#i probably will at some point but i will take forever as im very slow
magentasnoodle · 2 months
Might I request Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy, and Jeremy?
They are corgi's.
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2 bonus tiny jeremies !!
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gibbearish · 8 months
theres a kickstarter i backed back in march 2021 thats been going through issue after issue during the production process but has been keeping backers updated the whole time and a couple months ago they announced they were finally able to start shipping orders im excited
#had it been a scam it wouldve been fine bc as soon as i give money to things like that i just consider it gone forever so i take the#possibility of that happening into account when deciding whether or not to buy something and when i backed it $115 was Not Hard At All#that was like. two days' worth of tips at most? three if you picked really slow days?#so as far as im concerned i dont have $115 worth of money up in the air right now waiting for repayment#i simply donated $115 to a cool project almost three years ago and now will get a time capsule of a present in the mail at some point#BUT all that being said i dont think its a scam shes been very transparent and accommodating the whole time#like i couldve gotten most of my order by now if i wanted‚ there were wallets that came with the bag and they were the main problem point#bc the manufacturer she used first was Garbage but she wasnt able to get a refund from them#so she offered to ship out everything except the wallets to anyone who wanted it they just had to cover the shipping#n i was like. i dont /need/ any of this it was 100% a fun little treat for me so it being late isnt like. a problem#so might as well save like $20 its win win#and a bunch of people did take her up on it and have been posting abt the quality and they all seem legit#its very funny that ive had to update my address with her twice though KSBDKSBDKDN#and the extra benefit is it really will be a little time capsule present because its been so long ive forgotten most of what i ordered#like i know theres a bag and a wallet and some pins and i think one other thing?#but i dont remember the details of what they look like really or esp the pins i dont remember anything except they were there#maybe the other thing was a popsocket? that sounds probable#anyways. soon it will be bag time>:3c#oh and ofc ppl who didnt order the wallets have already gotten their orders shes not making them wait for us kwbdkshf#so theyve been posting reviews too#im pretty sure 'just refund me for the wallet and give me the rest' was an option#i don't remember for sure and don't want to dig through all FORTY TWO EMAILS to check but id definitely be way more salty abt#the whole situation if they hadnt because thatd be shitty#im bad at remembering things but good at holding deserved grudges so the fact i dont have one tells me she didnt#love having to fuckin. sherlock holmes my own past lmao#but yeah as is im just like. i cannot imagine how much it must suck majorly to be in her shoes so she can take as long as she needs#like a while back i had someone order a thing off etsy ans it didnt notify me at all so they emailed me like a month later like#'hey any updates on my order?' and i was like. FUCK#and i felt terrible for like a month afterwards and gave them a bunch of free stickers to make up for it#and that was yknow. one person who ordered $6 worth of stickers
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doobea · 4 months
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synopsis: After his brother takes a nasty fall and calls out before the new season starts, Rin has to step up as your new figure skating partner.
contents: an ice skating au fic (very much yuri on ice inspired), fem!reader, ice skating terms and irl figures thrown around, inaccurate depictions of figure skating, sfw, rin being awkward, sae is a decent brother in here, characters are in their early-mid 20s, talks about ISU grand prix, mentions of mental health (depression, anxiety, burn out, imposter syndrome), heavy narration, rin centric word count: 5.1K a/n: life has been super busy and hectic recently :( kisses to @popponn for beta reading my works as always <3 im forever grateful for you :) more notes towards the end of the fic <3
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“What should we wear?” You’re pacing across the living room, hand tucked under your chin and brows furrowed. 
Sae’s leaning to the side on the couch, trying to get a decent view of yesterday’s playback practice run on the rink every time you cross his line of vision. Rin’s also trying to pay attention to the jumps and step sequences too but, whenever his parts are about to come up, you seem to pause in front of the TV.
“I dunno, ask Rin,” Sae shrugs and turns up the volume, hoping that you would catch the hint. 
It doesn’t matter though, because you’re shuffling in place and now your attention is honed on your phone, scrolling rapidly through what Rin can only assume are images of various costume designs. He’s seen a few of your professional photos from the previous years during his recent down time, a lot of the designs highlighted your feminine side with bright colors and pastels. It suits you, no surprise there, considering your outgoing personality. Rin, on the other hand, likes to keep it moody and, as his fans would like to call it, “Dark Paradise” core — whatever that means.
Well, it wouldn’t really matter if you did happen to ask for his opinion because, recently, Rin didn’t give two shits about what he wears. If anyone were to peek into his closet, which they would definitely need to fight through him first, they would discover an array of all different shades of black and blue in their deepest forms. Oh, and all he owns is athleisure attire, too. Rin doesn’t bother with all things fancy and tailored ever since going on break, though he has a creeping feeling that he might have to go back to it soon.
“As long as it’s not flashy, I’m fine with whatever.” Rin answers finally, and closes his eyes as he says it, realizing that he’ll either look incredibly out of place with whatever costume idea you’ll have in mind. He can’t quite place why he feels so stressed about it. 
“Whatever?” You chirp back with a slight tilt. Rin can almost see the gears turning desperately in your head as your foot taps away in deep thought. “Have we even decided on a theme yet?”
“Considering we literally just started practicing? No.” Rin huffs out. He tips his head, letting his cheek settle comfortably against his palm. 
Safe to say, his thighs and feet hurt like hell, laced with heavy exhaustion from yesterday’s session. He probably needs more sleep in more but, with both you and Sae knocking on his bedroom door this morning, he firmly decided in his mind to sneak away after today’s practice to catch up on some hours.
“Your jumps are sloppy,” Sae points out casually. 
Rin rolls his eyes. “Thanks for the tip.”
“Anytime,” his brother shoots back before replaying the same damn sequence where Rin nearly loses his footing. The video is now playing in slow motion and zoomed in, painfully reminding Rin that he needs to upgrade his skincare routine. Somehow, he’s glad that you’re still covering half of the TV screen, unaware of the near wipe out scene from behind. 
A few seconds later and Sae speaks again. “You look stiff here, bend your knees and loosen your arms.” 
Rin sighs. “ ‘Kay…” 
“We’re still going for ‘love’, right? Or are we not doing that?” Your arms are crossed, fingers drumming away, still deep in thought and tuned out from their own conversation. “What songs do you wanna skate to?” 
Before Rin could even provide a half-assed answer to that, Sae interrupts his thoughts with, “Please try and at least look like you’re having fun.”
“…noted,” Rin decides with a sigh. “I’m going back to bed when this is over.” Screw napping after practice, he barely got a full eight hours last night and being berated so bright and early in the morning killed any sort of energy he had prior.
“Nope,” Sae pauses halfway through the video, turning to face him with a stern look. “You’re not going back to bed, because then you won’t wake up in time for practice. Sleeping in will only ruin your current sleep schedule, too.”
Rin wants to retort that he’s not a fucking child anymore, that he doesn’t need Sae to be looking after him. However, there’s the fact that his brother is sorta his manager now and in charge of quite literally everything of Rin's career. Also, it’s kinda hard to come up with a solid comeback when they’re reviewing his rusty movements, lackluster jumps, and every thirty seconds he’s taking a small break to catch his damn breath. 
You eventually plop down in the middle of the couch, between both brothers, when you realize that your question isn’t going to be answered simply. After Sae finally gets the chance to thoroughly watch a good chunk of yesterday’s practice sequence, you switch topics. “Just so you know, Rin, have you seen your comment section lately?”
Sae shuffles in his seat and suddenly Rin feels the air in the room thickening. Rin fiddles with his phone in hand, knowing full well that he did post a ‘comeback’ announcement only to then quickly turn his app notifications off, because… of his feelings of self cautiousness? Would that be the right term he’s looking for?
“What did he do?” Sae’s asking you because he knows damn well Rin wouldn’t give him the full details and you’re just so damn open about everything so Rin can’t possibly hide from this one.
But, instead of answering Sae, you cough, loud and awkward, before shooting Rin an apologetic look. “Um, nothing…?”
Alright, well Rin takes it that you’re a god awful liar. 
Sae’s now staring directly in Rin’s direction and he’s trying so hard to avoid eye contact right now by pretending that their family portrait wall is the most interesting thing in the room. Of course, that doesn’t work because he can hear Sae tapping away freely on his phone and—
“Did you fucking block me on Instagram?”
Okay, yeah, Rin totally forgot about that, too. To be fair, when someone is going through a depressive episode for over a year, the last thing anyone would want to see on their feed is the success of their older sibling.  
And, turns out, he’s also an awful liar. 
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Sae is not happy. He is very, very unhappy. 
He’s not usually the emotionally expressive type to most people, so that usually leaves Rin the luxury of experiencing the back end when his brother does decide to let his walls down. And, well, in the past, when he did get pissed off, Sae would normally vent about his coaches and stalkerish fans with a bit of sass to it, but today? 
He’s currently grumbling and groaning and Rin’s pretty sure his shirt is on backwards, and bless your soul, but also fuck you, for dragging him into this mess. 
After a very short Google Search of what Rin has done, followed by an equally as short lecture on how to be professional on the internet, Rin is grimley reminded by the large number of likes and retweets on Twitter that his announcement might’ve not been the best thing he’s ever posted. He really can’t understand why though, because Rin was deadset sure he was going to lose his career nearly three years ago when he got into a fight with another skater, so why is he getting canceled for announcing something… tamed? Well, he also hasn’t exactly opened his social media apps since then. A strange gnawing feeling comes up whenever he fights off the urge to check.
“You should’ve held off or at least came to me before posting something like this.”
It’s a miracle that there’s nobody else but you three at the local rink right now. It’s been nearly an hour since arrival and Rin has gotten nothing but an earful from Sae. If any family were to walk in, they’d probably immediately walk out by the sheer amount of heavy tension steaming off on the ice. 
You’re stuck in your own little corner doing all sorts of warm up jumps and stretching, glancing over every now and then at Rin as your way of saying ‘sorry’ and ‘are you doing, okay’. To which, Rin would glance back with a very stiff shrug. 
“What difference would it make?” Rin’s cheeks are a little flushed and there’s a slight hitch to his breath, he had just completed a couple of routine jumps Sae instructed him to do.
“Plenty,” then Sae flashes Rin a quick glimpse of his phone screen. 
An array of outrageous news articles and forums come through, many of them pointing out the strange timing and the internal turmoil of sibling rivalry. There’s a couple of them mentioning drugs, two threads from some third-party news site throwing your name to the mud, and then a short Buzzfeed article listing a slideshow of other skaters congratulating Rin for rejoining the sport again. 
“People are speculating that you’re only stepping in because I’m down for this season. If you would’ve just waited until everything was put together then everything would’ve been different.” 
Rin blinks a little, surprised by the flush coloring his brother's cheeks that’s most certainly not from the cold rink. 
Although, in a way it did make sense. If there’s one thing that famous athletes do know about the media is the fact that news outlets love fabricating drama out of nothing. Sae’s a well known gold medalist, no matter what division that medal came from, so his name came out of people’s mouth as frequently as compared to Yuzuru Hanyu or even Yuuri Katsuki, whenever figure skating was mentioned. It made sense for others to grow suspicious when Rin randomly posted that he’s coming off of hiatus without further explanation. Sae most likely hasn’t told anyone that he’s being subbed in.
Rin hesitantly nods, his snarky response dies in his throat and he feels like he’s swallowing needles when faced with the awkward reality. He’s now reluctant to speak, unsure if anything he’d say would make a difference — for better or worse. Knowing himself, probably the latter. 
After a few seconds of silence, followed by a few jumps performed by you in the background, Sae runs a hand through his hair, in what Rin believes is a rare nervous gesture, looking away briefly. 
“Revival,” his brother finally blurts out. “That’s the theme. You guys fine with that?” Sae’s asking, but there’s a finality to his tone. Rin and you will have to be fine with it. The season starts in a few months, soon Sae would need to prepare choreography for two programs, consult a designer for custom fittings, and take over all things that a coach and manager would do. Somehow, despite being out for this year, Rin thinks Sae might have the hardest job here.
“No objections here.”
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Two months and many hours of exhausting training later, you and Rin are standing in the locker room for the first competition as an official pair. It’s the first day of the Japan Figure Skating Championships and, somehow, you look more put together than he is.
“Think this looks good?” You do a 360 spin in front of the wall mirror in your short program outfit. It’s a simple short black, gray dress with mesh sleeves and small rhinestones running down the middle. According to the designer, it’s supposed to represent the night sky. 
Rin stands behind you and adjusts his black vest. Gold and white thread accents throughout his patterned shirt compared with plain black trousers. He’s supposed to adjust his cuffs, but his fingers keep fumbling with the last button because his eyes are awkwardly getting lost in your outfit. Luckily, you’re too focused on yourself to take notice.
You eventually lean closer, repeating the question when he takes too long to answer, and he feels your breath against his shoulder. “Everything alright? Are you nervous for today?” Your voice is a little hesitant, full of concern that makes Rin’s stomach slightly jump to his throat. 
“Everything’s fine,” Rin sighs as he manages to shove the last button through. It’s not like he’s going to lose this competition, he might be somewhat rusty but he didn’t qualify for the Grand Prix Final just based on his name alone. “It’s just… a little bit weird that we’re the oldest ones here,” he confesses. 
“You’re still hung up about that?”
It’s stupid and maybe a bit irrational, he knows that much.
You’ve also already tried to convince Rin otherwise multiple times today, but he couldn’t shake off the humiliating feeling of entering a competition where your competitors are almost half your age. Okay, maybe Rin’s being dramatic, but at least five years younger. From what he can recall, it was usually the other way around whenever he competed in men’s singles tournaments. Having to see and now experience that is something he never really mentally prepared himself for.
From the moment he stepped into the locker room, Rin was basically towering over the rest of the athletes. It’s fine, kinda, all he really needs to focus on right now is landing all of his jumps and catching you. Sae’s a strict teacher, but he doesn’t force weird techniques on others if he knows they can’t handle it. 
“Isn’t he, like, totally washed up right now?”
“Shh, don’t say it so loud, Makoto! He’s right there.”
“Oh, shit, let’s go before he…” Rin didn’t get a chance to hear the rest of the sentence, not with you scooting right beside him on the bench and shoving your right ear bud into his ear. 
He’s learned quickly from the following days that you are not the playlist type of person like most people. Unlike normal and sane folks, you have all of your liked songs in one playlist and you like spending your time shuffling away through the vast hundreds of genres and artists until finding the right one. In your own words, if you were to make a playlist then it would easily be over a few dozen — why do that when all of your favorite songs are in one spot? 
That being said, you’re currently blasting a Frank Ocean song before shifting through a couple more songs with the intent of finding both the short program and free skate song. Oh, and for some reason you don’t use the search function at all through your liked playlist. Apparently, it “ruins” the fun. 
“This would’ve been a nice song to skate to,” the tune switches to something more upbeat and indie, Rin recognizes the band to be Florence and the Machine from the vocals alone. “Sae complained about the song being too long and I called him a lazy loser shortly after.” You say with a smile but Rin’s eyes drift down only to see your leg bobbing up and down rapidly.
Rin tries to pay no mind as he continues to put on his skates. “A six minute long performance would be too much,” he agrees with Sae’s previous answer.
“Hey, tickets to these sorts of things are expensive nowadays with scalpers everywhere!” You try to reason. “If someone’s spending two hundred dollars on a seat then they can sit through a six minute long skating sequence.”
Rin rolls his eyes as he fiddles with a tangled lace. “I didn’t mean the people in the audience, I meant the skaters.”
“Well, maybe we should learn a thing or two from people who do Disney on Ice?”
“I do not want that to be my fall back career, thank you.” A shiver creeps down his spine at the thought of being forced to skate while wearing a Mickey Mouse costume of all things. Seriously, do people clean those suits?
“Hey, are you…” both of your ears perk at the sound from behind. Rin turns around first, he’s immediately greeted by one of the younger male competitors. The boy looks like he’s still growing into his body, probably not any older than seventeen.
“Yeah, I am,” Rin finishes the obvious question. Maybe the kid’s a fan by how bright his face lights up soon after. “Is there something you need?” Sae’s been drilling him to be a little bit more receptive to fellow competitors and fans alike, in order to fix some of his reputation. 
“I’ve been looking at your past performances, lately,” the kid starts with a smile. “Last year, during the Grand Prix Final, you did good!”
“Your theme was the same as the previous years, but I guess that’s just something you’re comfortable with, right? The falls that you took, it was because your balance was off. You need to work better on finding your center during jumps if you seriously plan on competing in the senior division again.”
Rin only notices the pain digging in his fists when you reach over, palm encasing over his closed ones. You don’t bother looking his way, but you do say something to the kid. It sounds muffled though, or maybe Rin’s somehow zoning out? He’s not sure. 
The loss from the Grand Prix is apparently still at the forefront of his mind, no matter how much he tells himself otherwise. People love to pick out that particular part in his performance, acting as if they could pull it off any better. And, for a brief moment, all his past of anger and frustration at the sport suddenly comes rushing back at an overwhelming rate. Rin’s wondering who else wants to criticize him when they meet him again. 
“Don’t they teach kids manners these days?” You try to shoot a glare back but, from Rin’s perspective, it just looks like you’re mildly constipated. 
It kinda ends up working, because the kid backs off, scurrying away and off to his manager for last minute pep talk. Sae’s currently running late as usual, but it’s not like you two would need any words of encouragement. Rin’s competitive nerves have fizzled out by this point, at least for this event, but he’s now seething with discomfort. He’s certainly positive that you’re feeling the same way. 
“I take it back, some of these kids need to be humbled and maybe even bullied.”
Okay, while Rin would agree, he feels like he has to somewhat step up in Sae’s place to make sure you don’t accidentally get kicked out of this competition for sucker punching a kid.
“It’s fine, don’t get too worked up over it. I more or less expected comments like that.”
Rin never expected anything to come easy. Climbing for his spot again in the competitive world can be absolutely ruthless and meeting skaters who are arrogant, condescending, and taunting are just part of the reality. He suspects that everyone else sees him as a washed up skater, never as a real competitor, or a real challenger for the gold medal.  
“Still,” you pout, unsatisfied by his logical response, but drop the conversation as Rin tightens his laces. Then, you finally manage to find the song for the short program section after the relentless shuffling.
“It’s fine,” he reassures, and really, it’s kinda-sorta fine. It’s something that he’ll eventually get used to, even if he’s well aware of the heinous rumors floating around. Everything will die down after a week or two since most people can barely hold their attention span nowadays. 
“If you’re positive,” you go back to your phone, but not before poking Rin’s sides and redirecting his attention towards the TV screen in the locker room. “Hey, the first pair is competing.”
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Pair skating is a lot different from competing in singles. Aside from the obvious involvement of another party, there are more requirements in the short and free skate performances. In the Adult Singles programs, the skater focuses more on their jumps, having a higher emphasis on how many quads they can shove in — or at least that’s how Rin used to work. Quads granted him the majority of the points, it’s something that he can take some pride in compared to his other juniors and seniors. 
For pairs, instead of focusing on jumps in the sequences, it’s lifts. There’s two types of lifts, overhead and twists, both are required in the programs. In general, overhead lifts rely on the movement of the person in the air, the control and execution of their rotations around the person carrying them. For twists, the most “exciting” part of the performance by judges’ words, requires an insane amount of coordination and strength since Rin has to propel you into the air by the waist.
Sae had the lovely idea to throw in three overhead lifts, just because he thinks Rin can handle it. Those evening practices at the rink, followed by early morning lifting sessions absolutely killed him, both physically and spiritually. Though, safe to say that he’s just about near his physical peak last year from all the training. 
You and Rin both waited patiently in the locker rooms for the first three pair performances, only leaving and heading by the outer rink when you guys queued next. Sae leans against the railing, the brace on his foot now gone and, instead of chunky sneakers, he’s opted back to his expensive loafers. Maybe that’s why he ran late, just in case paparazzi took snapshots of his entire outfit. Go figure.
“I think you guys will have no issue securing gold.” Sae’s voice comes through the haze of Rin’s thoughts, sounding distinctly unimpressed by the current line up. “Even if you guys fumble your lifts, I think the amount of it will carry enough points.”
Erupted cheers soon fill the air and all eyes turn to the rink as the pair’s performance ends. You soon recognize one of the skaters being the teenager from earlier and throw Rin a look. 
“We’re going to make sure that he doesn’t get a chance at winning until next year.” You announce, tone casual but eyes flickering something darker than what Rin’s used to.
Sae scoffs and leans against the railing, holding Rin’s Winnie the Pooh tissue box in his arms. “I’m assuming the locker room talk wasn’t all too friendly?”
“Maybe not your usual idea of friendly,” and Rin surges forward, taking your hands into his, when the pair in question struts by and casts both of you a nasty glare. Your grip around his bicep tightens and, while he didn’t care too much about beating a bunch of lukewarm competitors earlier, Rin’s fully certain that he wants nothing more than that gold medal and to clear both of your names from accusations right now. 
Piano sounds ring throughout the arena from the speakers, starting with a single word that you’ve both heard countless times during practice. The soft piano notes quickly turn into a somber melody, growing louder with every passing second. The music is beautiful. Haunting, even. Capturing the audience in a trance while Rin prepares you for your first lift.
It’s strange, he thinks. While he’s gotten used to handling you, this is different from every other time. During practices, you’re always carefree and cheerful but, out here, surrounded by cameras and opinions of others that don’t weigh a thing, you’re focused and extremely precise in your form. 
Rin thought he knew your routine. Clearly, he’s mistaken. 
You skate with conviction, confidence, and accuracy. He can understand why you were originally Sae’s skating partner. 
Once you’ve landed back on the ice, keeping up with Rin’s speed, the two of you follow the song’s beat with a smooth series of spins and jumps, each one rotating faster and faster until it feels like the mere audience is just a blurry backdrop in the foreground. 
The final lift jump transitions easily into a simple step sequence before finally ending in a death spiral. Rin has a firm grip on your hand as you begin flattening your body low enough, face barely grazing the ice below, as he pivots you around in lull circles. 
Judging from the sounds from the audience, Rin didn’t need to stay around to know the results of the performance. The roars, chants, and the standing ovation from them is enough to make out the outcome but, for your sake, he’ll stick it through.
You both glide through the last few seconds of the short program, focusing on nothing but the music and remaining movements. Finally, the music notes fade out and the two of you come to a rest in the middle of the rink, the final position has Rin tipping your body backwards with your arms wrapped loosely around his neck, as if you both were reaching for something just out of your grasp. 
Thunderous roars ring in his flushed ears and you’re shooting him a look, eyes glassy and lips parting, possibly saying some sort of praise, but Rin can’t seem to focus. He’s too lost in thought, too distracted by the tenderness of the performance, the flashing lights, the way your chest is heaving in rapid waves, and didn’t realize he had been holding in his breath until you pulled him into a tight embrace.
Everything is just about perfect. Every jump, lift, and spin. He can already imagine the gold medal around his neck, and the thought of winning gold at the Grand Prix only makes the rest of his blood course through his veins faster.
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Being a professional athlete again is… exhausting. 
Rin spends the following day in back to back conferences and being introduced to people. Most of them end up being unremarkable and forgettable. A couple of them are rude and eccentric, with one guy in particular honing down Rin in a corner and bombarding him with questions both surrounding his performance last year and his personal life. You and Sae had to step in to diffuse the situation before Rin blew a hole in his career again. 
By the end of the night, Rin debates whether he should switch careers because this shit is absolutely not for him. It’s no surprise to anyone that Rin hates being around people and this night he’s probably escaped to the restroom maybe about five times to catch a breather. And, while Rin is not the type to exactly care about his image, he absolutely does a full body inspection in the full body mirror every time before he steps back out. Each time he revisits a new wrinkle line forms.
And his brother hasn’t told him when it’ll be over.
Rin’s hands twitch after another self-proclaimed journalist finishes up a half-ass interview about his latest goals for this year. He pulls out his phone when they suggest giving out their contact information and Rin just zones out, tapping away gibberish in his notes app and nodding until they finally went away. 
He feels like he’s going to vomit and pass out if this goes on any longer.
“You look like you’re about to freak out,” and of course, you have the decency to point that out as he’s made the fruit salad section his little hideaway spot. Turns out people really dislike any sort of fruit dishes at these fancy events. 
“I’m not,” Rin muffles back, mouth stuffed with various chunks of honeydew and grapes. Even if it is true, he’ll never admit it, but it also does suck that he's stupidly easy to read. “The food just sucks here, that’s all.” The fruit isn’t that bad. Maybe just the strawberries. 
“Whatever you say, partner,” you roll your eyes playfully, almost giggling at the nickname before taking a sip from the glass of champagne in your hands. “If you want, we can sneak out of here and explore the city.” It’s a suggestion but, from the way you’re smiling, Rin picks up that he can’t wiggle his way out of it. 
But he tries anyway.
“Do you even know your way around?” He sounds vaguely concerned. 
Sure, it’s been approximately two months since you’ve crashed and turned his life a complete 180, but you’re still new to the area and very much new to the country. Rin’s heard you picked up basic phrases from his brother to get around but it’s still nearly not enough to go and explore, especially late at night. And, rightfully so, he doesn’t plan on babysitting while you waltz around half tipsy off your mind after winning first place.
You fake a wound over your chest and gasp, hiccuping soon after. “I have maps on my phone! I already pinned and favorited a bunch of cute stores we can check out.”
Rin doesn’t know why you even bother throwing him into the equation considering it’ll clearly be stores you’ll like. 
“And where exactly do you think you’re going?” Sae’s sauntering over, a half empty glass of wine in hand, and his movement is a little sluggish, but he’s probably the only few sobered up person in the room aside from Rin. 
“Out,” you reply with a casual shrug, as if Sae’s supposed to be satisfied with the answer. 
“Out...” Sae echos before flickering his sudden sharp gaze over to Rin. He feels himself straightening up before he realizes. “You guys still have to make your statements to the press, you know that, right?”
“Can’t we do it after we get back?” You quickly dismiss Sae’s annoyed scrunch with a quick waft of a hand. 
Rin really doesn’t want to stand in front of a bunch of drunken and overly zealous journalists right now if he doesn’t have to. The idea of visiting a few late night street vendors might just be his highlight for today. 
“Hey,” Sae’s agitated voice snaps him out of his daze. “Are you seriously going out?” 
Instead of providing his brother a proper answer, Rin takes a hold of your hands and throws his jacket over your bare shoulders. You were complaining earlier about losing yours, and the last thing he wants is a drunk and cold skating partner in the middle of the streets of Nagano.
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Posted 16 hours ago 278,293 views
Comments 543
[niCOnii] - 10 hours ago All these rin haters from earlier can eat my socks because i knew he would comeback!!! his partner ain’t half bad either tbh View 30 replies [klnen2003] - 9 hours ago GO TO THE VIDEO AT 4:45 and see how Rin looks at Y/N!!! There’s definitely something there, right??? View 12 replies [YOICHISAGI OFFICIAL] - 9 hours ago Can’t wait to see Rin Itoshi and Y/N L/N compete at the Grand Prix this year!! Let’s catch up sometime! View 154 replies [jiroMark8734] - 8 hours ago I dunno… isn’t it weird how they swept everyone else tho? Can’t tell me that they’re both not taking anything lmao [my_skates_my_life] - 7 hours ago Congrats to everyone for winning!! And thank you so much for posting this. LOVE FROM ARGENTINA!! [merhaba234] - 7 hours ago Rin’s always doing the same level type program both in technique and artistic. It’s refreshing to see something new!
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@anurst @blissblossom @genneii @wooasecret @chaosinanutshell @kaiserkisser @rroxii @takotakigum @jaynawayna @peachesncats @sseishiross @izumi-astra-123 @sereniteav @pokkomi
a/n: im crawling on the ground,,, if anyone knows me: i love making rin suffer but please know its in a loving way. is his brother hotter? yeah. but does his brother have a sad backstory? yeah probably. either way, i love working w men with sibling complexes and his whole design basically oozes with melodrama. rin!!! you are gonna be in it for a surprise next chapter!! also apologies for the late update everyone hehe i dont have a set schedule for everything ;-; and my mind runs either at 500 miles an hour or 0 miles. as of late, life has gotten in the way of things and maybe i do need to stick with some sort of plan to make myself ... less stressed when creating content :> anyways, i love you guys!!
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silverzoomies · 7 months
Politely requesting “he’s so…” for Jimmy Darling and James March, please and thank you.
💙 nsfw ahead !! pretty filthy, just a warning !! 💙 
"he's so" headcanons under the cut. so im not crowding up anyone's dash with my bullshit !! these might be wayyyy off,, pleasse do not trust my judgement at all. also, liz, i adore you just fyi ty !!
💙 james march is so... 💙
he's so watches you at a distance solely with the intent to kill. bloodthirsty af. starts to notice how much of an innocent, little thing you are. you heart is purer than his could ever be in a thousand lifetimes. he keeps his distance for some time, but then you start to notice him. maybe he'll try and dance with you, so close you can feel his breath on your skin. listening to oldies you've never heard a day in your life. but he knows every lyric. every note. every beat. you can smell cigarette smoke on him. he reeks of it. along with...something else. but you'll never be able to place it. you can't seem to figure out why he's so ghostly pale. or why he gazes at you with a pitch black, void-like coldness in his eyes. He lures you in with promises of romance. tempting you into intimate, love making sessions. he'll ruin your perception of men forever. because no other man could treat you with such careful, sultry attention as he does. there's something almost...sinister about the way he touches you. his cold hands feel for your pulse points. making note of the jumps in your heartbeat. he touches your body, squeezing the muscles hiding beneath your delicate skin. you won't know it, but he's thinking about how aesthetically beautiful you must be on the inside. literally. he's thinking your innards are probably lovely. when you're finally together as one, his length moves with slow elegance inside you. drawing out your pleasurable suffering for as long as possible. he'll overstimulate you until you're sobbing. until you beg him to stop. but he won't. he'll grab your jugular and make you see white. in the end, you won't survive. your death will be gruesome and painful. someday, he'll regret having killed you.
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💙jimmy darling is so...💙
he's so diner date with a shared milkshake. orders whatever flavor you like. he has eyes like black cocoa. and, honey, they're lookin' you up and down every few minutes. he flirts nonstop. finds any and every excuse to touch you. patting you on the shoulder. guiding you along with a big hand on your back. grazing gloved knuckles over your arm mid conversation. he's pretty forward. unapologetically so. once he finally has you one-on-one, he tries to take things a little further. isn't afraid to be direct. but - ah...the two of you keep gettin' interrupted. he'll be leaning in for a smooch, a hand on your hip; but someone walks in. maybe it's eve, askin' his assistance settin' up new banners. sometimes, you find him stumbling around, drunk off his ass. it breaks your heart how often it happens. but he's so horny about it. says a lot of raunchy shit to you when he's completely smashed. it makes you blush. when he's hungover, he's grumpy as hell. his frustration'll slip in little ways, but he apologizes once he's sobered up. overall, he's real sweet on you. very sweet. even gets a little bashful once you're finally making out. he tastes like the booze he drinks on the daily. he'll get really handsy. and his hands are so, so massive and warm. they grab you hard, focusing careful attention to the squishy parts of you he loves so much. would take his time in bed with you. eases himself in slow, with consideration for your comfort. even though every instinct in him wants to stuff you so full so fast, you'll be aching for weeks. gets vocal, calls you little petnames. fixates mostly on your pleasure because that's what he's used to doin'. he doesn't expect you to focus too hard on his needs. but when you do, he's pleasantly surprised. cums a little sooner than he meant to. he'll lie with you afterwards. daydreams about stealing you away. maybe he'll run off you with you. make you his little housewife. but nah. he can't do that. his family needs him. he wonders if you'd be willing to stick around.
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coffee-master · 4 months
Hello! I want to say that ur AU is AWESOME. I love the way Kai has to deal with being the master of water and basically everything else that comes with it. ANYWAY I want to ask, are u planning on adding stuff about seabound? If so, im rly excited to see how u portray that!
(Also possibly the whole Aspheera situation but no pressure on that)
Have a good day (or whatever time it is where u are) 😁
Dear anon..
There is no such way that I am NOT adding seabound here!!!
I'm planning to make some incorrect quotes and write a fic about the seabound part later.
There is no way that I'd miss such opportunity for angst!
I want write Kai struggle. I want to write him becoming one with the water.
I want to write ninjas break.
I want to see them the those three heartbroken and devastated, while not able to say goodbye.
She'd try to grab her brother's hand unsuccessfully, try to talk to him, but he doesn't listen.
Even though she tries, but when her brother starts going to the water she's scared.
Nya starts yelling at him, while trying to stop him. To hold him. But she can't-
And there he's gone.
I want to see Nya's breaking point, where she blames herself. Where she's devastated, that she lost her older brother once again. (In the pilot Nya wasn't kidnapped by the skeletons. Kai allowed himself to be kidnapped by them to keep his sister safe)
She would be angry, because Kai once again sacrificed himself for their good.
She would burst into flames, while screaming and pounding her fists on the ground senselessly, until the anger is gone and what's left is sadness.
She starts crying on the ground desperately. Jay would come to her and hug her and she'd cry more.
Oh, as if this boy didn't need earlier therapy..
He'd stood there heartbroken, devastated seeing as the person who promised to take care of him and always be by his side suddenly leaves him as if he didn't meant anything.
The Big Brother, who gave him some normal childhood, family-bond or even teached how to tie shoes.. He dissapeares forever.
Lloyd blames himself, for lossing him.
Kai had always protected him, before and after he got powers. He was always able to safe him and be there for him.
And right now Lloyd wasn't able to do the same.
But Lloyd was the green ninja, he should have safed him, he should have been able to do this.
Why this one time he couldn't safe him? Why?
It makes him stood there broken, crying, while looking at the see.
How do you feel when another person, who you loved deeply dies in front of you once again?
When you're aware, that you can't do anything.
When you see them smilling, as if nothing was happening, bit deep down you know that something is wrong.
That this is goodbye.
He's scared. He's broken.
His boyfriend is littelary a floating water, who sounds and looks like Kai, but doesn't behave like Kai. Who talks weird.
Something is wrong.
He's scared, because he knows what's going to happen.
He's broken, because he's going to lose him too.
And before he notices, he's gone.
But for now..
Firstly I want to do more about incorrect quotes for other seasons in my au, answer questions so that people would know how looks the situation in this universe and ect.
Moreover I also want to write more fics for this au, before going into seabound season.
On ao3 I have a series, where some one-shots about this au will be published, but for now I was only able to publish one work.
I'm very slow writer, that's why I know it'll take me a while.
So for now let's enjoy some silly incorrect quotes, please?
Besides that yeah, I'll also add the situation with Aspheera, and It'll be probably more focused on Nya and Jay.
First | More about AU | Previous | Next
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takami-takami · 1 year
hii I love all ur posts and writing !! (bare with me english not my native language but talking with people helps)
just wanted to ask what do u think hawks would be like when thinking abt getting married, some people think he isnt that type of person more like douchebag / playboy etc but hes a sweetheart deep down considering everything that happened to him (and "mean!hawks" too IDK hes prob just a annoying tease in bed) anyways i was thinking about it earlier and i was like wtf would he do, im sure he would do it in private but other than that idk because the commission, planning, what are ur thoughts? maybe he would be really anxious thinking about it but he knows ur the one? nobody has written about this like for real ( i THINK) if u or someone else has tell me PLEASE. i"ve been thinking about it for a while (a Lil embarrassed ngl)
just asking what u think in general what he would do bc like said havent seen anyone talk about it
at the start of the relationship, he's probably like nervous to even be in one but after like 3 months or something he probably wants to be with you forever and never let u go, it would be a bit hard for him to plan it all out because he barely has anyone to talk about it other than you unless he hired someone which no.. i think because he wants to make it special from his heart + the commission giving him any time to do anything let alone a honey moon and blah ya know?
other than that im stumped no idea
(u can ignore idm !! )
(MHA season 6 episode 3 spoilers ahead!)
People say Hawks is a playboy, but that couldn't be further from the truth. He's such a sweetheart. Self sacrificing.
I think he falls hard. It is extremely difficult for him to trust, given not only his childhood, but his time with the commission, too. With the amount of undercover dirty work they made him do, there's no doubt they taught him from very young to trust no one. The message from his parents and the commission is clear: he can only trust himself.
But... We know Keigo still feels; so, so strongly. Dabi mocks him for it, mocks him because he can't stop himself from being "distracted by his emotions". Even when he knows what he's "supposed" to do in the Twice scene, he hesitates because it fucking hurts, he still feels pangs of empathy. Despite all he was taught about shutting off your emotions, that's something he still can't do completely, even if he ultimately decides to do the opposite of what he feels.
So. It would take a very, very long time for him to truly open up to you, much less recognize his feelings as romantic (he goes through a stage of denial, because he never saw himself actually being "selfish" and allowing himself a real relationship). But once he has his mind made up, and really makes that decision to be yours, he will not give that up for anything. He follows through to the end.
I think he always wanted to get married. Not in the way his parents did; he never did have a good example. But the way people on TV did, the way they wax poetic about in songs he never understood. He is definitely the marriage, soulmates kind of guy. He craves that slow, that domesticity, to protect.
You make such a good point that he wouldn't know what to do because he has no one to talk about it with... But he knows he wants it to be special. He would fret and fuss so hard about it being perfect, trying to impress you and stressing over it so badly.
Until one day, you grab his hand and tell him, "lets get married, right here. Right now." It doesn't have to be official to be entirely authentic and in love and you. To the backdrop of the dim light of a summer evening, under the flourescent glow of the string lights adorning your back porch, you have your first dance to the tune of the creaky wood beneath your feet. You dance to the tune of a love song he finally understands.
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
HIIII i have a prompt for u,
have mike get a vecna vision where will dies in his arms. 🤭🤭🤭
this is not a want its a NEED.
im in the mood for angst rn and i love ur art style so...... 😊😊
oh this was a cruel cruel prompt 😈
here's a ficlet that turned into a fic because i combined it with another prompt lol 🫡
holding hands, while the walls come tumbling down 
It starts like this.
The steady yet nervous thump, thump, thump of a heartbeat that Mike can hear as loud as his own. A body nestled right beside him; an artist’s hands, smooth and soft and ever gentle, intertwined with Mike’s; a boy he has known for nearly his entire life and loved in some way for just as long who is here, here, here lying next to him—all Mike’s for the taking, just like Mike is all his. 
It’s quiet in the room, save for the soft sound of their breathing. That, too, moves in time with each other—the gentle rise and fall of their chests as they breathe in and out, in and out, in and out.
Mike would stay here forever if he could. And he thinks—no, no, no; he knows, without a shadow of a doubt in his mind and in his heart—that Will feels the same.
Mike has always prided himself on being the type of person to give everything to what he does. Sometimes (oftentimes), everything isn’t enough, but that doesn’t stop him from giving it his all anyways. He’s never been the type of person to do something halfway; no, for Mike, it’s always been a deep dive into whatever it is he’s set his mind out to. An all or nothing kind of deal.
Will’s different from him. That’s something Mike’s known since their very first conversation, when his excitable, overeager “Hi! Do you want to be my friend?” was met with a quieter, shyer, but no less enthusiastic, “Yes; I – I do!” from Will. He’s not the type of first to run headfirst into something, which is probably good for Mike. It probably keeps them both out of trouble. But when Will does commit to something, when he chooses what he wants, when he decides that Yes, yes, yes, this is something I’m willing to fight for, then he’s every bit as passionate as Mike is.
All or nothing. 
There’s no turning back for the two of them, and Mike couldn’t care less. This path they’ve stumbled down on is one they’ve been walking down for quite some time now—together, even though they were both a little too blind and far too stubborn to see it. Now that they can finally see each other, now that everything is out in the light, now that Will knows Mike loves him and Mike knows that Will loves him too, there’s no going back from here. They’ve passed the point of no return, and Mike will be damned if they ever go back to what they used to be.
It’s been a longtime coming for the two of them, and as Will nestles closer to Mike’s side, resting his head on Mike’s chest and letting out another soft, content sigh, Mike can’t help but smile. 
The world around them might literally be on the brink of ending—constantly shrouded in darkness, plagued by monsters from the Upside Down, cold and always on the brink of another terrifying, disastrous storm that will threaten to rip Hawkins apart—but Mike has never been happier than he is in this moment, here with Will.
“What’re you thinking about?” comes Will’s quiet, sleepy voice, and Mike glances down at his boyfriend (Boyfriend? Right? Is that what we are now?) and meets Will’s gaze. There’s a softness in his eyes, mixed in with the sleepiness that’s not surprising for how late it must be now, as well as a familiar curiosity. 
What’s wrong? Will’s expression also seems to say. Are you okay? Was… was this okay?
Mike just smiles, leaning forward and kissing Will, soft and slow. Immediately, the butterflies in his stomach come back to life, more excited and awake than they’ve ever been before today. “Just about how happy I am,” Mike admits, once he’s pulled away. “I… I never really thought this would happen to me… To us.”
The curiosity melts away from Will’s face, morphing into something softer and something a bit hesitant and shy. He pulls away, ever so slightly, and lies on his side, and Mike does the same, so the two of them are looking directly at one another now. The dim glow of the old lamp that’d made it with Mike all these years—somehow surviving the move from his childhood home to Hawkins Lab and making it through the literal apocalypse—shines down on them, illuminating Will’s face just enough for Mike to see him clearly.
Beautiful is the only word that comes to Mike’s mind.
“I never thought this would happen either,” Will whispers back. There’s a smile tugging at his lips, small and a bit shy, and he reaches forward, tucking some of Mike’s hair back behind his ears. “Part of me thinks I’m just… gonna wake up, and this is all going to have been a dream. Or worse. A trance.”
“Pretty sure it’s not a dream,” Mike says with a laugh, and just for good measure, he kisses Will again, relishing in the way Will’s face immediately brightens. “Or a trance. Unless we’re… both dreaming. Or stuck in a trance.”
“Stranger things have happened to us,” Will points out, just to be difficult. 
Mike rolls his eyes, before pulling Will close to him and kissing him again, slower this time and with more intention. Will moves easily in his embrace, following where Mike leads the two of them until their bodies are flush against each other again, filling Mike with that familiar sense of warmth and giddiness. And because it’s Will and because he wants this as much as Mike does, and because they’re both the type of people to go all in—all or nothing—Will kisses him back without any hesitation, his tongue exploring Mike’s mouth like this is the first and last time they’ll ever get to do this and his hands carding through Mike’s hair to pull him close, close, close but not close enough. 
“I love you,” Mike breathes. The words come naturally, and though they’ve gone unspoken all night, Mike knows they haven’t gone unsaid. Every single kiss and every single glance and every single touch shared between the two of them has been a whisper of those three words over and over and over again: I love you, I love you, I love you.
And there’s not a single doubt in Mike’s mind that he means it. 
A smile forms on Will’s face as he leans away, resting his forehead against Mike’s own. He looks absolutely radiant like this, face illuminated by the soft glow of that old lamp, smile stretching from ear to ear, eyes sparkling with a warmth that screams back to Mike, I love you, I love you, I love you, with just as much enthusiasm and excitement that Mike feels in his own heart.
“I love you too,” Will whispers back, and he reaches forward, cupping Mike’s face gently. “I love you so much.”
Then, without another word, Will closes the space between the two of them once more.
Mike wakes the next morning to the sound of screaming.
The sound startles him right out of whatever dream he’d been having, and Mike flinches sharply, sitting up and looking around the room. His heart pounds inside his chest, and an unsettled, terrified feeling grows inside his stomach as everything inside him switches from a sleepy, even idyllic state to DANGER, DANGER, DANGER mode in a matter of seconds. 
Save for the dim light of his desk lamp, the room is relatively dark, and there’s no one else in the room except for Mike and—
And Will.
There’s a terrified look on Will’s face, and much like Mike, he’s looking around the room, eyes darting back and forth nervously like he has no idea where he is or what’s real or whether or not they’re safe. He’s trembling too, hands clenched tightly around Mike’s old blanket, and he seems like he’s just another few moments away from a complete breakdown.
And instantly, Mike’s mind switches from the DANGER, DANGER, DANGER mode to his Will needs me mode.
“Hey,” Mike whispers, scooting close to Will and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Will immediately flinches, startled by the touch, and Mike winces, running his hand up and down Will’s army gently. “Hey, it’s just me, Will. You’re okay. You’re okay. It was just a dream. Whatever you saw… it’s not real.”
That promise – it’s not a new one. After all, the last two-and-a-half years have been full of sleepless nights brought on by otherworldly nightmares. Nobody has been spared from them, but of everyone in the Party, Will has probably suffered the most, thanks to his deeper connection to One. These nightmares are nothing new, and yet, every single time Will suffers from one of them, it feels like a knife in Mike’s heart.
He can’t make the nightmares go away, but he can be there for Will. He can sit with Will until the darkness fades away, back into a vague memory, and he can hold Will and make promises that It’ll be okay; you’ll be okay; I’m not going anywhere; we’ll get through this. That’s really all Mike can do, and so God damn it, that’s exactly what he’s going to do.
Usually, it helps. It takes time, but usually, Will is receptive to the comfort, always leaning in close and allowing Mike to hold him until the terror subsides. 
But for some reason, this time, Will isn’t so receptive. 
It takes a moment, but out of nowhere, Will pushes Mike away, that terrified look still remaining on his face. He’s even paler than he was just a second ago, causing confusion to grow in Mike’s heart and mind. Before Mike can say anything though, Will whispers, “Mike… we have to go. Now.”
There’s an urgency in his voice unlike anything Mike has ever heard before, and that, coupled with the look of pure fear in Will’s eyes, is enough for Mike to understand exactly what’s going on, even before Will says anything about it. After all, there’s only one thing that would scare Will this much, and really, it’s just their shared, awful luck that this would happen today of all days. 
They just got together—finally, after years and years of dancing around each other and hiding from themselves and one another and never fully knowing if their feelings would be reciprocated. They just crossed that line from just friends into something more, and now…
Now, the world is actually, quite literally about to end. Now, the two of them stand on the precipice of something that could change everything and could ultimately decide the fate of the rest of the world. Now, the past five years of having their lives uprooted by the Upside Down will come to an end, one way or another.
Mike swallows the lump in the back of his throat, and he turns, meeting Will’s eyes. “It’s him, isn’t it?” he asks quietly, though he already knows the answer. 
A grim expression forms on Will’s face, and he takes another slow, shuddered breath, before nodding. “Yeah,” Will whispers back. “It’s him. One’s back, and we… we have to go. Now.”
The words before it’s too late hang on the end of Will’s sentence—unspoken, but not unsaid. He doesn’t have to say anything else or give any other details. Not yet at least. Those will come in time, as soon as they wake up the others and fill them in on what’s happening. But for right now, just between the two of them, all that Will has said is enough. 
And Mike gets the awful feeling that… that one way or another, today is going to be the end.
“Okay,” Mike whispers. He takes a deep breath. In and out. In and out. In and out. Then, a bit more confident, “We’ll go wake the others up, and we’ll put an end to this. It’s going to be okay. I promise.”
Those words aren’t ones that he has any business promising, and both of them know it. Still, Will’s shoulders do relax just a little bit, and he scoots close to Mike once more, taking Mike’s hand in his own. “It’s going to be okay,” Will echoes faintly. “We’ll make it through this.”
There’s a slight tremble in his voice, like he doesn’t know if he believes those words, and truthfully, Mike doesn’t know if he does either. But he forces himself to smile anyways and leans forward, kissing Will’s forehead. “Whatever happens today,” Mike says, his voice quiet, “I want you to know I love you.”
For a moment, it’s quiet in the room—the only sound the faint inhale and exhale from Will and from Mike himself. Then, in a voice that’s impossibly soft but still full of so much certainty, Will replies, “I know… and I love you too. Always.”
He glances back up at Mike with a bittersweet look in his eyes. The words are true, and Mike has no doubt about that in his mind… But both of them know that the words are a bit of a goodbye too—the last chance they might get to say things like this to one another, in case today doesn’t go the way any of them plan for it to.
Best case scenario? 
El manages to defeat One. None of their friends or family die. Hawkins and the rest of the world are saved. Somehow, some way, they figure out how to go back to being normal, stupid teenagers, and they put all of this behind them.
Worst case scenario? 
Well… Mike doesn’t really want to think about that. Best not to deal in what ifs and best not to let himself become too terrified of the outcome. What matters most is right now and finding the others, so they can actually stand a fighting chance. 
What comes later will come later.
“Always,” Mike echoes, just as soft as Will, and because he can—he can now—he leans forward and steals a quick kiss. “Come on. We should go wake the others.”
Downtown Hawkins is a complete wreck.
There’s no other way to describe it. This place has been a ghost town for over two years now, run down and battered and destroyed by the monsters that come up out of the rifts from the Upside Down. That’s no surprise at all, but what is a surprise is just how quickly a ghost town can become a battlefield. 
There are monsters everywhere, and large, black vines sprout up from the middle of the town—what used to be the library but has been a massive gate leading to the Upside Down since March 1986. The monsters just keep on coming, hundreds of them crawling, flying, stumbling out of the gate with roars and snarls so loud it’s a miracle Mike’s eardrums don’t burst.
The Party—which now unfortunately includes more than just the close friends Mike’s known since his childhood—has been training for this the entire time. Over three years of preparation have led them to this moment, but even all that time spent training and learning how to fight and how not to immediately die in battle can only get them so far. There’s only a small handful of them, and there are hundreds of monsters. 
If El can’t beat One, then there’s no way this doesn’t end with every single last one of them dead at the hands of some twisted, demo-creature. 
Still, Mike keeps fighting, operating on nothing but pure adrenaline now. There’s definitely a nasty cut and a bump on his head from a tussle with some mutated demodog of sorts, but Mike barely pays any attention to that. All he can do is keep fighting, shooting down demo-creature after creature and praying to whatever fucking deity may or may not be listening that he doesn’t run out of bullets before this is all said and done.
He’s long since lost track of nearly all the other Party members. El’s off somewhere fighting One. Lucas and Dustin are nowhere to be found but hopefully still alive and hopefully with someone else in their little group. The only person Mike’s managed to keep an eye on this whole time has been Will—and only because he and Will refuse to leave one another’s side. They’ve spent the better part of this battle fighting back-to-back with one another, barrages of well-aimed bullets flying out from their rifles and into the bodies of the monsters threatening to rip them into shreds. 
If this is how it ends, then all Mike knows is that he wants to be close to Will. 
The battle feels like it goes on forever—or at least long enough that the adrenaline begins to wear off, and the rifle in Mike’s hands begins to feel too heavy, and his limbs start to feel like they’re made out of jello. The exhaustion settles in, but there’s no time for that. Not when monster after monster keeps coming through the massive gate by the old library. So, despite the fact that everything begins to become a blur around him and it feels a bit like Mike is swimming underwater, trying his damnedest just to stay afloat, Mike keeps going and going and going in this hazy state until—
Until a scream pulls him right out of the haze. 
That scream is the gravity that takes Mike’s hand and pulls, pulls, pulls until Mike is crashing back down to earth in a crumpled heap. Suddenly, Mike feels more awake and more attuned to his surroundings and filled with a newfound strength that wasn’t there before.
It comes too little, too late though.
Because as Mike turns around, looking in the direction that the scream had just come from, he feels his heart drop all the way to the bottom of his stomach. Pure panic and terror settle into his heart and mind, replacing the exhaustion from before, and in an instant, it’s like everything within Mike has been reoriented, only able to focus on one thing.
On one person.
The scream tears itself from Mike’s throat, and before he can even process it, Mike is sprinting to where his boyfriend now lies on the ground, bright red blood pooling around him. The two of them must’ve gotten separated only moments ago, because Will’s a few feet away from him, and there’s a whimpering, half-dead demo-creature lying halfway between the two of them. The blood from the creature flows down the street, joining the pool of Will’s blood, and Mike fights the urge to gag as he throws himself down onto the pavement beside him.
The battle rages on all around the two of them, monstrous roars still echoing in the streets of their hometown—the horrific soundtrack to what is easily the worst moment of Mike’s life.
Because up close, it becomes even more clear just how bad Will’s injuries are. What’s left of his shirt is soaked in blood, and the tattered remains of the shirt barely cover the open wounds in Will’s chest and stomach. Every single breath he takes is labored and trembling, and already, his eyes have become glassy and distant.
He’s dying. 
Will is dying, and if Mike doesn’t do anything about it, he’s going to lose him, he’s going to lose Will, oh God, he’s going to lose Will, oh God, oh God, oh God—
It’s Will’s wheezy, strained voice that snaps Mike out of the panic, and Mike flinches sharply, looking down at his boyfriend. Will’s eyes flutter open and closed, open and closed, and he struggles to keep them open as he looks up at Mike. He’s even paler than he was just mere moments again.
He’s fading. Quickly. Faster than Mike can even keep up with, let alone do something about.
Will is dying.
And Mike is going to lose him.
“J-just hold on, Will,” Mike manages to say, except that it comes out as more of a hoarse croak. His own chest feels tight, like someone is squeezing all the air right out from his lungs, and Mike chokes back a sob, weakly reaching for Will and pulling him into his arms. “Just hold on, okay? Okay, just hold on; you’re going to be okay; just hold on—HELP! Someone please! HELP! HELP US!”
Somehow, there’s no one around. Nobody can hear the strangled, desperate screams that are coming out of Mike’s mouth; nobody is around to see him sobbing and hugging Will tighter, as if somehow holding on to him will keep him here and keep him alive. Not even the demo-creatures, who were just surrounding them and threatening their lives, are around. 
It’s just Mike and Will here.
Nobody is coming to help them.
Will is dying.
And Mike is going to lose him.
“I’m sorry,” Mike gasps, looking back down at Will through the blurry tears in his eyes. “Will, I… I don’t think… I don’t know if—”
“Shh,” Will whispers, and he reaches up weakly, placing a trembling hand on Mike’s cheek. Somehow, he manages a smile, though his lips and teeth are stained red with blood. “Shh… Mike… ‘s okay… ‘s okay.”
Every single word out of his mouth sounds strained, as if it hurts to say anything, and Mike bites back a sob, holding Will closer. “It’s not okay,” he whispers back, shaking his head. “I – I don’t… I don’t want to lose you, Will. You can’t go; please, you can’t—”
Again, Will offers him a smile, and he runs his thumb carefully, gently across Mike’s cheek. “You… you’ll be okay,” he murmurs and takes another quiet, labored breath. Then: “I… I’m glad you’re… here with me.”
The words feel like a knife in Mike��s already wounded heart, twisting deeper and deeper and delivering the final blow. That familiar feeling of desperation crawls back up to the surface as Mike tries to think of something—anything—he can do to save Will. There has to be something that can be done, some way to save Will, some solution that will keep them from the ending they’re quickly approaching.
But without anyone nearby, there’s nothing that can be done. There’s no solution, no way to save Will at this point, nothing that Mike can do.
Nothing except for sit here and stay with Will until the very end.
So, that’s exactly what Mike does.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Mike promises softly, and he tilts his head, pressing a kiss against Will’s palm. The tears won’t stop now; they just keep coming and coming, dripping down Mike’s cheeks and onto the bloody ground. “I’ll stay here with you, Will… until… until…”
His voice trails off, dissolving into another sob, but Will gets exactly what Mike is trying to say. He always does, and though he looks exhausted and barely able to hold on any longer, Will smiles up at Mike and takes his other hand, interlacing their fingers. 
Time, the strange thing that it is, seems to slow down around them. It’s as if Mike is having an out-of-body experience, watching all this happen in slow motion around them—a mere observer to the worst moment of his life and the end of Will’s.
“I love you,” Will murmurs, breathless and barely audible now. 
“I love you too,” Mike whispers back, and he squeezes Will’s hand tightly, afraid to let go. The world shrinks and shrinks and shrinks until it’s just the two of them, frozen in this slow motion reality, and he watches as Will’s eyes flutter open and closed, open and closed, open… and closed.
He doesn’t open his eyes again.
And Mike’s world comes crashing down.
All at once, it’s as if the dam has burst, and another desperate, broken sob rips itself from Mike’s throat: “Will!” 
Whatever sense of peace or at least acceptance that he might have found lulled into during Will’s last moments has all but disappeared now—replaced by a gut-wrenching, all-consuming, grief that washes over him like a flood. The rest of the world still feels far away, as if nothing else in the world matters but Will, Will, Will.
Will is gone.
Will is gone. 
He’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone, he’s lying here and is dead in Mike’s arms, he isn’t breathing anymore, and his blood is all over the ground and all over Mike, and he’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone—
“I’m sorry,” Mike whispers brokenly, and he holds onto Will’s lifeless body, rocking back and forth in some desperate attempt to wake him up or to do something, anything, to fix this. “P-please come back, Will; please, please, please don’t go, please come back, don’t leave me, please don’t go, please, Will, please come back, please, Will—”
Time passes in its ever strange, inconsistent movement. It’s hard something that Mike can’t keep track of—not when his focus is solely on Will. 
But then, out of nowhere, something pulls Mike’s focus away from Will.
The air grows colder around the two of them; a pervasive, terrifying feeling of evil and darkness settles over downtown Hawkins. It’s familiar but jarring all at once, and Mike can’t help but shudder, holding Will’s body closer to his own. Slowly but surely, reality begins to settle back in, trickling in little by little through the cracks of Mike’s broken heart and mind.
The world around him is eerily quiet and terrifyingly still. Unlike the battlefield from before, downtown Hawkins has once again been reduced to nothing but a near silent ghost town. Gone are the vicious snarls and growls of monsters. Gone is the sound of bullets ricocheting through the air. Gone are the screams and furious cries of his friends and family.
In place of all of that is the simple sound of footsteps approaching him.
The footsteps are quickly approaching. Each step taken is one made with intention, and the movement brings that pervasive feeling of darkness closer and closer to Mike until the air around him feels near suffocating. All the while, Mike’s heart pounds in a nervous thumpthumpthump as the realization settles back in.
The battle is over.
There is no one left—no one but Mike.
All of his family, his friends, Will… they’re all gone.
And One has done it. He’s finally succeeded.
This is it.
This is the end.
As the footsteps approach, Mike takes a deep breath, and he leans down, pressing one last kiss to Will’s forehead. If this is it, if this is the end, if somehow Mike is the last person left of the Party, then he won’t go down without a fight. It doesn’t matter how futile it is. Mike has to at least try.
So, he gathers up all the courage left inside of him, and Mike lifts his head, daring to look One in the eye. 
Icy blue eyes meet Mike’s own for the first time as something akin to a smile forms on One’s face. He looks pleased—amused even—and stops, just a few feet away from Mike and Will. “Michael Wheeler,” One says, voice low and gravelly, “we meet at last.”
Mike swallows the lump in his throat, doing the best to ignore the way his stomach is twisted into knots. It feels impossible—that he would be the last person standing here after all this fighting and bloodshed. Mike’s never been much of a hero, and God knows that he barely stands a fighting chance against One. 
Still, his friends died trying to fight One and the monsters of the Upside Down. Will died trying to fight One and the monsters of the Upside Down. And if Mike is going to die too, then… so be it. 
“Rot in hell,” Mike spits, his own voice full of venom. His rifle’s long since gone, tossed aside somewhere in the desperation to save Will, so all he’s got left to fight with now are his words. Those will just have to do. 
One just chuckles and takes another step towards Mike, gesturing to the ruins of downtown Hawkins. “Look around you, Michael,” he says coldly, and against his own better judgment, Mike does so, his breath hitching as he takes in the carnage from the battle. “Do you see what I have done? Do you see what I am capable of? Do you see how futile fighting back is?” 
Suddenly, it feels as though some invisible force is wrapped around Mike, and it pulls him all the way to his feet with a terrified yelp. The force squeezes him so tightly Mike feels like he can barely breathe, and it brings him forward until Mike finds himself barely inches away from One. 
Another twisted smile forms on One’s face. He reaches forward, running his large, clawed hand down Mike’s cheek, and whispers, “You’re going to send a message for me, Michael Wheeler.” 
Barely a moment after the words have left his mouth, the visions begin.
The visions are familiar—some moments that Mike has lived through and seen with his own two eyes and others that he’s only heard about from his friends and family. They flash across his eyes at dizzying, overwhelming speeds, one right after another after another. 
At first, the visions are moments from today. Glimpses of the battle they all have just fought and lost, the screams of his friends and family, the snarls and growls of hundreds of demo-creatures coming out from the gates. But then, the visions work their way backwards, moving through moments in time from patrols over these past two years, Upside Down storms that began to cover Hawkins, and sporadic monster attacks that they almost didn’t survive.
The day at the meadow flashes through Mike’s line of sight too, before it quickly melts away into memories not belonging to himself. A jarring CRACK resonates through his mind as he watches Max’s bones snap and sees the gates ripping across all of Hawkins during that spring. Then, even before that, he sees Eddie’s death, sees his friends fighting for their lives against demobats and against vines, sees El and Max struggling against One’s power over them.
Suddenly, it’s the summer before, with the Mind Flayer and the Flayed and Billy. Starcourt Mall, going up in flames as the Mind Flayer’s fleshy form towered over and chased all of them. Black tendrils tracing up and down Billy’s face as an otherworldly horror controlled his actions. Will’s haunted whisper that the Mind Flayer was back, that this wasn’t over, that they still hadn’t escaped this.
Then, it’s the fall before that. The tunnels and the massive gate to the Upside Down. The night at the lab, with demodogs tearing through flesh and bone and with people screaming and crying for help. The Mind Flayer’s shadowy form, descending on Will, choking him, filling him up, and taking over his mind and body.
Finally, the visions end with that very first fall. The demogorgon, feasting on Brenner’s men at Hawkins Middle School. Hopper and Joyce finding Will in Upside Down. Will hiding and running for his life in the Upside Down, all alone with no one to help him. Barb screaming for help as the demogorgon rips her to shreds, and then—
Riding his bike through Hawkins, that very first night when this all began.
“Tell Will,” One’s voice whispers into the silence of Will’s bike ride through Hawkins, “that I am coming. The end is near, Michael. And there is nothing any of you can do to stop what I have been planning all along.”
One last vision flickers across Mike’s line of sight.
A memory that he still remembers, clear as day.
“It was a seven,” Will’s twelve year-old self says to Mike’s own younger self.
“The roll,” Will explains. “It was a seven. The demogorgon – it got me. Well, see you tomorrow!”
And just like that, Will’s younger self rides away, leaving Mike’s younger self standing just outside his garage.
Mike watches as the garage light flickers above his younger self.
Then, in the next instant, he finds himself falling into the darkness.
The darkness seems to last for an eternity. 
There’s an inky black void surrounding him as Mike falls, and he can’t help but scream, reaching out for something, anything to pull himself back up. But there’s absolutely nothing there to hold onto, so Mike just continues to fall and fall and fall, further and further into the darkness.
Then, suddenly, the darkness dissipates. The fog clears just a little bit, enough for Mike to hear someone call out his name: “MIKE!” 
“MIKE!” the person—that’s Will, it has to be Will—calls again, more desperate this time, and Mike reaches back up, trying to grasp onto anything that will pull him out of the darkness. The way out seems just a little bit closer now, getting easier to reach out to as Will calls his name again, “MIKE! MIKE! MI—”
And with a gasp, Mike opens his eyes.
Light floods his line of sight, replacing the never-ending darkness at an overwhelmingly fast pace. Mike’s mind feels like it’s racing at a million miles an hour, and his heart is pounding inside his chest, so hard that it almost hurts to breathe. All the while, the room spins around and around and around and around and—
Suddenly, Mike’s knees buckle, nearly sending him crashing to the ground. Fortunately, someone—Will—is there to catch him, and though the two of them both stumble, Will manages to break his fall. “Mike?” he asks, voice full of concern. “Mike, hey, are you okay?” 
There are tears in Will’s eyes, and his face looks blotchy, like he’s been crying. Still, even with the worry written all over his expression, there’s relief there too, and Mike takes a shuddered breath, choosing to focus on Will. 
Will’s here. Will’s here, and he – he’s alive. He’s alive. Mike didn’t lose him. He’s not dead. Will isn’t dead.
Which means…
That entire battle must have been a vision from One. An opportunity for One to pass along a message that he’d been waiting to send. And… a warning for what’s still to come.
“Shit,” Mike whispers. “Shit. Will, we have to – he… One… I—”
“Hey, just take a deep breath,” Will says worriedly, and he hesitates, before reaching for Mike’s hand. “Just breathe, okay? Mike, you – you were in that trance for a while. We couldn’t snap you out of it, and I… I thought I was going to lose you.”
Will’s voice breaks on those last few words, breaking Mike’s heart with it. “I’m still here,” Mike reassures, reaching up and cupping Will’s cheek as gently as he can. “I’m still here, Will.”
A bright rosy blush spreads across Will’s face as his eyes widen and glance at Mike’s hand. “I know you are,” he replies quietly, “but I… I still could’ve lost you. I – I mean… we all could have.” 
The memories of seeing Will’s mangled body on the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood, come back to the forefront of Mike’s mind, and he can’t help but shudder. Without giving it another thought, he wraps his arms around Will, hugging him as tight as he possibly can. 
Mike… he still has no idea how much of the past two days have actually been part of his vision from One versus how much was real. There’s no doubt in his mind that the battle itself and his encounter with One were all a result of being held in a trance, but as for… as for everything that came before that—confessing his love for Will and learning about Will’s feelings in return—Mike isn’t honestly sure. 
There’s a part of him that thinks… maybe that stuff was just too good to be true. Maybe Mike did make that all up in his mind, or maybe it was just a trick from One, designed to taunt him before delivering the final blow. Maybe what happened with Will the night before that battle was nothing more than just a dream. 
Mike swallows the lump in his throat, and he tries not to think about that as Will hugs him tighter and buries his head in Mike’s shoulder. “I’m still here,” Mike repeats, softer now than before. “We’re both still here… We’re not going to lose each other, Will.” 
“The end is near, Michael,” One’s voice echoes through his mind—the cruel threat solidified in his mind now as a promise. This isn’t over. What Mike saw in his vision… it may very well come to pass. 
And just like Will once said to him, One isn’t going to stop until he takes everything and everyone. 
“And there is nothing any of you can do to stop what I have been planning all along,” One had told him, as the visions of Will leaving Mike’s house on that fateful night had played out for him like a twisted home video. 
More importantly, One isn’t going to stop until takes Will.
Mike can’t let that happen. He can’t lose Will.
Will takes a shaky breath of his own, and he pulls away, just enough for the two of them to look at each other, and offers Mike a tiny smile. “We won’t,” he agrees softly. He hesitates, then carefully lifts his hand, resting it against Mike’s cheek. “Are you… are you okay?” 
Will’s hand is warm against Mike’s face, and his touch feels like electricity. There’s something so genuine and so tender about the way that he’s looking at Mike and the way he gently runs his thumb across Mike’s cheek, over and over again. He’s here—warm and firm and solid, close enough that Mike is able to take his hand and hold on and never let go. 
Will’s here. He’s okay. He’s safe. 
And for now, that’s all that matters. 
So, even in spite of One’s haunting message and the visions from their past and the warnings of the future, Mike finds the ability to smile. He reaches up, putting his hand over Will’s, and he nods. “I’m okay. You’re here, so… I’m okay.”
Those words cause Will’s face to turn an even brighter shade of red, but he smiles regardless, leaning forward and pressing his forehead against Mike’s own. He takes Mike’s other free hand in his own and doesn’t say anything else—not that Mike needs him to. They’ve always been able to communicate without words, and this time is no different. 
Sure, the future might be bleak, and there’s no telling whether One’s visions will come to pass, even in spite of their best efforts to fight back. But right here, right now, he and Will are together. They’re both safe, and they’re both here.
All they can do is take this moment for what it's worth and hold onto each other while they still can. 
And for now, it ends in very much the same way that Mike thinks it began.
The steady yet nervous thump, thump, thump of a heartbeat that Mike can hear as loud as his own. A body nestled close beside him; an artist’s hands, smooth and soft and ever gentle, intertwined with Mike’s; a boy he has known for nearly his entire life and loved in some way for just as long who is here, here, here right in front—all Mike’s for the taking, just like Mike is all his. 
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azierumart · 6 months
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more oc stuff!! another redesign and also put some notes about him down (: i have a lot of lore about the creatures of my universe and stuff especially warlocks (they’re my favourite)
also if you’re viewing this on a phone or smth i’m sorry the colours get fucked up you literally can’t see anything
anyway!! here are some ramblings about warlocks
warlocks are probably one of the most powerful creatures. they can do all kinds of conventional magic, pretty much all exceptionally well. their magic is very instinctual and VERY ruled by their emotions (im a sucker for strong emotion bursts of accidental magic), and it also occasionally has a mind of its own. they can still specialise in a certain type of magic ofc and tend to be better at one or two types, but they also have their own sort of unconventional magic thing or combine conventional magics in ‘odd’ ways. their unconventional magic doesn’t fit with any specific type of magic and it’s the kind no other magic users can do. they are humanoid usually but basically can look like anything, have any sort of features/non human attributes, wings, tails, horns, what have you. most have non human looking eyes, non human eye colours and ‘weird’ irises. their eyes also glow when doing magic, and when doing very powerful magic completely cloud over whilst also glowing. every warlock is autistic/adhd/audhd (judged by human standards). every warlocks brain has a more similar structure to an autistic/adhd/audhd human brain than a human allistic/non adhd brain. theyre also immortal and live long long long lives…. some powerful ones can’t actually die, or at least haven’t found a way to yet (even if they want to… which most of them do. yes that’s cruel but i love to torture my ocs). they’re exceptionally rare, there’s probably only about several hundred/thousand?? being that old obviously leaves way for a lottttt of trauma. people liked to hunt them a lot in the past, take the things that make them look inhuman as trophies meaning many of them are without/have damaged parts of their inhuman characteristics. and ofc any other trauma, lots have childhood trauma from parents being freaked out about them, many are abandoned, they’ve lost many many people, etc etc. they are born or seem to be born from human parents at random so they tend to be very unexpected. many of them have ptsd or c-ptsd and have been depressed/are depressed. obvs being autistic/adhd/audhd that leaves them with higher chance of that anyways. their magic is their whole being basically, it’s so intrinsically them and natural to them. overexerting themselves with magic can have dire consequences like with any kind of overexertion. they’ll be ill for a while after, very weak and usually with a fever or something, maybe unconscious. it could physically damage them too. at a certain point they stop ageing (and they tend to physically age slower than humans, how slow varies) and stay looking that same age forever (this age also varies). no one knows where they come from and there’s no real pattern to how and why and when they’re born. many people think they’re children of demons and don’t like them, think they’re dangerous etc. some use wands or staffs but they don’t really have need for them and they’re usually just for the aesthetic
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kisaraslover · 4 months
How do you like to imagine the Millennium Arc would have go down has Takahashi not been been too sick to give Priest Seto and Kisara the story that they deserved? T.T
see, reason im not a writer but an artist is that i SUCK at writing probably. best i can do is analyze and ask the story reinforce its pressure points? like for Seto and Set as the reincarnating single soul the story has these recurring beats that act as bridges for his arc,
Brief happy childhood interrupted by tragedy
Followed by prodigal formative years rise to power UNDER an oppressive father figure
The years above resulting in The Iconic Seto Kaiba Personality, power obsessed, proud, self righteous, unbendable will, complete commitment to his status, cold, cruel, crass, uncaring, except for affection for exclusive people.
Death of the father figure
Set(o) in now unquestionable power position, Set having become a sad but fair ruler, Seto having been placed into the plot of DM for further tests of fates
Kisara is placed in the middle of this fated story in ancient Egypt, supposedly forever changing the fabric of his being by the very tangible and very powerful and FELT effect of her undying loyalty and submission always backing him up. with her established points of;
a life of oppression and exclusion because of something as inherent and simple as her looks (truly a test to the cruelty of mortals) (neatly drawing a line between her and Others, making her out to be otherworldly)
followed by her, presumably multiple times, losing control of her Ka and punishing said mortals when she herself is in mortal danger, to unknown extent, always outside her control or will, contrasting her from Set(o) who bends, if nothing else, his own self to his will relentlessly, Kisara is outside of her own control,
which would be followed by her confusion, guilt, anger, grief, regret, self-hate, unknown feelings around her Ka
the exception to how world treats her being Priest Set, even if with wrong intentions in the beginning, which in return catches her interest and takes away her breath
them being Forced by outside forces into a single unit, oppressive conditions taking the Priest right from where he stands, opposite of her, and placing him cleanly in front of her, protectively.
then, as the concluding beat for them both, now forever changed and linked by their connection, Kisara's uncontrollable power is placed under his control, and his unbendable, ruthless and cruel force of will, bends for her, established by the final "All I wanted was your light" not your power, not your death, you by my side, having been changed
We can more clearly see the picture. So far everything ive said is inferred from canon, but like ALL of it could stand to be reinforced by a writer that Cares about what happens to Kaiba or Kisara in the story. What could stand to be said again better, THE MOST would be their love connection, the last two points. As you see, im already plenty happy with the exposition of both characters it gives us believable grounds for "and in the end, hes forever the master of the power of a woman who he'd rather have by his side no power and its his single saving grace and its what she would choose to do in every life" the characters can believably fall into this conclusion.
the problem is HOW they fall into that. it was HURRIED. Kisara's dramatic personality and Set's dramatic personality, seen by the other, appreciated, FORCED into allyship and the growing affection of both sides. the plot could have been slowed down, if by nothing else then prolonging her prisoner status, giving them some alone time. things i would like explored like:
her thankfulness and his interest in her Ka morphing into genuine care. We needed to see his compassion and her loyalty grow. Could have so many moments....
theyre ALWAYS going to end in tragedy IN THAT LIFE so why not commit fully. he feels resentment his mother died the day he saved her. that same day is the shining most beautiful moment in kisaras life where a complete stranger showed her compassion. finding this out breaks his heart.
if she and him are, at the time of the story, two people whose fates are crossing or were they ALWAYS meant and created for each other: to explain, im curious if BEWD, whose power rivals gods, did have godly roots before becoming a Strictly worldly being made of 2 working parts, the mortal vessel and the Ka. Set and Seto both have blue eyes. doesnt seem like the work of a Ka.
is it sadder if they kiss or is it sadder if they dont. idk but im voting kiss
the themes of control and will and dominance and submission. HEAR ME OUT OK Kisara, let alone her life, even her own self and body is outside of her control, things outside of her control like her coloring make everyone elses reactions to her out of her control, spiralling and living a lost life, wandering and walking into the one man who is obsessively, relentlessly a Problem to fate itself by sheer force of will, who's single moment of gentleness towards her rewards both of them with her favor, therefore the dragons favor, therefore relative control of it for the first time, should have been shown and spelled out. she surrenders to him with such trust, which inspires good in him in return. its a breath of relief to both, her power out of her hands, finally listening to someone and him being gifted SUCH a loyalty from a woman, SUCH absolute surrender......jesus im getting lightheaded..
so in general as you can see 1-im not good at making up my own plot points and 2-the point of contention isnt how ancient mizushipping is handled, while it needed more time to cook, im p good at squeezing out of canon MANY interesting threads and implications, so the way its hurried is ultimately forgivable to me.
my problem is modern world writing around Seto, BEWD, Kisara. i think the writing was generally wack all around and especially callous to Kaiba, therefore resulting in inconsistent Kisara, basically erased for other than moments establishing his obsession w power and feeding his narcissistic characteristics which is so sad to me, as Kisara represents HIS melting and HIS softening and HIS light. the entire canon makes BEWD just his ally outside of some minor moments, which dont have lasting consequences.
and this ⬆ is all about Staying In Canon and how It Could Be Improved, with answers to Fuck Canon How To Make It Better? being infinite and very interesting.
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actualbird · 1 year
Hi zak! I've been a longtime reader of your original works. Do you have any tips on what pieces to put in your writing folio?
hi anon !!! im very sorry it took me forever to get back to this ask, and doubly sorry if you are no longer in need of tips OTL. still, thank u for reading my original works, thats a pleasant surprise to know!! i havent posted my original writing website here in......a long while, since im the (very slow) process revamping the site HAHA,
but yeah, tips on what put in a writing portfolio!! if ever you still need em or if ever anybody out there can make use of this. all of these based completely on my personal experience of applying to writing workshops and writing jobs, so feel free to take what you think applies to you/would help you, and leave the rest behind
1 ) in general, put your Best Works. but take into consideration that You are usually your own worst critic, so you definitely could benefit from a second opinion (or many)
so, obviously, you wanna be putting in your best stuff. and thats still the general method that i'd choose, but with the added reminder that a lot of the time, writers can be blind to certain works that they themselves made that other people really liked or found immensely compelling.
this for lots of reasons: writerly self-esteem problems, that odd experience of mostly remembering the arduous Process of writing the thing and less the actual finished product, general blindness to stuff in your own work since you Wrote That (and probably revised it 76439754985 times) so it's just hard now for you to realize the level of skill thats apparent to many others
the opposite effect is also very possible, where you can be Incredibly attached to a work (maybe for sentimental reasons, maybe because the you learned a lot along the way, etc) but other people kinda found the whole work meh.
bottom line: by this point, you know youve got skill in writing. but the skill OF seeing and evaluating your own skill is a whole different animal
reach out to your friends, writing peers, or reading peers and ask them what they think some of your best works are. personally, i think it's good both to ask people who are Also in the practice/study/career of writing, and people who arent, simply because a more diverse set of information is always better than a lesser diverse one. if you want, you can ask follow up questions like "why?", or you can just stick to getting a general pulse check of what is resonating to the people who read your work. because [tv commercial voice] The Answer May Surprise You!
and once you know what resonates with others, you can start chopping down the list with armed with that new knowledge
2 ) "Best" should not be a catch-all term, cut it up into specific categories and showcase your Best in top categories you want to focus on. this way, you get a folio that's showing a wide range of your capabilities
if i were picking between two applicants, both of which submitted portfolios of their Best fiction works (and theyre both Very good), i would ultimately choose the applicant who gave a portfolio that showed a wider range of what Bests theyre capable of rather than the applicant who submitted 5 really great stories but they all still employed the same techniques/concepts/themes
......if that makes sense?
like, okay, let's assume the portfolio is a fiction portfolio. no specific lit genre limitations or whatever, just, fiction in general.
"fiction in general" is a ridiculously huge field! theres the genres of course, so many damn genres. but what im more focused on is Technique. there are so many ways to structure your plot and pacing, there are so many ways to create your cadence and tone, there are so many kinds of characters and so many ways you can make them clash, so many dang ways to make your story's themes come to light. theres a Lot
so take a portfolio as a chance to show the widest possible range of what you can do, and what you can do Well
let's say you did Tip 1 and coming from that, youve got a list of 15 stories you think would be good for a portfolio. your next step then is to identify which stories are doing the same Thing (whether that be in its genre, structure, themes, etc) and then decide which of those stories showcases your ability to Do that Thing best.
if ive got 3 different stories that are all magical realism pieces using a very subdued tone to communicate the plot's conflict and emotion, then im gonna need to pick just one to put in my folio, the one that did it Best. and then you can go back to Tip 1 and get a second opinion on that if you want, and THEN i repeat with the other stories, this time picking a different Thing-Technique-Structure-Theme-Etc to focus on
basically my point is that a portfolio, ideally, should show different Kinds of Bests. because that is much much more appealing than only seeing One kind of Best
3 ) you can make as many portfolios as you want, tailor-made specifically for what youre using that portfolio for
this is something i learned after college and when i was applying for various writing jobs. for context, i dual wielded fiction and nonfiction in college. though my degree ultimately/officially went into the nonfiction track, i still wrote a whole lotta original fiction, and when i was applying for jobs, my personal list of Bests included a lot of fiction pieces, as well as nonfiction pieces
but i was applying to all different kinds of jobs, and it would be slightly off-course to submit a fiction piece to a job like Feature Writer For Magazine. additionally, it would be slightly off-course to submit a nonfiction piece to a job like Romance Game Writer
(.....both of those real jobs i applied for and man, sidenote, can you believe i almost became a romance game writer? like, how ironic that is now that im into the fandom i am Currently into. guys. guys i got to the second interview stage of that job. Guys. jdhvfhvfkshd)
anyway, remember how Tip 2 is about showing off a diverse array of what youre capable of? well, dont get Too diverse. always remember the people/organization/etc that you will be submitting this portfolio to, and keep in mind what They are looking for
if youre applying for a sci-fi fiction workshop, submit your Best pieces that do different techniques or things BUT are still within the parameters sci-fi fiction, so they are relevant. if youre applying for a feature writing job, maybe fiction might work, but read the works that the magazine puts out, maybe. get a feel for their style, what they like. like idk , if theyre super into that Anthony Bourdain-esque kinda description of gritty details, then maybe a fiction piece that shows off that kind of descriptive skill can still be relevant.
make a new portfolio whenever the need arises to best adapt to whatever it is youre gunning for
in summary :
tip 1: Best works but cast a wider net and ask other people because us writers can get tunnel vision sometimes
tip 2: whittle down your list to show different kinds of Bests that you can do, avoid redundancy
tip 3: keep your Bests relevant to whatever the task at hand may be
well....thats all i can think of. i hope some part of this can be helpful to anybody out there. hope youre doing well, anon :")
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gendrie · 1 year
Could you give me your ideas on how a gendry/arya reunion/relationship would have happened if the 5 year time skip had happened. Or what you would have liked to happen. I love your interpretation of both their characters so much!!
i have a lot of conflicted, maybe even contradictory, thoughts on this. bc on the one hand i think oh it would be so different! but then i realize it probably won’t be......i think about it quite a bit wrt the starklings too bc they wouldve spent like 8 ish years apart? and that is just a really long time. thats a major chunk of adolescence and nearly as long as they spent together if not just as much or more. the feeling of mistrust that i expect we will see with arya and sansa for example wouldve been more than understandable. any other reaction actually makes zero sense in that context. but 3 years is still a long time for a child esp with trauma. arya has thought, more than once, that her life as arya stark seems like it was “a thousand years” ago. a nearly decade long separation for us as readers seems like a huge difference, but i think the faster paced version is all going to play out the same for those in the story. 
with arya/gendry im only expecting minor differences in the grand scheme of things. when we see gendry in affc arya has only been gone for like? 6 months i think? the grief is very fresh. and the separation will only be a year or so. the bwb is still searching for her so i think gendry probably feels some hope that arya will come back. he knows, better than anyone imo, what a survivor arya is. but if they’d been apart for 5 years he wouldve really thought she was gone forever. if she walked through the doors of the crossroads at that point would he even know her? this teenage girl? it would be like seeing a half remembered ghost. for both of them. theres no reason gendry won’t immediately recognize her upon being reunited in this timeline, though. (no, i don’t think arya will be utilizing any face changing magic after she bounces) 
i do love the image of them being separated as children and reunited as young adults. i kinda mourn the loss of that, but at the same time i always end up back at the same point which is grrm intends to do all the same shit. when he dropped the 5 year gap mercy didnt get scrapped. it got reworked. likely just to take the sexual elements down several notches. thats what it comes down to. arya/gendry are locked into a pg-13 rating and thats fine lol. either way i’d hope for something slow burning. they already have romantic undertones. stuff like rolling around on the floor tearing each others clothes, the "suitors" that compete for their attention, the love song, ect. thats what i want and gap or not gap we’re gonna get more of it.  
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goatpaste · 2 years
If you don't mind me asking, why do you dislike part 5 so much ?
ough so i wrote up a long winded thing about how i felt
but honestly my friend Rex tweeted this last night and it says what i said in a bajillion words in a single tweet
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also this one but not so much a complaint on my part but i do funnily agree lol
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but anyways to also chop of some of my own long winded shit i said
i dont HATE p5, i HATE p2, i just dont CARE for p5 very much. it has some stuff i enjoy but as a whole i think its really lack luster
to preference a lot of this to, i think its mostly personal taste! i guess i get why p5 is so popular and why ppl enjoy it but its really not for me.
but like along with all the other stuff said
i think giorno is the most boring protag of all of jojos so far to me. i think he is such a nothing guy. i can SEE some traits of character going on, but in the end he doesnt do shit and i dont find the appeal of him. i think some ppl do a great job taking what vauge character he has and really bringing it out to make him more interesting, but hes just. weh
i think he was MORE fun and interesting at the start of the series during his lil black sabbath fight, and his altercation with bruno and his robbing koichi. But after joining Brunos group he just kinda fades away and becomes an accessory to the group and the last interesting thing he does is let that guy on the boat slurp him up so Abbacchio could do his thing. He's kinda like a guy who has a cool ability and can do cool stuff, then he joined a group of close knit friends that all had fun powers and who dont all give a shit about his stand beside, wow! now we can throw ourselves at danger hard and faster knowing you can fix us when he eat shit, SWAG. like, giornos like a pursedog with hotglue and bandaids for everyone.
idk just, good on ppl who enjoy giorno, he needs the fans. but i think hes so boring and all his fights are boring and he has less personality than p3 jotaro
BUT, opposite to that
i love Bruno and Trish the most, they were solid characters and their relationship was sweet and good and SAD. Also Trish and Spice Girl had my favorite fight in the whole part. i love her stands that doubles as a girlfriend.
then i also like Mista and Narancia, the two of them vary on how much character they have Rancho have a bit more character personality than Mista. But their FUN characters, their fights are fun and i like some silly guys. But man.. Narancia death just felt mean... like Abbachios death felt like absolutely nothing (except sdgjksh NArANCIA CRYINGABOUT IT WAS THE SADDEST PART OF HIS DEATH TO ME) and Brunos was sad because i liked him and his connections to others and his slow awaiting death to the world while everyone has to watch is sad, but narancia just felt mean like just killed him to take a gut shot one last time before they wrap up the plot. idk if i feel this way because i liked narancia or whatever.
Then i dont really care about the rest, like giono abbachio and fugo i just can find any ability to really have interest in, sorry
and then i think REALLY one of the actual worst things is
they talk SO much
about fucking nothing
its like 5 minutes of time at MOST moves on in the span of an episode because their just TALKING fOREVER. it felt like they were trying to explain stands and abilities and moves they were going to throw LONGER than the attacks themselves last, for like 20 minutes then the fucking episode ends that part should not have been 40 episodes long that was insane, they need to shut the fuck UP
if im real, im?? a lil disappointed in GER. Like its ugly still, and its ability is cool, i think actually im just disappointed in its fight with Diavolo. its
neat, but it just
the whole part at that point REALLY just felt like araki wanted to be done with it. it felt like he didnt want to be writing it anymore and just wanted to be done
idk! again i think a lot of this probably is personal opinion. i just think ESPECIALYL coming off of p4 which i think its the BEST part that really used its story and plot and characters well and just did a lot of stuff i think p5 lacked and leaving p4 which i really loved into p5 really made it harder to watch.. miss my friends in morioh....
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jonahmagnus · 2 years
I'm probably late but if you don't mind me asking, what are slyrkins?
Slyrkins! Slyrkin’s are my alien speices that I started creating when I was what. 13? And I have SOO SO MUCH FUCKING LORE FOR THEM but here’s a “brief” overview!
Evolution: Slyrkin’s are an extremely tough species of bipedal lizards whom due to living and evolving on an extremely poisonous planet, have many self defense mechanisms. They evolved to be bipedal by reaching for low-hanging fruits, which used to be their primary source of food. The lizard they evolved from was large, slow moving, and egg-lying pack animal that was poisonous down to the bone. They evolved out of having genitalia because the egg development period used to take around seven years and the hatching was 2, which caused them to be a very small speices. Around their habitat at the lowest point of population in their speices, certain type of plant sprung up. A pod plant that could create a clone in a short period of time- But the catch was that the children where extremely prone to mutation via stray dna, and that they where born with no genitalia.
Mizans: Mizans are a small, two-legged, hyper-intelligent mouse-like sister speices to Slyrkins who evolved alongside them, due to them seeking refuge in the company of the large, herbivorous, gentle speices. Unlike Slyrkin’s, they are naturally solitary but choose to be stick around due to the society they offer and the protection as well. Slyrkin’s have no language, and communicate through clicks and purrs. The rune language you see them write in is actually Mizan!
General information: Mutations in Slyrkin’s are considered highly beautiful. Some common mutations include multiple spines, double eyelids, eyes on the chest (there is a clump of nerves similar to a second brain there), additional eyes on the face, discoloration, plumes, hollow bones, discolored hair quills, a second smaller tail, doubled forearms, and a whistling sound when inhaling. Children are born in pods in the captial and raised by the whole city/town/wherever they end up. The Slyrkin life cycle is childhood 34 years -> Emotional maturity -> ‘Teenager’ (64 years) -> Adulthood (almost infinite/Infine unless killed) (hight-dependent). Slyrkin’s can range from 6ft to 13/14 ft, with shorter being most common and 13/14 ft being only royalty. The city is divided via hight, not because their unequal but out of convenience. All Slyrkin’s use ker/kem unless stated otherwise. All children are made in cloning pods and kept in a damp space until infancy is over.
Society: Slyrkin’s experience no romantic attraction, though they do from families and have ceremonies indicating devotion. Slyrkin’s have many ceremonies through their life, with festivals and holidays just adding to the festivities. The average, non-royal Slyrkin will have 7 ceremonies in their childhood, 9 in their teenage years, and 7 as adults (not counting “great achievement” ceremonies). Slyrkin’s are all equal, and the concept of “poverty” does not exist as all Slyrkin’s inherently care for eachother and if somebody cannot take care of themselves, everybody else will chip in. The exception to this is the “Royalty”, the tallest ones. The 2 *invader z/im’ voice* tallest Are the quote unquote ‘alphas’ of the speices, making sure everyone’s like, ok and everything. Slyrkin’s instinctively follow the larges of the speices, a habit left over from their quadrupedal times, and in turn the largest Slyrkin’s instinctively becomes the ‘mother’ of all their followers. The darker the skin, the taller the Slyrkin. Slug baby will probably grow up to 11/12 ft? So it’s considered a ‘princess’. (The literal word is ‘someone who was giving life and thus will give life in return’ which to us is a feminine connotation, but Slyrkins don’t know what gender is.)
And there’s a lot more, but I’ll stop for now tehe!
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aquagustd · 2 years
not sure if youre still doing the wip game, but could you tell me about potions of paradox, jagged edges, and love without end?
oh and the fic you’re working on about yoongi being oc’s sisters ex husband sounds so good and i’d love to read it, but if you don’t end up posting it, i completely understand!
ofc !! ah yeah. i might not post it bc i’m afraid that i’ll have fingers pointing at me after i post it lmfao. it’s different & for mature mature audiences ig. vv slow burn too. but i appreciate you saying that <3
potions of paradox — i love night drives. so one day i was taking a cool drive yk & this song came on and i heard the words “i summoned you” & my mind literally…idk where it went. grew a whole other mind of its own and came up with this idea.
reader is preparing for this big exam in a few months. she’s in the medical field. & she’s incredibly anxious. she’s deathly afraid that she might fail and disappoint her parents & waste their money and all her years of hard work bc this exam is so important to her and her future. at a family gathering, she meets this aunt of hers that she hasn’t seen in a while. there, she opens up about her fears, etc. and her aunt is like this witch or sumn and she tells her about this ~magical~ cave. a series of things that need to be done and her biggest desire will come true. oc knows what this desire is - to pass her exams. so she goes through with the spell but what if her deepest, darkest desire is not what she thinks it is. she finds out that the most handsome, charming man she’s ever seen happens to be her biggest desire when he emerges from the cave after the spell is performed 🫣 how is he gonna help her pass her exams 😀 so she’s back to square one. except with handsome man/genie (seokjin) she can’t get rid of.
jagged edges — is the hitman!joon fic i’ve been working on for quite some time. reader is a politician’s daughter & you can guess what namjoon is assigned to do. but what he finds out is that it’s completely pointless to go through with it since she hasn’t been in contact with her family for years. he ends up overriding his superior’s orders, you can guess why, which turns out to be a terrible, grave mistake 😳 reader is also anemic lmao. (like me) just a tiny detail. bc it’s important.
love without end — words cannot express how much i love this fic. i started writing it in february when i really wasn’t in the right frame of mind. based on this song.
i don’t really like writing fics based on movies. i tried multiple times but i feel like i don’t have much creative freedom & readers will go in expecting this & that from the original movie to be in my work you know? but this fic is loosely (very loosely) based on the movie Age Of Adaline. only the concept of jimin living forever - not aging - is taken from the movie. the dialogues and scenes are all my own.
jimin will probably live forever. reader won’t. they’ve been childhood friends. they get married and are happy. but jimin will live forever…and reader won’t. jimin doesn’t age. but reader does 😔 that’s all im gonna say. i love this fic a lot. a lot a lot a lot. my best fic i might say.
ask me anything about my wips
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stinkyme · 1 year
Omg I really hope I’m not annoying you with these! Please do take your time responding and if I send things a little too much please let me know and I’ll send less things! (´∀`)
OMG? You’re so real for that Mori & Fukuchi need to walk outta the room and YOURE ALSO REAL FOR THE CHARACTER POTENTIAL PART. I see a lot of people talk about what Mori’s done which yes I agree it’s pretty bad but I don’t think they see the part he plays in the plot which is pretty interesting!! Also, we have similar favorite characters!! ^^
OMGGG I love editing in general but giving gifts is my way of returning a favor, etc. LIKEE Its something I enjoy doing so in the favor of you returning the friendship I feel I’ll make an edit for you BUTTTT Im a bit slow on editing like I take forever so I’ll probably make it for you and once I do reveal myself, I will post it on here and let you know! (If you still haven’t known who I am, I will let you know my user.)
I assume we will get along very well (we already have been) considering we both talk quite as much!!! ^^
YOU’RE TOO CORRECT! (get it? whoops I kinda did yosano dirty there but yk) Sigma is my favorite character ^^ I find his behavior/personality to be like mine so he’s a very comforting character!!
I have tons of pets and if I eventually can I’ll have to show you some of them ^^ I am 100% an animal lover and I love anteaters for some reason they just look so silly!! I also like red pandas and cats, I actually have 3 cats!! How many pets do you have? ☆
not at all sweetheart!! please talk all you want about anything you feel like and I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible :)
definitely!! I am all for Mori slander but he does play a huge role in everything that has happened and realistically speaking - he is the best boss Port Mafia can have and he is highly intelligent person as well, no doubt about it so I am interested to see what is exactly the trick of his proposition to Fukuzawa, because I am sure there is a trick behind it but we will see :D as for Fukuchi, he can rot away i d c, I hate his old nasty farting ass ew
I am happy to hear we share a lot of favorites!! :D AND PLEASEEE, DON'T OVERSTRESS YOURSELF WITH IT AT ALL!! I absolutely love your love language/returning favors, I think it's adorable and lovely but just know there is no pressure on you in any possible way! If you feel like making it at some point, take your time and take breaks, I appreciate you as a person regardless of whether you made/did something for me :)
Also! I still am not quite sure who you are, but take your time with revealing yourself and if you want it to stay between us, you can share your user in ask box and I won't reply, if that's what would make you feel more comfortable :)
hehe! I am happy to hear I am too correct! (says this as yosano kinnie, crawled in a corner..jkjk) and I get it, so you are a sweet Sigma kinnie, that's so lovely but you need a hug so here comes a huuugeeee one from me to you!! I agree, he is really comforting character, I do love him with my whole heart :)
also i am as well an animal lover!! i really adore animals of all kinds, they are just all so precious and unique and i adore them!! :) <3
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24hlevi · 3 years
can i just say that i've just finished reading that angst headcanons/imagines/scenarios or whatever it's supposed to be called about the boys reacting to y/n dying and i'm just...i'm just a sobbing mess.
it's well-written so 1000/10 for that, but whY MUST YOU ATTACK MY HEART IN THIS MANNER???? i love your work, but my poor heart ack-
btw is there any possibility to ask for a request for a same scenario but for kazutora, mitsuya, and hanma? like for kazutora's part, imagine if it wasn't yknow who died but its y/n 🥲
omg you’re so nice first of all thank you 😭 and OMG YES
TR Boys Reaction To You Dying Pt. 2
Tokyo Revengers Boys (Kazutora, Shuji, & Takashi) X Gn!Reader
Genre: Pure Angst
Warnings: Swearing, Suicide (kind of? it’s what happened to baji did so idk what to label it as 🤷‍♂️)
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Hanemiya Kazutora:
All Kazutora could think was that it was all his fault that this happened. He was too caught up in his own world that he didn’t even know what he was doing anymore. He didn’t even know you had shown up to the fight until he stabbed you instead of Baji.
“Y/n?” Kazutora asked, dropping the knife immediately when he saw you standing between him and Baji, blood dripping onto the ground below you. He completely froze, not knowing what he had just done or why he even did it. “Baby, are you okay?”
You held onto the stab wound, coughing up blood as you looked at your boyfriend. “I just wanted you…to stop.” You choked out before collapsing to your knees.
Everyone had stopped and was watching you by now, shocked that you had even protected Baji from both sides when your whole body landed on the car below you. Spitting blood out of your mouth, you laid on your back, staring up at the blue sky that was dusted with white clouds.
You heard multiple people yell your name, but you couldn’t even tell who it was until you saw Kazutora kneeling beside you. “Y/n! Keep your eyes open, okay?!”
You shook your head from side to side, raising your hand to put it on Kazutora’s face before quietly speaking, “Give it to me, the knife.”
“What? Why? Look, Y/n you just gotta stay awake okay?” Kazutora spoke fast, clearly freaking out on both the outside and inside, not even caring about the gang fight anymore.
“Hand it over, Kazutora.” You said his full name which caused him to go quiet, staring down at you with saddened eyes before handing you the knife that already had your blood on it. “Thank you, babe. I love you.” You told him.
“I love you too, Y/n.” Kazutora said to you.
You bundled up your shirt at the top, putting it in your mouth so you had something to bite down on before plunging the knife into your stomach and twisting it around, then pulling it back out and dropping it.
Kazutora wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him as you lived your last moments, and he couldn’t even say anything. “I’m sorry, Y/n. I always will love you.” Was all he said after you died.
Kazutora then took the blame for killing you, resulting im him ending up in jail again but he wasn’t angry about it. He was just sad. So sad that he didn’t even try to get out of jail and get back into the gang life. He just sat around, continuously saying,
“It’s all my fault.”
Hanma Shuji:
Shuji swore that he would never allow you to get hurt while he was away doing gang activities that he didn’t want you included in. That’s why he always had someone beside you and a bodyguard to make sure you would always be safe. But even then, it didn’t work.
It was half past 1 in the morning when Shuji’s phone rang while he was with the other Valhalla members, beating up some random other gang member. Shuji stopped punching the other male, standing up straight and took his phone out of his pocket and opened it, answering. “Yes?”
Shuji’s breath hitched when he heard your shaky and quiet voice, and he immediately knew that something was wrong. “Y/n? Where are you, darling? Is something wrong?”
“I’m…at home. B-But someone..got in.” You tried your best to reply, but it was coming out shaky and slow. 
“I’ll be there in five minutes. I promise, baby. Okay? I love you.” Shuji told you before turning around and looking at everyone, taking the phone away from his ear. “Kazutora, you’re in charge until I get back, understand? As for everyone else, just do what you’re told.” He said to everyone, proceeding to then walk out and make his way onto the streets when he started to sprint down the different roads. 
Now he was just making sure that he made it to your place in five minutes like he said he would, which usually he would be able to do easily, but he was more determined now that he had heard something had gone wrong whilst he was away. Upon reaching your place, he saw the front door opened already and he quickly rushed inside. “Y/n?! Baby, where are you?!” He called out as he started to run through every room in the house. 
He finally made it to your room where you laid on the floor, a puddle of blood beneath you as you were taking shallow and slow breaths. “Y/n!” Shuji yelled out your name, going over to you and kneeling down beside you. He grabbed you and lifted you up, holding you in his arms as he checked for your pulse. When he felt it he let out a sigh of relief but it was very weak and barely noticeable which made him realize he probably only had a few more moments with you. 
“I’m sorry, Y/n. For not being here when I should have. I’m so fucking stupid, I should have just stayed here with you. I’m sorry, darling. I’m sorry.” Shuji said to you, his voice cracking halfway through as tears welled up in his eyes.
You looked up at him and smiled lightly despite you dying in his arms. “It’s okay, Shuji. Don’t...blame yourself. I still love you.” You had never seen the boy cry before, that’s how you knew that he did really love you, that he wasn’t just saying it so he could manipulate or get things from you. 
“I love you too.” Shuji whispered out. 
Soon enough, your head went limp and your eyes were stuck open, all of the life drained from your face as blood dirtied the floor and Shuji’s clothes. “Y/n? Y/n? Wake up, please.” The boy pleaded to your now deceased body, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to get you back. Not ever again. 
Shuji became what you would have never wanted him to become, a terrible person who killed anyone if they even looked at him the wrong way, and most importantly, one that drank all of his feelings after the day was over, crying to himself over your death still. 
Because he would never get you back. And he regretted that the most.
Mitsuya Takashi:
Takashi was the most important person in your life, just like you were to him. He had told you on multiple occasions that he wanted to be with you forever. And he thought it would really happen. Boy, was he wrong. So, so wrong. 
You two were walking down the busy street, eating street food while going inside stores and just admiring the night scenery. Everything was going perfectly normal, until it all changed within a few seconds. 
“Hey, babe?” Takashi said, looking over at you.
“Yeah?” You repled. 
“Do you wanna get married some day in the future?” 
The question that came out of your boyfrien’s mouth shocked you, and you didn’t know how to reply. You both were still teenagers, how the hell were you supposed to know? “Only if it’s you I’m marrying.” You aswered with a smile. 
Takashi smiled back and pressed his lips against yours before pulling away quickly after. “Same here.” He told you. 
Suddenly, car tires screeched on the black cement road and one zoomed around, an all black van. It’s windows opened and guns pointed out of them before they started to fire. Takashi quickly wrapped his body around you and covered you with his, not even caring if he would end up getting killed because of it. 
After the car drove off, Takashi looked at you and asked in a frantic voice, “Y/n, are you okay?”
You looked at him, then down to your side, shaking your head as you spat out blood. Takashi’s eyes widened as he yelled out your name, but you had collapsed onto the ground, grabbing at your abdomen where the gunshot wound was, blood beginning to soak through your clothes and onto the sidewalk below you. 
“No, no, no. Y/n! Stay with me!” He yelled, taking his phone out of his pocket and about to call the polce when you grabbed his hand, stopping him. “What?”
“Don’t. It’s okay.” You told him, a small smile on your face. 
“It’s not okay! I can’t lose you! We-We just talked about getting married some day!” The boy continued to yell.
“Maybe...in another life, we will.” You spoke barely above a whisper, your vision starting to darken and turn blurry. “I love you, Mitsuya Takashi.”
“I love you too, Y/n.” Takashi replied to you but you didn’t respond. “Y/n?” He reached his hand over and shook you gently, and when you didn’t move he looked at your face, then realizing that you were gone. He sat on the ground, and put his hands over his face, beginning to cry. 
Takashi cried and mourned over your death everyday, despite people telling him to move on. He just couldn’t. He would never be able to find someone he would love like he loved you. He knew that. So that’s how it remained the rest of his life. Lonely, and depressed. 
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