#i love the lookdev on it
gaysheep · 2 years
the sea beast looks really fucking good i need to watch it
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parisoonic · 29 days
8, 10, and 13 :)
8: My favourite art I've ever done is all locked behind NDA's. I've drawn some really nice backgrounds for a show that will hopefully come ONE dayyy ;;; Otherwise...personal art...is probably this:
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It's quite old now but idk i just really like it...there's an interesting mixture of abstraction vs description within the piece.
If we're talking tf2 stuff it's probably this. I like the rendering style - how it feels 'rough' but rendered at the same time...and i drew some semi-nice hands for once in my life haha
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10: UMMM i'm very negative about my own work...I compare myself to others a lot which im my artistic red-flag lol. I did twig the other day though that I would've loved my own work when i was 16 SO I guess that's something :) I think when everything 'clicks' for me i can achieve some nice shape flows, abstraction of forms via lineart and some fun expressions 13: I already work in art! I'm a background artist for animation - currently working on a kids show for the BBC :) I've done a tiny bit of everything though including art direction, character design, art for card games, toy design etc In my past life I was also a vfx artist (mainly surfacing and lookdev). I'd love to work on a feature or game next or work as a concept artist buuut I'm happy poodling around in backgrounds for now.
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jennilah · 5 years
im sorry but i feel like im gonna have an actual aneurysm reading some post about how the hyper realistic style was “limiting to the animators” and their work on the new Lion King is lifeless and uninspired 
it all reeks of the usual “2d animation is from the heart and 3d anim and vfx is inherently soulless and bad” which i can fucking Get In To another god damn time
but the fucking speaking on behalf of the animators shit really grinds my Fucking gears
the Lion King team is excited and honored to be on that project. every one of us who isnt on that project shit bricks every damn time we got to see a peek of something new because we are all fans of the classic Lion King and we all wish we got to be a part of the new one because we love it and we LOVE the CRAFT of visually impressive vfx because lord knows apparently ONLY US know how much fucking work and care we DO put into it. it isnt “limiting”, it’s just a different style. That director, based on what we know about how he wanted The Jungle Book done, wants real animals. And thats a CHALLENGE. Probably every one of us can do something cartoony, we all learned squashing and stretching and exaggeration in our respective animation classes. Animating realistically is HARD. Photo real lookdev and rendering gets you half way, the illusion is shattered if its animated too cartoony. You can say in that regard that the animation was “limiting”, but like I said, thats the challenge. 
jesus christ we love 2d animation too
every 3d animator is also a 2d animation junky just like everyone else on the planet
its amazing we dont get bitter, because our own work gets shit on All the fucking time. 
Im sorry for the rant but it just hurts when you hear the new trailer is released and you’re so excited that finally work that has been kept under wraps for what felt like forever by animators who have been slaving away nitpicking every frame of their shots for god knows how long just immediately gets brushed off by the animation peanut gallery on the internet who are just like “its different so its bad”
idk if this is news to you but you can still like the original movies after all these “soulless” remakes come out. nobody is taking them away. Disney isnt saying theyre the inferior version. They’re just doing a different take on them, just like how comics get made into movies and how movies get turned into musicals and so on. thats ALL. 
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jenicon · 5 years
Wait you worked on battle for neighborville? That’s so cool!!! What parts did you do?
Hi! I was on the Character Art team, so I worked on most of the characters, customizations, and abilities!
There’s gotta be like at least a hundred assets I worked on, but these are the most memorable for me:
Electric Slide was actually the first character my leads made me start the initial color/material blockouts! I had to hand the character over to someone else to finish and polish up :)
I also had a hand in optimizing Corn’s arm cobs (we had pretty strict polygon budgets lol)
Snapdragon’s body was a tough challenge for me, as this was my first major retopology task on the team.
Nearing the end of my contract, my leads assigned a lot of texturing tasks and in-engine lookdev.
There’s a bunch of other customizations I’m not allowed to talk about *yet*, but let’s just say a bunch of cool stuff should be coming out soon!
I joined when the team was still trying to nail down our visual targets, so I’ve pretty much seen the game from it’s infancy all the way to the end of production. Sadly, the budget on the game isn’t that much, so they weren’t able to renew a bunch of our contracts. I wish I had the chance to work with the team still; they’re such an awesome group of diverse people! 
Sorry for the long reply, but I’m just super excited for the game to be out! This was my first 3D job and was tons of fun! I hope the love we put into the game shines through
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kpavicic · 6 years
2D character design
It’s been a while :) 
During the past month or so we’ve had an ongoing module about character creation. Starting from a single word and finishing with a fully rigged and production ready 3D Maya file. I have waited for the first part to be finished so I can post all the progress together and write about it. Today I will write about character design and modeling. I’m not sure if I will be going into rigging but there will be another blog post on storyboarding/animation.
 The personality trait I was given was “violent”. Each of the three people in the group was tasked to create one character based on the keyword that will fit in the same world as the others.
 I tried to go with a subtler design as I don’t believe you can tell what kind of a person someone is based just on their looks. My character was going to be a contained passive-aggressive woman who cares about her looks, but more for herself than others.
This was our reference board. The time and place chosen were 1930′s China.
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Here are a few images from our character bible. Precise body and head turnarounds were helpful for quickly getting the form down in 3D. The last image shows all our characters together.
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My modeling software of choice was Blender as I find it quickest for retopo. I planed to do sculpting in Zbrush, but since we don’t have it on school computers I decided to see how well Blender can handle it. Sculpting is a great way to start since you can quickly iterate the model without getting lost in vertices and details. Focusing on landmarks early on makes topology a breeze. Here is my day one head sculpt next to the final version (about three days apart).
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The body had to go through a much longer process. I love sculpting anatomy and bones, but that simply didn’t fit the style of the group so I had to go back multiple times and simplify my forms. It was an interesting challenge keeping the form while removing details.
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The final turnaround submitted can be seen below.
The character is now undergoing rigging and shading adjustments so I will just share a few close-to-final renders/lookdev. 
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crypticcoke · 5 years
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So here, much further on, is my scene. This is of course not rendered, but helps to show what the scene truly is, as the render is fairly dark. This was different as a project for me, as i hardly used Substance painter to create it, with only 2 assets in the scene requiring it, compared to normally doing absolutely everying on substance. This was rather freeing as it meant i could more easily modify, change, and create my scene, without feeling as if i lost time or effort into meaningless assets or textures. The implemtation of quixel with blender was also fantastic, requiring just an addon and it went, materials went into my material list, and assets went neatly into my scene without much fuss. The only assets here not from quixel are the shipping containers, (which i had bought a year prior for a personal project) the far door textures, the fence, and the Tree, which was my first foray into SpeedTree, which is something i absolutely need to dig into more, from what i’ve already seen. All in all i liked this a lot, what isnt pictured here is it rendered, One of the other aspects i loved with Eevee was being able to work in a rendered mode constantly, like that of Unity or Unreal, but also being able to use the simple solid mode to identify where assets where more cleany (with a lot of decals with cutouts, this can become frustrating to select and reposition certain things), and the LookDev mode, which is the mode in the last images, with only simple textures.
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gustavolhg · 7 years
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Work in progress, demo reel piece, I really love this design and I hope the artist behind the illustration reference @dk13_design like the progress of this project, thanks for inspiring young artist with your artwork #dk13design #productionmodeling #fullsail #cgi #autodeskmaya #rendering #arnoldrender #lookdevelopment #lookdev #demoreel #digitalart #organicmodeling #zbrush #wolf #scythe #skull
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tulextreme · 5 years
Volition Fighter - Hello! Just started baking and doing some dev look inside the fighter cockpit! Such a blast laying grounds for texturing and details. Lots of work ahead and I love it! Have a great day you all! #maya #3dconcept #3dasset #3d #3danimation #3dprinting #3dmodel #3dart #modelagem3d #hardsurface #viewport #turntable abl#uvw #udims #workflow #gamedev #videogames #movie #scifi #scifiart #spaceship #starcitizen #starwars #starship #wip #work #demoreel #modelkit #kitbashing #substancepainter #texturing #lights #lookdev #cockpit #computer #emissive https://www.instagram.com/p/BxnYszYlJZ0/?igshid=r11soyr7vevw
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aaroncynthia · 7 years
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Max's "doodles" - I love it!!! - he says mostly of his friends: I recognize a couple... the robot & the ninja I'm not sure I've met 🤔😀 #art #doodles #cartoon #animation #lookdev #nickelodeon #spongebob via Instagram http://ift.tt/2xDUWY3
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