#i am totally for that omg
madeleinefjall · 8 months
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i am unwell
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wzardjellies · 8 months
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Gwourtney week !!!!!!!!!! 💖💕💕
Day one: yearning/first date
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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a little Postlet. . because i Miss them
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dustykneed · 2 months
fem or not, spock totally has a thing for jim being casually buff as hell. ("It is merely logical to desire a capable mate.") bones calls bullshit.
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(that's because bones knows from personal experience ;))
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but also i'm curious lmao.
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yappyappyapp · 3 months
babe, only you.
jack hughes x reader
to feed my jack obsession recently, here’s a bit of angst and fluff (no mature content). please, enjoy.
also: there’s no proofread, so..
you found yourself always wondering; “am i good enough for him?”, “do i deserve him?”. comments had been lashed out earlier this evening to darken those already eerie thoughts that you fought so hard to not reside with. a long, long stay.
jack came into the room, that was the man that’s ‘in love with you’. those thoughts slashed at your mind little cuts kept wracking your head. the trance you were in was broken by your lovers lips lovingly placed onto your head, and you felt the couch slightly dip when he sat down beside you. his arm snaked around your shoulders and pulled you close to him, your head lying on his shoulder.
no one questioned if he did enough in this relationship. no one made snarky comments on how he was so quiet, how he looked like he never put enough effort into how he showed his love, but they did to you. and it was torture trying to hit those thoughts out of your brain. every single one of those comments lingered for longer and longer each time someone made another.
“what’s wrong?”
his soft voice lingered in the room as he ran his calloused hands up and down your arm. the television was playing in the background, an old re-run of big bang theory, muted, but with subtitles.
“jack, it’s just,” you started, why couldn’t you form words. a pang in your heart stung against your chest. “i don’t deserve you.” you whispered, he froze, eyes straying from the tv and to your slumped form against him.
“what makes you think that?” he murmured, his blue eyes connected with your glossy (e/c) ones.
“i- im not good enough-“ you were cut off by a sweet kiss to the lips. “don’t talk like that. i don’t care if your quiet, i don’t care what people say about our relationship, (y/n)!” he exclaimed. “people don’t know you, and how lucky i am to actually know and to be with you. i thank anyone in the skies above that they let me hold your hands. you are everything, my universe, my world. don’t let people tear into you.”
he rubbed his hands up and down your spine as you sobbed painfully into his chest, dampening his shirt.
the thoughts were still there, but at least you had someone to guide you along this long and winding road.
“i love you.”
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robotsandramblings · 28 days
i had a really funny revelation that Crosshair and Echo were [during S3] and still are sharing the Havoc-4 call sign, probably even playfully fighting over it, now that Crosshair is back on the team,,
then i realized that Crosshair probably took up the Havoc-2 call sign because Tech is gone
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
Just found this [picrew] on insta with the prompt to create the anime male version of yourself. And I thought it was kinda cool!
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Feel free to participate and tag someone, no pressure though ❤️
Also why do I low-key look like Thoma with glasses? HELP 😂
Tagging: @hiraya-rawr @the-travelling-witch @ainescribe @polalcee + whoever else wants to participate.
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sophfandoms53 · 2 years
Very minor spoilers for the rise movie
I don’t know how they managed to do this, but they somehow found a way to make the Leo flying/falling through a window trope even sadder and there wasn’t even a window this time. (Yes I cried)
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v-tired-queer · 1 month
🇺🇸🩷🇬🇧 SEQUEL! 🇬🇧🩷🇺🇸
🇺🇸🩷🇬🇧 SEQUEL! 🇬🇧🩷🇺🇸
🇺🇸🩷🇬🇧 SEQUEL! 🇬🇧🩷🇺🇸
🇺🇸🩷🇬🇧 SEQUEL! 🇬🇧🩷🇺🇸
🇺🇸🩷🇬🇧 SEQUEL! 🇬🇧🩷🇺🇸
🇺🇸🩷🇬🇧 SEQUEL! 🇬🇧🩷🇺🇸
🇺🇸🩷🇬🇧 SEQUEL! 🇬🇧🩷🇺🇸
🇺🇸🩷🇬🇧 SEQUEL! 🇬🇧🩷🇺🇸
🇺🇸🩷🇬🇧 SEQUEL! 🇬🇧🩷🇺🇸
So anyway, y'all hear there's gonna be a Red, White & Royal Blue sequel?
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jaythecryer777 · 4 months
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Hopefully I'm not forgetting anyone
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crippled-peeper · 9 days
i dont want to trample on ur emotions/right to be upset at people getting mad at you for not wanting to be called smth, but like. idk the way youre talking about DID is really weird and rubs me the wrong way.
you have every right to be upset at the people in ur inbox calling you heinous shit, but you dont have to attack (online) DID culture because of these people. it's reading very fakeclaim-y
I don’t think you would recognize sarcasm if it punched you in the face
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
bakugou is the type of guy that guesses who the killer is every time you watch crime shows with him.
just blurts it out at the beginning of the episode and ends up getting it right every time at the end, basically spoiling it.
same thing if you guys are watching crime documentaries or listening to murder podcasts. just pointing out little details that give the case away and it has you both bickering back and forth about it like if it were an actual case you two are working on.
a little bonus for AITA podcasts, he gossips about it with you and has the same reactions while listening to the story. and answers if they are the asshole or not like if he was the one on the podcast.
the wedding ones are one of his favorites because he likes to see when you get heated over some shitty thing some random mother in law or bridesmaid did that ruined the wedding for the bride.
making the mental note when you let slip some specific details you’d like in your wedding while you get lost in your rant. making sure to remember them for the day he proposes and starts wedding planning with you.
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faunandfloraas · 1 month
i love being friends with girls and then they get a boyfriend and then he becomes the center of her entire existence and all she talks about and all she focuses on and i sit there and i smile and i nod and i feel myself becoming genuinely evil
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
hear me out I like zeff/yasopp I think it's great but just hear me out sora right? Mrs Vinsmoke instead of poisoning herself to fix her babies. She poisons her husband, killing him. She takes her daughter and runs away to the east blue.
She finds the nice humble island with a small village known as syrup village. She has a nice little home and delivers her babies in the village and raises them on her own. They're all completely normal well adjusted non-emotionally stunted children with their own passions and hobbies. Ichiji literature and poetry, Niji gardening and plants Sanji is still cooking and Yonji is sports mainly baseball Reiju ballet.
she befriends a lady named Banchina she likes to visit her once in a while and brings her son usopp to play with them. They get closer like really close Sora is catching feelings practically having a second sexual awakening with this woman. She doesn't know what to do She didn't even know she was bisexual until now. That's how trapped she was in that miserable miserable marriage
Banchina is a lesbian (insert lavender marriage backstory right here we know the lore yasopp is being gay somewhere this ain't about him) she fell for this woman the minute she saw her she was head over heels. Gorgeous, beautiful. She needs her She wants her. She pursues her
They kiss, they start seeing each other more often they get closer they're in love
The whole lavender marriage thing with Yasopp and Banchina is just amazing to me, tbh. I adore them. And Sora deserved so much better,, She deserved to escape from that hell and get a wife fr fr. And in this concept we're like, SO adding Childhood BFFs to lovers Sanuso right??? Right???
Because I can't stop thinking about Sora raising the kids on her own in Syrup Village and they all have their little personalities and passions. And Sanji still loves to cook and is the sweetest thing that has ever existed. Honestly, he might not get his stubborn and strong personality from Zeff but he could most definitely get it from his brothers. 100%. If in this concept they act like normal siblings I can assure you they are arguing 24/7 (but they're very protective of Sanji because you will have to kill me before I give up my headcanon of the brothers actually loving Sanji a lot). So yadda yadda yadda he meets Usopp and they are best friends and they grow up together and they are boyfriends and the story is similar to the original except that there's no Zeff BUT Luffy does end up making these two idiots join. Except that they're boyfriends already. And the story doesn't change because they already look like boyfriends in canon.
But this isn't about them because I like women more!
Okay so Sora is the sweetest mother in the whole world but since she has to raise the kids on her own she also has to act tough sometimes and you know,,, It is a hard job when you have,,, 5 kids,,, Poor woman. But she loves her little angels SO much it's insane and they love her even MORE and they all help in their tiny little home in the village somehow. Tiny little family that is not so tiny because those are 5 kids. Girl,,, I just know Banchina would want to help her somehow. Usopp doesn't have that many friends and Banchina thinks it's a great idea to go visit Sora and the kids so Usopp has somebody to play with. And even if it's a bit hard because his personality clashes a lot with the brothers, he gets along the most with Sanji. Instant best friendism because Sanji looks so sweet and quiet and sensitive and Usopp goes full superhero mode on him. My pookies,,,
Honestly, Banchina is so real for falling for Sora right away. Because. You know. Have you seen Sora? I think Banchina admires her a lot because sometimes it's hard for her to raise Usopp on her own without Yasopp around and you're telling her Sora can do that same thing with 5 kids??? And Sora falls for Banchina too because. Again. Have you seen her??? And she is also so fun to be around and so so helpful!
Wouldn't it be extremely sweet but angsty if they started to fall in love, meeting even when the kids aren't around and doing chores together, but Sora feeling guilty because she thinks Banchina is actually married married to Yasopp? She doesn't know anything about the lavender marriage yet,,, And Banchina doesn't want to ask personal, intrusive things, so she doesn't know more than "They escaped from a bad place" about Sora and her kids. She guesses she doesn't want a romantic relationship now-- But she does!! Of course she does!!
Banchina is just,, So sweet to her and so so helpful and thoughtful. Sora isn't used to this much kindness in her life,, You have to keep in mind she basically got out of an abusive relationship and it's the first time somebody actually wants her for herself and not to use her. Banchina always wants to cook for her and help her with her groceries and look after the kids when Sora wants to take a nap. And I think Sora also would see her with Sanji cooking, stopping fights between the brothers and playing with them (also fixing their stuff bc I hc that Banchina knows her ways when it comes to like, mechanics and art and such), and talking for hours with Reiju and dancing with her. Sora is so in love,,, She has never felt like this before. She didn't even know she liked girls. But she doesn't want to make any sudden changes for the kids,, Again,, Or ruin what they have. So she stays quiet.
And Banchina loves painting, by the way. Obviously, because I say so (and bc I want Usopp to have a deeper reason to love art). So Banchina is always drawing Sora, at first absentmindedly, and later on she realizes the only thing that inspires her is Sora,,, She has always been looking for that. A true passion and stability and knowing she can trust somebody to stay and to offer her their heart so she can paint it. She's a bit intense when it comes to helping Sora, maybe, but she wants to be helpful! And Sora is always taking care of her too and her health!! Looking out for her and being oh so gentle and fun to be around. Sora is the sweetest but she's also a bit of a tease and her laugh is the cutest thing Banchina has ever heard. But yeah,,, Neither of them wants to confess even though they've almost kissed,,, A lot of times.
Okay,,, But wouldn't it be cute if Sanji and Usopp's crushes on each other started very early in their friendship and Sora and Banchina realized they have to be honest about their feelings thanks to their kids??? Because they both ask for advice from them about how to tell somebody you like them, and when they're both like "If you truly feel like it's meant to be you'll know... You need to follow your heart and be honest..." they know they have to finally be together together. They wouldn't tell their kids right away because they think they need to get used to more to this dynamic first and it's a big change. So they stay quiet and keep it to themselves. But, you know, Banchina and Usopp basically live with them now at this point so it's hard not to know.
Also,,, Can't stop thinking about Sora being a badass and knowing Judge is the most horrible person to ever exist BUT still having issues with relationships because of his fault? She still has this feeling of like, thinking she's worthless and needs to do more and more and more? And give give give? And Banchina helping her all the time and sharing the burden and seeing all the pretty things Judge found ugly in her,,,, It does wonders for her heart. And Banchina also realizes that she doesn't have to be alone and can share her passions and true feelings with somebody finally??? What if I cry.
Aghhhh. I absolutely adore this. The kids grow up and do their own things and Usopp and Sanji go with Luffy and they are all happy and there's no angst! And once they're alone they can be cottagecore middle-aged sapphics in their little village.
Lil note: Somebody choose a shipname bc I am awful with these things thank you-
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thatgreenthingy · 10 months
Okay That Speech Got Me!!
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