#i really did start typin huh
rupertgayesarchive · 3 years
hey jenn...
so tell me about your plot planning process
oh chi i hate this question so much askfjajfakds
okay okay so i had to think about this because?? i don't do a lot of this consciously. have any of y'all looked at writing advice stuff and tried to make it work for you?? i keep trying and idk... i really tried to be the type of writer with like, outlines and bullet points, and usually i might have notes of some sort somewhere... it's all very much a 'trust the process' um. process. so here's stuff i do? in some semblance of order, but more like for your reading benefit than how it might actually happen.
first of all - i start with a concept (that fucks, obviously). considering the current spn fic i'm writing and the last longfic i wrote (marvel fandom) were both borne of that age old 'i read all the fics with this trope so now i have to write my own', i guess that's a pattern?
second, once i have the beginnings of like, a Thing I Want To Read Badly Enough That I Will Bite The Bullet And Write It Myself, how can i write it, considering like, who i am? for heard from your mother, a spn character getting sent back in time to fix things isn't a totally unique plot, but i am someone who 1. has not actually watched that much spn and 2. really enjoys the early seasons. so pretty quickly i started to think along the lines of 'writing a time travel fix it would require an in-depth knowledge of canon that i don't have past like, s3'. then my brain starts spinning off in all these other directions which leads to -
plot, i guess? by the time i put out the first chapter of heard from your mother i knew how cas got sent back in time, kinda sorta what would happen, and a rough idea of the ending, but no real sign posts. i think the main other thing i knew was that dean and cas end up together before the end of the fic, but even then, i didn't really know how. i also thought it would be a fun idea to give cas a cellphone that sends him anonymous messages as another draw/guide to the story. since pre-pilot was mostly focused on dean and cas meeting and getting together, a lot of energy was focused in trying to get them to be in the same place at the same time, bond, and eventually become an item. which also means -
what stories happen within the story? in any of my longer fics, there's usually an A/B plot going, which can shift and morph and intertwine as the story goes on. In heard from your mother, the A plot is probably dean and cas getting together, up until s1 starts, in which case it's the 'find dad' s1 plot, and the B plot throughout the fic is 'cas needs to figure out what he is and how he got where he is now'. there are shorter c plots (like offscreen stuff that happens with jess, bobby, pamela, etc.) but they're shorter lived.
another thing plot-wise that i don't consciously think of too much but is still important is payoff. these can be big or small, but this fic is SO goddamn long that it's good to idk, give the readers *something*. early in s0, this was dean and cas meeting up again after doing their own thing, like, yay! fun treat! good times! or another clue to what cas is (aka the RIBS chapter). some fun reveal, like seeing an old character pop up again, or maybe another emotional moment, like the resolution of the scarecrow episode rewrite, where dean finally comes out to sam. these are all moments that i personally really enjoyed writing, and if you're in this fic for the long haul, i imagine you're reading and going 'omg, finally!' or 'whoa, cool' - just something to make you pick your head up after however many words.
when i actually sit down to write a chapter, i kind of know where i want things to end up? like a lot of s0 was making sure certain characters met each other, s1 was more or less the same as the canon s1 with more focus on how the characters have grown/changed, and everything else is made up on the spot. like the hunts in s0 were made by me thinking: 'oh this monster got mentioned in an early season of spn, dean probably hunted that before. let's find a town for it to take place in, and maybe write it in a way that highlights one of his character flaws' very much an early monster of the week type of fic - creature story with an aesop somewhere inside that prompts dean (and usually cas) to confront something about themselves and hopefully push themselves closer together. we see this in the chapters dealing with the gillepsie family and the crocotta, probably the most obviously? i try not to beat anyone over the head with it. heard from your mother has a writing style that is sort of like 'here it is, you make sense of what people are thinking/feeling bc i'm not narrating that' which is very spn and male coded of me i think.
if i ever get stuck on how to approach something, i usually will put the fic down and listen to music or read something else, or i just talk out the ideas i have (to a lot of people on tumblr actually! thank you!!) a lot of my writing is latent and i just kind of let it happen. there are definitely deliberate choices for some things i do in this fic (i mentioned this with a previous ask about putting stuff in the plot that could help the characters from being backed into a corner later on), but heard from your mother is still something that to me is like 'this is a fun little story, watch me type away at my google doc and see what happens!'. like i take it seriously, i want people to enjoy it, but i want to enjoy writing it just as much.
i guess my writing is just: find what you want to read, figure out how you could write it taking into account your personal hangups, get it started, know kind of where you want to end up, and have fun figuring out the stuff in between (and leave some breadcrumbs in the middle there so if you end up way off base and you're already putting out chapters you can write your way out of it).
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Original title: 永遠への誓い
Source: Diabolik Lovers Bloody Bouquet Vol. 1 Sakamaki Ayato [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here (32:27 - 41:36)
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
*Rustle rustle*
“Ugh…Haah…Oi! Chichinashi…”
You look up at him and apologize.
“Idiot…’I’m sorry’, my ass! Cut the crap!”
 You seem surprised that he managed to save you just in time.
“Don’t underestimate Yours Truly…Fuck!”
You start sobbing.
“Oh come on, don’t cry…”
“...You’re not hurt anywhere, right? Haah…God, you’re always so reckless…If you wanted to test me that badly, there were other ways to do so, don’t you think?”
You frown and ask what he means by ‘testing’.
“Hah! I wonder…You wanted to know how I truly feel ‘bout you, didn’t you? 
You shake your head.
“Heeh…Oh well, let’s leave it at that. ーー Say, what should I do until you’re satisfied?”
You flip the question around. 
“Ugh…Why are you askin’ me? I just want you to stop being so selfish…It’s a pain when you make the hasty decision to leave me…or even die. …But you always grow worried, don’t you? Just voicing my feelings doesn’t satisfy you, does it?”
You protest.
“Haah…? I have said it before, haven’t I? Besides, are some sweet words really all you need? You’re such a cheap woman.”
You explain.
“Haah? The word ‘honest’ gives me the creeps. Stop sayin’ things that will only make my dizziness worse! The poison is still takin’ its toll on me as is…”
You sigh. 
“Ughー! I think it’s ‘bout time you understand that your Master doesn’t do ‘honest’. It’s too late for me to change now…But if you insist…I suppose I can try and compromise just a lil’...”
You tilt your head to the side.
“ーー You know! I’m talkin’ ‘bout makin’ you mine in more than just one way…”
He moves closer.
“...Marry me.”
You seem baffled by his statement.
“That should put you at ease at least a lil’, right? Besides, it’s pretty much the only option we have to keep you alive. If somebody other than the man you love sucks your blood, you’ll suffer an instant death. Right? …In that case, I think typin’ the knot is the fastest and easiest way to get that message across to the other Vampires ‘round us.
…What? You don’t want to get married or somethin’?”
You shake your head. 
“Then hurry up and gimme an answer already! This is part of human culture, isn’t it!? …Besides, you realize that I’m basically proposin’ to you, right…?”
“Ah…Is it ‘cause I don’t have a ring on me or anythin’? I’m pretty sure I heard somewhere that you need one of those when you wanna propose… ーー Then I’ll get you one later!”
You shake your head and embrace him. 
“Aah…? What do you mean, you donーー”
You express how happy you are that he proposed to you.
“H-Haah…!? D-Don’t let it get to your head now! M-Marriage isn’t that big of a deal to me…!”
You genuinely express your feelings. 
“Ugh…The fuck? Just how bad of a masochist are you? …Anyway, I can take that as a yes, right?”
You nod.
“Well…Duh. You love me. …More than anyone else.”
You ask for his feelings. 
“I…? Tskー! …I told you earlier already, didn’t I? Do I really have to say it again…? ーー Fine! I just gotta say the shit, right….?”
“You are officially my number one…No matter how much pain I have to endure, I’ll never let you go. I promise.”
He holds you close.
“...I love you.”
“...Hm? What’s this?”
“Did somethin’ sparkle just now…?”
“This thorn…Could it be?”
“It vanished…! Oi…The thorn disappeared! Which means…The curse must be lifted as well, right? Chichinashi! How do you feel? Everythin’ alright?”
You nod.
“For real? You feel totally fine?”
You ask how Ayato feels. 
“Huh? Me…? Oh…Now that you mention it, I feel fine too…”
You realize you felt better as soon as the thorn vanished. 
“From the second the thorn disappeared, huh…? God, that curse was disgustin’ right to the very end. ーー Anyway, I’m glad.”
You agree.
“What are you lookin’ at me like that? …I had already mentally prepared myself, you know? …I like you. …!! Don’t make me repeat that phrase over and over!”
“Anyway, none of this made any sense. I wonder if that bouquet was just the Old Man being a troll like he always is?”
Ayato tries to get up.
“...Come on. If you’re feeling better, then get off already. How long did you intend to sit there on top of me? This position makes it hard.”
“Exactly…Hard to kiss you like this.”
“Chichinashi…I love you. We’ll be together forever.”
“Say…Why don’t we get back inside and continue?”
Ayato gets up.
“Wrap your arms around my neck. Don’t fall, ‘kay?”
You ask Ayato if he should try and figure out who was behind all of this. 
“Aah…? I give a damn ‘bout the creep who sent us that bouquet right now. I gotta get a taste of my new bride first after all. …But you better believe I’m gonna find that jerk afterwards and give him a good ‘ol beatin’...! We went through hell and back after all. Don’t you agree?”
You hesitate.
“Well, if you disagree, I’m gonna just drop you on the ground. …Ahー But you like the pain, don’t you? Hehe…”
You pout.
“This is me bein’ honest like you wanted to see so badly. Don’t expect me to show this side often, so you better enjoy it while it lasts.” 
“It’s the start of an ever-lasting night…” 
He walks towards the house’s entrance.
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sjw-publishings · 3 years
Retrospective Division
Josh and Henry walked hand in hand down the hallway, directly to the office in which they resided. The young men were in charge of small LGBTQ business in the building...only to be kicked out due to being too ‘liberal’, making room for tenants who were closer to his ‘Retrospective Vision’.
So much so, that the taller one had to voice it out.
“I’m...I’m going to send an email to the higher ups!” Josh spoke.
Josh Ming was the older of the two, only slightly older though at the age of 23. Fresh out of college and directly ready to start business with his newlywed husband.
Dressed in a pair of of white loafers with matching pair of beige khaki shorts, he wore a light blue buttoned polo underneath his pink checkered sweater vest with rainbow flag pin over his right breast...
Was that the final straw for the clearly conservative owner to kick them out after just a few months? If it was...
He scratched the back of his head, left palm messing with his wavy raven locks before briefly adjusting his rectangular half-frame specs. Something was real off...and he really wanted to get to the bottom of it.
This sudden rising passion of energy within him was also different, tightening his grip on his boyfriend, he would usually remain quiet and reserved, ignoring the such attitude towards them...but being kicked out? That really ticked him off.
“Honey, I like that attitude!”
Meanwhile, Henry was quite astonished by drive his husband was showing. Sure they both took turns in the bed and was Jeffery incredible when he was top, but he had never seen this side of him until today...
The 22 year old caucasian smiled, loving every bit of the drive from the other male, considering he was usually the one taking charge vocally.
Placing his right hand on his waist, swishing his hips in those pink bermudas while strutting in his own pair of slip-on, navy blue formal shoes that he recently got.
They had the right to dress liberally and freely, he would never sass directly-he and his boyfriend’s clothing says it all! With a matching light blue buttoned down-minus the sweater and throw in a white cardigan for variety.
Swooshing his blond curly locks, his sky blue eyes narrowed in admiration towards his partner, freckles rising with his cheekbones.
“Heh...must’ve gotten it from you~”
In a matter of seconds, they reached the entrance to their office. They were told to pack up and go in the middle of the night, and with the full moon shining directly at them from a open window behind.
They immediately released the grip from the other as they walked in without question.
Not even realising that they won’t be holding the other this way when they come out.
As they entered, the room stayed mostly the same for now, with the only major difference, is that their desks are apart, parallel to one another.
Just like their formerly interlocked hands.
“Of course! the owner doesn’t support us working side by side directly!”
Josh noted, rolling his eyes as his tone got snappy. Folding his arms, not realising his lisp fading slightly with the remark.
“No worries hun, that just means I’d get a better look at you~”
He turned to his boyfriend, who looked lovingly at him at the side. At Eye level, re-assuring the other that everything will be alright. He blinked, did Henry just get taller all of a sudden? He definitely did not notice it earlier...must be the new shoes he was wearing.
“Right back at ya love~”
“Ooooh now there’s that attitude I love!”
With that, Henry gave a tight pinch to his behind, smirking as he walked to his desk. Of course, it was far harder than usual, that tease. His husband liked to do that especially when he was happy, which was great when he was happy despite those remarks from the owner!
But something about the pinch...really set him off.
Playing it off, not noticing his larger steps as he strode to his side of the room. Legs stretching wide apart, feet grounded to the floor as he stood like a 1930s cartoon, except with more realistic proportions.
Landing butt first on his chair, he winced once again, he sat with more force than intended. Probably due to the aggression towards the owner, but wasn’t there supposed to be a cushion he and his husband brought from home on his-
Sleek Office chair, the modern kind without the comfort. Just pure professionalism like the way the owner demanded. Did that arse remove his-
Meanwhile Henry from across looked comfortable in his...’Chairman’s chair’. Like he was a higher up overseeing him, with a smug grin, but it was just cause he found him cute right?
“Sit up straight hun...wouldn’t want the owner to think otherwise.”
“Got it...! Thanks for reminding me!”
“No problem love...”
He responded quickly...though kind of irritated, he knew it was the owner’s policy too, about a ‘straight back leads a straight life’. He often made visits to everyone of his tenants or so he claims...especially them.
How ridiculous of a ‘motivational message’, though Jeff did like to keep his back straight for proper posture and presentation, not cause he was...
Anyways...what is with the fact that his fiancé is on a grand chair while he was stuck lookin’ like a subordinate. Sure Henry was slightly older...and taller than him, but the difference between them was huge.
He shouldn’t let that get to him...but its kind of pissing him off, specially with that smug grin on the older male’s face.
Mustering up all his professionalism, he spoke to the other male about their situation, holding in as much anger as he could.
“Say...how else do you think the owner expects us to behave?”
“Don’t know, probably...like him...”
Older days...yeah that sounds about right. Blinking, Josh watched as numerous LGBTQ posters and photos he framed up on his side taken down in an instant, replaced with framed photographs, mainly black and white of men and women in retro-esque attire.
But the main thing were the fact was there were only happy heterosexual couples in the wedding pictures that he took...where wuz’ all the gay ones huh?
Meanwhile, Henry’s side had the pictures reshaped into various expensive degrees and award certificates apparently. Josh wasn’t sure when his senior was such a stick in the arse and show off his life, but apparently its the reality they live in now.
Mixed with the wood panelling, their office walls split into two. With his fiancé’s side having a more polished grey shine to it...and his having wallpaper of grey rocks right behind him.
He was pissed, all his hard work gone to waste when the boss removed all his...stuff, doing renovations...Sure he kinda liked the new decor, always felt sturdy where he wuz at. But still it was his stuff!
Though then again, he also did help take some of those conference photos for the boss when he had met with several of his big league associates, a proof of skill he could use when advertising his talent to the boomers...
Whatevah! He was still goin’ to be typin’!
As he had started up his trendy PearPC, he blinked as the load in bar showed up. Tapping his fingers impatiently, not realising the shiny light weight frames becoming heavier and grounded as the quality of the pixels dropped tremendously with every second.
“Something is not right! And I’m gettin’ to the bottom of dis!”
“Whatever you say, hun...”
Rolling his eyes at his lover’s statement, the older male was not as passionate as he was when it comes to delivering the truth. Not fighting as hard as he was, whateva’!
He was doin’ it HIMSELF!
Rubbing his palms, as his ‘doorframe’ retro PC lit up, being an older model did not hinder his goal as he opened up the word processor and began typing away!
He was always a fast typer, especially when his grandpapy trained him when he was younger. Though that did not sound right? They didn’t have computers back in the day and age!
As Josh blinked, the digital letters seemed almost printed out the more he starred into them. As he continued typing on his keyboard, he didn’t notice the swiftness of his fingers as he crunched on the keys effortlessly, neither did he mind the metallic clicking sound with every syllable.
Precisely, rubbing his eyes, the glossy flow shifted into simple paper. Grinning to himself, retro it is! Right in front of em’, a policy that the boss really stood firm in his heart.
“Not that I mind, Chief.”
Muttering to himself, Joshon was raised by a highly conservative grandfather who drilled him in the importance of staying true to their values.
Not noticing with that remark, his rainbow flag pin stretched like taffy around his neck, solidifying into a black monotone neck tie as the collar of his Polo tee stiffened.
And folded down.
Sweater vest splitting into two, the sleeves merging with the polo as the vest thinned out. A long row of buttons trailed down the merged too, colour bleaching white into a straight, iron-pressed dress shirt.
Even though he was sorta queer, there was no way he’ll be outrightly pissing his grand-papy off! Folding his arms determinedly, as the pinkness of the remaining vest fabric faded to black, looping into straps with a big criss-cross over on his back.
SNAP! Wearing his suspenders with grey pride.
It didn’t really matter to him in the face of a scoop. Especially when it comes to whatever the owner of the establishment is doing, he was determined to write it like the reporter he was.
You can say, it was going to be the scoop of the century!
“Did you say something?”
Gohen got up from his throne, dressed in a thick black suit, with faint white checkered patterns all over, with the typical office dress shirt and matching tie he always wore.
Sauntering over to the reporter’s side of the room, possessively. The hispanic-caucasian stared at the pan-asian male...though its less so love and more so-
“What are you doing?”
But oh man, does he piss Joshon off.
Yeah they’ve been engaged, but the way he breathes down his neck makes the reporter sick. Arms toughening with strong toned biceps, as a healthy dusting of hair lined his forearms.
The roughness the two exhibited even in bed was less out of love and more so...pent up frustration, especially lately. No matter how the conversation went, its just conflict after conflict.
“I’m just typing away the new article, lovah!”
His lover’s been clinging onto em’ again. Examinin him like a piece of meat, even though they just get engaged recently...though it was more so the lawyer’s idea rather than Joshon’s.
Tied down to another guy like that, even that was too gay for his liking.
“Why don’tcha just-TALK TO ME?”
He was so ANGRY with his lover, getting up, hands pressing against the other...and with a-
The impact left a huge blow to their relationship.
Flinging both men back to their side of the room, onto each of their seats. Rings morphing into simple tie pins as they stuck onto their new ties. Nothing special or out of the ordinary, and definitely nothing to personal with the other male.
They just anger each other.
First came the realisation of the older male, who tugged relentlessly below, surging through age and maturity as his weathered face took on a caramel tan.
Hair styling into natural curls, shortening into a dark brown, embracing his new identity of a conservative single man in his fifties. Letting loose any notion of being attracted to anyone but his future-
The hispanic BOOM-ER’ed his manhood, letting loose all his reservations and kindness as a dark glare rested on the male. Deep eye bags alongside a faint beard.
Dusting himself, the middle aged man made sure he appeared presentable, despite still in a hazy afterglow.
Shaking himself out of his trance, the older man glared at the younger male.
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“Get out my office.”
Walls fell down between the two, a complete division of interests as the attorney faded from his sight.
“Well who needs ya?”
Still thirsting for release, his face contorted at any thought of attraction to the older man. What wuz he? Queer? That kind of shit gets ya kicked outta office!
Which was why he liked it ere’!
A young handsome guy free to be chasing the ladies! Hair slicked to the side, as his skin embraced that peachy caucasian tan of his new ethnicity.
The tense fights he had with his competitor and rival next door. He wouldn’t trade it for the world. Grinning arrogantly at the triumphs he had over the man, especially when he told Gomez about the queer vibe he got from those chicks.
And both ladies turned about to be lesbians!
Imagine how much the owner of the establishment would be proud of him, how his grandpapy would be proud of him.
His arrogant sneer framed by his squared jaw, licking his lips as his signature five o clock shadow lined his masculinity. Narrowing his much larger eyes, blowing a large-
And so the incredibly heterosexual reporter proclaimed, kicking back as his hard member came and came like the single retro business owner he was.
Slumping back in the afterglow, immersing in his heterosexuality like he always did past midnight as he-
Jolted up, zipped his trousers, and crossed his arms as his boomer rival barged in.
“Matt! Will ya keep it down?!”
“Shaddup Diego! As if you and your crusty balls didn’t jerk off for the third time this evenin’!”
Of course, they initiated their famous, tense, stare down at the other. The caucasian reporter remaining in his position as the hispanic lawyer made his way to the seat in front of him.
The two of them fought ever since they met. With Gomez being being really disapproving towards Johnson as a result.
The Chief’s colleague vouched for their grandson Johnson to be a part of the many businesses in the building, claiming he will be a value asset to his ‘conservative vision’.
Of course, Reporter Johnson was a prodigy. Being raised in the art of the press by his Grand-pappy, the ins and outs on the ‘black N white days’ without too much influence from the modern world.
It was no surprise that the chief, the owner of dis ere’ place, gave him an office of his own.
Even bypassing Attorney Gomez’s approval, who, besides being the prime defence lawyer against any allegations towards the property owner, was also the one who made the deciding vote on whether someone was able to rent an office in the Chief’s estate.
Of course, the idea of a man, over a decade younger, having this much influence in the building had ticked the hispanic boomer to his very core. And ever since then, it became a non-stop cycle of one upping the other.
“Listen Matty, you know how it goes as much as I do. We’re men and still single, we need women.”
Though despite their numerous arguments, over the years, they may never admit it...but when it comes to getting partners, they were both unfortunate enough to remain single this long.
In their late thirties and fifties respectively, flirting with ladies and getting rejected like some 50s comedy routine.
“Never understood how did some guys get married immediately after college...bunch of queers.”
“Agreed, especially for a hot rich lawyer such as myself, being single is definitely out of the equation.”
“Hey! Hey! You think the ladies care about an old man in a suit when a hot stud like me is around?”
“Not when you are far from tactical with your words! Besides, you should see how the women look at me when I walk down the hallway.”
“Oh yeah? Well Chicks can’t resist spankin’ my arse with every step!”
And so the argument continues, like almost every time they met. Like a married couple, except they were straight and talking about women women women.
And for some odd reason, because of this fact, despite their glaring differences in almost about everything. They knew they had each other’s back when it comes to this.
“Anyways...the owner said he’s found two ladies working in an office below us...and that they are not only interested in us...but-”
Taking out the photographs from the brown folder, in them were two gorgeous women that these straight men could not peel their eyes off. Like an alluring magnet of compatibility, that kind that they were unable to resist.
The left one definitely screamed the ‘mamacita’ that Diego desired. As he placed his matured palm over that photograph, red tints could be seen over his cheeks as he subconsciously licked his lips.
Of course, Matt’s hard on throbbed at the sight of the right chick. Like a lesbian who turned straight in front of his lens, the kind of Gal he would spend his life with, and for some reason he knew she would too.
“You in?”
Lawyer Diego Gomez folded his arms, but barely hid the incredible pheromones of attraction towards his lady. Sandwiching his manhood and rubbing it, desperately needing her immediately, closing his single case once and for all.
Reporter Matt Johnson mirrored the older male, and not wanting to admit it, is thirsting for that retro babe like the scoop of the century. He really desired for her...but he ain’t gonna show weakness in front of his rival! He was taking charge, hungry eyes blending in with a determined expression.
“You be my wingman this time Gomez, and you’ve got a deal.”
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Peter Parker x Fury!reader
warnings: gun
a/n: this is dumb
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You were tasked with keeping an eye on Peter at Midtown High after he had become Spider-Man. It was a harder mission than you thought it would be, though. You were adopted by Nick Fury when you were just a kid. A kid with super powers and a dangerous sense of being.
You weren’t used to being around people your own age. And the mixed bag of personalities really made you glad you didn’t go to school. You were shocked at the way some of these kids conducted themselves.
“Hey!” You looked to your side to see Peter sit beside you in the lab stool. “I’m Peter.” He introduces himself as he scooted up to the table. “Sorry to bother you, but you seem like down-to-earth person. You don’t talk much, but...” He hesitated and chuckled. The teacher had started his lesson, but you wouldn’t pay much attention, anyways.
“I’m y/n. It’s nice to meet you Peter.” You mimicked his mannerisms just like Auntie Nat had taught you. That’s how you make friends, right?
“Yeah, you too.” He tapped his pen against the table. “So, uh, what’s your favorite subject?”
“You’re great at small talk.” You joked.
“Miss l/n, I know you’re excited for your first day, but please pay attention to the lecture. You’re a bit behind.” The teacher interrupted your conversation.
“Yes, sir.” You smiled warmly and faced front.
“Wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?” Peter suggested.
“Sure, why not?”
You saw Peter waving to you from across the lunchroom, trying to grab your attention. You chuckled at his efforts and passed by each table of babbling students until you reached Peter’s.
“Guys, meet y/n. They’re new. That is all I know.” He introduced you to his friends, who you had already been debriefed on and knew everything you needed to know about them.
Elizabeth “Betty” Brant: School News Co-Anchor, Ned’s ex-girlfriend
Edward “Ned” Leeds: Peter’s best friend, occasional help
Eugene “Flash” Thompson: Social Media influencer, “Spider-Fan”
Michelle “MJ” Jones: Captain of Academic Decathlon team, ally to Spider-Man
But you played it off as if you’d never even heard of these people in your life. Not everyone was like you, they didn’t have all the knowledge about you the moment you met. Just put on a smile and act like you’re glad to meet them!
“Hi,” You waved awkwardly, “nice to meet you all.” You were suddenly very aware of how heavy your backpack was.
“Hi, y/n! I’m Ned!” He got up to shake your hand. “That’s Betty, Flash, and MJ.” He pointed to each one of them respectively and they each gave you a slight nod and wave. “So, what school did you come from?” He asked. You had rehearsed this.
“Albany High.” You scoffed and they all laughed.
“Gross! You’re better off here, anyways.” Flash winked.
“Aaanyways, why don’t you sit down and eat, huh?” Peter just made you aware that you were still grasping onto your lunch tray and standing in front of the table.
“Oh, wow, sorry. I’m not really thinking straight today.” You sat beside Peter and Betty got her camera out to take a picture of you two cracking jokes.
“Aw, you guys are so cute!” She commented and Peter’s face went red.
“Y/N, what are your thoughts on Spider-Man?” Flash asked with a huge grin that would have scared you if you weren’t a trained agent of SHIELD.
“Oh, uh, I’ve seen some videos of him around here. He seems pretty awesome, I hope to see him around sometime.” You shrugged it off and turned back to Peter. You actually didn’t hope to see him without a mask on because Tony’s AI would recognize you quick and your cover would be blown. You’d met Spider-Man under your alter-ego before, though.
“I bet you will! We’ve seen him a lot. I found out he follows me on Instagram!” Flash started gushing about Spider-Man, which you expected.
“So, y/n, have you gotten to see much of the city yet?” Peter got your attention once more.
“No, not really.” You shook your head and went back to eating.
“I’d love to show you around!” He exclaimed a bit too excitedly. You straighted your posture and felt as if everyone was watching you. “Sorry, I came on a little strong there. How about after school I can show you a little bit of the city. If you would like.” He rephrased.
“I wouldn’t be opposed.” You answered with a sly little smirk that Peter couldn’t resist.
You’d been undercover for two months and Peter still hadn’t figured out who you really were. Occasionally, the two of you would run into each other during patrol. It wasn’t anything too special, but there were a few notable team ups.
You and Peter made it a daily thing to sit next to each other in the cafeteria and chat. He was sweet and you were happy that you were forced into this mission. Nick Fury works wonders, hm.
The static murmurs of the cafeteria came to a quick halt, then turned into an uproar as everyone turned their attention to the TV. The news was on and there was an attack taking place. You turned your attention back to Peter as he slowly got up from his seat.
“I need to go to the bathroom. Don’t come looking for me if I’m gone for a while. Ate a food truck burrito last night.” Peter rushed off and you knew exactly what was about to go down.
“What was that about?” Betty asked.
“Don’t know. I’ll go check on him.” You went off and got suited up. You had to figure out who was conducting these attacks in New York. Peter shouldn’t have to do it alone.
You made your way to Peter’s location and hopped on the intercoms.
“Hey, Spider, you miss me?” You flew by and gave him a little salute.
“Took you long enough.” He caught up to you and met you on a rooftop.
“Any ideas on who’s to blame for this one?” You watched as a few robots flew by and blasted buildings. The sound of windows shattering gave you a headache. “Wait...”
“What?” The eyes in his mask squinted.
“Those are prototypes Tony created some years back. Who could be controlling them now?” You asked rhetorically.
“Ultron?” Peter mumbled.
“Ultron was destroyed, Spidey. There’s a person behind this. Someone who has access to Stark Tech.” You tried to rationalize the situation.
“There was a guy I fought in the UK! Mysterio, he had partners. What if one of them still has access to Stark’s tech?” He asked the suit.
“Not Unlikely.” You shrugged and took another look at the situation. “We need to do something quick.” You stated the obvious.
“Got a plan?” He asked you and his suit at the same time. Neither of you could answer at first.
“Okay, I could get to one of Tony’s old labs if we could steal one of the robots. I’ll be able to track him to the source.” You told Peter and he got right to work. You followed soon after and both worked to retrieve a lightly damaged robot. It wasn’t as easy as it sounded.
“Hey, I got one!” Spider-Man told you over the comms.
“Great! Sending the lab location to you now. Meet me there.” You instructed.
“Peter?” His suit AI interjected. “I recognize y/v/n’s voice from somewhere.” She told him.
“Oh, yeah? Where’s that?” He asked as he swung through the city with a robot corpse under one of his arms.
“School, Peter. It’s y/n. Only y/n’s last name is not l/n. It’s Fury. I believe Mr. Fury erased their information from our server, but Mr. Stark had plenty of backups.” His AI informed him. Peter stopped swinging and stopped at a nearby rooftop to process this.
“You coming, Spidey? Starting to get worried.” You were already good to go in the lab.
“Oh, uh, yeah! Right behind you!” He swung to your location and tried to be calm about this newfound knowledge. The city was loud, he couldn’t quite calm down.
“You alright, kid?” You snapped Peter out of his daze. “Any injuries?”
“No, no. I’m good.” Peter set the robot down and you got to work. “So, y/v/n, do you go to school?” He asked.
“What?” You didn’t look away from your work.
“Like, do you go to high school or college?” He asked again.
“We’re getting into personal territory, Spider-Boy.” You laughed off his questioning and continued your tracking. “Almost there...aaaand...got it!” You turned around to see a visibly frustrated Spider-Man.
“Spidey, you’re pacing. What’s the deal? Why are you asking questions like that.” You started to giggle. “Wait...is this a desperate attempt to flirt with me?” His Spider-eyes went wide.
“What?! Are you kidding me?” Peter walked towards you, getting extremely close. “You lied to me.” He whispered.
“Huh?” You said in a normal tone, which only upset him more.
“You lied to me,” he repeated, “y/n.” Your eyes went wide underneath your mask and you studdered. “We have to go. Now.” He looked at the screen to get to coordinates, then left you in the dust. Your cover was blown, you had honestly never planned for this. Your dad had taught you how to be careful, this was the first time anyone had figured it out on their own. “Are you coming?” He asked bluntly over the comms.
“Yeah, I’m coming.” You answered as if you were unbothered. You know, like dad had taught you. You caught up to Peter and barely said a word to his as he swung about the city. “We’re here. Sublevel three. I’ll go in headfirst as a distraction, I need you to shut the program down.” You instructed him.
“I don’t take orders from you.” He grumbled.
“Spider-Man.” You snarled.
“Fine.” He snuck in the side of the building and you walked right through the front doors. “Let me know when you’re ready.” He told you. You walked down the three flights of stairs and straight into the office that William Ginter Riva was hiding in. You kicked the door in and he spun around in his chair, absolutely horrified.
“Shut it down, asshole.” You got distracted by all of the targets listed on his screens. You were really off today. It was getting bad. You didn’t even realize Riva was pointing a gun at you. Peter was watching it all play out through the vents, and he knew Riva was about to pull the trigger. He kicked out the vent and took Riva down. You let go of your breath and stared at Peter, absolutely in shock. You thought this was it for you.
“C’mon. Let’s shut it down.” He began typing on the computer and rebooting systems to terminate. The bots all began destroying each other. At the count of three, you shut it down at the same time and sent the program to self-destruct.
“We gotta get out of here.” You grabbed Peter by the wrist and led him out through your original entrance. As soon as you left the building, Peter took off, leaving you amongst the rubble of the city. You sighed and kicked a piece of robot. “Guess I better get back to the school.”
A quick change in costume and a little cleanup, good as new. No visible bruising, didn’t smell like straight-up sweat, and back to civilian clothes. Well, student clothes. You snuck back into the school and explored the empty hallways. There was a slight echo in each step, but you heard another echo, as well. Shit, if it’s a teacher, you’re going to need a pretty amazing cover story.
A student came around the corner and you both stopped in your tracks. It was Peter! You each looked a little relieved to see each other, but not very. Peter stomped over to you, yet you just stood right there. There you both were, standing in the middle of the hallway.
“I can’t believe you.” He spoke low. “How could you lie to me for so long? I trusted you and I trusted y/v/n and you both let me down.”
“Peter, this is a mission. I had no choice.” You placed your hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you the truth, I really am. There are so many times that I would have, but I have a job to do.”
“We both do. It’s our job to protect.” He pointed out. “You’re not protecting anyone by lying.”
“Peter, my mission was to protect you. Before Tony died, he gave my dad, Nick Fury, a message asking him to keep an eye on you. I’m the eye.” You admitted. Peter’s expression softened and his lips parted slightly as he put everything together. “Are you okay?” You asked. He pulled you into a hug and you weren’t quite sure what to do at first, but you hugged him back.
“I’m...sorry I freaked out there.” He pulled away and rubbed the back of his neck. You each heard footsteps coming from around the corner and quick thinking led to him opening the janitor’s closet and pulling you inside with him. It was a little crammed. It was actually very crammed. You and Peter stood face to face, about three inches apart.
“Hey.” You chuckled.
“Hi.” Peter chuckled back. You two completely ignored the footsteps for a minute and just stared into each other’s eyes.
“Enjoying the view?” You tried to cut the tension, which kind of worked? Peter didn’t answer for a moment, but instead he leaned in and kissed you. Yes, next to all of the cleaning supplies. You didn’t pull away, you didn’t want to pull away. You realized that this is what you’ve wanted for a while, you just didn’t know because it had never happened before. Peter pulled away.
“I’m sorry, was that okay?” He turned red in the face. You grabbed his face and kissed him again, a little more passionate than last time. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you did this for a while. Yes, in the janitors closet. It was a day to remember.
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