#i tried to make it humourous
itsevanffs · 3 months
a lot of tag games
i'm just gonna combine them into one post because otherwise i think the next like 10 posts you see are all gonna be my tag games. below the cut etc etc
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so, first and foremost, @aglassroseneverfades tagged me in a get to know tag game:
Relationship status: proud cat owner. i'm committed
Favorite color: probably the colour of alana's eyes. or her nose. or her beans. but cardinal red is a close contender
Song stuck in my head: nothing in particular, but i've been listening to all of cam ostrom's stuff on repeat recently. also bought his first EP the second i found him haha
Favorite food: broccoli and camembert pie (quiche?) with cashews
Last song I listened to: another familiar window by cam ostrom
Dream trip: home
Last thing I googled: tumblr
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@raehb336 and @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger tagged me in a wip tag game:
post all the names of the files in your wip folder, no matter how obscure or ridiculous. ok. it says to tag someone for every wip but i don't think i can tag like 80 people and i honestly don't want to. i have these in alphabetical order based on fandom btw
FS: rewrite
GF: cat eyes
HP: 2.5
HP: a/b/o fic canon adjacent
HP: a/b/o fic sacred nests
HP: a/b/o fic teacher/student
HP: a/b/o incest for monsieur
HP: a/b/o incest scarves
HP: a/b/o laundry au
HP: a learning experience
HP: at the expense of the world
HP: audio fic
HP: blood in your mouth
HP: blood relations 6
HP: boogeyman au
HP: chav au
HP: childhood pictures
HP: cnpg
HP: crash & burn
HP: curfew
HP: doll au
HP: egg creature fic
HP: emd fic of fic
HP: enamoured
HP: eton au
HP: fae au
HP: favours
HP: forced fem au
HP: forcedpreg kidnapping au
HP: futuristic ABO au
HP: hold me down (fuck me up)
HP: hooker au
HP: icarus au
HP: incest au 20
HP: incest inf nc
HP: in the dark rewrite
HP: junkie au
HP: lucifer au
HP: maid au
HP: mamma mia au
HP: mirror au
HP: monastery au
HP: monastery au 2
HP: new politics
HP: oedipus fic
HP: oviparous
HP: ovipos intersex
HP: priest incest au
HP: priest au n
HP: rage, rage
HP: red riding hood au
HP: reverse a/b/o au
HP: robot au
HP: romeo & juliet au
HP: smart move
HP: snow white au
HP: songbird au
HP: stalker au
HP: storm & silence au
HP: swan lake au
HP: tentacles
HP: the darker the weather
HP: the mark upon your heart rewrite
HP: therapy au
HP: tomcest bar sex
HP: tomcest sr 6
HP: vampire au
HP: vee pov genfic
HP: vespertine rewrite
HP: violent resurrection fic
HP: vol de lys
HP: zombie a/b/o au
RG: lecture
SS: swallowing smoke
SV: cnc
SV: eggs
SV: final exam
SV: god's just sleeping
SV: jumper au
SV: slowly
SV: sugar
SV: the worst
SN: demon
and no, these aren't all my fics, they're literally just the ones marked wip. my total fic count reaches 169, because i keep track.
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@aglassroseneverfades tagged me in a picrew/uquiz combination, so that's going here:
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i don't know if i 100% agree with the quiz but i do like taking care of people, up to a point. beyond that you're on your own, though i can help take care of some of the cleanup.
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@toast-ranger-to-a-stranger tagged me in seven sentence sunday, which is good timing on my part because it is in fact sunday:
Mr O’Hara hums. “You like the rain?” “I don’t like-like it,” Miles begins, then changes his mind. “Well, I like it when I’m inside. Not when I’m stuck in a downpour in the middle of nowhere.” “I don’t think Brooklyn counts as the middle of nowhere.” “I live outside the boundaries of human norms.”
that's seven, right?
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@aspengray tagged me in a 'get to know' tag game:
3 ships you like: miguel o'hara/miles morales, tomarrymort, and uhh the christian grey/anna steele dynamic i invented in my head. they're cute i like em
first ship ever: god. uh. that depends because it's either bella/edward from twilight, or it's... wait no it is just bella and edward, winx... wait no i watched it in dutchl. so yeah either bella/edward or bloom and that teacher guy from season 2 or three. jesus christ what was his deal. he was hot though
last song you heard: i see you by cam ostrom (it changed because i have spent like an hour on this already)
favourite childhood book: twilight
currently reading: the witcher blood of elves by andrzej sapkowski
currently watching: i don't watch series or tv but i'm always in the mood for a rewatch of spider-man across the spiderverse
currently consuming: water with syrup
currently craving: nothing. i just ate soup
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@moontearpensfic, @atredys and @goldenzingy46 tagged me in 10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags, to which i have no context but i just assume you pick your favourite of each fandom:
voldemort - harry potter
miguel o'hara - spider-man: across the spiderverse
rikkard ambrose - storm & silence
john winchester - supernatural
bill cipher - gravity falls
rosalie cullen - twilight
geralt - the witcher
sans - undertale
jim - the jrasl original fiction universe
me - irl
in no particular order. i ran out of actual fandoms i like about 5 entries in so forgive me for cheating. link to jrasl for context though, jim is actually a fictional character and i want him to crack me like a glowstick
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@alittlebitofharrypotterinmylife tagged me with yet another get to know tag game, but a different one from the previous two:
last song: crossing the bridge by ólafur arnalds
favourite colour: prussian blue
currently reading: sources on extra virgin olive oil
sweet/savoury/spicy: spicy all the way tbh. i have been craving the burn
relationship status: single
current obsession: miguel o'hara's scrumptious tits. have you SEEN his chest. apparently we were deprived of additional ass which is a travesty but he's still so big that i had to seriously reevaluate my previous love for twinks the second i saw him
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erm yeah. sources for the images used as text breaks are all me. moi. follow me on @itsevansart or whatever, do what you want. i am so glad i am caught up. i think. maybe i missed a few but we'll see <3
thanks for the tags though! this year has been brutal but i'm so glad it'll be december soon and we can all get a well deserved break. what do you mean check the calendar? what's a calendar?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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This was home.
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beaulesbian · 4 months
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Nico Robin in One Piece ep. 1094
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
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1 : Soap never had any idea that woman wanted him carnally, he's not the most observant on that front (he never noticed Ghost flirting with him and thought his love was one-sided for the longest time, but tbf Ghost was also very discreet about it)
2 : He sewed the hat, eyepatch and hook himself, because he's the best uncle and then got distracted as he was wrapping it up, so now he's watching a tutorial on youtube about how to build a voice box. Honestly how hard could it be, he builds explosive devices as a hobby (listen, Price doesn't have to know)
3 : He is out to his family, but doesn't want his mum to know he has a boyfriend because he knows she'll insist on meeting him and welcoming him to the family and making a big deal out of this, and he knows that Ghost isn't ready for that.
4 : Christmas is obviously a very hard time for Ghost, but he is very very in love with Soap and some days still can't believe that it's mutual, but then his Johnny does something like that and his head gets quieter while he's melting a bit.
5 : For the people that didn't see my other post : the bird is a Caique parrot, and they're supposedly very energetic, a bit loud, medium sized, unintelligible, very friendly to what they consider their family, adventurous and danger prone, with an explosive personality and a hate of boredom, so basically the adhd bird.
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juniperika · 7 months
not me shamelessly advertising my own fics part2
Nobody Told You How to Unfold Your Love (21102 words) by KindOfASorcerer
The war is over and there is a romance novel going around Coruscant. Everyone seems to be convinced it's based on Cody and Obi-Wan.
I still can't sum it up better than this, so I'll just share a few memes (they're very silly but won't spoil the story):
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(rest under the cut)
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And this one isn't mine but it fits:
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princeconsortroad · 6 months
Whatever you do, don't think about how, in Alex, Henry has a safe person, an interested person, an amused person and a person he loves and who loves him back to rant about Byron's poetry to 🥺
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gourde · 5 months
Just to clarify, I don't hate Palworld just cause it's clear a fair amount of the designs are stolen assets/AI generated, it's also cause it's got racist adjacent content. That bothers me the most, really. And also people saying "It isn't confirmed that the designs are AI generated" when ummm. Just look at them. There is near no thought put into them with random little "bits" slapped onto them for detail. It's just marketable. That or they steal fan designs. Also the developers previous projects include NFTs and unfinished games, one of which being a BOTW clone. Like IDK the game may be fun but I wouldn't want to support it at all???? I don't get people ignoring all this just cause it's "fun" and 4chan levels of edgy.
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bluespring864 · 3 months
rafole and fedal posting selfies that get over one million likes novandy could never 😃
Nah, Novandy is for people with real taste, not for the masses ;-)
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camels-pen · 11 months
got inspired by a fic i read the other day, but didn't quite hit the right spots for me so. time to write out a new wip idea
The concept of that fic really grabbed me - Jason and Tim having a bodyswap the same day Jason wakes up in his coffin, at a point after Tim had already visited Bruce and Alfred with his insistence that Batman needed a Robin - but for what I was thinking, by the time Jason convinces Bruce and Alfred of who he is, Tim's already started to dig himself out of the coffin. And when the three of them show up at the cemetery, the grave's empty.
Tim would be catatonic and go through much of the same stuff canon Jason went through before being found and dunked in the Pit. He'd end up enduring the whole League of Assassins shtick that canon Jason went through while at the same time Jason is dealing with Tim's regular person life. Both of them struggled a bit trying to imitate the other, but they managed- Tim with not much issue considering no one in the LoA was close to Jason, and Jason trying to manage Janet Drake's clearly growing concern every time he slips up.
Like, imagine Tim, desperately trying to imitate what he knows of Jason from watching Robin on the streets and seeing Jay in a few galas here and there. And one day, Talia tries to tell him he'd been quickly replaced to get him to finally listen and Kill Somebody/accept he was staying with the League until they deemed him fit to leave.
And Tim looks at a picture of himself, hanging around the front yard of Wayne Manor with Bruce, Alfred, and Dick. Another picture showing himself in an ill-fitting Robin uniform on a rooftop and seemingly getting lectured by Batman, who looms in front of him.
And he says "I'm not buyin' it."
Somehow convinces Talia that he's not convinced that the Tim in the photo (who is probably Jason and thank god, Tim was really worried about what happened to Jason's mind- or rather, his own body; he didn't actually consider Jason coming back to life until now) and she arranges a short trip for him to Gotham to see for himself.
Tim really struggles the next two days to keep up the Jason act, but he's pretty sure Talia and the others were just chalking it up to nerves at seeing his family again and the "newest addition".
When he finally gets to Gotham, he doesn't bother being stealthy. He doesn't have the skills- no matter how much Ra's and Talia's goons have been trying to beat it into him- and even if he did, he doubted he'd be able to sneak away from his own teachers that were stalking him from the shadows.
So he does his best to be casual. Walks straight towards Wayne Manor, and when he can actually start to hear his assassin stalkers the tiniest bit as he approaches the gate- a sign they're getting really restless- he decides now or never and bolts the rest of the way.
He thinks, if he had come sooner to Gotham, he would've tried fitting through the gaps in the bars- as if he was still 13 and small enough to fit- but as it is, Tim's spent 6 months in this body and he's not going to make that mistake.
Instead he slams a hand on the buzzer and says as fast as he can, "it's Tim! Tim Drake! There's assassins, open the gate!"
He has a heartstopping moment when nothing happens- when there's no answer and the ninjas are getting closer and closer and- And then it opens and Tim doesn't stop with his relief, he runs.
The door is opened not by Mr. Pennyworth, but by Bruce himself, a belt clipped around his waist, but entirely in sleepwear. He has something in his other hand and as he yells, "duck!" Tim can only think it's some kind of bomb and dives for the ground.
He was sort of right. It was a smoke bomb. He heard and smelled it hissing away behind him, and saw the cloud of smoke in his peripheral vision.
Bruce wasted no time running past him and barking, "Follow Alfred to the cave!" Tim took a moment to just breathe, feeling much more safe with Batman fighting to protect him. When Bruce looked back at him through a spot in the smoke, he yelled, "Go!"
Tim scrambled to obey, trying to run and stand and awkwardly doing both to get in the home. Mr. Pennyworth was just inside the foyer, out of sight of the windows, now that Tim noticed, and holding a shotgun.
He was also wearing a fluffy blue bathrobe and fuzzy pink bunny slippers.
Tim blinked. "Uhhh,"
"Come along, Master Tim. We must be quick."
He didn't protest and followed him down to the Cave, where Jason in Tim's body sat waiting at the Batcomputer.
Man, I'm not completely sure on the timing, but imagine Tim finally getting back into his body and it's- he's taller than he used to be, bulkier too. And there are reflexes and muscle memory stuff he doesn't remember at all, but now just has.
He- he was Robin. Or, his body at least, and he felt like it. But he never was Robin. Not really. He never got a proper outing, never even received Bruce's official approval for it.
It was strange. And not totally a good strange.
He thought about the body he had. He didn't have a lot of love for it- puberty would do that to anyone- but it was his. And that saying about not knowing what you have until you lose it? Yeah.
Tim felt like crying.
#dc#bodyswap#tim drake#nemotime#didnt really focus on the jason bits here but if i ever actually write this- jay would probably get more of a comedy/humour role?#like yeah they gotta find tim and tim's parents are genuinely concerned and all#but much of it would be just funny shenanigans of Jason being saddled with two sets(?) of worried parents#and just when he manages to get things sort of under control. Dick shows up#i havent yet decided if he just becomes Very Annoying Older Sibling who has no idea how to process his emotions currently#and tries to fall back on tried and true tactics#OR if he is in Complete Denial and thinking this was just an elaborate ruse by Tim & lists the exact ways Tim would know how to imitate Jay#(he's right and each accusation/point would probably be juxtaposed with a brief switch in scenes to whatever Tim is currently up to#which also happens to prove Dick's point exactly even though no one can except the audience can see that)#Jay would knock sense into Dick eventually but the point is. I could make his life humourous suffering :3#Either way Dick would show up some time after Bruce remembers to call him & he would Not leave the manor until Tim is back safe and sound#(not for Jason obviously. pfft. Jason's just fine. Dick doesn't need to stay at the manor to make sure of it. He's just staying to find Tim#okay. realistically. this would just be a hella lot of angst. However! Having that shift from Angst with Tim to Laughing at Jason would be.#so fun.#tho i'd probably still sprinkle in some Angst with Jason bc i cant help myself lol
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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little brothers and their will to #slay, man </3
#while yes yes this post technically does apply to the simp bros i wanna cry about my own bro in the tags so you have been warned~?#so to start off my monthly existential crisis rant i just wanna say that… i’m so so soo envious of my bro. like to a really unhealthy extent#he’s tall enough to reach the top shelves. i can barely touch them if i jump. he has so many friends and even a gf. i have 0 irl friends.#he is able to sit in one spot and focus on his studies. i can’t even sit down for a full half hour to *eat* without getting up to take a nap#he’s learning how to drive. i can’t. he was admitted into university. i wasn’t. he’s able to find what he likes and stick to it. i can’t.#like mannn. he thrived in the course he chose in tertiary education while i lost my passion for it in the middle of my first year.#he’s good at picking up everything he tries (puzzle cubes; bball; you name it he’s good at it) while i’m just. bad at everything i try lol#he’s very good at his studies (aside from languages) and sports. i’m not good at anything at all.#he gets told that he has a great sense of humour. i’m just. boring and annoying. lolllll#he’s super sociable and he has good relations with pretty much every single family member (sans me). i’m not in contsct with most of the fam#heck he was pretty much the favourite from the moment he was born. his baby pics still get brought up from time to time bc of how cute he is#(granted it’s bc he looks like a bby m*ch*l*n man (like the tire company mascot) and he’s super cute in them but still)#and he’s also a guy and content with being a guy which is just… not fair y’knowwww~~~ asian family boy biases and all (cries)#our father pretty much cast me aside once my bro was old enough to hang with him. and even before then the bias was as clear as day. >:(((((#i make the dude mad? i get screamed at and whaccced. bro gets the dude mad? he gets a lesson on how to throw punches instead!!! like wow!!!!#he’s the only one who got to escape any direct physical harm from the guy and yet!!!! he was the 1st one to be singled out for trauma focus#idk if it’s bc of his age back then or whattttt but i can’t believe i had to friggin’ ask my therapist back then for a trauma assessment :(#2015 was a different time… my bro managed to succeed in school while i was rejected from the drama club for being too depressed :((((#but i’m sure my bro has his own share of struggles… and i’m glad that he has a few groups of friends to chill with. really.#but i just can’t help feeling extremely envious of him. i could never tell him any of this though we hardly talk at home lol#and he pretends not to know me when i approach him in public lmfaoooo. i don’t blame him though; i’d do the same if i were to approach me#so yeah. if you read this i’m sorry for being cringefail and bad at everything~~ am i still allowed to pollute your dash~? <3#and also. idk if i’ll be able to continue sischange over this week bc i’ll be handling 2 workstations by meself :( and idk how tired i’ll be#but we’ll see ok~? sorry for having zero time management skills am i still qualified to be a legit adult~?#sunday’s 🧂saltfest🧂
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year
❛ don’t worry, i’ve got your back! ❜ for the Lov? ^-^
"It's for you, me and all of us." He'd said with a soft smile.
That sentence felt like the beginning of something that shattered whatever walls they held up against each other.
It was about trust. Between each other, for their goals, for their own dreams to become reality.
Tomura always had this genuine expression of himself. That everything he said to the group, he meant. The feeling that they were worthy to him, and there was support in those words he uttered.
It wasn't just for the purposes of making sure their plans were successful, that they stayed together just to hit society harder than they hit them. Sometimes, it felt like more; a sort of genuine connection that kept them together, because the world was cruel to them and if it wasn't for that mistreatment, they wouldn't have found each other, and if it wasn't for finding each other, there was no way hero society would have fallen like it did.
And things wouldn't have happened the way they had.
And Tomura wouldn't have been taken away from them.
And the group wouldn't have crumbled the way they did. The way it felt like it did.
Now the League tell themselves it's not worth thinking about. I came here for my dreams, is the thought at the forefront of their minds.
I want a world where I can be free.
I want my father to look at me.
I want to carry on my great great grandfather's legacy.
I want my friends to be happy, is left unsaid in a missed gap in the group.
Near the opening of a cave, unwilling to look back at the monster on his throne no doubt smiling behind his mask, unwilling to look back at the editor who only wants Re-Destro's dream to become reality (even he has his own goals, doesn't he?), only willing to take a break from the screams of a friend he can't help, a lizard mutant is one of the only ones to admit, "I want Shigaraki back."
And in a room down the research ward, at the most efficient hospital in the city, a Noumu manages to think the only thought he's been able to repeat since his stay, "I want Shigaraki Tomura to be safe."
In the distraction of the situation, the imminent second war upon them, it's still present in the back of the League's minds; the smile he'd shown to them back then.
It's easy to keep the tunnel-vision they had from before they all met. It's what keeps most of them grounded. It's harder to not wish there was a certain someone guiding them along, even now, even towards their finish lines.
Would it be so bad to receive those words again? Would it be so stupid, in light of everything, to have that reassurance of succeeding?
And a simple smile that said "Don't worry, I've got your back."?
This was for the platonic writing prompt I reblogged ages ago
And only now have I gotten to answering this ask. sndfsasdfghdj I'm so sorry
Hope you enjoyed :)
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eelslippers · 1 year
I've been on this website since 2014 as early as I can remember and left the website in 2019 to go to tiktok, so I am still a tumblr vet by technicalities yet coming back feels so alien. When I see those helpful guides on how to get settled in on tumblr (directed at the new twitter people), they really are so helpful since so much has changed since I left.
I remembered this site being so hostile and full of discourse before I left so I was very pleasantly surprised to be met with a much more wholesome return.
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mikkaeus · 2 years
Silly of me to not read fics from my favourite authors because some superficial aspect was unappealing to me (like a long series of mostly short fics) but genius of me to have something saved for the next time I return to this fandom
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elle-smells · 10 days
god some times you just cant win. like srsly.
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the-mushroom-faerie · 2 months
"why dont you tell me anything anymore" but not in a "you've made it unsafe to tell you anything" way but in a "im terrible at using The Right Words and tend to make things ten times worse via miscommunication so i just stopped trying unless it was Really Important (good or bad)" way
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sweet-as-an-angel · 8 months
MW2 Reaction To You Panty-Flashing Them
Warnings: Implied Smut, Mean! MW2, Dominant! MW2, Victim/Reader Blaming, Slut-Shaming, Reader Getting Pimped Out, Mention of a Leash, Allusions to Injury, Mentions of Blood, Petnames, Profanity, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except ‘You’.
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Ghost is a territorial man. So seeing you flash not only him but Johnny as well made something in him simmer.
It wasn’t rage, for this little accident, regardless of how intentional it was, was not your fault. If he had to place it, he’d attribute it to…
As was evident in how he excused himself from the gathering of the 141 and Los Vaqueros in your living room, grabbing you by your arm.
He stowed you away. Dragged you to a desolate laundry room and gripped you by your thighs. You gasped, gripped onto him. Felt something hard rub against you.
Ghost threw you atop the washing machine and gave you a harsh stare as he watched you try to fight the feeling building within from the machine’s buzzing and shuffling.
“Go on then, Doll,” he rasps, eyes hard and the throbbing monster between his legs harder. He palmed himself. Remorse was not in his nature. And neither was mercy.
“Seein’ as you were practically beggin’ the others to fuck you, go and put on a show.”
His voice lowered. He stood between your legs, frame blocking you from any form of help or salvation.
“Just for me.”
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König had been sat on your sofa, an action figure in a house for a doll half his size, and you’d bent over to retrieve something from beneath the TV cabinet.
The fact that you were wearing a pair of König’s shorts was already clouding his moral compass. Seeing your underwear peeking out beneath them was what sent him over the edge.
As you remained bent, cheek pressed to the floor as you reached for what you’d lost, you didn’t hear König approach. Didn’t know he’d even moved from the sofa until something thick and hard was pressed to the back of you, followed by two heavy hands holding you at the waist, and a slow, shuttering breath.
“Don’t move,” König told you. “Stay like this.”
Slowly, he pressed deeper into you. You could feel his restraint unwinding second by second.
It was when he bent over you, had his broad chest pressed to your back, that you knew you weren’t escaping. And you weren’t backing down.
“I’m gonna fuck you ‘til you cum, bleed or pass out.” König’s voice held no humour, but you could feel the franticity building in it.
He reached round, gripped your chin. Made you look at him. His smile was sharp, his features dark.
“Whichever comes first.”
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Johnny pulled the leash tighter around your throat when you tried to protest your innocence. Tried to make him see reason.
“Doesn’t matter that it was ‘just an accident’.” He mimicked you, made you sound weak, whiny. His eyes hardened and his jaw clenched. His knuckles turned white around the leash.
His shadow loomed over you from your position on the bed, on your hands and knees while Johnny presided over you with an iron fist.
Tears obscured his silhouette. Made your eyes glassy.
“Aww, Did I upset you, Bonnie?” Johnny’s tone held a gruffness that didn’t even try to hide the anger running beneath.
He huffed, a mocking laugh.
“How’d’ya think I felt when you were practically spreading your legs for Simon?”
Again, you tried to tell him what really happened. Tried to incur any fragment of mercy Soap would spare you.
He pulled on the leash again. Tighter. You gasped, hands flying up to the leather around your neck, trying to loosen it – to plead for Johnny’s favour – as the air was knocked out of you.
“Oh no, you don’t get to talk.” He said. He stepped to you. The bulge in his jeans became ever more noticeable. Impending.
“M’gonna use you like the whore you are ‘til my cum’s leaking out of every hole in your body.”
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“Do I look like I fucking care, Darling?” Valeria circled you, her belt wrapped around her hand, a glint of darkness in her eye.
Wrists and ankles duct-taped to the chair, you could do little to follow her. To understand her intentions.
“Do you really think whatever little lie you pass off as an excuse can quell the fire you’ve set?”
Before you could attest your innocence, beg for forgiveness, Valeria’s belt came down across your thighs. Crying out, you flinched, tried to withdraw, pushing your chair back in the process.
Valeria lunged forward and gripped the chair by the arms, pressing your skin into the wood, and dragged you back.
Her face twisted into a visceral snarl, the portrait of evil.
“Please, Valeria, I’m begging you–”
“Oh, you’ll beg for me, alright.” Valeria looked down at you, her face to yours. Just shy of your noses touching. With bared teeth, she smiled.
“I won’t stop until you do.”
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“If you wanted attention that badly, you could’ve just asked.”
Price had your arms and legs bound to a hard, wooden chair while a thick ream of cloth had your mouth gagged. He stood over you, arms crossed over his front, a glint in his eye. He sighed, brought his hands to grip your tied forearms. Pressed them into the armrests.
You winced.
��What…possessed you to go and show your arse to Alejandro and the rest of the team?” His voice reflected a tone of ponderment found only in Sarcasm’s extended family tree. And it showed with the faux confusion written in his brow.
“Do I just not cut it for you?” He leaned in. The chair creaked. Your arms hurt. He didn’t let up.
“Am I not enough to keep you from throwing yourself at the nearest soldier?”
He watched you, his stare narrow. You shook your head, eyes wide. You tried speaking through the gag, tried to tell him that he was the only man you loved, but you both knew your efforts were futile.
He withdrew, gripped his belt, adopted his default stance. He heaved a deep breath.
“Come in, lads,” he called behind him, not taking his gaze off you. Your stomach tightened.
A thin smile stretched across Price's lips as he watched your eyes widen, your gaze following Simon, Soap, Gaz, Rudy and Alejandro as they filtered into the room.
Price bowed at the waist, lowered his voice so only you could hear.
“Seeing as you’re so keen to show ‘em what’s under your clothes, I’m gonna let them use you ‘til you’ve learnt your lesson.”
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Hong-Jin popped the top button of his jeans, keeping his gaze trained on you, spearing you with a dark stare.
“Did you enjoy giving König and I a little show, Dear?”
Sarcasm nestled in his tone, a viper in a den. But the excitement running parallel beneath it, just shy of its transparent underbelly, was evident.
Hong-Jin slid the zip of his jeans down. Pulled the denim over his hips.
“It’s only fair that I…” He took your hand, placed it at the hem of his underwear. Dipped beneath the band.
His skin was scorching. Something pulsated beneath your fingers.
The implication sat heavy in his tone. In his eyes.
“Return the favour.”
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“I didn’t know I was dating such an attention-seeking whore.”
Alejandro’s voice was the roll of thunder across a darkened valley, the weight of a downpour of knives settled into his tone.
Hands behind his back, he stood over you, having resigned you to sitting on your knees, the hardwood floor pushing against your joints.
“Luckily for you, I’m not the type to hold grudges.” A smile played at his lips. One you knew not to trust.
“But he is.”
Alejandro looked to the door, where, from beyond its frame, emerged Rudy. His face held a similar, serpentine pallor, his lips drawn up into a thin smile. Venom in his veins.
“Wasn’t expecting to get blue-balled by (Y/N) earlier, Ale,” came Rudy, his usually sugared demeanour having dropped, the veil between what he was and what he showed to the world slipping away. Retreating.
Alejandro gave him a knowing look. He turned back to you.
“Why don’t you be a good little doll and put your face to the floor. Just like we practised.”
The memory of leashes, lashings and tears flooded your memory. You held back a  wanton whimper.
Alejandro’s voice dropped. “And let Rudy see the rest of what you promised him.”
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“I don’t want to have to do this, Cariño. Rudy stood over you, his hands on your shoulders and his face dark. Grim.
His hold on your shoulders tightened.
“But I can’t let your behaviour go…”
He searched your eyes for the right word. His brow furrowed when he found it.
He sighed. Pushed down on your shoulders.
“Come on, Angel. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” He told you, pushing harder until you bent to his will.
Now, on your knees, you could see how desperately he needed you.
One hand came to your jaw, thumb trailing to your lip, pulling your mouth open. The other slid down to his belt, sliding it from the buckle. It hissed, pulled tight against the metal. You swallowed.
Rudy’s breath shuttered, and you could tell from the way his hand clenched, the way he slipped the belt from his jeans like a snake, that he was enjoying this. Much more than he wanted to let on.
“Now remember, mi Amor, no teeth, no biting.” His head tilted. Condescending. “Or I’ll bite you back.”
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He can barely contain himself.
It was only the briefest of flashes. It wasn’t even intentional. But something about your shy smile after the fact once you realised what you’d done sent a vicious little idea to Graves’s head.
He starts stealing all your underwear. Gradually, yet in large enough volumes that he doesn’t have to wait longer than he can handle without his reward.
One day, you come into his office, face warm and tugging an oversized shirt over the top of your thighs.
“Missing something, Darlin’?” Graves drawls. Your eyes narrow at him. You know he’s had something to do with your underwear’s disappearing act.
He puts his papers down, sighs, and rests the back of his head in his hands against the backrest of his chair.
“How about you flash me again. Slowly, now.” His eyes glint with a dark mischief and want.
“Y’don’t wanna know what happens if you don't do it the way I like it.”
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“Oh, Darling, look what you’ve done,” Gaz’s voice carried despite the thickening tension in the room. Neither of you needed to look down to see what he was referring to.
Despite the chastising tone in his voice, his eyes were warm. Kind, almost.
“If you wanted my attention so badly, you only had to ask.”
He stepped towards you, placing a hand under your jaw. He smiled.
“It’s only fair that I reward you for being so creative, isn’t it ?”
His other hand came to your shoulder, pushing the strap of your tank top until it fell, leaving the sweeping juncture between your neck and shoulder exposed.
Has bit back a shuttering breath.
Despite his gentile voice, an angeline choir, the soundtrack of mercy, there lay a hunger in his eyes, in his barely-restrained grip, that suggested a beast lurked beneath his pretty boy exterior.
And you knew from the way he told you to “Get on the bed – be good for me,” that you’d be seeing it tonight.
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Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
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