#i love adding imperfections to characters it makes it so fun
wolfram-but-art · 1 year
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miss Dell Conagher <33
reblogs >>> likes
used Valve's concept art as refference <closeups under cut>
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(im starting to get sick, so i might stop posting for a while, ill try to upload some doodles from time to time tho)
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kiseiakhun · 10 months
Anyway, I think the worst thing Geoff Johns did to Hal's character is that he just made him boring. The fun thing about Hal is that he's the worst man to walk the earth. He's a trainwreck in the making. Every day he wakes up and thinks nothing and makes 20 awful decisions and messes up everything and goes to sleep content in a job well done and it's great. Hal is the Worst Man Ever™. He's a donkey in human form. By all means his personality and skillset makes him the perfect supervillain but he's a hero and he's imperfect and he claws himself back from the brink long after most people would've given up because that's who he is. That's at the core of his character. Even when he's below rock bottom, he never gives up, and god does he hit it, over and over again.
Johns just... erased all that complexity by making Hal the bestest greatest most precious lanterny lantern ever. Suddenly everyone loves him and treats parallax as just a 'hehe! Whoops!' and it sucks because if you take away the fact that Hal is a garbage human being he's just BORING. He's just a boring stereotypical stoic superhero. Who wants to read that! Who wants to read about Universe's Best Most Precious Greatest Man Gets Praised And Solves Every Problem And Is Never Wrong. Like at least when batman does it they try to give us a detective story. Usually it's not a good detective story but they at least try. Hal doesn't need to do detectiving. He can solve pretty much anything with the ring on his finger. He's invulnerable and powerful and perfect and let's be real, at this point he barely has a secret identity. There's nothing adding stakes to the story, not when Hal the best boy is here.
It's so fucking boring!! It's genuinely an injustice to his character. Hal's much more interesting when he makes every single bad decision, ever, and then has to dig himself out of the hole that he dug. That's someone I can root for. That's a character I can develop complex feelings about. If you just hand me the perfect being in creation I feel nothing. I'm already bored.
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jadeacereigen · 5 months
i also always felt like the fandom depicting reigen's childhood as abusive and neglectful never really quite fit. i know that most of it is probably just projection, and it's something i really understand because i've done it before with other characters.
i feel like there's a difference between giving a character trauma that makes sense when taking their canon self into account and giving a character trauma for other unrelated reasons, like comfort or even for fun, to be able to explore the scenarios that would come with it. both are very valid. let the people do what they want, y'know?
but something i feel like people tend to gloss over sometimes is that parents can fuck up when raising you and still not be outright shitty evil people. they can judge you on your career choices and still love you. your friends can make an off the cuff comment that ends up sticking with you in a bad way without realizing, people can suck at showing they care about you while still caring about you, they can be imperfect just as much as you are. it's their first time on this earth too. and it doesn't excuse the times they may have hurt you or made you feel bad about yourself, but it's up to you if you wanna keep them in your life. everyone can change, but that's also up to them.
it gives reigen an added charm [or should i say humanity?], to know that he is a flawed person and that it stems from the things that happened when he was younger, and the people that were in his life, and to know that things don't need to be catastrophic for them to affect and/or change you, whether good or bad. it's a good thing to remember i think. to know that there's so many greys between the white and black. that he has layers. his experiences are very valid.
anywho. sorry for the long ramble i just had to get this out there hehe.
ask game time!!!! 25, 9 and 22
Oh my god no don't apologize you're so right. I agree 100% so I'm gonna answer with my own long ramble.
(Discussions of child abuse below, though nothing that's not present in MP100 canon.)
Yes, it almost feels like people want to dismiss all flawed parenting and strained relationships between parent and child as abuse. There's certainly something very wrong with Reigen and his parents' relationship but I'm gonna be honest, I don't understand how people can find redemption in Toichiro who literally beat up his own son but then at the same time demonize Reigen's parents for the crime of disapproving his life as a CONMAN.
Yes, Reigen actually helps his clients and refuses to take money for things he cannot fix, but he's an incredibly special case and his parents are like most people who have no clue that the supernatural is even real. I personally think IRL psychics are full of shit and prey on the naive and emotionally vulnerable. If I had a kid who quit their normal job and spent all their savings to become a psychic I would not be happy with them! I would hope I wouldn't be as cold and that they wouldn't live in fear of my messages to them but I would definitely be encouraging them to stop that shit and get a "real job". To think that his parents should support his choices in life when he's pretending to be a psychic with no additional context is wild to me. (Also, I can't find the translation anymore but Reigen says in the fanbook that his mom thinks he's being tricked into doing his current job.) Again, they could go about this in a much better way but this disapproval does not inherently point to abuse.
(Sorry this rant got very long so everything else is below the cut.)
I think the biggest thing that points to Reigen's parents not being as awful as they are in fan content is that even after Reigen gets publicly exposed for being a con artist, his mom does tell him to learn his lesson from this but she also takes the time to prepare him an apology, tells him that he should come home (instead of telling him he's not welcome home/disowning him) and emphasizes that she's on his side. Maybe you could consider that the bare minimum of a decent parent but this to me just doesn't feel like she's the hateful abusive mother so often depicted. She could be warmer about it but she's obviously super concerned and wants Reigen to know she cares about him regardless of his actions.
(As for his dad, all we know is that he and Reigen don't talk to each other at all and that he thinks Reigen is unemployed. This relationship is definitely worse than Reigen and his mom's but there's little to go off of in terms of if his dad is a terrible parent or not. His mom seems to think he's worried about Reigen and that would definitely not surprise me.)
In terms of how Reigen feels about his parents, in the fanbook he acknowledges that there have been misunderstandings from both sides and that he'd like to talk things out with them and visit them more often. That's such a real thing lots of people can relate to and I'd love to see that get explored! I want to see Reigen patch things up with his parents! Maybe I'll write out my stupid fic idea for it idk.
I also don't want to stereotype but I am from an East Asian family myself and grew up surrounded by others so I feel like it's safe for me to say that Reigen's parents really remind me of your typical older generation of Asian parents. (Reigen was born in 1984 so his parents would definitely be of the boomer ilk, potentially even the Silent Generation if they had him on the older side.) Reigen also says in the fanbook that his parents are very serious people. Oftentimes with that older generation they just don't really show their care the way you'd normally see it. There may never be any "I love yous" but they'll cut you a plate of fruit without you asking or remember the show you liked 10 years ago and assume you're still into it...
Of course, parental norms in a culture don't justify hurtful parenting. (I mean just watch Everything Everywhere All At Once if you want to see the pain of having a disapproving Asian parent despite knowing they love you and just want what they think is best for you.) His mom fussing over his job and his lack of a girlfriend may be a super "Asian parent" thing, but it definitely hurts Reigen's feelings and she should cut that out. So yeah, Reigen's parents could do a lot better in terms of making Reigen feel supported and loved regardless if they approve of his life choices or not, but Reigen wants to patch things up with them for a reason and I'm hopeful that they can all reach a better understanding with each other.
One thing I also wish the anime showed was that Reigen's mom talks to him on the phone after Separation Arc! We see that in this omake:
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Reigen definitely didn't tell his parents his phone number or his home address if his mom had to resort to emailing his business address just to talk to him. But I like to think that after Separation Arc he started letting his mom into his life a bit more...
God this was such a long rant, I'm sorry. One final thing before I get to your questions is that if we really need abusive parents to hate, Teru's non-present parents are ripe for the picking... Just saying.
(ask game)
I'm assuming you mean Reigen for all of these btw
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Gosh I initially thought he was just a silly goofy character who could be annoying and pathetic at times, but I enjoyed his presence on-screen. Then he got deeper in the Season 1 finale and showed just how much he truly cared about Mob... That part definitely got me shook. He only got better and better from there and now he's one of my favorite characters in the story.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Jesus christ uh I definitely don't think he'd be a bad roommate and we'd probably get along just fine but I also think I'd annoy the shit out of him. I'm not the best at keeping my space neat and clean. Also the thought of meeting Reigen in person is actually terrifying... Reigen should never exist outside the world of fiction because his pure chaos would be too much for reality.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
Hmm I answered what I don't like last time, but I do like fics that explore his relationship with Mob or Serizawa. I also like seeing him confront more of his personal issues and grow as a person even if he gets a little hurt in the process-
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sitp-recs · 1 year
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Reparo by amalin
Harry/Draco (2008, Explicit, 85k)
Voldemort's final defeat does not mean Harry Potter's troubles are over; far from it. In the aftermath of war, he returns to a Hogwarts that is fractured and divided, but this is no break that can be fixed with a spell. New owls, fading scars, surprising alliances—and along the way, the hardest task of all, to live with it.
'I'm just saying, it's a good thing I never switched to your side,' Malfoy added, sounding more than a little delirious from the pain. 'Never could produce a Patronus. Wouldn't have made the cut.'
I’ve mentioned this fic on a few reclists before but I hadn’t been able to reread it and write a proper rec until now. For those who enjoy old school Drarry, this is excellent 8th year food - quirky, fun, with vivid settings, organic slow burn and fabulous characterization. I reckon unredeemed Draco is not everyone’s jam but for those who enjoy him let me tell you, his proud and pathetic Malfoy voice is an absolute delight. He’s pretty insufferable, prejudiced, arrogant, holds grudges and has that annoying dramatic flair colouring his every interaction. It’s rare to see him embarrassed or caught off guard from Harry’s pov which is why blushing moments feels like a victory for both Harry and us. From bullied Death Eater to the Slytherin champion to Harry’s fuck buddy, he’s complex and fascinating and so deliciously in character I can’t help but lmao at his awful personality. I like this take because it makes me remember that people don’t change that much, or that quickly, especially when they’re so young.
This fic is an 8th year romance with brilliant Gen vibes for the most part, which I love. The Hogwarts routine feels so familiar and I’ve had a blast with their early interactions, all that cute snarling banter and fantastic dialogue keeping me amused and engaged at all times. There are moments that made me pause and appreciate the supporting cast, like the Christmas scene with Andi and Narcissa, or Slughorn’s party - his aloof voice is so on point it feels like he’s jumping out of the books, and Harry soothing Ron’s insecurities about his relationship with Hermione was a very nice touch.
Speaking of characters, I can’t not mention Draco since this is his party, but the Golden Trio is also a delight: this perceptive Hermione (“you got a Malfoy look, you start to look sort of confused and wistful and eager all at once”) who takes notes for inexistent surprise exams + this feisty Ron who instead of exploding just celebrates that his cock is bigger than Draco’s are just perfect. And young Harry has my whole heart - he’s snarky, impulsive and classically oblivious, drawn to Draco in ways he’s not able or willing to explain, and he never disappoints in his classic “do first, ask later” philosophy 😂 his fire and sass complement Draco’s brilliantly, it’s hilarious how he quickly learns how to read and handle him.
The fuck buddies dynamics are as awkward and intense as you’d expect from two horny, traumatized and inexperienced 18 year olds. They butt heads and go for it, never talking it out but finding more about themselves in the process. Despite being so different (and boy do they argue about it) Harry and Draco somehow click together emotionally and physically, with their skinny, scarred, imperfect bodies. Harry can be his true self with Draco and gives back just as good as he gets; they’d be in the middle of an argument then quotes such as “the color of the sky reminded him of Malfoy, a bruised, determined gray” come and take your breath away!
If for nothing else, go read this if you’re looking for a different 8th year vibe, where no character is traditionally nice or easy to love. They’re all both light and dark, sweet but sharp around the edges, and we learn to care for them despite (or maybe because of) their flaws. This story leaves me nostalgic over those good old Hogwarts fics with lots of sneaking around and no heart-to-heart moment, which rings true for two lost boys figuring out who they are and what they want in the post-war. It’s messy, confusing, awkward and dramatic, but also very relatable and real, their future together left open and full of possibilities. Enjoy!
Read on AO3
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theeccentricraven · 4 months
Joy List
Thank you for the tag @acmartin 🌹
Rules: Make a list of all of the things that have made you happy recently! Then, tag as many people as you want that you think may need it to keep the positivity going 💕
Reaching 100,000 words for my WIP. It's an amazing feat and I'm not done yet.
Finally having the chance to write scenes that I looked so forward to writing.
I'm looking forward to the editing process when I can re-outline, cut some scenes, and keep everything cohesive. Rewriting is critical because I want to share my WIP, just not in its current state.
Baking an Oreo cake and a lemon pie.
I have a good idea of which WIP I will focus on after this one. I have a couple of other pet projects that I hope to focus on while I wait for beta readers to come back for current WIP.
Even though my YouTube/TikTok videos don't get many views, they are fun to make and make me laugh. I've had fun going through CapCut templates to use and also have ideas of my own.
When a friend asks me how my writing is doing, it brightens me up. I love to talk about it.
Pleased that even as imperfect as my writing is, I feel accomplished to see my writing improve. My writing was trash 10-15 years ago. Now I feel that I can be proud of what I'm writing.
Scambaiters as always make me laugh and cheer. I love to tune in to Trilogy Media, Modder Paul Scambaits, and Kitboga. They made some high quality videos lately. I admire the vigilantes hard at work.
Beautiful music and ambience on YouTube inspires me. Epic music inspires me to envision the type of mood to evoke. I can feel my character's emotions and goals in the music. There's also Dystopia themed music and ambience that sets the mood for my genre. I thank the YouTubers who made the music.
Those YouTubers also keep me motivated because they want to read my writing when it's available. The sooner I learn to be a good writer and get my work out there, the sooner they can become my readers.
Tagging these fine people (hope you don't mind the tag)🦢
@ad-wills @zevarcollan @olivescales3 @primroseprime2019 @constellationandcompendium @emberlyric @buffythevampirelover @rickie-the-storyteller @selenekallanwriter
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cottonundiestf · 10 months
Well I simply need help you out with your job...
That being, your streaming job. It requires dedication, and office work gets in the way. If you sit at a computer for 8 hours a day, every day, then you need to be playing video games. You've don't even remember being in the office, your only job was video game streamer.
Younger, 20-something. You can't reveal that to your loyal fans~
College was useless so we'll get rid of that. Move your intelligence to the average or...a point below, taking those extras to charisma, for fan entertainment!!
Strength can be an 8, move those to wisdom, it will help with the videogames.
Swap dex and con, because quick reflexes are better than a hearty stomach.
Chaotic good, because let's be honest, all of the best streamers are really just gremlins that cause chaos. All to entertain the fans and get those bits!
And cause you'll do anything to entertain you're not professional. AT ALL. Still nerdy, maybe a bit more? The Adhd is cute, but clever has got to go! We will replace with "gamer intelligence" and "makeup skills" so you look your best when you show your face!
And everyone loves when a pretty girl is forgetful, so I'll just make that be "very forgetful"
Hair is...a neon colour, but long. Like an anime girl's hair. People say it's a wig but it's all natural. Bright eyes as well, so you stand out and really pop.
Slimming down so the chub is slight, and "socially" beautiful, who doesn't love a little overhang on the belly? You will feel your chest growing, to f cup, and your ass filling out to be a good cushion. You're a girl, with facecam, streaming online. You know that you should display your assets. And they're such good looking assets. You get distracted sometimes looking at them. Shoulders rounding and smoothing ad your skin clears up, a freckle or mole here and there. Little imperfections that make your more beautiful.
A high libido to tease and flirt with the audience!! You wanna be a pretty bimbo, and a gamer girl! Dressing up as the characters you play as in Overwatch and League. Whatever will encourage people to donate!!
Now hurry up and get out there, your subathon starts in just under an hour!!!
Thank you, justanotherdrone!
I woke up late, initially ready to panic. I had to get to work!
Except... well, that was silly. Why was I in a rush? It's not like I had to go anywhere, right? I guess I was just being dumb again; that was just a normal feeling, I knew.
My body felt warm. I was oblivious to my fat dissolving and relocating, padding out my breasts into proper tits. My skin rippled with goosebumps as my skeletal structure shifted and my complexion softened. I justified it as just a product of waking up horny. A stream would fix this, or maybe make it worse.
I went into my closet to find one of my go-to cosplay outfits. I could have some fun flirting with chat, maybe even getting a little risque. Nothing too crazy though; I was just a streamer and as I always joked, this wasn't that kind of website.
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trlvsn · 1 year
Listen, can you tell me more about your art process? Because honestly everything from your sketches to the final product is amazing and I'm really curious to know how you go about it.
i am finally neither drunk nor hungover so i can reply to this properly! honestly, never expected an ask like this bc this is like. for the good (tm) artists. i started drawing in february, as well as this blog, and i'm still finding and changing things!
either way, what i strongly advise to think about first is a good idea and a good composition: first more important than last, but a drawing can just be hard to look at if it's not well-organized. for some reason, i like to do triangles with a detail in the center to which attention will be naturally drawn.
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once i figure out what i want, i start doing multiple sketches: a very rough one with no reference and very thin repetitive lines, then a better one with references and corrections, and then a finer one, with thick strokes. here, you see the final sketch (still not lineart, though), and this is also where i put a base in the background: i find working with a white bg to be inconvenient, and it does add somewhat of an undertone.
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then i do the lineart in thinner and better strokes! i'm still playing with the brushes and customizing them, but here are the ones i use rn in ibis paint:
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i later go a layer below lineart and fill in the simple colors. even if i plan on making the light green later or using some interesting shadow colors, right now i imagine the lighting is simple and white. i put on the basic shadows by using the multiply layer and some dull pinks.
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as you can see, i also color the lineart later with a clipping tool. frankly, by this point, the drawing looks bad. that's where i use the multiply layer again:
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in this case, i added light by coloring some parts of the layer with a lighter contrasting color, but sometimes i just erase parts for really bright lighting in an otherwise dark setting, like in the beanix, kristoph and maya drawings in the first picture.
i add light with a normal layer by color-picking, and sometimes just go over the whole thing with a normal layer as well to correct small imperfections. i only use stuff like blurring and hard light layers for the candles, as i like to keep a certain roughness to the drawing.
uhh, what else is there? i do love doing a spot-the-symbolism moment like, everywhere, especially in the fey clan pieces... but i feel the most important part is painting not an image, but a character. this is why I'm so fond of painting from a live model: you don't capture a singular moment, you compile millions of images into one, this capturing the essence of the person, locking time with paint. that's, of course, not the case here, i just like to talk.
either way, just have fun with it!! duplicate your drawings to experiment, use clipping tools, learn some composition and color / shading basics, make things stand out!!
and thank you so much for the compliment:)
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connorboyyy · 19 days
With this being my third ask (am the one who recently sent about 'slow and steady' and the generations ask lol), I might need to soon give myself a little moniker to myself so I don't have to keep saying 'Oh, I'm the anon who sent X' lol
I'm just a bit curious, but is there anything in particular you'd change about the DBH storyline, characterization, worldbuilding, or smth like that? I'd personally probably change some plot twists or points or completely remove them, but idk tbh lol. One thing I'm almost 100% certain I'd change is the thing with Alice being an android and/or bringing back her concept design. Maybe the timeline, too, because the main game (post-Hostage chapter) takes place within a week, which... feels a LITTLE fast for a revolution and relationship development lol
I really like this game, probably top 3 or at least 5, but yh, just curious :)
(Also, I think I've started to ship Hankcon, and it's a bit off-putting how quickly my brain did that lmao)
You should! You should get yourself a little identifier! Maybe a fun little emoji or sign off/greeting 👀
Oh love this question—listen, I love this game. I think there are a lot of good qualities, but I can also recognize it’s totally imperfect. In MANY ways
First off, I completely agree about the Alice thing. I feel like it was something added just for the sake of being a plot twist and really weakened their story. Not to mention the plot holes it generates that are technically able to be explained, but you have to stretch the narrative to make it do so (for example: how Todd could afford two androids, was Alice deviant or was she just programmed to be more emotionally available to fulfill human’s emotional expectations of a child, etc, etc). It also took away a lot of cool opportunities with Alice and Kara. If Kara had to actually be responsible for finding Alice food on a regular basis or finding her clean clothes or places to bathe. It would’ve been interesting to see how much more Kara would’ve had to venture into public spaces to fulfill Alice’s needs and there could have been a sort of peaceful vs violent route for Kara—whether she chose to tread carefully to get Alice what she needed, or demand it/take it by any means necessary. Not to mention how heartwarming a narrative of a human girl and her android mother would have been—getting to grow older under her care.
Also what you mentioned about the timeline—I agree. It was too short. I think a lot about the depth of relationships the characters could’ve had if they had spent more time. Hell, even just one month as opposed to a week. It really cheapens the effectiveness of any romantic relationship in Markus’ route especially cause it just feels unbelievable.
I also really wish that Connor had deviated because of Hank. Which I admit, is maybe a little corny and definitely a tired old complaint LMFAO And I get why Markus was the one who pushed him there, because he actually pushed him, whereas Hank sort of just watched in awe from the sidelines as he saw signs of humanity in him. (But to be fair, Kara and Markus both deviated without a push from an encouraging individual too, the circumstance just demanded it). But if maybe the story had a longer timeline, maybe they could’ve reached a point where Hank had encouraged it. Or sort of an Alice and Kara deal where Connor deviated for the sake of protecting Hank in some scenario. Maybe if Connor was supposed to report back to Cyberlife to be decommissioned due to how long it was taking him, but Connor knew Hank would be vulnerable to some instance—something like that.
And don’t even get me started on the way the revolution is handled/public opinion or Markus’ limited romantic options. But I’ll stop there cause this response is already crazy long LMFAOAO
(Welcome to the club. It’s a great ship, they have great chemistry, it’s easy to love ❤️)
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takearisk-x · 1 year
2022 Wrapped
tagged by @displayheartcode & @hinnyfied 💖
Post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular)
confessions should be better planned this little oneshot really challenged my storytelling and how to convey my sense of humor. i’m very proud to say that it ended up exactly how i wanted. 
enough of both another oneshot that i put together for ttb summer soireé, the idea of harry and ginny as newlyweds is so so interesting to me and i like the idea of them writing letters during their brief bouts of long distance
what we had become (before we ever had begun) this was a brain worm that Would Not Leave Me Alone until i finally wrote it all down. it was my first contribution to jilytober (even though it’s jilypad) and i think i’m most proud that i not only wrote it but had the courage to post, because it is not my usual content. 
already gone i dove headfirst into the angst, which has never felt like a strength of mine, and decided to fully commit to the bit. this one surprised me so much, i have no outline, no real plan, i am pantsing the shit out of it and i love it so so much
the path from you 104,000 words, two spin offs, and twelve chapters later, the universe that lives in my mind because of this fic has completely taken over my life. and we are only half done. i love the journey harry and ginny are on and i love that so many other people love it too
your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year
the path from you PART 2 - i really want to finish part one by april and kickstart part 2 (neville/pansy & ron/padma) by the second half of the year
spring fever - a contribution to @hpknotfest that is self-indulgent smut and i’m not gonna be ashamed about it LOL
ginny potter and the honeymoon of horrors - i’ve mentioned this one in passing several times and i really *really* like it. it is so stupid and so fun. 
a crack fic that i am writing with @nuatthebeach ... no comment
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year
drafting - though i still want to get better at drafting, i am miles ahead of where i was a year ago. i have really embraced the imperfect first draft and my writing is so much better for it
plotting - i used to be a pantser through and through, but tackling a multichap action fic forced me to actually outline. 
prose - this is so general but i really feel like the rhythm and emotion in my exposition has improved. i’ve found new ways of saying things and added so much depth to my characters because of it. 
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year
i really want to be a better problem solver, i know i have a good imagination but when what i outlined doesn’t immediately work on the page i get really discouraged, so i want to be more creative in working through my bouts of writer's block
along the same lines, i’d like to be able to *trust* my decision making and not constantly need outside reassurance for my story decisions.. (i really need to thank @narukoibito @nuatthebeach and @fairsquare16 for helping me through this year. i could not have done any of this without them)
and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year
My favorite line that i’ve written this year hasn’t been posted yet... it’s from a later chapter of the path from you:
Harry kissed her the way he’d always wanted to, the way he should’ve the moment Tom Riddle’s body had crumpled to the floor.
Tagging @thedarkestgreys @dammitgranger @seriouslysam8 @theresthesnitch
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tetrakys · 2 years
It was the year 2012. I was young and innocent when I clicked on this random ad and started playing the first otome game of my life. 10+ years ago I found myself in front of a difficult decision: do I try to steal my classmate’s boyfriend or not?
It was a tricky situation. On one side, Leigh was older and hot, on the other this went against my morals. I quickly realised though that I didn’t need to follow my real life morality in a video game if I didn’t want to. 
So I did it, I lied to Rosa and flirted with the hot goth guy.
A little later, I had the chance to ditch the boy I was spending time at the beach with, to kiss a pretty tattooed stranger. Tbh I didn’t really like the Dake, but the illu was cool so I went for it. Would I kiss a stranger I don’t even like in real life? Not really, especially in covid times ew, but that’s a game so who cares.
And so again and again I’ve picked “problematic” and “immoral” choices in my game, I’ve accepted Castiel’s one-night-stand offer while dating someone else, I’ve cheated on my LI with the cop, etc. Not all of these choices stayed in my history, sometimes I replayed and saved the other, safest option, and let my Candy be a good girl.
Because at the end of the day, that’s what all these things were, choices. Catering to people with different tastes and views.
And in my opinion this is one of the greatest strengths of My Candy Love. I’ve played dozens and dozens of Japanese and Chinese games where the MC never really has a choice. Sure, you can choose what to ask the LI, or to express your preference on certain things, you can even be slightly bolder or very timid. But I’ve never played another game of this calibre which makes you actually experiment the imperfection and the grey area. There are some indie games which do something close to that (although imo, more extreme), and this aspect is exactly the reason why they are so praised. As a fantasy heroine you can decide to make a bloodshed and kill all your enemies, or be compassionate and spare them.
So, at the end of the day, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do I care about having to flirt a bit with Hyun to get Armin’s nsfw scene? Not only it’s zero but I actually enjoyed it immensely. It’s petty and childish and it entertained me most than anything I’ve played/watched in a long time. I also found it well written in a comedic way and perfectly in character with what Candy and Armin are on this route.
And this is my personal taste. Some people hate having to fake-flirt with another guy, and it’s fair! More than fair! Super fair! Hence why we have a choice. Sure, they are going to end up skipping on the sex this one time, but the alternative kiss is so romantic and well done, it’s not like the other choice is trash. I wanted Lysander’s nsfw illu while also meeting Castiel and the other friends in the same episode. I didn’t want to have to forgive Marina to get Chani’s illustration. It’s a visual novel, choices lead to different outcomes. And I’m glad that most people get that. 
Because this isn’t school, we’re not in a classroom, the presence alone of a choice you deem immoral doesn’t invalidate the whole game and says nothing about the people who like it. When someone asks for these kind of choices to be removed because “there are kids playing these games” (they shouldn’t) or it’s not “politically correct” or “this isn’t what I would do so no one should do it”, they are automatically invalidating a bunch of other players’ feelings. Live and let live.
I hope I’m gonna be able to be even pettier and bitchier in the future. I hope to see more drama and be able to pick even more cancellation-worthy choices, because that’s how I have fun and I will never care about feeling judged because of it.
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joviantwelve · 1 year
Tumblr media
Hello! I've been doing some long, hard thinking about my current commission offerings.
I am doing away with my "standard" menu (headshot/halfbody/fullbody/etc.) in favor of more experimental work.
Effective June 1, my commissions will close completely, including the waitlist.
If you want any of my current offerings, please let me know before then. You will be added to a final waitlist queue, with payment only required once I get to you.
If you're currently on my waitlist, or are interested in what's next, please see the bottom of this post. Once the final orders are complete, I will focus on relaunching.
Below is a more elaborate explainer of why I'm doing this, and what I'll be doing next.
Essentially, commissions have worn on me more and more as time goes on (which may be tangible if you ordered one recently and it took months). Part of me wondered if I was burned out on art in general, or it was just becoming less of a hobby for me, but that sentiment didn't feel quite right. After all, I could still get grabbed by a picture idea every now and again, which I would then crank out in one evening.
Was there some sort of difference between the pictures I could hammer out quickly vs. the ones I couldn't? Well, I wouldn't make a post about an investigation without already having a prime suspect.
My Art Style
When I first started drawing aliased, it was to quickly crank out panels for my forum adventures, mostly because I was using GIMP and didn't know anything about brush settings. I was way too frustrated with anti-aliased lines and how little I could make them look how I liked, so I retreated into something completely different.
It worked for a while, but as I became more comfortable with the style, I developed bad, perfectionistic habits (something I've already mentioned being A Problem I Have). I would tweak lineart at the pixel level, just because some stray bump or two bugged the hell out of me. I consider this one of the reasons my art output has slowed down.
Trying to embrace a "perfectly inconsistent," or "consistently imperfect" look as "my style" just created its own irony. For example, I will deliberately draw patterns and textures by hand, because it sticks out too strongly otherwise if I just paste it in. You can bump into this quickly enough by scrolling through my various character references.
I would love a world where all my OC references feel "current," but as it stands, I'm finding it increasingly hard to work on the remaining characters I want to draw while commissions are also an obligation. Taking a break from aliased character art commissions in order to work on aliased character art references is...just doing more of the same? It isn't a break.
In order to create breaks that actually feel like breaks, I have to compromise. ONE of these has to go home and change. My personal art gets priority here, and I still very much want my OCs to look consistent in their reference art, so...I need to find a more efficient way to draw for money that keeps my dysfunctional brain entertained.
The Long, Slow Realization
Back when I used GIMP, I tried the chalk brush on a whim and ended up quite liking it. The rough look helped me ignore what I would consider "imperfections" otherwise. However, perhaps because I had a comic or character references I wanted to keep consistent, I mostly considered it a fun oddity and nothing more.
More falling dominoes that would eventually lead to this post were my experimental style offerings that I introduced last year (at the time, I just offered it because I thought people may be interested in art that looked relatively unique), Art Fight (having to agonizingly obey "finished not perfect" because of the event deadline), and other gift art I did around this time (the reasoning being, it's gift art, they wouldn't mind if I used it to experiment).
Now that I use CSP and am no longer bound by webcomic obligations, I've been experimenting more with brush settings. Wouldn't you know it, most of my modern art of my original stories is no longer aliased. I go "off-model" deliberately, fuck around with layer settings and effects, and enjoy creating pieces just because I saw a cool tutorial, brush, or program I wanted to try. These are the types of pictures I mentioned I could crank out in one evening. Maybe they're not "formal," but I feel like they're the most "me."
With all this new experience swirling around in my head, I finally realized: Why am I not selling art I actually find fun to draw?!
The New Offerings
Currently, I'm leaning toward one style of illustration only, cheaper than the experimental style I offer presently, and "rougher" as a result. I want something equivalent to my '22 Art Fight output; something flashy, unique, and most importantly, quick to do.
The specifics are what I intend to figure out while I work through the queue. Here are some thoughts already rotating around in my brain:
Should I offer price "tiers" that roughly equate a level of "polish" (equivalent to sketch/flats/shading) or just go with one-price-fits-all?
Should I still offer sketches as a cheap alternative, or is that too confusing with my Ko-fi already sort of being that?
Should I offer specific pricing for bust/halfbody/fullbody/etc., or was that another symptom of why I had commission burnout before, and should be avoided?
Should I eschew all of the above and just offer one thing at one price (e.g. "give me $50 and I'll draw your OC" with no other choices for the buyer), or is that too intimidating?
And so on. The last option is currently what I'm vibing with the most, but it's definitely the most daring idea of the bunch, too. (& If you have any thoughts on this, let me know! I have so much more thinking to do.)
The Old Offerings (But New)
When I reopen, I would like to have as few options as possible. However, I have considered the possibility that an old offering would speak to me and I would add it to the new menu again. Here are some thoughts on those:
Icons have a pretty high chance of coming back.
I've always liked drawing faces and headshots the most. If I decide not to bring back headshot sketches, I could just roll it back into "icons" and instead offer colored sketchy headshots. This would be similar to the headshots I did for Art Fight, but...with colors.
Half/fullbodies would depend on how the new style goes.
This is elaborating on what I said in the previous section. While I'm sure my core audience (i.e., you) will be fine with a potentially spontaneous angle to my commissions, buyers I'm less familiar with might not be. I want to try "one price fits all," but if someone gives me shit about me drawing a bust when they were anticipating a fullbody, I might have to add options to specify this.
Regardless, the style would still be "experimental" either way--the composition is what's important about it (which is also why I feel like I can get away with one single price). If anything, I feel like forcing myself into the little boxes of "halfbody" and "fullbody" was partially what was stifling me. Like, when do I ever consciously decide to draw a halfbody of an OC? I don't. It feels very arbitrary, and I'd like to distance from it.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Character design is NEVER coming back!
I deeply appreciate those that did want a brand spanking new OC from me, but I've never considered myself to have a terribly strong design sense. They just kind of ended up being extra nervewracking to do because I had to design a character on top of drawing a fullbody. I will still take the final requests for these, but this is your absolute last chance for a Jovian Twelve™ Brand Original the Character.
What if I'm Already on Your Waitlist?
You don't have to do anything! I will get to you when I get to you. After June 1, I will close the waitlist, and whoever is on there will be able to have one of my old commission types, as promised. You can change your request anytime as long as I'm not currently drawing it!
Reminder that my waitlist is NOT "first come, first served;" I order it based on the complexity of what's wanted. Because of my slow pace, I didn't want to keep someone waiting forever when all they want is three sketch headshots, you know? This is a heads up that if you change your request, your position in the list may change as well.
I have no ETA when the current waitlist will be completed, given that currently, fullbodies are taking me months. Sorry :( Just another reason I'm making this post!!
What if I Want the NEW Style?
I will accept up to five (5) waitlist slots that want to "test drive" the potential new commission style, placed after the "traditional" queue is all cleared out. (So, you'd be waiting extra long.) If you're interested in this, get in touch! I will offer them to you at a lower rate than what I'm expecting to charge for the real deal, as thanks.
If you're already on the waitlist for something else, and want to test the new style instead, let me know! Just be aware this would bring you to the bottom of the queue as described above (but it WOULD give me one less commission I'd have to go through to get to the new stuff, WINK).
In the chance I get no takers the entire time it takes me to go through the waitlist, then the first five commissions I do in the new style will just have to be "test slots" instead.
Final Word
I know these long posts might not be terribly interesting to anyone that's not me, but I find it therapeutic to scrawl my thoughts out in text. Additionally, I'm over 30 years old and conclusions are still the hardest part in writing an essay. I can feel my writing style begin to devolve the closer I am to the end...
Thanks for reading, and understanding?! See you soon, maybe?! Get in touch if you want to discuss Commissions From Me?? 💃 Cool.
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floripire · 23 hours
what are your top five fandoms to RP within?
mun memes › @survivingpierce
p.ercy j.ackson was my first fandom and it's the one i come back to again and again, no matter how many times i step away from it. p.ercy j.ackson as a series / franchise is imperfect, certainly, but it was there during a time i desperately needed it, so i'm protective of it as a whole.
t.vd / t.he o.riginals / l.egacies: i saw the shows (minus s4 of l.egacies) from start to finish before i read the books - which i also very much recommend, they're very 90's and white and straight but the concepts and world building are awesome - but it just drew me in. it took me two tries to get through t.vd however because i couldn't stand e.lena at first. (it's much better now ;P)
make no mistake, though, i love to write in this universe but i will also be among the first to call it out for the fact that across the board, there were only three indian women (aimee bradley, gia and emma tig) and two of those were murdered by white people (aimee got killed by katherine at the masquerade ball for bullshit reasons and klaus killed gia to get back at elijah and in a show where people fake their deaths all the time, suddenly this time it was permanent, uh-huh, we all know why that is) and one of them was written out of the show (due to the actress having other jobs lined up) and never got the backstory or complexity she deserved.
those characters deserved to live and imho, g.ilijah should've been endgame.
(also, as much as i love h.ayley, i am not forgiving nor forgetting the fact that she killed a.ya al-r.ashid; i don't give a fuck that she did it to protect her family or whatever.)
m.arvel / dc: i love superheroes. always have, always will. i grew up on 2005's s.ky h.igh and i've watched t.he b.oys and g.en v as well as i.nvincible (though i personally vibe more with hopeful superheroes instead of nihilism and jerkwads).
s.tar t.rek / s.tar w.ars / sci-fi: i was born on international s.tar w.ars day so of course it'd stand to reason that i'd get into it. i got into s.tar t.rek a little later and that's mostly because of tumblr mutuals writing the characters. (i haven't seen r.ebel m.oon yet but that's only because i keep hearing conflicting accounts lmao.) my oc over at @dvarapala is pretty much a sci-fi based oc.
t.wilight / t.rue blood / i.nterview with a v.ampire / m.idnight t.exas / a.bigail / the i.nvitation etc: give me any and all vampires tbh! i operate under the umbrella of: all vampire lore is real and can exist alongside each other (with proper and prior plotting and some discussion to be had). the only one i do not like is a d.iscovery of w.itches because i watched a couple of episodes of that show and the main love interest vampire dude was such a creep and it's never properly talked about and then creepy vampire dude and powerful witch lady become canon???? ew! fuck that!
d.escendants / o.uat: that is to say, the grittier, darker, let's tear away the veil version of d.escendants because if you look close enough, you'll find that they're actually living in a warped dystopian version of the d.isney tales that we grew up with and i think that's fascinating. and also, the age old question of are you destined to be like your parent(s) or can you carve out your own path? and if so, which price will you pay for that, if any?
o.uat is on the list because i, unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on one's pov - grew up to become an o.uat girlie. i know it's not everyone's cup of tea and that's okay. i just find the lore of the universe fascinating. (also, added layer of pain: e.mma s.wan and flori's mom have the same fc and i did that deliberately ;P)
s.upernatural: i'm only at s2 still - i hope i can watch more this summer - but it's so easy to slot my preternaturally inclined muses in there. it's great fun.
t.een w.olf: big s.cott m.ccall stan here. always have been, always will be. it's also very easy to slot my preternaturally inclined muses into that universe as well. and, also, i love the lore. it's very cool. (though i will die on the hill that they should've also used t.een w.itch as well and created a whole t.een w.olf extended universe, but that's neither here nor there.)
b.uffy the v.ampire s.layer: i'm pretty sure i'm still at season 3 with that show but it's also very easy to drop my preternaturally inclined muses in there and take them for a ride.
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enmi-land · 1 month
hia diaa! i want to make a enhypen 8th member oc can you give me tips on how to write stories better🥹
OMGGG GOOD LUCK ON YOUR BLOG!! and hope it goes well for you!! lemme know when you make it so i can pop on over and give you lots of love 💟 but ahhh i think i did give tips to someone here about writing but can’t seem to find the post 😭 but anyway!! idk how much i can help but here’s some i learnt along the way while writing for a while 💖💖
don’t force yourself to write ! sometimes we feel inspired and sometimes we don’t. getting used to the fact that you won’t be constantly able to write works is a good mindset to have, since you don’t want to be burnt out!! that’s one of the things i got to accept recently as you probably know form my recent short lived hiatus. but yeah, sometimes we just need to let things sit for a while and that’s totally okay! sometimes, the best things you can possibly make are the ones that take a while.
sometimes simple is best ! your writing doesn’t have to be shakespeare level to be considered “good” and it’s often a misconception that you have to be. but rlly, the main purpose of writing stories like this (other than having fun ofc!!) is that the audience is able to the world through your character’s lenses and feel what they’re feeling. as long as you get the mentions across, you’ve already achieved your purpose. so don’t worry if it’s not flowery or full of description.
realism + fantasy ! the unique thing about added member blogs is that there isn’t much creative freedoms if that makes sense?? it’s fiction so you don’t have to have pinpoint accuracy, but bc technically the world is set in THIS universe (where enha are idols), you probably won’t be able to do an ‘enemies to lovers’ or a ‘bad boy!member’ as you would if you were writing a college au. that being said, once again, it’s totally up to you what you write!! as long as they aren’t portrayed as serial killers or in a gang, or (one of my pet peeves personally) complete jerks for no reason and with no redeeming qualities, you should be okay!
write things you enjoy writing ! since you’re going to be in this character’s head a lot, it will be easier for you if they’re someone you’re genuinely interested in, and part of that can mean your actual character (are they someone you like to be writing for?) or your plot (is it something you like to read as a reader??)!! because as it happens, the more you like something, the more time you’ll spend on it, meaning the more you’ll improve with time! it’s a simple science but it works really well, and it hasn’t failed me before.
be comfortable with saying no ! which goes to say, going off the last point, don’t write things you’re not comfortable with yet. even if they’re requests and you feel bad for rejecting someone, it’s best to have boundaries, and the last thing you need is for a safe space for you as a writer to become another place where you’re feeling anxious or uncomfortable. it’s your blog and you make the rules, so no one can come at you for doing what you want with it!! and if they do just send them my way heheh >:)
bonus tip ! and last of all, this is a tip for making your oc in general, but have some things in their history that you can relate to personally. they don’t have to be exactly the same as you, but if they’re someone that shared some similarities, it will be easier for you to be able to write them in a way that makes them feel real!! for me personally, i can relate to mila in terms of personality, and while we don’t really have the same beliefs or even background, we still have enough similarities that I don’t end up writing someone who is too ‘2d’. she’s imperfect, she makes mistakes, and sometimes she may not be that likeable for some readers bc she’s too ‘cringe’ or ‘cutesy’, but that’s part of what makes her feel more real (to me at least), so remember that it’s okay to make your oc flawed. we all are. and that’s what will make them that much easier to love. <33
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decamarks · 2 years
I know people have stated many times before that Tumblr's presence as a social media site is distinct from others due to its sense of community—and this brand identity is definitely being encouraged by the site's staff/marketing team—but it genuinely does make me happy, and it makes the site itself feel worthwhile and worth caring about. I'm always intrigued by the little changes being made, regardless of if they're good or bad; it's not like other sites where every update is nigh incomprehensible to its users, and generally followed with nothing more than a sigh and a "Oh god what is it this time". I'm genuinely interested in the mechanics of all these new updates: what they serve to improve, the purpose behind their implementation, etc. That or I'm saying "Oh god what is it this time" with a bewildered, morbid sort of glee, which is equally good.
This interest is encouraged by staff blogs like changes and wip, and that's just a fun kind of relationship to have to a website. Rather than silently accepting whatever new nonsense a corporation has decided to do to their site (presumably in the interest of exploiting their users in terms of time & money), Tumblr's sense of community tends to encourage exploration of what exactly it is being changed—critically, analytically; it doesn't go unnoticed. And 'critical' and 'analytical' are two adjectives you don't find most other social media platforms encouraging in their user populace, LMAO.
It helps to see the silver linings in these types of things. The frequency at which features are added, removed, altered, broken or bugged, speaks to the humanity of the site's coders and staff—and, more likely, the occasional complete incompetency of their higher-ups, but let's not get into that LOL. Aside from a few particularly awful or unintuitive elements, these uncertainties and imperfections tend to be enjoyable and even valuable, in my eyes. They're quirks, but not in the sense of a 'quirky' fast food brand with a 'silly social media guy'—who is, in reality, the result of highly calculated marketing efforts. What differentiates Tumblr in this case is that these imperfections aren't really artificial. They're simply being embraced. And that's… kinda nice?
In a site that serves to foster expression through the digital medium in so many different ways, there are bound to be certain boundaries broken, for better or worse. Think of all the strange, inexplicable glitches Tumblr has experienced through the years. The relative lack of limitations—on file size, on media type, on character counts—naturally leads to all sorts of strangeness. A few months ago I made a post that displays as an image when viewed on a blog page, thanks to some HTML style elements I was strangely able to include. I don't know why that's possible, but it is! Even excluding silly exploits like that, users are free to play around with comically long, obtrusive posts whenever they please. The fact that "Do you love the color of the sky" is a site-wide staple speaks volumes about the kind of platform Tumblr is.
You're allowed to reblog a post 100 times in a row, and that post can be an obnoxiously long sequence of the sky. Rather than fight against pitifully low character counts, you're free to type up sprawling, rambling blocks of text, and it's up to you whether or not that goes under a read more. Your images aren't cropped or downsized, or crammed into neat, tiny aspect ratios. In terms of a clean, intuitive user experience, this is... objectively awful. And that's what makes it great. You're allowed to be obtrusive. In the near infinite space allowed, you're free to exist in any format you see fit.
It's easy to be cynical about this stuff; trust me, I'm well aware that this sense of 'humanity' is propagated primarily to create a likeable brand identity, also in the interest of generating profit from its users—but come on, that's just kind of a given, and severs aren't free. I don't think it's bad to embrace the community formed as a result of this, and I'd argue that having an interest in the site surrounding the community you enjoy is just genuinely good. I still highly encourage everyone to learn how to make their own websites (due to the plentiful easy to use resources and platforms available), but I recognize that this isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. There are many benefits a large social media platform has over an independent website, and you'd be ignorant to ignore them. And when so many websites are being sanitized, sterilized, and swallowed whole by an all-consuming interest in profit alone, it's nice to see Tumblr try to cultivate chaos instead. Basically, it's a cool social media website with a cool community, relative to the other options out there. And that's pretty cool!
Anyway all of this is to say that I still think the new 30 image limit is awesome. SERIOUSLY WHAT OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA SITE WOULD LET YOU DO THAT
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kingofthewilderwest · 8 months
Given how you mentioned the Disney sequels in my last last question, I'm curious what you think of the sequel trilogy as a whole 4 years later. Also what you make of the rey movie that's suppose to happen?
It's funny timing. I've been watching the Lucas sextilogy and Star Wars meta on YouTube. Particularly, So Uncivilized is a fascinating meta analyst, and I rewatched this tonight:
As for my thoughts...
When I saw TFA opening night and noticed it rehashed everything and added nothing, I lost investment. By "lose investment," I don't mean I got bitter, unhappy, jaded, cynical, etc. I mean that I was in a fine mood, perfectly chill, had fun, but I no longer carried anticipation or expectations for future projects. I could tell this was not a good foundation and was an omen for future creative issues. Thus, when the second and third movies came out, I didn't feel disappointed, but their content meant I found increasing distance between myself, the characters, and the story. I didn't mind The Rise of Skywalker was bad. I got my recreation's use out of it. The direct relationship I had with it was the time I spent watching it once (1).
But even though I didn't agree with 90% of the trilogy's premises and executions, I made sure to see TLJ and Rise of Skywalker. After all, watching these movies was the door into some of the best media discussions I've had in my life.
I was invited to a winter party with about two dozen attendees. Most ended in the kitchen to debate TLJ, which had just released. We got so animated we had to do the old "pass the ball" trick, where only the person holding the ball could talk. It was one of the most in-depth, eye-opening, fascinating, multi-faceted, engaging media discussions I've had. Everyone had different but extraordinary insight to relay about subversions of expectations, underlying messages, contributions to the franchise, scene composition, editing, dialogue, characterization, symbolism, you name it.
When the final movie came out, conversations again were endlessly fruitful. No matter who I talked to, I could hear something new and enlightening about media through the lens of Rise of Skywalker.
There's nothing I hate about the movies. I don't think about them much. Star Wars to me is pre-Disney reboot. That's the territory my heart cares about. That's the territory that's Real. But I also have fun talking about Kylo Ren or Hux as any Star Wars nerd who likes those characters. I feel no bitter emotions, but positive ones, when anyone brings up TFA and thereafter.
My perspective, several years later, hasn't changed.
Now, I love how meta analysts have enhanced my perspective. I love people pointing out that the original and prequel trilogies introduced a huge number of ship and location designs, whereas the sequel trilogy... didn't. I love So Uncivilized's analysis that each movie in the sequel trilogy was a counter to a counter, until we ended up with a course correction of a course correction of a course correction of a course correction. Or, as he said, this sequel trilogy was intended to keep the franchise alive for another generation, but "to keep a creative work alive, you have to create things, and it's clear looking at this trilogy that nothing was built here."
Fans have endlessly talked about how there was no cohesion between movies in this trilogy and how its characterization and plot were a mess. How the movies were too reliant on old nostalgia. How showboating old characters prevented our new character trio from receiving agency and direction. I don't need to go there.
There's a reason we viewers remember the names of Kylo Ren and Rey and Poe and Finn. In their imperfect appearances, we saw characters that could have enlivened us to the same levels as Luke, Leia, Han, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme. I like Kylo Ren. I like Poe. I like Finn. They are appealing concepts.
But. But. I think the sequel trilogy, and Disney's over-saturation of materials, will fade over time, whereas the original six movies (I said original six, nyeh) WILL stand the test of time as classics. Just because VI-IX have "Episode" to their title doesn't mean they'll get saved from the endless mire Disney has manifested unto itself; nearly all live action materials from the 2010s and 2020s will end in late-Star Wars Disnified goop, to be lost in collective memory over time. That's not intended to be an insult; I just think that one is a short phenomenon that'll fade once contemporary sensations satiate, whereas the others are proven longevity.
There's bias in the sense I haven't watched anything outside of VI-IX and Rogue One. I've never seen The Mandalorian, or Andor, or Ahsoka, or anything else. I haven't felt the need to, so I won't. Heck, I didn't know about this alleged Rey movie thing - your comment is the first I've heard. So I have no perspective there except, "This isn't material I think needs to exist, and I'd rather go back to (and produce things like) the old." Disney's commercialized mania isn't a success to me. No ill feelings, just simple personal disinterest. It's not part of the imagination fuel I use when I fuel my imagination on Star Wars. And the sequel trilogy is something I frankly already forget about when I imagine the vast, captivating, thrilling world of Star Wars.
The legacy of the sequel trilogy isn't its story. Yet. There's real value in the sequel trilogy, and I believe it. It's perfect for analyzing media. It's a perfect medium for discussion. What went right, what didn't go right, what was compelling, what was disappointing, what was misguided, what lost focus, what never had focus, I will always find these movies valuable for that. And the thing is, I think we'll be talking about that for a while yet. Because it's fruitful. It's endlessly interesting.
Whether or not it's good media content in and of itself, it's GOOD CONVERSATION CONTENT.
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i-me-mine · 1 year
Comfort Movie Tag!
Rules: post 10 of your favorite comfort movies and then tag 10 people or as many as you want ❤️
Thank you for the tag dear @mcbeanzontoast ❤️
It was hard at first to make a list, but here are 10 movies (they are in no particular order and I added some details about why I chose them) that help me distract from the horrors of reality 🤣
The LOTR Trilogy: (yeah, I'm doing the same of @mcbeanzontoast and counting it as one film) I love this trilogy SO MUCH. It touches my heart in so many different ways, I love the characters, the way it was filmed, the soundtrack, and how at many moments it gives me hope - this trilogy is a gem and warms my heart
Matrix: Another movie that I love, not only for the lore, the philosophy, and the journey that Neo has to go through… but also Trinity's love confession to Neo is one of my favorites.
The Lion King: This is the first movie I remember watching in my life, and it holds a special place in my heart - while I love watching it, I'll cry for Mufasa my whole life xD And it taught me the best motto ever: Hakuna Matata! 🤣
Letters to Juliet: This is my go-to movie when I want to watch a cute enemies-to-lovers story or to get emotional to see lovers that after years apart find their way to each other again - I've watched it so many times, and I love it!
The lake house: I love this movie! Not only because I loved Keanu and Sandra's chemistry but because that's the kind of story that makes me believe that love that is meant to be will be.
Ghost: Love that transcends life? How can I not love it?
Enchanted: Giselle is so sweet and innocent, I love the way she sees life, and seeing her growing and blooming during the movie and see both her and Robert finding love is a nice distraction for moments when life gets too heavy!
Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind: This is such a powerful movie for me! I think it's because it somehow shows an 'imperfect' couple, they are different, they go through struggles, their relationship is not perfect… but it's real. They care deeply about each other and even with everything that happened, they are still attracted somehow by each other, as if it was inevitable. Seeing Joel revisiting the memories and noticing the small details that made each moment special is beautiful, and at the end, the "Okay" moment, where they accept the flaws, even knowing that their relationship may be doomed. Still, they want to give it a go anyway… oh my, that gives me hope. And ever since I had that dream where Joseph Quinn was playing the role of Joel, I loved it even more.
Lilo and Stitch: I love this movie, and I love Stitch so much! It's a fun movie, and it's heartwarming!! And Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten ❤️
Put here any Christmas/holiday love movie from Netflix; such sweet distractions 🤣
No pressure tags as always ❤️: @jamdoughnutmagician @imaslutforcuddles @big-ope-vibes @aftermidnightwriting @painisforsundays @musicmoviestv @becca-alexa
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