#i can't believe i forgot about this
astralkilljoy · 1 year
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hey rtumblr pspspsps
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thepoisonroom · 1 year
just remembered that when i met my last ex i went so insane after our first kiss that my roommate gave me a cardboard box and told me to rip it into little pieces so i had something to do with the nervous energy
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the-ocean-is-scary · 10 months
Okay so when I was in around third grade there was this one girl I was really attached to and clingy with. It was more of a one-sided friendship.
Anyway this one kid passed her a note during free time saying "Do you think I'm funny? Yes or No"
She just kind of rolled her eyes at it and said to him "Stop it ___ you're annoying"
SO MY BABY GAY ASS WAS LIKE "ooh i should do that maybe she thinks i'm funny i wanna see"
SO I WROTE HER A NOTE SAYING "Do you think I'm funny? Yes or No"
She looked me dead in the eye and said, "You mean like...just as friends right."
My oblivious ass not yet knowing that gays exist said "Yeah what else could I mean"
She just like shut down- and said "You don't have a crush on me."
And I'm just like "No?"
And looking back on that I'm-
I definitely had a crush on her
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dykeinthedark · 9 months
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gayspacemonk · 1 year
y'all remember when chainsaw man said "capitalism and abuse makes people so lonely and isolated that they risk their own integrity and well being just to have an normal life and be loved" and now it's saying "to meet someone who understands you and you relate to is disturbing and disgusting and so annoying but now you'll never be alone again and you would give everything to keep them" yea that fucks me up a little
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drrav3nb · 11 months
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emily-e-draws · 7 months
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bedtime stories (a mathematics textbook)
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egophiliac · 7 months
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at this point I'm not going to finish this, but I need everyone to know that I don't CARE that it was Kamejim, this scene has been replaying itself in my brain for the past week --
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alicia-akuma · 2 years
Happy Late Birthday Ushiwaka and Aone
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Sorry to my gentle giants, their birthday was the 13th and I was so busy I forgot about it.
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zeynyukine3011 · 5 days
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You cannot, in any way, tell me they are not soulmates.
Jondami is the definition of "I love you in every universe."
Like look at them, they are with each other in every shape and form.
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aimbutmiss · 3 months
"Shanks, have you ever been in love?"
The red head quirked a brow at the boy's question, smirking teasingly. "Aren't you a bit young to worry about such things?"
Luffy shrugged. "I don't really care, but adults seem to think it's important."
Shanks gave a small smile. He really wished everything could be as simple as it was in a kid's thought process.
He answered the question truthfully after a tired sigh. "Once."
"Yes. Once."
Luffy looked at him curiously with big eyes. "What did she look like?"
Shanks longingly watched the sea, his hair swaying in the breeze and his eyes glazed with memories. "His hair was the colour of the sky. His eyes, the colour of the sea. And you know a pirate's first love is always the sea!" He chuckled. "So I really didn't have a choice other than falling for him."
Luffy looked thoughtful for a moment before asking another question. "What did he choose?"
Shanks frowned, staring at the horizon as if searching for something, someone, that want there. "... I don't know. I just know it wasn't me."
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i-lavabean · 16 days
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I planned on it being angsty but my heart said no
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angelxd-3303 · 2 months
Me: I don't need a new fic idea, I already have so many!
My brain: But what if Bruno saves a wolf puppy and the pack basically adopts him as a member of the fam, and follow him around like puppies, and the Madrigals now have like ten wolves sitting in their courtyard around Bruno while Alma tries desperately to not have a heart attack?
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Was this just an excuse to draw a bunch of wolves bc they're fun to draw?
Bruno deserves a pack of floofy bois. Supreme cuddle opportunity.
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Happy Birthday, Jean!
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"Was the night in the story as peaceful as this one?"
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whumblr · 3 months
The first time Whumpee had fainted after watching their own blood seep down their arm, Whumper had watched in silent amusement. Before realising that… well, this could be a bit of a pain.
So the second time he strapped them to a table and walked up with his knife at the ready, he came prepared.
Whumpee glanced at the knife and while their expression tightened, there was a hint of smugness crossing their face. Not much to torture when they’re out cold after just the first cut, Whumper had to admit.
But their face fell when Whumper held up the knife and a piece of black cloth dangled from the tip.
A blindfold.
“Figured we could see to what extent your fear of blood goes,” Whumper said, swinging the cloth back and forth until it slipped from the knife and draped over Whumpee’s collarbones.
“It’s not a fear of blood!” Whumpee bit, pulling at the leather straps binding them. “It just… happens,” they finished, less fierce.
“It happens…” Whumper mused. So this probably wasn’t the first time. “Have you ever tested it? Do you just go whoop when you see your own blood or is the sensation of it pumping out of your veins enough to pass out?”
Whumpee paused, their lips pressed together and their throat bobbed. “I… I don’t know,” they admitted.
“Let’s find out.”
He set the knife down on the table, deliberately placing it just next to Whumpee’s bound hand. If they struggled enough, maybe they could touch it with a pinky finger. Blindfold in hand, he leaned over them, easily slipped it over their head as they shook ‘no’ and they continued to shake their head even when the band fit snugly over their eyes. He shushed them gently, cupping their face with both hands, stopping them from shaking their head.
“Now, then…” His hand curled over the handle of the knife and as he lifted it he let the blade scrape over the surface with a scratchy shing to signal that he was about to start. And to draw a flinch from Whumpee. He grinned; now that they were dependent on their other senses, he wasn’t above helping out with that.
He rested the blade just under their shoulder where their deltoid curved, letting the cold touch seep into their skin before the sharp edge of the blade would follow.
A soft and surprised little yip sounded within their throat when the knife broke skin. Teeth clenched when he slid deeper, their chest heaving to keep their scream contained until he dragged the knife further through muscle and a broken gasp tore free.
Blood gushed along the stripe of the cut, streaming down their shoulder, tickling over skin.
A fist clenched. And Whumpee went white as a sheet.
But they didn’t pass out.
“You look like you already lost a gallon,” Whumper said with a smirk.
“Sh—shut up,” Whumpee shot back, but their voice was weak, high-pitched.
They tensed up when the blade rested against their arm again.
But Whumper merely held the flat of the blade under the cut, not yet breaking skin, and he caught a few thick drops of blood. Then he carefully brought the knife up, hovered it over Whumpee’s face, and watched as the red pooled closer to the tip. A single drop fell right onto their cheek.
And after an initial flinch, Whumpee completely stilled. To the point where Whumper thought that was it for the experiment.
But then a shivering inhale rasped past their lips.
“Don’t do that…” they managed to whisper.
“Don’t do what, dear?” Whumper drawled, smile creeping wider. He tapped a finger to the blade and watched a second drop fall right onto the blindfold. It drew out another twitch. The cloth absorbed the dark stain immediately, while the spatter on their face slowly rolled down their cheek. It sent a shudder through them as it tickled the underside of their ear and disappeared into their hair.
“That… the b—the blood, don’t—”
“It’s just a splash of water, love.”
“It’s not!”
Whumper grinned, fingertips swirling through the puddle of blood forming under their arm. “No,” he murmured in agreement, and he tapped two fingers slick with blood against their cheekbone. “It’s not.”
A strangled sound of anguish sounded in Whumpee’s throat as the two fingers slowly made its way down, leaving two cold stripes of red draped over their face.
Whumper watched them fondly. Amazing how the brain worked. It registered everything, from the warmth gushing out of their cut, to the splash on their face and it drying on their cheek. Yet it didn’t trigger that severe drop in blood pressure to make them check out.
With Whumpee blubbing their mouth like a fish on dry, heaving in shallow breaths yet none coming back out as cries, you’d think their level of emotional distress was at peak. But fight or flight was still overpowering everything. And oh, how they wished to fly; their wrists pulled tight against their bonds, straining as they hoped for the leather to give just a bit so they could slip free. Just a bit more, dear, and you’ll feel the blood bubble up there as well…
“Lost your voice?” Whumper purred.
His hand tightened over the cut and Whumpee screamed. Ah, no, still there. But they immediately fell silent when that same hand gripped their jaw tight. Fingers sleek with blood dug into the side of their jaw, just under their ear.
“That’s right,” Whumper crooned. He let a fresh drop fall onto his thumb and pressed it against their lips. “Just… shush.”
Their lips, slightly parted in despair, immediately pressed tight into a thin stripe. And with a grin, Whumper took advantage. He slowly smeared the drop over both their lips, coating them in red.
“You might wanna lick your lips. Seems a bit dry to me.”
Every little gasp had indeed made their lips uncomfortably dry, blood now seeping into the cracks, immediately drying and making things even worse. As Whumper pulled back, he could see them hesitate, fighting the automatic response of their tongue wanting to offer a bit of relief.
Those beautiful red lips trembled hard, and their chin started to quiver as well.
The underside of the blindfold started getting wet. Tears trickled out from underneath, mixing with the red stripes over their cheeks, breaking them up and a drop pooled on the edge of their jaw, tinted with a hue of red.
“P-p-please…” The word puffed past quivering lips. “Stop. Just… just cut me up like you wanted, but… stop…”
“Ah.” Whumper feigned his surprise, though he didn’t have to hide his grin, growing wolfishly large. “Right. I think we both got a little distracted.”
He scraped the knife over the table again before resting it against their arm, slowly moving up and increasing the pressure. “Let’s tap out some more.”
General whump tags: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @whumpifi @auroragehenna @oprhan
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