#i called their credit card line 3 times and they did nothing
scribeofnight · 3 months
A little sneak peek to my wip zayne fic? <3 since you've all been waiting so patiently and so well, it's the least i could do, right?
the zayne fic (inspired by and adapted from business trip card, which i got bc rafayel's your fragrance rEFUSES TO COME HOME) is currently at 1.8k words long...and i'm not even halfway there to finishing....
zayne nation, sit tight, i'm going to be feeding you 😭
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“You have freckles.” “What?” Zayne’s voice rang out, one of his eyebrows raised as he looked at you, making no effort to move back. You gently brought your hand up to the other’s cheeks, cupping it carefully as you brushed the small, unnoticeable smattering of freckles on Zayne’s skin, a soft smile stretching on your lips.
“I never knew you had freckles, Dr Zayne.” You watched a foreign emotion flash through Zayne’s eyes as his eyes flickered to your lips before pulling away abruptly, a soft cough erupting from his lips. You knew he was flustered - he always put distance between you two when he was flustered.
He started up the car, the revving engine breaking the comfortable silence as you leaned your head back against the seat, your head turned so that you are facing him, watching him drive. A small smile tugged on the corner of his lips as he glanced at you, pulling out of the parking lot and starting to drive towards his apartment.
“I did not know that I was your object of amusement.” Zayne’s cold voice sounded in the quiet atmosphere. You hummed quietly, your eyes still on him as you cleared your throat, turning down the radio as you watched the headlights speed behind, rubbing your eyes carefully.
“Do you not have anything else to say, Zayne?” “What do you want me to say?”
Zayne quipped back, his eyes darting across the road as he continued to drive, his hands on the steering wheel. You cannot help but appreciate that the veins on his hand were more prominent when he drove, the lines tracing up his forearms - his strong, solid forearms that were flexing as he moved his arm.
You cleared your throat, huffing out quietly as you turned to look out the window, realising that you were pulling into the carpark of Zayne’s apartment. He wordlessly placed his keys in your hands, unlocking the doors and turning off the engine after you got out, before moving to the trunk to pull out your luggages. Just then, a neighbour of Zayne’s popped their head out, looking at you.
“Oh, Y/N! Welcome back! Staying over at your boyfriend’s?” The elderly neighbour called out, mirth and laughter laced in her words. You simply yelled out an affirmation, ignoring the boyfriend comment as you turned to Zayne, who was suddenly next to you, and checking the time on his watch, glancing at you as you both started to make your way to the elevator lobby, pressing the button.
The elevator dinged open, somehow the tension between you growing thicker as you stepped into the elevator, Zayne carrying your luggage, following behind you as he cleared his throat awkwardly. You still refused to look at him, your eyes on the changing levels displayed at the elevator’s LED display, swallowing harshly as you felt a lump forming in your throat. Did that night mean nothing to him?
The elevator dinging broke you out of your thoughts, and you hastily made show of fixing your hair, discreetly wiping your eyes and willing your voice to not shake. You clenched your fists - you knew that they would be shaking. They always did, when you were this upset and confused. That, and coupled with barely and rest from your back-to-back missions - you wondered if it would be selfish of you to shut yourself out from everything for a while. Even Zayne. You brushed down your dress, straightening it lightly as you stepped out as soon as the elevator door opened, barely registering the noise that escaped Zayne’s mouth.
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♡₊˚ 🪼・ copyright @scribeofnight all rights reserved ;; do not copy, steal, plagarize, reword or repost to other platforms without proper permission || all credits to original owners and creators of the characters from the media + pictures that are not my own.
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hotchsreader · 2 months
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You’re my Last Call
Word Count: 3.7k
Summary: You and Hotch had broken up over a month ago. Once he broke up with you, he disappeared, absolutely no contact with you anymore. You didn’t know why, there were no signs he was unhappy until he just broke off everything. Up until a freak accident happens, you thought you had lost the love of your life. What if that was never the case, and he just thought you’d be better off without his sadness?
trigger warning: car accident
read on ao3 here
Now there's blood on the windshield
And there's credit cards on the floor
And I'm crawling out the window of my passenger side door
Your picture's on the dashboard and that's the only thing I saw
You were always first to catch me when I fall
Yeah, I'm sorry you were my last call
- Lyrics from the song 3/13 by Wyatt Flores
Hotch was trying to remind himself of the good days when things felt less heavy and he could have a clear head. These days? Everything felt so heavy that he didn’t know if it was possible not to be stressed out. He had broken up with you weeks ago. Maybe it has been a month already, he was unsure at this point. He knew that his presence was a downer to everyone around him, and you had been too much of a light in the world to let him dull you. He loved you so much, but he knew that letting you go would be the best option for you to succeed.
Everything felt like it was going so slowly. He had left the office about an hour ago and was headed toward the victim's house to do one last walk-through to see if there was anything that the local police had missed. He knew exactly where he was going as he and the team had been there before, so he did not even tell anyone he was going there or put the location in his GPS. He had been paying attention, he wasn't too tired, he had slept pretty well the night before, and nothing but you were on his mind. He looked down at his dashboard, to see the photo of you he kept there. Even though he left, he kept you with him. He always wanted to keep you with him, other than Jack, you were his biggest source of happiness. He had looked down for a split second, but apparently, that was enough time for a far to cross into Hotch’s lane and slammed him into the wall lining the highway.
After the car crashed, Hotch couldn’t remember anything until he felt himself on the concrete ground and saw random faces flashing back and forth over the top of him.
“Sir. Is there anyone we can call for you?” They asked hoping to get an answer from the man lying in front of them. They knew there was a strong chance there was a concussion.
Hotch could hardly muster up many words, all he said was your name. Your name and said check the phone.
You were at work. Everyone else had started going home, and the law office was closed for the day. There wasn’t any noise as you sat typing your last report on your laptop, it seemed peaceful almost. That was until, your phone started ringing incredibly loud, piercing through the silence.
“Maam. This is Officer Finch. I have a man here by the name of Aaron Hotchner, he was in a car accident. He gave us you to call.”
“Where is he? He is a Federal Agent.”
Before the officer even finished giving you the details of where Aaron was, you had already grabbed all of your things and ran out of the office. By the time you hung up with him, you were only ten minutes away.
Nothing would stop you from getting to him. Nothing that happened between the two of you would make you not rush to his side. He was, and would always be, your person.
When you got there, the first thing you noticed were the lights and the sirens. It brought back so many memories from when Hotch was hurt by Foyet. your heart was pounding in your chest and you just needed to find him to see that he was okay. an officer waved you over, and you saw him lying on the ground. There was a cut across his forehead, and his eyes were grimacing like he was in pain. It was killing you, even though you hadn’t even fully gotten up to him to see him in that kind of condition. He looked almost pitiful. you weren’t sure if you wanted to talk to him because of how badly he had hurt you so you stood and talked to the paramedics who said that it was most likely that he had a concussion, but that he was going to be fine he was very lucky. The person had crossed his lane of traffic and when they did, it caused his car to swerve headfirst into the highway wall.
You heard a soft voice call your name. It was very quiet, almost like it was reserved. They didn’t want to be calling your name. They didn’t want you to know that they needed you at this moment. you didn’t know what to do because doing this was wrong to be an emergency contact on a person who had tried so hard to remove you from their life. One day everything was okay, holding hands laughing together, knowing each other’s favorite orders at the coffee shop, to not even a phone call explaining why everything ended with a snap of a finger.
“Yeah, Aaron I’m here,” you said softly in his ear, as you finally walked over to him, kneeling next to him and running your hands through his hair. That was always a small comfort for him when he really needed somebody he loved you running your fingers through his hair.
“ I am so sorry but you were the only person I wanted to be here, I know I am probably the last person you want to hear from right now.” His voice was still very soft, almost like it hurt to speak and he wanted to tell him to stop talking to focus on getting to the hospital, but you also wanted to hear what he had to say. Selfish as it was, you wanted to know why. Why did he end everything? Why did he act like he didn’t exist after two years of a beautiful relationship, why did he call you now he had his whole team that would break down walls to get to him if they knew something was wrong? Why did he call you a person who genuinely couldn’t do anything but be there for him?
“We will talk when you’re able to form a coherent sentence, Aaron, I'm here now and I’m definitely not leaving until I know you’re okay.” You rubbed his face with your hand, and he pressed his face into your palm.
you sat there as they loaded him into the ambulance and asked if you were allowed to ride along. They said yes, considering it was not life-threatening. You could drop your car at a gas station and they would come by and pick you up to take you with him. you did not want to be where you couldn’t see him, but you trusted the paramedics to take care of him for the five minutes he would be out of your line of sight. once you got into your car, you texted the team. You still had all of their phone numbers in case of emergency to let them know what was going on and your phone started ringing off the hook.
“What is going on?” JJ was on the other side of the phone. her voice made you calm down a little bit. The two of you had become very close friends during your relationship with Aaron and even after he had broken up with you JJ always kept in contact.
“They said that a car came into his lane and knocked him into the highway wall. He was conscious and able to talk, and I went with him to the hospital. I have to drop my car off at a gas station so it wouldn’t be stuck on the side of the highway.” You responded, your voice becoming wobbly during your explanation.
She gulped pretty heavily, you knew this was hard for her to hear. as well. “Do you want me to come up? I’m more than willing to come and just be a helping hand for you. I could be the communication between the team to let them know how he’s doing so you don’t have to constantly be on your phone and keep everyone updated. I can do it for you.” She knew how hard this was for you, and that small gesture would be such a relief, and would take so much off your plate that you didn’t even know how to deal with it.
“JJ you mean the world to me. Could you also contact Jessica and let her know what’s going on? I really don’t wanna have to call her even though I love her. This is just so much and I need to check on him and be with him.”
“Absolutely. I’ll see you soon. I love you.” She said you could feel how genuine she was in the last few words. Meeting Aaron was one of the best things that ever happened to you, but meeting her was a close second. You reciprocated and hung up the phone, got to the gas station, got into the ambulance, and off to the hospital you went. You held on to Hotch’s hand the entire time.
The next three hours consisted of people running in and out of the hospital room, checking on Hotch, readjusting him, checking his vitals, and it felt like almost complete chaos. The minute JJ got there you could almost cry out of relief. You needed someone else there, to make this seem like less of a fever-induced dream. To bring you back to reality, almost like a shared experience instead of being alone in a hospital room with the love of your life being poked and prodded by hospital staff.
“Hi sweetie,” JJ says as she walks into the room, tears in her eyes as she looks over at Hotch. You know the two of them are close, he always has talked highly of her.
“Hi.” This was the first time you have heard your own voice in hours and it sounded almost foreign to you. It sounded defeated and hurt.
“Why are you here JJ?” This caused you to jump. Hotch had not spoken the entire three hours until JJ walked into the room. Did he just not want to speak to you? If this was the case, why did he ask everyone to call you? You turned your head over to him, a look of hurt running over your face. He noticed immediately and turned his head away from you to look at JJ.
“You know what, I’m going to go call the team, I’ll be back in a minute. You better prepare yourself for Garcia to run in here with balloons in snacks in a few hours Hotch.” She tried to make the atmosphere less tense before she left, but the hurt and anger in you could physically feel it.
You stood up, walked over to Hotch, and put your hand under his chin, and made him look at you. He stared at you for a minute, tears gathering in his eyes as he did and he tried to open his mouth to speak but you didn’t let him get that far.
“Absolutely not, you do not get to speak right now Aaron Hotchner. You do not get to be the first one to speak after what you have put me through in the last few hours. I get to speak first.”
He nodded at you, tears slipping from his eyes.
“You LEFT me with no explanation. You are the love of my life. I would lay down everything I am and will be to make sure you and Jack are safe and happy. I did nothing wrong to deserve to be deserted. I did nothing, Aaron. I love you so much, I will love you until the day I die. Why would you have them call me? Why would you do what you did?” At this point, you were sobbing, and the last few words that came out of your mouth were gargled.
Hotch raised his hand and wiped the tears from your cheek, you wanted to turn away but your brain and arm betrayed you and you raised your hand up to hold his while it was on your face.
“Honey, it had nothing to do with you. You are the most beautiful, loving, caring person in this world.”
“But then why? What was wrong? What happened to us?”
“It was me. I was bringing you down. I was making everything worse. I didn't want to ruin your life with my hurt.” The last few words were barely a whisper.
You looked up, for the first time since this conversation started, and looked at the man in front of you. He was crying, tears falling down the side of his face onto the pillow. He was gripping your hard really hard, the ring on your fingers digging into your skin. He looked pitiful. He was heartbroken, not just because of what currently happened but because of everything going on in his head. You had wished he would’ve told you this a lot sooner. So much hurt could have been prevented if he had just been honest with you. But you knew this man, you knew he would hide things so deeply inside himself if it meant no one else had to get hurt. You knew he would hide things if it meant you would be protected from the harsh realities.
“Aaron. You are and will always be my world. If something is bothering you, I would like to talk about it. I would like to be able to be there for you if you would let me be. Please, just talk to me. Let me be there for you.” You put your hand on his cheek and he leaned into your palm. His face was flush from the accident and from the tears. He felt, defeated.
“I don’t want anyone to have to deal with me. Especially not someone who has so much to offer this world. I am just a mess of a man. You were the last person I wanted to call because I do not want you to have to clean up after me.”
“If loving you means I have to be there for everything, every sad day, every hard day, every difficult day, I will be.” You said, running your hands through his hair, his favorite.
“I don’t want you to have to do that.”
“Too late, I am already too committed.”
“You know, I was looking at my photo of you on my dashboard before it happened.” He turned his head closer to you.
“You have a photo of me in your work car?” You truly didn’t know this.
“Have the moment we started dating. It's a photo of you smiling at work when I came to visit for the first time. You were so excited to show me around to everyone. Your boyfriend is a Unit Chief in the FBI. You were so smiley the entire time, I wanted to remember that happiness on hard days. So in my work car, it sits, it's comforting.”
“Well, we can take more photos.” You sat on the edge of the bed, he sat up and you leaned into him. You were not going anywhere.
“I love you, you know that. I’m sorry for leaving, I just thought I was hurting you more than I was helping. I thought if you knew how bad I was feeling you would feel responsible or that I would hurt you.”
“I love you more than you know.”
After the talk, and JJ called the team to let them know the extent of everything going on, you decided to walk with her to get some coffee. Penelope had shown up five minutes after JJ ended the call with tons of goodies for Hotch, and you let her and Derek sit in there with him while you took a break. Hopefully, he would be okay, Derek could handle Penelope and Hotch needed a friend.
The two of you walked along side each other in silence until you got to the elevator. Once you got to the elevator JJ finally spoke up.
“Want to tell me what happened?” She looked at you sideways as she finished the question.
“Actually, yeah. What he said made me a bit worried and I need some more insight into what’s been going on.”
“I’m all ears.”
“He broke up with me because he’s having a hard time mentally. Has he been weird or more restricted at work at all?” You asked the question as you got into the elevator.
“A bit. I thought maybe it was due to the breakup but honestly it’s been going on a few months. I try not to pry because while he is my boss and my friend, i don’t want him to think i don’t trust him.”
“I understand that completely. I knew something was up, but I didn’t think he’d leave me just because he didn’t want to talk about it. I think we’re on the same page now, but i’m not letting this go. I love him too much.”
“He loves you too, trust me. Your photo is in his car, on his phone, in his office. You and Jack are his world. I honestly think he’s just scared.” As you got out of the elevator together she turned and hugged you. knowing you haven’t had one since this all happened. You loved your best friend, and she always knew what you needed.
Hotch was in the hospital for a day. They wanted to keep him overnight just for observation, but it turned out everything was okay. He had a concussion and a few cuts on his head but he was going to be fine. you were by his bedside the entire time you slept there you only left to go to the bathroom or if somebody else came and made you go get a cup of coffee. Usually it was JJ or Derek that convinced you to get up, despite Hotch telling you countless times it was okay to go home. You truly just were so happy to have him back you didn’t want to leave him again.
You both had walked to your car so you could drive him home. Jessica was keeping Jack for one more night that way Hotch could settle down at home and make sure that he was okay and you were going to stay with him tonight, because there was no way you were going to let him be alone.
“You know we have to talk about everything, right?” you said the minute you both got into the car.
“Yeah honey, I know.” He reached over and grabbed your hand and squeezed it hard.
“Why did you do this? I know you’re hurting. I would do anything to make you happy and feel loved and appreciated, that’s my goal when i’m with you. I’d do anything for you.”
“That’s the point, I just don’t want you to have to take care of me. I want to be there for you.” He started looking out of the window, like that was going to make his hurt get up and fly away.
“ Now you know a relationship is 50/50, and sometimes on bad days it’s 20/80. We give what we can, my love, and if you’re having a bad day I am more than willing to pick up the slack.” It was your turn to squeeze his hand, to bring him back to reality and remember that you were here, and that you were not going anywhere.
“I am embarrassed.” You looked over at him to see him, start to cry, genuine tears falling from his eyes, the look of defeat and hurt and embarrassment falling over his face. it was the saddest you had ever seen someone look and it absolutely shattered your heart to see him like that.
“Absolutely not,” You pulled over and stopped the car, “you have NO reason to be embarrassed about having a hard time Aaron Hotchner. You have been through more in the past few years than I could ever imagine. I don’t think I would be up walking around if I had gone through what you had been through. I would not be as good of a man as good of a dad as good of a person if I had been through what you had to go through. you give it your all every single day, whether it be as a father or as the leader of a team that saves peoples lives and every single day. you deserve somebody that not only wants to be with you at your best but somebody that will be there for you at your worst and I will be there for you. Always.” You took his face in your hands and turned him to look at you. He was still crying so you wiped his tears with your thumbs, and looked him in the eyes. You leaned in and gave him a big kiss. A kiss to cement everything you just said. So he knew, you were completely serious.
“Okay. I am sorry for what I've done, but for you, I am willing to try. I am willing to accept my downfalls, and lean on you when I need you. And you will never be my last call again, you will always be my first.”
“I better be.”
That got a smile out of him, and a small chuckle. You kissed him again and started the car back up, put it in drive, and took you both home.
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jebewonmorelike · 11 months
Pay You Back
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wc: 1.3k (failed my own 1.1k challenge but close enough) pronouns: none used; n/a warnings: fluff, some themes of social anxiety/embarrassment in public but nothing descriptive, asking about financial troubles, hao being both your mom and boyfriend, he's in zb1 in this summary: idolboyfriend!hao has to come rescue reader when their card declines at the grocery store and he is not prepared to find out the reason it's maxed out. ~masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ so i wrote this to see if i could force myself to limit to under 1.1k words... i have a tendency to get carried away and not as many people like longer fics so. i failed bc i went 200 words over but it was a pretty close. anyway if i write shorter works, i can write more so i want to get back in the habit of it. better for my stress levels too lmao. just finished my second "semester" back at school i'm so happy!! third semester stars 7/3 tho so that's annoying but. i have one whole week to do nothing (except work but). ANYWAY hope you enjoy :)
“(Y/N)?” You hear your boyfriend’s voice as he enters the grocery shop. Even though Zhang Hao is quite reserved, he’s more than willing to make a small scene if you’re in trouble. “(Y/N)!?”
The store owner, who is also manning the checkout counter, lifts his arm high enough for Hao to see it over the aisles, pointing at you exaggeratedly— more than unamused.
Hao rushes over to where you stand in the checkout lane; your groceries half-bagged, half sitting askew on the conveyor belt. A couple people are beginning to line up behind you. He frowns, trying to decipher what about this scene could’ve possibly made you text him: 
“Honey, what’s wrong?” He asks, brows furrowed in confusion. “You said there was an emergency!”
“Is not being able to pay for your large grocery order after someone has already gone through the trouble to scan and bag most of it an emergency?” The owner asks, resentful eyes still locked on your embarrassed ones. 
Hao starts to open his mouth to respond, but the owner cuts him off. “I’ll answer for you. It is an emergency... if the owner forgot to pay his utilities bill and the electricity went out while his wife was curling her hair for work this morning.”
Your boyfriend glances at you then back at the store owner. “Right…”
“I tried to just leave, but he kept this exact same rant going for ten minutes,” you whisper to him as the owner continues to moan and groan about how his wife chased him around the house with a slipper. “I’m really sorry to bother you. I know how busy you are.”
Hao shakes his head definitively. “It doesn’t matter how busy I am— I’ll always have time to help you out,” he says with an affectionate smile, raising his hand to squeeze your right shoulder comfortingly. “As long as you continue to conveniently call when I’m already on lunch break.”
You sigh, looking back down at your shoes in embarrassment.
“Did you forget your credit card? Is that the issue?” Hao asks, taking his wallet out of his back pocket before you even answer.
The store owner laughs. “Worse. It declined.”
Hao looks at you concernedly. Maxing out your credit card was not like you at all. Despite the occasional shopping splurge, you were usually quite practical with money. The look of worry on Hao’s face is valid. 
Still, he hands his own credit card to the store owner and begins throwing some of your grocery items into bags himself. As the owner hands Hao his receipt and credit card back, you pick up a few of the bags and head toward the sliding doors. Hao grabs the last bag and follows quickly behind you.
When you’re outside, you breathe a deep sigh of relief; even a couple of people’s annoyed stares had caused your heart to speed up and your body temperature to rise. Hao falls into step beside you, but it takes you a few moments to relax enough to remember he’s there.
When you finally look over at him, he smiles reassuringly. The token introvert had set aside his nature (and sacrificed his coveted lunch break) to rescue you. And he’d also paid for your groceries.
“I’ll pay you back,” you promise softly, cheeks turning rosy once more.
Hao purposely bumps into your side as you walk, trying to get you to smile and break your tension. It works. You scrunch your nose up at him in a smile and he glues himself to your side, hooking a finger in your back pocket to keep you as close as possible as you make your way down the quiet street.
After another few moments of comfortable silence, Hao clears his throat. “So,” he starts, trying his best to sound nonchalant. “Are you behind on credit card payments? There’s no shame in it; it happens.”
“No,” you answer simply, shaking your head as you steal a glance at your boyfriend. You watch as his brow furrows in confusion.
“Oh,” he replies, lips forming a small pout. “Well, you know you could tell me if you were, right? I'd do my best to help you if that’s what you needed.”
“I know,” you say with a smile, watching again as he blinks curiously-- trying to figure out what the problem could be. “I’d tell you if I was having financial problems. I'd refuse your help, but I would tell you.”
“Right,” he affirms, nodding as if to convince himself that he could end his interrogation there. He fails, of course, and an unstoppable flurry of questions begins to fall from his lips. “So... So what happened? Did the card expire or something? Why didn’t you use your debit card? There’s money on your debit card, right? And I know you despise cash, but--.”
You stop walking and Hao’s finger still hooked in the pocket of your jeans pulls him back to face you. “There is an incredibly simple explanation for this,” you explain, placing your grocery bags on the ground for a moment as you pull your credit card out of your phone case. “This card isn’t my usual credit card. It’s a very limited credit account that I opened for a specific purchase. It looks almost identical to my actual credit card I use on a normal basis so I grabbed this one by accident before I left this afternoon. I was in a rush and couldn’t find my debit card, so I took what I thought was my credit card thinking I’d be fine, but... I was obviously not fine.”
“Ohhh,” Hao sighs, nodding in both comprehension and relief. “Well that makes a lot more sense. I was worried about you! I didn’t think you’d suddenly developed some sort of debilitating shopping addiction, but...”
“Rest assured,” you soothe, picking your bags back up and continuing with your boyfriend down the street to the bus stop. “I have plenty of money. I wish I had more, of course. But it’s enough to survive for now.”
“Are you sure you want to take the bus?” Hao asks, running his hand down your back comfortingly. “I can drive you.”
“No, you can’t,” you reply, taking the last grocery bag from his hands and draping it on your arm. You rummage through it for a moment before pulling out a fresh deli sandwich. “Your lunch break is almost over and I've used up all of it already. So, eat this on the way back to Wakeone or I will find you and I will shove it down your throat myself.”
“I can see you’re back to normal,” Hao says with a grin, taking the boxed sandwich in his hand as you reach the bus stop. “I love you.”
“Love you more,” you say, checking to make sure no one is around before kissing his cheek. His eyes closed, he sighs blissfully.
Your bus makes its way around the corner, pulling to a stop in front of you. 
“Oh, I forgot to ask,” Hao says quickly as you walk up the steps. “What was the purchase that you opened that new credit card for?”
You turn around, biting your lip in a smile. “I bought 40 copies of your debut album!”
You’re not sure if you’ve ever seen Zhang Hao more shocked than he is right now. You’re lucky the sandwich box didn’t fly out of his hand and onto the sidewalk. 
“It’s okay: I’m pretty sure I made a good investment!” You call back with a wink to your boyfriend, whose jaw is still dropped as the bus door begins to close. “Didn’t I?”
All Hao can do is nod-- a slow, exaggerated nod as he processes what you’ve said.
You wave at him, grinning-- any embarrassment you had felt ten minutes ago entirely washed away. Zhang Hao may have had to buy your groceries for you, but you think you might’ve already paid him back.
As the doors close, you call to a now smiling but awestruck Hao:
“You’re welcome!”
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britcision · 1 year
Alright I’m still alive a day later so LOOK! First pass of Taaco from TV! Everything but the hat and the cape came from the closet and the shorts say IDGAF on the butt but the cape covers them 😔
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My first magic trick of the day was taking off the bra I wore to drive down without taking off the corset or shirt
My second trick was applying kinesiology tape to bind the tiddies down again, without taking off the corset or shirt
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Success rates??? Not great, I’ll grant you, but I got a couple inches off and they stayed in place with no bouncing even when I ran for the 5 hours of con! So still better than the bra
(You are not supposed to tape the tiddies for more than 4 hours the first couple times you do it apparently and this was attempt 2 so even that was pushing it, especially in 30 degree heat. I go hard or go home)
These boots also have the highest incline from toe-to-heel that I’ve worn to a con, since all my taller shoes are platforms and reasonably flat which makes them super easy to run in
Only had one minor spill while chasing down a t-rex but those photos are all on the camera so they’ll live on Insta when the time comes
The ding dang bracer that closed fine at home on two magnets decided if I was gonna move my hands it now needs 3 to keep it in place, so I’m fixing that today
The criminal in question:
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Aaaand the purple and blue pouch I sewed at the con while waiting for passes, so I think I really had a very Adventure Zone day all around
The hat? The hat crushed it, 0 problems except one attempt to take flight on our way back to the car, which I caught by the curtain wire sooooo I gotta tighten the attachments on that before I put the curtain on cuz it pulled a lil bit
Worked like a charm though, held it above my head for the dealer’s room, weighed nothing (comparatively, hence taking flight), and for the first time in 4 years I spent most of a day outside without getting sun sick
For the first time I did need to bobby pin this wig, which I shoulda seen coming given the hat. It did also keep trying to eat my ears, the pin, my earrings, and anything else that came near my head though so she may also be getting rowdy
The cape jingled merrily all day so even if I was a lil slowed down no one had to worry about losing me! 😁 all in all………. Them boots ain’t coming to Yeticon I would PERISH on the hills, but I have a couple possible substitutes
I’m hoping to have the curtain on by then though! Soooo depending on some imminent updates, we’ll see if the hat comes to con again 👀
We also watched a truck hit a soccer mom ass van and crack the damn windshield in half literally right in front of us rather than wait for the van to move over another foot so it could get through, because some genius decided that if he had to get to the back of the con at 5pm on Sunday through THE MAIN PARKING LOT he didn’t have to show up early or anything
To arrive on time. At the end of the con. On the last day.
You could barely swipe a credit card between their bumpers with how close he was tailgating the van, and then when staff came to direct an opening to slide the truck down the middle he couldn’t wait 5 more minutes for the car to actually get out of the way, sooooooo hope he liked the extra 2 hours and insurance calls
Lucky for us, we could get out of the parking lot the other way and I warned everyone in line behind him that they’d had a crash blocking that lane so they’d have a chance to turn around
I’m never parking back there again I’ll eat the $15-$20 to park at the hotel across the street for Sunday and anyone wanting a ride home with me can chip in
We actually did alright though, only took us one hour to clear the parking lot, despite lots of assholes and some poor indecisive souls who all seemed to think indicating was a polite request, not a declaration of intent
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loquaciousquark · 2 years
an account of hope, an account of redemption
So if you recall, I lost several beautifully mature, beloved trees in my backyard over the last year and a half or so. Well, about a month ago, I ordered two Schumard oak saplings through my local landscaping company on the advice of our state arborist. These are trees which grow well in my state and which grow fast without compromising strength, and they turn a stunning red in the fall.
So the landscaper calls last week to tell me the oaks are in. They close at 3:00 today, so I head out around noon to run some errands, then roll up to the building around 1:30 to check in and pay.
First wrinkle: the staff member who's going to help me load the trees takes one look at my small SUV, the back seats optimistically folded flat, and just shakes his head. No way, he says, not a snowball's chance. Not even on top like a Christmas tree? Impossible. He directs me around to the back of the lot where the trees are, and I see--oh man, no way. They're fifteen feet tall, the root buckets almost two feet round, no way these are EVER going to fit in, on, behind, or above my car. Do I have a friend with a truck? Buddy, if I had a friend with a truck, I'd be here in a truck. They suggest renting a trailer from Home Depot.
First hope: turns out there's a Home Depot two minutes from this landscaper. I call, and indeed they have one trailer I can rent. I hurry over--it's now about 2:15. On the third try I pick the right door and hurry to the tool rental desk. She starts to check me in.
Second wrinkle: They can't rent me anything because my driver's license is expired as of exactly seven days ago. (Secondary concern: I'm supposed to be on a plane to San Diego in a little over a week. A blessing in disguise this was discovered?)
I walk out to my car empty-handed, disappointed, trying to figure out when the heck I'm going to be able to get this trailer, get back to this landscaper, get home, and get the trees installed before I leave for this trip. I call my mother and tell her hey, is it okay if I just vent for a second? I'm so disappointed and I can't believe I did this to myself. Everything seemed to be falling into place so nicely, and now this. How do I get to the DMV given how busy my coming week is?
Huh, she says. Can't you renew your driver's license online?
Second hope: sure enough, there's a link on the state DMV website. There's a bunch of blanks to verify my identity. There's confirmation I've registered to vote. They're happy to take my credit card information. Five minutes later, I have a receipt, a printout, and confirmation of my renewed license. Oh, it's nothing, my mom says in response to my effusive gratitude. My hairdresser of thirty years told me he had to do this last year in line at the airport.
Home Depot takes it. The guy who hitches me up to the trailer compliments my car, tells me they don't make them like that anymore, and tells me it's perfect for me. Considering I just spent 4k getting it fixed, this was massively validating.
Back to the landscaper! 2:38 arrival, fifteen minutes to load up the saplings and strap them down for travel. The trailer is the perfect size. Thank God my dad suggested getting this hitch installed so many years ago; it's saved my bacon a hundred times. The guy who'd helped me earlier reassures me that when they lose their leaves in a week (we're finally dropping below freezing), not to worry, and here's how to check for life over the winter. Two gallons of water per inch of trunk twice a day, put the soaker hose in a wide ring around the tree to encourage outward growth of the roots.
The trees make it home, a little battered from the highway speeds but not much worse for wear. They're just on the edge of too heavy for me to lift, so I drag them down the driveway into the backyard. Trailer returned to Home Depot. The guy there helps me back into the parking spot; I think he really enjoys teaching, and I'd made the mistake of telling him I had no idea how to back up a trailer. Still don't, not really, but hey, he had a great time.
Home again and time to dig. Digging holes is hard. I have newfound respect for Stanley Yelnats, because even with relatively soft ground my arms and back are killing me. One of the trees had very fine roots that were easy to break up before installing; the other had thick, girdling roots all the way around the root ball which every guide I read, including the one from the arborist, told me to cut and pull away to avoid throttling trunk growth later in life. I will tell you that I am still petrified of how many of those I cut, the thickest about 3/4" wide. Four vertical slices around the root ball, two inches deep each, they said. Well, I did it, and the crisscrossing cuts underneath the ball after, and loosened up all the matted dirt I could, but man oh man I don't feel good about it.
The guides say always plant shallow over deep for trees. Encourage lateral growth; don't smother them, or the water will just go straight down and the roots will follow. I've done my best, so we'll have to wait and see now. I'm not very patient by nature, so this is hard for me, but I still feel like today was full of good work. If nothing else, I know where I can get another tree, and I know where to get the trailer to do it. But they're in the ground, they're watered, and I have hope! After today, I feel okay about starting there.
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constellama · 1 year
Noah is dead, clearly nothing can get worse than this (final raven boys live-blog post :D)
Llama reads TRC: Chapters 31-48 of The Raven Boys
Chapter 31
Ronan is grieving for Noah :(
Ronan bestie please don’t be drinking all alone in your room <3
He’s getting kicked out D:
“Then you’ve killed him” ok ik Ronan’s home life is kinda awful but why is everyone so sure he’s gonna die? I feel like I’m missing something here
Gansey !!
Why do they have so many cars what
Gansey using his rich people superpowers to keep Ronan in school
Ok either it was MENTIONED before that Ronan sleepwalks and I completely missed it or I’m just dumb
Is that why they keep thinking he’s gonna die
Gansey shoving his credit cards everywhere is so real though
Gansey stop taking so much responsibility for your friends challenge !! Impossible apparently!! This boy is so sad pls Gansey not everything is up to you stop carrying the weight of the world you’re literally a teenager
Chapter 32
“And Noah’s dead. But Parrish is here.” Waiting for the day that they eventually get used to Noah being dead and start joking about it
Every time Adam mentions his home life I want to grab him and run very very far away
Uh oh
Don’t kiss pls that would not end well I think
“She felt like she’d done so much work to appear as eccentric as possible and still, when it came down to it, she was sensible.” I’m not good at words but this sentence. Oh this sentence. It makes me sad in a way I can’t describe.
Ronan and Chainsaw are the best duo actually
Ronan looks so happy when holding Chainsaw :(
Wait, ok. I’ve heard about Ronan being able to dream things into existence (it’s one of the things I got spoiled on) so I’m wondering, did he get Chainsaw from his dreams?
“I was…more…when I was alive.” WHAT IF I CRIED
“You’re enough now. I missed you.” THEYRE BEST FRIENDS ACTUALLY IDC IDC
Whatever you do don’t imagine Noah braiding Blue’s hair <- sobbing
“And he’s about to be a were, too” DAMN??
“Noah, please don’t die for real” ouch ok I’m completely normal about this actually mhm
Noah is so sad I’m gonna cry
“But you already know.” OH???
Chapter 33 (TW: Gun)
Gansey bestie pls don’t crash your car
Aaaand the Camaro’s stopped
This is like the worst possible timing
I’m cryign imagine your car breaking down in the middle nowhere and suddenly your teacher appears and mugs you
Gansey pls you have a gun to your head
Whelk just. Just left? Bro just tried to mug a student 😭??
Chapter 34
Omg time to go through Neeve’s things
I love Persephone she’s just an anomaly
Butternut?? 😨
Someone called Neeve to find the ley line,,,it was Whelk wasn’t it,,,
Chapter 35
Adam making tea :D
Ok so now everything’s in order, things are starting to come together. This can only end in two ways
Oh? The ley line will be woken up soon
Big things are happening and I am NOT scared (lie)
Chapter 36 (TW: Abuse for this chapter, stay safe)
Adam not wanting to leave the car :( Don’t go in Adam just leave pls
“Loser” You’re so right, Ronan
Oh God Adam’s dad is awful
What did he do to his ear oh my god
Adam pls
“Can I…can I press charges?” YESSS ADAM MY BOY
Chapter 37
Ew whelk chapter
Ok either Neeve is actually gonna help him or she’s planning to trick him
I’m hoping on the latter
Chapter 38
Adam’s ok :D
His ear is screwed up though :(
“You win,” Adam pls it’s not like that :(
These boys are so sad
I get why Adam wants to do something on his own terms but he also doesn’t have to endure all this abuse because of it :(((
Gansey you could have said *literally* anything else
Adam :((((
Screw Adam’s mother too she sucks !!!
Chapter 39
Adam didn’t want Blue to know about his family life I FEEL ILL
Call from Malory!
I’m sorry what
HIS SKIN FELL OFF? What in the magnus archives—
“My words are unerring tools of destruction, and I’ve come unequipped with the ability to disarm them.” 😭??
“What a fine contribution to the world I am.” Gansey :(
Yes Blue you should spit in Gansey’s eye, it would be funny
Adam pls you could get hurt
Guys pls
Chapter 40
Ok yeah Neeve was definitely lying
Oh. She kidnapped him. Kinda slay of her tbh
“Also, Neeve hadn’t tied tightly enough.” Uh oh 😀
Chapter 41 (TW: Gun)
“Your hair is the color of dirt,” “It knows where it came from” IM SHAKING YOU ADAM !!! STOP HATING YOURSELF !!!
“Keep being brave.” they are so special
“There was blood everywhere” haha what.
Oh my god his dad had a GUN??
Thinking about Adam makes me sad
He needs a hug
Oh my god Adam what are you about to do
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
“Are you sleeping?” “Yes,” just like me fr
Santa Claus metaphor,,, I love these two they’re the best mother daughter duo
His name was Artemus?? Kinda sounds like Artemis,,,
“Drugs might be better” lmao
The Raven boys are here!! Go save Adam!!
And get Neeve too, from whatever she’s off doing
Chapter 44
Adam !!!
All the descriptions of Cabeswater are so pretty ough
Oop, back to Blue’s pov
“MURDERED” Noah :(
Chapter 45
Whelk is so annoying I need him gone
Oh my god
The ritual doesn’t work if it’s just murder??? So it just wouldn’t work at all if Whelk did it :0
What’s up with Neeve’s eyes bro
“I sacrifice myself.” ADAM NO
Chapter 46
White horned beasts 😭?? Literally what is happening
Are they unicorns though this is important 👀
Oop they’re in the vision tree
Chapter 47
Gansey actually saw the same vision this time omg
Personally I think that it’s a good thing that Whelk is dead. That’s just me though personally I think it’s incredibly beneficial actually
Chapter 48
Is this an epilogue??
It seems like it
Ok so Neeve just straight up despawned bc of the mirrors
Noah :( he probably misses his family so badly :(((
“He’s sorry for drinking your birthday schnapps” what if I cried
“I guess now would be a good time to tell you, I took Chainsaw out of my dreams.” I WAS RIGHT!!!
Good God. I have so many thoughts. This book was so fun to read I can’t wait for the next ones :D !! I’m gonna take a bit of a break before I read the next one though. Just a heads up, I probably won’t live-blog the next books like I did with this one, but I will post my thoughts occasionally (just not as much). Anyways, Live Laugh Love Noah Czerny🙏
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The Galaxy Garrison sucks ass and this is why I think so Part 2
This is my OWN interpretation, Voltron as a whole never gave enough context about the GG to ever show it in a purely positive or negative light. I'll be excluding VLD, Beastking Golion, Armored Fleet Dairugger XV and any comics here since that's a hard reboot, the original Japanese dubs have nothing to do with each other, and because the comics are their own beast to deal with.
This part will be focusing on Vehicle Voltron and slighty Defender of The Universe, more parts will be added by show
Parts: 1 2 3
Rant after the cut for dash reasons, feel free to add your own opinions and/or additions to the post, I really want to hear about other interpretations of the GG!
It's Vehicle Voltron (vv) time! So like I said earlier, there's 15 cadets who are piloting an experimental weapon at the far reaches of the universe in enemy territory they themselves are their only form of protection at all, therefore The Explorer is huge and does have extra defenses But that doesnt mean jack shit when a Robeast, that's right there's some of those uglies here too, show up to drive them off Now I will give The Explorer and the GG credit where credit is due, the show is very anti-colonization and actively leaves a planet (and often some kind of calling card if in need of help) with the Natives if they so find any However! The GG isn't anti-war and that experimental weapon I mentioned is a copy of Voltron that's made up of 15 parts, see where I'm going with this? Their mission was to find new planets for Earth's (and presumably their allied planets) overpopulation issue, except the only viable planets are in enemy territory, so they sent 15 (assumed) cadets, made them graduate early, and shoved them into effectively No Mans Land I'm not sure if it's ever guaranteed that VV would work in the first place or if the teams just got permission and said "Fuck it we ball!" Not to mention the bot itself is based on a MYTH, and even if they had information to show the GG it was actually REAL, it wouldn't be enough TO BUILD AN ENTIRELY NEW ROBOT Once again I will let something slide in which whatever Drule faction attacks them, it's out of their own will and not because the GG did something so they had to protect themselves, I HAVE finished VV but it's been a while so I'm not sure if the commander of the fleet, Hawkins, got permission to do peace talks with them or not but I DO know that he attempted peace talks multiple times, some worked some didn't Bringing back some dotu here, I mentioned Balto blowing up, Chip is also Balton! meaning that was his home! and I can just sweep this under the rug as the engl dub doing its best with what it got but in universe, we never get to see Chip get told about his planet, plus how far out was the Explorer from Arus in the first place? Hell how far from BALTO were they if Balto is so far out in the first place? The Explorer could've been sent out, they could've helped, or if they couldn't they could've told chip about what they do know and if the people he cares about (and namely Pidge) were still ok Plus did Chip ever get told what happened to his brother? how he was enslaved and forced into galdiator fights? how he's currently on the front lines just like him in order to fight off robeasts?? I know they exchanged letters, but was it Pidge who told him? Or did the Garrison take repsonsiblity for once about the two infant geniuses THAT ARE UNDER THEIR CARE AND PROTECTION AWAY FROM THEIR ADOPTIVE PARENTS (yes they're adopted, dotu has a scene in which Pidge remembers when he was adopted, Chip would've been as well)
In these two shows alone, it only highlights that the GG doesn't absolutely NOTHING and only once their hand is forced is something ever done!
Next post will be about Voltron The Third Dimension and Voltron Force as I don't have much to say about the first
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bunnychargebolt · 5 months
Brb gonna go bash my head into the wall :3
Silly lil vent below the line
I literally *only* asked that if theres a problem someone has with me that it gets communicated with me. Obviously im gonna be sad if you dont wanna be friends but ultimately I just want people to be comfortable and feel safe. Everyone has the right to tailor their own spaces to their comforts. Literally all I asked from the people that I was friends with is that they just inform me if I am no longer wanted in those spaces. Which I think is fair. It leaves nothing up in the air and prevents me from entering those spaces thinking that its ok and hurting someone emotionally or mentally.
But for WHATEVER FUCKING REASON people just arent fucking capable of that :3 I “burned bridges” because I blocked you (literally only on tumblr because you didnt want to be friends over KINKS that you wouldnt have even KNOWN THAT I HAVE if you didnt STALK THE GUY I LIKE so I could feel comfortable in MY fucking space where I didnt feel fully comfortable when we were cool because I knew you would judge me on some of my stuff which is why I NEVER talked to you about it). You were “leaving doors open in case I wamted to talk to you” even though you left shared group chats and unadded me everywhere which made it very clear you did not want me in your life and you would have been pissed if I reached out to you because you nonverbally set that boundary. And then its my fault for showing our mutual friend all of the stuff you “vented” about him because you have OPENLY SAID YOU ARE USING HIM and SHIT TALK him fucking constantly. Literally the only time I even really talk about you anymore is if its brought up with him or if im venting here in my safe space. I will literally aboid soaces I know you are currently in because I know I make you uncomfortable and Im being respectful of that.
I don’t understand why the fuck you feel the need to tell our friend when he goes to see you, while were hanging out btw which leaves me alone, to call me a bitch. Thats so incredibly immature. First of all, if youre going to say something behind someones back you better be willing to have them hear about it and deal with the consequences. Its not my fault that he got mad that you constantly called him stupid and talked about wanting to kill him and oh yeah USED HIS CREDIT CADD WITHOUT PERMISSION. Youre a fucking adult you can out up with the consequences with your fucking actions. I mever let him see anything that was not exclusively about him and I showed him because he asked to see what was said about him after learning that you USED HIS FUCKING CREDIT CARD AND SAID THAT YOU WEEE USING HIM.
If that makes me a bitch Im damn well fine with that but theres no reason to not be civil especially because he talks to both of us and its not fucking ok to shove him in the middle of anything. Grow the fuck up. And if you see this please please please go asay. This should be getting thrown into the void akd never reach you. I blocked both your tumblr accounts. If you made a new one to stalk me thats weird as fucking hell. Especially because my kinks don’t involve you. We arent fucking. And if we did, I WOULD NOT ASK YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN KINKS YOU WERE NOT CONSENTING TO BECAUSE I FUCKING CARE ABOUT CONSENT. And if youre going to go “well i dodnt consent to my messages getting shown to him” thats a completely different fucking tjing and if you dont like it maybe dont constantly talk about wanting fo kill your friends. If you need to vent about your friends constantly then maybe they just arent your people and you should stop hanging out with them.
Literally all I wamted was for you to communicate your boundaries and all I want now is for you to not be a fucking dick. If you’re going to be an adult them that shouldnt be difficult. If you cant do that then stop treating everyone around you like a fucking child because youre not any better.
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April 19: My So-Called Life 1x10
This episode always makes me especially emotional, and I think that's only becoming more true as I get older. Rayanne strikes me as sadder, and in a sense scarier, than she did or could when I was a teenager, and Patty (again) just becmes more impressive and more sympathetic. By which I mean it becomes easier for me to understand her and her POV.
The thing is Patty is always the person who's just trying so hard all the time. She is where Angela gets her earnestness from, except she's 40 so it's uncool (lol). And part of the reason she tries so hard and does so much is because no one else is trying as hard or doing as much. Graham and Patty may be an inverted gender-stereotype marriage in some ways, but this is such a woman's role: the emotional head of house. But it's because of Patty that things get done or new things are tried and she is always reliable, always competent, always there when she's needed. I mean that's the big lesson of this episode--Amber is the cool mom but she's neglectful, selfish, bad in a crisis, both overly emotional and unable to deftly handle emotions in others. Patty is embarrassing and lame and try-hard but she's capable and reliable.
But honestly she's also a way cooler than she's given credit for. Like, she sees her teen daughter and friends with a beer in the middle of the afternoon and she just kinda sputters a bit, then takes Angela aside, talks to her about another topic entirely, and then simply says "you won't do that again" and Angela just agrees. Because Angela didn't want the beer anyway. She was uncomfortable with Rayanne having it. Patty knows all of this about her. She trusts Angela, and even when Angela does something Patty doesn't want her to do, that trust is never really misplaced. Angela is the daughter who calls home. And then she makes small talk at the party.
It's very interesting me to trace the 3 generations of mothers and daughters in Angela's family. They all have the exact same party face. They are people who can perform, even if that means separating themselves from what they're feeling. I don't think Patty and Angela are passive aggressive like Vivian--but maybe that's just to Patty's credit lol. She's super well adjusted for someone with parents as stressful as hers.
Angela remains remarkably astute for someone who is 15; still my favorite quality of hers. I especially liked the line about her mother pretending to be happy rather than being happy, and her monologue about the tarot cards at the end.
Rickie was very interesting to me in this episode. First, I noticed for the first time that he's wearing an AIDS ribbon on his shirt at school, which is such a great costuming detail for him. And second, he's just so heartbreaking in this episode. He fairly obviously half-lives at Rayanne's. When Angela tried instinctively to insert herself between Rayanne and Amber and Rickie held her back, you could see his experience and, in a sense, expertise within this scenario: he's been here before. Maybe not OD-bad, but he's been here. He and Rayanne really have no one reliable other than each other--every other relationship simmers with the threat of violence, is transitory, is shallow, is broken. It's such a dysfunctional and unhealthy relationship. I think it's probably more...equal than it appears to be, since so much of the show focuses on Rayanne's issues and Rickie's valiant efforts to be everything for her all the time, but Rayanne is the one with the safe home for Rickie to crash at, she's the one who cleans up his injuries after he's been bullied or abused at home, and she does her best to keep him safe at school. She probably also provides him with the same thing that Angela liked when she came to the 'other country' of the Graff/Vallone apartment: effusive, happy emotions, a welcoming attitude, laughter, appetizers. He just needs it more than Angela does. Also, he has nothing anywhere near home-like to contrast it to. This is the closest to a functional family he has. So of course he'd try so hard to protect her that it hurts.
I wonder if Patty, as she listens to Rickie in the hospital, sees her relationship dynamic with her college friend reflected in his dynamic with Rayanne. She contrasts it to Rayanne and Angela for obvious reasons (she's talking to her daughter, Angela) but I think the relative intensity and isolation of a college roommate situation--you're zero to 100 with a stranger, living on top of each other, quasi-independent for the first time--would create a dynamic much more similar to the co-dependent friendship that Rickie and Rayanne have.
That's a pretty random place to stop but I don't really have any other thoughts! I still want to do my headcanon fic so bad but like... I'm also so tired so!!
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mariolandavid · 1 year
Leaving Bangkok
There were signs that it wasn't to be a smooth day from the outset as we left Bangkok. The Staybridge suites, calm, placid and peaceful room heard the first gentle tap of raindrops on the window.
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Rain fell, and fell, and fell. Puddles, became pools, became streams and finally floodplains. Streets began to resemble the nearby Mekong; whole areas became submerged. A Typhoon whipping the streets of Thailand's Capital with a force not seen in 10 years. Nature's scary.
Fearing the worst, we called a taxi 4 hours before needing to. As we sat in the lobby, drenched figures started shambling into view. We crept to the door and dared to poke a heads out. Motorbikes were turnig back in the face of the new river, cars caused crashing waves that swept the pavements as they sped past, their lights glinting on the waters surface like gemstones. The particularly brave abandoned their shoes and tryed to wade through with shopping bags (and shoes) in hand. My idea of walking a bit down the road to "a less wet bit" was quickly shot down, so instead we waited and attempted summoning taxis (an ordeal taking at least 20 minutes and a lot of cancellations).
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Soon a car pulled up. We piled in and the poor guy began his descent into Waterworld. Attempting 3 different routes to get out of the city, each one blocked by a larger body of water than the last. Being ferried (literally) through the cityscape, staring out the window at this flooded metropolis, we watched the outside world captivated at this rising water.
People were huddled in doorsteps and cafes; losing any sense of 'i gotta be somewhere' or 'better get home'. A guy sat at a table drinking another beer, because fuck it right? Friends ordered one more round of clams in the streets, watched the rain and laughed. You'd think it was the most normal thing in the world for people to see their home sink beneath them. If I can't go somewhere, why wouldn't I have another satay? Norms and deadlines go out the window as the weather held time, space and your day to day routine in a headlock while it did it's thing. When it rains it rains here, and everything else gets a break.
Jealous of the pockets of people living in this new time vortex, we sadly had somewhere to be as international airports don't subscribe to my romantic notions of time stopping. Our taxi driver heroically got us onto the highway and sped us onto Suvarnabhumi Airport - arriving in plenty of time still we settled down at one of the airport restaurants enjoying a massaman curry (not terrible actually) and calmly waited for our plane.
The calm we felt was short lived. The South Korean government decided that this had all been too relaxing a trip to the airport and pulled out its own clusterfuck curveball at us to rival biblical floods. Their box of tricks consisting of an unannounced mandatory visa for all Non Koreans entering the country.
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The K-ETA, a wonderful new piece of bureaucracy imposed 6 days before our travel date, was briefed to us by the airline via the following routes. Emails - 0. Airport announcements - 0. Airport Staff informants - 0. A fucking post-it note somewhere saying BEWARE OF VISA REQUIREMENTS - 0. Yep. No information. Nothing. I was more aware of Russian espionage activity in Ukraine than my own visa requirements at this point. Cue a line of flustered & panicked non S Koreans (yes, all of them) in a huddle at the front of the check in desk, desperately filling in visa applications online.
Of course Air Asia, could have told people in the queue, to do this in the queue to check in, or in email the week before. The K-ETA website could accept photos larger than 30kb (the data footprint of a Nokia ringtone) They could accept non-S Korean debit cards (S Korea really hates these for some reason). Nope, we like to see you sweat. Keep trying.
As we helped 2 poor german girls use our credit card, our visas were granted. With 2 minutes until check in slammed shut we gratefully sprinted to the plane, losing Mariola's water bottle en route but avoiding having to pay £800 for new flights or losing 3.5 days of our trip to waiting for the the rescheduled flight offered. Lucky us.
I could go on, but I will summarise as "Go Fuck yourself Air Asia" and stop there as we were on the plane.
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nandostateofmind · 1 year
Goals Are Dangerous!!!
Playing it Close to the Chest….
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Goals are a beautiful mess. Goals help you achieve things that you never thought possible. Goals are great for guiding for actions and improving your situation. However, goals can be dangerous as fuck. Or better stated, goals spoken out loud can be dangerous as fuck. Goals spoken give you the same dopamine hit that actually achieving the goals do. With that being said I achieved exactly one of my goals listed in 2022. Only one. Well………… Two I “read” 15/16 books out of the 10 I “goaled” for myself but that’s relative because I didn’t physically read them they were read to me om Audible. So if I allow myself the leeway of having been read to instead then I “finished” 15/16 books in 2022. The Only other goal I hit was I made over 100K. That’s it.
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On a list of 13 goals for 2022 I did two. I realized too late that many of my goals were dependent on other people being involved. I’m trying to not make that mistake again in 2023 these goals are for me and me alone. Somethings were achieved because of unforeseen circumstances. Some things weren’t achieved because of a change in goals mid-year. Somethings were subjective dependent on others to get to them. Others however were my failures and mine alone. Those are the ones that bother me most…
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I never reached 200 lbs flat. I did end up weighing more than I ever weighed post weight loss surgery though. At one point reaching as high as 242lbs again which depressed me and made me feel like I was going to end up fat and sick again. I was drinking suddenly all the time. It became habitual to drink every weekend at least one day. Often that one day of drinking wasn’t a single drink it was to get tipsy or sometimes even drunk. Ultimately, I lost some weight I’m back to 229.4lbs this morning and I have put back the goal of being 200lbs. My mentality has changed largely in part to reading a book called Mini-habits by Stephen Guise. It stresses creating small habits to change your mentality and achieve goals. With that being said I stopped focusing on reaching 200lbs and I have begun focusing on make better choices in exercise and diet and focusing the next lb instead all the lbs I want to lose. If I lost just one lb a month but keep it off for a year that’s 12lbs that not bad at all and imagine if I keep that trend going for 3 years I would be well below my goal of 200lbs. So that’s all im doing making small manageable changes towards it. No drastic shit that ultimately fails because of overreaching trying to do too much at once.
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I didn’t run a 5K because I injured my knee unexpectedly. I don’t expect it to improve without rehab or possibly surgery. I may try this anyway with a brace depending on the health of my knee. I didn’t invest 8k. I realized I was getting about 8-12% returns on my passively managed investments and I was paying out 18-19% on my credit cards so I felt like I was kind of losing 10%. So I reduced how much I was investing to reflect that change of goal. That being said I didn’t pay off the percentage of debt I had hoped to in 2022. I didn’t take 2 vacations, I only went on one, or one that including a flight somewhere mainly because my wife didn’t really have the time or agree on the locations I wanted to travel to. I didn’t learn to edit videos and frankly, I didn’t look at my goals list enough to make this a priority. My wife was busy running her therapy business to run her beauty line business but I made no real effort to help make that better. I didn’t list my eBay stuff out of pure laziness, I definitely had the time. I am obsessed with Brazilian jiujitsu but I understand that the ranking is subjective and that the journey is part of it so I didn’t get two stripes on my blue belt but this one doesn’t hurt. I don’t mind I know that the stripes mean nothing unless you are a black belt. So until the color of the belt changes it isn’t a huge hang up for me. So, I included stripes for my 2023 but that the one that matters the least to me especially I don’t particularly feel ready for my purple belt anyway.
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Now here are the two that I failed at miserably. I didn’t blog much at all and absolutely positively purchased shoes and sneakers, many of them. The blogs I am using my same mini habit strategy for that this year. Which is set a super small goal to achieve daily towards it. A goal so small that even on my worst day I could manage it. My goal for blog writing is two sentences a day, which resulted in this blog itself. Now the sneakers and shoes……..I may give you on that one and just accept that like Brazilian jiujitsu I want to be a part of it the rest of my life. ​
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Which brings us to 2023. 200lbs is again the gift and the curse the dragon I’m chasing forever and always. 2 stripes on my blue belt the least important but the most fun to chase. Compete in two Brazilian Jiujitsu tournaments regardless of outcome but just to overcome the fear of it. Read or listen to 10 more books, which should be easy considering I only have to listen and absorb the books. Writing 30 blogs may not be realistic but hey only 29 left let’s see what dreams may come. Lowering my debt is happening by default because I did a debt consolidation that is 36 months I believe or 48 months and by simple mathematics by the end of the year as long as I don’t increase my debt 25% will automatically be gone just because of the nature of the consolidation. Going to the gym twice a week, another fairly simple one because I love Brazilian jiujitsu and I love weight training so twice a week feels deeply manageable but I may edit that one to work out twice a week for the sake of not forgetting to work out at home if I need to. Drilling more Brazilian moves is for me to feel I’m making an effort at getting better every day. Finally comes making more love. This began as a joke that I sent to my wife but fuck that this is genuinely a goal. Love making improves my mood and focus. So for 2023, I want to make sure more of these goals are met. I’m going to try my best, best of luck to any of you who may stumble upon this. Success isn’t a finite thing there’s enough for everyone, your success doesn’t directly correlate to my failure so I hope we all win!
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insideropinions · 2 years
Hey folks it’s me again! Hope all is well in your worlds!
Yesterday’s last post with a picture of my Mother and a bit of information on my struggles in the addiction arenas, that was the moment of clarity for me in a sense…. all the years of not knowing what direction to head… I decided I was going to run for the St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin Tribal Council. Our Tribe is located in northwestern part of the state., our Tribe and its membership are scattered in a 4 county area. We are not one big land mass. We are called and considered the “LOST TRIBE”, our relatives in the beginning did not show up for land allotments. Our leaders chose to stay on the Mighty St. Croix River and not attend. I actually wrote up a small piece and put my picture to it and decided I was going to get myself elected. I had ran for the position once before, however that to me was a dry run, I needed to figure out what areas I need to work on and whom in that community was the cornerstones. The elders at that time, they where a key to the path I needed to go. The second go around I went door to door with my one sheet and my picture. My slogan in a sense was “ I promise nothing’ and then I would continue to tell them why, I ended up with winning the election with the most number of votes! I was in shock! I didn’t have a clue of what to expect, my MOTHER told me what to expect when I went to her house the next day! She congratulated me and said d…. You can paint good !! I said paint?? YES you just painted the most beautiful TARGET! YOU! Never understood at the point in time what she was really referring to…. OMG was I about to find out ! The hard way! I received my first taste of political bull… that very week! I know none of the other Council members wanted me on the board… the long time chairman at that time was replaced with one of the other members he was pissed! We have 5 council members that are elected every 2 years, no staggering, all council members can be voted off at once. The Tribe bylaws / constitution with the election ordinance 3 out of 5 constitutes a quorum. The council member with the most number of votes was the chairman and so on. Not that term, the changed it so I would not be the Chairman. Then the put myself and the former chairman in the same small small office ! The was an interesting situation, he was not a happy camper. Our general counsel for the Tribe was Howard B he did not like me at all!!! Believe me the feeling was mutual! That man did not give a rat’s behind about our Tribe and membership. Our very first council meetings they we weee discussing Travel with government Visa card, the year is 1997. The discussion is going on with the council members and then HB pipes up and says; If people don’t have a credit card in there name in this day in age they must be “ DIRT BAGS” I went ballistic on him and told him Where the F do you think you are and whom are you working for ?? The members of this Tribe who are TRUE owners and BOSSES of all,of us don’t have credit card so you telling the elected government that are people are Dirt Bags ? I guess in a sense that was me drawing my line in the sand and I knew then what had to be done….
Have a great day!
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kayla1993-world · 2 years
After many fans waited in bumper-to-bumper traffic before the Garth Brooks concert near Branson, Missouri, they decided to turn around and go home.
Ticket holders spent hours trapped in gridlock traffic on their way to Thunder Ridge Nature Arena in nearby Ridgedale, only to find out that getting from the parking lot to the show was no easier. "We left Kansas City around noon. We got into the Branson area about 4:00 p.m.," said Michelle Boucher, who bought tickets for the concert Friday night. "It was 9:00 p.m. and we were still in line at the fruit farm lot to catch a shuttle, and people were actually coming back from the venue on the shuttles already. They were telling us that it took them an hour to get from the fruit farm parking lot to the venue. So then we were just like, "Yeah, we’re not doing that.""
The Thunder Ridge Nature Arena is part of Big Cedar Lodge, a resort in Ridgedale, Missouri, that is owned by Johnny Morris, the founder of Bass Pro Shops. Traffic disrupts many attending Garth Brooks' show at Thunder Ridge. "They had two buses running that line back and forth to the fruit farm, and those two buses held 54 people," Boucher said. "We’ve got thousands and thousands of people parked at the fruit farm for two buses."
Since Friday, Boucher has spent hours calling Ticketmaster and Big Cedar Lodge, trying to get some sort of refund. "From Ticketmaster, I’ve tried to contact them several times, and I keep getting that the venue has to OK the refunds to start happening, and that has not happened," Boucher said.
As for Big Cedar, Boucher said one of the operators took down her name, number, and email. So far, the only refund she has received is for parking. "I actually paid for the fruit farm parking on my debit card," Boucher said. "On Monday, I contacted my bank and told them the situation. I told them what I had been getting and the feedback I had gotten from Ticketmaster. And I woke up this morning and did have a refund for my parking."
Nexstar’s KOLR has learned that Ticketmaster has been flooded with refund requests since the concert.
"I’m thankful for my $48, but I also like my $200 that I’ve spent on the Garth tickets," Boucher said. Some fans told KOLR they’ve had some luck with getting credit for their tickets.
"We ended up working with Seat Geek on Saturday, and they instantly were like, ‘Yes, we’ll get you a promo code just for you, just for the tickets, and it was taken care of right away," Heather Wyrick said. Wyrick also bought tickets for Friday night’s concert. She drove from Kansas City to Springfield on Thursday.
"Originally, it said it was going to take about 45 minutes to get there," Wyrick said. "Right before we left, it said something like an hour and 45 minutes. We finally pulled into the fruit farm parking lot at about 7:35 p.m., and a police officer was there with one of the parking attendants, and they were like, ‘These people are not getting to this show.'" Wyrick also called Ticketmaster and Big Cedar several times. Ticketmaster told her she could not get a refund for her parking.
"It was a relief to at least get our tickets taken care of," Wyrick said. "If I have to pay $50 for parking, it is what it is. I mean, as long as we get something back out of all this, that’s better than nothing." Some fans said after reading social media posts about Friday night’s traffic, they decided not to attend.
"I had tickets for Sunday’s concert, but seeing the craziness of Friday kind of turned us off to even trying to go," said Ben Braun, who was traveling from St. Louis to attend the concert. "We would’ve had to leave at 3:00 in the morning. It just didn’t seem worth it." Braun also reached out to Ticketmaster about getting a refund. He said the company would call him later this week to help him with a refund.
"We didn’t want to, you know, get a hotel and spend the gas to get down there only to wait 6 hours and not even get in," Braun said. KOLR reached out to Bass Pro for comment on the parking concerns and potential refunds but did not receive a reply by publishing time.
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livingwithlosingyou · 2 years
Living with Losing You - 9/2/2022
It’s SO HOT!
I am actually melting. We are in a heatwave right now, and the wall unit A/C is not really working as well as I wish it could. 
Today was a good day. I woke up at around 7:00am, took Sadie on a decent walk, and then picked up the apartment because it needed to be cleaned and I had been putting it off. 
After I cleaned I made myself a list of things that I wanted/ needed to do. Did I get to everything on the list? NOPE. Did I get to a few things on the list? YEP. I feel accomplished. Anything is better than nothing. 
After I got my list together I headed to PetSmart (this was my first stop) to grab Sadie’s food and come treats for the animals. These two are so spoiled, but they deserve it and I love them so much. They had so many cute costumes and halloween stuff already out, and it made me sad to think that you are going to be missing your favorite time of year. I am still going to make it a point to do the things that ew would have done. I ended up ordering Sadie and Latte some collars for the season. I think you would approve. 
After this trip, I made my way to Fashion Valley Mall. If anyone knows me, they know I hate shopping like this. Plus, I hadn’t even eaten yet, so I was really not in the mood to walk around. I was glad that I mustered up the strength and will power to go. I wanted to get it over with and I was in the area. 
The errand that I needed to run was actually for a misunderstanding with Fabletics. I bought some leggings back in December and apparently signed up for a membership. Well, you know how that goes, you forget you’re paying for it and then suddenly you have 8,000 member credits (okay not that many but I did have 8 lol) which means I had 8 outfits (top and bottom) worth of credits to use. And even though they had a sale today and I “lost money”, again, I had 8. I ended up using 3 for today. I wanted to use some of it at least. They were extremely helpful though and I was glad that I got to go into the store to try on things, etc. I will post a picture of what I got!
Additionally, for being a Cal Chamber member, I received a $25 gift card to See’s Candies like almost a year ago. I decided to finally use this and treat myself. I got a box of 12 chocolates, and have made pretty decent headway on this so far. I have about 1/3 of the box left still. It took so much self control to not devour it all. If you’re curious, I am a dark chocolate girl. Milk and white chocolates are too sweet for me, I appreciate the bitterness / balance with dark chocolate. Probably a fun fact that no one cared about, but no regrets for sharing it anyway. James, you know how seriously I take my chocolate. Also though, for the first time in a while I did what you would call my “happy food dance”. It really did help improve my mood though. 
I also decided to swing by Pink while I was there. Honestly - it’s been really hot and I am just (no shame) sweating through my bras. Ladies, you get the struggle. I wanted to add another bra to the line up since we are getting into Santa Ana season #sdstruggles. I also bought like 7 new pairs of underwear. I can’t pass up a good deal. Or cute underwear. We all can understand that. 
After all the shopping, I was ready to drop since I hadn’t eaten yet. I talked to your mom on my way home (so nice to talk to her) and then I unloaded and unpacked all the bags. I definitely need to do some laundry tomorrow!
I finally decided what I wanted to eat for lunch, and ordered a salad with chicken and a side of GF bread. I ate this as I talked with Erika (I really am on the phone a lot, but I think it helps me). Her and I walked for almost 2.5 hours. She has been such a rock and an incredible friend. Really thankful for her. Anyway, I was supposed to go to practice today, but I was honestly so worn out. I ended up texting Aaron because it was just a recovery day (not much to coach on) and I had a church group dinner in just a few hours. I definitely needed a nap. My body is still very much recovering from everything. I have been allowing myself to nap for at least 30 minutes a day, though I kind of hope this does not become a habit. I haven’t napped during the days I am working though, and I have found that that is a struggle. 
I woke up from my nap to a text from Bri asking if I wanted to go to the farmers market. I had not been in weeks, so I did want to go and check it out. One of the last times I went to the market was when you watched me play and I sang there in June. So crazy, it feels like yesterday and ages ago all at the same time. When you walked up to watch me play (the apartment is just down the street), I sang “Thinking Out Loud” for you. You were so excited about it. It was a really sweet moment that I am glad that we shared. Anyway, so I quickly got ready and met Bri to walk around the market. The new set up is strange, but it is what it is. There were some cool new vendors, so it was nice to see some variety. 
After the market, Bri walked me back to my apartment, and then I walked Sadie with her back to her work office. I needed to walk Sadie before the church event. 
At this point I had not eaten dinner yet, but was fully just planning on grabbing some food afterward. Bri had bought me a bundt cake (thanks again for that if you are reading this!) but I wanted to save it. I quickly grabbed my things and headed over to the church group house dinner. I was excited and nervous, per usual. I think it’s more in social settings with new people I almost don’t always know what to say, if I should tell them what’s going on with me, etc. It just makes me anxious. I got there a little before my friend who invited me, but it was a gated community. I initially parked outside and attempted the gate code to go through the walk-in entrance, but it was not working. I quickly texted my friend and he called me and was ironically pulling up to the gate. He told me to just grab my car and follow him in, so I ran to grab my car and drove up to the gate and now was trying the code on the car gate. This was not working either. The STRESS I was feeling. I cannot describe it. He was also struggling with it (he got out of his car to help me) and then the guy behind us said he didn’t know it either. So this was all great. It luckily eventually worked, and we drove in. I followed him until I had to branch off to find a guest parking spot, but this was pretty far out. Luckily he waited for me so he could show me where this place was. 
We finally got inside and I was pleasantly surprised with the group size. It was about 8-10 people total. I met a lot of great people, and exchanged a few numbers with some girls. This is a big deal, as having grown up with 3 brothers, I am typically more comfortable with boys. Yay for girl friends! We went over the sermon for Sunday that is upcoming, which I really appreciated. It was nice to get a glance forward to reflect on the message that is being taught. I really loved how we all just talked about our understanding and the significance of why God felt it was important to include in the bible. We ended the group with prayer requests, and I opened up to a couple of them about our situation. They were so kind and offered to support me if I ever needed to talk or wanted to get out of the house. It meant a lot. 
After this I was STARVING. I decided to just grab some Mexican food, head home to eat it, and now I am sitting in bed typing this. I’ll admit I did eat some more See’s Candy too. I can’t help it, it’s so good. 
Tomorrow I am meeting up with my parents fairly early to walk the pups, brunch with Marissa, seeing Erika for the first time since you and I hung out with her over 2 years ago, then seeing another friend in the evening. Should be a fin but busy day!
I hope that you are enjoying heaven and playing with Max. I am sure you and your grandpa had a lot of catching up to do as well <3
Thanks for being my guardian angel, I love you so much. 
Rest in Peace, James Burton Nichols. 
Thanks for doing life with me as long as you could. 
10/1/1993 - 7/16/2022
PS - As mentioned, here are the outfits I got, and here is a picture of Sadie cakes (as you called her). 
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liightningclaw · 3 years
I need some help
I never wanted to be making a post like this, but I’m in the middle of being scammed and am too broke to buy any food for the month as I’m currently crippled from a severe back injury and out of work with no financial support. I signed up for a 2 week free trial with adobe months ago (stupid mistake but I was unaware of just how TERRIBLE a company they are back then) and even though I had thought I cancelled, I’ve been being charged almost 80 dollars every month from them. I tried contacting customer service the first charge I got, who told me they had no record of me being charged and did absolutely nothing to help. My credit card info wasn’t appearing anywhere on my account or transaction records with them, so there was nothing they could do. I tried contacting my bank THREE times, begging them to block the account and reverse charges. Which they assured me all three times they would do. Finally, last week, in a burst of paranoia I went to the bank in person and changed my entire card, number and all, to prevent this from ever happening again. Cue today, when I checked my bank account to see how much money I had for groceries, now that rent was paid. Expecting somewhere around $20 available for me to buy some soup with, I was greeted by an account balance of NEGATIVE SEVENTY. The culprit? FUCKING ADOBE. Somehow they are STILL charging me despite all my best efforts to shake them. They’ve stolen over 300 dollars from me so far, and until I’m able to completely close my entire bank account and open a new one with a different bank, as I’m completely over my current bank’s lack of customer service, I cannot afford any food or even to pay my phone bill which has been sitting at around $150 for a few months as I haven’t been able to afford to pay it down fully. I’ll also be charged $35 by my bank for going into overdraft once my account goes back to a positive balance. So I’m now $115 in debt for the month and it isn’t even actually July yet. Here’s a screenshot from my account as all the proof I’ve got to show you.
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If anyone could spare even 5 dollars to help pay down my negative balance, I would be so appreciative. I don’t expect something for nothing though, so if you would like a doodle of a pet or a dinosaur or oc or anything please let me know and I’ll try my best to get it done. I don’t know what else to do at this point, tumblr, I really don’t. Anything helps. my ko-fi link is in my bio but I will post it here too if you can’t afford to help, I ask that you please signal boost this if you can, literally anything to help me dig out of this debt helps. https://ko-fi.com/maximumdinosaur thank you in advance to anyone who can help in any way, I understand how tough times are for everyone right now but I’m at a loss for what else to do but ask for help.
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ashiemochi · 2 years
Can demon 😈 nonnie politely ask RE4 Leon to beat the shit out of a customer who won't take no for an answer? Pretty please? I'll give the Mochi dearest a present if they do!
(No I'm not asking because this hasn't been my exact situation at work for the past week, why do you ask, what are ya, a cop? Get off my gears.)
(...... okay maybe it has. Demon 😈 nonnie wants a little badassery to keep them going through the day.....
I'll bring presents next time Mochi dear. Work has kind of sucked me dry....)
only for you bc you provided so much for me <3
Anyone could see you were struggling with the rude middle-aged man. You had been checking out his groceries - which were a lot - for a while that a line formed behind him. Your co-workers were giving you pity looks and some kept glancing at you if you needed help.
"Okay that'll be $296.75."
The man gave you his credit card, nearly tossing it onto the counter and you brushed it off as him having a bad day (which was true). You slid the card and it let out a disappointing beep. You eyed at him but he didn't seem bothered. He was impatient though.
You had done it again yet still - rejected.
"Uhm, sir, your card has been declined."
And that was about it - which got you to this point. Him shouting his lungs out at you whilst you were trying to keep things civil. You didn't have time for this - you missed breakfast and you were supposed to be on a lunch break now. Yet here you are, wasting your precious time with a psychotic version of a male Karen.
'I'm a trusted member of society! I served in the military for five years!' He yelled.
'You're scamming me because you want my dollars!' He continued.
'Sir, your card is declined. There's nothing I can do about it - you could pay in cash?' You suggested, feeling nervous.
'No! My card works! Your machine's just busted! The customer is always right!'
God forbid whoever came up with that last sentence and you hoped they'd be six feet underground by now.
You stumbled back when he tried to yank you, gasping a little before calling out, "Security!"
Little did you know, another man was silently watching everything unfold as he was the one waiting for this mad fuck to finish his tantrum and leave.
"Hey, hey!" The blond-haired man set his grip on the 'military' man's shoulder to take a step back, "This isn't her fault - just step back."
"Who are you to tell me what to do?! I'm being wronged!" The man shoved the pretty guy away, receiving furrowed brows.
"Sir, just please calm down-" You tried again as you glanced around you and saw your manager calling for security, giving you an affirmed nod that they were on the way.
"Calm down my ass! I deserve to get these for free since you're being such a fucking bitch for no reason! I could get you fired!"
The agent silently set his basket on the counter before tapping the man's shoulder, almost too lightly that it was actually intimidating. The man twisted around with a harsh glare and an open mouth for more cusses only for white to flash in front of his eyes. He fell down onto his back, eyes stinging with tears along with his nose burning in pain.
You covered your mouth in shock, gasping sharply at what just happened, wide eyes settling on the..... Oh god, a handsome man.
"You're holding up the damn line, old man." The agent scowled as he lowered his fist, "So, do everyone a favour - either pay upfront or get the hell outta here."
"Y-you - you," The man stuttered, nearly panicking as he uncovered his nose to see blood coating his hand, "You fucking maniac! You broke my nose!"
The agent rolled his eyes, "Should be nothing if you really served this country."
The man struggled to stand up, hissing and cussing as he wiped his blood with his sleeve (though it was useless bc more blood came out), "This is an unfair crime! I could get you in jail for this! You will rot with all those disgusting criminals like you and this whore!"
The agent's eyes narrowed, almost challenging him as he picked up on the security coming through the doors, "Sure," The agent crossed his arms against his broad chest, "Then you wouldn't mind if they checked the cameras, right? After all, it's all about being fair."
"You mother fucker-"
The security man ordered, eyes glaring at both the agent and the man, "Gentlemen, I'm going to ask you two to leave."
"Nah, man!" A random bystander exclaimed, disappointed as he defended the agent, "That man helped out the lady from this crazy dude! You should take him away - not this guy!"
The security guy looked at you with a trusted gaze, "Is that true, ma'am?"
Eyes widening as you swallowed, you felt anxious under the agent's azul surprised stare and the security's one, "Yeah, this gentleman is okay - he... He helped me."
The security guy nodded and began taking away the crazed rambling man, yelling at how this was injustice and the president will hear about this. Talk about Draco and his line of 'wait till my father hears about this!"
"You okay?" The agent's voice was gentle, sliding his basket towards you and you flashed him a nervous smile, clearly shaken up.
"Shouldn't I be asking you that? I mean, he shoved you." You began checking out his items almost shakingly because of the little incident and the man chuckled.
"Yeah, I didn't end up on the floor though." He flashed you a grin and you giggled a little.
You finished ringing up his groceries and setting them into their plastic bags. The man pulled out his wallet, "Okay, how much will that be?"
"On the house." You replied with a small smile, earning an amused one from him.
"No, no, I can't-"
"Please? I don't know how else I can repay you."
The man's lips twitched at you before ticking his head to the side, "When do you finish your shift?"
"Oh! Uhm..." You glanced at your watch then back at him, "In about an hour, why?"
His charming smile widened, "You could repay me back with some of your time."
Is he really asking you out on a date?!
"O-oh! Well, uhm..."
"Just say yes, oh my god!" There's that bystander goes again.
The man chuckled when you giggled then you nodded, "Okay."
"Great, I'll wait for you outside." The man took his plastic bags, flashed you a wink and began walking away.
Your cheeks turned red as you faced your next customer only to hear a whistle.
A protein bar landed on your hand (with a bit of fumbling of course but boy can he toss) and you looked up at him with a surprised look.
"That's lunch, oh and," The guy grinned toothily, "Name's Leon."
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