#i miss them regular stream of content
ghost-of-you · 2 years
while we wait for 5sos5 and the aus leg on tour, i was wondering if you could share your fav pics or videos from tour, of michael or of the four of them? thanks 🫶
Okay, im not gonna add pics here cuz theres too many and id be here forever, but i will direct you to some videos. First, imma direct you to @mashtonasfuck tmh masterlist cuz she went to a bunch of shows and got some great content, including one of my favorite stagesos pics ever, I'm particularly very fond of her lover of mine video and the 2011 breakdown.
Some other honorable mentions are this video of Luke during ghost of you, Ashton singing in walls could talk, jet black heart in Dublin, jbh in Dusseldorf, jbh in Liverpool, jbh in the Toronto sunset, malum in the catwalk during disconnected, luke during goy, Michaels note change during who do you love, Michaels part in complete mess, another one, and another one cuz he laughs every time, goy acapella, Michael during more, the summer brother live, Calum understanding a twilight reference, Luke dropping the mic during talk fast, this video of Calum in Monterey I just like to bring up for no reason whatsoever, this video of Calum in London I like to bring up for no reason whatsoever, this video of Calum in Glasgow i like to bring up for no reason whatsoever, Michael on his knees during want you back, easier to more but the camera stays on Michael, 2011 breakdown in Budapest, (not to be confused with my Budapest breakdown sokasokas), Michael giving Luke a headband with his face on it, Just goy Calum that's all i have to say, lover of mine Michael cam, lover of mine Ash cam, lover of mine Ash cam part 2, this talk fast note change, this goy note change, SAN FRANSCISCO 2022 MY BELOVED, Michael in a jersey and snapback, slsp Calum in a tanktop, Luke with a flower in his hair during best years, whatever this compilation is, green silk shirt Luke during waste the night, goy in the toronto sunset, them teasing english love affair, this very chaotic talking break, Calum singing I'm yours, Luke giving Michael flowers, Paris.
There's definitely more, I have a general tmh videos tag, you can check that out too.
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cutielando · 2 months
dating headcannon ~ lando norris
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Synopsis: what i imagine dating Lando would be like
Other works: my masterlist
you would meet at an after party for one of the Grand Prix
he would immediately take an interest in you as soon as he would see you in the busy club
you would exchange numbers and stay in contact afterwards 
took you on 4 dates before officially asking you to be his girlfriend
would be the sweetest boyfriend ever
you would keep your relationship a secret for a few months to make sure that what you had was the real deal
he was skeptical to introduce you to his fans because of what happened with his ex-girlfriend
but they all ended up loving you to death
they could see how happy you made Lando and how much you loved each other
you often interacted with them on social media, posting more Lando content for them to see and sometimes exposing him
he would spoil you rotten
he had the money to do it, so he bought you every single thing that you would look at for more than 5 seconds
jewelry, shoes, clothes, purses, books, perfumes
it didn’t matter what it was, he would buy it for you
buys you flowers with every occasion 
brings you with him to every Grand Prix that you’re able to attend
loves showing you off to the entire paddock, making sure that everyone knew how beautiful and loved his girlfriend was
Zak would oftentimes have to physically separate you two whenever he would have a meeting and wouldn’t want to separate from you to attend it
you and Jon would 100% be besties, staying in touch on a regular basis
his family loved you, happy to see that someone loved their son as much as they did
you would talk with his sisters and mother on a daily basis, more than he does. Would definitely have a group chat just the 4 of you
he would sometimes get jealous because you would pay more attention to his family, but in reality he was just grateful that you got along with them so well
you loved watching him race, but you also worried like crazy every time he would get into the car
being there with him when he crashed in Las Vegas had been the scariest experience you’d ever had
he reassured you that he would always find his way back to you, no matter what
his lando.jpg account would turn into a fan account dedicated to you
he would always take pictures of you, no matter where you were or what you were doing
lazy days, lazy days, lazy days
you two enjoyed every little moment that you had together, seeing as you didn’t get too much time to relax during race weekends 
would spend the entire day cuddled in bed, watching some crappy movies or just talking about anything and everything for hours on end
you would move with him to Monaco almost after one year of being together, not wanting to be apart or do long-distance anymore
goofy, silly mood all the time in the apartment
he would make it his mission to make you laugh constantly, your laugh being his favorite sound in the whole world
Max would love you, you got along like brother and sister 
you would be a very known face on his Twitch streams and featured in Quadrant videos 
his friends accepted you into the group like you were one of them from the very beginning
the grid would call him a “simp” because he wouldn’t be able to stop talking about you
you and Oscar would be besties, often making fun of him or teaming up to pull a prank on him
the McLaren team loving you like you were part of their team, which essentially you were
they would sometimes ask you to film videos with Lando for content, which you would always happily film because you loved the team and you also loved Lando
goes wild in bed
he spends hours upon hours worshiping every part of your body
very passionate lover, focused on your pleasure and your pleasure alone
you would keep him grounded, being his solace during the hard times
after a bad race, he didn’t need to say anything for you to know that he just needed to be held and coddled
you two loved each other very much, fitting together like two missing pieces from a puzzle
soulmates, all the way
married, children, a house, you would go all the way
happily ever after
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much appreciated!!
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rainybubbles · 6 months
How COD men say the first "I love you"
Price, Gaz, Soap, Ghost, Rudy, Keegan
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written or if they're OOC.)
for more context (you don't need it to read) : here how you met them
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-He confessed with Gaz covered by whipped cream.
-Let me explain.
-After your first meeting based on a pregnant Shrek cake to his base and a misunderstanding, John became a regular of your bakery.
-So obviously for confessing his love, he thought of baking a cake.
-During the afternoon on the base, he tried to bake.
-Yes, he could have bought a cake with "I love you” on it. But John liked doing this on his own when it came to gifts.
-He liked the old-fashioned way of doing gifts himself.
-However, as the dough turned an unexpected purple hue, he wisely sought the expertise of Soap, a proficient pastry enthusiast.
-"Cap...your dough is..." Soap hesitated, unsure of how honest he could be.
-"Horrible, you can say it, son," John acknowledged.
-"I just wonder how you managed to make it turn purple?"
-"I used beetroot."
-"For a cake?"
-"Sugar is derived from beetroot."
-"Yeah, but in a Paris-Brest, you don't have beetroot."
-"...how can I fix this?"
-"Well, call Gaz. By three, we could finish the pastry in time," Soap suggested with a knowing smile.
-The collaborative baking commenced, yet Soap overlooked a crucial detail—Gaz sucked as much as Price when it came to bake.
- Entrusted with the delicate task of preparing the crème au beurre, Gaz inadvertently neglected to secure the mixer's lid.
-Chaos ensued as the cream erupted, spilling on the surroundings.
-Soap tried to stop it, but he slipped on the floor.
-Gaz couldn't see because of the cream, and John was looking at them reconsidering his life's chouce.
-Obviously, you decided to come back home at this moment.
-Yo were greeted by the sight of Gaz adorned in whipped cream, Johnny sprawled on the flour-strewn floor, and John enveloped in a cloud of flour.
-"I...is this a kinky food party, or did I miss something? Because usually, people are naked when they use whipped cream," you quipped.
-"I can explain, love," John offered.
-"Okay, what happened?"
-"I wanted to bake for you."
-"You know I don't need cakes or pastries; that's my job. If I crave a sweet tooth, I have plenty of cakes, honey."
-"I know, but this one was special. It was supposed to be a heart-shaped Paris-Brest."
-"Paris-Brest aren't heart-shaped."
-"Not when they're not employed for confessions."
-A moment of realization dawned upon you.
-"Fuck, you...you wanted to say 'I love you.'"
-"Yeah, but it's clear I messed up."
-"No, no. I mean, sure, Gaz covered in whipped cream, Johnny on the flour, and walls adorned with flour was not what I pictured, but it's perfect."
-"Good because I don't plan to cover Garrick in whipped cream every time I want to say it."
-A shared chuckle ensued as you joined Gaz and Soap in the aftermath, each contributing to the cleanup while John beamed with contentment.
G A Z :
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-He confessed with a vocal.
-After your meeting and your teasing when you found out Gaz listened to your spicy ASMR as a streamer, you noticed him.
-He was a regular, one of the fans who always leave a comment under each post.
-He became more than just a familiar username.
-Your bond deepened as you sought his counsel on scenarios for your streams and videos, a virtual confidant in the ever-expanding realm of online content creation.
-As time unfolded, your relationship transcended the digital realm.
-The spark between you two ignited, an intangible force that fueled your creative musings.
-Swiftly, meetings materialized whenever Gaz found a fleeting moment of respite from his duties.
-When he was on long deployments, you sent him exclusivity audios so he could be distracted from the horror he did or saw, offering a temporary escape from the grim realities he faced.
-Your voice became a comforting melody, a beacon in the darkness, ensuring that Gaz could find solace even amid the harrowing experiences he encountered. 
- In fact you could record yourself spelling a list of grocery and he would find it awesome
-Yet, despite the kisses shared and the intimate moments experienced, Gaz had yet to formally ask you out or declare those three potent words: "I love you."
-One night, as a gentle breeze whispered through the window, he turned to his friend Soap for advice, a hint of embarrassment lingering in his tone.
-"Hey, mate, can I ask for advice?" he queried, his eyes seeking guidance from Soap.
-"Sure," Soap responded, welcoming the opportunity to lend an ear.
-"How... would you confess to someone you've been flirting with for months?" Gaz inquired, his apprehension palpable.
-"Tell them," Soap replied matter-of-factly.
-"No shit, I wanted something special. They're... they're awesome, and I really want to make the thing memorable, you know?"
-Soap smirked, teasing Gaz.
-A playful shoulder bump ensued as Gaz protested, "Shut up, mate. I just... I feel like they're the right person, you know? I mean, they saw me during my lowest moments, and for people like us, it's hard sometimes to find those who can handle a lover with PTSD."
-"Yeah, I feel that," Soap acknowledged. "Well, maybe use your first meeting or something they love. If they're into soccer, bring them to a big match and confess during it."
-"But, you know, during a match, everyone screams? It's kinda dumb."
-Soap paused.
-Gaz looked at him.
-"Well, it sounded like a good idea at that time."
-Gaz's eyes widened. "Wait, you did that?"
-"Listen, it seemed like a good idea."
-"Oh my gosh, what happened?"
-"She didn't understand what I said and answered, 'You're such a good friend.'"
-"But it doesn't mean it'll be the same for you."
-"I know. I just think about things they love. I... can't confess by ASMR, honestly. It'll be cringe."
-"Maybe send an audio? No need for ASMR," Soap suggested.
-"Yeah," Gaz agreed.
-As Gaz found himself in his room, armed with his phone and ready to send a heartfelt audio message, he hesitated.
-The recorded voice sounded foreign and awkward to him, far from the eloquence he envisioned.
-Discouraged, he abandoned the attempt.
- Upon his return from deployment, sensing your unusual behavior, he confronted you about it.
-"You... sent me a vocal, but it only said 'Fuck you,' so I didn't know if I did something or not," you confessed, puzzled by the unexpected message.
-Gaz paused, the realization dawning upon him. He had forgotten to delete a frustrated attempt at confessing that slipped through the cracks.
-"No, it was not against you. I... I tried to do something, but I messed up. So I was mad at myself, and at the same time, I was recording a vocal for you," he admitted, vulnerability coloring his words.
-"Can I ask what was this thing?" you inquired, curiosity dancing in your eyes.
-"I... gear. I couldn't take off my gear," he lied, attempting to divert the conversation.
-"You're a bad liar," you chuckled.
-"Okay, I wanted to confess to you. And I tried to record something like you do, but it sounded horrible."
-"You know you could have texted?" you suggested with a playful smile.
-"Yes, I... I didn't think about it. I was so focused on voices and the perfect confession."
-"I reciprocate, if you ever wonder," you reassured him.
-A smile broke across Gaz's face as he squeezed your hands, grateful for the understanding that transcended words.
S O A P :
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-He confessed by drawings.
-After drawing you like Gollum because you flustered him, Soap, determined to prove his artistic prowess, pursued every opportunity to capture your essence on paper.
- Despite attending each modeling session and receiving your compliments, he couldn't quite capture the nuances—those wrinkles when you smiled, the sparkle when you ate, the delicate mole that graced your visage.
-Unyielding, he embarked on a mission of his own, drawing you ceaselessly between military duties, on the pages of his diary, and during leaves.
-Training, a familiar concept to a soldier, became his artistic discipline.
-You willingly played muse.
-The drawing sessions evolving into intimate conversations, forging a connection that extended beyond artistry.
-As your bond deepened, so did Soap's frustration.
- The elusive perfection he sought in his drawings continued to elude him, and he longed to express his feelings through his sketches.
- One day, returning to your darkened apartment, you discovered a trail of candles illuminating your path.
- Recognizing Soap's expertise with fire and explosives, you followed the flickering lights until the room burst into brightness.
-There, on the wall, an intricately arranged collection of sketches painted a portrait of your shared moments—coffee spills, date nights, and more.
-Overwhelmed by the domestic warmth of the scene, you couldn't help but murmur, "Shit, it's so cute."
-"I hope so, because I love you, baby. I want these sketches to continue, to wake up to you every morning, to draw you, to see you, to kiss you," Johnny confessed, closing the distance between you.
-A tender embrace and a heartfelt kiss followed. "I love you too."
-"Good, because it would have been hard if you said you hate me after I spent five hours gluing these sketches," Soap admitted, a playful smile gracing his face.
-Laughter filled the room, echoing the joy of two hearts entwined in love.
G H O S T :
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-He confessed with a monkey wrench.
-You were tired.
-The life of a mechanic on the base demanded a toll, and today, that toll felt almost unbearable.
- Fatigue etched lines on your face as you toiled among the clattering tools, your hands weaving intricate dances of repair.
- The camaraderie with your coworkers, usually a source of solace, had soured into an unbearable weight on your shoulders.
-Amidst the clinks and clanks, a sudden snap echoed through the air, drawing attention like an unwelcome spotlight.
-Your favorite monkey wrench, a faithful companion in countless repairs, lay shattered in your hands.
-A surge of frustration coursed through you, and against all reason, tears welled in your eyes.
- It was an odd vulnerability, shedding tears over a broken tool, but the accumulation of stress had reached a breaking point.
-Then, there he was—Simon, the enigmatic connection born from his bad driving skills and your repairing of his vehicles.
- Your eyes met, and the vulnerability you felt intensified.
-"Don't pity me, please," you whispered, a plea tinged with embarrassment.
-"I don't pity you, love," Simon responded, his voice a balm to your wounded spirit.
- He knelt beside you, his presence a comforting anchor in the chaos of the workshop.
-"I... I must look ridiculous?" you stammered, seeking reassurance.
-"No, you look quite stunning crying on the dirty floor with a broken monkey wrench," he teased, a glimmer of humor in his eyes.
- Your tears mingled with laughter, a cathartic release in the midst of chaos.
-"Yeah?" you asked, a hint of uncertainty lingering.
-"Yeah," he affirmed, his gaze sincere.
 -"Then Soap is the most stunning with his mohawk full of mud."
-"Hm, he can't beat you with your grease on the cheek," Simon remarked, using his gloved hand to wipe away a smudge.
-A quiet settled between you, broken only by the sound of tools and distant chatter.
-Simon extended his hands, a silent offer of support, and you accepted, rising from the dirt-strewn floor.
-"Thanks for... being here," you said, gratitude coloring your words.
-"I'm not always here, love," Simon admitted, a touch of vulnerability in his gaze.
-"But you're here when it counts, Simon. That's all that matters to me," you confessed, and with those words, you retreated to the solitude of your barracks.
-As you left, Simon watched you, and in that moment, an unfamiliar warmth enveloped him.
- It was the realization that he was enough—enough to be there for you, enough to be loved.
-The following day, a surprise awaited you in the form of a brand-new monkey wrench.
-A note accompanied it, bearing Simon's distinctive scrawl: "I hope to buy you more in the future."
- A subtle promise, a declaration beyond words.
- You smiled, for you understood—it was more than a tool.
-It was the promise of a connection that transcended the clangor of the workshop, a sentiment that spoke of a desire for something deeper. And for you, that was more than enough.
K E E G A N :
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-He confessed with Happy Meals.
-After all, it was how you met. Keegan ordered 20 happy meals, and you were a worker for McDonalds.
-( Even though you began to write an essay about how happy meals and military men seem to be an issue)
- Keegan and you became close.
-Since you saw him each night during his leave after your shift.
-At first, it was because some teenagers were here, threatening the employees after their shift, so Keegan proposed his help.
-And after that, driving you back home became a routine when he was on leave.
-And when one night you decided to ask him to drop you somewhere else, and it ended up being a restaurant, he realized you were asking a date subtly.
-Slowly, it became flirtatious.
-Even though you still didn't know how he could flirt when you were covered in grease-smelling potatoes.
-But Keegan had rizz even at 1 AM.
-He could say the more cheesy lines while you're covered in cheddar and coke.
-That's why he wanted to confess in a cool way, the same way, his flirt could make you smile through the worst shift.
-At first, he thought of a Happy meal where the toy could be a letter saying "I love you" with a selfie of you two.
-But he wanted something fun, as fun as when Ghost ordered 40 Happy Meals just to have all the skeleton toys.
-So during one of his missions, he used his phone and ordered food for your flat.
-Surprised, you opened the door to the delivery guy, saying you hadn't ordered anything. But you noticed it had your name on it.
-You sighed and took the bags.
-The 4 bags.
-Which surprised you because, hell, you won't eat all of that.
-And then you opened the bag to see happy meals.
-20 happy meals. Like Keegan used to order.
-You chuckled.
-It was a good prank.
-You sent him a text.
-"Okay, good one, I'll take revenge, I swear"
-But then you notice the Happy Meal is empty.
-Except for one who had a little toy.
-A heart toy.
-You squeezed it like it said on it
-And the little toy spoke with a horrible voice. "I love you".
-The cheesy smile you had when you realized it.
-"fuck, you got rizz even miles away, uh ?"you texted.
- "of course" he answered.
-"well, Mr Rizz, I can't send you Happy Meals, but I love you too."
-"thanks, love"
R U D Y :
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-He confessed with books. 
-After meeting Rudy in the library and realizing he was one of the few readers following your books. You ended up meeting with him when he was on leave so he could be your beta reader.
-He was a good help, he was not always saying "good", he had good remarks and ideas.
-He was the one bringing coffee during your late writing sessions.
-Even when duty called him away on missions, he sent texts 
-Texts traversed the ether, connecting your worlds despite the miles that separated you.
-In response, handwritten letters, carefully penned with the knowledge of his penchant for tangible memories, sailed back to him, becoming anchors of shared moments in his turbulent sea of duty.
-Thanks to his comments and ratings on sites, you slowly became more famous as an author, and you now live by it.
-Yet one day when you were writing, you were searching for one of the books you wanted to inspire your fight scene for, but...
-"I didn't order my library like that," you whispered.
-Your books, usually standing sentinel in perfect alignment, bore witness to an intrusion—an inexplicable disorder. 
-But you had this habit of putting in order books in a certain way. But it seemed someone messed it up.
-And it would be so strange for a stalker to just break into someone's house in order to...mess up their library ?
-What kind of shitty villain could do that ?
-You sighed.
 -The only one who could come in  your flat is Rudy, and it couldn't be Rudy since the guy was kind of obsessive with it too.
-Not a soldier for nothing, after all, being clean is part of it. 
-His library was impressive, he even gave advice to his local library about archives.
-So slowly, you pulled out one book, in order to put it back where it was supposed to be.
-You sighed, knowing it would take your night to do all the books.
-Until you noticed it.
-The letters.
-The first letters of each title were aligned.
-You stepped back, and you rode it.
-"I love you"
-You bite your lips and smiled.
-'Fucking idiot", you whispered, and you sent him a selfie with you and the books aligned.
-"Me too." you had texted.
-"I had thought you would never find it."
-"What do you mean ?"
-"It's been six months, it's like that."
-"What, no"
-"Fuck, you-"
-"I thought you didn't want to address it before I realized you just haven't seen it."
-"I'm so sorry; fuck, you must have been stressed."
-"Not really"
-False. He cried to Alejandro one month after he did it, and you didn't answer. But you would never know that.
-"Well, now you know it's reciprocated."
-"Thanks, love"
-"Have a good night, honey".
He smiled. It'll definitely be a good night, now he knows you said I love you.
If you want more : my COD masterlist
And my whole masterlist
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charmercharm3r · 9 months
Make Love, Not Porn
Hi, My Name Is
Masterlist, Story Masterlist
18+ content – minors, do not interact
wc: 7.7k
Synopsis: You crave a life of normalcy, he craves you. And he'd do anything to keep you, even if you're for the world to see.
warnings: smut, explicit sexual content, subby/service top!barista hyune, softdom!reader, oral (m), piv, protected sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, consensual recording, lmk if I missed anything :p to be so honest i have no idea what i wrote i kinda blacked out lol so if it’s ass..look away
Past Broadcasts : Puppeteer
Live : Hi, My Name Is
Next Scheduled Broadcast : Sunday
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Rule number five: know when to cut the cord.
But it was so difficult when he was literally showing up at your front door. You avoided him at all costs, acted like he didn’t exist, even found a new grocery store because it was too close to the coffee shop and you were terrified of the possibility of running into him there even if the chances were slim to none. There wasn’t even a reason for you to be scared to see him, he rejected you. He’s the one that should be embarrassed, turning down a ten out of ten.
Then again, he was a ten out of ten. A twelve out of ten, even. But why did he have to shove it in your face?
You were red in the face, light sheen of sweat all over your body when you’d heard the knock. The middle of the day and you were in the middle of a solo session, breaking in a new toy you’d gotten for the next stream. An hour had probably passed when you realized it just wasn’t working. Nothing was. The last time you’d been with Hyunjin was also the last time you’d cum, and it was frustrating the life out of you. As someone in this industry, cumming as many times as you wanted was one of the few motivators you had left. The amount of times you’d had to fake an orgasm on your streams was hurting your ego, as well as starting to get slightly suspicious to your regular viewers.
And now the sole object of your desire was behind a slab of wood that may as well have not been there at all. Your body heated up as soon as you saw him, like a warm hug. A fucking hug on the chilliest day of winter with a hot chocolate slipping down your throat. There’s also something else that would be awfully nice down you throat, and it’s behind the fucking door.
Through the peephole, you could see flowers and a coffee in his hand, biting his lip waiting for you to open. You hoped he didn’t hear you, that he’d assume you weren’t home and leave you alone for good. If you ignored him long enough, you’ll forget you’d ever even met him.
You backed away from the door when there was a second knock, hand still reached out holding the nob out of habit. The desire to open it was almost strong enough to override the nagging at the back of your head that told you “he’s just using you. He got in your pants so easily the first time, what’s to stop him from coming back for more?”
It was a ruse, it had to be, this grand gesture. He was love bombing you. There was something he wanted. If not just sex, then fifteen minutes of fame? Using you for your platform? Still, you wanted to see the best in him, creeping up to the door again and silently looking through the peephole again. He was biting the inside of his cheek, switching the coffee between his hands when it got too cold. At some point he’d put everything into one hand so that he could run his hand through his hair– you gasped a little at how effortlessly beautiful he was, not trying knowing no one was looking and still ethereal. He mumbled something to himself, you blinked then he suddenly dipped out of the frame.
He was finally gone. Another deep breath, your head rolled to the side and your back pressed to the wall, sliding down into a crouch probably a lot more dramatic than need be. But this felt dramatic, fucking theatrical like it was some poorly written fanfiction turned into a D-list casted movie. Twiddling your thumbs as if looking at them long enough would suddenly give you the answer, the small burst of adrenaline had finally begun to wear off, and sulking back into your pitiful showroom you went. 
Hyujin doesn’t know how long he’d been waiting outside your house. He’d eventually decided to make himself comfy on the floor with his back to the door. Flowers, coffee, and baked good set aside, he scrolled through his phone and kept himself busy until eventually, he’d fallen asleep. Head lolled to the side, mouth agape, and snoring in the hallway.
Then he’s suddenly falling backwards, beyond startled and looking up at… an angel?
“Definitely not an angel.”
Did I say that out loud?
Dazed, confused, a little gutpunched, Hyunjin sat up with your help. Just a light hand on his back until he realized you were touching him and he jumped to his feet and scrambled to grab the bouquet. Holding it out to you with shaking hands, “a peace offering.”
You looked at the gifts, leaned against the wall, and back up to his face, “what are you doing here, Hyunjin?”
He glanced around the room to take in the sight of your home without the prospect of sex slightly clouding his mind. It was cute, everything was so you, but also somehow entirely different to what he’d imagined your apartment would look like. It wasn’t reflective of your showroom, which was all neon lights and sultry furniture to keep the mood. The rest of the house was cozy with little pieces of decoration that screamed with personality. The dimming glow of the sunset lighting the living room was the perfect accessory.
Wait, sunset?
You peaked at where he was looking, “did you fall asleep?” Hyunjin nodded.
Now you felt bad, guilty even. You shouldn’t seeing as there was little to no established relationship and you didn’t owe him anything, but you did. His cheeks were puffy, pink tinted, and he still looked a little lethargic. Cute. Very cute. How badly you wanted to nibble on his cheeks cus they looked so edible. He looked edible.
No. Stop it.
“I would offer you a snack but the last time I did that you left me high and dry.”
He didn’t know if you were being serious, turning his attention back to you with a dumbfounded expression. “Really? You didn’t feel so dry to me.” Not a single ounce of shame, but also not trying to be smug. And no filter in his brain or mouth. “You didn’t call.”
Straight to the point.
Hyunjin invited himself in and headed for the kitchen he vaguely recalls following you into for said snack. He shuffled around in search of a vase, pushing the coffee into your chest when he finally found one and bumping into you because you were trailing so close behind. The little sip you took as he filled the vase with water to display on your kitchen counter made your body temperature soothe. 
“You didn’t stay,” the softness of your voice made his heart sink.
“Did you really want me to?”
How were you supposed to answer that? Say that, yes, I wanted you to stay so bad that I chose to ignore you instead of confront you because it’s easier to pretend you don’t exist than risk getting hurt again? Actually tell him that you haven’t been able to make yourself orgasm properly since the last time you were together? That he’s ruined how you view pleasure entirely? That sex and pleasure and dating and basic human relationships seems so fucking pointless if it’s not with him? To a man you’ve known for a week? No, that’s not an option. It’s batshit insane.
What’s also insane is how simple talking to him is. It’s psychotic that you feel more comfortable alone with him than you do people you’ve known for years. You’re delusional to think that this is more than physical attraction, even if it is. It’s so much more than that and every bone in you is telling you let the dainty red string pull you closer, let it guide you towards him. And god, you want to. It’s too good to be real, he’s not real. He’s a figment of your imagination that only exists in fairy tales because little red strings of fate don’t determine your life, they don’t tell you who you’ll love, it doesn't mean anything. Not a single fucking thing.
Now, why the fuck would you say that?
“You should’ve told me,” Hyunjin let out a sigh of what you think was relief.  His shoulders slouched forward and smiled up at the ceiling.
His nonchalant made you raise an eyebrow, “I offered! You declined!”
“Don’t yell at me. I left my phone number on your desk, you didn’t call. Drink before it gets watered down.” You frowned and took a sip. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“What are you talking about? What phone number?”
“The one on your desk? With the pretty drawing of you and the… y’know?”
“I didn’t see anything.”
“What?!” He slammed the bag with the baked item onto the counter and stormed through the apartment towards your showroom. You watched as he scoured the room, searching the bed, corners, your desk for whatever it is he was looking for.
Hyunjin had gotten on his hands and knees to look below it, finally to roll your chair back and pull the cupsleeve out from under it. The cardboard was smashed, crumpled, a little dirty. He stumbled to his feet to hold it in front of you, accompanying his raised, unamused brow.
“To be fair, I thought my chair was broken.”
“You didn’t even bother to look at why it might’ve been broken?!” You shrugged, sipping the coffee again. Hyunjin huffed and tossed the cup sleeve back onto your desk. “You’re insufferable. Where the fuck is your phone?”
“Don’t swear at me.” Pointing at the bed, Hyunjin rolled his eyes before taking it.
“Passcode?” You tell him the six digits to unlock it. “Is that your birthday?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll remember. I’ll even add it to your contact so that I get the notification.” After a few moments, he smiled triumphantly and tossed your phone next to the abandoned cupsleeve. “Now… Dinner?”
“That’s it?”
“What do you mean?”
“You forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive?”
“I left you outside.”
“For hours.”
“You fell asleep on my doorstep.”
“Where were you going, anyway? The sun was going down.”
“To get my mail.”
“What?! At night alone?! Now, that’s unforgivable.” Hyunjin took a step towards you, slim yet broad figure shielding yours from just about everything in your immediate vision. He leaned over, placing both of his hands on the sides of your head to hold you steady as he placed a simple kiss to your forehead.
The sudden affection made your brain short circuit because what the hell? How was he so okay with everything? It was almost like there was a wind up monkey toy holding cymbals inside his head that started clapping whenever his attention was taken somewhere else. But somehow, you were even more attracted to him, if that was even possible.
“Were you doing something in here? It smells like sweat.” He said and casually strolled out of your showroom. 
For hours, you and Hyunjin were in your kitchen. Half of that was spent trying to figure out what the two of you could cook without burning the house down. The conversation was so entertainingly mundane that neither of you realized how much time had truly passed, sun fully set and night sky helping illuminate the dimly lit living room. He insisted on doing most of the cooking when you both agreed that boxed pasta and premade red sauce would be the safest thing.
All you had to do was sit back and ogle his back muscles as he stirred the pot, maybe hand him a napkin or spoon when asked. The white shirt he wore was as thin as they come, tank top more than visible beneath it and making your mouth water. The room had become incredibly warm as Hyunjin put the wooden spoon to the side. With his back to you, you got to watch as both his hands threaded through his hair, gathering what he could, and tying it into a messy ponytail. God, how did he do that? That thing where he just exists and it makes you swoon? He needs to stop– it’s getting ridiculous how hearts were basically replacing your pupils.
“If it tastes horrible, lie to me and act like it doesn’t.” Hyunjin placed a full plate in front of you, taking the seat across from you.
For the most part, the meal itself was silent. There just weren’t any words that you could think coherently enough to speak. Great food, made especially for you, and by the most handsome boy you’d ever seen, why would you need to say anything? Hyunjin didn’t seem to mind. All it looked like he cared about was not taking his eyes off you.
It was just the littlest bit uneasy, but nothing that put you off. His stare was just intense, part of you thought he was reading your mind. However, if he could, you probably wouldn’t have had to spend a week apart.
“I don’t understand you,” you admit as you suddenly find your plate nearing clean.
“Do you have to?” He responded, putting his fork down and sitting back while adjusting to spread his knees.
“I’d like to.”
Oh, how his heart fluttered when you said that. It felt like a step in the right direction. “That’s the first time you’ve asked me something personal that isn’t related to sex.”
You frowned along with the small guilt that lingered over your shoulder. “This is only the fourth time we’ve met.”
“Most people ask this before taking their clothes off. I think I’ve told you before, you’re not like most people.” He could see you bite the inside of your cheek, making a cute pout that he could tell was coming from a place of an unnecessary amount of self awareness. “I like it, though. Why do you think I came back?”
“I don’t know why. That’s, like, the whole point of me saying, ‘I don’t understand you.’”
Hyunjin reached over the short distance between him and you, thumb smoothing the ruffle between your brows and you instantly relaxed. As awkward as he could be, he really knew how to make you feel so at ease, second nature for him to be comfort embodied. There was no judgment on his face or in his tone that you could see. If you had asked what he was thinking about, he would have answered with how pretty your cheeks glow after a good meal.
“That day, you agreed to come with me and… participate..?” Hyunjin nodded along and listened intently, continuing to lightly push your hair from your forehead and trace the outline of your cheek. “Then we showered and snacked and then you just… you left. And didn’t so much as twitch when you looked at me after we were done.”
His jaw wanted to drop to the floor just how it did in the cartoons. That was the only reaction he could emit as it all clicked into place. Why you didn’t look for him or stop by the coffee shop, why you were reluctant to open the door and accept his gift, the slightly cold shoulder you gave him when you so clearly wanted to be nothing but a blanket of warmth. “Is that what you think?”
Hyunjin’s heart hurt a little when you didn’t answer, but he also wanted to laugh in your face at how stupid all of this was. However, he had clocked it the second you two had a real conversation, and so laughing at you was probably the last thing he should do. Instead, he trailed his touch down your jaw, gently cupping your cheek. “You’re more than all this,” hands slid quickly, gesturing down your sides and back up. “So much more.”
The tears wanted to swell in your eyes at how sincere his voice was. He could’ve been lying, for all you knew, but the small part of you that wanted to believe him was also the biggest part of you that had always wanted someone to tell you those small words. The small part of you that wanted to be wanted was also the biggest part of you that wanted him. It was all so confusing, you understood him perfectly but also not at all. Hyunjin could read you easily by now, you were like an open book to him.
“But I was naked.”
“And so fucking beautiful,” practically gritted through his teeth because just saying the words couldn’t express the painfully good clenching in his chest. Hyunjin pulled back for a second to stand up and shrink to his knees in front of you, reaching up again to take your cheeks in both of his hands. “But how could I look at just your body when there is so much up here to get to know?”
There it was again, all the right words executed perfectly in spite of how great of a wall you put between you and him. Hyunjin smoothly pressed a kiss to your forehead, for emphasis or not, it made you shut your eyes tightly and the tears silently rolled. His thumbs were swiping it away before making it over the hill of your cheekbone, and he was standing to take your empty dishes into the kitchen for cleaning.
You were absolutely stunned. Unsure of where to go, how to act, what to say, you simply watched him quickly wash the plates with an endearing smile all the way across his cheeks before he was taking your hand to lead you towards the couch. He sat you next to him, millimeters apart and reading your body language. Definitely in need of a lighter mood.
Hyunjin stuck his hand out for a handshake.
“What’re you doing?” Your voice cracked.
“Hi, my name is Hyunjin. You’re incredibly gorgeous and I’d love to take you out sometime.”
“If this is some kind of roleplay–”
“It’s not,” he took your hand from your lap to connect with his. “This is me wanting to know you, and you wanting to know me. I don’t know what you do for a living, and you don’t know what my dick looks like. Just people.”
Just people, that sounded nice.
You hesitated, then shook his hand. “Hi, I’m Y/N.”
“So Y/N, can I take you on a date? Maybe have a picnic in the park, grab some cheap painting supplies and go paint near the river, dessert at the best ice cream spot I know. We can make it a nice day.” He tucked his hand back into his lap respectfully, throwing the other over the back of the couch to get just the littlest bit close to you.
“I’d like to, but I’m lactose intolerant.”
“See, I’d say that’s a lie because of your coffee order. But since I don’t know you, I’m going to take your word for it and offer a cake place that I’ve heard great reviews about.”
“I don’t like frosting–”
“Just go on a date with me!” He raised his voice slightly with aggravation, teasing annoyance because he knew you were being difficult on purpose. You couldn’t help but giggle as he pretended to squish your cheeks when in reality, he was forcing down his cute aggression to keep from taking a loving bite out of you.
Your cheeks warmed up at his reaction, endearing and all together cute. He was a weird combination of adorable and sexy, even now with strands of his hair falling in front of his face, glasses hanging on the front of his shirt but a gold chain peeking out from behind the neckline that would look so good dangling in your face. You couldn’t help taking the glasses and opening them, slipping it onto his face. Hyunjin let you toy with his look by lightly brushing his hair away and pulling the necklace out of its hiding place. He raised his eyebrows when you were done. The skin of his neck tingled from where your fingertips had barely grazed.
“If you dress like this, I’m all yours.”
For a second, he didn’t know what to say as that was all he wanted to hear. For all of the smooth moves and suave lines, there were the split moments where he radiated nothing but dorkiness wanting to flood out.
“If you keep saying things like that, I might just kiss you.”
“What’s stopping you?”
“I– I don’t really know.” There it was, eyebrows knit together in genuine confusion.
While he sulked back into the cushion, you placed a gentle hand over his, just gauging the touch barrier. Hyunjin didn’t seem to mind, but rather he intertwined his fingers with yours as he fell deeper into thought. “I wanna go on a date with you,” the admittance had him darting you a quick, hopeful glance. “But, I don’t know how to do this.”
“That’s okay!” He was quick to perk up and make your grimace back a little at his sudden burst in energy. Hyunjin tightened his grip on your hand for reassurance. “I think our expertise just lies in different areas.”
“I’m not following.”
He jutted out his bottom lip with fake sympathy, scratching the underside of your chin. “If you didn’t notice, I’m not the most intuitive when it comes to sex.”
That was a shock. “I dunno about that,” an honest answer that made him shy away with a laugh.
“My experience is incomparable to yours, and not in a bad way! Just, maybe there were some things I was missing.”
You thought back to the moment you had with him, how unsure he seemed when you spoke about sex and masturbation, he seemed truly mind blown and eager to know more. 
“And I can tell, you haven’t had the easiest times with relationships. I think we can learn from each other.”
“This feels like a weird, illegal exchange.” You frowned again. “But I kinda like it.”
His heart raced, yours was beating a million miles an hour. There was a tension in the air that could’ve gone one of two ways. The first being that you pop open a bottle of wine and put on a good movie. There’s chocolate truffles in the cupboard, you could always grab a bowl to have with the wine. Sweet compliments sweet, Hyunjin might enjoy it. Perhaps you could end the night with a kiss, maybe a cuddle if it went that far. You’d see him again, you didn’t have a doubt about it. You’ve got his number now, there’s no more excuses.
The second, was how things actually went.
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You mentally thanked your friend for giving you these dim lights for the living room, they made his honey skin look so edible.
Hyunjin doesn’t know when it happened, you don’t know when it happened. Just that there were half finished glasses of wine on the coffee table, the movie long passed the rolling credits, and that you were on your knees between his legs, staring at his cock with the roundest, glitteriest eyes he’d ever seen.
Your bra strap was slipping off your shoulder along with the entire cup threatening to be overflowed by your breast, he wished it would. More than that, he wished you would stop teasing him. All you were doing was tracing the pad of your finger over his slit, collecting the leaking precum and spreading it around the tip. The warmth of your breath splayed over the skin of his pelvis made goosebumps rise across every inch of his skin, giggling as he shivered.
“How did this even– ah, ah– happen?”
Vibrations of your chuckle prolonged his shuddering, “dunno. I’m not upset about it, though. Unless… unless you are?” You backed away from his cock and expression replaced with something dead serious.
“No, no! God, please keep going.” Hyunjin reached out to thread his fingers in your hair, but a quick slap on his wrist made him retreat.
“Nuh, uh. You haven’t earned that yet.”
Hyunjin repressed a groan, “sorry, sorry.”
He felt overly exposed even if you were just as naked as he was, you actually more so than him. The blurred memory of how this even started was brought back when he glanced at your discarded shirt hanging on the armrest of the couch, your house shorts and his white tee in another pile on the ground next to you. His pants and boxers were puddled around his ankles, and that was what made his face burn. Whatever was to happen next, say you wanted him to carry you to the bedroom or pin you against the wall, he’d literally be caught with them around his ankles. It’s a problem he can’t put on to you, but it still made him flustered nonetheless.
You were a few inches from his bare southern region, now, having to sit up taller so that his leaking dick didn’t obstruct from maintaining eye contact with him. “I… really like you,” tone as small as it could go without turning into a whisper.
“I really like you, too.” As antsy and anxious as he was, Hyunjin restrained from bucking into your face.
“There’s something I wanna do, only if you wanna, too. I think you might like it? Y– you can say no! No hard feelings! I just think that I’ll be seeing you a lot a– and you already know what my job is–”
He leaned forward to tip your chin higher, “I trust you.”
Blush covered your cheeks in a millisecond and it made Hyunjin smile smugly. When you turned around to grab your phone on the coffee table and prop it up against the wine bottle, he got the idea. Before you unlocked it, you spun back to face him. “I need you to say that this is okay.” Not that you didn’t trust him, as well, but you have every reason not to. Not just morally, but this was your career on the line if something were to go haywire.
“I am okay with this. Turn on the camera.”
You nodded excitedly, “this is just for us.”
The angle at which you positioned your phone made it so that his face wasn’t showing, only the view of your body between his knees sitting prettily for him. Hyunjin could see the screen and throbbed even harder, he was torn between looking at you and looking at the hottest video you’ve ever made to date. Or, about to make– with him. Even if no one else is ever going to see this, the act of being recorded made him harder than he’s ever been.
Blipping of the recording being started, you settled comfortably again locked between his legs. Hands strolling up the insides of his naked thighs, Hyunjin’s breath grew heavier the closer in you came. He could feel your body heat again as he prayed you would hurry up. The camera couldn’t pick up the way you ogled his cock, the way you licked your lips, or the way you looked up at him through your lashes just as you stuck the tip of your tongue out to gather the bead precum and swallow. Hyunjin let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in and the sound of his sigh made you giggle again.
“Can I?” You asked all too sweetly for what it is you wanted.
“So kind,” praised before he was about to be destroyed.
Absolutely obliterated, total annihilation, earth-splitting and volcanoes erupting the same way he did as soon as your mouth took in the tip of his cock. He blew on the spot, and you sucked him through his orgasm until he was dry and shriveled up with embarrassment. “Fuck– god, oh my– fuck, I‘m sorry! I’m so sorry!” He continued to twitch into your mouth as you licked up whatever remained.
It didn’t even seem to phase you, his premature finish was more than worthy of a few reprimands, possibly making him leave all together and deleting his number. Less than satisfactory. But it made you all the more excited. Where he crumbled is where you saw potential to create skyscrapers of pleasure, all intended to blow his mind.
An easy swallow of his seed down your throat, you kissed the inside of his thighs in reassurance. “‘S okay. I liked it,” honest as honest can be.
“Tell me if I should pull my pants up and leave so I can save whatever dignity I have left.”
“Dignity is overrated. Degradation is a whooole lot more fun. Plus,” showing off his whiteness on your tongue, you licked a stripe up the center of his dick and Hyunjin shuddered again, “you’re really sensitive.”
Hyunjin sat back and let it happen to him, he couldn’t find the strength to so much as tell you when he was about to cum again because it was so painfully good. It didn’t take very long or very much effort on your part, simply having to massage his balls and pinch the skin of his pelvis while your tongue worked minimal magic as you kept him sheathed in your warm, wet mouth. His nails raked across the couch cushion in a way that made you feel a little bad that he couldn’t touch you. Just a little. “Did so good for me. Think you can do one more, baby?”
He was on the verge of saying no, until you stood up. Amidst his plummeting energy and evergrowing sensitivity, Hyunjin didn’t have half the mind to remember that you were just as needy as he was. You were having so much fun playing with him that you almost forgot, as well. The face he makes when he cums is the hottest thing you’ve ever seen, you were this close to rutting against his leg like a fucking dog. You’d do it, too, shamelessly. However, you figured you could save that for another day. This was about him. 
You stood, ass taking up the entire view in the camera. You let him watch you strip, unclipping your bra and tossing it somewhere forgotten. Evening the score, you tugged at the hem of his tank top to discard, although you were teetering back and forth on letting him keep it on. Next off was your panties, left along on the floor before you began to climb into his lap.
Oh god, you were straddling him. Really straddling him. Wet pussy on full display, knees spread and so close to his cock that he could feel the dampness on his own skin. Or was that just cus you were sloppy earlier? He didn’t care, nor did he have to try to get hard again seeing as he never went soft.
You didn’t sit fully, hovering over him with the only skin touching being your thighs on his and your arms draped over his shoulder. Hyunjin found comfort in the heat as you wiped away the sweaty hair sticking to his forehead, leaning deeper into your touch. When you dragged your hands down his arms to guide them to hold onto your waist, he struggled not to buck his hips up into you. He thought about how you might laugh when you rewatch the footage later, but Hyunjin couldn’t bring himself to care no matter how ridiculous it looked. He knows that he was rutting into nothing but the air, but the increase in heat when he got close to your cunt was more than satisfactory if you decided it wasn’t what you wanted.
Except you were ready to go for it and was reaching for the side drawer for condoms, even if it meant overstimulating him even more. He wouldn’t protest, he wanted it just as much. “Are you okay?” You asked concerned when he tucked his face into your shoulder.
“Mhm,” he muttered against you, “want you so bad.”
You reached back and between his legs, dragging a delicate finger up from the bottom of his balls to the base of his cock. Hyunjin trembled and molded deeper into your frame. You chuckled, “I can tell, baby. But can you handle it? You’re so worked up already, I don’t wanna break you when we’re just getting started.”
“I can, I can!” He looked up at you with glistening eyes, full of tears and determination. “Please, please, please.” Hyunjin’s hips bucked up again, hitting the inside of your thigh and you pushing him back down.
“Calm, baby. We’ve got all the time in the world. Deep breaths, now.”
Hyunjin followed your lead when you inhaled through your nose and let out a deep exhale. He continued to do so even though you were pressing your lips to his forehead, even though you were trailing them across his cheeks and skipping over his lips. He puckered them, ready to be suffocated by your kisses. But when you planted just a peck on his, he audibly whimpered, to which you laughed and continued down his neck.
Oh, he was extra sensitive there. And when you sat back on his knees to tweak both his nipples? Ascendance.
Hyunjin threw his head back and moaned just as loud as he did when you put him in your mouth. “No, no, don’t wanna cum again,” he murmured, but didn’t try to resist your touch.
Still, you pulled away and placed your hands on his chest. “No? Too much?”
“Wanna make you cum first,” he suddenly grasped the undersides of your thighs and lifted the two of you off the couch. Neither of you had noticed his shins knocking the coffee table as he laid you on your back lengthwise with the couch, lifting your legs up so he could slot himself between them and over his shoulders.
It was a pleasant surprise, his display in strength and stamina, you were proud that he could keep going. The off-guard giggle you let out only spurred him to continue, cupping both your cheeks and stealing the kiss for himself. You couldn’t stop it, didn’t want to as he fit against you so perfectly. Cut through the tension like a knife did the passionate kiss prove to both of you that it was more than just physical attraction. Still, sometimes words do speak louder than actions.
You reached between your bodies to guide him towards your entrance, needing nothing but a moan against his lips to confirm to go further. The stretch was more than you anticipated, burning so euphorically good with a side of neediness for him to move faster. As if you could take all of him in one go, foolish. It’d been a long while since you’d been with someone worthy of sticking their dick in you, this was much different than a plastic toy.
Though, he was worth the wait, even if it did make you pathetically whimper into his mouth. It was just the ego boost he needed, no longer feeling ashamed of his previous poor performance. You still wanted more, you were clawing at his biceps and he was swallowing every one of your moans until his thighs met your ass cheeks.
He wanted to blow for a third time just being inside you, feeling the pulsing of your walls and slick dripping down his balls. Hyunjin used every muscle in him not to begin fucking into you like an animal, brain somehow stronger than the primal need inside him. But while he watched for any sign that you were uncomfortable, trying to be overly vigilant that he wasn’t truly paying attention to see you locking your ankles behind his neck and beginning to fuck yourself back and forth on his cock. His hands were planted near your head, realizing what it is you were doing when you bit your lip and held onto his wrists.
Hyunjin laughed into the air, the kind of laugh as though he had just won the lottery because holy fuck, he did. He watched as you bounced up and down, swiveled side to side, using him like one of your dildos suction cupped to the wall. Except he was the dildo, being used and abused until you felt satisfied. 
“So tight– so hot ‘nd wet. God, you’re so cute, oh my god. Don’t ever stop fucking me, please, please. So good, too good.”
The drip of his sweat from his forehead onto yours broke your cock-induced fever, “why am I doing all the work, baby? You started this, so finish it.” You stopped dead in your tracks and slumped back into the couch.
Hyunjin was more than happy to fuck you silly, if he hadn’t already cum twice and was running on fumes. Alas, he did his best and it was perfectly enough. You had run him ragged for your first time having sex, you couldn’t blame him for being sloppy. 
His best was still better than average, even if his pants were still stuck around his ankles. As he stood up straight and took the hook of your knees into his hands, Hyunjin let his head fall back to summon whatever energy he had left stored in the tank. Surprisingly, it was a lot. He was dripping in sweat, down his temples, neck, and chest and red blush had flushed his supple skin, but he was still the prettiest thing you’d ever seen.
He could say the same thing about you. Although your state was less messy than his, you still looked absolutely fucked out and desperate. Teeth sunk into your bottom lip so hard he was scared you would draw blood, pinching your nipples and occasionally reaching up to claw at his chest. You and him were both worked up and on the verge of crying like a bunch of babies overstimulated by everything around them. 
Your fingers found their way to your clit once he started to move, fast and unrestrained while trying not to blow before you again. Just perfectly did he fit inside you to the point where you were really questioning how the hell you had sex with other people when he was right there all along. This was nothing like your past experiences, fuck whatever it was Hyunjin thought they were like, this was something else entirely. Like waking up on Sunday morning thinking it’s Monday and being able to blissfully fall back asleep. The day when you have no responsibilities or weight on your shoulders and all you feel is relaxed. When you have nothing to do but wake up at noon to feed yourself then crawl back to bed to loaf. A lover coming home after months apart and being able to inhale their scent like it’s the first time all over again. The first cold day of autumn and the first warm day of spring. He’s Sunday. 
Hips against hips, skin slapping skin, sweat mixing and creating the particular cloud of odor where anyone who walked in would know what the two of you did. Hyunjin would stick his tongue out in concentration to make sure he was repeatedly hitting that spot that makes your eyes roll back and toes curl. He was so good at it that after a while, he didn’t need to hold you up anymore. 
Eventually he let your legs rest around his waist so he could hunch over you again, kissing your lips so sweetly in stark contrast to how hard his cock was prodding into your soft spot. He wasn’t moving roughly, but rather strong strokes that made you really feel his entire length slipping in and out of your aching cunt. Slick sounds of your bodies connecting layered the already adulterous moans leaving the both of you, your neighbors will for sure have a complaint about it tomorrow.
Hyunjin fell onto his elbows, millimeters from your face as his thrusts slowed. The way he looked at you, as though he’d set his eyes on the most sought after piece of art. In a way, he was. Of all the people that have seen you completely bare and beg for your attention, all the people you’ve met, spoken to, kissed, fucked, he couldn’t bring himself to care about any of that because you were under him now.
The almost stagnant nature of his movements wasn’t frustrating or annoying. You enjoyed it, more than any kind of rough or needy sex you’ve had with past partners. He wasn’t touching you like you usually would’ve needed, but still felt the bubble in your stomach wanting to burst. If he kept looking at you like, if he kept kissing you so delicately and fucking you just like this, it will.
His palm brushed the hair from your face, keeping it on the top of your head as if to surround you in purely him. 
“My sweetheart.”
Why was that what had to make the bubble pop? As soon as the words left his mouth and you saw the smitten smile on his face, your legs locked around his waist and nails raked down his back as white heat suffocated your body. You felt his face hide in your neck and latch onto the skin above your pulse, sucking a bruising mark as you came down and it was your turn to be covered in goosebumps. Hyunjin hadn’t realized he’d cum again until you were hugging him tighter to your chest, falling limp on top of you and all the adrenaline finally wearing off.
Nuzzled tight into him until both your breaths were regular and in sync, shutting your eyes while his tongue kitten licked over the sore spots he’d been teething at, neither of you wanted to leave from behind the thin veils of bliss. Though, returning to reality with him didn’t seem so bad.
“Baby, clean up time,” you cooed in his ear, to which you got no response but a soft snore. The giggle that left your lips was hushed to let him rest a little longer. But after a few minutes, the stickiness of the sweat was becoming uncomfortable, scratching his scalp a bit harder to gently wake him. Hyunjin hummed into you as he acknowledged the signal. “C’mon Hyune, shower.”
Wordlessly, he clambered off of you and let you lead him to the bathroom again, stopping in the hallways for towels together so that you wouldn’t have to leave him alone. Similar routine to last time except when it was time for you to clean, he opted to stand out of the shower stream until you were finished because he wanted to stay as close to you as possible. 
And when the both of you were clean, dry, and ready for bed, Hyunjin spoke again as you walked hand in hand into your bedroom. “You called me Hyune.”
“Hm? That’s your name, isn’t it?” You smirked and pulled him deeper into the room. For a second, he took a look around and immediately felt like he’d been here before, comfortably familiar. 
As you guided him towards the bed and lifted the cover for him to slide under, he suddenly woke up from your unintentional trance. “No, Hyune’s a nickname.”
“Is it okay if I call you Hyune?” A soft question as you get into bed beside him, the pair of you shamelessly naked and tangled in one another’s limbs. 
“Yeah, or baby.” You nodded against the pillow, sweeping a hand through his hair again when he rolled on his side to face you.
The two of you stared at one another for what could’ve been minutes or hours, neither of you knew. But you were on the verge of falling asleep as he placed a supple kiss on your forehead. It sparked the small memory of the long forgotten phone that had recorded the entire event. It jolted him awake as well when you suddenly got up from bed to run through the apartment to retrieve it.
Hyunjin was sat up on his elbows when you returned and gratefully took in the sight of you naked once again, feeling light as a feather.
You had ended the recording and pulled up the video to realize it was four hours long. Hyunjin gawked and laughed when he saw the time stamp. He rolled onto his back and opened his arms for you to lay in as you watched the video together.
Everything was just as he’d seen it happening from the beginning until you took off your undergarments. If the both of you weren’t deadbeat tired, it probably would’ve turned you on and sparked a second round. Instead you both could watch it with admiration and fondness.
“Oh, that was so sexy when you did that,” he said in reference to you running a finger across his balls as you straddled him.
“I like when you hold me like this,” you commented about how far and tightly his arms wrapped around your torso.
You both criticized and critiqued the video, only able to find positives to praise one another about until it was time for him to flip the positions. The clip showed Hyunjin lifting you up then standing, and suddenly the table shook and the camera tipped over. The frame showed the opposite end of the couch that you were on, the only thing on screen being the tail end of your lower halves, mostly his ass in the air and your feet dangling in the air. You both burst into a deep gutted laugh and were unable to catch your breaths at how funny the scene looked from that angle.
“Everything was so good!” You joked, pausing the video and zooming in to see his butt in the air.
“I don’t even remember hitting the table,” he admitted while taking the phone and looking closer. “At least my butt looks good.”
“You do have a cute butt.”
“Look at your little feet!” He zoomed into your feet just barely in the upper right corner of the frame.
“Not for free!” Snatching the phone back, you lock it and toss it onto the bedside table.
“I was literally balls deep in you and you’re worried about me seeing your feet?”
“That’s different!”
He rolled his eyes and untucked his arm from beneath your head to lay his own on your chest. “Whatever. I’m not a big foot guy anyways.”
“That thing poking my thigh says otherwise.”
“I can’t even feel my dick right now, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
tags: @babebatter @changbinluvr @epiphanynaffit @fawnpeaks @linovely @dumplinbokkieracha @finnydraws @naturules @djeniryuu @skzhomiehopper @yesv01 @hyunjinsamdl @dazzlingligth @alexis-reads-fics @0002linoskitten @chillichillicrabcrab23 @zerefdragn33l @straycrescent @binnies-donuts @soldierstangirl-blog @bakedlilgoonie @levanterlily @shelbyyy44 @yeetmehome @in2heartz @astroodledream @the-sweetest-rose @lilbugs-things @viviennenstan @staurdvst @alex--awesome--22 @imzenning @jeyelleohe @iadorethemskz @skyvastbunny @mamabymychem @katsukis1wife @woozarts @noellllslut @straykids5star @like-a-diamondinthesky
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johnnys-breastmilk · 2 months
prison for life | johnny slaughter x gn!reader
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a/n — I don't really like this lol, butttttt the low amount of Johnny content constitutes that the worst fics must be posted for the quantity
summary — Johnny got into a fight over you at the bar you own, and you patch him up.
words — 1.9k
warnings — mentions of blood and Johnny getting more scars. language
Watching people trickle out of the bar and onto the gravel pathway leading to your bar was always a treat—wishing them a safe travel home and a safer time searching for their keys while they laughed at the jokes the regulars heard every night and the newcomers would eventually get sick of. It’s what the final few minutes of any establishment should strive for. You got to be a part of the community from behind the bar, towel slung over one shoulder and the stream of a bottle flying over the next with the help of your many acquired flashy tricks. The final drink would be made just for you, by yourself. What wasn’t fun was watching them leave with shock and awe painted on their faces, the women ogling the man that just clobbered another out cold. The men with their spouses left in a hurry, both in fear of what happened moments before and nervousness that Johnny would snake his arm around those he stared at all night; his intentions for staring? Unclear. The line at which he would go from another bar patron to your champion of contest was equally so. Closing time should be that, but here you were, serving your last patron with alcohol that didn’t go anywhere near his mouth. It was for a scar on his shoulder…and for the nosebleed…and for his de-rooted tooth…and for the scar on his face. You would definitely need another drink after this. 
Maybe two, just to see if Johnny was still alive. Still in the real world, if he was in it to begin with. His pain tolerance was uncomfortably high and he didn’t wince as much as you would in this situation. He proved it when he spoke, his voice low and gruff but still permeating through to the levity you were used to.
“Another scar to add to the collection.” He smirked, revealing the blood staining his teeth and wrinkling the blood that had dried on his skin just under his nose. 
He could fight pretty well, but everyone has a center of gravity and the guys from the city possessed the knowledge to know how to tip him over like cattle. But Johnny actually did tip cattle, he was the one getting his hands dirty almost every day. He was used to meatheads. So in a quick motion of left-hooks and failed dodges, Johnny had the man on the floor within seconds.
“And another tooth lost.” You said, swishing around the one that was sitting at the bottom of an empty drinking glass. It rattled and clinked against the inside of the glass like someone dunked the body of a savior—your savior—in a stoup. While it was covered and stained with blood from the root it had been separated from, you could see between the red striping over it to notice the yellow staining—a trademark of bad hygiene. At certain angles, there seemed to be a black spot that was insidiously drilling into his tooth to rot it from the inside. “At least the cavity’s gone.”
“I got more of ‘em, though. Plenty, like shark teeth.” His smirk stretched into a wide grin, flashing his teeth in your direction. The gap between his teeth would have led you to believe he was missing something much bigger, but it was probably just your own head struggling to recognize it as a new feature on his face. It wasn’t like his fresh cuts that would turn to scars and eventually fade, no. Every time he smiled, smoked a cigarette, or bared his teeth to threaten someone, there would always be something missing now. 
“I’ll count each row and if there aren’t fifty… Well, I know where one is. You want it?” Good thing there wasn’t anything missing in your relationship. He still bickered and didn’t lose his bite after the loss of one molar. 
“Nah, just chuck it.” He didn’t want it to be more trouble than it was worth. It was his DNA—not yet incriminating for the time but it would be harder to identify him based on dental records, for the little paper trail he had left behind.
While he didn’t want to take home the proof that he didn’t walk away from the fight unscathed, he still won the fight. You tried to remind him of that, “Hey, you get to tell your family about the other guy when you get home. I think they will be pretty happy to hear that you’re okay. Minus one tooth.”
He laughed. This would be the part where he’d usually take a drink between pauses during the many conversations you shared with him before, his hand cupping at the air in a reflex before lightly knocking against the wooden bar with a flat palm. Almost in defeat; it was the same hand he had successfully tipped a cow down with one punch. “Sure… they’ll be real worried.”
You set the glass down as he tried picking one up, moving over to the first aid kit that was open and ripped apart from the inside, unpacking all of the quick medicinal fixes it had to offer. Johnny had a few cuts and you rushed to get it when the fight turned serious. Now that it had de-escalated: the man still on the floor with glass shards surrounding him, Johnny returning to the seat he’d been occupying at the bar all night, it made you feel a little overreactive to the situation.
Rounding the bar, you filled the space atop the empty brown stool next to Johnny. He leaned in your direction, brandishing his wounded shoulder with ease thanks to his sleeveless black tank. There was one deep cut heading straight for his bursa in the middle of his shoulder and a few lighter ones surrounding it that would only need  to be cleaned and bandaged. The man didn’t speak and Johnny didn’t wince when you started patching him up. You were using vodka to treat his wounds, and a small glass of water to clean that after you wiped away the blood. The towel you usually had slung over your shoulder was now turning a deep red from its vibrant white, matted down with his blood. Lightly, you dabbed a little at his face, but he wouldn’t really turn to look in your direction. Once they were all clean, it was time to start on his dwelling laceration: you started on the right side and pierced the surface of his skin to lightly sew it back together. Johnny was a little squeamish to the feeling, but it started looking better towards the end. Too bad you couldn’t do the same for his tooth.
“Try not to move that arm so much or I’ll have to put another stitch in it.” You tried to get his mind onto something else and decided that being a pain in his ass would be better than letting his mind settle on the pain in his shoulder and face. You had two stitches or so left to do before you could tie off the thin thread. “C’mon, you can tell them about how you kicked that guy out!”
“He came at me with a glass after I asked him to leave. Not much of a story to tell.” Johnny sounded a bit unamused, like the work he did was conscientious to the liking of a law enforcer.
“That’s not how I remember it.” Johnny came up to the guy, commanding him to leave for the things he overheard. When he refused to leave, Johnny grabbed him by the arm with enough strength to lift him out of his seat. The man’s drink spilled out of his glass, and in an undefinable rage, he hit Johnny with the glass on his left shoulder—the same side as the arm he used to pull him away from his source of intoxication. You only caught wind of the last action, returning from the back office with a rack of clean drinking glasses that you let slip out of your grasp when you saw Johnny get hit. The noise caused him to turn to look at you, revealing the scar across his face from one of the shards of glass grazing his cheek from the impact on his shoulder to cut him up.
“Listen!” He snarled out, shooting up and pulling away from you. You just had to tie the knot at this point. “I woulda kept my cool but he—”
“I don’t pay you to keep your cool.” And you were right, he kind of just came in and occupied a seat in the bar. He would stare at people when they barked at you—his warm brown eyes hardening into dirt-colored pebbles and silica daggers, unseen but felt. Sometimes, these men would take it too far and he’d cause them to fall face-first into the dirt outside after a harsh eviction. What would Johnny do with this guy? You could probably drag him out of the place if you really tried, but Johnny could lift like he ate—big and hefty. 
“You don’t pay me nothin’” But he was right, too. He wasn’t the typical image of security. He wasn’t big enough to block doors, he didn’t sit at the entrance, and he sure as hell didn’t care to card people walking in. 
“Except in free drinks. Get a six-pack out of the cooler on your way out, you earned it. Just… don’t drink it ‘till you’re home?” There was a black refrigerator by the door with a glass panel taking up most of the hinged door in front of it. Of all the things to get broken in the fight, you wouldn’t expect a measly cup to go first.
Or for your heart to shatter, when Johnny asked with a little bit of surprise, “You worried about me?”
“About myself. I don’t have the strength or gall to take on the farmers around here.” You pulled on the string hanging from his shoulder, tying it into a knot. You decided in the brief moment between spoken words that Johnny would be fine without treating his face if it was only cleaned. “And you have to get that guy home—that’s your last job of the night. I’ll help you throw him into your pickup, yeah?”
“But he, he said things about you I didn’t like.” You turned to the first-aid kit, reaching in for the tiny pair of scissors to cut the extra thread. When you turned back, you spoke with intrigue.
“Like what?” 
“I don’t want to think about it. He might not make it home safe if I do.” Johnny smirked, his eyes wandering off into his own fantasy for a moment at the things he could do to the man on the floor. 
“Fine, I won’t pry.” You finished up stitching him, closing the book on the night’s chaos. Johnny got out of his stool, standing over the guy with both legs on either side of his unconscious body. He reached down and hoisted him up by the shoulders, being intentionally careless as he let his legs drag and hit against the table and chair legs on his way out. You got a six-pack for him—a Pearl beer, his favorite—and followed him out to his old Chevy. Johnny didn’t tear any of his stitchings when throwing the guy into the back of his truck, and the drunken bastard didn’t wake up to any of Johnny’s rough handlings. You said your goodbyes to him and wished the guy a safe and bumpy travel home, but he would never walk back into the bar again.
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You Promised..
♡♡-Request: Poly!Satosugu x reader. Reader and Satoru helped Suguru from spiraling down a dark path. Adopting the two girls, Megumi and his sister. Everything will be fine now, right?
Content: Death, possession, reader is in a relationship w/ gojo and geto, angst, crying, depressive themes
Wc: 1.3k
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There was darkness. Thick black fog, hanging over his head, covering his eyes everywhere he went. Which direction should he take? Choices. Decisions. The roaring sound of the clapping mixed with the stream of shower water. His eyes blown wide, over and over and over. He couldn't get it out of his head. When did it end? Would it end? 
"Suguru?" He blinked, eyes slowly coming into focus when he heard Satoru's voice. "You've been in there a while, you good?" 
Was he? "Yeah…just thinking." Silence. Followed by more silence until Satoru spoke again. "Well, we're going to get lunch and hang out in her room today. Do you want to come?" Should he? Would they notice the dark swirling thoughts inside him? He shouldn't. He should. Decisions. What should he choose? "Yeah..I'll meet you guys there." 
That night, he found out they knew; you and Satoru knew. The darkness that plagued his mind, you two knew and brought him out of it. There were tears, hugs, kisses…though it probably wasn't the time, everyone confessed that night. More tears were shed as you shared a bed, huddled together. And for once, Suguru didn't feel alone. Or lost. Drowning in that repetitive clapping. As time went on, he got better. The heavy bags under his eyes ceased, his smile came back again. You all became a couple; shared kisses and late night snuggles. 
And when Suguru found the two girls in the village, he took them in. Appeasing the villagers. You and Satoru didn't mind, he'd taken in Megumi and his sister too. Everything was falling into place. He had a purpose again, something to strive for. 
Years went by and he's in his early 20s, the kids had grown. Attending their regular school until they were old enough to join Jujutsu High. 
You sighed, "I got an assignment. Said it's supposed to take four days." He listened to you say, placing a salty chip into your mouth. "Alone?" He questioned. A feeling of dread settled in his stomach. You gave him a smile. "Yes. Satoru is off on his own and you need to be here for the kids." Your hand gestured to the two girls huddled at the table, doing their homework. "What if-" "It won't." You reassured him, pressing your warm palm to his cheek. Which he gladly leaned into. He nodded, moving to press a kiss. "Okay, but call us if you need help. I'm serious." You nodded. He should've felt at ease but his stomach still nursed dread. 
Four days had gone by. The kids had made a welcome home sign for you; even if Megumi was reluctant. 
Him and Satoru held it; a wide smile on Satoru's face and a small gentle one on his. It was cheesy. But the girls had insisted, saying they missed their mom. Suguru felt his heart clench when they said that you truly were good to them. And him, Satoru. "Any minute now!" Satoru practically vibrated, his sunglasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. "Careful. She might mistake you for a puppy with those movements." He just stuck his tongue out, making Suguru laugh. The sound of his laughter was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. 
"Mom!" The girls yelled, running immediately to the door. "We missed you!" You stood there, eyeing them before tilting your head. "I missed you too…little ones (?)" There was a hesitancy in your voice that Suguru caught. Maybe you were tired? Bad mission? Many reasons, so he tried to push down his worry and greeted you with a smile. "Welcome home," Already, Satoru was the next to run over. Throwing his arms around your neck but you didn't immediately hug back. Or giggle, like you usually do. Was the mission that bad? He made a mental note to ask you later.  
Days went by and you didn't change. Your usual perky and upbeat self was nonexistent. And he didn't mention it, with fear of coming off as rude, but…there was a smell. That only came from you. Like you haven't bathed. And he was sure he'd seen you go into the bathroom, claiming to go shower. Were you lying to keep him from being worried? 
"Somethings off, Satoru." He sighed, resting his head on his back. Arms wrapped tightly around him. "I've been there, I think something really bad happened on her mission. I think she might be spiraling, like I did." The white haired man took what he said, nodding his head. 
"Maybe we should go for a walk? Some fresh air? Maybe it'd do her some good. We could all go, as a family."
Suguru's heart fluttered at the word, he nodded. "I think that's a good idea." Satoru turned in his hold, pressing a kiss to his head. "Don't worry, everything will be okay. We're the strongest, remember?" Suguru nodded, placing his head on his chest. Basking in his comfort for a few moments before they sought you out. 
"Hey…we're going to go for a walk. As a family, I think you should come."
You looked at him. He couldn't read your expression but you accepted. And that was enough to ease his worry, temporarily, offering you his hand. Even though you hesitated, he felt good about this. That this would be what you needed. That his silly, caring, loving girlfriend would come back to him. And he'd be the one to pull you from your despair like you had for him. 
The air was chilly, nipping at his cheeks as you all walked. Your hand in his and Satoru holding his other. The girls tagging along behind, kicking rocks to one another. It was peaceful. Perfect. Suguru looked up to the sky, eyes closed slightly as he basked in the moment. Giving a tentative squeeze to both hands. And to think, he almost gave this all up. To go down a darker path.
"Oh! Kento!" He heard Satoru announce, and he slowly opened his eyes. He felt your hand twitch. Immediately, he looked at you. You were staring directly at Nanami, a blank look on your face. 
Then slowly, your head turned to him. His eyes were slow to widen as he looked at you. This wasn't you. How didn't he notice? This was..
Blood sounded in his ears as he heard the girls scream. Crying. And a pair of feet running towards him. Towards your now crumbled body. You'd broken your own neck-no, the thing inside you had. Leaving a wide, too wide, smirk on your face. Satoru held the girls, who kicked and screamed. "What happened to Mom?!" He was frozen in place. His hand is still in yours–now limp. 
"-guru, -uguru, Suguru!" He blinked. His hand came up to press at his cheeks; tears lingered there. And he turned to Satoru. He was crying too. Arms wrapped tightly around the screaming, blubbering girls. Tiny hands reaching for their mom, for you. What was this? What happened? What? What? What? What? 
His mind spiraled. He wasn't strong enough for this. He couldn't do this. Couldn't..couldn't…couldn't..
"Master Geto?" He blinked. "Yes, what is it?"
The curse user shook, pointing at the papers laid out on the table. "The plan?" He hummed, "Right. Got lost in my thoughts." He folded his hands under his chin. After you died, Suguru steamrolled down that dark path you and Satoru tried so desperately to keep him from. Apparently, you'd been dead the whole time, a curse taking over your body. Posing as you. Acting like you. But your body couldn't hold it. Starting to decompose, to rot. And when you'd run into Nanami that day, the curse decided it was no longer worth the trouble. Snapping your body's neck in front of everyone. It didn't matter that you'd been dead for weeks already. That day, to Suguru, everyone–you died.
Fate has a funny way of making sure its rules are followed.
A/N: This actually hurt to write, I could just be extremely attached, but. Hope you enjoy pain?
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misspearly1 · 1 year
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Pairing: Joel Miller x You (F!Reader) 
Summary: There are many benefits to renting an apartment with your best friend; you can split the cost of bills and keep the spare cash, thus fattening your savings in the bank. The only downside however, is bringing your Texas born and raised boyfriend back to your place and trying to stay quiet when things become a little intimate between you and the man.
Keeping quiet proves to be a difficult task, especially since he can’t keep his hands off you, and when you become a little too vocal in the bedroom, well… he has to hush you. 
WC: 3.9k
Warnings: 18+ Content. Minors DNI. TLOU AU; the outbreak never happened in this story. Established Relationship. Date Night in the city. Teasing/Flirting. Kissing. Hand Holding. Smut. References of Public Sex/Foreplay. Mentions of Oral Sex. Unprotected PIV Sex (wrap it up irl folks). Rough Bathroom Sex. Joel holding his hand over Readers mouth to keep her quiet. Squirting. Soft aftercare and lots of Fluff. If I have missed anything in the warnings, please don’t hesitate to call it out, thanks! 
AN: Oh, how I miss writing oneshots for this sexy fella. I really enjoyed this one, my loves. I hope you like it as well. 🥰
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Living in the heart of Austin, Texas wasn’t your first choice, hell, it wasn’t even your second choice, but you’ve lived in the city for five years now and there’s a lot of things you're going to miss when you eventually move out of your apartment and buy your first house. 
You’ll miss the serenity of waking up before everyone else and walking to work when the streets are almost bare and light with traffic. It’s calm and pleasant during those hours of the morning, and you’ll miss visiting all of your local cafes and coffee shops too, especially the owners and workers you’ve become friends with since you’re one of their regulars. You’ll miss living with your roommate too and all the things you’ve grown to love here.
Venturing out into the city on a Friday evening however, is not something you are going to miss. It’s what you consider to be the busiest day of the week since people are finishing work and heading into the weekend with a lot of steam and wild energy to blow off. Even though the nightlife of Austin has only just begun, you’re glad to be heading home to escape the mayhem. It’s much too busy for your comfort. You feel claustrophobic and suffocated.
The sidewalks are flooded with a slow-moving stream of pedestrians, the restaurants and clubs thronging with partygoers spilling out the doorways - their chatter, screaming or fighting deafening your ears - and the pavement you walk along is wet and sticky from spilled booze and food.
Oh yeah. This won't be missed, you thought with slight disgust. The streets will be cleaned tomorrow morning, but it’s a shame to see them so messy and littered with trash. Frankly, you would have much preferred to stay home this evening, but what brought you outside this busy Friday night was the guy you’re seeing - who is currently opening a cab door for you both to climb inside and make a swift getaway.
The night might have just begun for some people in the city, but yours is coming to a blissful end, and after you had practically thrown yourself into the backseat, eager to get home and relax, he jumped in after you with the same sense of enthusiasm and gave the cab driver your address instead of his, thus making you turn to look at him with a quizzical expression. “My place tonight?” You asked, a surprised tone in your voice. 
“Yeah,” Joel replies keenly. “Tommy and Sarah will be asleep now. I don’t wanna wake 'em up and besides, your place is closer,” he adjusts his seating position to better suit his comfort by wrapping an arm around your lower back and pulling you into his side. “Is that okay with you, babydoll?” he asks, his voice softened with affection, and even if it wasn’t ok with you, that thick southern drawl of his would make it ok. You nod softly with a small smile on your lips, “Mhm. Yeah, that’s perfectly fine with me,” you whispered. 
Upon noticing the way you were lustfully gazing at him, he mirrors your little smile and winks, the flirty gesture making your cheeks heat up with flattery. He reaches out to place his finger on your chin, keeping you in place as he leans in slowly and closes the gap. It was a chaste peck on your lips, yet it was electrifying. The way he looked back at you, his eyes honeyed with desire and passion, sparked an arousing sensation in your core. You were turned on rather quickly. It didn’t take much and it’s all because of a simple gesture, but Joel knows how to make you feel horny in the most uncomplicated ways. 
You feel happy in his presence tonight - you always do - but more happy than you’ve ever felt before. Since you’ve been dating the man for six months now and have slept together plenty during that time, it’s abundantly clear that he’s still into you and isn’t looking for something casual. Despite the fact that he did tell you from the beginning that he’s not looking for a fling, you always take those words with a pinch of salt from guys, never fully trusting that they’re being serious to save yourself the heartbreak later down the line. You like to think that actions speak louder than words, and so far, Joel’s actions have been loud and clear on how he feels about you. 
As he turns away to look out the window and watch the sidewalk crammed with people pass by, you watch the ample glow of neon lights gliding across his face, the pretty colors highlighting his handsome features gracefully. His date night attire was pleasing to look at also. He wore a clean black fitted shirt, long sleeved but the fabric was neatly folded up his arms, and the top two buttons of his shirt were left open which generously displayed the sexy distinct veins in his neck, the cut off point of his summer tan and the hair nestled at the top of his chest. The dark blue jeans and belt really tied his outfit together though, accentuating his tall and muscular build. He looked really good, and all of the men and women who turned their heads to eye him up tonight would agree. 
Joel is older than you, not to a great extent, but you sometimes wonder if all men age like fine wine or if it’s just him. You’ve seen pictures of him in his younger days and he was good looking back then too. Having said that though, it came as quite a shock to even find him on a dating app all those months ago. Suppose you have his daughter and his brother to thank for pushing him back into the dating world otherwise your paths wouldn’t have crossed together. You wouldn’t be here right now feeling his calloused fingertips caressing your knee, his hand threatening to travel up your bare leg and disappear under your skirt at any given second. You see that little smirk on his face, the corner of his lips turning upwards ever so slightly with the filthy thought of fingering you in the backseat of a cab. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s done something so sexually audacious and it won’t be the last either. 
Joel’s personality is generally rather reserved and private overall. He has to connect with someone before opening up to show everything about himself; all the good, the bad, the ugly and his vulnerabilities too. It didn’t just happen overnight with you or after the first date. It took time for him to reach the level of comfortability and openness where he’s at right now, and you’re most grateful for it because he’s more than just his good looks. He’s a big softie and a gentle giant, a family man who is protective, kind and compassionate. He has many features besides his appearance that you adore so much, and while you still admire all those pretty coloured neon lights gliding across his handsome face, you think highly of everything else about the man too. Flaws and all, including the bad, the ugly and his vulnerabilities. 
Your deep train of thought comes to a halt with the cab pulling up outside your apartment block; it was situated right on the shores of Lady Bird Lake and just a five minute walk away from the Texas State Capitol. This location is divine, perfectly placed in the city where it isn’t too noisy nor too quiet, and you like that balance. You’ll miss your apartment, but Scarlett Nicholson is someone you’ll miss most of all. She is your best friend and roommate. You moved in together to split the cost of bills and help each other save up enough money to move out someday, and considering you’ve both amassed enough savings, that might be any day now. 
After beating Joel to the chance of paying the cab driver, you both climbed out the car and made your way to the main entrance, the cold night-time breeze whipping between the buildings causing your skirt to lift up and expose your underwear. He grins from ear to ear at the sight of you frantically trying to cover your ass, then stands behind you and pulls you flush against his chest whilst holding your hips firmly. “Here. Let me help with that,” he said with a burgeoning excitement, his bellowing laughter tickling your neck. “Showing all yer goods to the neighbours there, doll.” 
“Only person seeing these goods is you, Joel.” You scoff jokingly. Holding onto his hands and approaching the main doors to your apartment building, the wind was still causing your skirt to lift up, but at least now your backside was concealed by his body. “Thanks for laughing at me before stepping in to help, babe. I really appreciate that,” you giggle with a modicum of chide in your tone. 
“Of course. Anytime darlin’,” he chuckles before opening the door for you. Once you were inside and out of the cold, he didn’t let you go of you and continued to walk with his chest pinned to your back, using the close proximity to place open mouthed kisses on your neck. It was a little difficult to walk properly, but you didn’t mind all that much since the hold he had over you was intoxicating. The man sucked on your skin, leaving a pretty little bruise behind whilst humping your ass exaggeratedly, the movements making your whole body bob up and down as you walk up the stairwell. He was really grinding his hips into you and it was more of a humorous gesture rather than sexual, the sight could only be described as silly and perverted.
“Joel, there are cameras here.” You warn, then throw your head back with amusement. It didn’t matter to you that there were cameras here. You didn’t care, but you did care about the possibility of someone walking down the stairwell and seeing your boyfriend acting like a man starved of your touch. He stopped with the exaggerated movements in his hips, but continued to grind into you at a subtle and barely noticeable pace. It was nice and delicate, pleasurable. 
Upon reaching the second floor and entering the corridor, you and Joel keep the noise down as you approach your apartment. As well as the fact that there are other people here and you don’t want to disturb them, Scarlett will be in bed fast asleep for work tomorrow and you don’t want to disturb her either. She awakes in the early hours of the morning just like yourself, arriving at work sometimes as early as four o’clock. Even though she probably wouldn’t mind you accidentally making too much noise, you keep in mind that the woman needs her sleep just like everyone else does. 
After unlocking your front door quietly and slipping inside with Joel, you make your way to your kitchen while he locks up for you. The apartment was in complete total darkness and Scarlett's door was shut, which only confirmed that she was indeed fast asleep and you should keep the noise down to a minimum. While you grabbed a couple bottles of water from the fridge, Joel entered your bedroom and made himself at home. You found the man sitting on the edge of your bed, his socks and shoes already removed along with his shirt. He was in the middle of unfastening his belt before you kindly offered to do it for him. “Let me help with that,” you whispered. 
Moving across the room and placing the bottles of water and your phone on the bedside table, you watch the man lean back onto his hands and spread his legs apart, giving you more access as you kneel to the floor and nestle between his thighs. As you get into position for him, he looks down at you with a smile on his face, his hair slightly dishevelled as you reach out to open his belt. You feel his muscles tense in his thighs and hear the way his breath hitches, a soft grunt caught in the back of his throat. “You alright up there, stud?” You ask quietly, seduction rolling off your tongue. “You’re looking a little hot.” 
“Mmm. M-hm,” Joel hums deeply, not confirming nor denying your statement about the way he looks. He didn’t need to. You were right and he knows it. He was burning up under your touch, the placement of your hands directly over his crotch making the blood rush straight to his cock. You look up at him with doe-like eyes, a suggestive look in your expression as the position you’re sitting in gives you naughty ideas. “You know, while I’m down here,” you begin to say, but pause briefly when he smirks, “Do you want me to…” you poke your tongue into your cheek, then watch as he palms himself and groans softly, no doubt picturing you sucking him off. 
“I um-” he clears his throat, snapping out of his train of thought, “-I’d love that babydoll, but you know how I can get quite vocal when you…” he stops mid-sentence when noticing the slight disappointment in your eyes. You love to take care of Joel, and he knows how much to like it too, but he’s right. He can get really vocal when your mouth is stuffed full, gulping back as many loads as he can offer. The man just wants to be respectful of your roommate and neighbours, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want you. He leaned forward and the swiftness in his movements took your breath away. “Sit on my lap instead,” he offers an alternative, “Gotta stay quiet, don’t we girl?” he growls, his voice deep with hunger to feel your warmth wrapped around him, “I’ll bury my face into your tits. That’ll keep me quiet.” 
“Mmm Joel…” you bite your lip, stifling a moan, “Don’t tease me with a good time now, baby.”  
“No teasing, darlin’,” he shakes his head, his tone firm. “Get up here already,” he reaches out for you, his impatience evident in the way he sweeps you off the floor and pulls you onto his lap. The action makes you want to cry out a moan of his name, but you fight the urge and grip onto his biceps instead, steadying yourself as he drags your hips over his crotch deliberately. He pats your ass twice, silently telling you to lift up for him, which you do without hesitation and then feel him yanking his jeans down eagerly to free himself from the confines of his boxers. You physically hear his cock spring back and slap his lower stomach, the sound was audible and sexy, but now that he was free of his clothes, he turned his attention to your clothes. 
Taking your shirt off hastily along with your bra, you throw the clothing over your shoulder and reach for your skirt before he suddenly grabs your hands. “No, not that,” he whispers, then looks into your eyes, “Keep that on for me, doll. I like the way it looks on yer,” he says. You nod to him, panting slightly under your breath with anticipation as you stand up to remove your panties. They couldn’t have come off any quicker before you took a seat back on Joel’s lap, feeling his cock pressing into your slicked folds made you stifle a whine. 
He licked the tip of his fingers and coated his cock with his spit, holding you steady to notch himself at your entrance. “Ready, sweetheart?” He asks, and waits patiently for your answer. Joel usually spends a lot of time preparing you for the stretch, getting you ready for him with his head between your legs extracting as many orgasms as you can give, but not tonight - tonight you need him desperately.
“Yes, baby,” you breathe, nodding fervently. He eased himself inside before holding your hips with a tight grip, letting you take over and direct the pace. The breach was most enjoyable, your walls stretching open to accommodate his size as you sit down on his cock, causing the man to grunt and choke on his moans of pleasure before it inevitably became too much and he had to bury his face into your breasts.
You, on the other hand, had to bite the back of your palm, muffling all your pretty little whines and whimpers as you took him inside. His size was impressive, no matter how many times you’ve taken him before, it’s always a pleasant stretch. After you had taken him whole, still struggling to keep quiet as well as him, he was yet to pull his face away from your boobs. Joel breathed raggedly, savouring the sensation of your warmth wrapped around him and the tightness of your cunt squeezing his cock. You were soaking wet, the desire oozing out of you coating the hairs on his mound. 
He was so hot. You could feel his face burning into your chest, the sweat beginning to gather along his brow as you continued to clench around him purposely. Rocking back and forth once before coming to an abrupt stop at the sound of your bed hitting the wall, the man huffs frustratedly into chest and grabs handfuls of your ass, “Hold on,” he warns seconds before standing up with you held in his arms, the action making you gasp with pleasure. It was loud. Unintentionally loud and you instantly worried about waking up your roommate. “Hang on, darlin’. I got an idea,” he says before walking toward your bathroom. 
After carefully closing the door behind him, he moved toward the sink and sat you down on the edge, hoping the new location would muffle the noise a little better. “You good?” He asks once again before picking up where you left off. You wrap your legs around his back, pulling him into you before resting your head to his shoulder. “Yes.. God yes. Please Joel,” you beg, needing to feel him fuck you just the way you like it. He could sense that desperation in your voice and knew exactly what you were asking for. What you were really in need of.
There’s a time and a place to make love, but this isn’t that time nor the place. You want it rough, and he didn’t keep you awake any longer. Hooking his arms under your legs and locking his hands together around your back, the position bending your body to his will, he buried his chin into the nook of your neck before pulling out of your cunt, leaving only the tip inside. You braced yourself for the thrust, knowing it was going to be breath-taking.
Only it wasn’t. Instead, he damn near punched the air out of your lungs when he surged forward, burying himself to the hilt in one swift motion before pulling out and repeating the action. You could barely breathe and you loved it. You loved hearing his balls slapping against your ass and the deep grunts of satisfaction escaping his lips as speared into you. His voice was so broken and guttural, the sound making you mewl into his neck. 
He kept his thrust short and fast, using the hairs on his mound to stimulate your clit and bring you towards that familiar peak. It was too much, yet equally not enough at the same time. His pace was wild and untamed, as if using your pussy for his own satisfaction. You fought to stay quiet, and it was a battle that you were losing. The man quickly pulled his head back from your neck to clamp his hand over your mouth and silence your mewling cries of pleasure.
“Nnghh… much better,” he smirks, panting a praise “That’s a good fucking girl. Taking me so well, Y/N. Aren’t yer?” He asks, and you nod frantically, moaning as your cunt gushes around him. “I need yer to come for me darlin’. C’mon, you can do it.” 
Your vision begins to blur as you let go, the peak of your climax hurtling toward you so quickly that you felt light and weightless, limp in his arms. It was extreme and intense, ecstasy taking over your entire body as you felt a burst of liquid escape you, the essence of your orgasm drenching his legs.
“Fuck,” He growls, his brows knitting together tightly. “Keep soaking me, darlin’. C’mon,” he says, and continues with the punishing thrusts in and out of your cunt, drawing out every ounce of desire you could possibly give. 
The man panted and moaned victoriously, his voice resonating a heavy sense of pride to make you squirt all over him. “Oh shit, shit!” He coos pathetically, pulling out at the last second and releasing his warmth all over your pussy. You rested your head to his chest, looking down at his cock and watched him spill ropes upon ropes of his seed. It was twitching, the prominent veins along his length bulging and his balls pulling up each time he released a creamy white load. “Ohh fuuck,” he breathes and rubs the tip through your folds, smearing the mess he made. “Goddamn. That was… fuck, that was beautiful.” He lifts your head to look in your eyes, “You’re so beautiful, Y/N… Are you ok?” He asks. 
“Yeah baby,” you nod, your eyes slowly closing with exhaustion as you rest your cheek against his check. He reaches behind you and runs the tap, grabbing one of your hand towels on the rail to hold it under the water. “Give me a second. We’ll go lay down after I take care of this,” he says, bringing the wet towel between your legs to clean you off, the contact of his hand making you whine. “M’sorry, sweetheart,” he says apologetically, knowing that you're overstimulated.
After he was finished taking care of you, he wiped down his legs too and laid a couple more towels on the floor to soak up the mess before wiping it down as much as he could. He picked up the items and placed them in the laundry basket by the door, making sure the place was somewhat clean. It made you smile to watch him not only take care of you, but your apartment too.
“Thank you, handsome,” you reach out and hold his arms before moving off the countertop, the wobbly feeling in your legs making you fall into him. “Jesus. I haven’t felt like this in a little while. Walk with me babe, I don’t trust my legs right now.” You laugh bashfully, the sweet sound of your voice making the man chuckle with you.
Walking back into the bedroom with him holding you closely, he pulled the covers back on your bed and together, you climbed in. The very moment you got comfy, your phone chimed and lit up the entire room. You sighed worryingly and instantly assumed the worst. “Shit. Please say I haven’t woken you up,” you mutter under your breath, hoping that it wasn’t Scarlett texting to say that you and Joel were too noisy and now she is awake.
Grabbing your phone off the bedside cabinet and looking at the screen with a pang of guilt, you lay back into Joel’s side and show him. “Ah fuck,” he sighs with the same sense of guilt as you. It was Scarlett texting, and you unlocked your phone to read the message together. ‘Hey, gorgeous. I know it’s super late, but Jake called after you left with Joel. I’m staying at his place tonight so don’t wait up for me. Love you.’ 
Silence befell you and Joel upon reading that message. Not a single word was spoken, but the humorous little smiles on your lips as you both shook your head spoke loud and clear.
All that effort to stay quiet and she wasn’t even home to begin with.
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Perma Taglist (Everything): @marydjarin @kirsteng42 @supernaturalgirl @supernaturalgirl20 @harriedandharassed @joelmillerscoffee @joelsrifle @swtaura @alexxavicry @boliv-jenta @dragonsondragons @practicalghost @janebby @faceache111 @sleepylunarwolf @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @munsonownsmyass
Joel Miller Taglist: @extraneous-trip @readsalot73 @luvmeijii @pale-gingerale @something-tofightfor @hb8301 @squidwell @spideysimpossiblegirl @mooraakath @michele131 @chxpsi @zeida @wordsfromshona @trickstersp8 @killergoddessmm @kunakizen @scorpio-marionette @oogaboogasphincter @jmillerswife
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kitorin · 9 months
in which, itoshi rin's midnight writing exposes what he's kept concealed from you.
contents. itoshi rin x reader, 2.878 k words, fluff, angst (in the past), itoshi backstory spoilers (mixed with a few headcanons), 1st person rin pov for a bit (journal entry), regular highschool au
a/n. is this my best? no. but is it the best i have for today? yes. happy birthday to rin <3 after assignments are done i'll definitely rewrite this (i gave up on proofreading)
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10 / 09 / 2023 : SUNDAY, 12:04 am - 3:21 am
Solitude has never been a foreigner.
In fact, he's quite a familiar individual, an old companion that never seems to leave.
Even before Nii chan left for Spain, solitude was still there for me. During class I wouldn't utter a word to anyone else unless necessary, and contrariwise for said classmates. People still spoke to me; just not to the extent that they'd know what my favourite foods were, or what I liked to watch in my free time, not even bothering with it. I've never been invited to hang out with anyone after school, or been to someone else's house (not that I particularly cared, I was just sure that I was the only one).
But I was okay with it. I didn't want, or need anyone else when Nii chan bought me ice blocks, giving me the bigger piece as we'd watch the sun's warm hues bleed into the sky; the saccharine iciness contrasting how warm is was to be swallowed by sunlight together. Dad took us fishing a lot, he's always been well acquainted with the sea, taking us to locations well populated by bream; my favourite. On our way home we'd harvest kelp (Nii chan likes it in rice, salted) and take photos together on our yacht, admiring how the sun greets the world farewell, sinking into the aquamarine. Mum makes amazing food, I'm constantly astonished at how she manages to memorise every preference, from my love for ochazuke to being able to pour the perfect amount of tea; the rice never becomes too soggy (even I can't pour the exact amount I like). Solitude was close to me, but my family were closer.
There's a lot I could say about them, they've done more than remember what I love and ensuring I was happy; I'm thankful they've delivered the right for me to be comforted, to have a shoulder to cry on, to be able to freely ramble on about whatever fascinated me.
I've always been happy, even if I'm alone outside of the walls I call home. Because whether I laughed my heart out or sobbed to the point I couldn't form a coherent sentence, I'd always come home running to my family. Nothing can beat dinner; where we all relish mum's food, ask each other about our days' and offer solace or advice when necessary.
I miss that. Terribly, to the point my heart aches.
I knew that Nii chan's departure to Europe (Spain, to be exact) would change a lot. I'd have to score without his guidance, walk home alone and buy my own popsicles. Dinner time would have one less soul to laugh with, and home would have one less to embrace.
I just never expected it to be painful change. I never predicted that his return would result in losing us entirely. I didn't think his homecoming would cause my immortal resentment towards the snow, or how my eyes prickle a bit at the mere thought of an ice block. I'd say it was the worst thing that had ever happened to me, separation from him following it on the list of my worst experiences.
Solitude avoided me at home, but wasn't enough.
One time on the way home, I was overhearing the team's conversations (nothing particularly new really) and it was a discussion about the future. It was honestly surprising to find out only some of us intended to become soccer players; Nagi would rather stream or compete in professional gaming, Kurona wants to study marine biology in uni, and Yukimiya wants to give acting a go along with his modelling career. Even Isagi has a plan for if professional soccer isn't an option. He said he wanted to help others achieve their dreams if he fails to do so himself.
I remained silent as always, but had a lot more thoughts racing through my mind. Retreating to my room immediately that night, my first thought was to lie in bed, to neglect the clips I planned to analyse, to ignore muscle training for today and to slack off a bit. That's when I realized how sad the life I was living. I was sad because I was reminded of my reality.
I'm a mere myriad of distinguished achievements, though a hideous attempt of replicating genius Itoshi Sae. I'm a collection of formidable accomplishments, basking in the spotlight of glory and honour. The trophies and awards adorning my room prove it, standing tall with pride and flaunting my hard work.
That didn't mean anything. I had remained in a constant cycle of training, eating, and sleeping. My teammates were just as ambitious yet still worked hard on other things; Yukimiya enjoys modelling and Reo has a passion for economics, That must've been where I was lacking.
That's how I ended up writing again. It was an attempt to break out of this cyclical torture of constant training and sports.
I don't know how I remembered it, but I found my notebook from primary, all the stories messily scrawled yet legible. Scarlet adorned narratives birthed from child-like imagination, eulogising the prose, even though I almost flinched out of embarrassment.
Flipping through the pages, I had found the paragraph my teacher left me, insisting that I keep writing. Obviously, I never did. After getting into soccer I ignored everything school related, and would've found words on a page foolish anyways.
Many years later, I finally followed that advice.
The end result wasn't pretty. I paused a lot, struggled a lot, and almost gave up, a lot. It may have been hideous, but it was mine. A piece birthed from curiosity and memories from the past turned into another attempt. Another attempt morphed into extensive reading, I wanted to observe what was considered worthwhile or meaningless.
Writing rewove the early nights into late night reading, fully immersed in the author's thoughts translated into prose. Reading was the push to giving academics a go. Academics pulled me out of the endless cycle of soccer, there was more to life than training and diet regulation.
Books I can read. Words I can write. Exams I can study for and sports I can practice. Weights I can lift and competitions I can train for.
But to be loved, is so difficult.
It's not like an exam that you can study for and simply memorise the answers to. Or a match that has the security of a referee and reinforced rules. It's not something that can be guaranteed with a mentor.
People treat Isagi to his favourite whenever he has a bad day (he likes kintsuba). People advocate their favourite novels to Yukimiya and Chigiri, even going as far as memorising their preferences to curate their recommendations flawlessly. It must be nice, for someone to invest that sort of effort in you, even if it's simply remembering a hobby.
As my peers savoured the allure of love, estrangement and desolation constantly haunted me; a pest habituating the sleepless nights where I try to escape with a cup of coffee that's long gone cold.
It's lukewarm, praying for another's attention, care and love, to be hungry for one's time. I pathetically plead whoever manipulating my fate to provide me some sort of human connection. I shouldn't be so hopeful of others, yet I find myself dying of curiosity; what would it be like for someone to remember my birthday? Or tell me about the horror movie they adored?
I despise solitude's clinginess. But I hate how it makes me sob endlessly when no one watches.
I have myself. I have my thoughts which I've transcribed to oeuvre. I have the pile of books resting on my bedside table which sleep alongside with me. I have the trophies and awards I've won, I'll always appreciate my own talent and diligence, even if playing soccer brought me so much pain.
I think I'm somewhat pretty. I find my prominent eyelashes special to me, it's something unique to both me and Nii chan. My physique isn't too bad, either. I like the way my legs look, and my shoulders as I dry my hair.
I've always been proud of myself. I've always been enough and I always will be. Just not for others.
That's why I never expected my bond with solitude to be severed so easily. Especially because of y/n out of all people.
I still don't get how it happened. The oblivion to their presence became a peculiar first impression. An odd first meeting turned into abrupt yet regular greetings amidst hallways. Soon, I was sitting with them in every class, passing notes during tedious lessons and discussing our favourite media on the bus ride home.
Before I knew it, passionate rambles about books turned into watching movies together in my room. Whenever they greeted me their friendly wave was replaced with a tight hug, passing notes in class were accompanied with subtle kisses on the cheek.
Our relationship as friends was reimagined to lovers.
Something must've possessed me to blurt out the stupid crush I had on them, and I thank whatever drove me to do that. As awkward as I was it doesn't compare to the skip of my heartbeat when they accepted my feelings.
It's been almost a year since I met them, yet I still feel hot whenever they hold my hand, and flush red at every compliment they whisper. I still find myself stuttering sometimes whenever they're showing me a new outfit they've styled.
I love the way they smile, the creases of joy that adorn the outer corner of their eyes, and how they squint with glee and the sweet, melodious laughter that accompanies it; how breathless they sound whilst laughing. The expression they wear when deep in thought fascinates me, even if it's midway through an exam or them simply observing a video Bachira sent them. I adore their late night thoughts they text me at 3 am, the fatigue itching my eyes seem to evaporate when I notice their name on the notification. I treasure the notes we've scrawled on spare sheets of paper, they're still in between the pages of my books.
Even now, they're sleeping soundly in my bed, arms wrapped around the plush I bought them; I keep getting distracted by the sight of them so relaxed, chest rising up and down with each breath.
I would die for them. Because now I don't need to pretend to be invested on my phone to look less lonely. Now, I don't need to put my bag on the seat next to me to make it look like I sit alone by choice. I don't have to persuade the teacher to let me do group projects alone, or have to observe others with jealousy. Someone defends me from disparaging comments.
Because now, I'm not alone.
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7:15 am
THE ENTRY COMES TO AN END, AND EMBARASSMENT DUSTS Rin's face a faint tint of pink. His eyes avoid contact with yours— as he waits for your input his latest piece.
"Well? What do you think?"
You're not sure where to start. You've always known about his strained relationship with his older brother, and how his friendship with his teammates wasn't the same in the beginning. But he never explained it in detail; you wouldn't've guessed that he had some sort of chionophobia, or even cried because he felt so secluded from others. The thought of him concealing his tears and pain from the rest of the world made your eyes prickle and sends your heart racing miserably.
"Doesn't matter—" He reaches for the notebook, closing it and tossing it onto his desk. "Forget it, you didn't see anything." He plops backwards again, head hitting the pillow and groaning as he covers his face with his forearm. "It was shit anyways, I'll rip it out and toss it later."
"It wasn't."
Rin stays silent.
You lie down, mimicking his current position and cup his cheeks with your hand. "You'll never be alone again—, I promise you that." Your voice falters ever so slightly, the thought of his pain makes you feel weak in the knees and sick to the stomach. "You're more than enough, you always have and always will be. You don't need anyone's validation to be beautiful, you never did."
Rin sighs, "I'm only like that because of you." Yet something seems to throb in his heart, the small but overpowering part of him that insists he requires another's approval to be important— someone finally proving that wrong.
"That's not true."
"Yes it is, our classmates still loathe me, so do people who barely see or speak to me." There was no lie in that; but it wasn't Rin's fault. "Yoichi and the others only spend time with me because of you."
"I was only the push for them to speak to you, you know they've always cared, they were just too nervous to speak to you. As competitive as he gets, Yoichi really admires you, to the point he gets so heated and ends up rambling about your skills." That's a secret that was supposed to remain in your private messages, but Yoichi doesn't need to know.
Satisfaction momentarily appears on Rin's face at the thought of his rival's great respect, though it doesn't last very long.
"He's my teammate so it's expected... everyone I speak to at school seems to have something against me, even our English teacher." The mistreatment at school is undeniable, it's not exactly bullying but there's no respect or human decency in how people behave towards him.
"Rin, love, you've done nothing wrong, hate isn't always rational. There will always be people who can't stand seeing others more successful, and that's not your fault."
"Really?" His eyes light up; despite having a sophisticated and cold demeanour all the time, he looks like a child again, hope dances in his wide eyes.
"Really." Your fingers take advantage of the opportunity and pinch his cheeks gently. "Don't listen to all those stupid rumours and assumptions, idiot. I'd fight anyone who tries to hurt you and win every time."
When your fingers let go he immediately kisses you, and it leaves you breathless; the way he pulls you in flexes his well toned biceps and his hand supports your head.
"Thank you." Rin whispers, pulling away a bit. "Thank you for appreciating me. Thank you for everything." It's a rare occurrence for him to sound so frail, same goes for the tremble of his bottom lip.
"Of course, I love you more than anything."
"I love you too." It's escorted by a peck on your nose, and a soft expression sculpted on his face.
Before Rin can throw a blanket over the two of you again, you interrupt.
"You shouldn't throw that entry away." You still haven't forgotten his initial intention with it. "I don't get why you think it's shit."
"It's rushed. And it's just me waffling on about my feelings and the past. There's no proofreading, and it's rushed. It's not even complete either."
"That's the whole point of writing, no? It's the expression of our words and thoughts." You reach towards his desk to pick up the notebook. "Not everything has to be written in one sitting, too."
Rin doesn't bother stopping you from looking through the notebook at this point. "It's still stupid. It's just that I had the urge and motivation to write in the dead of night."
"Well. I like it."
Rin's stoic expression crumbles, revealing the bashful side he keeps concealed from the world. "Then that's good enough for me." The red on his cheeks tell you that you've won the argument.
You turn back to the entry page, impressed with his barely legible yet pretty handwriting. "You should've slept instead."
"I don't get tired anyways." He's quickly betrayed by the yawn clawing out of his throat.
"Liar. Why would you stay up writing so late... your sleep is important you know?"
"Because you are love itself. I won't get a wink of sleep if it means I can think and write about you instead." Rin's pulls you in again, tossing his notebook elsewhere as he leans in. "I promise I'll finish that entry, no— I'll write a book about you one day."
"Writing this, writing that, sleep first dumbass." A smile tugs at your lips as you pull Rin back into the position you were cuddling in a few hours ago. Even though you were the one who slept a lot more, fatigue itched your eyes, and a yawn spilled out too.
In response, Rin tosses a blanket over the two of you, whispering good night as you begin to nod off a bit. He should rest too, he has training tomorrow and has to go to the gym as well.
The Itoshi Rin from before would've slept immediately. In fact, he wouldn't've stayed up in the first place, let alone date someone. But the Itoshi Rin now instead stares at you, admiring each and every feature of yours. You're his savior, the luminescent moon irradiating his world, guiding him away from the grasps of solitude and embracing him with love instead.
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Tagging: @yuzurins (yumi you inspired this fic btw lol)
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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abeautylives · 1 year
Until This is Over
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a/n: It’s cocky Jake. Of course it is.
word count: 10k+ I do not know when to shut up.
pairing: Jake x female!reader
summary: He’s used to getting what he wants, you couldn’t be less interested. A potential one night stand turns into... something else?
warnings: 18+ minors stay far away, language, drinking, graphic sexual content, oral (f. receiving), fingering, protected penetrative sex (they’re responsible!), very light katoptronophilia (mirror kink), no other specific kinks I can think of but for sure a struggle for dominance, sorry if I missed anything!
update: read part 2 here
Jesus it’s hot in here.
This is… not my room. Hmm, not my sheets, definitely not my pillow. This pillow is terrible. And who the fuck is… he?
Eyes barely cracked open, lids contending with the sunlight streaming in through an offensively large window, you turn your head slowly towards the sleeping figure beside you.
Well, he’s good-looking at least. Pretty, even. You continue to examine his resting features as you try to recall his name.
Jason? Jack. No… Jake? Jake! That’s right, he’d introduced himself as Jacob but said I could call him Jake, or “Sir”. Cocky shit.
Other memories return as you let your gaze wander over his naked? Yep, definitely naked, body. The sheets are pushed low across his hips as he slumbers on, laid flat on his back with a hand resting on his chest and the other raised up and nestled under his head. His dark hair is long and splayed out across his pillow.
Not my type at all.
You do remember meeting him last night. A local sort of up-and-coming bluesy band had been playing at your regular hangout. You hadn’t shown up for live music but found yourself watching, enjoying and swaying along with it as you sipped the remnants of your drink. A little zoned out in your own world, he’d interrupted an otherwise pleasant moment by leaning in close and speaking over the music.
“These guys are fantastic, don’t you think?”
Ugh. Not even a “hi, sorry to bother you”. You’d offered up only a tight-lipped smile and a nod of your head that you’d hoped expressed “please leave me alone.”
As you allow yourself to continue analyzing the man whose bed you’re currently occupying, you realize he’s the source of the unbearable heat that woke you. He clearly runs warm and you wonder how he can stand it. You want to throw the blanket off of your body but you've also realized that you too are completely nude. Ahh shit, how do I get out of here?
Shifting slowly, hoping he won’t even wake up, you sit up and grip the sheets to your chest as you scan the room for any sign of your clothes. You’re taking in a visual inventory of your jeans balled up on the floor next to the bed, your shirt flung across the top of the dresser, and your bra hanging around the neck of an acoustic guitar sitting in a stand in the corner. Great, he’s a musician… Where are my fucking underwear? You’re considering abandoning them, scooping up the rest of your items and bolting out of the bedroom door to the nearest room without him in it, when he stirs. You’re holding your breath as he starts to speak.
“Mm morning beautiful,” he almost croaks out, his voice heavy with sleep. “You running out on me already? What if I was a world-class chef and you missed out on the best breakfast of your life?”
Still a cocky shit. His morning voice is deep and unfortunately for you, kind of sexy.
“I have shit to do today, and I’m not convinced that I meant for this little sleepover to happen in the first place,” you lie, but he doesn’t need to know that. You’re free as a bird today, and you wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t wanted to be, but you’re sure you’ve gotten whatever you felt you needed from him and it’s time to go. “Can you just like, roll over or something so I can grab all my shit? Where’s your bathroom?”
“Babe, I saw it all last night, what’s the prob-“
“Don’t call me ‘babe’.”
“Okayyyy, sorry Y/N,” he emphasizes your first name, because he apparently lives to annoy you. “You know, you didn’t mind it last night. You loved it, in fact. Practically melted into a puddle and did anything I asked when I called you-“
“Bullshit. I may have been a little drunk but I remember it just fine. What I’m not sure of is why I decided to fuck you.”
Last Night
“These guys are fantastic, don’t you think?”
Your non-verbal response did nothing to deter him.
“I heard they were playing here tonight and changed my plans, this isn’t one of my usual spots. My name’s Jacob, you can call me Jake. Or ‘Sir’…” he loudly rambled out an explanation and introduction you hadn’t asked for. The smug look on his face screams “the ladies love me, this shit works every time.” You hate it.
“Well Jake, this has been thoroughly riveting but I need another drink and at least twenty feet of space from you. Have a good one.” You catch the completely gobsmacked look on his face just before you turn away from him and saunter your way through the decent crowd of people and toward the bar. His eyes are still on you, you can feel them, so you add a sway to your hips as you walk.
To his credit, he does remain where you left him and watches you leave. For about six seconds.
Jake Kiszka is not one to pursue the affections of a beautiful woman. He doesn’t have to. They’re drawn to him like a lighthouse, a beacon calling weary sailors to shore. They need him, he is the destination. Tonight though, you had called to him like a siren. Standing alone, feeling the music, he’d felt an unexplainable urge to know you. He’s pissed that you turned his conversation down so easily. And so, he follows.
You could positively scream when he appears once again at your side. On a heavy sigh paired with a dramatic roll of your eyes, you spit out, “Can I help you?”
“Let me buy you a drink. What are you having?”
He’s serious. Turning your body to face him for the first time, you actually take in his appearance. He’s kind of short, definitely a tiny bit shorter than you in the chunky boots you’re wearing, his hair is long and rests over his shoulders that are covered by a black linen shirt being held closed by only two buttons fastened at his waist. A single silver pendant hangs on a necklace and rests on his bare chest. No, there’s no way he’s serious.
After scrutinizing his outfit choice you bring your eyes back up to his face. He is attractive, in almost a feminine way if not for the hair gracing his top lip. Oh his lips. They’re currently pursed at you in slight irritation, but the shape of them is intriguing. His cupid’s bow is defined, his mouth almost curls up at the corners. His bottom lip is full… it’s a nice mouth. The smirk that’s forming on it snaps you out of your reverie. How is he so full of himself?
“Are you going to leave me in peace if I accept a free drink?”
He has the audacity to chuckle, a raspy and pleasant sound that grates on your nerves anyway. “If you drink it with me, I’ll consider it. If that’s what you want.” He finds that he’s actually enjoying your resistance, it’s like a game that he’s never played but he’s interested in winning. Competitive and determined by nature, and fascinated with you by chance, he wants to see this through until the end.
This Morning
“What I’m not sure of is why I decided to fuck you.”
Jake laughs at you, a sort of deep rumbling sound still thick from sleep. “It took some convincing on my part, I don’t typically have to work so hard to get laid.” His eyelids are heavy as he looks up at you from his still reclined position against the pillows. “You’re kind of a hardass. Worth it though,” he’s wearing that smirk again. His confidence doesn’t waver under your glare and the smirk turns into a full fledged smile that almost takes your breath away. His teeth are straight and blindingly white, a little too close to perfect, and the way his lips curl up deeply is almost endearing.
He really is pretty.
“Hmm I’m so glad you had fun, cowboy. Can you close your eyes or something so I can get dressed? I’m two seconds away from pulling the sheets off of you for myself.”
“Go ahead, got nothing to hide. M’sure you wanna see me naked one last time before your Uber ride of shame.”
The back and forth is driving you crazy and not in a good way. Well, maybe a little bit good. You remember challenging him as much as you could the night before, and the way he let each jab roll off of him easily. He actually seemed to like it, taking your opposition to him in stride and pushing back a little harder each time you tried to shut him down.
Last Night
“So… what are we drinking?” He’s won this battle, or so he thinks. It seems like a free drink is a win for you, and the sooner you can suck it down the sooner he will leave your orbit.
“Vodka soda. With lime. Sir.” If you must be subjected to this moment with him, you may as well fuck with him. The nickname slides through your teeth with a thickly sarcastic emphasis. You’re making fun of him and his earlier attempt to grab your attention, which he picks up on but remains unaffected in the way you’d hoped. He likes it. A lot.
He moves to sit on the stool next to him, eyes motioning for you to do the same. Unbeknownst to you, he needs to sit to hide the evidence of the way you had affected him with your teasing. Your attitude is kind of turning him on, and the chase is giving him a rush. He’s having fun with it.
“A gorgeous woman with taste. Interesting.” He signals the bartender with his hand and orders two of the same. As your drinks are made, he looks a little too deeply into your eyes, making you shift in your seat in slight discomfort. Why is he so intense? “Are you going to tell me your name or do I have to force that out of you too?”
A laugh bubbles out of you as you realize how little you’ve really given him. He savors the sound of it, though it’s at his expense. “It’s Y/N, and you can call me Y/N and only Y/N until… whatever this is, is over.”
As far as he’s concerned, this is far from over and he’s sure he’ll be calling you any number of names before the night ends. Your drinks are placed in front of you and Jake nods his thanks to the bartender with a bright smile. You watch as her cheeks turn pink and she smiles back, flustered as she moves to the other end of the bar. It hits you, the realization that that is the reaction that he’s accustomed to. You’re suddenly sure that he’s used to getting what he wants, when he wants it. You’re not sure that you understand the appeal.
He notices how your eyes narrowed in the bartender’s direction, relishing the fact that you seem to despise the way she’d welcomed his brief attention. Wanted it. “No need to be jealous, Y/N. I don’t want her.”
You feel yourself sneer at him. “Can we get this over with? I’m bored, and entirely too sober.”
That same smile breaks across his face, this time directed at you. Your eyes roll again as you lift your drink to your lips, but he reaches a hand out to stop your movements, his fingers wrapping loosely around your wrist before you can take a sip. Oh hell no. Slowly, with a little effort and a lot of self control, you lower the drink to the bar top before moving your eyes from the hand still on your wrist, up to his face. He’s looking at you like he knows you want to hit him, and he loves it.
“Jake. Take your hand off-“
“Cheers?” He asks jovially, as if you hadn’t spoken at all. He does remove his hand to pick up his own drink and tips it slightly in your direction.
“Sure, whatever, cheers,” you mutter, completely over this entire interaction.
“To you, Y/N,” he continues again as if you’re not actively trying to make him hate you. “To the night, to a chance meeting, to fate-“
“EW, no, no thank you. Shut up and drink, Jake.” You bring your glass up again and take a long draw from your straw. There’s laughter in his eyes as he mimics your actions and drinks deeply. Determined to reach your goal of dismissing him, you keep sucking your straw and swallowing mouthfuls of the alcohol until you hear the sweet slurping sound that indicates your glass is empty. The two of you have maintained eye contact as you finished your drink and his eyes go wide as his lips release his own straw and hang open. Finally, he’s speechless. You’re pleased with yourself and with his reaction, the alcohol making you feel warm. The way he’s staring at you makes you warmer. No no no, now is not the time. His attention is suddenly desirable, and you’re irritated by the shift in your body’s own reaction to it.
A little breathless and very turned on, he doesn’t break eye contact as he speaks. “Doll, you are… really something.” He sets his drink down, still half full.
Reality slaps you in the face. “Do not call me that. Seriously.” Your defenses are up again. Why did he have to go and say that, when you were just considering being nice to him? You’ve gotta get away from this guy. “Ya know what, I have to pee. It was so great meeting you and all. Thanks for the drink. Please don’t be here when I get back.” You don’t have to pee, you’re giving him a chance to walk away from you without you having to watch him do it. Turning and hopping down from your stool, you refuse to let him reply and you move quickly toward the back of the room. If you had chanced a glance back in his direction, you would have seen that fucking smirk.
This Morning
“M’sure you wanna see me naked one last time before your Uber ride of shame.”
“OKAY, we’re done here. Thank you for what, I’m sure, was a delightful evening.” Throwing your legs over the side, you stand from the bed and pull the bedding off with you. An iron grip keeps a sheet wrapped tightly around your body as you begin to collect your clothes, gathering your jeans up and stepping toward the dresser for your shirt. A large mirror adorns the top of the dresser and in its reflection you catch sight of Jake, now sitting up against the headboard, unashamed of his nakedness. You watch for just a moment as he rubs the sleep from his eyes, and you allow your gaze to trail down the length of his body. His skin is tanned and glowing in the sunlight. Annoying. Your eyes keep moving, down his chest and past his stomach, which is slightly soft. You remember biting into it last night before you- okay keep it moving Y/N. Before you pull your eyes away from his reflection, you let them land on his dick.
It’s hard. Not fully, you can tell, but it definitely is.
“Like what you see?”
Shit. Your eyes snap to his face and meet his in the mirror. He wags his eyebrows at you.
“Hey…” he says softly. “Look at me?” He moves the leg closest to you, bending it at the knee and planting his foot on the mattress, hiding his semi-hard erection from view. You turn your body to look at him directly. “Don’t leave yet. Please?”
Last Night
With a snap decision, in an unprecedented move, Jake stands from his seat and walks swiftly in the direction you had just gone. He finds you in a back hallway, waiting behind another girl for the restroom to free up, looking down at your phone. He stops to study and appreciate your profile for a second, before moving in directly to your side and pushing you ahead of him down the short hall toward an emergency exit, one hand firmly on your back and the other gripping your upper arm.
“Jake what the fuck?!”
He doesn’t stop moving, reaching out to push the panic bar on the door and shoving you through it. Suddenly you’re both outside, the door slamming loudly behind him. You spin to face him and he plucks your phone from your hand and shoves it into his back pocket. He looks just as blindsided as you feel by the last thirty seconds.
“What. The actual. Fuck. Do you think you’re doing?” Your voice is dangerously low, you’re almost vibrating with rage. Dimly lit by a light perched high on the building above you, Jake can read it all over your face. He runs a hand over his before looking up and down the alley he’s maneuvered you both into.
“Look, Y/N I’m sorry about that. I really don’t know what I was thinking. I just… need to talk to you.”
“Are you gonna fucking murder me? What is this?” You can hear your volume rising, the look in his eyes is desperate and you don’t know him from Adam, don’t trust him for shit.
“God, no. No, I swear. Fuck.” He’s flustered now, thoughts jumbled, confidence lost. His next words are bouncing around his brain and he needs them to come out the way he wants. “Why don’t you want me?” God damnit. Smooth, idiot.
“You’re serious right now? You just manhandled me and pushed me into a bar alley because I DON’T WANT YOU? You’re ridiculous, I knew you were ridiculous from the moment you opened your arrogant mouth. And on top of that, you’re stupid! It almost worked, this little game you’ve been playing. I was this close to falling for it. The look on your pretty face when I finished my drink almost did it. Because you’d finally SHUT. UP.”
You’re out of breath when you finish, but anger has settled deep in your belly and it threatens to spark into a flame when his expression changes. It flips from distraught to sickeningly gratified right before your eyes.
“You think I have a pretty face.” It’s not a question. He heard what you said and he’s clinging to the words like a lifeline.
“You’re insufferable.”
Before you can process what’s happening, he’s manhandling you again. In an instant, his hands are balled into fists full of your t-shirt and you’re spun around. The cool bricks of the building are pressed into your back, and his entire body is pressed into your front. In the flurry of movement, you’ve brought your hands up to his chest. Nose to nose, he opens his mouth to speak again.
So quietly, you’re unsure if you even say it out loud, you cut him off. “No, shut up. Just do it.”
His lips are on yours immediately, so you know you must have spoken the words. They’re soft, as soft as they had looked under the bar lights, but they’re pressed so firmly to yours it almost hurts. You move your mouth against his to get him to ease up, and when he does kiss you properly you let out the tiniest hum of pleasure. When it hits his ears, he breaks away but stays close.
“Come back inside with me. Let me buy you another drink. Please,” he breathes out against your lips that are still tingling from his kiss.
This Morning
“Don’t leave yet. Please?”
“Why?” You can’t help yourself. You’ve resisted him from the moment you met. With a sigh, you correct yourself. “Sorry, I just mean… what for? You wanna make me breakfast and play house? For what, Jake?”
“Jesus Y/N, give it a rest would you? Why don’t you get back in bed and let me fix your attitude.”
“Ah yes, I forgot how charming you are.”
“It worked last night,” he laughs when you scoff at him. “C’mon, I just want to get to know you better.”
“You don’t know me at all, pretty boy.”
“Not yet, doll. I’m trying though.”
Last Night
You allowed him to lead you back into the bar, though you did have to make your way around to the front and re-enter since the emergency exit door was locked from the outside. You also had to insist that he give your phone back, which he did but not before flashing it in front of your face to unlock it and rapidly entering his name and number into your contacts. Presumptuous of him. Once inside, you found your previous seats still empty and settled into them to order another round. “I need to catch up, never got to finish my last drink,” he looks at you pointedly, as if that was your fault.
Trying your hardest not to be combative, you simply smile at him innocently and keep your mouth shut.
One more drink turned to two, then into several. You found that he was a good conversationalist and didn’t talk endlessly about himself. He wanted to know about you, but you did learn a few things about him. He’s got two brothers and a sister, the former of which were actually seated in a booth on the other side of the bar. They’d all come to see the band you’d been enjoying earlier, though the set had long since been wrapped up. He’d sort of forgotten about the guys in his pursuit of you. Flattering, kind of. He pointed them out to you and your eyes found two men who both looked like him, in different ways. You briefly wonder if they’re also obnoxious egomaniacs. He mentions playing music but doesn’t go into detail, choosing instead to ask about your music tastes and paying close attention to your responses. You mention a band that he apparently is fond of, and he excitedly pulls out his phone to play one of their songs on the bar jukebox.
“Oh shit, I love this song Jake!” You’re feeling much more amiable after the drinks you’ve shared, and the sentence leaves your lips animatedly. He was enjoying your standoffish demeanor earlier, but he’s downright smitten with this version of you that he’s coaxed out.
“Dance with me!” You’re already off the stool and holding your hand out to him. Usually he’s not a dancer, but the alcohol and the subconscious pull to be near you have him grasping that hand and following you to the small dance floor without question. Upon hitting the floor though, he makes no move to dance, instead watching you happily bounce around. This is what drew him to you in the first place, the way you had been moving your body to the music earlier in the night, feeling it without a care for anyone or anything else in the room. He feels that draw now, and can’t resist pulling your body to his. You’re nose to nose again, his arms wrapped around you loosely, and you lift yours to wrap around the back of his neck. Swaying together, not dancing but barely shifting from side to side, you make the second move of the evening.
You place your lips gently against his at first, until you feel him tighten his hold on you. That’s all you need to encourage you to slip your tongue out and over his bottom lip, asking for more. He grants your wish and kisses you back with nearly unbridled enthusiasm for a lingering moment, until he hears whoops and whistles coming from the direction of the booth that contains his brothers.
Breaking apart with a shared laugh, you maintain your hold around his neck and keep him close. “Hey Jake…?”
“Yeah doll?” He lets the pet name slip and barely holds back a wince, thinking immediately that he’d fucked this up again.
The smile remains on your face however, and you bring yourself closer to him, to speak directly into his ear. “Do you wanna take me home?”
Um, fuck yes I do. “You wanna go home? I can call up a ride for you,” he starts, hoping he hasn’t misunderstood but giving you an out, if you want to take it.
“Noooo Jake, take me home.”
“Oh absolutely. Let me tell the guys real quick and settle up, we’ll be out of here in no time.” He steps away from you with a quick kiss to your forehead. That’s… sweet.
You stop by the restroom while he wraps things up with his brothers and the tab, and take a hard look at your face in the dingy mirror while you wash your hands. Your cheeks are a little flushed but the color looks good. You look happy. Do I like this guy? Maybe, I dunno. We’ll see. You dry your hands and decide you can at least let him show you a good time tonight, you’ll assess the rest in the morning.
“Ready to go Y/N? The car should be here in a minute,” Jake murmurs into your hair. You had returned to find him back at the bar, signing his receipt. He’d paid for all of your drinks, including the one you’d had before you met him. And the shot. And the chicken fingers. Okay, charmer. As soon as you’d sidled up next to him he’d wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close.
“Ready, sir.”
God I can’t wait to tear into her. “Very funny, babe.” He also exaggerates the pet name, hoping to bring back a little of the feisty attitude you’d had at the commencement of the night.
“Ew, don’t call me that,” you scold him, but you’re laughing. He likes this side of you. You’re still a hardass but he thinks you’re stunning when you’re laughing at him.
“Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.”
The ride to his home is tense but fortunately brief. Your fingertips are itching to touch the bare skin of his chest as you let your eyes roam his features. You haven’t paid a bit of attention to your route, not your smartest decision, but you’re feeling needy and a little frantic by the time you reach your destination.
Upon entering Jake’s house, he kicks his shoes off so you do the same. Maybe he’s weird about that. He leads you through to the kitchen, flipping a light on here and there along the way. The house is spacious, the kitchen is huge. You wonder what he does for work, but figure that’s not really your business. Not yet. Maybe never. Once he’s near the fridge he turns and asks if you’d like water or anything else to drink.
“No, thank you though. Jake?”
He doesn’t respond with words, simply raises his eyebrows in question and smiles warmly.
“Are you gonna take me to bed or like, give me the grand tour or some shit?”
Chuckling lowly, he makes his way around the island to where you’re still standing at the entrance of the room. He reaches one hand out to your waist and the other up to cup your jaw, bringing your eyes to his and your body close. Your hips are touching each other’s.
“You wanna fuck me, doll?”
This is the first time he’s asked, the first time he’s said something even mildly crude to you. Heat rushes to your face and blood rushes elsewhere. This is good, he’s managed to turn you on, points for him.
Your eyes drop and zero in on his lips. You’ve only barely gotten to taste them and you’re hungry for more. “Ya know what, I think I do.”
“Thank God,” is the last thing you hear before his mouth is on yours in a frenzy. His hands both find their way to your face then back into your hair, pulling you as close to him as you can be, his lips and tongue moving against yours feverishly. You need to relieve that itch to feel his skin, so you bring your hands to his chest and flatten your palms there, fingers spread out underneath his shirt. It’s not enough, you want to see him too, so you move your hands up and outward to push the fabric off of his shoulders and down his arms.
Breaking the kiss, he pulls away from you and yanks his arms the rest of the way out of the sleeves and quickly unfastens the two buttons keeping the material on his body. The shirt falls to the tile and you take in his completely bare torso, aside from that silver pendant. He’s built a little sturdier than you would have assumed, overall he’s a slight guy, small. Not the type of man who would have ever caught your eye, but he’s wormed his way into your brain and right now he’s taken over all of your senses. You let yourself touch, dragging the tips of your fingers down the center of his chest until you skirt them over his stomach and feel it flex, letting them land at the waist of his well-worn jeans. You ease them under the material there and pull him forward to you again.
Tucking your face into his neck, you let yourself breathe in his scent. His skin is musky and masculine whereas his hair is almost… floral? Surprising. The combination is heady and intoxicating.
Turning your head down, you let your lips land on his skin for the first time, in the hollow where his neck meets his shoulder. The kisses you leave are wet and slightly open-mouthed and when you pull away you lick the taste of him from your lips. Enjoying the sort of salty flavor, you lean back in and let your tongue drag over the same spot.
Now you hear him, a small sound leaves his mouth, a needy whine. It rings in your ears and you feel it shoot straight to your core. Oh we both liked that. You lick the spot again then nip it with your teeth. This time the sound you hear is almost a growl, it rumbles through his chest and up his throat, and when it pushes past his lips you’re positive you’re about to spontaneously combust right here in his kitchen.
He pushes you away from him now, and you meet his eyes. They’re dark, his pupils wide and almost completely consuming the warm brown you’ve grown used to. He runs them across your face, taking in the pretty pink tint on your cheeks and the way your lips are parted to allow you to suck deep breaths into your lungs. He moves them down to your chest that’s heaving with those breaths, then lower, to your thighs that are pressed together.
“You want me bad, don’t you babe?”
Yes, idiot. “If you don’t take me somewhere and fuck me right now, I’m leaving.”
He knows you’re bluffing, but he worked hard to get you here. Harder than he’s ever had to before, shit he’s never had to work to get in a girl's pants in his life. But he doesn’t think he’s ever wanted someone as bad as he wants you wrapped around him, underneath him, moaning for him and screaming his name. Knowing, hoping and praying actually, that you’ll follow, he just nods his head and walks past you and out of the room.
Huffing in frustration, sexual and otherwise, you do as he’d hoped and turn to follow him down a short hall to a staircase that he’s already ascending. You continue to move in sync with him, a few steps behind, until you reach a landing where he flips a light on. You literally crash into him at the top of the stairs when he stops in his tracks.
“What the fu-“
Your words are stopped in their tracks now as you’re pushed hard against the nearest wall. The first time he did this to you flashes through your mind and you remember it as the moment you gave in to him. You know you’re about to do it again, give him whatever he wants to take. I swear to God he better be a good lay.
He’s got his forearm laid across your chest, keeping you pinned in place while his other hand is fumbling with the button on your jeans. His hair has fallen over his face as he looks down to where he’s now pulling your zipper open and you can’t help but reach up to push it away and tuck it back behind his ear. You notice strands of it are stuck to his neck, perspiration already forming there. His tongue is poking out between his lips in concentration as he finally, finally, presses his palm to your stomach and slides it down over your underwear and cups your pussy. Pressing into you with his fingers, he slides them against the damp silk.
The feeling of your arousal against his fingertips, and the relieving pressure of them where you need them most, cause you both to moan out into the limited space between you. You can feel his dick pushed against your thigh, his hips move almost unnoticeably to create friction there.
“Jake, please.”
“Mm please what, doll?” He’s dropping pet names left and right since you got here, but realizes you’re accepting them now. “Tell me what you want. You want me to touch you here?”
He adds more pressure, this time directly to your clit over your underwear, and moves his fingers in a tight circle a couple of times.
“Fuck yes, please. Inside, want them inside me.”
He responds by pulling his hand away completely, only to immediately move it down your stomach again, this time with his fingers nudging the fabric so he can slip it into your panties. He cups you again, skin to skin, and the feeling is electrifying. The arm across your chest lowers but he keeps you there with his body, his hips now working himself against you with more purpose. The hand that’s not buried in your pants grips your face under your chin, completely wrapped around your jaw, fingers digging into your cheeks. He waits a beat until your eyes meet his.
“Keep your eyes open and on me, okay sugar?” That name is new but he likes the taste of it in his mouth. The way you nod your head and comply tells him you might like it too.
“Good girl,” he whispers as he drags two fingers through your wetness and teases them over your clit again before rubbing light circles into it directly. He watches your eyelids flutter and eyes roll back as the sweetest sound he’s ever heard floats from your mouth to his ears. “Open and on me,” he repeats lowly. You do as he asks and snap your eyes open wide as he moves his fingers through you again. Asking silent permission with a raise of an eyebrow, he sees yours raise in response. With that, he plunges one inside you to the last knuckle.
You clench around him instantly, and he pumps it in and out of you slowly, examining your facial expression. It’s already a little blissed out with the relief of finally being touched by him. He keeps moving his hand against you, the heel of his palm putting pressure on your clit as his finger slips easily in, out, in.
“More,” you choke out, “please, more Jake.” You’ve got a death grip on his biceps, nails digging into his skin there, and you’re struggling to maintain the eye contact he’s demanded.
The cocky smirk that you really hadn’t missed at all has returned to his face. “Greedy little thing, aren’t you? Want everything your way, all the time.”
“Fuck you,” you mean to spit the words out into his face, but instead they come out on a gasp as he curls his finger deep inside you.
“We’re getting there babe, have some patience.” He fulfills your request for more by pulling his finger from your cunt completely then pushing back into you with two, tucking them as far inside you as his hand will allow and curling them both forward.
“Yes yes, like that, just like that,” your hips have started moving of their own volition, rocking against his hand as his fingers bring you closer and closer to the edge you’re searching for.
Your eyes have squeezed shut as you chase your orgasm, but Jake uses the grip he still holds on your jaw to regain your attention. He shakes your head from side to side one quick time. “Eyes, doll. Open them. Look at me when you cum.”
“I will, I will, I’m close. Don’t stop.”
“Keep fucking yourself on my fingers. Cum for me Y/N. I need it, cum for me,” he’s demanding, or begging, you’re not sure but either way, it���s working. He presses the heel of his palm harder against your clit and your hips writhe, almost violently, pushing back like you’re fighting each other for your release. Suddenly, it snaps.
“FUCK Jaaaake, oh God!”
You do your best to keep your eyes open, you really do, but you’re cumming so hard on his hand that every part of your body has tensed, your cunt is squeezing his fingers tight but he doesn’t stop moving them. He slows his motions as you ride it out, and watches your face as curses and his name keep spilling from your lips.
That might be his new favorite song.
When your orgasm melts away from you, you release Jake’s arms and slump back against the wall. He’s dropped his hold on your face and brings that hand to hold you up at the waist.
His other hand is still hidden away down the front of your jeans, but he’s stopped moving it and eases his fingers from you slowly. As you work to regulate your breathing, he pulls his hand out of your pants and holds it up between your faces.
Smug bastard. The look on his face is infuriating but you just had one of the better orgasms you can remember in recent history, so you let it slide.
“That was pretty good,”
Nope, he’s still insufferable.
“But I think we can do better.” His fingers, still held in view, are shining in the light from overhead, clear evidence of just how good that had been for you. He slips them past his pompous lips and sucks hard, pulling them from his mouth with a pop.
“Huh. Who would’ve thought you’d be so sweet, with such a nasty attitude.” Your eyes roll so far back you think you know what your brain looks like. “C’mere, have a taste.”
He leans in and kisses you softly, affectionately, and you open your lips to him. When his tongue hits yours, you do faintly taste yourself on it and you find that you enjoy the flavor of yourself mixed with the flavor of him, his last drink and something else that’s really just him. He’s enjoying it too, his dick is rock hard and he’s moving his hips against yours again. He pulls away and rests his forehead on yours.
“You gonna let me in, sugar? I need it, pretty bad,” he thrusts into you without force, just enough to let you know he’s getting desperate.
“Mm and you always get what you want, don’t you Jacob? Well, lead the way, let’s do this.”
Instead of turning to lead you through whichever door hides his bedroom, he bends, grips the backs of your thighs, and hoists you up from the floor and into his arms. You fling your arms around his neck, lock your ankles around his hips, and throw your head back and laugh.
The sound of it leaves him momentarily stunned, he’s looking up at you with a smile on your face so wide he can see all of your teeth, your throat exposed to him. You look joyful, he thinks you might be the prettiest thing he’s seen in a long time. Maybe ever.
You bring your face back down to his and he shakes out of his trance, his hair swaying with the motion of it. His smile matches yours and you stay like that for a moment, watching each other’s eyes as they’re crinkled at the corners.
He really is kind of beautiful.
“Take me to bed, babe.”
He turns you both away from the wall and moves toward the door at the end of the hall. “The difference between you and me, is that I love it when you call me that.” He pushes the door open with his foot. “Say it again.”
A few steps into the room, you drop from his arms but keep yours looped around his neck, fingers twirling through his hair. You lean in and run the tip of your tongue over the shell of his ear and feel him shiver. “I need you to get me naked, and fuck me. Now, babe.”
“As you wish.”
Your t-shirt is ripped over your head in an instant and tossed over his shoulder. Your jeans, still undone and hanging open from the hallway, are shoved down your legs. He helps you step out of them and you kick them away. Before he can continue, you reach forward and start to unbuckle his belt. He lets you do the work and watches, an amused quirk to his lips. You don’t bother pulling it out of the loops, instead you unbutton and unzip his jeans and push them off of his hips.
Oh. Shit.
His boxer briefs are snug, dark gray, and doing very little to hide his, much bigger than you were expecting, very hard cock.
“Surprised, doll?”
You giggle a little, but not at his expense. At your incorrect assumption. “You’re kind of a small guy. Not small everywhere, though huh?” Before he can offer up a retort, your hand is on it, palming him over the cotton. He reaches down and grips your wrist firmly, not wanting you to stop touching him too soon. He moves his hand to cover yours and together you squeeze him.
“Tell me you want that, you want me. I need to hear you say it,” the words come out a bit strangled.
“Haven’t I shown you that I do? Let me have it,” you purr.
He squeezes your hand again, effectively grabbing himself. “Fuck, Y/N… say it.”
You resist, just for a moment, because of course you do. You move closer to him, placing your free hand on his chest then looping a finger through and tugging on his necklace. Ghosting your lips over his, he puckers them for a kiss that you don’t offer. Against his mouth, you say quietly, but with conviction, “I want you Jake. I want you to fuck me with this big cock you’ve been hiding. Want you to ruin me.”
His hands move so quickly you don’t even see it happen, he’s spun you away from him and he’s pushing you toward the king size bed on the left side of the room. Once your knees hit the bed frame, you think he wants you to climb on but he stops you with a hand wrapped around your hip.
“Hands on the bed,” he says from behind you, face now at your ear, breathing into your hair.
He places his other palm to the center of your upper back and pushes you to bend over for him at the waist, palms flat on the bed. He takes in your form for a moment, admiring the way you’ve done what he wants. Reaching out again to your back, he runs the tip of his first finger down your spine slowly, skimming over the clasps of your bra, watching closely as your back arches and pushes your ass back into his hips. When his finger reaches your underwear, he draws it over the material lightly.
Your lingerie is a matching set, silky with lace trim. The only light in the room is coming from outside the door, left on in the hallway, but he tries to decipher the color. It’s dark, maybe a plum purple. No, aubergine. He likes the word, it scratches an itch in his brain.
“It’s interesting that you were hiding this pretty little set under jeans and a t-shirt, doll. Were you looking to get fucked tonight? Planning on going home with someone else?”
You don’t think he’s actually expecting a response, especially when he hooks his fingers under the lace at the sides of your panties and starts tugging them off of you.
“Mm maybe. Jealous?” you ask anyway as the material slips over the swell of your ass and slides down your thighs. He moves with them, crouching to kneel behind you, guiding them all the way down to your ankles and lifting each foot gently to free them. He lets them drop to the floor from his fingers, and when you shift your feet in anticipation you accidentally move them under the bed. You won’t know that until later, much later actually.
He runs his palms up the backs of your legs, from your calves to your thighs, and he squeezes the soft flesh there. The action spreads you open to him slightly, and he’s got a perfect view of your cunt, slick and almost dripping for him.
“What, exactly, would I have to be jealous of?”
You don’t realize he’s doing it until you feel his breath breeze over your sensitive skin, before he’s got his tongue on you. Your knees threaten to buckle in surprise but they’re pushed tight against the bed frame as he laps at you leisurely. It’s not enough to make you cum, and that’s not his goal. He just needed another taste. The feeling is pleasant though and you’re humming with it, he’s lost in it for a few moments as you’re pushing back against his mouth.
When he’s had his fill, he pulls away from you with a final lewd slurp as he sucks your arousal into his mouth. The sound should be offensive, but it has your pussy clenching around nothing, wanting him, ready for him. As he stands, he doesn’t bother to wipe you from his lips.
Without a word he moves from behind you and crawls onto the bed, positioning himself against the headboard, propped against the pillows. You haven’t moved from your bent pose and you make eye contact. He likes the way your hair has fallen forward over one shoulder, like a curtain or backdrop, putting your face on display for him.
“Well? Get over here.”
“Don’t command me, I’m not a dog,” you spit out, but your body is already answering his call, moving toward him without question. You find yourself crawling over him and straddling his lap. His still-covered dick pressed against your nakedness is almost overwhelming, a sigh slips from your lips in relief at the pressure of it. He’s hard and hot underneath you and you know he needs it as much as you do.
His hands have moved to grip the outsides of your thighs, and he leans up to capture your mouth with his. You kiss him back for a moment, tasting yourself on him again, and you can’t help but slip your tongue out and over his bottom lip. You move to trail kisses back, over his jaw, and down to the spot just below his ear. His grip gets tighter when you do so you stay there, pressing kisses and flicking your tongue over his skin. He moves your hips with his hands, grinding you down on him before you move down his body with your lips and tongue, kisses littering his chest and lower as you crawl backwards, leaving them over his stomach as well. His muscles flex and his skin jumps at the attention, and you can’t resist sucking it into your mouth and biting down. He hisses through gritted teeth. When you reach the waist and of his underwear you look up at him through your eyelashes.
“Keep going, for the love of God keep going.”
You comply easily, tucking your fingertips under the elastic and tugging as he shifts to help you get them off of him. Once they’re past his knees he pulls you back up to his lap by your arms, kicking the briefs away and off the bed.
Nothing between you now, you feel the heat rolling off of his body in waves as you drag your pussy over him, hot skin to hot skin. You reach behind your own back to unclasp your bra, needing to be completely bared to him. Once you tug it down your arms you toss it away, but he watches as it lands looped around the neck of his acoustic guitar in the corner. The cocky smirk has returned, he drags his eyes away from the guitar and they land on your breasts.
“Don’t get too full of yourself yet, you’ve gotta earn it,” you have to knock him down a peg or two. “You’ve got condoms, right?”
“Do I seem like a man who’s unprepared, babe?”
Your eyes roll but you smile to yourself as he reaches across his body to dig into the drawer of his nightstand. You watch his skin stretch over his ribs as he shifts.
Returning to position, foil packet in hand, he looks up into your eyes. “You still wanna do this, right?”
“Ugh, give me that,” you snatch the condom from his fingers, tear the packet open between your teeth, and toss the foil aside. His dick is resting against his stomach between you, mostly untouched but leaking at the tip. “Hold it for me, babe.”
He does as you ask, gripping it in one hand at the base, and watches like a hawk as you place the condom over the tip and deftly roll it down over his length.
“That was so fucking hot, Jesus Christ. Kiss me?”
Leaning forward with your hands on his chest to place a kiss to his lips, you lift yourself to hover over his dick, still held firmly in his hand. He pushes his hips up slightly and rubs his head through you, sliding easily through the slick moisture there.
Against your mouth he mumbles, “Fuck me, sugar.” He’s lined up and ready for you so you kiss him again, mouths pushed together tight as you sink down around him an inch or two, his hands finding your thighs once again.
“Fucking hell Jake.” He’s big, and you were beyond prepped and ready for him, but the stretch is more than you were expecting. You rock your hips a few times, easing yourself down slowly.
“I know you can take it baby, you’re doing so good for me.” He’d been watching closely, eyes glued to where your bodies are connecting, but he throws his head back to the headboard and moans, deep and low in his throat when your cunt sucks him all the way in, to the hilt. “Fuuuck.”
You’re still leaned over him as you both adjust to the feeling of being locked together like this, with his head back, neck stretched out and calling to you, sweat beading up there. You move in and catch a drop on your tongue as it starts to run down the column of his throat. He whimpers, so quietly you thought you might have imagined it until he raises his face to yours and moves his hands back to your ass.
“Need you to fuck me, doll. You ready?”
You bite your lip and nod, already a little breathless, and he begins for you, lifting you up and watching himself retreat from your body. Before you can slide off of him completely, he jerks you back down to his hips.
That’s exactly what he wants to hear. He doesn’t stop moving your body, lifting and pulling you back to him, eating up all the dirty words rolling off your tongue, until you take over and start bouncing on your own. Once you do, his hands don’t leave you but he slides them back down to grip handfuls of the soft flesh of your thighs.
“You’re so fucking good baby, feel so good wrapped around me holy shit.” You’re rolling your hips over his now, his cock buried deep and your clit slipping against his pelvis on every forward roll.
You’re both shining with sweat now, you from exerting your muscles and him from apparently running unnaturally hot. The air in the room is thick with the humidity you’re creating, the sounds and scent of sex filling the space.
You call his name softly, panting for fresh air in your lungs. “Jake, Jake… make me cum. Wanna cum again… please…”
He delivers a sharp thrust of his hips up into you before leaning forward and bringing his chest to yours. Wrapping one arm under yours and around your back, gripping your hip with the other, you’re not exactly sure how he does it so smoothly but he’s got your positions reversed in seconds. Your back hits the mattress, head almost hanging off the corner at the foot of the bed and he’s immediately found a rhythm, fucking into you with deep strokes.
His eyes are on your face, watching it shift and contort as every few pumps into you, he hits exactly the right spot inside. His gaze is interrupted by movement he catches in his periphery, and when he lifts his head to look closer he realizes he’s watching himself. Forgot about that. Interesting.
“Y/N,” he grunts out on a forward stroke, “eyes open and on me.” His voice is calm and coaxes you to obey. The pendant of his necklace is swinging over you. “You wanna cum for me?”
You nod your head, feeling cock dumb and lost for words.
“You wanna watch?”
Your mouth doesn’t even form the entire word. He motions to you to lean your head back and look across the room. What you find there is an inverted reflection of your bodies in a full length floor mirror. Rolling your eyes back to him, you raise an eyebrow in question.
He chooses that moment to slam his hips into the back of your thighs.
“Seriously?!” It squeals out of you, high pitched and on one breath that he’s punched out of your lungs.
He pulls out of you and immediately you feel empty, emptier than you’ve ever felt, missing the fullness of him inside you. Before you can mourn the loss, he’s moving to roll you to your stomach. Okay we’re doing this. You finish the roll and shift to your hands and knees, your eyes finding each other’s in the mirror.
“Go ahead then, do it Jake.”
His grin is wild and devilish, and fuck if he doesn’t look absolutely sinful. His hair is damp, stuck to every inch of skin that it lays across. He doesn’t take his eyes off yours as he runs himself up through your folds and plunges back inside you, bottoming out and causing your body to lurch forward and a groan to push from your lips. Leaning over you, the skin of his chest hot and slick on your back, he presses a kiss to your shoulder blade. You think that it’s kind of sweet, almost tender, until a hand slips up the front of your body and wraps around your throat.
Suddenly you’re both upright on your knees and he’s fucking up into you, pressed tight against your back. “Eyes on me babe, keep ‘em open,” he breathes directly into your ear as his other hand snakes down your stomach and tucks itself between your legs. He gathers wetness from where he’s moving inside you and brings his fingers up to press circles into your clit. Your hands fly back over your head, sink into his hair and hold tight.
“Yes yes yessssss Jake fuck, just like that, don’t stop!”
In the reflection of your bodies, moving together, all you can see is that cocky fucking smirk.
“Not stopping ‘til you’re falling apart all over my cock, not stopping after, never wanna leave this pussy.” His eye contact is intense, like it was earlier, at the bar. Before he even knew your name. And now he never wants to leave you? You know it’s his dick talking but it feels so so good.
“Keep talking, pretty boy, make me cum. I’m so close, keep talking!”
“I can feel you, sugar. Squeezing me, taking it all. You’re so good… So fucking good.” He punctuates the sentence by pulling his hand from your cunt, and bringing it back with a slap. Directly to your clit.
Your orgasm explodes, ripping through you from your core and spreading outward like wildfire.
Your body tries to double over on itself but Jake keeps you upright with the hand on your throat and fulfills his promise. He doesn’t stop fucking you, doesn’t even slow down, not until he feels your muscles relax and your body go limp.
“C’mere darlin’, I’ve got you.” He pulls out of you gently and shifts you both back to the top of the bed, laying you against his pillows. Your arms feel like jelly but you reach for him. He stays close, unsure if you want him to continue.
You’re smiling softly up at him, and he doesn’t really expect your next words.
“Would be a real waste if you didn’t finish what you started. Sir.”
That smile, the bright one, curling at the corners and showcasing all of his beautiful teeth, stretches across his lips.
“As you wish.”
He brings his body over yours, your legs open and he slides between them. He slips back inside you and you sigh in relief at the perfectly full feeling of it. You clench yourself around him, wrap your arms behind him and run your fingers over his back, encouraging him to move and reach his own ending.
“Kiss me. Cum for me.”
A hand finds itself cupping your cheek, his lips find their way to yours, and he moves inside you. It’s slow and saccharine, until it isn’t. He’s close, been close, and his body chases the release he needs quickly. You whisper words of motivation into his ear, the sound pushing him closer until he reaches that cliff, and with a final soft call of your name, he falls over it.
He lets his body come to rest on top of yours for a few moments and you trail your fingers up the sticky skin of his back, then twirl them through the damp strands of his hair. Once he’s able to move, he pushes off of you after a peck to your lips, and leaves the bed. You let your eyes close while he’s gone and when he returns, the condom has been disposed of and he’s carrying two bottles of water.
You sit up and he passes one to you. After a long drink, almost emptying the bottle, you cap it and set it on the bedside table.
He’s still standing at the side of the bed, eyeing you curiously. Smirk in place. “You’re staying, aren’t you?”
“Shut up and get back in bed. I’m fucking tired.” Your eyes are alight with laughter behind them as he does what you command. He insists that you let him hold you and you comply, eyelids heavy and ready to sleep.
“Goodnight babe,” he mumbles into the hair at the crown of your head.
“Don’t call me that…”
He’s chuckling to himself as he closes his own eyes and begins to drift off.
This Morning
“You don’t know me at all, pretty boy.”
“Not yet, doll. I’m trying though.”
You feel your eyes roll and you try, for once, to stop them but he sees it.
“I don’t know why you’re still pretending you don’t like me, like you don’t remember anything. We had a good time, even before we made it back here. Then we had a really good time,” he laughs a little but there’s disappointment behind his words. “You didn’t feel it?”
A sigh huffs from your mouth, as you remain unmoving, standing near his dresser, pieces of your clothing still scattered among his belongings. In his space.
The disappointment is written on his face now, etched into his features as his eyebrows knit together and he purses his lips. Those lips. You can feel yourself backing down, about to give in to him yet again. You remember the night pretty clearly, remember the moments when the arrogant act slipped and he looked at you like he’s never needed anything or anyone as close to him as he did you.
“Don’t leave yet. At least have coffee with me, talk to me? Let me in a little.” Your defenses are dropping, the sad little puppy dog eyes are breaking you down.
“And you’re not gonna chop me up and hide me in your basement, right?”
Light returns to his eyes as he chuckles, the raspy sound hitting your ears and you find that you enjoy it this time. You’re both smiling nervously now.
“I have no intention of hurting you, ever really.”
It’s working, your grip on the sheet around you is loose and you feel the fabric slip from it and flutter to the floor. His eyebrows raise but before he can say something stupid, you drop your jeans back to the ground where you found them and move back toward the bed. Crawling onto the mattress and over to him, you stop on hands and knees when you’re nose to nose with him once again.
“Fine.” You let a full smile stretch across your lips and he soaks it in, basks in it, commits it to memory, as he lays you back across his pillows.
You know he’s already working out how he’s going to get you back here once you do leave, you can see his mind turning behind the eyes that are locked on yours.
You’re not sure that you’re going to resist him this time.
Part 2 🖤
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watcherthrowaway · 1 month
also one real post about this and like, plenty of ink has been spilt on how disconnected watcher entertainment seems to be from its fans but i think the missing piece here is how disconnected watcher is from the rest of youtube. when the catastrophe hit i went to all my terminally online friends, the same way i did after the hbomberguy james somerton video, or after the ned fulmer fiasco, or the creepshowart scandal etc, or every time jenny nicholson dropped a new evermore video, including the ones behind the $2 patreon paywall we all gladly pay for, and for the first time...
no one knew who i was talking about.
these are not insulated people. these are people i can trust to have at least name recognition of almost any youtuber i mention. they know downtherabbithole and strangeaeons and cjthex and kappakaiju and miniminuteman773 and kazrowe and somemorenews etc etc etc
so when i put in the group chat, with no context, 'he wasnt even on cribs' or 'we have no cats kathleen' or 'only humble pagan commune schemes' or whatever, i usually do so with great trust that at least half the group will know what im on about.
this time, crickets.
i backpedaled a little and pulled up the 'ive connected them' meme and the fuzzy blue professor, and i got nothing at all. the only recognition i got was when someone belatedly realized that he had seen the goatman video when it dropped (although he had no idea that they had their own company now), and another person remembered that they had offered to collab with danny gonzalez, a youtuber with twice the subscribers
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because she had checked back to see if danny went ghost hunting again, and lost interest because he hadnt.
i also brought it up in my dedicated buzzfeed unsolved group chat but ummmmm i am the only one in that group still watching ever since the shift to watcher oops
the only splash they had made in my again, TERMINALLY ONLINE friend group that watches hours and hours of youtube a day was a buzzfeed video seven years ago, and when they had failed to collab with someone more famous than them. i found myself in the unusual position of having to explain the situation to a bunch of dirty internet gremlins, all of whom heard the whole story and said 'why would they do that'
not 'why would they do that to their fans' but 'why would they do that as youtubers'
even aside from the moneygrubbing, we watcher stans were confused about why they tried to offer us a service we didn't need or want, and i think it obscured the confusion on why they thought it was a good idea at all, when so many other models were available to them. why werent they using their patreon like other youtubers? why weren't they collaborating with other youtubers? why weren't they putting out regular, lower quality content like other youtubers? if they wanted higher quality content, why weren't they partnering with nebula, like lindsay ellis, or netflix, like bo burnham. why didn't they run their ideas past someone like the green brothers, who have jumpstarted scishow and many other similar projects successfully, and are famously good to work with/consult with? why would they try to pull a roosterteeth? don't they know what happened?
and i think the answer is no. i think they just don't know those things. and they didnt bother to check, because they think all those things are beneath them. because they think corporate content is the only worthwhile kind there is.
why else would they think they have to have an office building, keep dozens of people on staff, buy expensive cameras, and build a streaming platform? why do they only collaborate with actors and singers who have corporate entertainment approval? why are they reinventing the wheel on buzzfeed when thousands of youtubers build perfectly stable careers with a mic and a camera, and sometimes hire an editor?
i guess my takeaway from this is that, at least they didnt break my heart as a fan entirely because they fundamentally misunderstood me. they did it, at least in part, because they do not understand how youtube works, or what part they play in it.
they dont understand how people use youtube. it is not a cinematic event worthy of the big tv, it is line goes up playing in the background for the 400th time as i wash my face and put my laundry away.
that is why they spent months and months planning this without ever noticing it was a bad idea, while millions of youtube viewers knew instantly. thats why they didn't start with a more moderate solution, why they never used their patreon properly, why they cared so much about the production value, why they thought a youtube audience, any audience at all, would jump at the chance to leave youtube.
bc youtube as a creator sucks, and we all know that, but youtube as a viewer is extremely comfortable. all i ask of youtube is to be mildly interesting in the background while i do other stuff. it is filler. some of the filler is extremely good, yes, but there is no room or reason in my life to give more of my money and attention to my filler, let alone to get a bigger screen for it.
and honestly, this is why i and others stayed on with the ghoul boys even though their quality dropped. because it's filler. im not even looking at the screen you apparently spent 100k on. im flipping my eggs. im washing my hair. im waiting for the bus with my headphones in and my phone in my pocket. thank you for being my background music. in return i will sit through your ads and push your view counter up by one. i may even hit the like button by accident bc my phone is in my pocket.
this is not to say i dont enjoy my filler. i would absolutely die without it. but it is not and never will be exchanged for the instances when i make popcorn in The Big Bowl and turn on a Real Movie on the Big Screen (my old laptop that is 15 whole inches) with my phone turned over so nothing can distract me.
my filler can't be my movie, and vice versa. nor should it be. but watcher doesnt understand that, apparently. they think youtube is cruelly preventing them from being netflix, and they think we want netflix, and they don't understand that, even with that half-assed apology that they didn't explain their dream correctly and they are jsut so destitute they had to take extreme measures after they went to europe 6 too many times...
there is a fundamental misunderstanding about how people use youtube , both as creators and as consumers. they didn't just misunderstand their fanbase. they continue to misunderstand the entire ecosystem. idk guys. maybe you should have learned something from those youtubers that you apparently think you are too good for.
and as for me, welp. i've booted people from my filler line-up for less. and there are soooooooooooooo many other fish in the sea, and they are not asking me to pay them 27 corporation salaries from my own pocket. they are asking for me to bump their view counter up by one.
goodbye boys. i really hope you find a way to fulfill yourselves artistically or whatever. but you have burned this particular bridge, like. forever. and i don't think i'm the only one who feels that way.
and not because i dont support people getting a living wage, you guilt-tripping vultures, or because i dont believe in following dreams and wishing on stars and whatnot.
but because i prefer to consume content from people who know what they're doing, and i simply no longer trust that includes you.
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betterfettered · 5 months
Hey, I hope you’re doing well!
I noticed in your post about the brothers’ first red flag that you mentioned that Lucifer’s darling would still have been going to school at the time, but (both in that post and others) you have also mentioned kidnapping and some of the brothers wanting to keep their darling inside all day, which made me wonder about what darling’s schedule is supposed to be for each of them?
Like, do they allow darling out to attend their classes, or do they hold them captive at home all day? Do they have any regular outings/events that their yan brings them along for? Are there things their darling is expected to do while they’re at home (whether the yan is there too or not), or do they sort of just wait around for their yan to tell them what to do?
I live! I love this question anon, it really had me thinking deeply about what I've written before 🧐
(Gn!reader x AMAB!yandere, please let me know if reader is gendered)(noncon)(violence against reader)(kidnapping)(18+ readers only please, mdni)(Please let me know if I am missing a TW)[This is fetish content and rape and abuse are disgusting and inexcusable in real life.]
Yandere!Lucifer is not likely to keep you captive. Even though what he really craves is complete control over you, he wants it to mold you into his ideal member of society. He wants you to be a good and obedient student, to be polite to Diavolo and Barbatos, to be temperate and well mannered in public, and most of all to listen to everything that he says. Keeping you locked away is unnecessary if you are behaving as he wants you to. I can imagine that on days when he's feeling particularly needy and doesn't want to bother with you hiding or making excuses or running one of the eight times he wants to fuck you that day, he might just chain you up in the basement for a little while until he is watching cum stream out of your bruised body and feels satisfied with how much he's ruined you.
Yandere!Mammon is also not likely to kidnap you, cause he's not smart enough to actually fool you into a situation where you're vulnerable enough to be held captive without you realizing it he would feel too bad about your obvious distress and could be talked out of it if you buttered him up enough. He would be okay with you going to school, but you need to be glued to his side the entire time. You need to hold his hand as you walk to school, you need to let him shove his tongue down your throat in the hallways when you run into each other, you have to sit on his lap and cockwarm him in the library when you two are both studying (though usually he gets impatient with that and tries to fuck you). If he's thinking about locking you up you'll be able to see it coming from a mile away, and you'll just need to reassure him you only have eyes for him to kick the can a few months down the road.
Yandere!Leviathan is absolutely going to kidnap you. He doesn't like to leave his room anyway and his self esteem is not good enough for him to believe that you don't start thinking about being with other people as soon as he isn't demanding your attention. Once you're in his room, he's the only person there, so by default he's the hottest, funniest, nicest, most interesting and, of course, the most fuckable. He has you mixed up in his mind with the overly horny girls who resemble you in the hentai he watches constantly, so he thinks if he's the only other person there eventually your lust will get the best of you and you'll be all over him. That's why even when he forces himself on you, he knows that it's okay because he's helping to satisfy your needs. You'd probably go crazy, he thinks, if he doesn't cum in you at least once a day, so he doesn't feel bad even when you cry. You're just getting used to it.
He's not going to bring you to anything outside of the room and will feel betrayed if you ask him to. When he's not there, he expects you to read manga or books or watch anime that he assigns to you. Sometimes they'll be perverted, but a lot of the time it'll just be things that he is obsessed with like TSL. That way you won't get bored and you can talk to him about it when he gets back. You can also cuddle and watch them together, which is almost his favorite thing to do with you.
Yandere!Satan will also eventually end up kidnapping you. He wants complete control of you similarly to how Lucifer does, but he doesn't particularly care about societal norms or etiquette. The important things for you to understand are how best to respect him and when to shut up, and he can teach you those things himself with his hands, a belt, and a switch. You going to school is a waste of your time because there is nothing about your life that will require a degree and a waste of his time because classes and school schedules get in the way of him studying you. He'll go to school if Lucifer makes him, but most of the time he wants to sit alone with you in his room, ordering you around. Sometimes he'll ask for ridiculous things or impossible things just to see how you react, and sometimes he'll pretend that he's asking you for things to see how you'll react so he doesn't have to admit that he is getting off on it. But you'll be able to tell -- when he asks you to sit on his lap so he can finger you, for example, you'll be able to see the hunger in his eyes as he watches your expression and know that soon enough he's going to pin you down and fuck you.
He'd bring you outside or to special events if you have been well behaved and you ask him nicely, perhaps with an explanation for why it would be beneficial for you to go. While he's away, he doesn't mind if you read books, practice your magic, or even open the window a little for some fresh air. He thinks you have the appropriate judgment to know what things are off limits - if you don't, the punishment you get will leave your skin so raw that you won't ever forget.
Yandere!Asmodeus is definitely not going to kidnap you, because he's way too delusional to think that you don't want to be with him whenever you have the ability to. Whenever he gets his hands on you, he says that he knows you missed him and you must have been so dejected without him. If you play your cards right, you definitely could spend enough time around him that you are satisfying his narcissistic view of you and making him feel like the most important person in your life, and all you'd need to worry about is being subjected to his constant lust. If you did not, however, he'd start paying attention to who you are actually spending time with when you're not with him and carefully orchestrate a plan to seriously hurt them (most likely psychologically rather than physically). Next he sees you, he'll point out how much it is your fault until you seem completely inconsolable, at which point he'll definitely "comfort" you as he sees fit.
It's only a matter of time before Yandere!Beel kidnaps you to "keep you safe", which I've talked about before. It would bother him that it upsets you, but he would still know that it's the right choice. He holds out a lot of delusion hope that soon you'll understand why he is doing this, which is the only thing that keeps him from feeling guilty enough to let you go. In the meantime, he'll bring you plenty of food to eat and lovingly feed it to you whether you want to eat it or not. Eating always helps! Most of the time he'll be as nice as possible to you and try not to force too much physical affection on you, but he has no self-control once his desire gets too strong, at which point he has no regard for your willingness or comfort. He'll fuck you roughly even though his cock is a little too big to fit without hurting you, grope and manhandle you hard enough to leave you sore for days and bite you to the point of drawing blood. Usually it starts with him convincing himself that he's just going to give you head, but the taste of your cum drives him into a bit of a frenzy. Afterwards he'd be sorry and try to help soothe you as much as you'll let him, but the both of you know it'll happen again.
He'll let you out if you can convince him that it will be safe and allow him to accompany you, and he doesn't have any expectations for what you do on your own when he's not there. He's the most permissive of the bros who would kidnap you, and might even let you have your cellphone or keep you locked in your own room instead of his. If you made him really jealous, only Belphie would be able to visit, but otherwise he might allow you to have supervised play dates with the other brothers. The more you abuse his trust, though, he less permissive he will be because you are jeopardizing your own safety.
Yandere!Belphie is sooo 50/50. On the one hand, kidnapping and keeping you from escaping is a lot of work and it makes him sleepy just to think about it. On the other, he does have a jealousy streak and is sick of the way you just give your attention to anyone who asks for it. In the end I think what would decide whether or not you get kidnapped is whether you manage to play his games without pissing him off. You sleeping in his bed nightly and letting him have his way with you or babying him during the day and enabling him to be lazy is not going to be enough to prove that he is really special to you. Instead, he wants you to accept the strange behavior that you bring out of him. If he lashes out at you and asks you why you're such a whore because you were studying with Satan, you should actually answer with a reason and then promise to be less of a whore in the future. As his obsession progresses, he will start to ask for more and more unreasonable things to make you prove your loyalty because in the end it is very hard for him to trust that you love him the way that he loves you.
Once he finally asks for something you can't comply with, it's likely that he will lock you in the attic to punish you. He'll be pretty cruel, starving you and not giving you water, blindfolding you and then releasing giant black rats into the room so you don't know if you're going to be bitten or attacked, and then also just plain hitting you. If you want him to stop or to bring you food or water, you'll have to suck him off first (and of course let him finish on your face or head) or ride him. If you do so, he'll stop whichever punishment he's subjecting you to and be affectionate and kind to you and let you sleep in the bed with him instead of on the floor. Once you're not reluctant to put out and you return the affection and apologize as many times as he feels like you need to, he'll let you go from your captivity.
Always feel free to send more asks :3
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a-casual-kpopfan · 1 year
Now Streaming: Game of Life - Sakura
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A/N: I guess Ghost and I are really expanding our tastes to other groups and idols. Lol
Sakura doesn’t understand love.
Or more specifically, romantic love.
Working at a manga café, Sakura has been exposed to every kind of manga there is. Among them, romance takes the cake for the most liked genre of all time. She always hears teens gushing over a certain couple and how “sweet” they are. Even in action or horror manga, she can always hear people talking about how these characters are “OTP”, and they are “sailing the ship”.
Sakura doesn’t get it.
She tries to understand it by reading about it a lot, both manga and novels. But she just can’t bring herself to imagine what love feels like. Is it a deeply passionate kiss? Is it a candle-lit dinner at a fancy restaurant? A public confession or proposal? The nervous feeling of ‘butterfly in stomach’ or the giddiness of being close to the ‘crush?’
When she asks other people, most, if not all of them give her answers that are basically the same as in the manga and light novels she read.
‘The feeling of wanting to be with someone, despite their flaws.’
‘The attractiveness they feel towards their loved one.’
‘Wanting to keep all of them to yourself and not sharing them to anyone.’
It’s not like Sakura has never felt loved. Her family loves her. Her mom, her dad, her younger brother. They love her unconditionally and would be willing to do anything for her. And she would do the same for them. After all, she loves them as much as they love her. Although, familial love and romantic love are two different kinds of love. So back to square one.
In one of the vain attempts in understanding love, Sakura tried dating apps. Though she quickly finds it boring. Most people are either too flirty, saying that they can give her a hell of a time later (aka, trying to get into her pants) or aren’t even confident enough to hold a proper conversation with her. Needless to say, she has never gone on a second date with anyone.
Though, there’s another kind of love that she understands, one that most of her friends don’t even start to comprehend. Video games. Sakura can be categorized as the rare specimen known as a gamer girl. She plays a lot of games, from action, to horror, to multiplayer, she’s played it all.
 She doesn’t understand why her friends don’t play them. They are fun, entertaining, and sometimes, wholesome or heart wrenching. Though Sakura usually focus on more multiplayer games. She likes to interact with other people when they are focused in the game, and not in trying to flirt with her. After all, playing games is how she got to meet her best friend, after all.
Anyways, no matter how much effort Sakura put in, she still can’t understand that kind of love that she hears her peers love to talk about, so she just gives up on understanding it. Why waste time on something that she can’t figure out? It’s not like she needs it to live anyways.
Not when she has video games.
Today was supposed to be a chilly day for Sakura.
It’s the weekend, her day off, and she decides to spend time at the PC bang, playing games to her heart’s content.
All is well, until a certain guy starts to bother her again…
“Hi Sakura.”
The receptionist greets Sakura warmly. Since Sakura is a regular customer at this place, it’s inevitable that almost all employees recognize her. And as the receptionist of the PC bang, he obviously knows Sakura very well.
Politely, Sakura offers him a smile back and heads to an empty PC, doing her prep of checking the headphone, mouse and keyboard to make sure everything is ok.
As she boots up the PC, excitedly thinking about what games to play today, a less than favorable voice appears from behind her seat.
“Haven’t you seen you here for a while Sakura. I was sad thinking that you won’t be coming here anymore. But seeing you here is great! It seems like you still miss me huh?”
As soon as Sakura hears his voice, she automatically tunes out his words, and opens a music tab to drown out the ‘noise’.
That plan doesn’t last long though, as her headphones is promptly yanked off her ears, the man who’s been yapping away is now facing her, his expression less than happy.
“Hey, I’m giving you my precious attention, why are you ignoring me?” The man then raises an eyebrow, his lips curving into a smirk “Oh I see, playing hard to get huh? It’s ok, I know how hot I am, hehe~”
Now, Sakura doesn’t understand the concept of love and crush and whatnot, but she isn’t oblivious enough to not recognize that this guy is trying to chase her and has been for a while now. His insufferable attitude causing most, if not everyone, employees include, to have a less the favorable view on him. However, since he doesn’t break the rules, they don’t have a reason to chase him out.
“Who said I want your attention?” Sakura rolls her eyes, taking her headphones back. “I just want to play games, so please go away.” She turns back to her screen, promptly ignoring him.
“Hah, games? Girl you are talking to one of the best gamers at this place, I will carry you in any games you want, as long as…” he wiggles his eyebrows “you accept to be my girlfriend~”
Sakura doesn’t even need to take off her headphones to hear the sigh of everyone in the vicinity. Ever since she caught his eyes, he’s been flirting nonstop, and it’s driving her insane.
What do I do now? Sakura groans, her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose. How do I get this guy off me?
“Come on, don’t be shy, I know you want to be my girlfriend, you’re just playing hard to get.” The man continues “No one can resist my charm~”
Amidst his yapping, Sakura suddenly thinks of someone. Her best friend. If it’s him, it should be fine, right? Sakura thinks to herself.
“I’m waiting for your answer~” With her patience at the boiling point, she turns to the man suddenly. “Sorry but I already have a boyfriend, so please don’t bother me anymore.”
Her answer instantly stuns the man…alongside the employees and other regular customers who know Sakura.
“You…you have a boyfriend?” The man stutters, not believing in his ears.
“Yeah, it’s Lunar, the streamer.” She fearlessly announces her friend’s online alias. Her fingers seamlessly search his streaming channel to see that he is also coincidentally streaming right now.
“You’re bullshitting me. There’s no way your friends with the Lunar, not to mention dating him!” The man voices his disbelief, and for good reasons of course. Lunar might not be a big-time streamer, but he is still pretty popular, due to his good looks, charming personality, and insane gaming skills.
“Don’t believe me?” Sakura asks with a grin, to which the man shakes his head profusely. “If he’s a streamer, why doesn’t he come here to play?”
“Are you stupid? His set up at home is better than most pc bang, why should he come here?”
His stupid question earns some snickers from nearby customers, but he has yet to give up. “I still don’t believe that you know Lunar.”
Snickering, Sakura takes out her phone and dials a number. Mere moments later, Lunar can be seen grabbing his phone on stream and talking the call with his shoulder holding the phone to his ears, pushing his right earphone to behind his ear. His eyes are still trained on the screen with his fingers tapping rapidly.
“Annyeong, Kkura?”
Everyone gasps the moment they hear his voice, fully not expecting her to actually know him.
“Annyeong Lunar, what are you doing?” Sakura replies cheerfully. “Uh, streaming Elden Ring, what’s up?” His constant typing can be heard through the call.
“Nothing, just feel like calling you.” She smiles mischievously, although Lunar doesn’t know that.
“Oh ok- YAH, STOP SPAMMING THAT SKILL! I’ll call you back later. Kind of busy right now.”
Sakura bursts out in fits of giggles as she glances at the screen, seeing Lunar constantly dodging Malenia’s infamous attack while still in an awkward position with his shoulder propping his phone.
“Okie, see you later Lunar.” Sakura hangs up the call, turning to look at the man. “Questions?” she asks in a sassy tone.
The guy can only stay silent, then goes away.
Sakura finally lets out a sigh, leaning back against her chair, before someone else approaches her.
“So, you really know Lunar?” an employee asks her.
Sakura can’t help but chuckle at how the employee’s eyes just glow when she confirms it.
Glancing back at the screen, she sees Lunar finally giving his attention to the game again, focusing on beating the boss.
How ironic, that the first time they met in a game, they yelled at each other almost every time they met. And now, he becomes her best friend, her confidant, when she wants to share things that she is too embarrassed to share with her parents.
She then thinks back to the declaration that she made just now, about him being her boyfriend.
It’s not like he’ll ever go here anyways, Sakura shrugs. What’s the harm?
True enough, Lunar never really visits the PC bang. Until today.
It’s been a few months since that particular incident. Things have gotten better than before.
That man annoys her less than before, seemingly not believing her lie, but still a bit cautious about it. Which Sakura doesn’t particularly care about, as long as he leaves her alone while she is at the PC bang.
Surprisingly enough, most people don’t bother her about questions relating to Lunar. Is it because they are afraid of him? Or is it because they are polite enough to not ask questions, unlike a certain guy? In any case, Sakura is glad she doesn’t have to deal with it anymore.
Well, until today.
Lunar’s parents seem to be visiting him. They nag so much about him sitting in one place and not doing anything else. He does protest that he works out a lot, but it has fallen onto deaf ears. This results in Lunar not being able to play or stream games with his usual schedule.
So, how else does he play games without being nagged by his parents? PC bang, of course.
He casually asks Sakura about her most frequent place. And like any good friend, Sakura first teases him about the fact that he must go to the PC bang to play games despite having a set up at home, then she tells him about her usual place, completely forgetting the lie she made a few months ago.
It isn’t until they meet up together, and walk to the PC bang, that Sakura suddenly realizes what she has just gotten herself into. The realization hits so hard, she stops mid-step, completely still like a statue, causing Lunar to notice it as well.
“What’s wrong?” He turns his head to her, tilting it slightly. “N-nothing! I just remembered that I forgot to do something.” Sakura tries to find a way to stop Lunar from going to the PC bang. “Should we take a raincheck?”
Immediately she could see a light pout on his face. “I’m only free today, Kkura.”
“I’ll just go alone then, you go do your stuff, Kkura.” Lunar shrugs, start heading towards the PC bang. “W-wait!” She catches up to him.
“I can just do it tomorrow. It’s not that urgent anyways.” Sakura plays it off. “Are you sure?” Lunar raises an eyebrow, looking at her. “Yeah! Besides, it’s been a while since we play games together, no?”
“Mhmm, it’s really been a while.” Sakura’s attempt to divert the topic seems to be successful, as they both head off to the PC bang again.
With no way to persuade Lunar, Sakura decides that it’s better to do damage control instead of letting him go there alone and let things potentially go even worse.
Arriving at the place, things happen almost like how she imagined it would be.
Employees greet her and recognize the youth besides her.
A few customers recognizing Lunar and start to fanboy/girl.
A certain guy who smiles when he saw her, only to be fuming with anger at the sight of Lunar. Sakura tries so hard not to let out a smirk at the sight.
“So, you finally decide to bring your boyfriend here huh?” An employee teases her, causing her breath to hitch slightly as she glances up to Lunar’s face. (As much as she hates to admit it, Lunar is one head taller than her, a fact that he’s been polite enough to not mention, but one that still makes her feel unfair.)
Instead of a confused expression like how she predicts, Lunar keeps a calm face as his eyes seem to scan around the room, taking in every bit of hints that he can get from other people before he flashes his iconic ‘streamer smile’, putting his arm over Sakura’s shoulder.
“Well, I’ve been quite busy recently, so I have not been able to follow Kkura to her usual place.” His words shocked her greatly. Out of all the things she guesses he would do, playing alone was not one of them.
Lunar seems to not notice her expression, as he expertly socializes with the employees and other customers before asking for a VIP room for the both of them, then leads her to it.
“Is there anything that I need to know, my girlfriend?” Lunar teases her right after they enter the room. “I don’t remember asking you out, you know.” Instead of being angry to confused about this, Lunar seems to be…relaxed? Sakura can’t really tell.
Nonetheless, Sakura still tells him the full story with the other guy, and how she uses Lunar as a shield against him.
“That explains his gaze from earlier…” He muses to himself.
“I’ll go clarify with the others later, don’t worry.” Sakura feels quite guilty about pulling her friend into her business but was cut off midway by Lunar. “Why?” He asks her quizzically.
“Uh…because we aren’t really dating, and I just use you to deter the guy?” Sakura is now truly confused. “Don’t bother, I don’t particularly care.” Lunar shrugs “As long as it keeps you safe, I can play your boyfriend.”
“Jinjja?” Sakura’s round eyes stare at his side profile, while Lunar is just booting up their PCs.
“Yeah, why not?” He glances back at her. “I’m not dating, and you need protection, so I’ll gladly provide that.” He shrugs.
Sakura only stares at Lunar for a long while, before saying: “Have anyone told you you’re handsome?” Bursting out laughing, Lunar clutches his stomach lightly. “Yeah, my fans.”
His answer earns him an elbow to the ribs. Gently.
“Ow-” Lunar rubs his ribs. “Let’s play some games!” Sakura pointedly ignores it, rushing him to play games with her.
For the first time in a while, Sakura really, really doesn’t enjoy her time playing games. It could have been that because she was too worried about the other guy, she couldn’t focus 100% on her games. Or maybe it’s because Lunar is here today with her. Who knows? Sakura doesn’t.
But she doesn’t care either. She manages to resolve the gnawing issue that is the other guy following her, and she can enjoy games with her best friend. And that’s all she asks for.
“Hey Kkura, I need my girlfriend’s help.”
“So, this is what you meant by, ‘needing your girlfriend’…” Sakura murmurs, standing in front of a restaurant.
“Yeah, my parents have been nagging at me to find someone, and I don’t exactly have someone else to help me with this….” Lunar scratches his head sheepishly.
“It’s ok, I got the gist of it already. Besides, you agreed to play my boyfriend, so it’s time I return the favor.” Sakura lets out a giggle, patting his shoulder, before wrapping her arm around his. “Now lead the way, boyfriend~”
“Also, one more thing.” Lunar says, “Don’t call me ‘Lunar’ in front of my parents.”
“Then what am I supposed to call you?” Sakura raises an eyebrow. Throughout the time she knows him, she has always been calling him by his nickname ‘Lunar’.
“My real name, of course.” He rolls his eyes.
“Alright then, Hyunwoo~” Sakura deliberately calls him in a cutesy voice, causing him to shiver visibly.
“Ugh, let’s get this over with….” Lunar, or Hyunwoo, leads Sakura inside the restaurant, where they proceed to meet with his parents. Little did they know, their lunch might have gone a bit…. Too well.
A few hours later….
“Your parents were a bit too excited, weren’t they?” Both are currently at the PC bang after their lunch.
“Yeah, it’s the first time I ever introduced someone to them, so they overreacted.” Lunar lets out a sigh. “Don’t worry, they’ll go back home next week, so you don’t have to worry about them for long.”
At his word, Sakura turns to stare at him, ignoring the fact that she is letting her character be shot to death. “Aish, what are you doing Kkura-” Lunar complains while trying to save her character, only to be asked a question instead.
“You’ve never dated anyone?” Sakura asks curiously.
“Hmm? Why are you asking that?” Lunar now glances at her face instead of the screen, letting both of their characters die in-game.
“I don’t know, I just felt like you’ve good a pretty good grasp on being a boyfriend.” Sakura muses, thinking back to the lunch date. Despite what his parents say about him, never introducing anyone to them, Lunar, or rather, Hyunwoo displays most, if not all the points of what a perfect boyfriend would be like.
Attentive, respectful, charming, keeping his parents from asking something that might be sensitive while managing to not let the atmosphere become tense, all around an almost perfect boyfriend.
“Me not introducing anyone to my parents doesn’t mean that I’ve never dated, Kkura.” Hyunwoo lets out a small chuckle. “I’ve dated a few people, but it just didn’t end up well.”
“Why?” Sakura is genuinely curious, just by interacting with him one can see how gentle and kind he is.
“Well, let’s just say I couldn’t keep up with them, so we fall out of touch.” Hyunwoo lets out a self-deprecating laugh.
“Anyways, should we start over the heist?” Hyunwoo points back to the screen. Sakura wants to say something, but she ends up swallowing it back as she smiles at him. “Yeah, let’s start over.”
It’s been a few months since then.
Sakura and Hyunwoo still pact as each other’s boyfriend/girlfriend when they need to. Having Hyunwoo act as her ‘boyfriend’ whenever someone tries to flirt with her eases her up a lot. It’s nice to have a shield.
On the other hand, Sakura agrees to act as his ‘girlfriend’ whenever his parents video calls him. Watching them nagging at him for various stuffs, while doting on her greatly is a great contrast, especially to see him pouting whenever that happens.
Unbeknownst to them, whatever slight awkwardness they might have between them has faded, as they become increasingly familiar with each other’s habits. Hyunwoo always seems to avoid anything red bean paste related snacks when they go out, knows how to act accordingly whenever a guy comes up to her, and even automatically grabs her hand while at crowded places to not lose her.
Even in-game, Hyunwoo seems to pick up on her little quirks and acts according to it, allowing her to have a great time playing games whenever she’s with him.
Sakura, in her own way, learns more about Hyunwoo in ways she’s never known. How he acts while streaming compared to how he is in real life, although the changes are miniscule and not worth paying attention to, Sakura did. She learns of his self-discipline by going to the gym every day, without missing a day off. She notices how he tends to scrunch up his nose whenever he’s in deep thought.
Despite how much they have progressed, they still regard themselves as nothing more than best friends. Sakura once joked that they are “friends with benefits” to the amusement of Hyunwoo. They do have benefits being friends, just not how people would expect.
“Your boyfriend really is something huh?”
One of Sakura’s coworker comments randomly, catching her off guard.
“Who?” She asks confusedly.
“Your boyfriend Lunar? The streamer?” her coworker points to Hyunwoo who is helping with loading the boxes of manga at her workplace.
“And?” Sakura is too busy with her own work to reply.
“How did a bum who has never dated someone like you manage to snatch such a fine guy?” Her coworker sighs disappointed. “He’s literally the perfect boyfriend described in almost every romance manga ever, and a bum like you snatched him away first.”
“I told you many times, already, we aren’t dating.” Sakura seems annoyed at this point.
“Yet he comes here in his free time to help you, he always brings you latte, he does whatever you ask for, and on top of that, he does free advertising for us on his stream! Do you know how much people would pay for him to advertise something?”
“He’s just being kind.” Sakura shrugs. “Mhmm, keep telling yourself that, hun.” Her coworker rolls her eyes, before a naughty glint appears in her eyes.
“Say, you said that you guys aren’t dating, right?”
“Yeah, and?”
“Can I date him, then?” Upon hearing that, Sakura immediately glares at her coworker before yelling “No!”
“Heh, and you say you guys aren’t dating.” Her coworker snickers, walking off, leaving only Sakura at the reception.
Sakura, meanwhile, was shocked at her own action.
Did she just get angry at the thought of Hyunwoo dating someone? She thinks to herself, then glances at him.
She never realized how dependent she was on him. How she smiles lightly whenever she receives his messages. How much more natural she is as playing his ‘girlfriend’ in front of his parents. How she wipes the sweat off his forehead like it’s just a natural thing for her. How their hands automatically intertwined with each other when they went out together. How she sometimes misses his warm hugs late at night.
Hyunwoo isn’t just a friend to her anymore. Sakura has a revelation to herself. She still doesn’t feel romantically interested in him, but she is sure that she can’t just view him as her best friend any longer.
But…If they aren’t best friends, what are they?
“How long have we been doing this couple act?”
Currently, Sakura is just laying on Hyunwoo’s bed, as she watches him mindlessly fight a random boss in Elden Ring.
“Uh…. Close to a year now.” Hyunwoo answers absentmindedly. “Why are you asking?”
“Nothing, just, thinking about stuffs…” Sakura answers, staring up at the ceiling for a while. “Should we stop?” Hyunwoo freezes at her question. “Huh?” he turns around on his chair to look at her, controller thrown onto the table. “Why?” He asks.
“Well, it’s just been going on for long enough, I think.” She raises her head to look at him, then proceeds to sit up on his bed with her legs crossed. “Don’t you think so?”
She watches as Hyunwoo falls into contemplation, his nose scrunching up as usual as he leans back onto his gaming chair, his feet tapping lightly against the ground as his eyes wander to whatever seems to catch his interest.
The silence stays for a while, each second seems heavier than the next as Sakura eyes Hyunwoo intently, until he finally looks back at her with an unreadable expression on his face.
“What if I don’t want it to end?” Hyunwoo stands up and moves to the bed, sitting down next to Sakura, but still facing her. “It doesn’t matter that it was an act at the beginning because it benefits us, it means something now, at least to me.” He looks straight into her eyes. “I might not understand what romance feel like, but this, what we have right now.” He points to her, then to himself. “I don’t want to lose it.”
Hyunwoo has no idea when it happened, or how it happened, but he knows one thing for sure that he doesn’t want anyone else besides Sakura. And it is the same for her.
Hyunwoo becomes the novel’s definition of how a loving partner should be, and Sakura has no idea when it happened. Sakura might not still understand what romance is, but what they have here, commitment and care, is a form of love between them, and Sakura refuses to abandon it.
That’s why she pounces at him, shoving him down on the bed while she’s straddling him, giggling. “I was just kidding~” Hyunwoo is dumbfounded. “You were?”
“I just wanted to confirm to myself if you feel what I feel as well.” Hyunwoo starts to sit up, his face so very close to hers as she sits in his lap instead of straddling him. “So…what are we then?” Hyunwoo asks her, chuckling. She joins him as well.
“We are whatever we want to be.” Sakura answers. “Best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, partners, anything.” Sakura’s arms wrap around his neck. “But you’re mine.”
His eyes soften at her words, his arms wrap around her waist.
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smoshpostiing · 4 months
I want a shourtmien only video or live stream sooo bad:( like their Mario maker video was so funny their energies were hilarious, the only up and bread and fred streams have a special place in my heart
literally the best trio
bring back regular shourtmien content i miss them :(
(although, a games vid with just shourtney and damangela would be life changing) <33
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moxpunk · 6 months
Moxie's Big-Ass Retrospective on Games She Played This Year
There's going to be a lot of games under the break, and I'm going full-hog on spoilers. Honestly, I'm going stream-of-consciousness with these, so there's not going to be a clear point made for some of them. Just how I remember them and how I feel now looking back.
Final Fantasy XIV This is my current MMO of choice, and it's been this massive part of how I spent my time this year. The patches and content continue to be great, even if I breeze through it all in a few days after the patch when plugins/mods are back up. I've definitely noticed a dip in my interest lately. I think it's because we've hit a good stopping-point for the plot and junk, so most of us are just waiting until the pre-patch of the new expansion next year. RP continues to get fucking worse and worse for someone that plays a lalafell, since the community at-large (especially the modding community) is actively hostile towards lalafells and their players. Having to check every single venue to see if my middle-aged potato is going to be treated like a child by the hosts gets exhausting after the umpteenth time. Still love the game and I poke at it on a regular basis.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom One of my favorite games I've played this year, but also one of the most frustrating in hindsight. There was a ton of lost opportunity in multiple aspects in this game, and it's sorta the thing I keep coming back to in my head. I loved the exploration and fucking around with physics and just getting to play around in Hyrule. It's a magical experience that I think transcends the fact that 2/3rds of the map is essentially re-used. The Underground was a missed opportunity to shove lore of ancient civilizations in there, Ganondorf was a missed opportunity to finally depict him as a tragic hero with Hyrule being the villains for once, and no plans for DLC or even a Hero Mode is a massive miss for me wanting to return to the world.
Baldur's Gate 3 Hands-down my favorite game of the year by a massive margin, but like TOTK, an immensely frustrating experience. The game is half-cooked in so many areas, and the bugs are plentiful to the extent that they can't really be ignored. The pathing system continues to be the Larian Special of being jank as all hell, with my characters running in the opposite direction of the path it lays out for them. I played this one on stream, and I cannot remember a single stream where I didn't have at least a handful of frustrations with the combat system. Hell, I had to completely restart my file in the middle of Act 2 because Karlach's romance bugged out. I continue to be very upset and frustrated at how goblins are treated, doubly so since in order to pursue the Good Route with Halsin, you have to attack fucking children. I don't care if they're goblins, they're kids. Also very disappointing we don't get a single short-race origin character, meanwhile half of the cast is some form of elf. At least it's nice letting me be full-on cock-out trans. Despite that, the writing and characterizations in this game are unparalleled. It's immensely refreshing to finally have a RPG where you fucking roleplay, after years of it being dialogue that doesn't matter in the slightest other than "points towards the good/evil ending". I love the Brain Slug Squad immensely. This game is probably going to become part of my "play this every year" list because there's just so many different ways to play through this game.
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Been waiting for this game (or a game like it) for fuckin' years, and it's everything I wanted and expected. I know a lot of people went into the game expecting some massive thing that lasted hours and hours, but my memories of JSR/JSRF was a game that I could reasonably beat in an afternoon or two because I just get into the flow and know what I'm doing. Cyberfunk is the purest successor to JSF that I can thing of where it just adds to the fun formula of the past. Incredible game, love seeing the mods coming out for it, hope we get another game in the universe since Team Reptile said they aren't doing DLC.
Pizza Tower Love this game, adore the movement and the music, absolutely fell off at about the halfway mark. I think it's because a lot of stuff was coming out at the time, and I just kinda played those instead. One of these days, I'll beat it and be very satisfied, but for now my gremlin-brain that demands collecting every single collectable and getting at least an A-rank on every stage gets exhausted just thinking about it.
Elden Ring Opened the game up after upgrading to a new PC, marveled that I could run it on Ultra with the game keeping a smooth framerate, killed a few enemies, remembered about the fucking giant ants in this game and how there are zero mods to remove/change them, and then turned the game off and uninstalled. Begging someone to make a mod that gets rid of the fucking ants. Please. I've already gotten every trophy in the game last year, so any incentive I have to return is predicated on that.
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty So, I'm going to give my thoughts about the base game and the DLC, since I played both. The base game continues to be this utter fascination to me where my brain adores just existing in the cyberhell future of nonstop advertising (if I have to hear YO YO YO MY CHEWERS SHROOMERS AND FUMERS! one more time I'm going to fucking strangle someone to death) and ultraviolence. The game continues to ride that weird line of "might as well do every side-quest because they're quick enough to get to and there's hardly any compared to Witcher 3" and "oh my god I do not care about these fucking sidequests other than I have gremlin-brain". Doing anything with sniper rifles or heavy machine guns is an exercise in frustration thanks to there being zero silenced sniper rifle until late-game and there being no unique HMGs.The DLC is... fine. It's fun antagonizing Idris Alba, it's not fun that the DLC is based around a stealth build, it's extremely not fun that the changed ending is deeply unsatisfying from a narrative standpoint.
Pseudoregalia An adorable little game that I enjoyed quite a bit for the very short time I got to fool around with it. Love the movement, love the style of the graphics, love the little pieces of story. Game doesn't get enough love, so here's me giving it some more.
Potionomics I fucking adore this game. I think what helped endear me was getting to do all the voices on-stream, but who cares this is my retrospective and I get to be biased. Loved the romances and characters in there. I absolutely headcanon Xid as being trans, Roxanne turns me into a babbling idiot, and I relate to Luna so hard it almost hurts. I enjoy that characters remain your friend if you already picked a partner, and you have to have a conversation about "hey, you were kinda flirty for a while and I feel a little weird about that now" for each of them. Breaking the economy by the third competition was immensely satisfying.
Paradise Killer I slammed through this game over the course of a single sleepless night thanks to Super Depression. Love the character designs and how bold they are, love the lore behind the world, got kinda sick of it taking so long to travel from place to place, gremlin-brain refused to let me part with the game until I collected everything. Hope to see a prequel/sequel of some sort, because Lady Love Dies is such an interesting character and I liked the bugfuck-weird world.
Peglin It's Peggle, you're a goblin, you get funky ball powerups, adore playing this game on my phone in short bursts. Not much more to say, it's my potato-chip game.
Rimworld Friend gifted this to me and I got horribly obsessed for like a week. It's a lot easier to grok than Dwarf Fortress thanks to the UI and information being easier to comprehend. I never know how to do the crazy shit in these games, I usually peak at having a little self-sustaining settlement with like 4 characters that live their little lives until a plague or bandit raid sweep through and kill everyone.
Halo: Master Chief Collection Another series of games I got obsessed with and pounded out before dropping it. Halo 1 is like twice as long as I remember, Halo 2's remastered cutscenes are fucking gorgeous and it continues to be my favorite out of the series, Halo 3 I'm lukewarm on it's whatever, Halo Reach is... eh I don't care, ODST I petered out of thanks to playing it with an ex that does not understand videogames, Halo 4 is a slog. Didn't do any multiplayer.
Helltaker Finally played it, beat it in like 2 hours, thought the puzzles were fun and the art continues to rattle around in my noggin.
A Hat In Time Another game that I finally beat after owning it for like the better part of a decade. Cute little game, I don't have a clue what any of the updates and junk do these days. The big mountain level is a fucking nightmare to navigate and explore and that's why I fell off last time.
Puzzle Agent Played this one on-stream because I'm Minnesotan as all fuck and I enjoy Professor Layton puzzles. It's just as good as I remember, even if it's incredibly short.
Kingsway Love the premise, adore that it takes me back to the Windows XP era of using my parents' computer. I had like one good run that died in the middle of things, and I never really went back. I should do this game again at some point.
Loop Hero Another procedural game where progress is usually bottlenecked by gathering base resources in each run so you have a fighting chance. All my runs sorta ended up the same by a certain point and I wasn't really having much fun anymore.
Lethal Company Game scares the absolute shit out of me, I cannot play this game for extended periods because I get heartburn from fear. Excellent experience with friends.
Super Mario RPG I didn't have a SNES growing up, so I never got a chance to play the original. So far, I've been greatly enjoying the remake! I don't have much to say because I've only played like four hours of it on stream.
Katamari Reroll Just beat this game again on stream last week. Extremely fun, extremely short, Lonely Rolling Star continues to make me get emotional and cry, my memories get mixed-up with We ♥️ Katamari when it comes to the final sequence of levels.
World of Warcraft I made the return, and holy shit have things changed in-game. The UI actually looks like it's part of a cohesive artstyle, catching up with the story and questlines after bouncing in the middle of Shadowlands is honestly kind of exhausting, and the RP community is still splintered and fractured between Retail and Epsilon. Controller-support has been my biggest gripe since XIV's is fucking stellar and I do not have the wrists/hands for putting my abilities on the keyboard anymore, I either have to use my janked-out mouse buttons or a controller using ConsolePort which is... serviceable but nowhere near good. Uh, I don't particularly care for the dragon-stuff in WoW's lore, and I still haven't done a single dungeon since I play Brewmaster and I'm so out of whack with WoW tanking that I just don't bother. I'm usually doing RP on my endless ranks of characters if I'm not playing with my girlfriend. Season of Discovery has been a fun thing to do with my friend and our guild, it's sorta what I wanted out of Classic when they announced it. The "No Changes" thing was stupid because we'll never get back the lack of information and endless time we had back then, so I'm very happy to have World Of Warcraft Chopped And Screwed Edition. As much as I still have massive, major gripes with Blizzard and ABK in general... Azeroth is still home for me. It's been important to me as a person. Wouldn't have realized I was trans or poly without it.
SO THERE YOU HAVE IT My thinks and feelings on all the games I played this year in 2023. I guess to sum up the year in general? It's been a real shit year for me. Went through like three big breakups, my art output's been dogshit in quantity thanks to mental-health issues, and for the first half of the year people just sorta generally treated me poorly which exaserbated a lot of problems. I'm recovering, but I've noticed it's been a lot slower than it has been in the past. Games are a huge hobby of mine, so I'm glad I've gotten to play some bangers this year. Being more active on Tumblr's been good for my mental health, since I finally feel like I've got a community again after not really feeling like I've had one in forever. Love you guys, stay weird. 💖💖💖
Sorry not sorry for this being so long.
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kiteblue42 · 8 months
Part 2 of - what the heck is going on with Mobius anyway?
S2e3 - the one where Renslayer calls him out on his BS.
Rather like S1e3 there’s actually not that much Mobius in this episode (I mean he’s in the action but we’re not getting that much insight). Non-the-less I managed to stream of consciousness myself through a lot of words….
(1) Mobius is very into his job & is good at it.
Nothing makes Mobius happier than working a case - yes he has fun at the fair but he is always on it: he knows his history of Chicago, he finds the bread crumbs etc - he’s basically showing rookie Loki how to do the good old fashioned leg work). More generally Mobius sees the bigger picture and steers Loki to the decision to get Victor Timely back to the TVA.
(2) Mobius / Renslayer
Because I love Mobius I kind of want to think Mobius is hurt and misses his friend and really wants her back on their side and is genuinely being forgiving and lovely. But - no - I actually think most of the interaction with Ravonna could be read as Mobius being pretty manipulative. We know he can act in a manipulative way after the interrogation scenes in s2e2. He sees the bigger picture and thinks Ravonna / Miss Minutes could be useful or at least he wants to neutralise them. He has not forgotten she tried to kill himself & Loki (mentioned it a couple of times). And he wants to bring back Timely because he thinks “we’ll never get Renslayer to help us” Compared to scenes with Loki Mobius seems pretty in control of his emotions when dealing with her. Ravonna knows him pretty well and doesn’t buy his soft speeches either “none of your words mean a thing”.
I am very interested in what Ravonna meant by her little speech on: “ tidying up your messes - doing your dirty work - making the hard decisions you never had the nerve to make.” Along side the “soft spot for broken things” comment it seems Ravonna has quite a bit of insight into Mobius. In the end Mobius leaves her to Sylvie with only a slight look of regret.
3) order and chaos - opposites - partners
So the order & chaos theme gets overtly introduced by Victor Timely in the loom presentation. The camera pans to Loki and Mobius which is probably not a coincidence. We get the same cut away to Loki and Mobius when Renslayer engages with this theme.
The obvious takeaway is the Renslayer is order and Sylvie chaos given how the scene plays out but the cut aways do seem important.
Then we also have a theme of partnerships.
Timely brings this up first with “I don’t do partnerships”. Others have written very interesting stuff on these themes (@charcubed : https://www.tumblr.com/charcubed/731718717278502912/heres-your-fun-keycode-for-mirroring-in-loki & @loki-who-remains https://www.tumblr.com/loki-who-remains/731775874980069376/the-dichotomy-of-order-and-chaos-is-so- & https://www.tumblr.com/teamtardis-notdead/731724045258817537/all-that-matters-is-order-vs-chaos
From a Mobius pov the options are just Renslayer / Mobius and Loki /Mobius. So order / order and order / chaos. Renslayer / Mobius was a disaster and no more (there is no “we”). But according to Mobius s2e2 “opposites attract? No!”
The future …?
I’ve said before that “Mobius watch” puts him slipping into a pretty dark place from at least S1e4. His partnership with Loki is working very well (possibly too well as others have pointed out). But it seems likely he sees no future in it - it’s a “now” thing. The same with his role at the TVA. He clearly loves that job but has it been rendered meaningless or even plain wrong.
I don’t buy this version of Mobius being content with a regular job on the timeline either - certainly not jet ski salesman - there’s too much of the TVA analyst in him. So what’s left?Of all the characters we have Mobius is least well equipped to deal with the future because he is focused exclusively on now, his main relationship is with Loki (which he does not think will last) and he has ambiguous feelings towards his job with was the only thing giving him meaning. If there’s a sacrifice to be made he’s an obvious candidate - also Renslayer practically calls him out to make a hard choice so no doubt we will see him make one.
So that’s depressing- still at least we’ll get to see Owen Wilson killing it (I am so impressed with him in this show!).
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atthebell · 3 months
it's really interesting that you say that vodwatching is harder for you to summarize/liveblog cause i find it so much easier :o at least when i've been working through phil's blogs for the wiki. i think it's cause i already know where the story is headed that I have a clearer idea of what I'm looking out for (well and also, qphil isn't steeped in quite as much federation/enigma/etc, so i do think you've got much more complex things going on than me)
that being said ur killing it on the cellbit wiki stuff :] really glad you're in on this project too!
i wrote like a few paragraphs of cellbit's wiki page yesterday and it took me. five hours? that's with irl stuff getting in the way and i am VERY particular about how i cite and how to summarize so things aren't super crowded (since that can go in the day-by-day history instead) but like i have to reference SO many vods to talk about stuff and because of how long he streams, all the stuff he's involved in, every investigation he does, and especially just how busy his early days were (and the sprint really didn't stop until the eggs disappeared) it means there is SO much content to cover so i end up hopping across so many different vods to grab details, and i'm also trying to vodwatch as like. a fun activity for myself, so i don't want to burn myself out.
i also take very quick notes and can note down timestamps far easier live than when i'm rewatching a vod and trying to find a specific moment, because then i'm having to scrub through and try to figure out what moments are important and what are just him fucking around in a google doc. like i cannot stress enough cellbit used to stream qsmp for at least 4 hours 5 days a week that's SO much streams to trawl through (best wishes to bbh wiki folks, although at least he's not doing a ton of detailed investigation). and it's a lot of catching up, because i didn't use to keep detailed notes and so now i have to find things that i only half-remember (picture me sprawled over my desk with my head in my hands, that's me considering whether it's worth it to search twitter for an update tweet to cross reference for a timestamp)
cellbit has so much content honestly a huge part of the work is the condensing it element, wherein deciding what is important enough to go on the regular history vs. what is too detailed takes quite a while. i have two separate google docs for his lore, one that's personal and one that's specifically for the wiki, and i spend ages just going through and making sure things aren't me going on and on about something that isn't necessary for a brief summary. and i want things to be easy to understand and possibly catch up on for folks who missed a lot of his earlier stuff, which means explaining it well but not with like. essays and essays about his character progression, and keeping it as factual as possible-- once again, meaning a lot of vod citations.
also i think a lot of folks don't realize how much cellbit's investigations tie in with larger server lore-- he's debunked a bunch of theories about the federation and found out SO much info about them and the eggs and things like that, and a lot of that info gets lost over time. so documenting everything he's found means documenting quite a bit of overall server lore with sources. i'm like very lucky that i have a pretty good memory, especially for mysteries, so i know that i do need to find that stuff, even if i don't remember exactly when it was.
anyway back to your original point yeah i just find it leagues easier when i'm not having to go back and find a specific moment in a 9 hour vod and instead i can just have a google doc open jotting down everything important, and then later on all that info is just there for me to pull from. it makes the writing element easier along with everything else
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