#i drew him right after you reminded me of him ngl
biggs-regretti · 2 years
You suuuuure do draw jamack blushing alot 👀 does someone have a crush on a frog? 🐸
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Hate him so much actually, its not like i draw him whenever i think about him- nope, nothing but detest and disinterest in the business frog man. the very same frog man that looks not incredibly cute at all when hes all flustered and blushy, yeah that guy's the worst.
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airborneice · 1 year
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hey look it’s my blorbos
YAY the first time I’ve completed art in time for pride month!! here’s some of the chars from the sketchbook kid AU celebrating with the most boring backgrounds ever 🌈 I’m gonna ramble under the cut, you know the drill
sooo I think I’ve already mentioned that Mattie is trans, but fyi Kaisa is in this universe as well!!
tbh I actually didn’t have this idea for them both to start with, it just kinda happened that way and ngl I just…I love the idea of Mattie having someone close to her right from the start who just gets it, and that Kaisa gets to have that shared experience with her. I think before Mattie was born Kaisa would have initially had some worries deep down about if the kid took after her too much (in terms of her not great experiences with magic and self-doubt, being a bit of an awkward mess (affectionate) ) but instead she gets to see Mattie taking after her in a whole bunch of ways and just thriving 🥺 and she gets to be a source of support and understanding that maybe she didn’t have herself when she was younger. anyway these witches are trans and I care them so much you guys 🥺
aaaand hey look I drew Harvey’s parents for once! btw in my headcanons for this AU Harvey’s parent on the left of him is non-binary and goes with any pronouns but mainly they/them! Harvey calls them Ren (short for parent). also I have names for these two now!! I’ve been calling Harvey’s parent Lin (left) (partly bc it means ‘forest’... like have you SEEN this couple’s living room wall, they are plant obsessed and I’m keeping it) and his mom is Nia (right). congrats on breaking the hilda curse of adults not having names guys 😌
and, ok, realistically I don’t think Arwen has fully come out or anything at the time of my comics but I wanted to include her anyway - and before anyone comes at me about how kids can’t be gay or whatever I’ll remind you that no one seems to have this problem with kids in other cartoons getting obligatory het crushes all the time, and in my own experience some people just figure themselves out a lot sooner than others (personally I didn’t find the right label til I was 20 but looking back the signs were there since I was 11 lol). anyway Arwen is quite introspective and searching as a person, so I think she’s got this a little bit figured out by now, even if she’ll probably be keeping it to herself for a while. there’s no way she’s talking about her thoughts on romance if Mattie’s in the vicinity
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sems-diarie · 11 months
"The tension" girl that's just how cooks act. We all act like we're gonna fuck but obviously we can't bc we work together but we WILL do everything except that. Would we be perfect as a couple? Yeah probably. Unfortunately dinner service must Go On and we can't focus on anything but how far behind pantry is on closing.
But tbh the type of relationships that come out of kitchens are so intense and close but so completely devoid of any romantic experiences because truly we see one another at our absolute worst and our absolute best and the closest well get is having a shifter and joking about how terrible that service went. Ever cook is immediately bonded by how terribly we're treated and how awful we feel all the time and how great it feels to be out of the kitchen after closing is done and the floors are scrubbed and the salamander is finally cleaned out after putting it off for so long. Every man I've dated who isn't in the industry is IMMEDIATELY and IMMENSELY jealous of the relationships I have with the men in the kitchen bc they all think we want to fuck, but truly they are like brothers to me.
It's so poetic to watch as someone in that type of dynamic and to see people not in the industry pine so desperately for romantic relationships makes me LAUGH. I'm sorry but we're all too damaged for that bestie. No one in this industry is in it because we're capable of healthy relationships. Neways. Sorry. We're all just whores by design and we love the idea of being sluts but we're all too exhausted for it. The closest to romantic we get is bumming a cig after service in the alleyway.
“we’re all sluts but we’re too exhausted” made me giggle ngl. um strap in, this got long
i don’t think sydney wants to be a slut. there’s really nothing in her character to indicate that.
i also think the narrative was setting up romantic connotations because it drew an obvious parallel btwn syd & the restaurant as the two/one thing(s) most important in carmy’s life. when carmy’s getting distracted by claire, syd is inbetween every shot of them, whether sydney is at the restaurant or by herself, or by herself doing stuff for the restaurant—
and even down to the way claire represents carmy’s past and is painted narratively in strict contention/competition with syd for carmy’s time & attention! the first time we see that girl, she clearly still thinks the restaurant is named the bear (a clear indication of her place in his past, & the adjustments & commitment tht wld be necessary to make her part of his present/future)
and especially the table scene—when sydney says she isn’t jealous, it’s not really hard to believe that she was lying: we’ve already seen that she doesn’t always say what she means, i.e. with marcus: she’s clearly still feeling awkward w him after he tried to ask her out, but tries to overcome it bc the beef comes first!
like you’re saying men you know are jealous of the relationships u have w ur coworkers—marcus is right on the edge of being jealous about sydney’s devotion to carmy. it’s not necessarily explicitly written that way, but it’s also not super duper far fetched.
but anyways, the romance itself isn’t even hidden forreal. carmen tells this girl—who is devoted to his cause, his family restaurant and all the burdens it carries—“you deserve all my attention, all my time. i can’t do this without you—i wouldn’t even want to. i’m sorry.”
in every other context ever, and on paper—that’s a fucking love confession!
and the way he says he wouldn’t even want to; carmy has such a complex relationship with the art and technicality of cooking, and i think syd really reminds him that it’s something he’s meant to enjoy. it’s something that he does genuinely enjoy, even if he has to dig past the pools of sorrow & resentment that live in him to do. especially because there’s all that sorrow & resentment in him; he has to learn to enjoy not just cooking, but his own day to day life.
like people come damaged. and before they really get into the romance, i’d love for carmy to have some amazing character development! (we’re calling them a slow burn for a reason.) but even the way syd deals with him now is very romantic. bc it’s not necessarily her dealing with him; it’s a partnership. this guy (carmen) goes and buys syd a $2k chef’s uniform that’s pristine and pretty and makes her look even more angelic than she did before—he knows her size and everything?? the guy from pretty woman did that shit and it’s regarded as one of the best romance movies of all time.
not to even mention the panic attack. the stiles/lydia memories hit me like a fucking truck & i loved every second of it.
also! it’s kind of interesting how carmy thinks of claire in these romantic pictures, she herself is never really doing or saying anything; she’s just there (besides maybe her hair blowing in the wind). meanwhile, carmy thinks of syd in memories, in dialogue, in action. he thinks back to the beginning of her, when she first enters his life like a ray of sunshine, and i think that’s a way to acknowledge the way she’s added so much to his life in such a short amount of time. sydney is his rock! she keeps him grounded in a way not even this girl he’s been obsessed with (supposedly) for years can.
anyways, the narrative analysis aside—they look cute together, they act cute together, & i’ve seen romances built on far less than what seasons 1 and 2 have already propped up between/for them :3
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neet-elite · 2 months
Also I'm gonna be completely honest, that last drawing of Killian longingly gazing at Wolf broke me. Something about the way you drew his expression is just so </3 </3 </3 It's just really tender and reminds me of those classical paintings with lovers yearning for their beloved's affection...... Very pretty!!
Ugh, I love them both. I'll definitely set the two of them up to be together in every save where I don't romance them myself, because as much as I wanna bully Killian I also want that dumbass to be happy :( And we all know that happiness comes with old men who can fix your daddy issues.
...Wait. Speaking of that. Does Killian perhaps have daddy and/or mommy issues? He strikes me as the type, ngl. Would probably cry if an older person called him a good boy and gave him a headpat (he's just like me frfr)
— 🐾
AHH thank you for such kind comments on my silly little doodle! they are yearning very hard for each other but just need a little push in the right direction to become a couple...
of which, you can date one or the other and doom the other half you didn't pick, or you can date them both! or, you can also date neither and instead just help them become a couple together <3 however, they were created to be a couple themselves originally, so i thought it would be nice to respect that <3 even if only in my own silly headcanon of my own characters.
and yes! killian is the product of a loveless marriage. mommy and daddy were never around, and even when mommy divorced daddy and left his life completely, his father never cared for him, far too busy with work to look after a child. so take your pick of mommy/daddy issues, he grew up alone regardless.
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miutonium · 2 years
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I can't sleep because i am lowkey nervous about tomorrow but also I just want to show yall basically my art progress (in terms of rendering) in the spam of 1 year contracting Utonium brainrot hhhh it's so surreal to see how different both of them looked like ahaha
(for guide, first pic to last, 1st week july 2021>3rd week july 2021>21st Nov 2021>9th Apr 2022)
Also witness me talking about each journey of my progress undercut lol
I cAN TOTALLY EXPLAIN THE FIRST 2 PICS. The first one is exactly from a year ago when my brainrot just started and I was like "well fuck I guess I have a new f/o now". If you ever see or feel familiar about the first art even though you prooooobably never see it,
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its because it was an original picture for this redraw a few months AFTER that pic
Also if you notice, the art style for that one is totally different from others and shhh the reason it was like that is because initially I want to draw them in my actual artstyle around that time and I dont want it to follow the same artstyle like in the show. My friend said Utonium kinda reminds them of that guy from clo.udy wi th a ch.ance of meatb.alls and im like "oH SHITTT". There's more drawings of Utonium pre-brainrot era with this kind of artstyle in my folder but I don't think the world is ready for that yet lol
Anyway as I progresses to the 2nd pic, I changed my mind and was like "wait I actually WANT them to look like they're in PPG and not my own artstyle" so I slowly draw both of them to look more like the ppg style if you understand what I mean??? Althoughhhh in the 2nd pic I still want him to look a bit like my own style with my own touch and despite how much I don't like the reboot, I actually like his gray hair on his sideburns??? So if yall remember that phase and followed me from way way in the early days of this blog, I used to draw Utonium with those streaks before I gradually stopped doing that because of.... actually idk why I stopped??? I should totally add the grays back because I love it actually lol but anywayyyyyy the 2nd pic was also around july too me think? So there's probably like a few weeks gap between the actual totally real not clickbait picture of Chloe and Utonium 'together'.
That was how my render looked like for a few months until november (the 3rd pic).
So in the 3rd pic, I discovered this very magical spectacular magnificent function on CSP called t E xt U r e and holy fuck, let me tell you, I feel like I am a changed person. I was never the cringe person with mediocre render like I was, this legit marked a cultural shift in me, I just feel like I've been blessed by god himself. I spammed the fUCK OUTTA THOSE TEXTURES like it was MY BUSINESS. i pAID CSP FOR FULL PRICE I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO USE IT TO ITS FULL CAPABILITIES AND SQUEEZE IT OUT OF ALL IT'S WORTH. Although I must say, my render time after that significantly increases. By standard I used to render around 3 hours? Now this bitch took 6 fuckin hours to completely. It wasn't a daijobu era ngl 😔😔😔
And holy fuck do I have a fuckin field day with it. You think I was a changed man back then? I have ascended, I am now r e b o r n. My friends feared my, my peers stared at me, my teachers are baffled by the amount of brainrot I drew at that time. How am I real?
I rendered like that for around 4 months until I discovered something even more cooler:
Okay jk but hhh anyway for my current render; it's kinda more like an accidental discovery? I wanted to look for ways to cut render time because it was really tiring for me to render with a fuckton of texture layers and I also wanted to emulate my fav artist's render style soooo bad (it was luoman if anyone asked) and I kinda figured out how they did it? I mean they still do it better but like I was really inspired to be like them and lemme tell you, I cried for 3 days 3 nights unpaid vacation time when I figured it out. I wasn't kidding when I say I feel like I am a new person. I am quite pessimistic tbh, I'm insecure about my art but like this is the first time in like 3 years ever I feel like I did a major progress and I feel really good.
Why did I made this post? I actually dont feel good about myself, maybe because I am nervous about my test tomorrow and I just need a quick mood boost from myself. I don't believe I did any progress. But now, after typing all of my thoughts at 3 am, after I just put art phases of my braunrot together, kinda believe I actually did progress and I am proud of myself ;w;
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zimithrus1 · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
I always get nervous about tagging people cause I always feel like I’ll bother them, but if I had to pick some people I’ll go ahead and tag @secluded-delusions @up-sideand-down @thatrandomartistyoufound and @kazeshxni​ I know it’s not 9 but still 😅 And no pressure to participate guys! Also thank you for the tags @prismaticpichu and @aerislei !!
Three Ships:
Cloud/Zack - FFVII: I remember when I first started shipping this about 10 or so odd years ago, even still have the first art I ever drew of the ship lol! But I’ve loved it for such a long time, there was just something about two best friends through thick and thin, with their cute little x arm handshake thing, Zack inviting Cloud to lunch (even though Cloud is currently suffering from motion sickness lmao bad timing there Zack XD) and that he cared for Cloud for like 4 fucking years in his comatose state, he never left him behind, literally died for him when he could have just abandoned him, but he didn’t. And of course in Advent Children when Zack shows up and asks if he needs a hand with Sephiroth, reminds him what he is. I love it so much 💚 It will always be my favorite ship of all time 💗
Zagreus/Thanatos - Hades: I love their dynamic. Like, they used to be close before Zagreus started his attempts to leave the underworld, but then when he started, a distance grew between them. And the first time you encounter him in the game you can tell there’s some animosity between them ‘no escaping from death?’ ‘I left when I had to’ ‘If you won’t say it then I will - goodbye Zagreus’ and then the more you encounter him and gift him ambrosia the closer you become again, mending that once broken trust and friendship, eventually ending up together. ‘I’m right here, aren’t I?’ I love it 🥰
Galo/Lio - Promare: Literally Happy goofy sunshine boy meets grumpy grump boy. Their relationship begins so rocky, as enemies; firefighter against burnish. And the more that time passes, Galo realizes the Burnish don’t burn for no reason, that they are humans just like them, and how could he not realize the truth of what’s happening. Eventually needing to work together to save the earth they call their home. Galo even bringing Lio back to life when he’s about to crumble to ash. I loved their dynamic a ton and how their personalities clashed before they found a way to get along and work together. It’s very good!
First Ship: Inuyasha and Kagome - Inuyasha. I started shipping these 2 when I was 11 after my brother get me into the series, starting with the Castle in the Looking Glass movie. Then I went and watched all the anime and read a ton of the manga books. It’s the earliest ship I can remember, and one of the first fanfics I ever wrote 😆
Last Song: Everglow by Starset (I really really love this band and I’ve been on a Starset kick for months now)
Last Movie: uhhh... shit I’m trying to remember the last movie I watched 😂 I think it was Free Guy
Currently Reading: I have not been reading much actually, aside from some fanfics which the last one I read was one of mine before bed 😂
Currently watching: Sonic Prime. Just started watching it last night and it has a very interesting premise! I love how Tails has 9 tails and goes by 9, I thought that was really cool ngl 😊
Currently consuming: Does Vicks Cough and Congestion medicine count? That’s the last thing I downed 😆 (Yeah, still sick as hell 👍)
Currently craving: Nothing in terms of food, I have 0 appetite 😭 I am craving no longer being sick and playing Crisis Core again! 😆 I’ve been ill since Wednesday like plzzz XD
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
Hoooh boy you're definitely not gonna be prepared for what Nonny and the Schneidermann's are wearing then, because Jesus Christ me and my friend truly went "the only people who would love you are the ones with more or equally atrocious fashion styles" with that one out of the way, let's start tame with Y/N because I forgot a key characteristic of hers :)
-Nothing much to say about Y/N, Beige stop that reveals her midriff and light blue shorts, BIG RED CLOWNSHOES WITH HEELS, also the thing I forgot was that she literally does not have a face and has to manually apply waterproof makeup so that she looks like a normal person everyday. The game starts off with her make up routine actually lmao I think it wasn't much of a problem for her, because most of her face was hidden thanks to her bangs anyway, but she still enjoys doing it
-Here comes our favourite Hackerman meow meow, so like, his outfits that I described before? Still pretty accurate, Mans got Black hoodie, though I think he has grey sweatpants instead of black pants, oh and also he's got BIG PINK BALLERINA SHOES WHOSE STRAPS GO O N T O P OF HIS SWEATPANTS AND END AT HIS LOWER THIGHS O_O I didn't describe them last time, partly because I totally forgot he had them until I saw his traditional character sheet and partly because I didn't see them in the game, since his sprite cuts off right above where the shoe straps end. So yeah, do with that information what you will. Also he had a straight up Lenny face at first, no eyecolor, just ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Also also he wasn't 7 feet 8, he was 9' 2" O_O .
Extra quotes we wrote on his sheet: "giiirl, get back inda BASEMENT" "Are u lost, babeygrill?" "He's got NO lips!" "He's never gonna get a kiss kiss very UGLY!" "No kiss for him"
-J. Schneidermann (because writing his full name would clutter this already long ask oof) so, pink cap with a heart on it uwu. Straight up rainbow dash hair, except short, no face because he anime blushed too hard (he actually has one, unlike Y/N but we just didn't draw it) a long sleeved shirt that's various shades of blue and INTENSE shoulder spike (not horizontally, they go vertically up to his ears) green saggy ass pants that approximately reach his ankles and have GUTSCHI written on it (makes him look like a fucked up hamster ngl) lots of chains on his wrists and pants, ears are pierced, and the most notable detail, he has mismatched shoes that he shares with his cousin, one red high heel and one... black boot or black sneaker I can't tell. He's also smoking a red vape in the pic and has a gold chocker
-B. Schneidermann, black fluffy hair that apparently also covering his face because we didn't draw him one either (rip Schneidermann face enjoyers) mirroring his cousins general outfit, except we can actually see the divide between his legs with the red loose pants he's wearing, rainbow long sleeved shirt, I think he was also supposed to have the ridiculous shoulder spikes but they look more like a high collared cape that's reaaaaaaaally short instead, 1 gold bracelet on each of his wrists and smoking a golden vape too, wears the other part of the mismatched shoe pair. He's also holding a banana and a hotdog (I think it's a hotdog at least) also wears a silver choker
Btw if you're wondering what the hell is up with the Schneidermann shoes, it's inspired by another thing we had to do in German period, be basically got a story from a newspaper that we had to retell in another way, the story we got was "Asian man steals peoples left shoes" like, specifically only the left one, which reminds me that Kim Hojungseo would be shoe thief considering that we drew a shit ton of shoes on his sheet lmao.
Extra writing on Hojungseo's sheet: "I only listen to REAL music!" "Save the fucking turtles b-baka! ùwú" "how can mirrors be real, when our eyes aren't?" "Crying on the inside"
I think I'll probably yassify part of their designs, not too much tho, oughta stay true to their OG vibe after all 😔✊ also this felt like a My Immortal chapter with these lengthy character descriptions, still kinda feel that I don't do em justice, they rlly are the kinda character designs that you simply need to ✨experience✨for yourself to truly understand. Also sorry for clogging up your asks you can tell me when to stop just sayin :,)
-Ren'py anon
What an
I do need these game files ASAP.
Why are the swedish cousins ESPECIALLY ugly 😭😭😭 a golden vape too??? Bro is living the life. WHY DID YOU GIVE THE WORST AND BEST CHARACTER THE HYPEBEAST AESTHETIC??? HELP
The genderfluid aroace urge to accept stoner swedish cousin and hacker nonny for who and whatever the hell they are is strong,
but I have standards I must stick to 💔
The pants on Stoner swedish cousin are questionable to say the least, but hey, at least the got them chains 😎 although his hair is a 🚫off
Hair is a BIG PART of attraction for me so 💀
In another world, he would've looked like that blonde boy from 6teen that was voiced by Chris Mcleans VA
Hacker nonny. Hacker NONNYYYYYYYY MY BOY
At this point, there is only friendship, listening to his funky ass one liners yall wrote, going to his bad private home ballet practices and kicking the back of his knees. Being over 6'8 is an ICKKKKKKKK
I'm 5'5 so, baby this ain't gon work </3
Y/n is awesome. I love how their hair conceals so much of their face, but they just do paint it on anyway. Taking no eyes Y/n to the next level I see 😎
Tbh Y/n and stoner swedish cousin are the only love interests to me now. Y/n should be able to say, "Yeah, humans are fucking FREAKS. I'm the hottest one here tbh." AND GO ON WITH THEIR DAY AS PER USUAL.
Y/n gotta go shoe shopping b4 hand bc WOOOO BOY those clowns shoes ain't it.
Koreaboo bf cousin can go fuck himself bc I hate how he's affiliated with 'Kim hojeongso' or whatever the fuck his name was.
And its okay renpy anon! Send in whenever you'd like! Even though it takes a little while to read through everything and try to include most of everything, I dont mind it all that much!
Thank you for being even comfortable enough to talk about your personal creation with me like this! I enjoy everything you have brought to the table and I'm excited if you have more. Thanks so much Renpy nonnie <33 ilysm
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exsisting-wasp · 2 years
notes - cj x shy!reader (fluff)
plot of the story - you’re a new student, and you and Cj start passing cute notes or smth idk. Its simple.
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You sighed, roaming the empty, quiet halls of your new school. “Where the hell am I supposed to be right now?” You asked yourself, looking down at the schedule that made little to no sense. 
In your attempt to find your way to class, you bumped into somebody else. No, literally, you two bumped into each other. Like, you straight up fell to the floor because you weren’t paying attention.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry!” He panicked, helping you pick up your stuff and helping you back onto your feet. “No, its fine. I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention...” You reassured him, practically whispering.
“But, uhm, could I bother you for help?” You quietly asked, finally gathering the courage to look up at the boy. He had soft looking black hair, beautiful bright blue eyes, and a hoodie. ‘Oh my god, he’s literally mine now.’ You thought.
“Oh, no problem. What’s up?” Showing him your schedule, you asked him all a thousand questions you had. And surprisingly, he had an answer to all of them, even agreeing to help you around the school that day if you needed (Which you hesitantly agreed agreed to). “Wanna know something funny?” He asked, to which you slowly nodded, cracking a small smile. “You remind me exactly of my friend, Ruby. I bet you two would make great friends.” He smiled back and you died a little inside thinking about having to make friends. 
“Uhm...Sure.” Was all you managed to get out. “Wait a sec,” He announced, gently grabbing the piece of paper out your hand. “We almost have all the same classes together. Weeeell, lets hope I dont start to annoy you eventually!” You let out a small laugh at your new, overly enthusiastic friend. 
After getting yelled at by one of the hall monitors, you two made your way to class. And of course, you sat next to your new friend.
You stared at him for a while, and he seemed so focused on nothing, he didn’t even notice you admiring him. Almost like he was just kind of zoned out. The more you looked at him, the more nervous you were to talk to him. I mean, for gods sake, you two were just having a full conversation and now you’re too nervous to even think about talking with him. 
So you made a solution. 
Ripping out a piece of lined paper from one of your books, you drew a small cat and a speech-bubble. “The cat of appreciation thanks you for helping Y/N get to class! <3″ (Fun fact, l do that irl lmao)
With a shaky hand, you tapped him on the shoulder, passing the paper to him. He sat there for a moment, confused looking before he wrote something in response. “oh. np lol. :)” You stared in awe at the note, my goodness, even his handwriting was perfect. 
(This part is just what you two wrote on the paper)
“Whats your name, btw?”
“Pardon my french, but that’s a fucking adorable name.”
“i’ll bet your name is cuter.”
Suddenly, you had a boost of courage. Without even thinking, you wrote down something you were probably gonna regret. 
“Eh, not cuter than you though.”
He took a few minutes to write something in response, which made you slightly nervous.
Your stomach sank. ‘Why? Why do I make such terrible life decisions?’ You mentally scolded yourself. Erasing your flirty comment, you then covered it up with another cat drawing, this cat looked confused.
“Nothing. I’m sorry.”
“is that some kind of attempt at flirting with me?” Cj also includes a small drawing, trying to copy the cat you drew.
“I think. Sorry.”
“dont be sorry. i think it was kinda cute ngl.”
He only draws small hearts in response. 
“Are you dating anyone rn? Asking for a friend 🥺👉👈“
“no but that could change *wink wink*”
“Why are you like this/j”
“oh but it was normal when you flirted with me tho?”
“We just met for god’s sake.”
Before you two could finish your weird argument thing, the bell rung. Everyone started to hop out of their seats and leave, you and Cj being the last ones out. “You remember where you’re going, right?” He asked. You smiled, nodding in response. “My next class is downstairs. I wish we had all our classes together...” Cj whines, making you giggle. “Hush, we’ll see each other next period.” You reassured him. Suddenly, Cj perked up again. 
“Oh! And by the way, tell your ‘friend’ I said I’m not single anymore.” He states, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before walking off like nothing had happened.
“Alright...I-I’ll let them know I guess.”
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cryspymf · 2 years
2.7 is finally here,,,
spoilers: update 2.7, no leaks just the official livestream stuff, theories
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welcome back to me screaming-
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WAHHHHHH I’m so excited! ngl I thought I’d be very underwhelmed with this update but I’m so interested. My biggest excitement is the rhythm game but we’re gonna act like that’s not my favorite part-
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THIS THING LOOKS SO PRETTY I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS BUT IT LOOKS NICE I can’t tell if this is an existing place in the chasm or like a tiny new area? Xiao mentions something like a domain so maybe that lil doorway is a way in or out? Not quite sure but the compass thing looks so epic.
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YELAN I think I was pulling for her,,, she’s so pretty and I love her animations. Alas, I refuse to let Kazuha down and I’m staying strong cuz I have his c2 but I’m desperate to c6 him lol
HEARING HER VA WAS SOO COOL TOO I think both her and Shinobu’s eng voice actors fit the characters appearance. I love Yelan’s Korean va tho oml it’s such a pretty voice.
The camera angles with Yelan, bruh they knew what they were doing she’s so pretty- her movement and fighting style in general are so cool, very dynamic. Same for Shinobu. While I have no interest in pulling for Shinobu cause her character doesn’t interest me much, I still think she’s really cool. I’m not too happy about her kit, even considering that she’s a 4*
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xiao my beloved <3 I’ve got a side acc for genshin where I pull for characters that I like and want on my main but am fully aware would not benefit my teams at all. So despite Xiao getting a rerun and my love for him, I will once again be skipping him </3 ITTO THOUGH I want Itto so bad because I foolishly skipped him the first time around for shenhe- but again, we savin’ for kazuha so I must resist the temptation. I might try to get Itto on my side acc, who knows (I have no pity built up after Yae lol).
Anyways, back to Xiao. This trailer supports my idea that despite being a lil reserved party pooper, Xiao does not know how to shut up once you get him talking. He didn’t say much in the trailer but I feel like he’s gonna have so much dialogue in game with how passionate (?) he sounded in the trailer. I wonder if the lil hologram lookin thing of him is supposed to be a portal. Reminds me of the abyss portals.
I can’t tell if it’s related but Xiao seemed to be saying something along the lines of “If you’re still alive why would you become like this?” My brain immediately went to that MIA yaksha. I could be really far off lol but it’s the first thing I thought of. I wanna know if that green haired person is related to who Xiao may have been speaking about. The only thing that makes me think otherwise is that Itto seems to know the green haired person and I feel like Itto has little to no relation to Liyue especially in yaksha terms. My favorite part of genshin lore is the Yakshas so I’m hoping we get to learn more about that and that I will not be disappointed,,,
Also why tf are Itto and Shinobu here lmao I don’t understand how they fit in such a Liyuean focused plot but that’s okay they’ll explain it lol
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omg the siblings jazz hands they’re back together, except I don’t think so lol Xiao’s saying something’s not right with the domain and my current assumption is that the sibling we see in front of us isn’t actually them, whoever’s messed up the domain is showing it to us to lure us in. Idk but the way Lumine seemed kinda fuzzy drew me away from the thought of it actually being her along with the space their in, look like the mf character menu lmao
the like red and black vortex shit confused me it looks cool and I’m excited for that part but I don’t know what it is.
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And my favorite part -u- Rhythm games are peak entertainment for me. I’m not a fan of the set up of the last two(?) rhythm events we had, but as an enstars fan this one has me so hyped. All of my millions of hours playing enstars have prepared me so this very moment It actually looks challenging in the best way. I’m just really picky about the rhythm games I play and this is my favorite format, set up, way of playing them, whatever you wanna call it lol I’m so excited for this event and I wish we got it sooner.
I’m hoping it’s earlier in the update thought I doubt it seeing as it was one of the ones announced later. That one fighting one does not interest me at all and I would be skipping it if we didn’t get a free weapon from it. It was announced first so I see that coming first in the update but maybe I’ll get lucky and the drum one will be beforehand or together with the first event seeing as it’s a little simpler!
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catzula · 4 years
Focus (on me)
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Request (by anon): Congratulations on 400 followers! Can I get Oikawa with 34 from your prompt list? As fluffly as possibe and maybe lil suggestive please :)) THANK YOU!
A/N: Of course, and thank you sm for participating in the event! This was so much fun to write ngl since I’m in love with this dude, like I can’t even explain. I hope you like this!
Warnings: one curse word, is it suggestive? jelaous Oikawa beware / first time I wrote something this short, it’s 1.3k
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Synopsis: Your boyfriend isn’t very happy about you spending so much time on a school project with this guy, and he is determined to get your attention somehow
( [F/N] stands for friend/name! )
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You didn't know why your teachers were suddenly obsessed with making break-out rooms or group projects, but it was getting frustrating at this point. 
You had at least two projects from almost every subject, and you never even found the idea amusing or rational. Group projects were time-consuming, annoying, and especially hard for socially anxious people. 
You were at least glad that you were paired with someone you knew this time, unlike your past two experiences of being paired with people you only knew by name and nothing else. So it might've been true that you were a little more enthusiastic about working with [F/N] since you always liked him a bit more than you did others.
You both got along perfectly, had much in common, and you often found yourself bursting into laughter at something he said, laughing till your stomach ached. 
Of course, none of this went missing from your boyfriend, Oikawa. 
At first, he was also glad you finally got to do a project with someone you liked. He laughed when you laughed, watching you with a warm gaze as he sat in the corner of the room till you finished the project or said it was enough for the day so you could go cuddle watch a movie with your boyfriend after.
But then he noticed your meetings started to get longer and longer, well aware of how you often swayed from work and had a conversation instead. And when you weren't on a zoom meeting with him, Oikawa found you texting each other. Of course, it was nothing serious, harmless, friendly texts and memes (he had to admit the guy had taste... the memes were hilarious), and it was mostly about school or how you were doing. And even though knowing all that couldn't stop him from getting jealous, he couldn't simply go and tell you he was jealous, could he? 
So he decided to solve this his way.
"Hey babe," Oikawa entered your room, his voice loud and the word 'babe'  emphasized so the guy could hear clearly. "Oh, hey, Tooru." You answered back. You were sitting on your bed as you took notes to the notebook next to you. The guy was also doing the same on the other side of the screen.
Even though you didn't greet him back with 'babe' like he hoped you would, he was still grateful for the smile you offered him. "Are you still working on the project? The one about that book you read? What was its name again... Brother's something?"
"Brother's Karamazov." The guy corrected Oikawa, causing him to make a face as he wrinkled his nose in distaste. "Yeah, that." Oikawa muttered as he settled beside you on the bed.
"Tooru? Did something happen?" You couldn't help but finally ask when he stood quiet and watched you and your friend work, pouting or huffing whenever he talked. 
"No? Does something needs to happen when I visit my girlfriend?" Your boyfriend protested (once again emphasizing the girlfriend part), taking your free hand between his larger ones as he played with your fingers. "Well, no, but I've never seen you so interested in my projects." You told him with a giggle, smiling softly when he started to draw hearts on your hand with his fingers.
"Well, maybe not your projects, but I'm interested in you." He muttered to you with that look that sent shivers down your spine. "Tooru!" You told him with widened eyes, your gaze flicking to your screen in embarrassment. 
"What are you doing?" You hissed between your teeth when he leaned even more towards you, causing your friend to fake a cough in awkwardness. "I'm just showing what's mine." Your boyfriend growled back, only then making you realize what this sudden possessive behavior was.
"Tooru?" You snickered, not able to suppress your mischievous smile, "are you, perhaps, jelaous?"
"Do I look jealous?" He asked, but the angry look in his eyes had already answered for him. "I'm sure he got it." You whispered, "Just let us do the project, 'kay?"
Even though a pout formed on your boyfriend's lips to your answer, he still shook his head and retracted a bit further away from you, not, however, dropping your hand.
"Um, where were we again?" You asked embarrassedly, since, even though you acted like it didn't, your boyfriend had affected you a lot. "We were talking about (...)"
"Oh, yeah. So as an argument to that, we could say-" You hitched a breath in when you felt something soft and warm on the tip of your fingers, something that oddly reminded you of Tooru's lips. You sent a glance at him, only to meet with his dark brown eyes, looking at you sneakily despite the innocent smile on his lips your fingers were tracing, and knowing damn well what he was doing.
"What?" He asked innocently. "You should concentrate, baby."
You cleared your throat, "Y-yeah, um, as I said, we can argue about how in Dimitri's trial, Foyodor... Um, I- I mean-" You gritted your teeth at the soft lips tracing your fingers, leaving trails of kisses on your palm and wrist, climbing it's way up.
This was torture. Pure torture, how you didn't know where the next kiss was going to be, how slow and soft he was kissing you, how you needed to focus but couldn't, and that was exactly what Tooru wanted.
"Tooru!" You whined, turning your microphone off, when his lips climbed up your arm, getting closer and closer to your neck. "What? I'm not doing anything!" He protested. "And you should be focusing." He emphasized the word focus. 
Yes, focus. Focus on me. Oikawa thought as he smiled slyly and kept climbing your arm with kisses that drew you mad. 
"Hey, Y/N- are you okay? You sound a little... flustered. We can do this later, too." Your friend told you, of course, Oikawa purposefully stood out of the frame, so your friend only saw you.
"Yeah, Y/N, are you okay?" Oikawa asked, looking at you from underneath his lashes, his lips now almost on your shoulder. 
"I'm- I'm okay, let's continue." You gritted your teeth as you turned your microphone on, hoping Oikawa would stop before he moved even further since if he even moved an inch, your friend would be able to see him and his mischievous smile, something Oikawa had wanted from the start.
You held your breath when Oikawa's lips traced your shoulder, making you shudder under his touch, his now a few shades darker eyes locked on your computer screen, at your friend who was watching him with widened eyes and a red face.
"I- um, this is probably not a right time, so maybe we should postpone..." your friend muttered, making the lips that were now on your neck thug upwards.
"I'm- you're right, I'm sorry about this- hey!" You warned your boyfriend when he bit the soft skin of your neck, but you heard him giggle in answer. 
"I'm gonna get back at you for this, asshole." You told him just before his lips closed on yours and made you gasp under his touch. Eyes automatically closing and arms wrapping his neck as you pulled him closer, you had already forgotten your friend's presence, melting into the kiss. But Oikawa was more than aware of him watching you with widened eyes, and even though he loved to see the defeated look in his eyes, this cute, flustered face of yours was only for him to see. 
So without breaking your lips apart, Oikawa averted his eyes to the screen, a snicker making him smile into the kiss as he clicked the red button, finally able to give you his full attention.
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anachronisticcrab · 3 years
Nico di Angelo Headcanons
It’s Nico’s birthday! So here are some Headcanons about him
* He wears dresses cause they’re pretty and make his aesthetic pop even more
* He’s royalty. I think his grandma was related to the Savoia’s (Italian royal family) so he grew up royal and shit
* He’s Rromani
* He’s a classics nerd, especially with literature and art
* He has a huge family after the Giants War, most of them adopted. Reyna, Meg, Rachel, Annabeth, Percy, Jason, Piper, Castor, Mr. D, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Gwen, Will, Austin, Kayla, Chiron, Hestia, Bob, Damasen, Hades, Persephone, Zagreus, Mesperian, Melinoe, Hermes, Castor, Apollo/Lester, Thalia, the troglodytes, Estelle, Sally, Paul, Drew, Mitchell, Clarisse, etc.
* They have the most comfortable bed in the WORLD. Whenever his family can’t sleep, they go to the Hades cabin and they send good dreams their way and chill out on one of the huge comfy beds
* He stress cooks
* All he wants for gifts is more family
* He’s literally a nonna ngl
* He hates IKEA. He calls it the Swedish Mafia and glares whenever someone gets anything IKEA related
* He’s gone vegetarian cause meat just tastes like death to him (not my hc but I’m not sure who originally came up with it, if you know pls tell me)
* He drinks his weight in coffee every day. He’s a caffeine addict
* He’s nonbinary cause duh
* He’s ace cause everyone is
* He hates horror movies. They remind him of Tartarus and he gets rlly bad flashbacks from them, so he doesn’t watch them
* Toasters make him jump. The amount of times he’s stabbed a toaster cause it went off and spooked him is amazing
* He loves Marvel and DC
* He’s amazing at poker
* He wears crowns all the time cuz he’s ROYAL
* He has a shockingly deep voice. No one expects it from him cause he’s short and skinny and looks like he should have a voice like a little flute, but his voice is super deep. It’s one of the reasons ppl are kinda uneasy around him
* He still wants to be a pirate and had a blast on the Argo 2. It was his childhood dream come true— demigods and pirates
* Nico talks with his hands all the time (click here to see my bigger post about it)
* He loves his sisters more than anything cause he’s Italian at heart. Rachel, Drew, Meg, Hazel, Reyna, Estelle and Annabeth are the luckiest people out there
* Contrary to popular belief, Nico is more interested in a career in medicine than Will. Will has a lot of trauma from being a combat medic for years, while Nico wants to learn more about biology and medicine cause it’s come a long way since he was a kid. Will ends up becoming a guidance counsellor
* As I said, Nico’s more likely to do something in medicine, but he doesn’t. He gets a degree in art history and ends up as a museum curator
* Nico has hundreds of books on his shelves and there’s sticky notes with writing on all of them. Little notes, observations, connections, ideas of what something could mean in a deeper way, notes about how Character A was 100% queer and in a loving relationship with characters B and C
* He can’t stand country music. There are a total of two good country songs and he hates the rest of them
* Other than that he listens to pretty much any music. His favourite band is the Ramones cause it’s canon and they’re amazing
* His favourite song is actually My Heart is Buries in Venice tho, not smth by the Ramones
* He’s shockingly good with kids. He’s very entertaining for them to hang out with, he listens to them rant, he plays games with them. Nico’s just great with kids and everyone at CHB loves him
* There is a total of three (3) animals that Nico can stand. They are cats, dogs, and snakes. Anything else and he will despise it forever
* His full name is Domenico Ade Uriele di Angelo. Ade is the italian form of Hades, and Uriele is the Aquarian Angel so I kinda thought it was a good fit lol. Plus Domenico is fun to say
* He’s never told anyone, but he’s actually open to the idea of a poly relationship and has always had a tiny crush on Leo (don’t mind me throwing in a hint of soldezangelo to appease my soul)
* He lives cuddles! If he doesn’t know you well, he won’t touch you with a ten foot pole. But once he gets to know you and he is comfortable around you... he’s s o f t. He falls asleep on ppl all the time
* Percy gave him his address and phone number after the Battle of the Labyrinth (which is how Nico knew where Percy lived at the end of the book)
* I’ve got so many ideas about Percy and Nico being like siblings and you can find a post about that whole deal here
* When Nico was still living on the streets b/w BotL and tlo, he spent some time at both Percy and Rachel’s homes. He and Rachel bonded over painting
* He’s really good at photography
* He can play like 9 instruments
* He doesn’t really get or understand Halloween and Thanksgiving, but he participates
That’s all for now!! Happy birthday to Nico di Angelo!
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 310 Spoiler Thoughts: “The First and Second Holders”
Some fan translations are out and it’s time to flex some thoughts out again!  I couldn’t do them last night because I didn’t have all the scan images with me and I didn’t want to jump the gun with only text descriptions.  Anyway, this was mainly an exposition chapter that properly introduces us to the second and third OFA Holders, especially the 2nd and what his relationship to the 1st is.  This might not be as long as others “Spoiler Thoughts” I’ve written, but let’s see:
First off, we have a colored cover page by Horikoshi-sensei himself!  It’s a solo page featuring Vigilante Deku and he looks badass!  Deku looks ready to kick ass and take names.  And, his Mid-Gauntlet is colored red like a lot of us thought and it adds to the theory that Melissa Shield did create it like she did with Deku’s Full-Gauntlet back in Two Heroes.
The chapter starts in a dark and rainy night.  A large woman (she’s like maybe 10ft tall; she’s taller than All Might who I think is 7ft) with a mutant-type quirk who’s getting attacked by some civilians because they think she’s a villain.  Deku jumps in to stop the attacks and the woman explains that she was just trying to go to one of the evacuation centers at a hero school.  Deku is kind enough to give her her umbrella back and reassure her that things will be ok.  
I gotta say that this whole situation is scarily close to real life right now.  I don’t like getting too political, but we live in a scary world where discrimination is, unfortunately, alive and well...  If you are a POC, you can be attacked from anywhere with the only reason being that “you’re a danger because of the skin you were born with”. It’s horrific, it’s disgusting, and it’s been around for a long time.  Even in the BNHA universe, there used to be cults solely dedicated to discriminating against mutant-type people (we learned this back in the My Villain Academia Arc).  So, like in the real world, this problem has risen again.  Thankfully, there are people like Deku and All Might who are more than willing to help someone in need regardless of who they are.  BNHA hits too close to home sometimes.  
Anyway, going back to the BNHA story.  Before All Might leaves to help the woman in his Batmobile, he hands Deku some Pork Katsu in a cute bento box wrapped in a bunny cloth!  Deku is visibly happy and thanks All Might for the meal.  This is so cute!  I’m so glad to see that All Might is making sure that Deku is being properly taken care of.  Boy needs to eat if he’s going to save the world.  I’m also glad that Deku can still show signs of happiness despite, well, everything.  I swear, if All Might doesn’t legally adopt Deku as his son by the time this series is over, I’m going to jump into this manga and force him to sign those documents myself. 
The next panel shows Deku standing on what looks like Tokyo’s famous Sky Tree (or Sky Egg if we’re going off what Vigilantes showed us).  He’s back to talking to the OFA Holders like they’re angels on his shoulders.  Banjo talks about how it’s like the world’s reverted back in time when things were worse and Deku responds that if he doesn’t use all of OFA’s power, he’ll never be able to defeat Shigaraki and AFO.  I know we’re in the final act, so Deku’s gotta get to 100% fast if he wants to win this war.  Last we checked, he was at 45%, but he might be at a higher percentage now since he’s unlocked En’s Smokescreen.  Also, Deku’s looking more and more like Batman each chapter and I gotta say that it really suits him.
Back to the Vestige Dream back when Deku was still in a coma after the war.  The 1st Holder begs the 2nd and 3rd to corporate with him so that they can provide their power to Deku.  The 1st calls the 2nd and 3rd “My Heroes” which causes some awkward silence lol.  Neither one is responding, so Banjo breaks the silence by suggesting that Deku learn everyone’s Quirks so that he’ll get used to them once he starts using them.  We learn why the 2nd and 3rd are the 1st’s heroes soon, but it’s actually a good idea for Deku to learn about all these different Quirks while he’s sleeping so that he’ll get a good idea on how to execute them when he wakes up.  It’s kind of a way of training for Deku just without actually using the Quirks themselves.  
The 3rd Holder (the one with the spiky ponytail and headband) starts to talk.  He says that the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd came from the “Harshest era of history”.  It was a time where AFO ruled all and peaked in power and control.  He was going to take over the whole world if the first 3 Holders didn’t step in to stop him.  My guess is that after AFO was defeated for the first time, society started to calm down and become more or less the world we knew before the War Arc.  So, things weren’t as bad during the 4th Holder’s era and so forth.  This would explain why Shinomori was able to hide in the forest for so long without being detected.  
And now the big part of the chapter: the 2nd Holder.  Who does in fact look A LOT like Bakugo.  Big difference is that he has a massive scar across his face.  I am aware of the whole “time travel” theory that people have going on with Bakugo and this dude, but I’m not on that train.  Instead, I think that the 2nd Holder is one of Bakugo’s ancestors.  Like, a really, really-great-grandfather.  Horikoshi doesn’t just design his characters for no reason.  The fact that the 2nd user looks so much like Bakugo, has a costume similar to Bakugo’s, and that future panels in this chapter straight up parallel that iconic scene with young Bakugo and Deku in the river only add fuel to this fire.  Unless Horikoshi says otherwise, this is the theory I’m sticking to: this “Ancestor” theory.
And we know of the 1st user’s real name now too, which is Yoichi!  If Horikoshi is keeping up with the “numbers in names” theme, then I’m positive that Yochi has the kanji for “One” somewhere in it.  And, if we’re going to believe AFO at all, then that means that the 1st user’s full name is Yoichi Shigaraki.  We don’t know AFO’s full name yet.  But, again, AFO could be lying with his last name, so I’m taking this one with a grain of salt.
Back to the 2nd Holder, he tells Yoichi that a lot of lives were sacrificed in order to stop AFO back then.  He believes that there is only victory or defeat in battle; that there’s no hope of saving their archenemy.  He has doubt about putting his faith in Deku because of this.  Given how the 3rd Holder still has his back turned too, I’m lead to believe that he also thinks Deku is crazy for wanting to save Shigaraki.  I don’t exactly blame them.  Really, none of us know if Deku will be successful in saving Shigaraki.  He might have to kill him in the end.  I think they should offer Deku help, but I don’t blame them for being at least a little skeptical.  
But, Yoichi reminds the 2nd and 3rd users that they saved Yoichi back when AFO locked him up to die.  They found Yoichi with the intention to kill him it seems, but the 2nd Holder showed sympathy for Yoichi and lent him a helping hand despite Yoichi being AFO’s little brother.  This is the parallel panel I was talking about.  Yoichi is kneeling down on the floor and the 2nd user is standing up extending his hand to help Yoichi.  I don’t even need to look back in the manga to know what inspired this.  Hell, I don’t even need to tell you!  We all know what Horikoshi was doing when he drew and wrote this.
Yoichi convinces him that he should believe in Deku as Yoichi does think Deku will save the day.  If the 2nd user didn’t extend his hand to help Yoichi, OFA wouldn’t have begun.  I think that the trust between these two is ultimately the reason why the 2nd user finally agreed to help Deku; the same with the 3rd user too.  And, kind of a tangent, but I really like how Horikoshi draws Yoichi and the 2nd user’s hands as they’re reaching for each other.  Horikoshi has always been really good with drawing hands like they’re facial expressions (something my ass could never do 😭) and this one shows kindness and empathy.  It’s almost like what would’ve happened if Bakugo accepted Deku’s hand for help when they were young instead of letting his pride and ego get in the way.  Oh, the parallels! 
Finally, the 2nd user speaks in present day telling Deku that they’re going full speed ahead now.  My guess is that Deku’s going to have to improve on OFA and the rest of his Quirks quickly in order to find and beat the LoV.  We are in the Final Act after all.  The chapter ends at a good place if we want to switch to the UA kids, which is honestly what I’m hoping for.  Again, I love Deku and his Vigilante adventures, but I miss the rest of the kids.  The new BNHA Exhibition in Japan apparently has a giant drawing of the main class, All Might, Aizawa, and Shinso in his new hero costume!  Which tells me that 1. Shinso probably took Deku’s place in the class for the time being, and 2. We’re definitely going to see the other kids again.  I’m hoping soon.  But, I wouldn’t be surprised if Horikoshi decided to continue focusing on Deku’s Vigilanteism and have him practice with he 2nd and 3rd Holder’s Quirks now that they’re working with him.  We’ll just have to see.
So, that’s it!  Solid chapter overall.  I’m glad we finally got to see the 3rd and 2nd Holder’s faces.  I think the “Kirishima is the 3rd Holder” theroy has been debunked at this point, but I’m still on the “2nd Holder is Bakugo’s ancestor” train.  The similarities and parallels are too strong for me to deny it.  Horikoshi-sensei, please confirm or deny soon 🙏.  We are getting break next week for Golden Week BTW!  All of Shonen Jump is actually, so no One Piece or JJK either (I’m not sure about Jump+, so we might still be getting some Spy X Family for example).  So, basically all our favorite mangakas are getting a well-deserved break as they should!  I hope they enjoy their vacation!  Waiting’s going to suck tho, I’m ngl about that...  Oh well, I’m willing to take the sacrifice if it means having healthy mangka.  Thankfully, we still have the anime and the new exhibition to tide us over until then.
Edit: I went back to re-read the chapter and I completely missed the date for the next chapter (chapter 311) which is set to release on May 9th!  So, we’re actually getting a 2 week break instead.  Damn...  Sucks for us, but it’s good for mangaka to get breaks when they can especially considering their absolutely insane schedule.
Me reading this chapter:
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Prove Me Wrong
M!Reader x Oikawa
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-heres an interesting thought. what about flamboyant oikawa with a cold boyfriend😳😳
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so in the request above
this is a m!reader
meaning you will be male in this one so hehe yep the story starts now
you are,,,
and cold
but its mainly just because you were,,,
too tired to actually put in the effort of socializing
between bouncing between part-time jobs to care for your siblings and to schoolwork and book club
the mans can only do so much
so you spend most of your time in school just trying to catch up on sleep bc youre too busy studying up all night for exams since yanno
unfortunately for you, your class had the famous manwhore oikawa tooru
why is that a bad thing?
well, imagine just trying to get some shut eye and suddenly, you just hear a bunch of screaming girls and it gets louder the closer the guy approaches your classroom and when he opens it,
the screams become 10x bass boosted
then imagine that with your sensitive hearing
it does bother you but it wouldnt bother you as much if he told them to leave
he decides to let them in and chat with them and flatter them and continue with that bs until the bell rings
even then,
the girls in your class cant help but keep giggling at him and he always whispers in that obnoxious voice and youre just like two seconds away from ripping his tongue out
you dont hate him
you just genuinely dislike his way of living
and the way he talks
and the way he acts
yea see?
no hate
theres a difference
then there was that one time that you got so fed up with it that when oikawa settled on his seat and the fangirls circled him like some cult
they started talking to him all at once trying to get his attention
so it was a garbled mess of sounds and you growled, burying your face deeper in your arms because you would snap really really soon
then one girl shrieked when oikawa smiled at her and then you really just let go of all bearings
your chair made a squeak as you shot up, palms slamming against the wooden desk and your eyes glaring straight at them
‘go back to the farm, ya squealing pigs’
this made everyone silent-even the others in the class just minding their own business
they all knew you as the quiet kid who didnt really talk much but those who did were really scared at you and the way you talked to them with such a cold and monotonous voice that they started spreading rumors about you
even absurd ones like your eyes are so cold bc youve killed so many people that you have no life and empathy left
but apparently they were just,,, so scared of you that when you finally got done with them and bursted out, the girls started crying
the females run out of the room scared and the others nervously looks at you
your eyes sweeped through the room and each one of them flinched when you made eye contact with them
the only who didnt was oikawa tooru himself
your eyes landed on him and he still had that stupid smug look on his stupidly gorgeous face and you wanted to ki-WAIT NO SLAP it off of him
‘the hell you looking at?’
you grumbled at him and he just merely shook his head with a smile
‘you remind me a chihuahua, m/n-chan. so cute when its angry’
now it isnt a surprise to hear oikawa tooru say that to a boy bc wowza the school loves him so much that hes a bi icon in seijoh and hes such a king like who cares?
but they were surprised to see you turn red, the tips of your ears to the base of your neck were all flushed
‘see? so cute, right, everyone?’
the class didnt say anything except just put their heads down bc as much as they wanted to agree with oikawa at how suddenly hot you looked, they were too scared that you might plummet their faces to the ground
maybe thats when everyone started noticing you more
again, you were very quiet, you didnt talk much, you just sat there and listened so obviously you didnt really stand out but then that outburst made you more noticeable
you started seeing girls in your class staring at you then blush and look away abashedly
then the guys in your class started greeting you, even people in the hallways
ngl the attention you suddenly got was overwhelming
especially when oikawa seemed to call out to you all the time now
as you were walking down the stairs, hed see you and he’d shout and wave to you
‘m/n-chan! hiii!!!!’
his loud voice would make everyone turn and look at you and you dont do well with public attention so you turn red and you glare at him
‘shut the hell up, idiot. and dont call me by my first name. we’re not friends’
you turned to walk in the classroom but you looked at him again after taking a few steps
there he was
smiling and giggling with those girls
all he does is smile and giggle and shit
its so damn fake that you cant believe everyone fell for it and the worst thing is oikawa’s doing it to get everyone’s acceptance and validication
it was pathetic and disgusting
poor oikawa :(
now on to baby flatttykawa side,
he was kinda hurt by that
like how the heck are you not friends when youve been going to high school for 3 years?
sure, its only been casual greetings and him waving at you when yall made eye contact
but its still something, right?
when you walked back into the classroom, tooru cant help but feel down at the declaration of the lack of friendship you had
his form slouched and his eyes trailed down but the voice of some girl brought him back to where he was and to fix his attitude
‘oikawa-san? are you okay?’
the others muttered in concern with her but they were eased when he raised a peace sign with the signature smile 
‘yep! all good!’
truth be told,
oikawa has always noticed you
not only do you work at the one bakery with his milk bread but you also work at the convenience store that the team sometimes visits
then he also noticed you picking up your brother from the volleyball practice that takeru’s part of and he cant help but frown at the eyebags under your eyes that he always sees
he lies awake at night just thinking how you would look without those eyebags, without the sickly looking complexion, or even just the lack of life in your eyes
then during class, you sat by the window
tooru knows this bc his eyes always fixes itself on you whenever he opens that door and he has to hold in the need to hug you when he sees you sleeping on your desk
others might call you lazy
others might call you a video game all nighter kid
but they dont notice the things you do
the nervous habits hes seen from you at the times that tooru couldnt help but stare
he knew it was creepy to do it
but you were so silent
you blended yourself into the background and you made sure to stay there 
thats why nobody knows anything about you
with good looks like yours and a smart brain (he knew this from mattsun and makki being your students), why exactly were you not known?
maybe thats why it drew you to him
all his life he chased, 
but now hes the one chasing?
tooru knows that your left eyebrow lifts when sensei writes something you dont understands
tooru knows that you like to do sudoku in the convenience store while you worked
tooru knows you eat the same meal during lunch every day from the same lunchbox
and he also knows that your brother talks so highly about you from takeru
the little things your brother brags about like your ability to cook f/f or your weird ability to just assemble something without looking at the instruction manual
he notices and knows all these things about you
things that people never really even bothered to 
oikawa didnt even know he liked you until iwaizumi pointed it out during lunch
the third years liked to go and eat at the rooftop where it was nice and windy
oikawa was sitting and leaned against the tall wire fence, his eyes fixated on you down below on the bench as you ate your lunch
then you accidentally loosened the chopsticks causing your food to slip off
that made oikawa giggle
he was chuckling and giggling that the others noticed him when he suddenly went quiet
‘oi, oikawa’
makki nudged him back to them and tooru flinched before smiling at them
‘hm? so you do notice me!’
iwa glared
‘idiot. of course we do. youre laughing over there like some damn schoolgirl. did one of your fangirls posses you or something? if not, cut it out. its ugly’
oikawa shot him an offended look
‘what?! iwa-chan so mean!’
mattsun took the liberty to peer over the edge to see what he was looking at and smirked
‘eh? were you looking at l/n-sensei?’
oikawa blushed, feeling like he just got caught doing something bad
‘and what about it? im looking at you too, right now, mattsun!’
makki cackled at oikawa’s poor attempt of reasoning
‘i mean, i dont blame you. if issei wasnt here, id definitely get with him’
oikawa’s eyes wandered back down to you and he noticed you put the bento box to the side before sneezing
‘gosh, even his sneeze is cute’
he mumbled then jolted when he heard his own words 
iwa sighed
‘what are we going to do with you, shittykawa?’
‘what?! what did i do?!’
iwa’s eyes scrunched and he scrutinized his best friend
‘boke. i feel bad for that kid, doesnt know this stupid idiot likes him’
so thats how oikawa came to terms of it
he thought he was just interested and fascinated with you but he really does like you
and to be honest, he doesnt really want you to know that bc duh, you dont like him so why bother?
baby oiks doesnt interact with you much anymore bc he knows you get uncomfy with attention but he still does look out for you and decides he should just admire from afar
he will live every day just holding his feelings in for you and one day they will disappear
but today just wasnt the day
maybe today was the start of the worst yet the best part of your life
last night was particularly rough as the convenience store you worked in had a drunk person who wanted to fight with you and your manager had to call the police and it was just a mess
to add on to it, midterms were around the corner-like next week- so you were studying up for that
but your sister got sick so you were also trying to take care of her and making sure her fever was going down and her crying ever few hours about her tummy ache didnt allow you to sleep
hehehe single parent working late tingz
so yep haha you did NOT get any sleep
so you walked into school that morning, looking tired as hell and mad as hell but you just wanted to sleep bro
the one kid you tutor, matsukawa issei, and his friend who usually tags along, hanamaki takahiro, noticed you dazedly pass them in the hallway and poor dudes felt bad for you
mattsun actually pays you to tutor him bc he knows you need the money while taka preferred to buy you snacks and drinks as compensation
so it was normal that he had an energy drink in his bag that he was going to give you tomorrow during your tutoring day
‘oi! l/n!’
your head perked up at the call of your name and you nodded in greeting at the light brown haired boy
you muttered and mattsun placed his hands on your shoulder to keep you upright
‘oi, l/n, you sure you want to be here? you can go home and we can tell them youre sick or some-’
but you waved your hand
‘nonono todays an important lecture so i cant miss it’
the two guys didnt look convinced but they respected your need to be in school since they too need to be in class for midterms
‘here. at least take this’
makki placed a drink on your hand and you nodded and gave them a small smile
you mumbled before wandering off
once they saw you at a distance away, makki wrapped an arm around issei to get his attention
‘ya think we should tell oikawa to keep an eye on him? make sure he doesnt keel over and die or somethin?’
mattsun stopped before nodding
‘yea thats a good idea’
oikawa was already in class when you walked in and he cant help but tear his eyes away from the girls to you as you sluggishly walked to your seat
the drop of your bag and the thud of your head meeting the desk made him worried bc you looked worse than usual
his phone buzzed and he checked it to see a message from mattsun
‘keep an eye out for your boyfriend. mightve been working late last night and yanno how he is. just watch out if he faints or something’
okay that made him super worried
totally ignoring what mattsun called you, oikawa knew he needed to talk to you
but these fangirls were the first problem
he shut his phone off and looked up at them with a grin that made them madly blush
‘ladies, class is about to start. oikawa-senpai would hate for you to be marked. so study hard for me, okay?’
like hypnotized cult members, the girls ran to their classrooms and tooru finally had the opportunity to talk to you
he stood up and walked over to your seat
he called out, looking down at you
he tried again and was about to put a hand on your shoulder when your hand snatched it
‘dont touch me, oikawa’
you grumbled and tooru furrowed his eyebrows
‘m/n-chan, i just wanted to ask if youre okay’
he whined and you didnt bother to look up but just let go of his hand
‘i was until you came over, idiot’
tooru was thankful that the teacher came in then and there bc he didnt know how to respond to that
he wanted to brush it off but it hurt him a little
and he knows he shouldnt entertain his crush on you but he couldnt looking at you and watching as you got up to use the bathroom 
as class went on, oikawa was starting to worry
now again, hes no stalker bc his observation skills were just phenomenal due to volleyball
so he noticed that youve been in the bathroom for like 20 minutes now
okay nevermind
tooru, worried that something happened, raised his hand to go and use the bathroom and the sensei wasnt exactly paying attention so he just let him go
thank god he has long legs bc he was able to reach the bathroom quick and he stifled a shriek when he saw your passed out form inside
he yelled and he cursed when duh you were alone and who knows how long youve been there
and ew bathroom floors is bleh
you were in no way light but you werent exactly heavy either so he was able to muster up all his strength and hoisted you on his back
tooru’s heart thrummed in his chest and he knew it couldnt be that serious but he cant help but think of the worst
and yep
the nurse just told him that your heartbeat was okay and you were snoring so you mustve been exhausted by the dark circles in your eyes
‘keep an eye on him for me. i have to tend to midoriya over there. the kid broke his arm again and i dont know how’
she grumbled at the end but tooru didnt care as he sat on the chair next to your bed
he sighed before laying his head on the cot by your hand
his eyes settled on your face and how peaceful it looked
gosh, you really were so cute
your personality just sucked ass
constantly telling him to shut up and calling him idiot
not long after oikawa fell asleep, you woke up and cursed, immediately realizing you fainted and you missed class
as you were going to rub your eye, there was weight on your hand and you looked down to see a head full of brown hair that could only belong to a certain someone
a certain idiot
‘oi. oikawa, wake up’
you shook his head and when he didnt budge, you just pulled your hand from under him making him jump awake
at first, he was confused
looking around like a lost puppy and his eyes bleary
yea it was cute and what about it
then he noticed you sitting up and he smiled
‘you feeling better, m/n-chan?’
he asked, leaning close 
but you placed your hand on his face to push him away
‘yea. and stop leaning so close, idiot’
you grumbled and he whined
‘youre so mean, m/n-chan! i was so worried about you!’
he complained and you rolled your eyes
‘i didnt ask you to be, idiot’
oikawa frowned
‘i cant help it. i like you, m/n-chan’
you froze, looking at him with scrunched eyebrows
then you chuckled dryly
‘yea, okay sure. im okay now so you can go to class’
tooru was taken aback
‘wh-what? thats it? after i just told you that i liked you?’
you blinked at him
‘what do you want me to say about that, oikawa? how do you want me to react? im not like your fangirls, squealing and shit’
your words cut deep in him and oikawa held your arm
‘no wait a minute. what do you mean by that? do you not believe me?’
‘who the hell believes something that’s fake?’
there was a snip in your tone and oikawa knew you were talking about this facade of his
‘what? i-’
‘you think i believe you? you telling me you like me? do you even know who you are?’
you asked and tooru sniffled, eyes staring at your chest
‘for years, you told people what you wanted them to hear, regardless if you meant them or not. not once have you ever told them no. who the hell accepts chocolates when they dont even like them to begin with?’
at that last part, oikawa snapped up to meet your eyes
‘how did you know’
you rolled your eyes
‘our brothers are friends, idiot. he gave him some of the chocolates you gave to takeru since the brat couldnt eat them all’
oddly, that brought some warmth in tooru’s chest
so he wasnt the only one who knows the stupid stuff
but you continued on your rant
‘for a guy who doesnt like sweet stuff, youve accepted their nasty treats all the time, like why? oh, wait i know why, because you want them to like you. it doesnt matter if-if this-this persona of yours isnt real because as long as they like you, you dont give a fuck. isn’t that true? am i right? because please, prove me wrong’
maybe your dislike for him came out at that tangent and you half expected him to cry but you were surprised when he glared at you with teary eyes
‘i will. ill prove you wrong, m/n, that i do like you and i will make you like me. ill make you like me with the real me. i swear.’
‘mhm. okay. sure, oikawa’
do you regret it?
i mean,,,
but not really?
because you loved watching the girls faces fall when oikawa rejected their treats the next day
you were walking to class when you noticed him with his cult by the entrance and you saw him smiling at some girl before gently pushing away a can of cookies
‘gomen. i actually dont like sweets that much anymore. if you want, you can give me milk bread?’
you stopped and oikawa caught your eye and he grinned
you nodded in greeting before continuing to walk
but he noticed a small smile on your face and gosh oikawa sighed like a lovesick fool
it took iwaizumi to finally send him back and his fangirls were looking at him worriedly
‘could you be less obvious, shittykawa?’
rip iwaizumi hajime in episode 546546546 of daily adventures of oikawa tooru
you noticed that oikawa has started to become distant with his fangirls and hes been sticking to you during lunch, leaving behind the others
makki and mattsun looked like proud parents as they peered down over to you flicking oikawa’s forehead and they smiled
‘god, that kid deserves this’
‘hah? that sounds like more of a punishment to me. but i dont care. it takes him off our hands for a while’
oikawa would pick your brother up and take him home when youre too busy to go get him yourself and sometimes, he even takes your little sister too which causes them to have a mini sleepover and you sleep there too
also, whenever youre working in the convenience store, tooru would buy sandwhiches and a drink just for you so you can eat them while youre on break and not have to waste money and you told himyou dont want him spending money on you but he doesnt wanna hear it
‘i dont want you buying me-’
‘ssshhhh dont. im doing this because i want to and becaus i care for you, m/n-chan’
youve started to like him
youve started looking forward to seeing his stupidly cute face and his stupidly cute giggle
you went to his games and gave him a tight hug when hes about to play as a ritual for good luck and you would open your arms for him wide whenever he wins
then he didnt
against shiratorizawa, you noticed how he was so disappointed
even as you walked home with him, he continued to smile and tell you how good his team played
until you couldnt take it anymore
you pulled him over to some alleyway and you pushed him to the wall
oikawa nervously fiddled with his jacket and gave you a shaky smile
‘m/n-chan, what are you-’
‘tell me what youre feeling right here, right now. no bullshit, no lies, tell me everything in that pretty head of yours’
you deadpanned and tooru looked away
‘im fine’
‘are you lying to me, tooru?’
your voice was even but he could tell you were serious
he gulped before taking in a shakey breath
‘im fine. so stop asking about it!’
he exclaimed and you sighed
‘listen, i know its not official yet but you want me to be your boyfriend right?’
tooru flinched before he flushed at the word ‘boyfriend’ 
then he nodded
‘as your boyfriend, you have to lean on me, tooru. i dont want you to hold it to yourself because i wanna be there for you and i want to go through everything with you because i,,,,,’
you stopped and hesitated, debating if you should say it or not
‘because i like you, idiot’
you confessed and swallowed thickly
oikawa met your eye and his eyes watered
‘im so angry! im so disappointed! but i know my team did their 110 percent! we’re just not strong enough! so its not their fault! but ushijima is such a freak and hes too strong and its not fair!’
he complained and he cried loudly
not once in the 3 years of knowing oikawa have you seen him cry and you were so proud of him for being able to trust you enough to show him being vulnerable
you rushed forward held him close to your chest
‘for what it’s worth, you looked so incredibly hot and cute playing’
you whispered and pecked his neck 
of course oikawa couldnt hold his surprise at the feeling of your lips on his neck so he squealed a little
you gigled and continued holding your boyfriend close, even if it was at some nasty alleyway
yall became official and ngl, they didnt see this coming
some nobody dating the grand king oikawa tooru?
what in the wattpad?
yall know that tiktok of like ‘guys you cant dm me anymore. i have a girlfriend now. what else? and i love her’
but you totally made oikawa tell his fangirls that
when yall became official, you actually gained your own little fanclub
maybe its because you gained clout from your boyfriend but they started noticing you and wowza you were hot
before, it was you getting jealous over tooru but now, it was him getting possessive of you
hes such a brat that he sits on your lap before class and youre just all smirking and feeling all good bc your baby is so cute when hes jealous
but all oiks has to do is pull down your collar and expose your purple littered collarbones and they will know who you belong to
theres a reason why iwa-chan is now the kids babysitter
youre still kinda cold and distant to people but youre soft for your baby and you always hold him close when hes in sight and you just cant get enough of him
your sister loves dressing you up and oikawa has his sisters makeup and they both do your makeup and you guys have tea party with the boys and just the cutest domestic stuff
you still call him idiot though
but like affectionately yanno?
and over the years youve turned it down to dummy
and ngl tooru loves it when you call him that
what in the dumbification-
because he knows that equivalent to babe from you and he absolutely just loves you lmao
youre def the more quieter and calmer one in the relationship like you absolutely dont react much
while tooru is the overreactor and hes very animated with his facial expressions and stuff
like the one time
he was cooking some chicken pasta and you cheekily grabbed a piece of chicken and he made a dramatic gasp
‘*le gasp* oikawa m/n how dare steal a piece of chicken!’
you cackled before crossing your arms at the sight ofyour lover with his pursed lips and hands on his hips
‘excuse you. its more of you who’d take my last name’
it was so easy to make him flustered and tooru quickly turned around to tend back to the food but he was really just hiding his red face
‘b-baka. thats not going to happen’
‘not if i do it first’
you shrugged and smirked, wondering if he will fall for it
and as expected with oikawa tooru
‘yea okay sure’
‘i will!’
‘prove me wrong, m/n-chan~’
‘turn around right now’
oikawa rolled his eyes playfully before turning with a smile
‘what are you-*le gasp part 2*’
his hands covered his mouth at the sight of you there in front of him, kneeling on your knee tightly clutching a silver ring between your thumb and index finger
your heart was thrumming in your chest but you gulped and smiled
‘i win. now marry me, dummy’
oikawa screamed
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a/n: sorry if this sucked booty :((( but i just really like the thought of uke oikawa and just him with a cute boyfriend for a change like please we all know oikawa is a bi king and thats on docosahexaenoic acid
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shinjaeha · 4 years
itsay ep 4 (thoughts + spoilers)
idk even know how to even start this bc i feel like i’m just a big ball of emotions, and this ep was wild. so much happened. last ep was so wonderful and almost languid with how everything played out (esp since it focussed much more specifically on the shift in teh/oh-aew’s relationship). this ep had a bit more of everything, not just the two of them in their bubble anymore. societal forces at play, and hence much more angst. again, this isn’t a  proper analysis, it’s just me ranting and raving as usual as i semi-rewatch this again. this is very long, and there are a lot more things i want to think about in more detail at some point bc i’m mostly just skating over a lot of what happened but i gotta get these thoughts in my head out of me somehow. and i’m not sure if what i’m typing will even make sense bc i MYSELF can barely make sense of what i’m feeling but here i go anyway.
so we start off with the both of them kind of awkward after the night before which is fair enough considering what happened. actually when oh-aew’s habit started playing up again, i thought teh wasn’t going to scratch his back bc he was trying not to ~go there again after the night before, but he did and i was pleasantly surprised like oh...maybe things aren’t that bad?? (YET). also, i can imagine that it would have been reassuring for oh-aew too. like things have changed, but it’s not like teh has completely abandoned him. the touch itself is comforting, like when they were kids.
teh’s mum talking about how she wants both of her sons to bring their girlfriends around (and hounding him about bringing tarn around again) is giving me war flashbacks to my own asian relatives and i can feel the way that must crawl under his skin. I HATE when family members do that (and they always do). but for teh it must be esp hard bc he’s already constantly feeling like he’s vying for his mum’s attention over his brother, and now hoon’s bought back a girlfriend so it’s yet ANOTHER thing he feels like he has to compete with his brother over. in the back of his mind, he knows that he can’t give his mum what she wants if he’s with oh-aew (he can’t ‘win’ over hoon bc heteronormativity). teh is def prone to jealousy fairly easily, but i always feel like his emotions on that base level are also very easy to understand. i’ve been in positions like that before where i’ve felt like i’ve constantly been compared to someone else, and it makes you feel like shit. but also oh-aew having to sit through teh’s mum telling him to let her know if teh and tarn are dating?? ouch.
cue teh trying to avoid what’s going on with them and oh-aew being sad :((( they’re both in so much pain and i feel it and thank god i am no longer a teenager that’s all i can say about this.
the guitar in skyline instrumental is just...making me feel some kind of way. they have so many versions of this song and they always use the right version at the right time how is that.
so the tarn scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first thought: holy shit she looks so cute i love her crop top where did she get it i want one. second thought: but why did they make her wear a dark bra under such a light top?? i love that i was thinking this and then it all unravelled in front of me and like...the brilliance. the contrast between the scene in ep 2 (i think?) where teh accidentally peeks at her bra through the buttons of her shirt and gets noticeably flustered, and then this one where she literally wears the same bra under a light shirt ON PURPOSE to get his attention, but he doesn’t even notice?? the way she expects him to colour the hibiscus purple, but he colours it red for oh-aew instead?? it’s so incredibly telling of where his heart is at, and how his feelings have changed. anyway, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that he’s just not all there with her anymore, and tarn isn’t stupid...she’s been picking up on the signals since the beginning (why was he so weirdly obsessed with beating oh-aew at the start? why was he willing to wake up at 4am for oh-aew but not for her? willing to tutor the rest of his friends but not spend time with her?). the way she sees him colouring the hibiscus red and it’s her wake up call, like wtf am i DOING bc of this guy????? i love how she acknowledges that her feelings for teh have made it so she’s solely focussed on him and that she hates the things it makes her do (like wearing the bra to gain his attention). ngl i was slightly worried with how they were going to use her character during these later eps with teh being so conflicted (since girlfriends in BLs are usually handled pretty poorly), but i appreciate that she’s still as fleshed out and full of feeling as she ever was. she’s so sweet, and i just wish she had better than this, but i’m glad she called teh out on it. i know he’s confused af rn, and tbh i don’t think he’s handled this as badly (atm at least) as i thought it could have gone, but at the same time, if he doesn’t decide and set his heart on what he really wants, he’s just going to end up hurting them all. LOVE that she basically tells him to get his shit together first before coming back to her. i like her so much. and that scene of teh just walking around and around at the back feeling conflicted while she drew? really reminds me of the squiggly line timeline(?) of how ep 4 was going to go that nadao released before this ep went live. also cmbyn vibes were real in that one.
the devastation in oh-aew’s voice when he asks teh to at least reply his messages ;;; it’s like teh wants to go back to just being friends and oh-aew has kind of accepted that at this point, but at the same time, teh’s not backing that up. he says he wants to be friends, but he doesn’t know how to act ‘normal’ about it anymore, so he pushes oh-aew away instead. good on oh-aew for not taking that shit and standing up for himself too. i absolutely cannot stand seeing oh-aew sad bc pp’s sad face/voice is so good it actually pains me.
notice how teh ALWAYS uses studies/tutoring as an excuse to get closer to oh-aew again...hmmm...does oh-aew see it for what that is now too? that “you’ve never understood me” hit me like a fucking train. to think that they were so attuned to one another last ep, but now teh’s too caught up in he’s own world to realise just how much he’s hurting oh-aew. thanks, i hate it.
i know that he’s needs to figure himself out more and i absolutely stand by the fact that he needs to do that without messing around with either oh-aew or tarn (and also that he’s using studies again to get into oh-aew’s good books instead of talking through feelings and all that), but the chinese idiom book that he made for oh-aew was actually SO CUTE and romantic. all this stuff he does for oh-aew to show that he clearly cares so much, yet he can never accept it enough to get the words out...
I SWEAR THEY PLAY THE INSTRUMENTAL SKYLINE JUST TO CHOKE ME UP. the darting around each other after the neck kiss COUPLED with the skyline instrumental?? it’s like a sad beach scene 2.0. teh making the first (intimate) move this time. every time he’s trying so hard to convince himself he’s not in love with this boy, and every time he keeps coming back. i always feel such a weird mix of happy and sad when i see them together bc i love them but i know teh in particular, is just not ready yet. like the hug scene made my heart leap, BUT they did it in hiding (under the staircase). all their big intimate scenes are in hiding and that just :(((
teh saying that he loves the seawater on his back bc it holds him up, and oh-aew saying but you have to hold your breath in that posture and it gets uncomfortable so he likes letting it go and just sinking sometimes instead (obv paraphrasing but you get the drift)?? THE WRITING IN THIS. it says so much without telling the audience directly...so poetic. everything about this show is so poetic. the way they sink into the ocean and into that space of oh-aew’s where you can just let yourself go without holding back, and then and only THEN does teh finally kiss oh-aew. and it’s beautiful, after holding back for so long, but it’s also painful bc he’s let go but only within this tiny pocket of space and time. in hiding again. that bird’s eye view shot where you can’t see them at all sealed it for me. like you want to be happy, but you can’t really bc you know that they’ve still got so much more to go...like when teh’s hand grazes oh-aew’s chest and you see oh-aew realise again...like that’s partly what stopped teh the first time in ep 3. when his hands stopped at oh-aew’s chest like it hit in for him that he was a boy. anyway, love that they gave us a skam kiss but i’m also very sad. on another note, how the hell did they hold their breath for that long?????
love that they gave us a further 2 more seconds of teh/oh-aew being cute (CONSTANTLY thinking about teh’s fingers dancing across oh-aew’s face and smushing his face in his hands...oh-aew holding the back of teh’s head...just a brief moment of carefreeness) before they went for the jugular. watching teh fight against himself in this way is what hurts. oh-aew begging him to just let go and accept what they are (the way he keeps going “what did i do wrong?? you feel it too!!”) but he’s so tortured he can’t do it. it’s downright fucking heartbreaking. the “one day i’ll stop feeling this way”...could have just stabbed oh-aew and it would have hurt less. all i know is i’m hurting for the both of them. the repression is real, and it just sucks. this whole thing fucking sucks for both of them (and tarn and bas too at that). idk it just gets me that oh-aew is coming out of this having been rejected once again bc teh isn’t ready yet. and i know this but it doesn’t make me any less upset. not at any of them bc it’s hard i know it’s hard...just at the situation. sometimes it feels like teh’s taking a step forward but then he takes two more back instead. the look on teh’s face when oh-aew was like let’s stop being friends...total devastation. i’m done. don’t want to think about it anymore.
i’m glad that oh-aew’s parents are so supportive of him though. i wasn’t sure how close they were based on their previous interaction but they really love him and i’m glad he has that stability to help him through this.
THE SCENE WITH OH-AEW AND THE BRA FUCKING BLEW ME AWAY. this show is always keeping me guessing, and again yet another thing that i wasn’t expecting but it was so visceral. the red of the bra in comparison to tarn’s bra with the purple hibiscus flowers on it...everything connects. oh-aew looking into the mirror with that bra on and thinking about how things would have been different if only :((( and then his breakdown when he realises that it’s not and that’s the reality of the situation. the feeling that gave me sits so deep within my chest i can’t even begin to carve it out.
teh masturbating when he sees that picture of oh-aew and to that picture of yongjian on his wall (idk why it only now just occurred to me that yongjian is always in red too)?? the self-hatred in this scene. the internalised homophobia. my heart feels so heavy.
he KEEPS reaching and it’s going nowhere bc it won’t ever be enough, and that’s not fair on himself and it’s not fair on tarn. like i understand what he’s going through, and i get that he’s extremely confused and needs the clarification, but when he asks tarn to tell her she loves him and he can’t do the same back for her...i just feel so, so, so fucking bad for tarn.
oh-aew hoping that the worksheets left for him were from teh (which would be very on brand of him), but then seeing bas :( maybe in another world, in another life (like teh and tarn)...but he’s such a sweetheart. bas, best boy ;;;
legit as soon as the gang came to see teh off to bangkok and talk to him about how oh-aew was doing terribly (and wasn’t planning on going to the admission exams) i knew where this was going to go. there’s been so much foreshadowing leading up to this, and this was also one of (if not my main theory) with how things were going to eventually play out. but tbh for some reason i thought it was going to play out later in ep 5...but like damn. damn. the way i understand but at the same time i kept going OH TEH :( throughout this. the utter STRESS this bit put me through. THE MISCOMMUNICATION.
anyway, teh’s love language is clearly acts of service. but it can really be to his detriment when he does things impulsively (albeit with care and good intentions), but he doesn’t use his words so things get lost in translation. sometimes actions just aren’t enough and you really do need words to communicate.
the confirmation scene was so tense...even now i’m just sitting here thinking about it and there’s a hole in my stomach at the thought of what teh must be going through and what he ends up doing. like when that last person on the list shows up and you KNOW it’s going to happen but at the same time it’s like a punch to the chest bc there’s just no doubt that teh’s going to turn it down for oh-aew...OF COURSE he would. oh-aew’s split moment of happiness before realising what teh’s done...the absolute dread i still have in me at the realisation of this.
the tension really kept increasing from here on in...teh coming home and his mum just being so fucking proud of him and telling everyone in the restaurant about how happy she is for him (all while teh is absolutely depleted), then tarn coming in and everything bubbling over when she realises what teh’s done too. realises that teh’s in love with oh-aew (smile is so great in this btw like WOW). the “you hurt me and i’m alright with that, teh, but right now you’re hurting yourself” broke my heart. absolutely love tarn as a character and only ever want the best for her.
when he tells his mum :((((((((((( and his mum just goes on about how hard he’s worked and how much he’s already sacrificed only for him to throw that away. he wanted her to be proud of him SO BAD, wanted to not be compared to his brother for once, only for him to give away his place bc he loves oh-aew more than he wants his mother’s praise. more than he wants to compete and ‘win’ against his brother. when she points to hoon and goes “why can’t you be more like him?” and he just loses it. like rubbing salt in the wound. i’m so glad hoon finally hugged him the way i’ve been wanting to this whole time. the banner congratulating him that teh’s mum made with all his materials from before :((( hoon giving him money for uni :((( you ever watch some things and feel like you’ll never be happy again...
okay the way that everything spiralled during the ig story fight?????? what gets me is that teh sacrificed his place thinking that oh-aew wasn’t going to sit the exam at all (he could have just talked to him and convinced him instead but ughhh i understand i get it). oh-aew thinks he did it bc teh didn’t believe he could get in himself (which of course then spurs him to give it up so he can get in through the exam instead). and when teh sees that, it’s like a smack in the face, like he went through all that only for oh-aew to reject it (him). it’s just layers upon layers of miscommunication and the anxiety of it all absolutely guts me. and then the anger mixing into devastation when he opens his book and sees how it’s all cut up. the remnants a reminder of everything he’s done for oh-aew. this boy that he adores but can’t accept he has feelings for. it’s just this mix of anger and sorrow and what have i fucking done?????? and how could he????? the cast were all fantastic but billkin really had to go above and beyond in this one and i could absolutely feel his pain throughout this.
TO PIGGY BACK ON THIS, like i said before, teh has always used studying/tutoring as a tool to get closer to oh-aew, but seeing that book with all the words gone was in part also him realising he doesn’t have that anymore. he can’t use that tool to get close to oh-aew anymore. the only way forward would be to actually get close to oh-aew without the pretences. and the saddest part of this all is that oh-aew doesn’t even NEED all of that (the tutoring, the book of idioms, the relinquishing of his uni spot)...the only thing he wants is for teh to ADMIT his feelings out loud. to admit that he feels the same way about oh-aew that oh-aew feels about him.
it’s funny bc in the last ep, the conversation that had me feeling the most nervous was when they’re talking at the cape, and oh-aew’s telling teh that he’s a rival and inspiration to him. i always KNEW this was going to come back to haunt them. like a constant circle. friends to rivals to friends to more than friends(?) to rivals. it’s a fine line. narratively, it always had to happen, and now they’re back to competing against one another yet again, and it’s going to be so tough bc they’ll have so much more competition on top of that as well.
next ep is going to be very, very hard on teh, but somehow after this ep, i just feel a lot more hopeful about it? i’m pretty convinced at this point that it won’t end in tragedy (which was the thing that i wanted least of all). of course i want both teh and oh-aew to end up together, but i can understand if they don’t. if this ends with them rekindling their friendship again, that’ll be enough for me. their relationship has been so turbulent and passionate that it needs some stability, and hopefully when teh’s in a better state of mind, when he’s at a place when he’s finally accepted all parts of himself, they’ll get there. so if that means it ends on them running to the cape together (even if they’re not technically together) fulfilling their promise to one another in the sunset, then that’s fine with me. i don’t mind an open ending if it makes sense in the context of the story, and i think something like that would. it’s like after such an angsty episode, you need a slight reprieve from it. i have no doubt in my mind that ep 5 will contain darkness, but i do think that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. so for once i feel truly hopeful about it.
i can’t believe we only have one more ep left to go...
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I wish you would write a fic where Aang is just flustered and is amassed at katara while she’s just doing nothing ❤️maybe after the balcony kiss (btw your my favorite fic writer 💕)
*smacks table* *kicks a chair over* *screams into the void*
(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) NO YOU’RE MY FAVORITE, ANON😤❤💕💖
Ngl tho, this prompt and one other have been haunting me for so long oml I just for the longest time drew complete blanks like...just nothing came to me. Nada. I even tried getting a legit 12 straight hours of sleep to turn my brain off and back on again but nOpE. I really wanted to keep it related to after the balcony kiss since I wanted the challenge, but gosh did it fight me. My brain go poof I hope you’re happy for making me question everything, Anon lol
Anywho, I love and cherish you, Anon, you bean, you godsend, you magnificent angel, you🥰~ I hope you enjoy the fic!!!
Words: 1,785
Aang kneaded his right thumb into his left palm. The scars there were small and white and hardly noticeable unless he held his hand right to his face.
It was peculiar, to say the least. Only the hand that received Ozai’s lightning bore a shadow of his opponent’s cold fire. The belly of his palm was a memory of death barely avoided, but he tried (...tried…tried very, very hard...) to imagine the milky pattern on pale skin as looking like a leaf’s veins when held up to the sunlight.
Aang rolled his lip between his teeth. He was going to tear something if he crouched for much longer. The scars burned without burning, and he wasn’t sure which fate was worse. Was it even considered a scar if it was never open? It was just there after the battle like it was a maker’s mark on a finished piece.
Katara would know—there was little that she didn’t know—, but she had been far too exhausted for him to even consider asking—
Aang’s face burned like the fire she lit in his cheeks was eternal.
If he was perfectly honest, he didn’t remember feeling the kiss.
He only remembered how the kiss felt.
Because remembering the moment when Katara redefined what happiness felt like was a moment Aang would never forget.
His shoulders rose to his ears; his face smoldered as giddy magma crawled up his neck. He teetered to one side when thoughts of her shifted gravity. Maybe it was a good thing that he was crouching, after all.
...But then he looked at his estranged left palm and the new maker’s mark that it bore.
...And his heart crisped and flaked into ashes piling in the pit of his chest.
The scarring changed nothing but uprooted everything. It was a cancer, black and numb on his hand, like it was suffering from frostbite and needed to be removed.
The estranged left palm that saved his life was the same hand Katara held—all those months ago—when they kissed that day in the dark, trapped and alone, in an inky-black Earth Kingdom cave.
The kiss was a gentle waltz turning into a speedy tango, but her hand on his was the tug to lift him out of his chair. It was the strike of flint and steel that burned away the cobwebs in his heart and brushed aside all dust to welcome something new.
Sokka had interrupted before Aang could ask her to be his girlfriend. Time was an illusion, but time was precious. Memories framed in moments were the beginnings of beautiful new somethings.
What they were, though...
He really hoped Katara knew better than him. Of course, she would—there was little that she didn’t know.
Did the kiss make it—them—official? They said more in words unspoken than words said aloud ever could, but they hadn’t had a moment of peace since then. Surely, he had to ask her. He really, really wanted to, too. It didn’t feel right to celebrate an anniversary without a proper date—Spirits, he and Katara were gonna have an anniversary, oh Spirits—
Aang’s palm stared back at him. Embarrassment hit him like a skybison at full-speed.
Katara had nearly killed him during the meeting that morning.
Holding his hand—that hand—under the table was toying with whatever gave his heart reason to beat.
Aang had hugged her times a-plenty, but he had never held her hand in that way for that long. It eclipsed their kiss and left him powerless like a suddenly doused fire.
...It had felt like he was poisoning her—like he was touching her with an open wound. 
Aang slumped a little more in the corner of the balcony and stared at his callouses like they could tell him what to do.
The sunset was a smirk mocking his plight, but the moonrise was a gentle grin trying (...trying…trying very, very hard...) to heal his hurts.
Katara hated holding his hand. He felt that she did. She muted the room for him when she touched him; it brought her every reaction into stark relief. He had briefly wondered if that was what Toph felt like when she sensed when someone was lying.
Katara had stiffened. She even shifted like she couldn’t get comfortable. The breath that left her was fast at first like she was just told bad news. Her exhales after that were deep and almost seething.
...The worst part was when she wouldn’t look at him. She only glared about and around them.
Aang slumped from his crouch until his rear hit the ground. His right thumb stayed married to his left palm, and the white lightning stung tender like something freshly burned. He only partially wished that he had the top of his robes on when the thought of her regretting him cut the strings that held him together; he was a puppet collapsing against the balcony wall and sliding down gritty concrete. His scar—another reminder of her—stung him like smacks to the face and melted him into something made of noodles.
The moon was a bit higher, now, but its grin wasn’t any more reassuring than before. The bugs and small critters must have become annoyed with his melting because there was silence like Hei Bai’s forest when Aang made himself smaller than his shadow and dragged his kneading hand even closer to his face.
Their kiss—she had kissed him—barbed him with a sting like thorns on a rose bush except laced with poison and fiberglass. It was decaying from the start of something new into the empty longing for a once in a lifetime occurrence. 
Something shot him in the leg and crippled what made him Aang.
His right thumb kneading his left palm slipped and dug a fingernail into a callous.
He was goo freezing over—a body consumed by jennamite.
Aang breathed out, about to take the inhale to fuel the first hiccup dancing on his shaking lip—
—but then Katara stepped onto the balcony and leaned up against the bars.
Being an airbender had its perks, and his lungs not popping from the force and fullness of his panicked inhale was definitely one of them. He was a statue—a deformed gargoyle that looked more horrific to behold than to cross—, and the glimpse of Katara’s soft grin became a braided noose refusing to let him exhale.
None of the lights were lit.
Spirits, did he love his moonrise and the weakness that she gave him.
Katara was staring into something that didn’t exist on this plane and smiling at something he couldn’t see. She was a stilled lake normally raging and powerful and beautiful to behold. He wouldn’t dare disturb her. She was as calm as a reflection.
Sudden exposure reminded him of stepping into a forbidden part of the Southern Air Temple, and his presence became a violation of something precious. Katara was remembering moments of beautiful new somethings if the way she absentmindedly bent a stream of water about one wrist—her bending her joy unhindered—was anything to go by.
Aang blushed a shade of red that Aunt Wu could have mistaken as the intended location for eruption from the Symbol of Volcanic Doom. He closed his eyes, covered his ears, and dared to shimmy into the shadow of the corner. Katara was a warrior unmatched and without equal. That’s why she was Master Katara. He could no sooner escape her than escape the earthshaking hammer-blows that the hint of her smile drove into his chest. 
He sat on a tightrope whose cables were snapping and unwinding.
It was only when he felt weaker in a way that made him stronger that he peaked an eye open.
Katara was crouched and more concerned than bemused. “Aang?” She touched the knee that had curled to his chest and was threatening to buckle into his sternum. “Are you okay?”
…’Okay’ was a subjective and circumstantial term.
His voice was the sound of rubber sliding water off of wet glass. “M-hm.”
“What are you doing out here alone and...in the corner?”
“Well, I was just...Well, y’know…” His right thumb stuck to his left palm like they were nailed together. He tried (...tried...tried very, very hard...) to hide his wound from her. “Moon ‘s nice ‘n…’n stuff.”
Katara mulled over his words, said and unsaid. Her stare was an examination checking his vitals—his heart, his soul, and his happiness. She hummed a thoughtful sound that bookmarked her place in the pages of him.
It all happened in under the time it took her to breathe. Aang nearly stopped breathing altogether when she tapped her finger on his knee.
“You’re hiding on the balcony because ‘Moon ‘n stuff’?”
She spared his ‘hidden’ fiddling hands a half-lidded glance. “Aang...”
Katara flicked his arrow. Then, she waited.
Aang didn’t crack. He melted. 
“I was just—I thought…” He deflated. “I needed somewhere to think.”
Something about his words or the way that he said them made every bit of her soft. Her concern riddled him with holes, and, when she settled on the ground before him and propped her head on her arms on his knees, there was barely any of him left to keep him together.
“You wanna talk about it? It’s okay if you don’t. I just haven’t seen that look on your face since...Well, I can’t remember since when.”
One part of Aang threatened to grab the other part of him and throw him into a volcano.
He was making her worry. He should never make her worry, especially over something so silly—
He opened his mouth but hesitated. He didn't want to say no.
“Not—Not now.”
His honesty tamed her like she could feel it as easily as a temperature change. “It’s not something hurting you, right?”
Katara frowned with her eyes.
Then, she stood.
(Spirits, Aang loved his moonrise.)
“Take my hand.”
Aang’s heart took a trip to the tiny star just to the right of the moon.
She looked at him, and he felt hot cinders flake from his face and into his twisting belly. It sparked a fire so hot that it turned his sea of chi into an ocean of molten ore.
He was suddenly empty of something and filled to the brim with something else.
Katara’s hand was an invitation without equal, and the instinct to grab hold and never let go was a god’s hand trying to push him forward. 
He almost did.
But then his right thumb paused on his left palm, and white lightning struck him down.
Katara flinched like she felt it.
Aang curled into a knot like he could still hide it. 
Kneeling, Katara unraveled him without touching him. Her eyes found his and held him in place not like in a trap but like in a hug. Too soon his right thumb was hushed away from his left palm and his estranged hand was held close to her face. 
Aang couldn’t remember hearing her words, but he felt what she was saying.
Her sorrow nearly tore him apart.
Luckily, her smile kept his shredded heart together. 
And the kiss to his white lightning and the three points of his hand’s arrow put air back into his lungs. He dove into the cool-blue look she gave him and drowned himself in all that she was. 
He was filled with clouds so puffy that they threatened to let loose their rain, but his eyes became only wet and never misty. He smiled beyond the limits of what anatomy allowed when her face turn as red as his felt.
She said something that put his pieces back together, and she looked at him with something that gave him the strength. Cherry-red metal poured from a kiln and wept up her neck and into her cheeks.
Katara rolled her eyes to something that wasn’t there, disappeared inside, and returned with a mass of blankets.
“What are all the blankets for?”
“Moon ‘n stuff,” Katara said as she finished her nest of comforters and fortified quilt walls. 
Then she offered her hand again—she slipped it loosely into his own and waited for him to hold her first. 
“Sit with me.”
Aang shouldn’t have been as giddy as he was, and Katara pursed her smile like she was struggling not to enjoy his happiness too much when she tugged him up from the ground and laid with him against cushioned concrete. 
Moon ‘n Stuff was laughing and pointing out funny bits in constellations of their own designs. It was gossiping all the good rumors and their hopes about which of them might be true.
Katara crowned him King of their Chateau of Comforters with the softest blanket she had. It was blue and smelled like mornings when he could sleep in and like the small joys of finding warm things in cold places.
Katara accepted his invitation into his Blanket Castle within their Comforter Chateau. The blanket was plenty big for both of them and tied them together in a fuzzy cocoon.
She relaxed against him like she was sinking into warm water. The air that left her was fast at first like she just saw something she dearly missed. Every exhale after that was slow and satisfied—drunk on the indescribable and bewitched by the unimaginable. Aang felt her every movement so clearly that he wasn’t sure whether to give thanks or repent for the precious moment she was creating with him.
But then she shifted like she couldn’t get comfortable enough.
And she dragged an eye open to glare at any critter’s sound breaking their peace.
That was when Aang understood.
That was also when Aang lost it.
The urge to laugh was so overwhelming that it didn’t process into the bodily function, instead filling him from toe to brim with small giggles and soft feelings.
Katara didn’t want to share.
Of course, she didn’t.
Their moments were their moments, and he was hers and hers alone.
Master Katara was a being without equal, but Aang knew that which even she didn’t know.
Don’t worry about them. It’s just you and me right now.
Aang’s confidence limped back to him and convinced his estranged left hand to sidle towards hers. He touched the back of it with two fingers—an almost mute invitation, an almost silent knock on the door.
Katara laced her fingers with his like it was the most natural thing in the world. She handled it not like it was something wounded but like it was something precious, and she kissed all of his knuckles before cooling his white lightning with the gentle touches of her snowy-soft palm.
The hands were the most sacred part of a bender. They were the outlets from which their soul leaked. They were the culmination of all of their senses to interact with the world.
Aang’s world shyly smiled and fiddled with her hair. She shifted like she couldn’t decide on which spot against him or which way to hold him would bring them as close as she wanted. 
She wouldn’t even look at him for fear of changing color and state of matter from beautiful young woman to gorgeous little puddle.
She blushed like something beautiful coming into bloom.
Then, she said something.
Her words bypassed all feeling and branded themselves onto his heart
“...want to be my boyfriend? O-Only if you want to...because I want to, so...um...”
She inhaled on the word like she was telling good news and hoping for the universe to talk back to her.
Aang’s current incarnation threatened to be kicked out from under him and reborn into the Water Tribes.
His head nodded like it was trying to make a break for it.
Katara laughed like it was the only language she knew.
They shared each others’ smiles in a shy kiss that felt like a brushing of souls—like the gentle zap of lightning between earth and sky that brought beauty and shook all that they knew but brought with it no scars or destruction.
She squeezed his hand.
He kissed her again just because he could.
White lightning and snowy-soft touches connected what made them each other.
Aang wilted like soggy grass, full of that which gave him life and drunk on all that she gave him.
His hand didn’t hurt anymore. His heart was starting to ache, though. It was going to burst if he looked at her for much longer.
His night got darker when Katara closed her eyes, but he welcomed the weakness his rising full moon gave him.
She fell asleep against his side, and even when Aang no longer felt his arm, he didn’t dare move.
The balcony was empty except for them, and his heart was full of only her.
Katara mumbled once, shifted twice, and adjusted her grip to hug the whole of his arm.
She was hardly doing anything, but her doing nothing did everything to him.
Aang’s courage found him just as Katara found her new favorite spot.
He kissed her cheek, but, if he was being honest, he didn’t remember feeling the kiss.
“...I love you.”
He only remembered how her smile felt.
I hope you enjoyed, Anon! I know this isn’t Katara doing “nothing”, per se, but this is what my mush-brain put down when I sat and wrote😅  (I did, however, tuck that little ”doing nothing” idea away for different ficlet👀)
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willsimpforazula · 3 years
Sokkla Month Day 3: FMA:B AU
A/N: NGL i did toy with making sokka as mustang and azula as hawkeye but it be like it do. It was either this or Fate/Stay Night AU where someone needs a mana transfer (if you didn't know what a mana transfer is, good. pls stay pure) Anyways, without further ado-
Fifth Laboratory
Central City
As soon as Envy started to brag about how Ty Lee couldn't bring herself to shoot her wife in the face and the look of shock on her face, Sokka knew by the way her entire body was tensing up that this was not going to end well for both sides. While Envy was still oblivious, Sokka braced himself for the screams that were sure to follow the smug laughs.
"Congratu-fucking-lations Envy, you've just played yourself." Azula coldly smirked, her face in a sort of grin that reminded Sokka way too much of Kimblee that it sent a chill down his spine. Pocketing her gloves to reveal a transmutation circle etched into the top of her hand, she turned to look Envy in the eye before snapping her fingers.
Instantly, the room was filled with the agonizing screams of the homunculus as its tongue was set ablaze in a flash of turquoise. Glaring at Azula, she merely remarked "Remarkable, isn't it? After all, the human tongue has a rather high percentage of fat, which makes it oh so easy to burn."
Turning to the rest of the assembled group, Azula barked "Go find this Father guy, me and the lieutenant will deal with this sack of shit."
"You heard the man, let's go."
"That's an order." Sokka barked to Aang.
"Look kid, we don't got much time." one of the Chimeras urged. Reluctantly, they started to move deeper and deeper into the tunnels. Before Envy could even move to block, it found itself on the receiving end of another sapphire barrage, scorching it from head to toe.
"So, you're the one who burnt Lust to a crisp." it huffed and puffed, as it spent the lives the Philosopher's stone contained to regenerate its health.
"Then you know just what kind of fate awaits you."
Enraged, it abandoned its human disguise and took on it's true form, a massive green hulking beast that had a host of faces stretching against it's very skin, their death masks an unnerving sight.
"I was just going easy on you, but now I'll make sure you and your pretty little boytoy there is going to- AHHH!FUCK!"
"You truly are a special kind of dumbfuck aren't you? First you openly brag about killing my closest friend, now you give me a bigger target to hit?" she laughed, before zapping him with rapid strikes that soon filled the air with smoke, soot and the ever familiar smell of burning flash that for a brief moment, transported Sokka back to that hot, blood-soaked sands of Ishval.
Sensing that it probably wasn't the best idea to hang around in the place where Lust got fried by her, it chose the only sensible option and ran on all fours into the labyrinth.
"Sokka, stay here. This one's mine to settle."
"She was my friend too!"
" Lieutenant Sokka Hawkeye , this is a direct order from your superior to stand down."
Turning to face the tunnels, she strode in with a singular purpose and aim. To avenge the death of Ty Lee.
"What is it?"
"I need to talk to you?"
"It's about the Colonel, isn't it?."
A nod. "I figured as much.", he sighed, "That face, the rage, I used to be like that long ago. The way I see it, she'll burn herself up long before she'll even get a chance to recover."
As if to emphasize his point, the sounds of Envy's tortured screams as it was relentlessly pursued echoed through the corridors. "Come, we need to keep moving." Reluctantly, Aang nodded and grit his teeth, steeling his heart to the blood curdling screams of someone getting burnt repeatedly.
"Show yourself, you freak! Weren't you all high and mighty, boasting about your exploits, hmm? Too scared to pick on someone your own size?" she taunted, eyes peeled for any sign of movement.
"Come out come out wherever you are...or else I'll burn off your skin, bit by teensy bit, you worthless piece of crap." she continued, her voice raising by several octaves and taking on an almost sadistic tone.. Hearing the echoing cries and the almost  sing song taunts, Sokka could stand it no longer and headed down the tunnels, his pistol at the low ready.
Turning a corner, Azula heard an all too familiar voice call out "Hey there, Colonel." Snapping around, she saw Ty Lee standing in her uniform leaning nonchalantly against the wall, before she lunged at her. She won't dare to touch her, not if the-
Her thoughts were cut short as Azula's face, twisted with rage, blasted the lookalike with an unceasing torrent. For good measure, she even charred the cartilage in its left knee and burnt out the soles on the right foot in addition to singing its eyes.
"If you think I'm afraid of calling in fires danger close, need I give you a lesson in who I am?" her lips curling in a feral grin before blasting her once more. At this point, Envy knew better than to try and reason with her and ran. "So much for homunculi being the superior being."  she tutted, her face stained with traces of soot and ash that left black streaks on her  creamy white skin.
Taking respite in a mass of pipes, it spotted Sokka, who was looking for her, hoping against hope that she didn't completely lose herself. Even injured, it formed up a devious plan as it stalked him from the shadows.
"Fuck, this place is like a maze." he uttered, wandering through the tunnels. Hearing the sound of boots, he clung to the shadows. When the noise drew level, he aimed it at her face at the same time Azula pointed her fingers at him. For a brief moment, neither side let their guard down, before exhaling.
"Didn't I tell you to stay back?"
"I couldn't Colonel. Besides, someone needs to make sure you don't do something stupid."
"You're probably right. An extra set of eyes would be helpful."
Traveling a short distance, Sokka suddenly paused and leveled his gun at the back of her head.
"Do you know who your gun is pointed at?"
"Who? Don't make me laugh, when it's just us, the Colonel calls me by my first name." Turning to face her, Envy (who was disguised as Azula) smirked. "So you two really are that close huh." Letting out a small breath, Sokka executed a double tap to the chest and one to the head before replying "I lied."
Shrugging off his shots, Envy got back up and tried to rush him, but Sokka calmly slammed two rounds into the kneecaps, making it kneel on the ground as he leisurely holstered his dry gun and drew two more from his back, knocking out its arms and wrists before finally unslinging the rifle and giving the homunculus a dose of high speed lead poisoning.
Thoroughly pissed off, Envy lashed out and stabbed his shoulder, making him drop the rifle before it wrapped an appendage around him and smacked him upside the head. Before it could paint the walls with his grey matter, the real Colonel Azula arrived and toasted Envy, rendering its grip on him a pile of soot and ash.
"You truly are a glutton for punishment aren't you? First you kill my friend and boast about it, now you hurt my lieutenant? I swear I will burn you until you're nothing but a pile of ash and dust. And I've got all the time in the world, you miserable rat." Even as she spoke, her fingers snapped like a machine gun setting it ablaze over and over again.
"How many lives you've got left? Six? Sixty? Six hundred? No matter, it's all the same to me. Tell me, how does it feel to get your ass roasted by the very same person who killed Lust in the very same way?"
"Why you-GAH!!!"
"Stop, please!"
"What, not hot enough? I'll gladly crank up the heat. Stay back lieutenant, it's going to get a little toasty in here." Like a well oiled machine, her snap came almost naturally and any humanoid form of Envy was finally turned into cinders, whilst the tip of her gloves were starting to char and smoke. From the ashes, a green six legged slug-esque creature crawled away, it's squeaking voice lamenting at having been reduced to this form once again.
Without hesitation, Azula applied pressure on the offending creature, before commenting "So this is your true form. What a pathetic little being."
"P-Please-don't kill me!" it begged.
"Envy means jealousy, does it not? Well then, you won't have anything to be jealous of very shortly."
"Nooo please I don't want to die, not like this!!" it screeched.
Before Azula could turn the hapless homunculus into the next life, a sound of a hammer being cocked gave her paused.
"And just what do you think you're doing?"
"That's far enough. I'll handle it"
"What does it matter if it's me or you that deals the final blow? The fucker is going to die regardless, so lower your weapon."
"No. I cannot obey that."
"I will not ask again."
"Put your damn hands in the air, now!"
A burst of alchemically created earth wave soon took the decision making away from them as it launched it right into Aang's hand, who kept a vice like grip on it.
"Nice of you to drop by. Now hand it over."
"This is a direct order by a superior officer, hand it over."
"Are you asking for a fight and a court martial?"
"Bring it on by all means. But take a good look at yourself and ask, is this the face you want to lead Amestris with?!"
"Kill it if you wish, what right do I have as someone who has done the same. But I shudder to think what kind of world such a person held prisoner by their desire for vengeance would create." Scar added.
"Colonel, I have no intention of letting that slimeball live to see the next sunrise but please, this is not your fight anymore."
"No, you don't understand! I finally ran the bastard down, the bastard who killed Ty Lee! I-"
"But still, I cannot let you do something so reckless! Justice is what she needed, not this blind hatred for her killer. If this is how you act if one person wrongs you, what then will you do if a region or hell, another nation crosses you? Will you turn it into another Ishval? No, I will not let you."
"Please, let it go. I know you're better than that, Azula. I'm begging you, please!" "Go on, do what you need to. Then what?"
"Then it'll be the second last shot I'll ever take. After that, what else is there to live for?"
"No, that won't happen. That can never happen." Summoning her rage, she loosed off an intense jet that blackened the walls of a nearby tunnel, it's heat making everyone sweat like a hot August day.
Looking at the people around her, she remarked "Ironic, isn't it? Scolded by a child, lectured by a man who has all the right to seek vengeance against me for the crimes against his people and you, you-"
"-I've done it again." she ended mournfully. Clasping the hand that was still pointing at her, she gently lowered it down, saying "I've hurt you. Please, forgive me.", before kneeling at his feet, covering her face as the waterworks were out in full force. Holstering his derringer, he too dropped to his knees, and held her in his arms as she cried into his shoulders.
"Azula, I forgive you." he whispered in her ear, all caution and decorum thrown right out of the window as he rubbed her back in small circles.
"Really?" she looked up with red rimmed golden eyes.
"Thank you, Sokka. For pulling me back from the abyss. I love you."
"I love you too, my little firecracker."
"Goddamnit Lieutenant, I can't believe you lied to me!" Envy squeaked.
"Shut up you pipsqueak, who gave you the right to speak!" Aang scolded, making it shrink back in fear.
"Hey Azula?"
"We still got a transmutation circle to stop."
"The usual place, 8 pm tomorrow evening?"
"As long as you're the one footing the bill."
"Deal. Now let's go."
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