#i just didn't want to go off on a big tangent in the notes of the other post
fbwzoo · 1 year
To continue my comments from my tags on the last post....
As I said, there's a reason animal husbandry isn't a one size fits all thing. There are some basics that apply across the board, yes. The five freedoms covers those basics. But just because you know one species well, or know some general basics for a handful of different ones, doesn't mean that it applies to another completely different species.
Hell, even if you generally know the species, sometimes there's situations that you're just not qualified to comment on. These can be easy to spot in some cases, where it might be a clear "you need to ask an actual vet you're paying to look at the animal in person". But sometimes you may not even know a warning sign to say "hey actually this could be something more serious, please check these other things". I saw that kind of situation happen a LOT on my old hedgehog forum - people who were new and extremely excited would read every past forum thread for hours, then dive in to give advice. We had to make rules prohibiting people from answering questions on breeding or health bc often questions in those areas needed a more experienced eye to explore all the nuances of the situation. Regurgitating info from a post from 3 years ago isn't necessarily going to be appropriate.
I love animal tumblr because I really enjoy the ability to follow people from many different animal circles. I have learned a lot on here over the years. But one thing I've always been anxious not to do, and one thing that never fails to cause drama when it happens, is stepping out of your lane with animal stuff.
There are lots of nuances to animal care. If you don't know a species well, you likely are going to miss important things, mislead people on expectations, or put your foot in your mouth. Sometimes it might be a minor thing, sometimes it just contributes to annoying misconceptions outside people already have. But sometimes it causes a much bigger problem, which can have a very serious fallout when we're dealing with care of living creatures. Sometimes you just need to keep your uninformed opinion or rant to yourself. Sometimes you just need to answer the ask with "I'm sorry, I don't know."
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chrolloluvr · 3 months
Hey, I saw some other headcanons similar to this and absolutely loved the concept! Adam x reader, love at first sight? Like he just makes it his mission to go out with reader afterwards?
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Adam falling love at first sight
Note: TY FOR REQUESTING!!! This is also before the big fight on ep 8!
Warnings: Cussing, creepy behavior, adam is smitten for you 🌺🌺
When he first sees you, he immediately was struck by an unfamiliar feeling. Who the hell is this chick?
He has never felt this way about Lilith, or even Eve, so what was different about you? He had to find out. And usually when he sees a pretty face on a woman, he thinks of vile, guttural thoughts. But with you, all he thought about was the way you looked so graceful, and how you carried yourself, and your beautiful eyes, and your glistening skin, and your-
Lute had violently interrupted him from his daydreaming, by basically yelling at him for the whole promenade to hear.
He had Lute immididietley do some detective digging on you. He at first was going to go up to you to ask for your digits, but he felt... nervous?
After lute reported back about her findings, she had told him all about you. He didn't know it, but he was truly in love. He just could not stop thinking about you, and how to get you.
He told Lute about these feelings, and when she explained, 'Sir, it seems you are in love', he flat out refuses it. He tries to convince himself you are just some hot broad, that he just happened to run into.
If he were in a meeting with Sera, he would have you running laps in his mind. Planning the next extermination? Goddamnit, get out of my head you stupid bitch!
He comes to the conclusion that to stop thinking about you, he needs to talk to you. So he sad Lute figure out your number and address, and thats when he tries to get with you.
This man will literally rehearse his first meeting with you in the mirror, as if he is a teenage boy going on his first date. But he isn't, and this is definitely not his first date, or at least, this is his first real time trying to impress a woman. Because usually, he does not need to act fly to get any girl he wants.
After you find out he is THE Adam, you flat out say no, because you dont want that kind of attention. So you start to ignore him. But that just motivates him to keep contacting you.
Hey babes, wyd? you down for dinner tonight? Just you and me.
Or maybe we can watch a movie and chill?
C'mon babe, how can you refuse me? Ill meet you there in 30 ;)
Hey, respond?
Hey sugar, lets do something tmrw isntead since your clearly busy 😘
He will send you huge bouquets of flowers, along with a handmade book he made, filled with "anonymous love letters" which you can clearly tell are from him due to his messy handwriting.
He will then eventually "accidentally" bump into you. Every time he does, you are basically forced to talk to him and listen to his tangents, on how going out with him is the best choice you will ever make.
And honestly, he just does not stop bothering you. Even if you were to straight up tell him to leave you the fuck alone, he wont.
"Hey y/n whats up? Whacha doing tonight...? Maybe it can include me. im free yknow, if you ever wanna hang. Im great at choosing places or if you want you can choose-"
He is truly in love with you. He wants you to eventually be his future wife in his mind, making you the third. And in his mind, you already are.
If you just keep telling him off for months, hell, maybe even years, he will never get over you and your beauty.
If you eventually say yes to a date, he will be so excited, but will play it off because hes just chill like that. But he is down so bad for you, and honestly wants you all to himself.
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subarashiihibi · 24 days
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i can't quite put into words what exactly izaya has meant to me over the past 8 years. one, it sounds really corny and i go off into at least 30 different tangents about all the little things that make him so endearing to me, but also i just dont really know how to sound eloquent and stuff. that being said, a lot of the person i am today is (for better or for worse) thanks to izaya, so i think if i leave it at that you can at least get it a little bit. ^_^
i was really excited to set this year's display up. i changed the room i used this time, since i got a new desk, and it was...kind of a challenge at first, but after moving around a bunch of furniture and whatnot, i made it work...!
i had to forego putting up a few other things... namely the rest of my bromides and postcards, but also all my shikishi. i need to invest in some way to display them... i also had two(!!) dakimakura... i had to leave out this year. </3 and the cardboard cutout i made when i was 16. 😭
as usual, i have a lot of stuff to say about this entire thing and the stuff around it, so i... will leave my rambling under the cut. (^□^)
my god putting this thing together was hell. i said 'challenge' earlier no this shit was like a fucking war omfg. the clear files kept falling i was miserable and praying to god (im not even religious). and then i had to tape behind the big izaya balloon poster cause it's covering my doorway and it kept getting pulled back to the door...? and it looked stupid. 🤦‍♂️ i wasn't originally gonna put the tables in here either. i really wanted to be able to fit the bed sheets on the walls. but i couldn't... and i needed more room to put the pillows and stuff, so it ended up working out perfectly.
(the only reason i didn't want to use tables was cause i didn't want something covering up izaya's sexy exposed feet in the china poster... 😟)
i was (finally) gonna get a cake this year, but after having the stress of two exams back to back this week and exams next week, i...was too exhausted lol. hopefully next year i won't have an awful overnight job or school making me miserable. (as if i'm not still gonna be a student next year☠)
the amount of durarara merch that's come out the past few years has left me feeling so spoiled... i hope they do a mail order for the 20th anni merch... i want all the izaya stuff without the crazy markups from resellers online🤬
also plz don't judge my toploader deco skills too much... i am not very experienced... and i also don't have a lot of stickers to work with... 🥺
at any rate... at this exact time last year, i was suffering inside the confines of my local walmart... i was working overnight, and my break was at 12am, so as soon as it hit, i ran out to my car to excitedly celebrate the date changing to may 4th...!
and then during my lunch break, i drove to the whataburger next door and did another 10-pull on the izaya birthday kuji while in the drivethru.
i didn't realize this until i started taking stuff down in my room (this is my bedroom... i can't realistically keep two large tables in here and a poster covering my doorway. i had to crawl under the table just to get in and out. my knees still hurt.), but... i actually forgot something i wanted to include... my izaya lightstick... 💔💔💔 it's okay. i will live. i'm happy with my setup as a whole so i have no qualms with this. i just need to make sure i don't make the same mistake next year.
on a (slightly) unrelated note, yesterday (may 3) was the 19th birthday of my favorite album ever from my favorite band ever, fall out boy's from under the cork tree! i was so happy when i found out it's right before izaya's birthday cause fall out boy as a whole has so many izaya coded lyrics it's crazy. (btw, their debut album tttyg came out on the 6th as well...!)
and then tomorrow is cinco de mayo... it's not a coincidence... latina izaya truthers rise up...
anyways...! i'm finally learning how to draw properly. the reason i was always so miserable when i tried before was cause i never knew what i was doing. i didn't know where to start from. because...i didn't use references...so hopefully i can draw something cute for izaya's birthday next year. ^_^
that's all i have to say...! i woke up early this (yesterday) morning at 9am so i could be there at 10am when midnight hit in japan, and it's already 3am on the 4th, so i'm exhausted lol...
i was so excited seeing all the izaya bday fanart on twitter though. all the beautiful artists making beautiful art...
but i've spoken too much now. sorry. i'm going to spend the rest of my night listening to fall out boy before i eventually pass out. bye bye !!!! ^_^
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bluginkgo · 6 months
Wtf am I doing ranting again, you may ask. I was gonna talk about absolute solver again... but then my brain said "Nah, more nuzi." And who am I to refute that argument?
Spoilers, duh
Yes, how fricking typical. A duo of an emotionally scarred emo girl and a retriever puppy boy that get together. But honestly, after being in the usual angst department shipping for a couple of years now, Nuzi is such a refresher. Not to mention, that despite Liam Vickers focusing his story mostly on lore (LORE THAT I CRAVE AND LOVE), he takes time to include little things like nuzi. Nuzi didn't have to happen, but I'm so glad it is pretty much canon. Makes the dark and unbearably scary moments for the duo... bearable. I could go on a whole tangent about these two, but I mostly want to take note of how N interacts with Uzi. (I might do a post later doing the opposite, analysis of Uzi interacting with N.)
To put it simply, N is soft. Wow, Ginkgo what a revelation! (That was sarcasm) I know thank you. But seriously. When he talks to Uzi, his voice softens. Especially taken notice in ep4 during the Falling... for you? scene. Perhaps I'm just dense, or maybe I wasn't paying enough attention when watching the first time, but when N pulled the "therapy session" I was fully expecting for him to chat to her about the murder spree. How fricking wrong I was. N took me by surprise and asked the question that was ACTUALLY bugging Uzi the entire time. Not the killing spree, not the issue with her solver going haywire, not the backstory of her mother. None of that! It was if she was lonely.
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"No, don't look. I'm gross and eating people and stuff."
"Yeah, we'll figure that part out. But you know that's not what I mean."
After rewatching the Murder Drones like 20 something times, it still baffles me how he talks to her. Softer, more open, willing to admit he's also scared- despite being a fricking disassembly drone, a demon in the eyes of regular worker drones. I can see where that trust comes from.
Uzi's fought and killed N before. But instead of fighting again, she puts blame on humans that "supposedly" made him.
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"Do you really think that the company won't dispose of you, once all the workers are dead?"
Of course, there's way more evidence on how Uzi's comments, mannerisms, and remarks gave N a reason to trust her. There's also something I took notice of. The difference between N's chat with V and Uzi.
In ep3, N is cornered. Uzi and him had a misunderstanding, and V is very hush hush about their past. He has no other place to turn except to V for answers.
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"V, if you're hiding something. We can figure this out together!"
He's open, here. Trying to get answers from out of thin air. Now, don't get me wrong. I love V. V is, by far, my most favorite character in the show. I love her violence, sarcasm, and character growth. But because this was only ep3, she's also trying to do what she believes is for the best. And we see why she was very hush hush about their past. N himself said "Not dealing with this great to be immediately honest." When he first lays his eyes upon the experimentation absolute solver was doing in the mansion. In V's perspective, it's better for N to forget. Ignorance is bliss as they say.
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You can even see that she's guilty in the following frame for what she was about to do- cut N off literally and figuratively. Of course, since then, V has come a long way. Going even as far as trusting Uzi with everything.
But here's the difference.
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"Just avoid another whole spire. Baby steps, together?"
Maybe it's just the moment, maybe it's just simple animation choice. But they made him here uncertain. The same "we can do this together" line, following his attempt with V, is less bright and more uncertain. A question, instead of a statement. He was at least somewhat ready to be shot down again, but instead Uzi met him halfway and took his hand in this big mess. It's these somewhat little moments that build the trust between the two, and what makes Nuzi so wholesome. There's no secret past about them, no big overdramatized misunderstandings. Just two people- or robots- learning how to get through this big mess of the universe ending.
And not to mention that the "together" line comes back to bite on us. The teaser for ep7 and 8 have that line as the last thing we hear.
"...figure things out... together."
I'm probably repeating things people have already said... bite me. I love Nuzi and how they've developed throughout the season. I may be after Murder Drones mainly for lore, but damn me, Nuzi is a really great addition to the entire package.
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layzeal · 5 months
Dr. Lace, as a practicing Lan Wangjiologist, why do you think Lan Wangji waited until the end of the novel to tell Wei Wuxian about A-Yuan surviving? Like, in universe, because while I think the real answer is that the twist plays out better at the end of the story, it’s more fun to guess why Lan Wangji kept quiet.
"Dr. Lace" and "Lan Wangjiologist" made me laugh for like two days straight. well done anon. well done sjdhfkjsdhlfkdsjf
but you've actually caught me on something that i don't know if i have a true answer!! i mean, as you said there is the obvious reason of it just working a lot better from a storytelling point of view.
us readers don't really learn about a-yuan existence until wwx mentions it the first time as they're hanging out in yiling before climbing the burial mounds, then there's a flashback where we met the wen remnants, they die, wwx is killed, and immediately after we return, we get the blood poll scene, which also immediately reveals to us that the little boy we met is actually now the BIG boy we've fallen in love with a long time ago! we care about lan sizhui long before we even know that he was relevant in wangxian's life before that. "what happened to a-yuan" isn't a looming question that follows us or the characters throughout the story, because a-yuan only comes up quite late in the plot. mxtx wasn't going for a shocking plot twist with that reveal, but merely using him as another piece in the story's theme. we love lan sizhui before we even know he's a-yuan, and knowing that he's now only alive BECAUSE wwx sacrificied all he did to save the wen remnants, even if he "failed" shows us the human side of how worth it was.
but of course that doesn't come without its foreshadowing. note that i don't subscribe to the "wangxian are a-yuan's parents" or "lan sizhui secretly calls lwj 'baba/fuqin'" headcanon (although u can always argue that 一日为师,终身为父 but that's for another day lmao), i find their relationship has a lot more nuance and honestly more depth than that of a nuclear family. we see how he and lan wangji seem to be much closer compared to other juniors (ie hgj personally teaches him the qin language, gives him books that other lan disciples seem to not have access to, etc) and while that is curious, it's not out of place for lwj to have a particular student he wants to train more closely. lan sizhui clearly deserves it! however, once it is revealed just how much sizhui means to lwj, as well as how he gave him both his new "birth" name and his courtesy name, as well as why he'd want sizhui to be under his protection and teaching, it all clicks!
but again, it's simply not a major focus within the plot.
ok cool lace, that still doesn't answer why lan wangji doesn't bring that up in-universe. and you're right! i'm quite fond of tangents
but seriously, i do think that's part of it as well. just like how the question of "what happened to a-yuan" doesn't follow us around the story, that's the same for our main characters. wei wuxian has long been convinced that a-yuan died alongside the wen remnants, so he doesn't ask because he's allergic to reminiscing anything about the past. for lan wangji, lan sizhui is safe (and still amnesiac), and wei ying is back to life, there are a thousand other things they need to focus on before bringing all of that up. and lan wangji is nothing if not focused on fixing the most important tasks at hand, matters of the past can be talked about later unless relevant (it's no wonder that all of lwj's backstroy is revealed to us by the narrator or a different character, after all).
but most of all, i think lan wangji didn't bring it up because he simply did not know how to tackle the subject of the first siege, wwx's death, or the wen remnants with him. it's understandably a very sensitive subject, and lan wangji did not wish to overstep his boundaries by bringing it up when wwx wasn't ready to. again, he's a man of priorities, and he wouldn't risk breaking the scab off the wound unless it was necessary, or wwx did it first.
from those lens, it's no question why he only seemed to consider revealing a-yuan's identity after the second siege, not only because wwx has finally had closure on the death of the wens, but because lan sizhui himself is starting to piece things together, though it is also not something that should be forced. however, after the second siege, things really begin speeding up again, and between wwx watching the wens fade away and having a fight with jiang cheng, he's is clearly both physically and emotionally drained all the way until they get freaky in the bathtub, where things get even WORSE, and then guanyin temple happens which just... yeah. there was enough telenovela drama for one night.
so, once all of that is finally over, and lwj sees sizhui analyze chenqing with a clear sense of reminiscing, lwj finally settles it that he will reveal it. they're not in a hurry, wwx is finally doing okay, closure has been achieved in multiple things, and there are no other priorities at hand.
except that! he doesn't even need to. because sizhui catches up does it for him. and isn't that even more fitting?
but really, since i received this ask i have been thinking to myself "at what other time would lan wangji have revealed a-yuan's identity? and why?" and i just... keep hitting a wall. because revealing extremely charged emotional subjects to a beloved person who has never brought it up to you, about another person who doesn't even know or remember it, it's simply not lan wangji's character. wei ying is alive and safe, a-yuan is alive and safe, tearful revelations can come later, but right now lan wangji needs to ensure that they'll continue that way.
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pippin-katz · 8 months
you may or may not be the person who needs to know this, but you're the only person I can think of to share this with, and if I don't tell somebody, I might explode:
so there are some similarities btwn Merlin/Arthur and Alex/Henry, right?
and like
Alex : Merlin :: Henry : Arthur
so isnt it weird the both Nick & Bradley James are Libras, while both Taylor & Colin Morgan are Capricorns? and both pairs have a three-year age gap? and while they share the same signs, the 90s babies/RWRB pairs have their birthdays at the end of the month before their 80s babies/BBCMerlin counterparts...
just so many weird coincidences, and I had to share it with *somebody*! thank you for listening/reading!
Dude I feel you on needing to tell someone something or you’ll explode; that’s my life lmfao
Now regarding what you’ve shared, that is really fucking weird! Those are some pretty specific details for them to share. I’m not a huge astrology person, but maybe there’s just something about that pairing that works? Especially when they’re close in age?
Post Writing Note: This spiraled so far out of my hands that it smashed my plans for the day. I've been writing this since 9:30AM and I'm now finishing at 4:20PM. You have been warned.
Taylor and Nicholas
What’s crazy is that Colin and Bradley’s dynamic off screen is similar to Nick and Taylor’s.
While Alex is a loud and outgoing character, Matthew mentioned in an interview that Taylor is actually on the quieter/more reserved side most of the time. I was a bit surprised, but if you pay close attention, he actually does seem like he’s quieter than Nicholas. It's more noticeable in the draw-off video and their little promos with the teapot. He's definitely enthusiastic, but in a different way than Nick, who acts like he just took a shot of concentrated caffeine.
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But you can also see it in the friendship quiz if you look for it. It's there in the way that Nick is more... I'm not sure how to describe it- maybe scatterbrained? Or ditsy? I don't mean that as an insult by the way.
It's like he has pent-up energy and wants to be entertaining for the camera, so he initiates most of the jokes and sarcasm, while Taylor is kind of just chilling. He definitely makes some jokes, but the ratio between which of them is the first to say something that starts a joke is heavily skewed towards Nicholas. He also randomly forgets what's going on, and goes off on tangents where he bounces from one thing to the next.
I looked and looked for GIFs, but I couldn't find some of the moments I'm talking about, so I'll just write them out:
Nicholas gives Taylor 10 points, and he's like "wait, wait, did I get it right?" and Nick's like "yeah" before immediately remembering that he got it wrong even though they had just had the conversation
Nicholas gets a question right and he says "point for Taylor" and Taylor is like "no, for you" and Nick corrects himself with "point for Nick", then jokes and points between them like "you're Taylor, I'm Nick, okay, got it"
Taylor asks the bonus question about the major sporting event in Indiana, and Nicholas starts randomly listing names, like "the Big Game, the Big Football Game, the Bowl, the Indiana Bowl, the Great State Champion Lacrosse Game of Indiana" instead of stopping to think or letting Taylor give him the hint you can see he's been waiting to say between laughs
Nicholas randomly starts being sarcastic or hyperbolizing his behavior when talking: - "Taylor is the one American person who knows where London is on a map." - "I believe you competed in [the Cooper's Hill Annual Cheese Race] yourself, didn't you?" - "I'll give him a point." Taylor laughs because it took a couple tries to get the right answer. "The points, they are bountiful and plenty. We don't have to be stingy with them."
Nicholas describing a corndog by holding an invisible "weird thing that goes on a stick" and pretending to eat it while going "nhgnhgnhgnhg" as he spins it.
He also reacts more to Taylor getting questions wrong than Taylor reacts to him getting questions wrong. There's the whole bit about the "chip butty" and "English fry-up" that leaves Nicholas acting all annoyed, whereas Taylor sort of just starts immediately helping him with hints when he gets something wrong.
Basically, Nicholas probably has some form of ADHD and it seems to manifest as hyperactivity. Nicholas being so hyper and enthusiastic is ironic considering how quiet and calm Henry is as a character. It's such a drastic contrast between them.
Taylor is much more chill. He's definitely hyper around Nick, but there is a difference in them. Notice how Taylor just watches Nick do his silly intro, but Nicholas starts making movements with his hands and expressions during Taylor's. Also Taylor was talking completely normally until then, when he ended up doing the point at the end.
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Similarly, Nick is the one who starts chanting USA, and Taylor joins in. We obviously see the difference when they each summarize the film. Nick is basically a hamster in a ball speeding across a room with how he tells it, and Taylor simplifies it a ton and delivers it monotone; yes, it's a joke, but it still highlights the contrast.
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Bradley & Colin
I'm using past tense with Bradley and Colin because we only have videos of them from over a decade ago, so they've definitely changed since then.
The thing is, Colin was funny and vocal, but there were a lot of times where he got quiet, and he always felt more reserved, in the sense of there being more to him than what he's showing. He seemed to have a lot of layers to him that you didn't get to see unless you actually got close to him, if that makes sense.
I wouldn't call him quiet, but like in the video diaries and interviews of him and Bradley, he always seemed much calmer than him.
Colin was always very funny, but he was also self conscious. During one of the behind the scenes quest videos, Bradley talked about how he and Colin would create songs together, but whenever he wanted to show someone, Colin was dead silent. Bradley actually turned to him as was like, "What, is it stage fright?" and Colin is like, "I don't know what you're talking about." in a way that clearly shows he's deflecting the question because he's nervous or embarrassed. Bradley pointed and was like, "And that right there is a perfect example of what I mean".
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Merlin is very bright and outgoing (at least before he develops depression in later seasons 🥲). He basically had no shame about most things. When he met Gwen while in the stocks and covered in food, he acts completely normally, like there's nothing weird about it. Obviously, this boy waltzed into Camelot and called the fucking prince a prat to his face. He was really bold and openhearted. Colin always felt more closed off, even though he wasn't always quiet.
What's crazy is that Arthur is much more refined and serious than Bradley. It's not to say Arthur is never silly or unserious, because he is, but his default mode is very composed because he's a prince and later a king. Bradley was like a fucking hurricane behind the scenes. He was know for driving everyone a little crazy because he was so hyper. He got his video camera taken away cause he was apparently being too annoying to the rest of the cast and crew.
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Here's similarities I thought of in a rapid fire list, including what you said and what I covered:
The brunettes are both the "quieter" or "calmer" of the two.
The blonds both play a prince.
The brunettes both play a character who came from a place of humble beginnings.
The brunettes' characters are both usually the one to start the insults/banter.
The blonds are the more vocal of the two about their affections and admiration for the other.
The blonds are both Libras.
The brunettes are both Capricorns.
The age gap is the same for both pairs: 3 years.
I am going to make an entire post dedicated to the similarities between Bradley, Colin, and Merthur, and Taylor, Nicholas, and FirstPrince, because I have more, but it was getting more into the characters' so I'll save those for later.
What was that you were saying about needing to tell someone something or you would explode again? Nah, not me, could never have that problem. I'm so normal about this.
Thank you for sharing, I have no idea what to do with this information, but I am glad I have it. It will now haunt me 😂
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Stranger Things Headcanons!
A/N: There will be a mix of both SFW and NSFW, I will put tags for both so no one is confused ^v^ I had SO much fun writing this, I was giggling like a toddler the entire time!! I hope it's enjoyable!
Characters: Eddie Munson and Billy Hargrove.
Mentions: No specific gender
Eddie Munson:
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SFW He may be clingy at times, but not for the reason you think. It's more of him being a tad paranoid that you might leave him for someone else.
He is SUPER affectionate. Expect kisses, hugs, and hand holding all the time! He's made is clear you're his partner and no one else's by constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY holding your hand. This boy LOVES holding your hand! Not to mention how much he loves it when you kiss the back of his hand, it makes him feel all bubbly inside. In public he isn't too big on PDA, but definitely doesn't mind it. He's ok with hand kisses, holding hands, and small hugs, but anything like cuddling is just too much in public around people in his opinion. He doesn't want the moment to be ruined by some jackass (or a friend), you know? In the beginning of the relationship with him, you two would spend hours over the phone just talking about whatever. On that note, he LOVES hearing you go on little tangents. You've caught him dozing off because of this!
"Eddie? Are you listening to me?" "Huh? Oh...well...I was listening to your gorgeous voice and couldn't help but doze off from sheer joy." "That's the most corny compliment Eddie!...I liked it."
He loves sleeping by you. Spooning is his favorite position to sleep by you in. Whether it's being held by you or him holding you, he loves it. Especially when he gets to hold your hand. Intertwine your fingers with him, and he'll melt like putty in your hands. (More on this later)
He's surprisingly super flustered and bashful when in bed with you. He isn't very experienced with sex, and emphasizes that.
"Y/N I'm...I'm probably gonna suck absolute ass at this. So, I'm sorry in advance." "This is the fourth time you've said this, I don't mind!"
He isn't kinky at first, until he actually got to experiment certain things he thought was interesting. This lead to some interesting moments in bed. He is particularly fond of bondage and blindfolding most. He likes the thought of you being tied up and trusting him so much, and vise versa. He's more of a switch, but loves a good night when he's being dominated. Not to mention he loves being teased and teasing you.
"P-Please Y/N at least let me finish this plot I'm writing...I gotta get this new campaign story finished by tomorrow!"
He loves morning sex, especially when it's early and you both just woke up. He also likes midnight sex, again, when you both are all groggy and had just woken up. Please hold his hand- he fucking LIVES for it. He cracks jokes in the middle of it all and after it all. It's how he does aftercare. He gets you everything you need, and then helps and cleans you, before telling you jokes to make you giggle.
Billy Hargrove:
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At first, it was a one-sided relationship. He didn't pay much attention to what you needed, or he did and didn't care as much. It hurt for a bit, but you kept your patience with him. And to say that least, that's the best decision you've made this entire relationship. Because the more involved you got with the relationship, the more he eased up around you. He started to get really sweet towards you and was more attentive to your needs. Anytime you were upset or something was wrong and you tried to hide it, Billy was first to notice. every single time.
"Something's wrong. What happened and who did it?" "Billy I'm fine." "Bullshit 'cuz if you were fine you wouldn't be on the verge of tears."
You picked up on this, and didn't tease him for it because you know the moment that you would, he would stop, and you didn't want that. Eventually he'd start to pick up flowers for you. Of course, not before he asked what your top five favorite flowers were. He gets jealous easily, mainly because he doesn't want you to just up and leave. That being said, he hates it when people flirt with you, and when he's being flirted with, he makes sure they know he's taken. He loves having late night talks with you when you both wake up super late together. However he doesn't like it when your visiting while Neil is home. Speaking of Neil, he gets very pissed when Neil talks bad about you, and will stand up for you. Which sometimes results in a bad argument...Or worse...
Oh boy...He's one experienced guy. It wasn't a surprise to you, given his reputation. By far his favorite position is doggystyle. Mainly because of the view he gets, and he just loves your ass overall. Despite being a dom 90% of the time, he doesn't mind having someone dominating him in bed. He adores it when you give him hickeys on his chest, neck, ect. He'll show it off to anyone who asks about it.
"Hm? Oh- This? Yeah, my (bf/gf) gave me it. What 'bout it?"
Heaven forbid he catches a guy flirting with you. You might as well pray for him to not take out his jealousy in bed. Remember how I said he'd be willing to get dominated? Yeah, well, he also loves giving/receiving oral, so just say the word and he'll drop to his knees to give you some damn good head. There are nights where he's super sweet and gentle during it all. Either to heal an insecurity of yours or to show his appreciation for you. Usually, this happens late at night or early in the morning. He does like tired and gentle sex, despite his usually rough and fast sex. At first, he was horrible at aftercare, but the longer you two dated, the better he got at it!
A/N: I really enjoyed this- I know it isn't much yet but i will make more!! I promise! Toodles!
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locallixie · 11 months
HellooOoO~ can I request a photographer!Yeonjun x model!reader angsty romance (like 5% angst but 95%romance/fluff hahaha) based on Tate Macrae's Song "she's all i wanna be". Thank you thank you~ <3
modeled beauty— yeonjun
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> summary . maybe this wasn't meant for you, how could you ever win against someone so perfect?
> genre . angst, fluff, romance, photographer!yeonjun, model!reader, strangers-to-lovers, gn!reader
> warnings . insecurities regarding body image, existential crisis, minor language
(wc) > 3.8k
(sunny's note) ☆ this took way too long as i was slacking off writing this fic. i want something sweet too but after listening to the song, it became so angsty. Sorry in advance!
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"Guess what?" Your manager barging into your room with most probably good news by the excitement plastered on his face.
You stared at him, lacking emotions on your face. "Beomgyu, can you please knock next time? Because I almost messed up my fucking eyeliner!" You yelled, immediately going back to lining your other eye.
Beomgyu paced around your room, the happiness not yet leaving his body. He began another one of his tangent, which would take a while for him to snap out of. And too, you needed to focus on getting this eye symmetrical to the other one, or else you are going to have a breakdown."[Y/N], you know how you told me you always wanted to get on the cover of the M.O.A magazine?"
"Uh-huh." You replied just to let him know you were still listening.
"And how it's the most competitive and difficult gig to get in?" He continued, reaffirming common knowledge in the industry you both were in.
M.O.A was one of the top fashion magazine globally. Usually featuring famous and upcoming celebrities, and on some occasions, professional models. The photoshoots were incredibly beautiful, the fashion were trendy and from high-end brands, the makeup were intricate and sometimes deceptively simple.
"I got you into the casting!" A black line slid up your temple in a sudden motion, the eyeliner pen shaking in your palm. Hearing those words that had just came out of his mouth felt untrue, because how?
"What?! How?!" You exclaimed, wiping away the smeared makeup on your face.
Beomgyu smiled, in a definitely not suspicious way. "Let's just say I have connections."
The casting happened on a random Thursday in March, there were models from all over the nation lining up from the casting place to the end of the next street from it. Filled to the brim with stunning visuals, you couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority while standing there waiting for the same opportunity. You hoped you get in, you really did. If you did, it would completely elevate your career for more and more.
"Look, there she comes!" Someone in line spoke up, gathering every attention and total spotlight. Yeah, there she walked, that beautiful girl with such grace and poised. You didn't stand a chance against her, she was always the victor in all the games. Jang Wonyoung, Gosh, she was so pretty. And gosh, did everyone wanted to be her. The 'it' girl, how could you even compete? As she came into the picture, outshining all the competitions with those elegant vibes.
Beomgyu leaned over to you, though his eyes were definitely looking at her—so were yours, because who couldn't? He quietly whispered, "I'll treat you to a five stars Michelin restaurant if you can get on this month's cover." Glancing at you, just to see an expression that was silently anxious. "But your chances look quite slim, is it?"
Of course, she would be here too. This was a huge, massive opportunity, it was a blessing to even be able to attend the casting. Your hands were shaking, they sweating all of your anxiety. Beomgyu was aware too of how much of a big deal Wonyoung was, he would always be on your side and supporting you. But he also had his own doubts, and one of them was about wether or not you were going to make it to, at the very least, the final selection.
Finally, it was your turn to impress the judges. The room was so bare, surrounded by four white walls, only a small table and a blank backdrop behind where the models would stand. There were three people sitting at the table—the other staff members were in the background. The pressure was real, especially in front of the young fashion powerhouse, Kai Kamal Huening—known professionally as Huening Kai. Ah shit! Beomgyu might be setting you up for failure instead of success.
"[L/N] [Y/N], under Bamtori modeling agency." One of the judges looked through your file, at the same time, reading main points out loud for the others. "Former calendar model, been on five runways, overall good profile."
Another one spoke up, "Alright, could you show us a few poses?"
You began posing, some casual poses that were suitable for fast fashion, some were more vogue-ish poses. They didn't say much, simply looking intently and nodding or shaking their heads. You saw one whispered to Huening Kai, he shot you a glance then returned. You hoped that was a good sign, but all of them were equally hard to read. Gripping the back of your shirt as a way of comfort, eyes trying to find your manager who was somewhere in the room. You were praying, praying on your last hope.
"Thank you, [Y/N]. Next!" That was it? That was all they were going to tell you? You could only nod, thanking them for their time and walked over to the door to leave. As soon as you stepped out of the room, Jang Wonyoung was the next to come. Peering over your shoulder, how the room practically lit up when she stepped in. As if they were expecting her presence more than all of the participants here. Who wouldn't? She knew she was winning, everyone's affection and attention were poured out onto the floor for her.
Such a gorgeous girl that Jang Wonyoung was. A perfect and slim body, a pretty smile that made hearts swooned, looked graceful at whatever she did. She wore the nicest clothes, has the most perfect makeup, has the greatest advances. She was everything that you wished you were, all that you wanted to be.
Beomgyu came by your side, "Good job, take it easy, okay?" You two left the casting place soon after, silent enveloped the entire atmosphere. He knew you felt down, since you barely talk during the car ride, but there was not much he could do for you.
"Hey, even if you didn't get pick, there are still many good gigs waiting for you." Beomgyu smiled, trying to stay optimistic despite himself losing bits of hope along with you. Thoughts flying across your head in a constant manner, Beomgyu's voice of encouragement slipped right into your ear and out the other. Nothing was going to help break out of that blank stare and offline state you were stuck in, he should just give you some space for you to process your own problems.
Beomgyu dropped you off in front of your apartment building, a small and slightly broken-down building with five floors—six if you count the rooftop. Beomgyu had a meeting back at the agency in the afternoon so he must drive back, that was when you two bid goodbyes to each other for the day. You felt bad for your manager, Beomgyu was always working so hard to get you places. He worked his ass out for you to fulfil your dream of getting on the cover of a famous magazine. And worst of all, you just had to burden him with you own internal problems. How could you ever thank him enough?
You sat down on the steps leading to the front door of your apartment building, not wanting return to the lonesome home of yours and drowned in your feelings, at least not yet.
As you were about to contemplate on giving up on modeling, someone entered your vision. Almost come crashing to the ground with their loads of stuff, you were quick to assist. Catching a few large scrolls, them filling up your arms quickly. Your empty hand held the guy to prevent him from falling over backwards.
"Thanks, I would've been dead if it weren't for you." The unknown guy said, his head peeking from behind the large box he was carrying by hands.
"No problem, where are you headed?" You offered to help him carry his stuff to his destination. Poor guy, carrying so much on his own, he was going to risk ruining everything in his possession if he continue like this. You might as well help out when you could.
He kept walking, while you followed behind. "Just a few blocks down."
You two didn't talk too much, exchanging general informations with each other but awkward silent couldn't help itself from interrupting. What was he doing with all of this stuff anyways? You couldn't see his entire face the whole time you have been walking behind him, he didn't turn around once. Not until he stopped abruptly in front of an equally small building as your place, there was an adorable jewelry store on the first floor.
The guy dropped the box onto the front step, finally facing you after the walk to his stop. The build-up to this moment, what was with you and constantly meeting beauts? This random guy that you just met only mere moments ago, had the face of a high fashion model! That outfit, he should be on the cover of ELLE magazine, or a celebrity stylist.
"Thank you, I'm so sorry to make you come all the way here." He apologized.
You shook your head, "No, no, it's okay! I live nearby."
He furrowed his eyebrows a bit, staring at you with strange concerns. Though that expression, he wore it well. Pretty people looked pretty in everything they do, kind of unfair. "Are you crying?"
Panic filled your stomach, what an embarrassment! Immediately wiping away stray tears that stuck on your eyes. To be honest, you didn't know you were crying until someone pointed it out. You probably looked like absolute shit right now, but you would rather gaslight yourself that you looked pretty while brawling your eyes out. Makeup? Smeared. Hair? Messy. Outfit? Wrinkly and full of sweat stains. God, you looked like you have already given up.
"Rough day." You simply explained, to which he could sympathized with. Shit happens, life was just not as easy as what the media might promote it to be.
Encouragement through a sweet smile, "Choi Yeonjun, nice to meet you."
"[L/N] [Y/N], nice to meet you too." You gave a smile back, ignoring the way you presented yourself in front of him.
Yeonjun happily asked, "Do you want to get coffee sometime? I know a really cute café down the street from here." Wether friendly or flirty, you weren't sure. Look at it this way, this invite that now just popped up after the situation you were in, was mostly a way of his to repay for your good deed.
A bit surprised, despite being a fairly well-known model, you didn't get asked out as often as you though you would be. Not to inflate your own ego, but a model should be in some type of high demands, correct? And too, how often does one person get asked out by hot people? Maybe they must have some irresistible charms for getting so many date offers on a daily basis, good for them.
"Yeah...Yeah, definitely!" You replied, your hands shaking once again. Luckily, not because of anxiety but excitement. Exchanging phone numbers, and quiet, awkward glances. That was how you got a date, or a date according to you, solely from how weak your dating game was. Big surprise, you could barely pull to save yourself out of your seasonal depression, especially bad during the month of February.
Beomgyu called you up early in the morning to tell you that you already got booked for a photoshoot, and he was coming over to pick you up in ten. When you received his call, you were still nuzzled in your bed and half-asleep. Literally falling out of your bed like the start of every high school rom-com, almost ripping apart your apartment to find your things. No time to make coffee, no time to make your bed, and absolutely no time to properly wear your shoes.
As soon as you opened the front door of your apartment building, the usual car was already waiting for you with its impatient demeanor. Rushing into the car, you were close to tripping over the steps with one of your shoes still hanging halfway on your foot. The vehicle took no time to began its run, faster than you were able to put on the seatbelt. How the fuck did your manager get his driver license? Beomgyu drive like he was in 'Fast and Furious', like who was he running away from?
"Slow down! Are you trying to get a ticket?!" You scolded, tying the undone laces back together.
Beomgyu glared at you, in the most judgemental way possible. "You are late! Beauty+ magazine is putting you on the cover, and they are waiting at the studio right now." He went back to the road, then at you again. "Did you not brush your hair?"
You pulled down the sun visor, there was a mirror on it for you to check your appearance. Yeah, your hair looked like a mess, bird nest kind of mess. What a mistake it was to immediately go to bed without blow-drying your hair, now those weird, unwanted spikes and curls kept making themselves known to everyone. You felt bad for the hairstylist already, they must hate working with you.
Beomgyu and you ran up three flights of stairs to get to the shooting studio, both having to stop in front of the door to take a breather after that near marathon run. Beomgyu told, breathing heavily through his mouth. "I think I lost my fucking vision."
You opened the door, "Hi, sorry we're late, we ran into a few difficulties on the way."
A staff member came over to you and guided you to the stylists to get you ready, while the others ran over the photoshoot details with your manager. They had put you in a very natural look, subtle makeup, a monochromatic outfit. Embarrassment filled you when you heard the hairstylist physically sigh when they walked into the room, putting down the curling iron and grabbing a spray bottle to wet the hell out of your hair.
Another staff member brought you out to the set, with makeup artist and hair stylist making final re-touches before shooting. It was a simple set-up, a blank cream colour backdrop and a single wooden stool in the middle. You sat down on the stool, flattening your clothing for the pictures. Props to the stylists, for being able to turn you from a seven point five to a ten and a half, trash to treasure with how you showed up to the studio earlier.
"Yeonjun?" You suddenly blurted out, seeing the one holding the heavy professional camera. "Is that you?"
The guy you thought was Yeonjun looked up from his camera, and sure it was him. Flashing the same smile from yesterday, as charming as you remembered, the Yeonjun you just met last night after a terrible casting day. "[Y/N], so you're my model, what are the odds?"
He came closer to get a better look at you, "Wow, you look lovely."
You blushed, saying nothing since nothing came to mind. What a coincidence, was it? The night before, you kept thinking about when you would get to see him again. 'Sometime', so vague, when is this 'sometime' going to be? No fixed date, no specific time period, no text message saying 'let's meet up tomorrow.' Maybe you might be giving yourself false hope, you two literally just met yesterday. Look at you, already obsessed with him. Slow down your heart, you idiot.
The photoshoot went well as per usual, a few snaps and editing, Yeonjun showed you each and every pictures until you were satisfied with how you looked on camera. The majority were denied by you, it was one of those days where everything was not to standard. Your smile in the third picture looked weird, you didn't like how your face practically expanded, that outfit made you seem to weight a little more than you actually did. Only five pictures out of the dozens that was taken got your approval, that was not a lot but enough for them to work with.
However, when you saw your magazine cover at the store next to hers, all the doubts about this career you chose to go into and about the perception of your self image. Maybe this weren't meant for you, not to discredit the amazing team that you worked for this photoshoot, and the talented photographer, but you hated this. You left, couldn't bare taking another look at that magazine cover.
"You look beautiful on the cover, you really fit this type of style." Yeonjun complimented, gazing at the magazine cover across the table from you. His iced Americano halfway finished, the coldness of the ice melting outside down the glass and onto the coaster.
"You think so?" You asked sadly, smiling over your emotions. "Don't you think Jang Wonyoung would fit this more?"
Yeonjun dragged his eyes towards you, thinking for a few seconds before giving his opinions. "She is really pretty, she can pull off tons of style. She does have quite a face and figure for modeling."
You gripped your drink, there weren't anything new about that opinion. Heard from hundreds or thousands of new sources and magazines, sometimes even luxury fashion designers, that she was one of the most beautiful person in the entire nation. No chance of winning ever, forever stuck being a runner-up to someone so great like her. For the next couple years, you were sure no one was going to steal her place anytime soon. It seemed that not a lot, or anyone at all, can surpass a unique kind of beauty such as Jang Wonyoung.
"Don't worry 'bout others too much, think about yourself too." Yeonjun smiled, one held a hidden layer of adoration that lit up in the glints of his eyes. Over a near hundred pictures he took of you last week, he loved every single one of them. There was something in your expression in some of the pictures, so sad yet strangely captivating. A tragic beauty, longing for something unreachable out there. He thought you were genuinely attractive, comparing both the you from the night you two first met to the one in the studio, you were an attractive person in his eyes. In whatever state you were in, regardless of how put together or rough you looked, Yeonjun adored how authentic you were.
You gazed at the magazine with her face on it, "I knew I wouldn't get in."
Yeonjun took the magazine from you over to his side, M.O.A magazine newest model in collaboration with the most admirable fashion designer of the era. He gazed back at you, "You went for the casting?"
Letting out a sigh, exhausted with yourself. "Yeah...Beomgyu went out of his ways to get me in. That's one more luxury dinner missed."
"I'll treat you to dinner." Yeonjun blurted out.
"What?!" You spoke out, dumbfounded in front of the date offer that appeared out of the blue.
Calm and acting like everything was normal, making you think that whatever he felt for you was completely platonic, it was his comfortable personality that acted up. "Do you like steaks? Or maybe you're a lobster person?"
"Wait! Wait a minute!" You interrupted him, feeling a bit overwhelmed with the all the things that was happening at once. "Are you asking me out on a date? 'Cause I— I really have to get that out of the way!"
Yeonjun held your hand, the same enthusiasm on his face. "Yes! Yes, I am asking you out! Was my intentions not obvious enough?"
Unsure if it was anger or bewilderment, or something else in between, were you upset or happy about his proposal. "I thought that was just how you are! I didn't know you took a liking to me?!"
He furrowed his eyebrows, absolutely flabbergasted by your assumption about him. "What do you mean by 'that's just how I am'?! God dammit, I like you, [Y/N]! I think you're such a beautiful person, and you make everything great when you're around, and I would happily choose you to be on the cover of M.O.A if I could!"
At this point, yours confusion had turned into a compliments battle. People in the café didn't know if they should be annoyed or happy for the both of you, they were quietly rooting for the two of you to get together, but was it necessary to be screaming at each others' faces in an absurdly loving manner? But whatever, go you!
You have never heard of this restaurant up until Yeonjun introduced it to you, getting reservations was quite hard as you heard from many of the wealthier people in your neighbourhood. You were wondering how he could afford to eat at an extravagant place like this, especially with a salary of a photographer. Well not to wage shame, it wasn't like yours was any better—could be worse, depending on the time of year.
You two had a good table, with the night view and the summer breeze on the balcony. Starters with a bottle of fine red wine, and some bread with rich oil dipping. Apparently, the restaurant here was given three Michelin stars, which was already an incredible title to have.
"I got a few things for you." Yeonjun began. First, giving you a small box the size of your palm. Inside was a minimalistic bracelet, chic and simple, with only a few teeny tiny white gemstones.
"Do you remember that jewelry store under my place? My friend, Soobin, made all of the jewelries himself. I got the bracelet from him." He explained the origin, helping you put it on your wrist. He has an eye for things, it was one of those accessories you could wear with any type of outfit and it wouldn't look out of place, and look how much it complimented your skin.
Yeonjun put his hands under the table, "And I made you this." He handed over to you a magazine.
This was so cute, using his talents on useless yet endearing gifts. In bold letter was M.O.A, and usual layout that the actual magazine used. The only thing was, it was you on the cover. An absolutely not illegal issue of M.O.A magazine, with one of the headlines being 'the nation's sweetheart.' The contents inside was filled with just pictures of you, from your instagram posts and past photoshoots you did, and even recent unseen photographs from when he asked you to model for his 'creative profile.'
"You're joking!" You laughed, "This is the confidence boost I need!"
Yeonjun placed his hands on yours, intertwining his fingers. "I take it that you want a second date?"
You laughed a bit louder, blushing in joy. If you got accepted into the M.O.A magazine that day, you wouldn't have met him. Yeonjun bombarded you with compliments on how breath-taking you looked,
"I'm serious, you're so beautiful tonight." He whipped out his camera from out of thin air, with the long HD zoom lens attached and everything, "Let me take a few pictures!"
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seeds-of-life-daily · 5 months
how far does your seele rei au diverge from canon :0 if I may ask
Thank you so much for asking this !! Well, I gave it some thought, and I wouldn't say it would stray too far from canon, but some big changes would be made. One of which being, well, the main thing. That Rei gets raised by seele. I covered some of the changes it would make to Rei and Kaworu in this post I made a bit ago, but after giving it a bit more thought, I wanted to note down a few more changes I would make to canon in this AU. One of which, probably the biggest divergence in this au, is that Rei doesn't get forced/conditioned to take such a maternal and feminine role. Other than the usual maternity stuff that comes with having the soul of a progenitor, she wouldn't have to experience it with the intensity they do in canon. They also won't get sexualized, since that was another thing that I really disliked in Evangelion. Not to go off on a little tangent here, but when talking about canon, I really think Rei never really wanted to take on that kind of role. The femininity was something they were made to feel like she had to do. She was taught it meant to serve, to be complacent, to fill a role, and to mother. Whenever I think of Rei and femininity my mind always goes to that one Aradia gender meta, since the parallels between the two are insane, and it just voices basically most of my thoughts. In the seele!Rei AU I like to think that Rei's more self-expressive. Being reserved, but a helping hand because she wants to. I think they would also take part in their interest to learn more. We don't know too much about seele, but since we know they probably let Kaworu have access to music and human culture, I think Rei would also have the opportunity to indulge in more books, the internet, and so on. Also, since Rei isn't a clone of Yui here, she won't be subjected to Shinji's Freudy antics as much. She would still somewhat look simmilar to Yui, but this time not made from salvaged remains. Now, another thing I would change is letting Kaworu develop more as a character. In most adaptations of Evangelion, we only see him mainly interacting with Shinji. In this AU, he will not only have Rei as a sibling, but I plan to make him interact with Asuka and Misato too. I think a talk between Kaworu and Misato would be really interesting. Especially when she finds out he's an angel. Imagine meeting the kid that got created, and half of the population, including your dad, died because of that. An interaction with Asuka would be similar. Imagine meeting the guy who's here to replace you if you get worse at piloting. They would eventually get along, but at the start, I can definitely see some conflicts going on there. Since Rei's with seele here, they have both seeds of life in their custody, so it would be even easier for their instrumentality plans. While it's true that Lilith's still in the NERV basement, and Adam's still getting kidnapped (angel-napped?), seele can at least be sure that if one of them dies, at least there's another vessel to work with. (Speaking of which, what would happen if two instrumentalities happened at once? Maybe seele didn't think that Adam, in her embryonic state, could be enough to initiate one? Maybe they were too focused on the Dead Sea Scrolls that they never bothered to think of it?) While we're on the topic of instrumentality, they would totally try and rebel against it this time. After spending a good amount of time at NERV with the rest of the Pilots, I think they would attempt to go against the whole "everyone becomes one in the big primordial soup ocean" plan. Those are just the major changes I would make, but overall? Yeah, it would be canon-divergent, but it would still follow most of the happenings of canon.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Hello hello! I’ve read your Mordecai posts and THEY’RE SO GOOD!!! I was really wondering if you could please write for Sedgewick! I’ve taken an interest in him since I’ve started reading the Lackadaisy comics more. Maybe the reader is like his secretary or an assistant? Sorry if that’s not much information you can go off of but I really like what you’ve come up with so you can do what you want with it! Anyway, take care and thank you!!!
🏔🪨 been thinking abt Wick ..... had some ideas with this one..... lots of masc+femme options plus overall GN ones. Note this is romantic HCs!
So, how you work alongside Wick depends on your gender due to the times. For a lady, you're an additional secretary who specializes in finance or social engagements. For a lad, you're a consultant in his company for anything from finance to local geology. He took a liking to you right away, both for your personality and looks (though the latter he keeps to himself). If you'd rather not be a subordinate, you can still be a third party consultant or planner of some kind.
You start to realize how much he overworks himself, and perhaps you're just as bad! Before long you're keeping long hours with him in the office, or having to stop by his manor to catch up with some big project. On one hand, he hates keeping you so much, on the other, well. It is nice to have you around so often, and you really help him out when he's frazzled.
It flusters him more and more when you lean over his desk to point something out, or bend over across the room to pick something up. He feels pretty awful about that last one; once Lacy caught him and snapped her fingers loudly in front of him to get his attention.
Because you two work so much together, you get plenty of opportunities to talk - especially when he wants to avoid certain paperwork. He loves listening to you rant about this client, just as he loves going off on his own tangent about that investor. You both start to give nicknames to the difficult ones. Then he listens to you talk about your plans when you're off work, what your family is like, your interests. He could just listen to you talk all day ... many times Lacy has come in to drop off paperwork and you two are still talking, and her boss looks totally starry-eyed.
(I mean he often looks at you like you hang the moon, sooo...)
Wick really wants to invite you out, like. Badly. He hates being cooped up with work, he prefers socializing face to face out in the world. But ... is that appropriate? If you're femme and work for him, this especially bothers him. He ought to make it clear it's strictly platonic, but, uh. It isn't. If you're masc, it's easier to invite you to a simple outing, but ... there's the whole definiately-not-platonic feelings --
(Yeah, a cute guy brings up a loooot of feelings Wick's repressed since boarding school. Oops.)
He settles for lunches because those seem the most innocuous. You start to wonder what his thing about afternoon sandwiches and coffee is all about, considering he keeps forgetting to eat while working (and don't worry, you always bring something back for Lacy!)
When he dozes off at his desk, you like to put a coat or blanket over him ... or just gently nudge him awake and tell him to go home. Wick really prefers to drop you off if it's late, not wanting you to walk or take public transportation at such a late hour also he can show off his car a bit.
When he passes out on the desk, you'll put a blanket or his coat over him. A few times he's been half awake, and it both startles and embarrasses him. If he could, he'd blush to his ears. Wick would really prefer you didn't see that "sloppy" side of him, but come on. It's unavoidable, and he's probably done the same when you've fallen asleep in your own office chair (except he likes putting his own coat over you).
At least once or twice a month, you have to accompany him to work events and gatherings. It's important to schmooze and make connections and all that; if it's not your kind of scene, at least you get a reason to dress up and eat absurdly expensive food. You better believe Wick is looking r e s p e c t f u l l y, even if it's the dozenth event you've attended together. He likes picking you up at your place, as if this is a date and not a charity auction.
... Though, you're often mistaken for his date if you're femme. And if you're masc, sometimes he has to borrow cufflinks or gloves ... yes, he's a little more than giddy to wear your things.
Normally he's a social butterfly, but Wick finds himself frustrated when he's mid conversation with you and he has to stop to visit with some group of investors or fellow businessmen. You excuse yourself, but his eyes still follow you across the room.
While he often compliments you when it comes to him, sometimes Wick worries about it being too much. What if you take it the wrong way? How much is appropriate? While in this era a boss could get away with chasing after his subordinate all he wants, Wick shudders at the idea of you thinking of him that way. And if you're a man, he certainly worries you might think ... well, sometimes he's sure you reciprocate, but he can't just ask, so ...
It's all a jumble that falters the normally relaxed man's confidence. He tells himself he'd be content if you just wanted to be friends. He certainly wants to be friends, at least - he wants you to like him, not merely tolerate him because you're a subordinate or colleague.
On that note, you get lovely presents and generous bonuses at the appropriate times of the year. The birthday and Christmas presents are especially thoughtful and expensive - but of course, Wick doesn't think of the cost. He's totally comfortable presenting Lacy with her gift, but suddenly gets nervous about your's. Yes, he's that obvious ... You'll get flowers or expensive whiskey after closing deals, or maybe just because. Trying to convince him gifts are unnecessary is a losing battle, because as far as Wick's concerned, it's one of the safer ways to show his affection. Though, if it's the cost you're worried about, he'll bug Lacy about what's a good ""normal"" gift (because no, Wick, a $30 floral arrangement 'just because' is not normal! Nor is a $50 lunch!)
If you're femme, Lacy is losing her patience and just tells him to ask you out already. She'll bring it up with you, too - hell, she'll lock you both in a room together because all this doe-eyed mooning and pining is driving her logical brain nuts.
If you're masc, it's a little more tricky. Lacy starts to pick up on the odd vibe between you two, and how Wick seems almost ... mopey when you're away or getting friendly with some other man. She has suspicions, but she can't ask directly. So she makes sure to rearrange appointments so you two have more time together, to make sure you're seated together during dinners and events, and calls you for help, only to suddenly remember something and leave you two alone.
Generally Wick is frequently worrying about his feelings being reciprocated, though with a lady he'd be more open about it and trying to gauge if you're comfortable. Again, he'd really want to remain friends because he admires your expertise, interests and personality ☆
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kitkatopinions · 8 months
Okay, so I just watched a Miles Luna cameo video talking about the chant Pyrrha does to unlock Jaune's aura, link here to the reddit post of it. And it's a very interesting video for a number of reasons. Please note that while talking about this, I wanna be aware that my interpretations of what he's saying may not be definitively true. Miles Luna is someone I don't know and I'm unable to ask for clarification on anything he says. I'm simply talking about what this video made me think and how it came across, not trying to say like "this thing he said definitely means blah blah blah." This was just very interesting and I wanted to talk about what I found interesting and what I got out of it.
So he was answering the question "what's the deal with Pyrrha's aura unlocking chant thing in volume one? Was it like a standarized thing, or was the mantra unique to a person's beliefs?"
I'm going to be putting things that Miles said in indented and then talk about the things I think are worth talking about.
"I've always been in the camp that it's the latter, that that's like a Pyrrha Nikos thing."
So this'll happen again, but it's just interesting that Miles' answer comes in the form of 'this is how I saw it' rather than 'this is how we saw it,' which makes it seem like there wasn't an agreed upon conclusion or even an agreed on supposition on what this moment even was.
"The story behind that is a wild one, it takes us back to volume one. Back when me, Monty, and Kerry were... Learning how to tell stories." *Laughs* "Stories that lasted more than like - you know - five minutes, and build worlds and stuff. And back then, you know, so much stuff was rough around the edges. And it was a lot of experimentation, and just trying things, and having to just like, throw ideas out there and commit to them because we just had to work really quickly and..."
Miles talking about how rushed they were, how they didn't know how to tell a real story yet and were just 'throwing out ideas and committing to them' is just... To me, it really seems like it indicates what I already thought, that things weren't 'planned from the beginning' because they were just writing, and writing on a deadline, so they were putting things into the story without fully thinking them through and committing to them because it was all they could do.
"I remember we were trying to establish, you know, we need to teach the audience how aura works. First off-" *Laughing* "I don't think we did a super good job with that. The same with semblances, and a bunch of things."
It's so funny to me that if rwde posters and rwby critics said something along those lines, like 'they weren't good at telling us how aura worked' or 'they really just didn't establish a lot of things very well,' many anti-rwde posters would just hate us. XD And this is what I mean when I talk about how overly defensive some people in the fandom are, because one of the main writers and creators can look back and laugh about the ways they went wrong in the early volumes and recognize that they weren't the best at storytelling, and meanwhile there are fans that would be like 'ummm why do you need your handheld? Obviously aura works like *insert headcanon here* and you should've gotten that through the brilliant scene, you fucking idiot." Like, it's so much easier for me to fondly smile and shake my head at the sort of charming follies of early-RWBY. Random tangent, but it reminds me of watching a movie with my ex-boyfriend where he got angry that I said a character who was getting in a physical fight was aggressive and he rewound the movie several times and made me watch the character start a physical fight repeatedly to 'prove to me' that the character wasn't being aggressive, and I was just sitting there thinking 'I would like this movie a lot more if you weren't so defensive over it.' But anyway, back to the video.
"But I remember we were like 'okay, well Jaune's kind of our like - our big dummy who needs to be taught everything so the audience can learn a lot through Jaune. So Jaune doesn't - It makes sense that Jaune doesn't have an aura, and maybe he like um, unlocks it at some point like during the - the Emerald Forest trials, but like how?' And we were trying to figure stuff out, and Monty goes like-" *Shrugs* "'What if we just have Pyrrha unlock it for him?' And we were like 'how would that work?' And he was like 'I don't know, man, Pyrrha's supposed to be the best. Maybe she's really in tune with her aura. And so like, you know, maybe if like, people are really in tune with themselves and - and in sync with their aura, they can give people with more potential - they can just give them a little nudge.' And we went 'yeah, sure! Why not?'"
So if you applied the ideas of the two criteria here to world building, you have 'People who are really in tune with themselves and in sync with their aura can unlock other auras' and 'People who have potential can get their auras unlocked.' Which means potentially characters who are shown to be confident, self-assured and who know who and what they are - like Glynda, Robin, Maria, maybe WBY now that they had their 'I am a Huntress' moments - could hypothetically have this power if it hadn't been dropped. And who has potential is a bit trickier, but civilians who can or want to fight, maybe? So, would Whitley count as being able to unlock an aura? See, the interesting thing is that I wouldn't consider Pyrrha to be particularly self-assured emotionally. Physically, yes, but emotionally I think she suffers from some insecurities that might give her blind spots. So maybe unlocking aura requires someone to be physically in tune with their body.
"I remember Monty wanted to write uh, Pyrrha's monologue and - and it's so Monty. Um, but it's one of the few things where he was like 'Hey, can I take a stab at that? I think it would be fun.' And he did, and I think it's really great."
Him saying 'one of the few things' is also interesting to me. But I do tend to have the opinion that from what I've heard, Monty would have ideas and Kerry and Miles are the ones that did most of the writing and like, turning the ideas into a firm thing. That's just the vibes I've gotten from the way that they've talked, and this just kind of makes me think that more.
"And it's very - It comes across as very, like, mystical. And like, ooh, exciting, mysterious. Because that was - that was kind of what we wanted the vibe to be about like aura. Like it's this spiritual thing that like, we understand how we can kind of use it um, practically, in combat. But like, emotionally and spiritually, there's so much more depth there. It has room to grow, there's things about it we don't understand. And um, we felt that what Monty wrote kind of encapsulated that sort of mysterious, spiritual um, like, side of it. And also for Pyrrha too. Like it made her seem like she was just levels upon levels higher than where Jaune was at the time. And we also felt - I mean I definitely feel as though, that it's something that like, she likes to think about and something that she says to herself to give her courage. Because if she's gonna fall in battle, then so be it. But she believes that her spirit - that there's a part of her that will live on, long after her body falls, and will go to some other plane on some grand adventure."
A part of me wishes that this had been so much more explained, but also I feel like the spiritual part of things isn't something that I want heavy emphasis in when it comes to the characters that seem to disregard their lives a bit, if that makes sense? Like, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of the people who think that Pyrrha going to fight Cinder is some indication of fault with her or Ozpin or something, I think it's perfectly logical that she went up to fight Cinder. I just also think that adding in that Pyrrha thinks 'if she falls then so be it,' before having her actually die. RWBY has a very dicey at best track record when it comes to suicide (Penny, Ruby in V8) and I think adding in these elements for Pyrrha would just have made it even worse.
"And I think that gives her the courage to... Be Pyrrha Nikos, out on the battlefield, fighting for the lives of others. That's kind of always been my take on it. But yeah, the short behind the scenes answer is um, Monty thought it would be a cool thing to do. Um, that was the answer to a lot of things from back then."
More 'not everything was well planned' indications here.
"Um, and I - and I like it a lot too, because we were really trying to explain to the audience that the creatures of Grimm don't have souls. There should be no moral quandaries about slaughtering hordes and hordes of these scary looking creatures."
Okay, so... I'm going to get into some controversial stuff here, because if they wanted to ensure that there were no moral quandaries about fighting the Grimm in the early seasons, why were they comfortable having the White Fang being such prominent enemies who Team RWBY would throw off of train cars that were blowing up in a tunnel soon to be overrun by Grimm? To me, if I was concerned that people would take issue with the main protagonist mowing down animal-like creatures that acted mindless and therefore had to establish that they don't have souls, I would be five times more concerned with making sure my main protagonist wasn't just tossing aside talking sentient humans especially if I had made them part of an in-universe marginalized minority group. Just a thought.
"And then, you know, on the opposite side of that, if the things that all of our protagonists fight are soulless, then we should make something that makes huntsman and huntresses really strong, it's the fact that they do have a soul that can manifest itself in ways that can protect the user - like the body of the person. Uh - uh, it's just something that, I don't know. It's like warm, fuzzy like faith and belief. And just, it felt like the nice counterbalance to the like, hollow, cold, violent Grimm."
What's interesting to me about this statement is that they wanted Huntsman and Huntresses specifically to counterbalance the Grimm by having proof of their humanity in their souls being so blatantly represented. If it were me, I would have humanity in general separated from the Grimm through their souls. But it's almost like the only people they care about and the only people they want the audience to care about are the hunters and huntresses, and not the civilian figures and random people just living their lives. I think that does sort of come across in the writing with things like Cinder killing people on the bridge in volume eight and knocking them down but then later on Yang saying in volume nine that they saved everyone, and Weiss throwing the guards into the ocean never to be seen again, and no one really bringing up or caring about how Mistral is pretty much defenseless, and so on and so forth. I think this also comes across in the fandom, where I've seen people talk about 'why would we care about the NPCs' and things like that. This just makes it seem to me that the writers don't really care about civilians.
"So yeah, that's kind of my all over the place answer, I hope you like it. Because that's how I always felt about it. We kind of just rolled with it back then, because we had to, because we had to work so fast, with so many constraints working against us."
The fact that even the main writers and creators seemed to be on time crunches where they couldn't take the time to really figure things out speaks volumes I think about how Rooster Teeth does business. Also, more little reasons here to not believe everything was planned from the beginning. Miles Luna says they just rolled with things not even because they wanted to but because they had to, because they didn't have time to put more thought into what they'd do before they did it.
"And we were super inexperienced. Um, if I were to do it all again, I would wanna - I would wanna dig into that more. I think there's some cool, untapped potential there. And in a million other places in the show."
This is so true that there is so much untapped potential in RWBY. But I just think it's really funny that once again, this is something rwde posters and rwby critics would get blasted for saying. XD Like I remember one time posting like 'there's so much I would change and explore more in RWBY if I could reboot it' and someone in the comment section was like 'I bet your writing sucks, idk why you think you could improve anything about RWBY.' If I said RWBY was full of untapped potential and I wish it was dug into more, I might get accused of being a know-nothing idiot or an obnoxious entitled brat, lol. XD
"Um, but, you know, those rough edges and that sort of like - amateur is too strong a word - but the - the over ambition of RWBY, I think has always been one of its greatest strengths and also greatest weaknesses."
For once, I completely agree with Miles Luna. One reason why RWBY is something I keep coming back to is that there's just so much there to work with, so much that could be really good. But it's also one of the biggest flaws of RWBY that it always packs so much in that it just doesn't seem to have any interest in properly exploring or following through on, and I do think it would be a much better written show if the writers would just stop and take a breath and scale back and edit to what they can handle. It's like filling your fridge with a ton of perishable food in the hopes of cooking amazing meals, but then not taking the time to ever really cook or do anything good with the ingredients and then throwing together a hodgepodge sandwich before (or even after) things start spoiling in the fridge. It's great for creativity and it makes me want to actually cook something good with all those ingredients, but you still think they shouldn't have been that ambitious and you're like 'next time you go shopping just buy stuff for a regular old sandwich because apparently you can't handle it, and this sandwich has moldy cheese, too many vegetables, balsamic vinegar, mustard seeds, uncooked lobster, and a twinkie. What were you thinking?' Anyway, long spiel short, RWBY has great potential, endless heaps of good ideas that are inspiring and that's one of the best things about the show! But it's also way too ambitious and it leaves the show in a mess. I don't even have a good solution that would keep the scope of the show and how it gets the creative juices flowing without being too much for the writers who can't seem to do any real depth or follow through, I'm just talking. XD
"Uh, but it has a lot of charm, and we had a lot of heart back then. And i'm glad that people still think about volume one to this day. It's just cool."
It's interesting to me that Miles Luna says 'we had a lot of heart back then.' Now again, I'm not trying to say 'Miles Luna definitely meant that they don't have heart now,' because I don't know him and I don't know what he meant, but just the nostalgia in his tone and the way he talked, it made me think about how RWBY used to feel like this loved thing that people really wanted to do, whereas now sometimes RWBY feels like the thing that people don't want to do that they're just plugging away at, and like skipping past loads of exposition and having their characters act exasperated and tired out by everything. I've gotten to that state where I was really excited about writing something, and then when I got out of the mood to write it and was just forcing myself too, it would leak into skipping over important things and just writing the characters to go through the motions in like vague annoyance because I was vaguely annoyed. It's a sign that I need to grow as a writer, but it also makes me go 'do I really want to even be writing this, does this even spark joy' and sometimes the answer is no. And it just kind of feels like sometimes that's what RWBY is now, a project people don't want to do anymore that no longer sparks that same joy that it used to.
But on a better, lighter note, I'm glad too that people are still thinking about volume one, because it often feels like the RWBY fandom on the general whole just doesn't even like the early volumes and wants to forget them, or even forget seasons 4-6 sometimes. Some people will act like the only thing that matters is the present, and looking at the setup or the early established things is just stupid when it's like... No, that's the whole thing that RWBY was built on. Volumes 7-9 alone don't tell a complete story. It's a hodgepodge sandwich full of a bunch of mismatched stuff maybe, but I really feel like the people that eat the whole thing and might complain about the bad parts actually like the sandwich way more than the people who take the top piece of bread and then tell you that all that other stuff doesn't matter anymore. XD But yeah, that's just the things that I was thinking about when I saw that cameo video.
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steddieunderdogfics · 27 days
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  Sleepingoffyourdemons! They have 6 works posted to AO3 and all of them are in the Steddie tag!
Nevertheless_5 recommends the following works by @punkslovepoints:
in the back of your girlfriend's car
The most that I could give to you is nothing at all
"The A is for Ally"
What Happens at Comic Con Stays at Comic Con
obliterations everywhere (we blaze with scorching heat)
Sleepingoffyourdemons’ fics are character studies, grounded in reality with all the painful angst, real world consequences, and heartwrenching love you could want in your Steddie wish fulfillment. They hurt and heal in equal measure. They feel immersive in a comforting way. I fell in love with the first fic I read, and proceeded to read everything else by the author. Also, the research put into the time periods and info in notes is just icing on the cake. -- Nevertheless_5
Below the cut, @punkslovepoints answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I don’t know! I didn’t watch season 4 and immediately think, “These guys are in love.” In fact, during Eddie's first scene, I didn't really even like him. Then, existing on the edge of the wider Stranger Things fandom, I saw a few fics showing up here and there and that was what really pulled me in.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I love a good missing scene fic, although I can understand why there aren’t many of those in this fandom, given that staying true to canon leads to a very grisly end to one half of the ship. I also like a slow burn, friends to lovers and a wee bit of angst.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Honestly, the same that I like to read. I try to write for myself and hope that other people will like it too. As difficult as that can be sometimes, like everyone, I also crave external validation where every comment makes your day.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
A Certain Type and the rest of the series by @anniebass. It’s one of those that burrows into your chest and lives there for the rest of your life. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about that fic.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I’m annoyingly resolute to sticking as close to canon as possible (Eddie dying aside!) so I’ve never really strayed away from that. But have had an idea for an AU for the upcoming Steddie Big Bang that I think I could write with enough connection to canon that it’ll keep the part of my brain that screams ‘that wouldn’t happen!!!’ quiet.
What is your writing process like?
I tend to get an idea then focus on that until it’s done and posted. I don’t write that often, and I obsess over small details. I must have read each one of my fics twenty times or more, just going over and over them before I post.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I don’t know! There’s probably a lot that I’m not even aware of. Most of my fics have a lot of references at the end, even ones that aren’t specifically historical, so that’s probably a dead giveaway that a fic is one of mine. That and going off on tangents for whatever my special interest is that month.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Definitely when I’ve finished. Although as I’m posting, people’s comments and feedback may inspire me to make small alterations or add scenes here or there in future chapters. I wrote an extra scene into the final chapter of The Most That I Could Give To You… to give an OC a proper send off because of the number of comments I’d had earlier in the fic from people who loved him. I also re-wrote the final scene of “The A is for Ally” the night I posted it because I decided I didn’t like how it ended and changed it. 
Which fic are you most proud of?
Probably “The A is for Ally”, because of the sheer amount of research that I put into it. I wanted to write an exploration of queer history that focused on queer joy in the early 90’s. It can be hard to find that balance, writing queer ships set in less progressive times. Because it wasn’t all sunshine and roses, but, equally, there were moments of joy and communities of real queer people living their lives and fighting for those queer spaces. I wanted to pay tribute to that. [Side note: The title is a joke, the A is not for Ally].
How did you get the idea for What Happens at Comic Con Stays at Comic Con?
As with most of the fics I've written, I wanted to read it, so I wrote it. I was looking for something set at comic con and was shocked when I couldn't find anything, especially with the source material being what it is. I later discovered Descent into the Depths of the Earth (Or at Least Milwaukee) by disastardly on Ao3, but by then I'd written mine. Luckily they are totally different, and I'd highly recommend that one too.
When writing "The A is for Ally", what was something you didn’t expect?
How popular it got! I’m still a small writer, not a big name or anything, but I got so many more comments on that fic compared to all the ones before and @cemeterylight even drew art of it. It was so nice that something I wrote resonated with people.
What inspired in the back of your girlfriend's car?
There’s a song by Lucy Dacus called Christine that has the lines “You're falling asleep on my shoulder in the back of your boyfriend's car” that is a beautiful portrayal of queer longing. Loving somebody who is with somebody else who obviously isn’t right for them. I love Nancy, and wanted to follow that thought: What happens if Steve does win Nancy back, but they’re both different people now? My pitch for the fic is that it's an exploration of trauma and chasing highs, loving multiple people in multiple ways at once, messy relationships and making out in cars. All with a Steddie endgame, of course.
What was your favorite part to write from The most that I could give to you is nothing at all?
Probably the couple of chapters in California. Eddie and Steve have been hooking up on and off for a few years long distance, and after it all blows up, they agree to spend some time getting to know each other without letting sex get in the way. It was fun to write in that space where you have two people who are obviously in love, have a history, but are trying desperately to avoid falling into old habits. That simmering sexual tension.
How do/did you feel writing What Happens at Comic Con Stays at Comic Con?
Really nostalgic for going to comic con! I haven’t been to one in a few years and it just made me miss the feeling of being in a space where everyone is as weird and nerdy as you are.
What was the most difficult part of writing obliterations everywhere (we blaze with scorching heat)?
I hadn’t actually written a proper fic before when I wrote that one. I had written two drabbles over a decade ago and that was it. So just writing it was difficult. At the time, there were next to no fics where Eddie was the one having a bi crisis and Steve was fairly chill in his sexuality (there still aren’t enough in my opinion, it’s a top tier trope) so I just wrote what I wanted to read.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
Probably the whole conversation this snippet is taken from within The Most That I Could Give To You… where Steve has the charm turned up to eleven and Eddie is fighting for his life (figuratively this time). I adore writing the Stobin back and forth dynamic too, so there's this one from The Most That I Could Give To You… where they're talking about Sisyphus and May 29th 1992 from “The A is for Ally” where Robin sees something she wishes she hadn't. I also got a lot of nice comments on this scene from “The A is for Ally” where Wayne mistakenly thinks Steve and Eddie are dating and “Steve didn't correct him, didn't feel the distinction was all that important.”
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I’ve just posted a new one, Pebble and I've got another one that I’m part way through, both of them returning to my roots and featuring Eddie having a bi crisis. I’m also planning on taking part in the Steddie Bang, but obviously can’t talk about that! 
Thank you to our author, @punkslovepoints, and our nominator, Nevertheless_5! See more of Sleepingoffyourdemons' works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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roydeezed · 10 months
One Piece-Chapter Round-Up(Chapter 1089)
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Heyo friends! I am back with another One Piece Chapter Round-Up below the cut, but before we get into spoiler territory, I just want to point out this absolutely hilarious cover page. At first I didn't even notice Sanji behind her in the window but I love these layers Oda adds on to the simple request of Nami being served milk. Since she's being served a drink it makes sense the cook is in charge of it and since it's Sanji there's no way he doesn't use that opportunity to be... himself. And funnier still is that since the fact the paper is facing away from him he'll be waiting eagerly only to be rejected. One thing I might be reading into a little too much is Nami's quill, which looks like a skypeian wing hanging off her shoulder. Foreshadowing perhaps?(Look I have a contractual obligation to be absolutely unhinged at least once per round-up) Anyways, moving on, let's talk about the chapter below.
Obviously I want to freak out about that last panel, but there's something really interesting going on with this chapter before that. I don't know if it's because I have been recently reminiscing over Coby and the time he tried to stop the Marineford War, but I have honed in on the idea Oda presents of The Marines' absolute disregard for life and their acceptance of collateral damage. It was a shock to see it doubled down on in a new chapter just mere days after watching a clip of that moment from Marineford.
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With this being tumblr and the overwhelming majority of us being left leaning, I feel quite comfortable in discussing politics as mine are also left wing. Very heavily so. But I preface it with that fact so that you understand that some of my personal biases may play a role in my interpretations. Obviously, Oda and Japan's cultures are vastly different from those that I was raised up in so I am only speaking from a very surface level understanding and not the lived one Oda writes from. I have a very ACAB and abolish the police mentality and from my obviously biased point of view, it seems so does Oda.
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But it's not just policing that Oda emphasizes. It's any system of power. But he looks at it through the lens of policing because they make the most natural enemy of lawbreaking pirates. Also just like the popular idea of the Death Note representing Japan's harsh police system, the Marines also appear to be an allusion to it. I am really curious about which way Oda went about creating the Marines and their relationship to pirates. There was an idea of a distinction between pirates called Peace Mains and Morganeers in the two one shots of Romance Dawn where Morganeers were the pillaging type of pirates whilst Peace Mains preyed on the Morganeers like vigilantes and adventured as well. Obviously that put Peace Mains in a sort of policing position so it's really curious how we ended up with the Marines being the big bad(other than Blackbeard of course).
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In a tangent before we get back to the Marines, it's really interesting what carried over from the one shots, what didn't and what could. It had been a while since I revisited them but one thing I realized because of Crescent Moon Gyari is that Whitebeard's Beard looks like a crescent moon, basically symbolizing the moon before the dawn that is Luffy. Sorry if that was obvious, I'd just never made that connection before. The more interesting things to me are what might still carry over. Particularly from the second one shot where the Nami stand in, Ann, a blue haired girl with a pet bird is featured. Ann obviously also shares similarities with Vivi and Karoo but the idea of the Roc being a bird who's blood can cure diseases got my attention. That coupled with the Big Egg on the Oro Jackson and Choppers dream makes me think this could make a appearance once again. Also interesting was the fact that one of Luffy's moves was called Moon Shot and the idea of flying was presented over and over again. And Nami was also the child of Pirates. Wonder if that'll ever come into play. Another thing that was quite apparent was the imagery that really made an impact and crossed over to the final version. Honestly, I'd love to examine the two one shots in relation to the real story one day if someone hasn't already.
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Okay tangent over, back to the main topic. Which is, first of all, Oda's take on the Marines. There's two things at work here. One is Oda's take on the Marines as an organization through Imu's actions. One that does not care about the collateral damage as long as their power in ensured. And the other is institutions of power perpetuating their power through terrorizing life and the environment it lives on. They're kind of the same idea but one directly criticizes policing while the other criticizes any position of power. We'll focus on the first idea and then talk about how it connects to the second.
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The idea has been hammered into us over and over again. The Marines exist to further themselves. It's the absolute and peak function of institutions of power. And also very antithetical to the idea of dreams, which terminate once you reach them. Each of our Strawhats have a dream that has an end goal. But as a result of this goal of self perpetuation, the Marines often overlook their secondary goal of keeping the peace. This idea started as early as Axe-Hand Morgans but gets properly implemented in Arlong Park where the Marines look away as they get paid. Arlong doesn't disturb them and they benefit by having him essentially be an agent for them. That's how you know peacekeeping is a secondary goal. It's secondary to the idea of the Marine's keeping power. Oda criticizes privateering and the warlord system through this hypocrisy.
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And if this was just one instance then it could be seen as just one bad egg. Like policing so often wants to put out. But a system of power relies on the methods they use to stay in power always staying relevant. And that's when we come to Marineford, skipping over a lot of incredibly relevant examples to this argument like Enies Lobby. I feel like ya'll can follow that tangent yourselves. Ohara, knowledge that would invalidate their power, etc, etc. I would go more into it but I don't want to write so much away from the current chapter and the fact is that Marineford appears to deal with my criticisms.
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So how does Marineford appear to address the criticism of self preservation and perpetuation? (And this next statement is me playing Devil's Advocate if it's not apparent) If the Marines cared about preserving themselves, why would they seek to end the age of piracy if the function that keeps them in power is dealing with Pirates?
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Because, my devil's advocate self (wow, thank you for the softball Roy(no problem, Roy)), Marineford was an attempt by the Marines to depose Pirates and crown themselves the key power in the One Piece world. Oda did the math for us, the three great powers used to be the Four Yonkou's, The Marines, and the Seven Warlords. Do the math there and the Pirates come out on top. Also Oda cleverly states the strength of freedom by showing how strong these scattered, unaffiliated, and free people are by having the Marines, a wholly organized military force, be only a third of the equation instead of dominating. Oda follows George Lucas's lead on the idea of Rebels and Vietnam. So, Marineford wasn't just an attempt to put an end to the age of pirates, it was also an attempt to declare the Age of the Marines. And they did the math too, regardless of what happened, they would come out on top. Whether they declared their age or the pirate age kept going, they would still be needed. As Billy Butcher once said, "Fucking Diabolical". Why Koby was so important to the narrative of the War was because he let you see the true colours of the Marines. One that did not care about collateral damage as long as they stayed in power. They sacrificed so many lives needlessly for that reason. And they might have possibly ended the pirate age if not for Whitebeard.
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So all of that just to get to this chapter. Sorry for the long ride, but thank you for sticking with me. This chapter horrifically signifies the Marine's policy, by way of Imu, of collateral damage through very familiar sights of rising sea levels. I will speak to the real world connections soon. But these scenes of climate devastation show how uncaring the Marines are to the suffering of their subjects. And Subjects they are. Some people say One Piece is pro monarchy but Oda positions the Marines, even clearer now with Imu, as Monarchs, and criticizes them. Oda isn't pro monarchy, he's showing us how these instituions of power supplanted the previous institutions. And while people suffer, the Marines launch yet another offensive to keep ahold of their power. It's blatant at this point. Where they could be helping people, they gather one of the biggest forces they have since Marineford and try to stop the release of information that could weaken their hold.
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And the scenes of Climate Devastation precede an even more horrific sight. Not one of collateral damage. Not of the uncaring nature. But of the direct cost of keeping their power. The sunken island kingdom of Lulusia. It's terrifying and it ties the collateral damage to the cost directly. It's Oda's way of pointing out that the consequences of their actions and the actions they take to stay in power don't affect them, but their subjects, the people they purport to protect.
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All of this is why I am so interested in the conclusion Oda reaches in terms of the Marines. It's the reason I support the Ancient Kingdom being a nation of Pirates, it supports the idea of dissolution of the Marines. Oda is clearly setting up Koby and the rest of his peers as the next generation of the Marines but up until Koby became the clear front runner of the Marines, I always thought the Marines were meant to dissolve. But Oda seems to be setting them up to reform in a new direction. There's not a lot I disagree with Oda on but this might be one. Either way though, I will appreciate the nuanced take that Oda so often hides under layers of shounen action.
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But now to get to the real world implications. The whole situation with Imu is such a startling reflection of our own world. Again my politics come into play here. The Marines and the Twenty Kingdoms purport to be equal and not ruled under anyone but it's revealed that all along Imu has ruled them. Which would be a stark contrast to our largely democratic nations, right? But then Oda uses the visual metaphor of climate change and his point is clear. While policing exists to self perpetuate, it also answers to the beck and call of billionaires and corporations. I'm sure the statistic of 100 companies being responsible for 71% of global emissions is a statistic you've heard before dear reader. The governments bend over backwards to lobbying from these corporations while the police enforce it on the base level. On a visceral and violent level. We never left the monarchy, we just got new rulers.
Oh no! I've revealed my personal politics. Ahh! But in all honesty, this is my blog and I want to be able to talk freely here so I'll say what's on my mind. I'll always try to be upfront when my biases show though. The reason I am so explicit about my political opinions is because a lot of people who talk about One Piece don't engage with the deeply political and radical ideas it has. And as a result, you get a neutered audience and a neutered discussion. Anyways, that was my very long and convoluted idea on Oda's representation of policing and related politics, especially in relation to this chapter. Now onto a breakdown of the actual chapter.
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So right away we see an interesting sight. Morgans has already positioned Luffy as the main character of this conflict. And as we later find out, the Marines approve. Knowing that this will be a much talked about event sheds a really interesting light on this. One, Morgans has made Luffy undeniable in the media in regards to whatever happens next. Two, something big is going to happen. Three, the Marines will probably want to disavow it. Four, Luffy's presence is going to have the opposite effect and solidify this event as if he wasn't presented in such a central light, the Marines would've been able to sweep it under the rug easier. Also while a lot of that is speculation, one more reaching bit of speculation I want to put forward is that whatever happens next is going to invalidate Lulusia's disappearance. Some major truth is going to be revealed and it's going to show how unnecessary these sacrifices that the Marines make are. This also only furthers my interest in Morgans. Who is he? What's his play? What are his goals and is he playing a game with the Marines? It seems he regularly withholds information but eventually plays it in an acceptable manner to the Marines. My take is that he's possibly a revolutionary who's doing his best to sway the tide in their favour. If you look at a lot of his moves, it suggests they're highly calculated for maximum effect under the Marines rule while also shifting the discussion more in favour to the Revolutionary's and their causes and setting up for future dissemination of information he's currently withholding. Or it could be entirely posible I am giving him too much credit. Next, Makino calling Luffy her baby's big brother. Another clue to deadbeat dad Shanks theory? Don't mind me here, just watering my pet theories.
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But next, as I mentioned before, we see the consequences of the Marine's actions. From the apparently mundane but heartbreaking in Kamabakka, to the loss of life through tsunami's and the loss of homes on other islands. It's horrific and centers on the very real horror of Climate Change. But the sea levels rising a meter is also horrific in another way. Just to show how much water has been displaced, it's almost five times as much as the sea level has risen over the past 100 years in the real world. I think I dove a lot into the real world side of things so I do want to indulge in the One Piece world for a bit.
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So first off, the connection to Enies Lobby is completely apparent. Enies Lobby has some connection to the Mother Flame and perhaps the Ancient Kingdom being there holds some weight? I think another thing that is interesting is that the water was displaced. Somehow the Mother Flame doesn't just create a hole, but an entire Void where the water can't take the space of. Something something Void century, the theory's not fully there yet. But what it also suggests is that maybe Lulusia isn't completely gone? Perhaps it's been sent to Davy Jone's Locker? There's so many pieces of evidence floating around that I'm sure I'm missing something or overlooking a key piece that ties everything together, because right now this feels like a major hint to the true nature of the world. Also this could be a key factor in One Piece's unique world, like the Calm Belt and the Red Line. Also one interesting line is, "had no parallel in recorded history." But perhaps the Void Century? Speculation abounds! But maybe I'll have a concrete theory in the coming days, who knows. The Truth is Out There. No, but really, I feel like one or a few of those massively popular and some not so popular theories are somewhere close to the mark. Like the One Piece being a log book or the destruction of the Red Line. There's so much that's valid that I can see it all happening.
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Another heartbreaking scene plays out a little bit after we see the Marine's massive fleet, with a small flashback to Vegapunk, Sentomaru and Kizaru all looking much younger and happier. Kizaru is such an interesting character. He apparently has Unclear Justice but in everything he does it's hard to understand what that actually means. Nature of the word I guess? But Aokiji was Lazy Justice, and that can be seen in that he seems to be taking the easy way out by falling in with Blackbeard but what does that mean for Kizaru? He seems happy in the past and now he is very much uncaring. He mentions he's a cog in the machine but there seems to be some wiggle room. Perhaps unlike his previous two comrades, Akainu and Aokiji, Kizaru is the only one who can change? Honestly I don't really have a bead on him. But I am fascinated. Like with many things.
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After that we get a recap and two key moments. The moment where Jay Garcia tells them to sink the escaping scientists is quite obvious and a parallel to Ohara and I think we've talked enough about direct actions, consequences, and collateral damage to get a rough gist of where that would go in reinforcing the themes Oda has set up in regards to the Marines. But the smaller moment of Jay Garcia remarking he likes what Morgans wrote is also key. The Marines hold some sway over the media, from withholding key information to actively enforcing violence but this is also an insight into how Morgans plays the game. He pacifies them but he also pushes his own agenda. A free media is key to citizens freedoms so it's really interesting how these two entities push and pull. I hope we get more insight into Morgans to see what Oda is actually trying to say because I'm curious.
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And now we finally get to the last few pages. York is at times terrifying and at others painfully stupid. Just my type of character. She reminds me a lot of Buggy, who first started off as terrifying before becoming our lovable clown boy. But this makes me want York in the crew so bad. I would love if Vegapunk and all of his satellites joined because it would be such an interesting dynamic. The Come Save me panel is also quite a hilarious inversion of "I want to Live" from Enies Lobby as York is asking the Marines for help this time. I love her confident blustering. It's peak One Piece. It's peak Oda. I love it so much.
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AND THEN FINALLY!!! OMFG THEY LOOK SO FUCKING COOL!!! I lost it so hard here. They're back and they look so badass! They look like a proper yonkou crew. This cutaway also hammers home how close we are getting to the end as Oda is skipping over some big fights. What this flash forward does let Oda do is that he can use it to do a small flashback chapter and recap key skipped over elements instead of going through them at a much slower pace in chronological order.
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One final thing. All the strawhats look so cool, but a really surprising thing I noticed was that Ussop was holding the phone where I would assume Sanji would be. It feels like Sanji has shed a lot of the baggage that came with being Mr.Prince after Whole Cake Island and Wano. Now he's enjoying himself in the background. This could also be setting up the central role Ussop is going to be taking in Elbaf. Ussop of course has employed trickery before but just in this particular case with it's callbacks to Enies Lobby, I would've assumed Sanji be the one pulling off this ruse. Anyways, that's all for today folks. If you've read this far, thank you so much for sticking through. I really appreciate it! See ya for the next one! (Gonna slink off now to watch 1071).
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genericpuff · 6 months
Hello I realize this isn't necessarily the platform so completely understand if you ignore this! Wondering if you can provide a brief overview of what's going on with the popular WT creators? I get mixed information and you seem to have a lot of knowledge. (Snailords, Mongie, RS, Ephemerys, Uruchan. I heard about the Snailords dog and fan blasting stuff and Ephemerys possibly being inappropriate with minor fans. Really hoping Uru hasn't done anything.)
I'm not really gonna ignore your question but I will address it sort of? Because like... I'm gonna go off on a tangent here so bear with me, but I think a lot of people see my analysis / "callout" posts here and assume that's what this blog is for, but like? Not really? Like I certainly do that here at times when it's something that's really eating at me and I have to get out of my system, I love analyzing works I used to enjoy or otherwise have strong feelings about (ex. I never liked Big Ethel Energy but I'm miffed that it exists at all so I can't resist talking about it lmao) and I'm obviously VERY verbose about it, but I draw the line with actively seeking out stuff that's controversial or ripe for criticism just for the sake of creating 'content'. I'm one person who started this blog to mostly talk about LO, I'm not a monolith or solid source on everything to do with Webtoons and there are other people talking about these things in far more detail than I could :' )
With that said, I'm aware of the Snailords situation because of how often it's been brought up in the /r/webtoons sub (and I used to read their work years ago, before they were on Webtoons), and when it comes to RS and Mongie, I'm simply a former fan of their comics and I didn't realize the problems with them until their series jumped the shark and I had a chance to go "wait a second-" so I have that degree of "investment" that fans have have which spurs me on to talk about (and criticize) their work. It doesn't occur in a bubble.
I have NO idea what's up with Ephemerys and Uruchan, like I deadass don't know who those people are so your guess is as good as mine ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭ (I googled them after reading this though, I know their series and have heard great things about Purple Hyacinth and a lot of "meh" stuff about UnOrdinary) So you won't catch me talking about them here unless I genuinely decide to give them a try LOL (and I've said my peace about reading stuff just for the sake of criticizing it, I ain't about that, I want to make room for things that bring me joy, too <3) That said, if you search for these creators via reddit and communities like it, you'll undoubtedly find the info you're looking for ! (when I googled Uruchan it seems like most of people's issues with them is that UnOrdinary has gone down the tubes in terms of quality, nothing really controversial about Uruchan specifically though from what I can tell).
EDIT: upon further clarification from OP, there isn't in fact anything worth noting, so we're clearing up for the record now!
Literally outside of my hyperfixation on LO and other Webtoon-specific topics that fall into my lap through the run of a day (like whatever I see going on in the /r/webtoons sub and other webcomic communities), I'm still like, a normal person who isn't aware of every single thing going on and so I'm not gonna ever be able to cover every controversy and piece of gossip out there. I wouldn't want that, either, balance is crucial.
I do think it's sorta sweet though that people enjoy my takes on LO and comics like it so much that they want to hear my opinions on other works, especially ones that they have opinions on and want to hear my take. But I'm still just one person. I don't read everything and I don't have an opinion about everything, I don't need to :' )
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thewiz9062 · 2 months
Smiling Critters AU: Catnap's Psyche
NOTE: THIS IS NOT RELATED TO CANON IN THE SLIGHTEST. An accurate description of this au is that I took every playtime.co poster art and promotional material from the game and lit up the rest of canon in a bonfire. Meaning that EVERY character is part of one big cartoon. Thats it. No bigger bodies project, no child souls, no experiments, just a depiction of a cartoon. PLEASE do not ask me to do anything suggestive with anyone.
OK so catnap in an interesting case,
I will be referencing events from my masterpost, but if you want to read like the bare minimum, then his backstory is here because attempting to re-write it here was a chore
I've sort of made him the introvert, but the more I write about him, the more he seems surprisingly adept at reading emotions, and I like it so we're rolling with it. I like to think he felt alot of emotions during his homelessness period, and references his own pain to inquire what others are feeling, and apply a comforting technique based on how he moved on and how they might feel about the situation. If dogday is inspiration and happiness, then catnap is melancholy.
Now I wanna go over his situational mutism, as it's pretty important and affects most of his interactions with the others. First I'll say that I have done some reading but this may still be somewhat inaccurate, and please tell me if I'm way off base so I can edit it if you have better info.
It started during his homelessness, and being uncomfortable around anyone and everyone due to the fact of him literally being a stray cat as well as living alone for 8-9 years didn't really help. Eventually his voice just wouldn't work when interacting with anyone so miming and over-exxagerating facial expressions (to the best of his resting bitch face can allow) is his way of communication. He still ends up wishing he could, but what's done is done. He doesn't know sign language as no one was yk... there to teach him.
I also want to get into how dogday is his closest friend when because in practice, it should be bobby. Picky was kind of put about the whole 'forest cabin kid' thing, but Bobby was understanding and even gave him food, but in terms of interaction, it was just awkward. Both felt bad in different ways, Bobby a little upset that the communication barrier is blocking her from truly being able to help him, and catnap being sad that this the first person his age that willingly wants to talk to him in years and he can't even muster a few words. Even his facial expressions weren't quite working, and their "convos" were more like peaceful interrogations.
Thankfully, she put dogday on the case, and interacting with him was a whole different story. He didn't immediately get awkward when catnap didn't respond to a question and mimed about his situational mutism, instead treating him as if he was talking to someone normally, with a few minor modifications Questions wouldn't require an answer, he would just study his gestures and infer a response, or when he was rambling he wouldn't stop to check if catnap was listening due to his silence, he treated him like he would with anyone else. Maybe he was oblivious to what he was doing right, maybe not, catnap appreciated it either way.
So imagine his suprise when he realized that in a way, Dogday was just like him in a way.
The slip-up in dogday's words revealed he lives in an orphanage, and he doesn't really know his parents as he was abandoned. But his excitable demeanor just didn't make sense to him. It's only when dogday accidentally breaks into a tangent about how his situation isn't bad and that it's okay, and he's okay does catnap realize the subconscious mental limiter dogday's placed on himself. Catnap sees himself in Dogday, but instead of riding all his emotions out, Dogday has suppressed everything, in hopes to make everyone, and to an extent himself, happy. He couldn't just let him continue that, and in some way, that familiarity broke through the uncomfortability as he told dogday that it's alright to sulk. Something that wasn't told to him before.
I like the parallels I made with him and dogday and the backstory I gave him, so that's why I chose situational mutism instead of just being mute. The rest of the critters haven't met catnap yet because that happens during the summer arc so I still have to plan that out.
This psyche series is my way of reminding myself how they think, so if you did read or end up reading my other posts, I would appreciate if you could point out inconsistencies!! Ty for reading this
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osakaonryoif · 6 months
This might sound weird but...
I want to hear more unhinged train rants. Please provide your answers to the following questions:
Your favourite train model.
Detailed information about the model you chose for question 1.
You 100% have a model train set in your basement. Please provide pictures and nerdy ramblings.
Ever thought about writing an IF set fully on a train? I think you'd knock it out of the park.
That is all. Thank you.
Ah, someone who enjoyed the train rant in the demo. I appreciate you, Anon.
And no, no no, it isn't weird, in fact I find it flattering!
Fun fact, that train rant is 742 words, which is just over 0.5% of the total current word count! But, onto the questions.
Easy, BR Standard Class 9F 2-10-0 Steam Locomotive. Although a close second is the Pere Marquette 1255, but that's just me being nostalgic for a Christmas movie.
While yes, the models used on the Shinkansen lines, (such as the N700S Enu-Nanahyakuesu series, which is the train the MC rides in Act one), I am and always will be a sucker for the steam trains over modern electric trains.
Main reason, the big smokestack. Now I know, I know, environmental pollution and all that, but you can't deny how cool they look, as well as acting as a visual signifier of an approaching train from a distance. Second, the whistle. Ohhhh the whistle. Modern trains have whistles, yes, but they are more akin to the horns on cars than traditional train whistles. There's just something distinct about them, but I love the noises. (I may or may not listen to distant steam train noises on youtube while trying to sleep.)
Also, the bell. Of course, not every model had a bell, but they might as well have done. When you think of trains, there's a good chance you associate them with bells, and for good reason.
Finally, the chugging of the wheels as they move along the tracks is iconic, and frankly one of my favourite noises.
Ah, went off on a bit of a tangent, should've been justifying my choice of specific train model, rather than steam trains as a whole.
The 9F Steam Locomotive was the last steam locomotive designed and constructed by British Railways during the 1950's. It was also one of the most powerful steam engines ever built.
I love this model because the front of the locomotive has these side plates, which to me, looks cute because it looks like it's trying to hide it's face because it's shy.
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The picture above is actually the last of the 9F classes to ever be constructed, The Evening Star, which was the last steam engine ever constructed by British Railways, and is on display at the National Railway Museum in York. I went there once, and ooh boy lemme tell you I spent ages there. My friends had to physically drag me out of the building. Slight side note though, why does the museum, which is British, have a coach from a Hikari-model shinkansen? The British Museum struck again.
Another reason I like the 9F class is because of it's versatility, which by that I mean that it was run as both passenger trains and freight trains. While they were originally designed as freight trains, some madlad decided to slap some passenger coaches on, and found that it worked wonders! Though if you ask me, it should've been a no-brainer that the most powerful engine you ever built would be a good versatile model.
I suppose by doing that I actually answered question 2 as well. huh. Although, I suppose I didn't go into details about the technical stuff, so here we go.
The full name is the BR Standard Class 9F 2-10-0. All steam locomotive classes conceptualised by British Rail had a 6 digit code after their official name. This code tells you the number and layout of the wheels on the locomotive. For the 9F, you have two tiny wheels at the front with a radius of 3 feet, known as the leading wheels, made to help the train around corners and bends in the track, and then 10 MASSIVE wheels, which provide most of the acceleratory power, and are 5 feet in radius.
Traditionally, the wheels near the back of the locomotive were smaller, but the 9F had massive wheels across the entire length, meaning the rear grate had to be set higher than was standard. This had the effect of a smaller firebox than on other models, which meant that the stoker had to shovel coal more frequently in order to keep up maximum fuel efficiency in the steam engine. There is a reason most standard locomotives had a wheel map of 4-6-2.
There are 9 9F, (probably not intentional) that survived the scrap, and are in use in various locations across the UK. We have the aforementioned 92220 "Evening Star" on display at the National Railway musuem, but there are a few being used for other reasons.
In operation at Tourist Destinations/Steam Heritage Railway sites.
92134 (In service at the North Yorkshire Moors Heritage Railway. It is however missing it's original tender, which has been replaced with one from a class 5 73050.)
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92203 "Black Prince" (In service at the North Norfolk Railway.)
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92214 (In service at the Great Central Heritage Railway.)
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Non Operational:
92207 "Morning Star" (This one is in a bit of a sad state. It is literally just a scrap piece of metal tube, which really has no business being called a train. Some dedicated people are trying to restore it to pristine condition, however.)
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92212 (In service at the Mid Hants Heritage Railway until December 2019, when it's boiler ticket expired. Is currently being stored at the site.)
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92219 (Being stored at the Strathspey Heritage Railway, and is awaiting Restoration. Poor guy is covered in grime, really needs a wash.)
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92220 "Evening Star" (On display at the National Railway Museum in York.)
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92240 (Is undergoing restoration at the Bluebell Heritage Railway site.)
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92245 (Sadly, is being marked for scrap, and will bring the total survivors down to 8. The boiler is going to be given to 92212, which is a prime example of sharing is caring.)
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But, it is definitely on my list of things I want in the future. Just couldn't afford one at the moment, unfortunately.
4. Oh, funny story that. I actually have, several times. While working on Onryo, I have had that itch of wanting to also have a second project. But I would not want to work on more than 2, as at that point I think it would just become excessive, and I doubt they would ever be finished.
So I did have 2 concepts that I couldn't decide on, which I posted on the Choice Of Games forum a few months ago. I'll link it below.
I have since decided on the concept of Broken Rails, and will devote myself to writing the first chapter once I have completed act 2 of Onryo. From that point, I will alternate between the two, writing a chapter for each, then switching, until both are done.
I have considered making a tumblr page for it, but I don't want to do anything like that until I have a demo ready, so I have held off.
Bonus fact about Broken Rails - the train you are on is a Class 9F! Because of the apocalyptic setting, electric trains are a no-go.
That is all, you have reached the light at the end of the tunnel. Or is it an approaching train?
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