn’t deny how fitting it was to think of it again, hours after their wedding ceremony.
The dress was much easier to remove than the bodysuit, she held back a surprised gasp when she felt his mustache tickling the side of her neck, with his hands sliding down her arms so the sleeves would drop faster. Beatrice’s eyes fluttered closed, her blush going down her neck to her chest, feeling goosebumps following his wandering hands. 
Her chest got colder, then she felt the fabric pool at her feet, followed by the sound of her husband’s clothes rustling, she blinks her eyes open and turns around to see he’s removing his vest - his eyes are deep black because of his pupils- and Beatrice holds his hands, “Wait,” she whispers, chewing her lower lip the very second Rooster ceased his movements, “Can I?”
Usually that was his line, because he worried about her comfort, he worried about her thoughts getting too overwhelming and he just wanted her to be okay with him. The fact that Beatrice voiced those words sent chills all over her body, “Yeah.” he breathes out, watching her gently pick the dress up and set on the futon by the end of the bed as folded as she could make it. 
Her undergarments were simple, yet perfect for her, with the lace and the light pink color, making the image of a fairy be even more ingrained in his brain. She returns, standing int front of him and leaning up so their lips would meet.
They’ve been kissing a lot that night, no more than usual if he was honest, but something about this kiss was different. They were husband and wife now, there’s a whole new weight that was lifted from their shoulders, the cold of her rings touching his cheek when she cups his face, keeping him there with her. It was a thank you inside a kiss, a thank you for everything from now and beyond and a promise that she’d never leave him.
It’s strange how they both can feel the same emotions just by kissing, some people say that when you find the one, your soulmate, you don’t need words. You just know it. Her smaller hands drop from his face to his shoulders, feeling his defined arms through the fabric, before she drags them forward to the middle where she starts to unbutton his shirt. They never stop kissing when she does so, in fact the kissing gets more intense than before. He pushes them forward so her back is touching the wall.
She gasps into his mouth, pushing the shirt open so he can shrug it off alongside the maroon colored tie, not caring about it as much as she was with her dress, preferring to keep his hands on her body. But Beatrice wasn’t too far behind, her smaller hands dropped from his broad shoulders to his defined chest and six pack, following the dark happy trail until she reached the edge of his dark pants.
Rooster groans into her mouth when she presses her palm against the bulge in his pants, moving his hips forward to grind against her hand. Beatrice’s lips formed a smile against his lips, hooking her thumb on the seam of his pants until she found the little button that kept it closed. Her husband just moaned again, trying to get some friction out of that but Beatrice just unbuttoned his hands and let it fall to the ground.
He kicked them aside much like the rest of his clothes, now both were only wearing their undergarments and they finally broke up for air, chest heaving and mouths flushed red. His eyes move from her face to her scarlet blush covered chest, before he picks her up by her thighs and takes them to the bed, where he hovers on top of her, his massive frame almost shielding her from the moonlight coming through, “Fuck you are so beautiful.” he whispers, following the lace on her bra and panties, focusing on the dark damp spot already forming on her panties’ crotch just from their kissing, “You get so wet for me.”
Beatrice hitches a breath, “Always.” and he had to try to control himself at how she curved her spine and stretched her arms upwards on the bed, the pose making her curves even more pronounced and making her look like an actual pinup in a WWII poster. He licks his lips, dropping his mouth back on hers, then slowly makes his way down to her neck, kissing right under her jaw exactly where he knows it’s her weak spot.
Her soft gasp in response already adds to the sexual tension, but he wants to take it slow, it’s their very first night as a married couple, he wanted it to be special just like their actual first time was. Plus, his wife looked beautiful, he wanted to admire her a little bit more. 
His soft lips travel down her neck to her collarbones, then to her cleavage where he presses a kiss right in between her breasts, his hands coming up her waist until they reach her back, quickly finding the clasp and opening it one handed. He only pulls back to help her get rid of the lacy top and leave her upper body bare. No matter how many times he had seen her naked, he always had to admit Beatrice had “The most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen.”
She laughs sweetly, dropping her arms by the sides of her head as she watches how his gaze stood still on her newly uncovered breasts, his dark briefs looking even more tented than before, “You always compliment them.”
“Listen, don’t get me wrong,” he laughs, “Nothing against the women who want to add some more but the fact that this is completely natural is…great.” her breasts bounce in reply when she laughs again, “I mean, fuck Bea.” he growls, “Everything in you is fucking beautiful.”
There were times earlier in their relationship where she couldn’t really take the compliment without feeling tears sting her eyes, but now…now she was in a completely different mindset, she didn’t doubt him anymore. She just misled serenely in response, her brown hair partially hiding her eyes as she looked up at him, “You look like a pinup, seriously,” he suddenly confesses.
Beatrice takes in his words, “Maybe that’s an idea for a future photoshoot.” she coos and Rooster’s eyes snap up to her own, hunger written in the brown irises “So you can have something to put on the F-18 when you are gone.”
“Fuck,babe.” he breathes out in amazement, kissing the outerside of her breast, “Don’t fuckin’ tease me like that.” but Beatrice laughed a bit more, just in time for his mouth to fall on her nipple and the hand not holding himself upwards travels down to her panties, tugging at the elastic enough so he could slide his hand inside. Beatrice’s quiet moans were music to his ears, a whole concert if he was being honest.
She was so vocal for someone so shy and nervous, it really meant that she felt comfortable with him to let loose and that was honestly the best part of all this: she trusted him wholeheartedly. It took a while for her to break those scared walls that surrounded her but now that she did there wasn’t anything else holding her back. Her moaning got louder when his teeth gently nip her nipple, just a gentle bite but enough to make the brunette arch her back in response.
Two fingers moved back and forth inside her panties, against her outer lips and clit, not entering yet , just rubbing her soft center and feeling the fluids sticking to his digits even more. Beatrice gasps out his name when he moves to the opposite breast, licking along the way until he reached its twin just in time to press his palm heel against her clit a bit harder, earning a sharper moan from his wife.
Beatrice’s flushed chest turned darker, the tiny freckles he noticed after so long together almost disappearing under the dark pink blush only made her even more endearing. He wanted her to have a wonderful night, he knew she desired it just as much as the way her nails clung on his shoulders and how her head was tilted back.
He pulls back from her breast, something that earns a soft gasp of surprise from Beatrice, only to press his lips to hear ear just in time to insert his index and middle finger into her. He could see her goosebumps and could hear her soft moan when he finally did so smirking against her soft skin, “You are so fuckin’ beautiful, Bea.” he coos, moving his fingers slowly at first, straddling one of her thighs in the process, “So fuckin’ beautiful.”
“All flushed up and so wet for me.” he whispers on her skin, feeling her thighs wrap around his arm as he moves his fingers, she turns her head towards him so their eyes meet. “Fuck I love you so much.”
“I love y-you too…” she whispers, moving her hips to meet his hand, whining quietly whenever he hit that special spot inside of her. “Roos…” but he’s not speeding up, in fact, he is pulling out, “W-What–”
“It’s our first night as a married couple babe,” he whispers a bit out of breath himself, “It’s going to be fuckin’ special, gorgeous.” he once again looks down at her body, pulling the panties down her legs and letting them flop to the floor before he moves to his own dark briefs, rolling them down his thick thighs until nothing else has him covered.
Beatrice bites her lower lip, he was all sharp lines and firm muscles, she couldn’t help but always admire him, “What do you have in mind?” she wasn’t even mad he stopped, too curious to know what he was planning. Her husband smirked, the corner of his lip lifted as he grabbed her by the hips,pulling her closer to the edge of the bed until he could grab both of her ass cheeks.
She knew he was strong, he had proven that time and time again, but it always surprised her when he picked her up. She squeaks out a laugh, holding on his neck out of habit even though she knew he wouldn’t let her fall, “Funny you asked.” he says quietly, flipping them around so he’s the one lying on the bed instead, “Because at the wedding you, besides looking like a fucking fairy princess,.” Beatrice bites her lip with a smile “You looked fucking sexy and it made me wonder if we could have a quickie before the reception.”
She gasped with her eyes wide,”Bradley Nicholas, you didn’t.” he nods without any shame on his face, rubbing her legs from hip to knee, “And is that your plan now?”
“I don’t plan on being quick.” 
“Of course not.” she smiles, chewing her lower lip again before she speaks, “...Roos, you do know I stopped the birth control shots,right?”
His hands still on the curve of her hip, his eyes meeting hers immediately and his smile slowly faltering. He completely forgot she stopped the birth control shots - they weren’t able to do much since they were so busy with the wedding.  And for a second, for a brief yet intense second, the idea that now they could have a child whenever they made love did something to him.
He wasn’t a guy who was turned on by the idea of popping children left and right, but he did enjoy the image of Beatrice carrying a baby - their baby. Just the very thought was already making the hairs on his arms stand on end and he had no idea how to react to that. He couldn’t explain, maybe it was how raw that thought was, it was something they talked about before obviously but now knowing that they were going to actually be able to do it was messing with him. “...fuck.”
“I forgot,” he inhales deeply, “I forgot you stopped.”
“Well, you suggested it–”
“No,no I know baby.” he didn’t want her to think he was backing out suddenly, “But…shit…I don’t know, it’s kinda hot, you know?” he laughs almost out of breath, the hands on her hips digging just enough, “Fuck it is more than kinda hot, it’s really hot.”
Beatrice looks down at her husband in surprise, “Rooster…is that a kink I’m suddenly discovering?”
“Fuck,I have no idea.” he confesses, looking so intensely into Beatrice’s eyes that the brunette’s head recoil back in surprise, “But I kinda wanna find out.” he,however, seemed to be reconsidering their location, looking around before his eyes stop at the bathroom, more specifically the bathroom’s mirror. He wastes no time in picking her up and standing, rushing to take the two of them to the bathroom, turning her around so she sees her reflection in the mirror. 
Beatrice couldn’t even figure out at first where they were until she saw her reflection, and his in the mirror. She panicked for a minute, almost ready to run away when the light on the mirror’s edge turned on automatically, illuminating the small area both of them were,giving the two of them a yellowish glow
She feels and sees his mouth pressing open kisses on the side of her neck, pushing her forward enough that she has to support herself against the sink, half open eyes following his wandering hands as he slides them down her waist, “Is this okay?” he asks quietly on her throat.
If this was months ago she’d beg him to go back to the bedroom, where it’s safe and dark and she couldn’t see herself…but the panic she felt before dissipated the more she felt his hands on her body, the more she felt how much he was turned on, the more she remembered how many times they did this just not where they could either see like that, “Yes.” she whispers, “I-It’s fine.”
Rooster eases out a sigh, dropping his forehead on the curve of her shoulder as he takes the words in. He lifts his head enough to meet her gaze on the mirror, wrapping one of his arms around her waist to pull her flush against him while the other disappears behind her to align himself to her entrance, gently pushing forward until he hilted inside. The second it happened, the moan that broke from both of them was loud enough to probably shake the windows.
Beatrice’s head tumbles forward, her hair covering most of her face as she tries to hold herself back, feeling the hand that wasn’t holding her waist slide all the way up her stomach until it reached one of her breasts, keeping it in his palm as he moved. Beatrice whimpers, the hands on the sink clenched into fists and her back was straight as a rod, he wasn’t moving fast yet, no he was keeping his movements slow and patient, he was dragging along, he just wanted to take things a bit slow tonight.
She could feel him everywhere, not only inside of her, he was such a big presence that she felt surrounded by him, “Brad…G-God…” she still has her head tumbled forward, which to him couldn’t be done. 
He wasn’t going to tug her hair and push her back, instead he combed her hair to the side and pressed kisses up the curve of her shoulder to her ear, “Look up baby,look up…” he says in breathy whispers as Beatrice whines again, slowly lifting her head with her hair still in front of her eyes. Bradley combed the long brown strands back so her vision wasn’t obstructed by it.
Beatrice, once her gaze sharpened on what she was seeing, felt her body shudder upon seeing their reflection together, his face right next to hers with his lips on her cheek but his eyes meeting her own, “Fuck, look at you,” he whispers, moving his hips in a wave like motion against her behind something she appreciated a lot considering the moan that came out of her mouth, “Fuckin’ beautiful thing you are, can’t fuckin’ get enough of you.”
His words, added to the reflection, was doing something to her. Usually he didn’t have to do much because,well, it was Rooster. He could make eating cereal be sexy - which happened before -  he didn’t have to do much to drive her crazy, “R-Roos…” she whispered, her eyes barely open but still looking at them. She whimpers, her own hand topping his own on her breast to keep it there, her hips moving back to meet his thrusts.
“Yeah, baby?” his deep voice replies on her ear, “What do you need?”
“Huh? Do you want me to fuck you faster?” she whimpers and her channel clenches, “Do you want me to make you bend over this sink, huh? Is that what you want?” she couldn’t reply, too busy moaning quietly, but the way her hips were meeting his - the plush of her ass meeting his navel - was already enough. “Keep your eyes on me.”
Her pupils dilated this time, “Y-Yes, Lieutenant.” he could see how the corner of her mouth lifted with amusement but he couldn’t deny how sexy her voice sounded whenever she said anything. Bradley drops his head to her shoulder, lips to her jawline and now wraps both of his arms around her waist, his thrusts speeding up just enough to make another gasp leave her mouth, a gasp that eventually turns into a broken moan.
Bradley just kept his eyes on her, on how her breasts bounced, on how her head tilted back when she moaned, on how her hair was starting to stick to her skin, “Eyes on me.” he repeats and she immediately meets his eyes through the mirror, “Good, very good recruit.” he coos, “You like when I fuck you like this,don’t you?”
His hips speed up a bit more, the sound of skin slapping echoing in their bathroom, “Fucking delicious thing you are, taking me so well aren’t you? Such a nice tight pretty pussy,” his hand swoops down to slap her ass and in turn makes a loud yelp break out of her, “That just is dripping, fuck Bea.” he drops the lieutenant role to bury his face on her neck, “Fuck,baby I love you so much.” 
“I love you too Brad…” she whimpers, turning to face his head on her shoulder, a delirious smile on her face but heart on her eyes as their gazes meet, “I love you too..I love you too…” so much happened in one year that neither of them could even explain how it worked. They met each other, dated,moved in together and got married all within a year.
Some people would call that crazy, some people wouldn’t understand how it was possible for these two people to find each other and decide to get so much done. “Bea…” he whispers, with his hips moving with more force and speed, enough to push her forward - her hands sliding until they reached some of the hygienic products on the sink, eventually dropping everything upon contact - their faces now much closer to the mirror, enough to fog the glass.
But the crazy thing is, when you find your person, you just know. “Brad–” she tosses her head back over his shoulder, one of her hands coming up to run her nails on his nape, “Roos, I’m going to cum, please!!”
“Fuck baby, you can cum,” he gasps, his hips hitting her cheeks with enough force to redden them even more, “Cum for me, gorgeous, just cum all over me, baby don’t–” she screams before he finishes the sentence, the hand on his nape goes a bit higher to tug the longest strands of brownish blonde hair but not with enough force to rip them off. His name leaves her lips when she does orgasm, the soft high pitched noises that follow only add up to his own release approaching.
He isn’t going to last long, he hugs her tighter against him, both of them perspiring enough for their bodies to become slick. He feels the tension snapping and his thrusts turn choppy as a deep - almost guttural - groan escapes from his throat, being muffled by her hair when he drops his face on top of it, clenching his eyes and brows, her smaller hand rubbing his arm soothingly as he tries to control his breathing with his hips still moving forward.
After a while there’s only their heavy breathing, nothing more. But the silence isn’t bad, in fact, the silence is very welcome because what soon follows is her quiet giggle, something that makes the pilot lift his head from her shoulder and look at her in question, “...You aren’t wrong, we’ll both be reach Palermo pretty rejuvenated.”  he blinks at her words, before his own laughter comes out to join hers, their foreheads touching and smiles bright as they keep close together.
The laughter dies down, but the smiles don’t. Beatrice’s hand drops from his hair to gently caress his face, “Thank you.”
“For what, baby?”
Her eyes shine with unshed tears, “...for loving me.” it was so quiet, albeit so sincere that Rooster himself wasn’t expecting it. But he did wipe the one tear that rolled down her face before it fell to the sink.
“I’d love you even if we never met.” he says just as sincerely, smiling when her soft laugh greets his ears, ‘...maybe we should take a bath, huh? Get squeaky clean for our honeymoon.”
‘You just want to have bathtub sex.” she jokes, but her husband pauses, giving her a look.
“Well,I wasn’t…but now I got an idea.”
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specialagentblogger · 4 months
Chain of Influence from Alexa Chung's IT: Heathers and Beetlejuice
Alexa Chung was a British TV host, model, and the IT girl of the 2010s. Ballet flats, hot pants, cashmere cardigans, and statement sunglasses made Alexa a fashion icon. During a time when skinny jeans, neon accessories, and flower crowns were a thing, Alexa stood out with ahead-of-her-time style choices. She definitely was one of the first well-known women that I sourced my inspiration from.
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In 2013, Alexa released her debut book IT, featuring her drawings, style influences, witty advice, and stories. This perfectly pink, cultural reset of a book, catered to young, aspiring "It" girls and wannabe Vogue Editors. Despite receiving critiques akin to a "wasted opportunity," IT marked the sweet beginning of character development for my 13-year-old self. The book led me on a transformative journey, unveiling my taste in music, film, and fashion - a chain of influence, if you will.Alexa wrote a lot about the most iconic film fashion that inspired her throughout the years.
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One of the films that started my endless love for cinema and marked the chain of influence, was Heathers (1988) - directed by Michael Lehmann and written by Daniel Waters. A satirical and macabre cult classic about a high school, where obnoxious jocks rule and the mean girls are all called Heather - until Veronica (Winona Ryder) and her mysterious boyfriend (Christian Slater) decide to kill every mean kid at the school. Pair a cinematic legend (our girl Wino) with a sexy hunk that is Christian Slater, and you have yourself an 80s classic. Watching this film when you’re 14 years old, in your secret world (my room) on a mini laptop was a transformative experience. In a sense that, in that moment, I fully understood the magic that cinema held and I wanted more. My eyes could not get enough of the cinematography, the costumes and the beautiful young actors - all while the haunting Syd Straw’s voice sang Que Sera, Sera (strongly advisable to put this song on while reading this post). 
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The film itself tells a classic tale of relational agression between high school girls. In the words of Lyn Mikel Brown or her book of the same name - girlfighting. In the book Girlfighting (2003), the author argues that for quite some time, soap-operas, films, and reality TV had only focused on women who are in competition with one another. Heathers falls right into that category. Its main focus is Veronica Sawyer (Winona Ryder) - one of the Heathers clique, who finally gets tired of being an accomplice to other school kids’ misery. Her character has a line in the film where she says: “I don’t really like my friends. It is like they are people I work with and our job is being popular”. It is the moment where Veronica foreshadows her involvement in the downfall of her mean friends. This twist is kind of ironic as Veronica is such good of a person that she cannot stand the meanness of her friends. Thus, she will become mean herself and even turn to murder, in order to end the meanness altogether.  
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Iconic, voluminous hair, fitted checkered jackets with shoulder pads, mid-length grandma skirts, colourful stockings and none other than bitchy attitudes! Every shot of Heathers is filled with endless outfit inspiration, curated by Rudy Dillon. Oh, how fun would it have been to dress like that in high school. I love how this kind of fashion evokes a nostalgic longing for a time before I was even born. From then on out, you would not see me leave a vintage clothing store without an 80's padded jacket.
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It would be very easy to guess who I was planning to dress as on Halloween 2014. I put my grey skirt on, borrowed my grandpa’s ashy blue t-shirt, covered my face in fake blood and bought a paper cigar from Tiger. It was magical. I walked around saying “What’s your damage, Heather?” - sadly, no one understood the reference back then and I ended up really scaring my mum. I might have been better at Maths, had I not been rewatching Heathers every other evening. However, no regrets. 2 + 2 is still 4, forever till the end of time. 
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Beetlejuice (1988)
The chain of influence from Alexa’s book continued naturally when I decided to explore Winona’s earlier work. The first one that came to mind was Winona’s breakthrough film 'Beetlejuice' (1988) - an absolute Halloween must-watch. Crafted by the extravagantly distinctive auteur director Tim Burton, renowned for the gothic and fantastical settings in his films. The contrast-heavy cinematography in Burton’s mise-en-scène is influenced by German Expressionism, an art movement that emerged in Germany in the early 20th century. The most predominant aspects of this movement include distorted sets, angular or weirdly-shaped architecture, and a dark, frightening atmosphere.
The film tells the story of a recently deceased couple, portrayed by Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin, who find themselves haunting their home after a new family moves in. In an attempt to scare away the living occupants, the couple summons a mischievous spirit named Betelgeuse (Michael Keaton) by saying his name three times. The narrative takes an intriguing turn with the introduction of Winona Ryder's character, Lydia, who, along with her parents (Catherine O’Hara and Jeffrey Jones), becomes entangled with the supernatural world. Winona Ryder delivers a captivating performance as Lydia, portraying a goth teenage girl who can see the dead because she has no fear of dying.
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Cinematographer Thomas E. Ackerman fully realised Burton’s ominous vision for the film. Every single shot is like a surrealist painting - a true feast for the eyes. Even if one does not find the film’s plot appealing, the visual aesthetic will still definitely satisfy one’s artistic hunger. Ackerman's attention to detail and use of lighting contribute to the film's haunting atmosphere, making it a visual masterpiece.
Beetlejuice vs. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
As mentioned previously, the influence of German Expressionism is evident in Burton’s work, and in my opinion, especially in Beetlejuice. The film has striking visual similarities to, arguably, one of the first horror films, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920), directed by a German director of the silent era - Robert Wiene. The film follows a somnambulist who makes horrifying predictions of future events. I watched it in university while I studied film, and I have to say, I was utterly spellbound. The fact that a silent film can be spine-chilling like that still blows my mind.
The distorted corridor in Beetlejuice mirrors the endless, distorted corridor in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. It evokes a sense of claustrophobia, almost like an optical illusion. The surrealist, angular structure of the Caligari corridor seamlessly fits into Beetlejuice, capturing the dreamlike, or rather nightmarish atmosphere. Exactly what one imagines the afterlife to be like.
In the following comparison shots, we can even identify a door with a diagonal line in Burton’s still, and the exact same shaped detail (window/door) on the house in Wiene’s still. I missed a crucial and rather obvious detail, which I just now discovered. You should have seen the way my jaw dropped: there is a black silhouette of a man in the background, seemingly holding a broom in Burton’s shot. Similarly, in Caligari’s shot, there is a man wearing black, holding what appears to be a cane.
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The following two shots also sparked an 'aha' moment for me. In one, the green light and the appearance of a dead bride with a tulle veil emerge from the darkness. In another, there is a muted green light covering the room, and a girl sleeps in a white nightgown, reminiscent of a wedding dress, on a bed adorned with tulle sheets.
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There's a dinner scene in Beetlejuice that's wonderfully campy and even a bit meta, making it one of the most standout moments in cinema to date. The scene features Lydia, her parents, and their friends having dinner. In an attempt to scare them into leaving, the deceased couple (the Maitlands) and Betelgeuse possess the guests. One by one, they start moving involuntarily and break into singing Harry Belafonte’s legendary song 'Day-O (The Banana Boat Song),' in his distinctive voice. I truly love this artistic decision because it cleverly uses dark humour and absurdity to dilute the frightening topic of spirits and afterlife.
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As I reflect on this chain of influence, I think of it as the epitome of 'one thing led to another.' I love that I could delve into Winona Ryder's creative universe and discover life-altering cinematic classics as a young girl. This, however, is just one of the many discoveries I made as a 13-year-old reading Alexa's book. More is yet to come...
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year
Father lost boys reaction to teen reader wearing makeup
Hiya! This look is show on a female person but I will use they/them pronouns because as someone who isn’t cis I know that finding non-cis readers can be hard! Hope you enjoy :))
Readers makeup:
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I tried to get one that would be a relatively 80’s punk look! Hope you like, If you don’t feel free to imagine another look! :)
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Dwayne got back to the cave first after a hunt looking for you because he noticed that you and star were absent
He couldn’t find you until he heard giggles coming from stars designated part of the cave
He looked inside and saw you and star laughing with your head turned away from him
Just as he was about to greet you he saw star hold up a mirror and he got a look at your reflection
You had dark makeup on your eyes and black lipstick on
He was shocked, where did you get makeup
He quickly worked it out when star asked how you felt, she must have given it to you
Dwayne was outraged and, as usual, blamed star
She must have influenced you into acting more grown up than you were, she was trying to turn you into a copy of her
He conveniently ignored the fact that you were now 14 and that the look you were going for wasn’t exactly star’s style.
When you spotted him, you asked him what he thought and he promptly answered
“You look beautiful, but your always beautiful. You don’t need makeup, unlike other people” he said while shifting his eyes to star
You were to happy that he complemented your makeup that his insult to star didn’t register.
Later when star was alone , he threatened her to “stop trying to influence you”
He’s in complete denial that your growing up
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He was back for one of his rare days of not partying when he saw you staring in the mirror while holding one of stars outfits up to your body
He noticed your makeup when you turned to him and gave him a quick hug
He thought you looked cool
He was kind of flattered that your makeup matched the boys general aesthetic
You fit right in with the boys and he also saw this as a plus because now people would know not to mess with you if they could see that you were one of the boys
He complimented your makeup and told you that you looked ‘badass’
He even offered one of his spare leather jackets because your old clothes didn’t really fit your look because of their childish look
Overall he doesn’t judge and kinda sees it as you becoming like them in a way
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Marko woke up one night early because he could hear grunts
He immediately rushed to action when he heard them, assuming you were in some kind of danger
He actually walked into your room to the scene of you crying in frustration while trying to do your eyeliner
He immediately goes to comfort you, and asks what’s wrong
You complained for a while about how you were trying to look perfect but you couldn’t get your eye makeup to look right because of how sensitive your eyes were
He gives you a hug and explains that makeup takes a long time to perfect and you didn’t need to know fully because you were only young and you have forever to get it right (he means that literally)
He sits you down and shows you how to do eyeliner in a way that doesn’t make your eyes feel uncomfortable
You can’t tell me this man doesn’t wear eyeliner so I think he’d give you decent tips
Once he’s done he compliments you and encourages you to wear it on the boardwalk with the others because you’d look ‘like a complete badass’
You smile and hug him
Overall, Marko doesn’t mind that your wearing makeup
Just as long as it doesn’t attract any boys that he has to kill
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You took Marko’s advice and decided to wear your makeup on the boardwalk
All the others didn’t really react because they’d already seen you in makeup before but David was not impressed
“Scrub that shit off”
Was his first reaction
In his head, you didn’t need makeup and it only made you look older than you were
And he just wanted to keep you as his baby forever
You, however, protested and said that you liked how you looked
You felt confident because of all the compliments you had received from your other dads
This made David furious
He wasn’t used to anyone defying him, especially you
He became mean
He accused you of trying to get attention from boys
He told you that you looked like a fool, a wannabe
“Your just trying to mimic us and it’s pathetic, be original for once (y/n)”
You felt stupid and while that wasn’t David’s intention, he couldn’t go back now
You just responded with “fuck you David” before running off
This was his first taste of your teenage rebellion and it stung
You hadn’t called him dad since the incident when you were young (from oneshot “you terrify them”) but this time it stung for some reason
You didn’t wear makeup for a while after that until you entered your true teenage rebellion phase (coming soon!) but David’s words always seemed to be in the back of your mind
Overall he doesn’t like the thought of you wearing makeup at all because it shows your growing up
But David being David, couldn’t express this like a normal person and accidentally added on to the other traumatic things he’s said to you :(
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greypetrel · 1 year
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For the OC Outfit Doodle thingie *rubs hands maniacally*
Raina: 👗 OC in something from the 50’s Aisling: 💃 OC in some radical 90’s clothes Alyra: 🎭 OC in another OC’s typical attire
Darcy my beloved: 👍 OC in a crop top - giving us some "I'm with the final girl in a slasher movie from the 80s so who's watching knows I'm doomed from the get go, but if I have to get killed off, I'm going out with style u-u" vibes ✨
*pant* DONE! It's been a wild ride and I'm allegedly having too much fun with this meme and I LOVE 50s FASHION. I received a zillionth asks and I love you all.
sling already had a 90s outfit but I had to do another one... Explanations under the cut!
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Raina: 👗 OC in something from the 50’s
I had the doubt of dressing her in a very puffy, new look gown which she would absolutely HATE... But then I realised. Raina is Rizzo from Grease. I didn't do it on purpose but... Switch "girls" for "guys", and "There are worse things I could do" is her song. So, the purple shirt is Rizzo's. It had to be done.
Aisling: 💃 OC in some radical 90’s clothes
Punk, but make it colourful and avoid black at all costs. If Sex Pistols had their graphic in neon yellow and pink, she can skip black. And the Lisa Frank-style crop top.
Alyra: 🎭 OC in another OC’s typical attire
Anders somehow convinced her to try his robes on and see for herself that they're comfortable. She disagrees. She can't move and also fur pauldrons? Seriously?
Darcy: 👍 OC in a crop top
The comparison is terribly spot on. He's a Jotunn, his real name (Fjolvarr) means "The Cautious One". Ghosts in Old Norse lore are evil and malevolent, he doesn't trust them. He's the last surviving one because he just didn't go to the cellar to check that noise. Didn't go into the woods to take a stroll. Avoided 99% of dangerous situations. Now he's alone, unscathed, everyone around him has died, he has no idea what was it, and he's 2m buff Frost giant full of anxiety. (but with his favourite crop top.)
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kathrynalicemc · 9 months
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Name: Isla McKinnon
Nicknames: TBD
Pronouns: She/her
Birth Date: August 22nd, 1959
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Scottish
Residence: London, England (Adulthood)
Languages: English, Gaelic?
Faceclaim: Tanya Kizko (Young), Alex Kingston (Adult)
Height: 5’7”
Physique: Average, slightly fit
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Sandy blonde
Hair style: Extremely curly
Scars: Maybe a few misc ones from being an Auror
Clothing: Punk/grunge clothing (Teenage), Leather jackets and jeans and 80s clothes (Adulthood), Formal suits and high heels (Ministry)
Tattoos: None
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House: Slytherin
Wand: Holly, Phoenix Feather
“Holly is one of the rarer kinds of wand woods; traditionally considered protective, it works most happily for those who may need help overcoming a tendency to anger and impetuosity. At the same time, holly wands often choose owners who are engaged in some dangerous and often spiritual quest. Holly is one of those woods that varies most dramatically in performance depending on the wand core, and it is a notoriously difficult wood to team with phoenix feather, as the wood’s volatility conflicts strangely with the phoenix’s detachment. In the unusual event of such a pairing finding its ideal match, however, nothing and nobody should stand in their way.”
Best Classes: DADA, Potions, History of Magic
Worst Classes: Herbology, Divination
Boggart Form: Her family as undead zombies that yell at her that she’s to blame for their deaths and she didn’t save them
Amortentia: Whiskey, smoke, rain, the smell of her childhood home, her mothers cooking
Patronus: Lioness
Patronus Memory: A childhood memory of her playing with her two younger sisters
Animagus: None
Dementor worst memory: Returning home to find her whole family dead with blood everywhere
Mirror of Erised: Herself arresting every Death Eater who killed her family. Later the image changes to herself killing them.
11-18: Hogwarts Student
18-22: Auror during the First War
22-25: Auror seeking her family's killers
25-30: Hit Witch
30: Opens a Private Investigator business on the side
38: Fights in the Second War
38+: TBD
Parents: Angus & Elspeth McKinnon
Sisters: Marlene & Annalise
Love Interest: TBD
Best Friends: Petra Maythorn & Davey Raines @cursebreakerfarrier
Friends: TBD
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Teenage: The McKinnon daughters were exceptional in school and gave their family a reputation for being excellent wizards. Being the oldest, Isla never really liked to show off her talent unlike her sister Marlene. She was feisty, spoke her mind, and lived life to the fullest which occasionally made her get into trouble. She dressed in punk/grunge clothes and listened to the Weird Sisters and other magical bands (Muggle ones too). She could always get good grades without trying, although her grades suffered occasionally from all the trouble she got into.
Adulthood: Isla became an Auror as she had a talent for getting into fights. Her sister Marlene followed her a year later into adulthood and became a lawyer. Their youngest sister Annalise was still in school when the First Wizarding War broke out. In July of 1981, Isla was stuck fighting with the Order as an Auror when her whole family was killed by a group of Death Eaters during a family get-together. Isla blamed herself for their deaths as she was a powerful force against Voldemort and this was an attempt at killing her or sending her a message. She also wished she could have been there to save them or at least die with them. For the next three years she threw herself even harder into her work as an Auror as she tried to expose and arrest every single Death Eater that killed her family as they did clean up after the war. Eventually she became disheartened with the rules and processes of her job so she switched careers and became a Hit Wizard. It gave her more freedom to operate and seek justice as she saw fit as it was a more intense and morally gray version of Aurors. After five more years, she also decided to open up her own private investigator business on the side to help others but also have an excuse to continue her search on her own case. At 38 years of age, Isla joins the fight once more in the Second Wizarding War as she no longer has anyone who can be hurt to get to her. Her life consists of working for hours and then returning to her flat to drink her problems away.
Most at Ease When: Buried in paperwork at her job or getting to the bottom of a glass of alcohol
Stressed When: Having to small talk at Ministry parties and play nice
Priorities: Her job, finding justice (in whatever form) for her family's killers
Strength: Fierce, takes no shit, brilliant mind, talent at dueling, helps others get justice, protector, determined
Weakness: Sarcastic, smart mouth, easy to anger/fight, doesn’t like to get close to people, reckless with her life
Color: Green, red, black
Food: Hamburger and chips
Drink: Strongest alcohol she can find
Weather: Wild stormy nights
Music: Weird Sisters, 80-90s rock
Hobbies: Quidditch, dueling
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blueiight · 10 months
lfg… lighting out for the territories
Reinhard had always hated parties, and this one was no exception. He didn’t mind the stiff white dress uniform he was wearing, nor did he mind the food, or the music. It was simply the concept of being at a party, when he would rather be doing something productive.
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“So, you’re the celebrity,” Dominique said. Her voice was low for a woman’s, and somewhat sultry.
i love econ bro rein wiaw reinhard and stringer bell would get along well (or hate eachother) (bc we all know reinhard is a utilitarian goody-two-shoes despite being a conqueror. no love for the fiends & the pushers, von musel!)
the fact that this description is in the first chapter.. very ambitious.. even so early u see reinhard’s cruel outlook “…while the saving of four hundred Alliance soldiers may mean much to their families, in a war where battles regularly involve the lives and deaths of millions of people, it’s insignificant.” u can juxtapose this to yang’s moral dilemma bc reinhard has none. in fact hes like a lot of ppl will die for a greater cause (while that aspect of war torments yang, it is something a younger reinhard can alr rationalize??? rein canon compliant REDACTED?) wiaw reinhard is so fascinating to me bc hes in a far more disadvantageous position than he ever was at any point of canon tl. not to be oh ur sister aint in the kaiser’s ears skirt admiral~~ but its kinda like that. reinhard my baby im so sorry plz dont kill m-
BISHOP DEGSBY…???!!! also rly love the mention of the mandate … the goldenbaums r like this bizarro mix of prussian aesthetic, franco revanchism& legit hitlerite shit especially back in rudolf’s heyday n the intersection of emperor-god more associated in certain eastern cultures than not like theyre sooo weird the empire is so weird.
Reinhard’s smile was cold. “The Alliance is my home, and I am grateful to it for all that it has given me, but I do not pretend that the reason I fled there as a child was out of some ideological purity. It was out of a simple desire to keep the ones I love safe. To say anything to the contrary would be the height of hypocrisy.”
“And yet you claim to hate the Goldenbaums?”
“Hatred is not ideology, Bishop. It’s personal.”
reinhard von musel playa hater of year u.c. 796 😂
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im sorry to put on my evil fujo goggles but i think something clicked here so canon lotgh reinhard had kircheis but distance from his family while in wiaw he has his family but distance from kircheis… ofc his hatred of the goldenbaum come from the same core of them tryna sexually barter his sister but its so fascinating here.
omg is reinhard being an econ bro slash amateur space socmed influencer the equivament of yang’s second rate historian bro-ism in canon tl . except reinhard loves this space military shit & the econ is an accidental hustle. that is the funniest shit ever + is actually more adjacent to my relationship w history… and even this whole blog. health bro shoehorned into amateur historian/anthropologist on yaoi tumblr
blackwell is like struggling to parse if reinhard is a fuckboy while reinhard is like im something of a feminist myself, (he really is my baby god its 2019 again the peak of my reinhard cte)
IS CH2 TITLE A ZORA NEALE HURSTON REF? This is the third wiaw chapter title ref i clocked methinks.
another moment id 100% comm is reinhard in jeans & a light 80s style jacket. reinhard always forgets hes in the top .5% percentile of beauty its hilaryus. pretty girl who just wants to be one of the bros
oh wow we’re actually getting ‘earth church being given cogent beliefs outside of being the space illuminati/blood libelesque as they were in canon’ wow thank u so much for fixing up that disasterclass. authornim’s catholic upbringing is bleeding thru but it makes it more poetic! but catholics dont be dope fiends like this. haha love it
MULLER!!!!! Lmao im already so into this game of telephone theyre playing.
It had been a waste of a day, and Reinhard had returned to his apartment in a bad mood. His mood only got worse when he found that his entire apartment had been ransacked while he was out. His personal computer was missing, and it was clear that the thief had left in a hurry, which meant that they had known Reinhard was returning home, which meant that it was not a thief but probably an imperial agent.
Reinhard stood with his hands on his hips in the middle of his studio, and addressed the room in the imperial language, using his general haughty tone, even though he had just had his apartment broken into, and he was somewhat disheveled from his day of training.
“Lieutenant Commander Muller,” he said. “I’m sure that you know by now that I do not keep anything other than my personal correspondence on my personal computer, and that my personal correspondence is of absolutely zero interest to you. Furthermore, you will notice that, although we share similar responsibilities, I have not, and do not intend to, break into your personal quarters. We may be enemies, but Phezzan would have you believe that we are living for the moment on a civilized planet, and I would hope that we can behave like civilized men.
“In the interest of not causing too great of a disturbance to the detente which exists here on Phezzan, I will not elevate this issue if you would return my property to me. I will be at the park at 54th and Lexard tomorrow evening. I will see you there, Lieutenant Commander Muller.”
IM ACTUALLY CACKLING!!!!!! hes so catty i love her. muller trying to look like a student but failing😂
“Well, I mean, he’s not… He’s not from the Empire.”
“Like he would have been killed under Rudolph. Or at least sent to do labor.”
adding w/e starzone the galactic empire is in as ‘places to avoid entirely if ur any visible person of color’ MY God the absence of metaphor is striking amc iwtv voice . love how reinhard is like oh if u think u got my tea off a blog name then u rly gone get sum. tell leigh send hugs & kisses to my first love xoxo reinhard von musel
“Sir, my sister is more competent than I am,” Reinhard said, which made Blackwell laugh.
And is!!!
“Tell me.” She was a little more direct without the bishop present, which Reinhard thought was both interesting and an improvement.
LIKE WHAT IS GOING ON WITH HER!??? also im Lmbo @ reinhard going ‘well do i look like yo mf mama (earth) ‘ hes such a smartass i adore him. ik authornim oppresses reinhard but they truly Get Him!!!!
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Ingrid said. She looked up at the candle-lit altar. “You may look like a god, but you are only a man.”
Reinhard shook his head, too used to strange remarks about his appearance to be embarrassed. “I’ve never seen a god move anything in the world, so I would much prefer to be a man. Besides, my sister looks better than I do.”
im obsessed w ingrid bodying reinhard in such a manner with religious undertones & reinhard going fuck god. my sister’s cuter than me.
Ingrid’s hand dropped back to clutch the pew. “Part of me lived. Part of me died. A very dear… friend… of mine sacrificed her standing to save me. The Earth Church protected me. I’m very grateful to their patronage.”
As far as the man you encountered at a party, yes, I do believe I know who you’re referring to. I… hope... that you do not have too many reasons to come into contact with him, but if you should see him again, you may let him know that his message was received very happily, and that, quote, “I’m doing what you said to.”
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OHMYGOD💔💔💔💔 wait im kinda jtfo at yang pov in this message cuz he prolly thinking to himself aw shit someone could be figuring me out on phezzan meanwhile reinhard & muller is in a quasi one sided homosexual espionage rigmarole
Linz had rather kindly made her a sign that read, “If your question is about my personal life, the answer is ‘NO.’ If you have an actual question, please come in.”
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toulousewayne · 1 year
Orphan: Bat of Hong Kong
This is a concept for a live action film for Cassandra Cain. This film is inspired by the style of an 80’s martial art action film. This film would be made to be on HBO Max.
Synopsis:Cassandra Cain is skilled martial artist, but above all she is fighter. She had spent her life entire fighting. For freedom, to be seen, be understood. Now she must be all those things in order to stop three deadly assassins from taken destroying Hong Kong.
Runtime:1 Hour, 55 Minutes
Release: December 8,2028
Cassandra Cain…………Ashley Liao
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Lady Shiva………………..Arden Cho
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KGBeast………………Charlie Hunnam
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Cheshire……………Lana Condor
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David Cain…………….Brian Tee
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Red Robin/Tim Drake…….Dallas Liu
Concept Art:All artwork belongs to the original creator‼️‼️‼️
Black Bat “Starter” Suit:
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Red Robin Suit:
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Orphan Suit:
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Cassandra Cain hasn’t been in Gotham for three years. She’s been the unofficial Bat of Hong Kong. We see her in a apartment with news clippings about Hong King’s new shadowy protector.
Cass beings training and we see flashbacks to when she first arrived in HK to train with her mother to regain her ability to read body language. But Shiva put Cass through the ringer.
She ends up breaking the punching bag. She begins to take a break when she worlds around to a dark corner of the apartment. And shiva sets out the shadows. She smirks and tells her daughter it’s been to long. Cass tells her to leave.
Shiva and Cass start fighting but Shiva beats her quickly. She tells her she’s holding back. She tells Cass that there are three deadly assassins and she will have to kill them, in order to stop them. She vanishes leaving a tired Cass alone.
The next afternoon Cass wakes up and starts preparing for that nights patrol. She checks her computer and the police scanner to find there’s a break in at the Bank of China Tower.
She arrives at is meet by KGBeast. She quickly saves the few remaining hostages before taken on him. The two have a slightly drawn out fight because Cass as been fighting and not using her natural skills. After a moment she regroups her mind and body and formulates a plan to defeat him.
After doing so she finds a walkie talkie and it’s Shiva on the other line. She tells Black Bat that it took her to long to home in on his skills. She tells her the next two assassins are not going to go down so easily. She tells her to keep the walkie close by her. Black Bat leaves the tower before the police arrive.
Cass is on the rooftops of nearby buildings and she leaps out the way of three shurikens. She turns to see Cheshire before her who tells her that she impressed, but her fight will end here.
Cheshire and Black Bat battle along the rooftops of Hong Kong, with weapons, smoke bombs, perfect evades, and hand to hand combat.
After a certain point Black Bat gets Cheshire into position where she hits her pressure points. Cheshire collapses on the rooftop and taunts and lashes at her for her lack of brutality. And Black Bat tells her she will never take another life not even her’s.
Cass returns to her apartment and is exhausted from the previous assassins. And in a moment of where her guard is down for a second she is stabbed with a syringe in her neck. Before she can react the medication acts faster than her and she collapses with everything going to black.
When she wakes up she tied to a metal chair in some sort of factory. She is still drowsy but her senses are returning to here and she hears the sounds of slow heavy footsteps before a deep voice fills the silent room.
David Cain waltz into the light. Cass isn’t surprised in the slightest. He tells her after her and the Bats put him into Prison he had thought long and hard about he failed her as a father and mentor. “I should have made you more obedient.” He hiss at her.
He tells Cass that he plans to right his wrongs and by doing that he’s going to undo all that brainwash Batman and his family forced into her and make her his daughter again.
Meanwhile a few goons are outside patrolling with rifles and one by one their taken out silently but swiftly.
Cass tries to free herself but the restraint tightened by her father. A goon rushes in and tells David they are been taken out. He takes a pistol and points at Cass and warns her that if she tries anything she’s as good as dead. And follows the goon and locks the room she’s in. Acting fast she stops a rusted knife on a nearby table and shimmy’s the chair closer to it.
Meanwhile David Cain and his hired mercenaries are walking through the warehouse looking for the intruders. Two smoke bombs drop in front of them and David leaps out the way. Within seconds the smoke clears and the few men with David are beaten, knocked out and disarmed. He starts firing in the rafters and the figure grapples to another one. A red and gold bird shaped shrunken disarms his gun out his hand and the figure drops down.
He walks into the light and it’s Red Robin. “Where’s my sister?” David chuckles. “If you want my daughter, you’ll have to kill me little bird.” He takes out a hunting knife and charges Tim.
Cass is able to free herself and quickly looks for her father who is about to kill Tim. She approaches them and she quickly kicks the knife out of his hand. She then fights David Cain one on one and it’s brutal. Red Robin recovers and assist Black Bat.
Once Cain is defeated Cass and Tim watch from across the street as David Cain is taken into custody. She turns and asks Tim what he’s doing here. He tells her he was looking for Bruce.
Cass knows that Tim isn’t on speaking terms with Dick since Dick became the new Batman and Damian replaced him as Robin. Cass asks him does he truly believe that Bruce is alive and he tells her he feels it. It’s what led him here. Cass hugs him and tells him to be careful and if he needs her she’ll find him. Before she leaves Tim gives her a package. He said Barbara asked him to give it to her. And with that Red Robin grapples away from the docks leaving Cass to her own thoughts.
The last Scene is Cass in her new suit on top of a roof top over looking Hong Kong. Shiva appears and congratulates her on her success and tells her she’s ready to join her to which Cass declines. Shiva is hurt but not surprised she tells Cassandra there will always be a place for her with her. And Shiva leaves without another word. Cass over looks the city as the sun begins to rise and it fades to black.
Post Credit Scene:
A set of green vines are growing and flowers are blooming with the walls of a security prison. A hand waves and several other strong vines disarm and kill two guards. Poison Ivy wakes up to the third one and kisses him, he dies quickly from his poison. She chuckles to herself until she has several vines and roots tear off a set of metal doors and there’s site Harley placing Go Fish with her stuffed Beaver. “Hey Red you came to rescue me!” She cheers, Ivy chuckles and tells her it’s time to go home. To Gotham City.
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felteverywhere · 1 year
here’s a plot wishlist of things i’m thinking about lately but would prefer to plot than write opens for. i’d also prefer to plot on discord but it’s not entirely necessary since obviously i’ll be writing on this account. some of them are kind of variations of the same thing but i think it makes it clear what kind of stuff i really love lmao. if you like this i’ll im you, but even if you like a lot of them it would be amazing if you could whittle it down to 2-3 tops. reblogging and messaging people when i’m online in the morning!
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hot & heavy by lucy dacus inspired — the angst of your first love, homoerotic teenage best friend angst coming back to haunt you, bitterness and nostalgia mingling in the worst way, you hate her and you still love her after all this time. optional: period piece (70s, 80s, 90s, early 00s), a dead friend dragging them back to town, one of them is still closeted. 
fear street inspired — small towns where dark, horrible things have happened and keep happening but not everyone can afford to clear out, young people taking on a legacy of evil in the name of love, the truth of the past being unearthed, the loss along the way. optional: period piece (90s), we can run with something similar to fear street in terms of why the killers exist or come up with our own thing. 
college sleuths — a body found in a classroom or maybe an old unsolved mystery, a small campus cradled by woods and hidden from the world, a desperate need to uncover what everyone else wants to cover up, a righteousness or maybe an obligation to the dead, an eventual game of cat and mouse as they creep closer to the truth. optional: literally everything i listed can be tweaked, i just love the idea of a pair of people (even reluctantly) solving a murder. 
scooby doo inspired, college cryptid/supernatural hunters  — they’re the only ones who believe and maybe that’s okay, could be a mumu/could utilise npc characters if we’d like a group. optional: more of a buffy style scooby gang who are solving problems/include creatures in it. 
dark academia, the secret history inspired  — 
zombie apocalypse romance... with a twist on top of that — what’s more romantic than finding your soulmate at the end of the world? well, i guess if she’s also an unhinged person who will murder humans too, if they cross her. finding out she killed her last s/o somehow doesn’t phase you. basically: muse a has met someone after so long alone but muse b is a little crazy and they get into shenanigans. 
thoroughbreds inspired — unsettling girls forming a strange bond in rekindling a childhood friendship, uncomfortable step fathers, murder as a tool to solve problems rather than a ghastly act, taking blame as a romantic gesture. gifset for fun inspo. 
a return to the hurt/comfort fanfic tag. i’d like to explore deeper things while also dealing with the relationship between two characters. optionally but not limited to: grief, abuse (tentatively and with discussion about parameters), child custody issues, divorce, etc. 
this post but like no really, let’s write it. 
people who believe they are impossible to love pushing away the one who is demanding that they let them in!!!! not strong enough by boygenius vibes also 
an affair happening in a position of power, in a place it absolutely shouldn’t, where everything could turn to crap if they gave in but... they really can’t help themselves. people who are slaves to their own feelings no matter how toxic they are with one another. bad people being so passionately and deeply in love that it destroys everything. oh also this. 
still would kick things over for a normal people plot. i’ll never be over it!! never!! gifset for visual. shame and regret almost overpowering love but not quite, hurting each other, miscommunication, all the things. “i'm not a religious person but i do sometimes think god made you for me.” it should be illegal for someone to say that but jeez i am obsessed with it. 
someone truly deranged and evil and bloodthirsty and the only one who can stop them, but also the only one who can understand them. the only one who knows them. the only one who loves them? ah?
figure skating partners for carling i beg on my knees. fc optional i honestly might change her regardless. 
more song inspo without long winded thoughts: reckless driving by lizzy mcalpine, taken by muna, holding back/crowded places/waiting game by banks, forever winter/tis the damn season/cowboy like me by taylor swift but also really any taylor swift song. 
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