#i just never realized the extent of this one.
alilreader · 1 day
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader, Getting Flustered
requests open!!!!!!
“This never happened, do you understand?! If I find out you mentioned this to anyone, I’ll…” prompt by thepromptswhisper
contains: idk mild smut? they makeout. gets caught. sneaking out. characters are 3rd years, 18yos. probably doesnt follow canon due to me not knowing if theyre still in dorms by 3rd year.
warnings: mild smut, snacks, teasing
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You giggled to yourself, quietly of course, as you snuck through the darkened UA dorms. Excitement filled your veins as you thought about your actions.
"He's gonna love this..." you let your mind wander, as you clutched the handmade treats closer to your chest.
The truth is, you'd had a little something of a crush on a certain blonde for awhile now. He constantly crossed your mind at the most inopportune times.
That's what led you to sneaking around, just to visit his dorm, at 3am.
You'd known he was up, especially as your phone buzzed in your pajamas' pocket. No doubt a message from him. You confirmed this, as you gently removed your phone from it's place in your pocket.
💥Bakugou: Y/N, if you send me one more cat gif im going to blow you up 💥Bakugou: Serves you right going quiet on me 💥Bakugou: Y/N?
As you read the last message, you felt a twang of guilt from leaving him on delivered for so long. In reality, it'd only been about 15 minutes from his first message.
You chuckled lightly, at his clinginess. He would never admit it, but you knew deep down he cared about you to some extent.
Slowly, but surely, you eventually found your place in front of his dorm room. You rapped your fist on the door lightly, careful not to wake his neighbors.
You could hear a muffled groan from the other side, and even the clatter of objects as his footfalls neared the door. Your anxiety spiked for a split second. Had this been a bad time?
As soon as the thought crossed your mind, a grumpy looking Bakugou met your gaze. His crimson eyes softened at the sight of you, a slow blush rising to his cheeks.
You couldn't help but admire his build. His muscle glistened with sweat, the small lights littering the dorms basking him with a beautiful grace.
His bicep flexed as he held the door open, the divots catching your attention, as you followed his arm up to his face with your gaze.
"What the hell are you doing out here, dumbass?" the broad shouldered man grumbled, all the while looking mildly pleased to see you.
Your smile brightened, as you held out your goodies, a peace offering.
He scanned the box of treats, before inviting you inside, taking them in his grasp. You excitedly followed behind him, the scent of his room hitting you like a truck.
Due to his quirk, he produces a huge amount of sweat. While this is good for combat, it's rather embarrassing for his ego. For you, however, you just recognized the smell as him.
You scanned his room appreciatively, looking over the decor.
"Bakugou! I didn't know you were a collector!" you gasped, excitedly as you looked over some of his All Might merch. You knew he was a fan, but a nerd? Wow.
Before he could think much about it, munching on his new snacks, he found himself mumbling, "'S Katsuki..."
A bright blush quickly rose to his cheeks, heating him as he realized the weight of his words.
Sure, you two were close, known each other even before UA. But this was a new level of closeness.
Your grin widened at the new bond, "Right, Katsuki," you said, turning around. At the sight of him, blushing furiously, head in his hands, you couldn't help but blush yourself.
As if sensing your amusement, his flustered state turned to one of mild anger. You knew it wasn't directed at you. You couldn't help but laugh as he spat his words.
"This never happened, do you understand?! If I find out you mentioned this to anyone, I’ll…” he trailed off, thinking.
"You'll what, Katsuki?" you teased, almost jumping in place with excitement.
You were met with a growl in return, as he fought not to blow little explosions in your face. He floundered for a response, before settling on one that would fluster you just as much.
"You'll have to kiss me," he smirked, watching your face light up a cherry red.
"Um.. but to do that.. I'd have to actually tell someone... and then.. that must mean, um do you NOT want to kiss me than?" you mumbled, more to yourself thn anything as you stuttered out your response.
He grumbled at your stupidity. Of course, you'd take it literally and not as an invitation.
Without a second thought he was across the room, quickly covering the space between you. With each step he took forward, you took one back. It wasn't long before he had you pressed up against his desk.
His hands found themselves on both sides of your body, trapping you. "I see the way you look at me, always so observant. It's like you like me or something..." he whispered into your ear, sweeping your hair away.
"W-what? That's crazy!! I-I observe everyone! Equally!" he laughed, as you stumbled over your words.
He pressed a small kiss to your earlobe, so softly, you barely registered it. Your face was heated, so warm he could feel it radiating off of you.
To say you were embarrassed was an understatement.
His right hand found your chin, clasping it between his index and his thumb. You found yourself leaning into his grasp, eyes falling shut as you relaxed.
"Your face is a dead giveaway," Bakugou mumbled, with the confidence of a thousand men.
Before you could respond, or even open your eyes, you felt a hot mouth on yours, pressing you further into the desk.
His left hand found your waist, as your hands found his hair, tugging at small strands.
He nibbled your lower lip, wanting to be let in. You obliged, and found his tongue meeting yours.
The hand nestled in his hair soon found his back, as you traced every muscle. You could feel him smirking against your mouth, but all you could think about was how amazing he was at kissing you.
A twinge of jealousy filled you, as you thought about who he had practiced with. This just made you kiss him harder, a wave of possession washing over you.
Your mouths mended together as if they were made for each other. Your tongues, perfectly in sync.
His hand brought your waist closer to his navel, your chests pressed together. A moan was pulled from your throat.
As you were learning each other's bodies, you were broken apart by a knock at the door, followed by a disgruntled voice, "Break it up.. Y/N, come on out."
Your face flushed in embarrassment. "Yes, sir..."
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suzyblue0292 · 3 days
Rewatch - Dead Boy Detectives S1E1 - The Case of Crystal Palace
We are introduced to Edwin guarding Charles or the boys guardian each other
The bickering
They are time cards not library cards.
Does the show often say one thing and show another? REVISIT
“Death will take us” v Death asking Wilfred if he is ready
The boxing scene is interesting given everything we learn about Edwin later - getting out of hell couldn’t have been easy he has to have more skill than Charles gives him credit for - or they want the audience to give him less credit
You are the brawn? - I feel like they want us to doubt the narrative. 
We are presented with Crystal as a good person. (Aside from being American apparently). Again we are being told one thing so we are blindsided by the other. 
The looks on the boys' faces when they observe Crystal. 
We never see them as relaxed looking as they are in the office again. 
Edwin knows how to knit.
Was there a debate over the disguises?
She has her purse and phone. Does the memory loss prevent her from reading her contacts/ID?? 
Charles does not hesitate to call Edwin on his BS - he also knows that Edwin is jealous (just not the exact nature of said jealousy) - but he said it himself during the boxing scene - he knows Edwin hates change - and the very first thing we see him doing in the next scene is defending Edwin to Crystal
This is also how we learn about the “Clerical error” - is this the extent of Charles’ knowledge or the best way he has to explain it?
We start to see the meaner side of Crystal but Charles' good nature still acts a deterrent from following that to a conclusion.
Charles’ admits that part of the reason its so good to talk to Crystal is because she’s living and his age - they probably don’t meet a huge amount of teenage ghosts - although I would guess they might have more unfinished business than most - I have a feeling its the living part that’s the biggest appeal
What is Edwin doing with the coffee??
Why are you warning Edwin about the cleaver, Charles? 
Crystal is carrying a considerable amount of cash - but no cards?
Edwin gets them a clue quickly through mirror travel. - The Cat King and his little bracelet are quite the plot devices. 
Why so rude to the cat Charles?
Also did the Crow not tip off the whole witch thing?
Crystal seems so young and vulnerable when she realizes the girls are staring.
Crystal’s mind is so desolate - all the broken picture frames - empty memories - the three eyeballs should have given it away though - “the third eye”
We know they can travel by mirror, and the normal way, but can ghosts travel through ether? How do they get in front of Crystal?
Poor Charles, no it’s not a competition but Crystal and Edwin are both terrified in their own right.
Every demonic case must be a nightmare for Edwin and now he realizes they didn’t get rid of the demon. He only knows how to express his fear in terms of case work though. 
The flashback: Simon is so clearly reaching out, but Edwin is so clearly expecting to be bullied. And the shot of him marching against the flow of other students, bless.
Its also so heartbreaking that Edwin is terrified BEFORE there is any sign the demon sacrifice will work. God only knows what he thought those boys would do. 
Five other boys died with Edwin and it seems like Sa ’al obliterates their bodies. Was there anything for the school to give the parents to bury? Just ashes? No wonder it was deemed an act of God. Six boys either vanished or reduced to ashes. 
And no wonder the memory drives Edwin to recklessness. 
Jenny laying down the hard truth. 
“I get angry. It's like knowing you have a home but being unable to get there.” Poster child speaks to poster child.
Yeah, I totally thought Niko was going to be the love interest.
Why never tell Edwin? Because he really can’t go home?
I try to be extra happy for all of us. - Oh Charles.
And now the boy who was dragged to hell learns that Crystal chose her demon. Ouch.
Edwin isn’t just yelling at Crystal. He’s reminding Charles too. “You are sharp and fun, but this isn’t a game.”
They are such vulnerable children, and then so cute as they plot.
Poor Jenny. She doesn’t doesn’t even get paid teacher’s wages for this shit.
Edwin does a good job of actually telling Crystal the stakes with the plastic girl bit. She  might be cottoning on. 
Charles is comforting Crystal, but holding Edwin.
Note that Charles doesn’t roll his eyes or dispute “and we’re punishing you.” After Edwin’s outburst and Crystal’s confession his loyalties seem to have tipped back a bit.
Why doesn’t it trip Edwin that Esther left her kettle on? It worried me from word go.
Again, Charles is the brawn but Edwin is the one checking out the weird witch’s lair.
So many fucking shoes.
I love Esther. I know I shouldn’t but….
Can Charles actually understand the Crow?
Edwin has such poor form, but he does as well as Charles when it comes down to it.
Round 1 of Esther underestimating Crystal
Edwin goes straight to help Crystal, despite his concern for Charles possessing Esther. 
Okay was anyone else expecting that kid to get mowed down crossing the street?
Oh Charles, counting your chickens to soon is a bad idea.
It’s interesting that Charles possessing someone sets off an alarm for them both - this must not be the first time they’ve tangled with the afterlife for them to have a joint file.
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fluentmoviequoter · 24 hours
Speak Up
Requested Here!
Pairing: David 'Deacon' Kay x shy!fem!reader
Summary: Your shyness makes it hard to speak up for yourself. Your boyfriend Deacon makes it easy.
Warnings: angst?, reader is belittled and harassed, fluff and comfort!
Word Count: 1.7k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Deacon Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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Deacon Kay is unlike any other boyfriend you’ve ever had. Though you are used to disappointment and broken relationships, many of which you blame on your shyness, you know that what you have with Deacon is different. Your relationship is fairly new, you’ve been together less than a year, yet you survived the honeymoon phase and the weeks that followed. Perhaps the most incredible part of Deacon and the relationship you’re building with him is how he treats you. From the beginning, Deacon acknowledged your shyness but has never abused it or treated it as a flaw. He supports you, talks for you when you struggle, and has never shamed you for being shy or falling into quiet moments.
As you move around your home, getting ready to meet Deacon, you realize that Deacon doesn’t know the full extent of your shyness. He knows that you have trouble talking to strangers and look away when he compliments you to hide your warming cheeks. The other part, the one that leads you to be quiet because you know people won’t listen even if you did speak, the one that drives you to watch videos on how to stand up for yourself, is the side that Deacon hasn’t seen. Your phone buzzes and you forget about your struggles being shy as you see Deacon’s name appear on the screen.
You smile at his text, a simple message that he’s looking forward to seeing you. Once you’re ready, you slide your phone into your bag and exit your home. Deacon often runs late for dates, but you don’t mind waiting for him. You’d wait forever for a man like Deacon.
At the restaurant, you linger by the door for a moment. There was no sign of Deacon’s car in the parking lot, but it’s so busy tonight that you wouldn’t be able to see him even if he was here. You consider asking the hostess if Deacon’s here yet, but there’s a crowd around her stand.
“Are you in line?” someone asks behind you.
“No, sorry,” you answer softly as you step out of the way.
“What was that?” the woman asks.
You shake your head this time, and she laughs in your face. There’s nothing to say in response to that, nothing you want to say at least, but when she turns and calls her friends over, your eyes drop to the floor.
“Aw, she can’t even talk,” one of her friends says over their laughter.
“Did you get stood up, honey?” the first woman adds. “I can see why.”
With your eyes on the floor and your bottom lip pinched between your teeth, you don’t see Deacon walk in. You also don’t see him stop to watch the high-school-level bullying you’re facing just for being quiet. He wonders how often you deal with this; how many people have treated you like a doormat that can’t argue rather than the amazing, beautiful woman you are.
“Hey,” Deacon says as he walks to your side.
You close your eyes and sigh in relief when his arm circles your shoulders. However, you tense when you realize what he just witnessed.
“Go back to your table and harass each other,” Deacon tells the woman.
“We were just having a little fun, handsome,” she argues.
“I’m not.”
She rolls her eyes and leads her friends away, whispering about you even as they leave. You want to take Deacon’s hand and thank him, but he steps back before you can.
“Come on,” he urges kindly.
You allow him to take your hand and follow Deacon to your table. Rather than sit across from him, you slide into the same side of the booth and look toward Deacon. He smiles at you, his eyes nothing but caring and loving. Nothing like the judgemental look of the women earlier.
“Thank you,” you murmur. “But it’s fine. I’m used to it.”
“It’s not fine,” Deacon argues firmly but kindly. He takes your hand and presses a kiss to your knuckles. “And you shouldn’t be used to it.”
You shrug, and Deacon raises his other hand to your jaw. He cups it gently as he repeats, “It’s not fine. And what they said wasn’t true. You’re not different or undesirable.”
You nod; the only reason you believe him is because he shows you daily.
“You deserve better than that,” he continues. “I’m not going to convince you to stand up for yourself if that’s not what you want. This isn’t about becoming someone you’re not to stop that from happening, okay?”
“I know,” you assure.
“Besides, you don’t have to do anything about people like that when I’m here.”
You chuckle as he puffs his chest, then lean against his shoulder as you examine the menu before you. Speaking up for yourself won’t be easy any time soon, maybe never, but you know that Deacon will always be here to tell you the truth.
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Deacon thinks that he can read you well, and after what he witnessed at the restaurant, he’s convinced that he is getting even better and knowing what you need and want without asking. As you sit on his couch the next evening for movie night, he gets confirmation.
Your legs are folded underneath you, but your shoulders are rigid as you toy with your fingers. You need something, Deacon thinks, and though he’s told you everything here is as much yours as it is his, you struggle to help yourself to what you want. And sometimes, you can’t bring yourself to ask.
“Are you okay?” Deacon inquires during a lull in the movie plot.
You nod and send him a small smile in reply.
“I’m going to the kitchen for a refill. Do you need anything?”
Your eyes drop quickly, but you answer, “No, thanks.”
“You can talk to me, you know that, right? Anything you want to ask, I’ll do it,” Deacon adds.
“I…” You pause as you try to find the right words to say. “Thanks.”
“Most people, in the past, I mean, tried to force me to talk. When they thought I needed something, they kept pushing, but that makes it worse. So, thanks for inviting me to ask.”
Deacon’s jaw clenches quickly. He gets angry for you sometimes, and upon hearing that people have pushed you to talk when you are obviously shy angers him tonight. There’s no reason to force you to talk, Deacon thinks, because you’ll ask when you’re ready. And the more comfortable you get, the quicker it comes. Last week you left his side to get a snack and he’d never been so happy to be abandoned on the couch. But right now, rather than letting his anger show, Deacon pulls you into a hug. You happily wrap your arms around one of his and lean closer to his side as the move continues.
Deacon can’t help but smile when you ask, “Do you have more popcorn?” ten minutes later.
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“Can you help me with something?” you ask Deacon.
“Of course,” he answers without hesitation.
“You don’t know what it is yet.”
“Of course,” he repeats firmly.
“Okay… I want to learn to speak up for myself. If I can.”
“You can.”
“Online it says to be prepared, identify your feelings, be assertive, set boundaries, and be confident. I don’t know if I can do all of that all the time.”
“You’ve researched this?” Deacon asks.
“Is that weird?”
“No, no, and it’s good advice, but a lot to remember. Maybe that’s just my brain getting old.”
You laugh and gently shove Deacon’s shoulder. He grabs your wrist and uses it to pull you closer.
“What if, next time someone says something you don’t like, you ask them to stop? Not much to remember and it would be over quickly.”
You nod as you lean against Deacon’s chest. “What if they don’t stop?”
“Walk away.”
Before you can ask if Deacon has any advice on what to say, he kisses you, and you forget about the question. With Deacon beside you, you feel like you can do anything. Even learn to stand up and speak up for yourself.
“Can I have another kiss?” you ask boldly after he pulls back.
Deacon smiles and rewards you with several kisses instead of the one you asked for.
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Waiting in the police station isn’t something you do often. Deacon usually meets you in HQ, but he’s in a meeting, so you take a seat in the lobby.
“Hey, aren’t you dating Sergeant Kay?” an officer asks.
You look up and nod, surprised that anyone can recognize you as Deacon’s girlfriend.
“Yeah, you’re the one that never talks. How can you think he actually loves you if he doesn’t even know you?”
“I’d rather not talk about my relationship with you,” you respond.
Your soft and polite version of asking him to stop only spurs him to continue. As the officer continues making inappropriate and unwelcome comments about how unhappy Deacon must be with you, you stand. Deacon once told you that you were welcome to come into HQ if he was running late. So, you’re taking his advice to leave the situation because the person you spoke up to didn’t listen.
“Who will do all your bidding when Deacon gets tired and leaves you?” he asks, following you into the hallway.
“Stop,” you demand.
“Or what? You’ll give me the silent treatment?” the officer taunts.
“Officer Duncan!” Deacon calls as he enters the hall. “Sounds to me like you’re interested in armory duty.”
“Sergeant Kay,” he replies quickly. “No, sir, I was just talking to your girlfriend here.”
“Really? Because it sounded to me like you were pushing her after she told you to stop. Do you do that often, Duncan? I’m sure IA would love to make an inquiry into your treatment of women on and off the force, if so.”
“I’m sorry,” Officer Duncan tells you. “Excuse me.”
Deacon smiles once you’re alone and hugs you tightly.
“You did so well,” he applauds quietly.
You duck your chin to hide against his shoulder, but the truth is that you’re proud of yourself, too. The shyness inside you won’t disappear, but with Deacon teaching you to speak up for yourself and helping you when you can’t, it’s not so bad.
“I love you,” you say against Deacon’s shoulder.
“I love you,” Deacon replies.
He proves it with a kiss, and you find that you’re not shy about the public affection. Deacon is good for you, and he always will be.
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nanabansama · 23 hours
In this post I touched upon how Amane's quote in Ch. 111 matches what his mother says about Tsukasa in Ch. 79. I thought this was interesting, but wasn't completely happy with my conclusions about the two scenes.
While I like the idea that Amane is quoting his own mother to some extent, one thing I undermined is that Amane seems to realize there's something different about Tsukasa before even their mom does.
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While the readers can see a giant, unnerving hole in Tsukasa, it's likely that Amane didn't. That said, I think it's meant to represent something to Amane in this moment, that being a sense of unease he can't place. His reaction says it all really: he's not overcome with joy that his brother is back, but looks surprised. Like something is off.
I think there are a few possibilties here. First, it's possible Amane did echo his mother's word because it resonates with how he felt: that his brother had been replaced by something else on the inside. He just didn't have the right language to express his thoughts beforehand.
Second, I think it's fun if Amane is saying this completely coincidentally. We never know if his mother mentioned her misgivings about Tsukasa to Amane directly, after all. She gets extremely upset at the temple but that doesn't mean she acted like that at home, in the presence of Amane who is still a young child. I do find it highly unlikely Amane never knew something was up, but it's totally possible his mom never directly told Amane about it and talked about it where he couldn't overhear.
I could swing either way really but I enjoy Amane being swayed by his mother's opinions since I think it adds an interesting thread to the story. Being a "tsukasa is still tsukasa" truther myself I also like that Amane could tell something was off but came to the wrong conclusion, perhaps influenced by outside forces like their mother.
Either way you swing it's a pretty minor difference overall, and personally I don't think Amane is any kind of authority on Tsukasa anyway and has in fact been shown to be wrong about him several times, but it's still important to remember he's always known that something was amiss with Tsukasa regardless of what their mom thinks.
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novabl · 23 hours
Am I the only one that thinks yashiro will be the first to crack between he and doumeki? I saw the summary and with how the ending went it seems like his close to his breaking point.
Unlike popular belief, he really isn't that good with hiding his emotions, there's always a crack,that's why I'm surprised that kageyama never saw through to yashiro, with doumeki it's worse for him because of the history they've shared and him knowing that doumeki once loved him.
You don't know what you had till you no longer have it, that's the case for yashiro, how that doumeki is back in his life and they are now sex partners it has way more strain on him because the time they've spent apart made him realize he doesn't want to lose him again, so he's trying to hide those feelings by bottling them up and pretending like it's just sex but I don't think he'll be able to go on much longer, I think all doumeki just needs to do right now is too probably make him jealous with that madam and all hell will break loose.
What do you think? Am I reaching or is it possible?
No, I definitely think Yashiro is the one who will crack. Yashiro is being taken out of the investigation by now both Misumi and Tsunakawa meaning that not only is Doumeki having sex and just leaving, he will be actively in danger as well. Yashiro has already shown that he will get violent if Doumeki is hurt or in danger in any way. He’ll even kick Doumeki’s ass if he endangers Yashiro’s boyfriend lol. Honestly, I don’t think Yashiro is all that good at hiding his emotions either; most people just never cared enough to look deeper. Ryuzaki did to an extent but he still had some misguided notions about Yashiro. I def have a lot to say about this chapter including things about Yashiro and Doumeki’s new dynamic and Yashiro and Kage but I really want to wait until I see the chapter because seeing their expressions help a lot in analysis. The last page is drawn in a way that shows Yashiro crying. I originally thought it was a hopeful smile but it was not and I think this whole sex deal is eating away at Yashiro. Speaking of Izumi, I think Yashiro would feel betrayed if he sees Doumeki with her. I think Yashiro is feeling betrayal with certain aspects of Doumeki overall and it is all going to explode. I also have mentioned a lot that I think Yashiro will be the one to take the lead since we have already seen Doumeki take the risk and I’ll elaborate in a separate post I make about Doumeki and Yashiro later but all in all, I also think Yashiro will be the one to give in.
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 hours
I like your theory of Louis bringing Daniel specifically to Dubai to interview him because he’s “the one tool to crack” Armand. It seems more likely now after hearing Louis in the new trailer saying he will never forgive Armand/Armand saying he will try to earn Louis’ forgiveness for his whole life. This exchange makes sense if Louis knows something of Armand’s part in Claudia’s death. Also especially so if one remembers Armand’s line in the trailer of how he betrayed Louis once (“…and it wasn’t in San Francisco”). I’m also very curious however of what happened in San Francisco which Armand is referring to here…? So Louis remembering how Daniel was even at that time able to help him process his story - in addition to being somewhat of a weakness for Armand makes sense with him inviting Daniel now.
What will be cleared up and is unknown to Louis is, as speculated before, probably the extent of the betrayal. This has been stated before but Louis probably at first believes that the extent of the betrayal is Armand seemingly (or actually) chooses to sacrifice her to the coven to save Louis? The revelation for Louis at the end of the season could then be that Armand played a bigger part in her demise. It makes sense to me that after the upcoming episode five Daniel will be even more suspicious of Armand and be open about these suspicions with Louis. Especially since Louis will realize that there are things he outright doesn’t remember (as revealed in trailers). This is probably the beginning of his and Daniel’s alliance, as mentioned in interviews. And is what will lead into the last three episodes.
So I like the theory but I’ve become more doubtful if Louis knows of Armand’s previous relationship with Daniel (if Devil’s Minion happened). I’m basically going back and forth about it. Louis did believe for a second that Armand meant Louis should kill Daniel in their bedroom scene in the opening episode. But the reason for my doubt is mostly because we know from screeners that no romantic relationship between Armand and Daniel has been revealed by the sixth episode. Which means that if Louis and Daniel get on more or less the same page by the end of the next episode Louis still decides not to reveal this to Daniel? Which is not necessarily fully improbable to be fair. Could be related to why Daniel’s memories are missing, or Louis might be respecting Armand’s wishes not to reveal this to Daniel. It does also feel somewhat unlikely to me that Armand would be having a secret affair with Daniel while together with Louis. Maybe a bit more likely if after San Francisco and the first interview they go through an emotionally cold period… Or as suggested Daniel becomes their ‘third’ for a while. If it’s the latter however, I feel that Louis would have revealed that to Daniel by the next episode’s end? I mean Daniel’s request is to remember what happened between them... The show has made a thing about Armand and Louis picking up guys and Louis picking up Daniel is a part of that pattern. What do you think? Given that there doesn’t seem to be any footage filmed of Luke and Assad together outside of Prague I’m inclined to believe we won’t see a DM “chase” this season. If DM happened and will be revealed by the season finale, which I desperately hope, I think it might just be a single memory Daniel suddenly recalls. I’m incredibly curious to how such a revelation will impact the dynamics in Dubai, though I’m confident that the truth about Paris will already do that to a much bigger extent. Would really appreciate to hear what you think! And what @cbrownjc thinks as well if you’d like to share. Thank you!
Louis canonically knows. And tells Armand, too. Which seems to be exactly what is happening there.
As per what is being hidden from Louis - I think it is the cut out Merrick pages, because the content of those pages canonically break the proverbial camel's back. But yes, there are things wrt Armand's actions that both Daniel and Louis will remember, and that will have them form an alliance.
I... doubt all the screeners/reviewers caught the "Devil's Minion" vibes. I wouldn't go by that, because most don't seem to get the implications here at all (as with other things as well).
The relationships between vampires work differently. Armand and Daniel would not be having an "affair", even if Louis would have been around and/or even part of it. It's not like that for them. They are immortal. Why would they care for flings? And when it became more... then it would be seen as something precious, because their relationships are coveted things, ultimately, because there's, relatively seen, a handful of vampires out there - the options are limited, and their existence very lonely.
And Louis... can only reveal what he remembers. And I think there's quite a few gaps there wrt San Francisco.
I think ep5 will be the horror beginnings of DM and the beginning of the chase... and in ep8 Daniel will remember that he "loved this thing". Which will open all that up to the future seasons.
As per their impact... while I do think it has huge impact - I am not sure we will see all that impact this season - because this is still Louis' story. Oh, there's more to it all, of course. But Louis' big arc needs to be resolved first, and Rolin said we shouldn't jump too far ahead for DM.
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bananonbinary · 2 months
yeah no the agent orange thing is actually wild - my grandpa was drafted to vietnam and was exposed to it, which gave him health problems later in life that he ended up passing away from BUT the military insisted that he hadn't been exposed for a full ten years after he passed until they finally admitted a few months ago that yeah actually he had been exposed and our family was supposed to have been receiving financial compensation this whole time but they just. hadn't done that
and that's the way the US government treated an actual american who was exposed - it's so so much worse from the vietnamese perspective
yeah im reading the wikipedia article and it says
the Vietnamese Red Cross estimates that up to one million people were disabled or have health problems as a result of exposure to Agent Orange. The United States government has described these figures as unreliable, while documenting cases of leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and various kinds of cancer in exposed U.S. military veterans.
which, considering how very very neutral wikipedia tries to be, reads like a loud blaring "THEY WERE LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH"
also tho the part that gets me is like. i never knew about "herbicidal warfare" in general, that's....so evil. like, we were not even just using this weapon on soldiers (which would already be fucked up), we were trying to destroy the entire country itself? the land and animals and plants so even those who werent exposed are starving and destabilized??? just indiscriminately raining down death over vast swathes of land? what the FUCK.
that...genuinely sounds as bad as hiroshima and nagasaki to me, morally speaking. just...slower.
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slavhew · 1 month
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you win. try again?
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margridarnauds · 3 months
Working on Malla's gifset just reminds me of how canonically screwed she is as a Lolth-Sworn Drow
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bloodymarymorstan · 7 months
This might seem like a really dumb thing to make a post about but I have spent the last approximately 8 years waiting for the day when Marvel creates a well-written and satisfying queer relationship and I just came to the absolutely groundbreaking realization that that is most likely never gonna happen, not even primarily because of homophobia but more so because Marvel has basically never had a well-written and satisfying romantic relationship of any kind, ever.
Like, I think right now the main reason that there aren't any major queer couples in the MCU is because of homophobia, but if Marvel keeps making shit for several more decades, which they realistically will, I'm sure at some point they will actually start writing queer characters/relationships. The thing I've only just realized is that even when they do write those relationships they probably won't be that fun to watch because Marvel literally never chooses to do anything remotely interesting or nuanced with any of their relationships. They are all boring as fuck.
I honestly feel like I've seen the light now that I've realized this. Maybe now I can stop waiting for a Marvel project to truly satisfy me and accept the fact that the fanfiction/headcanons we come up with will always be better than what is canon in the MCU, and that will remain the case even when there is better queer rep.
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sysig · 1 year
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Haven’t seen your slimy face in a while (Patreon)
Bonus original concept sketches from 2018 (left):
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Tbh even I find some of these shapes kind of hard to read lol. Really showcases my style progression tho like woah - I was aiming at the time for a kind of shoujo-parody style anyway, but now I struggle with those kinds of shapes! I’m used to a much more cartoony, and darker, and smaller style haha
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This was all me tho lol, he’s just a gangly greasy fucker
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It’s uncanny right
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I had to put in a good bit of interpretation and filling in the details for this one lol - something like a punk vampire aesthetic?? He’s too good for the MC anyway lol, but that’s by design
#Doodles#Original#What do you mean 2018 was five years ago why have these characters existed on a single page for five years#Legit tho these were Such one-off characters that I never drew them again until now and didn't bother giving them a proper name#I called lame weirdo Seiji? <question mark included lol - the punk character didn't even get an outfit! Even a collar of a shirt!#I still remember the general beats of the intro at least which were kinda fun#Seiji? is passive person who goes with the flow to the extent that he kinda just lets people do whatever up to and including relationships#Leading to people hooking up with him looking for something serious and then when they realize he doesn't care they break up with him#And then he still doesn't care and goes on with his hedonistic lifestyle of Doing Whatever lol#He's meant to be Every Unlikeable MC basically haha - inexplicably attractive to others and infuriatingly indifferent#And then he meets up with his genre opposite - a devoted somewhat clingy guy who absolutely idolizes him while being ''unapproachable''#Someone's who's not disillusioned by Seiji?'s lack of reciprocation and just uses it as an in to keep getting closer and closer to him#This is what you get for being a passive care-nothing! This is karma! Lol#That's all I really remember it was basically a sitcom haha Silly slice of life nonsense#It was fun to come back to them after so long at least :) I didn't expect to! I didn't plan to!#I had a page set aside for a new concept (:3c) and started with a couple studies to try and chase the vibe and was reminded of they#The character I was studying off of had some slight similarities I suppose :0 But not like That much haha#Well whatever ♪ He made for a fun warmup and if he helped inspired the next set then I'm all the happier for it! Thanks Seiji?! Lol
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5 songs I’ve been listening to on repeat
thank youuuu @mooshkat for the tag!! ❤️
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I’ve been rotating between all of endless summer vacation and Wisconsin since they both came out so really. count those songs as the whole albums hehe :))
no pressure @lilbuddie @shortsighted-owl @the-likesofus @wheelsupin-five @paqerings @the-likesofus @ajunerose
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cloudbells · 8 months
There's this one Stucky infidelity fic that I really like. I re-read it every so often as well because it's really well done. But I was thinking about how...I don't think I'd be as open to reading that same fic if it were Stony. There's just something about that kind of betrayal in my OTP that I can't forgive (and I had a hard enough time forgiving Bucky along with Steve in the fic I read). Like, for Stucky, it's a ship I like, but it's not my main, so I'm able to enjoy it for what it is, but for Stony, I'd be genuinely and wholeheartedly invested. And it would probably just tear me up inside.
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The amount of people who believe Jerad is nonhuman is higher than zero and it really amuses me. “Oh wow I can’t believe Virgil is falling for his lies, he must be a vampire” no he’s just an abusive jerk. 
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universalsatan · 2 years
can’t tell if i’m confusing wanting to look like almost stereotypically macho men or just being wildly attracted to them. or both i guess
#i mean i always used to say bi dilemma but im realizing this is mostly just gay now godbless. trans rights#for context. im thinking like. young harrison ford (i Know.; the reason im saying this is i remember Both my mom and dad acknowledging him#as the og Macho Man™️) and because it crossed my dash. jackles. but not really young jackles like s1 dean but matured jackles like more rece#it’s funny cause in practice. the person ive been pursuing (while Also an idiot. maybe i should just accept myself as morosexual at this#point) is actually. very effeminate HAHAHDHAHSJDHSJ#to the extent that my mom has thought he was gay in the past. i was talking about him to my sister and she asked if he was gay LMAO#which is hilarious because as far as i know (and ive known him for… almost 6 years ig? pined for almost 5). i’m Only aware that hes had a#crush on a girl ages ago. but this was also thru a secondhand source we’ve never actually talked about that#we probably should but we’re both idiots i have no idea how it’d be brought up#but in terms of effeminate. hm. he’s actually Really tall maybe over 6ft? and he Can have a deep voice. i think he can sing bass? but he#actually speaks in a higher register. god i wonder if he’s doing the opposite of me. who’s always consciously deepend my voice LMAO#he’s a HUGE plant enthusiast. HUGE. i dont Think he’s ND (or at least he doesn’t from what i can tell. I get vibes) but he straight up has a#plant fixation. knows so much about care. when he worked in greenhouses he learned the latin names for a good portion of them. i know this#isnt exactly ‘effeminate’ but he does all the gardening. oh and to add to it ig. i dont know HOW. he was NOT. irked by gore and blood???#when i explained to him what my potential job as a crime scene cleaner could entail??? but he cannot STAND bugs. he FREAJED OUT (over text)#at the mention of a spider. so of course. me being the 8yo boy with a playground crush. proceeded to tell him all my Fun Spider Encounters#lets see i think he also really loves to bake? ive seen these elaborate cakes (tp roll for covid. a fish) he’s made on insta. and there was#that one time he brought me those three most MOIST chocolate cupcakes with raspberry buttercream icing. i deadass ASCENDED to heaven.#food IS the way to a man’s heart btw.#oh yeah and the fact that i met him in the first place — well. i play oboe in ensembles. and he’s flute/piccolo. yeaHAHSHAHSHH#LMAO remembering that while he doesnt keysmash (i’ve started to around him. it’s mostly emojis bless his heart) he deadass called me ‘hun’#oh and the best part? i couldnt think kf what to watch. and he’s over here saying he doesnt watch ANYTHING. like bro how do u NOT. listen to#any music past 1900. OR OPERA EITHER. and NOT have any favorite movies/shows??? wh??? like. he deadass was like ‘unless [gardening channel#on youtube] counts’ like girl i am so in love#but yeah i was literally sitting there sounding like a pretentious film nerd bro i cant fuckin believe it. but i FINALLY wriggle it out of#him. because apparently he cant concentrate on most movies (valid.). the ones he CAN are cheesy chick flick comedies#saying that he can recite 90% of mean girls. thats his favorite movie#and he also mentioned like. legally blonde#and i have a feeling he almost was avoiding it in case i would judge him or whatever but ngl i honestly fell harder HAHSHSJAJDJAJ#fuck 30 tags but let’s just say. very effeminate compared to me. a full on Dad
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mxdotpng · 1 month
the soremik in my head is so vastly different from anyone elses idea of them that i fear if i ever speak out on the subject i'll have rocks thrown at me. but once again they are allowed to look but never touch. you have to expect this from me by now.
#.text#its for an actual reason this time outside of general preference though!#to sorey the best time to have told mikleo he loves him was before he met alisha. and then after. well. thats his secret now#i near constantly think about how sorey views his duty as shepherd. it is not just a title -- it is like chains.#he knows he is going to die some day. and its clear that after he becomes shepherd he knows its going to be soon.#i think a lot of the optimism sorey has is true. to an extent -- he believes the things he says to others.#but he knows some of them are lies.#its a kind of 'if i say it enough times and if i try hard enough then i can will it to be true' kind of mentality#which more often than not writes him off as naive and ignorant. and in some cases that is true. but in others he is often right. which is#why that optimism sounds like pure optimism rather than him trying to force things to turn out well#which is in turn connects to how he knows being the shepherd isnt something that comes without cost. it isnt just the weight that hurts him#and you know he knows this because the realization that he must become maotelus' vessel is not one that comes suddenly#to him. it has always been there. he knew this was going to happen. he does not fear it -- not entirely. it isnt the act of#sleeping or dying that scares him. its what comes after. but not for him. for the people around him.#he is never scared for what may happen to him. only of what may happen to others and how it affects them.#honestly the fact that this mentality came naturally to him is so startling... it came out of nowhere. only was this born#from the way that he loves and protects others. nothing else.#which turns right back around to mikleo. the shepherd is chained down by fate. he will not do the same to mikleo#i think he would do it because he believes hes protecting mikleo of the heart break. because more than anything sorey wants him#to live. after hes gone he wants mikleo to live. and i genuinely cannot think of their relationship as otherwise#because i know full well that the moment mikleo and sorey found out that sorey is human and he is going to die. it changed everything#even if it changed nothing it changed everything.#im going to love you for all of my life and youre going to miss me for the rest of yours. type of relationship.#not to mention sorey has this really large savior complex -- he knows he is hurting himself by doing this (by doing everything#really. the first thing that comes to mind is allowing alisha to become his sublord. if he dies because of their pact#but saves at least one life because of it. then so be it)#but is saving mikleo. which obviously isnt the case. thats never been the case.#but that is how it is and how it must always be.#sorry for the sorey essay. it will happen again
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