#i guess at least it happened sooner rather than later
kyunsies · 2 years
wait okay guys nicu nurse update: i did a big girl think today :’) 
#mädch rambles#so after i passed my nclex exam i was so PUMPED i was like okay only 2 more things need to happen: job acceptance and moving out!!!#it has still been 3 months since my interview with children's and in the interview it was mentioned that i would be offered a bench position#so like waiting until a spot opens up and then they would hire me bc they currently have no openings available bUT like#they didn't say i was ALREADY on the bench in my interview like i thought they would officially tell me i am on the bench and then i would w#*wait ..... so all this time i have been waiting i didn't know i was on the bench like i thought i was in this weird limbo ;_____;#well my mom suggested i email the person i interviewed with to get more info bc getting a hold of HR was not an option DLKFJ#so i just emailed the girl who interviewed me and lowkey i was hoping she would remember me and she did :D#AND I GUESS I HAVE BEEN ON THE BENCH THIS WHOLE TIME AND SHE SAID THE MINUTE AN OPENING IS AVAILABLE I WOULD BE HEARING FROM SOMEONE <3#all this time i thought i was going to be rejected or something ;______; but luckily i think they are still interested in me and are just#waiting like i am :D hopefully an opening is available sooner rather than later bc 1. i feel like i have lost my nursing skills waiting lol#and 2. i NNED TO MOVE OUT I CANNOT STAND IT HERE ANYMORE ;_____;#but at least now i know !!!!!!!! i am pretty relieved ngl lsdkfjsdfsldf#things are coming together slowly but surely i think !!!!!!
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sea-owl · 13 days
A scenario I want to read or possibly write but I have no idea on where to make it fit.
I'm thinking of placing it after Colin tells the mama's that Penelope is possibly pregnant to move up the wedding. He's left by this point and it's just the two of them in the drawing room. Violet had some whiskey brought in to mix with their teas. She needed something stronger than regular tea. At this point between the two of them they were halfway through the bottle.
"I can't believe this happened," Violet sighed. Well she's three for three now on special licenses.
"I can," Portia confessed, sipping her tea mixture. "I left them alone plenty of times after the engagement, and despite your son's beliefs I wasn't blind to his late night visits."
Violet's jaw dropped. "You left them alone?! On purpose?!"
Portia nodded proud. Violet could only sigh and picked up her cup.
"I prefer to have one of my girls secure an heir sooner rather than later," Portia said. "Besides no one really cares for an eight month baby. I mean wasn't the viscount one?"
Violet choked on her tea, heat rushing to her cheeks. While there might be some truth to that how did Portia know? Anthony was already in Eton when they moved in across the square.
Portia carried on, Violet would be fine. "Though I suppose when one chooses their partner the martial act is more enjoyable."
Violet turned to face Portia. She had a feeling the woman sitting next to her was one of the many women whose fathers arranged their marriages. Of all the years she's know the other woman Violet doesn't think she's ever once seen Portia smile at the late Lord Featherington.
"Your father arranged your marriage?" Violet guessed.
Portia shook her head, and was it the whiskey or was there a slight change to Portia's voice? "No my father took my name literally and offered me up as a sacrifice to secure better trade deals the English wouldn't allow before. After that Lord Featherington dragged me off to his country estate where I was trained from hiding my rosary to changing my voice. Every once in a while Lord Featherington would come to take his pleasure or try for a son,"
Portia paused, her head tilting to the side slightly. "Now that I think about it I don't think he ever kissed me properly."
Violet frowned, that was such a shame. Portia looked like she had nice kissable lips. Why were they not appreciated? Also her hair looked soft, Violet knows soft hair is always nice to run through when kissing, she's had plenty of practice after all.
Wait, Violet knows how to kiss, and every lady should have at least one proper kiss in their lifetime.
"I could kiss you," Violet offered.
Portia studied Violet for a moment.
It was in the afternoon that Portia Featherington kissed Violet Bridgerton in her drawing room, and it was glorious.
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so-so-woso · 7 months
i wanna be the one | part 2
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Summary: First game as part of the team, first big night out as part of the team, more flirting. Honestly, it's mostly just flirting.
Also as a general note, the timeline, games, and team composition are all kind of all over the place because while I might be crazy I’m not going to do actual research for this lmao also please don't expect any sort of consistent word count with these, I'm not good at being consistent with anything. Part 3 will be time-jumpy and will probably be up sooner rather than later, fingers crossed.
Word Count: 2,457
The next few days were awkward, for you anyway. No one else seemed to notice, and Leah was as indifferent as usual. You had tried to approach her and apologize once, but she grabbed Beth and hurried out of the locker room as soon as you stood up. You tried to convince yourself it was a coincidence, but you knew it wasn’t. You didn’t think anything was all that bad and really just wanted to clear the air about it and move on, but it didn’t feel like Leah was going to let you do that. So, you guessed, the next best thing to do was just forget that it happened, which you both really did and really didn’t want to do. It helped you had a game to look forward to, despite not playing in it. Still, it was exciting, your first game as part of the team, and against Tottenham. The Spurs managed to score on a late penalty, but you still won 2-1. The atmosphere was truly wild, and more than you had expected – more than you could’ve hoped for – in the best possible way. Er, mostly, anyway.
You always had a hard time accepting when good things happened to you, or when you did well at something. You could talk yourself up in a joking way, playing every bit the cocky athlete, like the opposite of self-deprecating – but it was always as a joke. Being serious about your achievements had always been near impossible. You knew why it was hard for you, but it wasn’t something you liked explaining to other people, so you mostly just pretended everything was fine and that you were as chill and haughty as you so often pretended to be. That didn’t mean you weren’t terrified all the time, though, and it definitely didn’t mean that Doubt wasn’t constantly hovering just out of reach, waiting to swoop down and take you into its talons the instant you felt comfortable. It just meant that you were used to it.
It hit you pretty early, in the 20th minute or so. You were just sitting on the sideline, watching the game, listening to the roar of the crowd – and then all of a sudden you couldn’t hear the cheering anymore, just the rushing of your own blood in your ears. You had shifted in your seat and tried to hide the fact that you weren’t looking at the field anymore. You had wanted to close your eyes, but that would be obvious – not to mention rude – so instead you tried to shift focus on to the back of the seat in front of you. If it was already starting with you riding the bench, you really didn’t want to think about what would happen if you ever managed to get any minutes. You handled it okay, though, and managed until half time when you could go into the locker room and splash water on your face. That helped, as did the distractions of being around the rest of the team and Jonas’ half time speech. The last 45 minutes passed pretty quickly, at least for you, and before you knew it you were back in the locker room, celebrating the win.
Since you hadn’t played, you didn’t have much to do in terms of getting ready to leave after the game. You thought you’d be able to sneak out pretty quick, but several of the girls had very quickly agreed on another night out and you were invited. You could’ve said no, and on one hand you wanted to – but on the other hand, you were still new enough it didn’t feel like a great move to turn down any chances at bonding with the team, so you agreed to meet them later. Part of you knew it would be a good idea, too, because even though as soon as you got home you would want to just go to sleep, but if you told someone you were going to do something then you were going to do it, and agreeing to hang out would keep you from spending the evening wallowing. Your primal urge to be seen as dependable often greatly outweighed any anxiety or despair you felt and had frequently kept you afloat in the past, seemingly set to do so again now.
Planning to head home and change before you met back up with the girls, you pulled out your phone to order an Uber as you exited the locker room. Your head was down as you turned out of the door, a classic bad move that you paid for very quickly as you bumped into a person heading back inside. You immediately apologized, but cut yourself off when you realized it was Leah. She stopped short as well, staring up at you for a long moment. You wanted to apologize again, but found it suddenly hard to form the words you wanted, so you stuttered a bit before she spoke first.
“I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. “No, no, I wasn’t paying attention, it was totally my fault.”
“Not that. The other night. I…made it weird. I do that sometimes. I’m sorry.”
“Oh! No, that was total—”
“I don’t date teammates.”
“—ly my fault—sorry, what?”
She sighed and rubbed at her chin, glancing over her shoulder to see if anyone was around.
“I don’t date teammates,” she repeated. You paused and drew in a slow breath, making sure you heard her correctly.
“Oh…kay. I don’t…remember asking you out, but—”
“No, I know, but you were flirting. And I just didn’t want to, like—”
She was interrupted by a pair of your teammates exiting the room behind you. They acknowledged both you and Leah, but didn’t seem to notice or at least didn’t ask about the confused look that was surely on your face. Leah, taking the interruption for the distraction that it was, mumbled a ‘yeah’ and tried to slip past you back into the locker room, but you managed to catch her by the elbow. She sighed at being caught and stepped back from the doorway.
“You end a lot of conversations by just walking away, don’t you?”
She rolled her eyes at your observation, but you continued before she could retort.
“It’s okay. The dating thing, not the walking away thing – that you should definitely work on. But as far as who you date, that’s like…your business. I mean, it like really sucks for me, I guess, but—”
“Hm, assuming I’d be interested in you.”
You barely bit back a snort at her interruption.
“Wow, okay, didn’t have to come at me like that,” you said, putting on a faux exasperated voice and gesturing with the phone in your hand. She exhaled a soft laugh and gave a small shrug, “sorry.”
“No, for real, that’s…I mean…I just hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable? With the flirting?”
“No, it’s okay.”
“Okay. Well, if you want me to stop, then…just let me know.”
“Cool,” you nodded, fingers fiddling with the cross-strap of your bag as you felt a couple more of your teammates exit from the door behind you. They too acknowledged both you and Leah as they passed, and you both said bye to them, with you now deciding to take the opportunity to follow them out.
“Well, good talk, Williamson, definitely not awkward at all,” you said over your shoulder as spun around and moved quickly to catch up with Kim and Lia – but you didn’t move quite quickly enough to miss another soft laugh escaping from the blonde behind you, nor the warm flutter that bubbled up in your chest at hearing it.
Yeah, this wasn’t going to be awkward at all.
You spent most of the evening dancing and drinking with your new teammates, and some randos from the club you were at. You had the next week off, so Kim’s ‘two drinks max’ rule had been thrown so far out the window it probably hit a bird. It didn’t take very long at all to find out why she had the rule, either. Most of the instigation seemed to be stemming from McCabe. You kind of hated that it was such a stereotype, but damned if it didn’t seem to be true. She kept trying to hand you shots and make you dance with Foord, which you thought was weird because you were under the impression they were together, but maybe they weren’t, or maybe this was part of their whole thing, you really had no idea, so you just went with it. Of course you danced with Steph, too, and Alessia, and pretty much everyone else who seemed to want to.
There was one girl from the club who kept coming back to you, and the shots Katie kept handing you pretty much meant you were going to keep dancing with her. She was pretty, you thought, but drunk. But you guessed you were pretty and drunk too, so maybe it was okay. She was really touchy, though, which you didn’t love, and once she asked you to meet her in the bathroom you excused yourself pretty quickly. That was not the vibe you were aiming for tonight.
You left her on the dance floor and made your way to the bar to get a water, which you were quietly sipping when Leah slid up next to you. “You move on quick,” she said with a smirk, tossing a glance in the direction of the dance floor, before turning back to the bar and waving at the bartender. You followed her glance back towards the girl you’d been dancing with while she ordered another drink for herself. You opened your mouth to riposte, but instead just shook your head and took another gulp of water.
“Jesus,” you finally said, “I should’ve stuck with Kim’s rule.”
Leah laughed. “Yeah, you gotta learn not to let McCabe play you so easily.”
“She does this to all the newbies. I mean she can handle it, and everybody else knows better, but you newbies – easy prey.”
“Ugh, god.”
“Yeah, I know.”
She laughed again, and you heaved a sigh as you took another long drink, turning to the side and looking back across the club at the rest of your teammates. Your eyes landed on Katie McCabe, who was finally dancing with Foord herself now, and you made a mental note that you were definitely going to get her back somehow. You watched them for a second before turning back towards Leah, who was sipping at her own drink now. This was the first time you really looked at her tonight, and what she was wearing. It wasn’t really terribly revealing or anything, but she was wearing a skirt, which was incredibly rude of her to do.
You weren’t sure how long you were staring at her thighs, but it was definitely way longer than was appropriate. When you finally looked up again, she was smirking at you, and you couldn’t even pretend to hide the giant grin that spread across your face, or the redness that was surely growing across your cheeks.
“Sorry,” you laughed, rubbing at your own face. “That was like incredibly obvious, huh.”
“Yeah, a little bit,” she laughed back.
“It’s okay, you’re drunk. And I know you like my legs.”
“And still you use them against me like that. You and McCabe, man – I gotta get out of here before one of you kills me.”
You downed the rest of your water and signaled for the bartender to settle up. Leah stayed quietly next to you the whole time, and while she had turned her body away to look back into the crowd, there were definitely a few times you felt her eyes back on you.
“You wanna go?” The words left your mouth unbidden as you slid your wallet back into your pocket. Your head was swimming, but you felt like it was more the blonde’s doing than the alcohol’s – although, if anyone asked, you were definitely blaming the alcohol. When you looked back at her, her head was cocked to the side and she was giving you a look that said we talked about this.
“I don’t mean like—I’m just trying to get to know you. I don’t really know you. I mean, Youtube does keep recommending videos of you to me but they’re all from like seven years ago—”
“Oh god, don’t watch any of those. Wait, if it’s recommending them, that means you’ve watched videos of me on Youtube.”
“Hmm? No. No, definitely not – I don’t think that’s how that works at all, actually.”
“Oh, okay, yeah, my mistake then.”
She laughed at you again, and you maybe fell just a little bit in love as you started stumbling backwards. You bumped into someone, so you turned and apologized, but they just moved away, so you turned back towards Leah.
“And you’re like super sure you don’t want to go on a date with me?”
“Okay. Just checking. I can wait.”
“You can wait?”
“Yeah, 'cause I’m warning you, Williamson, one of these days—" You wagged a finger at her, as you took another step backwards, but thought better than to end that sentence so instead you just turned and walked away, the alcohol and conversation both threatening you far too much to stay any longer.
You took an Uber back to your flat and practically threw yourself into the shower. You needed to calm down, in several ways, so you made sure the water was as cool as you could really stand and then just sort of stood there for several minutes, letting it rain over you.
You honestly started trying to think about ways you could mess with Katie, but you would be a complete idiot if you really believed anyone but Leah could keep hold of your thoughts for more than about fifteen seconds. But you really did try to think about something else. Well, you guessed, you didn’t really try very hard.
She didn’t date teammates, and that was fine. Boundaries are good to have, and you didn’t want to overstep. But she also didn’t tell you to stop flirting with her. She also didn’t seem to mind you flirting with her, and also seemed to flirt back with you. That was confusing. But you liked it. Like a lot. Like you wanted to do it all the time. Which, honestly, you kind of were doing all the time, any time you talked to her . And you liked it, and she seemed to like it, but she wasn’t going to date you. Which was fine. Really. It was. Totally fine.
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absurdthirst · 9 months
Tovar's Desires {Modern!Pero Tovar x F!Reader x Javier Peña}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 8.5k
Warnings: Voyeurism, vaginal sex, suggestions of threesomes, masturbation, public sex, office sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), desk sex, analingus, fingering, anal fingering, double penetration, unprotected sex, threesomes
Comments: While in Spain helping track down a drug dealer, you find yourself wanting the ruggedly handsome, albeit, grumpy Spaniard. He believes that nothing can happen because you are with your partner, Javier Peña. He doesn't know the two of you don't mind sharing, allowing him to have his heart's desires.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
|| MasterList || Pero Tovar MasterList || Javier Peña MasterList ||
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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You have worked in countries around the world, helping to take down some of the toughest cartels and drug lords. Working in conjunction with the federal governments and local law enforcement, you had never met anyone quite like your own partner, Javier Peña until him. 
Pero Tovar was a grumpy, brash, harsh man who seemed to find little joy in life. At first glance. It’s only after working with him for months that you had discovered there was some humanity under the layers of sarcasm. You had been shocked when you first saw him smile. Even more astounded when you heard him tell a joke. Working with him was proving to be somewhat of a distraction now that you understood how he operated. 
“You find that address?” Javi asks Pero as he enters his office in the Guardia Civil office in Madrid. “Not yet. Pendejos aren’t giving up the building over the tap. It’s gonna take a bit longer to get them to give it up.” Pero sighs, looking over at you and Javi as you sit in the chairs in his office. You’re gorgeous as the sunlight hits you and he shifts in his chair, knowing you are off limits. It’s been three months since you and Javi arrived in Madrid. A joint effort by the American DEA and the Spanish Guardia Civil to take down the drug lord Hector Jimenez. He’s evaded all efforts until the two countries decided to join forces and Pero was in charge of the Spanish crusade to take down the drug gang currently transporting drugs across the Atlantic in droves.
“At least the bureaucratic bullshit is the same everywhere.” You huff as you toss down your pen and Pero snorts, shaking his head. “What?” You ask, leaning forward and watching him. “Tell me I’m wrong?”
Pero shakes his head, “you’re not wrong. It’s paperwork that stops us doing our job.” You nod and Javi reaches for the pack of smokes, working fast to light one up. “Guess we are gonna be in Spain for the foreseeable.” Javi says as he blows smoke out of one side of his mouth and he looks over at you with a smirk, “we better find something to entertain us, right hermosa?”
Your own smirk is just as sly as you look towards Pero. “At least we have a guide.” You tell your partner. “Tell me where you go to party.” You insist, leaning back in your chair. “Where do you go stake out when you want to get laid. I know Peña would be interested in that.”
Pero snorts, shaking his head, “I do not get laid. I don’t have the time. Work is a priority and I think you should take the same mentality so you can return to the States sooner rather than later.” Pero says to you and Javi despite his stomach twisting as he wonders what you’d like naked but he pushes that thought aside.
Your eyes widen and you curse, shaking your head. “No wonder you are a grumpy bastard, Pero.” You huff, turning to Peña. “Like him only worse.” You sigh. “You are a handsome man, you can get laid any time you want. You can’t tell me that women are not attracted to the scar over your eye. It makes you look dangerous.”
Pero stares at you, trying to hide the way he flusters. You're a gorgeous woman and he knows you only have eyes for your partner, Javi. He's seen the way you both look at each other. It's obvious that you are fucking and he can admit that he's a little jealous that Peña gets to touch you. He sighs and unconsciously rubs the scar over his cheek. "They are usually scared off. I am not exactly, how do you Americans say, sunshine and roses, eh?" He asks, raising his eyebrows as he lowers his hand back to the desk.
“No, but you are sexy.” You tell him and Javi chuckles. 
“She’s telling you she would fuck you.” He tells the Spaniard. “She’s talked about it often enough over the past three months.”
You roll your eyes, wishing you had told him but you shrug when Pero’s eyes widen. “I would fuck you.” You admit with no shame. “You should come by the hotel room.”
Pero snorts, not believing you. You gotta be messing with him. He shakes his head, "hermosa, I do not appreciate your platitudes. I am more than aware that you and Agent Peña are together and I am sure he doesn't appreciate me thinking of his woman." Pero says and you scoff, "his woman?" 
Javi chuckles, waggling his eyebrows at you, "my woman." 
You roll your eyes and stand up, placing your hands on Pero's desk so you can loom over the imposing Spaniard. "I am my own woman and I decide who I fuck. Come to our room later and see what I am talking about. Room 214." You tell him with a smirk and spin on your heel, "come on Peña, we got that lead to follow up on." 
Javi stubs out his smoke in the nearby ashtray and stands, "coming bebita." He sighs and winks at Pero, "Vienes. No te arrepentirás. Room 214." He says and walks off to follow you down the hall.
Pero spends far too long staring at the doorway you had disappeared through. Unable to get your comment out of his head, he’s caught between suspicious and painfully aroused. It’s true, he’s not gotten laid in a long time and is almost sour about it, but he also knows that most Americans are very rigid when it comes to sex. Could Javi possibly be serious? He shoves the thought away and yet when he leaves the office to go home, he finds himself at your hotel, walking up the stairs to the second floor and down the hall to stand in front of room 214.
“Oh fuck baby. That’s it.” You moan as Javi pushes into you from behind. His hands finding your hips and you whimper when his cock stretches you out. Beyond the door to your hotel room, Pero stands there, eyes wide at the sound of sex coming from the hotel room of his American counterparts and he knows it wrong. He should walk away but he can’t. He stands there and listens. 
“That’s it. Such a tight pussy. Always so damn tight.” Javi grunts and his hips slam against yours. Pero should walk away. He should. But he can’t. He reaches down to squeeze his hard cock through his slacks, trying to force himself to walk away but your sweet moans have him lingering in the hall.
You had meant to wait for Pero to show up, but you were so worked up that you couldn’t resist. Javi more than willing to fuck you whenever you need and now he’s pushing into you perfectly, hitting something so sweet inside you walls that your back arches. “More Jav, fuck, harder baby, please.” You beg, your head hanging down until you collapse onto your elbows and press your face against the sheets. “Oh shit baby.”
“Mierda.” Pero hisses, glancing around and he can’t help it. He flicks the button and pulls his zipper down, reaching into his pants to pull his throbbing cock out. He imagines you moaning, his cock inside of you while you cry out his name. 
“Fuck baby. Gripping me like a goddamn vice. Hermosa, so good.” Javi grunts and slaps your ass, making you cry out. Pero can’t help himself as he wraps his fingers around his cock and starts to pump himself.
Javi knows exactly how to fuck you. His hips slap against your ass and you moan out small sounds of pleasure every time he drills into you. Pushing deep and forcing the sounds out of you. Wondering if Pero would be even more aggressive since he has not fucked anyone in a good long while. You can’t wait to find out. “More, Javi please.” You beg shamelessly.
“Fuck.” Pero grunts as your pleas echo down the hall and he fists his cock. It’s been so long since he’s jerked off, spending all hours of the day trying to get that hijo de puta. He groans under his breath and you cry out Javi’s name as he continues to fuck you. “That’s it, bebita. You like this, don’t you? You like being fucked. You’re so pretty when you cum.” Javi coos and Pero wishes he could see it. Imagines your face when you cum and his cock twitches in his hand.
“Yes. Yes.” You moan, eyes closed and you whimper when he pushes against that spot again. “Gonna -gonna cum!” You cry out, seconds before you squeal his name again. Your cunt clenches down on him and you soak him in a wave of your juices as the knot of tension inside you bursts.
Pero bites his lip as he listens to you cum. Fuck, you sound gorgeous and he squeezes his cock tighter as he imagines you clamping down on his length. He leans against the wall and bites his lip to smother his groan as he cums, spilling his seed onto the tile floor. “Mierda.” He groans, louder than he thinks he does, working his length and he’s uncaring of anything right now except experiencing his pleasure.
You whimper, swearing you hear someone outside but you’re too consumed by the pace that Javi keeps pounding into you. Your fingers grip the sheets and all you can do is take it until he drags you up and against his chest biting down on your ear and jaw as he starts to fill you with hot spurts of his seed.
Pero looks down, mortified at the sight of the cum on the tile floor and he reaches for the napkin he shoved in his pocket from his lunch earlier and after tucking his cock back in his pants, he bends down to clean up his mess. His cheeks are burning and he prays no one is watching as he bundles up the napkin and rushes down the hall to head back to his apartment. The mortification haunts him all evening along with your moans and he knows it’s wrong. He shouldn’t want you when you are with Peña. The Americans are messing with him. He drinks a little too much whiskey before he passes out, dreaming of being the cause of your moans.
The next morning, you bring in a tray of coffees as you come into the office, trailed by Javi. Pero is already at his desk, scowling at a report in front of him and looking like he hasn't got much sleep. “You look like you could use this.” You pluck a cup out of the tray and set it down in front of him. “Late night? If a tip came in you should have called us.”
Pero huffs, “thanks for the coffee, hermosa.” He takes it and sips it gratefully. “I had a tip but it wasn’t anything that couldn’t wait. Apparently Jimenez had a shipment come in last night in Bilbao. It’s too far for us to go to but it’s a big shipping area so we are checking the cameras”
“So why didn’t you come over?” You take your own cup and hand Javi the holder with his own black coffee so you can perch against the desk and look at the handsome Spaniard. “If you aren’t interested, I won’t be offended.” You promise, shrugging slightly. You would be disappointed, but you wouldn’t be offended if you weren’t his type.
Pero glances down at his desk, knowing he shouldn’t say it, his face will show his shame, but he looks back at you and says “I did come by your room but you were…occupied.” He clears his throat and takes another sip of his coffee
“Oh.” You take another sip of your coffee and look back at Javi who smirks smugly. 
“So?” Javi asks as he leans back in hise-[ desk chair. “Should have knocked, we would have had fun sharing.” He shrugs slightly like it’s not a big deal.
Pero is surprised at the nonchalance of the man but he taps his fingers on his desk. “I- I haven’t - it’s been a long time since I- I have never shared a woman.” He admits, biting his lip as his eyes meet yours.
“If you are not comfortable sharing, Javi doesn’t mind just watching.” You offer, tossing him a smirk. “He likes watching someone touch me.”
Pero bites his lip as he looks up at you perched on his desk and he reaches out to caress your thigh. “Do you want him to watch, hermosa?” He asks softly, not wanting to push you if you aren’t interested in this.
You can tell that Pero is wanting, making your cunt clench as you imagine how pent up this man must be. How long it had been since he had sunk into a tight cunt and fucked away his frustrations. You take another sip of your coffee and set it down beside his, laying your hand on top of Pedro's. "If you are comfortable with it, I want him to watch. I love for him to see how someone else fucks me."
He swallows harshly, knowing this will change your working relationship but his need for you overshadows his professionalism. He slides his hand higher until he’s pressing his fingers against your cunt. “Then I want you to come sit on my lap.” He orders, pulling his hand away from you.
Javi chuckles behind you and there isn't even time to spare the other man a glance as you stand up and walk around the desk. Behind you, you hear Javi's chair creak as he stands and the normally quiet click of the lock to the office door sounds obscenely loud. As if indicating to everyone in the building what you are about to do. Pero pulls away from his desk and you waste no time straddling him and wrapping your arms around his neck to look him in the eyes.
Pero stares at you for a moment until he surges forward to press his lips to yours. His hands find your ass, dragging you even closer and his tongue is immediately pushing into your mouth as his cock starts to harden in his pants. You’re gorgeous and he’s prepared to risk it all to touch you at least this one time.
He’s greedy and bold, making you moan as his tongue strokes yours. You can feel the passion in his touch, the need. Your fingers tangle into the longer locks of hair at the back of his neck and tug on them gently.
He grunts into your mouth at the way you tug on his hair and he hisses when you bite down on his lower lip. His cock is hard now but his hands slide up to squeeze your tits, desperate to touch more of you. “Take her shirt off.” Javi orders from his seat, a cigarette in his hand as he watches you and Pero make out.
You can tell that he is slightly startled by being given an order, so you pull away and wink at him. “He likes to give orders.” You hum, letting Pero drag your shirt over your head to reveal your bra.
Pero hums, not too bothered by it at this stage but he glances over at Peña who watches with a smirk on his face when Tovar’s gaze falls down to your tits. 
“Nice, aren’t they?” Javi asks and Pero reaches up to push them together, leaning in to lick along the flesh.
“Yes.” Your head rolls back and you lean back to give him room to do whatever he wants to you. Holding onto his shoulders and rolling your hips against his hardening cock.
“Mierda.” Pero groans and reaches behind you to unclasp your bra. He drags it down your arms to expose your tits to his hungry gaze. He groans and tosses your bra aside so he can grab your tit, tilting it so he can lean down to take it into his mouth.
“Fuck.” Your eyes slip closed and you moan again, keeping your voice low since there are people walking by. Anyone could hear you and that adds to the excitement. You know Javi is watching as Pero’s mouth suckles on your nipple, biting hard enough to make you gasp and then soothing it with his tongue.
He switches over to your other breast, loving the feel of your skin in his mouth and the way you tangle your fingers in his hair. “She likes to be bit. To be marked.” Javi says before he inhales another drag of his smoke. Pero takes his advice and sucks his mark on the curve of your breast.
“Shit.” You hiss quietly, cunt clenching and you press your now overheated core against his cock. One hand drifts down from his neck to slide down his chest and cup him through his tight jeans. “Fuck, you are packing.” Your eyes widen at the bulk in your hand and he might give Javi a run for his money in the girth department.
Pero hisses as you squeeze him and he gently pushes you off of his lap. “Take your pants off.” He hisses and reaches down to squeeze his cock through his pants and Javi smirks, “do as he says, hermosa.”
You smirk back at your lover before you start to peel your pants off slowly, bending down to give Javi a view of your ass since you had worn thongs today. “Fuck, I forgot you were wearing those.” He hisses before he lights his cigarette.
Pero swallows harshly, trying not to growl when you stand there in the tiny thong. “Fuck. You’re - fucking gorgeous.” He groans and reaches for you, lifting you up onto his desk and he trails his hands along your legs, pushing them open enough for him to press his nose to your covered core, breathing you in.
“Hmmmm are you going to lick me, Pero?” You ask, leaning back and tilting your hips up. “Right here on your desk so you can remember it every time you work late? Or are you going to fuck me?”
Pero smirks, “I’m gonna lick your cunt until you moan my name and then I’m gonna fuck you. Want you to be wet enough to take me.” Pero asserts and Javi chuckles, “oh everyone is gonna know she’s being eaten out. It’s her favorite thing. Can’t keep her quiet when someone’s sucking on her clit.” Javi flicks his cigarette and squeezes himself through his pants when Pero hooks his finger under the elastic of your thong and pulls them aside, groaning at the sight of your wet pussy. His eyes flick up to you before he leans in to slide his tongue through your folds.
Your whine is bitten off, turning into a low moan behind your teeth as you watch him lick through your cunt. “Fuck, Pero.” Your hands find his hair and you tangle your fingers into his hair and tugs.
He groans when you tug on his hair and he hisses, flicking his tongue over your clit until he’s sucking it into his mouth. “Oh she likes that.” Javi chuckles, “suck on that clit for her.”
Your mouth drops open in a silent cry when Pero immediately follows Javi’s orders. The pressure against your clit is glorious and harsh. The Spaniard pulls your clit into his mouth.
Pero sucks and releases your clit, sliding his tongue through your folds, and he groans when your thighs tighten against his head, trapping him in your cunt. “Fuck. Look at you baby. He’s treatin’ you good, huh?” Javi chuckles, watching you throw your head back.
“Yes.” You gasp out, rocking your hips down to press your cunt into his eager mouth. Needing him to keep the pressure up because it’s making you grip the edge of the desk and nearly scatter the pen cup on the edge.
Pero works his tongue inside of you, his nose pressed against your clit, and he loves the way you seem to fall apart under his touch. You’re gorgeous. Fucking gorgeous, and he’s desperate to hear and feel you cum like you did for Peña the night before. His hands grab your thighs, keeping you pinned in place and his pens go flying as you hit the cup with your hand making Javi chuckle.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” You squeal, knowing you are going to fall apart soon, the tension built up is nearly too much. It only takes another flick of his tongue against your clit to send you flying. The cry is louder than it should be in the office but you don’t care when your cunt is clenching and pleasure is wracking your body.
Pero swears he nearly cums when you cry out and he fucking loves it. Lapping up every drop you have to offer him, he’s groaning and gripping your thighs until you’re pushing his face away when it becomes too much. “Delicious.” He murmurs when he pulls back and looks up at you, squeezing himself through his pants until he’s aching. “Can I fuck you now?” He asks and you glance over at Javi who is watching with that lust in his eyes. 
“Yes. Fuck me Tovar.” You beg and he’s standing up, unbuttoning his jeans to pull his cock out.
“Fuck.” Your eyes widen as he pumps his cock and you know that you would love to have that cock in your mouth. But right now, you want to feel him inside you. “Like this or do you want to bend me over your desk?” You ask, fluttering your lashes playfully at him.
“Bend over my desk.” He demands, shifting back so you can stand up and he watches you shift to bend over his desk. Not happy with that, he kicks your ankle to spread your legs wider and he shuffles closer. He reaches out with his free hand to grip your chin, “watch your lover while I push into you.” Pero demands and Javi bites his lip as your eyes meet his just as Tovar starts to push into you.
“Ohhhhhhh fuck.” The stretch of him might be just a little bit more than Javi and your mouth drops open in a quiet moan as he pushes deep and grinds into your ass with his hips.
“Does he feel good inside of you, bebita? Is he stretching that tight little pussy out? Is it everything you’ve been longing for?” Javi asks, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees so he can watch you take Pero’s cock.
“Yes, fuck, yes.” You whimper, closing your eyes and trying to push your hips back but Pero won’t let you. “So good baby, you feel so fucking big inside me. Can’t-can’t believe you don’t get your cock wet more.”
Pero hisses when you squeeze his cock as you adjust to him and he starts to move, his pace is slow but deep, wanting to savor this feeling since he doubts he will be fucking you again. “Too- too busy working, hermosa.” He admits, his hands finding your hips to keep you still so he can keep his rhythm.
“You shouldn’t keep this cock to yourself.” You lean back, resting your head against his shoulder. “You will think clearer when you fuck regularly.”
Pero chuckles, turning his head to kiss your jaw. “Maybe so.” He murmurs, pleased that you are happy with his size, and he slides his hands up to squeeze your tits, loving how you are naked while he’s still dressed. 
“She will volunteer to drain your balls every day, amigo.” Javi snorts playfully and rubs his lower lip as his eyes dip down to where Pero’s cock is disappearing inside of you.
“Fuck.” You shiver at the idea, letting each one of these men fuck you and use your cunt. “Yes I will.” You moan, clenching around him and pushing your ass back. “Javi will watch every time you fuck me, won’t you, baby?”
Javi loves the way Pero squeezes your tits and the moan that escapes your lips. “Every time.” Javi promises as his voice deepens. He can’t help but love seeing you get fucked. Like this very own porno. He loves it. “Does her pussy feel good?” Javi asks Pero who is kissing along your neck. 
“So good.” He groans and releases your tits to grab your wrists, connecting them behind your back to pin you to his desk. He presses himself against you and starts to move faster, wanting to feel you cum around him.
Your tits bounce and all you can do is take his cock. The thrusts push you against the desk and you whine in pleasure. Javi’s eyes are dark and lusty, letting you know he will be dragging you away to fuck you himself soon. The man loves to watch you get fucked and then make sure you also take a load of his cum. “Fuck baby.” You moan softly.
Pero groans at the wet, tight, hot cunt surrounding his cock. It’s been too long since he had sex like this. Raw and feral, he pushes into you like a man possessed. The desk creaks with his movements and Javi can’t do anything but watch with rapture and desire. “Tell him how good it feels, bebita.” Javi orders, voice taking on that gruff quality
“So good.” You moan instantly. “So fucking good. Pero, fuck baby, I need you to cum.” You beg. “Need you to- to fill me up and let me drip you all day.” You are on birth control, you have to be with Javi as a lover. He doesn’t like condoms. “Please baby.”
Your words spur Pero on and he’s groaning, thrusting harder into you so your hips hit the desk and will undoubtedly leave bruises beneath your skin. “Mierda. Hermosa - fuck - want you- quiero - you need to cum.” He begs, wanting to feel it.
Your orgasm earlier makes it easier for your body to build up to another. Each harsh thrust of his cock hits something wonderful inside you after dragging against all the nerves in your cunt. It doesn’t take long, just a minute more before your back is arching and you are crying out his name softly, nearly breathless as you come apart again.
The way you squeeze his cock has him growling and his hips slam against your ass as he desperately seeks his own orgasm. Words escape him and he can only growl and hiss as he pushes deep into your fluttering cunt a dozen more times before pushing impossibly deep to paint your walls with his hot cum. His growl of your name while he twitches inside of you has Javi’s cock throbbing and he squeezes himself through his pants, knowing he’s gonna have to fuck you immediately once you get back to your room.
Whimpering, you close your eyes and grin as he rides out his orgasm. His panting against your ear is sexy and making you shiver. When he finally stops moving, you turn your head and press your lips to his jaw softly. “Feel better?”
Pero chuckles softly, “much better, hermosa. Gracias.” He murmurs, kissing you softly until he’s shifting to stand up so he can pull out of you. 
“Sit on his desk and spread your legs. I want to see his cum drip out of you.” Javi orders while Pero tucks himself back into his pants.
You hum, flipping around and sitting on the desk so you can do as Javi orders. You see the dark heat in his eyes as he stares at your cunt, knowing Pero’s seed is probably starting to drip down your folds. “He needed that, didn’t he, baby?” You coo, dipping your fingers into his cum and sliding them into your mouth. “Filled me up good.”
Javi groans when he sees you suck on your fingers and Pero slumps down into his chair, suddenly exhausted, and Javi stands, stalking over to you and grabbing the back of your neck to press his lips to yours, uncaring of the taste of Pero’s cum lingering on your lips.
Javi’s kiss is hard, demanding and it makes you moan. Your own tongue sliding against his eagerly and you wondering if Pero is watching or if he is still caught up in his own bliss.
Pero watches Javi kiss you, his spent cock twitching in interest. He’s never shared a woman before, always imagined he’d hate it but watching you both has his stomach twisting with arousal. Javi’s hands slide up and down your back until he pulls away, voice rough when he says “get dressed. I need you.”
Your lips twist in amusement and you look over at Pero. “I guess we will see you later.” You hum as you lean over and pick up your pants. Pero hadn’t even removed your thong, just pushed it to the side.
Pero picks up the bra and hands it back to you, shifting a little awkwardly from one foot to the other, unsure of what to say now that you’ve fucked. He’s not sure how this changes everything. “You two go. I’ll let you know if anything about the shipment comes in.” He says after clearing his throat.
Instead of just redressing and leaving, you walk over to Pero and cup his cheek, leaning in to press your lips to his for one last kiss. “You should knock tonight.” You murmur, smirking at you, “we can all have fun.”
Pero nods, “we will see, hermosa.” He needs to sit down and think, unsure of what he wants. You’ve confused him now that the lust has faded. 
“See you soon, amigo.” Javi winks and slides his hand into your back pocket as you make your way out of his office, leaving the smell of sex in the air. Pero slumps down in his seat, knowing he wants you again, no matter what he has to do. Even if it means sharing you. He’s not sure how long he sits there staring at the government issued cream painted wall when his phone ringing pulls him out of his stupor. “Tovar.” He answers, listening to the new intel that might just be key to getting Jimenez.
“He did not seem particularly happy.” You murmur as Javi guides you out of the building. Several people glance at you as you walk past, but that is usual and you don’t think it was because they heard you, “maybe he is not into that kind of thing. Not everyone is.”
Pero hangs up the phone and sighs, standing up and groaning at the fact he’s been sitting in that chair for far too long. He locks his office and makes his way over to your hotel, wanting to deliver the intel in person instead of risking it over the phone. When he stands by the door, he’s nervous. He’s certain the intel could’ve waited until tomorrow. The shipment isn’t for another week, but he still came over. He swallows and lifts his hand to knock on the door.
You look up from the report you had been pouring over when the knock at the door sounds. Swinging your head around to look at Javi and he jerks his head towards it, silently telling you to see who it is. No one is expected and the hour is so late, you had decided that Pero was not coming by. Your eyes widen when you open the door, finding him shuffling slightly and giving a nervous look. “Pero! Come in.” Swinging the door open, you invite him to come into the suite.
He enters the suite, palms slick, and he bites his lip as he glances at you then at Javi. "We have new intel." He reveals and Javi sits up, snubbing his cigarette out as he pays attention to Pero.
 "What's changed?" He asks and Pero glances back at you, 
"Jimenez has a shipment coming in on Friday. He has his top guy, Martinez, overseeing it. We are planning to ambush. We have a guy on the ground at the dock monitoring any changes so we know we can get Martinez and bring him in."
“That’s great!” Slightly disappointed that he has not come for personal reasons, you shove that to the side and concentrate on the information. “Martinez doesn’t travel on Sundays, or the third week of the month.” Snapping your fingers you turn back to the files you had been digging through. “Superstitions tied to bad accidents.” You locate the file and hand it to Javi. “So we can cross those days out.”
Javi nods in agreement, "so we wait until our inside guy confirms for Friday then we ambush and get his ass brought in for a plea deal." Javi says and Pero nods, "exactamente, amigo." He shifts from one foot to the other, glancing over at the bed sheets that are mussed up from your prior activities in the day.
“Forgive me.” You can feel how uneasy he is and you walk over to the mini bar. “Can I offer you a drink? The booze is overpriced but we have a bottle of bourbon and some beer in the ice bucket.”
“Bourbon sounds good, hermosa.” He offers you a small smile and Javi gestures to the sofa. 
“Siéntate, Tovar. Relax.” Javi orders and Tovar sits down, rubbing his hands on his jeans as he watches you get him a drink. He needs it. The urge to fuck you returning in full force when his eyes dip down to your ass.
You pour three drinks, smiling as you turn around to find the two men lounging on the sofa. Well, Javi is lounging, Pero looks like he might jump up at any moment. You wonder why he is so nervous. “Here you go.” You bring the drinks over to hand off, locking eyes with Pero.
His fingers brush yours and he swears he’s about to implode. He thanks you and takes a sip, enjoying the burn of the liquor. “So did you have a good afternoon?” Pero asks Javi who smirks and gestures to the bed, “what do you think, hermano?” He asks and Pero chuckles, “I guess you did.”
“Hmmmm.” You smirk, enjoying the small wink Javi sends you and turn back to your guest. “Do you have plans for the night, Pero?” You ask conversationally. If he just wants a drink and then to leave, you won’t stop him.
“No. Just going to go home and watch television. Maybe work on my woodwork.” He murmurs and 
Javi chuckles, “you woodwork. Jesus, you really did need to get laid.” He says playfully.
Pero snorts with a smirk, “well, tú bebita is the first one in a long time and I enjoyed having her for the one and only time you’ll allow it.”
“The one and only time?” You look over at Javi, knowing that he did not say something to Pero. “Did I miss something?”
Javi shakes his head, “I did not tell him no. I enjoyed watching him fuck you. I wouldn’t mind seeing it again.” He admits and Pero bites his lip, “I did not think you’d want to share her. I wouldn’t if she was mine. I would love to touch her again but she’s - she’s yours.”
“She is her own person.” You speak up. “I am with Javi, but he doesn’t not mind sharing and neither do I.” You shrug. “It is not for everyone. I understand that. But you can touch me.” You hum. “I want you to touch me.”
Pero bites his lip as you sit beside him on the sofa. It’s so different from his upbringing. To have this kind of sexual experience. But he likes it. He wants more. His hand comes out to rest on your thigh as you settle down next to him. “Can I fuck you again, hermosa?” He asks softly, not wanting to push you.
“Yes.” You agree immediately, not needing to think about it. “Will you share me with Javi tonight? He doesn’t want to touch you.” You assure the Spaniard. “He just likes fucking me with another man.”
Pero is nervous but looks over at Javi who is lighting another cigarette. “Like we take turns fucking you?” He asks, curious and wanting to know exactly what is involved.
“The same time.” Javi puffs on the cigarette and smirks. “She loves having her cunt and mouth filled with cock at the same time.” He winks at you again. “Or having a cock in each hole.”
“The same time.” Pero says and Javi nods, “she loves it.” 
The idea makes Pero’s cock twitch and he swallows harshly. “I- I want to do it. I want to fuck her again while she sucks your cock.” He murmurs, feeling nervous but excited.
“Yesss.” You moan quietly, always loving making Javi moan your name when you have his cock in your mouth. You stand and quickly reach for the loose shirt you had thrown on after showering earlier.
Pero watches you pull the shirt over your head and he groans, cock twitching in his pants, and you shift to sit between Javi and Pero on the sofa, reaching for Pero to press your lips to his. He groans, his hand sliding along your spine while your tongue caresses his. You kiss for several moments until Javi taps your back and you pull away from Pero, turning your head to press your lips to Javi’s.
You know that Javi is not a greedy lover, but he wants to be involved. Your moan is soft and you reach back for Pero, taking his hand and bringing it to your breast while you kiss your lover. This is meant to be shared and you won’t have anyone feeling left out.
Pero squeezes your breast for a moment before he leans down to take your nipple into his mouth. He groans and Javi pecks your lips as he pulls back. “Suck his cock while I finger that tight little pussy, bebita.” Javi orders, knowing Pero needs to experience that gorgeous mouth.
You whimper and Pero groans, pulling off your breast so he can lean back and open his pants. Standing, you pull down the soft shorts you are wearing, no panties underneath this time. There had been no need when you know Javi would strip you down before crawling into the bed together.
When you kneel on the sofa, ass towards Javi, he can’t help but smack your flesh, making you gasp. “Fuck baby. You’re so perfect.” Javi groans and slides his hands between your folds, loving when he finds you wet for him. 
Pero watches as your hand slides into his pants, reaching in to wrap your fingers around his cock and pull him out. “Mierda.” He hisses, watching you grip him.
“You have a beautiful cock, Pero.” You praise, rolling the foreskin down and humming when you feel him growing in your grip. With a few, quick strokes. He is fully hard and you lean down to wrap your lips around the tip.
“Fuck.” Pero hisses as you take him into your mouth. He groans and you moan around him when Javi pushes a thick digit into your cunt, his teeth sinking into your ass cheek enough to make you gasp.
Javi’s fingers are deadly, thick and surprisingly dexterous as he curls them and pumps them into your quivering cunt. The excitement of getting to have both men makes you drip and your eager mouth swallows down his cock as much as you can.
"Fuck." Pero groans, his head tilting down to watch you take his cock, and he caresses your head while you take him even deeper into your mouth. Javi loves watching you suck Pero's cock and he shifts his hand so he can press his thumb against your clit, wanting to make you feel good while you give pleasure.
Every time you bob your head, you push yourself to take more of him, the two fingers around the base is all you have to keep your lips from taking all of him. Swallowing around him and pulling off to rub your tongue over the sensitive head. Javi’s fingers make you rock forward, groaning every time he pushes against that spongy little spot deep in your cunt.
“Her mouth feels fucking good, doesn’t it, amigo?” He asks and Pero nods, mouth open as he groans when you let your split dribble down the side of his cock. “Fuck baby.” He coos, caressing your shoulders and back while Javi adds another finger to stretch you out. His eyes find your puckered hole and he can’t help but lean forward to slide his tongue around the sensitive flesh.
Your gasp and “fuck” is garbled around Pero’s cock, muffling the sound. Although the Spaniard loves the sensation and moans loudly, rocking his hips up to beg you to take more. Now that his tongue is pressed into your asshole, you know Javi will be balls deep in your ass tonight while Pero fills your cunt. You whine and double down on your attention to the man’s cock, wanting him to be addicted to you.
Your whimpers make Pero groan at the way it vibrates down his cock and you are incredible. This is better than anything he fantasized about when he was thinking about you with his cock in his hand. He hisses when you hollow his cheeks and Javi uses his other hand to push a finger into your ass, wanting to stretch you out for him while his fingers move inside of your pussy.
Moaning around the cock in your mouth, you push your hips back and beg for more. It’s not like you’ve never had him fuck your ass, but you need him to get you ready for it.
Javi knows what you need. He leans in to spit on your ass and adds another finger to stretch you out even more for him. Pero notices and groans, “are you going to fuck her ass, amigo?” He asks Javi who nods, “only if you fuck her cunt. She loves being full of cock.” Javi chuckles when your walls clench around his fingers. 
“Fuckkkk.” Pero hisses, cock twitching in your mouth at the thought.
For long minutes Javi stretches you out, scissoring his fingers and pumping them into your ass while you reach down and cup Pero’s balls. Swearing that the only reason he doesn’t blow his load is because he fucked you earlier. When you feel his thighs tense, you pull off his cock and look into his eyes. “Fuck me, Pero.”
"Come here, hermosa." Pero groans and Javi withdraws his fingers, reaching down to unbuckle his belt as you straddle Pero. The Spaniard groans when you grip his cock and sink down onto him. "Coño es - fuck - cielo." He murmurs and his hands find your ass, smacking it hard enough to make you squeal.
Working on the buttons of his shirts, you circle your hips. Pero hisses and that makes you hum, grinning evilly when you clench down around him. “You feel so good, so thick.” You praise breathlessly.
Javi pulls his cock out of his pants, eager to touch you, and he caresses your spine as he pumps his cock in one hand. “Does it feel good, bebita? Riding his cock? You want me inside of you too?”
“So good, Jav, so fucking good.” You moan quietly, feeling Pero twitch inside you at your praise. You lean back, feeling Javi press against your back and clench around the cock you are sitting on. “Get the lube baby, I’m going to be stuffed full.”
He steps back, reaching into the nightstand to grab the lube and he comes back over. “Lay on your back, amigo.” Javi orders and Pero grunts, shifting with you still on his cock to lay down on the sofa. Once you are situated, he kneels behind you and squirts the lube into his hand, coating his cock and pushing two fingers into your ass to make sure you can take him. “Gonna fill you up bebita. Make sure you are stuffed with cock.” Javi says as he takes himself in hand and slowly pushes inside of you.
It makes your mouth drop open, a low moan coming out of you. The feeling is exquisite and your eyes flutter with the sensation of being stretched out. “Javi, Pero- fuck.” You whimper, biting your lip as he stops for a moment, pulsing halfway inside you.
Pero can feel Javi’s cock through the thin layer of skin and it makes you impossibly tighter as you clench down around him, keeping still while Javi works himself inside of you. It’s incredible and Pero watches your jaw drop as Javi works his cock deeper until his hips are pressed against your ass, his cock buried deep.
“Shit.” You hiss, your nails digging into Pero’s shoulders until you nearly break the skin. “Oh god, it - it’s so good. I’m so full.” You moan quietly.
Javi kisses along your neck as you adjust to him until he starts to rock his hips, slowly moving inside of you. Pero keeps still, loving the pinched expression on your face as you start to enjoy the motion and he begins to rock his hips up into you, letting you experience two cocks moving inside of you.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck.” You whine, throwing your head back and laying it against Javi’s shoulder. 
Pero palms your tits, pinching your nipples hard enough to make you moan as he roams his hips up. “Fuck you like this, don’t you, hermosa?” He groans, unable to believe that you truly do love this.
"I love it. I love it." You cry, clenching around his cock buried in your pussy. Your moans echo in the room and Pero's eyes drift down to watch you taking the two mens' cocks inside of you. "Fuck, hermosa. Gorgeous." He compliments you with a groan and you whimper when he thrusts up into you. 
"She's a little whore, aren't you baby?" Javi chuckles and bites down on your shoulder.
“Yes, fuck yes.” You agree, letting them use you like you are their personal fuck toy. “Love it, Jav, Pero.” You babble as they pick up speed, your cunt and ass clenching around them as they steadily fill you again and again.
Pero hisses, getting close after he had his mouth on you so he groans and reaches down to rub your clit, wanting to watch you cum at least once from his touch. Javi smirks against your shoulder, “that’s it, amigo. She loves that. Don’t you, bebita? You gonna cum for us?” Javi asks, kissing along your neck.
You nod, body nearly shaking as they continue to rock into you, each one right after the other so there is the constant sensation of being filled. “Yes baby, I’m gonna- gonna cum.” You promise breathlessly. Pero’s fingers against your clit are perfectly pressed, making you cry out when he swipes it again and again.
“You gonna cum for us, bebita?” Javi asks, biting down on your shoulder and Pero groans when you squeeze his cock, getting closer. 
“She is. Aren’t you, hermosa? Cum for us. We wanna hear you cry out our names.” He demands and you whimper, getting closer and closer to your orgasm until finally, you clamp down on their cocks, making both men groan.
Cumming with being stuffed so full is nearly overwhelming. Every nerve ending inside your holes is on fire and making your entire body light up in white hot pleasure. Crying out loudly, you don’t know if you call out Javi’s name or Pero’s or a garbled combination of the two.
Pero hisses when you clamp down on his cock, soaking him, and he watches you ride through your orgasm. Javi bites down on your shoulder, “good girl, bebita. Fuck, feel so good.” Pero watches you and he’s so close to cumming. He pants, fingers digging into your hips as he gets closer and closer.
Lunging forwards, you press your lips to Pero’s, sliding your tongue into his mouth to moan as you ride out your high. Fingers sinking into his hair to tug on it desperately, wanting to feel him cum inside you again.
Javi loves watching how desperate you get and he caresses your spine as you kiss Pero, the Spaniard’s hips starting to lose rhythm until he pushes deep inside of you. “Fuck fuck fuck.” He pants into your mouth as he paints your walls with his hot cum.
You whine, knowing Javi will be the last to cum, he has managed to hold out. Slumping forwards, your ass is pushed out more to let him fuck you just as fast as he wants.
Javi grits his teeth, grunts and hisses escaping his lips as he pushes deep into your ass, his hands sliding up to grab your tits, pulling you back towards him. Within a half dozen thrusts, he’s pushing deep and cumming inside of you. Javi isn’t wordy when he cums, he grunts and bites down on your shoulder.
“Javi.” You moan happily, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling of both holes being filled. Pero’s cock twitches inside your cum soaked cunt, obviously feeling the pressure through the thin wall as your lover cums. “Fuck baby.” You whimper, turning your head and kissing his jaw.
Javi smirks, “you enjoy it?” He murmurs against your neck, hoping you did. You’ve been wanting a threesome like this since you talked about your desires not long after you met.
“Yes baby.” You reach back and run your fingers through his hair as he pulls away to kiss your lips. “Everything I wanted.” Your cunt clenches around Pero and you turn back to kiss the Spaniard. “Everything.”
Pero caresses your waist while Javi groans as he pulls out of you, shuffling off to grab some rags to clean everyone up. Pero kisses you for a moment longer until you are shifting off of his cock. “That’s it baby. So good.” Pero murmurs, looking down to watch his cum drip out of you and onto the leather sofa below.
You are wonderfully sore and smirk as you lay there. Javi chuckles, coming back in the room with the rags and leaning in to kiss you before starting to wipe away the evidence of your night. “We will have to do this again.” You groan quietly, looking over at Pero to see how he feels about that idea.
Pero nods, shifting to sit up and he leans in to kiss your cheek. “We have not solved the case yet, hermosa. We will have to do this again and again.” He smirks and you giggle. 
Javi winks at the Spaniard. “Well we haven’t gotten Jimenez yet so we have plenty of time.” 
Tovar chuckles, “maybe we will never find him.” 
You smirk, “it’s selfish of me to say, but I hope not.” The men chuckle and you all lay down on the sofa after you’re all cleaned up. Javi and you are a dynamic partnership but with Pero, you’re an unstoppable trio.
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acphengene · 3 months
Chapter 26 - Dining room table
₊ ⁺ pairing: Jay x fem!reader
₊ ⁺ genre: brothers bestfriend!au, college!au, neighbors/strangers to lovers!au
₊ ⁺ warings: smut, fingering, voyerism, dirty talk, use of good girl, reader is afab
₊ ⁺ synopsis: you move from sydney australia to seoul to get your degree, what will happen when you spill coffee on a handsome stranger?
₊ ⁺ taglist: open - updates every monday and friday - might update on other times if i want a chapter out sooner rather than later
₊ ⁺ note: it's finally here! Please let me know what you think of the smut, its not something I'm used to writing, which is also why it have taken so long to get published.
₊ ⁺ word count: 4120
₊ ⁺ masterlist
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You were seated in the restaurant, leg bouncing off the ground as you bit your bottom lip. You were nervous, something you weren’t used to being around Jake. 
He had always been the one to have your back, even though the two of you grew up on different continents, he always had your back. That was until that night, where it all came crashing down. 
You’d never expected him to react like that, to lash out at you. It had broken you to an extent you never thought possible, it had highlighted every insecurity you’d ever had. You couldn’t help but wonder if it was what he really thought of you. 
You knew Jay had explained your past to him, but had that been enough to change his mind? He had apologized, but had he meant it? The anxiety had been eating you up from the inside out.
Deep in thought you didn’t see him as he entered the small restaurant. He was as nervous, if not more nervous than you. He had hurt the one person he loved more than anyone else. 
Whereas you wanted nothing more than to forgive him, all he could think about was how he could show you that he deserved that forgiveness. 
“Hey” he said with a small voice as to not startle you. You looked up, tears already threatening to spill. 
He had spotted you the second he entered the restaurant, and he had never seen you seem so small. You’d always been a force to be reckoned with, but this? He felt how his stomach twisted by the mere thought that he was the reason for it. 
“Hey” you answered, voice shaking. 
You were glad you had requested a booth in the far end of the restaurant. It was hiding you from prying eyes. 
Jake sighed as he sat down. “Come here” he said as he opened his arms up. A sob escaped your throat, and you had quickly thrown yourself into his arms. He rubbed his hands up and down your back as you sobbed silently into his shoulder. 
“I’m so sorry” he kept repeating like a mantra he was determined to teach you. 
It had been hard, you wanted to be strong for Jay and Sunghoon, and you knew the men would have your head if they knew you’d kept your emotions hidden from them, but you didn’t want to burden anyone. Least of all them with everything they’d gone through had been because of you. 
“Sit down lil’ Sim, and let’s get you some wine to calm down that head of yours, yeah?” He ruffled your hair the same way he had done when you were a little girl, it earned him a laugh as you tried to wipe away your tears with your napkin. 
Jake didn’t speak, he just held your hand until the waiter brought over a bottle, and as soon as he had gotten a glass of his own he chugged it. 
“Easy there” you said as you sipped on the red liquid, a small smile on your lips. But he noticed instantly how it didn’t quite reach your eyes. 
Red wine was somewhat of a tradition for the two of you, whenever you’d talked about your childhood, you had always done so while sharing a bottle or three. So it only seemed fitting that was what you were drinking. 
You had both hoped you could meet in a more private setting, but because of your recent move that hadn’t been possible. 
He ran his hands up and down his thighs. “Sorry, I’m just… nervous I guess” he said and you nodded in response. 
“I really am sorry Y/N. If I’d ever known…” He began. 
You held up your hand. “Stop that, okay? I chose not to tell you for this exact reason, I knew you’d blame yourself” You said, your eyes as kind as they’d always been. Leaving him feeling even more guilty. 
“I talked to mom” he said. Confusing you a little by the statement. “Well talked might be the wrong word. But I texted her, so I guess I’m gonna cut her off too” he shrugged. 
“You don’t have to do that Jake, I know what she means to you” you said, but you couldn’t help the warmth that spread through your chest at his loyalty to you. 
He shrugged with a small smile on his lips, eyes as gentle as ever. “I know I don’t have to, but honestly I should’ve done it a long time ago. I should’ve kicked and screamed before letting her take me away from you. I should’ve insisted on staying behind, so that I could shield you from his schemes” 
He squeezed your hand a little. 
“I mean it Y/N” his gaze was firm, almost cold. “I should’ve stayed behind with you, I was your best friend, your big brother, I should’ve know you wouldn’t wanna stay behind” 
“It’s okay” you said with a small smile, this time squeezing his hand. Gaze locked on your fingers, you feared meeting his eyes. Afraid of them spilling the truth behind your words. Yes, you should have … 
“It’s not, and I’ll do my best to earn your forgiveness” he bent his upper body, forcing your eyes to meet his. “Okay?” he said as his grip tightened around your fingers. 
You just shook your head as to get the lingering thoughts of your father, your time alone with him, out of your mind. “I want to apologize too,” you said, voice small. 
“Sis you have nothing to apologize for…” His voice sounded almost disappointed. 
“I do… The second I started catching feelings for Jay I should’ve sat you down, then this whole thing could’ve been avoided.” 
He nodded. “That's true. But I think I at least needed it to happen like this. I know he can protect you now, I know he’s willing to risk everything to be with you… Even me” A small smile crept onto his lips, you saw how he looked down at his glass as he blinked furiously, desperate to get the tears that were now held in his eyes to disappear. 
“Don’t say that” you said, voice almost a whisper. 
He sighed. “It’s true though… I’m not saying it to be spiteful, and I’m not jealous, well I am but not like that. He deserves love as pure as the one you provide, just like you deserve love that I’m sure he gives you. And love like that should be allowed to come first, it should always come first” 
His voice was stern, but it was in a loving manner, he meant every word he said, you had no doubt about it. 
“Thank you” you didn’t know what else to say in respons. 
“Or I assume you love eachother, right?” He said, as he raised his brows, wiggling them. It earned him a laugh. 
“Yeah, it’s love,” you said as a blush spread on your cheeks. 
“Good” he took another sip of his second glass of wine. “Oh did Jay tell you that mom wants me to break the two of you up?” he said. 
Your brows furrowed. “Why?” 
He shrugged again. “I have no idea, but she was very passionate about it” 
A whirlwind of red was now to be seen in your glass as you groaned. “This isn’t over yet, is it?” 
He pulled you close before he kissed the top of your head, resting his cheek there afterwards. “No, I don’t think it is… Dad still need to find out we went against his direct orders” 
A dry laugh escaped you. “Don’t remind me” you looked over the menu, weighing your food options as the two of you sat close to one another. 
“Do you think he’ll be as mad as the time we played in the mud while at that, what was it? Flower event thing, in Sydney?” 
A laugh escaped you as you were suddenly reminded of you and Jake, 6 & 8 years old, bored out of your mind at some event your mother hosted and had insisted you join. You had at one point decided that the best way to pass the time would be to jump and throw mud at one another. In your pretty dress, in your pretty shoes, in Jake's first fitted suit. 
“He was as red as a tomato!” You almost couldn’t breathe as you remembered your fathers face as you strolled through the white hall of the building who laid on the grounds, soiling it with your dirty shoe prints. 
Luckily for the two of you, the babysitter had whisked you away before your fathers wrath had hit, and she had been replaced the next day. 
Jake smiled. A genuine, happy smile. And in that second, you knew you’d be okay. 
The two of you spend your meal and most of the night sharing memories of your childhood, laughing and crying, but only the good kind. And somehow you left the dinner, closer to one another than you had ever been. 
Jay had texted you after about an hour into your dinner, the texts were somewhat cryptic, not making a whole lot of sense. That was until that one message. 
I wanna bury my head between your thighs. 
The Uber ride back to the apartment had you bouncing one of your legs once again, but this time it was in excitement. You couldn’t help the biting of your lips or the fiddeling of your fingers. You were nervous. He made you nervous. 
You could feel how blood rushed into your cheeks by the mere thought of it. Is this really happening? 
You were no virgin, but the dating scene in Sydney was something else completely than that in Seoul. Much more conservative, so you didn’t wanna just jump into bed with Jay in case he’d be uncomfortable. 
The two of you had taken everything so painfully slow that your vibrator had been working over time when he wasn’t home. And you knew that he was as desperate as you were. His showers had gotten longer, colder, and the thought of him touching himself to the thought of you was enough to make you squeeze your legs together to get some sort of relief. 
You took a deep breath before you pressed the code to the door, finally letting you see the man of your dreams. 
The room was dark, only candle light, lighting him up. He couldn’t help but smile at you. You looked so pretty. Long coat, bare legs, little skirt. You were leaving so little to the imagination, and he absolutely adored you for it. 
As soon as you’d dropped the jacket, and tried to remove your stilettos he was right by your side. 
“Don’t.” He whispered as his cold hand came in contact with your warm cheek. “Keep them on” he said, eyes locked on your lips before he kissed you. 
He was needy, his tongue was instantly asking for permission to enter your mouth, as your hands got lost in his locks, pulling the roots, leaving groans to escape his mouth in between kisses. 
You couldn’t help but smile. 
“Such a tease, huh?” He said as his hands finally traveled down the back of your thighs, urging you to jump into his arms. 
“You have no idea” you said, kissing his nose before you did exactly that. 
His hands were big, holding you up by grabbing your thighs, fingertips teasing your bare skin. He walked you over to the kitchen counter, sitting you down on the cold marble, earning him a choked moan as your skin came into contact with the stone. 
He smiled at you. Mouth finally traveling from your lips to your neck. Nibbling and kissing your skin on the way. 
He always knew you would sound pretty, but the moans leaving you at this moment were enough to make him lightheaded. Dizzy. Drunk on you.  
“The boys aren’t here, so I want you to be loud for me. Can you do that darling?” His voice was in his lower register, and it lit a fire under you, desperately wanting to do whatever he asked of you. So you nodded, violently. 
He couldn’t help but smile at your enthusiasm. “Good girl” he praised as his hands slid up your back, pulling your top from your torso, leaving you in your small lace bra. Nippels perky when suddenly exposed to the cold. 
“You’re so beautiful” he whispered into your neck, before his hands came to rest on your hips, pulling you closer to him. 
Your mouth fell open as he pressed himself into your core, earning you both a loud moan. 
“I love you” you whispered in between kisses and grinds. 
“I love you too” he whispered back, as he kissed your neck, down your chest, cupping one of your breasts, teasing your nipple with two of his fingers. He smirked at your reaction, as his pupils dilated even more. 
He held you close to him, hands caressing your hips as he kissed from the top of your breasts down your stomach. 
He then quickly picked you up from the kitchen counter, the sheer height of it making what he had planned impossible. 
You couldn’t help but smile as he threw you around without a care in the world or any kind of struggle. It turned you on, him being as strong as he was. 
Before you knew it he had placed you on the dining room table. “What a fitting first meal” he said before kneeling in front of you. His hands caressed your calves as he kissed the inside of your thighs, urging you to spread your legs for him. 
“Let me help you out of those” he whispered, eyes trying to look up under your skirt to catch a glimpse of just how wet all the teasing would’ve made you. His hands snaked up underneath your skirt, pulling the useless piece of fabric that was your panties from his most prized possession. 
He then moved your skirt up around your hips finally revealing you to him. The way he was staring down your dripping core, you couldn’t help but feel self conscious and tried to close your legs in front of him. 
“Don’t.” he said as he spread your legs out in front of him. He couldn’t help the low curse escaping his lips. 
“You’re so pretty darling. Look at you, all wet and clenching around nothing, so fucking eager for me to touch you” he licked his lips, eyes never leaving your dripping core. 
He helped your legs over his shoulders, the back of your knees now resting on them. He steadied himself between them, giving the flesh a little squeeze. “Are you ready?” he said, waiting for the smallest indication of consent before he would lose himself in you. 
It felt like he had been starving his entire life, all of it leading up to this. You let out a whiny please, just before he starts kissing up between your thighs as his grip tightened on them. 
You feel how your breathing became heavier, as he got closer to where you needed him most. He’s so dangerously close you can feel his hot breath on you, but he doesn’t put his mouth on you yet. 
“God you’re beautiful” he says as he looks up at you with blown pupils, almost drooling at the sight of you so close. If you had your phone on hand, you would’ve snapped a picture of him, he has never been more beautiful or pussy drunk than in this exact second, and it makes your whole body tingle with anticipation. 
Before you knew it he dived in, tongue slowly licking circles on your clit. Your eyes close, as your body reacts instinctively to the sudden feeling of him. Your head falls back as your hands instantly find their resting place in his hair. It earns you a low hum from the depths of his chest, sending vibrations through your whole body. 
“God you taste so good darling, I could eat you for breakfast, lunch and dinner” he says as he comes up for air before diving back in. 
His hands pull you closer to his face, forcing you to lay back on the giant dining room table, arching your back as his tongue starts to drift up and down between your folds, slowly teasing your aching hole. 
“Please Jay” you moan out, as his tongue comes in contact with it. He stops and looks up from his hiding place between your legs. The loss of contact with his mouth making you whine in need. 
“Are you needy, huh? Need to be filled?” he says as if his voice has been dipped in honey. 
“Please” you just repeat as you lay your head back down on the table, expecting him to begin again. But to your dismay, he doesn’t. 
“Use your words like the good girl you are darling, no need to be rude now” he says before he tsk’s at your manners. 
Jay had always been respectful with good manners, and the fact that he brought that with him into the bedroom, somehow made him even hotter. 
“I need you to use your fingers Jay, just give me your fingers?” You asked as you finally looked at him with pleading eyes. 
“As you wish” he said before removing one of his hands from your thigh, before putting two fingers into his mouth to wet them. You moaned before he even touched you, the mere sight of him being enough to send waves of pleasure through your body. 
“You’re such a needy little thing, aren’t you?” he said, an open question he didn’t expect you to answer. 
His wet fingers slid up and down between your folds, collecting as much wetness as they possibly could before he entered your hole with one finger. 
“God you’re so tight and warm darling, I can't wait to bury myself inside of you” he said in a sinister tone before he once again latched on to your clit while he curled his finger inside of you. Earning him a loud moan. 
“Can you take one more finger? Need you to get used to the stretch if I’m ever gonna fit” he states as you whine out yes's before he adds another finger. 
“Fuck you’re taking them so well, you’re being so good darling, so fucking good for me” he says between his low moans as he pumps his digits in and out of you as you come undone on the table. 
You can feel the build up in your lower stomachs, and he feels it too, how you tighten around him with every push of his finger, with every brush of your clit or touch of your g-spot. 
The two of you are so lost in each other you don’t hear the door being opened, so lost that you don’t even sense the entering of your roommates. 
The two of you stop for a second as you hear the sudden sound of bags hitting the floor. 
“That table is for eating?!” You hear Jungwon scream out. 
Jay quickly removes his head from your core, drying his mouth on his t-shirt's shoulder as he pulls down your skirt to hide your body. Jay was smirking, he was kind of happy he hadn’t pulled your bra off with his teeth now, as it at least covered some of you. 
He looks at you with a sinister sparkle in his eyes. 
Jungwon quickly turns around to give you your privacy. But Sunghoon just shakes his head at his best friends as he can do nothing but smile at him. 
“I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what he’s doing,” he says with a small laugh. 
“If you don’t wanna watch my girl come all over my face I suggest you leave now, because I’m diving back in, in like 5 seconds” Jay says as he finally looks at the two guys, sending his best friend a smirk as he lift a hand with glistening fingers, as he starts counting down- 
Sunghoon rolls his eyes as he grabs Jungwon by the neck to pull him away from the obscene scene that is splayed out in front of them. 
As the door shuts to one of their rooms, Jay stands up between your legs, and starts to draw circles on your clit with one hand, as the other once again start pumping in and out of your heat. 
“You like that darling? Like that I’m showing them who you belong to? Like that people know I’m the only one who's gonna make you feel like this?” 
He says it all in between kisses of your stomachs and boobs, before he bites down on your bra and pulls you up in a sitting position. Finally allowing you to grind on to him. 
“Answer me darling” he whispers into your mouth. The circles of your clit growing sloppy, which somehow just makes him hit the right spot. 
“Yes, I love it. Want everyone to know I’m yours” you almost cry out. 
“I’m glad, thank you for not lying. My darling likes being caught, huh?” 
He adds a third finger, stretching you out so perfectly it makes you wonder how big Jay is if he needs to get you used to this. 
“God you’re squeezing me so tight, fuck!” He says as he looks down on his fingers as they get painted with your fluids. 
“Can I come Seong? Please? Please let me come” you whine out as you kiss him, tasting yourself on his lips.
“What have I ever done to deserve you? Such a good girl asking me for permission and everything… yes darling, come for me” 
As he finishes his sentence you grab onto his shoulders as you kiss him hard. Rocking yourself on his fingers, chasing your high, and when you reach it he looks at you as he moans out.
His hair clings a little to his forehead. Pupils still blown, as he smiles at you with both need and adoration. 
And as your breathing is steadying, he pulls himself from your core, right before he shoves his fingers into his mouth, cleaning every single one of them as he holds eye contact with you. 
“Park Jongseong, you’re fucking amazing” you say between breaths. 
He kisses your forehead. “So are you” 
You laugh a little as you look down expecting to see a massive tent in his pants, the lack of it worrying you a little. 
He picks up on your somewhat disappointed expression quickly. “Don’t worry, seeing you in that much pleasure is more than enough” he says as he pulls you closer to him, helping your skirt to cover you up once more. 
“Do you mean…?” You ask with big eyes. 
“Yes darling, the taste of you is enough to make me cum” he smirks. 
“Fuck” you whisper out before you lay back pulling him with you. He’s suddenly laying on top of you on the table, kissing you as you’re trying desperately to get him out of his clothes.
“No, nope, no no no!” You suddenly hear as a door shuts with a loud bang in the other end of the apartment. 
“Eating her out is one thing, but you’re not fucking on the dining room table!” Jungwon yells as he comes right at the two of you, forcing you to stop the moment you were both riled up again. 
“A little help?” Jay says as he looks towards his best friend. 
“If you don’t wanna be watched or interrupted, don’t fuck your girl in public places” Sunghoon says with a grin as he leans against the doorframe. 
You laugh as you hide your face in your hands. 
“It’s a little too late to be embarrassed!” Jungwon groans as he buries his face in the couch pillows. 
“Oh she definitely has nothing to be embarrassed about” Jay says as he looks at you with a loving smile, all the while he pulls a strand of hair from your face. 
He kisses your lips so tenderly you’ve never felt anything like it. 
“I love you” you once again whisper to him. 
“Come darling, let’s get you cleaned up” He picks you up bridal style and carries you to your room. 
“I’m totally gonna regret moving in with those two aren’t I?” Jungwon asks as he finally looks up from the pillows. 
Sunghoon plops down next to him before he turns on the tv. “Well if you think this is bad, just be grateful you aren’t living with Jake, he’s a lot worse. Like a lot!” he says laughing, before Jungwon screams down into a pillow.
₊ ⁺ Taglist: @addictedtohobi @deobitifull @blackhairandbangs @eclipse-777 @luvnicho @aerivrs
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teaberrii · 7 months
Chapter 7: To New Beginnings
After ending a five-year relationship, you pour all your energy into work. Your latest assignment? Staying at a popular bed-and-breakfast to gather information. It should be a piece of cake... If only the owner isn't the man you scolded on the street.
Jing Yuan/You
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
“Heeey!” March yells. “What’re you two standing around for?”
Jing Yuan looks over his shoulder and sees Yanqing running up with a skewer in his hand. It’s what he says after that takes Jing Yuan by surprise.
“You can share with Mom.”
After Jing Yuan takes the skewer from him, you walk up, and Yanqing runs off toward the rest of the group. “...Seems like he’s calling you Mom.” Jing Yuan looks at you. “If it makes you uncomfortable, I can tell him to stop.”
“Says the man who was teasing me about it earlier,” you deadpan. Then, with a little smile, you say, “It’s… a little strange, I guess. But I don’t mind it.” Jing Yuan passes you the skewer, and you bite the shrimp. “Unless you do, General.”
Quite the opposite. Jing Yuan would love it if Yanqing had someone to call Mom as, apparently, Yanqing hasn’t called his birth mother Mom since that day. Not in front of Jing Yuan, at least.
Despite being on an important work call, Jing Yuan couldn’t stop worrying about Yanqing. His son had returned from his stay with his mother, and Jing Yuan sensed something was wrong. While Yanqing was usually talkative upon his return, he was quiet with an expression that told Jing Yuan something was on his mind.
“...Jing Yuan?”
The investor’s voice snapped him back to the situation, and Jing Yuan put himself off mute, hoping this conversation would end sooner rather than later.
As soon as he got off the call, he saw Yanqing reading on the couch. Jing Yuan sat next to him and looked at the storybook. "What are you reading?"
“...He gave it to me.”
Yanqing looked down. “The man that stays with her now.”
Was Yanqing talking about his mother’s boyfriend? Jing Yuan had heard about him from mutual friends. A high-ranking civil servant, apparently, but that was all he knew and all he wanted to know.
Yanqing closed the book and put it aside. “...She changed.”
"...What do you mean? Did something happen?”
“I… can’t describe it,” Yanqing said quietly. “She just… isn’t the same anymore.”
Jing Yuan had always wished that Yanqing could be his… and only his. But he couldn’t make that call, even though this seemed like the perfect opportunity. No matter what happened between him and his ex-wife, she was still Yanqing’s mother who had every right to be part of Yanqing’s life.
“Is that why you’ve been feeling down?” Jing Yuan took his son’s hand. “If something happened, could you tell me about it?”
“Nothing happened,” Yanqing said. “...But, I don’t like him. She keeps telling me to give him a chance, but I don’t want to anymore.” Jing Yuan picked up the book and saw that the genre was far from what Yanqing enjoyed. “You can throw that away.” Yanqing scooted closer, and Jing Yuan put his arm around him. " Could we leave as soon as possible? I wanna go back to Xianzhou.”
Jing Yuan kissed his head. “Just a little longer.”
And once they leave, t he apartment that was once a lively home for Jing Yuan, his ex-wife, and Yanqing, would be empty… again. Jing Yuan had thought about selling it, but as he still had to visit the city, it wouldn't make sense.
“You’ll be starting summer school,” Jing Yuan said. “Are you excited about that?”
“Yeah! I can also see Pom every day!"
“He needs to work.”
Yanqing pouted. "You’re working him too hard!”
“I promise we’ll go for some great hikes while we’re all there.” Yanqing nodded. Then, Jing Yuan kissed the top of his son’s head. “...Get some sleep.”
It’s months after that he met you. But, perhaps he should keep all of that to himself for now.
“I don’t mind,” Jing Yuan answers.
“Don’t tell me I have to compete with Blade and Luocha, though,” you joke.
“I heard my name,” Luocha says just as he places a hot plate of food on the picnic table. Jingliu, already at the table, passes everyone a drink as they gather. “C’mon, give me the details. I can take compliments.”
“...They were talking about how it’s okay for Yanqing to call her Mom.”
Everyone gasps.
“I don’t know what I should be more shocked about,” Pom says. “Whether Yanqing has a new mom or Blade being in the loop for once!”
You and Jing Yuan end up sitting across from each other. March is next to you while Yanqing is between Jing Yuan and Blade.
“...For once?” Blade deadpans.
“Well, you’re always the last one to know about anything,” Pom says.
March laughs. “That’s, uh, pretty true.” Then, after opening her beer, she leans closer. “So, Yanqing, you have a new mom?”
Yanqing shyly looks at you. “Um, yeah, I-I guess so.”
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Jingliu says.
“A new mom…” Everyone looks at Dan Heng who’s cutting open his steak with a fork and knife. “...Sounds exciting.”
Dan Feng rolls his eyes. “You sound thrilled, Brother.” Then, he looks at you. “Should we have the new mom introduce herself—ow!” Dan Feng glares at March who slaps his hand.
“You’re making it awkward.”
Jingliu chuckles. “Why not a toast instead?”
“A toast?”
“It’s something to celebrate, isn’t it?”
Jing Yuan looks at you. “I guess this means you’re no longer in training anymore.”
“And it didn’t even take a day,” you say. “I deserve a gold star.”
“But I’ll still be your favourite. Right, Yanqing?”
“You were a favourite?”
“Ouch,” Luocha says, putting a hand over his heart. “Harsh, Liu Liu.” Jingliu gives him a look, and the doctor smiles. “What? That’s your nickname, isn’t it?”
“Wasn’t yours something like Doctor Cha Cha Cha?” Welt asks.
You smile at Luocha. “Now, what’s the story behind that?”
“You just had to bring that up.”
March squishes Luocha’s cheek. “Aw, no need for the frowny face, Doc. Those hips don’t lie!”
Blade nonchalantly takes a bite of his steak. “Yes. You’d never know that Luocha would be so good at salsa by looking at him.”
“King of the Hips…”
Luocha frowns at March. “How did you come up with that? No. Just no.”
As you listen to the lively chatter, you happen to glance at Jing Yuan. He picks up his glass and nods towards your glass. You pick it up but subtly nod at everyone else—none of whom have noticed you and Jing Yuan.
"A toast between us," he says quietly.
The sound of you and Jing Yuan clinking your glasses together grabs everyone’s attention.
“Hey, we want in on the fun too!” March huffs.
Dan Feng nudges his brother who has just taken another bite of his steak.
Yanqing is the first to hold up his apple juice. “To Mom!” When he’s met with silence, he looks around. “What? I thought we were doing a toast!”
Luocha awkwardly scratches his head. “Well, yeah, but I ain’t calling her Mom. That’s just weird.”
“Ah, but you’re thinking too narrowly, Doctor Cha.”
“Oh, then please enlighten me, Liu Liu.”
Jingliu holds up her glass. “To new beginnings.”
“Ooh, I like the sound of that!” Pom says.
Welt nods. “Yes. Sounds like something exciting is right around the corner.”
Then, with one hurrah, a chorus rings out: “To new beginnings!”
As the evening goes on, March and Yanqing end up getting soaked after a tireless water gun fight. Yanqing, having accidentally shot Luocha, gets the man involved who shoots Blade out of spite. Welt, Jingliu, and the brothers are chatting around the barbeque fire pit. You and Jing Yuan could’ve joined them… if only he hadn’t invited you for a walk around the resort.
“...You asked if my ex-wife had been here before,” Jing Yuan says, and you glance at him. “She has.”
What happened between them? Of course, you know better than to drop a personal question like that, but it’s slowly eating away at you.
“Could you tell me what happened here? What do you know about Star Rails Hotel?”
“Ah… but that information comes at a price, Corporal.”
“Really?” you deadpan. “...Fine. I’ll play your little game. What’re you asking for, General?”
“You.” Your heart almost stops at how direct he is. “...And your time.” He looks at you with a little smile. “I’d like to treat you to dinner.”
“Is this one of your special services?”
“It’s an exclusive service where I’ll cook for you, Corporal.”
“...In your private kitchen, I presume?”
“You remember.”
“That’s kinda hard to forget.” A small pause. “Besides, if I don’t come out alive, everyone will know who did it.”
“I guarantee you'll come out alive, but... after tasting my cooking, you’d want me to cook for you every day.”
If you were drinking water, you would’ve choked. “That confident, huh? Well, now I have high expectations.” You clear your throat. “But, back to the matter at hand… I’ve agreed to pay your price.”
“I told you before that their project kept getting delayed… and that was for building a new hotel. But they tried to acquire a boutique hotel. My ex was in charge of that project.”
You aren't too surprised. Boutique hotels are small, quiet, hotels with personal services. From what you know, boutique hotels are also unique in their design and architecture as they often reflect the personality and taste of the owner or the local community. They're also a multi-billion sector. 
"The hotel she tried to acquire belonged to my friend."
Jing Yuan was working overtime. Now that he was officially the Director of Operations, he had to take on additional training to fully prepare for his new role in addition to his responsibilities. Upon hearing a knock at the door, he looked up and saw his wife.
“Hey, Handsome. Have time to talk?”
Jing Yuan took off his glasses and stood. Then, he followed her into the living room. “Is something wrong?”
“I… I’d like to ask you for a favour.”
“Of course.” Her bottom lip curled inwards, and she wasn’t looking at him. Jing Yuan put his hands on her shoulders, and she slowly turned and saw his warm gaze. “What is it?”
“I’ve taken on a new project at work.”
So, why the long face?
“But, I’ve run into some trouble… and I was hoping you could help me.” A small pause. “Caelus… Your friend who runs that boutique hotel in Xianzhou? Could you convince him to sell it to us?”
Jing Yuan was at a loss for words. This was not what he was expecting to hear.
“I’ve tried"—she sighs in defeat—"everything to try to convince him. If I can get him to sell it to us, it’d be a huge career boost.” She put her hands on his shoulders. “Please, Jing Yuan? T hey can keep their name and whatnot.” She frowned. “I don’t get it. We have so much we can offer them. Why won't they accept it?”
Then, before Jing Yuan could stop himself, he said, “Because not everything is about money.”
“...Caelus and I grew up together,” Jing Yuan says, “and that hotel had been in his family for generations. Their business was taking off when she approached them.”
“Are they still doing well?”
A pause.
“...They closed.”
Something tells you that there’s more to that story.
“...I see,” you say quietly, wondering if his ex had something to do with it. “...You were put in a difficult position.”
“Caelus poured his heart and soul into that business. I already knew that he wouldn’t sell it. Eventually, the project was dropped.”
His wife probably didn’t take that well.
“Now, hang on… Why are people hostile about that? Don’t tell me it’s just because Star Rails tried acquiring a business which failed anyway.”
Another pause.
“...My ex was the first, but she wasn’t the last.” Jing Yuan looks at you. “But, I can’t tell you more because I don’t know the details.”
“Did Caelus inspire you to open a bed and breakfast?”
“Movin’ on fast, aren’t we?”
“Well… truth be told, I learned quite a bit about you today,” you say, not looking at him.
“Did you?”
“Now, hang on a minute. It’s not like I asked.”
“Telling me makes it seem like you did.”
Then, you and Jing Yuan smile at each other.
“...Answering that question will be a long story, Corporal.”
A young couple staying at the bed and breakfast waves to Jing Yuan who politely nods in their direction.
“Then… Won’t you enlighten me over a game of chess? I didn't forget about that either."
“Hm… Dinner and chess… all in the same night?”
“No pressure.”
Jing Yuan looks at you. “It’s the best kind of pressure.” You and Jing Yuan are almost back to the barbeque party when he says, “It’s a shame that you know all this about me, and I’m still at square one.”
“Square one? That’s an interesting way of looking at it.” Then, with a smile, you say, “What would the dear ‘ol General like to know?”
“...Is your ex still bothering your mom?”
“I talked to her a few hours ago… and apparently not. So, that’s a good sign.”
“You’ve only mentioned your mom… What about your dad?”
A pause.
“...He left.” Then, with a small, forced smile, you say, “He remarried.”
“...I see. Were you raised by your mom?”
“I was. I was a teenager when it happened, so I went back and forth a lot. But… eventually, I stayed with my mom.”
It was the first time in a long time you were spending time with your father. The last time you saw him, he'd briefly introduced you to his girlfriend, a woman he'd met at work, and you didn't talk much with her other than basic pleasantries. She didn't show an interest in you and you didn't in her. 
Now, you were sitting in your father’s car as he drove you back to your mother’s house. You were looking out the window when your father dropped the news.
“...We’re getting married.” Your mind went blank at your father's sudden words. You slowly turned to him who kept his eyes on the road. “I’m getting married.”
You couldn’t even pretend to be happy. Because at that moment, all you could think about was your mother. Your mother—who worked tirelessly to raise you when your father visited and left whenever he wanted. It wasn't until later that you learned he never provided child support for your mother who was working two jobs to support you. She never once talked about remarrying nor talked about meeting someone new. All of her focus was on you.
Now, here was your father, whom you hadn't seen in over a year, dropping the news that he was getting married to a woman who could care less about you. Not that it mattered, but it didn't sit well with you that your father had found new happiness while you and your mother were just scraping by.
“...Good for you.”
He looked at you. “It’s not easy getting someone to accept you when you’re my age and have a child.”
You almost scoffed. “You can just say it. Mom and I are baggage.”
Your father sternly said your name. “What are you saying?”
“That’s pretty much what it sounds like.”
And then he went on… and on… about how he was getting older and wanted someone to grow old with. Wasn’t your mother in the same boat?
“...Your mother and I just didn’t work out.”
You still didn’t look at him. This was a story you’d heard before, and you could almost recite it from memory.
“Yeah, because there wasn’t any love and whatnot,” you muttered. “I get it.” Then, you pointed to the library near your mother’s house. “...You can drop me off there.”
“Are you sure?”
“Exams are coming,” you said flatly.
Your father pulled up to the entrance and shifted the gears. He said your name just as you opened the door. You didn’t say goodbye as you slammed it without turning back.
Jing Yuan knows something’s on your mind by your silence. You'd gone quiet after telling him you eventually stayed with your mom. So, in an attempt to bring you back to happier times, he says, “...You and your mother must be very close."
“We still have our moments. But… I don’t know what I’d do without her.” You glance at him with a small smile. “Yanqing’s lucky to have you.”
“Have you ever thought of having kids?”
“Me?” Your lips form a neat line as you shake your head. “Some people will say that you might change your mind when you meet the right person and whatnot, but… it’s not something I’m thinking about.” A small pause. “...Having kids and raising kids are two different stories.”
“...Very true.”
You and Jing Yuan are close enough to hear loud chatter and overlapping voices. March, Welt, Jingliu, Pom, and Luocha are sitting at the table playing cards. The brothers and Blade are sitting with Yanqing around the barbeque fire making smores.
“How? How is that even possible?” March asks, standing.
“Well, at least I beat March,” Luocha deadpans, looking at everyone’s cards. Jingliu had won, ending the game with a royal flush. Pom and Welt came in second. Luocha came third and March was last.
Welt pushes up his glasses. “Seems like we still have a long way to go.”
“That’s the spirit,” Dan Feng says, walking up with his brother and Yanqing. “Take everything as a learning experience.”
“We brought smores!” Then, being the generous child he is, Yanqing starts passing around the smores he had on a plate. As soon as he sees you and Jing Yuan, he brightens. “They’re back!”
“Where’d you lovebirds head off to?” Dan Feng asks.
Luocha takes a smore off of Yanqing’s plate. “Secret rendezvous?”
You and Jing Yuan look at each other. Then, he says, “We were getting to know each other.”
Yanqing walks up to you and holds the plate up for you to take a smore. “I made these myself!”
“Did you?” You’re about to take one off the plate when you notice it’s the last one. “Looks like there’ll be none for Da—” You had to stop. You’d almost called Jing Yuan Dad, which slightly scared you at how natural it almost slipped out.
Yanqing looks at the plate and says, “Ah… There’ll be none for Dad.”
Dan Feng comes up and playfully swings an arm around you. “You can have one of mine.” He holds out a plate in front of you where there’s one more smore left. “Fresh off the fire.”
“...Don’t mind if I do.” Jing Yuan reaches over and takes Dan Feng’s last smore.
“You knew that wasn’t for you,” he deadpans.
Jing Yuan doesn’t spare his friend a glance. Instead, he looks at Yanqing and says, “...Why don’t you give that to Mom?”
Yanqing lifts the plate to you and looks at you with wide, innocent eyes. When you take it off his plate, you say, “I should savour this then.”
Dan Feng lets go of your shoulder just as Jingliu says, “Well, now that everyone’s here… Shall we go ahead with the plan?”
“Plan?” you ask.
“Heads up!”
You quickly turn and see Pom tossing you a volleyball.
Then, March punches the air. “Let’s play ball!”
After pulling straws, you, Pom, March, and Jingliu are on one team while the brothers, Jing Yuan, and Blade are on the other. Welt is the judge.
“Soo… What did you two talk about, hm?” March asks quietly just as you two are warming up for the game.
“Why are you so interested?” you ask with a little smile.
“Because you two are my friends! And… okay. I am a little curious.”
You think about mentioning his ex, but instead, you say, “He told me about Caelus, his friend. The one who ran a hotel here before.”
March’s smile almost falls instantly. “...Did he?”
What’s with that reaction?
“Yeah… Is something wrong?”
“Ah, no! It’s… it’s nothing.”
It most certainly doesn’t seem like nothing, but before you can ask, you hear Pom’s voice.
“Okay… This is kinda unfair. You have literal athletes on your team! Two of them!”
“You have Jingliu,” Dan Feng says, rolling his shoulder. “She’s two people in one.”
“We’ll win this, Pom.”
Pom looks at Jingliu who has a confident look. Then, he looks past her and calls you and March. “Are you two comin’ or what?”
Suddenly, March’s smile returns, and she raises her arm as if showing off her small muscles. “All right! Let’s go!”
“Go Mom! Go Dad!”
Luocha chuckles. “Wanna bet who wins? My money’s on Team Dad.”
“Then, I’m on Team Mom!”
Pom looks over. “Team Mom? Wait… I’m on this team!”
“Focus, Mommy Pom,” March says. “We have a game to win.”
Dan Heng tosses the ball up and mutters, “...Game on.”
The sun has already set by the time the game finishes with the teams tied, something you aren’t expecting. But, here we are. Jing Yuan, shirtless, stands on the opposite side of the net. You know it’s inappropriate, but your eyes briefly wander his body. The muscles. The dragon tattoo. Your heart races and it takes Pom’s shout to get your focus back. The ball bounces back and forth, and eventually, you set an opportunity for Jingliu to spike.
Jing Yuan counters it, however, and sets the stage for Blade’s sure kill strike.
“Huh… Jing Yuan and Blade make a pretty good duo,” Luocha says.
Yanqing, looking proud of his dads, says, “Of course they do!”
“Oh? Are you switching teams, Yanqing?”
“Go Team Mom!”
And it’s then Jingliu delivers the final strike.
Dan Feng, with his hands on his hips, is breathing heavily. “...You gotta be kidding me.”
“We did it!” March hugs Jingliu who exchanges a high five with you and then Pom. “Yeah! Go Team Mom!”
“And there goes my five dollars,” Luocha says, sighing.
“It was a good match,” Welt says. “Both teams did their best.”
“Too bad the Dads being shirtless wasn’t enough of a distraction,” Luocha jokes.
“Yeah, we’ve seen better,” March adds with a little smile.
Dan Feng shoots her a look. “Body shamin’ now, are we?”
Jingliu chuckles. “All right. It’s late, everybody.”
“In other words… Mom’s telling us to pack up.”
“Wait, wait!” March takes out her phone. “Commemorative photo, everybody!” She looks at Team Dad. “Up to you if you wanna keep your shirts off.”
Somehow, you end up standing in front of Jing Yuan. Yanqing is in front of you; his arms are raised, and you’re holding his hands.
March holds out her phone, getting the perfect angle. Then, she looks over her shoulder. “Would it kill you to smile, Dan Heng?”
“...I am.”
“Eh… Fine. That’ll do.” March looks at her phone and says, “Scoot closer to the front, Jing Yuan!”
He does, and you can just feel his body against yours. Jing Yuan feels you tense, and he takes a small step back, thinking he might’ve made you uncomfortable when in reality…
“Say Team Mom!”
And then March snaps the photo.
By the time everyone’s ready to call it a night, Yanqing runs up to you.
“Can we walk you back?”
Jing Yuan comes up behind his son and asks, “Yes, can we?”
How can you say no?
For most of the walk, Yanqing walks between you and Jing Yuan. It isn’t until Yanqing gets a little restless that he starts jogging up ahead. This gives you an opportunity.
“...Could I ask you a little more about Caelus?”
“What would you like to know?”
“Is he still in Xianzhou?”
There’s a slight pause before Jing Yuan says, “...I’d like to think so.”
When you glance at him, Jing Yuan isn’t looking at you. But, you don’t pursue the matter further when you see Yanqing running up to you.
“Will you come pick me up from school again?”
"Where is this coming from?" you ask.
Yanqing shrugs. "It crossed my mind... and I wanted to ask."
Jing Yuan puts a hand on his shoulder. “She might be busy with work.”
“...If your Dad doesn’t mind.” You look at Jing Yuan who meets your eyes. Then, you look back at Yanqing. “I’d love to.”
Yanqing hugs you, and you affectionately pat the top of his head. "Don't forget we still have to bake cookies for Clara!"
“That we do.”
Yanqing holds your hand, and Jing Yuan watches you walk off with him with a genuine smile. And while he's been actively acting on his feelings. This is the first time he feels it.
Hope. Stupid, stupid hope.
Chapter 8
End notes:
As much as I love Team Mom, I'm on Team Dad for this one... XD.
Not related to the story... but I swear I got Wrio fever. 🫠 I have a story idea that's been poking at my brain so much that I lost sleep over it. LOL. Help.
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @seirenspinel @lxry-chxn @immahuman @queencybow @nqctre @grimreapersscythe @winterpein @asakenajustexistshere
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Faint - Trent Alexander-Arnold
Who: Trent Alexander-Arnold Prompt: "Catch him, he's fainting." Requested by: anonymous Notes with request: trent feels dizzy in training and no one really notices but dom does and goes to check on him and he says he’s fine, but when trent goes up to take a practice shot dom can see he’s about to faint Word count: 651 Warnings: contains descriptions of fainting and not feeling well.
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All morning long, Trent had felt this faint dizziness. He wasn't quite sure what caused it, but he guessed he was either getting sick or that it could be blamed on the pressure of the high stakes season for the Liverpool squad.
Maybe against his better judgement, Trent still went to training. He would be fine once he was outside with plenty of fresh air. Or, at least, that was what he kept telling himself.
But the contrary turned out to be true. Trent constantly found himself stumbling and swaying, and several times had to grab onto things for support.
"Hey, are you okay?" Dominik pulled Trent aside when they were making their way from the dressing room out onto the training pitch. "Yeah, why?" Trent's tone was a bit more aggressive than he meant to, but he had no desire to share anything on him possibly not feeling well. Dominik frowned. "Are you really sure about that? Because I've seen you stumble a few times, and you never stumble." "Yes, I'm sure." Trent bit back, before walking away.
Dominik watched after Trent as he walked away from him. Even now there was something off to the way Trent walked, and he had never gotten a response like just now. Something was going on with Trent, Dominik was sure of that, so he would keep a close eye on his friend, because he had a distinct feeling things would go sideways sooner or later.
Just a few more free kick practices and then he would be done. The longer he was out on that pitch, the more Trent started to struggle. None of his teammates knew something was wrong, although he felt Dominik's eyes on him regularly. Trent knew the Hungarian had his suspicions about his well-being, and he felt bad for lashing out earlier, because, in truth, Dominik couldn't be more right.
Trent lined up for the free kicks, and he immediately knew this was where it would go wrong. His vision suddenly swam and darkened around the edges. His entire body felt like jelly, and gravity did its best to pull him down. Trent pressed his eyes shut and willed the sensation to pass, but he only felt himself swaying more dangerously on his feet. There was some murmur among his teammates who stood waiting for him to take the free kick, but their words didn't get through to Trent.
Dominik watched Trent with growing concern. Trent wasn't alright, that much he was certain of, and suddenly he recognized the signs only seconds before it happened. "Someone catch him, he's fainting!" Dominik cried out to his teammates who stood closer to Trent. Andy was the one to lunge forward and catch Trent in his arms, as he indeed fainted where he stood.
"Still sure you're alright?" It were the first, rather sarcastic, words Trent heard when he came to. Dominik sat on his haunches by his side, one hand on Trent's shoulder. Even though the words were a not-so-veiled reprimand, the worry in Dominik's voice was much more evident.
Trent groaned softly. He rearranged his body a little, but had no desire to get up as he still felt shaky and powerless. Dominik watched Trent closely with a frown of worry on his face.
"Why didn't you say you weren't feeling well?" Dominik finally asked. "I didn't think it was anything concerning," Trent mumbled. He knew full well now how wrong that decision had been. "Next time, please see the doctors," Dominik retorted, "seeing you go down like that..." Dominik's voice trailed off, but Trent could imagine how scary it must have been for his teammates to witness.
"I'm sorry," Trent mumbled. "It's alright." Dominik sighed in relief. "The doctors are on their way. Just promise me to make sure they check everything possible, and that you're alright." Trent nodded. He wanted nothing more than that, too. "I promise."
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Request an imagine Trent Alexander-Arnold masterlist | Full writing masterlist
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cookiesupplier · 6 months
Every Rose Has It's Thorns - Part Five
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc (Talia)
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. Not that it is any easier for the soulmate in question. Thus is the fate for Ricky and Talia. Sooner or later, however, life is bound to collide, but what will happen when it does?
author’s note: Unbeta’d, so please readers beware.
tags: @tearfallpixie @cncohshit @jordynyingling0219 @faceless-mirror @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @wild-child-7747 @witchyweeb34 If you would like to be added feel free, please let me to know, whether to this list specifically or in general.
Even though Talia already knew she had her appointments cleared, and nothing was scheduled for the day, she’d called into the shop just to check in on her books while Ava was driving the car to the hotel that Vinny had messaged her late last night while they were driving home. She could only guess that he’d sent her the message the moment he knew where they were staying when she’d gotten the message. Ava didn’t say anything about Talia calling in, and Talia didn’t either, but they both knew there was at least half a chance she was hoping that someone had called in hoping for a last minute appointment and she could get out of this trip somehow.
Not that Ava would have let her take the appointment as it was supposed to be her arranged day off, even if she didn’t have the planned hangover that she’d thought she would have. Either way, no such luck, her clients had all been told it was her day off, and they were all respecting the fact that she was going out for her birthday. Dammit. Couldn’t even one of them just complain?
Timing however was horrible when they pulled up outside of the hotel, and there was Grace. Grace with luggage, and it didn’t look like she was going in with all of her things, she was leaving. Talia swallowed, Ava nudged her, but while she knew Ava probably thought this should excite her, after that look Ricky had given her, that hated, and knowing she’d caused this, she was not excited.
Then there was the withering look Grace was giving her as the Uber driver was packing her luggage into his car,
“Remember, he wanted me first, freak, enjoy my left-overs.”
Once she was in the car and and they’d driven off, Ava just re-iterated,
“I said it last night and I’ll say it again, soulmate stealing hussy, and she isn’t worth it, let’s go.”
Talia just wished Ava would figure out soon that today wasn’t about her, at all, maybe as soon as she saw Vinny again, that excitement would take over, she hoped so, she really hoped so.
Ricky didn’t want to be coming down for breakfast. He’d barely slept after last night. Considering Grace was with them at the moment, usually he’d be sharing a room with her, but with the development, naturally he’d requested to not. She had her room paid for one last time by the tour, and he paid for her transport home, just to get her gone. It might be a mistake, but she wasn’t wrong, they had been together for years, and stranding her away from home would just be heartless because he’d gotten her to come on tour because he’d had to genius idea to recreate the way they’d met in a silly cafe on an off day to propose to her. He felt like an idiot, and now Vin wants him to go and be social?
Honestly, he’d rather just order something in and eat it in their room considering Vin was dragging him down to meet with his soulmate, and, the other one. No Vin, there was no way in his mind she was his real soulmate. He refused to go down that path after all of this. It was insane, and he was tired of it. He was tired, and angry, and he was done. He would rather give up and refuse all the soulmate issues entirely than deal with one more soulmate tattoo ever again.
Yet, here he was, being dragged downstairs, by Vin, to meet with Ava, and what the hell was her name, oh, right, Talia. Okay, he didn’t want to know, he didn’t want to care, he was only going down because Vinny was making him. His hoodie pulled up over his head, he stepped out of the elevator into the lobby of the hotel, Vinny was so obviously excited, and he wanted to be happy for him, he did.. Watching for him, he was trying not to be bitter. He swore he was trying as he saw him grinning walking over to the one that he knew was his soulmate, Ava.
The other one, what-her-name, right, Talia, just off to the side. Ricky glanced at her. He didn’t even bother to say hello. Spiteful yes, but he didn’t care, last night his life imploded. He knew it wasn’t really her fault, it wasn’t like she forced Grace to fake a soulmate mark, but he didn’t believe for a second that this one had the real thing, not one second.
“So, since you two are locals, we’re guessing you guys might know where is good for breakfast right? Somewhere quiet hopefully?”
Vinny was asking, Rick just shrugged, and Ava grinned,
“Absolutely, my favourite place is this nice little dinner, they have the best chocolate chip pancakes, I’m sure you’ll love something there.”
Talia glanced between the pair and felt a prang in her chest at the way Ava giggled, actually giggled and clasped her hands in front of her, she never fucking giggled. This was a woman that would punch her in the arm so hard she’d bruise for a week just because she made a idiotic joke, and she was giggling like a schoolgirl, wow. Smirking a little, but then, she glanced at Rick, and seeing the dark look in his eyes directed at her, and it was like shards of ice shredding her veins. Tearing her eyes away from him, this was going to be such, fun.
Settling in at the diner, ordering breakfast was simple enough, but as they waited for their food, coffees in front of them, that was when things really started to get awkward. Before Talia just tried to ignore Rick, focus on Ava and Vin, being all lovey, smiling at each other, nudging each other, yea, that was what they were doing, it was stupid. So stupid, and so nice that they seemed happy. At least someone was.
However, that was when Vinny brought up what she’d told him the night before about her soulmate tattoo,
“You need to tell him what you told us in the greenroom Talia, Ricky needs to hear it from you, not from me, or Ava, you.”
Talia looked out the window, the empty stare, no, not empty, she could feel the glare without even looking at him, the glare she was getting from Rick was.. He didn’t want to hear anything from her and she knew it. Looking across the table to Vinny she paused before looking over to Ricky.
“I was a fan of the band for a while already, the moody teenager phase according to my parents, so when I turned eighteen and I got my tattoo, I was shocked. It wasn’t just your rose, it was right there.”
Shrugged, she wasn’t going to give him the pity party about no one believing her, about being harassed and tormented about being a psychotic fan. About how even her own parents had thought she needed therapy for honestly believing she had a famous soulmate with no real proof. He didn’t care, and she didn’t want yet another person treating her like shit, he was doing that enough already, and it hurt worse than anyone else ever had, not that she would admit that, she’d built up a tough skin over the years, she had to.
“I went to every concert I could get to, I could afford to, both because I loved the music, and yes, hoping to meet you, there were some almost moments.. But the last one, it was right there. I was right there.. You were.. But you were with her, and you looked hap-”
Talia paused when he frowned,
“You seemed happy, and I thought, you were happy, and who was I to try and take that away from you. So I just let go. I moved on, just lived like my tattoo was a normal tattoo.”
Ricky scoffed, so he was supposed to believe she was some sort of saint putting his happiness before her own? Fuck that. No. If she was willing to go to all those concerts, why the fuck would she just back of?
“It is a normal tattoo, I’m not stupid, sob story, best friend soulmates? Yeah right. Ava I can buy, she’s got the unique mark, but you too? No. I might have been duped by Grace, but I’m not doing it again.”
He looked away when the waitress brought over their food, setting their plates down and they all took the moment to start getting tucked in. Vin took the chance to change the subject and seemed to start asking questions instead.
He was asked about them, about their friendship, how they became friends, when they met, and Ava happily launched into the tale. Pre-school. In the sandbox. Talia had been building a sandcastle, always the artist, and some idiot boys came over and smashed it, so Ava had come over and smashed them, literally pushed them over and made one of them eat the sand. She’d gotten in so much trouble for that, but Talia had made a friend for life.
Ricky rolled his eyes. Of course Ava was her defender, but at the same time, it was good that she could stand up to the trolls, she wouldn’t survive a relationship with Vin if she couldn’t handle trolls. Talia would be crushed with the slightest bully online if she couldn’t handle a couple of preschoolers.
“Okay, fast forward to now, what do you both do for work, it sounded like you both worked at the same place with how you talked leaving last night.. Something about clients?”
Ricky snorted, Talia glared at him, she could only imagine what was going through that head of his, probably the worst possible thoughts..
“I’m a tattoo artist, and Ava is a- what do you call it again?”
Ava grinned at her as she swallowed her bite of, yes, chocolate chip pancakes,
“Customer Service Representative.”
Talia smirked as she lifted up her coffee and glanced over to Vin,
“She would make an amazing personal assistant arranging things for you guys to make things easier on tour, even if it's just personal things. She does wonders for me at the parlour. My schedule would be a mess without her.”
Yes, she was talking her up, she wanted her to find a good place in Vin’s life, and Talia knew, Vin going off on tour all the time was going to kill Ava, it was, and as much as it would kill Talia if she started going off working with him on tour, then at least she’d be happy with him.
Talia was glancing at Rick now, who was scrolling on his phone with a frown,
“This is your work, isn’t it?”
Turning his phone to her, he’d brought up a photo, a photo of a piece of work she’d done a couple of weeks back and posted to the shop's instagram. Nodding,
“Yes, Inkfinity Tattoos, that’s us.”
And yes, that was one of her tattoos, but he’d be able to look that up now, the shop website had bios of each of the artists, including their pictures, saying what they specialise, and hers was right there on the website.
It took her a moment to realise when Ricky pulled his phone away, that he hadn’t brought up the shop's instagram to show her the photo. No, he’d opened his photo app. Ricky had saved a photo of one of the tattoos she’d drawn and tattooed, before they’d ever met.
Her eyes flew up from staring at his phone with the realisation, meeting his, no idea what to say with that. Shit.
Swallowing, so why was he still glaring at her, from the way he was looking at her you’d think that the discovery was the worst thing in the world.
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Anything for You, Darlin’
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader (can be Austin!Elvis if you prefer)
Word Count: 1,236 words
Warnings: Fluff, Puking, Pregnancy, Language (let me know if I miss anything)
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for all the love you gave chapter one!! I hope you continue to love this because this is gonna be a long one!
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Chapter 2
March 1967
It was almost a year since you and Elvis became one. You two had become the it couple of Hollywood, Memphis and across the entire country. Everyone loved you two together. Of course, you two were still trying on and off for a baby, but decided that if it was meant it be, it would happen sooner rather than later. Elvis was still filming three movies a year in Hollywood, something he was becoming bored of.
After filming for “Easy Come, Easy Go” ended, it was back to Graceland. For you, Graceland was so much more than a mansion. It was home, your safe place and the turning of a new chapter of your life.
This time when your feet hit the pavement of Graceland, something felt different. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but you had the feeling that big changes were coming your way. Maybe he felt that way too because Elvis looked at you with his blue eyes and said, “Baby doll, I gotta a feeling that we weren’t gonna be alone for much longer.” You look at him and say, “Elvis. Jerry and them won’t be here at least for another day or so since we left early.” But quickly, you knew that wasn’t what he meant.
“(Y/N), I don’t mean them,” Elvis said with a certain tone in his voice, “I’ve noticed you’ve been getting sick here lately and that’s not like you doll.” He was right. You never got sick, you were one of the healthiest people he knew on this earth. At first, you both assumed it was the travels making you sick since you never been more than two hours from home before you met Elvis.
Hours went by after that conversation. You saw Elvis fast asleep in your king sized bed, snoring lightly so you decided to do something you knew needed to be done while he was deep in slumber. You knew you needed to take a pregnancy test to rule that out before he dragged you to the doctor. You found the unopened box in the bathroom and took it. Quietly pacing, you waited for those results to come, which seemed to take an eternity to you, but was actually only minutes. “Come on, (Y/N),” you muttered to yourself, “you can do this.” You finally muster the courage to look at the test. What you saw shocked you.
Two baby pink lines.
It hit you all at once like a ton of bricks. You didn’t know how to feel. You clung to the test with you left hand as you slid down the bathroom wall. You were too focused on your feelings to realized that Elvis had woken up from his slumber to make his way to the bathroom.
“(Y/N), why the hell aren’t you in bed yet?It’s past midnight, doll,” he muttered still half asleep, “you need to get your sleep princess.” When he saw what was in your hand, he woke up and got on the floor next to you. “Is that what I think it is? You.. you’re pregnant?” Elvis said in the most concerned and shocked way possible. You thought for a second he was mad so you began crying.
“Yes, I guess I am. I know it’s not the best timing I’m sorry Elvis,” you said to him with tears in your eyes.
“Baby doll this is nothing to be sorry about,” Elvis said almost shocked, “our dreams are coming true.” He held you there in his arms while you both cried tears of happiness. After a few minutes, he carried you to bed and you both fell asleep in each other’s arms knowing that your gut feelings were right. Life was about to change forever in the best way possible.
June 1967
You and Elvis waited for what seemed like forever to tell your closest friends and family the news: a little Presley was on the way. The Memphis Mafia was happy for you both. Vernon was excited to have his first grandchild. The damn Colonel seemed hesitant at first, but eventually came around. Then, the news got out to the whole world that the king was finally getting a heir. Life was about to get chaotic, but it would be worth it.
September 1967
The nursery was all set up for baby Presley even though you weren’t due for another three months. Elvis was in overprotective mode of you as if he wasn’t already before. He didn’t want you bending over, lifting anything, etc.
Every time you tried to, he would look at you and say, “Now (Y/N), how many have I told you not to do that?! Neither you or little munchkin here need to be getting hurt.” Munchkin was one of the few names he had given to the baby. You would almost death glare him for trying to tame your stubbornness, but at the end of the day, how the fuck could you stay mad at him? “Elvis I know baby, but we don’t get much time left,” you would always say to him. Hell it was already September and it seemed like yesterday you just found out you were pregnant.
Neither one of you wanted to find out what baby Presley was until the time that he or she was born. Of course, it seemed that almost everyone thought it was gonna be a boy. Deep down however, you wanted it to be a little baby girl. You had always wanted to have a girl as your first child since you were thirteen. You told Elvis that you would be happy no matter what, and he believed you. He also heard your reasons why you wanted a baby girl first.
You wanted to prove to your “blood family” and yourself that you could raise a daughter better than they raised you. Treat her with love and respect. Elvis knew your life story and he knew and promised you that there was no way in hell that history would repeat itself with your kids.
October/November 1967
Once again, you found yourself in Hollywood while Elvis was filming another movie. Only this time, you were heavily pregnant. You felt like you had all eyes on you waiting for your next move. Elvis always came and checked on you in between scenes and breaks.
He saw in your eyes that you wanted to go home to Memphis. He knew before long it would be time for baby Presley to arrive. He also knew that the movies were becoming tedious and redundant. He wanted more out of his career and life. He just didn’t know where to start. He wanted his career to be something that his child could look back on with pride and say, “my dad did all of that.”
“(Y/N),” he said while looking at you with his blue eyes, “I gotta do something soon. Munchkin needs to be proud of his or her daddy when they grow up. Right now my career….. it’s a laughing stock.”
“Now Elvis, I am proud of you no matter what you do and I’m sure munchkin here will be too,” you said reassuringly while kissing him on his cheek. After filming of “Clambake” was over, he took you home to Memphis. Little did you two know, it would be the last time you two would travel alone.
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elvisabutler · 1 year
could i possibly request more gun kink pls? 🙏🙏🙏
red brass
summary: elvis loves you or at least likes you. elvis learns things on the road. elvis likes to have the girl he likes try the new things he thinks he'll like with him. you allow it. fandom: elvis presley | elvis 2022 pairing: elvis presley x female reader rating: m word count: 3408 just i don't know what happens. i don't know why i write 3k gun kink fics. warnings: gun kink. use of a gun in penetrative ways. guns. implied masturbation ( m ). implied future oral ( f ). technically defined as masturbation or maybe fucking ( f ). dubious, and i mean very dubious consent. 50s era elvis being a little shit. infidelity ( elvis to the reader ). southern accents being mildly butchered. faintly erring toward a sub elvis, while also somehow being a dom elvis, it's nebulous honestly. me implying that texans love their guns a lil' too much. use of nicknames ( honey, darlin', baby. ) and 'vis. no use of y/n. i think that might be everything? author's note: hi anon, i know who you are and i love you. i hope you enjoy this fic that essentially is a prequel-ish, a spiritual prequel to gunmetal. and me basically going, i guess i'm gonna write 50s elvis with a gun kink. generally speaking i don't even know what has come over me with this, i'm just gonna take y'all along for a ride. watch me inevitably write army e or hollywood e with gun kink.
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You know you can find a better guy, or at least you think you can, because there's something that makes men- little boys want to prove themselves after they find out you're with Elvis Presley. You're fairly certain that you could at least find a guy who would be there more often than Elvis is, you could find a guy who could take you out on regular dates and could eat dinner with your parents and- maybe even get married to you sooner rather than later. The problem is, you're never quite sure you want to find that guy, never quite certain if that sort of guy would be better than Elvis. For all Elvis is a selfish young man— the kind who will take take take from his girlfriends as much as he gives gives gives- he's also a good man. He's a better man than half the boys who sniff around you, the little hound dogs as you and Elvis like to call them. So it's always a whispered "honey, ya ain't gonna leave me are ya? gonna be comin' home soon and we'll have some fun. gonna show those dogs who they'd be fightin' wit' for ya."
Your friends think you're being silly, waiting on Elvis, thinking he's remaining faithful to you while on the road. Your mama thinks the same thing and god help you even Miss Gladys agrees. She loves her son, she does, but she knows- oh she knows how he's been calling her less and less and knows that can't mean a single good thing. Can't mean anything good for anyone involved. But when her little boy calls you or calls her he's always reassuring you both that the girls don't mean nothin'. He's jus' lonely and he can't take he can't take the love of his life or his mama wit' him so sometimes- sometimes there's a girl in the hotel. June says you shouldn't forgive him when he admits it the first time but you've never been like June, never been as strong as June is and maybe— maybe that's why Elvis liked you so much. You're not June but you're just close enough that he can still have her with the parts that don't fit his life removed. Selfish, but he's never claimed to be a saint, hell no one's ever claimed he's a saint.
The thing is- you've gotten used to him talking to you over the phone about things that don't always happen. Sometimes it's just about his dreams, about his plans for what he's gonna do the second he sees you. Sometimes it's plans for how he's gonna take you out on the next tour, he doesn't care how it looks, he misses ya widdle pussy and everyone already knows he's got a girl, it won't matter seeing ya on the tour. You're expecting tonight to be just the same, another night of promises he can't keep even though he'll be home tomorrow night for at least a week or two. Tonight, though, tonight, he surprises you.
"Baby? Ya- Whatcha got planned for tomorrow? Nothin' fancy right?" He murmurs into the phone, his breath hitching in a way you know doesn't mean anything good.
You hum softly, shifting in your bed a little. "Planned on jus' lettin' ya go home to ya parents, honey, why?"
"Wanna- Ya gonna think I'm crazy but wanna try somethin' wit' ya tomorrow night. Think you'll like it." He sounds excitable in a way that means you're gonna regret telling him no if you do. He'll every bit of the young man he is, the yittle boy who wants so much and now that he's got a taste of people saying yes, yes, yes, he doesn't necessarily want to hear no on something he truly wants. "Ya gonna say yes, ain't ya?"
A sigh leaves your lips as you debate with yourself, debate if you can chance saying no before settling on the a yes that's filled with such trepidation you worry he'll still want to argue with you. "'Course I am, darlin'. Tell me, 'Vis, whatcha plannin' on doin' wit' me. Gonna take me somewhere and have us play there? We gonna have fun in the car?"
The tone you manage is light and playful— or at least as close to it as you can manage before you hear Elvis's laugh. It's a laugh you've never heard from him and one that worries you. It sounds a little demonic if you were being perfectly honest, but you trust Elvis for the most part. He loves you and wouldn't purposefully hurt you and maybe it's just a mean idea. One he shouldn't be asking you but he's going to because he knows you're better than all those girls on the road.
"Ya ever played wit' ya daddy's guns, darlin'? Ever felt the metal on ya? It's cold on ya skin, ya know." He muses, like he's put it on his skin and a rush of jealousy rears its ugly head at the idea that maybe just maybe some other girl has gotten to see this. Or maybe he's done this to another girl. You almost miss his next words. "Bet it'd make your chest- make those pretty nipples of your stand right up. Be beggin' for me to suck on 'em."
Your pussy clenches at his words and you can't help how your breath catches. "You'd- I've never— What are ya sayin', Elvis Presley?"
Almost his full name because you're so taken aback by what he's saying. You're imagining this or he's playing a joke on you, trying to get some sort of rise with you. He wouldn't dream of saying this and honestly meaning it. Let alone telling you over the phone like this, it's almost as if he's warnin' you about this but— why? Why would he want to warn you about something like this.
"Honey, I— down here in Texas they— their girls are wild, ya know? Thought it was jus' the women but no it's girls your age too, ya know? Somethin' 'bout this air that makes 'em do things I ain't ever seen another girl do. And I was talkin' to someone 'bout the gun he had on his holster, prettiest thing I ever did see other than you, darlin'. Told me 'bout how his girlfriend— or maybe it was his fiancée played wit' it." Elvis's voice sounds simultaneously like he's nervous to bring this up to you while also taking on this certain element of delight. Certain pleasure in telling you about this person. "Inside of her."
"Inside of— Now I know you aren't— You mean inside her—" You cough, because you are not some wilting little girl. You are Elvis Presley's girlfriend and you can be a big girl about this. "You mean she put it inside of her vagina?" The last word is whispered almost as if you're scared your parents are going to hear or if it'll make it more real to say it out loud.
Elvis chuckles softly, more of a huff of a laugh than anything else before he responds back with any words. "She did. He said he watched her and said she— She liked it. Told 'im it was even better than when he fucked her."
The image of Elvis pumping his gun in and out of you like he would his cock has you dropping the phone for a second in pure shock. The way you can feel your arousal starting to pool between your legs has you biting your lips and shifting in your bed, your thighs gliding together as your breathing changes just slightly. You know Elvis can tell from how he growls into the phone. He may be a dumb yittle boy sometimes but he knows you just as well as you know him now. "You don't really want me to do that when you get home, do you 'Vis?"
"I think ya wanna do it for me, honey. Think if I was there I'd see ya looking like a damn cricket, sliding your legs together. Just one time, baby? One time and if we don't like it, I ain't ever gonna bring it up again. For me? For us?" He sounds so small when he asks, but you know better, it's him trying to charm you, trying to seem all innocent when you both know he hasn't been innocent since the first time he went on tour or the first time a girl batted her eyelashes and said hello.
Your only response is a simple okay before you move onto better topics. Less arousing topics.
Your parents are used to Elvis whisking you away for any number of things so when he comes home the next night, they don't bat an eyelash at him taking you with him to Graceland with promises about how you'll be in another room and his mama won't let him do anything untoward to you. Nevermind that when Miss Gladys sees you it's for the briefest of moments as her son whisks you up the stairs and has you pinned against the door, hands roaming every inch of your skin threatening to set it on fire as he kisses your lips and your neck. He's needy tonight and you don't know if it's because of what you promised him or if he missed you just that much. You feel a hard mass near his leg and you can't help but wonder if it's his cock or the gun because you haven't seen a holster or anything that shows off a gun. Despite your better judgment when he pulls away and you are nuzzling at his nose you give him a nervous grin and whisper a joke.
"That your gun, 'Vis? Or are ya jus' happy to see lil ole me?" A laugh escapes his lips at the same time one escapes yours before he moves to try and pull down your skirts.
"Lil' of both, honey," he practically coos at you when your skirt comes down and you're standing there in your half unbuttoned shirt and your underwear. "Wanna see ya naked for this. Get the full effect."
You bite your lip, your nervousness finally fully peeking through. It's not as if you've never been naked with Elvis, it's not as if he's never seen you completely laid bare underneath him or above him but this is different. Something about this makes you feel raw and exposed like a live wire. A shiver escapes you as Elvis tilts his head just a little bit. 
“Don’t— Ain’t nothin’ we haven’t shown each other, baby. I ain’t gonna hurt ya. Gonna make ya feel good. Gonna have ya feeling the hot and cold’s what they said,” his hands ghost over your waist before he slides his hands under your shirt to pull it off of you, kissing along the skin he’s exposing bit by bit. “Ya wanna take off my clothes, honey? That gonna make ya feel better? Give ya somethin’ to settle the shakes ya got like ya had the first time we did it in the Cadillac?”
Your hand clenches into a fist before you nod, moving to undo his belt with a speed that embarrasses you a little bit until you hear him laughing softly above you. He finds it endearing, your eagerness or your nervousness and somehow that settles something in you, makes this seem less terrifying. Elvis may have asked you something that’s a mighty strange request but he’s still your Elvis. He wouldn’t hurt you, not intentionally. It doesn’t take too long before you manage to get him out of all his clothes, watching as his muscles twitch under your touch and how the moment you step out of your undergarments his cock twitches so violently in the confines of his underwear he hisses when he gets to pull them off, cursing at his foreskin. The gun is sitting on the bed and you stare at it as Elvis moves behind you cupping your breasts and kissing along your neck slowly, trying to settle you like a scared animal. 
“It ain’t loaded, honey, just— this one time, ‘member? We jus’ gonna try it, see if those Texans know somethin’ we don’t.” His voice is low enough to be crooning at you and you feel your body lean up against him, relax up against him. “You get to do it, baby. Just, do what ya want with the gun.”
It takes you a minute or maybe five of just relaxing against him to get up the nerve to crawl on his bed and prop yourself on his pillows.The gun feels heavy in your hand but you’re pretty sure you’re just imagining it as you let the metal touch your neck— your overheated neck— and whimper at the coolness of it. Elvis settles himself at the end of the bed, eyes watching how your nipples are already pebbling before the gun even touches them. You let your legs fall open to give him a better view and you hear a grunt that has you looking up at your boyfriend’s lower lip between his teeth.
“Already gettin’ shiny down there. Glowin’ in the moonlight, darlin’. Wanna- Gonna taste all that later, if ya don’t leave it all over the bed.”
You clench around nothing at the words and Elvis reaches out to touch you before you shake your head, “no, wanna— you wanna see me play wit’ this. Wanna see me play wit’ this like they did. No- You don’t get to touch.” 
The funny thing is, you don’t think you’ve ever seen Elvis react as quick as he does in that moment. You don’t think you’ve ever seen your boyfriend respond to something you’ve told him to do as quick as he does in that exact moment. His hand goes directly to his own lap as he nods, whining just a little as he does and you have to bite back the soft giggle that threatens to escape you. The gun though, the sharp coolness of the metal helps you, helps distract you from giggling even if as the gun glides across your nipple you cry out almost in agony. Elvis had been right, they were practically begging to be sucked, to be warmed by his tongue and his mouth. Anything would be better than the bite of the metal, the brush of the barrel against them. Elvis doesn’t make a move though, you had told him not to touch and he was being good even as his hand strayed to his cock, playing with it, his thumb brushing over the tip as he pulled his foreskin back. 
Focusing on him made things worse and somehow better, made you wish you had told him he could touch, made you wish he would was moving the gun himself but he told you this was your call, you were in control of what happened with the gun. Small whimpers leave your lips as you try and keep your legs open, practically trying to grind on the air as you slide the gun down down down your torso. You stop just shy of your vagina, your hand shaking a little before you hear Elvis’s voice.
“Ya— Ya good, darlin’?” His question is asked a little shakily but it makes you realize you aren’t the only nervous one here, or maybe he’s just so turned on he can’t speak straight. It doesn’t matter, you don’t think, not with how it calms you just so. “Ya want my help? Want me to hold it for ya?”
“Please?” Your answer comes out rushed and so quiet that you feel the rush and heat of embarrassment as you shiver from it. You want to do this, but it’s not something you’ve ever done and it’s new. For both of you, you hope. Elvis moves closer to you, deciding that sitting next to you might be the best position for this so he can watch and still help you. You move to take your hand off the gun, thinking he wants complete control before he links your fingers together and places both your hands on the gun. You’re still in control with just a little help from him. 
You take your hand that’s not on the gun and use it you spread yourself open, making sure there’s enough of a glide from your arousal- a forgone conclusion you think- to help with the gun brushing against your cunt— your vagina— your whatever the two of you want to call it. As your fingers start to play with your clit you feel the brush of the metal finally sliding down and against your clit. A groan leaves your lips as you grind down automatically, craving something to finally give you some proper friction. It’s cold but it doesn’t have the same bite as it did against your nipples, no it’s almost as if the burning heat that keeps growing between your legs offsets it, allows the gun to be heated quicker than it ever would be outside of you. Elvis’s lips brush against the shell of your ear. “Ya ready baby? Ready to take it inside?”
A hum is all you can manage, too anxious and excited all at once to trust anything other than a whimper to leave your mouth if you open it. Elvis knows you though, knows you like the back of his hand or like his guitar and he pushes the gun inside you, slowly but surely, watching the barrel disappear in between your legs as you practically keen at the sensation. It’s the metal contrasting with your skin, with your arousal with everything. It feels like it shouldn’t be up there while feeling less filling than Elvis ever has been. You rock a little against it as part of it brushes against your clit or maybe that’s just yours and Elvis’s hands. At some point you shut your eyes, not because you didn’t want to watch, but because the sensation feels better when you don’t see it, it keeps you grounded in a way having your eyes open doesn’t. Elvis’s voice seems so far away even as you rock against the gun. Had this been what the women were talking about? Did they feel like this too? Powerful and yet stripped bare knowing what was between their legs sliding in and out of their most private parts? 
“Christ they weren’t lyin’ ya look fuckin’. Gonna hafta help me wit’ what’s ‘tween my legs, honey. Wanna taste ya after this- wanna have ya all night. Missed ya and now ya doin’ this? Fuckin’ perfect for me. Best girl I coulda asked for. Ya gonna— Ya hear how ya sound?” His words are slurred against your ear and you do hear yourself, hear how the gun squelches and squishes between your folds and you whine, your head turning trying to bury your head into Elvis’s shoulder even if it should be impossible. Your brain and your heart and your ears register him shushing you, telling you he’s gotcha, telling you how he wants to see you come like this and that does it. You clench around the barrel and a soundless scream leaves your mouth as your orgasm rips through you and leaves you shaking and twitching against Elvis. There’s a warmth next to your leg and you open your eyes to see Elvis’s own release against your leg as he flushes under your gaze. 
Almost as if he wants to distract you he starts to pull the gun out and you shut your eyes at the sensation before opening them back up again when you hear the pop of it being pulled completely out of you. It takes you and Elvis a few minutes after he tosses the gun to the side before you speak. 
“Can’t do that again tonight.” But perhaps another night, your mind thinks as you move to play with Elvis’s cock.
His hand moves to swat your hand away as he slinks down the bed and puts himself at eye level with your vagina. “Don’t want ya to,” he pauses, licking his lips as you allow your legs to fall open just a hair. “Gonna taste ya though. See if ya taste any different.”
You don't.
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p5x-theories · 1 month
Theory: Wonder will get a canon name sooner rather than later, and it will be his only official name
Recently the “canon names” of Persona protagonists are being pushed rather hard, to the point where they’re being used in situations where it’s not strictly necessary.  This is a notable change in how the topic has been handled.  In the past they would give them new names in every adaptation, and they would also leave the protagonists nameless in whenever possible.  Now they appear to have decided that brand consistency is more important.
(Yu was canonized both because his anime was popular and also because they wanted to treat him as an actual character in spin-offs.  Ren was canonized in spite of his anime’s awful reception and the spin-offs continuing to treat him as a namable insert character.  It’s kinda weird when the Joker codename eliminates a lot of the need for a canon name, but I’m not the one managing the brand so what do I know)
Wonder is the first Persona protagonist since this change in policy, so he’s the first opportunity to put it fully into action.  And hey, I guess it would nice to avoid fandom arguments and people giving you a hard time about your preference.  Even if I think he doesn’t really need one because he has a perfectly fine codename.
Where will his canon name first appear?  It’s uncertain.  No TV series or manga/manhua has been announced for P5X, but it isn’t properly out yet.  Failing all else it could appear on the language changing screen, which seems to be the new go-to for canonizing Persona protagonist names, even if that would be a lackluster announcement.
Yeah, I’m definitely curious myself to see how a canon name for Wonder might work, let alone get announced.
I think a factor in this that’s worth addressing is that you can’t even properly name Wonder in P5X in the first place? You name him at the very start, and that’s what everyone refers to him as, but at least in the Chinese version, you’re only given six spaces, and I believe that’s then also used as your online name for interactions with other players (Which is ironic, because Katayama specifically tells the class not to write their online name).
It’s an unusual situation all around- with both Atlus’ shift towards canon names and the circumstances of the game itself- so I’m really not sure what’ll happen. But I do sort of expect them to give him a canon name, in some way, eventually.
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themarysuep · 3 months
Pretty disappointed we are pretty much gonna get a thousand more movies about straight dudes and little-to-no diversity and experimentation from marvel :/ i do hope we still at least get a YA movie
I'm guessing this is about the rumor that Captain Marvel 3 won't happen. And yeah I'm pretty sad about it. But never say never. We might get the film in the future. Marvel Studios has been really good about working things out for the ladies during phase 4 and 5. And I saw Kevin Feige say something like adapting Carol was one of the greatest achievements of his career. And ofc we know he's a huge Iman fanboy. I'm hoping they start shooting YA sooner rather than later.
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alrightbuckaroo · 1 year
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As always, thanks to @heartstringsduet, @reyesstrand, and @carlos-in-glasses for the tags! Here's another snippet from the Old West AU. Nothing too Tarlos heavy this go round as I've been working on more scenes of Carlos' time in the fictional town of Oxridge. Anyways, meet deputy Nathaniel "Nat" Price <3
Carlos tries to filter out the sound of the knife puncturing the meat as he reaches into his saddle bag. He pulls out a handful of sage, and walks around to the front of his horse. He notices that Lucky’s posed away from the dead doe, as if he can’t stand to see her. 
He smiles slightly, taking comfort in the fact he’s not the only one that’s rattled. He places his hand up to Lucky’s mouth, waiting for him to take the sage. As Lucky chews, Carlos whispers to him, “It’s alright, boy. I don’t like seeing it either.” Carlos sighs. “Guess that makes us both a little soft.”  
Price is done skinning the doe not too soon after. He tells Carlos they should head back to town sooner rather than later. Southern heat will work the worst wonders on Price's new pelt if left out for too long. 
Price stows the skin onto the back of his horse, making an off-handed comment about stopping by Bill, the trapper. He and Carlos climb onto their respective saddles before starting the trek into town. They sit in a brittle silence until Price speaks up. “It’s alright, you know.”
Carlos doesn’t respond, but Price knows that he’s listening. “Ending a life; no matter how minute it might be, it’s not easy. At least, it shouldn’t be. Not wanting to watch it happen doesn’t make you weak, Reyes, just makes you human.” 
“You don’t seem too rattled.” Carlos winces at his own tone. He knows it’s sounds biting, and harsh. He knows that he’s trying to cover how he really feels; envious. Envious at the fact Price can do what he just did and not let it shake him to his core. But most of all, he’s upset. 
Upset that his dad might have been right; he’s too soft, and always will be. 
Price sighs, running his fingers through his hair. “Just because one carries the weight well; doesn’t mean it’s not heavy. Don’t forget that, alright Reyes?” Price’s words are comforting as much as they are reprimanding.
no pressure tagging: @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @strandnreyes, @welcometololaland, @rmd-writes, @chaotictarlos, @tailoredshirt, @sunshinestrand, @lightningboltreader, @sanjuwrites and of course anyone else who wants join in (tag me back, i want to read!)
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kjmsupremacist · 1 year
something sweet, a peach tree (mark/jaehyun)
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Mark begins the summer after his junior year with an unpaid internship and no other plans. But when he agrees to go pick his baby niece up from her music lessons, her teacher, Jeong Jaehyun, catches his eye. Too bad he’s off limits, and not just because Mark’s niece is involved. Jaehyun is 41 to Mark’s 20.
To sate his curiosity about older men, Mark decides to look into becoming a sugar baby. He could use the money, after all. And he seems to find a willing patron right away. But for the first time in Mark’s like, he finds he might be in over his head.
Chapter 4   |  prev   next   mlist
Characters: Mark, Jaehyun, other members of nct throughout
Genre: romance, angst, smut, age gap, sugar daddy!au
Pairing: Mark/Jaehyun
Warnings: AGE GAP (older jaehyun, younger mark), discussions of somnophilia
Rating: Explicit
Length: 7.8k
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so I fucked the dilf <;<<
Mark figures he better tell Johnny sooner rather than later, because knowing him, he’d find out somehow anyway, and at least this way he won’t be mad. 
Johnny is typing almost immediately.
>>> WHAT
>>> what happened to my glucose guardian idea
dude chill <;<<
wanna grab dinner tonight? <;<<
we can go to that 24 hr diner on 3rd <;<<
>>> uh yeah bc you need to explain immediately
>>> meet you at 6?
Mark likes the message and pockets his phone, getting back to work. He has to suppress a crazy smile, but he can’t really blame himself. All of this is crazy. 
“You’re fucking crazy,” Johnny says instead of saying hello when Mark strolls up to him outside the diner later that night. 
“I know,” Mark says. “But right now I’m also starving. C’mon.”
Johnny begrudgingly follows him inside and holds his tongue until the waitress takes their order. The instant she walks away, he slaps his hands on the table. 
“Okay, what the fuck is going on?”
Mark sighs out laughter. “Oh, god, Johnny, I hardly even know.” He scrubs his face with his hands, thinking. “Okay, so I did download the app, right? And I matched with this guy. And we agreed to meet for coffee this last Saturday. Only it turns out, that guy? It was fuckin’ Jaehyun. And obviously both of us were using screen names, and with sites like that, they recommend not posting a picture for, like, privacy reasons, right? So we had to figure it out right there. It was super awkward.”
“Jesus Christ,” Johnny mutters. “Wait, how the fuck is he affording that?”
“CEO of his own company, remember?” Mark says. “Apparently pretty successful. He has this sick-ass car, it’s so sexy.”
“Yeah, I bet,” Johnny says. “Okay, so you had the worst meet-cute ever at the coffee shop. And then?”
“Well, we decided to go for it anyway, ‘cause like, at least we knew we probably weren’t gonna get murdered, right? And apparently Jaehyun… liked me, too. Before all this. So.” Mark spreads his hands. “I’m fucking the DILF.”
“I—don’t even know what to say,” Johnny says. “Congratulations?” 
“Thank you,” Mark interjects smugly. 
“Be careful?” Johnny continues. “I mean, yeah, I don’t think he’s gonna murder you, but, like, if he tries to take you hiking or something, maybe just think twice.”
“Uh,” Mark says. “We’re kinda planning on hiking next weekend.”
“Christ,” Johnny groans. “Okay, just—tell me where you’re going and keep your location on, I guess.” He looks around, then leans in. “So—how was it?”
Mark rolls his eyes back, shaking his head. “Dude,” he says, and Johnny starts laughing. “Dude, dude, it was so fucking good.”
“Seriously?” Johnny cackles. “That good? Oh my god, man, okay, I mean, good for you.”
“He was so—” Mark cuts himself off as their waitress approaches. She sets their plates down in front of them. “Thanks,” Mark manages, waiting for her to leave again. They both dissolve into muffled laughter once she disappears behind the kitchen doors. 
“Oh, fuck,” Johnny says. “Okay, yeah? He was so what?”
“Perfect,” Mark mumbles, cutting into his pancakes. “He has an incredible body. I hope I look like that when I’m forty.” He takes a bite of pancake, chewing quickly so he can keep talking. “And he has two dogs, and a pool in his backyard, and a fridge stocked with beer.”
“What kind of… payment is he giving you?” Johnny asks around a bite of omelette. 
Mark shakes his head sheepishly. “I told him not to worry about it.” Johnny’s eyes bug out of his head. “I mean, I feel weird about it, you know?” Mark defends quickly. “I know him. He teaches Lucy! I can’t accept—an allowance from him. Besides, he’s so hot that it doesn’t matter.”
“Oh, so you’ll fuck your niece’s music teacher, but you draw the line at accepting money from him?” Johnny points a hot-sauce-covered fork at Mark. “You’re being stupid.”
“He pays for all our meals together, and he said he’d buy my groceries,” Mark says. “I just can’t imagine getting a—a bank transfer from Jaehyun, that’s all.”
“Missed opportunity, ‘s’all I’m saying,” Johnny says. 
Mark just shakes his head. He thinks back to the weekend, back to fucking Jaehyun poolside just the afternoon before. He doesn’t think he’s missing out on anything.
* * *
Tuesday Mark has to stay late again, so Annie picks Lucy up instead. Mark’s torn between relief and disappointment—on the one hand, it’s probably good to give him and Jaehyun a little more time to cool off before they have to act normal together in public, but on the other, Mark misses him and wants to see him. He texts Jaehyun to let him know ahead of time; Jaehyun replies with a sad face.
But Thursday rolls around, and Mark is released from unpaid labor hell on time, so he makes his way over to the music academy. 
Mark files in with the parents, but Lucy wants to finish playing some kind of game at the piano with one of her classmates, so he hovers awkwardly by the wall as the classroom empties. Jaehyun’s been talking to the parents, but Mark feels him looking at him out of the corner of his eye, just as Mark is. Eventually, Jaehyun manages to peel himself away and strolls over to Mark.
“Hi,” Mark says quietly when Jaehyun gets close. 
“Hey,” Jaehyun replies. They both watch Lucy and her friend for a moment, silent. “How are you?” Jaehyun asks. 
“Good, I’m good,” Mark says. He kind of wants to scream, or burst out laughing. The whole thing is just ridiculous. “How are you?”
“Also good,” Jaehyun replies. Mark can hear the same barely-controlled mirth lurking beneath his voice. “Missed you Tuesday.”
“Yeah, you know, my fuckin’ boss,” Mark sighs. 
“Well, one more day,” Jaehyun says. “At least you have a fun weekend to look forward to.”
Mark looks up, finally meeting Jaehyun’s eyes. “Yes, I do,” he says softly, grinning. Jaehyun smiles back. 
“Mark-samchon, I won, I won!” Lucy comes bouncing up, tugging at Mark’s pant leg. 
“This time,” her friend says, but he’s grinning, too. 
“Congratulations,” Mark says to her. “Did you tell your friend good game?”
“Oh!” Lucy whirls, offering her tiny hand to her friend. “Good game, Teddy!” They shake clumsily, breaking out into giggles.
“Alright, let’s get home before your Eomma and Appa start to worry,” Mark says, smoothing Lucy’s hair and giving Teddy’s dad a friendly smile before turning back to Jaehyun. “Thanks, Jaehyun. See you next week! Say bye, Lucy.”
“Bye, bye, bye!” Lucy chirps, taking Mark’s hand and following him out of the classroom. When Mark passes by the window, he catches Jaehyun’s eye and sees that he’s still smiling.
Friday is excruciating, especially because Mark’s boss is the kind of guy who believes everyone should live to work, so the minutes scrape by even slower than usual. But at last Mark is free to go, right at five o’clock sharp, and he can go agonize over what to pack. 
One hour later sees Mark heading out onto the sidewalk with a small duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He slides it into the backseat of Jaehyun’s (stupid sexy) car, then plops down into the passenger seat, shutting the door behind him. 
“Hi baby,” Jaehyun says while Mark works on his seatbelt. He’s in a t-shirt and shorts, shades on and bangs swept off his forehead. Mark swallows roughly, missing the latch of the seatbelt. “How was work?”
“Awful,” Mark groans. He finally gets the seatbelt to click into place. “It’s like they wanna suck out your whole soul before you even get to try the parts of work that can actually be kinda fun or rewarding or whatever.”
Jaehyun hums sympathetically as he pulls off the curb. “Yeah, being an intern is no fun,” he agrees. “But it’s not forever.”
“I keep trying to tell myself that,” Mark mumbles.
Jaehyun takes one hand off the wheel and reaches for one of Mark’s. “Okay, no work talk. What do you want for dinner?”
“Ooh,” Mark says, taking Jaehyun’s offered hand gratefully. He hesitates, then brings it up to his lips for a swift kiss brushed across the knuckles. “Umm, I dunno, I’m kind of in the mood for shitty, greasy American food.”
“I have to agree,” Jaehyun says. He thinks for a moment, then glances at Mark out of the corner of his eye. “Ever been to Dick’s?”
Dick’s Drive-In is a local chain in the Seattle area, a sort of hidden gem. College students love it because it’s fast, cheap, and easy. “Oh, I could kill like three special cheeseburgers right now,” Mark agrees. “Yeah, let’s go to Dick’s.”
They order four burgers (three for Mark, like he said; one for Jaehyun), three fries, a chocolate shake (Jaehyun), and a scoop of rocky road ice cream (Mark) and continue the drive home. Mark works on his ice cream before it melts and feeds Jaehyun fries at stoplights so he doesn’t get the steering wheel oily. 
When they finally get back to Jaehyun’s, the sun is just starting to set. Mark grabs the food and carries it up the front walk while Jaehyun takes his bag for him. 
The dogs dance around Mark’s ankles as he carefully picks his way over to the kitchen and deposits their food safely onto the table in the breakfast nook. “Hi guys,” he says, bending down to give them attention once his hands are free. “I think you’re just excited because I smell like burgers, but I’ll take it.”
Jaehyun comes in and lovingly shoos the dogs out of the way. “You guys have your own food. If I give you a bite of all my meals, I’ll never eat in peace again.”
Mark’s already unwrapping his first burger, ice cream finished and container in the trash. “God, I love Dick's,” he mumbles. Jaehyun snorts. “Oh, shut up. You’re supposed to be the mature one!” 
“Sorry,” Jaehyun says, but he’s laughing. 
“Also, fuck you, it’s true. I love Dick’s, and I love dicks. That shouldn’t be a surprise,” Mark mutters. This just makes Jaehyun laugh harder. “Jesus.”
They finish dinner pretty quick. Mark balks at the way Jaehyun eats his fries—dipped in his shake, instead of with ketchup like a normal person. Jaehyun coaxes him to try it, and Mark begrudgingly admits it’s pretty good.
“Well,” Jaehyun says once they’ve cleaned up. “What now?”
Mark glances outside. It’s still a little light out, and they probably won’t get eaten alive by bugs. “Can we take a dip?” he suggests. “We’re gonna be tired tomorrow, and it’s supposed to be kinda cold Sunday.”
Jaehyun nods. “Of course. You packed swim trunks?”
“Yep!” Mark packed two pairs, just in case. 
They get changed and head out onto the patio. The sky is a beautiful red; they probably have an hour before the light dies in the horizon. Plenty of time to swim and fuck around. 
Jaehyun climbs down the ladder at the deep end; Mark just slips in over the edge. He plunges himself underwater completely, then resurfaces, combing his hair out of his eyes. As soon as he’s got his eyes open, Jaehyun splashes him right in the face. 
“Hey!” Mark splutters, blindly splashing him back. 
A heated water fight ensues, the two of them chasing each other around, fingers slipping over wrists, legs thrashing, until finally Mark gets Jaehyun pinned up against the wall, hands tight around his biceps. They quiet, catching their breath, watching each other. 
“Gonna let me go?” Jaehyun asks. He wriggles in Mark’s grip, but Mark doesn’t relent. “What do you want?”
“Oh,” Mark says nonchalantly. “I think you know what I want.”
Understanding dawns, and with it, a dark mischief. “Ah,” Jaehyun says, one corner of his mouth tugging up in a knowing smirk. “Yeah, I think I do.” Mark feels one of his arms shift under his palm, and then Jaehyun’s hand closes around Mark’s cock. 
Mark swallows a noise of surprise, instead leaning closer and kissing Jaehyun. He releases Jaehyun’s arm so he can reach between their bodies and return the favor. Jaehyun’s whole body twitches when Mark touches him, and Mark presses closer. It makes it harder for them to touch each other, but he doesn’t really care. He wants to feel Jaehyun’s body against his, his heartbeat to Mark’s heartbeat. 
Mark breaks the kiss so he can mouth over Jaehyun’s pulse point and the pretty column of his throat. Jaehyun’s already panting above him, bits of his voice bleeding into his breath. “Missed you,” Mark murmurs. “Thought about you every night, you know.” He nips at the skin over Jaehyun’s collarbone. “Never come so hard all by myself in my life, ‘m so serious.”
“You came to the thought of me?” Jaehyun asks breathlessly. 
“Yeah,” Mark says. “Why, haven’t you thought about me?”
“I have, I mean—I wanted to,” Jaehyun says. “But I couldn’t—I knew it wouldn’t feel as good. So I didn’t. I wanted you.”
“Oh,” Mark whispers. It’s actually a very sweet confession. “Well, I’m right here. How do you want me?”
Jaehyun takes a moment to contemplate it, rolling his hips up into Mark’s fist before gently pushing him away. “Get up on the edge of the pool.”
“Huh?” Mark’s taken aback, but he does as he’s told, wading around Jaehyun and pushing himself up so he’s sitting with his knees bent over the ledge. The air is still warm, so he doesn’t even feel a chill. 
Jaehyun walks up to him, spreading his legs with a firm hand on each thigh. “I wanna blow you,” he explains, like it’s obvious. “Figured this way would be the easiest on my knees.”
Mark coughs out laughter. “I mean, I’m not gonna stop you,” he says, leaning back on his hands.
Jaehyun responds by simply reaching for his waistband, tugging it down just enough to free Mark’s cock, already hard from their shenanigans in the pool. Mark scoots a little closer to the edge so it’s easier for Jaehyun to reach. Jaehyun strokes him a couple times, and then drops his jaw open and sinks down.
Mark drops his head back, moaning openmouthed and unabashed. “Oh, fuck yeah,” he mumbles. Jaehyun bobs his head once, twice, then takes him deeper, hollowing his cheeks. “Shit, Jaehyun, you’re good at this. Guess—guess you’ve had plenty of time to practice. Oh god.” 
Mark’s mouth always gets ahead of him when he’s fucking. It’s kind of something he’s just accepted. But it’s never as bad as when he’s getting sucked off. He’s not sure why—maybe it’s because all he has to do is sit there, so it’s not like he has anything to distract him. He rolls his head to the side, half resting it on his shoulder and looking down at Jaehyun, nestled between his legs. 
“Mm,” he hums, crossing his ankles behind Jaehyun’s back and bringing him closer. “You look so pretty, hyung.” Jaehyun moans around him, and the vibrations from his voice have Mark curling forward, palms lifting off the concrete. “Jesus,” he mutters, settling back but letting his head hang, chin almost touching his chest, watching Jaehyun through his eyelashes. He’s gagging softly with each stroke; not enough that Mark is worried, but enough for thick saliva to drip down the length of Mark’s cock, getting both of them wet and messy. 
Jaehyun speeds up a little, and Mark can’t help the choked out noises of pleasure that force their way up his throat. He leans forward, threading the fingers of one hand through Jaehyun’s hair. He doesn’t pull, just lets his hand move with Jaehyun’s head, eyes half-lidded as he follows Jaehyun’s mouth. His body hardly feels like his, completely at Jaehyun’s mercy. Mark doesn’t mind one bit. 
He knows no one can see them. All the properties out here are built for privacy. But still, in the gathering dark, it’s not as obvious that they’re utterly alone. Mark moans quietly, imagining how they would look to an outsider. Jaehyun, head buried in Mark’s crotch, and Mark, legs spread and arms shaking. He feels dirty in the best way, depraved and free, and he accidentally thrusts up into Jaehyun’s mouth.
“Fuck, sorry, ‘m so sorry,” he stutters when Jaehyun gags hard. “Didn’t mean to, just felt so good, I’m sorry.”
Jaehyun shakes his head slightly, humming his forgiveness. He does shift his hands to Mark’s hips and holds him down, which honestly only turns Mark on more. Mark’s hands slip down to grip the edge of the pool, knuckles white and palms scraping against the rough surface. 
He’s surprised to find that he’s already close. He wasn’t joking when he said every night, so he shouldn’t be pent up, but somehow it feels like it anyway. Maybe it’s just that Mark is kind of obsessed with Jaehyun, and being around him dials all of Mark’s senses to ten.
“Jaehyun,” he chokes out. “I’m close, I’m gonna—can I—will you—?”
Jaehyun understands. He blinks up at Mark, nodding slightly, rubbing a soft circle into Mark’s hipbone, silent permission. Mark gasps through a few more breaths before finally coming, hard, the pads of his fingers getting a little scraped up from the rough surface of the pool’s edge as he scrabbles weakly. He realizes only faintly that he’s letting out a string of incoherent noises, the rushing in his ears so loud he can’t hear anything else.
Jaehyun pulls off after Mark slumps back, spent, with a wet pop. He tucks Mark back into his shorts and reaches out to him. “Come back in, it’s getting cold.”
“What about you?” Mark asks hazily, slipping back into the pool and snaking his heavy arms around Jaehyun’s waist. 
Jaehyun doesn’t reply, just kisses him, soft and slow. Mark melts into it, letting Jaehyun guide him. “Me?” Jaehyun hums when they break apart. “Well, it’s getting dark. If we’re going to do anything, we should head back inside.”
“Sure,” Mark agrees, kissing the point of Jaehyun’s jaw and reluctantly letting him go so they can wade over to the other side and get out. “I’m getting pruney anyway.”
“Oh, very sexy,” Jaehyun says sarcastically as he walks up the steps at the shallow end, grinning over his shoulder at Mark. 
“You don’t think my wrinkly raisin toes are hot?” Mark replies, nearly toppling himself kicking one of his feet up to show, following Jaehyun out of the pool.
“Sorry, baby,” Jaehyun says, voice dripping fake sympathy. “I’m just not into feet. Catch.” He tosses Mark a towel. 
They towel off and head inside. Jaehyun lets the dogs out briefly in hopes they’ll be fine for the rest of the night, and then he and Mark make their way upstairs. Mark’s whole body feels waterlogged, some mix of the swimming and the best head he’s ever received in his life, so each step feels like trying to drag a stack of cinderblocks uphill. 
“Tired?” Jaehyun asks, waiting for him at the top of the stairs. Mark nods with a sheepish grin. “If you’re too tired, that’s okay. For me, I mean.”
Mark shakes his head vehemently. “No, I’m definitely fucking you whenever you let me, so.” 
Jaehyun laughs, pink blush blooming on his cheeks. “Okay,” he agrees.
They both begrudgingly admit they should wash the chlorine off before rolling into bed, so Mark lags behind, digging into his bag to find clean underwear and his facewash before following Jaehyun into the bathroom. 
Jaehyun’s rinsing off his toothbrush when Mark enters, bent over the sink with his drying hair falling into his eyes. Mark puts his things down on the counter and sidles up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist, one hand sneaking up to his chest, and presses his lips to his spine. 
“Hi,” Jaehyun says softly. The only thing that betrays his surprise is the quickening of his heartbeat, just barely noticeable under Mark’s fingertips.
“Hey,” Mark says into his skin. Another kiss. “Hyung.” He peeks around Jaehyun’s shoulder to meet his eyes in the mirror.
“Thought we were showering.” Jaehyun raises his eyebrows.
“If you think about it, it makes more sense if I fuck you now,” Mark says. “Otherwise we’ll have to clean up again.”
Jaehyun’s amusement manifests in a crease between his brows and the narrowing of his eyes. “That does make sense,” he says.
Mark grins shyly. “Plus,” he adds, placing one last kiss between Jaehyun’s shoulder blades before turning to head back into the bedroom, “I want you to watch in the mirror.”
“Oh,” Jaehyun says, his voice suddenly weak. Mark hides laughter as he hurries to find the lube and a condom.
Jaehyun has stepped out of his swim trunks and kicked them aside by the time Mark returns, centering himself between the two sinks so he’ll have a flat surface to rest his head. Mark sets the condom on the counter and runs a hand down Jaehyun’s spine, watching him shiver. He pulls away to pump some lube out on his palm, spreading it briefly before he moves his hand around Jaehyun’s waist and lets it roam downwards, moving in close so Jaehyun’s trapped between him and the counter, and ghosts his palm over Jaehyun’s cock. Jaehyun’s hips twitch in response, and Mark laughs softly.
“Mark,” Jaehyun complains, quiet.
“Mm, I shouldn’t be mean, right?” Mark hums. He still doesn’t quite touch him. “Shouldn’t be mean to my lovely hyung, who just choked on my cock in the pool, who hasn’t come all week because he was waiting for me.”
“Mark.” It’s more insistent this time, and Mark relents, wrapping his hand around Jaehyun’s cock and stroking him slowly. Jaehyun blinks rapidly, taking a deep breath, his eyelashes fluttering.
“Pretty,” Mark murmurs, the word escaping before he can stop it. Jaehyun’s cheeks are rosy pink, though, so maybe it doesn’t matter. He leans back against Mark; Mark fits his other hand between them to push against his lower back instead of letting him rest his weight against Mark’s body. “Wrong way, hyung,” he says. “Bend over.”
He guides Jaehyun down. To Mark’s surprise, Jaehyun doesn’t pillow his face in his arms. Instead, he grips the edge of the counter with his hands and lays his cheek right on the bare marble, blinking up at Mark’s reflection.
“Like this?” he whispers, and Mark swallows dryly.
“Fuck, yeah, like that,” he croaks out.
Mark fingers him open, one hand on his cock and the other pushing one, two, three fingers inside, watching as Jaehyun’s face contorts with pain and then pleasure, his soft moans echoing off the tile. Mark murmurs praise, voice shaking a little in anticipation by the time they’re almost done. There’s a fog of condensation on the counter next to Jaehyun’s mouth, his breath hot and wanting.
Finally, Jaehyun’s loose enough that Mark’s impatience wins over. His fingers are messy, so he tears the condom open with his teeth, discarding the wrapper on the counter and shimmying out of his shorts, sliding them across the floor with a push from his toes so they’re out of the way. Jaehyun watches him in the mirror, blinking slowly, his eyes dark. When Mark catches him looking, he smiles.
“You just came, and you’re already so worked up again, baby,” he says softly.
“Your fault,” Mark accuses, lining himself up with Jaehyun’s entrance.
Lines appear on Jaehyun’s cheeks and next to the corners of his eyes as his smile grows. “I’m flattered, then.”
Mark presses a flat hand to Jaehyun’s lower back, holding him in place as he guides himself in. “Ah, shit.” He lets out a soft hiss of pleasure. “Always so tight, hyung, no matter how long I take to open you up. Oh, fuck yes.” He bends over Jaehyun as he bottoms out, placing reverent kisses down his spine. “So good.” He can feel the heat of his own breath against Jaehyun’s skin when he moans, can hear his heart hammering in his ears. It’s a very good thing Jaehyun already made him come tonight. Somehow, in the week since Mark last fucked Jaehyun, he’d managed to forget just how fucking good he feels, hot and tight and wet around him, better than anything else he’s ever had. 
It doesn’t take Jaehyun too long to adjust, and soon Mark is thrusting in and out at an even pace, careful not to go too hard so the edge of the counter doesn’t drive painfully into Jaehyun’s hips. There’s something about this, too—claiming another space of Jaehyun’s house. Every time Jaehyun looks in his mirror, he’ll remember tonight, remember Mark calling him hyung, bending him over the counter, and fucking him until he comes. There’s a possessive part of Mark that takes great pleasure in the thought. Mark is going to leave pieces of himself in this house, plenty for Jaehyun to remember him by when they’re apart. 
“Faster,” Jaehyun pants, meeting Mark’s eyes in the mirror. “Deeper. You know how I like it.”
Mark complies, rolling his hips in deep and then snapping them back fast. The movement punches a sweet moan out of Jaehyun, and the sound makes heat curl in Mark’s belly. “Better?” he stutters.
“Hn, a little slower, just a little,” Jaehyun replies, forcing his drooping eyelids open again so he can hold Mark’s gaze. Mark slows a little, that familiar desperation to please him, to be perfect, flooding his veins. “Yeah, right there,” Jaehyun murmurs after a moment. “Fuck, yes.”
Mark groans, low vibrations in his chest. “Good?” Jaehyun nods wordlessly. “Am I good, hyung?”
“Perfect, baby boy,” Jaehyun replies. 
Mark fucks him just like that, clenching his jaw against his rising arousal so he can focus on keeping the right rhythm. Jaehyun gasps prettily when he thrusts in and lets out the sweetest moans every time he pulls out, the head of his cock just catching on Jaehyun’s rim before he pushes back in again. 
“This is what I meant,” Mark says, words blurring in his clumsy mouth. “Don’t care what you say. You’re cute when you’re getting fucked, hyung, so beautiful, look at yourself.”
He sees Jaehyun looking, and hopes he can see what Mark sees. Dark lashes framing deep brown eyes, brows pinched; a soft pink mouth, parted to reveal perfect teeth and a cute tongue; hair slicked off his forehead from their time in the pool, brown with just a few strands of silver showing through, almost like highlights. His shoulders broad and glistening with a thin layer of sweat, his back made of ridges of muscle, narrowing into a slim waist. Like a perfectly-shaped Greek hero, half-divine.
Mark reaches down and wraps his hand around Jaehyun’s cock again. Jaehyun keens at his touch, hips spasming before settling again. Mark laughs. “Still sensitive,” he says softly. He thumbs over the slit, then strokes him in time with his thrusts, keeping his pace steady so he doesn’t overwhelm Jaehyun.
“M-mark.” Jaehyun’s hands slip and Mark can see a red imprint from the edge of the counter. “Oh, fuck, that’s so good, baby, you’re gonna make me come, please.”
“Please what?” Mark asks. “What do you want?”
“Harder,” Jaehyun demands. 
Mark moans low, pushing into him deep and rough. He’s been waiting to let go a little, and now he can, shoving Jaehyun up against the counter with every thrust. Jaehyun flings an arm out, bracing his palm against the mirror with a cry. 
“Yes, yes,” he mumbles. “Unh, baby, fuck, keep going—” His breath hitches over another moan. Mark’s vision narrows just to Jaehyun; he hardly even sees the room around them. Fatigue is setting in, but he can barely feel it, because Jaehyun feels so good around him and his voice is perfect and his pretty, pretty face is scrunched up in pleasure, and—
Mark feels hot come shoot out over his fingers. Jaehyun’s whole body shakes, and Mark forces himself to slow a little, to drag out Jaehyun’s orgasm and make it good for him. He was on the edge, but he can wait. He can do anything, he’s pretty sure, if it’s for Jaehyun.
Eventually, he stops once Jaehyun is spent, releasing him and pulling out so Jaehyun can move. It takes him a second, but Jaehyun pushes himself off the counter on slightly unsteady arms and turns to find Mark.
“Come here, baby,” he murmurs, taking Mark’s face in his hands, bringing him close, and kissing him. His chest is still heaving; Mark can feel the tremors of weak aftershocks running through his body. “Always make me feel so good.”
“Got it all over your cabinets,” Mark mumbles, looking over his shoulder to see the mess dripping down the glossy finish on the wood. Jaehyun kisses him again, laughing, but Mark’s too hard for anything to be funny, and pulls himself away. “Need t’ come, hyung, please. I’ll do anything, just touch me.” Jaehyun hums, cocking his head to the side. “I’d even lick it up, if you asked me, I’m serious.”
Jaehyun grins. “As much as I would like to see that,” he says, “I’m a little worried you’d get a splinter. I’ll take care of you, baby, c’mere.”
Mark steps closer and Jaehyun rolls the condom off his cock and then brings Mark’s soiled hand to his, swiping up his own come with a couple fingers and spreading it on Mark’s cock instead so there’s not too much friction. He ducks his head and kisses Mark again, almost lazy, his tongue running over Mark’s lower lip as he jerks Mark off, letting Mark roll his hips into his fist.
Mark comes like that, with his cock in Jaehyun’s fist and Jaehyun’s tongue in his mouth, Jaehyun’s smell smothering everything else. He moans pathetically as he feels himself finally release, covering Jaehyun’s knuckles with come, some of it dripping onto the floor.
“That’s it, baby,” Jaehyun murmurs, dipping down to nip at Mark’s jaw and neck. “Such a good boy.”
He shoos Mark into the shower once they’re sure Mark isn’t going to topple over from exhaustion, and then cleans up the cabinets and the floor before joining him. He washes some sudsy shampoo off Mark’s forehead before it can run into his eyes, watching him fondly.
“You know,” he says. “We should both go get tested so we don’t have to use the condoms anymore.” Mark blinks, struggling to register the words. “I want to feel it when you come. I like it messy. I think you do, too.”
Mark groans, leaning in to bite Jaehyun’s chest in retaliation—not too hard, but enough to make him squeak indignantly. “Hyung, if you keep talking, I’m gonna fuck you again, right now.”
“Rich coming from someone who’s about one second away from passing out,” Jaehyun replies calmly, steading Mark when he sways under the water.
Mark can’t even argue with that one, his eyes fluttering shut. “Y’got me there.”
* * *
Jaehyun somehow gets up without disturbing Mark the next morning, and comes to grab him only when the car is all packed and they’re almost ready to go. 
“I would’ve helped!” Mark protests, scrambling out of bed. 
“I don’t mind,” Jaehyun says. “You need the sleep more than I do.”
Mark gets changed and they pile into the car with the dogs. They stop at a cafe on the way out of the city, picking up breakfast to eat on the way and sandwiches to bring with them on their hike. Jaehyun throws them in with the ice packs he put in a little insulated lunch bag.
They get to the trailhead within an hour, the drive easy along the open highway. 
“Is it a hard hike?” Mark asks as he slathers sunscreen onto his arms. 
“It’s not too bad,” Jaehyun says. 
It turns out to be a little steep in places—Jaehyun ends up having to carry Bobby most of the way—but it’s a good, easy workout, and not too miserable since the trail is well-shaded. They make it to the top in about two hours, and they only pass a couple people on the way. 
There’s a small, gentle waterfall on the opposite side of the clearing that spills into a swimming hole before the river continues downward, sparkling clean and inviting in the early afternoon sun. Jaehyun releases the dogs to the water, then helps Mark unpack their lunches on a nearby rock.
“It’s beautiful,” Mark says. “I’m surprised we’re alone.”
“It’s not as well known as a lot of the other hikes around here,” Jaehyun says with a shrug. “And I guess next week is the Fourth, so maybe people are out of town.”
“Right, it’s fucking July,” Mark mumbles, shaking his head. “Fuck.”
Jaehyun laughs. “Yeah,” he says. “When does school start?”
“August twenty-eight,” Mark replies. “Which isn’t soon, but it’s also not, like, not soon.”
Jaehyun hands him his sandwich. “You have plenty of summer left,” he says gently. And then— “You’ve been seeing your friends, too, right? Not just me?”
“Yeah!” Mark confirms, taking the sandwich. “Most of them are out of town, but I’m seeing the ones that are here.” He grins at Jaehyun. “Don’t worry, I’m not that obsessed with you.”
Jaehyun rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling.
Once they’re done eating, they pack up their trash and then head to the water, shirts discarded on a log, socks stuffed into their shoes. Mark sits under the waterfall for a while, relishing in the cold, while Jaehyun plays fetch with the dogs. After a while, he ties them up away from the edge so they’re safe, putting out a bowl of water for them and feeding them treats, then wades back in. 
“Come out from there,” he calls to Mark. “You’re gonna catch a cold.”
Mark shakes his head, but he obeys, pushing away from the rocks and paddling out to the center where Jaehyun is treading water. 
“Thanks for bringing me here,” he says quietly. “It’s beautiful.”
Jaehyun reaches out for him, grabs his wrist. “Of course,” he says. “I’m sharing nice things with you. Isn’t that what a sugar daddy is supposed to do?”
"Ugh,” Mark groans, tipping his head back, face scrunched up in embarrassment. 
Jaehyun laughs brightly, pulling him close. “Look at me, baby,” he says. 
Mark looks, and Jaehyun kisses him. It’s sweet and soft, no heat behind it, no agenda. Just a kiss. Mark smiles against his lips. 
They stay in the water for a while, floating around, staying close, exchanging chaste kisses and poking each other when they get bored. The dogs rest in the shade. Here, in the quiet tranquil of the pond, the rest of Mark’s life seems so far away. He could stay here forever, he thinks, watching Jaehyun, soothed by the cool water lapping at his skin. He wouldn’t mind. 
But soon, Jaehyun insists they get going. “I’d rather drive home before the sun starts setting,” he says, even though it’s hardly even three. But Mark doesn’t protest. Jaehyun hands him a towel he apparently packed, and they get their shoes back on, though they both decide to just leave their shirts off for the hike down. Mark trips over rocks and roots staring at Jaehyun’s back. 
The drive back is peaceful, not too many cars on the road, the evening still young. 
“So, next weekend, I was thinking—maybe I could take you out to dinner,” Jaehyun says nonchalantly. “Like, fancy dinner. There’s a place I like downtown. They can usually get me a reservation on short notice—I taught the owner’s daughter.”
Mark blinks. “Oh, sure!” he says. “I mean, I’d love that. You think it’ll be… okay?”
Jaehyun glances at him out of the corner of his eye. “Yes, I doubt we’ll see anyone we know there. And… if anyone asks, you’re a family friend. I don’t think it’ll be a problem.”
Mark nods, reassured. “Okay. But, uh—how fancy?”
“You’ll probably want a suit, and maybe some nice shoes, but you don’t have to wear a tie or anything.”
“I don’t have a suit,” Mark admits weakly. “The last time I needed one was for formals in high school. I have, like, a suit jacket I wear for interviews but I usually just pair it with khakis or something.”
But Jaehyun just smiles. “I’ll take your measurements when we get home, and pick something out for you, okay?” When Mark hesitates, he adds, “I would take you shopping, but I think that might be a little suspicious.”
“It’s not that,” Mark says, fidgeting. “You really don’t have to spend money on me. It’s okay. I’ll like you just the same if you don’t.”
Jaehyun reaches one hand over and rests it on Mark’s knee. “It’s really not a lot to me,” he says softly. “And I told you, I like it.”
Mark finds himself growing warm; he peeks up at Jaehyun, but Jaehyun’s eyes are still on the road. “Okay, if you’re sure,” he says meekly. “I mean, I really appreciate it. I’m just saying you don’t have to.”
Jaehyun runs his thumb back and forth over the top of Mark’s thigh. “I know,” he says. 
The rest of the ride is quiet, mostly meaningless small talk until they pull into Jaehyun’s driveway. They unload the car, and Mark helps put things away while Jaehyun takes care of the dogs. The sky is just turning from blue to pink when they finally settle in the kitchen for a quick dinner.
Jaehyun has some pre-made stew mixes that he heats on the stove. It’s a comforting meal, good for their tired bodies. They eat in exhausted silence and clean up together, then finally traipse upstairs.
In the shower, they take turns shampooing each other’s hair. Mark’s hands are a little clumsy, but Jaehyun doesn’t complain, even though he just gave Mark a killer scalp massage. Part of the clumsiness might be because Mark can’t stop staring at Jaehyun’s body, but—really, who can blame him? He can feel heat rising to his cheeks, desire stirring in his stomach. He hopes Jaehyun will say yes. 
Jaehyun indulges Mark in little kisses as they rinse off, only prying himself away once they’re done so he can step out of the shower and grab his towel. Mark follows closely, unsure how to voice what he wants. He’s tired; they both are, but he still wants to have Jaehyun, can’t deny the feeling in his gut.
Mark sticks close to his side while they pat in their lotion, elbow knocking against Jaehyun’s. Jaehyun glances at him in the mirror.
“You’re being quiet,” he says. “What is it?”
Mark watches his own eyes widen in surprise. “Um,” he says.
Jaehyun turns to him, taking his wrist and making Mark turn, too. “Baby,” he says softly, stepping closer. “I know we haven’t known each other that long, but do you think I can’t tell when you want something?” He brings Mark’s hand up, flips it over, and kisses his palm.
“I wanna fuck you,” Mark mumbles. “Please.”
Jaehyun releases Mark’s hand back to his side with a smile. “But I’m tired,” he says. “And so are you.” But he leans in and kisses Mark all the same, one hand cupping his jaw. Mark wants to protest, but Jaehyun kisses so nice. It’s hard for him to pull away.
“Please, hyung,” he manages eventually. “You—you won’t have to do anything. I just want to feel you around me, that’s all I need. I won’t even move, I promise.” He blinks up at Jaehyun, earnest. “I could come just from that, I could.”
A smirk twitches at the corner of Jaehyun’s lips. “I suppose,” he says. “C’mon.” He turns and heads into the bedroom, scooping up the lube from the counter where they left it the night before.
They didn’t turn on the lights when they first came in since the sky was still light, and now, the dim glow is perfect. Jaehyun crawls into bed, leaving the shades open, and Mark follows him, a sort of excited energy thrumming under his skin. 
Jaehyun holds his arms out to him, and Mark clambers into them, kissing clumsily at his neck and chest, running his fingers over his ribs, his waist. “Sorry ‘m so needy,” he says, though he has a feeling Jaehyun likes it.
He’s right. Jaehyun smooths his hair back, off his forehead. “It’s okay,” he says. “Means you want me. I think I can live with that.”
Mark grins as he shuffles backwards down the mattress so he can reach Jaehyun’s entrance, spreading his legs. “Lube?”
He opens him up nice and slow, careful not to push it. He said Jaehyun wouldn’t have to do anything; he meant it. He stretches Jaehyun one finger at a time, making sure he’s nice and loose before moving on to the next and using a little more lube than is probably strictly necessary.
“Being so gentle,” Jaehyun says.
“Only wanna make you feel good,” Mark replies, and Jaehyun gives him a fond smile.
When he’s finally ready, Mark has Jaehyun roll into his side, then slips in behind him, pulling the covers up on top of them before the A/C makes them too cold. He fumbles with the condom for a second, finally rolling it on, and presses his tip to Jaehyun’s entrance.
“Ready?” he murmurs, lips brushing Jaehyun’s skin.
“Mm-hm,” Jaehyun breathes.
Mark pushes in, and can’t quiet an almost relieved moan. It’s like his body just misses Jaehyun’s, all the time. He mouths over Jaehyun’s spine, one hand holding his hip as he sinks all the way in and bottoms out. “Mm, hyung, thank you,” he slurs, pressing wet kisses to his back and the nape of his neck.
“Feel full,” Jaehyun sighs. “Feels good.”
They settle like that, one of Mark’s arms outstretched under the pillow, the other curled around Jaehyun’s waist so he can get a hand on Jaehyun’s cock, stroking slowly, both of them quiet as they adjust to the feeling of being so connected. The sun sets, the sky now just barely orange at the horizon, the stars appearing slowly in the darkening sky. Mark kisses a constellation into Jaehyun’s back, slow and gentle. His head feels like it’s full of wet cotton, everything muted. Even though there’s no friction, the constant, hot pressure of Jaehyun around him is consuming. Besides, there’s something about this—lying here like they’re cuddling, when in reality it’s something much less innocent—that absolutely gets to Mark. 
“You feel perfect, hyung,” Mark whispers. “Is this okay?”
“Yes.” Jaehyun’s tone is almost dreamy; Mark wishes he could bottle the sound. “And it’ll still be okay if I fall asleep. Just, by the way. You don’t have to pull out or anything.”
This sends a spike of arousal through Mark, almost violent, like he’s been speared in the stomach by wanting. “Oh,” he groans, pressing his forehead against Jaehyun’s back, eyebrows scrunched. “God, hyung, that’s so hot. You’d let me use you like that?”
“Yeah,” Jaehyun says softly. “‘Cause I’m older, I get tired more easily, but if it’s just like this, I don’t mind. When you need it, you can. Just ask.”
Something about the way Jaehyun’s talking, like Mark’s too young to curb his impulses, goes straight to Mark’s dick. It doesn’t matter that it’s not true—Mark likes to think he still possesses a fraction of decorum—the image of himself being that desperate and needy, and Jaehyun offering himself as a willing solution to that need makes Mark feel hot all over. “Fuck,” he groans softly. “Whenever I need it?”
“Yeah, yes,” Jaehyun agrees. He’s clenching around Mark; Mark isn’t sure if it’s on purpose or not, but either way, it’s turning his brain fuzzy. 
“Wh-what about if I wake up first in the morning, and you’re still sleeping?” Mark ventures. He’s not sure where the idea comes from, but once he voices it, he can’t stop imagining it. 
Jaehyun makes a pretty noise in the back of his throat. “I’d love to wake up to you fucking me, baby,” he says lowly. “Like you couldn’t wait, couldn’t resist.” 
“That’s so dirty, hyung, fuck,” Mark grits out, panting. It’s a little humiliating, being so close, so strung out, from hardly anything at all. But Mark has let his imagination run away with him, and Jaehyun sounds so good, voice rough from arousal and slow from fatigue. Besides, Jaehyun’s body always feels so right around Mark’s. It shouldn’t come as a surprise how much even this affects him, he supposes. 
“Thought you said you wouldn’t move,” Jaehyun says, his tone light and teasing, and Mark realizes his hips have been twitching, short, aborted movements, accidental. 
“Can’t help it,” Mark says, hoping he sounds sorry enough that Jaehyun’ll take pity. 
It works. Jaehyun grinds his hips back against him with an indulgent hum. “No?”
“Mm, hyung, getting close,” Mark says, choosing not to answer. He speeds up his hand a little, pleased when more precome dribbles out onto his palm. “I think you are too, you’re so wet.”
Jaehyun only moans softly in response, fucking himself back on Mark’s cock and then thrusting forward into his fist. It only takes a few more stifled moments before both of them are coming, trapped against each other’s bodies, Mark buried deep inside Jaehyun, Jaehyun spilling over Mark’s fingers. 
Mark slumps against the pillow, the exertion catching up to him and leaving his whole body feeling heavy. Jaehyun’s the one that scoots himself away first, nudging Mark until he pulls out. They clean up quickly, swiping up the come on the sheets before it soaks in so they can finally go to bed.
Curled up, face to face with the comforter tucked around their shoulders, Mark fights sleep, blinking slow and tracing the lines of Jaehyun’s face in the dark with his eyes. “Did you mean it?” he asks after a few moments, a soft whisper, barely audible. “About—everything? You’re okay if I—fuck you when you’re sleeping?”
Jaehyun nods. “Is that something you want to try?”
“I—I think so,” Mark stammers. “I don’t know, I’d never really thought about it before, but now…”
Jaehyun laughs softly. “I think I’d be happy to try just about anything,” he says, “with you.”
Something warm glows in Mark’s chest, and threatens to trap his words in his throat. “Me, too,” he says. “There’s a lot of shit I’ve never even considered, but—I dunno, now I want to try everything. With you.”
Jaehyun tugs him closer, splaying a warm, comforting hand against Mark’s back. “Whatever you want, baby,” he murmurs, words blurry with sleep. “We have plenty of time.”
No, we don’t, Mark wants to say. But sleep is taking him, too, and it weighs down his tongue and washes him into the dark.
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I'm Not Sure Of Anything Anymore - Remus Lupin x Reader
A/N So this is reposted from my quotev, so don't report me if you recognize this lol. This is a little angsty, and I hope you enjoy :)
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"You do realize you can't keep this from her forever, right?"
"She's gonna find out at some point."
"It's best that she hears it from you."
"She's starting to wonder, it's only a matter of time."
"This has to be the stupidest thing you've ever done, and that's saying a lot."
These things echoed around in Remus' head, bouncing around against the inside of his skull and ringing in his ears like a gong. He knew these things, knew that he had to come clean sooner rather than later, but he'd successfully kept everything a secret up until this point and it was going so well that it was hard to ever imagine this beautiful reality shattering. 
But that's the thing, it wasn't reality. It was a beautiful, fragile lie that he'd been striving to keep up, putting so much effort into this façade that the idea of it being broken seemed almost cruel.
But nothing lasts forever. What a painful lesson to learn.
"What are you staring at, honey?" Marlene asked, concern dripping from her voice as she watched her friend just stare into the abyss, not even blinking.
"Huh?" Y/N shook her head and turned to her friends, both of them watching her worry plastered on their faces. "Oh- uh. Yeah no, I'm- I'm fine." 
"You don't look very convinced." Lily pointed out, gently rubbing her hand up and down her friend's arm. "What's going on in that head of yours?" 
"It's really nothing, I'm just being stupid." Y/N muttered, wrapping her arms around herself for comfort. "It's just.... Have you guys noticed how often Remus is with that Ravenclaw now?" 
"Who? Charlotte Kingsfield?" Marlene questioned.
Y/N slowly nodded. "It just seems like they're suddenly best friends, but whenever I ask about it he gets really nervous and changes the subject." She paused and took a deep breath, holding back tears. "Do you think..... do you think he's cheating on me?" 
Lily and Marlene shared a panicked, wide eyed glance, before both bursting into what they hoped would be comforting reassurance. 
"Absolutely not!"
"Remus would never! That boy's crazy about you!"
"He talks about you all the time, he's to in love to ever even dream of cheating!"
Y/N sniffed and nodded along with their words. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm just being dumb."
"No love, you aren't being dumb at all!" Marlene argued. "It's natural to be concerned, but I promise you from the bottom of my heart, Remus would never cheat on you."
Y/N considered their words for a minute, before she nodded again and a small smile appeared on her face. "Okay, thanks guys." She glanced down at her watch and swore, grabbing her bag. "I've got a class starting in ten minutes, so I got to get going. I'll see you guys in Herbology later, right?" 
"Right." Lily smiled at her reassuringly. "We love you."
"Love you guys too." Y/N smiled, feeling better now that she'd been able to get her fears off her chest. Today was going to be a good day, she could feel it.
Y/N waved to her best friends as she started walking backwards towards to doors to the Great Hall, not wanting to be late to Potions again. Slughorn was already pissed enough at her as it was for skipping Slug Club without any notice. She spun around and started jogging towards the doors, watching her feet to make sure she didn't trip over anyone's stuff that was sprawled on the floor. 
Finally making it to the end of the tables and past all the students, Y/N glanced up, and her bag and wand fell from her hands, a faint 'THUD' barely registering in her mind as she felt her heart being crushed, tears welling up in her eyes.
There, about fifty feet away, was that damned Ravenclaw Charlotte Kingsfield giggling, pulling behind her a laughing Remus Lupin, their hands intertwined tightly. Charlotte's face was covered in a bright pink blush, and Remus' face was slowly turning redder by the second in a way that only Y/N could make happen.
Or at least, she used to be the only person that could make that happen, but now her 'perfect' boyfriend was running off with another girl. And all she could do was stand there and watch as her heart shattered. 
 "YOU BLOODY MORON!" Lily roared, storming into the Marauder's dorm with a fuming Marlene hot on her heels.
"REMUS LUPIN!" Marlene growled, pushing a confused James Potter out of her way and stalking over to Remus' bed. "I'M GOING TO KICK MY FOOT SO FAR UP YOUR ARSE YOU'RE GOING TO BE TASTING NAIL POLISH!"
"Woah! Woah woah. Let's just calm down now!" Sirius gently grabbed his girlfriend before she was able to strangle Remus, restraining her and carefully pulling Marlene away from the terrified boy. 
"No! We're aren't going to calm down!" Lily shouted, also being restrained by her boyfriend whose glasses were askew on his face from her fighting. "This idiot needs to be held accountable!" 
"Accountable for what?" James questioned incredulously. 
"That's what I would like to know!" Remus muttered, eyeing the two struggling females with slight fear. 
"Charlotte Kingsfield, that's what!" Marlene snapped. "Stop acting all innocent you two-faced, lying, pond scum of a human being!" 
The three Marauders exchanged confused looks, having no clue what the girls were going on about. This had been an incredibly baffling interaction thus far, but at least Lily and Marlene were physically fighting less now. Verbally, not so much. 
"What, the Ravenclaw girl?" Sirius asked.
"Yes that Ravenclaw girl!" Lily growled. "Your super loyal best friend here, has been cheating on Y/N with her!" 
All of their heads snapped around to stare at Remus, the girls with utter contempt, and the boys with confused horror. 
"What- cheating on Y/N??" Remus' eyes were wide with confusion, having no clue what his girlfriend's bestfriends were going on about. 
"I thought you were just getting your Wolfsbane from Kingsfield?" James accused.
"I am!" Remus exclaimed. "I have no clue what their talking about!"
"You LIAR!" And just like that Marlene was back to struggling, desperate to get her manicured hands around the boy's throat. 
"ALRIGHT!" Sirius hollered, shutting up everyone in the room. "We," he gestured between himself and James. "Have absolutely no clue what's going on, and he," he gestured to Remus who was still sitting wide-eyed. "doesn't seem to know either. So we are all going to sit down, and have a nice, calm conversation so we can figure all of this out." 
"Wow, look at you Pads. Being all mature and responsible." James nodded, impressed. 
"It's sad I'm the most rational right now." Sirius sighed.
Finally having managed to get the girls to sit down and not lunge at their best friend, James and Sirius were sitting on one bed with Remus in between them, and Marlene and Lily sitting across from them on another bed. 
"Now, let's hear what exactly has you guys so worked up." James said, gesturing towards Lily to start. 
"You're buddy here has been cheating on Y/N with that stupid Ravenclaw." Lily huffed.
"I have not!" Remus exclaimed, baffled by this whole situation.
"He has too!" Marlene snapped.
James sighed, fixing his glasses. "Why do you think he's been cheating on her?" 
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because suddenly he's spending more time with Kingsfield than his actual girlfriend? Maybe because Kingsfield was very giggly when holding his hand and pulling him out of the Great Hall! Maybe because his actual girlfriend has been crying herself to sleep over the fact that her boyfriend won't give her a straight answer about why he's been spending so much time with that Ravenclaw!" Marlene spewed, glaring at Remus with hatred. 
"He keeps disappearing out of nowhere with her, and I don't believe that she's just giving him Wolfsbane." Lily snipped. 
"Alright." Sirius rubbed his forehead in a tired manner. "Now Remus, care to explain what the hell they're talking about?" 
"All I've been doing with Kingsfield is getting my Wolfsbane from her, I swear. She was giggly this morning because Joshua Pringley had just asked her out, and she was pulling me by my hand because Madam Pomfrey needed me to run some tests this morning, that's all!" Remus explained. "I would never cheat on Y/N, I love her too much to do that!"
"Wait, what does Kingsley have to do with Madam Pomfrey?" Marlene asked. 
"She's her apprentice. Kingsley wants to be the next head nurse at Hogwarts, and after we graduate this year she's going to be her apprentice full time since she won't have classes to worry about. Madam Pomfrey sends Charlotte to get me for my treatments every month, that's why I'll just 'disappear with her' like you said." Remus told them, hoping this would clear some of this up.
"So, it sounds like this was all just a big misunderstanding!" James chirped, clapping his hands together. "So just explain to Y/N you get your Wolfsbane from Kingsley, and that should clear all of this up!" 
Sirius nodded, agreeing with James, and then turned to the girls. "Does that sound okay?"
Marlene and Lily glared at him, before looking at each other then nodding. They still weren't happy with Remus, but at least he wasn't actually cheating on their best friend. 
Remus coughed and rubbed the back of his neck, "So uh- here's the thing about that. I kind of- uh, can't just tell her that." 
Lily eyeballed him suspiciously as James and Sirius got quiet again. "Why not Lupin?"
"'Cause I uh- might not have told her I was a werewolf yet..." Remus muttered. "OW! Why'd you hit me?"
Remus rubbed his head where Sirius had smacked him, staring at his friend.
"You said you were gonna tell her last year!" 
"You're saying she still doesn't know?" James asked, baffled. "You've been dating for four years Remus! You're planning on propos-" He slapped a hand over his mouth, Remus and Sirius looking horrified at his revelation while Lily and Marlene's eyes got huge. 
"He's planning on what!?" 
"I wasn't supposed to say that." James muttered sheepishly. 
"No, no, I'm glad you did. That only adds to the gravity of this situation." Marlene spun towards Remus again. "What are you going to do if you did get married? Just casually forget to mention it to her, until your wife starts wondering why her husband disappears at the same time every single month? Or what about when you have kids? Are you just gonna let her find out when one of your children suddenly turns furry and bloodthirsty?" 
"Marlene-" Sirius tried to stop her.
"No, she has a point! Is he really gonna blindside her completely? I thought you loved her, Remus. Your actions say otherwise." Lily snapped, standing up. "I'm done talking to you, Lupin. Either figure this shit out and come clean, or she's gonna leave you, and we," She gestured between herself and Marlene. "Will never speak to you again for hurting her like that." 
With that, Lily and Marlene left the dorm, leaving to very confused boys, and one very scared werewolf mulling over what they'd said.  
Having made up his mind, that night Remus went looking for his girlfriend, ready to be completely honest about who and what he was. His friends were right, this was something Y/N absolutely needed to know, especially if they were going to have a future together. He couldn't keep this from her for any longer, and despite withholding the information to try and protect her, it was only succeeding in damaging the relationship that was so precious to him. 
He finally found her, sitting alone by the lake under the same tree where he'd first asked her to go on a date with him. 
"Hey love." Remus murmured, coming to sit on the grass next to her.
"Hi." She mumbled, not even turning to look at him. She hadn't automatically gone to lean against him like normal, and Remus could almost see the overwhelming thoughts that were churning around in her head.  
"How's you're day been?" He tried, hoping to get her to relax a little before breaking the news to her.
"Could've been better." She responded flatly. 
"Anything interesting happen?" He tried again.
Y/N rolled her eyes and finally turned to look at him. Her mascara was smudged around her eyes, and there were black tear tracks down the sides of her cheeks. Her nose was slightly runny from crying so much, and her eyes were puffy and red. Despite all of this, she was still the most gorgeous person Remus had ever been blessed to see. 
"Why are you even here?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" Remus questioned. Didn't she want him here? She'd told him once that he was the biggest comfort when she was feeling upset. He was just praying that was still true.
"I mean, shouldn't you be off with your new girlfriend." 
"What new girlf-" He started, before she very abruptly stood up and cut him off.
"Oh stop playing dumb Remus. I'm really not in the mood." Y/N turned and started to walk off, Remus quickly scrambling to his feet and following her.
"Do you mean Charlotte Kingsfield? She's not-"
"OH! So you do know what I'm talking about!" Y/N threw her hands in the air and chuckled sarcastically. She spun and shoved him in the chest. "Well where is your little Ravenclaw then? Shouldn't you be snogging her in some closet right about now? You know, before you come crawling back to me pretending like you aren't a lying arsehole!" 
"No, Y/N I promise you I have never once snogged her, or any other girl while we've been dating!" Remus promised, trying to get her to believe that he was telling the truth. 
"So I guess it's just a coincidence that suddenly my boyfriend is barely spending any time with me and keeps sneaking off with the popular girl from another house. How'd you meet her Remus? Is she a prefect too? Another perfect gorgeous girl that throws herself at you when I'm not there, because 'oh stupid Y/N wasn't perfect or smart enough to be a prefect!'" 
"That's not what's going on at all!"
"Then explain to me what is, exactly! Because right now there really isn't any logical explanation for why you're suddenly all over her unless you're snogging her behind my back!" 
"You really want to know?"
"No! I just want to stand here hollering at you in the middle of the night. Yes of course I want to know!"
Remus took a deep breath, hoping that this wasn't going to explode in his face more than it already had.
"I'm a werewolf." He squeezed his eyes shut, praying she wasn't going to scream in terror or take off running. Instead, he was met with a humorless laugh. 
"Wow. A werewolf huh?" Y/N smiled sarcastically. "You must really think I'm pathetic huh."
"You can't even come out and say that you want to break up? You have to come up with some shitty excuse to explain your behavior? You really think I'm that stupid?!" Y/N started to yell.
"No! I'm not lying I promise you! I am a werewolf, and the reason I've been around Kingsley so much recently is because she brings me Wolfsbane! That's it, that's all that has been happening between the two of us!" Remus grabbed her hands, trying to stop her from walking away. "I promise you, I have never once cheated on you. I love you too much to ever dream of doing that."
She stared at him quietly for a moment, before pulling her hands away and slowly shaking her head.
"Okay Remus, let's say that you're telling the truth and you are a werewolf. Did you really think my love was that fragile? And that Kingsley has been bringing you Wolfsbane. Why exactly did you feel safer telling some random Ravenclaw than your own girlfriend?!" 
"I was trying to protect you!"
"You were trying to protect me? Really? But Charlotte Kingsfield can know! Kingsfield can know all about your deep dark secrets but me, your girlfriend of four years isn't allowed to know!" Y/N took a deep breath, wrapping her arms around herself to try and protect her fragile heart. 
"How long, Remus?"
"How long, what?"
"How long, have you been a werewolf? Is this like a recent thing, or.." Y/N was trying desperately to find some solution as to why her boyfriend hadn't trusted her enough to tell her, but Charlotte got to know. Maybe he just got turned into one this year. Maybe she just happened to stumble upon him while he was changed and that's why she was helping Y/N's boyfriend and not her. Y/N was just praying that this was all a recent development, that he hadn't been keeping this from her for very long, that their relationship wasn't built on lies.
"Since I was four."
And the world stopped spinning.
He'd been a werewolf since he was four. They'd met when they were both eleven, and they're seventeen now. Six years of friendship, four years of dating, and she was just finding all of this out now.
They stood in silence for a few minutes, Y/N trying desperately not to start crying, and Remus frantically searching for a way to salvage this. When finally, very quietly, she spoke.
"Did you not trust me? Did I not love you well enough?"
"No! Never! My love," Remus gently, but desperately grabbed her face and brought their foreheads together, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and the only reason I didn't tell you was because I was scared. This is all my fault, not yours. And the only reason Kingsley even knows is because she's helping Madam Pomfrey, I promise."
"I don't know Remus..."
"Please my darling, believe me when I tell you that I love you more than life itself. And please, please give me another chance, I won't screw this one up! I'll be the best boyfriend that you've ever seen, and there won't be anymore lies ever." He was gently cradling her body to his chest, their foreheads pressed together and his breath fanning across her face, before she gently stepped back, away from him.
"Remus, I'm gonna need some time, and some space to think. And when it's all done, I can't promise that I'm going to want to come back to you."
"W-what are you saying? Are you, breaking up with me?" Remus could feel is heart shattering, his life crumbling in front of him as the center of his universe started to cry again.
"I-I don't know." She sniffed. "I'm not sure of anything anymore."
Y/N turned and walked away, arms clutched to her chest as silent sobs came out of her, tears freely streaming down her face.
And Remus just stood there, watching her walk away, tears starting to flow down his cheeks, as the ring in his pocket suddenly got really heavy.
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autogeneity · 5 months
Hi, I was looking into computer science and I wanted to ask you what drew you to it and how you feel about it as a career choice?
I don't think my reasons for getting into it are likely to be very helpful to anyone else because they are very specific to my life at the time and not actually much about computer science at all. Skip to the last section for more relevant things.
But here is my story —
I went into university with a starry-eyed idea of understanding the True Fundamentals of Everything and was majoring in maths, physics, and philosophy. also my brain was broken and I had a very fuckd't relationship to reality as a concept (mega derealisation with substantial perceptual distortions and potentially some delusional features) and some part of me saw this as Deep Philosophical Insight, while another hoped getting The Answers would solve it.
after a year it became apparent that this was probably at least a little silly and not going to happen, and I didn't actually see myself being a professional physicist irl.
additionally, I felt more drawn to doing something with more tangible outcomes in the real world rather than chasing maximum abstraction. I had a growing interest in neuroscience and AI and simulation, but also could maybe see myself becoming a professional mathematician. so I kept the maths and switched the others to computer science and psychology.
I guess the specific CS appeals were: I already knew some programming and had found it basically trivial to learn, so I sort of figured it is probably a good match for my brain. and I like puzzles (actually when I first got to uni all the departments were doing little recruitment speech thingies and the CS department actually gave us puzzles! I somehow imagined this would be representative of literally anything (it is not)). I still find those, like, code challenge type problems a lot of fun though.
the final thing that sealed the deal was the availability of a scholarship for maths+cs major, and the fact that it could provide a backup plan if my academia plans failed.
As for how I feel about it — well, my academia plans did fail so I am very glad I had a backup in place. Even if they hadn't gone wrong at the time, it's pretty clear to me now that the many mental health issues I continued to deal with in the time since would have led to me fucking up in academia sooner or later in a way they did not in my job. There is much, much more latitude here.
And it's pretty alright as a job; I'm not ecstatic about it but I don't really mind overall and it is sometimes fun. I actually like bug-fixing, lol — the kind where there's an immediately-obvious mistake and I just gotta correct it is boring but the hunt is fun. In general I dislike the amount of small, tedious tasks where I just gotta do some obvious thing, but I like it when I get to build something more substantive that requires more figuring out. I am somewhat fond of the way the shape of the things feels in my brain (not sure that makes any sense lmao). Albeit there are not really many puzzles. :(
But I'm not intending to stay in my current work. I worked briefly in data science and found it much more engaging. I plan to move towards that and/or stuff in the direction of bioinformatics or scientific computing or computational neuroscience. Which is all still computer science but not. software development.
Which is probably the biggest thing I would want to highlight for someone considering computer science. In general working in software development (the most typical career path) is very different to working in computer science. Very often someone interested in the one will not be very happy with the other. I would encourage identifying which is your interest, and seeing what they both actually entail, before pursuing anything.
Because like, if you want a run-of-the-mill programming job, in many places it might be worth considering just doing some sort of bootcamp and projects. The company I work at gets probably like 20% of their graduate hires from that stream. Much cheaper and faster than a degree! Or for various other types of work certifications might be a good approach.
If you like mathy things, you probably want computer science proper. If you like engineering, tiny technical details, performance focus, etc, you probably do want formal education and may want to look at things requiring low-level languages, e.g. embedded software. I think people who like twiddling and configuring enjoy cloud shit? or infrastructure and ops work more generally but I think these days most places that looks like cloud shit. If you like the big picture, modeling, and the human side, you may be interested in systems analysis (I find this Very Shaped tbh but am not up for the human side and honestly don't like making big judgement calls).
Somehow I don't actually know what the people who like everyday application development actually like about it specifically lmao? even though they are surely the majority. But ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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