#i did take a break to eat n stuff after the stream lol
eyndr-stories · 1 year
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*schedules this and fuckin dies*
(Psst the fic this is from is right here)
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jessikahathaway · 3 years
Baby Talk - Part II
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Pairing: Jikook X Reader (Jimin X Reader X Jungkook)
Genre: Surrogacy!AU, Polyamorous!AU, Romance. (Future Smut)
Warnings: Profanity, medical procedures, pining (Like a stupid amount but what can ya do), Joon and Jin get protective, mentions of pregnancy symptoms. (If I forgot anything please let me know!)
Words: 10.5k (I guess I'm committing to long chapters lol)
You’d hit the four week mark, and not much had happened yet.
Despite you feeling like your hormones were on a swing.
Jimin was bewildered when he came into the bathroom to find you crying on the floor. Trying to comfort you went downhill quickly because soon you were mad that he was joking around. Then you were crying again, apologizing for being so harsh.
Up and down and up and down.
But they never got mad at you. Never yelled at you and never ignored you. But you forced your emotions down deep into your heart. A place that would be locked and the key thrown away. Because you knew what was happening, and it simply couldn’t happen.
It was late and you could feel your stomach begging for something to eat. You’d gotten really hungry lately, no doubt your body trying to accommodate for the new life you were growing inside of you.
So, you hurried to the kitchen under the guise of night and made some rice and a little bit of stir fry. You put together everything, making sure not to make too much, and started cooking.
It was around three in the morning when you sat down at the table and ate your food, looking through your phone with a bored expression. Nothing interesting on social media and YouTube videos were only entertaining for so long. So, you ate your food and cleaned up before starting to head back towards your room.
Then, a large flash went off in the sky, causing you to jolt and look out into the city. Rain was pelting against the window, sounding sharp to your ears. It was a little intimidating.
Then the loud crash of thunder rang through the house.
You yelped at the noise, covering your ears in fear. You’d never particularly liked thunderstorms, but this one was coming in hot and aggressive. You pulled your hands away from your ears, just trying to focus on getting back to your room when another flash lit up the room. Your heart was hammering in your chest and you started to sweat.
Before you could think too much about it you were knocking on Jungkook and Jimin’s door. Another crash of thunder roared through the house and you swear you felt the floor shake. You whimpered in fear and fidgeted with the hem of your shirt. Did they hear you? Or was the storm too loud? Should you go in? What if they weren’t decent?
Jimin had said you could go in if something was wrong...
But did being scared of a thunderstorm count?
You couldn’t take it anymore and you burst through the door with tears in your eyes. Fear causing you to shake violently.
Jimin and Jungkook both bolted up in bed at the sound of the door slamming open, and were out of bed instantly at the sight of you shaking on the floor.
“Y/N? What’s going on? Are you alright? Are you hurt?” Jungkook’s worried voice echoed in your ear.
“She’s trembling,” Jimin said, rubbing your back.
“I-I I’m sc-”
You cried and flung your arms around Jungkook’s neck, burying your face in his chest, tears streaming down your face as you shook violently. Jungkook looked at Jimin in shock and a little bit of his own fear, but Jimin just took his hand and placed it on your head.
‘Comfort her,’ Jimin mouthed.
Jungkook nodded before rubbing your hip soothingly.
“What’s wrong Y/N? Is it the storm?” He asked, bringing his other hand to your shoulder.
“Y-Yes,” you whimpered, keeping your face buried in Jungkook’s neck.
“It’s alright, Jimin and I got you. You’ll be safe,” Jungkook promised.
Jimin rubbed soothing circles onto your back as the two of them tried to ease your frantic heart. Both of them knowing it can’t be good for the baby. But, also, on you. The stress of carrying a baby was already a lot, the fear of this thunderstorm wasn’t a good addition.
Soon, you had cried yourself to sleep.
Jimin took you in his arms, picking you up and Jungkook followed after him as they headed for your room.
The couple laid you down in bed, brushing your face tenderly. Jungkook watched as Jimin covered you up, bringing the sheets right up under your chin. He smiled at the soft pout on your lips, he wondered if the baby would have your cute pout.
Jimin, moved your hair away from your eyes, tucking it behind your ear gently. When he was certain you were settled he took Jungkook’s hand and headed back to their bedroom.
“God, that scared the fuck out of me,” Jungkook said, sitting down on the side of the bed.
“Me too,” Jimin agreed, rubbing his face in exhaustion.
“Didn’t know she was that scared of storms, makes me want to beat up the sky for scaring her like that,” Jungkook said, frowning.
Jimin laughed lightly, but kissed his boyfriend lovingly. “I know you would if you could, or at the very least, sue it,” he snorted.
“Ooh, yeah, that could work,” Jungkook said.
“I’d never seen her like that, so vulnerable. She always puts up such a tough exterior,” Jimin said, biting his lip.
“Yeah, maybe it shows that she’s starting to trust us. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to live with two people who are kinda strangers to her,” Jungkook said, feeling awkward.
“Well, maybe we can fix that,” Jimin reasoned.
“What do you have in mind my stunningly attractive boyfriend?” Jungkook asked, leaning forward.
“Mmm, let’s take her shopping. Spoil her a bit, you’ve got more zeros in your bank account than I can count on all of my fingers. She’s gonna need maternity clothes anyways. Imagine her all dressed in Gucci and Prada while walking around pregnant with our baby,” Jimin said, appearing to be day dreaming himself.
“That would be... nice... To spoil her, show her we care about her well being and everything,” Jungkook nodded in agreement.
“Let’s do it,” Jimin said, gripping Jungkook’s hands.
“Okay, yeah!”
Unfortunately for the couple, you appeared to be hating every second of this shopping excursion.
“Y/N! Come on,” Jungkook said, walking with Jimin’s hand interlocked with his.
“Coming, coming,” you sighed, following after them.
“Y/N? Are you alright? Do you need a break?” Jimin asked, stopping to take a look at you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just, sleepy,” you grumbled.
The boys had effectively cut off your caffeine intake as of late, and it was showing. You were more exhausted than ever, just wanting to sleep the day away, but the two men wanting to hear nothing of it today. Normally they would’ve just let you sleep, but, today was a different story.
Jimin bit his lip and looked at Jungkook with concern.
You didn’t seem to be having fun at all.
What was the point in spoiling you if you were just gonna wind up pissed off at the end of it? But maybe you just hadn’t found something you wanted yet. Jimin didn’t want to lose faith so early on, but you really were in a grumpy mood today.
Jungkook pointed out several different kinds of stores, suggesting different ones and you merely told them that whatever they wanted was fine. Feeling defeated already, Jimin told Jungkook to pick a store and maybe you’d find something you wanted in there.
Soon, you were in some high end designer store, looking around with a bored expression on your face. Most girls loved when you spoiled them, wanting nothing more than to have free reign with a credit card and a whole shopping mall. But you looked so fragile and out of place in this big store.
Jungkook looked around and found some things he wanted, Jimin too, but you were still sitting on the bench, head in your hand and looking tired.
The couple looked at each other, wondering what in the world they could do to make you smile. All they wanted to do was spoil you, make you feel better...
“Are you two with the young lady over there,” the store attendant asked, pointing at you with genuine curiosity.
“Ah, yes, she’s with us,” Jimin confirmed.
“I take it she’s not really into the whole shopping experience,” the attendant said, and the couple nodded sadly.
“We just wanted to spoil her, take her out and get her stuff she wanted. But it looks like she’d rather die than be here right now,” Jungkook said, frowning.
“Well, what are some things that she likes?” The shop attendant asked.
“Books,” both of them said quickly.
The attendant laughed at them softly, nodding.
“My wife is a fan of books too, sometimes I wonder if she likes them more than me. But, you said you want to spoil her right? Tell her that, explain what you’re doing, sometimes that helps,” he offered.
Jimin nodded, looking over at your sleepy figure in the corner of the store.
“It’s worth a shot,” he said.
The pair thanked the shop attendant for his time and headed towards you.
You looked up and tried to give the couple a smile, but it looked awkward and forced, making them frown even more. Jungkook sat down next to you, and Jimin kneeled in front of you.
“Y/N, do you know why we forced you out of your blankety cocoon today?” Jimin asked, looking at you with curiosity.
“You said you wanted to take me shopping,” you said, gazing back at him.
“Exactly, we wanted to take you shopping. Not just shop for ourselves and drag you around. We want to spoil you, give you whatever you want. All you have to do is ask and you can have it, Y/N, money isn’t an issue here,” Jimin said.
Biting your lip you felt yourself get uncomfortable. “I-I don’t really like being spoiled, you know? I um... It makes me feel weird,” you said, rubbing your neck.
“The last thing we wanted to do was make you upset,” Jungkook said, biting his lip.
“No I’m not upset I just feel awkward,” you explained.
“Oh, there’s no need to feel awkward Y/N, it’s just us,” Jimin reassured.
“People keep staring at us, like I’m some lame friend third wheeling on a date,” you sighed, rubbing your face.
Jimin and Jungkook both swallowed hard.
They hadn’t realized people were staring. But it would make sense, Jimin and Jungkook were known in the city and suddenly a girl is walking around with them? That did seem a bit odd. They were also regulars in this mall and no doubt the staff were looking too.
God, they had messed this whole day up.
“Oh Y/N, we’re sorry,” Jungkook said, pressing his hands to his face.
“Sorry? Sorry for what?” You asked, turning to look at him with confusion.
“Not including you,” Jimin explained.
“There’s no need to include me-” you started when Jungkook cut you off quickly.
“Yes there is, you’re carrying our baby, we want you to feel comfortable and safe. Not ignored and shut out, that’s not fair to you,” he said, brushing his hair away from his face.
“Yeah, we want you to have whatever you want. As long as it isn’t unhealthy for you or the baby,” Jimin said.
“This isn’t about flexing or whatever on other people, this is about you. And what you want,” Jungkook said.
“Well,” you said, worrying your lip with your teeth.
“Yes?” Jimin said, leaning forward.
“It’s, well, I guess some new clothes wouldn’t be bad. I’ll need maternity stuff,” you told them.
“Yes! Absolutely! We can do that!” Jimin said, standing up and pulling you with him.
However, it was a little too fast for you, causing your head to spin. Jungkook was steadying you with his warm palms on your waist, Jimin keeping you upright with his hands around your wrists.
“Sorry Y/N! I-I wasn’t thinking and I got so excited, sorry,” Jimin frowned at himself.
“It’s alright,” you said, not wanting him to be upset over something that didn’t really matter.
“I need to be more gentle with you, you’re carrying our baby for Christ sakes,” Jimin huffed.
You nodded, noticing the stern look on Jimin’s face. Licking your dry lips, you looked down at your feet. You were only a month along so you couldn’t really see anything yet. But knowing there was a life inside of you made you feel a little flutter in your chest every time you thought about it.
However, you needed to get that under control.
This wasn’t your baby.
And that’s just how it was going to be.
Jimin and Jungkook had managed to drag you into a designer store for mothers apparently, because everything in here looked like it was worth a fortune. How were you supposed to pick something and wear it when you were afraid it was gonna get dirty? For fucksake you were almost certain they would be ruined by the end of this pregnancy.
“Ooh! Y/N, pink is your color,” Jimin smiled, holding up a rose colored blouse at you.
Looking down you saw small daisies printed on the shirt as well. It was cute, you had to give him that. You agreed to try it on, but only if he promised not to show you the price tag. Jimin nodded quickly.
Jungkook came around the corner, carrying a couple different articles of clothing. Mainly dresses, as they would be a comfortable and easy choice. But there were some skirts and blouses in his arms too. After finding the ones you liked the three of you were sent to the dressing rooms.
Jimin and Jungkook waited outside on the bench, demanding a fashion show from you. You rolled your eyes, but didn’t say no before you headed in and tried on a couple of outfits.
You walked out and did a little spin every time, Jungkook and Jimin giving their opinions. Which were always small claps with whistles accompanying them.
Then you walked out in a shorter green sundress that you had managed to grab on the shelf without looking at the tag, thank God. It was green with splashes of turquoise and white that made your eyes pop beautifully. There was a cutout at the top that showed a little bit of cleavage but it wasn’t an insane amount. Nothing you thought anything of anyways.
It came to your knees, and it was generous with the room in it. No doubt when you were showing it would come up to your mid thigh. Fluffing your hair you walked out and smiled at the boys. Jungkook’s eyes trailed down your body. This was the first non maxi dress you’d tried on, even the skirts had been considerably modest. So, they were getting the first glimpse at your skin.
Jimin was stunned.
You were absolutely gorgeous. A vision.
Legs looking gorgeous and long, skirt fluttering around your knees but Jimin couldn’t help imagine you when you were showing a little more. Would it ride up higher? Clearing his throat he smiles at you.
“It looks really good, Y/N, I didn’t pick this one. Did you Kook?” Jimin said, turning to his boyfriend, who seemed to still be in a stupor.
“Jungkook?” You said, looking at the doe eyed man with a little bit of worry pinching your features.
“Yes? No, it-you look amazing Y/N, did you pick this out?” He asked you.
“I did, yeah,” you answered.
“Little sneak, do you really want to stop our hearts?” Jimin teased.
Blushing you brushed your hair behind your ear and stared at your shoes. Jungkook looked at you with so much longing it made Jimin’s heart stammer. Not out of jealousy, but something else. Jimin shook the thought from his head.
Soon you were all settled back in the car, several shopping bags in the back. Jimin and Jungkook had requested a driver today, wanting to just enjoy the experience. So, the driver dutifully drove while the three of you sat in the back.
You looked out the window and watched scenery pass you by. Jimin and Jungkook looked at you, each with a similar look on their face and similar feelings in their chest. But neither of them were brave enough to admit it to themselves. Not when they almost had everything they’ve ever wanted, or what they thought they wanted...
Getting out of the car, Jimin asked the driver to have the bags delivered up to their apartment. The driver nodded before disappearing.
The three of you made your way up to the apartment, but not before Jimin and Jungkook spilled that they had a surprise for you. Looking at them with a menacing glare, Jungkook broke first as you three made it into the entryway of the apartment.
“It’s nothing crazy, just... We didn’t want you feeling like the third wheel or, you know, not a part of this. You are just as important to us as the baby you are carrying, and while you’re with us we want you happy and... so we got you this,” Jungkook said, holding out the signature blue box that made your stomach churn with how much it must’ve cost.
“Please, don’t ask how much it cost. It doesn’t matter as long as it makes you happy,” Jimin whispered.
Slowly, you opened the box and a beautiful moon pendant sparkling in diamonds and white gold stared at you. You damn near dropped the thing because of how gorgeous it was. Jungkook and Jimin froze on the spot when they saw tears starting to fall down your face.
“Do you not like it?” Jimin asked.
“Is it too much? Did we go overboard?” Jungkook worried.
“N-No, it’s beautiful,” you said, touching the pendant with a delicate finger.
“Do you want to put it on?” Jungkook asked, hoping to God that you didn’t throw this pendant back in their faces.
“Yes, please,” you said, handing Jungkook the back and brushing your hair out of the way so he had access.
Slowly, you watched as the beautiful moon swung just above your cleavage, kissing your chest lightly. It was fastened behind your neck and you turned around, looking at the two men with a bright smile on your face.
Then, they held up their wrists.
A sun and a star.
You looked and saw it was all a matching set.
“You guys, you really,” you said, smiling softly.
“Honestly, Y/N, you’re our equal in this. You aren’t just a womb we’re renting,” Jimin said. “You’re a person, with wants and feelings and we want you to feel that. More than anything, we want you happy and safe.”
“We’re so thrilled you chose us, seriously. If there’s anything you want, anything you need, name it, we’ll get it for you. Scouts honor,” Jungkook said, holding up his hand.
Feeling an overwhelming sense of emotion, more tears ran down your cheeks, making you sniffle and wipe at them with irritation. You didn’t want to cry right now, you were happy! Now, you just looked like a snotty red mess.
“Aw, don’t cry Y/N!” Jungkook said, coming forward to wipe your tears.
“God you guys are such turds, making me cry all the time,” you sniffled.
“It’s not our fault!” Jimin said.
“It is very much your fault,” you said, holding your stomach gently.
A rush of air left the two of them at you doing something so maternal. It made Jungkook’s blood burst into flames, and Jimin had to swallow a moan at the knowledge of you being pregnant with his baby. You cocked your head to the side and looked at the two silent men.
“Okay, well... Thanks for today you two... I’m glad I got to be spoiled a little bit. I’m gonna go take a shower, are we ordering out for dinner tonight?” You asked. They were still silent and you wondered what the fuck broke them when Jimin blinked rapidly a few times before clearing his throat.
“Y-You’re welcome, if you want to go again just tell us and we can,” he said, fighting to keep his calm exterior.
“Okay, I’m gonna go take a shower then,” you said again, taking off towards the stairs.
Jungkook damn near collapsed on the floor when you were finally gone.
“Jesus,” he said, panting hard.
“Do you, do you feel it too?” Jimin asked, gazing at the area where you had been standing.
“Yeah,” Jungkook croaked.
“Fuck what’s wrong with us? She’s here for us to care for her, to nurture her, not use her like some object,” Jimin said, running his hands through his hair in frustration.
Jungkook rubbed his shoulders, trying to soothe his boyfriend’s frantic thoughts. He agreed. You weren’t someone for them to use and abuse... You were the mother of their child and you deserved to be respected. But God if the thought of you didn’t send their minds spiraling.
“I know... We just gotta tough it out I guess. What else can we do?” Jungkook reasoned.
“I don’t know Kook, I don’t know,” Jimin said, gripping his boyfriend’s hand tightly.
The six week mark came and so did the morning sickness. To start, it was just waves of nausea, but soon it turned into full blown vomiting.
It was around seven in the morning and you had barely slept a wink. You felt jittery and restless, unable to relax. But when you sat up to head to the kitchen for something to eat, your stomach flipped. Soon, you were in the bathroom getting sick in the toilet.
Shortly you heard a knocking at the door.
“Y/N? Sweetie are you alright?” Jimin’s worried voice echoed through the door.
“Yeah,” you wheezed, trying to keep yourself from hurling again.
“Can I come in?” His light tone echoed through the room.
“Yeah,” you said, feeling another rush of nausea washing over you as he comes in. You looked and saw his worried face come into focus.
“Oh sweetheart,” Jimin said, rubbing your back as you got sick once more.
“Jimin? Y/N?” Jungkook’s voice echoed in the apartment.
“We’re in the bathroom Kook!” Jimin yelled.
Shortly Jungkook’s footsteps came into the bathroom. He was frowning, knowing you must be uncomfortable and there wasn’t much he could do for you. Watching Jimin rub your back gave him a sense of comfort however.
You were struggling with your chest being tender also. Every time you moved against the toilet you felt a jolt of pain go down your spine. Wincing when you came back up, Jimin had gotten you a little cup of water. You swished the cool liquid around before spitting it out and standing up slowly, per Jimin’s instructions.
You brushed your teeth and told the boys you were alright. They left and you did the rest of your morning routine. Jimin came back into your room and asked if you were ready for breakfast. You nodded and let Jimin lead you to the kitchen table. Jimin, taking note of your poor start to the day, asked if you wanted anything in particular for breakfast. Thinking back you really enjoyed the Nutella and banana toast he made for you a while back.
He nodded and started the toaster quickly. Jungkook had been working overtime recently and had to leave shortly after your bathroom incident. Soon, two pieces of Nutella toast with bananas were placed in front of you.
But the second the smell of banana hit your nose, you were scrunching up your face in disgust. Jimin looked at you with confusion. Then it dawned on him: food sensitivity.
Quickly removing the plate he asked if anything else sounded good, and you came up with the weird combination that was scrambled eggs with cream cheese.
Jimin looked on with a light smile on his face as you scarfed down the eggs and cream cheese without a single nose scrunch. It always made him happy to see you eating. Keeping up your health for the sake of the baby and you made him happy.
Soon, you were done and Jimin had gone into the living room to watch some TV when you noticed him sitting there. Lounging on the couch was a normal thing, but, looking at him now you-you couldn’t put your finger on it. He just looked so good, sitting there. He’d recently redid his hair so it was a beautiful blond color. His eyes wandered from the television to you, standing there in your loose t-shirt and pajama shorts.
He licked his lips for a moment, but that was all it took for you.
The flash of his tongue made you slightly weak in the knees, causing you to grip the edge of the table for support. Jimin seemed to mistake this for a more serious problem as he was up in a matter of seconds to come to your side.
“Y/N? What’s the matter?” He asked, looking at you with concern.
“I-I’m good,” you said, giving him a thumbs up. “I think I just ate too fast.”
Jimin mulled this over in his head for a moment before nodding and stepping back.
“As long as you’re okay,” he said, heading back towards the couch.
But your symptoms weren’t just limited to food sensitivity, morning sickness and random bouts of arousal, oh no... The best one was the nightmares that had taken over your sleep schedule.
Normally they were just vague things that you forgot about when you woke up. But they were becoming more vivid. More, unsettling.
You were dreaming being in pools of blood, sometimes it was yours, sometimes it belonged to the boys. Sometimes you didn’t know where it came from, but it was always there. Never to be washed away, only to drown in...
You were caught up in the throes of a particularly bad nightmare...
You’d miscarried and lost the baby, Jimin and Jungkook were heartbroken and left you bleeding out on the floor as you stared up into the ceiling, dying.
The room was tilted and everything was wobbly.
You tried to go after them, to ask for another chance. But it was too late, they were gone.
Screaming, you bolted up in your bed. Tears flowing down your cheeks at a rapid rate. Your heart was hammering in your chest so loud you swore you could feel it in your throat.
You heard the slamming of a door and soon Jimin and Jungkook barged into your room, looking around frantically until they found you on your bed, shaking and crying into your hands.
“Y/N!” They yelled, going to your sides and trying to get you to talk to them.
“Sweetie, what happened? Why did you scream?” Jimin asked, petting your hair trying to soothe you.
“I-I had a nightmare, I-I lost the baby and, then lost you two,” you whimpered, covering your face again.
Jungkook swallowed thickly, the image of you crying being burned into his memory. He hated seeing you like this. It hurt him to see you so distraught. Jimin, too, was struggling with your emotions. He just wanted you happy and healthy, free from any worry and troubles of the real world. But of course, he couldn’t protect you from everything and everyone. No matter how much he wanted to.
“Y/N, it’s okay. We’re right here, we aren’t going anywhere,” said Jungkook. You were crying violently, looking at the bed spread with blurred vision. Jimin looked at Jungkook with worry written all over his features, your smaller frame sat shaking in the bed as the two males tried to comfort you.
Jungkook hesitantly reached out to wipe the tears from your face. You looked up at the man with puffy cheeks and swollen eyes, before glancing back down at your lap.
“You aren’t going to lose us, Y/N,” Jimin reassured.
“I’m scared,” you whispered, so broken that it had both of their eyes tearing up at the sound.
“It’s alright, we’re scared too,” Jimin said, patting your hair gently. “But we’ll get through this.”
“There was so much blood,” you whimpered, biting your lip trying to keep the sobs from coming out.
“Y/N,” Jungkook said, feeling his eyes burning with unshed tears of his own.
“I was dying and you just... left me there,” you confessed.
“We could never leave you just like that Y/N, ever,” Jimin said, sounding shocked.
“We’d never forgive ourselves if something happened to you,” Jungkook whispered.
Jimin grabbed his hand, rubbing his fingers over the knuckles. He knew seeing you like this was hard on both of them, and knowing how much you truly didn’t think they cared was also hurtful. Because all they wanted was to tell you you didn’t have to leave... But it couldn’t work like that.
Jimin’s work as a high end therapist was already wobbly because of his relationship with Jungkook. As unfortunate as it is, people didn’t want his help if he was dating a fellow man.
And Jungkook had already been shamed for his love publicly, the gossip forums on the newspaper and websites having a hay day with his image. He’d worked so hard to show he wasn’t any different than a straight man when it came to his work. But, the world is a cruel place, and social norms often reared their ugly heads with Jungkook.
They couldn’t drag you into that cesspool of nasty comments and uncomfortable encounters. It was a harsh reality, but it was the one you were all living in. And there wasn’t anything they could do about it.
Jungkook wanted to scream about how it was unfair. How you sitting here with them wasn’t wrong, as long as you all cared about one another, how could it be? But they both knew how this would end.
With you walking out of their lives and your child’s life, forever.
“I’m sorry for waking you up,” you hiccuped, swallowing down the rest of your tears.
“No, don’t be sorry,” Jimin said, rubbing your shoulder.
“If something’s wrong we want you to tell us,” Jungkook said, looking at you with misty eyes.
“I-I will,” you said, wiping your face.
“Are you going to be able to go back to sleep?” Jimin asked, looking at your state with concern.
“I should be able to,” you said, trying to convince yourself of the same thing.
“We can stay with you, until you’re asleep,” Jungkook offered before even thinking. Jimin’s head snapped to the younger male, who was already shrinking.
“W-Would you?” Your soft voice spoke up.
Jimin nodded finally, crawling into the bed with you and Jungkook following suit. They each took a hand and held it tightly. Jimin drew different shapes and patterns on your palm, making you giggle when it tickled. Jungkook interlocked your fingers together, running his thumb over your soft skin like Jimin did with him when he was nervous or scared.
Sooner, rather than later, you were passed out once more, hands clutching Jimin and Jungkook’s.
The men managed to untangle themselves from you as they went back to their room, hearts heavy. When the door shut, Jungkook burst into tears.
“Oh my sweet boy, don’t cry,” Jimin said, wiping his boyfriend’s cheeks carefully.
“Jimin,” he said, forehead resting on the older man’s shoulder.
“I know, it hurts me too,” Jimin whispered.
“I just want her to know that she’s not just a convenience, she’s so much more than that,” Jungkook whimpered.
“Yeah,” Jimin said, thinking of your body curled up on the couch with a good book and a warm drink next to you. Your smile when your favorite song comes on in the car. The way you’re already so protective over the baby.
“I don’t know if it’s because she’s carrying our baby or what, but, I want to be closer to her. I want to know everything about her... God I don’t know what to do with myself Jimin,” Jungkook complained, wiping at his tears in frustration.
“We just gotta keep it in our mind that she had a life before this, and she’ll have a life after it too. S-She’s doing this because we’re paying her Jungkook. Of course that isn’t the only reason but, it is the main one,” Jimin reminded his boyfriend, and himself.
Even though the words felt hollow in the air.
“I guess,” Jungkook said.
“You’ve got work early, we need to go back to bed,” Jimin said, motioning for Jungkook to get into bed as well. The two men cuddled up to each other, each feeling like something, or someone, was missing...
Faster than you thought possible, the ten week mark had come.
It was time to get your first ultrasound of the pregnancy.
The boys were over the moon about the whole thing. Excitedly chatting in the car.
“I hope we can see the baby well,” Jungkook said, driving carefully through the street.
Jimin hummed in agreement. “Me too, the baby is still super small right now. About the size of a prune but, we’ll still be able to see them on the screen. And, we can hear their heartbeat!”
You smiled at their excitement. Bringing your fingers up you brushed the pendant they gave you, a nervous habit you’d picked up shortly after their gifting it to you. Jungkook looked at you in the rearview, playing with the sparkling jewelry piece. It made his chest feel tight, looking at you. Jimin placed a hand on his, making Jungkook focus on him for a moment.
Jimin shook his head and Jungkook swallowed thickly, knowing exactly what he meant.
Soon, you were all at the clinic.
Jimin helped you out of the backseat, getting your bag and whatnot so you didn’t have to fuss with it. Jungkook placed a protective hand on your lower back, guiding you into the building.
You felt your heart flutter in your chest at the action, having to cover up your blushing with a cough. Jimin urged you to sit down while he got the paperwork, something you didn’t fight him on. You were exhausted as of late.
The boys reassured you it was normal to be tired. You knew, however, that you were a little more tired than normal. Briefly you wondered if it was because it was your first time and you’d never felt something like this. However, that didn’t sit right. You knew there was something going on, but you didn’t want to worry the boys. Especially since you were getting an ultrasound today.
Sitting next to Jungkook in the waiting room, he made small talk. Asking how you were feeling and if the morning sickness had gotten any better.
“It’s gotten worse,” you complained, leaning your head back in the seat.
“Really? Maybe we can ask the doctor to prescribe something for you,” he said.
“It should be going away soon, I’ll be alright,” you reassured, patting his knee.
“Sometimes it doesn’t go away until the baby is born, I just don’t want you to suffer if we can do something about it,” Jungkook said softly.
“If it gets too bad, I’ll say something. Okay?” You said, keeping a gentle smile on your face.
“Yeah, okay,” he agreed.
Jimin came back and took Jungkook’s hand, intertwining their fingers together. Jimin had a habit of tracing the tattoos on Jungkook’s hands when he was nervous, it made you smile.
Eventually a nurse called your name and led you back to the ultrasound room. Jungkook smiled and sat down in the chair provided. Jimin helped you up onto the table and the ultrasound tech went over what they would be looking for and opened it up for questions.
When no one had any, she proceeded.
“Okay, I just need you to pull the front of your pants down a little bit,” the tech asked, prepping the machine.
You immediately turned and looked at Jungkook and Jimin, then down at your stomach. It wasn’t a big deal, it was just a little bit anyways.
Without much more thought you pulled your pants so just the top of your panties were showing. Jungkook’s eyes widened at your actions, but he tried to keep a calm exterior. Jimin kept his eyes trained on the screen, not wanting you to feel uncomfortable.
The ultrasound gel was cold, making you jump when it came in contact with your skin. But soon it was warming to your skin and you all looked at the screen with rapt attention.
“Alright so we should see the head and curvature of the body, but other than that this is just to make sure that everything is looking good in the uterus and to see if there are any abnormalities with the baby-oh! Babies it appears,” the tech said, a big smile on her face.
“What?” Jimin said.
“There’s another head there, if you look right here,” she pointed at the screen. “Looks like you’ve got a set of twins in there!”
Jungkook’s eyes teared up, looking down at your stomach with his heart in his throat.
You were stunned.
The first try?
Wow, you really did win the lottery.
“Oh my God,” Jimin said, hiding his face in Jungkook’s shoulder.
“Way to go, got those twins first try,” you said, trying to keep your nerves under control.
“It’s all thanks to you Y/N, we couldn’t do it without you,” Jungkook reminded.
“Are you guys going to want the pictures?” The tech asked. Jimin and Jungkook of course said yes.
“Wow, look at their heads babe!” Jimin yelped as you all walked out of the clinic together. Jimin was still cooing over the pictures of the twins from the ultrasound.
“I need to put it in my wallet,” he said, bringing out the accessory shortly after.
You smiled at their excitement. You were beyond happy, you’d done it. Gave them the twins they desperately wanted. First try too. You knew that meant a few more complications, but, you didn’t want that to hold too much weight over you.
“We should call Namjoon and Jin! Tell them the news about the twins!”
You nodded quickly, wanting to tell your friends the update.
Namjoon and Jin were thrilled, obviously. Insisting that they’ll give Annie to Jin’s parents for the night so you could all get together and have a meal. Agreeing, the boys set it up for around seven thirty.
“Dress nice! I also expect to see those ultrasound pictures!” Jin said through the phone.
You snorted and shook your head, gently touching your stomach. You felt a fluttering in your chest, like you were standing on the edge of a tall building or something. It made you gasp lightly, moving your hand away from your belly to your chest. Jimin seemed to notice your movement because he was turning around in his seat.
“Everything alright there?” He asked, looking at you with his beautiful brown eyes.
“Y-yeah, I’m good. We’re-good,” you said, pointing to your tummy. Jimin’s eyes lit up at the mention of the babies.
“Okay, tell me if you need anything,” he said, turning around and facing the front once more.
You all walked back into the apartment, Jungkook still gushing about everything. You simply smiled and went to go get ready for dinner.
Jin did say to look nice, so you picked out a few things from your shopping excursion a while back. Putting on a dress that looked skin tight but it was super stretchy, so no doubt you could wear it late into the pregnancy. The zipper on the back would be an issue but, it made you feel a little sexy. You hadn’t really done a lot in regards to your appearance around the boys, you didn’t see the need.
But, it wouldn’t hurt to do your hair and dress nicely...
You had the perfect shoes to pair with the dress. You grabbed some stockings and a few other small pieces of jewelry, placing them on the bed while you assembled everything together the way you wanted it.
Eventually, you were all set.
Except for the zipper on the back.
You didn’t understand why there was a zipper on such a stretchy dress, but fashion has its ways you guess. Reaching behind you proved unsuccessful. Quickly growing frustrated, you did the following without thinking.
“Jimin? Jungkook? Can one of you come here for a second please?”
Once the words were out, you immediately wished you could eat them.
But the damage had been done.
Both men walked in your room.
Jimin’s jaw dropped open, looking at you in awe.
You were in knee high stockings, low heels and a slinky black dress that hugged your body so perfectly it made him want to drop to his knees. Jungkook fared no better. Seeing your hair styled and a little bit of makeup on your features really enhanced your natural beauty. They both were staring, making you shrink in embarrassment.
“O-Okay, you can blink any time now,” you said, chuckling to ease the tension in the room.
“You look... wow,” Jimin breathed.
“Incredible. You look incredible,” Jungkook said, eyes trailing down your legs.
“Thank you, but, um... Could one of you please come zip me up? I can’t reach the zipper,” you said, turning your back to them fully.
Jungkook stared at his boyfriend with an almost agonized look on his face. Jimin nodded and walked forward, brushing your hair out of the way. Placing a gentle hand on your hip Jimin pulled the zipper up to the top, covering each inch of your beautiful skin.
Jungkook swallowed his noise of protest, trying to remember what Jimin had said. You weren’t an object for them to use, you were their surrogate. The woman who would be birthing their twins. And then leaving...
Jimin knew if Jungkook had walked forward to zip up your dress he wouldn’t be able to keep it together. Jimin wasn’t doing that hot either to be honest. Your hips flared out. Looking so beautiful hugged in the dress, and the warmth of your skin beneath his fingertips was... alarming.
“Thank you,” you said, turning around with a smile on your face.
Jimin couldn’t help but mirror your grin.
“Absolutely, are you ready to go now?” He asked, trying to keep from getting distracted any more.
“Yeah, let’s go! I want Jin to feed me so much I burst,” you said, heading towards the door. Once you were gone, Jungkook looked at Jimin.
“This is only getting harder,” Jungkook said, biting his lip.
“Are you going to be alright?” Jimin questioned, placing his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder.
“Yeah, just... This feels wrong,” Jungkook whispered.
“What feels wrong?” Jimin asked.
“Keeping her at arm's length, I just feel awkward. Pushing her away when she’s doing something so big for us, it’s really emotionally charged and... I feel like a jerk for treating her like just another person. Like she isn’t special,” Jungkook explained, brushing his hair out of his face.
“I understand,” Jimin said, trying to smooth the frown lines from Jungkook’s face.
“Boys? Are you coming?” Your voice echoed through the house.
“Coming!” Jimin said. “We’ll talk about this later, okay? We’ll figure this out.”
The dinner at Jin and Namjoon’s was beyond anything you’d expected.
There was so much food and honestly, you ate a lot. Lying back in your chair, tilting your head back you sighed. Rubbing your stomach unconsciously. But the boys noticed everything. Especially how amazing you looked in that outfit.
It was just about all they could do to keep their hands off of you. Jungkook was fidgeting the whole night, being the one who sat next to you. He really tried to keep his cool, but a man could only take so much.
“So, Y/N, how does it feel to be pregnant with twins?” Namjoon asked, taking a small bite of rice.
“Honestly? It’s not been a cake walk, let me tell you. My mood swings are everywhere, my chest is killing me, food is either a hit or miss and don’t get me started on how arou-ahem,” you froze at your brazen attitude. Jimin and Jungkook’s heads snapped at your statement, looking at you with masked emotions. “Sorry, got carried away. Anyways, it’s been wild. But, I’m really glad to be doing it, you know? The boys take good care of me,” you praised, smiling at the two of them now.
Namjoon noticed it first.
The twinkle in Jungkook’s eyes at your words. How genuinely happy he seemed listening to you talk. Jimin’s body language was always engaged with you, never closing off or making it appear like he wasn’t interested.
Namjoon’s eyes widened.
This would need to be discussed...
Soon, everyone was sitting in the living room, just digesting. When you got up and said you had to use the restroom.
When the men were alone, Namjoon attacked.
“What are you guys doing?” He asked, looking at the two younger men with worry in his features.
“What do you mean?” Jimin quizzed right back.
“Listen, I’ve been friends with Y/N for a long time. I really care about her and want only the best for her. I also want you guys to be happy and healthy and have your own family, so please don’t take what I’m about to say personally but-what the fuck?” He asked.
“What do you mean what the fuck?” Jungkook asked.
“Why are you looking at her like that?” Namjoon asked, feeling his frustration rise.
“Like what?!” Jimin argued.
“Like you-Like you, are all, like... a couple?” Namjoon said, feeling the awkward tension rising in the room.
“What?” Jungkook coughed.
“We aren’t together,” Jimin said slowly.
“But do you want to be?” Namjoon asked.
Jungkook broke first.
“I don’t know,” he whispered, placing his head in his hands. Jimin was quick to comfort the younger male, rubbing his back in big, soothing circles.
“It’s a new experience for us. We just want her to be happy and healthy and safe. You know, take care of her,” Jimin explained, skirting around the question.
“Of course, but, there’s a difference between appreciation and affection,” Jin said, speaking up.
“Y-Yeah, we know that,” Jimin answered. “I’m a therapist, I know what emotions are.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes.
“If you know what emotions are then why are you denying your own?” he asked.
“I’m not!”
“Bullshit,” Namjoon challenged.
“This is fucking ridiculous,” Jimin growled.
“What’s all the angry whispering out here for?” You asked, walking back into the room. The energy snapped within an instant.
“It’s alright, just a heated debate about politics,” Namjoon joked, giving you a tender smile.
“Oookay?” You said, coming back in to sit down next to Jungkook, who was trying his best to not squirm when your thigh brushed his.
The rest of the night moved rather calmly, but not without a fierce monopoly game that almost caused a few table flips. Jungkook wound up losing and threw a mini tantrum. But it was quickly smoothed over when you promised you’d bake him some cookies the next time he had a day off.
While Namjoon and Jin were cleaning up, Jungkook and Jimin discovered your sleeping frame on the couch once more. Breaths coming in even and slow, they smiled at you. Your lips were pouting lightly, something they’d discovered was a habit when you were sleeping.
And Jungkook adored it.
He came over to your side and tried to wake you up, but when you whined and fussed he decided it would just be easier to carry you to the car. Carefully, the strong young man lifted you into his arms and towards the door. Jimin got the rest of your things all together and they thanked Jin and Namjoon for the meal and night.
But before they left, Namjoon grabbed Jimin by the shoulder. Jungkook waited, looking back in worry. Jimin waved him on, saying he’d be there in a minute. Jungkook nodded before heading out the door.
“What?” Jimin asked.
“I’m sorry about earlier, I overstepped. I didn’t mean to offend you or Jungkook. It’s just, Y/N is very inexperienced when it comes to love and emotions and having that connection. I’m worried about what’s happening to her. I don’t want her to get her hopes up and be crushed later on,” he explained.
Jimin nodded his head.
“I accept your apology. I didn’t mean to fly off the handle either, Jungkook and I have been... Discussing it. But it’s not an easy thing to come to terms with, we aren’t sure what we feel for her... We know we care about her, but is it because she’s our surrogate and we want to care for her? Or is it something deeper? We don’t know,” Jimin sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
“Y/N is so special. She gives without thinking, she is so dedicated to those she cares about... she’d give the shirt off her back to someone she didn’t even know. It’s hard not to love her, but... she doesn’t deserve to be pulled in a million different directions either. But you all deserve to be happy, I’m always here if you need to talk,” Namjoon offered.
Jimin smiled lightly. “That’s normally my line.”
“You guys are good people, I wouldn’t have recommended Y/N do this if I didn’t trust you. But, just... please don’t take advantage of her heart. And don’t lie to yourselves either.”
Jimin nodded, looking down at the floor with a resolute nod.
“Thanks, both of you,” Jimin said, giving a small wave before heading out towards the car. Jungkook already had you buckled and settled in.
“What was that about?” Jungkook asked, getting into the front seat.
“He wanted to apologize for earlier, he felt like he overstepped. And, he wanted to explain why he was so defensive over Y/N,” Jimin said.
Jungkook nodded and started the car, taking off down the road.
“Why is he so protective? Did they like, date in the past or something?” Jungkook asked. Jimin shook his head.
“N-No, Y/N hasn’t ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend,” Jimin said, resting his head in his hand.
“What? Really?” Jungkook balked. Trying to think of how someone like you hadn’t ever been snatched up before. You were a total catch! But, you did tend to keep to yourself.
“Yeah, she told me about it the day she had her IUI done,” Jimin explained.
“Oh, so-wait. She’s having a baby when she’s never, like, had sex?” Jungkook said. “Is that safe?”
“I mean I’m sure it’s safe but, she’s not... Um, she told me she’s had sex before,” Jimin said.
“Wow, how did this all come up?” Jungkook asked.
“Well, she mentioned something about wanting someone who looked at her the way we look at each other,” Jimin blushed.
“She’s so cute,” Jungkook groaned. “Well, at least she’s been with someone before. You know, had that kind of pleasure.”
Jimin coughed, rubbing his neck. Jungkook looked at him weirdly.
“She may have off-handedly mentioned that she’s never, uh... You know, finished,” Jimin flushed. Jungkook looked floored at the information.
“You mean to tell me, that some jerk took her virginity and didn’t fucking make it special? What a fucking tool bag,” Jungkook growled.
“I don’t know the story, she didn’t divulge that kind of information. I was the one who guessed she’s never finished, and she was pretty embarrassed about it all to be honest,” Jimin said.
“That is so frustrating,” Jungkook said.
The car was quiet, save for your soft little snores coming from the back seat.
“Did you hear what she said during dinner?” Jimin asked. “When she was talking about her pregnancy symptoms.”
“Yeah...” Jungkook trailed off.
“I wish we could do something for her, I feel so bad,” Jimin whispered.
“We can be there to support her but we can’t over step either,” Jungkook said.
“I know, normally I’m the one reminding you of that,” Jimin huffed.
“I understand it’s not easy for either of us,” Jungkook said softly.
“Maybe we just need a god romp in the sheets to get it out of our system hmm?” Jimin teased, running a hand up Jungkook’s thigh. Jungkook couldn’t help the hiss that came out of his mouth at the touch. They hadn’t really been active in that way since you’d come into the house.
“Y-You know how loud I get,” Jungkook said, swallowing hard.
“Oh I’m very aware how loud I can make you scream,” Jimin winked.
“Stop, I’m already hard,” Jungkook whined.
“I bet you are baby,” Jimin said, squeezing his boyfriend’s thigh tight.
“Stop, please,” Jungkook whined.
“Mmm,” Jimin said, not sensing that Jungkook really wanted him to stop. “And what if I keep going baby? What if I snuck my hand into your pants and tugged your pathetic little cock until you came huh? Make you come all over your expensive pants and make you lick it up?”
“Jimin,” Jungkook said, cock straining against his pants.
“Yes baby? What does my baby want, huh?” Jimin asked, so sweet... Almost dangerous.
“I-I want-”
“Mmm, are we home yet?” You voice perked up from the back seat.
“Y/N?” Jimin asked, turning to look at you. Your eyes were bleary from sleep and it was obvious you must’ve just woken up. Jungkook adjusted himself in the seat, trying to hide his throbbing erection from your sight.
“Yeah?” You said, blinking slow.
“Sweetie,” Jimin cooed, brushing a few strands of your hair back from your face, even though it was an awkward angle for him.
“Jungkook are you okay?” You asked, noticing how tense the young man’s posture was.
“I-I’m good,” he said, trying to hide his arousal.
“Okay,” you said, laying your head back down.
Jungkook pulled the car into the front slot of the building, handing the keys over to the valet. The two of them brought you out of the car and Jimin decided it was his turn to carry you up to the apartment. So, the three of you all made it to the apartment in silence.
You were awake, but you weren’t feeling too terribly chatty. Sleep still at the forefront of your mind. Jungkook and Jimin hadn’t spoken since you got out of the car, and you can’t help but feel like you were in the middle of something kinda intense. The charged feeling in the room making you shift against Jimin’s chest.
He looked down at you, trying to keep himself from jostling you too much. You were exhausted. But soon, you felt bile rising in your throat...
“Jimin put me down,” you said, holding your hand to the mouth. Just as he set you down you scrambled to the bathroom and threw up the massive dinner you’d eaten. Jimin and Jungkook were rushing right after you. Jungkook brought your hair away from your face. Jimin sat down next to him to rub your back.
You got to the point where you were just dry heaving into the toilet, but it didn’t seem to end.
“Oh fuck,” you croaked, coughing hard.
“You want some water?” Jimin asked.
“No, I’m scared I’ll just throw that up too,” you whined.
“It might be better than just dry heaving,” Jimin said.
“You got a point,” you huffed, trying to keep your head from spinning.
“I’ll get you some,” he said, moving off the floor to head towards the kitchen. Jungkook shuffled forward, kind of molding his front to your back. When you pushed a little too hard against him you felt it. Wondering what it could be for a moment you pushed back against him again, when he groaned in surprise.
“U-Um, Jungkook?” You squeaked.
“S-Sorry!” He said, moving away faster than the speed of light.
“I-It’s okay, just, you know,” you flushed.
“It’s not because of you! It’s not uh, I wasn’t um,” he stuttered.
“I-I didn’t think it was?” You said, more of a question.
“It’s not that you’re not pretty or anything it’s-”
“No, I get it,” you said, smiling weakly.
“Here’s your water,” Jimin said, bringing in a glass for you to drink.
You sipped it slowly. Not paying attention. Jungkook looked like he was going to die in the corner, which made Jimin shoot him a weird look. He just shook his head as he covered his face. Jimin made a mental note to question him about it later, but his concern was on you right now.
“Have you been getting sick a lot?” Jimin asked, placing a soft hand on your shoulder.
“I mean, it’s mainly in the morning. I think I just ate too much at dinner,” you said, pouting lightly.
“Gotcha, do you feel like you’re going to get sick again? Or do you think you’re done?” He asked.
“I-I think I’m good,” you said, putting the empty glass down.
“Are you sure?” Jimin asked, making you look at him.
“Mhmm,” you confirmed, eyes getting droopy again.
“Alright sleepyhead, brush your teeth and go to bed. Need help getting up?” Jimin worried, fussing over you like any father to be would.
You stood up slowly, mindful of your dizzy head. But, when you stood at the sink you felt everything kinda snap into focus. Jimin dragged Jungkook out of the bathroom to let you do your thing, but told you to come get them if you needed anything.
Hurrying into the bedroom, Jimin narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend.
“Why did you look like you’d rather crawl into an overflowing storm drain than be in that bathroom? What happened when I was getting water?”
Jungkook looked up at Jimin could see the embarrassment on his face. Sighing, Jimin sat down, placing his hand on his boyfriend’s back.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have teased you in the car. It’s just, been a while you know? I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything,” Jimin apologized.
“Y/N felt it, my... When you moved me so you could get out of the bathroom to get her the water, she was pushed up against me. And, she pushed back against me and felt my dick against her,” Jungkook said, rubbing her face.
“Oh, that is... uh, awkward,” Jimin agreed.
“It gets worse,” Jungkook said.
“What do you mean?” Jimin asked.
“I-I told her it wasn’t because of her and then I tried to tell her it’s not that she wasn’t pretty and I just threw up a bunch of words that didn’t make sense and then you were back,” Jungkook whimpered.
Jimin sighed. Jungkook had never been a genius with words, but normally he was better than that. He knows that Jungkook is mortified, Jungkook wasn’t good at mingling or recovering from blunders of the social variety. So, Jimin just sighed and gave his boyfriend a gentle kiss.
“It’s okay Jungkook, Y/N isn’t gonna hold this against you,” Jimin soothed.
“I just feel terrible,” Jungkook said softly.
“Why? It was an accident,” Jimin reasoned.
“Because I-I didn’t want her to stop,” he swallowed. Jimin bit his lip and tried to keep his anger from spilling over.
“I don’t know how many times we have to talk about this Jungkook,” Jimin said.
“We were talking about it in the car! But we’ve never talked about what we want, what we’re doing now, it's not sustainable. I’m going crazy!” Jungkook yelled.
“Jungkook keep your voice down!” Jimin reminded.
“Jimin I’m so fucking confused, I don’t know what we’re doing. What I’m doing. I-I do know one thing for certain. I love those kids, so much, and they aren’t even here yet. I love them so much, because they’re ours... But... I can’t keep doing this. Getting closer only to rip myself away, it’s killing me Jimin. If you want me to walk away, I will but, I just can’t keep giving myself hope when there isn’t any,” Jungkook cried, tears falling down his cheeks.
“I-I didn’t know you were so broken up over this,” Jimin whispered.
“I’m so confused,” Jungkook whispered.
“I am too, I love you so much but... I feel this connection to her. I know it’s normal to be grateful, but, I know it’s more than that with her,” Jimin said, moving to give Jungkook a back hug.
“Then we need to make a decision,” Jungkook said.
“You want to pursue her as a part of our couple? Like, make her our girlfriend?” Jimin asked.
“Do you?” Jungkook asked back.
“I mean... I wouldn’t be opposed,” Jimin said softly.
“I don’t want this if you don’t,” Jungkook said, turning to look at Jimin with sparkling eyes.
“I want this... I want her, but, we need to give her some time, as well as ourselves to come to terms with this,” Jimin reasoned.
“Okay,” Jungkook agreed.
“But, when we’re both ready, we can approach her,” Jimin said.
“Would this be healthy to do? I mean, mentally,” Jungkook asked.
“Polygamous couples generally tend to have better communication than the average two person couples. And with one of us being a therapist I think we could manage. I-I want to work towards that,” Jimin confessed.
“I want this too,” Jungkook said excitedly.
“Then that’s what we’ll do...”
You laid in bed late into the night. You heard Jungkook and Jimin having a disagreement. You couldn’t make out the words but, the walls were thin... You prayed to God that it wasn’t about you, or anything related to the children.
Slowly, your hand trailed down to your stomach. You didn’t think you could see a bump yet, but maybe a little something? You weren’t sure, maybe it was just wishful thinking.
You moved slightly, and you felt something in your underwear. Adjusting lightly, you pulled them down to look, and you saw a decent amount of arousal soaking into the cotton fabric. Blushing bright red you reached down to touch your hot center, to find that you were, in fact, dripping wet.
Biting your lip you thought back on the bathroom incident. Jungkook’s firm body pressed against yours, his hardened cock pressed against your ass, the hot groan he let out. Running your fingers over your slit, you gathered your slick and pushed against your clit gently.
Shockwaves of pleasure ripped through you at the sensation.
“Oh!” You gasped, hand coming up to cover your mouth in fear of waking the boys.
You did it again, causing your body to jump slightly, making more of your arousal drip from your center. Licking your lips you thought about what Jungkook’s hands would feel like instead of yours. What his body would feel like pressed up against yours naked... Jimin’s plump lips flashed through your mind for a second, making you wonder what his blond head would look like between-
No no no no no!
Ripping your hand away from your weeping core you turned over and placed your hands on your head.
How could you? Those two weren’t something to fuel your lonely fantasies! They are in love with each other, and are going to have a family... Albeit you had to help with that part but, still. Jimin and Jungkook weren’t yours... They were each other’s...
But as much as you tried to tell yourself that it would never happen...
You couldn’t help but dream of the two men’s hands running over your body...
Hot breaths touching your ears...
Taglist: @kittkat44, @giadalin, @kookachuwu
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koushisbabie · 3 years
Lovebites w Kenma
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“i think i should submit here but may i please get a fluffy kenma one-shot where he kinda tackles the reader away from their study stuff because he needs attention and their relationship is relatively new so kissing and makeout stuff is rare but he's just kissing up on the reader's neck, nibbling on their neck, then just cuddling them after leaving a pretty hickey there, admiring the color on their skin before offering words of affection and just massive cuddles? i would love u forever” Request from @haikyutiehoe​
I kind of took creative liberty with this one, and it’s KIND OF suggestive near the end?? I hope you like it! (I also didn’t reread and edit it bc I’m supposed to be doing my essay lol)
TW: lovebites/hickeys, general fluff, suggestive at the end, probably doesn’t qualify as nsfw but like, be wary.
Pairing: Kenma x gn!reader
Word Count: 1,037
Soft lofi plays in the background as my fingers hover over the page in front of me. Loose documents and various writing accoutrement lie strewn across the kotatsu and spill over onto the floor surrounding me. Three almost empty mugs sit amongst the mess, their remaining contents long gone cold and stagnant.
I glance at the time, briefly scanning over missed messages waiting to be acknowledged. One message in particular catches my attention. A simple ‘what are you up to?’ Followed by ‘just a heads up, I’m streaming soon, wanna hang out after?’ And a third message ‘y/n, are you done yet?’.
Exhaustion seems to have made a permanent home in my limbs, but that not prevent me from instinctively smiling at the phone screen. I type back a hurried ‘I'm still studying, we can hang out later’ before turning the phone face down and shifting my attention back to the ruckus in front of me. I inwardly groan at the idea of trying to stuff copious amounts of information into my already tired brain, yet despite the hassle, somehow manage to force myself to open the next textbook and begin reading.
An indeterminate amount of time passes before a shrill vibrating erupts from the phone to my right. It pulls me out of my trance, and I reluctantly pick up the phone.
‘You’re still alive.’
‘Just barely.’
Kenma’s quiet laugh sounds on the other end.
‘What did you need?’ I ask, holding the phone between my cheek and my shoulder, using my free hands to write a few words down into my study notes.
‘Just checking up on you, you’ve been at this for hours,’ Kenma replies. ‘Come upstairs, give yourself a break, we can watch a movie or something.’
‘Tempting, but there’s some methods I haven’t completely wrapped my head around yet,’ I say, hoping that frustration does not wind its way into my voice.
‘Have you even eaten yet?’ Kenma interjects.
I glance guiltily at the snacks I vaguely recall him silently leaving on the table hours ago. ’I drank the tea,’ I quickly add, ’thank you, Kenma.’
He sighs audibly. ’Y/n...’
‘I'll eat, I promise, just a few more hours, okay?’ I smile into the phone, knowing very well he cannot see me.
‘Sure, Y/n,’ he says finally.
The phone goes silent and for a split second I consider just going upstairs to check that he isn’t sulking. He can handle a few more hours, I think. Turning back to my notes, I continue to read.
Before long, there is the muffled sound of footsteps on carpet, a door sliding open, and the gentle kneeling of a person behind me. Warmth envelopes me as sweatshirt clad arms encircle my waist, a cold nose nuzzling into my neck, the tickling of outgrown blonde hair against my skin.
‘Kenma?’ I peer at him out of the corner of my eye. ‘What’s up? You okay?’
‘Do you know what time it is?’ Comes his muffled voice. His lips press against my neck as he speaks, sending shivers down my spine.
‘It’s, uh,’ I go to check my phone, but Kenma’s hand grabs my wrist.
‘It’s time for you to listen to reason,’ he kisses my neck in between speaking, ‘and spend time with me.’
‘This is out of the blue,’ I laugh nervously. ‘Since when do you make the first move?’
‘Just because I haven’t done it before, doesn’t mean I don’t want to do it,’ Kenma blushes. ‘Is it really that weird?’
It’s now my turn to be embarrassed. ‘No, I like it.’
He presses his mouth against my neck more firmly. ‘What is it that you like, Y/n?’
‘That,’ I murmur in response, closing my eyes. ‘When you kiss me.’
His arms pull me ever closer, before using one cool hand to pull the neck of my shirt further to the side, exposing my collar bone. He places kisses fervently against my skin, the warmth and the firmness growing with each movement. I resist squirming in his grasp, not wanting to ruin the romance of the moment, despite the flustering in my belly. ‘Tell me if it hurts,’ Kenma murmurs into my ear, his lips tickling my earlobe deliciously.
‘It doesn’t.’
A moment of hesitation passes before the next kiss turns into something sharper, more urgent. He bites me hard enough to hold the skin between his lips before sucking gently and placing a soft kiss. I turn my gaze to his, the flecks of gold in his eyes shimmering innocently back at me, as if he wasn’t pushing every button I have in this moment. Almost every button.
‘Did you like that?’
The curiosity in his question almost makes me want to laugh. ’I did, yes.’
Kenma shifts his attention to my neck, his lips forming a lovely ‘o’ in surprise. He takes a hand and strokes the tender area. ‘You beginning to bruise.’
‘Am I?’ I cannot quite see the bruises.
‘I didn’t think I was that hard,’ Kenma gives a tiny smile. ‘Sorry.’
I grin mischievously at him. ’Something tells me you aren’t actually sorry for that at all.’
‘Maybe not,’ Kenma buries his blush in the crook of my neck, pulling me into an even tighter embrace.
‘Wanna go continue this upstairs?’ I ask, taking a hand and running it through the stray strands of his soft hair. This elicits a soft moan from Kenma, not unlike a cat’s purr.
‘That’s what I’ve been asking you for hours,’ He whines.
‘Ah, so you were sulking!’
‘Was not,’ Kenma argues. ‘Just, come be with me for a bit. I’ve missed you.’
Guilt tugs at my heartstrings. ’I’ve missed you, too.’
He meets my eyes with a tenderness that renders me speechless, and for a long second, nothing existed besides the two of us. God, he’s beautiful.
I stand and offer him my hand, to which he takes without hesitation. He eyes the mess I’ve made of my textbooks and study notes. 'I'll clean it tomorrow,’ I shrug. ‘Right now, I want to see how many more love bites you can give me.’
‘Anything for you,’ Kenma replies as he leads me by the hand to the sanctuary of the bedroom.
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Rainy days [Corpse x reader]
Paring: Corpse husband x Female!reader
Summary: “corpse x fem!reader ( she’s also a youtuber ) where they are just friends for a few years, but reader has been developing feelings for a while now. with corpse’s fan base growing so quickly, there’s also a lot of growing attention from other girls ( fans & other social media influencers ). corpse is happy with all the attention, while it is breaking the reader’s heart more every day. basically, super angsty lol and it’s totally up to you how you want to end it!” requested by anon
“please make one where like the reader and corpse fought so its like raining outside and yk the cliche type” requested by anon
Warnings: Angst and jealousy, kinda sad, I’m sorry
Words: 1.8k
A/N: Open for requests. Two requests for one.
Read part 2 cloudy afternoons here
You’re happy for Corpse, of course you are. What good friend wouldn’t be happy for their friend when they suddenly start to shoot for the stars? You definitely would. Right? It’s not like it hurts to watch him take in all these girls that throw themselves at him, he has never been happier for the many years you’ve known him. His YouTube channel is finally paying the bills for him, and you’re happy he doesn’t have to fear getting an eviction note, for dancing on the line a little too long. You’re happy that he has all these new friends. You’re happy he’s enjoying himself. You’re happy, because he’s happy.  So why does it hurt so much?
You’ve had feelings for your best friend for quite some time. You tried to push them away, which in return just seemed to cultivate them and make them stronger. You tried your damn best just to be his quirky happy best friend that was along with him for the ride. You never minded being the one to pick up the pieces when he fell apart. He would do the same for you… He would do the same for you, right?
You wipe away a tear escaping from your eye. You’re sitting in the shower crying on the floor. This is really what you’ve become? You think to yourself, as you lean your head back against the wall, looking up at the wooden ceiling.
He would do the same for you…
You dryly laugh to yourself, of course he wouldn’t, because then he would have known when you started pulling away. You wipe the tears away, get up and rise off your face once more, before stepping out. You look at where your mirror used to be. You took it down, not able to face yourself was easier than to accept this is just how you look permanently now. Dark circles underneath your eyes, as they’ve sunken quite a bit.
You kind of forgot how you really looked sometimes, until you caught yourself in something reflective, like your pc when it ran out of power, or your metallic glazed mug. You smile bitterly at the memory, Corpse had bought it to you when you reached 100.000 subs on YouTube, saying the play button wasn’t enough. It used to be a prized possession, now it was one of your worst.
You’re happy you build your YouTube brand on variety gaming, without a face cam. You couldn’t imagine having to explain away the way you looked. The monotone in your voice was hard enough.
I was just having an off day
Sorry, kind of sick today
My microphone isn’t picking up my voice probably.
You sigh to yourself as you collect your phone, and your empty bag. The fridge doesn’t fill itself. You’re pretty sure your fans caught onto something being wrong by the 4th excuse. You lock the door behind you, and glace up at the sky. It seems to be getting darker. You sigh as you realize you’re not going to be back home before it’s raining.
You walk the short distance down to the bus as you wait for it to arrive, you scroll through your twitter feed. It’s filled with pretty girls, much prettier than you are, throwing themselves at Corpse. You get a sudden urge to throw your phone into the passing traffic, but money has been tight lately with your down tuning of content, to take more time to be able to self-pity in the living room with a shitty romance show going on.
You really lost your best friend to your own feelings, huh. What an anticlimax.
You step onto the bus, not noticing the black dressed, black masked guy in the end of it. Watching you intentionally. If you had been able to read minds, you would hear the ongoing battle in his head on whether or not to approach you.
The bus pulls up the grocery store and you get off. Not sparing the other two passengers getting off a second thought. You pull your jacket closer together, as the wind starts getting colder. You finally arrive in the store, just a few seconds before the rain starts to drop.
The calming ominous music of the store fills your eyes, as you focus on getting something edible that isn’t directly just sugar with more sugar. You pick your groceries carefully, nothing that needs a lot of preparation. But if you eat one more tv meal, you’re going to throw it up. You’re too distracted by what pasta to choose, that you don’t realise the guy in black has now passed you for the 5th time, while you’re in aisle 9.
You choose both and head for the register. You sigh as you watch the long line, there’s only one way out, and you’re certainly not leaving your groceries now. You step in line. And pull out your phone. The lock screen taunting you with a picture of you and Corpse mushed together somehow in his gaming chair, you’re pretty sure it was Dave that took the photo. You shake your head and check the time. The bus just left. You sigh knowing there is a little over an hour before the next one leaves. Fucking public transport.
It finally becomes you, you watch the price tick up further and further. You take your card out. Swipes it through.
What? You try it again
C’mon, it has got to work. You try again
And again
And again
You smile apologetic to the cashier, as you start to figure out what you won’t be needing too much.
“I’ll pay for her.”  A deep voice speaks further down the line. You know exactly the person whose voice that is.
“Please, you don’t have to-“ You watch as Corpse steps out of the line and puts a box of cereal on the register for the cashier to ring up with the rest of your stuff.
“I don’t-“
“That’ll be 79 dollars and 32 cents, please.” The cashier ignores you.
Corpse pays and gets the receipt, knowing you’re going to beg him for you to pay him back. You used to do the same when you were little. Corpse stands by as he watches you pack your groceries, and he waits for you. He barely recognized you in the bus. It’s been weeks since you last spoke, and even longer since you last saw each other. He knows you were getting bad, but not this bad. He don’t know why he never reached out he knows he should. But there are too many unsaid things hanging in the air, and neither of you wanting to be the one to pick the first one.
He reaches out to take one of the two bags. But you take it right underneath him, and walk to the doors, leaving him to hurry after or be left behind.
“Y/N I-“
He gets surprised by the rain, he hadn’t noticed the darkening sky earlier. You keep walking until he calls out after you again.
“Y/N! Please!”
You stop in you tracks. To think you had missed hearing your name from his lips, he uses it like it’s not the only thing you have left that’s your own.
He jogs the remaining distance and puts his hand on your shoulder, and you let him turn you around to make him face you. He’s not sure if it’s the rain, or if it’s tears that’s starting to fall. He takes the rest of your face in, the dark circles, the clear weight loss. He know, you don’t know how much you don’t look like yourself.
“Listen, thank you, I’ll pay you back next month. But if you’re not going to say anything, I have places to be, and-“
He puts his hand on her chin caressing it. She suddenly looks so small standing there in front of him. You quickly pull yourself back, wanting to lean into his touch, but knowing that it would only make what hurts, hurt more in the end.
“What did you want?” You snap at him. And something snaps in him too, as his brows furrows together.
“Oh I don’t know. Say hi to my best who just up and disappeared from the face of earth two months ago. I wonder what I want.” He snaps back at you, his deep voice nearly emitting a growl of frustration from him.
“So what, that’s what it takes 2 months before you want to find me. Did you get tired of all those girls throwing themselves at you? Did you get tired of your new friends you just cast me aside from? Did you get tired of all the money? Please do tell.” You stretch out your arms in a welcoming stance.
Corpse takes a step back, you’ve never yelled at him like this before. Tears streaming down your face as you’re soothing anger.
“…You think I threw you aside?” Corpse sucks in a breath waiting for your anger to come at him, but instead you suddenly look small again.
“Didn’t you Corpse? The excuse why I could never come over anymore, why you never had time. I was happy for you, you know, I supported you all the way. Heck I even fucking loved you, and you cast me aside, you up and threw away so many memories and a long friendship, just because I suddenly didn’t fit into your new group.” You look him straight in the eyes. “Corpse, I’m tired okay. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t keep picking up your pieces and help you reassemble yourself, for you to keep casting me aside. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t need your pity; I don’t need anything from you. I’ll make sure you get the money first thing next month.”
She takes a step away from him, the before intimate atmosphere now fully escaped.
“All I ask is that we part here. I love you too much to watch you fall apart again.” Your voice is trembling as you turn around heading for the bus stop, leaving Corpse in the rain to fend for himself.
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POV: You Got Wayyy Too High
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Warnings: Drug use (weed lol)
Aizawa Shouta/ Eraserhead
“Hey, what are you doing?” asked Aizawa as he plopped his bag at the door. You were trying to smoke weed from a pipe, but instead of lighting the actual herb, you were trying to heat it up from the bottom of the pipe.
You’d never smoked weed, but wanted to try it and bought the supplies from a local smoke shop, as well as buying some good stuff from your friend.
Unfortunetly, you also didn’t bother to look up how to actually use a pipe, instead just relying on knowledge you gained from drug documentaries.
This meant that you only knew how people heated up heroin with a flame under the spoon, which meant that surely you could do the same with weed.
“No, no, no, no. Stop that,” he ordered. You were his age, but nonetheless still buckled under his stern tone.
“Look, do you need me to show you how to do it?” he asked, gently taking the glass pipe from your hand. You nodded.
“Watch carefully,” he ordered, as he properly lit up the herb as he inhaled the smoke. He then passed it to you, watching you carefully to make sure you were doing it right. Soon, you got the hang of it.
Even sooner, though, you were a coughing mess.
“Calm it down, there. Don’t take huge puffs. You’re not impressing anyone here, y/n,” he scolded, taking another puff. He did it effortlessly, as if he’d done it for years. (He has.)
You wanted to impress him, though, even though he seemed to not care what you did. You just wanted to prove to him that you were ~cool~.
Well, this ended up in you looking very... uncool.
While Aizawa was chilling with a pretty decent high, you were laid across the bed, starfish style, blasting music in your ears. You were honestly vibing though, so Aizawa didn’t mess with you. For now.
The next day, he definitely teased you a little bit about how totally out of it you were, and how you listened to the same song on loop for 3 hours.
“How did you know that?” You asked, cocking a brow.
“Uh, because your headphones weren’t plugged in?”
Yagi Toshinori/ All Might
He was smoking when you came home, and though he tried to hide it, you smelled it. He acted as if he was just caught as a 17 year old in his mom’s house.
“Uh, no, it’s nothing! I...I don’t do anything like that!” He insisted.
“Toshi, come on. I can smell it,” you smiled. He covered his face.
“Please, please, keep this between you and I...I only do it because it helps with the pain and-”
You cut him off, “ I dont care why you do it, just lemme have some already!” 
Of course, you were just teasing him, and he knew that, but he couldn’t help but ask, “...You smoke?”
You shook your head playfully.
“If you’ll let me, I’d like to try some, though!” 
He passed it to you, and you took a way-too-long drag. Instantly, you were doubled over, coughing and hacking your lungs out. 
He patted your back firmly.
“Since this is your first time, you’re gonna cough a little. Just try to take smaller puffs and take deep breaths. There you go.”
Once you recovered, and Yagi got his turn, he handed the joint back to you. It continued to be passed back and forth between you two until it was finally no longer than a centimeter. 
For a moment, you both just chilled out on the couch together, just vibing. That was until Toshinori noticed your goofy, dreamy facial expression. He chuckled to himself, but that was all you needed to become hysterical, laughing so hard that you couldn’t breathe. Seeing you laugh so much of course made Toshi a mess as well, which only added to your decent into utter madness.
Eventually, though, you both calmed down, and Toshi excused himself so that he could go take a quick bath. He often did this whenever he smoked, so that the warm water could aid even more in soothing his aching muscles and creaky bones.
So you were left alone. Totally unattended. At first, everything was totally fine.
However, as you started to actually feel the effects of the herb, you began to panic.
Is this normal? Does everyone else feel like this when they smoke? Oh God, this isn’t right...oh fuck, I’m gonna be the first dumbass to OD on THC...fuck...
Thoughts whizzed past your brain, every single one making sure you knew how totally fucked you were.
Tears streamed silently down your cheeks as you counted your pulse with two fingers on your wrist, but you coulnd’t find a pulse.
oh fuck...i’m probably going to pass out any minute now...it’s all over...
Images of your final goodbyes to everyone you loved flashed just behind your eyes.
“How’re you holding up, pumpkin?” asked Toshi, coming back from the bath, in a robe and his golden hair still damp.
You looked at him, your eyes red and puffy.
“Toshi...I’m...I’m dying...I love you, okay?” you murmured. He would have laughed, all except he saw the genuine fear in your eyes. 
He sat down next to you, surrounding you with all of his lanky limbs. 
“You’re not dying, honey. What you’re feeling right now is totally normal, I promise. Take some nice, deep breaths for me. Come on. There you go. Good.”
He cradled you there for a good while, until he felt your tense muscles finally slacken, and your breathing evened out.
Toshi made a mental note to never let you smoke that much ever again, guilt pinching at his sides.
Fatgum/Taishiro Toyomitsu
You had taken an edible cookie from your friend. She told you it was just a small bit in there, just enough for you to feel something.
You decided to be modest, eating just half of the cookie. You didn’t notice any effects, and out of sheer boredom you decided to go ahead and eat the rest of it. No harm in that, right?
Well, an hour later, it kicked in. You were expecting to feel something interesting, but you definately weren’t expecting anything like this at all. 
Everything seemed so far away. Even your breathing sounded like it was coming down a long corridor and echoing to your ears. You could feel your soul swimming in your body. 
Fatgum, who you lived with, luckily finished his hero duties early, and walked into the house joyfully as usual.  He called out your name. You didn’t reply.
His large footsteps could be heard, but you were too busy thinking about how weird breathing sounds to notice. 
Fatgum soon found you collapsed on the bathroom floor, face pressed against the cool tile.
Immediately, he propped you up against the wall, looking into your eyes with great concern.
“What did you take? Y/n, look at me. What did you take?” 
You lazily looked at him, your face completely serious. As serious as it could be, anyway.
“...i...it was...edible...” you mumbled out. As soon as he understood, he was laughing hysterically.
“s..stop...s not funny...” you grumbled, punching him in the gut. 
“Alright, alright... let’s get you into bed. You’ll feel much better once you wake up,” he smiled, picking you up and bringing you into the bedroom. 
You quickly were comforted by the warm, heavy comforter. Fatgum took a moment to look at you in your groggy state, trying his best to hold back a laugh. It was so painfully obvious that you’d never done anything like this in your life. His only regret was not being around to witness your ascent into cloud 9.
Soon, though, you had drifted into dreamland.
Hizashi Yamada
You locked yourself in your bathroom, sneakily lighting up the joint you bought off of your friend. Your boyfriend was in his room, playing Fortnite or some shit, and frankly, you were embarrassed to smoke in front of him. You knew that he’d definately find something to roast you about, and he was relentless.
A couple minutes after you lit up, though, the door was basically busted down.
“HEY, HEY! You better be planning on sharing some of that!” yelled Hizashi, his hand already out and waiting. He still had his headset on, but you saw with relief that his mic was turned off. You passed it to him.
“Augh! Where the hell didja get this weak shit, y/n? Nah, this ain’t gonna cut it,” he complained, putting it out. 
“Hey! I got that from my friend, dude! What the hell?” you frowned. Before you could be too mad at the waste, though, Hizashi pulled out a small wooden box from under his bed. Opening it, he revealed his stash of entirely too much pot.
You covered your mouth, stifiling a laugh. How the fuck could you have not smelled it? 
Within five minutes, he’d rolled up a blunt, and was passing it to you, already lit. 
It was gone after a little over half an hour, and you could already feel the effects. Your eyes were dry, your stomach craving junk food, and your brain craving chill vibes.
He returned to his game, unbothered but his volume definately toned down about 5 notches. He was a lot more chill than you’d ever seen him act, ever.
You found your way into the kitchen.
Once his game was over, he met you in there. You were in front of the fridge, pulling out thing after thing. By the time he’d gotten to you, you had eaten half a jar of pickles, three pieces of cake (with your bare hands), drank a bunch of soda, and you were headed for the chips that were sitting idly on the top of the fridge.
“oh, God...what the fuck are ya up to, dude?” he groaned. He did not want to deal with this mess.
You grinned at him.  “I dunno, maan... look dude could you just get me these up here? please bro...” you giggled. He sighed dramatically, taking them.
However, instead of handing them over to you, with your dirty little fingers, he ate them.
“stoppp, bro, please lemme get some!” you pouted. He acted as if he couldn’t hear you, leaving the kitchen. You followed after him, kicking him in the shins. 
Still, he didn’t seem to notice.
“Hizashi, come on, maaannnn!” 
He laid himself on the bed, covering himself with blankets. He pulled out his phone, calling you.  “Y/n, I miss you so much, man. Come chill out!” he spoke into the phone, trying his best not to break the act. You were absolutely furious at this point, punching at him.
“I’m right here, you doughnut!!” you groaned.  Dramatically sighing, Hizashi frowned, “I really wish y/n was here to sesh with me...” all while still eating the chips. You jumped on top of him. 
Finally, you caught him off gaurd, grabbed the chips, and locked yourself back up in the bathroom. 
This time, though, he just left you be. 
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nishiisenpai · 4 years
birthday forgotten - tsukishima kei x reader
REQUEST: “Hi babes! Another Haikyuu writer here! I saw you posted about doing requests and I was hoping on giving you one! Maybe an angst with fluff at the end fic where it’s the reader’s birthday (who is the karasuno manager and is also dating Tsuki cause I love that man) and they (the team) all forget, and when they find other later they feel bad because she has always made their birthday’s special. Then ending in fluff of them trying to make it up to her. Sorry if it’s not good I usually write and don’t request lmao. Hope you see more of your stuff in the future! - @nataliahaslosthershit “
A/N: I seriously can not thank you enough for sending in this request(deadass cried about it for a whole 10-15 minutes LOL - because i thought this blog was gonna flop ._. ) but thank you again for sending this in and i hope i didn’t disappoint you or anything!
WARNING: Angsty but with a fluff ending!
WHO: Tsukishima Kei x Karasuno Manager! Female Reader
“Morning Tsukki!” you smile at your salty dinosaur who had just entered the classroom. You followed him to his desk where he sat down and placed his bag, taking a book out.
“Morning.” Tsukishima said while giving you a small grin and paying attention to his book.
“Whatcha up to?”
“Oh- uhm, do you want me to stay here or like?” You said as you were about to get up and leave though Tsukishima’s hand held onto your wrist.
“No no, it’s okay. You can stay here.” He looked at you with his norm straight face and you nodded sitting back down.
“I heard it’s a special day today...” you hinted. Today was your birthday and you were really hoping your salty dino got the message.
“Oh really?”
“Yup!” your eyes beamed with sparkles as Tsukki didn’t pay attention. “Hey are you ignoring me?”
“What? No! I was listening still. Keep talking.”
“Oh uhm, well today is a special day! A very very special day.”
“Is that so?” his eyes stayed on the book as he turned the page.
“Yes it quite is.”
“Well if you’re going to say something that mentions about practice then I think you’re mistaken.”
“No, silly! It doesn’t have to deal with practice. Something more exciting!”
“What is there to be excited about?” ouch.
“Well I don’t know, it seems that I am forgetting something...” you mumbled but screamed in your head to shout out the answer to your question. As much as you love this dinosaur, he sure is dumb to recognize the importance of your birthday.
“Well all I know is that today’s a normal and regular day, and there isn’t something special that I remember happening today.” suddenly the words Tsukishima was saying faded into a fuzzy noise. No longer were you able to connect back or hear anything around you, all you heard was the sound of your heartbeat slowly beating and your hurried breathes.
“Y/N? Hello? Are you okay?” Tsukishima snapped you back into reality.
“Huh? Oh yeah... I’m fine. Class is about to start, I’m going to head back to my seat and I’ll see you later yeah?”
“Okay, see yah.”
Class ended awhile ago and it was break. You had just left the washroom to see Kageyama and Hinata together bickering.
“What are you two boys bickering about, today?” as you walked up to them.
“Kageyama is calling me an idiot.” Hinata shot a glare at him.
“Again?” you chuckled.
“If you hadn’t ruined my favourite sweater Y/N got for me on my birthday by puking on it I wouldn’t be holding such a grudge.”
“HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY SORRY!” Hinata jumped up and down.
“It’s alright, Kageyama. I’ll get you another one on your birthday!” you said with a small smile and Kageyama’s eyes lit up.
“Wait actually??? Th-Thank you.” he gave you a small bow and you laughed.
“WHAT? NO FAIR-“ Hinata started saying but you interrupted him.
“I’ll make your birthday even more special, Hinata.” That’s all it took to have stars shine in Hinata’s eyes.
“NOT FAIR-“ you probably shouldn’t have mentioned or said that as they continued to bicker.
“Hey- BOYS!” you stopped them and they apologized. “Get to class, you’ll be late.”
“Yes, Y/N.” as they trudged back to class. Hinata had turned around.
“Oh by the way, Y/N.” maybe he would remember or say something about your birthday.
“Yes, Hinata?” you waited for the words to come out.
“Are you ready for-“
“Yes! I am so ready and excited!”
“See Kageyama, I told you Y/N would be excited to see our quick.” wait-what? I thought he would say something or remembered.
“Tsk, whatever.”
“See yah Y/N!” Hinata waved. You tried not to look upset and waved back with a small smile.
“Bye, Hinata. Bye Kageyama. I’ll see you two at practice.”
You knew these two boys would be forgetful. What type of hope did you clutch onto? If Tsukishima didn’t even remember your birthday, how would the others?
“Oh hi, Y/N!” Sugawara had said.
“Hey! Where are the others?” you said as you saw Daichi, Asahi, and Tanaka.
“They’re just coming.”
“Ahh I see.”
“So are you doing anything after practice?” yes, I’m going to celebrate my birthday by myself.
“Uh, just studying for an upcoming test. How about you Suga-san?”
“Good luck with that! And uhm.. I don’t think I have anything in mind today. Maybe just take a shower and sleep when I get home.” Suga laughed and you chuckled a bit before putting a small smile hiding away the pain. 
Even Suga forgot your birthday... This is honestly one of the most heartbreaking thing because he’s never the type to forget things. Especially when it comes to birthdays...
“Takeda-sensei, I think I’ll head out first. I still have homework to work on.” You said.
“Okay, thank you Y/N for coming.” He said before turning around. You went towards the door to open it quickly as tears were streaming down your cheeks already and you didn’t want to be seen with such emotion displayed on your face. You accidently hadn’t seen where you were going as you bumped into someone.
“Oh Y/N, are you okay?” Kiyoko asked. You wiped the falling tears from your eyes quickly and inhaled a breath of air before facing her.
“Huh? Ah, Kiyoko-san, yes. I am alright. I’m just going to leave early because I have homework to finish.”
“Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yep! See yah!” As you quickly turned away from her and walked your way home continuing to have tears stream down your face. The slow mind process of doubt, and overthinking started playing in your head as to how this could have led you to such event.
“Alright everyone, good job today! Make sure to rest up well, eat a well balanced dinner and get enough sleep.” Coach Ukai had spoken before continuing to speak, “Where’s Y/N?”
“She said she had homework left to do.” Takeda-sensei spoke out.
“Shoot, I wanted to gift her this.” Coach Ukai was holding a bag of your favourite snacks from his store.
“What for?” The team questioned.
“For her birthday... Why else?” Coach Ukai looked at the team in confusion looking at the faces of shock and guilt before widening his eyes.
“Did you idiots forget it was her birthday?!?!?!?” Coach Ukai slightly raised his voice making everyone panic.
“Wait- what? It’s today?” Tsukki checked his phone and spat out his water.
“Holy shit, I’m a bad boyfriend.”
“Tsukishima! How could you forget!?!?!” Yamaguchi yelled at his best friend before slapping him on the back of his head.
“So that’s why she was crying...” Kiyoko spoke out and everyone froze.
“S-She was crying?” Tsukishima’s eyes enlarged before grabbing his bags and heading towards the door.
“Where are you going?” Daichi asked stopping at the door.
“To go apologize to my girlfriend and to spend the rest of the day with her, why else?” As Tsukishima stared down at his captain. 
“We should all go and make it up to her. We as a team forgot so we shall go do what’s right.” Sugawara had spoken as Tanaka and Nishinoya had aggressively nodded their heads.
“Let’s go to Coach Ukai’s shop to purchase more snacks and drinks.” Hinata said while looking at Kageyama. “I’ll beat you there first.”
“Not unless I do it first!” As the two started sprinting towards the doors and to the shop.
“You sir,” Tanaka and Nishinoya said while looking aggressively into Tsukishima’s eyes, “Need to be a better boyfriend or we’ll take your girl.
“As if you can.” Tsukishima smirked heading outside before dashing to your place.
You were laying in bed after finishing your studies and staring at the ceiling thinking about how today turned out. 
“Am I not important? Do they even know when my birthday is? I mean I had mentioned it before. Does Tsukki even know it’s today? Am I not special enough?” all these clouded thoughts were blocking out the noise around you but suddenly your phone vibrated next to you snapping you out of your thoughts. The caller ID showed a picture of you and Tsukishima on your second date at the park mindlessly being slight idiots at night.
“Open your door.” Tsukishima’s voice said.
“Huh, why?” As you got up and walked towards the front door.
“You’ll see.” The call ended and you stared at your phone questioning what Tsukishima meant.
You opened the door revealing your boyfriend.
“What are you doing here at this time?” You said looking up at your boyfriend and tilted your head in confusion.
“Hold on, you can come in guys.” Tsukishima mentioned and you cocked your eyebrow at him.
“Happy birthday, Y/N!” Hinata came in giving you a plastic bag. In came the rest of the team and you were suddenly now holding plastic bags and poorly wrapped gifts in your hands as each of them said happy birthday to you.
“What is this..?” you chuckled nervously looking at them all for an answer.
“We felt really bad for forgetting to say a happy birthday to you. Mainly that tall blonde over there.” Tanaka said and Tsukishima sent a glare to the older boy.
“Aww thank you guys... I will admit I was a little upset, but that doesn’t matter anymore because you guys are here now! What are we waiting for? Let’s get this party started!” you exclaimed and their moods brightened.
“I’ll go set up the board games.” Daichi said with Sugawara following behind. The rest of the boys went to set up the snacks meanwhile you went to your room and placed the gifts there before heading to the kitchen to get some cold drinks.
“Y/N...” Tsukishima said out of nowhere scaring you.
“Tsukki, you nearly gave me a heart attack.” you said as you placed a hand over your heart chuckling.
“I’m sorry.” your chuckling stopped.
“It’s okay, babes. You didn’t know.” you said placing the drinks onto the kitchen counter.
“No, it’s not okay! Today is significant and an important day. I am so stupid for forgetting that it was your birthday.” Tsukishima looked down. This wasn’t like your boyfriend. The Tsukishima you knew wasn’t all apologetic and or so soft?
“Tsukki, it really is okay...” you went over to him and stood right in front of him before wrapping your arms around your salty dino.
“But it’s not.” he said mumbling. You sighed before bringing your hands to Tsukishima’s cheeks pulling him down a bit and bringing your lips together for a light kiss and going back into a hug position.
“Baby, it’s okay. I already forgave you for coming and you guys making it up to me by purchasing all this stuff and bringing all this stuff too. I promise.”
“Really? Cause I feel like a shitty boyfriend right now.”
“You will if you keep being all pouty and soft. That reminds me, since when were you so caring and soft?” you push your head away from Tsukishima’s chest giving him a puzzled look before he placed his hand on the back of your head and pushed you back to his chest.
“Shut up.” he grumbled while blushing and you giggled.
“WOAH- TSUKISHIMA’S BEING ALL CUTE IN THE KITCHEN WITH Y/N!” Sugawara said telling the group and from there started chaos.
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galactic-magick · 3 years
Remember Me: Agnes/Agatha Harkness x Reader
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Request: Ok so I have this idea for a wandavision fic. Agatha had a wife prior to westview, and the wife comes looking for her and gets zapped into the hex. The wife loses all memories prior to westview so when she sees Agnes for the first time she’s like head over heels in love with her all over again. Agnes of course absolutely recognizes her and remembers everything and decides to woo her wife into marrying her again. Of course shenanigans ensue. Also Agatha doesn’t want to just give her wife’s memories back cause she wants to protect her. I also think the wife’s personality is pretty opposite to Agnes’s, I see her as more quite and innocent, but still bubly and positive. I know this is a lot lol but I just think it would make a great fanfic!
Summary: You and Agatha have been married for years, but a rough fight causes you to take a break for a while. When you’re ready to try again you go looking for her, but accidentally get sucked into the hex in the process and lose all your memories.
Words: 3.6k+
Warnings: spoilers, some angst
Author’s Notes: This fic got pretty long cuz I just kinda ran with this amazing idea, hope you enjoy! 
Taglist: @nyx-aira @midnight-lestrange @thestrangeundoing @dreamydanvers @sleep-deprived-athlete @dr-robotnik-said-hella @fallingfor-fics @p-nymph​ @thelanawinterrs​ @sunproud
You feel…lost.
It’s as if something was at the tip of your tongue, something extremely important was on your mind a few minutes ago, but you can’t think of it for the life of you.
You’ve always struggled with directions, so you know you probably took a wrong turn. You remember driving into a town called Westview, and you’re pretty sure you’re here now, but your mind feels fuzzy. You can’t recall anything that happened to you before driving here. Your body feels like it got ripped apart and put back together, if that’s even possible.
You try your best to shrug off your concerns, and you start to feel more and more at home here. You know what, you have been here your whole life. You grew up here, you have friends here, and you never want to leave.
Despite that, though, you have no idea where your house is. You drive around, searching for anything that looks familiar, to no avail.
You see a woman picking some flowers outside, so you pull over and get out to talk to her.
“Good afternoon!” you wave. “I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m Y/N,”
“Hello!” she smiles. “I’m Wanda. Are you one of my neighbors?”
“Oh, um, yeah! I’m in the neighborhood,” you nod. “Those flowers are beautiful. Is there a special occasion?”
“Yes, actually! It’s me and my husband’s anniversary today! I’m planning a romantic evening to surprise him when he gets home. One of my other neighbors gave me some ideas and tips,” she laughs. “Oh there she is again!”
You turn around to look at the house next door, and see the most beautiful human being you’ve ever seen in your life. There’s something familiar about her, like a distant memory. She waves at Wanda, but when she sees you she stares. She can’t take her eyes of you, like she’s seeing a ghost.
“Agnes! Come here a second!” Wanda calls her over. “This is Y/N, she also lives around here. Have you met?”
She’s wearing a gorgeous yet simple plaid dress, and her smile is captivating. There’s a gleam in her eyes that’s magical, and you find yourself falling a little too hard for someone you just met. You’re not usually the type to lay your heart down so quickly, but something about her is different.
“Oh, no! I don’t think we have!” Agnes snaps out of her trance and shakes your hand. “I’m Agnes,”
“Lovely to meet you,” she momentarily turns her attention back to Wanda. “Now, is there anything else you need for tonight? Extra candles, more magazines, makeup?”
“Some more candles would be amazing, thank you,”
“Great, I’ll drop them off in a bit,” Agnes glances at you again. “Would you like me to walk you home, darlin?”
“Sure,” you start walking together down the sidewalk. “I’m sorry if this is weird, but I feel like I know you from somewhere,”
“Do you now?”
“Maybe you just have one of those faces,” you sigh. “Anyway, I honestly can’t remember where my house is. I’ve always been bad with directions,”
“Did you just move here recently?”
“Maybe?” you scratch your head. “I…think I’ve always been here, but maybe I left and came back. Is it weird that I can’t remember?”
“Not at all,” she smiles. “Is this it?”
You look, and there’s a house just a few down from Wanda’s that you can almost swear wasn’t there before. But it looks like home, it looks familiar.
“Yes! This is it!” you race up to the door, and find a key that fits perfectly in your pocket. “How’d you know this was mine?”
“I just had a feeling,” she says.
“Well, thank you very much,” you reply, about to close the door.
“Would you like to get some ice cream tomorrow?”
You nod, a bit surprised she’s so interested in you, “Sure,”
 You meet up again at the ice cream parlor the next day, and you’re shocked when you get there that Agnes has already ordered your favorite, and a couple scoops are in your grasp within a few minutes.
You sit down together and start eating it, “How’d you know this was my favorite?”
“Oh…um, you just seem like that kind of gal?” she takes a spoonful of her own.
When you’re both done, you take a walk around town, waving to other people you think you’ve seen in the neighborhood. It feels a little strange that you’re hanging out with Agnes for hours as if you’ve been friends for years, but at the same time it feels so right. It’s almost like she knows everything about you already, yet everything is still a mystery.
Later in the afternoon you attend the talent show together, and you find yourself laughing especially at Wanda and her husband Vision’s performance. Some of their tricks fool you enough into thinking they might be real, but how could they be? Magic is all just a trick on the eyes, isn’t it?
You say goodbye to everyone and turn in for the night, and you have a strange dream.
Agnes is there, but she looks different. Older? Younger? You’re not sure.
She smiles at you, and takes your face in her hands. She presses a kiss to your lips, and doesn’t let you go until you can’t breathe.
You continue to see snippets of you and her together, each time in a different place, maybe even a different era. You’re happy, it seems, the love is deep and strong, something so good you didn’t think it could exist.
Until the last one.
You’re yelling at each other, but you can’t make out the words, not even your own. You can almost feel tears streaming down your cheeks, and Agnes takes her bags and leaves. You fall on the couch, completely miserable. You can’t tell what happened, but the aching in your chest is enough to tell it was the worst thing you’ve ever experienced.
When you wake up the next morning, you don’t remember anything.
 The world is now in color, but you honestly can’t recall what it looked like yesterday, so it doesn’t seem strange to you.
You get a call from Wanda telling you she’s pregnant, and you congratulate her excitedly. She asks you to keep it under wraps except for close friends, which makes sense since it’s so early on.
Even though you have plenty of time before the baby arrives, you decide to go out to the store and pick out some stuff you could give her. You’ve never had children of your own so you’re not sure exactly what she’d need, but you know the basics, like clothes, teething toys, and blankets.
You look through the racks and piles, picking out a few things you think would be cute.
“Don’t tell me you’re pregnant now too, hun,”
You jump, and you see Agnes behind you.
“Oh! Agnes, hi!” you exhale quickly. “No, no, I’m not. I’m just picking up some things for Wanda. Maybe we could plan her a little baby shower or something?”
“I’m just kidding, hun. And that’s a great idea!” she pushes her cart forward a bit. “I’ll catch up with you later, okay?”
You nod as she hurries away.
 As you’re walking home, you see Agnes chatting with one of your other neighbors, Herb. You don’t particularly hear or care what they’re saying, but you stop in your tracks when you see something purple coming out of Agnes’s fingers.
Herb’s eyes roll back for a moment, and then they carry back on in conversation. After a few minutes Vision runs out of the house and talks to them a bit, then they all go their separate ways.
Maybe you were just seeing things, but something about that interaction was really weird.
You catch up with Agnes down the street, saying hello and asking how she is. She doesn’t seem to know you saw what happened, so you decide to ask yourself.
“What was that purple stuff coming out of your hands?”
“What?” she chuckles, scoffing as if you’re crazy. “What are you talking about?”
“I was walking by Wanda’s house earlier and I saw you talking to Herb, and there was something coming out of your hands. Maybe it was just weird light or reflections or something-“
“Oh, yes, that must be it,” she pats your shoulder. “Say, how about we grab some dinner or something?”
She raises a hand and strokes your head and hair, and it feels like a wave of calm rushes over you. She murmurs some words you can’t understand, and you forget what you were going to say.
“What was that for?” you giggle, cheeks flushing a bit at her tender touch.
“Oh, there was just something stuck in your hair, dear,”
 “Agnes,” you say, after taking the last bite of your dinner. You’ve had a wonderful night, you don’t think you’ve smiled and laughed so much in your life, and she makes your heart feel like it’s transcending to peak happiness.
“I really love hanging out with you,” you’re too nervous to say the actual words you want to say, and you desperately hope she understands.
“I love hanging out with you too,” she reaches for your hand. “I’ve missed you,”
You cock your head, “What do you mean?”
“Oh, nothing,” she laughs. “It’s just…been awhile since I’ve had someone in my life that I care about so much,”
You sigh as she squeezes your hand, “Do you believe in soulmates?”
“I might,” she grins. “Why?”
“I just…I know it’s so weird, but I feel like there’s something between us that’s beyond our control, you know?” you talk fast, hoping getting all the words out quickly will help you to say what you’ve wanted to say since you first met. “Maybe we were together in another life, another universe, I don’t know, it’s just…it’s not just me, right?”
She shakes her head, and you can almost see a tear in her eye, “No, it’s not just you,” she kisses the palm of your hand. “I wish I could tell you everything, I really do,”
“What do you mean?”
“But I can’t,” she stands up and waves her hand in front of your face, all memories of your conversation slipping from your mind. “It’s for your own protection sweetheart, I promise. Once I figure out how all this is happening, we can be together again,”
 Agnes walks you home that night, but you don’t want to leave. You’ve had such a wonderful time with her, and you can’t bear for it to end.
“Do you want to come inside?” you ask.
“Oh, honey, I don’t think I should,” she laughs.
“Please,” you beg. “Just for a little bit? I have some tea and cookies,”
“Alright,” she sighs. “Just for a little bit,”
You start boiling the water and arrange some cookies on a plate as Agnes sits down on the couch.
“What kind would you like?”
“I’ll take anything,” she says.
You return with a cup and plate for her and plop down on the cushion, “You know I should probably apologize,”
“For what, dear?”
“I just feel like I’ve been a bit forward, which is weird since I’m normally super reserved and shy, but I just feel so comfortable with you, ya know?” you sip your tea. “I feel like I’ve said or done something wrong. I can’t remember what, but I definitely did,”
“Oh darling, no,” Agnes shakes her head. “You’re perfect,”
“Yes, just as you always have been,” she lifts your chin and leans in, capturing your lips. “My everything,”
 You never knew what head over heels felt like until now.
You wake up smiling, barely able to contain your emotions. You kissed Agnes last night. You kissed Agnes last night.
You. You did.
You head over to Wanda’s that morning, wanting to meet the twins and give your gifts. When you walk in they’re crying very loudly and Wanda and Vision look stressed out of their minds.
“Hey, Wanda!” you give her a hug. “Baby troubles?”
“Yeah, they just…won’t stop crying,” she sighs in exhaustion.
“Do you need any help?” you ask. “Also, I got you some stuff,” you hand her the gift bag.
“Oh! Thank you so much!” she smiles in appreciation. “And yeah, could you? I’ve tried everything, but if you have any ideas on how to calm them down go for it,”
You start to rock the cradles a bit, when you hear the doorbell ring.
“Hiya kids!” Agnes strolls in. “Hey hun,” she winks at you.
“Oh Agnes!” Wanda says, relieved to have yet another person to help with the situation. “Oh, Y/N, could you actually grab some milk for them? There’s some formula on the counter in the kitchen,”
“Yeah, sure!” you smile at Agnes, your heart pounding a bit before you turn around to make the milk.
As you’re stirring, you hear Vision escalate into a panic, and then it falls mysteriously silent.
“Do you want me to take that again?” you hear Agnes say.
“You want me to hold the babies, should we just take it from the top?”
You hear Wanda laugh and the conversation continues on normally. You finish mixing up the milk and head toward the living room, but you meet Agnes running in to look for some liquor.
“Agnes! What do you think you’re doing?” you whisper.
“What do you mean? I’m just trying to help with the kids, just like you!”
“Yeah, but, you’re acting really weird,” you shake your head, staring at her in disbelief. “What were you talking about in there? Taking it from the top? What does that even mean?”
“Oh, honey, don’t worry. I’m just a little jazzed up today!” she kisses your cheek.
“Y/N! AGNES! The kids are gone!” Wanda gasps.
You rush in, and all of your turn around towards the stairs to see two definitely not baby boys in front of you.
“Ah, kids. You can’t control ‘em, no matter how hard you try,” Agnes chuckles, taking a sip of her drink.
Are you the only one that finds it strange that the twins randomly grew older right in front of you?
 That evening you go on another date with Agnes. She doesn’t bring up anything that happened this morning, but she does mention the tragedy of Wanda’s family’s dog passing away. You feel awful, especially since they got him recently.
For the most part it’s a normal date, you’re still very much in love with her and you have an amazing time.
But by the end of it when you’re heading back home, the eerie feeling returns, and you can’t keep ignoring it. You need answers, and you need them now.
“Something’s not right here, Agnes,” you observe. “Everyone here acts weird, especially Wanda and Vision, and even you sometimes. I don’t get it,”
“No!” you snap. “Every single time I’ve brought up feeling weird with you or in this town in general you distract me so I forget about it. You know something Agnes, I can tell you do. Why won’t you be honest with me? If we’re gonna do this relationship thing, we need to be honest with each other,”
She takes a deep breath, “I can’t,”
“Why not?”
“I can’t now, but I will,” she says. “This weekend, Halloween. Meet me at my house and I’ll tell you and show you everything,”
“Do you promise?”
“Yes, I promise,” she nods, then leans in to kiss you. “I just have to do a few more things first,”
She walks away.
 You stand outside her house on Halloween just as she asked, dressed in a cheap witch costume you found in your closet.
“Oh, look at us!” Agnes opens the door, eyeing you up and down and grinning. “We match!”
You laugh as she takes you hand and leads you to her car.
Before she pulls out, she turns to you, a glaze of fear in her eyes.
“Are you sure you want to know everything?”
“Yes,” you nod.
“Okay,” she presses down the pedal and drives.
She passes by all the familiar streets, into the neighborhoods you’ve never seen. There’s people outside that are barely moving, and the farther you go, the more frozen they become. It begins to scare you a bit, but you trust Agnes to explain everything to you when you get to your destination.
She finally stops the car at the last stop sign on the edge of town, and everything ahead looks like an empty field.
“You don’t remember how you got to Westview, do you?” she asks.
“No,” you shake your head. “I think I’ve been here a while, but my past is fuzzy,”
“But somehow you have memories of me?”
“I…” you search your thoughts. “I felt like I recognized you when we first met, yeah. But I don’t think they were actually memories,” you look into her eyes. “Why, do you think they’re real memories or something?”
“I know they are,”
“You mean, we were together before?”
“Yes,” she nods, and her gaze falls to the floor, unable to look at you. “But it didn’t end well. I made a lot of mistakes, and you asked me to leave, so I did. I’ve been all over the place, and I ended up here. Then all of a sudden, you were here too,”
You can’t believe what you’re hearing, “How come I don’t remember any of that?”
“Wanda created and controls this town. She wiped and changed your memories,”
“Wanda?” you scoff. “How would she even do that? And even if someone could do that, why would they? She’s so nice, you really think she’s controlling me?”
“I don’t know how she’s doing it, that’s what I’m trying to find out. But I know it’s her. She’s the only other magical being in this town, and she got her powers from an infinity stone. Maybe it’s just that, maybe she’s a mutant, maybe it’s chaos magic, I don’t know. But she’s the one,”
You shake your head, almost giggling at how ridiculous it sounds, “Agnes, no, you’re not making any sense. Magic? Infinity stones? Mutants? Are you serious? Come on, just tell me the truth,”
“I am telling you the truth,”
“Stop lying to me!” you storm out the car door, walking back towards town. Agnes calls after you, but you keep going. “I can’t be with you if all you’re going to tell me is complete bullshit!”
Your feet lift off the ground and you spin around, flying through the air towards her. You scream, and you see that same purple smoke coming out of her fingers that you saw before. She pulls you against her, one arm wrapped around your waist and another cradled around your head.
“It’ll all make sense now, sweetheart,”
She whispers a spell and all the memories flood back into your mind. Your real first meeting, your first kiss, your first date. Your wedding day, your first house. You see every moment, the good and the bad, the way she looked at you like you’re an angel every single day. You relive every anniversary, every holiday together, every tradition you shared, and finally the last moments together, and the day you decided you wanted your beloved wife back.
“Agatha?” you whisper.
“Yes,” she crashes her lips to yours, taking in everything she loves, everything she missed. You wrap your arms around her neck, kissing her deeply, a smile escaping every so often. You don’t care that it’s messy, you don’t care if your teeth get in the way, you’re in love and you never want to let her go again.
“I’m so sorry, darling,” she exhales, breathless.
“No, I’m sorry,” you say between more kisses. “I can’t live without you Agatha. I can’t,”
“It’s okay, we’re together again,” she slithers her fingers into your hair.
“But what now?” you wipe your teary eyes. “If you’re right about Wanda using magic to control everything, what do we do?”
“I’ve been dropping clues to make Vision suspicious, and I’ve been trying to get her to crack,” she says. “I have a feeling she might make it all crumble on her own. If it’s chaos magic like I think it is, it’s unpredictable and she might lose control if she keeps it up much longer,”
“Do you…think she’s doing it on purpose?”
“She has some consciousness of it, yes, but I don’t think she’s trying to hurt anyone,” Agatha replies. “But at the same time, I don’t think she’d hesitate to hurt anyone either if someone threatened her,”
“Oh,” you fall back in her arms a bit so you can look up at her. “How come you didn’t return my memories when we first met again?”
“I wanted to protect you. I was afraid you might get targeted if Wanda found out you remembered who you are, I doubt she’d hurt you but I couldn’t risk it,” she runs her thumb along your cheek. “Plus I thought it might be fun to fall in love with you all over again,”
You laugh, “It was kind of fun,”
She pulls you in for another kiss, “I love you, sweetheart,”
“I love you too,”
She holds you close, making up for all the lost time. You’re not sure what will happen or what you’ll have to deal with next, but you’ll do it together. Always, no matter what.
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jikyuz · 4 years
♡ treasure reaction: having an idol s/o ♡
“hiii <33 do you think you could do a headcannon where the boys have an idol s/o? like how they’d react to their s/o comebacks or small interactions on camera? i’m sorry if i’m not being specific :’)) but i love your writing,, keep up the good work <33” - anon
a/n: no need to be sorry! i don’t mind broad requests because it gives me a lot of creative freedom which i like ^^ also feel free to go check out my other idol s/o request here! - bee
♡ hyunsuk ♡
ready to hype you up every step of the way
if he’s free he goes to practice with you to watch you prepare for your next comeback
will help with lyric writing/producing if you do that
understands how hard it is and will be your rock
supports you with everything
if you’re on the same show/on camera at the same time
besides the occasional side glance i don’t think he would interact with you more than a normal amount
he’s the leader and doesn’t want rumors or anything to hurt treasure
so he would be very careful with that
but definitely sits with you while you get your makeup/hair done backstage because he’s happy that he can spend some more time with you
brags about you to his members while he watches your new mv
“woahhh look at them!! that’s my baby!!”
♡ jihoon ♡
as i said in my previous idol s/o reaction: the Proudest Boyfriend Ever
also a very protective boyfriend
all his other idol friends not in treasure know you’re his partner
you have to remind jihoon not to spoil anything about your comeback to his friends because he Will brag about you
wants to know all the details of your comeback and watch your dance practices
when he can he brings you (and your members) lunch/snacks to make sure you’re eating well
if you guys promote at the same time he will absolutely visit you backstage to wish you luck/give you good luck kisses
the makeup artists scold jihoon for kissing you and messing up your lip tint
but they think yall are the cutest so they don’t scold him too much
is very very subtle with interactions on camera
a lot like hyunsuk, since he’s a leader he doesn’t want to jeopardize the groups career/your career over rumors
but he also loves you so much so he would smile fondly at you and clap loudly for you
♡ junkyu ♡
again, as i said before, knows your dances front to back
is your hype man but moreso hypes you up when you need it
like yea he’s super supportive
but if you ever say you’re worried/upset about something
he turns on the hype switch
“babyyyy you’re the best! don’t doubt yourself!” *points to your dance practice video* “look at you! you did so well!”
texts you before you go on stage/go to a filming for something wishing you luck and that he’ll be watching and cheering from the dorm
so shy with interactions
if you’re on the same show junkyu won’t do anything that’s considered ‘too much’
but if your group is included in a random play dance or something
junkyu will go All Out
think junkyu dancing to cl’s ‘baddest female’ 
absolutely embodies the feel of your dance because he’s watched you practice it so many times
♡ yoshi ♡
probably one of the shyest/least likely to interact with you on camera
smiles and claps for you but doesn’t do much else
if you guys promote at the same time he’ll visit you in your waiting room for a moment to steal a quick kiss and then dart back to his room
while you perform yoshi just sits in the makeup chair with his eyes glued to the screen
smiles when you show up
the members tease him about his glazed over look he gets when he watches you perform
gushes about you to the members after your stage is done though
“did you see how they were center for the dance break?!”
if you compose/write lyrics he would love to just spend quality time with you in the studio
even if he’s just laying on the couch watching you work
he really values quality time so he would love to visit you in the studio and bring you lunch/dinner
knows only your lyrics to your songs
he loves your songs and hypes you up when you have a comeback
but he just loves listening to you and ends up just remembering your parts
♡ jaehyuk ♡
the Most Supportive Boyfriend
brings you and your members snacks/food during practice when he can
is really good friends with your members as well
every time you have a comeback he brings you flowers and sends flowers to music shows for your comeback stages
if you guys promote at the same time he will visit you in the waiting room and wish you luck
makes sure you’re eating well/enough
if you ever say you’re dieting jaehyuk will Hate It
“no you don’t need to! you’re perfect the way you are!”
when you get your first win jaehyuk absolutely cries
unless he’s on the stage promoting as well then he fights so hard to hold back and just smiles really widely/claps
but if he’s at home watching on the tv then he bawls
“i’m so proud of you, sunshine.”
if you stay late at the company to practice/produce/etc then jaehyuk joins you
because he wants to make sure you get some rest eventually
also because he likes spending time with you and watching you practice
♡ asahi ♡
the silent type of supportive boyfriend
when you have your comeback he will watch it over and over, smiling when you appear on screen
has your songs on repeat in the practice room and screams the lyrics/dances nonstop
when your concept photos come out he shows all the members with a big smile on his face
during your promotions asahi always texts you and reminds you to drink water/take a nap when you can/that you’ve going to great
always ends those texts with a heart
no rumors of you two ever come out because asahi is his normal quiet self during broadcasts/recordings
if you’re ever on camera together then he would just act normal
he’s mostly the silent supportive type but there are definitely exceptions to that
if you’re promoting at the same time, asahi will go to any tv he can in the waiting room just to watch your stage
does the fanchants..... very loudly and cheers loudly when it’s your part
also if you ever do a solo stage/cover/song then asahi is gonna blast it at 100 volume in the dorm and go wild
♡ mashiho ♡
Hype Man!!!!!!!
he would have all your albums on his shelf and if he could he would have one of your photocards in his phone case
knows all the dances to all your songs, all the fanchants and lyrics
probably one of the ones to interact with you the Most on camera
if you’re on the same variety show together he will laugh at everything you say, clap and smile at you
during music shows at the end when all the groups are together he would absolutely stare at you with a smile on his face
shared smiles and knowing glances from the other members of your group/treasure
when asked his ideal type he describes you
loves to visit you in the waiting room 
brings you food/snacks during practice, especially if you tell him you hadn’t eaten yet that day
whenever he can he visits you to see how practice is going
will help you with dance moves or help you learn cover dances
tries to teach you treasure choreo 
♡ yedam ♡
streams your comeback whenever he can
during breaks in filming stuff he has his phone in his hand and your mv on repeat
shows all the members the mv and points you out even if you’re at the back
wants to do a cover with you so badly because he thinks your voices would go well together
eventually you do a collab at an awards show and yedam is the Happiest Boy Alive
during variety shows or other broadcasts on camera he’s really professional
is able to separate his private life and his career pretty well 
plus he gives you plenty of affection backstage/when the cameras are off
knows all the lyrics to your songs and goes to you to learn the dance
when he can he likes to make you cute lil lunch bags for you and your other members to eat
buys you matching necklaces that neither of you take off so that when you’re on stage or recording something you can always remember him
“so i’m always close to your heart and you’re close to mine!”
♡ doyoung ♡
doesn’t interact with you on camera, at least not past the normal regular interactions
helps you out with dancing all the time
you need help with a dance cover? doyoung will help. 
having trouble with a move in your own choreo? he’s got it
likes to visit you when he gets out of practice because “seeing you is better than sleep”
gets so excited every time you have a comeback
like you would think he was part of the group with how hyped he gets
when your teasers drop he sends them to all the members on kakao and keyboard smashes in korean
is good friends with your members
hypes up your members as well but not as much as he hypes you up
knows the dance to all your songs and is the Resident Master when your songs come on random play dance
depending on when you/him go to practice, he will bring you and the other members coffee and a small snack so he knows you are eating
♡ haruto ♡
despite ruto being young, i think he’s pretty shameless when it comes to interactions on camera
like during a variety show if you show off a talent and the hosts ask ruto what he thinks, even if he’s seen you do it before, he stares with his mouth wide open
“wow, they’re really good”
but he’s also careful not to overdo it
if he visits you during practice he hypes tf out of you
yells so loud when you’re the center that it’s hard to hear the music
also hypes you up in the waiting room as well
kisses your forehead (much to the annoyance of the makeup artists lol) and takes pictures for you for instagram/twitter
“you’re gonna rock it, hun!” 
will be your Biggest Fan and will talk about your comeback/mv/concept photos to the members whenever he can
they even recorded him talking about you and sent it to you which you found adorable
♡ jeongwoo ♡
Hype Man!!!
absolutely cries when you get your first win because he’s so happy for you
sends you flowers whenever you get first place on a music show
though he’s your hype man, i think if you guys are on the same show together he might be a bit shy
like he is shameless when you aren’t there, he dances to your songs on tmap or whatever
and sings at the top of his lungs in the dorm when you have your comeback
but if you’re together on a show then jeongwoo tones it down because he knows how much rumors can hurt you/him
out of all the members, probably talks the most about you around the dorm/at practice
“have you seen their concept photos? their mv teaser? i have to be up at midnight for the music video release!”
plays your song whenever and wherever he can
has all your albums because he wants to support you however he can
♡ junghwan ♡
oh this cute babie
a lot like doyoung with interactions, is really shy when he’s with you on camera but maintains being professional
after you have a comeback junghwan will call you at 12:01 and tell you all the things he liked about the mv in specific detail
“the effects in the background when you showed up were so pretty! your makeup was so good! this dance looks really hard”
if you guys promote at the same time junghwan might try and visit you
but if he doesn’t then he texts you wishing you good luck
when you perform junghwan has all his attention on you
his mouth kinda falls open when he sees all of the cool effects and makeup and everything
blasts your songs at Full Volume in the practice room
excitedly talks to the members about your new comeback
makes them watch all the variety shows you are on
the cutest supportive bf ever >_<
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uwu-shinsou · 4 years
Summary: After an unexpected breakup, pro hero Ground Zero is the last person you expect to be comforting you. And also conducting a stakeout in your living room.
Warning(s): Language, themes of breakups
Pairing: Pro Hero!Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Genre: Hurt/comfort, I guess slight angst?, light fluff, Bakugo tries to be comforting
Word Count: 2.3K
A/N: Okay first off idk about the whole legality of a hero secretly having a stakeout in your home but let’s just IGNORE that pls and thnx LOL. I was scrolling through AUs and saw one that was like “im an assassin conducting a stakeout in your house and you weren’t supposed to be home until next week” and I said okay but what if it was pro hero Bakugo and BAM HERE WE ARE!! So pls enjoy my first baku fic, I tried to make him just as fiery but also slightly more mature since he be a PRO in this 😌
You gotta be honest, the last thing you were expecting to come home to was a famous pro hero conducting a stakeout in your living room.
You hadn’t even planned to be home at all this long weekend. You and your boyfriend had planned a weekend trip together, driven all the way to the hotel, only for him to promptly break up with you and confess that he’d been seeing another girl for almost the entirety of your relationship. You’d dumped him, kicked his butt out of the car, and promptly driven two hours back home, trying your best not to cry over it.
You’d lugged your suitcase up five flights of stairs to your door, fumbling with your house key before sliding it into the lock. You tiredly stepped into the dark apartment, closing your door behind you with a sense of finality.
While locking the door, you began to mumble out the stream of consciousness that had been running through your mind since the moment you left the hotel.“If I ever see his face again I’m seriously gonna break his nose. How dare he even-” 
You walked a few steps forward into the living room, only to freeze up and let out a screech as the dark outline of a person moved from your couch. Your hand shot out behind you, and the metal baseball bat that you kept near the door flew through the air and into your hand. You took a prepared stance, ready to bash the intruder’s head in with your weapon.
“You have three seconds to tell me who you are before I start swinging!” You hiss, readying the bat.
“You aren’t supposed to be here,” The darkened figure said, taking a step towards.
“No! No, do not come any closer to me. I’ve had a very bad day and I will take my anger out on you!” You threaten, pointing that bat at the intruder to act as a barrier.
“Hey! Don’t do anything fucking rash! I’m just turning on the light, okay?” In a moment you were blinking into the soft light of the room, gaping at the man who you’d almost just clobbered with a bat.
Your arms slowly lowered, the tip of the bat resting on the floor as you blinked in disbelief. “...Ground Zero?” You asked dumbly.
“Yeah, that’s me,” He answered curtly. “Now what the hell are you doing here?”
You looked at light haired hero in disbelief before glancing around the room. “Uhhh, this is my apartment? We’re standing in my living room, and you were sitting on my couch. I think I’m the one who should be asking what you’re doing here.” You slung the bat over your shoulder and glared at him, trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach from the fact that one of Japan’s top pro heroes was standing in your living room. 
“I don’t have to tell you anything,” He grumbled, walking back to the couch and grabbing his phone. “WHAT THE HELL?” Ground Zero yelled as his phone flew out of his hand and into yours. His eyes closed and he huffed out an angry sigh. “Fucking telekisnesis. I forgot that was your quirk.”
Your mouth opened in surprise and you clutched his phone to your chest. “How do you know what my quirk is?”
Ground Zero opened his eyes and glared harshly at you. Questioning and antagonizing the most temperamental pro hero was probably not my smartest move you thought as he began stalking towards you.
“F/n L/n, early 20s, telekisnesis quirk, barista and occasional babysitter, lives alone, has been dating her boyfriend for five months, and, most importantly, isn’t supposed to be home for four days because she was on a trip with her shitty ass boyfriend!” He finished his statement with a growl, and his red eyes felt as if they were burning a hole in your face.
You averted your gaze, shuffling your feet as you mumbled, “Well you’re right that he is a shitty ass boyfriend.”
“Listen, I don’t have tme for your drama. According to our intel, you shouldn’t be here until Monday night,” He said accusingly.
“Well I didn’t want me to be back this early either!” You said, letting go of the bat and sending it back to it’s spot by the door. Your hands tightened into fists in frustration and you pushed past the intimidating hero, making your way into the kitchen.
“Hey- don’t you fucking walk away from me!” Ground Zero stomped behind you, staring in disbelief as you started rummaging through your pantry. “I asked you a question!”
You turned around to face him, holding a full package of cookies. “Guess what, Ground Zero? I don’t care!” You exclaimed, opening the package. “Honestly? I don’t even care why you’re in my apartment! Go ahead, make yourself at home! Sit on my couch, eat my food, watch my TV, it doesn’t even matter! The past five months of my life have been a fucking lie, so please just leave me alone to cry in my room and eat my feelings away.” You shoved a cookie into your mouth and tried to step past him. The hero side stepped into your path, and no matter which way you tried to go, he was in front of you. You were just about ready to take a swing at him when he started talking.
“Y/n,” He said. Hearing him use your name startled you enough to stop you in place. He huffed out a quick sigh before speaking. “We’ve been tracking down a rising villainous organization for half a year now. Eveytime that we get close to making the bust, they pick up and move operations. This time, we’re one step ahead of them.” He gently took your arm and guided you back into the living room and over to the window. “We have to take extra precautions when dealing with them, since any sign that the police are on to them causes them to run.” He points out the window to the building next door. It was a squat, rectangular warehouse of four stories. With you apartment being on the fifth floor, it had the perfect view in through a poorly covered sky light. 
The pro hero switched out the lights in the room, allowing you to see clearly out and into the other building. You crouched down to get an even better look, and Ground Zero lowered himself down next to you. He handed you a pair of binoculars and pointed to the left side of the skylight, where you could see a group of people working at a long table. Looking through the binoculars brought the figures into clearer view.
“Ground Zero, are they-”
“Bakugo,” He said, interrupting you. “Just- Bakugo is fine, okay?”
You glanced at him in surprise before looking back into the adjacent building. “Alright then, Bakugo. Are they making-” You squinted and focused harder on the objects lying on the table. “Support items?”
“Yeah that’s right,” He responded. “A black market organization for support items to supply to villains. We’ve been through hell trying to track the weapons back to them, but we had a breakthrough a few weeks ago.”
You hummed in thought, shoving a cookie in your mouth before offering one to the pro hero. Bakugo’s eyebrows raised in surprise, but he accepted it nonetheless.
“So you needed my apartment to finish getting your dirt on them, and then you planned on doing your big bust?”
“More or less, yeah. And being here,” He gestured vaguely to your apartment. “Was critical because that skylight was in the perfect place to capture incriminating photos of them doing deals earlier tonight. We’re fucking finally ready to finish this.”
“And how many heroes are on this job, exactly?”
Bakugo held up a hand, counting on his fingers as he thought through it. You hid a smile behind your hand at the gesture. “I guess a dozen or so, plus the local police force. There’s a good number of those shitty criminals in there, but we’ve faced a lot worse.”
You sighed, eating another cookie. “Well, sorry that my breakup got in the way of your important hero plans. I could leave I guess, maybe stay with a friend for the weekend-”
“Shut the hell up, I’m not gonna kick you out of your own damn apartment,” He said, rising from his spot on the floor beside you and going back to his supplies laid out on the couch. “I’m not exactly a very patient person so the bust is happening within an hour anyways. There are heroes and police stationed all around in the other buildings and streets, so I won’t be in your hair for that much longer.”
“Oh,” Was all you said, slowly putting a cookie in your mouth. 
The hero stopped fiddling with his supplies and plopped onto the couch, his furrowed eyes meeting your gaze. You raised an eyebrow in question, holding out the cookie package in a silent offering.
“No that’s not- did you say ‘breakup’?”
You huffed out a humorless laugh. “Uh huh. Bastard was cheating on me for basically our entire relationship. I guess I just wasn’t good enough or something.” You bit the inside of your lip and looked down at your lap, furiously trying not to cry. I’ve already embarrassed myself enough, I definitely do not need him to see me crying right now.
“But don’t worry about me, I should just leave you to get ready to, er- arrest some criminals and- do your hero stuff.” You quickly stood up, clutching the cookie package to your chest, and tried to make your way past him while hiding you face. “I’ll just- go sit in my room so I don’t bother you.”
You’d almost made it to the hallway when you suddenly bumped into something that was definitely not your furniture.
You let out an “oof” as you collided with Bakugo’s chest, his hands landing on your shoulders to steady you. You glanced up at him, and his face showed he was just as surprised as you were. He then realized he was still touching you, and took his hands off your shoulders like it had burned him.
“Listen- it’s shitty that he did that to you, and there’s no way you deserved it,” Bakugo said, and the absolute sincerity of it made you burst into tears.
Bakugo started to panic then. “Oh shit, what’s wrong? Did I say it wrong or-” He cut himself off as you vehemently started shaking your head, trying to rub the tears away.
“No no no no,” You said, assuring him. You sniffled, desperately trying to stop your crying. “I guess that I just-” A fresh wave of tears hit you and started rolling down your face, making Bakugo hover his hands in front of him, unsure of what to do. 
“I know that I’m not very good at this, but if you want I can go and beat the shit out of him or something,” He said, making you laugh as you wiped your face.
“I was trying to say that it just- meant a lot to me, that you said that,” you said as you started to calm down. “I didn’t really believe it before, that I didn’t deserve that to happen to me, but when your favorite pro hero says it to you…” You shrugged, giving him a wobbly smile. “Maybe it is true.”
He gave you an assuring smile that you could almost call a smirk. “Well you better believe it, honey, because it’s the truth.” He paused, smugly crossing his arms. “So, your favorite hero, huh?”
“Ahaha,” you felt your face go warm, and you gave him a sheepish smile. “Sorta kinda yeah.” The admission seemed to surprise him, like he didn’t know how to respond.
The beeping of Bakugo’s phone in the living room drew the two of you out of the moment. He bumped his shoulder playfully into yours as he passed. “Glad to hear that I’m your favorite.”
You scrambled to the kitchen to put away your cookies and splash a bit of water on your face as he answered the phone. You could just make out his conversation over the running water.
“What’s up, nerd?... Yeah, I know. I got all the pictures we needed... Good. Everything’s still quiet in there… Got it, I’ll see you in a few.” 
He hung up his phone just as you edged into the living room, watching him glance out the window into the criminal’s headquarters. He let out a huff of a sigh as he started packing up his things. 
You wandered in a little bit further. “So it’s time, then?” You asked. He looked up at you as he finished his packing.
“Yeah, time to beat some villain asses,” He said, shouldering his bag. “You gonna be alright?”
You gave him a soft smile. “I will be. I already feel a lot lighter, like the weight of a whole ass grown man has been released from my body.” Bakugo let out a snort of laughter before falling quiet. “Really, I will be.” You reassured him.
“Of course. But I was serious, if you ever need me to go and knock him around-”
You snickered at him. “Very hero-like.”
“Hell yeah it is,” He responded as you walked him towards the door, opening it for him. “Also maybe don’t go around telling people this happened, ‘cause I’ll probably get my ass kicked for sharing classified information.”
“My lips are sealed, pinky promise,” You said, holding your pinky out towards him. He scoffed but linked his pinky with yours nonetheless. “Good luck, Bakugo.” You started pulling your hand back before he grabbed it and pressed something into it.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” He said with a wink before making his way downstairs and out into the night. You slowly closed the door, leaning back against it and taking a deep breath before opening your hand.
Inside was a scrap of paper with a phone number scrawled across it, and the words “your fav hero” written below.
You may have looked out your window a little more than usual during the rest of the night.
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miyaniacs · 4 years
Hey!! I think this is an emergency request? But I was wondering if you could do an x reader in which she has an ED and self harms with Yamaguchi, Oikawa and Akaashi? If the topic makes you uncomfortable, could you just do fluff with those three? I’ve been feeling terrible lately and I need comfort like this rn this would mean a lot to me thank u :) i don’t wanna feel like im pressuring u into anything so if you don’t feel comfortable writing this it’s totally fine!!! Thank you :D
Hiiii :)
Sorry it took so long - I was really sleeping in & needed to finish an Assignment that’s due to tomorrow 💀 also... I'm sorry I just did Yams and Oikawa... I really wanted to do Akaashi, because he’d just be perfect on how he’d act in this situation... but I just couldn't get myself to write for one more rn... and I want to post it for you.. I can still make one for Akaashi another day, just sent in another request baby ❤️🥺
ALSO my messages are open love, I know how you feel so hit me up if you wanna talk 🥺
Ok so just a Little disclaimer - it could happen that I’ll write some personal experiences/ thoughts since I think I had an ED / developed one (but kinda stopped it getting worse ) and it still pops up here and there ( actually just last week ) - like I never been diagnosed but still I’m pretty sure lol
Also idk what kind of ED you got BUT I belive it’s probably under eating / binge eating so I mainly include those
Warnings : mentions of selfharm & ED
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HC s/o with an ED and Self harms 
alright ... so ....... you stayed over at his the night
You two made dinner and it was all prefect
You quickly went to the bathroom afterwards tho
Then you came back and helped him cleaning up the dishes
He was joking around and you laugh and push up your sleeves and start cleaning
Yams suddenly stops laughing and just stares at you
“Yams? what's -” you stop and realise what you just did
Today was such a good day, you totally forgot about your breakdown last night, after failing to do any of the things you were supposed to do that day and stepping on the scale realising you gained weight.
“ I- I - can... Can we just forget you saw this?” you stutter and pull down your selves again 
Obviously he won't just forget it
he gently takes one of your hands and leads you to the living room and sits down on the couch with you
“Why?” he whispers 
you just stare at him, unsure if you can tell him the real reason 
after a few minutes of silence you begin to talk 
you tell him everything 
the second you start talking you can’t stop 
the words spill out of your mouth, happy that you can finally get all those toxic thoughts out of your head 
Tears start streaming down your face while you tell him you’re feeling not good enough, like a failure, like you're trying to loose weight and developed an ed, yet you’re still to stupid to loose any weight etc so you just feel like you have to ... like punish yourself? 
Yams listens to you carefully and with every word his eyes get more and more glassy 
after you finished talking, he pulls you into the tightest hug ever
“baby... why haven't you told me, I'm always here for you, you shouldn't deal with all of this alone” 
sooo you stay in this position for a little longer, you both trying to calm down and stop crying
“Now... let me tell you - I will keep on telling you this over and over again, every single day of my life if I have to - you are enough, you are perfect in my eyes, you don’t have to loose any weight, but if you want to, then do it in a healthy way... I willing to help you in any way possible.” He takes your hands and moves them up to his face, kissing your knuckles
the rest of the night, you cuddle, him trying to confound every toxic thought you have 
he also gifts you a soft hair tie and makes you promise him, that you would use this, instead of hurting yourself 
his phone is also from now on not silent anymore in case you need someone to talk to at night 
the next weeks, he’s getting up earlier, making you some healthy, low calorie lunch so you don’t have to feel pressured to eat in the cafeteria and feel the need to throw up again afterwards. He’ll also tries to increase the cals, every other week. 
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He probably realises that something is up, the second his stupid ass walks into the bathroom when you just got out of the shower
It’s winter so you always wore sweatshirts and those cute wide leg pants
also you haven't been feeling good the past weeks, so there wasn't really a chance for Oikawa to see you in tight clothing or well ... no clothing at all. 
so when he saw you for this small second just now, his heart drops 
he just stands there shocked, tears already running down his face, not moving a muscle 
“Y/N...  I - since when - Why - I- “ he stutters not able to find the right words 
You stood still, towel in your hands, shocked expression on your face 
this is like your worst nightmare, he shouldn't see this, at least not now, not like this 
“Tooru, I can explain...” you stutter and look down at the ground 
“If you don’t want to, you don’t have to ... I just.. can I hold you?” He whispers in between small snobs 
you nod and he takes a set forward, carefully placing his arms around you, now afraid he could hurt you or break you 
He doesn't feel your soft curves anymore, his fingers are now met with the little bumps of your rips 
You hide your face in his neck and start crying 
the snobs make your body shake, which made him feel your bones move under his hands - which results in him crying even more 
“You’re just so perfect and I'm just me... all those beautiful girls who fall for you, with their skinny legs and waist, looking so delicate... I didn’t want you to be ashamed of me...” 
how couldn’t he notice? WHY haven't he? HE could NEVER be ashamed of you NEVER 
WHY was he so busy with Volleyball? he should have noticed that you weren't eating.. but he always thought you’ve eaten before... 
after you calmed down, he takes the towel and helps you getting dry, his eyes always stuck to small red lines on your legs, right under your hips
he walks over to where you kept your medics and all the first aid stuff and started treating your wounds 
He takes off his hoodie and puts it over your head and picks you up bridal style, carrying you to the bed 
He puts you down and quickly hurries to the kitchen and makes some tea for you 
You’re now seated in between his legs, your back resting on his chest while his arms are wrapped around you, rocking you from side to side, while you two watch some Disney movies 
after you finally fall asleep he takes out his phone and reads all the articles on the internet about self harming and ed’s. 
He makes a note on his phone where he writes down all the things he could do to help you, and all the little signs so he knew when one of your conditions gets worse again 
he makes sure that from now on, you two eat at least one meal together
he’s always encouraging you, if you feel like not eating, he begs you to at least eat one small bite, if you feel like eating the whole salad, girl, he’s hyping you up so much 
he sees that you gained some weight? 
omg be prepared for a full week of him praising you of how beautiful you are, hyping you up, etc 
he is spoiling you to the Max 
he is willing to fly you to London, Paris, La, etc so you get the best clothes available 
some small things he also do is : form that one night on, every day, he sends you a voice note of him telling you how amazing you are, how much he loves you, and lists at least 10 things why he loves you and why he’s proud of you - so from now on, before you grab that one small blade, you listen to this voice note and if that doesn't help, you only need to text him  🆘  and he’s already faceting you, dropping everything he was doing and getting to your house asap
also he’s probably trying to get you into working out with him, so he can control that you don’t overwork yourself and helps you gaining more muscles again and tells you about the benefits of weight lifting, since muscles burn calories while doing nothing at all, YET they need top be feed to remain 
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annab-nana · 4 years
Who Is He - Colby Brock
While at a normal day of work, Y/n gets an influx of images of what looks like Colby all over another girl. Distraught, she leaves work, talks to her best friend, and goes home to deal with her “cheating” boyfriend.
Warnings: some curse words
Word Count: 2.6k+
"I'm going on break, Mel. See you in thirty!" I say as I grab my wallet and head out the door to the food court. Melanie waves at me before I exit. Mel and I both work at a boutique in the mall called EnEx, short for Envious Expressions. I have several work friends, but Mel and I are the closest.
I make it to the food court, grab me some Chinese food, and go back to EnEx to eat in the break room. As I eat, I scroll through my phone, replying to a few texts I received earlier while I was working.
Dev: Hey! What are you doing after work? I was wondering if you wanted to go get our nails done. I NEED to get mine done bad lol
Y/n: I so would but I don't get off until super late at 10:30. How about tomorrow?
Dev: Yesssss! See you tomorrow ❤️
Then I had some messages from Colby.
Colbs💜: im ready for you to be home
Y/n: It's only been a few hours, love
Colbs💜: a few hours too many
Y/n: You'll survive. If I can be without you for all these TFIL and XPLR trips, I'm pretty sure you can be without me while I'm at work.
Colbs💜: i know, you know i love you right?
Y/n: Yes babe, you remind me of that every chance you get. I love you too ❤️
Colbs💜: well i guess i'll let you get back to work baby, see you later
Y/n: Okay bye love
After that, I started scrolling through Instagram, liking several pictures from my friends and fan stuff of Colby and me. I loved that Colby's followers weren't super hateful towards me and our relationship. In the beginning, things were kind of rough but once people realized that I'm not going anywhere and am staying in Colby's life, the hate died down. Now people make edits of me and him both together and separately. Some people even have fan pages of just me, which is still so insane to me and crazy to think about. But I love to just scroll through the ones with me or Colby or the both of us and like the pictures or videos and read the stories. Lots of the stories were so interesting and well-written and some were spot on with our personalities or things we would say. I'm still not used to all of this and I don't think I will truly ever be.
My DMs are also filled with several fans messaging me and I love to talk back with them and get to know them and if I ever get to meet them, it makes the encounter so much better. I normally check them while I'm on my break so that's what I do. However, when I open them, I am not met with the typical fans' messages. I have several direct messages from fans and other random people sending me pictures. Each one I open brings more and more tears to my eyes.
Apparently, Colby was not at Jake’s filming a video as he had told me. He was at the bar and had his arm around another girl. Some pictures had them kissing and in others, they were hugging. Not in any of them could I see his face, but I could see the wolf and moon tattoos that were inked into his triceps clear as day.
Calming myself down was the hard part. I have no idea what to do. I grabbed a napkin and dried my tears before looking at Snapchat to see my reflection. I can't stay at work and focus on folding clothes and running the cash register while these pictures flutter around in my mind. Once I made sure it didn't look like I was just crying, I walked to my boss's door and knocked.
"Come in," Janine said quickly. I pushed the door slightly open and slipped in. Janine's hazel eyes glanced up from the papers she was shuffling through to meet mine. She could tell something was up with me and gestured towards the chair sitting in front of her desk 
"What's wrong y/n?" Janine asked me as she set her papers to the side. She has always understood me, and I love that about her, even though it got on my nerves sometimes.
"Umm... I need to leave. Some personal stuff came up and I can't be here right now." I tell her in hopes she'll understand. She gives me a sad look before nodding her head.
"You can go. I'll call Sadie or Gracey to see if they can cover you and if they can't, I will. Do you want to tell me what's going on or do you want to head on home?" Her sweet voice asks me. I give her a small smile as I stand up.
"I'm going to go home now, but I'll tell you about it next week. Thank you," I say as she stands, and we hug. We say goodbye and I gather my things.
"Where do you think you're going?" I hear Mel chuckle from behind me.
"I'm going to Xepher's because my boyfriend is a piece of shit," I confess to her.
"Woah, what the fuck happened?" Mel grabs my shoulder to turn me around and the tears fill my eyes once again. I pull out my phone and show her the pictures. Her eyes widen as she goes through them all and then she turns my phone off.
"Oh y/n," she whispers before pulling me into her embrace. Her comforting hand runs up and down my back and we pull away from each other. "I've got to head back but go to Xepher's. Tell her I said hey and dump that loser. Love you, girl!" I hug her and grab my stuff before walking to my car.
Once I'm in my car, I let the tears flow as I make my way to my best friend's house. I pull in and walk to her door. My hand knocks against the wood door and my friend comes to it in response.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" She asked as she saw my tear-stained face and pulled me into her apartment. We walked into her living room where Griffin was.
"What happened?" Griffin asked as Xeph sat me down between the two. I explained everything to them and showed them the pictures. There was no denying that it was Colby in the photos. 
"It's obvious that Colby doesn't appreciate you. You deserve so much better," Griffin told me as he wrapped his arms around me, comforting my sobbing self.
"I thought I had a good one, but Xeph, you have the best one out there. Don't let anything happen to him." The two chuckle at my response before getting serious again.
"So, what are you going to do?" Xepher asked me, grabbing my hand and rubbing the back of it with her thumb. I shrugged.
"I don't know. I kind of want to wait it out to see how long he is going to lie to me about it. But if he doesn't say anything in the next few days, then I'm just going to disappear for a week and get a much-needed vacation or something." Xepher gives me an understanding nod before I stand up.
"I'm going to head home now. It's about time for me to come home from work anyway. Wish me luck guys." I say before hugging them both and leaving to take the dreaded journey home.
I walk into my shared apartment with Colby and set my keys down on the counter. The house appears to be empty which makes me even angrier. Who is he out with now without me knowing? I walk past the living room and head to the bedroom.
"Y/n!" I hear Colby's voice ring from the office room. His footsteps approach me, and I feel his arms wrap around my waist and he plants tiny kisses all over the side of my face and neck. I almost forget everything and reciprocate the same feelings, but I hold back.
"Hey, I had a bad day at work and I really just want to shower and go to bed. Sorry, love," I tell him as I pull his arms away from me and walk into the bathroom. He follows and leans against the doorframe.
"Do you want to tell me about it?" He asks me, concern laced in this deep voice. I roll my eyes to myself and turn around to face him.
"Not right now. Maybe later?" I say and he nods. I close the door and turn to face my reflection in the mirror. I felt like I had no more tears left in me and I just looked sad. I stripped my clothes and took a long hot shower. I wrapped myself up in a towel and walked into our bedroom to find something to sleep in. Normally, I would wear one of Colby's shirts and some underwear to bed, but I decided to wear one of my oversized shirts and a pair of shorts. I left to go back to the bathroom and brushed through my hair. Then, I went back to our room and climbed into bed. As soon as I did, I heard his footsteps. I felt the bed dip next to me and soon, his arms found their way around my waist.
"Are you sure you don't want to talk about what happened at work today?" Colby whispers in my ear as his hand rubs up and down my side.
"Yes Colby," I reply as I roll onto my stomach, attempting to fall asleep. I feel Colby scoot closer to me and whisper, "I know what will cheer you up."
That sentence is followed by the sensation of a pair of lips against my neck. I tried my best to ignore it, but that proved to be harder than I thought. I couldn't help the way he made me feel and right now, I hate myself for it. His trail of kisses traveled from my neck up to my cheek until they got close to my mouth.
"Colby, I don't want to do this right now," I mumble against his lips. He pulled away from me, sadness and confusion evident upon his face.
"Did I do something? I don't know why, but I'm getting this feeling that you're mad at me," Colby admitted. I rolled my eyes and let out an annoyed huff.
"Well gee, I wonder what gave you that impression," I responded, hearing the immense amount of sarcasm rolling off my tongue. The bitch in me was coming out, but the douche bag in him came out last night when his dumb ass cheated. The level of anger in me was at an all-time high. I don't think I ever been this angry and hurt by someone and the sad thing is that I thought Colby was the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with.
"Y/n?" I hear his voice call out to me. I sit up and turn around to face him as I watch his face grow sad as he stares at me. A few tears had disobeyed me and fallen out of my eyes anyway.
"Why?" I ask him sincerely as the tears stream down. He reaches for my hand to soothe me, but I pull my hand away, placing it in my lap.
"Why what? I don't know what happened. Why you're so upset?" he questioned. That ticked me off. He knows exactly what he did. I rose to my feet and stood by the window, gazing out of it and watching people walk by. They look so happy. I wish I was as happy as they appeared to be.
"Colby, you know what you did. It's all over Instagram and everyone's been dming me about it. Don't play dumb. It's not a cute look on you." I stated. I could practically feel the anger coursing through my veins. I felt like I could actually explode at any given moment.
By the look on his face, I could tell he was taken back. I've never acted like this around him because he has never given me a good reason to. I don't normally behave this way unless someone seriously pisses me off.
"Y/n, I am being completely honest when I say this, but I have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Will you please just tell me what I did?" he pleaded. My eyes automatically roll again as I reach for my phone that was sitting on the bedside table and open the sunset-colored app. I open my direct messages which have new messages about the subject and toss it to him.
"Explain that," I demand as I fold my arms across my chest and resume my stare out the window. I hear a hum come from him and my gaze becomes fixated on him again.
"That's not me," he tells me as he places my phone down in front of him on the bed.
"What the fuck do you mean it's not you? It looks just like you. The dark hair. A black shirt with black jeans which was what you were wearing last night when you went off to... Where was it you said you went? Oh yeah, filming at Jake’s. I've been to his place and it doesn't look like that. And the fucking moon and wolf tattoos, Colby. How is that not you?" I basically scream at him.
"Did you see my face?" He asks calmly.
"No, but Colby everything else-" I start but he cuts me off.
"DID you see my face?" He reiterates. I let out a sigh of defeat and shake my head.
"No," I almost whisper.
"Do you want me to call Jake and ask him if I was with him last night? Do you want me to ask Kat if he saw me with Jake at Ralph's last night? Do you want me to dm Luke and ask him if he was at the bar last night?" Colby questions me.
"Who's Luke?" I ask him and he grabs my phone before showing me a picture that he had posted on his secret account on Instagram. The image had Colby and another guy, Luke I'm assuming, and they both had the wolf and moon tattoos on the back of their arms. From behind, they look the exact same. Well, I feel like shit.
"You don't have to call anyone. I believe you. I'm sorry. I jumped to conclusions and didn't think." I said as I looked down at the ground. I feel like such a piece of garbage. Colby walked up to me and pulled me into his forgiving embrace. There, I broke into tears. I felt so bad for just assuming that he would do that when I know he wouldn't.
"Hey it's okay. I would have thought the same thing. We look almost identical from that angle. At least I know not to mess with you now, " he laughed which got a small giggle from me.
"I don't want to lose you. That's what I was afraid of, that I had already lost you." I confess as I cry into his chest.
"Y/n, baby, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere," he says, and I pull away from him, only to go in for a kiss.
"I love you," I whisper against his lips, going back in for more.
"I love you more," he whispers back, and a blush rose to my cheeks.
"Now how about you cheer me up the only way you know how?" I whisper seductively in his ear. A cheeky grin spreads across his face and he nods. Picking up where he left off, his lips travel from my lips to my ear where his nibbles on it lightly before whispering in it.
"Maybe Luke should go out more often if it ends up like this."
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dobrikburrito · 5 years
Being david’s girlfriend and being super close to natalie and like hanging out with her. So when you and david break up its difficult but you still hangout and its like from natalies pov where she sees two of her best friends sad and like david asks natalie how his ex is doing and stuff so basically sad and angst lol
a/n: sorry about the delay guys, will start posting right now. ♥
“Oh my God, do you even hear yourself right now?!” You yelled at David in the living room. “You really don’t see what’s wrong here?”
David shook his head, rolling his eyes and sliding both his hands all over his face.
“It’s the same argument, over and over again.” David said out loud, throwing his hands up in the air. “What do you want me to say, (Y/N)?! For once in your life tell me what you want instead of playing games waiting for me to guess.”
You took one step back, shocked. “You’re a big boy, David. Just because everyone else does what you want and says what you wanna hear, doesn’t mean I need to.”
David growled in frustration. “You always find something wrong with everything. How am I supposed to keep up with all that?”
“Oh I’m sorry to be the only one to pop your precious bubble.” You walked all the way over to David. “But sure, you want to hear me say it, I’ll tell you everything.”
“(Y/N)…” David closed his eyes and sighed.
“We canceled plans four times this week because you had to shoot. You take hours to answer one text from me while you’re editing, but I saw you getting one text from Liza and stopping everything to answer back. I have to drop everything to follow you around, when I ask you to come with me to my sister’s wedding, you need to check your schedule.” You told him all in one go, shooting flares from your eyes, but also holding back the tears. “Your friends needs always come first. I’m always second. God forbid I have something that will help my own career that can get in the way of what you need. You say you don’t want to come out publicly to protect me, but I hear you talking to Jason that you don’t want to have another break up video in case this doesn’t work out.”
The tears were rolling down your eyes and you couldn’t stop them. Your voice was angry and hurt. David was staring back at you, listening to everything you were saying, but not even trying to argue back. He knew you were right.
“It’s your world, David. And I’m just a convenient pawn to distract you and entertain you whenever you feel like it.” You finished, clearing your face from the tears. “It’s very tiring to have to fight a raging stream alone to make this work.”
You saw the tears in his eyes, the hurt, the disbelief. There was a shade of disappointment there, from himself. Yet, he didn’t know what to say nor what to do. Everything seemed too broken.
“(Y/N)…” He took one step in your direction, but stopped himself when you took one back away from him. “I’m…”
“I can’t do this anymore, David.” You shook your head, completely destroyed. “And you don’t know how hard it is for me to say those words because I love you so… so much.”
“(Y/N), don’t do this. We can… We can work this out… We…” His voice was shaky and he cleared his blurry eyes filled with tears. “Don’t give up on us.”
“I didn’t, David. All I did was fight for us.” You picked up your purse and keys on the couch. “You’re the one who didn’t even try.”
David stood there, watching you leave. His whole body was hurting, his heart completely torn. Deep down, he didn’t really think you’d ever leave him, but seeing you do that exact thing right now was crushing his bones.
The moment he heard your car drive away, he ran to his room, crying and shutting the door harshly.
Two days have passed since they’d broke up. David was barely eating anything. Lying in his bed all day, either sleeping or distracting himself with some Netflix show. He barely spoke a word, neither wanted to talk about it.
Jason looked from the hallway back to me. “How is he today?”
I shook my head, taking a sip of water. “I’ve never seen him like this before. I got him to eat three bites of a burrito yesterday. One sip of water. He won’t talk to anyone about it or her.”
Jason closed his eyes and sighed for a second. “This is bad. I tried calling him so many times and nothing. I tried bargaining with vlog ideas to shoot, turned me down each time.” He stopped to think for a second, looking back at me. “Have you heard from (Y/N)? I know you grew pretty close to her as well.”
I nodded, looking down. “I’m meeting her back at her apartment in a couple hours. Barely heard from her either, but Stass said that it’s bad.”
“Stass has been there?” Jason asked me.
“Yeah, she’s been sleeping on the couch, taking care of (Y/N).” I explained to Jason, but was quickly to shut my mouth when we saw David turning around the corner to come to the kitchen.
“Oh. Hey David. I was just about to go over to your room to see you.” Jason said, hopeful, getting up from his stool.
David didn’t acknowledge his existence, neither said a word. He was wearing the black merch, hoodie on. His hair was a mess, his beard growing, the bags underneath his eyes showing he hasn’t been sleeping at all. He made his way towards the fridge to grab a few cold beer bottles and go back to his room. Jason furrowed his eyebrow and looked at me.
“This is a first.” I answered the question in his eyes. “I don’t even know what to expect anymore.”
I left the house to go to (Y/N)’s place, being received by Stass with a worried look. I sighed, already expecting the worst. I walked all the way over to her bedroom, but stopped on my tracks right by the door when I heard her crying.
“It’s been about half an hour.” Stass informed me.
I knocked anyway, entering the room with an offering of her favorite ice cream. We talked for three hours and I could hear the heartbreak after every word. Unlike David, (Y/N) shared her feelings, but was just as confused and hurt.
“I know he’s sometimes a pain in the ass. He has a lot to learn, (Y/N), specially when it comes to relationships. It’s been a while since he has prioritized anything else other than his work. Not to make any excuses for David, he knows he fucked up.” I tried to reason a little. “But I’m really sorry you had to go through all of this. He really loves you, you know.”
I stayed over until 8 pm. Checking my phone every time and talking to Jason to see how David was doing. When I made my way back, the house was silent and Jason was taking a nap on the couch with the TV on. I assumed David was sleeping, so I grabbed a bottle of water and walked to my room.
As I passed his door, I heard it opening and it startled me. David stared back at me, wondering for a second.
“Where were you? It’s been hours.” It was the first time I heard his voice in two days.
“I…” As I was about to answer, he cut me.
“You went to see her, didn’t you?” His eyes were hopeful and eager, but also damaged and proud.
I was going to make up an excuse, but he knew how to read me. “Yes.”
David took one deep breath and slid his hands all over his face. Looking to the ground, his voice was shy and begging. He was really going through all the emotions at once.
“How…” David sighed. “How is she?”
I took one second to think of what to say. That was enough for him to look back at me, desperation shining through his brown eyes.
“She’s completely broken, David. She won’t stop crying all day, won’t leave her bed or apartment, any little thing that reminds her of you hurts her again.” I decided to be honest. “She’s not good at all.”
David bit the inside of his cheek, looking down again, trying to hide the tears. Shaking his head, he rested his body on the wall and leaned down. My words were cutting into him like knives, but lying to him would only make it even worse.
“David, did you eat anything? Do you want me to cook something for you?” I tried, practically begging him to let me help him eat.
David shook his head and walked inside, shutting the door harshly again. I looked back and saw Jason, who immediately sighed and looked down. Neither of us knew what to do to help them.
“Time… Time heals everything.” Jason said, walking away.
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daisyxbuckley · 5 years
Afterlife//Mitch Rapp Series
A/N: DUN DUN DUN. Yeah I love breaking my characters so this isn’t anything new. And Imma warn you now, this series will NOT be a happy one lol. But yes second part is right here. Check out part one here  Also check out my masterlist to get the previous series. 
Description: It’s been six months since Mitch and Ophelia took down Ghost. Six months since Ophelia had to kill someone that she thought she once loved. Now a new threat is back and the only question is…with they both make it out alive?
Ophelia was sitting in Irene’s office as the three of them waited for Stan to arrive. Mitch had quickly dressed and taken them back to the office, all the while trying to get Ophelia to talk about what was going on. When she refused, he had let it drop till they got back to the office. 
O was bouncing her knee like it was the only thing keeping her connected to the earth. Mitch placed his hand on it to slow the bouncing down, but she paid him no mind as she kept chewing on her lip. Stan crashed through the office a few seconds later slapping a file down on the desk. Grabbing the remote to the projector in the room, he turned it on while Irene pressed some keys and they all looked over. A mugshot appeared on the screen of a man in his late 30’s with cropped brown hair and blue eyes. He was glaring at whoever was taking the picture and Mitch could feel Ophelia tense up when the picture appeared. 
“4 days ago, Kiernan O’Connell escaped from HMP Barlinnie, a high security prison in Glasgow, Scotland.” Stan looked at Ophelia as she put her head in her hands pulling at her hair. Mitch rubbed her back as he looked back up at the mug shot and to Stan’s face. 
“Fuck me sideways.” She moaned looking up. “Why haven’t we heard about this yet? We should of been the first ones they fucking called when he went missing.” Stan and Irene looked at each other with a knowing look before Irene spoke. 
“Because it’s Interpol.” She said carefully. “And Ophelia you’re supposed to be dead.” Mitch looked up at that. 
“What the hell is she talking about?” He asked looking at Ophelia. Stan crossed his arms as he leaned against the table in the office, watching his daughter pick at her nails. This wasn’t something that she thought she would have to revisit and he knew that. 
Ophelia sighed and turned to face Mitch. Her knee had stopped bouncing and she took his hand in hers before speaking. “You and I haven’t really talked much about our pasts..we both figured it wasn’t something that needed to happen, but I was wrong.” Mitch just stared at the girl as she struggled to say what she needed to say. “Before I met Ronnie and started training with Orion..I was undercover. They recruited me into the CIA at twenty years old because I was good at what I did. They needed me to be on a mission that involved both CIA and Interpol. Pose as an arms dealer and convince Kiernan to buy from me.” She said running a hand through her hair. 
“Buy what?” 
“Guns, ammo, other big weapons. You name it I was supposed to be able to have it.” She said shrugging. “Needless to say we found out that I could get more information from him, information that would help us take him and his entire operation down, so I did.” Ophelia refused to meet his eyes as Mitch realized what she meant. “I lived with him for about 10 months undercover. I was a completely different person. Looked different, acted different, spoke differently. No one outside of this office knew my real identity.” She said grabbing the remote. Pressing the next button, another picture flashed across the screen that made Mitch look. 
The smile was what he recognized, but it ended there. “You were blonde.” Was all he said as Ophelia laughed a bit “Yeah..blonde was not something that I chose myself. Apparently that was the kind of woman he was attracted to.” 
“Something happened. Interpol jumped the gun as usual, they decided to move in on him before we were ready. Because of it they ended up blowing my cover.” Ophelia leaned back into the chair and sighed. “We had to fake my death. According to the world Elizabeth Kane died in a car accident. So we thought I was safe.” 
“Apparently not since 5 years later he still holds a grudge.” Mitch said gruffly. “So what do the flowers mean?” 
“White lilies were the flower that Elizabeth loved. Every time he had to travel I would come home to a house full of them. It was his way of telling me that I was always on his mind.” Looking up at Stan, Ophelia straightened up. “So what now?” 
“Now, your ass goes into hiding and we find this piece of shit.” Stan said as he stood up fully. Ophelia followed suit and returned the glare on his face. 
“Oh my fucking dead body. I am the only one in this world who knows him. I can predict his moves before he does. You need me!” She yelled at him. Irene and Mitch just stood at the pair not saying a word as they argued. 
“Ophelia no. I’m not putting you in a position that might get you killed.” He said as his voice rose. He never broke eye contact with her as he spoke again. “Rapp. Take my daughter to one of the safe houses. Don’t say what one, just go.” Stan said finally looking over at Mitch who nodded. “I'll contact you about plans later.” He said as he walked out of the room. 
Mitch stared at Ophelia as he took her back to the apartment to grab some clothes. “Stop here.” She said pointing to the front. 
Shaking his head, Mitch continued on to the garage. “You’re not going in there alone. You’re out of your mind O.”
“Mitch I’ll be in and out in five minutes.” She tried to say as he shook his head. 
“No fucking way.” 
Ophelia entered her apartment and headed towards the back where her room was. Slamming the door in Mtich’s face, he sighed and took that as a cue to go sit down and wait. 
Cursing to herself, Ophelia grabbed a bag as she started throwing clothes into it. Hearing a buzzing she grabbed her phone and frowned when she saw that it wasn’t ringing but she could still hear the buzzing. Looking around her room, Ophelia tore she sheets off her bed and started rummaging through drawers. Finally finding the phone she looked at the number before answering it. Not saying a word, she listened to the light breathing on the other end. 
“I’m glad you answered Elizabeth. Or should I say Ophelia.” The voice on the other end made Ophelia’s blood run cold. 
“What do you want Kiernan.” She whispered. At this point, Ophelia prayed that Mitch had stayed in the living room. 
“What I want is you, I want you dead Ophelia. I want you dead for killing her.”
“Kiernan I didn’t kill Layla. I’m sorry for what happened but she wasn’t with me when I was extracted.” Ophelia said quickly looking around the room as she threw more stuff into her bag. 
“I like the new look Ophelia. The brown hair suits you a lore more than the blonde.” Kiernin’s voice rang in Ophelia’s ear as she stopped dead. “I see that your little boyfriend likes it too. Mitch is his name right?” O heard a beep in her ear as she pulled the phone away. 
The first picture was of her on a jog in the park next to her house. The next picture was of her and Mitch relaxing on the couch one night. The third picture was of them in bed together. Bringing her phone up to her ear, she tried to steady the shaking hand that held it. “I will kill you. If you go near him or anyone else, I will fucking kill you.” 
“Until you give me what I want, I will continue to go after them Ophelia. No one will be safe as long as you’re around.” The click of the phone signaled that he had hung up and Ophelia just stood there for a few more minutes trying to calm her mind. A knock on the door startled her out of her freak out and she turned around and wiped her eyes before opening it. 
“Hey..we need to head out here soon.” Mitch said looking at the girl in the doorway. She had been crying, that much was for sure. But he didn’t know if it was from everything that was going on or if she had something else on her mind. Her eyes softened when she met his and she nodded. 
“Yeah..just let me get my bag.” 
The ride to the safe house took about four hours. Halfway out of the city they ditched the car and their cell phones. Mitch picked up a burner phone at a gas station and they continued on. When they finally made it to a little cabin in the woods, Ophelia was struggling to stay awake. She had yet to sleep and knew that she needed it. Mitch grabbed their bags and some of the food that they had picked up and brought it inside with her behind him. 
The cabin was small. Had one room and one bathroom, but it was cozy. And the best part was, it was where no one could find them. Ophelia walked over to the bathroom and stripped down as she turned the shower on. Testing the water before she got in, she pulled the door shut and just stood under the stream. Her eyes were closed and she knew that her skin was probably going to be red as hell when she got out, but Ophelia didn’t care. She knew that she couldn’t relax. When they ditched their phones, she didn’t tell Mitch about the burner she had and she knew that Kiernin can track it. 
Hearing the door open, Ophelia opened her eyes and saw Mitch poke his head in. “Hey I was thinking about making something to eat. You hungry?” He asked. Ophelia shook her head and put the shampoo in her hand, working it through her hair. Mitch sighed and stripped his shirt and jeans off. 
“What are you doing?” Ophelia asked him as he stripped his boxers off. She had to fight her gaze as her eyes started traveling down his body. Though they basically lived together it had been a bit since they had been together intimately and Ophelia would be lying if she said that looking at Mitch wasn’t making the heat between her legs grow. Before she knew it he was standing right in front of her. The only noise in the shower was the water hitting the floor as the two just stared at each other. 
Mitch slowly reached his hand up and cupped her face smiling a bit as she leaned into it. She had missed his touch like this and Ophelia hadn’t realized how much she craved it till she had it again. Mitch leaned down towards her and pressed his lips to hers as their eyes closed. What started out as a slow and hesitant kiss soon turned into something much more forceful. Something that both of them needed. Tongues battled for dominance as Ophelia snaked her arms around his neck. Mitch’s hands dropped down to her waist and pulled her close, his hardness pressing into her stomach making the girl moan. Moving his hand down between them, Mitch moved a finger in between her legs and traced her folds, eliciting a moan from the girl that made him smile. Inserting a finger inside of her, Ophelia gasped as her legs parted a bit more to allow him access. This wasn’t what she wanted though. 
She wanted him. 
“Mitch...I need you. Please.” She gasped out trailing kisses down his chin to his shoulder. “I just want you.” She said as he pulled back and looked at her. His eyes were black from lust and Ophelia knew that she mirrored that. The water had drenched his hair, making it fall in his face as she moved up to push it back. Moving up to press her lips to Mitch’s, she felt him move his hands down her as and squeeze before he hit the back of her thighs. 
“Jump.” He growled as he lifted her up. Ophelia jumped up wrapping her legs around his waist. Mitch reached down and positioned her against him as he pinned her up against the wall. Before she could react, he pushed himself into her with no warning. Ophelia gasped as he started moving against her forcing her up the wall every time he entered her again. Her nails dug into his back as her eyes closed and the moans that she couldn’t keep in anymore, slipped out of her mouth. Mitch let his head fall into the crook of her next as he peppered her chest with kisses, gently nipping bits of her skin causing her to dig her nails further into his skin and smiling at the cries of pleasure that fell from her lips. 
Ophelia could feel herself getting close. It had been so long since she had been touched like this with him that she forgot how quickly he could bring her to a climax. Squeezing her legs tighter around his waist, he knew that she was close and picked up his pace. Before either of them knew it the high that they chased after had come over them and all that came out of their mouths was the heavy breathing and content sighs. Ophelia unhooked her legs and Mitch gently lowered her to the ground. Her back as still pressed against the wall when he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into the water stream. For a bit they just stood there, letting the water fall on them, breathing in the smell of the other. Mitch loved that she always smelled like warm vanilla sugar from the body wash that she used. She smelled like home to him, she had since the moment he met her. 
“I love you..you know that right?” He mumbled into her hair as he kissed the top of her head. Ophelia nodded looking up at him and smiled. “I know..I love you too.” She whispered. And she did, with her entire heart. And that’s what made everything that she was about to do so much harder. 
“Come on, let's get something to eat.” He said as he turned the water off. Grabbing towels for them both, Mitch wrapped one around his waist as he held the other one out for Ophelia to step into. After drying off and getting dressed, she followed him out into the kitchen. Mitch popped a pizza in the oven and opened two beers for them. Ophelia took a sip of her’s before just watching him move around the kitchen. His back was towards her when he spoke but she knew that he had a smile on his face. 
“You’re staring again.” He said gently. 
“Well it’s kind of hard not to. You’re not exactly ugly Mitch.” She said laughing. He turned around and leaned against the counter and returned her smile. It was one that she didn’t see often when they first met, and it was still something that he reserved only for her. Ophelia stole a glance at the clock and noticed the time before standing up. Heading back to the bathroom she locked the door as she set her beer down on the sink. 
Ophelia knew just how many sleeping pills needed to be crushed up to knock someone out for six hours. Sighing the girl quickly dumped the crushed up  powder from the pills that Kevin gave her to sleep in the beer before putting the container back and heading back into the kitchen. 
Mitch’s back was turned from her when she set her beer down and picked his up. Taking a swig she forced a smile when he looked at her and drank the now drugged beer. “Lets watch a movie okay?” She asked she said as she started into the living room. Sitting down with him she watched as he downed the rest of his beer and sat down next to her. 
“God, I didn’t realize how tired I was.” Mitch mumbled as he pulled her closer. His chin rested on her head as she trailed her hand up and down his chest. 
“Well we’ve had a long day.” She said quietly as she refused to look at him. 
“No, I mean I feel like it hit me like a semi truck.” Mitch laughed a bit and rubbed his face. “If I didn’t know any better I would think I was drugged.”
Ophelia tensed up and through his haze, Mitch felt it. “O...what did you do?” His words were starting to slur now as his vision started to darken. He noticed the look of sadness on Ophelia’s face as she sat up. “Ophelia, what are you doing?” He tried to ask again but his mouth wasn’t working for him. 
“I’m sorry Mitch.” She whispered as she pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “I’m so sorry, but I have to keep you safe.” She watched as his eyes finally fell closed and his hand dropped from her face to his side. Getting up Ophelia ran to the bedroom and threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt with a sweatshirt before lacing her boots up. Grabbing the burner phone and all her cash she ran out and towards the front door. Taking one last look at Mitch sleeping on the couch she hesitated...she didn’t want to leave him. But Ophelia couldn’t risk him getting hurt. Opening the door, she slipped out into the silent night. 
Five hours later, Mitch woke up. 
@cxddlyash @xceafh @stiles-o-dylan24 @dylan-obrien-fanblog @n0rdicstar
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criminalhotch · 5 years
Ok so slemthing came to my mind idk why but I like the idea of the guy ( in this case gray bc hes my daddy’s SKSSKSK) to cheat on the girl and then they make up and so the devils tango bc that shits so hot To me lol?
I’m making this breakup sex SORRY NOT SORRY
A/N: I seriously don’t EVER see Grayson (or Ethan) ever cheating on someone but I really like angst so I wrote this and I really like it so I hope you guys do too. Don’t be like Grayson in this fic. Cheating is hella shitty, please don’t EVER do that to someone. 
Grayson’s POV
I walk into the house. It’s dark and Y/N is asleep. I toss my shirt off and wiggle out of my pants leaving me in my boxers. I quickly change them and throw it all in the hamper in hopes she doesn’t notice anything. “Hi, Gray where were you? I missed you” she asked softly. “Out with E” I lied. No, I was out being unfaithful and fucking some girl who means nothing to me because I couldn’t fucking control myself and now I hate myself for it. “Did you guys have fun?” she asked. “Yes but go back to sleep, babe. I’ll get in bed in a minute” I told her. “Ok, Gray. I love you” she said sleepily. “I love you too, sweet girl” I sighed. I had to tell her in the morning. I can’t live like this. I can’t hide this from her.
It’s the next morning, Y/N is not in bed and the laundry hamper is missing. Fuck. I go searching through the house as I make my way to the laundry room. I find Y/N on the floor with my clothes and my phone. “Y/N” I whispered. “Do I not make you happy Grayson?” she asked. God, I’m such a shit person. “God, no. You make me the happiest guy in the world, Y/N” I said. “You’re lying. You’re lying because you wouldn’t have slept with whoever this bitch is” she said. “This isn’t your fault it’s mine. I’m such a piece of shit, Y/N. I’m so sorry. Please believe me when I tell you that I love you and you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me” I said as a tear rolled down my face. “No, Grayson!” she shouted. “You don’t get to fucking cry, only me. You cheated on me! On me! When all I’ve ever done is love and support you. You made the decision to be unfaithful. You built your bed and now you have to lay in it. You don’t get to cry because you hurt me, Grayson, it’s the other way around” she yelled. She was right. I chose this. I shouldn’t be crying. “Y/N, I’m sorry,” I said. “You’re sorry you got caught Grayson,” she said as she pushed past me in the doorway. I followed her back to our room. She had grabbed her suitcase and was throwing stuff in it. “Where are you going?” I sniffled. “Anywhere but here” she answered. “Y/N, can we talk about this? I was going to tell you this morning. I really, truly was” I admitted. “Were you really?” she seethed. “I promise you. Last night when I came home and you told me you loved me. My heart broke. I slept like shit and you must have woke up at a time that I finally fell asleep. I was going to get up and sit you down then tell you first thing this morning” I explained. “Are you seriously telling me the truth?” she asked. “I seriously couldn’t lie to you right now,” I said. “Fine then tell me about her” Y/N deadpanned. “No” I scoffed. “Tell me now or I walk out and never look back, Grayson” she threatened. “Y/N, please don’t do this” I sighed. “If you don’t tell me in the next 10 seconds, Grayson. I swear” she said. “What do you want to know?” I asked. “Is she pretty?” Y/N asked. “Not as pretty as you” I answered. “Not the question” Y/N deadpanned. “She’s pretty but not like super gorgeous or anything” I admitted. “Mhmm, did she make you cum?” she asked. “Yeah” I said blankly. “Better than I do?” she asked. “No, not even close” I answered truthfully. “Did she kiss you? Suck your dick?” she asked. “We kissed like once and I made her stop but yes she sucked my dick” I answered her questions. “Why’d you make her stop?” she asked. “I don’t know. Guess it didn’t feel right” I replied. “So your subconscious knew you were fucking your life and my life up?” she answered. “Do you want to know anything else?” I asked wanting this to end sooner rather than later. “Did you eat her out?” “No” “Did you wear a condom” “Yes, Y/N” “Did you enjoy it?” “I thought I did but the more I think about it, I don’t. I hate that happened and I hate myself” I admitted. “Do you truly feel bad that you fucked her?” she asked. “I’ve never regretted anything more in my life, baby girl and I hope you believe me” I sighed and she nodded. “Are you staying?” I asked. “No, I just wanted you to answer those questions” she admitted. “Y/N, please. I’ll tell you whatever you want if you just don’t leave” I begged. “I can’t be here Grayson,” she said as she headed towards the door. “I really fucked up, didn’t I,” I thought as I watched her car exit the driveway for what could be the final time.
Two days later there’s a knock at the door. I slowly make my way to the door. I open it to see Y/N. “I came to get the rest of my stuff,” she said softly. “You have a key” I said. “I didn’t want to use it, didn’t feel right” she admitted. “You don’t have to leave, Y/N,” I said. “I can’t trust you, Gray. Maybe one day we can work it out but right now I can’t trust you. You broke me” she said. “I never wanted to hurt you and I’m so sorry I did,” I said. “I know you never wanted to hurt me and I’m sorry you did too” she agreed. “Can I at least help you pack?” I asked. “I guess,” she said. 
We began getting the rest of her clothes and sorting what was hers and what was really mine. She found a shirt of mine that I always let her wear. I hadn’t worn it in months. “You can keep it,” I said as I caught her staring at it, tears filling her eyes. “I wore this the first time I ever stayed over” she whispered. “Yeah, you did” I smiled at the memory. “It’s your favorite sleep shirt so you can keep it if you want to,” I said again. “It’s your shirt, Gray,” she said. “It’s more yours now than it ever was mine” I argued. “I can’t” she whispered as a single tear streamed down her face. “Hey, why don’t we go have a water break and calm down?” I suggested and she nodded. We walked into the kitchen. I made us both glasses of water then handed her one. “Thanks, ba-I mean Gray” she corrected herself. “You don’t have to torture yourself like this,” I said. “It’s torture, either way, Grayson. I thought we were going to get married and have kids one day” she admitted. “We still can Y/N,” I said. “How will I know you won’t do it again?” she asked. “Because watching you hurt like this absolutely destroys me Y/N. I rather fight a lion than ever watch you cry because of me ever again” I told her. She grabbed my face in her hands and slammed her lips against mine. “I need you, Gray. Please” she whimpered. “Y/N, are you sure?” I asked. “Grayson, please. You owe me this” she begged. I couldn’t tell her no, could I? 
I kissed her again passionately. “Jump, baby girl,” I said and she did as told. Her legs wrapping around my waist and my lips reconnecting with hers. I made our way back to my room. I dropped her softly onto the bed. I pulled her leggings down her legs and took my own shirt off. “I’m going to miss you,” she said. “Don’t” I whispered reuniting her lips with mine once more because who knows if I’ll ever be able to do it again. I released her lips to shimmy my pants down my legs and take her bra and top off. “Your body never fails to amaze me. It’s absolutely gorgeous and never let anyone convince you otherwise” I said as I started kissing her chest, in between her breasts, down her tummy, just above her panties. I pulled her soft pink panties down her legs. “Always so wet and sweet for me, huh baby?” I asked. “Only for you Gray” she admitted. I went back up to her lips. I kissed her once more before wrapping my lips around her nipple and sucking softly. Her hand immediately found it’s way to my hair. “Mmm, yes. Just like that, I love when you do that, baby” she cried out. The more I heard her moan and enjoy what was happening the more I hoped she would stay after all. I brought my hand to her free breast rubbing her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. “Oh, Gray” she whimpered. “Feel good, princess?” I asked. “So good” she agreed. After a few more moments she spoke up again. “Gray” she said. “Yes, darling?” I asked. “I need you, please” she whined desperately. “Ok, baby. I’ll give you what you want in just a second” I said. “No, now” she demanded. “Alright, alright,” I said reaching down to rid me of my boxers. “Fuck, I’m going to miss your cock” she whined. “You don’t have to do this y’know. This doesn’t have to be the end” I said. “Gray, don’t do this” she sighed. “Are you sure about this?” I asked. “Yes, Gray. I’m sure now please” she groaned. “Ok, ok, ok” I chided. I slowly guided myself into her, both of us sighing in pleasure. “Always so warm and tight for me, like you were made just for me” I sighed. “Oh, Gray” she moaned. My motions were slow and deep. I was going to love her like I’d never loved her before. “Go faster. Gray” she begged. “No, I’m loving you. I should’ve done this more when you were still mine” I said as I lowered my forehead to hers. My thrusts were slow and deep, they were passionate and full of lust. I was so lost in the moment I never felt her hands make their way to my face. Her eyes staring up into mine. Her eyes were searching mine deep down trying to find answers. Her thumbs sailed softly over my cheeks. “You’re not a bad person, Grayson,” she said. “Yes, I am. I hurt the person I love most in the world” I said. “You made a bad choice that doesn’t make you a bad person,” she said. “Don’t” I said and she nodded then looked away. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. “I love you so much” I groaned as I started thrusting just a little bit harder and a little bit deeper. “I love you too, Gray,” she said. “Don’t say things you don’t mean?” I said. “I do mean it, stop for a second and get on your back” she instructed. “No this is about you,” I said. “Ok, and I want you on your back now do it” she ordered and I did as told. I laid on my back as she climbed on top of me. She slowly slid herself down on me until she bottomed out. “Fuck you feel so good” I groaned. “Shh, just enjoy it,” she said as she began bouncing up and down on my dick. “Fuck, Y/N. Just like that, baby girl” I groaned. “Ugh you fill me up so well Grayson” she groaned on top of me. “I’m close babe,” I told her. “Me too” she replied. She bounced up and down a couple more times then grinded herself down on me making my hit her g-spot just right. “Fuck, Y/N. I can’t I’m-” I started but she interrupted me. “It’s ok, Gray. Cum, baby. Cum for me, please. I need you to cum” she begged. “Fuck, Y/N. Mhmm, yes baby just like that” I moaned as I hit my high. My cum filling her up. “Fuck yes, baby” she groaned as she hit her own peak on top of me. She laid down on my chest but she never removed me from her. “Can we stay like this for a moment?” she asked. “We can stay like this for as long as you want,” I said and she nodded.
After a few moments, she got off of me. “Stay, Y/N, please. This can’t be the end” I said. “I’ll stay for a little bit, Grayson but I’m leaving. I can’t do this to myself, it’s not fair” she said and I nodded. At this point, I’ll take whatever I could get. She crawled into bed and cuddled into my side. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep in the comfort of her arms. The comfort quickly turned into sadness when I woke up alone in my bed. I look over to my bedside table where there was a note.
I’m sorry, I left while you were asleep, Gray but I knew I couldn’t see your face when I left. I love you so much Grayson Bailey. Give me some space and maybe one day we can work on this but for right now, I need to just be on my own so I can think.
Love,                                                                                                                  Y/N
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huangels · 6 years
come here - doyoung
request: UGH doyoung fluff scenario? doyoung letting you stay at his room for the night because you had a really bad day (you didn't tell him) which led you dreaming a nightmare of losing him
a/n: sorry this is kinda late, i’ve been busy all day. (Y/L/N = your last name). also this came out a little bit angsty sorry if the requester didn’t want that but i didn’t know how else to make reader’s day bad and stuff lol
summary: It seems as if the world is just against you today, with your coworkers being ruder to you than usual. Your bad day continues as you wake up that night, trembling from a nightmare about your boyfriend, Doyoung, that you hope is not reality. 
genre: fluff, angst
warnings: none 
word count: 2.5k
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"Y/N!" a voice booms into the empty break room, slightly butchering your name, "Will you damn hurry it up with the drinks? How hard is it to make a cup of coffee?"
You whip around at the sudden shout, bowing your head in apology. The person sends you a stern look before turning on the balls of their feet and walking back to their desk.
It isn't just one coffee you have to make, you have to prepare exactly 6 cups of coffee. Being the intern at a big publishing company, it's your job to provide help for your coworkers. You accepted the job at the beginning of this semester thinking you would get experience in the writing and publishing field, since it'll help with your major in creative writing. However, you soon realize that you do not participate in the actual work of your colleagues but instead fetch their lunches or make them coffee. You thought things like this only happens in movies.
Knowing you can't carry all six mugs at once, you decide to deliver two at a time. Carefully, trying not to spill the coffee, you make your way towards the exit. As if today can't get worse, a person comes running around the corner, knocking right into you before stumbling back. The two cups tilt back at the impact, coating your white button-up and pencil skirt with brown liquid. You're lucky that the cups did not fly out of your hands, left unshattered. The other is not effect at all by the drink, as he stepped back just in time.
"Sorry Jane," the person mumbles quickly, before entering the break room and taking one of the cups you've made. Jane isn't even your name but you don't care enough at this point to correct him. You're about to tell him that the cup of coffee isn't for him, but he leaves as quick as he entered.
Annoyed, you grab some napkins near the microwave in the break room, wiping off the excess coffee, though it has already stained your clothes.
Not wanting to piss off any other of your coworkers, you quickly deliver the cups of coffee, having to remake half of them.
You place the last mug of coffee down on an empty space on the desk. The coworker glances at it before taking the cup to her mouth, sipping it quickly.
"Why is it cold?" she complains, pushing the mug towards you. "Remake it correctly."
Half of you wanted to cry, while the other half wanted to dump the coffee right on her head. You do neither of those things as you apologize quietly before walking towards the break room once again. You practically live in the break room with how much time you spend in here.
The way your colleagues are treating you isn't abnormal, it's the same every day. Honestly, you want to quit so bad, but you needed the "experience" and it looks good on your resume, especially since the company is really well known, publishing many best sellers. You have to endure it for at least one more semester.
The rest of your hours of work is the same old same old, you retrieving lunch at the Subway across the street, delivering papers from one floor to another, and cleaning the break room.
Finally, it's time to go home as the both of your feet are sore from walking around so much, especially in 3-inch heels as it is part of your "uniform."
"Before you go Y/N," someone calls just as you're about to get on the elevator. "Can you sort the papers in this folder for the boss? He needs it done by today but I have to go somewhere in ten minutes so I can't do it."
There is no way you can decline since sorting papers is listed as one of your duties as the intern. You accept, glancing down at your watch. Your bus doesn't come for another 10 minutes and looking at the thickness of the folder, you think you can file it in under 10 minutes.
You were wrong.
You were terribly wrong, you thought to yourself, frantically running out of the building as you see the 47 bus cruise down the street, away from the bus stop. What seemed like a small folder to file, takes you about 15 minutes to complete, which causes you to miss the bus home.
Your only option is calling a taxi since your boyfriend is at work during this time. You know it will be nearly impossible trying to find a taxi during the rush hour that occurs at 6 in the evening. Every taxi that passes you already has a passenger, as expected.
It takes about 45 minutes to finally find an empty cab, being 7 PM after rush hour has died down a bit. You give the address to your apartment, finally being able to sit down for more than 5 minutes.
Today is not your day. You usually have bad days because of your workplace, though it was never at bad as today. You feel as if everything is against you today, that the Universe is targetting you specifically for some reason you cannot think of.
Eventually, you reach the apartment complex as the cab rolls in front of the building. You hand him some money, telling him to keep the change as you get out. Practically racing towards the elevator, you are ready to take a warm shower and sleep away the awful day.
Your boyfriend, Doyoung, greets you as soon as you walk through the front door, finally being able to slip off your heels. He's in the kitchen preparing dinner, still in his work clothes that consist of black dress pants and a beige button-up, his black blazer folded neatly on the counter.
"How was your day, hun?" he asks looking up from the pan of beef and vegetables that he's cooking. "Your shirt? What happened?"
You look down at your work shirt, forgetting it's stained completely on the front in coffee.
"I don't want to talk about it."
You set down your purse before beelining to the bathroom. Your head starts pounding the more you move. Doyoung informs you that dinner will be ready in 30 minutes.
For some reason, the warm water does not help relax your muscles or your on-growing headache. Doyoung has yelled down the hallway that dinner is prepared about 10 minutes ago, yet you stay in one place. Though, despite your beating head, you do not want to waste warm water since Doyoung still has to shower as well. So with all of your might, you turn off the streaming water and step out to dry and dress.
A ding from your phone signals that there is a notification. You grab it, seeing an email from your boss.
Good evening Miss. Y/L/N,
It has come to my attention that you have gotten many complaints from your fellow coworkers. Some has informed me that you have not been doing your job correctly and causing distractions and messes around the workplace. I've also been informed that you were the one to file the last folder for me. Though I appreciate you helping out your colleagues, you have filed the papers incorrectly as well as carelessly. It seemed as if you simply threw the papers into the files and left. As a respectful company, you see to not care much about this internship, which makes me question if you are fit for the job anymore. I am sorry to say but we, unfortunately, have to let you go because of your behavior.
Kind regards,
Lee Soo Man
CEO of SM Corp.
[email protected] | 076-876-2345
You throw your phone on to your bed, watching it flop off and onto the floor. Without much thought, you stomp out of your room to the dining room.
Dinner is quiet, as the both of you eat. Doyoung sends worried glances towards your way, sensing there is something bothering you. Yet, whenever he would question it, you shot him down and continued eating. However, you end up not eating a lot as it only fuels your overbearing headache.
The digital clock reads 1:17 AM, your eyes still wide, unable to sleep. You roll over on your empty bed in your cold room.
Although you and Doyoung are dating, you guys have only been dating for a couple months. The both of you were roommates before, living in separate rooms, with another person, Taeyong. But, Taeyong left a year ago to move to a place closer to his parents, which left just you and Doyoung. Spending more time alone, you've grown fancy of Doyoung, and him feeling the same, leading to the two dating. You still haven't moved to one room yet, you're scared that it is too early.
The throbbing of your temples doesn't help you sleep. All you need is to be in Doyoung's arms right now, needing some comfort to relax. Debating on whether you should ask to sleep with him or stay in your own cold room, you gnaw on your lower lip.
You shouldn't be scared to ask, he's your boyfriend now, you mentally think.
Slowly swinging your legs over the edge of your twin bed so that you don't worsen the headache, you shuffle out of your room and across to Doyoung's closed door. Your right hand raises to knock lightly on the door, but there is no answer, so you knock with a little more force.
The door suddenly opens as Doyoung stands lazily on the other side, his black hair tousled, his plain white t-shirt unkept and sliding off of his shoulder, and his grey sweats hang low on his waist.
"Y/N? Are you okay? Do you need something?" your boyfriend asks, rubbing his eye tiredly.
"C-can I sleep with you tonight?" you whisper, tugging on your fingers nervously.
"Of course babe, come on."
Doyoung steps aside, letting you into his room. You stand in the middle, not really knowing what to do. Doyoung grabs your hand, softly leading you to his bed. He draws the covers tenderly over your shoulders, then pulling you into his arms. His eyes close, snuggling into your hair.
You've cuddled with Doyoung many times before, but being in his bed at night feels different. You feel Doyoung's arms get heavier as he quickly drifts back to sleep. Letting out a deep breath, you close your eyes as well, hoping to sleep soundly.
"Good morning, baby," you say, back hugging Doyoung who is standing by the island counter in the kitchen. He sets down his coffee mug, before putting both of his large hands on your wrists and pulling them away from his waist. Your eyebrows furrow as he turns around, letting go of your wrists as they fall limply beside you.
"Y/N...We have to talk," his voice is silky, but it's laced with a poison that struck your heart immediately.
"What about?" you question, your breathing starts to pick up while your heartbeat quickens. He motions to the stool by the counter and hesitantly, you sit down. Your boyfriend lets out a breath, his eyes closed.
"I'm moving out," Doyoung begins, "Just for a bit..."
You stay silent due to all of the air being knocked out of your lungs. Astounded, you try to find your voice, but failing.
"I just think we need...a break," he continues, scratching the back of his head.
"Is it something I did?" you finally ask, your voice dry and cracked.
"Do you want me to be honest?"
"Of course."
Doyoung turns to fully face you, staring into your eyes. His once soft brown eyes are now replaced with dark black robotic eyes.
"You're worthless."
A shaky breath escapes you as the back of your eyes start to sting. Your lower lip starts to tremble.
"I don't know what I saw thinking two months ago when I agreed to date you... You can't do anything right, Y/N. You got fired from your internship, your coworkers hate you and complain about you, you don't even have a job to help me pay for this apartment. What do you bring to this world? Nothing, Y/N. You're worthless. I don't think I can be with you anymore, you don't provide any positives for me, just bringing me down," Doyoung spits. HIs voice is calm but the words cause the tears to come pouring.
You shake your head from side to side, biting down on your lip so hard that it draws blood.
"No...," you whisper with an unsteady voice.
"So I'm just gonna leave, hopefully don't come back, meet someone worth my time."
"No," you say a little louder, clenching your fists together causing your knuckles to turn white.
"It's too late Y/N, I already made up my mind."
"No!" you yell out, clapping your cold hands over your ears. "Stop it! You're not real!"
"Sweetie, of course I am. This is all real and all true. You're going to end up alone, with no one to love and no one who will love you."
"No! This isn't real! This isn't real because I never told Doyoung that I got fired! This is all in my head! Wake up, Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!"
You immediately shot up, sitting on a bed that is not yours. Your lungs seem to be sporadically inhaling and exhaling air. You lash your head from side to side, trying to understand where you are. Your forehead is now clammy with sweat, your body heating up.
A confused Doyoung sits up as well when his hand suddenly rips off of your waist.
"What happened, Y/N?" he asks with a raspy voice from sleep. His voice sounds so different from the one in your nightmare. It's soft and calming.
"I...," you said with a dry throat, "I don't know."
"Was it a nightmare?" he asks, wrapping an arm around your slumped shoulders and pulling you into his chest. You breathe in his scent, a faded rich cologne. With your eyes closed again, you nod your head slowly.
Doyoung starts to rub his hands up and down your back soothingly, hushing softly and repeatedly whispering "it's alright" and "it's just a dream, don't worry." After a longing silence, your breathing finally calms down with the help of Doyoung's gentle touches and silkened voice. You lift your head up to stare at Doyoung, his eyes soft and warm, meeting your own with love.
"Doyoung, be honest with me," you say almost inaudibly, "Do you want to leave me?"
Doyoung physically shot backward, startled at the sudden question, his eyes widening.
"Of course not! What made you think that? Was your nightmare about that? Do you think I'd leave you?" Doyoung questions one after another.
"I don't know...," you honestly answer.  You don't know what prompted to your nightmare about Doyoung breaking up with you, but you hope it never happens again.
"Come here," your boyfriend calls as he falls back onto the bed, opening his long arms out to you.
Lowering yourself onto his chest, Doyoung holds you close to him. He plants multiple kisses on top of your head, your forehead, your cheeks, your nose, and then finally your lips. Just from the kisses alone, you feel the love radiating off of Doyoung, glad that your nightmare is not your reality.
a/n: i will proofread this tomorrow i’m tired lol sorry for the multiple mistakes (probably) 
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babykpopsweets · 7 years
NCT reaction to you finding out that they only started dating you because of a bet
not requested 
this is part 3
gender neutral but sorry for any slip-ups though!
part 1
Part 2
Jaehyun- hands sweaty and heart pounding. Jaehyun knew deep in his heart it was time to tell you about THE bet. Yet the words couldn’t seem to come out of his mouth. He had a frog in his throat every time he tried to confront you about it. Not telling you about this bet was his first biggest mistake. Jaehyun was about to do his second biggest mistake.
You dragged your feet as you entered your apartment. Once you close the door and locked it behind you, you went straight to your bedroom. You almost cried when you saw your bed, it was a beautiful sight to see. You ran to your bed a plopped down on it. 
“Time to put my phone to charge! It has been one heck of a day..” You whispered to yourself.
When you put your phone charger in, your phone lit up and you saw that you had 1 missed call and 5 unread messages from Jaehyun.
“Oh no! Did something happen??? I should call him,,” 
You swiped the notification for the missed call, put your passcode in, and brought the phone to your ear as it dialed Jaehyun’s number.  It went straight to voicemail and that left you confused. 
‘Why didn’t Jaehyun pick up? Is he mad at me? duh hell, I do?’  You thought to yourself because Jaehyun isn’t that person to not pick up when you call.
But there’s a first for everything, you guessed. You then almost immediately went to the texts he had sent. When you opened up your messages, your jaw dropped at the essay he just sent you. 5 paragraphs of him explaining everything and how bad he felt for it. Every word you read felt like a punch in the heart. Tears streaming down your face as you go into an extremely sad stage. You already had such a stressful day and it couldn’t get worse until now. This is the worst ending to your stressful day. All you wanted was a relaxing night but instead, you get a big slap and punch in the heart. 
You wanted to leave him on ‘read’ because you didn’t feel like talking or making contact with him. But then you thought about it.
‘I don’t want him showing up at my door at 2 am with flowers and my favorite love song saying how much he loves me and how bad he feels.’ 
You took your own advice and gave him a quick reply. The text simply said that you needed alone time and for him to let you have that alone time by leaving you ALONE. Once you pressed send you power off your phone and lay back in your bed again. Letting all your emotions go.
Jaehyun hated himself so much right now. Not only did he lie to you the whole relationship but also because he told you in the worst way possible, through text messages.....
He could never forgive himself for doing this to you, never.
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Winwin- The guilt was eating him alive. Every time he held your hand, kissed you on the lips/cheeks, or even hugged you he felt unworthy. He knew exactly what he did and how it could affect you and the relationship. He promised himself that he wouldn’t fall in love with you. Yet his heart can never listen and obey to his mind. 
The simplest touch from you to him made his heart skip 100 beats. You made him feel loved and special. It would affect him a lot if he lost you especially if he was the reason why. But all the guilt was building up and it was reaching his breaking point. Knowing he hurt you... Knowing he used you... Knowing he had done everything wrong... He couldn’t keep his feelings bottled up any longer. 
His head told him not to tell you and keep his mouth shut. His heart disagreed and told him to tell the truth to the person he loved most. Winwin had trouble picking a side for a while until he thought with logic and went with his heart. Winwin calls you up and asks for you to meet him outside the dorms because it’s an emergency.
~5-10 minutes later~
“Hey, winwin!!!!” You yelled at him from a distance and running towards him.
Whilst he kept a straight face the whole time. When you finally got to the point where you were standing face to face, you put a hand his cheek. Winwin felt immediate guilt, wanting to back down from this. Fortunately, he didn’t back out of telling you the truth so he took your hand off his face.  
“well then... whats wrong baby you seem a bit mean today...” You questioned almost in a whisper as fear started taking over your body.
“I’m going to start this off first with I’m so sorry for using you. I really do understand what I have done wrong and why you may not want to stay with me. But it’s best you hear it from me oppose to hearing it from another. I used you for a bet and I never had interest in you beforehand. I’m sorry I’ve kept this from you. I just want you to know if you do turn around and walk away from me that I really do love you and that will never change. I was stupid, immature, and I regret it with all my life.  If I could take it all back, believe me, I would take it all back...” Winwin said it all in one shot while looking you straight in your eyes. 
It all was happening a bit too fast. You could only manage to nod while you were processing everything in your head still. After a moment of silence, Winwin got worried if you were ok or not. Before he could touch you, you backed away and finally said something to him.
“ please don’t touch me. I-I-I got t go..” You couldn’t believe what just happened.
 One second your heart was pounding with love the next it was pounding with hurt and madness. You didn’t want to cry in front of him. You didn’t want to show him you are in a vulnerable state. Although he already knew. You collected your emotions and turned around away from him, walking off. Once you were a safe distance away from him you shed a few tears. Nothing was going to be the same ever again all thanks to a stupid little bet that Winwin did.
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“As my best friend would like for you to always know the truth especially when I am involved in the truth...” Haechan Told you while taking a seat next to you.
“Wow, what is this? Haechan really cares for me! I am flabbergasted.” You replied sarcastically. 
“I’m being serious dipsh-”
“language! Geez, Haechan you kiss your family with that mouth..”
“nugget! but seriously I have a big secret to tell you.”
“ok, So then tell me!”
“Mak only started dating you because of a stupid bet... The worst part is im the one who made him do it. I’m sorry Y/N. I should’ve been a better best friend to you..” 
“YEAH RIGHT! LOL nice one Haechan I almost believed you for a second there”
“Y/N I swear I'm being serious to you right now!”
“oh... well then Haechan. I thought I was your best friend and you treated me like an object in a stupid bet.”
“Well in my defense, Mark had his part in this too! You know your boyfriend!”
“But so did you, didn’t you?”
“I know you love doing dares and giving them to other people but this is just too far!”
As your eyes started watering up you grabbed all your stuff and walked away from Haechan. But he wasn’t the only one you need to have a talk with. While you were making your way towards SM building your vision became blurry with tears and your head piled with Haechan’s awful words. The thing that hurts most was not only your boyfriend but your best friend too was lying to you the whole time. Then you bumped into someone since you weren’t paying any attention to where you were walking. The person started to curse at you when you made them drop their phone while you head was down. When you lifted your head up and the stranger saw the amount of tears that were on your cheeks and in your eyes they tried to apologize. You just whispered your own apology and ran away.
When you were in the SM building you realized you had no clue where Mark was. Was he even here currently? With his busy schedules, you don’t know where he is anymore half the time unless he is with you or he tells you. Fortunately, he was in the practice room all by himself. Once your eyes lock on him, more tears are forming but you don’t let them come down. You swallow your tears so you can talk to Mark about it. You called out his named and Mark snaps to your direction.
“Babe! Why are you here?” Mark exclaimed while walking towards you for a hug.
which you rejected it.
“I’m an object to you huh?!” You questioned him wanting to get straight to the point.
“W-w-what do you mean??”
“Haechan told me! About how he and you made a bet and I was the center of it. I thought you really liked me when you approached me! The first time some has approached me to go on a date and it turns out to be one big act?!”
“Y/N I'm so so-”
“sorry??? Well, maybe you should’ve told me sooner! Sorry can’t fix anything right now.”
“Y/n please!”
Mark pleaded with tears starting to stream down his face. He reached to grab your waist and pulled you into a hug. You just felt even more hurt know, so you removed his hands from your waist and walked out of there. While Mark just dropped to the floor and started to full on cry.
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-admin Jamz
this took forever and now I must go to sleep I’ve been working so hard on this that I lost sleep..>.< sorry it’s crappy like all of my writing XoX
bye bye goodnight love you guys <3 <3 <3
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