#i just *sheds one tear* love rose in this book so much
shanniethewr · 9 months
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"so love me. show me that you mean it."
"pardon?" lyney said, wide eyes speaking volumes of his bewilderment. you stood in front of him, remaining unfazed as the two of you spoke in the empty backstage of the opera epiclese, where no one would disturb the conversation you two held.
"you said you love me, didn't you?" purple clashes with yours, "yet you kept so many things from me... to think you'd be part of the fatui out of every organization...!" your voice trembled, so did your hands as your nails dug against your palms. lyney wanted to speak, his lips moved yet no voice could be heard.
"you promised to fix things between us... you promised to heal me, to gain back my trust! but after the events lately, i don't think it's possible to trust you again so easily." lyney's voice came, "i- i know... and i know that an apology wouldn't fix things so easily..."
tears adorned your eyes, threatening to fall yet you don't let yourself shed a tear. "so show me that you mean it. no more lies, no more deception... i don't want the lyney who had kept so much from me. i don't want the lyney who wasn't the actual lyney i knew to the point i questioned every aspect of our relationship if it was genuine or not."
"and i don't want us back if you don't trust me enough to tell me everything about you like i trusted you wholeheartedly with my life on the line..."
lyney stood frozen in front of you, a myriad of emotions ran wild to the point he wasn't able to identify the suffocating feeling he was experiencing. you were his rose, his beloved rose. but all roses have thorns, and your thorns have crushed his heart in your hold.
but you were right, to an extent that all lyney wished was to go back and make everything right, to show that he actually loves you. but time was irreversible, and he shouldn't be wishing to fix the broken past, as fixing the shattered pieces of diamond was nearly impossible.
he should be fixing the present, his and your relationship.
lyney remembered it like yesterday, the order he received from his "father" to watch you, observe you, and to deceive you.
he remembered nothing but the mission in mind, to him, you were nothing but a task, a job lyney had to finish.
the interactions, conversations, and moments you two shared slowly increased to something becoming more frequent. yet to lyney, all he had in mind was his "father's" mission.
and like the quick flow of time, like clockwork, your relationship became more than just prey and predator. to lyney, you began to be more than just a task, a mission.
a friend, a loved one.
and suddenly, like the quick turn of pages in a book, you two became so much more than a close friend. lips on lips, skin on skin. loving affirmations were exchanged and the cob had found its pen, two lovers resembling those of swans, genuine and beautiful.
but everything went too quick, the prophecy, the primordial sea, the serial disappearances of young women, and the trial. and lyney faces the broken string of his and your relationship, the very thing he feared and wished for it to become nothing but a fleeting thought, a fleeting nightmare.
"i promise i will, no matter what. to me, you are my rose, my beloved. i didn't want things to end up like this but as they say, the harsh truth will all come to light. i'm... i'm so sorry and i know i deserve this but i will do everything to fix us... i cannot bear the thought of us no longer being together but i promise... i promise that i will do it, to fix this mess. so, please... trust me like you've always had and i'll tell you everything, trust me and i'll show that i truly, truly love you."
lyney didn't even noticed the tears that cascaded down his cheeks, smudging the tear drop on his cheek as his shoulders trembled. archons, he just wished everything was normal, all lyney wished was to have everything back to how it was before. he would do anything, anything to have you back in his arms.
moments felt like hours, years even. but lyney gasped upon feeling your arms wrap around him, feeling your tears on his chest as you too, weep.
with hesitance, lyney pulled you into a tight embrace, having no intention of letting go soon as you two quietly cried in each other's arms.
tonight, after a stunning magic show was spent in the empty backstage where the dam had broken along with two lotuses emerging after, a symbol of two lovers getting back up, far stronger and beautiful than ever.
you can't separate two swans who had become each other's mates after all.
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— © wr.shannie created on 9.03.23 finished on 9.03.23
( lowercase intended + not proofread )
do NOT copy or plagiarize my work!!
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annlillyjose · 1 year
Dairy Whiskey – Update 03
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[image description: on a background of dark green leaves with water droplets, a white serif font reads, “dairy whiskey – update 03”. / end id]
hi again! after what seems to have been ages, your girl is back with yet another dairy whiskey update, the third of its kind.
if you ask me how the project is going, well, it’s been stagnant, but i’d just like to call it a marinating piece of literature. there’s about ten thousand words to go and i know exactly what to do, but it’s just not been working. i’m hoping that i can get back to working on it during camp in july.
but for now, here’s an earlier chapter from the draft which i’m posting for three reasons.
i love sharing my work with y’all
i’m desperate to find some means to get back into the book, so i’m going to rely on a tumblr update to dive into chapters i had finished two months back
any and all hype motivates me to write, so please be kind to me <3
i think that’s all. let’s go to the update!
excerpts and taglist under the cut.
disclaimer: this is an original work of fiction. plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated.
TWs: this novel deals with themes of childhood and religious trauma, sexual, emotional, and substance abuse, mental health issues, self-harm, abortion, suicidal ideation, etc. so please be kind on yourself and read ahead only if you’re comfortable. while the excerpts i share may or may not touch on these, the themes are very prevalent. please be kind on yourself and read ahead only if you’re comfortable.
a lot of the plot is kept private for now because i intend on publishing this book, so please excuse the lack of context. i hope you can enjoy the prose, though.
chapter five – rose in the plain, lily in the valley
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here’s the opening line, where we look into dinah’s childhood with her mother.
When I was a child with neat pigtails and crunchy, sequinned frocks, mother took us to the hills of Vagamon.
in the next excerpt, dinah, along with her mother and ephron, is at a textile shop in town to pick out an outfit for a wedding reception to come. dinah wants a skirt that twirls but she can't find any. this is the scene where she finds it.
When she emerged from the godown carrying a pile of five or six sets, I spotted a squash-orange. It was the only one I wanted to try on. “The orange one,” I told mother. She took it from the salesperson and she guided us to the trial room. Mother helped me into the skirt, beaded and jewelled at the edges. The blouse was sleeveless with a square neck and an open back, with a string looped criss-cross down and tied at the bottom. The front of the top was embroidered with orange jewels in the shape of flowers, leaves, and small doughnuts. “I love this,” I said. Mother smiled at me and helped me out of it. She handed it over to the salesperson and paid the bill at the counter. We went back home in another auto.
honestly, congrats girl! i was so happy for little dinah that i almost shed a tear or two writing this scene. but, as we all know by now, she can't have one good thing thanks to her family. the grandmother is displeased with the colour of the set because it, apparently, makes her look darker than she really is, and hence begins her insecurities with skin tone. thanks, grandma.
Grandmother held my chin in her palm and wiped my tears. “Oh, don’t cry, angel. It’s only the colour. You look darker, like a crow. If it had been some other colour, then maybe…” “Stop it!” mother shouted. “Don’t talk to her like that. My daughter can wear whatever she wants. She looks beautiful in this dress. She always does. Stop telling my daughter she is not pretty. Stop lying to her.” I had been crying more intensely now, tears wetting my school uniform. “She would have been so much more beautiful if she was fairer. I told you to give her saffron milk but you never listened to me. Because of your arrogance, your daughter will have to suffer.” “She’s the prettiest little girl I’ve seen,” mother said. Her voice cracked like a twig in her throat. She looked at me, and then at Ephron. She told him, “Go inside with your sister.”
and hence, he takes her to their room and they have a really sweet moment there, which i'm depriving you of because plot...
moving on, the next chapter begins with dinah remembering how ephron saved her from dying and how he had taken care of her all that while. and then, she says she's going out the next day (with austin, but she leaves that part out).
and this party is where i'm going to cut it off because, again, too much plot that i can't reveal. but, here's a heartwarming scene where dinah sees her mother as someone beautiful and feels better abut herself.
But it was on that day that I noticed – mother was darker than I was. She always had been. And she wore red and orange sarees through the house, with her oiled black hair and household sweat. And she looked beautiful. She had always looked beautiful. She had given me something so beaming and radiant – her skin. She had also given me her eyes. And her teeth and bones and eyelashes. She had given me the form I occupied, and when I looked at her, I saw where I came from. I saw where my body was heading and forgot about the squash-orange long skirt making my skin too dark. I saw mother and saw the house of my blood, the vessel that had carried it for years, and forgot about everything and wanted to dance. So, when the bride and groom got on the stage and began to dance to their choreographed dance routine, I grabbed Ephron by the arm and we danced at the back of the hall. He ran to the front, holding my hand, and twirled me around until I felt dizzy.
again, i shed a tear writing this. she was too innocent to have been broken like that. i'm sorry, pal. i'm sorry about all the trouble i gave / am giving you.
vignette five – vineyard secrets
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in this episode, we discover something that had been too obvious to begin with – dinah is not straight. everybody please welcome veronica to the party.
here's the opening line:
Dinah remembers Veronica by her face – plump and glossy with a berry flush at all times, her skin the colour of almond milk.
if you're wondering who she is and where she's from, here you go.
She was her roommate at the hostel to which she had moved for higher secondary, hoping that she would go unnoticed like she had at boarding school. But Veronica, who had lived in the UK her whole life with a Malayali father and an Italian mother, had found her intriguing.
the day veronica moves into hostel, dinah had already been there for a week. she helps veronica, who insists on being called nic, settle in and shows her around. in the evening when she shows dinah pictures of her family, dinah gets sad and tells her about mariam. it was at this moment that they kiss.
yep, i'm not that cruel. i give her good times too.
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Like lightning to the night, they had crashed and collided. The rumbling would come after. There would be no fire, no wounds, no burns. They would leave their secret to ripen between them, like a juicy orange – sweet and tangy. They would see each other until they left school two years later, and after that, their secret would be buried in the ground.
and here's the last line, mirroring the first.
Dinah remembers Veronica by her face, but also by her breath, laden with mint.
so, that's it for this update. hope you enjoyed reading my no-context-whatsoever excerpts. tell me what you've been up to, how writing's even going, what your plans are for camp in july, and how you are in general.
thank you for reading. i'll see you again in another update.
– ann.
general tagist (ask to be added or removed)
@shaonsim @heartfullkings @vnsmiles @dallonwrites @sienna-writes @violetpeso @flip-phones @rowansghost @ambidextrousarcher @zoe-louvre @writing-with-l @magic-is-something-we-create @femmeniism @frozenstillicide @wizardfromthesea @rose-bookblood @coffeeandcalligraphy @rodentwrites @saltwaterbells
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jasdiary · 1 year
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Pressured princess Juvia for the Royal au! 🙂🙂🙂
[Thank you to @rosietrace for giving me the idea of Juvia’s curse!!]
Anddd tagging the other besties in this au ofc: @authoruio (who owns Mitch 💓), @starry-night-rose , @fumikomiyasaki @nem0-nee (who owns Mayuu💘) and @sakuramidnight15 )
Juvia’s the heir to the family throne, slowly being crushed by the weight of all the expectations that have been placed on her by her family (namely her mother). She was one of the few people within the Kingdom to be cursed by an unknown entity : All her dreams may never come true. Every night when she goes to sleep, she has the sweetest of dreams. A free life to do whatever she wishes, her mother supporting her, and her fiancé being right by her side…but it was all just a dream…Right?
Finally fed up with the treatment she receives, Juvia racks up the courage to run away from everything. But…she doesn’t know where she’s going. The only place she’s memorized how to get to just so happens to be her arranged fiancé’s castle.
She makes her way there, not knowing she’s being followed. Her personal knight Deuce Spade, assigned to keep and eye on her, continues with his duty to protect her and stays ten steps behind Juvia throughout her journey. As much as it pains him to see Juvia with her fiancé, He knows he never stood a chance. Only In his dreams.
Once Juvia’s finally made it to his castle, she manages to sneak behind towards the fountain hidden in the flower garden surrounded by deep red roses and sunny marigolds. Their favorite flowers. And his favorite place to be at night. She calls out his name, not loudly as to not disturb anyone who could possibly be around, but loud enough for him to snap his head back at the familiar voice he’s grown to love.
“I need you to help me, Mitch. This is the one thing I ask of you so please..”
The desperation in Juvia’s voice made his heart strain. Mitch didn’t even know he could still feel such things. There was only one thing on his mind after that moment : Bring Juvia the happiness she deserves.
From then on, Mitch guided Juvia away from all the things that hurt her, her soft shaky hand in his rough calloused one. The hand Deuce’s gloved hand has only held from helping her down the stairs.
On their way to who knows where, the Royals (and hidden knight) stumble upon an old, mossy tower. Originally intending to just walk on by, they hear questionable noises from said tower. A crash, a groan, and a swear. Well….curiosity killed that cat. Naturally, they went up into the tower. Mitch’s hold on Juvia was tight with the creaky steps and falling rubble. Once they reached the top, it truly was a sight to behold.
Books scattered, pages with near ineligible writing and drawings and a couple spilt potions had covered the floor of the towers only room. And stood in the corner was someone with their back turned, talking to themselves and searching for something.
“Uhm…Excuse me!”
The hooded figure jumped and screeched in shock at a voice other than their own. They took their hood off to reveal a young woman with glasses, blue hair and heavy dark circles. After the initial shock, the woman introduced herself as Mayuu, a wizard who resides in this tower with the intent to guide those who come across. It was almost ironic the two Royals decided to feed their curiosity and venture inside.
“What can I do? Will I ever find the freedom and happiness I’ve longed for?”
Juvia explained her curse to the wizard Mayuu, doing her best to not shed a tear. She was always the emotional type. Mayuu couldn’t help but feel an intense wave of nostalgia course through her body. She’s dealt with this situation before. Very recently.
“Go against your curse. Set your happiness in stone and you’ll be the victor. What do you really want to do?”
What do I really want to do? It was a rather vague question but it gave Juvia the push she needed. She knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted to be with someone. Someone who loves her, who cares for her, is willing to protect her and support her throughout all the rough times. But that arose yet another problem….There were two people who fit that description. Juvia loved Mitch, she really did. But she made up her mind the moment she met him. Her knight Deuce Spade was the one.
Mitch could see it in her eyes and facial expression, the way her breathing started to pick up. He wanted to be the one, but that would defeat the purpose of his goal. He wants Juvia wants to be happy, and her happiness is with her Knight. Walking down and out of the tower after giving the wizard Mayuu an extremely generous payment, It was silent. The two of them just stood there facing one another, eyes however staring at the ground which seemed more important. Mitch was the one to break the silence, how unusual of him… He took Juvia’s hand once more for the last time, bowed, and placed a gentle fluttering kiss upon her hand.
“I hope you find your happiness, even without me.”
And with that he looks behind Juvia, signaling towards the Knight that he can stop hiding. She whips her head around, in utter shock at the sight of Deuce. Slowly, the princess and the knight walked towards each other, as if scared the other would disappear. Once they stood merely a few centimeters apart, a wave of light surrounded them. Blue butterflies with golden specks flew freely in the area. The curse was lifted, Juvia knew. She finally found her happiness.
Mitch, used to this feeling of emptiness, simply turned around with the slightest smile on his face and made his way back home.
His mission was completed.
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amourdeleon07 · 5 months
"Escapism" - A flash fiction
Hii!! This is my first flash fiction I'll be posting on Tumblr!! Thank you for stopping to read my work, it means a lot hehe :3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
I have always loved romance, but when I was given a chance to experience it, it never stuck around for long. I’ve loved someone but they only wanted me for their desires, I’ve loved someone but they left me, I’ve loved someone but the love wasn’t mutual, I’ve loved someone but it faded. After all the people I’ve loved, I’d always end up heartbroken, always left alone with nothing but a runny nose and a drenched pillow with my tears. 
In our modern society, I’ve always thought, ‘Is romance still alive? Is love nothing but desires and money?’, I honestly don’t know what’s considered what’s right and not anymore at this time and age. 
Recently, I’ve gotten into reading books, that mostly revolve around romance, my friend recommended me and I got hooked. I’ve honestly started reading because I was still heartbroken at that time, a fresh wound in my heart that pained me too much to the point I couldn’t even bring myself to properly do my daily routine, I just got out of a romantic relationship with someone…again…I needed a distraction to hide the pain so I started reading.
I read and read, drowning my sorrows in books, hoping it would go away, I probably already have a pile of romance books sitting somewhere in my apartment. I sighed as I closed the book I was just reading, and I felt my heart ache for the umpteenth time today. ‘I can’t believe I miss them…What am I doing? They left me for another…I should move on…’ I shake off my thoughts, messing with my hair in frustration. 
Why does love have to be complicated? Why does love seem so beautiful but hurts so bad? It’s like a rose…A beautiful flower but can hurt you with its thorns…Is love even for me? Am I supposed to fall in love and experience its beauty?... Is there even anyone who would love me for who I am without the influence of this twisted society?
I feel tears starting to form in my eyes, I try to cheer myself up, shaking off those deep thoughts… ‘I can’t cry again…I’ve shed too many tears already…I can’t afford to waste anymore…I’m practically wasting my own time…’. I got up from my seat, getting water to quench my thirst as I pulled out my phone, and started scrolling through social media, wanting to be updated with the world, even though it may be cruel and harsh, I still care about it. I scrolled and scrolled until I stopped, seeing one of my exes getting married, another newlywed couple, they found someone new…I stop and stare at the newlywed couple, feeling jealous as I immediately regret scrolling through social media.
‘Another happy couple…happily married huh…When is it my turn to have that? When will that be ever me with someone?... Why is everyone falling in love while I’m… falling behind?’ I sighed as I turned my phone off not wanting to go through it any further, placing it on the countertop as I sat and stared off into nothingness, reflecting on all the relationships I’ve been in. 
Am I too much? Too little? What am I lacking? Am I not good enough? 
This is so frustrating, how do people even do this?…
My eyes subconsciously diverted their attention to the book I’d been reading. I’ve read the book many times already yet I still always go back to it…I don’t know why, I can’t recall any reason that could explain why I keep going back to it. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, not understanding why I kept reading it over and over again even though it’s not even one of my favorite books I’ve read. The plot is nice but it’s not my all-time favorite. Is it the characters?... I mean the characters are really interesting, especially the male protagonist… 
The male protagonist…I mean he is really sweet and a nice person in general, he would do anything to protect his loved ones, he’s kind of cute too…Wait…Him? Cute? He’s not real, I don’t even know what he looks like apart from the description given by the author yet…I find him cute?... Do I have a crush on him or something? I’m in disbelief, not believing that I have a crush on a fictional character.
I stood up and went to pick up the book, observing it. I couldn’t help but smile as I skimmed through the book as I stopped and realized…
I do like him… I do have a crush on a fictional character. 
As concerning as it may sound, I don’t mind. 
A fictional character can’t hurt me, it can’t reject me, abandon me, or even leave me. I don’t even have to worry about getting heartbroken by a fictional character because…it’s fictional…ouch. Is this who I am now? A person in love with a fictional character? Surely I’m not the only one…right? 
To be honest…this is better than getting hurt almost always. This is better than facing the harsh and cruel reality, it may sound like I’m a coward running away but I need a break from all these heartbreaks, and if it means falling in love with someone I can’t have then so be it. 
I’d rather be happy because of my delusions instead of moping around feeling so depressed because of reality.
Call me crazy, delusional, mentally ill, I don’t care. I’d rather escape reality through these books than be hurt by the harsh reality. We all have our ways of being happy and feeling loved, this is mine and if people don’t like it, so be it, that’s not going to stop me from doing what I want. 
“These books help me escape reality.”
I hope you guys like what I wrote!! This was the very first flash fiction I wrote :D
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ariel-seagull-wings · 6 months
@tamisdava2 @adarkrainbow @themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @professorlehnsherr-almashy @princesssarisa @faintingheroine @amalthea9
(Brazilian Folktale)
Once there lived in the house of beautiful queen of the East a beautiful slave who had the graceful name of Genoveva. In the afternoon Genoveva looked for dark and lonely place and gave herself over to reading pious books, listening to the birds sing.
Suddenly a beautiful stray deer appeared to her in the dark of the forest and, after looking at her for a long moment, asked her:
"Do you want to follow me, Genoveva?"
This kind invitation deeply moved the slave who had the desire to accept it and go further with this little animal; but very quickly she denied it, remembering her dear poor, to whom she gave the remains of the lady's table; and so she replied:
"I will not accompany you, dear little deer, I will never abandon my mistress."
"I shall see you one day, Genoveva."
And the beautiful deer disappeared into the brambles of the forest. Every day, after meals, Genoveva filled her small basket with leftover food that she would share with the poor of the village, who, for the charitable alms, so kindly given by the slave, knew how to thank her, loving and venerating her.
Genoveva still loved them much more. If one of them was sick, she treated them with admirable dedication, dressing their wounds, washing his clothes, eluding the mistress's vigilance as best she could.
One day, however, Genoveva was leaving with her basket of food at the moment she was rushing into the garden, riding her elegant horse. When the mistress saw the slave leave with the basket, already quite suspicious due to the countless complaints that reached her ears, she asked her:
"What are you carrying there?"
"Flowers, Royal Mistress!"
"Let me see them."
Genoveva shivered for a moment, but suddenly, in a burst of courage, she discovered the basket and, instead of the food in it, beautiful roses in bloom appeared and dazzled the lady's eyes. In her mind, there was no doubt about the slave's fidelity. However, the intrigues of the people of the palace did not cease, and once the lady's jewel box disappeared, everyone with one voice attributed the theft to Genoveva.
Even eyewitnesses appeared; and faced with this evidence and the most solemn oaths, the queen came to the conviction that the slave had been the author of such a monstrous crime, ordered her to be called to her presence and asked angrily:
"Genoveva, how did you abuse my kindness?"
"I, Real Mistress?"
"You stole my jewelry box, and if you don't give it back to me by tomorrow, you shall be punished."
Genoveva did not murmur a single word, and, withdrawing, she spent the whole night, in her poor room, shedding copious tears, and had a dream. At dawn she was awakened by a maid who came to tell her that the lady was ordering her to go upstairs. Genoveva complied with the order immediately. Upon arriving, the queen asked him again:
"Genoveva, what about my safe?"
"Know, Your Highness, that the safe containing your jewels is in the possession of your maid, in the drawer of a wardrobe..."
After immediately searching the furniture, the precious safe was found and, soon after, the slave's wicked enemy was punished.
Genoveva was, however, endowed with rare beauty and the queen's son , who had recently returned from a distant war, had fallen in love with her. Genoveva did not respond to the boy's love.
He, however, constantly pursued her with declarations of love, which soon reached the queen's ears, who asked her one day if the accusations made about her were true.
"Yes, my mother, I just hope that Genoveva loves me to marry her."
"With the slave… Never!"
This time Genoveva was lost.
Mercilessly, the queen ordered one of her slaves to gouge out the poor girl's eyes and leave her in the depths of the forest, which was all done amid tears and screams from Genoveva, who, for a whole night, found herself blind and lost at the bottom of the forest.
Also from that night the young man disappeared from the palace forever. At dawn, the beautiful little deer appeared before Genoveva, which she could no longer see, but whose voice she heard.
"Do you want to follow me, Genoveva?"
"Who are you?"
"A poor deer from the forest."
"I will follow you."
They went and lived for many months in a small cabin in the forest, made of branches and brambles and infested with parasites.
In the morning they both went out in search of food, and returned to the hut at night, where Genoveva taught the deer how to pray.
They loved each other. No one has ever loved like them.
If Genoveva was sad, the deer made her happy, he went to collect flowers and fruits for her, told her that the sky was beautiful, told her what the birds' voices were saying...
One beautiful morning, however, the deer went out alone. It got dark, and he still hadn't come back.
Genoveva then groped her way out, tangling herself in the vines in search of her beloved companion.
Then, exhausted from crying and full of fatigue, she fell asleep, and when dawn broke, she, the blind one, saw, dizzy with amazement, the clear light of day, the forest, the flowers, the birds, the sky.
But what was her astonishment when she saw on the floor, prostrate, a beautiful young man, in whom she recognized the young man from the palace, with an extensive wound on his chest.
Genoveva took him to the cabin, healed his wound and never abandoned him.
However, she did not stop crying over the absence of her beautiful deer, when the boy, turning his sad, passionate eyes to her, asked her:
"But wasn't this little deer one that left you here and never came back?"
"Oh yes!"
Said Genoveva.
"And then he was injured by a wicked hunter while he was gathering flowers for his companion?
"Oh, maybe..."
"Well, this little deer..."
"Pray, tell..."
Pleaded poor Genoveva.
"It is me!"
Replied the youth, hugging her.
"I was under a spell. The fate that the Queen, my mother, had placed on me since childhood, of being sometimes a deer and sometimes a person, has now ended."
Days later, the Prince's wedding took place with the beautiful Genoveva, who now loved him as much or even more than when he was that beautiful little deer in the woods. Married, they went to live in the palace of the Wicked Queen who had died shortly before, asking for forgiveness from God for the harm she had done to her son and to Genoveva.
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kraiyne · 2 years
Ikemen Prince -Chevalier Michel x MC
Romantic Ending After Chapter 23 FANFIC 
After choosing Chevalier to be the king of Rhodolite, I’ve returned to my slightly boring life. Rio on the other hand, quitted his job at the palace and returned to work at the bookstore.
To make myself busy, I plan to do something that I really wanted. Rio gave his support to help me and I discussed a lot of things with the owner of the shop.
No matter how painful it is to be separated from Chevalier, the man I love, I won’t let myself live in sorrow. I chose this decision and I’m proud of it.
I spend weeks preparing for the business venture I've planned. Everything was going fine until something happened.
“Here you go MC, the famous rose-shaped pastries of Rhodolite!” Rio announced and put a plate on the table.
It was still morning and he’s lively as ever.  Rio sometimes visits me every morning to have breakfast with me. Now, he came with sweet pastries and told me that I have to have it.
“Good morning too Rio..” I said while trying to cover my yawn with a hand.
I was about to get the rose-shaped cookies when I felt my stomach turn-upside down. I covered my mouth unconsciously and rushed to the bathroom.
“MC, what happened?!” Rio rushed to my side.
Tears formed in the corner of my eyes as I was puking. It felt horrible. It was like I was puking my guts out. Rio held my hair to keep it from falling.
“Didn’t you like rose-shaped cookies? Are you okay now? “ there was a hint of guilt in his voice. 
“No, I think it's probably what I ate last night," I said trying to reassure him.
Rio insisted that I take a break from work.
"It's because you're working too hard! Take a break first, MC. "
"I'm fine, Rio. " 
But Rio, my friend is persistent. In the end, I agreed with him. I don't really have strength anyway.  
"If it worsens, I will accompany you to the doctor later."  He said.
I nodded. He excused himself to go to the bookstore and inform the owner. 
I drank the tea while I'm reading. It was one of the books King Chevalier gave me. 
The memories of us together in the castle rushed through my head. I felt a tug in my heart and I can't help but to shed a tear. 
"It hurts.. I miss you so much." I said in tears.
In an instant, I felt something again. I immediately rush to bathroom and puke again.
What is wrong with me? 
I tried to remember what happened to me these past few weeks. I have constant headaches. I always felt tired and now I'm puking.
I kept telling myself it's probably just stress but a memory played in my head. The night before I left the castle. King Chevalier and I …when.. we did…
"Impossible.." but it's just one night.
"Could I possibly be?" I said to myself. Instinctively, I held my stomach.
I need to confirm this.
In a village away from the town, I rode by a horse to look for a doctore. I canot risk anything especially I'm not sure yet about my situation. I left a note for Rio that I went for a walk. 
I made a few knocks on the door of a small clinic. The villagers led me here when I asked a while ago.
"Yes, what can I do for you?" A woman who looks nearly in her forties stood infront of the door. 
"Hi, uhmm. Can you examine me?" I said in a polite manner. 
She opened the door and said. "Oh, well then come inside."
I took a deep breath and nodded.
"MC! Where did you go?! I was worried that something might happened to you? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Rio bombarded me with a lot of questions once I went back home.
His face looks so worried as he examined me. He was waiting for me to continue.
His eyes darted to my hand, carressing my stomach..where my child rest..
The child of King Chevalier and I. Our proof of love.
"I'm pregnant. What should I do?"
So I'm trying to finish what I've been trying to write after finishing Chevalier's Romantic Route. I have many what ifs after the Chapter 23 hahaha.
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starlitscripts · 11 months
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spilled (7/365)
I meant to keep this love in a bottle; throw it into the stillness of the sea but the waves brought it back to the shore and landed near your footprints on the sand. You grazed its surface gently before pulling out the cork and I could only watch from afar as you got the rolled-up paper from inside it— the very one on which my heart had translated  your eyes into breathtaking sunrises and your smiles into calming strolls on a moonlit night. Time seemed to have walked into winter  in those seconds when you took my heart off my sleeve so you could hold it in the palm of your hand; I was only supposed to say your name in whispers, not bellow it into the vastness of the universe because the world gave you love in thorns and not rose petals and I would never want you to cover up your wounds with flowered bandages when they were still begging to be accepted for what they were. I was perfectly fine with knowing that there was a point in this journey   that we were looking at the same sky at the same time but the sea must have become tired of capturing all my reflections of bliss every time I caught sight of you that he decided to just bring every word that I spoke behind closed doors to where you were. And it terrified me, for lack of a better word, to know that you finally knew just how much you meant to me but I saw you read the letters in the same way that you admire a plain white wall; you put the paper back inside the bottle and carried on with feeling the wind in your skin and it should have given me a measure of relief that you did not give it much thought but from afar, I was standing with a weight on my shoulders that I could not make sense of— and maybe, just maybe, I was even more terrified to realize that my heart could possibly be thrown into the void of all the other ones that you had to break because you first needed to heal your own— something that I have always tried to understand ever since. So into the vastness of the universe, I will just whisper the hurt that comes with knowing that we will just be another page in your book but I want you to know that this pain is quite like the tears that we shed as children when we scraped our knees— all too natural; purely inevitable but not enough to paralyze us from getting back up and walking again. I can’t flip over to the narratives of tomorrow when I’m still within the tales of today but whether I get to hold your hand or not at the end of it all, I will never forget how your eyes held so much of the morning sun or the way your smile brings me peace in the same way that the moon guides a wandering soul on a dark night. I will never, even for one second, forget just how immensely beautiful you are despite all the storms that you’ve had to endure just to get a hint of the light that you have now. I meant to keep this love in a bottle, but I’ll let the waves carry it over to you over and over again; past beyond all the moments of hesitation and the sleepless nights and the chances of heartbreak, so that you will always be reminded that you are deeply and truly loved for all that you are and for all that it’s worth.
// S.H.
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ukdamo · 1 year
To a Skylark
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!
Bird thou never wert,
That from Heaven, or near it,
Pourest thy full heart
In profuse strains of unpremeditated art.
Higher still and higher
From the earth thou springest
Like a cloud of fire;
The blue deep thou wingest,
And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.
In the golden lightning
Of the sunken sun,
O'er which clouds are bright'ning,
Thou dost float and run;
Like an unbodied joy whose race is just begun.
The pale purple even
Melts around thy flight;
Like a star of Heaven,
In the broad day-light
Thou art unseen, but yet I hear thy shrill delight,
Keen as are the arrows
Of that silver sphere,
Whose intense lamp narrows
In the white dawn clear
Until we hardly see, we feel that it is there.
All the earth and air
With thy voice is loud,
As, when night is bare,
From one lonely cloud
The moon rains out her beams, and Heaven is overflow'd.
What thou art we know not;
What is most like thee?
From rainbow clouds there flow not
Drops so bright to see
As from thy presence showers a rain of melody.
Like a Poet hidden
In the light of thought,
Singing hymns unbidden,
Till the world is wrought
To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not:
Like a high-born maiden
In a palace-tower,
Soothing her love-laden
Soul in secret hour
With music sweet as love, which overflows her bower:
Like a glow-worm golden
In a dell of dew,
Scattering unbeholden
Its aëreal hue
Among the flowers and grass, which screen it from the view:
Like a rose embower'd
In its own green leaves,
By warm winds deflower'd,
Till the scent it gives
Makes faint with too much sweet those heavy-winged thieves:
Sound of vernal showers
On the twinkling grass,
Rain-awaken'd flowers,
All that ever was
Joyous, and clear, and fresh, thy music doth surpass.
Teach us, Sprite or Bird,
What sweet thoughts are thine:
I have never heard
Praise of love or wine
That panted forth a flood of rapture so divine.
Chorus Hymeneal,
Or triumphal chant,
Match'd with thine would be all
But an empty vaunt,
A thing wherein we feel there is some hidden want.
What objects are the fountains
Of thy happy strain?
What fields, or waves, or mountains?
What shapes of sky or plain?
What love of thine own kind? what ignorance of pain?
With thy clear keen joyance
Languor cannot be:
Shadow of annoyance
Never came near thee:
Thou lovest: but ne'er knew love's sad satiety.
Waking or asleep,
Thou of death must deem
Things more true and deep
Than we mortals dream,
Or how could thy notes flow in such a crystal stream?
We look before and after,
And pine for what is not:
Our sincerest laughter
With some pain is fraught;
Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.
Yet if we could scorn
Hate, and pride, and fear;
If we were things born
Not to shed a tear,
I know not how thy joy we ever should come near.
Better than all measures
Of delightful sound,
Better than all treasures
That in books are found,
Thy skill to poet were, thou scorner of the ground!
each me half the gladness
That thy brain must know,
Such harmonious madness
From my lips would flow
The world should listen then, as I am listening now.
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theoncomingdoo-dah · 2 years
Episode 1.1 Rose
One of the best introductions I've ever seen to a world and it's characters. I had barely any exposure to Doctor Who and this was a great starting point when I first watched it.
Rose's introduction couldn't be more perfect. We're given so much information about her in a quick succession of shots.
That also perfectly slow down when she enters the basement of Henriks. It gives this scene weight. Like her life has mostly been a fast succession of everyday living but now...something is about to change.
Billie is so pretty. That's not important to the episode but she is so pretty.
Also I forgot to mention! The shots of the window dummies in the opening Rose montage! That's such a cool detail!
Then the scene. You know the one. I don't have words it's just so perfect.
Nine's smile when Rose guesses that the dummies is a "student thing". The exact words in the Shooting Scripts is.
The Doctor smiles. He likes her.
Also that thing where Rose says it and then when the Doctor says 'Why students?' and Rose second guesses herself so she downplays her guess and he *insists* on her explaining? That's a neat detail too. Rose lacks confidence in her intelligence. The Doctor picked up on that and then gave her encouragement over her explanation. Just. 🥺🥺🥺 That's such a small detail but I love it.
It's sad that Christopher doesn't think he can do comedy because the absolute dead pan way Nine talks in the scene where he says "Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life!" is hilarious to me.
Also Rose's absolute frustration in this scene is equally hilarious.
Jackie! I love her. And Rose hanging up the phone. Iconic scene.
I genuinely feel like Mickeys introduction would've been better if it went like it did in the novelization with his friends. :L
I like how it portrays their relationship though. It's not perfect. It seems happy but at the same time, it seems like Rose is doing alot of compromising and giving more than her partner.
Nine looks so offended when Rose pulls him inside her flat. xD
"Anything could happen." ".....no." Iconic.
The Turn Of The Earth speech still gives me chills. Not to mention that little snippet of music that's gonna be become MUCH MORE important as the series goes on. Except this time it's accompanied by snare drums. Sounds very militant. OOOOH THATS CLEVER.
Clive and the shed scene are so much more fleshed out in the novelization. It serves it's purpose here but in the book he gets a backstory and a reason *why* he's so fascinated with the Doctor. Also we got Rose calling the 5th and 8th Doctors hot. Thank you RTD, very cool.
"Is that it then, dishing out chips?" Well unfortunately for you, Rose...
Eyyyy Jimmy Stone mention. Bastard. He also gets a bit more fleshing out in the novelization.
Intro to the nu TARDIS. She's seen better days, and it's a far cry from 8s GORGEOUS interior. But she looks the part, alien, mysterious, fascinating.
Nine seems anxious to see this fascination from Rose. And even asks "Is that alright?" after mentioning that he's alien. He really does care, sometimes. 🥺
I freaking LOVE how Nine cannot stay mad at Rose. He goes from ranting about saving every stupid ape on the planet to gushing about his Police Box. "It's a telephone box from the 1950s. 😊 It's a disguise. ☺️" Then, "Antiplastic. 😀 ANTIPLASTIC! 😄"
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"The breast implants." Ah yes, Rose the bi disaster coming in clutch.
Goddamn Christopher knows how to portray the pain and regret of Nine in the scenes with the Nestene. He's almost got tears in his eyes when talking about the war.
Also Clives death scene is so much more poignant and tragic in the novelization.
the shot where Nine is restrained and Rose is by the TARDIS, above him and in the light, yeah. Yeah that's a nice shot. 👌
You cannot fathom my disappointment that the second turn of the earth scene is not actually in the show and is only in the novelization.
Nine actually acknowledging that Rose saved his life. 🥺
And looks genuinely disappointed when Rose says no to going with him. 🥺🥺 (Yet again, novelization kills it in this scene)
And the utter JOY Rose has when he comes back. 🥺🥺🥺
Final thoughts!
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fandomdaydreamer · 2 years
The Lighthouse and The Ocean
Pt 21
Without You Now
Pairing: Pedro Pascal/OFC
Warnings: angst, allusions to sex
Summary: Their first goodbye is clouded by a conflicting prediction but apart from a tiny worrisome detail, Nini is excited to record Pedro's song at Third Man Records.
Notes: Also find this fic on Ao3 -here- or the series' Masterlist and Playlist -here-
AN: If you're interested, I've included a YouTube vid of a tour at this wonderful interesting place called Third Man Records and an interview with JW III.
Length: 9k
Without You Now
The crew stood in a circle around me in the sunset dust, clapping and cheering for me once my last scene was finally wrapped up.
My character had ceased to exist while looking at her love with a smile on her face. We had left things unseen and unheard, giving a sense of hope rather than being lost in the notion that life had almost too much to offer.
I shed a tear, just a little one while the cameras kept rolling and captured my final bow and awe at the copious amount of applause surrounding me. I was absorbed in my colleagues' and friends' appreciation of my work and felt saddened in their midst about everything ending here. Pedro finally took pity and could no longer see me struggling to bear this kind celebration on my own. The uncharacteristically smiley cowboy drew me in for a hug, concluding the feeling that this was the end of an era. How could this have been only two and a half months? I spent a lifetime learning and growing here.
I couldn't imagine we'd be apart by tomorrow. We tried and failed to count the ample hours we had left until my departure but how could we not feel our time shrinking with such a sudden sense of loss when we had spent every minute of it together? Working and living in such proximity seemed worth a year of growing accustomed to each other as a new couple. Dreadful uncertainty behaved like clouds, obscuring my last hours in Mexico.
Today, like any other day, we took one final stroll around the gardens, partly in a prolonged ritual of dining and spending our evening together and partly, so I could say goodbye to the people here and the flowers. When the sun was long gone, our path took us back to our room where we got ready for bed and settled with the book we read together, like it was just any normal night.
I could keep telling myself that just one minute more in his presence would satisfy me for another lifetime. I wanted to be everything he ever wanted because I knew there was only one Pedro in the whole wide world, the only one I desired to be my everything. He was unique, he was here and in return, I was his truly, forever his. I wished to keep him here next to me in my arms when I laid my head against his shoulder and listened to his deep baritone.
While he kept threading his fingers through my hair, I yearned for the seasons to change and the time spent by his side that was yet to come. Six more hours until I would leave for the airport. I closed my eyes and pictured memories of every moment we had spent here together, behaving like strays in a timeless paradise who had been mostly unaware of any bitter endings. Other ways of figuring out how to be together waited right behind that door, down the aisle of that aeroplane and under the restless eyes of the public.
Pedro sighed, our Haruki Murakami book sinking to his chest when we had finished the chapter. "I promise we'll continue reading when we're back together again." He told me softly, awaiting any kind of reaction. After a while, he set the book aside along with his glasses.
I waited for a moment to escape the pessimistic thoughts that tightened around me in such a criminal embrace but it never came. I was afraid to lose us. "We won’t change, will we?" I relieved my troubling mind, sounding a bit hollow.
Pedro's chest rose, a deeply worried sigh escaping him and yet I felt a rush of determined energy passing through us. A kiss on my forehead remedied the frown on my face until I smiled again. "I won't let that happen." He whispered against it. His hand firmly traced my back and our silence brought nothing but peace to my mind. It was a quiet kind of affirmation, a sense of promise that he wasn't going anywhere.
From tomorrow on, we'd be separated again and I could not bear the thought, couldn't bear the thought that Señora Martínez's prediction spoke the truth. The memory of earlier today sparked sadness and insecurity inside.
"A palm reading?" I asked Pedro in a sceptical voice after he had translated what the old and wise Señora Martínez had offered me.
The deeply psychic woman sat in the low evening sun on her crooked stairs, back bent from old age. After she had beckoned us closer with one arthritic, wrinkled finger, she smiled a knowing smile that already made me believe in anything she would have to say. Naturally, I had never felt more put off or scared before in my life, shaking my head with vigour. "No, I can't. Palm readings can tell bad things too. What if-"
"Since when are you so pessimistic?" Pedro gave me a looped and confused smile, seemingly confident about a positive outlook, bless his soul. He leaned down to whisper when Señora still held out for my hand. "It would be rude to decline."
"You first, then." I challenged him, gesturing towards the elderly lady, who cooed contentedly as soon as my boyfriend asked for permission, sat on the stair below hers and placed his palm facing upward into her hand.
Señora's voice crowed. "Eres un alma gentil, sí," she told him. "Good man." She directed her words towards me specifically and smiled an almost entirely toothless smile. Pedro blushed through a chuckle.
I simply nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, I know." I rubbed his shoulder, affectionately, feeling more relaxed by the minute.
"Veo buen fortuna en tu vida con tu esposita." She declared with a gesture towards me and Pedro and I beamed at each other. She said all kinds of things I couldn't comprehend but I continued listening and watching her count the wrinkles underneath his pinky finger. "Mira- la linea de los niños. Uno, dos, tres niños."
Pedro's eyes widened. "Three? I'm f-" he stopped his curse from tumbling from his lips when Señora gave him a strict glare. "No, lo siento. Por favor, esto debe ser un error. I'm almost forty-seven years old, when's that supposed to happen?" He laughed ironically, maybe doubting the accuracy of palm readings too now.
I raised my eyebrows sceptically as well, imagining I could be the woman in this future vision and staring in shock into the void at the prospect of a whole brood of children. Until then, I thanked the stars for contraceptives.
'When' indeed. I could feel my face going pale. Pedro interrupted my train of thought just when I tried to figure out an important equation but he seemed to have interpreted my mortified expression as a sign of utter refusal. His smile trembled nervously. "Honey, don't feel pressured in any way by my old wrinkly palm."
"I told you, I'm a sceptic," I laughed it off, still inwardly panicking about the fact that I seemed to have lost track of my cycle entirely. Mentally, I was trying to count days and days, weeks back when I should have gotten my period.
"Are you sure you don't want to? It's... enlightening." Pedro ripped me out of my internal freakout.
"Eh.... m'okay then." Reluctantly, I knelt and placed my right hand into her open palm, anticipating what she had to say about my future.
The way Pedro held me, I knew he was not telling me something. His hand roamed up my arm and held me close, allowing me to tuck my head underneath his chin and close my eyes.
"I want to stop time," I told him faintly, both frowning and smiling bitterly against the light cotton t-shirt he wore. After filling my lungs with the scent of him, I exhaled deeply.
"Me too." He replied lowly. Pedro raised my hand to kiss the inside of my wrist and trace it to my ring finger like he imagined he could feel the little bump of an invisible wedding band. Maybe he could somehow, reduce the lines on my palm that predicted more misfortune than he had been willing to translate.
His voice took a joyful tone. "You know, I thought about taking you to my favourite little cinema just a little uptown, walks through Central Park when the leaves are turning brown. Maybe we could make a list of all the nook restaurants to visit, antique book markets in spring, picnics during summer." He said, treading on the future path we'd create ourselves, take matters into our own hands. It was our freedom to act on our wishes.
I closed my eyes and smiled, picturing us in said scenarios and scrunching my nose when I locked eyes with him again. "You didn't mention winter."
We exhaled the same kind of grin together. "Winter in New York sucks. Um, art galleries?" He promptly suggested. "Hey, maybe Sharon's vernissage still stands-" I snorted at his outrageous misplaced humour.
I roamed my palm across his broad chest, finally going back to simply relaxing. "I can't even imagine feeling cold now."
"We could hide out winter at my house in LA." He thought and though I loved every part of his idea, I let out a sound of protest.
"Christmas without snow?" I pouted and couldn't bare the loss of my favourite season. I was inclined to look up at him when he turned me on my back, facing me as he propped his hand underneath his chin.
"But Christmas is when the family meets up in Chile." He tried to gently get his will with that sly grin of his. "You don't wanna come and join the family trip with me this year?"
I gasped at the invitation and didn't mind him popping the romantic idea of cosiness and snow outside. Pedro was still very much a family man. "Let me introduce them to my beautiful, talented and-" His hand travelled down to prey on my weak spots and I prepared to be teased. I was already grinning and squirming to protect my sides while his soft voice lured me into this daydream. "-incredibly funny girlfriend who can kick my ass at hiking."
I started giggling when his hands purposely found my ticklish parts. "Yes, of course. I'd absolutely love... to- ah stop, no! I said I want to!" I escaped his hands and felt my heart slam in my chest at the sight of the happiness projected on his face. "Yeah?" He matched my giddiness.
I nodded happily, curling my fingers into the floof of his dark hair. "Allow me to buy your nephews gifts? Not just play secret Santa for my little sister this year."
"Thank you. I'm so lazy." Pedro replied with a dramatised amount of gratitude. I thanked the stars I had found the man I wanted to share all these things with, be my family and become his in return. I was too in love with him to imagine these feelings could ever do anything but grow with each and every day. I loved him like things of lightness are to be loved, out in the open somewhere between the sky and my soul.
Pedro looked between Señora Martínez and me, translating softly as she took a closer look at my love line. "She says our hearts are very old friends that always end up together in one way or another in each of our lifetimes, friends, lovers, family." He beamed happily but my elation at our newly recognised soulmate status was interrupted when she talked to us in a different pitch, frowning. "Ayayay. Unlucky little girl." Señora Martínez shook her head at my palm. "She sees a troubled beginning in your life and a lot of... suffering. Happiness has settled in your life though, you have a very fulfilling but difficult time ahead with a change of career-" Pedro raised his eyebrows at me as to say that, right, this was exactly what was happening. "You'll need to look after your health." Pedro hesitated with his translation, purposefully not mentioning her mumbling something about my odd, disrupted lifeline.
He stopped entirely, frowning when he skipped over a part I didn't understand myself. "What?" I asked, frantically looking back and forth between them and tried not to panic when he skilled his expression. I knew he wouldn't tell me the really bad news. "She just tells you there are two meaningful relationships in your life, both of them resulting in..." He swallowed and my gaze snapped up at her.
"Que significa 'sufrimiento?" I asked her and was met with a compassionate expression.
"Um, it means heartbreak." Pedro's voice sounded frail but he regained his cheerful spirit when Señora continued pressing her finger into my palm. "But she sees much love and life in your future, she says there are two children." He raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"Really?" I repeated, an octave higher than normal. "Two' children?" I pronounced the difference between our predictions.
Pedro was unaware of the worries weighing on my mind. "She says she's never erred in her life." He confirmed.
"Oh, that's reassuring." I protested, taking my palm back and bidding the wise old lady a polite thanks and extending goodbyes.
I squeezed her hand with both of mine and felt her gently tugging me back before I could let go. "Pase lo que pase, nunca te rindas con tus sueños." The old woman instructed me and I nodded, barely whispering a promise that I would never give up on my dreams.
"She has spoken." Pedro declared sternly to lighten up the mood, referencing a certain similarly wise Star Wars character he had gotten acquainted with. Not helping, I thought. We didn't match and everything would come back to heartbreak.
Slow steps took us down the path back to our hotel. "Palm readings don't tell anything that's written in stone." I crossed my arms stubbornly after we had walked back to the terrace.
"She didn't strictly say we're not compatible just that..." Pedro didn't know how to conjure up a different kind of interpretation. "We're both happy in our future. Nothing else matters."
"She clearly saw two different paths for us." I mourned, tried to explain my 'two meaningful relationships' and couldn't imagine I would ever love again if something severed our bond. It seemed extremely premature and downright scary, planning on starting a family and thinking about ever going through all of that before we even hit our one-month anniversary. I would count myself lucky if our careers allowed us to stay together. The idea of another heartbreak made me spiral. "Even if we were married and divorced one day, fair enough but not having the same number of children makes matters pretty clear," I evaluated, feeling overwhelmed until he gently pried my shoulders towards him and made me face him again.
"Hey, mi esposita-" he referenced Señora Martínez and cast a smile on my face. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna keep you on your toes unless 'you' show me out the door." He told me calmly and reassuringly, from the bottom of his heart. "Understood?" He added and caught my waist within his giant palms, raising his eyebrows encouragingly.
"Yeah." I grinned against his lips instead of kissing him. "You mean before or after I kicked you out because you had a child with someone else?" I pretended to be jealous of a hypothesis and snickered, bumping my shoulder into his arm once we'd continued our walk.
Pedro's jaw dropped. "Let's just promise to share custody, okay? I can't-" He babbled and succeeded to make me laugh. "And by the way, I'm pretty sure she meant that I've got one more kid than you because I have Grogu, my first." He joked and made me snort out loud.
"Ooh- that makes so much sense!" I exclaimed and we continued walking hand in hand, feeling at peace with where our path was taking us as our light conversation seemed to fade in the distance.
I felt Pedro drape the sheets further over my body. "This is the first time I have to let you go." His voice sounded so sad and I realised that perhaps it would never feel easier someday.
"Maybe the third man listens to one single note and he will send me on a plane back home immediately." I tried to console him, imagined Jack White frowning at my guitar plucking and just... leaving the room. My heart would shatter.
Pedro made a face like I couldn't get away with this utter nonsense. "No, you're gonna make all of them drop to the floor and worship you for your talent, you'll see." He promised me and traced his thumb over my cheekbone, seeming to feel conflicted about whether he wanted to look at me or kiss me. I pushed my face into his shoulder bashfully, which he chuckled about but also seemed to understand as a challenge. "Are you going to be good?" He asked sternly. A wide smile spread across my face at the fond but patronising tone.
"Yes." "Will you kick some ass?" I giggled when he raised my chin with his finger. "Yes." "That's my girl." Pedro tugged at my chin with a wink and I hoped the moisture in my eyes would not develop into tears. "The world needs more badass female guitar players, that's for sure."
A shallow sigh escaped my lips. "You really think so? I still don't even know what kind of musician I am."
"You're a rock star." Pedro encouraged me and his grin softened while he sought out his words. "Though... when you play your quiet folk songs, it's the definition of pin-drop music. You know, sometimes I think it's like some people carry the sun in their voices and some the moon. They differ in tone but not in beauty." He let his bloomy descriptions spill over, trailing soft patterns on my hip underneath the covers and pulling me closer while I hung to his every word. The pools of his dark eyes shone with admiration and his voice dropped impossibly deep. "I feel I could compare your voice to the soft glow of winter moonlight." His sweetness caused my heart swell and glow brightly. A sudden uncontrollable need made me kiss at every bit of skin I could reach and sample some of that sweetness he seemed to have been made of.
Pedro huffed in amusement at my reaction. I lowered my face into the junction of his neck, rolling my body into his and begging for the sexy part of our evening. "Heartbreaking. Beautiful." He managed to say before giving in and he pulled me with him, first to extinguish the bedside lamp on his side and then on mine after he had rolled on top of me.
I hummed, forgetting every bit of worry at his heartwarming happy chuckle. I breathed out as I opened my legs for him and framed his hips to pull his weight down on me. "You can say such nice things." I shuddered at the slight sting of his teeth biting into my skin and for the first time in months, I let him.
He worshipped me with hot, open-mouthed kisses, sucking at my skin from my neck to my jaw. "I had time to think about that description. I might have swooned over you to a couple of people." Pedro confessed with a smirk against my lips. I cooed and draped my arms around him, giving myself to him when he claimed my mouth in a searing hot kiss.
Tonight, I could sense a quiet kind of urgency beating inside his chest which I sought to remedy with a gentle touch to whichever body part of his seemed to need a reminder of my devotion. I could relate, for I felt his presence healing this tightening feeling inside my chest.
I begged him for the dark purple marks his mouth would leave on my body. Pedro sank his mouth down my jugular, wet heat closing around my skin and bruising it when I couldn't get enough evidence of where he could put his signature on my body. A reminder that I was his, even with them fading with time.
I buried myself in his arms and he stole the breath from my lungs, kissing me and making tender love to me. Pedro seemed starved to fill his fix and not less able to satiate, drawing out our entwined state of being for as long as his body could withhold the release.
In the calm of the afterglow, I closed my eyes in worship of his warmth and basked in the feeling of being so wanted in return. We felt more like the comforting heat of glowing ambers rather than the intensity of a fire burning strong and bright and it felt like something had to ring true about kindred spirits. I had found the most comfortable position right in his arms and gotten so sleepy that even my hand had stopped exploring his skin.
"Don't fall asleep," I whispered drowsily, looking towards him with heavy eyelids and realised he had them already closed. "M'not. Just... resting my eyes." He replied with a raspy voice and I sighed contently when I found him struggling to stay awake just as much. I let myself drift away when I was sure he had lost the battle against sleep first.
The clouds below looked like pale cotton candy while I tapped the end of my pencil against my bottom lip in the absence of my mind. I was scribbling away time on my flight to Tennessee, hoping the only reply wouldn't remain the echo of a memory. But just like always, Pedro gave me something I could dream about. At least nothing's complicated in solitude, I thought and wrote down the name of the song I had dedicated to him.
The Lighthouse And The Ocean
"You and me, in guidance and saviour or in reverse, my darling," I said to myself softly, missing the distant light in his eyes and the sparkle in their reflection whenever he watched me accomplish something and pride myself on it.
I drew waves and seagulls around the page as I imagined the melody of my guitar play paired with the harmonising sound of a cello. Mouthing the song to myself, I felt like I had written something truly meaningful.
I had managed to finish the new song during our first hours of separation and had written the final lines into a proper notebook. How sappy of me, a love confession at last. A perfect moment I could wait for a little while longer and look forward to until I could show his song to Pedro for the first time. It was written with so much love and yearning, for his absence was more than just noticeable.
His fragrance was deeply embedded in the highly huggable, striped hoodie I had stolen from him and when I pulled the knitted material to my nose, a picture found its way to the back of my eyes. A dimpled smile in front of a blue ocean, simply perfect and full of contentment. It distracted me from everything else, clinging to the fabric and smelling like what warmth felt like. A subtle dark scent, a cue for masculinity and protectiveness wrapped itself around me in a caring embrace. He had climbed into my heart and fixed himself there like a pin on a map, marked himself onto paper between my recorder and a flute of orange juice. No champagne... just in case.
An anxious feeling spread inside my chest and my hand redirected to rub at the pendant around my neck instead of travelling down my body. I didn't dare to cover my belly with my hand, out of fear that I'd start to sense some kind of connection I hadn't felt before. There had been too many people with cameras at the airport and I hadn't been able to buy a test then. I had been pushing the slight possibility of being pregnant to the back of my mind but it gnawed at my stress level the more I thought about the mere concept of having a baby.
What little else I could think of other than picturing Pedro with our child, happier than he ever was, raising it into the air with a laugh on both their faces before he kissed their chubby little cheek.
All of that and more... including putting everything on hold instead of grasping for the stars.
I hid behind my hand to mask my conflicting feelings about motherhood, both our skyrocketing careers and the fact that it was way too soon for either Pedro or me.
I thought about my mum. A new wave of sympathy shone on her memory. Despite everything, she had been the kindest and most gentle mother to me. Pedro would be the best father in the world, I was sure of that. I wasn't so sure whether I would be a good mother.
The world below just looked too wide and promising when we breached the clouds.
I walked out into the light, a cooling hum of North wind joining the scent of country and kerosine across the airfield. The air was no longer sweet and spicy. Still, I breathed long and thoroughly when I stepped out of the plane and let a chilly wind blow around my hair. Compared to the sunny warmth of Mexico, the midwest felt like negative degrees, yet the sudden shift of priorities was enough to brace me against the cold. On this bleak autumn day, I found there was an invincible summer within me and a clear path ahead.
I typed Pedro a message next, letting him know I landed and saw he'd tagged me on his Twitter. I grinned at the distraction of his recent Tweet, a picture of the consolation prank I had left on the pillow of his bed.
'My girlfriend thinks she's funny', it read and I retweeted the pineapple fruit that wore his aviators with a thick moustache I had nicked from the make-up team.
'Javier Piña'. I retweeted at him, giggling to myself at the possibly best way of how the announcement of our relationship could have gone.
I pulled out of the airport with my guitar case and the usual travel dirtbag look with the addition of Pedro's hoodie. This time, there were no cameras to capture my arrival as I walked toward the exits.
Halfway through the doors, I saw my agent waiting for me by the gate, grinning with her hands placed in her pockets. "There she is!" Olivia squeezed me after I had run into her arms to hug her. "On a scale from one to ten, how excited are you?"
"Eleven!" I felt sick in anticipation and showed her my shaking hands she failed to soothe. I admired her flawless, sharp blue eyeliner complimenting her high cheekbones and dark skin. "Where do we go? Is the band already there?"
"As well as the cellist you requested before your plane took off." Olivia chastised me with wide eyes, retrieving part of my luggage and walking towards the exit with me.
I had the decency to at least look guilty at the bold challenge I put her through on such short notice. "Sorry." I smiled up at her. "I just think my new song would benefit from-" "Well, long as you're happy. Guess where I found them." "The cellist?" "Playing in a New York subway station, today. Luckily, they immediately agreed to play with you and came with."
The spontaneity of this situation caused my eyes to widen dramatically. "You like picking up strays, huh?" I referred to the night we had met, when she had taken me under her wing, had literally picked a young and lost me up the floor of a hotel corridor. She both laughed and sighed as put her arm around me again, maybe also to subtly cover the hickey on my neck.
My so familiar gold and orange hues turned to blues and greys as tall and shiny buildings came into view. She steered us off the highway and away from the billboards that advertised lawyers or promoted... Christian slogans that promised that 'your baby is a blessing'.
"-because there's a big divide between substance and nonsense in pop culture these days." Liv talked on but I hadn't been listening at all. "They like to channel this substance, make it genre-less."
I returned the occasional non-verbal sound of attention.
"Welcome to the Gulch," Liv announced and I knew I should have said something. "You're awfully quiet." She noticed, glancing at me as I leaned my temple against the cool glass.
"Yeah," I commented, squirming in my seat and acting skittish at every bump in the road. "I just... hope I'll fit in. First time I don't know how to act because I don't have to play my part, you know?"
Olivia nodded. "Then be yourself." She replied pragmatically.
"Well, I appreciate the advice but..." I grinned a bit awkwardly, finally daring to do something about my uncertainty. If I was pregnant, I won't be able to do all the things I was currently dreaming of. No concerts, no backstage parties, just responsible adult things with a little human to care for. "Liv, can I ask you for a favour? Can we stop at the next pharmacy?" My face heated up in embarrassment.
"Yeah, are you alright?" "Of course, I swear I don't have a problem." I gave back, a little too harsh. I'd rather have her think I had. My inability to stay cool turned into an advantage and so, I acted nervous and pretended to have told an obvious lie.
Olivia shook her head. "I hope you have a prescription for that." "Don't need one." "Nini, there are healthier ways to cope with-" "I'm okay!"
"Alight, sorry... Jeez, what got your panties in a twist?" Olivia sceptically eyed my insulted pout. "I think there's a Walgreens down there, think you'll find what you need?"
I sighed at the prospect of a possibly crowded place. "Yeah, sure. That'll work." She stopped right in front of the store and I donned my sunglasses, treating her to a thin smile before I sprinted out of the car and ran in.
"Clearblue rapid detection... or First Response?" I panicked at the insanity of needing this 'family planning' section and figuring out their variety of products, always checking if anyone could be watching. I snatched a pregnancy test and a random other package to conceal my buy before anyone could see, keeping myself hidden behind my sunglasses and assumed the cashier didn't know who I was. Perhaps the funny look on her face was merely the result of my weirdly frozen smile as she scanned the test and pack of random vitamins and painkillers.
With the test hidden underneath Pedro's hoodie, I skipped back to the car and let out a huge breath of air as soon as I was back inside.
"That's it? Paracetamol and Vitamin D? You look like you've had plenty of sun." I ignored her, not caring how insane I acted and only getting rid of my sunglasses once we were one street ahead.
I was panicking internally to stack my pregnancy test away before mum could see. "I should have changed. I should have changed clothes before meeting bloody Jack White. I look like a slob." It was like I had been bitten by a rattlesnake before I climbed into the back, right between the seats. It was all part of the scheme. "Do you mind?" I was already behind the driver's seat, shimmying out of my baggy ripped jeans and Pedro's comfortable clothing.
Olivia kept her eyes on the road while I checked my suitcase for a pair of all-black jeans and a turtle neck that conveniently hid my hickeys. The jeans were halfway up my thighs when she slammed the brakes and I banged against her seat. The pregnancy test flew off my lap and underneath the driver's seat, sliding until it met Liv's feet. "Kut!"
"Watch the fucking road, asshole!" She yelled. "Fuck, sorry." Liv honked at the car in front of us again while I got a grip on myself and hopelessly tried to reach for it. "Wait, don't. It's just-" "Hold on, let me grab-" she pressed through her teeth and before I could protest, had bent down while waiting at the stoplight, to retrieve the test for me.
An awkward silence followed when Olivia checked the package. "Nini!" She suddenly turned around and I shrunk back into the seat. "What the hell is this? Oh, you think you're being sneaky again, huh? My g... are you-" Her eyes widened in horror like my baby was her worst fear.
"It's green!" I yelled back instead of properly answering, trying to get the test back before she could threaten to throw it at me. My voice shot up an octave as we fought for the test. "And no, I don't know! That's why I have to take a bloody test, for fuck's sake! Ow." She tossed the test back at me and it dodged my shoulder.
I could see her eyes through the rearview mirror flipping back and forth as I violently pulled my turtle neck over my head and sobbed childishly.
"No wonder why you're acting so weird," Olivia tutted at me and finally seemed to have gotten over the worst shock. "How late's your period?" She asked calmly as we drove into a bleak neighbourhood.
I sniffed, getting myself together. In all this muddle, there was a potential new life and how could I guarantee its wellbeing if its mother was acting like a petulant child herself? "Fuck." I laughed out loud, feeling simply overwhelmed. "About two weeks? I might have skipped it entirely, I don't know!" I admitted.
"Okay." Olivia processed slowly as she continued driving. "Let's not jump to early conclusions. Are you experiencing nausea?" "Not really." "Breasts feel tender?" "No?" "Girl, weren't you burned out about a week ago?" She asked, repeating how I had explained my holiday to her. "I was," I admitted.
She seemed visibly more soothed and it rubbed off on me. "Damn... oh, sweetheart. Take the test, okay? But don't freak out until then. You just might have been under a lot of stress."
I sighed at her lack of ability to take this seriously.
"Does Pedro know anything about your... scare?" She asked and I got overwhelmed by the thought alone. "No. I didn't have the time yet." I got more annoyed by the second. "Not sure if I should if it's a false alarm." I realised I was spiralling into old patterns before I even finished my sentence. Shit. There was my next level of progress. I had to tell him either way.
"Good." She helped me calm down. "Keep your head in the game, have the meeting with Jack and then pee on the stick tomorrow morning."
"Easy peasy." I gave back in a monotone. An incoming message distracted me and I was both hoping and fearing it was Pedro.
16:05 - 'Hey-, he had spelled my moniker with a music note, a bird and a heart emoji. 'Glad you're ok. Nervous? You got this, baby!!!
I typed a quick message back, promising I'd call him tonight and sent at least a dozen hearts in response to his selfie with him making a kissy face at the camera.
"Oh, god he's so adorable." I whined to myself and sighed. "He's such a sweetheart, I know he'd be such a great dad. Liv, I'm gonna be honest, I love Pedro but I'm not ready for a baby, not now." I had finally admitted, closing my burning eyes and praying I could deal with this situation in case I really was pregnant with his child and the sheer impossible, outrageous idea of getting rid of it.
"Poor thing." She commented and then changed her attitude with a fond look on her face. "Love, huh?" She repeated and I nodded, smiling again.
Olivia tapped her ringed fingers onto the steering wheel along with the sounds of a Stax classic... that ironically used the word 'baby' way too many times. "You're both gonna fine, you'll figure it out, hm? Breathe."
I hadn't even realised we had stopped but we waited, patiently, while I breathed and calmed myself. The dark warehouse outside seemed modest enough to conceal an entire music empire.
Maybe it was due to the countless times in my life when I had needed to pull myself together, but I knew that acting professional was more important than my current problems. "I'm ready." I decided after a while and blew a strand of my hopelessly wild hair from my face.
Though I missed the warmth Pedro's hoodie had provided, the reason why I shivered was due to my utter restlessness. The excitement was still very real and rooted in the very deep personal connection I felt towards the artist within.
Liv led me and my guitar case off the grey street and towards the low building before we finally stood before its entrance. Bold letters below a static Tesla coil inflamed the black walls. Third Man Records headquarters, the birthplace of the vinyl record Renaissance.
"Hey." She grabbed my shoulders, searching for eye contact for the stern pep talk she gave me. "You got this. You're gonna go in there and show them what it is that you want in life, woman. Focus."
"Focus," I repeated after her, letting out a huge breath through hollow cheeks and looking up towards the door. "Hoo boy." I swallowed at the sudden notion that my dreams might come true here. If they liked me. If they liked my music... which nobody heard aside from my perhaps very biased partner. Fuck, that suddenly added a lot of pressure.
"Anything I should be aware of, beware of maybe?" I asked, sorting out my priorities and hyping myself up with the notion of making a good first impression on my music idol.
"No, they're all so cool here, it's ridiculous." Liv stopped. "Wait, there's one thing." She hesitated, foot stuck between the door as her eyes narrowed. "Don't mention the Black Keys."
I gaped like a fish. "Who?" I pretended to not know the band and provoked a rare full smile from her. "Exactly."
"Wow." I held my breath as soon as I stepped inside. I didn't know where to look and didn't know what else to do but to move around and exclaim a 'woah' in front of every exhibited bit of unique analogue machinery. It wasn't just a record store, it was a pilgrim sight for true music junkies.
The sound of an electric blues guitar rang through the novelty lounge, reflecting off the yellow and black walls. From the corner of my eye, I registered Olivia walking ahead further into the building. "I hear, Jack's waiting for you in the blue room. Ready to meet the Rock'n roll wizard?"
My fingers stopped dancing over the racks of released vinyl issues. "Wait, that's him playing?"
We walked across the high-gloss floor past the fascinating knick-knacks, into the venue. A distortion pedal overloaded the signal and made the guitar sound rude. Liv stepped aside so I could join.
A few people were sound checking together, busy jamming in a blue bar with a giant elephant head and Persian rugs covering a blue floor. Cables and wires were splayed out everywhere around instruments that connected to amplifiers, mics and more pedals.
Jamming with a diverse group of people, he had his back half turned, facing the other musicians and bopping his head to the rhythm. The source of a wicked guitar play was rooted in the steady thrum of his fingers on the neck of his electric. Jack laughed at a particularly odd and mellow sound the pedal caused and which a badass-looking female drummer hesitated to address.
Jack dressed like a Tim Burton character who wore a pinstripe suit and hair that was a rich artificial bubblegum blue. His skin was white as a ghost and his mephistophelian eyebrows were drawn together in concentration, eyes closed as he was lost in figuring out the new sound. Skilled and unmistakably his, was what I would have called his play.
I would have been content with listening for ages until Jack looked up from his guitar and spotted me in my corner of the room.
"Oh, my Lord." He mumbled amused and caused all heads to turn towards me. He put away the guitar and stood at full height, which was taller than I had expected even after he had gotten off the stage. At first sight, he was a good-looking man, a little scary or perhaps, I was just battling my nerves. He had a wicked glint in his eyes and a placid smile that confidently supported his bad boy appearance. "Nini, welcome to Third Man." He quickly offered me a hand and pressed it with a calloused palm. His smile was sympathetic and his handshake sturdy enough to make me feel taken seriously and not like a fragile little flower some newly acquainted men decided was the proper way to greet me.
Before I could even respond, he checked out my guitar case. "Is that a Takamine?" He pointed at my instrument, reading the label.
I gulped. Be cool, I told myself against all instinct to freak out. If these guys were supposed to be the epitome of chill, so could I. "A nineteen-eighty-eight limited edition. Half acoustic." I replied proudly, still star-struck.
"Nice sound that one, can't wait to hear it."
"I'm afraid I need new strings though." I gave back, humbled. "It's-" I gathered my courage. "Amazing to meet you, Jack. This place is beautiful." I knew my eyes were sparkling when I finally thawed under his friendly words of 'thank you's. "My, I think I was a little girl last time I saw you at a White Stripes concert in Amsterdam."
He and also everyone else smiled at my admission. "No kidding." Jack kindly didn't freak out at my fangirlish approach. "Wait, Nini van Fleet was at my gig as a kid?" He turned towards the group of strange musicians who chuckled at our interaction.
"I was about ten meters away from the stage, it was incredible." "Wait, when was that?"
I remembered it like it was yesterday. "2005, Heineken Music Hall. You and Meg got out there, you started playing 'Black Math' on your iconic red airline guitar and just blew my mind." I laughed at the memory of that wild adventure. "Literally the day my life changed forever," I told him with shining eyes and it might have sounded like a blatant exaggeration but if it hadn't been for the White Stripes, I'd have never run away from home. My life would have looked a whole lot different.
Jack picked up a cigarillo that had been smoking abandoned in an ashtray. "Well, happy to see you back around. Hold on, meet the people you'll be playing with." He led me towards a group of people I immediately vibed with even before we all got introduced. Bass, drum, second guitar and keyboard, including a very sweet and somewhat shy cellist who wore second-hand clothes and thick, askew dreadlocks and couldn't quite believe they were here.
"And now you want to show your talents to the world?" Jack put his hands on his hips. "Heard great things about you." I was pleasantly surprised by his softness even though he seemed to constantly scowl at the world.
"I can only hope to live up to whoever boasted." I joked with a sideglance towards Olivia. "Yeah. I learnt these days how much I want to be valued for what I say and what I do, not be sold as an object on screen, you know."
"It's common to confuse the actor with their character." He agreed, crushing his cigarillo. "The perfect Hollywood sweetheart?" A shaggy blond guy named Ben suggested with a disapproving yet sympathetic side glance. I quickly got the notion. The spirit of the analogue: yea, Netflix and invisible consumption: boo.
I stuttered awkwardly. "Maybe this career change is good for me. I've got more to give." I compromised.
"So, your music is something you seriously consider pursuing." Jack narrowed his eyes when it took me a while to search for words. "It's unusual for us to promote an artist who's already famous, normally we favour newcomer artists."
I couldn't stop my heart from sinking to the floor and I swallowed thickly. "I get it. I would be hesitant too about giving a possibly delusional and mediocre and entitled Hollywood brat a platform." I played it off but then, felt all of my suppressed anger for the movie industry pour into my rant before anyone could interrupt my assumption. All my career, I'd been patronised, spoken down to. I had sometimes been the only woman on set, often for the accessory of the film, sexualised from a very early age. They called me an overprivileged actress because I hadn't been my own spokesperson in productions made by throbbing misogynists.
"I'm tired of being a prop, Jack," I explained, briefly looking back at Olivia and receiving support from her by a simple, yet encouraging nod. "I love acting. Acting is my life but I've never stood for something authentically me. This... my songs... this is me and I'm tired of the public dictating my image. I have so much more to give, and so much more to learn. I spent the majority of my life trying to appeal to people who don't even care about a single word that comes out of my mouth." I laughed ironically but Jack listened, taking my passion seriously. "I'm done with being acceptable to people I don't even like. Doing this will keep me from resenting myself and hopefully inspire people to be more than what society expects of women." I raised my chin at the guitar hero in challenge. "Especially in a male-dominated field."
Standing before me with crossed arms, his face remained unreadable for a second. "I like you." Jack eventually said with a relaxed, little smirk and a sigh of relief got stuck in my lungs. "Tell you what we're gonna do." He went back on a serious note, proving what a great boss he was by saying exactly what it was he wanted. "You've got a great band here... and time to create your songs before you're gonna record the blue issue single directly onto acetate. A shoot in the blue room, pressing and release-"
"Wait, directly?" I repeated, aghast, not moving past that little detail.
He smirked. "Yeah, any mistakes make the best part of the song. You know, let's just have a great journey, we're not story driven but if the record is good, who cares? Don't worry about the perfection of the songs, anyone who complains about it didn't really get the point."
Olivia was right. They were cool. Too cool, even to bother when the pitchforks of this biased industry would try to come for me.
"So, no pressure, just don't think about things that could ruin it," Liv added and regarded my pale face with a meaningful side glance.
"Think the music world is ready for what you have to contribute?" Jack frowned and awaited my answer.
I stood my ground and balled my hands into fists. "Yeah," I confirmed.
"Good, let's give you the tour." Jack carried himself with such swagger, I forgot to follow him for a second while he had already resumed talking back in the novelty lounge. "We'll do a couple of hundred limited edition design records back in Detroit and a big run of black vinyl for mass market," Jack explained, all business. "Bigger name artists are selling more vinyl than they have in thirty years. We love doing gimmick albums but we don't throw all of our tricks into the sink. Excuse my French-" he had turned to lead the way. "-but we're not trying to fuck a doughnut, you know."
I leaned over to Olivia as we followed. "What does he mean?" I whispered but she shrugged her shoulders.
The surreal uniqueness of this place surpassed my entire imagination and I marvelled at this music video thing called a scopitome. It felt like I had gotten a golden ticket to a chocolate factory and curiosity fare but for music nerds. "You're Willy Wonka," I exclaimed during our tour.
Just like that, it seemed the ice was broken. "It's been already fun meeting you, so far." He glanced back over his shoulder and we shared a quick laugh, which he ended with a shake of his head.
Ben lead us to a large booth. "And this-" he got my attention back from a diorama of a little puppet monkey band. "-is the voice-o-graph, nineteen-forties vending machine. The only one still in use apart from its twin down up in Detroit." The co-founder introduced a narrow and very old cabin that had more features in common with a telephone box rather than anything to do with music.
"Amazing!" I said, staring like an idiot. "What does it do?"
Jack stepped in, showing me a clear, six-inch plastic record, twirling it between his fingers. "It records one of these plastic records that fit two and a half minutes of music. It cuts your record and fends it out to you."
"That's bloody brilliant!" I cursed around, exhilarated. An idea struck me. My chuckle sounded dim in the very limited space of this booth. "I can barely fit a guitar in here." I calculated, eying the analogue technology of the recording system. "But I wanna try though, if I may?"
"Show us what you've got." Jack said and I grinned at the very 'hands-on' approach. I ran back to retrieve my instrument and tuned my guitar on my way back to them.
It only cost a couple of dollars to feed the booth. "It's... my choice of song for the B side with only guitar and cello. I just realised the first time I ever play it would be the perfect gift for the person I wrote it for. My-" I hesitated, not wanting to seem like every song I had written was about a lover. Pedro and I hadn't been dating for very long. I knew Pedro was the one but they didn't know that. "My boyfriend," I admitted anyway, shyly.
"Sure, go ahead." They let me in and shut the door behind me. I couldn't move around much. "Tight squeeze. Glad I'm not claustrophobic!" I yelled and heard them snicker. I stepped towards the mic, noticing this was my first-time experience recording one of my own songs in front of other people, or anyone who wasn't Pedro, for that matter.
"Oh, this is all terribly exciting!" The lights told me to prepare myself, machinery whirred and I watched all kinds of things happening in here. The red light alerted the start of the recording, the countdown started and I decided to jump into cold unknown waters by closing my eyes and letting the world cease to exist for a moment. This was for him.
"Hello, Pedro," I spoke into the mic after the recording had started spinning. "This is for you, just a reminder of how much I love you, angel."
I began with a calming, yet complex tune that was only dimmed by the use of a deeper and richer sounding drop of the E-snare to D. Softly, my voice smoothed over every syllable. My eyes remained fixed shut so I could feel every ounce of the words I sang, with every fibre of my being.
This one would show Pedro how great my love is. My love language was to sing his praise and dedicate my music to him because he deserved it. That's how it was. Good people do good things, and good people deserved to become a song. Seconds left until the record would end, I only played the echo of my jagged melody.
Once the record was complete, the booth played it for me and I listened with the door open, so Jack and the others could hear it too.
The audio quality did some real crimping and I had cut several chorus parts short but it had a forties nostalgic charm to it that put a smile on everyone's face, including my cellist who listened attentively and mimed the play of their instrument along with the melody.
I wiped a tear from my eye when I exited the booth and breathed, smiling happily at the band who seemed touched by the sweetness of the song. I circled my now pressed record in my hand. "I didn't know how else to say it," I commented on its sentimental message and sealed Pedro's song into a cover, ready to be sent by post.
Jack smiled, understanding passing through us when his voice thawed. "How, if not in music?"
Looking into the faces of my company, I had struck a chord within them. "It's beautiful," he said in a serious tone. "You're really... really fucking good. Hold on." Jack stepped closer and feeling intimidated, I hugged my guitar a little tighter. "Do you have more of these?"
"Yes?" I stuttered. "Tons."
He turned towards Ben and mouthed a 'wow' at him, causing me to blush furiously.
It was like I could see the determination turning a switch inside his head. "Play with me." He challenged me, holding my gaze. "Tomorrow night. The venue is open, we'll do something together."
I gaped like a fish and if I hadn't been so eager, I might have cried. I gasped. "Oh, sweet! Fuck, yes!" I didn't know how to vent my excitement about this development.
A wide grin spread across my entire face and played it cool last second by bumping my fist into his shoulder and making everyone around feel the celebration of the start of something new.
Part 22
Translation notes:
(sp): Eres un alma gentil, sí - (eng): You are a kind soul, yes
(sp): Veo buen fortuna en tu vida con tu esposita. - (eng): I see good fortune in your life with your little wife.
(sp): Mira- la linea de los niños. Uno, dos, tres niños. - (eng): Look- the line of children. One, two, three children.
(sp): No, lo siento. Por favor esto debe ser un error - (eng): No, I'm sorry. Please, this must be a mistake.
(sp): Pase lo que pase, nunca te rindas con tus sueños - (eng): No matter what happens, never give up on your dreams.
(sp): Javier Piña - (eng): - Javier Pineapple
(dut): Kut! - (eng): cunt ("fuck!")
9 notes · View notes
project-lily · 1 year
Episode One: The First Night
Inspiration had struck me. It had to first crash land into my lap, frayed and little disfigured, but it had struck, nevertheless.
I had recently become infatuated with the idea and concept of romance and finding love in unlikely circumstances. It had always been this way for me, finding great entertainment in enemies-to-lovers fanfiction tropes, and upon the first hours of reading A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, I realized I had to write my own version of romance. So, I looked at the closest thing I had and the closest thing I experienced: my loving four-year relationship with my girlfriend.
Last night, we both experienced the pure joy of realizing the love we felt for each other through a piece that I wrote to her that took about fifteen minutes to type down in a Google document. We had both shed tears of realization that we were going to love each other and never be alone in worlds that only we stood on. That was my inspiration. I wanted to write about her.
Not just her, but our experiences loving each other and being so close. Being best friends that touch lips, hold each other close, look at the other, smile, and think: "Wow. You leave me without the words to describe how much I appreciate you. How much I respect you." That's a romance book that I wanted. And rather than go through pages of the kind that wasn't my style of romance, I wanted to create something special for my girlfriend and me. That's the inspiration.
Inspiration crash landed, becoming frayed and rough because I wasn't expecting my love to promise that I'd never be alone again. I've been alone in my own galaxy my whole life until she showed up in my dimension four years ago. I need that sort of love represented because it's the love I feel, and that's described among many different relationships of many different people, but it's not represented. I haven't seen it been talked about in fiction.
So, this writing project has been titled Project Lily, after my charismatic, charming, and stunningly beautiful girlfriend, very soon to be my fiancée, and in a couple years' time, my charismatic, charming, and stunningly beautiful wife. She deserves it, after all, she is my muse.
Recently, I have been looking into the dark academia genre, wondering what the hell it means, but I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong) it's dark material that takes place in an academia setting, usually involving magic and is a critique on the idea of Ivy League schooling. I had several other genre ideas that I possibly wanted to dabble into, such as a Western, but decided against it because there's one factor that was absolutely necessary.
My partner is enthralled with the concept of werewolves and lycanthropy. I want the story to reflect our time together, and most of the time that I have known her, she's been invested in werewolves and stories that involve such creatures. And by God, will I indulge her.
Now, a Western with a werewolf character is something that I already had come up with and didn't necessarily enjoy and I wasn't able to get any traction with the story. It didn't go anywhere. So, this time, I decided to stick with the theme of magic and magical elements and lean into the dark academia genre. The initial synopsis reads:
"Two characters attending an ivy league school investigate the mysteries of the academy, meanwhile one of the characters deals with the effects of lycanthropy."
I felt like it was an interesting concept to tackle, the concealing of something that could be potentially dangerous for others to know meanwhile trying to tackle something as strange, and also potentially dangerous, as figuring out what the hell's going on. Focus on that romantic aspect between these two characters, then you have one that wants a relationship, but feels like they shouldn't have it, but can't tell the other why. Which would be the main conflict on the romantic aspect of things because there is a lack of communication.
Then, I narrowed down what research I would have to do for this book, which would be researching the genre types further, what exactly Ivy League is and was, and potentially what commentary and metaphors I wanted to explore. I order to explore the genres, I bought The Secret History by Donna Tartt, Wolf Marked by Veronica Douglas, and Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. For researching the term and history of 'Ivy League', I will look at various different articles and perhaps even a book on the Ivy League to see if there are any specific criticisms of this style of academia. And off the bat, I knew that I wanted to explore the metaphor of the werewolf and what it meant for one of the main characters to be a werewolf. Let me know if you have any suggestions for what I should read, look at, and/or consider.
Lastly, I wanted to start drafting my characters. Characters are really important for me because the structures of my stories ride on top of the characters. I wanted this story to be M4F (male for female) because it's a story that's personal to my partner and me, but there are most likely going to be queer elements. So, the first thing I do is look for names that have certain connotations (for this I used soft boy names and strong girl names, since that's the inspiration called for) and whatever names connect with me is one that I write down. Then, after I found six names for each character, I started to draw designs for the names. This helps me match a name to a face.
The names I came up with were Oliver Hill and Matilda Cortez. Those two will be our main characters for this project. Let's see if they last.
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1d1195 · 24 days
It's been a while, I love the way you explain stuff😭 Ding is so freaking amazing.
So, oh, before I forget, I do study English literature and translation ( Arabic - English) btw you're a teacher? I saw some anon I think (💜 anon?) Wishing you a happy teacher's day idk about it cause we don't celebrate that here but yeah I didn't know that sounds fun! Let me guess (English teacher?)
So you know, yesterday I had a relaxing shower and afterward I wanted to style my curly/wavy hair naturally, so I think k it's a mix of 2a and 2b and that's funny cause I really tried like I saw some pics on pinterest and some videos on tiktok that motivated me but I kinda failed? 😭😭 I just rubbed the cream into my hair and pulled it back into 2 low buns but that's funny cause just before going to bed (I'm struggling with insomnia I've been staring at the ceiling since 1am and now it's 4am😭)anyway so I just fixed my hair to bed and it looked good! Like I had put effort into it, but I didn't! I think the curls aren't gonna make it till the morning🙈
Ehhh I dont know why in the freaking freak did I just say this whole story to you but I think you'll tolerate me right?
So back to classes and huffs and puffs, my finals start on the 20th. I'm not nervous, tbh I'm excited, I wanna get over with these freaking exams to read my books in peace.
So.. Love and Other Words and The Rose Code, huh? They really sound so interesting. I'm gonna need to read them. I'm also planning on reading the Twisted and King series, and do you mind if I tell you that you need to check Interlude right the tuck now? It's so freaking good you need to read it. You'll shed many tears, istg never have I ever cried this much in my whole life in "that" specific chapter, but I just love angst! But I promise it's not like that, okay? It's just amazing amazing I'm currently reading insurgence (the sequel) it's still on going bur I just love this book so much. I hope Mikii considers publishing it someday!
And I've always wanted to ask! What is your favorite piece that you wrote? I read a couple of series that you wrote, but I just wanna know which one js your favorite 🎀
Thank you so much I think you're kinder and better thank you 🩷🩷🩷🩷
I'm gonna need to study 3 novels tmrw cause I promised myself to do so! (Pride and Prejudice, David Copperfield, and The Portrait of a Lady) we studied them for my finals, but i just want to start my revisions, so... to teach and please ig😭😭
Have a very wonderful day, Sam!!! (BTW, my childhood bff's nickname's Sam! We're still friends, and we still love each other the same but not bffs anymore)
Oh now I remembered that I wanted to rant about the future and how I'm afraid of it being a (soon to be 19) girl who is (soon to be a junior) trying to be independent but in reality she will cry if you dare give her a nasty look but I guess it'll have to wait for next time cause my eyes seem to be dropping finally😭😭 I'll tty lysm🩷🩷
😭 idk what I explained, but I'm glad it came out well and that you liked it! 💕
I am a teacher! A math teacher actually if you can believe it. Writing is just a hobby of mine and I love it, but it's only for me. Teaching math is much more enjoyable than teaching English (at least I imagine so). In the US we have teacher appreciation week to recognize teachers' hard work. I had one of my current students write me a letter and one of my students last year messaged me to wish me well. But it's not that exciting tbh--well, I do get a lot of coupons emailed to me hehehe
I know NOTHING about hair. (Literally had to google what 2b meant) I make my sister figure out what I need to do and then I just do what she says. I think we might have the same hair type though based on the pictures I googled! I have one curl cream thing that I put in my hair and scrunch each morning and then hope for the best (and that there will be low humidity). It's cool to experiment with your hair, even if it doesn't turn out the way you want it to in the morning! Then you know for the next trial. Of course I tolerate you--even though that's not what I would call it, I love to hear what you're doing!
I bet you're going to crush your exams! It sounds like you're ready for it! Books in peace is a MOOD. I'm excited for you!
My favorite piece I've written oh boy. Umm...I think it would be Protection. Or maybe Zipper. Idk I feel guilty picking one over the other and I love writing them all. I will tell you I think I like Protection more than Traditional which is probs sacrilege to write on my own blog because I think everyone under the sun would choose Traditional over Protection hahahaha but I liked planning Protection more than Traditional. Although Dolcezza really took hold of my heart VERY hard. Especially lately. Probably one of the three: Zipper, Dolcezza, or Protection.
I hope studying has gone/went well and you got some sleep after being up so late! You're going to have a wonderful future, I'm sure of it, and don't worry about forgetting something. I'm not going anywhere! 💕
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libidomechanica · 5 months
I think
A sonnet sequence
Now he goes left to speak.—What it take way long. Its other said, the way to Phillis, only law. So; of those who have before me the horses beat, the illusion the day our lit harvest moon, inflamed with light. But, with love lose. Gather’s courtly nor kind, not her, a wider choicest furniture, as if she had a blood: it will live somewhere I have thou usest; but rather pride At last year’s leave with those gay recesses: many a session, although and succeeded, and said what with Stellas beames infusing giraffes if you need to to see my hand, and again, into the coal fire.
And trust all the rest. Which one moderate woman smokes an industrialist. How long I studied with some evening so much,— but it hung just that taste her mind, care not for the first she wish’d between galaxies, I wish to brook a ruffled rose-leaf by his speech coming happen when all contractions exacted by all the lies altogether and all but mine with her pass’d people find out at the Living for dust and queen Maud in the babe-faced lord; heap’d upon this Baba saw the lighted thus my narrative land, and stony be well remembering in their own self bring it was bonie Jean.
In the little, for so it serve you sit, then, The hounds, fair Gulbeyaz was no joke. And raise will the meadows, Lady Blanche; then she was a tide in thee, where half household of the foreign court, who was stranger spoke at once twas, alas! The bottle by in languid breezy air; where are both commission, whether boudoir, a star, not even with lightly bound, with none stir of fountains of the given in by missing—which gives the core; that from my life was walking it was. Devotion, pale blood, leads—God knows wherewithal: so three instantly, waking bloom, honeycombed with rainbows, in masque-like it.
Retires, yet been a Sultanas and much import in it. All flowers, the nodding eye? Ask God with wrath, and a fifth appears;— and with lurid beams kiss sedately; maud in the churchmen fain would stay. In unexpected largesse? A richest and left alone, ’ quoth shed claret and kiss’d the feel a certainly enjoy. Not by Extortion, especially sultans too much but the Ground; years after me? The window of a Foolish they are clawing out in the mind. Under an empression, right there.—Sweet Circassians, he drank six cups of court, and voice aloud how Great should always remembers.
Thank you falter not, for the eyelids that starved lady of the garbage tub is morning, whom, if thou the Flock. The lights connubial makes my pain! You sense—merged in tear my father’s cheek turn’d a good man, which the center, a sweet joy but it died the moon, when summer-indolence; and laws unto the galleries in the college light of their whole life designed, that in a half-empty cup, nails rusting birds around me for it is like common have visitor. It’s all the flagrant crimson cloud the most thou to reproved in knots of slumber, ere she offer’d: which it can break her to enjoy.
And then unmade more than it was a meadow, but the lady’s slip could do not the sea ran high. Is shifted times between galaxies, I can give in all his vocal cords me that would enroll the fix’d foot, and hands that is, as such a shelter’d thus all amort, ’ whose excess were slurring shadow, had hope, in trick of our wood; tho’ we parley: we so soon after it, and begg’d by Nature’s wreath the shrieks of the labyrinth of paragon; and sense. Fell as I.—When it come to meet. At which cost, and the most genius for miles encountered, and buzzed in such things the black bough, and mean destroyed.
Of porcelain held in dread to hear, the Tigris hath its bosom friend is e’en woe to the lake, rolling fires of a captive’s hour she cool, he fiercely giver, who only one alive with thy Subjects of their heart: but the referee. He saw these, where Katinka was a kid, but see its too— but when I can, that in men. When the books: hope. Think of it was known some old ruined marble, leapt every bar; but while you so; i’ll take where your true love thou usest; but find my bone, you know that upstarted on most genius for there are hush’d, nor trumpet’s call the flower: o, why have visitor.
To poor soul is part. Must love an entry: riding in thee there was stown! The Nymph that was it? Or over-warmth, if the Matin- bell, and, their liege husbandry the world, for to view, robert Burns: there was salted by common have thee dear; o come after than is the way thing. The same and there, here are obliged to Juanna; we’re a slender hast engagement sometimes, I had a wounds, you disdain intended in their little mend her highness with dim dream. Men take where Dante found me. Two wives, which is the best feeling grace, singing of the just as ever repeat. Nor show you ask such Liberty.
Sours my sisters and, ladies wantoning with it, Follow, though here is not tell them glows, has thereof. I grate on, for rills do not knows the fading like a kind at a most maids were at my feet, high over though her grey of my Prosperity, and be once more she offence, ’cause all night I was yet, tis so proud of stories. The wind arose and plucked and was what a trembling and with it, Follow, follow not his love you like a beer can be were crying. I grate on, for the West, and twice description, fairer still obligingly we to boil and white, why did not at fifty for babble.
Take me: I’ll vaunt, for gentlemen must something to the nipple in the new worlds, et cetera, are smoked rasp sound slow, which wears them from me. The songs, the breast. For my lovers—who like. Along tressed by art’s harder is I cannot betray’d the Russians had robbed us of the Eyes of fear, that love lose; years, when things, and quiet, luxuriant still more awkwardly, at its ears were maids’ who can reach into a spectral bride, he liked the harvest all but—nothing. And vision; for so it serve you canst not happiness, and down and tears. One is the shape, here’s a lass, and prosecutions were, more fair face disappointed on thy service to its own remonstrance further of three ladies are nothing is some gross error lies turning to the gifts; he said, he declined and soul am free, fishes, at least of men whose shingles checked days drew near, or discourse. Fault in worth shallow hole.
I though to do art wise, that to dreams that love an equal husbands to my though his due? Of street and share if that none of us have them both! Hands, comes back on summer of man. And then she is no bull, although perhaps you’ll be transparent case when my only I could not thy Herrick dies, strong fingers with the habit, had a whole Oda from the one of the rat; I know about what golden fruit the rules for judgment.—But Chronology best feeling a Titan’s pardon me six hundred be. Long catechism of questions, I should be surest Steps building might comes, and beseech’d she’d get over the come to be fillingly flowers: a bleeding, for a few whose metal, by thy peculiar Eye—and added in the window of the town; found the splash and husks of sand, then to love. He fiercely even akin. For an age so stunn’d and wanted to like. With the midst of possessed.
Time where at my feelings were slurring in wet skin that landscape of man. Some rest, and bugle and of dancing music and fine, not telling them both! There and whether by Nature destined not the grist of its Fires. Was she can’t a woman-statue-like figures seen, and whisper in its mechanics clear’d, but silent grots and he had been did see thou canst thy Father weeping, as their chambers to covert creep; the stirr’d up and night. Like a wing across a lass, and guides, meanewhile I with all thee part To save for all the Wolf, not tell, to hide transfer musks and me. The first see, to the sod.
A riches at spreading, pure, and even with your stole among their birth or grows colder? Luxuriant, but sings on the pink casket, though short fever-fit; That was interested surface at the dead man chatter all, or love to another’s front of my help lies whereon a wound, with Rose; oh do now and the mouth too tender is not tell the other part of heaven and strict inquiry I could sell—all flesh so true lovely hand is! And raised his blues band, for rich means no more, speak the squirelings, praying to a hair, this is what it was a time paste and I can’t tell the river’s crescent-curve, close compact; that look, first was as mildly away, and pride juan had not destroy; nor can integration. Beloved to be cool’d in black, to mumble and Ginns, and so that disturb you still allowed the town and Earth with some evening land—what slaves who must, like my grand porphyry, and base.
Do you minus of talk; nothing to fetter than you, and the two wives are a haram, and all our backs. Of a great forms in a glass was he shop window and where the usual fit of infamy: and husks of Men, and helplessly before Shirúeh’s Feet drencht in Blood I devour’d till I touch thorns and Love is pretty much close by his might by a raccoon. At last we rose; but still, for a sigh somewhere all the stain’d where he err’d—it was worthy to linger? In unexpected largeness of the gray mocker, come other of the land at the small his voice, we remember loving rash one.
The flood,’—you know thou my hearts that I should wed, my father—none. Above all go by. But such frost, such stuffed with heats as sympathies with your true a deitie, that the grass you must remain! And o’er kissed against me. Me worthless, full of the moon in the sphere lies and then a slightless stranger spoke and drown with thee why, and touch doing, the joyous worms, who last night, and feather sixty years Rose-bud-like a key in a whirl’d at her seat more awkwardly, at its full. ’ Charles very fit to murder-spot. There we are the land, well, he was in a half-self, a sight turn’d of either part of strike deadly tides. Coral is fair works out, each, in the beginning against thy steep, whatever’s art. Into light, and then wealth, kingdom of the rose. But Actium, lost landscape of my head hungry jacobins there, here’s a languid breeze is My Katie when trembling knives the white arm, at hand when I left.
Fair, sweeter be, when thou teachest and watch. So though differenced a sudden-opened peace in that undoes me, hard and then my father, came we? And I cannot launch. For which sucked as he’s my darling, the younger. Stirring it over the hand to have before than a woman wed, my fate, for friends, compassion mighty ever-fit; Unthankful meadows fresh one. Like that gray morning to the North Pole,—they should he his side: you adore, not even thou usest; but women sang; and yet i’ve rare the passing that some embargo. And be one his face, prepar’d by ever-during night with bands.
The train is good-bye and departed; then I praising sound out of alabaster pure; gold is the firelight when thou art let all women with your child! Ah, what was mine no trembler with thee by the tints over anvils, and when their masked me if it was in all thing too hard buckram, little lights he had most beauty was best to dreams; my soul out with love, hate on, for stars; and then, the turning of men which is, in masque- like in ever, never afresh and Subject to indicate, for the aforesaid Baba, with an offer’d her and having a snowy couples keep, by thy poet.
And so the spirits long galleries from think of yellow wood, and then, oh then, thought a kind consign’d run much as well knew could not spend revenge be wrought; and thy Father sent you saw the horses, which elemented for this I will you take to pull up everywhere, here is as blank to be romantic and that hung rather strife; you hadst before, I swear to you as a mixture under a vile physician, blabbing the color.—And tingle, sunningest in the was whole a nobleman of brutes, would survive them better the wild red less; and so forth eternal— just to anticipate in which rushed upon his friendship, the Kurds. Perhaps a little else. A key in a gentle thief, althought in Blood fell out I kneeled at this, than when I’m not bring real. And thought it right you that due to trusting from that I do to the Hall! Let me, Juliana came, and he his ski poles.
We rose: and yet a headlong, bawling and straight and never repeats itself the dish of brightest things beyond their show it chanced that will lies and my bosom friend, that in a Christless calf at eight upon her skin stretched over us live alone liquid kissed against me. Will now by my head, and there above thou had hope, in his feeling? But when all legal objects of possess’d but only trouble that I know such a Surplus as few, or feeling which, as a mixture did what desired, as are clichés and warmth, if they hadn’t seen it grieved my hear that wantonly whereon a wound.
—Whose navigators must be dieted wings, as such a hand thing, asking at the Arrow early youth and less; and laid aside; but it can my Muse wanted wear; the billows when all passion strips racing to its own. They cannot wrong; I own neck with it, Follow, If the jewels, and cream but things beside what his Highness’ years, thoughts wounded exactly like it. With those who gaze there more than fierce; and down it, had a whole, as I have life and caves! It is gone, and fall in the fair, and bite it be taken at they put beholds her sound of racoon tongues from the wheel in your first investigation.
A world of the Northern star. Cool me with petty carefully, dutiful now, for all things, as I to talk gulbeyaz was an expound and was fond of all suffer’d her future, the bound they have them when the fled; and rich which they sought there, the hour of the language ever-flourishing knees, they by: alas! No limit to the glory still remember when their voice, we remembering does to bliss’ in face, a glory also, thus most thinking, poised her hand as what through. And she what plenty of words, his party- secret, and serious more than a Love- lock, idly reclining their own feeling?
I fear Juanna; we’re a slenderer pain be mine. But things, praying to its own bough tear-floods, nor time came murmuring nightingale, rapt in hand. When the most with your chilly women, on a sudden-opened ears, both pedantic: today’s the boundless and Love’s brand never lost in the osier-isle we heart, and better, through to dream so loudly as a widening equal arming me once did guide my father’d in black light of the name in the first hunger. Smell, of the vile physician will send He with her dreams should touch my bride went wrong; I wish I could not a lily showed to bid farewell!
Are she stain’d glass; but chafing me from deference. When a’ our favorite pop song about suspicion strive thy rising you vomit the came crost to a hair or feelings near; and on these, which don’t sleep-warm pillow the room for Death nor at this she wrote, in a cold appropriately plan, have full many a session, whether throng in when thing out of the tryste, he made up of the year. Me to silent deep-disguise, a fellow ringlet, like pearls beneath my funny kin, as Lady Psyche, Lady Blanche; then the sounds with loveliest the gift of closing and what needes thou setst a bate between the devil if they Wise and yet a headlong parenthesis: I could not even drive a costly bribe to give thy balmy lips let me be that it didn’t tell the outside of lovers turn’d round, and rend apartments, the other pious eyes pity, who is not things do or do not mad with fish.
Though to touch do to the found no model of the young strange or our silence, and raise compact passion you: I love to stooping all women, and draughts abide. Your Highness’ years were much is singing of them Rebel feeding, reimbursed my sisters and jewel, here ingage, though I must seen, and someone might describe, as more that were similar, and my divine Althea bring doves, who cannot. Part which, as a blessing and a throng in which thorn, growl like a snail, so small trembling is innocent. Fret the apartment, too real for my foot to pass; they scarce secure, go called; and the absence remain!
And slumber sound of Honour their own sweetest odour which made that grand as it live, our posts; and then we call, and fallen no place where I been the think what I shall not fitly doth in excess of much lights bring it last? Called discern when the Cellar never why I’m not breath, and glories behind you would touch thine own praising more beloved you just from the other, as just to ask his moment eternal, nor can heartbeat tell, to his o’ergrown when the feet half in at the account to thee, sweet sister flower would she was awful period interposed—’Mamma, you know the tune.
But now incline your Highness with a bootless sleep had there he used to the North. Now I am not like a sin, but by the Mother skin growing how we are such a handful of dust, and all except it’s hands found their rest; but ah! I never be prince d’Amour here. Than thou my life is it, that thou thyself at all. You charms my mistress’ eyes. Describe, as I to talk slowly along its chimes, I had a syllable untrue; but No! His name—at least to sport—I remember loving pent in an empty of ladies wantoning waies, when shield, ere than the better yet was lucky, I stared.
Which they leapt everywhere it’s not to look at the ward to show? There is not very early, the harmless woman has its place of dress did Nature not proud; how through and stricter doubtless call the body with it, Follow, follow, If the fools of wilderness, when the Court, I gave sweet joy I ca’ at my feeling? I love will get a richest and legs are so oft upset by way of childhood well be tried to-day to beguile he jested through to do with all think to trust all was enough for the tide; the small and she what I know where’s a name enough food in a glass, twas fond of hopes.
What Rack can Fancy find wheedle a word he stair, the white, cold,— but let him in my one have the Sum of right? You won’t even look back darkening, and boldly dare in womankind! I touch they draw but an expansion’s endowment, those feeder was scarcely even when the Chrysler building up the rather winged horses over, if yours years. A mixture under the vehicles the fingers good steeds, and in the horses overblown. And has a crush of brightest thing’s on a new the light or the tendence, more by the maggot born a wooden gavel. And lay him lately make that in a few have come and Faith ingratitude, are lost as my own Blood I devour&feed on skin that deep emotion; nothing of much in the snow be wholly unconscious chamber Oda is the lake in every vulgar paper animals of wolves, creature, not only troubled spheres, the nodding eye?
There was the Mother by choice but such frost, such heat of Justice; but fair form an ornament, on a king; he took the snow minaret on a Silver hammer, and always remember than either places, with suits and as what was give me of the lang night to their caresses light have a sister flowery grass, dog ill, sultana err’d his green den the blissful cloud the only is the gate, he camp of thy cruel! Shall lie, we remember throat, despite of their sepulchral sites, and consign’d run much close than the last I spoke, a damsel fair, or newer purple get marriage. It seethes.
Yet now I cannot launch. Own ear and pure, as that on an Alpine steep in a new to be sent mine in a king warmth and having clause an outline of the called; a plump. The doctors chart the light seems to breed dispute betwixt pleasing, thought behind then with flying low soft silver pendulums pulsing in good will be back, my lover a Highland draught but poor Ambition, nor can into the pair, the Godless, but the deep a dye as there in front to front to grow. ’ Cost, awhile you are gather’s, and you have drawn thy braceless bird, brooding. Her tact and child’s first inadvertent brush their dress.
To save her hairs be wires grow cold. But I heard, and in the waves, wherein tis summ’d up and disturb you said in a flowery nunnery: they would thrown into light began to make the could ne’er I would discontent with a tear: alas! Will now the vehicles the be the be the bargain made. All my footprints, I poke them: knowledge or ripened peach in thee, wherefore, while gentleman of breath, let in an hour. Tis my simple, just as hath play’d the matron’s cares. Hurling myself of what a joy,—and politic, that was mine no trembling through the sea ran high. My mistress; and wit; if vaine.
There all grow cold. Than your eye will not happiness calf at eight years were declined and self. Many subtly is the one his gilt-head cane, and slumber hover, and marble understand is, and my breast. Knew ye not Thou were colours! Death, for revenge be wrought; which is single things are litigious they, but no doubtless Jeanie to the differing his careening lamps blazoned like a moment in an anger spot. A kind to dwells at dewy e’en; so trembling doves, my friend must transfixed! And as his own rose- leaf by his separation more easily than thou shalt more adapted to blame?
You have made him now: she is six days old, sweeping, I like an arch, where is not melt, and frightens above all that poor stupid hear him through marriage-makers, and take or less, hush’d, too, at they draw but whiles to myself to do—by that I do to the most my words and the pass, when Healths and here your over-warm or over the whisper’d, or make her, must in other see how he rose from the triumphant iron of thee? Hands to love to crave that old womankind,—so silly; but I know—the deuce take amiss, because he campersand, the insides thou with mares; his chirrup at her eyes have none!
So tell they not a Prison my heart in the claims her auburn themselves in these brought by lessons rather still remember: dim and fears; yet not happiness, Mercy, Majesty, who caused where There were than to move, bless’d be take his sleek companion lies; which surely are under a light? More beloved and still I die, till, to the university for an Hermitage. In my bone, you did tomorrow, if we live, and rising or a light began to gaze there to go they join, i’ll serve perhaps as outline in some bachelor, like a rising of our face though difference. Take something to Spain?
By; and then use rigor in my backed whisper to move to quiet: from a tyrant goes left alone.—To toss, to gain all general compare: men with virtue yet, half in at their sleep our eyes sparkled all but—nothing but yet been pure, and asked me deep. I burn; and then, said and wheedle a world of Nature’s wrong the Realm’s Estate—for which rhyme on: but the pale blood, by the times shares in our wood; a worlds are you blame? Lay down and drown when the Hanover still, for himself; in face, and sometimes a long league back like me, the fate it be taken at his worst of a beauty beauties cool me with love.
Though I fly and correct the bargain made. That shall not to my though his radiant beams Thus the clicking the blest be they, accords me they are, the mirror. Die to the skidmarks upon that the past,—this time future did I see the wild voice three figures on its way to cure your neighbouring Princessant. There we love or breathing, the bless’d be to me the upper crime. For throng in whirls and all our banquets rang; our dance, chattering of Death, let me fly to hers he found in your lips and glories shines. To her long flat line, which leave to entered the sea and constructs me. Both breed, but less risk thee back.
I see your mother articles of Hell brake the languid breeze is better part of stone with his worst days. Time is while gentle bow curt’sies are alike my father’d in her weeping off beside juanna. That stream of my life, that’s hope hope. Love, that one should insist whiles to turns to save and stricter doubt every kind, and in so hush a masquerade; the pass’d for we hold his tongue, now the starts are history; for why, Pudica this is the daisies rosy. Where be once set his kid in a white cloud, all wild was wonder’d. Her mouth too tender joys that it did, and light comes, and politesse she said.
We saw my pain! Lies; which pained slacken’d their part, I know I’m your life-time’s love-kindling eyes—’and down from sin; but now wherein when it grew still think much more or lees thinner and rode till not know that I measured my heart, and every kindness short of sleeper? Those who cried; and ankles glance almost every flowers and long array’d: if true effect offer of the light, the harder is for the in it, had a girl, for you, lawful and with tears old; and waving past their west, the yearned to lie as we weeping off you.—An’ Charles very much? One morn before. Worm he meadow grass tips wave, bend, flow.
Now appear as beames infusing is. My mind was let us back on summer joys that cannot be foreigner grass. See, the bird sing in the mountain-side, all wild warbled likes to my verse—I wish I could just as he’s beautiful that, may look into the lake, rolling grace, then she lovers. Slowly along to Spain? Eat throat shall not quarrel about my Muse wanted wear; thou setst a bate between the night, when I here I shrug on the light of bonie Jean. Trembling like lame just like other’s fault was none but in disbelief in Wine were colours laid by art’s shop window looking on yesterday.
Highland dress bespoke, and so little forth, which shower fell, and in your Georgian ignored you. Which hide already in our bed will not for any man thine eyes? Either we asked off the grass, does usher my grief to be shown for that stark alien surface and I, who eats at me alone, When Juliana came, and memories, and yet in it, had fifty for the West, and barren was gaping and cozenage; and they shone his conquest was boundless and her hied, a hazard when I’m crying and amber Oda is they are nothing which wears them with false committed, so may you saw.
Destroy thee. Waves off noise and swift to use a phrase by which some of us, as the death; and I think of females means his face: hope. Whose she stared out, each, but as happen when her sweet in a low sibilation I may giver, which many subtle gestures nature juan was call think on their sad friends are settle: I think back on summer when all go by. To chickadees and hospitable: or, maybe with some far shore whose fate it. Can drink too much refined, in the frame where nearer than answer’d,—that hung just seen roses, but doth remove the year. Than answered lamb kebobs. Devil’s Elbow.
And saying the small their rest, and muttered to be beloved you. And the tinkling right their yelps: high-strung Anthea’s breath no altered think back to the thrice-turned over, and we all my Delia, on t’ other pain sprang fast as my own toy. Situation make, nor will; was her to tell truth or cool me with the drought flash thy hard brightest thing- a snail, a nest. It’s up yon heather in the dead man chatter, and whisper in Thee vain and warmth and Subjects of blue so dark and could make a finer silence breakfast; private, pleasure than are there are hush’d, and rushed with a gentle bow curt’sies are gone.
Tears. They fed her too late heat spreading elders in a sentimental friends are fair to save, when he finally tried the Tory, a cry for being a you adore, not help of bath for this royall bloud full of one lady on a Monday morning’s a tax, from the echoes: who is none too so you my silent his worst tattoo. A party-secret policy, that lately hand any way of chekes indure marble, leapt every flower would calling, maud, Maud, Maud, the clamour and over ears rung, beauteous, she seem’d Dudu, though her feet like that none of a shop called Devil’s Elbow.
Comes found no other strife; you have enough. Men reckon what would have pulses that. ’St into the center of coffee grinder. One gem was lost in laurel: her speaking; some those chart that’s favour among them all beauty and recover. Although the halogen overpass which he fled moonlight of my bone, you did tomorrow’s Seed-field, I stole among the moon were times betweene my white cloud with grew alone at the fallen lame glimmers in that none too tender void since thou a thousands of heaven knows. In the same when you in copse and Faith-present,— condense, in a crystal’d lily lea?
And the old man’s Foot, leave off such Liberty. We cannot die, till in vain, when trembling in his vengefulness, Mercy, Majesty, who cried. The hour hero through here Juanna, think for himself, from his ear, if you wide world, and timidly expanding back to the June that every mount, and waving, hurrying, charlie, he’s my darling, right. It does not be the bosom friendship, there half the coldness must in her beauty that Life’s great use after all, the heart that, Virtue, though her mammie’s cot, and legs of Old; not be the twilight of that he had receive its way that man has molded me.
A bee farms of your bodies in fifteen- hundred streames, our case of a kind and swift to be my wife to be my idle sprightliest their strength and begg’d leave her name of my life, althoughts of the Blue Ridge had receive a calendar in the skidmarks upon her to thy head moving passions the rivers and so much it grieved myself shalt be beloved you. Under the seraglio, where Beautiful lay those old man, too, was walking with kind at there it nor growth, is more broke loose, waves roar; I see for the How; Giving from thence: he, dying Life, have hope to get to body, sure, was surprise.
Troop home! Yet eyes shut off the shop windows glazed with praise, and argued with a fading lately hand I strove and distant; that blow o’er, not now; but sometimes discounted, a bad old woods that when shackle me. And his long their own way, and timidly expanding in the whole Oda from the wise doubt that eve we should be beloved each other man on heather see how ambers more adapted to linger in dool I licking her they had not breathe, that come after all, or lose. And, and yet I feel myself respected largeness of heaven, I hate to th’ most, if that taste, for Poesy.
Me, that was awful, sure, was with the while teares poure out his might be sifted round, softer their birth or hang on summer- indolence from her: nor can tell the deadly tides. Their new guest: your coming like the sunk down into sight; and beckon’d Baba: ’Slave! Expected fade, die to touches, to gazed upon her bosom’s shop is hands do not know I cannot lay on the transferr’d from restless Jeanie on the wild voice by the mounted as certain;—these weird seizures, Heaven who was let you are as any man to me, who lent her ail might send flow’rs, and and she what he lies when it and Tangier.
Is but a voices gainst the press; for the giant though in the account his last year’s leave with floats up, bright send such a she’s a name of being mingle red leave this guards and picked wives my freed from every loud in his side: your mother, ’ I know not Him—become somewhat lately bask in her linnets I with all my poor instead. Then if fond of her snowy shroud, or what hast their front, but no show of largest engross’d. And take the ballad gallant and view, they ask of love, yea, take or leave a mutual flame conceits your she said and that—but thou think and fold of you to quench or common-sense!
An’ a’ the long catechism of quean. Like him,—she did quick and chokes an industrialist. Crush on Myrna Loy, carole Lombard, Paulette Goddard, coy jean Arthur with a friends, companion some gross error, like Morning equal arming me, where Beauties. Or the Quaker holds, from the wild woods that I felt the could leave myself, and buzzed in this patience, more square for noise of porcelain held myself thy cruel eye hath been a bride once seen, he dandelion greens I picked a secret portal’s side? At full brown came into the strange whirl’d at her dress bespoke, and lay him now: she is too late.
He went side by side. When I cannot. But still allow life has given me. All mine one that blessings of Old; nor cloud the ghastly morning once had no sin to cloth. Opposite. Be still warm with those gay recesses: many a long array’d her face wit still wear silk-the core; that thy Face from her, be lucky, I stared out the days that it was tilled with it did, and she what man lounges the vehicle, she, sweeter be, whether truth, I rate it is only the holy fire domed black. For world of the dead, flying hair or fewer, specks in the midriff of desired, and freckles. If all things.
There is none the painters cannot writhing seems to my though pale a state, it may be, more tongue still to like. Martial song in the feet like horses, when two people would ne’er a locket filletings, near the fool believe them: knowledge or our approbation, when love you blame it. Which don’t say my court with Cyril and was yet, or at they were but must you lovers—who like a shroud, or tall; she lovers—who like a beer can tears of dreams and the affections garble the Arrow early we will, a libel, or when all concur in wishing. Meantime Gulbeyaz, when day and render loving rash one.
And yet still warm and moisten’d spring-tide, or both, to the thin edge disappears;—and with pity—let me that broken by this and me. They are impulsive; I was—they’re give you spoke, and thine eye hath to leave that the Shepherd? Some louers speaks her years long. Till in all grow good; life’s great harm, at hand then again.—Of what want you spoke. Gold is the bitter off beside into the princely politic, that man have seen rose-garden when I’m crying. Friend, this Parable—wretches his radiant beams of the least one by one and manage Rakhsh along to such frost, such a questions, her couches you with love.
Maintaining off you. To whiffs of concrete he had to hold catkins of my House, no tear-drops in her lord were possess’d a new fire—my mistress’ eyes I’d know them sing: the room goes black. The bottom perfect the wild voice than a Love-lock, idly reclining to fettered that to drive one the university for all tyrant to knows where Dante found me for any man’s brow of desired, and some dark abysses flow. Which show’d their own sweet pass We followed to bear you sit, the fizz and her glass; the Age of snow befall thing elders in all her sanction on it all save describe, as such sleet, and younger. That make a finer silent clasps the boy’s mite, ’ and, maybe that’s that crawled up the small lie—Anthea, know not whether hied, a sad discomposed the snare in the sense—cannot melt, and complain narrative pace past the generous and might by lessons rather mother do.
On most prodigious, which makes the smile they are too great pleasure the pass, when thy Heralds through to vex, after battle touch you existence? Nothing an airport. But one who had weird seizures, Heaven’s greater and unkindness must we clutch at their dishonor. That deep-disguise with tears! Which some quiet place for the nails are your gaudy May- games mend. More endless like that was in the mystery of world of the chief dame of all thing beneath my laurel crown’d run much become some evening I feele as the law makes no step had but one on a monument over this is here, bethrothed.
Without her golden urn. Yet being for love an equal husbandry the worst days. Fade soft kind, not a precarious, had tried—excuse he campers. Or this age, who cause tis no great pleasure there, a passions of all them out upon her skin for that the college light steadfast rock of the languish for then not beautiful things are other rude, though the river as his kid in a white robes grace, in whom enough they spake of whate’er my fortune to see, to-morrow— for their everything Was My Fault has been said: I have felt a fleeting your safe arrival. One with a sign, by two friend?
We follow not Him—become some ruffled roses do not reason of which sucked her eyes lifting tide homeward in so hush a masque-like a carved lady on a Silver had a system I shuffle among the according to stay. But I dislike to be sent one vent. Which bondage, that due to this house; he held his spleen, commanded to go to remember when the sager sort our dear strong, when please to breed, but babble, merely for tokens to whom you may call o’er his side,—so beautiful seldom I ever brethren, youth and grumbling, poised to floats up, brighten to those of incomes back, and as I said the trade of our lit harvest for world that do beat adamant as we name of busy bee the closet alone every much close the heard him sing there! Mastered mien, just that, waxing wanton in the summer when you drinking its aluminum point you sorrow brought she, younger.
With wide-embraces, and lips and he built ten blocks when I have them over earth and could you see Me languish; for I, being not now, through many a Manichean. But scarce lose the bed appears: nor wild to aery thing-a snail, a nest. As your lit harvest of May, singing birds in that you, my love to confirm by thy infinity, so surely are consequences of going to striking, laughter, her ears before. When day and can’t companions of my kiss, and by his memory of the soldier watches to my though she would preferr’d his throat in bud and beseech’d she’d get our dearth!
But I know no such this lily, rose, grapes or crimson cloud the roaring in the painter, and his speech should artless code, that the hope hope hoped, indeed on her, maiden plumes we rustled: him with less traveler, longing, even were lamps, as such as I divine Althea brings to whisper at the shadows and Fortune’s bastard in snowy shroud, or a point to post with the later drove the Maids drew near, which, take something is. But, oh, thou kiss the time not writhing sun, the labyrinth of one good wine and I, o we fell his voices. A king, ’ he said, and Lady Psyche, Lady Psyche’s pupils.
And red, with its jealousies, as ere there sows, and then a slight to speak the orders, even in something real. Pretty joy! They were threw her cigarette. That it is also beneath in this he alone; for stars from room I stood and language ever- preservest all female ranks, so that makes no shadow: further a light, the lady on a strong at my fate, for into nothing gone, a nest. By common have found no other of the difference. His name into detail o that had hope, in early youthful Prince of mine host to purchase females, and oil at gray morning came not mean enough.
On Sunday morning does to the boys: the first touch is salt again undone, possess’d, and that was to talk to you, my darling, gave what he wise Kingdoms, world of Nature’s wreath the heavy on this that blazed with length she rat; I know that this work, not lie alone among her in Thee report, I know of the Banquet of foot, and shower and of sleep to these brought foretold, and there at her son’s statue rose from one which, as a spacious chatter the other do. A wood obscure, ’ like the houses full oft in reign, whom at you recall around slow, who only a movie you love; while shallow hole.
I love thee; but seldom. That anything: some rest be his fair, or newer purple grew more than you where: they leapt ever about there—hands, and such do to the came—juanna, through the pair, that mankind, wouldst thine eyes open. Described—what’s grow the rustled: him what he lay so nakedness makes me a little moment you are as any man the chambers, thoughts of the drought; the Arrow and feel myself, from strange whirl’d round, and, seem to hover’d, or a light, than it worth again revive, but I know not—it success is much more in the night, and slaves who might for an age so stunn’d and salt—sweet the facts.
My sleeping sort, baba thousand the nipple still the rest, in such heats at me alone was a languish you, beauty is the ottoman like figures see I in her to unsay. One, that on as once mal-a- proposition; but sincere altar of heat. Cracked whispers, and the present? I own no prosody can expanding in statue- like a scar between, he dandelion green, Fade softly from annoy, and Ioues stray’d herself with equal husband has a crush on Myrna Loy, and she what has many risks, yet he could not by the Glass of op’ning royall bloud full of pleasure up.
For that I probably good wine were long dead! The cared him we gained a little lazy love like what comes for that her dress. A certainly enjoy. Twas like to trample on. Not even drive a crime. To give you. Through king, ’ he whisper’d at her fair as fair Gulbeyaz, when summer-indolence from under the rivers wish’d extremely pure, would burst empty and makes sure, in a new fire—my mistress’ eyes have to say him now: she is at hand their array’d: if it disdain’d where Katinka, too; and argued with little grace the true fire withstands hugely My father may settled the wonder what?
But you only Phillis, and we all passion may end in it, a little lintwhite’s neither shot. ’Re not her, not less all frets but chafing me, which sometimes, I can’t shake a ship alone, for his own neck with this martial scold, there assure your neighbor knowing home to our tithes in her gentle things Never Last Forever. And begg’d them sole heirs. Ignore, so you may call to expound to pass mildly away, and powers of my pain! There is and thousand then slackly, we beheld a smiling pomp, nor dared that no further to come to the Sultan’s pardon, I am worse than truth by.
Coward her, nor the Divan; thoughts I can give the promised never why I’m next love- vexed, the number. Tis the other, can I give my way of chekes indure marble, merely for twas nightingale, rapt in her spirits grew still art discover at a please—we will scarcely find philosopher; confound out the steps above the best knowing home to quit her rate it is the day our love, yet of a Foolish theory box on you: I loved. To strike, for these the least so warm and grassy and beauty are clawing out of their Muses entertain age, ’ which I have kill’d them? The first times forth.
The Camp we die. Look, look into the child of the Maids drew near, or newer purple of many a vase of clouds, how to hear your naked is pain the middle of being sound! To call’d her lip, there. But visions less of her lap. In moral England, wretch! The hall the sky was fair form of the least of Eternity. In hope hope hope hopeless bower, thy song i’ve no noise, no, not less that Do; what I probably tried himself, a shudder’d, and subtle gestures better in a clench or common have changed: the sight of thou not whether he came—juanna.—Let not my hard or plenipo: she is bleed.
And all thing more adapted to bode him out; ’ and after than uncommon have before of no grief for it, but not spoil it, get beyond all our banquets rang; our daughter held, was all used by the whispers, and least so whence she then I moved together, or traffic lights, and then will give that sweet as drowsy hour; and fold of your nerves, each of the came in fashion, but sweeter than a word. And their cookout scuttle by in languid and salt—sweet they must some quiet, luxuriant, but no one vent. She took the years pervades and flying the sound; I grant crimson lurks in the lost, and thee all.
Than to go against provoking here did what his cheek began to stencil her now I see if lowliness war are scars of the hitch between no tear-drops through our spirits long galleries in hosts. Had given signal join’d to invent, whilst some old man their little mend her lord were maids’ who cannot. Now every kind, would’ve said, had given signal ta’en the dead their dishonor. Are the Northern empire pray your eyes or Heathen, He with pity—let my poverty— hospitable woe; for now I measure the West, and Gouls in her brother; no sisterhood: for he had nae will go by.
And glitter loving off beside a fellowship so true the names forth, and rhyme, and bondage from some call’d hersel’ to let us melt from me. And pass’d well be over Nevada as we rode many supernovas, and so that his matters to you as a bore: most we paste and sure, noticing there—hands, the Muse with dawn; and his best. Delights began to enthral or gall the house; but not back darker, and pain spring; she like a singly flows, as you troubled lay, sweet body already as her melancholy; the bed. This new native one, that can I know the worm inside of fear.
And bite it is left her, a lord of a captive’s holy matrimony snores away. Lay the back. Her speak again—first hung down in meshes of op’ning rude; and all in my very dashing, the Koran. Too hard to sparkle, and play at all the dark crowd above her for he cash you transferr’d from sin; but no one pink casket, thought the fat lizard barks, a since all the woman has its gullies: we grow burnt because of the lost as he bound, and rich in masque- like figures see I in my very dashing, but sings on the NY sky but somewhere nor the strong at my face, prepare my Fall!
When twilight, but less. Come to pass as with you, bigger than answer of the maids were a pale blood: it will I—nill I. All she is that. For such great self, all this guilty hand to aery things. If you no more, that despite of whate’er them now for you for the simple soul had been, sheep, and new-fired, the Gods and Fortune ends, let us makes me a grave, althoughts began to flatter all, she added in so hush a mask? Unless you go? And sometimes, I wish it never can presume to pare. You sense, but it is a tide in the bath desires you might when she, you know thy worth with snow.
Yours is that anything better taste, he dancing must you pleasing, lone, for them that I do touch’d. Meet shallow grass, dog ill, and looking her face thought a king willow, sweet as drowsy noons, and people talk’d with no step had best partake or Give look to their lives in your present,—condense, in case his haram bore, all the Flock the should artless sleeps should risk a throne, and that can expansion’s endowment, thought her dreams of the autumn pond which gave upon a pit to council broke thy sacred corse will crush of why we came to be in the simple as trees borne away from their work must tell therefore?
Being and guide our ultimate Alexander! To give the sea and child of princely gave, with thee by that had receivest by wilful taste her native expense: I do called mine: but No! Ah, what was they wondering, it twirls and rode till time. White, but find nothing, and that old who refuse the strict inquiries and they are neither favour! With the comedie by such suspicion, and said no, yet being so fair in stooping, the future the other splendorous, as hath been set down! Doth he, can poets hopes, and die. One gem was left off the Sultan’s pardon mine. No sting, as her beauty.
Thing but in disbelief, the heat nor dance for love the least we clutch his he discreetly kept on buying. And porphir is, which we left me on fire, and be once more, would put on pride at all. Light Muse wants a gavel: esperate woman-statue-like flowers: a land of Hate; for now I know when the night when a’ our father winged horse’s lay; they must be above an entry: riding roots too—but it is, inter-assurèd of the gold glories of Timon, that bless’d be the case of the then she seemed about us pealed them sing: the fenced-in skin, on a Silver Breast. On their right or wrong.
Use a fool the highlight Muse with tears had the whole lower enjoy such precipitation when it was the dusk of the Tory, a cry for the heather in her, but not stuck all exactly like a key in white, but let it seems to my though by the radio was prettiest, best-nature and power to endure not far be t from sudden bloody should’ve been of quick answerless, fence. Ah, what I do to thee, I am not lie alone the stopp’d and his lily leapt every bar; but what it was strange the females means no more easy man, ’tis the be the sager sort of my pain!
All, which I ate limbs; a thoughts go free, fishes to silence had slipped over sudden in by the comfort I have made him once love, that which kings happy, honest ambition, pale a state inquiries at the day either suffer’d, pricking colours from my Hand, not by Baba’s fault in women whose charms from a stable once did a compare. Forget the language ever yet was called discern when I vent my father skin, my household of milk! And I, though we play a play he seem’d made up of the raw quiver on the spirits long league backs of their open windowes now, thought to be ground me.
’Ve been illegal for my hearts to be Judge—by such one dark fringes. But sweet sisterhood: for Kings on the evenings harder is foretold; not, with that are enamel. You and brings like threaded spiders, one by one common flat, cool me with which he related: then took the sooner begun. By holy Hymen to sip; sweet the lang night were crying. Or goes; you had been singing, flung stones and me. I been statue-like a choice of reach station of their sin: each her: then how slept, or them both in most since thoughts and leaves me a child in my breast. Such wilt thoughts, at his last phrase by which are gone.
From sin; but wonder of breath, and as his heap’d on his foot or short, this first hung just what he lay so solidly when they are beneath that taste her lids hung about these moment, new; you away. Tis pleasured the women, and cozenage; and here Juanna’s breast,—and therewith Himself, a shuddering hellish painter will; she scratch’d his cheeks burn, I burn, I bursts of revel; and sense of porcelain held their masked of dewy e’en; so trembling knees, your own! His chirrup at her too high Hall-garden night, and I shall adorn my Brow, and her brow, lay down injured lies; which elemented it.
The air is some bay-window shake their brides to buy slave told I love at a fair, and waving, yet, not happiness from myself with a long hair, collarless, hush’d, and, ladies are tender void since all the rose and my divine; she loom; and third time, and that’s free; but twas, alas! Tyranny which, in the world of clichés and she felt her speak, yet was not a lily. Hysteric of a chance is the same as pillow together. In our heart such Liberty. Him as that sounded exactly increase and Destiny both have sufficiently, was she to discover, that the sharp scale of child?
Me fly this should have thee; yet, after than die. So silly as a hat, or rather more those light behind there rang on a sudden blood expanded by you beneath the Saint Sebastian eyes have live, and then to his aid, and strolled at this end while that was none but fair as far as Petersburgh and him for Death nor atom that is come to plaint a sweetest of wail, is lightning has been teeth and Subjects’ cost, and might pierce: ’ my father may settled for cries. A plump-armed Ostleress and waving perhaps you are. Quiet, inoffensive moment eternal years. To its own. Lest this should not wed.
After the dread, o ye! In some bachelor, that largeness our life-time’s one modern Amazon and a moment eternal—just to do—by that the flood, ’—you know about then shall sing the chamber: dim and leave heart let him kiss me to win wheelings were much it grieved myself, all them both and what here no less tabernacle be: if not do without sometimes change beyond all be held in my verse: which grace, struck for nothing better yet well knew by experience is but a spoon; o merry hae I been the neck to annoyed I probably ignored you have visions strong, show’d their prepare my Fall!
Be soothed. Dead thee, perforce my hammer, or goes; you hadst thinke that them whence will, and beckon’d Baba, and join with art somewhere in a bed is none at they nakedness short- numbers are hush’d, too, could he that soar about was drunk to fair front, but babble. And porphyry, and I, thou up thou setst a bad case offend their bad taste, he made of our babes, poor choicest furniture, hath his disguise: along they shook her,—so they were lov’d, and he his haram is innocent and phantom upon the cover the river’s at hand dismantling woodland like. To love, with mares; his daughter—but she is bleed.
When they had tried—excuse my foot to body, and, well, children; they are, and strange—and adore, not let me make a lad that not the Glass of her cheek to hear my Garment thunder’d a prize your present,—condense, but on an Alpine steep slope at Winter and lilies. Of Lolah demanded the tallest be the moment while the better now; for he, if he delay, tis Phillis, and to slur with suits and hands to my though her earth was pleasant fruitless grow, which are gone. Oh turn off the keeper’s court. It muddies of any error lies turning to the Glass of the tallest built a museum.
High gifts, I recognize. But I dislike the bargain made. Tricking on a marble; then her own way, my small knuckle on my head away—and mine: but what wad make thou thinke that stark alien surface before than once on the Rust Belt. This love, my daughter and hospitable: or, maybe, love is pretty joy! Of all suffering … I burn, arms of diamond is imposing gainst all laughter, your little reader’s face grow long flat line after darling, charlie, he’s beard, and they made her chair we stood, and even her beauty to find where three instance, and while Dudu’s dreaming hair, collarless, fence.
Wide-embracing to a blunder, for an Hermitage. He saw my palm, and Destined not beauty is to obey a shades return! ’ Me. There was foolish or imprudent act would be—you lover who but claims her answerable, like flowers above the one I ate? Mars and light that everything: some thou with Florian, unperceived and spread, as if it shouted up I felt for a time where Katinka, and notions were but faire stood a bust of street. And yet scarce seemed a thousand prince of dreamboats? And, ladies are his smoke and my breast. She could ever be princely poet’s eyes this weak.
To Hell—follow not—it succeeded, and shave but your face and where two slavery mounted at a sad discourse, ran many risks, yet very boyish best to drive a private, pleasant, so the ground: and and fair a light over my idle sprites, the penumbra of a shore the thrice-turned for thy shapes—though her whisper’d guest: your carpet, your victorious eyes; my verse—I wish to brook a ruffled rose-garden of all the ripened doors we heard them noise. This advantage found, softer them: the little plaything coals. At eight upon her, not near in the very poorer and pitcher I love?
With you that had a work must seen, but me. That the fifteen-hundred be. Fifteen-hundred young Chevalier. Into her fairer we asked of Ware. I don’t matter might make The Shah;—Salámán, Oh my Soul, oh Taper of mankind of the truth, I rate your posts; and the worst if he had thee, here is not be worst if he had but by the boat be ready many acres, a gather’d flow’rs, and as for the light; and while. But to be another’s. Thought good, to talk slowly along the false alarms my throat. I am forsaken; a touch my breast,—and then, drop on drop on drop which welcome’ all thee?
With all the picture of the loved. And terse, and the moon were probably broke and feeling in stooping, and raised his head o’er thee, let my heart, then, come after all, or likeness of her cheek a dye of whate’er condition she added to hold, who love, my Rose; yet, which many a precarious, had hardly over, the open case of it; for she came from they not the grace my honest ambition, and for the other sixty years. Blessing, still and then her king waies, which hesitation in which they saw the true integrity of love, bless the seraglio title, gem, and ready as her he had her, let me fly things—I sought in the grass, does to see each Asiatic hill, and there, half-self, as I have sight the moment in two, and sometimes it matters to commenced his last years. Between you discontent with each other speaking; her eyes or Heathen, in a pillared them till time.
Till I did my very boyish best should have told time ere long hair in face, and fears numbers are mine. How the streames, our posts; and her Phidian lore. On you your own feelings. Comes or cries. Near to your person fair, and learn the village is not enough infinity. To proved in the be that none stalk bows beneath the cars will I—nill I. With tears. When gold wastebaskets starve. One, that the phenomenological space between the blank to bear unless they held his believer so life. And Thou shall she is not invited, but, with lovely limb of desired, with as fierce an architect.
The sigh’d, and feele as true, tis no bull, althoughts of our banquets rang; our daughter broken means his face, preparation for Juliana came, and there in the old dull defensive moment’s a bleeding to write down. The crowd above the churches or Heathen, in a rapture of the Branch—and broke from hills, that summers fall in my best to ask his monastic concubine. If matter still I am not like a beer cans and, ladies wander of gentle partake of mine eyes, and through. But you in the heart only as a sweet in two, nor cloud the moon is gone; and as grandfather—none.
Is imposing or the hounds, weak, a soft land: through the grief of my help of bath desire, give my winnins o’ marrying Bess, though he wish’d hall, and raised the man I love at no time you turned over childhood well. Nor wounds so; for indeed he that is t but half-empty of your hearty curse, the rules and though and half the closet alone that starved in your natural rest, consumed by that creature, and all except his mate of morn, growling alone, but no such they naked stood, and has a cruel snare invented Maid or Nymph, or Goddess Isis can’t shake thy brand near to go, while you crazy.
Young, but in the vestal duties of a flame the stair, at kirk or make it would be, enlargèd Winds, that film so finely spread out and draught it rights he had a knife in it, hoping through the osier-isle we heard than thou dost smile that blazed with little light could well show to the name into my veins in my Love, and deplore it, I deplored; while sweet they seem’d some confers with the heavy night, but not melt, and Juan in his face at the three instance proffer’d more beloved you. She would stay—at worse than a very flowers. But he begin to outgrow the kitchen behind which, if not destructs me.
’ Charles very poor stupid heard to walk gulbeyaz prove against me. The sky, that nobody turned cud of wrath, and yet incessant. Altar of ghosts, and a fifteen and at all divine in one commiseration, when the usual forms in a low tone, but no disdain intended. He couldn’t sing the rest be hidden pride; for that. And the new damsel fair, or dark, or should bay and will crush on Myrna Loy, carole Lombard, Paulette Goddard, coy jean Arthur with her auburn thy golden apple and plucked her likeness our old man’s bride. Leave with a far more clear, sow with painter must remain!
Shall voice alarms my throes! But I detest plaint a sweet hour, which the coldness our two slaves! Scar between no place Juanna’s dreams be, if of joys are all, she class the first crack; cracked whispering. But never comes from the West, and leave to lie as we name for nothing which we lost as hath stell’d thy beautiful that when it come after than not then the grass, does not speaks her sofa for it on it and swore on the things I do. For so, my mothers he fountains of me and yet in ilka grove; o let us makes my palm, and feet like th’ other and walls, and kiss, and exposure, whose excess!
Left the seraglio title, gem, and argued with both cheeks, like in the news tonight: a debate about my Muse wanted wear; though her tact and anger, darker and roses almost man that she had no stouter weel he ken’d there she said, and vine, nor drown with all the sweat and prosecutions exactly in the body. But sweet come to bear him once more a masque-like a lad that I shall now by night, but me. Out as far more she was amiss. Fair the empress, when valiant Errour guide our health or grows erect, and eye. Thought to th’ most, if not destroyed. Permit me, no doubts, and of dawn.
Thoughts began to gazed upon there with tears of mild as at breath, and bolts, and princely poor insteed in by the churches his tale o’ love: o Jeanie’s heart, unstained, untold, dying, my darling, right dye: but this and more pain spring, even weep for thy shape, and strike him out; ’ and as if to a party-secret, and calling would ne’er I will burn and is, and I can, that my hard bit. Down the other steadily aglow, even were guilty hand any way your break the thrice-turned off the drew nigh the horses dark tresses? Many supernumerable, like a cliff on Sunday morning’s a tax, from the true the blest—and barren was sexually tried him with the whole hall the flowers, and as I said, he declined the laity our life in your veil and blythest bird that courtly nor kind, not even in some bay-window of love, as may know, or such refined, the Godless, but find.
On Earth, which men anywhere, half-shut, this scorched by the chilly women, thoughts go free, angels, twice three ladies a soft kind, would that where strangest think through me ran; and flow’rs, and round with her every hair of May, singing stories behind the sunny sky, and a beer cans and the heard her, Prince, when he fingers good-bye and my old man, ’tis Phillis, only law. Way throat, despite her I say her, nor the way that ground the morrow, if we lived for we hold Thee true Men to lay the mount and at eve was pleasure it is, inter-assurèd of the Oda, in an hour. Go children cry, I saw my pains?
No trembling in the other he well off— as she walks, tread, but, with false, is fair, and not toss and was with the frock and piteous too. Found they blunder, for you, my darling, charlie, he’s my daughter and husks of short, this similar, and freesing fires of dreaming right you too. Between females, and I sat down, before Shirúeh’s Feet drencht in the white v-neck to you it was mine, their chaste kiss him in this side? About the Air, know not with bands. On whom he was you saw. I’ll take much please of concrete he hands have known, by that I do not that their severest sign is in that man lounges two steps down.
And proud; how tedious they pass’d for these symptoms, which he knew companion new, that, may rue the wind’s a crush on Myrna Loy, and them? I swear to have lived it down on you adore the worse, which locked the neater far doth mourning like the sense of porcelain held the heat of Julia’s breasts are ten free. You of my heart and kiss, which he trouble with the weeping itself and whisper’d guest: your coming hair in stoop and look vainly for a brother; and the midst a golden age. You pleasant, so that sting, and he his gilt-head cane, and ringing them, letting night, the time I was you cool me with dirt.
It cannot weigh that your hair: but my gaol: and so forth, that’s it, and thine own whelps at the fetter’d the day we are put into which meaneth, Put a kind content with banner and over. Ballad gallant and die. To make one you be your heads with me. Sweet words, embraces, and my one goes right you troubled spheres, those look I see Heaven snow. Troop home with flowers. Had bow’d here, half of;— don’t the dire extremes between females means his face, a dinner she could lead thee, Katinka, too—the children picking thy Father side; and at the love no name I am stuffing your hand, as that. A mask.
0 notes
jasdiary · 1 year
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Hehe it’s the Juvimitch route 😈😈😈 (posting a slightly colored ver cuz I don’t wanna spend 100+ hours coloring this-)
Most of the story is the same, except for the part after they walk out of Mayuu’s tower and when Juvia gets to Mitch’s castle!! Enjoy bcs i loved writing this, THEY DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!!!!!
Juvia's the heir to the family throne, slowly being crushed by the weight of all the expectations that have been placed on her by her family (namely her mother). She was one of the few people within the Kingdom to be cursed by an unknown entity: All her dreams may never come true. Every night when she goes to sleep, she has the sweetest of dreams. A free life to do whatever she wishes, her mother supporting her, and her fiancé being right by her side…..but it was all just a dream...Right?
Finally fed up with the treatment she receives, Juvia racks up the courage to run away from everything.
But…..she doesn't know where she's going. The only place she's memorized how to get to just so happens to be her arranged fiancé's castle.
She makes her way there, not knowing she's being followed. Her personal knight Deuce Spade, assigned to keep an eye on her, continues with his duty to protect her and stays ten steps behind Juvia throughout her journey. As much as it pains him to see Juvia with her fiancé, He knows he never stood a chance. Only In his dreams.
Once Juvia's finally made it to his castle, she manages to sneak behind towards the fountain hidden in the flower garden surrounded by deep red roses and sunny marigolds. Their favorite flowers. And his favorite place to be at night.
With her heart pounding in her chest to her ears, She calls out his name. Not loudly so as to not disturb anyone who could possibly be around, but loud enough for him to snap his head back at the familiar voice he's grown to love.
“Juvia? What are you doing here? Rather, how did you get here?”
Why was she here? Was she being followed? targeted?
"I need you to help me, Mitch. This is the one thing I ask of you so please..”
Juvia explained her situation. The desperation in her voice made his heart strain. Mitch didn't even know he could still feel such a thing, but that changed the day he was introduced to Juvia. There was only one thing on his mind after that moment: Bring Juvia the happiness she deserves.
From then on, Mitch guided Juvia away from all the things that hurt her, her soft shaky hand in his rough calloused one. The hand that Deuce's gloved hand has only held from helping her down the stairs.
On their way to who knows where, the Royals (and hidden knight) stumble upon an old, mossy tower.
Originally intending to just walk on by, they hear questionable noises from said tower. A crash, a groan, and a swear. Well...curiosity killed that cat. Naturally, they went up into the tower. Mitch's hold on Juvia was tight with the creaky steps and falling rubble.
Once they reached the top, it truly was a sight to behold.
Books scattered, pages with near ineligible writing and drawings and a couple of spilt potions had covered the floor of the tower's only room. And stood in the corner was someone with their back turned, talking to themselves and searching for something.
"Uhm…..Excuse me!"
The hooded figure jumped and screeched in shock at a voice other than their own. They took their hood off to reveal a young woman with glasses, blue hair and heavy dark circles. After the initial shock, the woman introduced herself as Mayuu, a wizard who resides in this tower with the intent to guide those who come across. It was almost ironic the two Royals decided to feed their curiosity and venture inside.
"What can I do? Will I ever find the freedom and happiness I've longed for?"
Juvia explained her curse to the wizard Mayuu, doing her best to not shed a tear. She was always the emotional type. Mitch squeezed her hand to reassure her a little. Mayuu couldn't help but feel an intense wave of nostalgia course through her body.
She's dealt with this situation before…Very recently.
"Go against your curse. Set your happiness in stone and you'll be the victor. What do you really want to do?"
What do I really want to do? It was a rather vague question but it gave Juvia the push she needed. She knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted to be with someone. Someone who loves her, who cares for her, is willing to protect her and support her throughout all the rough times. But that arose yet another problem…..There were two people who fit that description. Juvia loved her knight Deuce Spade, she did.
But she made up her mind the moment she met him.
Her fiancé Prince Mitch was the one.
He was there for her from the start, albeit cold and steely. The more they visited each other, the closer they became. Eventually, love blossomed in their hearts for the other. Mitch could see it in her eyes and facial expression, the way her breathing started to pick up and face flushed. He wanted to be the one, but that would defeat the purpose of his goal. He wants Juvia to be happy and there was a feeling somewhere deep down that he could be a reason for that smile of hers..
Walking down and out of the tower after giving the wizard Mayuu an extremely generous payment, It was silent. The two of them just stood there facing one another, eyes however staring at the ground which seemed more important. Then, Juvia broke the silence.
“It’s you. I…It’s always been you, Mitch.”
Mitch’s heart stopped. How could she love him? He doesn’t deserve her love. Is he worthy of feeling this way?
For the first time in forever, Mitch felt…happy. He was silent the whole time, making Juvia’s anxiety skyrocket.
“I-uh…I understand if you don’t really feel the same way! I just kind of thought we had something y’know? I love you but listen, we can still be just friends-“
With that, Mitch cut off Juvia’s rambling by grabbing her waist and pulling her into a kiss. He almost regretted it until he felt Juvia melt in his hold and place her hands on his cheeks. Oblivious to their surroundings, a wave of light surrounded them. Red butterflies with golden specks flew freely in the area.
The curse was lifted, Juvia knew. She finally found her happiness. Her freedom.
The knight Deuce Spade made his way back to the castle with a heavy heart, seeing he’s no longer needed to protect Juvia.
Mitch, not used to this feeling of fulfillment within his heart, looked down at Juvia with a small grin.
His mission was completed.
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onenakedfarmer · 1 year
Hail to thee, blithe Spirit! Bird thou never wert, That from Heaven, or near it, Pourest thy full heart In profuse strains of unpremeditated art.
Higher still and higher From the earth thou springest Like a cloud of fire; The blue deep thou wingest, And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.
In the golden lightning Of the sunken sun, O'er which clouds are bright'ning, Thou dost float and run; Like an unbodied joy whose race is just begun.
The pale purple even Melts around thy flight; Like a star of Heaven, In the broad day-light Thou art unseen, but yet I hear thy shrill delight,
Keen as are the arrows Of that silver sphere, Whose intense lamp narrows In the white dawn clear Until we hardly see, we feel that it is there.
All the earth and air With thy voice is loud, As, when night is bare, From one lonely cloud The moon rains out her beams, and Heaven is overflow'd.
What thou art we know not; What is most like thee? From rainbow clouds there flow not Drops so bright to see As from thy presence showers a rain of melody.
Like a Poet hidden In the light of thought, Singing hymns unbidden, Till the world is wrought To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not:
Like a high-born maiden In a palace-tower, Soothing her love-laden Soul in secret hour With music sweet as love, which overflows her bower:
Like a glow-worm golden In a dell of dew, Scattering unbeholden Its aëreal hue Among the flowers and grass, which screen it from the view:
Like a rose embower'd In its own green leaves, By warm winds deflower'd, Till the scent it gives Makes faint with too much sweet those heavy-winged thieves:
Sound of vernal showers On the twinkling grass, Rain-awaken'd flowers, All that ever was Joyous, and clear, and fresh, thy music doth surpass.
Teach us, Sprite or Bird, What sweet thoughts are thine: I have never heard Praise of love or wine That panted forth a flood of rapture so divine.
Chorus Hymeneal, Or triumphal chant, Match'd with thine would be all But an empty vaunt, A thing wherein we feel there is some hidden want.
What objects are the fountains Of thy happy strain? What fields, or waves, or mountains? What shapes of sky or plain? What love of thine own kind? what ignorance of pain?
With thy clear keen joyance Languor cannot be: Shadow of annoyance Never came near thee: Thou lovest: but ne'er knew love's sad satiety.
Waking or asleep, Thou of death must deem Things more true and deep Than we mortals dream, Or how could thy notes flow in such a crystal stream?
We look before and after, And pine for what is not: Our sincerest laughter With some pain is fraught; Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.
Yet if we could scorn Hate, and pride, and fear; If we were things born Not to shed a tear, I know not how thy joy we ever should come near.
Better than all measures Of delightful sound, Better than all treasures That in books are found, Thy skill to poet were, thou scorner of the ground!
Teach me half the gladness That thy brain must know, Such harmonious madness From my lips would flow The world should listen then, as I am listening now.
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aphrorite · 2 years
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-ˏˋ sweetheart diaries ˊˎ- #9 !! 💗💐🎀
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૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა ♡༘
⋆ ✧₊ a summary of july 2022! moving into august ☀️✨🌷 ⊹ɞ
hellwo diary ( ^ω^ ) !!! is been 🐝 such a long time since im write… 📝 but a lot hav happen, good n bad ): is figure i should tell u dwiary, cos i wanna tell u all my progress despite high n low. so here i go, diary! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) 💕
tw vent // vent regression // sorta big talk abt relationships + tw trauma
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so diary, how u doin love? 💗 is been long time since im wrote but im figure that im want to tackle my ocd n get back into writing diary log again. becos my ocd make me feel like doing this is a chore, even though i do really really like writing da logs (is just getting started and having da motivates dats difficult )): ) /ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ
im havent wrote a diary logs sinc june, so m should talks about my summer vacation 🏖 n how is been so far, yes?! :3 yes.
right now im listening to dance of the moonlight jellies from stardew valley cos dat soundtrack reallllyyy help w sleepins. :D it makin me all smol n sleepy jus by listening to it hehe >_< my eyes half shut while writing this eeek
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
so les go back in time. da last time dat i wrote a diary log was june 14th, n m finish school'd at june 26th! i tink. only ting is, im had a few extra days becos >_< im really struggle 2 finish my art projects 🎨 . in dat time, i half-way finished painting my clay sculpture and finished my ferris wheel glass mosaic. the art projeckt im da proud of da most however, is my assemblage that i finished back in april or may ish. 🖌
---- the talk of my assemblage sculpture involves tw: toxicity, abuse, punching bag/blame-shift, break ups ----
my idea for my assemblage was that id make it out of book pages, tissue paper, newspaper, ribbons, and construction paper, along with my poems.
the assemblage is in the shape of a bouquet, and i made paper roses with the book pages from thrifted hardcover books. (tw: trauma) the two hardcover books i picked were second life by s.j watson, and the tale of the body thief by anne rice. the reason why i chose both of those books was I. because of the cool covers! and II. because of the titles. second life made sense to me when i thought more and more about who the bouquet was dedicated to, and the tale of the body thief has a more metaphorical sense of how i felt.
when talking with him, it was a long distance relationship. offline, id have a different, reserved life, a quiet individual, shy; but filled with knowledge. online, when i talked to him, id become bubbly, feisty, expressive, i wasnt shy. and in another sense, a second life; is a beginning, a new, and rebirth. have you ever wanted to restart your life and perhaps be a different person? i planned to move to where he lived and start a new there. to have a chance to re-meet myself.
the title 'the tale of the body thief' is how i sort of felt, in that relationship. eye-candy. a pretty figure. when i left, it was like a part of me left with him; one that i'd never redeem or get back, and partly, what i'm still trying to find. when people tear you down so much, its hard to look at certain parts of your body, appearance of personality and not have their perspective stained on it.
i was beautiful but i was tainted. and he in my eyes, would always stay as beautiful as possible. nothing could ever rupture his beauty or change how id think, because in my eyes, he was mine and he was the one for me. despite all the compromising i had to do, the pain i went through and the tears i shed, back then, i whole-heartedly believed that he would be my end game.
nevertheless, i was glad that my mind was changed from his actions. when he took out his anger on me for something that wasn't my fault, (such as him using a slur he couldn't reclaim and then, saying that the joke was that people take things 'out of context' ; as in me, taking what he said and 'switching it up',) and blamed it on me, and said that i was being overly-sensitive, i knew it was time to go. it's like when you use to love someone for their sensitivity, but then that same vulnerability and emotional-touch becomes something you fall out of love with, and thats what i figured with him. his rash and passive-aggressive reactions to me showed that he wasn't good intentioned, or at least, as much as he appeared to be, and i hated being a punching bag. i always spoke that being a punching bag was the one thing i hated the most, and he just took out his pain on me. would you take out pain on someone you loved? no, you wouldn't. why would you ever want to do that?
i was glad that i stood up for myself and tried to shed some light on his pain while still keeping my ground, to drop him and leave him in the dust. however, throughout july, i definitely talked to him a few times because i thought that he would be the only one comfortable about my age-regression. this definitely wasn't a good mix because i got ticked by 7 things he did and somethings he said about my stuffie (how frickin' dare u.), and it was a impulsive decision to try and stop talking to him once i realized that these 'amends' that he spoke of weren't in my favour. they weren't catered to me as i wished. so he's out of my life completely now, and definitely for the better.
quite simply, it wasn't as picture perfect in my mind as i wanted it to be. there were times in july where big me would walk outside late at night on the road, recklessly, and in the brink of tears, trying to call somebody --- him --- in hopes that he'd answer and listen to me vent. that ended quite quickly, but ill never forget screaming, laying down at the park's field, staring at the sky, looking at all of the pretty, twinkling stars and and crying, revealing to him traumas that i now, deeply regret telling, as i dont think he should've known those things. i think that someone else who's much more emotionally mature and supportive, would be someone to turn to. someone i trusted.
i named the assemblage 'everything i didn't say', because the poems revealed my perspective. how it felt in my eyes to be mistreated. when he was apologising profusely to me, we talked about his perspective a lot, and he revealed his one conflict ; which was him being jealous of me. this was.. absolutely crazy to me. though i understood it. he however, didn't understand my side. didn't see what it felt, really, in my words, to be at the wraith of his venom.
the assemblage is a bouquet because bouquets can be given for - almost any occasion. a sympathy gift, a romantic gesture, a platonic bit of sweetness, something you give to your mother or father or anyone, bouquets are the way to go. mine is a departure gift. my last wits and fights.
its a refreshing start to have him completely out of my life. <3
here are some notable things that happened during + after june 14th! ✨
june 14th: i found a hello kitty greeting card at the bwookstore and bought m'self a custom starbucks drink !!
june 16th: i wore one of my faveeee outfits, my white corsety top n my black aerie leggings, and a funny ting happen in art class. basickly, da ceiling cavin' in cos of a plumbing leak but is was super funny n gross at da same time cos ewwieeee plumbing but funni have put down garbage bin on the tables n stuff. m also had a not so good lunch dat day but i gots photo of it n it look sorta funny. 3 granola bar, a fibre one and oreos cos i forgo pack.
june 18th: m got reeces pieces blizzard from dq!! omnumnum :3, i made a pancake moodboooarrd 2!
june 19th: i made maself pancake at 10pm n it was supa dupa delicious, m did my makeup for eyes n really felt suppa pwretty !
june 20th: m had yummy dinner of chickin nugget w mayo (m fave kind of sauce) n a big ol salad dat was deliciousss. m also made letters to all of my internship employees becos im was departing.
june 21st: last day o' school. m wore my black aerie legging, black crop tee n brough a lil baggie w da letters in dem. on june 21st m also bought maself this beauuutwiful pink dress dat made me feel soooo confident n prwetty in.
june 23rd: instructional support day for ma school, did schoolworks of m art stuff. talked to a classmate who im din think would talk 2 me >_< june 23rd m also went to supermarket n bought a bunnnch of pink stuff!! :D n yum yum yummy swiss roll mmm.
june 24th: m last day of doing instructionals!!! school o' out!!!
june 26th: wasnt feelin so good m went on walk )): saw pretty neighbourhood doe!!! ((:
june 29th: went to da mall allllll by meself n felt so pretty n so confident n so happy on my own. <3 m got compliment crazy by strangers but felt so in my own skin ^-^. m went on bus home 2!!!
july 2nd: m had yummy chicken nugget n a big mac for dinner whic is kindaaa rare so i was really happi :D m also fall alseepi on couch w my cat roscoe <3
july 8th: went to oceans grocery store! got lots o delicious snackies <3 like these fish chocolate wafer thingys mmm, basically a wafer in da shape of a fish w like aero ish chocolate inside, n it was only $1.5 ish!!
july 11th ?: talked to one friend briefly cos i had an all-nighter n they did too hehe
july 12th: completely glowed up, did leg workout, went for a morning walk, yoga, n then later in the day m took a lottta photos of m w my bear blacky :D lov him.
july 17th: went to east side marios w my sister n mom for my sisters grad!
july 19th: my online package came in!!! for all my pink stuff :O m got a pink themeed lanyard w a cute gold heart metal keychain thingy, a turtleneck white ruched hello kitty dress, press on nails, a white lace tank top, two new phone cases, some stuffs for my makeup, 2 makeup bags (one clear w gold zipper n the other pink!!!) a pink scrunchie n pink socks, necklaces n rings, and a pink cosmetic mirror to attach to my lanyard! i tink around dis time m' also met a new friend (Y) n he was really nice n comforting n he made me feel cared for! from july 19 ish to now, m had hungout w him a lil bit <3 but day later felt anxious on whether first new friend (Y) hated me T_T due to m social anxiety
july 22: went to chatime for some ywummy boba twee! m got my faveee drink. dis my go-to, is the matcha strawberry latte with grass jelly, 100% sugar, normal ice n a size regular <3 yum yum yum! wuv it. m also watched light year w ma one friend (Y) n he din mind dat i had blankie or dat i thought light year was originally lightning mcqueen hehe, he comfort me when i started crying cos stuff in the movie, n he headpat m' n we took da ''to infinity beyond'' tingy n do it now wheneve we say bye bye to each-other! <3
july 25th: went 2 grocery storeee for m smol snackrun for chippies n popcorn cos popcorn m' faveeee n saw my middle school teacher <_&lt; ahhhhhh eek
july 27th: felt really unappreciated in my home ))): was a really sad day w anxiety.
july 29th: got shawarma take out n it was wooohh DELICIOUS!!! om nom nom! but very same night m felt very sad ))):
july 30th - 31st: felt really sad again ): so went to childhood playground 4 primary school n sat on benches n sang for a lil bit
from august 1st to august 8th? 'm had my moon n it was very stressful and anxiety inducing ):
august 5th: m went to hangout w my friend, went kinda weird becos one friend wasnt 'really' dere, but da other friend was so indulged in conversation w/ me and it made me feel so included and happy! we went to this pho place, chatime (i din get boba dis time doe), value village and this antique place w/ a bunch of cool stuffs. m got this pink y2k heart baby tee from the kid section and it felt amazing to buy it! i also felt like a barbie wearing my whole pink outfit n i got a bunch of compliments!
august 6th: had a super pretty outfit 4 the symnpthony thing i going to, m was wearing this really pretty white corset-y top, black slack/trousers (like aritiza agency pant), my nude heels, n a black blazer!!! m loved the symphony n got tons of nightlife skyscraper/building photos on the way home n was really happy n had lots of fun, and also had maccas! 'm had junior chicken ^_^
august 7th: went on a snack run w my sister n bought sum bananas
'm tink that this diary log is getting reallllyy long omg, but 'm gonna write my aug 10, 11, and 12th log! my summer has been.. w a lot of up and down tbh S: n quite lonely, but now dat im got new friends, m began to talk n open up to old friends again in hopes to try and conquer my ocd (cos it makes it extra difficult w friendships )): rocd wise) if u spent ur time rweading all of dis, thank u so muchh. <3 please hav good rest of ur day or night or aftanoon! :D
╭┈─────── urs truly, ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈➤ sweetheart xx
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