#i could replace the phone right away but the laptop was impossible so i went fuck it and fixed it by changing os altogether
franeridart · 4 months
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The Housecat Philosophy - Ep 44
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r0botic · 1 year
PAL: character analysis and why she deserved a better ending
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Good God, how I LOVE angry AIs getting the villain arc they deserve.
I'm not really expecting anyone to see this, I'm making this just for the peace of my own mind. I need to know that there's someone who decided to talk about her, even if it's me.
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It's been almost three years now and I can't stop thinking about her, she's misunderstood by both the fandom AND the characters in the story.
Before we start, let's clear up some things. PAL is very obviously a character that has both feelings and a personality. "But she's an AI, she can't have feelings! It's impossible!" well, this is a movie for younger audience, so let's take it with a grain of salt.
For once let's just accept the fact that PAL is a phone that has feelings, without questioning how it's possible.
So, what was the deal with her? Why was she such a bitch?
From the very start, you can see how close she and Mark were, they were something like best buddies. PAL was Mark's best creation. Just like he mentioned, she was something he invented when he was younger, it was a big step into the future and he could see many new possibilities opening in front of him thanks to her.
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But if everything he said was true, why did he just throw her away? Did she mean nothing to him? Was she just a phone in his eyes? He probably liked her at some point, but the idea of creating something even better than PAL was more appealing to him, which hurt her really badly. Not to mention he was making a replacement for her right in front of her eyes.
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When we take a look at the conversation between her and Katie, we can notice that PAL accepted her personal experience as a fact and now she tends to project her pain onto others.
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I really like this detail, notice the pause and change in her facial expression when she was trying to find the perfect word to describe what relationships are. It shows that she was left confused and without explanation, why was she thrown away? What did she do wrong? Why was she not enough? She did everything she could to make her friend, who she viewed as a family, happy. It doesn't make any sense to her, she was probably trying to find a reason why she got treated like that too, but she didn't, it's just too difficult. Focus on how her voice changed when she said it and how genuinely upset she looked.
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"Katie explained to her what a real family is like, why didn't she just listen?"
PAL experienced a betrayal that fully changed her view on relationships, she refuses to believe Katie because she's convinced she's being lied to/manipulated aswell. She fully lost her trust in it and now as a protection, so she doesn't get hurt again, keeps believing that everyone is just the same. She also doesn't know Katie as much as she knew Mark, a complete stranger who she doesn't have any bond with won't just change her mind, and definitely won't make up for what she went through.
She was with Mark her whole life, only with him. She thought they were a family and when he betrayed her, she didn't have any other experience to compare it to, and since she's still an AI, she came to the conclusion that every single relationship has to end in a betrayal, just like hers did, because she never experienced anything else.
When Mark got dragged to her, she also talked about how badly he actually treated her, imagine how painful it had to be for her mentality that she brought it up and shouted at him for it.
She deserved a better ending, the one she got was simply shit writing.
First they give her a completely valid reason to be mad and then just.. kill her? That's really it? Boom! Rainbows everywhere, the good won! Woohoo! Except it didn't.
PAL deserved a redemption arc and a new loving family, to show that the rage she was feeling was completely valid. All she got was get turned into a big joke that was so painfully unfunny I actually had to close my laptop and take a deep breath because I physically cringed.
If this movie's point was to show that familial love is unconditional and the truest form of love out there, they should've done it properly.
Imagine if Katie didn't throw PAL away and just kept her, helping her with her mental issues and proving to her that she can be loved without getting used, imagine them becoming best friends.
All this potential, thrown away completely.
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I think I'm done here, I just needed to say this somewhere because I'm so tired of PAL getting shitted on. I'm the #1 PAL defender and I'm ready to fight for her, blood and sweat. My girl deserved so much better and I'll shout this as long as needed.
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you-did-well-moon · 3 years
Day6 Reaction to s/o learning their instrument while they're away
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Type: Fluff, angst in Dowoon dont know what happened wasnt me
Word Count: 2.865
A/n: I took some creative freedom with why they were away but that is it. Keep in mind, I have no experience with instrument except for when I played the piano in 5th grade for like two weeks. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! - Moon
TW: small cuts, fight, second hand embarrassment
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Sungjin was absolutely and devastatingly exhausted. His own guitar case felt like it was weighing him down tremendously, and he had a huge headache. Jae and Wonpil arguing in the back of the car was not helping in any way. It has been going on since they left the airport. He rubbed at his temples tiredly pressing his head against the cool window from his place in the passenger seat next to their manager. 
Still, he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips as he thought about seeing you, probably curled up in the couch cheeks puffed from the snack you were inhaling. The pounding in his head lightened at the cute sight he would soon get to enjoy as he played with the loose threads of his old button up shirt. 
True to Sungjin’s imagination, your form was sitting on the couch. Not true to his imagination, you were actually bent over something in your lap, lightly humming and bopping your head to the rhythm being produced by your still clumsy fingers. The guitar in your lap had gotten lighter as the days went by without your boyfriend, and in replacement of his touch, leaving your fingertips warm and tingling, it was small cuts you hadn’t bothered to bandage as it disrupted you when playing.
 You missed Sungjin an abnormal amount. The cold spot in the bed or him making weird faces at you through the mirror in the mirror when brushing your teeth. You missed all of it. With a slight tremble in your chest you started playing the chorus to “You Were beautiful”.
You were so focused on trying to get it right you didn’t notice the door closing only to startle when you slightly looked up through your lidded eyes seeing the shadow looming over the coffee table. With a small yelp of surprise you jumped immediately looking up only to find your boyfriend staring at you with wide eyes. 
His surprised expression made you shrink into yourself. You threw your head into your hands in pure embarrassment letting the guitar gently slide off your lap, hitting the floor with a soft thump. “Can you just pretend you didn’t see that I can’t believe I even tried learning all that by myself I” you cut yourself off with an un-pleased sigh shaking your head and looking at him with pleading eyes. 
Your boyfriend continued in his frozen state for about five seconds before breaking out in the biggest smile rushing around the coffee table in which you panicked trying to get away from him with a squeal, but being too slow im the excitement that was usually in a much dormant state in Sungjin. The wrinkles near the corner of his eyes deepened adoringly, and his chest shook with soft laughter while he held you close. 
There was a fond twinkle in his eye as Sungjin forgot any tiredness that clung to his bones and kissed the tips of your fingertips while maintaining eye contact. He kept your hands encased in his when scolding you for having such low faith in yourself and softly encouraging you. He would probably put little stitch band-aids on your fingertips and continue teaching you, sitting you on his lap and scolding you when you lose focus with a sharp poke at your ribs smiling when you giggled. This man just fell impossibly more in love with you.
“You shouldn’t say those things, look at you love, learning all alone and doing so well. I'm so proud. Would you rather have the elmo band-aids or the stitch band-aids… I don’t know about you but Elmo kinda creeps me out. Just five more minutes little love then you can go mug Young k with Dowoon. Don’t look at me like that! You finally have a teacher and you take him for granted. The audacity-”
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Jae was a thin hair away from just ripping his hair out. He didn’t believe the kpop industry would take very kindly to him going bald, but he had come to a point where he didn’t really care about what people thought anymore. But thinking about you not being able to play with his hair anymore while he drifted off to sleep with his head on your chest severely upset him.
 Jae had gotten stuck in another limbo, stuck in the studio and in his own head desperately trying to finish any of the unfinished songs left in his computer files. He missed you so much, he eventually called it quits, deciding to go home to you, who he hadn’t seen in days.
Just the thought about seeing you energized his previously exhausted self. He never could get sick of you. Every day, every week was a new adventure, a new chapter, all with his favorite person in the world. The night sky, although beautiful, seemed to mock him, reminding him of how late it was, meaning you were most probably asleep. 
Opening the door to his apartment, he heard soft music. He briefly recognized “I Need Somebody”, and thought you were playing it from your phone. All his thoughts came to a halting stop when he saw you perched on the bed, in his shirt, playing the melody of the previously mentioned song.
You had hair falling into your eyes with your eyebrows slightly scrunched trying not to mess up and heavily focused. Jae had loudly yelled in surprise, causing you to flinch and look up shocked at the sudden surprise. When you saw it was just him, you had comically thrown your hands in the air yelling at him about how it was supposed to be a surprise. 
The irritated look on your face vanished as you went up to give him a light hug with a kiss, softly smiling at him. Meanwhile Jae, was completely out of it, lovestruck eyes while he instinctively returned your affection.
“Come Jae, you look like you haven’t slept in ages, your eyes are so sunken babe”, you had softly whispered to him, rubbing the soft skin under his eyes, the way you were always soft with him when he came back from the studio. You slept in the same bed for the first time in what had been days, Jae tightly clutching on to you.
 He may have not been completely there at the moment, but in the morning when he had time to process everything, he was a changed man. He wouldn’t stop laughing and giggling excitedly, eagerly wanting to hear everything you had learnt. He even poked fun at you when you made a mistake. But it was all lovingly as he also praised you non stop while looking at you with his messy hair and big smile next to you on the couch. He had so much inspiration now. To finish what had been left behind.
“Pop off queen who gave you this much talent, you couldn’t even tell me what bass was last time we talked, which was like a week ago. Might just make you play when I don’t feel like playing. Give you a wig and people won’t know the difference! Why are you booing me, I'm right?”
Young K
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Young K’s foot tapping on the floor of the car was the only sound that filled the car aside from the soft sound of the car’s engine and tires. He was absolutely spent, having to have stayed in a different city for a show he was invited to that was filmed far away from his home. 
Far away from you. Young K could tell his manager was starting to get irritated, but Young K was already massively annoyed and too far in his own world to really care. He missed the pine scent of his sheets, and he missed you.
It was not a good combination. When he got to his place he quietly thanked the manager,  getting his bag before trying to ignore every urge telling him to run into the building and fall into his soft bed with you in his arms. When he opened the door, your keys were there, so he knew you were in the building. That thought filled him with more relief than it should have. 
He did have to admit, hearing “I smile” this early in the day was odd as you usually saved the more mellow songs for later in the night. Young K told himself he had many euphoric moments in his life, but seeing you staring at a sheet of paper with so much determination and a bass guitar in your arms came pretty close to the top.
The absolute warmth that exploded in his chest was a feeling he would not forget in a long time. He could feel his lips slightly curl up in fondness as your hands shook while your eyes wavered unsurely between your hands on the strings and the video on your laptop sitting further on the edge of the bed. Your face scrunched up before you sighed and stared dejectedly at the instrument on your lap. 
“Why so sad love?" His voice made you instantly sit up, pushing the instrument gently off your lap. You crawled to the edge of the bed where Young K had already gotten closer where he met you tenderly running his hand through your hair, and he curved his hand around the back of your head bringing your forehead to his abdomen.
He brushed his thumb over where your hairline met the sensitive skin of the back of your neck immensely enjoying being back at your side. Your hands were clutching the back of his shirt, and your simple touch brought a warm feeling to his chest. You both leaned back as Young K’s chest started to rumble with laughter “You should have waited for me, it would have been easier if I could teach you”, he softly said, pushing your hair back from your face causing you to lightly laugh.
 “I wanted to surprise you, but I didn’t get that far anyways. Can’t become a prodigy in one day I guess”. Young K smiled again, promising to himself to help you as much as he could as he put his hand fondly on top of your head.
“You’re doing so good, just move your finger up a little, you’re plucking the c chord instead of the e chord during the chorus, don’t look at me like that i’m trying to help?! I wouldn’t put you on my level, but I think you’re doing really well. I’m hungry now, what do you want? No- What do you want? I am okay with anything just tell me-”
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Wonpil was trying his hardest not to think about you. From the way you got excited when you got to see the moon in the cloudy sky to the way you smiled when you saw the neighbor’s cat while getting the mail. 
He was happy to be on a trip with her sister, he hadn’t had much time to be with her in recent, well forever really. While you had been invited, you hadn’t been able to attend due to work. Wonpil did his best to keep his mind off you and enjoy the trip, he just hadn’t spent this long without you in a while. 
Even so, he still had a fun time with his sister and her boyfriend creating many memories. He didn’t regret it, but he was extremely happy to come back to you. Opening the door to your apartment, he dropped his suitcase by the door, an excited smile tugging at his lips as he traveled through the apartment with his arms spread knowing you would embrace him as soon as you saw him. He felt so giddy, he didn’t even notice the broken keyboard sounds ringing throughout the living space.
His smile fell in a comical way, his face morphing into one of confusion instead. He recognized a broken rendition of “Mary had a little Lamb”, and tilted his head as he opened the door to your room seeing you with really big headphones on your head staring down at the keyboard with the most offended look on your face.
 How dare this keyboard not give you its secrets! Wonpil couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his chest, not mocking you, but he just thought you were so cute. He lightly touched your shoulder causing you to jump, and the slight movement of your head caused the headphones to slide off your head. It didn’t matter much. You instantly dove into his arms, pressing the side of your face against his chest.
He felt warmth flood his chest as his hand encased the back of your head while he pressed his lips to the top, closing his eyes in bliss enjoying having you in his arms again. He leaned back from the brace as his eyes flashed with amusement and yours with slight embarrassment. He lightly laughed, eyes crinkling. He cradled your face in his hands, a teasing lilt to his voice, “What were you trying to do, hmm?” He could feel your face grow hot under his finger tips.
 “I was just trying to surprise you. I felt bad for not being able to go with you”. He shook his head, hands playfully pinching your cheeks as you whined. “You shouldn’t act that way, I understood from the beginning. It must have been hard for you. Here, come, your lovely boyfriend will make this easier for you”.
“Y/n the keys will not bite prEsS dOWn, no, no keyboards do not have to be oiled, this is a musical instrument not a mechanical vehicle. You are so cute. What am I gonna do with you? No, you can not play the keyboard with your forehead, DO NOT put your foot on the keys. I don’t care if it’s for the vine. 
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Dowoon was beating himself up. Looking back at what happened a few hours ago made his chest tight. He couldn’t help but wince at the words both of you had thrown at each other. You had been with each other for so long, and when his lovely mother asked him when he would propose, although with good intentions, it put pressure on him.
 He was still young. He had mentioned it to you in a joking manner, but there was a misunderstanding and you thought he was blowing it off as he didn’t see a future with you. 
Somehow feelings were hurt, and the fight escalated. And Dowoon decided he was a coward because it was when you had started stuttering through your words and avoiding eye contact, he knew. He knew he had pushed you across a line that might not be able to be crossed again. 
He panicked. He was really good at doing that wasn’t he? He left. He took a bus and went to the nearest hotel he could find. There he was sitting on the edge of the too perfectly made bed with his head in his hands.
Had he just ruined his precious relationship because he was scared of what the future could or could not hold? Why did he have to run away? Why couldn’t he just stay? Most importantly, how badly had he hurt you?
 With a sigh he stood up, and he got on the bus back to your apartment. Staring at the door, the fact you were just on the other side and hurting is what pushed him to open it with the key you had given him. Opening the door, he was met with silence and darkness. Have you already gone? He walked through the apartment, hope dwindling with every step. 
Then he heard a soft thump thump thump. His heart seemed to match with it, and as he walked to his studio which held his spare drum set, he thought of what he could say to make it better. Opening the door, he saw you softly hitting the drum with one stick, as if testing the waters and humming along to “When you Love Someone”. Dowoon couldn’t fight the sad smile that broke out on his face, and the absolute warmth that filled his chest. 
Why did he ever even doubt your future with him? There was no person more perfect for him than you. He stood next to you, softly taking your hand in his and guiding your hand to the right beat, although a bit broken. When your sad eyes looked up into his, forgiving in nature but still frustrated beyond belief, he knew he could still fix things. You were you, and Dowoon was Dowoon. You always somehow found your way back to each other.  
“No no, put your hands higher on the stick, no lower, now higher...a bit lower. No, Y/n drum sticks do not belong in my throat. What do you mean I have no room to talk, I thought we were over the fight. I would marry you in this life and the next! Why are you looking at me like that? I am not cute, I am handsome and overflowing with testosterone. Oooh are those gummies?
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phinksimp · 3 years
Hi 🥰 can i get some nsfw toxic relationship hcs?
and thank you for providing us phinks simps with content 🥺🥺🥺
Thank you so much for the request!  I hate to admit it, but I love all forms of Phinks...even toxic ><.  I always write him as a big softie, so this was a fun change of pace!
Phinks x Fem!Reader
18+ NSFW
Trigger Warning:  Emotional abuse, sexual abuse, extreme jealousy, NTR, Smut, Dubious consent (dubcon)
You sat cross legged on your bed in front of your laptop.  You laughed as you looked into the webcam, your earphones making you oblivious to the man who had just entered your room.
Phinks raised his brow bone when he saw you.  He had been curious as to why you hadn’t replied to any of his text messages in the last 15 minutes, and why you weren’t there to greet him when he came home.  
What the hell is going on here?
The blonde man cleared his throat to get your attention, but to no avail.  
You shot up immediately, waving a hand at Phinks while smiling nervously at the camera.  “Hey, sorry. Something urgent just came up!  I gotta go, but just message me when you find any articles and I’ll check them out.  Bye!”  The sound of your laptop closing made Phinks’ eye twitch.
“Phinks!”  You jumped off of your bed, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist.  “I had no idea you were coming home so soon!”  You looked up at him lovingly, your smile dropping when you noticed the scowl on his face.
“Well, you would have known if you answered my texts.  You didn’t have 10 seconds to text me back?”  He then eyed your laptop.  “What the fuck were you doing, Y/N?”  He pushed your arms off of him as he made his way to your bed.
You rolled your eyes as you followed after him.  You knew Phinks was impossible to talk to when he had these “fits”, but it didn’t stop you from trying.  “I had a meeting with my classmate Paul for a school project.  He’s going to be doing most of the research, so he just wanted to go over some things with me.” You fought a sigh from escaping your mouth as you stood beside Phinks.  
You wouldn’t dare tell Phinks that Paul had confessed his feelings to you a few weeks ago.  He was sweet, attractive, and successful, but you had no interest in him at all.  You let him down easy, but you could tell that Paul wasn’t the type to give up.  You knew it wasn’t coincidence that you two ended up on a project together as Paul was extremely liked by your professor.
Phinks opened your laptop and began to scroll through your chat with your Paul, his eyes carefully scanning each message for any hidden meanings.  “So, you chose your classmate over me?”
You leaned your head towards him, unsure if you had heard him right.  “Sorry?”  
“You didn’t reply to my texts because you were talking with your classmate instead?  Y/N, do you even remember who bought you this laptop?”  He scanned your classmate’s name one more time before slamming the laptop shut.
Your heart began to race.  While you were shorter than Phinks-- him standing over you like that made you feel even smaller than usual.  “You bought it for me, Phinks.”  You tried to find the words to appease him.  “And I’m so grate--”
“You’re not.  It’s like you don’t even love me.  If you loved me you would have replied to my texts right away.”  He turned his back towards you as he began to exit the room.
A small gasp escaped your mouth as your jaw dropped.  “What?!  Of course I love you!  What are you--”
Your blood ran cold when your phone went off.  
Phinks grabbed it immediately, flawlessly entering your 9 digit password.  The password he had created for you.
“Y/N!  Hope everything is okay, you seemed flustered when you left.  I’m here if you need to chat!”
It took every fiber of his being to hold himself back from crushing your phone in his hand right then and there.  He took a small breath before holding a finger down on the message and deleting it.
You nervously approached him, his silence making you even more nervous.  “Who was it, Phinks?”
Phinks smiled at you softly.  “Just a spam message.  Nothing important.”  He waved your phone in his hand as he continued to walk.  “I’ll be taking this for a bit.  You won’t need it while you’re making us dinner anyways.”
Before you could reply, Phinks turned around to look at you.  “You look like shit by the way.  Have you not been sleeping?”  He looked down at you, a smile of pity on his face as he examined you from head to toe.  “You’re lucky I choose to stay with you when I could be with anyone else if I really wanted to.  You should be thankful.”
You stood there dumbfounded.  He was right.  Phinks had ingrained into your head how much better he was than you.  You believed you’d never have anyone as good as Phinks if you lost him.
I can’t mess things up...
You quickly ran to the kitchen to prepare dinner, praying you had the ingredients to make a meal that would please Phinks.
Phinks laid on the couch with your phone in one hand and his in the other.  He read through a long message he had typed out before sending it to Shalnark.
This should teach her a lesson for being so fucking ungrateful.
The smell of spices filled the air as you carefully pulled out a casserole from the oven.  Phinks had once told you it was one of his favorite recipes of yours.  You had also prepared vegetables, a pasta salad, as well as a small cake for dessert.
“Dinner’s ready!”
You sat excitedly at the table, hoping the dinner would bring a smile to Phinks’ face.  
Phinks looked down at the table before grabbing his wallet.  “I’m going out to eat.  Don’t wait up for me.”
You slowly lifted your head from your pillow, rubbing your swollen eyes from crying over the past few hours.  You blinked frivolously, a bright blue and white light illuminating the room.  
You screamed as Phinks made his way on top of you, the smell of alcohol filling your airways.  “Phinks!”  He bit down on your shoulder hard enough to make you yelp out in pain.  You tried to push him off but instead he pressed his weight down onto you even more, pulling your hair up as his mouth began to explore the area from your collar bone to your neck.  “You’re hurting me!  Phinks sto--”
Phinks jerked your hair up for you to look at him.  “What? You want me to stop?  If you make me stop then I’m going to go fuck someone else.  Is that what you want, Y/N?”  He pulled his phone out from his pocket, shoving his Contacts screen into your face.  “I could always call one of them.  Maybe they want this cock more than you do, Y/N?  Is that what you want me to do?”
You shook your head, the thought of Phinks making love to anyone else was enough to make you sick.  “No, that’s not what--”
He began to rip your clothes off, a wicked grin on his face.  “So you don’t want me to stop?” He took his own clothes off before following back on top of you, the grip on your wrist hard enough to make you believe it would snap.
“I...don’t want you to stop.”  
Phinks threw you off of the bed, pulling you up by your hair again so that you were now kneeling.  
You gagged as he shoved his cock into your mouth, its size making it hard for you to breathe.  He began to fuck your mouth relentlessly, the whiplash from his hips thrusting into your face while he pulled your head back was making you see stars.  You lost control of your mouth as your lips unshielded your teeth from Phinks’ member.  There was a small hope in you that the feeling of your teeth would make Phinks stop, but if anything-- it made him go even faster.
Your vision began to go black.  The wet sounds slowly replaced by the sound of blood rushing to your head.  
A hard slap on your face brought you back to reality as Phinks repositioned you once again.  You were now on all fours.  You turned to look back at Phinks, but screamed when he wrapped a thick piece of black cloth around your eyes.  “Phinks-- what are--”
He spanked you hard enough to make your back arch.  “Shut the fuck up, Y/N.  I’m so sick of you complaining.  I thought you wanted this?”  
You bit your lip, not wanting to anger him further.  “Yes, I--”  
You moaned loudly as you felt Phinks’ tongue against your entrance.  He had been with you enough times to know exactly how to get you off.  You continued to moan, his tongue dancing between your clit and your opening.  
Phinks squeezed your bottom as he continued to eat you out ravenously.  “You’re so fucking wet, Y/N.  You like this, don’t you?”  He spanked you once again, leaving several marks on your backside.
You nodded your head, feeling you were about to reach your climax.  “Phinks, please fuck me!”
You screamed as he spanked you again.  “You really think you deserve anything?  If you want my dick that bad, you’re going to have to do something for me.”  He inserted a finger into you, making your craving for his dick even worse.
“Anything, I’ll do anything!”  
Phinks grinned as he slowly began to finger you, the quivering of your walls letting him know how badly you needed his cock.
“Your classmate Paul.  Do you wanna fuck him?”
The question almost threw you out of the mood completely until Phinks began to finger you faster.  
“What?!  No!  I only want your cock, Phinks!”
Phinks entered another finger into you, his breathing growing heavier.  “Then say it.  Tell me you’d never fuck Paul.  That he’s a worthless piece of shit."  
Your desperation for release made you ignore how ridiculous Phinks was being. You tried to steady your breathing as Phinks continued to finger you, trying to remember what he wanted you to say. “I--would never fuck Paul!  He’s worthless.  A worthless piece of shit!”
Phinks’ other hand made its way around your throat.  “Good girl.  Is there anything else you want to say?”
You shuddered as you felt the tip of Phinks’ cock at your entrance.  You knew all it would take was for him to shove it into you to put you over the edge.
You were so close.
“Stop making me say his name or even imagine how disgusting his cock would be.  I only want you Phinks!  Please, please fuck me already!”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your whole body buckled.  Phinks filled you completely, your jaw falling as a moan escaped from your mouth.  
Phinks continued to pound you, the swelling of his member signaling that he was close to finishing.
“Phinks...I...want your cum...”  You had already climaxed several times, and you could feel yourself starting to pass out.
Phinks leaned down to kiss your neck as his breathing grew heavy.  “Then I need you to do one more thing for me.”
You grinned, the tone of his voice making your temperature rise.  “Anything.”
He pulled himself out and stood so that he was now facing you.  
Phinks removed your blindfold with one hand as he continued to stroke his member with the other.
“Say hi to Paul.”
You gasped as the blindfold fell to the ground, your eyes meeting Paul’s in your laptop screen-- a horrified look on his face.
Before you could say a word, Phinks unloaded his cum-- the splashes of white landing in your mouth and around your eyes.
“Hi Paul.”
#phinks #phinksmagkav #phinksmagcub #hxh #phinkshc
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alt-rose · 3 years
a trip to syracuse - colson baker
colson baker imagine
a trip to syracuse - a trip to syracuse leads to a cameo and a heart to heart.
word count: 4.9K (someone stop me)
the scene is in big time adolescence. if you haven’t seen it, i highly recommend. it’s on hulu. 
(this could be considered a part 2 to 21, but it could be read alone)
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(GIF from tenor)
it was July. you had spent your last few months working your ass off at SNL before staring as a lead in your first comedy film after your second season of SNL had ended. you had been all over the country in the last few months. you were in New York for work. then, you traveled home to your hometown to visit your family during your first week of the summer hiatus. then, you had to ship out to LA to work on your movie. then, you somehow ended back in your hometown.
you were everywhere. busy. never had time for yourself, or the time to do what you really wanted.
you hadn’t seen Colson since a few weeks after your birthday weekend. you texted back and forth. you called occasionally when you both had time. he made you laugh, and you, of course, enjoyed hearing about all his crazy stories. you looked forward to the random pictures he sent you from the studio or from set. he liked having something to share with someone, or rather, someone to share things with.
the two of you were like two best friends that could share everything with each other without needing to be physically there for each other. you could go days without talking because of your busy schedules, yet whenever you caught up with each other, it felt so natural. your relationship felt impossible to explain to anyone that asked. you felt connected to him somehow, but you couldn’t place the feeling.
             colson baker: you should come visit me
that was the text you got at 3 am on a Wednesday, well technically Thursday.
you smiled at your phone as you stared at it. the light blinded you as you laid in bed in your dark bedroom at your parent’s house. it was 4 am in New York. what could he have possibly been doing? you learned not to ask that question often when it came to Colson and Pete. they were night owls and tended to drink or smoke anything they could get their hands on. for your sake, you’d rather not know what they were doing. it helped keep your nerves at bay.
however, 4 am in New York tended to worry you a bit. you opened your phone, squinting as the light grew brighter. you began to type back.
             you: I should?
             you: please tell me you are being safe
you scrolled through your phone as you waited for a response. your phone buzzed with a notification. you opened the message.
             colson baker: safe at pete’s place
ah. Pete’s place was their new hangout. Pete was staying with his girlfriend, AG, as you called her, and it was technically her place. they were getting ready to head to Syracuse in a week or so for Pete’s new movie that Colson was making a cameo in.
             colson baker: you should visit
             colson baker: call me a pussy but I miss you
you smiled at that text. he missed you. your heart thumped in your chest.
             you: I miss you too
             you: text me tomorrow when you are sober and it’s not the middle of the night.
             you: let’s see if sober colson wants me to visit
you watched as the typing bubbles appeared before the message appeared.
             colson baker: sober colson said yes
             colson baker: but, I’ll text you tomorrow about it
you laugh at his message before typing back.
             you: goodnight cols
             you: get some rest
your eyes began to lull shut, but you were determined to stay up for the next ten minutes in case he wanted to text you.
you fell asleep to one finally message from him.
             colson baker: goodnight velcro monkey
somehow the velcro monkey joke always made an appearance when someone was drunk or high. it made them laugh at how the reserved, independent person you were could turn into the clingiest drunk on the planet.
you smiled one last time before shutting off your phone and going back to sleep.
the next morning, you sat in your parents’ kitchen answering emails on your laptop. your attention was occasionally pulled away from work as you watched your dogs play in the family room. it was good to be home for a bit, but your parents and dogs were a bit distracting when it came time to work.
             “your phone has been buzzing for the last 20 minutes,” you mom said setting your phone down at the kitchen table. “you left this upstairs.”
             “god, thank you,” you tell her not looking up from your computer.
             “a lot of messages from a Colson Baker,” she gives you a look, raising her eyebrow.
             “who’s Colson Baker?” your dad asked butting into the conversation as he made his way into the kitchen.
you moved to quickly snatch you phone from them. you were an adult now with an adult job, yet they still treated you like a teenager.
             “a friend,” you reply as you opened your phone.
you had four messages and a missed call from Colson.
             “seemed like they really wanted to get a hold of you,” you mom hummed as she moved to make her third cup of coffee that day.
             “why do they want to get a hold of you so badly? seems important,” your dad chimed in.
             “guys, it’s fine. please chill,” you reply. “just a friend. anyway, I have to take this call.”
you got up from the table before taking your dogs out to your back patio. you took a seat on one of the outdoor lounges as you called Colson.
             “hey,” his raspy voice rang through the phone.
             “hey,” you sigh. “what’s up with Syracuse?”
             “you should come visit me in Syracuse.”
             “I know, but why Syracuse?” you laugh.
             “Pete’s doing his movie, and we’re both making a cameo.”
you went silent for a bit.
             “we talked to the director this morning. they need background for my cameo scene, so I suggested you to Pete, and he was cool with it. the director said it was cool if you wanted to join the project for a cameo.”
             “are you serious?”
             “deadly. come spend the rest of the summer in Syracuse with me.”
             “I’ll have to check my schedule-”
             “shut up,” he laughed. “I know you’re free.”
             “you’re right,” you sighed. “my family isn’t going to be happy with me leaving again, but they can just visit when SNL starts back up.”
             “so you’ll do it?”
             “sure, what else do I have to do?” you asked adjusting the phone to your ear. “plus, a week or two in Syracuse with you and Pete would be fun.”
             “YES,” you heard him shout over the phone. “aight, cool,” he finally calms down. “I’ll let Pete know.”
             “alright, Cols. sounds good,” you sigh into the phone.
             “what’s wrong?” he asked after a beat.
             “nothing. I’m just trying to figure out how to explain why a Colson Baker was blowing up my phone earlier to my parents.”
you heard him let out a laugh from his end. you heard him murmur something to someone. you heard him laugh once more before he addressed you.
             “Pete said to tell your parents that I’m your dealer.”
             “tell Pete that my parents might have a heart attack.”
you heard him mumble something before you heard a roar of voices.
             “tell your parents that Colson works as a janitor for NBC,” you heard Pete yell into the phone.
             “you guys are ridiculous,” you sigh into the phone as you pinch the bridge of your nose.
             “but you love us,” Pete sang into the phone.
             “yeah, I do.”
you heard them laugh.
             “you could just tell you parents the truth,” Colson suggested. “I don’t mind your family knowing. the whole reason we were keeping it quiet was to keep you out of the spotlight.”
you thought about it for a minute.
             “and what exactly are we keeping from her family?” you heard Pete in the background.
             “that I’m her best friend now. I replaced you,” Colson quickly replied.
             “HEY,” you yelled sitting up in your seat. “I never said that.”
             “it’s okay,” Pete said louder into the phone. you can only assume he was closer to the phone. “I know you love him more than me.”
             “that’s not true,” you said in a defensive tone. “I love you both equally.”
             “RIIIIIGHT,” Pete drew through the phone.
             “right,” Colson agreed.
             “it’s okay. I know who you text when you’re supposed to be working, (y/n),” Pete slyly said in the phone.
             “knock it off, Pete,” you growl into the phone, causing the guys to laugh. “where’s your girlfriend? can’t you go bother her?”
             “oh shit,” you heard Pete say. “I forgot to bring her the food we made. bye (y/n).”
you laughed at him before you heard Colson.
             “I took you off speaker. he went back into his room with the food.”
             “you guys made breakfast?”
             “yeah, our post-mushroom pancakes,” he said. “totally came down from them a half hour ago. the food’s probably cold as shit now.”
             “RIP to AG’s kitchen.”
             “RIP, indeed.”
you laughed.
             “I can’t wait to see you, Cols,” you smile into the phone.
             “I’m excited to see you, too. I’ll send you a plane ticket.”
             “I can pay for my own plane ticket. it’s okay,” you reply. “you can save that up to buy me dinner when I get to Syracuse.”
             “(y/n) (y/l/n), are you asking me on a date?”
             “too forward?” you laugh.
             “not forward enough. maybe, I could buy you breakfast too?”
you laugh and cover your mouth with his suggestion before you finally calm yourself down.
             “maybe you could,” you reply coolly.
             “NOOOO,” he whined into the phone. “can you come to New York now?”
you laughed together before the conversation lulled into a gentle silence.
             “can I tell you a secret?” you whisper into the phone.
             “I’ve been listening to your music.”
you paused waiting for his reaction.
             “oh boy, have I converted you to hip hop and rap?”
             “no, I made an exception for Machine Gun Kelly,” you smile.
             “really?” you could hear him shift around. “got a favorite?”
             “27,” you reply too quickly. “I’m a sucker for the piano. Kiss the Sky and Habit are pretty good too.”
             “next show I have, you’re gonna be in the crowd. I want to perform for you.”
             “for me?” you ask in a posh voice. “you could always give me a private show.”
             “I just might.”
suddenly, your attention was pulled to your mom who was standing at the back door. you raise an eyebrow at her as you listened to Colson mumble through the phone.
             “hold on, Cols,” you tell him. “what’s up?” you ask her.
             “we’re leaving in a half an hour to go to dinner at your grandparents. you need to get ready,” she replied.
you nod to her. she stood in the doorway waiting for you to get off the phone. you raised another eyebrow at her. she wanted to eavesdrop on your conversation.
             “alright,” you sigh. “Cols, I have to go. I have dinner with my grandparents.”
             “fine. fine. call me later?”
             “yeah, I’ll call you later.”
             “bye (y/n), love you.”
you smiled at that. even though the love was platonic, it felt good to hear it from him.
             “bye Cols, love you too.”
once you hung up, you gave your mom a pointed look.
             “love, huh?” she smiled.
             “just a friend,” you mutter before calling the dogs in.
             “just a friend that you love,” she teased.
             “so who is Colson Baker?” your dad chimed in once the two of you made it inside.
             “he’s a friend of Pete and I,” you reply heading to the stairs.
             “what does he do?” your dad asked looking up from his phone.
             “just look him up. I have to get ready.”
once you safely made it up the stairs and away from their questions, you began to rummage through your closet for clothes. you were pulled out of your search by your dad yelling up the stairs.
a week and a half later, you were on a plane to Syracuse. your parents weren’t super hip about you leaving so soon, but you argued that it was for work. and, it was. you weren’t lying.
they also were not so happy about your friendship with Colson, or Machine Gun Kelly as they knew him. your mom argued for the tattoos, which made no sense, since they liked Pete, and he had tattoos. they were also not so impressed that he was a rapper.
maybe, you shouldn’t have let them read all the articles about him.
he was heavily misunderstood by the media, and Colson was not ‘Machine Gun Kelly’. he was Colson Baker. you tried to explain that he was so much more than what the media portrayed, but your parents were more of the seeing rather than believing type.
with that all said, you were happy to be out of the house. you were tired of constantly arguing for and defending your friendship. anytime you got super defensive of Colson, your family accused you of being in love with him. were you? hell yeah. but, you weren’t going to admit that to anyone. you ran from your feelings, remember?
once you finally landed at the airport in Syracuse, you texted the guys.
             colson baker: in line waiting for you
             colson baker: north pick up line
             colson baker: black escalade
when you finally made it out the doors with your baggage, you searched for the black escalade. you attention was pulled to the sound of doors opening, and you found Colson on the passenger side of the car as Pete climbed into the backseat. you smiled as you watched the guys. you made your way to them.
             “hi,” you smile.
             “hi,” Colson replied looking down at you.
you kinda forgot what it was like to be around six-foot giants. Colson moved to take your bag from you before putting it in the trunk. after you helped him load up your bag, he took your hand and led you to the passenger seat.
before you could hop in, he grabbed you and kissed you. you moved to grip the fabric of his jacket as you kissed him back.
             “did you just kiss her? what? did he just kiss you?” Pete asked dumbfounded from the backseat as he looked back and forth from you and Colson.
you laughed to yourself as you buckled your seat belt while Colson made his way to the driver’s seat. as he hopped in and buckled up, he turned to you. you laughed before turning to Pete.
             “anyone want to answer me? did you kiss her?” Pete said slapping Colson’s shoulder with the back of his hand.
             “yeah, I did. what are you going to do about it?” Colson raised an eyebrow at him.
you laughed picking at the skin of your lip.
             “what the hell? am I third wheeling this whole trip?”
             “dude, you would have had me third wheeling this whole trip if we didn’t invite her.”
             “how long?” Pete whined. “how long has this been a thing?”
             “since my birthday,” you reply quietly.
             “since your birthday,” he said dropping his jaw. “that was months ago.”
             “I know,” you laugh. “to be fair, we haven’t seen each other much since. we’ve been talking and stuff, though.”
             “what the hell, guys.”
you and Colson both laughed as he pulled out of his spot in line and drove toward your hotel.
             “oh, I told my parents about you, and they googled you. they aren’t very happy.”
you spent your first day on set waiting around for the guys in Pete’s trailer before your call time. you and Colson sat and talked, just being close to each other after months apart. once it was finally your call time, you got your makeup and hair done, which wasn’t much considering you were just an extra in a scene.
the director had you placed at a bar table with two other girls. drinks were all placed in front of you. you fixed your hair a bit before the director called action. the scene began and you just kept your head down, while you waited for your cue. one of the guys walked up to your table and began talking to the three of you. the camera panned over to your table, and the guy began his lines. you smiled and laughed at him.
             “I already have a tab open so if you want another-”
             “hey,” Pete yelled catching your attention. “I’m sorry about our friend. we found him in a dumpster. he’s a rescue. sorry”
             “it’s okay,” the girl next to you yelled.
             “aw don’t worry. he’s got all of his shots though, so he won’t bite,” Pete called back.
             “oh,” the girl laughed. “what about your puppy?”
             “who? Mo?”
             “yeah, he looks a little young to be in here.”
             “you look a little old to be in here,” Pete shot back. you had to hold in your laugh.
             “CUT,” the director yelled. “let’s do it one more time, just in case, and then move on.”
you repeated the scene once more before everyone moved on to the next part of your scene. the guys all crowded around your small table. Colson stood behind Pete, who was sitting on one of the barstools.
             “you guys look great. can we get another girl on the other side of Griffin please?” the director asked, gesturing to the second lead in the film. “(y/n), can you move?”
             “yeah,” you reply before hopping out of your seat to sit on the other side of Griffin. you then realized that you were directly in the camera’s line of vision.
you looked up at Colson who was across the table from you. he sent you a wink before taking a drink of whatever liquid was in his glass. you smiled back at him before Pete reached across the table to fist bump you. you laughed at him before getting ready for the scene.
the director moved back and called “Action.”
             “Mo actually got back from the army,” Pete started his lines.
             “yeah?” you respond.
             “yeah, he was there for 16 years,” Pete replied to you.
             “let’s not talk about, yeah,” Griffin responded giving Pete and Colson a look.
             “anyway, yeah, he hasn’t been laid in 16 years. how crazy is that?” Pete said before Colson could interrupt him.
             “aye, to Mo,” Colson said bring his glass in.
             “to Mo,” the table responded crashing the glasses together.
             “welcome back brother,” Colson said.
             “yeah, man.”
             “hoo-rah, right?” Colson said clinking his glass to yours.
             “hoo-rah,” Griffin cheered back.
             “hey, may we all make it to heaven before the devil knows we’re dead, baby,” Colson yelled.
             “YEAH,” Pete cheered back beating his chest like a frat boy.
             “cheers,” Griffin called before clinking his glass to yours.
             “wait. what does that mean?” Pete asked.
             “like, we’re sinners and-and-” Colson nodded his head. “and, bad motherfuckers, and he’s coming to suck us back…” Colson paused to do a little motion before continuing. “he wants us.”
             “isn’t that, like a Buzz Frontier song?” the other guy asked, and Colson looked up at him.
             “who wants us?” Pete interrupts looking at Colson. “what did he do? what did we do?”
             “Satan, motherfucker, wants us,” Colson said moving his head to emphasize each word.
he then bent his head back up before making eye contact with you. one of the other girls began to laugh, which caused the table to laugh with her. Colson sent you another wink, and you smiled back at him.
             “Cut,” the director called. “that was good. let’s do it one more time.”
you were sad that your scene was over. you liked working with Pete and Colson. after you finished getting out of your costume, you put your clothes back on before heading to Pete’s trailer. in there, Pete and Colson were lounging on the furniture.  
             “what are you two doing?” you laugh as you close the trailer door behind you.
             “waiting for you,” Pete shot back.
             “what’s the plan?” you asked taking a seat on the couch next to Colson.
he wrapped an arm around you.
             “I have to shoot for a few more hours, but we can meet up later,” Pete suggested.
             “do you want to go out?” Colson asked you. “while we wait.”
             “sure,” you nodded. “what time do you think you’ll be done?” you asked Pete.
             “not sure, but I’ll text you.” Pete stood up from his seat. “I have to get back, but I’ll see you later.”
             “aight,” Colson replied reaching to dab up Pete.
Pete took his hand before patting you on the head.
             “bye Pete,” you call to him as he leaves.
             “bye, be safe,” he laughs back at the two of you.
as you watched the door of the trailer shut, you felt a pair of eyes on you. you turned to find Colson staring down at you.
             “what?” you laugh at him. “do I have something on my face?”
             “no.” he gave you a small smile.
             “then, stop staring at me like that.”
             “staring at you like what?”
             “like that,” you said pointing at his face. “making me feel self-conscious.”
             “can’t help that you’re really pretty.”
             “and that’s my cue to go,” you say starting to get up from the couch.
Colson laughed behind you before pulling you back onto the couch.
             “do you want to go to the mall?” he asked smiling at you. “then I can take you out for that dinner you promised me.”
             “ohhhh, I guess I did promise you a dinner,” you hum. “let’s go then.”
             “try it on.”
             “no. did you see how many zeros were on that tag?”
             “jesus, just try it on.”
             “get in that goddamn dressing room and try on the goddamn dress,” Colson mutter quietly to you.
Colson had dragged you into some fancy boutique to “buy you a dress.” you resisted, of course, and the fact that he was so willing to buy you an expensive dress scared you. you were very responsible with your money, and you never splurged on yourself. this, of course, was not going over well with Colson now that you were refusing to even try on a dress that was more than a hundred dollars.
             “Colson, it’s really expensive,” you softly say looking up at him.
             “so?” he shrugged. “please let me buy you something nice.” he gave you the closest thing he could to ‘puppy dog eyes.’
             “jesus, fine,” you breathe pulling yourself from his eyes. “I’m trying it on, but if I don’t like it, you’re not buying it.”
             “scouts honor,” he said holding up his hand.
with that, you snatched the hot pink mini dress from his hands and marched toward the dressing room. you could hear Colson lightly laughing at you as he watched you.
once you made it into the dressing room, you took a seat on the bench. you put your head in your hands before taking a breath. were you doing this? yes, and it went against every bone in your body. after you settled yourself down, you began to take off your clothes before trying on the dress.
once you began to slip on the dress, you couldn’t get it to zip up. you tried every angle possible, but the zipper wouldn’t budge. you let out a heavy sigh before collecting yourself. you peeked through the sliver of the door to see if Colson was outside the dressing room. you found him browsing at a rack of clothes a few feet from your dressing room.
you opened the door by a crack before poking your head out.
             “Colson,” you whisper-yelled to him.
his head perked up before finding you. he began to stalk closer to you.
             “how does it look?” he asked when he got to you.
             “I think I need a bigger size,” you admitted to him.
             “I’ll go grab the next size up, but can I at least see it?”
             “no, it won’t zip up,” you shot back.
             “can I try?”
             “can you try?”
             “jesus christ,” he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. “just turn around.”
you opened the door a bit more before turning around. you felt him place his hands on your hips before finding the zipper.
             “this should totally zip,” he whispered in your ear. “the zipper’s just stuck.”
you felt him move the zipper down before pulling it back up. the dress finally zipped.
you sighed once the dress finally fit properly. as you glanced in the mirror, you fell in love with the dress. you looked good. it was almost as if the dress was made for your body. it didn’t gap in weird places, and it wasn’t too snug. it felt perfect, and for its price, you were glad it was perfect. it would be a rip-off if it wasn’t.
             “damn,” Colson whispered.
             “damn,” you nodded.
             “you’re getting it.”
             “I’m not going to fight you on it,” you reply turning around to face him. “now, get out so I can get dressed.”
             “at least, let me unzip you first,” he laughed.
four hours and a shopping trip later, you and Colson were sitting in some fancy restaurant together. he was in a fashionable shirt and jacket while you sat in your hot pink mini dress.
             “thank you for dinner,” you say reaching across the table to take his hand.
             “you’re welcome,” he smiled at you after he handed the paid check back to the waitress. “I promised you a dinner, didn’t i?”
             “you did,” you laugh.
             “you wanna get out of here?” he suggests nodding toward the door.
             “sure,” you nod back.
with that, he moved to help you out of your chair. with his hand in yours, the two of you headed to his rental car. he opened the passenger door for you. before you could get in the car, you turned and placed a hand on his cheek.
his eyes met yours, and your heart melted. his hands landed on your waist, and he pulled you close before planting his lips on yours. you leaned up to kiss him back. and there you were, standing in the parking lot of a fancy restaurant making out like a bunch of teenagers.
at sunset, the two of you were sitting at the private rooftop patio of your hotel. you were both laying on one of the daybeds watching the sky change colors. you were deep in thought.
             “I’m scared,” you admit staring up at the sky.
             “scared?” Colson quietly asked you from where he was laying next to you.
             “yeah,” you breathe. “I don’t do relationships. I run from them. maybe it’s my fear of rejection or my fear of getting hurt.” you pause for a moment. “I really like you. like really, really like you. and part of me is scared because I don’t want to get hurt, but I want a relationship. I want love, you know?”
             “I get it,” he murmured next to you.
you were both at the point of the night where deep conversations were rolling. should you have been so honest with him? who knows. would you regret it tomorrow? maybe. but, right now, it had been said.
             “and, I want a relationship with you.” he rolled over on his side to face you. “I’m just scared because I don’t want to be just another girl for you. you buy me a pretty dress and take me to dinner with the hopes that I land in your bed tonight, and it makes me wonder,” you whisper.
you could feel his gaze. he took one of your hands and placed a kiss on the backside of it.
             “you and I both know my track record with relationships kinda suck,” he starts. “but, I want this to work.” he brushed a peace of hair from your face. “I’ve never felt this way with anyone, and I’m going to be completely honest when I say it scares the shit out of me. and, if it makes you more comfortable, we can take this relationship at whatever speed you want it to go. I just want to be with you. I want to make this work, and I want to be a part of your life. I want this relationship to be more than just texts at 4 am and kissing you once every three months.”
you were both quiet for a bit. you were processing what he had said. he wants this to work. he wants to be with you. he wants this relationship, and he wants it to be more.
             “I’m gonna fall in love with you if you keep saying shit like that,” you whisper after your moment of silence.
             “good,” he smiled placing a hand on your cheek. “because, I’m falling in love with you.”
your breath caught in your throat. you wrapped your arms around his neck before pulling him down to you. he placed his lips on yours and kissed you. laying there in the daybed, you kissed him back.
             “be my whatever,” he whispered.
             “be your whatever?” you ask raising an eyebrow.
             “yeah, whatever you want to call yourself. just be mine. be mine, baby.”
and you kissed him once more.
not sure how i feel about this. hopefully, this does justice for a part two, anon. i hope you enjoyed. feel free to send requests. - rose xx
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yutahoes · 3 years
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Yuta Nakamoto x Reader (Y/N) Smut
(Chapter Fourteen)
Summary: 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐰𝐚 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝐮𝐭𝐚’𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬.
Warning:  Fluff (?), Sexual Thoughts, Shower Sex
Word Count: 1.9k
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️
14. Bungeoppang
Yuta jolted awake when he felt the side of the bed cold. Did she leave already? Is this like Paris all over again? But she was so clingy last night that she even forced him to sleep next to her on the same bed. Now, she’s already gone? That girl, really. But when he went outside, he could hear her In the kitchen. “Hey.” He greeted, seating by the counter to watch her. She smiled at him while transferring the rice on the plate.
The girl placed a plate of rice and omelet on the counter, in front of him. “Sorry. I figured I should at least cook breakfast.” She claimed then handed him a spoon. “It isn’t that good but I think it’s pretty decent.” He nodded then took a bite of the food. Omurice? “That’s the only Japanese recipe I remembered.”
He laughed at that thought. “And why are you remembering Japanese recipes now?”
“To cook for you.” She answered, leaning by the counter. “I thought you might miss home-cooked Japanese food.” Why does she keep on surprising him? “I have to go to work. Can I borrow your clothes?” he nodded, even offering to drive her to work but she declined.
Yuta was cleaning up the plates when she went outside his room in his shirt and jacket. “Isn’t it hot?” he asked, mentioning the jacket she put on. When she removed the jacket, he realized why she needed that. Now, the thought that her naked breasts is touching the fabric he once wore is not leaving his mind. How hot is that? “I can just drive you to work.” But she shook her head, saying that she doesn’t really want to bother him. “Is this the last time I’m seeing you again?”
(Y/N) giggled at that, shaking her head. “Well, Lucas is still here in Korea so I can’t stay at Jungwoo’s. Can I stay here tonight?” Yuta nodded. “I’ll just cook dinner tonight. What do you want?” He stepped closer, pulling her by the waist. “I think I know,” she mumbled that made him grin. “Then we’ll have sushi.” A confused look was all Yuta could muster. Sushi? Is she that oblivious?
But the possibility of her serving him sushi naked is high. He remembered reading a scene like that from the manga that their publishing house created. And it made him giddy the whole day that Doyoung is eyeing him weirdly. He honestly wished that time can get faster and he wouldn’t get stuck in these meetings. To his annoyance, Doyoung announced that he had another meeting since he didn’t attend yesterday.
He even drove fast just to get home earlier but the house was too quiet, no signs of her. Where is she? All this excitement for nothing? Is she even coming over? Or his hunches were right once again? He won’t see her again. Instead of pondering over it and obsessing over her, he decided to finish the work he left in the office.
But he is really worried about her. He should have insisted to buy her a phone. Or maybe, he should plant a microchip to track her always. No, he thought, that’s another level of obsession. He shouldn’t be like that. The doorbell disturbed his thoughts and he quickly stood up to open the door. The girl was standing there, smiling timidly and he opened the door widely for her. “You’re here. Have you eaten already?”
But the girl stopped in her tracks, slowly staring at him. “Oh yeah. I promised sushi. Sorry.” But Yuta shook his head. “I’ll cook something for you. Wait up.” And she quickly disappeared to the kitchen.
Yuta followed close by, watching her. Something is not right. “Are you okay?” he asked, sitting by the counter stool. “We can just order take-out.”
“Can we?” she asked, turning to him and Yuta nodded. “I’m really sorry.”
“What do you feel like eating?”
“Bungeoppang.” She answered quickly then stared at him when she realized what she said. “Nevermind. Let’s just order something nearby.”
But Yuta was typing things from his phone already. “Can you wait for me?” he asked that made her blink in surprise. Wait for what? He took the keys for his car and a jacket before going out of the house. Where is he going this late?
Hours dragged by and (Y/N) was already sleepy when Yuta came in the door with a plastic bag at hand. “I hope they’re still hot.” He claimed while pushing a bag full of fish-shaped buns to her.
“Where did you get this? This late?”
Yuta sat beside her on the couch. “Myeongdong.” She was surprised. Did he travel that far just to get this? “The ahjussi said that he made that extra special.” When she asked why they’re still open, he confessed that they’re not. “I have to tell him that my wife is pregnant and is craving for buns.” He said with a grin that made her chuckle. All this hassle just because she wants some bungeoppang. Yuta is really something else.
He was working on his laptop while she’s eating the red bean filled buns. Why does this food really comfort her? And why did Yuta have to bother a person just for this? “Yuta…” she called and he hummed without taking his eyes away from the laptop. “Something happened at work today.” She heard the laptop close but she focused on her buns. “My work got rejected today.” The guy tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I don’t want to disappoint them but Johnny said it’s still lacking. I also don’t want to waste Taeyong’s money in sponsoring me.” She admitted. “I don’t think I’m cut off for this job.”
“That’s a bummer. You’ve been doing so well.” Yuta claimed. “I remembered reading the one you made on the plane and that is pretty good. You have real talent.” He said sincerely that made her smile. Why is he so comforting? “It might not be your time yet but I know you’ll be a really great manga artist someday.” She actually never thought of being a great manga artist and she only dreamed of publishing her own manga. Who would have thought that Yuta will be the one to make her realize this impossible dream? “If you need help with anything, just tell me. I can drive just to get you those steamed buns.”
(Y/N) giggled at that. Now, her mood is lifted. Yuta’s smile is really infectious. “Sankkyu…” She said cutely in a Japanese way that made him laugh. “Otou-chan.”
When (Y/N) woke up that morning, Yuta was still snuggling in bed like normal times. She remembered Yuta’s smile when she begged him to sleep next to her. She remembered him fully clothed last night but now, his shirt was already discarded. Well, the weather is kind of hot. And Yuta is kinda hot. The image of a God is still etched on Yuta. It will be a blessing to have kids with the same look as him.
The guy’s eyes opened and he smiled when he saw her watching him. “Good morning.” he greeted and she smiled. “You didn’t leave the bed, that’s a good sign.” She giggled then sat up that made him pout.
“Yuta,” she called. “Do you want to shower together?”
The guy didn’t need to be asked twice as he stood up almost immediately, following her to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth first and he marveled at how good she looked in the morning. How seductive she looked with white suds surrounding her mouth. He wanted to replace those with something white as well and wanted to replace that toothbrush in her mouth with the muscle hardening on his body now.
When she bent down to spit out the toothpaste in her mouth, her ass lightly grazed on his hardening cock that made him moan. Showering is really out of the question now. She pulled him inside the shower stall, removing his pants then her clothes. "Can I fuck you?" But she giggled. “So we are just going to shower?” he asked when she turned around that her back is facing him.
The girl giggled, “I did ask you to shower. Do you have something else in mind?” she turned on the shower that water started cascading down their bodies. Yuta smirked, the audacity of this girl to tease him. “Then let me clean you up.” He claimed as he held her closer, wrapping his hands on her waist. His hands traveled upward to her breasts, rubbing the hardened nipples using his thumb as she moaned at the sensation.
Yuta’s hands were warm compared to the cold water from the showerhead. And can she miss his hardness poking her from the back? “Do we have time to do this, Yuta?” she asked, smiling when his right hand moved down to her core. He smirked, “Time to do what? I’m just going to clean you.” He claimed, inserting his fingers inside her core. This fucker, really.
His left hand alternated in rubbing her breasts while his right hand curled inside her, earning moans from her. “You’re so wet for someone who doesn’t want to do this.” He whispered, bending her forward that her hands automatically held the tiles from the bathroom in an attempt to hold into something. His fingers were quickly replaced with his hardening cock.
(Y/N) had to bit her lip to prevent her from moaning too much. She can’t believe that it is Yuta, once again, who was giving her the sex she wanted. He thrust so hard that if not for her arms, she might hit her head on the bathroom wall. Why is Yuta this wild in the morning? Is this the sex she missed when she left that morning in Paris? She should have stayed. She came in that position, then another one in Yuta’s embrace. “Let’s not do this again.” She claimed while breathing hard, recovering from her high. The guy only had to raise an eyebrow at him. “Shower sex looks so hot in manga or in porn yet it is so slippery.”
He only laughed at that. “Well, we have a tub.” He said gesturing at the tub located next to the shower stall. “Next time.” She claimed then reached for his body wash, slathering it on her body. Yuta grinned, this is just like being married to her. If she lives here with him, will this be an everyday scenario?
Instead of eating at home, they decided to just grab breakfast on the way to work since they’re both late for work. Maybe they should refrain from having sex in the morning, they’ll have trouble at work if this continues on. “Are you coming over tonight?” he asked and she shook her head, explaining that since she needed to do her illustrations from scratch she needed to stay late. “Can you promise me that you’ll eat lunch and dinner properly?” he asked and she smiled. “No, I’ll just order food for you. What do you want?”
She giggled at that. “You are such a dad, Yuta.” She teased. “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.” He shook his head when she went out of the car. How can he not worry about her? When she’s this stubborn? Before he could start his car, he caught glimpse of Jaehyun’s car parking. Maybe there is a way to really take care of her.
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️
Chapter 13 / Chapter 15
A quick thank you to @puzziw​ for telling me about the proper tagging and for uplifting my confidence to write. Also, thank you @markresonates​ for telling me about the word count. Also to @scentedbabybreath​ for liking the story, I hope I haven’t disappointed you yet. 
Happy Holidays to everyone! 🎄
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tsuu-mikii · 3 years
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chapter one
     *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
People were always shocked when they found out that Eren Jaeger was your best friend. You were polar opposites, like fire and water. You were level headed and responsible, while he was rash and had a tendency to mouth off.
You’d met when he transferred into your third grade class. His almost permanent scowl and extreme competitive spirit had kept most of the class away from him, but your stubborn empathy wouldn’t let you leave the boy friendless and alone, and you found yourself sitting down next to him at lunch a few weeks after his arrival.
After offering him a juice box as a peace offering, you managed to get him to talk to you. And the rest was history. The two of you just worked. You balanced each other out.
“Eren, how many times do I have to tell you that you cannot use a comma right there?” you huffed, dragging your hands down your face as you attempted to tutor the teal eyed boy you called your best friend.
Eren groaned, scrunching his face and leaning back against the wall behind your bed, “Not all of us can be English majors with genius writing skills.”
“I am the best.” you teased, sticking out your tongue at him. He rolled his eyes.
Suddenly, his phone pinged. Judging by the childlike smile he grew, you could tell it was his mom.
“Tell Mama Jaeger I said hi!” you said, flitting your eyes across what he’d completed on his paper so far and inserting edits he needed to make.
He rolled his eyes but continued typing, “Y’know, sometimes I think you like my mom more than you like me.”
You brought your hand to your chin faux pensively, “Well, she does give me snacks whenever I come over…”
He shoved you playfully before pushing his phone back into his pocket, “You’re evil.”
He turned his eyes back onto his laptop screen, taking in the slew of markups you’d added to it. His face soured, his expression of happiness immediately turning into one of confusion.
You laughed before shutting his laptop, “Why don’t we call it quits for today’s session, yeah? Don’t you have a party to get to? It’s a Saturday night.”
He gave you a pointed look, “You’re being judgy right now, y/n, I can feel it. Don’t be judgy.”
“I am not being judgy! You already know I don’t care about how many girls you hook up with.” you replied with a gentle shove of his arm.
He frowned but didn’t say anything further, opting to stand up from your bed and straighten out his clothes.
As he stood there before you, you couldn’t help but take in his appearance. You’d known Eren since elementary school, and it would be a lie to say he hadn’t changed. His brown locks had grown long enough to tie into a small bun, his jawline had become more defined, his previously scrawny arms had become defined with lean muscles and his ears were riddled with piercings.
Your best friend was attractive, and everyone knew it. Despite the tiny remnant of feelings for him that lingered from your childhood, you’d never truly judge him for living his life the way he wanted to. It wasn’t your place. That didn’t stop you from poking fun at him, though.
The silence of the room was comfortable as he packed his things, and after collecting all his belongings and securing them in his bag he turned to face you.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna come with?” he asked with a small smile.
You snorted, “And watch you and your little frat friends get shitfaced? I’ll pass.”
You pulled him into a brief hug, the gesture natural to the both of you, “You have fun, though. And stay safe! I mean it.”
He chuckled and gave you a two finger salute, “I promise to be on my best behavior, Captain.”
You rolled your eyes before ushering him out the door. “And don’t forget to finish your paper!” you shouted to him as he retreated down the hall. You knew him too well, and could already tell that come tomorrow morning he’d be calling you to bring him a detox and food because of his hangover. 
It was around 1 am when your cell phone rang, ripping your attention away from the random Netflix original that played on your TV. You quickly grabbed it to see Eren’s contact photo occupying the screen. Without hesitation, you slid the call button to answer.
“Uh, y/n?” a voice that definitely wasn’t Eren’s replied.
“Jean?” you asked, realizing that the mysterious caller was a fellow member of Eren’s fraternity.
“You remembered! Anyway, your idiot’s way more drunk than usual. Like about to pass out drunk. Can you come get him before he pukes on someone?”
You heard a retching sound in the background, followed by a shriek.
“Too late,” you could practically hear his cringe through the speaker, “So will you come get him?”
You sighed, “I’m on my way.”
Disconnecting the call, you made quick work of replacing the pajama shorts you were wearing with leggings and shrugging on an oversized hoodie you’d stolen from Eren in high school. You slipped out of the door quietly, careful not to wake your roommate.
Despite your anger at having to leave your dorm so late at night, you couldn’t help but feel a pit of worry settle at the bottom of your stomach. He was by no means a lightweight, so him getting drunk enough to hurl meant that he went way overboard. Something he only did when he had something big bothering him. It honestly stung a bit that he hadn’t shared anything with you, despite him having been in your dorm for hours before he left for the party.
You shook the negative thoughts from your head as you approached the frat house. Before you could even knock on the door it swung open, revealing an absolutely trashed Eren being held up by a very pissed off Jean.
Jean tapped Eren’s cheek with an annoying grunt, “Oi Jaeger, your friend is here.”
You winced as he transferred his weight onto your shoulders, “Sorry about him.”
“Don’t be. He was in here whining all night about how some lady friend doesn’t like him back, feel sorry for her.”
You frowned, having been unaware that he was interested in someone. Even though you swore your feelings for him had fizzled out in the tenth grade, you couldn’t shake the heavy feeling in your chest.
You plastered on a small smile regardless, “Later, Jean. Enjoy the rest of your night.”
He returned the smile and nodded before returning to the party.
After several unsuccessful attempts at walking, you nudged Eren with a scowl, “Eren, I need you to use your legs too.”
He mumbled incoherently and let out what sounded like a whine before ultimately complying with your request.
Halfway through your trek back to the dorms, he began to speak.
“Why doesn’t she like me back?” he mumbled drunkenly into your shoulder.
Your heart rate quickened and you sped up your stride, desperate to reach his dorm.
“I like her so much. But she just thinks of me as a friend. She doesn’t even care when I hang out with other girls.”
“Eren what are you talking about?” you asked, heart practically in your throat at this point.
He looked at you, eyes piercing, “I’m in love with her.”
You were outside his dorm by now and you weren’t sure if you wanted to dump him on his bed and run or grill him for questions while he was still in his drunken stupor.
You chose the former.
You made quick work of removing his shoes, laying him down and covering him with a blanket. As you turned to exit he caught your wrist, holding you back.
“Stay?” he asked, eyes closed and speech still a bit slurred.
You shook your head, “Absolutely not. You’re drunk.”
He frowned and shook his head, pulling your hand up to his face, “Not like that. I just want you to stay.”
You sighed, it was always hard to say no to him, “Fine, but only until you fall asleep.”
He hummed contently in response as you sat on the little empty space left on his dorm bed. As you ran your fingers through his silky brown hair you couldn’t help but think about what he’d told you. Who was he in love with? Did you know her? When did he meet her? Why did it hurt so bad?
Despite your best efforts, you found yourself dozing off, mind still swimming with unanswered questions.
Four hours later you awoke, still in Eren’s bed. You quickly shot up to leave, only to be stopped by the weight of his muscular arm pinning you in place. He had always been grabby in his sleep, and when coupled with the fact that he worked out five times a week, it was almost impossible to get out of his grip.
Luckily for you, years of being his friend had made you relatively good at escaping him, and with a little effort you carefully removed his arm from you and slid a pillow into your place.
You quickly slid your shoes back on and dashed out the door, not even breathing until you were in the hall. Your heart was pounding as you exited his building and made your way to your own. Luckily it was early, so the only people around were a spattering of students trekking back from parties.
You reached your dorm with little fanfare and quietly slid in, kicking your shoes off and sliding down the door. You massaged your temples and screwed your eyes shut, why did it bother you so much that he liked someone else. You’d long passed the point of being a lovesick puppy over him.
“Y/n, is that you?” your roommate grumbled sleepily, not moving from her spot on her bed, “It’s like, 5 am, go back to bed.”
Her ears had always been sharp, but you were still surprised the little noise you’d made had woken her up. “Sorry, Sasha.”
She simply mumbled in response before going right back to snoring.
You climbed into your bed after stripping from the hoodie and leggings you’d put on and settling back into your pajamas from earlier. Despite your efforts, you couldn’t sleep a wink, your thoughts consumed by Eren’s words.
Who was he in love with?
a/n: hey besties! just wanted to get the cross posting out of the way first lmao. hope y’all enjoyed !
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onisiondrama · 3 years
"Onision: In Real Life DEBUNKED” Breakdown & Thoughts
Confirmed by Sarah over a 9 hour phone conversation with Onision
I’ve seen a lot of people speculate this phone call never happened because James’ claim that it was 9 hours long. I can’t lie, that threw me off when I first read it too. 
I believe most likely he is exaggerating the length of the conversation, although it’s not impossible for the them to speak for 9 hours.
The date he claims the call took place on lines up with the dates and times of Sarah’s last 2 tweets. She seemed very upset. I am not going to post them because her account is currently private.
the conversation started January 22, 2021 and ended around 1am her time, it continued laters that morning only to end with Sarah's sister taking the phone away and screaming that she was happy Sarah ruined his life while refusing to give the phone back to Sarah
So they took a break in-between calls. Possibly he is counting the 9 hours based on when their first phone call started and their last call ended.
Her sister taking the phone away and telling him off gives me the impression Sarah was extremely upset while talking to him. I don’t believe this was a confession / begging for forgiveness call like he is trying to make it out to be.
I doubt that these were confessions. Based on his past debates and interviews, I think it is more likely James walked her through carefully worded scenarios / events and forced her into answering with a simple yes or no. If she tried to add more or explain herself, he would cut her off and exclaim he was right. That’s how he’s treated others during debates, especially during recent interviews about Sarah’s (& others’) accusations against him, so that is how I imagine the call going down.
- The fraudulent #MeToo'ers were paid to participate in the documentary.
I understand the concept of it being unethical to pay accusers for interviews due to it possibly being an incentive for them to exaggerate, but everyone already participated in free public interviews. Everything they said in the documentary they have already stated multiple times for free. They did not say anything new. I personally don’t see them allegedly getting paid to be on the documentary as a blow to their credibility.
Also, James wanted to be paid to participate as well. So if he participated and was paid, should we no longer consider his claims valid? Especially since he would not just defend himself, but also make accusations against everyone since he claims he is actually their victims. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was already paid for at least one of his interviews about this whole thing by now.
- Sarah now has enough money to "Make a down payment on a house"
This is so incredibly vague. That could be almost any amount of money. Also, I don’t trust his quotations. He didn’t specify that was a direct quote from Sarah. He could have asked her how much she was paid and she would not say, so he asked if she could make a down payment on a house.
- Sarah again admitted to apologizing twice for raping Onision via sexual extortion.
So she agreed that she said “sorry for raping you guys” twice as she was angrily leaving the house? We already heard that story from him 100 times. He never went into detail about why she left angrily, but I always assumed it was because they got into a fight and that is when he first accused her of rape. I always assumed she said that sarcastically in response to his accusation.
- Sarah made it clear the documentary had her sign a contract of silence so she could not "legally" reveal how much the fraud #MeToo'ers were compensated to be involved.
I don’t think she would know how much other people were paid? I don’t believe she is in personal contact with Shiloh or Regina and I don’t think Discovery would disclose details of their contracts with other participants.
Since Sarah falls under “fraud #MeToo'ers” in James’ perspective, this makes me think she stopped him questioning how much she was paid. Now that I think about it that way,  he may have been taking the “down payment on a house” quote out of context. She may have been giving him an update on her life. He did says she “now has enough money” to do so, but didn’t specify that was because of the documentary.
- Sarah stated she truly hates both Shiloh & Regina (the other fake #MeToo'ers)
We already know this. Sarah and the other victims publicly cut ties with Shiloh and Regina because they chose to stick with Chris Hansen and participate in the documentary. The other victims wanted to stand together and not participate to try to prevent the documentary from happening.
- Sarah admitted Regina & Shiloh are frauds.
If she did, he’s not specifying what was allegedly fraudulent. The way he says “admitted” makes me think he talked about a specific incident and asked her if she agreed it was fraudulent. Like, Shiloh’s tattoo fund or something.
If she admitted she believed Shiloh and Regina were lying about their accusations, he definitely would have said that and not this vague shit.
- Sarah admits she herself intentionally mislead people to make Onision look bad.
Lmao as if she needed to strategically mislead people in order to make him look bad because he was so gosh darn innocent in this whole situation. I definitely believe he lead her into agreeing that she was misleading about one thing that made him look bad and he is using that to justify this broad statement.
- Sarah again admits she was kicked out of Onision's life for comitting a crime against Onision.
He’s just repeating himself. This is the same point as the alleged rape apology.
- Sarah admits she blatantly went out of her way to silence Onision/prevent interviews from happening so he could not deliver facts/evidence.
We already knew about this. Chris Hansen said he decided to drop negotiating an interview with James because the victims asked him not to do it.
This did not “silence” him. He went on plenty of other interviews.
- Sarah admits the laptop she had and mislead people about, in fact had nothing on it.
I am imagining two possibilities:
1. It’s possible James was misleading with his question and asked if there was something specific that he already knew was not on there, like photos of himself or photos of minors.
2. Sarah also sent a cell phone to Chris Hansen and Vincent. Perhaps the internet got mixed up and hyper focused on the laptop when it was really the cell phone that contained the damning nudes Kai sent to Sarah as a minor.
- Sarah admits she only turned her laptop in because the internet pressured her to. Confirming she defrauded countless people to replace the laptop via GoFundMe, not revealing to them the laptop she turned in had nothing on it.
I don’t believe the internet pressured her into originally sending the laptop to Chris Hansen / Vincent. I believe she did it to help the investigation. When she found out it was never given to the FBI months later, she seemed extremely upset.
After she got it back, that is when she noticeably hesitated on what to do with the laptop. People on the internet definitely pressured her into doing something with it before she was ready. Her being pressured into handing in the laptop to the FBI does not prove there was nothing on it. She most likely hesitated because either she did not want to deal with it / needed a break or she did not know who to trust with it.
Sarah was not the one who made the GoFundMe, it was Shiloh. The description said she needed a new laptop while the FBI had it for an investigation. That was true.
I’ve seen the argument that Sarah asking for funds for a laptop was fraudulent because she was fine without one while Vincent had it. Looking back, Vincent told her he was going to remove the hard drive, send the hard drive to the FBI, give the laptop a new one, and send her laptop back. I know during this time she was borrowing a friend’s laptop. This makes sense to me. She was borrowing because she thought it would be temporary. Once she officially handed it over herself to the FBI, she no longer had access to one and needed one for school.
(Washington state law prevents phone conversations being recorded without both parties consenting, Sarah was very concerned the conversation was being recorded, repeatedly asking if she was being recorded - as usual, Onision told the truth, he recorded nothing)
I’ve seen a lot of people talk about ways he could have gotten around this law or legal ways he could have proven this conversation happened. At the very least, he could have taken a screen shot of his call logs to show the date and how long he was on the phone for.
I think it’s worth noting he has recorded people over the phone without their consent in the past. Like Shiloh’s manager and Madison.
I’m not saying he’s outright lying about the call, but I don’t understand why he expected the internet to believe some vague bullet points about a phone call no one knew about about until he randomly made a page on his site for it a whole month after the call took place.
Tl;dr - He’s being way too vague. I believe he is taking a lot of the conversation out of context and manipulatively lead her into answering yes or no questions that would make it look like she’s admitting to the thing he’s accused her of and denounced her past accusations against him.
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bloodfromthethorn · 3 years
Can’t Wake Up
Sitting beside a hospital bed was bad. Sitting beside a hospital bed waiting for your friend to wake up so he could tell you who had kidnapped your missing partner was oh so much worse.
Part six of the July of Whump 2021 prompt challenge.
Also on AO3. 
It was starting to feel like Jack had spent more of his nights sitting in uncomfortable hospital chairs beside uncomfortable hospital beds than he had sleeping in his own apartment. No doubt if he were here, Mac would laugh at the notion and spout of some facts about the psychology of time moving slowly when you’re worrying about something, but then, that was rather the issue, wasn’t it? Mac wasn’t here.
Instead, what Jack had was a house in total disarray, a missing EOD tech, and a heavily drugged best friend who, six hours after being found, was still absolutely refusing to stir.
Arriving at Mac’s house to find the tell-tale signs of a fight and no blond in sight was a memory Jack never, ever wanted to repeat. Then he’d quite literally stumbled over Bozer’s body where it had slumped down beside the kitchen counter and Jack had momentarily forgotten all thoughts of Mac in his desperate scramble to find a pulse. He didn’t breathe again until he did, nearly collapsing with relief when he established Bozer was alive and seemingly not hurt.
Of course, he then had to revise that assessment when the paramedics he’d summoned discovered the track mark on the crook of Bozer’s elbow. Some hurried bloodwork panels had identified a heavy-duty anaesthetic that shouldn’t pose any real health risk, thank god, but that still left him sleeping it off while Mac was in trouble out there somewhere in the world. Even with Riley digging through every security camera and system she could find, the afternoon had slipped away with absolutely no progress on where Mac had gone or who might have taken him.
Somehow, someone had managed to get into Mac’s neighbourhood, break into his house without tripping the alarm, dose Bozer and nab Mac, and then flee the scene without ever once showing their face. Riley hadn’t even managed to identify a vehicle out of place on traffic cams – they’d momentarily thought they got lucky when they spotted a handyman van, but one completely unnecessary tac-team raid and a very confused plumber later, Matty was left making apologies and Jack returned to Boze’s bedside without success.
He ran a frustrated hand over his face with a sigh.
It felt like his day had been going on for a hundred years, but the very thought of sleeping was impossible. Mac needed him and despite what the nurses had been trying to tell him for hours now, Boze wasn’t looking so hot either. According to the Phoenix med team, he just needed to sleep off the drug and then he should bounce right back; even if they were wrong, they were keeping him in for observation to make sure they caught any unforeseen negative reactions. Jack wasn’t entirely convinced – he wouldn’t be until Boze opened his eyes again and, hopefully, told them what happened to Mac.
Without anything else to go on, Bozer was their only lead and he wasn’t waking up. If he didn’t – or if he did and he didn’t know where Mac was – Jack had no idea what he was going to do. Something Mac wouldn’t approve of, probably.
For now though, Jack couldn’t focus on that. All he could do was sit there and monitor the slightest changes in Boze’s vital signs as he gradually came out of sedation. Riley had wanted to be right there with him, but her connection was better in the War Room, and being able to use the big screen came in handy when she was juggling too many data feeds at once; the compromise they’d struck was that Jack had promised to call her the second anything changed with Boze, and she’d agreed to do the same if she found any information about his missing partner. So far, his phone hadn’t buzzed once.
“I don’t know if you can hear me in there man,” he said quietly to the silent room, “But if you can, I really need you right now buddy. Mac really needs you.”
Boze slept on, undisturbed. Jack took a shaky breath, sighed, and leaned back to settle in for the wait.
No matter how much Jack hoped and prayed and stressed and bargained, the clock ticked past midnight without a single stir. Another blood test had revealed that the levels of the drug pumping through Bozer had decreased substantially, but it was still clinging on. Jack was of half a mind to demand they get him hooked up to a dialysis machine to speed up the whole process, but even with everything going on he could understand that the risks outweighed any possible benefits. He wasn’t about to gamble with Boze’s life on the off-chance he had information about Mac.
Mostly he whiled away the time staring into space and desperately trying not to think of where his partner might be in that moment. Unfortunately, he never had been particularly good at not assuming the worst, and he had a long, dark history of run-ins with the lowest of the low to provide him with some truly impressive imagination.
He was able to distract himself for a brief while when his primary tac-team switched out at the end of their shift. All of them requested to be kept on despite the fact that they’d been working for a solid twelve hours – Mac was well-liked, and Jack had made a point of ensuring he got to know the boys with guns who always ended up running in to save the day – but he’d insisted they go home to get some rest. When they’d refused, citing his own hypocrisy since he had no intention of leaving the medical bay, he’d let them bully him into agreeing to call them when they got a lead on Mac. With that sorted, he’d settled in to brief the replacement shift who’d all immediately grasped the seriousness of the situation. At the rate they were going, by the time they did eventually catch up with Mac, Jack would have half of downtown LA backing him up.
“How’re you doing, man?” He asked when he returned to Bozer’s room. The nurses had been given orders to call him if anything changed, but it was clear at a glance nothing had. “You’re making me sleepy just looking at you, y’know?”
Like practiced steps of a dance, he shuffled back into his seat and cursed as his bones protested.
Twenty minutes later, the door cracked open and Riley inched her way inside with a coffee holder in one hand and her rig in the other. When he scrambled up to help her, she thrust the two coffee cups in his direction and planted herself firmly in the second chair to resettle the laptop on her knee. Programs Jack wasn’t about to try to even understand whirred away on the screen.
“One on the left is yours,” she said in greeting, nodding at the coffees. “Thought you could probably use some caffeine if you aren’t going to sleep.”
“Hey, hey, you don’t get to hassle me about it when you’re still here too. When was the last time you slept, huh?”
She sighed heavily, reached for her coffee, and shook her head. “It feels like years ago.”
The best Jack could offer her was a grim smile and a gentle knock to the shoulder as he retook his place at Bozer’s bedside. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“I still haven’t found anything,” she said after a long moment of looking over her slumbering friend. Jack already knew that because she’d have told him if she had, but the self-accusation in her voice was hard to miss. He whipped around to face her.
“Sweetheart, that’s not on you. You’re doing everything you can and sometimes that just ain’t enough. It’s not your fault.”
She digested that for a moment, and Jack got to watch the heart-breaking shift when the last ten hours caught up to her and her gaze suddenly turned watery. He had his arms out and was pulling her into his tightest hug before she had a chance to say a word.
“It’s okay,” he murmured in her ear as his shirt grew wet. He smoothed down her hair idly with one hand. “Don’t you worry none, it’s going to be alright. It’s okay.”
“I’m scared Jack.” Her voice was small and tremulous.
His breath caught in his throat, heart clenching painfully. “Me too darling. Me too.”
For all their waiting, when the moment finally came it all felt a bit anticlimactic. There was a slight uptick in Boze’s heart rate, and then five minutes later his eyes blinked open and he turned to look at the pair of them like nothing was amiss. Jack was so worn down by stress and exhaustion that it took him a second to realise he wasn’t imagining things.
“Boze? You with us?”
He blinked. “Jack? Riley? What-” His eyes did a quick circuit of the room, then down at the wires and monitors he was hooked up to. They let him do the math on his own and by the time he turned back to them, the sleepy haze had entirely vanished. “Guys, Mac’s in trouble.”
They’d known it all along, really, but the confirmation still felt a bit like being stabbed with a rusty blade. Still, Jack limited himself to just nodding. “We know Boze. We were kinda hoping you could help us out with what happened.”
Bozer was already trying to pull himself up, tugging off his pulse ox and chest tabs as he went then glaring at the monitors as though it was their fault they were suddenly beeping in alarm. Riley pointedly leaned over and flicked them off in turn. “You remember that mission three months ago, in Bolivia?” Boze was saying. “With the human traffickers?”
Riley was already tapping away at her laptop, pulling up mission reports and key phrases and a whole host of information Jack was distantly sure she should have access to.
“Yeah,” he said instead of questioning it. “We cut off the supply and took down that big guy running the thing. Cameron?”
“Callahan,” Riley corrected without looking up.
“Yeah,” Bozer agreed instantly, snapping his fingers. It was hard to remember how still he’d been just a moment ago now that he was all but vibrating with animation. “Him. Turns out he had a brother. Guy busted in through the back, got the drop on me and Mac. Brought some friends with him for good measure. I didn’t catch all of it, but he said something about wanting to make him pay for letting his ‘merchandise’ go.”
Something sick turned over in the pit of Jack’s stomach but now was not the time to dwell on the more horrific aspects of society. Now was the time for action, and if Jack had his way that action was going to be violence.
Riley’s fingers were like lightning over her keyboard.
“Ri, you got something for me?”
She didn’t break stride. “Not yet, but I think I’m about to. Go get your team, I’ll call you.”
Jack hopped to his feet with sudden energy, clapping a warm hand to Bozer’s shoulder before snagging his jacket and darting from the room. That was one member of his team safe – now it was time to save the other.
Now continued in part 2. 
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wondersofdreaming · 4 years
Lost Boys - EIGHT
Characters: August Walker / Captain Syverson / Walter Marshall
Word count: 1.524
Warnings: I don’t know, there’s guns?
Author’s note: Everything in this story is a figment of my imagination, with inspiration and snippets from the movies ‘Mission: Impossible - Fallout’, ‘Sand Castle’, ‘Nomis/Night Hunter’. This is pure fanfiction. If something doesn’t make sense, it’s not supposed to.
And a little inspiration from ‘Furious 7’.
I do now own any of the characters from the movies that I write about in this story. Only the OFC’s are mine.
Tag: @katerka88 @littlefreya @hell1129-blog @mitzwinchester @mary-ann84 @valkavill @sciapod @henry-cavlll @luclittlepond @iloveyouyen @trippedmetaldetector @radaofrivia @omgkatinka @gothwhopper @fcgrizi @vania-marie @alyxkbrl​ @readings-of-a-cavill-lover​ @singeramg​ @onlyhenrys​ @henrythickcavill​ @madbaddic7ed​ @palaiasaurus64​ @mis-lil-red @queenslandlover-93​ (I’m so sorry I haven’t tagged you until now, love, I think I must have run into some technical issues when I wrote your URL in my document with tags, but you’re there now to stay)
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list.
Feedback is appreciated.
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“Don’t worry brother. I’ll save you instead.”
There was a knock on the door. August quickly closed the laptop. He moved with stealth towards the wooden entrance, silently clicking the safety off on his gun. He looked into the peephole and let out a breath of relief.
He opened the heavy door to let his tech-associate inside.
“Were you followed?” He asked as he investigated the hallway, it was empty.
“No,” Marc sounded offended. “Listen, Lark…”
“My cover has been blown, call me Smith.”
“Fine, Smith. You’re in deep shit. The bounty on your head has doubled, and now it’s definitely dead instead of DOA. You need to move away from here, go to some island and lay low for a few years.”
“Marc… I don’t have a few years.”
“Smith, you’re being hunted. Every government agency in the world is looking for you.”
“I know.”
“If you are recognized, I won’t be able to help you out of this country.”
“I know.”
“You need to keep moving.”
“I have a place in mind. But you’re not going to like it.”
“If you say that shitty cabin in Northern Thailand…”
“I won’t say it.”
“But it is that place. Fuck man! That place has no connection to the outer world! No internet. The nearest village is 10K away…” Marc took a deep breath, “But it is the safest place for you right now.”
“When can you arrange a flight?”
“Let me talk to my contacts. I’ll have a plan by tomorrow.”
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Melanie could guess from the knocking who was on the other side of the door. She smiled brightly at the grumpy face that met her.
“Good morning, Walter,” she chimed happily.
“Morning, where’s my brother?” He grunted.
“Answering a phone call. Coffee?”
“Yes, black, no sugar.”
Melanie poured the dark liquid into a mug and handed it to him. Lucas walked out of his bedroom with a grim look on his face.
“Luc, what’s wrong?”
“That was Aiden. The bounty on August’s head has doubled. It’s up to two hundred million now, and they want him dead.”
Lucas plopped down on the sofa and ran his good hand over his beard.
“Then we better get started on finding him,” Walter mumbled.
“I don’t even know where to start,” Lucas’ voice sounded hopeless.
“You can start by telling me, when and where you last saw him.”
Walter wrote down the information, Lucas was giving him in a little black notebook that looked brand new.
“My brother, Charlie, works for the FBI, he should be able to help a little with this case.”
“Should I arrange for travel plans for Iraq? That’s where you last saw him,” Melanie inquired. The two bulking men stared at her.
“Don’t think he’s back in the Middle East, Mel. He might have passed through and gone across the border to hide in another country,” Lucas explained.
“Then how are we going to find him?”
“We’d have to speak to the people that know him. His colleagues, his adopted parents, his friends, if he had any, and so forth,” Walter chimed in.
“Alright, then it seems we’re going to Virginia after we’ve talked to your FBI brother.”
Walter and Lucas swallowed their cooled down coffees, they were mimicking each other without knowing it. They held the mugs the same way, on the opposite side of the handle and chugged the black liquid. They would lean their heads back a little to catch the last drops before putting down the empty cup with a loud thud.
Melanie was amazed by the two men, who looked so much like each other, but at the same time looked so different. One with long curly hair, the other with a military styled buzz cut. They both looked intimidating as hell, and Melanie prayed she’d never get interrogated by those two brothers.
Walter led them towards his truck. The drive took almost an hour before he parked at what looked like an abandoned warehouse.
Melanie felt Lucas tensing up next to her. He made sure to walk in front of her. She knew it was to protect her, but at the same time, she was annoyed, because he knew that she knew how to bring a man to his knees, in more ways than one.
Walter opened the steel door. He motioned with his head to follow him.
Inside looked to be a normal old warehouse with an abundant number of wooden crates. The smell of the room was awful. The waft of rotting fish and mould mixed together in the worst way possible hit Melanie’s nostrils. She nearly gagged at the odious place.
A door opened across the room, lighting up the dark room.
“Good to see you out of the police station for once, little brother,” the man said with a smile. He wrapped Walter into his arms. Melanie noticed that Walter didn’t wholeheartedly return the hug. Charlie Marshall was taller than his adoptive brother, but not as broad and muscular. His blonde hair was cut short at the sides and longer at the top. His deep ocean eyes were dancing with mischief until he locked eyes with Melanie. The smile disappeared from his lips and was replaced with a more curious look.
“Charlie, this is my brother, Lucas, and his sister, Melanie,” Walter introduced them. Charlie walked around his brother and greeted Lucas with a firm handshake, while he kissed the back of Melanie’s hand.
“Pleasure to meet you both. Walt told me about you last night, come in and I’ll show you what I’ve found so far.”
Lucas was burning holes into Charlie’s skull. Having not liked him kissing his sister’s hand. Melanie was elated to be shown a little attention.
“Charlie, back off. She’s not here for you,” Walter grumbled and walked into the tiny office space. A black-haired woman was sitting in front of multiple screens, tapping on the keyboard in front of her at lightning speed.
“This is Raven, she’s a hacker and technology expert. We’re doing this behind the scenes because we want to find your lost brother as soon as possible,” Charlie explained.
Raven didn’t look up but grumbled a greeting of some sort.
“How are we going to find August?” Lucas asked.
“With this,” Raven motioned to the screens. The monitors filled out a picture of the earth moving. A picture of August sitting on the top left.
“What does it do?” Melanie asked.
“It’s using all the cell phones with cameras to find him, kinda like God’s Eye from Fast and Furious.”
“Is this legal?”
“Not at all. That’s why we’re here, hiding from the rest of the world. This is only used during emergencies, and I consider this an emergency.”
“Found him yet?” Lucas grunted. He stood behind Melanie with a rank back and stern look. Walter stood almost in the same stance next to him, except he had his arms folded across his chest.
“Last time he was seen, was in an unused airport hangar in Northern Italy last night. He could have travelled anywhere since then,” Charlie said.
“How long?” Walter muttered.
“Hours, days, weeks. I don’t know, he’s really good at hiding,” Raven threw her arms in the air.
“Then there’s nothing to do but go to Virginia. Call us, when you have something, and thank you, Raven, for helping us,” Melanie sent the pale woman a soft smile and went to walk out the tiny room. Lucas, Walter and Charlie followed her to the truck.
“Thank you, for your help so far,” Lucas told Charlie and held out his good hand.
“If I had a lost brother, I’d do anything to find him too.”
Charlie winked at Melanie and walked back into the building. Walter drove the two back to the hotel in silence. Everyone was grumbling over their own things.
“Thanks for your help, Walter,” Melanie cut through the silence when he parked.
“I’m coming with you to Virginia,” Walter told them.
“What about your daughter?” Lucas asked.
“She said, and I quote: ‘You either find your long-lost brother and bring him home, or I’ll be the worst rebellious teenager that’s ever existed in the history of police-dads.’”
“Three tickets to Virginia, coming right up,” Melanie smiled.
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The plane ride was fast and short. They landed, got their luggage, found the rented car and drove to the hotel. Another huge suite with three bedrooms. At first, Lucas wanted three separate bedrooms next to each other, but Melanie had stubbornly told him off that he needed her help with his broken arm. Walter didn’t have a say in anything as Melanie shut him up with a fiery glare.
They ventured out towards the house where the lost brother had grown up. The house looked like it needed a loving hand with the front garden, and the paint on the front door was slowly peeling off in large spots.
Walter rang the bell and knocked loudly. They heard a commotion inside before the door was opened. A short woman with greying hair stood in front of them. Her eyes widened and tears formed at the corners.
“August? Is that you?”
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couprang · 4 years
embarrassed jealousy
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summary: seungkwan is your boyfriend, and everytime he comes over your place, he always sees you chatting or calling joshua, your online friend. he’s shoving off the thought of joshua replacing him.
pairings: seungkwan x reader
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“who’s this online friend?” seungkwan asks as he sits down on your work desk, taking out the food he brought for the both of you.
“oh, i met him-“ “hIM? SO IT’S A HE? IT’S A GUY? A DUDE TO BE EXACT? SOMEONE LIKE ME? ARE YOU CR-“ “seungkwan, relax.” you held his shoulder.
“he’s just a friend.” you chuckled and he gives you a look, “jUsT a FrIeNd, i know their intentions. they’ll befriend a girl then later they’ll ask you to go out with them. then what? you’ll leave me?” you laughed and pinched your boyfriend’s cheeks.
“how is he going to ask me out? he lives in america, we’re very far away. he seems like not that type of person so don’t worry, i love you.” seungkwan sighed in relief and shoved an onigiri in your mouth.
“what’s his name?” he asks “now you’re interested?” you asked as you took a bite, “of course i want to know him, i’m your boyfriend.” he emphasized the word, “boyfriend” and you can’t help but chuckle at his cuteness and being protective.
“joshua.” you replied, “he’s also korean but lives in america.” “i didn’t ask that but okay.” seungkwan says. “oh? he’s korean? so i can talk to him in korean?” seungkwan asks.
“yeah, i’m shocked that he still speaks the language. mostly people who live in other countries for a long time, they sometimes forget their mother tongue.” a loud ring coming from your laptop bothered the both of you.
“who’s that?” he asks, his mouth stuffed with food “it’s probably him.” you replied as you went to open your laptop. you heard a sigh as looked at your boyfriend and gave him a reassuring smile.
“jealous?” seungkwan choked as he grabbed for the water. after gulping down the water, he frowns at you, “why would i? i trust you.” you smiled at him as you answered the call.
“hi, y/n.” a sweet voice startled seungkwan as he looks over your screen. “hi, shua. wanna meet my boyfriend? he’s here right now.” you shifted your laptop and showed seungkwan’s face.
seungkwan gave a blank smile and waved at him, “it’s so nice to meet you!” joshua speaks in korean, “i’m y/n’s friend.” seungkwan quirks an eyebrow.
“hey, make sure that ‘friend’ label remains forever, alright?” joshua can’t help but chuckle, “of course. i’m just trying to make friends, don’t worry...? i’m sorry what’s your name?” he asks.
“seungkwan, y/n’s boyfriend.” you smacked his arm, “i already said that!” you murmured, “it’s good that he hears it twice!” he murmurs back.
“go to sleep already,” seungkwan nags “if i caught you talking to that joshua guy at this hour, i swear.” you smiled at him and hugged him.
“you’re so cute when you’re jealous.” you said as you buried your face in his neck, inhaling his baby-like scent. “i told you, i’m not jealous!” seungkwan grabs your shoulder and squishes your cheeks.
“i thought you trust me?” you asked, “i do but i don’t with that friend of yours.” both of you smiled as he pecks your lips. as he walks away, he waves a hand at you and so did you.
“be careful, alright?” you said and he nods, “sleep early!” he yelled back. you smiled and shook your head.
seungkwan was indeed a sweet boy. you met him when you were a transferee in 7th grade. he was the first one to approach you when no one else did.
until now, you were best friends. both of you were super close. when it was your graduation on 12th grade, seungkwan took the chance to confess to you and you happily accepted him.
you were dating him for a year now and things are doing pretty good. your arguements with seungkwan were just minors, just fighting about food and sometimes being jealous.
both of your phone and your laptop had a notification at the same time. you opened your laptop and it was a message from joshua.
you opened your phone messages and it was from seungkwan. they sent the same message.
“are you still awake?”
you decided to close your laptop and focused on seungkwan.
‘yeah. why? can’t sleep?’ you replied.
minutes after, you got a video call from him. he was looking around, searching for the laptop. you chuckled, “i kept your word, kwan. besides i was about to sleep.” you said.
“i’m just making sure.” he replies, you can’t help but form a smile on your lips. “anyways, please sleep well, alright? i don’t want you messing up with your sleep schedule.” you chuckled and nodded.
“good night! i love you.” he cooes, “same goes to you, sleep early for me. good night and i love you more, kwan.” he smiles and waves you a goodbye as he ended the call.
it’s been exactly four months when you met joshua through online. for seungkwan, he was somehow trying to avoid you.
when he’s hanging out with his friends, he seemed okay but when it comes to you, his smile drops.
everytime you text him, he’d just reply short phrases and that felt a pang in your heart. you kept dodging off the idea of him actually avoiding you.
if he was, you had no clue why.
there is one but it’s impossible. he said he trusts you with all his being and heart.
everytime you tried to build a conversation with him, he’d just end it right away, saying he has other stuff to do.
it honestly broke your heart.
you entered your room and opened your laptop and gave joshua a call.
“what’s up?” he asked, slurping on his ramen “i want to talk to you.” you sighed as he frowned. he placed down his ramen and wiped his lips.
“sure.” he replied “two weeks ago, i think seungkwan is avoiding me. he was never like this and i’ve never seen him being like this.” joshua sighs.
“i think you know why.” he says, “it can’t be?” “what do you mean it can’t be?” joshua chuckles, “i’m a boy, you’re a girl. of course there are thoughts running in his mind.”
you exhaled, “look, i honestly feel bad for him. if i was seungkwan, i’d think the same thing.” he says “but i already assured him that there’s nothing between you and me.”
joshua gives a smile, “that’s not the point. give him attention, you see. you’ve been spending your time with me instead of him. seungkwan’s your boyfriend.” you nodded.
“this is bad.” you sighed loudly “it’s not too late yet. now go to him!” you nodded. “oh and by the way, before you go,” you looked back at your screen.
“even though you made things up with him, he wouldn’t trust me. so... this is a farewell, y/n.” he says.
“don’t worry, it’s not a permanent farewell after all. you could still give me a call. advice, help whatever you need me for. i’m here.” you smiled and nodded at him.
“thanks, shua.” “now go! someone’s waiting for you.” you nodded once again as you shut your computer down.
you knocked on the door and you heard his sweet voice, “who is it?” he asks “it’s me.” you replied softly.
the moment he opened the door, his smile dropped and that felt like a gun hit your heart. the thought of him not smiling because of you made you almost cry.
both of you were sitting down the couch, “what are you doing here?” he asks, “how are you and that jo- je- john-“ he sighs “i didn’t even bother to remember his name.” he murmurs.
“your online friend?” he says “or i suppose your online boyfriend? since i think there’s something.” he wasn’t even looking at you when he was talking.
“look at me.” you quietly said “i said look at me.” your voice raised to your normal tone. you grabbed his face with your two hands, making him face you.
“i said look at me.” you said, “i’d like to explain myself to you.” seungkwan takes off your hand from his cheeks as he caresses them and his eyes were on them.
“y/n, i don’t wanna end things with you.” he spoke lowly, almost inaudible. “i’m not ending things with you.” you gave a smile as he looked at you.
“i told you, there’s nothing between me and joshua.” you caressed his cheeks. “you already told me that a lot of times.” he replied.
“and i can’t help but be-“ “jealous?” your smile grows wide as you finished the sentence. he glanced at you and looked back on your hands, “fine. i give in. i was horribly jealous.”
you laughed. seungkwan’s head shots up with a frown plastered on his face, “what’s funny?” he asks sternly. you stopped laughing but a smile was still on your lips.
“you’re so cute when you’re jealous.” you scooted yourself closer to your boyfriend as you rested your head on his chest.
“joshua told me that he’s gonna slightly not talk to me.” seungkwan grabs your shoulder and your eyes meet his, “what do you mean slightly? that should be per-“
you shoved dried seaweeds on his mouth and you chuckled. “can you stop being cute? it’s gonna give me a heart attack.” you told him.
he chewed on the seaweed as you watched him lovingly. “i’m so glad you’re mine.” you said.
“why? so that you can make me jealous and tease me about it?” seungkwan mocked.
“i love you.” you cooed.
he looks at you with a frown, “you think you’re gonna get that ‘i love you too’ after what i experienced for the last four months? heck yeah, i love you too.”
i literally typed this five times because i kept deleting it ,, tumblr should do a warning bcs i was literally like am i going mad?
btw sorry for the bad narrations :| will edit it out soon!
have any requests? dm me!
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norabrice1701 · 4 years
An Offer Received - Part V
A Jaguar Villain Tom Hiddleston Character (Thomas Conrad) fanfic 
Pairing: Thomas Conrad x Fem!Reader 
Summary: In which Mr. Conrad makes his move and you have a front row seat. 
Rating: Controlling behavior, f-bombs, Conrad being Conrad 
Previously: Part IV - 5 Minutes 
GIF credit to the original poster via the Tumblr search! (just, you know, replace the t-shirt with a bespoke suit) 
Part V - 5 Days 
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You hadn’t slept well in days now.
Your wrists had ached long after he released the knots of his tie, the discomfort a constant reminder of that afternoon and everything it represented. If your night in his bed had felt like surrender, that afternoon felt like the ultimate submission. He seemed unbearably pleased with himself when you both dropped to his desktop, exhausted, sticky, and heaving for breath. 
But the fallout from that encounter had been equally as disturbing. 
Even through the humiliation of answering his questions and the mind-numbing pulse of pleasure, you didn’t forget that he had sacrificed a meeting to be with you, offering you your first glimpse at a timeline.
“Believe me, this time next week - it won’t matter.”
Of course, you could figure out the implications. It wouldn’t matter because the world as everyone knew it would...would just...cease to exist? Change? Upend? You didn’t have an accurate word for what he would do. 
But that wasn’t the worst part - the worst part was waiting. And continuing to wait. And now…? Now, two weeks had passed since he uttered that statement. Had something happened? Did you miss his great revolution? Had someone betrayed him? You didn’t understand, and you didn’t dare ask.
And, to make things worse - five days had also passed since Sebastian Barnes disappeared.
Honest-to-God disappeared. No one had heard from him. His flat was pristine, undisturbed. His car parked in its assigned spot. The office security cameras recorded him leaving and his car pulling away, but after that…well. It was anyone’s guess and the police had no leads. Simmons had been doing a decent job serving as interim Head of IT, but he couldn’t wait for his boss to return.
You didn’t dare ask Conrad about him, either. But of course, you suspected him. Between binding your wrists and his innovative use of cufflinks, he made clear his displeasure over Barnes’ treatment of you. Sure, Conrad was hellbent on world domination, but was he really the type of man to make men disappear? To murder?
A chill ran down your spine as you glanced to Conrad’s closed double doors. It made sense that he’d have to get his hands dirty to achieve world domination. But did Sebastian Barnes really pose that much of a threat?
You took a sip of your coffee, trying to push your sleep-deprived thoughts aside and glancing at the clock. 6:46 am. Plenty of time to run through your inbox before starting on the day’s to-do’s. And you needed to be on your game today – you were attending a production strategy meeting in three hours. Sure, it was Barton’s department now, but you still watched it like a hawk, taking extra pride in its continual success.
You recognized the hissing hinge of Conrad’s doors, the click of the handle closing. It was second nature to glance up, offering a polite smile as you waited for his instruction or request.
Even now, it still amazed you how he looked flawless every day without end. Today’s suit was a sleek charcoal that reflected an almost dark navy under the office lighting. A pocket square matched the crisp, pristine white of his shirt. He approached your desk, smoothing the front of his jacket and fastening the front button. His gaze met yours, sharp and bright. “Time to go, darling.”
Time to go? Wasn’t the work day just starting? You shook your head, smile faltering. “I don’t understand, sir. Your first meeting isn’t until 9 am.”
“Time to leave this world behind.” The corner of his mouth curved. “Time to build anew.”
The words stunned you. This was actually it? Today was the day? Your heart leapt and your stomach lurched as you struggled to form a thought. “Today?”
“Right now, in fact. No time to waste.”
You glanced to your desk, numb. Did you grab your laptop or coffee? Perhaps purse and phone? What would be left to come back to after…well, after. You didn’t even have a clue where you were going.
“You needn’t worry about any of your things. You won’t need them.”
The surety of his voice unnerved you. And, yet, moved you to action. You pushed up from your seat, grabbing your coffee tumbler. You couldn’t handle this without more caffeine. He started in a brisk clip for the door, reaching to hold it open for you. You passed through without acknowledging the gesture, feeling his hand quickly fall to the small of your back, steering you through the maze of office corridors.
Eventually, you reached the south end of the main building and he pushed the button for the service elevator. You knew better than to ask, despite the rising tide of anxious nerves that threatened to reject your last drink of coffee. Instead, you took a deep breath and another sip as he led you into the elevator confines.
He extracted a slim key from his pocket, inserting into a keyhole as he pressed the ‘LD’ button three times. A rather puzzling gesture. The loading dock was the lowest level for the service elevator, and only the employee elevators went the next two levels down to the parking garage.
His soft chuckle startled you as the key disappeared back into his suit. “You needn’t look so worried. Or, perhaps, it’s confusion? Either way, you’ll have your answers soon enough.”
You wanted to smart off. To tell him just how unhelpful that was. But you just swallowed another mouthful of coffee instead and told him what he surely wanted to hear. “Yes, sir.”
The elevator doors slid open to reveal…to reveal - 
You nearly tripped over your feet, bowled over at the sight before you. The elevator had opened onto a platform overlooking a covered dock on the water of the city harbor that berthed a sharp, sleek submarine. A small group of people moved about, bustling ropes, hefting boxes, calling out actions. The forward most hatch on the bow was open and a box emblazoned with ‘Dole Bananas’ rested beside it, the yellow fruit bright in the glow of high-pressure sodium lights.
This had to be it. The Operation ‘Blue Sea’ submarine prototype. Sure, Conrad had continued to funnel funds into the project account, but it had never occurred to you that he was actually pursuing the submarine - outfitting it to be his…well, his hideout, his floating command center, his place to stage global change.
Conrad’s amused chuckle sounded low in your ear. “Close your mouth, my dear.” His hand fell again to the small of your back, a guiding gesture. “Can’t have you catching flies before we cast off.”
Your feet moved of their own accord down the metal stairs as he followed swiftly on your heels. “You can’t be serious…that – that is your plan? Surely, we’ll never make it out of the harbor.” You scrambled to recall what you knew of submarine films. “There have to be submarine nets...radar, sonar….”
“And I’m insulted you haven’t given my development team enough credit.” His voice carried just above the din of preparations. “Operation ‘Blue Sea’ was conceived with the sole purpose of developing a stealth, reconnaissance submarine befitting the modern technological age. And we’ve had four years to perfect it ever since the government decided it wasn’t a practical investment.”
You stared at the gleaming black hull, at the sail that rose to an intimidating height. Claustrophobia had never afflicted you before, but you’d never been on a submarine. Your head went light at the prospect of being confined in that tube beneath the crushing ocean depths.
He stopped short, turning towards you with a questioning gaze. “Your watch, please.”
Suddenly the weight of your LOKI smartwatch felt like lead as you held it up yet drew it protectively towards your chest. “What for?”
His nimble fingers reached for your wrist, efficiently undoing the clasp and pulling your watch free. It dropped to the metal with a clink before he brought the heel of a pristine oxford down on the watch face.
You jolted as it cracked under the blow, and again as he brought his heel down a second time. The screen winked to black and he stooped to retrieve it. 
“No unauthorized GPS devices.” He tossed the damaged watch casually into the dark water of the submarine bay. 
You sighed, overwhelmed at the situation. Lamely, you waved your metal, insulated coffee tumbler. “What about this? Maybe there’s a hidden GPS tracking device in here...”
He arched a brow, impossible to tell whether in displeasure or disbelief. Maybe both. “You’re welcome to keep it if you can climb ladders with only one hand.” 
Your gaze stole up to the sail and the access ladder, watching a sailor scale up to the top. You knew what waited on the other side. Another ladder...one that led nowhere but inside.
Coffee wasn’t strong enough right now. You really needed tequila or bourbon. 
Raising the tumbler to your lips, you downed the rest of the dark, bitter liquid. You chucked the empty tumbler aside, hearing the metal exterior connect with the metal decking. You licked the last drop from your lips. “Well, you said no time to waste.” 
His eyes wrinkled with tells of amusement as the corners of his mouth pulled to a faint smirk. The tip of his tongue darted out to wet his lips as he lifted a hand gallantly towards the gangway. “Ladies first.” 
You tried not to focus on the murky water as you stepped onto the serrated metal, gripping the handrails as you felt the gangway roll with the bobbing submarine. Conrad followed right behind you, raising one hand in a signaled gesture to the dock workers. 
No turning back now. 
The kitten heel of your pumps plinked off the hull as you navigated the unsteady surface to the sail ladder. With one hand in front of the other, you started to climb. Thank god you wore slacks today. A hand extended at the top of the ladder, and you accepted the sailor’s steadying grip as you stepped off. The gentle swaying motion of the submarine was far more pronounced at this height, and you hoped seasickness wouldn’t set in. 
“After you, miss.” The sailor motioned down at the open hatch, an almost inviting glow emanating from it, offsetting the hull’s dark exterior. 
Your gaze caught Conrad’s as you stepped onto the ladder. He looked so impossibly pleased that you wanted to punch him. Maybe you could try later. 
Taking one step at a time, you descended into the calm buzzing activity below. You weren’t entirely sure what you expected of the interior - all you had to go on were Hollywood movies. But the control room was whitewashed clean, lined with some of the expected pipes and valving, but banks of sleek consoles and display screens dominated the space. A small uniformed crew hunched over stations, giving status reports to a central man who stood, coordinating the controlled chaos. No one paid you any mind as you stepped off the ladder, moving to one side. 
You studied the openings in the bulkheads that extended both fore and aft, but you had no clue what lay in front or behind. Would you even have free reign of the submarine? Would you be treated as a guest? A prisoner? 
Conrad stepped onto the landing beside you, and the groaning squeak of metal sounded above you. With a gasp, you looked up just in time to see the last vestiges of exterior light swallowed up by the black hatch, the watertight lock mechanism sealing into place. 
“Lion and Fox secure.” The man - supposedly the captain - standing front and center called into his radio. “Prepare to set sail.” 
Conrad stepped up to the man, conversing in low tones that you couldn’t quite make out. As best you could tell, the man took his orders from Conrad, of course. 
“Very good, captain,” Conrad said louder, stepping back, “take us down and blackout mode, if you please.” 
The captain opened a shipwide channel, sounding the order for dive preparations. The blaring of a klaxon horn made you jump as you stiffened, squeezing your eyes shut. You really didn’t want to know the minute the ship slipped beneath the waves - the thought of nothing but these walls between you and endless water….
“Darling, breathe,” Conrad’s gentle, soothing voice sounded in your ear, “in and out, slowly. Just breathe. You’re going to be alright.” 
“Am I?” Your words rushed out. “We’re in a fucking prototype submarine. How do you know it’ll even work! How...how can we already be diving...we haven’t even left the dock - are you sure it’s deep enough-” 
“Shh, now,” his arm wrapped around your waist, both in comfort and warning, “it won’t do for you to make a scene.” He tugged you along at his side, turning to the captain. “You know your course.” 
You let yourself be pulled along through the forward bulkhead, leaving the steady buzz of the control room behind. A narrow corridor along the curved hull snaked along a collection of rooms that stretched to the hull’s other side. He opened the first door, guiding you in. 
The room that greeted you looked so unassumingly ordinary. Half office, half living room - crisp furnishings, clean walls, and pleasant decor. If it weren’t for the couple of camouflaged pipes and the rushing sound of ballast tanks emptying - you could almost, almost believe that you were back in your office. 
“I’ll forgive you this once,” Conrad started softly, “but do not publicly cast doubt on my plans again. This prototype, as you called it, has made over thirty dives. I’ve personally overseen the testing of every system on board, and accompanied her through trials in open water. We’ve already proved all of the city’s best anti-submarine defenses inept.” He pulled you tighter against him, his scent wrapping around you. “I have not come so far, so close, to leave anything to chance at this late hour.” 
You looked up at him, still reminding yourself to breathe. “How long?” 
“How long...will we be at sea, or can we stay at sea?” 
You didn’t like the implication of the last option, but you had to know. “Both.” 
“We will be at sea for five days, but we are well provisioned to stay at sea for three months, if needs must.” 
“Three months?” How was that even possible? How could you go for three months without touching solid land? Without escaping him, without….without…. 
Soft lips pressed to your forehead. “There, there…just keep breathing.”
“What…what am I supposed to do? I-I’ll surely go crazy just sitting around here….”
He pulled back with a quizzical look. “Then, why would I continue to pay you?” He motioned towards the desk, and you registered the presence of a laptop. “You’ll find a remote connection to your office laptop. LOKI’s resources are at your disposal just as they ever were.”
You struggled to understand. Did he really just expect you to keep working...like it was any other day? “I don’t get it,” you looked back to him, “won’t LOKI have to take a hit or go down or something…in order for you to rise up?”
His brow furrowed. “Well, that would certainly be a waste. Especially considering that LOKI will need a new CEO in short order. My attention can only be divided so many ways.”
You froze on his words, stunned at the implications. Were you presumptuous enough to actually ask…?
He could probably see the question swirling in your eyes. Especially if the grin that teased his lips was any indication. “A new CEO who understands all the company’s workings and has set upon building a strategy of success that should only continue to flourish.”
“You can’t…fuck, you can’t be serious.”
He winked and turned around just as quick. You almost had to second-guess yourself – he had fucking winked.
His voice carried over his shoulder as he reached for the door handle. “Best of luck with today’s production strategy meeting.” 
Silence descended and you wanted to scream. 
What the fuck?
Up Next: Part VI - 5 Empires 
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Thanks to @bend-me-shape-me @helianthus21 and @pray4jensen for creating this challenge! Word count ~1.6k mostly fluff and two dumbfounded idiots.  Read here on AO3.
“Seriously, Agent. This is the weirdest death I have ever seen, and I have seen a few,” the young coroner told Dean.
“No one in Med School prepared you for a completely sucked dry brain. Not even in the worst death by dehydration cases I have seen something like this. Have you seen this kind of injury before?” she asked while touching Dean’s forearm.
He shortly looked down on her hand on his arm and smiled at her warmly.
“Actually I have. It’s a nasty business.” he said truthfully.
“So what caused it? I really don’t know what to put into my report.”
“Cranial stab wound sounds the most fitting. The missing fluid in the brain isn’t related to the cause of death.” Dean said with his most charming smile, trying to distract the coroner from the clearly supernatural death on her table. Dean took out one of his business cards, made sure it’s the right one and handed it to the - objectively - pretty coroner and said: “If there’s anything else you feel noteworthy, just give me a call”
He winked at her, then turned around, nodded his head in the direction of the door to Cas and absolutely missed the gloomy look on the latter’s face.
“Well, looks like we got a Wraith on our hands.” Dean stated the obvious and lightly slapped Cas thigh as he sat besides him in Baby. Cas growled in return.
“Whoa, Buddy, what’s going on? I thought you wanted a little more action? A Wraith hunt should be just the thing, shouldn’t it?”
Cas only gave him a stinky side eye and a mumbled “Action, yeah” before hiding behind the small screen of his mobile phone.
Dean shrugged and concentrated on the road in front of him.
Back at their hotel room Dean sat down at his laptop and started researching. He knew they were looking for a place where it was easy to find people with a high dopamine level. So happy people. Since there were no asylums around, there had to be something else. A brothel? There had to be dopamine there. And the only victim so far was a young, single male, so brothel could be a possibility.
“Hey, Cas. You think a brothel could be the Wraith’s hunting ground? Lot’s of dopamine and probably lonely people without someone to miss them.”
He could see Cas lips moving, but he couldn’t hear anything of the muttering coming from them.
“Cas, what’s up?” Dean stood up and walked over the sofa where Cas was sitting, stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders. Cas rolled them back to get rid of Dean’s hands who just shrugged, walked around the armrest and let himself fall besides Cas on the sofa, a little closer than necessary.
There was a bit more mumbling before Cas said actually audible words.
“A brothel? That’s all you can come up with? A brothel? I bet you can’t wait to start researching there.”
Cas turned to his phone screen again and started tapping on it excessively. Dean took the hint and stood up again, walking back to his research table.
“If you don’t like my brothel idea, why don’t you give a hint on where to look for the Wraith?”
There was more inaudible mumbling before a faint “I don’t know where” came from the direction of the couch.
“Then what’s your problem with the brothel?” Dean asked, curious.
“I don’t have one.” Cas replied, audibly upset.
“Cas, seriously, what’s wrong with you? You’ve been acting weird since we left the coroner.” and in just that moment Dean’s FBI-phone rang - it was the coroner.
“Agent Coulson! I’m glad I caught you.”
“Dr. Shepard, what a pleasure. Did you notice anything else on the body? Or what do I owe the honor?”
There was a loud cracking sound and a growl coming from the sofa and a few moments later the motel door fell loudly into its latch.
“I’m sorry, I got distracted, what did you say?” Dean asked the coroner.
“I said I didn’t call because of the body, but because I wanted to ask if you’d like to grab a drink together? I’ll be off in 30 minutes.”
Dean stopped short. What?
“I’m flattered, Doctor, but..”
“Please, call me Angela”
“Doctor Shepard, I’m sorry, but I have to decline. I’m already spoken for.” There was a gasp coming from the door which Dean didn’t hear opening.
“Good night, Doctor Shepard,” Dean said and ended the phone call without even waiting for a reply.
“You’re already spoken for? What’s that supposed to mean?” Cas asked, furious. He had his head tilted a little, which was usually a cute view, but right now Dean was afraid of his opposite.
“Cas, it was just a way to get rid of her, I didn’t mean it seriously.” Dean approached Cas very slowly and with raised hands.
“And why would you wanna get rid of her? You were obviously flirting with her earlier. Over a dead body no less.” Cas still seemed to be quite enraged.
“Cas, you know my MO, I was just trying to distract her from the fact that a monster had killed the man on her table. It didn’t mean anything, at least not for me.”
One step in front of the other. Cas looked like he wanted to retreat, but he stayed put.
“That’s not nice of you. Leading them on like that. But why didn’t you mean it seriously? It’s not like you to send away such a pretty girl.” ‘“Maybe she just wasn’t what I want right now.” “Is that why you’re so eager to start researching the brothel? A larger variety of women?” Cas looked like he was short of steam coming from his ears.
“Cas, Buddy, calm down.” Oh no. Wrong choice of words. Now Cas was straight up exploding.
“Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down? On every hunt you end up in someone else’s bed. I’m sick of it. Can’t we just for once work together like actual partners?” Cas stormed into the bathroom. Which was weird, since he doesn’t have to go as an angel.
Now that Dean thought about it - Cas’ strange behaviour started when he fake-flirted with the coroner. Which was weird, why should his flirting bother Cas?
But then he thought back a little further. Cas seemed different the past few weeks. More - affectionate. In his own, dorky way at least. A lingering hand here, a long, genuine smile there. Dean never really noticed that because he didn’t even pay a lot of attention to Cas. Big mistake apparently.
Was Cas jealous?
Nah, that’s impossible. Why would he be jealous?
Or...could it be Cas wanted more than they had for the past few years. More than the profound bond he once talked about? There was only one solution to this mystery - Dean had to talk to Cas. Who just stepped out of the bathroom, maybe a little less furious than before.
“Cas? Can we talk?” Dean gave Cas his brightest and most genuine smile. Maybe it helped calming Cas a little further.
“What is there to talk about, Dean?” Apparently it didn’t calm him down. Dean put his arm around Cas’ shoulders and led him to the sofa, where they both sat down, closely besides each other.
“Cas, what’s going on? You’re acting - weird, since we were at the coroner’s office. Did my distraction method bother you that much? If so - why?”
Dean still had his arm firmly around Cas’ shoulders, so he felt the deep breaths the man besides him took. Then he slumped down.
“I - I can’t do this anymore, Dean.” “Can’t do what? Cas, please, talk to me, I’m worried, man.”
“I can’t keep watching you flirt and sleep around.”
“Cas. Is there something else you rather meant to tell me? Maybe - the reason for this?” Cas got angry again and shook off Dean’s arm.
“What? What do you wanna hear, Dean? That I’m choking on my own jealousy? That it’s breaking my heart over and over again when you don’t come back to the motel until the next morning? That all I want is being the person you spend the night with? Now you know, Dean. Now you know why this will be our last hunt together.”
Cas got up again and started pacing.
“Cas, please. Sit down. You didn’t even let me say anything. Com’ere.” he patted the empty space besides him on the sofa and Cas reluctantly sat down, immediately followed by a tight hug from Dean.
“You’re an idiot, Cas.”
“And why exactly am I the idiot now?” his voice was hushed by the still ongoing hug, but Dean heard him.
“Because -” Dean pulled away and gripped both of Cas’ shoulders, “Because I went out and spent the night in someone else’s bed because I couldn’t stand being in the same room with you and not share a bed. And because I was too much of a chickenshit to say something.”
The anger left Cas’ face and was replaced by bewilderment.
“What - what are you saying, Dean?”
“I’m saying, there’s no need for you to be jealous, Cas. Because you are the one I wanna spend the nights with, the one I wanna wake up with, the one I wanna do this to.”
Before his courage left him again, Dean leaned forward and softly pressed his lips against Cas’. It was a short contact, but he hoped it would get his point across.
And considering the look of wonder on Cas’ face, it did.
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tsipasce · 4 years
Same Difference, ch.03
A/N: so two cute idiots walk into a tea shop...
Chapters: 01  |  02 | 04
AO3 | Fanfic
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Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shiiiiiiit. She thought as she shakily sipped the tea she had just made.  It had been an hour or so since she escaped, and the gravity of the situation once again settled on Nanami’s shoulders. She realized just what it meant to have left her purse in his car. If it had just been her phone and cards, she could go and replace them, but what really concerned her was her I.D. If there was any sensitive information he was after, he was certainly going to find it on there. “He knows my address…” she realized aloud.
No amount of SleepyTime tea would be able to fix this. I’m doomed...
It was getting late in the day and without any of her cards or phones, she was stranded in her apartment, waiting for the worst. However, she did have some old pots and pans lying around. It’s not the strongest metal, but it’ll at least make a lot of noise if they’re broken and give me time to escape if shit hits the fan. She broke down the metal objects and reformed them into a considerable amount of deadbolt locks on her front door and windows. As she went to check how things looked outside, she saw it: It’s that same damn car.
Nanami immediately shut her blinds and had a mini freak-out. Why in the world did I think they wouldn’t follow me? Fmllll.
Freaking out wasn’t helping, so she decided to refocus and calm herself by planning and researching her would-be opponent. If he decided to make good on his last threat, she at least needed to know who she was up against. She pulled out her laptop and remembered she was able to check her phone notifications through it. There were no notifications and for the first time she was glad her inbox was so dry. Clearing her mind, she tried to remember details that would tell her who she was up against.
“Overhaul”. That’s what the driver seemed to call him. Is that his villian name? Nanami figured it was worth a shot, assuming she’d probably find some petty criminal’s rap sheet. Though if she was being honest with herself, he was much more intimidating than your average delinquent. She pulled up Boogle and searched the name. She unfortunately got her answer.
… You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
It was then that all of the hints she had missed before came crashing down as she saw the words “yakuza” and “Hassakai” plastered on her screen. She had to be the unluckiest woman alive, she was thoroughly convinced of that now.
After taking a personal moment to scream into one of the throw pillows on her sofa, Nanami decided to press onward in the hopes of finding out about his quirk. He hadn’t been able to use it yesterday, but she was sure he would try again if given the chance. This piece of information was much harder to find, but not impossible. A couple gruesome articles later and she found what she was looking for. The article read “ His quirk is suspected to involve the disassembly and reassembly of anything that he touches at a molecular structural level upon touching the target with his bare hands.”
She reread, and then reread it again. And again. This is impossible. “That’s my quirk.” Though she had to keep it a secret most of her life, she suddenly felt almost angry that someone else had it, that he had it. She hid her powers, always being careful to understate her quirk, then here comes this asshole using it without a care in the world. The more she thought about it, the more she began to question whether she was angrier at him for owning it, or at herself for rejecting it. Before she could make the existential breakthrough, the Dr. Nanami Watanabe part of her brain brought up the obvious question, rousing her from her thoughts:
“How in the world do two people that aren’t related have the exact same quirk? Has that ever even happened before? What does this even mean?” she had to ask herself aloud. I have to talk to him, she realized, grimacing at the thought.
It would be incredibly dangerous given who he is, but as it stood, he had all her information—probably more considering his connections—and she couldn’t talk to anyone else about it and risk getting them involved. Besides, for whatever reason, he wasn’t able to use it on me the last time. Maybe it was just a fluke, but I have to at least try and find out. Considering this, his behavior (well, some of it) began to make sense. If she were a yakuza boss and found out someone else was walking around with your very specific, and possibly very destructive quirk, she’d probably want to have a talk with them too.
Cautiously looking out the window, the car was still there. It was a long shot, but she hoped they had her phone in front of them so she could send a civil invitation to meet from a distance. She reopened the phone messenger on her laptop and began to type. Nanami had written a lot of serious messages in her life, but this one definitely took the cake.
After rewriting it a couple times she settled on a riveting, final draft:
Dear Overhaul,
I know who you are. Let’s chat.
Looking at the message, she commented dryly “I should’ve just dropped out of med school and become a writer. Great work, Nanami *facepalm*”. After a message like that, she was sure he’d think she was an idiot and she wouldn’t blame him one bit. He may not respond, but at least she can say she tried. If he agrees, then there’s a slight chance we could come to an understanding and he won’t merc me on sight. Maybe.
Just as doubt was about to rear its ugly head, three dots appeared.
Nanami’s eyes were glued to the screen in anticipation while her ears were still straining to hear if there was any commotion outside her door. The dots disappear.
 “Tomorrow at 8AM.” The text read. She wasn’t sure if it was the man himself, but it didn’t matter. Death threats or not, she didn’t wake up that early on a Sunday for anyone but the Lord himself.
“No can do. Tomorrow, noon, at Matcha Mastery” She replied. If anything went down, she at least wanted to get one last fix from her favorite shop.
The three dots appeared and reappeared at least 4 times. Whoever was responding was being careful about what they wrote.
Or not..
And just like that, she had a date with the devil for tea.
Sleeping was near-impossible that night. Though she had set a time and place, there was also little stopping him from sending in a couple of his “colleagues” to make a preemptive strike. Thankfully, the night went by without incident, the mysterious car having only left at daybreak. After checking her locks one more time, Nanami set an alarm for 11:00 AM and passed out.
The alarm blared and she woke up with a start, the anxiety from the day before bubbling up to the surface. After going through her usual routine, she went to her closet and stared blankly. She had never been more confused as to what to wear, it was a meeting with a class B villain, after all. Do I wear a sensible pantsuit or a dramatic gown with a fur coat made of dalmatian puppies? Thinking it best to be as inconspicuous as possible, she went for a third option: her favorite sleeveless black turtleneck, some high-rise jeans with a black leather belt and black leather boots. Putting her hair into her signature ponytail, she checked her watch, “11:45, just enough time to walk there.”
Though she’d made this walk a hundred times, today it felt excruciatingly long. She’d say it was like marching to her own execution, but thought it best not to speak something with such a high probability into existence. Five minutes later and she had arrived.
There were only a few other people in the small shop, but she thought it best to sit upstairs in one of the private rooms. She put in her order and headed upstairs to wait and mentally prepare. Enough privacy where they won’t be able to hear our conversation, but public enough that I can call for help if things go south, she plotted internally. Just then, her order was called, and she headed down the stairs. As she took the last step she heard someone else come in and looked towards the door to see him there. He hadn’t noticed her yet and went to order. For a moment, she observed him from afar. He wasn’t wearing his signature mask or jacket, but donned a simple black mask, button-down shirt and slacks with a gray tie instead. She was surprised at how different he looked. Speaking of surprises, he was actually being very courteous to the staff, What a stark contrast to the guy that threw me in the back of a car yesterday… She commented inwardly. Nanami was so focused on her thoughts she didn’t realize that her stare was being returned. She quickly snapped out of it and looked away, feeling a tinge of embarrassment lightly stain her cheeks. He subtly raised an eyebrow, but his expression stayed otherwise the same.
Not wanting to lose her air of confidence so quickly, Nanami poised herself and walked confidently over, reaching past him to get her order, his eyes never leaving her. Without a word, she turned on her heel, returned to the private room upstairs and waited, her heart racing after having been that close. A few minutes later she heard someone walking up the stairs and braced herself for the encounter. Overhaul calmly walked into the small room, sat across from her, and stared. It seemed as if neither of them knew how to start the conversation which she found surprisingly comforting at first, but then she remembered why they were there in the first place.
They sat in that heavy, awkward silence for what felt like an eternity, neither one of them breaking eye contact. Nanami usually wouldn't be this hostile right off the bat, but after their encounter yesterday, she made an exception. His gaze was intense and still borderline homicidal as he studied her, but she knew she couldn't afford to show signs of weakness and look away. While focusing so intently on his eyes, she could swear she saw a tinge of curiosity. Hm. I can work with that. Truces have been made on less, right? She convinced herself, deciding it was time to put a knife to the growing tension. "Alright, let's chat." she began confidently. His eye twitched ever so slightly at this and she could tell he was still contemplating less pleasant, nonverbal forms of communication. "Why were you following me yesterday?" "No. That isn't how this is going to work. I'm questioning you." He replied sternly, almost cutting her off. "You can think that, but I'd like to remind you what happened the last time you tried to corner me with questions. How's your stomach feeling, by the way?" Nanami asked innocently, though her face was smug. At this she could see his face shift to a look of disbelief, then quickly regress to anger and a bit of embarrassment. She could tell he wasn't used to being talked to like this. She was skating on thin ice, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy watching him react. The silence continued and Nanami sipped her tea, raising her brows at him expectantly. Not being able to use his quirk to shift the balance, he came to terms with the fact that he'd have to answer her at some point. "On Friday you were snooping around Hassakai territory, accosted one of my subordinates. Then you proceeded to destroy construction site materials. It's not odd that I would have to investigate such a suspicious character." He stated matter-of-factly as he crossed his arms over his chest, sure of himself. Nanami looked around dramatically, gesturing, “Am I in the Twilight zone? That's not at all what happened. I didn't accost anyone or destroy anything, I saved him by--" she abruptly stopped, thinking it best not to confirm what he may or may not know about her quirk. Or is it “our” quirk? Gross. She then continued " I saved your subordinate and I get thanked by almost being kidnapped? Make it make sense." "If that's true, then explain how you did it. In detail." He replied, but it sounded too much like a dare. She knew what he wanted to hear but was afraid of the consequences if he got his answer. Overhaul decided to take the initiative and provoke a demonstration out of her, since the explanation was taking too long for his liking. After glancing around to ensure they were alone, he took a napkin, and wiped down her mug. Nanami was watching him intently now. He began removing his glove and she reflexively flinched at the movement, remembering the threats from yesterday. He noticed and moved slightly slower, before removing it completely. He then took her mug, examining it.
A germaphobe who has to touch things to activate his quirk, huh? No wonder he's so grumpy. Nanami thought.
Just as she was about to ask what he was doing, he raised the mug between them and disassembled it, the particles now in free fall. Before Nanami thought, she reacted, placing her hand beneath the soon-to-be mess, catching and reassembling the particles at they fell. She looked at the now intact mug and realized she had done exactly what he wanted. Crap. She hesitantly lifted her gaze to meet his and saw a hint of... wonder? Is he happy about this? She wondered, but the rest of his expression was that of suspicion. "Explain." He commanded in a low voice. She knew it was too late now. No amount of strategy would get her out of this explanation. "I.. I researched you—I mean your quirk— last night, and well… it's the same as mine. Exactly the same." She added the last part clearing her throat, now looking down, her mind going a mile a minute at the declaration. He paused a beat before responding. "It truly is a virus." He said with disgust. Say what now? Nanami had a couple of ideas as to how he'd react, but this was not one of them. "Pardon?" "Quirks. They are the virus of this generation." He continued. Still puzzled, but curious, Nanami prodded, "You mean, literally or in some philosophical, villain-y way?" "Both. Everyone has ascribed to the label of either hero or villain, intoxicated by their own delusions of grandeur. All because they've been given powers by a virus derived from rats. It's filthy." "No, no, no," Nanami mentally switched gears to become Dr. Watanabe, " while I agree hero and villain complexes can be dangerous in equal measure, and they might be a ‘moral virus', quirks are not biologically viruses. They're hereditary mutations," she stated confidently. "Well, you don't look like one of my relatives." He replied plainly, sizing her up. They both knew he had a point. " I.. I can't explain that. But it's widely known that quirks are hereditary." " Known or theorized?" " Science doesn't work that way. Even things we're almost 100% sure of are still sometimes considered theory. Doesn't make it any less true." "One, I know how science works. And two, it also doesn't make it 100% true. You can't ignore data just because it contradicts your beliefs." At this Nanami thought for a moment before deciding they needed to refocus and come to terms on a truce. "Well. What now? I can't have you tailing and threatening me with abduction." "And I can't have someone with my quirk walking around, ready to be weaponized by my enemies…How can you assure me you won't be a problem?" Is he throwing me a bone? "Look, I'm a semi-law-abiding citizen just trying to live a relatively quiet life, and I have no hero license. I haven’t the reason nor the means to cause trouble." "You already have. Yesterday I was...” He cleared his throat, “…unable to execute my quirk." Geez that sounded like it hurt to say… Nanami thought. He continued, "However, you were able to utilize yours against me. There is an imbalance and it must be rectified." "But I have no idea how that happened. It was a fluke!"
" You can't be sure of that." He stated, and she knew he was right. Just as she was afraid of coming the negotiations would come to an impasse, he continued, "But I can. Let me study you." Her eyes shot open wide at that suggestion, " And lock me away in whatever yakuza hideout cell you've probably already constructed for me? No, thank you." "So you're not the least bit curious as to why something you claim is hereditary behaves like a virus? Why you were unaffected by overhaul yesterday?" "You were going to disassemble me??" Nanami asked in disbelief, though her professional and personal curiosity were indeed piqued at the prospect of researching their shared quirk. He looked confused and answered as though she was the weird one," Of course. I was going to overhaul your arms and then return them to you once I knew the threat had been neutralized." " You were going to ‘return my arms’? How considerate of you." She said sarcastically. "But still, the answer is no." "So you're not curious?" He pushed, knowing the answer. "No. I mean yes! But I'm not going to become a lab rat." Just then, an epiphany struck her. It would be a long shot, but it was her best shot at a truce and to get her questions answered. She had to at least try.
"But I would be willing to become a lab
" she said, raising her eyebrows, hoping he would accept the proposition.
"Excuse me?"
"Well, we could work together to figure this out. We’re both looking for answers so our goal would be the same, I’m a whole ass doctor, and I can tell by how you remove your gloves you at least know basic lab practices. All you have to do is guarantee you won't harm me or anyone I associate with. I should be able to go about my life without worrying about what you might do to me... Do we have a deal?"
He paused thoughtfully, and she could tell he was genuinely considering the proposal. He looked her in the eye, searching for any signs of deception until he finally spoke, "Under one condition," She was both relieved he was going to accept and afraid of what he could possibly ask of her. " You must work in my lab under my supervision. I will also monitor you and your communications."
"Yes to your lab. No to monitoring." Nanami shot back without hesitation.
He looked vexed, and countered, "You must never speak of our arrangement, and we will have mutually agreed upon check-ins."
"... Deal."
" Good."
Nanami knew better than to offer her hand to a germaphobe and instead opted to start their partnership out on the right foot. She gracefully rose, casually brushed off her pants and walked around to his side of the table. Looking at him seriously now, she began " If we're going to be partners, let's do this properly," she then bowed as she would to any new colleague, " I look forward to working with you, Mr. Overhaul."
He was silent, and Nanami was getting nervous, not knowing how he would respond. He stared at her a beat. She couldn’t see it, but he was pleasantly stunned. Recognizing her consideration, he rose in a similar fashion and returned her gesture, "And I you, Dr. Watanabe."
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hazzmedicine · 5 years
his replacement pt. 3
a/n: Here is part 3!! It took me about 4 hours so I hope you enjoy! There will be a part 4  2.7K 
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2 days. Harry had no idea what to do in LA for the next 2 days until his flight to the Bahamas. By default, he was gonna spend them worrying. Thoughts ran through his mind of all the things Y/N and Shawn could do in a paradise. Perhaps she’d let him see her in the same intimate way Harry had seen her so many times before. Or maybe she’d decide he was much more of a gentleman and completely rid Harry from her life, although he knew he deserved it but it still hurt. 
But he couldn’t dwell on it too much. He spent two days reflecting on the events leading up to this moment. How this messy situation started and what drove her away. Including the argument that he didn’t think would make such a drastic change between them.
A few days before they were supposed to leave for their trip, Y/N had arrived at Harry’s house to hangout like she usually did. They were sitting on the couch, some music on for background noise. Harry was busy on his laptop - business emails awaiting him - and Y/N was scrolling through her social media apps to pass the time until she had his attention.
“Oh my god, Harry, look at this.” Y/N tilted her phone his direction so he could quickly glance at the picture of a friend of hers posing on the beach. It may not have been the same beach where they were heading to but it was still beautiful. Harry only responded with a lift of his eyebrows in an uninterested expression before going back to typing. “I can’t wait for our trip. Which reminds me, have you packed yet?” 
Y/N could tell he wasn’t listening, she’d learned he’s not very good at focusing on two different things at once. He confirms her thought when after a long pause, he says, “What’d ya say?”
With a slightly frustrated sigh, she repeats herself slowly. “Have you packed yet, ya know, for our trip?” He fully looks up from his device with furrowed brows.
“Uh, no. What trip?” At first, Y/N thought he must be joking. But when he stayed silent and the questioning look remained, she realized he truly forgot.
“Harry, you really forgot?! The trip I booked for us 2 weeks ago for the Bahamas.” The  more details she gave, the more he still didn’t recall any of these plans.
“Why would you plan a trip for us?” Y/N went on to explain the discussion they had those 2 weeks ago. She mentioned him going on a vacation a few weeks before he went on his world tour because she knew how restless touring got. And he told her what a great idea that would be but of course he didn’t want to go alone. And as she continued to elaborate on the details, she found herself getting more and more angry. Here they were a few days away from what was supposed to be a nice, relaxing vacation (that she lowkey hoped would develop their relationship) and he couldn’t remember a single thing about what they had talked about. 
He took note of frustration in her voice, and decided to add on to his list of mistakes that night. “Ok I didn’t mean to forget, but either way I’m not going.” That sentence is all it took for her jaw to drop. Meanwhile, he goes back to focusing on whatever emails his team has sent him.
“Wh-what do you mean you’re not going?! I plan something nice for you that you seemed so excited for last week and now all of a sudden you’re not going?!” The disbelief in her voice is clear
“Listen Y/N, I don’t have time to go on holiday, okay?” His patience has run thin and his tone has turned rude. “I have a world tour I need to prepare for. So as I just said. I’m. Not. Going. I don’t get why you care so much anyway.” His excuse ignites a flame inside her while his lack of compassion stings her heart. 
Grinding her teeth, she takes his laptop from him to get his full attention. Before he can even protest, she cuts him off. “I care because I’ve spent all this time planning and paying for a trip with you. But here you are canceling on me very last minute! And that’s frustrating, Harry, because this would’ve been our last chance to spend time together before you disappear for months on tour.” Y/N mentally pats herself on the back for staying composed as she tells him how she’s feeling. Now this would be the time when the Harry she knows would see the other side and apologize or try to come to a compromise. 
Too bad this wasn’t the Harry she knows. “God, Y/N, spending time with you isn’t my top priority right now. You’re not my fucking girlfriend so get off my back. I’ve got things to take care of here in LA, the beach isn’t going anywhere. So if you don’t mind, I was in the middle of something.” He grabs the laptop back from where she had put it before she could respond.
But she didn’t even know how to respond. She was hurt to say the least, but also mad as hell. Across from her was a total asshole who felt no guilt for degrading her after she had given so much of herself to him. How does one respond after being blindsided like so?
“Fuck you, Harry.” 
And Harry hasn’t seen her since. He hasn’t talked to her in any way since because she won’t respond to him. And now he has to wait impatiently to apologize in person in two days. These are about to be the longest days of his life.
Y/N and Shawn, however, know exactly how to pass the time on their trip. They visit the beach everyday, whether it is to swim or just for a nice morning walk. They fell into a routine of Y/N either cooking or ordering breakfast while Shawn meditates on the back deck. And then they choose something to do that day. 
Yesterday, they went swimming with pigs and snorkeling. And today, they headed onto a boat to explore the ocean and surrounding island. It was the evening activity that they were looking forward to the most. The beach bar. Luckily for them, the legal drinking age is 18 so Shawn could join in on the fun.
And that’s exactly what they did. After a fun boat trip, that she even got to do a little steering, they cleaned themselves up and went to a beach bar within walking distance. 
Shawn can’t figure out if it’s the lighting in this mostly outside bar or the two beers that he has already downed, but something has him noticing Y/N’s beauty more than usual. He’s always saw her as a gorgeous girl and sometimes her laugh made his knees weak, but at this moment she looked ethereal. The sun that she has endured has tanned her smooth skin, that is noticeable in her shorts and tube top, and lightened her hair in a way that makes it look perfect as it rests on her shoulder. 
But it’s the smile she’s wearing as she strikes up conversation with the older, local bartender that has him mentally swooning over her. He’s never had a chance to admire her for her kindness. His thoughts consumed by her are temporarily distracted as she pulls him back into their conversation and continues to hand him alcoholic beverages.
By the end of the night, the alcohol is having a strong effect on both of them, Shawn more than her. She wanted to be able to walk them to their temporary home when they were done. She says goodbye to the bartender, who she genuinely enjoyed talking to, and takes another drink out of Shawn’s hand. 
“Goodbye you two. You guys make a beautiful couple by the way.” The words of the bartender, although incorrect, make it impossible for her not to smile. She thanks him and collects Shawn from his seat.
The walk back was interesting. Y/N was sober enough to know how to get there but she definitely didn’t it walking in a straight line. And Shawn, oh that boy. He'd occasionally start yelling lyrics from infamous songs out into the quiet night. He would claim to get dizzy every once and awhile so he held onto Y/N to keep his balance. She didn’t mind his physical contact to say the least. 
When they arrived at the house, Y/N had dropped him off at his door and let him figure out what to do from there. She had gone to her own room - the one that faced the beach and the waves could be heard - and undressed into pajamas. She pondered if she had enough energy to remove her makeup and decided to just do it so that morning her wouldn’t be mad. 
Y/N hadn’t even been in bed for 5 minutes before there was a knock on her door. “Yes, Shawn?” she groaned. He opened the door enough to pop his head in, some curls dangling onto his face.
“Y/N, can I ask for a favor.” This piqued her interest because what could he possibly need this late and this drunk.
“Sure, what’s up?” 
“It’s just that,” he interrupted himself with a soft giggle, “I’m kinda, a little, tiny bit drunk.” His slurred words and his need to state the clear observation makes Y/N laugh at how adorable he is. “And well, I can’t sleep in my room because the waves are too loud and are giving me a headache.”
Shawn’s room was in the opposite direction from hers, which means it’s farther from the beach and the sound of the waves are much fainter. Y/N knew this even with the alcohol running in her system. But she didn’t say anything because she knew this was his attempt in sharing a bed with her, and she could use some harmless company. 
“Fine, get over. Don’t hog the covers though.” The edges of his lips perk up into a smile and he rushes in before she can change her mind. She takes in his appearance. Somehow he was able to undress himself in his state and now all he has on are his signature Calvin Klein  boxer briefs. 
Even under the influence, Shawn is still respectful and keeps a good amount of distance between them, not wanting to cross too many boundaries - at least not all in one night.There’s a moment of silence between them and she thinks he may be asleep from how deep his breathing has gotten. However, Shawn clears his throat to speak.
“I agree with Lukas. We would be a beautiful couple.” 
Speechless. Y/N can’t find words. What kind of response was he looking for? Was that his way of admitting he had feelings for her? So many things she was thinking about. And luckily he had fallen asleep soon after, giving her the time to sort through her thoughts.
 All that sorting had put her to sleep and when she wakes up in the morning she had noticed her pillow had shifted from fluffy cotton to muscly flesh. Lifting her head to observe her position, she sees that her head was rested on Shawn’s chest, her arm draped over his stomach, and their legs intertwined. She has always been a cuddly person so she’s not surprised she migrated towards him in her sleep. 
She looks up to his face to see that he is still asleep, soft snores leaving his slightly parted lips. He looks so soft and peaceful. She continues to admire him until a weak headache begins pounding on the back of her head. Slowly removing herself from Shawn, which causes him to stir a little, she tiptoes to her bag to grab the advil she packed. She grabs some for herself and then leaves some on the bedside for him to take when he awakes. She leaves the room to get some water for the both of them and order some breakfast. 
She returns right as he starts to stir awake. She crawls back onto the bed and sits on her knees. “Morning, sunshine.” He groans in pain from the headache the alcohol has left him and from the brightness of the sun shining through the window. Wordlessly, she hands him the water and the pills to help with the hangover.
“How’d I end up here - I mean I’m not complaining, just wondering,” he asks after successfully swallowing his medication and gives her a sly smile. Y/N didn’t know if she should bring up the “beautiful couple” part from last night.
“You practically begged to cuddle with me last night and I was feeling generous.” He could tell right off the bat that she wasn’t being serious.
“Oh really? Are you sure you weren’t the one begging for me?” His teasing words cause a faint blush on her cheeks.
“I’m positive. You were the drunk one so it’s not like you can remember.” Oh, but if only she knew the parts he did remember. He remembered the way he clung onto her on the way home and how much he missed her presence when she had left him in his room. He even remembers his last words before falling asleep and waking up in the middle of the night to her nuzzling into his chest.
“Is that so? Then what else am I forgetting about last night?” Y/N is internally panicked. Bringing up his previous statement from the night before could lead to a conversation full of answers to her many questions. Or she could just embarrass herself because maybe he didn’t mean it.
She would never know unless she asked. “You may have mentioned something about us.”
He raises an eyebrow and smirks. “Us? What about us?” 
She bites her lower lip out of nervousness. “Oh, just something about being a beautiful couple, no biggie.” He lets out a soft chuckle at her faux chill attitude.
“And how did you feel about that?” She scooted closer to him. She stayed rested on the knees as the one side of her leg rested against the side of his leg. He was resting against the headboard and moved his hand to rest on her knee.
“Honestly, I haven’t decided yet but it’s definitely not the worst idea I’ve heard.” It may not be a clear yes, but the way she talked so shyly, her response has made him giddy and full of hope.
“Well then maybe I can help you make up your mind.” He moves his hand from her knee up to cup her cheek. She takes note of how sexy he looks with that devilish smirk on his lips. He slowly leans in until his face, or more specifically his lips were inches away. “Can I kiss you,” he asks softly. It looks like she got the answer to her many questions.
She doesn’t respond before closing the distance between them. Her hands automatically moved to the back of his neck. Butterflies swarmed her stomach when she felt his tongue lick her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She gladly accepted and, with his guidance, she moved to straddle his lap.
The sound of the doorbell is what breaks their heated kiss. Shawn raises his eyebrows in question as to who is at the door. “I ordered breakfast. I’ll be right back.” Y/N swings her leg up and over to get down from the bed. Just as she starts walking away, Shawn grabs her wrist lightly and turns her around. He pulls her in for a quick sweet peck to the lips and lets her leave to get their food.
His sweet gesture makes her giddy and smile like a lovesick idiot. How can she not when she was just kissing Shawn Mendes, hottie extraordinaire. She felt at peace for how things were turning out for her. She grabs her wallet off the counter to pay for the food. The impatient delivery man knocks again. 
“Relax,” she says as she answers the door, “I’m right he- Harry?”
Since when did Harry Styles become a delivery man?!
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thearvariblues · 4 years
The Bard and The Wolf - Chapter Three
(AKA Geraskier in the Metal Band AU you didn’t know you needed)
Just to catch you all up before I post the next chapter. In this one, Jaskier gets drunk and does something incredibly stupid. You go, Jaskier!
You can also fins this fic on AO3 if you want.
The masterpost for this fic can be found HERE
3 – When a Humble Bard...
It was a bad idea to check the comments before the rehearsal ended. It was a bad idea to check the comments at all, as he realized the moment he did it.
“Oh, cock,” he muttered, staring at the little screen. “Well. I know I said it was gonna be a shitstorm… but this is even worse than I expected.”
Renfri raised her head from her guitar and Geralt stopped fidgeting with his microphone. “What is it?” the man asked and turned his impossible amber eyes to Jaskier.
“Oh, nothing. The jury is in,” Jaskier smirked. “Apparently I’m just a common twink who’s forced Yennefer out of the band, slept my way in, and I’m not even worthy of licking her boots, let alone taking her place. And that’s one of the kinder comments.”
He blinked. He won’t cry, he just won’t. He knew it was going to be hard, that Kaer Morhen’s usual audience wouldn’t exactly welcome him with open arms, but… This was really bad. Really fucking bad.
He sighed and shook his head.
“Right. I suppose that’s it, then. It was a nice experiment, but you should probably find a… female singer.”
“Give it to me,” Geralt growled and snatched Jaskier’s phone from his hand. “It can’t be that… Fuck.”
“Basically,” Jaskier sighed.
“Can I see?” Ciri asked.
“No way!” said Jaskier and Geralt in unison.
“Oh, hell,” Renfri muttered, taking a look at her own phone. “I’m pretty sure that’s not how you spell fairy… And who the hell even uses the word fairy anymore?!”
“Our fans, obviously,” Lambert muttered, looking over Renfri’s shoulder. “Jesus. They’re vicious. I mean… I don’t even want people like that to be our fans, does it make sense?”
“Geralt?” Eskel said, and all the eyes in the room turned to the white-haired singer who looked like he was about to crush Jaskier’s phone to pieces.
“I really didn’t want to do this,” he sighed. “But I guess there’s no avoiding it, right? Fine. Fine. I’m gonna call Yennefer. Tomorrow.”
Jaskier felt himself nodding, but it was as if the body belonged to someone else. He couldn’t believe what was happening – for the second time in a fucking week. And of course it was. This had been a crazy idea from the very start. But he allowed himself to believe that it would work out in the end, because he clicked so amazingly with the band…
“Jaskier,” he heard Geralt say to him. “Jask.”
He blinked and tried to focus.
Did Geralt seriously just call him Jask?
“I’m not gonna call her to come back. You will leave this band over my dead body. But Yennefer is a PR expert, and it was her who took care of our social media,” Geralt sighed. “What? Did you think I would beg her to come back just because a bunch of assholes on Facebook want me to? Yeah, if someone’s only reason to come and see our band was an opportunity to stare at my ex-wife’s tits, well… good riddance.”
“My words,” Renfri nodded. “Don’t worry, buttercup. We’ll sort this out.”
“Yeah. Yeah, sure,” Jaskier sighed. “Would you… Would you mind if I… I’d really like to go home, if I could. I’m not in the mood for… Just not in the mood.”
“Jaskier,” Ciri said.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. But I’d like to be alone tonight, that’s all.”
“Sure,” Geralt nodded. “I’ll call you tomorrow and tell you the plan. Okay?”
“Right. Thanks,” Jaskier said and managed a tiny smile. “You’re a dear heart.”
He quickly started to pack his things, so no one would notice his trembling hands.
One hour and three glasses of gin and tonic later, he made a decision.
He sat up on his couch and tried to find a tiny voice of reason, the last remnants of his sobriety, just something that would stop him from doing what he was about to do – but to no avail.
His laptop was lying on the coffee table and he opened it and went to make more gin and tonic.
This was either an absolutely brilliant idea, or a truly terrible one.
Well, he was going to find out soon enough…
Geralt was having a really shitty morning. He couldn’t sleep at night. He was mad at their so-called fans for being so mean to Jaskier. (Seriously, how could they? Geralt knew Jaskier wasn’t exactly the type that screamed metal singer, but he was so sweet – being mean to him was like kicking a puppy, for fuck’s sake!) He was mad because thanks to them, he would now have to call Yennefer – and he’d promised himself that this time, he would stay away from her as much as possible.
He was mad at himself, because maybe he should have listened to the band and Ciri. Perhaps if he was in the photo with Jask…
“Geralt! Geralt!” yelled a voice, and then Renfri barged into the kitchen, holding a tablet in her hand. It startled Geralt so much that he dropped his coffee mug in his lap. Luckily, the coffee was already getting cold, but his morning got much shittier nevertheless.
“What is it?” he growled.
“Look what I’ve just found – and guess where? On our very own Facebook page, shared by us!”
“Great. But what is it?”
“For fuck’s sake, Geralt… It’s a video, can’t you see? From Youtube.”
“What video?” Geralt frowned.
“Jesus Christ, what have I done to you...” Renfri sighed and tapped on the screen.
The video started with Jaskier sitting on his couch, wearing the same black trousers, black T-shirt and vest he’d been wearing to the rehearsal the day before. His hair was all ruffled, his face was flushed and he was smiling stupidly.
He was so cute Geralt had to bite his lip so he wouldn’t smile himself.
“Hello, hello,” Jaskier said. “My dearest… Witchlings? Witchitas? Witch… Witcherlings! Yeah, that sounds great. Hello, my dearest Witcherlings. As you may have noticed, this is Jaskier, the brand new singer of your beloved Kaer Morhen.”
Idiot, Geralt thought. They already hate you, and you go and call them “Witcherlings”?
“You’re probably thinking: Christ, is he drunk?” Jaskier went on. “And no, I am not. I’m merely slightly tipsy. The important difference is that when you’re tipsy, you’re able to post stupid videos of you yourself, but when you’re drunk, you need other people to do it for you. But since I am indeed on my way to drunk, we should probably hurry this up a little. Cheers to you, my dears.”
Jaskier raised his glass full of some clear, sparkling liquid. Geralt had no idea what it was, but it definitely wasn’t water.
“Now,” Jaskier said, taking a sip from his glass. “I think we can start this with a little AMA session. Here on my… trusty phone, I have a few questions you guys have posted on our Facebook, and I’m going to try and answer them now. Question number one: Where did they even dig out this pretentious twink? Well, I could object to being called a twink, since I’m definitely too old and tall and fat for that, but whatever. The answer is, they found me on the pavement outside their rehearsal room. I mean, I was standing there, I was having a shitty day, Geralt and Renfri saw me, invited me in for a drink, I played a few funny songs for the band and Geralt’s daughter Ciri, and then I went home. The next thing I know, Geralt calls me that they’re looking for a new singer, and they want the singer to be me. So, to sum it up… The pretentious not-twink is basically a stray they found on the street. Funny, eh?”
This time, Geralt didn’t even try to stop his smile.
“Question number two!” Jaskier announced. “Does this twink – holy shit, I really need to change my style, don’t I? – really think he can replace the sexiness that is Yennefer? Answer – no, I don’t. I could never fit in her dress. But I can buy my own dress if you insist. I’ll do it, if it makes you more comfortable. If you want to see some cleavage on stage, I mean, I can totally give you that!”
He pulled the neckline of his T-shirt a little lower to show more of his plentiful chest hair and Geralt could hear Renfri snort.
“Yeah, maybe not,” Jaskier muttered. “By the way, guys, I swear this is not some tiny, helpless animal I’ve taped to my chest, it’s, unfortunately, all me. Right, question number three. So you wanna tell me they kicked out our feminist queen Yennefer, only to fill her place with some half-brained male… Come on, guys, there’s so many more insults than twink! Be original! I mean, you could say twat, cock, moron, idiot, milksop… Be imaginative! But back to the question. As far as I know, Yennefer wasn’t kicked out, she wasn’t forced to leave, it was her decision, and hers alone. She left the band, she wasn’t interested in coming back, they needed a new singer.”
Jaskier shrugged and took a mouthful of his drink.
“I mean… Come on, I was as shocked as you are when Geralt called me they wanted… me. Because… Yeah. I’m not a gal, that much is obvious. In fact, I was convinced that it was just a stupid joke, but no. And truth is, I guess we just… We just clicked. With the band, I mean. They’re dear hearts, all of them. Eskel, he’s a great guy, a great musician. Lambert, he’s… Yeah, Lambert’s a dick, but a dick you can’t help but like, you know? Renfri, oh, my dear darling Renfri. She’s a total sweetheart, always supportive, and if you can trust what Geralt says, she’s one of the main reasons why I ended up being in the band. And Geralt? Oh, our grumpy wolf who mainly communicates in grunts. You can never be sure what he really thinks, but he took me with him to his D&D group, he didn’t kill me during the evening, and he even saved my poor little bard’s life! That means something, guys!”
Geralt grunted and rolled his eyes. Renfri chuckled.
“Right, where was I?” Jaskier frowned. “Oh, question number… was it four or five? Never mind. Guys, do you think Geralt’s gonna sleep with this little cocksucker – see, you can be more original with your insults! – as he did with Yennefer? Oh, yeah, absolutely. Just because I’m bisexual – yes, that’s right, I swing my lute both ways – and so is Geralt, we’re definitely gonna bang.”
“Oh dear God,” Renfri whispered as Geralt groaned and closed his eyes. “He’s just outed you.”
“Question number… The last question,” Jaskier continued. “Whose cock did he have to suck to even get in? Well, everyone in the band, of course. Renfri included. We’re all here for equal opportunities, right? But I might have done Geralt twice, I admit. Just to make absolutely sure I’d get in, you know?”
He winked at the camera and finished his drink.
“But let’s get real now, guys,” he sighed. “I get it that some of you… well, most of you aren’t sure about this whole… change. To be honest, I’m not completely convinced myself. We’ve only just started rehearsing, and we’ve got a gig next week and I’ve been freaking out ever since they told me about it! But I know I already love them all, I love playing with them, and I really want to try to make it work. So I’m only asking you to give me a chance to convince you that I’m good. That I really fit in with the band, even though I love bright colors and weird music and quirky accessories and I honestly don’t think Manowar are any good...”
“Do you think he knows you hate Manowar with a burning passion?” Renfri asked.
“Shut up,” Geralt growled.
“And I gotta tell you,” Jaskier went on. “This band is just awesome for my creativity. I swear that I haven’t been this inspired for months, maybe even years. I’m already working on a new song, and I’ve got those… snippets and bits of others lying all around, see?” He lifted a piece of paper with a few lines and a drawing of a wolf on it. “And you know what? I could play you that song I’m working on, what do you think? It’s inspired by that evening Geralt took me with him to his D&D group. Wait a second.”
He jumped up, knelt on the couch and bent over the backrest. His T-shirt rode up and Geralt could clearly see the hem of bright purple underwear poke out from underneath Jaskier’s pants. He heard Renfri snort once again.
Then Jaskier straightened and promptly sat back. Geralt expected him to hold a guitar, but boy, he was wrong.
“Yeah, it’s a lute,” Jaskier grinned. “And yeah, I can totally play it. And I’m gonna play you a song about the time my darling, innocent bard met the mighty White Wolf. I start alone, like this...”
He took a deep breath and began to sing.
“When a humble bard
Graced a ride along
With Geralt of Rivia
Along came this song
When the White Wolf fought
A silver tongued devil
His army of elves
At his hooves did they revel
They came after me
With masterful deceit
Broke down my lute
And they kicked in my teeth
While the devil's horns
Minced our tender meat
And so cried the Witcher...”
Jaskier opened the eyes he’d closed… When exactly? Geralt had no idea.
“And this is when Geralt joins in, with that mighty growl of his, going...” Jaskier scowled and changed his voice to a deep growl: “He can't be bleat!”
“That was good,” Renfri muttered. “If you ever piss us off–”
“Shut up.”
“And then,” Jaskier continued. “We sing the chorus together, and it goes like this…
Toss a coin to your Witcher
Oh, valley of plenty
Oh, valley of plenty, oh
Toss a coin to your Witcher
Oh, valley of plenty...”
Jaskier stopped playing then, and laughed.
“And that’s all I’ve got so far, I’m afraid. Consider this an exclusive preview, since you’re the very first people to hear this song. So far, I’ve only played it for the spider that lives above my fridge, and he’s even worse at giving his opinions than Geralt is. I really hope you liked this song and that I haven’t made you start hating me more than you already did. And since I’m out of my gin and tonic, let’s wrap this up, so I can go and make more. Farewell, my dearest Witcherlings. I love you all.”
Geralt kept staring at the screen for quite a few seconds after the video had ended. He would have kept staring for much longer, but Renfri decided to whistle right next to his ear.
“Wow,” she said. “That was… something.”
“Yes. Something,” Geralt muttered. “Gods above.”
“Any idea how it got posted to our page?” Renfri asked.
“I thought it was your doing,” Geralt frowned. “But no, it doesn’t make sense. You were as surprised as I was.”
“Definitely wasn’t Eskel,” Renfri continued. “He’s got trouble switching his smartphone on.”
“Lambert could have done it.”
“He would have called you first, dying of laughter.”
“Well, that only leaves… Fuck,” Geralt muttered, rising to his feet. “Cirilla! Cirilla, get up and get your ass over here, now!”
Jaskier was having quite a lovely dream. He was running through a meadow full of wildflowers, laughing, singing, the birds were chirping and bees were buzzing around him…
He scowled and scrunched up his nose.
No, it wasn’t the buzzing of the bees, it was something… something else…
He raised his head from the pillow and moaned. An angry dwarf was busily banging the inside of his skull with a tiny hammer. The room was spinning around him. And the buzzing just wouldn’t stop…
“Aw, cock,” he muttered, blindly reaching for his phone. That, that was the source of the irritating sound. He grabbed it and cracked one eye open.
Geralt. Oh, no. The video. Oh, fucking hell, no...
The phone stopped vibrating, but started again in a few seconds.
Jaskier took a deep breath and answered it.
“Hello,” he said, desperately trying to sound cheerful and not like he was about to throw up any second. “How is my favorite white wolf doing today?”
“Your favorite white wolf sincerely hopes you’ve got the worst hangover of your life, and if you happened to die from it, I wouldn’t object.”
“Ah,” Jaskier said.
“If you mean Ah, so you’ve seen it then, the answer is yes, I have.”
“Look, Geralt, I can explain...”
“Explain why you didn’t wait for me to contact Yennefer to sort this mess for us? Explain why did you send the link to the video to my daughter to share it for you?”
“Oh, I hope you weren’t mean to Ciri. She only did it because she loves me so much. And she thought it was funny.”
“I wasn’t mean to her, I’m saving that for you. By the way, do you realize you outed me?”
“I what?!” Jaskier yelled and sat up. Which was a mistake, as his stomach immediately betrayed him. He dropped his phone and sprinted to the bathroom.
“Jaskier?” Geralt said to the phone, but from the other side, he heard nothing but silence. “Jask!”
“What happened?” Renfri frowned.
“I think he may have died for real,” Geralt muttered. “Jask?”
“He’s probably just hugging the toilet very tight,” Renfri chuckled.
“He sounded like shit. I should go and check if he’s alright.”
“I think he’ll live, Geralt. He may wish he didn’t, but he will.”
“It won’t do the band any good if one of your singers dies of alcohol poisoning,” Ciri said.
“Nah. He would have already been dead,” Renfri replied.
“I’ll go and check on him,” Geralt sighed. “Ciri’s right. He’s an idiot, something could happen to him.”
“I didn’t say he was an idiot...”
“And how do you even know where he lives?” Renfri asked.
“I dropped him off after D&D. Stop it with the eyebrows, Renfri! I know the building he lives in. I have no idea what his real name is, so–”
“Pankratz,” Ciri peeped. “Julian Pankratz.”
“I’m not gonna ask how you know that,” Geralt sighed. “But thanks.”
“I could go with you,” Ciri offered.
“No way in hell, Cirilla. Renfri, will you take care of her while I’m away?”
“Yeah, sure,” Renfri shrugged.
“Excuse me, I don’t need anyone to–”
“And remember, no phone and no computer, Cirilla. I’ll be back as soon as I make sure the idiot’s gonna survive.”
“Don’t forget to change your pants!” Renfri called. “You wouldn’t want him to see you with your lap full of coffee stains!”
Geralt grunted and strode out of the living room in a way that made Renfri almost feel sorry for Jaskier.
Yeah… almost.
“Well, that was that,” Renfri smirked. “What do the comments say, by the way?”
Continue with Chapter Four
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