#i have a wip that's all about this and i think this might be necessary to set that up
echo and... gavin??
ok so this is incredibly outlandish and doesn’t really have a huge amount of supporting evidence in canon that isn’t entirely circumstantial, but i think it’s cool and a fun idea to play with - plus, i have a wip based on this premise and i wanna lay the groundwork for that bc it’s a pretty mad concept if you’re not expecting it lol
so, i think about the imperium a lot - probably more than is normal or healthy - and i especially like to think about that one meme that erik posted on patreon just in the wake of cataclysm:
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now, in all seriousness, it’s just a low quality meme that was probably made in about 5 minutes and just for fun, so i doubt it has any actual meaning - but i would like to propose a world where this meme is actually one of the most significant lore drops we’ve had yet!
in short, just go with me for a minute here - i would like to propose a world where gavin and echo are the same person.
we tend to treat a lot of these characters like real people with free will and agency, but they’re not - both on a meta level and inside the narrative itself. there’s a creator, and a larger narrative at play! even from echo’s very first introduction, he makes it clear that he exists as an independent, self-aware character - he’s emphatically NOT an impartial narrator, and while he certainly implies that he’s omnipotent and omniscient, it’s not clear whether he actually is, or where the real extent of his abilities and knowledge lies.
interestingly, he’s also both aware of AND separate from ‘Redacted’ (i.e. erik, canonising himself within his own universe) - he’s highly conscious that the events taking place aren’t real, and that he has some degree of control over the narrative. presumably, echo and ‘Redacted’ exist on the same level of reality in this universe - i.e. outside of it, but aware of what’s going on in there and able to change it.
ok, cool, but what does this have to do with gavin?
also, it’s a little bit weak, but go back and have a listen to echo’s playlist - don’t you think he speaks a lot like gavin (specifically early gavin, when he’s still all arrogant and whatever)? maybe this is just because they’re both being written by the same person, and their characters are just quite similar, but the resemblance is definitely there. circumstantial evidence, yes, but it’s worth mentioning.
to be honest, echo’s actually a little bit… strange?? when it comes to gavin?? he talks about him quite weirdly - the most obvious example for me is in ‘The Deal’, where he says:
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it’s always struck me as a bit strange that echo SPECIFICALLY chooses gavin and fl to cross over with ivan and baby - and yes, i realise that there was probably an irl reason for this, but just go with it a bit longer! it’s likely that it was just pragmatism on erik’s part, of needing a storyline that could plausibly overlap with sadism’s hold, although maybe if the outcome of the poll had been different maybe this could have freed up fl to go out with damien as was the original plan… anyway, i digress.
hold onto that thought for a minute, and we’ll come back to the ‘why did echo choose gavin and fl?’ idea in a second.
it’s no secret that, if things continue as they are, freelancer is going to die - they are painfully, deeply human, and tbh they’ve survived some pretty long odds already! the confrontation with vega in their bedroom, the fight with vega in their living room, the inversion (and if you count the imperium, the takeover of - and escape from - the imperial academy)... all of these situations had the enormous potential to go horribly, horribly wrong, and freelancer could EASILY have died at any of those points!
if we exclude vega and fl’s first meeting (bc all things considered, vega was being cruel but not actually all that hostile in that interaction), gavin is almost always the one to save them - to step in and protect fl from whatever threats arose.
combine that with our idea from before - i’m suggesting that a world exists where freelancer dies at one of those points, or maybe even for an entirely unrelated reason that we don’t know about. maybe’s it’s vega in their living room, or the shade that killed xavier killing them too (i’ll come back to this later), or maybe it’s just that their natural lifespan comes peacefully to an end. they die, and that’s that.
except it’s not just that - because gavin’s not having it. it’s no secret, how much he loves freelancer, and i think he has the potential to do absolutely ANYTHING to stop them dying.
that anything, i suggest, is becoming echo.
this establishes the world that we’re hearing now - the universe that we’re familiar with is actually the second attempt. perhaps what we’re hearing are the delusions of a grieving demon, DESPERATE for a world where freelancer doesn’t have to die. or perhaps he finds a way to genuinely create a world where he makes the rules - maybe he finds his way to a world - ‘Redacted’’s (i.e. erik’s) world - where he can finally change things for good. maybe it’s time travel, or some sort of reset point, but whatever the case may be, he’s outside of it all now.
he couldn’t save his freelancer then, so he’ll do whatever he can to save them now - he’s walking them and this version of himself (whatever that might mean) through the life he had with his freelancer, just with a few… changes.
is he fully in control? no, that’s erik. but echo DOES control the imperium - and of everyone, it’s arguably vindemiator and freelancer who escape the horrors of that world the most successfully. they both survive RIDICULOUS odds, when you consider just how dangerous both of their situations are!
or, if you like, maybe echo’s not really in control of anything in the prime universe - maybe it’s erik steering the narrative but echo’s just able to hit the handbrake and make a few hasty edits whenever things look like they’re taking a turn for the worse. nothing earth-shattering, just changing a few minor details that keep freelancer safe (or even just alive).
in that vein, let’s come back to that point about xavier. this hc goes really well with the idea that fl is killed during the inversion, more specifically at the point just before gavin creates his ward. perhaps gavin can’t make that ward in time, and freelancer’s killed by the shade - so all that energy and power and hurt that OUR gavin pours into his ward from seeing xavier die? it’s that, but times a million if it’s freelancer who dies there - maybe that’s the moment where gavin manages to change things and step out of the bounds of the narrative. now, when we get to see it (i.e. in the versions of the audios that we know, which i’m calling here a ‘second attempt’), we’re given the character of xavier, who - apologies to the xavier nation - is essentially ballast, a human shield to stop the shade killing fl or gavin. for all intents and purposes, he’s a filler character with very little actually going for him - other than the fact that he dies during the inversion (and you can argue that even that is just to develop the characters of the DAMN crew a bit further). if we accept this hc, xavier is basically placed there by echo-gavin as one final, hail-mary barrier between freelancer and the shade who killed them the first time, to give gavin just enough time to put that ward together.
to take this a bit further, let’s return to the point about fl’s mortality for a bit. are we ever going to know their fate, or will this be left unresolved and up to our interpretation? will they settle for their human lifespan, or be turned into a vampire (willingly or otherwise)? will they die prematurely, or live out their natural lifespan, or find a way to artificially extend their life via some hitherto-unknown method?
placing this problem squarely in the context of the echo-is-gavin hc, i would love to see a world where echo finds some way - any way - to bend the rules of this universe, and to change freelancer or gavin in some way that they might be able to be together for the rest of both of their natural lives, however long or short that may be.
it strikes me as very interesting that when a’xerahn accidentally makes vampires, he’s searching for a way to create ‘a more manageable form of Concubus’ - of which incubi are a subset. is this just a choice that erik’s made either at random or because of the historical and cultural associations between sex and vampires and blood and all that? probably, yeah. but it’s especially interesting because it might imply that concubi are the easiest type of demon to convert humans to/from - which would then come with a whole HOST of implications for gavin and fl!
to be entirely honest, this is a completely off-the-wall hc that will almost certainly not come true - but it’s certainly fun to think about! basically i just want gavin and fl to be happy and in love and together forever, and i’ll come up with whatever hcs i like to make that happen lol
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suzukiblu · 2 months
WIP excerpt behind the cut; Clark panic-adopts his teenage clones (yes, including the supervillain one).
“Why does Superman have civilian clothes?” Match asks instead. Thirteen–pauses, then just shrugs. 
“Ask him,” he says, which means he knows and is just being an asshole. Figures.
“More thorough scans would be helpful,” Jor-El says as they approach a very large . . . well, Match genuinely doesn’t know. It might be a computer. There’s a screen involved, at least. The rows of crystals underneath said screen are definitely not a part of any kind of “computer” he’s ever seen before, but it’s still the likeliest theory he’s got. “The infirmary is not currently optimized for cloned lifeforms, but we should be capable of extrapolation where necessary. And the Fortress’s programming is certainly familiar with Kryptonian-human hybrids, at this point.” 
Match doesn’t respond, considering how obvious a statement that was. His genes are functionally identical to Thirteen’s, after all, so of course Superman’s already familiar with his physiology. Well–of course he’d have access to Thirteen’s files, more accurately. 
“Um,” Thirteen says, frowning in confusion. “It is?” 
Match cannot believe how incredibly stupid his gene donor is. Is Thirteen somehow under the impression that advanced alien technology can't access Cadmus’s files? Hell, the Agenda can get into those with minimal effort. Cadmus’s lab security is not impressive. He's walked right in the front door enough times at this point. 
“It is, yes,” Jor-El agrees. “If you could hold still for a moment, please. Both of you, ideally. We may as well scan you as well, Kon-El.” 
Wait. If the Fortress already has Thirteen's files, then why . . . 
A pale blue-white light materializes from the crystals beneath the screen and pans over both him and Thirteen. He doesn't feel any hint of warmth from the light or hear anything, and there's no pain. 
In addition to the pain he's already in, he means. Obviously. 
The whole process seems very . . . simple, for a DNA scan. Not involved enough. 
Not–what he would've expected. 
That's all. 
He assumes this is just a first step, and the actual analysis will involve something more invasive or–
“Scan complete,” Jor-El announces as the light flicks off. “Genetic profiles now on file for Kon-El and the as yet unnamed new member of the House of El currently classified as ‘Match’. Proper name impending.” 
Match has absolutely no idea what to say to any of that. 
“I think the AI is malfunctioning,” he says to Thirteen, who scowls at him. 
“Rude much?” he says. 
“It just called me a ‘member of the House of El’,” Match reminds him dubiously. 
“. . . maybe Kal can run a virus scan or something,” Thirteen mutters under his breath with a grimace. Match resists the urge to roll his eyes. It's a gesture he only ever started doing to impersonate Thirteen anyway. 
“All Fortress systems are currently running at peak performance,” Jor-El says like a malfunctioning AI would even be an accurate source, then gestures off to the side. “The basic medical supplies are this way. Please follow me.” 
“The damage is minimal,” Match says. He's healed from worse without wasting medical supplies. The burns aren't even third-degree. Superman can't possibly want to spend actual resources on him, much less anything that would presumably need to be replaced or recharged later. 
“Then treatment will also be minimal,” Jor-El replies matter-of-factly before heading off. “This way.” 
He's definitely malfunctioning. 
Thirteen follows Jor-El, though, and Match doesn’t know what else to do, so he does too. Either way he doesn’t want Superman to catch up when he’s by himself, so . . . 
He doesn’t even know what Superman is doing right now, aside from presumably making whatever call he needed to make, and who knows what that’s about or for. Maybe he’s warning the Justice League about the likelihood of the Agenda causing problems for them, publicity-wise. Or . . . something to that effect, anyway. 
They’ll take the opportunity to, he’s sure. The Agenda doesn’t miss opportunities like that. 
The infirmary is sparse and open and both laboratory-bright and laboratory-sterile, but still . . . off, somehow. Something about it just seems . . . off. 
Match isn’t sure what, exactly. 
Maybe it’s just that he can’t smell blood or bleach. 
Jor-El instructs him through using the cleaning wipes and disinfectant spray and strange alien bandages from the supplies–Match, like usual, uses his tactile telekinesis to keep himself from flinching when it hurts–and Thirteen tries to help, which is irritating. Match glowers at him until he backs off, which takes twice as long as it should. 
Superman probably wouldn’t appreciate him killing Thirteen, after all the fuss. And Superman’s . . . in charge of him now, he thinks. Technically. Probably. 
For now, at least. 
The Agenda will want him back, so . . . 
So for now, yes. Until the Agenda reclaims him and disposes of him as a failed experiment. 
Superman would be–harder to reclaim him from, though. Harder than government custody. Maybe even harder than the Justice League in general, because Superman by himself doesn’t necessarily have to answer to the same specific pressures the whole League altogether would. 
So if he does . . . whatever Superman wants him to do, exactly–if he does whatever makes Superman want to keep him, for whatever reason Superman decided he wanted to keep him to begin with . . . 
He won’t be disposed of as soon, if he does that. Eventually Superman will change his mind and the Agenda will take him back, but–only eventually. 
Not yet. 
So he just needs to do that. 
Match can do that. Superman can't be any harder to please than the Agenda. He . . . thinks he can't, anyway. 
Superman tolerates Thirteen, so . . .
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upsidedownsmore · 4 months
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ENTRIES CLOSED, reblogs turned off, thank you everyone for entering and sharing your wonderful works!!
A compilation of every entry piece can be found here!
The winner is @mugbearerscorner and the information has been confirmed in DMs!!
Roll proof:
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A link to the full spreadsheet of entries can be found here!
I'm so so grateful to all the people who participated in this event!! I'm so happy with how well it turned out and I'm so so thankful to be able to host it!!! Love you all!! :) :) :)
* Provided by Digital Extremes! Info about the prime access here.
To enter, simply reblog with your art of ANY warframe giving a thumbs up!
Giveaway entries will close on FEBRUARY 10TH at 10:00pm CST
The post for the above drawing (with reference screenshot and wips) can be found here.
This is not a contest! The winner will be decided entirely randomly, image quality will have no effect on chances of winning! Make whatever you can in any medium you want! (This can also include 3D mediums! The only thing I'm not including is unedited game screenshots/captura, though edited might be okay). Everyone can draw regardless of how good you think your own skills are!
Please submit your own drawing(s)!! Only one is necessary but you can make more if you want of course! Do not use any AI generation tools for your entry.
When reblogging it might be a good idea to enter some text either in the post or in the tags! It turns out reblogs with just an image and nothing else might not show up under the original post, which means I might miss your submission!
Only one entry per person, you will not get more entries for additional reblogs and/or drawings.
The goal of this is for the community to have a fun little gallery of warframe thumb ups in the reblogs, but again don't stress over how "good" your drawing is! As long as you have fun and submit something vaguely in line with the prompt you're good! (such as a wave instead of a thumbs up or an operator instead of a warframe, etc. Up to you how closely you want to follow the prompt!)
You DO NOT need to engage with me in any other way (likes, follows, etc.) to enter, just a reblog with a drawing loosely following the prompt!
This giveaway will only run here on Tumblr due to issues with bots and impersonation on Twitter. The issue of course is that the only way to submit images under a single post on Tumblr is through reblogs, but please know that I do not intend this to be a means of promotion. If people could submit images in the replies I would gladly take that option! If this post gets taken down I will look into other giveaway options.
As this is my first giveaway as a Warframe creator please let me know if I've made any mistakes!
Here are some example drawings that would all work, but of course whatever you want to make shouldn't be limited to this!
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Inspired by @ritens, I will be assigning one unique number per individual and then throwing them into the random number generator on random.org. After the entries close and I roll the winner, I will update this post with the winner's name and a message saying that the giveaway is closed. Reblogs will also be turned off once the giveaway is closed, as I am only using reblogs as means of congregating drawing submissions under one post during the giveaway period.
Whoever's number get's chosen will be contacted via DMs here on Tumblr, so please make sure your DMs are open! I will be asking for your Warframe IGN and platform so DE can give send over your prize! If you have cross-save linked or merged then please tell me, though I will also be asking in DMs as well. If the winner doesn't respond within 48 hours or no longer wants the prime access pack, then I will roll a new winner with the same method but with the previous winner(s) number(s) taken out of the pool.
Topmost drawing without giveaway text:
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Anyways good luck and most importantly have fun!!
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wip · 1 month
Know how when we click a tag, it opens a page for all instances of said tag, and on that page is an option to follow it; would it be possible to have a similar option to block it from the same place?
It would make blocking a tag a lot simpler, especially since sometimes it’s necessary to remember whatever complicated spelling the tag has (on mobile I can’t c/p a tag, idk about desktop) while navigating several steps to the block menu, or for blocking several similar tags in a row, such as 37 versions of #(whatever new show) spoilers is the word of the day 😂
I just think it would make sense that clicking on someone’s tag, exactly as they wrote it, and being able to block it from there would be *incredibly* useful, and if blocking tags was simple, straightforward, visible, and readily available, then more people might use it effectively. How feasible is that, and how likely?
Answer: Hi, @trudemaethien!
We are sorry to say that while it would indeed be nice to have this, and there are plenty of us on the team who would love to see it, we can't make it a priority right now. It is also unclear when we’d get around to it, but if there are any updates here, @wip or @changes is the place you'll find 'em.
Thanks for your question. We appreciate submissions such as these, and fingers crossed!
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moongreenlight · 3 months
It's WIP Wednesday and I'm thinking so hard about “Chateau Lobby #4 (In C for Two Virgins)” by Father John Misty that my head explodes.
Retired!Price x Divorcee/single mom!reader (titles are hard who cares)
Cw/Tw: Pressure to perform sex/sexual acts
Little 1k blurb that ends right before the smut because I just got done ovulating and the thought of writing about cock and dick is not in the cards rn.
There was never much time to date while John was working. Never enough of him to occupy all of his work and pleasure. Try as he might, he couldn’t seem to spread himself thin enough to coat the surface of all his wants.
He tried for a few years, early, when he could stay out late and still feel alright putting in a full day’s work the next morning. But he’s a romantic at heart. Never found much appeal to a fast-and-loose lifestyle and eventually stopped looking for trouble in places he would find it.
He was now alone, but with more time to figure out what he really wanted after retiring. Had more of himself to portion out. Pursued his hobbies. Picked up odd contracting jobs out of a need to keep himself busy. Found trouble with a single mother and recent divorcee who hired him off of an online ad because she needed help with a few things around her new house.
He knew he was in for it the moment she opened the door. Asked her out while he was half inside a cupboard under her sink. She said no twice.
Third time’s the charm.
She must have been put on one of those religious conveyor belts and turned out like she was on a factory line- that or she had parents to piss off. Married, turned out two kids, and split young. Must have been straight out of high school, because now that the divorce is finalized she’s cheating her way through a business degree at the community college around her day job.
Still carries some of that youth and innocence in her even though she’s only a year or two his junior. In the way she snorts when she laughs and hastily covers it up by holding the back of her hand over her mouth. The three times already tonight she’s prefaced that she doesn’t kiss on the first date and she’s got a strict rule about no ‘secondary locations.’ It’s charming. Like she’s spending any fleeting moment of free time discovering herself.
And is he glad she’s wasting her precious time on him. Even more glad he caught her on a weekend where her ex had the kids, though the idea of introducing himself to her house, her innocence, her little family, was fucking intoxicating. Made him forget the two fingers of whiskey sitting up right of his plate.
He gets so tipsy on the thought of besting her rules that he can’t help but push his luck after she- ever so delicately- refused the waiter trying to drop a dessert menu at the edge of the table.
“Cheap date.”
A snort from her. She has to pull her lips away from the rim of her wine glass to stifle it. House, even though it’ll give her a headache, she says. Couldn’t possibly bring herself to spend a dime of his money further than what was necessary. Darling thing. He’d love to see how far that ‘good girl’ act went. How much pressure it could handle.
She’d probably pull him in warm. Gooey in the middle when he finally got her spread open.
“Wasn’t out to test your fiscal limits”
She dabs the corner of her smile with a napkin. It’s his turn to laugh now.
“Shame. Half my appeal is the restaurant.”
She falters for a breath. Her eyes go a bit wide, like she’s suddenly worried she hasn’t thanked him enough. Hasn’t been good enough to please him. The thought makes him ball his hand into a fist to distract from the tightness in his slacks.
“Gosh, John, and it is such a nice place. Dinner was fantastic. Thank you, really.”
Her fingers curl around his fist. She has to stretch a bit to reach him from across the table. Her fingertips don’t touch even when she tries to wrap her hand around his. Earnest is thick on her voice now. It honeys her tone. He wonders if when she pulls away she’ll leave a sugary stickiness on his skin.
He tsks, a smile flirting across his mouth. Unable to help himself. A hungry stray being tossed a hot meal.
“And how impressive would it have’t be if I had my heart set on bringing you ‘round t’mine for a nightcap?”
She wrinkles her nose at that, though there’s a glittering of humor in her eyes when she gives his hand a kittenish slap.
“You couldn’t afford it.”
Sharp as a tack.
He has to clench his jaw shut to keep from sinking his teeth into her. They ache to see if she’s candy-floss all the way through.
“Dinner was fantastic, John. Thank you.”
She throws him a warning glance with that. There’s the faintest outline of severity blurring into the soft edges of her voice. He digs his nails into his palm.
“M’I that bad to talk to?”
He’s pulling out stops now. Ignoring the chirping alarm sounding in the back of his skull that tells him that he should be able to pick out if he’s insisting for the right reasons or not.
She’s more difficult to guilt a second time. Rolls her eyes and starts folding her napkin on the side of her plate.
“Must be.”
She is fucking delectable.
Trouble. Everything about her. Every new layer he peels back sets him ablaze. He’s smoldering in his chair, waiting for the smoke curling off the crown of his head to set off the smoke detectors.
It takes some effort, but he’s able to get her to settle on him coming ‘round to hers after dinner. ‘One drink, John. I’m serious.’ She digs her heels in a bit, but he’d already made his mind up. He’d have her. Tuck her in a paper bag and take his dessert to-go.
She makes him turn away when she punches the code into her garage opener. Says the remote in her car is dead, and while he looks around the edges of the house for security cameras, he makes a note to come back and get both of those things taken care of for her. Doesn’t like the thought of her alone in her driveway after work tired and vulnerable.
Never mind if she had to step out in the rain. Sugar melts.
He tries to convince her to sit on the couch with him while she nurses a weak pour of wine, she refuses. Sits on a plush armchair catty-corner to him in the living room and smiles while shakes her head.
“Not used to being told no?”
It’s less of a question than it is a plain statement. A surface-level observation. It should strike him as an insult, but watching the words fall from her pretty mouth made pride swell in his chest.
“Should I be?”
Trouble. He’s inching toward the line.
“You’d think.”
He wonders what she would think if he took her down to the studs. Not much of anything- if he was lucky.
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genoskissors · 1 month
Finally done! Thank you everyone for your patience!
Principal Monokuma’s Room Check!
Trigger Happy Havoc Boys
THH Girls Rooms (WIP)
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There are a few notes throughout to explain some things I thought most would not know (like Japanese traditions) or just to clarify things changed in localization.
Naegi-kun’s Room Edition
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Sigh. It’s the private room where a high school boy spends his agonizing nights, even so, what’s with this plainness!? Why don’t you have something more shameful or embarrassing!? Naegi-kun, I’m disappointed in you!
Checkpoints: A: It’s the memo pad I prepared. It would be nice if it had Hope’s Peak Academy’s school emblem on it, to give it a rich feeling.
B: This is the key to the room. It has a key holder with the appropriate name on it. It cannot be bought and is very sophisticated, so improper usage is prohibited!
C: It’s a mock sword that was kept on the display shelf. Even though it was only decoration, it was carefully displayed, so an incident happened. Upupupu.
D: I heard that mysterious curly hair grows in boys’ rooms. An adhesive lint roller is useful for frequent cleaning! I’m so attentive! Note: Don't really know what this means, I think it might be referencing Junko's hair.
Ishimaru-kun’s Room Edition
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It’s a room filled with study materials and is well organized, just as one would expect from a serious person like Ishimaru-kun’s room. Hmm~ If you spend all your energy on this, you won’t be able to focus on the killing game!
Checkpoints: A: Dictionaries and reference books are the most exciting when lined up neatly on your desk. Huh? Are you using them properly? Hee~...
B: He irons his uniform every day. Also, the armbands as well, so you know he really likes this things.
C: A New Year’s tradition, Kakizome. I suggest “In early spring, be careful of bears, as they can get ferocious!” Huh? Aren’t you going to start writing?
D: What kind of guy likes to swing around a bamboo sword even though he isn’t part of the kendo club? Do you stand on the ground, put your forehead on it, and spin around to split a watermelon? Note: This is a Japanese game called Suikawari.
Togami-kun’s Room Edition
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Genuine rich people tend to seek a more modest sense of luxury rather than those who are nouveau riche. I have no clue how much Togami-kun’s room actually costs. Note: “Nouveau riche” refers to people who become rich themselves and “genuine rich people” refers to people who were born into a rich family, like Byakuya.
Checkpoints: A: It’s a violin or something. Famous ones can be worth billions. That’s more expensive than the famous Chinese medicine, bear bile, which is very pricey, roar! Note: Based on the phrase "violin or something" it's likely a viola. That's just my theory though.
B: There is nothing more difficult than determining the value of a painting. In many cases, collecting these masterpieces is not about appreciating art, but investing in it.
C: Ahaha! A red carpet laid out from the entrance, Togami-kun must be kidding me! That’s what the life of stardom is about!
D: The famous line “I will kill you, without fail!” is what makes Togami’s glasses indispensable! I can’t believe he has 10 of them, that’s quite a thorough preparation!
Oowada-kun’s Room Edition
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I believe that biker gangs are a style and a fashion. That’s why it’s necessary for those who call themselves bikers to have an easy-to-understand logo or item that appeals to everyone. Upupu.
Checkpoints: A: These are the big flags put on the back of bikes, aren’t they? I always wonder if they are safe from being blown away by the wind.
B: These are all motorcycle magazines, right? I’m not going to go as far as suggesting philosophy books or economic magazines, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to open a textbook once in a while?
C: Are you really satisfied with the 5G “ Cypress Stick”? Isn’t the 1500G “Steel Broadsword” the catharsis? Note: I’m pretty sure this is a Dragon Quest reference.
D: This is the colorful banner of Oowada’s gang, “Crazy Diamonds”. Hmm, you’re only really good at difficult kanji.
Kuwata-kun’s Room Edition
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Hey, Kuwata-kun, baseball doesn't even have a “ya” character! I know you don't like it, but now that you're at our school, maybe you could try to act like a baseball player, even if it's a front? Note: The Japanese word for baseball, Yakyuu (野球), has a “ya” in it, so I think Monokuma is just saying this to see if Leon will even care enough to react to his statement.
Checkpoints: A: Why do self-proclaimed punk fans like human skulls? A sea bream head has another sea bream inside, right? That's even more favorable! Note: I'm not gonna lie, I have no clue what that second sentence means. I think it relates to the saying “鯛の尾より鰯の頭”, but I still don't know how it correlates.
B: I want CDs and DVDs to come in splendid limited edition packaging, but they don’t fit neatly like this. How troubling.
C: Carrying your guitar case on your back and feeling tired as you walk around town is super cool. There was a time when I thought that way too.
D: In order to stand out and be popular, you need to have vocals. Kuwata-kun's purity is manly in a sense. I would like to hear his beautiful voice. Upupu.
Yamada-kun’s Room Edition
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A utopia making the world’s geeks water at the mouth, the pink love nest of Buuko and Yamada-kun. As a despair maniac, I am driven by a desire for a room devoted solely to my hobby. Note: Buuko is Princess Piggles in the localization.
Checkpoints: A: Hey, I’m giving it everything I got to ask this question, is this what Yamada-kun is wearing? Isn’t it self-indulgent to wear it on his 170cm and 155kg body!?
B: “MARTIAL ARTS LADIES”, “This time, I’ll punish you on the mat!”.  I don’t understand why martial arts cosplay makes your heart pound.
C: Some people say these sheets and body pillow are perverted, but the desire for skin contact is neither two-dimensional nor three-dimensional.
D: Three-dimensional objects have a sense of unity because they are equipped with a three-dimensional concept. The shading of light and the convergence of existence are astonishing (The following is omitted). Note: “The following is omitted” is just a way of saying Monokuma kept rambling.
Yasuhiro-kun's Room Edition
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Hagakure-kun’s love of fortune-telling is, quite honestly, shady, right? Even though he has all these tools, he still uses intuition to tell fortunes, doesn’t he? So, what in the world are these piles of junk for!?
Checkpoints: A: People with extremely dry skin tend to have a lot of wrinkles on their palms, which makes palm readers cry. It’s hard to even do fortune-telling these days.
B: Fortune-telling cards are great for mysteries and romance. If I sold "Monokuma’s Carefully Made Pure Gold Tarot", maybe I could make a profit. Upupupu.
C: If anything, Hagakure-kun has more of an oriental divination image. When I see tools like this, I want to display them in an alcove or something.
D: Come on! How many times do I have to say this!? When buying fortune-telling goods online, do not cash on delivery! This time, I was the one who paid for it too!
Fujisaki-kun’s Room Edition
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Even though he’s the Super High School Level Programmer, Fujisaki-kun actually has a variety of hobbies. That’s good, science... a science student! I want to learn many things from him.
Checkpoints: A: Three monitors and a luxurious-looking executive chair. He looks like a young company president or day trader. A serious side profile would be wonderful!
B: I don’t know what this is, but it looks amazing anyway! It looks like an ancient map or some other geeky item.
C: After people learn how to interact with the romantic hyperspace of the universe, their outlook on life changes drastically. That’s what I thought just now.
D: Tada! There are hand grips on the bed! It makes me tear up to know he was secretly training.
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diazsdimples · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you to everyone who tagged me for Sunday and Tuesday, I've been really struggling with writing lately and it's been extremely disheartening but this morning I had A Singular Bean for Frostpunk AU and milked it for all it's worth! This snippet comes immediately after the Buck and Eddie POVs of being found in the cold. Please enjoy!
He suddenly feels responsible for their wellbeing, and maybe that’s why he refuses to leave the kid’s – Christopher’s – side until the rest of the team arrives, Eli carrying the heavy med kit on his back. “I’ll get the man, Eli check the kid,” Bobby instructs, sinking to his knees beside Buck. “What’s the story with them, Buck?” “I got here just a couple minutes before the guy passed out. Didn’t say his name but his kid is called Christopher. He looked super weak, a-and they’re both freezing.” Bobby and Eli share a look over Buck’s shoulder and Eli gets to work on Christopher, checking his vital signs and most importantly, his temperature. Bobby repeats the same process on the father, while Tommy and Sal rifle through the backpack on the sled, checking for any useful information on where they’d come from. “Found the guy’s papers, Cap,” says Sal, walking towards Bobby with a flimsy leaflet in his hand. “Say’s the guy’s called Edmundo Diaz, from Sector 126. He’s ex-military but his most recent job was in a sawmill, he might be useful.” “We don’t save people based on use, Sal,” Bobby responds, his eyes not leaving Edmundo as he speaks. “He’s damn cold, temp sitting around 90 and his heart rate and respiratory rate are a little more elevated than I’d like. Eli, how’s the kid?” “Looking fairly rough, Bobby, we’re going to have to hustle to get them back in time. His temp is at 91 so he’ll be looking at pretty severe hypothermia if we don’t warm him up soon.” Bobby sucks air through his teeth, clearly thinking hard. “We’re a good 16 hours out from the city, 17 or 18 with these two and their gear. Think they’ve got it in them to make it that long?” Eli makes a face. “I really don’t know, Cap. The kid, maybe, but the guy’s temp is a little too low for my liking. Maybe if we warmed them up a little, they’d have a better chance. Did Maddie say anything about being able get the snowmobile team out here?” Buck perks up at the mention of the snowmobiles. The team was sent out a day before Buck’s team was, off on a search for supplies a few hundred miles away but were always on call in case a rescue was needed. Getting them to help would cut their travel time almost in half, giving Christopher and Edmundo the precious hours needed to save their lives. “I- I could ride one back with the kid, if they didn’t want to spare a man, Bobby?” he asks hopefully. Sal snorts from his position by the sled. Buck’s love for the snowmobiles is no secret and Bobby’s spent many a mission patiently explaining why it wouldn’t be safe or necessary and otherwise spoiling Buck’s fun. However, this situation calls for haste and Buck is nothing if not an – ah – efficient driver. Bobby looks thoughtful, before standing up and brushing the snow off his pants. “I’ll give dispatch a call and see if she can reroute them to us,” he says, continuing quickly as he watches Buck light up, “but I will be driving. You need to look after the kid, okay?” Buck deflates a little, but something in him stirs as he turns to look at the little figure in the snow next to him. He’s so young, probably no older than 7, and Buck’s heart breaks for him. He’s too young to be experiencing the hardships of the Winter, too innocent to have to watch his father weaken as they journey to a safer home. It’s like a small fire has been kindled in the pit of Buck’s belly as he shuffles closer to the boy and snakes an arm under his neck and the other under his legs, pulling his tiny frame up so he’s in Buck’s lap. Buck is going to protect this boy with his life.
No pressure tagging @theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @tizniz @watchyourbuck @wikiangela @daffi-990 @thewolvesof1998 @pirrusstuff @cal-daisies-and-briars @kitteneddiediaz @spotsandsocks @jesuisici33 @rainbow-nerdss @wildlife4life @puppyboybuckley @smilingbuckley @disasterbuckdiaz @bucksbackwardcap @fortheloveofbuddie @evanbegins @steadfastsaturnsrings @buckbuckgoose @exhuastedpigeon @housewifebuck @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @elvensorceress @babytrapperdiaz @ci5mates @hermscat (let me know if you want to be added or removed from this)
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Hellooo, I discovered your WIP recently and AAAAAAAAAAH I’ve been obsessing over it for the past week now, it’s so good! You put so much effort into the flavour text and making the player’s choice come back into play, the MC feels so alive and I love it!
Anyways I’m sorry if this has been asked already, but what are Uncle’s and Дедушка’s opinions on the different ROs(including the poly)? Are they supportive whichever choice MC makes? Or do they have reservations over some of them?
I’ve been trying to catch up with all the asks you already answered but there’s so much content! So again I apologise if you answered this already.
Have a beautiful day<3
Thank you so much for your kind words! 💖 And no need to apologize! ���️
For the poly for Grandpa and Luka, you can check here. 🤭 I’ll also include Viktor’s, Cara’s, and Grandma’s thoughts about the ROs because I’ve seen a few other asks asking for that as well.
Answers below the cut because they are long.
Luka: Automatic approval. He has figured out Ash’s crush on MC for a long time and if MC also has feelings for Ash, he’s this close to just tell them to kiss 😂 He knows that Ash prioritizes MC over themself in almost everything and Ash is one of the few people he trusts the most. No shovel talk is needed.
Pavel: Automatic approval. Ash is a really loyal member of the family just like their parents before them, and with their utmost dedication to MC, Grandpa knows that he’ll do whatever is necessary to keep MC safe.
Viktor: Yes! Yes! Yes! After spending a lot of time seeing the two hang out and babysitting them, he can’t help but notice Ash’s crush on MC. And he has witnessed firsthand how many times Ash has defended MC against anyone. He knows his baby will be safe in Ash’s hands and they’ll never experience heartbreak. Honestly, Viktor might be the captain of the ship 💀
Cara: She would be squealing in delight. She has noticed how hard it is for Ash to make friend and she is already happy enough that both Ash and MC can forge such a strong friendship. But them getting together… She’ll be relieved and overjoyed that her baby will finally be able to spend the rest of their life with someone who understand and love them. Ash and MC would be perfect for each other.
Alina: Not many people can impress her, but Ash’s loyalty and dedication to MC does make Ash one of the few people in that short list, and also, in an even shorter list of people she thinks would be deserving of her precious grandchild. It never fails to warm her cold heart inside every time she sees little Ash and MC play together. It is an instant approval from her.
Luka: Approval. Well, a wedding with Rin is just beneficial for both family all around and as long as MC doesn’t do it out of duty, but out of love, he’ll be more than happy. Plus, it will also make his best friend overjoyed. The only downside he can think of is that he’ll be brother-in-law with Takashi now 😂 Not that he actually minds, of course. He’ll often playfully complains about it, but he’s actually happy (don’t expect him to say it out loud though).
Pavel: Automatic approval. It’s just a very strategic wedding, tying the two families even closer through blood other than simply friendship. Pavel would be very satisfied of the union, although, he also doesn’t want MC to feel pressured to do it. He really cares about his grandchild and doesn’t want to push them too hard like he did Viktor.
Viktor: He would approve but not as readily as Grandpa or Luka. Takashi is a good guy—at least in Viktor’s standard—and he’s sure Rin is a good kid too. However, MC getting together with Rin would mean that it’s very likely they’ll get dragged into the family business. But as long as MC is happy and ready, he’ll support them.
Cara: Even she can’t deny that a marriage between a Morozov and an Aikawa is really beneficial. Personally, she’d like it more if MC can get with Ash because she knows about Ash’s feelings for MC. But as long as MC and Rin actually loves each other, she won’t have problems with it. Although, she’ll be a bit sad too in behalf for Ash.
Alina: Sure, the benefits of MC marrying Rin are good, but she cares more about what MC feels about it. After all, her own marriage to Pavel started out as an arranged one that thankfully ends far better than she expected, even if the road to there has not always been a smooth one. She wants to make sure MC actually loves Rin, and that Rin genuinely loves MC too. If so, then she’ll be more than happy for them.
Luka: Who? Oh, he thinks they at least know Santana’s father, although he has never interacted with him. Are you sure, MC? Santana is basically a nobody, not to mention, an underpaid detective and black sheep of the whole ECPD department. But seeing how in love MC and Santana are, he’d approve but not before giving a shovel-talk to the poor detective.
Pavel and Alina: Both agree that their precious grandchild deserves someone with far better prospects than a nobody detective. After making sure that Santana is not merely a high-maintenance gold-digger seeking to use MC to climb the ladder, they’ll be more receptive of them—especially since Santana is a polite and well-mannered person. But that won’t save them from a serious shovel-talk.
Viktor: He’ll be more open-minded and receptive of Santana compared to the rest of his family. He honestly doesn’t really mind Santana working a mundane job and he would be pretty impressed by their morals and how they try to stay as a clean cop, even to their own detriment. To him, Santana seems like a good, hardworking, honest, and well-mannered kid.
Cara: Just like Viktor, she doesn’t really mind Santana’s more humble background. And if MC loves them and they love MC back, and won’t try to fuck over the Morozov Family, she won’t have much problem with Santana. But to be safe, she’ll still give Santana a shovel-talk.
Luka: Oh, hell no. MC, what the hell are you thinking? Have you not learnt from your dad’s and mom’s disastrous relationship? Luka is pretty sure that Skylar would prioritize their career over MC like Yvette, especially after learning that Yvette is Skylar’s mentor. He’ll relent if MC really insists, but he’ll keep an eye on Skylar and give them a stern shovel-talk.
Pavel: Being the child of Mayor Moore is certainly good. Moreover, their family is one of the richest in the city. But still, it’s barely enough to make Grandpa ignore the fact that Skylar is a superhero, and Yvette’s protégé too. He will certainly use his power to interrogate Skylar until they have nothing left to hide, and by then, if he judged that Skylar won’t hurt, betray, or break MC’s heart, and will always prioritize MC over their career, then he’ll reluctantly approve.
Viktor: Oh, this is complicated. What are the chances that his ex’s protégé getting together with his child? He’ll certainly be wary, even if he’s all charm and smile on the outside, constantly asking Skylar prodding questions in a disarming way. Might get charmed a bit back by Skylar, especially once they talk about both of their interest in photography. But once he saw that Skylar is actually different from Yvette, he’ll approve and be genuinely friendlier to Skylar, but that doesn’t mean they won’t get a shovel-talk from him.
Cara: MC, get behind her! Is this some kind of trick from Yvette? Was Yvette the one who introduced Skylar and MC to each other and tried to get them together? That cruel witch! Is she trying to make MC experience the same heartbreak she dealt to Viktor? Even after it has been proven that Skylar is different from Yvette, she’ll still be a bit suspicious, holding her breath for something that might not happen.
Alina: No, no! Skylar could be the child of the President for all she cares, but she won’t risk her beloved grandchild experiencing the same heartbreak that her son felt at the hands of Yvette, who also happens to be Skylar’s mentor?! After MC talks to her about how much they love Skylar and how Skylar also love them back, she’ll reluctantly approve because she wants MC to be happy. But she’ll always be on a lookout. Skylar won’t be able to charm her.
Ash/Rin Poly
Luka’s and Grandpa’s reactions are linked above 😁
Viktor: It is a pretty unconventional arrangement, that’s for sure. But if MC, Ash, and Rin are all okay and happy with it, then he’ll be happy as well. After all, his precious kid deserves to have two people who would love them fully and look out for them for the rest of their life.
Cara: Well, holy shit. This is such a perfect arrangement. Everyone’s happy, including her. Her child can still be with the person they love the most and who understand them, and that’s enough for her. Although, it still feels surreal that she’ll technically be sister-in-law with Takashi now. Well, she’ll prove she’ll be the cooler and more fun grandma to MC’s kids later on 😎
Alina: After making sure MC is happy with the arrangement, she will feel relieved. Everyone’s happy and get what they want at the end, and most importantly, she knows her beloved grandchild will be in good hands. Now, she hopes she can live long enough to meet her great grandchildren. A big, happy family is all she ever wanted.
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martybaker · 1 month
For the WIP game!
I would love for you to share anything you thought or wrote about Only Fools Rush In. 💕💕 It's so cute!
Sorry I took so long to answer! I’m so happy you’re interested in my dreamling ice skating au! ❤️
As a matter of fact, there’s been some new development in this au! I’ve watched Dead Boy Detectives and funnily enough, this au featured 4 students, one of them an incorrigible matchmaker and another a no-nonsense badass who gives Hob some advice, and Dead Boy Detectives gave me all of those! So this story now features DBD gang as guest stars 😅
And here are two excerpts, one to give some context and another featuring my best girl Niko 😊
(part one of this au here, an excerpt here, yet another excerpt here)
“Hob,”Dream asks, squeezing Hob’s hand tight, “Did you, by any chance, tweet about this?”
“No,” Hob says, but his face is telling a different story.
Dream gives him his best teacher glare that always makes students come clean, and
Hob proves to be no exception - he blushes, admitting his crimes. “Umm, I might have shared a story on instagram? But I didn’t share a picture of us, or the location, nor did I mention your name!”
“And yet, here they are,” Dream grumbles, stopping by the boards of the ice rink (against the boards, his stopping technique still needs work). He pulls out his phone and opens instagram.
There it is, a view of the ice rink with the word “revenge” written over it, followed by an evil emoji.
“You’re an idiot, Hob Gadling,” Dream says, exasperated. “Did you really think that the kids with their smartphones today wouldn’t be able to find the location? Did you think they wouldn’t figure out that I am your company? They know about our bets, they’re the main spectators! And you teach them how to look for the missing context, for heaven’s sake,” Dream says, jabbing a finger into Hob’s chest.
Unsurprisingly, the first one to catch up with them is Niko, who is the fastest one (and unfortunately, the one with the least sense for tact).
“Hiii! Oh Professor Endeles, I didn’t know you knew how to skate!”
“I don’t,” Dream grumbles. “I’m learning.”
“That’s so nice that Professor Gadling took you out here to teach you! I really think this ice skating rink with the lights and the music is such a romantic place, don’t you think?”
Dream resists the urge to roll his eyes. “I don’t care about the lights. Or the music.”
But Niko chatters on as if he hadn’t spoken a word. “I love ice skating, it’s so fun, isn’t it? And today is perfect for an outing with good company! Oh, isn’t that Professor Gadling’s scarf?” She points at Dream’s neck, looking absolutely delighted.
Dream grimaces, then glares at Hob who is visibly suppressing giggles next to him.
“Yes. I was cold,” Dream explains, tone icy.
“Aww, that’s so thoughtful of you Professor Gadling! This is the best, spending a nice winter evening together, holding hands!”
“Niko,” Hob admonishes, “we’re just here to ice skate. It’s Dream’s first time. Yes, we are holding hands, it’s necessary as he’s not yet confident to skate on his own. Don’t jump to conclusions.”
“Extenuating circumstances,” Dream mutters.
(I figured I should make a tag for this au, so you can now follow #ofri dreamling au if you’re interested 😊)
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shoshiwrites · 4 months
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Into The Wind
I thought it might be fun to take my WarCo OC Jo, normally featuring in a Band of Brothers WIP, on a little field trip to Thorpe Abbots — no background knowledge necessary (I hope!) ♡
“See, they come in here, right, like we all learned how to do this for fun-”
“Did though, didn’t we?”
She leans against the doorframe, silent, the huddle of jackets and collars faced away from her.
The back of his hand flies out to lightly whack his friend on the arm. “Besides the point, Buck- hey- anyway, comes in here like he can fly our planes- like he’s got any idea-”
“Heard this one’s a dame though-”
He pauses. “Where’d you hear that?”
“Dunno why else Harding would be on the phone talking through his teeth about women’s facilities-”
“We got Tatty and Helen and the rest of ‘em, don’t we?”
“I’m just sorry for the poor bastards who have to listen to him next. Mr. Kalamazoo Dispatch. Think he’ll ditch the jacket?”
“The last thing we need is another reporter. Struttin’ around, getting in our business-”
“Right, there can only be one strut-er, one peacock around here-”
It’s not a surprise, not even a little. But she’s hardly leaving now, not with the strings someone had yanked to get her here. Maybe they wanted you for a reason. After Mr. Easy As Pie, in his leather jacket. It sits in her stomach like a stone. Her eyes refocus to the light streaming through the windows, the dust motes and the papers tacked to the walls. The tap of her shoe when she shifts her weight catches the ear and then the eye of one, and then the entire group. 
All eyes, on her. 
The one who’d been talking turns around, and she has no choice to but to walk towards the table. Guess you’re not leaving now, are you? He blinks like they’ve conjured her out of thin air.
A few ma’ams, the scrape of a chair foot.
“Would you call that a strut?” she asks. “Need to know if I should be careful.”
What the fuck, Jo?
She’s sure she sees the one next to him look amused, the tiniest tip-up of his mouth. 
He looks up at her, eyes stopping at her shoulders, the collar of her blouse and the tiny hoops in her ears glinting in the light. Like he’s daring her to argue with his assessment, just a little. “Just as long as you’re not looking for a ride on any practice missions.”
The words hang there like fruit past picking. Someone snorts. 
“No, I wasn’t planning on it.”
“Good. Glad to hear it.” He smiles, halfway to a smirk. It warms his eyes. “So, what’s your name, sunshine?”
The Clarion hadn’t been printing it — she was Your Special Correspondent, which she’d pressured them to change from Your Trusty Correspondent. They were angling for Your Girl Overseas. But, she had to go for something, right? How could she expect the same from them, otherwise?
“Jo Brandt.”
He goes like popcorn around the table, introducing — the quiet one is Major Cleven. Douglass. Blakely. Cruikshank. And he’s Major Egan. “You can call me Bucky.”
“Major Egan.”
He gives a theatrical huff. All legs, in that chair. Smiling, like something’s a foregone conclusion. His eyes dart to the class ring on her finger, her left hand. She’s got another security briefing at the top of the next hour, and it’s almost a relief. 
“My apologies for the interruption, gentlemen,” she says, even though it’s hardly one. “Please continue your meal.” They're already done anyway, she can see that, the haphazard silverware and empty coffee cups. 
“We’ll be seeing you, though, right?” he calls, even before she’s turned to go. “Around?”
“Yes. As long as I don’t strut?”
He’s still smiling. “Yes, ma’am.”
She can hear the mutters as she walks back out, the sound of at least one man getting elbowed in the ribs. “I wouldn’t say no-”
The breeze outside brings a chill through her, the smell of damp spring and grass deadened by the winter. She has a uniform to get made, back in London. No more homemade blouses, the ones with embroidery. No flight jackets, either. She doesn’t know who she’ll be to them, not yet, but she knows who she doesn’t want to be.
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puppy-steve · 2 months
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march fic rec
a monthly fic rec series to help me work through my tbr
this month i kind of shifted all of my attention on gathering all of my tbr fics and getting them more organized, so i kind of slacked on reading. but yall get a little treat, bc this one is mostly smut 👀
<- february -> april ▸ more fic recs ▸ my ao3
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Ecstatic Rituals - E, series, WIP StarsHideYourFires
tags: ancient rome au, omegaverse, ritual sex, alpha eddie, omega steve, orgy, bitching, induced heat, breeding kink
A set of AUs with one thing in common: ritual sex.
just the tip - E, 4.4k, complete twelvexclara
tags: transmasc steve, established relationship, frotting, first time bottoming
The words spill from his mouth before he even realizes he’s saying them. “You can rub against it,” he blurts out. He sucks in a breath, arms tightening around Eddie as the man stiffens against him. “I mean—you can rub against me, not it,” Steve stutters nervously, averting eye contact. Staring at the dumb fucking movie that’s still playing. Steve Harrington has never let anyone fuck him. That all changes during a movie night with Eddie Munson.
Everything and More - G, complete @steviewashere
tags: domestic fluff, 90s steddie, backyard wedding, steddielovemonth
Eddie drags his hand up to Steve’s scalp, dully scratching the way he knows he likes. “Okay, I’ll indulge,” he mutters. “If we could have a wedding, what would you want it to look like?” The smile to his bare shoulder is enough to know that it was a good question.
love is stored in a can of hairspray - T, 3.1k, complete @steveseddie | mseg_21
tags: pining, first kiss, getting together
In that moment, he wasn’t thinking about the money or how it might look to Steve that he knew what hair products he uses or that he drove to another town to get them. He was only thinking about Steve’s defeated look every time someone stared at his hair or commented on it, how he self-consciously tried to fix it at work every time a customer came in, how when they hung out at his house he would hide his hair under the hood of a sweater. But now, parked in front of Steve’s house an hour before their movie night, Eddie does think about what he did- and he seriously considers leaving the bag on Steve’s doorstep and fleeing. It’s too much. It’s too ‘I have a big crush on you and I want you to be happy so bad that I drove to another town and raided the Hair and Beauty section at a store just so you can stop walking around looking like a kicked puppy’. for the prompt “love is going out of your way to do something you know will make them happy”
sweet little thing - E, 6/6, complete @ghosttotheparty
tags: modern au, college au, frat steve, friends with benefits, gay steve, southern eddie, autistic steve, light angst
“Steve,” Eddie repeats softly. Steve’s eyes look into his, shining like he’s already there, like he’s already floating. “If you want something, you gotta ask for it.” Steve’s eyes flutter, and he looks like he wants to let out a whine, glancing across Eddie’s face again like he’s forgotten where they are. “Fuck me,” he says weakly, and the words crawl under Eddie’s skin like they belong there. “Please. Will you please fuck me?” // or; Steve and Eddie start hooking up and it makes them both happier than it should.
Found God In A Tomato - M, 5.7k, complete @beetlesandstarss
tags: modern au, wrong number trope, falling in love
“You’re gonna think I’m insane," he says, instantly piquing Eddie's interest.  “Try me.”  Biting his lip, Steve reaches over and takes Eddie’s hand. He slips one of Eddie’s rings off, the plainest one, and holds it between two fingers. For a second, Eddie thinks Steve’s just gonna— put it on. Or hold his hand. Both options are appealing. But then, clearing his throat, his face changes from smug to earnest.  “Eddie,” he says, a little louder than necessary. “Will you marry me?”  Eddie’s jaw drops.
unexpected shelter (December 20, 1985, 4:52 p.m.) - T, 3.3k, complete @loveinhawkins
tags: eddie pov, character study, platonic stobin, missing scene
It’s the last day of school before Christmas, and the first thing Eddie hears when he enters Family Video is Steve Harrington saying, “Fuck this,” which seems kinda unreasonable; he’s not even done anything yet.
Lovesick - T, 3.1k, complete @lady-lostmind
tags: sick eddie, fluff, hurt/comfort
Eddie rolls over with a groan. He feels awful. He can’t breath out of his nose, there’s so much pressure in his head he feels like it might explode and his throat feels like he swallowed a cup of razors. He lets out a truly pathetic whimper, the sound catching in his throat as it turns into a cough. He stretches his arm out, feeling around for Steve and is met with cold, empty sheets. He whines again and finally pries his eyes open. “Stevie?”
(Just Hold me Baby) And I'm in Ecstasy - E, 2.7k, complete odderstuff
tags: dom bottom eddie, sub top steve, praise kink, breeding kink, mommy kink, friends with benefits
Eddie looks Steve up and down thoughtfully. He's flushed, cheeks turned a pretty shade of pinkish red. His eyes are a little glossy, sparklier than usual and a thin sheen of sweat is forming across his hairline. His breathing has changed, just a bit; a little shallower, a little quicker, a little hitched. He's none too subtly shifted, so that the blanket is fully covering his lap. It's a lightbulb moment for Eddie, and he grins wide when he realizes. "Oh my God. This is like a thing for you, isn't it?" _ Or: discovering one of Steve's kinks leads Eddie to some discoveries of his own.
a new kind of pretty - E, 3.5k, complete
streaksofviolet streaksofviolet
tags: established relationship, praise kink, pet names, steve in panties, top eddie, bottom steve
“They still had the tags on. And I couldn’t stop thinking about how fucking sexy you’d look in them, baby.” He punctuates the end of his sentence with a kiss to Steve’s cheek. “Oh,” Steve practically gasps, the sound punched out of him involuntarily. “Oh.” And there’s that confusing arousal again. Or: Steve and Eddie try something new.
Is That A Tent In Your Pants, Or Are You Just Happy To See Me? - E, 10.9k, complete @beetlesandstarss
tags: enemies to lovers, gay steve, forced proximity, resolved sexual tension, tent sex
Eddie eyeballs him. “You want me to get naked?” “You'll get pneumonia,” Steve says, leaning towards desperate. Fuck, Robin will actually kill him if Eddie dies out here. “I’m fine.” “This is not fine, Eddie,” Steve insists. “You’ll see my dick,” Eddie hisses. “I’m not gonna look at your stupid dick, man.” “My stupid dick? Why is it stupid?” (Or, Steve and Eddie are coerced into going camping together.)
Daisies - T, 2.8k, complete @withacapitalp | towardthesun
tags: hanahaki disease, established relationship, misunderstandings, hurt/comfort
He hacked out a few more harsh sounding noises, before he spat into his open palm, taking a relieved breath as whatever was lodged in his throat came out. Eddie would’ve been relieved too, confused, but okay now that Steve was safe. And then he saw what was in Steve’s hand. A daisy. Steve had just coughed up a fucking daisy. And, judging by the completely blasé expression he had on his face as he looked down at it, this wasn’t the first time. ====== When Steve wakes up choking on flowers, Eddie thinks that it might be the end. It turns out to be just the beginning.
I've Got a Tongue Like a Razor, a Sweet Switchblade Knife - E, 2.7k, complete BuwnyBeely
tags: cockwarming, dom eddie, sub steve, dry humping, babygirl steve
Steve Harrington likes long sessions, and likes to be /used/. He'll take anything he can get. or "No, no please. Don't stop Eds, need more. Need to be full."
Bloody Knuckles - M, 4.5k, complete sage_is_soup
tags: blood kink, dry humping, bratting, praise kink, spit kink, eddie gets into a fist fight (and wins)
A phone call from Dustin leaves Steve racing to Hawkins High. Eddie Munson is in a fist fight. He'd intended to be there as support, but when things get bloody? Steve finds his thoughts leading him astray.
Strip... Flash Cards? Yeah... - E, 4.8k, complete L0udmouth
tags: sexual tension, voice kink, dry humping, stripping, teasing, top eddie, bottom steve, virgin eddie munson
Eddie's bad at studying, Steve's a horny idiot, and horny studying antics ensue.
chronically sweet - E, 3.2k, complete babyknives
tags: drug use, voyeurism, belly bulge, chrissy cunningham is a size queen
Chrissy had thought she’d known what love was. Had grown up watching her parents exchange pleasantries across the dinner table, in the entryway when her father would leave for work. A chaste kiss on the cheek, a gentle hand at the small of her mother’s back. Quiet respect, dignity, poise. Love was something shown only in small glimpses, tiny moments. Never in public. Between a couple and the good Lord. Until she met the boys.
rocket queen - E, 5.8k, complete @strangersatellites
tags: guns n' roses au, exhibitionism, top eddie, bottom steve, rockstar eddie
Steve breaks up with his shitbag drummer not-boyfriend and fucks his frontman in the studio with the mics on.
Off the Court On the Stage - E, 7.2k, complete @stevesjockstrap
tags: basketball player steve, rockstar eddie, modern au, bottom steve, top eddie, pet names, praise kink
Basketball player Steve walks into the wrong room but it works out in the end.
Idiot - G, complete @stevebabey
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
His eyes glance across to Eddie’s van, parked beside his own car, outside the trailer home in Forest Hills. Then he looks back at the trailer. He can ask. He can just go inside and ask Eddie for the lift— and explain that the reason he can’t take his own perfectly fine car is because he’s so goddamn thick between the ears that he’s locked his keys inside, like some kind of moron. The voice in his head sounds suspiciously like his father.
Eternal zero - T, 3.6k, complete @loveinhawkins
tags: canon compliant, pre-relationship, s4 missing scene, survivor's guilt
“Woah, man, take it easy—” “M’fine,” Eddie mutters. He scoffs harshly, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. He’s shaking. “This is kinda normal for me now.” His head’s still half bowed, hair falling across his face like he doesn’t want to be seen. It doesn’t stop Steve from noticing the evidence of tears on his face; he thinks they’re simply from the exertion of throwing up, but he can’t be sure. “Just—just give yourself a minute,” Steve says. “We’ve got time.”
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mikaswaltz · 6 months
🕯️❆ Last Christmas I gave you my heart... ❆🍷
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✦♱✦ ﹙pairings﹚. . . dazai & chuuya x reader (separately)
✦♱✦ ﹙synopsis﹚. . . 'Do you like my cookies? They're made just for you!'
✦♱✦ ﹙warnings﹚. . . fluff & comfort, gets progressively suggestive, cursing, heavy flirting, reader's gender is not stated but it is implied to be female, ( there are terms like 'doll' and 'bella' used)
✦♱✦ ﹙author's note﹚. . . This is another title for setting the house on fire along with Dazai and eating those crusty musty Christmas cookies you've made together
summary : baking Christmas cookies with your boyfriend in a late night date at home
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As you and your boyfriend were standing in the cozy kitchen, wearing the Christmas themed matching aprons Dazai had just bought earlier that day, you eagerly mixed the ingredients for the Christmas cookies. Your lover hummed a cheerful tune as he poured the flour into the bowl, excited to indulge in these sweet treats. Despite the chilly air outside, the warmth from the oven filled the kitchen, bringing him closer to the love of his life. The scent of cinnamon and sugar permeated the space, making the both of you feel snug and content. Everything felt perfect.
"Didn't know my 'donna was soo good at baking cookies, but I'm afraid I might just get in her way if I offer to help"
A dramatic sigh escaped his velvety lips, soft and warm breathing hitting your nape as he moves swiftly behind you. Brown locks resting on your forhead while he leans closer, bandaged hands reaching over yours, capturing your pinkish fingers and brushing his fingertips over them.
You tried to continue the baking session, altough the profound black obsidian-eyed man behind endeavoured to distract you from work just so he can have his way with you. After scolding him a few times, he finally concured, pouting and crossing his arm reluctantly. As you reached to grab a utensil from the counter, you noticed a blob of dough on your boyfriend's finger. Without a second thought, you grabbed his hand and stuck his finger in your mouth, licking it clean. His eyebrows raise in absolute surprise, a mischievous grin playfully sneaking onto his lips
"Ooh, so my love wants to go on the naughty list this year hmm?"
His deep black eyes couldn't help but lay their gaze on every inch of your silhouette, hands reaching down to grab the plush of your hips.
"I was also thinking about how some white frosting would go along with these cookies, you'd like that, don't you bella?"
Those sweet words combined with his raspy but teasing voice almost made you freeze on the spot, making your knees melt right there.
Dazai couldn't resist to pull towards his lover and grab her by the waist, pulling in for a passionate kiss, grinning at he way you grab him closer, not getting enough of him. The dough and flour flew all around you in the heat of the moment, but neither of you couldn't care enough. You continued to capture his lips and embrace his slim, bandaged body fervently. Even as you finished baking the cookies amidst the mess and chaos, Dazai couldn't keep his hands off of you.
"The cookies can wait, we have something else we should be filling up with cream, right 'donna?"
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As the night settled into a soft and warm tone, you and your boyfriend began to gather all the necessary ingredients for baking the cookies you've waited the whole month to make. The kitchen filled with the sweet scents of sugar, butter, and flour. The atmosphere felt cozy as you were surrounded by the flickering lights of the Christmas tree and soft music playing in the background. It didn't take too long for the ginger to propose opening up a bottle of red wine, making sure to fill up you glass first thing first. You didn't get to taste the Pinot noir due to your lack of attention to the glas and as a result spilling it entirely on your Christmas sweater.
"Shit, baby. Hold up a sec, I'll wipe it off for ya' alright?"
Gloved hands rapidly grabbed a towel, wipping out the crimson stain from your sweater. You could smell the raspberry scented expensive red wine, tinged with only a bit of incense. Few drops even spilled on your neat, smooth neck, which Chuuya did not hesitate to lick clean, purposely marking it with gentle bites and hickeys.
"I think I've just found something more sweet than those cookies. That means I'll have to eat that up tonight, right, doll?"
A husky voice slipped from his lips, still pressed on your cherished neck.
Bit by bit, the conversation flowed like honey as ocean deep eyes proceeded to immortalize every response from you feeble body compared to his. The ginger enjoyed every single movement of yours, the way you twiched and gasped when the tip of his soft tongue traced over your tender skin, everything about you was driving him insane.
As you tried to move towards the countertop to mix the frosting, something sparked between both of you, a feeling that had lingered between you and you lover for so long. The piercing cerulean gaze had had enough and couldn't resist touching his doll anymore, breaths getting noticeably deeper as he gravitated towards the love of his life. As Chuuya surged forward, he captured your lips in a deep kiss. It felt so right–his lips brushing over yours in a soft, lingering manner.
You shared a brief, passionate kiss, which left both breathless, clinging onto eachother.
His long fingers made their way all up to the circular decorative vessel where the cookies you've already baked were arranged, snatching a heart-shaped one he made specifically for you. He made you peck on the cookie, leaving it between your lips as he swiftly grabs and throws you over his shoulder
"C'mere darl', I need to grant a special Christmas present for such a good girl like you, yeah?"
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bridgertonbabe · 23 days
Signing off.
I never really thought I'd ever write a post like this and to be perfectly honest I feel a bit cringe for even making a thing out of this but I felt it necessary to address those of you who follow me and my writings.
In the last month I have been suffering severely from anxiety, waking up to what feels like a ball of dread clutching at my heart and being unable to shift it for the better part of the day. It's all come to a head as of late because I've reached a crossroads in my life where I've realised just how unhappy and unfulfilled I am. Truth to be told I really don't have any aspect in my life that I am happy with and for years I've dismissed myself and my own desires for the sake of others to the point where I have no self worth, no self confidence, and I just feel like a shell of a person. Realising that I can't go on like this, that I can't live the life I aspire to without sorting my mental health out, I've taken the first steps in getting counselling and in going to the doctors to be put on anti-depressants.
While I'm already starting to feel better, I've decided it's in my best interests to take some other steps going ahead; which is I'm logging off this account.
Don't get me wrong, this account has brought me fulfillment in the last two and a half years and I've had so much fun interacting with so many of you but as of late I've become very disengaged with Bridgerton. It's one of several of my hyperfixations which I have become anxious with in the last few weeks, in part because they are what I used to immerse myself in as a means to distract myself from a dissatisfying existence, but now I've decided to make a change in my life for the better, everything that I once used to bury my head in the sand has now essentially given me the ick. Bridgerton is just now one of several things that I feel the need to distance myself from in order to fully focus and concentrate on bettering my mental health as well as getting what I want out of life.
As much as I've taken pride in writing because of Bridgerton, my dream has always to one day publish a book of my own and I need to refocus my energies on writing my own original stories to have the chance of maybe being able to make that dream a reality. I would have so dearly loved to have been able to complete a whole host of WIPs (would have also loved to have been able to just focus on one story at a time but c'est la vie) and I can only apologise to anyone who's been hoping for an update from any of them.
You will still be able to read all of my works on AO3 (plus I've restored a couple I had previously hidden from view), and I won't be deleting this tumblr so all of my drabbles and various posts will still be here for you to browse and read at your leisure.
Though I'm stepping away from this account, I don't necessarily know if this will be forever. I might well end up in a better place mentally at some point and return with a healthier state of mind where I can enjoy Bridgerton again, and I would never rule out contributing writings again - however as it stands, I don't want to promise anything and taking care of my mental health is my main priority for now and the foreseeable future.
I also just wanted to take the opportunity to thank every single person who has ever liked, reblogged, and interacted with me since I joined. I had never previously shared any of my creative writing online and thought it would be nice if even a single person somewhere vaguely liked anything I had to share - but over the last two and a half years I've been given such a boost from the amount of people who have reached out and commented on any one of my silly writings. I don't think you'll ever understand just how much it has meant to me and the love and appreciation will stay with me forever.
That about does it, so thank you all for everything. I wish you all a lifetime of health and happiness.
Signing off,
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jayswritings13 · 1 year
Disney: Hades SFW Alphabet
Note: Since I've decided not to do NSFW content, I decided to do the SFW alphabet instead.
💗Masterlist | WIP Page
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Hades loves getting affection, but often shows it in unusually ways.
Being the black sheep of the family, left him touch starved and desperate for affection(even if he'd never admit so....)
Hades will(or have Pain and Panic) do whatever you need.
He loves physical touch, both giving and receiving it.
A day spent with Hades comes with the mandatory arm around your shoulders or waist at all times.
He will brush it off and or act like he already knows how amazing he is, but it will make his heart swell.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Hades is that shitty friend, that secretly cares, but needs to keep their dark and broody reputation up.
He will tell you the truth, despite whether he thinks that it will hurt your feelings or not.
Hades thinks that close relationships are not entirely necessary, and much prefers his own company.
At at least, that's what he tells himself.
Truthfully, this man is an extrovert stuck being alone, and pretends to not mind it, so his Zeus and Poseidon won't bug him.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Hades will never admit it, but he does.
Though, if you bring it up in front of others, he will deny it so hard.
He's probably the best to cuddle with honestly.
He's already a walking heater.
"You comfortable there?"
".....mmhhp." You sighed.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Being alone in the Underworld, Hades had to step up and do a large majority of the cooking and such.
However, he's still really shitty at cooking.
Like, will burn everything somehow.
Well, outside of getting frustrated and turn whatever's in his path to ashes.
"Hades, I literally asked you to boil water. What the fuck happened?"
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Honestly, just fucking says it.
Hades has no filter and will not hesitate to say what he thinks.
He wants this to be done with as soon as possible.
This does not change for break ups.
He does do it in person though and face to face, as he has enough respect to do so.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Hades never seriously thought about marriage.
He was an immortal god.
He knew that being the king of the underworld scared others away.
Well, before his temper and jokes did.
There weren't too many on Mount Olympus who particularly enjoyed his brand of humor.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He tries.
I swear, he really does.
He just isn't really sure how to go about doing so or how to turn off his jack-ass switch sometimes.
He's gotten a bit better, but still needs help.
He'll sit next to you while you're sad, but might ruin the moment when Pain frustrates him.
Or he'll be comforting you, and ultimately cracking a lot of jokes.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hades is very handsy, and this extends to hugs.
He's basically like a giant space heater.
Perfect for those cold nights in the underworld.
Hades' hugs are very warm, engulfing you in a welcoming hug.
Which makes sense given his size.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes him a while to say it.
Well, say it in a meaningful way that is.
You're used to him always jokingly saying it and such that it didn't even occur to you that that's what he was trying to say.
Which pissed him off.
"How much more clear did I have to be?!"
"You always say 'love ya' and shit," you groaned, "How am I supposed to know that this one was different?!"
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Doesn't even try to hide it.
He will openly confess to being jealous with no cares given.
He doesn't care what you think about it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Quick and short or Long and deep
There is no in-between
Though, one thing remains constant.
He loves to kiss your neck.
Mostly because he's hoping that you'll reciprocate.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He doesn't like them, but they love him.
It drives him fucking crazy whenever he is around them because he's a busy guy.
He's running late to meetings because a child wanted to show off their "art" to him.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Hades is up way before you
He's got a million things to do in the Underworld and sleeping in is not one of them
He'll let you sleep in though
Well....until he wants your attention.
So, usually about an extra hour.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Hades is a talker and if he hasn't been around you for a majority of the day, then he will talk your fucking ear off.
"Hades, I mean this is the nicest possible way," you said, "shut the fuck up and lay down with me."
He does so, but not without soen comments and grumbling.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Hades will reveal what he wants to
Usually in the form of ranting and rambling on and on and on.....
"......so I told Demeter that she's fucking nuts! I didn't steal your daughter. And then Zeus had get involved....." Hades groaned, sighing, "It was a while ordeal." Hades shrugged, "Anyway, so that is why you can't have a pet."
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Literally, has the worst patience.
The whole underworld is fire proof, luckily because it would not have survived his temper.
You still have no idea how Pain and Panic bounce back from being burned so often.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Hades may talk a mile a might and seem like he doesn't pay attention.
But, he does...... kind of.....
He tries.
"What's this?"
"Your favorite flowers." Hades said, "I had Pain and Panic run up and grab some."
"Oh....." You smiled, glancing down at the flowers.
"What's the matter? They ain't gonna bite you."
"Mmhmm." You nodded, "It's just that I am severely allergic to this particularly flower. If I touch it, you might have to fish me out of the River of Styx yourself."
Since then, he's been getting better at remembering the most important stuff, like your allergies.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
"I was gone for 5 fucking seconds."
"Hades! Watch the tone or you'll lose them." Aphrodite countered, glaring over at the God of the underworld. "And I'm surprised that you even got them..." she muttered, brushing aside some of your hair.
"And what does that mean?!"
"Oh," Aphrodite glances Hades up and down, "I think you don't need me to explain that to you, sweetie." She laughed.
"Oh, Hades is actually very sweet." You said, "in his own way." You muttered, shifting towards Hades' side.
Hades never mentioned it to you too much, but he always appreciated that you stood up to Aphrodite about him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Hades is very protective.
Always has and always will be
Being a god, he has various ways and methods of protecting you or anyone he deems worth it
Sometimes you hate it, sometimes you love it.
He honestly doesn't care.
But, really loves it when you do tbh
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Hades does care and put effort into the bigger anniversaries and such.
"What's the occasion?" You said, gently placing down the glass of champagne.
"What?! Can't I just do something nice for once?"
"Okay, fair." You laughed.
Though, if he's plotting, then forget it.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
His temper.
He knows it and so do you.
He doesn't try to hide it and you, honestly, never ask him too.
Also, this tends to go without saying, stubborn as fuck.
"What the fuck is that?"
"A painting. I though that it would look nice in your office and it does. It really makes th-Stop making that face, Hades." You groaned, "It's just a painting."
"Yeah, a painting in my office. Get it out." Hades said, "I like my office before."
"Yeah, boring." You muttered, grabbing the painting off the wall.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
A little.
He's the God of the Underworld.
Gotta keep it sharp and spooky for whatever poor soul crosses his path.
But compared to the other gods, not as much as them.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He always says that he wouldn't be, just to tick you off a bit.
But Pain and Panic know that that's a lie and now so do you.
During a fight, you two spent a week apart and he was a mess.
He didn't want to plot or do any other duties.
Didn't even conjure up any martinis for himself.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He'll talk and listen to shit about anyone and lives for it.
But.... he can't keep a secret for shit.
He will gossip about someone and then fucking go around and tell then what was said about them.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Hades NEEDS someone who can crack a smile or laugh at a joke.
He cannot be with someone who cannot laugh or take a joke.
Such a buzz kill and snooze fest, ew.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Hades fucking snores
He denies it all the time even if you have recorded evidence, but he does.
And it's so fucking loud.
"Listen, I need to actually get some sleep tonight, so can you please just use that m-"
"Then, where the fuck is that noise coming from, Hades?"
"Well, right nex-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence."
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evilminji · 5 days
OKAY. *slams open door in manic about to have opinions*
MAYBE i am binging so, SO much unhinged bnha fics? Have already sent this to all my mutual and is not ENOUGH? But everyone is focused on these BABIES and not the MOST unhinged of them all? You COWARDS!!!
That's RIGHT! Ya girl has been hitting the "yandere/obsessive/possessive" behavior tag on Ao3 and is REFUSING TO BE NORMAL ABOUT IT! I have THOUGHTS DAMN IT! AaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA-!!! *Flips table*
Why the FUCK everyone focusing on BABIES?
I get it, don't yuck someone else's yum. To each their own. I respect that. But ALSO? What lvl of unhinged could they POSSIBLY HAVE? They are FIVE. SMOOTH FACED TODDLER BABY BOYS! A CHILD!
Like? Listen...
You know how Quirks are basicly evolutionary advantages? Random protections that are hit or miss? I have touched on this before in my naruto WIP (that i never posted but shush), but there must exsist a theoretical opposite of killing intent.
A sort of loving/peaceful intent if you will. A SAFETY intent. Or, for the purposes of THIS scenario and slightly to the left of that, a "love me" field. Which? Unlike what the perverse might believe or suggest? Just makes the target... love you.
Not sexually desire.
Love. Care about. Emotional connection.
And, yeah, maybe i've just been reading too many fics where shigiraki do what shigiraki does, and he is his unhinged obsessed lil self. Too many unhinged yandere fics where i darkly mutter "you are forgetting their Core Character Motivatioooooons! Just write an OC!"
Because you can twist a characters personality WITHOUT forgetting who they ARE. Thats what makes it INTERESTING, after all. Seeing how it could go so very, very wrong. How a good emotion, taken too extreme, can corrupt! N it's not just "oh that means violence n cursing right? Immediately jumping to cruelty?"
Its the obsession. The need to consume. The manipulation and care in which they try and maintain the illusion. It isn't one crack and "whelp, fuck it I guess!". Every character is different! Breaks under the strain of 1000% loving someone, DIFFERENT. And it brings up FASCINATING dynamics n potential quirk reactions?
Cause a emotional quirk WILL work. Even on people who supposed "dont have any" emotions? Because thats not how the human body FUNCTIONS. They HAVE all the necessary components. They just have a disorder. The Quirk would be forcing their body to MIMIC "feel-Y.exe" and their body would go with that. How THEY would process that data? What would it FEEL like to THEM? Whole different story.
But they WOULD feel "love" in what ever capacity THEY understand it.
You don't want to hurt your BEST FRIEND do you? You love them. Your BELOVED SISTER? This CUTE CHILD? She seems so NICE. Or maybe it's a precious and to be protected PET? She doesn't know what she'll get, "love" is nebulous and multifaceted. Could be platonic, familial, romantic. The love of a comrade. But it's never failed BEFORE. (Not, that I imagine, she being a well adjusted young lady, would feel morally comfortable USING said quirk in such times of peace. On anybody.)
We're all friend here, right? No need to be aggressive! Hurt anybody! Let's all put our weapons down, yeah?
But! This runs into a PROBLEM. The fuckin Yandere. Your bog standard sociopath. Those to whom this love field/targeting/ray/what-have-you is either so completely foreign too or NOTICEABLE as to be ineffective. Or to whom "love" is AGGRESSIVE.
Who's concept of "love" would actually make the problem WORSE.
I bring this up? Because I am FACINATED by the concept of AfO falling in love.
He... he would be COMPLETELY unhinged about it. The very act would unlock LAYERS to his deeply fucked up, highly obsessive, mind games and bank vaults, squirrel brain.
But I don't think he'd ever WILLINGLY fall in love. Or even be capable. Might be a brain chemistry thing, honesty. But the very reason his CLINGS to his his brothers quirk? Is because his brother was HIS. They were connected. It was... the closest thing he understood to love. And he is unhinged even to this day about it.
So like? If he spooked some poor soul? With a "love me" quirk? And she, in terror, tried to blast this Scary Supervillian into Not Hurting Her? She would have NO WAY of knowing that she just made a HUGE fucking mistake. Like... conceivably, the WORST mistake.
Because all it would take? Is her NOT instantly dying. No reflexive "how dare you use your Quirk on me". And? The altered brain chemistry starts to kick in. He's suddenly getting?? All these NICE happy brain chemicals that his body has been fuckin STARVED off? Fascinating new sensations? Elevated mood?
It's fake. He KNOWS it's fake. :) But that doesn't mean he won't murder her if she STOPS :)
Looooove yoooou~♡
Does it shift in to real, deeply deranged, love? Impossible to tell. Someone for the LOVE OF GOD call All Might. But?? He's just such an unhinged MESS it's fascinating to explore how emotional quirks would even react to him? Fascinating to think about how he would REACT if he had a SECOND "little brother" scenario. A person he CARED about. But this time... WORSE because it was in a way he could somewhat comprehend AND he had FAR more power then before.
Would it derail everything? Would he be able to focus on his Machiavellian plans while being able to fold them into them? Would he fuckin CONSUME THEM like he did Tomura? Ultimate form of love, after all, to become HIM.
How long could she, the hypothetical Quirk holder, keep that Quirk ACTIVE? Fear is a powerful motivator.
Just?? Why are there not more fics about the Ultimate Creep, BEING CREEPY AND UNHINGED??? He's VERY GOOD AT IT. Has had a LOT OF PRACTICE. LET AfO be deeply insane, 2XXX!
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sailorspica · 4 months
hitch is jean in a different font
i might have a new WIP or two cooking, and one of them has me vibrating and combing over canon to make this argument: hitch as jean's shadow, their parallel journeys, her growth only a few months behind his. marlowe as a kind of marco, stohess as her trost.
for me it's all toward a reijean / hitchannie agenda but pray any hitch and jean stans appreciate:
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we meet hitch as an almost-jean: well-aware of what the military police actually is. pragmatic. in the anime's expansion of stohess, jean looks at the MPs scrambling and thinks, "i could've actually been one of them too, huh? just how did i end up here instead?"
the scene of marlowe and hitch cleaning up stohess is another anime addition, in the s2 premiere. marlowe is bewildered that titans were in sina to begin with, but hitch's focus is more mundane: "the worst thing about it all is that so many people died for no good reason." the hulu subtitles are more like "there's no official reason all these people died." levi echoes the sentiment in 59 when he bluntly tells them annie was the female titan: "no one knows a damn thing."
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levi trusts jean to feel them out for a reason, and i think hitch impressed him way more than marlowe. he respects her disgust for loss of life, and her balls to blame the survey corps for it. she's actually a mini nile dawk there, to me, when nile realizes what erwin is up to in stohess, and it makes me think that jean's pragmatism is a necessary injection of the MPs' better traits into the suicidal SC. that it's in the same chapter as jean and armin recovering from their run-in with the interior squad is telling.
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in the 125 hitch/annie date, annie is looking up at the colossals, and hitch literally grounds her. annie is struck by their height, maybe she thinks of bertolt, maybe she's thinking of her mission to prevent this from happening, but hitch doesn't give a shit about the titans themselves, only what they leave in their wake. it feels similar to jean telling eren about marco's death in 22. marco instilled in jean that a leader is honest about what they ask people to die for; hitch is disgusted by the senselessness of the death her whole career has been about cleaning up.
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i think it's easy to look at hitch yawning among the jaegerists in 139 as a bit of her cockroach quality—keeping her head down and saluting along for her survival among fascists, like shadis advises the recruits who beat him (also in 125). but we have seen her demonstrate such kindness, and mourn. practically, she must be pissed that the junta she and marlowe risked themselves to install has been totally upended; she stands by her actions in the uprising arc, look at how she and armin witness zackly's assassination. but beyond that, she hates death more than anything. she could reason that marlowe's death was toward something tangible, the truth of their world, but that it snowballed into the death of most of the world? the rumbling is probably a national holiday to those freaks. it's ghoulish to her.
for my ship agenda (even if you're into these relationships only platonically):
hitch talking to annie's crystal feels like jean saving reiner in shiganshina. everyone else was ready to discard or forget about these traitors, but hitch, jean, and armin all cling to the softness they couldn't reconcile with annie and reiner's titan forms. with what he thought were his dying breaths, reiner delivered ymir's letter. on her day off, in Wall Sina, Goodbye, annie kept her word, and tried to reunite a father and daughter. hitch might have negged her for it, seen it as busy work, but it's the same kindness she bullied marlowe for, if carefully buried under annie's insistence that it was just the quid pro quo between them.
idc that armin talked to her, too, or he knew her longer. hitch fuckin mourned her!! and i think being angry with annie, questioning her for four years, is way, way more humanizing than armin basically monologuing at her while feeling sorry for himself and bertolt and titan shifters generally. (this sounds like i hate armin but swear i love him; i just think aruani is most interesting when bertolt is involved.)
hitch accurately clocks that annie seemed afraid of getting close to people. her own fellow cadets just thought of her as distant, bored; when hange asks the scouts in the 104th about RBA's interactions as cadets, they're at a loss, even armin. even her fellow warriors didn't really see her. annie's distance was a kindness, and her own armor. she sees reibert's deep cover as a waste of time, but i think she also sees they're bound to hurt themselves and their mission in the long run. even though everyone felt betrayed after stohess, reiner was a greater shock, a deeper wound. i think annie wanted to minimize hurt on all fronts. (look how she dips out of the alliance, it's because she's tired, and doesn't want to kill eren, or anyone.)
jean comes to understand reiner only after he and connie and armin have to kill their 104th classmates at the pier. hitch can't fully fathom annie's circumstances or pain, especially not annie saying she'd do it all again, but hitch listens to it all and thanks her for the vulnerability, for softening, which is more compassion than most of the paradis side of the alliance has managed so far. she has a head start on the emotional strides jean makes in between 127 and 133, maybe because she got a bit of catharsis beating her fists against annie's crystal for four years.
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they're both sick of their shit
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