#i really did this
genericsseall · 11 months
when i was younger i had one of those "literally just a color swap of a pre-existing character" ocs and it was for the fishmen from lisa the painful
memories not too good but it looked something like this
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scorpio-marionette · 2 months
A Conversation about Feet
Am I writing this because I saw one of our mutuals post about the cleanliness of fictional characters' feet?
Yes, yes I am.
Do I feel awkward or ashamed to be talking about said fictional feet?
No, no I do not.
Aren't feet weird and gross?
To some, but not all.
That's why this cold open is going to serve as your
Trigger Warning: Feet below the cut
@avastrasposts this one is for you, love 👍🏼
In this conversation I'm going to first rank and then explain the cleanliness of each man's feet. I'm first going to cover the basics, and by that I mean the most well known of the Pascal Punks (my nod to artist Rickie Yagawa)
Frankie - Average
The military doesn't leave you with much time to take extensive care of one's self, and civilian life doesn't provide much instruction as to how. The most Frankie does is trim his nails as needed, maybe soak them in some hot water with Epsom salt for when they start to hurt, and lotion to prevent cracking.
Dave - Above Average
This is a man with a guilty pleasure for pedicures. You see, after marrying his wife and conceiving their first child, Carol constantly needed a foot massage for her aching feet. Dave, being the loving husband he is, decided that a spa day would be great for her. He had intended for it to be a little getaway for her but she requested his presence. One of the treatments happened to be a pedicure. At first he was apprehensive about someone touching his feet, but after feeling so much better from the accompanying massage and soak he loved it. Now, it's his zen time after a particularly difficult mission so that he can properly compartmentalize his trauma.
Marcus P - Above Average
Surely you must know that Special Agent Pike is a stickler for good self care. You should be eating right, exercising, and generally giving your body what it needs. It's how you stay in the game. It's also how you get into weird fads about skin care. Dry, cracking skin on your feet? Use this weird thing that oddly looks like a cheese grater. It'll be fine! Yeah, no. Marcus has tried just about everything to take care of his feet, what with the amount of walking he does. And while he knows he isn't always going to be chasing the bad guys, he does want to be able to keep up with any little ones he'll have down the line. So Marcus is the who finds the best lotions and soaks for your feet.
Javier - Average
After years chasing down drug lords and returning home to work on the ranch, Peña has learned the hard way that if you don't take care of your feet you're screwed (and not in the preferred way). But he's not irredeemable. After the first shot of pain through his foot, Chucho showed his son how to care for cracked heels using aloe vera to heal and Epsom salt baths for the pain later. Now the bottle of lotion in his room is used for what it was originally intended for.
Max L - Below Average (due to circumstances)
Having grown up in a less than supportive environment, Max is going to develop some issues later down the road due to poor care and shoes while growing up. While he's going to try his hardest to keep it clean and presentable, even going as far as painting his toe nails to look more natural, he's still going to face problems. Some will be fixable, others will be permanent, but for the sake of everyone I won't go into too much detail as to what he could get.
Dieter - Above Average
This trash panda will whine and moan and fight you every inch if you tell him that he has to get out of his hole (take that term as you will) to go to his appointment at the nail salon for his regular pedicure. He'll complain and pout and swear up and down that he doesn't want to go. "Why do I even have these appointments?! It's not like anyone is looking at them! I should cancel these appointments!" And then the second he's there and in the chair - gone. Out like a light. Best sleep he's gotten in weeks that isn't drug induced. It is the most peaceful and relaxed you could or would ever see him.
Din - Terrible
Given Din's life style I don't think he has much time for general self care, let alone specifically foot care. His feet probably reek with how little air time they get. If they're not already deformed they're going to be if he doesn't take his shoes off more often. And don't get me started on sweat accumulation. 🤢
Marcus M - Above Average (Girl Dad for the win)
Being a parent is hard. Being a single parent is even harder. But being a super parent that just so happens to be single is super hard! You've got to save the world AND figure out how to explain that random bleeding your daughter is experiencing is totally normal. Luckily for Moreno, his daughter is growing up fantastic and even teaching her dad a few tricks. With Missy insisting on fact checking every fad the internet throws at her (as her father would want because we don't take things at face value in this house), she's rooted out the fakes and misconceptions, leaving only the most realistic treatments. What's great is that doing them together double as bonding time when he's tied up with work.
Ezra - Disgusting (Sorry)
Sir, how long have you been on that planet? No no, how long have you been in that suit? You know what? I don't want to know. Don't tell me, I'll just puke.
Jack - Average/Below Average
This man is a man's man, a man don't get pedicures. That's the thing you take your girl to, not yourself. Hell, Jack doesn't even use lotion on the rest of his body. What makes you think he uses it one his feet? He showers like everybody else. He deals with the pain when it hurts. He does the bare minimum and that's it.
Javi - Immaculate
One time, when Javi was a teenager, he won a trip to LA where he would get a "Hollywood Make Over". The sweepstakes was intended for girls though they still left it open for anyone, but you can imagine that some were surprised to see a boy show up excited for a facial. Javi was of course hoping to run into Nicolas Cage, but while he didn't meet his hero he did learn the power of the pumice stone. Swimming in chlorinated water and the Mediterranean can dry out your skin. Being able to buff away the dryness safely is a must have, and with the money Javi has access to you know he isn't getting the cheap lava rock.
Joel - Below Average (potentially getting worse)
The world has ended. The fugus is among us. Ain't nobody got time to leisurely soak their feet. Joel knows this, he ain't happy about it, but he's made peace with it. He does what he can with what he's got. Trading for what he doesn't. Aloe is good for your feet, but the material aloe infused socks are made of don't last like others do. So with some help from Frank, he learned how to "infuse" aloe into his regular socks to help during long activities (like crossing the country for a kid you just met).
Max P - Immaculate
I'd like to think that if you're the undead you don't suffer the same issues as the living do. You don't age. You don't change. However that would mean you're invulnerable. And then that would mean you could never die. That's not true as we've seen [insert reference gif of Max exploding here]. Be who knows? Perhaps it's the trivial things in life that immortals have no qualms with. And if you don't sweat you won't stink up your feet.
Pero - Disgusting (Not Sorry)
He's gone months without shaving. I think he'll go the same amount of time if it means saving gold. And yet I would also like to think that should this man not only live long enough to find a woman to love, but a woman willing to marry him, the first thing that woman would insist on is a bath. Even if she has to shove him into the river to get her point across. She'd make home made soap with dried fruit and flowers. Anything to get him (and especially his feet) to smell better. She'd even toss his old leathers and shoes if they smelled terrible.
Oberyn - for modern times? Average. For Westeros? Above Average.
Our beloved prince has been everywhere feasible while also trying everything possible in those places. And you can bet that for every conquest our prince has had, he's learned an equal number of life hacks. For example, in the brothels of the North then women are famed for their persistently soft skin. A trade secret made during the last winter. Oberyn managed to get secret out of one of his companions for the evening and uses it himself to keep him too condition for his lovers. Of course, Oberyn also has a fine collection of scented oils from all over Essos as well.
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cherry-pop-elf · 5 months
Tall Glass Of Wine
A Víctor Gridley x Reader
You knew you shouldn’t, but you just couldn’t resist. Daniel is going to kill you when he finds out, but isn’t that risk thrilling?
18+, Reader is a finale year student so 18, P in V, Technically underage drinking-? Older man younger reader, Daddy Kink, Rough play, Breeding, semi public, French 🫢
Gift for Anonymous 😘
Commissions Open
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He was so going to kill you. Daniel was going to scream, and probably throw his cauldron at you. You couldn’t help it. Victor was just….He was different. He was, since he didn’t just kill you. So that says something! Right? Oh who knows. It’s your final year at Hogwarts. You are a grown adult. Live a little, and living you did.
Here you were. You were tucked tightly in your warm cloak, and sneaking off from the castle. In the dead of night, with the wind licking at your cheeks. Off to Hogsmeade. Late into the winter night, and not having any regrets. Yet, anyway. As if worse things haven’t been done by Hogwarts students anyway.
With your shoes clicking on the frozen cobblestone, you would walk through the eerie silent street. Despite all the Christmas lights, it felt so quiet. You were just waiting for something to jump you. A shake of your head, and you breathed. No one is going to jump you. Renka is just being an annoying bitch for that.
After a moment of looking, you found it. That little carriage he used for his base of operations. You took in a deep breath, and let the winter air fill your lungs. You were really doing this, huh? Life’s short, live a little. Walking up the small wooden steps, you would soon knock on the door. It’s like you could feel his confusion through the wood.
“Who’s knocking at my door at a time like this-?” You heard through the barrier, as you huddled tighter into your cloak. Waiting with a mixture of eagerness, and fear. Fear of what everyone will think and say. You wanted to leave, but your feet were lead. You remained, as the door opened.
“Oh, well there is a sight. If it isn’t Daniel’s little friend.” His smile was a mile wide, and you could tell there was confusion in his eyes. Why were you here? He would expect Daniel, or one of his closed companions. Not you. Had him curious. Curious enough to let you come inside his home.
In you went, and hung up your cloak. Now exposed in your pajamas. Showing this was truly a spur of the moment deal. That had him ever more curious now, as he was soon standing behind his desk. While you yourself already found a seat across from it. As if it was only natural.
“You aren’t here to talk about Danny boy, aren’t you?” He puzzled, as you would gently shake your head. “Nor about the underground-?” Another shake. “….What are you here for then, little mouse?” He questioned, as you wondered how to word it right. What to say next? The truth?
“You….in general.” You sheepishly admitted, which just had his eyes light up. Something made your heart sing at that. That you made him excited. That it was you that did that. How he seemed almost caught off guard. He would quickly clear his throat, before he laughed.
“Keeping this old man company? I shouldn’t be a terrible host. I’ll poor you a drink.” He said, as you felt relief. That wasn’t a rejection. Yeah, you are a bit on the younger side. But it wasn’t like he was being a creep. The fact he was surprised you went through this effort proved it. You were still an adult, and you know what you are doing.
“Have a preference?” He asked you, as he opened the cabinet. “I’ve never drunk wine before, so not really.” You admit, as he nodded. “Then I better not give you the good stuff. Wouldn’t be responsible now would it?” He chuckled, as a glass of wine was soon floating your way. Quick to be caught in your fingers, and admired. It’s wine. Smells like wine, looks like wine, and tastes like it. You’ve had worse, but you sure won’t drink it on your own.
“Pardon, but I find it hard to believe you would just come here on free will.” He admits, as he walked over. Wine in his own hand. “I wasn’t actually going to do anything to her. Even I have lines I do not cross. A bluff is a bluff. He’s a child. As if he would be able to tell.” He scoffed, as he really didn’t seem like he was catching your to subtle hints. Guess you needed to be a bit more brave. Down the hatch the wine went, for some liquid courage. Given liquid luck wasn’t around.
“I truly do mean it. It isn’t about Daniel, Esme, any of them. Nor am I interested in the Underground. I’m not here for anything of that nature. I’m here…..” You took a deep swallow, as Victor rose a brow. Taking his own slow sip. “For you-“ And now it was a choke. He quickly set his glass down, and brought a hand to his mouth. As to not start coughing.
“Pardon-?” He just had to ask. Can’t blame him. Catches him rather off guard. Especially given what happened hardly a month ago. “You have issues…..Quite a few-“ He even added, as that had your face burn. He’s right, but still! You would cross your arms, but kept your eyes locked with his. That had him falter. You weren’t joking.
“My oh my, little mouse. Are you sure you know what you want?” His voice was slick, and you could feel it running down your spine. As if he was touching you with your words. “I’m an adult, of course I do.” You protested, as that had him click his tongue. Along with a cool laugh. Sounded rather pleased with himself, as your face burned more.
“So haughty and naughty.” He teases you, as he stepped closer. Your heart began to race, as he was now in your bubble. You could smell the rich cologne on his skin, and the expensive fabric of his dress suit. He smelled as rich as he looked, while you were just a humble student at Hogwarts.
“I always knew Daniel would make sure to keep with the right crowd-“ He whispered, as his gloved hand would soon hold your chin. A smooth thumb was brushing over your cheek, as he admired you. “You are so sinful, but in ways that I didn’t expect. I never was one for surprises, but I suppose I’ll make an exception.” He carried, as he was soon forcing you to stand.
You just felt so weightless in his grasp. Like you were nothing more than a feather, and he was the wind. Making you move in every shape or way he could. To try and get you to bend in just the right way. Just what you were hoping for.
His thumb would brush over your lips, and you couldn’t help but feel your eyes flutter closed. Just melting into his calculated touch. The soft fabric was feeling so nice on your chilled skin. You couldn’t help but crave for more. Seemed like he wasn’t one to refuse your needs, as he was guiding you somewhere. You didn’t know where, but you obediently followed.
You were truly lost in a dream, as it didn’t feel like the world was real. You just wanted to ride the warmth, all the way to the sun rise. That warm and fuzzy feeling was soon snapped out of you, as your legs tripped. Right on his bed you were. Rather surprised to suddenly see yourself in a bed room at all. Right. Expansion charms. Like the on Mr. Weasley had in his shop.
“Little Sinner was finally done playing with the toys at Hogwarts. Ready for something that can actually scratch that itch. Hm?” He would tease you, as he took his hat off. Hey, it gets boring when you aren’t running for your life from whatever danger the school had. You needed to fill the time with something. Was kinda an open secret at Hogwarts. At any boarding school in the Wizard world.
“Maybe I just wanted a real man.” You tried to flirt back, but were quick to hide your blushing face. Since you saw him peeling off his dress coat. That had him laugh, as you were bashful. He found it utterly adorable, while you found it frustrating. You did, however, attempt to peek between your fingers.
The tattoos were a surprise. You didn’t know why you didn’t think he would have any. The scars were a given, that was the only thing you truly expected. Your face remained that sweet pink, as you looked him over. Flushed like you were still in the cold, as he would step closer. His hand quick to cup your face again.
“I do hope you know what you are signing up for. Do you understand what lies ahead?” He asked, which confused you a touch. Took a second, but you realized he was making sure he had his consent. In a means to not sound so mushy. Proved he wasn’t lying about what lines to cross. Had your chest feel warm, and a strange feeling a safety engulfed you. That this wasn’t going to be anything full of anxiety.
“Yes. I understand what lies ahead before me.” You would give a firm nod, as he mimicked the motion. He just let it hang in the air, for a moment. Waiting for you to retract the statement. When you didn’t, he was soon kissing you. Had your heart in your throat, as this was your smack of reality. You were really doing this. Oh Daniel is so going to murder you, if he ever found out. Guess it’ll stay your little secret. He’s a hypocrite for having so many himself.
It was time to enjoy yourself, as you tangled your fingers into his hair. He was soon pinning you down, as his free hand was sneaking under your sleep wear. Tracing all your curves and little imperfections on your skin. Having so much more skill than anyone you’ve slept with. Was already getting you excited. Truly a romance novel. Some crime lord was here to make you feel good.
Just like a dream, and you were lost in the clouds. And, like before, snapped back to reality when you realized you were now naked under him. Such skilled hands he had, as he kept your mind cloudy with kisses. You felt so vulnerable, yet you didn’t want to stop. You wanted to experience all he had to give you.
“Hm. No second thoughts-?” He puzzled, as his hand was soon feeling your inner thigh. You were biting your lip, as you avoided those cold eyes. “Define second thoughts, because I don’t believe a little Hogwarts student like me should be thinking what I am.” You admit, and you swore he growled in approval at what you said.
You gave a squeak, as your body was suddenly flipped. Your face was in the pillows, and your ass in the air. Just left as exposed as your body could allow. Your face was as red as the wine you shared. Left on full display for him. It was thrilling, as he just took full control so easily. Letting you just relax, and shut off your brain a bit.
“The safe word is Merlot. Repeat it.” He would order you, as you forced your face to lay on a cheek. Allowed you to speak. “Merlot.” You repeated, as a hand would run down your spine. “That’s a good Souris.” You didn’t know what that meant, but you assumed a nick name of sorts. Was it French? He’s French-?
Thoughts were cut short, as you felt his hand rubbing right over your ass. Giving it a hard squeeze, and making you moan. He wasn’t treating you like glass, and that was nice. This wasn’t some guy who still liked at WitchWeekly to get off. He actually had sex. Had you excited, and he could tell. You could hear him chuckle, as a pair of fingers rubbed over your slit.
“I didn’t even do anything yet.” He would mock, as that had your face so flushed. Especially when he kept rubbing his fingers over. Knowing all your right spots, without even trying. How he would apply pressure right on your clit, while his fingers went inside of you. Pressing right at that soft spot, and leaving you gasping.
“Didn’t know that was a spot, did you?” He keeps on his teasing, as you tried to hide. “Oh don’t do that. I want to hear how damn good I can breed you.” He warned, as you slowly turned your head again. So he could see your face, and hear your whines. “That’s a good little mouse. Make sure Daddy hears you.” He said, as he pulled his fingers away.
That’s when you felt it. The tip of his cock. You bit your lip, as you felt it rub right against you. Spreading you, before sinking inside. Your eyes fluttered, as your insides were being stretched. Your fingers tangled into the sheets, as you tried to keep your eyes straight. It just filled so much of your body. You felt like you were being impaled, in all the best ways.
“Taking it so well. That’s what I like.” He praises you, as a hand was firm on your hip. The other was feeling over your ass, before suddenly giving a sharp spank. That had you squeak, and him laughing. Before you could say anything, he was pulling back. Pulling, before snapping his hips into yours.
Everything was a blur, as he was soon fucking you deep into his bed. You felt like he was trying to slam his cock into your throat. He was being so rough, and it was such a pallet cleanser. How he would spank you whenever you weren’t being loud enough for him. Your whole body was lost in tingles, and utter bliss.
“Come on, moan for daddy!” He demanded, as he was making sure a hand print was left behind. “Oh Daddy~!” You choked out, and that earned you his fingers working at your clit. You swore you were going to sob from the pleasure of it all. It was all so much. Your body was burning from the inside out.
“Tell Daddy what you want-!” He demanded, as your eyes were watering. “I want you to put your damn babies in me-!” You said, before your brain even proceeded what it said. Yeah. Maybe you really did have some daddy issues. Oh well. Not like anyone will know what happened in here.
“Oh tu es sale~!” You had zero idea what that meant, but you were pretty sure your brain was too far gone to even comprehend anyway. You were just wanting to cum so badly, and it seemed you wouldn’t have to wait for long. Your body was just to close, and your soul felt like it would leave your body. Especially at the next feeling.
No warning at all, as he fulfilled your request. He came inside of you. The warmth that flooded your core pushed you right over the edge. You swore the pleasure was too much, and you might have blacked out. It was just truly hitting an itch you didn’t know you had. It was such bliss, as your body shook. Soon to slump on the bed, and relax.
When your eyes opened, you found yourself back in your dorm. Was that just all one big dream? Couldn’t be, right? That had you huff, as you wished it wasn’t. As you sat up, it seemed your wish was granted. Your ass was hurting like hell, and your throat ached. How did he get you here?
As you looked around, you noticed a note on top of your folded cloak. Neat, and proper. Your hand would grab it, and you would open it up. Using the sunrise from outside to guide you over the paper. It even smelled like his earthy cologne.
“I certainly had a wonderful time with you, little mouse. You are welcomed back any time. My door is always open for you. Sincerely yours, Victor Gridly.”
That had your heart fluttering. Now, the real question for this morning. How were you going to ask Daniel for a Plan B potion, without explaining to him why you need it? Oh boy. What a way to start your morning. And maybe a way to start tomorrow morning as well. Sorry Daniel…..
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eatsleepfortrepeat · 6 months
Walked across the sand dunes of the Sahara for 40 days and 40 nights, with nothing but a pack of newports and a fifth of Henny, I really do this shit.
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fiinagle-a-bagel · 1 year
Bitches be like omg listen to this song it’s gonna change your life and then play chop suey… it’s me I’m bitches
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rars · 1 year
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Jojo Comics. For E
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dumbistsmartass · 10 months
Just put a fish next to my dads head while he’s sleeping
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maxwellendowed · 1 year
30 Day Hugh Grant Challenge ✨
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Oh hey Huge Mungo Grant ;) Yeah Yeah I made a 30 day challenge thing for my new GOD WHY obsession. AND YES I KNOW there's thirty ONE days in July, just shut up. I get a free day somewhere, and depending on if when other's want to do it, they can choose February if they want. SHUSH. Anyway, yeah here's this:
Day 1: Favorite photoshoot Day 2: Funniest Scene Day 3: Saddest Scene Day 4: Most Attractive character Day 5: Who are you least like Day 6: Who are you most like Day 7: Favorite costar Day 8: Favorite kiss Day 9: Favorite rom com Day 10: Favorite villain character Day 11: Favorite movie soundtrack Day 12: Guilty pleasure movie of his Day 13: Movie that disappointed you the most Day 14: Favorite quote Day 15: Movie everyone should watch Day 16: last movie you watched Day 17: first pic in your phone Day 18: first gif in your phone Day 19: first movie you remember seeing Day 20: Favorite movie Day 21: Least Favorite Movie Day 22: Favorite Character in general Day 23: Least Favorite Character Day 24: movie you never get tired of Day 25: Favorite interview Day 26: Favorite award monologue Day 27: out of the 3 films that were nominated for an Oscar (the remains of the day, four weddings and a funeral, or sense & sensibility) which one should have won the Oscar and why? Day 28: Favorite 80s movie? Day 29: Favorite Guy Richie movie? Day 30: Favorite quote/scene that makes you feel hormonal even when you may not be?
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tagging some of my babes if they wanna do it with me 😈
@pixlerelish 🤷‍♂️
@this-is-a-username-i-think ❤
@look-at-those-niceass-rocks 😏
@stxrshxpxd 💖
And y'all can do with this as you may, thanks for putting up with me! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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adarkstrangeartist · 1 year
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Just took a quiz and figured y’all should see what the public high schools are teaching nowadays!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 27 days
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License to Kitty.
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anthonycrowley · 7 months
the blog killing axolotl is one of my favorite things that has ever happened on this website because talking about it afterwards sounds like an inside joke or perhaps a prank. like always be on the lookout for the blog killing axolotl. he can kill your blog. it happened to me once trust me.
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ot3 · 8 months
i dont like the idea that kids these days are doing their fandom rps with ai chatbots. that's how you're supposed to make lifelong friends as a weird really online teen.
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agentperezbian · 20 days
I'm curious. Tag this with your sexuality and what your favorite M/F ship is.
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redsray · 4 months
the funniest part of any Robin meeting the JL is that every Robin is so distinctly different from the previous one in terms of personality and vibes that the league literally gets backlash. and like, I don't blame them. not to mention that they are non-meta children that dress as a traffic light and fight crime alongside batman in gotham on a nightly basis. i'd also be a bit concerned. Batman, literally The Night of Gotham personified in the League's eyes, coming into a JL meeting: This is Robin, my crime-fighting partner. 11-year-old Dick Grayson, dressed in the brightest primary colours possible, vaguely hidden murder behind those eyes, never stops moving even for a moment: Hi! Superman: That's a child. That's-- Bats that is a child. You let a child--? Batman, deadpan: You try to stop him. Would you rather he try and murder a grown man with a wire?
Batman: This is Robin. 12-year-old Jason Todd, with the biggest grin on his face, about 3 books in his hand, stars in his eyes and a distinct street-kid drawl: Hey!!! Green Lantern: That's ... that's a different child. What?? Jason: I stole his tires :) Batman: Tried to. Jason, stage whispering to the League: basically did. Green Lantern: that is a different kid, right?? I'm not seeing shit??
Batman: This is Robin. 14-year-old Tim Drake, bo staff clutched in his hand, a wary and tired expression on his face, more on the quiet side, the literal walking definition of don't judge a book by it's cover: hello Flash: Where do you even find these-- Tim: I found myself.
Batman: This is Robin. 17-year-old Stephanie Brown, literally blonde, with a shit-eating grin, eyes full of nothing but mischief and the most explosive personality you've ever seen: hiya!! Superman: I give up. Stephanie: I know, I have that amazing effect on people.
Batman: This is Robin. 13-year-old Damian Wayne, a literal wet cat that will hiss at you, has a sword, the most judgemental stare you'll get from a teenager, ready to jump anyone there: Green Lantern: WHY DOES HE HAVE A SWORD?! Batman: ... he came with the sword.
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ciderbird · 5 months
academic bias is so funny because you’ll be reading about the same historical event and one person is like “Despite the troubles that befell his homeland and near constant criticism of the court King Blorbo remained strong in the face of adversity” and the other one is like “after letting his people carry the brunt of his cringefail decisions Blorbo the Shitface refused to listen to any reason and continued to be a warmongering piece of shit. Also he was ugly.”
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captainjonnitkessler · 4 months
You know I used to think "tumblr's absolute refusal to actually engage with the Trolley Problem in favor of insisting that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is just a short-sighted idiot is really fucking annoying, but I guess it's not actually doing any harm".
Anyway that was before we asked tumblr at large to decide between "guy aiding a genocide but making progress elsewhere" and "guy who would actively and enthusiastically participate in a genocide and would also make everything else much, much worse for everyone elsewhere" and the response was that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and that anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is a short-sighted idiot.
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