#i like this god brat
demi-pixellated · 2 years
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my dear brainless partner
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This week's Discord Prompt!
Find @cocoabell drawing here
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puppydoggraham · 5 months
My beef today is with people who legitimately think Will actually hates Hannibal and that hannigram is one sided
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3416 · 6 months
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Auston Matthews on Spittin' Chiclets | 06.06.20
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varpusvaras · 7 months
I need to write more of Cody and Fox, because now I live for the idea that Fox is Cody's little baby. Sweet perfect baby brother. Absolutely wonderful. Oh he bit you during training? Well that was your fault, you definitely did something to make him bite you, why would you do that? No I'm not enabling him, you all just don't understand him! You're being mean to him!
It was everybody's luck that Fox came out of his tube semi normal, because otherwise Cody would've created a monster. Now Fox will just go and bat his big eyes at Cody if he wants your dessert.
The War does end the moment Fox opens his mouth and complains even a little bit about Palpatine because Cody will march up to the Chancellor's office and shoot the man in the face for being mean to his baby. He had it coming.
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rogersstevie · 5 days
it's hilarious that people say rory never received criticism until mitchum it's like okay idk why y'all think criticism in school doesn't count but that very much did happen for her multiple times before that point and it's like. of course she hadn't received criticism wrt her career at that point because why would she have?? (though i guess it depends if you consider writing for the yale daily news to be school or career-related because she received criticism of her work there too and she got better lol that's like a whole arc where she writes a boring story and then follows her gut to the life and death brigade and doyle approves but people love to ignore canon when talking about rory)
but it's just like okay you can argue she hadn't been criticized as a journalist, sure, but 1. mitchum wasn't criticizing, he was outright saying she can't do it and 2. what else was she supposed to be doing as an intern i mean HONESTLY she wasn't being assigned stories or anything, she was doing what she was supposed to while seeing how a newspaper works. that's what internships are for, they're supposed to teach you, and he certainly never gave her any advice or mentorship which is what HE was supposed to do
it's just so annoying when people say she proved him right by giving up like. she had always had this dream and never had reason to believe it couldn't happen. it's what she always planned for, no one told her it wasn't realistic, not because they "coddled" her, but because anyone who knew rory, knew how driven she was, and that if she wants something, she will put in the work to get there. there might be struggles, roadblocks, she might doubt herself, but she always gets back on track. which is the whole thing like. sorry how did she prove him right? because she was temporarily set back after he essentially crushed her lifelong dream AND REMEMBER SHE'S 20 YEARS OLD I MEAN CHRIST of course she's vulnerable to a guy who's been in this for decades telling her, someone who's barely an adult, that she doesn't have what it takes to achieve her dreams. but anyway like, how do you say that when she did in fact follow through with her dream?? people point at her dropping out of yale like "see!! he's right!! she can't do it!! she's not special!!" and it's like yeah okay she lost a semester, went back, fit two years into a year and a half, graduated on time and immediately got a job working on the campaign trail LIKE the whole point was realizing he was wrong about her and everything that followed in the next two seasons proves that
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also like au where teenaged Li xiangyi runs into also teenaged di feisheng mid fight with a di assassin, li xiangyi finds out about the mind control bug via idk overhearing the two Di kids being like 'yeah neither of us want to do this really but y'know. it's not like we have a choice' or whatever, and thus li xiangyi, baby activist for JUSTICE ends up fully derailing his sort of vauge plans to set up a sect in favour of dealing with this terrible injustice because it's, y'know, pretty fucked up and also he's been in the martial world for about six weeks max and in that time he's seen one (1) sect fully massacred like his repressed trauma backstory, presumably thrown himself into a bunch of other unfair fights, and is now faced with a guy only a couple years older than him who's digging his kind-of sect brother's grave after being forced to fight him to death because of fucking mind control slavery
(because on the one hand he's still kind of an arrogant brat, and on the other hand this shit is fucked up and also super personal and kinda complicated in a way that 'just sword the problem to jail/death' can't actually fix, given the whole mind control thing, and he is very rapidly finding out that wow, turns out everything off the mountain is actually very extremely fucked up and way more complicated than he thought.)
shan gudao shows up after like, barely a week away doing idk, sketchy nanyin related things probably, and his arrogant brat of a shidi is immediately hey guess what shixiong new plan we can get back to sect building later, also this is my new best friend he's awesome at sword and barely socialised, also also he's crashing with us now or rather I'm crashing with him and his band of weirdos he's collecting!
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
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Stop flirting....
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keenadraws · 2 months
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I drew my elf boy Akesi in Epithet Erased style and made a lil card for him heheheheh
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pagannatural · 2 months
Never mind! this show still fucks
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nooooo don't think about kuwabara picking up smoking when yusuke leaves for makai as something to remember him by you're so sexy hahah
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zetsubobu · 10 months
"…but someday, Lloyd, there might be people who are after you for all kinds of reasons. Whether it be for money, to assert dominance, to use you, to stop you, or to try and take something from you… [...]"
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@weekend-whip @the-ninja-legacy-whip
A ninjago legacy whip fanart woooooooo
I really liked this part of koko's quote and wanted to draw something for the fic anyways!
I really wanted to emphasize on lloyds eyes here too not only because of the green color but also with the white pupil from the lore in the legacy au
Also I tried to draw the dagger that he hides underneath his coat!
Also our young naive lloyd here isn't aware of the hands that want to use his power and heritage yet
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beeg-bark · 5 months
me saying no to a dom and refusing to follow their directions, not because i want to disobey but simply because i want them to put the fear of god(them) in me <3
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laismoura-art · 5 months
I wish to talk about a moment! This dialogue:
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Everybody I see talking about this moment only goes as far as saying, "Oh, Bi-Han is sexist >:O"
Which... he is. But more than that, he is:
He is not saying this because he has a problem with women being warriors per se. He is saying this because, unlike Kuai, Bi-Han still thinks the old Lin Kuei traditions are right and should be followed.
So if the old Lin Kuei says Female Lin Kuei are not allowed, then by all means, Female Lin Kuei are not allowed!
And do you know who else thinks the old traditions are right and should be followed?
She thinks the Lin Kuei should be led with iron fists.
She thinks the Lin Kuei should be merciless.
She thinks the Shirai Ryu and the Lin Kuei should remain enemies (and also thinks genocide is justified)
She thinks power should be pursued no matter the cost (even if the cost is your free will or the lives of your fellow clansmen)
But like a child who claims their country was better under a dictatorship, Frost is forgetting one little detail:
She has NO IDEA what that time was actually like!
I mean, she wasn't there! She has no idea what the old Lin Kuei was like!
And by all means, she never WOULD!
Cause as Bi-Han nicely reminds her: The old Lin Kuei, the one he follows and she sooo would rather have, DOESN’T ALLOW FEMALE LIN KUEI!
For as much as she complains about Kuai and how much he disregards tradition, she forgets his disregard is PRECISELY what made her Lin Kuei to begin with!
I mean, if she would rather have him be traditional, he could just have told her to fuck off his temple when she came to him, right?
After all. She wants the traditions to be followed.
He could have beaten her up for being mouthy and questioning his decisions. After all, the Lin Kuei must obey without question.
He could have sent her to face Hanzo (and be killed in the process). After all, the Shirai Ryu must be enemies (heck, he could've even allowed Hanzo to kill her on that one meeting. She started the fight, so she finishes it. Isn't that tradition?)
Also, it's funny that she praises the Cyber Initiative, when it means she gets some cyber enhancers and gets to command an army. But I wonder if she would have liked the ACTUAL Cyber Initiative, the one in which she would be just like the mindless robots she controls.
I wonder if someone like Frost, someone so strongminded, would ACTUALLY stand what the old Lin Kuei was like.
Be silenced? Forced to submission? Used as bait? Cannon fodder? As a Puppet??
Do you think she would stand be through what KUAI has??
I don't think so!
And I think people spend so much time being angry at Kuai for being angry at her that they forget just how much he did for her till he decided he had enough!
Can you imagine how many times Frost called him weak for his decisions?
Heck! He was accepting of her. He was kind and caring of her. He encouraged her to value her humanity and free will. He put an end to a war so she and his other students wouldn't have to fight and possibly DIE in it!
And all that for what? To hear that he's WEAK???
Can you imagine how much that must've sting?? How much that must've crushed his heart??
His heart is not frozen as he claims. It's BROKEN!
And all that because some stupid teenager can't be bothered to learn some history or by all means LISTEN to what the man who gave her everything has to say!
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thedevilsfamiliar · 1 month
I’m listening to this song and thinking about a universe where Petunia didn’t mistreat Harry. Where she divorced her husband and took Dudley and Harry with her. Where on Harry’s 11th birthday, she gets to walk through Diagon Alley with her nephew, her second son, and gets to witness the world that Lily lived in.
The wonder, the awe, her boys talking animatedly in front of her, looking just as amazed as she.
She has no clue what awaits her second son, has no clue that in a few years he will be forced to give up his life.
Can you picture her? Washing her dishes, Dudley doing his homework at the kitchen table, looking out the window and wondering if her kid is okay? If he’s hungry?
Harry Potter walks into the forest at 17 years old, facing the man who killed his biological mother, who threatened to go after the mother he has at home waiting for him.
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
I love mythology so much and it’s taking everything in me to not write a full fledge fic about a Cupid and Psyche au omfg
justttttt Cupid Bakugou who is just so, so fucking beautiful. he’s always been recorded by other mortals for being akin to sunlight himself—all golden hues and sharp angles and high cheekbones and massive wings. wings that span as wide as an entire village, that sparkle when the light hits them, loud when they beat to send him soaring into the skies above. but his mouth? his attitude?
everyone always wonders why he was never the god of war, instead. but he’s damn good at his job, with his arrows propped up on his back, swift with discharging them into another stupid mortal who’s fallen for the local towns idiot. but hey, they’re in love, and it’s his job to enforce that love go over well.
and then he sees you—the most beautiful mortal, that you’re even compared to the gods, to his mother. he wants you so bad, if not to treasure and keep you against his side as he travels over the oceans cold waters, than to keep you safe from the vile men who want you as their partner and the disgusting women who envy you for having it all.
omg and the part where he takes you to stay in his palace and asks you not to ever look at his face???? it’s killing him, to wear that mask to your nightly dinners, to be able to look at the soft curve of your mouth when you frown and ask him to reveal himself. to be able to look at how you stare back at him, eyes pretty and furious, frustrated and mad, wanting to go back on the conditions you agreed upon because having to sit across from him without seeing him is absolute torture. I am. vibrating.
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