#i just remember seeing it everywhere awhile back
trifoliate-undergrowth · 11 months
So I’m in a deeply red incredibly conservative state.  I ran a pride month 5k awhile back. The usual group of 3 protestors with an incredibly loud bullhorn showed up to yell at us about how trans people are mutilating themselves and AIDS is God’s judgement and we’re a menace to children etc. etc. etc. But they were vastly outnumbered by runners and volunteers. One of the first race announcements was that they hadn’t ordered enough T-shirts for the amount of people who ended up running, and would have to reorder, so anyone who wanted another race T-shirt should sign up now.
We’re all used to the protestors by now, they show up everywhere. We just ignore them. Interacting with them just encourages them.
I hadn’t realized how early the race date was this year compared to previous years and hadn’t prepared as much, and there were a lot of hills; not to mention there was some confusion as to the race route which resulted in the announcer referring to it post-run as a “4-mile 5k” (they are supposed to be about 3.5 miles. One guy ended up in an entirely different district of the city from where the race route was and still finished first.) I ended up walking a lot of the race, but I finished it, and did do a fair bit of running.
I had top surgery a few years ago but I’ve only gotten comfortable running shirtless this year as body fat redistribution happened. I had been trying to decide if I wanted to run shirtless or not before the protestors showed up and started yelling, then I was like ah. I will run past the transphobes shirtless like a human middle finger. And that is what I did. was wearing delightfully garish rainbow shorts I found at a thrift store and my pink triangle necklace.
Some Americorps volunteers were directing runners at one of the more confusing junctions, I high fived one and panted that I had just joined Conservation Corps. The sound of angry bullhorn shouting faded almost immediately behind us, and there were rainbow flags hanging in several of the yards we ran past throughout the route.
As in previous years, a lot of tough incredibly fit beautiful older people, mostly women, breezed past me during the race. One jogged up even with me with an encouraging “what would you do for a klondike bar!” I wasn’t sure how to reply to this and didn’t have the breath to express that I did not want anything thick or creamy at that moment, but what did come out was “you did remind me that there’s beer at the finish line.” Another lady who walked and jogged near me for awhile near the middle-latter half of the race talked a bit and complained that one of the volunteers organizing the race hadn’t set up the “water” table with fireball shots that she did for some other races and we just got a regular water and gatorade station!
Coming back to the finish line I was handed a flag and ran past long rows of cheering people. Around the corner the protestors were still lurking, but were mostly silent now. Apparently they had gotten worn out by just standing there and not running. As I passed the bullhorn guy shook himself out of his torpor enough to give a halfhearted “is it a man? is it a woman? who knows anymore?” I passed him and the sound of cheering, and then the 80s music (I remember Blondie and ABBA) they were blasting closer to the finish line.
Once most of the runners were back there was a fun run for the kids. A couple of the older ones had also run the 5k (I just know the protestors were awful to the poor guys ughh) but all of them made a lap around the parking lot and got handed medals. All of the adult volunteers and participants spread out around the middle of the parking lot so that there was someone cheering and waving flags for the kids along every step of the route.
There were free snacks, water and beer courtesy of our sponsor [brand redacted]. There was also non-alcoholic “beer”, which I thought was nice to see, I’d been thinking there was a heavily alcoholic element to a lot of local queer events. I drank a lot of water and ate some food before getting a free beer, which still hit me pretty hard after the run. While I was hovering around the refreshment table a big handsome butch came up next to me and I noticed a faded tattoo on her arm of a chain, each link a different color of the rainbow.
I went to put something down in my car just as the protestors were starting to leave, and realized that they were moving on a course that overlapped with mine as I walked to my car. I decided I wasn’t going to stop or veer out of their way and just see what they did. As I got closer they seemed to be talking about how we had definitely totally noticed that they were leaving (no one had.) They noticed me coming towards them and suddenly got quiet, avoided eye contact and skittered out of my way. Ha.
I stumbled into the nearby fundraiser to cool down and sober up in the air conditioning before I left. They were playing girl in red, rupaul, that girls/girls/boys song by Panic! at the disco, and that Taylor Swift song “You need to calm down” that some people on this site complained was cringe. The lady next to me sang along to “shade never made anybody less gay.” I bought a baseball hat.
It’s easy, I think especially if you’re very online and not very active in your local community, to start feeling like there’s no queer community in your area and we’re outnumbered by people who hate us. Unless you live in the middle of Westoboro Baptist territory that’s generally not true. I cannot stress enough how incredibly conservative and red my area is. We’ve got like 3 very loud people with nothing better to do who bother us at every event, and large amounts of people across all demographics who show up in support. I’ve been thinking about this post by @headspace-hotel about not being able to find stuff online and this is a slightly different thing but yeah. If you don’t know what there is in your area, you don’t know what you’re looking for or where to find it when searching online. If you search “is there queer stuff happening near me” google is going to shrug and recommend you Products And Services that it can Sell You. When I moved back home after spending some time in a much more blue state (but which had much less of a sense of community--I think it’s the way we band together down here when we know just what the stakes are) I felt like I was going to be the only trans person in the state, then someone mentioned to me that there was a local private facebook group for trans people to share personal posts and resources with many hundreds of members. There are more of us that aren’t on facebook. The Facebook group, though, introduced me to many more resources I hadn't known were in my area.
Get outside. Find some sort of local queer event and ask around. There will be other queer people. There is very likely something you’re interested in already happening or people who would love to work with you to start it if not. Even if you’re in a very red very rural state, you’re not alone, and chill or neutrally polite people vastly outnumber the few assholes, it’s just that the assholes are very loud and especially if you’ve been marinating in overwhelmingly toxic online environments it can feel like they’re everywhere. They’re not. Don’t give them that power.
The current legal landscape is terrifying and needs a lot of work but it doesn't reflect lived experiences. Get outside, find your local community, show up to in-person events if at all possible, it’s so encouraging.
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illustrious-ia · 2 months
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✶ ! [ 578 words ]
✶ ! [ CW: dark content, yandere themed, unhealthy obsession, overprotectiveness, stalking, potential ooc, written by non-fluent english speaker. ]
✶ ! [ Uniquant's Note: This abomination has been sitting in the basement for a month... I'm quite cringed at how messy the original hcs was, so it took me fairly a long time to make it acceptable (to me at least). Anyway, I hope u enjoy my monstrosity ♡ ]
✦ Request Status: Open
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✦【 Type: Overprotective, devoted 】
: Let's start with how or what the weapon itself sees in you, shall we? Well, just like any other weapon, he himself needs a master in order to have any purpose in existing. And in this case, the master of this particular weapon is you.
: Weapon and master bond are quite complicated to break. The master needs their weapon to protect themselves and the weapon needs the master to have use of them thus care for them.
: When someone threatens its bond, it's either up to you, the master who should command your Blade to rid of such interloper or he'll purge the foul soul himself till they depart unto the afterlife. Oh also, he's a unique weapon. Under certain circumstances, he would moves on his own to protect his master. How marvelous is that?
: Now let's move to how he behaves. He follows you everywhere. To the highest mountain peaks of the Divine Ship, to the bottomless pit of lies built upon the Dreamscape, he is right there, guarding your back from any potential misfortune charging in your way.
: He thinks he is not quite worthy of your attention yet he won't let others bask in it either. Such an abomination like himself shouldn't even breathe the same air as you, yet he appears unwilling to leave your side anytime soon due to his obstinacy and selfishness. He convinced himself that he is doing all of this as an effort to keep the mortal wounds which scarred his past self away from you.
: The only moment when he stands the same step as you is when he deems someone 'dangerous' approaching you. Even if you inform him that the said someone is harmless, at least to you. All he would do is back up and glare daggers at them as his sword long unsheathed ready to dig into the interrupter's neck if they dare to even flash any form of hostility toward you.
: Should he act like a sword, then, should he too sacrifice his flesh to protect you. He'd scathe himself only when it's needed of course. He does not want you to worry your hearts out because he was too careless in his previous battle. He might hurt himself a bit more so your attention lingers awhile on him or his wounds. Will stop if you scowl him for it. But alas, he tends to forget things, including your scoldings.
: Once in a while, he is befuddled by how fast his entire world changed. Was his encounter with you part of Elio's script? But at the same time it doesn't make any sense to him, since Elio has always been open about how any part of the script would go. Was The Equilibrium finally witness his suffering and opted to to alleviate his agony by directing his life changing-encounter with you?
: Either way, those thoughts swiftly vanish as he remembered that nothing really matters as long as he is still by your side.
: As a mere weapon, he shouldn't act this way. Yet here he is. YOU tampered with his broken self and infected it with deuced mortal desire. Since he is yours now, shouldn't you take care of him as a good master?
: He is a bit stubborn and rash sometimes. But it's all for the sake of your safety. So, please forgive him and his wrongdoings, if you see it fit, do punish him. For he believes that you could do nothing wrong.
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⋯ Copyright © 2024 by Illustrious-ia. Do not plagiarize, use for AI / Bot training, and re-upload outside of Tumblr.
All rights reserved.
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gentlyweeps-world · 6 months
Snow Check?
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summary: Driving to the annual McLaren Christmas dinner, you and Landon were aware of the snowstorm, but you didn’t expect it to be so bad.
pairing: lando norris x fem!reader
warnings: suggestive comments
“Shit..shit..shit!” Lando groans out, hitting his hands on the steering wheel as your car slows down, barely making it through the snowstorm.
You and Lando had plans to go to the annual McLaren Christmas dinner, but there was going to be a huge snowstorm, and well you two had definitely underestimated it.
“I’ll text Oscar..” You say with a sigh, pulling out your phone and sending Oscar a text about the situation you and Lando are in.
“Y/n darling.. What do we do?" Lando says with a chuckle. He looks out the window, snow is piling up everywhere. You both knew it was going to take awhile.
“I think we’ll just have to wait it out Lan..I mean we don’t have much of a choice” You say, looking out of the window at the heavy snow coming down.
“Well..we could always do other stuff.. right?.." He says, looking over to you in the passenger seat. A playful smirk on his face.
“Well actually, I have a gift for you…” You say with a grin, moving to reach back in the car you grab a small wrapped box, handing it to Lando.
“I was supposed to give it to you after the dinner but that’s not exactly happening anymore..” You add on.
“Oh? And what could my lovely girlfriend have gotten me..?” Lando asks with a smile. He takes the gift box and gives it a shake, trying to figure out what's inside.
“You’ll just have to open it and find out..” You say with a grin, watching him. "Alright then, alright then.." Lando says, as he carefully unwraps the present. Once it's unwrapped, he looks inside, a little bit excited to see what surprise you have for him.
You smile as you watch him unwrap the box, showing the new camera he had wanted. “Woah..Is this a new camera? I had mentioned it..how did you know?” Lando asks with a big smile on his face, looking at you.
“We’ll have to take some pictures with that then..” he says with a smirk, turning to you, ready to give you a kiss.
“Max mentioned that you had brought that camera up before so I wanted to get it for you, even if you could buy it yourself..” You say with a giggle, kissing him back.
“Oh yeah. I remember now talking to Max about that” Lando says with a chuckle. He puts the box to the side, wrapping his arm around you as the storm rages on around the windshield.
“I guess we have time to test it out now..” Lando says as he holds you closer, his lips only inches away from yours.
“I guess so..” You say with a chuckle, pressing your lips against his as he snaps the picture of you two kissing with the camera.
He pulls away for a moment, just to check the image and admire it. It's just as beautiful as he imagined.
"This is just perfect..thank you, my love.. " He gives you a tender and quick kiss. “Of course Lan, you deserve the best..” You say with a smile, leaning over the middle console and resting your head on his shoulder.
The feeling of your head laid against his shoulder is comforting. It's nice to be so close to you, and he wants to be right here with you.
As the time goes by, Lando checks his phone, it's been so many hours and the roads are still not clear yet.
He turns his head to look at your face, your eyes look tired from the journey so far.
"I'm sorry, my love..this was supposed to be a special night for us."
The car heater is on the max, but you still feel a little cold. “It’s all right, as long as I’m by your side I don’t mind…” You say softly with a shiver.
"Still not as warm as my arms, my love " He says as he pulls you closer until you’re leaning on his side. His arms hold you tight, wanting to give you the warmth he has.
"I feel bad, you know? I wanted this to be special, and now we're stuck here.." He says, letting out a long sigh.
“I mean we didn’t know the storm was going to be this bad..” You say, leaning into his touch.
"I know but still, it was supposed to be a nice dinner, and now we're in the middle of nowhere getting cold.." He smiles at you though. He's trying to keep himself from thinking too much about the situation and trying to relax. He's having a hard time doing it.
“Here let’s put on some Christmas music…” You mumble out, hoping that will at least help a bit. Lando smiles at you and nods in agreement, reaching for the radio controls. It only took a few seconds to find a local radio station and he turns it on. It's playing classic Christmas songs.
"There, this should do it" He says, giving you a kiss on the cheek as he looks over at you. “Perfect..” You say softly with a smile, content even if you couldn’t make it to the dinner.
He gives you a small smile, not wanting to ruin the moment. He wraps his arm around you and looks over at the road, hoping the storm calms down soon.
You two can hear Winter Wonderlands by Michael Bublé playing in the background.
He turns the volume a bit up, both of you enjoying the romantic atmosphere.
“I know for a fact Oscar isn’t going to believe us” You say with a chuckle, breaking the silence. “Oh definitely, but he’s lied to me before just so he could spend some extra time with Lily” Lando says with a smirk.
You both chuckle lightly as the storm seems to slightly calm down, Lando turns his head to look at you in your eyes, his hands still around you.
"I mean, the roads are looking slightly better right now..we could attempt to leave soon.." He comments, glancing over at the snow covered window.
“I guess so” You say with a soft smile, secretly happy that you guys didn’t make it to the McLaren dinner, and you knew Lando felt the same.
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Liked by landonorris and others
View all 963 comments
landonorris SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW ❄️
landonorris Whos that cute guy??
y/n Think his name is Lando or something I'm not sure 🤷‍♀️
oscarpiastri So you two werent lying 🤨
y/n Yes
mclaren Our favorites!! 🧡🧡
y/n 🫶🧡
maxfewtrell Did you get him the gift????
y/n Yes!!!
landonorris It was lovely, shes getting a good reward
maxfewtrell Ew 🤮
carmenmmundt 💛💛💛
y/n 🧡🧡🧡
lilymhe 💙💙💙
radio 🪩: Two down, thirteen to go! Hope you enjoyed this small Christmas fic for Lando!! ☃️
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aomine-ryo · 10 months
i remember seeing this awhile back but imagine aomine fucking kaijos sweet little manager… id go mad if i was kise bc imagine ur best friend getting ucm by ur rival id be sick teehee LOL
The pure thought of this drives me feral. Had to write a long ass scenario about this omg. Hope you like it bc I definitely liked writing it!! xx
Scenario: Aomine fucking Kaijo’s fem!manager (nsfw)
- all characters are aged up
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“Kise, you’re so rude.”
You watched as Touou’s ace, Aomine Daiki, wandered over to you and Kise before a practice match you had organised against the team. He slickly swung his arm around Kise’s shoulder and shifted his body weight onto him, making Kise stumble to regain his balance.
“Huh? Rude?” Kise furrowed his brows.
Aomine’s eyes met yours and softened as the most insufferable smirk spread across his face. “You never told me how adorable your manager is— so rude.”
You felt the colour rise to your cheeks as you averted your gaze out of embarrassment.
Kise lightly elbowed Aomine’s stomach as he clicked his tongue in annoyance, Aomine wincing as he did so. “Shut up, Aomine. Our manager is off limits,” Kise snapped.
“Well that’s no fun. Although I won’t believe it until I hear it from her,” he said, looking over to you.
“Don’t you have a warmup to get to? You might need it,” you replied, avoiding the subject altogether; you were always a bad liar.
“How boring, but I’ll take your word for it, Y/N,” Aomine smiled as he started walking back over to his team’s bench. “Don’t slack off this time, Kise!” He called out as he strode off.
“What an asshole,” Kise mumbled, but it was clear he missed this kind of banter with Aomine.
“I know this is a practice game but I’d really appreciate it if you’d kick his ass,” you said to Kise, though your eyes were fixated on the navy-haired boy. You watched as he threw a few practice shots, all perfectly swishing the net— he made it look too easy. He lifted the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his forehead, but from what you could tell, there was absolutely no need for him to do that; he wasn’t even sweating. It was almost as if he was putting on a show for you— giving you a glimpse of the perfectly toned abs that could make you salivate at the thought of.
“Y/N?” Kise sang, waving his hand in front of your face to snap you out of it. You hadn’t even realised he’d been talking until now.
“Huh?” You blinked, directing your gaze back to Kise.
“You alright?” He asked, trying to figure out what had you so invested. Your gaze seemed to have led to Aomine but it surely wasn’t that— it was just Aomine.
“Yeah I’m alright. Just zoned out, sorry. What were you saying?”
“It doesn’t matter,” he shook his head, not wanting to start his rant about Aomine all over. “I’m gonna go back to the warmup though.”
You hummed and nodded in response, watching as he ran back to the rest of the team before returning your gaze to Aomine. However, you felt you heart do a little flip when a pair of blue eyes met yours in return. Aomine was looking straight back at you and your instinct to look away instantly kicked in, your eyes wandering everywhere else around the court.
You quickly absorbed yourself in your manager duties instead to distract you from Aomine. Before you knew it, it was game time and your attention completely shifted to Kaijo’s gameplay. Of course, every now and then you’d just be in awe of the way Aomine played, but Kise was just as good. By the last quarter, it was really anyone’s game. Unfortunately, it just seemed to be Touou’s day as they ended up winning with a two point lead.
“That was a good game, Kise— you really did improve since the last game,” you consoled Kise with a sweaty hug as he made his way over to the bench.
“Really?” Kise asked, tone full of hope as he plopped down in his seat, completely winded.
“Yes really. Besides, it’s good that it was a practice game because now we know what we need to improve on when we actually play them in the winter.”
“Yeah I guess—“
“Oi Kise,” a deep voice cut him off as you felt an arm swing around your shoulders. “That was actually a fun game,” beamed Aomine.
“You’re only saying that because you won,” Kise rolled his eyes as he took a sip out of his water bottle.
“Nah you actually had me questioning myself back there, I can’t lie,” he replied genuinely, though he was now simply using you as something to lean on.
“Mhm sure. Can you get off of Y/N-cchi now? You’re obviously making her uncomfortable by leaning on her with your sweaty ass— she’s just too polite to say anything,” Kise spoke for you. However, you didn’t mind all that much. Yes, he was sweaty but you were not complaining about how close he was to you.
“Nah she loves having me around,” Aomine smiled as he leaned in so close to your ear that you could feel his breath on your skin, “don’t you?”
Shudders swam through your body as colour rose in your cheeks once more. You wanted to say something witty back but your mind seemed to have drawn a blank.
“Stop being weird, Aominecchi,” Kise clicked his tongue in annoyance, but Aomine kept his arm around you.
“Surely I should get a prize for winning, right Y/N?” He smiled, not taking his eyes off you. You hated this. You hated how he got you weak in the knees simply with the way your name rolled off his tongue. You hated how there were so many people around you right now because all you wanted to do was rip the clothes off his stupidly hot body.
“She’s not an object to win, quit it,” Kise snapped again. It almost felt like he was giving the answers for you because in any normal situation that’s exactly what you’d say. But it was almost like you were in a trance.
Aomine sighed as he straightened himself and took his arm off of you. “Calm down Kise, I’m just messing around. I’m gonna go shower. Catch you later,” he said dapping Kise up before turning to walk away. Once again, you caught yourself watching his every move, except this time Aomine felt it. He turned his torso ever so slightly to meet your eyes and gave you a wink before heading off. How is it that if any other man did that to you you’d immediately throw up, but with him your stomach does a thousand little happy flips?
“You know if you ever feel uncomfortable with him just say the word and I won’t hesitate to kick him in the balls right?” Kise informed you, the utmost seriousness in his tone.
You just gave him a light chuckle in response, “Noted.”
Once Kise headed in to shower and freshen up, you too decided to head to the bathroom because you desperately needed a moment alone to gather your thoughts. You locked the door behind you and just stared at yourself in the mirror before letting out the deepest sigh. You knew you were supposed to be focusing on your team but all you could think about was Kise’s stupid rival. Why’d he have to be so hot?
You shook it off and rinsed your hands. It was over now. You wouldn’t be seeing him until the next match and that was a good month away. You’ll be over it by then.
You gathered yourself and stepped out the washroom, only to find Aomine who just so happened to be walking down that hallway. Talk about timing.
“Y/N! Did you follow me here? As flattered as I am, it is a bit stalker-ish don’t you think?” Aomine grinned as he walked up to you.
“I was just using the washroom. As if I’d stalk someone like you,” you retorted, eyes immediately meeting the floor.
“Oh really? So it wasn’t you that was watching me all throughout my warmup?” He questioned, his voice softening but you could hear the absolute shit-eating grin he had on his face.
Your brain scrambled to try and find the words to deny it.
“Look at you now, you can’t even look me in the eye,” he muttered, his pointer finger reaching under your chin to pivot your head upward. His face was now inches away from yours and his deep blue eyes had a sinister look in them that made you want to melt right then and there.
You waited expectantly. Surely he was going to kiss you— you weren’t complaining. There’s no way he’d come this close to your face without doing a single thing, right?
His grin grew wider, almost as if he could read your mind. “I’m not going to kiss you,” he said simply and your expression visibly dropped.
“Huh?” Was all you could muster out.
“If you want it, you have to make the first move,” he said in what was barely a whisper.
He knew what he was doing. He knew he had you wrapped around his finger. He knew you wanted him just as much as he wanted you— you just wouldn’t admit it.
Your emotions seemed to take over your brain as your eyes remained fixated on his lips. They were right there. All logic was thrown out the window as the scent of his freshly-showered body made its way into your lungs. You felt yourself inching closer and closer like he was a magnet, your lips eventually crashing onto his as you pushed your body against him. Aomine was warm. Every part of your body was inviting— or rather, begging him for more. But he pulled himself away from the kiss.
“You realise anyone could walk down this hallway right?” Aomine said softly, eyes full of lust.
You let out a sigh before pulling him into the washroom and locking the door. “Better?” You said sarcastically, back pressed against the door as you looked up at him confidently.
“Perfect,” he breathed, pressing his lips against yours once more, except this time with more vigour. His arms snaked around your waist, hands shifting lower and lower as his tongue made its way into your mouth, your underwear feeling damper under your skirt.
Without even pulling away, Aomine lifted you up from the back of your thighs so your legs were straddling his hips. You couldn’t help but moan into the kiss as you felt his hardening member grind against you through his sweatpants. Aomine’s lips began to make its way down to your neck, sucking and gnawing at your skin as you tried your best to keep quiet. The taller boy could hear your heavy breaths in his ear and it was admittedly making him even harder. “Tell me what you want,” he breathed in between the kisses on your neck.
“I want you,” you moaned, your sweet voice sending shivers down his spine as it took everything in him to not just rip your clothes off.
“You want me to what?” He asked, pulling away from your neck to meet your eyes.
“I-I want you to fuck me,” you mumbled shamelessly, creating the biggest smirk on Aomine’s face. He quickly pulled his shirt off before helping you take yours off, both of you taking moments to admire what was in front of you.
The navy haired boy set you down and pulled you over to the counter, placing himself behind you as he looked into your eyes through the mirror. His left hand had a firm grip on your chest while his right hand made its way under your skirt, fingers having a feel around you through your soaked panties. “My god, what would Kise think if he knew that Kaijo’s sweet little manager was this wet for their rival?” Aomine hummed, one finger easily sliding into you.
You let out a gasp as he began moving his finger in and out of you, adding a second one in not too soon after. With the way everything had been building up, the absolute pleasure you felt when Aomine fucked his fingers into you was inexplicable. The moans you let out were absolutely sinful; Aomine was rather shocked to find out that someone as innocent-looking as you could be completely undone like this.
“Oh fuck, Aomine,” you moaned, feeling a familiar tightness in your stomach.
“Cumming already? What an absolute slut you are for me, princess. Go on then,” he smirked, moving his fingers faster as you let yourself go.
Aomine took his fingers out of you, soaking in your essence as you took deep breaths to recompose yourself. He pulled the waistband off his sweatpants and underwear down just enough to relieve his now throbbing member out of its confines. He pumped it up and down a few times before beginning to rub himself around your entrance. He let out a heavy breath as he felt the heat and wetness of your pussy on him.
You needed more of him. But he kept teasing you— lining himself right up at your entrance pushing just the tip in before pulling it out. You whined in desperation.
“What is it, princess? Tell me,” Aomine grinned, enjoying the power he had over you a little too much.
“I need you so bad please just fuck me,” you whined.
“So desperate for me how sweet,” he smiled, pushing his full length into you without hesitation as you let out a moan so loud he had to put a hand over your mouth. He pulled your torso up so his mouth was right next to your ear and you watched him through the mirror. “As beautiful as your moans are for me, we can’t really risk being caught now, can we? Unless of course you want everyone to know what a slut Kaijo’s manager is?” he whispered, dick buried deep inside you, stretching you open. “Do you want that?”
You shook your head no.
“That’s what I thought. So shut it,” he said menacingly as he moved his hand from your mouth and bent you over the counter. He slowly began to slide his member out before slamming it right back in again and you did your very best to not make a sound. But as he kept repeating the motion, you couldn’t help but let out soft moans of pleasure.
“F-Faster, please,” you whined, meeting the eyes that were watching you struggle under him through the mirror with a big smirk on his face.
“As you wish, princess.” Aomine picked up the pace instantly, his skin slapping against yours so rapidly that the bathroom echoed with the sound. It was now impossible to not let out any moans as you felt Aomine hit spots you didn’t think were possible. As if you weren’t stimulated enough, you felt one of his hands reach down to your clit, drawing circles on it at such a pace that you had to cover your own mouth from screaming in pleasure.
Meanwhile, Aomine watched how you melted into his touch in the mirror. Admiring your efforts to minimise the noises you made, all while inflating his ego over the fact that it was him that was making you feel this way. He could feel you clenching tightly around his dick, slowly beginning to reach his climax too.
“You wanna cum, don’t you, princess?” Aomine panted as he kept thrusting into you.
“Mhm,” you nodded as you kept your mouth sealed with your own hand.
“Use your words,” he demanded, the pure dominance he had over you sending you closer and closer towards the edge.
“Yes! I’m going to cum. Please can I cum?” you don’t know what washed over you to ask for his permission like that.
Aomine chuckled at the request. “God what a polite little slut you are. Of course you can cum. Cum all over my dick for me, princess,” he said sweetly, stimulating your clit as he felt you convulse around his length, sweet little moans and profanities leaving your lips as you did so.
The sight alone had him reaching his edge too, hot, white cum shooting into you as he rode himself down from his high, slowly pulling himself out of you as he watched your gaping hole drip with the mess he made. He moved your panties back over to cover your modesty before getting himself back into order.
“You know, I didn’t strike you to be the filthy kind, princess,” Aomine smiled as he tossed you your shirt.
“Don’t call me that,” you snapped, the sweet nickname just rubbing in the fact that you were like putty in his hands.
“What? Princess?” He chuckled. “No can do, I know you like it when I call you that.”
“Whatever,” you rolled your eyes.
Both of you stepped out the bathroom into the (thankfully) empty hallway and began to head out together. You checked your phone and found 3 missed calls from Kise. What on earth were you supposed to tell him?
As you and Aomine stepped out of the school gates, you were greeted by Kise, was standing there waiting. “Kise! I just saw your calls, sorry I totally missed them!” You apologised immediately. You didn’t expect to see him this soon before you could even think of an excuse.
“Y/N-cchi where have you been? And why the hell is he with you?” Kise questioned, glaring at Aomine.
“Calm down dumbass. We just bumped into each other on the way out,” Aomine lied calmly. “I’m gonna head back home. You guys need a ride?”
“No thanks,” Kise answered immediately.
“Cool. See you later then, princess,” Aomine grinned at you before turning on his heel to walk away, leaving you a blushing mess. “By the way try to beat me next time Kise, I’m getting tired of winning!” he joked.
“Shut up!” Kise snapped, sticking his tongue out to mock him even though Aomine had his back towards him.
You made up an excuse about needing to go up to the staff room to help the coach out with something when Kise finally questioned you and it seemed to work out. It was better he didn’t know about you and Aomine because you knew he’d just lose his mind over it.
Over the next two weeks, you kept in contact with Aomine. It started with just flirty messages over text but it quickly became a regular occurrence for you to meet him at night for a hookups in his car or his house whenever his parents were out. You hated to admit it, but the sexual chemistry between you two was no joke. Moreover, the fact that you had to keep it hidden just made it ten times more exciting.
There was one evening you were hanging out at Kise’s house. You were meant to be doing homework but that got thrown out the window when Kise got distracted on TikTok, pulling you down the rabbit hole with him. So both of you were just laying on his bed in silence, scrolling through your phones.
meet me out front in 5?
A text from Aomine.
y/n: I can’t rn. At Kise’s x
aomine: okay i’ll pick you up from his then
y/n: that desperate? 😭
aomine: only for you princess <3
You couldn’t help but smile like a fucking idiot at the words that were on your screen as you typed a reply.
y/n: so cringe
“Why are you smiling so much?” Kise questioned, snapping you out of your conversation.
“Hm? It’s nothing, just thought of something funny while scrolling,” you said as you exited the messaging app and returned to TikTok. “Also I’ll probably head home in a bit,” you informed him.
“Alright,” Kise nodded. He shifted closer to you and just started watching the TikToks on your phone because he was bored of his. It was a normal occurrence for the two of you to do this at some point in the evening— one of you would get bored and watch the other person’s TikToks and then complain about how shit their sense of humour is— the same old same old.
You seemed to lose track of time while laughing along with Kise to the point where you had completely forgotten about Aomine. That was until a text banner popped up at the top of your screen with Aomine’s name asking “are you out yet?”
You immediately pushed the banner away but it was too late because both of you had read the message. Kise furrowed his brows at you.
“Aomine? What is Aominecchi doing texting you?”
“Huh? It’s nothing, we just randomly started talking after the practice match, that’s all,” you said, unable to make something up because the proof said otherwise.
“You’re talking to Aomine? What does ‘are you out yet’ mean? IS HE WAITING OUTSIDE FOR YOU?” Kise exclaimed loudly once he connected the dots. He immediately began to march towards his window.
“It’s not that serious—“
“THAT’S HIS CAR!” Kise cut you off.
“Kise, you need to calm down—“
“No, the three of us are going to have a fun little conversation—“
“No we aren’t.”
“Yes we are. Come on,” Kise dragged you by your arm and stepped outside, marching towards Aomine’s car.
The navy haired boy rolled down the window with a smug smile on his face. “Hey Kise, how’s it going?” he said nonchalantly.
“What are you doing with Y/N?” He interrogated immediately, making you want to crawl in a hole and die.
“Hey now, you’re making Y/N uncomfortable, look at her,” Aomine chuckled, giving you a sympathetic look and making Kise fume even more.
“Why are you hanging out with my best friend now?” Kise asked again.
“You sure you want the honest answer?” Aomine asked.
“No!” You and Kise answered simultaneously.
Aomine looked over at you and his eyes softened. “Come on now, princess, we’re all adults here I’m sure Kise will understand.”
At this point you weren’t sure what Aomine’s intentions were. On one hand, you were sure he just wanted to clear the air because there was no point lying now. On the other hand, it seemed like he just wanted to see Kise react.
You sighed. You couldn’t escape this. “Fine tell him.”
“Well Kise, to put it simply, your sweet little manager here seems to know her way around my body extremely well—“
“Aomine!” You yelled to cut him off the awful way he was explaining it.
“What the actual fuck?” Was all Kise was able to mutter out.
“Okay listen Kise, I love you but I’ve been hiding this one little thing about my life because I wasn’t sure how you’d react— but Aomine and I have been hooking up,” you explained.
“Come on, that’s pretty much exactly what I was saying,” Aomine intervened and you just shot him a glare.
“You do realise he’s in our rival team right?” Kise said, still trying to process this information.
“Yes I know, but whatever happens on the court is different,” you replied.
“What, so you guys have just been fucking behind my back every day then?”
“Yeah pretty much so can you get over it now so we can get on with it?” Aomine sighed, trying to hurry this process along even though it was absolutely hysterical to him.
“Oh my god you’re not helping,” you snapped. “Are you okay, Kise?”
“What do you even see in him?” Kise asked, disgusted.
“I can show you too if you want, Kise, just give me a kiss,” Aomine joked as he puckered up his lips mockingly.
“I hate you,” Kise narrowed his eyes at Aomine.
“I love you too,” Aomine replied sweetly, blowing him a kiss. “Are you done crying now?”
Kise looked over at you. He seemed to be tired of entertaining Aomine. “I’m not happy about this but whatever.”
You gave Kise a tight hug. “I’m so sorry for lying to you.”
“Call me if he ever lays a finger on you without your consent,” Kise said, hugging you back as he shot a glare at Aomine.
“Oh no my timbers have been shivered,” Aomine said sarcastically and you had to swallow a chuckle.
“Fuck off Aominecchi. You’re not winning the next Kaijo game— Y/N-cchi’s gonna tell me everything,” Kise said as he began to walk back to his front door.
“If you say so,” Aomine brushed him off as you got into his car. He looked over at you softly, “You wouldn’t say a word, would you, princess?”
“I wouldn’t recommend you test that.”
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temiizpalace · 6 months
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SUMMARY: it was time to set up for the holidays! what’s some of his favorite traditions to do with you?
CHARACTERS: all dorms (+ grim)
GENRE: fluff
reader gender is not mentioned, reader is yuu
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decorating the tree
he likes decorating the tree with you. hanging up the shiny ornaments, covering the tree in the colorful lights, and hanging up the star at the end. at first, he thought decorating some pine tree was silly and unnecessary. but now, he sees the appeal. and he loves it. he asked you if you wanted to decorate another. which is why you both were outside in the snow, decorating the dead trees in front of ramshackle. you’re freezing your ass off, and he’s having the time of his life. hooray.
cater, jack, jade, vil, silver
gingerbread men + houses
the two of you stood in the kitchen, baking enough gingerbread men to make an army. while you two decorated the gingerbread men, he took some frosting and put it on your cheek. he laughs while you get him back, putting frosting on his nose. this puts a temporary pause in the decorating, and becomes an all out frosting war. nobody comes out unscathed. after awhile, you two began to make gingerbread houses. there wasn’t much frosting left, so both of your houses were falling apart. great job guys.
ace, trey, ruggie, floyd, jamil, lilia
wrapping presents
you two sat in the middle of ramshackle, wrapping presents side by side. wrapping paper, tape dispensers, and ribbons were everywhere. scattered across the already messy floor. even if your gift wrapping is really bad, he’s still going to compliment you. telling you he’s not the best even if it’s absolutely perfect. at first he wanted to bring the gift he got for you and wrap it right in front of you, just to show off how well he knows you. i know, i know, he’s impatient. but he made sure it looked FLAWLESS just for you 🫶🫶
riddle, deuce, azul, jade, jamil, sebek
all. all of the above
he’s ready. he’s going to make sure this christmas is is the holliest jolliest one you’ve ever had. oh, it’s not? then he’s pulling out the big guns. christmas inflatables!!1!1!!1!1
grim, rook, epel, ortho, malleus
chilling by the fireplace
christmas traditions are great and all, but he’d rather relax. and you both do just that. laying on the couch in ramshackle, surprised that the fireplace hasn’t burnt down your dorm yet. despite the shock, it really was quite relaxing. of course he wasn’t going to be a grinch and NOT do christmas traditions with you, but just stay here with him for a second. you can decorate your tree and cookies and stuff later. it’ll be you, him, and the fire for the next 30 minutes.
christmas event
christmas traditions??? in a minute, he’s on the grind. he NEEDS this christmas skin and now. listen, he loves you. he truly does. but your normie activities can wait, right? this is a limited skin. these things can’t earn themselves. as soon as december 26th hits, it’s bye bye for that event. til he gets his event items, he’s not moving from his room.
you were just finished cleaning up after the activity you both did together, when he suddenly calls you over. he’s standing by the doorway, looking right at you. just by that, you could tell why he wants you over. with a smile, you walk over to him, trying to act oblivious to his intentions.
“remember when you said when two people meet under the mistletoe, they kiss?” he asks, a playful smirk on his face. you pretend to think about it before looking back at him. “hmm.. yes. why?”
he points up to the mistletoe hanging above both of your figures. without a second to spare, he crashes his lips onto yours.
the lighting in the room created a warm and light glow, capturing the both of you in an ambient setting. the temperature was still incredibly low inside of ramshackle, but allow his body warmth to keep you from freezing.
riddle, ace, deuce, trey, cater, leona, ruggie, jack, azul, jade, floyd, kalim, jamil, vil, epel, rook, idia, malleus, silver, sebek, lilia
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A/N: ngl I think this is my worst work yet
but anyways, merry christmas to those who celebrate! wishing you lots of luck for the new year as well.
date written: 12/25/23
© temiizpalce — don’t steal or copy my work!
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hobiebrownbrowser · 1 year
Opposites attract
Hobie Brown x Hippie/Fairy FEM!Reader
Summary:Y/N is like a Fairy cottagecore kind of person, pretty aesthetics all around their Fairy filled fantasies. Hobie digs it bc he thinks it's cool 💙
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You were simply just reading a book in your spare time, Not a lot of things to do since nothing was happening in the city. It was calm today, no cop cars zooming past your window at 3AM. Probably because spiderman took care of them all already.
You peered at your cracked open window, A flash of silver catching your eyes. It was sudden, but faint. Curiosity getting the best of you, you lookef outside to be met with an unknown object on the floor. It looked like a pin, having purple aspects on it.
"What is kanka?" You look around clearly confused, not sure where the shiny object came from.
"Can I have that back mate?" You were startled by a sudden voice, almost dropping the pin from your hands. You looked around for the voice, eventually looking up to be met with spiderman himself. Without thinking you throw it to him, impressed by the fact he caught it with one hand.
"I neva' seen a lush like you around' ere." You told him you recently moved here, Having a conversation with a stranger you just met a few seconds ago. You learned his spiderman logo was 'spiderpunk'. A fitting name for someone who looks like he'd smash the guitar on his back against someone's face.
You two ended up talking the night away, The man complimenting how beautiful you were just before having to 'splits the jit' You couldn't help but laugh, A flustered look on your face as you bid farewell to spiderpunk, watching as he swings from building to building. A smile on your face as you go back and enjoy the rest of your night.
It had been a while since your interaction with the spider dude. Looking through the library for any kind of books you can get your hands on. The one that caught your eye was named "The Metaphor Of Capitalism" your mind curious on what the book meant.
You ended up buying it, hands filled with bookbags as you make your way back home, Stopping by a small food stand tucked away in a corner. You greeted the workers with a smile, ordering two tacos beside a very tall figure. His cheeks were sculpted, His eyes half lazy as he does the same.
A lousy smirk on his face as he talks with the employees, he seemed to be known here, Having a friendly conversation with everyone who was near. Your eyes catching on the purple pin on his vest. It was the same one spiderpunk had lost temporarily, your mind clicking as you realized who the man beside you was.
You squinted your eyes, Taking your tacos and exiting the small alleyway. You didn't want to just shout out his identity, simply walking away, heading back to your apartment complex.
You arrived shortly after, placing your newly bought books down as you get ready for bed. A knock on your window stopping you. You walk towards the window, immediately looking up to be face to face with spiderpunk once again.
"Been awhile innit?" You nodded, a conversation soon striking between the two of you. He talked about all that happened today, Sitting on your balcony as he rambles on. It was fascinating to hear it from him since he saw it with his own two eyes. Possibly being the center of attention.
You listened throughout the whole night, Exhaustion hinting at the both of you as you bid him farewell once more. A shiny object eluting light. You picked it up, Grasping the pin in your hand as a small feeling told you he'd left it on purpose. A yawn escaping you as you call it a night once more.
Ever since the both of you met around four months ago, you'd see each other everywhere without much effort, Sheepishly remembering all the pins on his vest. You felt like a detective, trying to crack the man's secret identity. You didn't wanna invade his privacy however, so you stopped.
Talking to spiderpunk on your balcony almost everyday felt unreal, it became like a common routine. Your shyness washing away the more you got to know him, often placing desserts outside for him if he ever swung by for a quick hello.
You wouldn't say you "weren't" curious on what he looked like, but the anticipation was killing you. You knew it was wrong wanting to see his face but you couldn't help it, Trying to push down the thoughts wasn't working anymore. You just had to clarify if it was him you saw at the taco stand a few months back.
Still remembering the man's gorgeous face was haunting you, his brown eyes gleaming as he ordered his food. You wanted to get to the bottom of this, Pulling yourself together and waiting for him to swing by, sadly he didn't stop by today, A pout hinting at your lips as you lay in bed, letting sleep take over you.
A knock awoke you, Your eyes peering out the window. It was still the darkest of nights outside, Your body jumping up from your bed as another knock occured. A groan leaving the collapsed man that rested on your balcony. You quickly pulled him in, his suit torn up as you hurry to get a first aid kit.
You placed him on your soft comforter, worry on your face as you frantically pace around before checking his heartbeat. A sigh of relief washing over you as he was only out cold. You decided to let him have your bed, Grabbing a few blankets and huddling up into a chair.
A few minutes passing but no signs of sleep looming over you. You were too worried, constantly checking up on the masked friend as he shifts in his sleep. You decided it was best to stay awake, grabbing a book and reading the hours away. A groan making your ears perk as you cover your face with your book.
He looked around clearly lost, until he spotted you. Wincing as the bruises on his back fought with him. You told him to keep still, not wanting him to open up the stitches. He obliged, cracking jokes at a time like this.
"Got myself in a bit of a pickle, yeah?" A smile creeping up on your face as he gives you an explanation on all he remembered. You nodded before handing him a cold beverage from your mini fridge, An act of kindness falling from him as he whispered a quiet 'thank you'.
You felt your heart flutter as he suddenly pulled off his mask. Your body struck standing still as you examine his face before looking away apologetically. He only chuckled, knowing he was handsome himself. You helped him up, setting a pillow below him. Your faces being inches apart.
Your eyes peering into his as the comforting silence developed through the both of you. Your eyes widening as your lips found a way to one another, The kiss becoming passionate as you close your eyes. You'd pulled away for air, your eyes blinking as you contemplated what just happened.
"I've be waitin' to do that." You look him in the eyes before feeling embarrassment wash over you, A smirk plastered on Hobie's face as you continue to exchange small glances to one another. The night filled with laughter as you lay there with your boyfriend.
"Who knew you'd fall for spiderman like he fell for you?"
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Commission completed! (Click here to see the commission)
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virq-qgo · 2 years
Listen before I go// Simon (Ghost) Riley
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Reader kinda sounds like a wattpad (y/n)- listen I tried to make the reader not sound so stupid but- y’all I’m flabbergasted from how wattpadish this sounds 😭
Warnings: ooc ghost, reader kins (y/n) wattpad. Reader is referred as “you” but use’s she/her pronouns, angst, my writing, character death? Violence, love confessions? Oh, and no editing :))) 🫶❤️
Angst below the cut
“I’m in love with you.” Who knew those five words could’ve brought you so much pain. You were so sure that Simon had returned those same exact feelings. Or why else would he be so kind and heartwarming to you yet stone cold to anyone else.
A trickle of blood escapes your lip as you chuckle. God you hated yourself for confessing to him, otherwise he would’ve still been here and would’ve helped this hidden ambush. But he wasn’t, and you couldn’t take out an army of men all by yourself. But you’ve managed to escape, with a few bullet wounds to say to the least.
And now you were here, sitting against a gratified broke wall bleeding to death. Remembering that you had previously turned off your intercom, you turn it back on. You hear your name being called countless of times, asking for your whereabouts or your status. But with your head being so fuzzy, you don’t know if you talk even if you tried.
“She’s fine guys, I was with her last.” You hear ghosts voice through the little radio. Both of your definitions of fine were different, his was if you got shot you’ll be fine, just a little wound. But yours, well you weren’t really sure. It was more than a gunshot wound, that was for sure.
“What is your status? We’re going to be heading back on the plane shortly.” Prices asks, you can tell he was getting a little impatient.
You cough, more blood running down your dry lips. “Don’t think I’ll make it this flight. Can I catch it later?”
“What are you talking about?” It was now soap talking. “Where are you? We’ll come to find you.”
The line goes silent before you hears ghosts voice once more, this time in more of a panic.
“There’s blood everywhere. Hopefully it’s from these men you’ve slaughter (name).”
“Yeah, you could say that. Say, Simon you wanna make me a promise?”
“A promise?” He seems confused, you noted.
“Don’t blame yourself okay?”
He stays silent, almost hesitant for his next choice of words. It was almost as if he didn’t believe you. “What’s your surroundings?”
“You’re not going to make it in time Simon. It’ll be too late by then.”
“What is she talking about Ghost?” Price asks. To be honest, you totally forgot all about the other four.
But Simon doesn’t respond. His hearts racing, there was too much blood, too many footsteps to even count. And your empty gun.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Ghost hisses, “I’ve could’ve help you!”
You flinch at how loud he was. Who knew that a little radio could pick up the sound of anger in a persons voice. “Could you not bitch at me, I don’t need it right now.”
“When I find you it’s going to be more than being bitched at, (code name).”
Ouch, he must be pissed off if he was bringing out your code name. A sigh leaves your lips as you bring you hand to your face, wiping off the blood the kept dripping from your lip. He wasn’t going to find you in time, it wasn’t like you cared. It was going to save you from the future embarrassment of him seeing you in such a weak state and right after you confessed to him.
“Again, that is if you make it in time.”
Simon growls, “can you stop fucking saying that like you’re going to die?”
“You never know, I’ve been out here for awhile now. Never know if some animal is going to eat me for dinner.”
“Well aren’t you in luck, don’t think you’d be a subtle appetite to them.”
“Fucking hell,” you mumble. Your eyes were drooping from all of the blood that you loss. You were dying and you could really feel it now. “I’m by an old building. Not far from where you’re at, just keep going straight until you find a broken down wall with graffiti covering it.”
Simons end of the line was silent, but you assumed so. He was going to try to search for you all by himself because that’s what he does. If it didn’t hurt to chuckle, you would have. Cause it certainly didn’t take him too long to find you. You see the all to well know mask running towards you.
“Hey Simon,” you barely speak into the speaker, “I meant every word I’ve said.” Your hand falls to your side and your eyes roll back. You’ve done your best trying to keep your body going, but every has their weaknesses. Just as your eyes droop shut, Simon screams out your name.
There weren’t any moments where Simon feared life anymore. He lived through all terrifying moments of his life but nothing compared seeing your weak unconscious body. Simon could only run faster, hoping that he could beat death itself.
The man couldn’t afford to loose you, especially when he has something to confess too. God, his self hatred only grew when he turned you down harshly. Truth was, he was just scared. Scared that this was all of some sick joke one of the boys dared you to do. Scared that if he confessed right back, you’d laugh straight in his face and tell him you’d never feel the same way. But now that it hits him, you would never do that. You were too kind, and would never hurt him even if that meant hurting yourself.
“C’mon.” He whispers, his hands are on your shoulders. But when Simon pulls back to examine your body he wanted to puke. There was so much blood, he wondered how you could’ve even possibly walked a far or a distance and stayed on the line while waiting for him.
“Get the plane here now!” Simon yells into the radio, “I found (code name) but she’s unconscious!”
“Rodger that.” A voice responds, Simon doesn’t know who’s it is was but he frankly doesn’t care. He wanted you to wake up so he can tell you that he loves you. So he could tell you that he didn’t hate you, he was just lying.
After what felt like hours of requesting for the plane it finally came. Simon carefully lifted you up into his arms and boarded the plane. He ignored the worried looks of his teammates and gently laid you down on the cot so the medic’s could immediately get to work. Soap placed a hand on the man's shoulder and attempted to pull him away from the scene. 
“Ghost,” Soap called out, his grip was getting a little tighter. “Come on, let them have their space.”
But Simon didn’t respond, he was stiffer than a board. He feared that if he were to leave you behind once again, you wouldn’t make it. 
“You’ll get to see her once they save her, okay?”
“What if they don’t?” 
Soap stays silent, watching over the girl too. His hand still on Simon’s shoulder. “Give her hope, it takes more than a few gunshot wounds to take her down. Just give’er a few days and she’ll be back up and bouncing.” 
“I hope you’re right.”
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
the hurt is good
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part i part ii part iii part iv part v part vi
billy hargrove x fem!reader
word count: 4,252
warnings: swearing, anxiety, loneliness, a smidge of angst, karen wheeler and her goons as well as mentions of the way they treat billy, hurt, comfort
a/n: hi!!! alas, behold!! i’ve been working on this very slowly for like the past week. but i think i’m pretty proud of this part. thanks for sticking around to read each of these and for encouraging me to try something new. i really hope you enjoy this part. love you bunches!! <333
before you read, listen to: angeleyes by ABBA and/or tiny dancer by elton john
The bedsheets are cold everywhere that your body isn’t. Each time you that you rub your feet together you feel the chilly fabric and scramble back to the warm spot you’ve created.
You flip onto your side, reaching for the phone on your nightstand. You punch in a number. A number you think you might remember for the rest of your life.
You wipe your cheek as you maneuver to your back, receiver pressed to your ear.
You stare up at the ceiling, feeling the warmth of tears at your hairline from the change in position. You can’t get them to stop.
The phone’s barely rung before he picks up, and you notice that it’s one in the morning.
“Hello?” Billy’s voice sounds like he hasn’t used it in awhile.
“Hey. It’s me,” you say.
“Figured. No other dumbass would call my number at fucking dark-thirty.”
You can’t find it in you to laugh, though you feel in your chest that you would’ve if you weren’t so stuck.
“Were you sleeping?” you ask, though you know he wasn’t. Not with the speed at which he answered the phone.
“No. What’s the matter?” he inquires.
You sniffle, and Billy sits straight up on the other side of the line.
You take a shaky breath, steeling yourself.
“I miss you.”
Billy has to take the phone away from his ear for a second. He runs a hand down his face and blinks. Hard.
No one has ever said that to him.
I miss you. I miss you.
Composing himself, he responds. “Oh yeah?”
“Billy.” Your tone is stern, though not quite pleading.
“You wanna know somethin’?”
“I miss you more,” he tells you.
“Please don’t make this a competition, Hargrove.” Now you speak a touch more pleadingly.
Billy laughs, and it makes you smile.
You wish you could see him. See the way his eyes squint when he chuckles, or the way he tosses his head back and cackles.
“So you just miss me? That’s all?” He changes the subject.
You stop for a second. No. That’s not all.
“Yeah,” you say, though it’s not very convincing—to you or to Billy.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” You pause shortly before continuing. “I-I just wanted to hear your voice is all.”
Billy’s grin dissipates. Something’s wrong, and he can feel it. He goes to speak, but you beat him to it, perhaps sensing that he’d dig for more. You hadn’t meant to sound so sad.
“I’m gonna try and get some sleep, okay, Billy? Will you do the same for me, please?”
You ask because he’s told you he doesn’t sleep well a lot of time. And sometimes, when you look at him, you can see it.
The rings under his eyes. The way he holds himself.
Billy hates that you’re not telling him something. Something that’s made you call him in the middle of the night, something that he thinks has made you cry. He thinks that because he’s never heard that particular kind of sniffle before. You sound so tired.
He doesn’t want you to cry or to be upset. Billy Hargrove cares about you more than he’s ever cared about himself. He even finds that he wants to. For you.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll try. But only if you promise you’re really going to rest.”
“I promise, Billy,” you say.
“Okay. Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Billy.”
When you set the phone down, your tears have stopped, though you remain awake, staring at the wall, your thoughts enveloping you.
You really hadn’t meant for him to catch that you’re upset. You hadn’t even meant to call him. You just needed him a reminder that he was there.
Earlier, you’d been straitening up your room when you found yourself going through old boxes filled with pictures or badges or cards. And you’d found a couple of photographs with you and your old friends. Some with your small group of middle school friends, but also some with Nancy.
Suddenly you’d found yourself very overwhelmed. You felt fear wash over you like when you’re at the beach and you try and jump the waves but miss.
You’d been afraid that Billy might leave you like everyone else.
You don’t want him to leave you. You want him to stay.
“You know you can invite Billy over whenever you want, right?”
Your mother sits on the living room floor. She’s decided to alphabetize your VHS tape collection. You have no idea why.
You’re spread out on the couch, watching her. “Is this a trick?”
She turns to face you and smacks a hand to her chest. “What? No!”
The smirk she’s sporting says otherwise, and you give her a look that makes her relent. “I just feel like you’ve been really quiet lately. I can tell you’re anxious. And I see the way Billy helps that.”
She shakes your copy of The Sound of Music for you to see. She knows how you feel about Mr. von Trapp. You grin sweetly.
“And I see the way he looks at you. The way you look at him,” she says.
“Honeybee, I’m serious,” she tells you, voice soft as ever. “I can tell that you feel safe with him. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”
“I know.”
You’re quiet for a minute. You wonder if Billy’s busy today. You would like to see him, though you always want to see him.
“I’m gonna go call him, okay? Maybe he could come over this afternoon and stay for dinner?”
Your mother gives you an enthusiastic thumbs up as you stand, and you watch her eye Gene Kelly for a minute too long before you head for the phone.
Billy doesn’t have any plans today, he tells you.
“I was thinking we could hang around for awhile and you could eat with us? My mom said she might even make cookies.”
Billy’s laugh is gravelly and sends a shiver straight down your spine. “Cookies, huh? Yeah, alright.”
“So it’s the cookies that do it for you then?” you ask, feigning offense at his agreeing only after you mentioned treats.
“Should there be something else that sweetens the deal?” He’s teasing you now.
“You tell me.”
“I was thinking maybe this girl I’m talking to would be a good addition.”
“Oh?” You twist the phone cord around your hand.
“Yeah. She’s a real pain in my ass, but I kind of like her, so I keep her around.”
“She sounds nice, I guess.” You’re so glad he can’t see you.
Billy hums. “You guess? I think she’s pretty damn sweet herself. I guess I don’t even really need the cookies. She’s more than enough for me.”
Billy opens the car door and grins at the sight of you—especially since you’ve decided to sit in the backseat with him, leaving the passenger seat empty.
Your mother realized that she not only had nothing to cook for dinner, but also no supplies for cookies, so she decided you could just scoop Billy up, take him along to get groceries, and then drag him back home.
Billy couldn’t really believe the gesture. But even if it was odd, this entire premise of being part of someone’s plans or being cared for, he found himself enjoying it.
Your mother turns the radio up a little, allowing a buffer for the both of you to talk to one another, that way she can’t really hear you.
Billy looks you over. He’s still worried about you after that phone call. He notices your knee bouncing and reaches over, slipping his hand over it and tucking his fingers snugly underneath it.
The bouncing ceases. You put your hand on top of his, run your fingers over the lines and creases in his skin, the engravings on his ring.
“Is it the store?” he asks tentatively. He figures going out is what’s got you a little nervous.
You look at him and nod. He lifts his other hand, dragging the pad of his thumb along the slope of your nose, which you wrinkle in response.
He smiles at you. Each and every smile that he gives you feels like it’s special. Feels like it’s meant just for you.
You grab his hand, freeing it from over your knee so that you can hold it properly. When you’re successfully doing so, he gives it a squeeze.
Your mother pulls into the parking lot and you’re looking for spots, not paying attention to Billy.
You feel him raise your clasped hands, and then you feel the warm press of his mouth. You turn to him, though he’s already looking at you. He lets his lips rest against the back of your hand for a second longer, and then he releases you down so he can unbuckle himself.
You’re practically burning on the way into the store, despite the fact that there’s a chilly wind blowing every which way that should be preventing that.
Your mother grabs a cart and then digs around in her bag for the list she made. She rips it in two and gives one half to Billy. “I’m trusting you not to let her sneak unnecessary things into the basket.”
“How do you know I’m not going to do that?” Billy counters, eyes dancing around the little scrap of paper.
“Well it’s fine if you do. I’ll make a little corner for you to keep snacks.”
“Are you kidding me?” you start. Your mother winks at you, and walks off, pushing her cart away with her.
You go the other direction, snatching up a basket. “I can’t believe this,” he hears you mumble.
Billy laughs behind you. “Keep it up, Hargrove. Keep it up.” That only makes him laugh harder, and then he plants his forehead between your shoulder blades, his hands going to your sides.
“You’re just mad she likes me more,” he says into your back before righting himself.
“I’m not even allowed to have a ‘corner of snacks.’ You’re such a dick.”
You move away from him, but not before snatching the list so you can see what you’re supposed to be retrieving.
He takes it right back from you. “I’ll share with you.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
You grab hold of his bicep and he takes that as having earned your forgiveness, though it’s not for long, because you can’t actively reach for groceries whilst holding onto him.
He opens the fridge door while you grab milk, gets things from the top shelves that you can’t reach, picks out all the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies.
He doesn’t actually end up grabbing anything for himself; he can’t fathom letting your mother spend money on him like that.
You turn a corner, in search of your mom. You’re now holding the basket with both hands because it’s much too heavy, and you’d like empty it out into her cart.
She scoots into the other end of the aisle and you rush to her, relieving yourself of the groceries.
“She wouldn’t let me hold it,” Billy tells your mother.
“I have muscles,” you state, pretending like you’re not slightly out of breath.
You wander down a little ways in search of pretzels. Billy follows you a few seconds later, having paused to ask if your mom needed him to get anything else.
“Billy?” You hear him walk up behind you.
“Can you get those for me? The stick ones? Please?” You’re pointing upwards. Normally, you’d scale the shelf, but with him here that seems unnecessary.
He stretches upwards, his shirt riding up, and you catch a small stretch of his stomach. You wonder what it feels like. Probably softer than his hands.
On the other end of the aisle, your mother looks back and forth between her list and the groceries in her cart, scratching things off as she goes. She’s nearly finished.
There’s a hubbub of voices from behind her, but she chooses to ignore it. It sounds like soccer moms. She’s never been one, and never wanted to be.
“Nicky!” A voice she recognizes snaps her out of her stupor, and she takes a deep breath, preparing herself.
Karen Wheeler. And from the sounds of it, a couple more moms from her group.
Nicky lost all claims to being in said group when you were in middle school. She couldn’t take the obsessive PTA meetings and activities that just made it look like these mothers actually cared about their children, when everyone knew they didn’t.
Nicky pushes her glasses up into her hair, caps her pen, and turns.
“Hi, Karen. Pamela. Tiff.” She makes eye contact with each of them in turn and offers a stiff smile.
“How are you? How’s Y/N?” Karen asks.
“I’m just fine.” Nicky’s head darts towards where you stand with Billy. She smiles at the two of you.
He’s got his fingers hooked in your belt loops, and you’re playing with the cuff of his sleeve, occasionally brushing your thumb against the skin of his wrist. You look happy.
“Y/N is doing just fine, too. Really well in school. I’m very proud of her.”
Nicky turns back to Karen, but her eyes are glued on you. More specifically, on Billy.
“Is that Billy Hargrove?” Karen seems to realize that sounds off, and covers. “His sister, Max, is friends with Mike.”
“Oh, I see,” Nicky says, appraising the looks on her and the other women’s faces. She doesn’t like the way they can’t seem to stop staring at Billy.
They’re looking him up and down, looking at him like he’s an object, like he’s this sex symbol.
Pamela turns to face Nicky. “Is he with her?”
“Would it matter if he was?” Nicky suddenly finds herself very angry and unwilling to put up with these women.
Pamela looks shocked, but it’s Tiff who pipes up. “I just thought that he’d be with someone more…mature. Y/N’s so quiet. So…anxious.”
Nicky tosses her pen in her bag. “What the hell is wrong with you? Billy is eighteen years old, and the three of you are looking at him like he’s good enough to eat. Last time I checked, you all had children the exact same age. If by mature you mean yourself, then shit! If you can’t see what’s wrong with that, then I don’t know what to tell you.”
Billy hears your mom raise her voice and holds onto your waist a little more firmly. You look up when he does.
“What gives you the right to assume you know what kind of relationship he wants to be in?” your mother continues. “He’s a fucking kid, Tiffany, and so is my daughter.”
“She might be quiet but there isn’t a damn thing wrong with that, and neither is there with being anxious. It’s clear to me that the three of you don’t know the first thing about what life is like for teenagers these days, even if you were one once. And I’m sorry that you’re so unhappy in your marriages that you think it’s okay to prey on Billy. Get a fucking divorce.”
Nicky grabs hold of her cart and pushes it towards the both of you, cocking her head to the side in a swift motion that tells you both to follow her.
“You two get everything?” she asks, continually walking.
“Yeah,” you tell her.
“Then let’s get the hell out of here.”
You notice, as you’re starting to help your mother make cookies, that Billy keeps pushing his hair out of his face. Having already secured yours away from any possible encounters with ingredients, you decide to help him.
“Come with me,” you say, wiggling your fingers in front of his. He grabs hold and let’s you lead him to your bathroom.
He thinks about the last time he was in here, about you cleaning him up.
You pull the cabinet open and get a scrunchie, stretching it over your fingers to show him. “This okay? I could tell it was buggin’ you.”
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Billy blushes a little at the idea of you having your hands in his hair, and you pretend not to notice.
You reach up, gathering all of his hair at the base of his neck. It’s softer than you expected, though you can feel the product in it, and the little bit of frizz that’s fought back.
Your nail grazes his neck, just slightly, and it makes him shiver. You tie his hair up into a bun. There are a couple shorter pieces hanging out at the front, and you make him face you so that you can push them behind his ears.
You twist one curl around your finger and then tuck it away. You look into his blue eyes, and he’s staring at you like…no. He couldn’t feel that way, could he?
Though maybe he does. Maybe he’s got the same ache for you that you’ve got for him.
Before he can think too much about it, Billy cups the back of your head and leans in, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Thank you,” he mumbles against your skin, and then he’s giving you another one.
His lips are warm and soft, and you feel the press of them long after he’s pulled back.
You can feel him rubbing his thumb against the back of your head, and you lean into his touch. “You’re welcome.” The smile you give him makes him feel like he might actually die.
When you’re back in the kitchen, your mother has already got a batch in the oven, but she’s set everything else out for the two of you to make one.
“I wanted there to be at least a couple edible ones,” she says.
You turn to Billy. “Are you hearing this? She doubts my skills.”
“I don’t blame her,” he says teasingly, looking at Nicky, who laughs sickly sweet.
“You know what? I’ve had enough of this.” You feign wiping tears from your face and go to stomp away, but Billy just grabs hold of you instead, gently pulling you towards the counter.
“Don’t go, I need you.”
Your mother takes that as her queue to give you two some time.
Nicky knows. She knows that Billy is falling in love with you, if he’s not already there.
She thinks you feel the same, but she also knows you.
Billy seems to have made himself quite comfortable where he sits cross legged against your headboard. He’s already eaten his share of cookies, but he’s glad to wait as you finish yours.
You’re sitting at the end of the bed, facing him. When you finish your cookies, you sit up and move towards him, reaching to set your napkin on your side table. When he sees you go to move back, he grabs hold of your hand.
“Sit up here with me.”
You comply, positioning yourself beside him, and when you’re sideways so that you can look at him, he pulls your legs into his lap, resting his hands on your calves.
He’s only quiet for a second before he speaks again. “Are we gonna talk about it?”
“About what?” You adjust the pillow behind your back.
“Y/N. You know what. You don’t just call me at one in the fucking morning, sounding like that, and then expect me to forget about it.”
“You could tell then I guess?”
“That you were crying? Yeah. You think I don’t pay attention to stuff like that?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, avoiding his eyes.
“Well I’ve been worried about you all day, and don’t say I didn’t need to be.”
Billy raises his voice just enough to be serious, though he’s not yelling. You can tell he’s a little frustrated with you though.
“Please talk to me. I opened up to you about my fucking dad, Y/N. You have to let me in.”
Your eyes well up, but you push those feelings down, pulling yourself away from Billy and sitting up on your knees. He looks upset at the loss of you splayed across him.
“I was having a rough night, and I freaked myself out,” you start.
“Billy, you’re the first friend I’ve had in a long time.” He nods, urging you on.
“I found all these old pictures, some with friends from middle school, but some with Nancy too.”
“Wheeler,” you confirm. “When I was middle school, I had a couple of friends, and we would do everything together, you know? We’d plan out our futures, even if it was just talking about high school and dumb shit like that. But I always felt like the odd one out, you know? I was freaked out about high school. They weren’t. I was shy, I was wary. I didn’t want things to change.”
“But they did. And we got to high school, and I lost all of them. They all found their own groups, and I just didn’t. I did find Nancy, though. We were both in the library at the same time, and we just clicked? We got really close and I felt safe with her.”
“We knew everything about each other. I felt like her family was my family, that kind of thing. But then she met Barb, and then Steve,” here your voice breaks, and Billy fucking hates it.
“Nothing bad happened. We just started seeing each other less, and I’d call and she��d be busy. It got one-sided. Billy, it was like she forgot about me.”
He extends his hand, and you take it. Those tears you’d been fighting win, spilling over slowly and then all at once.
“And I’ve had a hard time getting over that, even if I tell my mom that I’m fine. Really, I’m not mad at Nancy. I just feel so…insignificant. It hurts, knowing I’m so easy to forget, Billy. And I saw all those pictures last night, and then I thought of you and I got so scared all of the sudden.”
“It’s like everyone I’ve ever let in has left me behind. And I’m scared you’re going to forget about me too. And I don’t think I’ll recover from that, Billy. Because I need you.”
You stop then, and a sob rips free from your throat, though Billy can tell you didn’t want it to. “I’m sorry.” You try to apologize for your state.
He sits up on his knees too, and pulls you into his arms. You bury your face in his neck and he lets you, because he knows exactly how you feel. He thinks about his mother for a second, but let’s that go.
Billy’s hands move steadily over your back, doing their best to soothe you. He carefully guides your face from his shoulder, ensuring you look at him.
“I’m not going to forget about you, Y/N. I fucking swear. I could never. You are not anywhere near insignificant, and you’re not anywhere damn near easy to forget.”
“I’m so sorry that all of happened to you, and I can’t explain any of it, because everyone’s got their own shit going on. But I can tell you that you didn’t deserve it. And I can tell you that I need you too. You make me want to stay in this shithole. You make me want to be better.”
“Yeah?” Your voice is quiet, and you look so young, so fragile. It’s killing him.
The both of you are quiet for awhile, sitting with each other, Billy waiting until your breathing has steadied, until he feels your hiccuping stop.
“Billy, if I ask my mom, and she says it’s okay, will you stay the night?” You grin as you ask.
He laughs at that, and you can feel the vibrations of it where your face is shoved into his chest. He remembers the joke he made about that one of the first times you hung out.
Shit, he thinks. He really needs to tell you.
“Yeah, I will.”
You hop up, rubbing your face dry, and then excitedly make for the door. You hold up your index finger. “I’ll be right back.”
He hears you patter to the living room, the mumbling of your and your mother’s voices.
When you return, you’re giddy.
“My mom said you can stay the night, Billy.”
He laughs so hard that he falls onto his back, the spring in your mattress making him bounce a little. He’s fucking cackling at you, and it only makes you do the same.
That night, after Billy has made sure Neil and Susan will be gone awhile, after he’s sat and waited for Hopper to pick up Max and take her back to theirs to be with El, and then packed an overnight bag, he’s back in your room.
In your bed. With you.
“My bed is much warmer with you in it, I must say.”
Billy smiles at you, and even let’s you play with the pendant around his neck. “I’m glad,” he says. “Guess that means I’ll have to spend more time in it then.”
You turn your face into your pillow, and he chuckles.
“Come here, baby. Let me hold you.”
You scoot closer to him, and he scoops you up in his arms.
“I’m never going to forget about you.” He says it into your hair, his breath warm on your scalp.
“I believe you.” Billy kisses your forehead again, and you feel safe. He feels like he could be your forever home.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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jqmalikhsgib · 3 months
aaron holds his wife close to him. she’s only just got home and he missed the smell of her lilac shampoo. yn meant everything to him! losing haley sent him in a dark path for a long time. in the divorce and when she was killed. it broke him over and over again.
aaron never thought he’d have the willpower to move on from his first love. he thought she’d be his one and only. he accepted that, for awhile.
but in comes this most amazing, breathtaking, beautiful, smart, kind woman who instantly stole his heart!
yn and aaron met during one of his cases. it had been in new york city and it turned out fashion week just so happened to happen during the time they flew in new york for a case. it was a happy accident.
aaron liked to call it faith. normally he’d be the first one out of the hotel, heading straight to whatever precinct the team had to be for the case. he’d deal with the crappy coffee they had and get on with figuring out who the unsub could be.
that day was no different. this time though, he wanted to treat himself to better coffee. plus, he had been craving a dunkins donut for awhile.
when aaron arrived to dunkin donuts he sighs at the long line in the drive through. aaron decided to just go inside.
walking in he sighs as he stands in line. aaron soon hears commotion outside and sees that some people stopped a woman and asked for photos and autographs.
aaron ignores the commotion. he orders his drink and a few donuts, before he heads out. he gets a small glimpse of the woman before getting back in his car.
aaron didn’t really think too much of it. that is until he sees her again later that night. the team had solved the case, arresting the unsub and finding the woman he kidnapped, bringing her home safely. the team wanted to celebrate.
normally aaron would decline the offer to come along, wanting to get a good night sleep before jetting off the next morning. this time he accepted. he didn’t know why, but his inner voice told him he deserved to go out and have fun.
they went to a small club derek had found. he watched as his team danced, laughing at derek’s smooth moves.
aaron takes a sip of his beer before excusing himself to the restroom. once he finished his business he heads to the bar. aaron sees a woman looking very uncomfortable while a guy tries to flirt with her. she tries to be polite, giving him a smile. aaron could tell he wasn’t really getting the hint. she politely declines his advances. the man grabs her arm a little to aggressive for his liking. aaron frowns before walking over to them.
“everything okay?”
“yeah, it is! back up buddy!”
aaron puts his hands in the small of her back. the woman looks at him with pleading eyes. aaron recognizes her from earlier that day.
“i wasn’t asking you.”
“listen, i was having a discussion with the pretty lady here! why don’t you leave!”
aaron grabs his badge. the guy raised his hands before leaving.
“thank you!”
aaron hums. “yeah, any time.”
the woman smiles at him. “that a real badge or are you an actor?”
aaron gives her one of his signature small smiles. “it’s real. fbi.”
“oh? how long have you been an agent?”
aaron scoffs. “i don’t even remember. it’s been so long.”
“you look oddly familiar. have we met?”
“saw you at dunkins. you were signing autographs. im assuming you’re a celebrity?”
she laughs. “you don’t recognize me?”
aaron shakes his head. “mostly listen to the classics. i am quite old.” aaron states.
“you don’t look that old mister fbi agent! but, yeah, i am! im barely famous though. have like three albums out right now. it’s one reason why i can walk freely in the streets of new york without being spotted too much.”
“you can call me aaron.”
“aaron, huh? very suiting for an fbi agent. i like that. my names yn. i go by my middle name though in the industry, rihanna.”
aaron smiles. “what brings you here in new york?”
“i was invited to a few fashion shows. since im up and coming people want me everywhere. it’s been a busy week for me.” yn states.
“i understand. traveling a lot, yeah?”
“mhm. you travel?”
aaron nods. “yeah, all the time. im a profiler! my job consist being in different locations all the time.”
“profiler? you’re in the big leagues then, huh? i heard you gotta be crazy smart to be considered.”
aaron laughs. “something like that. it’s mostly got to do with reading people, places, and things, you know? just looking a little deeper than others would. like studying it more.”
“okay mister profiler, let’s see how good you are at your job. profile me.” yn smirks.
aaron smirks.
“just by standing next to you i can tell you’re an amazing artist. you write music from the heart and release it for the world to know who you are and what you’ve been through. you underestimate yourself. you don’t think you’re good enough which is why you call yourself low leveled, yet you’re already being invited to big events, which means you’re getting way more attention than you’ve ever imagined.”
yn left speechless. she didn’t know what else to do or say. yn just stood there before blinking rapidly. “wow, you’re good!”
“it’s just from the few things you’ve told me. nothing major.”
“who’s underestimating themselves now?” she smirks.
aaron chuckles.
the two continues to chat for a while. they lost track of time. soon enough emily comes to find aaron, letting him know she’s taking derek and spencer back to the hotel. both of them drunk off their ass.
aaron lets her know he’ll be right behind them.
“it was great talking to you, yn.” aaron smiles as he goes to walk away. “aaron, wait!”
aaron turns around. yn hands him a piece of paper. “please, call me. i enjoyed talking to you.”
aaron smiles. he places the paper in his pocket before waving. the rest was history.
he was smitten that very day and continued to be smitten about her. he felt like haley brought them together.
they were perfect. his perfect little star.
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I really hope I'm not bothering you with my asks, BUT what if, miss facade reader fell for Mu Qing, & after they complete a mission together, maybe she asks him out with an entire bouquet & such?
I so want to pamper him give him the princess treatment.
Mu Qing x F!Reader
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I don't mind your requests at all I promise 🥰🖤 I feel great knowing that people like my writing enough to come back for more of it so I'm happy!
Part one: Miss Facade
Go read it rn🫵😚
Mu Qing and you have gotten a lot closer
Especially after he's been your listening ear. He's also now your number one defender.
Your reputation continues about being a bitch but Mu Qing knows you differently now. He knows you can be soft.
He's reached a dilemma though.
Don't get him wrong you are kind and you're kind to others too. However there is a difference
Now that you two are always next to each other he gets the opportunity to see more of your interactions.
To others you are standoffish, but you're kind. To most people they see how stone like you are though.
So. . . Most people do think you're a bitch
You've never treated him like that though. You're always open and affectionate.
The closer you two get the more softer you act
Mu Qing doesn't know why, but you've been doing many things for him.
You've been buying him gifts, and he accepts them graciously of course.
He just doesn't know why you're doing it.
He can afford his own things you don't have to get him stuff so often and buy things that are so expensive.
You also make things for him. Mu Qing has many of your works placed in his own palace.
The gifts you've bought him cover shelves, and tables
Even his closet is full.
Other heavenly officials have spread word, that the stone-like goddess of the heavens has taken up dabbling in a sugar relationship.
Mu Qing asked why you were doing it once. He regrets it.
He remembers his face filled with heat when you said he deserves princess treatment.
What does that even mean? Mu Qing is no princess. . .
That sounds like something Xie Lian would have
And it is. He finds out when he asks Xie Lian what to do
It wasn't what he wanted to do but he had no where else to ask advice from.
Of course Xie Lian and Hua Cheng come in a package deal. The more he looks at them, the more he sees you and him.
Of course since you're both so close you guys go on more missions together.
Who else is he going to pick, Feng Xin?
Just recently you both completed a mission together.
Usually the two of you join up at your palace and spend time with one another
When Mu Qing arrives you aren't here though, hm.
He waits patiently in your art room.
You do finally show up, he can hear your footsteps patter against the floor
When he opens the door for you though he doesn't see your face but a bouquet of flowers instead.
You're blushing and you push the bouquet into his hands
Then before he can ask, you start rambling. About how you were trying to give him hints with your gifts. That you love him and if he would like you'd be happy to go out on a date
He's blushing to his gaze focusing on the flowers he's holding. Of course he agrees. Why wouldn't he? It would be foolish to assume he hasn't fallen for you too.
You spoil him so much, and treat him so well. Maybe he deserves this once in awhile. Mu Qing is covered in you
His clothes? You bought them. His hairpin? You bought that too. The sudden bracelets he's wearing? You wouldn't guess but it's you who bought them again.
Everywhere he goes he sees you even if you're not physically by his side at the moment. He doesn't remember when but you've intruded his life
He likes it though and he loves you too.
All done I hope you liked it again 🖤🥰 I'm sorry if it's short 😭
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my-owl-baby · 5 months
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Chapter one; The Lost Lady
Osferth x Modern f!reader
Summary: You woke up in the middle of nowhere, the last thing you remember is going camping with your best friend. Now your here with your belongings. Getting windup with a village of women and children taking care of them until something unexpected happens.
Warnings: killing, cursing, and hard language.
Word count: 2,787
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you woke up sore, everywhere in your body ache as you sat up, removing the leaves in your hair. "Where am i?" You cough a bit feeling a bit cold from the air. Snowing already? It was just summer time. You sigh, getting a jacket out of your bag that was near you and putting it on.
"JON?" You yelled hoping your best friend wasn't far from here. You grab your things walking around to find Jon.
You guys were going camping for awhile since the loud city wasn't in the right mental state for the both of you. Now your here in the middle of nowhere, weather freezing cold.
"JON?!" You yelled once more looking around but only see a white landscape with tress around.
"This isn't funny!" You held yourself close not wanting to to freeze to death in the middle of the woods. Did you fall asleep a bit more longer then expected? Or kidnapped? No, they would have you in a room right?
Many questions wonder in your head wondering where you were or how you got here.
Your fingers felt like they were going numb, you saw people up ahead. You weren't sure if they were good or so. You took out your pocket knife keeping it in your back pocket if anything happens.
"Hello?" You yelled once more, seeing the two heads turn to you. You notice it was women which brought you a little hope to you.
"Do you know where I'm at?" You asked getting closer to see a better view of them.
"Stop right there" one of them said, taking a knife out, pointing it towards you.
You pause staying where you are, not making a move because she demanded. "I'm not a threat" you defended yourself, putting your hands up in the air so she can see you aren't one.
She whispered something to the lady, and ran off as she stayed watching me. "And what dose a Dane like you want?" She step closer, she wasn't a threat to you. But you needed her to trust you so you can leave the woods.
"Dane? I'm not Dane" you said calmly, she seem unsure with your response.
"Why do you dress like one" she responded to you, you looked at your outfit. You were your jacket, jeans and a long sleeve shirt.
"I don't understand what you mean miss" you tried to be respectful but she really is making you unpatient since you were freezing you ass off.
"Don't play stupid lady, your Dane...where are your friends?" She didn't believe your words, not one bit.
"Trust me, I'm not a Dane, I don't even know what that is" you kept defending yourself. She seem unsure once again.
You both stayed in silence until an arrow went through her head, causing her body to fall to the ground.
"What the hell" you turn seeing another arrow coming towards your, running to into the village. It was empty, they must be hiding.
"Where the fuck am i" you mumble under your breath trying to find a place to hide. It looked nothing like what Amish people do, or how they live.
You hid behind a blacksmith workshop, you fumble in your bag getting your gun for safety. You didn't know she was going to die, so it wasn't your fault that she died right?
You continued to convince yourself that it wasn't your fault until you heard men laughing out loud. "Find the other whore, and bring her to me" they were riding horses. Swords, arrows and wooden shield as protected.
Then it click you, you weren't home. You weren't in your timeline.
They started to search the place, seeing them near the church trying to open it but it wouldn't bugged.
"I can't use my gun" you mumble to yourself placing it down, seeing a sword and a bow and arrow there. You crawl not trying to make a sound to get your attention.
The sword was heavy and you did have your pocket knife which could be of use. You weren't going to let innocent people dying infront of you. Not like the other times.
Of the men were getting close to your area as the other men try to open the door. He got closer to you enough to grab him and slit his throat. And you did exactly that without anyone noticing.
The snow is painted red, with his blood and the rest of his people blood as well. You grab the arrows and bow getting somewhere high so they won't see you.
"I hate this, where are you jon" you mumble, you heart beat is fast from the adrenaline.
You climb on top of a tree, until you got a good enough view of the men. "Please keep me safe any God out there, that would be wonderful" you mumble once more getting ready to shot.
Leaving everything behind where you killed the man was a good idea? No it wasn't but you didn't want the heavy bag make you slow down.
You started to aim at the men who had arrows so they wouldn't be a threat. You shot your first one which made a commotion, they pick up their shield but not high enough to keep the safe.
You killed another and another after it, only leaving a couple 13 more men to go.
"FIND WHO DOING THIS" you heard one of them yell, as they scattered around the village.
You took a quick break, catching you breath it wasn't a camping trip you were hoping for. All you wanted was a quiet peaceful trip.
You ended up shotting at four more men, you were running out of arrows, only had four more left.
"IT MUST BE THE GODS PUNISHING US MI LORD" One yelled, getting on his knees mumbling to himself.
Another started to believe him and did the same actions as the other man.
"DON'T YOU DARE, ITS NOT THE GODS YOU FOUL" it was your cue to climb down from the tress, first person combat is your strong point. You shot the two men on the ground now colouring their blood with the snow.
You revealed yourself, the 'lord' they called saw you in disbelief. "A women, killed my man" his anger show without notice as he and the rest of his men started to dart at you.
You use you last two on two men who tried to come at you. You dodged them perfectly using your pocket knife to leave a cut on their ankle or wrist.
"How can a women kill my men!" He yelled coming towards you with a sword. You kicked his shield backing away only seeing three more men alive.
"A gun would be easier" you rolled your eyes, wiping the blood of your face with your jacket.
The leader came out you once more, with his sword, you dodge him running away to another man stabing his throat. The other one stumble on his horse yelling witch. Their lord once again tried to attack you pushing his shield towards you.
You fell on the ground, his legs were spread open and decided to hit him where it would hurt, his nuts.
He grunted holding his legs together tightly dropping his sword. "Always works" you said breathlessly, grabing his sword and sliding it through his throat.
You stood there, still hearing another man yelling, as he struggled to get on his horse.
"Really?, oh my god" you mumble grabing a used arrow and aimed it at the man who cried out for help ending his noise.
Now it was silent, the only thing you heard was your own heart beat and breath at the same time. You saw all the men lifeless on the ground, you didn't want to leave them there even though they did try to kill you, you wanted to at least have a proper rest.
You grab your gun placing it behind your jeans covering by your jacket and shirt. You place your bag near by where no one would get it as you started to grab a shovel to bury them.
Soon you notice people coming out the church looking at you, like you were their hero or some sort of monster. You didn't mind them, only trying to bury men you killed.
"You burn them instead of burying them" you heard a young voice said, you turn seeing a women about your age not to close to you.
"We thank you for saving us" she bow a bit before making eye contact with you.
"It's nothing, it's the least I can do for them killing your family member" you mumble not knowing the right words you stop shoveling.
"She was a nun here, for many years...we buried her not the Danes" she said, you nodded looking at the men you had piled in a line.
"So those are Danes, do you know where I am?" You glance at the group of men, then at the her. She nodded taking a deep breath, the children and women were watching you closely making sure you wouldn't hurt their nun.
"Umm, my lady your in the Wessex land" she looked away, playing with her fingers as she spoke.
"Wessex?" It didn't click you heard, until you thought about it more. England, so you either in the 5th-10th century, but you needed the right date.
"Um, do you need any help?" You snapped out of your thoughts, turning to the lady.
"What would be kind of you" you smiled, she nodded, as you both continued to talk to each other about this land or other people out there.
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Two weeks had passed, and Uhtred came to the king, Alfred. Sitting down at the table eating along side with the kings wife, father Beocca and Haesten chatting about something.
"His name is Sigurd" Haesten said, eating his food at the same time. "His men call him bloodhair"
Aelswith spoke up "I don't not wish to know why something depraved, I'm sure" she slice her meat up.
"I have a man watching Bloodhair camp" Uhtred spoke, "but I'm curious...he didn't ask you to join him, Haesten?" He asked, taking a sip of his ale.
Alfred looked at Haesten, as he said he declined bloodhair offer. They started to bicker back and forth as the king watched. Uhtred didn't trust Haesten not one bit, and he had every right too.
"Uhtred, there came a report that in the near rivers in Wessex near north that someone killed seventeen Danes alone" he started getting the attention of everyone in his table.
"How can one man defeat seventeen Danes alone?" Father Beocca asked, Uhtred seem impressed, while Lady Aelswith praise the man for killing such evil men.
"I want you to bring that man to me, he would be of use" he said, Uhtred and the others agreed expect for Haesten himself, who stuff meat in his mouth.
Once the king left for air Haesten spoke "There's a lady that Bloodhair has...her name is Skade, she a seer of the devil father" looking at Beocca for a reaction, which he didn't give.
He left afterwards, leaving Uhtred and Father Beocca alone.
"Where are you going?" Beocca asked as Uhtred was walking away.
"Finding out the man who killed that many Danes and speaking to Bloodhair myself" Beocca said something else but Uhtred didn't pay no mind to it.
While those two weeks with you weren't bad, you were force to pray to be able to stay and take care of the women and children here.
It wasn't bad, peaceful then cramping. Jon haven't shown up, you wish he wasn't here but a the same time it would be wonderful to see a similar face here from time to time.
Some of the nuns didn't accept you so quickly as some did, the children grew found of you. You taught the lil boys to learn how to use a wooden sword. Even know you had no experience with a sword you did your best to teach them.
Even some of the girls wanted to learn as well, which you proudly did show them.
You help out as much as you could, chop wood, hunt, collect herds, help making better food and of course taking care of the children.
It was an everyday task for you, you didn't mind it since it was helping you a lot. You never knew how much peace you could taken. Almost like it's your new life now.
You were out in the woods looking for herds since you were already running out of some.
While you were gone in the woods a group of Danes came to the village. "DANES IN THE CHURCH NOW!" Anne yelled in worried helping the children get inside. They shut the door, pushing the table to door.
"Everyone stay calm" she held the kids as many as she could.
"Lady Y/n is out there she'll get hurt" one of the boys plead, she hush the boy holding him closer to her.
The banging on the door started, the rest of the nuns started to pray to their God. Hoping he will save them and keep them at peace more longer.
You began to walk back to the village seeing men there, Danes? You didn't know since they didn't dress like the last ones you met. "Do you need anything?" You spoke up, they didn't notice your presence so they were startle by your voice.
A man walked up to you with a smile "Yes, we are looking for the man, who defeated the seventeen Danes alone" you didn't give him a reaction, shrugging as you walked passes him knocking on the door.
"Anne, open the door" you said turning to the men, there was four of them.
"So your here for the man" you chuckled as you spoke the last word. The same one walked toward you standing by your side.
"We mean no harm, only coming for the kings order, I'm Uhtred" he held out a hand for you to shake.
You looked at him then at his hand before shaking "I'm Y/n" the door peak open, then finally fully open.
"Lady Y/n, you're safe!" The same little boy hugged your legs. A small smile appeared on your face patting his head.
"Yes, I am dear boy" he smile before running off with the other kids outside to play again.
They fix the table as you set the basket of herds on the table. "So this Anne the Abbess of the nunnery, speak to her" you said, not wanting to disappoint the men that you were the one that killed those Danes.
She gave you a worried look wondering why you would trust these Danes. But she trusted you enough to speak to them.
"Hello" she bowed her head a bit towards them.
"Hello, I'm Uhtred, these here are my men I trust" he started you made your way to the kitchen getting food ready for supper.
You could hear them talking with thin doors they have build in. "We came here for the man who killed those Danes a couple days ago" he started, you startrd to chop the fat off the meat.
"Oh, that wasn't no man" Anne laughed nervously, you smiled to yourself as you heard the conversation.
"Really? Was it a bear?" You heard another man's voice as he laughed, causing the two men laugh as well.
"Hah...no" she mumble started playing with her fingers looking at the kitchen door then at the men.
"Then who did it?" Uhtred interrupt her training thought. She smiled at them before she spoke up.
"It was lady Y/n...she saved us" she knew that these men wouldn't believe it, but Uhtred seem to surprise and at the same time believe the young nun.
While the three men, Osferth, Sithtric and Finan on the other hand were surprised that a women like yourself was able to kill that many men.
"May I ask how?" Finan asked Anne, they glance at the kitchen door still wondering how.
"I don't know how to explain it" she shook her head, she really didn't one second she saw you next you were gone while four men were dead on the ground.
"You can stay for supper and for the night, if you have any business with lady Y/n...it's between the five of you" she bow dismissed herself, to the kitchen helping you with food.
"We got ourselves a witch" Sithtric said, he was serious about his words. Osferth didn't want to believe it, you looked kind to even be a killer maybe it was a trick like how the devils are.
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suffarustuffaru · 7 months
Hi so i found this post about a reinsuba soulmate au? but I can't remember the name of it I don't remember the person who posted it I've search everywhere for but can't find it I only remember some of it I think it was a soulmates has the others scars there was also a were reinhard is desperately searching for his soulmate because they were fine just a awhile ago and suddenly they just started getting the scars and doesn't know it's Subaru because of return by death I think The scars are in gold on the other soulmate? I think I saw your name somewhere it's fine if you don't know but if you do know please let me know.
OH i absolutely know which post youre talking about!! it was an idea on the fanfic thread a few months ago, and i do sometimes go on rezero reddit so i contributed to some of the ideas in this thread here.
yeah so for everyone else who doesn't know - the fanfic/AU idea was basically that soulmate pairs get each others scars (physical OR psychological) in gold on their skin. think of it like kintsugi art, where you repair broken pottery by filling in the breaks with gold -
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like this basically!! (meaning subaru might notice the similarities between the whole soulmate system and kintsugi itself yes)
yeah so to summarize all the ideas me and a few other people had in that thread, basically reinhard and subaru are soulmates (this can be platonic or romantic or however youd like to see it). reinhard takes on ALL of subarus physical and psychological scars so reinhard's basically Covered in them. meanwhile because reinhard doesnt physically scar, subaru only gets psychological ones - a collar mark around his neck to symbolize the collar of submission (a collar the kingdom puts on reinhard to suppress his powers; reinhard isnt allowed to leave the country without this collar on), and later in arc 5, subaru also gets a giant slash mark across his chest (to symbolize reinhard's death in arc 5). subaru's physical scars are self-explannatory - the psychological ones though include markings around the lips (for the rbd taboo :(( ) and a handprint on his chest right over his heart (because. satella/witch of envy).
meanwhile reinhard is guilt stricken because oh god my soulmate is SUFFERING and i cant even save them :(( i cant even find them!!! but at least i can take on all the burden of their scars for them ahahah i deserve this. and then reinhard looks over at subaru and goes hm. a collar mark. reminds me of the collar of submission :(((( but i cant possibly be subaru's soulmate!!! slavery is unfortunately commonplace in this world, subaru, perhaps you should go look in kararagi? :<<< so then reinhard ends up going on a wild goose chase for a soulmate that was LITERALLY right in front of him. subaru either doesnt notice the growing scars on reinhard until later (because they dont see each other very often) orrrr subaru is sweating buckets because he of course cant explain ALL of those scars so hes like haha im gonna keep quiet until i figure out how to break the news.
but then reinhard dies in front of subaru in arc 5 and then subaru watches as not only does reinhard come back to life, a new golden slash mark appears across subaru's torso that perfectly matches the wound reinhard just died from.....
yeah anyway!!! im quite fond of soulmate aus actually and this idea is particularly fun yes :o both in concept and aesthetically. ive always rotated a bunch of different rezero soulmate aus in my head and this idea is pretty cool i think!!
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thelunarsystemwrites · 2 months
A new burrow.
[Note: psssttt @nobodys-reblogs come get your BIB fuelll!]
"...What is that?" Horror pointed to the bunnies—Very round ones at that, snuggled warmly in Killer's jacket, as he gave the widest smile.
"Rabbits!" He exclaimed, bouncing on his heels as Dust lit up his third cigarette today, he did not have the sheer mental compatibility that was required to deal with Killer's energy.
"...Not food?" Horror followed up with as he tilted his head, and Killer shook his skull. "Nope! Not food! They look like us!" He handed Horror the bunny missing an ear, as he glanced down hungrily at it.
Then he placed Dust's bunny on top of the hooded skeleton's head... because of course he did.
"We're not keeping them." The smoker spoke with a gruff voice, and Killer pouted, his heart shaped soul seemed to dim a bit.
"Uh, yeah we are?" Killer said as his bunny was chewing on his hoodie's strings, little tail wagging as it's eye.. goop? Was getting everywhere.
Horror looked at Dust, then back at his bunny—Which was the largest of the three. "...They ain't gonna hurt anyone."
"Fuckin'..." The Dust bunny flopped it's ears over Dusts face, getting a groan from him. "...I hate you."
"I know!~" Killer spun the rabbit around. "I'm gonna go set up an enclosure for him!" He decided as he hopped, teleporting to who knows where.
"...Don't." Dust hissed out as Horror went to nibble on his rabbits ear, the rabbit in question was chewing on his arm.
After deciding he didn't want to watch Horror eat... well other Horror (are these.. from AUs of their own?) He left the two.
The Dust bunny continued to demand his attention, now pawing at his forehead as he tried to ignore it, walking towards the kitchen.
"Stop.. pawing me..." He grumbled, as it's paw hesitated, before bapping him again. He sighed.
BIBmare was royally freaked out. His henchmen were gone! He thought they'd retreat, but nooooo! Those... morons! They're gone!
He thumped throughout the carrot castle, one built off carrots and dirt, a burrow fit for king! As he was calling out of his bunnies as he saw BIB Cross, who was eating one of his decorative plants.
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"You!" He hopped forward, "Where are the others!? They haven't returned!"
BIB cross made a nibble noise.
"...Yes, I'm aware they aren't in the castle, that is an issue!" All six of his ears flopped up and down in a panicked motion.
Another squeak from BIB Cross.
"For stars—Go look for them!" He demanded. Momentarily, BIB cross paused... before eating the dry wall instead.
"OH MY GOD!" BIBmare exclaimed. "You idiot! That is not—" He paused, hopping over and nibbling on it too.
Okay- it was pretty good.
Okay so his Bunny has now eaten a hole in his jacket, which mildly ticked him off...But, then he remembered that, the guy probably hasn't eaten anything food related in awhile. So, snack time! Plus, he wanted to see how much damage the others rabbits had caused.
"Oh Dusty!~" Killer said in a sing song voice, pausing as he got to the kitchen.
Dust, had made a sort of... Nest? He was sleeping sitting up, wrapped in a few old blankets. While Dust bunny rested in his lap, tail wagging ever so slightly. Next to him, Horror and his rabbit were curled up, along with bits of carrots and various other vegetables scattered on the floor.
Killer smirked, his own bunny still being carried within his jacket. He walked and got into the frigde, pulling out a carrot that he let his—Who he's deemed Killey devour it.
After he was done with his little snack, his small paws kicked ever so slightly, making a whine as he wanted down.
"Awe, you even fight me me!" Killer said as he just, let go- the BIB bounced three times, until it landed on the other side of the pile. He shrugged, walking over and plopping down right next to him, letting his round friend climb atop his chest, like a weighted blanket.
Yeah, this was pretty nice.
Oh, and he's sooooo using this to blackmail Dust later, with his bunny hating bullshit.
But for now, he wanna snuggle.
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live-laugh-neteyam · 1 year
Pretend ||| lo’ak x omatikaya!reader
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pairings: lo’ak x omatikaya!fem!reader, neteyam x reader if you squint
summary: no matter how hard you try you can’t pretend forever
words: 1.3k
warnings/notes: angst, one sided love, mentions of blood, nightmares, mentions of death, grief, use of y/n, cursing, you’re either gonna feel bad for lo’ak or think he’s a jerk probably a bit of both
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Your screams echoed through the smoky air. "Get it off!" You wailed scratching at your arms and hands. Neteyam's dried blood covered you. It was everywhere. It coated you like war paint, it stained Lo'ak's hands, it steeped onto the rocks below, and it covered Neteyam's lifeless pale body. 
This couldn't be real. It couldn't be. You weren't clutching onto your mate's lifeless body as sobs wracked your body. Neteyam couldn't be dead.
"Y/N." Hearing a familiar voice call your name made you looked up. Blinking back the tears you struggled to see through you saw Lo'ak staring grimly at you. Trying not to look at his red coated hands you stared into his eyes.
"Y/N wake up." He said.
Immediately you shot up eyes flying open. Panting you took in deep gulps of breath. Your frantic eyes darted around the room trying to figure out where you were.
"You were crying." Lo'ak sadly smiles at you.
Placing a hand over your chest you try to steady your heart. It wasn't real. It was just a nightmare.
Except the nightmare was real.
Neteyam was dead.
"Are you okay?" He asked reaching out to touch you.
Immediately you flinched away. "I just need a minute." You mumbled.
Excusing yourself from your shared mat you left your home. Tears were freely sliding down your cheeks, heart still hammering in your chest.
Five years. Neteyam had been dead for five years. Time didn't heal you rather it made the hole in your heart feel worse. The death of your mate was something you'd never get over.
Your heart would always belong to Neteyam. It was an inexcusable fact that everyone was aware of; everyone except Lo'ak.
"You don't have to do this own your own." He had whispered. "Let me help you."
You remember his words like they had just happened. Still able to make out his desperate pleading eyes. You hated him for putting you in that situation. You hated yourself more for the outcome.
A marriage of convenience. That's what Jake had called it. He loved you like a daughter and just wanted to insure you were cared for. Jake knew this wasn't the ideal situation, but his eldest son wasn't supposed to die so soon either.
You were still young and deserved a happy life. That's what Lo'ak convinced himself of. Feeling responsible for his brothers death, Lo'ak had felt the need to take care of you in his place. Neteyam would've wanted you cared for, the fact helped to ease his guilt.
Deep down Lo'ak knew you'd never truly love him. Yet he continued to hold onto the possibility that it could happen. Maybe you could learn to love him. Or better yet, you could pretend.
Lo'ak hated himself for it, but he couldn't deny his feelings for you. Feelings that had developed long before you fell for his older brother. Lo'ak liked you since day one. You just liked Neteyam better.
Sitting on a sandbank you sobbed into your hands. Your heart ached for your mate, for your Neteyam.
Feeling a presence sitting next to you, you didn't have to look to know it was Lo'ak. It was your unspoken routine. You'd leave home crying and he'd come to find you.
After you calmed down Lo'ak went to hold your hand. Moving on instinct you scooted away from him. You were still in shock from your nightmare, the last thing you wanted was to be touched.
Lo'ak looked at you his expression blank. His eyes held irritation as he bit his tongue to keep from saying something he'd regret. The two of you had been together for awhile now. He was expecting you to have moved further along by now.
"I know none of it is real." He sighed running his hand through his hair. "You have no idea how much I wish it fucking was."
"Lo'ak." Finally you looked over at him with tears streaming down your cheeks. "I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say." You whispered.
From that night on something had shifted between the two of you. Lo'ak was no longer as patient and understanding as he had been. He stopped coming to sit with you after your nightmares.
Lo'ak was cold with you, doing his best to keep his distance. He couldn't understand why you couldn't just try. He wanted you to pretend to feel something you didn't. He wanted it to be real.
You sat in your home eating dinner shocked to see Lo'ak join you. "So you're done avoiding me now?" You questioned raising your brow.
His jaw clenched before he looked at you. "You do realize we're married don't you?"
"Why are you bringing this up?" You sighed frustrated.
"Because you don't fucking at like it!" He fumed.
"Lo'ak." You said softly trying to calculate your next move. Before you could he continued.
"Can you just kiss me already?" He was delirious in his anger.
"What are you talking about?" You gaped at him. He was frantic and not making any sense.
"You are my wife and we've never even kissed." He continued frustrated.
"Lo'ak, what has gotten into you?" You sighed closing your eyes trying to make sense of this.
"Yeah go on," he said almost as if he was taunting you. "Close your eyes. I know who you're pretending I am. It's always been about him. Why not me?"
Your eyes shot open staring at him in anger. This was all his doing, it was his fault. Now it was time for him to reap what he sowed. Not being able to hold it in you finally snapped.
"Did you ever actually think about how I feel about this?" You snapped. "I never wanted this, it was always you." Tears stung your eyes as you pointed at him.
Lo'ak's eyes widened in shock as he was snapped back into reality. He shifted uncomfortably seemingly not being take to handle a dose of his own medicine.
"Y/N I-I," he stuttered.
"You knew going into this that I wouldn't be able to love you like you deserve. And you still went through with it. Don't you dare place the blame on me." You cried.
"I'm sorry." He sighed running a hand over his head. "I don't know what else to say."
You coldly chuckled at his familiar words. Wiping your tears you took a deep breath. "I can't give you what you want." You sighed. "My heart isn't capable of going through that again. But I do love you Lo'ak. Not in the way you wish, but I do love you. I'm sorry but it's all I can offer you."
Lo'ak slowly nodded in defeat tears clouding his eyes. He knew it was the truth, he knew it going into this arrangement. But he let himself deny it and held onto a tiny sliver of hope.
"I won't pretend to love you Lo'ak. That's not fair." You sighed.
"I know." His shoulders slumped.
Despite what he thought, pretending just didn't work. It didn't feel the same. Lo'ak wanted you to actually love him. Love him in the way he loved you. Nothing fake or forced, but rather genuine and real.
"I haven't been fair to you." He whispered, a tear sliding down his cheek. "I'm sorry."
"Thank you Lo'ak." You choked out through your tears.
Lo'ak felt his heart start to crumble at the realization of no matter how hard he tried you'd never really be his. Not truly. Your heart belonged to his brother and it seemed Neteyam took it with him.
"C'mere." He whispered before gently wrapping his arms around you.
You clung to him as your body shook with sobs. Finally hitting your breaking point, you couldn't hold your tears in any longer.
"It's okay." He sighed gently caressing your head. "I miss him too."
You sobbed harder into his chest as he held you. Lo'ak tried to comfort you the best he could. He would be better this time. He'd be there for you; ready to help you pick up your broken pieces whenever you're ready to.
Lo'ak continued to hold you as you cried. A few silent tears ran down his face. Both of you grieving the life you'd never have. Two broken hearts both longing for the person they could never have.
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@ilovejakesullysdick @fanboyluvr @athenalikethegoddess @loverofallthingsfandom @forasgaard @plzfeedmebread @instabull @ms5m1th @avatarappreciationblog @romimiux @ferrtan @tammitammytime @eternallyvenus @dreamyescapesfromreality @dvxsja @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @mightyneteyam @doggyteam2028 @bananafruityawne @mooniequeen @shayligames-blog
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
The Girl and Her Golden Boys
⇨ Chapter One: The Bells
♡ Pairing: 40’s!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, 40’s!Platonic!Pre-Serum!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
♡ Chapter Summary: You find yourself back in your hometown, unfortunately it’s for the passing of Sarah Rogers. You meet up with your boys, as it’s been awhile since you’ve last seen them.
♡ Chapter Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of parent death
Italics are flashbacks
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You hadn’t gotten through a full year of Boarding School, when you had heard Sarah Rogers had passed. Growing up she had raised you when your Father was absent, which was a lot of the time. She became the Mother figure you needed, being a girl and all, it was important to have a woman guide you. Hearing that she had passed was devastating, feeling like you were losing your true Mother all over again.
Your Father had picked you up, and the two of you were now headed to the funeral. Silence filled the car, not many words ever spoken between him and you, that’s just how things were after your Mom had died. The usual tension that came with the silence, wasn’t noticed by you, as your mind swirled with thoughts. Specifically, Steve Rogers.
Your heart ached for him, knowing how badly he must be hurting. Losing a parent was a bond being torn, and no matter the years gone by, you will always wonder if they’ll come back. If maybe, just maybe— that bond will amble.
You knew it was vital that you be here for Steve, knowing what it like to lose a parent, you would try and make sure he didn’t lose himself like you did.
Steve was your first friend in school. Fourth grade, you remember a tiny boy tripping through the doorway of your school, his books flying everywhere, pages folding unnaturally.
You were quick to collect his books, and help him back to his feet, pulling him to the side to dust off his now dirtied pants. He was slightly embarrassed, watching you clean him off like his mother would. You on the other hand, didn’t realize you were crossing a line, instead acted out of pure instinct.
“T-thanks… My shoes are a little too big. Hard to walk in them sometimes.” He told you bashfully.
“That’s okay, you’ll grow into them eventually,” You assured him, sticking out your hand, “I’m (Y/n)!”
Steve smiled at your kindness, grabbing your hand with a shake.
“I’m Steve, happy to meet someone nice on the first day of school.”
“I know it’s scary, but you’ve got me now! I promise I won’t let you trip… Again.” You declared, handing him his books back, all stacked nicely.
Steve giggled and smiled, excited that he had found a friend.
Steve had become more of a brother to you as you two had grown. Although you two didn’t get along as well as you first did, you two still loved each other and would never go to bed angry. At least, that’s what Sarah would tell us.
The car halted to a stop, alerting you that you had arrived at the cemetery. Knots formed in your stomach suddenly, Sarah’s passing fully hitting you now. You wanted to stay strong for Steve, you didn’t want him to see you upset. You wanted the focus to stay on Steve, he was the one who deserved all the love today. But the closer you were getting to the group of sniffling people, your walls started to crumble.
You scanned the small crowd, spotting Steve standing next to Bucky. You had a good assumption Buck was trying to convince Steve to stay with him and his family, but Steve being stubborn, you knew that was going to be war.
You smiled at the closeness of the two, the brother bond always warming your heart. Steve needs someone like Bucky, and Bucky needs Steve just as much.
Before you were away at Boarding School, you were here with the boys. It was you three versus the world, going on adventures, getting in trouble, and sometimes getting hurt together. You didn’t care what mess you got yourselves into, as long as it was one of them that was putting the bandaid on.
Quietly letting your Father know you were headed over to the boys, you walked silently, keeping your head down, trying to swallow down the lump forming in your throat.
You stopped some feet away, glancing at the both of their glum faces. You started towards Steve first, not saying a word as you embraced him in a tight, needed hug. Steve closed his eyes, relishing in your comforting embrace that he had missed so much. He patted your back appreciatively, both of you stepping away from each other.
“Let me guess, you’re here to say you’re sorry for my loss too.” Steve mumbled sarcastically, his eyes vacant and unfocused.
Frowning at his words, you fiddled with the ends of your dress, and cleared your throat.
“I don’t think anything I say is going to make you feel better right now. I’m here because my friend needs me, that’s it.” You explained softly, watching his eyebrows raise slightly in appreciation.
Steve opened his mouth to respond but his eyes went dull again, and he closed it. Attempting to blink away the oncoming tears, he excused himself, choosing to stand farther away to give himself a moment.
You watched with worried eyes, not wanting to let him walk away, but knowing that he needs time to himself.
“You being here means the world to him, ya know.” Bucky spoke finally, breaking your gaze from Steve. You met his eyes and forced a smile, walking towards him slowly.
He opened his arms, caging you in his protective embrace. You looped your arms around his lower back, pulling him closer, if that was even possible. Your face was smushed into his chest, but it didn’t stop your eyes from tearing up, your nose burning.
“I’m trying to be strong for him but… It’s h-hard.” You whimpered out, your voice wavering by the end.
Bucky rubbed your back soothingly with one hand, while the other cradled the back of your head.
“I know Doll, I know. You can let it out.” He whispered, holding you tight as your body shook with quiet sobs.
Bucky always had this this effect on you, he was able to bring your guard down. You blamed it on the fact that his embrace always felt so safe, always feeling like it was just you and him. Bucky was the oldest and protected you and Steve growing up, of course you saw him as a hero. But you knew there was something deeper to the connection, but you never spoke up about it. You valued the friendship too much to risk putting your feelings out there.
Your sobs died down, just as quick as they had started. Bucky’s aura alone, making you feel better.
“Thank you Buck.” You mumbled into his chest, and he chuckled.
“No need, you know I’m always here for you.” He told you, making you lift your face from his chest to meet his gaze.
“I know.” You whispered, smushing your face back into his chest, wishing you could stay here forever.
Approaching footsteps got both you and Bucky’s attention. Glancing to the direction where they came from, Steve was walking back, wiping his eyes dry.
Breaking apart from Bucky, you focused back on Steve.
“Hey Stevie, ya ready?” You asked him softly.
Steve knew you were talking about the burial, which he didn’t feel he’d ever be ready. But he glanced to you, then to Bucky and he felt safe. He wasn’t alone, he had his family right here.
“I guess.” Steve muttered, starting to walk but slowed his pace when he felt you intertwine your fingers through his.
You and Steve were hand in hand, when suddenly you felt your right hand being laced with Bucky’s fingers. Glancing over to him, you met his soft eyes, and you felt your cheeks heat up.
Steve watched from the far left as you and Bucky gazed into each others eyes for a split second, and for the first time today, Steve smiled.
The three of you all made your way to the small crowd, holding hands, keeping each other grounded.
As long as you had each other, everything was going to be okay.
A/N: 40’s buck and steve hold such a special place in my heart and i felt i had to start a series set in the 40’s. a lot of this series i want to be domestic stuff, but eventually it will be full of drama and hydra EWW. i’m excited to see where this might go, let me know what you think🤍
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ynsvnte · 6 days
Mr. Yang, Is that you?: 28. Bittersweat
Warnings: kissing
Wc: 679
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Finally was the last of classes.. having ended your last class for this semester before going to summer break.. you were asked by Jungwon to meet him up.. you were confused of course. You even told Liz about this but she told you
“you’ll be fine.. nothing bad can happen right..” you can just remember her stating those words over the phone.
You're currently on your way.. nervous but also excited.. you never know what that guy had in his mind. “Maybe it was the day?” You thought.. but you couldn’t help wondering what if really was the day? You heard the gps telling you to take a turn before you’ll be at your destination cutting off your thoughts. You groan in annoyance.
You wish you could disappear right now. And before you know it, you’ve arrived!! Fun! You try to lift up your mood by thinking positively instead of worrying about what is going to happen within the next 10 minutes. You grabbed your bag before taking a deep breath and got out of your car. He wanted to meet you up at the beach. More specifically the restaurant nearby. Each step makes your nerves go up. You walk towards the beach. You take a look embracing the peaceful environment. You'll thank yourself for wearing sandals and not heels.
The wind blows on your face. You make your way over to the restaurant.. seriously who decided to make one right near the beach. The idea sounds nice, until you get sand everywhere. Some tables are directly on the sand, while some are on the porch in the front. You quickly spot him. Making eye contact, your heartbeat races. Approaching his table, you take a seat.
“Hey..” you said, smiling softly. Jungwon returns the smile..
“Hey.. how are you..?” He asked.. bad and good.. you’d say. “I’m good now that you know we ended classes for a while” he nods his head, agreeing. “Yeah, final season stressed me a lot..glad I don’t have to worry about that for awhile” you both continue to talk before. Ordering your food. You turn your head to face the ocean waves, admiring them as the sunsets. “It’s pretty isn’t it?” You say while your eyes shine in adoration. “Yeah..” you hear him say, not paying much attention to it.
You both continue the “meet up” eating and enjoying the atmosphere. The “meet up” was coming closer to an end. You offered to pay for the bill, before Jungwon declined. Both of you leave together.. you were about to say goodbye until Jungwon grabbed your arm and made you go back to the beach. He stops you, facing the sunset. “Pretty you said earlier..” he starts.. you nodded. His hand is still on your wrist. You blush when you look at it. Before looking back up only to be met with Jungwon’s face up close. Your breath hitched. Caught off guard.
“What..?” You say softly trying to understand what’s going on. Jungwon backs up before grabbing each wrist with his hand. “Yn..” he says.. you can tell he’s nervous. Which makes you nervous.. “You have been one of the best things to happen in my life.. and even though you already know.. about the way I feel about you.. that I like you.. and I would like to take this opportunity and ask you.. will you be my girlfriend..”
You stood there frozen.. heartbeat racing.. happiness through the roof.. you quickly nodded your head before Jungwon pulls you into a hug. you melt into his arms, he sways back and forth and kisses on top of your head. He pulls away from the hug and grabs your chin lifting it up.. and his lips meets yours. You were on cloud 9. You smile into the kiss, hands intertwining together. Once you pull away you hear your phone ping..
“Congratulations!! Mr. Yang Yang approved.”
The message read from.. Youngeun.. how does she know? That’s when you look around and see her far away in the parking lot.. waving and smiling.. so you smile back.
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Synopsis: You were playing Roblox until you started having beef with one player that goes by the name "mryangslays193" determined to beat the player in the game. What happens if you go to class and find out it's your crush Yang Jungwon who is the owner of the account ..?
Notes: HEYY UM DAILY UPDATES? It’s 3 am and I might go to bed bc Yknow I be sleeping at 6 or 7 am which js not good but 3 am ain’t any better but better in way. Also YAY FINALLY UMM I TOOK 2 HOURS BC ONE I KEPT GETTING DISTRACTED sorry TWO TOOK A BREAK FOR LIKE 30 MINUTES 💀 and yes it’s supposed to be spelled like that did that typo on purpose
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