#i just... “mega babe” ?????
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introspectivememories · 6 months
funniest possible outcome for the "who is izuku's dad?" question is if afo very dramatically reveals that he is izuku's father a la darth vader on the battlefield -- "that's right izuku.... i am your father!" -- and everyone stops in shock but izuku just looks confused and is like "what? no you're not. my dad is midoriya hisashi" and afo is like "you foolish boy, midoriya hisashi is my alias! i am your father!" and izuku just goes, "what? no you're not. papa works in hokkaido. that's why he's not home often. look, we went to the musutafu aquarium 3 months ago." and he pulls out his phone and starts flipping through his gallery and just shows afo countless photos of inko and hisashi holding hands, holding baby izuku, izuku sitting on hisashi's shoulders. cue the league in back going, "well this is awkward"
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sikyurame · 4 months
I still cry over the lost potential that the sinnoh remakes were
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lukesunbornn · 11 months
bruh i get such a superiority complex over being a good writer
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lavender-femme · 1 year
the way i put on the deodorant i wore our entire relationship for the first time since march bc I had no other fucking option and immediately was sent into an anxiety spiral bc my memories with scent are so intense i was immediately right back in the second bedroom in [redacted’s house] and i could feel her arms wrapping around me and her kissing me, telling me how much she loved me. fuck. just absolutely Fuck this. it’s the same with all different kinds of scents but this one especially continues fucking me up every time i lift my arm to do anything i’m right back there.
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neverinadream · 1 year
i think u just say all this stuff about mason because u know it gets u interactions. no one cares if u don’t find him attractive u don’t need to post about it
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trannyfaggotry · 1 year
everyday i pull up at my job n get confused n frustrated over the fact that people think a mega corporation's rules would cater to their emotions, n that all of this is somehow my fault
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partycatty · 5 months
i was sent an incredibly delicious prompt to use, and i just can't resist it omg. requester wanted to be anonymous, but just know i appreciate u! i won't lie, i ran into so many blocks trying to get this out. writing is hard :( i ended up taking a couple creative liberties anon i hope that's okay
bi-han > new tricks
johnny cage's girlfriend catches him cheating, so she tries to get back at him using bi-han. it's all fun and games, until something new starts to blossom.
warnings: u get cheated on, THIS IS NSFW, author struggles to write johnny in a bad light bc of their favoritism /j, accidental bottom bi-han
notes: i'm rubbing my hands together like a little fly rn, also bi-han's betrayal doesn't happen in this case, also also yes i made a gif of johnny getting his shit rocked for this fic thumbnail
masterlist <3
PART 2 !!!!
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•you and johnny got together following the end of the storyline's events. he charmed you to holy hell and back with those dumb sunglasses and pickup lines at the academy. he was a sweetheart at first, love-bombing you endlessly until you accepted his thirtieth relationship proposal. deciding to stop dragging him along like a lost puppy, you finally said yes, and off you went to date a movie star!
•the change from being nobody to somebody was JARRING. suddenly, cameras were up your ass all the time, and you caught yourself staring out of your apartment window on multiple occasions to see people scurry away when they're spotted.
•even so, you can't lie. the parties that celebrities hold rival outworld's temptations. especially if johnny is hosting. despite downsizing from his mega mansion, his new home was still expansive enough to hold a large number of people. and boy did he take advantage of the space.
•everyone was a few drinks deep, you yourself were a little buzzed but with the intention of loosening up and socializing. johnny however, seems to have other intentions.
•johnny is canonically a recovering alcoholic. he'd indulge in a girly drink every now and then, maybe some whiskey on a really shitty day. but today, he must have combined the two flavors of vice and was now fitting his clothed dick into some random C-list actress's ass, grinding to the music. his sunglasses sloppily clung onto his nose and his face was flushed. drunk or not, he was dry humping some random broad at his own damn party, with you only a few feet away.
•you want to scream so bad, to tear her bleached blonde hair to the ground and beat her, and then johnny. but all you can do is stand there horrified, that is, until johnny looks up from his buried face in her neck and makes eye contact with you, eyes wide.
•"babe — goddamnit — babe!" johnny slurs out, holding your arms tight on his balcony. "it's not... fuck. it's just fun! it's a party! lighten up!"
•after a drunken back and forth, johnny eventually throws his hands in the air and tells you to fuck off because he can find better at that very party. although you heavily disagreed, the conversation abruptly ended when you slurred something back along the lines of "you want some other bitch? have 'em then!" officially ending your relationship and storming out of the party.
•the following few days were rough on your heart, and majority of the time your bed was occupied and loud sobs echoed across your walls. you could've had it all, dammit, and this dickhead just threw you away like nothing! he thinks he can just score any woman he wants, whenever he wants. even if he learned his lesson from cris, his playboy attitude runs in his veins. it's not something he's gonna shake easily, and you were a victim to his unchanging behavior.
•back to living with nothing, you decided to retreat to the one place you knew you were wanted; the lin kuei compound. bi-han, kuai liang and tomas respected your strength when it came to fighting against evil and welcomed you like their own.
•after about three days of living on the lin kuei's land, you check social media. you went ghost online after the breakup since the paparazzi and article rats were prowling the internet (and your home) for details about your breakup with the A-Lister. checking social media proved to be a stupid move, because almost instantly your feed was flooding with photos and videos of your ex-boyfriend partying on yachts and posing with models. he's really out here posting like he's not damaged in the slightest, but literally everyone and their mother can read the post a little deeper and see he's compensating for losing you. you were mature, well-spoken, and well respected, and he was still trying to get his shit together after everything that happened. you were just another crack in his shittily held together glass. and it was time to get back at him.
•it starts off innocently enough, you snap quick photos of the grandmaster when he's not looking, showing only his veiny arms and a hint of his blue uniform. you'd post it to your story to pretend to soft launch this new "boyfriend," linking a romantic song to the post and letting people run wild. this proved effective immediately, as you noticed that "UgotCAGEd" with the little verified mark would view your story almost the exact moment it'd go up. you knew that he knew exactly who was in the photo, and it just had to have been driving him up a wall. he even tried to combat this by posting more and more, each setting getting more lavish and sexy than the last. if anything, johnny was a chronic 1-upper. but you couldn't just post blurry pictures of bi-han forever. this needed to cut deep.
•and you were going to play this stupid game, because if he goes low, you go in the TRENCHES.
•"grandmaster sub-zero, i-i have a favor to ask you," you politely ask, bowing once before smiling up at bi-han. "i have a plan. a... ridiculous one. but it needs your help."
•"you want us to fake partnership?" bi-han asks you, trying to summarize your lengthy explanation. "go ask kuai liang. or tomas. they need something to do these days, with shang tsung imprisoned. i'm busy."
•"it can't be them, it has to be you," you respectfully protest, putting your hands in a prayer position to beg for his help. "johnny is... jealous of you. it would be most effective. and i'll be forever in your debt." bi-han's eyes momentarily widen at your insistence. your desperation for his help caught him a little off guard.
•it's true. johnny was jealous ever since he got his shit kicked in when they first met. they were never really huge fans of each other since then. standing in front of him now, it's easy to understand how bi-han was so superior. his emotions never took control, he was a powerful leader for his clan, and his furrowed brows and gravely voice rumbled inside of your chest... jesus, now that you're getting a good look, he's actually pretty hot. oh, no.
•"this is ridiculous," bi-han groans, trying to angle himself just right in the selfie. he stands behind you, hand wrapped around your neck as you try to angle the photo just right to where it only gives a tease of his face in the mirror's reflection. "how long does one photo take?"
•"it has to be perfect," you reply, eyes focused on your phone as you wiggle it in different directions to get the best possible view. "crouch down a little more, so more of your jawline shows."
•he leans down, and his breath fans across your neck and ear as he sighs in frustration. you can't deny the little tingle it made you feel inside. but hey, anyone would be nervous if a brick wall like bi-han was in breathing vicinity...
•you snap the photo, seemingly satisfied but now fighting a flustered expression. when you look it over, you realize no, this isn't enough. johnny would leak his own sex tape with a model to beat you at this stupid game, and while you weren't necessarily ready to start blowing the ninja, you knew you needed to get one step ahead.
•"can we take... one more?" you ask sheepishly, already trying to put into words what exactly you're going to ask from this expressionless man.
•"only if it's quick," he replies with a frown, crossing his arms.
•you take a deep breath, spinning to face him and nearly chest to chest from the tightness of the small bedroom you were given.
•pointing to your bed, bi-han almost instantly understands. his lips turn into a thin line as his cheeks are brushed with warmth, warmth that he tries to conceal from you with his hand as he rubs his face.
•he sits himself on the bed, propped up on his elbows with a knowing look in his eye. it's difficult to maintain eye contact as you crawl onto the edge of the bed, hesitant to do what you wanted. for a moment, you want to pull away and trash your entire plan. there's no way you were about to climb up and sit on a ninja grandmaster's lap as revenge against your movie star ex. how in the genuine hell did you end up in this situation??
•"come on, woman," bi-han grumbles, sitting up for a moment to abruptly wrap his hands around your hips and pulling you to sit atop his lap. you tense up, realizing you're now straddling him... and lowkey, he looks good under you. he also just manhandled you. hm. curious.
•you try to shift yourself to comfortably rest on his hips before seeming satisfied with the position. shakily, you reach up to snap a selfie, one that conceals his face but shows you sticking your tongue out and flipping the bird.
•and then you felt it.
•at first, it went unnoticed due to your nerves about the uncharacteristic closeness. but, once you settled to snap the photo, you realized that... bi-han was rock fucking hard underneath you. you weren't sure if you should acknowledge it, but regardless, it felt so perfectly sized against your clothed folds, and you make your interest unintentionally obvious when you let out a nervous whimper. bi-han's eyes remained trained onto yours with a hint of hunger in his low-lidded gaze. even though he wanted to initially hide the boner, it was now abundantly obvious and he felt a surge of confidence gauging your reaction. the hands that rested on your hips tightened, his cold fingers digging into your flesh.
•"you feel that?" he grumbles out, his body feeling suddenly incredibly hot against yours. you swallow and nod. as you do, his firm grip starts to rock your hips back and forth against his cock, the friction of the fabric dividing you two sending you wild already. "whose is bigger?"
•"...yours," you answer breathlessly, allowing yourself to be controlled by the cryomancer's hands. your confession was true, too. johnny's dick was long and lean, but bi-han's.... lord. it felt thick. even through layers of clothes it felt like it could tear you down the middle if he pounded hard enough. a new part of you wanted to find out.
•with a sudden haste, bi-han hikes up your skirt and top, holding the clothes bunched around your waist as he abruptly gives you even closer contact to his cock. you could feel it twitch and throb, and every part of you wanted to sink it into your throat to see how well it hugs your mouth's fleshy walls. his hands crawl underneath the bunched up clothes and settle on your hips, this time directly gripping the plush of them.
•a shiver shot down your spine, both with sudden arousal and the frosty trails on your body from his fingertips. even if he wouldn't admit it, he was just as excited as you were. he let out a low growl feeling your pussy leak through your panties and dampen his dick.
•"i hated the way he looked at you," he'd grumble, eyes fixated on the friction he was creating by manhandling your frame to grind against his. "wanted you all to myself — ngh —"
•you wanted so badly to stop and unpack that wild, sudden confession, but you were already fiending for his popsicle like a motherfucker. through your hazy vision, you see bi-han lock eyes with you, a devilish glint present. he reaches between the two of you and palms himself while you try to relieve the pressure on your clit using the back of his hand.
•finally fed up with the foreplay, bi-han pushes you off of him, making you elevate your body on your knees. he tugs his shirt up and his pants down. his member springs free from the tight constraints, and lord help us all, it's as long and thick as it felt through the pants.
•"you wish to get back at that pompous wannabe?" he asks, voice dangerously husky. "get to it then." obeying like a dog, you settle between his parted legs. still holding his dick, he slaps it against your cheek expectantly.
•the tension, the hunger, and the high emotions overtook your strength to remain proper in front of the grandmaster as you eagerly licked at the base of his shaft, trailing kisses all the way to the warm tip. once you feel properly sure of his size, you slowly but surely sink him into your mouth, barely able to get his dick deep enough without causing a strain on your jaw muscles. bi-han tries to keep his arousal under wraps, but when he feels you hollow out your cheeks to give him the greatest pleasure possible, he lets out a little whine of surprise, though it still sounds more animalistic due to his grumbly voice.
•you hold this position for a moment, letting your warmth completely encapsulate his freezing body. you were starting to see stars in the corner of your eyes before bi-han harshly pulls you up by your hair, making you sputter for breath. a thin trail of saliva follows your lips as he raises your head.
•"wait," he commands breathlessly, fumbling with his other hand to find your phone that was discarded onto the mattress. when he does find it, he struggles even more, mind blank from horniness and also his unfamiliarity with smart devices. you chuckle to yourself, climbing back up to his chest and weaving your way between his arms to show him how to record a video. when it's finally figured out, you crawl back down to where you were and grab his cock with a full hand, stroking it lazily. he winces.
•"sensitive already?" you ask in a low tone, giggling to yourself. bi-han didn't have much time to relieve his sexual desires, so it's no wonder that the slightest bit of head nearly sends this man flying to the moon. "i expected more from you, grandmaster—"
•"—shut the fuck up," he replies sternly, not finding your teasing all too funny. "i'll silence that whore mouth."
•and with that, he holds the phone up, angled downward at you as you angle your lips on his tip again. he grabs the fistful of your hair and sinks you down once more, this time holding you in place. you barely had time to get some air in before getting your throat thoroughly plugged. you put your hands on his thighs to ensure you'd stay upright, but always sure to look at the camera as you gag and drool.
•"that's more like it," he'll purr, pushing your hair from your face as he holds you still. he then directs his voice to the camera. "how about that, cage? taught your dog some new tricks. i'd say she's exceeding expectations."
•when he finally lets you breathe, you only get a couple gasps before willingly taking his cock again, this time bobbing rhythmically. bi-han, as a ninja, is incredibly good at staying silent, so all he can do is let out occasional exhales and sharp intakes of breath as you suck him off.
•you're sure to put on more of a show than usual for the video, looking into the camera with a sultry smile even with your lips stretched out to accommodate for his giant dick. you've got an expression that says "fuck you."
•when bi-han has enough of your pace, he starts to buck his hips into your throat, creating a nasty gargling sound in the back of your head that would be otherwise nauseating. you're surprised he's not ripping the hair straight from your scalp as he death grips a fistful. frosty hands grip the sheets, solidifying them with a thin sheet of ice as he nears the edge. his body can't decide between lurching forward and arching back as you make him cum.
•he's a silent orgasm-haver. bi-han bites down hard on his lower lip as he releases, clenching his eyes shut and knitting his brows together. and boy, does he love to ride the high of fucking your face. he loves it even more knowing he'll have an audience.
•he wanted to cum into your mouth so badly, but even he knew better. he had to make the money shot something memorable. cum painted your face beautifully, dripping down your cheeks and catching in your eyebrows. there was even a thick streak starting from your hairline. with no time to ever do this himself, his jizz accumulated within him for quite some time, now soaking your entire face.
•bi-han stops the video, but only to snap photos of your messied, flushed face. gripping your cheeks to hold you in place, he's sure to make sure every drop of cum is within camera shot as he catches his breath.
•you swipe a glob of his load from your forehead and stick your finger in your mouth, tasting his arousal for you with a smirk.
•"definitely sending that to him," you giggle as he tucks his dick back into his pants. "i'm in your debt, bi-han." normally, he would've protested the use of his first name from an associate of liu kang, but he was too high from his orgasm to really give a shit. instead, he grumbles a small "mhm," and nods, fighting a little smirk himself.
•he stands up and grabs a loose towel, holding up your face more sweetly this time as he wipes you clean. the gesture was oddly soothing. he seemed like a pump and dump kind of man, and he probably is! but you're touching a sweet spot he didn't know he even had. even so, he's silent, never once communicating this and instead expressing it through the minor gesture.
•a relationship doesn't quite blossom yet, but the sexual tension between you two is now incredibly obvious to the lin kuei. his gaze lingers, as does yours. the touches during training last a moment longer. your silly little plan of making johnny angry seemed to have blossomed a new... situationship? we'll unpack that some other time.
•the following morning, your phone rings. it's johnny.
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chrisevansonly · 9 months
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 | 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜
✯social media au
✯charles leclerc x female reader
✯charles has mega heart eyes for his girl
✯not requested, this is solely to comfort me a bit as my brother leaves in basically 48 hours, probably less now..i wanted to get something out not only for you guys but for me too so i don’t worry that i’m not doing enough, i hope you enjoy<3
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, leclerc_pascale and 257,000 others
one hundred, thousand, million times yes🩷
tagged charles_leclerc
see 65,000 comments
username omg omg omg omg omg
username im so happy for them😭
francisca.cgomes congratulations beautiful!!🩷
>yninstagram thank you babe!! can’t wait to celebrate with you🥰
leclerc_pascale my angels, congratulations 😘
>yninstagram merci maman!!!❤️
username idk if i wanna sob or scream
charles_leclerc i love love love love love YOU😍
>yninstagram i love love love love love YOU char🥰
>arthur_leclerc you guys make me sick😃
charles_leclerc added to their story!
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liked by arthur_leclerc, yninstagram, apmmonaco and 876,000 others
shooting something fun today, thank you to my angel for taking the best photos of me❤️
tagged yninstagram
see 89,000 comments
username charles will do anything to squeeze y/n in a caption😂
username 👀👀👀
yninstagram when the model looks this handsome i can’t help it 😍😍😍
>charles_leclerc 😏😏😏😏
username all i see are constant heart eyes from charles LMFAO
carlossainz55 you know we could have figured out y/n took the photos mate….
>charles_leclerc why don’t you just mind your business 😁
>carlossainz55 no😁
username let this man be whipped in peace😭
yninstagram added to their story!
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilyhme, charlotte2304 and 456,000 others
pasta + charles = happy y/n😌
tagged charles_leclerc
see 67,000 comments
username she’s so fucking stunning
username ok but that pasta looks so good🤤
lilyhme she is everything to me!!!
>yninstagram you are everything to me!!!
charles leclerc y/n + y/n = happy charles 😘
charles_leclerc my gorgeous girl i never get enough of you❤️
liked by yninstagram
leclerc_pascale ❤️❤️❤️❤️
liked by charles_leclerc and yninstagram
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liked by arthur_leclerc, yninstagram, scuderiaferrari and 1M others
happy birthday to the woman who makes my entire world go round, to the woman who brings out the best in me, who lifts me up and supports me no matter what and is my best friend. y/n there is no one else i want to do life with and have as my wife. je t’aime tellement mon cœur ❤️
tagged yninstagram
see 103,000 comments
username happy birthday y/n!!!
yninstagram oh 🥹
yninstagram give me 5 minutes i’m currently sobbing i can’t
yninstagram char, je t’aime tellement aussi mon bébé ❤️❤️
liked by charles_leclerc
landonorris happy birthday y/n!!!
>yninstagram thank you lan!!
username she’s so fucking beautiful it hurts
francisca.cgomes happy birthday love🩷🩷
>yninstagram thank you baby🥰
yninstagram added to their story!
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liked by carla.brocker, charles_leclerc, wagsofformula1 and 342,000 others
coffee dates with my love are my favourite, even if he has a really intense schedule and is away a lot, char never fails to make me a priority and keep our weekly dates happening🥰
tagged charles_leclerc
see 34,000 comments
username i wanna be her so bad
username wait why is this cute😭
username definition of if he wanted to, he would.
charles_leclerc id do anything to make you happy amour
charles_leclerc seeing you smile is worth more than anything
>yninstagram 🥹❤️
carla.brocker i cannot get over you😍😍
>yninstagram see you soon beautiful 😘
yninstagram added to their story!
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liked by scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 765,000 others
back at the track and back in the paddock for another exciting race weekend!! i wish you and your team the best of luck my love, i’ll be cheering the loudest!! forza ferrari!!❤️
tagged charles_leclerc
see 67,000 comments
username i need y/n’s skincare routine
carlossainz55 😁❤️
liked by yninstagram and charles_leclerc
username they are my parents
scuderiaferrari always a pleasure having you join us ❤️
liked by yninstagram
charles_leclerc i will race my hardest for you baby😘
charles_leclerc my beautiful beautiful girl
>yninstagram i love you sm char, you’ve got this🥰
username tbh sappy charles is my fav charles
arthur_leclerc i better see you cheering for me too😞
>yninstagram ALWAYS!! i’m almost at my spot to watch arth, you’ll do amazing!!🩷
username y/n also supporting arthur in F2 is what keeps me going 🥹
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abrushwithdeath · 2 years
((I desperately want a Da.nger Da.ys style AU because that album is a whole vibe.))
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dannyricsmirrorball · 8 months
fifth wheel • ln4 ੈ✩‧₊˚
ੈ✩‧₊˚ pairing || lando norris x reader
ੈ✩‧₊˚ genre || social media au
ੈ✩‧₊˚ summary || y/n is always fifth wheeling george, carmen, alex, and lily.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ a/n || this is not proof read and probably isn’t perfect but i hope you guys enjoy! part 2 out now 🤍
part 2 part 3
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liked by lilymhe, landonorris, and 120,374 others
yourusername miami 🌴🌴
username1 not y/n third wheeling lily and alex again 😭
lilymhe ur so hot. i love you.
⤷ yourusername UR so hot. i love YOU.
username2 my fave third wheel is back 😮‍💨
alex_albon acting as if u weren’t complaining the whole time we were there
landnorris bringin the heat
username3 queen is back on the paddock w her bffs! but alex and lily defs didn’t get any time alone
⤷ username4 at least carmen and george did
⤷ georgerussell63 we did not 😐
username4 y/n always pulls through w the content
georgerussell63 no feature? 🤨
⤷ yourusername get more clout w lily and alex lately 🤷‍♀️
⤷ carmenmmundt oh.
⤷ yourusername oh…
⤷ alex_albon rspct the hustle 💪 georgerussell63, carmenmmundt
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liked by heidiberger_, yourusername, and 79,678 others
carmenmmundt miami and my favourite people
yourusername I LOVE U
⤷ carmenmmundt well u almost didn’t make the cut so 😒
⤷ yourusername I SAID SORRY,, u love me 🥰
username5 carmen really said no me and george were not exempt from y/n’s activities
georgerussell63 🩵
username6 y/n joining every grid couple when she can is so funny but so cute
⤷ username7 especially lily&alex and carmen&george
⤷ username8 i love that she is now best friends with her best friends’ gfs 🫶
username9 i just know alex and george try to set her up w any of their mates so they’ll finally have alone time w their gfs
liked by georgerussell63, alex_albon, landonorris
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, and 547,194 others
landonorris ball is life 🏖️
mclaren 🐐 of helmet designs.
username10 his helmet designs are always such a slay
yourusername sick lid 🙌
⤷ landonorris thanks mate 🙏
⤷ username11 i love that she’s mates w the whole grid now
georgerussell63 baller
lnfour mega 🧡👏
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liked by williamsracing, mercedesamgf1, and 482,003 others
georgerussell63 Starting the weekend right. Have a good one! ✌️
tagged alex_albon, yourusername
username11 alex 100% convinced george to keep his shirt on
mercedesamgf1 on the grind georgie 🩶
yourusername never again.
⤷ alex_albon u say that every time, no one asked u to come 🤷‍♀️
⤷ lilymhe alex.
⤷ yourusername oh.
username12 alex and his ✌️again
landonorris oh so that’s why u guys couldn’t come play padel 😐
⤷ georgerussell63 ah sorry mate 😬
⤷ yourusername u invited them to play padel?? oh.
⤷ landonorris OH MY GOD. to be fair i just assumed you’d tag along anyways 🫣
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liked by charles_leclerc, carmenmmundt, and 182,091 others
yourusername monaco i love u 🇲🇨
username13 our queen feeding us the goods
landonorris I MADE IT!
⤷ username14 idk if he’ll be this excited when y/n doesn’t leave him and his next gf alone
⤷ alex_albon 🤔
charles_leclerc awww thanks y/n/n that’s rlly sweet… but i do have a girlfriend 😧
⤷ yourusername yeah i want her. not u.
⤷ alexandrasaintmleux u can have me 🥰
⤷ charles_leclerc 😟😟
alex_albon why would u do this to me? 😐
⤷ lilymhe i think u look quite bonita babe
⤷ alex_albon yeah i’m sure u do 🙄
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liked by williamsracing, alex_albon, and 79,435 others
lilymhe golf vacay 🩷🩷
tagged alex_albon, yourusername
username15 omg y/n thirdwheeled alex and lily’s weekend retreat 😭they really can not get rid of her
yourusername mum&dad 😍😍
⤷ alex_albon stop it.
username16 is y/n any good at golfing lily?!
⤷ carlossainz55 as someone who has golfed w her. no. no she is not.
⤷ yourusername hey! i’m a grower!
username17 lily, her wag, and her wag’s best friend 👨‍👩‍👧
⤷ alex_albon y/n is not my best friend
⤷ yourusername YES I AM.
⤷ alex_albon who would u choose. me or lily?
⤷ yourusername i would sacrifice myself!
⤷ lilymhe it’s okay we all know the answer babe 😘
⤷ yourusername 😉
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liked by lnfour, riabish, and 192,760 others
landonorris golf.
username18 back in his natural habitat
mclaren ⛳️
maxfewtrell having fun?
⤷ landonorris yk it
 ⤷ maxfewtrell i’m sure you are mate 😉
username19 oh my god. that’s the same course lily, alex, and y/n had their golf vacay
⤷ username20 omgomgomg did y/n and lando third and fourth wheel lily and alex 😭😭
⤷ username21 they probably went on diff days
⤷ username20 shhhh don’t ruin the fun
yourusername golf.
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liked by francisca.cgomes, carmenmmundt, and 89,342 others
yourusername golf!
tagged lilymhe, carmenmmundt, georgerussell63, alex_albon, landonorris
landonorris idk if u can call what u were doing golf 🫣
⤷ yourusername oh!
username23 BYE lando and y/n didn’t just third wheel alex and lily but george and carmen as well 😭
⤷ username24 living for this friendship tho
⤷ username25 or maybe more 🫣🤭
⤷ username24 ugh not every girl and guy in the same vicinity are dating. they can be friends.
georgerussell63 let’s not pretend u didn’t just sit in the golf buggy and use lando’s camera
⤷ yourusername me and heat don’t go well together, you know that george!
carmenmmundt we’ll have to do it again sometime!
⤷ yourusername we do, soon!
⤷ lilymhe we do 🩷🩷
⤷ alex_albon idk why u guys are acting like she won’t be w us the entirety of next weekend and probably everyday after that
⤷ yourusername let’s be make it a girls trip 😒
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liked by masonmount, maxverstappen1, and 1,626,720 others
landonorris p2 and a 🏆 at my home race!!!!! ❤️ you guys are crazyyyyyy 💙
mclaren proud 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
maxfewtrell absolute scenes, proud brother 🧡
username26 WOOHHHHHH
teamquadrant frame it 🖼️
yourusername mega drive champ!
⤷ landonorris 🧡
⤷ username27 the heart 🫣 defs dating
⤷ username28 oh yeah 4sure
⤷ username29 awww they’re so cute 🤭
georgerussell63 😮‍💨
oscarpiastri 👏👏
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liked by heidiberger_, alex_albon, and 134,098 others
yourusername ma boys rocked it in silverstone
tagged alex_albon, georgerussell63, landonorris, lilymhe, patrickh_coach, adam_norris_pure_electric
username30 her boys 😭
username31 does anyone else find it weird that she posts and talks abt them like she’s dating them 🤔
⤷ username32 she’s been best friends w alex and george since she was 13. she’s best friends w their girlfriends as well. ur making it weird.
⤷ username33 but lando 😏
landonorris thanku mate!
⤷ yourusername no problem, just being a good friend 😄
⤷ username34 they really squashing the rumours
maxverstappen1 no congrats for the winner??
⤷ landonorris soz mate cant have her affiliating w the enemy
⤷ yourusername yeah he’s right sorry champ, was purely going for the brits this weekend 😳
username35 LANDO’S DAD???
username36 so are her and lando a thing or??
⤷ username37 nah i don’t think so
part 2
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sterredem · 25 days
The eras tour
Charles leclerc x reader
Face claim gracie abrams (again)
Summary going to Paris night 1 with Charles is a lot of fun, with a lot of surprises.
Word count -
Warning hate (just a few comments), spelling errors, not proofread
A/N saw a post saying someone should make this… so I did! I saw the tour on a crappie live stream so I know what was going on… I will also go to the tour!
It’s not the longest but also not the shortest. But I like it!
Also I had no motivation to make the things I am currently making so I decided to make a quick smau (that’s why it is only insta and no other apps)
Don’t forget to comment, repost and give feedback! It helps a lot!
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Liked by Charles_Leclerc and 225.839 others
Yourusername me rn cause I NEED Taylor Swift tickets but ticketmaster is the worst😭 also creds to my bf for these pics, he is laughing at me while I am STRESSING @Charles_Leclerc
View all 1.836 comments
Charles_Leclerc I said that I’m sorry! I even helped you!
Charles_Leclerc I promise I will make it up to you
Lilymhe For which show are you trying? I have tickets for New Jersey and there is still a spare one!
Yourusername I AM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU! I tried Paris but I was last in the waiting list so there where no more tickets🙁 and sadly I can’t go to the US one’s liked by lilymhe
User1 you’re so real for crying I’ve the tickets. I did too
User1 you deserve the tickets babe liked by author
User2 Love the memes
User3 is that Leo?!?! Hes so cute!
Yourusername That is! He was my emotional support!
User4 ticketmaster is the villain fr! I was at the beginning and I could almost buy tickets but then u was kicker out!
Yourusername My villain origin story fr! And that’s the wort!
User5 love the hat
User6 you are still so pretty when you cry! How?!?!
User7 it really is hell! But I got tickets!
Yourusername Congratulations my love!
User8 charles laughing at you is so funny😂
User9 Ew you’re so cringe
User10 I love you
User11 not the pic creds and shade HAHAHA
User12 not her public account being her posting memes😂
User13 don’t understand why Charles is with you
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Liked by Charles_Leclerc and 392.728 others
Yourusername MY BF GOT ME ERAS TOUR TICKETS!!! I LOVE YOU CHARLIE! Eras tour Paris night 1 here I come!!
View all 3.738 comments
Charles_Leclerc Everything for you mon amour. Even if I need to spend hundreds of dollars for VIP tickets to the eras tour
Yourusername I am beginning to love you more and more
Yourusername I AM ALSO SO HAPPY!
Yourusername They are from the official merch drop from Taylor! I have been a mega fan from the beginning!
User4 even vip?!?! You are spoiled!
User6 Will you make friendship brackets? I am also going and want to trade some with you!
Yourusername I will! I would love to trade with y’all!
User8 What did Charles say when you got it?
Yourusername he said ‘I have a surprise for you!’ And then he gave me a bag with the box! And then I started crying!
User9 you already have merch? How?!
Yourusername Lily went and got me the shirt!
Uset10 My favourite WAG going to a concert of my favourite artist? Amazing!
User11 with who are you going?
Yourusername Charles is going with me!
User12 so exited to see all the eras content!
User13 Such an attention seeker!
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Liked by Charles_Leclerc and 527.725 others
Yourusername Congrats on P4 my love! AND TTPD IS SO GOOD! A DOUBLE ALBUM WTF?!?! And here are some of my paddock fits😁 ALSO WHAT ABOUT THE TOUR?!
View all 4.728 comments
Charle_Leclerc Mon chéri… how sweet(?)
Yourusername It is! I am just so exited about Taylor!
Lilymhe YOURE SO RIGHT! I am so jealous that you get to see the first show after the new album!
Yourusername There are always live streams! And she will go to the US again!
User2 so real
User3 I love that she can’t post without mentioning Taylor Swift or her Boyfriend! It shows dedication!
User4 Not the Alchemy😂
User5 you’re so pretty!
User6 the two sides? So funny!🤣
Yourusername SAME
User8 love the fits!
Yourusername Thanks!
User9 the TTPD aesthetic! Loving it!
User10 awwww Leo is so cute!
User11 Could you tell us where you get your clothes from? I love your style!
Yourusername Of course! My most recent posts have the links with them! (Reels from insta and TikTok)
User12 Thank you! You are amazing!
User13 I love how obsessed she is with TS!
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Liked by Charles_Leclerc and 628.283 others
Yourusername I had a lovely time at the eras tour! Thank you for the very kind people behind me that send me the pics of me and Charles! ALSO THE NEW SETLIST?!?! More pics coming soon!
View all 5.736 comments
Charles_Leclerc for the information; Y/n was crying… a lot
Lilymhe I AM SO JELOUS! Liked by author
User3 love the taytay pics!
User5 Love the hat!
Yourusername THANK YOU SO MUCH!
User9 I tradet with her! She was so nice! And Charles study stood there looking a big lost!
Yourusername A fan of Charlie gave me the gift!
User11 Se exited to go myself!
User12 you’re so cute!
User13 You’re not even pretty
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Liked by Taylorswift and 1.737.837 others
Yourusername Everyone meet my new friend; Taylor Swift! It was absolutely lovely meeting you! And thank you for the invites😉
View all 172.638 comments
Taylorswift It really was amazing to meet you! I’m glad you enjoyed everything! Liked by author
Charles_Leclerc Finnaly I don’t have to keep this a secret anymore!
Yourusername yeah you’re not the best secret keeper
Charles_Leclerc EXUSE ME?!
Yourusername 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
User7 So this are the other pics?!?!!!
User8 What happens in the 5th pic??
Yourusername I had a mental breakdown…
User9 not the y/n mansplaining to Taylor’s how max for it with Charles🤣🤣
User10 You are living the dream!
User13 You don’t deserve it!
335 notes · View notes
polaroidbills · 10 months
enhypen when you find their baby photos cute
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genre/cw: bf!enhypen x reader, mega super duper fluff, one mention of "dying of cuteness", lots cheek and face squishing
a/n: this was my very first request! i loved writing this so keep requesting more!
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heeseung 희승
"oh my god you were soo cute! i could just squish your little cheeks!"
you're currently sitting on your bed, looking through a photobook of heeseung's baby and childhood photos. cooing over how cute and squishy his cheeks were.
"babe stopp!" he snatched the photobook and slammed it shut.
"noo but i wasn't done looking at the photos!"
"too late! should've taken a picture of them," he shrugs.
"well it's a good thing i did!" you grab your phone and open the pictures you got, putting it up next to heeseung's face.
"see you were so cute! what happened to you?" you compared the baby photo to heeseung now, frowning.
"what?! take that back!" he starts tickling you.
"okay! okay! fine! you're still very cute!" you say laughing.
"good!" he finally stops tickling you.
"see you look the exact same!" you grab his cheeks and squish them like they were in the photo.
"yah! stop it!" he starts tickling you again.
jay 제이
"baby you've been looking at these photos for an hour and a half noww," jay complains.
"but look at how cute you were! i can't stop!"
"well you're gonna have to stop," he grabs your phone to turn it off but before he could you ran away. off of the couch and around the kitchen island.
"yah! come here right now!" he tries to catch you but you run even faster.
"i'll stop under onee condition," you smirk as an idea comes up in your mind.
"okayy? and what is that one condition?" jay asks suspiciously.
"you need to pose like this photo!" you show your favourite baby photo of him.
"what? never!"
"pleasee! i promise i'll stop looking ag the baby photos, if you do this one thing!" you plead.
"fine," jay sighs and does the flower pose like the photo.
"yes!" you quickly snap a photo of him doing the pose.
"good! now stop looking at those photos!"
"i will i will!"
three hours later. all you been doing is staring at the photo you just took of jay.
jake 제이크
you were busy looking through baby and childhood photos of jake. until you felt arms snake around your waist and a head on your shoulder.
"watcha doing?"
"looking at this cute little baby. aw this one is my favourite," you smile at the photos.
"yahh stop looking at thesee," he closes the book and tosses it to the side. "why look at these when you have the real thing right here," he puts his hands under his chin as he smiles.
"but it's not as good as these photoss," you complain.
"yah! i'm soo much hotter and better than before come on, don't you agree?" jake whines at your remarks.
"haha just kidding my baby," you then put your arms around his waist pulling him closer into a hug.
"you better be."
sunghoon 성훈
"wahh you were so cutee," you smile as you go through baby sunghoon photos sunoo sent you.
"yah! where did you get these?" he grabs your phone out of your hand to see the photo up close.
"that's none of your business," you laugh trying to get the phone back.
"oh i'm deleting this!"
"wait no! please! i love the photo!" you jump up when he raises the phone higher.
"and delete! there the photo is gone now," he hands you back the phone.
"ugh! i can't believe you!" you turn around to fake sulk.
"baby?" you don't respond.
"baby i'm sorry. i didn't think it was that big of a deal to you," still no response, you're just on your phone. "yah! are you texting sunoo?"
"uh noo?"
"hey! you so are!"
"well you just deleted my favourite photo of you! so now i gotta get it back from sunoo!"
"he sent them to you?"
"oh i'm gonna slap him across the fa- wait. did you say favourite photo of me?" you nod, giggling. "yah!"
he then tackles you to the bed, tickling you.
sunoo 선우
"oh my god i can't! you were so cute as a baby!" flipping through the photobook, you squeal at how cute sunoo was.
"i know right! like my cheeks were so squishable!" he too, exclaims how he looked as a baby.
"ahh i can't! i'm gonna die of cuteness!" you pretend to faint.
"and my cheeks still are squishable! see?" he pinches his cheeks as you get up to do the same.
"and you're still the cutest ever! ugh i love you so much," you smile at him.
"you were also so cute as a baby!" he shows you a baby photo of yourself.
"yeah but not as cute as you though! i'm lowkey jealous."
"yeah i know," sunoo rolls his eyes, sassily pretending to flip his hair.
jungwon 정원
"aww oh my godd! you were so cuteee!" you flip through the photobook rapidly as the adrenaline flows through your body.
"yahh didn't i tell you to stop looking at those? i'm right here!" jungwon waves his hands in front of your face, getting your attention.
"wait you literally haven't changed! you look the same!" you hold the photo up to his face. you then grab his cheeks and squish them like how they were in the photo.
"there! i can't! cuteness overload!" you clap your hands at how similar it is.
"stopp!" he whines and shoos your hands away.
"wait i need a picture of this. could you pose like this pleaseee?"
"no. never in a million years."
"pleasee jungwon pleasee," you plead.
"no. thats my final answer."
"oh okay that's fine," you turn your back and cross your arms, pretending to sulk. but jungwon buys it as real sulking.
"wait babyy i'm sorryy," he grabs your chin to turn your head. revealing a pout on your lips.
"love i'm sorry. please talk to me," you don't say a word. instead you just sit and pout.
"fine i'll take the photo," jungwom finally sighs, giving in to your demand.
"yes!" you celebrate as he poses and you snap the photo.
niki 니키
you were busy scrolling through old baby photos of niki when you came across your all time favourite one.
you then ran to the living room where he was on the couch and shoved your phone right in front of his face, showing his the photo.
"look! weren't you the literal cutest baby ever! like i could just squish your cheeks oh my god!" you laughed.
"yah! where did you get that photo? i told everyone to delete it!" niki asks shocked.
"ha your mom sent it to me!" you laugh still staring at the phone.
"oh yeah?"
"well guess who sent this one to me?" you look up at him confused as he puts his phone up, revealing an old baby photo of you.
"yah! what the hell?! my mom sent this to you?" you grab his phone to get a better look at the picture.
"haha yes she did! and i made it my wallpaper!" niki turns his phone on and off to show his lockscreen.
"oh my god! that's so embarrassing!"
@polaroidbills please DO NOT copy, plagiarize, or repost any of my work.
🏷️ @enhacolor
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girlishguitarist · 10 months
I always feel so weird when I see companies making mega expensive “punk” and “goth” clothes. I used to know this other person who kept on wanting to get into the goth scene, and another one of my friends literally was so willing to help her and get her started out with like music recs and clothing tips and she’d constantly tell us. “Oh, but dressing goth isn’t accessible for me. I don’t have the money.”
Which y’know makes sense, not everybody has the money to drop on getting goth clothes. Especially when your priorities are literally keeping a roof over your head and paying bills. We’re all from working class families here. But then we just kind of realised she was referring to the shit you’d find on like… Killstar or Dollskill and everything made a lot more sense. It’s been making me think. Ever since alternative subcultures such as goth, such as punk, even grunge tbf have made their way into mainstream fashion trends on the internet it’s made people believe that the only way you’re able to get clothes to “dress the part” is to fork out shite tonnes of money to these ridiculously overpriced online clothing stores. (You don’t even have to dress goth for example to be goth because it’s a music based subculture but that’s a whole other thing.)
The way trends are today with this whole, “aesthetic” thing along with the consumerist HELL that is fast fashion sparks a wave people just buying swathes of overpriced clothing to hop onto a clothing trend that is actually ripped from a subculture they don’t really understand? Like part of the whole core of these subcultures is that we are anti-consumerist and anti-capitalist. You are a fucking joke.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking negatively about people who truly want to get into these subcultures. There is nothing wrong with that at all, of course there isn’t. I’m talking about people who will see a fashion trend and just hop onto it and really have no idea what they’re doing. (This is part of the reason why I believe it’s unlikely we’ll ever have a new subculture as big as previous ones ever again because of just how everything is a trend now.)
Fashion that has been born from these subcultures has always been DIY. Making your own battle jackets, thrifting pieces of clothing and tweaking them to be how you want. Like… I don’t know about you babes but I don’t think goths in the 80’s were getting their clothes from fucking Hot Topic.
The fact that companies are now and have been making ridiculously priced pieces of clothing to capitalise off of: 1.) People who want to hop on trends because they don’t want to make the clothes they just want the style now, and 2.) People who want to genuinely get into subcultures such as punk and goth but may be misguided as to where to get clothing just makes me so fucking mad because it makes getting into the fashion within these subcultures seem inaccessible and consumerist-ridden when they’re absolutely not meant to be.
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
I heard you wanted some muscian Eren thirst so I'll do my best:
What if Ms. YN (back before she & Eren got matching/couple tattoos) got a custom temporary tattoo of her man's name & placed it like a tramp stamp? What if that night when she's performing with her crew she posts some spicy pics flashing the fake tattoo waiting for Eren to notice.
What if he noticed & when she gets home home & starts to undress she feels his hand travel up her body, bending her over the counter as he lifts her shirt to see his name just above her ass? Now YN's gone & awaken his need to mark her. Poor thing, she didn't expect him to damn near break her but she plans to surprise him with a cute lil permanent "E" on her ankle if this is the reaction a fake tattoo got. She ends up walking funny the next day for sure.
OMG BABES!! you’re an absolute genius 😭 I love this so bad chdkhdkd
because imagine…you’re on tour, traveling the country or it’s your first time performing internationally. Either way, you’ve been apart from Eren for quite some time. Although dancing on stage and living the dream with your girls is amazing, you miss your husband! Neither of you are strangers to extended periods of separation due to work. Long nights on the road, weeks at a time in different locations that wasn’t the home you shared together. It admittedly took its toll, in many forms…
“Yes, baby..I miss you too. I miss you so much..”
“So come home already. Please, (y/n)..I need you.”
the shrill cries and whiny pleas spilling from your beloved, EJ. The sound of the mega star rapper’s moans pouring from your phone’s speakers as he stroked himself on the end. That tight fist enclosed around his cock as he played the very vivid imagery of your previous nights together in his mind. It was quite apparent that he wasn’t taking too kindly to his wife being thousands of miles away from him. Watching you vicariously through a phone screen as he surveyed that beautiful body. Once twirling on the pole half nude and shrouded in glitter and now, completely naked and on full display for him. So egregiously horny with no shame for his blatant submission. Drooling and bucking his hips up into his enclosed fingers..
“Baby..I can’t..soon as I get home though. You know imma take care of you, daddy. Imma give you what you need..”
a statement he intended for you to follow through on. Because in the days since that very salacious phone call, he’d hand nothing but time and unbridled obsession on his hands..carefully surveying and watching your Instagram account like that of a hawk. Breaking his very own conditions on social media just to get a peak of his princess..his gorgeous wife who was fresh off of a performance with one of his respected ‘colleagues’, who’d joined the tour as well. Spinning around that metal pole with six inch Pleasers twirling in the air. A sight that he loved to witness. But alas, Eren would be met with another one. One far more savory and the catalyst for his greed and lust. The same greed and lust he’d undoubtedly take out on you the second you touched down back at the shared Miami estate!..
“You gonna give me what I need, right? That’s what you said?..so do it, give me that fucking pussy!”
tearing and ripping you out of your clothes before you could even so much as reach the staircase! Folding you over the kitchen counter with a rough hand scaling the curvature of your back. His open palm smacking roughly against your plump ass with heavy slaps…he was relentless! However, the reason for his sudden aggression wasn’t just the fact that he missed you. No!..but rather, the aforementioned sight had awoken something serious in him. The need to make love..the need to mark and claim you like that of a primal animal!
“..Rennn! Okaaay, fuck! Take it, please..”
because what he saw was a rather interesting piece of ink riddling your skin. A tattoo…and one of his name to be more specific! Something he was blissfully unaware that you had obtained. The fact alone that you had did so and behind his back nonetheless had Eren ready to pound that that tight pussy and fill it with every spilling drop of his cum until you couldn’t even walk straight. “You’re so sneaky, baby. I like that shit..didn’t think I’d see it, did you?” taunting mercilessly as he begins to rut his hips into your backside. The thunderous claps of your asscheeks against his pelvis with fluid yet deep strokes, one sharper than the next. All you could do was maintain that perfect arch and grasp for the marble countertop with all your strength to bear the sharp thrusts. But it wasn’t a reaction of misery. You loved it! You loved seeing him become so riled up at the thought of having you stamped with his seal. Clawing his fingernails into your waist and tugging you back with sharp gasps hissing in your ear.
“Tell me it’s mine, baby. Let daddy know who that shit belongs to..” the pure sex appeal dripping from his voice like that of honey. But he didn’t have to take your word for it. Because after countless rounds of rough and filthy lovemaking in every inch of the house. Taking you from the kitchen, the staircase and even the upstairs balcony for all the nights of pent up sexual frustration, you’d find yourself stumbling lopsidedly to the tattoo parlor. The shop where he’d gotten countless pieces on his own body done. Sitting upright in a chair as the artist engraved a single capital ‘E’ on your skin; right next to the diamond tennis anklet with his initials on it. Simply smirking at the thought of his reaction…and you didn’t have to wait long. Because nightfall would come around and you’d find yourselves engaging in another bout of steamy sex. This time in the comfort of your bedroom with R&B faintly thumping from the TV..pale red lighting illuminating the room and his chiseled body hovering over you. Placing tender kisses along your calf as he hoisted your leg up to his shoulder. Those movements getting lower as his rings grazed your skin. He’d whisper sweet nothings to compliment those pecks, telling you how beautiful you were but his reaction would turn from merely elated to all but ecstatic when he spotted it…
“You like it?..”
being met with a toothy smirk and the faint glint of his silver slugs on the bottom row of his teeth staring back at you. That was most certainly an understatement because he’d prove to you just how much he loved seeing you rock his name. Both physically and metaphorically..
“..that’s my girl..”
and soon, everyone else would too!
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lovettesgem · 11 months
Miles e42! hcs bc no one should remain sane about this man.
okay so i see miles as someone who’s possessive, but not over-the-top possessive? like he’s pretty secure in yall’s relationship, but he is fairly possessive bc 1) he’s literally fucking prowler, so he can’t let that lifestyle touch you in any way, 2) DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS NYC IS?? AND 3) YOU’RE LITERALLY HIS ANGEL, HIS BABY, THE BEST THING THAT’S EVER HAPPENED TO HIM. IF ANYTHING HAPPENED TO YOU HE WOULD NEVER FORGIVE HIMSELF. 
4) also because he knows you’re a bad bitch, you know you’re a bad bitch, aND HE GOT TO YOU FIRST SO HAH 
he absolutely lets you wear whatever you want, he can fight. he likes seeing you wear whatever makes you feel confident (and he likes watching you get ready so 👀) 
he loves walking down the streets of NYC with either his hand in your back pocket, around your waist, or around your shoulders depending on the situation. he’s not too big on PDA, especially at the beginning of your relationship, so he usually settles on leaving his hand in your back pocket. 
unless some weirdo is staring at you or tries to hit on you, then he absolutely comes behind you while you’re in an uncomfortable situation, wraps his arms around your waist firmly, looks menacingly at whoever’s bothering you and goes “hi baby, you didn’t tell me you made a new friend!” while the dude who’s hitting on you is (not so discreetly) pissing his pants :)  
he will Literally Melt in your arms and turn into pudding as soon as you do it please give him forehead kisses i beg it’s so amazing for his health (mental, physical, emotional, everything) 
bro’s got heart eyes, warm face, and the most idiotic smile ever please you don’t understand what you just did to him
if you cuddle him, especially with back hugs, he’s melting. 
if you initiate them without him asking? he’s planning a proposal in his head don’t interrupt his train of thought pls. 
i feel like he’s a heavy sleeper in general? like he didn’t wake up easily before yall started dating, but once ya’ll started going to sleep in the same bed, his instinct is to just wrap his arms around you and never let go 
don’t even try to get up or anything. if you get up, then he’s getting up with you babes. 
he’s pretty clingy during this time but non-verbally? he doesn’t whine for you or anything, he just follows you around like a lost puppy, makes sure you did whatever you need to do (while backhugging you), and drags you back to bed
bro legit follows you around like a lost puppy and cuddles you while you’re going to the bathroom or smth 💀
if you’re not willing to come because you need to “stay up and finish work” or some crap like that, trust and believe he’s gonna carry you in his arms back to bed and go to sleep no matter how much you protest
I hc him as someone who loves spoiling you? like even though he’s not like ultra mega rich or smth, he loves spending his money on you and getting you things that he knows you’ll love and cherish for a long time
if you’re someone that’s part of a fandom or smth, he’s gonna do his absolute best to try and learn everything about the thing you’re into and buy you whatever merch you don’t have 
he adores spoiling you - don’t even try to deny his gifts. He isn’t too big on spending his money on himself aside from the essentials or the occasional thing he rlly wants, but something just feels wrong to him about not spoiling you? almost blasphemy yk?  
he just believes that he should spoil you with everything he has and give everything he has to you, just as you do to him yk? 
In conclusion: bro’s literally so down bad for you and has the softest, sweetest spot for you in his heart pls don’t break it 
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