#i have mice in my brain about these men
eggbagelz · 2 years
logurt for the ship bingo?
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I can [and have!!!] written fucking ESSAYS about the sheer closeness and intimacy and romance of their relationship like. This isnt even from a tee hee theyre cute lense from a motherfucking STORYTELLING/WRITING PERSPECTIVE they just make sense!! Like i mean for fucks sake logan straight up compared how he felt abt kurt to how he felt about JEAN could you get anymore fuckin real than that???? And like that aside theres so much trust and affection and respect for one another and theyve both straight up said that they make each other feel human. FEEL HUMAN are you fucking kidding me????
And like whats cool is that their relationship is both a close close close friendship and the most loving tender bullshit youve ever seen and you cant separate one from the other bc theyre both big chunks of how they interact
Theres all these little tells that say so much abt the depth of their feelings for one another and it makes me want to gnaw on the walls like man its been decades. I think we can let them kiss now
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beinfriends · 1 year
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( sorry it's been quiet. i haven't really felt motivated to be here at all. maybe i will eventually though! but right now i'm busy being autistic about John Steinbeck novels so i think i'll continue to do that instead. hope everyone is well tho )
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bi-bard · 1 year
They Tell Each Other Who to Look After and Who to Watch Out For - Kaz Brekker Imagine [Shadow & Bone]
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Title: They Tell Each Other Who to Look After and Who to Watch Out For
Pairing: Kaz Brekker X Reader
Word Count: 1,916 words
Warning(s): abduction, vague threats of violence, actual violence
Summary: After using their power to save the life of their best friend, (Y/n)'s time of running and hiding comes to an abrupt end. Now, they find themselves in a new reality where they can either survive or risk losing everything.
Author's Note: This is the second time in the last like month that I have accidentally started something that turned into an OC. It happened twice.
Also, I thought the pattern of using a line of dialogue as a title was clever, but I fear that I'm going to regret it later.
There was a time when Inej tried to claim that everything that happened to me was her fault. That it all boiled down to one action on one night that she thought was her fault.
She was wrong.
I would say that it was mine, but that also was wrong.
If it all could be traced to one person, then it would be traced back to the man that had tried to attack her.
I reacted out of instinct. I saw Inej get grabbed and my brain focused purely on helping her.
When I had saved Kaz, I was in an enclosed space. But in that situation, it was different.
It all happened before I could truly think about it. She had shoved this man back and as soon as there was enough space, I hit him.
As he fell back, I didn't even think about the arguably small burst of light that had come out of it. Or the chance that I had been spotted by anyone.
"Inej," I said, running over to her. "Are you alright?"
She took a moment to breathe.
She stopped me by yanking me forward, wrapping her arms around me tightly. I let out a sigh of relief before hugging her back. A small grin formed on my face and my eyes closed for a moment. I was just happy that she was okay.
"Kaz would kill me if he saw that," I muttered as I stepped back.
"I'd like to see him try," she replied.
I laughed quietly, shaking my head. "Come on. We've got a job to do."
She nodded.
We went along with our night without much thought about what had happened.
I believed that I was safe. Or as safe as I could be considering the circumstances of my life.
I was constantly on high alert.
It was a natural part of living in the Barrel. Especially with the reality of who I worked with. Kaz Brekker could make a lot of people angry.
That day was no different than any other.
I was walking down the street, dodging people as best I could. The streets of Ketterdam were rarely not busy. People were usually going to work, just trying to keep their heads above water and maintain whatever vice they had.
It didn't take long for me to notice the men following me. Their eyes were too focused to merely be going the same way as me.
I didn't let them know that I was aware of them. Instead, I took turns that I usually wouldn't. I cut through alleys and took shortcuts that I saw no purpose for. My hope was to lose them by either going fast enough or just by forcing them to get confused.
I didn't get the chance to watch them run like mice in a maze.
One of them grabbed my arms after I had turned down one of the alleys. I yelled, immediately attempting to yank my arms away. I kicked the other man in the chest, causing him to stumble back.
The first man kept my hands apart, but I still struggled.
I pulled and kicked and moved as much as I could in the hopes of getting out of there.
When my attempts to escape went unsuccessful and seemingly unnoticed, I did the first thing that I could think of.
I was shoved to the ground as soon as the name left my mouth.
I don't remember anything after that.
My next vivid memory was waking up in some bed somewhere. I shoved myself up immediately, trying to get a hold of my surroundings.
I was sitting on top of the covers of a bed. Easily the comfiest bed I had ever been on. The bed was pushed against the middle of the wall that was furthest from the door. The rest of the room was full of intricate details and littered with pieces of furniture. Clearly, this was meant to be a place of luxury. One that I had never deserved and never wanted.
The room was mostly white. White walls, white bedding, white curtains for the windows, white doors. There were only a few exceptions. The floor was made of wood and laid in an intricate design. Details on furniture, the edge of the mirror, the frames of the chairs, and even the partition meant to give me some semblance of privacy were gold. Splashes of beige were thrown around too. Probably meant to make the room less like a cell than I knew it was.
As I sat in silence, trying to put together my fractured memory and devise a way out of there, I found my mind drifting.
Mainly to Kaz's office.
I had found more comfort in that office than I would probably find anywhere else. I thought back to that first night that showed him my power. And every night that I had been there after that. Moments where I would stand just in front of him, never allowing ourselves to touch. There was this silent longing. Yearning that would feel suffocating as I watched his eyes shift and move.
I would give anything to feel that familiar suffocating feeling again.
I took a deep breath. He would find me. Him and Inej and Jesper. They would find me. They would protect me. I trusted them to do that.
But I could always spare them some of the trip.
I shoved myself out of the bed, pulling on the heavy boots that I had invested in. Jesper made fun of me when he first saw them, but I defended them fiercely. They had lasted me longer than many of his hats had lasted him.
I was about to storm out of the room when the doors opened. I stumbled back a bit when a man walked in.
I composed myself quickly, straightening my spine and planting my feet.
"You're awake," he said. "Good. I hope the room was to your liking."
"Would have enjoyed it more without the kidnapping part," I replied.
He let out an amused huff through his nose. "Necessary steps had to be taken. We were under the impression that you wouldn't come willingly."
I let my eyes scan him. "Who are you?"
"General Kirigan," he held out his hand for me to shake.
Oh. I had heard stories about General Kirigan. I believe that most people had. I had never seen him before. I... I tried to not picture him. He terrified me. I knew that he had been the biggest threat to any freedom I had.
And now he wanted me to shake his hand.
I looked down at it.
"Maybe later," he mumbled, pulling his hand away from me. I looked back at his face.
"Where am I," I asked.
"The Little Palace. Safest place in all of Ravka."
I had to hold back my scoff.
"You'll be safe here-"
"I want to go home," I said bluntly.
"We both why I cannot let you do that," he replied. "You have a responsibility. We have a responsibility to all of Ravka."
"I have no interest in being a hero or a saint."
"You forfeited that decision with your little show in Ketterdam."
I took a deep breath.
"Everyone knows who and what you are now."
"I've had a target on my back my whole life. This is no different."
"It very much is-"
"I am not asking for permission. I am giving you the courtesy of telling you that I'm leaving instead of jumping from the window."
"I wouldn't do that," he advised. "It's a long way down."
Again, I had to bite my tongue.
"The two of us have a chance to do something great. To free everyone. I am begging you to see the good that this could do for everyone."
He stepped closer to me as he spoke. He wanted to convince me so much.
But I had spent far too long hiding and running to sacrifice myself now. I had been taught to run away from exactly this. My parents would cry for me from wherever they ended up. They sacrificed their lives for me to never end up in this situation. To keep me safe. I couldn't let them down like that.
So, I didn't: "I am going home."
"You can," Kirigan said. "After the Fold is down."
"No," I shook my head. "You cannot force me to be some... symbol for your cause."
"I see," he looked down for a moment.
"I am going home," I repeated. He nodded.
I went to walk around him, ready to leave. He watched me the entire time.
I only made it a few steps past him when he spoke up. "So, back to Ketterdam."
I turned to look at him again. I raise an eyebrow at him.
"That's where you want to go, correct," he asked.
"Back to that little family you found," he continued, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Inej, Jesper, and... Kaz. Right?"
I knew what he was trying to do. A small way to show me that he knew about more than merely my existence and where I had been.
I didn't respond because I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of watching me react.
In reality, I wanted to scream at him. Ask why he knew so much about me. Ask how long he had been keeping an eye on me. Ask if he knew while I was in my early days in Ketterdam and he let me form connections so he would have something to hold over my head. I hated that he probably knew more about me than anyone else in my life. Maybe even myself. But I would never let him see that anger and fear. I refused.
"It wouldn't be safe," Kirigan walked closer to me as he spoke again. "For them. You're the sun summoner. And you've been found. You can't hide anymore. From anyone."
I took a deep breath, my jaw clenching. I took note of how his tone darkened on those last two words.
"How long do you think you can protect them on your own," he asked. "That little band of misfits that you've got?"
That was enough for me.
"Let me make something perfectly clear," I snapped as I stepped forward. "If anything happens to any of them and you had anything to do with it, then you will not have the opportunity to use an ounce of my power. Is that understood?"
Kirigan's slight smirk didn't falter, but he did raise an eyebrow at me. "Understood."
I didn't stand down. I was going to make him step away. He took a sharp breath before looking away from me and taking a few steps back.
"You should spend the evening getting settled," he said. "You begin training tomorrow."
He nodded to me as a false sign of respect before stepping around me and leaving the room. It took every ounce of self-control to not try to kill him.
He knew that I couldn't leave. He knew very well that I wouldn't threaten their lives like that. I exposed my secret to keep one of them safe. Leaving now would be selfish.
I would stay, I would train, and I would do what I had to to survive and keep the ones that I care for alive.
But no one said that I couldn't make the general's life hell while I was here.
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cream0fwheat1998 · 10 months
Of Mean & Mice (Dark! Rafe Cameron x reader) 2
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Summary: Y/n thought the nightmare was over. Over a week later, Rafe and his pals find her again during the closing shift of her job. Just what exactly does aggressive, entitled man want with her?
Y/n ran to Sarah's room as tears fled from her eyes. She didn't know exactly what she wanted to do to Sarah, hit, scream or just run away from her; but all of that could wait with Rafe Cameron, her rapist, just down the hall.
When she reached Sarah's door, her feet met with a stiff force. Looking down, was Y/n's overnight bag sitting outside. The door to Sarah's room was locked but she could her music and girls laughing.
It was like a headache; the little fuzzies filling her brain until the reality weighed her down.
It was all planned from the start.
Y/n gathered her belongings and dashed toward the stairs and once she reached the front door, she glanced back and at the top of the steps was Rafe Cameron leaning against the stair rails.
He tipped an invisible hat at her; it was enough to make her puke while escaping to the pitch-blackness of the late night hours.
One Week Later
Y/n begged her mother to let her go with her mother and dad to a hospital (in a different state) for his next operation but they didn't want her to go and make her miss school. The truth was, no amount of medicine or surgeries seemed to make her dad better and they were pushing Y/n away from the inevitable; that his time was soon and they were too heartbroken to admit it.
She was alone again but this time she wouldn't be going over anyone's house or even stopping to talk with another person on her way out the door.
Y/n checked her phone, "An hour left." She made a mental note and slid it back in her pocket.
In a state of tiresome, repetitive chores, Y/n smiled at the thought of going home and tossing something in the oven for dinner. She swept the backroom of her restaurant while the front house chattered about their plans for after close.
A bell rings at the opening of the entrance to the shop and a shuffle of several different voices boomed in. I could hear our hostess groan, telling the newly arrived customers that the kitchen closes soon and we're out of some ingredients so we cant make everything on the menu.
"Well we're hungry so too bad. We'll just have what you have left and keep a low profile.'' A young man voiced.
After putting my cleaning supplies away, I walked to the exit of the backroom to see through the small window on the door a group of young men sitting in the nearest booth but a certain light brunet/blonde stood out.
The thought of everything caused Y/n's heart beat to increase; the speed made her stomach turn and the feeling that if her heart went any faster, it'd rip itself out of her chest.
Y/n's hands met the sides of her head as she slid down the cold, metal door. There was teeth biting into her shoulders, hair pulled and hips grabbed with such force that she's sure she still has a handprint on her skin.
And none of it was meant in the way she'd desired to have with somebody, one day. But now her fears of not doing well on her finals and the cosmic level of stress caused by her fathers' illness was semi-replaced with running into a handsome devil who cared for no one except himself.
She heard him and his buddies laugh. All she felt was shame and guilt from something that wasn't her fault while the man responsible for the damage was hanging out with his pals and laughing as if he'd never done anything wrong, ever.
Her shoulders slumped at the thought that he was so cruel that all he really did want from her sex and instead of asking her, he took the biggest piece-of-shit way to get there.
There was something bittersweet about this realization; that sex really was all he wanted and now that he'd gotten it, he wouldn't bother her anymore.
With an ounce of courage, Y/n lifted herself off the ground and secured her purse of her shoulder. She'd walk out there, say goodbye to her coworkers and leave for the day. She would tell them that she doesn't feel well and she'd disciplined for leaving a bit early, then so be it.
Y/n took a deep breath, prepared to walk into the lion's den and pay no mind to the monster thats an arms' length away from her.
She pushed on the door (with a little more force than intended) and strut out to the front of the store. Behind her, she felt the heat of several pairs of eyes and the sound loud whispers.
"Rafe, is that the girl?" One boy says pointing behind his back.
Rafe glanced from his fries to the girl who was obviously trying to runaway from him. There were many things in his head; and the pouty lips and wet eyes of the woman he forced into bed with him days earlier occupied most of his thoughts.
He smirked to save face, "Yeah. Bro let me tell you she's actually quite the slut. It's always the quiet ones you've gotta look out for." Rafe said, throwing a french fry at Topper like it was an airplane.
Kelce and Topper laughed out loud while Y/n picked up her pace and fled out the restaurant doors'. She didn't say goodbye to anyone.
15 minutes down the road, Y/n let out a cold sigh of relief. She saw her breath in the cold, midnight air and regretted not bringing a thicker jacket.
The sound of tires screeching against the uneven pavement of the road and bright lights that shone from behind her meant a car was coming and probably driven by someone who cares not for legal speeds.
Though Y/n got out of the way; she realized she didn't need to when the car started to slow down, following her. She looked back but in the blackness of the night she couldn't tell who was driving or what kind of car it was. The lights were too much and she turned back and kept walking away.
The car's wheels ran slowly; the driver was purposefully matching her speed. In a moment of a absent courage; Y/n took off down the road at full speed hoping to lose the stalker.
The car sped up, but not enough to run her down. It was clear they weren't gonna stop and Y/n didn't know what else to do but make a detour into the woods next to her. There were no houses or buildings to run too. She was on her own; as if that wasn't typical of her already.
While dashing through the chilly, dark woods, y/n heard the door of the car close and a shuffle of running behind her. Deep in the back of the mind, she knew who following her and she admitted to herself she rather take her chances with a serial killer.
"Can you just stop fucking running already!" Rafe screams.
Y/n knew her legs wouldn't keep up for much longer but exhaustion from running from her rapist was worth it. He would not have her tonight.
"Goddammit Y/n talk to me please! It doesn't matter how far you run or who you get to protect you; believe that I'll get you. Always!" Rafe yelled, stopping to catch his breath at a tree.
Looking back was y/n's mistake because she flew to the ground, landing chin first on cold, crunchy leaves. She used her strength to hold herself up and looked back at the large root she stumbled on and couldnt help but give it a bitter kick.
She tried to get up but realized she must of hurt her ankle when it stretched in pain; causing her to yelp aloud. The stinging chill of the night air kept her tears at bay. But she was shaking and cursed herself, knowing she'd need help to get up.
Rafe strode over to the helpless female; feeling like a warrior who fought for a prize and won. He shook his head at the distraught woman that hasn't left his mind since taking her those few days ago.
He bent down to meet her eyes and thumbed her cheek. "You are so precious. It's really cute that you thought you could get away from me." He said, wiping away some of the moisture under her eyes.
Y/n growled and threw a fruitless slap at him. Rafe just chuckled. "Come on pretty girl, you arent tough and you know it. If you really wanted to keep me away you should have bought a gun or just not leave your house. It's that simple."
Though y/n was ashamed for giving up, her ankle needed to be looked at and Y/n need warmth.
Rafe knew this by watching her shiver. This was the part of control he adored; he got to decide if she got help and what type of help she'd get. He was willing to give her all of it, if she behaves, that is.
"Alright pretty, enough games for tonight. How does an ice pack for your ankle sound? And then to bed at the Cameron house. I'm sure my bed is better than whatever shit-shack you live in." Rafe picked her up, ignoring the half-attempted pleas for him to release girl.
"Shh shhh. It's okay. You've got me now and I'll take care of you. For a price. We'll talk about it tomorrow." Rafe buckled in the silent girl, the fear radiating off her from the violent way she shook.
Y/n didn't want to admit it, but she was scared of Rafe Cameron. The smile he gave her mean he could feel it too. He loved it.
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sakiyaki-sashimi · 8 months
Get to know you questions!! Tag whoever you like :D
Writing my answers in orange!
1) top 5 or top 10 favorite animals (depending on how many animals you like)
Hermit Crabs, Pigeons, Otters, Anglerfish, Shrimp, Cats, Manned Wolves, Salamander, Sheep, Axolotls :D
2) top 3 Minecraft mobs
Mooshroom, chicken, and parrot!!!
3) favorite vocaloid song or My Singing Monsters island theme and why! (If you don’t like/know Vocaloid/MSM, just name a song or genre you like and why :D)
Fav Vocaloid song is Brain Explosion girl recently, and fav MSM theme HAS to be cold island. Or maybe earth???? Hm
4) favorite and least favorite textures, no why needed :333
Fav is squishy soft things, least favorite is ice in a freezer
5) not your favorite color, but your favorite color palette (bonus points if you have a pic of the specific palette or a photo/artwork of the pallet you like!!)
Purple, Green, Orange, Pink, and Black! Total Halloween vibes!!
6) fav book you had to read for school (fiction or non fiction work lol, and if you don’t like/have any then just name a book or fanfic you like!)
Of Mice and Men was surprisingly amazing! Thought I’d hate it tbh
7) how do you think of the months of the year in your head? Left to right, top to bottom, in specific numbered rows and columns? Tell me :D
I think of it like this:
January, February, March, April
May, June, July, August
September, October, November, December
8) assigned harry potter/ilvermorny house or Percy Jackson cabin or Warrior cats clan something like that lol (if you don’t have anything like that, star sign works too!)
I’ll do em all lol: Slytherin/Hufflepuff, Pukwudgie, Dionysus’s, RiverClan, I’m an Aries sun/gemini rising/pisces moon :D
9) MBTI???? Love those things :33 (If you haven’t taken the test yet or u just don’t wanna cuz it’s too long, are you a solider poet or king?)
I’m an ENFP-T! I thought I’d get king but I got poet lol
10) something “cringe” you actually rly like, no shame here :D
Gacha Life/Club, the styles just so cutesy! Ohhh also K-Pop, I’m a TOTAL stay :33 and DSMP, it’s just rly cool to me
11) characters from shows/movies/games you kin/stan/just adore!! NOT ACCEPTING IRL PPL PLZ AND THANK U :D (unless it’s urself, we like self love in these parts)
For me I currently kin Dazai, Edward Elric, c!TommyInnit, and I completely STAN any Project Sekai character. I mean any of them.
12) 5 people you’d wanna be at a party with and why! (Can be alive or dead, real or fake, celebrities or randos, humans or otherwise :D)
My grandpa to see him again, Roy mustang to see if he’s a bastard irl, Hachi/Kenshi Yonezu just to see how he’s doing, Kanye West to just ask him why, and BeastChild (the YouTuber) just cause I really like his stuff and would wanna meet him!
13) favorite hobby/fandom specific term and its meaning :333
I’m a writer (well, aspiring anyway, I’m not rly that good) and I love the idea of the sexy lamp. Basically if you’re writing a female character that could be replaced with a sexy lampshade and nothing about the story changes then you’re writing a BAD FEMALE CHARACTER XD
Cause it’s spooky season il leave it at 13 ;)
Happy answering!!!
No pressure tags :3 @touratoura @theancientwonder @kneecoal-mooma @citrushomie @skytheamazing @mitski-slope @a-trench-coat-of-confused-worms @dicklesswonder-blog @vicaridoo
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sarcastic-sketches · 10 months
Kitsune!Anakin Asks
@shining-nebula2000 sent a handful of asks about the Kitsune Anakin AU that I got at work and just never got around to answering so now that my brain is firing again I can go through them:
Has Kitsune Anakin ever done that fox thing where they dive headfirst into snow to try and catch mice to eat
He has and it's on my list of things to draw! He does it occasionally to hunt but the main time he did it was to retrieve some of his men who got burried in an avalanche.
Does kitsune Anakin have the power to suck the life energy out of people by kissing them (I think that’s a power that kitsune and they have but fill free to fact check me)
I don't think I've come across the concept of Kitsune being able to drain life force (though my big encyclopedia for methological creatures is in storage rn orz) but that sure would complicate Anakin's life even further. They can imbue people with elongated lifespans though iirc and that's definitely something this AU works with. Anakin, hundreds of years old, along with his descendants and his entourage of masked guardians. Oddly enough, each mask matches the helmet markings of clones who used to follow him during the Clone Wars...
I have another ask for the kitsune Anakin AU How was the whole Jedi bombing thing go you know when the temperature gets five minutes so get sprayed by Baruss (I don’t think that’s how you spell her name) how would that change or would it stay the same?
You know, this is still one of the arcs I'm not sure how I want to proceed with. It would be easy to argue that Anakin's increased sense of smell would make this whole plot fall apart really easily - also this happens after Umbara so Anakin would remember the scent of a Jedi turning bad and recognise it on Bariss. Yet, again, this arc is important for character development reasons and having Anakin just fix it is a cop out. Maybe Anakin tries to persuade Ahsoka to hand herself in, like he does in canon, pointing out that she's only making herself look worse and when that fails? He decides to accompany her.
Ahsoka: Master, this is treason! Anakin: Nope. I'm supervising you. We both know you didn't do it, so I'm going to follow you as a witness to find evidence to prove you didn't. If I can do that at the same time as keeping on eye on you then all the better Ahsoka: Won't they just think you're in on it too? Anakin: It's my job to make sure my padawan stays out of trouble. As your Master, that's what I'm doing.
Even with support I imagine Ahsoka would still be severely shaken, since the Order has shown that it cannot provide the safety it once did for it's members if the Senate wills it otherwise. But Anakin would be far less reserved about straight up telling Ahsoka to chill out at Padme's for bit before she goes off on her journey of self discovery.
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Nobody Else
Eddie x fem!reader, 18+ smut, 6.1k words Inspired by a few lyrics from Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat by Del Water Group (they’re bolded in the fic)
CW: one-sided pining, smoking, grinding, protected sex, p in v, aftercare, mention of unprotected cockwarming, fingering and cunnilingus, edging, crying, possessive!Eddie, slight dom!Eddie, overstimulation, dry humping (Eddie to the bed), praise kink, fluff at the end
Tags: @hawkinsroyaloutcast​ @eddiemunsonfuxks​ 
Idk how but after editing it got 150 words longer...pls lemme know if you like it! This is the longest one shot I’ve ever written 🥵
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You had a minor crush on Eddie Munson for a while—one that you were determined to get rid of because you knew he’d never go for you—before he suggested being friends with benefits, which you immediately said yes to but in a cool way.
“Hey y/n!” Eddie called from the doorframe across the hallway. Your head turned at the familiar voice. You and Eddie have had a few classes together and were paired up for most of the group projects in those classes so you were not quite friends but not quite strangers. You were acquaintances who would do class work and then smoke together, but Eddie was cool and you liked a lot of the same stuff so you wanted to actually be his friend.
You finished grabbing your books out of your locker and walk towards Eddie, “What’s up Munson?”
“I’ve got a question for ya,” he mused. “Don’t take it the wrong way alright, you’re hot and pretty cool, and you get along with the band and we always have fun when we smoke so I wanted to ask-“
“Oh my god, just spit it out Munson I have to get to Spanish,” you said, adding a breathless laugh on the end.
“Alright alright, Christ,” he responds, hand going up to rub the back of his neck. “Do you wanna be friends,” he pauses. “With benefits?”
Your brain stuttered and you paused for a little longer than you probably should have, but to have the guy you’ve been crushing on and been teetering on the edge of friends with ask you to casually have sex on a regular-ish basis? That was totally unexpected.
While your brain had been restarting, Eddie’s eyes searched your face for any inkling of a response before he huffed and said, “forget about it. Just forget that I said anything, it was stupid.”
He started to walk away but you quickly shifted your books to one arm and grabbed his wrist with your now free hand, “Eddie wait, wait.”
He paused and looked back at you, a mix of hurt and annoyance graced his usually happy features. “Yeah,” you breathed. “Let’s do it, why the fuck not.”
That had brought the biggest smile on his face, but he quickly hid it with his signature smirk. “Cool, meet me at my van after school yeah?”
You nodded and went your separate ways to class.
You couldn’t stop thinking about Eddie after that. Payed no attention in any of your classes, all you could think about was the fact that soon Eddie’s hands would be all over you. His lips would be all over you, his dick would be in you. And because of the not-so-pure thoughts that ran through your head you were getting turned on in the middle of English class talking about Of Mice and Men.
After that class you kinda rushed to your locker and swapped the books you had in your bag for the books you needed for homework—though you probably wouldn’t be getting any done tonight—and then walked outside while steadying your breathing. You saw Eddie in the left corner of the parking lot. He leaned against the passenger side of his van, cigarette in hand, talking to Gareth and Jeff. It’s like he felt your eyes on him because his flitted to yours and he smirked.
“Hey guys!” You said to Gareth and Jeff when you reached the van.
“Hey, y/n! How are you?” Gareth said with a hug.
“Hey y/n,” Jeff smiled.
“I’m good, thanks! Eddie and I are gonna have a smoke session while we work on the history project otherwise we’d invite you guys to hang out tonight.”
“Ah that’s alright, I’ve got family dinner and Jeff has a date tonight so it works out,” Gareth smiled. “We gotta do another smoke sesh with all of us though! I miss hanging out with you, 
y/n, Eddie needs to bring you around more often!” He half-yelled as he and Jeff started the walk back to their cars.
“Smoke session and history project, huh?” Eddie said, after he took a drag from his cigarette. “Nothing else? No other plans?”
“Shut up, Munson. I didn’t think you’d wanna let the world know we’re gonna be fuck buddies, plus we do need to work on the history project.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, I think smoke and sex tonight, history project in the morning. It’s Friday anyway, no one should be doing homework on a Friday.”
He flicks away the butt of his cigarette and opens the passenger side door for you, helping you in to his van.
“It’s only 4 pm Eds, you really think we can’t work on the history project even a little bit?” You asked when he got into the driver’s seat.
“Nope, we’re smoking and then having takeout and seeing where the night takes us,” he looked over at you and gave you a toothy grin.
And that’s exactly what happened that night. You smoked, ordered Chinese food when the munchies hit and then smoked some more.
By 8 pm you were fed and high as a kite and still so horny from thinking about Eddie in class so you took the first step. You shifted from where you were sitting next to Eddie on the couch, getting up and standing in front of him. His legs were spread, one arm on the edge of the couch that was previously by your head, the other held an almost finished joint to his mouth.
He removed the joint from his lips as you straddled his lap, rubbing your needy cunt on his crotch as you got comfortable. Eddie smiled from where he sat below you. Wrapping his free arm around you he held you to him as he leaned forward to put the butt of the joint in the ashtray on the coffee table. He pressed a quick kiss to your clothed shoulder as he dropped the butt in the ashtray and leaned back into the couch.
His hands ran down your sides, your hips, your thighs and stopped at your knees, where he drew lines at the junction of your knees and thighs. He looked up at you, pupils blown from a mix of weed and lust, and you both stayed silent as his eyes followed your movements.
You crossed your arms reaching for the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head, tossing it to the couch beside Eddie. His hands still ran up and down your thighs, drew circles by your knees. His eyes bore into your chest as you reached behind to unclasp your bra, finding its way to the ever-growing pile on the couch. 
His hands went wide, gripping your thighs tightly as his eyes raked over your half naked body. He followed suit, ridding himself of his shirt. You both looked at each other, marveling at the newly exposed parts of you both that neither of you had seen before.
“Y/N, we only have to do this if you’re comfortable,” Eddie said, eyes trailing from yours down your torso. HIs hands were still splayed on your covered thighs.
“Eddie,” you sighed. You rolled your hips against his jean-clad hard-on, eliciting a moan from his soft, pink lips. “Touch me, please.”
He met your eyes and slowly, agonizingly slowly, trailed his hands up to your hips, thumbs finally meeting skin. His hands were calloused and rough but his touches were delicate as his hands traced your figure. When his thumbs caressed the underside of your breasts you let out a shaky breath, hips moving of their own accord to create friction on the blossoming heat between your thighs. Thumbs trailed over your nipples and you arched into him. When he took your hardened buds between his thumb and pointer fingers and tweaked them you moaned and Eddie’s eyes went wide. He tried to readjust himself below you but instead dragged gasps from both of your throats as his throbbing, clothed cock met your warm, clothed core in a slow stroke.
“Kiss me,” you practically begged, and he happily obliged. He wrapped his arms around you, sitting up to meet you halfway and pulling your bare chests together as he took kissed your lips with fervor. It was a sloppy kiss, full of tongues and bites and open mouthed moans as you rocked against each other, chests together creating tantalizing friction on your sensitive nipples. You pulled back, a line of spit connecting your lips to his, and wrapped your arms around his neck as he stood and walked you backwards to his bedroom.
He settled you on his bed tenderly, kneeling between your open legs. He trailed kisses down your neck and chest. He took your right nipple into his mouth, tongue swirling around it he suckled and let go with a pop. When he blew cool air on its slickness, your back to arched towards him. He lavished your left with the same treatment before kissing down your stomach.
“Can I take these off?” He asked, hands on your hips. You nodded and he made quick work of your jeans, pulling them down and tossing them into a new pile to be made on his bedroom floor. He looked to you again for confirmation before dragging your panties down and tossing them to the floor with your jeans.
You sat up, hands reaching for his belt. Eddie pulled you in to a kiss, hands on your cheeks, as you worked down his jeans and boxers. When his cock sprung free from its confines he groaned into the kiss. He released your mouth as soon as your hand grasped him, his hips bucking into your fist.
“Bedside table,” he breathed, one of your hands still pumping his cock while the other reached for the condom.
He took the condom from you and gently pushed your shoulders down to the bed. You looked down at him between your legs and watched as he rolled the condom on his aching dick, your own fingers dipping into your needy cunt to prepare yourself for how big he is. Eddie watched your fingers sink into your wet pussy as he pumped his cock a few more times before lining himself up with your weeping hole.
“Ready?” He asked, eyes meeting yours again. Your yes turned into a moan as Eddie pushed himself into you slowly. Your walls stretched around him, back arching into his chest, knot in your lower stomach starting to form. His arms held him above you as he watched your face change with pleasure, your mouth dropping open in a silent oh, and your eyes rolling back. It was a sight that would never leave his memory.
He inched himself into you, reveling at the feeling of your walls pulsing and fluttering around his cock. As soon as he was buried to the hilt your cunt squeezed around him eliciting beautiful noises from his kiss-bitten lips. 
“Jesus H Christ, Y/L/N, fuck me,” he breathed. “If I’d known how greedy your pussy was—swallowing me so well—I would’ve asked to be fuck buddies a while ago,” he teased with a smile.
“Shut up, Munson,” you met his eyes with a half-laugh. “And move, please,” you asked, nails digging into his shoulders.
He loved that he had you begging already. He knew after this—after getting to feel your hot, wet cunt—that he was going to sit you down and talk all things sex and kinks so you both could get the most out of this friends with benefits relationship.
He kissed up your chest as he pulled back slowly, meeting your lips and swallowing your moan as he pushed back in to the hilt.
“More,” you begged. “Faster, Eddie.”
And he was happy to oblige. His kiss became more demanding as his thrusts became more forceful. The sound of slapping skin and muffled moans and the scent of sex filled the room. He held himself up with one hand and led one of your legs around his waist, your other one following soon after. At this angle his tip was hitting that sweet, spongey spot inside you that had the coil in your stomach winding tighter and tighter.
“Right there! Fuck, right there,” you whined. He dipped his head to yours, taking your lips in another heady kiss as he continued his assault on your pussy. One of Eddie’s hands trailed down your hips towards your center and traced rough circles onto your clit, drawing a moan from you.
Without warning, the coil in your stomach snapped, and your walls fluttered and squeezed around Eddie’s cock as you came. He let out a soft fuck at the way your pussy gripped his cock, your slick leaking down your thighs and ass as he continued to fuck you through your climax. A few more thrusts into your wet cunt had Eddie’s dick twitch before filling the condom with his seed, the sound that left his throat as he came was animalistic and raw. He continued to piston into your heat as his cock softened and your pussy fluttered around him before he pulled himself out and rid himself of the used condom.
Eddie slid off the bed and lifted you into his arms as he walked into his bathroom. He set you on he toilet so you could pee while he grabbed a towel from the sink and wiped your slick from his thighs and the base of his dick. He tossed the used towel into his hamper and helped you climb back into bed, pulling the sheet over your naked bodies. You were confused but thankful when Eddie wrapped his arms around you and laid your head on his chest.
“Do you need anything? Water, a snack? Cuddles, a movie? Sleep?”
“Eddie,” you said questioningly. “We’re friends with benefits. Isn’t now the point where I put my clothes back on and do the walk of shame home?”
His laugh reverberated in his chest. “Just because we’re friends with benefits doesn’t mean we won’t do aftercare or hang out after we fuck.”
He pulled back to look at you, “don’t tell me your asshole exes never gave you aftercare.” Your silence was loud in his ears. “Jesus, okay so aftercare is what we need after sex. Sex can take a lot out of you mentally, emotionally and physically and aftercare is supposed to supplement the missing parts of those after, hence after care. Like for me, this right now, this cuddling and a little hanging out is what I need after sex.”
“Okay, um I think cuddling and hanging out will be good for me but also maybe talking? About what we did and then also maybe just in general? My ‘asshole exes’ never really talked about what they liked or didn’t like or ask what I liked or didn’t like and usually just went to bed or played their video games after.”
“We can definitely do that,” Eddie smiled at you. “Cuddling, hanging out and talking. That’s a good start.”
“And maybe some reassurance that this isn’t going to change our friendship at all,” you laughed.
“Oh so we’re friends now?” He chuckled, “don’t worry Y/N, nothing is going to change.
So the rest of the night consisted of cuddling, a movie, and talking through the good parts and not-so-good parts (of which there weren’t many) of the evening as well as just talking in general. Before you knew it, both of you were asleep in Eddie’s bed.
That was the first time you stayed the night at Eddie’s and nowhere near the last.
That was six months ago. And since then you talked kinks, hard limits and soft limits, and everything in between. You explored each other’s bodies at least once a week, sometimes multiple times a week, and usually ended up spending weekends in the Munson trailer. Eddie opened you up enough to start exploring your sexuality more, he made you comfortable enough to talk to him about what you’ve done, what you want to do and what is a little scary but a little interesting to you. He talked through what he’s done, what he wants to do and what he’ll be happy to help you test out.
You know some of the gang is getting a little suspicious—there were only so many projects you could blame your extended periods of time together on—but neither of you really care. You’re both content with learning about each other and through each other.
There are also times where one or both of you aren’t up for sex on one of the nights when you hang out. Instead, you’d go to the movies or get dinner or just smoke and plan the next DND campaign together. It was nice. It is nice.
And your crush you swore to get rid of? It’s still there, and you still try to snuff it out so you don’t ruin the good thing you have going with Eddie.
It’s Friday and Eddie has been a tad more touchy than usual at school recently. Even going so far as to hold your hand under the cafeteria table at lunch today, his thumb rubbing circles into the back of your hand.
When the bell rings he says by to the boys and walks you to your locker.
“My place after school?” He asks, shoulder blocking you from the rest of the hallway.
“Yeah,” you smile at him. “What plans do you have for us tonight?”
“That, my dear Y/N is a secret. But I think you’ll enjoy it,” he smirks, a lustful glint in his brown eyes. You scoff and close your locker.
“That’s what you said last time.”
“And what? You didn’t like warming my raw cock in your wet little pussy and not being allowed to fuck yourself on it? I, personally, loved how needy you got after a while and how much you clenched around me.”
“Eddie!” You half-laugh, half-scold him, smacking his arm softly with your textbook. “I’ll meet you at the van after last period.”
“See you then, sweetheart.”
Classes went by quickly and you’re buzzing with excitement about what Eddie has in store for you at his trailer all through last period. When the bell rings you get up and head to your locker to switch out your books and pick up your homework for the weekend. Walking outside, Eddie and the van aren’t in their usual spot at the corner of the lot. Instead he’s right out front, leaning against the passenger door with a cigarette like the first Friday night you fucked. 
“Hi, Y/L/N, ready to go?” He asks with a smile and open arms.
“Well this is different, and more out in the open,” you laugh, accepting his hug. You part from each other and he opens the passenger door for you.
“Oh such a gentleman,” you tease hopping in.
“Enjoy it because I won’t be a gentleman when we get home,” he smirks at you when he gets in the drivers side. You shiver with anticipation and he starts the van starting the drive to his place.
The drive is comfortable, constant conversation flows between you as you talk about school and life and sex.
“Can I get a hint, pleaseeeeeeeee?”
“No ma’am,” Eddie says with a laugh as you turn onto his street. “My lips are sealed.”
“Ugh fine,” you huff.
“Have patience, sweetheart. I promise you’ll like it.”
He pulls into the driveway and you both get out of the van and walk to the trailer door. Once inside you both put your backpacks by door and stand in the doorway looking at each other.
“So,” you pause. “Are we smoking and doing takeout like usual or?”
“No smoking. I want you to be present for what we do tonight, I want both of us present,” he smiles slowly, eyes raking over your body. “Up to you if you want to eat before or after. It might be a while.”
“Food after,” you say a little too quickly. You’re too excited to think of anything other than Eddie and his plans.
Eddie smiles and holds his hand out, palm up. You place yours in his gingerly and he walks you to his bedroom. Once inside his room, the door closed, Eddie put on music at a low volume and met you in the middle of the room.
“Can I-“
Eddie shakes his head and kisses you quiet. It’s a soft kiss, and when he pulls back he starts first. He rids himself of his shirt, toes of his shoes and takes off his jeans, standing before you in just his black boxers. You’re yes go wide as Eddie kneels and helps you take off your shoes. He moves his hands to the top of your shorts and with a nod of your head shimmies them down your hips, placing a kiss on your newly exposed thigh. He stands and removes your shirt with another nod of your head.
You stand together in the center of his room. Eyes taking in bodies. The air between you is charged, but something feels different this time. Eddie snaps out of whatever haze he was in when you ask shyly, “do I get to know what’s on todays agenda now?”
He smirks, “I want to see how long you can last.”
You rack your brain trying to understand. Then it hits you, “edging?!”
“Yes,” he says with a nod. “I know it was an interest for you and I think we should try it today.”
You stay silent.
“What are you thinking? Talk to me Y/N.”
“I-“ you pause. “How? I mean, with what?”
“Just my hands,” he smiles at your sudden shyness. His eyes trained on your lips as you pull your lower one between your teeth.
“Yes? I need a solid yes or no, sweetheart.”
“Yes, Eddie.”
He smiles and settles himself in his bed, on his side with one hand propping his head up and his back to the wall. “Come here,” he says patting the open space beside him. “But take off your underwear and bra first.”
You do as he says and lie down beside him, flat on your back with your face turned toward him. Your eyes meeting his sweet brown ones.
“You know your limits. We’re going to use lights for this okay. What are they?”
“Green means keep going, yellow means slow down, red means stop.”
“Good girl,” he coos. “How are you right now? What color?”
You breathe deeply, thankful for the addition of praise. You talked about that a few weeks in to this. “Green,” you say lightly.
“Talk to me okay? Tell me how you’re feeling.”
All you can do is nod your head. Anticipation and nerves running high, your body erupts in goosebumps as soon as Eddies warm hand runs over your stomach. He lazily runs his fingertips across your tum, and down towards your core. Your thighs open wider for him.
“Green,” you let out with a breath.
“That’s my girl.”
His hand dips between your thighs, middle and pointer finger running through your wet folds.
“So wet for me already? What has you dripping like this?”
“You,” you sigh as his fingers stroke through your folds again, teasing at your weeping hole. “You, Eddie.”
Eddie groans and his dick twitches in his boxers. He’s growing hard from your admission and how vulnerable you’re willing to be for him. He hopes he can hold out long enough to see this through.
“Babygirl, you’re so good to me.”
At the pet name, your hole clenches around nothing, his fingers beginning to work at your engorged clit. Eddie rubs slow and fast circles over your sensitive bud as he watches your face change in pleasure. You feel a tightness start in your lower stomach.
He kisses your bare shoulder, “look at me Y/N.”
You struggle, the pleasure shooting through you overwhelming your senses, but you open your eyes to look at him.
“Play with your tits while I touch you.”
Your eyes go wide but you nod. Bringing your hands up to squeeze and knead at your breasts. As you move to tweak your nipples, Eddie moves his fingers from your clit and slips one inside your cunt.
The gasp that falls from your lips is music to his ears. He continues to watch as you pinch and roll your hardened nipples, reveling in how your pussy clenches around him with every pinch of your sensitive buds.
He thrusts his finger into you at a slow pace, reaching that sweet spot but barely caressing it with the tip of his finger. “How are you?”
You don’t respond, head still turned towards him, eyes closed in ecstasy. He removes his hand at your lack of communication and you whine at the loss, cold air hitting your pussy where his hand was keeping you warm, walls clenching around nothing.
“Eddie,” you breath out.
“What color, Y/N?” “Green, so so green.”
He laughs lightly and palms your warm cunt before slipping two fingers in this time. You let out a soft fuck and arch your back. Your hands go back to kneading and giving attention to your sore tits. Eddie works his fingers in and out of you at a faster, more eager pace, thumb coming to rest on and rub at your clit.
The coil in your belly tightens all the more. Eddie feels the flutter of your walls and he pulls his fingers from you.
You mewl, and nudge the arm his head is resting on with your nose. “Eddie.”
“I know honey, I know you were close,” he pulls his fingers to his lips and sucks them into his mouth. Tasting your sweetness for the first time today, he groans. “Always so fucking sweet.”
You watch him as he licks his fingers that were just inside you and your legs move to close and create pressure where you need it.
“Ah ah ah,” he tuts, hooking his top leg over the thigh closest to him and keeping you open. You whine again but he swallows it with a kiss. He pulls back and your lips chase his. He trails wet kisses down your neck and shoulder, leaning over enough to lick a stripe over your breast and take a nipple into his mouth. You gasp, hands moving to his hair to keep him close to your chest. He moves from your nipple to the top of your breast, kissing as he moves but stopping to nip and bite and mark you.
When he notices your breathing level out again, his hand trails back down to your core, repeating his ministrations from the first round until you’re writhing under him. Walls fluttering around his fingers, he pulls away. This time you cry out, hips bucking up trying to chase his touch.
“Color, Y/N.”
“Fuck, I don’t know, I just want you, please.” Your head is getting fuzzy with need and you can’t think straight. You just want Eddie’s hands on you, fingers in you, mouth on you, cock in you, something.
“Baby, you know what you need to do to get my touch.”
“Green,” you huff. He can tell you’re getting antsy, chasing a high he won’t let you have, but he also knows when you’re truly done. When you’re really overstimulated and recoiling from his touch instead of chasing it.
“Good girl.”
After heady kisses, trails of hickeys and hands on tits, his hand moves to your cunt again. Fingers pumping faster, hitting the spot that has you squirming and trying to fuck yourself on his fingers. Bringing you just to the precipice, before removing his hand for the third time that evening. It feels like you’ve been here for hours, begging for his touch, for release.
There are tears in your eyes as you let out a breathy, “green. Please.”
He kisses your tears away before meeting your lips with his. You open to him, all tongue and teeth. When you pull away to breathe again you meet his brown eyes, soft and full of lust. Both of you are looking at each other with so much desire and reverence as he runs his hand up and down your body, from your stomach to your collarbone that’s now littered with hickeys from his last attack to your lips and neck. Your breathing alines with his and he lets his hand trail lower.
“You’re doing so good for me sweetheart. So so good,” he moves his fingers slowly through your folds with his praise. Fingers moving first to your clit, puffy and sensitive and begging for a release. Eddie rubs circles into your nub before pinching it which elicits a mixture of a moan and scream from your throat. He groans and says what he’s been thinking for the last few months, “I don't want anybody else touching you like I do.”
You can hear him but can’t respond, throat closed in pleasure.
“Is it okay? That I don't want anybody else touching you like I do? Tell me that nobody else touches you like I do. Tell me that nobody else touches you like me.”
He continues to rub and tweak your clit faster and harder until you move to push his hand away. He pulls back entirely. “Color?” He asks before looking to your face. You’re actively crying from the overstimulation and edging. “Baby? Y/N?”
“I-I can’t do it anymore, I can’t go any further. Red.”
His heart squeezes. He hates to see you in any sort of pain, even if it was from too much pleasure. “Okay baby, that’s okay.”
He pulls your body closer to him and strokes your hair to try and calm you down.
You’re overwhelmed. From his hands, from the edging, from his confession. Your breathing slows as Eddie kisses your forehead.
You meet his eyes.
“Can I help you get what you need? Can I help you finish?” He asks with so much sincerity and care.
You nod, “please.” Eyes going watery again from the build-up of pressure in your belly. It’s withered but still lingers, an ache you know won’t go away until you cum.
He smiles softly at you, “I know we haven’t done it yet, but can I use my mouth?” He asks eagerly. “It’ll be the softest way to get you there.”
“You want to-to eat me out?” You question. He knows no-one has ever gone down on you before. You mentioned it months ago after you gave him a blowjob that he said ‘was so amazing, lemme return the favor.’
He nods, “please, baby. I want you to finish on my tongue.”
You nod and his smile grows wide. He moves down the bed from his position beside you, settling himself on his stomach between your thighs. You feel his warm breath fan over your wet, aching cunt and hiss at the feeling, your puffy lips so sensitive from Eddies earlier onslaught of pleasure.
“Green, Eddie, please make me cum. I need it.” You whine.
With that, Eddie dips his head to your pussy. He flattens his tongue against you licks up your folds. You moan and your hands find leverage in his hair. You pull him against you to keep him close to your core, overwhelmed by the pleasure and new feeling of his mouth on your most intimate parts.
His soft, wet, warm tongue catches your throbbing clit, running circles around it until he sucks on it. You arch your back at the pleasure, hands pulling him closer to your cunt, smothering him in your wet folds.
He continues his assault on your clit before kissing his way down to your weeping hole. You clench around his tongue as he thrusts it into your pussy. Eddies hips move of their own accord, humping the bedsheets below him at the same pace he moves his tongue in and out of you. He pulls out his tongue and circles your hole before pushing back in you pull on his hair at the sensation. He moans into you and you feel it everywhere. It reverberates through your entire body, nipples hardening, toes curling, heart racing.
His nose puts pressure on your clit as he continues to eat you out, tongue thrusting into your cunt at a ruthless pace until your walls start to flutter around the wet muscle. It hits you like a freight train. The coil snaps and all the built-up pressure releases.
“Eddie!” You scream his name and close your thighs around his head as you cum in spurts onto his tongue. Your legs shake around his head as more and more of your slick coats Eddies tongue, lips, and chin with the shockwaves that continue to hit you.
Eddie keeps eating you out through your prolonged orgasm, reveling in how much you’ve given him. Your legs drop open and the hands in his hair push him away from your aching cunt. He kisses his way up your stomach and chest before moving beside you.
You reach your hand towards Eddies clothed cock wanting to help satisfy him like he did you. Squeezing him through his boxers you sigh when you feel the wetness on his front. “You came?”
“Same time as you actually. I told you before that I can get off on just eating pussy,” he lets out a breathy laugh. “How are you feeling?”
He smiles, “understandable. Bath or a shower?”
“Bath, I don’t think I can stand right now,” you laugh.
“Your wish is my command.”
Eddie removes himself from the bed and take off his soiled boxers on his way to his bathroom. You hear the water start running and a few minutes later hear it stop. Eddie comes back into the room, and picks you up bridal style out of bed. He walks you to the bathroom and sits you in the tub first before climbing in behind you.
Pulling you back into his chest you lay together in the tub in silence for a bit. Eddie’s hands run softly over your arms and stomach as he peppers kisses to the back of your neck and shoulders.
You’re the one to break the silence.
“Did you mean it?”
Eddie stopped his motions, “mean what?”
“What you said before I called red. About not wanting-,” you pause, nervous that it was said in the heat of the moment and not intentionally. “About not wanting anyone else to touch me?”
He’s silent for a bit, his hands finding a resting place on your stomach. “Is that something you want?”
“Eddie, please answer me,” you say, tears threatening to fall for the second time that night. “I can’t-I-”
“Hey hey hey, Y/N, Y/N don’t cry please, I’m sorry,” Eddie says frantically hands finding and squeezing yours under the bath water. “Yes, I meant it. I don’t want anyone else touching you like I do, I want you to myself.”
“Really?” You let out with a hiccup.
Eddie puts his hand under your chin to turn you around and face him. “Yes, Y/N. I’ve wanted to say that for months now. I just didn’t know how you would take it. If you would want it too.” His eyes search yours for an answer to his worry.
“Eddie,” you coo, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips. “Truth be told, I’ve had a crush on you for a while. I don’t think I could ever find anyone that touches me like you. I don’t want to find someone to touch me like you. I want you.” 
“You’re so perfect, how did I not realize I needed you sooner? How were you under my nose the whole time but it took a stupid idea from my horny brain to make me see that?”
He hugs you closer to him in the water and you sit together in the bath until your fingers and toes are get pruny. You get out and dry each other off and Eddie brings you a t-shirt to wear to bed. Your legs are still weak and wobbly, so he picks you up and places you in bed. Eddie crawls in beside you in just boxers and you fall asleep in his arms, happy.
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pandorasboxofhorrors · 8 months
2023-#4: Response to “The Thing in the Fog”
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My last written bit for 2023 was going to be a neat sci-fi continuing the Mekon’s story (see 2020-#4: Eight Ball to Corner Pocket and 2021: #3-A Relaxing Interlude). However, the best plans of mice and men usually end with human skeletons and fat mice. I heard from another Tumblr user responding to this year’s true Halloween tale, 2023: #2-The Thing in the Fog. This Tumblr user shared a strange and spooky story, best told in his words:
“The online posting you referenced involving Burlap Man’s disappearance was not accurate. I know this because I wrote it thirty years ago. Here is a more accurate account of what really happened.
“If you happen to have been in Chicago in the summer of 1995 and you frequented the Lakeview neighborhood, you might have stumbled across an urban legend. This urban legend was real and was a horror beyond imagination, as Lovecraft put it. I had retired in 1991 after a hectic career as a newspaper reporter. It was the bad economy of the early 1990s, and that I was past retirement age, which sent me into retirement. I had worked as a newspaper reporter in many cities - and for an extended time in Chicago. I seemed to be cursed to regularly be assigned stories that led to the occult, cryptids, or worse. These stories led me to the things people do not want to know about. In the early 1970s, I was called back from vacation to work on a news story involving murders with the victim’s blood drained. You can probably guess where that went.
“I had a good run as a reporter in Chicago, but that ended after a story about an underground storage company. I sort of stumbled upon “something” in the lower levels of a very deep facility. I barely escaped with my life. Unfortunately, some government bigwigs were involved with the storage company, and I found myself out of a job because lizard-brained bigwigs wanted the story silenced. After I retired, I returned to Chicago and tried to avoid anything off kilter. Luckily I had some money, from investments in a robotics tech company I investigated in the 1970s. I was physically in good shape, and I really did not look my age. I sure looked like I was in my 50’s - but certainly not 73. I should mention that I was born in 1922, so I guess I am sort of 101 now. There has been no diminishment and very little aging. I have had to lie about my age for years. The only explanation I have is I once walked into a magic circle of a “youth drainer” and interrupted her spell. It’s either that or my vitamin brand is right.
“Anyways, the only problem was that I was restless. So I took retail jobs in eclectic shops in Lakeview. I worked with some odd people with blue hair and random body piercings. It was interesting, and I did not fit in since I was older. I used to walk down Clark Street after work and often buy a cigar. I eventually ended up working for the cigar store for the social interaction, since it was either that or chess with Ron, an old coworker. It kept me occupied, and after a few months I heard about something that caught my interest.
“I heard about this Burlap Man, and he was known to be lurking in the area at night. He was described as being just as you described him, almost seven feet tall and four feet wide. He wore stitched burlap sacks over his entire body and head, but you could see his beard. Some people said when they saw him at night he was so terrifying that they were paralyzed in fright. So I prolonged my walks after work, and after about a week I saw him in a dark alley. I could not believe what I was looking at since it very much appeared like something from a previous story I worked on decades ago.
“Twenty years previously, I worked on a news story about a man permanently asleep being studied at a Chicago university. This man was intentionally dream deprived, and this somehow allowed him to physically manifest a deadly Cajun boogeyman out of his own nightmares that dwelled in the sewers of Chicago. I returned to this same university and learned that they were performing a similar sleep study, with another dream deprived permanently asleep man. The difference this time was that the sleeper was not Cajun: the dreamer was just dreaming up a real life boogeyman. This new boogeyman was a lot smarter than Pere Malfait, its Cajun counterpart.
“This dreamt up boogeyman understood its existence, and it knew it needed to be free of its dreamer and have an independent existence. To that aim, it found victims late at night, removed them back to its lair with the broken shopping cart, and devoured them to make its body more of matter of this world. My online account was accurate in that I followed him back to his lair, but it sure was not a SUV. When he took off the burlap sack he was not a muscular man underneath; his body was only partially formed. About a third of his body was composed of black shadow, the rest was forming new flesh from what he consumed. There was a beard, but no eyes. He saw me and I soon found myself unable to walk, frozen in place. This boogeyman exhibited psionic ability. He could induce paralyzing fear or make people ignore him, which he did to the police when you encountered him. I am not new to facing such horrors, and I took out a small crossbow I have had ready for decades which was blessed to slay rakshashas, and I have given it a lot of use. I figured that the dreamer had summoned up the boogeyman, and his weakness was known to be light and fire. Two burning crossbow bolts to the chest did not harm him, and he was very close to me by then. I fired a last bolt at a shadow section of his arm that was not solid matter, and he immediately let out a terrible moan and was dispelled like a ghost, with its shadowy ectoplasm melting away into nothing, the formed fleshy parts of his body hitting the ground. I made sure the fire left nothing.
“When this was over I posted that bit online you saw so it would be known that Burlap Man was gone in case anyone else was hunting him. I did not expect to still be here thirty years later. I am sending this to you now since we live in a time when outlandish things are commonplace, and no one will ever believe ever this. But I do recommend to any readers: never underestimate what can lurk in the shadows, if you can imagine it, it probably exists somewhere, or will exist someday, or exists right now and is watching you.”
CK, October 2023
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bonesandthebees · 8 months
oh ive got another question
how were your literature classes (or english classes where you did literature) in like middle/high school (basically in classes that were mandatory and not chosen)
bc here like half the books we learn about are czech and the other half are important books from all around the world
but my friend from france told me that they only learned french literature in middle and high school so they never did like shakespeare or tolstoy or the iliad
I known usa is kinda known for almost only teaching about usa even in history, geography and so in literature it wouldnt be surprising, but maybe its different
oh this is an interesting question
very interesting to see the difference in literature education around the globe! I will say I don't remember anything I read in middle school, and my high school wasn't 'normal' in terms of the books we read bc I went to a kind of weird STEM focused school?? idk how to explain it but I did go to a normal high school for my first year so I have that under my belt
anyway, we didn't necessarily read american exclusive books, we did read books by english people as well, but that was the extent of it for the most part? like in my first year of high school we read 1984, of mice and men, to kill a mockingbird, books like that. then I transferred to the weird school so my second year I read hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and some others, and then we had a choice of books we could read to write an essay on and we were given a list to pick from. I chose fahrenheit 451. the year after that I was in an english glass that had a focus on medical history?? so I read the hot zone by richard preston which was actually super fascinating, it was a book written about the ebola reston virus outbreak in the 80s and went into the science of epidemiology and the strains of the virus and all that. we also read death be not proud by john gunther (a memoir from a man whose son died of a brain tumor in the 1940s so it discussed the cancer treatment that existed in the 40s), the things they carried by tim o'brien, the jungle by upton sinclair, it was a very interesting selection
anyway, yeah, didn't have a very normal high school literature experience. either way yeah it was still mostly american/british centric
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also full disclosure: I was both a very good student throughout my teens, and also a huge asshole who was largely irritated by having to take so many humanities when I could have been doing calculus all day every day (though I was also an avid reader). And while I do in fact still use the calculus, that is entirely by choice.
Meanwhile I reference the books that I could not stand with frightening regularity. I mentioned Of Mice and Men, a book I had to read twice for school due to switching from private middle to public high school, and which I detested both times, in passing like last week, because it is in fact good and important writing even if my 14-year-old ass hated it and I still have no particular love for it in my 30s. People are out here writing meta on Dracula Daily voluntarily. I mean, it is the right of the teenager to hate having to do something good and nourishing simply because you are told to do so, but upon reaching adulthood one should hopefully look back and be like "oh right, eating vegetables, going to bed before 3 am, and having to be conversant about Romeo and Juliet when my brain was still half-cooked are the reasons why I am more than just a miserable pile of bones and hatred today"
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huanglaoshu · 10 months
Reading too much into things is fun!
Here's Sir Roderick Glossop:
"It really is quite extraordinary, my dear Bertie," he said, "how associating with you restores my youth. Your lightest word seems to bring back old memories. I find myself recollecting episodes in the distant past which I have not thought of for years and years. It is as though you waved a magic wand of some kind."
--Jeeves in the Offing, chapter 14
And after he outlines a plan, Bertie narrates:
His words left me all of a glow. When I thought how I had misjudged him in the days when our relations had been distant, I burned with shame and remorse. It seemed incredible that I could ever have looked on this admirable loony-doctor as the menace in the treatment. What a lesson, I felt, this should teach all of us that a man may have a bald head and bushy eyebrows and still remain at heart a jovial sportsman and one of the boys.
--Jeeves in the Offing, chapter 14
And then he tells Jeeves about it:
And in a few brief words I outlined the programme and the events which had led up to it. He listened attentively and raised his left eyebrow a fraction of an inch. "Was this Miss Wickham's idea, sir?" "No. I agree that it sounds like one of hers, but actually it was Sir Roderick Glossop who suggested it. By the way..." ... "Well, as I say, it was from his fertile bean that the idea sprang. What do you think of it?" "Ill-advised, sir, in my opinion." I was amazed. I could hardly b. my e. "Ill-advised?" "Yes, sir." "But it worked without a hitch in the case of Bertha Simmons, George Lanchester and old Mr. Simmons." "Very possibly, sir." "Then why this defeatist attitude?" "It is merely a feeling, sir, due probably to my preference for finesse. I mistrust these elaborate schemes. One cannot depend on them. As the poet Burns says, the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley." [a tangent about Burns followed by Bertie getting mad followed by...] The blood of the Woosters is hot, and I was about to tell him in set terms what I thought of his bally feeling, when I suddenly spotted what it was that was making him crab the act. The green-eyed monster had bitten him. He was miffed because he wasn't the brains behind this binge, the blue prints for it having been laid down by a rival. Even great men have their weaknesses.
--Jeeves in the Offing, chapter 15
Anyway. Look! A love triangle!
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melodythebunny · 2 years
This is fine - monster au
Between me finding that comic yesterday and @ninjastormhawkkat mentioning snuggles I decided to write...
(Or something-)
Tagging you guys so you can be subjected to my 3 am writing 😈
@drtwobrainsstuff @liloskull343 @spaaceeboyy @lartmacabre @earth-420-69 @ninjastormhawkkat
There was many things Carrie knew she would look back on later in life and tell her kids and grandchildren about.
She was simply minding her own business, going shopping if for the evening. NOT trying to be robbed AND DEFINITELY not trying to be whisked away by a local criptic.
Yet here she was hanging from the creatures mouth, dangling like a leaf in the wind as it ran. It took while before it slowed down and by then, she was already dizzy and disoriented. The young woman shook her head trying to get rid of the nausea she was feeling from being jostled around.
It was crawling at a normal speed by now, giving her time to examine her surroundings. It looked like an old abandoned factory. similar to the old cheese factory just outside of town she saw an old cheese advertisement, confirming her suspicion.
So the fiend had been hiding here the whole time!
One the company lost A ton of money, the workers just left. They didn't bother packing any equipment with them. And due to time and climate many of the tools to run production began eroding away.
The mouse like creature turned into what used to be the cheese vault. Chewed through boxes and wrappings were telltale signs the creature ran through the old supply. Which would have lasted the town for 10 years on average.
in the middle of the enormous storage room, was a messy pile of hay, paper, cardboard and as well as some cotton.
It had taken her to it's nest.
Was it going to eat her? No. She read from the numerous reports that the were beast only had an appetite for cheese.
Mice usually lived in groups called mischiefs. There however was just one weremouse… so maybe it was just lonely.
"uhh…Thanks…for helping me?" Her small voice barely ducking in the large space.
carrie wasnt sure if the weremouse could even understand her. Then again it helped her from those men, so maybe it could. She kept speaking in a calm tone despite her underlining fear. After all it wasn't like you see a giant mouse everyday.
Aside from the were mouse's height, Carrie frowned at her shortness. It made the floor seem a longer way down. She closed her eyes trying to take her focus off that, being that she had a mild discomfort of hieghts.
"but ummm…could you put me down now…?" She asked cringing inwardly as her voice became somewhat high pitched from fear.
It blinked before slowly lowering her to the ground. She sighs in relief. She falls into the pile bits of hay sticking to her hair and clothes. the ginger brushed them off as best as she could. Barely gotten to take a step forward before she was pulled backwards.
Carrie Lets out a small "eep!", startled by the sudden movement. Her brain was still processing the last few moments.
The mouse's paws gripped firmly, keeping her in place. The message was clear.
'This is okay…i'm fine. This is fine.' she thinks trying to calm herself.
cautiously, she glanced over the now laying weremouse. Her jade eyes meet its crimson red ones.
It nudged over a price of some cheese. Gouda…smoked gouda. She wasn't hungry right now though. Even if she was, she was too busy trying not to panic.
Carrie would've attempted to leave again but decided against it. The last thing she wanted to do was tick the mouse off. The creature's fur was warm and soft. Like a soft carpet or blanket. She yawns suddenly feeling sleepy. Low snores came from the mouse. The eyes were closed signalling signs of sleeping. well, it wasn't trying to hurt her, so that was a plus?
Exhaustion eventually caught up. Spending countless nights, trying to help Steven catch the weremouse. She sighed. How ironic. she wasn't going to be back home in time. Their sorta first kinda not date and she wasn't going to be able to make it. Sorta because the restaurant they were going to sounded costly and fancy. kinda not because, Steven was a bit hard for her to read sometimes. He had two kids from previous relationships and his work kept him busy all times of day and night.
date or not date, Carrie didn't want to stand him up either way.
Another yawn.
It was getting harder to keep her eyes open.
A nap wouldn't hurt. She couldn't go anywhere and possibly for the next few hours she'd be will be stuck here.
'sorry steven…'
Carrie snuggles into the fur, feeling safe. maybe it was sleep deprivation talking but hearing the breathing and steady heartbeat of the were mouse was strangely comforting. that added to her sleepiness.
Eventually she blissfully nods off as well.
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anotherghoul666 · 1 year
7:A song to drive to
19:A song that makes you think about life
7:A song to drive to As I mentionned before, I don't drive so I have no clue what makes a good driving song hahaha XD The first time I answered this question I provided the type of song I listened to when my dad drove me places. Now I shall provide a public transport song, a very clear memory in my brain from 2010-2015 when I was in university, which I rode the metro to for over an hour each way, every day. I had to keep myself hype and ready to tackle the Horrors of Socializing XD And this album was a regular spin to wake myself up at 6 in the morning while glued to people's backs in the metro.
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Of Mice & Men - Second & Sebring Some good ol' easy metalcore to whip you into shape at ungodly hours in the morning!
19:A song that makes you think about life Previously when I answered this question, I talked about how the death of an artist I never met or saw live but that meant ther world to me put life in perspective and made me ponder its meaning. Some fun lighthearted answer! XD So let's say equally lighthearted and talk about depression and anxiety weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Life, when you're a neurodivergent person like me, when you have mental health issues and trasuma like me, is often about those differences or those disorders taking over. And if you get through that period of it taking over, then life becomes a reflection of what you've traversed and sucessfully conquered. In that same university period, you got me reminiscing today uh? xD, I dealt with some of the most intense bouts of anxiety I remember having. (Now that I know I'm autistic it was probably also autistic meltdown because of how overstimulated and strung tight I was in uni, but I digress). By 2015-2016 it got to the point where I could not leave my apartment to go grocery shopping, and I lived across the street from a grocery store. I could not feed myself I was so fucking terrified of having to interact with neighbours in the hallways and elevators; the thought of crossing the stress and maybe doing it wrong or not going at the right time or dropping something in front of cars of tripping in front of cars and getting ran over paralyzed me so I couldn't walk the few meters to the store; and don't even get me started on the store itself, the other patrons, the cashiers, people looking at the food I bought, etc. I was stuck in a cocoon where I was miserable and in profound pain and anguish 24/7. Music of course was one of the few things that kept me going. And I clung furiously to bands and artists that put the pain I felt in lyrics and songs. I just wanted to be seen and told what I experienced was normal. Artists who shared my pain were my buoys in the seemingly endless sea of anxiety paralysis. One of those core artists that kept me alive was Lunatic Soul with their Walking on a Flashlight Beam album.
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Lunatic Soul - Gutter Specifically this song, Gutter, felt like it held space for me and how I felt. Those lyrics. That felt like the description of a panic attack to me. That's how I felt all the time. "The fear is what I need, what I need to believe. The feer is what I need, what I need to feel." I lived on fear, and it killed me just as much as it kept me alive.
Nowadays I look back on this artist and this record and I still love them dearly, but they don't feel like words are taken out of my mouth anymore, thankfully. My live's done a full 180 since and I'm better than I have ever been. But Gutter is still a track that I made my life partner listen to when we met. Within a few weeks of getting together we were in her room and we traded meaningful songs of our lives back and forth, to get to know each other better. I played this one and another Lunatic Soul track about being terrified to be loved. We cried so fucking much. We knew, we saw each other, and things were alright. So yeah, Gutter I've used to summarize my life before. I feel it qualifies for the question haha.
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mellabelles · 1 year
Raw Quote Poetry
"It had come about ex­act­ly in the way things hap­pened in books."
~ And Then There Were None
"A man without study is a hostage to his own faults."
~ The Coldest Winter Ever
"Nothing that's worthwhile is ever easy."
~ Message in a Bottle
 "But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."
~ Dune
"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know."
~ The Garden of Eden
"Maybe everybody in the whole damn world is scared of each other."
~ Of Mice and Men
"Rumors have flourished in worse soil than this."
~ The Intuitionist
"I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing."
~ Moby Dick
"And, now that you don't have to be perfect you can be good."
~ East of Eden
 "Books became her friends and there was one for every mood."
~ A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
"Beauty is an enormous, unmerited gift given randomly, stupidly."
~ And the Mountains Echoed
"I wish, as well as everybody else, to be perfectly happy; but, like everybody else, it must be in my own way."
~ Sense and Sensibility
"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
~ Infinite Jest
"You will become way less concerned with what other people think of you when you realize how seldom they do."
~ Infinite Jest
"I'd far rather be happy than right any day."
~ The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
"I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be."
~ Great Expectations
"To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves."  
~ Blood Wedding and Yerma
"She was too young to know that in the effort to rouse a man, women frequently kindle fires that they neither can quench or control."
~ Freckles
"Angry people are not always wise."
~ Pride and Prejudice
"There is no hate such as that born out of love betrayed- and my brain screamed out for revenge." 
~ Flowers in the Attic
"I threw myself into that fire, threw myself into it, into him, and let myself burn." 
~ A Court of Thorns and Roses
 "And death has a way of removing one's inhibitions." 
~ Transylvanian Roulette
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I was tagged by @onmywaytonarnia so here's some stuff about me
Nickname: Florida Man or just Florida (god help me, I hate it down here...)
Height: 6'1" or 6'2"
Last thing I googled: Perseverance rover
Song stuck in my head: for some reason I have a mashup of Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls and Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson stuck in my head. I don't know if I actually heard a mashup somewhere, or if they were both part of that 4-chords song by Axis of Awesome, but I can't stop thinking of the two choruses layered on top of each other (🎶and I don't want the world to see me cause I don't think that they'd understand/🎶I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly🎶)
Follower count: officially 3222, but I noticed when I was just starting out that tumblr inflated the actual count by like 20, 30, 40%. When it said I had 100 followers, I counted, and I actually had 85. When it said I had 1000, I only had like 700. I stopped counting after that, so I have no clue how many I actually have right now. Probably more than 1000, but probably not more than 2000. I have maybe 100 followers who regularly interact with my stuff, about 30 of whom are mutuals (maybe 10 or 15 close friends).
Amount of aleep: AHAHAHAHAHAHA (5, maybe 6 hours on a good night? Sometimes none, just endless tossing and turning because my brain won't shut off)
Lucky number: 13, and I'm not being ironic about that. I'm serious. 13 is my favorite number of a variety if personal reasons
Dream job: I want to be part of a creative team, I want to work with a bunch of people to make something for people to see! I want to make art, and I want to collaborate so I'm not alone. Writing scripts or making props or dressing sets, some manner of production design. I want to craft!
Wearing: Goodfellow t-shirt and cargo shorts
Movie/book that summarizes me: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir feels like it was written for me personally. That is how my thought process works, that is how I deal with problems, that is who I want to be. I have a higher than average understanding of math and science but I always try to explain it in as simple terms as possible for people who find it all too daunting. This is the kind of book I want to write, sci-fi that explains the sci.
Favorite songs: Ramblin Man, the Gambler, Country Roads, the Devil Went Down to Georgia (I'm noticing a country pattern...), anything by Weird Al Yankovic (Hardware Store and Albuquerque are probably my top 2 of his),the Little Shop of Horrors movie soundtrack, White Squall and Northwest Passage by Stan Rogers (I went through a sea shanty phase when Wellerman was big), anything by Jonathan Coulton (Skullcrusher Mountain, Code Monkey, Blue Sunny Day, Big Wide World One, Shop Vac, Mandelbrot Set, to name a few), Climb Out Your Window, Addicted, and Here We Go by Walk off the Earth, and the Celtic Woman cover of Danny Boy (this is my go-to cry song; if I need a nice long cry, I put this on and it all comes flowing out of me)
Favorite instrument: I love brass, trumpet specifically, I could listen to Louis Armstrong all day
Aesthetic: analog technology, typewriters, instant photography, clockwork watches without quartz, sacrificing convenience for the sake of privacy, nostalgia for the early 2000s (but through the eyes of a child, so no George W. Bullshit)
Favorite author: per capita, Andy Weir. He's only written 3 books, but I love them all and want to emulate him. Max Brooks for World War Z. Cormac McCarthy for The Road (very depressing, but hopeful near the end; one of the only books to really tug at my heartstrings). John Steinbeck for Of Mice and Men (another heartstring tugger). Audrey Niffenegger for The Time Traveler's Wife.
Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
Favorite colors: cyan, lime green, heliotrope purple
Favorite animal sounds: the scuttling of crabs on pavement, the sneef-snorfing of a curious dog, the bleat of a baby goat, the EHHH of a baby sloth, the MEHH of a baby deer, the chirping of bats, ethereal whale songs
Last song: either I'm Going to go Back There Someday from the Muppet Movie, or Hey I Don't Work Here by Tom Cardy
Last Series: Owl House (Lulu + Hootcifer 4ever!!! Oh yeah and lumity's pretty good too I guess)
Random: I once learned all the lyrics to Bobby Darin's Mack the Knife without ever actually listening to the lyrics of Mack the Knife. Like, I listened to the song all the time, but I never paid attention to what was being said. It was just gibberish to me, but I learned the gibberish, and I sang along to it in the car one day and my mom asked why I was so enthusiastic about murder. Turns out Mack the Knife is about an old londontown ripper named Macheath. Still a banger though.
@goldenmoldies @olivia-online @nsomniacsdream @schifty-al @richardjager @n-brio @orange-birdie
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moonlessnight125 · 2 years
The incorrect quotes of metal gear rising revengeance part 2 sentence starters
"This blood loss has made me delirious, tell me a story."
"Holy shit."
"[Name] I'm playing another gacha game. Please destroy all records of my credit card debt before the police come."
"I guess you could say a good _____ never dies [name]."
"Well well well if it ain't the feds."
"Unhand these brains."
"Kids are cruel [name]. They lose touch with it at the ripe old age of twelve."
"Warcrime this, can't eat the drywall that, microwaving mice is wrong they said."
"What the fuck."
"Kids love video games, that's why I have them spinning the wheel on all my favorite gacha games."
"You refrigerated a preschool for fucking jpegs?!"
"Like every casino is one big conspiracy? Bullshit!"
"Demand for my products are about to skyrocket, like the good old days after the 9/11!"
"Wait a minute 9/11 is bad."
"Speak for yourself, lets debate this on the roof."
"Looks like you're a gacha player at heart."
"Is that because of my brain damage?"
"Now activating woman deflectors."
"Like I said [name] kids are cruel."
"I'm fucking invincible!"
"[Name] how did you get an aircraft?"
"By the way [name], do you remember that bank you sent to the past tense?"
"I'm gonna not see you in a second."
"Not today I guess."
"Oh shit free bike."
"There are rumors that the nords are attempting to capture the whole of solstheim."
"Anyone looking for work should consider the fighter's guild."
"[Name] you ran over the child 9 miles back what are you going to do?"
"Good day."
"Oh so now you decide to stop."
"I'm running late."
"Oh don't worry [name] the clown college is closer than you think."
"Yeah it's right in front of me."
"You're ass will always be cringe and my ass will always be thicc."
"Oh good, you're getting more based by the day."
"Hey [name] look at this cool bug I found!"
"Guess I don't have a choice. I challenge you to a debate."
"What the fuck? No."
"Dies of cringe."
"Zamn dog give me some of that."
"I have kept them alive by the miracle of child sacrifices."
"Well that sure made everything easier to understand."
"Oh my god it's my dad."
"Oh fuck, I've returned! With a puppy."
"Last time you got those you disappeared for 10 years."
"No! I wanted to feed you that chocolate."
"Well if it isn't saucy [name]."
"Bro are you high?"
"Let me check. Yes."
"High on American spirit, and there's nothing more American than shooting a man in this walmart of a world."
"What is ______?"
"It's heaven [name]"
"Check the internet lately?"
"[Name] hop onto _____ you need to see this."
"Fuck I hate this website."
"It's all fucking weeb shit [name] it doesn't make any sense."
"These baboons don't even know were at war with _____"
"This one is calling me a redditor"
"Memes, gacha, e-girls, all petty distractions so real men can get down to business."
"That's a nice argument [name], why don't you back it up with a source?!"
"My source is that I made it thr fuck up!"
"I've got my own to debate online."
"Check it out [name] - I just got vaccinated."
"Oh god he's hot."
"Time to hit the gym."
"It's funny because thousands of people die."
"Don't fuck with this senator!"
"Snap into a slim jim."
"Read a fucking book."
"I was wrong about you, you're not cringe. Your just fucking _____
"We're making the mother of all omletes here, can't fret over every egg!"
"You need to work on your fitness."
"My blood is red white and blue [name]. I wonder what color yours is."
"You can't give up yet! Think about every mentally deranged moron you've fought up until this point!"
"You are the best chia pet."
"Even in death he's on crack."
"I always said that my sword wasn't a weapon but a tool. But this isn't my sword. It's a fucking mistake."
"You know I'm starting to have a change of heart."
"Yeah I can tell."
"If I hear another god damn pun-"
"Oh shit, my black berry."
"Well, the police might be after him for that vehicle manslaughter."
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