#i might color this to make it up to u guys if i have time today...
potatobugz · 1 year
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HAPPY (late) 4/13 ‼️‼️‼️
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duskerot · 1 month
world's normalest guy spends $100 on nendoroid parts
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storm-of-silver · 1 year
tell me a fact about final light that you're really excited about so far in development. it can be anything
Development-wise, not so much sadly. I'm learning about UI and dialogue systems atm and I'm thinking of reusing an old WIP I had to test it out, learn, and practice, but otherwise not much on the FL project itself. Just a bunch of learning and tutorials. I've been chipping away at 3D models too but my laptop hates blender with a passion.
Future Development-wise, I really really want to see the story tunnels in-game. There's a few areas I can vividly imagine and I really can't wait to realize in a game (the Colony of Fireflies and Bone territories), but I want the story tunnels to answer a few questions the player might have about the world and it's past, since from the entrance to the end it's just full murals of the history of the colonies. I also just want it to look cool y'know.
The Commander's Maw is also high up on the 'I want to see this in-game' since it's a camping/shelter location- when the player finds a shelter to stay at, they'll be able to roam the shelter to craft, talk to their follower, organize inventory, etc. So, they'll be able to sit at the maw's opening and look over the entirety of the world there. The Colony of Clicker's settlement would also be a shelter but since there's protection (clicking ones) you'd be able to roam the entire settlement- I really want to push the idea that this is a thriving community that is actually living rather than just surviving.
Super super small thing-wise but I'm still somewhat excited about? I'm close to getting the full character roster filled out, and completing the goal of having almost every character gotten for free. I just got two new characters with super nice art, which I'm also happy about!! This would mean only Arrow and Frost of Heather wouldn't be entirely free- I got those two in exchange for some art I did for their original owner.
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Prophet of Opossum (left) is by Buzzing_Honey_Bee on TH, and the guy on the right (no name yet sadly) is by @/ribtear!
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popponn · 4 months
from the outsider's view. [itoshi sae x reader]
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notes: admittedly, no braincell here only "sae unconditionally lovey dovey" thought (ft. kaiser). i miss sae. and i want him to be happy for a bit. this guy seems like when he is committed he will become the commitment itself despite everything. cute in the way the sort of type who will put in the effort and worth the effort when he is the right person. also, happy cny ❤ warnings: cursings (it's kaiser). fluff. kaiser's pov aka outsider's pov, sae & you being lovey dovey, established relationship, reader's gender unspecified, post canon au, heavy hc that sae & kaiser doesn't get along (outside of the field esp). please don't look to closely into this. @doobea thank u for betaing beloved ♡❀
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By any means, it is not as if Kaiser actively tries to murder Sae every time they meet.
But it also doesn’t mean he is buddy-buddy with him either. Honestly, Kaiser hates a lot of people’s guts—Yoichi and Noa currently contending for the #1 spot, sure, but Sae is pretty close up there if he has to list them down. The reason is not particularly complicated for this one, as anyone who has met Sae would agree he is a natural at making enemies. That mid-fielder is one of those people who will do better as a human being if they shut up and not pick up a fight with each breath they take.
So, imagine his surprise to meet the redhead—with you by his side, hand in hand—during a casual outing for some convenience store snack in broad daylight.
“The fuck are you doing here?” Kaiser doesn’t waste a second to ask the moment their eyes meet each other. Kaiser really doesn’t want to have a jerk greeting him the moment he tries to get into an aisle yet here he is.
Sae squints at him in a more offensive manner than usual and then subtly—but very obvious to Kaiser’s eye—pushes you slightly behind his back as if Kaiser might do something to you. Which is wrong—even if Kaiser is very aware he is not the shining beacon of goodness. “Shopping, clearly. What else?”
“Someone you know, Sae?” your voice asks from behind your assumed-boyfriend. Kaiser glances slightly at the blatantly color-coordinated casual clothes. Disgusting. Definitely a boyfriend then. “Oh! Is that Michael Kaiser?”
Kaiser raises an eyebrow as he meets your gleaming eyes. He certainly didn’t expect Itoshi Fucking Sae’s partner to acknowledge him with such enthusiasm. He expected someone who is more or less as bitchy as bitchy as the guy. A smile that has been trained for PR events forms itself on Kaiser’s face, “Why, hello—”
“It’s not,” Sae quickly cuts in. “Just some bugs. Let’s just get the drink and go.”
Fucking Sae.
“Now, now,” Kaiser sneers, his grin widening into an irritated smirk as he approaches closer towards Sae. Said dickhead responds by tugging you closer to him. Sae better be one of those types of unreasonably cutesy protective boyfriends or Kaiser might actually start taking offenses and maim him for real. “Is that a way to greet ‘a friend’, Sae? And—” Kaiser moves on to you, “—hello there.”
The quotation mark hangs heavily in the air. Sae scoffs while you finally get the chance to address Kaiser’s existence politely and introduce yourself, “Hello! Nice to meet you!”
How the fuck did someone who knows basic manners end up with Sae? Kaiser genuinely wants to know if you got paid for this or something. He will ask if it’s not for the fact Sae seems to be itching to claw the hell out of his face. Kaiser really doesn’t want to get lectured for a public incident if he actually gives in to the urge to sock Sae’s resting bitch face. So, instead, he keeps his focus on you even while keeping his sentence directed to you both, “I didn’t expect to see you here. Thought Sae is allergic to store-bought products.”
You laugh at that, whilst Sae sends you a sharp glare—that has a hint of besotted lovesick gaze in it what the fuck—that you promptly ignore in favor of answering Kaiser instead. “Yeah, he is a bit nosy sometimes, huh?” you muse fondly, “But he is open to some products, thankfully.”
Sae pipes in, “Hey.”
“Come on, it’s true,” you reply shortly. As your eyes meet Sae, the besotted lovesick gaze returns, this time reciprocated by your equally lovelorn affectionate one. Kaiser really doesn’t want to see this.
“Hmph,” Sae breathes out like some grumpy mangy cat. Then, as if he truly is some kitty raising up its fur and tail, Sae returns his glare to Kaiser. The way one of Sae’s hand wrap around your shoulder to press you close doesn’t escape Kaiser’s eyes. And the most annoying thing is perhaps the way that it evidently isn’t like Sae deliberately shows it to him like some territorial jealous dickhead. It’s like watching someone taking in a breath and that breath is some lovey-dovey fuckery. “We are going. Let’s go.”
As much as Kaiser wants to make Sae suffer a little bit more via playfully flirting with you or something, being a third wheel to the elder Itoshi sounds so awful it’s not even worth trying. Next time the two Itoshis duke it out by being on the opposite team, Kaiser genuinely considers rooting for the younger one just so he can see Sae fail. And also out of some twisted camaraderie because imagining being a witness to this frequently—one really either builds up some immunity or turns insane.
The sort of guy who casually must touch his lover all the time is unbearable to watch.
So, good fucking riddance.
“Shoo,” Kaiser waves Sae away. And the way you look at Sae like the redhead is the most wonderful man alive lowers Kaiser’s opinion of you enough for that wave to be directed at you too. Get a better taste.
You laugh nervously at their brief exchange as Sae drags you away. Kaiser too shifts his attention away from you. Unfortunately, turns out—fuck him—it isn’t enough to escape the barely audible whispers Sae shares with you as the two of you walk away from the aisle.
“You should be nicer. He is still someone you know.”
“He touched Isagi’s chin on their first meeting to fuck around—I’m not taking chances with that shithole.”
“Aw. I don’t think he will—he seems very aware I’m with you.”
“That guy is insane and it’s better to be ready to kick his dick when you have to. Don’t be too friendly with him next time.”
God. Kaiser wishes for a match with Sae soon just so he can duke it out with him without any repercussions.
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jellitchi · 3 months
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vat7k designs in my head...
i thought their canon designs were a eensy weensy bit Unpolished so i made these mostly for myself. erm if u rly want it i think varian is 19 here, hugo 19, nuru 18, yong 12.
i also made rhem all playlists and had to draw them a cover so thats what the last img is I linked each of em under my notes for all of em... Under the cut is Like a Huge Infodump of notes i have for each chara,,,,,,
i kept varians design basically the same, i dislike the design w the orange neck thing so i just Nuked it😭... Here's Varians playlist
Hugos design i just wanted to put him in something more Loose. hes a thief, a professional escape artist. i dont think wearing clunky metal is ideal for him. i also gave him a prosthetic arm (blond w no arm design trope!) but u cant see it in the ref so i added another drawing of him in his under layering👍 i vaguely referenced russian(?) clothes for him as well... Yeah not too much changed w him i just tried to make him slippery-er. Here's Hugo's playlist
yong came relatively easy to me, if it wasn't obvious i did rip gaming from g*nshin's hoodie. i thought the lion hood was Adorable and freaking perfect for what i had in mind for hos character. since the og notes said the fire kingdom is loosely Chinese inspired i basically just kept that. i mashed tgt a buncha diff dynasties though sorry for how inconsistent i was... i think he looks Okay. anyways i changed yongs role a bit, ill explain why im adjusting some of their roles later but i kept yong as the Jinx Type character. hes the eldest in his family and has a buncha younger siblings, hes a lion dancer and does performances w his family/siblings. he rly like special effects n keeps tryna incorporate his fireworks into their performances (it flops and he has to sew up the dmg) ill explain more of yongs role in another post maybe shrugs... Here's Yong's Playlist
miss nuru was a bit of a struggle for me i might share my full design process with her coz i did a Bunch of mockups for her😭😭😭... i didnt have a specific country of reference for her but i chose to make her vaguely south asian inspired. i also really wanted to keep the sheer fabric w the star / constellation map. i love that idea its so cute so shes still technically the navigator. but she also wields a sword too, fencing or whatever. (her and varian r Huge Cass fangirls which is probably why she started tryna use a sword (snuck out to watch cass compete) Okay ill talk abt this later) in my head, okay ill Probably make a whole nother post talking abt how im interpreting/writing each chara, but in my head i think nuru is the youngest and her kingdom's archivist. shes mostly in charge of like Her kingdoms history / artifacts / etc. ok im getting too side tracked ill save the lore dump for later but thats Nurus role in the party. Here's Nuru's Playlist
uhm below i made their character stats mostly to help me with planning / role developing. the yellow is their base stats the color behind is their end stats i guess. i was gonna explain my reasoning for their stats but ermm this post is kinda Really long so sorry😭... varian max int for obvious reasons, also max charisma just coz i feel like u kinda learn a thing or two being around a couple manipulators and spending time in jail idk shrugs... (also lets not forget the "ud b surprised what ppl would do for a cookie!") Hugo slippery guy, if a brick is thrown at him as hes running hes gonna try n run faster to shatter it, his mindset is Run Run Run! i think hes relatively agile too but yeah mostly a Speedster. i think he n varian got no Physical strength varian maybe just like A little coz Farm boy but I rly doubt quirin is making him do a Lotta heavy lifting. yong has incredible stamina and agility because hed a performer. nuru is the strongest coz this team would literally Flop without a proper Offense😭... i think varian n hugo r able to outwit plenty of their opponents but i think nuru is pretty good in a fight, same w yong. Yeah Okay Sorry for a Long Long Post thanks hope u guys enjoy
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reiding-writing · 2 months
congrats on 1k followers!!! u deserve it sm u're literally my favorite cm writer on here <333
i'd like to request spencer/cold!reader with 4 from blue (color prompts)
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4. "Will you hold my hand?”
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WARNINGS: fem!reader, needles, suturing, allusion to spencer’s past addiction, blood, reader injury
spencer x cold!reader | hurt/comfort | 1.6k | climacteric event
a/n: thank you <3333 made the quote a little more blunt bc yk, cold reader, but i think it works either way. cold!reader is slowly developing her own lore and i’m living for it honestly.
main masterlist! ⋆。°✩ cold!reader masterlist!
⋆。°✩ event masterlist! ✩°。⋆
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You’d consider yourself pretty strong, mentally and physically.
You’d had your fair share of bumps and scrapes in your job that’s left you in the temporary care of EMTs sat in the back of an open ambulance. You’d been hit, kicked, slashed, shot at, and basically every other thing that you could possibly think of.
And it always came out alright in the end.
Most of the time the paramedics didn’t have to do more than clean out your injury with an antiseptic wipe and send you on your way.
But your luck had to run out eventually.
You’d garnered yourself a pretty nasty gash on your left bicep, one that the paramedic said would probably scar even with stitches.
Of course it would.
Either way, he seated you down on the edge of the open ambulance prepped your arm in the hopes that having it stitched closed would at least minimise the mark left behind. But it was never going to be that easy.
Morgan nudged Spencer’s arm with his elbow, nodding his head over to where you were sat on the edge of the ambulance with a very firm look on your face as you shake your head at the paramedic in front of you, who is seemingly trying to explain something that you’re not listening to. “Something tells me the Ice Queen might want some backup,”
“She told me to leave her alone,” Spencer shrugs slightly through furrowed eyebrows, eyes fixed on you despite the fact that he’s talking to Morgan.
He was the one who pointed the gash out to you in the first place. He knew that you had a high pain tolerance, but to not at all notice the blood trailing down your arm— even with the adrenaline in your system —was absolutely insane to him.
You tried for almost two minutes to brush him off, but he managed to convince you to get check out by the ambulance eventually. Even if it did result in him being on the receiving end of one of your disgruntled glares.
He’d rather that than you getting an infection.
“Come on man she’s clearly not enjoying herself over there,” Morgan tilted his head at Spencer with a knowing look. “Go and do your thing before she gives the poor guy a heart attack,”
Spencer doesn’t really have an option as Morgan pushes his shoulder in your direction, sending him stumbling a few steps forward.
“I said no.”
“Please miss it’s to make you more comfortable-”
“You are not putting that in my arm.”
“Is everything okay over here?” Spencer furrows his eyebrows, catching the tail end of your argument with the paramedic as he approaches you. “Are you alright?”
“I would be if this fucking-“ You exhale heavily through your nose to compose yourself.
It’s not his fault. He’s trying to help you. Don’t think about smashing his face into the tarmac.
“I don’t see why you need to stick me for a strip of butterfly stitches.” Your eyes are cold and unwavering as you glare right into the paramedic’s soul, and Spencer can see him take a small step backwards to steady himself under your scrutiny.
“I told you miss, butterfly stitches aren’t viable for your injury, they wouldn’t hold. You’ll have to have traditional sutures,” The paramedic argues his point hesitantly, but Spencer is surprised he’s even managing to argue in the first place with how harsh your expression is.
“Getting stitches for a serious injury can reduce the risk of infection by up to 86%,” Spencer takes a seat at your side cautiously, his eyes soft and non-confrontational as he tries to mediate your seething refusal to the idea of getting your injury stitched.
It looked bad. Something that he’s sure most people probably would’ve passed out from under the combination of pain and the fountain of red spurting from inside it.
“You need to get it treated…”
“I don’t do needles. It isn’t going to happen.” You don’t look at Spencer as you voice your reason for refusing medical attention, but you don’t have to, he can practically feel the anxiety radiating from you the second the possibility leaves your mouth.
You had a fear of needles.
Now that was something he never expected from you.
To be honest he was under the general impression that you weren’t afraid of anything. Especially not needles.
But he couldn’t exactly blame you either.
He also hated needles, although he was sure his reasoning was different from yours.
Either way, he knew what the anxiety felt like. But it didn’t change the fact that you needed stitches. That gash wasn’t going to heal on it’s own.
“Hey, uh,” Spencer bit the inside of his cheek as he spoke to you, glancing between the back of your head and the paramedic stood with an anaesthetic needle in hand, expression furrowed with no idea of how to convince you into letting him do his job. “There are several methods for effectively dealing with phobias during situations like this, I can walk you through one if you’d like?”
“I’m not getting a needle in my arm, let alone multiple.” You turn your sternness in your decision towards Spencer for the first time, and he almost folds immediately under the harshness of your glare. But he doesn’t, and his resistance to your defences is beginning to become increasingly torturously frustrating.
“The best first step is to turn away from the area of insertion,” Spencer moves his gaze from you to the paramedic and gives him a small, almost imperceptible nod to move forward. “Then you should focus on finding a suitable breathing pattern,”
“Reid I’m not-” There’s a sharp sting in your left shoulder that cuts your sentence short, and your eyebrows furrow and then rise in a mix of pain and shock as you turn your head just in time to see the top of the now empty needle leave your arm.
“Distraction is usually the easiest option…”
You turn to look at Spencer again with a look of absolute betrayal on your face, your eyes narrowed so far that it almost looks like your scleras are blackened through only your pupils being visible. You open your mouth to say something, but nothing except an astonished breath leaves your mouth.
“I’m sorry…” Spencer presses his lips together with a guilty expression. He couldn’t quite determine whether you wanted to shout at him or cry, and it was one of those times where he was reminded that you were a real person with real emotions underneath the wall of ice you protect yourself with. “It’s really in your best interest I promise,”
The paramedic gives you a guilty look of his own as he returns with a suturing needle attached to some thread. “You won’t feel anything I promise, just keep your eyes on your friend alright?”
“I am so going to kick your ass for this.” You turn your head as far away from the paramedic as possible as you reluctantly accept your fate, hissing your words out through your teeth as you face Spencer directly.
“I know,” Spencer gives you a small nod, guilt still riddling his features as he sighs. “I’m sorry,”
“Hold my hand.” You extend your right hand out towards him, palm upwards expectantly.
“I- what?” Spencer stares at it like he’s never seen a hand before in his life.
“You’re putting me through this, it’s the least you can do.”
He slips his hand into yours cautiously, your grip immediately tightening to a point where your knuckles clash together almost uncomfortably and his palm bumps into yours.
It’s enough to make his cheeks bloom red and his throat go dry, and yet you seem entirely unaffected apart from the tenseness in your shoulders in the anticipation of feeling the suturing needle in your arm.
It doesn’t come.
“All finished. Keep them dry for the next week or so and they should dissolve on their own,” Your eyebrows furrow as you break your stare on Spencer to look back towards the paramedic and then down to your arm. He’d literally stitched it shut without you feeling anything.
“…Thank you,” You still look absolutely furious, anger still coating your words, but you’re thankful nonetheless, and the paramedic gives you a short smile.
“Thank your friend, he did the hard work,” He gestures towards Spencer with a nod before leaving the two of you to regroup with the rest of the EMTs.
You watch the paramedic walk away for a few seconds before you turn your attention back to Spencer, and his eyes are already locked on you as you meet his eyes.
“Are you- uh- ready to go back to the station?”
You give him a short nod as you stand, inadvertently pulling him to his feet alongside you through your still connected hands.
They stay that way as you reapproach the rest of the team, and none of them have the gall to mention it under the lingering discomfort in your narrowed gaze as Spencer helps you into the car.
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martinsorbit · 10 months
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Oh hey, it's that sun guy.
After two arduous weeks (Aug 1st - Aug 15th) the Sun cold porcelain figure is COMPLETE! DONE! FINISHED! HE IS HERE IN ALL HIS GLORY
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Its been a long (and at times painful) process considering the time it took for all the stuff to dry and for me to have free time to finish this project, but now the silly little jester is in my hands and he looks SO CUTE AND COOL!! HE EVEN HAS A HOOK
Thanks everyone for hyping me up and keeping me motivated during this <3 It literally meant a ton and helped me keep working on this bonkus shit
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under the read more, there will be some more details about the figure itself and some more pictures ( Like materials, how much time it took, the process stuff etc)
feel free to ask me questions! thanks everyone!
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Q: What materials did you use for this?
A: White Cold Porcelain, Hot Glue, super glue, pencils, pliers, paper clips, scissors, paint, all purpose varnish, paintbrushes, metalic pens
Q: How long did it take to make him?
A: Roughly two weeks
Q: Are you going to make moon too?
A: yes but it will take a while
Q: [X element of suns character design] is missing.
A: trust me, I know. Ive been staring at his model for roughly a whole week and mentally rotating him in my brain , so if something is missing its cuz i was either having a hard time making it or cuz I took creative liberties lmao
Q: How long did it take for the stuff to dry?
A: The cold porcelain abt 3 ish days; Paint took 1 day and the varnish also a day (as it states in the bottle)
Yes, you can use colored cold porcelain instead of painting it! It's just easier for me to paint it over
- For the love of god, be careful when applying the varnish, that shit is bad for your health! read the instructions, do it in a ventilated area, and NEVER put it too close to your face, or u might get some not so good side effects ( like yer eyes burning)
No, i dont intend on selling him anytime soon sorry ( this was asked before regarding some other cold porcelain thing I did, so I just thought i would add it here)
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- If u dont wanna spend too much money on the colors u can just buy some Yellow, Cyan, Magenta, Black and White (CMYK) along with some skin tones; u can basically make any color from those
- I used two of Sun's main poses in the game as inspo for making this
- His faceplate is supposed to spin but since it keeps falling off I decided to glue it
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wettvagina · 6 months
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desc: eren, the father of your daughter, and your cock-blocking baby daddy, pays you a visit after he heard what you said about him on your instagram live a.n: shoutout to my DECEASED bd eren edot yeager, gone too soon , miss u everyday bae ://
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You looked at yourself in your pink vanity mirror, sitting on the pink, fuzzy-cushioned stool behind your vanity table, you smacked your lips after applying some pink, sparkly lipgloss, setting up your phone against the mirror, swiping on Instagram aimlessly as you awaited a message from your friend.
Seeing her name pop up on your notifications, you quickly tapped it, replying to her 'im gonna be there in 20' message with a thumbs up emoji. You sighed as you swiped on Instagram, tapping on the 'Go Live' icon, seeing your reflection on your phone screen.
You smiled slightly as you watched your views slowly increase, "Hey everybody." you greeted, you propped your phone on the mirror so everyone could see a better view of your outfit, you smiled and posed before coming closer to your phone screen to open the comments.
"Yes, I am going out." you chatted, "Just hoppin' on here for fun, I'm waiting on somebody." you smirked, "D'ya have a new man?" you read a comment, "Huh? No, that's why I'm goin' out." you snickered, "My dating life has been, so dry." you sighed to yourself, reading more comments.
"No, I swear, ever since- you know what, lemme stop." you playfully rolled your eyes as you skimmed through the comments, "You still with that guy." you read, the comment had originally wrote Eren, but you liked being petty so you chose not to say his name.
"No, I'm not with that guy, and I never was to begin with." you falsely clarified with a sigh, "I've been single." you smirked, "Y'know I see a lot of you in the comments, my dm's are open." you smiled to yourself, scrolling through the men thirsting for you in your comments.
"Okay, I'm gonna head out now. Probably gonna post later, bye y'all." you concluded, quickly ending the Instagram live, checking the time, only to find out that ten minutes had passed. You sighed to yourself, grabbing your purse and heels in your hand, you walked barefeet down the flight of stairs in your house, reaching near the enterance door, sitting on the floor as you strapped on your heels.
Once both of your heels were strapped on, you admired your fresh pedicure, you opened your phone once again to check the time, "Hm, might as well wait outside." you murmured to yourself, upon opening the door, you flinched and jumped back, almost screaming.
"What the- Oh!" you sighed, "Its you." you said as you looked up, seeing Eren standing with his hands in the pockets of his grey colored jeans, looking down at you with a serious face. "Damn, you scared me." you giggled, noticing his tense stare, "Can I help yo-", "Where are you going?" his deep voice questioned, "Out." you plainly state, Erens gaze looked up and down your body, smiling almost amusingly.
"Hm." he nods, "Where's my-" he begins, "Your daughter is at my friends house." you inform him, "Which friend, I need a name." he says immediately after, "Ymir." you state, rolling your eyes. "Just making sure." he clarifies, "Where else would she be?" you squint at him. "Well anyways, nice meeting ya'." you say as you attempt to walk past him.
"You're not going anywhere." you hear him say while his hand grips onto your wrist, "Boy, move!" you groan, Eren pulls you back inside your house, shutting the door behind him. "You must think that I don't care or something, but I watch your Instragram, I check your posts, your lives." he exclaimed, his grip loosening from your wrist.
"You're not single, so stop lying to people." he declares, "Are you out of your mind?" you ask him, a smirk tugging on your lips, "You're with me." he clarifies, sliding his feet out of his slides before entering the living room of your house.
"Eren, I broke up with you two weeks ago." you ranted, "Really? I don't recall." he beamed, throwing himself onto your sofa as he lazily sat on the cushion with his legs spread. "Why are you just standing there? Go change." he scoffed, "Bae, do you wanna watch a movie?" he asked while picking up the remote, "You got any snacks?" he went on.
You wanted to say you were amused, but you were used to this, you walked up to the coffee table in the middle of your living room, standing in front of Eren as he scrolled on Netflix using the remote, "Babe, you're blocking." you looked him dead in the eye as he spoke, you shook your head before sitting next to him on the couch, cursing at yourself mentally.
"You need help changing?" he asked, fingers tracing against the cloth that hugged your waist, his fingers traveled to the zipper at the back, slowly tugging on it, watching as the fabric become loose on you, "Hm, looks like you forgot to wear a bra." Eren smirks as your dress falls from your chest, "Good thing you're not going out anymore." he smiles, his face was close to yours, and you could smell the spearmint gum he was chewing on, paired with the scent of his cologne that had your panties dampening.
You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him feverishly, you propped yourself onto his lap, your chest pressing onto his and you could feel your nipples hardening as it jammed onto his plain black compression shirt. You instantly felt his hand around your waist, grabbing on your ass as he pulled you closer to him, his other hand rubbed soothing circles onto your spine, causing you to moan into his mouth.
His hands slipped your dress off of you, and his lips instantly latched onto yours once again, after one long, suffocating kiss, he pulled away, kissing on your neck as he whispered, "You know I love you, right?"
Eren's strong arm held onto your back as he placed your head on the cushion, moving on top of you, he kissing down from your neck, to in between your breasts, all the way down your stomach, stopping at your navel. You watched as he slowly pulled your panties off, smiling before hovering over you to kiss you, as he kissed you, you felt him lining the tip of his cock to your wet entrance, "Shit." you cursed as you felt his tip prodding at your entrance, Eren stroked your clit with his thumb while his hand wrapped around his shaft, slowly pushing himself into you.
You moaned when you felt him completely inside of you, his hand cradled the side of your face, as his finger stroked your cheek, kissing the corners of your lips as he slowly moved in and out of you, he watched as your face contorted to match the pleasure you were feeling, eyebrows pointed upwards, eyes wide and your lips parted. He smiled slightly, biting his lower lip as he increased his pace, "Oh shittt." his words leaving his mouth slowly as he looked down at his dick leaving and re-entering your pussy.
"Fuck, baby. 'M gonna get you pregnant, again." he whined, hooking your leg over his shoulder, his thrusts stayed at a steady pace, and his gaze was on you at all times, watching the faces you were making as he stared into your eyes.
His head turned away from your face, to kiss on your calves as he continued to slowly fuck you, savouring the way your pussy wrapped around his length, "Fuck, Eren. I'm gonna come." you moaned, feeling a sudden tightness in your lower stomach, Eren felt your walls clamp down on his dick, causing his dick to tensen inside of you, "S-Shit, me too.." he groans, soon you came all over his cock, feeling the warmness of his come paint your walls as you both slowly panted.
"Fuck." you sighed, Eren panted before smirking, laughing lightly. "I'm gonna move in." he exclaims.
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mrzombielover · 2 years
— könig relationship headcanons
rating; sfw and nsfw
warnings: nsfw, virginity, this is just filthy and not really edited and a spew of random disconnected thoughts
a/n; oh my actual god tysm for 1k+ likes on my ghost drabble i did NOT expect any attention so thank you😭
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to get in a relationship with this guy you def had to make the first move, he’s too shy to do anything
(i’ll prob make separate headcanons w him pining over you tbh)
but once you ARE in a relationship? man
his severe social anxiety manifests in a way that just makes him really awkward. like🧍
clingiest boyfriend alive, mf like 6’10 250 lbs clinging to your arm when u go in public and asking you to order for him
doesn’t know what to do with himself when you’re not there. you leave and he just waits for you to come back.
he just loves you so much, he’s not stupid by all means but you’re the one that thinks for him and he’s happy w that arrangement
likes when you refer to him as big guy or esp YOUR big guy bc yes. he is a big guy. thanks for noticing :)
while he couldn’t be a sniper bc of his size, there are some perks to his height. namely scaring the ever loving fuck out of any guy he may be jealous of
he’s not vocal and much too shy to really do anything but he will stand over your shoulder vaguely threateningly glaring at the guy.
he’s incredibly easy to fluster, part of the reason he likes wearing a mask is because you won’t be able to see how easy it is to make him blush
this is heightened in public places, because of his shy nature any type of pda drives him crazy and he gets wound up very quickly
gently touch his arm or chest when talking to him, put a hand on his shoulder or thigh when laughing, get his attention touching the back of his neck, literally any of the tamest touch will have his face and ears all hot and red.
not just touching him, either, just existing as hot as you are in his presence makes him stiff.
doesn’t talk a lot in general, and i don’t think that changes in bed. he’s a quiet person, so treasure the groans you do get to hear
down so horrendous
everyone knows the quiet guys are the hung ones
and man is he PACKIN
i hope you have a size kink because everything about him is huge, from his stature to his muscles to his cock
i’m thinking upwards of 8 inches, insanely thick and a deep reddish color, tip color #b3505e
due to his anxiety and quiet nature, he has had extremely little experience with relationships and sex. he was bullied in school, and i can’t imagine him having a lot of practice before meeting you
my little meow meow so easily flustered and blushing bright red the whole time
his thoughts are probably “oh my god oh fuck wow holy oh my god oh my god” and he can’t form any real sentences or coherent thoughts
probably busts prematurely and then he’s so embarrassed, would freak out about it until you calm him down and tell him it’s okay
then he’d make it up to you
what he’s lacking in experience he makes up for with eagerness, he’s a fast learner and attentive to detail
gives AMAZING head. once he learns how you like it it’s over for you. has his head buried between your thighs for hours, and his tongue in combination with thick fingers splitting you open will have your legs shaking and you crying
if you ever don’t want to sit on his face for fear of hurting him or hover above instead of putting your weight on him he looks at you like >:((
leans towards the submissive side, will do anything you want him to do and is down to experiment
when it comes to what HE wants tho… he is much too shy to ask to try stuff out it takes a lot of courage u might need to infer some things
enjoys being submissive the majority of the time but there are times when he gets so wound up and desperate he’ll just take you how he wants (lord have mercy…)
in these situations i imagine it’s probably been a bit since you’ve last had the chance to be… intimate. naturally you take it upon yourself to tease him whenever given the chance, trying your hardest to make him blush
he also has an extremely high sex drive, he’s an absolute beast of a man and can go for 2-3 rounds without break. just crazy amounts of stamina and strength. this in combination with you teasing him means you’re really in for it the second you have some alone time
no matter how much you weigh he could pick you up and handle you like a rag doll. he is HUGE and insanely strong as previously mentioned
in conclusion just big and strong and very much loving and protective in his own weird 🧍 way
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**these will be elaborated on soon trust i plan on doing nsfw alphabets for the whole task force + my boy
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hijackalx · 6 months
ISN’T THIS OBVIOUS i feel like she's so into being the dominant one regardless of whether she's on top or bottom. like dominatrix vibes for real. and she can be really mean too, like step on u/spit on u/whip u type of mean 😹😹 (me next) something about u being at her command is just sooo hot. she loves that you’ll do anything for her
i think she'd want this done to u AND her. like she's the type to pour it down ur chest or neck while she's riding u. i can't decide if she'd like to use colorful candles or all black candles 🤔 dark purple would be sexy actually. she likes how u flinch when it touches u. BUT she also likes how it feels on herself (that's probably how she gets off seeing it happen to u cuz she knows how good it feels 🤤). might tease u by pouring it on herself and making u watch
yeah like full BDSM gear and all that lol. i think she would like the full body latex suits i dont actually know what they're called (shocker i know) but think velma in the one live action scooby doo movie LMAO
i feel like she would be into either being tag-teamed herself or tag-teaming u with a strap lol. but also it doesn't have to involve another person it could be u riding a toy while also sucking off her strap and vice versa. i think if ur the one getting fucked she'd want another dom person to join because she gets off on seeing u be submissive
she would 100% want u to treat her like the princess she is. praise her body/figure and tell her how much u love it. leave kisses all over, maybe fuck in front of a mirror so u can actually show her how much u love her body. she’d probably do the same for u just a bit more nasty LMAO like the shit she says will be intense
OKAY this one i had dragonborns in mind lol but also it could work for anybody. like u guys can't tell me she wouldn't be into collaring/leashing u and having u do as she asks. will call u things like "pet" or "pup"
now i know everybody thinks that SHE would be the one taming U but i honestly think it's the other way around OOP. like i think she likes when someone takes charge and pushes her around.... like she's just dying for somebody to come by and force her to take down that hard exterior of hers. u just have to prove urself to her first is all
once she trusts u she will want u to tie her up. maybe would be into shibari? like i mean intense bondage. full body. she'll call u out on some pussy shit if u hold back and go easy on her 😹 she definitely wants it to hurt too and to be able to see marks/bruises left behind from it after
if anyone is a size queen it's lae'zel LMAO. but this also plays into the whole brat taming/proving urself thing like if ur big and physically intimidating then she's more likely to respect u. she just likes the pain from trying to make u fit too though. and the accomplished feeling afterwards lol
i see her as somebody who is lowkey insecure. like she needs constant validation otherwise she feels like she's not doing good enough. so let her hear u !!!! let her know how good she's doing and how good she feels. tell her that she's beautiful and that ur proud of her. literally anything just don't be dead silent she will get up and walk away 💀
she wears the strap ALMOST exclusively. sometimes she'll make exceptions but most of the time she just prefers to be the one doing the fucking. this goes for AMAB and AFAB obviously. she loves the way it feels to be able to make u feel good and fuck u to the point of cumming. i don't really think it's a control thing she just likes to please u (and she usually has too much energy to bottom lol)
LOVVVESSSS how big she is compared to u. like it makes her feel so strong and capable. particularly interested in how big her hands are compared to urs and also how easy it is to balance u on her thigh. she'll want to pick u up and fuck u, it's one of her favorite positions. she just loves how easy it is to manhandle u in general
i think this would start out as a joke and then snowball into an actual kink of hers lol. she's usually a soft dom when it comes to this. as in lots of praise and saying stuff like "cum for momma baby". i don't really see her being a hard dom (maybe on special occasions?)
if u dress up in lingerie for her she will actually LOSE IT. like it makes u look so dainty and sexy at the same time. she loves the ones that have the thigh garters because she likes to play with them. i think she really likes the feeling of the lace but also adores the fluffy ones too
she likes this done to the both of u. i feel like she'll try to prolong the sex for as long as she can or maybe tease u/get u horny in public and leave u like that for soooo long, that way when u guys finally fuck it's like EXPLOSIVE from being so pent up lmao. BUT she also likes when u do it to her too. i can see this being especially exciting for her because she's so raring to go all the time 😹 it's like a fun little challenge
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yobi-thecreator · 7 months
KSJS OMG HIII IM THE PERSON THAT REQUESTED THE CUDDLING WITH ABBY AFTER SHE HAS A NIGHTMARE AND OMG OMG I LOVE ITTT FKDNS UR SO GOOD. I'm here to request another one but this time head canons with Mike Schmidt again (😅) where the reader just pampers him!! Like anything and everything he's been through sm and he just needs someone to comfort him and like cook for him and/or help him out with Abby. FEEL FREE TO IGNORE IF U DONT FEEL LIKE IT HAVE AN AMAZING DAY AND REMEMBER TO TAKE BREAKSS!!
Hi babes!!! Thanks for another one!!! These are so fun to write!!! 💖💖
Comforting Mike Schmidt
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Mike had the day off which meant he was going to sleep in, like he usually does on his off days. Abby was at school, which meant you were up already. You decide to make pancakes to surprise Mike before he woke up.
After making pancakes, you poured a cup of orange juice and grabbed the plate of pancakes and made your way to Mike's room. You carefully open the door to his room and set the plate down on his nightstand and set the orange juice down. Mike woke up with the smell of the pancakes and woke up slowly. "Morning baby." Mike whispered out. "Morning Mike." You responded back. "I made breakfast for you." You told him as you motion to the pancakes and orange juice. Mike smiled and sat up. "You didn't have to do that babe, I'm an adult." Shaking your head you smiled. "Oh shush Mike. Now eat, they might get cold." You grabbed the plate while Mike property sat up. You handed him the plate of pancakes and he started to eat.
After Mike finished eating his pancakes (and feeding you some of them even though you kept telling him to eat them himself), you both cuddled for a while, being in each other's arms. "Thanks for making breakfast." He mumbled. "Of course Mike." You told him as you played with his hair.
After awhile you suggested that you run him a bath. He reluctantly agreed and was now in the bath with some lavender scented bath bubbles. You helped him was his hair and body, now you were giving him a back massage. You had a small smile on your face. Once in awhile Mike would grunt or sigh in relief when you would massage a certain spot on his back. You then massaged his neck. When you were done with the massage he said he wanted to get out. You went to go fetch some towels and helped him dry himself.
You suggested to do his skin care and paint his nails. He reluctantly agreed and was currently sitting on the bed as you applied a mud face mask (idk if thats what they're called) on him. While the mask was drying you painted his nails, you let him choose what color(s) he wanted on his nails. After the mud mask dried you washed his face for him that way he didn't have to ruin his nails.
After that you made him some lunch to eat. You just put some pizza in the oven and waited for it to cook. You guys ate when it was done cooking. The rest of the day you guys were cuddled up on the couch. Mike ended up falling asleep.
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Here you go pookie!! My bad I made a whole story 💀 I just realized that you said head cannons so my bad. 😭
- HaloTurtle
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angellettes · 1 year
─ synopsis. based on the song "awkward" by SZA; Ethan and you are best friends but friends with benefits too. some specific words comes out that makes it a bit awkward
─ notes. didn't think this would get sm attention i luv u guys♡ genre/warnings..18+ nsfw content (minors dni).. mutual pining, best friends with benefits to lovers, oral(f receiving),handjob(but it's kinda interrupted), fluffy smut, tons of kisses, creampie, cowgirl, porn with plot, non gf! ethan because we all know how that went, fluffy ending, not proofread
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Loud music blasted throughout your ears as you walked around, looking for your best friend. It was halloween night and you were moderately drunk with the haze of the alcohol taking over, you decided to look for Ethan to mellow out, and just have a conversation with a decent person instead of some douchebag frat boy who was trying to get in your pants and take advantage of you being tipsy. You had to admit you were pissed with the guys here, and you couldn't find Ethan. you were contemplating on leaving and just going home to watch a scary movie until you fall asleep, until you heard your name being called. You whipped your head around to see who was calling you, only to see your friend who you had been searching around for what felt like forever. "There you are I was looking for you." you said with an inflection in your voice, expressing your twinge of annoying of not being able to find him. "Yeah, sorry about that. Chad was holding me up this whole time. He kept trying to get me to hit on some girl, but I wasn't very interested." of course Chad would do that. You looked at him trying to cover up the slight jealousy you felt, even though he hadn't talked to her, the idea makes you sick. "Hey Y/N, are you ok?" you snapped out of your thoughts, and looked at him giving him your attention. "Oh yeah I'm good. I feel a little tired I might go home." his eyes widened a bit and although it was dark in the room and the only see the dim colorful lighting surrounding you, you could still somehow see his blush spreading actually his face."Do you mind if I walk you home" "yeah sure, I would like that" you replied with a smile. you both walked together talking while walking to your apartment. The conversation flowing freely as the sound of cars pass by and the chilly autumn air runs through your hair. The vibe is comfortable and nice, and you really don't want it to end. You finally get to your apartment and ethan gives you a hug goodbye. You quickly stopped him before he walked away. "Ethan wait!" he turns around and looked at you wondering what you wanted. "can you please stay? you can spend the night if you want" you say tugging at the sleeves of your sweater nervously with a rosy flush on your face. He looks at you with a look of adoration in his eyes, and that same pink flush on his cheeks. "Yeah, I would like to, that would be nice" he says walking up the stairs to get to the door. he approached you at the door with a smile. you let him in, and left him to get comfortable in the living room so you can change after giving him clothes he left last time he was there. as you were going to change you looked into the mirror, thinking about why you were thinking of sleeping with you best friend again. It was hurting you being best friends with him, being friends with benefits, and also having strong feelings. You wished you could tell him how you felt but things were complicated. You and Ethan had been best friends since middle school, always being there for each other, always stuck at each other's hip. One drunk night led to several Rendezvous for sex but it got more difficult with the intimate meetings making the feelings you had for him since middle school. You didn't want to ruin such a precious bond. if he doesn't feel the same way because if you messed it up you would hate yourself for it. You finally snapped out of it and got dressed into sleep clothes, and washed your face of all the stressors, and dirt of the day. You walked into your room to get blankets, and saw Ethan looking as if he was admiring the decor of your room. He turned around to see you there jumping a little. Stuttering over his words as he tried to explain himself "S-sorry I-I-I was just looking at- I like the way your room looks" he said. You let out a laugh at his stutter and let him know it's fine. You both walked back to the living room with blankets and pillows. "Hey Y/N, I'll sleep in the living room" he said as he started getting comfortable on the couch" you looked at him with a grin on your face as you got comfortable with him.
"you know what? let's have a sleepover here in the living room, and just stay up all night eating, talking, watching movies, stuff like that, you know?". You put on a stab movie but you guys weren't even really paying attention because you were both talking the whole time about random stuff. You both started talking about music and what artists you both liked "what's your favorite song right now?" he asked with a smile that hasn't left his face the entire time he was there. "my favorite song right now is awkward by SZA but I'm also like obsessed with any cigarettes after sex song lately" you said with a small smile. You enjoyed his company, when he talked about his interests, and classes. Just him being around was your favorite thing. "Hey, let's listen to some music" The TV had been long turned off throughout your conversation. he played his playlist. The first song that played was Awkward by SZA....This is the song you think of when you thought of Ethan. The song that describes your feelings. you tried to cover your blush with the blanket as you cuddled closer to him and you looked at eachother. next thing you knew he was leaning in closer....and you were too.
this is deeper than friendship
The line echoes through the room as your lips met eachother. He leaned you back onto the couch, as you kissed. His kisses almost felt loving but maybe it was your own delusion. He looked at you asking you for permission. you nod as his gentle father kisses trailed down to your neck and behind your ear. You took off your clothes as he took his off as well. He trailed his kisses farther ,kissing and kneading the fat of your tummy with such gentleness and fervor. He kissed your thighs gently, holding your thighs apart wrapping his arms around them gently squeezing occasionally as he licked a stripe up the lips your pussy. Gently kissing and running his tongue along your clit, as your fingers met his dark chesnut curls running it between your fingers. Your pleasure running through your body with gasps, and light moans escaping your mouth. He let out a deep moan into your pussy, as he grinded his hard cock into the couch, just trying to get some type of friction. His saliva and your wetness dripping down your ass and onto the couch, as your fingers grasp his hair a little harder as your chest heaves, gasps leaving your mouth with moans as you moan and cum all over his tongue. He sits up about to put his pants back on but you stop him. You let a fat glob of saliva dripping from your mouth onto his cock. You stared up at him as you rubbed your fist up and down his cock, rubbing your thumb over the tip as you went up over the top. he let's out a deep moan with some words you never thought would come from his mouth "fuck, I love you so much " your stroking stops. and you stare at him with shock in his face. He looks at you finally realizing what he just said and you saw how he started getting soft probably from the fear of you reaction. He starts putting his clothes back on and covers up. "Sorry, I made it awkward" you let him know it's ok but he doesn't seem to be convinced. "I'm just gonna go". you start to panic at those words. "wait no Ethan please don't go!" you shout as you grab his wrist trying to stop him from leaving. "at least stay here and sleep" you look at him with doe eyes as if you're begging him to stay "alright" he puts his stuff back down and gets back on the couch. The silence is loud but you'll reassure him in the morning and ask for his true feeling to see if those words weren't just from the heat of the moment.
The sunlight of the morning shined through the curtains as you woke up realizing you were alone on the couch. He left before you could wake up. You eyes start to dribble tears as you felt his words were only from the heat of the moment. He was Your best friend and he cared about you, you knew that but these flings meant nothing. you weren't anything to him besides a friend, and you would never be anything more than that.
The first few days after that in class he just wouldn't talk to you but as days were going by he distanced himself even more. hanging out with different people, sitting at different seats, not even texting you good morning or good night anymore...You lost your best friend just like how you were avoiding.
This distance between you both was making you insane. After days and days of crying until you got a massive headache and your eyes became bloodshot red, you finally grew the confidence to do it. You were going to tell him your feelings. You got dressed in something nice but casual quickly and stormed out of your dorm in a hurry. You quickly jogged down the street to get to his dorm. As you finally got to his dorm you knocked on the door rapidly. His roommate, Chad opens the door. "Oh hey Y/N, If you're looking for Ethan I'm already leaving anyway" he said with that big toothy smile. "Ethan Y/N is here for you!" he yells out to Ethan before leaving. Ethan starts walking to the door to greet you. His eyes are red as if he's been crying. "what are you doing here?" he asks with a congested voice. "I needed to come and see you. This distance is driving me crazy. I just wanted to say some things and get clarity on the other night" His eyes widened a bit. He opens the door wider to let you in, with that look of slight sadness still on his face. He closes the door behind him as you got comfortable on the couch. "Listen Ethan, I'm sorry I didn't respond to what you said the other night. I was shocked, and nervous. Truth is that I have had feelings for you ever since middle school. You were always there for me and I never told you because I don't want ruin what we had. you're my best friend, and if this was how I lost you then I would hate myself forever. I'd rather lose you telling the truth than lose you to a miscommunication of words." He sits with you and looks you in the eyes. There's that look again, The look of adoration and admiration.The look that you always looked past but now realize maybe it was genuine. "Y/N, the words I said the other night slipped out during the heat of the moment but they were genuine. If I had the chance to had told you how I felt without all this distance it would've been better but I didn't want to ruin what we had either. The feelings I've had for you have always been there and I never was true to myself about them because we're best friends and we were just having sex with no strings attached. I was too embarrassed to face you after that though. I mean how could I face you after the way you stared, it just scared me. I'm sorry for not explaining why I wasn't talking to you." you stared at him with a slight smile. Your eyes were tearing up. He leaned in to hug you and you hugged back, with a smile on your. You laughed a bit as you wiped your tears."Can I Kiss you, and hopefully show you in other ways my feelings, to make it up to you?". There was so much sincerity, and emotion in his eyes, emotions you don't even think you've ever noticed. You nod your head, almost immediately being pushed onto the couch as he presses his lips against yours with fervor, and love. Kisses become more desperate, and you quickly flip him over beneath you. You start removing your clothes and his, lips still connected as he ran his hands along your skin. He kissed down your chest and stopped at your nipples sucking them into his mouth gently as your fingers ran through his curls and sighs left your mouth as you kissed his neck. "Please Y/N just let me inside. I need you" he whimpers out to you, looking you in the eyes with love and passion. As you slipped him in, you shuddered with pleasure. He let's out a loud, whiny moan as he thrusts up into you, kissing you as he thrusts in and out with your hips rocking back and forth to meet him. "Oh my God Y/N I love you so much! please, please, cum with me" he says with desperation forming in his voice as that tight, contracting, feeling builds up in your abdomen, getting ready to release. "Ethan please cum inside me" you say hugging onto his shoulders, whispering into his neck how you oh so badly wanted him to cum inside. He thrusted up harder and faster, the only sounds heard in the room being, wet skin slapping, and both your moans and whines. He grabs your face, turning you to look him in the eyes as you both cum.
His mouth goes agape as he makes a few more strong thrusts into you, before pushing his hips up into you and holding them there as his hot, warm, cum fills you up. Your eyes roll back and you shudder as a loud moans escaping as a final strained moan cums out before you gush all over him. You take a moment to take a breath before you're both looking eachother in the eyes, laughing together as you press your foreheads together. "So Ethan, are you hungry?" you ask with a grin on your face, until you both burst out laughing at a loud growl coming from your stomach. "Yeah, we should go get something to eat" with chuckles in his sentence. You sighed again as you pressed your forehead against his once again, giving him a long passionate kiss. Your fingers running up his neck and caressing his cheek, as his hand gives a soft, gentle, loving grasp on your neck rubbing his thumb along your jaw as your lips form together, fitting perfectly together.
"I love you Ethan Landry"
"I love you Y/N L/N"
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please do not plagiarize, translate,or repost my work.
finished- April 1, 2023 , 4:05 PM
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guardian5tiger3 · 2 months
Waddup B) . Another general reading
Pick an album ! -
1 2
3 4
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1. Ice cube group
In da house!! Haha I feel like y'all in da energy of being bout yo money. Or the color green is significant. Shoot y'all might be about the green rn if u kno . This doesn't have to be a super conscious thing a lot of you either way though are in the energy of richness like that so you gonna be attracting money or it's because you're destined to be prosperous at this time or in the near future like that. For some of you it's because you're supposed to use that to help get rid of some form of negativity in the past some how. Others of you should consider getting a new pet if that will make your heart happy you know or confirmation if that's what u been thinking bout. Spirit wants you to make sure you're open to receiving at this time and in the future though cause some of you have an imbalance were you're a bit too humble maybe struggling with your own worth and self perception and this is making me feel sad so I'm really sorry and you guys need to maybe use your logic to conclude it's only the truth that you're a human with a good heart that deserves good things and anyone who ever told you other wise..... Is tripping like they're wrong and delusional and probably a hurt person anyway. If your childhood was bad you're manifesting a lot to replace stuff from all that time and make up for it and stuff and you all are just heavily in a deep great energy I can see y'all auras are mostly either green , blue and a very few of you purple. One specific person has some red. Make sure you stay in touch with your feelings though as I can see how the world might be making you a bit numb or you feel like a bit depressed actually when it comes to the fact that things constantly happen like , in the past I've been depressed and contemplated like how could it be that I have to drink water then go to the bathroom over and over again and it would wear me down thinking about it. It's good to practice having control over your own mental and perspectives ok. Just hella green and gold so wealth wealth money $$ . One love
2. Group KORN !!
You guys are winners in my book . I don't even know why I felt I had to say that . If you actually listen to Korn, while either way you got to listen to their first two albums you know... After that they were cloned for sure just saying . Ok anyway ...
You might catch something right in time whatever that might mean. This could be anything it depends on the individual, someone saying something, something falling almost, idk.if that does happen it must also be a confirmation of something. So I'm seeing a complete ending and then a revival. This group is somehow dealing with the general concept of time ... I'm seeing for some of you this is all past energy some of you right now some of you the future this could even be like way in the future ok. So it just depends . Someone most likely am adult male is speaking well on you and possibly other people you care about or can be related to yourself. This is looking good for your reputation and it might even be saving your reputation. U know what for a few of you this could be someone that's catching something right on time that's what that is for you . Something about something working and smoothly at that, or a job or you working with someone . This could be someone you know from work. Looks like they love you like they have love for you and a lot of other people , this is someone with a good heart even if you can't tell by their personality . Something's " falling apart " I heard and someone's getting away smoothly from anything affecting them . There's an energy of some type of trick being played or more so just an attempt at that. Maybe some type of verbal communicative manipulation. Maybe trying to convince someone to do something they shouldn't like join a group, sign a contract, say something wrong or that can be taken out of context so be careful but I see it being a separate energy that just has no place anywhere and is kind of awkward lol. I got 3 7's . Be careful of deceit at this time and moving forward. Especially regarding people's words and your own. People might be analyzing you or someone else or a situation . I'm getting almost like an investigation for some of you maybe a real investigation . Like the feds even. Especially if by the time you're reading this this as an older post. Holy f*********** I picked up another deck started shuffling and a card that says I investigation popped right out and a little magnifying glass I drew it's also an orange card like I d***n near wanna take a picture and show you guys. Strangely the other card I got is cult
So this is super deep in some way some form of group of people, big or small, serious or silly, depends on who is reading, has attempted to silence someone. I'm guessing a great majority of you it's you that was or is trying to be silenced. I'm getting the metaphor... If you can call it that this isn't even a metaphor I just don't even know I'm kind of appalled cause what I'm getting is that like if you like just decided ok this one needs to go to another life not stay on earth you know so they took something away and try to deprive them of something so either that happens or so that they do not have the energy , capacity, capability of being able to speak the truth but guess what that's the desert card and after that I have the wave card so not just here's a glass of water let's throw you in the ocean and let a wave roll over you ... Metaphorically for whatever you were being deprived of...... And also a card that says break through which also has rain in it :) . So this is gonna hit really fast cause of course that's the universes will. It's kind of like actually a miracle type of energy im even getting the word biblical and also maybe the story of the guy who parted the red sea or together is significantly sorry I should remember his name I read the bible 300 times as a kid haha. But, you guys this is really good the final two cards are the ace of sword , y'all know that's the truth, and four of pentacles so I feel in my heart chakra specifically a sense of calm and that everything is gonna be set right and you'll be feeling good and a there's a good amount about stability. Maybe church is significant to someone. Or a house of worship I don't know. Or a house in general too for some of you. Or a bulldozer ..? Also substantial evidence for a very few of you .
3. No Doubt !!!!
You guys might be family oriented, live with your family, I can pick up on some people's energy of a kind of busy household maybe the sound of pets nails on a hard floor (cute I miss that with having dogs )
Do not drink any open drinks at this time whoever I'm talking to you wouldn't expect this either you trust someone who would do something or you wouldn't expect it of the brand...or something I don't know I don't want to make anyone paranoid just keep your drink on you in your sight or drink unopened ones you know . I can also sense baked chicken I think or grilled you know when it's not fried or anything though ?? You think someone is loyal to you also if you have a dog this is significant. Im getting calm energy somewhat I think spirits around you are in that and trying to stay around you and have that energy around you :) honestly someone around you might be dangerous this isn't a matter of you getting paranoid this would , if it is true for you, be a matter of you coming to terms with something you've probably had hints about for a prolonged period. Maybe since you were young or it's multiple people even for someone else that this also resonates for. Y'all feel really cool like you investigate things kind of like a mystery vibe it's dope . Rainy days and cabins maybe you can dig that or that's what you give other people if they can read energy well. The things you might be into or interested in in the past too might be significant and spirit considered it to have been or be technically research y'all are really smart don't let anyone block you or stop you from anything ? . For real. Yep y'all are super cool and a smaller group y'all might have anxiety or any big or small issue you should practice breathing exercises. You know I make tea and breath in the air when it's hot it also helps asthma or I placebo that for myself but either way it's nice haha. I'm feeling like my brains working faster you guys are really sharp you might also like caffeine lol me too. You guys are so dope you're like putting together a puzzle or intuitively trying to figure something out and you will this is kind of a destiny situation like I can feel in my heart you guys are just the dopest but seriously w really intelligent pile I feel that something is time restricted , destiny, everything youre supposed to get to and have happen and do and it feels super fast paced and so do you , even if u don't notice cause youre used to it. You also feel like you avoid really negative things as easily as a ghost can avoid a human. Better days a head too even. Your bed is significant somehow . One thing I'll note is you may have to, and if so should sooner than later deal with any negative ideas ever put in your mind about yourself make sure you heal your heart and mind . You're moving so damn fast . Your soul has a PLAN . Like, a mission dudes. It'll all make sense in the end I suppose. Keep going 💯💯💯
4 . The Maiden !!!!!
I feel like you guys have some good philosophy or mentalities in life like you know how to and when to go with the flow. Like picture floating down a river and it's to chill out then you're like alright now I gotta get up and out cause there's a rock that will hit me in three feet. Your intuition might make stuff easier . Sometimes your intuition might surprise you or it would if you pay attention you know. You may get a bit frustrated because you don't get to straight up know the future lol I can relate. To. That.
The movie ice age might have something to do with something or if you remember watching it at any point maybe the memory is significant??,
Or someone you remember watching it with for someone. The universe wants to give you what you want and need but you already seem like a generally content soul just with like yourself existing I noticed from the start this is a super chill group . You guys definitely see danger before it comes. Breathing exercises to the point of deep relaxation might be helpful. You're just not supposed to consciously know the future though I'm not sure why but I guess it would technically like by law mess it up possibly . Remember to be calm , at peace when doing any form of work but also remember work is play deep down just like deep down we're still the kids we once were when we were young , which is a good way to realize every person is not so different and I was going to say also that you should maybe focus somewhat on your relations with other people and your social interactions. Just to sharpen your social skills I guess. There looks like there's chaos around you but I don't see it touching you so you're good . Mellow vibes just enjoy the moment and work on patience and stuff maybe. Working would be beneficial you might get joy out of that even if it's building something or it could even be playing in the woods, going to the store, but I am also getting to go play outside and they want me to say like play like you could go pick up a stick and start digging in the dirt hell kinda sounds like fun . Peace and rock on .
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
HONEYS IT GIRL MAGAZINE march edition⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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welcome back to honeys it girl magazine, this is the march catalog. get ready for the inside scoop on data that i've collected, things i've learned/started doing, and just general info like that organized in kind of a teen-magazine inspired fashion. a magazine for it girls ✨ and now please enjoy, the it girl magazine.
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for march/spring fashion in general its so fun to dress like a winx doll or a fairy. i feel magical in flowy material that shimmers, adorable mini skirts and accessories like gold bangles and waist chains.
when im going shopping, im mainly buying clothes for hot girl summer bcuz im just so excited and can't wait. plus i wanna be prepared yk? some patterns that i've noticed in my shopping patterns are that im buying lots of camisoles and sleeveless shirts.
also i've been looking for cute shorts and low waisted jeans. im looking for cute things to embroider onto the jeans and shorts to personalize them and make them feel more "summery".
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something that i started was a FASHION BINDER. i followed @prissygrlsorority's idea for a fashion binder and started my own and so far im having SUCH an amazing time. i want to take time and perfect my binder but so far its going well ✨
spring traditionally has LOTS of pastel colors so formulate a color scheme based on pastel colors that look good on you. some rly good examples for color scheme this spring include
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something to note for spring fashion specifically is to not look for colors that are specifically dark or bland, the idea behind spring fashion is giving fresh flowerbed, something REFRESHING.
i've been working this month on a larger project that i think you guys would really enjoy and find useful. it'll be released on the first of march and i'll announce it exactly a week before.
additionally during the month of march i expanded my blog by setting up a membership system and facilitating a way for u guys to tip my work and support my blog. i've also offered my services if u might want them.
for the month of april u can expect a variety of content but i wanted to get input from you guys on what you'd like to see the most so i'll be releasing a poll for april content later today.
look, ik its only march but hot girl summer is right around the corner so here are some ways that you can prepare yourself for the summer, so that you can be your most glowy, confident, and radiant self ✨
you can moisturize ur skin with the most sweet smelling and extravagant body butters and creams, but if ur skin is dull and dead you won't get that GLOW that u so desperately seek
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for this i recommend juicing (i'll get more into health in the wellness girlies section) and start dry brushing to promote blood circulation and remove dead skin cells from ur body, leaving ur skin feeling baby smooth. also i recommend using a body scrub 2-3x a week depending on the sensitivity of your skin.
if u liked this hot girl summer prep section u can continue reading right one of my recent posts where i went more in depth about how u can prepare for ur hot girl summer.
this months catalog was in collaboration with @pastel-charm-14 and this section of the magazine was written by her ✨🫶🏽
march brings more than just the promise of spring, it's also a time to celebrate the amazing women who've shaped history. as women's history month rolls around, we can't help but reflect on what it means to be a part of this incredible legacy.
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think about those bold suffragettes who fought tooth and nail for our right to vote. they weren't just distant figures in history books; they were real women with fire in their hearts and determination in their eyes. and what about the everyday heroes—the moms, sisters, and friends who quietly make the world a better place?
they might not be famous, but they have such an incredible impact. so here's to us—here's to the laughs, the tears, and everything in between. here's to celebrating our history, our struggles, and our triumphs—because they're what make us who we are.
cheers to being women, and cheers to the journey ahead. being a woman isn't always easy, but i know wouldn't have it any other way.
something that has come to my attention is that i drink a lot of fluids early in the morning. i've known that it was good to drink fluids in the morning, specifically water, but i wanted to have an in depth explanation of why it was good. so i googled it ofc.
ur body is dehydrated while u sleep so when u drink water first thing in the morning it helps ur body to recover from the temporary dehydration.
your body absorbs fluids faster in the morning on an empty stomach. so my routine has been, once i wake up to have an 8 oz cup of water, but water isnt the only thing that i drink in the morning.
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bcuz fluids are so quickly and efficiently absorbed in ur body in the morning, you can drink other healthy drinks and reap the benefits. some things that i drink in the morning are ;
chlorophyll - this makes me feel so clean, it boosts red blood cells production and helps with glowy skin and weight loss. plus after i drink it i feel so clean, like a fresh out of the shower feeling
ginger shots - these are pretty lethal but they r so good for you. ginger shots are rly good for digestion issues and bloating, and it also boosts ur immunity which is always good
kombuchas - this one i dont drink on an empty stomach, but drinking kombucha in the morning though rly helps with bloating and reduces inflammation, leaving me looking snatched
what kind of flirt are you? - seventeen magazine
whats ur girl power anthem? - seventeen magazine
what kind of dessert are you? - queendom
this is the video that im going to be thinking about in order to write this section and here's what i thought about it.
ok so the conflict is unique but personally if i was the husband i wouldn't be mad bcuz its not like the wife was IN the bed with the brother in law 😭 she just said that he could use it cuz he was so sleepy. i think that what she did was nice and the husband could've communicated that he was uncomfortable in a better way then to get angry. but in that same breath the wife knows how strongly her husband feels about things like this so maybe she could've been more considerate. like bring out a pillow and some blankets for the brother in law and let him rest on the couch or whatever 💀.
if u thought differently or if u wanna elaborate on that and have more of a discussion feel free to share ur own opinions and thoughts in the comment section.
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pineappleciders · 1 year
helloooo!! was wondering if you could do headcanons on what it would be like to be friends with the goths from south park. :) if you could that would be awesome thanksss! 💗☺️
INCLUDES: pete thelman, michael, henrietta biggle, and firkle smith
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they probably just saw you as another asshole conformist at first and just ignored you
as you start to get closer and bond with all of them more it's a bit confusing,,, you dress like a normie and look like one so why are you hanging out with them???
henrietta tells you that you have to dress goth if you wanna hang around them. she doesn't want to be seen with a conformist 🙄🙄
you hang out at henrietta's and she gives u a goth makeover while listening to goth music. she's converting you
when you show up at the bus stop the next day looking like edgar allen poe they just kinda check u out for a moment before giving an approving nod
despite your makeover, you still haven't really gotten into the whole death & despair thing and pete reminds u all the time to stop being such a 'goody-two-shoes', as he calls it.
"can i get an orange juice?"
"no, asshole, you have to get black coffee! god, do you know anything about goth culture??"
i can see u being firkle's babysitter and he like. threatens you to not tell ANY of the goth kids about it unless u want to die. ez blackmail
lots of nights where u all just sit on a hill and look out over stark's pond and smoke... if u won't smoke firkle and pete call you a pussy
when you hang out with any of the popular kids they get like. borderline upset and sigh and flip their hair and shit
"ugh, you're still hanging out with those guys? y'know, goths don't hang around popular greasy jocks. goths stick to their own. you wouldn't know."
they r jealous u have other friends but they're taking that to the grave
always dragging you into shit, especially if you're preppy or a straight-A student.
"i can't skip class! i have no absences, i can't stop now!"
"jesus fucking christ.."
they r kinda mean sometimes but it's tough love!!! the only one i could see really admitting he cares for u as a friend is pete, and that would be when you two are alone. if you told anyone he'd never talk to u again
u like to annoy michael as he's walking around or to class. like just follow him chatting about literally anything or poke him and watch him over his shoulder and he's going NUTS. it's so fun though
you, henrietta, and firkle dye your hair together in your teen years, like your favorite colors . michael thinks it's stupid and pete calls it gay (but secretly wants to too)
they'll never say it but it honestly makes them all really happy if they turn on gothic music and you start bobbing your head or say you like it. you might catch one of them smiling at you while you rock out but it quickly disappears
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yawntu · 1 year
ASS OR TITS FOR THE ATWOW GUYS RN IM BEGGING IT CAN BE QUICK 💳💥💳💥💳💥 Rotxo, Aonung, Neteyam and Lo’ak please please please
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a/n: alright, i’m going to be hearing you out this time. I was working on a totally different request about these specific guys so if that one’s yours too I promise it’ll be done by the end of the night but I got a little carried away with how each of them feel about your tongue ring and it’s way longer than this. This ask was quicker for me and I could publish it while I ate a little snack (this took me less then a half hour and I did it while I ate I promise i’ll get around to editing and proofreading LMAO). Fem body descriptions to fit the nature of the prompt. warning: tumblr mobile eats the end of my fucking posts for some reason
pairing(s): Ao’nung x f!Reader, Neteyam x f!Reader, Rotxo x f!Reader, Lo’ak x f!Reader
word count: ~ 100 words each
warnings: NSFW / MDNI. Female bodily descriptions, Spicy but not extremely explicit smut, Fondling, Public display of affection / public play (Ao’nung), Breeding? (Ao’nung), Impact play (Neteyam), Rough doggy (Rotxo), Analingus if u squint (Rotxo), Nipple play (Lo’ak), lmk if I miss pls I suck at warnings
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꧁ Ao’nung: Can not help but love your boobs. Everything about them. Between their shape, the intoxicating weight of them in his palms, and the fact that they'll feed his kids one day it is obvious why he would obsess over them. These reasons are all valid in his mind, but more importantly to him- other people notice them as well. He can't help but make sure you know they belong to him.
Everyone thinks Ao'nung is an ass man and while I'm sure Ao'nung loves pulling you back by your pretty little tail so he can listen to the sound of your pretty ass bounce against his thick thighs and toned lower stomach- but Ao'nung is a boob man. There's something hypnotizing about the way the fat of your breasts bounces anytime you jump into the water or the way your colorful little tops always rise from your breasts when you convince him to play in said water with you on your shared downtime.
He can't help wrapping one of his big palms around them- squishing and kneading at the flesh anytime he finds the chance. Not only does he get to squeeze your very pretty boobs, but he also gets to hear the pretty annoyed whine you always give him. Some half-hearted comment about how people could see what he was doing. As if Ao'nung could possibly care what anyone thinks; it's bold of you to act as if you do not know that his favorite thing in all of Pandora is leaving wine-stained bruises all over the expanse of your tits for everyone to see.
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꧁ Neteyam: loves everything about you, he couldn’t possibly favor one part of your pretty little body could he?
How can he pick? If someone had told him to choose the best part of your body or die he might just have to say a prayer and meet Eywa. He spends a concerning amount of time thinking about groping at every inch of you. Out of all of the people in Pandora, he is definitely the most enamored with you. So enamored he genuinely does not have a conscious preference. If he reflects on the way he naturally reacts to your body though, he would have to say that he was an ass man.
What can he say? He grew up with pretty strict rules and his own self-imposed regulations. Something is just so satisfying when either on purpose or accidentally, you break said rules. He relishes in the domineering feeling that blossoms in his wide chest and sinks down into his twitching stomach as he gets to toss you down over his legs. Relish in the sharp sound of his smack at the round of your ass while you blabbed and moaned about how sorry you were. Neteyam can never bring himself to truly listen to you though. Too busy watching your skin change colors for him at the command of his controlled strikes.
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꧁ Rotxo: is the most ass man to ever appreciate ass. You can convince him to do just about anything if you bend over and flick your tail at him.
It's embarrassing how quickly he'll say ass. He's obsessed with it. He can't even hide it from your close circle of friends. Unapologetically zoned out, swaying back and forth on the balls of his feet as he watches your pretty little form walk down the beach and away from him. It's why he is so enthusiastically ruthless when he's got your frame bent over in front of him in doggy. Eyes feasting on the ripple of your ass as he slams into you. He can't even hear how you beg him to slow down over the clap of your ass and the thud of his own heart in his blushing ears. He swears the undulation of the way the skin ripples against the force of him makes you prettier than the sea herself.
Walking next to you just doesn't feel right if he isn't grasping at the fat of your hips or thighs. He has to force himself to be decent in public, but to him, it's just not fair. Why would his mate have such a nice ass if it wasn't for him to hold? Eywa forbid he isn't laying his head on the plump of your ass any time you lay on your stomach, it's to make up for how little he can touch you during the day. He'll bite, lick, and paw at it all night if you'd let him.
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꧁ Lo’ak: Knows what he likes. He doesn't hide how much he likes you, but you know how much he likes loving you in the privacy of your own home. There's nothing that gets him through the day quite like knowing he gets to lay down with your boobs in his face and you're sweet enough to let him use you how he wants.
Tits. He'd have to put a lot of thought into it because to anyone who has ever had the misfortune of watching the two of you interact would have sworn your mate was utterly obsessed with the fat of your ass considering how often his hands were attached to it. Lo'ak is not shy in the slightest with you, so playful smacks and grabs are commonplace no matter where you happen to be bent over. That, however, is only what he lets people see. This was only him being considerate of those forced to endure being in the same area as the two of you.
What people do not know however, is the second the two of you are wrapped in the comfort of privacy his pretty plump lips are almost always leaving sloppy open-mouth kisses up the expanse of your pretty azure chest and toying your nipples with his tongue until his spit is dripping off of you. He can't help but find comfort in listening to the flutter of your erratic heartbeat and your pretty little sighs as he tries his very best to make you cum just like that. It helps him unwind from his often busy days and it even helps you relax and drift off to sleep. How is he meant to spend a single night without your pretty boobs in his mouth?
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