#i never left fanmeeting event day 1
infinite-juliet · 9 months
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220924 Infinite Kim Myungsoo at I Never Left Fanmeeting Event Day 1‬‬‬‬‬ © lumiere do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
CPN Archaeology : A tale of Two Selfies 📸
Let’s label this properly since it’s an old candy that is somehow being talked about right now in bxg circles. It’s always nice to go back and see what we may have missed or just reminisce about some events. I thought about just leaving it but I cannot stop. I must archive candies. you never know what incident will come in handy in the future. lol.
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Let’s start with the facts and the context behind the selfies before we delve into the CPN story.
Xiao Zhan’s was posted on Oasis 11/24/2019 with a caption Does it sound good? . This is in reference to his performance in Our Song of Green Light. There is a whole CPN about that & him rapping but we won’t talk about that here. It’s a selfie. His usual sharing of his beautiful face.
Yibo’s was shared 11/2/2019 after Day 2 of CQL’s Nanjing Fanmeet. The caption is : green mountains never change, river always flows. lan wangji removing the make up. So you can take this as a goodbye to the fans and a selfie for everyone who came and to commemorate that memorable night.
Two bare faced selfies. So what. Simple. Well no, since we’re clowns — there is a CPN version of events which may or may not be true.
11/2/2019 was Day 2 of the NJ Concert. The final one. At this time, they were both so busy with their own projects ( Take note OOL finished filming 11/6 ) but they of course have lots of activities related to promoting The Untamed. There are a couple of “lip reading” CPNs for their live events and this is an example of it. This is the video. They were allegedly talking about what photo they gave to the crew to show off to the audience and they both said scenery ( on set ).
Then this exchange happens:
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( look at xz’s reaction after yb allegedly says he can take his photo. I don’t exactly care if the lip reading is accurate but yb definitely said something naughty. lol. )
After that, we get Yibo’s selfie. The bare faced one that was promised. Speculation is he took it for GG to see since he indirectly asked for it. Second is, it looks like a mirror selfie but it’s not. Someone else took it. Maybe he really was taking a photo of himself but someone was taking a picture of him too. There are turtles saying that his phone is shooting in vertical but the photo posted is horizontal. Also how the placement is wrong if this was taken from a mirror. However, at bare minimum, him posting this kind of selfie after that exchange is interesting.
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You can also be sentimental about it and interpret it as him finally shedding the LWJ persona off. It’s time to be Yibo. The person XZ loves. 🤍
XZ on the other hand had to go back and film OOL.
Let’s go back a bit because another important point here is the Nanjing rehearsal. XZ was sick at that time and this is also where Yibo speaks up for XZ ; telling the crew he is not feeling well. If you’ve watched any videos or GIFs from this rehearsal. Ugh! They are so attentive to each other. 🥲
The rehearsal is 11/1/2019 and allegedly that night the cast had dinner together which GG cannot attend because he was sick. As per the photos below, one had Web in it and then it seems like he left.
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Now here comes the CPN story : 📝
GG was sick during that day so Web did go to the dinner for a bit but had to go back and look after GG. As a friend who is concerned or as a Boyfriend, take your pick. Depends if you SZD or not. This was also the time where Yibo’s selfie was taken. It’s why GG was able to joke that he thought Web was going to submit his bare faced selfie. He knows because he was there when it was taken. Web made a come back when he brought it up ( gremlin mode ) like he was saying what actually happened so GG had that look on his face. We know how GG loves to start something and when Web takes it up a notch he backs off or acts surprised.
The focus on GG’s selfie is because turtles think that it was also taken that day in Nanjing. Not 11/24 when he posted. He was sick and took some selfies probably to send to Web ( he’s so lucky, like seriously. i get so mad sometimes. ) and shared the leftover with us. Nothing new. We’ve been speculating that some of his selfies are leftovers and the best ones are sent to Yibo. We just didn’t know he’s been doing it for so long. If you wanna clown further, they are in the same hotel room. The same hotel is more plausible tho. All the talk about GG’s pimple mark as a baseline on when this photo was taken is not really relevant ( at least to me ). The story already makes sense as it is. 🤍
sources: one / two / three
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ohnobjyx · 4 years
Taking care of you
Hi, guys! I initially wrote this post for an ask, but it got too long to be included, so I separated it in another post.
Disclaimer: fake info.
I’d like to highlight the moments they take care of each other. It must be because of how my own relationship works, but I really feel there’s something real between them when I see them just caring for each other.
Dd taking care of gg
From gg’s angle, I think the biggest clue is not just him taking care of dd, but letting himself be taken care of. From my experience, a independent, proud and competitive person like gg admitting that he doesn’t want to do something, asking for help or letting others defend him like dd does, shows a great deal of trust in the other person. He trusts the other one to do the right thing, to say the right words. And that’s present from start to finish in all of their events.
In the Thai fanmeeting (0:13-0:40 here), when asked a difficult question, gg and dd both said: “you answer”. Gg said in a very low voice “I don’t want to answer”, so dd inmediately turned to the reporter and thought of an answer. However, his answer was too short, so gg jumped in to complete it. Gg is perfectly capable of taking care of himself in events and interviews. He has done so before and continues to do so. However, whenever he’s with dd, he relaxes more, and lets dd take the reins or   even asks him to (he asked him in this segment, but dd always rushes to defend him if needs arises, like the “you look at the waist” or the “why rush into marriage” moments). That doesn’t mean that he just disconnects, but remains attentive so he can help dd too if necessary. The way they rely and complete each other is really cp goals.
In CQL bts (the scene of the boat), dd keeps peeling lotus seeds for gg and giving them to him. Gg just naturally takes the seeds from him, and when YB hands him another stem, he just hands it to dd. If it wasn’t dd, just any other coworker, I don’t think gg would bear to just sit there and have another person peeling lotus seeds for him. He’d probably peel them himself, because that’s the “polite” thing to do. However, there’s no such need with people you’re really close to, and gg just sitting there speaks volumes of their closeness to each other.
(And note that when YB asks dd to pass him a lotus seed, dd just throws an unpeeled one to him, and YB has to peel it himself, because dd is only peeling lotus seeds for gg. Dd’s double standards).
In TTXS 11th anniversary, dd brings gg as his special guest. Gg says: “wang-laoshi please take care of me”, and dd answers: “I can’t even take care of myself”. But in the episode, he never leaves gg’s side, slows down the dance so gg can follow and jumps in to dance himself when gg is asked to and uncomfortable to say “no” (note that he also defended gg in the Thai fan meeting interview, when the reporter asked if gg could dance for them, dd was the first one to answer “no”)
Gg’s hearing is quite poor, so he often misses hosts’ questions. Dd is used to it by now: sometimes gg doesn’t even needs to ask him and dd will already be turning to him to repeat the question to him. I can think of at least three times that dd helped him like that: (1), (2) and (3)
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(In Tencent Awards night, gg didn’t even hear the host telling him to stay for a bit, and only stopped after seeing dd. He didn’t hear anything the hosts said either. What is remarkable is that dd started to explain as soon as he turned. How did you know that gg hadn’t heard anything if you were facing the other side, dd?)
In Nanjing concert (191101), gg had a infection in the throat (faringitis). He could barely talk in the practice, and it’s part of the reason he’s much more silent in that concert. His throat was bothering him at the end of the concert, when they were both singing WuJi, so dd just simply sang his lines for him, hitting the high notes even though his voice isn’t suited for them. He continued to sing the leading voice of the song, just so gg could rest his voice. Gg’s reaction is so sweet too (his surprised stare, their smiles, gg nodding his head giving his thanks... judge for yourselves). He was smiling much more afterwards too.
Gg taking care of dd
But of course, gg also takes care of dd. As I’ve said, this goes to them both.
We’ve the famous knee pads moment in the 9-minutes boat video. Gg notices injuries in dd’s knees and looks very sad when he asks “b-but these are new injuries?”. They even bicker for a second, but gg keeps looking at dd’s knees and out of concern asks him to wear knee-pads. We all know that more than a year after that, dd is indeed listening to gg’s words, even though at first he laughed at them and asked “who would wear knee pads?”.
In the same 9-minute boat video, gg also asks him “I heard yesterday was so hot that an extra fainted... how were you?”. From my pov, this video allows us a small glimpse into how they interact, and by dd’s answer I think it’s usual for gg to be caring and attentive of dd. Even when they are playing and joking around, gg keeps in mind dd’s health, like when he said “yes, I’ll let you off since you haven’t slept for 2-3days and that’s sad. Rest well, please” here.
I don’t even think gg was thinking of anymore than just friendship with dd at that moment. But it already started to show that he cared a lot about him.
There are also multiple instances of gg taking care of dd’s throat. For some reason, it seems dd is very prone to colds and coughs (he once said he was the kind of kid that got sick every season, and I don’t think the idol life workload is doing anything to fix that).
Bxg digged out that gg gave dd a certain brand cough drop in the Thai fan meeting (and it’s the same one he was sharing with the other hosts in SDoC). Then we jump at Tencent Awards night. Gg sees that dd has something candy-like in his mouth and inmediately asks: “does your throat hurt?”. The amount of knowledge necessary here: as his cohosts from SDoC demonstrates for us, when we see a friend eating a candy, it’s more normal to ask “oh, you’re eating a candy?”. But gg inmediately knows that it’s a cough drop, most likely because he knows that dd doesn’t like sweets and snacks and he gave him those. From there, we jump to gg’s worry about dd “does your throat hurt?”.
In TTXS episode with gg, at the end, when they are eating meat skewers, gg advises dd to eat less of them: “they have black pepper, it’s bad for the throat”. For me, it’s a sign of how gg takes care of dd in a more domestic and daily basis. The comment is taken naturally by dd, as if he’s used to it.
(Actually, I’d like to know what gg has to say about dd eating so many spicy hotpots with his cough. In traditional Chinese medicine, “spicy, sweet, oily and alcohol” are the four prohibitions for people who want to take care of their voice and their throat. By gg’s comments and the brand of cough drops he gives dd, I’m almost sure he wouldn’t like dd mistreating his throat like this).
I’m sure most of you has noticed the next one, but gg always clears the seat for dd. He did so in Nanjing fan meeting, and took the papers and the pen away so dd didn’t sit on them, and again cleared the seat next to him in Tencent awards. So when gg wasn’t sitting next to him in w/ibo night, dd simply sat with a water bottle behind him, and gg noticed when he sat in dd’s seat later, when dd had left.
(It’s also interesting to analyze gg’s movement in Tencent Awards. Everyone in that sofa where sitting widely apart from each other, so a pen placed next to gg shouldn’t bother dd if he simply took his seat keeping the same distance everyone was keeping. But gg assumed naturally that dd would be sitting next to him).
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(At the left, an actress who is rumoured to follow other actors cp’s, and was seen observing gg and dd that night quite closely).
Also from Tencent Awards night, dd was confused as to how to leave the stage, which gg kindly points him the correct way. The same thing, though much more subtle, appears again at the w/ibo night, when with a glance from dd, gg points the way with his fan for dd.
Gg also cares about dd’s career. In c-culture, connections and relationships with important people play a large part in your success in any industry. So at first gg was standing between ZLY and dd, but when he noticed ZLY talking with dd, he just gently pushed dd towards her, so they could chat.
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This is why I don’t really believe in the famous video of a “jealous gg moment” (when they got off stage and were walking down the stairs, dd looked at ZLY, and that glance was supposedly seen by gg, who stormed off, leaving dd behind). I think gg didn’t react like that because of dd (though he did look at him), but because someone signaled him from afar. 
Dd even waited for ZLY to get on stage, and offered his help to her because she was wearing a long dress. This was also seen by gg, who turned to check if dd was following. If this moment didn’t get a reaction from gg, and he doesn’t react poorly when they both chatted at his side, I don’t know why dd just looking at her afterwards would sit so badly with gg (and we get back to the fact of ZLY being married and with a baby).
At the Nanjing concert, in the first day, when gg and dd were singing Wu Ji, there were some problems with their earphones. You can actually see them trying to fix it from here. However, dd ends up taking off his, and there’s a moment of silent communication, where I think dd was asking gg to cue him the start of the next part of the song (which is dd’s). From here, you can see gg keeping up with the beats of the song, and see him pointing with the mic towards dd when is his turn to start singing.
I particularly love this Wu Ji interpretation from them, because it’s first dd asking gg for help, and inmediately after, dd taking care of gg.
They rely on each other, trust each other and they move around each other like the other one is meant to be in their personal space. Neither gives or receives more help from the other, they are in an equally balanced relationship. Now you can take this and compare it to real relationships you know of to get your own conclusions about whether it resembles a romantic relationship or a strong friendship.
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shinwhoohoo · 3 years
hello lovely person, i come to your inbox seeking solace and the permission to rant about the eternally frustrating mess that is bana twitter. i'm so infuriated by delulu ot5 stans spamming a3 asking for reunion pics w j and b and demanding that they include those 2 in the official anniversary celebrations bc j&b ""deserve" it like??? where do they get their sense of entitlement from lmao i don't get it. and really, why should a3 bear the onus of asking them to join the celebrations when the other 2 have given no indication that they wish to do so in the first place like they literally left the group and no longer associate themselves with it (and no ig bios don't count people) what's not clicking?
it honestly makes me more pissed at the 2 who left (jy in particular) bc they refuse to make a clean break. wm also had a part to play in it ofc bc they didn't release an unequivocal statement about their departure from the group (altho they did say b1a4 will only be promoting as 3 going forward so idk how anyone misinterpret it) but what irks me is that jy never really acknowledged the fact that he left (at least baro wrote a nice letter thanking bana and a3). he keeps stringing his fans along by making empty promises about future reunions and!!!i hate that he won't change his ig bio or twitter header and whatever else it is that convinces people that "his heart lies w b1a4". i hate that he does all this but a3 still have to bear the brunt of the criticism from their fandom even tho they've been working their asses off to give us quality music (jinthoven who, producer cnu owns my heart now) and wholesome content (how precious was b1a4 arcade) to make up for their perceived sins against bana.
sorry this spiralled out of control, haven't used my tumblr in ages but i feel like migrating back bc bana twt is bad for my blood pressure. hope you have a nice day!
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Two things real quick:
1. You always have permission to rant here to please do so whenever you feel like it~!! 😁 2. PLEASE COME BACK TO TUMBLR WE NEED YOU BACK IT’S SO MUCH NICER AS A BANA PLEASE 🙏
Ok now that that’s out of the way lol, wow 10/10, 💯, like god I really have nothing else to even add? Perfect rant, perfect points, all completely 100% factual points, that some people just don’t seem to like to address or acknowledge in their ‘OT5′ comments. But the thing is, all of this is true!!
What bothers me the most about the whole OT3/OT5 argument basically comes down to two points:
1. Those spewing OT5 Forever on their personal accounts is one thing. I’ve always said everyone is entitled to their own feelings about this, and I can respect we have our differences. However, going to A3′s accounts, to their VLive, and commenting and spamming posts about Baro and Jinyoung and ‘Oh, What does THIS MEAN that Jinyoung posted to the B1A4 VLIVE?? What DOES IT MEAN that Baro posted a pic holding a BANA CUP?!!? I MISS B1A4 AS FIVE’ and it’s like... let’s actually take a breath. Jinyoung’s incident was obviously a mistake, one that he hasn’t even addressed. Baro admittedly has liked a few B1A4 posts here and there, with this most recent insta upload the most ‘vocal’ he’s been regarding B1A4. But does it mean they are going to magically appear for the 10th anniversary? Not at all. There is absolutely no connection between these events. And to try and make such a connection is clearly going out of your way to try and create something that isn’t there because you want it to happen. Not because you are looking at the facts and the comments that the members who are actually, actively in B1A4 have made, but because you are overlooking what they have said, and what WM Ent has said, to fit your agenda. And to go and post these wishes and hopes on their official accounts, or even worse, Shindeulchan’s personal social media accounts, especially given how THEY expressed how they felt about the split, well damn. I think that’s cruel tbh. But yet we’re the nasty ones for not acknowledging bayoung...
2. ... which brings me to the other main point that irks me. Just because I am not currently an ‘OT5′ fanatic, again, given what we KNOW TO BE TRUE!!! (Basically most of which you’ve already listed-- WM’s statement of B1A4 continuing AS THREE, Sandeul and CNU’s comments and feelings they have made on guest show appearances, their fanmeet, the B1A4 Documentary+, etc., not to mention Baro’s statement, and even Jinyoung’s, which mentions about looking forward into the future if they should all come back again, in addition to the dead silence Jinyoung has been about bipo since then) but just because some of us aren’t ‘OT5′ given all that, DOESN’T MEAN WE’RE AGAINST BARO OR JINYOUNG!! like that pisses me off so much, this ‘divide’ that is being made... It’s like no, I just respect the feelings of the members who are actually here more so than wishing for something to happen that isn’t going to any time soon, like sorry that upsets you. And guess what, I still will always adore Baro and Jinyoung. I still wish the best for them. And if/when the time comes that they want to come back, and A3 accepts them back (because again, it’s up to THEM, not the ‘OT5′ fans!!) I will 100% be happy and grateful to see B1A4 as five. But until then, I will support Baro and Jinyoung in their solo efforts, and B1A4 as three, for all that they do and have done to make the transition from 5 to 3 easier for us.
lmao I love how I’m like ‘oh your ask was great I have nothing to say’ then go and write an essay. Well, I am nothing if not on brand with my word vomit.
Thanks for this anon, as you can tell it lit a fire under my ass lol. I don’t think I’ve been this vocal about it all in a while~
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kihyunswrath · 4 years
I have a question for MBBs
To those of you who still think there’s a plan behind all this, that Starship has somehow made a meticulous plot that will bring Wonho back:
Do you honestly fucking think it justifies everything? 
Do you honestly believe bringing him back was worth torturing the other members with extensive schedules, censorship, grief and injuries? 
Do you genuinely trust that Starship had good intentions for the group when all of this conveniently took place at the same time as people started noticing the actual, real crimes of the VP and the CEO of the company, yet nothing bad seemed to happen to them but Wonho was kicked out within two three days after a RUMOR about him and Shownu was spread? A rumor that in the end had maybe 0,5% of truth in it and that truthful part of it was probably the least significant part?
Do you honestly think things will return back to normal after the remaining members realized they were not allowed to have EVEN ONE day of recovery time, not even one?
Within one day, they had to recover from the blow of losing one of their closest friends, practice six member versions of all their songs, wipe away ALL mentions of Wonho whatsoever, from their vocabulary, from their memories, from their content, and be prepared for 1) continuing their comeback, 2) preparing their season’s greetings, 3) preparing their English album and the following comeback concert string related to it, 4) filming and publishing a music video to their latest English single, 5) continuing Twotuckgom promotions, 6) promoting their future world tour, 7) preparing their Jingle Ball concert and those Chanel whatever shows, 8) participate in various music award shows, and multiple other shows I can’t even count now because I don’t fucking remember them all anymore. 
In one day they had to pretend Wonho never existed. He was kicked out of his dormitory within a week, his face was blurred or edited out from shows and they punished members who even hinted that they still did acknowledge his existence.
Let that sink in for a second.
All that happened because of literally no reason whatsoever.
And don’t you fucking forget that five of the seven members were already having physical injuries earlier that same year. That it wasn’t Jooheon who first showed signs of exhaustion, but before him Kihyun had had his ribs fractured, Minhyuk’s knee was hurting, Hyungwon was limping, Wonho had collapsed at the stage because of his dislocated shoulder and then countless of other smaller injuries they were never allowed to properly heal from, not even AFTER they were bombarded with ugly rumors and got members fired for fucking entertainment’s sake. And then after Wonho left we saw Changkyun actually ASKING Starship to let them rest, and DID THAT HAPPEN?
It did not. 
We fans showed them immense amount of support and love, we put together events, fundraisings, we gave them letters, we waved Wonho signs, we shouted his name, we covered their company building with notes and loving letters, and what did Starship do in response? 
Banned people from writing Wonho fanletters, punished Hyungwon for responding to one that had his name in it, told us we couldn’t mention his name in fanmeetings or we would get our Monbebe cards revoked forever. Pushed the members to continue like nothing ever happened and then joyfully told us, right around the same time when Jooheon started falling sick, that they were going to have a world tour, seventeen concerts in the US/Canada alone, how about paying 300 dollars for a good ticket and paying it in three four days after getting to know when and where it’s going to happen and how expensive the tickets will be?
How about some more concerts in a couple of days to celebrate their newest English album, the one that Wonho’s voice is in, but you know, we will absolutely never mention him again, but yeah concerts anyone? 
I know you would want to quickly forget and forgive everything, I know you would all love to breathe in relief after Wonho comes back and continue that same shit that was taken away from you a couple of months before. 
But I don’t know WHAT to tell y’all to make you understand that it was all a fucking illusion. That this group’s dreams were fucking shattered with overworking, stress, lack of sleep, lack of nutrition, lack of free time, lack of recovery time, and that it happened years ago already. That Starship started torturing them WAY BEFORE Wonho was kicked out, but that instead of them getting the rest and reflection time they deserved afterwards, STARSHIP DECIDED TO MAKE IT TEN TIMES WORSE FOR THEM, JUST SO THAT THE COMPANY WOULD HAVE A NICE AMOUNT OF MONEY STOLEN FROM THEM AFTER THEY MOVE ON TO THEIR NEXT NEW BOY GROUP AND THEIR PROMOTIONS.
I know you have been saying to not abandon six members and their dreams because of one.
I hear you and I ask you:
What makes you think this is their dream?
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shijiujun · 5 years
ICYMI - some Chris news
so hahahaha as always I camp on weibo on the days before the fanmeet and during the fanmeet - and anyway so something happened yesterday in case anyone is interested to know:
chris just added yesterday on his instagram profile that ‘modification and reupload, and creation of any products (with his photos) without permission isn’t allowed’ 
so my first thought is - totally fair, about time, i mean that’s what we all do with our own uploads right, and copyright issues - he does own his damn photos and whatever he says about it, it’s totally fine
and then what erupted on weibo was:
1. strangely, some of his fans started to blame his manager? like i don’t even mean like calling her a bitch or anything (although there was that) but all out in like 100 words and more saying that she’s a really incompetent manager, and how did someone like her ever get to manage chris, and how she’s chasing away all of chris’ fans and you get the drift - basically okay so i’m sure they’ve been unhappy with his manager (for whatever reasons) for a while now and the fans claim that she’s been terrible all along but gosh the point is, they started bashing her online - i mean, it takes A LOT OF MENTAL ACROBATICS to link that disclaimer on his instagram post to her - this is so reminiscent of the bashing on director lee over ep 17 gosh
2. AND TAGGING CHRIS ON WEIBO ON THESE POSTS BASHING HER?!!!! okay literally NO ONE knows what’s going on between him and his manager, and unless you know him personally you literally got no right to talk shit AND TAG HIM about the woman who literally takes care of his every job and gets him resources and supports him at events and every shooting ever - apparently she left her previous mgmt company to follow chris to this new company if I didn’t read it wrong 
3. and then, some fans started bashing CHRIS HIMSELF? i saw this one weibo message listing out like 6 point on what he did wrong with posting that disclaimer, even going as far as to say “do you know why you don’t have as many likes on your uploads as jake’s? it’s because you do stuff like this and you don’t know how to market yourself and keep pushing your fans away, and also because u have a shitty manager” (something along these lines, you get my point) - and not only that, they tagged chris in that bashing note like... what’s the point?!!! the worst thing was they started to say that he’s not being a very nice person and that obviously with this he doesn’t care for the fans etc. (and come on we all know what kind of person chris is)
4. some fans took offence because - when a lot of fansite admins give out free stuff to other fans at fanmeets, they of course do take some of the photos from his social media and andy’s and kenny’s and jake’s to print photocards etc. and idk why some fans started to say that basically the disclaimer means he has a problem with these freebies being handed out with his photos on them etc., and because of this they say him and his manager are purposely chasing away his fans (goshhhhh), even at the taipei fanmeeting apparently some fans also, after seeing the freebies being given out, were also concerned about copyright issues but i mean, there wasn’t a huge hoo-hah about it because this happens all the time and the fansite admins are doing this mostly for free
5. so chris was in hangzhou when this all happened right, i think he literally just arrived in hangzhou when the comments started appearing, and a lot of other fans were like ‘you guys know that chris likes to hang out and read through all the messages on the history3 topic board on weibo right, why are you guys putting up so many hurtful messages?’- if you guys dont have weibo, it’s like china’s version of twitter but with like topic boards? so history3 has a huge topic board there and if you mention it your ‘tweet’ appears there
6. and lo and behold, during today’s fanmeet, the host actually put aside some time during the talking segment so that chris could explain himself (think it was nice of the host to do that and the way he said it even tho chris might have asked for the opportunity to explain himself) - and omg his face-
he LEGIT starts off by saying ‘so i think some of you have misunderstood me so i wanted to take the opportunity to talk about it’ and he looked so pitiful and sad and looking like he was trying not to cry (okay i don’t think he was gonna cry but he did look a little distressed but had to smile through it)
and then he clarified that he’s very happy for his fans to reupload his photos, “to photoshop away that pimple on his face” etc., that’s totally fine (so basically saying that the disclaimer was never aimed at these fans)
he heard some rumors that people have been selling stuff with his social media photos on them and basically some fans might get cheated by these people right 
and thus, the whole debate on weibo was for nothing because he’s concerned that fans are getting cheated and he was kind of taking steps to ensure that no one would pay money for basically non-official merchandise (and yes of course to protect his own copyright which i feel is totally fine)
the audience was pretty supportive - they kept things like ‘we believe you’ etc. at him but while he was talking so LOL he had to actually stop and go “okay guys, please let me finish talking first”
and at the end of it he said, “so i hope you guys don’t misunderstand me anymore” 
hahaha so this was just what happened over these two days - and I’m just kinda appalled that this snowballed into such a huge thing that chris himself had to come out and explain it? it’s so common for any of us to put ‘don’t repost’ or ‘any work here done is mine’ or ‘photos are ours’ etc. and we understand because ownership right - so to bash chris and his manager for that... i’m a little mindblown, and then for chris to have to even explain himself about this, it’s totally ridiculous because those photos literally are his, he can do whatever he wants with them with the reuploads and modifications etc.
some level-headed chinese fans came out in defense of him by having to literally explain what ‘copyright’ means LOL - and actually as long as money isn’t involved, and you don’t use his stuff for commercial purposes without permission, more or less everyone closes an eye and allows it
finally, we all know what a sweetheart chris is?!!! i mean we don’t know him personally at all but he’s so sincere to his fans, i can’t imagine him turning on his fans in any disrespectful way and for no reason whatsoever because he’s so grateful to have all his fans after having a few tough years
and once again, this is why we can’t have nice things
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wonderingarmy · 5 years
Prince Kim Seokjin
Parts 1 2 3 4 5
I have been really productive for two days, so here’s another part on Prince Kim Seokjin to all Jin bias like me. Hope you guys like it. Please look forward to part threes, they’re going to be under Princes POV. Thank you
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A week had passed and Milo didn’t came back to your house or spread the video that he keeps telling you he’s going to leak if you leave him. So far, you don’t hear any news that he killed himself, which you hope he doesn’t ever do. The last thing you want to happen is for him to do that. You hate him, and he caused too much damaged to you mentally and physically, but you just don’t wish that to anyone.
You also haven’t heard anything from Jin because you chose to turn off your phone. You stayed at your parents place for awhile. Your mom said he tried to contact you but you just don’t want him to see you in that state. You just had your mom tell him that you’re busy with something and will reach him as soon as you get the chance. Yet, it never happened. You hate it when he worries about you because he drops everything he’s doing and come to you. You know he got so much on his plate too, especially now that BTS is selling out stadiums worldwide, you just can’t risk him having to stress out about you.
Weeks have passed and still nothing major had happened. While your on hiatus, you tried to heal physically and mentally, with the help of your family and some close friends. You’re friends were disappointed when they found out what happened but all they can do is be there for you and not judge you for all the poor choices you made. You did make some good friends and that’s all you needed in life.
You busied yourself with finishing all the projects that had a deadline. Going to a quiet place and taking beautiful pictures. You stayed at home and and painted, each painting represents how you’re still in a dark tunnel and still trying to get out. You also went to one of BTS concerts wearing a mask and a baseball cap, hoping no one would notice you.
Meanwhile, Jin already lost hope that you’ll ever contact him again. He hasn’t heard anything about you in the media considering that you’re a famous international model. He wished he could see you again. The more he doesn’t hear from you, the more he worries.
“Ah Jin hyung. Maybe she’s going through something” Jimin mentioned one time he seen that his brother is just sitting in the corner and just being quiet
“I know she doesn’t like me or I don’t really have a chance to being with her but I wish she tells me what’s going on. I mean, we’re friends. Like if I did something wrong so I know what to do.” Jin replied.
“Hyung,” Jungkook interrupted, “She’ll come when she’s ready. I am pretty sure she can explain what’s going on. Just try to be patient.”
“I think I am tired of waiting. It’s never going to happen. Plus we all know she is secretly dating that oh-I-look-too-good-on-everything model” he said and left the two maknaes, both looking at each other and shaking their head.
It’s been over a month and Jin lost his hope and tried to forget about you. He tried to get himself busy as well with tour and promoting their new album. It’s when you really started to miss Jin that you told yourself that you have to tell him what you feel about him before it’s too late.
You decided to go to a fanmeeting that will be happening in four days. You prepared yourself and told yourself not worry if he likes someone else as long as he knows about what you feel.
The day of the fanmeeting came and you wore a mask and a baseball cap so no one can recognize you at the fanmeeting. Jungkook recognized you as soon as you reached the panel.
“Noona!” he said surprised, “i didn’t think you’d want my signature for this photobook you made for us”
You smiled at him and said, “Let’s just say I am a big fan!”
“I missed you Noona, and you did really great in making the photobook”, he said while signing your copy.
Not long you were moved to the next member who is Hoseok, then Jimin, and Taehyung. Everyone recognized you and was so happy to see you. Then it was Jin, he recognized you as well, he recognized you the moment you reached the panel. You handed him your photobook, without saying anything and you gave him a small box wrapped in a floral wrapping paper.
“What is this?” he asked holding the box
“Please open it when you get a chance. I missed you Jinnie. Let’s talk soon?” you asked but he didn’t say anything. You smiled at him but you never got any reaction back. Not even a smile. Your time is up with him and you hurried to the next member, which is Yoongi, then Namjoon.
After Namjoon signed your photobook, you said goodbye to him and went back to your seat. You looked at Jin being busy talking to fans and signing their photo books.
After the fansign event, you left and went straight to the parking lot. Hoping that Jin is not mad at you or anything. He didn’t even looked happy to see you.
You were walking towards your car when you started to feel uneasy. You feel like someone is following you. You looked around but there are so many people that are walking down the parking lot. For some reasons, you feel like someone is watching you, and despite the fans walking with you to get to their cars, you don’t feel safe.
After the fansign event, BTS went back to their dorm to rest. They’re going to have another guesting the following day, so they were advised to rest for the rest of the day and sleep good. While the other members are doing a live broadcast, watching a movie and having conversations, Jin decided to go to his room and play video game.
“Jin-hyung, we’re going to order some food delivery, do you want anything?” Jimin asked while opening Jin’s door to his room.
“I’ll have whatever you’re getting. Thanks” he replied, busy with his game.
When Jimin left, Jin remembered the box that you gave him at the event. He paused his game and went outside to asked the members that were in the living room where they put the box full of gifts from the fans.
“I think it’s still in the truck.”, answered Taehyung. “One of the staff is going to bring it inside later”
“Do you need something from there?” it was Hoseok
“Yes. Do you think it’s unlock?” Jin asked.
“It should be hyung.” replied Namjoon.
Jin went outside and went through the boxes in the truck. When he found the box with his name on it. He searched for the small box that you gave him. It wasn't long until he find it. He went back inside, passed the other members, and straight to his room.
He opened the small box and found a pink USB inside.
He had to turn off his game to see what is in the USB.
“She should have just wrote a note or something.” he muttered to himself.
As soon as the USB is in, he opened the only file that was there and it was a video. When he played it, he couldn’t help but smile.
The video was a compilation of your first dates. The stolen videos and pictures that you took of him. The beautiful moments of him that you captured from their concerts you’ve secretly been too. At the end of the video, you put a message that says,
“I have fallen in love with you Jin. I fall in love with you everyday. I have a lot of explaining to do to you. You say you like someone else, but I want to let you know how I feel. I am not forcing you to be with me like how you didn’t force me to be with you. But, I wish you did force me to be with you. I wish I could spend another lifetime with you.”
After the video, Jin didn’t know what to say. He loves you too and he never stopped loving you though he lost all his hopes on being with you. He was about to text you when Jungkook came barging in to his room.
“Jin-hyung, watch the news right now!” he exclaimed
“What happened?” Jin asked, curious why all of a sudden he looks like he’s freaking out.
“It’s Y/N! Something happened to her!”, he replied, still not sure how to calm himself down.
Jin ran to the living room and saw the news. The rest of the members are just as shocked as you are. You were rushed to the E.R. unconscious due to head injury. Milo is wanted and police are searching for him.
“The bruises..” Jin whispered to himself. “That explains the bruises”
“Jin-hyung, what are you talking about?”, Yoongi asked
“Y/N didn’t have a bleeding disorder. I should have known. I have to go see her, Yo--”
Just then the manager of BTS came rushing inside.
“Jin…” he said, just like the members, he still can’t believe what he has seen in the news.
“I have to see her hyung” Jin begged.
“Jin, you will see her.” he replied, tapping Jin’s shoulders. “Just not right now. The media and the police investigating is hot right now and we don’t want you getting involve. I am sorry but I hope you understand.”
“But, I need to see her right now!” Jin is starting to raise his voice and Namjoon had to hold him to calm him down.
“Jin-hyung we know what you’re feeling right now, but we need to listen to hyung. He knows what’s best for us” Namjoon said.
“You guys don’t understand. I need to see her or I am going to lose my m---”
Jimin interrupted Jin to hand him his phone. “It’s your Eomma”
Jin took a moment to calm down and grab Jimin’s phone from his hand.
“Jin,” his mom said, Jin can tell that she is trying her best to calm herself down. “I know you’ve heard the news and I know that you are worried sick, you probably want to go to the hospital right now and see her.”
“Eomma, I need to see her.” Jin replied
“I know. I know you want to see her. But, right now is not the right time. I hope you understand. Your dad already sent one his staff to the hospital and he will keep updating us on what’s going on. Jin, I know you’re worried. But, just try to calm yourself down and you’ll see her, hopefully after tonight.”
When it comes to his mom, Jin always listens. He tried to calm himself down yet tears are starting to fall down his cheeks. Jimin and Taehyung gave him a hug. Hoseok is comforting Jungkook, who is also crying, because he loves his noona and he is worried as well. Yoongi and Namjoon talked to their manager privately about what they’re going to do next.
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whstletomyheart · 5 years
Why YG TREASURE BOX is a complete mess and YG is playing with us. (A rant?)
First, its important to understand what or YGTB is and how it was promoted for this we should understand the events that happened before.
NOTE: YG will be referred to as a they since there are other people besides YHS Making the Decisions.
All of YG’s boy groups were made through survival shows.
So it was pretty obvious that they would reuse this concept for their new bg.
Now its safe to assume that the group was set to be made around Bang Yedam, he’s popular in Korea plus that he was the moat famous trainee .
Now this is the general assumption that the original silver boys lineup ot11 were the lineup set up to debut. This is the reason why they were promoted through Mixnine (GonSukKyu) and Stray Kidz (YG vs JYP). But we all know Mixnine failed and that some trainees left making YG To rethink their concept and lineup.
Now we must remember that prior to the show starting YG teased that Yedam, Hyunsuk and Raesung were basically confirmed members.
Raesung, due to personal reasons decided to not participate in the show (the best decisions honestly).
Currently YG as a company is at a point were every fandom in it has problems with the company. This is all due to the amount of mismanagement towards the majority if not all the groups and artists. YG despite being the house of great and unique artists doesn’t know how to mange them which leads to long hiatus, less music and cbs,etc.
Now lets analyze the problems with the shows format. Moat idol survival shows have the same format. Which is simply individual competition. This means that the contestants will be evaluated and the voting will be individual or 1 pick (produce 101).
YGTB showed the beginning to be more a team survival show in other words a group compete with other groups (Win). But around the second and third episode its revealed that the show will be individual, shifting the format. This is first seen strange since a consistent theme in YGs previous groups is their teamwork but this is because since predebut the trainees are grouped into groups.
In the show we are never truly explained about how the show works and if it is its vague and very contrictdactory. Plus a lot of unfair and frankly weird things are shown ( compared to other survival shows)
Examples of this are:
• Number of final lineup is always changing: from 7 to 9 to 7 to 6 to 5 to 7 it would change depending the mood od the ceo.
• YHS changes rules at whim: YHS changes or adds rules
• Missions: the missions to compete against the treasure team were barely explained. Winpink came to the show mostly just for name Dropping cause they didn’t show why they chose who they chose. The ep were winner 2seung was going to examine their performances was cut to almost nothing more than click Bait.
• The rounds or missions made little sense , at the beginning it 1:1 , then 2:2 (duo), then team genre(?)/concept (in my opinion they weren’t that different in my opinion to be a concept eval but oh well)and putting a position battle at the end ……makes little sense
In Produce and other shows its usually a cover, position, concept and then original song evaluation. Showing the growth.
• Lack of original ygtb songs most survival shows make their own songs fir the concept and final evaluations (example Mixnine). YG is company that prides on self production but not once was this used despite various trainee being able to ( Yedam, Hyunsuk, Byounggon, Asahi, Yoshinori, etc.) . Even if the boys couldn’t yg producers could’ve made songs just like in Mixnine.
• Lack of fan events besides liking a trainees video and channel there weren’t chances for the fans to feel really close to them. With the individual channels they could’ve done random lives but no. Or fanmeetings.
Despite this the show did release a series of interesting content that honestly saved the show.
• Not letting all the trainees participate in the treasure swap and cutting and not airing the performances certain trainees made. Leaving the fans to have to watch fancams.
Now to explain the real mess, throughout the whole show fans were confused on how they could help their faves in terms of voting. YG opens voting till the last 2 episodes and makes it a group voting meaning you have to vote for a group of trainees. According to fans this means that the lineup with most votes will have an advantage to debut. On the last ep its revealed that Isn’t case at all. The trainees only got extra points depending on how many ranks or lineups they were in. In other words again it was individual voting. They didn’t explain this till ep 10 when the voting’s was done. Along with this they added the final nail to the coffin. These online votes were only worth 20% of the final score. With onsite votes at a 30%. But YHS gets 50% of the score, so basically YHS gets to choose at the end od the day so fan votes mean close to nothing. If a trainee did well on votes but isn’t YGs fave they wont pass and vice versa.
On top of all of this YG makes sure fans aren’t in the recording of the ranking to obviously avoid discord and only announces half the lineup for what we can only assume is for drama. Only YG and some staff know the lineup. Instead of releasing it all its adding more anxiety and desperation . Which can be seen in the fighting, the rumors and spamming.
Now that we’ve established that YGTB is a mess of a show that makes Mixnine look good, lets talk about favoritism and screentime. And why I don’t understand YGs intentions and the lineup.
Ok let get this out of the way YG/YHS always plays favorites, this isn’t new at all. We can see in the show that there are trainees YHS likes way more compared to others. In other words he tends to be very biased. On top that he likes to brag. The first ep is basically look at all the visuals I got.
All it takes is to watch the show to know who Yg/YHS like more baaed on screentime and arcs made. Lets Look at the confirmed members most got solid screentime. Yedam is pushed from the get go to being a super star trainee that is basically god where other trainees don’t want to be against him. Junkyu is cute and talented a good future asset, we see how he gets screentime from the start with his confidence arc. Plus its important to note that in Mixnine YHS’s fave was Junkyu . Haruto from the start was the Japanese trainee YG was interested in and he Gets the most screentime from the Japanese trainees. Jeongwoo was promoted through his vocal and how yg likes him, he gets attention. Junghwan On the other hand gets way less screentime then the other member but still way more than other less known trainees.
That being said a lot of the team b, team c and team j trainees get very little to no screentime. Jongseob who won Kpop Star didn’t get much screentime and performance was cut. Mashiho’s screentime is mostly reactions or being a friend.
Silver boys got the most screentime overall they focused a lot on their teamwork and bond giving fans the hope that they would debut. Which is were im frankly confused and would love to understand the why.
Why make silver boys participate in this show and emphasize so much on them for basically nothing?
Why bring Jihoon back?
Why bring Seunghun back?
After hours and hours of thinking and reading opinions. I came to a few theories:
A) YG wants to debut a fresh, young and visual new bg. For whatever reason, so choosing the younger trainees makes sense. Probably modeled around Yedam for a more pop sound in comparison to WinKon Some accounts state that a lot of kfans were pushing yg for a younger and visual group. Basically discarding the older trainees. Also this lineup has YGs faves who were the younger ones. If this is true YG will debut Yoonbin and Masiho or Yoonbin and Jaehyuk (his screentime in the last episodes makes me think so). Basically in this theory YG had an idea from the get go and they only used the silver boys for clout. This is the theory that makes me the saddest tbh. But still it doesn’t explain why yg would care so much about silver boys. Like bringing them back and emphasizing so mucho on how they’re a team. Plus it discards the power Hyunsuk has with one of the most stable fandoms.
B) The theory before the lineup was dropped was that yg Is testing the silver boys for the last time which made sense till the last episode. But SB stans have been very loud and spammed his Instagram, trended a hashtag and are contacting companies. This means they have a strong fandom so this might help.
C) YG will add more members to the lineup I think 9 is more realistic than 11. Based on screentime maybe Hyunsuk + Seunghun.
D) YG will debut all of ot13, doubt this since YG hasn’t have that big of a group and I don’t think YG can handle it. If it was SM yeah but not this. (I like this one tho )
E) YG will debut ot13 but in 2 teams a pop team and hip-hop team. Pop=treasure7 Hip-hop=silver boys +a member (I love this)
F) YG will debut SB but under the black label.
G) YG wont do anything except debuting the og treasure7 . And the sbs will leave the company and split up.
These are all the theories I have.
Tldr: YGTB has a lot of flaws as a survival show being extremely unfair and the situation with the lineup is the most chaotic thing ever. Whatever yg does will make people mad.
The worst part is that it worked as always YG doing the minimal manages to pull us in just to disappoint us. Just that he managed to drag more people this time.
At this point I’m done with the guessing and the rumors, I just really want to know what’s going on and the security that my faves are ok even if they’re in or not in the group. Cause not debuting in the group isn���t the end they can debut with another group or go solo. My point is that it isnt the end for their careers.
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gotstory · 5 years
My 20 Year Old Idol Husband - Day 18 - I’m Fine
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
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Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10 / Day 11 / Day 12 / Day 13 / Day 14 / Day 15 / Day 16 / Day 17 / Day 18 /
It was a normal day for the boys as they shuffled around their studios, practicing or recording.
Namjoon in particular was getting slightly impatient.
(Last night - Namjoon)
"Alot could happen in 3 weeks."
Yoongi frowned, "couldn't she just come with us?"
Instead of waiting for Bang PD to arrive, he decided to drop him a text.
- PD nim, I have been thinking about our previous tours abroad and wondering if we can hire a billingual PR manager to come along with us for the next tour.
The reply was almost instantaneous.
- We have been thinking about it too and have someone in mind. But we found out the agency let her go and we still haven't been able to get in touch.
Namjoon took the chance and pushed for it.
- PD nim if you don't mind, I do have someone to suggest whom we have worked with during the last Europe tour. We can discuss this in detail maybe later today?
As he focused on waiting for the reply, his heart was racing a little.
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Why am I being nervous about this? It's not even my girlfriend...
Just then the door of his studio shifted a little and in came Bang PD with a smile.
"Oh! PD nim! Were you already here?" quickly, a wide smile came over him as he stood to greet his boss whom he hadn't seen in some time.
As the older man sank down into the cosy grey sofa and squashed abit of the Van cushion under his weight, he spoke up in a light tone.
"Namjoon-ah, why are you bothering yourself with these matters when I've already got a whole team of staff to look into such things? It's not like you haven't got enough work on your hands."
Namjoon wasn't sure if he was being scolded for being nosy or was Bang PD trying to thank him for going beyond his scope.
He sat down and with a pressed smile, began to put forth some of his plans he had been working out in his head.
"Actually, PD nim, there's this one person we really hope to have along with us..."
Back in the agency where you used to be, things were running as usual. But your co-worker and bff, Fan, had been having a hard time coping with other reporters who had no interest in the music events they covered. It was mostly a touch and go approach that left her missing you, her partner in crime, even more. Days were getting tougher and she even entertained the though of leaving altogether since there was hardly anything else to look forward to.
As she packed up her stuff ready to leave for the day, her boss strolled by with a worried look.
"Hey boss, everything fine? You look like you just lost your company."
He smirked tiredly, used to her teasing. "Thankfully not. It's just that one of our Korean counterparts have been asking for Chae-rin and it was a pity I let her go. I don't even have anyone else I could send as a replacement."
At the mention of your name, she entertained some hopes of reuniting with you.
"Then just hire her back and send her over to Korea! You do know she's IN Korea right?"
Surprised at this piece of newly acquired information his brain quickly turns the numbers and realised that it clicked.
"But wait," he said, "didn't she say something about needing to rest for her health?"
Fan quickly brushed it aside, "well yeah but it's been awhile now she's probably fine. Why don't I call her for you just to... You know, see if she fancies something like that? Oh and, which company are we talking about here anyway?"
The boss ponders, "That sounds good, Fan. It's the one.... with Mr Bang and BTS."
Her breath hitches and chokes in surprise as he catches on quickly, "What's wrong? You alright?"
"Oh nothing!" she laughs, "I'm feeling just fine! I'm fine! Yea, definitely, just fine!"
I'm feeling just fine, fine fine...
You wake up to the sound of your new BTS alarm, it was your favourite song of the moment after seeing the elaborate choreography and how it was such a comforting yet emotional track. You look around and find a note stuck to your phone. It was neatly written and you recognised Jk's handwriting from the numerous letters he'd written over the last year.
'Noona, (they insisted I be fair and call you that) we won't be back early tonight because of the rehearsals for the tour schedule next week. If you get bored, just get a cab and let me know where you are. The hyungs and I will be at the studio so please have a good rest and eat well. Jin-hyung says he made some soup and the kitchen is yours. Please call us if you run into any trouble at all.
Of course, it would be a surprise if these busy idols were mopping around their house in the peak of their career. You weren't even expecting to see them altogether, recalling what a feast it was last night which only showed how long it had been since they could all rest at home together in the same space.
Finally. Some time to explore the city!
You thought to yourself, slowly reading off the messages you ignored since the night before.
There were a stream of pictures and messages from your ex colleagues and friends, as well as a few from Jungkook mainly to check if you were awake yet.
Just then, your phone rang and to your surprise it was Fan. Excitedly you answered it with your croaky morning voice.
- Ahem, ah, ah. Hello!
- Oh gosh, Chaerin, sorry did I wake you up? I didn't check the time difference!
- Don't worry it's noon here. What's up? You hardly call!
- Yeah I know, it's only been like what... Less than a week since you're gone and I'm dying without you.
You laughed at her cutely exaggerated tone which you missed.
- 4 days to be exact. It's only like what, my 3rd day here? It feels like I've been gone forever though. I miss working already.
- Really? How's your... Erm... Body? Has all the... Discomfort worn off?
You pause at her overly cautious choice of words and found it strange.
- Are you with someone?
Fan smiled, knowing how sharp you were.
- Well yes, and I wanted to ask if you really MISSED WORKING WITH US SO MUCH THAT YOU WISHED YOU COULD COME BACK?
Placing deliberate emphasis on the keywords with her back facing the boss, Fan definitely knew what she was doing and wanted you to catch on it.
- You're in the office aren't you... With, let me see... At this hour, wouldn't there only be the boss left? Hang on, are you saying he wants me to come back? Oh come on...
Giving an air punch, Fan was more than excited even though there wasn't even a conclusion.
- Not just me but before you... TURN ME DOWN, I just wanted to know it might be because you're PLANNING TO SETTLE IN KOREA?
- What are you going on about, Fan? You know full well the reason why I was dragged here! of course I have to settle here with... Well, you know who! And eventually I'll have to find a job and---
Quickly, Fan cut her short and put the phone to the boss.
- OKAY OKAY! I got that I got that! Hang on yes yes!
Nervously, he took it and tried to be as casual about it as he could. Unknown to you, there was actually a huge sum of money behind the contractual agreement which BigHit had offered. One that made it harder and harder for him to turn down or ignore. He knew the ball was not in his court and he had to get you back no matter what it took.
After half an hour of lengthy explanations and persuasion, you finally got the full picture.
- So, boss, ah... I mean, erm John, you're telling me the Korean agency we worked with, wants you to post me there as a permanent PR manager for them, while you manage the press at the Europe office, is that it?
- Yes, that's exactly what it is but of course, I'd have to hire you in order for that to happen.
It sounded like a good plan that would help keep your time occupied with income while you got a legitimate work pass to be in Korea as how you needed to. Only thing was letting them know, you'd soon be needing to use some maternity leave and that could potentially cause issues.
- But there are so many PR managers in Korea, why us and why me in particular?
- Beats me! but I know you've always outshone in your abilities and it doesn't surprise me if you were headhunted directly by them. It's just that they probably didn't know you had left the country and man, their staff are so persistent! There were a couple of mails I missed around the time you left which I ignored, since well, you left, but they've called me countless of times this morning as if they can't even wait an hour longer for me to disclose your details. But I told them I'd have to speak with you first. You know, PDPA can be a real bitch these days...
It was true.
Personal data protection was such a sticky issue that never let anyone in this media line rest. Of course, it didn't make any business sense for the boss to let another agency poach his ex-staff when he could possibly leverage on it. Anyone would. But you still didn't get it - why you?
- Before we go on, Mr John, which agency is this that has put forth such a strange request?
As if haunted by the thought, he sighed and sank into a chair.
- Apparently they said the leader made a direct request this morning for it and it became urgent. Remember the boyband you covered at your first stint? What was it again...
He motioned to Fan asking for the name of the band and she quickly showed him her Season's Greeting calendar with the 7 smiley boys.
- BTS. That's right. The Bangtan Boys.
The day whizzed by and you were completely caught in the flurry of calls, and emails you thought you never had to open again.
In a matter of hours, you had set up your laptop and found a small empty area where you could sit comfortably and wasn't occupied by one of the boy's laundry or gadgets.
The call had ended abruptly when you told Mr John to send you the emails for your consideration since Fan was probably freaking out at both her roaming call charges and the surprise of it all.
The leader made a request this morning? That's not possible... Namjoon? But why?
Bewildered, you let the mails load by the chunks until you hear the arrival of new mail from your boss - you had always gave it a different colour code just so you'd never miss it.
As you clicked it open, you saw the unmistakable BigHit email signature and a long mail thread which you read every single word not missing any of it. You could tell it was written very directly due to the probably lack of English expertise from the local staff but was succinct and sufficient to get the point across.
It was simple. They wanted you to work for them - with lodging and everything else taken care of.
This is more than perfect!
After going through the legal and operational details over the phone with their representative, you carefully broach the subject of possible maternity leave, in the near future. To your surprise, they were not only supportive but assured you that even the expenses would be taken care of so long as you were returning to your duties after that. The only thing was that you would have to start work the day after tomorrow in view of the tour that was upcoming.
Another long flight. Packing after you've just unpacked.
With a small sigh, your eyes caught sight of the neat scribbles Jungkook left for your this morning and smiled to yourself. Well, it wasn't that bad if this meant you were able to be with him for the next 3 weeks. It had just been 3 days with the boys but the thought of not being able see, hear, and just be near him had grown so uncomfortable that it made you teary.
Hurriedly you shook these thoughts off and took a deep breath, picking up your phone to text Jungkook.
- Work hard for today Kookie, I've got some news for you tonight :)
Hours later, Fan sorts out her own paperwork and ties up loose ends in the office, and prepares to take the first flight out in the morning to meet you. Unlike you, she had to get on flight soonest in order to arrive on the same day you start work.
Looking through the texts, she remembered having Jimin's number from the time when she pressed Chae-rin for at least one emergency contact other than JK's, in the event where she wasn't contactable. Picking up her courage, she decided to send him a text of her arrival... After all that you've done for her, being there for you in this uncertain period of your life, was the least she could do, of course, with some help, a surprise appearance would be the cherry on the cake.
The doors of the apartment swung open hastily and you hear the familiar banter of Jin, Namjoon and J-hope, as they discussed formations for the concert. They were so loud it sounded more like a party than 2 people just talking.
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'No, no, no... hyung, I'll change it and Taehyung will sit on Namjoon and me because -- AAAigoo Jungkook-Ah! Your big bag is in my face, watch it!' It was J-hope, the loudest of them all, sounding suddenly cautious at the silent arrival of Jungkook, probably squeezing through the door with his over-sized bag.
'Sorry hyung! You okay?' Without even looking back, he habitually kicked off his shoes and tried to mask his excitement of finally being able to see you at the end of a long day. Going straight to his room, he finds your bags sitting at the door, luggage zipped and packed like the day you arrived. With eyes wide in shock he starts going into every room in search for you and when you were nowhere in sight, he grabs his phone and starts calling you, frantically looking around the living room if you'd left him a note or something.
The older boys, especially Namjoon, calmly check out Jungkook's room to see what he was being flustered about only to be startled by sudden movements among the rack of Jungkook's black tee-shirts.
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'OOH! OOH! OOH! What-what -- Ahhh... you scared me!' Hushed Jin who put a hand to his chest after seeing that it was you, hidden behind the clothes. He looked extra warm and fuzzy today, in a turtle neck and glasses you seldom saw him wear.
You put a finger to your lips and motioned for Namjoon to come closer as you whispered to them. 'The company told me about your request.' You said, to the 3 older boys who were crouched down with their faces inches from yours in the dim corner. You continued, 'I'll be moving to the empty apartment next door in the morning.'
'JJINCHA???' J-hope exclaimed only to be quickly silenced by your hand.
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'But why're you hiding from Jungkookie?' Namjoon asked. 'You trying to make him think you're leaving? You want to prank him?'
You nodded. 'It's now or never, isn't it?' with a cheeky wink, the brothers nodded and stood up giving you an "OK" signal, and started going into their overly exaggerated acting mode.
Jin sat on the bed while Namjoon went out to look for Jungkook, and J-hope started talking loudly again. "OMO! Jungkook-ah~~ Why are all her luggages packed up again? Aigoo, Jungkook-ah!"
As the boys gathered, they thoughtfully positioned Jungkook's face in your view, a clear sign they had done this so many times for the camera.
Namjoon started on his worried low voice, asking Jungkook if there was something wrong or if there was anything else he hadn't told them about. Before Jungkook could even respond, Jin chimed in like a comedic duo with Namjoon, picking up line after line, not even letting Jungkook process what was happening.
'... and you know, its getting late now, where do you expect her to go? right? her bags are all packed and she isn't answering her phone, are you sure she didn't say anything else to you? Jungkook-ah, check your phone again, did you miss some messages?'
You watched as Jungkook stared blankly, trying to recall while he cocked his head to one side, eyes fixed on the packed suitacases in deep confusion. 'No... Noona only said she had something to tell me tonight, but... but...'
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'Something to tell you? Ah! That's right, she has to go back home that's why these are all packed!' Jin added quickly.
'NO!' was Jungkook's only response and you could see J-hope trying not to laugh at the innocence of this man-child. He was practically about to throw a fit at his 'helpful' hyungs in his sheer helplessness. As he mumbled unintelligible words to reason out why it wasn't possible you would leave, Namjoon decided to give it the final blow.
Putting his hands over JK's shoulder, he brought him nearer to where you were hiding as if to tell him a secret.
'Jungkook-ah, actually, I spoke to Bang-PD about Chae-rin.'
Jungkook sucked in a sharp breath in disbelief as he shrieked in a high pitch tone you'd never thought he was capable of. 'You, WHAAAAT???? HYUNGGGGG!!!!'
He continued, 'so I told him that for your sake, and hers, she has to move out of this place. Jungkook, hyung is sorry, I really tried my best to speak up for you but I think we can't have a girl here.'
You saw the Jungshook gifs appearing before your eyes as he froze in place, not even attempting to refute all that he heard. You made a mental note to commend his loyal and abiding nature even though it seemed like Namjoon had just turned his back on him.
After awhile, Jungkook spun around, looking at the other boys, studying their faces before going straight to J-hope giving him a deep closeup view of his bright round eyes.
'Wohhh, too close, Jungkook, too close, what-- what--' As he observed the reactions of his brothers, he stood up, surveying the room this time calmly and with sharp eyes, he realised how they had been deliberately leaving an empty space in front of his clothes. It was only then that he faintly saw some colours hidden behind the row of monochrome clothes, and took a deep breath of relief.
'Noona~ I know you're there. Come on out now, you have some explaining to do.' He closed his eyes with a satisfied grin and mild annoyance, pointing in your direction.
Slowly, you emerged bashfully, to the wind-screen wiper laughs of Jin and J-hope.
'Sorry, Chae-rin, we're just really horrible at acting no matter how hard we try. But for now I think we will leave you to deal with our little Kookie, see you outside for dinner! Bye!' In the blink of an eye, the hyungs exited and shut the door behind them as you heard their quick footsteps scurry down the hallway.
It only took you half an hour to explain the situation to Jungkook as he took it all in.
'Are you saying you'll be travelling with us when we're on tour, and when we're back, you'll be staying beside us?' He summed it all up in a sentence.
'Well, y-yes.... but Jungkook I'm going to be a company staff from now on, you need to be mindful of that especially when we're around the other people. I will have real WORK to do, not just tagging along.'
The glee on his face was so evident that you weren't sure if he was really seeing the full picture. Giving you a total embrace, you could feel his muscles relaxing slowly in your hold while he buried his nose in your hair.
'I don't care about that,' he whispered, slightly emotional all of a sudden. 'As long you're not leaving, I know I'll be fine.'
The next morning, Jungkook headed for practice early, filled with newfound vigor. They go through their routines, new formations, have meetings back to back and work from sunrise to sunrise.
A staff also meets you at the apartment, rather surprised that you had made your way to the door.
'How did you manage to get here?' He asks, slightly puzzled since it was a very secured residence.
Flustered, you blurt out whatever came to your mind. 'Oh, I met Namjoon while I was coming and he showed me the way, ha... yea that boy has good a very good memory for these things yea?'
'Ah, Namjoon? Yea, he did? I heard he doesn't request for staff directly but he specifically asked for you to be brought in as soon as possible... You guys must be close huh?'
As he opened the door to the adjacent apartment, your eyes saw the largest and most spacious loft-like studio, with full-length glass windows and light day curtains blowing in, fully furnished, open concept space. There were 2 rooms in view and a small kitchen, and a balcony. For a place like Seoul, you knew this had to cost a lot being in the same building as the boys.
The staff continued, 'there will be another staff joining us tomorrow and it seems you both are acquainted. It hasn't been sorted out where she will stay but for now, please settle in here as your home while you work with us. Since you're friends with the boys already, I guess there is no need for us to introduce you?'
You brushed it off casually, 'yea you must have had so much to do with my sudden arrival, please don't worry yourself with these trivial matters. I'm thankful enough as it is that Mr Bang made these arrangements himself.'
'Sure, in that case I will leave you and if you need any help just call for myself of any of the managers. We'll see you at the company tomorrow, Ms Chae-rin.'
As he closed the door to your new home, you pick up the shiny new card that came with a long black strap. Your passport-sized photo greeted you back with the same smile as you read the words beneath it to yourself.
Strategic Artiste Management & PR Lead (BTS)
This meant a promotion in your career; a new role - not to say the least, one you've proved your worth for, but more impressively,with a team under your lead, the one to call the shots on the bulk of their public appearances, personal welfare, and the first say over the boy's schedules.
As you go through the contract that you had read tens of times over before inking it, you shake your head in disbelief. This was practically the role of a highly paid corporate nanny over 7 grown boys that the world was fawning over.
But well, who's complaining? And you knew deep down, with Jungkook by your side, you'd be more than just fine.
Thank u for your likes, reblogs, reads and for waiting ... and I will keep updating this book!
Please feel free to leave me your comments and if you are going for LYinSG, see u there! :))))
This story can also be found on wattpad with my same username:
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kimjoongs-main · 6 years
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reverse idol!jisung
↳ requested by: Anonymous
↳ type: bullet scenario
↳ warning(s): minor swearing
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okay so you’re a member of a new girl group from SM, and you’re the main dancer
and our dear jisungie is an SM stan so when you guys first debuted he was there for it
jisung’s more of the super chill stan, but when he loves a group he l o v e s a group
at first he wasn’t too keen on your debut song, it didn’t necessarily fit his style of music much,,,,but then,,,,he went online and saw the fancam of you performing on stage and he just—
he fell in love instantly
jisung’s always been drawn to the dancers of the groups he stans bc he loves to dance himself
after watching your fancam, he immediately started to learn it,,,,and who’s part did he learn???? yours ofc :)
oh yeh i forgot to mention jisung has a dance cover account that he shares with his bff chenle, and sometimes jeno and jaemin make an appearance too
he called chenle up on the phone and was like “dude come over now we have new choreo to learn” and his excitement got chenle all excited too and he zoomed all the way to jisung’s house
these two spent like...2 hours learning the dance and then they fINALLY got it
after practicing a bit more, jisung decided it was good enough to record and post and that’s what they did
as they waited for the video to load, chenle asked “hey, wouldn’t it be cool if they noticed us?” and jisung just gives his best friend this look like nuh uh that’ll never happen and chenle just shrugs “you never know ji”
he opened his phone and the first thing he saw was a picture jaemin sent him and he almost dropped his phone
bc the picture was a screenshot from your group’s ig story that showed you and another member from your group watching jisung and chenle’s cover of their song
and the caption written on the bottom said “wow! we’re glad to see how talented our fans are~ you guys did amazing!”
and yeah it was safe to say jisung almost fainted right then and there bc wHAT??? HE’S BEEN NOTICED??? AND BY YOU OF ALL PEOPLE????
he doesn’t even bother replying to the gc, he just kinda flops on top of his bed and stuffs his face in his blanket
he couldn’t focus at all at school that day and somehow ended up getting detention and chenle had to step up and defend his ass
after that incident, jisung’s love for you and your group only continued to grow and he was no longer a casual stan, but a full-fledged one
whenever you guys had a comeback, he would stay up late waiting for the mv to drop and when it did he’d just fanboy while flailing your lightstick around like an idiot
unfortunately he never had the opportunity or the money to attend any of your fansigns, fanmeets, or concerts
so he would just support through a phone/computer screen :’)
bUT ONE DAY chenle managed to score two spots at your upcoming fansigning and ofc he asked jisung to come w him on the condition that he bought chenle’s lunch for the next week and jisung just kinda died right then and there
this kid couldn’t tone down his excitement, so much so that renjun threatened to tie him to a chair so he’d stop moving
however the day finally came and jisung was just super super happy and on the car ride there he made his mom play your newest album and he and chenle just screamed the lyrics inside the car
once they got to the venue, jisung started bouncing around getting all excited and his hair kept floofing up and down w him :(
even chenle had to put his hands on jisung’s shoulders to calm him down just a bit
but once the line started moving, chenle couldn’t contain his excitement anymore either
they made their way inside along w the rest of the fans and sat down in their seats, waiting for you to come out
while they were chilling for a few minutes, chenle turns to jisung w this huge grin on his face and asks him if he thinks you’ll recognize them from the video
at first jisung gets all excited at the thought of it, but then he realizes
that video was posted a while ago and i bet they’ve seen more, better dance covers than ours so it’s highly unlikely they’ll recognize us
jisung starts pouting and tells chenle what he thinks and pretty soon they’re both just clutching onto your album and pouting
but that all goes away when some fans start freaking out and jisung strains his neck to see what’s going on and then he just freezes
bc “holy crap chenle omgomgokg they’re coming out omg” and jisung loses all his cool and starts hitting chenle rapidly on the shoulder
jisung’s never understood what the word starstruck meant,,,,until now
bc there you were, standing on the small platform w your members, a big beautiful and bright smile plastered on your face as you wave shyly to the fans
he almost drops the album he’s holding lol
but anyways, you guys each introduce yourself and jisung has to restrain himself from freaking out when it’s your turn
his other hand is currently gripping chenle’s so hard that chenle’s hand is turning white, but do either of them care at this point?? the answer is no
after introductions, you and your members sit down at the long table and soon fans start lining up to meet you
jisung and chenle are somewhere in the middle so it doesn’t take long before it’s their turn
you’re the last one at the table and the closer jisung gets to you the faster his heart races and his hands start to get clammy bc omg you’re literally two feet away from someone send help i feel dizzy
but then :’) he reaches you :’) and the smile that you give him :’) makes his heart flutter :’)
“hi! nice to meet you” you greet him and jisung shyly responds back, his nerves getting the best of him
you gently take the album from his fingers and open it to your pictures, looking up once again and asking him for his name
“oh,,,,my name’s j-jisung...park jisung” he manages to get out
but upon hearing his name,,,,,you freeze,,,,the tip of your marker hovering over the page as you whip your head up to stare at him in shock
jisung’s taken aback by your reaction and his furrows his eyebrows “is...is something wrong?” he asks and you just lean forward and narrow your eyes at him
“your name...i recognize that name...you wouldn’t happen to be the park jisung, would you? the one who does all those yt covers?”
jisung.exe has stopped working
i’m not kidding,,the kid just stopped
stopped blinking,,,,,stopped talking,,,,,,,stopped breathing—
you’re starting to get kinda worried so you laugh nervously “um, you okay jisung?” and that immediately snaps him out of it
he clears his throat and answers shakily “uhh yeah...that’s me...” and then he reaches up to rub the back of his neck awkwardly, refusing to meet your eyes
but then you brighten up instantly and you’re like “omg i’ve been a huge fan of yours! after i saw that dance cover you did with your friend, he was the one who was just here right, i watched your other videos and you’re so talented!”
jisung.exe has stopped working,,,,,again
okay not rlly but after hearing what you said jisung just kinda !!! and his heart goes wee bc holy shit you recognized him and even complimented him on his dancing
unfortunately, the moment was short-lived as your manager began rushing jisung to go so that the line could keep moving
but before he left, he told you “thank you so much that means so much coming from you!” and you flash him a sweet, genuine smile before turning to the fan in front of you
jisung almost tripped walking down from the platform, luckily chenle was there and he was watching the whole thing
when jisung came down, chenle just raised his eyebrows at him in confusion but jisung had this goofy grin plastered on his face and a dazed look in his eyes
once the two of them get back to their seats, chenle violently shakes jisung and is like “wtf happened up there why do you look like you just the lord himself jisung sNAP OUT OF IT”
and jisung just,,,,he looks at chenle and starts squirming and smiling sosososo big bc “chenle they recognized me! they recognized both of us, from the dance account! THEY SAID I WAS TALENTED”
and chenle just loses it and the two of them silently fanboy in their seats and the other fans just stare at them like wtf???
but the rest of the fansign, jisung’s just a happy little bean and your comment filled him with an infinite amount of motivation and he knew that once he got home he was going to practice and improve his dancing
soon the event comes to a close and you and your members walk up to the edge kf the platform again, thanking all the fans for coming and then making your way off stage
but before you leave, you see jisung and chenle and your eyes light up, and you unconsciously give the two of them a double thumbs up
which didn’t go unnoticed by either of them ofc
later on, when jisung gets home he immediately goes to his room and flops down on his bed and sighs happily
today might have been one of the best days of his life bc not only did he get to meet you in person, but you even recognized him and complimented him on his dancing
he looks over to the side and sees the album that he brought w him resting on his pillow
jisung rolls over and grabs the album, flipping through the pictures and stopping at the one you signed, expecting to see your signature
but no,,,,that’s not all
bc at the very bottom, right underneath your autograph,,,,is a mesage
“hey, it was so cool meeting you today! i can’t wait to see your dance cover of our new song ;) haha, just kidding! keep doing what you’re doing jisung, i’m you’re #1 supporter!”
jisung’s stomach does a flip again and his cheeks start to flush like skfkdkakwl wow
he takes a minute or a hundred and just kinda,,,,stares at his ceiling
but then suddenly he shoots up and grabs his laptop, searching thru yt until he finds the video he’s looking for: your dance practice
a few days later, you’re scrolling thru your twitter feed when you receive a yt notification
recognizing the channel, you gasp and immediately tap on it
seconds later, a video of jisung pops on the screen and the familiar sound of the bass fills your ears as you watch, fascinated by how flawlessly he executed the moves
once the video finishes, your finger moves to tap on the replay button and again, you’re just mesmerized by jisung’s talent and passion for dancing
you couldn’t help yourself at this moment so you hit the share button on the video and posted it on your twitter w the caption: “park jisung never disappoints 👍🏼”
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kobayashi-aika · 6 years
Seiyuu Animedia September 2018: Interview with Kobayashi Aika (Part 1)
The first of two interviews in the recent Seiani. This one was Saint Aqours Snow themed.
Scans from Dyrea. QC from Mega.
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“I can feel a ring around Aqours”
Q: Now that the 3rd Live Tour is over, tell us some of your honest thoughts.
A: It went by even faster than the 2nd Live Tour. We gave it our all, and had a lot of fun, but it still feels like there was a hole left in my heart. There were days after the tour ended where I would think “Oh, I guess there’s no rehearsal today?” (laughs).
Q: Were there any challenges you set for yourself during the 3rd Live Tour?
A: Definitely my solo song! Having everyone’s eyes on me in such huge venues, and basking in the glow of penlights in my color… just thinking about it makes me shiver. Being able to give input into the design of our performances made me really happy, too. It was a performance filled with things that we wanted to do, and so I wanted to let everyone fall in love with Yohane. I designed the performance thinking, “I want everyone to see how charming Yohane can be”.
Q: Was singing while sitting on a chair your idea?
A: Ever since I first heard the song, I had the mental image of sitting on a throne while singing, and the costume I imagined looked a lot like the SIF Punk Rock set costumes, so I suggested those for this performance. Also, the title of the song is “in this unstable world”, so I had the image of constantly going back and forth between Yoshiko and Yohane. It’s about what’s there between an angel and a fallen angel, so I also put a black and white wing on the back. Yohane was wearing white on the cover of Season 1’s Blu-Ray Volume 4, and I think white looks good on her. So I tried to convey the idea of Yohane and Yoshiko’s coexistence. I’m glad I was able to get that across in my solo song; the costume turned out even better than I imagined.
Q: Did you have any goals or challenges for the group songs as well?
A: I’m always performing to look like just Yohane does, but this live focused on Season 2, so I made it my goal to focus on getting the little details down. For example, in MY Mai☆TONIGHT, there’s the  “O” shaped mouths. It hasn’t really come up before, but in the song, there are a lot of places where we stress the “O” syllable, so I took a good look at how they’re done. I also made sure to check exactly how many times I need to wink, and I’ve become more conscious about what the other members are doing. I feel like I want to become a vessel to for Yohane to descend into and perform in.
Q: You’re really mindful about the details, aren’t you?
A: Right. There’s the “Yohane Bun”, but I also make sure my bangs are just like hers, and I dye my hair a little blue. I think it’s nice that I can become a vessel for Yohane, and let the audience connect with her, even for just one moment.
Q: Did anything in Aqours’ performances leave an impression on you throughout the tour?
There’s two things. One is definitely MIRACLE WAVE. I know how hard Anchan has been working, so I was really moved by her. At the moment of the jump, there’s a part in the choreography where she looks right at me, and I can see her holding in her emotions, and her nervousness right up close. I don’t know what kind of face I should show her...and when I see her expression, it makes me want to cry. But I feel like I have to cheer her up, and I think Yohane is the kind of person to do that too, so I always tell her “Go for it! You can do it!”. I’m so happy that she didn’t get hurt across the 3 venues and 6 performances.
Q: And what’s the other thing?
A: WONDERFUL STORIES. It’s the tour title, so I thought it might come sometime in the middle or at the end of the main performance, but it turns out that we did it at the end of the encore. I feel like the song being an insert song at the very, very end of episode 13 has a lot of meaning. It’s a summary of Love Live! Sunshine!!, as if the song was our curtain call. Having that be our last song gives even more meaning to the place that this franchise has brought us to. I think it’s really significant.
Q: How was performing on stage as Saint Aqours Snow?
A: I bet everyone was excited to finally see “Awaken the Power”, and I was really happy to be able to perform in front of everyone as Saint Aqours Snow! It’s an insert song in a very important episode of Season 2, so I think everyone had high expectations. Standing at center stage and being enveloped in everyone’s cheers felt really great… I was so surprised at how hyped up everyone was (laughs). It was fun feeling the power of the Numazu school idols and the Hakodate school idols coming together.
Q: From the 1st Live and the 2nd Live Tour, up until this 3rd Live Tour, what part of you do you think has grown the most?
A: I feel like our camaraderie has gotten even stronger. We were somehow able to make it through the 1st Live, but since then, our bonds have gotten even deeper. We went from being just friends to best friends, and from best friends to being like family by the time the 3rd Live Tour came around. Our individual feelings are all connected, and I’m excited to see where we’ll go from here.
Q: And what comes after becoming family?
A: As Yohane would say, everything will become one...something like that. (laughs).
Q: Do you feel like anything about Aqours has changed or grown with the 3rd Live Tour?
A: We do two days at every venue, and the first day is always nerve-wracking, but when I look at everyone’s faces, they look like they’re having fun. It’s different from the debilitating nervousness we felt during the 1st Live; even though we’re nervous, I can feel that we’re enjoying ourselves. I might feel pressure, but I also feel like I want to have fun. It’s probably because I feel like everything will be okay when I’m with everyone.
Q: You mentioned becoming “like family” earlier. Your bonds must have gotten a lot stronger since then.
A: I can feel a ring around Aqours. Of course, there’s the ring that we form right before every performance, But also, the bonds between all of us in Aqours, and everyone in the audience who comes to see us, form an even bigger ring around us. That makes me feel at ease.
Q: Lastly, what do you think are Aqours’ strongest points?
A: There’s the “ring”, but also, our unity! Our performances are never something we make by ourselves. Whenever we rehearse, I never feel like our performance is fully completed. The fact that people come to our lives and get excited is what completes it. I think that’s one of the charms of Aqours, and it’s our strongest point.
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I’m excited to see where these deepened bonds will take us
Q: Any memories from lives, fanmeets or overseas events?
A: At LA, the fans gave us a special surprise with their penlights by making a rainbow. I wasn’t sure about how well we would be accepted in a different country, but that showed us that everyone was happy to see us. When I saw it, I just started crying.
Q: Did anything fun happen during the 3rd Live Tour?
A: During rehearsals, Aida Rikako-chan fell right asleep while we were backstage (laughs). It was really funny, so everyone was taking pictures and videos. But then her eyes started opening and she kept sleeping with her eyes half open (laughs).
Q: Any thoughts from the Hakodate Unit Carnival?
A: The 11 of us singing “Yume Kataru yori Yume Utaou” left a deep impression on me. Also, for the people listening, seeing the units go AZALEA-CYaRon!-Guilty Kiss was probably a breath of fresh air.
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infinite-juliet · 1 year
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220924 Infinite Kim Myungsoo at I Never Left Fanmeeting Event Day 1 © sanctuary do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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dreamca7cher · 6 years
Dreamcatcher Dream of US in LA Fanmeet write-up
Hello friends! I have enjoyed reading fanmeet write-ups from others in the past, so I figured that those who weren’t able to go might like to give this a read. *Disclaimer* this is ridiculously long, It was actually about twice as long before I condensed and edited. I’ve had a week now to supplement my memory with the fancams and photos that have been trickling out, but I do apologize if I’ve misremembered or left anything out.
I basically jumped at the chance to attend kcon as soon as I read that Dreamcatcher would be there. I was lucky to get some good P1 seats with 2 other kpop-loving friends. At first I was a little bummed that DC was billed as a special guest, which meant they would not be doing any official kcon “artist engagement” activities like hi-touch. But then news of their solo LA fan meeting was announced and I was absolutely ecstatic. It just so happened that my flight was scheduled to arrive early enough Friday to make it to the fanmeet venue just in time.  On the day tickets were to go on sale, I barely got anything done at work and watched my computer clock like a hawk, refreshing the site every millisecond, ten seconds before ticket sales opened. Fortunately, I was lucky to secure one of the 125 seated spots. This would be my first in-person experience of any kind concerning kpop, so I was insanely excited and simultaneously nervous af.
I arrived at the venue about 15 minutes before it was scheduled to start and saw a decent line around this real hole-in-the-wall looking place. The people in line said it was for the seated spots, which surprised me. I thought there would be more standing than seated positions, but it turns out there were only maybe 10-15 people standing. It was hot as balls out there, and we were standing directly in the sun so we were all quickly drenched in sweat. I learned later that the girls had actually arrived earlier in a black van in front of the venue. I was probably still in transit at that time, but it must have been nice for the fans already standing in line to get that first glimpse of them! When we finally made it inside, the staff checked our names off a list and we were able to sign a giant American flag that the girls would hold later for a group picture. The fans who did not bring their own album to be signed were given a small poster. It was basically free for all seating, I was on the far right side on the last row but no matter – the venue was small enough to see everything clearly. As soon as I sat down I realized either the A/C wasn’t on.. or there was none at all. There were a few floor fans pointed at the stage, but I felt bad for the girls once they entered and I saw they were wearing sorta heavy looking tops L There was a slightly raised wooden stage in the front and a long table for them to sit at. Two tall speakers flanked the stage, but the music later wasn’t too loud. The crowd was ethnically diverse and probably around a 50%-50% gender split, proving Dreamcatcher’s wide appeal to all sorts of fans. It was however a much older crowd than the average makeup of the kcon attendees, as this was not a boy group.
The girls soon entered, which was such a surreal moment. It was almost like I couldn’t believe they were real people ya know? Having only watched them on video, it’s more like you’re watching a fictional movie sometimes. I know it’s cliché, but they really are sooo much prettier in person. I think they did look a little tired and/or nervous, but their smiles were illuminating and they did little fan service gestures whenever possible. They did their standard introduction with JiU speaking the most as leader, with small remarks like how hot it was and that it was nice to meet all of us. I thought Yoohyeon would speak the most, but she was probably nervous to use her English with us. The event went straight into the fan-signing with rows lining up one by one while the crowd was free to take pictures/videos. There are much better quality videos out there from the front, but I’ll post my crappy phone videos in case anyone wants to see from the right-hand perspective. I apologize for any shaking, as tripods were not allowed. The signing was fairly quick, everyone had just about enough time for each of the girls to sign their album or poster and maybe exchange a sentence or two.
I was one of like the last 4 people to go since I was at the back, and by this point my adrenaline was going crazy. I’ve never fainted before, but if there would be a time to, then that would be it. I didn’t know if this was strictly allowed, but I did see a few fans high five the members. I refrained however because then that would mean I could never wash that hand (j/k I didn’t want any chance of getting kicked out). So I decided to stick to a compliment or two which I had gone over in my head again and again for a few days prior. I wrote down a longer version of what I was going to say on some notes, since that’s all we were allowed to gift the girls. I had also decided to write my notes on origami paper of their favorite colors and fold my notes into paper cranes to stand out, because I am a crazy person. The research (I got their favorite colors from an interview which I’ll post later), the writing, and the folding all took much long than I anticipated which resulted in me only getting 1 hour of sleep Thursday night before my early flight. So this all culminated in a peak state of nervousness. All too soon it was my turn! I won’t go into what exactly I said or what was in my notes, it was just basically a compliment or encouragement. SuA was first, she waved and said hi as I approached. She was consistently the most hyper and playful that day, possibly because it was her birthday. She seemed really genuine too, and seemed the most relaxed I think. Handong was second, she was predictably shy, but was very appreciative of the crane and said it was cute. Her signature is the most unique too. I wrote some really crappy Chinese in my note that I hope she could read haha.. Next was Siyeon, she looked a bit tired, but she was hella pulling off the dark concept look with her black hair and colored contacts. She also spoke a lot of English that day, even if it wasn’t complete sentences like Yoohyeon. I think previous reports are accurate too, she was very quirky with her mannerisms. JiU was in the middle, and was positively glowing  :O she was smiling pretty much the whole time and I think even picked up the crane and flapped it around a little adorably. It was hard not to grin widely as well the whole time. Idk JiU just has this like unlimited energy that shines no matter how hot or tired she was. I pictured her as like a Super Saiyan or something with her positive aura. Yoohyeon was next and also looked a little tired. But she said a few things in English to me, and had an absolutely gorgeous smile. I haven’t 100% settled on a bias yet, but girl makes it hard to not choose her. Gahyeon was 6th and actually was saying a lot of things in English. She also seemed to like the crane a lot and has a really cute smile. Dami was last, and was so cool and reserved. She’s really good at the appreciative head nod, no wonder she seemed to be the most popular that day. I forgot to tell all of them that the cranes were actually notes they could unfold and read, I may have told 2-3 of them but I’m not sure if they understood. Ah well. The whole signing probably only lasted a couple minutes, but seeing them up close and actually chatting with them is something I will never forget. After the staff also got their signatures, they moved the big table so the girls could perform.
First up was You and I, and boy was it a sight to behold in person. Their movements were so sharp and energetic, and it’s probably my favorite choreography of any kpop song. They just lip-synced which is ok, since it let me focus on the dance. Dami’s baton reveal probably got the loudest cheer, it was really awesome to see up close, and she does it so nonchalantly. Siyeon’s scarf throw also got a loud cheer. SuA definitely had the most powerful dancing, as expected.  I didn’t know all the fanchants, but the other InSomnias obliged well. The girls sprinkled in little hearts and waves to the audience throughout the performance. Right after, they performed Full Moon, which was a very nice gift to the American InSomnias  :] The chest pumping part probably had the loudest cheers, as it was the fiercest part of the choreo. During Dami’s solo rap part, she came up real close and waved to everyone, which also brought lots of cheers. The part where SuA and Handong get dragged across the floor was also popular for some reason. I haven’t watched as many fancams of Full Moon, but I really like the choreo, especially Siyeon’s parts. She rules that performance with her movements and expressions.
After the performance, the girls played a question and answer game from a board made up of stick notes that the crowd had written earlier (via translator). The first question I think was for SuA to do a solo funny dance. She asked “no music?” and Siyeon tried to do beatboxing and failed hard hahaha. So Yoohyeon sang to and SuA did a short hilarious dance to Dame Tu Cosita before collapsing in embarrassment. It was so adorable XD the 2nd question was what was the girls favorite Dreamcatcher song. SuA said Mayday, and sang her part a bit. The next question was “what’s it like performing for fans who don’t speak Korean and understand the lyrics?” Handong said that there was nonetheless a connection and that she was surprised and thankful that fans still sing along to the songs. SuA also said we felt like family, sister, brother, mother, father.. lol. The next question was what is your favorite choreography/point move? JiU said she likes the “baby you and I” part of You and I, and Yoohyeon likes the Chase Me part where they grab their hair lol. SuA likes the kiss blowing parts, and Siyeon likes when the members are dragged in Full Moon (probably because it’s not her being dragged haha). Then there was a question about superpowers, and Gahyeon said teleportation and JiU said she never wanted to get tired so she could always meet her fans, like the perfect leader she is. Siyeon said “you already do that” lol. Then Dami was asked how the baton worked, which I’m sure we all have always wondered. It’s basically like a spring-loaded telescoping thing held by a cap. Super cool, and got a resounding applause. Next was one of the more anticipated questions “which member would you marry?” and SuA immediately stood up lol. Siyeon took the mic and said JiU, because she makes really cute noises when she sleeps, revealing her creeper status lolol. Siyeon asked “will you marry me” and JiU said “oooh, yes” lmao. The next question was who has the best legs, to which Yoohyeon crossed her legs expectantly. But then she said she thought Handong has the best legs and asked her to stand up, which she did! Doing some model poses for us, very uncharacteristically ^^ JiU also said Handong has the straightest legs. Then Dami was asked to do some aegyo! Haha poor Dami, she chose to say “hi, nice to meet you, thank you” very adorably. The girls were then asked what songs they listen to in their personal time. SuA is currently obsessed with This is America and did the iconic gun pose lol. Siyeon likes Ariana Grande, and sang some No Tears Left to Cry. They were then asked what artists they want to collaborate with, and Yoohyeon said Day6 which got a big cheer. I also love Day6, and that would be such a match made in heaven! She also beautifully sang a little bit of Letting Go. Siyeon said she wanted to cover Sean Mendes Treat You Better and SuA wanted to do a Taylor Swift song. They were asked about actors they want to meet in LA, and they said the Avengers lol. I think they visited Hollywood Boulevard and said they kinda felt like they met them because there were people dressed up in costumes. Gahyeon also wanted to meet Daniel Henney because he lives in LA. Then JiU said I want to meet my fans with this huge dorky smile lol. The next question was about any future America tour plans, and JiU said of course, and asked us to visit them again next time. They were then asked who their other favorite kpop group was, and JiU said Red Velvet. Yoohyeon asked if she could dance a little bit, so JiU cutely danced to Bad Boy briefly. Siyeon also said KARD. They were asked what their favorite part of LA was, and SuA said she really liked In-N-Out burger and that it was yummy, specifically combo #3 lol. She also wanted to ride rides at Santa Monica and swim, to which Siyeon reminded her that she can’t swim lmao. The last question was about their favorite quotes. Dami’s motto is “in life there are no answers, so do what makes you happy”. JiU said “let’s live happy”, which she definitely exudes all the time ^^. Also that we were all beautiful and smart enough, so to live a happy life. Yoohyeon said that her mom always said to her “if you have a dream, imagine it will happen, and it will be”. Lastly, the girls took a group photo with all three of the sections, holding the American flag we signed earlier. JiU closed out with thanks and a promise they would see us again. SuA said thank you for celebrating my birthday, and Handong said thank you for your passion. Then the staff brought out a birthday cake and we surprised SuA by singing happy birthday. She looked so happy the entire time, and  even did a little moonwalk haha. Dami did one last tour around the crowd waving to everyone, and that was it.
And the rest of the weekend was downhill! J/k the kcon stages were amazing, and I saw them again multiple times at the convention, but the fanmeet was of course the highlight of the trip. As my first in-person kpop experience, this will definitely be hard to top. I vaguely wondered before the fanmeet if finally meeting them in person would diminish my perfect image of them in my head, but actually the opposite is true. Now they feel like real people I know, which just makes me like them even more. I was also very proud of the American InSomnias, everyone was respectful, there were no crazy incidents, no one had to be thrown out by security, it just went as smooth as can be. I also want to thank 7-dreamers for organizing this whole thing, and for the smooth operation. I could talk forever about my experiences, but I will end it here. Maybe I’ll do a write-up of the convention and concert if anyone’s interested? Thanks for reading!
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basketcase789 · 6 years
Mistaken II
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“Sometimes life has a cruel sense of humor, giving you the thing you always wanted at the worst time possible.” - Lisa Kleypas
Group: Seventeen Member: Woozi (feat. others) Genre: soulmate au, angst, fluff Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
You blew warm breath into your hands and rubbed them together, using the friction to feel just a little bit warmer. It was sunny, but the mid-morning autumn air in Seoul was crisp, and you shivered.
You were the only one your own age waiting in line for the fanmeet, you’d quickly noticed. Everyone else was either much younger than you, or their parents accompanying them. You tried your best to ignore the side-eyes directed your way; you were well aware not many people over the age of twenty-one were interested in groups as young as Seventeen. After all, a lot of their appeal was the potential for being a young fan’s soulmate. It was basically every fan’s dream, and you couldn’t exactly blame them since you considered yourself a dreamer, too. But after fans had their revelation dream, that appeal of being their bias’ soulmate was gone and they moved on with their lives.
That wasn’t to say these groups didn’t have older fans. They were just more interested in the music itself, rather than participating in fan events like these. You being here was pretty out of the ordinary.
Seating was assigned by ticket, so you didn’t have to wait long in line before the doors opened and everyone started moving forward, causing everyone to cheer, and your heart to speed up in your chest.
You’d spent all morning daydreaming about how the fanmeet would go. How close would your seat be to the stage? Your ticket showed you’d be in a seat 103, so you didn’t set your hopes too high of being in the front row. As long as you were able to see the boys’ faces clearly you’d be happy. Would you be lucky enough to go up on stage and play a game with all the members who you’d come to care about so dearly? It had been two years since you had your revelation dream, after all, and in that time you’d been following Seventeen closely with each comeback. Saying all the boys had grown on you would be an understatement.
But most importantly, would you get the chance to come face-to-face with Jihoon, and possibly confess your feelings?
If not today, you’d obviously meet him again someday - perhaps later on, after he had his dream and knew you were his soulmate, too. You just thought now would be a cute story to look back on later in life, and it would be interesting to see what his first impression was of you before he knew you were soulmates. Your bond desperately wanted him to like you, and you had to fight to keep your racing heartbeat steady.
You rubbed your hands together again, but this time it wasn’t due to the cold.
You were let inside the venue, and a staff member directed you to the best entrance based on your seat number. You wandered up the main aisle, your eyes widening with each row you passed and the closer you got to the stage. You stopped in front of your row, and double and triple checked your ticket. You hadn’t made a mistake. Your seat was in the third row from the stage. You didn’t have a good view, you had a great view, you realized as you took off your jacket and sat down.
Maybe luck was on your side today, and the thought brought a smile to your lips. Perhaps your friend had been right about everything all along; things did seem to be falling neatly into place. As seats were filling up and the venue grew louder with excited chatter you couldn’t seem to stop smiling. You still couldn’t believe you’d come all this way and were actually here, about to see your soulmate in person. You found yourself feeling bashful, and tried to hide your smile with a hand over your mouth.
The audience cheered and screamed as the boys suddenly filed onto the stage, but once you spotted Jihoon among them it was as if everything went silent, calm. His smiling face filled you with a warmth you’d never experienced before. He was so… perfect to you. When your eyes landed on him it was as if you were the only person there in the audience. For a moment it felt like everything was right.
They started off the fanmeet by performing the title track off their newest album. You stood up with the audience, a couple thousand fans at least, and cheered them on. You naturally couldn’t take your eyes off Jihoon while he danced and sang, despite wanting to give the others some attention, too. Watching him dance in person reminded you of your revelation dream from a few years ago, and you couldn’t help but watch fondly thinking about how his dancing had somehow improved even more since their debut days.
After their performance they each introduced themselves one by one and thanked everyone for coming. Meanwhile, staff set out chairs for them so they could take a breather and start their Q&A with the MC.
You were grateful that you’d taken the time to learn Korean, otherwise you would have been completely lost right now. Twenty minutes of laughter and fanservice passed by much too quickly for your liking, and then the boys performed a few more songs, to your delight.
Finally came the games.
Fans were chosen at random by seat numbers to go up on the stage with the boys. Although you weren’t chosen for the first game, you kept your hopes up. There would be plenty more chances. Besides... although you were happy with just the chance to see Jihoon’s face, the universe wouldn’t let you come all this way without getting to meet him one-on-one… would it?
You tried to enjoy the games and not be too jealous of the fans that already got to interact with the boys, while you waited patiently for your turn.
“Now it’s time for the last game,” the MC said, and the crowd whined.
You stared down at your ticket as the MC rhymed off the seat numbers for the final game... but your number was never called. You slumped in your seat, but didn’t have much time to wonder what went wrong when the MC spoke again.
“Make sure you stick around for the end of the game! Fifty lucky fans will get to participate in a surprise fansigning afterward, and receive a complimentary album.”
That perked you back up. This would be your final chance to meet Jihoon today.
After the last game, the Seventeen members gave a heartfelt goodbye, once again thanking everyone for coming, and went backstage, leaving the MC alone.
“After we announce who’s chosen for the fansigning, we ask everyone to exit the venue. Those chosen for the fansigning will be re-admitted inside after staff confirms with their ticket.”
The list of seat numbers was projected onto the screen for everyone to see. You carefully read through each one, your heart dropping the closer you got to the bottom and the more cheers you heard by fans who’d been selected. Your palms began to sweat.
You reached the last seat number and sighed with relief. It was yours.
You didn’t miss the girl sitting to your left glaring at you after reading through the list, but you chose to ignore her as you got up to leave.
Fifteen minutes later you were back inside the venue, the only real difference being the panel of empty tables set up in a neat line across the stage. You and the other chosen fans, with brand new albums in hand for signing, queued up below the stage. You weren’t at the very front of the line, so you had some time to think about what you wanted to say once you got to Jihoon.
Reality finally settled in, and you bit your bottom lip nervously. You would have all of Jihoon’s attention, if only for a minute. Your bond desperately wanted you to let him know you were his soulmate, but you also wanted to come off as cool, casual. You couldn’t say for sure which side of you was going to win.
The boys came back onto the stage amidst cheers from the fans. You gulped, unable to make a sound. Jihoon sat down next to Joshua at the very end of the panel, so you would be seeing him last. Hopefully that would mean less people overhearing your conversation - you wanted to be discreet after all.
The line moved quickly; these fansignings were understandably short, otherwise they could get out of hand and easily drag into an all day event. As you approached closer to the stage, you realized a pair of girls behind you were talking about you.
“What’s an older fan like her doing here? Her spot could have been given to a younger fan, how sad.”
“Shouldn’t she be off somewhere with her soulmate?”
Judging by the fact that they didn’t bother to lower their voices, they must have assumed you couldn’t understand Korean. Was you being one of the members’ soulmates such a far-fetched idea to them? Your cheeks burned as you tried to ignore them. As an older fan you’d expected something like this to happen, but it still bothered you.
Only a few people separated you from the front of the line, now, and you could hear bits and pieces of the conversations fans were having with the members.
“Vernon, I think we’re soulmates!”
“Ah, yes, I think so too,” he said with a wink. “I’m sure I’ve dreamed about you before.”
The girl giggled in reply.
They were both clearly too young to have had their revelation dreams. Somehow the thought had never occurred to you before - how many times in a day did these boys get told they were someone’s soulmate? Confessed to? Judging by what you were overhearing, quite often.
Jihoon was never going to believe you.
You stepped up to the stage and Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino were the first ones to sign your album. You told each of them variations of how much of a fan you were, and how talented you thought they were. You lost track of the order you met the boys in after that. They were all very sweet, but you still had to physically restrain yourself from peeking down at Jihoon the closer you got to him, feeling it would be rude to the others.
When you reached Joshua you allowed yourself to finally steal a glance at Jihoon sitting beside him. You’d just caught the end of him doing some aegyo for the fan in front of you. You were so close now, and your heart started to pound in your chest.
“You look a little nervous,” Joshua said, drawing your attention back to him with a kind smile. “First time at a fansigning?”
“Yes, it is,” you admitted, although that wasn’t the reason you were anxious. Not the reason at all.
He signed your album and handed it back to you. “Well, I hope you’ve still had a good time here today.”
You thanked him and proceeded on to Jihoon, as the girl in front of you stepped down from the stage. You gripped your album tightly, heart pounding, until you knew Jihoon was ready for you. He glanced up at you with a bright smile, and your eyes met. You were afraid you were going to melt into a puddle right there. Realizing you were staring and taking too long to hand him the album, you propelled it forward and it slipped from your hands, dropping to the table with a loud clatter.
“I’m so sorry,” you said. “I didn’t mean to do that, I’m just a little flustered I guess.”
He let out a little chuckle as he opened up the album. “Why’s that?”
“You wouldn’t believe me…” You’d been watching him closely for any kind of sign that he felt your bond, a spark, anything… but found nothing besides a polite smile.
“Try me.”
“Okay.” You took a deep breath. “We’re soulmates,” you blurted. You had a chance and you decided to take it, watching carefully for his reaction.
“Ahh… well I already knew that.”
“You did?” You blinked at him. How could he possibly know? He hadn’t had his dream yet.
“M-hmm~” You watched him sign your album with graceful fingers.
He was just playing along, you realized, and you felt your bond take control of you. “No, I’m really your soulmate. I’ve had my dream and everything, two years ago I saw you in your dance studio you have to believe me Jihoon-”
You jumped slightly as he closed your album with a thud and pushed it toward you. His smile from a moment earlier had disappeared. “I don’t know you well enough for you to call me that. Whatever it is that you think… you’re mistaken.”
Your hands trembled.
I think you’re mistaken… do I know you?
The words spoken by your ex rang in your head, from the time you passed him in the street and he’d turned his back on you like he never knew you. He’d lied to you, taken advantage of you. You let him see the deepest, most intimate parts of you, and after he’d had his fun he left you. And it was the last time you ever saw him.
Why was your soulmate saying the exact same thing? How could Jihoon not feel what you were feeling? How could he not know?
“Jihoon…” you thought you heard Joshua say from beside him. He’d likely overheard part of your conversation.
You knew your time was up. Your body was on autopilot as you reached out and picked your album up off the table. You couldn’t look Jihoon in the face. I don’t know you…
A stabbing pain in your chest brought tears to the corner of your eyes. You took a quick step back without looking, clutching your album close, and spun around to hurry down the stairs. You didn’t want anyone to see the emotions you were sure would be showing raw on your face. You didn’t want to have a breakdown here in front of all these people, you just needed to leave as fast as you could.
You missed a step and slipped, crashing to the floor at the bottom of the stage and landing hard on your right ankle. You winced in pain and clutched your leg as your album slid a few feet away from you, amidst gasps from a few people who’d been standing at the right angle to witness your fall.
Quickly, before anyone could help you, you grabbed your album up off the floor and stood, gritting your teeth and hurrying toward the exit without looking back. Your leg, and your heart, throbbed with each step.
You reached the outdoors and were greeted by a gust of frigid air. You remembered it being freezing outside earlier, but it was nothing now compared to the ice you felt in your chest.
You pulled out your phone, limping along the sidewalk as you messaged your best friend.
Things didn’t go well… heading to the airport shortly, was all you said.
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smileyanie · 6 years
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Fan account for 180520 YoonA Fanmeeting Tour ‘So Wonderful Day’ #Story_1 in Seoul Part I, credit @itnw0628
1. Before entrance
Fan meeting was held at Sejong University Daeyang Hall in Seoul, 6:00 pm 2018.05.20. Before going inside the venue, fans had to receive bingo card from the staff and fill it in. They said it will be used during the fan meeting. Bingo card has 100 words (or sentences) which is related to YoonA. Among those 100 words, we had to pick 25.
2. Opening VCR
YoonA is in the studio, doing her make up with staffs. A man (who looks like a manager) comes in and tells her there’s a change in her schedule so she needs to go now. YoonA is inside the van, and she looks outside. There are girls who wear school uniform. YoonA looks at them gently, and after that, she reappears with school uniform on. She walks past a flower garden and a bridge (note: The bridge looks like Dongho Daegyo, which is quite interesting), and eventually arrives at the front gate of a school.
3. MC Introduction
After opening VCR, Kim Shinyoung appeared on stage. On stage, there were two desks and chairs, just like the ones we use in school. She greeted fans, and asked them to call YoonA by saying “YoonA ya~”, as if we call our friends in school.
4. Greeting
YoonA appeared with school look on. She put on sky blue colored blouse and half dark blue / half white colored skirt. YoonA greeted fans.
YoonA: KSY unnie accepted my suggestion of being an MC for the fanmeeting without hesitation even though she didn’t know when or where it will be. Thank you.
Kim Shingyoung: Not at all. You know how we do.
KSY: You had a lot to think about this fanmeeting, right?
YA: Yes, I was agonizing. I even had an hour long phone conversation with SY unnie. Every single picture, every single section was selected by me. And did you receive the present when entering here? I bought them with my own money. (fans screamed) The design of the present was also selected by me, and I was thinking which present is the best for you and eventually decided that the one you can always bring by putting on the phones or your bags would be nice. Words 'SONE Day’ on the present was also chosen by myself. I even included photo cards which I took as selfie, though I’m not good at it. I hope you like it. (fans screamed)
KSY: I could feel how much YoonA cares about fans. It’s not easy to give out presents with your own money. (laugh)
YA: Since you guys come to see me, I thought I have to do something for you as well.
KSY: There are some concerns when deciding the concept of the fanmeeting?
YA: Yeah. You know I’m called 'Yoongtizen’ and of course I checked how fans thought about the concept. It seemed some of you felt burdened by the (school look) concept. But I can see many fans wear nice looking outfits here.
5. Giving out presents to fans
KSY: Yes and we’re going to pick 3 fans with the best style and give out presents.
YA: Yes, since fans must have thought hard of the style for today, we should. In fact, we have a lot of presents to give out. Today is the day of presents. (fans screamed)
Then YoonA and KSY looked around the audience to find out fans with the best style. First fan who got picked was on the second level. He wore school uniform with green tie. Second fan who got picked was on the left side of the first level. She put up full school uniform. Third fan who got picked was sitting at the very first row of the first level. She put on pink colored 3 line stripe slippers. (Note: 3 line stripe slippers are used a lot at school by the students)
YA: I know some of you might feel hurt by watching a fan with the great seat is even receiving the present, but please don’t. I will take care of you even at the very last row. (fans screamed)
KSY: As we already talked about at the beginning, the concept of this fanmeeting is 'school’. So, what is the first thing you do when you go to school? Yes, we call the roll. (she put up the book sized document) And this is the roll book for all of you who came here today. (fans screamed) And we will pick two random fans on the roll book and give out presents.
YA: OK. Since today is 5.20, I will pick a fan whose name is on No. 520. (a lucky female fan was selected)
KSY: Guys, I told you at SNSD’s fanmeeting as well before, but please don’t make this sort of facial expression (she made a mad facial expression) even though you’re not the one who receives a present. (fans and YoonA laughed)
YA: Next is….what time is it now? (KSY showed off her expensive looking watch on her wrist) Whoa! That watch. It’s called 'president’s watch’.
KSY: Because it’s a special day.
YA: Anyway, what time is it again? (fans told her it’s 6.18 pm) Got it. Then I’ll go reverse by picking a fan on No. 816.
KSY: You went reverse. Never expected it. I got goosebumps. (fans and YA laughed, and another lucky female fan was selected)
KSY: When you’re a student and if one of your friends give out presents like this, then she/he could be very popular, right? (fans laughed)
YA: It feels like today is not my fanmeeting, more like the giving out event. (laugh)
YA: Uh, is this the end? Then can I take this roll book?
KSY: Really?
YA: I want it because (fans’) names are on it. (fans screamed)
KSY: OK, you can take it. Since YA have all the names who came here today, if one of you don’t show up at next event…..
YA: (jokingly) If you don’t show up at next event…..you know what I mean. (fans laughed)
YA: This is a present for me, really. Thank you.
KSY: It is.
6. Yoongstagram
KSY: OK, time to talk about your recent update. I heard that you have an IG account to communicate with fans, and it’s called 'Yoongstagram’.
YA: Yes, I do. I sometimes check fans’ reaction and add something on the post. (laugh) Problem is, I’m not a heavy uploader. I think I didn’t completely adapt to it yet. Therefore, I got plenty of pictures I didn’t reveal. I reveal such pictures every time I have a birthday party.
KSY: I see. Let’s talk about it after we see the pictures.
First picture was at the foodcourt inside the Incheon airport. In the photo, YoonA made a pose with rice noodle and kimchi jjigae.
KSY: You like rice noodle and kimchi jjigae?
YA: Yes, I like both of them. And weirdly, I eat them every time I go to the airport. There was a time I felt bloated while eating in flight meal. So I thought it’d be better for me to eat something before getting on board. And guess what? The foods are delicious! Incheon airport is the place for good restaurants. (laugh) Nowadays, it became like a course to me. I always eat them when I go to the airport with the staffs.
KSY: Is it a foodcourt? I mean, you don’t usually eat both of them at once….(fans laughed)
YA: It is. I ordered them together with my staffs, and sometimes I eat theirs. (laugh) But, the main dish is always a rice noodle.
KSY: I see. Let’s move on to the second picture.
Second picture was kid YoonA wearing a swimsuit and inside the pool while smiling. She looked really cute and adorable.
YA: Kid Yoong! That swimming goggles and swimming cap look really cute.
KSY: How old were you then?
YA: I guess it’s around 1st or 2nd grade of elementary school. I think I liked swimming at that time. In fact, I have a phobia of water, I can’t swim. That’s why that picture feels unfamiliar. When I was a kid, I was playing at the beach and swallowed by the wave. It got me a trauma. If water is on the level of my waist, it’s OK. But it goes higher and reaches on the level of my neck, it’s not OK.
KSY: Do you have any intention to learn swimming?
YA: I want to, and I have to but It feel too scary when my feet doesn’t touch the ground.
KSY: How about taking a picture with the same pose and same outfit later and reveal it at fanmeeting like this?
YA: Ah, but I might have to take a picture and get out of the swimming pool quickly. (laugh) If I become good at swimming, then I’ll think about it.
KSY: I see. Next picture.
Third picture was a trophy case of YoonA.
KSY: Wow.
YA: It’s a trophy case at home. Trophies are mostly individual ones, since many of the group trophies are displayed at the company.
KSY: So most of them are awarded to 'YoonA’?
YA: Yes. There are trophies which were awarded to SNSD in the bottom though. When I see the trophy case, it looks quite cool. (laugh) And many of the trophies, I could receive them thanks to our fans. That’s why I wanted to show it to you.
KSY: You must have agonized it before taking the picture of it.
YA: Yeah, I was like, 'It might be seen as I’m bragging.’ (laugh) But, again those trophies were awarded to me thanks to our fans. Thank you.
KSY: OK. Next one, please.
Fourth picture was the one YoonA took in Hallstatt, Austria.
KSY: Oh, is it Europe?
YA: Yes, I made a trip to Europe. I uploaded pictures of visiting Budapest, Vienna, and Prague before. I also went to Salzburg which is famous for 'Sound Of Music’. And that place is Hallstatt.
KSY: I heard it’s quite famous.
YA: Yes, it’s used as the setting for 'Frozen’. I missed a proper timing to upload it.
KSY: Hashtag on the picture is quite funny. “I will reveal all of them when you feel bored”
YA: Yes, please wait for it.
KSY: So you just made a promise.
YA: Of course. I’m always thinking about it.
KSY: Next picture, please.
Fifth picture was the one YoonA took inside the room. And behind her, there were comments like, “Welcome, Euijoo” and other words and stuffs welcoming her.
YA: Recently I picked a movie scenario to participate in, and I had a meeting with production team and director. And production company made such things for me.
KSY: Wow.
YA: I’ve never seen such things before. I went there for greeting purpose only, and I felt touched by the gesture. So I asked their permission of taking a picture of it.
KSY: It starts on August?
YA: Yeah, I think I will start shooting from August.
KSY: Can you tell us the character of Euijoo a bit?
YA: She is a submanager of the convention hall. She is an ordinary woman, but very active and try hard to rescue people….
KSY: OK, stop. That’s it. (fans laughed)
KSY: I saw the wreath which mentions 'Exit’ at the back stage, was it from the movie production team?
YA: Ah, that’s from Hyori’s Homestay team. They sent it with the meaning of me exiting from part timer’s work at homestay and becoming a submanager. (laugh) In fact, PD and writer of Hyori’s Homestay team are here. (fans screamed) I know where they’re sitting now, but I won’t tell you because they might feel shy. I guess they’re curious about my life as a superstar, not as a part timer. (laugh)
KSY: Actually, I wanted to visit Hyori’s Homestay.
YA: Really?
KSY: Yes, as Celeb Five.
YA: Ah, it must have been great.
KSY: But unfortunately, it’s all done when we applied for it.
YA: You should’ve taken the interview.
KSY: No, I’m not talking about being a part timer. I wanted to visit their as a tourist. (fans laughed) It’s impossible for me to do a part timer work there. It could be done because it was you, YoonA.
YA: Thanks to Homestay, I received a lot of love. Please give them a round of applause. (fans applauded)
7. Q&A
KSY: OK, let’s wrap up the Yoongstagram here. Next section is a Korean class. No, we’re not literally learning Korean here. (fans laughed) The name of this section is, 'Ask YoonA if you’re curious about anything’.
Blackboard with a lot of posts on came in.
YA: Wow, blackboard. It’s been so long.
KSY: Let’s check the questions. You might think we filtered out some questions but we did not. All we did is arranging the overlapping ones, and we didn’t filter out any of your questions. It might be the first time in the history of the fanmeeting. (fans laughed) OK, YoonA, pick whatever you want.
YoonA started moving around to find an interesting one. While doing so, she made a weird and funny noise. Fans laughed.
KSY: I thought it’s the sound of a door opening. (fans laughed)
YA: OK, this one. 'What is the 3 best things after you cut your hair short?’
YA: I cut my hair short because my hair went bad, I couldn’t even comb it. That’s why I cut it.
KSY: Did you do it yourself?
YA: No. I cut it at the beauty shop. When I decided to cut the hair, I was like, 'OK, let’s cut it when I don’t have a lot of schedules.’ I didn’t expect I would have this many schedules with short hair. (laugh)
YA: First good thing is, I can dry my hair very quickly. And when my hair was long, I used to put some pieces on it to make my hair look rich. But now, I don’t need to put anything on it, and it makes my scalp condition very good. (laugh)
YA: And another good thing is, well right now it becomes a bit longer so it doesn’t feel that way, but when it was quite short, it gave me a different, more stylish image.
KSY: Yeah, more intelligent feels. I think the fan who asked you this question has her own concern about it. Do you have any advice for her?
YA: Uh, if you keep your hair long all the time, then I think it’s not bad to try getting shorter. If you feel it’s too much, then cut it by the collarbone level, because we have to avoid poverty zone. (fan laughed)
KSY: Yeah, right before the poverty zone. Let’s move on.
YA: 'You get your ear pierced one more. Did you have any particular reason behind it?’ Oh, yes I got my ear pierced here one more. How did she/he know it, btw. (fans laughed)
KSY: Why did you do it?
YA: No reason. I just did. (fans laughed)
KSY: Did you research before doing it or….
YA: No, I suddenly thought 'Well, let’s do it’ and did it.
KSY: I see. Fans might have thought, 'Oh, YoonA got her ear pierced one more. I guess it’s her way of saying she will work even harder.’ (fans laughed)
YA: (laugh) So, if I get one more, then it’s also showing our fans that I will work harder? (fans laughed)
YA: Next one. 'What YoonA wanted to hear the most from fans was 'It’s alright.’ Is it still effective? Or if it changed, what is the new one?’
KSY: Ah, you used to like to hear 'It’s alright’.
YA: Yes. When I was asked which words I like to hear, I said 'It’s alright.’ No, it’s not 'You’re cool!’, it’s 'It’s alright.’ (fans laughed) (Note: 'It’s alright’ and 'You’re cool’ in Korean can be spelled exactly the same, but the meaning could be interpreted differently by the accent.)
KSY: Accent is important. (laugh) Are you still the same?
YA: Well, yes. I still love to hear it. However, I feel there’s a slight change. Nowadays, I feel even though fans have something to expect from me, they worry that I might feel too burdened by it, and say 'It’s alright’ to me. I’m like, 'Am I forcing them to say so?’ Therefore, I feel like I have to do my work even harder.
KSY: Ah, so you feel you have to do your work harder when you hear the words?
YA: Um, I think this one is more correct. In the past, I wanted to hear 'It’s alright’ from fans, but now, I want to say 'It’s alright’ to them.
KSY: Oh, so you want to tell SONEs so.
YA: Yeah, it’s 'If you’re worried about me being in a tough situation, I’m alright. So you don’t have to worry about me.’ sort of feeling.
KSY: I see. How about telling them here, then?
YA: (with an extremely cute voice) It’s alright~ (fans screamed)
YA: I think I didn’t articulate it well enough.
KSY: It’s alright. (fans laughed) I guess this is the proper time to use it.
YA: I hope my intention was correctly delivered to our fans.
KSY: I think 'It’s alright’ needs to be said sincerely to be delivered well. I heard yours being very sincere, and I believe fans did, too. It’s not about articulating well, it’s all about being sincere.
(YoonA became a bit tearful)
KSY: You should not cry at this point. Not now. (fans and YoonA laughed, and many fans shouted 'It’s alright’, it made YoonA laugh again)
YA: OK, next one. 'What is the feeling of doing fanmeeting tour?’
KSY: Seoul is the first one, right?
YA: Yes. In fact, I’ve been doing birthday part every year at COEX Artium. I was thinking about doing it again this year. I’m planning to do it every year. Then, there’s a talk about holding a fanmeeting tour. So I was like, 'If so, then how about holding the first fanmeeting tour in Seoul as a birthday party, at a larger venue?’ After that, I called SM and told my idea to them. I was like, 'First fanmeeting tour must be in Seoul, and it must be held before my birthday.’ (fans screamed)
YA: This is an Asia Tour, and you can see there’s a gap between this one and the ones in other countries. This is why. I wanted to do it before my birthday. (fans screamed)
YA: And I know fans wanted a bigger place than COEX Artium, since it’s too small.
KSY: You accept civil complaints 100%. (fans laughed) In fact, this venue is quite big.
YA: Yeah. I think it’d be better if we hold the next one at even bigger place. (fans screamed)
KSY: How about gathering fans all around the world and hold it at Gocheok Skydome? (fans screamed)
YA; Wow.
KSY: Imagine YoonA on the wire, and moving around the audience and greeting 'Welcome!’ (fans laughed)
YA: That’s cool.
KSY: (to fans) So please stay as you are until that day comes.
YA: Yeah, I will check the roll book. (fans laughed)
KSY: (to fans) At first it felt touching but now you guys feel a bit scary, right? (fans laughed)
YA: Next one. 'You wrote lyrics for two songs. When you write it, I’m curious about the way you do it, and where you get the inspiration from?’
KSY: I was quite surprised by the news.
YA: Yeah, I wrote two lyrics on an impulse. I now even have a solo song. (laugh)
KSY: I heard writing lyrics is quite difficult.
YA: It is. If I didn’t write lyrics for 'When The Wind Blows’, I might not be able to do it for 'To You’.
KSY: Did you learn something about it?
YA: No, I didn’t. But I asked people around me before arrange it. I’m the type of person who writes what I want to say. In fact, the lyrics of 'When The Wind Blows’ was co-written with composers, but 'To You’ was done all by myself. I wanted to include what I felt during the Homestays. Half of the lyrics was about what I felt during the Homestays, and other half was the feeling I already had. Last year, I had to say goodbye to one of the sunbaenims, one of my friends, and my grandma. It was a tough time for me. That time made me think, 'About the time we spent together, I think of her/him this way, but how does she/he think of me?’ Those thoughts made me start writing, and I found out that it sort of overlaps with tourists at Homestays. So, first half was more about people at Homestays, and the latter half was more about what I felt.
YA: Weird thing is, the first sentence which came to my mind while writing it was 'It’s really strange.’ That thought came to me constantly. It’s like, 'It’s so strange I feel this way.’
KSY: I think it’s because you’re in the period of experiencing a lot, feeling a lot. People are all different, but the way they live is quite the same sometimes. You might have felt that the story of the tourists aren’t all that different from yours. By the way, I wrote lyrics, too. (fans laughed)
YA: Celeb Five? (then she danced choreo of Celeb Five’s song)
KSY: You know it!
YA: Of course I do. (then she danced even more part of the choreos, fans screamed)
KSY: Wow. I can’t be happier now. (fans laughed, and shouted 'Do it together!’)
KSY: Shall we, then? (then YA and KSY danced the choreo together)
YA: I really want to learn.
KSY: Really? If you have some time later, then please learn it from us. (laugh) You don’t have to worry about the schedule, we will match yours. (fans laughed)
KSY: In fact, Yuri said she will be the center if they do Celeb Five on radio. (fans laughed)
YA: I think she should. Center belongs to her. (fans laughed)
KSY: I see. Center Yuri. How about you, YoonA? (fans shouted 'main dancer!’)
KSY: Ah, main dancer?
YA: Uh, I think we have too many people who have to do the center. Yuri unnie, Sooyoung unnie. They are two tops. And if Hyoyeon unnie is a bit more confident, then she’s also a top candidate. But, I think no one beats Yuri and Sooyoung unnies. (fans laughed)
KSY: If you have a chance next year, then how about inviting us to your Asia Tour?
YA: I really want to. In fact, we were watching you do it, and said 'Wow, unnies are amazing. How about us doing it?’
KSY: No joke, I will visit SM ASAP. (fans laughed)
KSY: Actually, the opening VCR was filmed by Shindong from SJ. He is also the director of Celeb Five’s MV.
YA: Yes, director Shindong shot all the VCRs for this fanmeeting.
KSY: Right. Well, maybe next time, we can sort things out, and let us participate in the opening VCR at least.
YA: Got it.
KSY: OK, how about next question?
YA: You pick it for me.
KSY: (to fans) Is it OK? (fans said yes)
YA: Do it as if you’re a SONE.
KSY: I see. I think a lot of questions, fans must already know the answers. OK, I want to make you do this one. (she picked 'Please write a 2 line poet using 'SO-ONE’) (fans screamed, and YoonA sighed)
KSY: (laugh) Did you guys hear it? YoonA sighed heavily when I showed her this one. Let’s do this. Did you do it at your birthday party last year?
YA: No.
KSY: Then let’s do it.
YA: I can feel the burden of Mr. Yoo Byungjae now. (fans laughed)
KSY: Are you ready?
YA: Yes.
KSY: OK. 1,2,3! (fans shouted 'So~’)
KSY: (jokingly) Drop it, drop it. It’s too boring. (fans laughed)
KSY: OK. One! (fans shouted 'One~’)
YA: Watch me more than you could ever want today! (Note: In Korean, it starts with 'Won’)
KSY: OK, that was good. Shall we do it one more question?
YA: This section is my favorite indeed.
KSY: I know. When we talk about fanmeeting, YoonA constantly told me she wants to have a chance to have a conversation with SONEs. Since she can’t talk with every single fan, she wants to have this sort of section instead. If we accepted 100% of YoonA’s opinion, we might have to stay in this venue for two days. (fans screamed)
YA: When I did birthday party, I am also the MC, and I exceeded the time limit while doing Q&A. (laugh)
KSY: Do you go to karaoke?
YA: Uh, sometimes. Not frequently.
KSY: Which song do you sing there?
YA: Well, I sing male singers’ songs sometimes. (fans shouted 'Dance!’)
YA: Dance? I don’t usually do it at karaoke, unless I go there with other SNSD members.
KSY: Ah, this one. I think this question really came out of curiosity. 'Please give us the information regarding the coat you wore at the airport after shooting 'Rag M’ CF.’ (fans laughed)
YA: What did I wear? (fans shouted the color and the style of the coat)
YA: Ah, I see. That one. (to staffs behind the stage) What was it? (fans laughed)
YA: Are you guys really curious?
KSY: I think they are.
YA: (receiving information from the staffs) Uh, I’m not sure I can tell you this since I’m a model of other fashion brand, but it’s XXXX. That’s it. (fans laughed)
YA: SY unnie picked a lot of interesting questions.
KSY: Fans are really curious about those things though. They are curious about 'YoonA look’.
KSY: OK, next one. 'Which app do you use when you take a selfie?’
YA: Ah. I use B612.
KSY: Do you have any particular filter you like?
YA: Recently, I’m into four ways split. There’s a filter which gives you a feel of film camera. In fact, the effect on the photocard I gave you today was from B612 as well. (laugh)
YA: Face changing effect that I used before, it was from B612, too.
KSY: I see. How about next question?
YA: 'You have a really nice voice. Could you do ASMR for us?’
KSY: You know what ASMR is, right?
YA: Yes. I had an experience of listening to it when I couldn’t sleep. There are a lot of ASMRs out there.
KSY: Right. Could you do it here, then? (to fans) Please shut your eyes off. (but fans didn’t)
KSY: (to fans) Please, shut your eyes off. (fans shouted 'We have to see her!’)
KSY: Alright, alright.
YoonA did ASMR of hers. She almost whispered.
YA: I heard there’s a special mic for it.
KSY: Yes.
YA: I actually heard a sound of slime. I really wanted to have one. And recently, I found Taeyeon unnie have one. So I asked her to give me one. She was like, 'Oh, take it. I got plenty.’ I bring one to my house and played with it.
KSY: Was it fun?
YA: It was.
KSY: I think I should ask Taeyeon when I meet her next time. In fact, she gives out something very well. She’s like, 'Go ahead, take it. I got plenty.’ (laugh)
8. YoonA asked fans
KSY: Let’s wrap it up here. Until now, fans asked YoonA about her. Now it’s time for YoonA to ask fans. You must have seen the board when you make the entrance.
White boards with YoonA’s pictures on came in. Each board had a question which YoonA asked fans. Fan had to put a sticker on the answer they like.
KSY: This section is also prepared because YoonA said she’s really curious about fans’ thought about it. First question is, 'What is the best character among the ones YoonA acted?’ What is your choice, YoonA?
YA: Well, to me the most comfortable role was Minyoung from Confidential Assignment. People who know me said to me, “You didn’t even act on the movie. It’s you.” (laugh) During the shoot, when I heard OK sign from the director, I was like, 'Really? I didn’t do anything here.’ (laugh)
KSY: Can I tell you what actress Kang Yewon told me after she watched Confidential Assignment?
YA: Yes.
KSY: She said, “YoonA became a real actress. She’s more than just an idol.” This is not a fake. I myself heard it at her house.
YA: I got a lot of compliments because of that movie.
KSY: I think the movie would have been boring if not for YoonA.
YA: Wow, thank you.
KSY: (jokingly whispering) You know I said that because it’s only us here. (fans laughed)
KSY: It was a joke. Really, you made the atmosphere of the movie quite smooth.
YA: It’s all because of the production.
YA: So, I like Minyoung, and I don’t know why, but I like Anna. I really don’t know. In fact, Anna was not the ideal role in the viewpoint of the company. But I really wanted to do it, so I pushed it. Maybe that’s why, or perhaps the role felt fresh, anyway I really like Anna.
KSY: I see. Let’s see how fans think.
KSY and YoonA started to reveal fans’ votes.
KSY: First one is Hana from Love Rain. Quite a lot.
YA: It was a cute character.
KSY: Next is Saebyuk from You’re My Destiny. Hm, similar numbers to Hana.
YA: Saebyuk is quite an old one at this point.
KSY: Many moms still call YoonA Saebyuk.
YA: It’s when I was a 3rd grade of high school. 10 years ago.
KSY: Wow, 10 years ago.
YA: I was a student, and yet I had to act living a married life. (fans laughed) I felt a bit awkward because of it.
KSY: Next one is Minyoung from CA. Let’s see. (it has a lot of stickers on)
YA: Wow.
KSY: I think you and your fans are connected. Next is San from The King Loves. (it has quite a lot of stickers as well)
YA: I think I know what you guys like. If the next one got a lot of votes as well, then we can conclude that you prefer a character with a sincere heart towards her love. (Next and the last one was Anna from The K2, and it received a lot of votes, too)
KSY: Indeed.
YA: OK, the results are, Minyoung at No.1, Anna at No.2, and San at No.3. Hana at No.4, and Saebyuk at No.5.
KSY: I guess now you know what fans think.
YA: Yes, I think fans are quite similar to me.
KSY: I think fans love the character which has the aspect of a real life YoonA.
YA: If so, then I think fans would love Euijoo, too. (fans screamed)
KSY: I see. Next question is, 'Which hair style is best suited for YoonA?’ You said short cut is quite comfortable, right?
YA: But now it got longer. You know, these pictures on the questionnaire board, I picked all of them myself.
KSY: I see. I can see blonde, short cut, black long hair with front hair, up style, brown long hair with wave. You had quite a lot of hair styles.
YA: Well, considering I was in the business for 10 years, I don’t think it’s that many. But, I didn’t stay as one style for long.
KSY: Do you have a favorite hair style among them?
YA: I stayed as brown long hair for the longest time.
KSY: I think that one is the most familiar one for fans, too.
YA: However, when my hair is brown, then fans wanted to see black. So I changed it to black, and the problem is, if I do so, my hair goes bad. So I leave it like that and don’t touch it. Then it goes back to brown again. Then fans said “Why YoonA dyed her hair back to brown?” (fans laughed)
KSY: I see. You really want to know what fans think.
YA: I cut my hair like this after I shot MV of 'When The Wind Blows’. After that, all I’m doing is root staining. But my hair turned to brown again. I guess receiving sunlight and others might have something to say about it.
YA: I like brown long hair. And I also liked blonde. However, the short cut I’m doing right now is the product of that blonde. (laugh)
KSY: I see. Blonde messed up your hair. I personally like up style, too.
YA: Up style is good. Actually, I want to raise my hair long like that again. Problem is, it depends on the role I take.
KSY: I don’t know which hair is required for Euijoo, but anyway, let’s see the result. So, YoonA’s favorite is brown long hair with wave and blonde. (They revealed votes for brown long hair first, and it received a lot of votes)
KSY: Wow. I think we don’t have to see other ones. It’s already decided. (next one was up style and it didn’t receive many votes)
KSY: OK. Next one is black long hair. Hm, it received some votes, too.
YA: Next is short cut. (it received plenty of votes)
KSY: I guess fans like short cut, too. (last one was blonde, and it received a lot of votes)
YA: Wow.
KSY: I guess you should go back and forth between brown long hair and blonde. (laugh)
YA: So you do like brown long hair. In fact, if I raise my hair long again, I would like to go back to that one. It’s good. (laugh)
KSY: Considering how fans voted, I think you and your fans are really connected. You guys are similar.
YA: I think so. Actually, I cut my front hair recently because when I did short cut first, front hair looked pretty. But now my hair got longer, and with front hair, whichever style I do, it feels too retro. That’s why I cut it.
KSY: About blonde, I think fans want to see it on stage.
YA: I know. I think I made a right choice going blonde at that time.
KSY: How old were you then?
YA: It was when I did Party, so three years ago.
KSY: OK, next question. 'Which dish would you like to eat among the ones YoonA cooked?’ (Even without revealing, we could see the stickers were all over on Mille Feuille Nabe)
YA: I can see the result already. (laugh)
KSY: (to fans) You’re not supposed to spoil like this. (fans laughed)
YA: It looks like more fans voted for this question. (laugh) It makes me feel like I’m very good at cooking.
KSY: It looks like you are.
YA: Not really. I think I said it before, but when I was not having any busy schedule, I got a driver’s license. At that time, I felt sense of accomplishment thanks to the direct result I received. I really liked that feeling. So I tried to find something which I can see the direct result. That’s why I learned cooking. I learned cooking from a teacher for certain period, and after that I googled internet for recipes and tried some. Then, I went to Homestays, and it gave me a lot of confidence. I called the kitchen there as my dream one. I did many dishes which I couldn’t before.
KSY: All of these dishes, I can’t even think of cooking. Even Curry Rice.
YA: Curry Rice is easy.
KSY: Isn’t it 3 min? (fans laughed) (note: KSY refers to 3-min instant curry)
KSY: OK, let’s see the result. It’s too obvious, though. (she revealed the votes for Curry Rice, and not many votes were on it)
KSY: (laugh) You guys were too much. Curry Rice wasn’t that appealing to you?
YA: I guess it’s because you can eat Curry Rice easily.
KSY: Do you have any special recipe for Curry?
YA: Well, putting some milk in it?
KSY: For Curry?
YA: Yes. It makes it softer.
KSY: Next one is Braised Sea Bream. (the result was revealed, and it didn’t receive many votes as well)
KSY: I see. Let’s move to the next one. (next one was Mille Feuille Nabe)
YA: No.1!
KSY: Yes, no.1! (fans laughed)
KSY: It feels like we’re doing a music show with single 1st prize candidate. (fans laughed) (result was revealed, and expectedly, massive amounts of stickers were on it)
YA: Wow, it is a lot. Does any of you cook it yourself? (some fans raised their hands)
YA: I see. In fact, the taste will be similar. (fans laughed)
KSY: Oh, there’s not much difference in taste regardless?
YA: Yes, but making it look pretty is not easy. (then she explained how to make it pretty)
KSY: I think you should be on cooking variety someday.
YA: I’d love to.
KSY: How about 'Homemade cooking teacher Lim’? (fans laughed)
YA: I really want to learn. If I was on that program, then I would’ve learned a lot of recipes.
KSY: How about opening your restaurant someday? (fans screamed) You know, there are many spot bar during college festivals. You open such bar, and cook something over and over. (laugh)
KSY: Next one is waffle. Oh, it received some votes. Right now, it’s the 2nd place.
YA: But I think it will be the 3rd place pretty soon. (next one was Jjimdak, and it received a lot of votes)
KSY: Yoongyoong Jjimdak! How come you cook it at home. It’s very difficult.
YA: This one is what I learned during the learning course. One of the dishes that I cook quite often.
KSY: So you cook Jjimdak at home quite a lot?
YA: Yes. All of these are the ones I cooked quite a lot.
KSY: I guess Curry Rice is the most frequent one, though.
YA: Well, I think I should remove Curry Rice next time.
KSY: (laugh) You’re hurt by the result. (then KSY hand counted the number of votes on Curry Rice)
KSY: Grand total of 15 fans voted for Curry Rice. I guess they were like, “Wait, Curry is being alienated so we should give some votes!” (fans laughed)
KSY: Me personally, I have one which I really want to try among these. It’s waffle.
YA: Ah, waffle.
KSY: It was quite popular after the broadcast. Do you know that waffle making machines were sold out?
YA: I know. Because of that, the company sent me a thank you letter and other products.
KSY: Really?
YA: Yes. Since it’s a foreign company, I heard that endorsement contract is not possible…(fans laughed)
KSY: I love bread, so I really wanted to try it.
YA: Really?
KSY: Yes.
YA: Well then……I will make waffle today for you.
KSY: Wow! (fans screamed)
KSY: Ah, now I see. What you did at the backstage was for this. I thought you’re doing it to eat it yourself. (fans laughed)
KSY: So if you’re going to do it, I think you have to go inside and prepare for it.
YA: Yes.
KSY: We will wait here while you prepare. (YoonA disappeared to the backstage)
9. VCR (Making Film of 'To You’)
KSY talked about how YoonA prepared for the fanmeeting, then disappeared to the backstage. Lights were off, and making film of 'To You’ was on the screen.
10. 1st Stage (To You)
After VCR is finished, YoonA appeared on stage with pretty white dress on. She sang 'To You’ live for the first time for us. She made a slight mistake during the song (perhaps due to her having cold), but she recovered well after that and finished the song.
11. 2nd Stage (When The Wind Blows)
After the 1st stage, 2nd stage began instantly. YoonA sang it flawlessly this time. We had a fan event here, which was holding up the candle light together when YoonA sings 'You are my star’. I’m not sure YoonA realized it, though.
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sleepyfantasy · 7 years
Yoongi - A Borrowed Hoodie Part 1
This is a Yoongi/reader fic that all came from one scene I planned in my head which I don’t even know if I am going to still put into this fic. 
This ‘you’ is an English ‘97 liner with an ongoing health problem and an adoptive sister who works at Big Hit. 
Enjoy... I hope.
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You cursed your sister as you walked into the Big Hit building. She had been working there for a few years now. It had always been a cool fact to tell your friends at school and now uni that your sister worked with idols. You had never once thought it would ever be a bad thing. Until now.
The previous day, your loving older sister, Ji-Young, had come to you, electronically that is, on bended knee. (Basically, she sent you many messages in a row begging you.) She was desperate. Several of her co-workers in the Big Hit make up department had come down with something and they were all off sick. She had told you that she would get you the same rate of pay as a junior artist would usually get despite the fact you were lacking any official training if you would come in even though it was late notice and help them.
You, being the adorable younger sister you were, told her that would be fine. You could miss a couple of lectures to help her out. Catching up wasn’t too much of an issue because you could just borrow your friend’s notes.
As soon as you had agreed, however, your sister revealed something that changed your mind.
The event you were doing make up for was a BTS MV shoot.
You cursed your sister.
Why didn’t she tell you what you were agreeing to before you agreed to it?
You cursed yourself.
Why didn’t you ask what you were agreeing to before you agreed to it?
There was nothing you could do now. You couldn’t let Ji-Young down when she needed you. She was one of the best things in your life and in reality, you would do anything for her. You just might complain more about some things than others.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like BTS.
In fact, it was exactly the opposite that was the problem. You loved BTS.
Having a sister working at Big Hit, you followed all their artists from debut. So you had been a fan of BTS for as long as it was possible to have been a fan of BTS.
About a year previously, your sister had managed to get you discounted tickets to a fan meet. You had been ridiculously excited to go and had talked about nothing else for weeks leading up to the event. Then, on the day, you had an off day. You had an ongoing medical condition that you had been dealing with and would have to deal with for your whole life.
Despite feeling a bit wobbly, you decided to go anyway, choosing to believe that your excitement would pull you through it. Probably not your best idea. When it was your chance to talk to all the guys you had been obsessing over for the past year and a bit, you only managed to speak to three you fainted while moving between Jungkook and Jin. It was ridiculously embarrassing.
Now finding your way to where you were meant to be, following you sister’s detailed instructions on how to navigate the maze of corridors, you couldn’t help but shake slightly with nerves. No matter how ridiculous it was thinking that they might remember you, you couldn’t get the thought out of the back of your mind that they might.
Entering the room your sister had told you to come to, you were greeted by the sight of her rushed off her feet trying to get the make-up area ready. The room was split evenly between hair and make-up, despite the fact that there were six hair stylists and three make-up artists and that was including you.
When Ji-Young spotted you, she sighed in relief.
“Y/N, thank goodness. Could you please help Min-Su get everything ready?”
You nodded and went over to the only other person in the make-up area, who you assumed was Min-Su. She was clearly younger than Ji-Young but seemed to be older than you. However, she also looked completely at a loss of where everything went. You guessed she was probably relatively new there and hadn’t gotten used to how things had to be.
Luckily, Ji-Young was very particular that everything was done in the right way, even when she had been teaching you how to do your own make-up at home. This meant that you knew all the procedures better than most of the make-up artists at Big Hit and definitely, it seemed, better than Min-Su.
She looked even more relieved than Ji-Young had been when you turned up at her side and started laying things out in the right way, moving a few things that she had put in the complete wrong place.
While you were doing that, the robotic movements of laying things out in an order you knew by heart had seemed to remove some of your nerves and you had stopped shaking completely. You almost forgot that you were about to be in the same room as 7 of the people you admired most in the world.
That is, until they walked in.
When the door swung open, your eyes were immediately drawn to the noise and you looked up to see Min Yoongi walking through it.
Faster than you could have said his name, your eyes were back on the task at hand, refusing to look up again as Ji-Young greeted them all.
“Boys, we need you to be patient with us today because we are massively understaffed due to illness. We’re going to need you in make-up first and then once we are finished with you, you can head over to the hair stylists who will then send you onto set. The two older Mr Kims, you are with me and Min-Su. Jimin, you go with Y/N. Thank you for your patience.”
They all chorused a “Yes, Noona,” and did as they were told. The members who had not been assigned a make-up artist yet walked over to the sofas that were at the back of the room.
As Jimin walked up to you, you took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. It seemed Ji-Young had chosen to send you one of the members she knew for sure would not have seen you on the day of the fan meet. You thanked her in your mind. However, you were still nervous because Jimin was one of your favourite members and, to be honest, you would be nervous no matter who she had sent your way.
“Take a seat please, Mr Park.”
You started to work in silence. That seemed like the best way to avoid fangirling over the fact you were so close to one of the idols you loved. You didn’t want to once again embarrass yourself in front of BTS so you chose instead to focus on your work. It helped that you weren’t exactly the most experienced in this field, so you kind of had to focus in order to make sure you got it right. Ji-Young had taught you everything you knew which just meant she would be more annoyed if you messed up now when it mattered most.
Even with the level of focus you were giving your work, you did get slightly distracted by his eyes, and his lips, so you took a little longer than you should have done to finish. By the time you were done with Jimin, your sister was already on her third member, Taehyung, having finished both Namjoon and Hoseok, and Min-Su had finished Seokjin and was just starting with Jungkook. This meant that there was only one member left to be made up. This made it easy to know who you had to work with next without having to interrupt Ji-Young. This was, however, the only good thing about this situation.
The last member was Yoongi. Your bias.
And he was asleep.
Clearly during the time everyone else had been being made up, the sleepy member had taken the opportunity to take up one of the sofas to himself and lay across it. Now every other member was either finished with make-up and on a hair styling desk or still having their make-up done, leaving Yoongi happily napping on the sofa.
You looked around to see if any of the members could help you by waking him up, but seeing they were all occupied, you resigned yourself to the fact that you had to do it. Now the question was how?
Being the fan you were, you knew how much Yoongi liked his sleep. And how little he liked being woken up from his beloved sleep. This is why you were particularly wary to approach him.
You knew, however, that you were doing this for your sister and you therefore had to pull your socks up and get on with it. Hence, you slowly approached the sofa occupied by your bias.
“Mr Min?” you called out, hoping but doubting that he would be awoken by something so small despite the fact he was comfortably sleeping through the noise of the room.
He barely even stirred.
Plan B.
You approached closer, refusing to look at his face because you needed to be professional and this was Min Yoongi and you’d had a crush on him since 2013. Instead, you stared at his shoulder, which you then reached out and shook slightly.
As you touched him, he shook you off and mumbled, “Go away.”
You started to speak, “Mr Min,” about to explain that you needed to do his make-up, but his eyes shot open when he heard your voice. He then made you jump slightly with how quickly he sat up.
“Sorry. I thought you were one of the members.”
Then he walked past you to the make-up chair, the only one free, the one you were using for today.
This was good because it meant you didn’t have to try to form a full sentence yet, but was bad because it meant you had to follow him and then get up in his face, doing his make-up.
As he sat down in the chair, you turned to the desk you were using and grabbed what you needed to work on Yoongi, also gathering yourself to be ready to start despite the nerves in your stomach and the fact that you had started shaking a little again.
When you turned around, you forced yourself to look at Yoongi’s face. You were going to have to get used to it if you were going to successfully do his make-up. He was just so pretty. It wasn’t a surprise that he was this pretty. You had seen his beautiful face many many times before in pictures and videos. You had even seen him in person, albeit from a distance, at the fanmeet you had been to.
But this was up close and personal and you were not ready.
Still shaking, you knew you had to get started. Ji-Young was relying on you.
Millions of fangirls all over the world would do anything to be in the position you had ended up in here. You kind of felt like you were wasting the chance with how nervous you were. You weren’t enjoying this; you were just waiting for it to be over.
As you started applying the primer to his face, Yoongi could feel you shaking. He reached up and loosely grabbed your wrist.
“You don’t feel cold. Are you okay?” He looked genuinely concerned and that made you blush because you knew you were just being silly. He was just a person like anyone else.
But he was still holding your wrist.
Min Yoongi was touching you and as much as you wanted to be professional because your behaviour would reflect on your sister, you were also freaking out.
When you managed to gather yourself enough to be able to speak, which, coincidentally, coincided with the time Yoongi removed his hand from your wrist, you said, “I’m okay, just nervous…” You paused trying to say something that didn’t give away the fact that you were a massive fangirl. “This is the first time I have had to do anyone’s make-up for something anywhere near as big as this.”
His worried face turned into a gummy smile. One you were definitely not at all ready to be this close too. “Don’t worry. You seem to be doing fine.” He exaggeratedly looked over at the other side of the room. “Jimin doesn’t look like a clown. I’m sure you can do just as well with me.”
The reassurances somehow broke through the haze created by the adorable smile being thrown your way to make feel less nervous. One way or another, it seemed to humanise him in your head, finally convincing you of what you had been trying to convince yourself of for a while; he is an actual person much like every other person there is. He might be an idol, but that doesn’t take away the fact that he is also a normal human being with a normal personality and should be treated as such. That thought cemented in your mind, you sent him a little smile and got back to work.
As you worked, Yoongi sent you little smiles every time you took a step back to get a clear view of what you were doing. Despite your heart skipping a beat every time he did it, you managed just about to keep a steady hand and finish what you were doing.
Standing up to head over to the hair stylists when you were done making him up, he said, “Sorry, what was your name again?”
You told him and then your mouth dropped open a little as he bowed and said, “Nice to meet you, I’m Min Yoongi,” and then walked away, gummy smile still present on his stupidly perfect face.
For the next hour or so, you tidied up the area a little bit, but spent most of your time keeping your sister away from Ha-Yun, the most senior hair stylist present. Ji-Young had told you before about the rivalry between hair and make-up at Big Hit but you had not believed her fully until just then.
At one point, Ji-Young sent you upstairs to her desk in the make-up office to pick up a brush that she apparently needed for retouches on the guys in a bit, but you didn’t believe her for one minute. You knew she was just trying to get you out of the room so she could have a go at Ha-Yun without you there to stop her. Having to listen to her today, however, as she was definitely the senior in this situation, you did as you were told.
When you returned, opening the door, you saw all the guys over with the hair stylists, except from Yoongi. He was sitting on the sofa you had woken him up on earlier, but this time he was playing on his phone. The most noticeable thing, however, was the fact that he, his hair mainly, was covered in feathers.
You were just wondering why he would be sitting on the sofa instead of getting his make-up retouched while he waited for a hair desk to come free, when your sister approached you, “Y/N, thank goodness. I need you to retouch Mr Min’s make-up. He says he likes to only have one make-up artist per event. Something about consistency.” She took the brush that she had sent you for out of your hand as she muttered under her breath, “Even though I could have sworn I retouched his make-up last week after Suk-Ja did it.” Then she shooed you off to where he was sitting.
You walked over slowly, convincing yourself that despite the fact he was waiting for you, it was nothing to do with you really. It was actually just a quirk of his that he liked to have the same artist retouch him as did his make-up in the first place. It was an odd request but you were sure other idols had weirder sometimes.
“Mr Min?” you said quietly, still about five metres away from him, but with him not being asleep this time, he heard you and looked up.
There was that irresistible smile again.
“Y/N,” he said, only slightly making you melt into a puddle of liquid fangirl. Then he stood and walked once again over to the desk you were using.
While you prepared briefly, finding it easier to talk to him now, you asked him, “So how did the feathers happen?”
“Two words: pillow fight.”
He laughed and it made you giggle and then you were off. You didn’t stop talking the whole time you were working on him apart from when you were topping up his lips. Now you had gotten past the nerves and the seeing him as an idol thing, he was actually really easy to talk to. He told you all about what the members had been getting up to and everything they had messed up and that got him talking about other times members had messed up on video shoots. It was just a silly conversation but it continued whenever he came back for touch ups.
Joking around with Yoongi actually made the day really fun. You had gotten up too early and you weren’t used to having to work so late either, but the day didn’t feel anywhere near as long as you had been sure it was going to.
When the day was over, you found yourself a little sad that you wouldn’t get to chat to Yoongi anymore. The last time he had come in for retouches, you hadn’t even known it was the last time until after he left so you didn’t get to say goodbye. You were happy to have had such a good day with him though.
It hadn’t escaped Ji-Young’s attention how much laughter had been coming from your station whenever Yoongi was over there either. She teased you about it, saying he must have liked you because he insisted on having only you work with him and she had never seen him laugh that much with anyone other than the other members.
In fact, your sister would not shut up about it over the dinner that she took you out for as thanks for helping her out. You mostly ignored her. You had had fun but you weren’t going to see Yoongi again ever. This day would be no more than a nice thing to think about every time you scrolled past a picture of BTS.
When your friends asked you about the day, they had all known where you were going because you had had to tell them in order for them to agree to take notes in lectures for you, you told them a little about it. You told them about when Jimin sneezed while you were touching up his eyes because of all the feathers in the room and made you smudge a line of eyeliner across his nose. You told them about when Taehyung called you Noona and you had to correct him because you were two years younger than him. You didn’t, however, tell them anything about Yoongi. Those memories were yours and you were keeping them to yourself.
Next Part
ABH Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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