realtjhammond · 1 year
Puck Me! (Open)
HockeyAU! Steve Rogers or Bucky Barnes.
Bucky/Steve Is a hockey player for  the New York Rangers. TJ is his boyfriend and is there for every game and even practice. He’s gotten so comfortable that he even sits with the team as they play. But what happens when someone hits the puck just right that it flies and hits tj in the face, knocking him out. ( thinking maybe either the boyfriend feeling terrible because it was him who hit the puck sending it flying, or angry boyfriend having to be stopped from starting a fight with the guy who injured his boyfriends pretty face.) Keep reading if you're interested!
TJ sat bundled up, Wearing one of his boyfriend's jerseys, a scarf and a hat. He cheered as His boyfriend scored yet another goal, sending the fans cheering and horns blaring. He got a skate by kiss before the round quickly resumed. This put the Rangers in the lead, it was 10 minutes till the end of the game so things were getting tense. Tj kept a close eye on his boyfriend, Talking lightly with the other players. He leaned in close, talking with Sam Wilson who had been switched out so he could ice his aching knee “Did you see that score? It was beautiful! We are totally going to-” There was a snap of hockey sticks clashing together and a shout “Look out!” Tj looked over, not registering the flying puck coming towards him. The puck hit him square in the face, causing him to fall back with a loud yelp. TJ doesn't remember much after that, Just Sam catching him and yelling for a medic. 
Tj woke up, a sharp pain going through his head and he let out a groan "what happened" he held his face.
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have a hastily drawn Terzo in fencing gear, because now this and hockeyAU are now taking over my brain
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katsukikitten · 4 months
Please more hockeyau! Izuku and katsuki im DYING OF THIRST
I did a little bit of a ramble? A drabble? Anyway I added a bit more here, when I wake up I'll think of some more. 😊
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pavedmemory · 2 years
pssst can someone write a hockeyAU for Caswen with hockey player EJ :)
Or if there already is one PLEASE link it !
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fleetingpieces · 3 years
Playing with the stars
What if Remus didn’t get injured and was drafted to play for the Dallas Stars?
This is a very self indulgent piece cause happy-sportsman-Remus pretty much lives rent free in my brain.
I’m fairly new to hockey and very much in love with it, but sorry in advance if there’s anything not hockey-accurate!
Once again, thank you Jazzy @inloveoknutzy for beta-ing this! <3 You’re amazing
And the beautiful world building and OCs belong to the amazing @lumosinlove Thank you so much for such a great story <3
CW: mentions of past abuse and mild spice.
Sirius Black was not a clumsy person. He was fearless, dedicated, precise and ruthless against his adversaries.
At least, that’s how he usually behaved.
Today however, Sirius was just stepping on the ice, glancing around the rink, when his eyes landed on a familiar player on the other end and he slipped. Sirius cursed as he grabbed onto the boards to prevent a fall, mentally slapping himself. He was never like this. And he already knew the man would be there, so why was he even surprised? Of course he was there. They were facing his team after all.
It was the first game the Lions would play against the Dallas Stars this season, but Sirius wasn’t sure if he was ready for it. Every game against the Stars was torture, and it had nothing to do with them being insanely good. Sirius liked that part actually, it meant he had to really push himself to beat them.
No, his problem came in the form of one very fit Remus Lupin.
Sirius hadn’t actually, properly seen Remus play in a couple of months, and the impact was even greater because of that. He watched as Loops skated effortlessly on his half of the rink doing warm ups. The way his body moved as he glided through the ice, his muscles flexing underneath his uniform, and the glint in his eyes were enough to take Sirius’ breath away.
Of course, everyone knew who Remus was. First draft, golden boy, star rookie a few years back. Sirius was slightly embarrassed of how well acquainted he was with the man’s career. He’d watched his every game since Loops had started playing for the NHL, and when he was alone in his house he would sometimes watch his old tapes, even though he would never admit that to anyone.
There was a loud clunk from one of the goalposts when Remus took a hard slap shot, and Sirius cursed again. His lithe body seemed to flow over the white surface, his stick an extension of his arm with how confidently he wielded it, and that fiercely joyful smile. Damn that smile. Sirius could only stare as Tyler Seguin went over and crashed into Remus, grabbing him into a headlock and saying something that sent the man laughing.
How the fuck was Sirius supposed to focus on the game with something so beautiful right there?
Shaking his head, Sirius went the other way with a frown etched on his face. 
“What are you so grumpy about?” said Pots as he went past him.
“It’s nothing,” Sirius replied. He leaned over his knees and breathed slowly, before slapping hard on his thighs once and setting his eyes on the thing that mattered right then. The puck.
And if there were a pair of amber eyes following his movements from the other end of the rink at that exact moment, he didn’t really notice.
The puck dropped not too long after and the game started. Sirius was first line and won the face off, swiftly passing the puck to Finn, who took it all the way to the Stars net where Dobby was ready for him. Before he could do anything else though, Loops cut his way and stole the puck from right under his feet. Sirius found himself staring in awe as Remus dribbled past one of their defensemen, before he snapped out of it and turned quickly to give chase.
“What the hell was that, Cap?” Pots shouted a few feet ahead of him. Sirius could almost hear the smirk in his tone.
He grumbled but did not lose sight of the puck in front of him. Those two seconds of distraction had been enough for Remus to reach their defensive zone; the way he teared up the ice was ridiculous. He took the shot, but it went straight into Kasey's glove.
Well, that was a way to kick start the game.
“Yeah, Bliz!” Finn congratulated, tapping his helmet.
When it was time for the first change, Sirius sat down heavily as Dumo’s line went out. He clasped his hands together between his knees, with his head bowed down. He had to focus. This was no time to admire what a great player Loops was. Or how obscenely good he looked in his gear.
The Lions knew him to be the dedicated, focused captain of the team, not this silly mess of a man who couldn’t take his eyes off another man from the opposite team. No, there was too much at stake for him to lose it like this. It didn’t matter that his friends knew he was gay, he couldn’t just flaunt it in front of the cameras and the wild crowd. 
He owed it to his team to get it together. He started picking up the pace after that, slowly falling into that absolute-hockey headspace, but still he felt that he couldn’t play his usual game. He kept getting slightly distracted for short periods of time, and by the end of the first period he felt incredibly frustrated with himself. It was mainly thanks to his teammates’ skills that the score was still tied 0-0.
He made his way back to the locker room behind them all, admonishing his own behaviour and telling himself he would do better in the second part of the game. He was so focused on his internal rant that he barely noticed Dumo falling into step beside him, and jumped when he placed a hand on his shoulder.
There was a knowing smile on his face that Sirius wanted to wipe off, but his tone was kind as he spoke, albeit slightly teasing.
“Mon fils, if you want to stare you have my full support, but perhaps we should focus on the game now, non?”
With that he chuckled, squeezed his shoulder and entered the locker room ahead of him.
Sirius took a second to stand outside the door, smiling at how simple and easy it was to talk about it with Dumo. The man was like family, a good kind of family. He’d taken him in and protected him against Sirius’ own mother, he’d given him a real home. It was such a Dumo thing to do, talk about his biggest secret as if it was the most normal thing in the world; Sirius could only shake his head as he followed behind him.
“Damn that Lupin!” was the first thing he heard as he stepped in. Finn was in the middle of complaining while making big gestures with his hands, and Logan and Leo were staring at him with fond, amused smiles on their faces. “It’s like every time you turn around he’s there! It’s insane how fast that man is.”
Talker came over then and slapped Sirius on the back.
“Don’t feel too bad Cap. He’s a beautiful man; sometimes I also find myself getting distracted by him.” At Sirius’ raised eyebrow, he added, “I stare with respect.”
He said it with a completely straight face, but Sirius saw the mirth dancing in his eyes. Some of the guys around laughed, adding a few comments of their own to the friendly banter. Sirius wasn’t sure what he’d done to deserve such an amazing team. Although the last thing he needed right now was to keep on thinking about Remus, so he tuned them out until Coach came in to go over their strategy.
Second period started in a similar way than the first had, only the pressure had increased. The players were marking each other more tightly, the puck kept going from the Stars’ zone to the Lion’s, and there had been no shots on goal so far.
Halfway through, the whistle blew as one of the referees called an offside on Dallas, and both teams skated over for the face off. As Sirius was getting closer, Loops skated in his direction, locking eyes with him as he circled behind him, and Sirius had to will his body not to jump when Remus started talking with his mouth close to Sirius’ ear.
“I wonder what got the great Captain Sirius Black so distracted?” he said in a playful tone, and Sirius didn’t have to look to know he was smiling.
He was taunting him, the bastard, and fuck if that didn’t ignite a fire inside Sirius’ body.
“Worry about losing your own focus Lupin, or you’ll end up biting the ice,” he replied in the same tone, and was rewarded with a soft chuckle.
If Remus wanted to play like that, Sirius would give him a performance to remember. It was a challenge, Sirius could feel his body thrumming with the adrenaline of it as he finally relaxed completely and played the way he was supposed to from the start.
Sirius managed to change the rhythm of the game with a fast pass he sent Pots’ way, that ended up being the first goal; then Logan scored another one right before the second intermission, setting the team’s spirits on a high. But then Remus scored two incredibly gorgeous goals in the third period that left Sirius slightly light headed.
They were tied.
And right now Sirius was having an internal battle as well as the one going on by the boards, as he and Loops fought for the puck, their bodies close together and Remus’ witty chirps in the air. It was taking all of Sirius’ years of discipline to keep his head in the game.
“Oh hey, you finally decided to come out to play?” Remus said as he bumped into him from behind and Sirius had to bite back a laugh, before spinning around and lightly sending Remus against the boards in retaliation.
“Look alive, Lupin!”
With barely two minutes left on the clock, Sirius managed to get the puck across to Talker, skated behind the net to position himself on the other side of the rink, shook off two defensemen as the puck headed his way again, and immediately whipped it into the goal, making the horn blare.
Screams and cheers erupted all over as the whole team crashed into him. They won, but it had been a very close call.
Nonetheless, it was over now and Sirius could go back to his hotel room and be alone for a bit. And probably watch some tape. The guys were going to grab food on the way, so Sirius excused himself to go lie down and whack himself for being such a klutz during the first half of the game. He was sure it would become easier with time, today he’d just been less prepared than he’d thought he was, and he vowed to make it better.
Just as he was heading outside through the empty hallway, a door opened and he turned around to see Lupin and Seguin coming out of their own locker room, and the sight was just a bit too much for Sirius right then.
Remus was in his game suit, his hair wet from the shower, with a stray curl falling on his forehead that Sirius desperately wanted to brush off. He was once more laughing at something Seguin had said, which made Sirius frown as he turned away, shoving his hands in his pockets.
There was nothing he could do about it, he wanted too many things that he couldn’t have.
Once he was outside, having escaped through the back door that led to the parking lot, he leaned against a wall before he lit up a cigarette and took a few long hauls, closing his eyes for a few minutes.
“Hey,” a voice said beside him and Sirius almost jumped out of his skin.
“Fuck, are you a ninja or something?” Sirius asked, bringing a hand to his heart, still holding the cigarette. He hadn’t heard Remus coming out.
Loops grinned as he came to stand right next to Sirius, but then his eyes focused on the cigarette on his hand and he lifted an eyebrow.
“Does your PT know that you smoke?”
“No, and there’s no need for him to know. I only smoke when I’m stressed.”
“What are you stressed about? You were amazing out there.”
“Not in the first period,” Sirius mumbled as he took another drag, but Remus heard him.
“And why is that?” he asked with a smirk, taking a step closer.
Sirius huffed in exasperation.
“Fuck Re, do you know how hot you look out there? Did you really have to make it that hard on me?” he lifted an eyebrow at the innuendo, which only made Remus’ wolfish grin go wider.
“Hmm. You didn’t expect me to go easy on you just because we’re dating, right?”
Remus placed a hand on the wall next to Sirius’ head, guarded by the darkness of the parking lot, and looked at him straight in the eye. The golden flecks in Remus’ irises seemed to have a light of their own, and Sirius could only stare, transfixed, as Remus’ long fingers reached up to snatch the cigarette right from between his lips and placed it in his own mouth. Without breaking eye contact, he took a slow drag and exhaled to the side before stubbing the fag against the wall.
Remus’ hand came to rest on the other side of Sirius’ head, and he pressed their chests together, slotting his thigh between Sirius’.
“Y’know, if it was that hard on you,” he punctuated by pressing his thigh down ever so slightly, smiling as a whine sounded at the back of Sirius’ throat, “there are other ways to help you relax,” he said with a tilt of his head, before he ducked down to suck on Sirius’ neck.
“You’re not flying back to Gryffindor tomorrow, right?” Remus whispered against the skin just under his ear, pulling a breathy “No” out of Sirius that sounded more like a moan. “Good. I can stay with you all night then, yeah?” he added before he scraped his teeth against Sirius’ ear lobe, and Sirius had to blink a few times to clear his fuzzy head.
"I...quoi?" He had to resist the urge to slap himself. Use your words, Black.  “I mean...what?” Oh yeah, much better.
Remus leaned back just enough to look at him with a smile, tucking Sirius’ hair behind his ear.
“Will you be missed if I take you home?” he said in an amused tone, tilting his head in a way that was so adorable Sirius had to fight to keep another whine in.
“I thought you had a team dinner you couldn’t miss.” Sirius hesitated before continuing, “Isn’t it too risky for us to do this?”
“No,” Remus said immediately. Then, after a short pause, “I mean, I do, and it is, but...I haven’t seen you in almost a month, Pads. I...I missed you.”
Sirius’ heart melted. It’d been hard on both of them since the season had started; their tight training schedules and the fact that they lived in different cities didn’t allow them much time together. Being apart from Remus felt like being off balance, like his world was tilted to the side, and it had only settled on its right edge the moment Sirius had gone on the rink today and laid eyes on Remus again.
Sirius cupped Remus’ cheek, and the other man pressed against his touch, closing his eyes as a fond smile slowly made its way through his face.
“What?” Sirius asked.
“Do you remember that first time I asked you out?”
Sirius was surprised into silence for a few seconds, before he got what Remus was thinking about and he huffed a laugh.
Of course he remembered.
They had been in a very similar situation to the one they were in now, but still, so many things had changed.
The Lions had been playing against Dallas too on that day, only they were at Hogwarts stadium, with their chance at the playoffs at stake. And Sirius’ parents had been there.
Their words, their hard looks, Walburga’s hand digging into his shoulder...it had all been too much and Sirius had found himself spiralling down into the scared, closed off boy he’d used to be before he’d started playing with the Lions. Before he’d been accepted into a real team, a real family.
At that moment, all he could think about was pressure, reputation, and secrets.
He couldn’t let his parents find out. He couldn’t let his friends find out. And then, after the game, he’d been alone at the parking lot trying to get his breathing under control, ripping a leaflet to pieces when a soft hand was placed on top of his, and Sirius had looked up to concerned amber eyes.
To the one person he was supposed to avoid at all costs.
Remus had removed his hand from Sirius’, taking what was left of the paper from him and throwing it in the bin in the corner.
“Hey! I was using that!”
“What for?” He’d sounded genuinely curious, which confused Sirius as they were cordial with each other but they weren’t really friends.
Staring ahead, Sirius had avoided looking him in the eye as he ran a hand through his hair.
“There was something on my mind.”
“Hmm,” Remus hummed.
Sirius had glanced to his side and found Remus staring at him straight in the eye, before the other man stuffed his hands in his pockets and leaned on the wall beside him.
“Are you free?”
“Hm?” Sirius asked absentmindedly. He’d been too busy staring at the way Remus’ shoulders strained against his shirt to register what had been said.
The corners of Remus’ mouth turned up in a sweet smile, making Sirius’ breath stop completely. He couldn’t help but think he was gorgeous. 
“Are you free right now or do you have somewhere to be?”
“Oh. No, I’m done for the evening,” Sirius said, confused as to where that had come from.
“Well then, wanna go grab dinner?”
“I...what?” Sirius was perplexed. He’d not been expecting that.
“Dinner. With me,” Remus said, amused. What was going on? Was this...was Remus flirting with him? No, that couldn’t be it; Loops was known to be one of the most caring players out there, he’d probably seen that Sirius was struggling with something and just wanted to help. But even if that was it, he was not about to turn the man down.
“I...yeah. Yeah, I would like that,” Sirius said as a small smile spread over his face.
When Remus gave him a happy grin of his own, eyes shining bright, Sirius’ stomach had done a flip, and he’d known he was totally, and absolutely fucked.
He felt his body tingle just like it had back then when Remus trailed his fingers along his jaw, bringing him back to the present.
“Yeah, I remember,” Sirius placed his hands on Remus’ cheeks and kissed him, slow and steady, making Remus sigh and sag against him as he talked between kisses, never letting their lips part further than an inch. “You were so cute. And sweet. I was so fucking surprised that you asked me out, but I didn’t dare believe you actually wanted...well, me.”
Remus laughed, nudging at Sirius’ nose with his own. 
“How could I not want you? Did you look at you? Do you know how sweet, caring and amazing you are?”
Sirius groaned as he nipped at the other man’s bottom lip, making him jump in surprise. He let his fingers run among the wild tawny curls, pulling at them slightly at the back of Remus’ neck. Remus let his head fall back, and instantly felt Sirius’ mouth on the soft skin under his jaw, trailing warm open-mouth kisses until he reached his collarbone.
“Re,” he whispered, feeling his boyfriend’s chest rising and falling in short shallow breaths.
“Please take me home.”
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middimidoris · 3 years
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The puck clinks into the back of the net and the horn echoes into the arena. 🚨
Bucky skates over to Steve, “STEVE! You did it!! YOU DID IT!!”
They won the game. 🏒
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!sweater weather by @lumosinlove spoilers!
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bluemooncartoons · 4 years
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“What was it like being drafted right after your best friend and linemate?”
Catra forced a smile for the reporter and replied, 
“Yeah, um, it was great. A real dream come true.”
“There are going to be high expectations for numbers one and two overall. Do you think you’re ready to be likely career-long rivals with Adora?”
Instead of answering immediately, Catra glanced over to Coach Weaver, who glared back in reply. And here she thought second overall would get her some respect. She furrowed her brow, only pausing for a second to come up with an answer to the question.
“I’m ready for anything Adora can throw at me. They’ll regret not drafting me first in the next few years...”
Catra stopped for dramatic effect:
“I promise.”
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dysfunctionalbundle · 4 years
me: I should finish that one thing I started writing
also me: [opens document and only re-reads it]
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cinematicsoph · 1 year
cold as ice • a luke hemmings hockey au fanfic masterlist
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genre: hockey au, college au, angst, enemies to lovers
warnings: mentions of drinking, swearing, mentions of drug use, mentions of sexual content, sports violence, talks of mental health
summary: Top of her class Aurora Bradford couldn't care less about her college's hockey team, especially golden boy Luke Hemmings. But when she tutors him in English and he teaches her to love skating again, they learn that they may not be that different after all. Unlikely friendships, secrets, and hidden feelings are just the beginning.
status: ongoing (also on wattpad)
taglist: open
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a/n: hey guys! this fic is inspired by that picture of luke and my twitter gc being obsessed with the idea of hockey luke (shoutout to cheetosos ily guys). don't worry, i'm still writing you don't go to parties and will continue to write it until i decide it's finished. i hope you'll enjoy this fic and happy reading <3.
Copyright @ 2022 sophi_quimby. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format by anyone but me
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softnoirr · 2 years
Since we don’t really see what happens after.. what is their relationship like? Especially with such hectic hockey schedules? Just curious how they go about their daily life now that they are seeing each other. (ps. i really loved the hockeyau since I’m a huge hockey fan)
They get together right at the beginning of the offseason and so the beginning of their relationship is this sort of loose haze where nothing really sticks. They spend more time than they should hauled up in Tobin's apartment and blowing their meal plans and not thinking about hockey at all except for how its still the love of their lives. but then like. Christen's just won the cup. that comes with a lot of responsibility and time commitments, even in the offseason, and hockey has to creep back in.
Christen's mostly joking about her cup day at the end of blaze of fear, but she's also not. Its important to her! She's dreamed about this day! A stupid petty part of her has probably dreamed that Tobin Always Better Than Her Heath wouldn't get to know what a cup day was like and Christen would, but instead she gets two time stanley cup champion Tobin Heath who loves her and is smiling in a way Christen can chose to interpret as being sincere when she says "okay, Chris, I'll come."
(its not insincere its just like. tobin sort of feels like she's dying about it. she does love christen but she loved winning first and longest and she doesn't. she isn't. she can't watch chris walk around and get covered in praise and wonder if she feels like shit the way tobin did at her cup day, hungover and twenty-something and pretty sure it wasn't enough. and then christen tells her its going to be in LA, which makes sense. she knows that. tobin's was in jersey. LA is chris' hometown. she gets it. she just also thinks that maybe like, if she has to watch the cup get passed around the room in the city that passed her over the second she stopped doing that for them, that tossed aside all the love she gave them, like, maybe that'll kill her. or whatever)
So obviously it goes to shit and they end up fighting the next day and Tobin walks out and sits on a beach for like five hours and Christen doesn't come to find her. She keeps waiting for her to sit down next to her on the sand and she never does. When Tobin goes back to the house Christen is just, there, cooking meal plan approved pasta and asking her about her training plan. Tobin doesn't really know what the fuck to do with that. But, after that, its fine. They spend time in LA. Tobin introduces Christen to her parents in Jersey. Its good. They literally never discuss anything.
In season its different, and that becomes a theme. They aren't really good at being together (Tobin needs people in front of her, which is why her relationships with cheney and a-rod - and alex but thats one sentence in the fic even if its a book in my head -suffer, and Christen needs to be able to control everything) and in a way they end up. sort of. not being together. They are obviously, and they're not with other people, its just like. Sometimes they don't talk for two weeks and then their teams play each other and they'll stay up the whole night just to be Close while trying not to think about all the bruises they left on each others bodies in the game. How are you meant to love someone who hunts you for sport? How are you meant to do anything but love them when they put so much care into the chase? and then its the offseason again and its like. a real relationship. and then the season starts again and its not. and again and again and again. until eventually Christen leaves Toronto and signs in LA for her last season the same year Tobin is traded back to the Kings (from Minnesota bc she doesn't stay in Montreal which is a whole other narrative at play here) and suddenly they're older and shackled and not going anywhere. and open chapter one of 'no mad dogs, no hatchets'
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lynnearlington · 4 years
Watching the replay of the 2018 Olympics championship match during this quarantine makes me understand Lena in the hockeyAU a lot more.
Hahahaha, I respect your choices. 
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redsector-a · 5 years
What’s in my WIP folder
@ussfriendship tagged me - thank you! And legit some of these are so old I don’t really know what they are. lol
the amnesia fic
I might have missed a few too... I’m bad at tagging so if you see this you’re it! I choose you!
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jesshley · 6 years
NEW FANFICTION. CHUUVES and others ships from Loona. Hockey AU.
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oxathiazabitch · 6 years
After seeing some amazing art of non-hockeyAU! Jack Zimmermann by @littlestpersimmon @wheeloffortune-design , @zim-tits and @peanutdoodler I was inspired to try my hand at some fic.  Been fun so far and hope y’all enjoy. 
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bigbluelemon · 7 years
Day 6: AU
JJBek, hockeyAU, lovehate, teen&up audiences, available in Russian
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