#i haven't even watched s2 of shadow and bone yet
riality-check · 1 year
By the time Eddie’s ninth birthday rolls around, his parents have been dead for two months.
He gets a little sad when he remembers that fact. He remembers them, he’s old enough to, but he doesn’t really remember what they were like. He remembers that he has hair and eyes like his mother and a face like his father, but he doesn't know their favorite foods or the lullabies they liked to sing to him when they were home.
They were gone most of the time, deployed by the First Army again and again, until one day, they didn’t come back. Since then, Eddie has been with Uncle Wayne - he's Grisha, so he and his dad didn't talk much before - at the Little Palace.
It’s nice, even if it was weird at first. Eddie went from living off rations to having quality meals for every meal. He went from owning two shirts to owning ten. He went from running around outside to, well, running around outside, only this time, it’s on manicured lawns and safely maintained woods instead of on dusty dirt roads and barren wheat fields.
Outside is all he really has, aside from the little house he and Uncle Wayne have on the grounds. Eddie isn’t Grisha, so he isn’t allowed inside the Little Palace.
He’s okay with that. There’s a whole bunch of stuff to do outside, between the forest and the fields and the lake, while he waits every day for Uncle Wayne to come back from teaching classes about fire. 
Sometimes, there are other people outside, too, but Eddie doesn’t talk to them. He doesn’t think he is allowed to, even though Uncle Wayne never gave him that rule. The other kids his age seem pretentious, anyway, with their bright, expensive clothing and chins held high.
Eddie might be living a lot better now, but he still doesn’t like rich kids very much.
His train of thought is interrupted when he falls out of the tree he’s perched in.
Luckily, he doesn’t fall very far. He was eight feet up, at the highest, and now he’s on the ground, having landed and rolled the way his dad taught him to the last time he was home.
That thought makes Eddie sad again, so he makes his brain swerve away from it.
Eddie stands up and brushes the grass off his pants, but instead of being alone, like he was, before there’s another boy standing in front of him.
He’s pretty. That’s the only word Eddie has for him. This boy is pretty, from his wavy brown hair to his smooth skin to his perfect, straight smile.
The adult teeth Eddie has growing in are already noticeably crooked, and he only has three of them.
“Hi?” he says, and it sounds like a question because he doesn’t know who this boy is. That and because he’s wearing white, and the only Grisha Eddie has ever seen wear either red, blue, or purple.
Either this boy is special, or he’s not Grisha. Eddie kind of hopes it’s the second one. It would be nice to not be the only one, even if this boy is wearing clothes that are worth more than Eddie.
The boy doesn’t say hi back. He instead points at Eddie’s forehead, where a cut and a bruise from yesterday’s failed attempt to swing from one tree to another are still healing.
“I can fix that,” he says.
Eddie doesn’t care one way or the other what his face looks like, but this boy looks like he does. He looks completely uncomfortable with being outside, and it doesn’t look like he belongs here, either. Not with his pristine white robe and his perfect, pretty face.
The longer he looks at Eddie, the worse his face scrunches up.
“Okay,” Eddie says. And then, because he’s polite, “I’m Eddie.”
“Steve,” the kid says. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, too. Are you going to fix my face?”
Steve huffs out a surprised little laugh and takes a step closer. “I can if you hold still.”
“I’m bad at that,” Eddie admits.
Steve giggles. “You’re funny.”
“You haven’t fixed it yet.”
Steve rolls his eyes, but he brushes his hand over Eddie’s forehead, and Eddie feels a sort of warmth, like the itch of a scab, before it’s gone just as soon as it came up.
“There you go,” Steve says. “It’s fixed.”
Eddie reaches up toward his forehead. The skin is smooth, but when he presses down, it aches.
Something must show up on his face because Steve says, “It’ll still hurt.”
“I thought you said you fixed it.”
“I did. It’s gone. But it’ll still hurt, at least until it heals on the inside.”
“How do you know that?” Eddie says.
Steve shrugs. It’s the first careless gesture Eddie has seen him make.
“I just do,” he says.
Eddie frowns at that, but before he can say anything, Steve turns around and starts walking away.
“Will I see you tomorrow?” Eddie calls.
Steve stops and looks over his shoulder. “Maybe.”
In Eddie’s world, maybe means make it happen. He’s determined to.
He watches Steve walk back toward the Grand Palace, not the Little Palace, and wonders who on earth he is until he hears Uncle Wayne calling him in for supper.
there's more here.
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atalana · 1 year
me watching sab season 2, just mentally repeating to myself: it's not an adaptation it's high budget fanfiction, it's not an adaptation it's high budget fanfiction
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lucianalight · 7 months
Hi! I'm back :) after another long hiatus😅 I have missed all of you❤️
First of all a huge thank you to everyone who were worried and asked about my health and how I was doing. I wasn't doing well tbh. I'm one of those people who had the misfortune of never quite recovering from covid. I already had one chronic illness that was messing up my life and health. Having another on top of that takes a lot of physical, emotional and mental toll and limits my energy greatly. So I needed time to get used to my new reality and condition and learn to how manage it and live with it. It's still a work in progress and doctor appointments are seeming endless but at least some meds are helping. So there's that.
You probably already know the second reason why I wasn't doing well. I've seen terrible things…And you need time to process them. To grieve, to deal with trauma and survivor's guilt, and nurture your anger and keep fighting, keep resisting…
And well, internet connection still sucks so using social media is kind of an ordeal :D
There were a lot of times that I wanted to come back on tumblr but every time some issue would come up and take my motivation and energy. Then two weeks ago, after I couldn't crush the little ray of hope that maybe this time I'm going to see sth I like, I started watching season 2 of Loki. I watched it while promising myself that I'm not going to care anymore if it's bad, reminding myself that I might see sth as bad as season 1. Still I was surprised that I didn't hate it. On the contrary there were moments that were entertaining and even enjoyable. And those moments were more than the ones I dislike. It was better than season 1 and admittedly that's a low bar since I consider S1 one of the worst tv shows I've ever seen, but there were noticeable changes in pace and tone of the narrative and characterization in S2. Some issues in S1 was addressed. Loki was actually the main character of his series and got to do badass magic stuff :D The characters were flesh out and three dimensional and likable(I love OB so much :D). There was no romance. The ending was great.
There were of course things I didn't like. Removing Loki's backstory and his issues with his family from the story is one of them. How some of his moments in past was addressed. The episodes at times got boring or very predictable. There were times that Loki was ooc or comedic moments that weren't delivered well.
It wasn't perfect but at least acceptable. And probably the best Loki content we got since TDW. And I liked the ending a lot. I found myself keep going back to rewatch some scenes. I found myself analyzing the content happily. I had things to say. So here I am :D basically I'm 100% back to my Loki bs and I'm making it everyone's problem :P
Whether you loved the series or hated it, you're welcome on my blog and you're welcome to send me your opinions and engage with me in discussions and metas. I will tag posts accordingly in case you want to avoid certain content(tbh I still don't know what the new tags will be because I haven't written anything yet but I will make a post when I do).
There will be posts of some new fandoms so block their tags if you don't want to see those posts. The new fandoms are Sandman tv show(I haven't finished the comics so plz don't spoil them for me), Wednesday, My Hero Academia, Shadow and Bone, and The Bifrost Incident.
As I mentioned above I'm dealing with multiple chronic illnesses and have a limited energy each day. I will try to answer your messages, comments and asks as soon as I can but it might take a long time. Sry about that.
And finally a warm welcome to all the new followers and thanks to everyone who are still following me❤️
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chaosandwolves · 1 year
Ok my thoughts on s2 of Shadow and Bone
What I liked:
The first four eps were the strongest imo
I loved how they incorporated the crows into this
The costumes!!! (hello Jesper)
Most of the fight choreos since they were perfectly fitted to the character (actually didn't like the choreo in ep6 though)
Tolya and Tamar (thank you queer gods)
Genya and David
Ben Barnes was outstanding and so fun to watch
I liked the pace up until the last 3 eps
Mal as Stormhond? I dig it
They kinda speed ran Kanej but it was still well made and we got the "I'll have you without your armor" quote
WESPER (seriously they were the cutest ever and had such great chemistry)
Wylan (I KNEW Jack would be perfect but actually watching him being the perfect Wylan was amazing)
What I didn't like
I'm mighty pissed about David. Given how important he was for Nikolai in the books and that we didn't even get the relationship between him and Genya properly. There was no need to kill him off so early. I'm really pissed about that (I feel like it's Eskel all over again although we at least got a few scenes with him)
Though I loved Tolya and Tamar I think they didn't quite manage to explain their role in all of this and why they're doing what they do so they seemed a bit randomly placed at times
I didn't like that they sidelined Zoya and that she wasn't with Genya and Nikolai. Obviously they've changed Nikolai's and Alina's story now but man we didn't really get to see any of what makes her Zoya. I mean they hinted that they'll still give her the storyline with that bee but yeah
Like 5 minutes in total of Matthias... Like what was that?
Pekka Rollins now ruling Hellgate - and probably more- kind of negates what Kaz did to him. If it all ends up with Kaz destroying him after all, I'll be happy but that way they really took away from the importance of what Kaz did. It was all he worked for why he is who he is... So I'm like... Yeah they either need to fix this (which I think they'll do or at least they'll revisit this story) or they absolutely built and destroyed that storyline in one go
I'm really not the person who's like "but in the books" or "the books were better" cause these are different mediums, different ways of storytelling and different ppl working on it.
I'm not sure what I think of Alina's storyline now. And which way this will go. I guess they did that to keep her on the show and I sure as hell hope Ben will make a return as well. But I was very... Ok.... When that happened cause it's actually an integral part of who she is that she's NOT drunk on the power in the end and doesn't turn into a person like the Darkling.
I'm gonna be mighty pissed if next season we finally get more Matthias but then he's killed off.
Yeah. I mean finally s3 will be the Crows season.
Also I think even though they upped their gane with Kaz, I think he still could've been more brutal... More Kaz
I hope next season there is more brilliant scheming. Cause imo we haven't really seen Kaz' brilliance yet.
Ok I'm done
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Intro Post
Hey, this is Aven, and this is my new writeblr!! I may have accidentally deleted my old one 😭😭😭.
Pronouns are he/they. I'm young-ish writer focusing on writing YA, since that's what I like to read.
Currently working on several things, you're more than welcome to take a looksie!
I'm autistic and ADHD, physically disabled, super queer, and even more traumatized, and yes I do make that stuff my whole personality. If you don't like it, then please DNI.
Also I cuss a lot, way more on here than I do IRL.
My ask box and DMs are always open to chat, I'm a lonely little hermit lol. Feel free to tag me in games or challenges!!! If I don't participate it's because I'm out of spoons, not because I don't want to.
A bit more about me:
What I Like
Creepy witchy shit
Doll Collecting (mostly vicariously thru YouTube cause that shit is EXPENSIVE)
Anything by Rick Riordan
Anything by Tamora Pierce
Any other good YA or MG spec fiction book I can get my grabbers on.
Taylor Swift
Fall Out Boy
Nordic/Celtic Fantasy music like Faun, Skald, Wardruna, AURORA, etc.
The MCU (newbie fan)
Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal
Good Omens (haven't watched S2 yet)
SPN (Newbie fan, only on S6)
Shadow & Bone
Gravity Falls
What I Write
I mostly write YA fantasy and sci-fi. Expect plenty of queer and neurodivergent rep, sibling relationships of all varieties, bad puns, the odd bit of creepy stuff and a lot of heart. I'm especially into mythology retellings, dragons, space operas, and exploring trauma and inner character motivations. Not so big on the romance, but I'm getting more into it.
Tagging System
Random stuff like shitposts, 2AM thoughts, etc is tagged with
#random shit,
Stuff about my irl exploits is tagged with
#life update
Stuff relating to my writing in general is tagged with
#my writing,
And all posts relating to my main WIP right now are tagged with
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sotwk · 6 months
Thank you so much for reblogging that Ben Barnes gifset, I have been staring at it for a solid 5 minutes and now I'm drooling 😭😂
(he is to me what wet Éomer is to you?)
Tumblr media
Ooooh girl, I have LOVED Ben Barnes since his Prince Caspian days and followed him to The Punisher then to Shadow and Bone! (Haven't had the chance to mourn the cancellation cause I haven't watched S2 yet!, but booooo!)
Ben was my go-to fancast for my male OCs before Henry Cavill came along. Besides the rest of his amazing looks, those haunting EYES totally make a case for the superiority of dark eyes over blue/green.
So yeah, even though he's been surpassed by other blorbos over the years, I still love him and can totally relate to the staring and drooling. XD
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restlessmaknae · 5 months
2023 drama recap
Note: these are dramas (webdramas & one cdrama & one Western show as well) that I’ve watched this year, but not all of them were released in 2023.
Shadow&bone s2: not gonna lie, this one felt messy and a bit all over the place, but I guess when you read the books and the TV show is a mix of different book series, it's expected
My review: 6/10
Use for my talent: the supporting couples carry this show on the back, I have nothing more positive to say because the main leads' love triangle is super annoying and the kiss scenes are so forced and unrealistic, it's not even funny anymore :') I haven't yet watched it until the end, but so far:
My review: 6.5/10
When i fly towards you (cdrama): this was a charming drama that got me until the second half of it when it lost its charm, and I realised that it's way too unrealistic, there were a lot of cringey scenes, the end felt dragged and repetitive, and I didn't really see any character development even though we saw the main leads growing up (but props to the second leads, I really loved their dynamics!)
My review: 6.5/10
User not found (webdrama): it was more enjoyable than annoying, but overall, it did have some unnecessary drama and the main female lead's acting wasn't up to my liking
My review: 7/10
Tracer: I'm pretty sure it would have been more enjoyable if we had managed to find good subtitles for it because the acting was really good, but I didn't get the plotline fully because of the Google Translate-like subs, so yeah, that's why it's only 7.5 (but Im Siwan's acting is 10/10 as always)
My review: 7.5/10
The witch store reopens (webdrama): it was perfectly fine considering that it was a webdrama (so expect some overexaggerated acting and such), it was cute, funny, and the leads (Yonghee and Yerin) did well
My review: 8/10
The heavenly idol: I've watched it for Kim Minkyu, but it was unexpectedly serious at times (touched upon bullying, double standards for idols, the nasty parts of the showbiz industry), so it did surprise me positively - however, the special effects were a bit odd at times, and you can't take the storyline seriously, but if you let go of reality, it's pretty enjoyable
My review: 8/10
Revenge of others: it was pretty dramatic at times and I didn't necessary like the big plot twist at the end, but I really loved the investigating part of it and the whole storyline wasn't that predictable
My review: 8.5/10
Seasons of blossom: this definitely delivered some emotional punches (read: I cried), and the acting was really good on the leads' part, some other acting was kind of forced, but overall, it was a meaningful drama
My review: 9/10
Crash course in romance: me and my mother both really enjoyed this show, we were waiting for the episodes to come out week after week. It was really funny, had some serious topics to touch upon, and the acting was overall really good. I deduct 0.5 point because sometimes I didn't feel the balance between the crime part (yes, there's one like that) and the main storyline, it wasn't that annoying, but I have to mention it
My review: 9.5/10
King the land: it was similar to Business Proposal to me in terms of how much I enjoyed it and why I deduct 0.5 point - it was funny, it was cute, the acting was really good, but there were a lot of clichés that you can't help but shrug off because it was really enjoyable
My review: 9.5/10
Castaway diva: I have 3 episodes left, so this is not my final verdict, but it's been really good so far, I really love the way they touch upon such sensitive topics, and the acting ranges here on the three main leads' parts are just wow! (I only deduct 0.5 point because of Yoon Ranjoo and her whole showbiz team, it's like they can't decide which side they want to be on)
My review: 9.5/10
Twinkling watermelon: my favourite drama this year, genuinely a 10/10, it was funny, heart-warming, heart-breaking, and very meaningful, would highly recommend
My review: 10/10
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jeansyvesmoreau · 6 months
hi! this is your secret santa from @ithinkheknowss Swiftie Secret Santa 2023!!
First of all, I am so so so sorry for the late ask today, its probably a different day for you now, I have just been incredibly busy today! i hope you are having a great day!! as for yesterday, the inej comment is SO REAL I think she might be my fav too, tho I also rly rly like Kaz and Jesper soooo idk. The good omens hyperfixation is so real ngl, I love it too, me and my bestie watched the whole thing together right after s2 came out, I was very excited about the renewal news! Them cancelling shadow and bone made me so mad and I haven't even watched it yet! I've been wanting to watch that Lockwood show and bottoms (I REALLY wanna see bottoms)! The hunger games is everything to me, I don't even know how to explain how much I love it, there are so many layers and I think it offers a rly important social commentary while also being an amazing story with an amazing romance, especially for being YA!
Thank you so much for the time difference info, I guess that means your up right now? And that it's Saturday for you? (Once again, as it's barely still Friday for me, I am so sorry about missing Friday on your end, and will definitely send the one for tomorrow inna more timely manner, I've had a hell of a day)
As for today, I was wondering what are 5 movies or shows that you really want to watch but haven't gotten around to yet?
your secret santa
omg you've watched good omens as well?? this is actually so fucking cool, I can't WAIT for season 3 even though I'm probably going to be in college by the time it comes out lmao. Tbh I love all the crows so whoever you say is completely valid, and you should really really watch bottoms! Finally we get some unsanitised queer media that has queer people just being messy and horny and human and it's like a breath of fresh air. I've been a hunger games fan since I was 12 and with each year my appreciation for it only grows it's SOOOO good it was truly ahead of its time
yeah I am! It's 1.45pm on saturday while I'm typing this lmao, also don't worry about sending an ask every day I really don't mind if you don't!
hmmmmm probably doctor who, the tbosas movie, into the spiderverse, free rein, and scott pilgrim vs the world
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vammppyre · 7 months
intro to me xoxo
whaddup my name's Eli, im 19, and I never fuckin learned how to read.
Anyway, here's some surface-level blog shit before I get into the nitty gritty im (somehow) comfortable with sharing to strangers on the internet:
good omens
loki (series) & other mcu
supernatural (only through season 3! don't spoil pls x)
breaking bad (only through s2!! once again pls don’t spoil)
what we do in the shadows
the good place
dan and phil
taylor swift
boygenius & their solo music
my chemical romance
fall out boy
panic! at the disco (pre-brendon grossness)
foo fighters
pierce the veil
twenty one pilots
apple music profile
spotify profile
magnus chase
kane chronicles
carry on trilogy & fangirl
perks of being a wallflower
six of crows/shadow and bone
please don't intentionally spoil! haven't watched/read/listened yet:
dr who
our flag means death
chalice of the gods
trials of apollo
intro continued:
I'm nonbinary & lesbian, (still a little confused sometimes tho). I love reading, watching my fav shows, and doing all types of artsy shit--though I tend to impostor-syndrome myself away from it most of the time. it takes a lot of balls for me but I do post my art on occasion!
speaking of posting - here's some shit about that: I do post really sporadically, mostly reblogging things I enjoy, but occasionally pitching in my own stuff; if its my own art or words or whatever, i put all that under #vammppyre's posts, so if you wanna see all my og content, go there :)
a little more about myself: cats are my fave animal (I have a lot and grew up with them--they're the way to my heart lol); my fave colors are black, gray, and red; I love nerding out about my interests (why else would I be here lol); and I'm happy so long as I'm around a cat, a loved one, or doing one of my favorite things. On the other hand, I'm a very anxious person--the lexapro helps a bit lol, but I still have a hard time doing the things that scare me--even if that thing is something as little as making an important call, texting a friend I miss, or doing something I really need to do. I'm currently on my own journey to getting to where I can function again, and I'll definitely post about any major point in that for me.
one last thing I have to say - if you're a mutual and you wanna talk to me, do it!! chances are I've thought about it a lot and just don't have the guts. bonus points if you're from east TN or close to it--finding people with similar interests near me makes me ecstatic lol :)
to me, this thing is a diary filled with my handwritten entries, magazine clippings, lyrics, and quotes all from things close to my heart. enjoy <3
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
goddam how did shadow and bone absolutely nail the casting but destroy the show? if i hadn’t read the books i would be completely lost plot wise but knowing the books i’m even more lost??? nothing is making sense, they’re not explaining shit??
Yet again, I think this comes from the "we got another season, better throw EVERYTHING in the pot since Netflix may or may not give us another one!" feeling. Which yes, I get the impulse, because Netflix sucks and their business model sucks and of course the fear of being unable to finish shows influences the choices creators make, but still.
I watched three episodes of S1 last night, and we are still relatively early in SAB book 1. Yes, they could have used some of that time better/tightened up the pacing/done other things aside from endless Malina meadow flashbacks, but there is still generally time for the story to unfold at a more natural pace. From what everyone has said, s2 starts out frantically and just keeps running because it has so much to get through. Evidently the showrunners do plan/hope for a s3, though they've already run so far through the books to the end of Ruin and Rising that it would probably be more about the Crows despite being called Shadow and Bone. (And also Fivan, apparently? Since it's now canon that they have survived the Grisha war and didn't go back to the Darkling during that time, DO WE GET A FIVAN + THE CROWS SPINOFF? SIGN ME UP. SIGN ME UP SO HARD.)
Anyway, when you're relying on the audience to know the source material so you don't have to "waste time" explaining it, and yet you're making a lot of cuts/changes to the source material anyway, that means you don't have enough time, haven't planned your season well, and aren't making an independently sound adaptation. It still very much might be fun, but yeah, it is still a mess.
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dangerously-human · 1 year
I need to go back through my drafts and clear out all my half-finished Fringe and Farscape posts; and I need to start Shadow and Bone S2; and I need to get back to reading Black, especially if I want to get through the whole Circle series this year - but my brain is on full Endeavour lockdown still and is refusing to let in any other stories I might significantly care about. The whole final season wrecked me and I still haven't finished processing the finale. I need to rewatch all three episodes at least one more time before I get around to watching them with my parents, because I want more time with them where they feel like mine, because it all feels a bit raw, because this is one of my favorite stories of all time and it hasn't sunk in yet that it's complete.
(I bet I'm going to end up writing fic again, aren't I? Because clearly what I need is another WIP; but for Endeavour, fandom of my heart, I probably wouldn't even fight it. But I have to reach the acceptance of canon stage before I can even consider any alterations.)
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
special edition show i haven't really seen you complain and/or talk about in a while: 7 8 & 12 for julie&the phantoms, shadow and bone and the wilds
oof the wilds….. that was an ERA fr. also what are you TALKING about including shadow and bone as something i haven’t talked about in a while….. i’m IN my alina era rn…… well ok let’s do this
7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
for julie i don’t hate anyone but lowkey i kinda hate those boys on the grounds of the fact that before i watched the show every post i had seen about it was ONLY about the boys and i didn’t even know who julie was or what she looked like because no one ever talked about her despite her being THE TITULAR CHARACTER like come on besties… for shadow and bone i’m not involved in fandom for that but from what i remember seeing back when season one came out and people were talking about it was that there was SO MUCH discourse about kirigan/aleksander/the darkling whatever the FUCK i’m supposed to call that man. well that didn’t make me hate the character but it DID make me realize that fandom was annoying as hell. the wilds… idk i don’t think i hate any fan favorites in the wilds. i think some people went too hard for shelby and toni tho. oh actually and kirin. yes i know i participated in loving that guy. i’m different tho. i’m never the problem haven’t you heard….
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
i don’t think i know any fandom opinions about julie i’ve never really engaged with that. i assume though that there are people that ship luke and reggie and call julie a lesbian to push her out of the way. so that. no i don’t know that, i don’t know what i’m talking about I’ve just been around the block and i assume that’s a thing people in fandom do/did. shadow and bone…. well i think discoursing about whatever the hell his name is is dumb. i haven’t read the books yet but he’s well written enough in the show that there’s clear nuance we don’t have to do black and white morality discourse idk. as for the wilds…. when people were arguing about who we should ship for a potential third season and everyone was like omg martha and bo!! like. 😐 just say you want my girl martha to die goddamn. also true about every martha ship people tried to push. all of them would have been bad sorry. except maybe one. which i won’t say. unless….
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
well. JULIE. oh my god why does no one talk about julie ever it’s ridiculous she is the TITULAR CHARACTER…. like was i just in an insane bubble at that time or something?? well i still never see anyone talk about julie when they talk about the show so idk. idk but i love julie a lot she’s my favorite :) this is also true for alina but i’m definitely in a bubble for that one. hm idk what the widely disliked in fandom characters are in shadow and bone so i can’t really speak on this one. do people hate mal? i’m just guessing that based on his gale-ism, there’s probably people that hate him right? well EYE think he’s neat, he’s alina’s best friend, they’ve been there for each other nearly all their lives…. he’s a brave man but deep down he’d rather be taming horses…. i like him!!! and the wilds. well. i liked raf, nobody else liked raf, he had that problematic swag and those big brown eyes he was like a pathetic little lamb to me idk. also leah but i think people warmed up to leah in s2, more people didn’t like her in s1. so like we won on the leah front fr!!
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reginarubie · 2 years
Hello! So while wait for updates on your lovely works, I've been sucked into reading a lot of jonsas where Jon has these epic or real romance with others like Val, Dany, Ygt, alys, etc. And although it doesn't last or end well Jon still had romance and normal love. While Sansa is always in the abusive or toxic relationships and I need some of your healing because my girl is hurting too much but they hurt her so good and apparently I'm a glutton for pain.
Like I'm fine with Jon having past relationship and Sansa too but dang can't she have a past relationship that was healthy and loving and ended for natural reasons like her first love didn't work because the guy want to commit too fast like get married and although she loved him she wasn't ready. The next was because they grew into different people and although the still care for each other it wasn't what it once was, the next being long distance and neither wanting to give up their dream so they ended in good terms, idk just need her to know love in different forms. ( I know there are works like this but they are too few and far between)
Also what fandom and stuff are you into/watched/read/etc. I wanna see if theirs any more mutual fandoms
Ps. So this turning into a little rant, I just didn't know how to convey the idea into a summery or like a word/sentence prompt. While leaving room for you to explore your creativity. In general I'd like a jonsa ending but like Sansa has at least one story book romance. But if you see this prompt going a different way feel free to do so, my thoughts are a mess 😅
Ciao anon!,
That was a lot and I hope I've gotten everything clear on the prompt you sent!, but before diving into the filling of the prompt let's speak a bit.
Thank you so much for having come to my writing for some much needed respite for that kind of fics. I hope to be able to fulfill the prompt and give you what your Sansa loving heart wishes for!
First things first. About the fact that Sansa seems to have always terrible past experience as opposed to Jon's is because mostly in canon Sansa's experiences are terrible (Joffrey, Tyrion, Dontos, Littlefinger, Hound even Harry is not looking very good right now) while Jon retains somewhat a bit of agency (which Sansa lacks) and even tho even with Jon we're talking of a sexual predator (Ygritte), a character whose not very much developed (save for when she wants to kill a child; Val), another that canonically tried to emotionally abuse and subside him (Daenerys) and Alys (sadly) as a stand-in for Sansa, (at least most of the stories featuring her I've read approached her that manner, but I'm up to read anything different!) at least show-wise (which plays, imo, a big part on the collective fandom inspiration for fan fiction) Jon is shown to have ‘epic’ romances (Ygritte and Daenerys —› in one the woman he ‘loves’ dies in his arms killed by someone else, in the other he is the one doing the killing to protect those he loves) even if tragic so it stands to reason they would give him so big, great past romance (even if I have to owe that they usually speak of Ygritte in a manner of ‘not fitting in’ together and her being too abrasive for him, sometimes borderline abusive) while Sansa is stuck with simply terrible experiences, save for Jon who, in the show (and sadly as far even in the book) is the only character of some magnitude that doesn't abuse her, manipulate her, etcetera.
Still, what is fan fiction for if not for giving us what we want and didn't get to see?
Secondly what stuff am I into? Lately I've not been able to watch as many series as I'd like, but I've loved Carnival Row (and if you haven't seen it you totally should, because even tho it didn't get a s2 I found it amazing and it kept me on my toes all the time, not much for the romance if for the crime and for the way it depicted society when faced with differences in within) and I've been watching on-and-off Shadow and Bone, (tho I've not read the books yet and my fav characters don't get as much screen-time as I'd like them to). But GoT/Asoiaf level? I have Chronicles of Narnia, (which I adore, more so the books than the movies, tho they were lovely as well) and ofc Lord of the Rings, as those have been, tbh, the big ones that got me it reading and theorizing when I was a teenager. I love Star Wars (even tho I'm most a fan of the movies) and Star Trek.
I am a big Harry Potter fan, tho I've found the new trilogy (even if I have still to watch the last one) too hyped up and whilst I loved Newt it didn't inspire me as much as Harry Potter did.
I loved very much Fallen Skies, tho I found the last two seasons, and especially the last completely rushed and thus ruined because of it; as well as Terranova, tho people didn't like it at all since it didn't get, as far as I know, s2.
Love the 100 tho having been a book-reader first and show watcher later tho I enjoyed some of the changes made I'll never forgive them for the end the gave my boy Bellamy Blake.
Sadly there are still many series I'd like to watch but haven't gotten around to watch because real life responsibility, tho I must admit that one of my secret pleasures in a way is asian drama. I watch a bunch of those, they are aesthetically pleasing and just sometimes so different that the media we usually consume that I am able to watch them even if only for ten minutes a day while I cook or tidy the house, because they intrigue me way too much (I totally suggest you watch some if you haven't already!).
What are the fandoms you're in?
Now, let's hop onto the fan fiction!
Prompt: Sansa and Jon do end up together anyway, but Sansa has had, just as Jon, past experiences that were not abusive or tragic.
So, this one has been inspired by Happier by Ed Sheeran, because... I don't know it just gave me the healing vibe I wanted to give this one and it's also from a POV I never explored too, hope you enjoy!
I guess you look happier [In another's arms]
He's just returned from beyond the Wall, his mission had lasted for the better portion of the last three years, the phone-call few and scarce in between. He had managed to see his brothers and his cousin but a couple of times during a couple of video-calls he managed to make. He's excited to go back home, to embrace his mother and feel his father's strong chest welcome him home, his brother's excited welcome shouts, his cousin soft, gentle smile...
... still, before he catches the next flight to the Eyrie Winged Knight Airport which will depart tomorrow morning from Tohrren's Square he has some time to kill.
He had spent the better part of his training at Castle Black, in the North, manning the Wall before his first missions beyond, going back and forth between his new home and his ex-girlfriend's home.
Red of hair and blue of eyes, with a smile so bright it could rival the sun and an heart so gentle and kind it could heal the whole of the world unrest with one touch. He sighs and enters the bar, sitting in a corner, safely away from the main crowd.
He could join a few of Nights Watch recruits he can see at another table, it's mostly new faces, but he recognizes the black clothes they wear and the way they boisterously laugh and joke with each other. That's the moment he sees him.
Jon Snow. Last time he had seen him, he had been a lanky boy, all knees and elbows, as if stretched thin, lean and swift with his movements during a spar. Intelligent. His grey eyes were always attentive and never loosing a move. He had privately thought he would made a fine watchman one day, though he could be a petty drunk and a mean, little shit when provoked. And he had a temper that could rival a wolf. He is the only one of the group of recruits he knows and he debates if making his presence known.
Ironically it had been Jon to introduce him to his now ex-girlfriend.
She had been his best-friend's sister and she had been involved in all a series of charities so when she and her sister had made the voyage to Castle Black they had stopped by to spend some time with Jon, it had been that way that he had met Sansa. That way he had met the girl he had hoped to marry.
Jon had been fiercely protective of her as well, when they had started going out he had sit him out and whilst he had never been intimidated by the boy, that time his presence had been enough to keep him still on his chair and listen quietly to the series of terrible pain Jon would inflict to him — helped by the girl's sister and siblings — if he ever broke her heart.
Sansa had, had some... displeasing experiences before. And Jon had not hidden his glee in telling him he had been the one to inflict on them the punishment for having harmed Sansa. He had been glad she had such fiercest defenders both in and out her family, for when he could not be with her.
He had never had any intention of breaking Sansa's heart. She had been his sweetheart and for a long time he had dreamed one day they could have the life. They could move back to the Vale, from where he hailed from, he would make her the mistress of his house and give her all the happiness she deserved in the world.
Fate had, had different plans. Life had, had different plans.
The age gap between them had not been insurmountable, but big enough that perhaps whilst wanting the same things idealistically, they were on different pages. Sansa had been barely eighteen and he was already twenty four. By the time of his first mission had rolled around he was feeling ready.
Sansa... not so much.
It is a testament, he guesses, to her capability of discernment that she knew when to draw back. He did not realize it until later, well after the sting of their break off had passed to realize the real fear that had filled his hopes had not been that she would say no — as she did — but that Sansa would say yes and embark on an experience that was beyond her grasp, and grew to resent him further down the line.
Instead Sansa, sensible, reasonable Sansa had not let the romance of it blind her to the real problem between the two of them. She had told him, time after time — the nearest his first mission grew — that she was scared of what the prolonged distance would do to them.
He had been much blinder. Convinced that their love would win in the end, he had failed to see that when the burn of the beginning burned out, only the embers remained and those were to be stoked often and the right way to remain alive, burning with their inner fire, instead of becoming beautiful jewels, yes, but only to sport when one felt down and in need of doing a trip down the memory-lane.
He had fought for them, the Gods knew he had.
And Sansa had too, but her past experiences had taught her something he had not been ready to face yet, below her cheerful, kind and soft character, was hidden a wounded woman, a woman who had been under the thumb of boys not even worth to kiss the ground she walked on; and that woman had learned that love is about more than being in love.
She had still told him no, and while he had not understood that at first, that had been her way to fight for them. She didn't want them to start something they were not ready to finish, something that they were not equipped to finish. He had been stubborn, and she, in her soft-spoken, gentle manner had been a bastion, impregnable and inexpugnable.
Jon had even stepped in, at one point. Told him they needed the break, explained some of the goriest details of her previous experiences that Sansa had held close to her heart because of shame.
I am not telling you because you need to fix it, she has it handled, Jon had told him sternly when he had tried to stand up and go to her, demand perhaps answers from her, demand to know why she didn't trust him enough to tell him, I'm telling you because you need to back off.
He had learned then, it had slipped past Jon's lips, that he had been the one to collect her from her ex's house when Sansa had had a panic attack during a sunday brunch and had hidden herself in her ex's sister room, barricading herself from them, the bruise on her cheek carefully covered with make-up. Jon had stormed in, punched the git in the gut — got a report for that — collected her and brought her home.
So, he had given her the break she had asked for, after all his first mission would not last longer than a few weeks and he had been confident that by the time he returned they would fix the problem between them and their love would finally take flight and soar.
It had been grounding.
They had not resolved the matter, not in the way he had hoped, but he had understood that Sansa needed more time. She was younger, he reasoned, he could be patient as long as their end goal was the same.
So he had departed for his second and third mission beyond the Wall with a girlfriend waiting him patiently back home, ready to welcome him back with a container of her own baked goods and a soft smile playing on her lips. His third mission had also been Jon's first and he had met the girl that would become his girlfriend. Ygritte.
He had been cautious of the brass woman, but she seemed to make Jon laugh, when she smiled that easy smile of her she almost reminded him of Sansa. She sported red hair, a different shade that Sansa's rich auburn, but not for that less enticing, and while she wasn't exactly beautiful her voice when she sang totally made up for it. Low and raw, intriguing. But he had doubted she and Jon would last.
Jon was much softer than Ygritte and he wanted soft in his life, he might be hard as stone on the outside, but inside he was made of molten snow. In fact they had not last past Jon's second mission, he had heard that the breakup had been explosive, that Ygritte had swore and yelled and hit. Some rumors said she had even bitten.
His and Jon's life had taken different paths then, they had not shared any more missions, though he had learned that he had found a new girlfriend, a stubborn blonde girl who lived beyond the Wall and advocated for the freedom of her people. This one, he had thought, could be a good match for Jon, she had enough of the softness he needed, but he had not thought much about it since his own relationship had started to fall apart between his hands.
I don't think we fit, Sansa had admitted at last, just before he left for the Vale — supposedly she would have to accompany him — and by then he had started to dread the same, I think we have drifted apart.
To be honest he had expected it, though he had dreaded it. Their interactions lacked the spark that had animated them in the beginning, he was starting to resent her the wait she was making him go through, fearing she might be stringing him on without any intention to actually commit. She had been growing distant and more distant each time they spoke over the phone or by video call.
Aye, he had replied feeling deflated, ignoring the way his heart was breaking in a million pieces watching the woman he had been with for four years taking a step back from them. He had caught himself more than once giving a girl an once over, had felt like a traitor even only for it, in the pit of his stomach and while he never cheated on her... he still felt like he was involved into a one-way relationship that had lost its initial spark. We've been good though, he had asked her, haven't we?
Sansa's smile in that moment was the last hit, shattering his heart in a million pieces. It was sad, resigned, but also relieved. Maybe she had been afraid he would force her to stay, and he couldn't really fault her, seen her past experiences. Still, she should've trusted him more, after all those years spent together.
Yes, she told him that smile dimmed and he had felt like he was suffocating in his own tears, she had tears in her eyes as well, you've been so good to me, it just... it didn't work out.
He had nodded, pathetically he had almost told her that if she had accepted, by the now they would be married and maybe they would've been happy.
He had refrained though.
I know you wanted more, Sansa had told him, seemingly able to read his mind.
I thought you wanted more too, had been his acid reply. Sansa's face had morphed then, she had become of marble and he had known he had pressed the wrong button.
I did, she said, I do.
Not with me, though.
She had been unable to reply to that. She hadn't need to. And he had let her go. Had walked away before he fell on his knees to plead her to give him the chance to give her the world.
Jon had sought him out after their breakup, in that moment he wouldn't even have cared if the boy would punch him. Not only he could take him, but he had the sore need to throw punches too. Instead Jon had offered him a pint.
I am sorry, he had told him, I know you are hurting now, but you weren't there and you didn't see how she hurt before she took this decision. Always defending her. No matter what. He had guessed back then, that it should be beautiful to have someone so openly, so fiercely in your corner.
I feel like she took this decision years ago, when she rejected my proposal.
Jon had not replied to that and they had lapsed into a long, stretching silence as they had consumed their pints. When they had parted ways he had almost told him, take care of her, for me, but he had realized with a start he needn't because Jon had already left and even though he followed him out, he saw him sneak inside a bakery. He needn't to ask what he was buying and for whom.
Somehow he just knew.
Being beyond the Wall for the next three years had helped. He had been able to look inside and admit that whilst he might have been ready, he hadn't been really ready. He mulls over the fact, observing Jon and his friends from above the rim of his pint. He had not spoken much with Jon since that day, save for a couple of times, and though they never broached the matter Jon would let him know, in little ways that Sansa was alright.
He wondered if now, more mature and less stubborn, if now Sansa would tell him yes. If she was alright still. He pondered if getting up and going to Jon, ask him after her.
In the end he does not have the guts to, he stands up and leaves. There is the faint scent of citrus hanging in the air that freezes him as the voice that has populated his dreams suddenly rings out “Sorry!, we're late!”
He doesn't turn. Not yet.
“You took your sweet time,” Jon comments and is his voice lighter?, is it indulgent?
“Stop being a smartmouth,” she jests “I have a surprise...ta-da!” and then there's a chorus and Arya Stark exclaims “SURPRISE!” before she chants Happy Birthday off tune, soon echoed by the others. Must be Jon's birthday, he realizes.
He turns and gets a glimpse of her after three and half long years. Her hair are still long, curling at the ends, auburn and glinting soft like copper in the bar's lights, she looks not much older than she did last time they saw each other, but there is a different manner, more mature, to the way she holds herself.
She's smiling that bright beam that opened the doors to paradise to him the first time he had stumbled into his words to ask her out to dinner.
And she's looking at Jon. He ducks out of the bar before he can linger on Jon's answering smile.
It's a few days before the stumbles into them together again. He's stationed at Castle Black, which means he has seen Jon more often than not. He has grown. He's no longer the lanky boy all knees and elbows, he has filled out while he is still lean instead of muscular, he has let his hair grow some more and he usually sports them bound in a bun and he has to wear glasses.
He's more confident too, he is almost proud, though he has had nothing to do with his maturation. Jon doesn't avoid eye-contact with him, not even when he discovers that apparently Jon and Val broke things off some two years ago and Jon has been steadily single since then...
...not even when he asks Jon about Sansa.
She's been fine. Has had a couple of brief relationships, though right now she's single and finishing her studies for her degree. His voice drips with pride when he tells him that Sansa has now launched her own charity work and often accompanies him beyond the Wall, she is a fierce advocate for the Free Folk freedom and she's been trying to get the government to listen to their shouts for independence.
They've been in those lands long before the Andals and while they recognize some northerners as kin, as most of them descend from First Men too, they wish only to live life how their own tradition demand.
There is this quality to his voice when he speaks about Sansa... He had ignored it, before, but he is pretty sure it was always there to begin with. Pride, fondness and fierceness...passion, all wrapped into one. He has always had that tone whilst speaking of her, even when he and Sansa had gone out together and he was only her brother's best friend looking out for her.
He observes Jon then. Quiet that he is, his whole demeanor scream when Sansa is concerned; and he discovers that Jon now has a pet too, it's an albino wolfhound that he has named Ghost and he has received him as a gift for his graduation by Sansa. And it's true, Sansa is often at Castle Black and accompanying Jon beyond the Wall as he has become from an active member of the squadron to a diplomatic emissary, and he can see it, in the way they smile at each other.
In the way Jon's touch linger on the small of her back, in the way Sansa burrows in Jon's embrace... he can see it in everything. In the way the easy banter between the two of them always spark that kind of look between the two of them. In the way Jon watches her go, in the way his breath dips and the shaky exhale he takes every time she's persuading him of something.
“So,” he confronts the thing one time, he has been assigned to accompany the diplomatic mission beyond the Wall and Sansa has just convinced Jon to stay the night over so that they can take part with the Free Folk of their rite during the peak of the midnight sun period “how long has this been going on?”
“I am sorry,” Jon tells him “I should've told you before” and if he had expected Jon to look bashful like the boy he remembers, he was sorely mistaken “I just didn't know the words to use”
He sighs “Maybe starting with, Waymar, mate I'm going out with your ex would be a good place to start” he says.
“Sansa's been my friend long before I was your mate,” Jon's reply is filled with sarcasm and sass “if anything it should've been, Waymar, mate, do you remember the girl I've loved for half of my life, you know the one you dated? Yeah, I'm dating her now. That would've been more appropriate” he says.
A long silence ensues.
“I'm sorry,” Jon comments “that was... rude of me” he says “I cannot demand you take responsibility for things you did not know” he adds.
“But I did know,” he admits “I—” Jon's face is a myriad of emotions all together “I mean... I suspected you might have a thing for her” he explains “still—” he sighs “why didn't you tell me, though?”
“When you asked her out she... was so happy,” he says “who was I to destroy that happiness?”
Waymar nods. He has noticed other things too, the way Sansa's smiles would shine brighter when they were toward Jon, the way before they had been reserved, whilst now they're unreserved. The way her eyes always filled with fondness when falling on him.
He doubts Sansa had been aware of the extent of her feelings for Jon, more probable than not she did not realize until later, she's too kindhearted of a woman to purposefully hurt someone knowing she loves another. He doesn't even think for her it was that kind of love before they parted ways.
He nods.
“You make her happy too,” he says and he knows that's the true, he would argue — to his own detriment — that Jon makes her happier than Waymar ever did. Jon just... gets her, in a way Waymar never managed despite their best efforts (hers to be understood, and his to understand her) “happy in a way I could not make her,” he admits.
Jon blinks and uncrosses his arms from his chest, surprised by the admission. Waymar would like to be petty, really, but the time to be petty has long passed. He is mature enough to know he and Sansa might not have worked out anyway... they should've met differently and Jon should not have been involved in the picture and perhaps they would have had a chance. Fate had different intentions, life had different intentions.
There are still million of possibilities before him. He can see that now.
“You know?,” he says “a part of me was always jealous of the way you seemed to just... get her, without any difficulty. I thought it was because you had grown together, turns out it's just because it's the two of you”
Jon doesn't say anything.
“And perhaps I could've made her happy too, or— perhaps we would have drifted apart anyway” he says “I think— I know I was in love with her, but I didn't love her...not beyond that initial moment of falling in love” he admits “but you—” he pats his shoulder “you loved her before you fell in love with her, I think that made the difference”
“Don't break her heart” he warns him.
Jon straightens his shoulders “I won't,” he promises.
They don't speak of it anymore, there is no need to. And when, later, Jon kisses Sansa on her lips and Sansa kisses him back Waymar knows for them it's over. It's endgame. They are each other's person.
Sansa's blue eyes meet his and Waymar nods to her. Her smile breaks his heart a bit more.
She still cares for him, still...not in the way he would've wanted and that's okay. And her gaze falls immediately again on Jon and the way the Free Folk children run around his legs and the way he picks them up and the picture they paint.
I never noticed, he considers, but we kind of look alike. Jon and I.
For some time he wonders if that's what has drawn Sansa to him in the first place, then he decides it's a waste of time to wonder and he just cherishes his memories with the first girl who made him fall in love.
It's years later, after he has returned home for good that he stumbles, by chance, on a paper that talk of them. Sansa has managed it. She has been the propelling force behind the new treaty signed between Kings Landing and the Free Folk and in that guise the North has also gotten independence from the rest of Westeros thanks to a referendum and Sansa has been elected to lead the North in their new independent life.
The photo shows them in Winterfell, Sansa's childhood home, with her family and Lyanna Snow — Jon's own mother — he knows they've married some odd three or four years ago, and now Sansa is holding a small child, not older than one year old, balanced on her hip as Jon is carrying on his shoulder the eldest a little girl with her mother's red hair and her father's grey eyes. The girl has Sansa's same grin.
“Is that your brother?” he turns around, startled and the girl warm and kind brown eyes fill with surprise “sorry, I didn't mean to intrude”
Waymar sets the journal aside “No,” he says “but we've served together,” he tells her.
“She looks very beautiful,” she says nodding toward Sansa “do you know her?”
“Aye,” he says “I know her,” he admits.
The girl nods “They look happy”
“They do” he concedes “he's always put her happiness before his own”
A short story of how the got together, a gossip-story really, is written beside the photo. Here, her majesty Sansa of House Stark is depicted with her husband Jon Snow. They've known each other all their lives and have been childhood friends for a long time, they fell in love whilst Sansa Stark led her charities beyond the Wall advocating for their freedom as Jon Snow served as diplomatic emissary. Waymar would like to tell them that Jon has been in love with her far longer, and he suspects Sansa too. He wants to tell them Jon punched her scumbag of an ex and collected Sansa when she was falling apart. He doesn't though. That's their own private story.
And they are happy.
The girl smiles at him “My name is Margaery,” she introduces herself. Waymar is taken aback by her smile. He smiles back.
“My name is Waymar” he replies “pleased to meet you, Margaery” so, he ends up asking her to join him at his table at the bar, when she orders he almost expects her to order lemon cakes... instead she orders a slice of apple-pie with cinnamon and Waymar breathes a little better.
A few decades later Waymar meets them again. He has been married to Margaery for almost twenty years and they've had three children in the meantime. Sansa has stepped down from politics a few years ago, and she has retired with her family in Winterfell. Her youngest, Catelyn, is into politics as well and later when she'll be elected in her mother's place no one is surprised. Jon and Sansa are still as much in love as they were that day.
In the end, Waymar considers as Sansa recounts their whole story to a gossip starved Margaery that they are happier for the way things turned out.
So, this is just a little snipped actually, because you have stoked my inspiration, so I'll be working on several others companion pieces (one for sure by Jon POV and one by Sansa's; a couple of others with previous exes of both), so stay tuned for those too!
Hope you enjoyed this even if it turned out more about Waymar and the way he felt about Sansa than about Sansa and Jon, still Sansa's got a good experience before Jon, even if that too ended thankfully not tragically and I actually think we got this subtle Jonsa that I love to write. Anyway, with the other companion pieces we'll get also more of Jon and Sansa seen by their exes perspectives, and each other's.
You can find this on ao3, in my collection of prompts (x).
As always thank you for the prompt! Hope you have a wonderful day and as always sending all my love ~G.
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whoslaurapalmer · 1 year
shadow and bone s2, ep 6-7
in which lulu goes off just a little because boyyyyyyy howdy y'all really fucked something up. you had to WORK to fuck this specific thing up. like, consciously. that was a CHOICE to make here and it was a BAD ONE. if they clear it up in ep8 then my sincerest apologies but like. i don't think it's likely
-if i knew star wars at all i would try and make a darth vader joke about the hand but the joke ain't coming. my apologies
-i think baghra's death was alright, idk. it was fine. her giving the backstory was more satisfying honestly
-good for ohval, vibing
-destroying the first army at keramzin did not at all have the punch of killing ana kuya. and there's such a focus on the orphanage but it's like. never really. REALLY talked out
-matthias and pekka rollins talking in hellgate is. shit. it's terrible. it's. i hate it fuck you wow -matthias has NO connection to him. and by creating it, and by putting pekka in a spot where he can still be a problem, after you've ALREADY USED kaz's maximum killing blow, is just. like. absolutely disgusting -that was supposed to be the END of pekka. by KAZ, AND KAZ ALONE, BECAUSE OF WHAT IT MEANS FOR KAZ. -but putting pekka in prison -- putting him in a place here he can recover his power -- putting him in front of matthias as a threat but also a possibility -- it's. i hate it. it makes no sense. it doesn't need to be here. it cuts an enormous hole into everything you already did, everything in the books not yet covered, into KAZ -they're not clearing this up in another episode. they're gonna have to deal with it. i am going to scream. i'm going to kill a man. who thought this was okay. THIS IS NOT OKAY -GODDDDDD I'M SO ANGRY -THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR KILLING HELEEN!!!!!!! YOU JUST FUCKED UP A WHOLE SERIES OF PLOT THREADS BY GODDDDDDDDDD -THAT'S THE WHOLE REASON PEKKA IS IN HELLGATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -i'm just. how can you fuck up this badly. you just. ruined so fucking much. i'm. flabbergasted at the audacity of it all -just!!!!! THERE'S NO COMING BACK FROM THIS. FROM ALREADY HAVING USED THE ENDING OF CROOKED KINGDOM BUT STILL KEEPING PEKKA AROUND. -WHAT THE ACTUAL LITERAL FUCK. -and like. without heleen, how do they get into the ice court? will that even still happen???? how can inej get any revenge on heleen in any way if HELEEN IS DEAD??????????? -heleen lives because people like that live and get away with it. because they can't just be taken care of so easily. because, like inej says to pekka at the end of crooked kingdom, DEATH IS A GIFT YOU HAVEN'T YET EARNED. inej gets to steal her diamond, the representation of lives likes hers that were stolen and sold and ruined, and heleen might lose the menagerie at the end of crooked kingdom, and inej gets to try and protect other girls from the same fate. it's not enough at all but it's something. and pekka is mentally destroyed by what kaz does. it's not enough but it's something. those things mattered. -but they don't matter at ALL here. not in any single way
-david going 'sooooooo what body part do you wanna lose' and picking up a bone saw. david :) -david :( -i think............i like his death better here, actually. i hated his death in rule of wolves bc he's the only main cast casualty and yes horrors of war and sudden death but it was just so. irritating. it's senseless. it's the point that it's senseless, but it's senseless in a way in the book that was just like, fucking for real???????? david, of all people????? and he's the ONLY ONE WHO DIES?????????????????? -here, protecting genya, it makes more sense, i think, and i'm actually not as mad about them killing him now as i thought i would be knowing the spoiler, honestly. i was going around the last two days before watching ep7 absolutely INCENSED about them killing him NOW instead of so much later but watching it. i'm kind of okay with it. -it's still kind of eh though a little bc where on earth does this fucking dumbwaiter just come from. does it make SENSE to lose david here. what does it do to genya's character now, to have it happen now -but i think the spirit of it. is perhaps better than in the books, which is what i'm getting at, idk
-speaking of horrors of war, yeah i figured nikolai's friend was gonna die
-JESPER!!!! USING HIS BUTTONS!!!!!! AS BULLETS!!!!!!!!! GODDAMN -INSPIRED -A TAKE -I LOVED IT -AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -it was his buttons, right. unless he had like darts or something. well buttons was what it looked like to me and i'm standing by that
-goodbye fruszi you terrible little emo girl. her getting her fingers cut off was GREAT, GODDAMN
-the crows swooping in to save the day AGAIN is honestly. the funniest fucking thing. it just is. it's so good. it's so funny. kaz actually gets to show his sense of humor. it makes NO SENSE for them to just COME IN and yet HERE THEY ARE and it's genuinely. great, somehow -they get the sword for alina and she just goes 'nope! inej you use it. :)' like. oh my god.
-mal: i'm hit -me: ??????? WHEN THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN????? JESUS CHRIST FINE
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I agree that Jon's sequel sounds like a money grab but apparently kit was the one who brought his own writing team to grrm so I'm hopeful however his vision of Jon doesn't really aline with mine so idek anymore. Will you be watching it or any of got spin offs? what do you think about the recent influx of fantasy adaptions (dune, shadow and bone, lord of the rings, etc) and have you watch any of them, if so what are your thought
Yeah, that's one of my many concerns. Show!Jon was always different from book!Jon, but GOT's (somewhat flat) characterization of him became worse than a flanderization of itself by the time we reached the final seasons. And while I don't have an issue with Kit Harrington or the other creative powers-that-be having a different vision of the characters, it doesn't make me eager to see what they create, either. More than anything, I dread The Discourse™ that will inevitably come with the show, particularly surrounding Sansa. Because you know haters will jump on the smallest of statements to vigorously bash her all over again. *sighs*
Eh, I might watch the Jon Snow sequel/spin-off; not sure at the moment. If I do watch it, though, I'll do what I always have: mentally put the show in its own little separate box in my head. Just as GOT and ASOIAF are two largely separate entities to me, Snow (or whatever it ends up being called!) will be its own entity. I know some fans use "fanfiction" in a pejorative sense when discussing GOT and its spin-offs, but I try to see the whole thing in a "two cakes" way. If nothing else, we'll get some more visuals fan artists can use for their manips!
Having said all of this, just because a show is in development doesn't necessarily mean it will make it to our screens. Bloodmoon is a perfect example of that. ;-)
I'm still going back and forth re: watching HotD. On one hand, it looks like it's going to be a delicious visual spectacle. On the other hand, I don't especially like any of the major characters of the Dance—at least, not as they've been depicted in GRRM's written works. Which to be fair, is kind of the point, but if I'm going to get into a story, I usually prefer to like at least one of the main characters. But you never know, I might end up stanning a HotD main character in the way Cersei fans often stan her; in a 'this character is the worst, isn't that great, they should definitely win over all the other terrible characters' way lol. It's also possible that HotD will manage to infuse some of the characters with a bit more humanity and nuance than we get in GRRM's novelettes/novellas and fake histories. So we'll see!
Re: the latest influx of fantasy adaptations, the genre has been on the rise for a while now, so it doesn't surprise me that we have so many of them. These things sort of ebb and flow in pop culture consciousness. I’ll be curious to see what happens next when we eventually reach the saturation point.
I haven't seen The Rings of Power series (I don’t think it’s even out yet?) or the newest version of Dune. While I love LOTR, I'll freely admit that I never got especially into the indices or The Silmarillion, and the trailers I’ve seen for TROP haven’t done much for me. Likewise, though I've read the first few Dune books and watched the 1984 TV movie adaptation, I never got majorly into the series, so I didn't feel an urge to see the latest remake.
I did watch the S1 adaptation of Shadow and Bone, and I enjoyed it for what it was; there are some elements that I think it handled well, and some that I think it handled not-so-well. Either way, I'll probably give S2 a try whenever it comes out.
What about you? Have you seen any of those adaptations, and if so, what did you think of them?
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