#i need to vent
human-space-heater · 9 months
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anxiety-party · 2 months
I’ve been thinking about ninjago again lately and I need to talk about the skybound season and how they bring up Jay being adopted and it’s never explored any further! He didn’t even tell anyone about it goddammit!
Didn’t he go to see his real dad after everything got reverted? I mean he might as well since he was gonna die in a few days!
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laiostoudenn · 1 month
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incognit0slut · 4 months
I need to get this off my chest
I realize writing a series is very time-consuming, especially writing one with twenty parts where each part has like 3-4k words (crazy, i know). What I learned about writing a long fiction is you have to be consistent. And sure, no one should pressure themselves, but I do wish it didn't take me eight months to finish something that could've been completed in less time.
I know I shouldn't be too hard on myself, after all, I write on my own free will. But yeah, I feel like if I had consistently updated, it would've been better. Or had better feedback? Idk. I wonder if any fellow writers ever felt this way or is this just a me problem?
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beevean · 3 months
I know I keep harping on the same bullshit and I'm sick of myself as well, but it really baffles me that this is considered near perfect writing:
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He's looking at Lenore as she's about to sun herself. He's talking about vampires. So let me ask: what the hell do you mean "recently".
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Appreciating the beauty of vampires is all you've been doing!!
N!Hector started as a victim of abuse so alienated by his own kind that he related more with animals than humans. He's fascinated with death. He's fascinated with vampires. This is not a good thing, since it's the main reason the man thinks that turning humans into cattle would be a "merciful" compromise: he sees humans as dangerous animals that need to be controlled, but not completely eradicated, as "like any animal, I think the world would be poorer with their extinction".
You'd think that his development would be about him reconnecting with his humanity. Realizing they are people, with hopes and dreams and kindness and they deserve better than being food for vampires. Just as he, too, deserves better than being cooped up in a little house, or in a castle. You know. His literal development in canon.
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It's predictable, but at least it's coherent. But eh, I guess N!Isaac stole this poignant character arc, whoops.
That line makes no sense. Not only because of what I just said, but because Hector just finished comparing vampires to parasites that do nothing but eat, so starved they are for power. For fuck's sake it's literally what triggers Lenore's suicide! That realization by all means should have been him accepting that vampires are not as wise as he thought, that at their core they're still animals and they hurt him and are harmful to the world because of it. But apparently no. He's still on his bullshit, just as his big badass moment in this season is planning to bring back Dracula even after he realized that he had lied to him to exterminate mankind in a way he didn't approve of.
Ah. But this isn't about Hector. Hector stopped being a character halfway through S2. This is about Lenore. This is him doing the closest thing to confessing his love for the woman who abused him in all sorts of ways. She's beautiful and she should have lived with him, but she chose to peace out, unwilling to withstand her own ironic fate with the man she enslaved: and he's perfectly fine with her choosing the "freedom" that she deprived him of, that forced him to multilate his fingers to gain (and even in part, as he's once again stuck in a castle with no desire to see the world).
But it's fine. She's a beautiful vampire and he'll always cherish her as such.
This writing is disgusting. This show puts vampires on an uncomfortable pedestal and does very little to make them sympathetic, so it really comes off as simply misanthropic.
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hellboys · 3 months
i am boycott the crow reboot
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liesmultixxx · 1 day
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sorivii · 5 months
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👀👀👀 Nah dude wth are you doing following me for?!??? Giving me a heart attack like this?? @triona-tribblescore!??😭💞
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mycptsdstory · 3 months
I swear, I don't take bull crap from anyone anymore.
I've had soooo many people tell me "nah we're okay" when we're not. LIKE FUCKING PICK ONE. You can't have both.
I have such a short fuse for people's dramas. Especially when it has NOTHING TO DO WITH ME!
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lolitaisreal · 5 months
Am I the A-hole for not doing the work of my cousin, so here's the deal I am quite artistic like I love to draw, sketch, paint anything art related. And of course every art related assignments or tasks appointed by the teacher I can do it, not an expert but it's just something I enjoy and put my heart and soul to it. Then of course family and I'm from Philippines and yes "We are Filipino's of course we live with our extended family" kidding aside, there are things that they kind of expected you to do like help each other and shit but, me as an adult I want income even if for a small amount I want to be paid, so one night I got a notif from a fam member saying they want me to draw this enter picture that they sent for their child, which is my cousin and my cousin is in high school I don't liked it one bit, I just told them that I am doing laundry which was true I was doing laundry and my other fam member which is a sibling of a fam member that dm'ed me for their child's assignment constantly asks me to draw, and in my head I was like bruh they're in high school shouldn't they figure their own stuffs out and why do I need to spoon fed them my drawings heck I'm not even paid to do it. And while I said that in my head I dm'ed my friend with the situation and they were like what if they are just artistically challenged and I was like even so cause in my experience I had to figure everything out (almost and except sewing I don't hate it I'm just not good at it also the trauma of almost destroying the sewing machine gives me chills) and my friend also agreed with me well kind of because it maybe a simple tasks for people who enjoy art but it's a challenge for those who aren't. So yeah here we go that's the story.
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kousaka-ayumu · 12 days
Dude one of my older cousins is going to have 3rd child😭
I was freaking out on the inside, don't tell me in the future she's going have like what 6 or 7?! I already lost count after my parents!
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He-Man??? Really??? I-
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insomnaticwriter · 2 months
When I think about her every hour and she doesn’t text me back ❤️
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chickensarentcheap · 2 months
I have my little secret writing project going and all I can think is 'I can't even share this. Because if people won't interact with a current fandom, they're not going to do it for one that's forty years old'
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mac-lilly · 10 months
Out of context post: This one person on this one social media site (not tumblr) really pisses me off. Woke up to a series of whiny text messages that I don't give a f*** about. Girl, I ignored your last 10 messages about the same subject. What makes you believe I care about it?
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strawberryeclips · 2 months
Trying not to cry because last night was shitty and I didn't know what to do and was being bullied because I didn't wanna get in a car with drunk people driving, so then I drank enough not to care, did the thing I didn't want to do, lost things, broke my phone, peed my pants, was cold all night trying to sleep in someone else house.
I don't like these friends.... I don't think they are good friends. I just wanna go home...
Atleast my brother is coming for me now hopefully I'll be home soon and just never do this again
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