aioniatita · 5 months
Forever a Lana girl
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[CN] Victor and MC S2 CH 31 – Part 1 (Eng Translation)
“Victor has his pride, but my pride is Victor.”
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⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a chapter that is yet to be released on the global server. ♡
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⊳ Let’s start with the name of the chapter, cause it’s very important:
“The end of time isn’t death, it’s oblivion.”
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“The Golden Rule” – to put it simply – “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” i.e., treat everyone how you’d wish them to treat you, put yourself in their shoes. In short, it delivers the message of being kind, compassionate, virtuous, righteous, etc.
The chapter tagline is the callback to what Zero told Victor in CH 26. The “severe price” due to his actions of changing the outcomes is “oblivion,” i.e., his existence in this world being erased from people’s minds. If you are into MCU, it’s the Spiderman No Way Home ending, more or less—— ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
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[T/N]: I’ll be adding bullet point summaries for the parts that aren’t necessarily significant or don’t focus on Victor x MC~ (・∀・)
Link to the video: ♡
If you can, please, please, PLEASE do follow with the video!!! ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
✧ [CH 31-1] ✧
Zehn reports to MC the test results of the mechanical box: it works by transforming human energy, giving one the impression that they have become an Evolver. The continuous use of it can cause one to die from exhaustion.
MC learns that all the deteriorated Evolvers have viruses in their bodies which aggravate the deterioration and destroys the human body’s hematopoietic functions. If it’s possible find a deteriorating person who doesn’t have a blood disorder and is able to eliminate the effects of the deterioration, this might prove that an external virus caused this disease. MC locks down President Zhao through screening who seems to meet all the criteria.
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✧ [CH 31-2] ✧
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MC arrives at the cruise ship looking for President Zhao and gets a waiter to take her to him with her media permit.
MC knocks on the door, overhearing the hearty conversation inside. A familiar voice leaves her frozen on the spot.
She overhears Victor and President Zhao jokingly discussing a bet on “if the one wanting to kill President Zhao has appeared or the one looking for him,” seeming amiable to each other.
MC is invited inside, finding the owner of the voice she’d discerned immediately––
MC: Victor...!
Victor only lightly raises his eyes at the sound of my voice, as though not surprised by my appearance in the slightest. He releases a soft sigh, both of relief and helplessness.
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Victor: [replying to President Zhao’s words from earlier while looking at MC]  If nothing else, she can run around all over the place.
President Zhao: Not quite, CEO Victor. At the very least, this Miss has helped you win a boat from me.
Victor: I wasn’t going to miss the boat.
President Zhao: That too, and how can be the boat as important as the safety of the Miss!
President Zhao casts a teasing smile. But Victor pays no attention to it. He stands up and walks up to me.
President Zhao: Anyway, the two of you didn’t collude beforehand, did you?
Puzzled, I’m at a loss for words. On the contrary, Victor smiles in a relaxed manner.
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Victor: Naturally, I know it in my heart when it comes to what’s mine.
[Note]: Yes, he’s referring to MC by “mine.” It’s actually a subtle callback to S1 CH 30, likely unbeknownst to him ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
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✧ [CH 31-4] ✧
MC: Victor, I...
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Victor: I’ll answer your questions in a moment, but come with me first.
Victor brings MC out of the room, and several bodyguards stand guard in front of President Zhao’s room. Then he leads her through a corridor (seeming very familiar with the place) and finally into a utility room:
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MC: Victor, what are you doing here? When did you get here?
MC: Did you know I was coming? Have you also found out the particularity about President Zhao?
Victor crosses his arms over his chest, the corners of his lips rising in an imperceptible arc.
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Victor: You have only four questions this time. That’s an improvement.
MC: ...actually, there’s more. Do you want to hear me ask them all in one breath or one by one?
Victor: We haven’t seen each other for a while. Your efficacy of being loquacious is getting more and more stable.
Silent, he seems helpless as to what he should do with me.
Victor says: He’d guessed that MC would come for the same reason he is here. MC asks: whether he’d also discovered that the abnormality of the “blood disease”.
Victor answers: The pharmaceutical companies under LFG regularly report on the market’s direction and new diseases. In the last week’s report, the prevalence of this disease exceeded 30% of Loveland’s entire Evolver population. He’d sent Goldman and BS members to look into the matter.
MC is astonished and asks how he could be sure about the abnormality by relying on just one statistic.
Victor answers: According to the data from 3 months ago, this number was zero, so it’s not a small number. Instead of waiting for someone to cause turbulence and being constricted, taking control of the matter is always the better approach.
MC enters the admiration mode and asks if he’s found President Zhao using his deduction skills too. Victor replies that President Zhao has always been LFG’s business partner, and he’s the one who invited Victor on this tour.
Acute perception, meticulous intellection, outstanding judgment, and a little bit of good luck––
It’s indeed the “Victor” style of handling matters.
I pout, inwardly exclaiming in admiration.
MC: So, would you like to hear how I got here?
Victor: No need. Your thoughts and methods aren’t hard to guess.
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MC: ...
MC: Did it ever cross your mind – what if I couldn’t find this place?
Victor: That’s exactly what I was hoping for.
He looks at me, an imperceptible softness flickering in his gaze.
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Victor: I wish you were a little dumber and a little slower.
Victor: Staying away from danger is also a good outcome.
Though the small utility room is extremely quiet, my heart can’t help but quiver softly. Part of me wants to laugh, yet part of me wants to cry at the same time.
All of a sudden, a thought charges into my mind. I promptly sweep my eyes over him from head to toe.
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MC: Hold on a sec, have you been affected by the blood disease?
He doesn’t speak, his thin lips pressing together into a sharp line.
Such a silence makes my heart inexplicably panic a little. I look at him stubbornly, waiting for an answer.
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After what feels like ages, Victor sighs helplessly.
Victor: I’ve also been affected by it.
Victor: But, it hasn’t reached the stage that you’ve to make the wailing at a funeral face like this.
MC: ...and you’re still making jokes!
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MC: Don’t you know that if you start showing symptoms of this blood disease, you will most likely need to rely on blood transfusion to survive!
A wave of panic and anxiety rushes into my heart, my temples pounding heavily.
Victor: Why are you panicking? Aren’t I standing right in front of you just fine?
A burst of warmth abruptly comes from the back of my hand. He turns his hand over, wrapping my palm in his.
Victor: Don’t let yourself get all messed up even before the problem arises.
MC: I- I’m still very calm...
Victor: Are you sure?
In a good mood, he squeezes my palm with amusement.
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Victor: Given how you were acting just now, you were about to give me a blood transfusion on the spot.
⊳ [ OPTION A: My blood type is A/O. I can give you blood transfusion! ]
[Trivia]: According to his official character book, Victor’s blood group is A.
When he says this, I have an epiphany and promptly straighten my lower back to show my resolve.
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MC: That’s right. If anything happens, I can give you blood transfusions at any time!
MC: My blood type happens to be just right for you, and I can give you as much as you need.
⊳ [ OPTION B: I suddenly realized I couldn’t give him blood transfusion with my B/AB blood type. ]
When he says this, my heart thumps.
If Victor really gets to the stage of needing blood transfusions, there’s nothing I can do for him.
I can’t help but droop my shoulders in dismay.
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MC: I’m afraid I don’t...
⊳ [ OPTION C: I’m going to check my blood type immediately! ]
When he says this, I realize I don’t know what blood type I am and bite my lower lip in vexation.
MC: I actually still don’t know what blood type I am...
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MC: But don’t worry. I’ll get it checked first thing after we get back.
MC: And even if I can’t give you blood transfusions, I’ll still take good care of you!
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Victor: Dummy.
The light filtering in through the window crashes into Victor’s eyes, making them look more luminous than ever.
Victor: If you have the time to dwell on the consequences of a problem, why not solve it beforehand?
He downplays his words as though the person affected right now isn’t himself.
And I also know very clearly that to extricate him from danger completely, the nature of this blood disease needs to be determined immediately. With this thought in mind, I steady myself.
SKIPPING THE DRAMA: Speeding MC’s initial intention of coming here, Victor informs that he’s already got the medical team on the cruise ship to do President Zhao’s check-up, and found out that the deterioration of Evol and the blood disease aren’t related to each other.
CONCLUSION: [Angry MC, Victor soothing her] The new external virus can not only deteriorate Evol but also cause blood disease. Currently, President Zhao is the only person who can prove these two things aren’t related and bring down the façade of the people deceiving the public with false info.
Victor adds that they have to treat President Zhao as the only one outside Loveland who has been affected because the person who is meticulous enough to scheme such a malicious plot won’t take long to find out the particularity about President Zhao.
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Victor: If you allow yourself to leave some leeway, you will choose to compromise in extreme situations.
Victor: There is nothing wrong with preparing a way for retreat, but you need to be careful about its nature.
Victor: We are already on this ship. Should I be prepared to abandon him from the beginning?
His tone of certainty tugs at my heartstrings.
MC: Victor, you got involved in this... is it because you found out that the person entangled is President Zhao, an old acquaintance?
Victor: President Zhao is indeed a good business partner and friend.
Victor: But it’s not about him.
He blinks slowly, his serene eyes concealing their depth.
Victor: I just don’t want for things to go according to the wishes of a few that easily.
MC: Don’t want?
I subconsciously repeat his words and see the hint of an arrogant smile spreading across his face.
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Victor: Yes, I don’t want.
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✧ [CH 31-6] ✧
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Victor: There are many ways to change the world. Evol, power, conviction, money...
Victor: From the perspective of a businessman, I focus more on how to obtain the maximum benefit in the most rational and efficient way.
Victor: However, I’m also equally concerned about what kind of tables my bargaining chips are going to land on.
Victor’s tranquil gaze descends on the sea outside the window, but it’s as though he is overlooking the entire vast ocean.
Inevitably, countless hands are constantly vying to drive the world to different faraway places.
And I should’ve realized earlier that Victor is originally supposed to be the man in charge of the chess game, the controller who influences the world with the power of ten thousand stakes.
He allows himself to blend into the night and still has the ability to tread on the night whenever he wants to.
I look fixedly at Victor in front of me, feeling the heat unceasingly crawling up my throat.
How fortunate I am that I can be next to such a person – witnessing and changing everything.
MC: So now that we’ve determined the situation of President Zhao, shouldn’t we be transferring him somewhere safe first...
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Before the words are out of my mouth, a loud, muffled noise suddenly rings out beneath our feet.
Along with the violent rocking generated by the hull, I’m instantly swept up in Victor’s arms.
Victor: Things are not that simple.
With instructions from the broadcasts, the crew sends the panicked crowd back to their rooms.
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Victor and MC go into the cockpit. The captain immediately rushes over and tells Victor that “the damage this time was in the thruster.”
While the captain fills Victor in with the details about the severe damage, MC notes that their conversation seems like they have faced similar situations before.
Upon Victor’s questioning, the captain informs something is interfering with their transmission signal with the port, and the rescue team won’t be able to get here. 
Lastly, the captain informs that a red question mark has been painted on the wall of the storage compartment.
Victor gives necessary instructions and brings MC to the deck. MC tries to do the math along the way and asks him if anyone else has found out about President Zhao, deeply anxious.
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Victor confirms MC’s conjecture [with the softest of smiles. *the way this man can smile ever so tenderly in the face of death* ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ]. He says that this ship has been damaged in 3 places: the cabin, the propeller, and this time the thruster.  
MC surmises that the person doing this is likely the one behind the blood virus; they want to prevent President Zhao from going back, erase the evidence of the truth and leave no loopholes in the information released by the City Hall.
Victor adds that since the pathway of the virus hasn’t yet been detected, as soon as President Zhao returns to Loveland, he will naturally become one of the infected ones.
Responding to MC’s firm belief that “there must be a reason behind Victor doing things the way he did despite the danger”, Victor says: He’d contacted President Zhao 3 days back through satellite phone to confirm his situation. When all preparations were done to pick him up, he informed Victor about the damaged cabin. Victor sent a Teleporter Evolver to inspect, and soon afterward, he lost connection with everyone on the ship. Then, he arranged for Goldman to stay nearby with the necessary instruction. But as soon as Victor was on board, all sorts of communications were disconnected from the outside world. At this moment, this ship is stranded in a different dimension, where one can only enter, but there’s no way of going out.
Panicked to the extreme, MC realizes the “transaction” Victor mentioned is: The other party wants Victor to hand over President Zhao, or they will keep everyone on the ship trapped in this different dimension.
MC: ...did you assess this situation to happen beforehand?
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Victor: I’m not God.
Victor: The layout of the other party is equally meticulous, and it was difficult to see all this clearly without getting on board.
Victor: But there is no such thing as a guaranteed success on this earth.
Victor: It’s precisely games like this that possess the value of winning.
His voice is exceptionally calm, as though he is the one in control of the entire situation.
??: As expected of you, CEO Victor.
Suddenly, a burst of applause rings out above our heads. I jerk my head up and see an unfamiliar figure sitting on the railing.
The man looks unbelievably robust, showing a bright but sinister smile at Victor.
In the next second, his body moves, and he abruptly turns his hand over, pressing the tip of a slender and sharp needle under Victor’s throat.
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Victor lifts his hand to stop me from moving closer and calmly stares askance at the man in front of him.
Victor: Showing up now, that’s rather too impetuous of you.
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✧ [CH 31-7] ✧
The endless waves slap against the walls of the cruise ship again and again, engulfing any nearby sounds.
My throat can’t help but tighten, and my right hand slowly probes towards the back of my waist.
??: Miss, do you think you will be able to move faster than me?
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The tip of the needle gleams with a cold, warning light. I turn my anxious gaze towards Victor and see him closing his eyes at me soothingly, causing me to stiffly stop the movement of my hand.
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The man sneers. With a light swipe of the needle’s tip, he forces out a thin, bloody trail across Victor’s neck.
??: Since CEO Victor has guessed my intentions hitting all the right notes, how about taking a guess at what I’m about to do next?
??: Although I have a little grudge against you, I’ll reluctantly take it easy here if you guess right.
The salty sea breeze ruffles Victor’s tie, and it curls around the long needle – akin to a tongue of fire.
Victor: I have no interest in what you want to do.
Victor: After all, what you want to do, and what you can do are two different things.
Victor raises his eyebrows gently and glances down at his cuff amusingly as if nothing has happened.
Victor: Besides, you don’t seem to be very smart.
Victor: From the very beginning, I had no intention of transacting with you.
The man gives a low laugh, his sharp gruff penetrating the air. In the next moment, a cold light flashes, and Victor’s tie is abruptly sliced into two pieces. 
??: I see you are not afraid to die.
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Victor: Should I be afraid?
Victor lifts his gaze haughtily. There’s a formidable and unquestioning confidence brewing in his eyes.
Victor: Sometimes, even with a weapon in your hand, you may not be able to hurt someone.
Victor: Even if you kill me, President Zhao will still leave this cruise ship safely and complete the inspection.
Victor: And if you don’t believe me, you’re free to give it a try.
An immense sense of oppression sweeps the surrounding along with his voice, making the air seem to thin out.
A vacuous smile appears on the man’s face. He slightly deepens the tip of the needle pressed against the nape of Victor’s neck, his eyes widening malevolently.
As though thinking of something funny, he releases a low chuckle in the next moment.
??: CEO Victor, you’re so confident. It seems that we can make this boring task interesting.
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??: After all, if you want to defeat the omnipotent CEO Victor, killing him is only the lowest stage of victory. Am I correct?
The blood-curdling laughter grows louder and louder. At last, he suddenly lets go of Victor, spinning the long needle in his hand and drawing two steps backward.
??: And so, our transaction begins.
??: To be precise, there should be two agendas––
??: A man and an entire ship of people. Or an entire ship and a whole city of people.
Victor’s gaze sinks, revealing a bit of scrutiny.
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Victor: I’ve said before, I’m not interested in trading with you.
Victor: Because I don’t intend to hand anything to you.
??: Then let’s see if CEO Victor has the ability to stem the tides.
The man’s gaze rakes over Victor, slowly lifting a finger.
??: All right then. I’ll help myself and place the first “bargaining chip.”
In the next second, a loud bang resounds from the aft, and the deck shakes along with it, causing me to immediately grab hold of the railing.
??: Transaction begins.
As soon as these words are out of his mouth, the man’s figure disappears into the side of the ship’s wall in a flash.
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MC: !
I try to chase after him but am stopped by Victor.
Victor: There’s no need to chase him. He is very familiar with this place and won’t make it easy for us to find him.
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MC: But if we don’t find a way to catch him, won’t he keep leading us by the nose?
Victor: The explosion isn’t the crucial point. Rather, it’s the fact that one can only enter this ship but cannot leave.
Victor: The man just now seemed egotistical and arbitrary, but he didn’t say a word about this matter.
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Victor: I suspect that this might be the work of his Evol ability.
MC: Then isn’t it all the more important that we must find him first?
The whizzing sea breeze flutters over Victor’s eyebrows, revealing that pair of cold and sharp eyes.
He doesn’t say anything, simply fixing his line of sight on one spot. I follow his gaze and find a few wisps of black smoke rising from the crevice in the aft.
Victor: [half talking to himself] The connection with the people on the ship was lost only after the explosion happened.
His sudden remark causes my eyebrows to knit together. I look at him in puzzlement.
MC: ...what?
The answer I receive is the abrupt ringing of the phone. Hearing the sound, Victor picks it up.
Victor: [on the phone]  All right, I understand.
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After hanging up the phone, his eyebrows furrow lightly.
Victor: Water is starting to enter the part of the cabin, and the hull is inclining slightly.
My heart shudders. I can’t help but grasp the railing, probing my gaze downward.
The deep sea is still roiling calmly. It’s just that there is a tiny whirlpool surging at the end of the aft.
–– as if wanting to swallow us up little by little.
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✧ [CH 31-9] ✧
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Victor and MC rush to the cabin, only to find the passengers circling the captain in the observation deck and panicking.
MC sees the word “ONE” written on the wall in dazzling, blood-red color. Victor surmises that the man is trying to speed things up by creating panic.
Appeasing the crowd, the captain explains the dire situation to Victor – how none of the attempts to stop the leakage is working, and it’s getting bigger, and the few lifeboats they arranged kept spinning in mid-sea, so he had to send them back, etc.
After giving the captain some instructions, Victor leads MC towards President Zhao’s room––
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Victor: What’s your take on the current situation?
Mulling it over for a moment, I shake my head.
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MC: I don’t know…
MC: According to what the captain said, we are now unable to dock. We don’t have adequate food and supplies and can’t even contact for assistance.
MC: The ship will soon be out of order at this rate.
MC: Under the oppressive atmosphere of terror, there is no telling what extreme things the passengers caught up in the chaos will do.
MC: Perhaps this is the transaction that man was talking about.
MC: He wants to see whether we are willing to trade President Zhao’s life alone in exchange for the lives of everyone on this ship.
MC: But on the other hand, the people on this ship are a mere insignificant existence compared to the current situation in the entire Loveland City.
I pause. My inner perplexity is like duckweeds blanketing the surface of the water.
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MC: I know I shouldn’t be weighing it like this, but I…
Seeing my miserable expression, Victor hooks the corners of his lips into a soft smile.
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Victor: It’s normal to consider the trade-offs.
Victor: But the only thing you must remember is that for everyone on this ship, including President Zhao––
Victor: We are, by no means, the deciders of their lives.
His pace doesn’t slow down, his broad hand grasping the palm of my hand, and his tone is as casual as having a leisurely chat.
Victor: I once made an investment. And both parties carried out a tug of war that lasted for half a year.
Victor: At that time, I became clear about a principle.
He pauses meaningfully.
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Victor: Be calm and patient, and have the courage to confront the risks.
Victor’s face doesn’t disclose any emotions, his eyes revealing a bit of chilliness.
Victor: The tug of war is all about observing who can seize the opportunity.
Victor: When you have possession of an advantage, wait for your opponent to give up their baseline a little bit.
Victor: When your capital is insufficient, stall for time, figure out the cards in your opponent’s hands, and then determine your following action.
MC: Then that man…
Victor: He is so confident that the chips are in his hands.
Victor: Therefore, he’s bound to expedite, trying to waver us.
With that said, he stops in his footsteps and reaches out, knocking lightly twice on the door in front of us before pushing it open.
Sitting in front of the coffee table, President Zhao tenses up his brows and constantly rubs the teacup in his hand, seemingly somewhat anxious.
When he sees us walking in, he gathers his composure, not batting an eyelid. President Zhao fixes his gaze on Victor as he walks over.
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Victor: President Zhao, I’m counting on you to do just one thing.
Victor: As long as you do it, I can guarantee that we will win.
My breathing becomes a little heavier as I listen to him utter the following sentences word by word.
An oppressive silence pervades the room. President Zhao stands up several times, wanting to say something. But in the end, he simply squeezes the teacup in his hand and heaves a heavy sigh.
I hold my breath as I sit in the corner for a long time, knowing very clearly that I cannot just continue to sit idly by like this.
I must prepare myself for a future that might get worse.
I look at Victor, who is sitting quietly next to me, and stand up.
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Passing through the stillness hanging in the air, I walk into the en-suite bathroom and close the door.
My finger pads keep rubbing against the sharp corner of my bag. I slowly take out the mechanical box.
The lustrous white streams of light shine and fade through the black chinks, but my heart is unexpectedly calm.
“The ability is obtained by transforming the energy of the human body. And the continuous use of this ability may, in turn, lead to death from exhaustion.”
Zehn’s words echo in my mind with unmistakable clarity, but this power perhaps may be the one thing that can help me solve the problem at hand.
Suddenly, a realization dawns on me. Perhaps ordinary people, too, have used the “small syringe” previously with this similar emotion, and are using the “mechanical box” now.
Perhaps even if one knows perfectly well that this is a sin, for many people, it’s a hope hanging by a thread.
My emotions are incomparably complex at this moment, an innumerable pair of eyes floating onto my horizon.
Right now, I perhaps have that identical gaze as theirs.
I want to do something, anything. Perhaps by using this ability, I can help Victor control this situation.
–– “Don’t abandon anyone.”
I draw in a deep breath. No longer giving myself the chance to have second thoughts, I press the button on the box.
Suddenly, a very brief tingling pain generates from my fingertips. But I don’t get any time to react. That burning pain rapidly diffuses in all directions, instantly spreading throughout my entire body.
The excruciating pain devours all of my willpower. I stagger uncontrollably, my body slowly sliding down the wall.
I can’t help but close my eyes, praying incessantly in my heart.
Give me a power that can help Victor.
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MC: Please...
The gnawing pain gradually recedes. In my blurry vision, a word appears on my retina––
What’s that?
Along with the flickering of shimmering light, I feel some kind of foreign body sensation in the hollow of my palm–– a transparent dice lays quietly in the palm of my hand.
🌊 PART 2: Here!
74 notes · View notes
thelonelydeity · 2 years
unpopular opinion: hera’s anger was justified.
42 notes · View notes
angel22707 · 2 years
I feel like we need to talk ab how Beyoncé looks like an actual GODDESS in this photo LIKE LOOK AT HER. Stan Beyoncé we love Beyoncé.
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5 notes · View notes
pep-rambles · 2 months
Lucifer is a Swiftie headcanons because I kin this man so much I am projecting my other hyperfixations on him
But also I mean c'mon,
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Look at him
yes there is RadioApple in this
-It probably started from Charlie. When she was in high school (post emo phase obviously) she may have enjoyed Taylor Swift (maybe Fearless got her through her senior year because I can't stop projecting) Lucifer started listening to try and have something to bond with his daughter about. But about the time Charlie kind of lost interest is about the time Lucifer doubled down on his obsession.
-He has been to basically almost every Eras concert, usually in really good seats because many a swiftie has offered to sell their soul for tickets. He said keep your soul just let him tag along.
-He is definitely an Evermore stan mostly because of relating too hard to the divorce narrative of it.
-Speaking of, Charlie has threatened to lock him out of his Spotify after catching him on the floor crying to “Champaign Problems” on repeat too many times. She never would but most definitely tried to ban him from listening to it for a month.
-She then caught him crying to “You’re Loosing Me”
-Angel Dust is most definitely  Beyhive (killer bee probably) and though initially joking that they are rivals the two men bond over their love for the two queens of pop, recommending songs and videos to each other.
-Angel is a Reputation Stan though 
-After one of Lucifer’s many tiffs with Alastor,  Charlie is expressing her frustration asking her dad why can’t they just get along and Lucifer explains that he doesn’t trust Alastor because “I think his ever-present grin is a little troubling” and is a little upset when she doesn’t get it 
-One day, Luci is sitting in the Lobby doing his work while listening to Taylor on shuffle. He’s casually minding his own business jamming out to one of her poppier love songs and Alastor wanders in commenting on the “Obnoxious trite little diddy” Lucifer doesn't even hesitate to take the bait
L: HOW DARE YOU! SHE IS A TALENTED GODDESS!! A DOWNRIGHT MUSICAL CHAMELEON! You are such a snob Alastor! Good music didn't stop getting made after your tiny little lifetime.
A: I never said it did but it's certainly not this frivolous noise!
L: Oh, you uninformed uncultured cur! She is a fucking poet!
He then proceeds to play examples for Alastor of her most creative and heart wrenching lyrics (he absolutely makes Al sit through all 10 minutes and 13 seconds of ATW) 
After all that though Lucifer will never get Alastor to admit that he finds T.S. musically talented (or that Lucifer did in fact catch Al tapping his foot a couple times)
        -Alastor does come to Lucifer, after a bit of research, admitting that though he does not find her music enjoyable, he respects her business cunning. Luci figures that's good enough. For now. 
-because I bet my non-existent Eras tour tickets that Lilith was a hater. I’ll leave it at that.
-OP works at Barnes & Noble and let me tell you there are about 80 different Taylor Swift magazines that even my swiftie ass thinks is excessive but Lucifer has every single one
-including the Taylor Swift paper dolls magazine (yes this is a real thing). He probably gets a few because he convinces Charlie to use them as a team building activity.
-He has at least 3 copies of each of the covers for the 2023 TIME Person of the Year magazine. 
-Also all cardigans. On a casual day he definitely lounges in them and has a set rotation of when to wear each one (and I am totally not gonna draw that nope)
-Well, it seems Lucifer is no longer crying to the depressing break-up songs on repeat but now he seems to be angrily listening to “Gorgeous” on repeat. Charlie asks him about it and he goes full denial mode “No no Charlie I'm not thinking of anyone specific, I've just been really into this song lately.” Everyone else in the hotel, besides Alastor, has already figured out what's going on
Alastor: If I have to hear that obnoxious noise one more time I will reduce that tiny maniac’s room to rubble as well as the abode of whatever sad sack is making him play it.
Angel: *knowing smirk* I'm gonna hold ya to that one, Antlers. 
-Al may very well hear it one more time if Lucifer uses it as his confession song (I don't fully commit to this headcanon, I just think it's funny) 
-Anyway boy’s probably in his Reputation stan Era b/c LWYMMD is like his long overdue big F-YOU to Heaven song 
btw this is NOT gonna end at these headcanons I am running with this idea like scissors.
@nose-nippin-fun (I know you're not a swiftie but we talked about this so idk if you care I can un-tag you if you want)
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i-like-anything-water · 7 months
What your Favorite Chloé ships say about you: by someone who's sleep deprived and took one look at a post and typed.
Chlodrien: You're a sucker for childhood friends to lovers but with maximum angst, probably had a Wattpad phase or watches Asian dramas/telenovelas. Bi/Pan.
Chlobrina: No, the girl who you are crushing on for years does not know how you feel. Tell. Her. Or stop insisting it's okay that 'she only sees me as a friend as long as she's happy' for both your sakes, say something. Your crush is probably a useless lesbian as well and doesn't even know they're gay. Probably writes fanfic. Straight to lesbian land you go.
Chlolila: Enemies and lovers but it's more hating than liking. You like spice, drama and you probably have a kink. You support women's wrongs and rights but especially their wrongs. Bi/Lesbian hostility.
Chlonath: You either have a gay best friend or you are the gay best friend. Or you're bi. And an artist. wlw/mlm solidarity.
Chlolix: She was a punk, she did ballet. 'I'm not fixing her, I'm going to commit the same atrocities with her.' You like when Alix doesn't take Chloé's shit. Queer platonic bros/Lesbians unity.
Chloalya: You like independent women. You would probably hide a body without being asked. You think Ladybug is a lesbian and a goddess. Bi/Lesbian companionship.
Chlogami: LESBIANS. SWORDS. MASQUERADE BALLS. WEALTH. 'i'd stab you if you weren't so pretty right now.' Queens. Did I mention lesbians? Lesbians.
Chloluka/Lukloe: You're probably a multishipper, watches anime, has probably stanned a boy band in the past and you pin over fictional men. Bi/Bi.
Bonus but I think I'm biased:
Chloenette: Motherfuckers, what did the world do to you.
I just wanna say I respect all ships y'all are awesome, keep slaying and fuck you, asstruck.
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If Nettles was white, she would be as popular as Lyanna, Brienne or Arya, and y’all know it.
She grew up a homeless orphan (which is why it’s so insulting when people try to act like she’s a freaking idiot who doesn’t know how to bathe herself yet she can tame a dragon🤦🏽‍♀️ Put most of the highborn women in her position and they wouldn’t survive a day in her shoes).
She’s the only known non-Valyrian dragonrider who claims a wild dragon. A prince who believes in Valyrian supremacy falls in love with her to the point where he’s willing to sacrifice his life for her. Nettles singlehandedly disproves the whole idea of Targaryen exceptionalism and their blood purity. She slowly earns a dragon’s trust by bringing him sheep, and gradually he lets her closer, and then forms the dragonrider bond and lets her fly. up until this point, nobody had tried a strategy like that before.
Nettles is self-made. She’s self-taught. She’s loved for herself. She survives a freaking war and becomes a fire goddess/witch. Who wouldn’t want her ? Who wouldn’t want to be her ? Unlike Rhaenyra and Alicent, she’s the final girl of F&B.
Once again, I don't understand where you got that I'm anti Nettles? I'm anti Nettles x Daemon, but other than that theory, I very much am a fan of Nettles as a character. I won't say that there isn't racism and unfairness that happen regarding Nettles' character (though I haven't seen it personally), because people can be really shitty. But me personally, again, I'm not anti Nettles, I just dislike certain groups of her stans.
Again, I don't deny that Nettles was a strong woman. She endured many things most characters in F&B don't and most likely survived the Dance. However, I do disagree with some of the ideas you're stating as fact.
For starters, we don't know if Nettles is non-Valyrian; that's one of the many theories surrounding her, but it's not confirmed, so stating it as fact is misleading. Just because she lacks traditional Valyrian features doesn't means she isn't a dragonseed.
Jace and his brothers don't look Valyrian but they very obviously are of Valyrian descent. Rhaenys, the queen who never was, had black hair; Duncan the son of Aegon V looked like his mother, Betha Blackwood; Aegor Rivers also had black hair; Baelor Breakspear had dark hair; Daeron son of Maekar had sandy brown hair; Rhaenys the daughter of Rhaegar had her mother, Elia Martell's features.
Moving on, Daemon's relationship with Nettles is ambiguous. We don't know if they were in a romantic relationship or if his attack on Aemond was purely to save her (though I'm sure that was part of his decision). Again, you are stating a theory you believe as fact, even though it's unconfirmed.
I'm not going to touch the whole thing of Targaryen exceptionalism, because, as I said earlier, Nettles' parentage is unconfirmed. But the whole blood purity thing still hasn't been disproven at any point of GRRM's works; they intermarried to preserve their magic blood, the magic blood still exists in ASOIAF due to the incest.
Nettles is an important character in the story of the Dance, but she isn't the "final girl" you claim she is, let alone of the whole book. There are several dragon riders who survived the Dance and thrived. Rhaena is the ancestor of the Tyrells in the main series. Aegon III is the ancestor of Daenerys, the Baratheons, any remaining Blackfyres, and possibly Jon Snow and Young Griff. Baela and Alyn are the ancestors of Aurane Waters and the Velaryons.
The book of F&B is so much more than the Dance of the Dragons. Saying that Nettles is the "final girl" of the book doesn't make any sense when she only appears in a few sections. That's like saying Alys Rivers is actually the main character of the book. Nettles disappears after the Dance and doesn't appear in any other event. She does nothing else after her disappearance and has relatively little impact on the history of Westeros post Dance.
I have absolutely no idea where you're getting the whole "fire goddess/witch" thing. However, you have already been throwing out theories and your personal biases as fact, so I don't think it matters. I'm not trying to control who your fav is, I totally understand wanting to be a certain book character. But that doesn't mean you can act like everyone else is wrong for not having the same fav as you.
It's that kind of entitlement, thinking you're better than everyone else that makes people not like Nettles stans. It's almost on par with stansas and Alicent stans. People like you project so hard onto your favs, you take any perceived insult, critique, or argument as a personal attack. It's exhausting interacting with people like you.
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onyichii · 7 days
My Reply to you Cocogum
This is a response to @cocogum post! Since it is SUPER LONG! Imma start doing this instead of reblogging if I have a lot to say.
YES COCOGUM!! I am LOVING YOUR ENTIRE POST! I have a few thoughts to add...
A) I'm happy her hair is growing out too! I hope she eventually has hair as long as her mothers.
I want her to look like a forest goddess.
I think the growth is a symbol of just (as you said) being happy or at peace. In TV/movies people cut their hair as a symbol of change (freedom from the past) and grow it out again (sometimes) when they're at a new happy place. As we have seen, her hair and that green leaf she sports now are a symbol of her new found happiness.
B) I too was not expecting the "adult fun time" scene but i am hoping we get A TON more especially if this series is gonna be 100 chapters. I want more fluff, more hugs, more kisses, more f--ks! lol Put a baby (or three) in her Yugo! Give the Sadida kingdom an heir!
I can see where you are coming from that Yugo was having a wet dream. If that's the case, that is funny because he (presumably) had just pollinated his flower queen and he is dreaming of doing it again! 😀😀 And he called her tireless!? LMAO. Whether it was a dream or they were interrupted before the nut we can agree that they are BOTH hungry for each others touch/warmth (based on that scene alone).
I still think they were interrupted before they...made sap🌳and fell from the air.
I think the "adult fun time" positions you were suggesting are accurate and I can see Yugo switching too. I think it would depend on who initiates it. When she initiates she's top but when he initiates he'd top....sometimes (not all the time because as you said—he loves the view)! lol
C) For the open room. I think the construction of the floor (or level) gives them privacy. Like a long corridor before the room entrance. And at the entrance to the corridor there'd be a magical cotton bell (as seen in s3) that rings when pulled to let the royals know when servants want to enter. BUT if there is no magical door bell (OR ANYTHING) that is bold of them!! lol.
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Rereading your post...if the doorway is open like that it makes me think of this quote (the last quote at 1:40) from the film Scary Movie (watch from 1:30 to 1:42 for context)
D) So I am GLAD people have been bringing up Draconiros. I am not deep into the WAKFU/KROZMOS/DOFUS universe and had NO IDEA who he was nor any of the other primordial dragons.
I got into Wakfu for Amalia. I thought she and Yugo would be cute from all the hugs she gave him. When they canonized a potential Yumalia (in the OVA) I STANNED for their star-crossed lover romance that could never be. I love the whole cast but Amalia's character design is so cute/fun (it drew me into Wakfu).
Anyway, I am curious if Draconiros is ALSO responsible for Nora's daydream in ep 4 of season 4. THIS SCENE ALWAYS THREW ME OFF!
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I feel like this scene was added for two three purposes... 1) to introduce the audience to Efrim (in a foreshadowing way) 2) to add to what Oropo says in episode 1. Questioning Yugo's "good" intentions and actions which have caused (and WILL CAUSE) trouble for the World of Twelve. 3) To sneakily, introduce Draconiros (without the audience knowing).
The reason why I think this is Draconiros and NOT Efrim is because—how would Efrim know any of what was said in that scene? Efrim is in the Necroworld at this moment. He and Nora were in the Krozmos away from the World of Twelve for a long time. There is NO WAY Efrim would know about YUGO's effects on the World of Twelve. At none, that I can think of...
Which also brings to question, how did the Goddess Eliatrope know the Brotherhood of the Tofu and everyones names when they entered the temple? Did I miss something? I mean Quilby could have told them some things. From before his imprisonment...but I digress...
Anyway, I think Draconiros took on Efrims form/voice in s4. And now he is making an official appearance in the manga.
If they had shown Draconiros in season 4, it would be a loose end. And Tot wanted to wrap the animation up without any loose ends. So (to me) it'd make sense not to show Draconiros' true form at all in s4 and have him take on Efrims form/voice.
E) I think this dude is gonna be a problem. But I may be over thinking 🤷‍♀️. And shouldn't he be referring to her as QUEEN Amalia instead of LADY Amalia? Does he have some passive aggressive beef with her? Or is it okay to refer to a Queen as Lady instead. I feel like the Sadida's are more chill about titles (compared to other kingdoms) but...idk.
His character design (in this scene) is just giving...bad guy or pawn to me. If I am right, he could play a betrayal role (if the plot takes that turn). I do not see him being a fan of the Eliatropes either.
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F) And I agree that the Sadida kingodm is tense with it's new residence. I'm glad you brought up the perspective from the Sadida but let's talk about it a little more with a Eliatrope in mind...
The Eliatrope have NEVER had to live with another race before. EVER. They had their OWN PLANET. No other race existed on there but them.
Thanks to Baltazar (in s2) they had been watching Yugo through the Eliacube, but have they been taking notes on the customs of the world around him?
Being on a new planet with so many races must be a SHOCK to them. ADDITIONALLY, they haven't interreacted with anyone but each other for goddess knows how long!!! So the communication, customs, cultures, and everything probably hit them like a TON OF BRICKS. I would assume that they don't (quite) understand what tolerance and acceptance of other cultures is thanks to their isolation too.
However, it is something they are gonna have to learn. Starting with the Sadida race.
Since they're teens I think (...well, I hope) it'll be easier for them to learn and integrate into the world of twelve via the Sadida Kingdom.
ALSO...It will take time for the Sadida's to be comfortable with the Eliatropes too. I mean...people have been trying to take their homeland (via possess the tree of life) for a long time. It's no surprise that they are weary/tense of some alien race residing on said homeland. They may know Yugo, but they don't know his people. They probably think they'll take over....IDK.
But I am here for the tea! 🫖🍵
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rach-amber · 4 months
Hela | What If
Love that What If s2 gave us a Hela that is:
- bold, witty (for sure the sis of Thor & Loki), willing to learn, adorable in traditional Chinese dress (汉 Hàn 服 if I'm not wrong- the Han's costume - the contrast & line delivery, damn), a polyglot (likely a studious daughter, not like we expect any less from her but still, screw Odin..), has a great sense of humour & charm
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- knows what's up, willing to sacrifice her crown ("Are you,Hela, the goddess of crowns?" "Give him Hell" 😭 like the one she was banished in) but still would immediately start a fight with her nemesis Raggy 😆
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I don't think it's necessarily Goddess of Death vs Goddess of Life here. She could very well still be the Goddess of Death, but only the death of the evil, having gained a new appreciation for life. These are just titles and we stan a versatile queen who can be whoever she wants to be.
More things I love in this:
Hela & Fenris 🥰, Cate Blanchett (her accent & voice 🤩, altho her mandarin voice is like a different person), Hela in 汉服 just hits home for me, she and her siblings getting along (pls marvel we need more, same goes to her facing off thanos)
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Im bored so here is my headcanons for TIG characters fav artists and songs:
Nash Hawthorne: His would 100% be Taylor Swift but like in her debut, fearless and speak now eras, his fav songs would be ‘Our song’ and ‘Mine’. (He also obviously listens to Dolly Parton)
Grayson Hawthorne: He’d LOVE Laufey and Mitski, but I don’t think he’d admit that to anyone (except Lyra iykyk) he’d definitely have ‘Goddess’ and ‘I Don’t Like My Mind’ (as I’ve said) on repeat.
Jameson Hawthorne: The Heathers soundtrack. Thats it.
Xander Hawthorne: NO ONE can tell me this man isn’t an ABBA stan, like he 100% has ‘Dancing Queen’ blasting in his wing.
Avery Grambs: She is a Lana girly, buttt she her fav song is ‘The Lucky One’ by Taylor Swift, like it’s HER song.
Ok that’s it for now, might make more later 💋💋
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vylad243 · 2 months
Okay, Norse fan here! What you need to know is: Odin is a piece of SHIT.
And if Vox was Loki's kid, HE IS IN DANGER.
All of Loki's children have suffered because of Odin:
Hela: Goddess of Death, but was made so because no one was ruling the underworld at the time and Odin just decided she got it and now half her body is continuously rotting.
Fenrisúlfr: is a ginormous wolf that is chained up with a sword through the top of his mouth because of prophecy say he'd eat and kill Odin. Now said prophecy will definitely happen.
Jörmungandr: gaint serpent that was thrown into the earth's oceans as a baby, now encircles the world: often referred to as the world serpent. Was thrown into the ocean because he kills Thor after Thor kills Fenrisúlfr in the Prophecy.
Sleipnir: Loki gave birth to this one: long story short, Thor promised something that wasn't his to promise (I think a Goddesses hand in marriage for finishing a wall?) So Loki shapeshifted into a Mare and led off the builder's magical stallion and a few months later appeared with an 8 legged foal that Odin took as his stead. (Also ALL of Loki's kids have human intellect...so.)
Narfi and Vali, his twin sons...these two are the saddest. Loki fucked up, and to punish him Odin used the twins. To do this he turned Vali into a wolf who then killed Narfi. Odin then used the intestines of both brothers to chain Loki to the ground where a snake dripped acid into his eyes.
So Odin probably killed Vox in the other anon's AU too, especially if he was Loki's favorite, and then to deny Vox respite in his elder sister's domain...like damn Odin. But Odin is an ass like that so.
I knew Odin was an ass but I didn't know it was this bad D: oh no! Alastor's wish to fight a god might come sooner than anticipated. I knew about the horse one because my sister likes to tell me about it and I knew Loki liked to change his gender around (we stan a genderfluid queen 💅🏻 I too am genderfluid so I love Loki) but I didn't realize how fucked up it was. Marvel are cowards for not having this be the true lore in avengers
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Hello! I am Caitriona anon. My ask was prompted by a comment from succulently speaking who commented in your post a few days ago “what has Sam done wrong and what exactly do you want him to do”? You responded he needed to step up his game. That’s why I asked about Caitriona because I thought it funny how much you post about Sam and what he should or shouldn’t be doing and I thought, I wonder why Caitriona doesn’t get that same treatment? I've been following you since you got here. I understand your position. My only quibble is I don’t think of them as one entity and I think Cait especially has pushed against this for years. She’s offended at the notion. As I said, of course it's your blog and you can post whatever you'd like and certainly don't owe me an explanation, but I thank you for the one you gave anyway. I’ll continue to read you because I enjoy you. I hope I didn’t offend or that I was impertinent.
Dear (returning) Caitriona Anon,
For an Anti, you sound pretty literate and polite. So, I am going to answer you and try to keep this dialogue line open. Try me: keeping dialogues open is my bread and butter, IRL. Has been so for twenty years.
Thank you for understanding my position, but I do not really need to be 'understood', like a minor Romantic poet by his posterity. I try very hard to rationalize yours and I believe it is your constitutional right to believe what you want about this saga. Conversely, it is my prerogative to believe exactly what I want about it, based on what I do consider to be relevant facts. Not social media, press circus or PR induced tacky blogger manipulation.
Having said that, it is also my constitutional right to express my opinions and try to encourage others to do so, in a no-drama, friendly environment. It would also seem that determined Mordor to marginally step up their game, for I seem to be the nightmare these people collectively manifested every single time they howled 'the shippers are stupid', on full moon nights.
Shippers are everything but stupid, pumpkin. They are witty, funny and completely immunized to bullshit. For rhetoric bullshit with honors is your question: why Caitriona doesn’t get that same treatment?
You know very well why and I am going to tell you a Romanian proverb: cine nu muncește, nu greșește. Loosely translated: no work, no mistakes. How do you want me to say anything about a statue, who doesn't show us anything else about her life anymore, spare her outfits, her make-up and some rare events, with or sans the PA? Oh, and marGINally, her erratic business projects, for ever ongoing, hinted and never ever, God forbid, materialized? SAG-AFTRA strike? News of it never seemed to have made it to Caitrionaland. Israel-Palestine conflict? Prudent silence, but hello Tilda, darling, how are you. Ukraine? Last I heard/seen, a short appeal for helping the refugees and then crickets. Women's rights? Again, a short snippet on Persia, then mum. Just what the fuck is this supposed to be? Surely not a coherent PR strategy for a gifted, intelligent and fun (yes, fun!!) 44 year old actress who wants to keep her lucky strike going on! Let me tell you: she doesn't come across as dignified. She comes across as despising, condescending and entitled. Too cool for school, too sexy for your car, peons.
She is not Queen Victoria, for crying out loud, and we are definitely not amused!
You then proceed to say 'she pushed against it for years'? Please, do not insult my intelligence! She pushed against shippers who deface the nice Narrative, when she needed sympathy and massive support for her Belfast promo, unwittingly making a major PR blunder and for ever fracturing this fandom in at least two savagely antagonistic camps. Then, a cold, totally DGAF attitude, including towards her stans: tough to be her stan, when your Goddess is more silent than a Poor Clare (pun totally intended) nun! And she denied being an item with S (which is a complete, pious lie), because that is the Narrative, ever since IFH.
So, it's safe to say: yes, public Caitriona Balfe is dismissive of the notion, but since when is social media indicative of an undeniable or even intimate truth, especially in that particular world of hers? Oh, and by the way: sorry to be pedantic, but - it's offended by the notion, not 'at the notion'. Simple curiosity: you translate your thoughts from which language, exactly? My bet would be either German: bei, or Russian: обидеться на - yes: literally 'offended at'.
My complete Romanian proverb includes a conclusion. In full, it would be: cine nu muncește, nu greșește, dar nici nu reușește. No work, no mistake, no success.
How I wish to be proven wrong, Anon, on that one: you can't even imagine! Thank you for the time you took to answer me. I am afraid we agree to disagree. Change my mind? Not in a million years.
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fanyyy444 · 4 months
Hello ✨
May I ask a question 🙋🏻‍♀️
How will San(Ateez) will treat his fs?
Thank you for your time and work!!✨🎄
How Will Ateez San Treat His FS?
The Fool, 5 of Swords, The Sun, The Empress, 7 of Cups, 4 of Wands.
He will be a really fun and funny husband, he will try to make his fs happy, make her smile all the time💖
He will be really spontaneous and act childish to make her laugh.
He will be a bit strict also, very very jealous, with a simple man's look at his fs, he would get furious, like people(Especially men) cannot look nor touch her because she's only his. He will treat her like a literal queen, a goddess, like she's the most perfect woman in the world, he will respect her and will compliment her all the time.
He may daydream or fantasize some things about his fs om a daily basis.
He will take her to travel a lot to many places.
After their marriage, they will become even more close to each other.
They will do many things every day, many creative and romantic things, go to romantic places, etc. Their life will be perfect❤️
Well, I think that's all :) I really tried to summary the cards meanings. Sorry if it was too short, I might edit it if I want to add more info later 💖
That's all, hope you enjoyed💗
Please take it as entertainment only, do not take it too seriously, and remember that each tarot reader has their own way of reading and interpreting tarot cards, and that it cannot be 100% accurate(Especially FS readings), thank uu❤️❤️❤️
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(I don't stan Ateez so..Sorry if it's not San on the pic lol)
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bohemian-nights · 1 month
Just came from Team Black discourse and jezz,that people oozed racism from their skin. Dumbnyra stans proclaim Addam is the most important dragonseed so of course he would appear first and Nettles is ""Uninteresting and boring."/"she’s way overhyped and people often talk about her like she’s some YA protagonist rather than a side character in asoiaf"(their words)
Pardon me, even GRRM said he wanted to explore Nettles's story. Also have they seen how freaking lame is Missy Anne which basically did nothing on the war, her dragon sucks and was the only ruler kicked out from the throne by the smallfolk.
No offense to Addam, but they hype him up like that cause even though queen crazy tried to kill/maim him, that man stayed loyal to her and died for her.
He is literally the only dragonseed that stayed loyal to her. His sole purpose is to be loyal to her and sacrifice his life for her which is why this is the only official artwork/picture we have of him:
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The Loyal inscription looks like it is encased in a heart. Cough, he does what they wish Daemon did, cough.
In the end, his sacrifice is ultimately meaningless because the queen he died to protect ends up dying too.
The boy who dies and has no legacy(Alyn is the one who carries on the Velaryon name), is not nor will ever be more important than Nettles, but of course, he is going to get all the kudos instead of the girl who she tried to murder in her sleep because she couldn't stand that her husband fell in love with a Black girl(just like her weirdo stans).
They can say what they like though cause if Nettles was truly irrelevant/uninteresting she would’ve died, they would treat her like they do Mysaria, and yeah GRRM wouldn't have said this.
Now I won't dunk on them for liking Missy Anne. She has qualities, but there are plenty of people who love secondary characters(which is what Nettles is) more than the major players(see the Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and Star Wars fandoms to name a few).
Case in point, you have people who made up a whole backstory about General Hux from Star Wars (who is just a secondary character) with him being abused by his father and having some cat named Millicent. People were creating more content for him than they were Finn who was a main character(which I won't get into, but the Star Wars fandom is a fucking mess for the same reasons as the HOTD fandom).
So people liking/hyping up Nettles for being a bastard orphan girl who claims a wild dragon, has a prince willing to die for her, and survives the Dance(all canonical things mind you) doesn’t even top the turning secondary/minor characters into YA protagonists list and Nettles barely has any fans to begin with.
One can count the people who consistently post about her and/or who genuinely care about her character on about two hands and some change. These people are spazzing out over a fandom that consists of like 20 people (which makes this all the more hilarious). I wish she was more hyped than she was cause she's an awesome character, but she isn't that popular at all.
I cannot repeat this enough, they only shit on Nettles cause she isn't there to serve as Missy Anne’s mammy. That’s the only time they like Black women or Black characters and don’t mind us being included.
We have to serve them to be deemed worthy of inclusion(hence why they welcome a racebent Addam), but Nettles has her own story arc complete with surviving the Dance(she’s the only one who fought in the war that still had her dragon) and become a fire witch/goddess.
If that's being uninteresting, well then, she’s a very uninteresting character.
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as someone who majors in mathematics in college, the pure boiling fucking rage when I see people call things as "girl math" and its just about shopping expenses 🙃🙃
Fr when I think of girl math I think of like. Ada Lovelace.
As much as I like Legally Blonde and stan artists like Scene Queen, sometimes the bimbo aesthetic/movement/whatever you call it and its influence on social media has...not done the best things for women and how we perceive ourselves as a whole
I also partially blame the popularity of what I call "pop feminism" that is just capitalist demographics cornering in a glittery feminist bow. Shit like: "My Sephora eyeliner is so sharp, it could slay a man", "Your natural body is beautiful (and thus has societal value!), buuut if you wanna shave your disgusting body hair buy our razor! Get 10% off with our code GIRLBOSS", "Use your man's masculine energy to protect yourself so you can hone your feminine energy into a Kamehameha of girl power", "women are beautiful goddesses naturally inclined to nurture, which is why they should stay home in the kitchen and raise children" "ugh why did women fight for their civil rights back in the day, now I have to go to work and pay rent and be able to be financially independent without relying on a man and marriage"
Not to whip out my Daria cosplay, but can we cut the shit and acknowledge this oil slick in the zeitgeist? Corporations are not moral or immoral, they're amoral. They do whatever is necessary to toe the line of demographic accessibility, exploit your moral and political standards, and will say anything to sell you shit and get a nice ESG score courtesy of Blackrock. And it doesn't need to be a full on commercial to be someone trying to shill you: it could be an influencer, or a social trend, etc.
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I’m definitely judging the stans who are /just now/ realizing how shitty she is but I’ll take it. She should’ve never gotten this famous at all and should not have recovered after every other nazi/white supremacy scandal people let her. The people who dumped her for shoehorning herself into football, the conservatives who are mad she’s swearing, or those other small more harmless issues ending her are super embarrassing but at least she’s getting hate for something. At least people are seeing her flaws and she’s not some untouchable queen. They got Al Capone on tax fraud, he deserved worse charges but it got him off the streets. if being mean to a British man is what ruins her career and gets one less nazi in the public eye, I’ll take it.
UGH you’re right people are finally dumping her over much more minor transgressions which is ultimately good but I’m still pissed off they didn’t care when she was THEE barbie doll for the alt right or her silence during the 2016 election. Also the Al Capone reference KILLED ME I started laughing so hard 😭 you’re so funny anon. is the british man she’s being mean to joe alwyn or matty healy????
im honestly waiting for her icarus moment there is no way her rate of growth is sustainable. something’s gotta give and i think this album is pushing her towards it but it still doesn’t feel like enough 😑
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