#i just dont have the energy to entertain 'well meaning' people
witchplastic · 2 years
kinda over weird people following me so lets go
anyway I support trans people cant believe i gotta say that but ive noticed lots of terfs lately, no my mind woll not be changed
i also support victims of abuse, regardless of gender or what is common in statistics, abuse is abuse, so if youre a guy and youre abused youre welcome here, and obvi if youre nb or a woman yeah ur welcome too, and no my mind cannot be changed if you come in my inbox telling me men cant be abused or some random kind of person isnt ever actually being abused they can only be abusers, you fucking suck, abuse can happen to anyone and has to do with like 2 fucking people in a dynamic and isnt really a societal oppression thing its interpersonal so its on sight if youre going on about this crap ill know youre too far up your own buttcheeks to be bothered to listen to anything but your own bullshit so ill be outta ur life forever
transmascs are valid as well as men, transwomen and women are valid too, nonbinary as well, everybodies chill and if youre some stupid microcosm of hating a specific kind of person for some dumb reason i dont want you here
ace is chill too yk idk let me just list the entire acronym i guess???? unless ur in some sorta bullshit of 'im a map im queer' obviously youre full of shit fuck right off, and if you dont know what MAP is good for you
if you think the word queer is not ok, i dont use it myself but i think you suck for getting in a tizzy about it and claiming youre oppressed bc people use it as an umbrella term, you just are in a state of mind that you cannot comprehend your life and yourself beyond the category of victim and i suggest drawing some edgy art wearing a cool shirt and vibing with yourself, break the rules and stop being scared of everyone this shits cancerous youre gonna die of 31 from anxiety dog, your heart will just stop, make new friends if a friend calls you a bad person for honest mistakes they suck too bad thats a lot of online gay and queer spaces lol, done with that im too old
if you gatekeep the words femme and butch as exclusively lesbian words ive already used them and im bi so have fun being hurt deeply by what i do personally to myself for my own expression
if you dont agree with these points you can escort yourself out or be blocked by me when i find you being sneaky, these aint up for debate
also this is my actual personality i just never express it on here because im worried about some annoying 15 year old kid or 30 year old adult with no life telling me how im wrong because they lack reading comprehension and ive come to the conclusion im too old to bother
fuck jk rowling. the bitch is crazy.
basically my beliefs are if you believe in people being hurt for a quick buck or to get yourself happy, and if you cant handle basic respect, leave. and if you cant handle someone being a little stupid or ignorant, or anything veering from a story that benefits you, also leave. im only interested in real shit and kindness. i dont wanna spread misinformation, and i dont wanna feed into bullshit.
fuck terfs also. i hate yall because you act like you give a fuck. but in reality its all a game. and terf aint a slur but if it hurts you like one, good. you deserve to feel bad, youre doing Bad things. dumbasses. its called guilt. ffs
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n3xii · 7 months
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this week's reading is an energic analysis of your current aura with some advice and guidance on how to overcome any blockages. Keep in mind that this is a reading and intended for entertainment purposes only!
Deck I used for this reading: Craft cards tarot deck
(this is an affiliate link so if you do buy it would be supporting me as well!! very pretty pink deck and it's perfect for people who want an aesthetic, minimalistic tarot deck to add to their collection, with gold edges too!!)
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your current energy: king of pentacles reversed + ace of wands reversed+ six of pentacles
I think you guys are in a bit of a rut, you may feel drained and unmotivated, uninspired. There could be feelings of self-doubt, insecurity about your goals partially when it comes to career or money. And those feelings end up in a spiral where you don't feel like putting in the effort or the work, and simultaneously that makes you feel even more unmotivated. The card you got for advice was the six of pentacles: first things first. Don't give more of your energy than you can give, stop pouring your life force into shitty people, arguments, self-doubt. and secondly, know that it's ok to ask for help and assistance. this doesn't just mean from people around you, but from the universe too. i cannot tell you how many times my angels told me to ask for help in a reading and when i did, i actually saw movement in my life.
your current energy: seven of pentacles reversed, 5 of wands and the ace of pentacles reversed
I think you guys are feeling impatient, frustrated and the energetic blockage that I actually see is competitiveness. I think you guys honestly just need to know that what you're basing yourself worth on right now is impractical and baseless, being competive with others and comparing yourself is making you feel frustrated, impatient with your own progress. The advice card for you was the ace of pentacles reversed, your guides are coming through to tell you that you need to establish firm grounds in self esteem, dont base in how well or how bad you are doing in comparison to others.
your current energy: the fool, the two of wands and the ace of pentacles
The people who chose this pile are on the verge of something new, bright whitish colors or teel green colors may be in your aura right now. I think the people who chose this have something in mind that they want to start doing, but the blockage is originating from the fact that you are stuck in the planning stage. You're still in the process of actually taking action, trying to decide ''how'' you want to do this and you're delaying this new beginning by trying to decide if you're going to go forward or not. The advice isnt to be rash and impulsive, but to start taking small steps of aciton towards this desire. the ace of pentacles upright is always the advice to plant the seed. set your intentions and nurture them through taking action everyday. as always, cards in the pentacles suit are always slow motion types of cards, understand that what you want to start will require longterm action and effort, be patient with the process and dont let potential rot because of inaction.
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wandas-lunchbox · 1 month
so sick of you (chapter 4)
series summary: you and natasha have ended your relationship due to her cheating on you. it's been 5 years now. what happens when you bump into her at a bar on your birthday?
warnings: some swearing, light make-out sessions but otherwise none
a/n: took me 4 months to write this, progress?
day one in italy. it was like you could smell the pizza in the air as you walked out of the plane.
“are you ready to get this party started” wanda exclaims.
crazy how this girl was dead asleep not even 10 minutes ago and now she has the most energy.
i didn’t answer her however, looking for the girl who was on the plane with me.
“bitch i know you did not just leave me on heard!”
“hm?” i say looking at her
she rolls her eyes and repeats “i saidddd, are you ready to get this party started”
i grin at her, trying to forget the thoughts of the girl on the plane. i still never got her name.
we start walking out of the airport with our bags in hand. we (or well wanda) had ordered a scheduled taxi before the flight so we didn’t need to wait to call one. we head into the car to our hotel. looking at the view from the car i could just cry from seeing the view. my thoughts about natasha had faded from my mind. my thoughts were all on the plane girl and italy. i mean what better thoughts could i have?
once we reached the hotel we spent some time just hanging out there before deciding to start getting ready for some dinner wanda planned.
“girl i dont know about you but i’m just hoping to get fucked, it’s been too long since i’ve done it. your girl has needs.”
i laugh at wanda, she’s always got some out of pocket thing to say.
“girl same”
“don’t lie to me, i’m your best friend i know someone caught your eye on that plane, what’s her name”
i give her a look
“so you were awake! omg i hate you!”
“i love to sleep but mate i needed some entertainment and you being a fumbling mess was the best.”
“i hate you”
“remember the person who planned this trip” wanda reminds.
i roll my eyes and continue to get ready. i end up wearing a mini skirt and a cropped baby tee that says “i love italy” because of course you need one.
after eating dinner we head to a bar. we decided to just get a couple drinks the two of us and talk.
“yeah, and you know what that asshole steve did—”
she gets cut off by my phone ringing
“sorry!” i say
checking my phone i see “unknown number” flashed on the screen. i pick up anyways
“hey! plane girl!”
“hey! how come you’re calling me?”
“turn around” she says through the phone
i turn and see the brunette. her hair down in waves. wearing a button up half open with a loosely done tie and a black mini skirt. her glasses substituted with most likely contacts.
“how come you’re here? did you miss me that much?” i say
“no silly, you told me on the plane you were coming here after eating”
wanda looks at me with a stinky eye
i look back apologetically (even though i wasn’t sorry one bit)
“but how come you came?” i say
“i mean why not. when you do come you’re gonna need a name to scream right? and i don’t think i want to hear you screaming plane girl as entertaining as it sounds”
i laugh.
“well this is wanda, and she’s awake now, we were just talking but i don’t think she’ll mind if we leave for a few mins” i say also asking wanda
wanda looks away for a second not meeting my gaze.
“yeah go ahead, have the sex before me i guess” she says grumpily, with a hint of sadness in her eyes
why was she sad?
“bye!” i shout
i see from the corner of my eye wanda walking up to the bar to talk to some other girl. go her i guess.
“so! plane girl, what is your actual name”
“madison, but people call me maddie most of the time”
“pretty name, it suits you,”
“thank you baby. do you wanna get a couple drinks”
“sure, margaritas for me please!”
“wow cute”
“i’ll take the same as her please” she says to the bartender as i order my drink.
from the corner of my eye i see wanda leaving but i don’t go not wanting to leave maddie in this moment.
we continue to talk before deciding that it was getting late. it was around 2am when maddie and i get into the car. there’s music playing the background.
i feel maddies arm brush my thigh and it sends shivers up my spine. my body starts to warm up. we are still talking until she realizes my shiver. she looks at me eyeing my lips and my eyes. before anything else could happen she kisses me. our lips intertwine and we kiss like theres no tomorrow. she leans towards my neck and leaves a couple kisses there. by the end of it we are both breathing heavily. we reach my hotel and i step out of the car, thanking the driver. i kiss maddie one more time before getting out of the car.
“thanks for tonight” i say
“goodnight baby” she says before having the taxi driver drive.
i walk up into the hotel and get in the elevator taking out my key. it was silent in the room. wanda already snuggled up into our bed. i go to take my makeup off and see lipstick marks all over my lips and neck. i take a photo before taking my make up off.
i change into my pjs and slip into our bed before sending a text to maddie
attachement one photo
nice art maybe you should frame it?
i send to her, along with the photo of the lipstick stains.
“haha, goodnight angel see u soon ;)” she texts back.
i switch my phone off putting it on charge slowly starting to fall asleep.
i heard a faint sigh from wanda but i didn’t think much of it before falling asleep.
a/n: chapter 4 donee (ops on maddie??)
taglist: @lakita-fisher @marvelogic @dark-hunter16 @marvelwomen-simp
(lmk if you want to be added to the taglist ( i am in the process of making a new one)
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mono-dot-jpeg · 9 months
a flower & flower protector - p. niran [lifeweaver]
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summary; you've heard of a sunshine and sunshine protector, well how about a flower and flower protector?
genre/extra tags; fluff, general headcanons abt being lifeweaver's s/o but with a more set dynamic, me just thinking about a dynamic in my head, reader is an overwatch agent (tank to be specific), very black cat & retriever energy in a way?, lifeweaver is the flower.. heh, get it?? bc his thai nickname is bua? which is lotus,,, anyways i love this man
[gender neutral! reader]
a/n; it's a crime that i haven't written for him yet bc i just wish there was more about him. he's literally my only source of representation as a south asian gay (at least the closest i'll get to a cambodian lgbt figure). and i love him so much for that but i will never forgive people shitting on him bc of blizzard's shit timing for everything
ugh, anyways, representation matters and i love him. i lost my shit when he was first announced, it made me so happy to see another type of south asian (especially one close to my family's home country) in my favorite game and he was gay so it was even more impactful as a gay person myself. and i imagine it was the same for a lot of other people.
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niran is too nice sometimes
you love him for it but he seriously needs to pump the breaks on trying to do so much sometimes
especially since he is still technically wanted in several countries for his developments in bio light.
he's not,, super golden retriever energy but he's always so bright and sweet, it's hard to not at least say dog energy. maybe at least... chill dog energy. glad to be here but not being crazy energetic about it.
you.. not so much. you're very "i dont mind being here but i dont like it either" and he finds it entertaining and endearing bc even if you hate it, you're with him and making sure he's having a good time and there's no one there to ruin it
you're kind of intimidating but then you stand next to niran and he's so much taller than you ?! you're like near his chin or lips in height, so you're still kind of tall?? but also he is a very tall man in general
some people find it hard to believe that you're the one in the frontlines in battle and he's the one supporting you but it's really cute though
he likes that you're close to his height. "just means easier access to kiss you!" in his words.
he's always the one initiating pda and you never say no to it. you always grumble abt it but he just smiles so sweetly and you end up letting him do what he wants
but in private, you're the one being attached to him
often being the little spoon bc as much as you love protecting the people of the world, you want to be protected too sometimes and that's okay
but you do like being big spoon too and he loves being cuddled when you're the one initiating it
he's always the one rambling to you about his new discoveries and his plants or just anything in general
and you're always listening intently. and you get him things based on what he's talked about recently or what reminds you of him :')
"did you get this for me, dear?"
".. no." [yes.]
"of course, of course." he nods knowingly, sending you that little smug smirk. he obviously knows. "well, then i'm just gonna go ask the rest of the agents if they- [gifted this to me]"
you're hugging him from behind, face pressed against his back, "i hate you so much niran."
that stupidly cute laugh leaves his lips, "i love you too."
the overwatch crew's opinions really vary
symm doesn't mind your presence when you're around, she doesn't mind when you have silent moments bc she has those moments too. you both are close friends
genji kind of relates to you, when you just feel like being away from people but you don't want to actually feel lonely. he finds solace in that. also you both probably meditate together (with zen on occasion), and he enjoys having a meditation partner
tracer is always nice around you, very cheery and always trying to get a laugh or smile out of you. you only spare a weak laugh or a huff of a laugh and niran has to explain that you probably did find her joke funny and you don't want to admit it (which is true). sometimes it's a bit awkward when he's not around to explain that, so you just come off as really really awkward or unintentionally rude (or maybe intentionally if you didn't like her jokes)
you know that baptiste flirts a lot with niran, and you dont really care bc he does that with mostly everyone. you don't blame him (some of the agents are really pretty and handsome but you love niran the most). you trust niran enough. he's a very honest person with you.
bap also tries to flirt with you too. niran joins in to double team you and get you flustered. and sometimes it works. you're unfortunately really bad at handling and accepting compliments.
bap is very flirty best friend vibes but he never pushes past the limits of course. niran's glad to have a friend who matches his energy and you're just glad he's got another place to put that energy
continuing on...
after missions, he's always patching you up. you're the tank after all (you can only take so many orisa spears to the head-)
during missions, he gives his 110% for you and the team. and he does it well ‼️
during those off times (which can really vary what with null sector and the invasion and etc.), you both just try to relax as much as possible. sometimes niran gets really restless bc he just wants to save the world as soon as possible :(
but you remind him about how it takes time and even heroes need rest.
you tend to take care of him more during those off times because he just gets so anxious and he overthinks a bit.
you're very realistic with your goals, niran can get too optimistic, and it can really hurt him. but you keep him grounded.
mm.. let's move to a lighter topic now,,,,
his love language is physical touch and acts of service. his in game,,, everything just screams that to me idk
when he pulls you in his life grip and saves you 😍 (lowkey, i fall in love with those players who save my ass like that as a support player/j)
nah but real talk, when you come back to him in the grip, he slips a hand around your waist, "let me hold you a bit longer, hm?" I LOVE HIM FR FR ‼️‼️
anyways, he likes doing things for you. and the pda thing as mentioned before applies to the physical touch love language ofc
he has to have like a few seconds to gently guide your close to him with his hand on your lower back or to hold your hand. or just hold you in general.
he's the type of guy to say you have something your hair and goes to fix it but there was nothing, he wanted an excuse to make it a kdrama moment
he's like a bit dramatic but you love him for it you know?
he's a bit cheesy but he's cute so it's okay
he's always telling you how much he loves you. you dont do the same, at least not verbally
it's mostly physically/through actions. handing him things he didn't know he needed, buying him presents that made you think of him
very gift giving and acts of service
man this is longer than i thought it was gonna be... um..
idk if i should go further. someone request it and i'll write in-game interactions that would happen or describe flower protector! reader more. /hj
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louisisalarrie · 17 days
Hello love. I like sending you asks because you’re always great at responding. This one is a bit sensitive. Don’t post if not appropriate.
Louis and alcohol. You’ve worked with him and seen him a little more closely than most. Is he a massive drinker (like, every day) or is his alcohol consumption a little exaggerated? I’ve seen other posts referring to him as having a problem, which seems a cruel assumption when people don’t know the guy.
It looks to me like there’s a ton of boozing on tour (lots of stories from other artists who’ve worked with him confirm they all drink a lot when they’re all together) but L never looks as though he goes on stage p*ssed. He tends to have beer on stage with him but never drinks the whole thing (I kind of feel like it’s a bit of a nervous habit, to have a drink there he can grab but not to be necessarily knocking it back show). I mean he definitely looks like he drinks a lot post show but we never hear of him turning up to meet fans drunk or smelling of booze (and there dont seem to be any major boozy stories about him doing something bad because he was drunk - oh apart from breaking his arm!) so I’m on the fence about whether or not he does have unhealthy drinking habits or not. He seems pretty controlled and put together with the occasional post show drunken/stoned selfie!
What are your thoughts?
I guess I just want a healthy Louis.
Hello anon! Apologies for the hold up on this, I wanted to do a good and thorough job at responding because it is a sensitive topic, for sure. I’m not sure how much you dabble in substances, your age, or your experiences with said substances, so what I say may feel like it’s still too much, but yeah, I hope I can provide you with some reassurance. So, lovely anon, welcome to the show!
TW for alcohol and drug use
Drinking and drug use is heavily glorified, over indulged in, and used as a crutch in the entertainment industry, but often times you only hear the worst of it. You’ve got the stories of overdoses, media analysing stars because they look drunk performing on stage, and artists having a bad/shocking image because they partake in alcohol/drugs depending on who their demographic is (zouis weed video, for example).
It’s often used as a coping mechanism, to just take a bit of the edge off. This doesn’t mean that all artists use it to an extreme extent to where they can’t perform/can’t live without it (like it’s portrayed in A Star is Born), and don’t get me wrong, some do, but from what I’ve seen and my pals and colleagues in the music industry have seen, Louis doesn’t overindulge.
I mean, they’d have a drink (or multiple) for the same reasons as we do, to just… chill out the nervous system, or carry on the energy. Dissipate some anxiety before going on stage and while on stage, calming down your body and mind from the adrenaline afterwards, partying and carrying on a bit more heavily if you’re celebrating. I’ve toured, not to the same extent as L or H, but it becomes quite normalised within people from the artist’s direct team, their direct touring crew, to the promoters, to the artist’s personal friends. It’s SO much work putting on these shows and travelling and when everything goes well, it’s a huge relief and time for a beverage or a joint. It’s just kinda… very normalised, which is also really bad, but Louis, from what I’ve seen and heard, is smart with it.
You’re correct in saying he isn’t drunk on stage, he doesn’t smell like substances (only cigarettes but that’s a whole other story), and only has 1 beer on stage.
His rider is pretty standard too. Artists over order so they don’t need runners to go get them stuff causing a delay. And then they take whatever they don’t finish to the hotel with them or whatever. If you were famous you’d wanna milk the free stuff 100%, so yeah, if that is a cause of concern for some fans seeing the leaked LATAM rider, I can assure you that it doesn’t go that far between the amount of people in his band and crew. It’s just… very normalised, but doesn’t happen every night.
Louis also just loves to dabble in the devils lettuce (im super annoyed that I have a story about this that I can’t share but he’s fucking hilarious) and loves a drink. Alcohol is also super normalised and encouraged in the UK, and here in Australia too. So I see a lot of it and it’s just kind of a thing you… do. It’s more so if you don’t drink, people are like ????? Hahaha.
So growing up in a country where it’s very normal to drink a beer or get pissed, it’s kind of engrained, and then being in an industry where it’s also normalised, it’s 100% natural to lean into it. When I drink on tour, it’s certainly less often than artists, but it’s just a social celebration thing and it’s kind of expected to a degree. In my opinion, and from what I’ve seen of him going on tour, he doesn’t have a problem nor loses any professionalism on or off the stage. He’s very serious about making these shows good and proving himself.
When I was backstage with him at one of these shows, he was in a green room that wasn’t too far from my office. He is so LOUD and hearing his giggle and talking shit was so wild hahaha. I could smell cigarettes, and heard him and his band/crew do a shot before the show, but apart from that I think maybe they had one or two beers in the late arvo together. I don’t clean/service green rooms so I can’t tell you 100% how much they drank, but it was pretty lowkey. I also don’t think he gets stoned before going on stage (I would’ve smelt it). I think it’s purely an after show fun time which also helps him sleep from jet lag/adrenaline etc. like I mentioned earlier.
He eats well, and while not as healthy as H, still filling food and has an appetite (im talking during the day, not the wild amount of munchies he orders post show), so he’s not letting alcohol/nicotine curb his appetite to that point. He did have bottle service at his hotel on a couple of those nights, too. But again, the bigger indulgence seems to be post show. He’s overall still healthy.
From what we’ve seen, it would be very easy to spot if he was going too far. He’s 100% in control and uses it as a small crutch like a lot of us do due to the intense stress of our jobs. Tbh he also just likes a drink and a joint or two and there’s no reason to worry. Hell, I like a drink or a joint or two and im good at my job, know when to stop, and uphold my professionalism to a high standard. There’s truly no reason to worry, he’s just louder about it than the other boys (I’ve heard that Niall gets on it just as much, but we don’t see it).
Now, it may seem like im making excuses for the industry or for Louis or whatever, but truly, it kinda is what it is. There has been a small but significant shift in the industry around drinking and drug use though, and how it affects mental health, which is great. In Australia, we have a resource called “Support Act” which is an organisation that now has a 24/7 wellbeing hotline for artists, industry folks, and crew, and while it has been around since 1997, it is obviously far bigger and more accessible now due to technology etc., and has great resources. The UK similarly has “Music Minds Matter”, and there are multiple around the US. So there is definitely a larger awareness on the toll touring and an industry career can take on you, and I have no doubt that Louis is aware of his limits and has supportive and wonderful people around him.
Wow okay this turned into a whole other thing. Sorry!!! Hahaha. Look, in short, he drinks nowhere near as much as other artists I’ve worked with (8 bottles of top shelf whiskey in one night thanks) and unless we see any cause for concern, im sure he’s okay, 100% in control, and just living his best life as a 32 yr old successful rockstar. Try not to worry!
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vicioussickle · 8 days
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two old men taking a nap
side effects of the age rune... some yapping about sheikah history ?
some time after skooga returns from his world journey as the court poet, he reveals his true age and leaves kass off to believe he had become very old and ready to pass away of old age... hebra was the last location he spent his time in before leaving to go off to the desert to return to the yiga hideout with his family...
skooga had been under the effects of the age rune making him appear to be 18-20 years old, since he was 18-20 years old... (since age of calamity time, hes the same age as link n everyone...) he returns to have it adjusted back to 18-20 years old but some idiot put in 8-10 on the.. rays..? (im just working with how its described in game lmaooo apparently purah was blased by rays with it?) well that guy was fired and throne in the hole 🫡🕳️ (skooga's orders he threw a GIGANTIC FIT) purah describes her mind reflect the age she's regressed too and i put this on the original uncolored drawing... cognitive decline... skooga did not know how to read or write as a child and he begins to lose the ability to do so again... which is making it quite difficult to relay the information he collected in his time as the court poet, so he has got to relay it to master kohga by word of mouth... but because i imagine the age rune to take a toll on one's energy... since it would technically be keeping a body at a constant state of regeneration to remain at whatever age its set to... especially if used for extended periods... which i believe is the case for master kohga, and that he is as old as the monks... (i really could go on a seperate post about my fiction for him.... tldr he decided he would not wait for faith to sort things out but rather take action into his own hands and form the yiga clan in the spirit of an ancient sheikah cheif... who was executed for refusing assimilation... it's t'ah shaa) it would begin to cause some chronic fatigue... so naturally, they both fall asleep before skooga can finish telling the stories, and before kohga can continue writing them down... skooga does have it fixed eventually and his physical appearance of peak adulthood restored and kohga grows fond of him and allows him to be *his* court poet and advisor... and later his mother then sets him up with belise and he is her tiny wasteland king but also advisor and poet as well...
i mean.. they got 100 years to just kinda fuck around (hey gamers fun fact too: a court poet in real life ye olde was actually a word of mouth record keeper, it wasn't entirely just someone who existed for entertainment purpose, through his songs he relays information about wars, lands, people, everything) ok yap away some more, i imagine he spent a few years in kakariko village with impa as well... as it still wasn't safe to venture out in the ~era of burning fields, as they call it... he also learns a few things while there, from the people there... about the divide between their clans... how it really isn't about "sides", the way he always saw it and his mother told him, as they were all banished and exiled, all sheikah history was destroyed... the people of kakariko village didn't live any sort of better lives than he did with the yiga clan and remained hidden because of it... any who opposed the law were met with the same punishment... they were likely already farmers and those who lived a more peasant style life...
ah dammit here we go again with the creating a champion page just as a refresher and reference, i am not making this ALL up lol i love to build upon canon
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so it was a divide between moderate and militant, and i dont imagine they all had the ability to be militant, and some had a fire too fierce in their orb to be moderate... it is a dichotomy with really no "right or wrong" side, its about reaction to circumstance and perception from within and outside...
skooga lives in these two worlds and learns a lot about his own people's history, and not the machinery and weapons his sister goes on boring tangents about but the real organic history of who they are and what they do and where they came from and what they're meant for... they are not creatures with a simple existence... they have always been the shadow behind the light... with an original dark purpose, for darkness is not necessarily evil, but only the absence of light, just as there is day and night~ (damn shoulda put that one on a lil drawing) there should be a shadow temple... where is the shadow temple... could the calamity have festered over the ten thousand years of the kings before taking the sheikah and their protections for granted? the greed and hatred festering beneath the ground before bubbling out and spilling over... then why did the first calamity happen? many questions...
so yes, he spends time with impa, deciphering the tapestry and the stories from the era of myth, theorizing on who they ancient hero is...
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...and how their people are also intrinsic to the calamity as it is their weaponry and theirs alone along with the blessing from the goddess that gives them their power, the same within the power of the blade that was able to defeat it once...
but fool me twice shame on you, said the dark lord.
during skooga's "situationship" with astor he learned quite a lot about what exactly the calamity even is, how it is written in the stars, and what will be will be because it is a cycle that hasn't been broken... and once again the kingdom and it's people will inevitably destroy themselves, but it doesnt hurt to give a few blood sacrifices to get it going faster right? so, together with their perspectives they've pieced together their people's history and their hand in it all...
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skooga then decides he must travel the whole world and visit every region and learn everything he can about every shrine and the divine beasts, it burns deep in his orb. it must be why he was chosen as well, by the harp, and to be zelda's court poet...
and then finally link wakes up, his songs are passed on by kass, testing link's strength and intelligence and patience... and getting him naked....... under the blood moon....... ok dude..
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ihopesocomic · 3 months
I think what a lot of people who have issues with you (aside from the youtube lion show stans) is that you dont baby people
People ask for obvious spoilers and you just say "we'll see!" (Unless its been asked several times in which case you explain that)
People try to push for bigotry to be in your comic which you wont stand for
People refuse to actually read the comic and want it explained and you have to put your foot down and tell them to read the comic
Ect ect ect ive never seen you guys get unreasonable with any messages, angry? Short? Sure some of the anons you get are like "why is hope have 3 legs?" Its completely understandable to be angry at messages like that
Yea that's pretty much the vibe we get too tbh. But we're not gonna apologize for having standards and we're not going to change how we present ourselves if it means putting in extra mental energy to be overly polite to bad faith actors or people who just simply ignore what we put out unless its addressing them personally.
You mentioning the spoilers incident is interesting because the person who brought that up would later state that spoilers weren't their issue at all, just us being "condescending" because they made the personal choice to read our neutral responses as such. Or us using 'lol' whenever we indicate we're being light hearted. Because not everybody who uses 'lol' is being snarky or rude.
Ultimately, being given the benefit of the doubt would go a long way instead of people automatically assuming we're being nasty or "unprofessional" because of things like 'they criticized something I enjoy" or "Well, I didn't like that they weren't bowled over by an ask I sent two years ago' or just anything that happened years ago LOL
Anyway. Some people may be fine with spoiling the whole story of their project, but not us. We're having a lot of fun keeping people guessing, especially if they guess correctly and their theory is proven in a future chapter. We do big high fives when that happens lol
The people who outright demand inclusion of bigotry are especially confusing because at best its people thinking our one little comic that's not-that-popular-actually constitutes as erasure of the queer/disabled struggle. And at worst it's people who somehow can't find value in entertainment unless it's misery porn. And both of these instances they claim the existence of IHS in its current form takes away from the countless already-existing content that covers both, or somehow shames people for including it in their own story when we've never said such a thing. Anything we've said either applies to us personally or we're criticizing mainstream media that takes our experiences and makes them palatable to a mainstream audience. (At it's funniest it's nerd fans who criticize our comic for being a knock-off of MP while in the same breath complain that it's not doing the same thing as MP)
And an insincere sorry in advance to people who want us to spoon-feed them information in the comic. I was under the impression that when you saw a web comic, you had intentions on reading it. Heck, we have a dub now, you don't even have to read anymore technically. But I value my time too much to explain every single detail that may go missed in a chapter. Some stuff we feel confident in our readers piecing together on their own because we respect their intelligence, and most times there's no incorrect conclusion to arrive to because leaving some things up to interpretation is better than over explaining it. But maybe I'm just a meanie. - Cat
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andy-wm · 11 months
My thoughts on SEVEN, both the song and the MV, and what it says about Jungkook.
About the song:
My biggest take away from the song is that Jungkook has total confidence in his ability to keep his partner satisfied and entertained. Daily. He also has a good reason to do heaps of laundry.
Also, he gets to say Fu@k a lot (always fun) and his pronunciation has really improved since he collabed with that disrespectful a$$hole who's name i won't bother to mention.
Seriously though, i hope his adulthood will finally sink in for the people who still try to keep him in babyville.
From a musical point of view, he does get to use those magnificent pipes he has, and use them well. The song flexes his vocal range and has lots of dynamic movement. And he gets to rap. I can see why he would have wanted to sing it.
About the MV:
I have a few observations about the mv and the relationship represented. I know it's meant to be lighthearted but that doesn't mean it shows us a healthy relationship so i'm gonna say my piece. Sorry if it's a downer, feel free to skip.
The power dynamic between JK's character and Sohee's character is what i find interesting.
She's totally in control of their narrative the whole way through.
At the start, she's angry and berating him and he's just listening, his head down. Very submissive. Most of the time his hands are in his lap or on the table while she's gesturing to herself and even throwing her hands up. The only time his energy is up. Is when he pulls her away from the falling debris.
She's getting up to leave halfway through his response, too. She doesnt really give him a chance to respond.
Even though he tries and tries to talk to her, she's dismissive, rolling her eyes, ignoring him, constantly walking away before he can finish what he's trying to tell her. At one point she pushes him so hard he falls backwards. He's repeatedly risking his personal well-being to get her to hear his side, but even then, he's still completely submissive. He brings her flowers, he walks three steps behind her, he tries to make her laugh to break the tension so she will listen.
Theres only one point at which he is assertive and that's at 2.55 when he gets around in front of her.
When he does eventually get her to stop and hear him out, he takes the role of a supplicant. She is very much in control of the outcome. She eventually offers her hand, and then basically hauls him along behind her. He is trotting along behind her like a scolded child.
I found it a little hard to watch because JK isn't an actor. Not because his acting is bad but becuase it's really him.
I could be way off, i admit that, but i honestly feel that his character is responding exactly as he himself would respond. He's soft and sweet and gentle, but dammit he believes in them! He's trying his best to placate her even though she is giving him NOTHING back.
I hate that it reminds me of that damn hamburger incident (he's is a sponge cake. Pls dont hurt him, world.)
My take away is 2 things.
First one is, throughout the MV his character is "fighting *for* the relationship", which is different from fighting within the relationship. He wants this problem they have to be solved, and he's prepared to do the work. Go, you Jungkook’s alter ego.
Second one is, despite a lot of people seeing this as a,stalker situation, the power balance is very heavily weighted towards her. Also, she treats him pretty disrespectfully. If these gender roles were reversed, the comments would be very interesting...
Other than that i loved the aesthetic, the humour, and the energy.
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But what does this overtly hereronormative MV tell us about Jungkook's sexual orientation?
I'll say it does not tell us anything about who he likes to do the horizontal boogie with.
He liked the song, and wanted to record it. I have no idea if he had any hand in the MV storyline. If he did, awesome. It's fun.
But let's be real about the likelihood of him coming out to the world through a MV. I'd say it's ZERO. Reality dictates that whatever his own orientation, the MV needed to represent the Jungkook (most of) the world WANTS to see. Dont forget, this song is more of a business decision than a creative decision for Hybe. We know SB had a big part in the processs, and that man is all about the dollar bills.
It's certainly not a personal statement from JK. Its a fun, summer song and he gets to say F◇CK a lot and flex his vocal chops. That's it.
Do i personally think JK is gay? Hell yeah. With bells on.
Do i think he would risk it all?? ('it' being a huge entertainment empire, his own and his friends' careers, social damnation, personal freedom, and the loss of his contact with ARMY)
No, absolutely not. Not for a song that he didn't even write. Not in his solo debut. Not in today's America (sorry American readers, the USA isn't a safe place to be queer right now).
An unrelated question:
Do i think he will show us something more substantial with his album?
I think he will. I truly hope so. I dont think he's going to sing about his orientation but i do think the songs will be meaningful and personal and I'll be quite suprised if there isn't a fair bit of queer subtext.
If he includes a hidden track and Jimin features on it, I will throw a party and sprinkle glitter EVERYWHERE.
Just for fun, here's some JK looking gorgeously gay...
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Living his best life in the Butter MV
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His gestures... so pretty
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No words for this one (cr to photographer)
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I mean he's not wrong...
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
hello hope u r well :) i wanna say i love ur fics!! and they way u write kaeya is soooooo 💕💖♥️💞🥰💕❤️💗💝❣️ can i request kaeya x reader where reader is on their period, please? no smut, just absolute pure fluff and comfort thx ☺️
np!!! im not super great w these kinds of hcs bc i dont experience the typical issues lolol - theyre shorter than my typical things primarily bc i dont really know what else to do lolol but i hope you enjoy nontheless!!
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You know Kaeya doesn't really care about you being on your period, more focused on making sure you feel okay. He wakes up before you and gets ready earlier so you can take your time, makes you breakfast...well, things he normally does but just does a little more intensively out of concern for you.
When he comes home from work he makes sure to bring extra treats as well as hygiene products to help you out. He's made a note of the specific snacks you've been craving as of late and makes sure to have a few on hand just in case you're hungry, or meals that are easy for you to heat up to eat just in case you're a little too fatigued.
If you're the kind of person who gets overly emotional then he's more than ready to hold you as you cry, teasing you just a bit as you do. It's all light hearted but if you take it a little too personally he sprinkles kisses all over your face as an apology.
If you've got painful cramps he tries to ice them out. Just because normal people use heat packs or hot water bottles for cramps doesn't mean ice won't work. His logic is if he can ice soreness why can't he do that with your cramps. It works in a weird way so you don't mind too much, letting him pat your stomach as much as he wants. It's definitely not his excuse to be super clingy with you.
"How are you feeling?"
You turn your head towards Kaeya coming into the living room, tilting your face upwards so he can kiss you. He comes down to sit next to you on the couch, immediately putting an arm around your waist and pulling you into him the way he always does when he comes home.
"I'm alright," you sigh, leaning into his shoulder.
"Couldn't muster up enough energy to do anything so I've just been trying to read a book and waiting for you to come home."
He laughs a little, unsurprised your lethargy just made you wait for him to come and entertain you. He doesn't mind at all, getting up to go get changed after handing you a bar of candy.
"Here's your treat for today. You've been eating a lot of sugar this time around - be careful you don't get a nosebleed."
"If I get a nosebleed I'll just die of blood loss I guess," you joke back, making him laugh as well.
Overall, very supportive, very kind partner. He does the best he can to alleviate your symptoms. It doesn't matter to him what you need him to do - as long as he can help out, he will!
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futchgunk · 3 months
okay if i dont talk about this somewhere im gonna explode
im so fucking cut up about finding my headphones on my neighbor on the T, and having not contacted me about them at all!! They were a present from my lover and i didnt even recognize them as lost bc i thought i could trust my neighbors to be like 'hey these wireless headphones showed up at this house, are these yours we r trying to find the owner'. This was extra damaging for me bc i get really sensitive abt losing things bc of my biomom so like i didnt want to confront me losing a gift my lover got me, esp when i didnt even know where to start looking.
This is the same group of people who i was ostracized by and the biggest reach of support to me during my ostracization was 'im so sorry this is happened/happening to you'. It feels so transphobic!! it feels.. racist??!! it feels like transmisogynoir coming from the tranny eggpunk band AND the tranny hardcore band. like i feel like never knew these people that ive been hanging around with for a year+. i feel like all the love, time, and energy i had was just me making a clown out of myself to entertain more white people. like i got so enraged and upset about this i had to ask my alter to front so i could avoid exhausting myself crying over it and feel some sense of control/stability.
im so angry and a lost rn. as a tpoc im noticing my survival (social confirmity) to bend and shape myself to accomodate white fragility and im so sick of it. like i feel like social injustice has been done to me and instead of talking about it or feel any sense of catharis, i have to swallow hot viscous, bile and choke the tears down, say i dont feel degraded, pick up my pieces and find more koolaid to drink.
like if im gonna get demonized by both majority society and non-marginalized society, i might as well be where i wanna be and do what i wanna do and look how i wanna look because it wont fucking matter what everyone else thinks im just a rock too heavy to hold on to; a demon unwelcome en masse.
it hurts so much bc im trying to be a voice for community and community praxis. like i want to be able to help anyone if someone asks. welcome newcomers and oldtimers. i want to dissipate structures in your life, if even just for a moment. if i could make you a meal just so you could use the time for meal prep for whatever you wanted. i want to do your chores for you, if youre okay with it, even if we have never talked about it. i want to help you move along your life-goals/journey/passion. if you told me an arbitrary action would bear fruit for you, i will treat the soil and sew the seeds, not caring about whether or not i would get any fruit.
theres a feeling that im trying to describe. when youre held so still and taut and exhausted. so flush with exertion that you would cut your strings/supports just to feel the cool rush of air just for a moment, unthinking about how far the fall is. but you just one some semblance of control, an iota of self-determined significant action, no matter the magnitude of (perceived) self-destruction.
idk i would start all over again and make new friends but that means that transmisogny wins again?!! in my own fucking backyard!! transgirls can be complicit in transmisogny and the black transgirl is the victim!! how rich??!! right before the whipping girl reading group how fucking ironic.
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atthebell · 7 months
“if it’s not your speed it’s not your speed” i 100% agree that streamers don’t owe us edited videos, and while i do think a good portion of people are complaining about streams because they’re, as you said, “not your speed”, another major problem for people is probably time. i’m a student, and between school and homework i miss just about every stream. as well, it’s really hard to go and look through vods to try and figure out what happened that day. while liveblogging is useful and really appreciated, at the same time i would like to be able to see what happened for myself, yk? so as someone with nearly no time (or energy by the end of the day) i really love the idea of edited videos. (and i’d like to reiterate I DONT THINK STREAMERS OWE US ANYTHING- this is more so just my personal, really frustrating problem)
anyway sorry for the rant i’m incredibly frustrated over my lack of time to keep up with qsmp and needed to talk about it somewhere💀👍
i get that its frustrating to not be able to see everything from an smp you're really interested in (i have a lot of time on my hands and still dont catch everything i'd like to, qsmp just has THAT MUCH content, its literally impossible to keep up with even just one character really) but my issue is the amount of complaints ive seen where people are literally saying they think ccs suck shit for not editing down their streams into youtube videos. like. dude. you are not owed shit. and i keep seeing it presented in this way, not just for edited videos but in general, like people complaining that cellbit doesn't post his qsmp vods to youtube and saying that that is the bare minimum creators owe us. no it is not! he doesn't owe you that! no cc owes you that! you are not owed content! i don't care if you're a tier 3 sub or whatever, you are not owed anything. people feel incredibly entitled to creators right now and it feels emblematic of how people consider entertainers and labor generally (because yes, entertainment is a job, including twitch streaming), and i find it really disappointing. creators do not have an ethical obligation to provide you with content, and definitely not personalized content. to assume otherwise is parasocial and weird.
i understand that not having a lot of time makes streams really difficult. there was a point in time a couple years ago when i worked 20 hours a week as a full time grad student and had to try to catch streams on my walk home, and it wasn't fun! edited videos are much easier to consume, and i get why that would turn people off something like qsmp where 95% of content is livestreams and only like. two people post videos and not even regularly. i also do think "if it's not your speed, it's not your speed" doesnt just refer to taste-- i'm well aware many people do not have the time to catch that many streams if they can catch any. that sucks! it does not make it a moral failing on the creator's part, and it doesn't mean you can't watch any qsmp, but it does mean that your ability to watch it is hampered and you probably have to live with that. i'm not saying people in this situation can't complain. i'm saying don't turn it into a moral issue. to me the way that people talk about it is so rarely framed as "man, i wish i had all the time to watch this," or "i wish there were more creators editing down their videos!" and more often framed as something creators dont do because they're stupid or careless. they're not either. they're twitch streamers. many of them don't post youtube videos at all and have not in years. that just isn't the content they make. and i'm sorry that that means some people can't watch, but it doesn't make it a failing on their part.
like, feel free to kvetch about not having enough time to see bagi and pac lose their minds over fed worker murders! i also do this! i complain weekly about missing streams to take care of my nephew, even though i love spending time with him. but don't talk about it as if it's a war crime that phil doesn't edit down his qsmp lore. and i'm not saying you do this, anon, bc obviously i have no idea who you are. but all of the above and what i said in my notes is about the people who actively, vocally talk shit about ccs like they're personally owed edited down videos when that just isn't the case and makes them look like jackasses.
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videostak · 8 months
rly strange weird thing happened last night that kinda has me in a idk just CYCLICAL feeling cause some1 who ghosted me like 4 years ago (i knew them from high school and they ghosted me like a year or so after it ended) and last night they texted me acting like nothing happened and just started up a conversation. well they said sorry but u kno just on the side like as if it hadnt been like 4 years.. this was like at 11 at night too so i dont kno i entertained the idea of conversation thinking she'd like kinda go more into why she hasnt contacted me these past 4 years. she's not one of the people i was particularly closee close to or even connected particularly well so it didnt even hurt me too bad when she ghosted me so like i dont even or cant even summon up the energy to like call her out on it cause i dont feel too strong abt it but it is v strange and .... weird. actually got a text in like idk 2020 or 2021 from a random number presumed someone i removed from my contacts apologizing for being m i a saying theyd make it up to me but when i asked who it was and that i mustve removed them from my contacts they didnt respond lol. i wonder if that was her. but also there were like 2 other people it also couldve been i wished i remembereed exactly what the text said cause if that previous text said m i a it couldve been the same person cause she also said m i a in reference to it . anyways i talked for a bit about how things were n stuuff but feel very dirty abt it . just letting someone treat me like shit and walk all over me again with no regards to my feelings like its been a long time since ive even talked to someone i kno irl so it feels so cyclical again and also my fault the way i act like completeley ok w/ ppl just treating me however and picking things back up whenever they want to. and also like idk the nerve of ghosting someone for 4 years and not even saying who u are when u do text them back like assuming theyd still have u in their contacts lol.. tho idk she did say that it wasnt just me and that she hadnt messaged any1 for like the past few years idk its v strange to not give any further explanation when it was getting later at night i texted that i was gonna go to sleep n stuff and she didnt respond and she hasnt texted today yet but its still p early i kinda hope she doesnt like idk we literally dont even have a single thing in common and i def feel like we have less in common now than back then. i also like idk dont rly kno what to do. im hoping she doesnt message again but i guess if she continues to ill be like umm hey lol. idk its so easy for ppl to walk all over me and make me do whatever like idk i think i really am easily manipulated as dumb as it sounds. like i v rarely object to being made to do things but theres no reason for me to even attempt to rekindle a friendship andthe fact that she message presumably intending to do so has to mean she like mustve gotten into a argument or smthn w/ her friends or smthn or that theres something idk. just made me feel so dirty and gross last night texting pretending
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b1mbodoll · 9 months
i have interacted nicely with you before. its not even the fact that you're flirting with your anons its the fact that you are interacting more than writing which is the whole purpose of your blog. if you start a blog and can't maintain it then don't start one at all. this whole "thirsts closed" thing is crazy with the fact that you centered your blog around it. i don't mean to be mean but you might as well change your blog to a interactive one. and the last ask was centered to you and 🪽 anon because you ARE doing too much and its a whole lot of nothing
am i not allowed to make friends with the people that enjoy my writing??? just because i post smut on my blog doesnt mean im not allowed to talk to my followers lmao.
this is such a dumb take like ur basically saying ur only mad im talking to people instead of working on what you requested.. if youre this pressed then just write it urself atp im not made just for your sole entertainment.
i do not get paid for writing, i choose to put forth effort into writing things and idk if you just cant multitask…but i can talk to people and write at the same time… and i can also post original thoughts and drabbles when rq’s are closed because although i wont be taking anymore requests, i still want to share this with you guys??? does that make sense ?
anyway you are not entitled to my energy nor do you have any right to tell me what to post on my blog. dont bitch at me for being slow with requests just bc ur mad i didnt post what you wanted yet
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okthatsgreat · 1 month
So it's mentioned that the false backstories and simulations will 'enhance' participants talents so they can actually be 'Ultimate' talents. How well does each of your ocs actually cope with the fact that on some level they're talents aren't as good as they are in the simulation/their memories?
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. oooooo......................... this one is gooooddd...........................................
FOR A LITTLE ADDITIONAL CONTEXT in this au of mine team danganronpa tends to exaggerate the abilities of the ultimates in order to make them truly appear like "the best of the best", to the point where there is often dissonance between what they are capable of in the simulator versus what they can actually do outside of it. for example, simulator gonta can lift a manhole cover with two fingers, real life gonta can still pick it up but not THAT easily lmao.
OH ALSO!!! because this only applies to the dr:50th kids this wont include billie/sae/andi !!!!!
mika: average inside, average outside. nothing was really changed all that much in regards to her abilities so she's all good lmaoo
ryobe: see i was really debating what that would mean for this guy but i really think he's fine with the jump from virtual reality to reality lmfaooo. or at least THIS aspect of it. i dont even think danganronpa really exaggerated his "talents" all that much. like yes his success in content creation is EXTRAORDINARY in comparison to the average person and would be near impossible for him to achieve if he wasnt this fictional version of mr beast that team danganronpa created, but he's still an extremely popular guy outside of the simulator!! he's just as charismatic too, and still gets the same media attention he's used too even if it's a little different. honestly the real difficulty is losing the team of people he made videos with/losing his channel, but that came with discovering the truth of team danganronpa rather than a shift in his abilities and talent, if that makes sense. overall he's pretty chill (for a guy whose entire life is a lie)
yoshito: team danganronpa definitely played up yoshito's ability to connect and help people with his talent, and i think he's in for a bit of a rude awakening if he tries it outside of the simulator lol. simulator yoshito had a solution for every client and was able to ease their fears just by stepping into a room, real world yoshito is definitely not capable of pleasing every single person!! team danganronpa really wanted him to appear like this miracle worker who hardly ever had a bad day on the job, but he is nottttt going to be able to help every single person like he did in the simulator
erin: SIMILAR TO YOSHITO team danganronpa absolutely played up her ability to connect with her audience and the tolerance level that people have for her constant energy lmao. she's still great with kids and a fantastic entertainer, but she is a lotttttt less accepted in the real world. i also think she's a bit less pitch-perfect as well!! simulator pippy had that autotune pitch whenever she pulled out her ukulele and started making up a song, real world pippy is a little more raw with her vocals and needs a tad bit longer to come up with something. i also like to think that she gets worn out a bit more easily, as well!!! the girl whose body she took over was not jumping around singing and smiling all day lmao
rie: this is where it gets interesting because i really think that they digitally enhanced rie's appearance... NOT LIKE. FULL COSMETIC SURGERY OR ANYTHING but very minor changes that make her look perfect and doll-like. simulator rie never got acne, had a flawless body and flawless skin, had well-kept hair and an appearance that looked like a walking instagram filter basically. and while she definitely obsessed over these details in her own time and worked very hard to keep herself that way, minor things were done by team danganronpa!! which means that rie wakes up from the simulator with veryyy minor things changed about her appearance, and despite keeping up with the same routine she always does, if not MORE intensely, it just doesnt seem to go away. the body she is in has these tiny imperfections that stand out a LOT to rie, with scars and blots that she cant get rid of despite her tireless efforts. which im sure will not develop into a complex of any kind!
naomi: athletes are definitely gonna get fucked up a LOTTT jumping between the simulator and reality, and that absolutely includes naomi LMAO. simulator naomi was INSANELY speedy, with an extremely high sense of spatial awareness that allowed her to plan where her feet would step in the most effective and SAFE way possible. she was also dexterous and capable of a lot of gymnastic feats that are very tricky for the average person to master. leaving the simulator SUCKED FOR HER!!! she's in the body of a girl who did not have the years of training she did, and honestly was a bit frail. she's still tall, and she still has the KNOWLEDGE of how to do everything, she just lacks a lottt of practice. i imagine there is a rather extreme dissonance, because naomi knows she can be faster than this but she just CANT for some reason. she runs out of stamina a lot quicker. she can't pull herself during her first few runs out of the simulator. not to mention she isn't entirely as spatially aware anymore, meaning she trips badly and gets a lotttt of injuries just by mis-stepping
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thefanboyhub · 3 months
I need entertainment and online friends who will just vibe with me and be gay/autistic/chaotic with me.
You may be asking "But Karma! What do you have to offer us?"
My special interests are KOTLC, FNAF, and Markiplier, I can talk about them all day any day any era of them anything, ANYTHING.
My music taste is literally godly (I listen to just about everything, at least ONE song from every genre I discover.) And I'm willing to listen to anything you suggest and give actually honest feed back.
I will read your fanfiction religiously and praise you while giving feedback. I will also praise and give feedback (if asked) on your art! (Especially if you draw something for me, I will cry and absolutely cherish it)
I am always open to listen to you vent as long as you ask first and don't make it the only thing we talk about. If you want advice I can give that too! I've experienced a lot in life in a short amount of time.
I'm into all sorts of witch type of stuff. I don't judge religion as long as you don't judge me for being omnist/j (me and one of my father figures came up with the term as a joke. It means a follower of many but not one religion/practice).
I just want an online friend man 😭
Anyways. Message me or whatever, I'll give you my discord or Instagram or whatever we both have lol. Bye bye now.
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
Me not liking dark era has nothing to do with whether or not I like Oda, I am not someone who is particularly affected by my personal dislike of characters and I am very neutral on him as a character, I hate the way the fandom treats him like some kind of faultless perfect mary sue, but canonically I find him flawed and vaguely interesting, I just find other characters more intersting. The reason I dont like the dark era is cause its boring to me.
I mean, I love Beast ln as well as the movie but I didnt particularly enjoy the day I picked up Dazai, both have to do with Oda as well. I just dont find Oda particularly entertaining to read cause he has such a deadpan noir style delivery which can be a hit or miss for people. His perspectives are interesting but his delivery, at least in translation feel painfully drained of any energy. It becomes a chore to read through it.
I also never really got invested in him or found him compelling as a character because he always felt like he was gonna die and I barely even knew him enough to become attached. For a character as passive as him to be compelling to me I need a lot of time with said character and I didnt get it with him. Even with his whole child assassin backstory he feels more like a gary stu than a real rounded character and most of his obvious flaws are cute little quirks. I mean he has real flaws which i tend to latch onto because they humanize him but mentioning them is taboo in the fandom outside of tumblr.
On the flip side I really enjoy Adam's perspective in Stormbringer because it was so ridiculous and entertaining to see the world from the eyes of an AI brain. I feel like I need some sort of a hook to enjoy narrative voices and I am never quite able to find that hook in Oda's narration.
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